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crimsunjcastro: so the loco thingy is in 23 minutes?00:37
jcastrocrimsun: yep!00:37
crimsunjcastro: okay.00:38
jcastrocrimsun: christer tells me it will be pretty q+a based00:38
jcastroso I was thinking00:38
jcastroif people ask about motu stuff we just shuffle them in here00:38
crimsunjcastro: sure.00:38
crimsunvista?  No!00:46
nixternalyes, I will do the vista qa00:46
nixternalpackaging for vista 10100:46
nixternalwhat chan is this loco thing in?00:46
crimsunI'm thinking ubuntu-us00:47
nixternalnot in the topic there...heck, I can't even find info on it00:47
keescookFujitsu: CVE-2006 -3122 is already fixed afaict.  Did I miss something in it?00:56
keescook(oh, dapper, edgy.... erk)00:57
keescookFujitsu: that was an oversight.00:57
keescookFujitsu: CVE- 2007-6131> yeah, seems like to make it vulnerable, it'd have to be edited manually anyway.00:59
Fujitsukeescook: Yep, missed a single character..00:59
Fujitsukeescook: Is there anything that needs to be done with rejects other than removing them and adding them to not-for-us?01:00
keescookFujitsu: if there are no notes, etc, just bzr rm and add to not-for-us01:03
Fujitsukeescook: Otherwise throw it in ignored/?01:04
keescookFujitsu: if there are notes, just mark everything not-affected, replace the description with ** REJECT ** and move it to retired01:04
keescookI'd use retired since it was "processed" in some way, ignored is "kinda open, but actively ignored by us"... not a clear distinction, I guess.01:04
keescookand if it's dumb, I'm happy to re-arrange stuff.  It made sense at the time.  ;)01:06
FujitsuI think your way makes sense.01:06
FujitsuI think it would make sense to remove much of the information from the branch once malone gets an external API, as there is a lot of duplication at the moment. Bug URLs, assignees, release statuses are all in Malone too.01:09
Fujitsu(me advocating moving stuff to LP? Never thought I'd see the day)01:10
LordKowbug 134795 if in fact this bug can be confirmed, is it security-vulnerability worthy?01:18
ubotuLaunchpad bug 134795 in gsambad "GSAMBAD switches User and Password match levels" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13479501:18
persiasistpoty: Yes, it was on purpose: I'm not sure any of those are important enough to fix for a package that is essentially a single text file.01:18
LordKowdoes not effect gutsy or hardy but does effect feisty which I believe we will support until oct 0801:19
persiaapachelogger: Please don't advocate the removal or non-inclusion of menu files.  While .desktop files fill the needs for many users, some people still require menu files to work around non-compliant window managers.01:19
keescookFujitsu: right, I basically got sick of LP having everything we needed to track, and set up the tracker separately.  Once we know "how" the tracker should work, that should hopefully help guide the LP bits when that rolls around again01:21
Fujitsukeescook: LP *not* having everything, you mean?01:21
keescooksorry, yes01:22
FujitsuLP's CVE abilities are very unfinished.01:23
persiaFujitsu: keescook: Could I ask about bug #173153?  Specifically, it appears that the code path tries the user preference temp directory, then, if that fails, tries a default temp directory, and then, if that fails, asks the user to enter a new directory on the next run.  I don't understand how the attack works.01:23
ubotuLaunchpad bug 173153 in audacity "[CVE-2007-6061] Denial of service and deletion of an arbitrary directory tree via symlink attack" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17315301:23
FujitsuSo yes, we'll need to kick them into doing something once we work out what needs to be done.01:23
keescookpersia: reading...01:24
Fujitsupersia: Hmm, I haven't actually tested it, but the description on the Gentoo bug makes sense to me.01:24
persiagentoo bug #19975101:24
FujitsuThe symlink attack only works on quit.01:24
persiaFujitsu: Right, but audacity opens the directory on start, and closes & removes on quit.  Is this just a race condition on quit?01:25
persia(it does use 755 strangely, rather than 700, but that's different)01:26
keescookpersia: yeah, without reading code, it seems like a real issue, with races too maybe.01:26
persiakeescook: I am reading code (familiar with the codebase), but don't understand the nature of the problem well enough to fix it.01:27
keescookpersia: okay, one sec, I'll dig in (currently research DDR2 prices...)01:29
persiae.g.  What should it do?  On start, it tries to create (and open) two directories (primary and fallback), or asks the user.  On quit, it closes the directory, and removes it.  Is the problem a race condition on quit?01:30
persia(and no rush :) )01:30
* Fujitsu just got it to eat a directory tree.01:31
LordKowbug 134795 needs sponsor01:33
ubotuLaunchpad bug 134795 in gsambad "GSAMBAD switches User and Password match levels" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13479501:33
nenolodi don't really like malone01:34
LordKowit is arguably a minor secure vulnerability too01:34
persiaFujitsu: Ah.  I see.  Use of rm_dash_rf_execute without pre-checking.  I still don't understand the denial-of-service bit, but I'll try to fix the directory eating bit in the next bit now.01:34
nenolodLordKow, more of those bloody UI config tools01:34
LordKowyes, its evil01:35
persias/in the next bit//01:35
nenolodLordKow, the author of that thing claims he knows me. i don't know who he is though :/01:35
Fujitsupersia: Right, it seems to prompt here on startup if I create /tmp/audacity1.2-william as another user. I then click Yes, create a symlink as another user, and blow away some directories. I can't see the DoS.01:35
LordKowthe author of the app or the report?01:35
nenolodLordKow, app01:35
nenolod"GAdminTools project"01:35
LordKowah, yea the way the ui is handled is ridiculous. completely depends on the order of the code01:36
LordKowand its still that way in the most current, 0.1.801:36
persiaFujitsu: OK.  I was looking too closely at the DoS, and not closely enough at the dispose of everything problem.  Thanks for pushing me in the right direction.01:36
Fujitsupersia: The Gentoo bug states that you need to change the owner while audacity is running. If an attacker can do that, you're already stuffed, are you not?01:37
nenolodLordKow, i think the whole concept of UI admin tools is unsound, sorry.01:37
persiaFujitsu: Essentially.  If someone else has rights to change ownership on your files, there are other more critical possible vectors.01:38
LordKowi will respectfully disagree to that :)01:38
LordKowsometimes admins are in a huge hurry and gui is usually a lot faster than sifting through config files01:38
Fujitsupersia: Yep.01:38
nenolodLordKow, UI admin tools cause things like servers getting rooted because their admin is a stupid moron who can't admin his server without a GUI01:38
nenolodLordKow, moreover, UI admin tools cause things like X running on a server which is inappropriate at best01:39
FujitsuSo the remaining vulnerability seems to only exist if the user dismisses the initial warning, but that's not much of a warning.01:39
persianenolod: I'll agree with that, but please also consider the poor home user.01:39
LordKownenolod, you are probably right but its not a reason to remove it from the repos.01:39
nenolodpersia, sure for a home user it is fine01:39
nenolodLordKow, i'm not proposing removing it from the repos01:39
persiaFujitsu: No, and I don't think changing the wording is the right way to fix it.  I don't see the value of rm_dash_rf_execute anyway: `rm -r` should really be the right thing to do.01:40
LordKowah k, i thought you were trying to go somewhere besides a rant ;-)01:40
nenolodhowever, i strongly feel that ubuntu should not become the next Windows 200301:40
LordKowi should send this bug upstream to debian since i see they still use 0.401:40
Fujitsupersia: How is removing the -f going to do much?01:41
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persiaFujitsu: Doesn't remove files set read only, or belonging to someone else.01:41
FujitsuAh, I didn't know of the ownership bit.01:41
persia(not that the implementation is with rm anyway)01:41
FujitsuYou're right, that works.01:42
persiaOn the other hand, digging more, it appears that it only calls wxRemoveFile(file); recursively, so the -rf is just poor nomenclature.  Now I'm tempted to look at the start again, but I'm not sure how to 1) create a secure reusable temp directory that 2) can be in a user-specified location to use high-IO-speed media.01:44
nenolodhowever, i would say the attitude of this author of GADMINTOOLS might be a good justification of removing it from the repo01:44
nenolodon his site he advocates "taking down freenode"01:44
Fujitsupersia: Can you not use mktemp on any template?01:45
keescookre-usable temp dirs in a world-writable dir is hard to get right.  :(01:46
Fujitsukeescook: Mhm.01:46
persiaFujitsu: mktemp and mkstemp aren't available in a way that still works for Windows :(  I could hack it in, but that might break the WX file handling.01:47
keescookI think you can open the dir and use fdstat to determine who owns the directory in a safe way01:47
Fujitsupersia: Oh, true...01:47
keescookportability, though, ergk01:47
* nenolod plays with the idea of packaging BSD pcc as an alternate compiler01:47
persiakeescook: http://www.wxwidgets.org/manuals/2.6/wx_filefunctions.html#filefunctions are the functions available (unless we want to call this a WX bug)01:47
Fujitsupersia: Ah, if I o+w the directory, audacity doesn't warn at all. That's what I missed.01:48
Fujitsupersia: What does it do on Windows? There's no /tmp there...01:49
persiaFujitsu: OK.  So if someone sets their preferences to point at a symlink that points somewhere to which they can write, the cleanup recurise remove runs without warning.  Do I have that right?01:50
FujitsuOr are there still c:\temp dirs in recent versions?01:50
Fujitsupersia: No preferences required.01:50
persiaFujitsu: It first tries the path in preferences.  If that fails, it tries the default path.  If that fails, it asks the user to change the preference.01:50
persiaIn that case, I think you're hitting the default path.  Perhaps just not try the default path, and force a preference setting?01:51
nenolodFujitsu, C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Temporary Files01:51
Fujitsupersia: If login as another user, create /tmp/audacity1.2-william, chmod o+w it, create a symlink `projectsomething' to /home/william.01:51
FujitsuThen wait for them to open Audacity, close it, and watch their ~ die.01:51
Fujitsupersia: Forcing a preference sounds very anti-Just Works.01:52
crimsunif portability is the issue, see glib's g_mkstemp01:52
persiaFujitsu: Right.  There's definitely a problem.  Further forcing a preference sounds wrong.  Perhaps forcing the default to be created afresh?01:52
keescookthe "open" needs checking, I think.  If you know the directory is good with safe perms, then all the other removal stuff is safe.01:53
persiaGrrr..  WX doesn't support file ownership.  Looking at glib.01:55
Fujitsukeescook: If it's not 755, bail out?01:55
* Fujitsu wonders why wx covers some of the stuff it does.01:55
persiaFujitsu: Someone was very bored.01:55
keescookFujitsu: right, or bail if fdstat owner != self or o+w01:56
Fujitsukeescook: You don't regard g+w as mildly unsafe?01:57
persiaHmm..  How about changing the default logic to use wxFileName::CreateTempFileName, and if that succeeds, drop it and put in the directory?  There's a race condition, but it's less bad.01:57
keescookyeah, should probably check that too... symantics get weird for groups stuff... maybe they DO want to share their audacity temp dir.  (who knows why)01:57
Fujitsukeescook: Right.01:58
persiaThere's no good reason to share an audacity temp dir: it's only currently streaming data there.01:58
keescookfair enough.  :)01:58
keescookso, why is it in a static location?  (i.e. why not create a new safe tempdir on each invocation?)01:59
FujitsuThat's what I was wondering.01:59
FujitsuIt cleans it too thoroughly on exit anyway.01:59
persiakeescook: That's a good question.  The only static part that is interesting is allowing the user to control the device, and using tmpfs by default.01:59
Fujitsupersia: What does the tempfile function you mentioned earlier do?\02:00
persiaRight.  Because of the aggressive cleaning, I think it should just complain if the default directory already exists, and refuse.02:00
crimsunerm, what's the simplest solution here?  Introducing races is a bad thing.02:01
persiaFujitsu: creates a 600 file iff it can find a brand new location in which to do so.  Looking more carefully, it's not deterministic with regards to device, so it's not a good solution.02:01
persiacrimsun: I think the simplest solution is to just not use the default location unless the directory can be created at startup.02:02
* keescook nods02:02
Fujitsupersia: The directory isn't deleted on exit02:02
persia(the preferences definition is the user's own problem)02:02
persiaFujitsu: I can change that.02:02
keescookI'd say always create a temp dir02:02
Fujitsupersia: Not for existing installations (although it is a tmpfs)02:02
persiakeescook: Even if the user specified one in preferences?  Perhaps a default-named tempdir under the user-supplied path?02:03
persiaFujitsu: Sure.  Users who have previously run audacity since the last reboot have to delete a directory or reboot.  That's what NEWS.Debian is for, no?02:03
keescookI think the if-not-owned-by-us test is sufficient for the set-in-prefs situation02:03
keescookhonestly, you probably want to bring it up with upstream.02:04
persiakeescook: There isn't a if-not-owned-by-us test that can go upstream.02:04
* persia decides to have breakfast, and comment on the upstream bug rather than fixing it02:04
Fujitsupersia: Late breakfast.02:04
Fujitsukeescook: How often do you normally wave your magic uploading wand over things?02:05
