
RainCTgood night00:05
persiaapachelogger: try 9wm or amiwm or ctwm with .desktop files.01:10
bddebianOh, persia01:22
persiabddebian: Yes?01:22
bddebianHow are ya? :-)01:22
persiabddebian: Well.  My todo list is down to < 350 items :)01:23
bddebianIs conquest still on it? :)01:23
* Hobbsee waves01:24
bddebianHi Hobbsee01:24
persiabddebian: No, but it can be put back :)  I thought you were looking for a sponsor for the last rev.  Shall I take another try at cleaning up the -rpath stuff?01:25
bddebianpersia: Well I was more wondering about a bug that I can't reproduce.  Doh you actually play it?01:25
persiabddebian: I've never tried, but I'll chase the bug.  #338208?01:26
bddebianGod I suck at pre/post/inst/rm stuff, regexp, shell scripting, just about everything else..01:26
bddebianpersia: No, 44913601:28
persiaDebian bug #44913601:28
ubotuDebian bug 449136 in conquest-gl "conquest-gl: Segmentation fault when entering game world" [Grave,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/44913601:28
persiabddebian: Hmm.  lousy stacktrace.  I'll dig a bit.01:30
bddebianI can't reproduce it, at least not with the -2 version from games team svn but that hasn't really changed much of the actual packaging01:30
minghuaIs there a wiki page about how to write a merge's debian/changelog?01:52
minghuaI would like to add a pointer to my comment in bug 173321.01:52
ubotuLaunchpad bug 173321 in maxima "Please merge maxima_5.13.0-2 from debian" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17332101:52
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about merge - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:56
* minghua pats ubotu. :-)02:00
persiaubotu: merging is Merging is the process of including changes from other distributions (most commonly Debian) into Ubuntu packages, and is typically a major focus at the beginning of each Ubuntu development cycle.  Please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/Merging for more information.02:01
persiaminghua: You're probably interested in that as well :)02:01
Hobbsee%addeditor persia02:01
persiaHobbsee: Thanks :)02:01
minghuapersia: I saw that one, but the big "WIP" at top scared me away.02:02
Hobbseepersia: can you register with the bot?  i think it's "register persia <temp password>"02:02
Hobbseein a query02:02
imbrandonpersia: you probably want to add it like: !merging is <reply> Merging is ....02:02
Hobbseeimbrandon: yeah, i fixed it to be that02:02
persiaHobbsee: didn't work :( (bot is not intelligent)02:03
imbrandonpersia: also you can <alias> other words/terms too , like !merge-o-matic is <alias> merging02:03
imbrandonand #ubuntu-bots they hang out so you can spam/test in there too02:03
Hobbseeimbrandon: i think you need a % in front02:03
imbrandonHobbsee: you can but not nessesary02:03
imbrandonit will work both ways02:03
Hobbseewonder why it didn't then02:04
* Hobbsee hasnt had to register with the bot in ages :P02:04
ubotuUbuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Gutsy:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - New Features: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/710tour - Please use bittorrent to download if possible, see !torrents02:04
minghuaSomeone probably should fix that. :-)02:04
imbrandonpersia: ^^ that test if the bot "knows" you02:04
ubotuI don't recognize you.02:05
imbrandonincase you need to re-login, but it should auto log you in if your cloak is active02:05
imbrandonand your registed02:05
imbrandon!merge-o-matic is <alias> merging02:06
ubotuI'll remember that, imbrandon02:06
ubotuMerging is the process of including changes from other distributions (most commonly Debian) into Ubuntu packages, and is typically a major focus at the beginning of each Ubuntu development cycle.  Please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/Merging for more information.02:06
imbrandonsee Hobbsee :)02:06
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots02:07
persiaInteresting.  I can unregister, but not register.02:08
imbrandonyea i was just looking up the exact syntax02:09
imbrandonSeveas: any help here ? pwease02:09
imbrandonSeveas: we're trying to add persia as an editor02:09
imbrandonbtw persia i'm sure youve glanced at it , but that wiki has syntax for sed and such to edit/add new factoids02:10
* emgent heya02:55
effie_jayxemgent,  hello there02:56
rick_h_question, I'm working on updating a package I did for my PPA. I ended up with several warnings and finally this: debuild: fatal error at line 1247:03:34
rick_h_during my debuild stage03:34
rick_h_but line 1247 where?03:34
ScottKminghua: Sorry to have wasted your time on the forum comment yesterday.03:39
bddebianrick_h_: It should say somewhere in the previous lines03:39
rick_h_bddebian: ok, it didn't give any line numbers in any of the previous warnings and such so I thought the fatal error must have been unrelated and seperate03:40
minghuaScottK: I was kidding. :-)03:42
ScottKminghua: Ah.  Glad to hear it.  My grumpiness level is high enough right now, I'm taking all grumpiness claims totally seriously.03:46
* persia passes ScottK tea & biscuits03:47
ScottKpersia: If the tea is 'special' then that might help.03:48
* Hobbsee takes a drink03:48
minghuaPoor ScottK.03:48
minghuaScottK: Anything I can help to reduce your grumpiness level?03:49
ScottKminghua: Not really.  Thanks for asking though.03:49
* jdong hugs ScottK 03:49
* jdong is a bit under the weather today...03:49
* Hobbsee raises an eyebrow at this03:49
* Hobbsee thougth even html mail was supposed to contain some actual words, not just arndom letters03:49
* imbrandon group hugs ScottK and invites all to join *03:50
jdongHobbsee: I once got one where every freaking charactor was escaped out03:50
Hobbseeit's like ^ all the way thru03:50
FujitsuYay, base64.03:50
imbrandonlooks base64 encoded03:50
jdongHobbsee: base6403:50
jdonggrr you guys win03:50
jdongnow, someone decode :)03:51
Hobbseedarn gmail.  i wonder why.03:51
jdongprobably some sort of pill offer03:51
imbrandonHobbsee: someones mailer prefrences probably barfed on it03:51
FujitsuIt could be an image. Or couldn't it also just be non-ASCII text?03:51
Hobbseeimbrandon: this is do ubuntu-devel@l.u.c.  it should be readable.03:51
imbrandonHobbsee: i mean the senders email client prefrences03:52
imbrandonlike "encode all outgoing mail base64 + send html mail03:52
Hobbseeimbrandon: ah right03:52
Hobbseesomeone poke rainct about it when he comes in then03:52
minghuaHobbsee: I usually just look at the Subject when doing moderation.03:52
jdongok, this headache is killer... I'm gonna go to bed, night all03:53
* Fujitsu sharpens the MOTU SWAT sword for use on HTML mailers.03:53
imbrandoniirc there should be a cmd line util to decode base64 fairly easy and pipe it to a file, then run `file blah.ext` on it to tell what it was supose to be03:53
FujitsuNight jdong.03:53
imbrandontxt or image or what03:53
ScottKHobbsee: RainCT is aaron whitehouse, right.03:53
Hobbseeminghua: unfortunately, this is both spam/non-spam moderation, and to see if it's an acceptable topic for u-d - or whether it would be better on u-d-d03:53
Hobbseefrom seeing u-motu, i'd imagine i'ts the same mail03:53
imbrandonHobbsee: if you would paste the contents to pastebin and i'll spend ~5 minutes trying to decode it, should be trivial03:54
minghuaHobbsee: I see.03:54
Hobbseeimbrandon: already accepted it, i cant get it back03:54
imbrandonahh so it will be "on list" soon?03:55
imbrandonHobbsee: subject : Re: Patent issues with automatic codec installation (was: Automatic installation of DVD CSS support) ?03:55
joejaxxlol Gutsy + Hardy == 55GB03:56
Hobbseeimbrandon: no - the tags stuff03:56
FujitsuAha, I was right, it was UTF-8.03:56
joejaxxGood evening all03:57
* Fujitsu notes that once a tag is created it requires a DBA to kill it.03:57
FujitsuJust removing all references won't help.03:57
ScottKAh.  More sensible and scalable designs in LP.03:58
persiaFujitsu: Yes, but that's a larger matter than the list of tags & bug counts in the default list.03:58
Fujitsupersia: The tags will not vanish from the list. They'll just have 0 references.03:58
joejaxxhow is everyone? :)03:59
bddebianHeya joejaxx03:59
joejaxxhello bddebian :)03:59
Hobbseehey joejaxx04:00
imbrandonheya joejaxx04:01
persiaFujitsu: Right.  The next step is requesting removal.04:01
minghuaPeople are supposed to request removals of tags?04:03
minghuaShould we file bugs in LP for that?  Do we need a tag for such bugs? :-P04:03
ScottKIs this documented somewhere?04:03
persiaTags are poorly documented.  We could file bugs against LP for removal, or maybe there's something else, but in the absence of other documentation, bugs are best.04:09
lifelessthe answers section is best for getting tags removed04:09
lifelessbugs are really for things that require development to alter04:09
persialifeless: How is one to know externally?04:10
* persia 's questions always time out from inactivity04:11
imbrandonyea but development to alter a tag ( e.g. remove it if refrences == 0 ) might be a good thing04:11
imbrandonwould take less manpower in the longrun :)04:12
lifelessimbrandon: so it depends what you're trying to accomplish I guess.04:13
lifelessI would say a bug like 'only show tags with > 1 reference in the sidebar' a bug/feature request04:14
imbrandonlifeless: true true, maybe one bug, and lots of removal requests04:14
lifelessAnd 'remove from the db tags with no references' a question04:14
ScottKSo it's up to us to periodically ask to have unreferenced tags removed?04:14
imbrandonScottK: as of this moment , yes, hopefully with a bug like that filed, no04:15
ScottKIt does sound like a bug.04:15
imbrandonanyone actively filing the code change bug? if not i volenteer to04:15
* ScottK certainly isn't.04:15
imbrandonpersia / minghua ?04:16
persialifeless: I'd say it'd be better to remove the unused tags so that people get the new tag definition warning when trying to use deprecated tags.04:16
imbrandonlifeless: you actualy work on the LP team correct? i have a diffrent small question if so04:16
persiaimbrandon: Best to wait for RainCT to wake up again, so that everyone can agree on the right way to do it.04:16
imbrandonpersia: kk04:17
imbrandonlifeless: i filed a request to have my PPA "cleaned" , and all packages were marked as deleted within 24 hours, but they still reside in my pool and still show up in my disk quota counts and package counts , isnt the /pool supose to be cleaned too , and if not know of a reason why it isnt ? did i find a bug or ... ( btw yes i have asked this same thing in #launchpad many times but always seem to not get a response of even "i do04:19
imbrandonwow that was long04:19
imbrandondid it get cut off?04:19
Hobbseeresponse of even "i do04:20
imbrandonof even "i dont know" ) <end>04:20
imbrandonthanks Hobbsee04:20
Hobbseeimbrandon: tried pinging cprov-out wiht your request?04:20
imbrandonnot personaly but i have when he was active in the irc04:21
Hobbseeimbrandon: there's no real delete - it' all stays in librarian anyway04:21
Hobbseebut it should have actually been removed from /pool04:21
imbrandonlibrarian is fine, but this is on ppa.lp04:21
imbrandonsee https://launchpad.net/~imbrandon/~archive04:22
imbrandonthen click in my pool04:22
imbrandonerr +archive04:22
imbrandonhttps://launchpad.net/~imbrandon/+archive (for the lazy like me )04:22
Hobbseeyeah, they've probably messed it up :)04:22
Hobbseeall i'm saying is that they don't delete it from librarian, even if the rest of it *does* work04:23
imbrandonyea i dont mind them staying in libraryian. but my pool i would expect to be empty and numbers reset on delete04:23
Hobbseeprobably YALPB.04:23
imbrandonthat was the whole reason to request it, i dont care if it shows in the UI :)04:23
imbrandonYALPB ?04:24
ScottKYet Another Launchpad Bug04:24
* ScottK is guessing.04:24
imbrandonsure, i guess i need to file another request, because i've been asking on and off for 1+ week now ( how long has it been since the 1.1.11 rollout? ) and umm they always "disapear" like this time :) hehe04:25
Hobbseeimbrandon: i'm not sure what the actual time for requests is.04:25
lifelessimbrandon: cprov is the lead developer on launchpad's distro build features04:26
Hobbseelike, actual properly actioning the requests04:26
Hobbsees/lead developer/half of the development team/04:26
imbrandonlifeless: cool, but is that actualy a bug or was i just mis-intrepting what all got deleted on request04:26
lifelessimbrandon: he's on an east-coast US time zone04:26
lifelessimbrandon: well, he can answer authoritatively04:26
lifelessI would guess, but guesses tend to error.04:27
imbrandonyea its a bit late for him today. i'll see if i cant catch him monday-ish04:27
imbrandonlifeless: yea :) but thats atleaste more than ive gotten uptil this point :)04:27
imbrandoni mean its not THAT big of a deal, just annoying it 1) happened and 2) i seem to get "dropped" connections and clear the room in #launchpad when i ask :)04:28
Hobbseeimbrandon: clearly, they just hate you.04:30
imbrandonprobably more like super busy, leaste thats what i'm chalking it upto this time since it was about the time 1.1.11 rolled out04:31
Hobbseei'ts far more fun to be paranoid, and think that htey just hate you.04:32
ScottKHobbsee: Your getting imbrandon and me confused.04:33
Hobbseeyou mean they don't hate both of you?04:33
ScottKCould be.04:33
imbrandonbtw i'm sure most of you read planet, but i'm gonna do a small OT self plug in here heh, http://www.imbrandon.com/2007.12.01/brandons-holiday-computer-fund.html04:34
* imbrandon stops04:34
minghuaHmm, receiving 8 video cards and no RAM is a common problem?04:36
imbrandonif you ask for pieces and parts :)04:36
minghuafundable.com is an interesting idea.04:38
imbrandonyea, i really liked it, the only downside to it i noticed is the max you can run a fundraiser for is 25 days04:38
imbrandonother than that it seems like a great idea04:38
imbrandonwell 25 days from the time you get the first pledge, but still04:39
* persia thinks that any PR campaign that takes > 25 days is probably poorly designed in the first place04:40
=== _czessi is now known as Czessi
ScottKSo is it unreasonable to be grumpy that a package that I worked really hard to get removed from Universe because it was buggy and had very serious open security vulnerabilities just got put back into Gutsy in the partner repository?04:46
ScottKAnd people say backports is crack.04:46
joejaxxScottK: lol?04:46
joejaxxwhat package04:47
ScottKFujitsu an \sh_away: openssl097 is back (in partner).04:47
ScottKjoejaxx: openssl097.04:47
persiaScottK: Not at all.  Please complain strenuously to thegodfather: that's entirely the wrong way to solve the problem.04:47
joejaxxScottK: oh fun :\04:47
ScottKslangasek: Are you around?04:47
ScottKpersia: Which godfather did you have in mind.04:47
* joejaxx keeps telling himself it is only 55gb on the first sync, it is only 55gb on the first sync04:48
imbrandonoh wow, how did it get in partner and better why?04:48
imbrandonjoejaxx: for what ?04:48
ScottKimbrandon: Want to blog about Ubuntu's partner repo containing packages that are even to crappy for Universe?04:49
joejaxximbrandon: gutsy+hardy archive mirror all arches04:49
persiaScottK: IRC nick of person looking at issue, and person who asked for inclusion of the offending binary blob in partner.04:49
imbrandonjoejaxx: apt-mirror ? hehe04:49
joejaxximbrandon: well except ports04:49
imbrandonScottK: sure04:49
ScottKpersia: It was fabbione and he doesn't seem to be on right now.  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/gutsy/+source/openssl097/0.9.7k-3gutsy104:50
imbrandonScottK: lemme dig a little as to when you got it removed and such and i'd be more than happy to04:50
joejaxxi need to write on my blog more :\04:50
* persia notes that that person has been using a different nick lately, but agrees with the identification04:50
ScottKimbrandon: It was removed that Monday before the release because pkern finally killed off the last rdepend for me.04:50
ScottKpersia: What nick then?04:50
ScottKThat's what's in LP.04:50
persiaScottK: thegodfather04:50
imbrandoni thought he was only the sparc canonical guy, now he is packing for -partner ? heh04:51
persia(also not around just now)04:51
Burgundaviaimbrandon: is an ISV packaging dude04:51
ScottKpersia: Ah.  Now I understand.04:51
imbrandonBurgundavia: ahh04:51
joejaxxpersia: almost ready for the mips and arm ubuntu ports, well the initial building anyway04:51
joejaxxpersia: :)04:51
persiajoejaxx: Excellent!  Let me know when you need ARM testing.04:51
joejaxxpersia: ok :)04:52
imbrandonjoejaxx: yea i failed at bootstrapping my mipsel, when i get a faster box i'll try it again04:52
ScottKpersia: I know why he did it too.04:52
