
sebasmhb: It's the peeing in the pool problem.00:21
sebasIf 1 person does it, it makes up for 1000 not doing it.00:21
sebasAnother problem is that some people don't think about the effect of their words.00:23
sebasIf anyone posting on blog or dot would think 3 seconds if a) he would say the same if it were a personal / physical dialogue, and b) what he himself would feel if he got such feedback, the world would be a better place.00:23
nixternalsebas: I would say the same on my blog if it was mean and rude, except to you...you look like a big dude...I might have to hire Riddell and a few people to help out :p00:26
nixternals/same on my blog/same in person00:26
nixternalI have the good water treatment in my pool...whoever pees in it will get noticed right away, as they will have a greenish area around them :)00:28
Jucato(you're all big dudes...)00:28
nixternaland I am trying to get bigger...it just isn't working00:28
sebasnixternal: HEhe00:31
Riddellnixternal: alpha 1 page looks great.  I removed some bits about LTS since that might not apply.  I think alpha 1 will be released shortly so I'll remove the disclaimer at the top then00:33
nixternalRiddell: groovy00:35
claydohcongrats apachelogger!00:39
Riddelllet apachelogger be an inspiration to everyone, you can all be MOTU00:42
nixternalheck, I should be an inspiration for future MOTUs...I am a MOTU and still have no idea what I am doing :p00:45
claydohlol then I could fit right in then :)00:46
coreymon77i dont even know that that is00:46
coreymon77so, i beat all of you00:46
claydohI used to whip up some rather simple rpm packages for Lycoris00:46
* Riddell pokes claydoh into doing some merges00:46
claydohthen I saw 'real' rpm files and was boggled00:47
claydohI don't hinkI remember s single bit about rpms, good thin I an not using that type of sysrwnm :)00:47
claydohI don't think rather00:47
nixternalrpms sucked to package a while back...I think SUSE helped out making it easier with their build system00:48
claydohgimme a how to or something and i can try :)00:48
nixternalthere are a bunch of them there :)00:48
claydohwell the ones I did were rather simple, even wine's wasn't to difficult, but I tink they were all rmp v2, v3 seemed way more complex00:49
claydohat least many and suses had more scripting involved00:49
claydoherrr mandy and suse00:49
claydohok no more typing for me till I get a light over here, sorry00:52
nixternalwhat a moron...forgot I was in irssi00:58
* coreymon77 agrees00:59
Riddellso, who's going to merge kdiff3?01:13
nixternalI can do that01:14
nixternallooks like an easy enough merge01:15
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nixternalway to quiet in here04:56
Hobbseeeveryone's preparing for the meeting04:58
nixternal6 hours from now :)05:01
* nixternal will be fast asleep05:01
nixternaland tomorrow I am giving 3 talks: KDE 4 (30 min), Developing Kubuntu (30 min), and Open Education (30 min)05:03
nixternaland we are expecting a huge ice/snow storm, looking forward to it :(05:03
nixternalRiddell: kdiff3 merge uploaded!05:07
Hobbseenixternal: you have to come anyway :P05:07
nixternalat 5am? I will be there in spirit :)05:08
nixternalit is tough to make class at 10am let alone 5am05:11
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* Hobbsee waves10:32
HobbseeKubuntu meeting in 20 minute10:41
Jucatothat's tonight?10:41
* Jucato is really out of it10:42
Jucatogood thing we finished dinner early :/10:42
* Hobbsee has dinner here10:42
marseillaiRiddell: i don't know if this error is known but logwatch tell me this every days :10:50
marseillaierror: kdm-kde4:1 duplicate log entry for /var/log/kdm.log10:50
marseillairun-parts: /etc/cron.daily/logrotate exited with return code 110:50
marseillaijust to report it10:50
Riddellmarseillai: ok, should be fixable easily enough10:52
RiddellI need to fix the postinst script for that too10:52
marseillaiRiddell: it's not really annoying ... just logwatch report me that so i report to you...10:52
Riddellallee: do you have plans for the libgphoto2 merge?10:57
alleeRiddell: not yet, top item is currently fai.  Is there a new libgphoto release?11:00
Tonio_hi !!11:01
Jucatomeeting time11:01
Tonio_meeting now ?11:01
alleeTonio_: YES!11:01
Tonio_oki ;)11:02
Jucatostdin: ping11:02
stdinJucato: pong11:02
Tonio_let's go11:02
Jucatook just checking :)11:02