persiaFujitsu: I tried to clear the REVU queue last night, and failed to notice until it was quite late :)02:05
Fujitsupersia: Ah.02:06
FujitsuI do like the new segregation and ordering.02:06
persiaMakes it much easier to find targets for reviews.02:06
imbrandonmoins all02:11
FujitsuHi imbrandon.02:12
keescookFujitsu: I have carved a section out on mondays for it.  Is there stuff waiting right now?02:19
pwnguinhow do i document a program consuming 100 percent cpu?02:20
Fujitsukeescook: There are a few things, but they can wait. I was just wondering if you did have a certain time for it.02:20
pwnguinDeluge-torrent is eating up an entire core02:20
pwnguinbut im not sure i can duplicate it =/02:21
Fujitsupwnguin: Have you checked what it's doing?02:21
keescookpwnguin: I'd run     strace -f -s 1024 -p $PID 2>/tmp/whoa.log     then wait a few seconds and ctrl-c it.02:21
FujitsuWhat keescook said.02:21
keescook /tmp/whoa.log should show a bit about what it's spending it's time doing, though that may not really answer the question.  :P02:21
pwnguinlooks like its mostly kernel mode02:22
pwnguingood idea on the strace then02:22
pwnguinheh, doesnt respond to control-c02:24
bddebianHeya gang02:32
bddebianHi Fujitsu02:32
FujitsuEvening, Hobbsee.02:35
Hobbseehi Fujitsu02:36
Hobbseei dont think it's evening yet...02:36
FujitsuIt's getting there.02:36
* persia thinks it depends on where you think you are02:36
TheMusoEvening? Its barely past lunch time.02:37
pwnguinkeescook: so how do you kill that strace?02:37
keescookpwnguin: normally ctrl-C just works02:37
keescookif not, I tend to ctrl-z, kill %102:37
HobbseeTheMuso: that was my thought02:41
* Fujitsu is well known for greeting with completely bogus $TIMEOFDAY, even in real life.02:42
TheMusoReal life? THis is real life. :p02:43
* Fujitsu has work too, so there is some other real life.02:43
* Fujitsu now vanishes for a couple of hours.02:43
Hobbseemust be time for breakfast.02:45
DarkMageZbreakfast @ 1:46pm ?02:46
persiaGood night fujitsu02:46
Hobbseeyes, and?02:47
HobbseeDarkMageZ: btw, ubuntu-main-sponsors exists02:47
DarkMageZwhy/when did i want to know that ubuntu-main-sponsors exists?02:48
HobbseeDarkMageZ: evan's mail to -devel-discuss.  although i guess you put the debdiff in after that02:50
HobbseeDarkMageZ: either way, when you put in a debdiff, you probably want to subscribe the sponsorship team for that component, so it gets in02:50
persiaWell, -security stuff is a little different, but otherwise...02:50
DarkMageZis this in reference to what i did to rhythmbox?02:50
HobbseeDarkMageZ: yeah02:51
DarkMageZah, i c. i'll try and keep that in mind.02:51
DarkMageZis there a won't fix status for lp bugs? i can't seem to set it with my limited powers.02:55
slangasekthere is, but yes it requires powers02:55
slangasek(offhand I couldn't tell you which)02:55
DarkMageZcould someone kill bug #74125 with won't fix?02:56
Hobbseeslangasek: being in what was -qa02:56
ubotuLaunchpad bug 74125 in libvisual-plugins "dfsg removed plugins > libvisual-plugins-multiverse?" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/7412502:56
Hobbseei think it's -buglords now02:57
TheMusoYay. Installed.03:01
* Hobbsee installs automatix on TheMuso's machine, to see if he says the same thing03:01
DarkMageZisn't installing automatix on someone elses machine an act of terrorism?03:02
jdongDarkMageZ: You're pronouncing it wrong: turrsm...03:03
jdongDarkMageZ: listen to the state of the union address again...03:03
elkbuntuDarkMageZ, sabotage at very least03:03
jdongit's an act of war.03:03
elkbuntujdong, where does one aquire a bush translator, do you know?03:04
jdongWe need to defeat them at their repository before they come and invade our own repository.03:04
jdongok enough Bush parody for one night :)03:04
jdongit hurts.03:04
imbrandonelkbuntu: foxnews.com :)03:04
jdongelkbuntu: what he said.03:04
frenchyIs there an application that MOTUs and try-hard MOTUs use to create, check and build packages?  Maybe integrated with REVU.03:04
Hobbseefrenchy: pbuilder, lintian, linda....03:04
Hobbseethere are some review tools somewhere, actually03:05
frenchyI know there's a lot of bits and pieces that people use. But ...03:05
imbrandonHobbsee: in the archive, not sure how upto date they are03:05
jdongfrenchy: no, there's nothing magically integrated together yet03:05
Hobbseean integrated one?  no, not unless you're talking about revutools03:05
Hobbseeimbrandon: ahhh03:05
frenchyThey are just that ... bit's and pieces.03:05
imbrandonfrenchy: yup03:05
frenchyI'd like to build one (GTK based) that you can point at an upstream URL (or local) file and it takes you through a wizard asking you things like name, description.  Then does the build for you and does the linda/lintian checks for you.03:07
DarkMageZfrenchy, would it also build it for you?03:07
imbrandonfrenchy: sure, your free to doso, its been talked aobut before just not acted upon03:07
frenchyThe checking part of the application could be used to check existing packages on REVU.03:07
* Hobbsee twitches03:08
frenchyHobbsee: You don't like?03:08
Hobbseesounds like the evil checkinstall.03:08
jdongHobbsee: oh I've seen worse :)03:08
Hobbseefrenchy: anything that involves a "wizard", instead of making you modify debian/control yourself...is bad.03:08
DarkMageZHobbsee, not if it is done correctly.03:09
HobbseeDarkMageZ: where correctly is "give a GUI to fill in the fields yourself"?03:09
frenchyHobbsee: I really just meant for initial creation.  From then on it's the maintainers responsibility to keep it updated but the tool could still warn you about issues in the file.03:09
Hobbseefrenchy: you still need to set everything in debian/control for initial creation03:10
Hobbseeafter htat, there's a tool called uupdate03:10
DarkMageZif the tool is comprehensive it could be very useful.03:11
DarkMageZotherwise it'd be a waste of time.03:11
* Hobbsee wonders what's so unfriendly about a text editor.03:11
jdongHobbsee: well if it's emacs I can understand the pain.03:11
Hobbseejdong: sure, i meant a text editor of choice :)03:12
frenchyThere's just a lot of "bit and pieces" to put it all together.  I think that it's quite daunting for a new person and wastes MOTUs time with basic questions.03:12
* imbrandon wonders what Hobbsee has against people trying, it could be something good03:12
Hobbseeimbrandon: only the crack that they'll come up with, if it's anything like checkinstall, tbh.03:12
imbrandonHobbsee: who said it would be? we had talked about just this before03:12
imbrandonwith deb checking etc03:13
Hobbseetrue.  maybe it works.03:13
DarkMageZfrenchy, could you include the ability to build a package and save it (as a module) and then later when you're building another package that depends on the first package that it could be easily added to the build system?03:13
jdongif it works well then yeah a more streamlined approach would be fantastic03:13
imbrandonit *could* work is all i'm getting at, no need to be negitive from the get go03:13
jdongimbrandon: +!03:13
frenchyimbrandon:  Well I was thinking of calling pbuilber to do that.  Will that work?03:14
DarkMageZfrenchy, i'm forever playing with packages that require a new library or a newer version of a library that is not part of the repos.03:14
frenchyDarkMageZ:  Sorry, that was for you ^^^03:14
jdongDarkMageZ: I have my pbuilder (prevu) output to a local repo which is in turn used in subsequent builds. Works fantastically for me03:14
imbrandonfrenchy: not if the debian/control isnt filled out properly, honestly the tool is a great idea, but no offence it need someone with alot of packing experince to create it03:15
frenchy's where you guys come in.03:15
TheMusojdong: What do you use to manage your repo?03:15
jdongTheMuso: prevu does it with dpkg-scanpackage calls after every build03:15
frenchyI'll learn and have a self documenting tool at the same time ... just an idea.03:15
imbrandonjust dont write it in perl :)03:16
frenchyimbrandon: Although I think the best choise is python ... I'm a c/C++ guy.03:16
DarkMageZjdong, interesting hack. maybe something alittle more complex could be used in frenchy's tool.03:16
jdongDarkMageZ: yeah, the concept is there but of course it can be done more elegantly.03:17
jdongimbrandon: write it in scheme!!!03:17
TheMusojdong: Right. That is certainly quick and dirty03:17
frenchyI'l do anything tat you guys ask.03:17
* TheMuso has shell scripts almost complete to properly make and update a repo using apt-ftparchive.03:17
TheMusoAnd they use a little flat file db.03:18
frenchyI like XML.  Does anyone hate XML?03:18
jdong<attribute type="XMLPreference" values="low,high">low</attribute>03:19
frenchyjdong: That's a no?03:20
jdongfrenchy: meh that's just me being a smartass. I don't care :)03:20
jdongit just ALWAYS seems XML is ridiculously verbose without any visible benefits03:20
frenchyjdong: Or are you just merely stating that XML is verbose.03:20
imbrandonfrenchy: there are always oponents to everything, best case is "just do it" and if someone cares enough either way they will help03:20
jdongfrenchy: don't use my opinions in deterring you from picking a format *you* like.03:21
frenchyimbrandon:  Ta03:21
jdongfrenchy: I've used the Python editor in IDLE before. I can bear anything.03:21
TheMusoIMO it should be human readable03:21
TheMusoXML is, but isn't.03:22
jdongXML isn't.03:22
frenchyHang on ... what was the DB for?03:23
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DarkMageZstoring a structure of previously built packages. so i can pick bits and pieces for use in building packages later03:24
frenchyI was thinking of using it for preferences and recently dl'ed packages list.  All of which will be editable from the interface.03:24
frenchyDarkMageZ: won't pbuilder do that for you ... I don't know .. I thought that it could.03:27
TheMusofrenchy: What interface were you thinking of03:27
frenchyTheMuso: GTK, is that what you're asking?03:28
TheMusofrenchy: Yes. I don't see the point in having a GUI for such tools.03:28
DarkMageZfrenchy, it won't do it automatically. it requires a fair amount of pain.03:28
HobbseeDarkMageZ: aka ccache?03:28
DarkMageZHobbsee, na. ccache is fun03:29
persiaPersonally, I'd be in favor of such a tool, if the focus was on a dh-make replacement to build a better sample, rather than a checkinstall replacement, to make a new package.03:29
TheMusopersia: ++03:30
DarkMageZi'd prefer if the tool was capable of both03:30
* TheMuso would prefer if the tool actively discouraged checkinstall.03:30
persiaDarkMageZ: Just add a hook that calls lintian, linda, pbuilder/sbuild, lintian, and linda03:30
persiaDarkMageZ: More explicitly: the wheel shouldn't be reinvented just because it can, but dh-make is not necessarily strong enough to do the right thing in many cases.03:31
persiaTo put it another way, I'd prefer an interactive wizard that helped the user to create a starting debian/ directory, rather than copying a bunch of examples that just have to get deleted later.03:32
frenchyDarkMageZ: I refer you to jdong's earlier comment: "I have my pbuilder (prevu) output to a local repo which is in turn used in subsequent builds. Works fantastically for me"03:32
TheMusopersia: Yeah that sounds good.03:32
frenchypersia: Exactly ... exactly what I mean.03:33
frenchyI'm sure you guys must get sink of noobs, like me, getting on, asking for a REVU, without knowing all the tools/rules that I could've used.  Same thing every time.03:33
frenchyI didn't even know what linda/lintian was before I asked for my package to be reviewed.03:34
frenchySure, my bad but I'd expect you see a lot of this.03:36
persiafrenchy: Indeed, yes.  It's not so bad to explain lintian & linda, but it's frustrating to see the same dh-make induced errors on so many packages.03:36
frenchypersia: I understand you frustration ... but people don't know until they are told or they read it ... but they've got to *know* that there's something to read.  There are so many bits and pieces.03:38
frenchyAnd of course, it's not all selfless ... I'll learn a shit-ang load from you guys in the process.03:39
frenchySo, I might just start with a simple wizard that can create a debian project from an upstream.  I wanted to do this for w_scan anyway.03:41
frenchyAnd no, I won't call it "Me Packager"!03:42
frenchyDarkMageZ: Do you know if jdong's solution suits you?03:49
DarkMageZfrenchy, it's a hack that could be potentially useful. but if your tool is going to build the packages as well. it could be very useful to integrate something like that properly and cleanly03:51
TheMusoon't forget there are also those of us who use sbuild with LVM snapshots.03:52
frenchyDarkMageZ: TheMuso: when it comes to that part I'll talk about your requirements on a little more detail.  Thanks both for your comments.03:56
frenchyTheMuso: Now, you didn't like my idea of a GTK interface.  Can I ask why?03:57
* Hobbsee bets the ansewr is "accessibility"03:58
bddebianpersia: Do you actually play conquest?03:58
DarkMageZgtk is slow and flaky. etk or qt4 ftw :)03:58
frenchyDarkMageZ: Ahhh ... are you a KDE guy?03:59
imbrandonkde rocks :)03:59
frenchySorry, I've programmed and used them all and I think that GNOME is da bomb.03:59
DarkMageZfrenchy, nope. just anti gtk :)03:59
imbrandonalthough i will assume TheMuso will not like qt moreso than gtk :)03:59
frenchyimbrandon: qt4 was one of the suggestions.04:01
TheMusoffThats before I saw persia's suggestion of a wizard.04:01
TheMusofrenchy: Thats before I saw persia's suggestion of a wizard.04:01
frenchyWhy does ubuntu push GNOME if it's so bad?04:01
TheMusoGTK rocks. It has accessibility, something which QT can't really bost about atm.04:02
TheMusofrenchy: I thought the tool would be quite different to what it is likely going to be.04:02
frenchyTheMuso: Yes. And I can have a non digital clock ... sorry ... little dig.04:02
frenchyTheMuso: So are you still "anti" UI?04:03
frenchyTheMuso: GTK UI?04:03
TheMusofrenchy: No I am not.04:03
LordKowwell if you're anti-UI then how is someone supposed to use a computer? :P04:04
