
Ominouskelsin: my domain name is resolving to the old ip00:00
sethklufis, nasty.00:00
ampmy Gyachi-E 1.1.0 works great ...except I cant get sound in the yahoo room tho??00:00
kelsinprobably due to caching at your isp's nameserver?00:00
sethkOminous, probably caching at the name server end.00:00
kelsinOminous: dns changes take a while to propegate00:00
sethkOminous, when did you change it?00:00
amp I get this message saying00:00
amp“Cannot run gyvoice due to the following missing files:00:00
Ominousabout 1h ago00:00
sethkOminous, it can take up to 36 hours to propagate00:01
kelsinOminous: "dig your.web.address" to find out what your nameservers are responding with00:01
amptsd32.dll and  tssoft.acm .... are missing or not in the right folder or place ??00:01
ampbut im in Ubuntu 7.10 gusty .... .deb00:01
operator011<sorry, wrong xterm>00:01
carnelainI get error message: could not connect to video device in camorama. But webcam works fine in cheese. Whats wrong?00:03
gmonneratsomebody use compiz and avant-window-navigator, the processing is very slow?00:04
Dr_willisi found avant-window-navigator a bit slow.. and well.. not very useable on my system. so i dident try it for more then 20 min.00:05
eth01would i be ok to uncomment this in sysctl.conf > net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter=100:05
echosystmguys, swiftfox vs. netscape 900:06
echosystmwhich would be quicker?00:06
wsv123456whats the link to video config00:07
Dr_willisechosystm,  ive never seen any decent info on how to even 'test/benchmark' how fast a browser is.00:07
melleryI'm having problems installing java, when I try to run a program i get an exception with java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError, I think i'm missing PATHS but I dont know what I need00:07
gmonneratDr_willis: when i use compiz and i am using firefox the system lock few seconds. i am using gutsy00:07
mellerycan anyone help?00:07
Dr_willisgmonnerat,   does it never lockup when you got compiz dissabled?00:08
kelsinmellery: you need your classpath env variable to contain whatever jar or file you need to run, what program are you trying to run?00:08
wsv123456how do I play a dvd in gutsy? What is the update or upgrade00:09
mellerykelsin, thanks for the reply, its reprap-host.sh00:09
kelsinmellery: you can also set the classpath on the java command line with the -cp flag, ussually java programs come with some sort of shell script to start them with the right classpath, where didyou install this from?00:09
melleryI got it from sourceforge00:09
jrib!dvd > wsv123456 (read the private message from ubotu)00:10
Tim__juano__, ok when I booted Ubuntu know it did ask me for the wpa, but it still didn't connect00:10
mellerykelsin: sourceforge00:10
jgroutwhats the best desklets app?00:10
juano__Tim__ ok, check to see if you have TKIP , did you select it ?00:11
kazoljgrout: gdesklets00:11
kelsinmellery: are you running it from the folder where reprap.jar is>00:11
kelsinmellery: ?00:11
mellerykelsin, yes00:11
juano__Tim__ when it connects it should show some blue bars instead of the ordinary network manager icon00:11
kazoljgrout: Check out gdesklets.de for more desklets.00:11
kelsinmellery: did you install java from the ubuntu package? sun-java5-jre or sun-java6-jre?00:12
naelrcan anyone answer an ndiswrapper question for me00:12
Tim__juano__, no I selected WPA. yes I know how ir looks like when it works, but it only spins the balls on my install, except every tenth time or so, then it shows 1 blue bar but still doesn't work00:12
kazoljgrout: np; The GoodWeather desklet is very cool-you should check it out.00:12
jribnaelr: best to just ask the question and find out00:12
jgroutkazol: will do00:12
mellerykelsin, when I type java -cp I get -cp requires class path specification, and I'm using sun-java5-jre from the ubuntu repository00:12
goldbondwhich brand of graphics card should i chose for my linux box?00:13
naelrshould i need to recomplie ndsiwrapper for a newer kernel.. say 2.6.22 to 2.6.2400:13
Tim__juano__, under the livecd or when it used to work on my real install it alwys showed three bars after succesfully connecting00:13
carnelainI get error message: could not connect to video device in camorama. But webcam works fine in cheese. Whats wrong?00:13
kelsinmellery: well in this case the program is only one jar and it's specified in the sh script with -jar on the command line, so defining a classpath isn't your issue in this case00:13
Tim__juano__, so I should look whether I can select TKIP and try it with that?00:13
gmonneratDr_willis: Once or twice, but when it is with compiz and avant-window-navigator occurs more often . i don't believe that this occurs because of compiz or avant , but occurs more often00:13
kazoljgrout: http://www.gdesklets.de/index.php?q=desklet/view/171 <Highly recommend this00:13
mellerykelsin: the script has java -Xmx384M -jar Reprap.jar00:14
juano__Tim__ yes cause if your router is configured with WPA/WPA2 with TKIP there is an option in the same connect prompt window below the menu where you select wpa which lets you select TKIP00:14
kelsinmellery: I know, I just downloaded it, so the error is this javax/vecmath/Tuple3d error?00:15
Tim__juano__, ok I'll try it out, and report after rebootin...00:15
mellerykelsin, correct00:15
tony_mathStill having a problem with Synaptic freezing when I try to save settings using the preferences dialog.00:15
gamemellery: asl?00:16
gametony_math: what version do you have00:17
john-mikeHey there, I was wondering.  Is it safe to update Feisty's video driver to the new ATI one?  My computer has the ATI x1400 video card and I know that's always had issues with Ubuntu.00:17
jgroutkazol: is the location code my zip?00:17
* Pelo wonders who gave FloodBot1 ops 00:17
gamefi you can do it go for it00:17
Pelojohn-mike,  you can try , do you know how to recover if it doesn't work ?00:17
naelrshould i need to recomplie ndsiwrapper for a newer kernel.. say 2.6.22 to 2.6.2400:17
john-mikeNo :(00:17
Q_Continuumjohn-mike: back up your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file and give it a try.  (backing up that file means you can restore to your existing setup)00:17
Pelojohn-mike, boot the recovery mode and enter  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and select the vesa driver, then you will be able to boot gui and reinstall the driver you had before00:18
KnickLighterHi everyone00:18
KnickLighterI got a little , big problem00:18
Q_Continuumjohn-mike, sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backupYYYYMMDD00:18
KnickLighterI just upgraded from 7.04 to 7.1000:18
PeloKnickLighter, don't make us beg, just tell us what it is00:18
KnickLighterye i was starting00:19
KnickLighterso well00:19
jrib!enter | KnickLighter00:19
ubotuKnickLighter: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!00:19
KnickLighterBut I get errors, it wont start00:19
john-mikeAh, ok. thanks guys!00:19
KnickLighterOk ok here i go:00:19
=== rbs-tito_ is now known as rbs-tito
CaptainMorganjgrout, probably.. i have the x1300 and it wouldn't work00:19
game%C8 hello00:20
KnickLighterI just upgraded from 7.04 to 7.10, but I get errors, it won't start, like : Exception Emask 0x0 SAct 0x0 SErr 0x0 action 0x2 frozen - and Buffer I/O error on device sda, logical block 0 .. So it gets me to a shell called "busybox" which is useless to me.. I'd appreciate any help :)00:20
Babblehow do i get a list of irc channels in pidgen00:20
* Pelo has got to find a new way to spend his saturday evenings00:20
linux88knicklighter new install opr upgade00:20
PeloKnickLighter,  do you have your /home folder on a seperate partition ?00:20
KnickLighterhmmm no00:21
KnickLighterOn the main disk, where ubuntu is.00:21
PeloBabble,  try /list or /channel in the server window if there is such a thing in pidgin00:21
PeloKnickLighter, start by searching the error msg in the forum www.ubuntuforums.org , that might yeild some info00:22
kelsinmellery: yeah that vecmath library is not installed by default in ubuntu, trying to find out how to instlal it now, but I don't know00:22
LOGANhello, are there ubuntu flash ads available to use?00:22
JavidIs it true that I can just swap my hard drive with ubuntu on it into a whole other computer and it will, more or less, work?00:22
KnickLighterI tried google, But thank's ill take a look and let you guys know if it helped me00:22
Javidpeople who advertise with flash should be beaten with shovels00:22
mellerykelsin, thanks, i can find it, I know what the real problem is now. thanks for the help!00:22
PeloKnickLighter, but I am afraid you will need to reinstall,  making a seperate partiton and copying your /home folder to it will be of great help in the future for such cirucmstances00:22
ubotuYou can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html00:22
Dr_willisJavid,  i like it - its easier to block their ads. :)00:22
tuxthepenguin533how can i get ubuntus source code00:23
jribtuxthepenguin533: ubotu just told you00:23
PeloJavid, it might , I will say no more00:23
abcde_I am unable to get Tracker to search my drive.  It works for a few searches, then breaks, showing no results.  I run "trackerd -v 2 -R", and after it indexes, I can search a bit, then nothing.  I'm searching with tracker-search-tool.  Any ideas?00:23
JavidDr_willis, makes no difference to me, but I suppose that may be true00:23
tony_mathgame: the version is 0.60ubuntu5. I'm running Gutsy00:23
JavidPelo, that's better than windows does, so it's good enough :]00:23
Dr_willisJavid,  i get so sick of those 'click the monkey' ads :)00:23
kelsinmellery: http://reprap.org/bin/view/Main/RepRapLinuxSoftware this might help00:23
JavidDr_willis, I have not seen an ad in years, firefox is my special love monkey00:23
kazoljgrout: Yes00:24
PeloJavid,  windows isn't even garantied to work in the same computer if you do nothing to it00:24
KnickLighterYea i thought of that too, Pelo00:24
Dr_willisJavid,  Shame! you are the reason the internet is going broke! :P00:24
KnickLighterI don't have much important things on my server.. Well, I might, but I don't think I will miss them.00:24
tuxthepenguin533how can i get ubuntus source code00:24
JavidPelo, this is true, but no linux drivers exist for my video capture hardware, so I may need to switch, I plan to just swap out the drives as needed rather than dualbooting00:24
Pelotuxthepenguin533, on the www.ubuntu.com site,  somewhere00:25
kexhey. is beryl in the respiratories? because i do not find it :(00:25
Javidkex, it was last I looked00:25
Tim__juano__, ok the apparantly the wpa was a one time thing, I rebooted a few times and it only asks me for wep again00:25
Javidkex, apt-cache search beryl00:25
kelsintuxthepenguin533: if you have an ubuntu install you can also get the source for any package with "apt-get source <package>"00:25
Tim__this is driving me crazy :(00:25
juano__Tim__ me too00:25
kexJavid, i dont find it in the synaptic, ok ill try that00:25
PeloJavid, you can use windows driver in ubuntu using ndiswrapper , not sure it will work for your videocapture hardware but it is worth exploring00:25
LOGANjust see on some website an ubuntu ad (a small movie, people pushing a chair with "you got better things to do at the office"00:25
tuxthepenguin533kelsin: where would the source code be placed00:25
juano__Tim__ so it appears randomly at boot-time00:26
LOGANare these ads available somewhere?00:26
kelsintuxthepenguin533: it will download the source code for the package into the current directory00:26
JavidPelo, ndis is for wireless drivers00:26
juano__Tim__ you login as same user everytime ?00:26
PeloJavid,  only ?00:26
kexJavid, that command gave me nothing00:26
Tim__juano__, yes00:26
kelsintuxthepenguin533: it does now save where it downloaded, just gives you the files, you can remove when you want etc00:26
JavidPelo, as far as I know, the 'n' means network00:26
Javidkex, where did you do that00:26
juano__Tim__ from windows you are able to connect to the wireless without and trouble ?00:26
kexJavid, terminal00:26
Tim__juano__, yes, and also from the ubuntu livecd00:27
Javidkex, you may not have the right repositories, ask in #ubuntu-effects00:27
LOGANi tried searching the ubuntu sie but did not get any search results00:27
PeloLOGAN, what were yo searching for ?00:27
kexJavid, ok thank you :)00:27
JavidI have about eight billion unofficial repositories added, so because I have it may mean nothing to others00:27
JavidI really need a script for this channel that will make my conversations with others go into PM-like windows so I can keep up with the spam x.x00:28
juano__Tim__ mm its amazing that you can connect from the livecd and not from your installed ubuntu...00:28
juano__Tim__ there is wpa_supplicant.conf file00:28
Tim__juano__, yep, it makes me believe that some config is broke in my home dir, but I have no idea what00:29
PeloJavid, make one, pearl is good for that00:29
kelsinJavid: as long as you and others you are conversing with include the nicknames at the front, most clients highlight lines nicely00:29
LOGANpelo I just seen an ubuntu advertisement on www.itbusinessedge.com some blog had a movie, Im looking for these movie ads for ubuntu00:29
Javidkelsin, I know this, I'm just feeling scripty00:29
juano__Tim__ yea that would be the most accurate... but still can't think of what00:29
JavidPelo, see above :D00:29
PeloLOGAN,  they may not be official00:29
JavidPelo, I hate perl, I'm gonna do it in mirc, wish xchat had a plugin for that00:29
_seanc_Hi, quick question.  I have a dual core processor, someone mentioned that I'd need to recompile my applications for dual core support, true or false?00:30
kelsinJavid: these is also a script for irssi that makes a highlight window that gets any hightlighted messages in it, can help out too00:30
Tim__juano__, where is that wpa_supplicant.conf?00:30
LOGANpelo but it was a great ad, does ubuntu have ads people can use?00:30
Shydetuxthepenguin533: without having checked: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/7.10/release/source/00:30
tritium_seanc_: false00:30
PeloJavid,  you can do python to , xchat handles it as well00:30
john-mikeHa ha, I'm back.  Ok, I updated the ATI driver.  How do I make sure that's what's being used by the computer right now?00:30
JavidPelo, I know xchat does everything imaginable, but it doesn't do mirc ^^00:30
PeloLOGAN,  not realy sure , I don't know that part of it , I'm just your basic helpfull home user00:30
LOGANI now see another ad of ubuntu with coffee mugs00:30
Javidlogan, on what page00:31
SwitchCasehi, ive just started using ubuntu... can someone help me? im running ms xp atm because im having trouble connecting to my wireles router using ubuntu... any help would be very much appreciated00:31
* Pelo woudn'T do mIRC if you paid him 00:31
tritium!wireless | SwitchCase00:31
ubotuSwitchCase: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs00:31
Tim__juano__, I will set up a new user account and test if it works with that one00:31
JavidPelo, I spent years with it, I have it doing things it really isn't supposed to, I love it00:31
SwitchCasethanks ubotu00:31
PeloLOGAN, check in the fridge section I think it is called, loads of user made stuff in there00:31
JavidPelo, I'm weird like that00:31
juano__Tim__ sure try that... i thought it was in the /etc/  there is a dir in /etc/ called wpa_supplicant but that file doesn't show up00:32
LOGANhttp://www.itbusinessedge.com/blogs/osb/index.php/blogs/osb/index.php it shows sometimes inhere00:32
naelrshould i need to recomplie ndsiwrapper for a newer kernel.. say 2.6.22 to 2.6.2400:32
PeloJavid,  complian to markham ( I think that's his name) get him to port to linux00:32
_seanc_tritium: sweet, so the applications will automatically utilize the dual core?00:32
LOGANI already seen 2 different ones00:32
kelsinLOGAN: you can find these videos on youtube also00:32
JavidPelo, it runs in wine, but a lot of the add-ons don't, no way around this00:32
PeloLOGAN, I assume if I have ad block plus I won't see it ?00:33
Pelo!hi | hellsdark00:33
ubotuhellsdark: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!00:33
hellsdarkIs Somebody using rtorrent ?00:33
JavidPelo, I think we can generally rage against closed source software in general and call it good00:33
pablinhow to install soundblaster xi fi in ubuntu 7.0400:33
LOGANPelo : I dont know. I dont use adblocks :)00:34
tritium_seanc_: yes00:34
Javidpelo, logan, I don't see it either00:34
LOGANkelsin : aah thanks Ill check there. hope they are downloadable00:34
kelsinhellsdark: just ask your question00:34
deal_I've just installed all the extra effects with cube and such. But have not figured out yet how to wright with fire, anyone can help me ?00:34
PeloJavid,  I don't rage against close source, I have no problem with close source  I just tried ubuntu after years of bitching about windows and found it to be a pleasurable computing experience, so I stuck with it00:34
LOGANthey are mixed between IBM adds and other adds that rotate00:34
hellsdarki would like to use rtorrent via ssh but just in order to see the download status00:34
JavidPelo, me too, minus the bitching. I run about 50/50 ubuntu/xp on my computers00:35
kelsinhellsdark: I would use screen00:35
* Pelo 's got adblock+ and that thing that stops java and flash from starting automaticaly, browsing is now very enjoyable 00:35
kelsinhellsdark: you type screen, then once inside screen you run rtorrant and start your downloads, then you "disconnect" from this session by typing Ctrl-A D.00:35
hellsdarkkelsin: yes, but what about the rtorrent running ?00:35
Javidpelo, me too, plus user agent switcher, so people can't block me for that either00:35
deal_I'm still in rehab!! Windows get you hooked! Now I'm in rehab! And gonna stay (windows)clean from now on :-D00:35
kelsinhellsdark: later when you ssh in, you type "screen -r" and reconnect to that session00:35
hellsdarkkelsin: can i have several rtorrent running ?00:36
_seanc_tritium: you sir, are my hero.00:36
deal_I've just installed all the extra effects with cube and such. But have not figured out yet how to wright with fire, anyone can help me ?00:36
riotkittiehmm. i wonder if my flash probs tie in with ab+00:36
kelsinhellsdark: why would you want to? :) but you could I guess00:36
john-mikeDoes anyone know how I can check what driver I'm using for my video card?00:36
riotkittiedeal_: err. fire/flame whatever plugin?00:36
crimsunnon-free Flash 9 is a PITA.00:36
PeloJavid,  I almost never boot xp anymore,  I just need to find a decent autocad alternative and i'll never boot windows again00:36
deal_riotkittie: Gimme 2 sec, I'll check.00:36
hellsdarkkelsin: in order to not disturb the rtorrent that is running, i don't want to close it :p00:36
riotkittiejohn-mike: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep -i driver00:36
kelsinhellsdark: rtorrent handles multiple torrent files simulatneously as it is00:36
danbhfivejohn-mike: i think you cant check your xorg.conf00:36
kelsinhellsdark: you mean the one that's running right now?00:36
hellsdarkkelsin: i know00:36
hellsdarkkelsin: yes00:36
HoboPrimateHey! anyone ever had problems with a broadcom wireless chip, which connects to the router but says in /var/log/messages "no IPv6 routers found" (no wonder, my router doesn't support ipv6, but my computer should then revert to ipv4, right?)00:37
kelsinhellsdark: just stop it with ctrl-q quickly, and then restart, it takes a second to get back up to speed, but it doesn't download anyhthing twice00:37
Javidpelo, hmm, my cad stuff runs in wine pretty well (better than on vista actually)00:37
deal_riotkittie: Directly translated from norwegian would be 'paint fire on screen' =)00:37
PeloJavid, acad does not run well on wine at all , what cad stuff ar you using ?00:37
brianskihowdy - it seems trackerd isn't indexing my emails. my tracker config has enablethunderbird set, tho - do i need to change the session so that it runs trackerd --enable-thunderbird too or somesuch?00:37
hellsdarkkelsin: kelsin hum i think i'll kill it and use screen as you said00:37
JavidPelo, a much simpler program built for the machines I use, it will run on just about anything win95+00:38
kelsinhellsdark: screen is a great great tool, look up some of the tutorials about it, it will help in MANY situations esp if you ssh alot, this irssi session is in screen for me, so when I go to work I just connect to it00:38
john-mikeHmmm...says 'fglrx'.  That's not the new ATI driver, is it?00:38
HoboPrimateI'm googling trying to find a workaround my problem, but just guessed someone here might have come across it before.00:38
Jan-RipplGood night00:38
hellsdarkkelsin: yep, i read about it. It just would be easier to launch another rtorrent to see my torrents00:38
riotkittiejohn-mike: errr. are you looking for actual version number?00:38
brianskijohn-mike: fglrx could be either the new ati driver or the old one, they are both called fglrx00:38
PeloJavid,  ah well,  I kind of have to keep up to date,  acad 2006 was a complete bust, acad 14 was very clunky,  I won'T even try 13 , it ran like crap on windows to begin with00:38
Jan-RipplAre You want listen my ubuntu radio?00:39
kelsinhellsdark: then you'd have to program rtorrant to find another version of itself on startup to just report status, since it doesn't have those features by default00:39
JavidPelo, I use a lot of older programs, like photoshop 7 and winamp200:39
john-mikeAh....well, I'm sure I'm probably running the new one then.  The system update doesn't show it as needing updating anymore.00:39
brianskiyou want to see 8.42.3 in the version string00:39
hellsdarkkelsin: yep ^^00:39
brianskibut i'll warn you you're still gonna be disappointed, amd has made a vast improvement but they have a long way to go to even come close to nvidia00:39
mellerykelsin: I found the java3d.jar file the reprap page links to is really an html file not the real java3d.jar, that will fix my problem00:40
hellsdarkkelsin: it would be nice to have some commands to see the status00:40
spydonI can't ssh into my computer from outside my network. I have portforwarding on my router. Does anyone know how to solve this?00:40
PeloJavid,  I don't realy do raster and for what little knowledge of photoshop I had to begin with,  using gimp instead doesn'T make much of a difference for me00:40
riotkittieugh. back to X i go. brb00:40
sirbobI have having a problem with resolution00:40
kelsinspydon: you need to portforward port 22 to your internal ip, then just "ssh user@external.ip.address" from your outside location00:40
=== T1m is now known as T1m0thy
JavidPelo, everyone I know in graphics would line up to defecate on the gimp's headstone, were it a person and not a program00:40
SwitchCaseIve read through the guide on wireless networking but the problem im having does not seem to be covered... can someone please help?00:40
sirbobI am at the right resolution, 1280x720, but the edges of the screen are cut off00:41
lars03hi. is ubuntu a good linux distribution for a beginner?00:41
spydonalready done that kelsin00:41
riotkittieweee. reason 317 that i love screen.00:41
Javidlars03, yes it is00:41
* Pelo 's got a torrent stuck at 99.9% and the swarm is stuck at 0.999, damit00:41
riotkittielars03: yes.00:41
kelsinlars03: compared to other linux's yes00:41
sirbobI am using a 42inch samsung tv00:41
spydonport start 22 port stop 22 server ip, kelsin00:41
Pelolars03,  yes it is , very freindly, use ubuntu not kubuntu to start with , you'll be very pleasantly surprised00:41
kelsinspydon: what msg are you getting when you try to ssh from outside?00:41
blackvdHi, I'm running VirtualBox w/ XP and every time before I can boot XP I have to change permissions to /dev/vboxdrv by running sudo nautilus in terminal then locating the file and change the permissions every time after reboot? is there an easier way to permanently change permission to files?00:41
riotkittiesirbob: wow, that has to suck. i'll trade you a 15" CRT.  because i'm kind.   <whistles innocently>00:42
digitalskyhi people00:42
spydonConnection refused00:42
spydonConnection refused00:42
spydonkelsin: connection refused00:42
Jan-Ripplhttp://mokriny.cz:8000/listen.ogg please00:42
riotkittieblackvd: did you add yourself to the virtualbox/vbox/whatever group?00:42
lars03should I get the latest version, 7.10?00:42
Peloblackvd,  that would be a question for the vbox ppl,  in #vbox or in #vb , not sure which00:42
SwitchCasecan someone help me with connecting to a wireless router?? please?00:42
Pelolars03,  we like it , go for it00:42
spydonoops sorry00:42
blackvdits not really about vbox tho00:42
kelsinspydon: some stupid questions: are you sure you have the external ip correct? and secondly do you have a cable modem or other device between your router and modem?00:43
x_what's the command line forget , install ATI driversor settings?!00:43
blackvdits about how i can permanently change file permissions00:43
Peloblackvd,  but they are more likely to know about the issue and how to fix it00:43
scorchis there a LiveUSB version of Ubuntu?00:43
deal_How can I activate more desktops to distribute my work on? I've set it to two, but want four!00:43
kelsinblackvd: you can probably do that with a udev rule, it's not a permission on a normal file, it's a /dev file00:43
Peloblackvd,  sudo chmod .....00:43
juano__lars03: it is recommended to stick to the newer versions always, because it has the lastest fixes of bugs00:43
blackvdchmod a+x?00:43
* Pelo buts out00:43
riotkittiedid you add yourself to the virtualbox group?00:43
juano__lars03: and it is recommended to update every once in a while00:44
blackvdhow do i add to that group?00:44
x_what's command line for ATI setting?!00:44
Peloblackvd,  read what kelsin  said00:44
digitalskyhi i'm thinking about trying ubuntu on my notebook, but i want duel boot with my windows.00:44
sirbobCould it be do to it having a low resoluton for its size versus a normal monitor?00:44
digitalskycan anyone suggest how much disk space i need on each partition?00:44
riotkittieblackvd: go to users/groups under System > Admin00:44
spydonYes im sure I have the external IP correct because if I write it in an browser I get to my router like I would do with my internal router IP too and no I just have broadband modem and router, kelsin00:44
kelsinblackvd: but also check about that group, that might solve the problem more elegantly, if there is a group you can add yourself to to give permissions on that file00:44
phasegendigitalsky: duel is right00:44
lars03should I get 64 bit version? I have 64 bit cpu (c2d)00:44
danbhfivedigitalsky: how much space so you have?00:44
riotkittieblackvd: then Manage Groups. make sure you're in vboxusers group.00:45
juano__lars03: yes, if you have a 64 bit cpu00:45
deal_How can I activate more desktops to distribute my work on? I've set it to two, but want four!00:45
attickidlars03: sometimes it's harder to find software for 6400:45
digitalskyyea i'm trying to migrate to linux but need to use some xp apps still... 40GB00:45
Pelodigitalsky, 10 gig at least if you do one, I have 3 gig used for / right now, 2xram for swap, /home at your discretion00:45
digitalskymy data can reside on another netowrk drive,00:45
kelsinspydon: can you ssh to localhost? just "ssh localhost"00:45
blackvdyeah i'm in the vboxusers group00:45
danbhfivehow much ram?00:45
attickidlars03: I got a 64b also..but I use x86 just because of that00:45
tim1__juano__: ok a new user didn't work either00:45
digitalskyhm 10 GBs00:45
danbhfivehow much ram do you have?00:45
spydonyes I can, kelsin00:45
juano__tim1__: i was gonna suggest before you rebooted that you might wanna try loading nm-applet with sudo permissions00:46
x_!ati |x00:46
ubotux: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto00:46
lars03dana_bad me? 4GB00:46
Pelodigitalsky,  you can install ubuntu on 10 gig , but if you do multiple partitons I recommend 5-10 gig for /00:46
juano__tim1__: gksudo nm-applet00:46
SwitchCasedoes anybody know why i can connect to my wireless router but nothing happens... its seems my network car has found an connected to it but im not sending or recieving anything... im prompted for a wpa pass but when i enter the correct pass nothing happens... any help would be very much appreciated00:46
danbhfiveno, digitalsky, sorry00:46
juano__tim1__: but i think the problem is a little far off this00:46
digitalsky768MB RAM i mean00:46
=== neuro|irssi is now known as neuro_
Pelo!wifi | SwitchCase00:46
ubotuSwitchCase: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs00:46
kelsinspydon: are you able to ssh to an outside network then try to ssh into yours to make sure it's not some wierd issue about sshing to an external ip from your internal box?00:46
tim1__I will now completely reinstall ubuntu (new /home aswell) and if that doesn't work I'll just stop trying00:46
Pelodigitalsky,  about 1.5 gig swap them00:46
Pelotim1__,  don'T get discouraged00:47
digitalskyOk. DOes ubuntu even let me create/install partitions? I've never tried to duel boot00:47
danbhfivedigitalsky: well, the 10g partitions isnt bad advice, you should have a swap space too00:47
SwitchCasepelo: yes.. i read the docs but cant find any info on this particualr problem00:47
scguy318digitalsky: yes00:47
juano__tim1__: first you should boot with livecd and check what settings are configured00:47
spydonyes im able to do that kelsin, because i accidentelly typed ssh spydon@me.is-a-geek.net00:47
juano__tim1__: if it works with livecd, then see what makes it work00:47
tim1__Pelo: I'm struggling now for days with gutsy and whenever I solve a problem two new pop up, the whole process is very discouraging00:48
spydonkelsin: and it worked, but i didn't know the password ofc00:48
danbhfiveanyone know why ubuntu uses so much memory?  it didn't used to use this much00:48
scorchis there a LiveUSB version of Ubuntu?00:48
Pelodigitalsky,  the instaler will let you do it when you get to that step , youcan just select to manualy partion or select the partiton,  not sure how it is worded,  as far as the dual booting geos,  the isntaller will make a boot menu with all the oses it sees automaticaly00:48
tim1__I would really like to continue using Ubuntu (I us it since warty) but it just doesn#t seem to work anymore00:48
scguy318danbhfive: if you've got effects on could be it00:48
Pelotim1__,  what was the latest one ?00:48
kelsinspydon so if that worked, what is the problem?00:48
[KEMANUSIAN][INSlinux for a free humanity00:48
kelsinspydon: if the only problem is you can't ssh to your external ip from the internal network, that's probably not a big problem00:48
spydonI can't connect to my own computer from another network... kelsin00:48
SwitchCasepelo: any idea?00:49
Pelotim1__,  you can always go back to feisty if that worked better for you you will get updates for another year or so00:49
chester_martinshi there00:49
kelsinspydon: ok sorry, I must have misunderstood, I thouht I asked if you checked from an external ip and you just said it worked00:49
khatahnare there ubuntu packages for the latest flash 9 release somewhere?00:49
tim1__Pelo: my system randomly froze and I had to do a hard reboot, then I completely reinstalled Ubuntu ebcause nobody could help me with that and now wireless doesn't work00:49
chester_martinscan anybody knows a good download manager to ubuntu?? i love dap for windows...00:49
PeloSwitchCase,  try searching the forum I'm not very good with wifi stuff , www.ubuntuforums.org00:49
attickidtim1__: I had also that problem00:49
SwitchCaseok thanks00:49
spydonoh sorry I missunderstood you I think, kelsin :P00:49
attickidtim1__: while using ubuntu 7.1000:49
chester_martinsi can't find a really good for linux00:49
digitalskyso on my 40GB drive, 20GB Windows, 15GB linux, 2 GB swap, 3 GB data would be ok?00:50
tim1__attickid: what did you do, downgrade?00:50
Pelotim1__, make your /home on a seperate partiton , that way you wonT' loose your data if/when you need to clean install00:50
attickidtim1__: I fix it..installing the newest nvidia driver directly from nvidia website..00:50
kelsinspydon: have you tried ssh'ing to some other box somewhere on the internet (maybe a school lab or work machine, anything) then trying to ssh to your computer?00:50
danbhfivescguy318: interesting, but its not it, i just checked, and they are off00:50
Pelochester_martins, didyou check in the add/remove applet ?00:50
tim1__attickid: it also crashed when I used the vesa driver...00:51
danbhfivewhat is the 3g data for?00:51
digitalskywell docs that i need... like doc, xls, etc00:51
spydonkelsin: nope I haven't, but i have been at my school trying to SSH to my homecomp and it didn't work, connection refused there too00:51
juano__chester_martins: from firefox you have downthemall!00:51
digitalskycurrently i'm using about 1.5 GB.00:51
ryan_77Hi, I'm trying to dual boot XP and Ubuntu. Have XP already installed. Trying to add Ubuntu 7.10 to the 3rd HD (XP is on #1 HD). Each install I try ends with an eventual Grub Error 21.  Any suggestions?00:52
tim1__Pelo: I have /home on a different partition, but when I downgrade to feisty I will miss applications like miro and some configuration files won't be read by the older applications (like rhythmbox databse)00:52
tritiumspydon: did you install the ssh server on yoru home machine?00:52
abcde_I am unable to get Tracker to search my drive.  It works for a few searches, then breaks, showing no results.  I run "trackerd -v 2 -R", and after it indexes, I can search a bit, then nothing.  I'm searching with tracker-search-tool.  Any ideas?00:52
juano__chester_martins: an add-on that resumes.. etc00:52
tim1__Pelo: before I downgrade I rather switch distributions00:52
digitalskyif 10GB for linux is enough, 15 should be pretty good then right?00:52
spydontritium: Yes :P00:52
attickidtim1__: when I googled ..I read some people fixing it jsut by installing all the updates..00:52
danbhfiveyeah, 15 is more than enough00:52
Pelodigitalsky, the / in ubuntu will isntall at about 2.5 gig you won't realy need 15 gig00:52
scorchis there a LiveUSB version of Ubuntu?00:52
digitalskyoh really00:52
digitalskyhm what about apps?00:52
attickidtim1__: do u have a nvidia card?00:52
Rafabewondering the same thing as Scorch00:52
digitalskyi mainly want just open office, web browsing, email00:53
blackvdOk cool I got it! had to add myself to the group then restartx >_>00:53
kelsinspydon: Then I'm at a loss, the port forward of port 22 is all you should need. I would double check that the external ip address is actually hitting your router, can you bring up your router's page from your school on that ip etc00:53
tim1__attickid: yes, but I did a clean install anyway, now it's wireless that isn't working00:53
Pelotim1__, did you try installing with the alternate install cd,  it usualy does a better job00:53
digitalskyi don't know why I'm using 15 GB in my xp now... don't know where the space has gone00:53
IndyGunFreakdigitalsky: you probably gave it to ubuntu on accident00:53
DG19075there is also an i386 DVD you can use00:53
digitalskyok Pelo00:53
spydonI know ive already tried that, it so weird! Thx for your help anyway, kelsin :)00:53
CreationistHaving a problem with Bluetooth - every time I try to connect to my mobil phone I get this error: "obex://[00:1b:59:b8:4a:03]" is not a valid location."   Blue tooth is on on my phone and my phone appears in the list of devices... What gives?00:53
digitalskyIndyGunFreak: I don't have ubuntu on it yet00:54
IndyGunFreakdigitalsky: then youv'e wonked something up...lol, how big is your hard drive?00:54
kelsinspydon: it's also possible that your isp blocks port 22, you can try to port forward some higher port to 22 internal00:54
CreationistI would hate to have to use Windows just to get files off my phone.00:54
Pelodigitalsky,  depends on the app,  ubuntu already comes with a butload fo defaults like OOo and others, tha's part of the 2.5,  I'm up to 3 gig atm and I have a lot of aps,  not as much as some mind you ,  5-10 gig is what I recommend,  i fyou install windows apps on your system running on wine they will isntall in your /home folder anyway ( what you call data _00:54
kelsinso then you'd connect with "ssh -p 5897 user@your.external.ip" and reach your box on 2200:54
tim1__Pelo: no I didn't test the alternate, but I will try that, thanks for the tip00:54
pablinhow to install soundblaster xi fi in ubuntu 7.0400:54
kelsinspydon: obviously where 5897 is whatever high port you chose, that will get past it if your ISP blocks port 2200:55
digitalsky40GB. XP Pro + MS Office + Matlab + OO + a bunch of smaller softwares = 15GB00:55
ryan_77Hi, I'm trying to dual boot XP and Ubuntu. Have XP already installed. Trying to add Ubuntu 7.10 to the 3rd HD (XP is on #1 HD). Each install I try ends with an eventual Grub Error 21.  Any suggestions?00:55
* Pelo will be distracted for about 43 minuts00:55
spydonOkay I will try that kelsin thx00:55
Rafabeif i have the .iso downloaded on the target computer, can I install Ubuntu by extracting it, booting into DOS, and running the setup file? I don't have an optical drive on the computer, so I can't burn/read CD.00:55
DG19075has OO save stuff in .doc format00:56
Marfihey yall. whenever i load up compiz, my borders are missing, so i can't click and drag, x out of my windows, etc. anyone have a link to the code that i have to edit to fix it?00:56
IndyGunFreakryan_77: to the 3rd what?.. hard drive or partition?00:56
ryan_77hard drive00:56
kelsin!install | Rafabe00:56
ubotuRafabe: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate00:56
IndyGunFreakPelo: up to 3gigs?..lol, i have 12..lol00:56
MarfiDG19075, yes, OO can save in .doc00:56
Pelodigitalsky,  well , xp takes about 4-6 gig to start with , incl;uding all the updates,  mso takes a lot of room as well ,  OOo is already part of the default install in ubuntu , don'T know what matlab is but I can guess and no idea how much room it takes00:56
Rafabethanks kelsin00:56
Dukkemy ubuntu is 7.04  he don't start if i try to use the last version of ubuntu i have to del all?00:57
kelsinRafabe: that first link does have many ways to install without a cd00:57
IndyGunFreakPelo: are you in Windows right now, or on the live cd?00:57
PeloIndyGunFreak,  3 gig on my / ,  I have about 40 gig for stuff in my /home00:57
IamReckAnyone have any clue why using Compiz Config would break VLC Media Player?00:57
IndyGunFreakPelo: oh ok...lol,00:57
PeloIndyGunFreak, I'm in my ubuntu install atm why ?00:57
IndyGunFreakPelo: that wasn't for you, it was for ryan_77 sorry00:57
spydonconnection refused there too. kelsin :(00:57
ryan_77IndyGunFreak: from what I have read, theinstaller should be fine with separate dual boot Hard drive installs of XP and Ubuntu00:57
IndyGunFreakryan_77: are you on the live CD, or in windows right now?00:57
IndyGunFreakryan_77: yes, it should be, thats how i learned linux, windows on one drivef, Linux on the other.00:58
Micheruhey IndyGunFreak i am running plain ubuntu now, just gotta wait for the disks to arrive00:58
kelsinspydon: are you sure your broadband modem doesn't take up an ip and form a firewall between your router and the internet?00:58
* Pelo ' s windows install is 3 gig, no upgrades, no mso, just autocad 00:58
ryan_77IndyGunFreak: i'm on a separate computer.. i have tried the Live CD install and the Alternate install00:58
IndyGunFreakMicheru: lol, i figured thats what you'd end up doing.00:58
IndyGunFreakMicheru: when you get your XP disks, i'll help you sort out that mess you had going on...00:58
digitalskyok then 20GB xp 10 GB ubuntu 2GB swap 8GB data00:58
MicheruIndyGunFreak, hehe00:58
SmegzorHow soon will Wine 0.9.50 be available in the repos?00:59
Micheruoh i fixed that00:59
ryan_77IndyGunFreak: i'm on a windows box now, over my shoulder is the error screen00:59
IamReckAnyone have any clue why using Compiz Config would break VLC Media Player?00:59
IndyGunFreakMicheru: but i wouldn't do to much, usually, the best thing to do, is let Windows take over the whole drive, install, etc, then use the ubuntu installer to partition the drive.00:59
digitalskyPelo: did your 10GB recommendation include the 2GB swap?00:59
IndyGunFreakryan_77: ok.00:59
Micherui used the livecd to wipe all the partitions and installed ubuntu on one big partition00:59
krielHello everybody. I'm trying to follow a forum topic at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=120615 and I got to the part where I'm supposed to 'make depend && make' in the installation, however make pukes up with an error shown at http://pastebin.com/m3ff648ac . Any ideas on what I should try and do to let make go on?00:59
spydonI don't think so because then I wouldn't come to my router when I write my external IP in a browser, would I, kelsin?00:59
IndyGunFreakryan_77: try changing your BIOS, to boot one of your slave drives first, maybe grub got installed on the wrong drive.00:59
Micheruthen i will do what you just said lol00:59
kelsinspydon: from school?00:59
Pelodigitalsky, sounds about right,  make the /home right after the / , so you can resize the / and use the room on /home if you need to , I think you will want to do that after a little while01:00
spydonboth, kelsin01:00
IndyGunFreakMicheru: thats the easiest thing to do... use this time with Ubuntu only to do some learning.01:00
Pelodigitalsky,  I actualy recommended 1.5 gig of swap in your case but swap is seperate from /01:00
digitalskywould too much swap affect performance?01:00
kazolCan someone help me setup samba access to a server that will require the passwd to the server to be typed each time the system is started?01:00
IndyGunFreakryan_77: did you understand what i was talking about?01:01
ArthurArchnixIs is possible to launch an windows app on a vbox machine, without first starting inntek vbox, choosing the machine, starting the machine, then launching the app? At the very least setting a default machine that launches automatically?01:01
Pelodigitalsky,  the rule of thumb is 2x RAM , you don't realy need more unless you have very little memory01:01
digitalskyI actually wouldnt' need much of a /home I think, because I'm the only user and I'll mount the data and save everything there so I can share them with XP (that's possible right?)01:01
MicheruIndyGunFreak, i have had ubuntu for a month, on another machine and it was a completly different setup, thats why i screwed this one up01:01
PeloArthurArchnix,  you'll have to ask in a virtualbox chanel01:01
IndyGunFreakMicheru: it happens, if i told you i never screwed up my system trying to install Linux, i'd be struck by lightening.01:02
MicheruIndyGunFreak, hehe01:02
Pelodigitalsky,  /home not only contains your data but also all your user settings,  , and you can share with a windows network using samba01:02
ryan_77IndyGunFreak: thanks, i do understand, but the bios does look at the mbr of hd0 and grub does start (where as XP used to), then goes to a Grub Loading stage 1.5, grub loading please wait... , error 2101:03
kelsinspydon: yeah that probably wouldn't happen, yeah I'm at a loss from here :-( good luck with it.01:03
SmegzorI followed the instructions to install Wine 0.9.50 here http://www.winehq.org/site/download-deb but when I apt-get install wine, it always installs 0.9.49  How do I get 0.9.50 installed?01:03
digitalskyyea but I expect the user settings won't take much room01:03
Micherui gotta restart01:03
RockbuddyHey everyone.01:03
IndyGunFreakryan_77: i know that, but when i used to use two drives, i'd usually get grub installed on both drives..(why i don't know)...01:03
scguy318ryan_77: if you're desperate to boot to something, burn yourself a Super GRUB CD01:03
=== goodtod is now known as alevine
IndyGunFreakryan_77: thats why i suggested that, or as scguy318 suggested, get supergrub.01:04
ArthurArchnixPelo: I did... no response. I found a message on the forum from a developer saying no though, while I was waiting. But I'm not sure if the "no" meant can't create shortcuts to autolaunch programs, or "no you can't hide the windows taskbar when in seamless mode.01:04
PeloSmegzor,  there is not 0.9.50 package for ubuntu yet you'll have to wait a few days,  ifyou instal 0.9.49 now it will upgrade automaticaly when it is out01:04
IndyGunFreak!sgd | ryan_7701:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sgd - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about supergrub - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:04
spydonkelsin: thx for all your help! It's probably just something fucked up that ive done with my router :P01:04
digitalskyMy next question is, the xp i have is the one that comes with my acer notebook, so I'll have to install from that CD.  If I want to duel boot, do I install linux or xp first?01:04
digitalskymy guess is linux right?01:04
IndyGunFreakdigitalsky: always xp first01:04
scguy318ryan_77: http://supergrub.forjamari.linex.org/?section=download01:04
Pelodigitalsky,  install xp first01:04
kelsindigitalsky: always xp01:04
cecCan someone tell me if gtkpod is the best program for managing an ipod on ubuntu?01:04
IndyGunFreakdigitalsky: yes,01:04
digitalskyso i have to use the xp to partition my drive?01:05
kelsindigitalsky: windows doesn't care about other os's and will overright the bootmanager only allowing you to boot windows01:05
IndyGunFreakdigitalsky: xp will piss and moan if its not master of everything.01:05
Pelodigitalsky, yes, that way ubujntu will detect it during hte install and make the appropriate entry int eh boot menu01:05
SmegzorPelo: but don't I get it right now if I do what it says here?  http://www.winehq.org/site/download-deb01:05
ryan_77IndyGunFreak: and scguy318: thanks.. I feel Super Grub might be the way to go.01:05
kelsindigitalsky: you can resize windows partitions after, or just tell the windows isntaller not to use the whole drive01:05
juano__digitalsky: no, its a matter of GRUB bootloader, its best if you install xp first01:05
x_how i can install or active ATI drivers?!01:05
IndyGunFreakdigitalsky: no, use XP, take over the entire disk,01:05
IndyGunFreakdigitalsky: then install ubuntu, and use it to partition the drive, and install ubuntu01:05
IndyGunFreakdigitalsky: i meant then use the ubuntu cd, to partition, then install ubuntu01:06
RockbuddyI have a uestion about Ubuntu 7.10... It doesn't start at all I can't even install it. I get the error message "find --set-root --ignore-floppies /ubuntu/install/boot/vmlinuz   |   Error 17: File not found."01:06
krielI'm trying to follow a forum topic at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=120615 and I got to the part where I'm supposed to 'make depend && make' in the installation, however make pukes up with an error shown at http://pastebin.com/m3ff648ac . Any ideas on what I should try and do to let make go on?01:06
ryan_77scguy318: I'm not desperate, I can fix XP.. just want to dual boot01:06
juano__digitalsky: you can partition your disk without any OS if you download the gparted live CD01:06
PeloSmegzor,  what is out now is the 0.9.50 source,  distro specific packages are made by volunteers,  they need a few days to make them , give it a few days , be patient01:06
x_anyone can help me about ati drivers ?!01:06
kelsinkriel: that's from 200501:06
* IndyGunFreak <3's gparted live01:06
juano__!ati | x_01:06
ubotux_: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:06
PeloRockbuddy, did it install ? or are you not able to install it ?01:06
kelsinkrel: use the wine from the ubuntu repos, it works with WoW fine01:06
RockbuddyI have a question about Ubuntu 7.10... It doesn't start at all I can't even install it. I get the error message "find --set-root --ignore-floppies /ubuntu/install/boot/vmlinuz | Error 17: File not found." can someone please help me?01:06
Rockbuddyno pelo01:06
IndyGunFreak!patience | Rockbuddy01:07
ubotuRockbuddy: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines01:07
krielkelsin: I... so forgot to check the date... Thank you.01:07
digitalskyso in my case, if I want 20 GB xp + 8.5 GB linux + 1.5 GB swap + 10 GB (/home + windows data), then I install xp first and use up the whole drive?01:07
* Pelo already knew IndyGun was a freak but he had no idea how far it went01:07
kelsinkriel: once you install wine from the repos start at the "winecfg" line in that tutorial01:07
kazolFor some reason .bash_history doesn't get updated. It is probably due to the fact that I shredded the file, rm'd it, and created a blank one. Any suggestions?01:07
IndyGunFreakPelo: lol, you have no idea.01:07
Rockbuddyi no i just forgot to finish my sentence sorry..01:07
PeloRockbuddy,  try using the alternate install cd,   you can get it from the ubuntu.com site just check the box under the download now button01:07
digitalskyactually i might just be wasting you guys' time here. it's probably somewhere in the web01:07
IndyGunFreakdigitalsky: what is?01:07
GateAnyone used Ubuntu on the newest macbooks? I am having alot of trouble getting *any* functionality out of the fn key and I can't get sound01:07
RockbuddyPelo: will it most likely work or are you unsure?01:08
kelsinkriel: cause from slightly looking at it, the instructions after that (the few) are what I do when trying to get wow working, it's worked really easily for me recently at least :) good luck01:08
digitalskyinstructions to do duel boot01:08
Pelodigitalsky,  you are not wsting your time , but please use our nick in each line so we know you are talking to us01:08
IndyGunFreakdigitalsky: oh yeah.01:08
IndyGunFreak!dualboot | digitalsky01:08
ubotudigitalsky: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot01:08
kelsinkazol: bash only writes to bash_history on exit01:08
digitalskyPelo: ok01:08
ryan_77IndyGunFreak: scguy318: thanks01:08
PeloRockbuddy, it usualy does,  the alternate install cd is more leanient about hardware during the installation process01:08
digitalskyIndyGunFreak: thanks01:08
kelsinkazol: does it not write to it on exit?01:08
IndyGunFreakryan_77: np, good luck, iv'e not had much luck with supergrub.... but if you can figure it out, it might work01:08
kazolkelsin: I have exited the terminal and rebooted several times already.01:08
krielkelsin: Thank you, very much.01:09
imbecilelets geek out on IRC01:09
IndyGunFreaknigggo: lol01:09
kelsinkazol: ahhh, wierd, if you rm the file it should just create it again when exiting, unless there is an odd setting to turn it off in your .bash_profile, .profile or .bashrc files01:09
PeloIndyGunFreak, since when do you speak french ?01:09
PeloIndyGunFreak,  nvm01:09
IndyGunFreakPelo: lol...01:09
krielOh. How do I un-make the wine that i've already installed? If i just do apt-get install, does it overwrite the old wine?01:10
kelsinkriel: you've already run a "make install" command>01:10
DM|anyone have a synaptics touchpad working properly with verticle scroll ?01:10
_DTkriel: yes01:10
krielkelsin: oh. No. Duh, I was just compiling it. -slaps face- Thank you...01:10
kelsinkriel: then you should be good :)01:10
operator011Can an anyone please advise how I change the size of my terminal (1024x768 pixels, but ubuntu is defalted to 640x480), where is the config file for this setting?>01:11
IndyGunFreakwhere can i get a list of IRC commands, like msg, notify, etc..01:11
Captain_Linux_Anyone know of a good IDE for mips?01:11
krielLinux needs to level out the learning curve abit. I've spent like 3 years on and off trying to conquer it, and I'm still lost...01:11
=== TwelveYearOld is now known as osxdude
PeloIndyGunFreak, try asking in #xchat , they probably have a link for that, I just leaned as I went over the years01:12
hwildei've got no sound on lenovo r60 laptop?01:12
IndyGunFreakPelo: oh ok.01:12
sllinesshey my g/f managed to get my top panel in gnome to right of the screen and I can't get it back. I have a crt 15" monitor and a TV on the graphics card svideo out running xinearama (I thnk) plus compiz-fusion installed01:12
Pelo!sound | hwilde01:12
ubotuhwilde: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP301:12
Pelohwilde,  also check your model in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport there might be some advice01:12
krieloperator011: well, for starters, you can hit the maximize button. (the one next to the x.) I'm not sure how to make it permanent, though. Try poking around the terminal options.01:12
IndyGunFreakhwilde: you probably have intel hda.01:12
LOGANbah I begin to feel the restrictions of open source software more and more01:12
IndyGunFreakall those lenovo's do.01:13
kelsinLOGAN: then edit them to your liking01:13
hwildePelo, alsa is selected and my hardware is supported01:13
hwildeIndyGunFreak, yep that is it01:13
krielIndyGunFreak: my lenovo works perfectly with the latest ubuntu. literally ootb, perfectly supported.01:13
sllinesshow do I get my panel back to top of screen is it like xfce and moving panels?01:13
IndyGunFreakhwilde: yeah, some do, some don't01:13
Peloslliness,   right click the botom pannel  on an empty place, select add a pannel, or new panel,  move it to the top, right click add to pannel and add the stuff you want to it01:13
hwildeeverything works it's just like the sound isn't playing01:13
IndyGunFreakhwilde: youc an try to compile a new alsa driver.01:13
LOGANkelsin : for example, I cannot use open source game engine to make commercial game01:13
IndyGunFreakhwilde: ya.01:13
Pelohwilde, mute button on the lappy ?01:13
LOGANforces game into open source01:13
quentinHi, has anyone managed to get the slmodem source to compile on the generic ubuntu kernel?01:14
kelsinLOGAN: well you can if you want to make it open source, or find an engine that's a BSD license01:14
Lupindoes anyone know how i make xchat 2.8.4 go to tray on "X" (close windows) instead of shutting down?01:14
IndyGunFreakhwilde: open a terminal and type lspci  and see how it identifies your sound device.01:14
hwildePelo, that doesn't seem to be doing anything but yeah there is volume up down and mute01:14
kelsinLOGAN: also most game engines have a dual license policy so you can buy a commercial license01:14
sllinessPelo, how do I move my already existing panel back to top cause it is already pack with aplets01:14
IndyGunFreakhwilde: there's a volume because it recognizes the device, but the way its being controlled is wonked up01:14
LOGANkelsin : Im unemployed atm. no money for licenses anyway01:15
IndyGunFreakits an alsa issue.01:15
Pelohwilde, I'm just trying for the obvious stuff,   check in menu > system > prefs > sound , see that hte right card is selected or put it on automatic01:15
hwildeIndyGunFreak, lspci   00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02)01:15
IndyGunFreakdamn i'm good.01:15
Peloslliness,  just drag it01:15
hwildeif it were obvious I wouldn't be asking in irc01:15
hwildeit is just muted somewhere i know it01:15
hwildealsamixer will save me01:15
kelsinLOGAN: but "restrive" is also relative, compared to closed-source engines, I would say most open source ones are much less restrictive01:15
sllinessPelo, so i have to remove some stuff to grab it then cause have so much on it01:15
* Pelo thinks hwilde is doomed01:16
sllinesspelo just launches stuff01:16
kelsinLOGAN: but yes compared to, "I want to use this free software to make a closed source game for money" it is restrictive01:16
DG19075silliness: In the panel menu you can select properties and then change the position of the panel01:16
IndyGunFreakwell, i was gonna try to talk him through compiling new alsadrivers..lol01:16
LOGANkelsin : im unemployed atm... thats my biggest restriction already01:16
IndyGunFreaki got it setup on my laptop really easy01:16
Peloslliness,  you can make a new pannel you don'T have to use the one you have already and be stuck with just one,  you can make as many pannels as you want, with almost anything you want on them ,just play around with the right click options01:17
Gateanyone know how to get the fn key working in the most recent MacBook?01:18
vonehleI'm trying to install 7.1.  I think I'm not able to view the entire screen.  For instance, I'm currently on the "Where Are You" screen.  I have selected my region, but cannot see a "next" or "continue" button, so I'm stuck on this screen.01:18
IndyGunFreakvonehle: can you change your screen resolution?01:19
IndyGunFreaksounds like the "next" button is hanging off screen01:19
vonehleHow do I get to the resolution changes?  Right clicking the desktop doesn't seem to work.01:20
IndyGunFreakvonehle: system/preferences, i do believe01:20
letha1I changed my xorg.conf file, to allow me to use my quad display, now it won't allow for Desktop Effects01:20
letha1how do i renable desktop effects with multiple monitors?01:21
vonehle800 x 600 is the best it offers me.01:21
Pelovonehle, menu > system > prefs > screen resolution,  if he resolotuion you want isn'T available you have to add it manualy to the xorg.conf file then it will be available01:21
IndyGunFreakletha1: quad displays?.. wow.01:21
IndyGunFreaki thought dual rocked.01:21
Peloletha1, ask in #compiz-fusion01:21
letha1do you guys have Desktop Effects?01:21
IndyGunFreakPelo: problem is, he's on the live CD, trying to install, can he modify xorg.conf on the live cd?01:21
vonehlehow do I get to the xorg.conf file?01:21
IndyGunFreakvonehle: try this...01:21
Pelovonehle,   open a terminal and type  sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf, scroll down a bit, it is quite obvious where you need to add01:21
gojitavonehle, I had a messed up resolution setting, after I installed Envy, then picked the appropriate driver.  It installed everything and configured the xorg.conf for me automagically!01:22
Pelovonehle, IndyGunFreak,  he can, but he'll have to restart X and not reboot,  and the changes won't hold when he reboots01:22
IndyGunFreakPelo: oh i see, just restart X, that makes sense01:22
Jannitanecudeco, :*01:23
sllinessanyone here know anything about the weather applet in xfce, keepin mind I have a good working install of compiz-fusion and do not want to jeopardize it. the xfce weather applet in really good01:23
* Pelo beats FloodBot1 to within an inch of it's life01:23
vonehlesorry guys, I don't know anything at all about Ubuntu.  How do I open a terminal?01:23
sllinessthe gnome weather applet is bunk01:24
wladekheya.. if i write a simple shell script that takes a paramater (start|stop) and stick it in my /etc/init.d directory.. will the 'start' paramater automatically be passed to it on boot?01:24
gojitaupperleft - accessories - terminal01:24
wallsphow to get all DVD / decss and other shit?01:24
Peloslliness,  if you are using xcfe you might want to ask your quesitons in #xubuntu01:24
matt__there is gdesklets for gnome, is there an equivalent for kde?01:24
IndyGunFreakvonehle: just for grins, try this... drag your panel at the top, to the side.. then try to move the window up a little bit, and se if you can see "Next"01:24
dmitrig01I have an old powerpc mac.  I want to install ubuntu01:24
dmitrig01where do I start01:24
Peloslliness,  also consider gdesktlets I think they work on xcfe,  there is a nice weather desktop app in there01:24
dmitrig01I've never user or installed linux before01:25
Pelodmitrig01, dl the mack version of ubuntu first01:25
matt__there is gdesklets for gnome, is there an equivalent for kde?01:25
IndyGunFreakdmitrig01: your'e in for a treat, you picked hte best version right off the bat, most of us distro hop for a year.01:25
Pici!dvd | wallsp01:25
Pelodmitrig01,  then just burn image to the cd and boot from it01:25
ubotuwallsp: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs01:25
revxi got Gyache, but seem my webcam a4tech 635m dont work in it.any idea.01:25
IndyGunFreakvonehle: did that work?01:25
sllinessPelo,  sorry I am not using xfce use it on other machine01:25
dmitrig01IndyGunFreak: wha?01:25
dmitrig01Pelo: how do I do that?01:25
sllinessI am running gnome01:26
gojitahow can I have ubuntu gutsy download from the latest repo's like cutting edge Fedora type distro?01:26
Pelodmitrig01, goto www.ubuntu.com,  get the cd and burn it first,  not sure how you boot from the cd on mac, I think you hold the C key while booting or something like that01:26
vonehlewhen I typed in the sudo... I got a notepad type screen, but it is blank.  Is this because I'm running off the CD right now?01:26
mic21good evening, i am using NFS on ubuntu gusty to share homes directories and I have the following error that i can't fix... lockd server not responding timeout, couldn't create RPC handle for
Peloslliness,  sudo apt-get install gdesklets01:26
dmitrig01well, I dunno how to make a bootable dv01:26
digitalskyPelo: one thing came to mind. In XP i have files that have spaces + english + chinese/japanese in them. Will ubuntu be able to read them?01:26
Peloslliness,  sudo apt-get install gdesklets gdesklets-extra01:27
IndyGunFreakvonehle: you didn't type the entire command in correctly then01:27
Pelodigitalsky,  yes01:27
dmitrig01what kind of computer do I have?01:27
dmitrig01" Standard personal computer (x86 architecture, PentiumTM, CeleronTM, AthlonTM, SempronTM)"01:27
digitalskyPelo: nice!01:27
dmitrig01or "64bit AMD and Intel computers"?01:27
gojitaI think mac computers are 'ppc' architecture... not sure though01:27
IndyGunFreakvonehle: just try this, at the top, where your clock, applications menu, etc, is, try dragging it to the right side of the screen, then try moving that window up a little bit, and see if you can see "next" at the bottom01:27
jribgojita: not recent ones01:27
Pelodmitrig01, I think there is a button or a link for mirrors in that page, click on it01:27
digitalskyPelo: I mean filesnames.... eg. english + chinese in the same file/folder name01:27
bulmermic21-> is that an error from your log file?01:28
gojita...what are recent ones?  ppc64?01:28
LjLgojita: plain intels.01:28
Pelodigitalsky,  I know what you meant,  my answer stands01:28
mic21bulmer: it's the error on the client with dmesg.01:28
vonehleI cannot drag it01:28
digitalskyPelo: Great! Thanks.01:28
* Pelo is pretty sure anyway 01:28
IndyGunFreakvonehle: yes you can...01:28
bulmermic21-> can you ping the server okay from client?01:28
gojitawhat repos in Ubuntu have to be enabled to get the latest and greatest?01:29
IndyGunFreakvonehle: then do this, right click an open area of the panel, choose properties, where it says "orientation" choose "right"01:29
LjL!backports > gojita    (gojita, see the private message from Ubotu)01:29
mic21bulmer: yes and the home dir is mounted; but i can't login because of the timeout01:29
dmitrig01Pelo: so what sholud I download01:29
Pelodmitrig01, where are you located ?01:29
gojitaLjL, THanks01:29
dmitrig01nearest portland in the US01:29
* IndyGunFreak thinks everyone should start off w/ 32bit.. hardware be damned01:29
dmitrig01specifically, SF Bay area01:30
dmitrig01in CA01:30
mic21bulmer: i mean with gnome; a simple login on the terminal is ok.01:30
brandenHey everyone how are ya01:30
viper550Help, problem! I installed Gutsy, and when I booted in, the bootscreen worked, but then when it was supposed to go to the login screen, the monitor turned off.01:30
Pelodmitrig01,  region is not so imporatnt01:30
gojitaI thought backports meant things from the past that had been made compatible with newr stuff in case its broken :p01:30
bulmermic21-> is the portmap running on your client?01:30
IndyGunFreakviper550: did moving your mouse bring it back up?01:30
dmitrig01North america01:30
abcde_I am unable to get Tracker to search my computer.  It works for a few searches, then breaks, showing no results.  I run "trackerd -v 2 -R", and after it indexes, I can search a bit, then nothing.  I'm searching with tracker-search-tool.  Any ideas?01:30
brandenviper check your xorg.conf01:30
IndyGunFreakhmm, usually it does01:30
mic21bulmer: yes01:30
viper550how can01:30
brandencould be a resolution issue01:30
gojitaviper550, I had the same issue, still do.  Moving the cursor makes the monitor come out of standby01:30
viper550It didn't ask for resolution in the installer01:31
gojita*only on install01:31
IndyGunFreakvonehle: did what i suggested work?01:31
lastkhow to install a application  from apt-get in /home ?01:31
bulmermic21-> is rpc.statd running?01:31
LjLlastk: can't.01:31
jriblastk: why do you want to?01:31
mic21bulmer: on the clients ?01:31
bulmermic21-> yes01:31
lastkjrib : without space in partition... just space free in /home =/01:31
dmitrig01Pelo: could you find a link to the mac download?01:32
scguy318lastk: resize / then01:32
viper550I'm getting out my Slax disc01:32
Pelodmitrig01, me neither,  I think you might have to settle for 6.06, hold on01:32
dmitrig01that's ok01:32
IndyGunFreakPelo: its an unsupported project now, but Ubuntu Gutsy is available for Mac hardware01:32
Pelodmitrig01, do you prefer torrent or direct ?01:33
brandenSO who is willing to help me with a vsftpd issue with trying to connect through a browesr instead of term01:33
IndyGunFreakdmitrig01: have you considered pure debian?...01:33
dmitrig01IndyGunFreak: I want ubntu01:33
kelsinlastk: apps don't go all in one directory, they go all over, and depend on those locations01:33
dmitrig01Pelo: torrent01:33
IndyGunFreakdmitrig01: ok.01:33
Pelodmitrig01, http://mirrors.gigenet.com/ubuntu/6.06.1/ubuntu-6.06.1-alternate-powerpc.iso.torrent01:33
lastkscguy318 : what is this make?01:33
dmitrig01well give me both pls and I'll see which one is faster01:33
dmitrig01Pelo: thanks01:33
Pelodmitrig01, http://mirrors.gigenet.com/ubuntu/6.06.1/ubuntu-6.06.1-alternate-powerpc.iso01:33
dmitrig01Pelo: thanks01:33
vonehleOK, finally got to the sudo gedit screen.  Under Modes in the Screen section, there are 6 choices listed, but those choices are not all listed in the drop box when I want to change screen resolutions01:33
viper550got out my Slax live cd01:33
siccness_Anyone ever built freeradius from source under ubuntu?01:33
Pelodmitrig01,  for future use http://mirrors.gigenet.com/ubuntu/6.06.1/01:34
brandendimitrig01: ARe you running windows as we speak?01:34
dmitrig01Pelo: thanks so much01:34
dmitrig01branden: mac01:34
viper550so, where do I check?01:34
dmitrig01branden: I have two macs, one new and the other very old01:34
IndyGunFreakdmitrig01: you can find gutsy for mac hardware, dapper is gettin old.01:34
Pelodmitrig01,  I noticed I gave you the alternate cd links,  you can find the live cd ( desktop) ones on the last link if you prefer01:35
brandendimitri: just download ubuntu and burn it to a medium01:35
fooaudacity records/plays back audio twice as fast. any ideas? i can't find anything, been all over preferences and google01:35
IndyGunFreakbranden: he needs it for mac hardware01:35
PeloIndyGunFreak, dapper will be supported for years yet, I'd rather have him on dapper then try to trouble shoot an unstable gutsy01:35
kelsinfoo: if it's twice as fast it might be playing sound at 44.1 when your sound card only supports 22hz or something01:35
IndyGunFreakPelo: lol01:35
Peloon hardware I don'T know no less01:35
IamReckhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kH8cS1AkqiI awesome first comment.01:35
kelsinfoo: make sure all audio settings are correct01:36
IndyGunFreakPelo: but when Dapper gets dropped, he'll have no optionsm, since Ubuntu no longer supports mac01:36
dmitrig01branden: I have two Macs.  I am operating normal mac stuff on the newer one.  I'd like to try linux for the second01:36
IndyGunFreakthats why i suggest debian, as it seems it will have a mac version forever.01:36
dav1hello guys, i deinstalled compiz and domino and esemerald and now i cannot change my resolution, does anybody know why?01:36
fookelsin: they are01:36
fookelsin: what settings?01:36
LjLIndyGunFreak: "forever" is a long time...01:36
DM|sudo dpkg-reconfigure xorg-server --- for reconfiguring xserver right? i always forget01:37
LjLDM|: xserver-xorg01:37
vonehleIn windows you can press the tab key to move between controls.  This doesn't seem to work for Ubuntu.  Is there a different way?01:37
kelsinfoo: I just said, some sort of setting might be set to the wrong hz value, you'd have to play with them, I don't know your system or soundcard, or audacity off hand01:37
kelsinfoo: but normally sound 1/2 as fast or 2x as fast is due to wrong Hz settings01:37
Pelovonehle, try the arrow keys01:37
dmitrig01I'm fine with using something unsupported01:37
abcde_IndyGunFreak, dmitrig01, you mean a PPC version.  The new mac I'd assume to be intel, the older one is PowerPC.01:37
dmitrig01it's not going to become my main compter01:37
dmitrig01abcde_: yes01:37
IndyGunFreakabcde_: yes,01:37
dmitrig01abcde_: I want linux on ppc01:37
viper550on gutsy, where is xorg.conf?01:37
dmitrig01it's a g401:38
viper550<dmitrig01> yellow dog linux01:38
dmitrig01viper550: what's that?01:38
abcde_dmitrig01, There is a PPC version, not sure if you'd want to do Ubuntu.  I was just going to say YDL.01:38
viper550Linux distro made specifically for Apple platform01:38
hellsdarkviper550: /ETC/x11/01:38
mic21bulmer: I can't check now because I am not in the office but I know that I have installed nfs-common and portmap on the clients. The problem is appeared when we have change the address from to We have restarted the server but we can see some old entries in /var/lib/nfs/rmtab.01:38
viper550But it's Fedora based01:38
abcde_dmitrig01, Redhat for PPC more or less.01:38
Dr_willis -/etc/X11/xorg.conf01:38
kelsinviper550: same place as always /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:38
Pelodmitrig01, you'll have to ask IndyGunFreak for a link to gutsy for ppc I have no idea where t get it from01:38
brandendimitri: http://cdimage.ubuntulinux.org/releases/dapper/release.1/ has mac iso's its a bit older but once its installed you can dist-upgrade01:38
IndyGunFreakPelo: lol01:38
dmitrig01I want ubuntu!01:38
fookelsin: oh, I've played with everything. I can try that01:38
* Pelo passes the buck01:38
IndyGunFreakdmitrig01: take paxil01:39
abcde_dmitrig01, I'm not that fond of YDL though, I don't like RPM over DEB01:39
Pelodmitrig01, NO we are keeping ubuntu for ourselves01:39
bulmermic21-> which addresses are these? client or server?01:39
brandenall your ubuntu are belong to us01:39
IndyGunFreakPelo: dmitrig01  http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/gutsy/release/01:39
* IndyGunFreak laughs at Pelo i told you it was somewhere..lol01:39
* Pelo gives branden one point01:39
branden /cheer pink points!01:39
DM|Ok.. yet again bulletproof X borked me.. I cant change resolutions to anything above 800x600, anyone help?01:39
mic21bulmer: some client address with old address 10.0.0.*01:40
Pelodmj what driver are you running atm ?01:40
abcde_dmitrig01, Just for future reference, if you need to install Ubuntu somewhere, you can usually do Debian -> Ubuntu, since Debian is more versatile on what it can install on.  Then you get Ubuntu with "apt-get install ubuntu-desktop"01:40
IndyGunFreakdmitrig01: did you get that link i sent?01:40
brandenHey did ya get that thing I sent ya?01:41
minimecdav1: Have a look in /etc/X11/xorg.conf Check the "Screen" Section. There You find the actual resolution of your graphical module.01:41
dmitrig01IndyGunFreak: yes01:41
LjLabcde_: that's kind of... very... unsupported, though :)01:41
kelsinabcde_: it might be possible, but definately not supported01:41
=== DarthShr1ne is now known as DarthShrine
kelsinabcde_: lots of things could break01:41
dmitrig01IndyGunFreak: now I need to download it and then figure out how to make a bootable CD01:41
bulmermic21-> on your server side, you also tell which host or network can connect01:41
DM|Pelo Nvidia01:41
Gateanyonw help with fixing a dead function key?(works in other OSes)01:41
IndyGunFreakdmitrig01: now that i can't help you with, mac's are foriegn to me01:41
vonehleMy xorg.conf Screen settings list 6 different resolutions, but my System>Preferences>Screen Resolution only offers 2.  What can I do?01:41
dmitrig01IndyGunFreak: darn01:41
viper550I have an hp f1503 monitor if that helps01:41
dmitrig01any macies here?01:41
Pelodmitrig01,  you just need to "burn an image" using your cd burning prog01:41
IndyGunFreakvonehle: i've told yuou 4x what to try, and you've not said once wether it worked01:41
=== Varka_ is now known as Varka
mic21bulmer: my entry in the exports file is /home/ldap,sync,no_subtree_check)01:42
abcde_LjL, kelsin I know, I just mean if you HAVE to.  I have one machine I need netbooting to install on, and I find it easier to get Debian then Ubuntu on it to upgrade.01:42
vonehleYou told me to try to drag the screen01:42
vonehleI told you that didn't work01:42
IndyGunFreakno i didn't01:42
Pelodmj there is an nvidia setting  package in the repos01:42
brandensudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg is the command to change your res01:42
abcde_dmitrig01, Open Disk Utility, and drag the iso under your HD's, then put a blank in01:42
abcde_dmitrig01, and click Burn01:42
IndyGunFreakusually when this has happened to me before, movin the top panel, and moving the window up just a hair, allows me to see the buttons at the bottom.01:42
dmitrig01abcde_: thanks01:42
bulmermic21-> you have to add your 10.x.x.x users too01:42
kelsinabcde_: if ubuntu won't run, and debian does then you're better off sticking with debian, installing ubuntu packages on debian is risky, and completely overwriting all debian packages with ubuntu will have the same problems as the original ubuntu install01:43
Dukkemy ubuntu is 7.04  he don't start if i try to use the last version of ubuntu i have to del all?01:43
* Pelo is on his second attempt trying to watch Robin Hood 2x09, and is still getting distracted by the stuff in the channel01:43
abcde_kelsin, Oh, works on the laptop, but I guess it's because the only reason Ubuntu has issues is the install, not the Hardware.01:44
vonehlethat did not move it enough01:44
mic21bulmer: but they don't exist anymore, is it a "trick" to clean the table ?01:44
PeloDukke,  are you getting an error msg ?01:44
Pelo!br | Dukke01:44
ubotuDukke: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.01:44
ubuntu_sucksdoes ubuntu support mouse?01:44
Peloubuntu_sucks, try changing your nick please01:44
brandenDukke try installing a different build like xubuntu or kubuntu and reinstall ubuntu in term sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop01:44
IndyGunFreakPelo: lol01:44
ubuntu_sucksPelo: but it is so true, ubuntu failed to show me a mouse cursor01:44
LjLdoes ubuntu support trolls? no, see you in some other channel ubuntu_sucks01:44
ubuntu_sucksI loaded 7.10 amd64 lcd01:44
bulmermic21-> i dont know, you can try cleaning up that rmtab file01:45
dmitrig01suckage = !ubuntu_sucks01:45
mic21bulmer: do you think that the time out could come from those old entries ?01:45
DukkePelo really stranger say like this "apt-get no found" try apt-get install apt apt-get command not found "01:45
DukkePelo after my memory ram crash01:46
brandenDUkke try "aptitude"01:46
H264_laptopwell, I'm going to shower... if anybody needs me then too bad01:46
bulmermic21-> i think the time out is because you set sync instead of async, if network is faulty it can hang the connectivity01:46
PirateHeadbranden: Why would aptitude not crash if apt-get did?01:46
PirateHeadbranden: They both use apt...01:46
PeloDukke, your install got borked, for some reason,  you will need to reinstall , use the live cd to back up your /home fiolder so yo don't loose your data01:46
brandenPirateHead it was a suggestion dont be noob01:46
Sturmhow do I install the alternate gimp icons?01:46
* Pelo is happy H264_laptop is going to shower, it was getting a bit rank in here 01:47
mic21bulmer: the network is good, everything else works "fine" (1Gbps, cat 6 RJ45 cable).01:47
Dukkeok gonna download the last version..01:47
PirateHeadSturm: You might want to ask in #gimp if you don't find somebody what that info here.01:47
PeloSturm,  do you mean the tool icons in gimp itself or the app icon ?01:47
PeloDukke, best of luck01:47
Dukkethank you01:48
SturmI meant the grayscale icons I downloaded off the gimp site01:48
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Sturmsince I dont really like the colorful icons01:48
Sturmno one is on #gimp01:48
PeloSturm,  ask in #gimp,  but I think there is a place in preferences where you can specify a path01:48
PirateHeadSturm: Ah. What you do is rename or delete the old ones and replace them with the new ones.01:48
bulmermic21-> how do you make sure none of the bits ever flipped? at 1Gbps ..i would not trust it myself01:49
PeloSturm, #gimp-users01:49
PirateHeadSturm: As Pelo suggests, there might be a config file or preferences panel where you could specify a new path. If not, you'll just have to mess with the innards.01:49
kriel... zombie processes are bad, aren't they?01:49
PirateHeadkriel: Not bad as in freak out, but they aren't helpful.01:50
Pelokriel, not bad persay01:50
bulmermic21-> try it other than sync and see if it makes a difference01:50
Sturmgimp users is dead too01:50
mic21bulmer: because before the change to it was working well, we never had had timeout.01:50
PirateHeadSturm: Pose your question and wait awhile. Somebody will probably come check it out at some point.01:50
PeloSturm, start the gimp , click the help menu , do a search01:50
kriel... Okay, then how would I go about killing zombies? I know, aim for the head and use shotguns. How about something a little more peaceful (and probably effective)01:50
PirateHeadkriel: are you okay with using the command line?01:50
kelsinkriel: do you mean zombie processes that list as "Z" in a ps command?01:51
krielPirateHead: yup.01:51
bulmermic21-> i dont know then, you have to troubleshoot more01:51
krielkelsin: as in system>admin>system monitor lists them as zombie01:51
Pelokriel, kill the parent process if it is a dependency,  check the dependency box in the menu , if you re using the system monitor01:51
brandenWHere art thou Pelo!?01:51
PirateHeadkriel: Run ps (or ps aux or ps auxwww) and filter the output with grep to find your zombies01:51
* Pelo art barely here 01:51
PirateHeadkriel: Then use awk to find the process IDs, then use xargs kill to kill them al01:51
brandenhey you familiar with vsftpd?01:52
Pelobranden, why do you ask ?01:52
Pelobranden, no I am not01:52
Sturmhelp doesn't work01:52
* Pelo makes a note, turn off xchat while watching vids 01:53
brandenI dont know, I set up a vsftpd last night and it worked fine, I was trying to connect through a browser and it worked once with the login after that it just went kuput on me, so I snarled and raged and pillaged01:53
branden /sigh01:53
mic21bulmer: ok, i will try the clear the table and to change sync to async. thank you for you help ;)01:53
krielPirateHead: mind PM's?01:53
bulmermic21-> okay, you're welcome01:54
PirateHead!pm | kriel01:54
ubotukriel: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.01:54
Pelobranden, look for a forum for the app or a channel for it01:54
DM|So anyone have any ideas why My compy refuses to let me change to the correct resolution01:54
ehcI am installing zope and ran nc -z -v -w2 localhost 1-65535 to scan for ports. I choose one of the open ports from the scan but it just loads and loads in my browser forever. Do I need to restart the port or something?01:54
PirateHeadkriel: You get points for asking though. :-)01:54
brandenI did, I left at hread on the ubuntu forums and its been 3 days unanswered01:54
PeloDM|, check in the forum there is away to do it , it is realted to yoru nvidia card,  search for nvidia resolution you'll find it, you are not the first one with this issue,  I'm pretty sure the otehrs have solved it01:55
krielPirateHead: hehe. Thanks. Okay, okay... you said to use some utilities that i've never dealt with before. what's ps, what's aux, and... -reads up- what am i filtering for with grep (I've actually used that one!)01:55
Pelobranden, did you search the forum ? usualy more helpfull then posting01:55
gojitahey I want to compile wine... How can I make it check deps?01:55
DM|Pelo whats funny is its been working for every release till bullet proof X was introduced.01:55
brandenYeah but thosse peoples posts werent relevant to the issue I was having01:56
bit0gojita: use "Debian-way"01:56
Pelogojita, wait a few days,  there will be a .deb package for the latest one01:56
kelsinkriel: ps will list processes, once you see the zombie one you can just type "kill <pid>" to kill it, if that doesn't work you can try "kill -9 <pid>" or "sudo kill <pid>" and "sudo kill -9 <pid"01:56
PirateHeadkriel: ps is a program that lists running processes.01:56
operator011Does anyone know what configuration file in Ubuntu-server 7.10 controls the size of the stdout terminal buffer (currently it's 80x25=640x480), but my screen size is 1024x76801:56
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PeloDM|, I'm out of suggestion then01:56
PirateHeadkriel: "ps auxwww" is a command that lists out all the data about all the processes that are running01:56
kelsinkriel: if it's an actual zombie process according to the kernel (with a Z flag in the ps output) you might not be able to kill it01:56
lastkhi, how to make for to show the spaces used and  avaibles in my partitions?01:56
brandenI mean when I started the server I ran "netstat -a | grep ftp" and it says its listening so I know its working, but when it comes to trying to log into it through the browser using an external IP all hell breaks loose01:57
Pelolastk, menu > system > admin > system monitor  last tab01:57
gojitathe compile one says that opengl libraries are needed, if I do it the debain way and "WAIT", will those deps be installed as well?01:57
LjLlastk: df01:57
Pelogojita, yes it will01:57
brandenI can ftp://localhost and it goes through, as in logs in, but if I try ftp://<my ip> nothing01:58
PirateHeadkriel: Once you run ps auxwww, you should be able to find the process IDs of the zombie processes. However, you can automate that by finding them using grep.01:58
gojita*rather: ./configure --verbose01:58
brandenfarts on that I guess01:58
krielooh, here's a fun one. ps dosen't spit out the name of my zombie processes. it only lists ps and bash.01:58
Pelogojita,  you are doing this because you want the very latest right ? you are not jsut trying out wine for the first time right ?01:58
bit0gojita: get sources (apt-src) and build it (look debian.org documentation)01:58
gojitaI want this because I want the very latest, yes01:58
brandenPelo im so glad you mentions wine, I have to instal cs01:58
kelsinkriel: "ps aux" or "ps -ef"01:59
PirateHeadkriel: That is probably because you aren't passing the right command to ps. Try typing the command "ps auxwww"01:59
Jack_Sparrowgojita: Bleeding edge comes at a price.. What feature in particular are you trying to add..01:59
PirateHeadkelsin, kriel: the problem with ps aux is that it limits its output to your terminal size to make things "prettier". It isn't suitable for parsing.01:59
Pelogojita, just wait a couple of days,  they guy that makes the deb is usualy pretty quick , I woudlnt, be surprised if it was out tomorow01:59
neur1how do I get conky to run in openbox-gnome?01:59
krielkelsin: the first time i did that it just spit out a help file mabob...01:59
DM|pelo do you have an nvidia card?02:00
lastkLjL : thanks02:00
runlevelok i keep having this gnome issue. just reinstalled with arch64 and when i try to start gnome-terminal.. it wont load...i had this problem in a few other 64bit distros.. anyone know whats up?02:00
krammerwhich program do I user for burning dvds?02:00
PeloDM|,  no I don'T just a plain old , working , intel 856 g02:00
DM|working, yeah..02:00
gojitaI want to see what they've done new, I want to check if there is a new interface, and new functionality to aid in perhaps making wine programs (like mIRC) more like the theme in Gnome02:00
gojitabit0, thanks for advice02:01
bit0gojita: download wine sources  (apt-src install wine) ...02:01
darkmattergojita: wine supports .msstyles. just not fully. some widgets don't skin02:01
bit0gojita: and try to rebuild it02:02
gojitabit0, thanks again, 5 minutes of research saved02:02
LjLdarkmatter: and it's sloooow02:02
bit0gojita: :)02:02
krielokay. I cheated and found the pid using system monitor (2015) and kill 2015 dosen't do anything. All the rest are sleeping. (cept the monitor itself_02:02
darkmatterLjL depends on the theme, but yeah02:02
krammerwhich program do I user for burning dvds?02:02
mic21bulmer: I forget to say about an error (on ther server) when we restart the NFS server (with dmesg) : lockd_down: lockd failed to exit, clearing pid - nfsd: last server has exited - nfsd: unexporting all filesystems02:02
kelsinkriel: does ps list it as a zombie? Z in the status columb?02:02
racarteris w32codecs still in the medibuntu repository?02:03
eltuxI can't get wine to reinstall right, I had tried to upgrade to 9.50 and it went batty so I tried to remove it and now when I reinstall it, It doesn't run at all02:03
LjLracarter: i think so02:03
bulmermic21-> if there was a lockfile remove it and restart nfs-server02:03
kelsineltux: make sure to clear out your .wine folder also when changing wine versions02:04
krielkelsin: 2015 status: Zl+02:04
kelsinkriel: http://www.linuxsa.org.au/tips/zombies.html you can probably log out and log back in to clear it, but kill and sudo kill and sudo kill -9 might not do it02:04
Jack_Sparrowgojita: just looking at eltux and thinking that might be you tomorrow02:04
eltuxkelsin: should I just delete it?02:04
manduskihey guys, i'm trying to install the new ubuntu on my desktop and i'm stuck on the "Preparing Partitions" part. I have a windows partition and i'm trying to join two others that are labeled "free space" but i can't seem to do that02:04
kelsineltux: if you don't have any programs installed that you NEED to keep in there yes02:04
viper550Got it02:04
kelsingojita: you're giving away a lot of usefullness just to learn something that is in the changelog on the wine website02:05
viper550I set my display driver to use VESA instead of ATI, and it works now02:05
eltuxJack_Sparrow: yeah, they say its the new release but when you download the package and install it, it says that its beta software yet02:05
mic21bulmer: which lockfile ? in the /var/lib/nfs directory ?02:05
manduskii want to leave the windows partition alone and create one partition for the filesystem and another one for the swap but i can't seem to be able to combine them02:05
kSidmanduski: Goodluck with that ^o)02:05
kelsineltux: wine has been in beta forever, it hasn't had a "stable" release yet02:05
manduskikSid: why, is taht impossible?02:05
Pelomanduski, what do you want to combine ?02:06
bulmermic21-> i would think it is in /var/lock not in /var/lib/nfs02:06
gojitakelsin, I can't understand alot of the terminology they use in the changelog (like... whats Completed I/O completion. or More Valgrinding. mean)02:06
krielerf. Thank you kelsin and PirateHead.02:06
kelsingojita: then it probably doesn't have new features like you want02:06
manduskipelo: i have these"02:06
eltuxkelsin: yeah no kiddin. 0.9.50 still has some major problems though. Steam doesn't work right with it yet02:06
kSidmanduski: Last time I tried that it corrupted my windows partition because it got stuck half way and then when I rebooted into vista, it said the drive is full02:06
kelsineltux: hence the continuous term of "beta"02:06
manduskipelo: i have these two "free space" partitions that i want to combine02:06
PirateHeadkriel: No problem, kriel.02:06
kSidmanduski: But then I used the Vista partition manager to save my computer :)02:06
Pelomanduski,  you need to delete the aprtitons first02:07
Pelomanduski,  you can'T combine them02:07
manduskipelo: i did delete them, that's why they say free space02:07
* IndyGunFreak thinks, "There's an oxymoron, using Vista to save a computer"02:07
bit0manduski: partitions is no "easy", be patient02:07
manduskipelo: why can't you combine them02:07
kelsineltux: it's an extremely ambitious program, that also depends on how well written the program you're trying to run is programmed. It's incredible enough as it is, I can run wow and warIII with no issues, I love it :)02:07
gojitakelsin, good point, BUT I have to say this, I am aimless right now, and am looking to learn and be amused at the latest and greatest.  Just as long as it doesn't break my system02:07
eltuxkelsin: I just did what you said, and now the program that i choose to install it with (wine doors) is crapping out on me02:07
scguy318gojita: Completed I/O completion = they finished the code to support Windows I/O completion02:07
Pelomanduski, so apply the change and tghen you can make a new partition in the free space02:07
Pelomanduski,  not the same FS02:07
scguy318gojita: More Valgrinding = they fixed more memory leaks they found through Valgrind02:08
petr4hello. In "vi" editor in 7.10 undo (U command) does not work. It just switches between two last version of the file02:08
kelsineltux: you're installing wine with winedoors?02:08
kSidIndyGunFreak: I'm sorry, but Vista > ubuntu on this laptop.02:08
mic21bulmer: in /var/lock, I just have two empty directories "apache2" and "lvm"; I found an other lock file called /proc/lock, but I don't think it is that.02:08
kelsineltux: or wine doors is crapping out with the wine from the ubuntu repos?02:08
eltuxkelsin: yeah, it was just easier at the time02:08
gojitascguy318,  Thanks! ^_^02:08
kSidIndygunfreak: Ubuntu doesn't even support half of my drivers, I've tried Ubuntu, Suse, and Fedora02:08
IndyGunFreakkSid: i guess we all have uses for something windows makes.02:08
eltuxkelsin: yeah I have the package on my computer and its going batty when it tries to configure it02:08
