
=== DM|_ is now known as DM|
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WorkingOnWiseare the hardy repos down?03:33
WorkingOnWiseHow is power management, specifically hibernate and suspend recovery, coming for newer (ACPI) laptops?04:03
mohkohnwhat kernel is going into Hardy Heron04:23
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shadeofgreyokayl o ill probabluy bering the wrath ofg the ubuntu gods down on myself but wherekoes one go to get the latest release of hardy's LiveCD?06:35
ompaulshadeofgrey, you may regret this URL or you may fall in love with it: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/gobuntu/daily/current/06:39
ompaulshadeofgrey, you can do ubuntu in place of gobuntu06:39
ompaulshadeofgrey, actually hack that url to pieces, specifically this one: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/06:40
shadeofgreyompaul:  point me to the correct repositories lisst and ill do a apt-get dist-upgrade06:41
shadeofgreyim willing to risk it...  if it fails - ill just pop in the 7.10 cd ad reinstall06:42
crdlbif you cannot figure that out on your own, you shouldn't be using hardy06:42
shadeofgreya google of hardy heron repositories came up with absolutely dick so i figured id come here.  i cant gt dual monitor support to work right on my macbookpro via my 24" dellwidescreen -- 7.10 wont lety me make it the default dfisplay or crank it up to 1920x1200 -- i was hoping hardy would fix that06:44
ompaulshadeofgrey, I would be with crdlb on that - get the live CD and play with that06:44
shadeofgreythere isnt a hardy liveCD06:44
ompauland you can with that in your drive do a sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get upgrade with it06:44
shadeofgreyokay so your saying download the alternate burn it to disk, then boot into 7.10 and do a dist-update via CD?06:45
ompaulshadeofgrey, then do this, download the disk, break your existing drive in two or get a second / third one as applicable and you have a working machine and a dev machine06:45
shadeofgreyright.  thats done06:46
ompaulshadeofgrey, given your earlier comment I would not suggest a dist upgrade if you value your data06:46
shadeofgreyi have two partitions on my macbookpro06:46
* ompaul runs away 06:46
ompaulI know nothing of mac*06:46
shadeofgreythats the whole point i dont give a damn about my ubuntu data06:46
shadeofgreyi just want to try heron as it is amnd see if it fixes the dual monitor issue yet06:46
shadeofgrey'or better yet'06:47
crdlbI'm quite sure it breaks more things than it fixes at this point06:47
crdlbit's barely been a month06:47
shadeofgreyjust tell me if dual monitor support on ati graphics chips is something that will be addressed iun the next release and ill just defer and wait06:47
crdlbwith fglrx?06:47
crdlbthat's entirely up to ATI06:47
crdlbnothing ubuntu can do about it06:47
ompaulnothing to do with ubuntu06:48
ompaulthey write the code - or not as the case may be06:48
shadeofgreyjesus.  i wish with all my being that id had the patience to wait for the macbookproi with nvidia inside.  i wouldnt have to deal with ati bullshit06:49
Amaranthyou'll get dual monitor support in hardy06:49
Amaranthbut you'll have to choose between dual monitor support and 3d acceleration06:49
shadeofgreywell i get dual monitor support now..  it juyst doesnt work06:49
Amaranthright but now we have the 'radeonhd' driver for r500 and r600 cards06:50
shadeofgreyAmaranth; i wouldnt have to make that choice if i hjad nvidia rather than ati when hardy rolls around?06:50
Amaranthif you had nvidia it'd probably work now06:50
Amaranthand who knows, ati might fix their crap06:51
shadeofgreyim running the 1600 ati chipset in the original first gen macbookpro's06:51
shadeofgreyits far more likely m crippled ass will take up jogging06:51
shadeofgreyits so frustrating because on the notebooks screen its beautiful06:52
shadeofgreyon the 24" digital its a whole other ball ghame06:52
shadeofgreyand i have a question regarding ubuntu from a business standpoint06:52
