
emgentthis is my idea00:00
sladenemgent: I suspect it might be more interesting to put money toward "you helping XYZ" when a particular XYZ is known00:21
emgentsure sladen00:22
* emgent heya02:55
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lamont gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I.. @GLIB_CFLAGS@ -I/usr/include/glib-1.2 -I/usr/lib/glib/include -O2 -Wall -g -Wp,-MD,.deps/library.pp -c library.c  -fPIC -DPIC -o .libs/library.o05:51
lamontI think I may have auto* issues to fix.05:54
lifelessusing auto* gives you fixes05:55
lamontlibedsio/Makefile.am: required file `./depcomp' not found05:56
lifelessautoreconf -i05:57
lamontthat does seem to be working better./05:58
lamontat least right up to all the unsatisfied externals. :-)05:58
lamontgo glib05:58
lamontmind you, once I get this happy, I can quit using debmake :-)05:59
lifelesslamont: isn't that deprecated for some years?05:59
lamontiz RC for lenny05:59
lifelessI'm slowly working up a fix for the goat06:00
lamontas in sacrifice?06:01
lamontif (and only if) you're really bored: git clone git://git.debian.org/~lamont/xdelta.git06:02
lamontas for my part, I'm going to declare bed time./06:03
Hobbseeno sleep for you!06:03
lifelesslamont: the auto* suite - the goatbook is the official book06:03
lifelesslamont: thus they are the goat tools06:03
lamonthow, um, appropriate.06:03
lifelesslamont: so thats what, xdelta package?06:03
lamontyeah.  as in xdelta 106:03
lifelesslamont: also, have you tried current bzr on for size ?06:03
lamonthaven't quite had a reason to yet...06:04
lifelessiz faster06:04
ion_I used bzr for a long time, but then i finally tried git and found that i like it a lot more4.06:04
lamontalthough I expect I'll bump into some bzr package soonish06:04
lifelession_: what do you like more about git06:04
lamontiz faster than git, or than old-bzr?06:05
Hobbseeion_: bad move.  now lifeless will probably come and hunts you down06:05
ion_lifeless: The very favorite thing for me is how it handles branches.06:05
Hobbseelamont: iz much faster.  even the original pull.06:05
lifelesslamont: iz faster than hg for a number of things; haven't benched it against git yet, don't plan too until some other todo items (like halving the repository size) are completed.06:05
lamontgiven kernel work, I had to learn git anyway, kinda fell in love with it.06:06
ion_lifeless: I often create branches for features that are going to require more than one commit, and git just handles it so much nicer than bzr.06:06
jdongfor kernel-sized trees IMO git/hg still perform better on most operations, though I admit I haven't messed with packs yet06:06
lifelession_: in what way ?06:06
lamontas bzr gets the feature set closer, I expect that I'll use it more... git meets my needs quite nicely right now, so there's not so much reason to look at switching.06:06
jdongbut for everything more manageably sized I love using bzr. The UI and featureset are awesome06:06
lifelessyay old-sci-fi (V is on :))06:07
jdongwhat's V? </ignorance>06:07
lifelessnot V for Victory, V the reptilian aliens miniseries06:07
lifelesslamont: please do let us know what things would make bzr more appealing for you (other than speed; we know about that :))06:08
ion_lifeless: All the code exists in a single directory. With the git-checkout command, you can switch between branches while staying in the same directory. I find the method to be less hassle than having to clone the repository to separate directories. Or was i using bzr incorrectly?06:09
lifelession_: you were using bzr in its simplest form; its quite capable of switching branches (see the 'bzr switch' command ;))06:09
lifelession_: if I was working with a compiled language I would typically do something like:06:10
lifelessbzr init-repo ~/repos/project --no-trees06:10
lifelessthat will hold my branches06:10
lifelessthen bzr checkout --lightweight ~/repos/project/a-branch ~/source/foo06:10
lifelessto get a source tree06:10
ion_lifeless: Ok, thanks. bzr’s man page doesn’t mention switch. That’s why i never noticed it.06:10
lifelessand bzr switch ~/repos/project/b-branch to change06:11
jdongion_: consulting the bzr help command tends to be better than its manpage06:11
lifelession_: it's in a plugin; probably the debian package builds the manpage without the plugins installed06:11
lifelession_: its now in bzr's core06:11
StevenK% bzr help | grep -c switch06:11
jdongStevenK: bzr help commands06:12
lifelessrobertc@lifeless-64:~$ bzr help | grep -c switch06:12
lifelessrobertc@lifeless-64:~$ bzr help switch06:12