kSidIndyGunFreak: :)02:09
bulmermic21-> lock files are normally in /var/lock02:09
IndyGunFreakkSid: thats not a lack of Ubuntu support, thats the hardware manufacturers not making linux drivers02:09
kelsineltux: if you're dealing with a wine from winedoors or ANYWHERE other than the ubuntu repos you need to go to them and ask, even if you are it's probably good to ask the wine people02:09
IndyGunFreakkelsin: if hardware manufacturers didn't make windows drivers, they wouldn't work in Windows Vista either02:09
gojitascguy318, kelsin then I likely dont need the latest and greatest, since wait... memory leaks?  thats nifty02:09
kelsinkSid: you should make better choices in laptop purchases then02:09
eltuxkelsin: it still grabs wine from the ubuntu repos02:09
scguy318gojita: of course not, better to stick with a Wine version that works for you02:09
mic21bulmer: when I stop the NFS server, the lockd process are still alive.02:09
kelsineltux: and does other stuff02:10
eltuxkelsin: all it does is prompts the install of wine and comes with the configuration tool (wine doors)02:10
atoukwhere is teh default fonts folder02:10
eltuxkelsin: it just makes it easier to install stuff02:10
kelsineltux: well passed clearing your home dir I don't have any ideas why you're app isn't working02:10
bulmermic21-> so it means its got the lock file stored somewhere else02:10
* Pelo starts makeing a list of ppl to kick forward to #winehq 02:10
kelsineltux: *and by that I mean clearing the .wine folder of course, not your whole home dir02:10
* gojita raises hand02:10
eltuxkelsin: well, sudo apt-get remove wine again right? and I'll try deleting .wine again02:11
jribPelo: ?02:12
Pelono idea what just happend02:12
btarda game I am trying to run is performing very poorly. do any of you have any tips for making it run better (drivers, optimizations, etc). it is called frets on fire02:12
* IndyGunFreak wonders if Pelo is trying to crash #ubuntu02:13
kelsinbtard: what video card?02:13
btardradeon 920002:13
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viper550I ended up getting it to work02:13
eltuxkelsin: i tried to reinstall steam from my installer and its giving me a wierd cryptic error02:13
kelsinbtard: make sure you have accelerated rending working, past that I don't have any ideas :-(02:13
cabroni_how can i install and run Crystal Space????02:14
kelsineltux: I already said I don't have any more ideas for you, esp with steam as I have never used it (or ever will)02:14
btardkelsin: how would I check that? and thanks for helping :]02:14
scguy318eltux: check the AppDb02:14
cabroni_!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!                                                          !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!02:14
scguy318eltux: you really should install Steam with a clean Wine directory02:14
Pelocabroni_,  what is crystal space ?02:14
eltuxscguy318: oh its clean alright02:14
Peloand cabroni_  dont do that again02:14
denisbrHello All02:14
kelsinbtard: "glxinfo | grep -i direct"02:14
cabroni_http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crystal_Space  i have some problems with install it02:15
denisbrHave any method of the to install packages without internet conection, for example, using others CDs ?02:15
grampaDoes Wine run .msi files?02:15
btardglxinfo: error while loading shared libraries: libGL.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory02:15
kelsincabroni_: "sudo apt-get install crystalspace" is a good start, after that you should read their docs and instructions02:15
Dr_willis!info crystalspace02:15
ubotucrystalspace: Multiplatform 3D Game Development Kit. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 38139 kB, installed size 94956 kB02:15
kelsingrampa: you have to install the windows installer program, I dno't know where to get it, and newer versions don't always work02:16
racarterit looks like i have medibuntu repository set up, but i keep getting the error that w32codecs has no installation candidate02:16
Pelocabroni_, first check in the repos  menu > system > admin > synaptic package manager02:16
grampakelsin: Ok, thanks02:16
Piciracarter: Are you on 32bits or 64bits?02:16
jribdenisbr: aptoncd or apt-zip for example02:16
scguy318grampa: yes, wine start msifile02:16
scguy318kelsin: no02:16
jrib!aptoncd > denisbr (read the private message from ubotu)02:16
scguy318kelsin: Wine has support for executing MSIs02:16
kelsinbtard: yeah you def don't have any type of 3d acceleration working, look into installing good ati drivers, I have NO experience with ATI though, so good luck02:16
kelsinscguy318: learn something new everyday :)02:16
scguy318kelsin: AppDb is your friend :)02:16
mic21bulmer: ok I will search for it; if I can't solve the problem, do you think using NFS4 may solve it ? it is as stable as NFSv3 on gusty ?02:17
Pelog'night folks02:17
DM|Pelo every single post online tells me to do the same thing,02:17
kelsinscguy318: well if I was trying to run an msi file I would be looking there not asking people with old info in this channel ;-)02:17
denisbrjrib: thanks ... but, then I need do the download of the packages, ubuntu not offer cds with packages, how eg. the mandriva and slackware02:18
DM|pelo and every single one of those people respond that it doesnt work02:18
scguy318kelsin: lol :)02:18
jribdenisbr: the dvd has the main and restricted repositories, but not universe and multiverse02:18
PeloDM|, I suggest you review the instructions and try to figure out what is wrong with them , I can't help anymore02:18
Xdange1guys i dont know but my trackerd process is causing my cpu usage to be at 70-90%02:18
Pelog'night all02:18
scguy318Xdange1: its indexing, it'll do that for a bit intially, then wont bug again02:19
DM|Anyone here have Nvidia that refuses to change to default resolution on bootup , but I can change it with Nvidia settings, but not with GNOME management02:19
denisbrjrib: very good, then, the DVD is more complete. Where I found a list of the packages in the DVD ?02:19
Xdange1Xdange1: its been doing that for a while now02:19
jribdenisbr: packages.ubuntu.com02:19
bulmermic21-> i dont know ..umm gutsy is stable?02:19
Xdange1its slowing up everyting else02:20
denisbrjrib: thaniks02:20
jribdenisbr: anything from main or restricted afaik02:20
racarterPici, i think i am on 64 bits02:20
scguy318Xdange1: you can go into indexing prefs if you want to stop it02:20
racarterhow can i verify that?02:20
EdwardXPcan someone help me out with a terminal color issue02:20
IndyGunFreakDM|: well if you can change it w/ nvidia settings, does it really mjatter that you can't change it w/ gnome?02:20
Piciracarter: whats the output of uname -a02:20
DM|IndyGunFreak do you really want to change yhe resolution EVERY single time you boot up ?02:21
IndyGunFreakDM|: ok, i see now.. good point.02:21
racarter 2.6.22-14-generic #1 SMP Sun Oct 14 21:45:15 GMT 2007 x86_64 GNU/Linux02:21
kelsinEdwardXP: you should just ask your question, if someone can, they will help02:21
racarterwould it be w64codecs for me?02:21
DM|IndyGunFreak this is a ubuntu problem unfortunately, nothing wrong with my video card or its driver, they borked something bad02:21
scguy318racarter: yep02:21
kazolWhat's the file with .bash_history logging exceptions? For example, so I could specify to not log commands with the string "cd".02:21
EdwardXPedward@Laptopxp:~/Desktop/MISC MUSIC$ /usr/games/fortune02:21
EdwardXPYour love life will be happy and harmonious.02:21
IndyGunFreakDM|: you could try messing with xorg, but i know little about that.., you could try reconfiguring xorg, and when it asks about the resolution you want, set it to use the one you want.02:21
RAdamsDoes anyone know how to use a key created in Seahorse with Evolution?02:22
DM|IndyGunFreak did that02:22
Xdange1i noticed that with my laptop charger pluged in trackerd process is causing cpu usage to be high, around 70-90%02:22
soberonGood night... I have a digital camera that when is pluged via USB is mounted; but if I insert a memorycard to the camera an plug via USB it is not mounted. I read some about a bug... Please Can you help me?02:22
IndyGunFreakDM|: don't know then02:22
EdwardXPthere both white in the terminal, i want to my sh bang i think its caled to be white and the output to be a different color like green02:22
kelsinDM|: doesn't nvidia-settings have a button to save it's config to xorg.conf?02:22
EdwardXPso i can define the two02:22
DM|kelsin not properly02:22
EdwardXPanyone know how to do that?02:22
IndyGunFreakDM|: it works fine for me.02:22
IndyGunFreakDM|:  are you using sudo?02:22
RAdamsEdwardXP: are you using gnome-terminal?02:23
kelsinEdwardXP: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Bash-Prompt-HOWTO/02:23
Xdange1i noticed that with my laptop charger pluged in trackerd process is causing cpu usage to be high, around 70-90%02:23
mic21bulmer: I will try if it doesn't work ... I have an other problem : with PAM, i am not able to use the pam_group.so plugin to attach local group to my ldap users ...02:23
IndyGunFreakthats probably the issue right there.02:23
DM|IndyGunFreak yep02:23
racartercan i use opera on 64 bits?02:23
scguy318Xdange1: as I said before, if you want to stop the indexing, go to Indexing Preferences02:23
EdwardXPRAdams,  yah02:23
IndyGunFreakDM|: hmm, well if you used sudo nvidia-settings  then set the resolution you wanted, and saved it, then it should work finem02:23
kelsinEdwardXP: that doc will let you know how to color the bash prompt, but yeah gnome terminal settings like RAdams is getting at will set the default colors02:23
RAdamsEdwardXP: Edit --> Current Profile02:23
kelsinDM|: how not?02:24
bulmermic21-> am not familiar with using ldap's as authentication system02:24
RAdamsBut as kelsin said, you can do it with your bash configs as well02:24
EdwardXPim in there :(02:24
EdwardXPi guess i have to tinker with it still02:24
IndyGunFreakDM|: you're sure you used sudo nvidia-settings?02:24
kelsinEdwardXP: that will let you set the main color to green, to change the color of the prompt and other stuff you might need to edit your bash prompt02:24
RAdamsAnyone know how to use a key created in Seahorse with Evolution?02:24
mic21bulmer: okey, btw thanks a lot for all the details and idea you found ;)02:24
kelsinRAdams: ssh or gpg?02:25
DM|IndyGunFreak yes, its something with ubuntu , alot of people are having this problem02:25
bulmermic21->  no problem02:25
DM|Indygunfreak brb02:25
EdwardXPlete see02:25
HighlifeHey guys I'm not getting any audio out of vlc or mplayer02:25
kelsinRAdams: ahhh didn't read your whole line, you said with evolution :) don't use evolution so I don't know, good luck02:25
Chris_2kgood morning^^02:26
kelsinHighlife: it's a stupid question but is the volume up on everything needed? (Right click on the speaker in the system tray and click "Open Volume Control") and make sure stuff isn't muted, low volume02:27
invitado_hola me llamo mariano al alguien??02:27
Highlifekelsin: yes it is02:27
scguy318!es | invitado_02:27
ubotuinvitado_: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.02:27
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:27
=== evan_ is now known as ehc
kelsinHighlife: sound works in most other programs?02:28
scguy318invitado: para ayudar en espanol, type /join #ubuntu-es02:28
invitado_mi name is mariano02:28
HighlifeI have a dell 1520 and I had to use the sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-generic to get it to work02:28
scguy318invitado: ya comprendo :) type /join #ubuntu-es para ayudar en espanol02:28
Highlifebut the sound works fine in xine02:28
Highlifeand rythmbox02:29
Highlifeis this even and alsa problem?02:29
kelsinHighlife: did you install the vlc-plugin-alsa package?02:29
=== MEIA_FASE is now known as xALEXANDRE
Highlifekelsin: let me check02:29
bloonysoftware for mounting cue/bin files anyone?02:30
scguy318bloony: fuseiso kinda comes to mind, might be able to02:30
doctorzongoi dont think so02:30
bloonyscguy318: k02:30
doctorzongoit wont work02:30
DM|Ok... well I backed up my XORG file to my previous working xorg file and my resolution still refuses to change in gnome02:31
bloonydoctorzongo: aah02:31
doctorzongono you didnt02:31
bloonyanyone else?02:31
doctorzongoand yes it does02:31
doctorzongono one else02:31
Highlifekelsin: its installed now but I'm still not getting sound02:31
doctorzongoits not installed02:31
clanmac10Hey all02:31
stikiis there some gui tool to assist in mounting partitions .. i seem to recall seeing it a couple years ago but I can't seem to find it in the latest release?02:31
EdwardXPthis sucks..02:31
kelsinHighlife: make sure to check in the vlc preferences and try all of the output modules to see if any work02:31
doctorzongono there is not02:31
kelsinHighlife: ( and to make sure sound is enabled in the audio general settings)02:32
doctorzongoit wont work -- that was outdated in version 1.102:32
EdwardXPMy Terminal background is a different color,but  not the the text its white... or whatever i want it to be; --02:32
doctorzongothe text is no white02:33
doctorzongoyour lying02:33
clanmac10I got two questions for you all today; 1.) Is there a reason why the RT61 chipset does not work out the box as RaLink do provide a GPL driver02:33
DM|kelson ?02:33
doctorzongono and no02:33
kelsinEdwardXP: on the Colors tab in the profile editor you can set the text color and background color, you can set them however you want if you uncheck "Use colors from system theme"02:33
DM|kelsin Failed to parse existing X config file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'02:33
doctorzongooutdated in version 1.302:33
EdwardXPits like this -/>  hi..    <- this is white.. and the outsource is white too.. which is what i want changed... i can't change the output02:33
doctorzongosorry kelsin02:33
DM|this is frustrating02:34
kelsinDM|: then I would try moving it out of the way, "sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.saved" then running nvidia settings and have it save02:34
doctorzongono its not DM|02:34
Highlifekelsin: nun of the modules are working02:34
DM|doctorzongo lies!02:34
doctorzongothey're all working highlife02:34
kelsinHighlife: if you run vlc from the command line do any errors come up when trying to play movies related to the sound?02:35
Highlifewell I'm not getting sound is what im saying02:35
Highlife[00000347] oss audio output error: cannot open audio device (/dev/dsp)02:35
Highlife[00000347] main audio output error: couldn't find a filter for the conversion02:35
Highlife[00000347] main audio output error: couldn't create audio output pipeline02:35
doctorzongofetuccini alfredo02:35
kelsindo you get that same error if you use the Alsa module?02:35
mrmondaynighthello room02:35
kelsinHighlife: pastebin any errors you get02:35
doctorzongokelsin: no he doesnt02:36
kelsin!pastebin | Highlife02:36
ubotuHighlife: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)02:36
btarddoes anyone know of where i can find proper 3d acceleration drivers for linux02:36
clanmac10The second question is, whem compiz-fusion is enabled, when windows are opened up there wigets are above the top panel so you have to hold down Alt+left mouse to move them down. Is there a way to stop them from defaulting in this location ?02:36
bloonyscguy318: fuseiso worked, thx :)02:36
Highlifeim srry i thought about it right after i pasted XP02:36
doctorzongoclanmac10: none02:36
althetuxmanclanmac10:what card?02:36
clanmac10doctorzongo:Was that for question one ?02:36
kelsinHighlife: sorry, lost the convo for a sec, with the alsa module selected do you get that same error? The "oss audio output error"?02:37
doctorzongoclanmac10: the last question you posted02:37
Highlifekelsin: yes i do02:37
btard"does anyone know of where i can find proper 3d acceleration drivers for linux" for radeon 9200 cards, which are graphics cards made by ati (not flooding question but adding on mising detail)02:37
ubuntuanyone have a good how-to fix xorg from the livecd for a hard install?02:37
Highlifeone sec02:37
Highlifei forgot to refresh the list02:38
kelsinHighlife: can you try selecting differen devices under Audio / Output / Alsa (might have to click the refresh list to make them appear)02:38
Highlifethat may be my prob02:38
doctorzongoubuntu: nope -- its impossible02:38
clanmac10doctorzongo:Was that for the first question02:38
juano__ubuntu you have a messed up xorg ?02:38
tech0007anyone knows how to make psp work with ubuntu?02:38
ubuntuall I need is to edit a couple of lines in my xorg.conf file from the livecd02:38
doctorzongoclanmac10: yes02:38
kelsinHighlife: also on the "Output modules" screen, amke sure to click Advanced Options and set the audio output module to "Alsa"02:39
doctorzongoubuntu: i know -- but if you do that it messes up your computer and cuts off internet access -- sorry02:39
juano__ubuntu well by mounting your root partition you can access your xorg.conf file through there02:39
tritiumubuntu: you _could_ remaster it if you really wanted to02:39
IndyGunFreakubuntu:  why not just reconfigure your xorg.conf?02:39
EdwardXP:( arggh its not working...02:39
clanmac10Sorry I pinged out02:39
LOGANis it true you might not make your own version of firefox deluxe and give it away for free? Has firefox copyright issues?02:39
clanmac10doctorzongo:please repeate02:39
juano__ubuntu but i would do what IndyGunFreak suggests02:39
doctorzongoclanmac10: yes02:39
kelsinEdwardXP: your color settings in gnome terminal are not working? How?02:40
ubuntujuano__,  I think that is the problem, when I turn my computer on grub loads fine then it continues to load until all of the sudden it goes into a strange text loop02:40
EdwardXPits like this  C:> time   <--------- this is all white and the output is white too... " i want to change the output colors "02:40
clanmac10I did put a RFI for it02:40
EdwardXPkelsin, it woks02:40
IndyGunFreakubuntu: what has led you to believe this is a xorg issue?02:40
juano__ubuntu ran ubuntu in safe mode from grub ?02:40
ubuntuIndyGunFreak,  juano__  It wont let me log in the scrolling text moves too fast for me to even login02:40
IndyGunFreakubuntu:  you would boot safe mode, which would send you to a cli02:40
kelsinLOGAN: firefox has a complicated license, you can take the code and change it and distribute it for free, but somet things like the icons and art are not free to distribute02:41
clanmac10Just seems like in less then a year opensolaris works out the box with more wifi chipsets then ubuntu has ever done02:41
althetuxmanclanmac10: fglrx drivers from ati02:41
kelsinLOGAN: (I'm generalizing here a lot, you should read the license for more details)02:41
EdwardXPyou know what i mean kelsin02:41
r3n0chi, i'm having a problem when ubuntu loads, no splash screen. and i can't get it fixed given the tutorial in the forum02:41
clanmac10althetuxman:what! I don't have a ATi chipset, its a nv02:41
ubuntuat one point I was able to alt-f2 and enter my login befopre the errors started rolling by and edit xorg to stopp using the new nvidia drivers and use nv instead and I was able to startx02:41
juano__ubuntu try booting safe mode and if you cant , well you can always boot from livecd and mount your root partition02:41
LOGANkelsin: : The code for the program is Open Source, the Name and graphics are not . you can change anything you want, but you can't call it FF and distribute after you have made those changes without Mozilla's permission.02:42
IndyGunFreakubuntu:  choose safe mode from your grub menu, then run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and take generic settings for everything.02:42
IndyGunFreakthat should get you back to a GUI02:42
ubuntumy grub menu auto load into ubuntu02:42
coolbhaviubuntu,sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg command02:42
lazarus_lupinefor example Flock is based on FF02:42
scguy318ubuntu: if you're on the LiveCD try Safe Graphics mode02:42
Highlifekelsin: Alright I have the Advance options box checked and ALSA audio output selected I also have the HDa Intel: STAC92xx Digital device selected in AlSA Device name02:42
kelsinEdwardXP: if you want the "time" part to change you jsut set it in the profile editor for gnome terminal, if you want to change the "C:" part you need to learn how to edit the bash prompt02:42
kelsinLOGAN: yes that's basically what I just said02:42
ubuntuwhats the command for loading the hda1 where ubuntu is installed02:42
LOGANIm no legal expers and most times licenses confuse me because they are written in laywer talk02:42
ubuntulivecd works fine02:43
juano__ubuntu you mean how to mount your partition ?02:43
r3n0chow do i fix the problem where the splash screen never loads.. it is making it take forever for ubuntu 7.10 to load02:43
Dark-Dxany eprom expert here?02:43
ubuntujuano__,  yes02:43
IndyGunFreakchmod something... i do believe.02:43
kelsinHighlife: if you still get the /dev/dsp error when you try to play sound that's very odd, since that's a oss error02:43
LOGANkelsin : just means you cannot make your own version of FF then :(02:43
scguy318r3n0c: you can choose to boot without splash02:43
btard"does anyone know of where i can find proper 3d acceleration drivers for linux" for radeon 9200 cards, which are graphics cards made by ati.02:43
r3n0cscguy318,  where02:43
holzmodemhi, how can i change the font color of gtk apps (kubuntu)02:43
kelsinLOGAN: if you don't call if FF and don't use it's icons you can02:43
juano__ubuntu: it should mount automatically if it detects installation, but if not try sudo mount /dev/hda1 /media/somedir02:43
scguy318r3n0c: edit your /boot/grub/menu.lst, its in defoptions02:43
EdwardXPi must learn02:43
IndyGunFreak!ati | btard02:44
ubotubtard: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:44
scguy318r3n0c: this line # defoptions=02:44
scguy318r3n0c: make it look like what I have written02:44
juano__ubuntu: first mkdir /media/rootpart  , then mount /dev/hda1 /media/rootpart02:44
LOGANkelsin : it seems its not even allowed to spread a version with a few preferences changed02:44
scguy318r3n0c: then do sudo update-grub02:44
Highlifekelsin: I'm not getting any errors any mroe02:44
Highlifebut i still don't have sound02:44
r3n0cscguy318,  ok one sec02:44
kSidAnyone know why Ubuntu doesn't know what Monitor my Compaq V3633AU is using?02:44
ufo-radioI am just here02:44
kelsinLOGAN: not if you use their name and icons.02:44
clanmac10Were does MS L@@KOut cache emails ?02:44
juano__ubuntu: from there then just cd /media/rootpart and youll be inside your ubuntu HDD installation02:45
coolbhavihey root partitions are detected by default  first do mkdir /media/rootpart  , then mount /dev/hda1 /media/rootpart02:45
r3n0cscguy318,  so if after deftoptions it says default splash02:45
kelsinHighlife: any messages in /var/log/messages or /var/log/syslog?02:45
r3n0cscguy318,  i just take out splash?02:45
EdwardXPi found it :)02:45
coolbhaviif it isnt working mate02:45
IndyGunFreaki still don't understand why he just doesn't reconfigure X, cuz i'm betting he's just gonna hose xorg.conf doing whatever he's gonna do.02:45
juano__coolbhavi: yep i told him that first, but just incase it didnt he would need to do that02:45
scguy318r3n0c: sure, take out quiet if you want to see kernel messages02:45
DILi tried to install vmware and it continually attempts to install each time i update i tried to remove completely from using Synaptic but still ......02:45
EdwardXP$ export PS1="\e[0;31m[\u@\h \W]\$ \e[m "      My Reference!!!!  is here [ http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/bash-shell-change-the-color-of-my-shell-prompt-under-linux-or-unix/ ]02:45
EdwardXPit works without the $ sign though02:46
Highlifekelsin: no02:46
r3n0cscguy318,  what about lower down, in kernel:02:46
IamReckDoes anyone know of any applications or methods used to achieve Dual Monitors for ATI Radeon graphics card?  Other then the ones here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=221174?02:46
r3n0cshould i take splash out of that too?02:46
coolbhaviyep mate02:46
scguy318r3n0c: change that line only02:46
scguy318r3n0c: then sudo update-grub02:46
althetuxmanclanmac10: sorry ithough u said ati, in that case you need the nvidia drivers, you install them using the restricted drivers application under System -> Administration. Thats how I installed mine.02:46
LOGANkelsin : well that dissapointed me a bit. Dont worry I get over it02:46
Dark-DxI assume there's no driver for a via crhome9 hc integreated video card right?02:46
IndyGunFreakIamReck: dualscreens are pretty hard with ATI(i never got it to work)...02:46
LOGANlooking for an alternative right now02:46
IndyGunFreak!twinview | IamReck you can try this02:46
clanmac10althetuxman:Mate I know.. I got the driver setup, thats not the question02:46
ubotuIamReck you can try this: xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead02:46
r3n0cscguy318,  ok i'll try reboot'n now02:46
EdwardXPcrap i wanted the output file to change!!!02:46
punkgyDoes anybody know of a way to transfer a file from a ubuntu box to a windows pc, perferrbly with a quick installation02:47
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers02:47
ubotuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama02:47
kelsinLOGAN: are you just browsing open source projects looking for something that's fully free in what you can do with it? Starting looking for BSD licensed software02:47
Dark-DxI assume there's no driver for a via crhome9 hc integreated video card right?02:47
IamReckthanks ubotu02:47
althetuxmanclanmac10: whats the prob?02:47
kelsinpunkgy: ssh, using putty on windows and the ssh server on ubuntu02:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about yourwelcome - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:47
clanmac10When a window opens, the top wigets on the tool bar of that window keep getting stuck under the top panel02:47
Dark-DxI assume there's no driver for a via crhome9 hc integreated video card right?02:48
LOGANkelsin : thanks for the tip02:48
clanmac10So you have to press Alt+left mouse to move it down the screen02:48
althetuxmanclanmac10: strange. I have nerver seen that happen. I have a 7600 GT02:48
clanmac10in other words, how do you default were a window start in the screen on gnaome02:49
jrib!devilspie > clanmac10 (read the private message from ubotu)02:49
kelsinclanmac10: you need to look into the "devilspie" app02:49
DILi cannot uninstall vmware it attempts installs each time i update-How can i get rid of it02:50
ubuntuI have five xorg.conf with a bunch of numbers behind them in /etc/x11 is that normal/?02:50
jribubuntu: those are backups02:50
scguy318ubuntu: yes02:51
scguy318ubuntu: what jrib said02:51
r3n0cscguy318,  new question, it loaded just find, and i also did sudo update-rc.d gdm remove02:51
kSidTerminal < Dos02:51
ubuntudoes anyone knwo what this comment means? AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True"02:51
r3n0cscguy318,  but when i load i type login... but it then just says password:         never prompting for username02:51
r3n0cscguy318,  then once it fails, it prompts for username02:52
r3n0cscguy318,  anyway to fix this?02:52
blahman32how come when i boot the live cd it boots in 640x400???02:52
scguy318r3n0c: login is the username prompt02:52
scguy318r3n0c: unless I'm missing something?02:52
clanmac10 jrib: many thanks02:52
r3n0cscguy318,  oooo. well it never says username:    it just leaves the cursor flashing after it finishes loading, so i typed login... to start that?02:52
blahman32how do i make it have a bigger resloution?02:52
r3n0cbut i guess that that was the username prompt02:53
scguy318r3n0c: ubuntu prematurely starts the login process on tty102:53
scguy318r3n0c: since it starts the login processes while everything is loading, instead of after02:53
punkgykelsin: do you know what command I would use to transfer the file over to windows while I am logged through putty?02:53
scguy318r3n0c: annoying but not sure how to fix02:53
scguy318r3n0c: a good question tho :)02:54
ubuntuscguy318,  what do you mean that seems like what is happoening02:54
kelsinpunkgy: sorry I didn't explain, on the putty page there is also a puttyscp or something like that program, that's the one to use to transfer files02:54
r3n0cok, so i could just type the username at start? and it'll work , ok. i guess that that is fine02:54
kSidUbuntu is heavier than SuSE02:54
clanmac10Well I am not sure thats what I want although it is what I mean...02:54
punkgyok, that makes sense, thanks02:54
kelsinpunkgy: using the same syntax as scp on linux, so on the windows shell it's like "pscp ubuntu-user@ubuntu-ip:/path/to/file ." or something like that02:54
IndyGunFreakubuntu:  you need a better nickname, everytime someone says ubuntu, it alerts you, not a good idea in ubuntu02:55
clanmac10that is, I want any app to open in the _normal_ place and not particular apply to particular apps02:55
scguy318ubuntu: ?02:55
IndyGunFreakscguy318: he's delirious02:55
scguy318IndyGunFreak: apparently :P02:55
kelsinpunkgy: (the other solution is to make sure simple file sharing is on on windows and then share a folder and you should be able to browse to it through nautilus and the "Place -> Network" menu in ubuntu, but I always go for the command line way ussually :)02:56
* emgent heya02:56
naegling23hey, is anyone familiar with firestarter/networking?02:56
holzmodemhi, how can i change the font color of gtk apps manually, cause of the definition in "kcontrol>appearance and themes" is ignored.02:56
kelsinclanmac10: probably not possible with gnome / metacity, devilspie can probably make rules for ALL apps, still probably your best bet02:56
kelsinnaegling23: better just to ask your question, people will answer if they knwo anything02:56
clanmac10why should it do it in the first place02:57
clanmac10its move of a bug if you ask me02:57
kelsinclanmac10: I must have missed the initial conversation, where is it placing your apps now?02:57
clanmac10windows should default in a area of the screen were you can access there widgets02:57
IamReckwhat is the name of the room for compiz help?02:57
scguy318!compiz | IamReck02:58
ubotuIamReck: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion02:58
r3n0cwhat media player should i be using? get rid of the built in one and use vlc?02:58
ubuntuI can't edit the xorg.conf it is read only02:58
naegling23ok, so here it goes, I have two computers on my network, one is fine (I removed iptables from it), the other one can access the internet, but not the internal network, in firestarter, i get a cannot start firewall error02:58
scguy318r3n0c: whatever you want02:58
scguy318r3n0c: though that's what I would do :P02:58
scguy318!players | r3n0c02:58
ubotur3n0c: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs02:58
ubuntudo i need to issue a rename command to the xorg.conf.backup file  somehow?02:58
IndyGunFreakubuntu:  yuou've spent 20min doing this the wrong way, if you'd do what i told you to, it would take tyou about 2.02:58
r3n0cscguy318,  just b/c after i updated and had it load to text mode, so i have todo startx.... when i try to play movies with vlc or the built in player... it crashes02:59
clanmac10the top part of the app, that is the windows tool part with the - |=| + at the top gets stuck under the top panel every time you open any app02:59
r3n0cscguy318,  the built in one is totem02:59
ubuntuIndyGunFreak,  I would do it that way but grub doesnt give me an option for safe mode so I have to do it this way02:59
IndyGunFreakubuntu:  then you removed it... cuz grub puts 3 linux entries, normal, recovery, and memtest03:00
ubuntuGrub just boats into an insane error loop03:00
kelsinclanmac10: ok that is wierd, normally that should not happen, this on a pretyt new ubuntu install?03:00
IndyGunFreakubuntu:  do yuou see your grub menu?03:00
Jack_Sparrowubuntu: I use this to make my backup  cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf ~/Desktop/xorg.conf.$(date +%m-%d-%Y-%T)03:00
eltuxhow would I go about removing my /usr/local directory?03:00
r3n0cX Error of failed request:  BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)03:00
r3n0cwhen i try to play a movie that worked before having to type startx to run the gui03:01
r3n0cshould i not be doing startx?03:01
r3n0cstart-gnome? or something03:01
Jack_Sparrowubuntu: Were you trying to adjust the screen res, video drivers03:01
ubuntuIndyGunFreak,  I have never messed with grub since I installed 6.10 as soon as i power my compuetr on it goes from bios to grub loading press escape then Starting up then errors03:01
clanmac10kelsin:yep 7.1003:01
scguy318r3n0c: im clueless in that area unfortunately03:01
jribeltux: just delete it03:01
jrib!cli > eltux (read the private message from ubotu)03:01
r3n0ckk, from text login i do type startx tho... to get everything to load03:01
kelsinclanmac10: so the top appears beneath the top gnome panel?03:01
eltuxjrib: its saying I don't have permission for one of the files03:02
kelsinclanmac10: did this start happening at any point, or did it do this from the beginning?03:02
ubuntuJack_Sparrow,  the last thing I did was get dual monitor support with nvidia gui it worked fine resatarted then errors03:02
DM|kelsin still there?03:02
scguy318r3n0c: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start or that perhaps03:02
jribeltux: you are using sudo?03:02
Jack_Sparrowubuntu: so the answer is yes03:02
kelsinclanmac10: I would try to right click ont he panel and change it's positon to the bottom and back to the top, and then change it's size and then put the size back to maybe reset the X settings dealing with parts of the screen like that03:03
eltuxjrib: whats the command to delete in the console? I forget (<- still a linux nooblet)03:03
ubuntuIndyGunFreak,  No i dont see the grub menu I have had a dual boot configuration on this machine before so I know what you mean by selecting safe mode from the grub menu03:03
kelsinDM|: I'm still listening yes, but you're better off just asking your question with kelsin: at the front, I'll respond if I can/am here03:03
ubuntuJack_Sparrow,  Yes03:03
jribeltux: ubotu's message explains, but it is 'rm -rf PATH'.  Be *very* sure you did not make a typo03:03
=== bbell is now known as PiranhaP
ubuntuJack_Sparrow,  Currently I am in livecd03:03
eltuxjrib: okay. thank you03:03
DM|Kelsin I finally solved it... i had to fiddle and fiddle and fiddle.. for some reason ubuntu is set up to default to a low graphics if x crashes, which is fine, without this "bullet proof X" it was easier to fix...03:03
ubuntuI have my hd install mounted03:04
IndyGunFreakubuntu:  if you're not seeing a grub menu, then you have more problems than jsut a display issue.03:04
Jack_Sparrowubuntu: you may now need to hit esc to get to grub for recovery mode..03:04
DM|Kelsin wasnt a question hehe just talking03:04
Jack_Sparrowubuntu: later.. time for dinner03:04
kelsinDM|: glad to hear it03:04
ubuntuJack_Sparrow,  Ahh that helps03:04
rewkshow to install GRUB to my sata?03:04
ubuntuThanks guys canonical should hire you!03:04
DM|kelsin now im going to go start a sit in to get rid of bullet proof x03:04
rewkssetting grup install to (sd0) instead (hd0) failed... :(03:04
scguy318wsv123456: ?03:04
r3n0c_scguy318,  lol well um it wasn't very happy while trying to start gdm while i was ..... already using gnome lol03:04
r3n0c_scguy318,  but i'll see if the videos work now03:05
rewkshow to install grub to MBR or sata (sda)?   sd0 fails...03:05
scguy318rewks: you shouldn't write sd0, its like hd(number, number)03:05
kelsinrewks: grub uses it's own naming scheme, sda might be called hd003:05
rewksscguy318: orly? so whats the no for sda ?03:06
r3n0c_scguy318,  ok well it works now.... would it be possible to do gdm.... instead of startx... at login?03:06
rewkskelsin: if hd0 is sda then what is hda and hdb ?03:06
kelsinit depends on your computer, if you're inside of grub (meaning you typed grub and are on a grub prompt) you can type hd and hit tab to see some info03:06
rainwalkerWhy doesn't AWN use my icon theme?03:06
rewkskelsin: Im installi'n ubuntu03:06
PirateHeadrainwalker: AWN uses its own theme engine.03:06
=== osxdude|overhere is now known as osxdude
Dr_willisbecause awn has its own icons i thought. and themes03:06
scguy318r3n0c_: if gdm doesnt start automatically you'll prob have to do that, dont quote me on that03:07
rainwalkerPirateHead: Ah, ok then03:07
kelsinrewks: grub uses it's own COMPLETELY DIFFERENT naming scheme, it calls hard drives hd0, hd1, etc has nothing to do with hda, sda and the like03:07
tntCrymy ubuntu doesnt understand my mouse bindings03:07
SithReehas there been a release of the vmware optimized version of Ubuntu yet?03:07
PirateHeadrainwalker: Eventually AWN and Gnome may get better integration, but keep in mind that AWN is still a very young project.03:07
clanmac10 kelsin: Yes thats correct, it started happening after a dpkg-configure xserver-xorg and a new nvidia card to start using compiz-fusion03:07
kelsinrewks: this is an error you're getting while installing?03:07
tntCryi cant press the back and forward buttons to use them as back forward03:07
rainwalkerPirateHead: even though the applets use the icons from my theme?03:07
* rewks slaps grub for using strange conventions03:07
naegling23so, firestarter is unable to start my firewall, can anyone help me out here, Im connected through a router, but im getting two devices, eth0 and eth1, should I have both?03:07
r3n0c_scguy318, ... omg... .is r3n0c still online....... that is me...03:07
Dr_willisnaegling23,  one may be your wireless?03:07
r3n0c_scguy318, ... hmmm running starx... then gdm... is just bad... i'm logged in twice03:07
naegling23nope, no wireless here03:07
PirateHeadrainwalker: It isn't that there is no integration. If you are interested in the specifics, you can check out what documentation there is, ask the email list, dig through the source code, and so on.03:08
rainwalkerPirateHead: also, wouldn't GTK integration be more important than GNOME integration?03:08
scguy318r3n0c_: if GNOME is already running switch to the terminal that the X server is running on03:08
scguy318r3n0c_: Ctrl-Alt-F7 or w/e03:08
geck1anyone familiar with compiz that can help me out with skydome? I have an image selected, but it only displays the gradient in the background03:08
naegling23should I try to remove one of them somehow?03:08
PirateHeadrainwalker: GTK is desktop-agnostic, so it doesn't deal with GNOME's icon themes, configuration, and so on.03:08
scguy318r3n0c_: you dont need to start X twice, unless I'm missing someting03:08
r3n0clol omg03:08
PirateHeadrainwalker: For AWN to totally fit into the Ubuntu desktop, it will need integration both on the GTK and Gnome levels.03:09
r3n0cthis is sweet... but useless03:09
r3n0cgonna just restart and see if i can fix03:09
rainwalkerPirateHead: ah, I was just thinking GTK03:09
naegling23gek1, make sure the image is set as a plugin in compiz settings03:09
tntCrywhy does ubuntu doesnt know the button forward and back03:09
tntCryin the mouse03:09
belylegek1: also make sure that the image is sized to a power of 2 in each direction03:09
geck1naegling can you elaborate please03:09
geck1eh im a total noob at compiz i jus tDLed it today03:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about automation - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:10
geck1power of 2 meaning if my desktop is 1280x1024, the image should be like 2560x2048?03:10
naegling23gek1, go to the compiz settings manager, go to the image loading area, make sure that all the images are selected03:10
tntCryi know you can forward by holding left mousebutton then tappiong on the right and for left its reciprocal but theyr is a binding in some new mouses where you can forward back easily just by tapping like in windows .. any ideas ? must i buy a new mouse?03:10
geck1yes naegling, they are all selected03:10
belylegeck1: no, power of two meaning two^(something) ie 512, 1024, 2048 etc03:10
ConstyXIVwasn't there some sort of orange/black version of the gutsy wallpaper during a beta?03:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about console - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about konsole - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:11
Flannel!cli | btard03:11
ubotubtard: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal03:11
geck1belyle, so if my desktop is 1280x1024, what size does the skydome image need to be?03:12
kelsinrewks: grub is running at a level below the linux kernel, it makes sense it doesn't use the linux kernel's conventions cause it can be used on any computer, not only ones with linux03:12
belylegeck1: actually, the skydome size really has nothing to do with your desktop size03:12
maynardhow u gonna ban people if there is no operator03:12
geck1belyle, i dont know if i follow what you mean then about the power of 2?03:13
belylegeck1: you can make it any size, although I recommend about a 1024x1024 if you aren't running a widescreen03:13
kelsinclanmac10: are you using metacity or compiz atm?03:13
rainwalkerbelyle: so if I do have a widescreen, what size should the skydome be?03:13
operator011geck1: Do you mean Xx2 or X^2?03:14
belylewell, 2^1 = 2, 2^2=4 ... 2^5=32 ... and so on, 512 is a power of two, 1024 is a power of two, etc03:14
geck1operator011, i'm not sure =P belyle was saying something about it03:14
geck1belyle but what are you making a power of 2?03:14
geck1oh just the skydome image size?03:14
Dextorionany recommendation for a webmail system?03:15
r3n0cscguy318, ... ok i have to login 2x now.....03:15
belylegeck1: the dimensions of the image. but as was said before, you need to make sure the plugin is enabled (check mark) for the skydome, and the plugin for that image type is enabled03:15
Dextorioni've heard about squirrelmaiil before if i recall correctly..?03:15
geck1both are enabled, i double checked....yet it still wont show the image03:15
r3n0cscguy318,  it loads fine to text... i login.. type sudo gdm... then it runs gdm... which makes me login again.. in visual mode, then it loads gnome03:15
rainwalkerwhere's the info page for Compiz Fusion? someone is asking about it and I don't know where to tell them to look03:15
roxygir3hi, i'm having troubles burning an .iso to DVD with dvdrecorder from terminal03:15
r3n0crainwalker,  what info.. like the config?03:16
geck1is there a resolution limit?03:16
rainwalkerr3n0c: no, like the page that explains what it is and all that03:16
clanmac10 kelsin:Sorry I did not see you reply, compiz03:16
tomd123geck1, it's only limited by your monitor03:16
r3n0crainwalker, o... sry, all i remember is to open the config... ccsm03:16
geck1hmm k03:16
kelsinclanmac10: I would check out gconf-editor and goto "apps -> compiz" and make sure nothing about "struts" is unchecked, but I'm not running compiz so hard for me to help you past this :) good luck03:17
tomd123geck1, and your system's stats03:17
geck1kk, i'll keep tinkering away, i may be back for more help =) thanks guys03:17
Nivek_Ogreover 1k users in here wow03:18
ethana2Anyone know where the psubuntu channel is?03:18
kelsinDextorion: might want to look at Bongo if you need lots of features03:19
ethana2oh, nvm-- it doesn't exist yet03:19
ethana2Anyone here a psubuntu user?03:19
bazhangethana2: what is that channel for? you can access the channel list with the commmand !irc03:20
ethana2Ubuntu on the PS3 cell processor03:20
IowaDaveEvening y'all. Where do I find errors logged for OpenOffice crashes?03:20
bazhangethana2: net install?03:20
ethana2but I found out they didn't make one yet, so nevermind03:20
kelsinIowaDave: might be in ~/.xsession-errors03:20
clanmac10kelsin:Ok understood, many thanks for the help. What are "struts"?03:20
ethana2no, I wanted to keep track of developments in psubuntu03:20
IowaDavekelson: thanks, will look there.03:20
ethana2before I bought a ps303:20
kelsinclanmac10: the gnome panel defines a "strut" (I think) which means don't place windows here :)03:20
ketroxwhere is the modprobe.conf in gutsy ?03:20
batmansboyhi.. I just upgraded to gutsy gibon and added the trash and home folder to my desktop via the configuration editor .. but now they're not showing up even though they're checked in the config editor .. any ideas?03:20
bazhangethana2: not sure though there is a walkthrough on how to do it03:21
kelsinclanmac10: I knwo in windows managers like FVWM and other VERY configurable ones you can tell certain windows to ignorestruts etc03:21
kelsinclanmac10: so clearly either gnome-panel is not defining them, or compiz is not listening03:21
ethana2but I wanted to contribute ideas in real time...  they just need to get a channel up03:21
ethana2which hasn't hapenned yet03:21
bazhangethana2: set one up yourself03:21
ethana2How do I do that?03:21
ethana2can I do that on freenode?03:22
Nivek_Ogrecompiz problem. was working for 2 days no problem, then i restarted and now I can't make it work. i've enabled/disabled/enabled restricted drivers. suggestions?03:22
bazhangethana2: read the freenode faq03:22
ethana2got it03:22
ubotuA list of common questions and answers about Ubuntu: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions - Official documentation: http://help.ubuntu.com - IRC FAQ: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage03:22
ethana2a minute03:22
clanmac10kelsin: Oh ok I know what your talking about now03:23
maynardwhat is this channel about????03:23
bazhanghttp://freenode.net/faq.shtml ethana203:23
clanmac10Your on form, thanks again for the help !03:24
bazhangubuntu support maynard03:24
maynardbazhang what is ubuntu? a game? lol03:24
kelsinmaynard: ubuntu.com03:24
kelsinmaynard: linux distro03:24
bazhangmaynard: a linux distribution03:24
maynardahh yeah03:24
ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com03:25
Nivek_Ogreok i'll just scour the forums then03:25
batmansboyhi. how can I get the home and trash icons to reappear on my desktop?03:25
r3n0cscguy318,  ok it works now... no idea why... but thanks :)..... the mouse looks diff now that i did startx... but who cares (looks like windows mouse, not normal ubuntu one)03:25
IndyGunFreakmaynard: so how did you end up wandering in here if you didn't even know what linux was?03:25
antonio__Where are the spanish03:27
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.03:27
antonio__ok bye03:27
Dr_willisAdiaos Amigos!03:27
odinrikoin gutsy how do I get a build environment?03:27
Dr_willis!info build-essential03:27
ubotubuild-essential: informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.3ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 6 kB, installed size 48 kB03:28
Dr_willisinstall  build-essential  for a start03:28
IowaDavekelsin (or anybody): looking in .xsession-errors for clues to multiple OpenOffice crashes I find a whole lot of these: Window manager warning: meta_window_activate called by a pager with a 0 timestamp; the pager needs to be fixed."03:28
IowaDaveterminate called after throwing an instance of 'com::sun::star::sdbc::SQLException'03:28
odinrikoThanks Dr_willis03:28
IowaDaveSorry guys, hit the return key too soon.03:28
iforgotMy fonts are too big (i've put Xft.dpi: 96 in Xft.xrdb, but it doesn't seem to affect it at all). Using Xubuntu 4.10. Can anyone help me?03:29
qazwsxis ther ea way to redirect stderr to stdout, and then pipe stdout to anothyer prog? I don't want to send it to a file ... i want to send it t oanother prog03:29
IowaDaveAnyway lots of mentions of the pager needing to be fixed but only one instance of terminating after the Sun sql exception, which would relate to OpenOffice. Any ideas where else I can look for clues to what's breaking?03:30
bazhangiforgot 4.10? why not a more recent one?03:30
SnakeHey you guys, I just got gutsy running, and I know it has compiz built in, and it was working before, well I just installed the closed source ATI drivers, and now its broken... any way to fix it?03:31
Dr_willisprog1 | pr0g2 for one part.. i also recall the use of &1 and &2 some how for pipint the err and out somewhere.. perhaps progra  &1 | prog2 ?03:31
SnakeNever mind03:32
Snakegoogle is a charm03:32
Lore2seems kinda quiet03:33
Lore2nick Lore103:33
operator011Google's just the librarian.  Ubuntu are the authors.03:33
scguy318qazwsx: sure03:33
IowaDaveLore2: you are not alone.03:34
scguy318qazwsx: 2>&103:34
scguy318qazwsx: command 2>&1 > abc03:34
clanmac10For anyone who had my problem; you have to make sure "Place Window" is checked in the compiz advanced configure unser system. Just for the IRC logs ;)03:34
scguy318clanmac10: what was your problem? :)03:34
iforgotMy fonts are too big (i've put Xft.dpi: 96 in Xft.xrdb, but it doesn't seem to affect it at all). Using Xubuntu 7.10. Can anyone help me?03:34
clanmac10Please add this to the FAQs03:34
Dr_willis 2>&1 alwaya confused me03:35
clanmac10scguy318: see the last 5min log files03:35
clanmac10thanks all, bye03:35
scguy318clanmac10: not in the last 5 minutes of my chat :P03:35
Lore2anyone know why I can't change nicknames using /nick?03:35
iforgotmake sure there are no spaces in your nick?03:36
mattycozehey guy's i'm having trouble mountin my external hD. there was something else i had to add but i totally forgot... this is my fdisk -l data; /dev/sdb1   *           1       38913   312568641    c  W95 FAT32 (LBA)03:36
Lore2i did03:36
iforgotright now you are Lore203:36
IowaDaveNick left the room :-P03:36
techqbertdo I need putty to tunnel ssh?  what if I want to tunnel vnc through ssh from gnu/linux to gnu/linux03:36
Lore2 /nick lorek != name change.03:36
scguy318techqbert: no, you can use the cmd-line ssh03:36
mattycozeand once i have it mounted i just want Ubuntu to auto mount anything i attach :p03:37
=== iforgot is now known as lulz
=== lulz is now known as ni1
=== Lore2 is now known as Lor1
Undead_Zeushow do i access the partition manager?03:37
=== Lor1 is now known as Mr_Awesom1
ni1Undead_Zeus: gparted is awesome, try it03:38
antonio__somebody can helme with compiz ?03:38
Undead_Zeusroighto. i shall03:38
Mr_Awesom1Undead_Zeus gparted is the way to go03:38
techqbertscguy318: just ssh ip.ip.ip.ip -l user -p (sshport) and then vncviewer ip.ip.ip.ip:(sshport)?03:38
Undead_Zeusyou guys have 1 at the end of your names03:38
scguy318techqbert: no03:38
Undead_Zeusis that a pidgin bug? it was happening to me03:38
scguy318techqbert: you have to do like03:38
Mr_Awesom1i'm using gaim03:38
=== ni1 is now known as nillll
nillllits just because someone else owns the nick03:38
Mr_Awesom1dunno what's up with it03:38
nillllalso matty, try looking up fstab03:38
nillllit might be in there somewhere03:39
nillllbut i dunno03:39
scguy318techqbert: ssh x.x.x.x -l user -p port -L 5900: then vncviewer
scguy318techqbert: note the two colons in the vncviewer syntax, i believe that's what you put when you mean port instead of screen03:39
scguy318techqbert: though if its on 5900, dont have to specify port03:39
mattycozeni1111 that was a fstab -l functioin03:39
scguy318techqbert: and I have the forward on local 5900 ->, change as you wish03:40
alephnullAre there any general guidelines to do a edgy -> gutsy upgrade.03:40
Undead_ZeusWith GParted, how am I supposed to shorten the ext3 partition?03:40
scguy318alephnull: you can cleaninstall if you dont want to do liek 2 upgrades03:40
techqbertscguy318: that L parameter is tunnel right?03:40
scguy318techqbert: local tunnel yes03:40
tritiumalephnull: you have to upgrade incrementally03:40
nilllllol wut?03:41
nillllsudo apt-get dist-upgrade03:41
tritium!enter | nillll03:41
ubotunillll: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:41
eriscocan linux nvidia drivers handle 8600/8800 GPUS?03:41
tomd123i heard they had problems with 880003:41
astro76!upgrade | alephnull03:41
Undead_ZeusWith GParted, how am I supposed to shorten the ext3 partition?03:41
ubotualephnull: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes03:41
nillllUndead: what do you mean by shorten? shrink?03:42
Undead_ZeusYeah, shrink, resize to a smaller amount03:42
astro76Undead_Zeus, click partition, click resize, resize it.... the partition has to be unmounted first03:42
nillllUndead: if thats the case, boot with a linux live cd, and then try it. I believe you need to have the drive unmounted03:42
Undead_ZeusLOL, ok! thanks03:42
Undead_Zeusi had a feeling if i unmounted it right now it would reboot!03:42
dutchie86check the FAQ alephnull but from what i have seen it should go okay03:42
=== neo is now known as Neoxeekhrobe
mattycozehey guy's i'm having trouble mountin my external hD. there was something else i had to add but i totally forgot... this is my fdisk -l data; /dev/sdb1  * 1  38913 312568641  c W95 FAT32 (LBA03:43
nillllUndead: it probably won't let you unmount, if its your / drive. use live cd if that happens03:43
MalachiWhere do I add the 'vga=xxx' option to my GRUB?03:43
Neoxeekhrobeguys in KDE(kubuntu) when I use tab button to move around within a dialog window I am unable to see where the focus is going. If there are too many fields and buttons, I am forced to use the mouse. Is there a way to change this so that I could see the focus move?03:43
alephnulldutchie86: That's the answer I was looking for :)03:43
scguy318Malachi: defoptions I think03:43
scguy318Malachi: then sudo update-grub03:43
=== nillll is now known as ni1
scguy318Malachi: its commented, but dont remove the comment symbol03:43
Shadow147I am trying to get GLX and OpenGL working using a graphics card that came with my computer?03:43
scguy318!glx | Shadow14703:44
MalachiOh, thanks for the comment information, scguy31803:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about glx - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:44
=== ni1 is now known as [
astro76Neoxeekhrobe, ask in #kubuntu03:44
scguy318Malachi: that line is in /boot/grub/menu.lst03:44
scguy318!compiz | Shadow14703:44
ubotuShadow147: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion03:44
Neoxeekhrobeok. Sorry. Thanks03:44
scguy318Shadow147: well, on second thought03:44
scguy318Shadow147: what card is it?03:44
MalachiIf I have two sound cards, one being a USB one, can I use them simultaneously?03:45
Shadow147scguy318 nvidia GeForce2 GTS/PRO03:45
[My fonts are too big (i've put Xft.dpi: 96 in Xft.xrdb, but it doesn't seem to affect it at all). Using Xubuntu 7.10. Can anyone help me?03:45
Shadow147and I am usign the Legacy Drivers03:45
techqbertscguy318: thanks for that lil tutorial.  take it ez.03:46
eriscocan linux nvidia drivers handle 8600/8800 GPUS?03:46
hal9k2010hello all03:46
Shadow147the restricted ones03:46
yaowhat happpen?03:46
Shadow147scguy318 the restricted legacy drives03:47
mattycozecan anyone help me mount an external HD?03:47
Shadow147mattycoze what type of external drive is it03:47
scguy318Shadow147: you probably want to tweak your xorg.conf and use...nv03:47
scguy318Shadow147: think those are it03:48
mattycozeShadow147 it's a Segate03:48
hal9k2010anyone can help me with update  my desktop enviroment ?03:48
scguy318Shadow147: or else use an older Nvidia restricted03:48
hikenbootgreetings /lib/udev/vol_id -u /dev/sda1 gives me a UUID however when I try and mount it under chroot it says it doesnt exist ..anyone know why03:48
mattycozeShadow137 i've always had trouble getting it to automount03:48
Shadow147oh just plug it into a firewire port03:48
yaoI am playing!03:48
mattycozeShadow147 doesn't have a firewire connection... just USB03:49
Shadow147mattycoze try plugging it into a firewire port03:49
mattycozewhich is all good -03:49
Shadow147mattycoze ok03:49
mattycozelsusb shows up with the device connected03:49
bazhangyao: do you have a question?03:49
Shadow147mattycoze well you aint losing much transfer rate03:49
mattycozemmm... well that's not the point here lol03:50
Shadow147mattycoze well I have it hook up through a firewire port and ubuntu automounted it03:51
PocketBrainYo, Konda?03:51
Shadow147mattycoze well try sudo apt-get install usbmount03:51
mattycozeShadow147 ahh thanks - since when did they have a program that did that?03:52
scguy318mattycoze: If I'm not mistaken, the gnome volume daemon or w/e is supposed to automount03:52
Shadow147scguy how do I tweak the xorg.conf fire to use GLX and OpenGL03:52
Shadow147scguy318 how do I tweak the xorg.conf fire to use GLX and OpenGL03:53
mattycozescguy318 yeh it used to when i was runnign an earlier version of Ubuntu03:53
scguy318Shadow147: not totally sure, that's what I know03:53
dutchie86Shadow147 there is a utility u can install that will do it for you03:53
mattycozebut i took out the usb once without safe unmounting the drive03:53
EdwardXPdamn thats really hard03:53
scguy318mattycoze: check SYstem -> Prefs -> Removable Drives and Media I think03:53
mattycozeand then it didn't work anymore03:53
scguy318mattycoze: maybe the data on that device needs an fsck03:54
dutchie86mattycoze mount it then have a look at dmesg or /var/log/errors i think it is03:54
Shadow147dutchie86 where can I get the utility03:54
spiffmanso i'm trying to dual boot  xp and ubuntu, but installed xp second... now i have no way of booting the ubuntu i installed...?03:54
astro76!fixgrub | spiffman03:55
ubotuspiffman: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:55
PocketBraingreat, I'm gonna get usbmount on my DSL-N thumb03:55
dutchie86Shadow147 in the latest version it is already installed under Sytem -> Prefs -> Desktop Effects i believe03:55
mattycozei'm having trouble mounting it soz dutchie8603:55
scguy318spiffman: use Super GRUB CD to reinstall GRUB03:56
scguy318spiffman: or what ubotu suggested03:56
spiffmanastro76 and scguy318, thanks!03:56
dutchie86mattycoze, yeah if you plug it in, and it doesnt automount because of an error dmesg or the logs should tell you why03:56
Shadow147dutchie86 it wouldn't allow me too03:56
mattycozeright... then brb03:56
nautI can't get sound from my tv card in gutsy03:56
nautI believe this is my problem03:57
nautBut I don't know how to configure this setting on my card - an audigy03:57
dutchie86Shadow147 what you mean it wouldn't allow you to? did it give you an error when you tried to launch the app?03:57
nautany one know how to turn off the line out == sorround?03:57
Shadow147dutchie86 could not enable Desktop Effects03:57
dutchie86Shadow147 what kind of graphics card do you have03:58
gojitaI installed the budget dedicated repo for wine, but doing a "sudo apt-cache show wine" shows wine 9.46 available.  For some reason it is going to the universal repo and doesn't see the budget dedicated offering currently posted to the site03:58
mattycozedutchie86 http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46528/03:58
Shadow147dutchie86 Nvidia GEforce2 GTS/PRO PCI Card03:59
jribgojita: 1) don't run apt-cache with sudo  2) did you 'sudo apt-get update' ?03:59
astro76gojita, hmm so it does... but the latest will still install, also you don't need sudo with apt-cache03:59
jacobcrimsun: thanks for your help03:59
jacobcrimsun: i got everything working fine03:59
gojita1) thanks for thie insight! 2) yes03:59
froggy__Could not generate Platform Configurator and/or compiler not functioning,03:59
froggy__you may not be able to compile/build any programs on this system. Please03:59
froggy__review any errors encountered above and consult with vendors.03:59
gojitaastro76, ok thanks, I am installing through that way instead then04:00
dutchie86mattycoze it appears it is working ok there04:00
jribgojita: :) 'apt-cache policy wine' will show you what is going on probably04:00
scguy318froggy___: install build-essential package04:00
rytywhich is insecure, gutsy, or hardy?04:00
dutchie86Shadow147 did you install the restricted drivers for it?04:00
froggy__how do I do that?04:00
gojita..they have .50 available now04:00
jribryty: if you mean "unstable", then hardy04:00
[mattycoze: check your fstab for the lulz04:00
Shadow147dutchie86 yes04:00
rytyokay thanks04:00
frank_hello all04:01
mattycoze<[> okay ... have hada  look at that already tho - i'll pastebin it for u04:01
[mattycoze: /etc/fstab. i had this problem before too, but i can't remember how i fixed it.04:01
gojitajrib, nice! yeah that work04:01
dutchie86Shadow147 does it grey out the option to enable effects?04:01
Shadow147dutchie86 no04:01
dutchie86so what happens when you enable it? shadow14704:02
Shadow147dutchie86 I also don't have compiz-fusion installed04:02
frank_having an issue with uprading to gutsy gibbon through the package manager...its claiming a network issue. any ideas?04:02
kupesoftWhat's a good mp3/music player (compare: rhythmbox) that uses xine (xubuntu)?04:02
mattycoze<[> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46529/04:02
dutchie86Shadow147 install that and give it a try, what version of ubuntu you running?04:03
Shadow147dutchie86 starts the enabling but halts and reverts back04:03
card13Ubuntu crashed my hdd I need help, I can't put a partition on it now04:03
sleepwal1hey you guys...does anyone know if the ati 9800 will work in xubuntu 7.10 with my current samsung 22' LCD which is fuzzy.04:03
Shadow147dutchie86 Gutsy04:03
frank_feisty fawn04:03
itstcan anyone help?04:03
itstpam_quota.c:36:34: error: security/pam_modules.h: No such file or directory04:03
mattycoze<[> your display names impossible to type quickly ahhh!04:03
ridge-meisteris there a way i can get to kaffeine, xine and movie player to allow me to brighten a video? the video setting on each isn't doing the trick04:03
coolbhaviwhere to post an abuse report?04:03
dutchie86coolbhavi what kind of abuse report?04:03
K_DallasGood evening! One of my major problems running exclusively ubuntu on the laptop is office2007 files.  I know crossover is capable of installing office2003 and f I am not mistaken MS offers something to make office2003 to open office2007 or something of this sort.  My Q: Would it be possble to install office2003 thru crossover office and then install that tool of MS? Thanks04:04
=== [ is now known as lulz
card13help me please!  Thanks in advanced.04:04
dutchie86K_Dallas probably, something i would look at the Xover office site for04:04
dutchie86mattycoze in the dmesg output you pasted before it should show where it mounted before, was there some output missing?04:04
K_Dallasdutchie86, thanks, i then google their site for that04:04
ajmorris_K_Dallas: open office can open those office2007 files as well04:04
DrUnKnMuNkYhi i'm having problems with the menus in gnome. i also have kde installed and the menu is showing the same thing as the kde menus which makes it annoying to access system configuration and whatnot in gnome. anyone know anything about this?04:05
coolbhaviMy Indian Local community booed me out of the irc and flamed me on the mailing list inspite of being an Ubuntu Member04:05
K_Dallasajmorris_, really? I am going to try it right away04:05
dutchie86K_dalla http://www.codeweavers.com/04:05
Jack_SparrowK_Dallas: you could try it under wine and see if the tool works there..  I have CO here and I could check it , but not until Monday04:05
mattycozedutchie86 yeah it goes on forever :p i just pasted the closer stuff... it said something about /dev/sdb104:05
dutchie86lol, is there any errors in there about mounting mattycoze?04:05
K_DallasJack_Sparrow, thanks i will try Xover later tonight when i work on my laptop04:05
Jack_Sparrowcoolbhavi: Things like that usually have two sides04:06
card13please I don't want to have to buy another hdd04:06
K_Dallasthanks dutchie86 i am searching their site04:06
dutchie86card13 what is your problem?04:06
Jack_SparrowK_Dallas: If you have a copy... and it works please let us know04:06
dutchie86K_Dallas no worries04:06
coolbhaviI have the proof also04:06
mattycozedutchie86 no errors... there's nothing wrong with the HD, i just need a walkthrough the mountin process04:06
K_DallasJack_Sparrow, certainly, would be my pleasure04:06
mattycoze... as commical as that sounds04:07
Jack_Sparrowcard13: first off.  Ubuntu didnt do anything..  But not to argue.. lets get it fixed04:07
dwilson805hello!  I attempted to upgrade a fedora 7 box to fedora 8 today.  After wasting 6 or 7 hours on trying to get it running again properly (grub wouldnt boot automatically, among other problems, I had to type in the configfile every time it booted), I decided to try ubuntu 7.10.  It has been a little bit of a learning curve, but it installed cleanly, came right up, and is just a world of difference from my fedora experience.  Thank you v04:07
Shadow147dutchie86 Gutsy and I am using the Gnome GUI04:07
tuxthepenguin533what file system is the fastest04:07
card13in the install of Ubuntu server it had a problem creating a swap aprtion then mounting, now my hdd can't hold any kind of a partition04:07
Jack_Sparrowdwilson805: welcome to Ubuntu04:07
dutchie86mattycoze i know there is nothing wrong with your hard disk it could be that if you removed it before it cant mount to the mount point where it wants to and has a hissy fit04:07
Jack_Sparrowcard13: do you have livecd.?04:07
robdigdwilson805: glad to have you on ubuntu...hope you like it04:07
Jack_Sparrowcard13: You can also use gparted Livecd04:08
mattycozedutchie86 kk,04:08
coolbhaviI am fed up of our communities' excessive flaming04:08
sleepwal1hey you guys...does anyone know if the ati 9800 will work in xubuntu 7.10 with my current samsung 22' LCD which is fuzzy.  Can anyone help?04:08
card13I do, I'm trying some tools off of Heirens Bootcd04:08
dutchie86mattycoze create a folder in /media called test123 then in terminal type mount /dev/sdb1 /media/test12304:08
K_Dallastuxthepenguin533, if i remember correctly it all depends on your usage and the files you manipulate normally, big or small, lots of small or not much, etc04:08
ubotureiserfs is a journalling file system, which outperforms many others on I/O operations, but has drawbacks (such as increasing likelihood of data loss, and introducing latency unsuitable for gaming or real-time audio). Using !ext3, the default on Ubuntu, is *highly* recommended. A read-only Windows driver is available at http://p-nand-q.com/download/rfstool.html04:08
Jack_Sparrowcoolbhavi: your conversation is offtopic.. we are here to help with ubuntu related problems, not some other irc channel04:08
dutchie86sleepwal1 you installed the restricted drivers?04:08
sleepwal1I jhavent purchased the card04:09
sleepwal1I have an old nvidia card04:09
dutchie86Shadow147 so when you tick the desktop effects and you restart what happens?04:09
Jack_Sparrowcard13: Hirens is good, but I thought their gparted was dated.04:09
sleepwal1and the drivers are fine. Yes I have restircted drivers04:09
card13I'm using extended fdisk04:09
Jack_Sparrowcard13: May I assume you have a second pc available04:10
card13I just want it to hold a partition longer than 2 secconds04:10
Shadow147dutchie86 well let me get compiz fusion04:10
card13right, I was trying to install it on a test system04:10
Jack_Sparrowcard13: Do you make a partiton and then it disappears?04:10
mattycozedutchie86 kk, now it asks me to specify the filesystem type04:11
mattycozei think its fat 3204:11
card13after the apply, then reboot, yes04:11
Jack_Sparrowcard13: ide or sata...  HDA or sda04:11
card13ide, Maxtor 80gb04:11
dutchie86mattycoze  then you need to do a mount /dev/sdb1 /media/test123 -t vfat04:11
Jack_Sparrowcard13: If you boot the live ubuntu cd and tell it to use the entire drive does it work04:11
Shadow147where do I get xgl04:11
dutchie86mattycoze, that should, touch would work04:11
dutchie86Shadow147 it should be installed04:12
Netham45can I install Ubuntu to a USB memory drive?04:12
dwilson805with ubuntu, how do I open firewall holes?  I haven't found the firewall config file yet....04:12
Jack_SparrowNetham45: yes04:12
Jack_SparrowNetham45: try pendrive linux04:12
card13I haven't tried that yet, the server version is install only, and so I started Heiren's rigght away, so I could put Windows server 2003 on it instaed04:12
dmitrig01Problem: my CD drive is screwed up04:13
dmitrig01any other options?04:13
Shadow147dutchie86 ok I have my xorg.conf up04:13
dmitrig01my CD drive on the destination computer04:13
linux88dwilson805 i think you need to look into iptables04:13
dmitrig01not my precious lappy04:13
mattycozedutchie86 yeah dude i think it worked04:13
mattycozewhat was the -t function all about?04:13
p1Could somebody give me the factoid for how to copy an installation to a new disk?04:13
linux88dwilson805 are you using firestarter04:13
Jack_Sparrowcard13: try ubuntu live and tell it to use the entire drive.. it will tell us alot04:13
robdigdwilson805: its in iptables. if you want a gui frontend, install firestarter04:13
Shadow147dutchie86 and accoring to my board it's a vesa board04:13
mattycozecause that's all that i was missing from when i did it first04:13
dutchie86mattycoze, that cool, now browse to ur test123 folder, the -t was to specify the type :)04:14
Shadow147dutchie86 and accoring to my drive is a nvidia04:14
card13extended fdisk is on 7% of trying to make a partition so, can I cancle it without a problem?04:14
dmitrig01is there some way I can install ubuntu on my mac machine without access to the cd drive04:14
dwilson805linux88: indeed iptables config files are what I am trying to find...04:14
Jack_Sparrow!clone | p1:04:14
ubotup1:: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate04:14
p1Jack_Sparrow: thank you!04:14
linux88dwilson805 ok. well like robdig said   apt-get install firestarter and you can open any ports u want04:14
Jack_Sparrowcard13: you should be able to.. you already have soft errors..04:14
mattycozedutchie86 kk, is there a way i can change the permissions so that I can have full read/write over the drive?04:14
card13ok, just a minute04:15
dwilson805ah am installing firestarter now04:15
dutchie86mattycoze if you dont have full read write it means it was unsafely removed last time probably04:15
=== sfox is now known as cheeby
Netham45ok, I have a laptop w/o a HD, and a 1GB USB memory stick I can boot from. Is there a Linux version I can use that will give me wireless internet and... internet?04:15
cheebyhi.  is there a gnome/ubuntu equivalent to yakuake?04:16
* cheeby new to ubuntu/gnome.04:16
scguy318Netham45: version, or distro? :P04:16
mattycozekk so i'd just have to go gksudo umount /dev/test123 right?04:16
Jack_SparrowNetham45: I would use ubuntu gutsy live and setup your usb as persistent drive04:16
dutchie86mattycoze try safely removing it now and letting it automount again or safely remove it and mount it with the same command as before but with the -F(or f cant rember exactly which one, check the man page) switch to force it,04:16
scguy318Netham45: Ubuntu can, possibly with the help of ndiswrapper04:16
card13you want me to install it right or what in the live cd do you want me to do, I'm confused04:16
linux88when i go to www.whatismyip.com it is giving me i believe my dslam ip, and not a lan ip like 192.168.1.., so i was wondering why is that04:17
Jack_Sparrowcard13: yes, boot live cd and do full install04:17
card13sorry, I'm still somewhat new to linux04:17
scguy318linux88: because of NAT04:17
dutchie86linux88 that would because of network address translation04:17
dmitrig01I thought I created a live CD but my computer hates it04:17
Jack_SparrowNetham45: you may still need to tweek the wireless, but at least with persistent mode .. things you do will be saved on the usb04:17
robdigcheeby: maybe tilda?04:18
linux88dutchie86 scguy318 is that a problem?04:18
dwilson805I see - I didnt understand that ubuntu comes up by default with no firewall running.  I was looking around for config files that didnt yet exist.04:18
Netham45wait, does Gutsy fit in 1gb?04:18
cheebytilda.  never heard of it.  apt-cache search tilda?04:18
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).04:18
astro76linux88, also 192.168.x.x is one of 3 private address ranges, these are not allowed and not valid on the public internet04:18
=== |ajmorris_| is now known as ajmorris_
Shadow147I thats another thing I like about ubuntu it has a firewall bult-in04:19
Jack_Sparrowdwilson805: if you are not trying to specifically open a port, leave it to the os..  If you doubt it works.. try grc.com   shields-up test of ports04:19
p1Actually I want to do something more - to copy my hard disk to another disk including all the contents, to boot it in the same machine instead of the original disk.  I tried dd from the original to an ext3-formatted external disk, then dd from the external disk to a formatted disk.  But I get grub error 22 (No such partition).04:19
robdigcheeby: not sure, saw something on wikipedia that said it was the same function for gnome as yakuake04:19
dmitrig01any help?04:19
FlannelShadow147: thats all linux, actually.  iptables is built into the kernel04:19
K_DallasQ: under  XP I am used to download a HOSTS file and block many of the irritating web contents.  How can I do it under Ubuntu and Q2: what is the locate packge for ubuntu, thanks04:19
linux88astro76 i see, so it's getting the ip from the server im goig through to get to the internet?04:19
estupendoceroI'm about to upgrade my memory card to an e-GeForce FX5200. Is there anything I need to do before I plug it in?04:20
{Nathan}Is there a way I can add null data to the end of a file to make it exactly 512kb? It's about 505.4kb right now.04:20
dutchie86linux88 no that is how 90% of networks if not more work these days04:20
astro76linux88, that IP is the one your ISP gives you04:20
Shadow147Flannel thanks for the info04:20
cheebyrobdig, installing now.  will let you know.  funny, I can't live without yakuake on this new system now...04:20
FlannelShadow147: didn't mean to ruin it for you or anything ;)04:20
linux88astro76 oh, ok so thats some how a static ip?04:20
Jack_Sparrowestupendocero: perhaps set your video driver to vesa generic.. unless your old card was nvidia04:20
astro76linux88, you have a router?04:20
Shadow147Flannel no it's ok04:20
linux88astro76 yes i do04:21
robdigcheeby: hope it works for you04:21
astro76linux88, it's most likely dynamic04:21
dwilson805Jack_Sparrow: this computer sits on a lan inside a firewall.  However, it coexists with windows machines, including one my son uses, and I don't trust him not to get owned...  so I want the firewall up, but I will open just a few holes for services such as mysql04:21
Shadow147Flannel it helps learning all I can ablout linux04:21
linux88astro76 ya i use dhcp04:21
Jack_Sparrowdwilson805: firestarter or guarddog will do the trick04:21
linux88astro76 im just trying o figure out if someone somehow got that ip, could they scan my local network?04:21
dwilson805JUack_Sparrow: yes, I installed firestarter and am adding policy rules as we speak04:22
=== khaladan- is now known as khaladan
card13ok, when I click next for step 5, it tries to start partitioner but that's it, no error nothing04:22
astro76linux88, your router will block everything unless you forward ports04:22
Jack_Sparrowcard13: wait for it..04:22
cheebyrobdig, well not bad.  F1 fires it up.04:22
Jack_Sparrowcard13: It sometimes takes awhile..04:22
cheebyyakuake works, but not as well as it does on kde.04:22
dutchie86linux88 if u have a firewall which most modem/routers do ur fine04:22
linux88astro76 dutchie86 ya it is04:22
card13on a 1.4 with 1gb of ram?04:23
estupendoceroJack_Sparrow: So, set my video driver to vesa generic, and then after I plug it in edit xorg.conf or whatever?04:23
card13it shows the status bar it hits 100% and goes away04:23
linux88astro76 dutchie86  how can i check how many server i go through before i get to the internet04:23
card13that's all partitioner does04:23
estupendoceroJack_Sparrow: there's a configuration utility, right?04:23
Jack_Sparrowestupendocero  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:24
skyfalcon866does ubuntu take advantage of sse sse204:24
estupendoceroJack_Sparrow: cool, thanks. Wish me luck!04:24
wershow do I make my fonts look like this http://www.gnome.org/start/2.20/notes/en/04:24
astro76linux88, you can trace the path between you and a server with traceroute, e.g. traceroute google.com04:24
cheebyrobdig, seems to be ok.  thanks. ;)04:25
* cheeby wanders over for a scotch04:25
robdigcheeby: np04:25
card13how long can it take to load the partitioner04:25
linux88astro76 ok, but how can I tell which servers im going through are form my network,say att, until i get ou into the open?04:25
Jack_Sparrowcard13: If you have a failing hard drive, it may never come up04:26
cheebyin gnome is there a way to make the windows rollup/shade on the wheel mouse?04:26
astro76linux88, it will probably be clear from the results04:26
linux88astro76 ok04:26
Undead_Zeusis Ubuntu a good OS to run something such as a dedicated game server on?04:27
Undead_Zeusor a web server04:27
card13it's brand new, I'm going to do it manually what do I need to do for the partitions?04:27
scguy318Undead_Zeus: depends on your needs, but sure04:27
Undead_Zeusi haven't really heard of ubuntu before until my friend introduced it to me04:27
astro76Undead_Zeus, sure, any linux distro would suffice04:27
linux88astro76 yes it was thanks. i always knew how traceroute worked but never used it ;)04:27
Jack_Sparrowcard13: root /home and a swap04:27
card13what should the sizes be?04:28
dwilson805I turned the firewall back off, but I cant seem to connect to the mysql server running on the box.  I can connect to it locally, but not over the lan.04:28
Jack_Sparrowcard13: anything you want.. 10 gig min for ub   no more that 2 for swap04:28
neil_dI am looking for some example python script that use gnome-print, can anyone help ?04:28
astro76neil_d, tried google code search?04:29
astro76neil_d, http://www.google.com/codesearch04:29
skyfalcon866should i use 64bit ubuntu or 32bit04:29
neil_dastro76, will try04:29
scguy318skyfalcon866: depends on what CPU you have04:29
skyfalcon866sempron 3800+04:29
operator011Can an USB mass storage drive w/ NTFS filesystem be mounted in Ubuntu-server 7.10 ?04:30
card13should swap be primary or logical?04:30
WGGMkwhat is the command to change the disk volume label?04:30
WGGMkof a usb thumbdrive or external usb harddrive04:30
rich1hi.  i want to download chess games in pgn format.  all these downloads are .zip files, though.  how do i open zip files in linux?04:30
WGGMkcard13 swap should be swap04:30
scguy318rich1: using File Roller04:31
Jack_Sparrowcard13: You can make it logical.. but the installer does all of that except the extra /home partition04:31
scguy318rich1: or just double click04:31
card13winzip can do it04:31
scguy318card13: well we're striving for native free apps :)04:31
Jack_Sparrowrich1: 7zip04:31
operator011Does usbmount have to be invoked maually once installed?04:31
rich1Jack_Sparrow: what is 7zip?04:32
Jack_Sparrowrich1: get/install with synaptic... or apt-get or aptitude04:32
skyfalcon866are some parts of the kernel non free04:32
ubotuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression04:32
EdCorcoranI need some help with setting my resolution to widescreen.04:33
fihi09supports .rpm aslwell04:33
fihi09as well*04:33
ubotuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)04:33
linux88checking for GTK - version >= 1.0.0... no04:33
linux88   what the correct package name for this? i already tried apt-get install gtk04:33
Jack_Sparrow!res | EdCorcoran04:33
ubotuEdCorcoran: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto04:33
EdCorcoranI have two monitors, a standard LCD monitor that I run at 1600x1200. I also have a LCD TV with DVI input that runs at 1366x768.04:33
fihi09uhhh i meant 7zip can read rpm archives ;s04:34
Jack_SparrowEdCorcoran: On the same video card or sererate as in onboard for one and plugin card for the other04:34
EdCorcoranI switch the cable between the two monitors when I want to switch, I don't have a dual-head setukp.04:34
p1I want to copy my hard disk to another disk including all the contents, and boot it in the same machine instead of the original disk.  I tried dd from the original to an ext3-formatted external disk, then dd from the external disk to a formatted disk.  But I get grub error 22 (No such partition).04:34
z9999We would like to retain our working install of ubuntu 6.06 and install ubuntu 7.04 as an optional boot. Currently we have the hard drive configured as follows:04:34
z9999sda1 99GB ext3  34GB's used04:34
z9999sda5  1GB swap04:34
z9999We would like to 2 10GB ext3 partitions, keeping the current install on one of them and later installing ubuntu 7.04 on the second 10GB partition. Additionally, we would like to keep our existing data contained in /home, but make it a separate 79GB partition allowing it to be mounted from a boot of either OS install, and retain the current 1GB swap.04:34
z9999Can this be done easily? We are aware we would need to use gparted but would appreciate any help in providing instructions on the sequence of operations needed to accomplish this safely and properly.04:34
dutchie86linux88 do a tracert or traceroute04:34
EdCorcoranJack_Sparrow: They are on the same card, but not at hte same time.04:35
astro76z9999, ugh.. didn't we answer this last night04:35
dutchie86mattycoze any luck with ur automounting?04:35
Jack_SparrowEdCorcoran: I dont do duals but others here can probably help..04:35
riotkittieis my brain lagging or was that the most obnoxious copy & paste evar04:35
ubotuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama04:35
EdCorcoranThey aren't dual.04:35
EdCorcoranI use them separately.04:36
skyfalcon866are some parts of the kernel non free04:36
linux88dutchie86 huh?04:36
EdCorcoranI just switch from one to the other.04:36
EdCorcoranOne is for normal computer, the other for watching movies, etc.04:36
astro76z9999, just boot the livecd, use gparted to repartion as you want, and install 7.1004:36
dutchie86linux88 for ur question about how far to the internet04:36
eyemeanhello does anyone have issues with rainlendar not starting up sometimes?04:36
wladekhi.. is there a way to hash a remote windows password so i don't have to hardcode it in plaintext in my fstab file for a smbfs mount?04:36
astro76z9999, and of course backup first ;)04:37
linux88dutchie86 oh yes i know04:37
EdCorcoranI've spent some time messing around in my xorg.conf, but I haven't gotten it to work.04:37
* cheeby is going to bed04:37
WGGMkHow do you change the VOLUME LABEL of an external USB disk?? command line plz04:37
cheebylater all04:37
dutchie86see cheeby04:37
dutchie86wGGMk have a look at the man page of fdisk04:38
dutchie86or google :)04:38
* cheeby has a newborn in da house....04:38
mattycozedutchie86 noluck with the autoumounting lol, i took it out after i thought i had unmounted it and i can't mount it again04:38
riotkittiecongrats cheeby04:38
card13I got all my partitions setup and went through the install but it couldn't creat the swap partition04:38
rich1scguy318: i tried double clicking and get notice to choose another program, none of which work.04:38
Luxohola ahi alguien q me ayude XD04:38
alyxhey whats the command to bring up eth004:39
z9999astro76: We don't see how we get the /home moved to a seperate partition and how to assure that it would be accessable under both the existing OS as well as a new one.04:39
dutchie86mattycoze mount it with the commands from before and then u the command umount /dev/sdb104:39
cheebyriotkittie, thanks.  but I need to sleep when he does.04:39
alyxconfigure by dhcp04:39
riotkittie!es | Luxo04:39
ubotuLuxo: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.04:39
dutchie86mattycoze if that dont work you might need to reboot ur machine and then if it dont mount use the -f switch04:39
dutchie86alyx ifconfig eth0 up04:39
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astro76z9999, it's not separate now?04:40
dutchie86but u need to do it as sudo04:40
alyxi thought it was ifup eth0 but i kept getting an error04:40
alyxunkown interface or something04:40
dutchie86alyx u can also use the network manager gui in ubuntu04:40
alyxdutchie86,  im using e1704:40
z9999astro76: No, we only have sda1 and sda5.04:41
dutchie86lol, sorry for my ignorance alyx but that is what? :$04:41
alyxenlightinment dutchie8604:41
EdCorcoranAnybody have any tips for putting widescreen resolutiosn into xorg.conf? I"m not using dual-head04:41
Jack_SparrowWorst wm I ever installed04:41
dutchie86aah ok cool alyx04:42
Jack_SparrowEdCorcoran: Do you want to see my xorg for my widescreen as example04:42
alyxhttp://www.enlightenment.org/ dutchie8604:42
astro76z9999, http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome04:42
dutchie86alyx also if it is set to dynamic address you need to use dclient to get an ip address04:42
alyxso what so i type and how would i make it a script to do it? dutchie8604:43
Jack_SparrowEdCorcoran: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46531/04:43
linux88  checking for GTK - version >= 1.0.0... no04:43
linux88 whats the correct package name for this? i already tried apt-get install gtk????04:43
alyxcaptain Jack_Sparrow !04:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gtk2 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:43
card13so can you help me the rest of the way?  anyone???04:44
Jack_Sparrowlinux88: look it up in synaptic04:44
linux88Jack_Sparrow,  theres like a million04:44
dutchie86alyx you would need to run it as root04:44
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z9999astro76: For some reason I cannot access that site. We tried last night, and it is still not accessable here in Thailand.04:44
dutchie86so if you wanted to script it would be ifconfig eht0 up; dhclient eth0 alyx04:45
dutchie86alyx that is for bash shell anyway04:45
alyxright on thanks04:45
linux88Wow i cant believe i cant install xtraceroute form source! is there a .deb for XTRACEROUTE?04:45
card13swap is where Ubuntu has the problem!!!04:46
astro76z9999, try this
dutchie86linux88 you should be able to, but yeah there should be a .deb just cool for it04:46
EdCorcoranJack: Mine is quite different from yours. Mine is all set up with modelines. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46532/04:46
linux88dutchie86 hmm04:46
Jack_SparrowEdCorcoran: modeline work great04:46
* dutchie86 brb04:47
suprchrisHey guys, can someone help with mounting a disk04:47
Jack_Sparrowz9999: did you see my link above04:47
EdCorcoranWell, I don't understand modelines.04:47
z9999astro76: That works, thanks and we'll read through that and see if it helps. Thanks again.04:47
z9999Jack_Sparrow: Yes, and we will look at that also. Thank you.04:49
card13can't create swap!!!04:50
suprchrisi'm new to linux and i could use some help mounting a drive.04:50
pgI want to change my hard disk without re-installing Ubuntu.  I tried dd to an intermediate disk (formatted with ext3), then onto the new disk (also formatted).  As far as I can tell, the contents are copied correctly.  But when I boot, I get grub error 22 (no such partition).04:52
kitchepg: did you put the partitions the same on the second disk04:52
ChuckFudoes anyone see a website at www.millerworld.us04:52
r3n0cis there any way to modify the settings for any fot he screensavers which come with ubuntu 7.10?04:53
r3n0csuch as glmatrix?04:53
pgkitche: let me check *blush*04:53
Shadow_Xwhat is the command to run the X config script in text mode?04:53
zetheroocan I open CMYK PSD's in Gimp?04:54
scguy318Shadow_X: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:54
Shadow_Xno, Im on a friends pc. somehow ubuntu screwed up the xorg.conf so i removed the original. now i need to regenerate a healthy xorg.conf04:54
linux88why when using traceroute i get 7.*** 8.*** 9.*** and so on04:54
scguy318Shadow_X: if you want to regenerate defaults04:54
scguy318Shadow_X: dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg04:55
Shadow_Xthanks scguy31804:55
pgkitche: no, I did not copy the swap partition or a partition marked as "unknown" on the old disk04:55
scguy318linux888: at those hops no reply was received04:55
pgkitche: I suppose I have to copy those too, in the same order and exactly the same sizes?04:55
scguy318pg: check your menu.lst probably04:55
r3n0cis it possible to modify screensaver settings?04:56
scguy318pg: and such, too tired to say more04:56
scguy318r3n0c: yes04:56
scguy318r3n0c: System -> Prefs -> Screensaver04:56
kingrayray"too many open files" when copying files to a mass storage device. wtf?04:56
r3n0ci don't mean to change it, i mean to change the actual settings of it04:56
r3n0clike the speed of the text04:56
clay3482is there anyway to make a link in ubuntu without the OS adding "LINK TO" to the link?04:57
scguy318r3n0c: not sure, GNOME screensaver is kinda feature-less compared to X screensaver04:57
scguy318f3n0c: perhaps something in gconf?04:57
kitchepg: well the swap and stuff doesn't but as long as the main partitions are correct you should be fine04:57
r3n0cjust run gconf?04:57
scguy318r3n0c: gconf-editor04:57
scguy318r3n0c: might be a GConf setting04:58
=== tonyy is now known as tonyyarusso
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pgkitche: how about if I list the old disk's UUID in the menu.lst?  I bet that is the problem04:58
clay3482is there anyway to make a link in ubuntu without the OS adding "LINK TO" to the link?04:58
Nematocystpg, you'll want to update uuid for the partitions in /etc/fstab too04:59
newb-ubuntuI have a windows XP PC (dell dimension xps) and I want to install ubuntu05:00
newb-ubuntuI can't burn a live CD because I don't have a CD burner05:00
EdwardXPi wouldnt do it05:00
EdwardXPjust get your money back for the xps pc05:01
clay3482is there anyway to make a link in ubuntu without the OS adding "LINK TO" to the link?05:01