shadeofgreyif i start a business where i charge people to migrate their ruined windows partiutions due to viruses to Ubuntu and charge them for the time and labor it takes thats legal right?  im just  not allowed to charge for ubuntu itself cvorrect?06:53
AmaranthOf course, that's how Linux businesses make their money06:54
AmaranthServices and support06:54
shadeofgreyokay last question06:55
AmaranthAnd you can charge if you burn your own discs and distribute them, but only for the disc (materials + time)06:55
shadeofgreywhen i hold down option when my mac boots and i choose to boot ubuntu i see no ubuntu startup shit at all..  just a blank screeen till X starts and im at the login screen.  how do i,gange that so i can watch it bring up the os?06:55
shadeofgreyor did you guys disable all that?06:56
AmaranthNo idea, I don't know how boot on the mac works06:56
AmaranthIt's mostly likely showing blank because of your video card06:57
AmaranthOtherwise it should show an Ubuntu logo and a progress bar06:57
shadeofgreyi was afraid of that06:57
shadeofgreylookks like im headed back to PC06:57
shadeofgrey'ubuntu is just too important to me -- regardless ofg how awesome apple has been06:58
shadeofgreyand by the way06:58
shadeofgreyjust for the record06:58
shadeofgreythank you from the bottom of my heart for creating ubuntu andcontinuing its development..  i my be a pain in the ass to you guys but you have no idea how much i apppreciate all your hard work.  your enabling one member of the disabled cxommunity to work and makea real living rather than live on welfarew for the rest ofg my life06:59
shadeofgreytheres no way to express gratitutude of that degree in any languagewhatsoever07:00
AmaranthNo need, that's why we're here :)07:00
shadeofgreyim tired of being the U.S. governments bitch -- and every line of code you guys write makes me capable of overcoming that trap of cyclical financial destitution07:01
shadeofgreyAmaranth; if i wanted to write a letter of thanks to the head of the company that owns ubuntu where would i look for that email address?07:03
shadeofgreybecause i know ubuntu is owned by conn...  something07:03
AmaranthCanonical. The owner is Mark Shuttleworth07:03
shadeofgreyhis email address isl omewhere i assume?07:04
shadeofgreyor is it hidden so he dsoesnt get spam?07:04
AmaranthI've never actually emailed him, let me see if I can find it07:05
shadeofgreyits okay07:05
shadeofgreyill find it07:05
shadeofgreyif i fail ill come back07:05
AmaranthAlright, that works too07:05
shadeofgreywould you mind gicving me youer email address in the event i fail?07:06
buttercupshttp://www.markshuttleworth.com/, contact details on the website07:06
Amaranthah, there you go07:07
Amaranthi was just getting ready to say that too :P07:07
buttercupshehe, sorry07:07
shadeofgreythanks so much07:07
AmaranthThat's actually how to contact Claire but it'll get to him through her.07:08
shadeofgreyand by the way -- ifg you guys ever want to check on the process of the business im starting  around linux migrations the url is closeallyourwindows.com07:08
Amaranthuh oh, you haven't set it up yet, probably shouldn't give the url out07:09
Amaranththat's a cool domain name though :)07:09
shadeofgreyand my polityical commentary site is thetruthdirective.com -- thats live.07:09
shadeofgreyAmaranth; if you know of any really good digital artists nows the time to say so because i need a logo and a wordpress theme bad07:09
AmaranthSomeone else could take control of that first one07:09
shadeofgreyi own it07:10
shadeofgreyi bought it through godaddy07:10
AmaranthYou haven't finished the wordpress install, they could finish it07:10
shadeofgreyand the reg is privatized07:10
AmaranthYou would just have to reinstall wordpress but still07:10
shadeofgreyim going to finish the install now07:11
shadeofgreythanks so much for your time07:11
Amaranthand I don't usually hang out in the same circles as artists, sorry07:11
* shadeofgrey hugs Amaranth in humble appreciation07:11