stdinyep, I'm alive :)11:02
Tonio_Hobbsee: already started ?11:02
stdinjust starting/started11:03
HobbseeTonio_: just starting11:03
Riddellmorning mhb11:11
mhbsorry I am late11:11
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Riddellkwwii: don't forget your family!11:33
kwwiiRiddell: they are going to take the bus, I called :-)11:33
sebastian^good morning everybody11:35
sebastian^hmm one really stupid question ...11:37
sebastian^the kubuntu booting screen only appears on 64bit systems ...?11:37
mhbsebastian^: no, it appears on both11:38
sebastian^great, the i have a bug on two different systems where i386 is running11:38
Jucatoit appears in my dreams sometimes too :/11:38
* Jucato wonders if nixternal is awake now :)11:39
sebastian^one 64bit laptop and one 32bit desktop system, both with i386. then i will take a look these days why ... :)11:39
HobbseeJucato: he wasn't planning to be11:39
Jucatoah ok :)11:39
* Jucato was planning to call him as prosecution's witness :)11:40
Jucatooh we really will end up maintaining/developing D3lphin ourselves from now on. https://marrat.homelinux.org/D3lphin11:42
Jucato(unless we could get marcel into Kubuntu to help us)11:42
* Hobbsee headdseks11:43
* Jucato just read that now... should have tried looking for it earlier11:43
Hobbseewhy oh why are forums people not skilled enough to realise what is an email address, and waht is a http(s) link?11:43
Jucatooh ubuntuforums...11:44
* Jucato closes11:44
Jucatohehe j/k :P11:44
mhbheh, being away from the computer is the way I was late :o)11:52
mhberr, is the reason11:52
* Jucato was almost away from the computer....and in front of the dinner table :)11:53
* mhb went seeking, but didnt find it11:53
* jpatrick goes to find some food11:54
* Jucato eats jpatrick...11:54
Jucatodthacker: I suggest KubuntuTeamReport as the name. much closer to  https://wiki.kubuntu.org/TeamReports :D12:05
stdinJucato: how about Kubuntu/TeamReport ?12:05
Jucatosure :) then you can add it to the "Table of Contents" in https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/ :D12:06
stdinI have one good idea a month, and I used it on the 1st :p12:06
imbrandonRiddell / Tonio_ : ok i have the dolphin kde3 + ark issues totaly fixed localy, ok to upload dolphin now or are we still in alpha-1 freeze ?12:11
dthackerhey, it's the first and we already have good news!12:12
imbrandonTonio_: folders OR files compressable now, and with zip/gzip/bzip2 :)12:12
jpatrickmhb: ^^ :)12:13
Tonio_imbrandon: I can upload12:13
Tonio_imbrandon: also can you ;)12:13
imbrandonyea i CAN upload, more i was asking if we was still in the freeze or if someone else had more to add12:13
imbrandonmhb: ^^12:13
Jucatohow about the image manipulation context menus? not sure if they;re from imagemagick or graphicsmagick12:13
imbrandonJucato: give me a list and i'll work on it, i guess i'm the new dolphin context menu person :)12:14
Jucatoheh :)12:14
Jucatoimbrandon: basically the problem is those non-servicemenu context menus installed by other apps. :(12:14
imbrandonso Riddell / Tonio_ / Hobbsee / mhb : safe for me to upload at this time ?12:15
Tonio_imbrandon: yep for me12:15
imbrandonJucato: i can still look at those12:15
imbrandonJucato: just send a list to my email imbrandon@kubuntu.org12:15
imbrandonof TODO's , or better yet file bugs and point me to them12:15
Jucatowill do :)12:16
* Jucato hasn't gotten around to his adept bug hunting spree yet :(12:16
Jucatoreal life sucks!12:16
mhbwhat would you as a developers want? Better D3lphin or more marketing?12:17
waylandbillok. it's been a while. how do I get the latest d3lphin sources? it's in a bazaar repository is it not?12:17
jpatrickmhb: better dolphin to market later12:18
Jucatoapt-get source dolphin12:18
Jucatomhb: better d3lphin... we can have more people to do marketing than people to do developing :)12:19
stdinit's easier to market a working product12:19
waylandbillJucato: I know that, but is that the one to examine for possible changes? I'd think a head version would be wanted right?12:19
Jucatoah. that I don't know :P12:20
dthackerI'm a bSo based on the discussions at UDS, which I've only heard third and fourth hand, what have we lost from Canonical and what do we need to replace?12:22
dthackerin the marketing department.12:22