compwiz18I just installed the ATI 7.11 drivers, and my resolution went from 1680x1040 to 1024x768. I haven't changed my xorg.conf at all. Anyone else have this problem or a solution?05:01
newb-ubuntuit's gillions of years old, not sure they would accept it05:01
pgNematocyst, kitche: strangely, the UUIDs match both in menu.lst and fstab05:01
pgI am running from the live CD right now05:01
gamepg: how do you like it05:02
newb-ubuntuso how do I do it?05:02
mattycozekk back now05:02
mattycoze... hmm still can't mount the drive again05:02
z9999One additional question, Am I correct in assuming that disk fragmentation does not occur in a Linux file system similar to windows, so it would not be necessary to defrag the drive prior to using gparted?05:02
clay3482Can you guys see me??05:02
mattycoze... and my dmesg shows this http://pastebin.com/m49d19c505:02
scguy318z9999: no, not necessary05:02
mattycozei forgot who it was i was talking to05:02
pggame: great, for a live CD, but I want my old installation copied to the new disk05:02
scguy318clay3482: no05:02
clay3482scguy318 is there anyway to make a link in ubuntu without the OS adding "LINK TO" to the link?05:03
n2diy_clay3482: no, de-cloak05:03
z9999scguy318: OK, and Thanks.05:03
Jean-AwesomeA question: I discovered upon installing 7.10 in a dual boot configuration that my BIOS does not support booting after a certain cylinder limit, as GRUB always gave me an error 18 when attempting to boot to Ubuntu.05:03
Jean-AwesomeSo, I was told that a solution was to simply install with /boot in a 500MB area at the beginning of the disk from an old diagnostic partition. So, during the install, I told the partitioner to create a small partition at the beginning of the drive containing with mount point /boot/ and a large partiton about 70GB in with mountpoint / (I also, of course, created a swap partition). Upon booting in to05:03
Jean-Awesome Ubuntu GRUB once again gave me an error 18. Have I done something incorrectly?05:03
gamepg:then why dont you install it i had liek 5 os's on my mp05:03
scguy318clay3482: link liek?05:04
clay3482n2diy can you cast the de-cloak spell - i lost my rogue guide05:04
juano__why do flash animations always get "on top" of other things in a web site ??05:04
idiosyncwhats the command to restart a service fedora is service smb restart05:05
n2diy_clay3482: sorry, I'm not a  Romulan, so I can't help you.05:05
pggame: I want my old configs, modifications to various files in /etc and /boot to be preserved, as well as package selections to be copied.  I figured it would be somple to copy than hunt for which files I have changed.05:05
newb-ubuntuok, I'm downloading it05:05
newb-ubuntuwhat do I do once it's downloaded?05:06
clay3482scguy - what I have is a 1 TeraByte drive that has a lot of home video files on it - I am making links to the videos and putting them in folders a - z - it is a pain renaming every link to remove the "link to" that is added to each file once the links is made05:06
LoaxesAnyone have a nice guide that'll show me how to install a windows partition on a ubuntu machine?05:07
gavin__hi all05:07
tonyyarusso!dualboot | Loaxes05:07
ubotuLoaxes: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot05:07
LoaxesThanks tony05:07
gamepg: you can back up and split your drive in 3 or 4 then put windows then ubuntu on it and just do a dule boot. and when you want to upgrade you can use the other partitions05:07
clay3482in Windows you could use a tweak that would let you make it now add "shortcut to" on every link05:07
clay3482not add05:08
gameyou could use WINE HQ05:08
pggame: I just want my old data on a single partition on a new disk.  I want to give the old disk to someone else. See?05:08
ChuckFu56:02 PM) r3n0c: is it possible to modify screensaver settings?05:08
ChuckFu(09:56:03 PM) scguy318: pg: and such, too tired to say more05:08
ChuckFu(09:56:06 PM) scguy318: r3n0c: yes05:08
ChuckFu(09:56:19 PM) scguy318: r3n0c: System -> Prefs -> Screensaver05:08
ChuckFu(09:56:30 PM) kingrayray: "too many open files" when copying files to a mass storage device. wtf?05:08
ChuckFu(09:56:36 PM) p1 left the room (quit: Connection timed out).05:08
ChuckFu(09:56:40 PM) r3n0c: i don't05:08
ChuckFudarn what is that05:09
estupendocerookay, so I upgraded my video card. I hand-edited xorg.conf to set the driver as "vga", installed the card, booted the machine, and it kicked me into command line. When I $sudo dpkg -reconfigure xserver-xorg, it doesn't seem to recognize the arguments. Now I'm stuck in command line.05:09
gavin__is there any point-of-sale software in the ubuntu repo05:09
juano__hello everyone, why is it that once i install flash in firefox, it works fine, except in a website it seems to get over other text in the website not letting you being able to see or click stuff below it ?05:09
Vandaliteso can anyone explain this one? I have two computers, (the first one is a PS3 running gutsy, and a windows pc. If i use the Xvnc server on the gutsy box and connect to it, i get a split second gdm login screen, then it crashes and i get disconnected. (Xvnc4 using xdmcp to connect to itself). If i use cygwin and it's xserver, it connects, and i can get a desktop.05:09
Vandalitewhat's goin on here?05:09
clay3482is there anyway to make a link in ubuntu without the OS adding "LINK TO" to the link?05:09
gamepg: then you can reformat then install ubuntu and use a v- box and your good05:10
pgclay3482: you can use the command line.  Open a terminal and type "man ln"05:10
juano__clay3482: through terminal u give it the name you want05:10
Scunizigavin__, check out http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24457305:11
clay3482i have close to 1,000 files I am linking - anyway to do it more than 1 at a time05:11
Learning-UbuntuIs there a way to Import multiple .vcf files into Evolution in one run rather than importing one at a time?05:11
gavin__Thanks a lot, will do that now05:12
pggame: what is v-box?05:12
LoaxesOkay, those guides aren't helping me with dual booting. I have Ubuntu installed already, and want to use xp aswell, not the other way around, which is what the guide tells me how to do, it seems.05:12
Kl4mclay3482: How do you do it so it adds "link to"?05:13
Kl4mpg: virtualbox probably05:13
gamepg: virtualbox_1.5.2-25433_Ubuntu_feisty_i38605:13
n2diy_Loaxes:  so go ask the XP folks?05:13
Loaxesthere are xp folks?05:13
HanyouLoaxes: From my experience you usually have Windows installed first then you install your other OS so that GRUB can find the other partion and configure it during the install.05:13
Kl4m!grub | Loaxes05:14
ubotuLoaxes: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:14
n2diy_Kl4m: qsl?05:14
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash05:14
pggame: I guess I could reformat the new disk, install Ubuntu, copy my home folder, install the same packages and copy the config files. But that's a lot of operations.  On this irc I was told I can use dd, and that's a lot simpler05:14
Loaxesthat's annoying05:14
infurnusanybody know how to get compiz from spanish to english05:15
clay3482i have close to Video 1,000 files I am linking - is there anyway to link more than 1 file at a time without the OS adding "LINK TO" to the link - because using thunar or Nautilus and I go to the folder and select 30 or so files and right click then choose make link it will add "Link to" on every link.  It is a pain having to go back and rename every file without the "LINK TO" added - I can do it but it is a pain - I was just wondering i05:15
NKD-Quick question. I am running Ubuntu 7.10 with a custom kernel. I have the appropriate nvidia drivers installed and can run OpenGL apps with no problem. Gnome however will not allow me to enable the extra desktop effects without the restricted driver. (Which I am already using.) I cannot use the restricted driver manager because I am using a custom kernel.05:15
clay3482f their was an easy way to make the OS default to not add "LINK TO" when making a link.?05:15
Kl4mclay3482: drag them while holding ALT, then click make link05:16
estupendoceroso when I type sudo dpkg -reconfigure xserver-xorg, it returns the error: conflicting actions -e (--control) and -r (--remove). What's going on?05:16
dutchie86NKD- probably need to muck around with your xorg config05:16
gameclay3482: you might want to ask debian that05:16
pggame: I don't need virtualization.  I have an installation of Ubuntu on an old disk and I want to move it to a new disk so everything is the same.05:16
estupendoceroI'm stuck in CLI till I figure it out05:16
HanyouLoaxes: I beleive that on the GRUB website there is a how to on reconfiguring GRUB if you have done something like what you did. Then again that was some time ago. I would just backup my Ubuntu install and go at it again.05:16
crdlbinfurnus: what exactly do you mean by "compiz"? ccsm?05:16
Kl4mclay3482: do it in another folder05:16
clay3482cool KL4m - thanks05:16
LoaxesThat's annoying.05:16
infurnuscrdlb, yes ccsm is half in spanish half in engilsh i suppose from what didnt translate05:16
dutchie86game you might be able to do to it using dd but otherwise you need to look at a commercial product such as Acronis05:17
Loaxesthanks though05:17
Nematocystpg, i can't believe i'm not getting LOTS of hits on this, but here's one: http://encodable.com/tech/blog/2006/10/30/Ubuntu_Linux_Hard_Drive_Upgrade05:17
juano__why is it that once i install flash in firefox, it works fine, except in a website it seems to get over other text in the website not letting you being able to see or click stuff below it ?05:17
crdlbinfurnus: you can run "LC_ALL=C ccsm" to get it in English05:17
n2diy_Kl4m: qsl?05:17
infurnuscrdlb, ran that from terminal and it popped up in spanish05:18
=== n2diy_ is now known as n2diy
Nematocystpg, essentially, you copy all the partitions, put grub on the MBR of the new drive, and update /etc/fstab on it using the new partition uuids05:18
NKD-Got my interface fixed.. now.. one more question. On bootup I am getting FATAL Errors that it could not find the modules.dep file in my kernel lib directory05:18
NKD-screen gets briefly spammed with em, then it boots fine05:19
dutchie86hi yl05:19
NKD-not sure if its causing any problems, but i dont like to see FATAL on bootup05:19
ylhi dutchie8605:19
Vandalite... anyone?05:19
notonekindI really could use some help here..05:19
pgclay3482: it has to have a different name than the file it points to.  If you create a link in a directory other than the directory of the original file, then it does not have "link to" in the name05:19
idiosynchow do i stop start a service in the terminal05:19
pggame: it's not Debian, but Gnome05:19
gamepg:o ok then the way i would do it would to back the apps with a dvd or 2 and start fresh of you can use a usb hard drive and  move all the stuff over to the new one, but i do not know how to move the os to a diffrent dard drive05:19
Vandaliteidiosync: what service?05:19
pggame: well, that's what I'm asking :-005:20
Vandalitesudo /etc/init.d/smb restart05:20
Vandalitei think...05:20
n2diyNKD-: If you had fatal errors with your kernel, you wouldn't be booting, what else does it tell you?05:20
idiosyncfedora has service smb restart also chkconfig smb on etc05:21
pggame: thanks though05:21
osxdudeHow do you make a batch script run BEFORE X starts?05:21
notonekindSomeone PM me if they want to try to help me out with somethin Tricky05:21
infurnusccsm showing mostly spanish ran LC_ALL=C ccsm its still showing in spanish any other ideas?05:21
dutchie86idiosync yeah service is just an alias command and chkconfig is to see which run level the services are in05:21
gamepg:  google it or do ask.com  that works all the tiem05:21
Vandaliteidiosync: then that command should do it.05:21
gameosdude: its called a root kit lol05:22
pggame: my bets are on this IRC.  There are many knowlegeable people here, I'll ask again05:22
notonekindare yo uguys still helping someone or can I ask a question?05:22
segagmancm with ati  but its locked down gave to me wtf05:22
gamepg: im bord do you have a myspace of a facebook?05:23
idiosyncyeh /etc/init.d/samba worked back to basics again for me05:23
compwiz18is there a way to get Ubuntu to generate the xorg.conf that was generated when it was installed?05:23
n2diy! ask | notonekind05:23
ubotunotonekind: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:23
notonekindalright its kind of long05:23
notonekindHeres what happened05:23
astro76!xconfig | compwiz1805:23
ubotucompwiz18: To reconfigure your X server, open a console and type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg » - To configure only the driver and resolution, type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh » - See also !FixRes05:23
dutchie86compwiz18 use sudo dpkg-reconfigure xorg or something like that05:23
compwiz18astro76: dutchie86 thank you05:24
dutchie86lol, thanks astro7605:24
segagmanis there any way to put buntu in old toshiba05:24
notonekindI did a PC recovery in Windows, and lost access to all my files. My program files were intact, and my files were still taking up space on my hard drive05:24
Loaxesis there anyway to back up my entire ubuntu OS?05:24
notonekindso at the recommendation of a friend I made a Ubuntu boot disk and looked for the fiels that way05:24
compwiz18!enter | notonekind05:24
ubotunotonekind: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:24
segagmani want to boot05:24
notonekindokay, sorry! Ill start over05:24
compwiz18it makes it easier to read if you keep it all on one line :)05:24
compwiz18no worries, notonekind05:25
segagman<new name nontld05:25
notonekindI did PC recovery, lost access to my files, but they were still taking up space on my hard drive. I then used Ubuntu and found them in a "userdata" folder. I cut tha folder and pasted it to my documents so I could access it with windows. When i tried, it said access denied. It also said the folder was 0kb big. I went back into Ubuntu and looked at it, and it turned everything into one index.dat file that is 60 GB large. I dont know how 05:26
pete83segagman: what are the specs of the old toshiba?05:26
gamenotonekind: lets chat05:27
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ubotuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning05:27
segagmanfor all i know it is a05:27
gamenotonekind: i sent you a privet chat05:28
hal9k2010hello all05:28
segagmancm ati05:28
hal9k2010anyone to help me  with upgrading my deskktop enviroment ?05:28
VandaliteOk here goes: I have two computers. One with Windows XP, and cygwin, and a vnc client. One with Gutsy Gibbon, XDMCP enabled, and an XVNC4 server set up to open a new desktop through XDMCP, using Xinetd as the trigger. When I log on with cygwin's X :1 -query <gutsy machine IP> it connects,and i get a desktop. When I connect with VNC, it connects, i Get the logon screen just beginning to appear, then it dies.. I c05:28
segagmantob satalite05:28
segagmanbios locked05:28
n2diynotonekind: run your live cd, go into your  Windows partition, and rename your last working restore file to the current one.05:28
segagmanhdd locked05:28
segagmani got a raw deal05:28
notonekindgame I sent yo ua pricate chat too?05:28
pete83segagman: so it won't boot off CD?05:29
notonekindI didnt get yours05:29
pete83segagman: what model of Toshiba Satellite?05:29
gamenotonekind: i did not get it05:29
notonekindgame: Ididnt get yours either05:29
segagmando you konow how to check?05:29
gamenotonekind: did you get that05:29
notonekindgame: I sent you 405:29
notonekinddo yo use AIM or MSN?05:30
pete83segagman: it usually says on the laptop somewhere05:30
froggy__how do I do that?has anyone heard of xshipwars?????05:30
gamewell i juess that wont work so whats up05:30
segagmanhold on05:30
notonekindso what do we do?05:30
infurnusanybody have ideas on how to get compiz settings manager from spanish to english05:30
froggy__anyone heard of xshipwars?05:31
notonekindGame are you still there?05:31
n2diyinfurnus: have you asked on the spanish channel?05:31
gamenotonekind: i would log in to the system user ill give you a link on how to do that05:31
segagman satellitte a85 s197205:31
infurnusn2diy, i suppose i could but i dont speak spanish :(05:31
segagmanbios are jacked05:32
notonekindGame, where did you go?05:32
n2diyinfurnus: ah, that's a small problem, sorry, habla espanol poquito.05:32
segagman<this is not my pc05:32
gamenotonekind: system is as high as you can go in windows05:32
gamenotonekind: system is as high as you can go in windows05:33
gamenotonekind: system is as high as you can go in windows05:33
gamenotonekind: system is as high as you can go in windows05:33
segagmanjust trying to help a friend05:33
gameill give you a link05:33
gameill give you a link05:33
segagmani need to flash bios on a laptop05:33
Microsoftieshow can i generate apps on to menu ? gnome doesnt show some of my apps05:34
segagmanubuntu rules05:34
crdlbMicrosofties: right click on the menubar>edit menu05:34
segagmanthey got mana05:34
segagmanon this05:34
Microsoftiescrdlb, i get starting main menu and after that nothing happens05:35
segagmanphinox bios05:35
gamenotonekind: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=151386074057172620&q=system+user+on+windows&total=460&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=505:35
crdlbMicrosofties: run "alacarte" in a terminal05:35
pete83segagman: hey, you might want to check this out: http://www.laptoprepair101.com/laptop/2006/02/10/remove-clear-toshiba-laptop-bios/05:35
Microsoftiescrdlb, ah thanks. no module names glade. i should be able to fix it from here cheers :)05:36
juano__where can i find a gui frontend for xmess ?05:36
gamenotonekind: that should do it, because you know how to get the files all you needed is a little more power05:37
juano__or maybe another emulator for SMS ?05:37
ArthurArchnixI usually install frostwire, but what are the other options supported by ubuntu?05:37
gamenotonekind: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=151386074057172620&q=system+user+on+windows&total=460&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=505:37
gamenotonekind: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=151386074057172620&q=system+user+on+windows&total=460&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=505:37
notonekinddI got disconnected05:37
notonekinddGame still tehre?05:37
ArthurArchnix!p2p | ArthurA05:37
ubotuArthurA: Peer-to-peer filesharing clients are available for several networks/protocols, including !BitTorrent, !Gnutella, !eDonkey, !DirectConnect, !SoulSeek - Multi-protocol engines include !MLDonkey and !giFT - See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/P2PFileSharing for general information05:37
gamenotonekind: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=151386074057172620&q=system+user+on+windows&total=460&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=505:37
gamenotonekind: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=151386074057172620&q=system+user+on+windows&total=460&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=505:37
gamenotonekind: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=151386074057172620&q=system+user+on+windows&total=460&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=505:37
astro76!ops | game05:38
ubotugame: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Pelo!05:38
notonekinddwhat happeend?05:38
isforinsects_How do I change the mime type for .spx?  ubuntu really doesn't like it as it stands05:39
gamenotonekind: that should do it, because you know how to get the files all you needed is a little more power05:39
gamenotonekind: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=151386074057172620&q=system+user+on+windows&total=460&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=505:39
estupendocerookay, I installed a new video card, ran dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, and now when I try to startx it's telling me "Screens found, but none have a usable configuration". Help!05:39
naliothgame: please don't repeat05:39
pete83!flood | game05:40
ubotugame: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)05:40
estupendoceroIt's giving me a lot more info than that, actually, but I don't know how to cut and paste in command line05:40
astro76estupendocero, select to copy, middle click to paste, or shift+ctrl+c and +v05:41
NKD-Got my interface fixed.. now.. one more question. On bootup I am getting FATAL Errors that it could not find the modules.dep file in my kernel lib directory. It boots fine, apparently, but I dont like seeing FATAL errors05:41
NKD-And I cannot find it in any logs..05:41
estupendoceroastro76: how do I select things?05:41
astro76estupendocero, oh your in the console, sorry05:42
estupendoceroastro76: haha yeah05:42
astro76estupendocero, if you install gpm you can use the mouse on the console05:43
estupendoceroastro76: o rly? I'll do that05:43
estupendoceroI can't use pastebin because lynx isn't cool enough. Is there a #flood on this server or something?05:49
crdlb!info pastebinit | estupendocero05:49
ubotuestupendocero: pastebinit: command-line pastebin client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.2-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 7 kB, installed size 84 kB05:49
kiyoshidoes anyone know why sound in flash wont work in firefox05:49
kiyoshiit worked for me before05:50
estupendocerocrdlb: sweet, thanks05:50
pgHow can I check the UUID of a disk?05:51
astro76!uuid | pg05:51
ubotupg: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)05:51
Hanyoukiyoshi: What flashplayer are you using Gnash or official Flash by Adobe?05:51
nnotonekindSomeone helped me a little bit ago05:51
kiyoshithe official05:51
ubuntufreakDoes anyone use Hackety hack in Ubuntu 7.10 i have problem with its working ?05:51
froggy__anyone know how to install .run files????05:51
nnotonekindsomeone helped me a little bit ago, told me to recover my windows partition. are you still here?05:51
dwilson805thanks for your help, guys.  Things are shaping up here. :)   ubuntu == good stuff05:52
vvnhi, I'm trying to fix a grub error 17 on gutsy and uh...I thought my HD would be /dev/hda1...but there's no HD*....where's the HDs now?  it's an IBM thinkpad r4005:52
dwilson805wn: if it is sata, it will probably be /dev/sda05:52
Hanyoukiyoshi: This may sound stupid, but is sound working in everything but flash?05:52
nnotonekindI REALLY need to find the person that was helping me get my files back after the PC recovery05:52
=== CrewChat-5589527 is now known as D_ReaL_PuNiShEr
kiyoshiflash worked perfectyly for me before05:53
pgastro76: this tells me that both my disks have the same UUID:05:53
pg/dev/sda5: UUID="9597d631-2a86-4b32-9b00-2c32c1bdfcc1" SEC_TYPE="ext2" TYPE="ext3"05:53
pg/dev/sdb1: UUID="9597d631-2a86-4b32-9b00-2c32c1bdfcc1" SEC_TYPE="ext2" TYPE="ext3"05:53
kiyoshibut i reinstalled linux to a bigger partition05:53
vvndwilson805: and IDE?05:53
ArthurArchnixHanyou: Could be a plugin error? Try reinstall via synaptec after apt-get remove --purge?05:53
nnotonekindCan anyone help me? I just loaded Ubuntu and it stopped seeing my C drive05:54
Fekallanyone have some good ideas about adding modelines in xorg?05:54
ArthurArchnixnnotonekind: I wasn't that person, but ask your question.05:54
suprchrisi'd like to mount a drive labeled sda1 that was a logical drive within windows.  How would i go about that?05:54
tyronepolleriHi how can I change the theme in compiz?05:54
kiyoshiso does anyone have any idea?05:54
vvnwhere do I find IDE drives in dev?05:55
dwilson805vvn: my IDE drive is /dev/hda05:55
pgsuprchris: assuming it is formatted as NTFT, sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sda1 /some/directory05:55
suprchriswhen i use fdisk -l it outputs the file sys as SFS05:55
nnotonekindI did a PC recovery, and lost access to all my files. they were still taking up space on my Hard drive, so I loaded up a Ubuntu disk to find them. I found them in a folder called "userdata" and decided to cut and paste that to my documents. When i loaded windows again it told me It couldnt access the folder.  I loaded Ubuntu a second time and looked at the folder, and it had turned everything in the folder into an index.dat file. Now I h05:56
kiyoshiso nmoone knows05:56
kiyoshigreat that means ill have to reinstall linux :(05:56
vvnseems its sda...thats what dmesg shows05:56
ArthurArchnixkiyoshi: First thing I'd check is that the plugin was installed correctly. Chances are you installed it interactively through a website. You need to go into synaptic, search for flash, completely remove it. Then completely reinstall it. Be sure that mozilla is closed. Then report back.05:56
pjeideFekall: gtf05:56
Hanyoukiyoshi: Try reinstalling the plugin using synaptec05:56
kiyoshii did05:57
kiyoshiit didnt work05:57
HanyouOops slow at tpping today.05:57
pjeideyes, man gtf05:57
pgwhy does blkid say my drives have the same UUID, and how can I correct that?05:57
ArthurArchnixkiyoshi: On how many sites have you tried it? That is, have you ruled out a problem with a particular site.05:57
kiyoshialot of sites05:57
Fekallgo to forum?05:57
tyronepolleridoes anyone know how to change themes in compiz?05:57
pjeideFekall: into console type "man gtf"05:58
magic_ninjawill nice 19 give a program more or less proc power05:58
nnotonekindArthur did you see my question/05:58
estupendocerookay, I upgraded my video card, ran sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, tried a few diff. configurations, and when I srartx, I get the error seen here: http://paste.stgraber.org/05:58
deniz_i have canon pixma mp170 and need the mp150 drivers for it to work can sum1 help me find them cuz i cant find them on the site and its not included in feisty05:58
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal05:58
pjeideFekall: np05:58
pjeideFekall: I like your creativity, though :)05:58
titanix88Fekall: what creativity? :)05:58
estupendocerodammit pastebinit no workey05:58
pjeideFekall: ie.. gtf 1024 768 60    -->   Modeline "1024x768_60.00"  64.11  1024 1080 1184 1344  768 769 772 795  -HSync +Vsync05:59
sexyboyhey grls05:59
pgWhy does blkid say my /dev/sda15 and /dev/sdb1 have the same UUID (9597d631-2a86-4b32-9b00-2c32c1bdfcc1)?05:59
pjeideand change "1024x768_60.00" to match whatever your device is called05:59
estupendocerois there a textmode AIM client anyone knows of?05:59
Nematocystmagic_ninja, nice just adjusts priority.  it's not a magic bullet to gain cpu power.  what type of program are you intending to nice?05:59
nnotonekindArthur: are you still here?06:00
ExalleRis there any command that easily installs the whole Compiz Fusion?06:01
nnotonekindDes someone here want to ry helping me?06:01
nnotonekindI did a PC recovery, and lost access to all my files. they were still taking up space on my Hard drive, so I loaded up a Ubuntu disk to find them. I found them in a folder called "userdata" and decided to cut and paste that to my documents. When i loaded windows again it told me It couldnt access the folder.  I loaded Ubuntu a second time and looked at the folder, and it had turned everything in the folder into an index.dat file. Now I h06:01
kiyoshii get ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:864:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave06:02
kiyoshi when playing flash06:02
pgWhy does blkid say that my /dev/sda5 and /dev/sdb1 have the same UUID, and how can I fix that?06:02
Nematocystmagic_ninja, if your intent is to improve gameplay, then you probably do want positive values06:02
kiyoshiany idea anyone?06:03
magic_ninjaNematocyst: ty06:03
kiyoshii really dont wanna have to reinstall linux :(06:03
ArthurArchnixkiyoshi: I had an answer for you but closed the link because I'd thought you'd left to reinstall.06:03
kiyoshino i lost connection sorry06:04
nnotonekindArtherArchnix: can you help me at all?06:04
kiyoshi flash used to work for me now its fucked up06:04
ArthurArchnixkiyoshi: I'm going to be helping nnotonekind for a bit here, but if you want to try some thinigs without me use google and search for "flash no sound ubuntu" there's a bug on the subject with links to a workaround.06:04
Fekallpjeide, are you still here06:04
Fekallso I add that into my config in the section Monitor...right06:05
ArthurArchnixnnotonekind: Sure. So you are dual booting widows XP and ubuntu 7.1?06:05
nnotonekindI am booting ubuntu from a cd06:05
w30I have my laptop set up for dhcp and my internet server give me three name servers but they are in the wrong order; How can I reverse the order for listing in resolv.conf automatically? Is it possible to do anything besides edit resolv.conf every time I connect to the net?06:06
kiyoshiwell that didnt freaking work06:06
kiyoshinow i have to reinstall06:06
krux0how can i install i686-pc-linux-gnu-gcc on my amd6406:06
TigranGw30: cant you change it in network-manager?06:06
thorw30: it isn't necessary....they are searched until one is found that works06:07
krux0i need the tool chain for i686 because I'm trying to cross compile06:07
w30TigranG: no, it gets overwritten by dhcp.06:07
ArthurArchnixnnotonekind: Sorry, I know someone was helping you. But I don't understand the backstory. Can you tell me about your setup and what happened. I see what you've tried, but I still need some more info.06:07
nnotonekindwell right now, what I want to do06:07
ArthurArchnixkiyoshi: What sounds mixer are you using?06:07
nnotonekindis to get Ubuntu to let me access my C drive06:07
thorw30: but if you really want to...the nameservers are stored in /etc/resolv.conf06:08
nnotonekindwhen I go "places/computer" it just has file system06:08
ArthurArchnixnnotonekind: From the live dc right? And keep the explanations on one line.06:08
nnotonekindyes, sorry.06:08
w30thor: it takes forever to resolve names when it has to go through all three names to get to the active name server.06:08
thorw30: it can be edited with gedit or vi but has to be edited as root06:08
kiyoshialsa i think06:08
kiyoshiALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:864:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave is what comes up when trying to run flash06:08
FezzlerThe Mhz setting on my video never stays set.  I change it to 97 mHz but at each boot up it's back to 50 mHz?06:09
ArthurArchnixnnotonekind: ok... when when you copied those files over did you do anything special? Or just boot the live cd and copy the files?06:09
kiyoshigreat i gotta reinstall06:09
FezzlerMakes screen grainy instead of smooth06:09
kiyoshinow everything is really fucked06:09
pjeideFekall: Yes06:09
ArthurArchnixkiyoshi: Go reinstall then. You're too impatient for me to help you.06:09
w30thor: name resolving is lightning fast if I just use the last of the three name servers but slow as hell if I use all three06:09
nnotonekindI booted the live cd, cut the files, and then pasted them into "my documents". that's all.06:09
Fekallok...then I added "1680x1050_60"06:09
thorw30: did you see my info about editing /etc/resolv.conf?06:10
pjeidedid you run gtf?06:10
Fekallinto the subsection display06:10
FekallI did06:10
ArthurArchnixnnotonekind: But otherwise, it's an entirely XP system? That's the only thing on there?06:10
pjeidechange "1680x1050_60" to the name of your display06:10
Fekalland added this to my config in monitor section06:10
bomanizerso... anybody using the lowlatency kernel? I'm having hibernate issues...06:10
pjeideor device.. i cant remember06:10
Fekallin both sections06:10
nnotonekindDo you mean the only operating system? if so than yes.06:10
pjeideFekall: I am no expert, sorry..06:10
w30thor: yeah, that works good but every time I boot I have to re-edit resolv.conf cause dhcp over writes it.06:10
Fekallmoreso than I am ...I really apprectiate your help06:11
Flannelbomanizer: You might have more luck in #ubuntustudio06:11
ArthurArchnixnnotonekind: Home or Pro?06:11
bomanizerk htx06:11
nnotonekindHome I think. Or Media Center of thats an option.06:11
thorw30: where you define the network card you should be able to define the servers...that should turn off the updates06:11
astro76nnotonekind, media center is pro06:11
w30thor: I suppose I will have to try a cron job to do it but I was hoping for something else.06:12
thorw30: I don't use gnome...xfce...so I don't know where to find it in gnome06:12
astro76nnotonekind, pro plus the media center stuff ;)06:12
ArthurArchnixHmm... well, tell you what. Gutsy has this thing called ntfs-3g that I've used loads to read and write from ntfs. You can see your files with the Ubuntu live cd? That is, you can see them and open them?06:12
nnotonekindhaha. alright.06:12
thorw30: you don't need a cron job...it is possible to not update from the dhcp server06:12
FlannelArthurArchnix: you have been able to read ntfs by default for many years06:12
ArthurArchnixastro76: Thanks... was wondering about encrypted "my documents" preventing a sensible write.06:12
mwansahmm, gnome main menu fails to open so when i run alacarte i get :ImportError: no module named glade. just not sure to what package i should install..i seem to have all the packages06:13
thorArthurArchnix: does the live CD support ntfs partitions?06:14
ArthurArchnixFlannel: You have a point, or maybe want to step in? I'm no expert on NTFS like you, so if you'd like to help I'd be glad to step aside.06:14
=== Un|Ko` is now known as OzRiC
ArthurArchnixthor: Yes. At least, I'm sure it has read. I'm not sure if the live cd mounts ntfs FS's as r/w... I'd hope not.06:15
nnotonekindFor what its worth, I was able to see the C drive the first two times I booted Ubuntu. But this time I loaded it, got a Daemon error, and cant see my C drive06:15
mwansahmm, gnome main menu fails to open so when i run alacarte i get :ImportError: no module named glade. just not sure to what package i should install..i seem to have all the packages06:15
thorArthurArchnix right...I know it reads them, but I don't know about writes06:15
astro76!cn | feixuexiao06:15
ubotufeixuexiao: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk06:15
thorArthurArchnix the restore would have been ntfs, and the hard drive ntfs, but it sounds like the write by the live cd may have scrambled the drive06:16
ArthurArchnixthor: I haven't even figured out why nnotonekind is booting an ubuntu cd yet :)06:16
thorArthurArchnix that crossed my mind too06:17
sleepwalkyou guys what's the command to start the auto program that congigs my X11 xorg config file06:17
glassfaceI want to remote login to my office system from home.  what software is required for this.. both r running ubuntu 7.1006:17
ArthurArchnixnnotonekind: Are you able to boot windows?06:17
nnotonekindA friend recommended it as a solution.  Yes I can boot windows just fine.06:17
thorsleepwalk:sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh06:17
=== T1m is now known as T1m0thy
ArthurArchnixnnotonekind: If you can boot windows, can you not log into your account?06:18
sleepwalkthanks thori06:18
nnotonekindI can log in. There are just 90 GB of files I cant access when logged into windows. when I used Ubuntu I found them in a folder and tried to move them.06:18
glassfaceI don't think ssh will work for this..06:18
ArthurArchnixnnotonekind: Ok... I feel like we're making progress here. When you say there's 90GB of files you can't access.... what do you mean?06:19
thorglassface: ssh is the best bet...what exactly do you want to do?06:19
HanyouDumb question what command do you put in terminal to get to usr/lib directory?06:19
glassfaceI want to controll my office system or my friend's system to help..06:19
glassfaceand for that I need to login to their systems..06:20
glassfacebut they are not having public ip's06:20
nnotonekindI did a PC recovery and all my files disappeared. my program files stayed, and the space on my hard drive was still being taken up by them, But they were NOWHERE to be found. I literally searched everywhere possible.  My properties for the C drive told me I had 223 GB of space, with 90 GB free. I caculated everything on my C drive and it only equaled 40 GB. So the files were there, but windows wasn't recognizing them.06:20
thorglassface: ok...I do this with my systems so...are you ready to take notes?06:20
ArthurArchnixHanyou: cd means change directory06:20
ArthurArchnixcd /usr/lib06:20
HanyouArthurArchnix: It says it cannot find directory.06:21
thorglassface: first I would suggest you use ssh and tunneling. There are several howtos that explain it...I will just give yhou the commands and you can look further if you want.06:21
neur1if I add the xfce desktop to gutsy will the effects stll work ? like the wobbly windows.06:21
ArthurArchnixnnotonekind: And you've searched Windows XP help channels? I just ask because, it's possible that an Ubuntu Live cd will recover your files, but I wouldn't recommend it as a first step.06:21
HanyouOk, nvm wrong window06:21
gameHello is there a app for UBUNTU that is like hypper cam???06:21
thorglassface: I would suggest moving ssh off of port 22...change the port assignment in /etc/sss/sshd_config to something like 4500006:22
ArthurArchnixHanyou: Do cd /usr06:22
thorglassface: you need then to open port 45000 on the firewall or wifi router, and then forward it to the local IP address port 4500006:22
ArthurArchnixHanyou: the do "ls" to show what directories and files are available06:22
thorglassface: remember, on the machine you wnat to control you have to run ssh-server (sshd)06:22
nnotonekindWell I FOUND my files with Ubuntu. When I tried moving that folder it appeared in my documents, where i put it, but I still couldnt access it. Then I loaded Ubuntu up again and it turned all the files in that folder into one single index.dat file. Someone then recommended I do a system recovery to before I moved the files, so I loaded Ubuntu yet again, and was going to do that, but my C drive isnt being seen by Ubuntu anymore.06:23
gameHello is there a app for UBUNTU that is like hypper cam???06:23
nnotonekindoh! and It was recommended that I load Ubuntu, go to my "windows partition" and rename a previous recovery to the current one. I dont remember exactly how they put it, but it was something like that.06:24
thorglassface: you are going to use vnc to control the other computer...I think you can set it up so they can see what you are doing...but I have never tried that part. You have to run vncserver on the computer you want to control with the command 'vncserver :1'06:24
ArthurArchnixnnotonekind: Don't worry about it nnotonekind. I realize the files are still there... probably.. and that ubuntu saw them. What I'm saying is, you're asking Ubuntu to mess with XP and NTFS. Both are closed source and the Open Source community has had to do its best to work with it without MS cooperation. So, what i'm saying is if a MS solution is availabe, it's probably best to try that first.06:24
glassfacewhat if I want to access more than one systems from our office.. there are nearly 20 systems which are sharing same connection with 192.168.0.x ip address.. will it work..06:24
thorglassface: there are other options you might want to use....do a ' man vncserver' to see them all.06:24
vvnI'm getting error 17 at stage 1.5 of grub after an install of gutsy, what should I look for?  I booted on the dvd and mounted my root fs06:24
nnotonekindThere wasnt. I went through support and they kept telling me it was spyware, or that the 90 GB were just hidden system files. They werent helping me at all.06:25
slowthyI am running ubuntu 7.10, and I have an Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator 950 card, and I can't seem to find the drivers for it, can anyone help me?06:25
glassfaceI worked with ssh,sshd, vncserver in the office.  now it is different..06:25
thorglassface: you log in to the other machine via ssh with the command 'ssh -L 5901:<ipaddress>:5901 <ipaddress> where the ipaddress is the address of the computer you want to control. This sets up the ssh tunnel06:25
glassfaceok.. looks like that it will work out..06:26
thorglassface: by using an ssh tunnel you only have to open the ssh port on the firewall...everything else goes through that06:26
thorglassface: when you have logged in via ssh...just run vnc on your computer and point it to 'localhost:1' ...it should automatically be forwarded to the other machine.06:27
ArthurArchnixnnotonekind: Let's go to a PM... I'd like to try and help you, but I'm not sure the OPS will allow this kind of thing here. This seems like XP trouble.06:27
glassfacethanx.. thor.06:27
thorglassface: youi might need 'locahost:5901'....can't recall at the moment <smile>06:27
glassfacewill try this one now.06:27
thorglassface: good luck06:28
nnotonekindalright, did you get my PM?06:28
bpazolliHi I just ran an update in 64bit Ubuntu 7.10 and now it is giving these cupsys errors whenever I try to update and I can't reinstall cupsys from synaptic HELP??06:28
bpazolliI also get this error when I run apt-get update : "W: GPG error: http://http.us.debian.org stable Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY A70DAF536070D3A1 NO_PUBKEY B5D0C804ADB1127706:29
bpazolliW: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems06:29
glassfacethor; do u know about logmein for windows..06:29
glassfaceis there any software that works like that on ubuntu..06:29
naliothbpazolli: using debian packages will wreck your system.  please use only Ubuntu repos06:29
thorglassface: no...never heard of it06:29
ArthurArchnixnnotonekind: No, but I sent you one. What client are you using>06:29
glassfaceok.. thanks..06:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mac - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:30
soldatswhat is the channel for mac users06:30
soldatsis there one06:30
naliothsoldats: you can ask your questions here06:30
bpazollifine nalioth but I still have a problem with cupsys what do I do about that06:30
slowthy I am running ubuntu 7.10, and I have an Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator 950 card, and I can't seem to find the drivers for it, can anyone help me?06:30
nnotonekindI am using Pidgen. I sent you one back06:30
naliothbpazolli: did you /msg ubotu cups ?06:30
ArthurArchnixnnotonekind: Forget it, just type "/join #nnotonekind06:30
bpazolliNo I'll try that06:30
nalioth!tell nnotonekind about register06:31
soldats nalioth, im an avid linux user but i just wanted to learn a little about macs becaue im at my cousind house and he has a mac06:31
naliothsoldats: ah, join ##apple  then06:32
Jaszbo! bcm43xx06:32
ubotuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx06:32
soldatsok thanks not sure if you recognize me but im on here when im on my linux box at home all the tiem06:32
soldatsbut thanks though06:32
jake4679I am having an issue.  I want to disable portmap from starting.  I have modified startup to not start the portmap service.  However, some service is still starting the portmap daemon.  I have grep'ed all the other startup scripts and no one else starts this daemon.  It is owned by the init process.  Does ubuntu hardcode the startup of the portmap dameon into some other executable?06:32
ToddEDMhey guys... im on ly laptop, running gutsy, and after a while , my pointer goes nuts, just all overthe screen, i then have to unplug my USB/wired mouse , and plug back in , to get it to work06:33
w30soldats: #mac has a bunch of people on it.06:33
freezeywith pidgin how do i make it transparent?06:33
freezeyis their an additional plugin?06:33
igorgadI´m having problems in ubuntu 7.10 live cd in my semp toshiba notebook, can anyone help me. plz?06:33
soldatscool i dont care for macs but im interesten in them06:33
fihi09freezey: compiz should make it transparent06:34
ToddEDManyone ever have that happen to them????06:34
w30soldats: but nobody's talking, so I guess you will have to join and stir them up.06:34
soldatshah maybe i will06:34
freezeyfihi09: not running compiz but i had pidgin installed on windows at onepoint and their was a plugin for it is there not one for ubuntu?06:35
igorgadHi guys06:35
igorgadneed help06:35
slowthy I am running ubuntu 7.10, and I have an Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator 950 card, and I can't seem to find the drivers for it, can anyone help me?06:35
freezeyigor47: just ask question some1 will reply06:35
fihi09freezey: doesn't work like that on linux06:35
thorigorgad: if you state the problem maybe someone can help06:35
freezeyfihi09: k thanks06:35
bpazolliOk now for my real noob question where do I type "/msg ubotu cups" I tried the termainal it just gives me command not found06:36
freezeyslowthy: have to get intel drivers06:36
Flannelbpazolli: Do it in your IRC client06:36
soldatsin the message part06:36
ubotuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows06:36
soldatswhere you type the message type what you want06:36
nalioth!tell bpazolli about cups06:36
w30fihi09: try control and mouse wheel if you have one06:36
naliothbpazolli: ubotu is the help bot here06:36
w30fihi09: on the pidgin window06:37
thorhej ToddEDM06:37
ToddEDMyou see my new problem?06:37
soldatsnalioth, the correct way is "!cups | <username>"06:37
thorToddEDM: get your printer to work?06:37
ToddEDMno, i gave up, i will just send to the desktop and print06:37
thorToddEDM saw the new problem...have no idea what to do aboutit06:37
soldatsor "!cups > <user>"06:37
fihi09w30: uhh i don't have compiz or pidgin, wrong chat? =p06:37
ankuri can run links2. But when i search for google in link2 it open google search page but the language is not english .It seems some kind of number beside language06:38
naliothsoldats: i prefer to have ubotu provide a private message (this channel can get to moving very quickly)06:38
slowthyfreezey: where do I get those?06:38
rgnrHi every106:38
thorToddEDM It took me several days to get the printer to work through samba. But once it is there..it seems to work well.06:38
ankuris there any solution?06:38
soldatsyea i know the ">" command is for that06:38
rgnri came for hlp06:38
magic_ninjahow do i go to a regular terminal session with no x06:38
soldatsor is it <06:38
magic_ninja/etc/init.d/services gdm stop?06:38
rgnrcan't make my mic working06:38
igorgadwell, I purchased a laptop, semp toshiba is1522. It cames with a insigne distro and I wanna change it to ubuntu. I can´t run the live cd, when it should go to the desktop. Something strange starts to happen in the screen. The cursor, then some garbage, then blank (dark), then the cursor again! ubuntu 6.06 worked fine ;] what´s the problem with 7.10??06:38
Flannelmagic_ninja: ctrl-alt-f1 - f6, and /etc/init.d/gdm stop06:38
thorToddEDM I like that I can print the file, then go upstairs, turn on the printer, and the server will print the doc while I wait06:38
soldatsmagic_ninja you should be in a termianl is you stop x06:39
rgnrpls hlp06:39
magic_ninjaright...just making sure i got the right command, i get poor performance from the repos nvidia-glx drivers06:39
magic_ninjatime to use the tried and tested ones06:39
w30fihi09: opps that should have been for freezey sorry06:39
^root^Hi! how to install Qemu Tools on Ubuntu 7.10?06:40
freezeyslowthy: http://www.intellinuxgraphics.org/06:41
freezeyw30, : what?06:41
thorToddEDM: just for kicks...check out the tech notes on http://searcher.myvnc.com06:41
igorgadwell, I purchased a laptop, semp toshiba is1522. It cames with a insigne distro and I wanna change it to ubuntu. I can´t run the live cd, when it should go to the desktop. Something strange starts to happen in the screen. The cursor, then some garbage, then blank (dark), then the cursor again! ubuntu 6.06 worked fine ;] what´s the problem with 7.10??06:41
slowthyfreezey:  thanks, but I found it06:41
Don64!qemu > ^root^06:41
ubuntufreakDoes anyone here use Hackety hack in Ubuntu 7.10?06:42
^root^Don64, i wasn't able to get that06:42
ubotuqemu is an emulator you can use to run another operating system - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo06:42
w30freezey: control plus mouse wheel makes my pidgin window transparent but I am useing beryl so I don't know for sure if it is a compiz or beryl shortcut06:43
bpazolliSee I try install amoeba or something completly unrelated just to test and I get the error message E: cupsys: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 106:44
igorgadsomebody to help me?06:45
nautDoes anyone here have alsactl expertise?06:47
Flanneligorgad: try the alternate CD instead of the liveCD to install.06:47
nautI beleive there is some magic setting for my Audigy card that will give me sound on my tv card06:47
nautBut I can't work out what it is06:47
Shoaibii am sorry, i just need qemu tools to convert an image to vdmk06:48
bpazolliI get the same error when I try to reinstall cupsys that is "E: cupsys: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1"06:48
nautThere's about 200 controls in asound.state06:48
igorgadwhere i can find the alternate cd, and wich garanties i have that he´ll work after the complete instalation?06:48
slowthyI am running ubuntu 7.10, and I have an Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator 950 card, and I can't seem to find the drivers for it, can anyone help me?06:48
Premium5pamWindows Vista (IPA: /ˈvɪs.tə/) is a line of graphical operating systems used on personal computers, including home and business desktops, laptops, Tablet PCs, and media centers. Prior to its announcement on July 22, 2005, Windows Vista was known by its codename "Longhorn".[1] Development was completed on November 8, 2006; over the following three months it was released in stages to...06:48
Premium5pam...computer hardware and software manufacturers, business customers, and retail channels. On January 30, 2007, it was released worldwide to the general public,[2] and was made available for purchase and downloading from Microsoft's web site.[3] The release of Windows Vista comes more than five years after the introduction of its predecessor, Windows XP, making it the longest time span...06:48
Premium5pamWindows Vista contains hundreds of new and reworked features; some of the most significant include an updated graphical user interface and visual style dubbed Windows Aero, improved searching features, new multimedia creation tools such as Windows DVD Maker, and completely redesigned networking, audio, print, and display sub-systems. Vista also aims to increase the level of communication...06:48
Premium5pamMicrosoft's primary stated objective with Windows Vista, however, has been to improve the state of security in the Windows operating system.[4] One common criticism of Windows XP and its predecessors has been their commonly exploited security vulnerabilities and overall susceptibility to malware, viruses and buffer overflows. In light of this, Microsoft chairman Bill Gates announced in early...06:48
Premium5pam...between two releases of Microsoft Windows.06:49
Premium5pam...between machines on a home network using peer-to-peer technology, making it easier to share files and digital media between computers and devices. Windows Vista includes version 3.0 of the .NET Framework, which aims to make it significantly easier for developers to write applications than with the traditional Windows API.06:49
Premium5pam...2002 a company-wide "Trustworthy Computing initiative" which aims to incorporate security work into every aspect of software development at the company. Microsoft stated that it prioritized improving the security of Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 above finishing Windows Vista, thus delaying its completion.[5]06:49
ubotuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Pelo!06:49
soldatsbye bye06:49
thorthere's always one idiot06:49
Fezzleranyone know video editing06:50
Fezzlerin Ubuntu06:50
segagman<need hack help06:50
segagmanwomt boot brub06:51
segagmanboot lilo06:51
segagmanhow to reset?06:52
segagmanneed walk thu06:52
KragneracHey, does anyone know of a way I can read/write a Word 2007 *.docx document?06:52
ntbnntstop typing one word at a time segagman06:52
naliothKragnerac: openoffice won't open it?06:53
ntbnntKragnerac: save it as a .doc for compatibity06:53
slowthyI am running ubuntu 7.10, and I have an Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator 950 card, and I can't seem to find the drivers for it, can anyone help me?06:53
tyronepollerihi  how can i use emerald to change my theme I already installed it and it is not working06:54
segagmano fuck it im trying to state the facts this sux there is no hope free as nbeer is a lie fre as in"opensause"$$$06:54
segagmanis true06:54
naliothsegagman: such language isn't helpful  :)06:54
segagmani got a prob06:54
mwansacrdlb, are you familiar with "ImportError: no module named glade"06:54
igorgadwell, I purchased a laptop, semp toshiba is1522. It cames with a insigne distro and I wanna change it to ubuntu. I can´t run the live cd, when it should go to the desktop. Something strange starts to happen in the screen. The cursor, then some garbage, then blank (dark), then the cursor again! ubuntu 6.06 worked fine ;] what´s the problem with 7.10??06:55
segagmanis thre a crack06:55
naliothsegagman: please ask a clearly worded question06:55
segagmantosheba laptop06:55
Nin10dudeEr, I'm having some issues with switching users. Logging off, switching users, and locking the screen all result in a black screen which you can't get out of without cutting the power from the PC. It's running Ubuntu 7.10 (installed through safe graphics mode, if that means anything... it was having issues being installed under the normal mode), and I'm not quite sure what I can do to fix it - any ideas?06:56
segagmanneed crack  i bought it 2ed hand06:56
segagmanit is locked down cause manadriva06:56
naliothsegagman: we don't discuss circumvention here  :(06:56
segagmanbut i want ubnutu06:57
tritiumsegagman: and use punctuation, not the enter key06:57
ntbnntsegagman: so lov-level format using a manufactor tool06:57
ksakanybody know the command "startxwinsh &" in cygwin?06:57
Shoaibii unfortunetaly delete some data using rm -rf, how can i recover it?06:57
w30Nin10dude: Are you running 3d graphics on Nvidia graphics card?06:57
segagmansorry elder linux man06:57
tyronepolleridoes everyone have a theme manager in the compiz configuration menu?06:57
ntbnntsegagman: then install ubutu06:57
Nin10dudeNo, I'm not, w30.06:58
segagmanbut  boot wont let me06:58
segagmantosheba laptop06:58
choudeshif there way to blacklist a package from a certain repository? say if I wanted to download update-manager from a different repo then ubuntu's and not use priorityies - is there a way to do it?06:58
segagmanmbr i try it all06:58
ntbnntsegagman: that is the purpose of the low-level format, the hdd will be comletely blank06:58
w30Nin10dude: that was my problem, there is issues with the Nvidia prop. graphics driver.06:58
segagmanthe bios r locked06:59
slowthyI am running ubuntu 7.10, and I have an Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator 950 card, and I can't seem to find the drivers for it, can anyone help me?06:59
Nin10dudeMy PC isn't exactly suited for graphics or anything, it just uses an integrated card... but I'll have to look into issues with graphics drivers, thanks.06:59
segagmanshall i flash a lap06:59
segagmannever did that06:59
tritium!enter | segagman06:59
ubotusegagman: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:59
ntbnntsegagman: open up the laptop and remove the cmos for about 5 min07:00
segagmanim am keeping this with unubtu07:00
segagman? i have07:00
ntbnntsegagman: jfgi and gtfo07:00
segagmanno help pompass07:00
segagman f dis07:01
rgnrhello ?07:01
slowthyI am running ubuntu 7.10, and I have an Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator 950 card, and I can't seem to find the drivers for it, can anyone help me?07:01
rgnrany1 sees me?07:01
ntbnntthanks tritium07:02
crdlbslowthy: they're installed by default07:02
gruntLOLHey everyone. I have a samba share set up to a folder on my linux box07:02
virtuosostevewhat is pata_it821x07:02
tritiumntbnnt: no worries07:02
slowthycrdlb: no, they aren't07:02
gruntLOLIs there a way I can make a link whereby if I click on said link on a windows machine it opens the samba shared folder so I can drag and drop files?07:02
crdlbslowthy: yes, they are. What makes you say they aren't?07:03
ntbnnti like to sit and read what's going on here, and that one line stuff was hurting my head tritium07:03
rgnrhelp please! can't make me mic work!07:03
slowthycrdlb: because I looked before I came into the channel07:03
crdlblooked where?07:03
virtuosostevedoes anyone know?07:03
virtuososteve what the pata_it821x driver does?07:04
slowthyin the list under intel the screens and graphics menu07:04
crdlbslowthy: ubuntu hardy comes with xserver-xorg-video-intel, which is the only driver for intel cards that exists07:04
virtuososteveim trying to install suse and it freezes when its gets there07:04
crdlbwell there's -i810 too, but that's really the same driver (an older version)07:04
thorgruntLOL: you should be able to map the network drive, then use the explorer in windows to drag and drop to the drive/directory you map the network drive to07:04
Micheruvirtuososteve: you want #opensuse07:05
virtuosostevetheir not answering07:05
stdinwell this is Ubuntu support, not suse support07:05
Micheruwell you won't get an answer here07:05
rgnrno help here (07:06
gruntLOLthor that didnt make much sense. Heh basically what I am trying to achieve is. My gf is going overseas. I have a nix box set up with a samba share so as she can just open my nixbox url click on a link and have it open the samba shared folder in windows explorer. Problem is I cant get the link to work07:06
tritiumvirtuososteve: you mean "they're" not answering?07:06
virtuososteveactually they just did07:06
w30gruntLOL: what happens when you drag the shared folder from (Network neighborhood or whatever winders calls it) to your windows desktop?07:06
thorgruntLOL  it can be done...but you need to set up a bunch of network stuff.07:06
virtuosostevewhat does it actually do though, the driver?07:07
tritiumvirtuososteve: this channel is for _ubuntu_ support07:07
thorgruntLOL  first, you need a fixed IP at your computer...do you have that?07:07
virtuosostevedoesn't that driver also apply on ubuntu?07:07
gruntLOLthor such as? I already have the ports forwarded to the nix box so you can see the home page etc07:07
gruntLOLdyndns is on auto update and the box is on static07:07
gruntLOLbut <a href="//grnt.homelinux.net/share/incoming">Click here your cool</a> throws an error07:07
gruntLOLfor some reason07:08
thorgruntLOL you willl need other ports open to get to the network drive...port 80 won't do it.07:08
thorgruntLOL  not sure what ports windows nfs uses07:08
gruntLOLI think its 21 ill go looking07:08
gruntLOLso the nix box is configured right then its just my link thats wrong I spose07:08
thorgruntLOL nope...21 is ftp07:08
tritium!enter | gruntLOL07:08
ubotugruntLOL: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:08
gruntLOLubotu sorry will do ;)07:09
thorgruntLOL  on the windows machine you right click the My Computer icon and 'map a network drive'. In that config you enter the ip address of your computer...the outside address, not the 192.168 address07:09
thorgruntLOL  somewhere in that config windows has a checkbox for reconnecting at logon07:10
NotSoGutsymy array is apparently re-syncing, can I check its progress ?07:10
=== max238 is now known as max284
rgnrwill please any1 give noob a helping hand /07:11
NotSoGutsyo, nvm07:11
thorrgnr: you still haven't told us what the problem is07:11
^root^Is there literally no way to recover files deleted by rm -rf command?07:12
thor^root: not that I know of07:12
m0u5ei recently installed xserver-xgl, and then got rid of it when there were some bugs with my system, now whenever i boot up, it pops up with a msg that X had configured my keyboard as a 101pc, versus gnome configured it as a 105pc, how do i get rid of this message? it pops up every startup07:12
sangprabo^root^: I think it cannot recovered07:13
^root^sangprabo, i accidently deleted all files in my home directory :(07:13
sangprabo^root^: by giving a "rm -rf" command?07:13
sangprabo^root^: have you tried to search it at "trash:/" ?07:14
^root^yup, i messed up with the target dir...07:14
sangprabo^root^: I meant t r a s h : /07:14
thorsangprabo: rm doesn't use the trashbin07:14
slowthycdlb:  i switched over to the i810 card, and now I get a X Windows error when I start up my computer, I running on the LiveCD now07:14
m0u5eanyone know where xserver-xgl would store keyboard settings?07:15
sangprabothor: lost+found?07:15
^root^sangprabo, it doesnt work either....07:15
^root^lost+found is for lost files, isn't it?07:15
sangprabo^root^: sorry, I could not help. May be the others..07:15
thorsangprabo: no...rm deletes..it doesn't move the file anywhere, unfortunately for ^root^07:15
^root^man one sure can get this, even after 10 years with linux :(07:16
n00bi have a problem07:16
n00bwith the instalation of amsn...07:16
slowthycrdlb: i switched over to the i810 card, and now I get a X Windows error when I start up my computer, I running on the LiveCD now, is there anyway i can get back to the drivers I was using before in the terminal07:16
n00btcl and tk devs ... what do i need to do07:16
Jaszbo! wifi07:17
^root^i am thinking to re-install the ubuntu, as the most important files are lost, while softwares doesn't matter, they can be downloaded anytime, anywhere basis....07:17
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs07:17
naliothn00b: amsn is in the repos07:17
^root^sangprabo, thor, what about http://recover.sourceforge.net/linux/recover/07:17
n00bnaliolh  what means repos ??07:18
^root^i guess next time i will have 755 on my home as well :( :P07:18
crdlbslowthy: what is your other video card?07:18
nalioth!tell n00b about synaptic07:18
thor^root^ I have never used that...but it might be worth a try07:18
slowthycrdlb: what do you mean by that?07:18
HateX!loadable kernel modules07:18
^root^that works for ext2, its nice app, i have some experience with it, trying it on ext407:19
crdlbslowthy: you said you "switched over to the i810 card"?07:19
crdlbfrom what?07:19
slowthyoh, my bad, I ment i changed the drivers from the generic intel driver to the i810 driver07:19
tritiumHateX: query ubotu in private when you're shooting in the dark for information like that07:19
crdlbslowthy: there's nothing generic about "intel"07:19
crdlbit's a newer version of the i810 driver07:20
crdlbi810 is only still included because some people have more success with the older version07:20
DPicPlease help!!! http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3876597#post387659707:20
DPicsomething went wrong with grub07:21
^root^i am leaving, re-installing all stuff back....07:21
slowthyagain, my bad, the exact name of the driver that i was using by defaut is "intel -Experimental modesetting driver"07:21
excoderDoes anyone have any idea how to generate the (R) character in ubuntu? It is normally just ALT+0174 w/ MS Windows.07:22
crdlbslowthy: that's somewhat inaccurate, it's quite stable in gutsy07:22
crdlbit's the driver you should be using07:22
pjeidehow do I specify which screen to launch an application in with Xinerama?07:22
slowthycrdlb: well then, is there any way i can get beter preformance out of it, because I have ued ubuntu on a computer with a lesser intel card, and am able to use all the vissual enhancements, but oon this computer, I can;t use any?07:23
bomanizerany hints on where to look if a custom kernel breaks hibernation?07:23
bullgard1[Gutsy] I tried Suspend-to-Disk unsuccessfully. Now ifconfig > eth0 doesnt show an IP address any more. 'sudo ifup eth0' replies: "Ignoring unknown interface eth0=eth0." What should I do now?07:24
crdlbslowthy: switch back to intel, then I may be able to help you fix it07:24
DPicOkay i have a bit of a lengthy problem. I decided to install Ubuntu on my family computer...without permission but i figured it would be fine since i've already installed it on three of the computers in the house without a problem and been using it on my own without windows for over a year. Anyways, enough about the situation, let's get down to the problem.07:24
DPicThe family computer has 2 HDDs in it. A 40 GB disk and a 120 GB disk. Both drives contain an installation of Windows (The installation on the 40 GB drive got messed up and we got a new hard drive so there is now an installation on the larger drive as well but there were still some things that hadn't been moved from the old drive).07:24
slowthycrdlb: ok, is there any way to do this in the terminal?07:24
DPicThe LiveCD didn't work because of some display issue. It's an old computer and in case you were wondering it has an nvidia geforce2 mx/mx 400. Using the alternate CD, i tried partitioning that 120 GB drive since that one was mostly empty but for some reason it was unable to so i partitioned 5 GB off the 40 GB drive instead (ubuntu only requires 4).07:25
dutchie86bullgard1 have you had a look in the forums07:25
DPicWell the installation all went fine until it came to installing GRUB. Grub asked me if whether or not to install it to the master boot record, listed one installation of windows, and told me that i would be able to boot the listed operating systems if i were to install GRUB to the mbr. I said no since the other installation of windows was missing, and it asked me where to install it to instead.07:25
DPicIt wasn't really clear on what the options were. It just listed the mbr, and two drives, on of which was on the same sick as the mbr. I'm too tired at this point to remember my reasoning but it was an admittedly stupid move. I tried one of the drives for whatever reason and it didn't work so i tried the other one and the installation was successful. HOWEVER, when the computer booted up, it just said No operating system detected or something along those lin07:25
crdlbDPic: don't paste all that...07:25
DPicreally sorry07:25
crdlb!xconfig | slowthy07:25
ubotuslowthy: To reconfigure your X server, open a console and type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg » - To configure only the driver and resolution, type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh » - See also !FixRes07:25
DPicthat was pretty rude of me07:25
bullgard1dutchie86: Have you read the newspapers?07:25
DPici'm just all wound up because if i don't have this fixed tomorrow i'm dead07:25
dutchie86bullgard1 it is a common problem that certain hardware is not supported, people in here are happy to help but it is pretty redundant if it already discussed and reslolved in the forums07:27
thorDPic: do you have the windows install cd?07:27
mjancaitisEvening, ladies and gents07:27
DPicthos, not sure07:28
DPicthor *07:28
DPici think so07:28
thorDPic: you need to restore the mbr in windows, then the next time you install ubuntu <smile> first, give it a little more space...I would suggest 10-15G and answer yes when it asks about replacing the master boot record. Now...how to restore the mbr....07:29
DPicwell there was only enough for 5GB, i was going to expand it once we were ready to get rid of windows on that drive07:29
sangprabohi all.. Can i just resize my / partition without affecting the other partition and without reinstall my KUbuntu? I'm using Gutsy now.. Thanks before07:30
DPicbut yeah, hwo do i restore the mbr?07:30
thorDPic: insert a windows install cd (it does not have to be the one for your computer....any one will do). Boot from the CD and when it asks choose "R"epair. When it drops to the dos prompt type 'fixmbr' and it should reboot from the hard drive07:30
sangpraboand, is it safe?07:30
DPicthor, that's it?07:30
thorDPic: I can make it harder if you like07:30
DPichmmm...i might like the challenge07:31
DPiclol thanks for the help!07:31
sangprabothor: Can we just use the live cd to fix that?07:31
thorsangprabo: you need the windows install cd...not the linux install cd07:31
mjancaitisOnly one in tonight, thor?07:32
thormjancaitis ? It appears I am the only one answering at the moment...but that will change I am sure07:32
mansourhow can i install screenlets?07:33
mjancaitisthor: any chance, in that case, that you have an idea why if my network disconnects, my keyboard stops responding?07:33
thormjancaitis now that just begs for a smart answer...but I will exercise restraint <smile>. Sorry...I have no idea07:34
thormjancaitis could be because your keyboard realizes there is no longer anyone to talk to07:35
mjancaitisCan you help me find and remove all instances of ndiswrapper, then, including the module I may have loaded?07:35
mjancaitisAw, sad face07:35
K_DallasHi guys! My Toshiba satellite seems not to be compatible with compiz. however i have seen people bypassing the blacklist and that is what i did. it seems to be working except for playing video/DVD .  Is that all or I am missing other features of compiz? The reason that i am asking is that I don't care much about video on my laptop and if the other features are working I would be content. thanks07:35
thormjancaitis that is easy....first try 'sudo killall ndiswrapper'07:35
gRntI was wondering if anyone could recommend and easy to install and configure FTP program via console on ubuntu.07:35
slowthycrdlb: ok,  I have the x window working, is there any way I can get the visual enhancement to work?07:35
thormjancaitis  the hard way is to to a 'ps ax | grep ndis' and kill each process individually07:36
mjancaitisthor: done, no process killed07:36
thormjancaitis check the second command (ps ax...) and see if they are all gone07:36
cleverK_Dallas: playing videos with an overlay has less cpu load but may break with stuff like compiz(i dont know how to fix but it might be fixable)07:36
thorgRnt: there is a console ftp installed by default07:36
cleverK_Dallas: but you should also be able to play the video without an overlay(with more cpu usage)07:37
gRntthor do you know how I can access it to set it up07:37
mjancaitisthor: 6781 pts/0 S+ 0:00 grep ndis... do I need to sudo killall 6781? or how do I go about that07:37
cleverK_Dallas: the way you do it depends on what video player you use07:37
thorgRnt there is no setup...do a 'man ftp' and it will tell you all the command line options07:37
K_Dallasclever, usually mplayer07:37
thormjancaitis  no...that is the process you are running to look for ndis...it found only itself07:37
cleverK_Dallas: checking07:37
mjancaitisthor: sweet07:37
K_Dallasclever, is it the question of VO to be set to something other than XV or so07:37
thormjancaitis  I have my moments <smile>07:38
cleverK_Dallas: yep07:38
K_Dallasgreat, i will try that07:38
cleverK_Dallas: try -vo x1107:38
cleverK_Dallas: -vo help will list all vo's your mplayer supports07:38
mjancaitisthor: do I need to look for modules or anything like that, or is the simple non-presence of any files enough to preclude it from having any effect on my system?07:38
cleverK_Dallas: some are clearly not for X such as console vidix(for text/console mode)07:38
K_Dallasclever, so besides the movie and overlay issue, i should be getting all the other features of compiz07:39
cleverK_Dallas: without root you cant realy do harm by picking a invalid mode07:39
slowthycrdlb: ok,  I have the x window working, is there any way I can get the visual enhancement to work?07:39
thormjancaitis if it isn't in the process list it isn't affecting your system...but it might load again at boot if necessary...I wouldn't have any way of knowing your setup07:39
K_Dallasall right07:39
cleverK_Dallas: if the video card supports compiz everything should work07:39
thormjancaitis  if it was only loaded manually by you...then it is gone07:39
gRntthor ive had a read but I will admit being this is my first install I am a little confused heh07:39
mjancaitisthor: is there some list I can look at to see the modules it loads at boot?07:39
mjancaitisthor: pretty sure ndis had me add it to etc/modules or something like that... modprobe.d and this and that07:40
K_Dallasclever, only if it did ;) now i am wondering if this card of mine would ever get support in compiz07:40
thormjancaitis not easily...do a reboot and check for ndiswrapper again...see if it comes back. The modprobe thing loaded it manually...it might not load again at reboot07:40
cleveri think all it needs is to be able to do complex video stuff in the cards GPU07:40
K_Dallasclever, i might change the graphic card in a few months07:41
mjancaitisthor: ok, then... doesn't look like ndis is involved in my problem despite what google may say :(07:41
cleverK_Dallas: i have 2 models of a dell laptop07:41
thormjancaitis  you might have to follow the howto again inreverse and take out what you added07:41
K_Dallasi removed vista trom this laptop and i am honestly so happy that i did it ;) my computer is now at least twice faster ;)07:41
cleverK_Dallas: one is older and doesnt work in compiz and the other does07:41
K_Dallasi see07:41
cleveri only noticed the problem when another came up07:41
cleverthe newer dell is my dads work pc07:41
cleverK_Dallas: but a while ago the hdd in it got corupt and the lcd on my older dell cracked07:42
K_Dallastruth to be told, i am not much of an eye candy guy but i was darn too curious to see how compiz works as i hadnt touched ubuntu in over 2 years07:42
cleverK_Dallas: so i put my working drive in dads working computer and ubuntu had no trouble at all being in a diff pc07:42
cleverK_Dallas: win95 even has trouble being moved between 2 nearly identical laptops07:43
clevervista would probly have a heart attack after calling microsoft07:43
cleverwhile playing arround with the new things i was able to do i found compiz worked07:43
rubytouchAfter installing git with sudo apt-get install git, I can't run git clone git://... as I get command not found. What's the problem?07:43
thorclever: is there a way to tell vista has died?07:43
thorclever: other than the improved performance07:43
cleverthen it stoped working when i put the drive back in my old pc07:43
mjancaitisthor: what's the reverse of modprobe?07:43
K_Dallasyou know that MS is making money because of this so no surprise ;) you probably know Al Wierd song about pentium and win9507:43
cleverthor: lol07:43
thormjancaitis rmmod07:44
crdlbslowthy: what does "glxinfo|grep direct" say?07:44
cleverthor: win95 had to reinstall half its drivers i think and even then it had problems07:44
rubytouchnevermind, solved.. I needed git-core07:44
thormjancaitis modprobe is relate to lsmod....lsmod installs a module, modprobe installs that module and all related modules as listed in modules.conf07:44
cleverthor: insmod loads the module07:45
cleverthor: lsmod lists the loaded ones07:45
thorclever...oops right...insmod not lsmod07:45
slowthycrdlb: it says yes07:45
cleverthor: rmmod unloads it, and modprobe can load&unload&load things the one you want depends on07:45
thormust be getting late07:45
cleveryeah its 3am here:P07:45
mjancaitisthor: clever: I see. Thanks guys07:45
crdlbslowthy: there doesn't seem to be a problem then. what happens if you try to enable visual effects?07:46
thorclever...3! 3 would be a heatwave ... it is -30 here!07:46
cleveri didnt say the temp was 3:P07:46
mjancaitis2 am and 70F. I win! :D07:47
cleveri said the time is 3am07:47
thorah....must be getting late <smile>07:47
slowthycrdlb: "Desktop effects could not be enabled"07:47
cleverthor: and its -20 here last i checked07:47
bastid_raZorC or F?07:47
crdlbslowthy: is this a i965?07:47
crdlbslowthy: pastebin the output of compiz --replace07:47
cleverbut dad doesnt think the therm is right07:47
bastid_raZor51F here07:47
cleverbut we cant find another one07:47
robert_libkopete: WARNING: [Kopete::Plugin* Kopete::PluginManager::loadPluginInternal(const QString&)] Unable to find a plugin named 'kopete_webpresence'!07:48
bastid_raZorclever:: wunderground.com07:48
slowthyChecking for Xgl: not present.07:48
slowthyBlacklisted PCIID '8086:2a02' found07:48
slowthyaborting and using fallback: /usr/bin/metacity07:48
joe7d6 is there a way to issue command when notebook is booting after suspend?07:48
cleverbsutt: whats that?07:48
WGGMkQuestion, are Dovecot and Postfix essentially the same thing? As in they are both mail server's?07:48
K_DallasQ: Is there finally an IM with at least voice support?07:48
crdlbslowthy: that's definitely a 965, see "lspci|grep VGA"07:49
bastid_raZorclever:: internet weather .. it'll help you figure out the correct temp07:49
cleverslowthy: i saw a similar msg when i was checking some logs07:49
cleverbastid_raZor: the site dad uses said it was -807:49
thorK_Dallas not that I know of07:49
slowthyi guess you are right07:49
crdlb!cfbl | slowthy07:49
ubotuslowthy: Desktop Effects are supported on graphics cards that use the default Intel and ATI drivers and the restricted !NVIDIA drivers, except for the following, which are blacklisted due to stability/compatibility issues: Intel 965, ATI Rs480 and Rv350, ATI Mobility x300, x600 and x700 - Join #compiz-fusion for anything not officially supported by Ubuntu07:49
K_Dallasthor so it is still the same situation as a few years ago ;)07:49
cleverbastid_raZor: but id trust a few themometers more then a site:P07:49
ubotu#ubuntu and related channels prohibit access from proxy servers due to a high level of abuse. Project cloaks allowed: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks07:49
ubotuAttention tor users.  You may think you are anonymous, but you are not.  Please visit http://tor.unixgu.ru/ and see for yourself.   Please evaluate your need to use tor here on irc.  If you wish anonymity, Freenode offers cloaks of many different types. http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks07:49
* K_Dallas doesnt do IM, btw07:49
crdlbslowthy: well that wasn't helpful...join #compiz-fusion07:50
DPicthor, can't seem to find a windows cd. if i'll just be installing GRUB to the mbr anyways, could i just pup the install CD and go straight to the grub installation?07:50
Flannel!grub | DPic07:50
ubotuDPic: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:50
FlannelDPic: first link07:50
thorDPic not sure....I would try it except for your earlier statements07:50
=== Nakkel_ is now known as Nakkel
thorDPic: read that link closely...your situation is a little different from what the howto is addressing07:51
WGGMkDoes anyone have any advice on a good stable (fairly n00b friendly) mail server to use07:51
MykrgravHow do I delete a directory if it has files in it? rm -rf is wrong?07:51
noodles12when emptying the trash, I get a bunch of "directory not empy while deleting /home/user/documents etc" I never wanted to delete my home folder but it always pops up. what's gong on?07:51
danikarXthor: rm -rf <directory> should work07:52
mirkoMykrgrav: rm -r should work07:52
slowthythanks a lot crdlb07:52
danikarXMy bad07:52
thorMykrgrav  you remove a directory with rmdir but it will not work if the dir has files in it07:52
WGGMkMykrgrav: yea just use rm -rf07:52
MykrgravWGGM: i tried that, but it says no such file or directory07:52
danikarXThen ur typing the dir wrong07:53
WGGMkMykrgrav then it doesnt exist or you typed it wrong07:53
=== danikarX is now known as Danikar_X
mirkoMykgrav: Use the TAB Key to get the right dir after typing the first letter07:53
WGGMkMykrgrav: acctually i think its "sudo rm -Rf"07:53
noodles12danikarX: won't that delete stuff in there?07:54
Danikar_Xnoodles12: That is what he wants, I belive.07:54
noodles12my problem is i'm just emptying hte trash of like. random stuff. and that message always pops up. the thing is I don't want to delete my hoem folder07:54
noodles12Danikar_X: ooh my bad, i read his reply wrong. just ignore me07:54
DPicthor, "except for your earlier statements" what do you mean?07:55
thorDPic you said you were installing it on the sly...I would want the safest out I could find once things went wrong07:55
Danikar_Xnoodles12: Your trash isnt emptying at all when u try?07:56
WGGMkMykrgrav: did you try with the capital R (sudo rm -Rf)??07:56
noodles12Danikar_X: after i tell it to skip all those things. it'll empty the contents. but my home folder isn't in the trash but it always tries to delete them when i empty so i get those messages07:56
Danikar_XWGGMk: It shouldn't need to be capitalized. Id imagine he is just typing it wrong or the file doesnt exist.07:56
HateXwhen using nmap, trying to scan something it now says "Failed to find device eth0 which was referenced in /proc/net/route" which is right. im using eth1 how do i change what is says in /proc/net/route?07:56
WGGMkDanikar_X: really??? man ive been typing it wrong this whole time i think lmfao07:57
mjancaitisnetwork disconnects... keyboard unresponsive... shutdown fails with umount2: /home: device is busy... and no, I have no idea which of those causes the others, heh. Any idea, everybody?07:57
Danikar_XWGGMk: Well I think u can if u want, but I dont think it matters.07:57
WGGMki see07:57
HateXwhen using nmap, trying to scan something it now says "Failed to find device eth0 which was referenced in /proc/net/route" which is right. im using eth1 how do i change what is says in /proc/net/route?07:58
Danikar_Xnoodles: You are using the graphical button to empty it right? or are u doing something from the command line?07:58
thorHateX please give us a chance to answer07:58
WGGMkAnyone have any experience they can share with setting up a mail server?? Postfix or Dovecot ?? are they basically the same things?? if not what differs them?07:58
bpazolliSee I try install amoeba or something completly unrelated just to test and I get the error message "E: cupsys: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1" same thing happens when I reinstall (both reinstall and uninstall then install) cupsys HELP??07:59
DanaGIs there an easy way to append one .wav file to another, via command line?07:59
corevettenew firefox theme for linux: http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/nightly/latest-trunk/08:00
jdlizardanyone know anything bout vdrift08:01
thorHateX do you have eth0 defined in the routing table (do a route -n and see if eth0 shows up in the list)08:01
DanaGscreenshot of this new theme?08:01
HateXthor , yes but it has an internal address of
thorHateX looks like your dhcp is trying to talk on eth008:03
thorHateX  or maybe a streamer or some such...I believe that is a broadcast address08:03
DPicthor, file system doesn't have expected size "for windows to like it"08:04
HateXthor, yeah someone here had me run dhclient a little while ago08:04
HateXcan i stop this via command line?08:04
thorHateX  do a 'ps ax | grep dhcp' and kill the process that shows up...or try 'killall dhcpd' but I don't think that will work. Either way...you will have to kill it as root08:05
HateXok could this be fixed by a restart maybe?08:06
thorDPic: yeah...that was what I was afraid of...you might have scrambled something in the drive. That easy fix should have repaired the mbr...I have used it too many times <smile>08:06
thorDPic...now it is time to try reinstalling linux and hope grub can write to the mbr for you08:07
DPicthe easy fis with grub or the easy fis with the windows cd?08:08
chronographerfix with grub08:08
Danikar_XYou might be able to fix with a grub boot cd.08:08
HateXthor, how do i kill a process once i have the process id/08:08
chronographerthere's a 'super grub boot disk' but its pretty hard to use08:08
Danikar_Xkill -9 pid08:08
thorHateX 'kill -9 <#>'08:09
bentonHi can anyone help, I am aving errors with init, with 7.10 hangs in initramfs with errors where it is trying to mount none on /sys & /proc?08:10
HateXthor, thanx08:10
mjancaitisNight all08:11
gRntDoes anyone have any experience with the gd library? http://www.libgd.org/releases/ I cant seem to work out how to install it and I have a php add that needs it08:11
bpazolliHelp me fix this error please "E: cupsys: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1"08:13
DPicthor, when doing anything with the install CD, when it gets to partition disks, it gives me that wrong filesystem size error08:14
smmagicCan someone help me? I installed windows after I installed ubuntu and now I do not have the option to boot ubuntu! How do I fix this?08:14
thorDPic: yeah...sounds like you scrambled the drive....might be SOL, but  I don't want to be the one to tell you that08:14
Danikar_Xbpazolli: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cupsys/+bug/%209220508:14
gRntDoes anyone have any experience with the gd library? http://www.libgd.org/releases/ I cant seem to work out how to install it and I have a php add that needs it08:14
Danikar_Xsmmagic: go to Grubs website and get a boot disk and it should have a restore option08:15
Danikar_Xsmmagic: Windows overwrote your MBR08:15
smmagicYou have the website?08:15
thorsmmagic: I have a large note that tells you how to reinstall grub....but have never used pastebin <smile>08:16
HateXis there a site that gives some basic shell commands that people might need08:16
DPicthor, if i found the windows cd and used that to fix the mbr instead, i don't suppose that would do anything, would it?08:16
DPicsince this is a problem with the file system08:17
smmagicI have no idea how to do it...geez08:17
Danikar_Xsmmagic: this should work http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/html_node/Making-a-GRUB-bootable-CD-ROM.html08:17
thorDPic.  I thought you said that didn't work...did you not try the fixmbr already?08:17
DPicno i said i can't find my windows cd08:17
DanaGIs there an easy way to append one .wav file to another, via command line?08:17
DPicso i asked if just installing grub to the mbr would work08:17
ArthurArchnixHey.... what are some good gnome video creators... like kino08:17
smmagicDon't I need ubuntu to do that?08:17
thorDPic...ah...misunderstood. Yes, by all means find any windows install cd and try fixmbr first08:17
Danikar_XOne sec,08:18
DPicbut isn't the mbr a whole different issue from the file system?08:18
DPicand what does the repair a broken system option do on the ubuntu install cd08:18
Danikar_Xsmmagic: Can u access anything on ur Ubuntu drive with the Ubuntu Live CD?08:18
ArthurArchnixthor Just tuning in, but search for Ted Nancy on ubuntu forums and you'll find a link to a great little program for fixing XP/Vista's MBRs. Not sure if it's relevant. Just tuned in.08:19
smmagicNot sure..08:19
aussieman_can i downgrade from gutsy to fiesty? too many problems with gutsy on my HP laptop08:19
smmagicHaven't tryed08:19
Danikar_XDanikar_X: Try that method with the Live CD08:19
thorDPic...did you get that note from ArthurArchnix08:19
mike__How do I create a short cut to open something in wine?08:20
ArthurArchnixaussieman_: Sorry man.. apt-get dist-downgrade isn't implemented yet.08:20
DPicthor, yeah i'll try that08:20
Danikar_Xmike__ create a launcher on ur deskop and make the command thing "wine <path>/<file>"08:20
scguy318mike___: Wine should have created one for you, but if not, what Danikar_X said08:20
thorDPic there is a possibility it won't work anyway.....I don't know what grub wrote to when you told it not to write the mbr08:20
mike__danikar: ty08:21
Ademanhow can you kill x and make it stay down?08:21
SiegeXnuke it from space, its the only way to be sure08:21
Danikar_XAdeman: I think if you logout to your login screen there is a setting there. Do you want it to boot to the CLI?08:21
scguy318Ademan: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop08:21
Ademanoh yeah! the gdm, you're right, thanks08:21
ArthurArchnixDPic: here's the link I was thinking of http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=463534&highlight=Ted+Nancy08:22
Symmetriaquesiton, how can I mount a remote directory as a user with nfs, so that a specific user has write access to it08:23
Symmetriarather than just root08:23
=== tor is now known as t0r
aussieman_ArthurArchnix, yeh .... i had fiesty going fine but there are a few bugs in gutsy which get me down .... i canw ait for them to be fixed ii suppose but i think ubuntu should recall that we dont all use dell's08:23
HanyouHello, I'm using a ATI Radeon x700 Mobility Graphics card and when I use "glxinfo | grep -i direct" I get thre return of "direct rendering: No (If you want to find out why, try setting LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose)" I'm currently trying to get OpenGL to work in order to play a game in Wine. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated:)08:24
scguy318Hanyou: what Xorg module are you using?08:24
scguy318Hanyou: you probably should be using ati module08:24
DPicArthurArchnix, Thor, thanks, but sincei  can't get into windows, how do i run the program?08:24
HanyouHow would I check that?08:24
scguy318Hanyou: peek in your xorg.conf08:24
scguy318Hanyou: /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:25
thorDPic....you can run it from the dos prompt after you boot from the install cd <smile>08:26
DPicdamn i've erally got no idea where that install cd is08:26
Hanyouscguy318: I have this in my xorg.conf http://pastebin.com/m669d740408:26
DPicand my parents are sleeping so i can't ask my dad08:26
scguy318thor: the terminal cannot be compared to DOS :P08:26
scguy318Hanyou: that's it?08:27
scguy318Hanyou: are you missing something?08:27
thorscguy318 sure it can...they are both places where most people don't have the foggiest what to type08:27
DPicnow i go ahead and continure with the filesystem being "the wrong size", could i get into windows after fixing the grub issue and correct the problem then, if it still is one, or would windows not even be able to boot?08:27
thorscguy318 but in this case we actually ARE talking about the dos prompt08:28
DPicif i*08:28
Hanyouscguy318: Sorry it skipped http://pastebin.com/m5caf808c08:28