shadeofgreyill leave you alonenow07:12
carlesorioldoes anybody know if hardy alfa is available?10:36
=== Gunirus is now known as hopsakee
=== hopsakee is now known as Gunirus
clouder`gwhy do web results return hardy as 8.04, shouldn't it be 8.06 since it's LTS?12:13
IdleOnerelease numbers use year/month so 8.04 is 2008/april12:14
clouder`gI see12:15
WorkingOnWisehas anyone played with google calendar sync in Evolution 2.21?13:07
WorkingOnWisethe time to install upgrades was 56 minutes whan it started. Now, 45% into it, and 35 minutes into it, there is just over an hour left...is the counter in update manager messed up?13:11
Hobbseeprobably your mirror slowed down13:12
WorkingOnWiseHobbsee: all the fetching is done. This is the actual install phase I'm in.13:13
Hobbseethen it's probably expected the unpackaging, etc, to be faster13:14
ppk|laptopwhoo! hardy!13:15
WorkingOnWiseoh...so this installer is dissing my laptop! :)13:15
ppk|laptopexcuse me, where can I find the release notes for Hardy Alpha 1?13:15
ppk|laptop...and what are the alphas called?13:15
WorkingOnWiseI'm watchin the versions go by and it looks like hardy is still using kde 3.5 series, not 4.013:16
WorkingOnWiseppk|laptop: the alphas this time are called alpha13:17
ppk|laptopreaaaaal creative13:17
ppk|laptoptime to download13:17
WorkingOnWiseppk|laptop: be careful. the alphas are notorious for breaking things when u ned them the mose....u are installing on a test box I hope?13:18
ppk|laptopvirtualbox pwnz13:19
WorkingOnWiseah...then u wont even need a band-aid!13:19
WorkingOnWisefor when the alpha slashes your install13:19
ppk|laptopI prolly won't load it on a production system until the beta13:20
WorkingOnWiseI on the other hand, am not so smart. it is installing as we speak...on my only computer...my laptop.13:20
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* ppk|laptop hands WorkingOnWise a bandage and gauze13:21
=== Gunirsu is now known as Gunirus
WorkingOnWiseI have used redmond OS's for 15 years...I can take whatever Ubuntu can throw!13:21
ppk|laptopI haven't even been alive for 15 years...13:21
WorkingOnWiseppk|laptop: oh my...13:22
WorkingOnWisedon't know many teens who could set up a vm, let alone one with ubuntu running...13:23
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ppk|laptopgo wget, go!13:23
* ppk|laptop cheers13:23
WorkingOnWisewill this installer generate a log file? I am seeing some failures I want to look into after I reboot13:24
ppk|laptopI think so13:24
ppk|laptopDebian does13:24
ppk|laptopcheck in /var/logs, maybe13:25
WorkingOnWiseI don't think they are critical, but any failure needs a look13:25
=== ppk|laptop is now known as picard_pwns_kirk
picard_pwns_kirkthere we go13:26
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WorkingOnWisedig the name man!13:27
picard_pwns_kirkthat's what I usually go by :P13:27
picard_pwns_kirkthe ppk in ppk|laptop13:27
WorkingOnWisebut of course, u know Jaynway owns them Both, right!13:27
picard_pwns_kirkof course13:28
WorkingOnWiselol....wow, u r a very intelligent young man!13:28
picard_pwns_kirkI gave up having a social life to do all this :P13:29
picard_pwns_kirkI'm hungry13:30
picard_pwns_kirktime to eat breakfast...13:30
WorkingOnWisehehe...I had a social life once...not so great!13:30
WorkingOnWisesee ya sir!13:30
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ConstyXIVis anyone running hardy on an eee?15:06
ConstyXIVor (hopefully) with an atheros ar5007eg wifi card?15:07
h3sp4wnConstyXIV: I don't think that card is even supported by the trunk madwifi15:10
h3sp4wnget the source from xandros (good luck) or asus15:11
h3sp4wnI am waiting to buy one until someone has the source15:11
ConstyXIVactually, i just now saw that atheros dropped the source15:11
ConstyXIVcompletely incompatible with plain madwifi as-is though15:12
h3sp4wnSo why can you not get it working ?15:13
ConstyXIVi havent tried it yet15:13
ConstyXIVi just saw it when i made the comment15:13
h3sp4wnShouldn't be too hard15:13