lifelessPurpose: Set the branch of a lightweight checkout and update.06:12
lifelessUsage:   bzr switch TO_LOCATION06:12
jdongin my 0.92 it still seems to be provided by bzrtools06:12
lifelessjdong: thats correct06:12
ion_Anyway, git does seem faster than bzr. I haven’t done any benchmarking, though, it’s entirely subjective.06:12
* lamont knew one of the V stunt doubles.06:12
StevenKI don't have a bzr switch06:12
jdongion_: in my experience Git also tended to be more generous in using my disk space :)06:13
wasabithe mdadm udev stuff is bugging me a bit. requires that /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf be kept up to date06:13
ion_jdong: I don’t really care about disk space.06:13
lifelessStevenK: if you have < 1.0alpha, install bzrtools06:13
wasabiespecially requires that when you move / to a new md array, you have to remember to update that file06:13
wasabiand update the initramfs06:13
jdongion_: then I don't think much compares to git's speed.06:13
lifelessgit is pretty fast at many things06:14
ion_With git: git init, do stuff, git commit, git branch feature_x (fork a branch), git checkout feature_x (switch), do stuff, git commit, git checkout master, git merge feature_x, git branch -d feature_x (delete branch). Oh! That reminds me: the deletion of a branch isn’t allowed (unless forced) if the branch contains unmerged changes, which is a nice thing.06:15
lamontlifeless: as I bump into using bzr more, I'll keep that in mind.  At the time that I finally standardized my vcs from the 4 that I was using, git made the most sense.  Changing that will likely happen because of some as-yet-unseen compelling reason06:17
lamonts/likely/likely only/06:17
lamontion_: git checkout -b feature_x :)06:17
lamont(branch and switch)06:17
lamontand yes, that git resists deleting branches that have unmerged changes? love.06:17
ion_That also removes the need to create a repo in order not to duplicate the common things between branches.06:17
Hobbseejdong: it would be appreciated if you could track down with gpac blew up on some arches.06:18
ion_I don’t mind the HDD space usage, but it’s one more thing to do.06:18
ion_lamont: Thanks, i’ll keep that in mind. :-)06:18
lifelession_: well it also forces you to work in a single place. bzr doesn't need a repo to do switch06:18
jdongHobbsee: certainly on my TODO list to trace that wxgtk related issue06:18
lifelessin fact, you can just 'bzr init-repo ~/repo' and put all your projects in there :)06:18
jdongHobbsee: can you also look at why x264 "failed to upload"?06:18
Hobbseejdong: i'm not really sure what it is - it should be there.06:18
Hobbseejdong: yeah.  iz YALPB06:19
jdongHobbsee: yay!06:19
Hobbseejdong: that'll go away when i give it back, and then check where it put the binaries.06:19
jdongHobbsee: ok awesome, just wanted to make sure it wasn't my fault06:19
ion_It doesn’t really force to work in a single place. There’s always a possibility to clone the branch to multiple places, but usually i find it not to be necessary.06:19
lifelesslamont: we'll have to find some compelling reason06:19
Hobbseejdong: nah.  it got demoted while it had build records, so soyuz blew up over it.   YALPB for you.06:19
Hobbseejdong: (and yes, it did got to main)06:20
lifelession_: I find I often have branches where a change requires a mssive rebuild06:20
lifelession_: so at least for me I want multiple workspaces; all I was really trying to say is its easy to work with one workspace with bzr if thats what you want; and we want to make that easier06:20
lifelessit can never be easy enough06:20
ion_Anyway, bzr is *hugely* better than a lot of the competition. :-)06:21
Hobbseejdong: i may as well give it all back together though - particularly if i need to get someoen else to demote the binaries.06:21
jdongHobbsee: ok, gpac FTBFS'ed because wxwidgets2.6 FTBFS'ed on affected arches.06:23
jdongHobbsee: I think a give-back of wxwidgets2.6 on said arches would suffice, as it seems like the libgnomeprintui breakage it had before is now resolved in Hardy06:23
Hobbseejdong: oh, and rmadison didn't check for those arches, or i didn't notice.06:24
Hobbseejdong: got it.  consider it done.06:24
jdongHobbsee: thanks very much :)06:24
lamontwell, off to bed.06:24
jdonggood idea. Me too :)06:24
Hobbseenight lamont06:24
choudeshanyone around? is there a way to blacklist a package from a certain repo?07:01
persiachoudesh: Yes, and Yes, and Why?07:02
sladenchoudesh: keep talking, do you have an example07:02
choudeshall users have root access to their local boxes - but I want to limit what packages they can install.07:03