thorDPic not sure....I think the fixmbr is your best bet right now...but someone else might have another idea08:28
tbaai am searching for a good php IDE in ubuntu. any idea?08:28
Danikar_Xtbaa: gedit08:29
acxoinsddfheni'm thinking about switching my laptop to ubuntu, but I need its network connections to function in two different modes08:29
ArthurArchnixDPic: sorry, not up on your problem.. what is it then>08:29
WGGMkIs there a good GUI mailbox for user's to access email.. NOT using a send/recieve POP client08:29
WGGMklike a web based email GUI08:29
mikebeechamhi guys...I need some real help please....I switched on this morning to find that my graphics are not running fine...I'm no longer in dual screen mode...I cant access the restricted drivers, as it's telling me I need to install the restircted drivers package AND I'm no longer running Nvidia drivers...can someone help?08:30
DPicArthurArchnix, well this is the background - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3876597#post387659708:30
HanyouWGGMk: Use http://www.gmail.com to aggregate your mail to it.08:30
acxoinsddfhenI want to be able to connect through the wired LAN to a DHCP router, but I also want to have the xbox 360 connected to the wired port and share my wireless08:30
HanyouThere is a setup guide inside gmail for this.08:30
mikebeechamcan anyone help?08:30
acxoinsddfhenis that possible in ubuntu?  Is it easy to switch between two modes??08:31
ArthurArchnixdpic nice08:31
scguy318Hanyou: using fglrx?08:31
Danikar_Xmikebeecham: use Envy to install ur drivers08:31
WGGMkHanyou: was thinking something a little bit more original, im hosting my own locale mail server, just would like to have a locale web based GUI for clients to access08:31
scguy318!envy | Danikar_X, mikebeecham08:31
ubotuDanikar_X, mikebeecham: envy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »08:31
thoracxoinsddfhen you could write a script that would do all the work with one command...if you are up on scripts08:31
scguy318Hanyou: I was under the impression that fglrx was not required for legacy chipsets08:31
DPicArthurArchnix since then, i have found that windows thinks the file system is a different size than it actually is now that i've resized the partitions which doesn't quite make sense to me because shouldn't windows know the change when i partition the disks?08:32
mikebeechamscguy318: I had restricted drivers running...and now it's not running or accessible anymore08:32
mikebeechamI just swtiched on this morning, and it's all gone haywire08:32
Hanyouscguy318: I have no idea I'm rather new to the whole Linux thing so I'm drwaing a blank.08:32
RatThingmikebeecham, you need to examine your /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:32
scguy318mikebeecham: reinstall the package08:32
DPiclike, how would people dual-boot if it didn't?08:32
ArthurArchnixDPic: Lol. I find your sit amusing. You've secretly tied to change the OS. Son, You've got balls.08:32
scguy318mikebeecham: if you're desperate to return to a GUI dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg at recovery console and pick vesa08:32
scguy318Hanyou: you could try replacing the fglrx line here:         Driver          "fglrx" <--- and change to Driver       "vesa"08:33
acxoinsddfhenthor: how??08:33
scguy318Hanyou: I mean08:33
scguy318Hanyou: ati08:33
lfshi all08:33
DPicArthurArchnix i've been waiting too long for this :)08:33
scguy318Hanyou: not vesa,08:33
mikebeechamscguy318: you mention vesa...is this anything to do with installing virtualbox yesterday, do you think?08:33
scguy318mikebeecham: no08:33
mikebeechamhmmm ok08:33
scguy318Hanyou: make sure to backup your /etc/X11/xorg.conf and make the changes, then restart X08:33
ArthurArchnixDPic: So what went wrong? More importantly, did you get PAST teh partitioning screen?08:33
lfsdrivers... anyone looking to enable DRI?08:33
ramviI'm following a how to at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro. I'm trying to compile the kernel with sudo make -j2, but I get: make[1]: *** No rule to make target `arch/i386/kernel/asm-offsets.c', needed by `arch/i386/kernel/asm-offsets.s'.  Stop.08:33
ramvimake: *** [prepare0] Error 208:33
ramviWhat's wrong?08:33
thoracxoinsddfhen how what...how to write the script? Man, I am not going to try that here <smile>08:34
scguy318Hanyou: since xorg.conf is owned by user/group root, you'll have to launch an editor with root permission like this: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:34
dayahow to use tsclient to remotely access one linux machine from another,08:34
Jaszbo! wireless08:34
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:34
DPicArthurArchnix, the first time i had no problem. the second time around, i got that message and haven't gotten past partitioning. there is the option to ignore the error but i'm not willing to do that yet. could it be that i installed grub onto one of  the drives which resized the filesystem? i don't think so since making a change like that would have aken much longer than installing grub did08:35
DPicwell i shouldn't say i had *no* problem the first time08:35
mikebeechamscguy318: I went into Synaptics to choose the following: but it was not listed: linux-restircted-modules 2.6.22-14 server08:35
DPicjust not this problem08:35
thorDPic didn't you say something about telling grub not to write to the mbr the first time?08:35
lfsa nice tutorial for ubunty 7.04 on dell D610 laptops is located at: http://diskdump.googlepages.com/fiestyond61008:35
RatThingmikebeecham, one other simple thing to try would be to run: sudo nvidia-xconfig08:36
scguy318Hanyou: if when you restart X, it should fail to start, then you should go to recovery console and invoke the command08:36
scguy318Hanyou: cp /etc/X11/nameoftheback /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:36
thorDPic...I think that is what is causing the problem. I think the error is misleading...it isn't saying the drive partition is the wrong size...it is saying something isn't right here in the dir space08:36
scguy318Hanyou: then reboot and start normally08:36
mikebeechamRatThing: then reboot I guess?08:36
ArthurArchnixDPic: I'm looking at your link for background. But to help you I (we) need to know what you WANT to do, what you've TRIED to do, and what's HAPPENED so far. Also, to save time, tell us about your setup (OS's, on Hardrives, with Paritions, and cool customizations, with INTstructions.)08:37
DPicbut it specifically says that the filesystem is the wrong size "for windows to like it"08:37
RatThingmikebeecham, simplest option yes.08:37
HanyouOk I will try that08:37
ramviI have a problem compiling the kernel. Please help me: http://pastebin.com/d11f9af5b08:37
DPicokay...that's a lot of information. i could just post a reply to my topic on the forum to make it easier08:38
ArthurArchnixDPic: For example "The installation on the 40 GB drive got messed up and we got a new hard drive so there is now an installation on the larger drive as well but there were still some things that hadn't been moved from the old drive" doesn't tell me much. What are you currently usng this drive for?08:38
acxoinsddfhenthor: where can I find more info on internet connection settings in linux??08:38
ArthurArchnixDPic: Good idea. post a clarification there, you can edit your original post.08:38
DPicthe old drive still had windows on it and files that hadn't been moved to the new drive08:39
DPicalright yeah, i'll edit the forum post and let you know when i'm done08:39
lfsacxoinsddfhen,  what type of internet connection08:39
lfsacxoinsddfhen, what settings ?08:40
thoracxoinsddfhen there is a network administrators guide...give me a sec08:40
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lfsthor, , u'll find that guode on tldp.org08:41
thorlfs...just found it thanks....http://tldp.org/LDP/nag/nag.html08:42
slavi1when I try to access phpmyadmin, I get a blank page, when I try to access any php page within it, I get a download dialog08:43
ArthurArchnixDPic: So... you've got two installs of XP? On one computer with two harddrives? That's amazing. how did you manage that?08:43
lfsslavi1, what apache versio what php version?08:43
slavi12 and 508:43
DPicArthurArchnix, that was my fathers doing08:44
scguy318ArthurArchnix: run the installer twice :)08:44
mikebeechamRatThing: I have just done that, and I now am able to get 1280 x 1024...but even when i go into nvidia-settings, I cannot use twinview...something is really wrong here?08:44
slavi1php by itself works though08:44
slavi1and top says that all my RAM is gone ...08:44
lfsyou have to enable the php module08:44
DPicmy update is at the bottom08:44
HanyouHow do I restart X?08:44
ArthurArchnixDPic: Ignore that... just tell me what you want to do... with the two installs.08:44
scguy318Hanyou: Ctrl-Alt-Backspace, remember what I said08:44
Danikar_Xctrl alt backspace08:44
thorHanyou 'startx'08:44
mikebeechamI have tried autoadjusting my screen, but the monitor I am using does not stretch all the way to the right08:44
lfsslavi1, got to /etc/apache2/08:44
ArthurArchnixDPic: And where ubunu figures in.08:44
slavi1it is enabled08:44
Hanyouscguy318: It's backed up08:44
mikebeechamany other help would be greatly appreciated08:44
slavi1php by itself works fine08:44
thorscguy318 that key combination will restart x but won't start it08:44
RatThingmikebeecham, are you running: sudo nvidia-settings08:44
slavi1but the phpmyadmin stuff isn't08:45
mikebeechamno...I went into alt +f208:45
DPic120 GB HD should contain an installation of windows. 40 GB disk should contain windows and ubuntu.08:45
ArthurArchnixscguy318: Maybe WGA isn't as hard-core as I thought.08:45
scguy318thor: he asked how to restart I think08:45
scguy318thor: unless I'm mistaken08:45
lfsslavi1, and create symlinks  to the files php5.confand php5.mod  (if i remember correctly) from the avaialable dir to the enabled dir and then restart apache08:45
thoroops...my bad08:45
scguy318Hanyou: check yer DRI08:45
slavi1lfs: they are enabled (links are there)08:45
mikebeechamRatThing: I just went into it via sudo...and my second monitor is not even visible?08:45
lfsslavi1, then you have to tell apache to send .php files to php ..08:46
clau85hi all. my laptop acts strange after upgrade to gutsy. it's about the video driver, ati x300. with the "ati" driver, it doesn't display right and X resets from time to time08:46
lfsslavi1,  gimme a sec to get the syntax08:46
Morgan555got a desktop today, got Gutsy with advanced desktop effects running well using a CRT monitor at friends house, bring tower home  to use on my lcd with vga-in and the bottom 1/8 th of the creen goes mssing if AWN is running and my title bars are missing if advancded desktop effects are disabled08:46
slavi1does apache2 read the /etc/conf.d/ directory for config files?08:46
clau85I installed fglrx but after logging it, I get only a blank screen (the wallpaper)... fglrxinfo says segmentation fault, as many others (glxgears...)08:47
lfsslavi1, i suppose it reads the /etc/apache2 dir08:47
RatThingmikebeecham, press: ctrl+alt+backspace, login again and try again.08:47
clau85anyone an idea pls? dunno what to do next08:47
RatThingmikebeecham, if that does not work then it can be pretty simple to fix by editing your /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:47
mikebeechamok RatThing...will login again...sec08:48
lfsslavi1, also , you have to make changes to the php.ini file08:48
slavi1what do I have to change?08:49
mansourdo anyone know how to install screenlets08:49
lfsslavi1, check if engine=on in php.ini08:49
HanyouIt's up but it's acting godawlful sluggish.08:50
HanyouAnd my compiz doesn't work either.08:50
ArthurArchnixDPic: Yes?08:50
mikebeechamRatThing....it did not work mate...when I go into nvidia-settings, I can open up two monitors and set the parameters for them.  However, i cannot apply them as it is talking about metamodes, etc08:51
mikebeechamso I am stuck in 800 x 600 on one monitor?08:51
DPicwell, you asked me what i want with my drives...now what?08:52
RatThingmikebeecham, that is a step closer at least. :-)08:52
mikebeechamRatThing: yes08:52
RatThingmikebeecham, are both monitors on the same graphics card or do you have two graphics cards?08:52
mikebeechamat least my graphics are not corrupted now08:52
HanyouI forgot what the test line was.08:52
mikebeechamRatThing: the same card - nVidia geForce 7600GT08:53
slavi1it is on08:53
mikebeechamand it's been working fine for about a week now since new linux install08:53
slavi1lfs: could it be related to mysql? (php code by itself works)08:53
RatThingmikebeecham, nice card. Can you confirm that you are running nvidia-settings as sudo so: sudo nvidia-settings08:53
lfsslavi1, oh yes maybe08:53
mikebeechamRatThing: thanks...I am running it right now08:54
slavi1lfs: I had a similar problem on another server where the memory would dissappear08:54
slavi1is this something related to mysql?08:54
ArthurArchnixDPic: Oh man. That's your idea of making things more clear? Hehe. No worries. We'll get it solved. That's the royal we... meaning you and maybe me, but defintiatley somebody.08:54
mikebeechamthe reason I have just found out that I was stuck on 800 x 600 is that I was editing the wrong screen...I am now in 1280 x 1024...but I still cant produce twinview, as it is talking about failed metamodes08:54
DPicArthurArchnix, 120 GB HD should contain an installation of windows. 40 GB disk should contain windows and ubuntu.08:54
kantorthe mtab is always located in the /etc directory ?08:55
z9999Hi, I'm back again, and we downloaded the gparted iso getting ready to partition our HDD. It comes up with a menu and we are uncertain which of the many options to allow it to boot from, and are uncertain what the first one which states (auto configuration) means. We don't wish to make any changes to the HDD just yet but only to look at it. Is someone familiar with this program who can tell...08:55
z9999...us what is safe to do?08:55
=== GNUdog|away is now known as GNUdog
=== GNUdog is now known as GNUdog|away
lfsslavi1, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=16114908:55
mikebeechamRatThing: Failed to set MetaMode (1) 'CRT-0: 1280x1024 @1280x1024 +1280+0, DFP-0: 1280x960@75 @1280x960 +0+0' (Mode 2560x1024, id: 69) on X screen 008:55
mikebeechamWould you like to remove this MetaMode?08:55
* RatThing examines his own configuration, wont be a moment.08:55
mikebeechamthat is the message I get08:55
=== GNUdog|away is now known as GNUdog
slavi1lfs: would saying that phpmyadmin used to work help?08:56
ArthurArchnixDPic: So... you want three OS's, 40GB has Windows/Ubuntu and 120 has Windows. This is your desired outcome.Can you explain this? It doesn't make sense to me.08:56
ArthurArchnixDPic:  What you're desired outcome is important in terms of what kind of solutoins I (or others) provide,08:57
DPicbecause i wasn't able to partition the 120GB drive for some reason. plus, we're going to get rid of windows on the 40 GB drive once we've moved out all the files we need from there, at which point i can let ubuntu have the whole drive08:57
ArthurArchnixOk... so let's make things simple. Let's boot 120GB windows and copy all our files from40GB. What happened with this attempt?08:58
MrOk, this is really bugging me. My deskbar doesn't work at all, as in using tracker live.08:58
squeeHow is it that ubuntu can tell what commands are supplied by what packages if you dont have them installed?08:58
ManI have a trubble08:58
lfslfs, used to help?08:58
lfsslavi1,  used to  work ?08:59
DPicArthurArchnix, well that seems like it might just complicate things even more. I can't boot anything right now. Doesn't it just make more sense to fix this problem. The setup we have now is unconventional but there's no reason it can't work08:59
MrI dont care08:59
Mansomeone know about tv configure?08:59
RatThingmikebeecham, at this stage it would probably be better to examine your /etc/X11/xorg.conf at least then we will both be on the same page. :-) Can you backup your existing /etc/X11/xorg.conf: sudo /etc/X11/xorg.conf ~/08:59
Mansomeone know about tv configure?09:00
lfsslavil , i'm enjoying some good whiskey .. so lot of typos09:00
lfsslavi1, ;)09:00
RatThingmikebeecham typo...09:00
stdinsquee: that feature is provided by bash-completion09:00
Mancan you help me to watch tv?09:00
Manin linux09:00
RatThingmikebeecham, sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf ~/09:00
ArthurArchnixDPic: I dunno. I'm just saying the order I'd try things. So you're saying that you can't copy the 40GB to the 120GB because your computer with both HD's wont' boot?09:00
mikebeechamRatThing: sec09:00
DPicArthurArchnix, yeah. when the computer boots up it immediately says no operating system found09:01
DPicno bios or anything09:01
stdinRatThing: why use sudo there?09:01
Manin tvtime it's give me a black screen.09:01
slavi1lfs: yes09:01
RatThingmikebeecham, bad habit on my part.09:01
slavi1as in the older server when rebooted would work again09:01
mikebeechamRatThing: not working....error message on that command09:01
ArthurArchnixDPic: Do you see any options about pressing Fsomething for Bios, or Setup or whatever> Some times this is F10, F12 and so on.09:02
RatThingmikebeecham, either way we should examine the copy not the active one.09:02
squeestdin: alright, thanks09:02
slavi1then the memory dissapeared and mysql related things would stop working09:02
lfsslavi1,  sorry .. when did it stop  working?09:02
Morgan555got a desktop today, got Gutsy with advanced desktop effects running well using a CRT monitor at friends house, bring tower home  to use on my lcd with vga-in and the bottom 1/8 th of the creen goes mssing if AWN is running and my title bars are missing if advancded desktop effects are enabled09:02
slavi1as if mysql leaks memory or something09:02
thorArthurArchnix there is no mbr...he told grub not to overwrite the mbr so now there is no windows mbr and no grub09:02
slavi1today since I kep my system on all day09:02
Morgan555please help09:02
RatThingmikebeecham copy /etc/X11/xorg.conf to your home directory.09:02
DPicArthurArchnix no i don't see anything at all. the first and only thing that appears is that there is no OS. should i try hitting keys that might get me into the BIOS anyways?09:02
mikebeechamRatThing: I have only been using linux a week...could youplease post the entire command09:02
ArthurArchnixthor: Which would not affec the bios.09:02
mikebeechamI am not familiar with Linux commands09:02
thorArthurArchnix not a bios problem...it is giving him an error about reading the drive09:03
Mansomeone can help me!?09:03
thorArthurArchnix the whole thing was working til he tried to install linux09:03
RatThingmikebeecham cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf ~/09:03
ArthurArchnixDPic: Maybe. It depends. Are you able to boot a live ubuntu cd.09:03
slavi1as if something keeps leaking memory or something09:03
RatThingmikebeecham, that does not work?09:03
DPicArthurArchnix yes09:03
mikebeechamRatThing: it does now yes...typo on my part09:03
DPicMan Yes09:03
ArthurArchnixthor: I'm trying to understand the problem. If there's relevant info please paste.09:04
lfsslavi1,  very strange09:04
Manyou know about tv configure?09:04
lfsslavi1, why dont you restart the apache 7 mysql servers09:04
DPicMan, sorry but no. I'm actually in here getting help myself.09:04
RatThingmikebeecham, you need to open that file with an editor.09:04
FabioGciao a tutti09:05
DPicMan, have you tried the wiki? i can usually find any general information i need there09:05
slavi1lfs: tried ... didn't work09:05
RatThingmikebeecham it is in your home directory. a file called: xorg.conf09:05
Manwhat wiki?09:05
lfsslavi1, did u restart the system?09:05
mikebeechami typed sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:05
mikebeechamthat worked I think!!!09:05
DPicMan, wiki.ubuntu.com09:05
slavi1well, still nothing about my home system09:06
mikebeechamso what now RatThing?09:06
Mani don't thinks it's will help beacuse but anyway...09:06
slavi12 systems with same issues ...09:06
ArthurArchnixDPic: So.. just so we're clear... you had two windows drives, which were working fine, then you tossed in an ubuntu 7,1 (gutsy) cd and installed. And ever since then you haven't been able to boot any os, except the live cd. Is that right?09:06
mikebeechamRatThing: I have the xorg.conf open09:06
RatThingmikebeecham, almost but instead of opening the one in /etc/... open the one in your home directory so: sudo gedit ~/xorg.conf09:06
lfsslavi1, it cant possibly leak that much of memory!09:06
slavi1lfs: something is doing it09:06
RatThingmikebeecham, we made a copy so we don't break the active one :-)09:07
slavi18GB gone :( (according to top)09:07
DPicyes. i believe that me telling grub to install somewhere other than the mbr is the reason for that09:07
mikebeechamRatThing: cool...that copy is now open...would you like me to pastebin the contents for you?09:07
neur1is there an applet or icon that goes with wifi radar09:07
RatThingmikebeecham, good idea.09:07
lfsslavi1, can u connect to mysql using the mysql command line client?09:07
ManIVTV can help me? i have pvr driver09:08
mikebeechamRatThing: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46537/09:08
RatThingmikebeecham, for someone who has only been at this for a week you seem pretty competent.09:08
Manslavli, you talk to me?09:08
DPicArthurArchnix, is the GRUB/mbr and file system problem two separate issues?09:08
* RatThing opens up browser...09:08
ArthurArchnixDPic: Don't worry about it. It's the fact that you have two hard-drives and windows installed. Grub hasn't come close to mastering this yet. Let's go back to basics though, because at this point you may need to ask yourself if you've backed up your data. (press middle finger to skip this step).09:08
lfsslavil then the mysql server is fine, apache is fine and php is fine .. then it seems more of a config problem09:09
* RatThing is looking at the xorg file...09:09
scguy318ArthurArchnix: dual-booting that isn't a problem...09:09
DPicArthurArchnix, ....no. the data hasn't been backed up. and there's really important stuff in there. damn.09:09
scguy318ArthurArchnix: *with GRUB09:09
scguy318ArthurArchnix: just add another entry for the second HDD, its not an insurmountable problem09:09
adamonline45I FINALLY got my Atheros wifi driver installed smoothly using ndiswrapper, could anyone please tell me how to add my card/interface to whatever it needs to get added to, so I can start using it? Thanks 8)09:09
RatThingmikebeecham, can we do a private chat now, I'll /msg you ?09:10
scguy318adamonline45: you need to modprobe ndiswrapper and add a line in /etc/modules09:10
mikebeechamRatThing: `thanks for the kind comment, and yes that would be good09:10
DPicit's past 4am and i'm fading09:10
sangpraboanyone knows konsole-based audio player?09:10
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
adamonline45scguy318: I did those two steps already.  That's about where I left off.  Is there anything else I need to do?09:10
ArthurArchnixDPic: It looks like scguy318 has the answers. I'll keep thinkikng about this in case you two can't solve it.09:10
scguy318adamonline45: no, if you dont see it now just reboot09:11
scguy318DPic: what's your question?09:11
DPicArthurArchnix, no he's just saying that the problem isn't that grub can't deal with more than one windows install09:11
DPicscguy318, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3876791 read my posts to understand what has happened09:12
adamonline45scguy318: Doing it now, thank you!  I thought you never had to reboot linux? ;)09:12
RatThingmikebeecham, did I make contact :-)09:12
ArthurArchnixDPic: Work as many different avenues as you can. If scguy318 thinks he has a solution you shoud consider it.09:12
mikebeechamRatThing: you did...did you not see my response?09:12
RatThingmikebeecham, no :-(09:13
DPicArthurArchnix alright. Thanks for your help thus far09:13
mikebeechamRatThing: do you have MSN or anything like that?09:13
scguy318DPic: burn yourself Super GRUB CD09:13
scguy318DPic: fix the MBR09:13
scguy318DPic: voila done09:13
mikebeechamif you type in your details in the private chat, I can see what you type09:13
ArthurArchnixDPic: What I'm suggesting means writing off your existing data... you should explore other options before continuing down this path.09:13
naliothadamonline45: you should not have to reboot linux at all.  using non Ubuntu packages and other practices can reduce the stability at times09:13
nalioth!tell mikebeecham about register09:14
adamonline45nalioth: Good point 8)09:14
scguy318!register | mikebeecham09:14
ubotumikebeecham: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about  registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration09:14
DPicscguy318 but what about that filesystem error, will that be fixed?09:14
scguy318DPic: what filesystem error?09:14
mikebeechamahhh that'll be why then09:14
MrI'm getting no results from tracker in the deskbar, can someone help me fix that please?09:15
mikebeechamRatThing: I have them all :D09:15
DPicscguy318, that the filesystem is a different size than windows thinks it is09:15
mikebeechamRatThing: go ICQ09:15
scguy318DPic: from where?09:16
adamonline45Is it possible to change the terminal resolution/font size?09:16
mikebeecham./msg nickserv set email teambeecham@gmail.com09:16
thoradamonline45  which terminal are you using?09:16
DPicscguy318 from the partition part of the linux install cd09:16
scguy318mikebeecham: remove the dot09:16
scguy318DPic: oh dunno chkdsk it when you get to Windows?09:17
RatThingmikebeecham are you still there:09:17
scguy318DPic: burn yourself GPartEd to examine the consistancy of the partitions09:17
mikebeechamRatThing: yes09:17
adamonline45thor Whatever's default on Kubuntu, accessed by pressing <ctrl><alt><Fx>09:17
RatThingmikebeecham why can't i private message you?09:18
mikebeechamRat...dont know09:18
scguy318!register > RatThing09:18
thoradamonline45  the resolution on that one is changed by adding an option to the bootup in /boot/grub/menu.lst. Search google for 'vga=' and you will find the numbers to set vga equal to09:18
scguy318mikebeecham: because he is not registered with NickServ09:18
=== martin__ is now known as Slazer
mikebeechamscguy318: I just registered I think09:18
slavi1this is messed up09:18
adamonline45thor: Awesome, ty09:18
scguy318mikebeecham: I was talking about RatThing :)09:19
RatThingscguy318 thanks it was due to me typeing a ':' after his name :-)09:19
scguy318RatThing: ?09:19
thoradamonline45  http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-220383.html09:19
lfsthor,  vga=792 works great09:19
mikebeechamRatThing: I just added you09:19
thorlfs not if your monitor is 640x480 <smile>09:19
lfsthor oh ! .. ya09:20
Slazerdo sb know wky "/whois NAME" doesnt work?09:20
scguy318Slazer: might be your client09:20
thorSlazer did you install the network tools?09:20
Slazerhmm I didnt09:21
SlazerIve Xchat09:21
adamonline45thor easy enough... thanks again :)09:21
thorSlazer...what does it say if you type 'which whois' in a terminal09:21
scguy318thor: the whois command on IRC has nothing to do with networking tools :)09:21
mikebeechamRatThing: can you see my messages now?09:21
thoroops...my bad...thought he was talking about the network whois09:21
Slazer/usr/bin/whois .. it should be there09:21
naliothmikebeecham: you've fallen unidentified again09:21
amorphous_could anyone give me aclue as to why this code loses the info in $list at the end?09:22
amorphous_ list_of_files=`apropos bluetooth`; echo "$list_of_files" | while read file ; do  file="${file%%\(*}"  ; echo "$file" ; list=$(echo "$list $file") ; echo "$list" ; done ;  echo "*** $list"09:22
Lore2anyone know how to get totem playing dvd's?09:22
scguy318nalitoh: he left I believe09:22
scguy318Lore2: if you're trying to play CSS-protected DVDs, you need to install libdvdcss209:22
scguy318!medibuntu | Lore209:22
ubotuLore2: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org09:22
Lore2its installed09:22
scguy318Lore2: alright, what is the difficulty?09:22
Lore2it still wont play09:22
scguy318Lore2: why not?09:23
Lore2totem player keeps saying I don't have the right plugin's installed09:23
ArthurArchnixDPic:  what's the status09:23
Lore2Totem cannot play this type of media (DVD) because you do not have the appropriate plugins to handle it.09:23
scguy318!restricted > Lore209:23
adamonline45scguy318: Are you still here?  I restarted and I don't see my card.  modprobe -l | grep ndis shows ndiswrapper, and ndiswrapper -l shows the driver... Do you havec any additional thoughts or ideas that might help?09:23
Slazercould sb advise me a good linux IRC client? (not XCHAT)09:24
insmod<Lore2> install the restricted packages09:24
Lore2already have09:24
naliothSlazer: are you using xchat-gnome or the original xchat?09:24
amorphous_Lore2 - you use automatix?09:24
Lore2including the w32codecs and the libcss209:24
Lore2what's automatix?09:24
Slazerxchat gnome09:24
ubotuautomatix is not recommended, supported or needed. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »09:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about whois - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi09:24
scguy318Lore2: Automatix is a third-party script to permit installation of additional stuff09:24
amorphous_lore - google it - it's at the top of the list09:24
scguy318Lore2: not necessray at all09:24
FlannelLore2: Automatix is a good way to break stuff.09:25
Slazertx ubotu, I will09:25
naliothLore2: it will mess up your machine.  please avoid it.09:25
scguy318adamonline45: when u did ndiswrapper -l09:25
lfscya people09:25
scguy318adamonline45: did it mention alternate driver?09:25
scguy318Lore2: have you tried using a different player?09:25
amorphous_guys - for dvd/codecs it's never done me any harm... :(09:25
adamonline45scguy318: No, it says net5416 : driver installed \n devicce (168C:0024) present09:26
Lore2so how would you guys recommend me fix the problem I have if automatix will mess up my machine?09:26
TrnxHello all, I'm am trying to install Ubuntu 7.10 Desktop into my VMware Server, I mount the dvd ISO as a CD drive on the VMware machine, and when I boot it, it gets the login during installation and it says "Your session has lasted less than 10 seconds, this could be because of a installation issue..." How can I fix this?09:26
scguy318adamonline45: if you do lsmod | grep ndiswrapper, is it loaded?09:26
amorphous_and i do think it's an easy way to get up and running.09:26
scguy318Lore2: try a different player09:27
amorphous_for newbe09:27
amorphous_Lore mplayer is good then.09:27
Zeddiehmm it appears x is working fine but console isn't :) I've got nothing in console mode :( (I've had gutsy for a few weeks but been ignoring it :p)09:27
amorphous_Lore2 - mplayer is good09:27
TrnxAny suggestions?09:27
adamonline45scguy318: It's there.  I don't know what it all means, but it says: ndiswrapper   233632   009:28
Lore2mplayer has the same problem09:28
amorphous_guys - any of you have an idea on that code posted09:28
scguy318adamonline45: iwconfig is nothing?09:28
TrnxI guess not, I'm going to be.d09:29
adamonline45No, it only shows lo and eth0, both say 'no wireless extensions'.09:29
adamonline45er, scguy318 ^^09:29
scguy318adamonline45: if you look in syslog for ndiswrapper lines anything of interest?09:30
MohammadBoozaryHi ALL09:30
MohammadBoozaryI Need A Music crator like Dance eJey in windows for Ubuntu !09:30
insmodMusic crator09:31
MohammadBoozaryMusic Creator *09:31
cre8torxcan you put ejay on linux09:32
MohammadBoozarycre8torx: no i need a linux based software09:32
Lore2scguy: i've already done everything on that list09:32
cre8torxhave you tried WINE09:32
szundihow can I get ubuntu7.10 to support my S3ProSavageDDR videocard?09:32
insmodMohammadBoozary> to do what i know most the music software stuff on linux09:33
scguy318Lore2: and?09:33
adamonline45scguy318: Uh oh.  "Kernel is 64-bit; but driver is not 64-bit. Bad magic" and "couldn't load driver net5416"09:33
Lore2and it still wont play09:33
chazcoHi... anyone know how to use keytouch with keys it doesnt seem to be able to fully recognise? It reacts to them, but then doesnt show a scancode or a keycode...09:33
scguy318adamonline45: that's your answer :)09:33
scguy318adamonline45: find a 64-bit driver version09:34
adamonline45scguy318: Do you have any ideas what I can do?09:34
scguy318adamonline45: find an x64 version of your Windows driver09:34
scguy318adamonline45: these days there should be one09:34
wuchenghello, when  i am compiling the kernel, i can not find the USB NetWork Adapter under USB support , my system is ubuntu7.10,09:34
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT09:34
adamonline45scguy318: Alright, it's worth a shot.  Thank you very much!09:34
dimitrisI'm building a new system and I want it to be as linux compatible out of the box as I can. I am between Gigabyte X38-DQ6, Asus P5E3 and Asus Maximus Formula for a motherboard. Any suggestions?09:34
meezfoghi_hello all09:34
meezfoghi_i have problem about samba09:34
insmodMohammadBoozary> dj stuff recording editing ?09:35
wuchengany one can tell me what's wrong ?09:35
meezfoghi_how to i connect windows xp on vmware09:35
szundiubuntu7.10 won't recognize my videocard. My monitor is showing  black...what can i do?09:35
dimitriscre8torx: Thanks09:35
scguy318szundi: if LiveCD try safe graphics, if installation boot to recovery mode, do dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg and pick vesa driver09:36
meezfoghianybody please09:36
khryxalquien habla espanol09:37
cre8torxyeah probly something wrong in setup09:37
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.09:37
naliothmeezfoghi: try asking in ##windows or #vmware09:37
h1st0!es > khryx09:37
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about backtrack - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi09:37
seonhello does ubuntu gutsy P3 733 192Mo can be install on it09:37
meezfoghinalioth: i think problem at ubuntu not vmware or windows09:38
h1st0seon: yeah but you may want to try xubuntu for a lighter window manager09:38
scguy318seon: not all that usable, I would use Xubuntu or Fluxbuntu or a distro like that09:38
insmod<seon> yes09:38
h1st0sean: i've run it on hardwaresimiliar before and it is a little slow but kind of like Xp.09:38
cre8torxfluxbox WINDOWMANAGERS ARE GREAT09:39
Lore2bloody dvd playback09:39
khryxdusculpen donde uno encuentra el canal de  ubuntu-es09:39
szundiscguy318:I already tryed sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  It works, but after I shut down my computer it starts again..the black screen09:39
dublpawsion3 is good too09:39
meezfoghianybody please09:39
seoncan i develop in XUBUNTU with wxwidgets and gtk209:39
scguy318seon: develop what?09:39
dublpawsxfce uses gtk09:39
thorno 'ubuntu-es'.....'#ubuntu-es'09:40
Jordan_Useon, Yes09:40
adamonline45Will ndiswrapper work with vista drivers?09:40
scguy318adamonline45: nope09:40
scguy318adamonline45: not at this time unfortunately09:40
adamonline45aww shucks09:40
MohammadBoozaryI need a music creator software for linux like dance ejay in windows09:40
cre8torxwhat's your faviort WM09:40
insmod<adamonline45>yes but the drivers best for that chip are listed on there site09:40
tantrisHi! I can't install gnome-build in gutsy, even though launchpad tells me it should exist?09:40
scguy318MohammadBoozary: Audacity? nice audio editor, try looking in Ubuntu Studio09:40
scguy318szundi: you could try manually editing /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:40
scguy318szundi: perhaps add a modeline or tweak the horiz/vert refresh ranges09:41
cre8torxyeah try Ubuntu Studio09:41
meezfoghimy usb drive not detect on vmware server09:41
insmodMohammadBoozary> dj stuff recording editing ?09:41
insmodMohammadBoozary> audacity muse ardour etc09:41
Jordan_UMohammadBoozary, I don't know what dance ejay does, please list some features / intended purpose of the program09:41
dublpawsszundi: do you have an nvidia card?09:41
seonscguy318> program applications, and why xubuntu or flubuntu is better than ubuntu, is it about the desktop?09:42
Jordan_Umeezfoghi, Have you added a virtual USB controller to the Virtual Machine?09:42
bshhi all09:42
bshi need instant help pls :(09:42
meezfoghiJordan_U, yes.....but  still cant connect09:42
cre8torxVMWARE     * must run Windows 200009:42
Jordan_Ubsh, Hi, and if bsh is refferring to bean shell awesome nick ;)09:42
MohammadBoozaryinsmod: thanks very much09:42
insmodMohammadBoozary> what do you want it to do09:43
cre8torx    * must run Windows 200009:43
cre8torx    * cannot be repartitioned as a dual-boot09:43
szundiscguy318: I don't know about manually editing that..:/ I opened the file and the driver is set on Vesa, as you told me09:43
Jordan_Ubsh, Just ask your question, if anyone can help they will09:43
scguy318!fixres | szundi09:44
ubotuszundi: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto09:44
insmodMohammadBoozary> hydrogen is an awsome drum machine jackd is great to mix apps etc09:44
scguy318szundi: the link might be helpful09:44
bshok if anyone can help: i have re-perted my hard drive. copied / to another filesystems directory (sudo cp -avx ...), did the same with /home (they were separate partitions)09:44
bshthen re-partitioned and copied everything back. set up fstab etc. updated grub09:44
bshnow when i load from hard drive, grub apperas and starts to boot, the ubuntu logo appears09:44
bshbut then stops09:45
bshin recovery mode, it stops at the network card09:45
bshany ideas?09:45
travkinbsh, what's problem?09:45
travkinrepeat please ;)09:45
szundithank you09:45
MohammadBoozaryJordan_U: http://www.hitsquad.com/smm/programs/Dance_eJay/09:45
insmodbsh>edit the boot script09:45
XBehaveI wanted to create a stupidly secure laptop but ive forgotten my bios password, is there a way to get grub to boot of a cd09:46
bshinsmod: ??? i'm a noob :)09:46
btli just installed ubuntu 7.10 and i can't play any of my dvd movies... does anyone have a tutorial or something to get that working?09:46
Jordan_Ubsh, Can you try booting without the "splash" or "quiet" parameters in GRUB ( I know recovery mode gets rid of splash, not sure about quiet ) and give us any output that seems relevent?09:46
scguy318XBehave: if its a desktop you could set a jumper to clear CMOS or you could try to get in with a default password09:46
Lore2still no luck with that dvd playback09:46
scguy318XBehave: or you could use a GRUB floppy or something09:46
MohammadBoozaryJordan_U: http://www.reviewcentre.com/reviews54531.html09:46
travkinbtl, http://ubuntuforums.org/ -> use search09:47
btltravkin: thanks :)09:47
tantrisany idea where the gnome-build package is?09:47
insmodMohammadBoozary> i know what you need09:47
dublpawsbsh can you access the filesysten?09:47
Lore2all restricted repositories installed, libdvdcss2 installed, libdvdread3 installed, w32codecs installed, Open DVD ---> Device Error: Device Source is Encrypted or in an Unknown Format.09:48
bshsure everything is fine09:48
bshi can access everything09:48
XBehaveits a laptop and it doesnt have a floppy drive, not that it would help as i locked down the boot order hence the password :( take it theres no easy way to do it then09:48
Jordan_ULore2, What application are you using?09:48
dublpaws/var/log/messages might have some goodies09:48
Lore2Xine with Totem Frontend09:48
scguy318XBehave: you could find a list of default passes to get in09:48
insmod<Lore2> try another dvd09:48
scguy318!install > XBehave09:49
scguy318XBehave: that link might be helpful on alternatives09:49
dingdangdonginsmod: so what does MohammadBoozarya need? :D09:49
Lore2DVD 2/2 Same Thing09:49
Piteldamn, is it normal that framereate of glxgears is heavily infuelnced by CPU usage by other programs? (it goes between 6000 and 10 fps on GeForce 7600)09:50
scguy318Pitel: yes, glxgears doesn't utilize DRI or that fun stuff09:50
scguy318Pitel: therefore it's a crappy benchmark09:50
Lore2and DVD 3 works.09:50
insmod<dingdangdong>why does he not ask me09:50
g-ehi! when i hit CTRL+SHIFT+T and a new tab opens in my terminal, i would like bash to start in the same folder as the other bash i was using. is that possible?09:50
Pitelscguy318: hmm, and what is good benchmark then? because even doom3 does it.09:51
Jordan_UXBehave, Many ( possibly eve most unfortunately ) BIOS's have default passwords because companies know that users will forget their passwords ;)09:51
scguy318Pitel: http://lbs.sourceforge.net/ has a nice list09:52
Pitelor maybe I am doing something wrong09:52
MohammadBoozarydingdangdong: :D09:52
dingdangdongMohammadBoozary: would u mind asking him? :D09:52
scguy318Pitel: glxgears is not a good benchmark since it doesn't use DRI, it only uses a teeny subset of OpenGL, and actual 3D would be different09:52
scguy318Pitel: *direct 3D rendering09:52
insmod<g-e>edit the xterm configs in etc09:52
scguy318Pitel: google for more09:53
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots09:53
MohammadBoozaryinsmod: i WILL?09:54
Pitelscguy318: hmm, shouldn;t i have dri enabled in xorg.conf?09:54
insmodMohammadBoozary> will what09:54
MohammadBoozaryinsmod: would u tell me plz ?09:54
dingdangdongMohammadBoozary: : )))09:55
meezfoghihello all09:55
Jordan_Ubsh, Any update?09:55
MohammadBoozarydingdangdong: :-p09:55
dingdangdonginsmod: :D now what? :)( kidding)09:55
scguy318Pitel: yes, but glxgears doesn't use DRI09:55
scguy318Pitel: which is my point09:55
popdog123hello! i have a problem setting up my leadtek winfast tv2000 xp global card... the card is not recognized and i get this from dmesg http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46542/ i tried recompiling my kernel before but i just ended up screwing up my computer09:55
Lore2so if I have 2 dvd's that won't play and 1 that does how do I get the first two to work?09:55
meezfoghiwhy when i want to add samba user...i get error --Failed to modify password entry for user kerbau09:55
meezfoghianybody please09:55
tonyr1988I'm installing MythBuntu, and it has options for the proprietary drivers: nvidia (for Geforce 2-4) and nvidia_new (for Geforce 5+). Simple question: what does that number refer to? I have a Geforce 6200...would that be a Geforce 6, and fall under nvidia_new?09:56
meezfoghiwhy when i want to add samba user...i get error --Failed to modify password entry for user kerbau09:56
=== Bratzie is now known as bratze
Jordan_Uscguy318, In what way does it "not use DRI", I know it doesn't use it to it's full potential but it does use OpenGL, and should use DRI? Or am I missing something?09:56
scguy318Lore2: try playing on VLC, and any messages that you can show us to explain why?09:56
scguy318Jordan_U: it uses indirect Mesa rendering I believe09:56
scguy318Jordan_U: unless I'm mistaken09:56
hurt_EEEyes tonyr198809:56
tonyr1988hurt_EEE, thanks.09:57
Lore2An Error occured: The source seems encrypted, and can't be read. Are you trying to play an encrypted DVD without libdvdcss?09:57
Lore2that's what its giving me09:57
insmodMohammadBoozary> well depends what you need -- most work of jackd it's a backend to most music prog hdrogen is a great drum machine audacity is a basisic multi track ardour and muse are more complex ladspa is the plugin effects etc i need to know what you want09:57
scguy318Lore2: well can you check that libdvdcss2 is installed?09:57
scguy318Lore2: you told me it was, are you sure?09:57
insmod<dingdangdong> insmod: :D now what? :)( kidding) ---=---- don't get it09:57
adamonline45Does anyone know if madwifi works with 64-bit kernels?09:58
Lore2the install script on the page says 1.2.5 and then updated through update-notifier09:58
Lore2to 1.2.909:58
scguy318adamonline45: what chipset is your card?09:58
meezfoghiwhy when i want to add samba user...i get error --Failed to modify password entry for user kerbau09:58
Lore2are you entering the password in case sensitive?09:58
adamonline45I'm the atheros guy.  I believe it's intel 95009:58
crzedmonkhey anyone here that could help me out09:58
crzedmonkmy window borders dissapeared09:58
popdog123hello! i have a problem setting up my leadtek winfast tv2000 xp global card... the card is not recognized and i get this from dmesg http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46542/ i tried recompiling my kernel before but i just ended up screwing up my computer anyone???09:59
scguy318adamonline45: Atheros chipset for the wireless?09:59
crzedmonkincluding my file edit view09:59
crzedmonkI am running gusty09:59
Jordan_Uadamonline45, Do you have any reason to believe that it wouldn't?09:59
scguy318Lore2: thats strange, try VLC09:59
adamonline45Jordan_U: Recent trauma regarding mass time and ndiswrapper09:59
Jordan_Ucrzedmonk, Try running "nohup metacit --replace" in a terminal09:59
adamonline45scguy318: I think so.  It's a macbook.10:00
Jordan_Ucrzedmonk, Make that "nohup metacity --replace" ( forgot the 'y' )10:00
scguy318adamonline45: im sorry but gtg night10:00
adamonline45scguy318: Np, gnight10:00
scguy318adamonline45: easy way out would be to install 32-bit Ubuntu but too much work night10:00
Jordan_Uadamonline45, Have you looked at the macbook page on the Ubuntu wiki?10:01
adamonline45ack, I just reinstalled with 64-bit 8)10:01
meezfoghiwhy when i want to add samba user...i get error --Failed to modify password entry for user kerbau10:01
crzedmonkthat worked thanks10:01
* insmod sick http://2girls1cup.com/10:01
crzedmonkwhat was that10:01
Jordan_Ucrzedmonk, It started metacity ( gnome's default window manager ), the problem you most likely had was that compiz crashed10:02
adamonline45Jordan_U: Yeah, it said I could use the amd64 install, but didn't disclaim that there's no winXP x64 driver available for use with ndiswrapper10:02
crzedmonkthank you10:02
Jordan_Ucrzedmonk, The "nohup" part at the beggining was just so that metacity wouldn't quit when you closed the terminal window10:02
crzedmonkI am very new to this linux thing10:02
popdog123hello! i have a problem setting up my leadtek winfast tv2000 xp global card... the card is not recognized and i get this from dmesg http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46542/ i tried recompiling my kernel before but i just ended up screwing up my computer anyone???10:03
crzedmonkbut it is better than windows10:03
Jordan_Ucrzedmonk, np, If you have problems like this again you might want to turn off desktop effects in System -> Preferences -> Appearance10:03
crzedmonkit is on normal10:04
crzedmonkturn it off10:04
=== Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo
Jordan_Uadamonline45, So you weren't using madwifi in 32 bit Ubuntu10:04
adamonline45Jordan_U: Well, I tried ndiswrapper, and couldn't get it working... So I tried madwifi, and it didn't take long to realize I should go back to trying ndiswrapper 8)  Soon enough I got it close to working (it loaded all but a missing .ko) and learned I can run 64-bit version.  So no, it wasn't working...  Is there a gui that works with madwifi that you know of?10:07
siccnessOoo, wireless talk10:07
siccnessLet me jump in here10:07
siccnessCan someone help me setup my freeradius/802.1x/eap-tls? :)10:08
Jordan_Uadamonline45, Not quite sure what you mean, Madwifi is a driver, drivers don't have GUI's10:08
adamonline45Jordan_U: Ahh.  That's true, but there was sure a lot of stuff to do to connect to an encrypted wireless network.10:10
siccnessadamonline45: don't I know it!10:10
Jordan_Uadamonline45, Once it's installed madwifi should work with network-manager just fine ( should being the key word there... :)10:11
qsheetsI can't get ircd-hybrid to start, anyn takers?10:11
siccnessqsheets: only if you can get my thing to work10:11
qsheetssiccness: whatcha got?10:11
siccnessfreeradius (eap-tls / 802.1x)10:11
qsheets /ignore join/part10:12
adamonline45Jordan_U: Alright, I'll give it another shot.  I heard there were issues, though, according to the macbook guide.  If I can get it visible in Network mgr, I'll surely be able to get it to work...10:12
krimWhy is swap being used when RAM is still free? I have 2gb of each and 30% of each is used right now.10:13
OIMi install ubuntu but i cant boot10:13
adamonline45Jordan_U: Oh, you know what happened?  I could see it there, all greyed out and taunting me, but when I clicked 'administrator mode', I'd enter my password, and it wouldn't sudo me in to make any changes.10:14
qsheetssiccness: idk what you need?10:14
siccnessqsheets: i need it working :P10:14
Jordan_Uadamonline45, That is not network-manager, that is network admin10:14
adamonline45Jordan_U: That was one of the few things that made me feel ready for a reinstall...  Oh, and I'm on Kubuntu, in case I didn't mention that10:14
ttt-are there any other ps viewers besides evince?10:14
Jordan_Uadamonline45, Network manager is the little applet at the left of the top pannel ( top left of the screen )10:15
qsheetssiccness: LOL ... that's what I need10:15
BeBrawhas anyone gotten wacom "bamboo fun" tablet to work either on feisty or gutsy?10:15
krimttt-: GGv?10:16
adamonline45Jordan_U: Ooh, I found the network manager... It doesn't seem to be opening though... Hmm10:17
Jordan_Uadamonline45, Not opening in what way?10:17
OIMhow can i see the grub os selecting screen. what i must do10:17
ankurhow i increase my screen resolution from 65 to 85 in ubuntu?10:17
HanyouHow do you add another workspace in Gnome?10:17
Jordan_Uadamonline45, You need to set your card to "roaming mode" in network-admin for it to be seen by network-manager BTW10:17
krimHanyou: Right click on the workspaces and choose preferences10:18
siccnessankur: must be some crappy ass screen resolution if it's only at 65 :P10:18
OIMhanyou: just right click10:18
ttt-krim: i cant find that in the package manager10:18
OIMno body to help me10:18
ttt-krim: oh sorry, i can10:18
ankur<siccness>dont understand10:18
siccnessscreen resolution vs refresh rate?10:19
adamonline45Jordan_U: Got it.  Yeah, when I click 'KNetworkManager', nothing happens at all.  No wait icon, no bouncey icon, no instant window flash...10:19
Jordan_Uadamonline45, Are you using KDE?10:20
adamonline45Jordan_U: Yes, I mentioned that a few messages ago :)10:20
OIMi wanna boot computer with grub screen. how10:20
Jordan_UOIM, Press escape at boot10:20
ankur<siccness>i need 1024*768 resulution and 85 Hz refresh rate .How i do that?10:21
mafsiJordan_U, about romaning in network card; I have DHCP assigned automatically by ISP; I" deactivated *roaming* and the connection is working; what does *roaming* do anyway?10:21
ankur<siccness>now my refresh rate is 65 that is too low10:22
Jordan_Umafsi, "roaming" just means let network-manager deal with the connection :)10:22
siccnessI havent had much success in changing refresh rate, I previously used the gtf modeline10:22
mafsiJordan_U, i c10:22
HanyouWith an ATI Mobility Radeon x700 on a Acer Travelmate 4400 should I have to use the fglrx driver for my video card? I tried using "ati" as the option in the xorg.conf and it made me have some serious issues. Any suggestions?10:23
mafsiHanyou, try this http://forlong.blogage.de/article/add_comment/79610:23
qsheetswhy won't ircd-hybrid run10:25
krimIs there a way to check how much every program is downloading and uploading?10:25
siccnessqsheets: log file?10:25
meezfoghimy usb not detect on vmware10:25
siccnessmeezfoghi: i think there's a limitation on some vmware products10:26
siccnessthat is a guess though, so dont take my word for it10:26
siccnessebtter to google and read up about it yourself10:26
Hanyoumafsi: My main issue wasn't on compiz it was getting my DRI to pass. No matter what I did I ended up with a no result. Do you think this could help my situation? If it helps at all the end result I'm trying to achieve is to play World of Warcraft under Wine. Problem is OpenGL keeps failing and the only thing I haven't shot down yet is the DRI failing.10:27
meezfoghisiccness, when i using ubuntu festy it everyting ok10:27
HanyouAfter asking for a while in this channel I was told it was fglrx that was giving me this issue.10:27
meezfoghisiccness, but when i using gutsy and dowload vmware..boom10:27
ankur<siccness> how i formate a drive?10:28
meezfoghisiccness, my usb drive connot detect from vmware server10:28
ankur<siccness>in ubuntu10:28
mafsiHanyou: i don't know what to say. i had problems with my ATI X1600 Pro Driver & i use the new one 8.42.3 and now i have Compiz + no rezolutions problems10:28
qsheetssiccness: thx10:29
Hanyoumafsi: I will try that after what I'm about to try with Wine. I hope one of the two works. I have been at this since 11:00pm East coast U.S. Time and I'm starting to get sleepy.10:29
siccnesswhy you people bothering me? ask the ops :)10:30
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto10:30
meezfoghimy usb not detect on vmware10:30
mafsiHanyou:  :)10:30
siccnessmeezfoghi: is it detected on the host?10:30
qsheetssiccness: I forgot about logs... try checking yours10:30
siccnessqsheets: i have, my services are running in debug mode10:31
meezfoghisiccness, yeah..it detect10:31
siccnessbut if you can explain the process of radius authentication in simple terms, im all ears :P10:31
kitofhawaiihi all *begs for help* is there a way to disable ctrl-alt-left/right in workspace manager? seems it's conflicting w/ compiz.  when i switch viewports it goes left or right two screens instead of one10:31
siccnessAccess-Accept, Access-Reject, Access-Challenge, it's all too much for big sicc :)10:31
* qsheets knows nothing about networking unless you are using a router10:31
meezfoghisiccness, yeah..it detect10:32
siccnessYeah, I built a router/access-point, it's just using RADIUS on another box for authentication (EAP)10:32
siccnessmeezfoghi: vmware-server?10:32
meezfoghisiccness, yeah..10:32
rohan12121hi there ppl10:33
rohan12121i have a curious question if you wouldn't mind?10:33
siccnessim not really into curious questions10:33
rohan12121well its quite simple10:34
genericwhat's the command (i think ctrl + something) where if i run something in the terminal but want to detach it from the terminal?10:34
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter10:34
siccnessoh a simple, yet curious question? i'm curious.10:34
rohan12121ok ok10:34
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:34
rohan12121i have a personal/storage partition i want to make my /home/user partition10:34
rohan12121only thing is10:34
rohan12121in terms of shortcuts10:34
rohan12121it seems atm my home/user directory10:35
rohan12121had a documents/video/music etc directory10:35
rohan12121has sorry*10:35
rohan12121do i need to retain this sort of directory structure10:35
jimmy_hiii can someone help me10:35
rohan12121or can i use the existing one on my storage/personal partition10:35
siccnessI think that directory structure is simply there to make it look friendly10:36
siccnessI think it looks crap, personally.10:36
jimmy_i want to use xmms on ubuntu...but i dont know how on it10:36
rohan12121so it wnt fuck up ubuntu if i dont replicate the folders on the storage/personal partition10:36
siccnesswho has capitals on their directories? unacceptable.10:36
siccnessrohan12121: no language.10:36
rohan12121sorry bout language10:36
siccnessrohan12121: the only thing you need to be worried about is if the storage/personl partiition youre using has conf files10:37
genericis there anyway to change the directory system? like if i want my music folder to be in another folder?10:37
siccnessin whcih newer software breaks the old configs10:37
genericespecially on another partition10:37
siccnessit wotn be too much of an issue i cant imagine10:37
CherubaelCould someone help me sort out my GRUB boot list? I can't figure out which partition ID my windows installation is on10:37
rohan12121well its a fresh install10:37
siccnessbut for certain piees of software, you never know.10:37
rohan12121so the existing home/user has nothing on it im assuming10:37
rohan12121cos i haven't put anything there10:37
rohan12121im happy toc opy what ever is in there10:37
kitofhawaiii use capitals in directories, otherwiseyouwindupwithunlegiblepaths10:38
rohan12121but i dont want to necessarily have to use the videos/documents/pictures directories if i dont have to10:38
siccnesskitofhawaii: rubbish10:38
siccnesslooks fine, works with everything, it's clean, simple and sexy.10:38
msikmaSay, 802.11 wireless should work out of the box, right?10:38
adnarimI have a really really wired problem. Does anyone know how the displaymanager influences the graphic-driver? With gdm I have fglrx, with xdm or slim just mesa, if I switch back to gdm I have flgrx again? What has the displaymanager with the drivers to do?10:38
siccnessmsikma: dependant on a few things buddy10:38
msikmaI could have sworn that it worked before on this very computer, but now suddenly it does not seem to.10:38
IndyGunFreakmsikma: lot of variables in that, 802.11 is the wireless standard, wether your device works or not is the issue.10:38
rohan12121is there a way to perhaps change the shortcuts on the 'places' shortcut to my existing folders on my personal/storage partition?10:39
msikmaDevice is recognized, no driver loaded, but I'm certain it has worked before... so I guess I'll do some searching10:39
siccnessmsikma: this personal storage thing of yours, is it an old /home/ part?10:39
msikmaIt's an Atheros wireless card found in recent MacBooks.10:39
rohan12121well no10:39
rohan12121its from windows10:40
rohan12121its just a fat32 partition10:40
rohan12121i use to store all my stuff10:40
rohan12121outside of operating system partitions10:40
siccnessrohan12121: you cant replace /home with that10:40
IndyGunFreakmsikma: i think the atheros cards work, but not 100% sure, i sit at a desk10:40
IndyGunFreak!wireless | msikma10:40
ubotumsikma: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:40
kitofhawaiisiccness: typing an underscore takes just as much effort as shift-letter10:40
siccnessmsikma: wont work out of the box10:40
compwiz18I've just installed the ATI 7.11 drivers on my laptop, and after I rebooted, the external monitor I have connected via VGA out changed to 1024x768 from 1680x1050 with no change in xorg.conf... any idea on now to fix?  Using Gutsy, x86-64.10:40
msikmaIndyGunFreak: strange thing is that I distinctively remember using it with my wireless network. I installed something that I found on the MacBook Ubuntu page.10:40
msikmaI actually have the MAC address of this computer in my router10:41
siccnessif its a macbook produced after oct 2007 it wont work10:41
rohan12121c i dont want to replicate home with the fat32 partition10:41
IndyGunFreakmsikma: ndiswrapper?10:41
rohan12121i just want to replicate home/user10:41
rohan12121so i have my 'user' directory pointing to an existing place i used to use in windows10:41
rohan12121and still could possibly use in windows without10:41
siccnessrohan12121: be easier to remove those crappy dirs Videos Music etc..10:41
rohan12121having to worry about intercompatibility and wall the rest10:41
rohan12121all the rest*10:41
siccnessmount your fat32 part under /home/user/storage10:41
siccnessand access from there10:41
ubuntufreakIs there multipayer games like Counter Strike for Ubuntu?10:42
genericyes, eg, CS10:42
rohan12121so its not safe to mount it under /home/user?10:42
siccnessit is10:42
IndyGunFreakubuntufreak: there's tremulous, but its not really like counterstrike.10:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hibernate - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:42
IndyGunFreakbut ti is multiplayer10:42
siccnessbut mount it at  /home/user/storage10:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about suspend - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:42
siccnessyou cant mount it at /home/user10:43
rohan12121just to avoid messing up the configs10:43
ubuntufreakIndyGunFreak: thanks10:43
siccnesseverthing will break10:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sleep - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:43
CherubaelHow do I add my bootable NTFS partition to menu.lst? I've got Gparted open and tried adding the entry, but on boot GRUB says "Partition is not bootable"10:43
IndyGunFreak!info tremulous | ubuntufreak10:43
ubotuubuntufreak: tremulous: Aliens vs Humans, team based FPS game with elements of an RTS. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.1.0-4 (gutsy), package size 645 kB, installed size 1512 kB10:43
petr4ubotu does not know anything10:43
rohan12121well then10:43
meezfoghimy usb not detect on vmware10:43
compwiz18_I've just installed the ATI 7.11 drivers on my laptop, and after I rebooted, the external monitor I have connected via VGA out changed to 1024x768 from 1680x1050 with no change in xorg.conf... any idea on now to fix?  Using Gutsy, x86-64.10:43
rohan12121can i edit the shortcuts in 'places' to the home/user/storage relevant directories?10:43
siccnessrohan12121: not so much a curious question now, more of an actual question :)10:43
rohan12121hahaha thanks for your help man10:43
DPic13I need to add two drives to the grub menu10:44
rohan12121or woman10:44
siccnessis places that stupid thing under gnome?10:44
mafsicompwiz18: install the latest driver , then reboot10:44
rohan12121its like the equivalent of 'my document's and all the rest in windows!10:44
siccnessrohan12121: dunno to be honest, gnome is the devil. :)10:44
=== compwiz18_ is now known as compwiz
DPic13How can i add drives to the GRUB boot menu?10:44
Cherubael!grub | DPic1310:45
ubotuDPic13: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto10:45
=== compwiz is now known as compwiz18
petr4hello. I have troubles with suspending to disk. Can you provide me with some link to troubleshooting page?10:45
ubuntufreakIndyGunFreak: where can i find the list of games for Ubuntu10:45
petr4i could not find any10:45
msikmais it possible that the proprietary kernel extensions I added were removed after a kernel update?10:45
mafsicompwiz18: install the latest driver , then reboot10:45
clau85hi all. my laptop acts strange after upgrade to gutsy. it's about the video driver, ati x300. with the "ati" driver, it doesn't display right and X resets from time to time. I installed fglrx but after logging it, I get only a blank screen (the wallpaper)... fglrxinfo says segmentation fault, as many others (glxgears...)10:45
IndyGunFreakubuntufreak: not really sure.10:45
clau85anyone an idea pls? dunno what to do next10:45
compwiz18mafsi: that's what I did...10:46
ubotuLaptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org10:46
rohan12121well thanks for your help guys (siccnes namely!)10:46
rohan12121i will mount my fat32 to home/user/storage/ now!!10:46
=== basix_ is now known as basi
compwiz18mafsi: sorry if that wasn't clear :)10:46
IndyGunFreakwho was trying to figure out how to edit the places menu?10:47
siccnessrohan12121: doesnt have to be "storage"10:47
siccnessIndyGunFreak: rohan1212110:47
Hanyouclau85: I have been having problems with ATI drivers all night this page may help you http://forlong.blogage.de/article/add_comment/79610:47
IndyGunFreakrohan12121: u still here?10:47
rohan12121i know it doesn't have to b10:47
rohan12121but thats probably what i'll make it anyhow!!10:47
compwiz18Hanyou: I'm having problems too, what is your problem?10:47
IndyGunFreakrohan12121: i can't really find a way to do it,.. what *I* would do, is right click the panel, Add to panel, Add a "Drawer" then add shortcuts to the folders you want, int he drawer.10:48
=== basix_ is now known as basix
clau85Hanyou: thanks, I'll have a look10:48
HanyouCan't get DRI to work and when I turn on ATI drivers nothing works10:48
compwiz18Hanyou: what version of the drivers?10:48
HanyouMy issue started when I wanted to run WoW on wine.10:48
rohan12121create my own places so to speak!10:48
IndyGunFreakrohan12121: sorta10:49
HanyouNo idea. I'm trying a couple of different things before I go back to pounding at the drivers some more10:49
IndyGunFreakrohan12121: just add the drawer panel applet, then drag the folder you want to have a shortcut into there,10:49
IndyGunFreakthen when you need to get to it, click the drawer, and it will drop down, and choose the folder you want.10:49
CherubaelHow do I identify which partition ID I need to add so I can choose to boot from it from GRUB?10:50
msikma_Wooh, wireless works again10:50
Hanyoucompwiz18: Right now I'm using fglrx though just so everything works.10:50
siccnessmsikma_: what did you do?10:51
compwiz18Cherubael: I think the first one is 0 , second is 2, etc from the start of the disk10:51
msikma_For some reason, the madwifi driver I had installed had ceased to exist10:51
compwiz18Cherubael: sorry, second is 1, etc10:51
msikma_I grabbed the latest snapshot, compiled it and installed it, then inserted it into the kernel10:51
msikma_As per the Macbook instruction wiki10:51
CherubaelI've tried that, 2 isn't right even though GParted shows it as the 3rd partition10:51
siccnessmsikma_: link?10:51
msikma_Blindly followed instructions, works perfectly10:51
clau85Hanyou: I installed the driver the same way, and X hangs right after login. With the driver in the repos, I only had a blank screen10:51
ompaulCherubael,  hd0 is ide0 and so forth, the number after the comma is the partition and the disks start at 010:52
msikma_But still, it's strange that it would stop working like that. I guess I broke something at some point10:52
rohan12121IndyGunFreak: c the whole idea was to have common places, that the os would recognise as default!! sorta like how windows identifies my documents  and all the rest as the default location for documents and the like10:52
=== msikma_ is now known as msikma
compwiz18is there a way to change X's resolution while in Gnome?10:52
Hanyouclau85: I'm about to give up on using ATI on Ubuntu and go get a Nvidia based laptop. Don't hear to many of those people complaining.10:52
IndyGunFreakrohan12121: yeah, i see what you wanted, but i don't see how to make that happen, w/o actually using the folders assigned.10:53
rohan12121yeah thats the same problem with windows!!10:53
msikmaWell, thanks for your help, time to get back to being productive10:53
ompaulcompwiz18, system preferences screen resolution10:53
Cherubaelompaul: I've checked all that, it all looks right. I've got /swap, /home, and then NTFS partition on hda, but hd0,2 doens't work10:53
clau85in feisty I didn't have this problems... maybe smtg went wrong during upgrade10:53
compwiz18ompaul: it doesn't list the resolution I'd like to switch too10:53
rohan12121i wish the developer guys would consider this sort of scenario10:53
LovNPeaceWhen somebody IP attacks your computer with ssh password cracking, what is beter (1) attack them back , or (2) block their IP in the firewall, or (3) both ?10:54
compwiz18rohan12121: symlinks?10:54
ompaul!grub > Cherubael (so you need to check out the url from the bot there will be another one about NTFS in a moment)10:54
rohan12121i reckon itd b fairly common for experienced users !10:54
rohan12121compwiz18: sysmlinks?10:54
IndyGunFreakrohan12121: i'm sure there's a way to do it, i'm jus tnot sure how.10:54
rohan12121IndyGunFreak: yeah i reckon ur right10:54
meezfoghimy usb not detect on vmware10:55
rohan12121anyways thanks a lot guys~!10:56
IndyGunFreakrohan12121: you can *try* going through gconf-editor, and see if there's a way to modify the target of those folders, but that could take you a while... open a terminal and type gconf-editor10:57
ompaulrohan12121, a clue is organise your data to suit both o/s's and just mount the directory from both expecting one to live with the others vagueness is just nuts - and most devs I know live in a single o/s world10:57
IndyGunFreakompaul: true10:57
bpazolliE: cupsys: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 110:58
rohan12121ompaul: i agree with what your saying!!! im just ya  know, from a useability and portability pov i reckon that wd add the icing to the cake!!!!10:58
CherubaelCan anyone copy their entry in menu.lst for booting to WinXP from GRUB into private please? Want to check syntax10:58
siccnessyeah but who wants icing on the cake when you can have it plain?10:59
bpazolliI try and install anything from synaptic I get this message  E: cupsys: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 110:59
bpazolliHelp me10:59
ompaulrohan12121, the cake needs to work not look pretty and it is non trivial10:59
rohan12121ompaul: as it is , i organise my data in a OS independant fashion- its just the much more friendly to have local links to it !!!!10:59
compwiz18rohan12121: are the entries in the places menu just nautilus bookmarks?10:59
Loftrofflehello all I am trying to run a remote desktop from a VPS server and I got VNC working, but all I get when I VNC in is the "blank X" screen, no desktop or login or anything11:00
CherubaelIndyGunFreak: Heh, thanks... I got the first bit too :P11:00
ompaulbpazolli, do this start a termainl then in there type:          sudo apt-get update then try to install anything when it gives an error do this put "sudo" in front of the suggested command and let it work away11:01
LovNPeaceLoftroffle, add twm& to ~/.xstart file on the server11:01
petr4hello. Can you point me to suspend/hibernate troubleshooting page?11:01
* Loftroffle apt-get installs it first :V11:01
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hibernate - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about suspend - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:02
rohan12121ompaul:  i disagree, from a usability perspective, and furthermore in convincing ppl that linux is worth it (and versatile), u need not only for the thing to work but sometimes u gotta have the 'so-called' trivial extras!!!11:02
ompaul!laptop | petr411:02
ubotupetr4: Laptop support information can be found on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportMachinesLaptops - http://www.linux-laptop.net/ - http://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam - http://tuxmobil.org11:02
petr4i have searched this and there is nothing about suspending11:02
rohan12121ompaul: of course, the the functional operation of the OS is paramount- this much i cede~!!!11:03
ompaulrohan12121, well we have established that no one here has the answer so I guess as it is support channel - to discuss it further is going offtopic ;-)11:03
siccnessLinux doesn't blue-screen me, trust me, it can have nothing on it and it'll be nicer than *cough*11:03
petr4ompaul: the page does not do suspending11:04
rohan12121hahahah kkkk11:04
rohan12121once more thx for your help guys/girls!11:04
petr4ompaul: only for suspending for ubuntu 4.1011:04
IndyGunFreaklol, i'd say thats a bit outdated11:05
ompaulpetr4, ubuntu laptop suspend  put that into google with which ever version you are looking at11:05
rohan12121hey hey hey wait!!!11:06
tharis20can someone tell me how can I change my proxy11:06
rohan12121'places' are just nautilus shortcuts!!11:07
ompaultharis20, which proxy?>11:07
rohan12121thx compwiz18 for your suggestion!11:07
poppyerI use "apt-get update" but keep getting "404 not found". I have changed several repos, and it is still the same. I get "wget" the files which are claimed to be "404 not found". any idea?11:07
rohan12121maybe i'll c if i can add this to a wiki somewhere11:07
compwiz18rohan12121: did it work?11:07
IndyGunFreakrohan12121: did you figure it out?.. cuz i've wondered this before to.11:08
rohan12121compwiz18: yes!!!11:08
compwiz18cool :D11:08
rohan12121IndyGunFreak: change ur nautilus bookmarks to point to wherever u want them to!11:08
rohan12121ahhhh!!! this has made my day11:08
BollingerI've changed my hostname and domain name using the gui admin tool. Rebooted. Now when I run hostname -f  I get hostname: Unknow host when I expected the domain name? what have I missed?11:08
IndyGunFreakrohan12121: lmao, that was simple.11:08
rohan12121u know forever i have wanted to do this in windows and never figured out why they never implimented some way of addressiing this!!11:08
compwiz18rohan12121: I think if you use regedit you can do it (i've done it, actually)11:09
rohan12121yeah well ya know somtimes it's staring right at your face- besides i didn't even know what nautilus was till 5min ago!!!11:09
tharis20ompaul, for example, to not have use my proxy, but, one of these http://www.samair.ru/proxy/11:09
zimonpoppyer, can you ping any server? say .. www.ubuntulinux.org?11:09
rohan12121yeah well i mean in a less potentially 'system-damaging' way11:09
IndyGunFreakrohan12121: well, i knew what nautilus was, and it didn't dawn on me to check nautilus bookmarks.11:10
ompaulpoppyer, it is the same as using a web browser - if it says 404 it means the file / place you are pointing at is not there   use this:  http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic11:10
poppyerzimon: sure, i can ping. not only what. I can wget http:/xxxxxx/Package.gz11:10
poppyerno, ompaul, the browser is ok, the wget is okay, only the apt-get fail.11:10
tharis20ompaul, i win, there are proxy-switchers, how can I switch in ubuntu?11:11
compwiz18IndyGunFreak: the only reason I though about it was because in my Places menu they are in a submenu called bookmarks cause I have too many :)11:11
IndyGunFreakcompwiz18: lol, well, i guess that would help11:12
ompaultharis20, in a web browser? then you want to know that (A) you trust the admins of that proxy and (B) from the menu -- edit / preferences / advanced / network settings11:12
ompaulpoppyer, do sudo apt-get update11:12
bpazolliOk I typed sudo apt-get update and it works then tried sudo apt-get install cupsys says it is not fully installed and I get the following error statement11:12
bpazollidpkg: error processing cupsys (--configure):11:12
bpazolli subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 111:12
bpazolliErrors were encountered while processing:11:12
bpazolli cupsys11:12
bpazolliE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)11:12
poppyeryes, ompaul, that is what I do.11:12
ompaul!paste | bpazolli11:12
ubotubpazolli: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)11:12
SmegzorI've edited my fstab.  Do I have to reboot for the changes to take effect?11:12
compwiz18Smegzor: I think you can run mount -a11:12
poppyerompaul: but get a lot of "404 not found"11:13
zimonpoppyer, so what does your sources.list look like?11:13
IndyGunFreak!hi | sainry11:13
ubotusainry: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!11:13
poppyerzimon, ompaul, such as this : Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy-backports/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz 404 Not Found [IP: 80]11:13
ompaulpoppyer, that means the machine is not service that file11:13
bpazolliany ideas11:13
Smegzori'll try that.  I'm coming from a Windows world where the answer to everything is reboot.  Why they don't call it Windows Reboot edition, I'm not sure.11:14
poppyerbut, ompaul, zimon , I can wget the file, it is there!11:14
s_i have some problems with my sound device, the tracks r playing but i dont hear any sound11:14
IndyGunFreakSmegzor: :)11:14
ompaulpoppyer, and your sources file is broken11:14
ompaulpoppyer, I already said use this:  http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic11:14
s_any help11:15
poppyerompaul: let me try11:15
sainrys_: what SoundCard used?11:15
ompaul!sound | s_11:15
ubotus_: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP311:15
IndyGunFreaks_: what is your sound device11:15
bpazolliHere is the error in your damn pastebin http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46556/plain/11:15
axzGuys i cant unrar the rar acrhive11:15
s_ill try thx11:16
axzany idea whats the problem?11:16
s_alsa is selected but i dint hear sound11:16
ompaul!rar | axz11:16
ubotuaxz: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free11:16
IndyGunFreaks_: do you know what your sound device is?11:16
s_i dont know i have a toshiba satelite l3011:16
IndyGunFreaks_: open a terminal and type "lspci" no quotes, and see how its identifying your sound device11:17
sainrys_: Run lspci | grep sound11:17
IndyGunFreakeither one, will show the same thing11:17
poppyerompaul: still the same11:18
Smegzoryay!  my virtual xp (called Squeaky Toy) can now see my usb dongle :D11:18
s_ ATI Technologies Inc SB450 HDA Audio (rev 01)11:18
lacostejHei. Evolution-data-server takes 100% CPU after I open my gdm session on ubuntu 7.10. I don't use evo. I made a gdb bt log here: http://pastebin.ca/803587 any idea what I can do next to troubleshoot the issue ?11:18
bpazolliDoes anyone have a clue about my problem of getting this error message from sudo apt-get install xxxx http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46556/plain/11:18
tyler_2vpn connection problems? specifically tunnelling11:18
lacostejbpazolli: the installation script failed11:19
ompaulpoppyer, paste your /etc/apt/sources.list into http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org11:19
nanonymehey, is there way to tell apt to prefer ipv4 over ipv6 in a conf file?11:19
poppyerompaul: I use the one excactly generated by source-o-matic11:19
IndyGunFreaks_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=62400211:19
tyler_2ping a machine at work returns that my nic reported destination host unreachable... should be using the ppp01 connection as listed in ifconfig :(11:19
bpazolliHey lacostej thats great but I know it failed how do I make it work11:20
axzompaul, i installed 7zip.. stil wont unrar11:20
ompaulpoppyer, then you do sudo apt-get update and after that you have to accept that either (A) the internet is borked or you (B) borked your machine11:20
=== boubbin_ is now known as boubbin
lacostejbpazolli: that depends on your failure !11:20
poppyerompaul: the internet is fine, coz I can wget/firefox and download the file.11:21
poppyerompaul: does apt-get has any DEBUG/LOG to check?11:21
ompaulpoppyer, do this, paste the error file into that paste bin and the sources.list11:21
bpazolliWell lacostej I get that error everytime I try to apt-get install anything and apt-get update doesn't help11:21
bpazolliif you need more info you will have to tell me where to get it11:22
CherubaelStill having trouble with GRUB; Just won't boot to Windows partition; keeps saying "Partition is not bootable"11:22
zesterto install ubuntu on a already used HDD with windows vista, i must format the disk , create partitions and then install both os?11:23
lacostejbpazolli: no single installation work =11:23
abcde__zester, you can resize the partition in the ubuntu installer.11:23
IndyGunFreakzester: no, resize the vista partition11:23
abcde__zester, backup everything from Vista though, just in case11:23
axz!info unrar-free11:24
ubotuunrar-free: Unarchiver for .rar files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.0.1+cvs20070515-1 (gutsy), package size 40 kB, installed size 124 kB11:24
IndyGunFreakalwyas *just in case*11:24
bro_manlacostej: whatever you do.... don't uninstall the package that evo comes in... I did, and it causes a bunch of problems thereafter !11:24
bpazolliYeah just checked every file11:25
IndyGunFreakzester: are you on the live Cd right now?11:25
bernard__How to change permissions on a CDrom?11:26
poppyerompaul: it's here : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46558/11:26
bro_manlacostej: ... did you hear me ?   Do not uninstall EVO !!!11:28
=== bassett is now known as Bassetts
CherubaelIs there any way I can easily translate a /dev reference to a partition to a partition ID for GRUB?11:28
s_still having the problem with audio i dint hear anything11:30
ompaulpoppyer, that is well out of normal, have you got a live CD?11:30
IndyGunFreaks_: did you re-compile alsa like that thread said.11:30
poppyerompaul: NO :(11:30
ompaulpoppyer, okay, you are going to need one from what I can see, you need to do more tests11:31
s_how to do that11:31
poppyerompaul: don't know what the xxxx apt-get is doing11:31
sharperguyis there a graphical way to set up permanently mounting samba shares?11:31
IndyGunFreaks_: it was linked in the thread i sent you.11:31
s_ah yes11:32
abcde__I am unable to get Tracker to search my computer.  It works for a few searches, then breaks, showing no results.  I run "trackerd -v 2 -R", and after it indexes, I can search a few times, then nothing.  I'm searching with tracker-search-tool.  Any ideas?11:32
s_ive tried but it doesnt work11:32
graulichis there any good video conferencing app other than skype2beta? it crashes whenever video is on for a minute or two.11:32
IndyGunFreaks_: sure..11:32
sharperguygradin, yeah it crashes for me too. You can try Ekiga but you'll have to persuade whoever your conferencing with to switch to somthing that uses SIP as well11:33
s_ive tried with ossxmix but its not working11:33
batataxpto69someone can help me?11:33
ompaulpoppyer, join my club - I can see it is broken which is why I wanted you to start a live cd to try apt-get update on it - just to prove that it is not a network issue, I know you can get to the site (even I can do that) but it looks like the binary apt-get is doing something wrong - you could I suppose go around that site with firefox looking for apt-get and reinstall it (dpkg -i apt-get)11:33
ompaulpoppyer, there is one other thing you could consider - dpkg-reconfigure apt-get11:34
wraundwhere can i get shockwave from?11:34
ompaulpoppyer, but to be realistic I don't think it will do anything positive11:34
batataxpto69i have a problem11:34
ompaul!shockwave | wraund11:34
ubotuwraund: Shockwave is currently only available for Windows. To run it under !Wine, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Shockwave11:34
batataxpto69i have isntalled gutsy11:34
ompaulbatataxpto69, please type all the question on one line - so the whole channel can follow you, then someone with the skills may be able to help you11:35
poppyerI see, thanks, ompaul, I will try the dkpk -i apt-get. (I don't have a livecd / physical access to the machine :)11:35
ompaulpoppyer, then that begs the question is there some networking issue with it11:36
ompaulpoppyer, is there a proxy server that wget is using and the apt-get is not11:36
poppyerompaul: seems not. very wired... maybe I should just reinstall apt-get, is it safe to download and dpkg -i?11:37
batataxpto69i have installed gutsy and the letter in the initial session window and the edge of the windows are very small11:38
ompaulpoppyer, it should be - you can have no all risks covered for any situation anywhere11:38
Sorcererbob1I'm interested in setting up software RAID1 on two basically identical slave drives under Ubuntu 7.10 - does anyone here have any experience of it?11:38
batataxpto69do ou now what is that?11:39
Sorcererbob1RAID1 is drive mirroring11:39
* IndyGunFreak has never had luck w/ raid, ever11:39
Sorcererbob1so, if I have 2 x 250GB drives, my data is stored on both, so I lose no data if one fails11:40
chronographerhello what is CLI for convert .flac to .mp3 (just one file is enough11:40
Sorcererbob1IndyGunFreak: I've never had any experience doing software raid on master drives - but i think slaves will be different, because I can implement it AFTER the OS is stable11:40
Sorcererbob1had any luck *11:40
Sorcererbob1sorry, that didn't make sense11:40
chronographeranyone changed a flac file to mp3 lately?11:40
IndyGunFreakSorcererbob1: well, i worked on a raid system for awhile, w/o luck, finally just disabled the raid.11:40
Sorcererbob1hardware or software raid?11:41
sharperguydoes anyone else think the default ubuntu kernel uses too much swap?11:41
s_guys i can play sound but i dont hear anything whats the problem11:41
Sorcererbob1what were you using to control it? i've read mentions of a piece of software called mdadm11:41
chronographernot me shatper11:41
diggmesomeone has a sony vaio ?11:42
Sorcererbob1s_ are you on a laptop?11:42
MilhousePunkRockHello everyone!11:42
demonstealeri forgot my keyring password!11:42
Sorcererbob1its hunter211:42
s_yes laptop toshiba satelite l3011:43
batataxpto69 i have installed gutsy and the letter in the initial session window and the edge of the windows are very small, do you know what is that?11:43
MilhousePunkRockIs it possible that my soundcard (Creative Audigy SE, snd-ca0106) will not resume from hibernate/suspend because it is sharing an interrupt with one of the USB ports?11:43
Sorcererbob1s_ there has been ongoing issues with some recent toshiba models. I couldn' t get it working on a P200 recently11:43
IndyGunFreakSorcererbob1: switching to OSS has helped some.11:43
IndyGunFreakbutn ot all.11:43
s_so there isnt any solution or what11:44
Sorcererbob1s_ its because some of the chips are built into each other - I'm fairly sure the modem and audio card are on the same chip thing, and I know in windows you have to install the drivers in a particular order to make it work... can't help beyond that though11:44
s_no help than right11:45
zimons_, do you have an intel hd audio?11:45
Sorcererbob1IndyGunFreak: when you say OSS... well... which piece of open source software?11:45
bullgard1What is the effect of the kernel parameter 'vga=0' compared with no such parameter?11:45
IndyGunFreakSorcererbob1: no, oss sound mixer11:45
chronographerfound a solution, used "soundconverter" from apt-get install ... it has a GUI and is converting to 198 mp3 as we speak cool huh!11:45
chronographerthe beauty of apt-cache search flac11:45
Sorcererbob1OH, sorry11:45
poppyerompaul: still the same. what are those "Ign" means?11:45
* Sorcererbob1 slaps himself11:45
demonstealerhow to recover the keyring manager password?11:45
ompaulpoppyer, ignore11:46
s_zimon its  Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc SB450 HDA Audio (rev 01)11:46
chronographertry rm -rf ........  (jk)11:46
caytchendemonstealer: if that was possible, why even introduce it?11:46
bluevapourHey, i was wondering, with sharing folders, i select windows, but then when i access it via the folder it wants a password11:46
bluevapourWhat password would it be or where woul di set it11:46
poppyerompaul: so how to make it not ignore? I have used apt-get clean.11:46
chronographertry your password11:46
bluevapourI did11:46
bluevapourIt didnt work11:46
Sorcererbob1BlueDevil: trying to access a share on a windoze box?11:47
chronographerit should work withou password i think11:47
IndyGunFreaki guess demonstealer never figured out hispassword..lol11:47
Sorcererbob1try creating a profile with a password, and using those credentials11:47
Sorcererbob1it worked for me11:47
chronographerwhat about pa55word ???11:47
boris_is there any command that restarts X like Control+Alt+Backspace11:47
Sorcererbob1for some reason, the samba client likes using passwords11:47
chronographeror fi5hsh1t11:47
siccnesschronographer: weak pass11:47
bluevapourIts there any alternative program that i could try11:47
chronographeror Ch20noG24ph32 ..?11:48
ompaulpoppyer, you can't that is how it works - it is ignoring as it can't find the packages file11:48
Sorcererbob1well, you could try accessing it via different methods. Like if its XP Pro, you could set up a web server. But thats way too much effort11:48
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siccnessompaul: you sound smart, any idea on certificates?11:48
s_guys so i have to take out ubuntu11:49
zimons_, mh .. seems like you need the intel hda driver for that one .. gutsy comes with a broken intel-driver11:49
Sorcererbob1bluevapour I'd be thinking most other solutions take too much effort11:49
ompaulpoppyer, if there is something more that can be done then it is (A) wait a while like six hours until the box has synced again with its up stream (B) you need physical access to be honest 2x remote is not great11:49
bluevapourOk sure, thanks man11:49
bluevapourReally appreciate the help, ima go try it again11:49
s_is there any help or to take out ubuntu11:49
zimons_, you can either try alsa from backports or recompile alsa yourself11:49
IndyGunFreakzimon: i suggested that, and he says he did that.... which i highly suspect he's lying11:50
s_can u help me with thisi things im newbie to this11:50
daurnimatorhey all11:50
daurnimatorI have a memory card reader11:50
chronographerwhat is your prob s_11:50
ompaulsiccness, what kind of certs? doctor sick notes ;-)11:50
daurnimatorand (x) ubuntu is not picking it up11:50
daurnimator(SD card inserted)11:51
zimons_, for backports, uncomment all lines in /etc/apt/sources.list that have gutsy-backports in it .. do apt-get update and apt-get upgrade11:51
siccnessompaul: heh, tryna setup EAP-TLS with FreeRADIUS11:51
s_tracks play but i dont hear sound11:51
ompaulsiccness, never worked with radius so no ideas11:51
siccnessI'm gonna cry soon, heh11:51
ArelisHow do i add search engines to the desk bar?11:51
chronographertry dpkg-reconfigure alsa (is that right?)11:51
bluevapourDidnt work11:52
zimonchronographer, no that won't work, cause gutsy's alsa driver is broken.11:52
poppyerthx, ompaul, it seems that there is nothing i can do11:52
chronographerok. for wat?11:52
chronographerit works for me.11:52
zimonchronographer, the snd-hda-intel driver11:52
chronographerok. excuse me then.  Good luck!11:53
Sorcererbob1bluevapour: you did give the new account permissions to read the folders and whatnot, right?11:53
bluevapourYah i did11:53
ompaulsiccness, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=424016   may help11:53
Sorcererbob1I have no idea then... :(11:53
Sorcererbob1and I'm going to bed11:53
Sorcererbob1night team!11:53
boris_is there a way to restart X in console ?11:54
siccnessompaul: nah thats just for client11:54