h3sp4wnjust get ubuntu on it and then make a version of madwifi-source with that patch in it15:15
h3sp4wndunno why you would want hardy on it though (I would consider it a complete pita)15:16
h3sp4wnas all the modifications to get it to run decent of flash would have to be done so often15:17
h3sp4wnConstyXIV: Dunno what the probability of ubuntu actually keeping another version of madwifi around just for that is15:18
h3sp4wn(as they have switched to ath5k as the main development place)15:19
ConstyXIVdidnt know if someone had done anything to hardy to fix it while i was asleep15:19
h3sp4wnThere is not even a 2.6.24 kernel in the repos15:20
h3sp4wn(that presumes hardy will use 2.6.24) but either way only 22 is there15:21
WorkingOnWisewow. smothers upgrade I have ever done!. From Gutsy to Hardy. Disappointingly so! If I didn't know that it was Hardy, I would have no clue it wasn't Gutsy still!15:21
h3sp4wnWorkingOnWise: Only things I have had to do was hack matlab to disable its java using xinerama15:23
h3sp4wnand still not got bootlogd working (didn't try to hard) but then its alot easier to see what is broken15:23
ConstyXIVi typically don't jump into testing until alpha3, but i would make an exception for working drivers15:23
h3sp4wnNo chance15:24
WorkingOnWiseI keep thinking "If redmond had ever been this smooth in production, I'd never had left!"15:24
h3sp4wnIt would have to be done as a specific15:24
=== ember_ is now known as ember
h3sp4wnIf you wanted it to run the mobile version then maybe that kernel does not have a version of madwifi at all15:24
h3sp4wnso the patched one could be added to it but I didn't check15:25
picard_pwns_kirkwhat totally awesomely awesome things do I have to look forward to in Hardy?15:37
ConstyXIVa new theme, LTS support, and that's about all I know of ATM15:37
ConstyXIVLTS==long term support==more stable15:38
picard_pwns_kirkno uber-cool new things like Gutsy had?15:39
ConstyXIVnot that i know of15:39
ConstyXIVbut those uber-cool things from gutsy should be uber-stable in hardy15:39
ConstyXIVwhich is very uber-cool in my book15:40
h3sp4wnConstyXIV: The theme is not there yet16:49
h3sp4wnIt could be more stable if it is an 8 month release cycle but even dapper still had tons and tons of updates just after it was released16:50
h3sp4wnConstyXIV: depends how you define "uber-stable" as well (to me its Solaris 10 or AIX) mostly stable is RHEL or etch and the BSD's - ubuntu somewhere below that16:53
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bardyrhappy alpha1 :D18:03
bardyr!info linux-image-generic18:04
ubotulinux-image-generic: Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (gutsy), package size 24 kB, installed size 52 kB18:04
hydrogen!info linux-image-generic hardy18:21
ubotulinux-image-generic: Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (hardy), package size 24 kB, installed size 52 kB18:21
bardyrhydrogen, thats actually a nice feature :)18:22
bernier!fglrx hardy18:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fglrx hardy - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:36
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto18:37
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karimwould there be a way to totally rebuild an Ubuntu mirrot for a specific target and optimisations or is it impossible at all ?21:52
h3sp4wnkarim: You could possibly setup a buildd21:54
karimh3sp4wn: what is it ?21:54
h3sp4wnor try apt-build but really probably you don't want to if you want to do that stuff use gentoo or bsd21:55
karimapt-build sucks21:55
h3sp4wnWhy ?21:55
karimit could be nice but it's not complete or finshed21:55
h3sp4wnIts pointless to rebuild most packages21:55
karimbecause there is no depencies building21:55
h3sp4wnfor the ones it is worth it then apt-build is ok21:55
h3sp4wnSearch for setting up a debian buildd21:56
karimnot really because it will not build static libraries -dev21:56
karimand if you build a package A that depends of B and C, it will just apt-get install B and C instead of building them21:57
