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nealmcbsoren: this should help - I rebooted in recovery mode (and with no silly splash screen), and got this:  alert! /dev/disk/by-uuid-ad2c6.......2a3 does not exist, dropping to a shell00:14
* nijaba is going to bed00:39
nealmcbnijaba: sweet dreams - yet another virtual reality, much cheaper!00:42
InnatechHello. Can anyone familiar with prevu and backporting have a look at this prevu output for me and help me understand the nature of the failure? http://rafb.net/p/Ns0NLR55.html03:42
ScottKInnatech: It looks like probably a bug in the package with debhelper level setting, but I'd have to review the code to be sure.03:56
ScottKInnatech: Additionally, that's pbuilder running in that part of PREVU, so anyone familiar with pbuilder (which is a lot more than PREVU) could have read that.03:56
InnatechScottK: what should I read to try and familiarize myself with the tools enough to correct the problem?03:59
InnatechScottK: debhelper and pbuilder man pages, I'm assuming.04:00
ScottKInnatech: If you look at the source of the package, there should be a file debian/compat that should have a number in it.04:00
ScottKIf it does and the number is 5, then you need to whine to jdong to help you with prevu.04:01
InnatechHeh, OK.04:01
ScottKIf it's not there or it's higher than 5, then you need to file a bug (and maybe try to fix it).04:01
jdong*popping in at ScottK's request*04:02
ScottKInnatech meet jdong.  jdong, meet Innatech04:03
ScottKjdong: http://rafb.net/p/Ns0NLR55.html is the issue in question.04:03
* ScottK doesn't have time to look at it, but it seemed like an odd error to be in the actual package.04:04
jdong*waits for rafb to load*04:04
InnatechI'm looking through the package for the files ScottK indicated should be present.04:04
ScottKjdong: I told him to check debian/compat just to make sure it didn't say 6 for some odd reason.04:05
jdongI still can't get the pastebin to load... the connection seems to be timing out04:05
Innatechhmm. I'll use a different pastebin.04:05
jdongah yes, that's better04:07
jdongweird error indeed04:07
InnatechOK, so I'm not crazy. I usually assume the problem is me.04:08
jdongScottK: debian/compat says 6 for shorewall 3.4.4-104:08
InnatechSo, it wants a newer debhelper than prevu is using?04:10
jdongInnatech: it wants a newer debhelper than what Feisty has (prevu uses a stock feisty build environment)04:10
jdongInnatech: you can either try to introduce a newer debhelper, or figure out what part of the new shorewall packaging needs the new compat level and try to shave it back down to how it was.04:11
Innatechhrrrm. Well, I need to get a newer shorewall somehow. The version in the Feisty repos is too old to do multiple WAN connections.04:11
InnatechWould it be worth trying to create a new package for Feisty using a tarball of a newer version rather than trying to meddle with the Gutsy package? I'm not well acquainted with altering packages.04:12
jdongInnatech: ok, someone's gonna hurt me for saying this BUT......04:12
jdongInnatech: just set the debian/compat back down to 5 and see if the build fails04:13
jdongit's more sane than totally repackaging from scratch for sure04:13
InnatechOK. I'll see what I can figure out.04:14
jdongInnatech: in case you didn't know, running "prevu" in the source directory builds the modified source directory. It works similarly to pdebuild.04:15
Hobbseejdong: debhelper 6 doesn't exist yet does it?04:15
jdongHobbsee: *shrug* first time I've heard of it...04:15
Hobbseeif it does, it's not in ubuntu04:15
Hobbseelooks like a typo04:16
Innatechjdong: yes, I think I saw that on the wiki page. So I just grab the source, make the change and see if it builds.04:16
jdongbut yet shorewall synced from debian sid wants it04:16
jdongInnatech: I'll test a build just to see what happens04:16
jdongHobbsee: could very well be04:16
Hobbseeand we would have expected more packages coming thru and failing for it04:16
jdongInnatech: builds *perfectly* with debian/compat set to 504:17
InnatechCool. I'm still fumbling around, but I should have it in a minute.04:18
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jdongyeah lemme know if you have trouble doing the build04:18
InnatechI'm just having trouble finding the correct file to alter. I grabbed the .dsc with dget, but it appears not to include the source.04:23
jdongInnatech: dgetting the .dsc should grab a .dsc, .diff.gz, and .orig.tar.gz04:24
jdongInnatech: alternatively, apt-get source shorewall04:24
