
karimFujitsu: I installed it, however I am not sure how to specify build options for gcc00:43
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=== tonyy is now known as tonyyarusso
JordanCHey folks09:50
JordanCWhat's the easiest way for me to simply commit code to the BZR repo using KDE09:51
JordanCI have tried olive, and it doesn't work09:51
frenchyJordanC: Ha, I use GNOME and it doesn't work their either.10:01
frenchyJordanC: I've just gone back to the command line.  I'm use to SVN on the command line so it's not too bad for me.10:02
frenchyOops s/their/there/ ... I hate myself.10:03
JordanCI've been told QBzr is good, but I'm yet to get it to work :D10:07
JordanCThis really is shambolic ;D10:07
frenchyI like that word.  Many a time in my life that I could've used that.10:07
frenchyJordanC: Sorry, for being much help though.10:08
lifelessJordanC: qbzr possibly10:08
frenchys/for/for not/10:08
frenchyIt's getting late here and I had too much to drink today.10:09
JordanCYeah, that's not working either10:11
Odd_BlokeJordanC: In what way is it 'not working'?10:11
ubotuNew bug: #173415 in launchpad "Please perform a massive tag purge for the Ubuntu project" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17341510:16
JordanCOdd_Bloke: It's just not running10:18
JordanCErrors on installation10:18
Odd_BlokeJordanC: How are you installing it?10:18
JordanCJust using the install scripts10:20
JordanCIt's in py, so10:20
JordanCSee, here's the problem with QtBzr10:20
JordanCOutFile "qbzr-setup-${PRODUCT_VERSION}.exe" <--10:20
JordanCIt's windows only, it seems10:20
Odd_BlokeJordanC: The Windows-only install scripts are, indeed, Windows-only. :p10:21
Odd_BlokeYou'll want https://launchpad.net/qbzr/trunk/0.7.1/+download/qbzr-0.7.1.tar.gz10:21
Odd_BlokeAnd then use setup.py from there.10:22
Odd_BlokeAlternatively, you could just branch https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~qbzr-dev/qbzr/trunk into ~/.bazaar/plugins/qbzr10:22
JordanCI have that10:23
JordanCStill, the setup file requires parameters to be run10:24
Odd_BlokeJordanC: './setup.py install' will install it system-wide.10:25
Odd_BlokeIf you only want it for yourself, then branching into ~/.bazaar/plugins/qbzr is the better idea.10:25
JordanCrofl .. more errors :D10:25
Odd_BlokeThough you probably want to branch from http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~qbzr-dev/qbzr/0.7.1 as that's stable.10:26
Odd_BlokeJordanC: To clarify, you would run 'bzr branch http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~qbzr-dev/qbzr/0.7.1 ~/.bazaar/plugins/qbzr'.10:27
JordanCOkay, running10:30
JordanCbzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~qbzr-dev/qbzr/0.71/"10:30
Odd_BlokeJordanC: 0.7.1, not 0.71.10:32
JordanCYeah, the directory for ~./bazaar/ doesn't exist10:33
Odd_BlokeJordanC: 'mkdir -p ~/.bazaar/plugins'10:33
JordanCIf it doesn't exist, though -- what exact purpose will this have?10:37
JordanCOkay, it branched 165 revisions10:37
Odd_BlokeJordanC: ~/.bazaar/plugins is where bzr looks for user-installed plugins.  If you haven't installed any plugins just for yourself there, then there's obviously no reason for it to exist.10:38
Odd_BlokeJordanC: Try using a QBzr command.10:38
JordanCOkay, so basically, this is going to launch a Qt window when I run commands?10:39
JordanCOtherwise I may as well just use bzr on shell10:39
=== kiko-zzz is now known as kiko
Kmoskiko: bug 173415 - can you have a word about this one ?11:12
ubotuLaunchpad bug 173415 in malone "Please perform a massive tag purge for the Ubuntu project" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17341511:12
kikoKmos, wow. who is requesting that?11:12
kikothe proper solution is official bug tags, though11:12
kikoif you really wanna do that you'd need to go through the CC11:13
Kmoskiko: and can't be cleaned up ?11:13
Hobbseekiko: you say that, when the last meeting was a few days ago.. :)11:13