karimh3sp4wn: problem is that I hate gentoo for the same reason I hate debian21:57
karimI currently am on gentoo on a G4 400mhz21:57
h3sp4wnkarim: Can't think of any reason to use ubuntu if you want to rebuild the whole archive21:57
karimbut I don't like needing to config everything without GUI.21:58
h3sp4wnWell you have zero chance of rebuilding the entire archive then21:58
karimh3sp4wn: that's not the way I think21:58
karimh3sp4wn: zero chance why ?21:59
karimh3sp4wn: gentoo rebuilds everything ok, but gentoo does to much of what I really need. I don't need the useflags etcetera. what interest me is just the gcc make options22:00
h3sp4wnkarim: forget it - setup a buildd and do it or don't22:00
h3sp4wnthe gcc make options make zip all difference for almost all the packages22:00
karimh3sp4wn: I tried once to change the way apt-build behaved, but I don't know perl well. It seemed almost impossible to do better22:01
karimh3sp4wn: I don't understand what you mean22:01
karimabout make zip22:01
h3sp4wnforget it - just try to do it and ask specific questions22:03
h3sp4wnbootstrapping debian to a new architecture - stuff about that might help you as well22:04
=== [Gunirus] is now known as Gunirus
karimh3sp4wn: do you think there could be a way to kind of gentoise ubuntu and apt ?22:19
karimor is it really impossible at all technically22:19
h3sp4wnkarim: Probably22:19
h3sp4wnSolaris has a system that builds sysv packages from redhat spec files so its not impossible22:19
karimI think apt-build was a good start.22:19
karimh3sp4wn: one problem on ubuntu/debian is that there are a lot of incompatibilities among the -dev packages22:20
karimthat's better to use pbuilder22:21
karimotherwise it kills the system22:21
affluxkarim: what do you mean by "incompatibilities among the -dev packages"?22:23
karimafflux: once I needed to built mythtv22:24
karimso I installed all build-deps22:24
karimand probably over time got a lot of -dev files22:24
karimand at one point dist-upgrades where failing etcetera22:24
h3sp4wnThe normal way to build packages is in isolation22:25
affluxkarim: then this is a thing to file bugs for.22:25
karimh3sp4wn: well is that really normal ?22:25
h3sp4wnkarim: I would use pbuilder22:25
karimh3sp4wn: I mean practicaly it's normal, but in theory ?22:25
theunixgeekWhat happened to "As with the beginning of any development cycle, the Hardy one has seen the merge floodgates upon once again. This merge not only brings in lots of new version of various packages, but also a fair number of totally new applications." I don't see any new apps....22:26
affluxkarim: the more packages you have, the higher the *possibility* to have dist-upgrades failing. But for those fails, bug reports are needed.22:26
karimtheunixgeek: the mobile suite stuffs22:26
h3sp4wnkarim: Dunno I don't like to keep loads of -dev packages installed except for stuff I actually need for outside pbuilder22:27
affluxhe must have looked at the wrong position...22:27
karimafflux: ok but why isolation is considered as normal to build packages ? is it more a way to be sure of the needed depencies, or just because apt can't handle more, and breaks, for some reasons I talked about ?22:27
karimh3sp4wn: I agree with you22:27
h3sp4wnkarim: In issolation you have more control over what stuff gets linked against22:28
affluxkarim: isolation is considered normal, since the builded package might include libraries (or something else) it isn't intended to.22:28
karimafflux: I don't understand you here22:29
h3sp4wnaptitude has not failed a dist-upgrade for me in recent times22:31
affluxkarim: let's say, the ubuntu team packages app A, which can link to lib B and C. A linked with C is broken, so the ubuntu team says: no we only want A linked with B. So, if you have C in your normal system, and you rebuild A in that, C will be linked, because the compiler can find C22:31
affluxkarim: that would result in a broken A.22:31
