
ryanakcacould you say that Kubuntu is the only major distro to always provide the latest KDE version?03:41
claydohI can't confirm that, but I would feel comfortable saying that03:43
claydohdistrowatch has it at 3.5.7, tho I would assume they have 3.5.803:46
* claydoh looks03:46
ScottKryanakca: If it's true, it's only coincidence.03:47
ScottKWe just got lucky having a release right after 3.5.8 came out and being able to squeeze it in.03:48
claydohbut we always seem to have the latest kde rather quickly03:49
claydohbut are the releases we have 'offocoal'?03:49
claydoherr official03:49
ScottKSure.  Because we work with KDE to package in parallel with the release.  We aren't the only distro that does that though.03:49
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claydohyeah, and 6 month releases probably helps line it up too03:52
claydohsuse looks to be using their Build Service thing for 3.5.803:53
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stdinman pykde4 is going to take a while...10:57
mhbstdin: a while, yes.11:05
mhbstdin: are you going to package it?11:05
mhbstdin: that might be faster for me than compiling it myself11:05
stdinmhb: I'm going to package it yeah, but I need to make sure it actually compiles :p11:06
stdinright now I'll only work on hardy though11:06
mhbstdin: fine for me11:07
jpatrickstdin: when you're done, poke me, I'll revu and see if I can backport11:08
stdinit's been stuck compiling a 1.9MB cpp file for a good 15 mins :p11:09
stdinand only 8 more to go...11:09
stdinjpatrick: if you want a look you can dget http://stdin.me.uk/python-kde4/python-kde4_3.92.0~svn20071201-0.dsc  (I just ripped off the debian/rules from kde4 packages for now) think of it as a draft package :p11:14
jpatrickstdin: looks good, apart from the -0 -> -0ubuntu111:15
* jpatrick looks at the rest11:16
stdinwell I put -0 because it's shorter :p just until I get it to build11:17
jpatrickstdin: Homepage: goes under Standards-Version now11:22
stdinhmm, I should know that, I remember reading about it...11:23
_buzjpatrick: saw my comment on the luks support yesterday?11:28
jpatrick_buz: nop11:29
jpatrick_buz: however I fixed the desktop files, so it should be working11:29
_buzfixed when?11:30
_buzwell with that update i see encrypted devices but i'm told i cant mount them because they are encrypted11:31
jpatrick_buz: what does "kio_media_mounthelper -d /dev/sdxx" give?11:33
_buzlaunches a dialog asking for password11:34
jpatrickarg, I forgot my pass..11:34
_buzbut doesnt seem to decrypt anything11:35
_buzoh wait, it infact does11:35
_buzi get a node in /dev/mapper11:35
jpatrickhello, that's new for me11:36
_buzand if i mount that manually, i get the drive11:36
jpatrickhow do you mount it? I need to specify the filesystem type11:37
_buzdid you format the luks volume when you created it?11:38
_buzmine is ext3, i can mount that without telling it the fs type11:38
_buzwell before you format the luks volume (after opening it) you cant mount it11:38
jpatrickknew I did something wrong11:40
_buzso it's cryptsetup luksOpen11:40
_buzthen mkfs.ext3 /dev/mapper/somenode11:40
_buzafter that you can mount /dev/mapper/somenode11:40
jpatrickok, I got the drive11:42
_buzso what happens you replug it?11:45
_buzok so kio_media_mounthelper can decrypt devices. so far so good (except for the fact that media:/ wont notice it)11:47
jpatrickyay! I got a Mount Decrypted Removable Media11:47
jpatrickand I can access it from media:/11:48
jpatrickbut I had to "sudo mount /dev/mapper/pat-usb /media/usb"11:48
_buzyeah that works11:49
_buzdo you get a decrypt dialog wehn you plug in the usb device?11:49
jpatrickonly when you click on it I guess11:50
_buzi dont even get that11:50
_buzi only get it when i run kio_media_mounthelper -d11:50
_buzbut after that it creates the device in /dev/mapper11:50
jpatrickhmm, where did I put those .desktop files..11:52
jpatrick_buz: well, it appears to be implemented, just need to play around a bit more with the .desktops..11:55
jpatrickthere's suppose to be one called: kio_mounthelper.destop (or something like that) that calls kio_media_mounthelper11:57
jpatrickaha! there it is /usr/share/services/media_decrypt.desktop11:58
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_buzcommand line looks correct12:38
_buzincorrect mime type maybe? (there arent any actions show in media:/)13:01
steveireHow do I make usr/bin/qmake point to qmake-qt4 instead of 3? I thought update-alternatives was what that was for...?13:28
