
troy_sviper550: ?01:53
viper550Trying to setup Ubuntu on my other computer, again - this time as a main OS01:55
troy_sviper550: Ok great.  What brings you here to tell us that for?01:55
viper550I am having issues...ironically01:56
viper550Got an hp f1053 monitor, installed correctly, but refuses to go into X. The monitor just goes to sleep mode.01:58
troy_sviper550: What do you mean 'go into X' -- x refuses to start?01:58
darkmatter#ubuntu is the "help" channel. need directions? :P01:58
viper550I'm trying to get help from someone01:59
troy_sviper550: I would try that advice -- #ubuntu is very useful.01:59
viper550I'm doing dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:00
viper550works now02:11
viper550sorry to say this but I already "dumped the defaults in the trash"02:11
troy_sviper550: I don't think anyone cares.  What the hell do you think we have been struggling away on for nearly three years?02:23
viper550Wow, my Dad didn't like the default panel arrangement!02:30
viper550hey troy_S02:36
troy_sviper550: Hello.02:37
viper550We got it running as you heard02:38
viper550Theme wise, we're using Clearlooks with a purple, crux icons, and a wallpaper with our border city's waterfront02:39
darkmattertroy_s: LOL. I don't think anything short of a blunt instrument to the back of Marks head will aid in the struggle02:54
titanix88howdy people :)06:12
titanix88what about the formalized contribution website? is it on?06:13
=== trosep1 is now known as troseph

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