pwnguinpbuilder is used to ensure that it builds everywhere22:31
pwnguinit explicitly tests the build deps22:31
h3sp4wnyou don't have to use pbuilder I don't think there is a few choices you have22:32
pwnguinit also makes sure that wierd autoconf stuff doesn't link in unintended libs22:32
karimso how gentoo handles this kind of issues ?22:33
h3sp4wnYou don't have to use autoconf either depending on what the app is sometimes it is easier to just write a standard Makefile22:33
affluxh3sp4wn: did anyone say you need to use autoconf?22:33
pwnguingentoo handles it by not caring22:33
pwnguinany by USE flags22:34
h3sp4wnafflux: No idea did they ?22:34
h3sp4wnIt seems people tend to when the upstream program does22:35
h3sp4wnpwnguin: paludis seems to care alot more about that22:36
karimso let's imagine I would like a in depth compilation, what are my best chances of doing so ?22:36
h3sp4wnkarim: There is no magic thing that is going to help you do what you are asking22:36
pwnguinkarim: in depth?22:37
karimbecause the problem even with pbuilder, is that if I compile A than needs B-dev and C-dev , pbuilder will just download B-dev and C-dev as prebuilt static libraries, so it will but in my A binary already built code non optimised22:37
karimh3sp4wn: no but I am thinking of how I could try to implement or modify exisintg applications22:38
h3sp4wnpbuilder is not designed for bootstrapping the whole archive even22:38
pwnguinwhat does apt-build do there?22:38
karimpwnguin: same as pbuilder22:39
pwnguini guess i dont understand the problem22:39
karimpwnguin: it will just install B-dev and C-dev22:39
pwnguinwhich are header files22:39
karimso as far as I understood, there are different types of -dev libraries.22:40
h3sp4wnpwnguin: He wants to build every single package with i.e -march= -O99 or whatever22:40
pwnguinis there an example of a -dev holding a static lib?22:41
pwnguini thoought those were just header files for linking with dynamic libs22:41
karimsome are headers files to binary libraries installed on your system. And some are already pre built libraries provided as binary code, that will be linked statically to the final binary. is it right ?22:41
h3sp4wnthere should be very little statically linked stuff22:42
h3sp4wn!info sash22:42
ubotusash: Stand-alone shell. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.7-7.2 (gutsy), package size 313 kB, installed size 740 kB22:42
karimpwnguin: well that's what I though but it seems it's not22:42
h3sp4wnsash is statically linked handfull of others I can think of22:43
pwnguini think you shouldn't worry about staticly linked app22:43
pwnguinif they're staticly linked, it's probably for a good reason22:44
karimpwnguin: yes but for exemple if a static library like jpeg is already provided as a binary, I will not be able to have it optimised22:44
affluxkarim: if you want to have all the packages built with optimisation flags, set up a buildd and rebuild the whole archive.22:44
pwnguinwhy would you static link libjpeg?22:45
karimafflux: that's what h3sp4wn suggested, I am looking to docs while we are talking22:45
karimpwnguin: me or in g?n?ral ?22:45
pwnguinkarim: in general22:45
karimpwnguin: I have seen exemples like that. of libs that could be optimised22:46
pwnguinthe point is, if you need to optimize it, then it should probably also be a dynamically linked lib22:46
karimpwnguin: I don't understand22:46
karimpwnguin: well the point is that nothing is designed with optimisation in mind22:47
pwnguinif you find an important binary built static, perhaps its a bug?22:47
pwnguinthat's not true. dynamic linking IS optimization, at a systemwide level22:47
karimpwnguin: why ??22:47
karimpwnguin: you know of what optimisation I was talking about22:48
pwnguinbecause shared libraries reduce RAM usage22:48
karimof course22:48
karimpwnguin: of course I am talking about cpu optimisation in case you want to rebuild the package22:49
pwnguinso you want a 686 build of everything you install basically22:49