imbrandonbecause i have a perfectly good 200mhz mipsel ( pretty fast considering ) sitting here doign nothing04:52
persiaScottK: Yep.  It's been under discussion the last couple days here & there.  VMWare doesn't want to recompile their blob :(04:52
ScottKpersia: vmware-server (1.0.4-1gutsy1)04:52
ScottKSounds like a perfectly reasonable reason not to include it.04:53
joejaxxso that is why it too so long for vmware to hit partner :P04:53
ScottKSo I get broken crap removed from Universe and they just reupload it.04:53
persiaScottK: I'd prefer having a recompilation, as there's a fair bit of user demand, but the inclusion of 0.9.7 is just bad.04:53
persiaScottK: Open a bug with a demonstrable exploit showing that it's bad :)04:54
ScottKpersia: Users want a binary blob so we upload a package known to be remotely exploitable.04:54
persiae.g. If you install vmware-server from Canonical, your host can be compromised.04:54
* ScottK may go hunt CVEs if I get bored.04:54
imbrandonScottK: if you do lemme know, i'll refrence them in the blogpost04:55
persiaScottK: As I said, that's the wrong way to fix it.  The blob needs to be recompiled to use the updated library.04:55
ScottKpersia: Yep.04:55
imbrandonid rather not post a working exploit but a cve refrence would work just was well to prove a point04:55
persiaScottK: If you're feeling particulaly cheeky, file a bug against VMWare server demonstrating a security issue that forces the recompile.04:55
persiaimbrandon: Working exploits for that library are widely available to the public, but I can see your point.04:56
persia(most are fixed in 0.9.8, which everything in gutsy is compiled against)04:56
joejaxxhey tonyy ! :)04:57
=== tonyy is now known as tonyyarusso
Burgundaviajoejaxx: arm might be fun. Been playing with my tungsten e and wondering what to do with it05:00
ScottKimbrandon: Bug #146269 is the first one (I'd doing the bugs as I go).05:07
ubotuLaunchpad bug 146269 in openssl097 "[openssl security] OpenSSL SSL_get_shared_ciphers() off-by-one buffer overflow" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/14626905:07
joejaxxBurgundavia: :D05:09
joejaxxwell i am going to retire for the evening05:11
joejaxxhopefully that sync is done in 6 horus05:11
joejaxxGoodnight MOTUs :P05:12
imbrandongnight joejaxx05:12
imbrandonjoejaxx: before you go.... apt-mirror ?05:12
imbrandonor just some long rsync string ...05:12
imbrandon( and if it is apt-mirror i HIGHLY sugest you backport the package from hardy and/or grab it from sf.net ) i havent finised the backports request yet for the other supported release05:13
imbrandonand there is a ~ ( tilde ) bug that will clean any debs with a tilde in the url each "clean" run05:14
imbrandonan anything lower than 0.4.4+debian-205:14
imbrandonjust FYI05:14
ScottKimbrandon: That's the only one that I see that it's vulnerable to for sure and the Secunia advisory describes the impact as "Successful exploitation allows execution of arbitrary code."05:15
imbrandonhrm who awake atm has handled a few SRU's ? i personaly havent done any since edgy and would like opinons on SRUing apt-mirror to all supported releases05:15
imbrandonvs -backport(ing)05:16
ScottKimbrandon: It doesn't sound SRU worthy to me.  There isn't a regression, crash, or data loss from what you say.05:16
imbrandonas all fixes were bug ( some serious ) fixes05:16
ScottKFor an SRU you'd need to cherry pick the SRU worthy fixes anyway.05:17
imbrandonScottK: dataloss as in it will clean / make an inconsistant mirror for any deb with a ~ in the url ( quite a few )05:17
ScottKimbrandon: OK.  I'd buy that patch in an SRU.05:17
persiaimbrandon: That's data loss.  You just need a patch to only fix that, instead of upgrading to the new version.05:17
ScottKkeescook: Are you around?05:17
jdongimbrandon: Find 2 or more people interested in verifying the SRU beforehands... Get them to commit and that'll make phase2 faster05:18
imbrandonyea it should be simple, i already have them broken into patches and 3 or 4 iirc are bug fixes05:18
jdong*sigh* can't sleep05:18
imbrandon3 of 4*05:18
Burgundaviajoejaxx: maybe with a sd wifi card, it would actually become useful05:24
persiaIS there an open SDIO stack yet?05:24
Burgundaviasadly, afaik, no05:25
imbrandonspeaking of SD* anyone seen this, i probably would never get one, if i needed something like it i would use a pico-itx ( more power than a 486sx ) but its still kinda nice, i could see some uses for it, just none *I* have ... http://www.norhtec.com/products/mcjrsx/index.html05:26
imbrandontiny tiny and under $10005:27
imbrandon~$85 usd iirc05:27
Burgundaviawe nice for a firewall05:28
BurgundaviaI hate how most routers and switches don't auth against LDAP05:29
imbrandonyea, or seomthing like a driver to show a display in a storefront05:29
imbrandonor soemthing05:29
imbrandonfor soemthing like a firewall & / or router though you would need the PCIe option but iirc it only adds like 10 bux to the price05:30
imbrandonso you could ass more interfaces05:30
imbrandonor i guess a small switch attached would do it and then make virt interfaces05:31
imbrandonanyhow , yea05:31
persiaimbrandon: It can't run Ubuntu kernels though :(05:31
imbrandonpersia: could run a debian 386 one05:31
persiaDebian still supports real i386 (no FP)?  Cool!05:31
imbrandoniirc i think they have one, i havent looked in quite a while05:32
imbrandonat very leaste they have a 486 one , and iirc untill edgy we had a 486 ( labeled 386 ) capable one05:32
imbrandongrrr stupid bot05:33
imbrandon00:31 <ubotu> Error: Debian bug 386 could not be found05:33
imbrandonis edgy when the -generic kernels started? iirc thats when it became >= 586 subarch05:34
minghuapersia: Not officially in etch, AFAIK.05:35
DarkMageZBurgundavia, why would you want routers & switches to authenticate against ldap?05:35
persiaminghua: Makes sense.  I thought it was on the Debian lists that I read about requiring 486.05:35
jdongimbrandon: we still have a -386 kernel that works with 486's though05:35
minghuapersia: That's my recollection, too.05:35
persiaimbrandon: requiring 586 is a different transition than requiring 486, but Edgy, yes.05:35
jdongimbrandon: I don't recall any major distro supporting non-FPU true i386'es anymore05:35
imbrandonjdong: really? i thought that was dropped05:35
imbrandonwell 486sx support is all it needs it says05:36
jdongimbrandon: AFAIK linux-386 is still around05:36
jdongimbrandon: at least it's in Gutsy05:36
imbrandonand somethgin that small would be ( as much as i hate to say it ) gentoo ( bootstraped via a faster box ) or LFS system anyhow, due to size05:37
imbrandonhrm or actualy there is OpenWrt for x86, wonder what kernel it uses, i know its 2.4.x05:37
imbrandonand that has the ipkg system ( similar to dpkg + apt in design and use )05:38
imbrandonactualy iirc it was modeled after dpkg + apt but made to be really really small for embeded systems use in OpenWrt/DD-Wrt05:39
jdongimbrandon: I don't think stock dpkg/Debian/Ubuntu would be good on a 486sx in performance05:40
jdongimbrandon: you'd really want to LFS or something busybox-stacked from ground up05:40
jdongDD-WRT or whatever WRT is x86 compatible05:40
jdongI think DD-WRT is also i386 flavorable05:40
persiajdong: I haven't tried recently, but I used to run Woody on a 486DX, and it was fine (with the right choice on WM, etc.)05:40
imbrandonyea i just said that heheh05:40
imbrandonjdong: ^^05:41
jdongimbrandon: lol I'm feverish and tired, long sentences are not being parsed in a timely manner :D05:41
imbrandonopenwrt has an x86 , although most packages are only prebuilt for mips(el) and arm(el)05:41
Burgundaviaopenwrt needs to upstream their drivers05:41
imbrandonbut an x86 can easly host a native toolchain to make packages on a faster system05:41
imbrandonBurgundavia: yea, i think as soon as they stablize on 2.6 they will, i talk to them sometimes05:42
imbrandonthey are still in the 2.4 --> 2.6 stages05:42
imbrandonplus they still use binary blobs for alot of stuff , like broadcom05:43
Burgundaviahttp://reviews.cnet.com/routers/linksys-wrt54gx/4505-3319_7-31242695.html <-- I have one of these and I really wish I could run ebox on it05:44
imbrandonBurgundavia: i have a wrt54g ( not gx ) i could help you get it running05:44
imbrandonif you wanted05:44
imbrandonis it flashed already ?05:44
imbrandonis it a v5+ ?05:44
Burgundaviano, it is a gz05:44
imbrandonplease say no05:44
Burgundaviagx, rather05:44
imbrandonahh is that the ones the cut the flashram in half ?05:45
imbrandonyup, only 4mb05:45
Burgundaviathat is the gx205:45
BurgundaviaI have the original gx05:46
imbrandonBroadcom 4704 @ 300MHz05:46
imbrandonflash / ram05:46
imbrandon4mb flash05:46
imbrandonit says05:46
imbrandonyou would have to run the micro port IF it ever does get support, and then mount something, smb/nfs/sshfs05:47
imbrandonfor more room for ipkg's05:47
imbrandonthe j2ffs cant be enabled on those05:47
imbrandonerr anything that small05:47
Burgundaviathat is the same as the old G and GL devices05:48
* Burgundavia is confused05:49
imbrandonthere are 2 ( 3 kinda ) gx's, 1.0 , 2.0 ( and gx2 )05:49
Burgundaviaand I have version 1, I seem to remember05:49
Burgundavianot having the device in the same house as I currently am05:50
imbrandonok thats the one i was looking at05:50
imbrandon4mb flash05:50
imbrandon16mb ram05:50
imbrandonerr mini-PCI05:50
imbrandonoh even a serial header, nice05:51
imbrandoni wish my FON had that05:51
imbrandonsaves from easy bricking05:51
BurgundaviaI wonder exactly how many Linux-based routers are vulnerable to iptables issues out there right now?05:52
imbrandonerr i was wrong, you would need to run mini when/if it grows support, micro is for 2mb flash routers05:52
imbrandonand full is for 8mb + ones05:52
imbrandonwhoops , i run him off05:55
pwnguini have a v2 wrt54g06:05
pwnguinand a v406:06
imbrandonpwnguin: yea i think thats what i have access to also ( its the router i setup for my parrents with openwrt ) , i have a FON here with openwrt on it06:06
imbrandonthe v206:06
imbrandonpwnguin: are you subscribed to debian-devel ML ?06:06
pwnguini doubt it06:07
pwnguinmotu gets enough mail as is06:07
imbrandonyou should look at this, it JUST came in to debian-devel , its someoen that just ran some parallel builds on sid, something like 1000+ failed due to parallel but not in regualr builds06:09
pwnguinthats expected06:09
imbrandonsince you were asking about it06:09
imbrandonthought you might like to see some actual numbers06:09
pwnguinsomeoine was trying to tell me that there were builds that WORKED in parallel but failed in serial06:09
pwnguinits still interesting06:10
pwnguinimbrandon: what does BROKEN mean?06:18
pwnguinas in "204 built BROKEN packages"06:19
imbrandone.g a normal build built one thing and the parallel build built something successfullyt, but it dident match06:19
minghuaYay, all my packages succeeded. :-)06:20
pwnguinnow that sounds like an interesting case06:20
imbrandonminghua: all 3 of mine too :)06:20
pwnguinman xorg input really died on that06:22
pwnguinhell, xorg in general06:22
minghuaimbrandon: Although it's probably not much of an achievement as all my packages use autotools.06:23
imbrandonnone of mine do06:23
imbrandonwell libvisual should, but i havent made those changes yet since i adopted it06:23
imbrandoncrap, well i just installed hardy on that iMac and it too drops to a busy box shell on boot06:24
imbrandondamnit, whats with that box and linux, it likes -0- distros, only osx06:24
imbrandonand old osx at that06:24
pwnguinits apple hardware06:25
pwnguinif it liked linux, apple couldn't chage you 100 dollars every year06:25
imbrandonevry other piece of apple hardware i've ever owned worked flawless with linux though, even my ipod nano06:25
pwnguinyou have a 68000?06:26
imbrandonhell i'm typing on an apple keyboard right now ( yes i'm on a non apple x86 PC , i just love their keyboards )06:26
imbrandonpwnguin: nope, would be cool though06:26
imbrandoni like strange^W non-mainstream hardware06:27
imbrandonjust because it dont always like me is a diffrent story06:27
imbrandonpwnguin: your on the KS side ( even when your in-town ) correct ?06:28
minghuapwnguin: I am pretty sure Apple don't want to support leopard on imbrandon's machine, so no $100 this time. :-)06:28
imbrandonminghua: heh yea it dosent support anything psat 10.3 ( and i only have legit copies of 10.2 and 10.4 , and no illegal anymore since i rm -rf'd the OSx86 one )06:30
imbrandonso i can either a) figure out why *this* iMac rev1 seems to have so many issues and none other on the net seem to with any modern linuxes ( ubuntu 5.10 loads on it fine , nothing past that for any distro ) or b) live with a 10.2 OSX install or c) buy 10.306:31
imbrandonand really the only reason i have it arround it to load some modern ubuntu on it ( hopefully hardy ) so i can add it to the ubuntuwire network as a ppc box06:32
minghuaimbrandon: I have a legit 10.3 copy.06:32
minghua(and the iBook that it came with is currently broken.)06:33
imbrandonminghua: wanna put up some pivate iso's for me or send them snail mail ? hehe06:33
imbrandonactualy dont worry about it06:34
minghuaHehe.  I'm pretty sure putting up ISOs would not be legal, but I'll consider sending the CDs to you.06:34
imbrandonbecause honestly if i get too frustratd and get another ppc box i will just load 10.2 on this one and give it to some child to use06:34
imbrandonreally i have no use for it running osx, i only have it arround for UW, past that its just takin up space :)06:35
imbrandonand i'm not out much, i got it from a LUG member for $10 a few weeks ago06:35
imbrandoni even tried that xPostFacto program thats supose to let you run OSX 10.4 on un-supported ( by apple ) PPC hardware06:36
imbrandonand it wouldent even let me load 10.4 hehe06:37
imbrandonand on the xPostFacto site it says 10.4 is even known to run on the original powermacs ( abet really really slow )06:37
imbrandonso i think the iMac i have is just possesed06:38
* minghua doesn't consider trying to make OS X working on unsupported hardware worth the time spent.06:38
minghuaI'd rather try making linux working on them.06:38
imbrandonwell it was worth trying at the time, because the usb wireless nic i had only supports 10.3+06:39
imbrandonminghua: yea, i'm gonna mess with it about a week more with hardy, past that it gets given to someone that needs it for xmas with 10.2 :)06:39
imbrandoni'm sure there is some child here localy that would love a computer, it runs fine in 10.2 with wired ethernet, but i just have no use for it in that configuration06:40
minghuaAnd 10.2 is a fine OS.  Although probably a bit not secure.06:41
imbrandonits still updated by apple with security updates06:41
imbrandonso it should be secure06:41
minghua10.2?  I thought Apple stopped Jaguar security updates long ago.06:43
imbrandoniirc they still do 10.1+ i might be wrong, they atleast still provide the downlaods for them via the normal update client and still backport things like safari 1.006:45
ubotuIIRC means "if I remember correctly"06:53
minghuaimbrandon: From http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=75421 the last update was August 2004, so I'd guess "no security support anymore".07:00
imbrandonwell atleaste they have the old downlaods avail for the update client :)07:00
imbrandonand new apps like safari :)07:00
imbrandoneven more reason to get linux working on it though07:01
pwnguinimbrandon: yes, my family lives in Kansas07:03
ScottKpwnguin: Where in Kansas?07:05
pwnguindidnt we already have this conversation07:07
ScottKWe probably did, but it's late, I'm tired, and I don't remember.07:07
pwnguinabout 15 minutes south of where your parents live, in olathe07:07
ScottKAh.  I remember now.  Thanks.07:07
ScottKSorry for the repeat.07:07
pwnguini live near KSU07:08
ScottKOK.  Well kmos is officially the MOTU Council's problem now.07:34
imbrandonScottK: heh, how is that ?07:37
ScottKimbrandon: I just asked them to have him removed on MC mailing list.07:38
imbrandonremoved from the ML or ...07:38
ScottKRemoved from Ubuntu related LP functions and not allowed to bug people here or on MOTU ML.07:38
ScottKIt's the most execommunicated I think might stick.07:39
persiaThe difficulty being that he's actually helped once or twice recently (although I'd agree about the overall balance of contributions, even over the short term)07:43
ScottKRight.  Even a blind hog roots up an acorn once and a while.07:43
persiaScottK: Just FYI, MC also mentioned ongoing discussions on that topic in the last Community Council meeting.07:48
ScottKpersia: Yes.  That was in anticipation of this request as I've told them it was coming.07:49
persiaAh.  That makes sense.  Just wanted to make sure the loop was closed.07:49
ScottKI was there ready to suggest maybe he shouldn't be a member and dholbach wanted to avoid a bloodbath at the CC meeting.07:49
