
h3sp4wninfinitycircuit: The hpet ones are not that important to me (got a working bios for that eventually after much proding of gigabyte)00:03
infinitycircuith3sp4wn, yeah it all depends on your hardware.  the hpet patches give me huge power savings on my thinkpad x4000:04
h3sp4wninfinitycircuit: interesting I did notice on my thinkpad X31 that the fan works properly with 2.6.2400:05
h3sp4wni.e not just on all the time when it doesn't need to be00:06
DanaGwtf?  Choosing a theme doesn't change my metacity theme.00:21
DanaGI select any theme, and it immediately jumps to "custom" because it's not using the right Metacity theme.00:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about roadmap - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:43
ubotuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - For more: /msg ubotu stages00:43
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu00:45
h3sp4wn!msg the bot00:48
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.00:48
brianskiyeah, clearly my 2 queries really messed up the roaring flow of conversation in this channel00:49
WorkingOnWiseSo I see that Hardy is using 2.6.22 for a kernel. Is that right? The same kernel as Gutsy?00:50
crimsunWorkingOnWise: that is correct currently.  It will release with a 2.6.24-based one.00:50
WorkingOnWisecrimsun: ok. I was mildly concerned that my upgrade didn't go as smooth as I thought.00:51
DanaGI also can't seem to drag from File-roller to Nautilus.00:51
crimsunWorkingOnWise: it was decided at UDS-Boston that a reasonable attempt to ship 8.04 with a 2.6.24-based one would be made.  Obviously, since 2.6.24 has not been released yet, 8.04 continues to use 7.10's 2.6.22-based one.00:53
DanaGOh yeah, that reminds me:00:56
DanaGA friend asked me about something to do with "No high-resolution timers available" in some audio app.00:56
WorkingOnWisecrimsun: ty.00:56
DanaGIt turns out, Dell apparently either is missing, or deliberately broke, HPET in their BIOS.00:56
DanaGIs there any way to work around that?00:56
h3sp4wnperhaps just use 2.6.2400:57
WorkingOnWiseDanaG: lt is probably Audacity. I know nothing else about it, bit I have seen the same error.00:57
h3sp4wnor use the patches - http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/people/tglx/hrtimers/ (I think they have the hpet series enabled that went into 2.6.24)00:58
h3sp4wnInfact I don't think I know they do00:58
DanaGOops, you lost some punctuation, and that made that sentence a bit ambiguous.00:59
crimsuninsert the comma proceeding the 'k'01:00
crimsunor the semicolon if you wish to be pedantic01:00
infinitycircuitDanaG, make sure you boot with hpet=force if dmesg| grep hpet fails to show anything01:01
DanaGWell, it's not my PC, so I'll have to remember it for next time I see that person.01:02
crimsuncfs 24 for 24-rc3 seems pretty nice01:03
DanaGIt's funny -- I tried 'osx86' on my laptop, and while it worked reasonably well, I concluded I have no real reason to actually use it.  Ubuntu works more than well enough for me -- and it's more customizable.01:04
DanaGI realized that for some reason, I find it FUN fixing things when they break.01:05
DanaGOr abusing things to see if they WILL break -- for example, setting window transitions to slow 'dodge' and clicking back and forth between windows makes compiz-fusion hard-lock.01:05
h3sp4wninfinitycircuit: are you using the latest thinkpad-acpi ?01:06
h3sp4wnI am not sure whether to bother sourcing a usb floppy drive to update the bios on mine (apparantly I don't need to if I use that something to do with NVRAM)01:07
=== Dana1 is now known as DanaG
PirateHeadThe home of X breakage? Maybe I don't want to try out the alpha after all. :-\01:44
gskerHere goes nothing!  :-)02:04
h3sp4wngsker: Thats probably how you will feel later02:04
* gsker ponders that02:06
gskerI wonder how long this will take......02:09
Hobbseea while.02:10
gskergive or take?   :-)02:10
gskerDone getting.... unpacking .... installing....02:10
h3sp4wngsker: Obviously it depends on the connection it didn't take long at all for me02:14
h3sp4wnperhaps if there is tons of people upgrading right now it will take longer02:14