kikothat's only because I love you Hobbsee 11:14
Kmoskiko: i think launchpad should have a system to clean them up after 1,2,3,[choose here] months..11:14
Hobbseekiko: :)11:14
kikoinstead of expiring old tags11:14
kikowhat I think we should do11:14
kikois emphasize official tags11:14
kikoand then you can have a process like we do in help.launchpad.net/TaggingLaunchpadBugs11:14
kikothat's what I think at least11:15
* Hobbsee ponders how that would work in ubuntu11:15
Fujitsukiko: What's the point of having tags that are unofficial if you have 2000 of them?11:15
Fujitsu(and why don't they vanish when they lose all references?)11:15
RainCTFujitsu: they still have, but the number on the tags panel  is "0" since this only counts open bugs11:16
kikoFujitsu, because end-users can choose to tag based on what they want, and because you might want to experiment with new tags11:16
kikothe portlet is a mess, I concede too11:16
FujitsuRainCT: Ah, that could do it.11:16
kikothe portlet should list only official tags11:16
kikowith a link to something like a tag cloud11:16
kikowith all tags11:16
Hobbseekiko: i'd imagine you'd lose the tags after they had not been used in a set period of time.11:16
FujitsuA tag cloud of 2000 tags? Ew.11:16
* RainCT tried removing a tag from a closed bug and the tag disappeared from the list11:16
FujitsuRainCT: Ahaa.11:16
FujitsuPresumably it excludes dupes too.11:17
Hobbseekiko: there are some legit tags.  it appears that tags don't really fit the ubuntu workflow, excluding for a few teams.11:17
kikotags only exist if bugs use them11:17
Hobbseeyeah, but going thru the old closed bugs and removing all the tags would, frankly, suck.11:17
Hobbseebest to just vanish the portlet, and let those who want to see tags, search for them :)11:18
Hobbseeor at least, in ubuntu terms.11:18
Hobbseeor just sanitize the way tags are done.11:18
kikothat's pretty much what I want to do11:18
kikoa) have official tags that are controlled by somebody11:18
LongPointyStickbuildd.py gpac hardy retry11:19
LongPointyStickoops, wrong window.11:19
LongPointyStickirssi != console11:19
kikob) only list official tags in the portlet, and show them in the +edit page for bugs so the personc an get it right11:19
kikoc) have a way of listing the 2000 tags somewhere else and less prominent (a tag cloud was my idea, but maybe you're right that 2k is crazy)11:19
Hobbseeaww, fudge.11:20
* Hobbsee modifies buildd.py more11:20
* RainCT likes kiko's proposal but still thinks that removing those 1152 tags would be a good idea11:20
* Fujitsu thinks that the omg-let's-make-sure-they-really-want-to-assign-a-developer-to-a-bug click-click-click-more-clickness screens should be used for creating new tags, instead.11:21
Hobbseekiko: in the ubuntu world, how would you make it official though?11:21
FujitsuHobbsee: Get ubuntu-bugcontrol to click `make official.'11:21
HobbseeFujitsu: *snort*.  tell me, do you think that'll *stop* people assigning bugs to ubuntu-core-dev?11:22
kikoHobbsee, you'd make some process to make them official. we decide them in a weekly meeting11:22
* RainCT was about to suggest the same11:22
kikois snorting good or bad11:22
Hobbseekiko: ubuntu has no global meetings.  11:22
Hobbseekiko: it's amused snorting.11:22
kikowell, I'm sure you can find a convenient process11:22
HobbseeFujitsu: to block on bugcontrol is bad.  they're quite slow to act.11:22
FujitsuHobbsee: We're all in bugcontrol..11:22
HobbseeFujitsu: and also, they speak for relatively few bug triagers (and no devs)11:22
HobbseeFujitsu: i was meaning the admins.  but, if any person in bugcontrol can create tags for ubuntu...that's not a bad idea...11:23
Fujitsubugcontrol is already used for bug permissions (ie. Importance)11:23
HobbseeFujitsu: indeed, which is why i think your idea is brilliant.11:23
HobbseeFujitsu: but you clearly haven't gotten annoyed enough with the clickity click behaviour of assigning devs to bugs yet.11:24