frenchyTheMuso: It will be initially aimed at noobs.04:04
LordKowUI = User Interface04:04
HobbseeLordKow: usually i'ts referring to GUI.04:04
TheMusofrenchy: Yeah I gathered. What language are you going to use? Python?04:04
LordKowi know im just playing with technicalities :P04:04
frenchyProbably not even though I admit that it might be a better option.  I'm a C/C++ guy.04:05
TheMusoFair enough.04:05
LordKowhmm i would tackle this heimdal merge but im weary of doing merges that involves libs that I dont use. and even more this is a significant version jump, 0.7 to 1.004:07
frenchyOk, have to go and meet the outlaws, then I'll get started after that.  I thank you all for you comments and look forward to helping you, help me.04:08
LordKowbug 95240 if the changes recommended in this bug report are correct I will adjust the keytouch merge i will be working on to close this bug04:13
ubotuLaunchpad bug 95240 in keytouch "keytouch user level preferences are in administration instead of preferences menu" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/9524004:13
LordKowitems in Preferences are on a per user basis, while Administration entries are system-wide correct?04:13
LordKowhttp://merges.ubuntu.com/k/keytouch/REPORT *sniffle04:16
LordKowplease let them be all changes i can drop04:16
LordKowheh all those conflicts are simply times/dates yay04:19
=== vorian is now known as vorian_afk
DarkMageZimbrandon, debdiff so that stacktraces can be useful. http://mirror.randumb.org/darkmagez/libvisual.debdiff04:57
emberwhat can make executable 0755 on a .dpatch?05:03
emberis this normal?05:03
LucidFoxember> yes05:04
LordKow  help_button = gtk_button_new_from_stock ("gtk-help"); <-- now how is that supposed to be a valid help entry for KeyTouch?05:16
LordKowwell i guess i dont know exactly how GTK UI works, has to be event driven though05:17
LordKowi see, keytouch has no callback for help because there is no help yet the button is there... well its the difference between a sync and a merge i shall leave it05:20
LordKowbug 17319105:23
ubotuLaunchpad bug 173191 in keytouch "Please sync keytouch-2.3.2-1 (universe) from Debian sid (admin)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17319105:23
LordKowugh compiz still has some minor glitches with window borders, oh well05:42
* Hobbsee grumbles about email05:46
Hobbseemotu generates too much email :P05:46
LordKowheh Hobbsee i think the lesson is dont put anything on the internet, even if its not in the announcement list, without it being considered "released" by people05:49
ScottKWhat now?05:49
LordKow(with regard to the Alpha 1 comment on the forums)05:49
HobbseeLordKow: that's not really possible....05:49
LordKowi know :P05:50
LordKowyou could pw protect the page until its in the announcements if it matters that much05:50
Hobbseeit would, of course, help if the forum mods actually understood about release stuff05:50
Hobbseeand double checked with the release team before making official statements like that...05:50
ScottKHobbsee: It's forums.  Understand is counter productive.05:51
HobbseeScottK: yeah well.05:51
HobbseeScottK: i made a comment in sevilla, near a whole bunch of other forums people, to the effect of "well, there's so much misinformation on the forums, any real stuff will probably be negated by all of that, so who cares?"05:52
Hobbseeneeldess to say, i had to run rather quickly :P05:52
ScottKI second the motion.  Even when I was a brand new Ubuntu user who didn't know much of anything, I didn't do much with them.05:52
LordKowi dont consider anything on the forums "official" unless its a sticky or an announcement05:53
* StevenK has ignored the forums05:53
LordKowand quite honestly i never even pay attention to releases except for switching my repositories over to the new development name (i always use development repos)05:55
ScottKBut this is worth a trip to the forums to read ... http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=3869792&postcount=1605:58
minghuaScottK: Not worth a trip for me.  I want my ten seconds back. :-)06:06
LordKow"never gave me no problem"06:09
LordKowso it has always given this person problems?06:09
nixternalwow, I am wondering how we have a 3 year old version of mt-daapd in our repos, when they just release 0.2?06:17
nixternal3 year old version == 0.906:18
Fujitsu!info mt-daapd06:19
Fujitsu!info mt-daapd hardy06:19
ubotumt-daapd: iTunes-compatible DAAP server. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9~r1586-1 (gutsy), package size 649 kB, installed size 1560 kB06:19
ubotumt-daapd: iTunes-compatible DAAP server. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9~r1586-1 (hardy), package size 649 kB, installed size 1560 kB06:19
Fujitsu!info mt-daapd dapper06:19
ubotuPackage mt-daapd does not exist in dapper06:19
nixternalit is like that in debian as well06:20
FujitsuMaybe they said their next version would be 0.9.06:22
FujitsuOr the maintainer is on crack.06:22
Burgundaviamaintainer might be MIA06:22
nixternalmaintainer isn't mia06:23
nixternalgoing to email him in a few06:23
nixternalmt-daapd is now called firefly as well06:23
FujitsuBurgundavia: MIAness has nothing to do with broken versions.06:23
nixternalso treu06:23
nixternaltrue too06:23
nixternal[2007-07-19] Accepted 0.9~r1586-1 in unstable (low) (Joshua Kwan)06:24
nixternaljust need to find out his online nick06:24
Fujitsu!info mt-daapd edgy06:24
ubotuPackage mt-daapd does not exist in edgy06:24
FujitsuI'm sure it's been around longer than that...06:24
nixternalit has been, just not in our repos06:25
nixternalit is in gutsy06:25
imbrandon2006-10-12 was uploaded in debian first06:25
nixternalya, they had the version then what it is now06:25
nixternalthat is goofy stuff06:25
imbrandonlooks like he does svn checkout,s and in svn it might have been called 0.906:26
nixternaljust looked through svn, don't see 0.9 anywhere in it06:26
imbrandonheh well then it will probably take an epoc to fix :)06:27
nixternal2004-01-29  Ron Pedde  <ron@pedde.com>06:27
nixternal* Bump version number to 0.1.106:27
imbrandoni would find out why first though, tralled the changelog ?06:27
nixternalthat is the first item in the svn changelog06:27
FujitsuPlease also check the future intentions of upstream; they might do a bzr.06:27
nixternalonly thing in svn with a reference to anything with '0.9' is06:30
imbrandonnixternal: http://nightlies.mt-daapd.org/06:30
nixternal2004-11-27 03:13  rpedde 6038  6039   * src/rend-howl.c: Update rend-howl to run with howl 0.9.06:30
imbrandonits a nightly release06:30
nixternalgood find...I didn't even see that damn link06:30
nixternalso it is the retarded crack dealers at firefly06:30
nixternalcan you send a back hand through email?06:30
imbrandonohhhh there is mipsel ipk packages ... i could run this on my FON :)06:31
imbrandonuSLUg ipkgs too , nice06:31
imbrandonunSLUgand windows, and osx dmg's, wow these guys cover the bases, and on nightly builds at that06:33
nixternalya, they have gotten their act back together, that's for sure06:36
nixternaliirc, you were the one who turned me on to daapd06:36
nixternali like it because i listen with amarok here, itunes there, and even from school I can stream my tunes :)06:37
imbrandonnixternal: yea i've been running mt-daapd since before it was in debian and before i was a MOTU, but i just dont follow the dev of it, it "just works" once installed :)06:37
nixternalactually, when you told me about it, it wasn't in debian/ubuntu either06:37
nixternalI had to build it from svn06:37
imbrandoni think i told you about it when amarok grew the ability to play daap streams06:37
nixternalactually, before amarok06:38
nixternalI was using rythmbox with it06:38
imbrandonmaybe anyhow yea06:38
nixternaland when amarok sprung its wings, I quickly dropped that crap and came back over to the right side :p06:38
imbrandoni had it running on my breezy fileserver for quite a while06:38
FujitsuOh die LP.06:39
nixternalnot to shabby....so far I have re-synched 400,000 songs and have just under 100,000 more to go06:39
FujitsuWilliam Grant does not currently have any assigned bugs in htdig in Ubuntu Dapper. Continue assigning this bug?06:39
nixternalrm -rf htdig!06:39
imbrandonFujitsu: huh ? heh06:40
nixternalif you get it working correctly with khelpcenter, I will give you a cookie06:40
* Fujitsu files a bug.06:40
nixternalFujitsu: our htdig is absolute garbage...we need to snag openSUSEs version because it works06:40
StevenKnixternal: Is the same true for Debian's?06:40
Fujitsunixternal: I'm currently concerned with CVE-2007-6110 which is against it.06:40
ubotuCross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in htsearch in htdig 3.2.0b6 allows remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via the sort parameter. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2007-6110)06:40
nixternalI think openSUSE is the only distro where it searches06:40
FujitsuAnd LP being retarded.06:40
nixternalStevenK: I believe so, can't remember though06:41
FujitsuIt should say `oh look, William Grant is an ubuntu-dev, so it might be mildly sane that I allow him to be assigned'06:41
nixternalI spent a week messing with it last year trying to get it to work06:41
nixternalI checked out 4 or 5 other distros and it didn't work there either06:41
nixternaliirc, it isn't even maintained upstream anymore06:41
nixternalit was missing build-deps last year when I filed a bug against it06:42
LucidFoxIf a Debian package has Standards-Version: 3.6.2, should I leave that alone or bump?06:55
FujitsuLucidFox: We like to keep the diff minimal, so leave it alone.06:57
nxvlhi folks06:59
imbrandonheya nxvl07:00
FujitsuHi nxvl.07:00
jdongWELL that was fun07:15
jdongmy dorm was just evacuated for a fire alarm at 2:15AM07:15
imbrandonjdong: stop smokin weed in the dorm07:15
jdonglol too late07:15
minghuapeople smoke weed in the dorm?07:16
minghuaIsn't that just asking for trouble...07:16
imbrandonanyone have any recomendations on a free ( as in beer ) online file storage place that will let me use it like a real fs, maybe via fuse or some such, dosnet have to be big, i'm probably only gonna keep a ~25MB encrypted FS image on it ( and no i dont wanna use gDrive , something legit)07:18
jdongminghua: haha , no, we just managed to lose water pressure which set off the alarm system07:18
* imbrandon does so in the privacy of his own home07:18
* jdong blames it on the nearby construction07:18
nxvlimbrandon: gmail07:18
imbrandonnxvl: gmail == gDrive07:19
imbrandoni'd like to use something legit07:19
nxvlstuff like07:19
* minghua hasn't heard of such free services.07:20
imbrandonRon Paul wants to legalize it :)07:20
minghuaAnd 25 MB is not small IMO...07:20
imbrandonminghua: well most of the free ones offer 5GB or more, so its small relitively07:21
imbrandonbut they are all webbased only07:21
jdongimbrandon: what about one of those free shell providers?07:22
minghuaimbrandon: Oh, you mean things like mediafire?07:22
jdongimbrandon: I definitely recall some of them having quotas in the 20-30MB ballpark07:22
imbrandonjdong: hrm true i dident think about that, sshfs07:22
jdongyep :)07:22
imbrandonminghua: yea or box.net etc07:22
jdongUbulette: x264 has been reuploaded to hardy; currently somehow it's in depwait on libgpac-dev which should already have been available... *grumble*07:24
Fujitsujdong: Ogre-modle.07:25
Fujitsuogre-model + LP bug == haha.07:25
StevenKFujitsu: What's the LP bug?07:25
FujitsuStevenK: All new sources go to main. No questions asked.07:25
FujitsuAnd you can't demote from the web UI.07:26
jdongFujitsu: oh that's right...07:26
jdongFujitsu: I forgot about that07:26
FujitsuStevenK: ?07:26
StevenKHaving new sources go to main doesn't make sense.07:26
FujitsuOh, I thought you were sighing about me complaining about LP.07:27
StevenKNope, I'd be drinking.07:27
imbrandonFujitsu: for everything or just the PPA's ?07:28
Fujitsuimbrandon: PPAs no longer have components. I'm talking primary archive here.07:29
Fujitsu(sorry, cleaning keyboard, expect random characters occasionally)07:29
imbrandonbtw they STILL havent cleaned my /pool out /me is getting a bit irritated abut that07:29
jdongimbrandon: yeah hobbsee just accepted x264 (again) and it goes from source NEW right to main :)07:29
Fujitsuimbrandon: I'm not sure if they actually get cleaned.07:29
minghuaFujitsu: Keyboards should have a switch. :-)07:30
imbrandonFujitsu: wtf woudl be the point of deleting them then? heh07:30
imbrandonthey are still apt-getable07:30
Fujitsuimbrandon: Oh, still apt-getable? That sounds like a bug.07:30
FujitsuThey should at least be gone from Packages/Sources.07:30
imbrandoniirc they arent07:30
StevenKYeah, I need to file a ticket to get my PPA emptied07:31
Fujitsu(wow, a PPA bug. New.)07:31
StevenKFujitsu: No, no. "Completly unexpected"07:31
imbrandonStevenK: heh i did ~2 weeks ago, they got marked "deleted" on the UI07:31
imbrandonin 24 hours, but still in the /pool07:31
StevenKMaybe the Janitor just assigns random untouched bugs to the packages.07:32
imbrandontaking up my 1GB of quota :) ( and cluttering my pool )07:32
FujitsuStevenK: Now now, you're employed by them now.07:32
imbrandonbah, i guess i'll just use my 128 mb ipod shuffle knockoff for the diskimage07:33
StevenK"What's this song, Brandon? It sounds broken."07:33
imbrandonas long as i dont name it something.{wma,mp3} the player wont try to play it07:34
jdongStevenK: that's hip hop. hip hop. it's supposed to be that way.07:35
Fujitsujdong: Hahaha.07:35
imbrandonplus i got it for free the other day , might as well put it to use, its too cheap to give to someone without feeling bad :)07:35
imbrandonand i have real iPod(s) so no need for it to actualy play music :)07:36
StevenKjdong: Muahaha07:36
StevenKMaybe Brandon can sell his encrypted data to record labels and make a killing.07:37
imbrandonthat would be sweet07:37
imbrandon"brandons backup ssh keys sound like the next pDiddy"07:37
DarkMageZimbrandon, updated version of the goom2k4 debdiff for libvisual-plugins. http://mirror.randumb.org/darkmagez/libvisual-plugins.tar.bz207:38