gskerwell since I got it all, it doesn't depend on the connection any more....02:14
h3sp4wnI don't remember it taking a noticable amount of time02:15
gsker:-) Noticeable?  you like, blinked and it was done!???02:15
DanaGI usually have two mirrors.02:15
DanaGA fast, local, but often out-of-date mirror, and the official US mirror.02:16
DanaGPut the faster one above the other in sources.list, and it'll be preferred for any packages not out of date.02:16
h3sp4wngsker: perhaps I was not paying attention (probably so)02:16
DanaGI use mirrors.kernel.org.02:16
gskerI just followed the 3 lines of instruction from linuxjournal.02:17
gskersudo sed -i "s/gutsy/hardy/g" /etc/apt/sources.list;sudo aptitude update;sudo aptitude dist-upgrade02:18
h3sp4wnI used perl -pi but other than that the same02:18
dick-richardsonis kde 4.0 planned to be released with hardy?03:02
hashbrowncipherdick-richardson: it appears so, see https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/kubuntu-hardy-kde403:05
hydrogennot as the default desktop03:29
gskerWell, I had to blink a coupla times, but it's there!04:03
infinitycircuitis anyone else having trouble with brightness control in hardy?04:11
infinitycircuitmy laptop screen reverts to maximum brightness every minute even if i bring it down with the keyboard keys04:12
* Hobbsee supsects that's laptop specific04:20
RAOFinfinitycircuit: I think that may be a g-p-m bug - maybe if you have "dim when idle" set, then the brightness level that gets triggered by the dim is the default brightness - some number, rather than current brightness - some number.04:23
=== tonyy is now known as tonyyarusso
choudeshis the new kernel in the repos yet?06:03
choudeshfor hardy that is06:03
choudeshahh, ok.06:03
pwnguinwhere's the best avenue to hunt down developers who can fix SD readers?06:04
Hobbseedepends how they're broken, i expect, but driver developers, i guess...06:06
pwnguinit worked with like .17, but hasnt since06:12
choudeshif there way to blacklist a package from a certain repository? say if I wanted to download update-manager from a different repo then ubuntu's and not use priorityies - is there a way to do it?06:59
choudeshsay to use packages from gutsy instead of hardy06:59
chowmeinedchoudesh, preferences07:03
chowmeinedchowmeined, man apt_preferences07:03
DanaGOdd: trying to add wallpapers to the list doesn't work.07:41
chronographerwhat repositories do I use and is Hardy going to break for me?08:06
chronographerI'm going to update without checking what is to be updated08:06
choudeshanyone having issues with hardy + azureus?09:09
RAOFjdong will be most upset :)09:10
RAOFchoudesh: What sort of issues?09:11
* RAOF doesn't, of course, because he uses either deluge or transmission.09:11
choudesh#19 /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun- [0x620bc6d]09:11
choudeshjava: xcb_xlib.c:82: xcb_xlib_unlock: Assertion `c->xlib.lock' failed.09:11
RAOFUse icedtea-java709:11
RAOFAll the other sun java vms are broken.09:11
RAOF(And have been forever, it's just that Xorg didn't care so much before)09:12
choudeshwhat is the package name?09:12
RAOFicedtea-java7, I think :)09:12
RAOF!find icedtea hardy09:12
ubotuFound: icedtea-java7-bin, icedtea-java7-demo, icedtea-java7-doc, icedtea-java7-jdk, icedtea-java7-jre (and 2 others)09:12
choudeshicedtea-java7-sdk and jre09:12
choudeshI apt-cached it. ;-)09:12
choudeshThe following packages have unmet dependencies:09:13
choudesh  icedtea-java7-jre: Depends: icedtea-java7-bin (>= 7~b21) but it is not going to be installed09:13
choudeshI love being an early adopter. ;-)09:13
RAOFTechnically, the problem is that all the sun JRE's have some Xlib stuff, built without threading support, statically linked in.  Since absolutely everyone has Xlib built with threading enabled, this is a problem :)09:13
choudeshahhhh. I see.09:14
RAOFchoudesh: Hm.  Aptitude *may* be able to find some way to install it.09:14
choudeshdamn libgif4 has a done of depends.09:14
RAOFYup, indeed.09:14
choudeshI just have a script that looks at depends and starts at the beginning.09:15