choudeshI have a local repo - but I don't want to go through and delete all the packages07:03
persiachoudesh: That you can't do, as root can edit the sources.list07:03
choudeshthat is pulled from a readonly nfs07:03
persia(unless your firewall blocks all external access, which doesn't seem ideal)07:04
sladenpersia: usb;  sudo dpkg -i07:04
persiaRight.  No unless.  You just can't do it.07:04
sladenchoudesh: you could install a fake meta package that conflicted with anything you weren't keen on07:04
choudeshI see.07:05
persiauser = root could uninstall easily07:05
persiachoudesh: To ask differently, why would the users have root access?07:05
choudeshthey can't uninstall software - apt-get uninstall/purge is caught by a kernel mod and not executed.07:05
choudesho, college dev lab07:06
sladenchoudesh: if you're giving these people sudo rights on their box, then what you have is a social issue ("pretty please, don't install X, Y, or Z---I'm trusting you with sudo and I don't want to have to help you reinstall your machine"_07:06
sladen...and technical issues to social problems don't generally work07:06
choudeshwell, we already had a few kids uninstall tzdata because it took up too much space07:07
* persia thinks about running dpkg -P and/or /var/lib/dpkg/info/foo.prerm; rm -rf `dpkg -S foo`; /var/lib/dpkg/info/foo.postrm07:07
choudeshthey aren't the brightest kids but there are a few "hackers". ;-)07:07
persiachoudesh: college dev lab is the worst place to give local users root: you concentrate smart, idle, motivated people and give them the problem of working around your limitations.07:08
sladenchoudesh: course they can uninstall.   sudo cp -a /usr/bin/apt-{g,w}et && sudo apt-wet --purge remove xyz07:08
choudeshsladen: still won't work since apt-get still calls a remove_file operation in the kernel. I look at the process and kill it if it is in my realm of "no-nos"07:09
sladenchoudesh: take a step back.  Instead of giving all privs and then trying to take them away.  Just limit the sudo commands they can run to one or two commands07:09
* persia agrees with sladen07:09
choudeshsladen: tried. but the professors above me want it done this way. just give me your profession opinion and I just won't do it at all. :-D07:10
choudesh500+ ubuntu dev machines are hard to admin07:10
persiachoudesh: For a "professional opinion", you'd need to pay someone.  Most would likely agree with sladen.07:10
sladenchoudesh: can't you start each of them in a virtual machine, let them trash it and revert the image to a clean state as easy as 1-2-307:11
choudeshpersia: heh. I just wanted to send this convo to my boss and show him that.07:11
choudeshdon't get me wrong - I agree with both of you07:11
choudeshsladen: some do - others are in a kernel dev class and need direct access to hardware and DMA modifiers07:11
persiaDoesn't even need to be virtual, use an EFS boot to prep a clean install on each boot, and reboot after each use (similar practice was done at my uni)07:11
persiaFurther, if users have direct access to HW & the like, they can swap out your kernel anyway.07:12
choudeshpersia: we need that a few years ago - but since these machines are used between kernel-dev-class, opengl-class and a few others - the images was about 2.7gigs and a clean install of reboot took around 40 minutes07:12
sladenpersia: good suggestion (PXE boot them with a LiveCD image)...07:13
persiaRight.  It's PXE now :)07:13
persiaIf you've the HW, just put a 4GB flash module in each device, and boot liveFS off of that (masking it as R/O in protected BIOS).07:14
sladenso you need a starting point, and their additions07:14
persia(lower network use)07:14
choudeshwhat I am working on now is a revolving NFS server. basiclly the only thing that machines will have is a /boot and and on reboot it gets a new clean nfs mount, then the servers removed the previous image and copy over a new one07:15
sladenvarious snapshotting techniques (eg. LVM/dm-snapshot/unionfs) should get this07:15
sladenit's the same technique used on the liveCDs that allows you to apt-get install after boot07:15
choudeshhmm - good idea07:15
persiachoudesh: That works, but once they have an image, let them do whatever they want: just make sure it's standard practice to get a new image when they reboot.07:16
choudeshwell - hopefully next year it will be in the budget to give every CS/CE major a laptop with ubuntu07:16
sladenstock up on OLPCs :)07:16
sladenall seem good solutions07:18