HobbseeFujitsu: either that, or i haven't seen your screenscraping script to avoid it.11:24
HobbseeFujitsu: come to think of it, even a greasemonkey script would do...11:24
* Fujitsu has been working on already assigned bugs today, so hasn't hit it so much.11:25
FujitsuShould it really complain if one tries to assign oneself, anyway?11:25
HobbseeFujitsu: it should be fairly simple - just redirect the first url to the real one, and skip the question url in the middle.11:25
RainCTFujitsu: if you create one send me a copy ;P11:26
* Fujitsu hopes it will be fixed in the near future.11:26
HobbseeRainCT: there's a project for launchpad greasemonkey scripts anyway.11:26
* Hobbsee should get mithrandir to add the rest of his in.11:27
* Fujitsu likes the karma+emblems one.11:27
Hobbseekiko: right, so, the above solution sounds fairly sane.  can we get the other (unused, in open bugs) ones removed, so we can start again?11:27
RainCTbtw, why can't packages on packages.ubuntu.com all have a nice file lists? :(11:27
HobbseeFujitsu: i like that, and the stock responses ones.  also, mithrandir's buildd sanity highscoring si nice, too11:28
Hobbseebut buildd.py is nicer again :)11:28
* Hobbsee sighs at launchpad.11:31
Hobbseehttps://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-dev/ubuntu-gm-scripts/ubuntu has stopped filling in <name>11:31
Hobbseepity.  i liked being able to copy and paste11:31
Hobbseeoh, hang on, it's the line below now11:32
kikoHobbsee, sure we can -- does that mean you want to escalate RainCT's bug?11:32
Hobbseekiko: escalate to where?11:32
kikoto us11:34
Hobbseekiko: that would be nice, thanks11:34
KmosHobbsee: that's for you :)11:36
Kmosdon't needed11:38
* Fujitsu admits to being thoroughly confused by that use of English.11:39
KmosFujitsu: hehe11:39
Hobbseei'm assuming its' saying that i don't need to thank him11:39
FujitsuAh, perhaps.11:39
KmosHobbsee: exactly11:39
Kmosit should be "don't need to" ?11:40
kikono need to11:40
FujitsuOr `no need'11:40
kikoand WTF11:40
FujitsuWhat kiko said, both times.11:40
kikothe toys made me think "hmm office-safe or office-not"11:40
Fujitsukiko: Similar.11:41
FujitsuCapital kiko! Oooh, that's a first.11:41
kikook. I think I should invest this precious sunday  time in working and not burn it on random irc chat11:42
Odd_Bloke"Joanna, fire."11:42
* RainCT asks how to install a greasemonkey script11:43
FujitsuRainCT: If you're using Epiphany, drop it in ~/.gnome2/epiphany/extensions/data/greasemonkey. If you're using Firefox, well, I have no idea.11:44
Hobbseeinstall greasemonkey, click on the url of the script you want to run, hti "install script" on the dialog box.11:44
FujitsuThat would probably work too.11:45
RainCTthanks :)11:46
RainCTuh.. and how does this work now? :P11:48
FujitsuRainCT: Which one did you install?11:48
FujitsuAh, if you go to a bug and try to edit a section, their should be extra clicky things.11:48
Fujitsus/their/there/. Urgh.11:48
RainCToh ok. cool :)11:52
=== Hobbsee_ is now known as Hobbsee
etnoyokay this is probably asked very often by different people, but I need to do some reoganization on my project's page13:35
etnoythe Evad project:13:35
kikoetnoy, what sort of reorg?13:35
etnoyI want to move two releases to another series, and delete a release that got an incorrect number13:36
etnoyreleases 0.0.1 and 0.0.2 need to be moved from "trunk" to "development" 13:36
etnoythe 0.01 release should be deleted13:36
etnoythe 0.01 and pre-0.01 series should be deleted13:36
etnoythe 0.1-alpha1 milestones should be deleted from trunk13:37
etnoythat's it as far as I can see now13:37
etnoyit is quite frustrating when I cannot undo the mistakes I have made13:37
kikoetnoy, just request this to be done via the support url in the topic.13:38
kikothat's a bug that needs fixing, btw13:38
kikoit's reported13:38
etnoyokay, great. I thought that it was a design issue :)13:38