RAOFOh, if you really can't install icedtea, I think you can work around this with an evil, evil hack.09:15
RAOFBasically by sedding out the XINERAMA string from the java VM binary.09:15
choudeshNeed to get 36.9kB of archives.09:15
choudeshAfter unpacking 154MB disk space will be freed.09:15
choudeshthat is odd09:15
RAOFWHat's it removing?09:15
choudesh  kde4base kde4libs-bin kdelibs5 kdepimlibs5 libgdiplus09:16
choudesh  libmono-winforms2.0-cil libungif4g monodevelop09:16
RAOFHeh.  kde4base is big :)09:17
choudeshyea... I missed that one when I looked. I was like, holy ****09:17
RAOFThis may be a good time to check out various other bittorrent clients, though :)09:17
RAOFEither deluge-torrent or (maybe) transmission would be worth a look.09:18
choudeshheh. I have deluged installed - but I love azureus...it is heavy but I just love some of the plugins09:18
choudeshdoes icedtea-java7-jre update java-alternatives?09:18
RAOFProbably not.09:18
RAOFI'm not sure.  It'd be a good plan to check :)09:19
choudeshroot@duo:/home/choudesh/.azureus# java -version09:19
choudeshjava version "1.7.0"09:19
choudeshIcedTea Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0-b23)09:19
choudeshIcedTea Client VM (build 1.7.0-b23, mixed mode, sharing)09:19
choudeshit does. ;-)09:19
RAOFNow, does azureus run under icedtea? :)09:19
choudeshthanks for your help09:19
RAOF(Let this be a lesson: static linkind FTL!)09:20
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RichieHi, for some reason my sound will stop working after a couple of hours. I go System > Preferences > Sound and when i hit Test i get this: audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink profile=chat: Internal data flow error.15:00
RichieAny ideas on how to fix?15:01
bardyr!info linux-image-generic hardy15:23
ubotulinux-image-generic: Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (hardy), package size 24 kB, installed size 52 kB15:23
bardyr2.6.24-rc has been accepted and even after the alpha1 release isnt out :(15:24
=== Gunirus is now known as [Gunirus]
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
=== Sebast1an is now known as Sebastian
hetaumawhen I try to use vncviewer I can't type in password. I know that this is due to compiz but is there any workaround that ?17:03
h3sp4wnhetauma: disable compiz17:03
hetaumah3sp4wn, apart from that?17:04
stdinhetauma: I don't use compiz but I've heard shift+click may work17:15
hetaumastdin, worked fine thanx alot :D17:19
stdinheh, reading blogs can actually be useful sometimes :p17:20
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yogiwhat do I need to do get intel wireless (thinkpad t60) run with the hardy kernel?19:17
yogiI'm using gutsy as base, but I would like to use 2.6.24 for the power savings (on AMD64)19:17
void^2.6.24 isn't released, yet19:21
yogivoid^: IK;  I am using linux for 12 years...19:21
yogiI'm just not clear on the whole /lib/firmware thing19:22
yogiand what ucode goes with what version19:22
yogiespecially since the intel wireless code changed from .22 to .2419:22
crdlbgutsy + hardy kernel isn't supported at all (not even here)19:22
[ifr0g]I heard CNR will come with hardy, is the rumor true ?19:23
yogicrdlb: define 'supported'19:23
h3sp4wncrdlb: There is not a massive difference between the 2 at the moment that I can see - gutsy with a custom kernel should be supported19:24
crdlbI'm not saying it won't work19:24
yogicrdlb: does that mean 'does not run at all' or does it mean 'you cannot pay anybody to fix it for you'19:24
yogicrdlb: I'm not interested in the second answer...19:24
crdlbI'm saying that this channel is for people actually running hardy :)19:24
yogiare you running hardy on a laptop ATM?19:25
h3sp4wnTheoretically - I am running hardy on a thinkpad X3119:25
yogiI have built the kernel from the sources in http://ftp.ubuntulinux.org/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux/19:26
yogisince I could not find linux-image and linux-modules packages in the pool19:26
yogithe kernel package installed fine, everything works, except the wireless19:26
yogiI have copied ipw3945.ucode  iwlwifi-3945-1.ucode from 2.6.22-14-generic to 2.6.24-1-generic/19:27