ScottKPersonally, I think it'd have been good to get it out in the open, but that isn't how he wanted to deal with it.07:50
minghuaBloodbath at CC meeting...07:54
ScottKUnfortunately not.07:54
persiaI'll agree about open, but I agree with sabdfl that the CC is the wrong place for membership discussions, and I further think that MC should be taking action, rather than CC in the case of someone who doesn't meet the guidelines for Contributor or MOTU. (and TB for someone who isn't meeting guidelines for Core Dev).07:56
* minghua wonders who can push MC to make the decision, though.07:57
imbrandonpersia: well kinda, correct place for membership disscussions, wrong place for contributor/motu revocation07:58
persiaminghua: Push MC?  It's just been formally brought for consideration a little while ago, and it's a weekend.07:58
imbrandoncc has always been the membership place07:58
ScottKpersia: Doesn't mean they'all actually do anything.07:58
persiaimbrandon: I disagree.  We're too big.  membership should be granted by LoCo coordination team, MC, Documentation team, maybe someone else if I'm missing part of the structure.07:59
imbrandonpersia: granted, yes, revoked no07:59
persiaScottK: Wait a week.  I might agree with you, but will give them the benefit of the doubt first: this is the first removal request.07:59
imbrandonrevokation is a rare ( hopefully ) thing that should be handeled by the cc ( the overseer of the smaller teams )07:59
ScottKpersia: Agreed.  I understand it'll take some time.08:00
persiaimbrandon: I still think it's a team decision, rather than a full community decision, but won't argue the case now.08:00
ScottKimbrandon: That was my thought too, but jono told me to take it to the MC.08:00
imbrandonpersia: ummm thats the cc's job, voice of the full community08:00
* persia notes that the party under discussion isn't a member, this is a case of them being barred from development contributions, not a case of losing membership.08:00
minghuapersia: And why would that make a difference?08:01
persiaimbrandon: Do you read the CC meeting logs or attend?  It's not a functional forum when dealing with minutiae.  Further, if membership is delegated to teams, that should be full delegation, not partial delegation.08:01
imbrandonprobem is he can always create another account08:01
ScottKimbrandon: True, but it won't be hard to figure out it's him again.08:02
lifelessnot with the same email08:02
pwnguinwasn't there a talk on google video about poisonous people?08:02
ScottKHe has a 'unique' signature.08:02
persiaminghua: Because if someone was a member, and was losing membership, I'd be a little more sympathetic to the idea that it was for a larger body to consider.  I'd still prefer team leadership making a decision, and CC acting as court of final appeal.08:02
minghuapersia: Also, I think MC should have been aware of this issue for a while.08:02
imbrandonpwnguin: yea from the svn devs08:02
pwnguinimbrandon: perhaps a decision from the MC will carry enough weight to "send the message"08:02
ScottKminghua: I'm personally disappointed I had to do this.  He's clearly been disruptive long enough I think they should have stepped in.08:03
persiaminghua: Yes, but awareness and formal consideration are different.  MC considers each issue on prosented merits, not based on arbitrary external knowledge.  In the spirit of transparency, I think this is a good thing.08:03
minghuapersia: And you think in this case, banning a non-member to participate development only requires the MOTU team's decision?08:03
pwnguinpersia: it also makes someone else have to become the "proscecuter"08:03
pwnguinelect themselves proscector even08:04
persiaminghua: Yes.  If they want to contribute to advocacy or docs or translation or whatever, that's for that team to consider the quality and benefit of contributions.08:04
persiapwnguin: Yes.  That makes it unlikely to be abused.08:04
ScottKpersia: Part of the problem with this approach is that what I'm asking for affect much more than his ability to participate in MOTU, but it's the needed remedy.08:05
* minghua agree with pwnguin, and would like to thank ScottK for stepping up.08:05
ScottKpwnguin: Yes.  It means I get to quit being a developer for a while and play lawyer instead.08:05
pwnguinit also means that nonconfrontational people will be abused by "confrontational" people, because they wont elect themselves to step up when they reasonably should08:05
ScottKYeah.  Just how I want to spend my free time having 'fun'.08:05
ScottKpwnguin: This is the first time this has ever been done in the history of Ubuntu.  I shouldn't worry to much about it becoming frequent.08:06
persiaScottK: True, but you're complaint is about his influence on MOTU.  He has influence in other places, but unless there is another team also wishing for a full ban, it's difficult to see why CC cares.  On the other hand, of DocTeam or Translations, or LoCos wants it too, then it's more of a CC issue.  Testimonials from LoCo seem strong, so I remain convinced it's a MC issue.08:06
pwnguintestimonials are always strong08:07
* ScottK just wants it done.08:07
persiapwnguin: True, but volume counts.  If LoCo is seeing strong contributions, LoCo should be able to continue to receive them, regardless of MOTU ban.08:07
pwnguinif loco wants him, sure, i guess08:08
minghuapersia: You mean LoCo team's testimonials are strongly in favor of his contributions?08:08
pwnguinpersia: presumably within the LoCo08:08
persiaminghua: That's the impression I had from his wiki page.08:09
persiapwnguin: Yes.08:09
minghuaHmm.  A bit hard for me to comprehend.08:09
ScottKpersia: I disagree.  People this disruptive should not be allowed a voice in the Ubuntu governance process (which is what membership give you).08:09
pwnguinim thinking though that if you get kicked out of one team for personality conflicts or whatever, then future applications should note this08:10
persiaminghua: He's enthusiatic and energetic, and not particularly careful.  This is bad for MOTU, but can be good for advocacy, depending on where the care slips.08:10
ScottKpersia: I don't care what he does in a loco.08:10
ScottKpersia: I also disagree he has potential to be good in a loco.08:10
ScottKpersia: He's where he is because he doesn't listen to other people and has no idea (or doesn't care) what is helpful or not.08:10
ScottKThat's not good in a loco either.08:11
pwnguin"not particularly careful" means "potentially harmful" wherever. development or advertising08:11
persiaScottK: I'm not advocating membership, just stating that I believe that teams should have quasi-independent governance, and that I'm not involved enough in LoCo to make a determination, but that the testimonials are strong.08:11
persiapwnguin: True.  I still believe it's a LoCo call, and not a MC call.08:11
ScottKpersia: I agree in general, but I think it would be wrong for another team to give membership to someone who'd been kicked out by MC.08:11
pwnguinpersia: i guess farming out advertising to the LoCos also involves assuming some of that risk anyways08:11
minghuapersia: Depending on what the LoCo team does, I guess.  I'm still skeptical.08:11
persiaScottK: Without first getting approval from MC, I'd agree.08:12
persiapwnguin: Yes.08:12
pwnguini dont know this individual and have somehow managed to avoid disvovering their negative impact08:12
persiaminghua: I can't say: I'm not involved in LoCo.08:12
ScottKpersia: OK.  Well that's what I thought you were arguing for when you said it should be independent.08:12
ScottKpwnguin: It hasn't been very voluminous recently.08:12
pwnguini did hear something about a promise that gimp final would be in gutsy08:13
ScottKpwnguin: Pull down the ubuntu-motu IRC logs for July and August and grep for Kmos.08:13
ScottKpwnguin: That was one of his later stupidities.08:13
minghuaI'm not exposed to much of his behavior either, but what I've seen is pretty much 100% bad. :-(08:13
persiaScottK: quasi-independent.  We're all Ubuntu.  We're all bound to the CoC and CC, but I believe we're too big to track easily, and that the larger teams should be handling membership and assignments.  The teams need to coordinate, but we can't know everyone anymore.08:13
ScottKpersia: I agree with that in general.08:14
pwnguinScottK: can you imagine any process of reconciliation, or is this a personality conflict?08:15
ScottKpwnguin: It's not just me.  It's everyone who's worked with him.08:15
persiaI'm much more in favor of policies being set "in general", and specific cases compared against those policies.  If nothing fits, the policies may be adjusted, but should still fit "in general".  Specific policies are just bad, and setting rules to bar specific things is bad: we'd do better to have a guideline such as "works well with others" to cover any specifics that cause issues.08:15
pwnguinScottK: im saying more along the lines of, two or three years from now, the dude mellows out, gets meds or theraputic cluebat applications. should he be banned for life?08:16
ScottKpwnguin: We've given him about a hundered chances and bent over backwards trying to get him to focus in on doing stuff he can be productive at and he just won't.08:16
persia(different meds)08:16
ScottKpwnguin: Who knows.  That's why I put something about a path back in into my request.08:17
* pwnguin should probably read the request now08:17
ScottKpersia: You know you aren't kidding.  He blamed psychiatric medicine once for why he messes up.08:17
minghuaScottK: Is the request publicly accessible?08:17
ScottKminghua: Yes.  It's to the MC mailing list.08:18
persiaNo, I'm not kidding.  I wish the best for him, but don't feel he's a helpful contributor at this time.08:18
pwnguinkinda sad. being fired from a volunteer position08:18
persiapwnguin: It actually happens quite often in offline communities.  The people who want to help are not always the people who can help.08:22
ScottKpwnguin: lists.debian.org seems to have gone away for a bit, but here's the Google cache version of the analysis of his contribution to debian-games:
pwnguinis he an motu, or just a hopeful?08:23
ScottKpwnguin: Hopeful.08:23
persiapwnguin: Neither.  He's publically stated he has no intention of becoming MOTU: he's just a Contributor.08:23
ScottKpwnguin: Although he sometime claims not to be actually trying to become a MOTU so some of the rules don't actually apply as a reason for mistakes.08:23
ScottKpwnguin: What persia said.08:24
persiaDon't get me wrong: I'm in full support of Contributors who don't wish to take the responsibility of MOTU, but this is a special case.08:24
minghuaI am against any Contributor who use "I have no intention to become an MOTU" as an excuse for mistakes.08:29
pwnguinwould it be any better if they did have an intention to be an MOTU and did this?08:30
minghuaSuch people shouldn't contribute.  Period.  With intention or not.08:32
StevenKWhy not?08:33
persiapwnguin: In that case, correction could involve a note that MOTU would be harder to achieve.  In this case, we have less moral leverage.08:33
ScottKStevenK: Because their contribution has a substantial negative value on the project.08:33
StevenKThey have pet bugs, but they don't want the responsibility to upload to the archive. And?08:33
minghuaBy such, I mean "people make mistakes and not willing to correct or learn".08:33
minghuaStevenK: I hope I've answered your question.08:33
StevenKminghua: Ah, the not contributors versus non-contributors08:34
ScottKHello StevenK.08:34
* StevenK waves08:34
minghuaStevenK: Huh?  Sorry English is not my native language, that's too subtle.08:34
StevenKminghua: s/\(the\) \(not\)/\2 \1/08:35
persiaminghua: People who actively cause extra effort for others as opposed to people who have only peripheral interest.08:35
persia(or don't do anything at all)08:35
minghuaErr, RegExp is not my native language either... :-)08:35
pwnguinminghua: he was attempting to make a distinction between two identical ideas08:35
pwnguinwhich is bound for failure08:35
StevenKminghua: Gaah :-)08:35
minghuaStevenK: I understand now. :-)08:36
minghuaStevenK: But why do you need to escape the parantheses?08:36
StevenKminghua: Because it's sed.08:37
StevenKAnd sed is "special"08:37
persiaOne *ALWAYS* escapes parentheses for real regexes.  Perl got it wrong, and is for lazy people without backslash keys.08:37
minghuaStevenK: Thanks.  Good to know.08:37
StevenKMore what persia said, though.08:38
pwnguindoes kmos have a lp account?08:38
ScottKpwnguin: gothix I think.08:38
persiapwnguin: Yes, used for multiple projects, and should not be purged.08:38
ScottKJust highly restricted.08:38
pwnguinim just trying to find it08:39
ScottKpwnguin: https://launchpad.net/~gothicx08:39
ScottKI'm going to bed now.  Good night all.08:40
minghuaGood night ScottK.08:41
ScottKIf anyone sees fabbione around please give him a good thwack on the head from me for re-uploading openssl097 to the Gutsy partner repository with an open remote exploitation vulnerability unpatched.08:41
ScottKgood night minghua.08:41
HobbseeScottK: excellent mail09:09
HobbseeScottK: btw....finding people from irc spheres who have authority won't be hard.09:16
persiaHobbsee: It's a matter of the decision being made by the right authority.  Having a witchhunt is easy, but doesn't help really :(09:17
Hobbseepersia: granted, but the irc operators have the right to act if a person is being disruptive enough, in any #*ubuntu* channel.09:18
Hobbseeirrespective, really, of what the governing body and beurocratic process is up to.09:18
Hobbseeor of people's statuses in the community.09:19
persiaHobbsee: Sure.  I'm just not convinced that this is a case of someone being in-channel disruptive, as opposed to being development-disruptive, and prefer the right solution to an IRC ban.09:19
Hobbseepersia: i was only talking the case of him being disruptive in-channel09:19
Hobbseeand also mentioning that it would not require going thru the MC council, getting them to weigh in, etc, on whether they thought it was necessary09:20
persiaAh.  I expect swatting for that, as with all disruptors: the IRC Ops team is evervigilant, and to be commended for keeping things so clean.09:20
Hobbseeover a matter of a simple ban09:20
Hobbseei think i've done so once, over a consistantly disturbing individual, "attempting" to help.09:20
Hobbseemuted him in all development-related channels, and #ubuntu+1.  he eventually behaved, after that.09:21
Hobbseewell, attempting to get his bug solved.09:21
Hobbseewouldn't listen, etc.09:21
persiaSounds familiar.  I'm glad there is precedent.09:22
Hobbseealthough i was fortunate, in that he didn't try very hard to contest the global gagging.09:23
* persia gets annoyed at aptitude and un-NBS's everything installed locally except X stuff.09:23
Hobbseeoh, and uh...the irc team doesn't take kindly to any of it's members being harrassed, so he really had no chance of winning.09:24
persiaHobbsee: That's a good thing, but if you're just doing your job, I wouldn't worry about contest.  It's the rare case where you'd be called down for it.09:24
Hobbseepersia: we do...often enough.09:24
persiaGet called down, or have people contest bans?09:25
Hobbseeunsure what you mean by getting called down09:25
persiaHey!  You!.  Get down and grovel and apologize because you overreached your authority!09:25
Hobbseepersia: we even had a guy today, complaining about -in ops.  i pointed out the 5 rules he'd managed to break, and what he was doing, and said that he should have been banned earlier than he was.  he shut up somewhat, thought about it, then went and apologiesd to the -in team.09:25
Hobbseepersia: yeah, we get that slightly.  some people get a little trigger-happy, particularly in userland.  you know, after you've kickbanned 5 people, and it's before lunch time...09:26
persiaThat's the behaviour I'd expect, and I'd expect other IRC Ops to support any IRC Op who made a call, as I doubt there are many cases of abuse (and expect near instant loss of IRC Ops rights if there was)09:26
Hobbseecontesting bans happens a fair bit - people come in all angry, occasionally get banned from there too for a few hours09:26
Hobbseesometimes they come back and apologise later.09:27
Hobbseethere are some.  *shrug*09:27
Hobbseeit's not clear cut09:27
persiaI'd expect frequent contests: there needs to be room for appeal, but as long as the operators are generally considered fair, and the channels are good, life is good.09:27
Hobbseejust wait till you hear the discussions about irc censorship :)09:28
persiaThere are far too many ways around any and all means of IRC banning for me to seriously consider IRC censorship.09:28
Hobbseewell, it's somewhat distracting if you've got the kline-on-sight status09:30
persiaRight.  So I use a web IRC gateway and a different nick.  Not too hard.09:31
