
jussi01hmmm... does that mean less netsplits?00:20
jdongjussi01: (1) fewer (2) probably not.00:24
* jussi01 sighs... sad...00:24
brendonw__Question:  Do I have to be tested for all nicks?00:30
PriceChildhow do I always miss global notices?00:30
PriceChildbrendonw__, no00:30
PriceChildbrendonw__, its connection specific.00:30
brendonw__PriceChild: Thanks.  This is a laptop, and every time I move between home and work, I get bounced here.00:31
PriceChildbrendonw__, I would suggest that you *always* connect on port 8001 from wherever you connect.00:32
brendonw__My Konversation ONLY connects to port 800100:32
brendonw__That doesn't seem to help.00:33
PriceChildmind if i do a test?00:33
brendonw__Not at all00:34
PriceChildWell you seem fine.00:34
PriceChildAnd you don't seem to be banned from #ubuntu00:35
brendonw__It gets old to always get bounced, I wish I could figure out how not to.00:35
brendonw__No, that is the strange thing.  It ADDS the readonly -fix the expliot channel, but #ubuntu & #kubuntu still work00:36
PriceChildI'd suggest you stop your client autojoining #ubuntu-read-topic00:36
PriceChildthat or check it isn't a different channel00:36
PriceChildsee your server tab, it should tell you what channel is forwarding you.00:36
brendonw__I'm wondering if it is a race condition on reconnection?00:37
PalintheusDid you guys get any notice about someone with a nick of 'FileSender'00:37
PriceChildPalintheus, yup, dealt with.00:38
Palintheuskk, just logged back into my screen and saw the DCC requests00:38
PriceChildThanks Palintheus.00:38
PriceChildbrendonw__, not sure what you mean. Check your server tab for what channel is forwarding you.00:38
brendonw__If I don't remember to disconnect before moving, when Konversion gets the network back, it looks like my nick is already in use, so it changes to the backup nic00:38
brendonw__and then it takes a moment to register automatically.00:39
PriceChildbrendonw__, Check your server tab for what channel is forwarding you.00:39
mneptokjdong: oooo! another "less/fewer" Nazi! yay!00:40
jdongmneptok: the less/fewer nazis the better ;-)00:40
brendonw__PriceChild: Sorry, I was looking...00:42
brendonw__PriceChild: I don't see any message telling me that I was forwarded.00:46
brendonw__PriceChild: but #kubuntu isn't working, so I suspect that must be the one (this time)00:46
PriceChildbrendonw__, if you join #kubuntu, you go into -read-topic?00:46
PriceChild(as well as a message on the server tab?)00:46
PriceChildAha there is the ban!00:47
PriceChildbrendonw__, you can rejoin #kubuntu now00:47
brendonw__Thanks, was it an old ban?00:47
PriceChild10 days00:49
brendonw__Probably only from this location, which might have been why I didn't notice.00:49
PriceChildjust that location yes00:49
brendonw__and with moving around a lot, I probably didn't notice the association.00:50
brendonw__PriceChild: anyway, thanks a bunch for the help!00:50
PriceChildno problem, sorry for the bother00:50
Amaranth_hrm, wtf01:39
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
ubotuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)02:11
* nalioth pets floodbot302:13
PriceChildhehe :)02:13
LjLnalioth: pet, tsk, it was counting 8 more users in the channel than there actually were02:17
PriceChildwhen did it get confused?02:17
LjLPriceChild: dunno unfortunately, i don't have the other two bots' logs (restarted them earlier and overwritten), and it wouldn't be easy to spot from the logs at all. now i'm going to put in a periodic check against /who with a warning if the count is wrong02:18
LjLthat's not intended as a fix of course, just something to let me find out why it happens02:18
jdongPriceChild: oh look noobuntu is in your fanclub too!02:58
PriceChildjdong, where?02:58
jdongPriceChild: #ubuntuforums02:58
jdongPriceChild: and his clone speaks too!02:59
Tm_Thi kids03:19
jdonghi mommy!03:19
Hobbseehi toddler03:19
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=== vorian is now known as vorian_afk
ubotuJack_Sparrow called the ops in #ubuntu (MagySimpsom)04:53
ubotuzloog called the ops in #ubuntu ()04:53
Jack_SparrowAnyone awake?05:11
Jack_SparrowHi Hobbsee05:14
Jack_SparrowI think it is under control.. just a guy pimping automatix05:15
naliothget a rope05:16
Paddy_EIREhey guys -WatzUpDoc- on #ubuntu keeps posting some silly link and I believe its being directed at me... could can he be kicked/banned05:21
Jack_SparrowPaddy_EIRE: I dont see it... who is doing it05:22
crdlbhe must be doing with /notice05:22
Ashfire908The user "WatzUpDoc" is spamming me with a notice on join of #ubuntu05:22
nalioth  /ignore works05:23
Ashfire908or that05:23
Paddy_EIREJack_Sparrow, I wonder what I have done... could be some troll just I suppose :/05:23
Hobbseegot him.05:23