yogiand I'm getting a 'wlan0_rename' interface19:27
yogidoes NetworkManager need a bump?19:28
h3sp4wnI doubt it19:28
h3sp4wnJust use http://www.intellinuxwireless.org/iwlwifi/downloads/iwlwifi-1.2.22.tgz19:29
yogih3sp4wn: isn't that (or something really close to it) already part of the linux kernel?19:32
h3sp4wnMaybe - with wireless I usually just use whatevers the newest stable release19:33
h3sp4wnI haven't messed with mac80211 for a client though - I think its still compatible with wext19:34
h3sp4wnBut I know for hostapd you need the devicescape driver19:34
=== tonyy is now known as tonyyarusso
h3sp4wnDoes ubuntu mobile support the eepc ?20:24
pwnguinh3sp4wn: i think it targets a different set of devices. you can probably wedge normal ubuntu on it though20:58
h3sp4wnpwnguin: I want to play with it but I dunno what devices I can get (for not a silly amount of money a $1000 dev board is too much)21:00
h3sp4wnThey are both x86 the one it does support and the eepc21:01
pwnguinwhat i mean is that they're after a smaller touchscreen type device21:02
pwnguinyou should be able to use a chroot and xephyr to get an idea21:03
underwatercowI upgraded to hardy, and now my sound isn't working... is it likely this is related?21:12
crimsunrelated to what?21:13
crimsunyour dist-upgrade?  Unlikely.21:13
crimsunWe're still using the same kernel.21:13
crimsunnote: I'm not referring to "some random mixer element is muted" but to "sound driver is broken completely"21:14
crimsunI'm not concerned about the former; the latter is significant.21:14
underwatercowI got a new card recently, but it was working... so it's possible it's still just related to my still not having it working right21:14
underwatercowthe gnome mixer shows the right card and that sound is working and everything, but the alsamixer is showing my onboard card... could this be why?21:15
crimsununderwatercow: no, that's irrelevant.21:16
underwatercowI still think that the dist-upgrade had something to do with it somehow...21:17
underwatercowthough I know it shouldn't have21:17
crimsununderwatercow: download http://trilug.org/~crimsun/alsa-info.sh, run it using bash, and tell me the url.21:17
underwatercowcrimsun: does it need su?21:19
underwatercowcrimsun: still running... :-p21:21
crimsunwait a tic; it may take a bit.21:21
underwatercowcrimsun: who wrote this script?21:22
crimsununderwatercow: members of #alsa21:22
underwatercowcrimsun: ah, nifty21:22
underwatercowcrimsun: um.... it says Your ALSA information is located at21:25
underwatercowPlease inform the person helping you.21:25
crimsununderwatercow: ok, then your connection to pastebin.ca is fubar21:26
crimsununderwatercow: instead, pass the --debug option21:26
crimsununderwatercow: it will place an alsa dump text file in /tmp/21:26
underwatercowcrimsun: want me to paste it manually to pastebin?21:27
crimsununderwatercow: yes21:27
underwatercowcrimsun: now it has to run again.... *sigh* :-p21:27
crimsunthere's a no-upload option, too.21:27
underwatercowcrimsun: that's a good call21:28
underwatercowcrimsun: which pastebin would you like me to use? or does it matter?21:33
crimsundoesn't really matter.21:34
underwatercowcrimsun: http://pastebin.com/d4f41fdb921:35
crimsun(ok, sec, on the phone.)21:35
underwatercowcrimsun: sure21:35
underwatercowcrimsun: fyi, the Intel is my onboard that I don't want to use21:36
crimsunyou seem to have compiled 1.0.15 manually.21:39
underwatercowcrimsun: I was trying to, lol... don't know if I did it right21:40
crimsun(we ship -driver with 1.0.14 by default and 1.0.15rc3 in linux-backports-modules)21:40
crimsun(we also don't ship libasound2-dev by default, which would be required for the script to pick up the lib version)21:40
underwatercowcrimsun: I'm not partial to 1.0.15 for any reason... I just want my sound working21:40
crimsunwell, it's good to be running 1.0.15 -driver and -lib, but note that you've messed with the Ubuntu infrastructure21:41
crimsunI recommend at some point you do a clean install of a Hardy Alpha21:41
crimsunanyhow, let me look more closely21:41