InnatechYeah, I have the orig.tar.gz, but there's no .debian/ in it.04:25
jdongInnatech: you need to run dpkg-source -x on the .dsc file04:25
jdongthat will properly extract the source04:25
jdongthe debian dir is actually a patch in the .diff.gz file04:25
jdongdpkg-source -x correctly applies it04:25
jdongit's roughly the same as cd'ing into the .orig.tar.gz then running zcat ../*.diff.gz | patch -p104:25
jdongbut needless to say dpkg-source -x *.dsc is a bit easier :)04:26
InnatechOK, building now....04:28
Innatechit's going to take a minute, this little box isn't the swiftest.04:28
Innatechstill pulling additional packages for the build environment...04:32
* Innatech thanks jdong & scottk04:35
InnatechSo, would attaching the generated .deb to a request for an addition to feisty-backports be a reasonable thing to do?04:36
jdongInnatech: well you can but it will likely not be immediately approved without more work04:44
jdongInnatech: first we need to figure out what's up with this DEBCOMPAT=6 ordeal in the package04:44
jdongthen we need to evaluate backporting it to Gutsy too04:44
jdongfinally, I'd like verification that this release is backwards compatible04:45
jdongi.e. Shorewall rules written in the Feisty version all run on the Hardy one04:45
jdongas long as these simple things can be done, the backport's a go.04:45
Innatechjdong: I grabbed this one from Gutsy, FWIW. I'll be using it on a fairly busy router, so I'll see how it goes.04:53
jdong Innatech ok04:53
joycetickanyone know how to autologin on gutsy server?06:14
InnatechIs modprobing xt_connmark.ko not enough to enable connmark target support? xt_connmark.ko appears in my lsmod, but shorewall is telling me that it isn't supported by the kernel.06:31
InnatechI want to make sure this functionality hasn't been made available as a module before I recompile the kernel.06:31
InnatechOK, this seems to say that I do need to recompile: http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.security.shorewall/1766106:40
nealmcbjoycetick: so you want to boot to a console prompt as a particular user (i.e. not some sort of gdm autologin?)06:46
joyceticknealmcb: yeah06:47
joycetickthen i was going to run startx06:47
nealmcbjoycetick: I haven't seen a request for that before :-)06:48
joyceticktheres always a first time :)06:48
nealmcboh, so you do want a gui?  gnome?06:48
joyceticknah, ive got fluxbox atm06:49
nealmcbthere might be a way in gnome/gdm or the like06:49
joyceticknot enough resources for gnome :P06:49
joycetickotherwise, if its possible to run utorrent under wine without a gui or logged in06:50
nealmcbno specifics, but sounds like someone did it and got stuck: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21986306:52
joycetickdo you if i could run utorrent under wine as a service? so i dont need to login for it to start?06:57
nealmcbdamn cntl-w key.....06:59
nealmcbjoycetick: ask again about wine?06:59
joycetickdo you if i could run utorrent under wine as a service? so i dont need to login for it to start07:00
nealmcbyou want to seed something?07:00
joycetickand download freely distributable files of course :)07:01
joyceticki can manage the torrents through the web interface on another computer07:01
* nealmcb now has evidence that it is time for bed :-/07:02
nealmcbI don't know about utorrent, but I wouldn't see why not - just set up a script in /etc/init.d and link it in to run on startup07:03
nealmcbassuming it can run without a terminal07:03
nealmcbconfigure it to run automatically with one of these: sysv-rc-conf, bum, rcconf and file-rc07:05
joycetickso, create a file eg /etc/init.d/utorrent, and include the command to run utorrent in there07:05
nealmcband configure it with one of those tools so it is in /etc/rc2.d IIRC07:06
joyceticksorry, how would i do that?07:08
joycetickbash: sysv-rc-conf: command not found :(07:09
nealmcbjoycetick: you'll have to read the man pages for that, or find howtos on the web - but it is pretty straightforward.  I'm headed off now - good luck!07:10
joyceticknealmcb: ok thanks for your help07:10
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DM|can i set up a domain when setting up a web server? im not sure how this works, Is there a way to do it where i dont have to PAY anyone16:03
ivoksyou have to buy domain16:04
zulwell you can get one of those freedomains as well like dyndns16:05
Nafalloyou could have an internal only domain...16:07
ivoksyou don't even need a domain :)16:07