mhbdthacker: they dont promote us at all, basically12:22
mhbwe are sometimes in their press releases in the end12:23
mhbbut nothing else12:23
Jucato(but considering what Xubuntu's position is right now... we're lucky...)12:24
dthackersounds like we need a marketing spec, and then start to recruit.12:25
Jucato(recruitment is one of my agenda topics I guess...)12:25
jpatrickdthacker: that's https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuMarketing from last year basically12:26
* dthacker reads12:26
dthackeryes, we want to fill out that page.  Is this appropriate to discuss on the current marketing ML?12:28
* dthacker notes that the meeting has reached 90 minutes and is losing momentum.12:29
nosrednaekimwait....it started an over hour ago I was late?aaa!12:30
nosrednaekim#$%^ UTC12:30
stdin 11:00 UTC12:30
nosrednaekimwhich is 7 EST?12:31
Jucatodthacker: considering our last meeting was quite a long time ago...12:31
nosrednaekimor.... was that with.. DST12:31
stdinUTC doesn't have DST12:31
nosrednaekimbut EST does12:32
dthackermhb: how much of a parallel universe do we need to build?12:32
waylandbill11:00 UTC was 6:00 EST (EDT has expired)12:34
nosrednaekimyea....I got kinda mixed up :(12:34
nosrednaekimoh well, I couldn't have been there at 6 anyway :D12:34
mhbdthacker: the goal is to promote the idea that Kubuntu and Ubuntu are equals12:38
mhbdthacker: if you like KDE, and you want Ubuntu quality, go for Kubuntu12:39
mhbdthacker: not "we have a community branch for KDE called Kubuntu, but Ubuntu is way polished and better for you12:39
Jucato(but in reality...we are not.. and trying to leave up to that "promotion" is one thing's that killing us)12:39
imbrandonmhb: just uploaded the ark fix, i'll ping you tomarrow about the other issues12:39
imbrandondolphin (0.9.2-0ubuntu3) hardy; urgency=low12:39
imbrandon  * added kubuntu_07_ark_contextmenu.diff12:39
imbrandon    fixes file compression for files and folders12:39
imbrandon    also adds .zip file support12:39
mhbimbrandon: okay, thanks!12:40
mhbJucato: they are not equals, but we are doing the most to bring Ubuntu philosophy with KDE, and we are quite good at it12:40
mhbJucato: I dont see a reason why we should market it in a different way12:40
imbrandonTonio_: try out that fix at first chance you get , to see if that is exactly what you ment, but i have a feeling it was12:41
imbrandongnight all12:41
nosrednaekimLure: what do you want me to do with my power-manager patch? should I introduce a check?12:42
Lurenosrednaekim: I think we should either: 1) check that only one unit is actually used by HAL, 2) introduce check and act accordingly12:43
nosrednaekim2) is probably the best, since the DOCs seem to hint that more than one measurment can be given. I already wrote up a patch to check, needs two lines in powermanager.py though.12:44
mhbI am sorry, but I have to go12:45
mhbsee you folks12:45
Lurenosrednaekim: that is better12:45
nosrednaekimsee ya mhb12:45
sebastian^ciao mhb12:46
* claydoh suffered from the Blunt Fist of Spouse12:54
jpatrickclaydoh: ouch12:54
claydohwho'd think that 6am wakeups were bad :)12:54
jpatrickI woke up exactly 11UTC12:55
claydohshe did not appreciate my keyboard clickety clicks at that hour12:55
claydohand I suffered the consequences12:55
Hobbseepoor claydoh12:56
claydohluckily the fist is purely figurative, else I would need some pin killers12:56
claydohpain killers12:56
claydohnah, not poor, just didn't ask or communicate12:56
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RiddellHobbsee: what are you up to with stdin's membership?13:17
Riddelltxwikinger: how long do you recon you can do an irc talk about bug triage for?13:18
txwikingerHmm.. .let me have a look at the material that is already there13:18
HobbseeRiddell: done it13:19
txwikingerI think it should be more or less the same as the general bug triage13:19
txwikingerAnd it probably depends on the questions ask13:19
txwikingerwhat about 0.5h Riddell?13:20
Riddelltxwikinger: great, I'll put you down, thanks13:22
txwikingernp Riddell13:22
Tonio__is knetworkmanager working for yo ?13:28
Tonio__it stoped detecting my network cards since yesterday13:28
=== Tonio__ is now known as Tonio_
Tonio_I didn't see any specific update causing the trouble.......13:28