jdongit's just Diddy now. The P interferes with the ability for his audience to pronounce the name.07:38
imbrandonwhats the shelf life on flash ( usbkey ) storage ?07:38
StevenKWell, you both have roughly the same amount of musical talent.07:38
StevenKjdong: And you know this why? :-P07:38
jdongStevenK: no comment ;-)07:39
* StevenK belts jdong with the 5th Amendment07:39
jdonglol I kinda have a slight rap addiction ;-)07:40
jdongit's catchy.07:40
imbrandonDarkMageZ: cool, hey do you have anywhere else to put those? comcast dosent like your server for some reason and my AT&T dsl dosent get installe dfor another few ( ~10 ) days07:40
StevenK /ignore jdong ALL07:40
* Fujitsu strangles jdong.07:40
jdongimbrandon: gasp, Comcast would NEVER do anything to interrupt traffic!07:40
FujitsuI HATE rap.07:40
DarkMageZoh.. forgot that comcast are a bunch of commies. no i don't have anywhere else.07:40
imbrandonjdong: heh, man i got so fed up with it yesterday i ordered AT&T dsl :)07:40
imbrandonDarkMageZ: ok can you give me a consolidated list of all your ( current against -2 ) patches/diffs etc, and i'll ssh into another connects and grab them all at once07:41
jdongDarkMageZ: now now, forging TCP RST packets is just "delaying" the traffic so that "less volume" users don't get "crowded out" by evil evil bittorrent users07:41
FujitsuWhen did DebianMaintainerField appear? I've just realised I should be following it in my security uploads, but am not quite sure which releases it is needed in.07:41
Fujitsujdong: Naturally.07:41
DarkMageZjdong, ... it's http... comcast are communists.07:42
imbrandonFujitsu: edgy iirc07:42
StevenKFujitsu: >= Feisty, I think07:42
imbrandonyea feisty07:42
FujitsuI thought it was Edgy, but I could be wrong.07:42
* Fujitsu goes with Feisty.07:42
StevenKYou say Edgy, and then I say Feisty, and you switch. What the?07:42
imbrandonit was just after edgy released, we just talked about it in edgy but not enforced till feisty07:42
StevenKThe binary packages were mangled in Edgy, though, right?07:43
FujitsuBinary packages have been mangled for quite a while.07:43
imbrandonerm yea i think maybe at the end07:43
nixternallets also not forget that comcast does a) blocks usenet stuff and b) doesn't provide a usenet account anymore07:43
* nixternal waits for FIOS07:43
StevenKWhat's a bastage?07:43
imbrandonbastard diritive07:43
minghuaAnd what's a diritive?07:44
nixternalubuntu :p07:44
StevenKderivative isn't spelled 'diritive'07:44
jdongminghua: it's d/dx when drunk.07:44
pwnguindirective, or derivitive?07:44
imbrandonyea plus i loved my kc.rr.com acount, 10mb down and 1mb up, reality, but comcast is 1.5 /384 IF i'm lucky, at&t said i'm getting 6mb and 1mb07:45
jdongimbrandon: around my place Comcast is lightning fast (>5MB/s) during the day and nearly dead at peak hours07:45
jdongimbrandon: they lure in a lot of customers with their burst speeds07:45
nxvlfontconfig's changelog has lost entrys07:45
nixternalimbrandon: with comcrap I have 8mb down, 1mb up07:46
StevenKjdong: Yeah, it's all these "bastages" downloading "diritives"07:46
minghuanxvl: Huh?  Which ones?07:46
* StevenK pokes fun of nixternal and imbrandon in one fell swoop07:46
nxvlminghua: the first ubuntu entry is a merge07:46
imbrandonnixternal / jdong : yea but i also have 2 dvrs in the house too and that kills the bandwidth with on-demand crap07:46
* nixternal trips StevenK 07:46
imbrandonStevenK: heh07:47
nxvlminghua: so there MUST be some entry loses07:47
minghuanxvl: I see.07:47
* StevenK lands on nixternal's copy of Vista07:47
* nixternal cries07:47
ubotuOh no!  The pointy-clicky Vista lover has arrived!  He's rumoured to be giving out free money, too!07:47
FujitsuHmm... I wonder...07:47
jdongnixternal: don't worry you can still call the genuine activation hotline for a replacement copy!07:47
nxvlimbrandon: did you have any new task for me?07:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about fujitsu] - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:47
nixternaljdong: thanks for the save!07:47
ubotuOh no!  The pointy-clicky Vista lover has arrived!  He's rumoured to be giving out free money, too!07:48
FujitsuI'm sure it was there.07:48
FujitsuSo it is.07:48
ubotufujitsu is <alias> nixternal - added by LongPointyStick on 2007-11-12 04:16:3007:48
nixternalahh, you are with me ey? :)07:48
nixternalgo figure07:48
jdonghe is you.07:48
ubotunixternal aliases: visternal, fujitsu - added by Hobbsee on 2007-05-31 09:32:5307:48
Fujitsujdong: dThat I am.07:48
nixternalhaha, damn her07:48
minghuanxvl: http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/main/f/fontconfig/ seems to have a bunch of old changelogs.07:48
StevenKjdong: Yeah, but they won't give him a Bill Gates signed copy. :-P07:48
jdongStevenK: FYI it's called the Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate Limited Numbered Signature Edition.07:49
imbrandonnxvl: hrm, not really, i think your honestly past the point of "getting tasks" as you know where to look for things to fix, more just need help on using the tools to actualy fix them, i would sugest looking on LP for things with patches or almost ready patches and getting them ready for the sponsors-queue and poke me when you hit bumps07:49
imbrandonnxvl: want some LP urls?07:49
StevenKjdong: I said it before, *how* do you know this?07:49
StevenKjdong: You have a rap and crack addiction?07:49
jdongStevenK: haha I'm a nerd, remember? :)07:50
StevenKOh wait, tautolgy07:50
nixternalya, jdong it should be against the law to remember something like that07:50
nixternaland you listen to crap music07:50
jdongnixternal: I guess I ridicule it a bit too much :)07:50
Fujitsu+1 nixternal, on both counts.07:50
imbrandonubuntu + serial + crack + keygen , on bittorrent ftw07:51
nixternalanyone feel like giving a KDE 4 talk, Developing Kubuntu talk, and an Open Education talk for my today?07:51
jdongcan't download it with comcast though.07:51
imbrandonjdong: you can download it , just not seed it07:51
nixternaljdong: you can download with comcrap, you just can't seed07:51
jdongyay like birth control!07:51
nxvlimbrandon: well, i have made some FTBFS, reported some other with enougth information, and do also some merges, and also i don't simply past the task, i keep doing them as i do the new ones07:52
nixternalHank Williams Jr. & Kid Rock- Naked Women and Beer.ogg                    100% 4649KB 664.1KB/s   00:0707:52
nixternalthat song rocks!07:52
jdongand *I* listen to crap music.07:52
Fujitsunxvl: You made some FTBFS? That sounds bad...07:52
nixternalBosephus is far from crap music07:52
nxvlFujitsu: :D07:52
imbrandonnxvl: great, thats the way to do it, basicly its just tons of practice at this point untill you come accross corner cases07:52
imbrandonand in ubuntu that seems to be about every 5th package :)07:53
StevenKNow now07:53
nxvlimbrandon: thats why i ask you for task all the time, so i can work on more things, not to stop working on the last and step to the other07:54
imbrandonDarkMageZ: ok can you give me a consolidated list of all your ( current against -2 ) patches/diffs etc, and i'll ssh into another connects and grab them all at once07:54
imbrandonnxvl: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com has lots of fun TODO links :)07:55
* StevenK uploads two packages just before the publisher.07:55
nxvlimbrandon: i look in there al the time :D07:55
imbrandonnxvl: right, thats why i say your on the right track, just keep on keepin on07:56
nxvli have work with some debchecks already07:56
imbrandonmost of the stuff is just boring stuff to do the same thing over and over07:56
DarkMageZimbrandon, there are only 2 files. http://mirror.randumb.org/darkmagez/libvisual.debdiff & libvisual-plugins.tar.bz207:57
StevenKSigh. Who's bright idea was this name: libgwenhywfar07:57
nxvlwhat are uehs and how they work?07:58
imbrandonDarkMageZ: ok sounds good, i'll get to those before i sleep07:58
DarkMageZimbrandon, i'm sorry for the size of the plugins one. but the majority of that is cleaning up the 90_autoreconf...07:58
imbrandonnxvl: its what checks all the debian/watch files for new upstream versions iirc07:58
DarkMageZimbrandon, from 4.4MB to 653.1KB.07:58
imbrandonnxvl: i *think* Fujitsu is the author of that script, he could probably correct me if i'm off07:59
FujitsuI didn't write it, but I corrected the English and made various other changes.07:59
imbrandonDarkMageZ: cool ok08:00
imbrandonStevenK: dont you keep a crypted fs on a usb device, any scripts or things i should look outfor when setting mine up? i'm probably gonna have ~/.gnupg/secring.gpg and friends symlinked to the fs so when its mounted ..... etc08:02
StevenKimbrandon: Crypted FS yes, but I don't have anything like GPG key on it08:03
imbrandoni'm basicly trying to make my key safer but portable between a few systems here in the house08:04
imbrandone.g. not have the key on each box but still accessable on each box if i want it08:05
imbrandonsame with ssh08:05
imbrandon( plus works as a good backup , cd-r shelflife sucks )08:05
* Fujitsu has some CD-Rs burnt 8 years ago that still work flawlessly.08:06
imbrandonFujitsu: yea but i also have some burned 3 years ago that i can barely read08:06
nxvlimbrandon: i copy it on all my systems using secure copy08:06
imbrandonmost cd-r's have a ~5 year shelf life iirc08:07
Fujitsuimbrandon: Learning from Cody's mistakes?08:07
imbrandonFujitsu: nah, i've always only needed it on one machine, but lately i've been having more than one box i sit at08:07
imbrandonand copying ~.gnupg ~.ssh to each box, even in my own house , just seems wrong08:08
* Fujitsu is boring and has his keys on one machine, with crypto-LVM.08:08
imbrandonyea currently i only have them on hood ( my main box ) and a cd-r in safe deposit box at the bank ( case of hdd crash )08:10
StevenK... Why 'hood'?08:10
nxvlcan someone take a look at Bug #173088 and soponsor it please08:10
ubotuLaunchpad bug 173088 in apt-proxy "Merge apt-proxy- from debian unstable" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17308808:10
Fujitsuimbrandon in da hood.08:10
imbrandonStevenK: its a startrek ship name ;)08:10
StevenKFujitsu: I was just thinking that.08:10
nxvlalso on Bug #15604708:11
ubotuLaunchpad bug 156047 in python-biopython "import Bio.PDB of python-biopython at gutsy" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15604708:11
imbrandonmember my boxen are all st ship names :)08:11
StevenKimbrandon: Yeah, but there's better ships than the USS Hood. Like Excelsior, Defiant, Prometheus08:11
imbrandoni already have the latter two of those08:11
* Fujitsu notes he hasn't seen any Star Trek.08:11
imbrandon( and quite a few others )08:11
StevenKHeh, interesting that all three of those are NX-08:11
* minghua is with Fujitsu.08:11
imbrandonalso enterprise, horatio, voyager, ummmm08:12
imbrandoni *had* a borg-cube at one time ( a dell 8u monster that looked like a borg cube ) hehe08:12
imbrandonahh yea, the out of service intrepid08:13
imbrandoni should bring that name back08:13
StevenKimbrandon: It should have been cube-4562 or so08:13
imbrandoni almost dident use prometheus though, because of SG-1's use of it08:14
imbrandonbut my little mipsel FON router needed a name :)08:14
StevenK$OLD_WORK has a prometheus, due to being atlas' brother/cousin08:15
imbrandonand currently i have an iMac sitting here with no OS or name, it might become intrepid re-incarnated08:16
nxvlwow, my karma grows like 200 over the last 3 weeks :D08:16
imbrandonnxvl: :)08:16
* Fujitsu has grown an extra 3000 or so karma in the last couple of weeks.08:16
imbrandoni used to have over 20k karma, now its less than 100 last time i looked08:17
Fujitsuimbrandon: They downscaled it by a factor of more than 10000 last year.08:17
FujitsuEr, -008:17
geserFujitsu: how did you do it?08:17
nxvlFujitsu: i have only like a month maybe 2 contributing08:17
Fujitsugeser: Do what?08:18
imbrandonFujitsu: yea thats when mine dropped tons08:18
imbrandonKarma:  15508:18
imbrandonwoot, probably the lowest core-dev :)08:18
geserFujitsu: how did you manage to increase your karma that fast08:18
imbrandonyou know we all bitch about the speed of LP, but has anyone used sf.net bug tracker reciently? man it CRAWLS08:19
Fujitsugeser: Dealing with a lot of multi-task bugs (security), I ugess.08:19
Fujitsuimbrandon: SF is special.08:19
imbrandonto say the leaste08:19
* minghua doesn't consider SF to have a bug tracker.08:20
Fujitsu+1 minghua08:20
minghuaIt's more like a bug pit, you throw stuff in, and fish things out among a big swarm when you need it. :-)08:20
imbrandoni bet if i installed adblock on sf.net it would speed it up08:21
geserFujitsu: you are now #4 in bug management karma08:23
Fujitsugeser: Haha.08:24
* Fujitsu looks.08:24
FujitsuIs seb128 still on top?08:24
* Fujitsu imagines bdmurray will be fairly high.08:25
FujitsuAnd pitti. That I didn't expect.08:25
* Fujitsu prepares to defeat all but seb128.08:25
nxvlFujitsu: seb128 has like 4 times your karma08:26
Fujitsunxvl: Hence the last bit.08:26
geserFujitsu: pitti is an archive admin and has to close all those sync requests08:27
* minghua doesn't like LP's closed-algorithm karma.08:27
Fujitsugeser: Ahh, true.08:27
geserFujitsu: but you are still far behind norsetto in total karma08:28
Burgundaviaminghua: it is that way so that sabdfl can screw with it as needed08:28
FujitsuBut norsettoisagod.08:28
FujitsuBurgundavia: It hasn't been stuffed with in about 12 months.08:28
* Fujitsu is almost on the overall karma list.08:28
minghuaBurgundavia: I doubt it.  But I don't really care.08:28
minghuaMost likely it's just as closed source as the whole LP.08:29
nxvlis there any way to see the karma scores?08:30
LucidFoxnxvl> it's displayed on your LP user page08:31
Fujitsunxvl: They're on the owner's page, and /ubuntu/+topcontributors08:31
geserwow, apport has 5500 karma in bug management08:31
Fujitsugeser: Pfft. It can do better.08:31
nxvlwew norsetto defeat seb08:32
imbrandonis there a way to link a debian bts bug to upstream like in LP ?08:32