Hobbseethere are limited irc gateways09:31
pwnguinnot really09:31
Hobbseeand some of them just ban gateways, so your'e still stuffed.09:31
persiaHobbsee: But there are unlimited open botnets...09:31
imbrandonpersia / ScottK : http://www.imbrandon.com/2007.12.02/ugh.html09:32
Hobbseepersia: this is true, and there are ways around them, too09:32
pwnguinah, every internet problem comes down to microsoft being bad at network security =(09:32
persiaAs long as I run a muted log user from a different source, I'm able to follow conversation, and just need to push anything I say from a relay.09:32
Hobbseeimbrandon: s/Gusty/Gutsy/09:33
persiaimbrandon: As slangasek pointed out, it's only a case where the remove management port is enabled, and there's not a PoC available.09:33
imbrandonHobbsee: fixed, persia reworded09:36
Hobbseeimbrandon: :)09:36
persiapwnguin: Botnets were available before microsoft, and will be available after microsoft.  Anyway, I think the difficulty of imposing true IRC censorship is a good thing.09:37
AnAntHello, I need help with piuparts, I run 'piuparts -d gutsy -p <some deb file>', but it doesn't work, as it can't get debfoster, I found that debfoster is in universe, yet piuparts for some reason uses main & restricted only, can anyone help ?09:41
FujitsuScottK: Aaaaaargh. Their problem, anyway.09:46
gesermr_pouit: as you sponsored the dir2ogg merge: what's the reason behind "- Don't use new VCS-* and Homepage fields as the new dpkg has not been merged yet09:50
persiageser: Because they don't get passed to the binary package, as dpkg-strips them (no XSBC).09:50
* persia hopes for a dpkg merge soon, as we're damaging heaps & heaps of stuff with the syncs, never mind uploads09:51
geserpersia: but is this important enough to undo the changes in the Debian package?09:51
* Fujitsu wonders why it wasn't merged months ago...09:51
Fujitsugeser: Undoing it is good.09:52
* geser hopes that dpkg gets merged soon as there are packages FTBFS because of a to old dpkg09:52
persiageser: Well, if we don't undo it, we'll need to push a new update later anyway.  We have to do this for several thousand packages, so I'm not sure which is right.09:52
whiteFujitsu: uploaded htdig fix via QA upload, thanks for the patch09:52
persiawhite: Is the QA miniconf still underway?09:53
Fujitsuwhite: Danke.09:53
whiteFujitsu: :)09:53
FujitsuAh, just got the -commits mail.09:54
whitepersia: ?09:54
whitepersia: i am not in extremadura09:54
persiawhite: Ah.  So Yes, but you're not there.  Thanks.09:55
AnAntno one knows about piuparts ?10:17
geserAnAnt: are you using an existing pbuilder base.tgz or a new one?10:19
* Fujitsu blinks. Why are there some bugs tagged with bugXXXXXX, where XXXXXX is some other bug?10:23
tsmitheRainCT, wow, you triaged my needs-packaging bug fast!10:25
StevenKFujitsu: ... Interesting10:26
RainCTtsmithe: hehe :)10:26
* RainCT cheats and has a script for it10:26
tsmithehaha, but still...10:27
RainCTyes, you had luck :). I usually only run it once a day10:28
AnAntgeser: existing one10:28
geserAnAnt: and it has universe enabled?10:29
AnAntgeser: yup10:29
geserAnAnt: have you used "-b /path/to/your/pbuilder/base.tgz"? When I read the manpage correctly a new chroot gets created when you don't specify it10:33
geserAnAnt: I used the piuparts deb from Debian as the gutsy one has some problems10:34
AnAntgeser: I ran: sudo piuparts -d gutsy -p <deb package>10:34
AnAntgeser: it fetches /var/cache/pbuilder/base.tgz10:34
AnAntgeser: that's the base.tgz that I use when I run pbuilder to build packages10:35
geserok, I didn't play much with pbuilder yet10:35
AnAntgeser: if I do pbuilder login, I can do apt-get install debfoster10:37
AnAntI just can't get it10:37
geserAnAnt: sorry, I meant piuparts but typed pbuilder: I didn't play much with piuparts yet10:50
AnAntso I should try the piuparts from Debian ?10:50
geserI had some problems with the piuparts package from gutsy but I don't remember anymore which problem it was10:52
DaveMorrisHi, with my package http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=cpptest it's been suggested I symlink the docs for the -dev package to the lib package.  However I don't know how to do this.  I can create links in cdbs using the packagename.links however because the dir already exists it complains.10:57
persiaDaveMorris: I think you want to not create /usr/share/doc/libfoo-dev and symlink that to /usr/share/doc/libfoo, but I'm not sure of the implementation details.10:59
DaveMorrisyeah I just don't know how to tell cdbs to do that10:59
AnAntgeser: I used Debian's piuparts, still same problem11:00
imbrandonDaveMorris: you probably want to use a debain/<package>.links file11:02
* imbrandon is off to bed, gnight all11:02
FujitsuNight imbrandon.11:02
DaveMorrisimbrandon: I did, however it complains that the dir already exists11:02
DaveMorrisbecause the docs are installed to the same path as what the symlink will be11:03
tsmithewhy would i be getting assembler errors in my pbuilder that don't happen outside of it?11:03
persiaDaveMorris: Then don't install any docs or changelogs for the -dev package11:04
DaveMorrishow do I do that?11:04
persiatsmithe: Different library versions?11:04
tsmithewhy should that be the case, if I'm using the same distribution for each?11:04
persiaDaveMorris: Don't have debian/libfoo.docs and pass some magic to dh_installchangelogs to exclude that package (I don't know which CDBS variable needs setting, but you can probably find it in the debhelper.mk include file)11:05
persiatsmithe: Perhaps one or the other isn't 100% up to date, or you have a | supported alternative locally.11:05
tsmithei'll update my main system, but i still think it's odd that the error occurs in the process of compiling a c++ file ("/tmp/ccYzfS81.s:12998: Error: unbalanced parenthesis in operand 1.")11:06
persiaDaveMorris: Sorry: I meant "don't have debian/libfoo-dev.docs".  My apologies for any confusion.11:06
DaveMorrisI knew what you meant, I just can't find the option to tell cdbs not to make the docs.  As I was thinking along the same lines as you guys last night11:08
Kmosbug 17341511:08
ubotuLaunchpad bug 173415 in malone "Please perform a massive tag purge for the Ubuntu project" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17341511:09
Fujitsubug 234511:09
ubotuLaunchpad bug 2345 in eclipse "Dependencies for eclipse-sdk are not installable/don't exist" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/234511:09
persiaDaveMorris: CDBS calls  dh_installchangelogs -p$(cdbs_curpkg) $(DEB_DH_INSTALLCHANGELOGS_ARGS) $(DEB_INSTALL_CHANGELOGS_ALL) $(DEB_INSTALL_CHANGELOGS_$(cdbs_curpkg)) which gives you a few opportunities to add arguments.  /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk has some comments at the top that might help you choose which.11:09
jussi01Hei everyone, Ive just got 1 quick question. if I have a patch form someone in  .diff format intended to patch a library, what is the way to apply this? note, its not a debdiff....11:10
Hobbseejussi01: patch -p# < ../patch11:10
Hobbseefrom the source dir11:10
Hobbseejussi01: a debdiff is just a special patch11:11
persiajussi01: Unpack the package.  Check the patch system.  Prep the package to accept a patch.  apply the patch.  Exit the patch system helper.  Edit the changelog.  Build the source.  Ignore Hobbsee for now.11:11
* persia notes that Hobbsee is correct, but not complete11:11
Hobbseeoh, i was assuming that the patch was fine to apply and such.11:12
gesercan someone please look at the gtk-engines-mono FTBFS: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/10688624/buildlog_ubuntu-hardy-amd64.gtk-engines-mono_0.0.5-1build1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz11:13
geseris this a bug in dh_strip or in the package (I build it successfully in a pbuilder)?11:13
* persia doesn't know C#, but tries it in a sbuild environment11:14
geserpersia: it has nothing to do with C#11:14
geser!info gtk-engines-mono11:14
ubotugtk-engines-mono: Mono theme for GTK+ 1.2. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.0.5-1 (gutsy), package size 24 kB, installed size 140 kB11:14
persiaReally?  I thought all the mono stuff was C#.  I'll dig more then.11:17
Fujitsupersia: It's just a theme called Mono.11:17
minghuaBad, bad name choice. :-)11:18
persiaWell, I can reproduce the build failure at least.11:18
LucidFoxpersia> Not all of Mono is C#, there's also VB.NET -_-11:19
persiaLucidFox: Sure, but that's special, and can be safely ignored.11:20
geserit looks like dh_strip expects debian/gtk-engines-mono but the package uses debian/tmp (it's an old package)11:20
persiaTo me it looks like missing includes, as the new GCC is very picky.  I thought that all of those were filed as bugs in Debian, usually with patches, but the Debian servers aren't being very helpful right now (for me).11:23
geserpersia: you're talking about the gtk-engines-mono package? did you get an other build failure as the buildds?11:26
persiageser: I get the same build failure as the buildds.11:26
persiaDirectory debian/gtk-engines-mono does not exist, aborting11:26
persiaOn the other hand, I appear to be investigating a non-build failure problem with the package, and have stopped :)11:27
txwikingerwell, this is nice.. even the author of the software doesn't know what the stuff does11:28
persiaLooks to me like the problem is with pkg-create-dbgsym11:28
geserpersia: I've successfully build the the package in a pbuilder (but without the dh_strip version from the buildds)11:28
persiageser: If you put pkg-create-dbgsym in your pbuilder, can you replicate?11:29
geserpersia: will try11:29
* persia highly recommends the use of pkg-create-dbgsym and pkgbinarymangler in chroots for pbuilder & sbuild.11:30
geserpersia: with pkg-create-dbgsym I can replicate the FTBFS11:32
persiageser: Right.  Ask pitti if you need to adjust it, but that's likely the source of error.11:33
geserok, thanks11:33
persiaDebian bug #38524511:36
ubotuDebian bug 385245 in bsdutils "renice succeeds on garbage input" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/38524511:36
persiaErr.  Debian bug #38624611:36
ubotuDebian bug 386246 in debhelper "debhelper: scripts silently succeed on nonexisting package build dir" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/38624611:36
persiageser: It looks like the package built with the default dh_strip doesn't actually get stripped due to 386246.  Best to force the right tmpdir (which may be debian/tmp, but this needs to be clear to debhelper).  I suspect there's some other oddities as a result of the confusion.11:39
geserpersia: I will talk to pitti about this FTBFS on monday11:41
persiageser: Look at bug 386246 and the changelog for pkg-create-dbgsym 0.17.  It's intentional, and the expectation is that the packages will be adjusted so that debhelper gets the right value for tmpdir.11:42
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StevenKHobbsee: Please give back gnustep-base on lpia, let's see if that convinces to build11:50
* Fujitsu convinces it to not build.11:50
* StevenK kicks Fujitsu 11:50
* Fujitsu cackles evilly.11:51
StevenKIn the face11:51
* Fujitsu goes back to mplayer CVEs, then. With no teeth.11:51
geserStevenK: looking at the build log for gnustep-base on lpia: line 72 in debian/rules is 'error "unsupported architecture"'11:53
StevenKHobbsee: Ah, then never mind me, I'll belt it11:53
geserthat's inside the block which checks the ffi lib settings based on the arch11:54
StevenKSo it just needs to be taught that lpia == i68611:55
=== azeem_ is now known as azeem
* persia is late again12:16
=== persia changed the topic of #ubuntu-motu to: Ubuntu Masters of the Universe: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | Hardy Heron is in active development. | Want to get involved with the MOTUs? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing | Go Merging! http://dad.dunnewind.net/universe.php | QA resources from http://qa.ubuntuwire.com | It's REVU Day. Uploaders: please refresh your uploads, and ask for review. Reviewers, let's close all the open reviews from the top of http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/
* Fujitsu tut tuts.12:18
geserit's monday again?12:19
persiaAt least this time I have an expectation of not having a network failure, and might end it on time.12:19
persiageser: Yep.  Has been for 139 minutes now.12:19
persiaOnly 6 packages to review though, so it'll be a boring REVU day (unless we get a lot of uploads).12:20
mok0persia: I'll get my next versions uploaded to REVU ASAP12:22
Fujitsupersia: Your advocation on sdlmame-cheat looks bogus.12:23
FujitsuOh, I see.12:23
persiaFujitsu: Even with the note that it is intentional?  The only issue is a single '.' character and some wishlists.12:23
FujitsuI just saw said note, oops.12:23
persiaOn the other hand, until sdlmame gets in, sdlmame-cheat is largely useless.12:24
persiaFujitsu: No worries.  I added the note because another reviewer came to the same conclusion.12:24
apachelogger__ajmitch: bug 145520 - how does libapache-filter-perl relate to khalkhi? Oo12:25
ubotuLaunchpad bug 145520 in khalkhi "[UNMETDEPS] khalkhi has unmet dependencies" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/14552012:25
persiaapachelogger__: Look at the note in the first comment.12:26
apachelogger__persia: yeah that one is valid, but the orignial comment is kinda strange12:26
apachelogger__persia: anyway, do you think that's reason enough for an SRU?12:26
persiaapachelogger__: If the package cannot be installed, and it could be installed in a previous release, then it counts as a regression.  If it could never be installed, it doesn't count.12:27
persia(check the unmetdeps output for previous releases to decide)12:27
apachelogger__persia: gutsy was the first release for khalkhi12:28
apachelogger__the missing package just got stuck in new queue12:28
apachelogger__hence didn't make it into the release12:28
persiaapachelogger__: Then unless there's some other compelling reason, it doesn't count for SRU.  This is especially true for NEW, as NEW for SRU makes the archive-admins cry.  You might consider a backport.12:28
apachelogger__ok, thanks a lot12:29
persiaapachelogger__: No problem.  Also, if there is a compelling reason, you can ask an archive admin, just be prepared for them to say "No".12:30
persia(and when ~motu-sru comes back, ask them instead of bothering the archive admins)12:30
apachelogger__though I don't think there is a compelling reason, khalkhi is a metapackage12:31
* Fujitsu heads to bed.12:33
persiaGood night Fujitsu12:33
FujitsuNight persia.12:33
slicerHi. I have a few questions regarding a revu feedback I hope someone can answer.12:38
slicerThe package in question is: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=mumble12:38
slicer1) Please add a color to the (LP: #129081) stanza in the changelog: it doesn.t currently close the bug.12:38
slicerHow do I add color to a changelog?12:39
StevenKslicer: I think they mean 'colon'12:39
slicerStevenK: It suddenly makes much more sense then.12:39
StevenKAlthough n and r are not close on a US keyboard12:39
=== LifeHacker is now known as tuxmaniac
slicerI'll interpret it as colon and fix it.12:40
slicerNext up: 4) Consider linking to /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2 for GPKv2 code12:40
slicerLinking what?12:40
StevenKslicer: That is probably telling you fix up your debian/copyright file12:41
slicerTHat's probably related to: 6) It would be nice to include licensing for the packaging12:42
slicerThough I'm not sure how that is different from the debian/copyright?12:43
StevenKslicer: Pastebin your debian/copyright, I'm sure we can pick it to bits12:43
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:43
StevenKHobbsee: The Ubuntu pastebin is not there, but http://paste.ubuntu.com/12:44
StevenKAlso, "a service to post large texts" reads wrong. :-)12:44
* persia notes that n & r are also not close on a jp106 keyboard, but that fingers don't always follow directions very well.12:44
slicer.. should do, right?12:44
StevenKslicer: You should point at /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-212:45
slicerAh, instead of just /GPL?12:46
StevenKslicer: Right.12:46
persiaubotu: pastebin is <reply> A Pastebin is a service where large texts can be posted as an alternative to flooding IRC channels.  The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com/ .  After pasting, please copy the URL of the paste to the channel so others know where to find your data.12:48
jeromegis ubuntu's dpkg already supporting the new Homepage field ?12:48
mok0jeromeg: It complains, but that's all12:48
persiajeromeg: No, but we're pretending it does.12:49
jeromegmok0, persia : ok12:49
jeromegand where exactly am i supposed to put it in debian/control ?12:49