bullgard1What is the effect of the kernel parameter 'vga=0' compared with no such parameter?11:55
zimonboris_, /etc/init.d/gdm restart ... or kdm, if you're using kde11:55
ompaulsiccness, madwifi (I'll say no more cos I don't have wireless in my head correctly)11:55
Kilop2Is it fair not to use Ubuntu or any Linux distro simply because you don't like the GUI? :/11:55
daurnimatorKilop2: yes11:55
IndyGunFreaks_: what is your sound device again?11:55
ompaulKilop2, how is that a ubuntu support question11:55
siccnessompaul: lol11:55
daurnimatoranyone able to help me????11:56
siccnessompaul: yeah, all good buddy, you're on the wrong track but appreciated the help nonetheless :)11:56
daurnimator<daurnimator> I have a memory card reader <daurnimator> and (x) ubuntu is not picking it up <daurnimator> (SD card inserted)11:56
Kilop2ompaul, How is that not an Ubuntu support question?11:56
s_ Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc SB450 HDA Audio (rev 01)11:56
boris_thanks zimon11:56
ompauldaurnimator, you need to talk with the #xubuntu  people it is not a gnome issue which is for here11:56
ethosXi have a apt-get problem if anyone has time11:57
SardukarHi - is this the correct command to do a tracert, max 30 hops max timeouts 3? traceroute -Q 3 -m 3011:57
daurnimatorethosX: use aptitude11:57
zimons_, did you try anything i suggested?11:57
=== vasco is now known as batataxpto69
ompaulKilop2, cos it is opinion, more than fact and very close to trolling imo (there is no h)11:57
salahHi. How do I enable Bluetooth? I use a Dell Latitude D620 computer11:57
daurnimatorsalah: get Bluez for starters11:57
s_zimon i dont know how to find those things11:58
zimons_, which things?11:58
s_s_, for backports, uncomment all lines in /etc/apt/sources.list that have gutsy-backports in it .. do apt-get update and apt-get upgrad11:59
ethosXdaurnimator gives me the same error but with gui now11:59
daurnimatorethosX: what you trying to do?11:59
IndyGunFreaks_: do me a favor and run this command in terminal, and tell me the output....   cat /proc/asound/card0/codec#* | grep Codec11:59
ethosXsudo apt-get install wine11:59
IndyGunFreakethosX: ... did you add the wine repository?12:00
s_cat /proc/asound/card0/codec#* | grep Codec12:00
ethosX4 lines of errors12:00
ompaul!paste | ethosX12:00
ubotuethosX: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:00
IndyGunFreaks_: yes, what does that output?12:00
s_Codec: Realtek ALC861-VD12:01
s_Codec: Generic 11c1 Si305412:01
IndyGunFreakhmm, thats theone i had trouble with earlier.;12:01
Mr-Zoraxhi all12:01
IndyGunFreaks_: was i helping you with this earlier today?12:01
s_i dont think so12:01
s_is there any help12:02
abcde__I am unable to get Tracker to search my computer.  It works for a few searches, then breaks, showing no results.  I run "trackerd -v 2 -R", and after it indexes, I can search a few times, then nothing.  I'm searching with tracker-search-tool.  Any ideas?12:02
=== desti_T2 is now known as desti
IndyGunFreaks_: well, i was helping someone w/ that chipset earlier, but they had an intel hda sound device.12:03
IndyGunFreakand intel hda, is a differen tissue all together12:03
s_that means no help 4 me or12:03
maschenazihi everybody12:04
zimonIndyGunFreak, right, but his device is supported by snd-hda-intel12:04
IndyGunFreakzimon: is it?12:04
zimonIndyGunFreak, according to alsa-project.org, it is.12:04
IndyGunFreaks_: well, i'm willing to try and help you to get it to work, but i won't guarantee sucess.12:04
bullgard1What is the effect of the kernel parameter 'vga=0' compared with no such parameter?12:04
s_hehe lets give a try12:04
IndyGunFreaks_: give me aboput 5min, i'll be back, gonna go get a drink..lol12:04
s_ok than im waitin12:06
ethosXhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46565/plain/ if that link didnt work then her is this one12:07
IndyGunFreaks_: ok... type this w/o quotes... "/join #indygunfreak"12:08
s_in terminal or12:09
IndyGunFreakno, here in xchat..lol12:09
s_join #indygunfreak"12:09
IndyGunFreaks_: you forgot the /12:09
s_join #indygunfreak12:09
daurnimatorwith the slash in front12:09
daurnimatorand without the " at the end12:10
IndyGunFreak"/join #indygunfreak"12:10
ethosXso can anyone help me?12:10
* IndyGunFreak forsees a stressful tutorial on this issue..lol12:10
CherubaelCan anyone help me identify why I can't boot to windows succesfully from GRUB? I've got the entry in menu.lst set up, but it keeps saying "Error 22: Partition doens't exist"12:11
jxxtethosX, I cannot read your paste\12:11
=== daurnimator is now known as zz_daurnimator
stdinCherubael: it's probably because the partition you're telling grub it's on isn't there. remember grub starts counting from 0 not 112:13
=== zz_daurnimator is now known as daurnimator
Cherubaelstdin: I know, i've got 3 partitions on hd0, it's ref'd as ,2 but still doesn't recognise it12:14
=== daurnimator is now known as zz_daurnimator
Cherubaelstdin: I've got GParted open and i'm simply counting the partitions on hda. There are only 312:14
mk_Hi, i have a problem with ubuntu and my wlan card: d-link dwa-552. (atheros chipset) i cant get the card installed.  i tried ndiswrapper, but when i make: modprobe ndiswrapper  my system freezes. :/ any tips?12:14
stdinCherubael: are any of those logical or extended?12:14
=== zz_daurnimator is now known as daurnimator
Cherubaelstdin: If I read it correctly, the whole thing is on an extended partition... o_O12:15
jxxtethosX, what is the problem12:15
Cherubaelstdin: swap, ext3 (root) and ntfs are all listed as a dropdown under dev/hda2 (extended)12:16
ethosXapt-get gives me errors12:17
ethosXE: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/mx.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_gutsy_main_binary-i386_Packages12:17
salahdaurnimator, how do I start the program?12:17
jxxtethosX, apt-get what??12:17
stdinCherubael: what partition number does the menu.lst have for linux then ?12:18
jxxtethosX, give an example12:18
ethosXapt-get install wine12:18
ethosXapt-get install xmms12:19
ethosXapt-get update12:19
Cherubaelstdin: hd0,6 (despite being second partition on the graphic)12:19
jxxtethosX, What is error on apt-get install wine12:19
ethosXE: Problem parsing dependency Recommends12:20
ethosXE: Error occurred while processing language-pack-gnome-tr-base (NewVersion1)12:20
ethosXE: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/mx.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_gutsy_main_binary-i386_Packages12:20
siccnessdate > dh <--anyone know why running this command spits out "bash: dh: Permission denied"?12:21
stdinCherubael: yeah, just needed confirmation there. grub counts the same way the kernel does. it skips the normal numbers on extended partitions12:21
sharperguywhat command tells you what applicatoins are accessing files in a certain folder?12:21
ethosXE: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened. (that is it, and it is for everything)12:21
ubuntuY a des Français  :<))12:21
stdin!fr | ubuntu12:21
ubotuubuntu: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.12:21
stdinCherubael: if the windows partition is one after the linux root, then it'll  be hd0,712:22
sharperguyubuntu, Can you also use "/nick <name>" to change your name?12:22
Cherubaelstdin: I've already tried that ;) Does it matter that root is /dev/hda7 and the NTFS partition is /dev/hda5?12:22
pr0nGuyHow do I mount an iPod on Gutsy?12:23
siccnessdate > dh <--anyone know why running this command spits out "bash: dh: Permission denied"?12:23
bullgard1What is the effect of the kernel parameter 'vga=0' compared with no such parameter?12:23
ethosXso did I stump you guys12:23
Cherubaelstdin: They're installed the opposite way round, if you get what I mean... Windows was installed first, but is at the end of the drive instead of the start (Ubuntu replaced a previous Vista install :D )12:23
stdinCherubael: yeah, it does :p   give hd0,4 a try12:23
Cherubaelstdin: That makes sense, and I think it's the only one i've not tried o_O12:24
mk_Hi, i have a problem with ubuntu and my wlan card: d-link dwa-552. (atheros chipset) i cant get the card installed.  i tried ndiswrapper, but when i make: modprobe ndiswrapper  my system freezes. :/ any tips?12:24
TomPurnellpr0nGuy: mount on the filesystem for normal file access? or just to allow music transfers12:24
stdinCherubael: general rule is the device linux gives minus 112:24
jxxtethosX, You have stumped me but I am a bit stupid..12:25
Cherubaelstdin: I count from zero anyway ;) I'll either be back on pidgin or mIRC...!12:25
pr0nGuyTomPurnell: the previous owner has a lot of music on it.  I just want to listen to them on my computer.12:25
gentoo!es | Lanius12:25
ubotuLanius: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.12:25
tntCryguys is this worth downloading http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Sample+Nautilus+Scripts?content=55445 ?12:25
tntCryNautilus scripts12:25
TomPurnellpr0nGuy: if you're on gutsy, you should be able to access it through rhythmbox music player12:25
ethosXanyone else up for the ethosx challenge?12:26
TomPurnellpr0nGuy: in rhythmbox edit menu, there is a plugins section. activate the ipod plugin if it is not already activated12:26
pr0nGuyTomPurnell: yes, but apparently, the device is not automatically mounted.12:26
NET||abuseHi guys,, anyone know if there's an inline spell checker for OOo writer?12:26
TomPurnellpr0nGuy: does dmesg show anything when you attach the ipod?12:27
Cherubaelstdin: New error: 12 (Invalid device request)12:27
* Cherubael hits google12:27
TomPurnellpr0nGuy: also, about 50% of this kind of problem is solved by using a different usb port. i didnt believe it, but that solved my gp2x problem12:27
NET||abuseWriting out a 25 page literature review, and it would really help with the process if i had inline spell checking12:27
* TomPurnell transmits a sympathy token to NET||abuse for having to write a lit review12:28
NET||abuseTomPurnell, i've written it mostly, i'm just typing up and reviewing on the fly12:28
TomPurnellNET||abuse: I recently finished my honours year dissertation, and i'd be quite happy to never see another literature review again :)12:29
jxxtethosX, Even when you sent the paste bin there was a parsing error.. i wonder if it is a thing with your machine?????12:29
sensivaHello all, When I was using firefox underwindows, clicking the URL in the address bar selects all the line automatically, Under Ubuntu, I have to select it manually, this is very annoying... any ideas?12:29
NET||abuse:P this is my fourth lit review12:29
NET||abuseeducation is rough12:29
pr0nGuyTomPurnell: I'm a n00b and don't understand the output: http://www.nopaste.com/p/aY7Ga9YOH12:29
NET||abusepr0nGuy, did you set theipod into drive mode before plugging it in?12:30
XBehavei want to install windows on another partition, can this be done with vmware12:30
XBehavebtw how fast do games run under wine?12:30
h1st0XBehave: they run fast12:30
NET||abuseXBehave, not as fast as under native windows though12:30
pr0nGuyNET||abuse: What's that?  I have no clue how to use these things.12:30
h1st0XBehave: counter strike runs just as fast as windows12:30
TomPurnellXBehave: ~80 to 95% of windows speed generally12:30
h1st0XBehave: wine is not an emulator12:30
h1st0TomPurnell: NET||abuse I get faster speeds with steam in linux than windows.12:31
TomPurnellh1st0: your windows is misconfigured then :p12:31
NET||abusepr0nGuy, you just hold in the upper part of the toggle on the ipod while it's powering up, then it boots into drive mode12:31
h1st0TomPurnell: no the framerates are better in nix for several of my friends as well.12:31
NET||abusepr0nGuy, so do that before you plugin12:32
XBehavebut yeah can u use any of the vmware to install windows onto a read partition, the CDs i have dont seam to install through booting to them12:32
h1st0sensiva: double click it.12:32
TomPurnellsensiva: depending on your version of firefox, try clicking the 'page' icon (or favicon) to the left of the address bar instead of clicking in the actual address bar12:32
TomPurnellsensiva: personally I just press alt+d12:32
stdinCherubael: maybe this will help http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/ubuntu-help/60947-convincing-grub-dual-boot-winxp-extended-partition.html12:32
h1st0sensiva: yeap double clicking works12:32
h1st0TomPurnell: he's just trying to highlight the text12:33
NET||abuseXBehave, you can totally just install to an image file, it will grow up to the max size of image you set, you don't need a whole other partition12:33
=== gentoo is now known as liggnin
ethosXCan anyone help me with this? I get the same error when I apt-get anything http://www.nopaste.com/p/aP3fZSxyw12:33
pr0nGuyNET||abuse: is that the 'Menu' button you're talking about?12:33
TomPurnellh1st0: he wants to highlight the text to type a new url, all three of our suggestions do this. mine do it with less clicks though12:33
NET||abuseXBehave, if youre new to it, try out innotek virtualbox first, it's really easy12:33
NET||abusepr0nGuy, yeh, the menu button:) it's been a while since I messed with an ipod12:34
sensivaI prefere pressing alt-d, double clicks is disturbing, Thank you guys :)12:34
pr0nGuyNET||abuse: I have the iPod mini if that makes a difference12:34
NET||abusepr0nGuy, also, as a point of interest, check out the rockbox project :)12:34
TomPurnellsensiva: no problem12:34
NET||abusepr0nGuy, should be the same for mini's12:34
XBehavethx, was hoping to get a dual boot system not just vmware tho (im on a low spec laptop dont think itll handel vmware well) but may try vm if i cant get an install12:34
NET||abuseSo anyone know of an inline spell checker for OOo writer?12:35
pr0nGuyNET||abuse: I'm looking into rockbox, amarok, and rhythmbox12:35
dutchie86NET||Abuse OOo has a spellchecker by default it just needs dictionary somtimes for that go to the OOo site12:35
Cherubaelstdin: Thanks bud, running through the suggestions now :) I was looking at gentoo.org error list! Wrong place altogether :D12:35
NET||abuseXBehave, oh well then, if you want to avoid the vm idea, just dual boot your machine, problem is it's far easier to install linux after windows than vice versa12:35
NET||abusedutchie86, there's a spellchecker, but whatabout an inline, as you type checker12:36
TomPurnellNET||abuse: inline spell check? red squiggles under misspelled words? my ooo install does this by default in gutsy12:36
NET||abusedutchie86, i think the technical term is interpreter for that.12:36
dutchie86NET||abuse check ur settings12:36
maschenazihelp please! after enabling ATI restricted driver on ubuntu 7.10 system does not start anymore.12:36
pr0nGuyNET||abuse: I don't even know how to power on and off.  I think it's just hold down the 'Play/Pause' button.12:36
NET||abuseTomPurnell, yup, i thought mine used to, gutsy also, ,, i've gone through the settings can't find it.12:36
NET||abusepr0nGuy, indeed that sounds like the way your supposed to shut it down12:37
dutchie86NET||Abuse in the old version of OOo there where not dictionaries that the spell checker had to check words  against12:37
pr0nGuyNET||abuse: It seems to power on by just pressing the Menu button, right?12:37
NET||abusemaschenazi, ooo, ati fun,, you gotta be careful about what chipset and what driver you use, read up on radeon vs fglrx drivers12:37
XBehaveyeah especially as microsoft dont want people to switch to windows (i mean i have a CDkey but no disk and theres no legal way to get a CD without buying it) might end up using vmware/wine12:37
TomPurnellNET||abuse: are you only missing the spell check when opening existing documents, or also with new documents?12:38
bamsambawhat application can i use to copy a dvd to an iso image in gnome?12:38
NET||abusepr0nGuy, wait, i think you hold the center and menu button at same time during boot up12:38
pr0nGuyNET||abuse: so I don't how to know whether it's in drive mode.  Will it say that it's in drive mode?12:38
NET||abusepr0nGuy, then it should beep as it's starting up.12:38
NET||abusepr0nGuy, yeh it should look different in some way, i don't think the usual ipod interface comes up,,12:38
NET||abusepr0nGuy, sorry, forgot about holding in the center button12:38
TomPurnellpr0nGuy, NET||abuse: he doesnt want it in drive mode does he? he's trying to access the music, not the file storage?12:38
bullgard1What is the effect of the kernel parameter 'vga=0' compared with no such parameter?12:38
NET||abuseTomPurnell, oh,, maybe I got the wrong idea.. sorry pr0nGuy :P12:39
pr0nGuyTomPurnell: I'm just trying to figure anything out right now12:39
nicklas_Hi, I got a problem with updating.12:39
NET||abusepr0nGuy, well, it's interesting to know about the drive mode on the ipod, you need it if you want to install rockbox12:39
pr0nGuyNET||abuse: I don't really know what an iPod is capable of so it doesn't matter.12:39
NET||abusepr0nGuy, what type of ipod mini is it do you know?12:40
dutchie86nicklas_ what is your prob?12:40
NET||abusepr0nGuy, as i think all mini's are covered by the firmware available on rockbox, but not all the nano's are12:40
pr0nGuyNET||abuse: I wish there was a model number on this thing.12:40
=== LifeHacker is now known as tuxmaniac
tntCryi got a problem cant download anything from synaptic12:40
tntCryPlease insert the disk labeled:12:40
tntCryUbuntu 7.10 _Gutsy Gibbon_ - Release i386 (20071016)12:40
tntCryin drive /cdrom/12:40
nicklas_When I want to update Ubuntu or install a program they say that I already running a apitude like apt-get.12:40
dutchie86NET||abuse there is an active autospell check button12:40
NET||abusepr0nGuy, you can usually figure out what generation of ipod of that mini model it is by going to rockbox site and looking through their descriptions of the different generations12:40
k31thtntCry: you have the cdrom in your apt sources12:41
nicklas_This happened after I tried to install Limewire.12:41
pr0nGuyNET||abuse: I hve no box or manual for it.  It was given to me from someone who gave it to her.12:41
mukiexHow do I put S2RAM in charge of suspending in Gnome? (e.g. so its automatic suspension and suspension icons use it instead of the default)12:41
NET||abusedutchie86, oooh,, i hadn't seen that :) where?12:41
tntCrynicklas_, because it might be not responding so restart computer it will work then12:41
pr0nGuyNET||abuse: I'll check it out12:41
dutchie86NET||ABuse: it is the ABC with the tick and red squigly line underneath it12:41
tntCryk31th, what you mean?12:41
TomPurnellbullgard1: vga=0 disables the framebuffer12:41
nicklas_I had this problem for some mounths now.12:41
bamsambaguys? give me something to work with here. ok, so i know about k3b, but i am trying to find a dvd-burning app that can handle a few read errors. k3b crashes out and freezes the P12:41
NET||abusepr0nGuy, you can tell by the chasis style, and the size of storage, also, in the message log you posted earlier there may be an indication12:41
bamsambais gnomebaker any better?12:41
NET||abusedutchie86, yeh that red squiglies and right click to spell suggest :)12:42
k31thtntCry: edit your apt sources.lst file and remove the cdrom12:42
billiejoexHi there, I'm sorry, I'm searching for a news reader working on both linux and windows12:42
TomPurnell!ubotu framebuffer | bullgard112:42
ubotubullgard1: If you would like information on framebuffers, please visit: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrameBuffer12:42
tntCry done12:42
billiejoexcould someone advice me something?12:42
NET||abusepr0nGuy, ok, gotta run and keep typing12:42
pr0nGuyNET||abuse: Thanks12:42
TomPurnellbilliejoex: have you considered google reader?12:42
nicklas_Any idea that could make this apitude stop?12:42
dutchie86NET||abuse it is a button next to the normal spell check button along the top of OOo and it enables and disables Autospell check12:42
billiejoexTomPurnell, are you talking about google groups?12:43
TomPurnellbilliejoex: http://reader.google.com12:43
dutchie86nicklas_ have you removed limewire?12:43
nicklas_Noy sure, I could try.12:43
nicklas_But I didn't finished the installation.12:43
TomPurnellbilliejoex: also if you use firefox in windows and linux, you could try sage, a feed reader plugin for firefox, but i'd recommend an online reader if you're multibooting12:43
dutchie86nicklas_ that could by why it is hung, did you try and install via aptitude?12:44
steve_bI am having problems with my wifi connection - does anyone think they can help me?12:44
dutchie86steve_b i can try12:44
nicklas_I used the auto installer that I downloaded from there website.12:44
billiejoexTomPurnell, never heard about them, thanks, I'm going to try both12:44
TomPurnellsteve_b: have you looked at the wifi documentation?12:44
NET||abusedutchie86, weird, yeh, i just tried turning it on and off, typed ignoore and nothing, no red squigles. arese12:44
TomPurnellbilliejoex: no problem, good luck12:44
Jakeruehey I was wondering if I could get a hand setting up my monitor....the display doesn't fill the width of the monitor...12:44
nicklas_steve_b, get Ndiswrapper12:45
steve_bmy wifi connection works fine most of the time, but randomly it will disconnect and I can't get it to start again without restarting my computer12:45
dutchie86steve_b you using any kind of encryption?12:45
steve_bI'm using WEP12:45
dutchie86NET||abuse check your language settings to make sure you have a dictionary for it12:45
dutchie86steve_b work ok for other computers?12:45
h1st0Alright, How do I get rid of the orange after the gdm log in window.  It flashes Orange before my background loads.  I've already set the Login Window background to black in the local tab.  Anything else i'm missing?12:45
steve_bnicklas, what documentation?12:45
NET||abusedutchie86, yeh, got my english dictionary checked12:45
steve_bdutchie86, it works fine for my other computers, and even this computer when it had windows XP12:46
NET||abusedutchie86, not to worry, thanks anyway :(12:46
jxxtsteve_b, wep can be a problem12:46
TomPurnellNET||abuse: did you check if it's the same for new documents as well as when opening existing docs?12:46
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:46
steve_bjxxt, i have it working on another machine which also has ubuntu linux installed12:46
dutchie86steve_b !wifi12:46
attickid_Jakerue: already tried system>preferences>screen resolution?12:47
dutchie86!wifi | steve_b12:47
ubotusteve_b: please see above12:47
BenalexBecause I don't have permanent internet connection, I downloaded 4 dvds of Feisty repos, and now I have upgraded to Gutsy, will those repos work with Gutsy?12:47
TomPurnellwhats with all the clones invading the channel?12:47
Ragnarhi all12:47
dutchie86benalex, some will work some not12:47
JakerueI have it at 1680 x 105012:47
attickid_Jakerue:do u know the right resolution size for your monitor?12:47
dutchie86looks like bots12:47
void^Benalex: no.12:48
Jakerueyep 1680 x 105012:48
* dutchie86 brb12:48
jxxtsteve_b, I got my wep wifi working really well  then it all turned to custard for me12:48
steve_bi gonna check that wifi documentation now12:48
bullgard1What is the effect of the kernel parameter 'vga=0' compared with no such parameter?12:48
steve_bjxxt, what do you suggest then?  I don't want to leave my network open12:48
Benalexdutchie86, I mean when I try to install something from Add/Remove, it prompts me to insert these DVDs, will it try to install something not compatible?12:49
NET||abuseTomPurnell, emm, where's that option?12:49
steve_bwhich file will contain a log of any wifi related errors to help me diagnose it?12:50
TomPurnellNET||abuse: create a new file and test if inline spellcheck works. then compare that to opening a file that already exists (preferably one that someone else sends you)12:50
batataxpto69i have installed gutsy but there's a problem. the font size used in GDM login is unreadable and the windows borders are very small too (+/- 3 millimetres). Someone know how to fix it?12:50
sponixha, floodbot is mode flooding ;)12:50
deal_I've just inserted a new disk drive, how can I format and mount this up ? Is there a graphical tool I can use ?12:50
jxxtsteve_b, I honestly do not know, i thought i had it sussed but not so. Not sure why..12:50
=== viktor is now known as SNowblind
=== caramel is now known as grate
=== unabused is now known as bines
=== lingual is now known as cajeput
=== lysin is now known as dovekie
=== cyesis is now known as homered
=== legist is now known as elevons
=== rootiest is now known as colons
=== siccing is now known as partake
=== almehs is now known as surds
=== linable is now known as alcaydes
=== blousily is now known as scalp
=== crutched is now known as journal
=== chopped is now known as prost
=== rille is now known as duelist
=== irately is now known as ruddy
=== bolognas is now known as wise
=== spelling is now known as rattener
=== carrots is now known as pounders
=== sprawl is now known as lice
=== anonyms is now known as silted
=== whackier is now known as guesses
=== uppings is now known as visor
=== barranca is now known as flavones
=== envying is now known as ocean
=== residers is now known as doubler
=== scrub is now known as podiums
=== prelim is now known as tomalley
=== redlines is now known as usably
=== laboured is now known as lengthen
=== gemma is now known as keeper
=== swarth is now known as surfer
=== twinkles is now known as burgeons
=== greiges is now known as chokey
=== heaps is now known as sylvins
=== SNowblind is now known as CaptnSnow
=== clayed is now known as samovars
steve_bjxxt, do you know which log files will contain wifi related error messages?12:51
=== abidance is now known as snicks
=== accidias is now known as rhymers
=== upgazing is now known as jiviest
=== gibe is now known as inro
=== ensnares is now known as worthy
=== festive is now known as impanels
=== stoutens is now known as moneran
=== repo is now known as dotier
=== fanon is now known as lattices
=== jets is now known as wagonage
=== slubbers is now known as eyesore
=== havers is now known as garbler
=== boccie is now known as nitrides
=== beraked is now known as comix
=== favela is now known as hart
ubotuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Pelo!12:51
=== rewrite is now known as upcoast
=== figging is now known as viperine
=== dicastic is now known as dashes
=== reserves is now known as suicided
=== stapler is now known as rinds
=== measly is now known as crashers
=== ginkgo is now known as subatom
=== egghead is now known as proas
=== mourns is now known as muggily
=== trickier is now known as nebulous
=== leges is now known as tokenism
=== fuggy is now known as ruga
=== trudges is now known as ooliths
=== woolier is now known as kidded
=== maundy is now known as award
=== handrail is now known as slashing
=== hording is now known as phytoid
=== jangler is now known as unify
=== spying is now known as mismet
=== padder is now known as quaggier
=== grounds is now known as feedhole
=== legumes is now known as highly
=== wagoners is now known as brasier
=== snippier is now known as stumpers
=== planted is now known as pewits
=== wanguns is now known as shindig
=== levelers is now known as stoked
=== trailers is now known as cantonal
=== hyena is now known as tourneys
=== freshest is now known as bursate
=== datchas is now known as trictrac
=== cribbed is now known as prewarns
=== yurta is now known as myotome
=== buttocks is now known as rennets
=== sadiron is now known as bulletin
=== cuneal is now known as jading
=== salad is now known as postrace
=== phyllome is now known as cemented
=== embolism is now known as indie
=== calf is now known as aconite
=== halidom is now known as overbite
=== hardline is now known as ornate
=== cons is now known as unhook
=== blossomy is now known as studbook
=== seals is now known as yatagans
=== outwit is now known as lamps
ubotuHey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2 or Christel,  I could use a bit of your time :)12:51
=== shutters is now known as updiving
=== grate is now known as startles
=== homered is now known as tubfuls
=== partake is now known as drongo
=== elevons is now known as airport
=== fascias is now known as overate
=== scalp is now known as sudsless
=== journal is now known as rimples
=== alcaydes is now known as inserts
=== ruddy is now known as befogged
=== smaze is now known as palmitin
=== rattener is now known as robotic
=== podiums is now known as parols
=== tomalley is now known as ngultrum
=== usably is now known as torsade
=== dotier is now known as bruises
=== rinds is now known as whelped
=== ooliths is now known as bore
=== crashers is now known as monads
=== subatom is now known as cafe
=== myotome is now known as gliff
=== inro is now known as wheezes
=== guesses is now known as aspersor
=== quaggier is now known as snippety
=== rhymers is now known as quags
=== impanels is now known as hydros
=== pronto is now known as obesely
=== obesely is now known as codrive
=== wirra is now known as yanks
=== yanks is now known as bulrush
=== slashing is now known as eustacy
=== jiviest is now known as shelvier
=== sprucer is now known as damasks
=== damasks is now known as bloop
=== wagonage is now known as thistly
=== updiving is now known as pakehas
=== yatagans is now known as inbreed
=== trictrac is now known as murrhine
=== cajeput is now known as fruitage
=== overbite is now known as phage
=== prewarns is now known as tumors
=== indie is now known as whiffet
=== stoked is now known as knowns
=== duelist is now known as rei
=== ycleped is now known as herma
=== herma is now known as ordain
=== pinones is now known as embolden
=== embolden is now known as overfill
=== garbler is now known as coheres
=== haggish is now known as unrigged
=== unrigged is now known as plumb
=== weaners is now known as anlagen
=== anlagen is now known as zebroid
=== henequen is now known as usurps
=== usurps is now known as hirsute
=== bisector is now known as haugh
=== haugh is now known as superman
=== award is now known as mair
=== dovekie is now known as biali
=== wise is now known as pylorus
=== dentally is now known as overblow
=== overblow is now known as uploads
=== bulletin is now known as unsew
=== unhook is now known as gripman
=== nitrides is now known as warks
=== comix is now known as plusher
=== prancers is now known as drivels
=== drivels is now known as slipway
=== hart is now known as tetanal
=== lice is now known as lanes
=== cantonal is now known as whims
=== losers is now known as yarrows
=== yarrows is now known as mhos
=== odograph is now known as cachucha
=== cachucha is now known as refutes
=== unify is now known as porous
=== brasier is now known as splore
=== keeper is now known as elatedly
=== waling is now known as pujas
=== pujas is now known as bald
=== solvate is now known as coulter
=== coulter is now known as megrim
=== silted is now known as survives
=== moneran is now known as parotids
ST47they are fail.12:51
=== prost is now known as buckish
=== origin is now known as uncorked
=== carmaker is now known as koppies
=== koppies is now known as ryokan
=== rennets is now known as snoozle
=== worthy is now known as maremme
=== stumpers is now known as blowhard
=== sylvins is now known as negating
=== studbook is now known as hawkish
=== chokey is now known as skinker
=== ruga is now known as rupees
=== pewits is now known as calendar
=== jading is now known as passades
=== snicks is now known as lubrical
=== lamps is now known as doughboy
=== palmitin is now known as chiasmas
=== feedhole is now known as riggings
=== overate is now known as spoofers
=== bailout is now known as outadd
=== outadd is now known as ischia
=== attache is now known as traders
=== traders is now known as granny
=== bines is now known as plausive
=== eyesore is now known as detected
=== rhodiums is now known as drudges
=== drudges is now known as muscles
=== ornate is now known as ballies
=== lattices is now known as cosec
=== aconite is now known as appeases
=== readorn is now known as launcher
=== polluted is now known as outhumor
=== outhumor is now known as blockish
ST47most epicly12:51
=== uncorked is now known as cleanup
nicklas_This is the message I get then I try to install or update something: An error occured12:51
nicklas_The following details are provided12:51
nicklas_E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.12:51
nicklas_E:_cache->open() failed, please report.12:51
=== phytoid is now known as prutoth
=== launcher is now known as uprise
=== bursate is now known as atheneum
=== kidded is now known as risque
=== ballad is now known as trekkers
=== trekkers is now known as mortals
=== pounders is now known as abbacy
=== abbacy is now known as resketch
=== suicided is now known as secretes
=== molters is now known as conchs
=== conchs is now known as hauliers
=== plugugly is now known as armourer
=== armourer is now known as outmatch
=== postrace is now known as tameless
=== highly is now known as brandied
=== shindig is now known as disks
=== visor is now known as vignette
=== vignette is now known as transits
=== honky is now known as bushgoat
=== bushgoat is now known as rapiers
=== nebulous is now known as prewrap
=== prewrap is now known as calmness
=== corody is now known as ixias
=== ixias is now known as aviation
=== flavones is now known as bushels
=== bushels is now known as tousing
=== tokenism is now known as flipper
=== surds is now known as canoeing
=== canoeing is now known as phytol
=== doubler is now known as stripped
=== proas is now known as rewoken
=== muggily is now known as prebooks
=== prebooks is now known as namely
=== dashes is now known as droskies
=== droskies is now known as ghaut
batataxpto69wht the?12:51
dutchie86yay i am back12:51
=== cemented is now known as kazoo
=== kazoo is now known as falconet
=== surfer is now known as boardman
=== boardman is now known as biddably
=== tourneys is now known as burgher
=== burgher is now known as strum
=== forgiver is now known as vestries
=== vestries is now known as cozied
=== upcoast is now known as incudate
=== incudate is now known as rebuke
ubotuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Pelo!12:51
=== mismet is now known as siddurs
=== siddurs is now known as fusile
=== colons is now known as parure
=== bruises is now known as similar
=== uppercut is now known as toast
=== toast is now known as trying
=== strawhat is now known as leglike
=== leglike is now known as decayer
=== plusher is now known as cremains
=== milden is now known as nosier
=== nosier is now known as outbox
dutchie86the channel was full12:52
dutchie86looks like an attack :)12:52
ubotuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Pelo!12:52
ubotunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit12:52
Seveask-line frenzy :)12:53
HobbseeSeveas: mind if i +z?12:53
Seveasnot at all12:53
Seveaslet's -mz when the k-lining is over12:54
ompaulsituation is this channel is currently muted12:54
ompaulas you can see lots of bots are being removed12:54
ompaulwe will have normal a channel soon12:55
Hobbseeompaul: how many?12:55
Hobbseeompaul: at the end?12:55
ompaulHobbsee, I don't know looks like a hundred +12:55
ompaulcloser 2oo12:55
Hobbseeompaul: that's hwat i was thinking12:55
SeveasGDhoore, yes, it's real christmas spirit already here ;)12:55
AmaranthAll done?12:56
Seveaslooks like the k-line train has moved on12:56
dutchie86silly question, is floodbot supposed to be here :)12:57
avtthow do I update my kernal from the term?12:57
Seveasdutchie86, yes12:57
orgthingysteve_b : 1159 users?12:57
avttim in dapper12:57
dutchie86aah ok, cool, thanks Seveas12:57
BenalexWelcome Back12:57
TomPurnellthanks ops :)12:57
Amaranthdutchie86: It's supposed to prevent floods :/12:57
HobbseeTomPurnell: thank the staffers :)12:57
dutchie86yay for the oops, hip hip hooray12:57
Seveasit's a flood protection bot, it doesn't catch /nick floods yet :)12:57
jxxtplease explain what just happened12:57
Cherubaeldutchie86: Thing is, in a room this size only takes slow joining of 30+ bots and it's all going to go bad12:57
Benalexit was a nightmare... was it an attack or someone infected with a virus?12:57
=== orgthingy is now known as orgthingy_eating
steve_borgthingy what do you mean 1158 users?12:57
Seveasjxxt, some people like to annoy us. They got banned from the server12:57
kane77jxxt, an attack from bots...12:57
JuhazBenalex, both12:58
yoyoI fuck ubuntu !!!!12:58
deal_good for you12:58
JuhazBenalex, the spambots are worm infected drones, but someone is controlling them12:58
steve_bcan anybody help me with my wifi problem?12:58
avtttheres a code I can type in the term to update my dapper kernal?12:58
kane77yoyo, Language!12:58
deal_I've just inserted a new disk drive, how can I format and mount this up ? Is there a graphical tool I can use ?12:58
Hobbseekane77: he's gone.12:58
BenalexJuhaz, is it confirmed??... I mean why the hell someone wants to attach #Ubuntut?12:58
steve_bI need to know which log files can help me diagnose the problem12:58
jxxtSeveas, Kane77 Thank you12:58
HobbseeBenalex: boredom.12:58
HobbseeBenalex: or something12:58
dutchie86steve_b i can give you a hand now it is has calmed down12:58
avttyoyo hhahaha >8-(12:58
kane77Hobbsee, I turned off the join/part messages :)12:58
steve_bdutchie86, thank you12:58
avttthat was mean..12:59
ompaulavtt what was?12:59
avttsaying you f* ubuntu12:59
steve_bdutchie86, I need to know which log files I can look at to see where the problem is12:59
dutchie86steve_b i would suggest run dmesg in the command line after you loose ur connection12:59
ompaulavtt, please don't converse about it - gives them a point for being12:59
TomPurnelldeal_ gparted might be a good place to start12:59
CherubaelAye, anyway...12:59
deal_TomPurnell: Thanks12:59
Hobbseeamidaniel: already done.13:00
Seveasamidaniel, I just did that13:00
miki_ciao qualcuno sa come posso installare il podcasting13:01
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.13:01
steve_bwhy is everybody leaving and joining so much?13:01
Amaranthsteve_b: Bot attacks.13:02
chris3141The Printer configuration (on the printer itself) wasn't changed13:02
Cherubaelsteve_b: Join flood. They're not real people, just automated scripts13:02
poppyerompaul: I finally googled the debug option as " apt-get  update -o Debug::Acquire::http=true". Now I find that all slash is rewrited as %2f. like "GET %2fubuntu%2fdists%2fedgy%2dsecurity%2fRelease HTTP/1.1", no wonder it gets an 404 error. any idea about this?13:02
steve_bwhat's the point?13:02
miki_nessunopuò aiutarmi?13:02
chazcohi... anyone here using keytouch who knows how to make it recognise unknown keys? Before freenode bans me again...?!13:02
* kloeri tries to pay a little more attention now13:02
Cherubaelsteve_b: Just to be a bit of a dick. There is no point.13:03
ompaulpoppyer, no, Seveas ^^ see poppyer any ideas?13:03
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots13:03
jxxtwhat is the point of a jion flood??13:03
chazcoOh... is freenode under attack? That may explain why i was banned for no point...13:03
Seveasamidaniel, no, he's no longer welcome in here with his bad behaviour13:04
casio1374633does some one knows about that ?13:04
steve_bok guys cheers for trying to help13:04
voxSeveas: and 200.217.*13:04
Cherubaeljxxt: Disruption. Stops people being able to talk. It's pointless in all honesty. It's not like freenode is a for-profit entity13:04
steve_bI will come back later when it has calmed down I think....13:04
stdinvox: done already13:04
chris3141What does Please register with services and use the IDENTIFY command to speak in this channel?13:04
steve_bIt's lunch time and I'm hungry13:04
voxstdin: soz13:04
doxidmy alsa drivers whent *poff* tonight while i was sleeping.. some segmentation fault whenever i try to start anything using the alsa sound driver.13:04
Seveassteve_b, bon apetit13:04
steve_bsee ya13:04
amidanielSeveas: Pardon? What did he do?13:04
Cherubaelstdin: Tried some of those changes suggested in the link you posted; It now hangs at "Starting up...". Is this an issue with the windows install as opposed to linux? I take it Grub is passing correctly but the Windows partition isn't booting past that point?13:05
Seveasamidaniel, being a complete dick to the ops in here, in #ubuntu-ops and in pm13:05
chris3141Any ideas how to get the network printing working atgain13:05
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=== friedchicken is now known as friedchicken03
chris3141!network printing13:05
stdinCherubael: yes, grub doesn't boot windows, it just passes control over to the windows bootloader13:05
tapasi want to copy my root fs to a new disk13:05
HobbseeSeveas: here we go again13:05
chris3141! network printing13:05
tapashow to go about it?13:06
jxxtCherubeal, It looks like the mods can kill the join flood so why bother??13:06
tanimy sound is not working, it is realtek high definition audio. is there  a way dpkg way of reconfiguring alsa-mixer?13:06
reddeathHi All13:06
SeveasHobbsee, not too sure yet...13:06
tapascp -a13:06
HobbseeSeveas: and others13:06
tanimy sound is not working, it is realtek high definition audio. is there  a way dpkg way of reconfiguring alsa-mixer?13:06
chazcoSo... anyone used keytouch? I could use some help configuring it before freenode kicks me off again :(13:06
TomPurnell!ubotu printing | chris314113:06
ubotuchris3141: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows13:06
tanisorry for the repeat13:06
SeveasHobbsee, yeah, it's just that this seems smaller than the other attacks :)13:06
TomPurnelltani: have you tried asoundconf first?13:07
Jakeruemonitor display problems....can't get the ubuntu to displayt my 1680 x 105013:07
TomPurnelltani: i also use realtek hda and it's a pain, especially when you have multiple soundcards13:07
caytchenJakerue: edit your xorg.conf13:07
Jakeruedid that13:07
caytchenwhat's your graphics chip?13:07
kane77tapas, I'd say dd13:07
Jakerueradeon 920013:07
taniTomPurnell: could you please guide how to start debugging it?13:08
Cherubaeljxxt: They keep switching hosts; IP addresses change, bans become ineffective... It could be stopped, but can't from where i'm sitting :D I'm just a lowly luser...13:08
kane77tapas, even cp -a might do the trick...13:08
AmaranthCherubael: How would you stop it?13:08
friedchicken03can anyone tell me how to start up gparted on Gusty Live in terminal?13:08
taniTomPurnell: asoundconf list shows only card: NVidia13:08
Jakeruenm I'll try elsewhere13:09
TomPurnelltani: what's your actual problem?13:09
stdinfriedchicken03: "gksu gparted"13:09
CherubaelAmaranth: I take it this is going past this one room...?13:09
AmaranthCherubael: I don't think it is13:09
taniTomPurnell: no sound from the laptop speaker. in a movie, video plays fine but without sound13:09
jxxtCherubeal, Hmmnn! OK seems a bit pointless but if they are happy..:)13:09
AmaranthCherubael: Either way...13:09
CherubaelAmaranth: +i :D13:09
reddeathAnyone know anything about netbios commands for ubuntu?13:09
CaptnSnowhey guys, can anyone help me. I wonder how i can import new icon themes on ubuntu13:10
chazcoMost of AOL was just banned by the look of it....13:10
AmaranthCherubael: heh13:10
taniit can also identify the laptop volume controls, i.e. when i turn the volume knob it increases and decreases the volume as shown in the notification area.13:10
TomPurnelltani: have you checked your volume levels? PCM channel in particular13:10
Seveasreddeath, 'man net' shows an awful lot of them13:10
tapaskane77: dd is for block devices..13:10
ompaulchazco, are they still on the internet?13:10
chris3141TomPurnell: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingWithUbuntu only shows how to print to a printer attached to another computer, but the ALCX-11 Epson is a print server itself?13:10
amidanielAmaranth: A +r and a +J 7,1 (or more restrivtive) would likely help13:10
tapaskane77: i need to cp, cause the target partition doesn not have the same layout13:10
tapas[that's why i copy ;)]13:10
chazcoI was on Freenode, it suddenly said i was banned... not been able to connect until i got a non-AOL range IP13:10
Amaranthamidaniel: +J blocks regular users way too much, same with +r13:10
taniTomPurnell: yes, they are both set to max13:10
tapaswill try with cp -a and see what happens [need to upgrade grub etc.. will ask then]13:10
TomPurnellchris3141: sorry, I can't help with that. sounds like a question for the forums13:10
Amaranthamidaniel: So we only set +r during an attack13:11
chris3141for www.ubuntuquestions.org?13:11
AmaranthSeveas: I think they're filtering in slowly again13:11
amidanielAmaranth: Well, you certainly need *some* join throttle13:11
CherubaelAmaranth: Decrease +L limit and increase update frequency... 20s updates, +5 on current total or something. Stop loads of bots joining at once?13:11
Amaranthamidaniel: We have it, FloodBot13:11
amidaniel+J 20,1 is better than none at all13:11
* N3bunel saluta13:11
dutchie86here we go again13:11
batataxpto69I have installed gutsy but there's a problem. the font size used in GDM login is unreadable and the windows borders are very small too (+/- 3 millimetres). Someone know how to fix it?13:11
friedchicken03anyone see my chat?13:11
ubotuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts13:11
dutchie86friedchicken03 i can see u13:11
TomPurnelltani: I'd suggest playing a movie and then using alsamixer from a terminal to try changing each of the controls13:11
taniTomPurnell: File > Change Device in volume control shows two devices:- NVidia ALSA mixer and Realtek OSS13:11
kakooniawhat effect uses the corners of the desktop to gather all opened windows on the screen?13:12
kakooniawhat effect uses the corners of the desktop to gather all opened windows on the screen (compiz)?13:12
tapasbtw: what mechanism deermines what module packages to insdtall for which kernel?13:12
tapase.g. i don't have nvidia-glx-new available in the -rt kernel13:12
OIMDisk /dev/sda: 120.0 GB, 120034123776 bytes13:12
OIM255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 14593 cylinders13:12
OIMUnits = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes13:12
OIMDisk identifier: 0x04c204c113:12
OIM   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System13:12
OIM/dev/sda1   *           1        5099    40957686    7  HPFS/NTFS13:12
OIM/dev/sda2            5100       14593    76260555    f  W95 Ext'd (LBA)13:12
tapascan one install them seperately per kernel?13:12
dutchie86tapas have you installed it?13:12
OIM/dev/sda5            5100       14272    73682091    7  HPFS/NTFS13:12
taniOIM: use a pastebin13:12
tapasdutchie86: sure it works fine in the -386 kernel13:12
ppk|laptopoim: no flooding13:12
dutchie86tapas which kernels do you have?13:13
tapasdutchie86: same for the vboxdrv module13:13
tapasdutchie86: quite a few. one moment13:13
HobbseeSeveas: told you :)13:13
taniTomPurnell: no effect on increasing or decreasing master and pcm in alsamixer while a movie is being played13:13
SeveasHobbsee, yeah, you're right as usual :)13:13
HobbseeSeveas: :D glad you agree13:13
siccnessso close to getting this to work13:13
dutchie86siccness what are u getting to work?13:13
AmaranthSaw that coming13:14
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal13:14
Seveassorry Amaranth ;)13:15
AmaranthSeveas: You've failed me again13:15
Amaranthkakoonia: compiz, scale plugin13:15
Seveasagain? Don't you mean 'still'? :)13:15
ubotuNOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting, remember to mention the nickname of the person you're addressing, and join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for understanding!13:15
Amaranthchazco: We can only ban from channel, freenode staff is banning most of them from the network though13:15
tapasit seems he vbox modules only exist for the generic kernel13:15
ompaulchazco, the server is banning13:16
tapasnot the -386 one13:16
CherubaelSet revolving door for name with all lower case nicks + nick = name = ip only host13:16
chazcoAh ok... thanks for answering... perhaps they banned a range or something :)13:16
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AmaranthCherubael: Bans are not that expressive :)13:16
TomPurnelltani: can't really offer any more help without seeing some log files13:16
CherubaelThat makes very little sense... o_O13:16
GDhooremy newly compiled kernel is having trouble accessing my encrypted root partition.  Error is: "cryptsetup:  Source device (uuid of the disk) not found".  Old kernels still boot fine.13:16
* Seveas sets ban on *!*@*13:16
IndyGunFreakcat /proc/asound/card0/codec#* | grep Codec13:16
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tani#nvidia channel told me that the Nvidia sound driver should be there in Linux kernel? I have installed Ubuntu AMD64 Fiesty CD. is it missing something?13:16
ppk|laptopSeveas, whaaaa...?13:16
Hobbseehere's the next lot13:16
ubotuHey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2 or Christel,  I could use a bit of your time :)13:16
dutchie86yay for K-lined13:17
CaptnSnowcan someone help me with importing icons?13:17
sethkGDhoore, I'd guess that a driver is missing, either for the device itself, or another device, so that the uuid changes13:17
Seveaslet's keep the +r for now13:17
sethkSeveas, what does +r do?13:17
taninot sure whether this message made to the channel, hence re-posting: TomPurnell: what log files would you like to see?13:17
dutchie86when the bots get kicked in my client is says they left K-lined13:17
kakooniaAmaranth : i dont think its this one, i had something that was showing me all opened windows on the screen when i drag the pointer to the top-left corner, now i cant find, which plugin does that.\13:17
Seveassethk, hopefully keep some of the bots out13:18
sethkSeveas, when I send one word, it's because I can't type.  :)13:18
Amaranthkakoonia: scale13:18
sethkSeveas, ah13:18
kloeriSeveas: staff is already keeping an eye on things and klining as fast as possible13:18
Seveaskloeri, I know, good job :)13:18
Cherubaeldutchie86: That's the reason they've been killed. k-line is a hostname ban to stop them reconnecting. Trouble is the guy controlling the bots keeps switching hosts13:18
zanzer7what governs which applications are run when I start X / Xfce? for some reason, nm-manager opens thrice (each with it's own tray instance), and that's quite annoying13:18
GDhooresethk:  I'm fairly sure I have the appropriate drivers compiled.  dm-crypt and its lot are there for certain.  Let me go through the config again and see if I missed anything13:18
Hobbseekloeri: kline faster :)13:18
kane77hmm.. so what's the difference between !staff and !ops ?13:18
dutchie86aah ok, thanks Cherubael13:18
kakooniaAmaranth : ohh.. yeah.. :D thanks budd!13:18
sethkGDhoore, worth checking.13:19
jxxtSeveas, Is there a read me me on how to hep in a silly  flood next time??13:19
kloeriHobbsee: hehe :)13:19
mwtikane77, staff can make network bans, ops only channel ones13:19
Seeker`kane77: !ops is the channel operators, !staff is the network operators13:19
stdinkane77: ops calls the channel ops, staff calls some freenode staffers13:19
Seveaskane77, the people you annoy with it. If you abuse !staff, you can say bye-bye from the server :)13:19
chazcoNow that i've got my Ubuntu mostly working, is there any way to make a custom "restore" CD which will install all my stuff & configure it next time?13:19
TomPurnelltani: pastebin your dmesg output first13:19
HobbseeSeveas: *snort*13:19
Seveasjxxt, best way to help is just stay calm, ignore as much as possible and let the ops/staff handle it13:19
dutchie86chazco you can image using dd13:19
TomPurnell!cloning | chazco13:20
chazcoNot really enough space... would prefer tweaking the liveCD/alt.CD if possible... just looking for a pointer in the right direction13:20
ubotuchazco: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate13:20
dutchie86chazco there is also an install script you can create13:20
jxxtSeveas, OK thanks..13:20
kane77Seveas, by no means am I going to abuse neither of those :) messing with ops is on top of my list of "dont's"13:20
taniTomPurnell: http://pastebin.com/m6fd47cc313:20
ppk|laptopjxxt, duck and cover, and stay in #ubuntu-offtopic13:20
dutchie86!automate | chazco13:20
ubotuchazco: Ways to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning13:20
chazcoAh thanks... been trying to get that message to ubotu but it doesnt seem to get there13:20
jxxtppk|laptop, Ok Then I am on my way ovr to off topic..13:22
TomPurnelltani: sorry, i don't see anything helpful there :(13:23
Cherubael!pastebin > Cherubael13:23
TomPurnelltani: I don't suppose your laptop has a 'hard mute' button, like the disable wireless buttons13:23
taniTomPurnell: I have turned on every possible thing for volume13:24
AmaranthMost laptop volume buttons are software, not hardware13:24
reddeathMy frostwire keeps telling me I'm using a firewall.  It worked fine on the first run now it won't let anything through13:24
tifineanyone from uk13:24
reddeathhi tifine13:24
Seeker` tifine: yes13:24
FaithfulI have real problems with my Core2Duo Notebook locking up with 7.04 & 7.10 even when it is just sitting at the screen in gnome or kde doing nothing.  It is the most horrible experience as I have been using Linux since 5.0 Redhat what's that 10 years... and I never know such instability. And it is not just my Notebook, I have a friend with a similar but significantly enough different notebook doing much the same thing.13:24
Cherubaelstdin: Just to be sure, there's nothing wrong with this is there? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46567/13:24
tifinecan i get the resources.list of ur ubuntu13:25
steve_bhello again13:25
chazcotani - are you having issues with audio being muted on a Toshiba laptop by any chance? I had that... theres an option in the BIOS about OS control, changing it fixed it13:25
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caytchenCherubael: isn't stdin a bot? :o13:25
TomPurnelltani, I don't suppose the test sound works in system/preferences/sound ?13:25
nambrot864hi dudes13:25
NewUserreh guys the executive file of firefox is in /user/bin riht?13:25
tanichazco: no, it's an Acer 4520 laptop13:25
chazcoAh, ok...13:25
SeveasNewUserr, /usr/bin/firefox13:25
stdinCherubael: not that I can see, but I don't boot windows so can't be sure13:25
zanzer7NewUserr, /usr/13:25
tifinereddeath: can i get the sources.list of your pc/laptop ?13:25
Seeker`tifine: I dont hvae a resources.list that I can find13:25
TomPurnellNewUserr: /usr/bin/firefox is a launcher script, but it isnt the firefox executable per se13:26
zanzer7NewUserr, it's not "user" files, it's "unix system resources"13:26
Cherubaelcaytchen: He's been answering my questions about GRUB so I don't think so! :P13:26
taniTomPurnell: system/preferences/sound does not work13:26
AmaranthDoesn't Toshiba just rebadge Acer laptops?13:26
BonzodogNewUserr: you mean the binary? yes13:26
tifineseeker: every ubuntu have it13:26
taniTomPurnell: I mean the Tests do not work13:26
Cherubaelstdin: Ok, thanks again :)13:26
Bonzodogthe firefox binary is called 'firefox-bin'13:26
NewUserrBonzodog need the file to make working a program13:26
CherubaelHahaha BoFH13:26
billiejoexTomPurnell, I'm trying google reader but I think it's not what I was searching for13:26
tifineseeker: you can find it on /etc/apt/sources.list13:26
Amaranth!easysource | tifine13:27
ubotutifine: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic13:27
TomPurnelltani: sorry, im all out of ideas :( you could look into passing kernel options at boot time that explicitly state which hda 'card' you're using13:27
Seeker`tifine: that isn't resources.list like you said earlier13:27
billiejoexI need something for usenet13:27
caytchenCherubael: ok, seems i'm wrong ;) sorry stdin! :o13:27
Seveasbilliejoex, pan is ok13:27
TomPurnellbilliejoex: ohh, my bad :) sorry about that13:27
tifine<ubotu> how will i regenerate the sources.lsit13:27
TomPurnellSeveas: pan work on windoze?13:27
zanzer7NewUserr, /usr/lib/firefox-bin13:27
Seveas!bot | tifine13:27
ubotutifine: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots13:27
Seveas!windows | TomPurnell13:27
ubotuTomPurnell: For discussion and help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents13:27
nambrot864I Have A Real Problem: I Try to boot my existing Windows XP in VMWare, standalone it boots perfectly, in VM it crashes with a Bluescreen. What is the Problem?13:28
NewUserrzanzer7 :thnx13:28
TomPurnellSeveas: billiejoex is looking for an app for use on ubuntu and windows both. please dont point the ubotu at me like that :)13:28
zanzer7NewUserr, no problem =)13:28
SeveasTomPurnell, forte agent or 40tude dialog are ok for windows. I don't know any decent cross-platform usenet client13:28
billiejoexSeveas, thanks13:29
billiejoexTomPurnell, thank you too... I'll keep on searching13:29
TomPurnellbilliejoex: sorry about the google reader misunderstanding :)13:29
billiejoexno prob13:29
=== is is now known as scaner
AeonorisHum, my desktop has mysteriously dissapeared.  The background changed to the default, I can't right-click on it, and all of my folders and stuff are gone, anyone know why?13:30
zanzer7where are the startup applications defined?13:30
CherubaelEverybody in ##Windows is dead13:31
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nambrot864VMWARE PRoblem. Windows Bluescreen in VMware?13:31
reddeathIs there a firewall built into ubuntu? I can't find anything in my systems tab that says that there is13:31
bofh80Aeonoris, just to check, you aware you have multiple desktops yes?13:31
stdin!firewall | reddeath13:31
ubotureddeath: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).13:31
Seveas!windows | nambrot86413:31
ubotunambrot864: For discussion and help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents13:31
AeonorisBofh: Yeah, I am, I checked both of 'em.13:31
chazcorofl at ubotu answer :D13:32
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zanzer7Aeonoris, what window manager are you running?13:33
AeonorisI don't know.  How do I check?  (I'm new to Linux)13:33
bofh80zanzer7, gnome i'm guessing, i've seen it do that13:33
bofh80Aeonoris, you got normal ubuntu 7.10 installed?13:33
AeonorisOh, yeah, gnome13:33
zanzer7bofh80, yeah, it happened to me too13:33
SeveasAeonoris, desktop effects enabled?13:33
AeonorisBofh:  Don't know, my dad installed it on this laptop and then gave it to me O.o13:34
tifinei am just keep getting this error whenever i try to enter this : sudo apt-get update and error: W: GPG error: http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com feisty Release: Unknown error executing gpgv13:34
AeonorisSeveas:  Nope, should they be?13:34
andrewminhi, really stupid question. hwo do you change the default font in gutsy (gnome)?13:34
SeveasAeonoris, your window manager is metacity then :)13:34
Seveasandrewmin, system -> prefs -> appearance13:34
Oli```is there a sound-channel testing application? (eg play a tune out of a specified speaker)13:34
bofh80Seveas, :S oop mybad hahahaha13:34
andrewminSeveas: thanks13:35
AeonorisYou sure?  There's lots of gnome things on here....13:35
SeveasAeonoris, metacity is the gnome window manager13:35
Cherubaelmetacity is the window manager for gnome13:35
AeonorisSeveas:  Oh.13:35
bofh80Aeonoris, yes he's being technical, however i'm not 100% that it looks after the ROOT windows, ie your desktop13:35
tifinei am just keep getting this error whenever i try to enter this : sudo apt-get update and error: W: GPG error: http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com feisty Release: Unknown error executing gpgv13:35
jxxttifine, sudo by it self does not make any sense..13:35
CherubaelThink of Gnome as being like Windows. Windows isn't the window manager; explorer.exe is :)13:36
AmaranthSeveas: But compiz is the Ubuntu window manager :)13:36
AeonorisSo should it be on "normal", then?13:36
AeonorisIt says "Desktop effects could not be enabled".13:36
tifinejxxt: sudo is with command13:36
_Dbug_Hi. I'm on the Live CD right now, because I "broke" my Ubuntu installation when trying to select a new monitor in the screen configuration. Now when I reboot I have a "Ubuntu is running in low graphic mode" dialog, and whatever I change or try to change I finish by a black screen with the X cursor. I tried accessing the shell, but then I have a black screen without video. Any idea ?13:36
bofh80Cherubael, please this could start a war, gnome isn't windows Xorg is windows. :(13:36
AmaranthAeonoris: So you can't use visual effects13:36
Cherubaelbofh80: Heh... Maybe that was my intent? ;)13:36
bofh80Cherubael, hahahahaha13:37
AeonorisAmaranth: Do "visual effects" include stuff showing up on the desktop?13:37
AmaranthAeonoris: Transitions and animations13:37
jxxttifine, what is example?13:37
bofh80Aeonoris, you could just log out and in :)13:37
blahblahxhow can i make volumes auto-mount in ubuntu gutsy?13:37
sandaru1_Dbug_: do you have any kernel parameters like "vga=792"13:37
AeonorisI'll try that, thanks13:37
AmaranthAeonoris: So no13:37
tifinei am just keep getting this error whenever i try to enter this : sudo apt-get update and error: W: GPG error: http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com feisty Release: Unknown error executing gpgv13:37
bofh80or hit ctrl+alt+backspace13:37
_Dbug_sandaru1, no idea ? Where can I check that ?13:38
tifinejxxt: i think u shud read  whole question before start answering13:38
zanzer7in what file are the startup applications/commands defined?13:38
AeonorisAmaranth:  Just pretty things I don't care about?  K, thanks.13:38
IndyGunFreak_Dbug_: have you tried running sudo dpkg reconfigure xserver-xorg in safe mode and just selecting the generic defaults.. then once you get your GUI back, you can fix your video driver13:38
IndyGunFreakthats what *I* woulddo.13:39
sandaru1_Dbug_: in grub, select ubuntu then, press e.. after that remove "splash" and "vga=xxx".. then you'll be able to access the shell. there was  a problem with gusty.. shell is a blank screen when booted with vga parameters13:39
AeonorisI logged out and in, nothing changed.13:39
jxxttifine, Sorry tifine i obviously missed something I will with draw from this.13:40
_Dbug_sandaru1, I have only ubuntu on this machine and it runs fast, how can I avoid it to boot ? Is there a key to press to access the grub menu ?13:40
s_join #indygunfreak13:40
bofh80Aeonoris, what where you doing when things went *wrong* ?13:40
IndyGunFreaks_: no quotes, and you're forgetting the / again.... "/join #indygunfreak"13:40
doxidanyone had any problems with Alsa?13:41
CarpeDiemon my laptop13:41
sandaru1_Dbug_: i'm not sure about.. however, if you can boot into gnome with low graphics mode, you'll be able to fire up  gnome-terminal and reconfigure X : "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"13:41
friedchicken03I think my xp MBR is messed up and trying to fix it with Gusty Live. Can anyone help me with that?13:41
blahblahxhow can i make volumes auto-mount in ubuntu gutsy?13:41
IndyGunFreaksandaru1: i was thinking that i only worked in safe mode.13:41
doxidalsa spits out: Segmentation fault (core dumped)13:41
dutchie86friedchicken03 you need to use the windows recovery tools to fix that13:42
dutchie86blahblahx depends on what kind of volumes they are, you fstab file is a usual place to use13:42
sandaru1IndyGunFreak: no, it works anyway13:42
IndyGunFreaksandaru1: oh ok.13:42
Aeonorisbofh:  I was trying to get a game server to work, and then tried to connect to it, and my game client froze and wouldn't let me close it, so I logged out to kill it13:42
_Dbug_sandaru1, when I select "continue" on the "low graphic mode" dialog box, all I have is a blank screen. So I will try what you said about removing parameters in start up, I just hope I can change that before it starts booting.13:43
friedchicken03•dutchie86• What if i dont have a windows recovery disk, can I just use a retail copy?13:43
blahblahxdutchie86: right but i dont know much about that file. how do i add support to automount common volumes (dvd, cd, usb)13:43
FlynsarmyWhen i try to use teh SSH command in terminal it says the rsa host key has changed and won't let me in. Anyone know how to fix that?13:43
=== Gr3G is now known as Gr3G2
sandaru1_Dbug_: then you can edit the grub config file13:43
dutchie86blahblahx ubuntu will normally already automount dvd cd and usb when you insert disk13:43
doxidCarpeDiem: have you tried running somthing as root?13:43
bofh80Aeonoris, you still there? have you got the menus at the top and bottom still? if you goto places, then hit Desktop what happens?13:43
sandaru1_Dbug_: if you have mounted the hard drive in live CD, edit "/boot/grub/menu.lst"13:43
Aeonorisbofh:  Nothing13:43
CarpeDiemdoxid, yes, why do you ask?13:44
blahblahxdutchie86: right but i built from the ground up so it doesnt13:44
_Dbug_sandaru1, ha I can try that, thanks :)13:44
dutchie86friedchicken yes you can, boot into the set up and then go to the recovery console and type fixmbr or something similiar i suggest a google13:44
bofh80Aeonoris, can't you get a filebrowser up at all?13:44
doxidCarpeDiem: i just ran RhythemBox as root and alsa seams to be working fine now. VLC still can't use the Alsa driver tho.13:44
dutchie86blahblahx you using ubuntu or another distribution because different distro have differents tools for this13:44
Oli```My surround sound has degraded into stereo. I've tried running speaker-test and only front-right and front-left produce any noise. It still works in Windows, so I'm fairly sure it's not a hardware issue13:44
bofh80Aeonoris, Applications > Accessories > FileBrowser ? does that work?13:44
CarpeDiemalsa does work on my laptop, but it only controls 2 of my 3 speakers13:44
sandaru1Flynsarmy: you can remove the keys at "~/.ssh/known_hosts"13:44
CarpeDiemthe 3rd is a subwoofer and I cannot adjust it's volume13:45
Gr3G2Hi people. im having troubles getting my 8800GTX workin with ubuntu 7.10 after a driver update. How can i revert??13:45
reddeathnight all13:45
AeonorisBofh: Not there13:45
AeonorisBut I can't open "Computer", it seems13:45
blahblahxdutchie86: ubuntu (although it has some packages from the ubuntu-based linux mint). i built up from the ubuntu gutsy minimal install13:45
friedchicken03Thanks. I tried that command in ubuntu, I thought it was for unbuntu, but guess not. thanks13:45
Winballmm 8800GTX  on Ubuntu ;>13:45
doxidCarpeDiem: ah : ) well i get a memory error whatever i try to do with Alsa :P some pointer is wrong or somthing according to the log :P so be happy you can use it at all ;D13:45
_Dbug_sandaru1, I guess I just have to add a '#' in front of 'hiddenmenu' ? and increase the timeout delay value ?13:45
CarpeDiemk doxid, I'm happy ;))13:45
bofh80Aeonoris, menus System > Administration > System monitor13:46
sandaru1_Dbug_: can you paste the menu.lst in pastebin. I'll have a look13:46
Aeonorisbofh: K...13:46
dutchie86blahblahx i would believe that even a minmal install of gusty would have plug and play, i would have a google or look in the forums for it13:46
_Dbug_IndyGunFreak, sandaru1 can I not just copy the current video config of the live cd on the hard drive of the real installed system ?13:46
dutchie86!automount | blahblahx13:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about automount - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:46
IndyGunFreak_Dbug_: i doubt it.13:47
bofh80Aeonoris, Processes > (do View ALL Processes) > click on Process Name to sort by name, find 'nautilus'13:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 8800 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:47
sandaru1_Dbug_: i'm not sure.. but probably it would be using "vesa" drivers.. so, it won't help you much13:47
steve_bjxxt, are you still there?13:47
vbI am unable to find a deb for code::blocks13:47
sandaru1_Dbug_: it's again low graphics mode13:47
dutchie86vb is it maybe a perl module?13:47
Aeonorisbofh: There are nine of them, all sleeping but one that's running.13:48
blahblahxdutchie86: it doesnt mount usb or dvd, it does do cd actually. when i click on my usb stick to mount, i get the error message: mount: can't find /dev/sb1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab13:48
vbdutchie: perl module ?13:48
_Dbug_sandaru1, I was thinking about the currently running config, since I'm on the same machine with a working video setup :) Not the file of the live cd, the detected correct configuration.13:48
dutchie86vb what do you need the code::blocks for?13:48
bofh80Aeonoris, you only need one. if it's that bad, ie so many running, i would restart the computer :S13:48
vbas a C/C++ IDE13:48
bofh80Aeonoris, you could kill them all13:48
bofh80Aeonoris, then run a new one and your Desktop will come back13:48
steve_bdoes anyone here use Amarok to listen to music?13:48
_Dbug_sandaru1, http://pastebin.com/m398185b413:49
atlefsteve_b: yes13:49
MilhousePunkRocksteve_b: Yes!13:49
sandaru1_Dbug_: hmm.. that have a fair chance of working.. worth trying running the config13:49
steve_bdo you know how I can remove all the music that I've deleted from my collection?13:49
NewUserranyone knows a good program to watch life tv streams?13:49
AeonorisBofh, I run a new one using the terminal, I'm guessing?13:49
steve_bat the moment it is still there but greyed out13:49
atlefsteve_b: do a rescan13:49
MilhousePunkRocksteve_b: The collection will update itself every once in a while... Else there is a manual trigger for it13:49
vbdutchie: where can I get its deb?13:49
bofh80Aeonoris, uhm there's a run command from the menu i believe i thought oh, i think there's a hotkey13:50
AeonorisBofh:  I'll try restarting first, see if that helps13:50
steve_bI did a rescan but the stuff still shows up...13:50
bofh80hey ROOM, what's the hotkey in gnome for GTKRUN ?13:50
blahblahxALT+F12 is the hotkeu bofh8013:50
sandaru1_Dbug_: ok. you don't have vga parameters in menu.lst.. so, blank shell is not due to that13:50
MilhousePunkRockbofh80: Alt-F2?13:50
atlefsteve_b: strange13:50
AeonorisBofh: Won't even let me use quit...13:50
steve_booh actually I'm a retard13:50
bofh80thanks blahblahx  and MilhousePunkRock13:50
steve_bit did work#13:50
_Dbug_sandaru1, where is on the disk the x configuration file ? I can paste it also13:50
steve_bthey are just still on the currently queued up things13:50
bofh80Aeonoris, have you ended all the nautilus ?13:51
blahblahxdutchie86: you still around?13:51
NewUserranyone knows a good program to watch life tv streams? i tried xdtv but i cannot make it run :(13:51
dutchie86yeah i am13:51
atlefsteve_b: :-)13:51
AeonorisBofh: Oh, nope, should I have before I restarted?13:51
sandaru1_Dbug_: /etc/X11/xorg.conf13:51
dutchie86blahblahx yeah i am13:51
blahblahxdutchie86: ok did you get my last message?13:51
bofh80Aeonoris, you restarted? what's happened? lol13:51
dutchie86no i didnt blahblahx sorry13:51
blahblahxdutchie86: it doesnt mount usb or dvd, it does do cd actually. when i click on my usb stick to mount, i get the error message: mount: can't find /dev/sb1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab13:51
MilhousePunkRocksteve_b: You can deletes tracks with the file management option in the context menu too, this way it will update the collection right away13:52
kazolHow do I make a file execute automatically (instead of asking me whether I want to display or run it?)13:52
dutchie86blahblahx at any stage did you just pull out your usb key without safely removing it?13:52
Aeonorisbofh:  That's fixed it, thanks!13:52
bofh80Aeonoris, cool :)13:52
AeonorisI guess I shouldn't log out and in so much :P13:52
jxxtsteve_b, yes i am my server had a rest :)13:52
CherubaelWhen I try and boot to Windows from Grub, it hangs with the message "Starting up..." and I have to cold restart. Any ideas on resolving this?13:52
NewUserranyone knows a good program to watch life tv streams? i tried xdtv but i cannot make it run :(13:53
blahblahxdutchie86: this is the first time ive put in one. doesnt that error mean i need to add some entry for /dev/sb1 in /etc/fstab for it to mount?13:53
steve_bjxxt, it was you I was talking to about my wifi probems wasn't it?13:53
_Dbug_sandaru1, http://pastebin.com/m14f231e5  <- xorg.conf see anything wrong ?13:53
bofh80Aeonoris, if you know much about windows explorer.exe = nautilus :) hangs occasionally :) . you have to do the same thing in windows with explorer.exe and the taskmanager when your desktop screws up :)13:53
dutchie86blahblahx  normally ubuntu would add any entries it needs to automatically13:53
AeonorisBofh:  Okay, thanks a ton.  I'm slowly learning Lunix13:53
jxxtsteve_b, yes But i know not much about the subject :(13:53
TomPurnellNewUserr: Miro?13:54
blahblahxdutchie86: well do i need a special package installed or something? cuz i started with a tiny minimal ubuntu and have built up, so some default stuff isnt there im guessing13:54
dutchie86blahblahx :pull out the usb key and then open terminal and then put it back in then in terminal type in dmesg and have a look at the output for any erros13:54
bofh80Aeonoris, big learning curve, worth it, distro's like this make it a hell of a lot easier :)13:54
steve_bjxxt, I think I fixed it - all I had to do was uninstall the crappy network-manager13:54
NewUserrTomPurnell: Ok thnx i try that out13:54
sandaru1_Dbug_: everything seems to be weird.. it's failsafe graphics by default.. you can try running the config from live CD and copy that.. that's the best way i guess13:54
blizzkidhow would one change the "Applications" icon in Gutsy?13:54
vbhow can I get a nightly build deb for code::blocks?13:54
jxxtsteve_b, Cool.. Did you put some thing else in the place of network manager??13:55
_Dbug_sandaru1, so I can probably copy the content of FileSystem/etc/x11/xorg.conf to Disk/etc/x11/xorg.conf I guess ? Any other file used for the graphic setup ?13:55
andre_alguem do brasil13:55
ghostknifeWhere to I set my default console editor? I want to use vim when running sudoedit?13:56
sandaru1_Dbug_: you should first run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"... then coping xorg.conf would be enough13:56
steve_bjxxt, my friend came over the other day and showed my how to set up my network the way that you would do it on Debian.  It wasn't really using network manager anyway.  The thing is network manager kept trying to scan for available networks, which caused my connection to be dropped.13:56
dutchie86blahblahx did you get the message about dmesg?13:56
jribghostknife: sudo update alternatives --config editor13:56
_Dbug_sandaru1, great, will try that. Thanks :)13:56
kazolWhere are the default apps for file type settings?13:56
blahblahxdutchie86: yup ill pastebin the output13:56
steve_bjxxt, I'm still not 100% sure it's fixed - it was so random when it would drop out that I will just have to wait and see13:56
ghostknifejrib: ;> thanks13:56
dutchie86cheers blahblahx13:57
blahblahxdutchie86: youre leaving?13:57
dutchie86blahblahxL nope13:57
jribghostknife: setting the EDITOR environment variable might help too13:57
friedchicken03Just wondering, if i use ubuntu would i still be able to play games like COD4, TeamFortress2, etc that was made for windows. Is there usually a work around?13:57
steve_bdoes anybody here have any experience of using an iPod with ubuntu linux?13:57
dutchie86blahblahx: nope13:57
jrib!anyone | steve_b13:57
ubotusteve_b: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?13:57
dutchie86steve_b i have done it once or twice13:57
Creationistfriedchicken03: It is POSSIBLE for SOME games.13:57
blahblahxdutchie86: here ya go http://pastebin.com/m67fec16513:58
steve_bLinux won't recognise my iPod13:58
Creationistfriedchicken03: ...but not without a lot of tweaking and usually some bugs (crashes, poor performance, etc)13:58
steve_bit used to and now it deosn't!13:58
jxxtsteve_b, My network is really flaky on wep so any thing you did learn please share with me..13:58
ghostknifejrib: this works fine, thanks. EDITOR works aswell though13:58
steve_bjxxt: I dont think it was a wep problem at all - my card simply has bad support for scanning, and network manager kept trying to scan which messed it up13:59
VarangerDoes anyone know any USB 3G modem compatible for Linux ??13:59
sethkfriedchicken03, I'd not recommend trying to use linux that way.  It's not impossible, but it's a lot of trouble and has very little return13:59
Creationist!google | Varanger13:59
ubotuVaranger: Google is a very popular search engine: http://www.google.com  -  Google also has a Linux-specific search engine: http://google.com/linux13:59
blahblahxdutchie86: and in /media/ there is cdrom, cdrom0, floppy0, and floppy but nothing to do with usb or dvd13:59
steve_bI plugged in my ipod and it didn't detect the drive - does anyone know how to get ubuntu to recognise it?13:59
jxxtsteve_b, So you think network manager is the bad guy here???14:00
bofh80steve_b, you got your ipod on the USB ?14:00
steve_bjxxt: for me yes definately14:00
dutchie86blahblahx it will create it on the fly, if you can create a folder in /media called test123 then in terminal type mount /dev/sdb1 /media/test123 -t vfat14:00
steve_bbofh80: yes it is on usb.  Also i did lsusb and it is recognised14:00
dutchie86steve_b install gtkpod14:00
blahblahxdutchie86: anything strange about my /etc/fstab?14:01
bofh80steve_b, but it normally automounts to your desktop?14:01
CherubaelOh awesome I got surround sound working for audio playback :D14:01
VinconzoUbuntu 7.10 wont detect my Creative Zen Vision M14:01
steve_bbofh80:  Exactly!  that's the problem - it hasn't14:01
dutchie86blahblahx probably not14:01
jxxtsteve_b, OK so it needs to die then.. Did you replace with something??14:01
bofh80steve_b, ok goto Places > Desktop14:01
dutchie86hi hans14:01
steve_bjxxt:  I just set my wireless network up the normal manual way, by editting config files14:02
berenthow do i convert .sifz to .swf14:02
dutchie86blahblahx did it work?14:02
bofh80steve_b, have you got a places list in the left hand pane?14:02
blahblahxtrying it now dutchie8614:02
Creationist!google | berent14:02
ubotuberent: Google is a very popular search engine: http://www.google.com  -  Google also has a Linux-specific search engine: http://google.com/linux14:02
dutchie86cool blahblahx14:02
steve_bbofh80: yes I have14:02
kazolHow do I specify default apps (to execute files) to .sh extensions?14:02
steve_bdutchie86 : I have gtkpod but haven't had a lot of luck with it14:02
bofh80steve_b, could you possibly tell me whats in the list? anything that could be your IPOD? gnome usually caches device names or connections here14:03
jribkazol: extensions are meaningless.  What do you actually want to do?14:03
bofh80steve_b, anything that says removeable drive? etc?14:03
blahblahxdutchie86: ok i did that and my usb stick flashed but the command isnt done (i havent got the next prompt yet)14:03
steve_bbofh80 : there is definately nothing in the list.  My ipod has lost all of its music since last time I tried to synch it - maybe the harddrive's corrupt?14:04
CrashOverrideI turned on Ubuntu, and the screen was just flashing weird colors in horizontal lines, I had to load Windows to get on IRC14:04
CherubaelCreationist: Do you know of GMBMG.com? Strips the advert and marketing links out of google search results14:04
CreationistCherubael: Doesn't affect me.14:04
jxxtsteve_b, OK then thank you I will try doing it thet way. Nothing to lose as wep is too flakey with network manager.:)14:04
bofh80steve_b, ipod's do have issues. have you tried the plugin in Rythmbox  to sync to your ipod?14:04
kazoljrib: I have a file that needs to be executed. Each time I open it it prompts me whether I want to display or execute it. Is there a way for it to get executed automatically?14:04
dutchie86blahblahx open a new terminal windows/tab and see if you can cd into /media/test123 and see the contents of ur usb key?14:04
CherubaelWhen I try and boot to Windows from Grub, it hangs with the message "Starting up..." and I have to cold restart. Any ideas on resolving this?14:04
bofh80steve_b, also in a terminal you can type dmesg14:04
steve_bbofh80 : ryhthm box is what broke it in the first place!14:04
CreationistCherubael: Google needs to make money somehow... and I have Adblock anyway.. whatever GMBMG.com is is pointless.14:04
blahblahxnothing in there dutchie8614:05
jribkazol: create a launcher for it (or disable that prompt in nautilus' preferences, but I would not recommend this last method)14:05
steve_bbofh80 : I just checked in gtkpod and it says there is no directory strucure on the ipod so I think it got corrupted somehow14:05
_Dbug_arg.... Could not save the file /media/disk/etc/X11/xorg.conf. You do not have the permissions necessary to save the file. Please check that you typed the location correctly and try again. :-/ Should I run the text editor from sudo ?14:05
bofh80steve_b, it's the system event log, if type it, then unplug and replug, and then type dmesg again, you should see any errors relating to the ipod at the bottom14:05
dutchie86blahblahx type dmesg and see if there is any errors14:05
ConstyXIVwhere do you put the "noatime" option in the /etc/fstab?14:05
bofh80steve_b, ouch14:05
blahblahxyes plenty of em dutchie8614:05
xevilCherubael: check to see if the mount point for Win is right in /boot/grub/menu.lst14:05
steve_bbofh80 : I think I will need to reboot into windows and reformat it14:06
Cherubaelxevil: Mount point it correct AFAIK. /dev/hda5 = hd0,4 yeah?14:06
blahblahxdutchie86: im gonna try another usb stick14:06
dutchie86ok, no worries blahblahx14:06
bofh80steve_b, people upgrade and change those i think too, so there should be a way to put it back to uhm, original, maybe someon else in the ROOM can help. i hate those things14:06
=== amidaniel is now known as AmiDaniel_away
ConstyXIVwhat does noatime do anyways?14:06
xevilCherubael: that appears correct14:06
jribConstyXIV: why do you want to do it if you do not know what it does?14:07
CrashOverrideI turned on Ubuntu, and the screen was just flashing weird colors in horizontal lines, I had to load Windows to get on IRC14:07
kazoljrib: I got "there was an error opening a child window"14:07
steve_bbofh80 : there are no error messages in dmesg14:07
ConstyXIVjrib: im running ubuntu on an eee, and someone reccomended turning on noatime to reduce writes to the flash14:07
jribkazol: in what context?  What did you do to get that error?14:07
steve_bbofh80 : it recognised it as a usb hard drive14:08
CherubaelCrashOverride: Try loading Ubuntu in VGA mode. Hit escape when asked to access menu14:08
bofh80steve_b, sounds like your ipod needs some TLC :)14:08
dutchie86blahblahx i just did a google and look around and do you have a service called autofs?14:08
vbwhere can I get a deb for code::blocks?14:08
=== javaJake is now known as javaJake_
CherubaelCrashOverride: Horizontal scrolling lines usually mean the resolution is set too high. Try turning it down. I don't know exactly how, though :D I'm new to this too14:08
blahblahxdutchie86: i actually cant find any right now. can i read you the errors i got with dmesg?14:08
steve_bbofh80 : I agree.  I have had to reboot it lots of times recently.  I only bought it 2 months ago so I hope it's not dead!14:08
jribConstyXIV: read 'man mount' to know what it does.  You can use /noatime<ENTER> to find the relevant part of the man page.  If you decide to use it, it goes in the "options" column of your fstab14:08
bofh80what you do, is find steve jobbs, and smake him the mouth with it14:08
dutchie86blahblahx go for it14:09
blahblahxdutchie86: hmm how do i check whether i have it or not?14:09
=== javaJake_ is now known as javaJake
bofh80steve_b, did you buy it from a a retail outlet?14:09
dutchie86blahblahx dw about what i just said coz i dont have it either14:09
TomPurnellvb: does it have to be a deb?14:09
TomPurnellvb: code::blocks wiki has an ubuntu install guide14:09
steve_bbofh80 : I bought it from Amazon.co.uk14:09
kazoljrib: I made a launcher to execute the App on the terminal with the path of "~/Access\ Samba.sh"14:09
bofh80steve_b, fine, you are covered at the very least under the manufacturers 12 year guarantee14:10
JenKathello, i am trying to install Ubuntu in paralells on a mac - but i cannot make it boot (the liveCD) into 640x480 even using the F4 VGA option - it insists on using 1680x1050 which is just silly14:10
jribkazol: try giving the actual path instead of ~14:10
blahblahxdutchie86: here are the errors:    1.14:10
blahblahx      [64705.594941] sd 4:0:0:0: [sdb] Attached SCSI removable disk14:10
blahblahx   2.14:10
hacked_kernelWhat is the hard disk "spin down time"? and is it safe to turn it off?14:10
blahblahx      [64705.595010] sd 4:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg2 type 014:10
blahblahx   3.14:10
blahblahx      [65214.806335] usb 2-1: reset high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 414:10
blahblahx   4.14:10
blahblahx      [65245.336475] usb 2-1: reset high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 414:10
blahblahx   5.14:10
steve_bbofh80 : I am going to reboot and reformat in windows XP.  Will you still be here in 20 minutes?14:10
CrashOverridepastebin.com -.-14:10
sethkJenKat, there is a text mode installer on the alternate cd14:10
CherubaelThat was far too long on the kick... :P14:11
MikeHHi guys, does the ubuntu installer have the capability to resize ntfs partitions?14:11
Cherubael!pastebin | blahblahx14:11
ubotublahblahx: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)14:11
CrashOverridehow do I make the resolution go back to the default on ubuntu from recovery mode or from windows14:11
blahblahxoh sorry dutchie86 i meant to post the pastebin14:11
blahblahxhttp://pastebin.com/m6ade8a78 dutchie8614:11
sethkhacked_kernel, any drive made in the last ten years can be turned off without waiting for spin down14:11
JenKatb&&&&& another live cd to download :(   --- how do i force it into 640x480 tho? there must be a way14:11
bofh80steve_b, i have no idea how to restore your ipod or if itunes will even do it14:11
mathenHow do I remove the password for the standard keyring?14:12
steve_bbofh80 : don't worry - I will try it.  I'll be back in 10-20 minutes14:12
sethkJenKat, I don't know of one.  That doesn't mean it can't be done, but how to do it isn't obvious.14:12
steve_bSee ya!14:12
dutchie86blahblahx the usb key works ok in another pC?14:12
vbTom: I have seen that wiki, the wiki suggests to refer to the codeblocks forum to download the latest deb, I found the latest to be 14 Sep, but the download link is dead14:12
mathenOr Keyringmanager14:12
blahblahxdutchie86: on my mac14:12
Cherubaelsteve_b: There is a program on the apple site to restore ipods14:12
LjLpaste.ubuntu-nl.org, rather14:12
dutchie86blahblahx is it formatted for mac?14:12
hacked_kernelsethk: have you heard about the load cycle problem?14:12
blahblahxdutchie86: it could be, let me check14:12
blahblahxdutchie86: i dont think it is thouh14:13
f0rke1Hello, anyone know if GNU R 2.6 version is available for Gutsy 7.10 ?14:13
CrashOverridehow do I make the resolution go back to the default on ubuntu from recovery mode or from windows14:13
siccnessif you run a script in sudo, and the script runs other commands, are those commands also run as sudo (if theres no sudo infront of the commands inside the script)?14:13
=== tobias__ is now known as tobias
sethkhacked_kernel, yes, it's a power management issue IIRC14:14
f0rke1i can only find GNU R version 2.5.1 in the Synaptics14:14
blahblahxdutchie86: oh i forgot to tell you, its a micro cruiser, which tries to mount as a cd and usb even tho its just a usb stick. could that be the problem?14:14
jribsiccness: yes14:14
f0rke1but repository listing on web says 2.6.1 available as -deb packages14:14
siccnessthat eliminates that issue then14:14
* siccness ponders14:14
blahblahxdutchie86: although it is formatted in fat3214:14
siccnessthanks jrib14:15
mathenAnyone know how to reset the password for 'standard keyring' it askes me for a password when I login14:15
mathenAnd at other places aswell14:15
dutchie86blahblahx it shouldn't be as i have a U3 usb key as well and it works14:15
chestysiccness: btw from memory sudo ls > a.a ; a.a is writen as the ordinary user, not root14:15
CrashOverrideis there a way to set the ubuntu's screen resolution from recovery mode14:15
blahblahxdutchie86: uhh and i installed another linux on it (wolvix) could that be it?14:15
JenKatso why is there a 640x480 option on the live cd if it does nothing?14:16
blahblahxdutchie86: hold on ill be back in a minute14:16
dutchie86blahblahx ok14:16
siccnesschesty: hmm14:16
siccnessthere seems to be an underlying issue to why CA.all sucks14:16
chestysiccness: sudo -i and try again?14:17
siccnesschesty: its not that i dont think14:17
siccnessit seems to create all the other files fine14:17
siccnessbut root.pem no14:17
siccnessit spits out empty14:17
chestyah, fair enough14:17
siccnessI need to find an openssl expert14:18
dutchie86siccness probably have a look on the openssl site for their channel/forum14:18
CrashOverridehow do I set the resolution back to 1027x768 from recovery mode14:18
chestysiccness: but that sudo date > dh not working might have been because the redirect is written as the ordinary user14:18
siccnesschesty: yeah14:18
siccnesschesty: that makes sense14:18
siccnessdutchie86: nah14:18
CrashOverrideI'm about to give up even trying to use ubuntu14:19
abcde__CrashOverride, Patience is a virtue14:19
siccnessPatience sucks14:19
dutchie86!patience  | crashoverride14:19
CrashOverrideI've been asking for an hour14:19
siccnessIt's all about rushing things ;)14:19