DM|I have a dyndns, but i wanted my own @mydomainname16:08
Nafallolocalhost.localdomain is included with the package ;-). a complete FQDN :-)16:08
ivoksNafallo: for free :)16:08
NafalloDM|: that. you'll have to pay for.16:08
DM|thatss gay16:08
zulDM|: then you have to pay for it16:08
NafalloDM|: no. makes sense.16:08
DM|Nafallo only to one who knows about it, to the outsiders, it doesnt16:09
NafalloDM|: you'll have to trust my word on it then.16:09
DM|Not questioning your word :)16:09
ivoksit would be great if i could just say, ok, from now 'cocacola.com' is mine16:10
DM|well i got dyndns working so i gues that will work16:10
Nafallowoha! 15 minutes until I can install my smurf! :-D16:10
DM|Can i set up ubuntu-server to be an FTP ?16:10
NafalloDM|: dyndns has a nice service called mydyndns as well.16:10
DM|Nafallo paid ?16:10
NafalloDM|: yes16:10
DM|im poor16:11
DM|so that doesnt work for me16:11
NafalloDM|: they provide supreme services :-)16:11
ivokshm... domains are cheap16:11
Nafalloivoks: I buy their service to use them as slaves :-)16:11
Nafalloivoks: so for me, domains scale depending on what service level I want ;-)16:12
ivoksi don't use dyndns16:12
ivoksi have one server with it's domain, and then i use bind to scale down domain1.mydomain.com, computer1.domain1.mydomain.com :)16:12
Nafallonot sure if this is the channel, but does the RaQ 4's need special memory modules?16:13
Nafalloivoks: well, ns1.magicalforest.se has ns[2-5].mydyndns.org as slaves :-P16:13
Nafallofor the primary zone anyway.16:14
DM|anyone have a good guide for setting up FTP?16:16
Nafallohelp.ubuntu.com probably has somewhere.16:16
DM|Yeah just to set up16:21
DM|well, install16:21
DM|but not how to access16:21
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Nafallohow do you usually access ftp?16:26
Nafallo<hint> ftp client  </hint>16:27
DM|from connect to server, or from map network drive if accessing from windows16:31
ivoksDM|: you do know you are asking us how to use computer?16:31
DM|ivoks .....16:31
DM|ivoks i seriously doubt ":how to i access the FTP server after i set it up" is a "how do I use a computer, don't be a jerk16:32
zylmaki have a problem when i use ls all file are in white except one who is in red, what does that mean?16:33
zylmakand how do i delete it16:34
ivoksred is broken link, probably16:35
zylmakis there a way to fix it?16:37
ivokscheck with ls -dl filename16:37
ivoksit will show a destination file16:37
ivoksif there is no such file, create it, or erase that broken link16:38
ivoksthat's called dangling symlink16:38
ivoksand is a big security issue16:38
NafalloDM|: http://www.dummies.com/WileyCDA/DummiesArticle/id-188,subcat-BUILDING.html16:38
zylmakok how do i delete it and do an other one16:38
ivoksrm filename16:38
zylmakno i mean the link16:39
zylmakrm dosent work16:39
ivokszylmak: do ls -dl filename16:40
zylmak001-alboscn -> /etc/apache2/sites-available/default16:40
ivoksrm 001-alboscn16:40
zylmakthe file default was renamed to 001-alboscn16:41
ivoksyou need sudo if you aren't root16:41
Nafallozylmak: no it was not.16:41
zylmakthats what i did16:41
Nafallozylmak: the file /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/001-alboscn was linked to /etc/apache2/sites-available/default16:41
Nafalloor do you mean 001-default to 001-alboscn16:43
zylmakok that what i did : 1 rn 000-default 001-alboscn then rn default alboscn16:44
ScottKDo we now have a policy for the server team that suggests assigning bugs to the team is OK?  I got a couple yesterday and another just now.16:44
DM|im using gftp right now, is there a better ftp client for GTK?16:44
Nafallozylmak: yea, so you're link points to the wrong file because fo that...16:44
zylmakbut obviously i didnt understand the link, so the first thing witch one have to be the real one?16:45
NafalloDM|: depends on personal taste.16:45
DM|i like simplicity, any suggestions?16:45
ivoksDM|: this is server channel - we don't use GUI16:46
Nafalloivoks: speak for yourself ;-)16:46
DM|ivoks stop commenting please, you arent helping.16:46
ivoksNafallo: we agreed on parsing questions around here16:47
Nafalloivoks: GUI is good for having lots of terminals topened ;-)16:47
ivoksso we don't do GUI related questions16:47
ScottKReally they belong in #ubuntu.16:47
Nafallolftp fqdn16:47
Nafallouser user16:47
Nafallothere ya go ;-)16:47
ivokslftp is fine :) ncftp too :)16:48
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ivoksconclusion was that we want to add 'support' to this channel, but only for server related stuff16:49