santiago-veHello... I am trying to import the bzr .mo file for translations, but roseta keeps giving me an error email13:57
kiko.mo or .po?14:03
RainCTkiko: when will the new @ubuntu.com adresses be created?14:09
kikoRainCT, which new addresses?14:11
RainCTkiko: for the new members14:11
kikoI don't really know; the addresses are maintained by sysadmins, not us14:14
HobbseeRainCT: what's your LP ID, and what are you using to test if the account is active?14:14
RainCTHobbsee: rainct. I'm trying to mail rainct@ubuntu.com but don't receive anything14:15
HobbseeRainCT: are you using gmail to do it?14:15
kikocheck it out on #canonical-sysadmin?14:15
RainCTHobbsee: yes. is evil gmail hidding them?14:16
RainCTHobbsee: ok, it seems it is :P14:16
Hobbseegmail does that.14:17
Hobbseekiko: i'ts usually user error.  or gmail error.14:17
kikoHobbsee, what does gmail do?14:18
* RainCT thinks GMail is evil14:18
Hobbseekiko: it thinks mailing yourself is spam, so either sends it to the spam folder, or doesn't send it at all.  i don't remember which14:18
RainCTHobbsee: really? I thought it just hiddes it since it's the same message..14:19
HobbseeRainCT: istr it's a spam thing14:19
Hobbseethey didn't used to do it14:19
Hobbseeback when i got mine, it was fine14:19
RainCTbtw, it isn't possible to change the name@ without renaming the LP account, or?14:20
* RainCT would prefer sgevatter@ubuntu.com like with his ubuntu.cat adress, but prefers to continue being ~rainct on LP14:21
HobbseeRainCT: i assume kiko can answer that14:21
* Hobbsee is no launcphad person14:21
kikoRainCT, I think that's no dice, unfortunately14:22
kikoRainCT, but you could talk to the sysadmins14:22
* Hobbsee thought that some people had requested theirs to be changed14:22
Hobbseeon lp answer14:22
kikotheir launchpad names as well I believe14:24
kikobut IMBW as I really Just Work Here14:24
Hobbseekiko: IMBW?14:24
kikoI May Be Wrong14:25
kikoI guess that could be the acronym of my life14:25
RainCTthanks kiko, Hobbsee14:26
Hobbseeyou're welcome14:26
santiago-vekiko, sorry for the late... its a .mo file...14:36
santiago-vesame happens with.po files14:36
kikosantiago-ve, what sort of error do you get back?14:36
santiago-veit justs says it cant process it14:39
kikosantiago-ve, sounds like a bug. can you ask for support via the /topic URL?14:44
=== santiago-ve changed the topic of #launchpad to: url
=== santiago-ve changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Next developer meeting: Thu 29 Nov 2007, 1400UTC | List: launchpad-users@lists.canonical.com | Support: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad | Help: https://help.launchpad.net | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Join the beta team: https://help.launchpad.net/JoiningLaunchpadBetaTesters
santiago-veim such a noob on irc sometimes :p14:48
alefterisim trying to translate a template. I has 4 messages that are differend from the packaged ones. But the translation statistics show also 4 messages as Untranslated, which is not the case. See here: https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/shotserver/16:19
=== kiko is now known as kiko-afk
kiko-afkalefteris, our statistics are a bit broken IIRC. can you ask again tomorrow?16:24
alefterisok, thanks for the answer16:25
=== mwhudson_ is now known as mwhudson
emilianhy. could anyone tell me how long it usually takes for a translation file upload to be reviewed ? I have some files for about 10 days waiting aproval /  rejection...18:35
jordiis it a new project?18:38
emilianjordi: it is now as i understand subsequent uploads don't need a human aproval (https://translations.launchpad.net/netbeans/+imports)18:39
jordiis this netbeans as in the Java Netbeans?18:40
emilianjordi: I'm just trying to use it for alternative languages. maybe convince other existing teams to migrate.18:41
jordiare you affiliated with its development? I guess you know we can only import templates if the authors are informed and agree to use LP Translations18:41
