
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
stgraberogra: Looks like I have some problem making iTalc to connect on the right ICA with my scripts (it currently tries to connect on the default port which is the one used when run on the server)14:45
stgraberogra: so basically I only have iTalc working with the script when launched on the server ...14:45
stgraberAre you ok with uploading a scriptless version, then add the ltsp script a bit later (when I have time to investigate that issue) ?14:46
ograit will go to universe anyway atm ...14:48
ograhaving a better version there makes always sense14:48
ograif its complete we'll MIR it and push it into main14:48
ograbut having it available for testing now wil already help a lot14:49
stgraberok, how shall I proceed for the upload ? upload to revu then ask MOTU to approve and upload or can you do that ?14:50
ograi can do that, revu would be good so we get some extra opinions, but if you upload today i'll make sure its uploaded before monday14:52
ograjust point me to the sourcepackage entry on revu14:53
ograsince its a target for main anyway we dont really need to do the whole MOTU process thogh14:53
ogra(spec targets are always handled with higher prio ;) )14:54
stgraberogra: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=81315:13
ograso lets see if we get some reviews today ... i'll upload tomorrow evening regardless15:14
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HedgeMagehi, ogra :)18:34
HedgeMagelong time no see!18:34
=== pauljw_ is now known as pauljw
nixternalis there an opensource project that is similar to blackboard or campus cruiser?20:41
johnnynever heard of the 2nd20:41
johnnybut to the first, check moodle20:41
nixternalya, I brainfarted and just remembered that20:42
johnnythe company that owns blackboard has promised not to sue open projects that violate their "patents"20:42
johnnyblackboard must suck anyways20:42
johnnyall i hear is my gf bitching about it20:42
johnnyover and over and over20:42
johnnyshe's like20:42
johnnywhy can't it do this, or that, etc20:42
johnnyor, it failed, etc20:43
johnnyon and on20:43
johnnyher school district just made her start inputting grades with it20:43
johnnyshe is very upset20:43
HedgeMagehey, nixternal20:43
nixternalwhat's up with you? long time no chatty chatty :)20:43
HedgeMagejohnny:  I've used blackboard, it is a nightmare and they charge a fortune for it20:44
mhzhey nixternal!20:44
HedgeMagenixternal:  yep, life got crazy20:44
nixternalhiya mhz20:46
nixternalI am sitting in a consulting meeting and we are planning the conversion of a small christian college over to Linux, and I couldn't remember any of the floss tools20:46
mhzit feels great to see good old faces20:46
nixternalhehe, that it does20:47
nixternalto many new faces that come and go, but the old (not as in age either!) faces are a warm welcome20:47
mhz"conversion"...you mean, to the "new religion" ?20:47
mhzyeah, old faces also come and go...but when they go they usually keep working on same matter with brave heart20:48
mhznixternal: here in Chile, we had one of our LoCo meetings at a Christian School.20:49
nixternalgroovy...we are sitting in a room at the Illinois Institude of Design right now20:49
mhzEven the Principal (a priest) is using Ubuntu on his laptop, and he's very converted about the FLOSS imporatnce and consequence with his "religious principles"20:49
mhzof course, now he's making questions about Edubuntu20:50
johnnyhmm.. i work with a church sorta too atm.. at least in the church building :)20:50
mhzit's courious...everyone hears about Ubuntu and when I speak about Edubuntu they frist think it is not the same. It taks me longer to convince them :)20:51
johnnyi heard that edubuntu is going to get rolled back into regular ubuntu, and that edubuntu will just be addons to ubuntu20:51
johnnyso prolly not much need for a seperate cd20:51
mhzogra: ping20:51
johnnyit was easy enough to just install ltsp on ubuntu and then install the edubuntu packages20:52
mhzogra: hi there. is that so? "(5:51:27 PM) johnny: i heard that edubuntu is going to get rolled back into regular ubuntu, and that edubuntu will just be addons to ubuntu"20:52
johnnywhy would i need an edubuntu cd?20:52
johnnymaybe i misunderstood him, but that's what it sounded like to me20:52
johnnyi bet i have it in a log tho :)20:52
somerville32mhz: Pretty sure thats true20:52
* mhz got speechless20:52
somerville32But I dunno about only one 'CD'20:52
somerville32I'm pretty sure there will be a remix for Edubuntu to make things easier20:53
johnnyeasier for those with bandwidth restrictions perhaps20:53
somerville32It sounds like a change to make edubuntu conceptually easier to understand for end-users20:53
somerville32(and for new developers)20:53
mhzi see20:53
mhzthanks, somerville3220:53
somerville32nixternal, Are you guys doing that meeting thing? Say hi to Jim for me if he made it <g>20:54
nixternalhaha, he is right next to me20:54
j1mchi somerville3220:55
somerville32hi j1mc :)20:55
somerville32It is so weird how Ubuntu is so... real, haha.20:55
* somerville32 doesn't know if that made any sense.20:56
mhzmade a lota sense21:01
johnnyi feel the same about any of these communities21:02
johnnymaybe cuz i subscribe to various planets21:02
somerville32Well, I've never had phone conferences, real life meetings, or any of that jazz for any of my other Open Source projects.21:03
HedgeMagenixternal:  you aren't far from me then -- I moved to Illinois21:05
johnnysomerville32, that's your fault :)21:20
johnnyour group had live meetings, but only a small portion could go :(21:20
johnnyphone conferences via skype21:20
johnnyit would be nice if we could bring back our asterisk server tho21:20
HedgeMagejohnny:  what's wrong with your asterisk server?21:23
johnnyi don't know, i wasn't hosting it21:24
johnnyit was just easier for some folks to just use skype21:25
johnnyand i never go back to creating my own21:25
johnnytoo much other stuff to od21:25
johnnythe list is limitless almost :)21:27
nixternalHedgeMage: where at in Illinois?21:30
HedgeMagenixternal:  just south of Chicago21:30
nixternaloh ya, by your mom?21:31
nixternalshe lives out by Joliet right?21:31
johnnywhy is it so hard to find a good reseller host :(21:31
johnnywebsite hosting sucks21:31
HedgeMagenixternal:  see /msg :)21:32
tekteenanyone know how to make a modified alt. install cd get some packages from a local apt-cacher server?23:59
tekteenI do not have enough space on the CD.23:59

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