FujitsuLaunchpad Answers is somewhat overinflated.08:32
nxvlimbrandon: just post the link08:33
nxvlis there any way to see LP users by country?08:33
Fujitsunxvl: You can see their timezones, and might be able to google.08:33
nxvlFujitsu: yep, but if i want to check if there is a peruvian ubuntu member, can i see it?08:33
nxvlor must i browse, profile by profile?08:34
geserimbrandon: http://bts-link.alioth.debian.org/08:34
Fujitsunxvl: You would probably have to browse, or GOogle.08:34
nxvlkind of to much work08:35
imbrandonFujitsu: you know what gets me, the lates thing in LP to bug me is branding images HAVE to be a certain size HxW , i mean hasent gd/imagemagic/$something been able to do that for years ?08:35
imbrandonseems like lazy coding08:36
FujitsuIt's best to not have to scale it.08:36
FujitsuAs that looks bad.08:36
imbrandonright, but state a recomnded size, and scale others08:36
imbrandonhell they arent even standard sizes, e.g. the icons are 14x14 vs 16x16 etc08:37
imbrandoni mean 99% of the time someone is just gonna take the image in gimp and scale it anyhow, and those that wouldent will take the time to make it the recomended sizr08:38
* imbrandon gets off the soapbox08:39
nxvlwell, time to sleep08:39
nxvlgood night08:39
imbrandongnight nxvl08:39
FujitsuNight nxvl.08:39
imbrandonman people can just be asses sometime09:27
Fujitsuimbrandon: Who what how why whence wherefore whither?09:29
imbrandonFujitsu: #bzr scrollback09:31
* Fujitsu isn't in there.09:31
imbrandonone sec, i'll pastebin09:31
imbrandonFujitsu: ^09:33
imbrandonyea seems so ...09:34
imbrandonFujitsu: and the rough part is bzr from the bzr website removes bzr-svn, but i wont be going back in there to say anything09:36
Fujitsuimbrandon: Right, bzr-svn needs to be updated.09:36
imbrandonyea seems there isnt 1.X in the bzr repo, i'll just install the latest from the bzr repo and recompile bzr-svn09:37
imbrandonagainst it, and see if it works09:37
minghuaThat's just unnecessary language on both sides IMHO...09:37
minghuaDebian's bzr-svn is 0.92 based.09:37
imbrandonminghua: probably so, but i was a little ticked, that is very much restraint for me trying to stay CoC09:38
Fujitsuimbrandon: No CoC over there.09:38
* minghua nods.09:38
imbrandonCoC applies everywhere you are, blogs or anywhere09:38
imbrandonif you are a member09:38
minghuaEven in my daily life?  I don't think so.09:38
imbrandonminghua: technicly yes, its stated that way when you agree to it09:39
minghuaIt probably wasn't a good idea to sign CoC after all...09:40
geserminghua: simply don't get caught09:41
* Fujitsu grumbles at -updates vs. -security versioning.09:41
FujitsuAnybody know what I do if we have .1 in feisty-updates and gutsy-updates, and I need to perform a security update?09:41
imbrandonFujitsu: yea i always thought -updates should use .0.x and -security use .x09:42
persiabddebian: I pretty much only play torcs, teg, chromium, spider, and vegastrike.  Sometimes I do puzzles or play cards.09:42
imbrandonbut thats moot now09:42
* persia returns to deep idle09:42
FujitsuMorning, persia.09:42
geserFujitsu: why not use .2?09:43
Fujitsugeser: I'll then push .3 to -updates very rapidly, I guess.09:46
imbrandonFujitsu: why?09:46
Fujitsuimbrandon: So the changes in -updates don't get reverted...09:47
imbrandonumm just base .2 off the -updates version09:47
imbrandonsince updates is on by default09:47
Fujitsuimbrandon: Erm, no.09:47
Fujitsu-security is for security.09:47
imbrandonright push .2 to -security based of the .1 version09:48
imbrandonno regressions09:48
minghuaFujitsu: sounds a stupid policy to me.09:48
Fujitsuminghua: What is?09:48
Fujitsu-security is for security uploads only, not rolling normal updates in too.09:49
minghuaFujitsu: Can't base a -security on top of -updates.09:49
minghuaFujitsu: On second though, it makes some sense.09:49
* white_ waves09:49
=== white_ is now known as white
FujitsuHey white_.09:49
imbrandonheya white09:49
whiteFujitsu: you asked for me? :)09:49
RainCTimbrandon, minghua: «This Code of Conduct covers your behaviour *as a member of the Ubuntu Community*, in any forum, mailing list, wiki, web site, IRC channel, install-fest, public meeting or private correspondence.» I understant that it only applies when you are acting in an Ubuntu related place or representing Ubuntu in some way09:49
minghuaI keep forgetting Ubuntu's -updates is much less strict than Debian's.09:49
minghuaRainCT: That's what I thought.  Thanks for the quote.09:50
imbrandonRainCT: well on IRC i have a ubuntu cloak :)09:50
minghuaimbrandon: In my daily life I don't. :-)09:50
DarkMageZanyone up for helping me with a package i'm building? the author has given me a answer to a question in coder speak and i fail @ coding. http://mirror.randumb.org/darkmagez/liquidtrixx/09:52
geserDarkMageZ: what's the problem?09:55
DarkMageZthe current build log = http://launchpadlibrarian.net/10677675/log . the upstream said something about the FILE pointer being a c definition not a c++ def.09:56
minghuaYou probably need "#include <cstdlib>" or something.09:57
minghua<cstdio>, it turns out.09:59
DarkMageZi'll give that a shot after this pbuilder run finishes :)10:00
whiteFujitsu: querys10:01
imbrandonohh i love bzr, got it working10:02
* RainCT also loves bzr :P10:03
DarkMageZnope. no luck on including cstdio :(10:07
geserLutin: any reason why ubuntu-archive shouldn't be subscribed to bug #163423?10:13
ubotuLaunchpad bug 163423 in httptunnel "Please sync httptunnel 3.3+dfsg-1  (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16342310:13
Lutingeser: no reason. I requested it with requestsync, so assumed it was done10:15
geserLutin: I've subscribed u-a now10:18
Lutingeser: thanks10:18
persiaFujitsu: Good afternoon10:24
persiaLucidFox: What's the status of libwoodstox-java?  Does it still need a touch, or just a sync?10:25
geserHi Hobbsee10:31
Hobbseehey geser10:32
effie_jayxhello all10:40
=== nu is now known as nuu
asisakHeya MOTUs!10:45
DktrKranzHeya asisak10:45
geserHi asisak10:49
asisakHey DktrKranz, geser!10:49
Lutinany clue why grub has a build-depends-indep on mkisofs ?11:04
Hobbsee  * control (Build-Depends): Moved e2tools, e2fsprogs and mkisofs to11:05
Hobbsee    Build-Depends-Indep (they are only needed for grub-disk).11:05
zorg_the_falseq. is there a page with a simple explaination on how to produce patch ? i fixed some bug and would like to send the patches to the author ?11:05
Hobbsee  * Provide an iso9660 CD image with grub-disk11:05
Hobbsee    - control (Build-Depends): Add mkisofs.11:05
Hobbsee    - rules: Uncomment and misc fixes in mkisofs commands.11:05
HobbseeLutin: ^ help?11:05
asisakzorg_the_false: I would recommend "man patch". I guess its use is quite straightforward11:06
zorg_the_falseok ok so i go on googling :)11:06
zorg_the_falseasisak: any suggestion as of where i could get help ?11:07
zorg_the_falsebeside man page :))))))))11:07
LutinHobbsee: not much. mkisofs is in multiverse and a quick grep shows no call to mkisofs in the sources11:07
HobbseeLutin: ouch???11:08
zorg_the_falseasisak: ok so google. thanks anyway :)11:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about patch - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:08
asisakpochu: wrong guess :)11:08
ubotupackagingguide is The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports11:08
pochuasisak: :)11:09
asisakBTW zorg left :(11:09
LutinHobbsee: yeah, ouch11:09
pochu!packagingguide | zorg_the_false11:09
ubotuzorg_the_false: packagingguide is The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports11:09
FujitsuI recall that we brought back the Evil® cdrecord, which now provides the mkisofs.11:09
HobbseeLutin: might want to ask whoever's doing grub, etc, these days about it11:09
persiazorg_the_false: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToFix might help11:09
pochuzorg_the_false: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/PatchSystems11:10
zorg_the_falsepersia: ok will look11:10
zorg_the_falsebye :)11:10
LutinFujitsu: ?11:10
persiaubotu: patch is Patches are files describing the changes in code to achieve some results.  There are a number of ways these can be produced, but https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToFix and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/PatchSystems may provide some useful guidelines.11:11
Fujitsucdrkit is a fork of the Evil® cdrecord. It was in main, and provided mkisofs in <= Feisty.11:11
FujitsuIn Gutsy, IIRC, we brought back the evil one, into multiverse.11:12
* persia thinks this is a new definition of evil11:12
minghuaFujitsu: Evil is even registered?  By whom? ;-)11:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about evil - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:13
FujitsuThe Schilling cdrecord, anyway.11:13
LutinFujitsu: well genisoimage replaces: mkisofs, but still can't get why it's in b-d-i if the sources don't need it and11:13
persiaminghua: Likely the Lord Lyon has a registration, if nobody else11:13
minghuapersia: Lord Lyon?  As in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lord_Lyon_King_of_Arms?11:16
persiaminghua: Right.  Last I heard, anyone who paid the fee could register a tartan with them.  I'd be surprised if nobody had yet registered the evil tartan.11:16
minghuaAh, tartans.  I know Debian has one.11:18
minghuapersia: It's quite a obscure reference to me though.11:18
minghuaChinese people don't have coat of arms, or tartans.11:19
persiaminghua: That's why wikipedia exists :)11:19
minghua... or should that be "coats of arms"?11:19
Fujitsuminghua: Neither do most people, as far as I know.11:19
persiaShould init scripts work with dash, or is bash fine?11:20
minghuaFujitsu: Oh.  I though all you western people got coats of arms.11:21
minghuaAlthough I'm not quite sure Australian people are "western" or not.11:22
persiaminghua: Only some people of European decent get them: their ancestors needed to have registered them.11:22
* persia wants a grammar checker to go with the spell checker11:23
minghuapersia: What about you?  You are of European descent, aren't you?11:23
persiaminghua: I don't have one personally.11:24
minghuapersia: Pity.  I think coat of arms is pretty and nice to have. :-)11:27
persiaminghua: If you'd like one, register one :)11:27
minghuaNah.  I'm bad at drawing.11:28
geserpersia: if possible init scripts should use /bin/sh11:30
persiageser: OK.  So #!/bin/bash at the top and no obvious bashisms is a cause for comment.  Thanks.11:31
* persia finishes commenting on REVU, and encourages the 57 people with pending comments to get their packages in shape for the upcoming REVU day, as the relative lack of backlog likely ensures quick turnaround.11:34
Hobbseewell done, persia!11:34
* TheMuso uploads a long awaited updated merge before heading to bed.11:36
LucidFoxTheMuso, I'm going to reupload avidemux11:36
persiaLucidFox: So, about libwoodstox-java: does that need work still, or is it ready to be pushed?11:36
TheMusoLucidFox: Well I am not currently in a position to review it I'm sorry.11:36
LucidFoxit's no longer needed in REVU11:36
LucidFoxbecause the Debian version builds fine now11:37
persiaLucidFox: Right.  I archived it: I'm talking about bug #12759511:37
ubotuLaunchpad bug 127595 in ubuntu "Please sync libwoodstox-java 4.0~svn20070930-2 from Debian unstable (contrib)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12759511:37
LucidFoxno work needed, it can be synced as is11:37
geserI've just acked it11:37
LucidFoxyes, I saw, thanks11:37
persianevermind.  There seems to have been other investigation since I last looked.  Thanks.11:38
LucidFoxSpeaking of these Java libraries, what may be the reason that LP is only trying to build libhiglayout-java for i386? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libhiglayout-java/1.0-211:42
persiaLucidFox: Is it not architecture: all ?11:43
persiaMore verbosely, architecture: all packages are only built for i386, as the results should work anywhere.11:43
persia(this is not always the case, but that's a different bug)11:43
* TheMuso uploads and head to bed. Night folks.11:43
persiaGood night TheMuso11:44
gesernight TheMuso11:44
FujitsuNight TheMuso.11:44
LucidFoxAh. That explains. It _is_ architecture: all.11:44
LucidFoxdh_install can't rename files, can it?11:58
persiaLucidFox: No.  Either use install directly in debian/rules, or rename them in build: and then install with dh_install (if you choose the latter, be sure to clean in clean:11:59
minghuapersia: I think it can.12:00
persiaminghua: It says it can't in the manpage, and I don't see reference to rename in the changelog.  Could you point at an example package that uses dh_install to rename?12:01
minghuapersia: I'm reading the man page too.  It seems you are right, I must mistook it as something else.12:03
Kmosthere is a command in dpkg to check the .deb for not/stripped binaries?12:05
StevenKUnpack it and run file on ELF binaries12:06
Ubulette_grrr, damn router is crashing when I do an apt-get update in a chroot but not in the host os.12:06
KmosStevenK: thanks12:06
KmosI've this http://pastebin.com/d26727471 in Makefile.in, author should remove it ? or we need to make a patch to remove it.. ?12:07
=== Ubulette_ is now known as Ubulette
james_wKmos: doesn't lintian warn for that?12:08
Kmosjames_w: nop12:08
Kmoslintian -iIv nop12:08
Kmosdebian bug 43811112:09
ubotuDebian bug 438111 in tea "tea: not handling nostrip build option (policy 10.1)" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/43811112:09
* persia prefers the use of dh_strip for stripping to create apport-useful ddebs, and hopes for a patch.12:09
james_wmaybe it's stripped binaries in -dbg packages.12:09
Kmosit doesn't have -dbg and dh_strip it's used in rules12:09
Kmosit's for tea package :)12:09
james_wKmos: is there an 'install' target as well? Does it depend on 'install-strip'?12:10
james_wor maybe an 'install-nostrip' or similar.12:11
Kmosnot in rules12:12
Ubulettepersia, will you have time for prism ? last update was really tiny12:12