ubotucrashoverride: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines14:19
blahblahxdutchie86: so could the other linux be messing it up?14:19
jrib!support > crashoverride (read the private message from ubotu)14:20
abcde__CrashOverride, And I've been waiting for a few days for a response on fixing tracker.14:20
dutchie86blahblahx it could be but i doubt it, i would suggest make sure you have all the updates installed14:20
CreationistCrashOverride: I've had questions that haven't been answered after a year :)  It happens.14:20
friedchicken03I know this is an ubuntu help but I was wondering if someone could guide me through changing the the disk letter in console recovery, i.e. E:14:20
tichtwo usb ports on my notebook don't seen to work.  can someone help me get them going again?14:21
friedchicken03to c:\14:21
jribfriedchicken03: ##windows is for help with windows14:21
dutchie86friedchicken03 you cant14:21
blahblahxdutchie86: but are there any packages that a standard ubuntu has installed that are vital?14:21
abcde__CrashOverride, In a terminal "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg", google directions on how to configure it14:21
friedchicken03shoot. there's a windows channel14:21
psnelHELP! No internet access for LAN hosts after Gutsy upgrade. /* shorewall (fwall+masquerading) */14:22
dutchie86blahblahx should all be there in the minimal, i would post in the forums if an update to all ur pakages dont work14:22
tichhow can i test if ubuntu recognizes my usb ports?14:22
abcde__CrashOverride, You should also try System-> Preferences -> Screen Resolution14:22
CrashOverrideso sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg will make it work again14:22
abcde__CrashOverride, Do what I suggested with Screen Resolution first14:22
blahblahxdutchie86: there are no updates, but the minimal install is only like 4mb so it might not have the stuff :)14:22
MilhousePunkRocktich: lsmod | grep usb14:23
tichMilhousePunkRock: thanks.14:23
vbhow to reply on IRC?14:23
abcde__CrashOverride, THEN do the dpkg, that won't fix it itself, it'll walk you through some steps to configure it.  Google that command.14:23
dutchie86blahblahx maybe, why not try the full install or post on the forum because i dont have an idea sorry, or maybe check thru the package list14:23
CrashOverrideI mean if I turn on ubuntu, theres nothing at all but horizontal lines randomly flashing14:23
tichMilhousePunkRock: do i need something plugged in or will it just tell me if they are there?14:24
Guest16155hello, i have file with 20 links and i want to use the "wget" command to read the links from the .txt file and download the links with delaying of 30 sec between each link does it possible ?14:24
elliotjhughi all, I'm compiling gnome's bigboard thing, but its asking for ddm-1 as a dependency, anyone know where to find it?14:24
jribchrist: do you have an ubuntu support question?14:24
MilhousePunkRocktich: the latter14:24
jribGuest16155: yes, write a for loop14:25
abcde__CrashOverride, Also, you want 1024x768, not 102714:25
doctoralearn Python14:25
MikeHHi guys, does the ubuntu installer have the capability to resize ntfs partitions?14:25
psnelPlease HELP. No internet access for LAN hosts (gateway access ok) after Gutsy upgrade+new hw?. /* shorewall (fwall+masquerading) */14:25
Guest16155jrib: good idea i will use bash14:25
=== GDonato is now known as GDonato|away
brianskiis there a way to configure the screensavers in ubuntu? i'm running matrixview, and it's taking 100% on two of my cores (i have 2 monitors) - i really like it, but i'd like to tweak the framerate down ... any ideas?14:25
mavi-Guest16155: use cut/awk to get the link names then for loop and wget14:25
jribGuest16155: wget can read files for -i and seems to have --wait.  See if that works14:26
EtteSBim just wondering if there is a way to turn the screenshot thing off?(IE the thing that asks where you want to save it)14:26
doctoraEtteSB, I'd be interested in that one too14:27
jribEtteSB: what would you rather it do?14:27
MWS43Hi guys. I need a portfolio website to show off my designs etc. Does any one know of any decent ones ? .. I'm willing to pay.14:27
brianskiit needs a checkbox "always save screenshots in this directory"14:27
doctoraI'm guessing, just copy it to clipboard a la windows14:27
orwell19841234Hey guys, newbie here. I cannot run my ubuntu disk at all.14:27
EtteSBjrib: just save it to a pre-specified directory14:27
tichMilhousePunkRock: i can't make heads nor tails out of the output but i here it is:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46572/14:28
vbcan anyone help me find a deb for codeblocks, the cb forum has a deb for 4469 nightly build, but the download link seems to be dead :(14:28
jribbrianski, EtteSB: someone might implement that if you file a bug.  You can change the command run yourself though and make it do that.  Use something like 'import' from imagemagick14:28
zeptinis it possible to disable compiz for an individual program in ubuntu 7.10?14:29
MilhousePunkRocktich: usbcore (last line) is the important one, hci_usb, uhci_usb and ehci_hcd are the controllers, I think... I am no expert with that though...14:29
orwell19841234I just downloaded ubuntu, and when I try to autoplay the disk, the ubuntu browser will not open, the splash screen shows but that is it. The disk will not boot either saying "corrupt Kernel" or something like that... ANYOEN HELP!14:29
MilhousePunkRocktich: USB audio device?14:30
MilhousePunkRockorwell19841234: Did you check the CD for defects?14:30
steve_bhey I'm back!14:30
tichMilhousePunkRock: no it is an external drive14:30
abcde__I am unable to get Tracker to search my computer.  It works for a few searches, then breaks, showing no results.  I run "trackerd -v 2 -R", and after it indexes, I can search a few times, then nothing.  I'm searching with tracker-search-tool.  Any ideas?14:30
orwell19841234it won't let me. I also mounted the raw iso into daemon, but it is giving me the same errors. I think I need to redownload.....14:30
jribabcde__: have you searched bugs.ubuntu.com?14:31
_Dbug_Just wanted to confirm that the method of overwritting the HDD xorg.conf file with the ones of the running session when booting from Live CD works very well. X is working again :)14:31
brianskijrib: yeah i'm gonna file a wishlist bug report14:31
EtteSBjrib: will look into that14:31
EtteSBbrianski: you stick it up then link me and ill second it :P14:31
MilhousePunkRocktich: And it's not working?14:31
tessercatorwell: me too. there's a way to check the disc against hash files. not sure if it's part of the installer.14:31
atleforwell19841234: are you trying to run it in windows?14:31
orwell19841234This sucks I really wanna try linux!!!!14:31
abcde__jrib, I didn't know about that site, I've been google-ing and checking the forums.  I'll check now, thanks.14:31
orwell19841234Yea, and boot it. Niether works14:32
steve_bwho was the guy I was talking to about my iPod?14:32
atleforwell19841234: how did you burn it14:32
steve_bhis name ended in 8014:32
orwell19841234I used Nero.14:32
MYRM1D0Nhi everyone14:32
orwell19841234Standard ISO burning process.14:32
jxxtorwell19841234, you might have got the wrong system .have a look at your d/l and be sure that it suits your system..14:32
atleforwell19841234: burn as image or as data cd14:32
steve_byeah thats it14:33
orwell19841234jxxt? Huh?14:33
steve_bbofh80 you still there?14:33
orwell19841234I have a "standard x86" comp that is the one I dl'd14:33
jxxtorwell19841234, What have you done so far??14:34
abcde__jrib, I've found a few things about tracker, none seem to be the issue I am having though.14:34
atleforwell19841234: burn as image or as data cd14:34
=== Ch3rubael is now known as Cherubael
MYRM1D0Nwhat is the type of file u r trying to put on disc?14:35
vichoorwell19841234, is your BIOS set to boot from CD, then from hard disk?14:35
tessercatorwell19841234: as you go through the install process, there might be a way to check the integrity of the dvd.14:36
blahblahxwhen i try to play a dvd (i have libdvdcss2 and ogle installed) i get the error DVDSetDVDRoot:: Root not set14:36
tessercatbeen a while14:36
orwell19841234I've burned the ISO using Nero's typical burning settings. I tried to run the disk in windows, I get the ubuntu browser splash, but nothing happens and it disappears. I tried to boot from disk also, but I press enter on "start ubuntu" and nothing happens. I pressed escape and went to text mode and when ever I pressed enter it said bad kernel or something. I also mounted using Daemon tools and the daemon mount 14:36
jribabcde__: does the search fail in the terminal as well?14:36
abcde__jrib, I don't know how to do tracker via terminal.14:37
MYRM1D0Nput the ubuntu disc in ur comp and restart it14:37
orwell19841234I can hear the cd spin up then it stops when I am trying to boot from it.14:37
vichoyour DVD is scratched... orwell1984123414:37
komodoI want to install Ubuntu on my Macbook, but it just so happens that my ethernet is broken14:37
MYRM1D0Nmake sure u have ur computer set to boot from disc and not harddrive14:37
EtteSBwondering if there is something like daemon tools for Ubuntu?14:37
orwell19841234but the ubuntu menu thinggy opens up fine....14:37
artwhello....I have a problem with a video card nvidia...an old video card of 32mb of memory...I try to enable the 3d acceleration from the restricted drivers manager, but I have this output: "The software source for the package nvidia-glx-legacy is not enabled." ...Someone can help me?14:37
jribabcde__: type tracker-<TAB><TAB> (I don't have tracker installed)14:37
atleforwell19841234: then you most likely burn as data cd and not as image14:37
mavi-EtteSB: "mount"14:37
bpazolliI need help I can't get cupsys installed after the update How do I download the version before14:38
EtteSBmavi-: that does ISO's and the like as well?14:38
mavi-EtteSB: sure14:38
blahblahxwhen i try to play a dvd (i have libdvdcss2 and ogle installed) i get the error DVDSetDVDRoot:: Root not set14:38
EtteSBmavi-: great :3.14:38
mavi-EtteSB: mount -o loop /path/to/iso.iso /where/to/mount14:38
orwell19841234I selected iso burn, and it does boot (kinda). It gets to the start screen. Even so, shouldn't mounting it in daemon work anyway? I think the download is corrupt.14:38
abcde__jrib, I'm not against switching, if you are using something better.14:38
komodoso, I can't get online, because the Macbook wireless doesnt work 'out of the box'14:38
soundray!info nvidia-glx-legacy | artw14:39
jxxtorwell19841234, Did you  burn the c/d as suggested??14:39
ubotuartw: nvidia-glx-legacy: NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org 'legacy' driver. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.0.7185+ (gutsy), package size 2993 kB, installed size 9780 kB14:39
jribabcde__: I just use locate and find14:39
ubotuwubi is an unofficial Ubuntu installer for Windows users - more info is at http://www.cutlersoftware.com/ubuntusetup/wubi/en-US/index.html14:39
bofh80oh he's gone14:39
soundrayartw: go to System-Administration-Software Sources and enable the multiverse repository14:39
orwell19841234jxxt? "As suggested" ? I don't follow. what instructions do you refer to?14:39
atlef!wubi | orwell1984123414:39
ubotuorwell19841234: please see above14:39
Guest16155how i can change the name of the file with wget command ? (http://www.demo.com/demo.zip - i would like this file to be file01.txt) ?14:39
abcde__jrib, I thought you meant beagle or something, I prefer indexing to the find and locate.14:39
orwell19841234whats that?14:39
doctoraman wget?14:39
roshanAll: Hi all. Can anybody suggest me an equivalent for flushall() function in g++???14:40
atleforwell19841234: lets you install ubuntu in windows14:40
kritzstapfhi, once in a while when i try to play a video i only get some weird colors until i restart the x-server (nvidia-glx-new), is there a fix?14:40
jribGuest16155: -O14:40
MYRM1D0Ni nned help with a rar file i have....14:40
TomPurnellkritzstapf: what media player are you using?14:40
jrib!rar > MYRM1D0N (read the private message from ubotu)14:40
komodohow do I go about fixing a macbook's wireless in ubuntu without an ethernet connection?14:40
Guest16155does i can use ">" for exm.... : wget http://www.demo.com/demo.zip > file01.txt ?14:40
blahblahxwhen i try to play a dvd (i have libdvdcss2 and ogle installed) i get the error DVDSetDVDRoot:: Root not set14:40
orwell19841234I'll try that and report back.14:40
psneli need help with masqurading/fwall please14:41
tessercatowrell: check this out : http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/iso14:41
soundrayGuest16155: no, use the -O option (explanation in man wget)14:41
MYRM1D0Ni use axarchiver but the program says something like it cant extract that type of file or something14:41
jxxtorwell19841234, Did you  burn the c/d as suggested??14:41
roshanAll: Hi all. Can anybody suggest me an equivalent for flushall() function in g++???14:41
bpazolliI need help I can't get cupsys installed after the update How do I download the version before14:41
MYRM1D0Nalthough a zip file axtracts fine14:41
soundrayGuest16155: what you're trying to do doesn't really make sense, btw14:41
jribMYRM1D0N: read the link ubotu gave you14:41
orwell19841234OH! that file is in the Ubuntu iso. but it comes back "No appropriate CD14:41
ojwhat could be the problem if i try to access anything in my harddisk, it takes a good 7-15 seconds "idle" time before opening a folder/media/file14:41
kritzstapfTomPurnell: vlc, totem, kaffeine..14:42
doctoraGuest16155, output_document = string14:42
doctoraSet the output filename, the same as -O.14:42
soundrayoj: it may be set to spin down when idle14:42
orwell19841234OH! that wubi file is in the Ubuntu iso. but it comes back "No appropriate CD"14:42
TomPurnellkritzstapf: have you tried using different output drivers? xv, x11, gl etc?14:43
atleforwell19841234: then the cd is bad14:43
jxxtorwell19841234, Whaen you have finished the d/l you need to "burn" the cd image if you fail to to this you will get nowhere..14:43
ojsoundray: it gives a good 1 minute delay when it scans all fixed disks when open gparted14:43
kritzstapfTomPurnell: i havent, but i dont think this would be a solution...14:43
TomPurnellkritzstapf: but if it's a problem with you actual drivers, might have better luck in the forums since it should be a common problem14:43
ojsoundray: as in the pc is just idle for that time, i don't know why14:43
bpazollioj; well maybe you have a slow drive14:43
bpazolliI need help I can't get cupsys installed after the update How do I download the version before14:43
atleforwell19841234: try downloading using torrent14:43
roshanAll: Hi all. Please can anybody suggest me an equivalent for flushall() function in g++???14:43
TomPurnellkritzstapf: it might help you narrow down the problem to see if it's actually your nvidia drivers or not14:44
TomPurnell!repeat > roshan14:44
soundrayoj: when you access a second file after accessing one and waiting, is the second access faster?14:44
orwell19841234that wubi link that was provided is a 7.04 distro of ubuntu, will it auto update?14:44
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience14:44
ojbpazolli: can't be cause it slowed down just recently. I have 7200 rpm14:44
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines14:44
kljbHey, since my Update to Gutsy my Skype isnt working anymore, hopefully someone can help me. Here are some Infos about my System: http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/17909/14:45
bullgard4What does 'lock' identify in Configuration Editor > gnome-power-manager > lock?14:45
orwell19841234that wubi link that was provided is a 7.04 distro of ubuntu, will it auto update to 7.10??14:45
blahblahxwhen i try to play a dvd (i have libdvdcss2 and ogle installed) i get the error DVDSetDVDRoot:: Root not set14:45
ojsoundray: yes, it's faster... for example, I open my home folder, or any folder listed in "places" takes a good time to open it, but any other folder inside home it opens normally14:45
bpazolliHow do I download a previous version of software14:45
psnelcan someone help me with masquerading, please14:46
ojsoundray: only slows down when accessing my linux partition, when i open my windows partition, there is no delay.14:46
jribbpazolli: tell us the error you are getting now (use pastebin)14:46
blahblahxcould someone please help me?14:46
chestypsnel: just ask your question, don't ask to ask14:46
soundrayoj: I guess your drive is set to spin down when it's not in use.14:46
psneli did14:46
soundrayoj: have you played with hdparm recently?14:47
blahblahxcmon please ive been waiting for at least half an hour14:47
ojsoundray: nope, i have no idea what that is14:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about hdparm - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:47
kritzstapfTomPurnell: when i enable my second monitor using xrandr the video comes back :D14:47
bpazolliTheres the error jrib14:47
jrib!please > blahblahx (read the private message from ubotu)14:47
=== GDonato|away is now known as GDonato
soundrayoj: or installed laptop-mode software?14:48
orwell19841234OK, I have wubi downloading ubuntu 7.04 right now. However, the latest version of ubuntu is 7.10, so.... Is ubuntu easy to update???14:48
psnelwhy is masquerading failing (seems to...) after gutzy install (/new hw) ?14:48
Guest16155can someone plz help me i did "man wget" but still i cant find what i need .. i want to download file from the net and save it in other name can someone plz help me ?14:48
ojsoundray: nope, just regular software...14:48
blahblahxjrib: im sorry. but do you have any idea how to help me? or a link or channel to redirect me to?14:48
psnelwhy is masquerading failing (seems to...) after gutzy upgrade (/new hw) ?14:48
friedchicken03I have 3 partition, dev/sda1,sad1, sda3. I want to make my sda boot, how do i do that?14:48
kljbHey, since my Update to Gutsy my Skype isnt working anymore, hopefully someone can help me. Here are some Infos about my System: http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/17909/14:48
jribGuest16155: I told you, with -O.  Read that part in the man14:48
ojsoundray: how do i fix it so it doesn't spindown?14:48
soundrayoj: do you know the device name of one of the drives affected?14:48
ojsoundray: yes, i only have one physical hard disk14:49
jribGuest16155: you know how to search the man page right?14:49
soundrayoj: what's the device name?14:49
chestypsnel: pastebin iptables -t nat -nvL14:49
bofh80kljb, what version of skype are you running? and have you tried installing the latest?14:49
jribblahblahx: what kind of dvd is this?14:49
ojsoundray: /dev/hdb114:50
rOGALCan someone help me to instal wifi driver ipwraw?14:50
bpazolliSo I get this error from "sudo apt-get install cupsys" http://pastebin.com/mbb03388 HELP?14:50
yaccin_how can i use wpa in kubuntu/kde when it worked un ubuntu/gnome?14:50
soundrayoj: are you sure? It should be hda if there's only one hard disk drive.14:50
blahblahxjrib: uhhh i dont know one i got with a hat (its not home made). but does the error tell you anything?14:50
MirandaFR-Invitecé koi ce truc14:50
jribbpazolli: nothing on bugs.ubuntu.com?14:50
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rOGALCan someone help me to instal wifi driver ipwraw?14:50
ojsoundray: that's the partition where ubuntu is installed.14:50
MirandaFR-Inviteo secours14:50
MirandaFR-Invitea ok14:50
soundrayoj: have you added and removed drives recently?14:51
kljbbofh80, i am running Skype 1.4, which worked under Feisty. I tested Skype 2.0 Beta, same Error. Soundcard seems to be blockaded, on the other hand, http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/17909/ doesnt say so14:51
Innatechpsnel: you asked a question in #shorewall about NAT. Have you set up a masq file in /etc/shorewall ?14:51
kljbBtw, Ekiga doesnt run on that souncard, too14:51
bpazolliI should mention that I am using AMD64 bit ubuntu14:51
ojsoundray: I've plugged in my friend's hard disk so that he could back up data, but it always stays unmounted now.14:51
bofh80kljb, cool. i take it you checked the sound device options in sype itself?14:52
rOGALCan someone help me to instal wifi driver ipwraw?14:52
soundrayoj: plugged it in where?14:52
kljbyes bofh8014:52
ojsoundray: my disk is /dev/hdb14:52
ojsoundray: inside my pc.. it's a sata14:52
jribblahblahx: what happens if you run ogle as 'ogle /cdrom'14:52
ojsoundray: the one i'm running is IDE14:52
bofh80kljb, occasionally i had to change the device option, save quit, come in change save quit, and then it works :S14:52
blahblahxbut its a dvd14:52
jribblahblahx: I know14:52
Brazilianis there a way to boot ubuntu 7.10 in text mode?14:52
soundrayoj: does your friend's hd have a /dev/sd? device name?14:52
Ximalsudo htpasswd -c ../.htpasswd would someone explain to me what this means please ? i'm having an issue installing my forum and having to do with mysql forum issues... pertaining to mysql ... please help ?14:52
jribBrazilian: for what purpose?14:52
psnelInnatech: now, used webmin.. it worked until either new hw -or- Gutsy upgrade broke it14:53
kljbbofh80 - thx for your answers btw ;-) Im trying that now, but i tried it already ...14:53
jribbpazolli: pastebin /var/lib/dpkg/info/cupsys.*14:53
Innatechpsnel: go see what's in /etc/shorewall/masq14:54
psnelchesty: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46575/14:54
Brazilianjrib, it's not starting here in my laptop. starts booting and then hangs before actually starting the x. i would like to fix that, or at least find out what the problem is14:54
ojsoundray: how do i check the device name in terminal?14:54
blahblahxjrib: i get the same error: ERROR[ogle_nav] failed to read VIDEO_TS.IFO                       DVDSetDVDRoot:: Root not set14:54
drmikecrowefolks, anybody know of a condition wehre ubuntu would reboot at the same time each day?14:54
soundrayoj: 'sudo fdisk -l' should show you all partitions on all connected drives (even those that aren't mounted)14:54
jribBrazilian: see if ctrl-alt-f1 gets you a tty to work in after X fails.  Otherwise choose "recovery mode"14:55
psnelInnatech: 2 lines, ppp0    eth3 \n ppp1    eth314:55
soundrayoj: it would be good if you could copy the output to pastebin.ubuntu-nl.org for me to see14:55
bofh80kljb, oop the options have changed, it used to be the OSD ALSA choice that fixed it14:55
jribblahblahx: do you get the same error with, say, mplayer?14:55
soundrayoj: sorry, the address is paste.ubuntu-nl.org14:55
Innatechpsnel: and how do you want your NAT to behave?14:55
psnelInnatech: after hw upgrade, eth0/1 changed to eth2/3 ??14:55
Brazilianonce it afils, i cant`do anything. if i do ctrl clt f1 while its booting i see only a message. biod bug #81. something like that14:55
ricksta1080anyone else here using xubuntu?14:55
J-23How can I install GParted on Ubuntu (Feisty)?14:55
bofh80kljb, i am using 1.4 on 7.10, no probs really, works better than before.14:55
jrib!anyone | ricksta108014:55
uboturicksta1080: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?14:55
kljbbofh80, Skype > 1.4 doesnt give you the possibilty anymore th decide between oss and alsa, tis also by default14:55
blahblahxjrib: uhh how do i do it with mplayer?14:55
jrib!software > j-23 (read the private message from ubotu)14:56
soundrayJ-23: sudo apt-get install gparted14:56
jribblahblahx: mplayer dvd://14:56
bofh80kljb, i'm using
ojsoundray: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46576/14:56
psnelInnatech: this host must be gateway (somtimes SOCKS proxy) and LAN hosts access net via this host14:56
kljb1.4.0.188 here14:56
yaccin_how can i use wpa in kubuntu/kde when it worked un ubuntu/gnome?14:56
ojsoundray: dev/sda (40gb) is my friend's hdd... the 203.9 gb is mine14:56
XimalAnyone able to help me with an mysql issue ... my error is this http://pastebin.ca/80368114:56
J-23soundray: E: Package gparted has no installation candidate14:57
J-23soundray: E: Package gparted has no installation candidate14:57
bofh80kljb, i should have the download still, you want it?14:57
blahblahxok it says couldnt open dvd device: dev/dvd,  [file] No filename, Failed to open dvd://14:57
diederikjack is not connecting14:57
psnelchesty: did you get my paste?14:57
diederikwhat should i do?14:57
chestypsnel: what's the ip address of one of the hosts that's trying to connect through the fw?14:57
kljbbofh80, would be nice14:57
jribblahblahx: does the same thing happen with a different dvd?14:57
soundrayoj: got it14:57
bofh80kljb, cool gimmie 514:57
blahblahxuhh let me see jrib14:57
psnelchesty: 10.0.0.x14:57
Innatechpsnel: yes, the interface names can change sometimes. You can use ifrename (I think that's what it's called) to force the interfaces to have the names you're expecting by MAC.14:57
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource14:57
BrazilianXimal, "Access denied for user 'localhost_ximal'@'localhost' (using password: YES)" looks liek you are using a wrong password?14:58
jribblahblahx: maybe it should be 'mplayer dvd://1'14:58
soundrayoj: it's unusual to have a /dev/hdb when no /dev/hda is present. This indicates that your 204GB drive is set to slave mode. When no master is present, this could lead to problems such as you describe.14:58
Ximalso do i need to use my ... local login to my machine14:58
psnelInnatech: ifrename. thanks (it seems to work otherwise, but do you think that might be causing a prob somewhere?)14:58
Ximalbecause i havent touched mysql since i installed lamp..14:58
ojsoundray: yeah my master is my cdrom14:59
Ximali'm assuming i need to create a login and access file ?14:59
RichieHi, for some reason my sound will stop working after a couple of hours. I go System > Preferences > Sound and when i hit Test i get this: audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink profile=chat: Internal data flow error.14:59
soundrayoj: oh14:59
Ximalbrazilian ?14:59
Innatechpsnel: probably not, but if it does that's how to fix it.14:59
GameCathi - can someone help me with a compile that is failing because configure doesn't see pthreads?14:59
ojsoundray: even if that was the reason, still doesn't explain how it slowed down over time...it wasn't like this like a month ago...14:59
zarathAfter resizing an NTFS partition I get the following error: 'current ntfs volume size is bigger than the device size'. It cannot be mounted any more. It won't boot into WinXP either (but my Linux partition is fine). What tools can I use to try to fix the errors or recover some data?15:00
soundrayoj: did it slow down gradually or suddenly?15:00
J-23Who can send me Gusty sources.list?15:00
ojsoundray: suddenly.15:00
soundray!easysource | J-2315:00
ubotuJ-23: source-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic15:00
jribGameCat: what are you compiling?15:00
bullgard4What does 'lock' identify in Configuration Editor > gnome-power-manager > lock?15:00
jribJ-23: gutsy?  weren't you on feisty?15:00
chestypsnel: there's a file in /etc that maps mac addresses to ethx names, when you've upgraded the hardware, that file still has the old mac addresses in it15:00
GameCatjrib: libupnp (for ushare - http://ushare.geexbox.org/) and I'm on 6.06 LTS15:01
soundrayoj: okay, let's see what's going on with your drive. Enter 'sudo hdparm -i /dev/hdb'. What setting do you see under "AdvancedPM"?15:01
Innatechpsnel: so far as your /etc/shorewall/masq goes: you want ppp0 to masquerade traffic for eth3 and ppp1 to masquerade traffic for eth3? No other interfaces need NAT?15:01
rOGALCan someone help me to instal wifi driver ipwraw?15:01
oplaopla opla15:01
RichieHi, for some reason my sound will stop working after a couple of hours. I go System > Preferences > Sound and when i hit Test i get this: audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink profile=chat: Internal data flow error.15:01
soundrayoj: feel free to pastebin this as well15:01
jribGameCat: and you cannot use libpnp0 from the repositories?15:01
jribGameCat: and you cannot use libupnp0 from the repositories?15:01
Innatechgamecat: so you're the guy with my old nick. You win a feather!15:02
ojsoundray: AdvancedPM=yes: disabled (255)15:02
GameCatjrib: it needs > 1.4.2 and the repo has libupnp 1.2.something15:02
GameCatInnatech: hehe as long as it's a pink one :)15:03
chestypsnel: /etc/iftab look in that file (if it exists, it may not)15:03
ojsoundray: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46578/15:03
Magik2I have an odd boot problem during install.   I've disabled quiet and splash from the boot options.  The boot process stops after this line.  input: AT Translated Set 2 keyboard as /class/input/input1  It never moves past this point.15:03
jribGameCat: 'sudo apt-get build-dep libupnp0' will probably help, but you should consider upgrading to a more recent version of ubuntu15:03
chestypsnel: compare it to your installed mac addresses15:03
J-23"E: Package gparted has no installation candidate" :(15:03
J-23But I have installed Ubuntu with Wubi...15:03
jribJ-23: 'sudo apt-get update'15:03
psnelInnatech: no. home-LAN ( is attached to eth3; (actually to eth2 as well, but that one is for bridging ADSL on the ADSL router which is in bridge mode... and is the main LAN switch :-)15:04
J-23jrib: Thanks!15:04
GameCatjrib: cheers I'll try that, and I'll upgrade when the next LTS is out - that's kinda the point of em15:04
jribGameCat: not if you want recent software though15:04
soundrayoj: nothing too unusual in there. Have you rebooted since you noticed these delays?15:04
FaithfulI have just removed compiz from my notebook to see if it is it causing lockups... How do I set metacity to be my WM now?15:05
ojsoundray: yeah lots of times, booted into windows and back also.. windows runs fine, no delay in opening anything.15:05
psnelInnatech: i.e. yes: ppp0+ppp1 ->NAT->eth3; no: none other15:05
KnickLighterHello everyone, i cant get my ubuntu 7.10 cd to start up, it gives me 'buffer i/o error on device fd0, logical block 0'15:05
Innatechpsnel: so you have two PPP uplinks (presumably load balanced or using tcrule or route_rules) and you want to NAT eth3 traffic through both of them. If so, then your conf looks correct.15:05
bofh80hey kljb you there? http://www.ranchits.co.uk/skype-debian_1.4.0.99-1_i386.deb15:05
GameCatjrib: yeah, well, mostly I'm not bothered about the latest, but I just discovered this thing that will let me serve photos to my xbox360 :)15:05
sandaru1Faithful: metacity --replace15:06
GameCatjrib: no biggie if I fail miserably, it's just an interesting way to waste a sunday afternoon :)15:06
rOGALCan someone help me to instal wifi driver ipwraw?15:06
psnelchesty: /etv/iftab - has comment #...  This file is no longer used ... \n.. #eth0 mac 00:40:f4:6e:29:7a15:06
Faithfulsandaru1 will that be permanent?15:06
kljbthx bofh80, i am just downloading15:06
twager_Runnning compix ok  with gnome but would like to get the explosive icon setup...Anyone tell me what I need ?15:06
Slue_GnifferSo, I just downloaded WINE 0.9.50 and I can't seem to get the iexplorer.exe to work, I start it up and I get a blank window..I already downloaded Gecko when it asked me to..15:06
ojsoundray: even startup takes a while for the desktop and icons to load... it does load the panel "partially" then after a few seconds it'll sorta refresh and load up proper.15:06
Innatechpsnel: I know this is basic, but have you checked to make sure that IP forwarding is enabled/being enabled since your upgrade?15:07
Chu1Hi, I'm trying to run "Commandos: behind enemy lines" in WINE in ubuntu - but it seems to run too fast. Is there any way I can slow it down?15:07
Paddy_EIRE!effects | twager_15:07
ubotutwager_: Desktop Effects are supported on graphics cards that use the default Intel and ATI drivers and the restricted !NVIDIA drivers, except for the following, which are blacklisted due to stability/compatibility issues: Intel 965, ATI Rs480 and Rv350, ATI Mobility x300, x600 and x700 - Join #compiz-fusion for anything not officially supported by Ubuntu15:07
soundrayoj: thinking...15:07
sandaru1Faithful: nop. a workaround is to put metacity --replace into session startup.. you might as well playaround the session files a bit.. then you'll find where it's loading compiz15:07
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soundrayoj: do you have a file "/etc/default/hdparm" ?15:07
twager_Paddy_EIRE: Thanks15:08
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ojsoundray: nope15:08
Beckyhi, i booted from the liveCD and it looks like this ... http://girlzone.me.uk/misc/temp/ubuntu.png15:08
Faithfulsandaru1: THANKS15:08
psnelInnatech: sort of right, ppp0 is default/ ppp1 has manual routes for SA-networks set via cron script with many "route add .." 's (not elegant)15:08
Beckyhow do i make the desktop look normal :)15:08
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soundrayoj: good, it can't be that then. Is there a /etc/laptop-mode/laptop-mode.conf ?15:08
chixianghello. everyone!15:09
chestypsnel: so i noticed from your paste, there are no packets out in the ppp+_masq chains15:09
bluevapourHey has anyone had experiance setting up shared folders for windows computers?15:09
psnelInnatech: hmmm no15:09
ojsoundray: yes15:09
EtteSBBecky: i get something like that now and then. i just cut the power, then restart after about 10 secs and it loads fine15:09
FaithfulI think that might be my problem... I have an intel 965 but it does not detect right... rather as a 945 therefor not blacklisted.15:09
ojsoundray: along with a bunch of other files in that laptop-mode folder.15:09
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kljbbofh80, same problem :-(15:09
bofh80kljb, :(#15:10
BeckyEtteSB: it does it every time :(15:10
lumpyhello all15:10
Chu1Hi, I'm trying to run "Commandos: behind enemy lines" in WINE in ubuntu - but it seems to run too fast. Is there any way I can slow it down?15:10
voxBecky: are you using a dual-head video card?15:10
Beckyno, paralells on a mac15:10
kljbbofh80, well thx anyway15:10
bofh80kljb, what sound card do you have?15:10
soundrayoj: I take it you don't have a laptop, though... could you pastebin the contents of that file pls?15:10
bofh80kljb, and possibly i missed it earlier does skype give off any specific errors?15:11
voxBecky: ok, when the livecd boots, go to advanced i think, and try a different display mode.15:11
psnelchesty: i don't know what that might imply?15:11
ScreaMkljb ÑëÓõÀé --> ëîõ?)15:11
Beckyok i will try that15:11
J-23How can I move ext3 partition back?15:11
ojsoundray: correct, I don't have a laptop.. here's the pastebin http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46579/15:11
sandaru1Chu1: you might have already checked this.. some games have speed controls within it's settings.. you might as well try that if Commandos have that15:11
kljbI have 3 soundcards, 1 onboard, deactivated in bios, a SB Live 5.1 which is supposed to work with skype/headset, and a 3rd one (working) for mp3. Skype doesnt give any real errors, both Skype and Ekiga just say: Problem with audio-device. Thats why i guess its blocked, but i cant check that15:12
Beckywhere is advanced? :)15:12
J-23I have free space between partitions :|15:12
PiZzAHello, may anyone help me installing my USB - Soundcard :-( I don't get it working with ALSA15:12
Chu1sandaru1 - first thing I checked, no such luck =(15:12
chestypsnel: my guess was the source address filters and were wrong, but from what you said, they look ok15:12
ScreaMPiZzA ÑëÓõÀé --> hello15:12
Innatechpsnel: do cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward and make sure it returns 115:13
voxBecky: it's one of the options. it says "press <something> for more options" or similar15:13
kakooniahey, where can i find all the file associations? which *.x opens x-application...?15:13
ScreaMInnatech ÑëÓõÀé --> ñóêà åáà÷ü15:13
LjL!english | ScreaM15:13
ubotuScreaM: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat15:13
Beckyif i press f6 then i get boot options :)15:13
sandaru1Chu1: there is a program called cpukiller, you might try using it with wine15:13
Chu1thanks, I'll have a go15:14
ScreaMLjL ÑëÓõÀé --> ïàøîë íàõóé15:14
voxBecky: one of them will be for video options. it's been about a year since i used the livecd so im unsure15:14
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psneloInnatech: in /etc/networks/ptions.dpkg-bak there's a line "ip_forward=no" .. might be (where do i set ip_fwd again?15:14
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soundrayoj: here's something worth trying: in line 200, the value of CONTROL_HD_IDLE_TIMEOUT is 1. Set that to 0, then do a 'sudo invoke-rc.d laptop-mode restart'. See if that changes anything.15:14
sandaru1kakoonia: do you want all file associations? you can right click the file, go to properties and see the associated application with that extension15:14
ScreaMýé áëÿ ïèäàðàñû êóäà ìíå çàéòè???15:14
ScreaMýé áëÿ ïèäàðàñû êóäà ìíå çàéòè???15:14
Beckyoh, i tried to force it to 640x480  but it still boots up with 1280x1024 looking like that mess15:15
psnel/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward returns 0 :-))15:15
voxBecky: mmm try 1024x76815:15
Beckyi did :(15:15
kakooniasandaru1: yea.. i know this one.. and for all?15:15
sandaru1kakoonia: if you want all, you'll have to check the .desktop files. /usr/share/applications/15:15
Beckynone of them helped15:15
kakooniasandaru1: ok.. thanks :)15:16
ojsoundray: nope, still the same15:16
kljbHey People, how can i check if my soundcard is blocked?: 8kljb@KLJB:~$ cat /proc/asound/cards15:16
kljb90 [CMI8738MC6 ]: CMI8738-MC6 - C-Media PCI CMI8738-MC615:16
kljb10C-Media PCI CMI8738-MC6 (model 55) at 0xd000, irq 1115:16
kljb111 [UART ]: MPU-401 UART - MPU-401 UART15:16
kljb12MPU-401 UART at 0x300, irq 1015:16
kljb132 [Live ]: EMU10K1 - SB Live 5.115:16
kljb14SB Live 5.1 (rev.7, serial:0x80641102) at 0xd800, irq 11 (im talking of the last one, the SB Live .51)15:16
XimalI'm reading https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP#head-e8ed2e2ff6335c860b38aab7d029cdff0bc6215a and I'm getting an error saying mysql-server * command not recognize * what am I doing wrong please?15:16
chestypsnel: I assumed it was OK because you have some traffic in POSTROUTING, but sudo -i ; echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward15:17
Innatechpsnel: either cat a 1 into it or tell shorewall to turn it on for you15:17
erUSUL!paste | kljb15:17
ubotukljb: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)15:17
Innatechpsnel *echo a 1, that is15:17
kljbSry Guys, here is full sound-analysis: http://ubuntuusers.de/paste/17909/15:17
soundrayoj: run a 'tail -f /var/log/syslog' to see if anything is logged during or shortly after the delay15:17
psnelchesty: yaaay!15:18
voxBecky: umm.. im not sure. maybe ask in a paralells support channel15:18
psnelInnatech: thanks its working now.15:18
Innatechpsnel: great!15:18
Ximalpaducahguy@paducahguy-desktop:/var/www/forum$ sudo mysql-server libapache2-mod-auth-mysql php5-mysql15:18
Ximal[sudo] password for paducahguy:15:18
Ximalsudo: mysql-server: command not found15:18
Ximalany idea anyone ? please ?15:18
Xplicitare there any programs that can remote desktop connect to a vista machine (i mean the default vista service not installing vnc or another 3rd party)15:18
ompaulXimal, read the link before that which says15:18
civiXierwhy does everything freeze when i do anything with my wlan?15:19
ompaulXimal, do not paste so much - and use a pastebin15:19
ompauldon#t repeat15:19
ojsoundray: nope, nothing. no log activity15:19
Ximaloh ok... i didn't realize the darn blocks would cause more than 1 send ..15:19
ompaulXimal, read the link before that which is Use  any method to install15:19
psnelInnatech: one other q on that: why did would my SOCK proxy not have worked either?15:19
ompaulXimal, you need to click on that and read up15:19
kazolI can't mount a samba share in Ubuntu-I get "session setup failed: ERRDOS - ERRnoaccess (Access denied.)"15:19
soundrayoj: would you notice if the drive was making any strange noises?15:19
rafalhow to install decss2 and friends15:20
ompaul!restricted | rafal15:20
Ximalgreat.. fun time :)15:20
uboturafal: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats15:20
eseNtHey, how do you get people so show up in the right side of xchat?15:20
ojsoundray: not that i know off, it's very quite.15:20
* Ximal turns on the music and loads up the kandlestick !15:20
psnelchesty: about your previous comment... i could never fuogure out why this line was in my ">route" output..15:20
psnel169.254.0.0     *          U     1000   0        0 eth315:20
civiXierwhatever i do it freezes. kernel panic when i try enable ad-hoc, the computer quit responding when Im trying to enable roaming mode through network settings in x...15:20
ojsoundray: could it be because of any software installed?15:20
soundrayoj: it's possible, but I can't think of anything that would cause this15:21
Ximalompaul : if i installed LAMP shoudln't mysql and php be running/installed though ?15:22
ojsoundray: I've been trying to uninstall Screenlets but dunno how... i installed it by following some readme instructions.15:22
=== sandaru1_ is now known as sandaru1
Innatechpsnel: well, I'm not entirely clear on how your network is laid out, or what that second subnet in your pastebin is for....where is the SOCKS proxy? On the firewall?15:23
ricksta1080what are some recommended programs to download for xubuntu?15:23
ompaulXimal, so why are you at that point on the page - I think you are not following it if you have installed mysql and php yiou should not be there on the page it should be working already15:23
soundrayoj: if you suspect desktop software, it's worth creating a new user and logging in as that. If it doesn't happen to another user, your configuration in $HOME would be to blame.15:23
kazolI can't mount a samba share-I get "session setup failed: ERRDOS - ERRnoaccess (Access denied.)"15:23
ojsoundray: okay...i'll test it...15:23
jgroutWhere can I change the ammount of virtual desktops?15:23
Ximalbecause ompaul : when I try to install my forum ... using either the login for my username or a created one for the forum i made up..15:23
ojsoundray: suppose it turns out that is the reason, do you know a way to find out what in my $HOME would be causing the slowdown?15:24
Ximalit gives me some error about mysql not working and the username being invalid..15:24
psnelchesty: .. eth3; does that come from the /etc/shorewall/masq file (paste)?15:24
Ximalso I'm assuming I need to install / configure mysql somehow with a username/password15:24
ompaulXimal, your issue is with setting up mysql then15:24
psnelInnatech: yes, same host as gateway15:24
aubrehey , anyone use boot camp to dual boot ubuntu and leopard?15:24
psnelInnatech: ..which had internet access15:24
sandaru1jgrout: right click the workspace switcher -> properties15:24
kakooniawhat can i do if i hear music very low.. my volume is at the top... is there a sound accelarator?15:24
ubotuext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org15:25
ompaulXimal, so I don't know how far you got or not, this is the guide you want: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MysqlPasswordReset15:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about moving - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi15:25
tom__hi all, how do i replace usplash with splashy?15:25
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter15:25
soundrayoj: if you suspect screenlets, for example, you'd kill the program and delete its config files from your $HOME.15:25
aubreI'm thinking of buying a macbook15:25
Ximalthanks ompaul.. that's most likely what i'm looking for..15:25
sandaru1kakoonia: the best option is to compile the latest alsa drivers.. it usually works15:25
Ximali appreciate your time sir ;) have a good one !15:25
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs15:25
aubrewhat file system does leopard use?15:25
ricksta1080macbooks are quite expensive, arent they?15:25
ompaulaubre, whatever apple tells it to15:26
ompaulaubre, ##apple might help you15:26
aubredoh I was in the wrong channel :/15:26
tom__anyone? how do i replace usplash with splashy please?15:26
ompaul!usplash | tom__15:27
ubotutom__: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork15:27
Innatechpsnel: well, presuming that the proxy is listening on an address in the local zone and sending on an address in the $FW zone, then I would think it would have worked even w/o routing enabled, but I'm not a LARTC/Netfilter/Shorewall expert.15:27
ricksta1080tom__, i think sits under settings manager... and then from there, there u should be able to change the splash15:27
aubrefor ubuntu I was thinking of going intel with processor, wifi and video15:27
kakooniasandaru1 : i installed alsa-drivers... through add/remove progs. is it good enough?15:28
EtteSBif anyone uses Pidgin here, where do i stick new plug-ins?15:28
sandaru1kakoonia: alsactl --ver15:28
bullgard4What does 'lock' identify in Configuration Editor > gnome-power-manager > lock?15:29
sandaru1kakoonia: latest stable is around 1.0.15.. www.alsa-project.org15:29
psnelInnatech: i don't know what the second subnet is the paste is for either, it ends up in my routing table as:     *          U     1000   0        0 eth315:29
ojsoundray: nope, it's still the same even if i switch users15:29
rpedrojust dist-upgraded to gutsy and everything seems fine, despite many third-party repos/packages! is there a good list of issues I should be looking out for?15:29
soundrayoj: did you log out the first user for testing?15:30
ojsoundray: yeah, i logged out and logged in as a new user15:30
sandaru1kakoonia: it may not work.. but it's worth trying15:30
spydonDoes anyone know any good websites for buying linux clothing? :P15:30
kakooniasandaru1: thanks alot..15:30
aubreis Intel the only video manufacturer who gives out the info needed for truly free video drivers?15:30
Innatechpsnel: I don't *think* it's from shorewall....none of my shorewall routers generate anything like that from masq settings.15:30
soundraybullgard4: whether or not you are asked for your password when you resume15:30
kakooniaye :)15:30
kakooniaok.. chao ;T15:31
Innatechpsnel: do you have some interface that ubuntu might be trying and failing to pull DHCP on?15:31
psnelInnatech: as a matter of fact, i've been chatting here through that SOCKS proxy, so it's been working from the gateway (this host) and started working from LAN when I enabled IP-forwarding just now15:31
sandaru1spydon: i think your question fits #ubuntu-offtopic15:31
graelinHow can I change the font colors on the gnome panle?15:31
civiXierwhat is :ava in wlan0:ava?15:31
ojsoundray: i'm stumped.. going to go out get some dinner. ty for ur help15:31
soundrayoj: too bad I couldn't really help. Enjoy your dinner.15:32
bullgard4soundray: In what form or format will I be asked? (I am asking because there is an error in my Ubuntu 7.10.)15:32
spydonhehe ok, I didn't know there were suck channel sandaru1  :P15:32
* ^garfield2^ is away (I am Off Line Now...)15:32
EtteSBif anyone uses Pidgin here, where do i stick new plug-ins?15:32
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rpedroaubre: ATI has also begun releasing specifications for their cards, and there is also the new Noveau project drivers Nvidia cards...15:32
ojsoundray: thanks anyway...looks like a backup+reformat will do =)15:32
Ein_any one can help me to install beryl?15:32
soundraybullgard4: a password dialog pops up on an otherwise black screen. If you have a problem, why don't you describe it to the channel?15:33
soundrayoj: a laborious cop-out ;)15:33
Innatechpsnel: no, I mean the SOCKS proxy should have been able to do its job w/o routing between the subnets, presuming it was listening in the loc zone and connecting out from within the $FW zone. In that scenario, packets aren't being routed between subnets. But, if it's working now I wouldn't worry about it too much.15:33
bullgard4soundray: I dis so  before but got no response.15:33
_virus_Howdy, I have some issues trying to turn the most annoying feature ever implemented for X off... namely Emulate3Buttons... setting it to false in /etc/X11/xorg.conf doesnt seem to help.15:33
bullgard4soundray: Is ther a name for that password dialog?15:33
soundrayoj: although after everything we've tried, you might spend more time on troubleshooting than you would on reinstalling.15:34
civiXierwhy do I get a kernel panic when I write 'sudo ifdown wlan0'?15:34
civiXierhappens everytime :(15:34
sandaru1EtteSB: usually there a install script with the plugin15:34
soundraybullgard4: I don't know15:34
_virus_wlans are especially prone to violence :-P15:34
kazolI can't mount a samba share-I get "session setup failed: ERRDOS - ERRnoaccess (Access denied.)"15:34
bullgard4soundray: Ok, thank you for commenting and explaining.15:35
LiMaO_virus_: run sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg15:35
_virus_oh thanks15:35
sandaru1EtteSB: if there is not, you may try coping files to /usr/lib/pidgin/ or /usr/local/lib/piding/15:35
LiMaO_virus_: i'll ask you about every and all 'annoying' feature, so that you may turn it off15:35
soundraybullgard4: if you're not getting a response, it's perfectly okay to repeat after 10 minutes or so. Rephrase your question if you can.15:35
Elliaskazol: check you security settign in your smb.comf15:35
thorkazol: did you define an smb password (smbpasswd)15:35
psnelInnatech: not sure. DHCP happens on "ADSL-bridge/LAN-switch". there are 2 connections between the gw and "ADSL..device".. one via eth2 (no IP/DHCP) and the other eth3 (LAN)... There is an issue with eth2 i'm not sure about: in /etc/networks/interfaces -> iface eth2 inet ipv4ll (the ipv4ll flag)15:35
EtteSBsandaru1: Thanks15:35
LiMaO_virus_: i just don't understand why emulate3buttons is annoying. if you have a 3 buttons mouse it'll do nothing at all15:35
kazolthor, Ellias: It worked perfectly before.15:35
Ximalwhat's the default password for mysql when it install ? anyone ?15:36
LiMaOXimal: no password15:36
XimalERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'paducahguy'@'localhost' (using password: YES) is what I get ..15:36
kazolthor, Ellias: Then I deleted the exact cmd I used before, now it doesn't work.15:36
LiMaOXimal: you shouldn't use a password15:36
Elliaskazol: do you use any authentication to get to your samba share?15:36
LiMaOXimal: also, the default user created for mysql is root15:36
Innatechpsnel: do you have multiple interfaces on the shorewall plugged into the same switch?15:36
XimalI'm installing a forum and mysql is asking for a password15:36
psnelInnatech: yup :-/15:36
LiMaOXimal: if the server is yours, the mysql user should be root and the password should be left blank15:37
Ximalwell I want to change the password on it m8..15:37
beastyLiMaO: that's pretty secure :p15:37
Innatechpsnel: that's officially bad. The shorewall docs state explicitly not to do that.15:37
LiMaOXimal: if it's someone else's server, you gotta use the username/password provided to you15:37
Ximalthat's all i wanna do :)15:37
XimalI am using lamp..15:37
beastyXimal: get phpmyadmin :p15:37
LiMaObeasty: that's just to make sure it's working15:37
LiMaOXimal: let me give you the command to change the password15:37
sandaru1Ximal: mysqladmin -uroot password15:37
Innatechpsnel: if it's a smart switch you might be able to get away with it. But it's not supported.15:38
Ximalthanks sndaru ..15:38
psnelInnatech:i know, but it's bridging to the ADSL network. that happens on mac level doesn't it15:38
LiMaOXimal: there it is.. sandaru1 is correct15:38
Ximalmysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed15:38
Ximalerror: 'Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)'15:38
Ximalthat's what i'm getting guys..15:38
psnelInnatech: what 'smart' feature is going to make it ok?15:38
sandaru1Ximal: sudo /etc/init.d/mysql restart15:39
psnelInnatech: it was the cheaper option for my home network15:39
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Ximalok ??15:39
sandaru1then try the above command again15:40
sandaru1mysqladmin one ^15:40
Ximalmysqladmin -uroot password ?15:40
soundraysandaru1: won't he have to enable TCP connections somehow?15:40
Chippohi! can anybody help me with some sound problems?15:40
Elliasximal: it should be blank15:40
sandaru1Ximal: yes15:40
Innatechpsnel: so-called 'smart switches' are  more selective about which ARP requests go where, which is what confuses shorewall/netfilter/linux if I read the docs correctly.15:40
Ximalsame error15:41
sandaru1soundtray: i think he has just install mysql15:41
soundraysandaru1: exactly15:41
Ximali don't even get asked for or prompted for a password when i do the mysqladmin command you gave me..15:41
chestypsnel: I think is for zeroconf like things, I don't think they're meant to be routed, I think they are meant to be local to a link15:41
Ximali installed lamp about 4 days ago..15:41
XimalI spent 2 days learning to configure htaccess15:41
Ximalnow i'm working on mysql configurations :)15:41
LiMaOXimal: mysqladmin -uroot the-password-you-want-to-use-here15:41
LiMaOXimal: then to login, your username is root and your password is what you typed above15:42
sandaru1LiMa0: no, it's just 'password'15:42
Ximalerror: 'Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)'15:42
Innatechpsnel: in short, the gateway will respond to an ARP WHOHAS request on all interfaces for any configured address. When multiple interfaces are plugged into the same switch, this has 'unpredictable' results.15:42
LiMaOsandaru1: what's the command to setup the password in one line only?15:42
Ximali have an idea..15:42
LiMaOsandaru1: Ximal is probably confusing himself on simple commands15:42
kazolEllias: I just used something like: "sudo smbmount // /home/administrator/Desktop/Documents-Server -o username={username},password={passwd},uid=1000,mask=00015:42
sandaru1LiMaO: mysqladmin -uroot password newpassword ?15:43
bullgard4[Gutsy] Gnome main menu System > Quit > Hibernate obtains only a password dialog and a tooltip:"Problem with the Suspend mode. The change to Suspend state failed..." Filling in my password  returns me to the outset but my LAN connection is lost.15:43
Ximali'm not limao..15:43
civiXierwhich file holds the information about wlan0?15:43
psnelchesty: please explain zeroconf, and 'local to a link'. Is it safe to remove that from the shorewall masq file?15:43
Ximalmysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed error: 'Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO) is what i'm getting..15:44
Ximalshould i just purge and reinstall the newer mysql ?15:44
Ximalit will prompt me during install for a pwd right ?15:44
Ximali could just install and or compile and install15:44
HuxFluxserver irc.fumbbl.com15:44
sandaru1Ximal: it comes with blank password by default.. then you have to set the password using mysqladmin command15:44
Ximalwell.. i installed LAMP through synaptic ..15:45
soundraybullgard4: it could be that your network driver is not suspend-safe. You can add it to the MODULES= line in /etc/default/acpi-support to automatically unload it before suspending.15:45
PirateHeadUbuntu keeps reporting a fake CD in my drive and trying to read from it, which results in constant error messages and garbage being sent to dmesg. Can anybody help me figure out how to stop it? Pastebin of dmesg | tail : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46581/15:45
LiMaOXimal: when installing mysql from synaptic it'll ask you for a new root password15:45
Elliaskazol: try specifcying the filesystem at the beginning of the smbmount command15:45
psnelInnatech: unpredictable like 'it may not work' or 'hosts on ADSL net might do ARP requests and be assigned IPs on my LAN'? is it mainly a security risk?15:45
LiMaOPirateHead: eject that false cd15:45
Ximali bet i was chatting and typed in a password not realizing it..15:45
PirateHeadLiMaO: That gives me a "Cannot reject CD: device is not ready" sort of error.15:46
LiMaOPirateHead: type 'sudo eject /dev/your-cdrom-drive'15:46
bullgard4soundray: 8139too is not suspend-safe? But it was in Feisty. Hwsat?15:46
chestypsnel: basically, if dhcp fails to get an address, a address can be assigned. It's not meant to be routed, you can safely remove it from shorewall15:46
Ximalis there a way to check to see if there's a password set ? like in the htaccess files for apache.. where you can open the conf file and see the encrypted password ?15:46
soundraybullgard4: actually, come to think of it, it's probably not your network driver, but it could be some other module. Examine dmesg output and /var/log/syslog for more hints on what goes on as you suspend.15:46
LiMaOPirateHead: try unmounting it first... 'sudo umount /dev/cdrom-device-here'15:46
Innatechpsnel: from http://www.shorewall.net/three-interface.htm : Caution: Do NOT connect multiple interfaces to the same hub or switch except for testing. You can test using this kind of configuration if you specify the arp_filter option or the arp_ignore option in /etc/shorewall/interfaces for all interfaces connected... Using such a setup with a production firewall is strongly recommended against.15:47
psnelchesty: thanks. thats been irritating me - i just love talking to you people)15:47
bullgard4soundray: /var/log/syslog reports: "gnome-power-manager: (detlef) hibernate failed."15:47
PirateHeadLiMaO: umount: /dev/cdrom: not mounted15:47
LiMaOPirateHead: no dude.. i meant umount /dev/hdc15:47
LiMaOhdc = your cdrom device15:47
Ximali'm trying to connect via mysqladmin just to test it limao...15:47
soundraybullgard4: that looks like the consequence, but not the cause of the problem.15:48
Ximaland no luck what so ever..15:48
notonekindHey I need to recover a bunch of files that turned into one index.dat file. can anyone help me?15:48
PirateHeadLiMaO: hdc isn't mounted either.15:48
Innatechpsnel: if your switch supports VLANs you can try and segregate the traffic that way. Or you can run as-is and hope for the best ;P15:48
LiMaOPirateHead: then you may 'sudo eject /dev/hdc'15:48
XimalMySQL Error Nr. 1045 is the error number ?15:48
PirateHeadLiMaO: I don't think it's a problem with the devices - I think it's somewhere.15:48
PirateHeadLiMaO: sudo eject /dev/hdc doesn't give any error, but it doesn't stop the problem.15:49
pingmoin @ all15:49
Jack_SparrowPirateHead: what does fstab look like for your cdrom?15:49
notonekindCan anyone help me figure out how to extrack files that turned into a .dat file????15:49
soundraynotonekind: turned into a .dat file?15:49
gordonjcpnotonekind: probably not15:49
kazolEllias: How?15:49
notonekindyes. no one has any idea?15:49
PirateHeadJack_Sparrow: I haven't touched it, so it's whatever Gutsy set up by default.15:50
Jack_Sparrownotonekind: You need to explain it more .. how did it happen, what prog did it.. Better questions make for better answers15:50
soundraynotonekind: how did that happen?15:50
gordonjcpnotonekind: no-one knows what a .dat file is15:50
psnelInnatech: I think it can, but I'm running on the default, all-in-one-VLAN15:50
PirateHead  /dev/hdc        /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto     0       015:50
gordonjcpnotonekind: maybe if you're a bit more specific someone could suggest something15:50
Jack_SparrowPirateHead: You should at least look at it..15:50
Innatechpsnel: well, you might want to look into that.15:50
PirateHeadJack_Sparrow: Need any more than that line I gave above?15:50
notonekindI did a PC recovery in xp, and xp wasnt seeing some of my files, so i loaded Ubuntu, found them, and copied them to an accessible directory. Windows then wouldnt let me into the folder I copied, even though it could now see the folder. When I loaded Ubuntu again the files in that folder turned into one .dat file15:50
psnelInnatech: thanks for your help, I'll go have a read now, and play around with the VLAN. You can help some other expert now :-)15:51
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Innatechpsnel: good luck :)15:51
Ximalyou know what I LIKE ..15:51
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Jack_Sparrownotonekind: what did you use to copy them?15:51
aguitelanyone helpme to recover my grub?15:51
psnelInnatech: chow15:51
EtteSBanyone ever heard of a package called "purple"? i did a apt-cache search on it and got nothing. the problem is i got something looking for it to install15:51
Ximalafter going through the headache of this.. i looked in synaptic.. and it has an installation program for phpbb !15:52
PirateHeadnotonekind: It sounds like Windows might be having some big problems - in fact, I would suspect a virus. Have you tried booting Windows in safe mode?15:52
_virus_sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg15:52
notonekindI just cut and paste it to a different folder with ubuntu.15:52
kazolEllias: ?15:52
_virus_sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and explicitly choosing Emulate3Buttons 'no' still leaves it on it seems :(15:52
notonekindNo, its a known glitch in the system that this happens with System restore. But I took a different route for fixing it because I didnt know it was a known problem. so its not a virus.15:52
sandaru1EtteSB: libpurple?15:52
soundraynotonekind: can you not just do the same again? Copy the unreadable-for-XP files with Ubuntu?15:53
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EtteSBsandaru1: could be ill try that15:53
* Ximal sends all the files in localhost/forum to /dev/null ;)15:53
PirateHeadnotonekind: Is there a problem with Ubuntu, or is just Windows at this point?15:53
Jack_Sparrownotonekind: a glitch in what system.. and WHAT program in Ubuntu did you use to copy those files..15:53
_virus_In the old days emulate3buttons would turn itself off once you  press middle button once, that however doesnt work either15:53
PirateHeadJack_Sparrow: If he says he "just copied them", I think it's fairly safe to assume he used Nautilus - is that accurate, notonekind?15:54
notonekindWell what happened was they were in a folder that windows could not see AT ALL. but it was taking up space. Ubuntu was able to see the folder, so I cut it and paste it in my documents. Then I couldnt open that folder even though it could see it.  I dont know what program I used, I just went "Places, C/, Documents and Settings, USERDATA and everything was in there.15:54
notonekindWhen I loaded Ubuntu after windows still couldnt open the file ,everything in that folder was a huge index.dat file, instead of my files like they had been. So my problem is, Using Ubuntu, I need to get those files back to their original state.15:55
soundraynotonekind: from there, did you copy the data to a different location on the same disk?15:55
notonekindyes I did15:55
Jack_SparrowPirateHead: after helping in here for ages, I can never assume anything15:55
PirateHeadJack_Sparrow: fair enough. Any new ideas about my ghost CD, by the way?15:56
soundraynotonekind: I think you should try copying the inaccessible data to a different filesystem, like a USB stick.15:56
notonekindyeah..but its 90 GB.15:56
soundraynotonekind: it's probably safe to say that you can't trust your Windows partition to hold data any more.15:56
notonekindwell 66.7 compressed.15:56
Jack_SparrowPirateHead: Still grinding away on that, maybe after I finish my first cup of coffee15:56
ricksta1080what are some recommended prohrams to download ?15:56
soundraynotonekind: about 15 DVDs :)15:56
PirateHeadricksta1080: I like Inkscape for drawing things and FreeCol is a pretty fun game.15:57
Jack_Sparrowricksta1080: k3b for burning cd's  but you need to be more specific about your needs15:57
notonekindSo I need to put that index file on a seperate media for it to work again?15:57
ricksta1080well, i have programs for just some necessary things like... disc image burning,,, etc15:58
soundraynotonekind: no, forget the index file. Get at the source files with Ubuntu again.15:58
Jack_Sparrownotonekind: What can Ubuntu..nautilus see of the files on your windows drive before you moved them with windows15:58
notonekindit say all my files in their state, videos, mp3s, picture, etc.15:58
Jack_Sparrowsoundray: agreed15:58
KonjikiNoyamiHi, I've just upgraded to Ubuntu 7.10, I'm trying to install the restricted formats by using the command "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras", now some messages about Java T&C appear in the terminal window for a while and have not disappeared. Does it freeze or is it still updating and I just need to be patient? Thanks15:58
rafalthe wikipedia's method of installing css wtf15:59
Jack_Sparrownotonekind: so try to just copy one or two to your ubuntu drive15:59
robdemanhi all.. I just followed this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH ... but after a reboot my VNCServer is no longer running.. any help?15:59
rafalsudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh  gives file not found15:59
notonekindThe thing is, Im not using a ubuntu DRIVE...I did this all from the live cd.15:59
soundraynotonekind: have you got 90GB free on your Ubuntu partition(s)?15:59
soundraynotonekind: ah15:59
astro76KonjikiNoyami, you need to click ok... tab to the ok button, and press elect or enter to click it15:59
notonekindI dont have 90 gb free, but I can get it, and then set up a partition probably16:00
notonekindshould I do that? then copy this stuff over to my Ubuntu partition?16:00
sandaru1KonjikiNoyami: what is the last line of the message?16:00
Jack_Sparrownotonekind: borrow a usb stick.. easier and less likely to lose data.. or add a second drive16:00
notonekindright now everything is in ONE huge file though.16:00
Jack_Sparrownotonekind: no need to install ubuntu on it.. it will just be for data16:00
soundraynotonekind: if you value that data at all, I would turn the computer off now, find a separate hard disk with 90GB free, and copy everything over to that one using the live CD.16:00
notonekindnothings going to happen to that data, I gaurantee it16:00
Jack_Sparrownotonekind: delete the 90gig file..  work with the originals16:01
rafalsudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh  gives file not found    help!16:01
notonekindI cant get the originals anymore..they turned into that file.16:01
KonjikiNoyamiastro76, sandaru1 : it looks like this http://i4.tinypic.com/7xvs1h4.png16:01
danbhfiverafal: what are you trying to do?16:01
rafaldanbhfive: install devcss16:01
rafallike in https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html#dvdplayback16:01
flakewhat package is the bottom app bar in the pic from?  http://linuxappfinder.com/screenshot_viewer/all/1875_avast_update16:01
astro76KonjikiNoyami, as I said16:01
soundraynotonekind: that's not what you said earlier...16:01
astro76KonjikiNoyami, you need to click ok... tab to the ok button, and press elect or enter to click it16:01
robdemananybody here that knows how to get TightVNC to start after a reboot?16:01
notonekindyeah, I coped the files and they turned into ONE index.dat file16:02
RockjQ: Is there any differences on performance on running 32bit ubuntu or 64bit ubuntu?16:02
rafaldanbhfive: oh ok, I see that wiki is broken16:02
danbhfiveman, firefox crashes on me SO much nowadays16:02
notonekindI have to go for a little bit, something came up, but I will be back in a little bit16:02
Jack_Sparrowsoundray: ugh16:02
RockjQ: If running 64bit ubuntu, does flash plugin and so on run under ndiswrapper sort of?16:02
stefg!boot | robdeman16:02
uboturobdeman: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto16:02
KonjikiNoyamiastro76, it works, thanks16:02
gaarahi very one16:02
notonekindif you guys can discuss it and try to come up with anything, Ill be back in maybe 20 minutes16:02
danbhfive!codecs > rafal does any of this help?16:02
rafaldanbhfive: I'm reading16:02
soundraynotonekind: forget that.16:02
rafalbtw theres a bug in wiki, can one correct it?16:02
rbs-titorafal: This is more in date https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs16:03
stefg!flash64 | Rockj16:03
ubotuRockj: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava16:03
PriceChildrafal, its a wiki, anyone can edit it.16:03
soundraynotonekind: plenty of people here for me to support who don't run off to do something else.16:03
Ximalwha wok16:03
stefgRockj: but you'll find it easier to just use the 32-bit version altogether16:03
Ximalwhen i i tried to install phpbb using synaptics manager ... it would not install without the mysql password..16:03
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Jack_Sparrownotonekind: Your problem has nothing to do with Ubuntu..16:04
Ximalwhen i put nothing in the password field.. it said unable to complete installation... not the right password16:04
Ximalshould i be reinstalling lamp itself ? or just mysql ?16:04
soundrayJack_Sparrow: good point16:04
rbs-titoXimal: PhpBB needs to make a MySql database, why don't you just change the mySql password?16:04
Jack_Sparrowsoundray: Morning to you.. back when I finish my coffee16:04
soundrayJack_Sparrow: enjoy16:05
Ximalrbs-tito : mysql won't let me.. heh..16:05
Ximalit hasn't taken anything i've thrown at it... and won't allow me to modify the password which shouldn't even exist..16:05
rbs-titoXimal: You might have to completely remove mySql in synaptic then reinstall it16:05
rafallibdvdnav: DVD disk reports itself with Region mask 0x00fd0000. Regions: 216:05
rafal[00000288] main playlist: nothing to play16:05
Ximalis there a command to reinstall mysql ?16:05
Rockjstefg, thanks. But another thing Ive noticed is ...my computers slows down after some time - thought it could be compiz-fusion but in their channel they told me there's been naughty memory leaks since 100.14.19 of the nvidia drivers. Do nvidia have a fast release plan so I can know when there's comming a fix or something?16:05
rbs-titoXimal: Use Synaptic16:05
Ximalbesides purge commands ?16:05
Ximaleww... ok16:05
rafallibdvdcss not found. You're not able to play encrypted (most commercial) DVD's16:06
Jack_Sparrowrafal: please dont use that shorthand.. not appreciated in here16:06
rbs-titoXimal: Purge would work too16:06
CherubaelAny way I can see the output grub is passing when I boot to a non-linux os?16:06
danbhfiverafal: did you look at medibuntu?16:06
xtknightCherubael, look in /boot/grub/menu.lst16:06
danbhfive!codecs > danbhfive16:06
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs16:06
rafalthis is not very comfortable...16:06
xtknightCherubael, or press E on the GRUB entry at startup to (E)dit the entry, and B to (B)oot it.16:06
rbs-titoI wish someone would make a GTK interface for K9copy16:06
Ximalis there a way in snyaptics to only show marked packages ?16:07
rafala nice buttno "make the magic to allow me playing DVDs"  with [x] yes, I am not RIAA bi** and/or I dont live in a country that is, so install decss  would be nice, wouldnt it?16:07
danbhfiveheh, i think there is a chow marked packages button16:07
Jack_SparrowXimal: you can get a list with this..16:07
ubotuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate16:07
soundrayrafal: closed, proprietary formats like DVD make things uncomfortable.16:07
rbs-titorafal: You ant libdvdcss2, not decss16:07
xtknightXimal, create a filter16:07
astro76rafal, sure but there are legal issues, adding medibuntu is easy, so please try before complaining, if you need more help ask16:07
rafalsoundray: and how is one going to change it16:07
stefgRockj: i don't know about nvidias release plans, but i'm using a 32bit with that driver just fine. In general the minor performance gain with using 64 bit doesn't outweigh the additional trouble of using it, so most people choose to run 32bit even on 64bit hardware16:07
rbs-titorafal: That is purely politics. Write to your representative, refuse to byu DVDs16:08
Jack_Sparrowrafal: by reading the link NAMED DVD that we just showed you16:08
kazolHow do I force quit the force quit app?16:08
rbs-titokazol: Use kill or killall16:08
nownothello im trying to get a vpn going and want to share one of my external hd's on the network. but im having problems with the samba part. any help me out/16:08
soundraykazol: hit ESC16:08
kazolrbs-tito: It's very ironic.16:08
kazolsoundray: It's frozen completely.16:08
* kazol can read.16:09
rbs-titokazol: Indeed it is. Let's just hope kill doesn't freeze on you16:09
bakaratdoes anyone know a company that sells ubuntu laptops in europe? (more specifically belgium)16:09
rbs-titokazol: Use top to find the PID, then use sudo kill PID16:09
stefg!samba | nownot16:09
ubotunownot: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT16:09
rbs-titobakarat: Do Dell?16:09
Ximaldone ;)16:09
robdemanBUM i snot able to make TightVNCServer boot ...16:09
bakaratrbs-tito: hard to come by in europe-belgium it seems :s16:09
soundraybakarat: you can probably get Dell UK to send you one.16:09
robdemanthere must be naother way to have TightVNCServer start after a reboot16:09
kazolrbs-tito: What string should I grep from top?16:09
rbs-titobakarat: If you have a friend in France or Germany Dell are the way to go. I got my dell Ubuntu laptop in the UK16:09
rbs-titokazol: Not sure, sorry16:10
bakaratare they the only distributor of ubuntu based laptops? :S16:10
kazolI've been finding that Windows Vista is as stable as Ubuntu from my experience.16:10
Cherubaelxtknight: Yeah, I've tried that, but I want to see what occurs after grub quits and Windows begins to boot; me issue is grub finishing properly (ubuntu boots fine) but windows failing. I get no errors, though16:10
rbs-titobakarat: Sort of, they are the best. Others seem to be dodgy and very small time companies16:10
stefgrobdeman: you need to edit /etc/init.d/rc.local16:10
smookerhi ppls, i cant get the Animation effects of Compiz Fusion :(16:10
smookerthey dont work and i dont know the combination16:11
smookerof keys16:11
bakaratrbs-tito: ok16:11
kazolEllias: ?16:11
rbs-titobakarat: You could always buy a Windows laptop from Dell and try to get a refund.. The dimension 6400 with Windows is the exact same ahrdware as the version with Ubuntu16:11
soundraykazol: why don't you tell someone who's interested?16:11
_virus_anyway problem solved *blush* X is using xorg.conf.failsafe behind my back, so i turned Emulate3Buttons off there16:11
rbs-titobakarat: It will be a tough game to get a refund though. Probably a few hours on the phone16:11
kazolsoundray: I'm just saying.16:11
soundray_virus_: oh, that could have one thinking16:11
bakaratrbs-tito: hmm16:11
soundraykazol: it's offtopic16:12
rbs-titobakarat: You will need to take photos of you disagreeing to the EULA and stuff16:12
bakaratrbs-tito: nasty16:12
kazolsoundray: There are plenty of more off-topic conversations which occur here.16:13
thorstefg: booting vncserver is an interesting question. If you edit rc.local, how to you get it to run vncserver as a specific user?16:13
soundraykazol: you can complain in #ubuntu-ops16:13
soulriderdoes anyone here kno whow to add the | symbol in OpenOffice Math ?16:13
mohdIs there a way to get sound file previews in 7.1016:13
rbs-titobakarat: Yeah, you can do that if you want to keep a principle. but if you just want a working laptop just wipe Windows off it straight away, spit on the disc and stuff ;)16:13
sandaru1thor: su -u user Xvnc ?16:13
stefgthor: setuid? call a second script?16:14
bakaratrbs-tito: it's the extra cost for windows... :P16:14
bakaratwasted money16:14
danbhfivethor: you could try System > Preferences > Sessions     im just guessing there16:14
rbs-titobakarat: It's like £20 from Dell16:14
Rockjstefg, thanks btw :)  Ill see if I can just fix those tiny bugs in 64bit. Just finally ported myself over to linux on desktop on main computer. been using on laptop for ages (tho no fancy 3d stuff because of ati)16:14
rbs-titobakarat: Ubuntu is available in the UK, USA, Germany and France preinstalled on Dells. You could get a friend there or something!16:15
thorI always started vncserver via an ssh login when I needed it since I use ssh tunneling. But the question got me thinking....never learned how to run something at boot as a user.16:15
soundraythor: I think the way to start a vncserver at boot is via gdm. Haven't done it, though16:16
notonekindHey sorry about all that. my sister cut her hand on a broken picture16:16
thorsoundray  gdm will handle XDCMP but I don't think it will start vncserver16:17
soundraythor: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNC16:17
bakaratrbs-tito: you mean the inspiron 6400?16:18
soundraythor: gdm will start any kind of X server16:18
rbs-titobakarat: Yeah, I'm talking from one now16:18
bakaratrbs-tito: no problems whatsoever with ubuntu? (buddy of mine has a dell and has problems with his wireless)16:19
rbs-titobakarat: It comes with an Intel wireless chip. It works perfectly out of the box, WPA and everything16:19
bakaratrbs-tito: nice :)16:19
sandaru1thor: just an idea.. if you are connecting over a LAN, x11-forwarding is a superb choice16:19
notonekindAlright, does anyone know anything .dat files, or doing a restore using Ubuntu?16:20
corruptionoflulzanyone know of anything better than sound juicer?16:20
soundraynotonekind: your problem is a Windows one. Ask in an appropriate channel.16:20
soundraycorruptionoflulz: abcde16:20
thorsandaru1 actually, you can use X forwarding via ssh tunnel even from the world. But sometimes you need the full desktop. I do use both but always through a tunnel, never thought about having it auto start at boot16:20
notonekindI was here for four hours last night; we determined it is'nt a windows problem.16:21
thorsoundray reading that url now...thanks16:21
sandaru1thor: i'm talking about the bandwidth :)16:21
rafalvlc crashes on playing dvds (7.10 amd64)16:21
bakaratrbs-tito: he's a bit put off by the intel 3D card in it :s16:21
corruptionoflulzsoundray: thanks, installing now.16:21
Ximalk.. I'm oing to just reformat X-|  ... this is a debilitating problem.. not being able to even login to my own mysql database to alter it :(16:21
bakaratrbs-tito: you know of another model that is 100% compatible?16:21
Ximalriot .. what was that command earlier ?16:22
soundraynotonekind: Windows clumped your files together into a single one. How is that not a Windows problem?16:22
rbs-titobakarat: Why? He isn't going too be gaming is he? Intel cards are supported well in Linux16:22
Ximalthe mysqladmin you showed me ?16:22
thorsandaru1  agreed...X forwarding is much more efficient than vnc and is usually what I prefer, but sometimes I want to view a remote desktop16:22
bakaratrbs-tito: he wants to be able to play guildwars on it (i think)16:22
rbs-titobakarat: Erm, no sorry. There are some colourful ones in the USA that have Nvidia16:22
notonekindI don't know, but its not anything that can be solved with windows is my point.16:22
kimguru87hi guys i've installed 7.10 on intel 3.0 sata 80 gb hd. it worked fine for 2 days.now i m getting error 17 when grub loading.and i cant do nothing excep turn off.can anyone have any idea16:22
rbs-titocheck the model and s ee if they do it i n  Belgium16:22
rbs-titobakarat: www.dell.com/ubuntu16:22
sandaru1thor: actually i mean vice-versa.. VNC is much more efficient in bandwidth.. that's why there are such things called NX clients16:23
soundraythor: here's another thought: set gdm to autologin and configure vino. Then you can start a vnc client via ssh X forwarding...16:23
Ximalcan anyone please please .. errr nm.. * shoots pc in processor unit ! *16:23
sandaru1thor: in my experience x11 is not quite suitable if you are not using a LAN.. dunno about your internet connection speeds though ;)16:24
thorsandaru1 I thought x forwarding was better for bandwidth. I have been working with this stuff with a friend in Dublin Ireland (I am in Pond Inlet, Nunavut...the high arctic). we found that vnc was kinda slow...but much faster in an ssh tunnel. we found the same for X forwarding, that it runs faster through a tunnel.16:25
void^x11 forwarding is okay-ish over something like a dsl line when using ssh with compression16:25
bakaratanyone know of a ubuntu-compatible laptop with a decent nvidia card in it?16:25
soulriderif anyone knows how to do this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3878146#post3878146 please post :)16:26
thorvoid^ right...things sped up noticeably once I turned on compression in tightvnc16:26
XimalIs it possible the issue with mysql server not allowing me to login is because it bases itself off of the root password of user root in ubuntu which is disabled until unlocked ?16:26
Ximali mean... is it possible ? that it's a bug ?16:26
rafaleven after installing stuff from medibuntu etc, still no program can play DVD, wtf16:26
kimguru87hi guys i've installed 7.10 on intel 3.0 sata 80 gb hd. it worked fine for 2 days.now i m getting error 17 when grub is loading.and i cant do anything excep turn off.anyone have any idea16:27
f0rke1Hello, anyone know if GNU R version 2.6.1 is available for Gutsy 7.10, synaptics reports 2.5.1 only.16:27
PriceChildkimguru87, what did you do before it broke?16:27
Ximalrafal ... installed lib-dvd-css2 ?16:27
f0rke1or point me to a doc on how to do a manual installation16:27
sandaru1thor: if you look at the number of X server calls a usual menu click makes, you'll see why X11 is not so efficient.. and mouse moves, etc. in VNC, mouse pointer is handled locally.. and RFB protocol is much improved16:28
PriceChildkimguru87, i'd suggest your grub's menu.lst is broken16:28
PriceChildkimguru87, pointing to the wrong partition.16:28
PriceChildkimguru87, when grub appears, you can press "e" to edit the line to point it to the correct partition.16:28
bkingxHi all, any thoughts as to why a server would be running fine with static IP and then all of a sudden grap an ip from DHCP?  Restarting networking sets it back to the static ip.16:28
soundraysoulrider: what's the name of that symbol?16:29
kimguru87no i cant do it16:29
sidelilexcuse me, the sintax for vncviewer is vncviewer or something like this. But if I would connect to a pc behind a router, what shold I do? How can i specify the internet ip address and the lan ip address? Thank you16:29
kimguru87it just hangs16:29
marco_how do i connect to screens with linux ubuntu ? i would like to have to sreens working at the same time16:29
soundray!dualhead | marco_16:29
ubotumarco_: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama16:29
marco_how do i connect two screens with linux ubuntu ? i would like to have two sreens working at the same time16:29
corruptionoflulzsidelil: i was wondering this too, i can get to one computer behind a router, but i don't know how to specify which i want to connect to.16:29
chestykimguru87: google for grub error 17, the first hit is from ubuntuforum16:30
sandaru1sidelil: you'll have to change the router settings.. or route the traffic through a server16:30
kimguru87ok just google it and find thred in ubuntu forum16:31
kimguru87talk 2 u later if it didnt solved16:31
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
sidelilsandaru1, how can i do it?16:31
sidelilsandaru1, my pc is routing all the traffic through the port 22 now. Is it right?16:32
soulridersoundray, no idea16:32
lusepuster_run Kopete in a Gnome-environment. but I have this minor annoyance that only a few of the Icons show up - any suggestions as to what to do to fix it?16:32
sandaru1sidelil: depends on the router. you can create a rule to forward traffic in 5910 to
soulridersoulrider, but it looks like the pipe, |16:32
soundraysoulrider: do you know how one would generate it in TeX?16:32
soulridersoundray, nope, but i saw in wikipedia they use the pipe symbol16:33
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soulrideropenoffice shows the pipe as an OR symbol16:33
sandaru1sidelil: what do you mean by all traffic is routing through port 22?16:34
Ximalsomeone wanna tell me what this means in terminal ?    mysql>16:34
XimalI tried a password i tried before and it wouldn't let me in..16:34
Ximalwhich angel do I thank for going into my system and helping me ?16:35
soundraysoulrider: OpenOffice.org supports MathML. If you could find a name for the symbol, it would probably be easy to look it up in MathML docs.16:35
almancoraWhen I installed Ubuntu on my laptop, the sound is remarkably low, allthougt is is on maximum, can anyone help?16:35
marco_anyone has XFree86 ? please16:35
eriscohow can I force my cdrom to umount?16:35
void^Ximal: you're running mysql. try 'quit'.16:35
eriscoit says the device is busy... it isn't16:35
soundrayalmancora: doubleclick the loudspeaker icon and increase both PCM and Master volume16:36
Ximalyeah void16:36
eriscohow can I force my media to unmount??16:36
sandaru1almancora: download the latest alsa from www.alsa-project.org and install16:36
tech_hello guys , question regarding ubuntu installation16:36
soulridersoundray, ive got no idea of what MatML is :P16:36
Ximalfor some reason my password was set somehow..16:36
marco_where can i download XFree86 ?16:36
XimalI think I know what happened ..16:36
fihi09erisco: try umount -r16:36
Ximalan security flaw in ubuntu's lamp server16:36
soundraymarco_: it's replaced by xorg in Ubuntu.16:37
Ximalis there... err nm16:37
Lunar_Lamperisco, try "lsof /device/name" and that will tell you what is using it.16:37
tech_when ur installing ubuntu and ur at the partition screen, and u set the layout16:37
soundraysoulrider: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MathML16:37
tech_then it says creating partiton/file system ,16:37
eriscoLOL, my other terminal had its cwd in it16:37
tech_then tries to read file from cdrom16:37
tech_question if at that point time, some1 takes the cd out16:37
tech_is the file system formatted/creatted or u gotta do it again16:38
sandaru1Ximal: did you try a purge? you may check whether purge removes data at /var/lib/mysql16:38
g00seRunning live disk here (2.6.22-14). 'Windows network' appears for browsing but not much sign of samba running or any exports. How do i export?16:40
Oli``Guys I can't seem to get sound through xine (ALSA) and Flash at the same time. If I have firefox loaded, xine craps out with errors. If I start with xine loaded (eg Amarok or a video player) there's no Flash audio. How can I fix this?16:40
BlackDiamondsOli`` have you done anything to your audio settings ?16:41
bullgard4soundray: I repeated to persuade Gutsy to hibernate at a defined time. gnome-power-manager keeps saying that "hibernate failed". /var/log/syslog shows no other real error messages. I can see how nm_hal_device_removed () removed successively 3 devices and later restored them in opposite sequence. No real error message to be seen.16:41
tech_ok guess no one16:41
mixandgohello, I have removed ipv6 module from my linux box and now firefox won't resolve any address, any idea why ?16:41
keshahi, can anyone tell me please which ports I have to open on firewall gateway to use msn webcam?16:41
Oli``BlackDiamonds: quite possibly. I've been kicking things backwards and forwards for a couple of days trying to fix other sound issues. I wish I could go back to defaults16:42
stefgg00se: there is no samba *server* installed on the live system, only smb browsing as provided by nautilus16:43
napsy_hello. I have a problem with a package. How can I force the package installation with dpkg?16:43
g00sestefg: Thanks. What's quickest way to export then to another Linux box16:44
ivanowitchHi. My power management is behaving rather funny... When i plug in the power, it starts running on AC, but after a few minutes it suddenly changes to discharging the battery, and both the battery and the power led starts flashing. I am sure it has somehthing to do with acpi, but sudo dpkg-reconfigure acpid doesn't solve the problem :( Anyone got a suggestion to what might help?16:44
ShiftyPowersanyone know how to make a samba client be able to follow symlinks on a samba share?16:44
stefgg00se: install openssh-server in the live system and use ssh16:44
stefg!info sshfs | g00se16:45
ubotug00se: sshfs: filesystem client based on SSH File Transfer Protocol. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.7-2.1 (gutsy), package size 34 kB, installed size 120 kB16:45
g00seubotu: That mean i can actually export/mount rather than ssh?16:45
bazhangubotu is a bot you know "}16:46
Oli``lies! ubotu is people!16:46
g00se(I'm normally on #debian)16:46
stefgg00se: ssh-server provides a sftp server as well, so you van use nautilus' 'connect to server' on the client system16:47
bullgard4ivanowitch: Report error messages at that time in /var/log/syslog.16:47
kalehhas anybody read the latest issue (#7) of Full-Circle?16:47
isthatall2 issues with gutsy after upgrade: a)system will not cleanly reboot, goes to black screen with blinking cursor, alt-sysreq-b required every time. b)keys seem to get "stuck" sometimes, for instance flipping the cube in compiz sometimes creates a whirl of cube spinning madness...any ideas here?16:47
g00sestefg: Actually the client is Debian, but i'm hoping that sshfs allows transparent networking using ssh, including normal mounting and exporting. Am i right?16:48
soundraybullgard4, ivanowitch: if you suspect an incompatibility between your laptop and Linux ACPI, it may help to recompile your ACPI DSDT with Intel's compiler iasl.16:48
bullgard4soundray: I am reluctant as Feisty worked all right with the same DSDT.16:49
stefgg00se: doesn't matter... if you run konqueror or nautilus you'll be able to connect to the box running the live-system (using a pseudo-maount over ssh)16:49
g00sestefg: It would be Thunar in my case, but i could try it16:50
