
shirishanybody up?03:01
shirishUbulette: are u up m8?03:01
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=== DarkMageZ_ is now known as DarkMageZ
asacAdri2000: i cannot blieve it does ... you need to use libxul-embedding-1.9.pc (for pkg-config)13:46
Jazzvaasac: you there?15:25
asacJazzva: yep15:26
Jazzvaasac: Well, the exam week is over, so I'll be mostly back on track from now on :)... I'll take a look at two bugs, now that I'm free :)15:27
asacJazzva: planned to do more merges?16:13
JazzvaHmm, sure :). Just to fix the debdiff for ksimus. And when I come back from town, gotta go and get a new jacket.16:14
asacyeah ... was more a general question ... not a request for instant action ;)16:14
JazzvaLOL... Ok, to rephrase the answer: yeah, sure :).16:15
JazzvaOk, have to go now. I'll submit this debdiff tonight, after I give it another look :).16:23
bluekujaheya asac16:59
bluekujaheya Ubulette18:06
bluekujadid you read what I've written you yesterday?18:06
Ubuletteftbfs in hardy ? yes. something changed in hardy since i last touched seamonkey. I have a patch18:11
UbuletteI see asac has a patch too. did you use it or did you want me to do it ?18:12
asacUbulette: pleaes apply the one in people.ubuntu.com18:12
asacits the one from firefox ... so our patches stay in synch18:12
asacUbulette: i haven't done it... once bluekuja tells me that he cannot sponsor, I will do it later tonight.18:12
bluekujaasac, if Ubulette provides a working branch18:13
bluekujaI gonna check that18:13
asacUbulette: remember to update any 99_configure patch18:14
Ubuletteasac, just read your patch, looks like a mix between my fix for Xrender/cairo in xul and that new missing X libs, right ? probably our gtk debs are no longer depending on those X libs18:17
asacyes ... its the upstream patch afaik18:17
asacthe one you have was the initial uipstream one i guess18:17
asacnot sure though18:17
asaci think mine is the right :) ... if you think its not then i can take another look18:18
bluekujaUbulette, let me know when done18:18
bluekujaso I can try building18:19
bluekujaI'm off now18:19
Ubulettebluekuja, do you want me to just update the branch or could you wait 50min that I rebuild here ?18:21
bluekujaUbulette, well, if you think updating the branch will fix the FTBFS18:21
bluekujayou can just update and let me building18:21
bluekujabut I'm off for an hour, so you can build it on your own18:24
bluekujawhile I'm off18:24
Ubuletteasac, did you have to touch builddeps in rules ?18:25
Ubulettei'd better rebuild here 1st. to be sure18:25
asactouch builddeps? no18:26
asacok now movie!18:26
bluekujaUbulette, back19:00
Ubulettebluekuja, i'm building, just to be sure19:00
bluekujaok, perfect19:00
Adri2000asac: err... dunno what I did yesterday, but indeed I did not built it with xulrunner-1.9-dev. I did with libxul-dev.19:18
Adri2000asac: what's the status of xulrunner-1.9 in debian? are debian packages going to be migrated to xulrunner-1.9 soon?19:18
Ubulettebluekuja, seems good here.19:44
bluekujaUbulette, ok19:45
bluekujaUbulette, I branch it out19:45
bluekujaand if works, I gonna upload it19:45
Ubulettebluekuja, pull --overwrite19:45
jdhoreUbulette, howdy...are you around? I have a question or 2 i'd like to ask you if you don't mind19:52
Ubulettejdhore, hi19:52
Ubuletteasac, bluekuja : I've got some news from gnomefreak20:08
bluekujaUbulette, share them :)20:08
bluekujaUbulette, ?20:10
bluekujaUbulette, and anyway it seems gnomefreak is disappeared20:10