Hobbseenalioth: he really is, he just got me.05:23
Jack_Sparrownever know who we piss off05:23
Paddy_EIREthe most offensive thing about it is its done in flash noooooooo05:24
ubotustdin called the ops in #ubuntu (boss)06:05
ubotuIn #ubuntu-motu, persia said: ubotu: patch is Patches are files describing the changes in code to achieve some results.  There are a number of ways these can be produced, but https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToFix and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/PatchSystems may provide some useful guidelines.11:11
Hobbsee!patch is Patches are files describing the changes in code to achieve some results.  There are a number of ways these can be produced, but https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToFix and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/PatchSystems may provide some useful guidelines.11:13
ubotuI'll remember that, Hobbsee11:13
Hobbsee!no patch is <reply>Patches are files describing the changes in code to achieve some results.  There are a number of ways these can be produced, but https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToFix and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/PatchSystems may provide some useful guidelines.11:13
ubotuI'll remember that Hobbsee11:13
bbartekHi all12:38
bbartekI would like to have a cloack12:38
bbartekis this the wright place to ask this?12:38
Seeker`what cloak? unaffiliated or member?12:39
bbarteki'm a new member12:39
Seeker`ah, ok12:39
Seeker`i think it can take a while to get round to doing it12:39
bbarteki already have unaffiliated12:39
Seeker`I believe that you have to have two linked nicknames, and the email field set with nickserv12:41
bbartekI only have bbartek as a nickname12:41
stdinthat reminds me, I need to ask someone with appropriate freenode-foo to get my cloak set up12:41
stdinbbartek: you need an alternate too, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration12:43
bbartekOK I'll check this page first12:43
profoX`how do I check if I already have a linked nick or not?12:45
stdinuse /msg nickserv info profoX`12:46
profoX`I mean, I know I created one, but I don't know how to check that :)12:46
jussi01Hmmm, anyone know who is supposed to clean up: http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/newmember after a meeting?12:49
Seeker`jussi01: what needs cleaning up?12:50
jussi01Seeker`: the lists of people waiting for membership at the next meeting, the list of recently approved people etc12:56
jussi01Seeker`: practically everything as the meeting has happened... a new agenda to be set...12:57
jussi01heh... I just realised I posted the wrong link... I meant to post : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncilAgenda13:01
ompauljussio1, it is a wiki page - you can check who got memberships approved on lp and then update it if you want to13:14
ompauljussio1, someone dropped the ball but it is oss13:14
=== TheSheep is now known as ZenSheep
=== ZenSheep is now known as TheSheep
=== jussi__ is now known as jussi01
NickPrestaI was wondering if you could ban the user 'Barbecue' and 'FileSender' from #kubuntu. He likes to join and spam people with DCC file requests (I got 16 requests to transfer the file 'mirc.ini' last night and several a few days before from Barbecue and several requests for the Fedora 8 DVD Iso from FileSender). That is all they ever does when they joins #kubuntu.17:51
ompaulNickPresta, it is when you join the network he can be in any channel you are in, the good news is that when he does this he gets klined - that is removed from the full network17:53
NickPrestaompaul, okay. Thanks for the explanation.17:54
ompaulNickPresta, and most clients use the channel that is in the foreground to display what is happening17:54
naliothNickPresta: please look at your time stamps, and /msg seenserv seen NICK18:21
nalioththose people are usually klined within seconds18:21
naliothAndrewB: bookmark.18:24
Paddy_EIREhey guys how do I get /ignore to work properly?19:00
Paddy_EIREdo I do /ignore name all19:01
Paddy_EIREas it aint working19:01
Seeker`Paddy_EIRE: what client?19:03
Paddy_EIREoh sorry xchat19:04
Paddy_EIRESeeker`, ^19:05
Paddy_EIREhmm.... I dont seem to have yelp..19:07
Seeker`Paddy_EIRE: try19:15
Seeker`/ignore NICK!*@* ALL19:15
Paddy_EIREthanks Seeker`19:36
Paddy_EIRESeeker`, out of curiosity what does the *@* imply.... * is a wildcard I take it and the @ is for there IP ??19:39
naliothPaddy_EIRE: a hostmask is made up of many sections19:40
* Paddy_EIRE needs to do an N+19:40
nalioththe @ is a seperator from nick!ident@host19:40
Paddy_EIRENetwork +19:41
naliothPaddy_EIRE: you're gonna improve our network?19:41
Paddy_EIREnetworking is not one of my strong pursuits19:41