Tonio_** (nm-applet:6840): WARNING **: <WARN>  nma_dbus_init(): could not acquire its service.  dbus_bus_acquire_service() says: 'Connection ":1.24" is not allowed to own the service "org.freedesktop.NetworkManagerInfo" due to security policies in the configuration file'13:30
Riddelltxwikinger: works for me13:38
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RiddellTonio_ rather13:58
Tonio_Riddell: knetworkmanager has the same issue14:03
Tonio_Riddell: even changing the "default" to "allow".....14:03
Tonio__Riddell: what do you mean by "rather" ?14:03
Tonio__Riddell: I'm unsure that means positive or negative in that case :)14:03
=== Tonio__ is now known as Tonio_
Jucatohm. ardochille's gone... dthacker, I made https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/TeamReport already, so you can start adding and editing or whatever :)14:05
RiddellTonio_: works for me14:06
dthackerJucato: Ok,  I added myself as a reporter on the Ubuntu teams page as well.14:06
Tonio_Riddell: I suspect I broke something yesterday......14:07
Tonio_Riddell: Opportunity to test alpha I'd say ;)14:07
Tonio_Riddell: just as an evidence kubuntu isn't the same status than ubuntu :14:09
Tonio_  http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/hardy/alpha-1/ (Ubuntu)14:09
Tonio_  http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/hardy/alpha-1/ (Kubuntu)14:09
Tonio_  http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/releases/hardy/alpha-1/ (Edubuntu)14:09
Tonio_  http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/jeos/releases/hardy/alpha-1/ (Ubuntu JeOS)14:09
Tonio_  http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/hardy/alpha-1/ (Xubuntu)14:09
Tonio_  http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/gobuntu/releases/hardy/alpha-1/ (Gobuntu)14:09
Tonio_  http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntustudio/releases/hardy/alpha-1/ (UbuntuStudio)14:09
Tonio_look at the urls14:09
Tonio_standard ubuntu -> separate from the others14:09
Tonio_that may not mean a lot, but the all this is making kubuntu a de facto derivative, although I don't agree it is....14:10
Tonio_everything is typically done as if it was14:10
Tonio_sorry for the copy paste....14:11
Tonio_Riddell: I'll test the alternate cd today14:12
Riddellthat's always annoyed me14:13
Riddellalthough not sufficiently enough to complain14:13
Tonio_Riddell: of course, but it's a lot of little things like this that make people considering kubuntu a derivative14:15
Tonio_hard to fight against this without a deep change in the way canonical communicates....14:15
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Tonio_each point is not enough to complain, but group them, we have reasons to...14:16
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nixternalYES! finally Kubuntu Marketing! I would kill to work on that one, even turn it into a final project for my business/marketing degree16:21
nixternalRiddell: if you want to start working on something, let me know and I can whip up some ideas16:21
Jucatonixternal: do you already have some ideas in mind? :)16:29
nixternalalways have ideas in mind16:32
alleeHolRiddell: about system-config-printer:  Anything beyond the wireframe images done?   So a) one has to learn qtdesigner and get used with s-c-p backend code16:37
alleeHolb) implement it ;)16:38
alleeHolseele: ^^ ?17:10
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seelealleeHol: mmm?18:10
buzjpatrick: i tried the latest luks update18:38
buzi now get to see encrypted devices in media:/ but can't open them18:38
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mhbI am so sorry I am late20:19
nixternalARGH! who broke my sound? send them to me, they must pay! :p20:23
txwikingerhehe.. have you shotgun ready? :)20:24
nixternaloh ya20:25
mhbsound better than heart20:26
ScottKHow was the meeting today.20:27
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mhbScottK: hmm, not really groundbreaking20:27
mhbScottK: not even soundbreaking or heartbreaking20:28
ScottKGlad I didn't get up early then (it was at 7AM here).20:28
davmor2hey guys.  I'm having an issue with kdesudo in system setting in hardy.20:28
mhbdavmor2: bug submitted?20:33
davmor2I'll double check I think I did but things were a little hectic20:34
nixternalScottK: 6am for you :)20:36
nixternal5am for me :(20:36
* ScottK thought is was Noon UTC?20:36
ScottKnixternal: ^^20:36