emilianjordi: I told them about the usage of launchpad since March and they wanted to see the results.18:42
jordiThen I suggest you mail rosetta@launchpad.net about this case. I have access to do the import, but I'm not sure about this case, so better if Danilo or Jeroen answer this one.18:42
jordi"they" is Sun?18:42
emilianjordi: the translation mailing list (with sun people)18:42
jordiI see some files are named en.pot, others en.po18:43
jordiyou probably want to normalise that in the future18:43
emilianwhat do you mean ?18:43
jorditemplates (what you are uploading) normally use .pot18:44
emilianthe .po are basically generated from .properties files.18:44
jordibut some of your uploaded files use .po, not .pot18:44
jordiif they are empty templates they should be .pot, not .po18:44
emilianand the .pot are the same .po without the translation (only the "keys")18:44
emilianthey are postprocesed .po files basically.18:45
jordier, but, do en.po files have any translation?18:45
emilianas I don't actually have a .pot to begin with, only java .properties file.18:45
jordior just the msgids?18:45
emilianyes, the english strings.18:45
jordiin msgid or msgstr?18:45
emilianin .pot only the ids, empty strings for translation.18:45
emilianin .po, the ids and english strings.18:45
jordiah, I see18:45
jordisorry, I thought you were using en.po and en.pot alternatively18:46
jordiok, in any case, I can mail our list and see if tomorrow someone can have a look.18:46
jordiI'll add a log of this conversation.18:46
emiliani've talked before on this irc channel with someone from canonical (I assume) before re-posting those files.18:47
jordiwhen was this?18:48
emilianI don't actually mind waiting, I'm just curios *how long*18:48
jordihow long normally depends on the workload18:48
emiliani think on the 21st or 20, the day before uploading.18:48
jordithey just did a big rollout of new features, that probably kept them busy.18:48
emilianthe point is that at least in my case I'll use launchpad or nothing at all :)18:49
emiliani don't feel like carrying files with me to do the translation, I need something web-based.18:49
emilian(and writing my own would take a while ;) ).18:50
emilianok then, maybe I'll bother you guys again in the next week(s).18:50
jordiI just sent the email.18:50
emiliangood bye.18:51
greg-gWhere can I export the information about the members of a team I am an admin of? This bug refers to that capability, but I can't find it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/3926019:19
ubotuLaunchpad bug 39260 in launchpad "Extract team members' email addresses" [Medium,Confirmed] 19:19
greg-g(the last comment says I can export the info in rdf)19:20
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kiko-afkgreg-g, give me a team URL20:34
kiko-afkgreg-g, just tack on /+rdf to any team url.20:34
greg-gkiko-afk: thanks20:40
thumperhi kiko-afk20:44
alecwhI want to delete a branch that we aren't going to use anymore, at https://code.launchpad.net/~phpns-team/phpns/devel . For some reason, there is no option for 'delete branch' anywhere. Can anyone help?21:20
alecwhI want to delete a branch that we aren't going to use anymore, at https://code.launchpad.net/~phpns-team/phpns/devel . For some reason, there is no option for 'delete branch' anywhere. Can anyone help?21:32
thumperalecwh: hi21:36
thumperalecwh: branches are deletable with certain caveats21:36
thumperalecwh: there has to be no subscribers21:36
thumperalecwh: and not linked to bugs or blueprints21:36
alecwhthumper: https://code.launchpad.net/~alecwh/phpns/devel21:39
alecwhthere are no subscribers now, I don't see any other caveats that would prevent deletion, do you?21:39
thumperalecwh: no21:40
thumperalecwh: what do you see in the actions on the left hand side?21:40
alecwhthumper: nevermind, there is a delete option now. =)21:40
thumperalecwh: the delete should be there21:40
thumperalecwh: ah, good21:40