Paddy_EIREno lol19:41
Paddy_EIREI'm behing 2 routers and would at least like to learn how to configure them19:42
naliothPaddy_EIRE: ah, that is simple19:42
nalioth1) get rid of one router19:42
nalioth2) visit portforward.com19:42
Paddy_EIREyeah I did that19:42
Paddy_EIREthe manuals seem to use different terminology from what I see on my router/s config screen19:43
Paddy_EIREmaybe a firmware update...19:43
Paddy_EIREI need router 1 for getting me the internet and the other is for providing me with wifi19:44
Paddy_EIREalthough I'm going of into a tangent thanks for the help anyhow19:44
Seeker`Paddy_EIRE: Are they both actually routers?19:44
Garycan you not use one to do both?19:44
gary4garhello, please clear my Ban it has been such a time.19:44
Paddy_EIREno... one has no modem19:44
naliothPaddy_EIRE: buy a cheap wireless card, stick it in a box and use it for your WAP19:45
Seeker`Paddy_EIRE: spend £40 on one that has both?19:45
Paddy_EIRESeeker`, yeah I need to find one... I want a linksys19:46
naliothjust get a used wireless card from a friend, and use one of your boxes for a WAP19:46
Paddy_EIREnalioth, I have a box with a wifi card although its a broadcom chipset so :(19:46
Paddy_EIREand it means I have to have it on all the time19:46
naliothyep, broadcom sucks.  i specifically DON'T buy cards with their chipsets19:47
Seeker`Paddy_EIRE: Netgear DG834 works well for me19:47
* Paddy_EIRE googles19:47
Paddy_EIREfrom what I have read thought the 2 routers I have are very good... sooo many options it would make my head spin19:48
Paddy_EIREhence I wanna do the N+ anyway19:48
naliothPaddy_EIRE: have you turned off the router functionality in the wireless one? (making it a switch, iow)19:48
Paddy_EIRESeeker`, I may get that actually although I paid almost 100 quid for the 2 I currently have19:50
Seeker`Paddy_EIRE: it is what I use at the moment19:51
Seeker`I've used one for 3 years now19:51
Paddy_EIREhow strong is the wireless signal19:52
Seeker`it seems to be ok19:52
Seeker`i've got the router in one downstairs room, the wireless can be used upstairs19:52
Paddy_EIREsounds ideal then19:52
Paddy_EIRE<3 my acer laptop.. wifi is so good in this thing19:53
naliothuse the lappy as a wap19:53
naliothit's quiet and energy efficient19:53
Paddy_EIREI need this for its portability mainly19:54
Paddy_EIREotherwise I'd go for it19:54
PriceChildLjL, how's it goign?20:03
LjLhi PriceChild, been busy most of today... the bots are pretty much in good shape, yesterday's issue is solved20:42
PriceChildgood good21:49
Seeker`Slowest. Response. Ever.21:51
somerville32Over an hour21:52
SeveasSeeker`, so?21:52
jdongsomerville32: well some think slower and longer is better :P21:53
somerville32jdong, : O21:53
jdonglol I'm gonna get smacked for that one21:53
PriceChildSeeker`, his response was slow enough to mine, we both have these things called social lives i think :P21:53
jdongPriceChild: you mean you were updating your blog/facebook?21:54
mc44PriceChild: and LjL clearly doesn't ;)21:54
* somerville32 hugs mc44 21:56
jdongeww eww..... *runs away*21:56
* Seeker` hasn't heard of a "social life"21:57
* mc44 hugs somerville3221:58
* jussi01 thought this was social life....21:59
Garywhats "social"?22:01
jdongGary: I think it's that 30% that gets taken away from my paycheck.22:02
* PriceChild laughs at jdong as he never had 30% taken off a paycheck22:07
PriceChildand that has nothing to do with my never having a paycheck 8-)22:08
Garyooowww, I just found the /cs clear command :-)22:17
PriceChildoh god no...22:18
Garyit was fun22:19
PriceChildKlej came back.22:23
Seeker`Gary: where did you try it?22:24
Garyin ##Gary22:24
Garysix people left rather quick22:24
* jussi01 sighs and kicks himself for not backing up properly... :(22:36
naliothdid you not look before you put it in gear?22:42
jussi01nalioth: shhh... I just found i deleted a package i was working on... lots of hours just gone...22:44
* Gary tries not to giggle22:46
Garysorry jussi01 been there, but heheee22:46
* jussi01 nips over to hobsees house, and borrows the long pointy stick of doom...22:47
* PriceChild grabs the keys for the emp cannon locker22:49
jussi01PriceChild: long pointy stick of doom beats the emp canon hands down...22:49
* Seeker` loads the ICBG22:50
Seeker`Inter-continental-ballistic Gary22:50
jussi01hmmm, can someone check if they can get to the phasex site? http://sysex.net/phasex/22:58
Seeker`unable to establish a connection...22:59
Seeker`cjo20@cdesk:~$ ping sysex.net22:59
Seeker`PING sysex.net ( 56(84) bytes of data.22:59
Seeker`64 bytes from lysdexia.org ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=48 time=178 ms22:59
jussi01yeah, thats what im getting also...22:59

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