james_wno, in the upstream Makefile12:13
Kmosjames_w: yes, there is.. http://pastebin.com/d2672747112:13
Kmosin Makefile.in12:13
persiaUbulette: actually, the last update makes prism take more time, as it needs to be tested.  I don't use most of those web applications, so I'm not a good person to test.  The packaging looks really nice: thanks for all the changes.12:13
james_wKmos: yes, rules call make install, which I guess runs that install-strip target. Is there an install-nostrip target so you could change rules to run make install-nostrip?12:14
* persia suggests someone web2.0'y should try prism from REVU & advocate it12:14
Ubulettebtw, i'll drop some of my other packages, damn too difficult to obtain sponsoring in a realistic time. it often takes more than 1 or 2 upstream releases, meaning I worked for nothing.12:14
Kmosjames_w: no, there isn't..12:15
Kmosinstall-nostrip not found12:15
persiaUbulette: Depends on the package.  Most upstreams aren't so fast.  Also, after having done a few, it takes fewer cycles through the queue.  To your credit, you're much more responsive to comments than many submitters.12:16
Ubulettei'm doing mostly mozilla stuff. packages are huge and complex, so i'm just loosing my time if nothing gets in12:16
persiaUbulette: Stuff may well get in.  Don't give up.  You just need a couple testers now, as the packaging is all clean.  Also, if you have a few packages you're working on, you might submit them in parallel: there's no reason that waiting for one should cause the others to wait.12:18
james_wKmos: if there's no install-nostrip (or no-strip) or anything then you will have to patch the upstream Makefile.12:18
UbuletteI have to think about it a bit more but I think i'll drop the ball and keep only a few packages i really care about.12:18
persiaUbulette: Depends on upstream churn.  After working through a couple, if upstream isn't hyperactive, you'll likely find the burden lower.12:19
Ubulettepersia, i'm not complaining about you, on the countrary, you helped me a lot for prism and I know you're busy. It's more a general feeling12:19
Kmosjames_w: yeah.. i can also talk to author to remove it ? or add a install-nostrip ?12:20
james_wKmos: the other alternative is to take advantage of the "test -z '$(STRIP)'" in the upstream target.12:20
james_wKmos: yeah, asking for an install-nostrip target is possible.12:20
Kmosjames_w: what about the test -z ? i can handle it in configure ?12:21
james_wKmos: actually, I'm not sure that "test -z '$(STRIP)'" is much use, it only guards part of the command.12:21
persiaUbulette: Understood.  My personal guideline is have all the software I use packaged, just to get the benefits of the packaging.  I'm not so concerned about latest upstream, as long as it works for me.  If you've a bunch of software you're manually maintaining on your local system, you may as well push it.  If you're just packaging to be helpful, it's maybe better to limit your workload (unless you've lots of extra time & patience).12:22
Kmosjames_w: the better is to patch Makefile.in and remove the install-strip: , right ?12:23
james_wKmos: yes, I think so, but without seeing the whole Makefile.in it's hard to say what the exact fix is.12:24
Kmosjames_w: i'll ask author to add install-nostrip to the next version :) and patch this one12:24
Kmosjames_w: thanks for all12:24
james_wKmos: it's also a good idea to patch the Makefile.am as well (if there is one), otherwise it can confuse someone who is building the package using autotools.12:25
james_wKmos: no problem.12:25
Kmosjames_w: the Makefile.am doesn't have anything about install-{no}strip12:26
james_wKmos: interesting12:30
Hobbseerexbron: any chance you could use a little thought, and grow up w.r.t your quit message?12:34
* rexbron has been scolded12:34
Hobbseerexbron: people do actually follow it, at times.12:35
Hobbsee"i wonder what this does.  uh oh"12:35
Hobbsee(forums are having a lot of fun, with people doing the same thing)12:35
bluekujaHobbsee, I don't like Kmos quit message atm12:36
ubotuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases12:36
Fujitsubluekuja: That's what I said.12:36
bluekujaFujitsu, it's an indirect offense versus us12:37
Hobbseebluekuja: what is it?12:37
Hobbseeoh, the software that ubuntu wants thing?12:37
bluekujaHobbsee, yes, about getdeb12:37
Hobbseebluekuja: he can be deluded into thinking that, if he wishes.12:38
geserHobbsee: "Ubuntu "Software you want" - www.GetDeb.net"12:38
Hobbseebluekuja: it's arguably not going to break their systems12:38
HobbseeOTOH, if you didn't want the software in ubuntu, you wouldn't be running it, so it sounds rather narrow minded.12:38
bluekujayeah, fully agreed12:40
Ubulettebluekuja: hi. a new seamonkey is out. I've updated my package for the 3rd time, sadly, it's still not in. Sorry, but I'm sick of this. I think I will drop it.12:40
Kmosbluekuja :)12:41
FujitsuKmos: ........ why are you smiling?12:42
bluekujaUbulette, no, don't say that... please12:42
bluekujaUbulette, this is not a good period for me....I have tons of stuff to do12:42
KmosFujitsu: unless tell me directly, told Hobbsee that :)12:42
HobbseeKmos: try again.  that's not valid english.12:43
bluekujaUbulette, plus it would be a nice thing to open a bug and ask for sponsorship there directly12:43
bluekujaUbulette, so I can track things better12:43
KmosHobbsee: not my primary lang..12:43
HobbseeKmos: i realise, but please rephrase it so we can undersatnd you :)12:43
Kmos"Why not bluekuja told me directly and told Hobbsee that"12:44
HobbseeKmos: otherwise you may as well speak to us in portugese - it'll make the same amount of sense :)12:44
KmosHobbsee: I born in germany :) but I don't talk german12:44
HobbseeKmos: i saw from your wiki page.12:44
bluekujaKmos, it doesnt matter to who I said that, the fact is your quit message is not nice and I see it as a bit offensive versus me and other developers12:45
Ubulettebluekuja, that was my plan once the 1st release is in. ie, pushing updates to revu. the 1st iteration is *huge*, you've probably discovered that the hard way. It's almost a fully new package, compared to iceape.12:45
bluekujaUbulette, are you able to update the branch to the latest release?12:46
Ubulettebluekuja, asac proposed me to sponsor it but you wanted it to do it so i'm waiting12:46
Kmosbluekuja: why don't you private with me and told me that first? i also participate in ubuntu and debian, and it doesn't offense me.. so it's better to tell things to people directly12:46
wraundhai guys12:47
wraundhow stable is 8.04 atm12:47
bluekujaKmos, I usually prefer to say things publicly12:47
wraundim thinking about betaing12:47
LucidFoxwraund> Very unstable, obviously12:47
wraundLucidFox: aww12:47
LucidFoxBut testing is welcome12:48
Kmosbluekuja: when they are part of public =)12:48
Ubulettebluekuja, i'd like you to complete with what you have, if it's possible for you.12:48
wraundLucidFox: is that 'oh dear god it doesnt boot' unstable, or 'damnit gtk failed' unstable12:48
bluekujaUbulette, ok, new revisions to branch?12:48
HobbseeKmos: your quit message is public.  i fail to see how it is a private matter.12:48
Kmosbluekuja: but i'll change my irc quit =)12:48
bluekujaUbulette, tarball alwais the same?12:48
bluekujaHobbsee, exactly12:48
KmosHobbsee: right12:48
Ubulettebluekuja, not for 1.1.6. keep what you already have.12:48
bluekujaUbulette, ok, I do it now12:49
LucidFoxIt should boot and mostly work, but expect small glitches and lack of polishment here and there12:49
UbuletteI'll push my 1.1.7 changes afterwards in my .dev branch12:49
wraundLucidFox: so no THAT unstable then12:49
FujitsuIt has been commented on a number of times while you were not here (obviously, because it's normally noticed once you leave).12:49
LucidFoxWell, unstable as in "Debian unstable"12:49
Fujitsuwraund: There's no guarantee of that.12:49
wraundFujitsu: i know im talking about atm12:49
FujitsuIt's still quite allowed to eat your filesystem for breakfast, for example.12:49
wraundi like my filesystem :(12:50
* Kmos irc quit msg changed12:50
Hobbseewraund: if you have to ask how stable it is, you don't want to run it.12:51
bluekujaKmos, you should move contributing to getdeb then stopping your "work" here12:52
Hobbseebluekuja: oy.12:52
bluekujaKmos, if your "idea of freedom" is satisfied there12:52
Kmosbluekuja: isn't a idea of freedom, but a way to participate12:54
bluekujaKmos, actually it is. It seems you are *not* able to find the right freedom in our archive12:55
bluekujaKmos, so you contribute to getdeb or whatever12:55
bluekujaKmos, question here is: what's wrong with our policies?12:56
bluekujaKmos, and why do you think there is no freedom in our archive?12:56
Kmosbluekuja: not wrong, i just don't have status to do what I want =)12:56
Kmosi don't said there isn't freedom in archive12:57
Hobbsee. o O { odd, that }12:57
LucidFoxLintian complains about the "Apps" section in debian/menu - where can I find the updated menu structure?12:57
Kmoswhat Lamego says, isn't my words12:57
FujitsuLucidFox: s/Apps/Applications/12:57
KmosLucidFox: http://people.debian.org/~terpstra/message/20070704.164523.5cb7c52a.en.html12:57
bluekujaKmos, yes, but if you state you contribute to it, you actually accept his idea12:58
bluekujaKmos, and you follow his words in every point12:58
Kmosbluekuja: no. i just want to see my things published..12:58
HobbseeLucidFox: i *think* what you're looking for is http://debian-news.net/modules/news/article.php?storyid=286912:58
Kmosand that don't private me from participate in ubuntu/debian12:58
HobbseeKmos: and they have to be good enough to be published, like with writing books.12:59
Hobbsees/private/prevent/ presumably.12:59
KmosHobbsee: that's not an good example, there are lot of published books that are really bad.12:59
bluekujaKmos, sorry, but if your stuff cannot get published here, it means they are not good enough13:00
Kmosi'm not saying everything there is good quality13:00
HobbseeKmos: yeah, but any publisher with a reputation for quality will not publish rubbish.13:00
Kmosi just do my part and be happy with that13:00
HobbseeKmos: and ubuntu wants to have a reputation for quality.13:00
Kmosbluekuja: if you think my stuff is rubbish.. that's your point of view.13:01
bluekujaKmos, it seems I'm not the only one...13:01
HobbseeKmos: whether your packages fit policy or not is not subjective, contrary to what you may think.13:01
HobbseeKmos: it is objective.  see debian policy, and the debian packages guide, and make your packages fit that.13:02
KmosHobbsee: i try my best..13:02
james_wI don' think that's the only reason why the work is not in Ubuntu.13:02
bluekujaUbulette, started building13:03
james_wconsider the reasons people give why the contribute to Ubuntu rather than Debian.13:03
HobbseeKmos: can i suggest that you actually retain information, if you want to try your best?13:03
HobbseeKmos: your client should log, if you need to re-read any part of it.13:03
james_wand as the policies are nearly identical they are not technical reasons of package quality13:03
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bluekujaUbulette, gonna check some minor stuff, and then it's ready13:04
Hobbseejames_w: unfortunately, there is a base standard for debian/ubuntu packages.  if packages consistently do not make this standard, then they will not be accepted in - whether from one person, or from many.  This is not comprimisable.13:04
james_wHobbsee: I don't disagree. I'm just saying that it's not the only reason why someone would choose to contribute elsewhere.13:05
Hobbseejames_w: oh, true.  i wasnt' sure if you were disagreeing or not, my statement was partly to kmos too.13:05
Kmosjames_w: the problem here is me =)13:06
james_wHobbsee: oh no, I totally agree that we need minimum levels of quality, sorry for not being clear.13:06
Hobbseejames_w: we have lots of trouble with new packages and licences too - and stuff will get repeatedly thrown back, usuallyf rom the same people.13:06
KmosHobbsee: if you see my progress in the last weeks, you can see I've retained more "information" :)13:06
HobbseeKmos: hurrah!13:06
HobbseeKmos: keep at it.13:06
KmosHobbsee: i'm trying..13:07
Ubulettebluekuja, good.13:10
LucidFoxI've uploaded a new package to REVU: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=inkblot13:11
frenchyHi MOTUs ... you guys don't deal with troubleshooting translation issues in my package, do you?  Sorry if this seems like an "ask to ask".13:13
asisakfrenchy: I guess we deal.13:13
asisak!ask | frenchy13:13
ubotufrenchy: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)13:13
frenchyI am upstream and am having some issues with the German translation that someone has done for me.13:15
frenchyThe translation "according to him" doesn't work.13:15
frenchyThe mo file get installed.13:15
LucidFoxAlso reuploaded an updated package: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=avidemux . There are known Lintian warnings, I didn't fix them to reduce the delta with debian-multimedia.org, and I can explain them if needed.13:15
frenchyIs there anything else that I need to check>13:16
LucidFoxfrenchy> What package?13:17
frenchyMe TV (me-tv), it's on REVU so not an official one, yet.13:18
frenchyThe version up there does not have the translations in it.13:18
frenchyI wanted to know if it's something I'm doing wrong before I promoted it.13:19
LucidFoxHmm, I'll build and check.13:19
frenchyIf I'm off topic here then let me know.  This channel has always provided an excellent service for me.13:20
frenchyLucidFox:  Ummm ... I can upload a newer version if you want. The version up there does not have the translations in it.13:20
LucidFoxWell, I'm not a MOTU, so my word hardly matters :)13:21
frenchyLucidFox: That's ok, this is a question about packaging that anyone can answer.  Are you German?13:22
LucidFoxNo, Russian, but I could run it with a German locale13:27
frenchyTa,  excuse my noobness but how do you do that?13:27
james_wfrenchy: a good debugging aid may be to set a german locale and then strace your program as you start it.13:28