sladenthese idea of trying to enfore a policy from inside the package-manager when they have root (and they attempting to cover that by kernel hacks---some of students are *supposed* to be building their own kernels, so that isn't going to help07:19
nemikso in the packages, is the .orig.tar.gz diff'd or not with the diff file below it?07:31
nemikif it's not, how could i apply that diff to that package?07:32
ion_dpkg-source -x foo.dsc, and now please read the topic.07:33
nemikthanks a lot ion_07:36
slangasek17:26 < bddebian> God I suck at pre/post/inst/rm stuff, regexp, shell scripting, just about everything else..08:55
slangasekerm, ok then08:56
ScottKslangasek: Do you have anything to do with the partner repository as Ubuntu RM?08:57
persiaslangasek: It's work in progress :)  Also, are you able to purge old, buggy, security-hole ridden things from the partner repo?08:57
* ScottK will let persia take up the conversation then and really go to bed.08:57
slangasekerm... :)08:58
ScottKor not.08:58
ScottKRemember removing openssl097 from Gutsy right before the release?08:58
persiaEssentially, in lieu of recompiling the VMWare utilities, libssl0.9.7 was put into partner, but it has open remote exploits available that will not be fixed upstream, so it's not ideal.08:58
ScottKslangasek: It's baaack.08:58
persiaNote that the recompile is required by VMWare, not our local freindly ISV packager.08:59
ScottKNow off to bed then.  Good night.09:01
slangasekpersia: yes, as a matter of fact I had a hand in putting it into partner.  Sorry, pulling it back out is not really an option unless a vmware rebuild happens first, which is not up to me; of course by its nature, "partner" is going to contain some things that don't meet various standards for e.g., main09:02
* persia translates "erm... :)" into "Maybe, but I'm not sure, and need to talk to people during the week"09:02
persiaslangasek: Sure.  I'm just worried about remote exploitation, and wonder if it's preferable to offer a undisclosed remote exploit in partner than to apologise and report that we're working with VMWare to resolve the issue.09:03
persiaFurther, it's not even up to the standards of universe (or we wouldn't be so voiceferous)09:04
slangasekpersia: openssl097 contains no network services, there's no danger of remote exploitation in that package per se09:05
* Hobbsee waves09:05
persiaslangasek: Right, but as VMWare server uses libssl for remote management, that means there is likely a remote attack on the management interface.09:06
persiaHmmm..  Not good, but I'm too lazy to develop a PoC right now.  Maybe it will get fixed soon (and I hope the vendor has been appraised of the situation: it affects all the binaries they distribute).09:07
slangasekI can pass that up the chain to the ISV packaging folks09:07
persiaslangasek: Thanks.09:08
=== azeem_ is now known as azeem
geserHobbsee: please give-back: ocaml-http ocaml-reins ocamldap ocamlodbc ocamlsdl ocsigen mlpcap mldonkey fextremes fcopulae. Thanks.12:18
Keybukhmm, EXA is still slower than XAA12:18
Keybukdamn, there are so many little quirks and foibles that you have to remember if you're using ptrace12:58
Hobbseeyou can sort out a botnet in #ubuntu if you prefer12:59
KeybukI don't think I have ops there12:59
Hobbseelucky for you13:00
Hobbseebesides, you need k-tickets to do much13:00
geserHobbsee: are you in a mood to give-back some packages or should I wait for pitti?13:04
stdingeser: she's a tad busy right now, dealing with #ubuntu13:15
Hobbseedear freenode staff, please kline faster.13:17
Hobbseestdin: i can't do much, just watch13:18
Hobbseeslowly giving them back13:18
stdinwatch and set +rRm as quick as possible13:18
sabdflemgent: pong13:18
Hobbseestdin: we already are.  and we have staffers on our side.13:19
stdinHobbsee: I can see and I don't envy you right now ;)13:19
Hobbseesmite them with the mightly kline stick!13:20
Hobbseeall we need are the trains to go faster, adn more regularly13:20
stdink-line stick is the only thing that beets the long pointy stick :p13:20
Hobbseei can't kick people off networks.13:21
Hobbseegeser: all given back13:22
emgentsabdfl, see query, when you have time :)13:22
* geser hugs Hobbsee13:22
* Hobbsee hugs geser13:22
Hobbseestdin: at least Seveas is in a happy mood13:23
stdinHobbsee: like a kid with a candy13:23
Hobbseechuga chuga chuga chuga choo choo!!!13:23
SeveasHobbsee, I thought you quit smoking? :)13:27
StevenKShe moved from smoking to shooting up13:27
StevenKMeans she doesn't have to explain the haze in her room any more13:27
SeveasStevenK, hehe13:29