underwatercowcrimsun: will hardy include 1.015 at some point?21:41
crimsununderwatercow: I've already uploaded 1.0.1521:42
crimsunthe version that ships in the kernel, however, is still 1.0.14.  It uses Gutsy's kernel.21:42
crimsunwell, this problem is fairly straightforward.21:43
crimsunYour asoundrc references your onboard HDA, which is index 0.21:43
crimsunyour ice17xx-based card is not index 0 but index 121:43
underwatercowoh.... the asoundrc was one I got online... do I need it even?21:43
crimsunyou may need it for non-GSt-aware apps.21:44
underwatercowthe reason I got it was I was trying to make my surround sound work, which I may have without it21:44
crimsunI'd mv ~/.asoundrc ~/.asoundrc.bak21:44
crimsunthen `asoundconf set-default-card Revolution51`21:44
crimsunthen log out and back in21:44
underwatercowcrimsun: thanks, I'll brb21:45
underwatercowcrimsun: Ok... I have sound now, though I had to do a full restart. It didn't seem to want to fully load gnome from a logout21:52
underwatercowcrimsun: I don't have surround now though21:52
underwatercowcrimsun: I also got a popup that says "Refresh Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA) configuration presets"21:53
crimsunyes, that's correct.21:53
crimsuncan you use -Dplug:surroundXX ?21:53
underwatercowcrimsun: I don't know?21:53
crimsunasoundconf list21:54
underwatercowcrimsun: it says Revolution51 and Intel?21:54
crimsunI need the specific order21:54
underwatercowthat order21:54
crimsunok, so test plug:surround51:021:55
crimsunuse a multichannel file as appropriate21:55
crimsunor use speaker-test(1)21:55
crimsunspeaker-test -c6 -Dplug:surround51:021:55
underwatercowthe first did nothing, the last...21:56
underwatercowUnable to set sw params for playback: Invalid argument21:56
underwatercowSetting of swparams failed: Invalid argument21:56
crimsunremove the :021:57
crimsunprobably hitching on S32_LE, then21:58
underwatercowwhat is that?21:58
crimsunit's the format that your driver requires21:58
underwatercowcrimsun: should I use the .asoundrc with the correct sound device? or should I be able to get it working without?22:00
crimsunsure, you can erase ~/.asoundrc and ~/.asoundrc.asoundconf22:00
crimsunand mv ~/.asoundrc.bak ~/.asoundrc22:00
underwatercowcrimsun: so do I still need to change to hardware 1? or did making it default do that?22:02
underwatercowmake it 0 that is22:03
crimsunyou can leave it 0, since the ice17xx-based one is currently index 022:03
underwatercowaight... is it enough to restart alsa-utils? or should I log out?22:03
crimsunI would also use the slots parameter for snd to force the driver to always load as index 022:04
underwatercowwhat do you mean?22:04
crimsunecho options snd slots=snd-ice1724,snd-hda-intel |sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base22:05
underwatercowok, done22:07
crimsunyeah, you'll likely need to log out and back in for the asoundrc change22:07
crimsun(to be safe, at least)22:07
crimsunwithout knowing what you have running, that's the safest guess22:07
underwatercowcrimsun: very little at the moment, but I'll log out22:08
underwatercowbrb again22:08
underwatercowcrimsun: ok, has surround now :-p22:16
underwatercowcrimsun: is it just duplicating the front to the back?22:16
crimsununderwatercow: well, yes, that's what your asoundrc specifies.22:17
underwatercowcrimsun: is that the only way I can do it? or can I have genuine surround sound? lol22:17
underwatercowcrimsun: different channels I guess for the rear speakers?22:19
underwatercowcrimsun: so you can have different sound in the front than in the back22:19
crimsunif the app sets the appropriate parameters via alsa-lib, of course you can have "genuine" surround22:19
crimsune.g., xine-lib, GSt, etc.22:19
crimsunmplayer, too22:19
underwatercowcrimsun: even with the back duplicating the front?22:20
crimsunI don't think you understand your asoundrc dupe stanza22:20
underwatercowcrimsun: apparently not, lol22:20
crimsunthat's an upmix that's used for "plain" 2-channel files22:20
underwatercowcrimsun: oh...22:20
underwatercowso without the file22:21
underwatercowit would be stereo unless the app was set up for 5.1?22:21