jeromegI can't find any doc for this12:49
jeromegjust debian usage stats12:50
persiajeromeg: If there is a single homepage for the entire package, put it in the source stanza.  If there are separate homepages for the binaries, put them in the binary stanzas.12:50
mok0jeromeg: I don't think it matters. Somewhere in the source package section12:50
jeromegpersia, mok0 : ok thank you both12:50
tsmithehow extensive does the copyright information in debian/copyright need to be with regards to source files?12:51
persiatsmithe: Every file that has a distinct license needs to be mentioned.12:52
minghuaimbrandon: There?12:52
tsmithepersia, but not a distinct copyright owner?12:52
mok0Hi minghua, I addressed your comments for maxima12:52
tsmithebecause there can be lots of those, and this is already mentioned in the source files themselves12:52
StevenKminghua: It's 6am there, I doubt it.12:52
minghuaimbrandon: Just to let you know that *all* your blog posts show up on Planet Debian, which you probably don't want.12:52
mok0StevenK: I prefer to think you're staying up late ;-)12:53
minghuaStevenK: It's more like 7am, but it was worth a shot.12:53
minghuamok0: Great, thanks.12:53
persiatsmithe: If all the licenses match, and all the copyright holders are listed in debian/copyright, you don't need to specify all the files (I believe).12:53
mok0minghua: Well thanks for your very clear comment. I was wondering whether it was necessary to put the "old" mods in there. I see the logic of it now.12:54
minghuamok0: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/Merging should help, but I have no idea how accurate that page is.12:55
minghuamok0: In case of uncertainty, ask here. :-)12:55
tsmithepersia, but i'm not allowed to do something like "(C) 2007 Werner Schweer and others". ie, i have to list every contributor?12:58
mok0minghua: yeah I should've done that12:58
mok0minghua: but now I've learned it12:58
persiatsmithe: I believe so, unless the other contributors have explicitly indicated that they don't mind being referred to as "Werner Schweer and others".12:58
minghuamok0: Hope you can find a sponsor soon.  If you have trouble finding one, let me know.12:59
mok0Have any of you guys experience with hacker attacks?13:00
mok0minghua: ok, thx13:00
persiamok0: Could you rephrase that?13:00
mok0We've had a visit from a hacker that propagated some attack on a website in France13:00
mok0I think he got in through webmin, but I am not sure13:01
tsmithepersia, what about wrt to "Upstream Authors", if their names are given in "Copyright:"?13:01
persiatsmithe: Authorship and Copyright are only coincidentally related.  For many large projects, there is considerable copyright assignment (most contributors assign copyright to the core team when sending patches).13:03
mok0I got a message from CERT about it13:03
tsmithepersia, ok then. so i'm just going to give the primary author of the majority of the code, and list the copyright holders for other parts13:04
persiamok0: Ah.  Someone penetrated your system.  I don't like the term hacker for that.  I recommend 1) getting affected systems offline, 2) putting in replacements, and 3) doing a forensic analysis to find how when and how so you can notice next time.13:04
* minghua had a system compromised before.13:08
* persia doesn't have anything useful to say about the remaining uncommented items on REVU, and would welcome an upload.13:08
minghuaI'm not the admin, though.  And it was a remote xen machine, so we simply reinstalled it.13:08
persiaminghua: reinstall without forensics can often mean renewed exploit13:09
minghuapersia: True.  But it was not my decision.13:10
minghuapersia: And that machine was a bit behind on security updates when it got compromised.13:10
cprov-outimbrandon: sorry, pretend I'm not really here, but about PPA removals,  you have to start uploading new stuff to trigger the cleanup procedures in your PPA.13:11
mok0persia: yeah I agree that the term "hacker" has multiple meanings. I should've said a "script-kiddie"13:11
cprov-outimbrandon: see a similar saga in https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/1782613:11
mok0An inexperienced colleague installed webmin. I would *never* use it13:12
* cprov-out goes out again.13:12
mok0mok0: I've run rkhunter and it doesn't find anything suspicious13:13
effie_jayxhow do I send a patch upstream?13:15
mok0effie_jayx: Just attach it in an email13:16
mok0effie_jayx: I prefer a -p0 patch from the top dir13:17
effie_jayxmok0, what is the standard format for sending these patches upstream13:18
mok0effie_jayx: output from diff -u13:18
mok0effie_jayx: ... or diff -urN if you do the whole dir13:18
mok0effie_jayx: I would think upstream wants separate patches for each file you have modified13:19
effie_jayxmok0,  I'll give it a wack13:21
effie_jayxand I shall let you know later13:21
effie_jayxI am hunting for a bug :D13:21
mok0effie_jayx: I'll be on the  channel for a while13:21
effie_jayxmok0,  great :D13:21
mok0effie_jayx: I enjoy reading your blog, btw!13:22
effie_jayxmok0,  it was a suggestion and I really haven't a clue as to howto... is there some doc I can read?13:22
mok0effie_jayx: ??13:22
mok0effie_jayx: you mean how to diff?13:23
effie_jayxmok0,  yes13:23
mok0effie_jayx: You can do it in a couple of ways. Either, directory wise, or on a per-file basis13:24
persiahttp://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToFix has some basic guidelines on running diff.13:24
mok0So, either you have 2 parallel directories, foo/ and foo-orig/ , say13:24
mok0I usually just make a copy of the file I am fixing -> foo.c.orig13:25
mok0effie_jayx: If you compare 2 dirs, you need the -r switch on diff13:26
* persia tends to do it by directories, so as not to have to start over if more than one file needs an update.13:26
effie_jayxsounds easy13:26
StevenKPossibly -NP, too, depending on how complex the changes are13:26
mok0effie_jayx: Try it, with a dummy file created for the purpose13:26
* mok0 prefers diffs on a per-file basis13:27
mok0you can always cat the patches together13:28
mok0lsdiff is a nice tool for looking in diffs13:28
effie_jayxok... when I say upstream... it is ... debian... or the team that distributes the software?13:28
persiamok0: Maybe, but cat doesn't track directories if they aren't at the same level, whereas splitdiff always works.13:29
mok0effie_jayx: team13:29
mok0persia: you are right13:29
* persia hugs patchutils13:29
mok0effie_jayx: Once you get comfortable with diffs (alias patches) you start thing in those terms13:30
=== Hobbsee_ is now known as Hobbsee
effie_jayxI see :D13:31
mok0effie_jayx: a bit of nomenclature: a "-p1 patch" is one that is based _above_ the top level13:32
mok0effie_jayx: and a "-p0 patch" is one that is based _at_ the toplevel dir13:33
mok0effie_jayx: (top-level == the one that has debian/)13:34
=== jekil2 is now known as jekil
* persia advocates -p1 patches as easiest to use13:35
effie_jayxI would like to know more about levels and stuff13:37
effie_jayxlet me check my facts13:37
effie_jayxI have the original directory13:37
effie_jayxand the one I modified13:37
effie_jayxI do a diff between those directories13:38
mok0diff -uNr orig/ modif/ will give you a -p1 patch13:38
zulimbrandon: is your request from donations going to actually work?13:38
effie_jayxI am trying it know13:38
mok0effie_jayx: when you have the diff, you should try and see if it works. Make a copy of the orig directory in /tmp13:39
persiaI think it's a neat idea for collecting for a large present, and am very curious to see how it works.13:39
mok0effie_jayx: then: cd /tmp; patch < your-diff.patch13:40
effie_jayxpersia, it has helped people pay off large debts13:40
effie_jayxpersia,  http://www.savekaryn.com/13:41
persiaeffie_jayx: I was specifically referring to the use of www.fundable.com, but in the abstract, yes.13:42
mok0persia: Wow, that could be a huge scam13:46
mok0persia: You have time to discuss my theseus upload?13:55
persiamok0: Yes, but not huge volumes.  Can you remind me of the URL?13:55
effie_jayxmok0,  I have done the patch and I tested it...13:55
effie_jayxquite lenghty13:55
mok0effie_jayx: did it work?13:56
mok0persia: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=theseus13:57
mok0effie_jayx: :)13:57
effie_jayxmok0,  thanks ... :D lots info just one bug13:57
persiamok0: OK.  Let's go through my comments.  Any questions about #1?13:58
mok0persia: ad 1) should I make a new entry in changelog, promoting from ..ubuntu1~ppa1 -> ...ubuntu1 ??13:58
mok0persia: I had the discussion about the lengthy changelog with someone here, and the conclusion was, that if the package has been published on a PPA, then you need to retain the changelog13:59
persiamok0: OK.  I can accept that, but I'm not very happy about it.  Note that if your package is accepted into Debian, this will all be lost.  My main objection is that I don't consider PPAs trustworthy or authoritative, and would prefer a policy of wiping so as never to have to adjudicate between competing PPAs.14:02
mok0persia: you mean debian will trunkate the changelog at the point it gets incorporated?14:03
persiamok0: The Debian policy is to generate a new changelog for inclusion in Debian.  On rare occasions this isn't done, but it's standard practice.14:04
mok0persia: I have seen that they retain comments for all the uploads though14:04
persiamok0: Depends on the sponsor, but often, yes.14:05
mok0persia: even before it is accepted.14:05
mok0persia: ad 10-11) I think this belongs in rules14:05
mok0persia: If the original makefile had had provisions for installing, I would have used that to install directly into the package build dir14:06
persiamok0: Why not just add dh_install in rules, and create debian/package.install?14:07
persiaAlso, why not use dh_installdirs in rules, and create debian/package.dirs?14:07
mok0persia: I really don14:07
mok0I really don't like the debhelper scripts all that much14:07
persiaThese are fairly standard, as it makes it easier to read, but if you don't like debhelper, they can be skipped.14:08
mok0persia: I could also patch the make file to do an install, but that seems pretty silly, when I can do it from rules14:08
persiamok0: Although, in that case, I'd recommend not using dh_installdocs.  It's the mix that is confusing.14:08
* mok0 looks14:08
mok0persia: it's gone14:09
persiaYou've also dh_installman and dh_installchangelogs.14:09
persiaNot according to http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/revu1-incoming/theseus-0711171510/theseus-1.1.5/debian/rules14:09
* mok0 re-looks14:09
mok0I don't need installdocs14:10
mok0because of 9)14:10
persiaYou're using it to install README (but yes, because of 9) )14:10
mok0I got rid of it14:10
persiaOK.  installchangelogs & installman?14:11
mok0persia: like you say, it's just the manpage14:11
mok0those I need, I think14:11
mok0but they have no package.* files associated with them14:11
persiamok0: Well, I'd argue that if you're not using debhelper much, you should use install -m for those as well.14:11
mok0persia: hmm. So using some of the dh_install* scripts means you have to use dh_install for the rest?14:13
persiamok0: No.  I just personally feel it's better to be consistent.  If you really don't want to, I shan't make you.  Lack of advocation was for more significant issues: I just list everything I find in case the packager wants to make me happy.14:14
mok0persia: It's no big deal for me, I just want to understand how to best make a good package14:15
mok0persia: personally, I find looking at rules gives a good picture of the flow of things14:16
persiamok0: I believe the best package is consistent.  Basically raw, all debhelper, or all CDBS.  I don't really like DBS or yada, or any of the others.14:16
persiamok0: Sure, and there are many well-packaged packages that do it all in rules.14:17
mok0persia: OK, makes sense. I'll work on it. Finally, I have a question concerning 12)14:17
mok0persia: I don't think the version no is incorporated in upstreams tarball14:17
mok0persia: and then watch isn't of much use14:18
persiamok0: Hmm..  You're right.  That's annoying.  In that case, I encourage to you request that upstream does include a version in their tarballs so we can watch for the latest version and be sure to keep up to date.  In the mean time, you might want a get-orig-source; rule to use wget to construct the orig.tar.gz.14:19
mok0persia: ok, I think I just made a link14:19
persiaYou put a link in debian/copyright which is required, and have a bug for no watch file (which you can't help).  get-orig-source: is encouraged, but optional.14:20
mok0persia: you mean I create a bug report in LP?14:21
persiamok0: No need.  It will show on http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/uehs/no_watch.php14:21
mok0persia: Ah.14:21
persia(with 403 freinds - all packagers are encouraged to try to create watch files for these, and update them if required).14:22
mok0persia: I add put the full URL to the tarball in copyright?14:22
persiamok0: A full URL is preferable.  A website with a link is acceptable.14:23
mok0persia: I have a good communication with upstream, so it may be fixed in the future14:23
persiamok0: Excellent.  That makes it a lot easier to keep the software up to date.14:23
mok0persia: well thanks, that takes care of it. I'll work on the package and upload it ASAĂ…14:24
mok0ooops ASAP14:24
persiamok0: Thanks.14:24
effie_jayxmok0,  I patch the files and it ask many questions14:32
effie_jayxlike ... what files to patch14:33
ScottKpersonally I think the ppa changelog should go.14:34
mok0ScottK: so all my various fixes to get the package to work properly, I just zap that?14:42
mok0ScottK: I can do that14:42
mok0effie_jayx: try patch -p114:43
mok0effie_jayx: It has to do it without asking questions.14:43
effie_jayxit also complained at me not having priviledges14:44
Hobbsee...not having priviledges?14:44
effie_jayxjust fixed it...14:46
effie_jayxI had made a new copy as root14:46
effie_jayxdummy me14:46
Hobbseeheh ;)14:46
effie_jayxit paches 5 files14:48
effie_jayxbefore I got confused with 5 files...14:48
mok0effie_jayx: you should be able to: tar -xzf orig.tar.gz; patch < effie.patch; and it should work no questions asked14:52
* txwikinger is confused14:52
effie_jayxmok0,  you said I should send this to the developer14:52
Hobbseemok0: incorrect.14:53
mok0Hobbsee: elaborate, please14:54
Hobbseemok0: you should be able to apply patches using the debian/rules apply-patches (iirc), but your statement does not cover where there are multiple patches modifying the same file, and thereofre changing line numbers.14:54
mok0effie_jayx: yes, if you want14:54
Hobbsee(which is where patch ordering comes in)14:54
mok0Hobbsee: he is making a diff -urN patch14:55
Hobbseemok0: hopefully against the already-patched source?14:55
Hobbseemok0: or just the unpacked source?14:55
mok0Hobbsee: against the original source from upstream. He wants to send them14:55
Hobbseemok0: oh, okay, then that's fine14:56
mok0Hobbsee: yup :-)14:56
Hobbseemok0: i thought you were talking about adding it to an ubuntu package14:56
mok0Hobbsee: no, he just wants to send a patch upstream14:56
Hobbseecool :)14:56
Hobbseethis is what you get, when you come in on the end of a conversation14:56
mok0I know the feeling ;-)14:57
mok0Hobbsee: I may not know ubuntu packaging very well, but I have > 20 years of experience with programming for unix/linux14:58
Hobbseemok0: :)14:58
mok0Hobbsee: are you employed by canonical?14:59
Hobbseemok0: unfortunately not.14:59
mok0Hobbsee: I thought they were keen to hire experienced developers15:00
Hobbseemok0: i don't code python and such.  yet15:00
Hobbseemok0: you also have to be wlel known, outside of the community, it appears15:00
mok0Hobbsee: Like, within Debian?15:01
txwikingerwhat should be provided for a package that needs to be updated from debian?15:01
Hobbseemok0: anywhere but ubuntu, it appears15:01
txwikingera debdiff, or the new .dsc file?15:01
mok0Hobbsee: you have to author some essential, small and beautiful piece of python that they will desperately need maintained15:02
Hobbseemok0: heh :)15:02
mok0Hobbsee: Like a python replacement for debhelper15:02
mok0(which s*x bigtime)15:02
geserHi bddebian15:04
bddebianHeya gang15:04
bddebianHi geser15:04
mok0persia, are you there still?15:24
txwikingerwhen and how often are packages synced from debian?15:27
bddebianIsn't there some option to ls to just give me back the files or dirs without the path if I do: ls /foo/bar/* ?15:31
geserwhy not use find?15:36
gesertxwikinger: till DIF regularly when an archive admin starts the script, after DIF on request15:37
cbx33hey peeps15:37
cbx33long time no see15:37
txwikingergeser: So I don't hav to do anything when a bug gets fixed by the newest version in debian?15:39