ivokstopic says all16:49
DM|If you dont like what the question is, dont respond to it16:49
ivoksDM|: your question is exaplained in topic of the channel16:51
ivoks'For general (not server specific) support visit #ubuntu'16:51
DM|ivoks i was having a CONVERSATION with Nafallo as a suggestion16:52
ivoksguys, we have to draw a line, otherwise we will have too much noise :/16:52
NafalloDM|: no you wasn't. you asked me a question and I googled for you.16:52
DM|ivoks and you waste alot of time to be a DB about it.16:52
DM|Nafallo and i quote "any suggestions?"16:52
NafalloDM|: anyway. stop it now. #ubuntu is the place.16:53
DM|Thanks for the help anyway16:53
ivoksnealmcb: hi there16:55
nealmcbivoks: howdy!  I'm hanging out with some folks from boulder at the django sprint16:57
sorennealmcb: Oh, cool!16:57
ivokssoren: you are here too :)16:57
sorenivoks: Sssh... don't tell anyone.16:57
nealmcbjim is working on the final push to get django working on jython16:58
ivokssoren: so, what now? i don't mind doing all mail related stuff by default16:59
ivoksdo we have agreement on that, or should we discuss it at the meeting?16:59
sorenivoks: Well, as far as I could see, all the changes you wanted to make to dovecot could be applied on all systems with no downsides.17:00
sorenivoks: (apart from the maildir thing)17:00
ivoksand postfix support17:00
sorenivoks: ?17:00
ivokssome of changes are postfix-only changes17:00
ivoksauthorization part is done inside postfix jail17:00
ivokscheck out that patch, it requires having postfix installed17:01
sorenRight. I was just talking about dovecot.17:01
ivokssoren: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/10629598/tasksel.diff17:01
sorenAre you changing anything in dovecot's configuration that requires postfix to be around?17:01
ivokswe have to17:01
sorenAw, crap.17:01
ivokscause postfix is jailed17:01
sorenWell, /var/run/dovecot/auth-client is really the proper place for the socket.17:03
ivoksbut postfix doesn't see it then17:03
soren...so some way to get postfix to be able to access it would be optimal, but I don't have any good suggestions for that right now.17:03
ivoksthere is exaclty the same problem with all other sasl implementations17:04
ivoksthat's why we are doing this trough default mail server install17:04
ivoksto provide super mail server without any need to do editing configuration, linking and stuff...17:05
ivoksand, for those that know what they are oding, they could always do it by hand17:05
sorengot it.17:06
ivokswe could divide this patch in two pieces17:06
ivoksone would be general dovecot improvments17:06
ivoksand everything else would go in tasksel17:06
* soren considers how bind mounts and unix sockets work together17:07
ivoksthat corss my mind too17:07
Nafallo5pm...maybe I should get out of bed...17:08
sorenThat might actually work.17:08
sorengoogle speaks of a few people who did it to access the X unix sockets.17:08
sorenIt's worth a try.17:09
ivokswe could try yes...17:09
sorenCould you do that?17:09
sorenThat would be excellent.17:09
soren's init script could check if /var/run/postfix exists and if so, bindmount /var/run/dovecot/auth-client into it somewhere.17:09
ivoksother way around17:10
ivokspostfix should check17:10
lamontwe can force the ordering of the startup, you know17:10
ivoksof course we can17:10
ivoksdovecot should start first17:10
Nafallowhat are you doing? :-)17:10
sorenivoks: Good point.17:10
lamontNafallo: conspiring, of course.17:10
* lamont is about to run out the door for the day17:11
lamontabout 2 hours late, but ...17:11
Nafallolamont: mails filed into postgresql? ;-)17:11
sorenlamont: Have you tried the unix socket bind mount thing?17:11
lamontsoren: I believe that it works...17:11
sorenlamont: Wicked.17:11
ivoksmaybe dovecot could listen on localhost?17:11
sorenwe win.17:11
lamontdunno that I've ever tried. it...17:11
ivoksinstead of socket :)17:11
lamontthe easy one to check with is the syslog socket, and then syslog restart and see if postfix logging still works.. :)17:12
lamontor something like that17:12
ivoksi could also, really, look at possibility to get dovecot listen on localhost:someport17:13
ivoksi would really like to escape additional mounts in my 'mount' output :)17:13
sorenivoks: That would be good, too :)17:13
sorenI've got to run..17:16
* soren vanishes17:16
* ScottK votes no on SQL mail storage and slaps Nafallo with a cold, dead, wet fish.17:17
ivokslooks like listening on ip address doesn't work :/17:37