soundraybullgard4: I'm sticking to feisty on my work laptop, not least because of the various troubles you reported...16:50
stefgg00se: you need sshfs on the debian box with thunar... thunar has no builtin network browsing, so you need to do it on the fs level16:51
bullgard4soundray: Another German guy who had the same Gutsy error reported that he got rid of it by installing a swap partition. But I do have a swap partition.16:51
soundraybullgard4: is downgrading an option for you? You'd have to backup your data and reinstall...16:51
soundraybullgard4: how big is your swap?16:51
g00sestefg: Thought that could be the case. No problem - i work at the command line mostly anyway16:52
bullgard4soundray: soundray My swap is about 1.1 gig16:52
soundraybullgard4: and your RAM is 1GB?16:52
tapasi wonder: where are the default UUIDs saved that update-grub uses?16:52
ivanowitchhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46584/ is my guess of what the problem is... It seems that acpi clashes with something...16:52
soundraytapas: can you rephrase that?16:53
bullgard4soundray: Yes, downgrading is an option. But I would wait with that and try some other measures before.16:53
soundrayivanowitch: consider booting with the 'pci=noacpi' option16:53
bullgard4soundray: My RAM is 0.512 gig16:53
soundraybullgard4: is your swap in use? 'free' to check16:54
g00sestefg: is there a quick way on the live disk to start sshd?16:54
ivanowitchok... err... how do i do that?16:54
tapassoundray: sure, when i run update-grub a new menu.lst is written16:55
bullgard4soundray: Yes, it in use. It was in use in Feisty also. 'free' confirms that.16:55
tapassoundray: each entry for a kernel contains a root filesystem16:55
tapassoundray: in my case it's specified by UUID16:55
tapassoundray: i moved the root fs to a new hd, thus the labels don't match anymore16:55
stefgg00se: sudo apt-get install openssh-server16:55
tapasi can hand edit menu.lst, but i'd rather get it right so it works allright at the next kernel uipdaete, too16:55
soundraytapas: try blkid16:56
Ximalwhat is the syntax to delete a folder ?16:56
Ximalin terminal ?16:56
robdemanwhere can I find failed / error / messages for rc.local ?16:56
tapassoundray: i know he UUID of my new hd16:56
tapasthat's no problem16:56
tapasi wonder how to make that default on consequent update-grub runs16:56
xtknightXimal, rm -rf /the/folder/in/question16:56
soundray!bootoptions | ivanowitch16:56
ubotuivanowitch: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions16:56
bulmerXimal rm -rf /pathto/dirtoremove16:56
Ximalty guys !16:56
g00sestefg:  Thanks. Think i'll go back to Knoppix - it allows startssh ;-)16:57
g00se(Or is it sshstart?)16:57
|lidia|how can i mount on fstab a new partitions an set it`s mount point to home16:57
|lidia|gparted wont let me set the mount point to home16:57
stefgtapas: inspect the comments in /boot/grub/menu.lst ... there are 'magical comments'  , the one you are looking for starts with '#kopt'16:58
danbhfivegparted cant do that for you16:58
tapasstefg: heh ok :)16:58
danbhfivei dont think it handles mount points16:58
bulmer|lidia|-> mount point is just a directory..so manually moun it like  mount /dev/hdaX /newhome16:58
BobSappIs nvidia 3d accel working out of the box now for 7.10 ?16:58
sidelilsandaru1, i mean that under "port forwarding" in my router's preferences i said to direct to port 22 everything from that pc16:58
jrib|lidia|: move current /home to /home.backup first.  Then create an empty /home.  Update your fstab and reboot16:58
Sharpieis there a good program to manage the gnome panels? (like, move launchers around etc.)16:59
soundraytapas: you need to modify the # kopt=... line rather than the kernel lines themselves16:59
danbhfive|lidia| : I created a webpage explaining how to move your home16:59
jrib|lidia|: that's assuming you do not want to keep the files in your current /home16:59
|lidia|i had a windows partitions i formated it with gparted made it reiserfs and now i want to use it as a home partition16:59
g00sestefg: Thanks for all that16:59
soundraytapas: you may find "man update-grub" interesting16:59
|lidia|i want to be mounted on boot16:59
Xplicitim having a wierd problem with a firefox beta its not frozen up (100% usage) but its just stoped doing anything, is there a signal i can send it to kick it16:59
jrib|lidia|: fstab does that16:59
tapassoundray: i got it already.. thanks17:00
bulmerjrib-> mounting on top of an existing directory does not destroy or erase the existing one eh?17:00
tapasyeah i was looking for a FILES section in the update-grubmanpage17:00
tapasthere was none ;)17:00
|lidia|i dont want to do mount /dev/sda1 /home every time i boot up17:00
jribbulmer: hm?17:00
tapasi also wonder: why is my ide hd in the notebook called sda?17:00
jrib|lidia|: that is why you put it in your fstab17:00
soulridersoundray, i made it, just add a divides symbol and then rsup and rdub and thats it17:00
stefgg00se: np.. Ubuntu Desktop CD's aren't that much optimized for serving files out, so using knoppix for the task might be the right decision17:00
xtknighttapas, libata in new kernel made all ide devices appear as scsi17:00
tech_hello guys17:00
bulmerjrib the need to move /home is not necessary noh? just to mount a partition on top of it..17:00
soundraysoulrider: well done17:00
tech_got a question regarding ubuntu installation17:00
danbhfive!fstab > danbhfive17:01
jribbulmer: well I'd avoid it17:01
stefg!install | tech17:01
ubotutech: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate17:01
tech_what i need to know, when i start the setup, get to partition layout , and set the partition, then u know17:01
tech_it says something like creating file system/partitions17:01
tech_then it starts to read file from cd right17:01
mixandgoisn't firefox using the global dns ?17:01
soundraydanbhfive: you can also do '/msg ubotu fstab'17:01
bulmerjrib i agree...he'd much better to mount it in an unused directory17:01
ankuris there any fast web browser in ubuntu without firefox?17:02
LjL!browsers > ankur    (ankur, see the private message from Ubotu)17:02
tech_ankur opera17:02
danbhfivesoundray : ok thanks17:02
bulmerankur w3m17:02
Billis there anyone who specializes in psubuntu17:02
dinop007where is the cookies of firefox saved in and where is my favorite?17:02
mikebeechamRatThing: are you there mate?17:02
stefgtech_: are you using automatic or manual partitioninig?17:02
tech_question if some 1 takes the cd out, during the cd reading proces, is partition already formmated17:02
danbhfivefavorites = bookmarks17:02
CondouloI have a question about Flash in Opera. How would I install it?17:02
tech_sir i used " erase whole /dev/hda17:02
jrib|lidia|: the easiest way to do this thing is in recovery mode.  But you aren't being very clear about what you want to happen to the files in your old /home17:02
LjL!flash > Condoulo    (Condoulo, see the private message from Ubotu)17:02
bulmerdinop007-> did you look around ~/.mozilla ?17:02
soundraydinop007: 'locate cookies.txt | grep $USER'17:03
tech_yes auto that means17:03
isthatall2 issues with gutsy after upgrade: a)system will not cleanly reboot, goes to black screen with blinking cursor, alt-sysreq-b required every time. b)keys seem to get "stuck" sometimes, for instance flipping the cube in compiz sometimes creates a whirl of cube spinning madness...or hitting 'backspace' in opera goes back and back and back to the first page I started in, any ideas here?17:03
soundraydinop007: to transfer your bookmarks, open firefox and export them.17:03
stefgCondoulo: serach the opera forums, there's some howto's there17:03
tech_s anyone?17:03
dinop007soundray: i need to inport them..17:03
YgorSpainHi EveryboDy. does anyone know a nice walkthrough/tutorial teachin' how to make a wireless card BCM94311MCG wlan mini-PCI work on ubuntu 7.10 on hp pavilion dv 6000 (dv6325ea)...or how can i make it work beeing offline ?17:03
jrib!wifi > ygorspain (read the private message from ubotu)17:04
jribYgorSpain: check if the wiki does17:04
stefgtech_: so what is your problem ?17:04
tech_stef question is , when it say creating files syetm, then reads , if some take cd out17:04
claudio_cambié el xchat17:04
tech_do i need to partition again, or it formmated it already17:04
Billi need better screen resolution on my ps3ubuntu17:04
soundraydinop007: to import them, you have to have exported them in the original browser first.17:05
Jack_Sparrowtech_: if all you want to do is partition, run live and gparted.. dont try to abort the install17:05
tech_jack ok will keep that in mind17:05
ankurhow i change my refresh rate 65 to 85 in ubuntu?17:06
tech_my nephew 3yr old pressed the eject tab :(17:06
dinop007soundray: i got my favorite folder from internet explorer....17:06
Jack_Sparrowankur: xorg.conf17:06
rafalhow to have good kernel, with NOHZ and support for cryptoloops, and possibly witrh grsecurity17:06
bulmerankur-> you have to modify the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file17:06
tech_so is it done formmatting or do i need to partition again17:06
tim__tech_: quick partitioning takes a hole 50 seconds just redo it if you want to install ?17:06
tech_tim ok ty17:06
claudio_alguien me puede ayudar con el problema de red si o no??17:06
Ein_I need help17:06
somedudeI need some help with a recent update17:06
jrib!es | claudio_17:06
ubotuclaudio_: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.17:06
LjLclaudio_: no, por favor joine #ubuntu-es para espanol17:06
tech_you guys aint getting my question17:06
tech_no worries17:07
tech_thanks anyways god bless all17:07
bullgard4claudio_: Yo no hablo bien Espanol.17:07
bulmertech_-> we aint getting it...re phrase..hehehe17:07
Jack_Sparrowtech_: dont risk it.. just partition it again to be sure\17:07
tech_ok ty jack mate,17:07
Jack_Sparrowtech_: You dont want to find the problem later after you do a bunchof work17:07
tech_that true17:08
tech_actually the thing is sir17:08
tech_my brother does not know how to partition, so i had to give my hdd to him17:08
Ein_I wanna make Configuration in  nVidia Drivers17:08
krammerdoes anybody use shadow suite for Ubuntu?17:09
jribEin_: can you be more specific?17:09
tech_so he can install linux  i had to create sawp and /17:09
claudio_hola alguien habla español??17:09
tech_so i just did like i just said17:09
Jack_Sparrowtech_: you didnt need to create anything.. The installer can do it all for you17:09
tech_and gave the hdd away as he was in hurry17:09
Elliasare there any good channels to talk about ubuntu/linux security, networking, and sys admin?17:09
danbhfiveis the guy who wanted to know about flash still here?17:09
tech_so was wondering was partitioning done or do i have to go there do it again17:10
heevenclaudio_,  eu sou portugues17:10
rafalUbuntu failed17:10
=== VoX is now known as vox
tech_it did say creatigng file system, then started reding cd rom17:10
krammerdoes anybody use shadow suite for Ubuntu?17:10
tech_sorry bout spellings17:10
ankurhow i modify  /etc/X11/xorg.conf file ?17:10
rafalubuntu fails to login into GNOME, it works with fail save gnome though.... wtf?  is this a known issue?17:11
Elliasankur: use vi17:11
tim__tech_: the ubuntu install is super easy on any HD just pop in the cd, press install, and yes 4 times. thats it17:11
bulmerankur-> with an editor like nano or vim17:11
Jack_Sparrowtech_: If I have to answer the answer is NO the partitions are not complete and not useable17:11
rafalankur: use vim, its like vi but better17:11
Elliasare there any good channels to talk about ubuntu/linux security, networking, and sys admin?17:11
somedudeThe last security update hosed my display, can anyone help with this?17:11
ankurcai i use gedit?17:11
soundrayEllias: try #ubuntu-offtopic17:11
tech_ok ty jack sir, i'll go there again do it17:11
Jack_Sparrowankur: gksudo gedit ...17:11
soundrayankur: 'gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf'17:11
tech_late all17:11
Elliasankur: you will have to use sudo to... so sudo vim /etc/X11/xorg.conf17:11
bro_manHow do I turn off the * comments about "____ has joined" and " _____ has quit" ?17:11
rafalbro_man: what irc client?17:12
rafalbro_man: ie konversation have "hide join/part events"17:12
Elliassoundray: k thanks17:12
ankurbut how i change refresh ret?17:12
YgorSpainjrib:thx ! i guess this wiki will help me out.but just one question: is there any way to download the files asked to be used by using windows ? cuz i cant connect to internet inside ubuntu .17:12
rafalcan anyone help17:12
Xima1I used synaptic to do an install of phpbb .... what would be the http://localhost folder to use ?17:12
bro_manrafal: Xchat17:12
soundrayankur: 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'17:12
Xima1to access it ?17:12
jribYgorSpain: what files exactly?17:13
ankurhere say VertRefresh43-6017:13
soundray!fixres > ankur, please read the private message from ubotu17:13
rafalbro_man: dunno in Xchat17:13
rafalhelp help17:13
bulmerYgorSpain-> you can always use whatever download mechanish in windows, like ftp17:13
Ein_ok... I typed this command in terminal: sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf17:13
danbhfiveYgorSpain: you can just go to the repository directly, if that is what you are talking about17:13
rafalwell ok ;)17:13
bro_manok, thanks anyway...17:13
poeloqAnybody know how to tell gnome to groupe windows in it's taskbar (for example bittorrent)17:13
mikebeechamRatThing: you there mate17:13
soundrayEin_: please use gksudo with graphical programs17:13
YgorSpain[danbhfive]: yeah thats what i want..i think :P17:13
tim__Xima1: probably /var/www/  ?17:13
YgorSpainhow can i do it ?17:13
jribpoogle: right click on the window list -> preferences17:14
Xima1I have a file of index already in var/www17:14
poeloqjrib: thanks17:14
poeloqjrib: where is the window list?!17:14
jribpoeloq: the thing in your panel that lists the windows17:14
Ein_np... but I want to but some command in the configuration file17:14
soundraypoeloq: the window list is what you called taskbar17:14
mikebeechamhey guys...can I get some advice about twinview...at the moment (within nVidia settings) I have twinview setup...when I maximise a window, it maximises to both windows...how can I set a window to only maximise to the monitor it is sitting in?17:14
Ongakuwow I had the oddest problem with rhythmbox and totem yesterday, an all of a sudden it works today lol17:14
tim__poeloq: not sure but you could just use a diffrent client like azureus or rtorrent17:15
poeloqtim__: I prefer it this way :P17:15
Sharpieis there a better menu editor than alacarte?17:15
poeloqjrib: I don't get preferences17:15
Xima1could anyone tell me what the folder I would use or link to in my www to have people view my phpbb2 i installed via synaptics might possibly be ?17:15
YgorSpainCommands like: user@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install build-essential / sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r` / sudo ln -s /usr/src/linux-`uname -r` /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build / i need to be online, right ?17:15
tim__yes i forgot about the window list thing :)17:15
mikebeechamanyone please help on twinview?17:15
poeloqjrib: got it17:15
danbhfiveygorspain: yeah17:16
jribYgorSpain: those packages are on the ubuntu cd17:16
soundraymikebeecham: have some patience. If someone knows the answer, they will reply. If not, retry in ten to fifteen minutes.17:16
somedudeXima1- It's /var/www17:16
Xima1heh... ok17:16
YgorSpainSo how can i get this specific files being offline..or using windows to download it ?17:16
YgorSpain[jrib]: yeah ? hmm i dont know..well.. thanks guys..im gonna try it.. :D17:17
jribYgorSpain: you pop in the cd and it will add it as a repository17:17
YgorSpaingot it... thx ! :P17:17
Xima1ok.. somedude .. that's not it m817:17
TraFFkaI'm GOD!17:17
Jack_SparrowTraFFka: Bye..17:17
tim__Xima1: did try reading the man file?17:18
somedudeXima1- /var/www is the root directory for your web server.17:18
Xima1no tim i didn't,,,17:18
Xima1tanks .. ill look in it now17:18
Xima1good day to all ;)17:18
MepT_Bblui am God too17:18
zaxXimal it should be usr/share/Phpbb something depending on the version installed (2 or 3) then make a symbolic link in /var/www to that directory17:19
somedudeCan someone help me with a display problem after installing latest security update?17:19
MepT_BbluFloodBot1: hey!17:19
soundray!anyone | somedude17:19
ubotusomedude: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?17:19
tim__somedude: fights with xorg.conf are normaly won by xorg not the user :)17:20
somedudeHave a bunch of horizontal gray ghost bars across my display after applying the last update17:20
wressleCan I disable the desktop in metacity in any way? I don't want any icons on my desktop17:20
linux4909i have an easy one for you.17:20
MepT_Bblufuck ass17:20
tim__somedude: try changing the resolution / refresh rate17:21
=== diemos is now known as diemos|afk
linux4909i have a link to an image and want to know, if it's a mac OS or Ubuntu.17:21
somedudeI did that, changed drivers, searched internet for updated drivers, all was working before update17:21
LjLlinux4909: everything points to Ubuntu17:21
tonyyarussolinux4909: well, considering it's leftyb's site, I'd say Ubuntu without even looking17:22
freqkI'm actually looking for a Waffles.fm invitation. I already got a STMusic and What.cd account.17:22
freqkIs there a similar IRC for waffles?17:22
bmodhi, does anyone know why my nvidia driver seems to disappear after a reboot?17:22
linux4909i came across it when i was searching ubuntu wallpapers on google17:22
freqkwoops, wrong irc17:22
linux4909so my next question is what is the bar at the bottom called17:22
* nsh ate the wrong irc once and had a terrible tummy ache17:23
linux4909like a taskbar or something with the apps in it17:23
somedudeis this an Xorg problem?17:23
linux4909i want one of those17:23
bro_manTo anyone familiar with Xchat... How do I turn off the * comments about "____ has joined" and " _____ has quit" ?17:23
soundraylinux4909: it's called the Window List applet17:23
mikebeechamHi...if anyone know a lot about twinview and metamode settings, then I would REALLY appreciate a conversation about now :(17:23
linux4909is that a repo in  ubunto or do i download it?17:23
LjLlinux4909: it's a dock, there are a few, and some are broken too, but you can make something like that with a pretty standard gnome panel as well17:23
soundraymikebeecham: you asked a good question before. Now you've asked a poor one.17:23
tim__somedude: try looking for a backup of the xorg.conf or change the xorg.conf to play nice with the new drivers would be my guess17:24
tonyyarussosoundray: no, he means the accelerated dock thing17:24
linux4909so do i find it in System menu or do i download and install something in terminal?17:24
ragnar__hey ppl17:24
mikebeechamsoundray...I'm stressing out here..I DONT need a smart comment from you...if you can help then I would appreciate you being quiet17:24
ragnar__hi all17:24
ragnar__i have problems17:24
mikebeechamcant** help17:24
somedudecan I go back a version of xorg without hosing up other things?17:24
ragnar__no u will!17:24
LjLsomedude: nope17:24
bmoddid anyone ever have the problem where the nvidia driver seemed to vanish after a reboot?17:25
ragnar__can someone pls reset me irc passwrd?17:25
tonyyarussoragnar__: #freenode for that17:25
soundraymikebeecham: I'm giving you good advice about how to make use of IRC, which is to ask your original question again.17:25
somedudecan I change to a saved xorg.conf without hosing things up?17:25
bmodand what program tries to probe my graphics devices/monitors startup17:25
LjLsomedude, NO17:25
r00723r0hi, i have a list of files in a read-only directory17:25
r00723r0i need to link to them17:25
soundraymikebeecham: trust me, I know which type of question attracts responses. The frustrated ones don't.17:25
r00723r0how would i do this?17:25
LjLsomedude, err, xorg.conf - yes17:25
ankuri still dont change my refresh ret17:26
LjLsomedude: assuming the saved xorg.conf is good to begin with17:26
skyfalcon866where can i get hardy17:26
LjL!hardy > skyfalcon866    (skyfalcon866, see the private message from Ubotu)17:26
somedudeLjL, the last security update caused horizontal gray ghost bars on my display, any thoughts?17:26
tim__somedude: Ctrl+F1 gives you a cli so you can fix any errors in the xorg , so just play around a bit17:26
soundray<mikebeecham> hey guys...can I get some advice about twinview...at the moment (within nVidia settings) I have twinview setup...when I maximise a window, it maximises to both windows...how can I set a window to only maximise to the monitor it is sitting in?17:26
tonyyarussor00723r0: You shouldn't have to do anything different - a link only needs read privlidges anyway17:26
soundraymuch better ^^17:26
LjLsomedude: never heard of yet. report a bug17:26
mikebeechamok...I have an issue with Twinview (I think)...when I swtiched on my machine this morning all my graphics were corrupted.  After speaking to RatThing this morning, he helped me to get my drivers back.  However, I now have new problems...ANY changes I make within nvidia-settings will not stay, and I always have one monitor working when I restart X...my desktop goes back to 800 x 60017:27
r00723r0tonyyarusso, yes, but the folder is read-only as well17:27
somedudeLjL, where do I go to report a bug?17:27
LjL!bugs > somedude    (somedude, see the private message from Ubotu)17:27
r00723r0so if i right click and select Make Links it won't do anything17:27
mikebeechamAs well as that...when I maximse a window, it spans across two monitors, where it used to just maximise in the monitor it was sitting in...how can I change this?17:27
somedudeTim, LjL- Thanks for the help!!17:28
tim__good luck17:28
tonyyarussor00723r0: err, I'm not even sure how to make links graphically, to be honest.  I've only done it with ln.17:28
tim__anyone know why there is not an automated rootkit killer on the ubuntu live cd?17:28
linux4909_im back.17:28
linux4909_i lost  my connection17:28
LjLtim__, uh, there is no such thing as a (reliable, at least) "rootkit killer"17:28
linux4909_i was the person asking about the menu panel at the bottom of the screen17:28
* mafsi is away: I'm not here now17:28
linux4909_ljl as helping me17:29
breakerfallthis distro has, quite possibly, the worst installation I've ever seen. It simply stinks.17:29
LjL!away > mafsi    (mafsi, see the private message from Ubotu)17:29
r00723r0tonyyarusso, aye, how would i choose all folders in a directory (all those that don't end with for example *.txt) and link them to my desktop?17:29
ankurhellow i again say how i change my screen ret 65 to 85????17:29
LjLbreakerfall, got a question, or simply want to moan?17:29
linux4909_did someone say ubuntu is the worst install ever?17:29
breakerfallsimply want to moan...17:29
linux4909_how do i talk AT someone and make their name yellow?17:30
LjLbreakerfall: then #ubuntu-offtopic please17:30
bmodwhere can i remove 'graphics autodetection' stuff that happens at startup17:30
breakerfallI've finally installed, but now it won't load a GUI17:30
zaxin XChat to hide the join / parted messages right click on the channel name and deselect it17:30
mikebeechamwould someone mind looking at this pastebin of my xorg.conf and tell me what I'm doing wrong?17:30
tim__cant it just check the crc of the files on the install with the correct version off the net?17:30
breakerfallit hangs on boot, I assume, when trying to start x17:30
breakerfallyet the live cd displayed fine.17:30
tonyyarussor00723r0: As in you want links on the desktop _to_ them I assume?17:30
crdlbmikebeecham: why not use twinview?17:31
LjLbreakerfall: can you reach a terminal by hitting Alt+F1?17:31
LjLor Ctrl+Alt+F117:31
mikebeechamcrdlb: I am trying to...but for some reason no changes I make in nvidia settings stick17:31
breakerfallI selected ubuntu for my parents computer because it's supposed to be easy to install and use :(17:31
codered_Hello, i want to make ubuntu as router/server, i dont know from where to start!, any help would be appreciated , Thanx17:31
breakerfallLjL, no, the computer hangs.17:31
mikebeechamcrdlb: everything was fine until I switched on this morning and all my graphics were haywire17:31
LjLbreakerfall: start in recovery mode then, type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg », and select "vesa" as the display driver, then try booting normally17:32
crdlbmikebeecham: hmm I dunno :( but that's definitely not how you set up twinview. Twinview uses only one screen17:32
feldHas anyone here successfully installed Ubuntu over the network mounting the DVD into an /ubuntu web directory and SUCCESSFULLY used it as the mirror?17:32
breakerfallLjL, I'll give it a try, thanks.17:32
tonyyarussor00723r0: a sec - I need to test some guesses17:32
kbrookscodered_, it's not very complicated17:32
mikebeechamcrdlb: the other thing is...I dont want screens to maximise across two screens...just the screen of the monitor it is sitting in17:32
linux4909_hey, can someone tell me what it's called and i'll google it?17:32
r00723r0tonyyarusso, ok, thank you very much :)17:33
Cactehe_feld: i have installed ubuntu with unetbootin17:33
linux4909_it's the task panel thing with the apps at the bottom like mac os17:33
ubuntu123Hi is there a decent manpage reader about (other then typing man <program>17:33
tim__codered_: grab an ubuntu cd, install it, install your server /routing tools, :)17:33
rpj8Hey guys, trying to move photos from my ~ directory to a mounted drive in /media... I get this error: mv: cannot stat `2007-1*': No such file or directory17:34
tim__codered_: what do you want the server to do?17:34
feldCactehe_: that downloads the packages over the internet though, not from your local network17:34
bmodi have a problem17:34
bmodmy headache won't get away17:34
rafalhelp... my freshly installed ubuntu fails to log in17:34
rafalinto gnome17:34
ubuntu123I'm looking for something that would show my man pages in an html pretty format17:34
LjLubuntu123: on kubunt, you can just type man:/name in Konqueror, on GNOME dunno17:34
jribrpj8: paste the full command17:34
bro_manzax: Thank You !17:35
linux4909_Hello all.17:35
linux4909_i have a question.17:35
tim__rpj8:  are you using CLI?17:35
ubuntu123LjL, using xfce here :)17:35
wressleI'll try to ask again, can't seem to find an answer to this anywhere. Can I remove the desktop icons from Metacity? I don't want any icons messing up my workspace.17:35
juano_1rafal: any error messages ?17:35
crohay guys, in Ubuntu I seem to be unable to upload files or images on websites, any clue why?17:35
* ubuntu123 just likes Xfce more then the others... no real reason17:35
soundraymikebeecham: there are instructions for how to set up twinview via xorg.conf in /usr/share/doc/nvidia-glx/README.txt.gz17:35
ubuntu123thanks though :)17:35
LjLubuntu123: then even less of a clue, try asking in #xubuntu17:35
rpj8jrib tim__: ah wait... it seems it did mv the folders when I tried the command the first time with 'sudo' in front17:35
tonyyarussor00723r0: Do any of the filenames contain spaces or other characters that need escaping?17:35
r00723r0tonyyarusso, yes17:35
r00723r0most all of them17:36
rpj8jrib tim__ : even though it said a bunch of permission denied17:36
tim__wressle: yes i have done that17:36
tonyyarussor00723r0: bummer.  /me keeps trying17:36
soundraymikebeecham: maybe the issue with nvidia-settings not sticking is a permissions thing -- do you start it with gksudo?17:36
linux4909_hey im out, i didnt get much help but thanx ljl for trying.17:36
r00723r0haha thanks a lot man17:36
wressletim__: Cool, do you remember how you did it? All my files in ~ end up at the Desktop right now...17:36
soundraymikebeecham: also, see in /etc/X11/ whether there are files other than xorg.conf which might be in use in its place17:36
mikebeechamsoundray: no sudo17:36
tim__rpj8: mv dilikes spaces so put it in quotes?17:36
bmodhow can i have my driver setting stick, so it's exactly as i have it now when i reboot?17:37
knickHello everyone, I just installed ubuntu. I have 2 monitors, but ubuntu shows up in the wrong monitor.. I have 2 video cards in my pc.. How can I change that?17:37
soundray!gksu | mikebeecham17:37
ubotumikebeecham: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)17:37
tim__wressle: why are all your files on the deskyop?17:37
soundraymikebeecham: not sure whether that ^^ is at the root of your issue, though17:37
wressleNot a clue, I get icons for my files in ~ on my desktop in Metacity.17:37
breakerfallLjL, that doesn't work17:37
mikebeechamsoundray: ...will restart X and see what happens...I have just made some changes in nvidia-settings based on that17:38
tim__wressle: I think it was in configuration editor somewhere...17:38
LjLbreakerfall: doesn't work because it still hangs, or doesn't work because the command doesn't work?17:38
feldI can successfully install the base system over the network, but the when I choose "OpenSSH Server" and "Ubuntu Desktop" it fails saying "Installation Step Failed" which makes no sense -- all the packages it needs in the exact same place it has been looking for them the whole time....17:38
rpj8tim__: Well see I'd tried the command without sudo at first... and it said permission denied on preserving time and setting permissions17:38
breakerfallLjL, the command doesn't work...17:38
rpj8tim__: But it seemed to move all the files anyway17:38
LjLbreakerfall: well what does it complain about?17:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dosentwork - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:38
knick!2 video cards17:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 2 video cards - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:39
breakerfallLjL, a warning that I'm overwriting the config17:39
LjL!dualhead > knick    (knick, see the private message from Ubotu)17:39
bmoddoes ubuntu try to detect my graphics settings when i boot up?17:39
breakerfallbut it doesn't ask me for any inputy17:39
Jack_SparrowIt would help if I could spell this am17:39
breakerfallIt doesn't give me a list of drivers to select17:39
codered_<tim__> the server is to be firewall plus router17:39
LjLbreakerfall, try without the "-phigh" then (it will ask many questions then, the defaults should be fine however)17:39
bullgard4[Launchpad] Status in the Status line at the beginning of a Bug page may take the values New, Incomplete, Confirmed, Triaged, InProgress, FixCommitted. Where can I find definitions or official interpretations of these values?17:39
tim__rpj8: thats normal for non ex3 file systems17:39
knickHmm yea LjL, but actually i want the monitor which is active now.. to.. not be on17:40
LjLbullgard4, i suggest you try asking in #ubuntu-bugs17:40
=== dinfernandes is now known as jesusnewmetal
bullgard4LjL: I will give it a try. Thank you.17:40
SoulChildHI ALL! How must i configure grub to load vista from my extended device /dev/sda5 ???17:40
breakerfallLjL, still no joy17:41
breakerfallI'm not in a proper terminal environment17:41
breakerfallI select the "Execute a shell in /dev/hdaX" option17:41
TitraxXWho use xchat ?17:42
tim__codered_: well ubuntu is overkill for that but all you need is iptables or firestarter(GUI)17:42
soundraySoulChild: there is a sample section for loading Windows in /boot/grub/menu.lst. Use (hd0,4) to refer to /dev/sda5 in grubspeak.17:42
tim__codered_: why not just use a router for that?17:42
soundraySoulChild: I don't think it'll work, though. Windows expects to be on a primary partition (at least it used to)17:43
tim__codered_: most run linux anyway17:43
SoulChildsoundray: i then get an error message cause the extended partition has no boot flag17:43
soundraySoulChild: you can set a boot flag with sudo cfdisk17:43
croso anyway, I've tried looking on various websites as to why uploading files to megaupload/other filehosting sites doesn't work in ubuntu, but w17:43
kiamoyo, I plugged my usb stick into my machine but im not sure where to look to see if it auto mounted...17:43
crobut works fine in Vista17:43
kiamoi just have a command line17:43
bofh80TitraxX, a lot of people, ask away your questions17:43
kiamoany ideas?17:44
croit's not an internet problem, this I've deduced17:44
rpj8Alrighty. Second question: apparently 99% of my / is taken up. How do I check which folder is being a hog17:44
juano_1kiamo: it should appear on desktop, if not just go to computer17:44
TitraxXbofh80, i have problem with auto replace fonction17:44
juano_1kiamo: and try to double click it there17:44
Jack_Sparrowrpj8: /var/cache/apt/archives17:44
kiamoi just have a cli...17:44
soundrayrpj8: first stop is to run 'sudo apt-get autoclean' (clears out the package cache of outdated .debs)17:44
Jack_Sparrowrpj8: burn everything in that folder to a cd or dvd..  then clean out the folder17:45
TitraxXi want to remplace "c'ets" by "cest" but doesn't work :/17:45
bofh80TitraxX, i don't use that specific function, ask the room, i generally start with Hi people . . . . :)17:45
Jack_Sparrowsoundray: I prefer to burn them so I dont need to dl them again17:45
rpj8Jack_Sparrow: That doesn't sound very productive at all17:45
soundrayJack_Sparrow: the ones that autoclean deletes will never be downloaded again, anyway17:45
tim__kiamo: ls -al /media/17:45
technelHi. I am purchasing a keyboard/mouse and I want one that is going to work well with Ubuntu. I am probably going to go with the Logitech MX Revolution Cordless, but I was wondering if there were any suggestions for keyboards with good support in Ubuntu17:46
rpj8soundray: alright, it seemed to only remove one package17:46
TitraxXbofh80, ok17:46
Jack_Sparrowrpj8: What do you mean not productive.. It will free up space and save you dl time later17:46
ivanowitc1Hi... my laptop is having some power management problems. When i boot with the power cable connected, it works fine for a few minutes, but then it starts running on the battery, and both the power and the battery led starts flashing... I have tried booting with pci=noacpi, but that didn't solve the problem. paste of /var/log/syslog on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46594/17:46
rpj8Jack_Sparrow: Because I kind of doubt my apt cache is taking up 99% of my disk space.17:46
Jack_Sparrow!hardware | technel17:46
ubotutechnel: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport17:46
kiamojust cdrom and cdrom0 and floppy and floppy0, theres nothing in them17:46
kiamoalso its a windows usbstick, i need to format it...17:47
soundrayrpj8: to find the largest folders, do a 'du / | sort -n >/tmp/dusortn ; tail -n 30 /tmp/dusortn' (takes a few minutes)17:47
LjLbreakerfall, i'm not sure i know how to help you further17:47
juano_1kiamo: go to places ----> Computer17:47
tonyyarussor00723r0: This is stretching my bash skills, but I think I'm getting somewhere :P17:47
localHello there17:47
breakerfallLjL, I used another method to change the xorg.conf to vesa17:47
juano_1kiamo: it doesn't appear there after you connect it ?17:47
r00723r0haha ok17:47
ivanowitc1Personally I think the problem is in lines 57-58, but that is just a guess...17:47
Jack_Sparrowrpj8: It sucked up a ton of mine...  then I did the same with sources I had downloaded  freed up close to 10 gigs17:47
breakerfallhowever, it still hangs17:47
kiamojuano_1: nope :(17:47
localcan i setup a RAID1 array on gutsy with two vfat IDE hard drive (sdb and sdc)17:48
juano_1kiamo: what filesystem is it fat ?17:48
kiamonot sure..17:48
rpj8soundray: I'm not sure I understand some up the parts of that command. Doesn't ubuntu come with a gui disk usage program?17:48
kiamoi think its fat3217:48
kiamoim just guessing tho17:48
juano_1kiamo: should show up ... works in win or other OS ?17:48
kiamoyup in windows17:48
rpj8Jack_Sparrow: I see I see.17:48
Winballhow much ram is supported in 32bit and 64bit?17:48
PirateHeadUbuntu keeps reporting a fake CD in my drive and trying to read from it, which results in constant error messages and garbage being sent to dmesg. Can anybody help me figure out how to stop it? Pastebin of dmesg | tail : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46581/17:48
rpj8Jack_Sparrow: I definitely don't know enough about Ubuntu yet =p17:48
LjLbreakerfall, then it's likely not X. check /var/log/syslog and /var/log/boot and /var/log/kern.log from recovery mode, see what's done last during boot before it hangs17:49
Jack_Sparrowrpj8: we are here to help..17:49
kiamoi just plugged it into the front of the pc, i could go down and stick it in the back...17:49
tim__kiamo: ls -1 /dev/hd*17:49
scguy318Winball: 32-bit: 3GB/1GB user/kernel, 64-bit way more than I could count :P17:49
mulimai have a pbm about frequence scaling .. cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_max_freq => 2267000   and cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq => 800000 ... so i'm always at the lowest freq ... impossible to switch to higher freq17:49
tim__kiamo: ls -1 /dev/sd*17:49
TitraxXWho use auto replace in xchat ?17:49
juano_1kiamo: yep good idea17:49
kiamoshouldnt matter tho... i just cant remember if i plugged in those ports when i built the system17:49
juano_1kiamo: to make sure plug it in the back17:49
Jack_Sparrowrpj8: If you are 99% full you need to make space SOON..17:49
rpj8Jack_Sparrow: Is there anywhere I could read up about how apt stores its cache17:49
soundrayrpj8: I use command line programs for practically everything, and that's how I can help. I don't know about any GUI programs that would address your problem.17:50
kiamogotta go back down to the cupboard under the stairs lol17:50
Winballso 32bit will only read about 3GB?17:50
rpj8Jack_Sparrow: There in-lies the problem. I'm not sure WHERE all my space has gone17:50
soundrayrpj8: 'man du', 'man sort' and 'man tail' will tell you what the commands I suggested do.17:50
rpj8soundray: gotcha17:50
tim__kiamo: then check to see it there is voltage (4v) on the port17:50
juano_1kiamo: hehe17:50
DreamLinerhi, i rebooted my hp dv6000 with kubuntu gutsy and when it booted, the display resolution went back to only 800x600 and wireless adapter was also gone from knetworkmanager. iwconfig shows wlan0, how do i fix it?17:51
Jack_Sparrowrpj8: there is a man page, but free up what you can now and then find what ate up all the space.  If you goof while at 99% you will compound your problem17:51
juano_1tim__ howd it go with wireless ?17:51
zaxpiratehead is that a desktop or a server?17:51
PirateHeadzax: It's on my laptop.17:51
kiamojuano_1: k its plugged into the back, and still not coming up in /media/17:52
PirateHeadzax: I'm running Gutsy desktop edition.17:52
bullgard4Launchpad > Answers seems to me an alternative to existing mailing lists. Can you recommend a user guide for Launchpad > Answers.17:53
bram_I have a Q about my xorg.conf.., every time i reboot it goes back to xorg.conf.failsafe17:53
PirateHeadbullgard4: Answers is built for integration into the rest of the Launchpad platform, whereas email lists have a hard time answering.17:53
juano_1kiamo: mm try dmesg | grep usb17:54
juano_1kiamo: maybe shows up there17:54
breakerfallLjL, all of my log files are empty17:54
breakerfallany other ideas?17:54
tim__kiamo: sudo mkdir /media/usbstick    then   sudo mount /dev/hdb1/  /media/usbstick17:54
juano_1kiamo: if not, try sudo fdisk -l17:54
juano_1kiamo: to see if it is there17:54
breakerfallI could have had gentoo installed on this machine by now :p17:54
LjLbreakerfall, in that case the problem is *well* before X get started, i'd say...! do you even seen the splash screen?17:54
bullgard4PirateHead: I do nit understand what do mean by "a hard time answering"? Please say it in other words.17:55
kiamoi think its showing up in dsmg17:55
DreamLinerkwifimanager shows my wireless network so i guess knetworkmanager went nuts...17:55
breakerfallLjL, yeah, the splash screen with the progress bar?17:55
rpj8soundray: The most of it seems to be in /usr and /var17:55
kiamonot sure if its coming up in fdisk -l though17:55
LjLbreakerfall: yes... the logs really shouldn't be empty if you see that :|17:55
PirateHeadbullgard4: Sorry, I mistyped. I meant to say that mailing lists have a hard time integrating with Launchpad.17:55
juano_1kiamo: sudo fdisk -l, remember the sudo17:56
zaxmsg piratehead I am currently doing battle with the same messages on a redhat server. I have not see it on my Ubuntu server or desktop17:56
kiamoyea still the same17:56
kiamowant a paste bin?17:56
juano_1kiamo: mmm ok17:56
bullgard4PirateHead: Understood. Thank you.17:56
flakehttp://linuxappfinder.com/screenshot_viewer/all/1875_avast_update   - what is the name of that app launcher17:56
breakerfallthanks for your time anyway LjL - it's appreciated17:56
soundrayrpj8: I'll have a look at it if you want. Run 'tail -n 40 /tmp/dusortn' and paste the output on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org17:56
flakeat the bottom of the jpg17:57
NotSoGutsyI'm having some problems, namely I can't seem to connect to much of anything, I have 20-35 second pings to my router, I can't seem to open nautilus, my computer is acting like my CPU is pegged, but it's not [as I can see]17:57
Lupindoes ubuntu support hotplugging for pcmcia devices?17:57
PirateHeadzax: I assume that your Red Hat server uses different hardware than your Ubuntu one. Perhaps that has something to do wtih it.17:57
Andrew334761HELLO I have a problem loading the ubuntu 7.10 live cd a message: BUSY BOX INITRAMFS Appears, could some one help me?17:58
rpj8soundray: http://pastebin.com/m7f19ac7217:58
soundrayCan I see how many times an ext3 has been mounted since the last full fsck?17:58
Andrew334761HELLO I have a problem loading the ubuntu 7.10 live cd a message: BUSY BOX INITRAMFS Appears, could some one help me??17:58
BoomSieanybody familiar with SRU ( https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates ) They say over here ( https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/149622 ) it should be included in the SRU ... but I trully don't understand ANYTHING of it17:59
kiamohang on...17:59
zaxmsg piratehead Both are running on ibm intel servers.  The one with the messages is a dual core and the one without the trouble is an older xeon processor17:59
PirateHeadAndrew334761: You shouldn't repost like that. If somebody can help you, they will respond.17:59
juano_1kiamo: sdf is 1 GB , seems like your removable drive right ?17:59
scguy318Andrew334761: if its the /bin/sh tty jon control issue, try booting with all_generic_ide17:59
kiamoi just noticed it there17:59
kiamolol XD17:59
juano_1kiamo: 4 partitions ? lol18:00
=== ktogias is now known as _ktogias
soundrayrpj8: most of the listed directories are not in your / -- sorry, I should have thought of that. Do a 'cat /tmp/dusortn | grep -v media | tail -n 40' and pastebin that.18:00
PirateHeadzax: Hmm... that isn't helpful to me, since my computer isn't IBM and has an old celeron processor.18:00
mefiuczy jest tu ktos mowiacy po polsku i mogacy mi pomoc z bledem przy repozytoriach 'Segmentation fault (core dumped)'??18:00
LjL!pl | mefiu18:00
ubotumefiu: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl18:00
zaxmsg piratehead googled the messages and lots having the problem but no fix found as of yet18:00
AdemoSHey guys quick question, I've been reading through the Creative SoundBlaster XFI threads. And it seems that card isn't easy to use yet, and requires manual setup each boot. ----- What would the best Creative soundcard I can use with Ubuntu 7.10 be, that I could use until XFI is out of beta?18:00
juano_1kiamo: well try this18:00
PirateHeadzax: That's too bad. I've been hoping I could get this to go away!18:01
juano_1kiamo: sudo mkdir /media/usbstick,  then do sudo mount /dev/sdf1 /media/usbstick18:01
ricardoopa!!!! como assisto dvds?18:01
IamReckHey I am trying to edit a file... but it is saying I don't have the permission to edit it.  How can I edit it then?18:01
PirateHead!es | ricardo18:01
uboturicardo: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.18:01
rpj8soundray: http://pastebin.com/m5a9f8c2818:01
mulimaanyone to help me about my freq scalng troubels ?18:02
kiamoyup its mounted18:02
rabIamReck  Try used 'sudo'   Ex. sudo vi asdf.file18:02
juano_1kiamo: worked ?18:02
kiamonow i need to format it and prepare it for an installation from usb stick18:02
kiamoyea thanks juano_118:02
IamReckrab, so type sudo vi and the file i want to edit?18:02
AdemoSSo if I wanted the best card available, that auto-detects in Ubunto 7.10, or at least has a stable driver for it, what would be the recommendation?18:02
juano_1kiamo: cool, well to format it you can use gparted or cfdisk18:02
tonyyarussor00723r0: mmkay, here we go: for i in /path/to/some/directory/!(*.txt); do ln -s "$i" ~/Desktop/; done18:02
AdemoSCreative if possible18:02
FreeFullIamReck, press Alt+F2 and type in gnome-terminal . press enter and then type in the terminal "sudo gedit /path/to/the/file.txt"18:02
mulimai have a pbm about frequence scaling .. cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_max_freq => 2267000   and cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq => 800000 ... so i'm always at the lowest freq ... impossible to switch to higher freq18:03
rabIamReck yes18:03
juano_1kiamo: gksudo gparted18:03
r00723r0tonyyarusso, wow, thanks man18:03
NotSoGutsyanybody know any reasons why I would have 20-35 second pings to my router, when it's normally 0,20-0,25 milliseconds ?18:03
bullgard4[Epiphany] Since Feisty > Gutsy upgrade Epiphany renders letters one day crisp and the next day blurry in a rather regular manner. How to get rid of the blurred rendering?18:03
tonyyarussor00723r0: Thank #bash instead :P18:03
r00723r0haha ok18:03
soundrayrpj8: I see you are storing large backup files in /var/backup -- probably best to transfer those to another place (ideally away from your computer). Then you can delete them from /var/backup/18:03
r00723r0demon_spork, yes?18:03
demon_sporkdo I know yoiu18:03
demon_sporkdo you play AA?18:03
rpj8soundray: I see I see.18:04
AdemoSI don't mind if the soundcard using OpenAL or binary drivers, I just watn to know if there's any quality sound card that's proven to work with Ubuntu 7.1018:04
juano_1NotSoGutsy: maybe your checking wrong it has to be 20 - 35 ms18:04
demon_sporkr00723r0, do you play America's Army?18:04
rabWhy doesn't my Ubuntu 7.10 release have Autoconf????18:04
demon_sporkrab, because it needs to be installed18:05
r00723r0demon_spork, used to, and you're from IMF 2.518:05
demon_sporkwe moved to 2.8.218:05
kbrooksrab, Ubuntu is intended for the desktop user.18:05
r00723r0nice to see you :)18:05
rpj8soundray: Just curious: I don't know that I ever told it to make backups regularly... is there any reason Ubuntu does it on its own?18:05
AdemoSso no soundcard recommendations?18:05
NotSoGutsyjuano_1 :: 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2559 ttl=150 time=36960 ms18:05
r00723r0i stopped playing because everyone thought i was a hacker18:05
juano_1NotSoGutsy: heh..18:05
IamReckThanks FreeFull18:06
kbrooksr00723r0, why?18:06
juano_1NotSoGutsy: yea strange18:06
r00723r0kbrooks, i have no clue18:06
rpj8soundray: PS that removed 43%. holy crap.18:06
soundrayrpj8: it doesn't normally...18:06
DreamLinerknetworkmanager no longe shows my wireless adapter on gutsy. how do i fix it?18:06
rabI like to download different packages, yet everytime I run into problems where './configure' cant find files!!!!!18:06
soundrayrpj8: :) no need to swear...18:06
demon_sporkrab, most of what you need is available from the ubuntu repository, so you don't need to compile from source most of the time18:07
NotSoGutsyjuano_1 :: I have around 25+ second lag here too18:07
demon_sporkrab, what exactly are you needing right now?18:07
r00723r0demon_spork, you know, it's kinda hard to argue with a bunch of idiots18:07
rpj8soundray: My bad. didn't know that was a swear. I suppose there's some weird cron entry that's backing up my system once ina while...?18:07
juano_1NotSoGutsy: mmm... are you wired ?18:07
juano_1NotSoGutsy: or wireless ?18:07
demon_sporkr00723r0, that was 2.5, if you play 2.8.2 they accept you if you haven't been banned by ACI basically18:07
r00723r0demon_spork, too bad icculus gave up support for AA a couple of years ago18:08
juano_1NotSoGutsy: wired ?18:08
rabI wanted a 'CallerID' program, and the only ones I found need to be build!   Seems to me the Ubuntu release should give you all the latest stuff to do builds with... IMHO18:08
NotSoGutsyI have tried power-cycling the router, the switch, and the modem, to no effect18:08
NotSoGutsyjuano_1 :: restarting my own machine fixes it for a few hours, but then it stops again18:08
juano_1NotSoGutsy: check your cable, it might be bad18:08
soundrayrpj8: if you do a 'grep GettinJiggyWiddit /tmp/dusortn', you will see a list of backups that there were, and when they were done18:08
NotSoGutsyjuano_1 :: yes, wired18:09
NotSoGutsyjuano_1 :: on CAT6e, I think, to a gigabit switch, if that matters18:09
jrib!compile > rab (read the private message from ubotu)18:09
NotSoGutsyor maybe it's just CAT618:09
cab46ho la toolbar che non mi mostra piu le tray icon18:09
juano_1NotSoGutsy:  from pc to router try a 568A ----- 568B color output18:09
LjL!it | cab4618:09
cab46tipo pidgin , skype ...etc18:09
ubotucab46: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!18:09
ricardohow to play dvd on ubuntu?18:10
rpj8soundray: hmmm... seems the  latest one was yesterday. and I definitely don't remember doing it18:10
juano_1NotSoGutsy: aa to a switch18:10
LjL!dvd > ricardo    (ricardo, see the private message from Ubotu)18:10
juano_1NotSoGutsy: well its the same, should work fine18:10
juano_1NotSoGutsy: i think cable might be bad18:10
LinuxHelpXorg tells me "(EE) NVIDIA(0): Failed to load the NVIDIA kernel module!"18:10
demon_spork!dvd | ricardo18:10
uboturicardo: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs18:10
LinuxHelpmodprobe nvidia tells me "FATAL: Error running install command for nvidia"18:10
soundrayrpj8: does the GettinJiggy name ring a bell?18:11
juano_1NotSoGutsy: after the 100 meter distance UTP cable fails but i don't think it's the case... just bad cable18:11
rpj8soundray: haha, that's my computer's name :)18:11
LjLLinuxHelp: try « sudo depmod -a »18:11
soundrayrpj8: okay, now we know there's no other machine backing up onto yours ;)18:11
rpj8soundray: heh, phew18:11
LinuxHelpLjL, still the same error18:12
juano_1NotSoGutsy: i have CAT5 i believe18:12
LinuxHelpI installed the nvidia-glx-new package18:12
LinuxHelpI have a Geforce 7600GT18:12
LjLLinuxHelp: did you have nvidia-glx (not -new) installed before?18:12
soundrayrpj8: the names look like sbackup was doing the backups. Any output from 'dpkg -l sbackup'?18:12
LinuxHelpLjL, no18:12
Nin10dudeI'm having some issues with switching users. Logging off, switching users, and locking the screen all result in a black screen which I can't get out of without cutting the power from the PC. It's running Ubuntu 7.10 (installed through safe graphics mode, if that means anything... it was having issues being installed under the normal mode), and I'm not quite sure what I can do to fix it - any ideas as to what I can do to fix this?18:12
HateXhow does wine work? can i actually install a windows application?18:12
LjLLinuxHelp: nor the driver from Restricted Manager?18:12
LinuxHelpLjL, I didn't install anything no18:13
John_Rhatex: check out ies4linux18:13
NotSoGutsyjuano_1 :: alright, I'll try a different cable, brb18:13
demon_sporkr00723r0, AA 3.0 has a good chance of being ported to linux18:13
juano_1NotSoGutsy: ok18:13
r00723r0demon_spork, ported?18:13
LjLLinuxHelp, pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list please18:13
r00723r0that killed my hardon18:13
mikebeechamsoundray: I just wanted to drop on here and say thanks for the GKsudo suggestion...it worked!18:13
John_Rhatex: it will install internet explorer on your machine and give you a good basic colelction of windows libraries18:13
rpj8soundray: yessir http://pastebin.com/m3d41b76818:13
HateXJohn_R, ok good18:13
jacobmy fresh install system of ubuntu 7.10 is crashing, and i have to poweroff by swicht18:14
soundraymikebeecham: I'm glad18:14
juano_1NotSoGutsy: also try another hole in the switch, don't use the same one18:14
jacobi did install a couple of programs18:14
jacobit crashed 2 times and it might happen again18:14
mikebeechamsoundray: me too :)18:14
jacobcan anybody check my system files to see if i did somehting wrong?18:14
soundrayrpj8: in System-Administration-Simple Backup Config, it should be possible to disable the autobackup thing18:15
demon_sporkr00723r0, 'ported' is what all the other AA linux and mac versions were18:15
r00723r0they were not ported at all :)18:15
soundraymikebeecham: have you found a solution for the maximizing across two screens?18:16
r00723r0i talked to icculus about it18:16
juano_1NotSoGutsy: sorry... i said wrong last message,  use a 568A ------ 568A  for this case or a 568B  ---- 568B  from pc to router/switch18:16
LinuxHelpLjL, brb just opening my X18:16
mikebeechamsoundray: when I made the changes via gksudo, it seemed to do everything18:16
rpj8soundray: cool. hopefully that never happens again18:16
LinuxHelpLjL, http://rafb.net/p/SyVIHS47.html18:16
choongiihello. trying to set up wifi in /etc/network/interfaces, but dhcp doesnt seem to be working. if I manually assign an ip address/gw after boot, it all works fine. my interfaces file looks like this: http://pastie.caboo.se/12432918:16
soundraymikebeecham: excellent18:17
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aggerhello, kuch to hota hai?18:17
mikebeechamsoundray: yup...sorry about my bluntness earlier...was just a bit stressed mate18:17
soundrayrpj8: well, backups are a good thing. You do need to know about it, though ;)18:17
soundraymikebeecham: never let your frustration spoil your good manners ;)18:17
aggerI mean, I'm new just having a look18:17
rpj8soundray: Heh. they may be a good thing, but when I don't know how to delete them ater a certain amount of time :)18:17
Nin10dudeEr, I'm having some issues with switching users. Logging off, switching users, and locking the screen all result in a black screen which I can't get out of without cutting the power from the PC. It's running Ubuntu 7.10 (installed through safe graphics mode, if that means anything... it was having issues being installed under the normal mode), and I'm not quite sure what I can do to fix it - any ideas as to what I can do to fix this?18:18
soundraymikebeecham: easier said then done, I know.18:18
rpj8soundray: or, as you said, when I don't know about them entirely =p18:18
larson999well, i went ahead and installed 64-bit on this laptop.  seems fine.  someone told me there were bugs in the 64 bit and openoffice.  i haven't noticed anything.18:19
choongiiwoops, killed my connection there I think18:19
aladinsaneIs there a downside to running KDE applications under Ubuntu/Xubuntu?18:19
soundraylarson999: not bugs, really, just issues18:19
choongiirunning dhclient manually results in the following: http://pastie.caboo.se/12433118:19
lusepuster_Trying again - I'm running Kopete in a Gnome environment, but Kopete shows only a fewe icons - is some package broken or...?18:19
larson999soundray such as?18:19
LjLLinuxHelp, sources.list looks fine, however you're using 64bit... maybe it's a 64bit-specific problem, i think there was an Xorg update today18:19
LinuxHelpNin10dude, have you tried the vesa driver?18:19
soundraylarson999: mostly with proprietary software, because Adobe, Skype and friends only compile for 32bit systems.18:20
rpj8soundray: Ok, well thanks. I'm sure this won't be my last time in here :)18:20
soundrayrpj8: you're always welcome to come back and help :)18:20
Nin10dudeLinuxHelp: No, I haven't... were can I find it?18:21
LinuxHelpNin10dude: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | less18:21
LinuxHelpOr paste bin it18:21
Nin10dudeAll right, thanks a lot. :)18:21
larson999 soundray adobe as in flash?18:21
admin_After I start my computer, connect a USB device to it, it'll see that device, but after that device is unplugged, it won't see any again. How can I "restart" the whole USB "system", using Gutsy18:22
LinuxHelpLjL, look in the Section "Device"18:22
LinuxHelpEr not LjL, I mean Nin10dude18:23
mikebeechamsoundray: yeah18:24
kiamokiamo@Jasmine:/media/usb$ syslinux /dev/sdf18:24
kiamosh: mcopy: not found18:24
kiamowhere do i get mcopy?18:24
Nin10dudeAh, okay, I've got it now. Thanks a lot, LinuxHelp. :D18:24
CherubaelAnybody got a Lifecam VX-3000 working on 7.10? The cam FAQ's haven't helped18:24
LinuxHelpNin10dude: What exactly does the driver say?18:24
LinuxHelpEr ok then18:25
Xsss4hellhi ubuntu doesn't recognize my webcam anymore. it did some reboots before.. it just says there is nothing attached at /dev/video0 but there is ...18:25
Xsss4hellhow to make ubuntu gutsy understand that?18:26
koI've installed gusty on this computer yesterday and it worked beautifully. But after I upgraded compiz and now I got no window borders18:26
_virus_did you change kernel version, but forgot to install driver modules again?18:26
Xsss4hellko compiz --replace18:27
ubotuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras18:27
scguy318ko: or metacity --replace if you need to18:27
EdwardXPwhats the difference between; Kbuntu ubuntu, and that FLUX one....18:27
steve_bdoes anyone know how to view windows event logs (.evt files) in linux?18:27
kristinahi, does gimp have an edge detection algorithm?18:27
Xsss4hellCherubael dude my webcam was recognized I even made some photos, but when I changed the usb-port where it was attached to it doesn't recognize it anymore18:28
CherubaelXsss4hell: Sorry bud, that was for my benefit :D18:28
robdigEdwardXP: kubuntu uses kde, ubuntu uses gnome, not sure of flux18:28
_virus_<EdwardXP>, default window manager no doubt, but i never heard of a fluxbox one... and where can i get my hands on it? :)18:28
admin_fluxbox :P18:28
EdwardXPrarhhh, i can't tell you18:28
EdwardXPrarhhh lol.. let me get the link18:29
Netfeedis it possible to get like the apt-stuff, the kernel and the basic stuff to get a ubuntu system to work and nothing else? as minimal as possible, no x or such crap?18:29
lusepuster_gize for shutting down after asking my question before. Hope noone answered in vain. Still: Kopete in Gnome shows no icons - or, only a very few. any suggestions?18:29
Nin10dudeAll right, LinuxHelp, http://pastebin.com/d2bef4ba718:29
jgroutanyone know a good video converting app?  something like visualhub on os x?18:29
LinuxHelpNetfeed, what about the alternate install cd?18:29
jrib!minimal | Netfeed18:29
ubotuNetfeed: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD18:29
EdwardXPhttp://www.beginlinux.com/index.php/desktop_training/com_m/shells/46-shells/232-bash  FLUX18:29
Xsss4hellmaybe it is because I uninstalled libdiscover1 and installed libdiscover2.. then switched back to libdiscover1 becaue libdiscover2 didn't work18:30
LinuxHelpNin10dude: is this the modified or the original xorg.conf?18:30
Xsss4hellBut I can't fix the problem..18:30
LinuxHelpNin10dude: I mean, does it work as it is currently?18:30
Netfeedjrib: sweet, thanks18:30
ubun00bcould anyone check if my machine connectable through ssh?  or can i do this myself?  ('ssh username@localhost' is working, but when i try 'username@my-ip-address' i can't seem to connect18:30
kocompiz --replace doesn't work. metacity does but it doesn't stay after loggin out/logging in18:30
henriklHi! I just set up a ubuntu server at my house, and forwarded port 22 in my router to the local IP. I'm currently connected via SSH. I have three other OSX-computers running on the network -- how can I mount these machines in /mnt ?18:30
Nin10dudeLinuxHelp: This is the original, unchanged.18:30
LinuxHelpNin10dude: thats not good news18:31
scguy318ubun00b: is the IP your IRC reverse DNS whois?18:31
kohow can I set metacity as "permanent" decorator?18:31
nathan42100Hey guys, Im trying to install 7.10 server on a few Dell PowerEdge servers 2300-2500 series and the installation hangs at 21% libc6-udeb. Any ideas? I cant find anything on the forums as to an answer18:31
idefixhey guys, I'm trying to upgrade but the update manager says it cannot access certain servers, yet I can with Firefox...18:31
Nin10dudeLinuxHelp: Yeah... I didn't think so. >_<18:31
EdwardXPwhy install ubuntu on dells ?18:31
scguy318ubun00b: can't connected, stalled18:31
PriceChildEdwardXP, pardon?18:31
EdwardXPyou minus well shoot me right now and take my website lol18:31
LinuxHelpNin10dude: for me, changing to vesa helps stability, however you are already using it, so I don't think it can get any more stable with any driver you change to18:31
EdwardXPim j/k18:32
nathan42100because we don't have windows server 2003 available, and since the servers do not belong to me I won't download it18:32
Nin10dudeLinuxHelp: Hmm... that's pretty weird. Well, thanks for your help, anyway.18:32
nathan42100anyone got any idea?18:32
wjjevery here?18:33
ubun00bscguy318: yes18:33
LinuxHelpNin10dude: what type of card is it though?18:33
EdwardXPi wish i had a server rack' and a4 computers :) that would be awesome.... - sorry nathan4210018:33
aladinsaneIs there a downside to running KDE applications under Ubuntu/Xubuntu?18:33
mizerydeariaI use Ubuntu LiveCD occasionally, and each time I modify /etc/apt/sources.list and `apt-get update` to make available certain packages and then install them using apt-get.  How can I make a copy of all the files downloaded to usb or disk so that instead of downloading each time, I can simply copy from usb or disk to LiveCD environment?  Where are the files saved to when using `apt-get update` and `apt-get install <app>`?18:33
Nin10dudeLinuxHelp: My graphics card? It18:33
Nin10dude''s just an integrated card.18:33
_virus_http://www.beginlinux.com/index.php/linux_cds/popular/bucds_m/fluxbuntu <- this is what you meant?18:33
henriklAnyone? Mounting a mac on the same network?18:33
scguy318ubun00b: can't connect, stalled18:33
nathan42100edwardxp, I dont get it18:33
Xsss4hellaladinsane no18:33
EdwardXPthe bots in here know everything, Are you using the ubuntu server CD or something ?18:33
LinuxHelpNin10dude: type lspci18:33
LinuxHelpNin10dude: should be looking for something like "01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G70 [GeForce 7600 GT] (rev a1)"18:34
ubotuThe Alternate CD (available as of Dapper) is the classical text-mode installation CD. Use it if you wish to upgrade via CD, or for an "expert" mode install. For normal installs, use the Desktop CD, which is also a "Live" CD - See also !Minimal18:34
ubun00bscguy318: what am i doing wrong then?  i've fairly new to this stuff, but it would be very handy to be able to connect to my machine remotely18:34
Xsss4hellnathan42100 did you check your cd for errors18:34
nathan42100i have 2 cds18:34
nathan42100both are ok18:35
Nin10dudeLinuxHelp: http://pastebin.com/d7bca752118:35
EdwardXPi think your CD is too old18:35
nathan42100it did install on one out of 6 servers18:35
nathan42100I just downloaded it 2 days ago18:35
nathan42100but the other ones refuse to install any distro of linux18:35
EdwardXPnathan42100,  i think your CD is too old; you have one of them goofy ones made back in 1999-200118:35
EdwardXPnathan42100,  cd drive18:35
Paddy_EIREhey guys I did this with wget in terminal... $ wget 'address1' 'address2' its currently downloading I was just wondering if it should automatically begin address2?18:35
nathan42100might be18:35
nathan42100dont think so though18:35
f0rke1HELLO, i have problems with port 25 EVOLUTION Email client !18:35
rox1hi guys18:35
EdwardXPnathan42100,  install ubuntu on a USB CDROM 52x or soemthing18:36
f0rke1i cant manually set it to smtp.server.net:PORTNUMBER18:36
LinuxHelpNin10dude "00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 03)" so I dunno maybe try the Driver "intel"18:36
nathan42100aka an external CD drive?18:36
DreamLinerwill somebody help me with the wireless?18:36
Nin10dudeLinuxHelp: All right, I'll try that.18:36
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots18:36
rox1i'm tryin to burn an .iso file to dvd with dvdrecord, but when it completes it isn't playing in a home dvd player...the dvd player just says ERROR.  any ideas?18:36
LinuxHelpNin10dude, nano -w /etc/X11/xorg.conf18:36
wjjhow to disable  6000 port num?18:37
EdwardXP! installing ubuntu18:37
f0rke1anyone here managed to set port 587 in evolution instead of 25 (default) ?18:37
EdwardXP!installing ubuntu18:37
Xsss4hellnathan42100 may it have something to do with the Hardware Compatibility? did you check the Hardware Compatibility List ?18:37
EdwardXPhas trying to get dell servers to talk with each other, without signing up with a 2 year contract :)18:38
limeshey i have a problem with my computer randomly freezes and my lights on the laptop starts to blinks, i think its a kernel or X related problem but how do i debug?18:38
f0rke1help me with email client EVOLUTION, anyone?18:38
EdwardXPnathan42100,  its' not your dell servers i hate them because I owe em' money lol18:38
nathan42100im not the first person to have this problem but it is still unanswered: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=62689818:38
xbehavecool linux desktop has doubled in a year and were beeting windows me :D18:39
skyfalcon866is it possible to check ntfs partitons18:39
xbehavelimes ctrl+alt+backspace will restart X if its an x problem18:39
LinuxHelplimes, flashing caps lock means kernel panic18:39
LinuxHelplimes, often caused my X18:40
flokuehnlimes: do have the possibility to switch to console after freezing? if so you can have a look at /var/log/messages and see what error messages you can find18:40
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limesflokuehn, nope18:40
xbehavelimes alt+ printsc+k will kill Vtt if its kernel18:40
flokuehnlimes: than try ctrl+alt+backspace as mentioned by xbehave18:41
limesxbehave, thats a weird comba18:41
limesflokuehn, ctrl + alt + backspace does not work18:41
flokuehnlimes: if this does not work too. then you have an bigger problem18:41
Morgan555looking for help, switched monitors and everyhting is hay-wire18:41
nathan42100EdwardXP, I don't think its the CD drive because it starts all the way till it gets to 21% in the copying installer files from CD, then it says it can't read it or something18:41
xbehavekernel black magic alot of print screel buttons also have sysRq18:42
f0rke1Is Evolution bugged, setting smtp port 587 instead of 25 produces an ERROR18:42
flokuehnlimes: you can download an knoppix and start your pc. then you are able to read the /var/log/messages file.18:42
skyfalcon866is it possible to check ntfs partitons18:42
grazzskyfalcon866, from inside linux?18:43
flokuehnwhat are you running and on what laptop?18:43
EdwardXPnathan42100, I bet you it is, i bet it skips every 7 to 10 secs, and acts up again18:43
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pablinhow  to install soundblaster xifi musicextreme in ubuntu 64 7.0418:43
Cherubael!webcam > Cherubael18:43
TuX_Claudiuhow do i fix the beryl bug with the black windows?18:43
SoulChildIf i enter "grub" and type ("setup (hd0)") i get "Error 17: Cannot mount selected partition" !!!18:43
nathan42100skips what?18:43
xbehavealt+print screen, b will reboot, r will put you in raw keyboard mode(helpfull if keyboard not responding, s swill sync disks (more for servers going down gracefully i think) there are more i cant rember18:43
nathan42100like a CD skip?18:43
EdwardXPnathan42100,  download another copy of ubuntu, because that thing is soo cool it shouldn't mess up18:44
EdwardXPnathan42100, yah18:44
LinuxHelpSoulchild, root (hd0,0)   first18:44
mizerydeariaWhen apt-get downloads binary packages, where are the files saved to?18:44
LjLmizerydearia: /var/cache/apt/archives18:44
SoulChildLinuxHelp: i did18:44
f0rke1anyone here use Evolution ?18:44
nathan42100I tried the desktop version, going to try alternate 7.10, 6.06 and alternate and server as well18:44
LjLmizerydearia: don't remove manually, if you need to free up space - use apt-get clean18:44
EdwardXPnathan42100, burn at 8x - 16 x   thats' all i have.. im no linux pro :( im a newbie18:45
nathan42100so.......why are you trying to help me?18:45
EdwardXPnathan42100,  im not sure i'll leave you be now :)18:45
nathan42100if the CD check says it is OK, then the CD should be ok...18:45
* macksting does have a n00b question.18:45
EdwardXPbrb AFK...18:45
sirjoebobanyone have any advice on getting the audio to work in a vostro 150018:46
sirjoebobanyone have any advice on getting the audio to work in a vostro 1500?18:46
CherubaelI've got the gspca driver for my webcam, but don't know how to go about enabling it. Anybody give me some pointers?18:46
limessirjoebob, what audio card do you have?18:46
jonezI have a friend trying to install 7.10.. he did a mediacheck and it passed, when he tries to install on a completely empty hard disk, and the install halts at about 20%. he is using a 64bit machine.18:46
mackstingCVS. I'm trying to help myself via the forum, and the only other person with my quandary says he was able to download the latest of a certain Jedi-SDL from CVS.18:47
btardHow would I go about installing "Python wrappings for:   OpenGL Extension Wrangler <glew.sourceforge.net>   "18:47
sirjoeboblimes, cant remember specifically, what is the command for finding that?18:47
mackstingI should know how to get ahold of stuff on this CVS, and it's possible I've already tried. Is that Synaptic and APT?18:47
limesSir_Fawnpug, lspci18:47
admin_how do I mount /dev/sda, if I do mount... I need to specifiy fs, but I don't know what fs the thing I'm mounting uses (it's a TomTom one)18:49
Xsss4hellhi ubuntu doesn't recognize my webcam anymore. it did some reboots before.. it just says there is nothing attached at /dev/video0 but there is ... Multimedia Setings->Video>v4l doesn't show any device anymore it showed my Logitech Quickcam Pro 4000 before... unplugging or rebooting doesn't help. PLEASE HELP18:49
theunixgeekI installed GNUStep on Ubuntu; what applications are installed with it?18:50
xbehavemacksting: what are you trying to do?18:50
dooglushow can I turn the volume up on the central 'woofer' speaker on this laptop?  it seems to be constantly off18:51
bullgard4f0rke1: I am using Evolution but no SMTP. How can I help you?18:51
limesadmin_, dont you mean sda1 ?18:51
limesadmin_, 1 is the partition18:51
admin_ewwww it's msdos18:51
mackstingxbehave: Trying to get some runtime libraries (I guess) that I apparently lack. More specifically, trying to get together the components necessary to compile GearHead.18:51
kitchetheunixgeek: probably these http://www.gnustep.org/experience/apps.html18:52
limesdooglus, in the gnome mixer go to Edit -> Preferences and add LFR18:52
dooglusXsss4hell: I have the exact same cam18:52
theunixgeekkitche: thanks; I'll look at that.18:52
limesdooglus, LFE*18:52
doogluslimes: how do I run that?  I'm using xfce18:52
xbehaveahh sounds to complicated for me to help you just through me with mentiosn of cvs and apt18:52
btardPython wrappings for:   OpenGL Extension Wrangler <glew.sourceforge.net>18:52
limesdooglus, type alsamixer in the terminal18:52
btardWhat are those?18:52
limesdooglus, then turn up LFE18:53
theunixgeekkitche: except I don't know how to open them :P18:53
doogluslimes: alsamixer is a console app, right?18:53
VandaliteOk here goes: I have two computers. One with Windows XP, and cygwin, and a vnc client. One with Gutsy Gibbon, XDMCP enabled, and an XVNC4 server set up to open a new desktop through XDMCP, using Xinetd as the trigger. When I log on with cygwin's X :1 -query <gutsy machine IP> it connects,and i get a desktop. When I connect with VNC, it connects, i Get the logon screen just beginning to appear, then it dies.. I c18:53
nathan42100anyone have an Idea as to the answer to my question?18:53
nathan42100"Hey guys, Im trying to install 7.10 server on a few Dell PowerEdge servers 2300-2500 series and the installation hangs at 21% libc6-udeb. Any ideas? I cant find anything on the forums as to an answer"18:53
limesnathan42100, tried the alternativ cd?18:54
doogluslimes: here's a screenshot: http://dooglus.rincevent.net/random/Screenshot.png18:54
Flannelnathan42100: this is with the alt CD?  did you check it for defects?18:54
nathan42100not yet, but the server cd (which I am trying to install) is a text only installation18:54
n215how do i make TUN interface for openvpn ?18:54
nathan42100I checked both my CDs at home and they seemed fine according to the test18:54
Flannelnathan42100: alt CD can do text-only as well.  But whatever CD, you've checked for defects?18:55
nathan42100the installation Was successful on 1/6 servers18:55
nathan42100but the other servers don't seem to want to take any linux distro18:55
smookerhi ppls, i have just installed 7.10 Ubuntu on my #2 PC, i didnt install the nVidia Graphics driver yet,  but i see in down right there is software that i can enable "nVidia Drivers 3d to be able to run games.. "  should i enable this ?18:55
Xsss4helldooglus so have you any idea howto make cam work again?18:56
limessmooker, thats general a good idea18:56
bullgard4smooker: No.18:56
Flannelnathan42100: well, freezing at particular packages (especially consistantly at the same package) really leans towards bad burn.  You might try grabbing the minimal iso, and see if you can install from that (downloads packages from the interblags)18:56
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
lexanderI would like to install Ubuntu from a USB flash drive (following instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/7.04/installation-guide/i386/boot-usb-files.html) - when I try copying the .iso, I get a message that there isn't enough space available, even though the partition is 1 gig in size18:56
juano_1my webcam doesn't seem to work, i downloaded camorama to try it out but it sais could not connect to /dev/video0 please check connection, my cam is plugged in fine, and dmesg shows me the following   SN9C10[12] PC Camera Controller detected (vid: Pid 0x0C45:0x6028)      V4L2 device registered as /dev/video0  any ideas ?18:56
nathan42100but the thing is the CD worked on one server18:56
dooglusXsss4hell: I had to download and install the latest driver18:56
ReaperWitobiHaving trouble with totem - all the videos I play through it seem to turn out blue, anyone else have that problem?18:56
Xsss4hellwhere did you get it?18:56
nathan42100and I dont have an internet connection on any of the servers18:56
smookersomeone give a link how to install nVidia Drivers manually ?18:57
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto18:57
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate18:57
=== adante_ is now known as adante
mackstingWell, xbehave wasn't able to help me. It seems a silly question, I'm sure, but how do I get stuff from CVS?18:57
dooglusXsss4hell: I don't remember where I got it, but the directory is called 'linux-uvc'18:57
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ReaperWitobiHaving trouble with totem - all the videos I play through it seem to turn out blue, anyone else have that problem?18:58
xbehavemacksting: i cant help with your porblem but have you installed cvs18:58
mackstingPerhaps not. It's not part of the Ubuntu install?18:58
Xsss4helldooglus did you install it through the synanptic package manager or a link in the www?18:58
dooglusXsss4hell: did you upgrade your kernel recently?  that might have got rid of the drivers you were using before I guess18:58
brobostigongood evening18:58
Xsss4hellyes that may be18:58
* macksting is getting further, more specific help elsewhere.18:58
ReaperWitobiOr perhaps have an idea why that is happening?18:58
theunixgeekHow do I run GNUStep applications? Such as ProjectCenter? I can't find it anywhere.18:58
dooglusXsss4hell: I downloaded a source tarball and built in myself.  I'll try to find the UR18:58
Xsss4helldooglus thank you very much18:59
DankerIs it possible to dist-upgrade from debian to ubuntu ?18:59
Jack_SparrowDanker: no18:59
xbehavenope cvs is for compiling stuff not part of a default ubuntu install, apt0get cvs or something might help18:59
Xsss4helldooglus http://linux-uvc.berlios.de/ ?18:59
dooglusXsss4hell: http://openfacts.berlios.de/index-en.phtml?title=Linux+UVC18:59
xbehaveDanker: it will probably trash your system18:59
ReaperWitobiHaving trouble with totem - all the videos I play through it seem to turn out blue, anyone else have that problem?  Or perhaps have an idea why that is happening?18:59
dooglusXsss4hell: pretty much, yes18:59
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
bullgard4Danker: Yes, that is possible. But you need to be attentive.19:00
mackstingFor future reference, xbehave, apparently not so simple as apt-get cvs.19:00
idefixwhat is your alignment?19:00
dooglusXsss4hell: it turned out that the cam only offers 'v4l2' and almost all the apps only work with v4l119:00
tonyyarussoDanker: "possible", yes, in the sense that people have successfully done it.  Scary though.19:00
bullgard4Danker: I have done that once last year myself.19:00
filleokusHello. I have a ubuntu server / HTPC. I want to controll some apps that need graphical interfaces (i know of ssh and so, but i rly need graphical soulutions this time). The problem is that i have to config them while some other ppl is looking at a movie, so basicly i need two desktops, one for local display (the tv) and one for remote uses. Can i do this?19:00
Xsss4hellyes, I switched to v4l2 but that didn't do anything..19:00
DankerI have debian stable server, and I want to have ubuntu one19:00
IndyGunFreakupgrade debian to ubuntu?... i'd love to see that19:00
Jack_SparrowDanker: You can try saving your /home partition and trying to hook them back up19:01
stefgReaperWitobi: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/totem/+question/737319:01
PriceChildDanker, fresh install19:01
cat__filleokus: yes you should setup a second X server19:01
xbehavefilleokus: yes, but i have no idea how19:01
nathan42100what is APCI?19:01
rothchildhi, can anyone help me recompile ffmpeg with amr support?19:01
ReaperWitobiThank you stefg19:01
xbehavenathan42100: power managment stuff19:01
bullgard4nathan42100: misspelling for ACPI?19:01
dooglusXsss4hell: the only apps I've found it to work nicely with are mjpg-streamer (which makes the cam's image available on the web) and luvcview, which lets you play with the params, and record .avi movies19:02
robdemanhi folks.. help! I just installed KDE and then removed it again.. but now my Ubuntu box does not boot up with the Gnome desktop anymore! Just a login prompt... what to do??19:02
nathan42100Might that cause a CD read error?19:02
filleokuscat__:  do i rly need a whole new x-server? do you know what i should google on?19:02
xbehavewhats the command to hide joinds and parts?19:02
mackstingOkay. Got CVS. Now... uh, the cvs help didn't seem to help much. How do I use it?19:02
kitchefilleokus: :yes go to the console and type in startx -- :1 and that will start another X on F9 is the key to go to the second X19:02
Jack_Sparrowrobdeman: does it show sessions at the login prompt19:02
* macksting is feeling a touch dense.19:02
steve_bIf I have linux installed on my second hard disk, and I want to remove my first hardidsk, how do I install grub on this disk so that it will boot up corecty?19:02
robdemanJack_Sparrow: What do yuu mean by that?19:02
filleokusrobdeman:  log in with your name as usal and then type startx19:02
bullgard4nathan42100: ACPI is a software layer between BIOS and operating system.19:03
nathan42100Might that cause a CD read error?19:03
kitcherobdeman: select gnome on the Session menu19:03
dooglusXsss4hell: skype doesn't like the cam much - it seems to send only 2/3 or so of the image19:03
robdemanfilleokus: OK that worked, but where did my face browser go?19:04
stefg!grub| steve_b19:04
ubotusteve_b: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto19:04
Jack_Sparrowrobdeman: does it show sessions at the login prompt.. Iseems self explanitory.. obviously , you dont see one..19:04
filleokuskitche: niice :D thanks man, one other quick question, can i change the resoultion on this "screen" (i have a 1080p tv, and it's a pain i the but to use vnc on so big resolution19:04
nathan42100!install freeze19:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about install freeze - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:04
Xsss4helldooglus Camorama worked with v4l2 but something is wrong here.. the cam isn't getting recognized, the Led is just on, usually the LED is Off when the cam is connected to the comp and recognized.19:04
robdemankitche: Select Gnome from the sessin menu -- after I manually started Gnome?19:04
filleokusrobdeman: i have no idea, now you should config your login under the session menu19:04
ubotuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate19:05
robdemanfilleokus: just wondering where to find that Sessions menu?19:05
* macksting shrugs, steps back out to play a little Marathon.19:05
dooglusXsss4hell: I don't have mine plugged in at the moment or I'd show you the lsusb output19:05
dooglusXsss4hell: I know camorama never worked for me though19:05
filleokusjust log in and then you can fix everything from settings menu, log in session and so, i don't remember the name exactly19:05
filleokusrobdeman: the session menu is when you log in19:06
xbehavemacksting: did you download the cvs and compile it?19:06
Xsss4helldooglus did you set v4l2 in multimedia-settings?19:06
robdemanfilleokus: OK so not Preferences -> Sessions?19:06
dooglusXsss4hell: I just realised - mine is a pro 9k, not 4k19:06
Jack_Sparrowrobdeman: you might try  sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start    if you are at a cli prompt19:06
invitado_ahi alguna chica19:06
zcat[1]is there a way of getting a screenshot of compiz when it's switching windows or with the cube partially rotated? I can't figure out how..19:06
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.19:07
kitchefilleokus: yes it acts just like a normal X19:07
filleokusrobdeman:  i am not a good ubuntu user, i have been just poing around in terminal mode on servers19:07
crdlbzcat[1]: just press the print screen key19:07
filleokuskitche: okey, thanks19:07
steve_bhmmm this doesn't really help19:07
zcat[1]hmm.. that easy huh?19:07
doogluszcat[1]: sleep 1; import -window root /tmp/snap.png19:07
cat__filleokus: something like remote control sexond server xorg for example19:07
kitcherobdeman: no at the login prompt there should be a Sessions menu use that to login to Gnome19:07
Xsss4helldooglus there is no big difference19:07
crdlbzcat[1]: that should be set up by default, if it doesn't work and you don't want to fix it, gnome-screenshot can take screenshots on a delay19:07
dooglusXsss4hell: about $200 :)19:08
ReaperWitobiJust upgraded to 7.10, seem to have lost my TTY on displays 1-6... Any Idea why or how to fix it?19:08
Xsss4hellrelated to software and drivers I mean19:08
Jack_Sparrowkitche: unless by login he means cli login19:08
dooglusXsss4hell: http://www.google.com/products?q=logitech+pro+webcam&hl=en&um=1&ie=UTF-819:08
stefgReaperWitobi: known bug19:08
steve_bcan anyone help me set up grub properly - I've read the help page but I still don't really get how to do it...19:08
zcat[1]printscreen did exactly what I wanted, thanks..19:08
ReaperWitobistefg: Damn, no fix yet?19:08
zcat[1]I am such a tard.. I should have tried this first :)19:08
Xsss4hellwhy is mine so expensive? I bought it for 90€19:08
mrcheeksHi guys, I have a problem with my keyboard. Keeping a key pressed doesn't make it show anywhere. So I can't keep my finger on the space key and expect many spaces to be inserted. I am using ubuntu gutsy with a microsoft comfort curve keyboard19:08
stefgReaperWitobi: don't use framebuffer resos like vga=791. just plain console19:09
Jack_Sparrowmrcheeks: dies it do that with a different keyboard?19:09
dooglusXsss4hell: I don't know - maybe they're rare now?  ;)19:09
zcat[1]I got my ms natural keyboard free, but I never plug it in because I'm the only person who can use it, everyone else here hates the layout.19:09
naxaxorg always comes up in low graphics mode19:09
mrcheeksJack_Sparrow: yes, I have another one too same stuff19:09
ReaperWitobiStefg:  I'm only so competent a user... though I understood the individual words you used, i have no Idea how to change it...19:09
Xsss4hellI think currently while the Euro rules over the Dollar the Status should have everything cheaper. In germany the prices for everything raises about 20-100cent19:10
naxaxorg always comes up in low graphics mode when i reboot. i setup the card and the monitor, xorg starts correctly. when i reboot, low graphic mode comes in again. why is that?19:10
Xsss4helldooglus then I wunt to sell mine :D19:10
naxaxorg always comes up in low graphics mode when i reboot. i setup the card and the monitor, xorg starts correctly. when i reboot, low graphic mode comes in again. it comes up couse xorg cannot load. why is that?19:10
Jack_Sparrowmrcheeks: standard keyboard, not a different one of the same model19:10
dooglusXsss4hell: where did you find 'multimedia settings' by the way?19:10
zcat[1]naxa: installed ubunto or booting from the CD?19:10
ubotunaxa: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience19:10
DietusHi, I just installed Hardy last night, and can't get the package installer to operate correctly. Help please.19:10
dooglusXsss4hell: in camorama itself?  or in GNOME?  r?19:10
naxaon 7.10 installed on hdd: xorg always comes up in low graphics mode when i reboot. i setup the card and the monitor, xorg starts correctly. when i reboot, low graphic mode comes in again. it comes up couse xorg cannot load. why is that?19:10
mrcheeksJack_Sparrow: yes, but these are multimedia enabled keyboards.19:11
User493How do i setup Trillian to connect to this Channel?19:11
naxaubotu: ok19:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ok - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:11
naxarobdig: ok19:11
mrcheeksJack_Sparrow: ubuntu detects itself the keys19:11
naxarobdig: i just make it clearer19:11
Xsss4helldooglus right click on your panel then edit menu.. and then browse to settings19:11
=== _3v1n0_ is now known as Trevinho
Xsss4hellyou'll se multimedia settings unchecked ;)19:11
dooglusXsss4hell: the gnome panel?19:11
Jack_Sparrowmrcheeks: Standard as in non-usb non multimedia etc.19:11
naxarobdig: i wanted to update my problem info this is the only cause19:11
naxazcat[1]: installed19:11
dooglusXsss4hell: I don't run GNOME :(  I have XFCE here19:11
dooglusXsss4hell: can you find out what the program is called?19:12
Xsss4hellAs far as I know XFCE doesn't make your system faster, it uses less resources, but I never notiiced the speed gain19:12
mrcheeksJack_Sparrow: ah ok, nope I have still no keyboards of that type. I never had problems with it before as I never configured the keys for the multimedia stuff19:12
steve_bAt the moment I have linux installed on /dev/sdb1 and windows on /dev/sda1.  When I remove the windows drive from my computer linux won't start anymore.  Does anyone know how to fix this problem?19:12
stefgReaperWitobi:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools/+bug/12991019:13
kitchesteve_b: install grub to the linux drive19:13
steve_bkitche : how do I do that?19:13
mackstingxbehave: It said "unpacking cvs" and "setting up cvs" so I guess I assumed it had already compiled.19:13
mackstingWhat do I need to do to compile it?19:13
kitche!grub | steve_b19:13
ubotusteve_b: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto19:13
ReaperWitobiSigh.  I hate knowing that my answer is on the internet and I just couldn't find it.  THanks, stefg.19:13
dooglusXsss4hell: I just prefer the look19:13
Skruxcan anyone tell me how to play a .wmv on ubuntu gutsy ¿¿19:13
Jack_Sparrowmrcheeks: Just trying to help define the problem OS vs hardware detection vs changes by the user19:13
zcat[1]naxa: how are you reconfiguring, GUI tool or 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' from a text login?19:13
ubun00bwhen connecting to my computer through ssh, should i worry about dhcp or is the ip (derrived from e.g. whatismyip.com) sufficient?19:14
xbehavemacksting:  cvs has been installed but generally you use cvs yo get software to compile19:14
kitcheubun00b: depends if your connecting from outside the lan or not19:14
naxazcat[1]: the gui tool. a window comes up and it say we are in low graphics mode and there is a configure button (and shut down and cancel i think)19:14
=== JJ|Laptop is now known as joeyjones
Skruxcan anyone tell me how to play a .wmv on ubuntu gutsy ¿¿19:14
zcat[1]naxa: also are you using any special drivers?19:14
mackstingAye. In this case, the latest Jedi-SDL.19:14
Xsss4helldooglus I guess you don't have gnome-control-center19:14
IndyGunFreak!wmv | Skrux19:14
ubotuSkrux: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats19:14
naxazcat[1]: nvidia is my driver19:14
mackstingAs I said, though, cvs help wasn't very helpful.19:15
zcat[1]naxa: .. did you install that from restricted package or nvidia binary installer?19:15
steve_bkitche : do I just do grub-install /dev/sdb1 ?19:15
yogiwhat do I need to do get intel wireless (thinkpad t60) run with the hardy kernel?19:15
Xsss4hellcan find the name, it is integrated into gnome-settings19:15
stefg!hardy | yogi19:15
ubotuyogi: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu19:15