crimsunxine-lib, GSt, mplayer are all intelligent enough to set the appropriate parameters via alsa-lib for "genuine" 6-channel or 8-channel files22:21
crimsunessentially, yes22:21
underwatercowcrimsun: so are things like web browsers, playing in two channel then?22:22
crimsunerr, well, it depends what format the files are22:22
crimsunthere's nothing preventing a Web browser from sending a genuine 8-channel file to alsa-lib22:22
crimsunit would be foolhardy, but well, it's certainly possible22:23
underwatercowcrimsun: gotcha, so it's possible, but not likely22:23
underwatercowcrimsun: why doesn't it dupe by default?22:23
crimsunbecause it can't, as you've discovered.22:23
crimsunthere are far too many variations on codecs, many of them broken by the manufacturers.22:23
underwatercowcrimsun: ah... well in windows, do the manufacturers set it up to do that by default then?22:24
crimsunI can't speak of the ones under NDA22:25
underwatercowcrimsun: Can I ask you a windows related sound question?22:26
underwatercowanother that is22:26
underwatercowit might not be windows specifically22:26
underwatercowbut that's where I noticed it22:27
crimsunI probably won't have the tech-fu to answer a Windows audio question, but sure.22:27
underwatercowwhen I set up my card for surround sound in windows, the game I am playing will play all of the sounds except certain dialog22:28
underwatercowI have to put it to stereo to hear the dialog22:28
crimsunreport the bug to your manufacturer :-]22:28
underwatercowI didn't know if it was me, the game, the manufacturer...22:29
crimsundifficult to say22:30
crimsunI would surmise it's the driver22:30
underwatercowI haven't tested it on any other games in windows yet22:30
underwatercowmaybe I'll try that first22:30
crimsunOTOH, it could be in the game, too, in the way it sets DX params22:30
underwatercowit's a vista driver, so who can say22:30
underwatercowI hate vista22:30
crimsunI love Vista, works great here22:31
crimsunI also have not used Vista.22:31
crimsunthus the vacuous statement22:31
underwatercowI only installed it because it cost me nothing22:31
underwatercowand it will have more support than xp22:31
underwatercowif only wine could run all my games22:31
underwatercowoh joyous day22:32
underwatercowcrimsun: thanks for your help22:35
pvandewyngaerdecrap crap crap, i'll never learn i lost my amarok database after upgrading to hardy23:05
mcscrufflo all23:11
mcscruffim running hardy :P on a second laptop, just wondered where the xorg.conf (or replacement) is, as i need to add my touchpad23:12
PriceChildmcscruff, /etc/X1123:14
mcscruffwhat file tho23:15
torbenhi! i upgraded to hardy but still have kernel 2.6.22-14..is that normal?23:15
mcscruff2.6.22-14-generic is default23:15
mcscruffwhy was the "about ubuntu" not updated23:17
choudeshthe new kernel isn't in hardy yet23:17
torbenhmm, i wanted to check out a more recent kernel :/ can i get rid of that "amd testing uso only unsupported hardware" sign in the bottom right corner?23:18
cafuegoYou can always bake a vanilla 2.6.23-whatever-is-current kernel.23:20
mcscrufftorbon, ati?23:20
mcscruffi was just reading a fix for that23:20
h3sp4wntorben: You could build the current ubuntu git23:21
=== _ktogias is now known as ktogias
mcscruffi really dont have an xorg.conf23:22
h3sp4wnmcscruff: Is that a problem ?23:23
mcscruffwhen i need to add touchpad it is23:23
mcscruff/usr/share/xresprobe/xorg.conf  <<does it use that?23:23
h3sp4wnYou can still have one if you need to (but for common cases its unnecessary)23:24
torbenh3sp4wn: how can i do that?23:24
h3sp4wntorben: Just write one23:24
mcscruffdo you need it all or can i just add the lines i need?23:24
torbenh3sp4wn: sounds like too much work, i'm not really into this..23:25
h3sp4wntorben: actually I just got confused - there is a page on the wiki about git kernels23:26
h3sp4wnmcscruff: Should just be able to add what you need23:26
BlackDiamondsis there anything major in the new alpha ?23:26
torbenah ok23:26
BlackDiamondsor was it just the package sync ?23:27
Trewastorben: or just wait some time, I guess 2.6.24 kernel is coming soonish23:27
