
=== tonyy is now known as tonyyarusso
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j1mchi all - would someone mind taking a quick look at this validation error with me? http://pastebin.com/m1296fa6919:56
=== tonyy is now known as tonyyarusso
nixternalj1mc: there is no <sect# id="dualboot"> on the page you are referencing20:32
nixternalxref works in books and chapters, but for an article you need to probably use ulink, unless of course you reference the dualboot id in the header...and for some reason, I can't think of how to do that right now20:33
j1mcnixternal: thanks.  i'll give ulink a try.20:55
sommernixternal: I think there may be an issue using ulink to reference another chapter, see bug #16279421:11
ubotuLaunchpad bug 162794 in ubuntu-doc "7.10 serverguide contains broken link to self sign certs" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16279421:11
sommerthe links work fine in yelp, but when you build the html they link back to .xml files and not .html, breaking the links21:11
sommerj1mc: from what I've found xrefs work fine, but there is the issue with validation.21:12
nixternal<ulink type="help" url="path to html">blah</ulink>21:17
nixternalin kde, we can do <ulink type="help" url="help:/docname">blah</ulink>21:18
sommernixternal: and it builds okay?21:21
nixternalbulding doesn't pay attention to ulink, the only thing wth ulink, is you have to make sure you have the link correct21:21
sommergotcha... do you know if the type="help" works with the regular ubuntu docs?21:22
sommeror is that part of kde's help system?21:22

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