stdinsteveire: it is, worked here13:29
steveirestdin:  sudo update-alternatives qmake?13:30
stdinsteveire: no, "sudo update-alternatives --config qmake"13:30
steveirestdin: Cool. Cheers13:30
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fdovingare there minutes from the meeting somewhere?13:50
fdovingor some logs/brief overview of what was decided?13:50
Hobbseeyou'd probably do better to read teh entire thing at !logs13:51
Lure_fdoving: you were assigned several action items ;-)14:11
* Lure_ got old dell running finally, might work on brightness keys now14:12
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apachelogger__Riddell: you know of any way to watch file kde-apps?14:54
dthackerLure_ I: I have a fresh Gutsy install on a Compaq Armada M700.   Is that new enough to help you test brightness?15:26
=== Jucato changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Welcome to #kubuntu-devel | 7.10 out, you all rock! | Merge away: http://merges.ubuntu.com/main.html http://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html
Lure_dthacker: do you have brightness keys? do they work in gutsy? did they work before (feisty)?15:29
dthackerLure_: I have a "sun" icon on the F10 key.   Never played with it.15:31
dthackerLure_:  I'll check my hw docs for brightness keys and get back to you15:32
Lure_dthacker: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuLaptopKeycodes has more info...15:32
dthackerLure: FN->F10 activates control.  up down cursor controls brightness.  Works on this machine.15:34
dthackerLure_: I have not had machine on to run updates in 2 weeks or so.15:35
Lure_dthacker: ok, so it is either done in HW (as my HP) or was not broken in gutsy15:39
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dthackerLure:  looks that way.  Should that work on the live CD?15:41
Luredthacker: I suspect it is done in HW, therefore it should work anywhere15:46
dthackerLure: OK, I have two more Dells I can test on later today.  One is running Gutsy, the other is running windows, and belongs to my employer, so I'll try testing the windows box with Live CD.15:47
apachelogger__Tonio_: can I archive karp2?15:57
mhbhi Serega, who has left too fast to reply :o)16:05
Tonio_apachelogger__: are you okay with packaging this time ? then yes, you can16:08
Tonio_apachelogger__: here is the patch for disk manager16:08
Tonio_apachelogger__: http://paste.tonio.homelinux.org/243616:09
apachelogger__Tonio_: thanks16:09
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Tonio_apachelogger__: I'll work on the french translation a bit later16:11
Tonio_no emergency on that point16:11
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RxDxplease, how can i install KDE4 on my Ubuntu?17:59
stdinRxDx: see the #kubuntu topic18:00
RxDxok, thanks18:00
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jjessenixternal: whats the weather like in o'hare/chicago right now?  the 1:45 flight from grr to ord hasn't left yet20:20
nixternalflights are moving though20:21
jjessenot from grr20:21
nixternalmy old man headed to cancun this morning20:21
jjessedid he take his girlfriend with him :)20:21
nixternalbusiness meeting (ya right)20:21
jjessejust started boarding the 1:45 flight at 3:3120:21
jjessenow i wonder when the 3:30 flight that i'm will leave20:22
nixternalthey may be backed up, but flights are coming and going, I can hear them20:22
jjessenixternal: does your cell phone receive pictures?  got a great picture from the airport of a computer running xp :)20:22
jjesseits one of those screens that shows flight information and says "Updates are now available for your computer"20:25
nixternalI should have taken on last night...I was in the middle of the New York Giants and didn't even realise it20:25
apachelogger_please update your airport20:26
nixternalhahaha, nice20:28
jjessegrin i thought it was funny20:28
* apachelogger_ expects someone to upload that picture :P20:28
* jjesse doesn't know how to get that off his phone20:29
nixternaleither do I20:30
* ryanakca grumbles at OpenOffice.org Word Processor and KWord20:49
jjessestill waiting for my flight to bored20:50
* apachelogger_ hates traveling20:51
jjesseme too20:51
jjesseand i do it every week20:51
* jjesse hopes he makes his flight from chicago to boston20:51
Tonio__apachelogger_: are you done with the disk manager package ?20:56
Tonio__I can revu it if needed20:56
=== Tonio__ is now known as Tonio_
apachelogger_Tonio_: upstream needs to include a copying.lib20:56
apachelogger_your patch doesn't work for some reason20:56