ivoksor... :)17:37
ScottKFor stuff I've modified to be postfix chroot friendly, I've used TCP sockets.  Would that be an option with dovecot?17:39
ivoksthat's what i'm looking at17:40
ScottKI did that for clamav-milter and dkim-milter.17:41
ivoksno way to get dovecot listen on tcp port17:55
ivoksok, then binding during postfix startup is an option...17:56
rrittenhouseIm trying to set up a DNS server with the gutsy server cd and it doesnt seem to be working! I am however getting denied messages in the syslog17:58
ivoksyou have to configure it17:59
rrittenhouseim a newbie at dns but i noticed when i install bind9 in a desktop install it just works17:59
rrittenhousei figured it would be the same way17:59
rrittenhouseI dont need to specify any domains I just need it to look them all up with other dns servers18:00
rrittenhouseI cannot get to a group of clients that were on an old web server box I had18:00
rrittenhouseso I just need it to very basically look up IP's18:00
ivoksyou need bind only if other machines are going to use that server for lookups18:01
rrittenhouseah got it18:02
ivoksif your server is the only one that needs to search for IPs18:03
rrittenhousethe IP's were being denied - its basically an open dns server now18:03
rrittenhousebut this is very temporary18:03
rrittenhouseso, awesome :)18:03
ivoksi don't see why you would need DNS service18:03
ivoksjust add ' my_server_1' to /etc/hosts18:04
ivoksreplace with real IP18:04
rrittenhouseno no see18:04
rrittenhousei took over this IT department and for some reason the old admin had dns on the webserver18:05
rrittenhousewe switched the webserver to a new ISP last night and dns was on that box18:05
ivoksso you don't have DNS anymore?18:05
rrittenhousewe set up  apache to capture the web requests and to throw up a maintenance page18:05
rrittenhouseand the old admin had a group of people set up externally using that DNS18:06
rrittenhouseat another one of our businesses that we support18:06
rrittenhouseThey just need DNS monday until we can get up there to change it18:06
ivoksthen you need bind18:06
ivoksand you have to configure it18:07
rrittenhouseits done now18:07
rrittenhouseat least it appears to work :P18:07
rrittenhousejust had to allow anybody to access it (which is fine)18:07
rrittenhouseactually its cgillogly -- hes the one at work today.. im just trying to help him find answers18:07
rrittenhousebut it appears to work and im using it here from home18:08
ivoksso, you are open dns for all domains now? :)18:09
rrittenhouseis that a problem?18:09
ivokswell, anybody could ask your dns about any domain in the world18:11
ivoksif you are ok with that...18:11
rrittenhouseuntil monday18:11
rrittenhousei think the old one was like that anyhow :)18:11
ivoksi keep my dns open only for domains it hosts18:11
rrittenhouseah i see18:12
ivoksthere are two 'directions' in DNS18:12
ivoksone is - world asking about your domain18:12
ivoksand the other is - your domain is asking about world domains18:12
ivoksyou need to enable whole world to resolv your hostnames18:12
ivoksbut not anything else18:12
ivoksand then you have to enable your computers to use your DNS to resolve all domains in the world18:13
ivokslook at your clients as your domain18:13
ivoksallow-query should be any18:14
ivoksand allow-recursion should be only clients you trust18:14
ScottKThat one can be important.18:14
rrittenhouseI need to see if i even have the IP's for that business18:15
rrittenhouseIt actually might just be coming from one public IP18:15
ivoksif they are on a dynamic IP, they you are doomed :)18:15
rrittenhousetheres one public and the internals are all dhcp18:16
rrittenhouseusual natted setup i believe18:16
ivoksuse this tool to check your DNS18:17
ivoksyour dns server should return results only for your domain18:17
ivoksbut, if you have client on a dynamic IP, you will have to provide access to all on allow-recursion18:18
ivoksthat's a bad thing, but hopefully till monday you won't have problems :D18:18
rrittenhousewhat could it enable someone to do?18:19
ivokshopefully nothing18:19
rrittenhouseim just trying to see why its so bad18:19
rrittenhouselike i said im a noob at dns :P18:19
ivoksbut you are providing usually private service to everybody18:19
rrittenhouselike opendns18:19
ivoksthere are some open dns18:20
rrittenhousethats fine though really18:20
rrittenhouseif someone really needs dns that bad they can use it lol18:20
rrittenhouseits only 2 t1's18:20