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frenchyDon't worry, that was a stupid question that I can read about myself.13:29
frenchyI just didn't know that it was an easy thing to do.13:29
james_wfrenchy: I think 'LANG=de program' will work.13:29
frenchyjames_w:  Oh yeah, on the command line before I run it.  Ok ta, never thought of that.13:30
azeemhrm, if I have a box running dapper, can I directly update it to gutsy?13:31
james_wfrenchy: and the strace would show what message catalogs it is trying to open, and so may show that is is looking for them in a different place than you would expect, or something like that.13:31
frenchyjames_w: Ok, will try that, thank you for your time.  I should be good-to-go from here.  Excellent work guys.13:33
james_wfrenchy: good luck.13:33
Hobbseeazeem: if you want do deal with some dep changes, you can upgrade directly, yes. i'ts not supported though13:35
Hobbseeazeem: as in, you'll have to transition by hand13:35
LucidFoxSo, "XbuildY" won't prevent the auto-syncer from syncing, but "XubuntuY" will?13:44
KmosLucidFox: yes13:45
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cyberixWhat is get-orig-source expected to do?14:08
cyberixIs there a proper guide or even definition for it available somewhere?14:09
LucidFoxfetch the upstream tarball from the Internet and repack it if necessary14:09
norsettocyberix: get and prepare the upstream tarball14:09
cyberixWho is supposed to run it and when?14:09
norsettocyberix: maintainer/sponsor when preparing an update and some automated tools when running some checks14:10
cyberixIs it common to "just wget" a tar ball with that?14:11
cyberixand rename it14:12
norsettocyberix: your mileage vary, from just that to perform md5sum checks and repackaging14:12
norsettocyberix: in debian they may also use it to dfsg a package14:12
cyberixI need to repackage a zip. I'm just not sure were the zip should exist before repackaging.14:13
cyberixThen you tell me I should get it from Internet.14:13
cyberixAnd I'm not sure, if that makes sense14:13
norsettocyberix: well, it can indeed be used to repackage a zip14:14
wraundHobbsee: i do want to run a version on my laptop, stable or unstable. i just want my data to be preserved so i like to know what level of 'unstable' it is14:15
wraundvery or little14:15
cyberixI could use wget to download the zip, but then I'd have to build-depend on wget, right?14:15
cyberixI should probably also check md5sum of the downloaded package, so the archive cannot be changed to something else.14:16
Loungei have created a sensors-applet_1.7.12+dfsg.deb with nvidia support for i386, can i upload it somewhere?14:16
whitewhat's the Easy Hosting Control Panel from ubuntu?14:16
frenchyjames_w: Ok I found numerous little issues that have gotten me so much closer.  It's now trying to load the me-tv.mo but from /usr/local/share/... rather than /usr/share/....  Is this something that I need do fix when calling ./autogen.sh14:17
Loungeanyone know where i can upload this package?14:18
norsettoLounge: we are at 1.8.2-1 in hardy14:20
RainCTLounge: Launchpad PPA14:20
LoungeRainCT: aww thnx14:20
james_wfrenchy: does it look in /usr/share/ after /usr/local/share/ ?14:22
frenchyjames_w: Nope.14:23
frenchyjames_w: Not for the me-tv.mo.14:23
james_wfrenchy: can you put the strace log on a pastebin?14:23
james_wfrenchy: 'strace -o logfile' if you don't have one already.14:23
frenchyjames_w: I think that it might have something to do with PACKAGE_LOCALE_DIR.14:23
frenchyjames_w: And not setting it.14:24
james_wfrenchy: are you using gettext?14:26
frenchyjames_w: It's is set to /usr/local/share/locale ... I've just got to work out where to set it.  Sorry, I should've checked this before bothering you again.  Yes gettext.14:26
james_wI would have thought that would take care of this.14:26
cyberixHow do I check md5sum from a Makefile? Do I have to create a separate script to do that? What should I do, if the checking fails?14:26
james_wfrenchy: where is  PACKAGE_LOCALE_DIR used? In your .c files somewhere?14:27
norsettorainct: don't you have a pbuilder !?14:27
frenchyjames_w: In the main.cc .. bindtextdomain (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, PACKAGE_LOCALE_DIR);14:27
RainCTnorsetto: of course I do, why?14:28
james_wfrenchy: and you use autotools?14:28
norsettoRainCT: bug 161760 ?14:28
ubotuLaunchpad bug 161760 in vips "Please sync vips 7.12.5-2 from Debian unstable" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16176014:28
frenchyjames_w: Yes.14:28
james_wfrenchy: I would look at autotools then. It may be an argument missing from the ./configure call or similar.14:29
james_wfrenchy: also how is the german translation installed? (or how was it installed on your machine)?14:29
RainCTnorsetto: ahh. Kmos remembered me about that bug as vips is a build depdendency for another package I think, and he got it build first14:31
RainCTnorsetto: also builds fine here14:32
frenchyjames_w: I'm ashamed to admit, I don't know.  I'm looking now.  It was done by Anjuta.14:32
norsettorainct: ok14:32
james_wfrenchy: is the binary in /usr/local/bin or /usr/bin?14:36
james_wfrenchy: that's odd then.14:38
Hobbseewraund: one could never guarentee that all data will be safe, using mostly-untested software14:39
apacheloggerpersia: Why not? All of our official desktops support freedesktop desktop files, plus https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Appendix -> menu.ex is used to add your package to the Debian menu. Ubuntu does not use Debian menu files but uses the [WWW] freedesktop.org standard [WWW] .desktop files.14:42
Kmosnice one14:47
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frenchyjames_w: Once again I thank you for your help.  It has become clear to me that this is really an upstream issue that I need to deal with.  And it is "I" that needs to get me some education.14:51
james_wfrenchy: pas de problème14:53
norsettoapachelogger: some users (for instance Fluxbox) do not use GDE or KDE and rely on the Debian menu to launch desktop applications14:55
cyberixWere should I place the archive I created with get-orig-source?14:57
cyberixWere should get-orig-source place it?14:57
apacheloggernorsetto: yeah, but should I treat it as necessary as a desktop file in terms of advocacy?14:57
apacheloggeri.e. I'd not advocate a package without desktop file but would without a menu file14:57
norsettoapachelogger: yes, I know what you mean and I was of your idea, until I too discovered that there are users which rely on the Debian menu indeed14:58
norsettoapachelogger: I must also plead guilty since in my new packages I did  not include a menu myself until I passed them over to Debian ....14:59
* apachelogger is wondering how other distros solve that problem15:00
norsettoapachelogger: I read it somewhere that another distro is thinking to adopt the debian Menu too (forgot which one though)15:00
* norsetto cannot be beaten when vagueness is concerned15:01
apacheloggeranyway, a guideline on this would be good. do we have to insist on the debian menu? do we not have to, but should we suggest to include it? should we just not care?15:02
norsettoapachelogger: persia proposed some guidelines for discussion not long ago, let me fecth a link, it should be there15:03
Kmosnorsetto: i set you the owner of gelemental ITP on debian =)15:04
norsettokmos: oh, don't worry, unless something unexpected happens will be in debichem soon, but thx anyway15:05
norsettoapachelogger: here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/CodeReviews15:07
apacheloggernorsetto: thanks15:08
jdongwhat does failed to upload mean?15:08
bddebianHeya gang15:10
* apachelogger is wondering how to dput when he can't access the .changes on revu15:10
RainCTapachelogger: with the .dsc15:11
apacheloggerRainCT: one can do that? Oo15:11
RainCTapachelogger: of course, or at least with dget it works15:12
apacheloggerwell, with get it works15:12
apacheloggerbut how to upload to new queue after revuing?15:12
RainCTwhat do you mean?15:12
apacheloggerdocumenation on post-becoming motu is kinda bad -.-15:12
RainCTah ok15:12
bluekujaapachelogger, why do you ask that?15:13
bluekujaapachelogger, you should debuild the package on your own15:13
bddebiandpkg-source -x foo.dsc15:13
bluekujabddebian, exactly15:13
bddebiandpkg-buildpackage -S -sa -k<my key> :-)15:13
bluekujaapachelogger, dpkg-source the package and debuild it15:13
bluekujayou don't need REVU .changes15:13
apacheloggerthere we go15:14
apacheloggerthanks :)15:14
bluekujaapachelogger, and anyway that's a security thing15:14
HobbseeRainCT: erm.  down with the crack pipe.15:14
Hobbseeapachelogger: you need the .changes file to upload15:14
Hobbseeapachelogger: yeah, i dont think it exists.15:14
apacheloggerok, now it's getting confusing -.-15:14
apacheloggerHobbsee: I have to create the .changes, that's right, isn't it?15:15
Hobbseeapachelogger: yes15:15
bluekujaapachelogger, debuild does that for you..15:15
Hobbseeapachelogger: the .changes will let you dput it anywhere15:15
bluekujaapachelogger, don't do a binary upload15:15
apacheloggeryeah, true, just wanted to get that right :)15:15
bluekujaapachelogger, source only for Ubuntu15:15
bluekujaapachelogger, you check that in the .changes anyway15:16
Hobbseeah, a much better quit message15:16
bluekujaapachelogger, for merges remember to use -v15:16
bluekujaapachelogger, if noone told that you already15:17
bddebianDamn the games team is frustrating :-(15:19
bluekujabddebian, y?15:19
bddebianIt's always so quiet :-(15:20
bluekujaoh :/15:20
norsettoapachelogger: you remember bug 161835 ?15:23
ubotuLaunchpad bug 161835 in contactsmenu "[Package Removal Request] contactsmenu should be removed from hardy" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16183515:23
apacheloggernorsetto: ah, yes15:23
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apacheloggertransitional or, or no transitional, that is the question15:25
apacheloggernorsetto: what do you think, is it worth having a transitional package?15:25
norsettoapachelogger: I think a transitional would be a good idea15:25
apacheloggerso let's go with that15:26
apacheloggernorsetto: do I have to create such a thingy?15:26
norsettoapachelogger: yes, it should be a binary package of the new source package15:26
* apachelogger adds that to this todo15:27
norsettorainct: some people are actually offended if you use wtf in a email to a mailing list (just warning you if you get some nasty email about it)15:34
RainCTnorsetto: with wth too? :P15:48
norsettorainct: quien sabe ...15:48
sorennorsetto: The get offended by you almost saying fuck? Seriously?15:53
sorennorsetto: s/The/They/15:53
norsettosoren: moralists are one of the worst species on earth my friend ...15:53
Hobbseesoren: in some cases :P15:54
sorenI'll *never* understand people.15:54
* Hobbsee doesn't like mass expletives, where expletives are every second or third word, for eg.15:54
Hobbseedon't you have a bigger vocabularly than that?15:54
sorenHobbsee: Agreed, but still..15:54
Hobbseeyeah true.15:54
sorenHobbsee: This one pissed me off, though: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-server/2007-October/000881.html15:55
james_whi jelmer.15:56
apacheloggernorsetto: http://pastebin.kubuntu-de.org/152627 now upload?15:56
Hobbseesoren: yeah, that's kinda classy15:56
RainCTsoren: lol15:56
Hobbseesoren: did you write back "what, you mean to say that you *want* ubuntu to have sex with you?" <end of mail>15:57
sorenHobbsee: No, I was having a good day :)15:57
Hobbseesoren: bonus points if you can manage to embarrass the guy somehow in the process.15:57
RainCTwhat an idiot..15:57
Hobbseesoren: good day or not, that's still what you should reply :)15:57
sorenfwiw, this is my response: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-server/2007-October/000889.html15:58
Hobbseeheh :)15:58
Hobbseesoren: sounds like angrykeyboarder.15:59
sorenHobbsee: Gah..15:59
Hobbseeanger management problems, only solved by the application of a large brick.16:00
sorenHobbsee: Anyone who excuses their being angry and offensive by saying that they've done it before...16:00
Hobbseesoren: yeah well.16:00
Hobbseesoren: this of course generalises to the "i have $mental illness, so should not be held accountable", which i then call buillshit on, and get in trouble for doing.16:01
sorenHobbsee: I think I started writing a reply to him 10 times, but never could strike a good balance between telling him off and setting a good example in the process, so I gave up.16:01
ScottKPersonally, I think dendrobates was far to accomodating with him16:02
ScottKGood morning all.16:02
Hobbseemorning ScottK16:02
* ScottK would have just unsubbed him and said please come only if you get some manners.16:03
sorenWe decided that he must have learned English for listening to ganster rap.16:03
* ScottK isn't buying that one.16:03
sorenwtf is wrong with my English today?16:03
ScottKPersonally, I think appropriate language is very situational.16:03
Hobbseewell, of course16:04
* ScottK used to actually be a sailor and still swears like one where it's appropriate.16:04
zulScottK: dont you mean all the time?16:04
ScottKNo.  Not quite.16:04
Hobbseethere doesn't seem to be an equivalent for "dude...that's fucked" in politer terms.16:04
Hobbseeon crack doesn't do it.16:05
Hobbseeand nothing else comes close16:05
zulHobbsee: "dude...that's quite silly"16:05
ScottKOn Thursday, someone showed me this image: http://tinyurl.com/6kuoz and said they saw it and thought of me.16:05
* ScottK already has a coffee mug with that on it.16:06
Hobbseehahahaha :D16:06
* Hobbsee prefers the one on seveas' wall, though16:06
zulScottK: seen that before16:07
zulHobbsee: lol16:08
mok0Hobbsee: I thought this was a friendly forum.16:12
Hobbseemok0: it's not a forum.  this is irc.16:13
mok0Hobbsee: I thought this was a friendly IRC channel16:13
Hobbseemok0: but sure, this is a friendly irc channel :)16:13
mok0Hobbsee: Phew. I was afraid it was a help desk16:14