karimpwnguin: I don't think anything is done, knowing you might want to rebuild and optimise packages. that's why when you do a build dep, it will just provide you static libraries without proposing the rebuild them as well22:50
karimpwnguin: not 686, powerpc G422:50
pwnguinyou keep using the word static library22:50
pwnguinexplain what you think that means22:50
karimpwnguin: that's not good ?22:51
karimpwnguin: well I think it's libraries already pre built, that will be kind of directly merged into the final binary.22:51
pwnguinwhen does the merging take place?22:52
karimpwnguin: during linking ? ^^22:52
pwnguinindeed. that is static linking22:52
pwnguini believe most of the archive is dynamically linked22:52
h3sp4wnAs it should be22:53
pwnguinmeaning that you get a -dev and it brings in header files, which define the shared library api for the compiler22:53
karimpwnguin: yes, but not all. I am just trying to isolate that case22:53
h3sp4wnkarim: the ones that are not are probably packages you wouldn't be using anyway22:53
pwnguinat least, not enough to care about22:54
karimh3sp4wn: what do you mean ?22:54
pwnguinkarim: ever use sash?22:54
h3sp4wnkarim: sash is statically linked - why might you use that ?22:54
karimwhat's your point here ? :-)22:55
pwnguinmolehill + karim == mountain22:55
karimwhy would I care of sash if it's statically linked if I don't want to use it ?22:56
affluxkarim: you seem to22:56
affluxkarim: that's the question I keep asking myself ;)22:56
karimno what I am talking about is, if I want to rebuild sash and having it optimised22:56
pwnguinbut not use it?22:57
pwnguinour point here is that the few executables that are staticly linked are also not commonly used22:57
pwnguinrebuilding them and not using them gains you nothing22:57
pwnguinso spending the effort to get apt-build to work also gains nothing22:57
h3sp4wna full rescue system that is statically linked could be nice22:57
karim"rebuilding them and not using them gains you nothing" are you kidding ? ;-)22:57
h3sp4wnbut there is livecd and such these days22:58
karimh3sp4wn: I think I don't understand what is statically linked. I don't see why you are talking about a live cd22:59
h3sp4wnkarim: maybe you should try reading some more22:59
* pwnguin also doesnt understand why a static linked rescue system would be nice22:59
h3sp4wnpwnguin: broken libc ?23:00
pwnguinat that point, give up ;)23:00
pwnguinand im not sure thats even true. i think you're still hosed23:01
h3sp4wnpwnguin: nah just get the last working one over23:01
karimwhat I talk about is that if I want to use sach. an optimised version of sash for my CPU. sash is statically linked, so this mean, sash uses a -dev static library in it's build-deps when you want to build it with debuild. so this means that unless I rebuild this -dev static library before so it's optimised, sash will be not be fully optimised to the maximum of what my CPU can do. right ?23:01
h3sp4wnbroken pam could you deal with that ? (I think I can but it took me longer than I thought it would when I deliberately broke it)23:02
h3sp4wnbroken perl is really nasty though23:02
pwnguinkarim: our point is that you never use sash. or any other static linked thing, so your obsessive complusive nature isn't gaining anything23:03
h3sp4wnsash has saved me before (I keep it installed for that reason) but I use it extremely rarely23:03
karimpwnguin: I would not bring this case unless I already faced it. I think I faced it when trying to build mplayer23:04
pwnguinif you do find something that is statically linked to another package that you use, that's an interesting problem, and possibly a bug23:04
karimI don't even know what is sash anyway ...23:04
pwnguinits a secure shell23:04
h3sp4wnno its a statically linked shell23:04
h3sp4wnwith the stuff that is in coreutils built into it for such times are when they are broken23:04
pwnguin"stand alone shell"23:04
h3sp4wnyeah but because of what it is it would be useless if it was not statically linked23:05
karimah ok I see why you bring that exemple23:05