txwikingerI just wait until it gets updated and note it in the bug?15:39
bddebiangeser: if I do: find $(CURDIR) foo-*  I am still going to get the path15:40
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cbx33what do people do for media servers round here?15:41
cbx33I want my music available on one machine so I can stream it easily to others15:41
protonchriscbx33: check out jinzora15:42
protonchrisI don't use it myself, but I have a friend that really likes it.15:43
mok0Why does dpatch have to change the mode of the debian/patches/*.dpatch files?16:01
mok0I think it's a bug16:02
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tsmitheis there a list of .desktop file "Category"s anywhere?16:12
tsmitheactually, don't worry16:13
RainCTtsmithe: http://standards.freedesktop.org/menu-spec/latest/apa.html16:15
cbx33gnump3d seems quite good16:17
tsmitheRainCT, thanks16:17
geserbddebian: then use "(cd /foo/bar; ls *)"16:18
gesertxwikinger: exactly16:19
mok0Is there a way to know inside debian/rules what version is being built?16:20
gesertxwikinger: but check before if it has no ubuntu changes (can get synced) or needs a merge16:20
txwikingergeser: It doesn't need any changes16:20
RainCTtsmithe: I've many link on the bottom of my wiki, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RainCT/Contributions, you might find some of them usefull16:20
gesertxwikinger: than wait, if it's still not synced after DIF (around Dec 13th) then you need to file a sync request16:22
txwikingerok.. thanks geser16:22
ScottKmok0: That's what I would recommend.  I'd say debian/changelog is the history of the package in Ubuntu and PPA is not Ubuntu.16:22
bddebiangeser: I got it, thx16:22
mok0ScottK: persia complained about it too, so I've zapped it16:25
mok0ScottK: perhaps you can answer my question 6 min ago16:26
ScottKmok0: I think we ought to have a discussion about this and come to a rough consensus at a MOTU meeting and then document the results.  Would you be willing to raise this as a meeting topic.16:26
* ScottK reads the backscroll.16:26
RainCTCan someone please merge ~rainct/ubuntu-dev-tools/dev into ~ubuntu-dev/ubuntu-dev-tools/trunk? (changelog here: http://tinyurl.com/2t6b5x)16:26
RainCTTheMuso: ^16:26
mok0ScottK: sure16:26
ScottKmok0: There is no easy way.  Packages I've seen that do that use (IIRC) sed and regex's to extract it from debian/changelog.16:27
mok0ScottK: I am writing a get-orig-source rule to place a tarball without a version number in the correct orig.tar.gz files16:27
mok0ScottK: OK; I was wondering whether there were some symbols defined16:28
ScottKmok0: Not AFAIK.16:28
mok0ScottK: I'll grep it out of changelog, then16:29
ScottKmok0: Good luck.  That's the only way I know of, but it always seems fragile to me.16:29
mok0ScottK: yeah very flakey16:30
mok0ScottK: ... and they didn't exactly make changelog easy to parse16:31
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ScottKmok0: Of course not.  If it was easy it wouldn't be any fun.16:31
stdinmok0: something like "head -1 debian/changelog | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/(// ; s/)//' " _should_ work16:32
mok0ScottK: :-)16:32
stdinyou'll have to get rid of the debian/ubuntu revision too I guess16:33
mok0stdin: I can grep for the chars between '(' and '-'16:34
ScottKimbrandon: I commented on your blog post.  Thanks for taking some spears on this.16:34
ScottKmok0: As long as upstream will never release a version number with a '-' in it.16:35
stdinmaybe change " sed 's/(// ; s/)//' " to " sed 's/(// ; s/)// ; s/-[0-9]*.*//' "16:35
jdongstdin: jesus....16:35
jdongstdin: dpkg-parsechangelog.16:35
mok0ScottK: as long as it's not put in changelog16:35
stdinjdong: but... that would be easy...16:36
stdinjdong: (and thanks for letting me know about dpkg-parsechangelog) :p16:36
jdongwell you still have to grep and sed once with dpkg-parsechangelog to get the Version: line16:36
jdongbut it's a MUCH easier match!16:36
mok0jdong: thanks, but it doesn't solve my problem, it only becomes a different problem :-)16:37
jdongmok0: what was the original problem?16:38
mok0To extract the version number of the package from within rules16:38
jdongmok0: use dpkg-parsechangelog.... *investigates exact line*16:39
mok0jdong: I still have to isolate the version from the release16:40
jdongmok0: oh, you want only the upstream version?16:40
mok0jdong: yeah16:40
jdongmok0: dpkg-parsechangelog | sed -n 's/^Version: //p' | sed 's/-[^-]*$//'16:41
jdongmok0: that'll remove the last dashed item to the end from the version16:41
jdongwhich SHOULD be an okay heuristic for upstream ver16:42
mok0jdong: Yup, it works16:42
stdinshow off...16:42
mok0jdong: should be an option to dpkg-parsechangelog,16:43
imbrandonScottK: yea, and i likely ruffled some feathers, but oh well /* goes back to sleep for a few hours */16:43
jdongmok0: yeah it'd be a nice touch to have more dpkg-parechangelog  params :)16:43
* jdong hugs stdin 16:44
mok0jdong: but if you use --version you get something quite unexpected ;-)16:44
jdongmok0: hehe what can I say, it's a self-centered command :)16:45
mok0jdong: hehe what can I say, debhelper sux16:45
mok0should be rewritten i python16:46
mok0... in fact, rules should be a python script16:46
stdinthen how would make parse it?16:47
stdinand not everyone knows python :p16:47
jdongstdin: someone will write a pymake :)16:47
mok0stdin: it wouldn't. The python parser would16:47
jdongstdin: oh oh oh ! setup.py!16:47
stdinI barely understand Makefiles, don't make me learn python too...16:48
mok0I'll write up a whitepaper for it one day.16:48
jdongstdin: meh they have a lot in common16:48
jdongstdin: first off, both are anal about indents.16:48
mok0stdin: You'd just add statements to customize your package16:48
imbrandoneverything != python, python is a great tool, but not good for EVERYTHING16:48
jdongimbrandon: how... dare you! ;-)16:48
stdinI may think about learning python yet, just for PyKDE416:49
mok0You mean, like make does not use white space in the syntax ;-)16:49
stdinI'm packaging it, may as well learn how to use it16:49
jdongmok0: no, it's just more picky about what kind of whitespace it demands.16:50
jdongmok0: and displays utterly nonsensical errors when you put spaces instead.16:50
mok0IMHO, using make to run the rules script is a mis-use of make16:50
mok0jdong: exactly16:50
mok0make is for building with complex dependencies and checking for changed files etc16:51
mok0with all due respect to the original designers of debian16:51
mok0they wanted to use standard tools which is cool16:52
jdongmeh it seems to work so far16:52
tsmitherevu days are mondays, right?16:56
mok0tsmithe: remember it's already monday :-)16:56
tsmitheyou're right16:56
tsmithewhat are the chances of my first upload being advocated twice?16:57
tsmithe(not first ever package, mind)16:57
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mok0tsmithe: are you taking bets?16:57
tsmitheif you want to lose, then, yes.16:58
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tsmithewoop: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=mscore17:13
dsopdo i need to run a special command to install/use a watch file for my debian package, or is it enough that there is a debian/watch (or must it named watch.ex?)18:21
bddebianIt should be debian/watch18:22
bddebianYou can use uscan -report-status to test that it works18:23
dsopyeah it works perfectly18:23
dsopi just wonder if i need dh_installdocs or something like that for the watch file18:23
bddebiangencontrol installs it iirc18:24
dsopokay thanks a lot, as always. hopefully my package then fits all requirements18:25
dsopbddebian: are you are revu admin?18:27
bddebiandsop: No, sorry18:29
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bluekujadsop, some problems with REVU?19:00
dsopbluekuja: yes19:00
bluekujadsop, like?19:00
dsopbluekuja: an admin synced my key from launchpad, but i never got a mail about an account. the revu system knows my email, but if i try to recover my password, there is no string displayed to decrypt19:01
dsopbluekuja: but i'm allowed to upload my signed packages into the system.19:01
bluekujadsop, did you use two different mails for uploading/requesting-a-pwd?19:02
dsopbluekuja: no, i checked that twice19:02
bluekujadsop, what's your mail?19:02
bluekujadsop, you're right19:04
bluekujadsop, http://revu.tauware.de/lostpw.py?email=sn_@gmx.net19:05
apachelogger_Initial release.  Closes: #17230919:07
apachelogger_is that actually going to work?19:07
bluekujaapachelogger_, is the bug on LP?19:08
bluekujaapachelogger_, that works for Debian BTS only19:08
apachelogger_bug 17230919:08
ubotuLaunchpad bug 172309 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] gcutils" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17230919:08
apachelogger_dsop: please change to (LP: #172309)19:08
bluekujaapachelogger_, LP: #bugid will work not closes19:08
dsopapachelogger_: k, i'll change that19:08
apachelogger_bluekuja: thanks :)19:09
apachelogger_I wasn't sure whether it works without LP19:09
bluekujaapachelogger_, np :)19:09
bluekujaapachelogger_, if you gonna upload that remember to check .changes file19:09
bluekujato see if Launchpad-Bugs-Fixed is there19:09
bluekujaif not get back to check what's wrong on the changelog19:10
apachelogger_persia will have to give his advocate first anyway19:11
bluekujadsop, can you try with another mail please?19:11
tsmithecould a kde user take a look at http://revu.tauware.de/revu1-incoming/mscore-0712021810/mscore- and tell me why it appears in lost+found in the menu without an icon? it works for me, with the icon as expected, in xfce19:12
bluekujadsop, actually I cannot generate you a random pwd19:12
dsopapachelogger_: changed, thx.19:12
dsopbluekuja: what do you mean with another email? I uploaded my package with that email, etc.19:12
bluekujasiretart, around?19:13
apachelogger_tsmithe: very good question19:13
* apachelogger_ investigates19:13
tsmithei suppose the icon problem is because the kde theme doesn't provide the icon, whereas gnome/xfce do19:13
tsmithebut lost+found?19:14
apachelogger_tsmithe: does the software ship with an icon?19:14
tsmitheit's got lots of categories19:14
tsmitheapachelogger_, no, sadly19:14
tsmitheand i'm not an artist, so i won't be making one ;)19:14
apachelogger_tsmithe: you can generate a seperate desktop file for kde19:15
tsmitheif you wanna test a built package: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/10693387/mscore_0.7.0.1-0ubuntu1_i386.deb19:15
apachelogger_using one of kde's stock icons19:15
tsmitheand put them both in /usr/share/applications?19:15
tsmithei'd prefer one size fits all, naturally19:15
apachelogger_tsmithe: yes19:16
apachelogger_OnlyShowIn=KDE for the kde desktop file19:16
apachelogger_NotShowIn=KDE for the other one19:16
tsmithewhat would be an appropriate category/icon for kde?19:16
apachelogger_tsmithe: can you please upload the gnome/xfce icon?19:17
tsmitheok. where to?19:17
apachelogger_anywhere ;-)19:17
apachelogger_just need to have a look at it19:18
tsmithe"tango-icon-theme" provides /usr/share/icons/Tango/22x22/categories/applications-multimedia.png19:19
apachelogger_I think I have tango on my laptop19:19
* apachelogger_ heads over19:19
bluekujadsop, we should wait siretart19:19
bluekujadsop, or Hobbsee19:19
dsopbluekuja: okay no problem.19:20
bluekujadsop, so we can have a random pwd or we can check what's the problem19:20
tsmitheif it's revu day, can i ask for a review?19:21
tsmithepackage is mscore19:21
aplg|mobiletsmithe: I'd go with multimedia for kde19:22
tsmithejust "multimedia"?19:22
aplg|mobiletsmithe: yep19:23
tsmithefor the icon?19:23
* aplg|mobile nods19:23
cyberixWhat happens to packages that get two advocates in REVU?19:23
bddebianIt should get uploaded19:23
apachelogger_or maybe it's damned :P19:23
bddebianProbably that too ;-P19:23
tsmitheapachelogger_, what about the category?19:24
aplg|mobilechecking right now19:24
cyberixDoes this happen automagically?19:24
bluekujacyberix, no19:25
cyberixWho does uploading?19:25
apachelogger_a MOTU19:26
bluekujacyberix, maybe a developer? :)19:26
apachelogger_probably the one who gave the 2nd advocate19:26
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bluekujaapachelogger_, exactly19:26
aplg|mobiletsmithe: Categories=Qt;AudioVideo;Sequencer;Midi;AudioVideoEditing;Music;19:27
aplg|mobilefor some strange reason kde3 can't use the Audio categorie19:27
bluekujacyberix, why do you ask?19:28
apachelogger_tsmithe: that's just not spec compatible19:28
apachelogger_tsmithe: if you use Audio -> Desktop entry must include AudioVideo as well19:28
bluekujacyberix, is there a package with already two acks in REVU?19:28
apachelogger_tsmithe: http://standards.freedesktop.org/menu-spec/menu-spec-1.0.html19:28
tsmithecan I use both Audio and AudioVideo?19:28
apachelogger_tsmithe: well, you can use just AV, but if you stick with A you have to include AV as well19:29
cyberixbluekuja: Not yet. Just trying to understand "how it all works".19:29
bluekujacyberix, oh ok :)19:29
tsmithethen i can stick to one .desktop file only, and have AudioVideo as the category and multimedia as the icon, and it works on all platforms19:29
bluekujacyberix, usually a package needs two ACKs for a certain upload19:29
apachelogger_tsmithe: there is no multimedia icon in gnome/xfce, is there?19:30
bluekujacyberix, so if someone gave you a +1 on a upload, and someone doesnt19:31
bluekujacyberix, it will require the first ack to be given again19:31
bluekujaon the next upload19:31
tsmithecan i have Icon=applications-multimedia;multimedia?19:31
* apachelogger_ tests19:32
apachelogger_tsmithe: nope, doesn't work19:33
cyberixbluekuja: ok19:33
tsmithewell gnome provides a "multimedia" icon, but it looks wrong19:33
tsmitheand damn, i just started an upload19:33
apachelogger_tsmithe: you should suggest upstream to get himself an icon ;-)19:33
apachelogger_dsop: how did you manage to have diffent md5sums for orig.tar.gz and your released tar.gz?19:36
dsopapachelogger_: ????19:38
dsopgood question19:38
dsopapachelogger_: you mean the one from the downloads.experimentalworks.net?19:39
dsopmaybe i forgot to push my git tags, cause the releases are generated directly from git19:40
apachelogger_dsop: well, for me it's no big issue since the tarballs are identical, but I don't know how emmet.hikory thinks about this19:40
bluekujaapachelogger_, lol19:41
apachelogger_bluekuja: persia usually finds some issue in packages I advocated ;-)19:42
bluekujaapachelogger_, I've noticed that some days ago browsing REVU19:43
bluekujadsop, please clean debhelper cruft in rules19:43
dsopbluekuja: whats no necessary? hmm the shlibs...19:45
bluekujadsop, I mean commented stuff19:45
apachelogger_dsop: rules line 24: you don't touch a configure-stamp, so no need to remove it19:45
apachelogger_bluekuja: there is none19:45
apachelogger_only actual comments19:46
apachelogger_dsop: dh_shlibdeps can be removed19:47
bluekujaapachelogger_, check better please19:47
apachelogger_bluekuja: ?19:47
bluekujaapachelogger_, do you see commented stuff in debian/rules?19:48
apachelogger_bluekuja: are you looking at an old version?19:49
apachelogger_dsop: you could remove the intro stuff though19:49
bluekujaapachelogger_, yes, that's what I mean19:50
bluekujaapachelogger_, that stuff is all commented out19:50
bluekujaso it's not needed..19:50
dsopapachelogger_: okay19:51
apachelogger_bluekuja: well, should dsop remove all comments?19:51
dsophmm that md5sum stuff is crazy. everytime i generate a new version out of git, the md5sum differs19:51
bluekujaapachelogger_, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/2429/19:51
apachelogger_dsop: very strange19:52
apachelogger_bluekuja: ok, I agree on that :)19:52
bluekujaapachelogger_, ^^19:52
apachelogger_though #export DH_VERBOSE=1 might be handy19:52
dsopbluekuja: even the DH_VERBOSE line?19:52
bluekujadsop, yeah, you can leave that if you want19:52
bluekujait's your choice after all19:52
* apachelogger_ likes to keep the verbose line around19:53
bluekujadsop, remove binary-indep stuff19:53
bluekujadsop, with comments like nothing to do by default19:53
bluekujadsop, remove *targets* only19:54
apachelogger_dsop: don't forget to remove it at the very bottom as well19:54
bluekujadsop, not the rule itself19:54
bluekujadsop, the files are not tagged with a license header19:54
bluekujaso they cannot hit the archive19:54
bluekujawould you mind fixing it? :)19:54
dsopokay, so i'll remove the targets and ... whats that with the license header?19:55
dsopi should prepend every file with a license header?19:55
dsopbtw. thanks for the help..19:55
dsopbluekuja: so an empty binary-indep rule, that doesnot execute any targets?19:56
bluekujadsop, a license header should be placed in every file19:57