alecwhthumper: yeah, thanks, appreciate your help!21:40
alecwhthumper: Is there any way to show a SVN repository in the "code" section?21:40
thumperalecwh: you can request an import from SVN into a bazaar branch21:41
alecwhwould it do it automatically, or would I have to do it myself?21:41
thumperalecwh: If you specify SVN details on the project right now it will trigger an import21:46
thumperalecwh: in the near future there will be a separate way to request an import21:46
* thumper dashing out for while21:46
alecwhok, really fast, where can I request an import?21:47
thumperalecwh: right now you enter the SVN details on the product series page22:18
alecwhthumper: project series page? Sorry, I'm new to launchpad.22:19
thumperalecwh: ok, which project?22:20
alecwhthe project is 'phpns'22:21
thumperalecwh: ok, so the main series for the phpns project is called trunk22:21
thumperso the series page is  http://launchpad.net/phpns/trunk22:22
alecwhthumper: that's actually not our SVN repository, that's a bazaar repo that we're going to abandon/delete.22:22
thumperalecwh: on that page there is a link in the actions area called 'Edit source'22:22
thumperalecwh: trunk is the main development focus series, and doesn't have anything to do with a bazaar repo22:23
mwhudson_oh good, sourceforge22:23
mwhudson_imports from there usually work :)22:23
=== mwhudson_ is now known as mwhudson
alecwhactually, we're at gna.org22:23
thumperalecwh: anyway, in the edit source page you can specify the SVN details22:24
thumperalecwh: then ask a question on the launchpad-bazaar project to request testing of the import22:24
alecwhhttp://svn.gna.org/svn/phpns/trunk phpns22:25
alecwhthat's our current svn22:25
thumperalecwh: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad-bazaar/+addquestion22:25
ubotuNew bug: #173527 in rosetta "Untranslated string statistics are incorrect for some packages" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17352722:25
alecwhin the edit source page22:25
alecwhwould I put http://svn.gna.org/svn/phpns/ ?22:26
thumperCheck the SVN radio button22:26
alecwhSubversion, yes22:27
thumperthen paste the svn location into the Branch field next to it22:27
mwhudsonalecwh: put the address of the branch22:27
mwhudsoni.e. with trunk22:27
alecwhso, that?22:27
thumpermwhudson: howdy22:27
alecwhok, done.22:28
alecwhSubversion:             http://svn.gna.org/svn/phpns/trunk                                        Import status:           Testing22:28
mwhudsonthumper: hello22:28
alecwhnow, I have to report a bug?22:28
alecwhor ask a question22:28
mwhudsonalecwh: ask a question22:29
mwhudsoni've started the import22:29
alecwhWhat do I type in the question box?22:30
mwhudsonit can take anything from a few minutes to several days for the first import :)22:30
mwhudsonalecwh: "please let me know when the initial phphns import completes"22:30
alecwhand in the description?22:30
mwhudsonalecwh: doesn't really matter22:31
mwhudsonalecwh: the person who will deal with the question is me, and i'll remember this conversation :)22:31
alecwhcool. =)22:31
mwhudsonalecwh: ta22:32
thumperalecwh: short for thanks22:33
alecwhoh. =D22:34
alecwhThanks a lot, I'll be in the IRC if I missed something you need, thanks again.22:34
ubotuNew bug: #173530 in rosetta "Obsolete strings at the top of exported files" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17353022:36
alecwhthumper: https://launchpad.net/phpns/trunk22:38
alecwhIt says: Online22:38
alecwhLast imported:             six minutes ago     22:38
mwhudsonalecwh: yeah, it imported really quickly https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~vcs-imports/phpns/trunk22:38
alecwhthanks a lot mwhudson.22:40
mwhudsontime for bed22:40
ubotuNew bug: #173537 in rosetta "Failed imports, no notification about the reason" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17353722:55

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