Hobbsee_Seveas: or did two of us with you at the airport make you forget which was which?13:30
SeveasHobbsee_, neh13:30
=== Hobbsee_ is now known as Hobbsee
SeveasI know you don't smoke when not on fire13:31
SeveasChimney Draper however ;)13:31
glatzor_hi luisbg14:17
glatzor_luisbg: I think that I found a good interface for the xrandr application14:18
luisbgglatzor, ohh really?14:38
luisbgtell me about it14:38
jdstrandslangasek: thanks for looking into openldap-- did you file an upstream/debian/ubuntu bug on this, or shall I?14:39
jdstrandslangasek: oh, btw you can run an individual openldap2.3 with: cd debian/build/tests && ./run test030-relay14:49
jdstrandslangasek: s/individual openldap2.3/individual test/14:49
glatzorluisbg: I haven't yet found a good way to integrate a "keep settings" dialog, that resets the configuration again14:50
glatzorluisbg: I would like to make it instant apply, since we are already using xrandr14:51
glatzorluisbg: I am just creating a launchpad project14:51
luisbgglatzor, I've been helping the ubuntu studio settings app14:52
luisbgwhich we started two days ago14:52
luisbgthe same concepts could be applied14:52
luisbgwant me to work on the interface?14:52
luisbgglatzor, read my PM14:54
luisbgsorry, but I do have to leave14:55
luisbghope you are still around when I come back =)14:55
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juliankHey, I'm currently writing a script which creates a bootable USB stick from the livedisk (bit like Fedora's script). (Supports even persistent mode). It will be finished soon, and I think it would be great if it could be added to the hardy disks. What do you think?17:51
Lurejuliank: something like this: http://janimo.blogspot.com/2007/10/live-cd-on-usb-key.html17:55
Lurejuliank: probably better to ask tommorow when most developers will be online17:55
juliankLure: I started mine from scratch, and it supports persistent mode. It can also partition the usb stick, if needed. I will blog it within the next days, so it will be visible on planet ubuntu.17:58
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Keybukman, I hate UNIX19:28
ion_There’s always Windows®. ;-)19:29
Keybuktheir API is worse, I hear19:29
Keybuk...since you can wait() on processes to stop, you'd *think* there would be a signal to tell you to wait() wouldn't you?19:30
ion_Can’t you just wait() and then ignore a possible error? I’m probably missing something obvious.19:32
Keybukwait is synchronous :-)19:33
sjoerdKeybuk: You do get sigchld right ?19:35
Keybukno, no sigchld19:35
SpadsKeybuk: you mean like a "dear parent, please wait() for me, as I'm about to do something utterly fantastic and then exit()!"19:37
lifelessKeybuk: SIGCHLD tells you to wait19:37
KeybukI just don't seem to get be getting SIGCHLD19:41
Keybukaha, signal flags are a little strange here19:45
Keybukyes, silly parent shell had stuffed up the signal flags20:10
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slangasekjdstrand: haven't filed any bugs about it, was busy working through the libtool issues and figured I'd just go ahead and commit a fix when I had it working :)20:26
lifelessslangasek: libtool FTW?  ;)20:36
slangaseklifeless: "Generated automatically by  (GNU OpenLDAP 2.3.38)" FTW20:37
lifelessslangasek: wtf?20:38
slangaseki.e., I think the fix I need is to relibtoolize with something less crackful20:38
lifelesswell, that or kill libtool20:42
slangasekthat would be more time-consuming and annoying20:44
* emgent heya20:48
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KeybukSorry, the program "dash" closed unexpectedly21:04
stgraberouch :)21:04
KeybukI think that was my fault21:04
ion_‘kill -SEGV $$’? :-)21:05
Keybukbut more complicated than that21:05
KeybukI had exec'd a shell which was to exec another program, so I could see whether ptrace trapped only the first exec or both21:06
Keybukand I still had the PTRACE_CONT set to deliver the signal to the process21:06
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JanCdoes anybody know where this error message comes from: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/18888 ?22:29
pochuJanC: no idea, but it installs fine here through Synaptic too. x86, Hardy up-to-date.23:01
pochuHave to go, good night everyone.23:01
FujitsuNight pochu.23:01
JanCpochu: it works fine for me to, on gutsy23:04
JanCbut I can't find where this error message comes from, so I can't find what's wrong with this guy's system  :-(23:05
FujitsuJanC: Ask him to run apt-get update or the graphical equivalent and try again.23:06
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