* apachelogger_ demands license header for everything ;-)19:57
bluekujadsop, yes, leave the rule, clean the targets19:57
bluekujaremove the comments around the rule19:57
bluekujaevery file should be as clean as possible19:57
dsopyes, everthing done, i just have to add the license header to every file in  debian/, and to check this md5 sum thing19:58
bluekujadsop, ?19:59
bluekujadsop, you don't have to add license headers inside maintainers dir19:59
bluekujadsop, but on upstream source19:59
dsopbluekuja: ah okay you think about license header in the *.sh files?20:01
bluekujadsop, yes20:02
bluekujadsop, why not GPL?20:02
dsopbluekuja: because i prefer bsd/mit20:08
bluekujadsop, kk20:09
mok0What should I do about a merge that does not build in hardy due to missing dependencies, but builds fine in gutsy?20:14
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TheMusoHey MOTUs.20:21
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pochuheya TheMuso20:24
mok0What should I do about a merge that does not build in hardy due to missing dependencies, but builds fine in gutsy?20:27
mok0(asking again)20:27
apachelogger_TheMuso: ahoy20:27
* apachelogger_ gives TheMuso a cookie20:27
apachelogger_mok0: what did happen to the dep?20:28
TheMusoapachelogger_: Congratulations.20:28
apachelogger_TheMuso: hehe, thanks :)20:28
mok0apachelogger_: libgoffice-0-dev was not found in hardy20:28
mok0... and libgtk-2.0 or some such20:28
mok0Perhaps I should just leave it pending until the build-depends resolve20:30
apachelogger_mok0: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/goffice20:31
apachelogger_it appears to be named libgoffice-0-5-dev  now20:31
Ubulettejdong, what's happening with x264 ?20:32
mok0apachelogger_: wtf?20:32
apachelogger_mok0: talk to gpocentek, he did the merge20:32
Ubulettejdong, https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+source/x264/1:0.svn20070930-0.0ubuntu220:32
mok0apachelogger_: It should not be named like that20:33
mok0apachelogger_: Actually, libgoffice-dev is the correct20:33
mok0apachelogger_:  no so version in dev packages20:34
Ubulettejdong, sources are there, all bins have been removed once again20:34
apachelogger_mok0: feel free to take all of gpocentek's cookies ;-)20:34
mok0apachelogger_:  hehe20:34
apachelogger_the interesting thing is in debian it's also -0-5-20:35
mok0apachelogger_:  I've never met gpocentek  herer20:35
apachelogger_gpocentek: please tell mok0 about the goffice merge ;-)20:36
mok0apachelogger_: arrrgh it comes from debian20:36
* apachelogger_ just hopes the debian package mok0 wants to merge is depending on 0-5, else it might be hell confusing now20:36
mok0apachelogger_:  I should have been able to find this out myself, sorry for bringing it up20:37
apachelogger_no problem20:37
* mok0 will continue merging effort20:37
dsopapachelogger_, bluekuja: done, hopefully...20:39
dsopapachelogger_: i figured out, that tar xzvf foo.tar.gz foo/ always produces different md5sums even the content of foo/ doesnt change20:40
apachelogger_so, who's going to testbuild?20:40
mok0apachelogger_: re: theseus, what's this about the needs-packaging bug?20:40
* apachelogger_ already did for almost every upload :P20:40
mok0apachelogger_: Is it new policy? I've never had to before20:41
dsopapachelogger_: i know :), i'm really sorry that i need about 10 uploads. pretty hard to create a good package if it's your first time...20:41
apachelogger_mok0: new policy, you have to create a needs-packaging bug in launchpad then assign yourself to it, then paste a revu upload and set the status to in progress, you have to close the bug in your changelog entry with (LP: #bugnumber)20:42
apachelogger_then when a motu uploads it, he/she sets the status to fix commit20:42
mok0apachelogger_: so, a bug with no package, I guess?20:42
apachelogger_once it got past new queue it gets automagically changed to fix released20:42
mok0apachelogger_:  cool20:43
mok0apachelogger_: I'll do it now20:43
apachelogger_mok0: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/17310320:43
ubotuLaunchpad bug 173103 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] kirocker" [Wishlist,Confirmed]20:43
apachelogger_dsop: hehe, not your fault if people keep complaining ;-)20:44
* emgent heya20:48
apachelogger_dsop: I'll give you the 2nd advocate, maybe someone finds something :P20:49
apachelogger_still looks good to me20:49
bluekujadsop, perfect ;)20:51
apachelogger_dsop: one thing: you might want to change the download location in copyright to http://downloads.experimentalworks.net20:51
mok0apachelogger_: Done. But now my revu-upload has a "needs work" icon :-/20:53
mok0apachelogger_: of course I can re-upload with the changelog change20:54
bluekujadsop, well, that's not a *very* good header20:54
apachelogger_you have to re-upload with the changelog change20:55
apachelogger_bluekuja: better than none, isn't it? :P20:55
* apachelogger_ should start learning -.-20:55
bluekujaapachelogger_, lol, yes, better than none, but still wrong :)20:56
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bluekujadsop, maybe you might want to look at how other upstreams handle it20:56
bluekujae.g with the GPL20:57
pwnguinhttp://jldugger.livejournal.com/1968.html  <-- comments welcome20:57
mok0apachelogger_: Is this the right syntax for changelog:20:57
mok0 Initial release (LP: #173506)20:57
mok0will re-upload20:58
mok0apachelogger_: yay, now I can harvest som karma from contributing new packages :-)21:08
bluekujamok0, unfortunately you get no karma on LP for that21:09
mok0bluekuja: grrr21:09
bluekujamok0, there's a bug open and hopefully it will be fixed soon21:09
mok0bluekuja: ah, but _then_ I'll get karma, yes?21:10
bluekujamok0, yep21:10
* mok0 lusts for karam21:10
bluekujamok0, only when you get a package uploaded of course :)21:10
bluekujamok0, you won't receive karma for sending packages on REVU21:11
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mok0bluekuja:  I know, but for fixing bugs on LP21:11
mok0which I didn't before :-D21:11
mok0It makes sense to let things pivot around LP, though21:12
mok0Although I hate the UI21:13
bluekujamok0, which package do you have on revu?21:13
mok0bluekuja:  theseus, and then torque, which needs work21:13
bluekujamok0, link for theseus21:14
bluekujamok0, this evening me and apachelogger_ are inspired to check some packages21:14
bluekujaso you're lucky21:15
mok0bluekuja: cool21:15
mok0It's a mono-package package21:15
mok0been reviewed once by persia21:15
bluekujaapachelogger_, take a look at it as well21:15
bluekujamok0, +The ncbi_math.h and ncbi_math.c are in the public domain, and distrbuted21:18
bluekujafix that21:18
bluekujamok0, but wait more comments21:19
mok0bluekuja:  it's written in copyright21:19
bluekujamok0, yes21:19
bluekujamok0, remove commented stuff from debian rules21:19
mok0bluekuja: ok21:19
dsopbluekuja: yes, but i thing its enough. i don't want to include 30lines of header into a small shell script21:20
mok0bluekuja: you mean the comments at the top?21:20
bluekujamok0, yes21:20
bluekujadsop, just your copyright there21:20
bluekujadsop, e.g Copyright (c) year-year name email21:21
bluekujaor whatever21:21
mok0bluekuja:  the public domain files, well enough documented?21:21
bluekujamok0, huh?21:22
bluekujamok0, also why do you remove configure-stamp if there isnt a configure rule?21:22
mok0bluekuja:  you said something about the ncbi_math etc.21:23
bluekujamok0, plus configure seems to be on PHONY as well21:23
bluekujamok0, no, comments in debian/rules21:23
* mok0 is confused21:23
bluekujamok0, ah yea21:24
bluekujamok0, that's in the copyright21:24
bluekujadistrbuted/ distributed21:24
mok0bluekuja: Arghh using the spellchecker is on my list21:25
bluekujamok0, I think comments like "# Compile THESEUS!" are not really needed^^21:26
mok0bluekuja: you are right.21:26
mok0bluekuja: so, you don't like comments in debian/rules at all, huh21:27
bluekujamok0, yes21:27
bluekujamok0, only if really needed to explain a certain command or rule21:27
bluekujabut that's not your case21:28
bluekujamok0, remove configure stuff21:28
bluekujain clean, PHONY21:28
mok0bluekuja: so "clean up after build process" is ok21:28
bluekujamok0, adding that in the clean rule?21:28
mok0bluekuja:  no it's there21:28
bluekujamok0, remove that please21:29
mok0bluekuja: sure thing :-)21:29
mok0bluekuja: only 1 comment left in rules21:30
mok0bluekuja: plus my standard #### at the end :-)21:30
bluekujamok0, is that needed?21:30
mok0bluekuja: it's my tag :-)21:30
bluekujamok0, lol21:31
bluekujamok0, remove that!21:31
bluekujamok0, jk21:31
mok0bluekuja: aye-aye sir21:31
mok0bluekuja: I'll put my emacs stuff before eof, then21:32
bluekujamok0, if you want to keep that "tag", you can21:33
bluekujadon't worry21:33
* mok0 thanks bluekuja :-)21:33
bluekujamok0, :)21:34
mok0bluekuja: so, I've only made mods to rules, anything else?21:34
bluekujamok0, that's the only file, I've checked for now21:34
bluekujamok0, need to finish something and then I go to sleep21:34
mok0I'll reupload21:34
bluekujamok0, did you note configure stuff as well?21:35
mok0remove configure from .PHONY?21:35
mok0I did that21:36
apachelogger_bluekuja: meh, so I have to revu again on my own -.-21:36
* apachelogger_ continues learning for his business economics exam21:37
bluekujaapachelogger_, lol21:37
bluekujamok0, not only21:37
bluekujamok0, any configure related stuff21:37
mok0bluekuja: theseus doesn't use configure21:37
mok0bluekuja: It's upstreams handcrafted make21:38
bluekujamok0, that's why I said you to remove configure stuff from rules file21:38
bluekujae.g in clean21:38
mok0Ah. Missed that. Now gone21:39
jdongUbulette: consult an archive admin regarding status of x264 -- I've heard it's STILL related to some LP bug....21:39
mok0re-uploaded -> REVU21:42
mok0bluekuja: Thanks a lot21:43
bluekujamok0, np21:43
bluekujamok0, have a good night21:43
mok0bluekuja: You too21:43
bluekujamok0, tnx21:43
dsopbluekuja, apachelogger_: okay another try....it's getting really hard :)21:47
dsopafter years of software development, i never thought that I'll feel as dumb as a kiddie21:49
crimsunheh.  I think if you don't feel like a kid, then you're approaching software development incorrectly.21:50
apachelogger_dsop: from being part of the amarok team, I can totally reproduce teh feeling as dumb as a kiddie part :P21:50
dsopapachelogger_: while packaging or while developing? what are you developing in amarok, doc, engine, gui?21:52
apachelogger_dsop: manging21:53
apachelogger_in any kind21:53
apachelogger_though, it doesn't really matter what you do @amarok you always have a very strange feeling while doing it ;-)21:53
dsophehe, same in the php dev team, where i'm involved21:54
dcorderohow do you know if a source packages need to create more than one .deb file? can someone tell me a example of program with various deb files?21:55
apachelogger_dcordero: a library for example21:55
apachelogger_in most cases you just need the library itself, but if you want to compile something or develop or both, you'll need the headers21:56
apachelogger_so it makes sense to split into libfoobar0 and libfoobar-dev as the latter isn't needed all that much21:56
dcorderoi see21:57
dcorderonow i understand21:57
apachelogger_you're welcome21:57
apachelogger_mok0: ye know, I actually didn't intent on revuing theseus :P21:58
mok0apachelogger_: I got a lot of input from bluekuja. I think the package is near ready to go.21:59
mok0apachelogger_: Don't worry, I think I can get a couple of sponsors22:00
apachelogger_mok0: oh, shall I turn nazi revu mode on? :P22:00
apachelogger_then you'll see how ready it is ;-)22:00
jcastroMez: around?22:00
mok0apachelogger_: I dare you :-)22:00
apachelogger_mok0: standards-version: please22:03
mok0apachelogger_: I looked for it, where is it published?22:03
apachelogger_mok0: http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/index.html22:03
mok0apachelogger_: ok, ok, it's :-/22:05
apachelogger_mok0: please insert an empty line before Upstream Author22:05
apachelogger_and remove the 2nd one at the end of the author list22:05
apachelogger_mok0: any specific reason to provide 4 mail addresses?22:06
mok0apachelogger_: nah, I wasn't sure which one was the best one to use, but I do now, actually.22:06
mok0apachelogger_: I'll clean them22:07
mok0apachelogger_: ... so 2 empty lines after author: section ?22:07
apachelogger_one before the actual statement Upstream Author:22:08
apachelogger_right now at the end are 2, should be one22:08
mok0apachelogger_: yes that looked dumb22:08
apachelogger_totally :P22:08
apachelogger_mok0: unnecessary white space in copyright's line 6222:08
mok0apachelogger_: lol, that's nazi revuing alright22:09
apachelogger_mok0: line 71 exceeds 80 characters22:09
apachelogger_mok0: I told you so :P22:09
mok0apachelogger_: space check done.22:10
apachelogger_mok0: adding a copyright/license header to the getexamples might be a good idea22:10
mok0apachelogger_: I was wondering about that. I sent the script upstream but he didn't put it in the tarball.22:11
apachelogger_well, make it branded to you ;-)22:11
mok0... what about getvers.awk ?? :-)22:11
apachelogger_not license worthy22:12
mok0apachelogger_: WHAT? It's my greatest creation22:12
apachelogger_omg, now that sounds pathetic -.-22:12
crimsunif it means that much, note it as much in debian/copyright22:12
apachelogger_mok0: it's up to you of course ;-)22:13
superm1_argh what happened to x264?22:13
mok0apachelogger_: I've never dealt with a nazi reviewer before, so better safe than sorry22:13
superm1_jdong, did you steal it?22:14
apachelogger_mok0: lol, good point22:14
crimsunhmm?  It's at https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+source/x264/1:0.svn20070930-0.0ubuntu222:14
superm1_hm packages.ubuntu.com doesn't seem to think so for hardy22:14
crimsuns/edge\.//, though I doubt you're not an LP beta member22:14
superm1_oh according to that changelog though it was accidently removed from the archive22:15
superm1_that would explain it22:15
superm1_okay thanks :)22:16
crimsunI also would refrain from using packages.uc for canonical status; lp is more current22:16
apachelogger_mok0: awk: debian/getvers.awk: line 1: syntax error at or near ,22:17
superm1_p.u.c is just a little quicker for me since i've got a little box in FF search bar that searches it.  i'll be mindful for that though22:17
mok0apachelogger_: what awk are you using?22:18
crimsunI'm surprised apachelogger_ hasn't gone pedantic on ^Description22:18
mok0apachelogger_: works for me22:18
* mok0 shivers22:18
apachelogger_crimsun: didn't read that yet :P22:18
apachelogger_mok0: well, maybe my pbuilder is silly22:18
apachelogger_mok0: nuke dh_link22:18
apachelogger_doesn't do anything22:18
mok0apachelogger_: right22:19
mok0apachelogger_: fixperms neither, for that matter :-)22:19
apachelogger_fixperms does do something :P22:20
mok0apachelogger_: perhaps it depends on the umask22:20
apachelogger_better have permissions fixed than not :P22:20
mok0apachelogger_: yeah22:20
apachelogger_mok0: any good reasony for the ####?22:20
mok0apachelogger_: it's my tag. bluekuja let me keep it ;-)22:21
apachelogger_mok0: was he in nazi mode? :P22:21
mok0apachelogger_: what's with the awk script?22:21
apachelogger_mok0: why?22:22
norsettomok0: if your rules uses awk than you need it as a build-depends (its not part an essential package)22:22
mok0apachelogger_: you talked about syntax error;22:22
apachelogger_norsetto: that would explain my error I guess22:22
norsettomok0: or consider using mawk (which is an essential package)22:22
norsettomok0: or just use sed :-)22:23
mok0norsetto: ah! thanks, good idea22:23
* jussi01 wonders what the qmake command for qt4 is in ubuntu?22:23
mok0norsetto: I need a pipe, so with awk we only have to create 1 process.  :-)22:23
apachelogger_jussi01: qmake-qt422:24
mok0norsetto: with sed I will need a pipe22:24
jussi01apachelogger_: thank you22:24
apachelogger_you're welcome22:24
norsettomok0: yes ... and ... are we short of them?22:24
apachelogger_mok0: unnecessary white space in copyright file, line 17, 2007  Douglas22:24
jussi01and remind me if you will which libs i need for qt4 -dev stuff?22:25
mok0norsetto: nah, I just that I like awk a lot22:25
norsettomok0: well, then add it as a build-deps or use mawk22:25
mok0apachelogger_: you mean between "2007" and "Douglas"?22:26
apachelogger_mok0: please update debianized time in copyright to the one in changelog22:26
* mok0 tests mawk22:26
mok0apachelogger_: god damn22:26
mok0apachelogger_: it's dh_make's fault!22:27
apachelogger_so kick it22:27
Seveasdh_make is horrible22:27
* apachelogger_ uses his own templates22:27
apachelogger_much faster22:28
apachelogger_mok0: I'd rather not see rules, line 19, exceed 80 characters22:28
mok0apachelogger_: you mean, if someone decides to punch it out on cards?22:28