apachelogger_gotta investigate tomorrow though20:57
Tonio_apachelogger_: hu ?20:58
Tonio_apachelogger_: works for me20:58
Tonio_apachelogger_: tried to applied buildprep eventually ?20:58
Tonio_apachelogger_: does it apply at least ?20:58
apachelogger_yeah, it applies, but doesn't build20:58
Tonio_ftbfs ?20:58
Tonio_apachelogger_: try a make -f admin/Makefile.common20:59
Tonio_apachelogger_: or buildprep before starting the build20:59
Tonio_apachelogger_: may I test using your package ?20:59
apachelogger_ldiskmanagerdialogwidget.cpp complains about the removed items20:59
Tonio_lemme check21:00
Tonio_apachelogger_: that's it, try autotools and it'll be okay21:00
Tonio_just do a fakeroot debian/rules buildprep before building the source package21:01
jjessedang it they just started to cancel flights out of boston21:02
apachelogger_doesn't apply anymore Oo21:03
jjessemeant just started canceling flights out of chicago21:04
apachelogger_Tonio_: will have a look into it tomorrow21:04
Tonio_apachelogger_: just testing a simply untar, patch, then configure, make, make install21:04
Tonio_apachelogger_: I'll try to get you a fixed package with working patch toonight21:04
apachelogger_fair enough ;-)21:04
Tonio_apachelogger_: simple compile works like a charm here21:04
Tonio_apachelogger_: the "rebuilt" is simlply for copying.lib right ?21:04
Tonio_apachelogger_: yep, no issue here..... investigating21:05
Tonio_apachelogger_: applied buildprep before building your package, seems to work here21:10
Tonio_just run buildprep and then pdebuild21:10
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Tonio_apachelogger_: hum no build failed, indeed.... investigating21:14
jjesseawesome, flights not leaving until 6pm est21:17
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Tonio_apachelogger_: that's strange, really, patch fails in the package, but works when building manually..... I don't understand21:31
apachelogger_me neither21:37
apachelogger_needs deep investigation I guess21:37
apachelogger_probably some issue with cdbs -.-21:37
Tonio_apachelogger_: I think I have the fix21:45
Tonio_apachelogger_: but still do not understand why it worked locally21:45
Tonio_apachelogger_: it should have work due to what's missing in fact ;)21:45
Tonio_apachelogger_: currently building21:45
Tonio_apachelogger_: working patch :)21:52
Tonio_apachelogger_: just installed the deb, seems to work21:52
Tonio_apachelogger_: still don't understand why that worked locally, but well...... fix is done, so ;)21:53
Tonio_apachelogger_: still working on the patch to make is nicer.... just a moment22:05
apachelogger_Tonio_: don't hurry ;-)22:06
Tonio_apachelogger_: :)22:09
Tonio_apachelogger_: building22:09
Tonio_apachelogger_: I'm also removing the bottom part with help and quit, useless22:09
Tonio_help is available within the menu and quit button just doesn't make sense22:09
* apachelogger_ thinks Tonio_ loves to patch :P22:11
apachelogger_maybe we should just fork our own version22:11
Tonio_apachelogger_: I don't think so, just one patch for better UI doesn't mean forking :)22:14
apachelogger_ok :)22:15
fdovingTonio_: hi, how's kdesudo doing?22:33
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Tonio_fdoving: nothing for the moment, I'm starting to work on that on tuesday22:38
fdovingTonio_: ok. was there decided anything about dolphin during the meeting?22:38
Tonio_keep it and try to fix issues22:38
Tonio_then rediscuss if still too many problems before the release22:38
fdovingouch.. k.22:39
Tonio_apachelogger_: http://paste.tonio.homelinux.org/244022:39
Tonio_fdoving: last fixed kdesudo version has lots of issues, with install_mp3 amarok script22:39
Tonio_fdoving: but I think we can manage to make it to work with standard kprocess as you suggested22:40
fdovingTonio_: it has issues with all scripts i guess.22:40
Tonio_apachelogger_: final patch, just tested, everything's okay22:40
Tonio_fdoving: maybe yes22:40
Tonio_fdoving: yep, certainly22:41
Tonio_fdoving: I'll give you feedback on tuesday22:41
Tonio_fdoving: I have to go atm :) seya !22:41
fdovingi'll see if i get some time to hack tomorrow.22:41
apachelogger_Tonio_: thx22:43
Riddellapachelogger_: I havn't really used watch files, but you can subscribe to updates in kde-apps23:16
apachelogger_yep, though I think it would be nice to watch file as well23:17
apachelogger_anyway, the best thing would be comment notification for uploads on revu :D23:17

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