mcscruffBlackDiamonds, no xorg.conf :)23:27
BlackDiamondswait wut23:27
BlackDiamondsis everything automated now ?23:27
mcscruffim not sure if its just me but something has been tweaked and my system seems to be running very fast23:27
h3sp4wnmcscruff: Its always fast the further away from the release it is23:28
mcscruffthe restricted driver thing is missing (good move)23:28
BlackDiamondsDoes anyone know when that hardware detection spec will be implemented ?23:29
h3sp4wnmcscruff: No doubt that will be back23:29
mcscrufftime to try a nice ati driver23:29
magnetronBlackDiamonds: try asking in #ubuntu+123:29
h3sp4wnmcscruff: What ati card are you using ?23:29
mcscruffh3sp4wn, radion 200M23:30
BlackDiamondsmagnetron this is ubuntu+123:30
magnetronBlackDiamonds: eh... oopss23:30
h3sp4wnThink that is a bit new for XiG but my radeon mobility absolutely fly's with the XiG non-free X server23:30
* magnetron facepalms23:31
Trewash3sp4wn: XiG is still alive? I somehow would have expected a commercial X server to die with the previous millennium (when I last heard of it) :)23:33
h3sp4wnTrewas: Still alive and well23:33
h3sp4wnand still tons better than xorg for the supported ati cards23:34
h3sp4wn(If amd does release the specs I would expect XiG to produce better drivers than the xorg people)23:35
h3sp4wnJust for comparison - ut2004 is totally unplayable on this laptop with xorg and perfect with XiG23:35
h3sp4wn(and its a 16MB radeon mobility where all parties had access to the specs)23:36
mcscruffXig , ooo i want it23:36
Trewasunsurprisingly they don't have support for nvidia chips where the company itself is making decent drivers... but I wonder how good their intel drivers are23:37
h3sp4wnTrewas: I don't think much to the nvidia drivers23:38
Trewaswell, I haven't found anything to complain (stability or feature-wise) yet about nvidia drivers, granted that I have used them only on desktops23:40
torbenis it possible to get a framebuffer at native resolution (1440x900) on a macbook pro using that new ati-driver?23:40
h3sp4wnOr perhaps its just the nvidia hardware - perhaps a quadro is better I dunno if I want to give nvidia more money23:40
h3sp4wn*But I dunno ...23:40
h3sp4wnI would be interested to compare similarly prices Matrox and Nvidia cards (Matrox with the XiG drivers)23:41
Trewasg550 at least has some hardware limitations, like supporting xvideo only up to 1024x1024, maybe parhelia cards are better bug afaik they don't have any support in xorg23:43
h3sp4wnTrewas: exactly - the XiG xserver supports them (I don't mind paying) I have to use so much non-free stuff for my course anyway I am no longer really bothered23:44
Trewashrr, and now that I checked nvidia 8600gt I have in this computer costs the same as new g55023:44
Trewash3sp4wn: I don't care about closed source that much either, but for graphics cards I have not been impressed with matrox and nvidia has good free (as in beer) drivers23:46
h3sp4wnI have an nvidia 7950GT and a 7300GT and the picture quality is not nice on either23:46
Trewaswell, that doesn't matter much with lcd monitors with dvi-inputs23:48
h3sp4wnThat is what I am using23:48
h3sp4wnMaybe I should try a quadro but its an expensive gamble23:49
Trewashrm, using dvi and the right resolution there is not much room for quality, bad or good23:49
h3sp4wnDunno its perfect with an ati 9250 or an ati 9800pro (I have messed around with it for ages)23:51
TrewasI haven't seen any problems with 6600gt or 8600gt cards23:51
h3sp4wnI dunno the others are just easier on my eyes23:53
Trewaswith dvi the picture quality should be either perfect or very bad, the digital connection does now allow very subtle differences23:54
h3sp4wnTrewas: *should* being the operative word23:55
Trewash3sp4wn: yeah, pixel-perfect is pixel-perfect no matter what card :)23:56
h3sp4wnTrewas: That is how its supposed to be however in reality it isn't23:57
Trewash3sp4wn: maybe, but the differences are somewhere else than in the dvi connection23:58
Trewasmaybe some card/monitor combinations have problems or something...23:59

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