atoukxp box can access server with either server name or ip, but ubuntu box can only access it via ip.   any thoughts?18:50
Burgundaviaatouk: is it part of an AD tree?19:32
atoukubuntu server setup with fixed ip.    i can put either ip or servername in address bar in xp and it finds it, but in ubuntu firefox,only ip will find it19:37
HaesufinG'day I have something weird going on, i am logged onto my server(ssh) and can ping my server but it cant ping anything or connect to the net19:39
ScottKatouk: If it's in firefox, it's not a server question.  Please ask in #ubuntu.19:40
Haesufinit's a new install (tonight) and have only installed ssh and samba19:41
atoukso it's a ff behaviour then19:42
atoukok, that makes life easier19:42
ScottKatouk: I don't know what it is, but if you're running Firefox on it, it's not a server and this isn't the place to ask.19:51
sommeratouk: does the ubuntu server have an A record in DNS?19:53
atouknot running ON it, accesing it WITH on 7.10 box      accesing it with XP works by name or ip.     I was just making sure it wasn't some odd setting on the server box i missed that was causing it19:53
atouknot really an issue, just an annoyance19:54
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sommeratouk: try adding "search your.domain" to /etc/resolv.conf19:55
sommerand just so I'm clear you're trying to access server.domain.name from another ubuntu client and it doesn't work by name?  but it works from XP?19:56
atoukserver box is names 'server1'.      if i type server1 in url line in XP, it finds it.   if i type same thing from 7.10 (ff) url line, it doesn't19:57
sommeratouk: add "       server1 your.domain" to /etc/hosts... or use localhost in the address bar19:58
sommeratouk: samba server?19:58
atoukserver is on it's own box19:59
sommermmmMM... seems like a /etc/hosts issue to me...19:59
atouk7.10 and xp are seperate boxes20:00
sommeratouk: okay, but the 7.10 you are talking about is the server? and you are typing server1 into ff on the server?20:00
sommerff running on the server correct?20:01
atoukserver1 ->   ubuntu-server install20:01
atouk1.20  -->  seperate box with full 7.10 install20:01
atoukoops    7.1020:02
sommerso you're accessing server1 from the 1.20 box and it can't connect using the name server1?20:02
HaesufinGot it fixed with sudo-v, cheers for your help20:02
atoukgah   two conversations at once20:02
sommeratouk: basically for a linux machine to resolve by name you need an entry in /etc/hosts or an dns entry and the search domain.name in /etc/resolv.conf20:03
atoukif i tper server name into xp browser url line it finds it.    if i type name into ff url line on a 7.10 install, it doesn't20:03
sommeratouk: did you try adding the entry into /etc/resolv.conf?20:04
atouknot yet.      as long as i know it's not a fubar on server, i'm ok with it20:05
sommeratouk: more info on /etc/resolv.conf: http://users.ictp.it/~radionet/ghana1998/INSTALL/NODE214.HTM20:06
sommeratouk: you can use the "search" option or the "domain" option... to get the same results20:07
sommeratouk: you might also read up on /etc/hosts: http://www.faqs.org/docs/securing/chap9sec95.html20:07
atoukserver is going into lan at work to feed sp boxes, so if it's not a server side problem, i'm just leaving it alone20:08
rodneykkwhats the difference between the kernel.domainname in sysctl.conf and the dnsdomainname command20:08
atouk(xp boxes)20:08
sommeratouk: have you tried the fully qualified domain name in firefox?20:11
atoukyeah, still goes outside looking for page20:13
atoukbut xp handles it ok, so not an issue20:13
atouki'll not bother it anymore.        time for some wine20:14
atouki'll just end up fixing it until it's REALLY broke20:15
sommeratouk: okay, well if you decide to look at it again, look into /etc/nsswitch.conf and /etc/hosts... my money says that will solve the issue.20:16
atouksince it's doing what it's needed to, i'll just drink moderately and pretend i never noticed it20:17
ganton516Should a BIOS RAID array be set up when using dmraid, or should it be disabled ?22:02
ganton516Should a BIOS RAID array be set up when using dmraid, or should it be disabled ?22:14
nealmcbthat's the second room ganton516 has entered and left - at least this time he asked the actual question - so the long topic might actually be helping22:31
Omniusanyone know much about bridge-utils??23:07
OmniusI can set it up alright but cannot assign a gateway address to the psudo interface23:11

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