nixternal11:00 UTC20:37
ScottKAh.  Even more glad I didn't get up at 7AM to find I'd missed the meeting then.20:37
imbrandonmoins all20:40
davmor2mhb I have now bug 17331920:40
ubotuLaunchpad bug 173319 in kdesudo "kdesudo seems to be broken in system setting in hardy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17331920:40
imbrandonmhb: do we have a current working list of prioritizd dolphin bugs ( other than tralling LP ofcourse ) , if not thats fine just wanted to know where we stand20:40
mhbimbrandon: we dont have anything that isnt on LP20:41
imbrandoncool cool okies20:41
ScottKimbrandon: Please kill the fish.20:41
mhbimbrandon: I did some triage there ages ago, but not much... feel free to prioritize yourself.20:41
imbrandonScottK: ?20:42
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ScottKkdelibs (IIRC) drives Dolph3n and Konqueror to default to the Fish protocol for an 'ssh' connection.  I think it's a bad idea.20:42
mhbScottK: it is not a fish, btw20:42
ScottKimbrandon: Should use SFTP by default.20:43
imbrandonmhb: i'm gonna check how the ubuntu3 build went while i slept, most of these important but small fixes can be -backports canidates ( but i'd like to get as many done as possible as to not be backporting every two days )20:43
mhbScottK: oh, you mean "the" fish, not the fish.. :o)20:43
ScottKmhb: Agreed, but it was funnier the way I said it.20:43
imbrandonScottK: ahh ok, yea i'll look into that20:43
ScottKimbrandon: Thanks.  There is a bug on it in LP.  Marked invalid against Dolph3n and active against kdelibs.20:43
imbrandonmhb: also we should probably get stdin to grab those desktop files i fixed for dolphin3 and port/copy them to dolphin420:47
nixternalis there a way to get sftp to use your ~/.ssh/config file? I hate having to type in everything when using sftp20:48
nixternalwith fish, I just do fish://svr120:48
imbrandonScottK: after a bit of searching i dont see the bug, can you give me a bug # when you get a moment20:53
* ScottK looks20:53
ScottKimbrandon: Bug 13395720:54
ubotuLaunchpad bug 133957 in kdelibs "Dolphin uses fish: instead of sftp: for "SSH" connections" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13395720:54
imbrandonkiller thanks20:54
ScottKNo problem.  Thanks for looking into it.20:55
imbrandonScottK: where did you comeup with x-wizard_service.desktop ?21:04
ScottKimbrandon: I don't remember.  It was a while ago.21:04
imbrandonahh, i see that no where in the distro ( via packages.u.c )21:05
* imbrandon digs some more21:05
imbrandonthis might need to wait untill this evening when i can get at my kubuntu install ( on ubuntu atm )21:05
* ScottK exhausted his limited knowledge of KDE stuff to get as far as he did.21:06
* mhb 21:09
mhbis exhausted, too :o)21:09
ryanakcaimbrandon: x-wizard_service.desktop is in the source package for a 3.x kdebase or kdenetwork, iirc... I had found it a while back...21:11
* ryanakca hunts too21:12
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imbrandonryanakca: http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_contents.pl?word=x-wizard_service.desktop&searchmode=filelist&case=insensitive&version=gutsy&arch=i38621:22
coreymon_hi everyone21:57
coreymon_so, what happened at the meeting/21:57
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jpatrickcoreymon77: nothing too eventful22:01
ryanakcaimbrandon: *shrugs*22:10
imbrandonryanakca: :) np i'll dig more here in a few hours22:14
imbrandonRiddell: ping22:15
ryanakcaimbrandon: Found it!22:32
imbrandonryanakca: cool, where ?22:32
ryanakcaimbrandon: it's an alias to knetattach.desktop22:32
imbrandonahh makes sense, sweet ok22:32
ryanakcaimbrandon: umm... dunno where it originates from... I just right clicked the item in remote:/ and copied to home folder.22:32
imbrandonryanakca: got it :)22:33
imbrandonimbrandon@hood:~$ apt-file search knetattach.desktop22:34
imbrandonapp-install-data: usr/share/app-install/desktop/knetattach.desktop22:34
imbrandonkde4base-data: usr/lib/kde4/share/applications/kde4/knetattach.desktop22:34
imbrandonkdebase-bin: usr/share/applications/kde/knetattach.desktop22:34
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mhbkde4 delayed, who would have known? :o)23:39
mhbI hereby thank our Riddle & Gossip Department!23:40
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