apachelogger_nah, if someone wants to edit it on a small console22:29
apachelogger_mok0: 2 unnecessary white spaces in changelog, line 1422:29
apachelogger_mok0: 1 unnecessary new line at the very end of control22:30
* apachelogger_ reads description22:30
apachelogger_hum, is superpositioning actually a valid word?22:31
mok0apachelogger_: yes22:31
mok0apachelogger_: but perhaps not the best languae.22:31
apachelogger_well, IMO the description is too complex22:32
apachelogger_should be very easy to understand, so that everyone can evaluate whether he/she wants to read the extended-description or not22:32
apachelogger_personal opinion though22:32
mok0apachelogger_: yeah, perhaps. It's a description for people who know what the program is for22:33
mok0apachelogger_:  I'll see if I can improve it22:33
apachelogger_mok0: which isn't really what a description is for, is it? :P22:33
mok0apachelogger_: are you saying it's so people can decide that they don't want to use this program ;-)22:33
apachelogger_kinda, it aims a very special audience22:34
mok0apachelogger_: you are right. 'll work on it.22:34
=== nightrose3 is now known as Nightrose
ScottKnorsetto: I think the new elisa is a sync.  If you have a hopeful whoe could use the practice to check/test, please go for it.22:36
norsettoscottk: why not assigning it to yourself as a mentor?22:37
norsettoScottK: wait, there is no bug report yet, right?22:37
ScottKnorsetto: Right.  I just saw it on DaD.22:38
mok0apachelogger_:  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/2435/22:38
apachelogger_very special purpose apps go priority extra, right?22:38
apachelogger_mok0: looks good22:39
ScottKapachelogger_: Not exactly.22:39
norsettoscottk: the best would be to send an email to ubuntu-motu-mentors, but since you refuse to do that, just send it to ubuntu-motu, some contributor will pick it up22:39
ScottKWell I'm not subscribed to mentors, so it'd just be moderated anyway.22:39
FujitsuIsn't the optional/extra distinction that those in extra can conflict with others?22:39
StevenKThose in extra Conflict with some in optional22:40
FujitsuRight, that's what I thought.22:40
ScottKFujitsu: Something like that.  It's explicitly defined in I don't remember where exactly.22:40
StevenKIt's defined in Debian Policy22:40
ScottKStevenK: I thought it was conflict with or could be confused with both.22:40
apachelogger_ScottK: so, what does that last part mean?:  This contains all packages that conflict with others with required, important, standard or optional priorities, or are only likely to be useful if you already know what they are or have specialized requirements.22:40
mok0apachelogger_, norsetto: grrrrrr, mawk gives the syntax error...22:41
ScottKapachelogger_: As an example, gnupg and gnupg2 do not conflict.22:41
crimsunmok0: then b-d explicitly on gawk22:41
norsettomok0: yes, thats what I meant, you have to adapt it to mawk22:41
ScottKapachelogger_: gnupg2 is extra because it could be confused with gnupg and it's the preferred one to use.22:41
apachelogger_ScottK: ah, I think I got it, thanks :)22:42
mok0crimsun: thx. I'll invoke it as gawk, than22:42
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crimsunmok0: I'm only half-paying attention.  If you need it to generate binaries correctly, use a b-d.22:43
mok0crimsun: I got the hint I needed :-)22:43
* apachelogger_ is afraid22:43
mok0apachelogger_: OK nazipachelogger, got more? :-D22:44
apachelogger_mok0: you might suggest upstream to update his FSF addresses in the license statements22:45
mok0apachelogger_: I can patch them22:45
apachelogger_nah, no need22:46
apachelogger_upstream should fix this22:46
* txwikinger feels offended22:46
apachelogger_txwikinger: why that?22:46
txwikingerall this raising of the German history is not very respectful22:46
* Fujitsu suspected that would come up.22:47
crimsuns/nazi/pedantic /, then22:47
mok0txwikinger: respectful, to whom?22:47
mok0txwikinger: apachelogger_22:47
crimsunalso, there are bigger fish to fry, so whatever.22:47
mok0txwikinger: and I have been bullshitting for a while22:47
txwikingerwell mok0 I am sorry22:47
apachelogger_mok0: in coypright you should write "The libdltmath/ncbi_math.h and libdltmath/ncbi_math.c .." since they aren't in ./ :P22:48
mok0apachelogger_: touché22:48
* apachelogger_ suspects that everyone was just waiting for something to bring up the history thing22:48
ScottKWell I'll just juump in and say that I was moderately uncomfortable with the use of the term, but wasn't going to mention it.22:48
ScottKapachelogger_: Yes.22:48
apachelogger_we never use that again22:49
apachelogger_pedantic sounds better anyway22:49
ScottKIt's also accurate.22:49
mok0and we wont mention the soup-xxxx22:49
ScottKmok0: That's a special case.  I don't mind that one.22:49
norsettomok0: have you considered joining debichem?22:50
mok0norsetto: I've never heard about it22:50
mok0In fact, I've had my hands full getting to know ubuntu22:50
mok0and getting to know some people here22:51
norsettomok0: its a small group in debian who is interested in packaging and maintaining chemistry related packages22:51
apachelogger_mok0: DLTmath.h is inculding code from ncbi_math.h, hence partly PD22:51
apachelogger_se line 154122:51
mok0apachelogger_: ok22:51
ScottKsuperm1_: Are you interested in seeing if we can sync elisa from Debian?22:51
apachelogger_mok0: that file actually appears twice22:52
apachelogger_libdistfit/ and libdltmath/22:52
mok0norsetto: I'll check it out. I've been packaging some science packages that we use in my lab. I got a few into gutsy, thanks to ScottK  and others22:52
apachelogger_mok0: same applies for libdistfit/distfit.h22:53
superm1_ScottK, is it stable yet?22:53
mok0norsetto: I know for a fact that lots of people in my field are starting to use ubuntu22:53
apachelogger_mok0: DLTmath.h and distfit.h also appea in the main directory22:53
apachelogger_mok0: that's it22:53
apachelogger_can't find anymore issues :P22:53
* apachelogger_ now needs a cigarette22:54
norsettomok0: I see a little problem22:54
ScottKsuperm1_: It look like the same thing we already have.22:54
mok0apachelogger_: Well, you deserve it you really _are_ a na^H^Hpedantic22:54
ScottKIt's the same upstream version and I think it has all the Ubuntu changes in it.22:54
norsettomok0: your package ships a pdf file without the "preferred form of modification"I think22:54
mok0norsetto: what's that?22:54
apachelogger_I agree22:55
ScottKmok0: It needs to be something editable.22:55
mok0Like, no PDFs?22:55
ScottKWhatever the 'source' for the PDF is.22:55
apachelogger_like the source of the PDF22:55
mok0I don't think the source is there22:55
apachelogger_that's the problem22:55
apachelogger_mok0: upstream has to include a source for the PDF22:56
apachelogger_or remove the pdf22:56
mok0apachelogger_: that's silly22:56
apachelogger_and, ScottK may correct me on this, if he doesn't want to do either you should probably repack the tarball22:56
norsettomok0: no, thats GPL22:56
superm1_ScottK, yeah looking over a debdiff from us to them, it looks like we should be able to22:56
superm1_i'll do a test build and see22:56
ScottKsuperm1_: Thanks.22:56
mok0so no docs is better than pdfs?22:57
ScottKmok0: If you don't have the source, then it's not distributable.  You can repack the tarball with an alternative form.22:57
mok0He probably wrote it in MS-Word or something22:57
ScottKWhich, if you had it, you could easily convert to ODF and include.22:58
apachelogger_well, get the doc and convert it to odt, or he might export the msword doc to html22:58
mok0apachelogger_: Does it need a license clause inside?22:58
apachelogger_actually it was created with groff22:59
ScottKmok0: Ideally yes.22:59
ScottKapachelogger_: Is the groff source present?22:59
apachelogger_thats a gnu thingy22:59
mok0Ah, it's the groff formatted man page22:59
norsettomok0: btw, you are not installing it22:59
mok0so the source _is_ there22:59
mok0norsetto: now I remember: I thought it was redundant23:00
norsettomok0: its possible, I didn't check it23:00
mok0norsetto: I did23:00
apachelogger_the pdf is just an export of the man page23:01
apachelogger_issue resolved23:01
mok0apachelogger_: yes23:01
norsettomok0: so, just get rid of it from the tarball23:01
apachelogger_norsetto: why can't it stay?23:01
mok0norsetto: why?23:01
ScottKIf it's generated from source that's provided it23:01
RainCTgood night23:01
ScottKis fine23:01
ScottKgood night RainCT23:01
imbrandonScottK: after all the "zomg! you shouldent have said anything" comments there is some actual meat there now :)23:02
norsettomok0: whats the source then?23:02
mok0norsetto: I can provide a script to generate it23:02
mok0norsetto: theseus.123:02
imbrandonScottK: the debian vmware psudo package mantainer even chimed in with some data23:02
mok0norsetto: without my patcches23:02
norsettomok0: ok, if thats the case than issue is solved23:02
ScottKimbrandon: Cool.  I'm looking now.23:03
apachelogger_http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/revu1-incoming/theseus-0712022250/theseus-1.1.5/theseus.1 -> http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/revu1-incoming/theseus-0712022250/theseus-1.1.5/theseus_man.pdf23:03
apachelogger_mok0: now get everything else sorted out! :P23:03
mok0I was keeping up with you until the PD stuff23:03
* apachelogger_ heads outside meanwhile23:03
* mok0 scrolls back23:04
* mok0 is releaved after fighting off 3 MOTUs :-)23:04
apachelogger_basically you have the 2 PD files from before plus some files which include the .h23:04
apachelogger_mok0: lol23:04
norsettohehe, love this: HISTORY: Long, tedious, and sordid.23:05
mok0norsetto: yes, it's funny23:05
norsettomok0: funny guys you alchimists .....23:05
mok0norsetto: lol23:05
mok0norsetto: I will try to get xtide processed tomorrow23:06
norsettomok0: sure23:06
ScottKimbrandon: It looks good.  It would have been better not to put it on p.d.o though.23:06
imbrandonits not23:06
imbrandonwell not after the first hour ( feedburner screwed me )23:07
norsettomok0: you should compile with the -g flag23:08
ScottKimbrandon: OK.  Good.23:10
ScottKimbrandon: Looks like Christer Edwards kind of changed his tune too.23:10
imbrandonahh i dident see that one yet /me looks23:10
imbrandonhrm i only see once comment from him23:11
FujitsuOoh, we're lazy because we don't upgrade packages in stable releases.23:13
FujitsuWatch out, we're going to be replaced.23:14
apachelogger_ScottK: can you please have a look at bug 17353223:14
ubotuLaunchpad bug 173532 in feisty-backports "please backport psi 0.11" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17353223:14
imbrandonlooks like they missed out on some important information, like a feisty pbuilder log23:16
imbrandonand that they actualy tested it etc23:16
apachelogger_imbrandon: he's more like a user ;-)23:17
imbrandonapachelogger_: yea but i'm still not gonna ack it untill those are done by $someone :)23:18
* apachelogger_ feels like he has to do that :P23:19
imbrandonheh, dinner time, bbiab23:19
mok0apachelogger_: re the PD files, it looks like he relicensed them as GPL23:19
apachelogger_mok0: huh?23:20
ScottKapachelogger_: Not right now.  Headed out for a while.23:20
mok0apachelogger_: ncbi_math.* have both GPL and PD license in them23:20
mok0apachelogger_: so I should be able to get rid of the extra complication in copyright23:21
apachelogger_can one actually do that?23:22
mok0apachelogger_: of course. It's in the public domain23:22
mok0apachelogger_: and the guy is american23:22
apachelogger_I'm not really into PD stuff :P23:22
apachelogger_mok0: still I think you should mention it23:22
norsettomok0: ok, I see the problem, you define CFLAGS but you don't pass it to make23:22
StevenKIf it's exported, it should be okay23:23
norsettostevenk: its not23:23
mok0apachelogger_: AFAIK it only has a meaning in the US¨23:23
mok0norsetto: right. it's not used, I should get rid of it23:23
apachelogger_archive admins will reject it if they don't like :P23:23
norsettomok0: well, then you don't pass the -g flag as you should23:24
mok0norsetto: hang on...23:24
mok0norsetto: why do you need -g? We strip symbols anyway23:25
mok0norsetto: look in patches/200-make.inc.dpatch23:25
norsettomok0: yes, I don't see it there, as I didn't see it in the build log23:26
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=== nu is now known as nuu
mok0norsetto: I don't understand why -g is needed23:26
mok0norsetto: We always use dh_strip23:26
norsettomok0: yes, thats the policy23:27
mok0norsetto: so first create symbols, then strip them from the exe? That's stupid23:27
StevenKmok0: So that those debugging symbols can be split off by the buildds23:28
mok0norsetto: and doesn't -g turn off optimization23:28
norsettomok0: no23:28
mok0norsetto: ok, I'll put -g in there, then23:29
mok0btw, what's the minimum 86 platform we build for? i486? i586?23:30
StevenKi386 gets emulated or something strange23:30
mok0StevenK: so is there a -march required cf. policy?23:31
StevenKDon't pass one, let the compiler make up it's own mind23:32
mok0StevenK: ok23:32
* norsetto is pondering going to bed23:32
=== azeem_ is now known as azeem
txwikingerwhy does i386 get emulated?23:44
txwikingeri386 is built natively23:45
* mok0 thinks that i486 code will not run on an old 386 machine23:45
txwikingerwell mok0 if there are opcodes that are not part of the i386 opcode set that this is correct23:46
StevenKtxwikinger: Emulated in libc ...23:46
mok0StevenK: errr...?23:46
mok0StevenK: there is more code in a program than library calls23:47
StevenKYou call an i486 op code on an i386, it throws SIGILL, libc traps the SIGILL and deals23:47
StevenKKeep in mind, this is going back *years*, and is based on Debian knowledge23:47
mok0StevenK: got it23:48
txwikingerit should be all done with the compiler options23:48
txwikingergcc can compile and optimise according to the opcode set that is given to it23:49
StevenKI thought it was libc that dropped support for i386 then23:50
* StevenK shrugs. Who knows23:50
StevenKIt wasn't about the compiler, it was about libc, I remember that much.23:50
mok0There is a _lot_ to be gained > 10% on when compiling with --target=athlon for that target23:52
mok0on execution speed23:52
txwikingeraren't there different packages for i386 and i686?23:52
TheMusoI386 packages need to be built for the lowest common denominator.23:53
StevenKmok0: Yes, but no one has come up with benchmarks and metrics that show the real difference, it's all conjecture and "my gentoo goes faster"23:53
mok0Some packages, i.e. atlas, is available for the various platforms23:53
mok0StevenK: I have tried to benchmark it on the same machine.23:54
StevenKWhich isn't reproducible for other people23:54
txwikingerthere is a libc for i386 and one optimised for i68623:54
mok0StevenK:  why not?23:54
StevenKmok0: Because they don't have your machine?23:54
mok0If they have a K7 or K8 CPU it will23:55
StevenKThey may not have your stepping or CPU speed23:55
superm1_norsetto, ping23:55
superm1_if you're still awake23:55
StevenKThis is my point, it's quite machine-specific23:55
mok0StevenK: I agree that the speed gain may not be the same percentage, but you get more efficient code nonetheless23:56
imbrandonthat may or may not work for everyone23:56
imbrandonlowest common denom23:56
mok0StevenK: The compiler can make special optimization for the athlon platform23:56
StevenKmok0: Which will just give SIGILLs on the Pentium I use as a firewall23:57
mok0StevenK: you also get faster code when compiling with -march=i68623:57
imbrandonmok0: and that screws those like me that have no AMD chips and / or use non x8623:57
norsettosuperm1_: barely :-)23:57
superm1_well maybe someone else can field an answer.  i saw that norsetto added a patch to vlc on gutsy that fixed it from opening multiple instances from multiple files by having it call wxvlc %F.  Well upstream now ships with a %U in the field of the .desktop file by default, so i'm not sure what the appropriate thing to do is.  what does the %U vs %F change?23:57
superm1_oh hi norsetto23:57
superm1_maybe you will know then23:58
mok0imbrandon: we would need a new arch23:58
mok0!= i38623:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about i386 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:58
StevenKubotu: Shut up23:58
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about shut up - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:58
imbrandonmok0: ok come up with hard reporduceable numbers and propose it, but i doubt that will happen23:58
mok0imbrandon: no kidding?23:58
norsettosuperm1_: yes, I remember that23:59
mok0norsetto: I thought you'd gone to bed...23:59
norsettomok0: struggling but keeping the position23:59

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