bluekujasince days20:10
Ubulettehe said he thought you and I were talking about doing iceape 1.1.6 for gutsy, so that's why he complained "a little" but that not why he disappeared since. he said "my well ran dry and my car blew head gasket"20:10
jdhoreI can't tell if those are euphemisms for anything, but a car blowing a head gasket is a pain20:11
bluekujajdhore, exactly20:11
bluekujaUbulette, damn it :/20:12
jdhoreIt costs like $2000 to fix :(20:12
bluekujaUbulette, Its not nice to hear that from him20:13
bluekujaUbulette, tarball changed?20:13
Ubulettewhich one ?20:13
bluekujaUbulette, seamonkey one20:14
bluekujaI didnt re-download it20:14
bluekujaso I assume its the same as before20:14
bluekujae.g you changed stuff in debian/ only20:14
bluekujaok, perfect20:14
Ubulettelet me md5 my tarball20:14
Ubuletted1cafc81aaffc871f0e31baec97025c4  seamonkey_1.1.6+nobinonly.orig.tar.gz20:14
=== tonyy is now known as tonyyarusso
bluekujad1cafc81aaffc871f0e31baec97025c4  seamonkey_1.1.6+nobinonly.orig.tar.gz20:16
bluekujathe package is signed20:16
bluekujaand ready to be uploaded20:16
bluekujajust need to run a test-build20:16
bluekujaUbulette, I'm going to have a showa20:17
bluekujain the meantime20:17
=== asac_ is now known as asac
Ubuletteasac, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=62957420:37
Ubulettebluekuja, finished ?21:15
bluekujaUbulette, still building21:15
bluekujabut I guess it's at the end21:15
bluekujaUbulette, gonna ping you when built21:16
Ubuletteso you're slower than ppa and me ;)21:16
bluekujalol, strange, usually it takes 30 mins21:17
bluekujaUbulette, but I'm building something else21:17
bluekujathat's why :/21:17
bluekujaUbulette, built21:31
Ubuletterun ?21:32
bluekujanow let me install21:32
bluekujathe binary21:32
bluekujaUbulette, runs fine21:35
bluekujaUbulette, uploading21:39
bluekujaUbulette, I hope my connection won't get stuck while pushing orig21:39
Ubulettewhat's your up spead ?21:40
bluekuja4800 kb/s21:40
Ubuletteupload ?21:41
bluekuja1 mb/s21:42
bluekujaI guess21:42
bluekujabut up speed doesnt matter21:42
bluekujabecause sometimes it get stuck without reasons21:42
bluekujadamn connection :)21:42
bluekujaUbulette, OMG21:58
bluekujait's still uploading21:58
Ubulette40M :)21:58
Ubulettethat's why I've asked you your upload speed21:58
Ubulettehmm. my ipod is not automounted21:58
bluekujahow long for pushing?21:59
* bluekuja would like to sleep :)21:59
Ubulettefor me, just a few minutes21:59
Ubuletteadsl, 6.5Mbps down, 1Mbps up22:00
bluekujaquite the same then22:00
Ubulettehmm, usb key mot mounted either. I guess I need to reboot22:00
bluekujaUbulette, damn!22:02
bluekujastuck now22:02
Ubulettebluekuja, so, what did you do ?22:23
bluekujaUbulette, I've re-uploaded22:23
bluekujaUbulette, it's finishing22:24
bluekujaSuccessfully uploaded packages.22:25
bluekujaNot running dinstall.22:25
Ubulettethanks a lot22:26
bluekujaUbulette, np, and sorry for the HUGE delay on this22:26
bluekujaUbulette, it will go inside NEW now22:27
Ubuletteas long as it's finally done, i'm ok :)22:27
UbuletteNEW is manual right ?22:27
bluekujaNEW: seamonkey_1.1.6+nobinonly.orig.tar.gz22:27
bluekujaNEW: seamonkey_1.1.6+nobinonly-0ubuntu1.diff.gz22:27
bluekujaNEW: seamonkey_1.1.6+nobinonly-0ubuntu1.dsc22:27
bluekujaUbulette, yes22:27
bluekujaUbulette, archive admins will check that22:28
bluekujaUbulette, ok going to sleep22:28
bluekujacu tomorrow!22:28

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