affluxkarim: i don't think mplayer uses statically linked libraries.23:06
pwnguinthis is going to sound silly23:06
affluxanyway, I need some sleep.23:06
pwnguindoes ldd show static links?23:06
pwnguini coulda swore i'd seen a few before from ldd23:06
affluxpwnguin: ldd shows only shared libs23:06
affluxgn8 guys23:07
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h3sp4wnstatic linking might be nice for some situations if it was easier with ubuntu/debian23:09
h3sp4wnI used it for some dns servers a few years ago - running jailed on bsd (no shell) saves you hunting for what libs to put in23:11
h3sp4wnAll the stuff that generated the zone files etc ran outside and all that was in the jail was just a statically linked bind923:12
h3sp4wndunno if I would do that again now or not but was ok at the time23:13
pwnguinwell, the control file already says what libs you need ^_^23:21
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h3sp4wnpwnguin: true but which functions in those libs do you actually need ?23:24
h3sp4wnand how can you sanely strip out all except what you actually need23:25
karimh3sp4wn: the package for buildd is rebuildd ?23:31
h3sp4wn!info dfsbuild23:32
ubotudfsbuild: Build Debian From Scratch CD/DVD images. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.1 (gutsy), package size 904 kB, installed size 2560 kB (Only available for i386 alpha powerpc amd64)23:32
h3sp4wnThat is not what you asked for but maybe it could be useful for you23:33
h3sp4wnI think you have to get the buildd code from alioth.debian.org/23:33
crimsunbuildds use sbuild.23:34
h3sp4wnI got all the stuff from - http://alioth.debian.org/projects/buildd-tools/ (including sbuild) but I won't be doing it again and I have no need for it23:38
karimsbuild is packaged23:40
crimsunDebian's buildds use different tools, generally, to Ubuntu's.23:40
crimsunthere are a few components that are identical, but soyuz is fairly different.23:41
h3sp4wncrimsun: What is happening with the moving all of /etc/init.d/foo to /etc/event.d/foo ? (Is that still supposed to happen)23:45
crimsunh3sp4wn: Ask Scott. (eventually.)23:46
karimcrimsun: soyuz as not package23:49
crimsunkarim: no, it's not DFSG-Free.23:50
crimsun(which has been the cause of much irritation)23:50
karimno kidding ...23:50
karimI am irritaded right now ^^23:51
crimsunI am not a Soyuz hacker (IANASH)23:52
crimsune.g., see #launchpad23:53
crimsuncaveat: the devs there tire of the continual "but it's not Free!" buffoonery23:53
karimsoyuz is a builder ? crimsun23:54
crimsunkarim: it's the Canonical infrastructure that powers the Ubuntu builders.23:54
infinitycircuitdoes anyone know what kernel hardy heron will be using/when a version of it will be uploaded to the repositories23:55
crimsunkarim: this means: it handles the acceptance of *_source.changes by vetted developers, sends the notification e-mails, kicks off the source builds, and hands off the generated binaries to dinstall23:55
crimsuninfinitycircuit: 2.6.24-based.23:55
karimlaunchpad situation is kind of ridiculous23:57
crimsunwell, I concur that it's crappy23:57
h3sp4wninfinitycircuit: meaning should get nohz / high res timers (for amd64) and cfs - containers was the other thing but I dunno whether that made it in or not23:57
karimthe guy use a full distribution work with a huge fork and cannot deliver open source code lol23:58
crimsuncontainers are in.23:58
crimsunwell, at least the Linus-vetted portions.23:58
infinitycircuith3sp4wn, oh yeah i've probably compiled 10 different 2.6.24 kernels myself over the past weeks.  i was just wondering when i could start using the ubuntu source rather than the generic souce23:58
infinitycircuith3sp4wn, the hpet forcing patches are also mainlined23:58
crimsuninfinitycircuit: kernel-team@ certainly could use more testers from ubuntu-hardy.git.23:58
infinitycircuitcrimsun, okay i will check it out from the tree then and just do it through git23:59

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