man-dimok0: You havent been in an unfriendly irc channel yet, do you?16:14
mok0man-di: Not in #ubuntu-*16:14
LucidFoxSo, when is the next REVU day that persia was talking about?16:16
ScottKLucidFox: Generally Mondays.16:17
norsettoapachelogger: I would keep the Conflicts and Replaces, you can use (<< ${source:Version}) for the Conflicts16:17
ScottKnorsetto: Although binary version is preferred (for Debian anyway - so we may as well use it).16:21
norsettoscottk: isn't that for any to any? In this case is any to all16:23
ScottKThe binary conflicts is preferred in Debian to be compatible with their bin NMU process.  AFAIK it doesn't matter arch all/any.16:24
apacheloggernorsetto: ScottK: what to do?16:26
norsettoapachelogger: its always confusing me, that why I use http://wiki.debian.org/binNMU when in doubt. But if scottk says its ok with binary than its ok  with binary16:26
ScottKapachelogger: For Ubuntu, the source version conlicts is fine (although I think the latest lintian will whine).16:27
* apachelogger will use binary then :)16:27
ScottKapachelogger: norsetto is right.  For arch any -> all you should use source.16:28
ScottKnorsetto: Good resource that one.  Thanks for pointing it out.16:28
ScottKapachelogger: Your any -> all case is explicitly  addressed on that page.  Sorry for leading your astray.16:29
apacheloggercan happen :)16:30
apacheloggernorsetto: http://pastebin.kubuntu-de.org/15268816:31
norsettoapachelogger: you don't need to version the Replaces16:32
* apachelogger should have gone to bed earlier -.-16:34
Hobbseeich auch.16:34
apacheloggerhehe :)16:35
man-diHobbsee must be really tired, she starts speaking german...16:35
apacheloggernorsetto: http://pastebin.kubuntu-de.org/15269116:35
Hobbseeman-di: some phrases i find faster in german than i do in english16:35
gesermv Hobbsee /dev/bed && sleep 8h16:35
apachelogger8h that's about the amount I got after 2 days :P16:36
* Nafallo has been in bed all day.16:37
norsettoapachelogger: seems like you are missing a change in the changelog :-)16:39
apacheloggernorsetto: but what change is missing?16:41
norsettoapachelogger: you mean, the homepage change is covered by that?16:41
apacheloggernorsetto: * Adaption to latest packaging standards16:41
norsettoapachelogger: yes, that for you covers the homepage change? (its adaptation by the way)16:42
apacheloggeryes, that is intent to cover that change as well .... doesn't adaptation and adaption mean kinda the same?16:43
apacheloggerScottK: got any comments on adaptation vs. adaption?16:44
ScottKAFAIK adaption is not an English word.16:45
ScottKSo if it is, it's pretty obscure to an American English speaker.16:45
apacheloggermaybe it's en_gb16:45
* apachelogger changes to adaptation16:45
ScottKCould be.  I do have a fair amount of experience with that too (although I'm certainly not a native speaker), so I'd expect to have known it if it was.  Dunno.16:46
apachelogger(uncountable) The quality of being adapted; adaption; adjustment.16:48
apacheloggernorsetto: you think I should mention the homepage change seperately?16:49
norsettoapachelogger: I think it would be clearer, yes16:50
apacheloggernorsetto: http://pastebin.kubuntu-de.org/15272616:54
norsettoapachelogger: is this the thing that pops up in my tray, even though its disabled, whenever I open kontact?16:56
apacheloggernorsetto: nope, this is an applet on its own, so it doesn't end up in the tray17:00
norsettoapachelogger: good, because I hate that little thing with all my heart17:01
apacheloggernorsetto: maybe you should make a screenshot of that thing ;-)17:01
norsettoapachelogger: KOrganizer reminder daemon17:02
* apachelogger is wondering how to deactivate that thing for good17:02
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* norsetto suggests a kalashnikov17:04
apacheloggerprobably ;-)17:04
apacheloggerwell, I think I turned it off somehow17:05
apacheloggercan't check though, I'm running kde4 and I'm afraid it might break if I log out ^_^17:05
apacheloggernorsetto: anyway, shall I upload the changes? or do the archvie admins first have to remove contactsmenu?17:06
norsettoapachelogger: no idea17:06
apacheloggernot good17:07
norsettoapachelogger: logic would say you can upload and ask for removal at the same time, but don't take my words as gospel17:07
apacheloggerwell, maybe everything will explode because then are technically two source packages which generate kicker-contactsmenu17:08
apacheloggerScottK: do you know how to do it?17:08
* ScottK reads the backscroll17:08
ScottKSo the issue is you're moving a binary package from being provided by one source package to another, right?17:12
ScottKapachelogger: ^^^17:12
apacheloggerScottK: bug 16183517:12
ubotuLaunchpad bug 161835 in contactsmenu "[Package Removal Request] contactsmenu should be removed from hardy" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16183517:12
apacheloggerScottK: the binary is a transitional package since contactsmenu should be removed17:13
* ScottK reads17:14
ScottKapachelogger and norsetto: My suggestion is upload the new package and then submit the removal request to the archive once the new package is built.17:18
* apachelogger testbuilds17:18
norsettoscottk: thx17:19
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ScottKBTW, I don't see support on the referenced KDE page that this replaces contactsmenu.17:20
apacheloggerScottK: http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/Khalkhi+framework?content=5445017:23
apacheloggerFormerly known as Contacts framework:17:23
apacheloggeronly that it wasn't really a framework ;-)17:23
ScottKapachelogger: OK.  Thanks.17:23
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ScottKGood evening \sh18:08
\shhey ScottK18:10
ScottKnorsetto: For conky on DaD you (or someone) wrote "No need to sync."  Wouldn't it be better to sync now and get Debian and Ubuntu in agreement?18:12
LutinScottK: doesn't seem to be a sync btw18:15
ScottKLutin: OK.  I didn't look, just reacting to the comment.18:15
ScottKIt would be nice if people who leave comments would say who left them.18:16
Lutinyeah, weird comment, 'cause there are many changes in debian worth merging18:16
* ScottK chooses to blame kmos18:17
norsettoScottK, lutin: yes, its my comment18:19
ScottKnorsetto: It does seem an odd comment now (might have made sense late in Gutsy).18:19
norsettoScottK, lutin: I'm waiting for the new version which is being packaged right now18:20
Lutinnorsetto: ok18:20
ScottKAh.  I think that'd be a better comment.18:20
norsettoScottK: why strange? There is nothing in the debian package worth ahaving, and much we don't want18:20
norsettoScottK: and yes, most probably that comment date back from gutsy18:21
ScottKGenerally I think it's better to merge and make the best of it than not, but I think waiting for a new version you know is coming makes a lot of sense.18:22
norsettoScottK: its the same for rutilt, right now I'm waiting for debian to push the new revision18:23
txwikingerWhat should be done with this bug #115589 ?18:28
ubotuLaunchpad bug 115589 in inkscape "inkscape pyxml missing python-xml " [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/11558918:28
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
norsettotxwikinger: what stevenk said makes much sense to me. AFAICS, this is not a plug-in or extension, its a "package that would be found together with this one in all but unusual installations"18:41
txwikingernorsetto: So it should be on the depends list?18:47
norsettotxwikinger: IMHO it should be a reccomend (not knowing the application, from what I read in the bug report)18:48
norsettotxwikinger: having said that, if debian goes for a suggest I think we should follow, don't think a delta for this would be justified18:49
txwikingerSo basically we leave it like it is and follow debian18:50
norsettotxwikinger: I would actually add something to the bug report in the BTS18:50
james_wI think providing a patch to the Debian bug to at least change the message to point to 'python-xml' would be good.18:51
ScottKWhat's the problem with recommends?18:53
txwikingerthey don't get automatically installed18:53
txwikingerat least that's how I understand the discussion18:53
ScottKNot historically, but they do now in Debian and will for Hardy (I think) in Ubuntu.18:54
norsettoScottK: yes18:54
txwikingerSo this is superfluous in hardy anyway?18:55
dsophmm revu nows my email, because i uploaded a package, but i didnt get a password, nor a message to decrypt to get my password.18:55
norsettoScottK: it seems to me that the DD is more afraid to violate the policy than anything else18:55
james_wtxwikinger: no, because they are suggests, that is the issue.18:56
* txwikinger doesn't understand which policy is violated18:56
norsettotxwikinger: the debian policy18:56
txwikingerwell what exactly18:56
james_wand no policy is violated, as it is not clear which category a particular package falls in to.18:56
norsettotxwikinger: http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-relationships.html#7.218:57
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txwikingernorsetto: I understand.. but then it should be recommends18:59
ScottKI'd say make it recommends and don't worry.19:00
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DaveMorrisis there a page somewhere explaining what watch files are and what I need to do for it?19:09
bddebianDaveMorris: They are to alert you of new upstream releases19:17
DaveMorrisand how do you create them?19:22
ScottKDaveMorris: man uscan19:24
DaveMorrishow can I get cdbs to symlink /usr/share/doc/libccptest-dev to /usr/share/doc/libcpptest0 ?19:44
DaveMorriswhat man page can I read about it in as well?19:45
DaveMorrishow can I override the installation of documents whilst using cdbs?20:10
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bddebianDaveMorris: Override how?20:16
DaveMorrisI don't wanna install the docs for my -dev package, instead symlink to the lib it depends on20:17
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bddebianDaveMorris: Do you have seperate .install files for the binary packages?20:26
bddebianDaveMorris: Then you should be able to just be specific about what you install in each package20:42
pwnguinI've got a question about what Ubuntu/Debian includes in the repos20:42
pwnguinis it a good idea to bring in software that updates like once a month?20:43
slangasekpwnguin: there's nothing wrong with frequent updates, as long as prior versions are supportable?20:43
pwnguinusually these sorts of packages are very new20:44
pwnguinim not sure what supportable entails20:44
ScottKpwnguin: The downside is that there are only so many sponsors around and so everytime you ask for a new upstream release to be sponsored, that's something else that doesn't get sponsored.20:44
slangasekwell, obviously once it's in a release (Debian or Ubuntu), you don't get to update to a whole new upstream version once a month20:45
pwnguini think GIMP -rc3 demonstrated that there's always users who want the newest and greatest20:45
pwnguinScottK: to me it sounds like you could just recruit upstream to handle it.20:46
ScottKpwnguin: I think gimp rc3 demonstrated lots of users don't understand how distributions work.20:46
ScottKIf they have upload rights for the distro, sure.20:47
pwnguindebian has a reputation for being pretty slow about getting new members20:47
pwnguini donno how true it is, but the upstream in question stated this as well20:48
ScottKIt's true.  OTOH, I've had no trouble getting my stuff I'm upstream for sponsored in Debian.20:48
ScottKYMMV.  bddebian has lots of trouble.20:48
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bddebianThat's just because they love me20:50
pwnguinright now im suggesting a middle route. their host is having troubles, so im thinking set up a team ppa to host the building and distribution20:51
* ScottK suggests bddebian pay attention to what vorlon is telling him.20:52
pwnguinright now they build and host locally20:52
pwnguinapparently they're popular enough that torrents are used to lighten the load20:55
bddebianScottK: In what regard?20:55
ScottKbddebian: Generally.  I think he's guiding you in a good direction.20:56
pwnguinits an interesting challenge for distributions. the software's popular, but costs distributions a lot of effort20:57
bddebianScottK: Guiding me to what?20:57
bddebianI have to go get my daughter20:58
ScottKSee you.20:58
* ScottK has to go too. We can discuss later.20:58
dsopcan somebody help me out. my email address is registered at the revu system, but i never got a password. When i try to recover the password there is no string to decrypt displayed.21:09
somerville32dsop, Than your key hasn't been synced21:09
ScottKdsop: Have you uploaded anything?21:09
dsopsomerville32: an admin synced i manually i think, because i can upload ,etc21:10
somerville32dsop, Did you upload anything yet?21:10
dsopScottK: yes, i uploaded a package21:10
dsopand it was shown on the page21:10
dsopso everything worked fine21:10
dsopsomerville32: yes, i uploaded one and it worked perfectly21:16
somerville32dsop, Are you sure you're giving the correct e-mail address?21:16
dsopsomerville32: yes21:25
somerville32dsop, You'll have to talk to a REVU admin then21:26
dsopsomerville32: okay, thank you for your help21:35
mok0ScottK; Dictionary lists the word as another term for Adaptation21:42
mok0ScottK: Oops. Was scrolled back several hours...21:44
wraundjust tried to sync my gpg keys but it jams on a server, anyone else having this?21:44
wraundim using seahorse btw21:44
* RainCT raises the hand21:46
* emgent heya22:26
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DaveMorrishmm, with cdbs how can I get it to run the clean target before reversing the patches?23:38
azeemDaveMorris: sounds difficult, why do you need that?23:51
DaveMorrisI patched the makefile to have a clean docs23:51
DaveMorrisbut the patch is removed before the make clean23:52
DaveMorrisI guess I'll have to do the clean commands in the rules file23:52

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