ubun00bkitche: if i'm outside?19:15
kitchesteve_b: I guess I usually don't bother with grub-install and such OI always do it by hand using the grub command line19:15
kitcheubun00b: yes outside your network19:15
dooglusXsss4hell: I have lots of GNOME packages, yes19:15
DietusA little help with Hardy, please.19:15
kitcheDietus: #ubuntu+119:16
ubun00bubun00b: yes... then i need to worry about dhcp?19:16
dooglusI can run g-c-c19:16
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu19:16
pablinhow  to install soundblaster xifi musicextreme in ubuntu 64 7.0419:16
Jack_SparrowDietus: then try their room  +119:16
steve_bkitche how do you do it with the command line?19:16
yogiubotu: thanks19:16
ubotuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)19:16
kitchesteve_b: type grub and it takes you to the grub prompt19:16
Xsss4hellbye the way "Carl Zeiss" is a company that is just 1km from here :D19:16
mrcheeksbrb, I will try some gnome options for my keyboard19:16
Skruxthanks IndyGunFreak19:16
kitcheubun00b: if it's outside your network then you use the outside ip address19:16
IndyGunFreakSkrux: np19:16
dooglusXsss4hell: I don't see any 'multimedia' in there though.  lots of other stuff19:17
xbehavemacksting: well ive not used cvs but generally you use that to download a directory (not sure how) then you cat the readme and the install to find out how to make the software19:17
zejoshHey, i'm trying to install ruby on rails,19:17
xbehaveto compile youll need to install dependencies manually, which normally mean sbuild-essentials19:17
zejoshbut it says permission denied?19:17
zejoshwhen running it.19:17
DietusThanks again19:17
zejoshit says "permission denied" when trying to run it.19:17
Powhatanbobi have to watch some streaming video for school, and under ubuntu realplayer stutters and has a poorly repsonsive user interface.  Is there a way to make Realplayer perform as well under ubuntu as it does in windows, or an opensource alternative that I could use instead?19:18
kitchezejosh: it needs to be ran as root powers19:18
Flare183what is "yawd"?19:18
zejoshhow do I do that?19:18
gordonjcp!sudo | zejosh19:18
ubotuzejosh: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.19:18
drezis it me or is gftp slow in transferring files?19:18
zejoshim not using sudo gordon,19:18
gordonjcpzejosh: also, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RubyOnRails19:18
stefg!realplayer | Powhatanbob19:18
zejoshi have the extracted folder on my desktop19:18
gordonjcpzejosh: well you haven't got root then19:19
ubotuPowhatanbob: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats19:19
ubotuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo19:19
zejoshit says, I have the ruby folder on my version,19:19
zejoshbut it isnt in my applications?19:19
gordonjcpzejosh: read the link I just pasted19:19
* macksting digs back into cvs help, trying to find stupid stuff like "get," "download," "install," "find," "search," "locate," "triangulate," or "let me do everything for you."19:19
snake_hello i have a problem. i was playing with cedega but suddenly the pc restarted and now i have my resolution changed to 640 X 480 and is the best resolution i have so i cannot turn it to 1200 x 800. can someone tell me how to reconfigure it please ??19:19
kitchezejosh: you have to use the command line to run rails19:19
Flare183!info yawd19:19
Powhatanbobthanks stefg i'll check that out19:19
ubotuPackage yawd does not exist in gutsy19:19
brobostigoni just connected my webcam, which in dmesg registers as /dev/video0, i tried to get vlc to show me its video but got the following error in console from vlc, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46616/, why?? and how do i enable it to work??19:20
stefgPowhatanbob: you might try mplayer with w32codecs.19:20
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto19:20
vud1hi anyone knows if there are something similar to "profile.d" in ubuntu?19:20
steve_bkitche: thanks for you'r help.  I ran grub-install.  I'm gonna remove the disk now and see if it works19:20
ubotuThe Win32 codecs are available from the Medibuntu repositories (see « /msg ubotu medibuntu »), and for releases prior to Gutsy, also at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages19:20
Jack_Sparrowbrobostigon: did you look at the supported hardware page.. or our webcam page?19:21
gordonjcpbrobostigon: maybe vlc won't play the output of your webcam19:21
gordonjcpbrobostigon: paste the command line too?19:21
brobostigonin feisty vlc did it with no prob.19:21
JossHello. V new to ubuntu and having major problems setting up/configuring wireless adaptor with WPA encryption. Have looked all over for answers. Does anyone have any suggestions?19:22
brobostigoni simpy put vlc into cli19:22
stefg!wifi | Joss19:22
ubotuJoss: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs19:22
KingFoobarI have a cron script ( http://pastebin.ca/803903 ). I edited crontab using "crontab -e" and added the line ( http://pastebin.ca/803905 ). I DO have sendmail installed and running. My problem is as follows: When the services daemon is not running, cron opens up defunct zombie processes for sh and sendmail and I must kill the cron process. How can I solve this? All I want is to be emailed when the services daemon isn't found.19:22
mackstingSo nobody here uses CVS?19:23
Duhme`anyone happen to know if 7.10 includes rt2500 drivers ?19:23
Xsss4helldooglus look this is my xorg.conf I have included v4l2 and v4l into it.. gonna restart x.. maybe it help http://de.pastebin.ca/80390719:23
stefg!wifi |  Duhme`19:23
ubotuDuhme`: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs19:23
Ashfire908how to i find out if a package is installed without using aptitude or and gui package managers19:23
CherubaelAnybody know how to get a Lifecam VX-3000 working? Tried the community docs and downloaded the gspca package... Still not working19:23
maddog39could anyone please help me resolve this ffmpeg error, im on Xubuntu PPC(gutsy) but the command works fine on my x86 desktop also running ubuntu (gutsy), http://pastebin.com/d571a6c0619:24
crdlbAshfire908: dpkg -l or apt-cache policy ?19:24
JossThanks stefg. Have tried loads of stuff from there but without joy.19:24
stefgAshfire908: dpkg -l <packagename>19:24
soundrayJoss: not all wireless drivers support WPA. Could that be the issue?19:25
robdigmacksting: what is your question?19:25
brobostigoni have added to this paste the output from dmesg, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46617/19:25
stefgJoss: enter make and model of your wifi adapter followed by ubuntu into google.19:25
mackstingRobdig: Well, to be honest, I can't figure out how to get files from CVS. The program helpfully throws me an unhelpful list of commands.19:25
JossAm using a dell TrueMobile 1150 with orinoco drivers. From what I have researched, these should be compatible.19:25
mackstingFor instance, what on earth is the repository?19:26
guyvdb_I messed up my sound by trying to compile alsa (1.0.15 driver, lib and utils) I have uninstalled (sudo make uninstall) but need to know which deb's to install to get drivers, libs and utils for 1.0.14 that comes with Ubuntu 7.10.19:26
dooglusmacksting: the repository is the database holding all the versions of the source files19:26
robdigmacksting: the repository is where the software lives19:26
maddog39omg ive been to 4 channels and ignored in every one of them :/19:26
Jack_Sparrowmaddog39: Perhaps attitude is a factor19:27
robdigmacksting: for example, if you want to compile foo from source for some reason, you would connect to foo's source repository and down load what you want19:27
stefgJoss: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=383615419:27
maddog39Jack_Sparrow, i havent said anything till now but im agrivated and just want a little suggestion, anything19:27
mackstingSo I'd want to download from an existing repository. And none of the commands seem to indicate how to do that. Not to my dense, aggravated mind, anyway.19:27
Ssamcan you use bluetooth adapter to detect a wifi?19:28
dooglusmacksting: "cvs checkout"19:28
PriceChildmacksting, what do you really want to do? What is your aim?19:28
mulimai have a pbm about frequence scaling .. cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_max_freq => 2267000   and cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq => 800000 ... so i'm always at the lowest freq ... impossible to switch to higher freq19:28
CherubaelAnybody know how to get a Lifecam VX-3000 working? Tried the community docs and downloaded the gspca package... I still can't get it to work. Any ideas?19:28
Jack_Sparrowmaddog39: You are running xbuntu on a PPC.. correct..? It works in Ubunt Gutsy..  So they X will be the best place for help19:28
ubotuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras19:29
PriceChildCherubael, have you got access to /dev/video{,0,1,...} ?19:29
SsamCan you use a bluetooth dongle to detect a wifi?19:29
mackstingPriceChild: I'm trying to get GearHead to run. Jedi-SDL doesn't seem to exist in apt's stuff or Synaptic, but a forum user got the latest version from CVS. I'd download it from the website, but the website doesn't seem to have a version for Debian.19:29
mackstingSo I'm trying to get Jedi-SDL from CVS.19:29
CherubaelPriceChild: How would I know? I can't get to that location from Terminal, if that's any help19:29
mackstingDooglus says "checkout"'s the command I want for that.19:30
naxaon 7.10 installed on hdd: xorg always comes up in low graphics mode when i reboot. i setup the card and the monitor, xorg starts correctly. when i reboot, low graphic mode comes in again. it comes up couse xorg cannot load. why is that?19:30
btardwhere do I find the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable?19:30
PriceChildCherubael, well the webcam outputs to a file called /dev/video0 most probably, and its always a good start to ensure you can read it19:30
deal_Anyone can tell me how I can mount a *.UIF file? Do believe it's a ISO of some sort.19:30
Jossstefg: everything is detected ok, and i can get a connection without security, but i cannot connect with wpa encryption. The thread you sent doesn't seem to apply.19:31
axel_shi, i'd like to find out what package a certain file belongs to...19:31
soundraybtard: how do you mean "find"? You can enter 'echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH to see if it's set.19:31
PriceChildCherubael, so just "sudo chown <username> /dev/video0" before you try using it19:31
CherubaelPriceChild: If i'm looking in the right place (/dev) the file doesn't exist. Will it be created?19:31
SsamCan u use a bluetooth dongle to connect to a wifi?19:31
btardits blank when I do that19:31
PriceChildCherubael, /dev/video0 definitely doesn't exist?19:31
=== karolis is now known as Ksft
CherubaelPriceChild: I'm looking in /dev right now; No video019:31
PriceChildCherubael, modprobe gspca19:31
btardso I assume it isn't set. The code I am trying to install wants me to add it to the "~/.profile". where is that?19:32
soundraybtard: then it's not set. You can set it for a shell session with 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/your/path/'19:32
PriceChildCherubael, that command forces the modem's kernel module to load19:32
stefgJoss: oh, i see. it's not that you have no connection, just the wpa bugs out... hmm, read something about that you need some 'hermes' driver for it19:32
Ssamugh futile19:32
CherubaelPriceChild: Ok done that19:32
Ssamcan you use a blue tooth dongle to connect to a wifi?19:32
PriceChildSsam, bluetooth != wifi19:32
PriceChildSsam, you can make bluetooth <-> bluetooth network connections...19:32
SsamPriceChild:  okay how do i detect ongoing connections?19:32
PriceChildCherubael, now does that file exist?19:33
PriceChildSsam, Haven't a clue, don't use it.19:33
Cherubaelnope, new ls of /dev and no video019:33
mrcheeksThanks guys I changed the keyboard model from 105 to 104 and typed xset r on19:33
mrcheeksit works19:33
stefgJoss: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=304217#419:33
flakehow do I disable the trackerd?19:33
Ssami have to check it.....do u know where i could help reguarding this?19:33
PriceChildCherubael, pastebin the output of "lsusb" for me please19:33
btardI believe I need it more than just temporarily19:33
mrcheekshow to add the option xset r on in xorg.conf please?19:33
soundraybtard: to set it system-wide, add a line to /etc/environment19:33
PriceChildflake, system > preferences > indexing preferences19:33
Morgan555mananyone know how to change my video driver on the command line? I changed it and now I cant get into gutsy, I can get to a command line though19:33
axel_sdeal_, uif is only readable/mountable/burnable by MagicISO(win)19:33
PriceChild!xconfig | Morgan55519:34
ubotuMorgan555: To reconfigure your X server, open a console and type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg » - To configure only the driver and resolution, type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh » - See also !FixRes19:34
soundray!who | btard19:34
ubotubtard: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)19:34
Cherubael!pastebin > Cherubael19:34
Ssamthanks anyway19:34
flakeI'm in kde PriceChild19:34
Jack_SparrowPriceChild: It doesnt look like people are having luck getting the Microsoft "Lifecam VX-3000" Cam working19:34
JossHmmm... ok, I shall go and research this hermes driver. hopefully it will help. Oddly enough, the "NICKNAME" that is displayed for the wireless adapter/connection is "HERMES I". Thanks very much for your help, and the links.19:34
axel_sHow do I find out what package a certain file belongs to? Does anyone know?19:35
btardsoundray: I understand. I should have been doing that. I am going to try and find a precompiled version19:35
CherubaelPriceChild: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46619/19:35
xbehave<PriceChild> Ssam, you can make bluetooth <-> bluetooth network connections..., is this easy? any hits i dont have the time right now but id love to know were to look in future19:35
PriceChildJack_Sparrow, from what the person said, they implied gspca got it working so i didn't check. If I get given the chipset i'll take a look.19:35
soundraybtard: version of what?19:35
PriceChildxbehave, as I said... I have never done it.19:35
soundrayaxel_s: dpkg -S filename19:35
CherubaelJack_Sparrow: AFAIK gspca should support the chipset (According to the webcam list on the community pages)19:36
Morgan555PriceCHild, sorry but what is !config?19:36
mackstingHow do you search in cvs?19:36
=== basti_ is now known as BassT
CreationistMy mouse has an extra button on each side of it, but they currently perform the same function as my right and left buttons (xev reports they are Button 1 and Button 3).  How do I change that to assign them to something more useful (specifically in compiz)?19:36
btardsoundray: i am trying to install a "Crossplatform, Opensource, Ansi C++, Framework aimed to handle 2d and 3d Vector Graphic." because it is required for compiling a game I want to play19:36
btardsoundray: it is named Amanith19:36
pablinhow  to install soundblaster xifi musicextreme in ubuntu 64 7.0419:36
PriceChildCherubael, http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=2580309&postcount=819:36
nathan42100just to clarify, I can install 6.061 LTS server and upgrade straight to 7.10 server without having to do 7.0419:36
axel_ssoundray, thanks19:36
PriceChildCherubael, that's all i can find sorry.19:36
PriceChildCherubael, rest of that thread may be handy19:37
dooglusmacksting: once you've checked stuff out, you just have a local copy of the files, so search however you normally would.  I would find | xargs grep19:37
kitchenathan42100: well you probably can but you might have issues19:37
PriceChildMorgan555, read the message ubotu gave you19:37
nathan42100kitche: such as?19:37
soundraybtard: feel free to ask for help again if you can't find a precompiled version19:37
HighlifeHow do i get that annoying sparkly look around the windows in compiz-fustion to go away?19:37
CherubaelPriceChild: Oh wow that sucks... I'll try, but now not so hopeful :( Thanks for your help PriceChild! :)19:38
rothchildI'm trying to get sound out of my .3gp video files, i know I need to recompile ffmpeg with AMR support and have the sources etc but am getting stuck, can anyone help?19:38
PriceChildCherubael, it looks kinda helpful19:38
btardsoundray: ok thanks19:38
Jack_SparrowCherubael: that french forum says they got it to work.. just not very good quality]19:38
mackstingDooglus: I think you're missing my question somewhat; I'll try to be more clear. Somebody on the forum says there's a version of jedi-sdl on cvs. I couldn't checkout it by that name, or even close variations of that name. Therefore, unless I can search the... source or whatever for key words, I won't know what to download.19:38
CherubaelPriceChild: Yeah, but image quality was said to be low... Either way, i'll give it a go :)19:39
BassTI use Windows XP with VMWare under Ubuntu as host-system. I will use my external USB Harddisk for data exchange. But unfortunately, I have different data under linux and windows19:39
syngin01my nautilus doesn't allow me to add a side pane and opens directories in new window. The view settings are missing the check boxes for these settings. is there anywhere else i can change this back19:39
dooglusmacksting: where's the repository?19:39
nathan42100kitche: ?19:39
CreationistAnother question: How do I get nautilus to show video previews?19:39
dooglusmacksting: ok, here you are... read the 'anonymous' section of http://sourceforge.net/cvs/?group_id=4380519:40
stefgrothchild: have you run 'sudo apt-get build-dep ffmpeg' to have all the build dependencies ?19:40
soundrayCreationist: it should do so by default. Maybe the files are too large -- have a look in nautilus preferences19:40
dooglusHighlife: if you "mkdir -p ~/.config/xserver-xgl && touch ~/.config/xserver-xgl/disable" then all that compiz junk will go away19:40
Fekallwhat is the command to renew your ip in a terminal window?19:41
PriceChildCreationist, are you sure it can do that?19:41
crdlbdooglus: err that's assuming he's using Xgl19:41
dooglusFekall: sudo ifdown eth0 && sudo ifup eth0 ?19:41
mackstingThanks, Dooglus.19:41
doogluscrdlb: I guess.  doesn't compiz require it?19:41
rushfanhow do you edit grub.conf with ubuntu? The fuke doesnt seem to exist19:41
rothchildstefg running now19:41
crdlbdooglus: xserver-xgl is in universe :)19:42
Jack_Sparrowrushfan: boot/grub/menu.lst19:42
tebocan I setting bridgtness and contrast of monitor by software?19:42
mackstingNow how to figure out what module name I'm looking for. I'll WAG this first one.19:42
doogluscrdlb: oh, right.  I think with my radeon mobility card I need to use Xgl to get compiz running19:42
rushfanJack_Sparrow: oh its just calledd a diff. name19:42
CreationistMy mouse has an extra button on each side of it, but they currently perform the same function as my right and left buttons (xev reports they are Button 1 and Button 3).  How do I change that to assign them to something more useful (specifically in compiz)?19:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about rights - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:42
mackstingWell that's something.19:42
dinakisis anybody here19:43
dooglusmacksting: the module is 'jedi-sdl'19:43
MikeHHi. Just tried to install ubuntu, downloaded the x64 iso off the website. Get the boot menu, select start/install ubuntu, the loading kernel progress bar appears, upon getting there, it goes to a black screen very briefly with some text, then vga output dies, and the computer is having a fit19:43
rothchildi've got files from 3gp too what do I do with those? Or is the codec in amoungst this lot?19:43
mackstingYeah, my WAG worked accordingly.19:43
MikeHflashing my keyboard lights19:43
Creationistrothchild: I have 3gp files too (from my cell phone).  I can play the videos in VLC, but there is no sound.  Apparently this is a known issue.19:44
Jack_SparrowMikeH: usb keyboard?19:44
FurryNemesisCreationist, in CCSM in general there's a commands tab19:44
LiMaOrothchild: if you have realplayer codecs, 3gp files will work19:44
Jack_SparrowMikeH: Had to ask..19:44
CreationistFurryNemesis: Okay, I see that.19:44
rothchildcreationist it's because the AMR codec is not enabled by default19:44
Creationistrothchild: How does one enable that?19:45
SpirosG4./server darkness.irc19:45
FurryNemesisCreationist, go to the commands tab19:45
stefgMikeH: flashing lights usually mean kernel panick19:45
kitchenathan42100: your upgrade can break due to some glibc specific things19:45
MikeHstefg: indeed19:45
stefgMikeH: try cheatcodes19:45
rothchildI'm most of the way there with this: http://www.thisismobility.com/blog/?p=15619:45
MikeHquestion is, why?19:45
stefg!boot | mikeH19:45
ubotumikeH: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto19:45
dooglusrothchild, LiMaO: the only thing I've found able to play audio on 3gp files is the proprietary 'realplay' program19:45
nathan42100kitche: I am just starting to use linux after a long period of absence, so that is way over my head19:45
CreationistFurryNemesis: Yeah, I'm there... what do I do now?19:45
ubotuKDE 4 is the next major release of the K Desktop Environment. For more information see <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDE_4>. The Release Schedule is available at http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/KDE4/4.0_Release_Schedule. RC 1 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-rc1.php19:46
dooglus!info realplay19:46
ubotuPackage realplay does not exist in gutsy19:46
rothchilddooglus I concur I have w32codecs but no dice19:46
wotamuckinfuddlehi all does anyone know how to connect mldonkey?, it dosent seem to connect for some reason19:46
MontegoAnyone Know how to upgrade firefox in a term?19:46
FurryNemesisCreationist, see the commands and keybindings sub tabs?19:46
nathan42100!info libc6-udeb19:46
ubotuPackage libc6-udeb does not exist in gutsy19:46
PriceChildMontego, sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade19:46
CreationistFurryNemesis: Yes, I'm there.19:46
dooglusrothchild: I installed realplay (from the proprietary repo maybe?) and it works fine19:47
CreationistFurryNemesis: Well, there is no keybindings sub tab.19:47
stefgMontego: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade will make an allaround update19:47
dooglusrothchild: it doesn't spam me all the time like it used to on windows either, which is nice.19:47
FurryNemesisright, input the command you want into the eg command line 0 space, and then in the bindings you'll set a key to execute it19:47
dooglusMontego: sudo apt-get install firefox19:47
MikeHstefg: What am I looking for there, how does it help me?19:47
syngin01sudo apt-get update firefox19:47
munk_i installed windows and then ubuntu and it boots up in windows without even prompting me...what do i do to boot in ubuntu?19:47
MontegoPriceChild tried that but said 0 upgraded and 0 update. I know I have older version of firefox.19:47
CreationistFurryNemesis: Uhm, I don't think you understood my question.19:47
CreationistMy mouse has an extra button on each side of it, but they currently perform the same function as my right and left buttons (xev reports they are Button 1 and Button 3).  How do I change that to assign them to something more useful (specifically in compiz)?19:47
rothchilddooglus fair point but I don't want a bunch of media players installed19:47
PriceChildMontego, "know"? how?19:47
dooglusMontego: ubuntu has old versions of everything.  that's how it works.  everything was frozen 6 months ago19:47
cachedwhat would be the easiest way to restore grub after installing windows?19:48
admiralthorCan someone who is well versed in Windows Vista and fubbed ubuntu installs private chat with me?19:48
dooglusrothchild: ok.  enjoy your silent movies then :)  I don't want a bunch installed either, but I guess the audio format is proprietary19:48
FurryNemesisCreationist, you have to expand with the down arrow on screen to get it - this is the only way to do it in compiz I think, it takes over your keybinds and yyou have to reassign them, that goes for mice too19:48
PriceChilddooglus, security updates make it in19:48
stefgMikeH: without any error message it's just guesswork. Usual suspects are' noacpi noapc nolapic' to see if you can get at least a  meaningfull error19:48
dooglusPriceChild: yes, I know.  but they generally don't up the version number - it'll usually look like you're still running the 'old' version, only it'll be patched with just the security updates19:49
MikeHstefg: so I just try each of those boot options then?19:49
MontegoJUst trying to upgrade hoping they fixed the bug that crashes when popups or other windows tries to open19:49
robdigmacksting: are you still looking for your jedi-sdl answer? if so, i think i have your answer on pastebin http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46621/19:49
CherubaelPriceChild: Ok, tried all that and I still get "Could not connect to video device (/dev/video0)."19:49
FurryNemesisCreationist,  try this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=53361719:49
stefgMikeH: try all of them at once 'noacpi noapic nolapic' and see what happens.19:49
MikeHok, thanks19:50
rothchildapparently it's an 'ambiguous' licence (?!) (Which is I guess why it's not in ubuntu / debian) I have some sources from the 3gp.org site19:50
soundraystefg: I don't think noacpi has an effect in ubuntu19:50
dooglusrothchild: sounds promising19:50
dooglusrothchild: please report back with news of what you find?19:50
* stefg looks19:50
PriceChildCherubael, because it doesn't exist?19:50
munk_i installed windows and then ubuntu and it boots up in windows without even prompting me...what do i do to boot in ubuntu?19:51
CherubaelPriceChild: Indeed, no video0 file19:51
admiralthorI lost power in the middle of a ubuntu install, and now my computer won't boot. I'm in the LiveCD and can't mount my Vista Partition, but i can mount my Dell partition and fubbed ubuntu partition. can someone help me?19:51
Flannelmunk_: Sounds like you didn't install GRUB properly to the MBR, or you instlaled windows last.  Follow the first link here:19:51
Flannel!grub | munk_19:52
ubotumunk_: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto19:52
stefgMikeH: indeed, that should read acpi=off noapic nolapic'19:52
* stefg gives credit to soundray19:52
munk_Flannel i know that but i didnt installl grub...it shouldve installed by itself like it did on every machine i installed before....and i installed windows first...19:53
rothchilddooglas there's a fair bit in here: http://www.thisismobility.com/blog/?p=15619:53
dooglusrothchild: i'll have a look later, thanks19:53
Flannelmunk_: That is strange.  I suppose theres a possibility it installed to a partition instead of MBR, or the wrong disk.  Either way, those steps will work.19:53
vvndoes it matter if my rootfs is at the beginning or the end of the drive?19:53
arooni-mobilehey folks!19:53
soundraystefg: acpi=off works, but cannot be recommended, really. pci=noacpi sometimes fixes issues without endangering critical functions like cooling.19:53
dooglusvvn: no19:53
tommy`hey please I've a grub error: 1719:54
vvndooglus: kthx19:54
joey722i have 2 questions:1-how can i configure hotmail and gmail with kontact?19:54
joey7222-how can i read .rm files without installing real player.... i installed mplayer but it gives an error "cannot find codec for audio format 0x072706973"19:54
vvnyeah I got the same error19:54
munk_Flannel,  Thanks :)19:54
arooni-mobileeverytime i try to use that cool deskbar applet to search my /home directory..... i get no results... its like its not indexing my files....... can someone tell me how to fix?  thanks!19:54
dooglusvvn: but put it on a primatry partition, not a logical/extended one19:54
vvnyea that I am doing19:54
dooglusvvn: I think19:54
tommy`I've chrooted my system by livecd, how can I fix my menu.lst to boot my OS's ?19:54
soundray!w32codecs | joey72219:54
ubotujoey722: The Win32 codecs are available from the Medibuntu repositories (see « /msg ubotu medibuntu »), and for releases prior to Gutsy, also at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages19:54
soundrayjoey722: you need these for realmedia files/streams ^^19:55
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto19:55
rothchilddooglas also the codec source is here: http://www.3gpp.org/ftp/Specs/html-info/26-series.htm19:55
stefgsoundray: true, my intention was to try the roundhouse kik to see if the box boots at all, and then see what the real trouble is (by having an dmesg log or something)19:55
adrenergichow can i connect via.... Internal Modem, i mean not the Serial Modem.... on PPP?19:55
tommy`anyone can help me please?19:55
dooglustommy`: sudo grub-install ?19:55
CherubaelAnyone got any last ditch ideas for getting my webcam going?19:55
soundraystefg: I understand19:55
ubun00bcould anyone try to connect to my computer through ssh? (user: toresn, ip:
soundraystefg: makes sense19:56
erUSUL!dialup | adrenergic19:56
ubotuadrenergic: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up19:56
MontegoGetting Firefox updated Now Thanks!!19:56
tommy`dooglus: I've grub installed19:56
* bruenig wonders why "updated" wasn't capitalized19:56
robdigtommy`: for grub error 17, take a look at this...it may help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=44294519:56
dooglustommy`: that'll write it so it boots19:56
jribubun00b: have you installed openssh-server?19:56
ubun00bjrib: yes, and it's running19:57
dooglusubun00b: not connecting19:57
jribubun00b: can you 'ssh localhost' successfully then?19:57
ubun00bjrib: yes19:57
OIMmovie player is crashıng any idea19:57
jribubun00b: then it is a firewall/port forwarding issue19:57
dooglusjrib: forward port on router19:57
skyfalcon866whats more demanding gnome or kde19:58
jribskyfalcon866: about the same19:58
Flannelskyfalcon866: theyre both about the same.19:58
skyfalcon866whats more popular19:58
ubun00bjrib: well, i'm not sure, i'm quite new to the whole thing... but i don't believe i have installed a firewall19:58
jribskyfalcon866: try both and use what you like19:58
Dextorionskyfalcon866, depends on your settings. i dont think they are about the same today actually19:58
mackstingSo checkout should download the file, right?19:58
ProN00bis there any place, organisation, peoples that are certifying devices for linux compatibility ?19:58
jribubun00b: what does 'sudo iptables -L' return?19:59
skyfalcon866kde is like windows19:59
skyfalcon866gnome is like mac19:59
jarle_I experienced a crash while upgrading to edgy, now my packages does not seem to be OK: http://monoport.com/5677 Any hints on how to solve this??19:59
ariczubun00b : jeg hadde samme problem.. bare aapne port 22 i ruteren din..19:59
Dextorioni'd say both are more liek linux ;)19:59
Thorsten11anyone have issues running sauerbraten with 7.10?19:59
* macksting looks at the time, winces.19:59
ProN00bskyfalcon866, and xfce surpasses them both19:59
mackstingThanks for all your help. Must study for finals post-haste.19:59
ubun00bjrib: http://pastebin.com/d7c3bfc8420:00
ubun00baricz: ok, hvordan gjør jeg det? :)20:00
jribubun00b: no firewall then.  Maybe you have one on your router?20:00
ubun00baricz: nei, glem det... skal finne ut av det20:00
ubotuNederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl20:01
vvnthat ain't dutch20:01
vvnnynorsk or svenska?20:02
lusepuster_Hi folks - I'm running Kopete in a Gnome environment, but the icons don't show which is kinda annoying. Anybody know the problem, and meybe even a fix?20:02
naxaon 7.10 installed on hdd: xorg always comes up in low graphics mode when i reboot. i setup the card and the monitor, xorg starts correctly. when i reboot, low graphic mode comes in again. it comes up couse xorg cannot load. why is that?20:02
rothchildaaahhaa!!! http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=17845520:02
K_DallasGood afternoon folks! Q: I am going to use my toshiba laptop with gusty to connect to a projector tomorrow. this would be my first time with a linux machine. which settings i have to change when i connect the two machines? Thanks20:03
szabhow to open .deb packages on ubuntu?20:03
jribszab: what are you trying to install?20:03
Flannelszab: Or just click on them20:03
spiker611Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm running Gutsy (2.6.22-14) with an RT73 USB wireless chipset.  I have about 5 minutes of connectivity on my laptop but it seems to work on my desktop.  Is there a known fix for the RT73 chipset?20:03
szabi clicked on them20:04
szabarchive manager does not opening it20:04
jribszab: what are you trying to install?20:04
ubun00bjrib: i will try to do what aricz instructed me to do (in norwegian)20:04
FlannelK_Dallas: you should (with gutsy) just go to the screen setup doohicky and set it up as a second screen thing.20:04
maxiounet#jeuxlinux robin20:04
jribszab: why?20:04
dudesmnis there a way to import my windows firefox settings into my ubuntu firefox?20:04
Dextorionszab, run "apt-get install build-essntial" in console20:04
Thorsten11like dextorion said20:04
soundrayszab: Dextorion means 'sudo apt-get install build-essential'20:05
K_DallasFlannel, doohicky?20:05
xbehave_spiker611: Not a fix but it works for me on broadcom inbuilt is to switch over to ndiswrapper, but as i said thats just a WFM solution20:05
szabi'll try20:05
CherubaelAnyone know why Terminal Services client gives the error "Expected CC, got 0x0" instead of connecting?20:05
jrib!software > szab (read the private message from ubotu)20:05
K_DallasFlannel,  (i am not on my ubuntu machine right now)20:05
Dextorionsoundray, szab, What Soundray said.20:05
Thorsten11yeah unless he is running in root\20:05
FlannelK_Dallas: Theres some screen setup program.  Its either in system > Preferences, or system > administration20:05
spiker611xbehave_ does it support monitor mode and/or network manager?20:05
soundrayDextorion: :)20:05
jribszab: you should take a minute to read how software installation works on ubuntu.  It's very easy20:05
K_DallasFlannel, great, i will check that out tomorrow during the rehearsal, appreciate it20:05
ferronicahow to creat account in evolution20:06
soundrayszab: in all likelihood, you don't even need gcc, unless you write your own software.20:06
kane77what is the fastest way to fill up my harddrive?20:06
Lavahello, i have a question concerning playing m4a's in Rhythmbox20:07
larson999i can't tell if 64 bit is snappier or if it's just my normal feeling that any distro is faster than the one i'm using20:07
Thorsten11put video files and pics oon it20:07
FlannelK_Dallas: If that doesn't work, you might need to get down and dirty with xorg, but from what I've heard, people are having pretty good results with it.20:07
Cherubaelkane77: Install Vista20:07
Thorsten11any reason why you want ot fill up your hd?20:07
jribkane77: dd20:07
K_DallasFlannel, i surely hope so as i am presenting ubuntu marketing in an MBA class where people have never heard of it and seem very suspicious20:07
Lavai can't open m4a's in Rhythmbox20:07
Lavaany way to solve this?20:07
kane77Cherubael, heh.. I've been through that... and it's true... :)20:07
athyraim looking for some help with logitech headphones, can anyone help me?20:08
robdigferronica: edit->preferences->mail accounts->add20:08
kane77jrib, but from where? last time I tried I used cat /dev/urandom > foobar20:08
Thorsten11Lava: have you thought about converting them?20:08
jribkane77: /dev/zero for example20:08
kane77jrib, thanx20:08
Lavano, heard that by doing that i might fcuk up the quality20:08
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tommy`anyone can tell me what's wrong on my grup? check http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/2430/ and http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/2431/ please20:09
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jsoftwHey erm, ive an fstab entry to mount an smbfs share. If I boot up, the mountpoint (in this case, /netdrive ), becomes slow to ls, and does not show up in df -h or mount. If I then umount /netdrive, and mount -a again, it works. Any ideas?20:09
ferronicarobdig: Please enter the POP password for Tushar Sharma on host pop.bol.net.in20:09
soundraykane77: urandom is slow. Let it run for a short time, then do 'while true ; cat foobar foobar >foo ; cp foo foobar ; done'20:09
Lavathey play in totem, but not in rhythmbox20:09
Thorsten11i always found that if a certain format does not work for me, i just convert it to something that will just becasue i know it works and i am too lazy to figure out the right way :)20:09
Lavado i lack a codec or shting like that20:09
soundraykane77: forgot a 'do' before the cat20:09
ferronicarobdig: after entering password error20:09
ferronicarobdig: Unable to connect to POP server pop.bol.net.in.20:10
ferronicaError sending password: -ERR Authentication failed. Please enter the POP password for Tushar Sharma on host pop.bol.net.in20:10
kane77soundray, thanx20:10
Thorsten11i have no idea if rhythmbox even plays them so it may just be an incomaptibility issue20:10
spideymanhey all im having trouble getting read write permissions to second ext3 drive20:10
robdigferronica: mail setup is dependent on your ISP configuration. on their client website they generally have the items you enter in each box. password is what ever you set it to20:10
ferronicarobdig: what i do now20:10
tzadiki'm having a problem with kino20:11
MikeHHi guys, having some serious problems installing ubuntu, when I select to install ubuntu, it appears to panic all I can see is "apeture" on the screen before vga output dies, and keyboard lights start flashing.20:11
MikeHI've tried with noapic noapc nolapic20:11
tzadikit works fine in dapper20:12
tzadikbut not in gutsy on the same amchine20:12
tzadikit is choppy20:12
Thorsten11MikeH: could it be a corrupted?20:12
KingFoobarIs pastebin.ca down?20:12
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tommy`anyone can tell me what's wrong on my grup? check http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/2430/ and http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/2431/ please20:13
docmurHas any one got the ti-83 Silver to pick up on ubuntu20:13
MikeHThorsten11: I don't believe so.20:13
Thorsten11MikeH: just a long shot but have you tried downloading and making a new iso?20:13
Thorsten11MikeH: just to rule out that possibility20:14
MikeHI'll give it a go.20:14
Thorsten11MikeH: Goodluck!20:14
homeskillitanyone know of random spin up and down on laptop hdd's?  with ubuntu?20:14
juano_1my webcam doesn't seem to work, i downloaded camorama to try it out but it sais could not connect to /dev/video0 please check connection, my cam is plugged in fine, and dmesg shows me the following   SN9C10[12] PC Camera Controller detected (vid: Pid 0x0C45:0x6028)      V4L2 device registered as /dev/video0  any ideas ?20:14
ferronicarobdig: there is no pop3 support in evolution?20:14
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TehGuyHi, I'm downloading Ubuntu for my MacBook w/ Core 2 Duo. I started to download the i386 version before reading somewhere that I had to download the AMD64 bit version. I'm about halfway done downloading with the i386 version. Can I use the i386 version or do I *need* to use the 64 bit version?20:15
Dextorionferronica, yes there is20:15
FlannelTehGuy: They'll both work fine20:15
TehGuyso whats the big difference?20:15
Thorsten11both are fine20:15
homeskillitspin clicking on my laptop hdd  everthing runs  no locking up ....just random spinning and clicking20:15
FlannelTehGuy: one is a 32bit OS, the other is 64bit20:15
Thorsten1164 is 64 bit and the other is 32 bit20:15
robdigferronica: i use pop3...20:16
TehGuy:) I figured that, Flannel, but why would one have an advantage over another...?20:16
jvaihey good ppls, freenode made /. today *questionable data mining concerns IRC community* http://yro.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=07/12/02/151524720:16
Scunizijuano_1, did you plug the camera in after booting?  if so try leaving it plugged in and reboot to see if there is any difference.20:16
ferronicarobdig: where do i find pop320:16
Thorsten11in theory the 64 will be faster and support way more ram20:16
ProN00bcan anyone recommend a sata dvd burner ?20:16
TehGuyalrighty then, i'll keep downloading the 64 bit version20:16
semperfiguywell, i am going to be giving arch linux a try now20:16
juano_1Scunizi: it was plugged in before booting yes, and then i tried re-plugging it in20:16
robdigferronica: just a sec...20:17
Scunizijuano_1, what kind of cam20:17
ferronicarobdig: in server type there is pop only no pop320:17
Thorsten11your welcome20:17
ProN00bThorsten11, why should it be faster ?20:17
tommy`anyone can tell me what's wrong on my grup? check http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/2430/ and http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/2431/ please20:17
juano_1Scunizi: ArcSoft cyber-eye webcam20:17
munk_how can i find the root partition when im in grub at start and it wont boot it says error while parsing number?20:17
digitoripop only? since when?20:17
juano_1Scunizi: in fiesty fawn it worked inmediatly20:17
robdigferronica: use pop...it is pop320:18
Dextoriontommy` what error do you get?20:18
Flannelmunk_: Do you know which partition linux thinks your root partition is? (sda1, sdb2, etc?)20:18
Scunizijuano_1, are you trying it with v4l or v4l220:18
ferronicarobdig: ok20:18
tommy`Dextorion: grub error 1720:18
juano_1Scunizi: i dont have amsn now, i'm just using pidgin and i tried xawtv and camorama but no luck, keeps saying that it can't use /dev/video020:18
ferronicarobdig: server?20:18
juano_1Scunizi: apparently ive noticed that these programs try to use v4l  and not v4l2 ... it is a v4l2 cam for what it sais in dmesg20:19
Thorsten11juano: i'm interested in this answer too20:19
munk_Flannel i found it thanks...20:19
robdigferronica: use what your isp says20:19
Thorsten11i use pidgon20:19
Jack_Sparrowjvai: This is not the place for that discussion, but personally, I have no peoblem logging this channel.  If I were on a porn/perv channel.. I would be concerned20:19
ferronicarobdig: they dont have any info for it20:19
munk_Flannel, i always have the weirdest problems lol....which makes no sense...20:19
juano_1Thorsten11: yes... im not sure pidgin has a built in cam support though20:19
Scunizijuano_1, sorry I don't have an answer on this.. :(  Web cams are finiky.  you might load ekiga (gnomemeeting) and see if it works there using both types of connection (v4l & v4l2)20:19
jvaiaah ok @ jack__20:20
robdigferronica: who is your isp?20:20
Dextoriontommy`, that means grub cant find a partition that is readable by grub.20:20
Jack_Sparrowferronica: Setup a free pop using gmail..20:20
digitorijvai the bots only connect via tor if the irc server allows, many dont. so who cares20:21
ferronicarobdig: http://delhi.mtnl.net.in/20:21
tommy`Dextorion: have you check my 2 links about fstab and fdisk?20:21
Thorsten11did you guys hear that dell is going to offer full support to an open platform from harware to software in the comming years.  That would be great to have a builder get behind the open source community20:21
tommy`Dextorion: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/2430/20:21
tommy`Dextorion:  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/2431/20:21
juano_1Scunizi: no devices found it sais for webcam... weird huh20:21
digitoriThorstenll if you want a pc with ubuntu built to spec...Im happy to  do that lol20:22
jvai@ ferronica, i second jack_sparrow on the gmail POP thing, i do that now as send mail20:22
Jack_Sparrowferronica: I use thunderbird to get mine20:22
juano_1Scunizi: plugged in and green led is on20:22
jvaidigitori, i got ya20:22
Scunizijuano_1, yea.. I've struggled with cams for a while. I now have a Creative Live!Cam Video IM that works ok20:22
ferronicajvai: i have purchased mail account20:22
digitorijvai: it can be a scary prospect but I wouldnt worry yourself20:23
Thorsten11i am just excited that one of the big guys are finally going to take open seriously and hopefully this will start a trend20:23
selifHi i have ubuntu installed in the first HD now i have vista on a second hard drive how do i add to boot vista on grub.... please thanks.20:23
robdigferronica: you can try to guess it like mail.mtnl.net.in or pop.mtnl.net.in, or give them a call20:23
juano_1Scunizi: i believe i need a driver .. if im not wrong maybe sn9c1xx20:23
digitorisorry folks thats my last commetn on irc bots as Im here for ubuntu20:23
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
Jack_Sparrowferronica: If it is the one that came with your internet access.. it is fairly common not to use that and to use one NOT linked directly to you20:23
munk_Flannel do you know what is the file that i have to edit so i have grub working fine?20:23
juano_1Scunizi: ive tried compiling this and then modprobe it .. but no luck20:23
Scunizijuano_1, there's a couple of sites that might help.. sounds like you've found them.20:23
jvaiferronica, nooo! you've already purchased the account, what are the money back policies?20:24
bro_mandigitori: ... but does it take our IP's thru a Tor and announce us with a Tor address ?20:24
Dextoriontommy` myeah.. glanced at them. looks okay to me. if the information is correct that is.20:24
ferronicajvai: i got this mail account with ISP20:24
juano_1Scunizi: yea.. well this cam isn't real good at all i was thinkin of changing it if i really felt the need of a webcam20:24
joey722is there a way to configure hotmail with kontact??20:24
jvaiooo ok @ ferronica20:24
digitoribro_man you will only go through a tor server if your running tor20:24
tommy`Dextorion: could be a Bios problem?20:24
Dextoriontommy` take a look in your bios, and make sure your discs are set to AUTO.20:24
smooker_hi all20:24
Dextoriontommy` yes20:24
Thorsten11smooker: hello20:25
Flannelmunk_: /boot/grub/menu.lst20:25
juano_1Scunizi: when it works it's not so great after all20:25
ferronicajvai: Unable to connect to POP server pop.mtnl.net.in.20:25
ferronicaError sending password: -ERR Authentication failed20:25
Scunizijoey722, from what i understand if you're using free hotmail, no.  If you're paying for their service they give you pop access.20:25
tommy`Dextorion: is better load default option of bios?20:25
Jack_Sparrowjoey722: not the free hotmail.. unless they added free pop to it20:25
munk_Flannel thank you once again.20:25
Scunizijuano_1, time for research and then buy a new one.20:25
juano_1Scunizi: yea20:25
Dextoriontommy` you probably have the option to set up where your discs actually are mounted in your computer. And those settings usually override how they actually are setup. and that could cause problems.. perhaps a long shot, i dont know.20:25
digitoribro-man only the machine that the bots on will be anounced as being through tor...not your machine20:25
smooker_anyone tell me is GF 6100 for legacy or binary driver ?20:25
ubotuTo install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto20:26
gibhamCan some one answer some networking q's about routers20:26
Scunizismooker, the 6600 is glx-new driver in synaptic.20:26
jvaiferronica, use the ip number instead of the dn, you using evolution?20:26
Jack_Sparrowsmooker_: that should be binary driver20:26
Jack_Sparrow6600 here too20:26
ferronicajvai: yes i am using evolution20:26
bro_mandigitori: .... coolness... I checked the IP it has me listed as... that's not mine !!! yehaw !20:27
trakiehey guys, just installed 7.10 on a completely new system (just built it yesterday) and im very happy, except my clock appears to be slow, if i type date in the terminal i get the slow time and if i type hwclock it is the correct time, i know i can synch. with online servers, but what about the in between time?20:27
Scunizianyone receiving emails from amazon for the holidays that tend to freeze Evo?20:27
jvaipoint evolution to the numbered IUP addy to the server @ ferronica20:27
bro_manTor is badass !20:28
digitoribro_man maybe the ip is your isp's if your running through a home server?...but if your using tor on ubuntu hey...cool20:28
BaumerHow do you install Xgl on ubuntu studio?20:28
themoebiushey guys I'm trying to write a program to recover some files from a chunk of a disk. I've found the inodes but the addresses of the data blocks don't mean anything because I'm not sure where the chunk of disk I have starts. So I need to somehow link an inode to some block elsewhere in the disk so I can get the relative address space. any ideas?20:28
crabmananyone using ubuntu with an ATI radeon 9200SE?20:28
digitoribro_man: i dont have all the facts of the previous comments on tor with ubuntu so cant fully comment20:29
gladicehey guys - i have my X session start up fine - however i dont get anything on terminals 1-6 ... any ideas?20:30
LinuxLlamaHey everybody, I tried to install 64-bit ubuntu on my new computer (intel core 2 duo) and the cd won't boot. It just makes a clicking noise for a few minutes, then it goes to the opensuse boot menu. any ideas?20:31
Thorsten11could be corrupt iso20:31
trakieLinuxLlama: id try making another cd20:31
LinuxLlamaI got it from shipit20:31
Thorsten11bad disk20:31
jvaiooo i install ipsec-tools on dapper, now, is it automatic on use, or do i have to configure it?20:31
szabthanks guys20:31
LinuxLlamathanks Thorsten11, trakie20:32
Thorsten11your welcome:)20:32
bro_manDigitori: ... neither do I, it is still new to me, but I do appreciate it's function, its creator, and anyone/how it remains... Firefox has the add-on, I know I use that... good to have it slappin' the badguys here too !20:32
ankuris there any software in ubuntu that can help me to shutdown my pc at my required time?20:33
K4k-laptopanyone in here familiar with the allpeers extension for firefox? For some reason whenever I install it and then set it up with my account, and restart it again, it gives me a firefox security error notice20:33
K4k-laptopso I am forced to remove my .mozilla directory20:33
ubotucron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm20:33
digitoriI dont normally use browser add-ons or any program that cant be authenticated.20:34
horizxonIm having trouble installing openldap on ubuntu and I cant find a good tutorial for it online20:34
jvaibrb good ppls20:34
K4k-laptopI think it's just a permissions error with the program, but I'm not sure20:34
K4k-laptopI need to find out where it installs everything too and give everyone read/write to it20:34
horizxoni want to install it so i can program a web server to use it as a login system20:34
larson999think i'm going to get rid of this compiz thing20:35
ivanowitchHi. I'm having some trouble with power management on my laptop. For some reason it refuses to run on AC, but is instead running on the battery, while it has no trouble charging while turned off, or just running in the BIOS setup..20:35
ankuris there any software in ubuntu that can help me to shutdown my pc at my required time?20:35
Jack_Sparrowankur: see cron above20:35
digitorioooh we love cron20:36
K4k-laptopankur: you can setup a cron job to do that for you20:36
K4k-laptopas for starting it back up, that's another matter all together20:36
BaumerAnyone know how to install glx for intel 945M on ubuntu studio?20:36
bro_mandigitori: ... I hear ya... but even if it configures Tor to only protect me from everyone but the add=on creator, then it is still a great reduction, yes ?20:36
digitorierm hibernate it then set a cron job to wake it up?20:36
skyfalcon866will i get a speed boost using 64bit ubuntu20:36
digitoribro_man: agreed20:37
Jack_Sparrowskyfalcon866: not much20:37
tommy`Dextorion: thanks dude, I've fix my problem, I load default setup, now all is ok20:37
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Dextoriontommy` goodie :)20:37
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gradinoh no...20:37
larson999skyfalcon866, i just installed it and it seems a bit faster... but i alwasy think that when trying new distros/upgrading20:37
* gradin forgot he has llama on highlight20:37
tommy`Dextorion: I'm so curious to know what's in my bios was wrong to hang up grub20:37
digitoribro_man: tor can be hacked depends what your hiding and who wants to know lol.20:38
trakieskyfalcon866: wonders in F@H, but thats got support for it, i wouldnt upgrade from 32 if everythings working fine20:38
larson999skyfalcon866, but i think i would have stayed with 32 bit if i hadn't left the 32bit cd at work20:38
UBUNTUISLOVEDI was wondering if anyone knows of a ubuntu made for flash drives as I have a flash drive which is 4 gigs and I want to setup a very small ubuntu on it20:38
Jack_SparrowUBUNTUISLOVED: pendrive linux has info20:38
UBUNTUISLOVEDI have plenty of memory if i can create no swap20:39
Dextoriontommy`, hmm.. myeah. sometimes when the discs are set to a user defined value instead of AUTO bootloaders get confused.20:39
UBUNTUISLOVEDJACK is it unbutu based?20:39
Dextoriontommy`, might have been something like that.20:39
UBUNTUISLOVEDsweet thanks20:39
digitoriUBUNTUISLOVED:   http://lifehacker.com/software/ubuntu/how-to-install-ubuntu-linux-on-a-flash-drive-245087.php20:39
larson999UBUNTUISLOVED, i just read an article about ubuntu on eeepc.  it had some stuff about how to set up for the ssd.  guessing that'd hold true for flash drives20:39
skyfalcon866is there a way to see what is accessing the hdd20:39
PeterTI recently installed Ubuntu studio on my laptop.  It did work, but now it has suddenly decided that it cannot mount the root partition when it tries to boot.  Partition mounts fine in Ubuntu live CD.20:40
UBUNTUISLOVEDcan you send me the arctical larson20:40
bro_mandigitori: ... I am hiding something... my resources !!!  this is my backup system, it only has a P1 @ 400mhz and 256ram !   there is no room for there processes on this system also !20:40
UBUNTUISLOVEDI know they are selling alot of SSD drives on the market20:40
larson999UBUNTUISLOVED, just search for ubuntu eeepc and you should find it20:40
alyxok anyone using e1720:40
Jack_Sparrowalyx: Only you...20:41
digitoribro_man: tor wont hide your resources only your data transmisions...need to encrypt your files for that20:41
Jack_Sparrowalyx: You can get answers on Enlightenment in thier room.. but I never got any good help in there20:41
DPic1Can somebody here please help me with GRUB??? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=387962220:42
bro_manDigitori: I heard a host drive would help... nothing damning here...20:42
wooooshis there an easier way to test proxy servers? At the moment, i change network pref for firefox and then see if i get a connection - can i do tests through the cmd line?20:42
ubun00baricz: pm :)20:43
digitoribro_man: didnt mean you may have anything damning.....depends what we consider important to hide20:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about rc.local - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:43
ubotuTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot20:43
DPic1I need help with GRUB please! Can somebody here please help me with GRUB??? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=387962220:43
ubotuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto20:43
BaumerAhrg... how do you install GL for the 945GM chipset20:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about glx - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:44
PeterTPlease, does anyone have any leads for me on why my root partition won't mount on boot?20:44
Mauritshi everybody, I am new to linux / ubuntu Gutsy and I am having problems getting on my wireless connection. I have installed the ipw2200 into my /lib/firmware directory and restarted. but even after that I cannot connect to my access point20:44
digitoriDPic1: what exactly do you need to know about grub?20:44
erUSULBaumer: afaik it comes instaled by default... intel uses mesagl, dosn't it?20:44
MauritsIs there anyone that can help me?20:44
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?20:44
Jack_Sparrowdigitori: he has a mess in there.. multiple drives, multiple windows installs and gub on the wrond drive20:45
BaumerThat's what I'm reading on their website... but when I run glxinfo it says not found...20:45
BaumerI'm new at this.. and don't understand what that could mean20:45
digitoriJack_Sparrow: all I can say is arrrrrg20:45
BaumerSo I went with it being missing20:45
bro_manDigitori: I didn't think you did, I'm cool like that too... what would you recommend for a weak system like this one to use for allaround encription while we are at it ?20:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about metadata - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:46
erUSULBaumer: glxinfo is in mesa-utils package20:46
K4k-laptopankur, check out the package called bum, it looks like there is an option for scripts for initializing and shutting down the system20:46
bluefox83can anyone suggest an app for backing up a music collection?20:46
ubotuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning20:46
jsoftwAre there no decent imap clients???20:46
Baumerso if glxgears runs then it is installed?20:47
DPic1digitori read the link i sent20:47
Dextorionjsoftw, im using thunderbird with my imap server.20:47
DPic1digitori, thanks20:47
Dextorionjsoftw, works pretty good i'd say20:47
digitoribro_man: give me a couple minutes20:47
Jack_SparrowDPic1: My suggestion is to try fixmbr and get back basic windows ...20:47
kyrhello! i would like to know how to add radio stations to rhythmbox ;ist20:47
jsoftwDextorion: I find it sucks quite badly.20:48
bro_mandigitori: ... my time is yours...20:48
BaumerHow do I get glxinfo?20:48
jsoftwI have tried thunderbird, evolution, kmail, and sylpheed. They all seem to have problems :\20:49
digitoriDPic1: what is your intended use for ubuntu?20:49
jsoftwAny others worth trying?>20:49
* emgent heya20:49
Dextorionjsoftw, Alrihgty. Have you tried Mulberry? Heard that should be a good one aswell. I think that one is a bit more complex.20:49
jsoftwDextorion: mulberry eh20:49
jsoftwNever head of it20:49
Dextorionjsoftw, yup yup.20:49
* jsoftw looks20:49
DPic1digitori, intended use? general home use, i guess20:49
digitoriDPic1: ok reading the article be right back20:49
ptw"Seems like spam could be used to actually get a message out in a very quick and widespread way about injustice, working for peace, and other political issues.  Why hasn't this happened yet? Spamming is so easy and inexpensive - seems like a perfect tool for subversion."20:50
ptwWORLD PEACE THROUGH MARIJUANA   www.havethisbook.com   very interesting FREE non-fiction, enjoy, newly updated!20:50
MauritsAnyone who can help me setup wireless network?20:50
Dextorionjsoftw, i tried it for a very short time. It was way to much for what i do, but i've seen lots of people that like that one. Mostly people that use the client very much.20:50
qaldunemaurits what's the prob20:50
jsoftwDextorion: not in repositorys?20:51
Mauritsqaldune, I am trying to connect to my accesspoint ut I don't get a signal, in windows it works just fine20:52
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs20:52
Dextorionjsoftw, not sure. think i dodwnloaded it from their homepage.20:52
phiqtionhow can i install pyKDE3, (python bindings for KDE) if im on GNOME20:53
denzsorry for asking the obvious, but is the powerpc port of ubuntu phased out?20:53
qaldunemaurits what usb dongle/card do you have?20:53
LjLphiqtion: the very same way as if you were on kde20:53
phiqtionLjL: how bro20:53
LjLphiqtion: i guess « sudo apt-get install python-kde3 »20:54
LjL!software > phiqtion    (phiqtion, see the private message from Ubotu)20:54
paul____hello all20:54
digitoriDPic1: May i suggest you just re-install ubuntu to the disk/partition you have already installed to and choose to install grub to the MBR...if you later install windows to disk you can repair the mbr with running a windows boot disk then running   fixmbr \Device\HardDisk0  or whatever disk is your first hard drive20:54
=== paul____ is now known as paulc
Mauritsit is an build in Ethernet card, I think Intel PRO/Wireless20:54
gibhamhave a linksys wusb54gp wireless adpapter which is installed the driver with ndiswrapper, but don't have any wireless networks show up. Windows Wireless Drivers says device present. What more do I have to do20:55
toshy_is there anybody who is using lenovo T60 with gutsy ??20:55
digitoriDPic1: grub should detect your the installations of windows which alrady exist and add them to the gtub menu20:56
phiqtionLjL: thanks20:56
zimontoshy_, i've got a dell d630 with very similar hardware, if that could help you20:56
BaumerWhen I run glxinfo in anyway I get this error:  X Error of failed request:  BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)20:56
BaumerWhat's up with that?20:56
digitori:DPic1: oops grub menu20:56
DPic1digitori, i have reinstalled ubuntu and installed grub to the mbr20:56
Jack_SparrowBaumer: how much ram is in that box20:56
civiXieranyone knows where I can reset all the settings ive done to a wlan pcmcia card without having it in the socket, ive had kernelpanic whatever i do with the settings since i switched from roaming :(20:56
UbuntMeHey, i have a quick favor, I need to install avant-window-navigator-0.2.1.tar      it on my desktop and i have no idea how to install it20:56
DPic1digitori, it doesn't detect windows on other hard drives20:56
bluefox83how do you launch sbackup from terminal?20:57
UbuntMeI need a quick favor20:57
Baumer2 gb20:57
digitoriif it hasnt detected them something is wrong with the windows installs not grub20:57
ben26hi, can anyone help me with quiet sound on Ubuntu?  I'm on a toshiba laptop.20:57
zimonben26, what soundcard?20:57
digitoriDpic1: windows needs to be installed on the first partition of the first hard drive20:57
toshy_hi zimon yes maybe, so my problem is a known bug at ubuntu , my sound is not working properly !20:58
digitoriDPIc1 e.g your master hard drive20:58
grampaHow do I disable an audio device?  Linux keeps setting the wrong device as the default when I boot up.20:58
ben26I'm not sure, how would I find out?20:58
DPic1digitori, well it isn't and that's not going to change. i should be able to manually add windows, sholdn't i?20:59
zimontoshy_, right .. the snd-hda-intel driver is broken in gutsy. you can either try alsa from backports (don't know if they work) or recompile them manually20:59
digitoriDpic1:you should if windows is there... may i suggest if you have the resources and the disk space...install ubuntu over all disks and use vmware or similar to install windows virtual machines20:59
UbuntMeSoo, does someone know the command to install avant-window-navigator-0.2.1.tar thats on my desktop?20:59
smooker_hi all, i have drivers installed, and evrything is fine but when i RUN Counter strike and i cant add the CD key :(21:00
Jack_SparrowUbuntMe: See the place where you got it.21:00
snowdonke1Hey, what's the difference between GPL and LGPL?21:00
toshy_zimon, thanks I try it.21:00
UbuntMeJack_Sparrow:   What?21:01
zimonben26, if you recompile them you have to specify the driver you want to build ... just look at the readme or configure --help21:01
Jack_SparrowUbuntMe: If it did not come from our repos then you should look at the place/people that you got it from21:01
rambo3!install | UbuntMe21:01
digitoriDPic1: fix your mbr as above first, back up your files and reinstall windows before dual booting with ubuntu install grub to mbr save you a lot of pain21:01
ubotuUbuntMe: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate21:02
zimonben26, sorry, that was for toshy_21:02
ben26ok zimon.21:02
rambo3thats not what i asked21:02
SlokunshialgoAnybody here know how to remove wireless networks from the list of ones to connect to?21:02
james296is it possible to be able to exit World of Warcraft without it causing the computer to freeze while compiz fusion is enabled?21:02
smooker_is there any other good EMULATOR except Wine ?21:02
zippytechi rebooted my machine and have a fsck,ext3 device or resoucr busy while trying to open /dev/sdb1file system mounted or opened excludivly by another program21:02
UbuntMeThanks, but i just installed it from a website https://launchpad.net/awn/+download21:02
Jack_Sparrowsmooker_: Wine is NOT an emulator21:02
rambo3 UbuntMe  fallow the instr21:02
crzedmonkwhat is the best bit torrent for linux?21:02
rafal_is Ubuntu real software yet?21:02
=== smooker_ is now known as smookerPC1
Slokunshialgocrzedmonk, Azureus21:02
Jack_Sparrowrafal_: Dont be insulting21:02
zippytechi have tried every thin i know, and the drive work if i boot to cd21:02
rafal_3 hours of using ubuntu --> around 5 bugs I found in Ubuntu :/21:02
jribrafal_: do you have a question relating to ubuntu support?21:03
smookerPC1wow when i install it says Wine.. EMu to windows programs21:03
digitorismooker: maybe you want a virtual machine server..something like vmware instead? Im not to up on open source vmm servers21:03
toshy_zimon, I recompiled a few hour ago, but its not solved my problem21:03
PeterTrafal: ubuntu is beyond real; it's imaginary.21:03
ubotuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.21:03
rafal_jrib: what can I do to not have thoes bugs in my system? now I use amd64 7.10 ubuntu21:03
smookerPC1no i just want to Run some Games21:03
claudiurafal_, name one bug you found21:03
Slokunshialgocrzedmonk, It works amazingly, as long as you don't use the Ubuntu version, but down it it from SourceForge21:03
jribrafal_: file them at bugs.ubuntu.com if they haven't already been21:03
james296there always will be bugs in Ubuntu, but theres a ton more bugs that can be found in Windows Vista21:03
rafal_claudiu: GNOME (wm) crash at start21:03
zimontoshy_, did you get the current sources from alsa-project.org?21:03
rafal_installing nvidia driver fails21:03
Jack_SparrowsmookerPC1: Linux based or Windows based21:03
Dextorionrafailowski, what james296 said.21:03
toshy_zimon, yes21:03
rafal_playing DVD crashes VLC, and mplayer fails, and kaffeine fails21:04
smookerPC1Windows based games on my Ubuntu 7.1021:04
rafal_should I go on21:04
Dextorionrafal_, what james296 said.21:04
jribrafal_: if you want help with a problem here, then pick one, and state the details21:04
crzedmonkergonomic keyboard and the buttons stick21:04
claudiurafal_, is this a clean install ? why don't you try i386 ubuntu ?21:04
rafal_jrib: I can't play DVDs21:04
zimontoshy_, that's odd ... they worked perfectly for me. how did you configure them?21:04
rafal_all players crash or just fail to play21:04
toshy_so I  have sound, I can play anything, but I can't record, or talk with skype21:04
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs21:04
jrib!enter | rafal_21:04
uboturafal_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:04
rafal_Jack_Sparrow: yes, I installed codecs, and medibuntu, etc etc21:04
rafal_and libdecss2 and libdvdread321:04
toshy_zimon --with-card=had_intel I think21:05
ubotuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion21:05
digitoriJack_Sparrow: smookerPCI    Cedega?21:05
smookerPC1what is Cedega ?21:05
Jack_Sparrowrafal_: Hopefully you didnt use those scripts lke automatix or envy.. both terrible ideas21:05
DPic1digitori, so will fixing the mbr with windows let grub to pick up windows?21:05
LjL!cedega > smookerPC1    (smookerPC1, see the private message from Ubotu)21:05
rafal_Jack_Sparrow: hmm Im not sure21:06
Zoo2I have a dual screen setup with nvidia. I set the mode to separate x sessions, but how do I move windows between monitors?21:06
Jack_Sparrowdigitori: I know what cedega is... thanks.. just dont see the point21:06
digitorismookerPCI http://www.transgaming.com/21:06
bro_manrafal_: is all that from a 'fresh' install on a 'just formatted' harddrive ???21:06
smookerPC1ill check it21:06
rafal_bro_man: yes, I installed yesterday21:06
digitoriJack_Sparrow: yeah your right21:06
Jack_Sparrowrafal_: It is a simple question, you seem to be having a lot of issues.. thos scripts CAUSE a lot of issues..21:06
dolphin_noelI can`t put my resolution to work whith 1440x900 to 60hz :x someone knows why?! and how can i check the frequency i need to put :x21:06
UbuntMeUgh, i cant install it guys, i duno how, someone pleas help.21:07
james296is it possible to be able to exit World of Warcraft without it causing the computer to freeze while compiz fusion is enabled?21:07
DPic1digitori, well i mean what i'm trying to do here is get grup to pick up the windows install on the second hard drive21:07
rafal_Jack_Sparrow: well I did what was suggested on the wiki....   how to reverse if I did installed... I think I did indeed run this wiki recommended script to install decss21:07
crzedmonkis there a way to elminate the borders21:08
crzedmonkon terminal21:08
valehruHey guys, is anyone else having problems with phpmyadmin?  I'm getting a blank screen after the latest update21:08
crzedmonkso it is just a box of borderless text?21:08
digitoriDpic1 if you fix the mbr and can boot into your windows installs thats cool, I would still install ubuntu over all and run windows via Virtual machine...how many windows versions do you run?21:08
snowdonke1Zoo2: You need to to use Twinview option21:08
ubotuautomatix is not recommended, supported or needed. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »21:08
Jack_Sparrowrafal_: Then I would suggest a full reinstall21:08
zimontoshy_, maybe you need to set the codec, too. i can't remember from which file you can get it, but you can run alsamixer .. it's listed at the top, on the right side21:08
digitoriDPic1 windows is best to be on your fist drive21:08
rafal_Jack_Sparrow: so the thing recommended on ubuntu wiki is not recommnded?! what the hell21:08
Jack_Sparrowrafal_: That is very lilely the cause of MANY of your issues21:08
bruenigrafal_, where is automatix in the wiki?21:08
LjLrafal_: indeed, where?21:09
Jack_Sparrowrafal_: Please show me where automatix is suggested by Ubuntu21:09
UbuntMeAll i need is the terminal command to install https://launchpad.net/awn/+download wich is on my desktop.21:09
digitoriDpic1 swap your drives around, make your windows drive the master and the other slave then isntall ubuntu to the slave, install grub to mbr21:09
buggeredfstabI cannot see my second hard drive (sdb1) I do see it on /etc/fstab/ but it is as if it is not mounting. When attempting to mount via command, I get an error saying something about a bad superblock on /dev/sdb1, will I need to format it, or is there another way to fix this21:09
UbuntMeSkratch that21:09
toshy_zimon,  cat /proc/asound/card0/codec#* | grep Codec21:09
rafal_one of wiki pages given here recomeneded to install  readdvd, and then run some   /usr/share/readdvd/example/install-decss.sh or simmilar; I did it21:09
UbuntMeI need the command to install avant-window-navigator-0.2.1.tar wich is on my desktop21:09
LjLrafal_: aah. ok nevermind.21:10
beerockxscan someone help me with static multimonitor configuration with randr?21:10
MegiddoI have a dual screen setup with nvidia. I set the mode to separate x sessions, but how do I move windows between monitors?21:10
zimontoshy_, ah .. so you probably already tried that?21:10
LjLUbuntMe: i'd rather wait for an Ubuntu package.21:10
bruenigUbuntMe, you need to extract it, and read the README or INSTALL text files that come with it21:10
beerockxsMegiddo: you don't, with seperate x seesions21:10
rafal_hmm... so what should I do to watch the DVDs then21:10
PeterTI have installed Ubuntu Studio on my hard disk, dual booting with Vista.  (Vista bootloader is configured to refer to linux partition (hd0,5) which contains the OS & grub installation).  It worked for a time, but now I get an error early on boot that it cannot mount (hd0,5).  It's possible that this problem appeared after attempting to use hibernate.21:10
smookerPC1i was trying to gain cedega "sudo dpkg -i cedega_[version].de" but cannot access archive: No such file or directory21:10
DPic1digitori, by switching the jumpers?21:10
jimmygoonUbuntMe, you can get prebuilt ubuntu pkgs for awn21:10
Megiddobeerockxs: The reason I can't use twinview is because they're at separate resolutions... so if I maximize a window parts are hidden. Is there any alternative?21:11
jimmygoonUbuntMe, google harder :P21:11
naxahi! there was recently an ubdate in 7.10 kernel modules i think. since i updated my nvidia geforce2 mx 400 wont work. every reboot low graphics mode come up and i have to configure the monitor. after it starts with a new xorg.conf generated. i made the good one read-only since at every boot this happened. no matter. xorg.conf is not ok until i do not set everything in low graphics mode again. i thought maybe there is some problem with the modules21:11
naxa maybe. i use the nvidia driver, nv fails completely. also my computer suddenly reboots and freezez sometimes what didn't happened before the update.21:11
civiXiercan I boot a cd using grub command line?21:11
ubotucedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega21:11
digitoriDPic1: yeah switch the jumbers .21:11
Dextorionjsoftw, please feel free to tell me what you think of that email client when you've tried it for some time man.21:11
beerockxsMegiddo: I'm not really familiar with TwinView, but afaik windows should just maximize to the size of the screen you are maxmizing on21:11
zimontoshy_, what's your codec? i'm just curious .. i have a sigmatel stac9205 and that works well21:11
ubun00bcould someone try to connect to me through ssh now?  ip:
ubun00bhopefully it works...21:12
Megiddobeerockxs: With twinview it maximizes on both unfortunately21:12
toshy_zimon, Codec: Analog Devices AD198121:12
LjLubun00b: it won't connect21:12
beerockxsubun00b: not wokring21:12
DPic1digitori, alright thanks. will that mess up my ubuntu install?21:12
naxasorry what i have to configure is not the monitor but the video driver21:12
digitoriDPic1: the jumpers on the back of your drives...sorry didnt know if you knew21:12
crzedmonkso it is just a box of borderless text?21:12
toshy_zimon, I think it's a realtek21:12
crzedmonkon terminal21:12
DPic1digitori, yeah21:12
palantorAnyone know why agp=off won't stop the boot from looking for the video card there?21:13
digitoriDPic1 only if you reinstall ubuntu but you could keep your home partition21:13
rafal_ubun00b: timeout.21:13
DPic1digitori okay thanks21:13
llnkcan anyone help me out with my samba printing problem? here's the url: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=62965421:13
zimontoshy_, no, analog devices is a separate codec, not a realtek21:13
digitoriDpic1: if you just installed ubuntu it wont matter, just go ahead and reinstall and get that grub on the mbr after youve swapped over your drives21:13
UbuntMejimmygoon: how do i get the prebuilt?21:13
DPic1ok thanks21:14
digitoriDpic1: then enjoy21:14
gbwwhy cant i use pipe with mysql? like: sed .. file.sql | mysql ...21:14
digitoriI remeber my first install ten years back...trashed my whole windows system hidden partitions and all had to buy a new disk arrg hated spending cash on MS21:15
eyemeanhello does anyone know of a rainlendar chat  rooom?21:15
digitorieyemean: whats a rainlender21:15
PeterTApologies for repeating myself:  I have installed Ubuntu Studio on my hard disk, dual booting with Vista.  (Vista bootloader is configured to refer to linux partition (hd0,5) which contains the OS & grub installation).  It worked for a time, but now I get an error early on boot that it cannot mount (hd0,5).  It's possible that this problem appeared after attempting to use hibernate.  The volume mounts with no fuss in a live CD.  Can anyo21:15
PeterTne give me any pointers?21:15
MikeHWhere can I find an MD5 checksum for the latest x64 iso? And would this successfully let me find out if the download is somehow corrupted?21:16
naxais it normal that i dont have the package "linux" installed?21:16
LjL!pm | smookerPC121:16
ubotusmookerPC1: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.21:16
LjLand it's a .deb file, not a .deb file smookerPC121:16
LjLerr, not a .de file21:16
bluefox83naxa, erm...yeah...21:16
digitoriPeterT: gimme a sec21:16
eyemeandigitori, http://www.rainlendar.net/cms/index.php?option=com_rny_download&Itemid=32 its a calender which can be synced to google calendar21:17
PeterTdigitori: thanks21:17
eyemeanvery nice software digitori21:17
smookerPC1sudo dpkg -i cedega_[version].deb21:17
smookerPC1no such file or directory21:17
digitorieyemean: will give a look later...bookmarked...cheers21:17
LjLsmookerPC1: it's certainly not called cedega_[version].deb either... [version] means the actual version you're using. find out the actual file name.21:18
rafal_is this a nown problem?  E: /var/cache/apt/archives/nvidia-xconfig_1.0+20070502-1_amd64.deb: trying to overwrite `/usr/bin/nvidia-xconfig', which is also in package nvidia-glx-new21:18
smookerPC1what version i should specify ?21:18
zippytechi rebooted my machine and have a fsck,ext3 device or resoucr busy while trying to open /dev/sdb1file system mounted or opened excludivly by another program any idea's21:18
eyemeandigitori, no worries, although i will say that the version 2.2 dosent seem to work ok on ubunut 7.10, which is my problem, the beta was fine21:18
LjLsmookerPC1: type ls cedega*, it will tell you.21:18
smookerPC1im new can u pls tell me the full command ?21:19
LjLsmookerPC1: i just did?21:19
LjLls cedega*21:19
smookerPC1what should i type in the console :(21:20
naxai always have to reconfigure my video settings at startup. is it possible that i have some problem with the updated modules?21:20
ijndoes anyone know how to put back the network manager icon on the sys tray??21:20
LjLsmookerPC1: type "i will listen to what ljl tells me"21:20
Jack_SparrowLjL: take care and keep up the good work..21:20
digitoriPeterT: read this article see if it helps http://www.pronetworks.org/forum/about78184.html21:21
smookerPC1i will listen to what LjL tells me21:21
aclarkijn: right click on the panel, and click add to panel, then you should see network manager21:21
jarleHow do I check which package supplied dvbdev.h?21:21
IamReckhow do I set it up so an application runs when I start my computer?21:21
LjLsmookerPC1: good. now type « ls cedega* », in the console.21:21
LjLas in: ls cedega*21:21
digitoriPaterT: you still alive?21:21
LjL!find dvbdev.h | jarle21:21
aclarkIamReck: go to menu>system>prefs>sessions and add it there21:21
ubotujarle: File dvbdev.h found in xen-doc-2.6.1621:21
ijnaclark i don't need those two pc icon that u find in there21:21
PeterTdigitori: I did successfully install / dual boot21:21
ijnI need the nm applet21:22
PeterTdigitori: the problem emerged later, when everything seemed stable.21:22
aclarkthats the network manager21:22
smookerPC1but after i type it nothing happens21:22
Odd-rationaleIs there a terminal command to test the speakers?21:22
ijnok maybe Im looking for something else21:22
bro_manrafal_: I don't know if it's known for your  'amd64 7.10 ubuntu' version... but I have a problem with the Nvidia driver I added in, but my problem is more likely to be 'operator error'... as I was a little drunk and forgot to match all the neccesary data...21:22
ijnlet me explain21:22
PeterTdigitori: I'm reading the article now21:22
crimsunOdd-rationale: speaker-test(1)21:22
smookerPC1i typed « ls cedega*21:22
LjLsmookerPC1: then you simply don't have the cedega file. you better download it into the directory you're in.21:22
smookerPC1" ls cedega* "21:23
zimontoshy_, did you try ./configure --with-cards=hda-intel --with-card-options=hda-codec-analog?21:23
digitoriPeterT: possible that its to do with grub not being on mbr21:23
ijnI need those two pc that let u change betwn wireless connestions21:23
smookerPC1how do i donwnload it ?21:23
LjLsmookerPC1: with a web browser?21:23
Odd-rationalecrimsun: What should I hear?21:23
LjLor whatever?21:23
PriceChildsmookerPC1, you pay for it at transgaiming.org21:23
PeterTdigitori: sounds plausible21:23
toshy_zimon: no just ./configure --with-cards=hda-intel21:23
zimontoshy_, that should configure your driver. if that still doesn't work i'm out of ideas :-(21:23
krammeranybody good with gpart?21:23
crimsunOdd-rationale: pink noise.21:23
Odd-rationalecrimsun: Got it!21:24
digitoriPeterT: your using vista bootloader...go for a grub to mbr install.21:24
rafal_bro_man: hmm I just selected few extra options, via Synaptic... it was not ok?21:24
mediahuntercan anyone here help resolve a issue with my wifi, i followed the howto for ndiswrapper but still get an error with modprobe21:24
mediahunteri was told madwifi will work too but can not fig out how to install it21:24
dashuaIs it possible to play h.264 files in Totem without choppiness?21:24
ijnI know there is a command that helps you to put this icon on sys tray21:24
jarleLjL: I need list of other packages also, xen is not the one I'm looking for..21:24
digitoriPeterT: I would be delighted to know your outcome.21:24
rafal_dashua: totem is using gstreamer?21:24
ijnbut i dont rember it21:24
PeterTdigitori: I might try that, although it might break dell mediadirect (not sure how much I care about that, but I'd rather keep it)21:25
dashuarafal_, Yes, it plays but it is lagging21:25
LjLjarle, xen is the only one that contains that file also according to my apt-file (type « apt-cache show apt-file », it's a handy tool). try looking also at http://packages.ubuntu.com - that should be most updated21:25
DirtbagHi all, looking for laptop users opinions. my internal wireless intel 3945 sucks, what wireless adapter(with good range)do you use or recommend?21:25
PeterTdigitori: it still doesn't explain why it stopped working when things were apparantly stable21:25
digitoriPeterT: erm does dell media direct run off of vista or has it a bootloader of sorts?21:26
rafal_dashua: it is a bug in gstreamer.  it is fixed only in most recent SVN/CVS versions of gstreamer.... should be fixed in gentoo in month, and in Ubuntu in months I guess21:26
aclarkijn: do you have the notification area on your panel?21:26
=== alyx is now known as Alyxander
dashuarafal_, , Ok nice thx21:26
LjLjarle, there is a dvbdevice.h in vdr-dev, but no dvbdev.h outside of xen21:26
PeterTdigitori: not entirely sure, hang on...21:26
ijnaclark: you mean the bottom left??21:26
bro_manrafal_: I am not a tech, I am here like you... however, if you submit all bugs, there may be someone working on a fix for you as we speak... it is important for the community that you do... I personally would reinstall after I checked the live-disk for errors21:26
digitoriPeterT: ah dell media direct is on its own partition...if you dont over write it youll be ok21:27
rafal_bro_man: I am a tech.. not in ubuntu though21:27
ijnyes I have clock sys monitor and bin21:27
aclarkif your panel is on the bottom, then yes....it holds things like the nm-applet, sound, pidjin, etc21:27
rafal_bro_man: live cd had even bigger problems about playing DVDs21:27
rafal_hmm guys, what you did to play DVDs?21:27
ijnbut my nm applet it disapeared21:27
PeterTdigitori: I can probably test before doing anything drastic, but regardless of the fact that it's on it's own partition it will probably impact functionality if I overwrite MBR.21:28
digitori PeterT: ah dell media direct is on its own partition...if you dont over write it youll be ok21:28
aclarkis the applet running?21:28
aclark ps -ef | grep nm-applet21:28
=== oktanouc_ is now known as oktanouc
MikeHCan anyone make any suggestions why my install cd appears to kernel panic the moment it loads after selecting a boot option?21:28
MikeHI've md5'd the download and it's fine21:28
ijnyes it's running21:28
rafal_where to one should report a bug?21:28
digitoriPeterT try mbr to floppy then21:28
ProN00bcan anyone recommend a sata dvd burner ?21:29
digitoriPeterT: sorry grub to floppy21:29
larson999MikeH, it just hangs?21:29
=== digitori is now known as digitori_afk
kitche!launchpad | rafal_21:29
uboturafal_: Launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/21:29
palantorchanged my video card from an AGP card to a PCI card. Changed the bios but 7.1 won;t boot. It goes into a kernal panic. I tried agp=off but that doesn't seem to work21:29
erUSUL!bugs | rafal_21:30
uboturafal_: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots21:30
eyemeandigitori, are u using gutsy?21:30
bro_manrafal_: would you consider using Fiesty or Edgy ?   I have heard that "6.10 (?) is almost perfect for almost anything" ...21:30
Surlent7.10 has lots of new crap though21:30
Surlentlike Compiz21:30
Surlentit's very shiny and impressive21:30
MikeHlarson999: as soon as the progress bar gets to 100%, screen goes black, a message flashes on the screen, white text, I can only just about make out "apeture" or something similar before VGA dies, and keyboard lights start flashing.21:31
jarleI am unable to compile sasc-ng on kernel 2.6.22, http://monoport.com/5678 Any help?21:31
ijnok im lloking for network manager icon/applet on the sys tray not the network monitor.21:31
robdigjarle: what is the problem?21:31
J-_When will the updated firefox be in the repos? It's updated to now.21:31
Surlentso, anyone have any idea why a perfectly good ethernet connection would magically decide to not work 2 weeks later?21:31
MikeHlarson999: I've tried booting with -- noacpi noapic nolapic21:32
PeterTdigitori: ok, I could put grub on an SD card or something for test purposes, but I'd rather not rely on any kind of floppy in the long run.  On the other hand, one possibility may be to get rid of mediadirect altogether and have the special button on my laptop automatically boot ubuntu...21:32
scguy318jarle: you have installed the kernel headers?21:32
PeterTdigitori: anyway, I'm off to experiment a bit, thanks.21:32
larson999MikeH, seems a bit similar but for me noapic and nolapic did the trick21:32
bro_manSUrlent: lol @"shiny"21:32
ijnhow to set network manager icon on the system tray????21:32
ijnnot the network monitor!21:33
MikeHlarson999: let me just confirm, you literally just add "noapic nolapic" to the end of the boot string right?21:33
ijnany idea??21:33
Odd-rationaleijn: Add the notification area21:33
bro_mansurlent: to me, new crap = new bugs21:33
larson999MikeH, yep.  after '-- '21:33
Surlentnew bugs = new features21:33
Odd-rationaleijn: Then logout and back in.21:33
llnkcan anyone help me out with my samba printing problem? here's the url: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=62965421:33
eyemeandigitori, if you are using gutsy then use this version of rainlendar, http://www.rainlendar.net/cms/index.php?option=com_fireboard&Itemid=36&func=view&catid=7&id=4540#4540 it worked fine for me21:34
ijnOdd:how I can do21:34
MikeHlarson999: I'll reburn the cd, and give it another go.21:34
Odd-rationaleijn: Right-click panel. add to panel21:34
Surlentso, anyone have any idea why a perfectly good ethernet connection would magically decide to not work 2 weeks later?21:34
Odd-rationaleijn: You should see two small vertical lines21:34
Dr_Willismice chewing on the cables..21:34
Ashfire908how do i find the speed of a cpu21:34
Surlentthe cable is intact21:34
Surlentand the orange light is blinking away21:35
LjLAshfire908: cat /proc/cpuinfo21:35
Surlentthe linksys modem is happy as crap21:35
Surlentbut I cannot get a connection21:35
ijnyes I did that21:35
Odd-rationaleijn: After that do alt+f2 and type nm-applet.21:35
ijnnow ctrl+alt+back21:35
jarlescguy318: I thought I had, but when checking it seems some headers might be missing... I'll give it a new try..21:35
Odd-rationaleijn: ^21:35
Dr_Willistry a live cd  - see if it works with that.  If it does. that proves its not a hardware issue. but a setting issue.21:35
robdigllnk: have you checked paper size and other options like that? when i installed, ubuntu defaulted to a4, however my xp was at letter, so i was having similar problems21:35
ijnI have tilda is that ok?21:35
smookerPC1hey, after i installed some media players now i dont have Sound ..21:36
llnki'll check. thx robdig21:36
Odd-rationaleijn: Never used tilda. Don't know21:36
Ashfire908LjL: it doesn't say the mhzs21:36
ijnOdd:thank you21:36
Surlentthis chat room is too bloody huge21:37
ijni did it21:37
Odd-rationaleijn: np21:37
=== digitori_afk is now known as digitori
ijnthank you Odd-rationale21:37
LjLAshfire908: it doesn't? please pastebin the output21:37
Dr_WillisSurlent its rather quite today in here.21:37
bro_mansurlent: have you called your ISP yet ?  Mine has done stuff in the past where I was one of the people who fell thru the cracks...21:37
Odd-rationaleijn: You might want to logout and back in to see if it is still there.21:37
Odd-rationaleijn: I'll wait for you.21:38
Surlentbro: This computer, and two others in the house, running WinXP, work just fine21:38
amigappchi, i got a probelm21:38
amigappci have no sound21:38
Surlentbut ubuntu is being EVIL about it...just becaus21:38
J-_when will firefox be updated in the repos?21:38
amigappci have no soundß21:38
smookerPC1i have no sound too!21:38
kitcheJ-_: umm from what I seen it is already21:38
erUSUL!sound | amigappc21:38
ubotuamigappc: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP321:38
LjLamigappc: please insert volume sound in drive df021:38
crzedmonkwhat is the difference between ubuntu and kubuntu21:38
LjL!flavors > crzedmonk    (crzedmonk, see the private message from Ubotu)21:39
J-_kitche: to
erUSULcrzedmonk: desktop envoirment21:39
SurlentIt comes with a different Desktop Manger21:39
SurlentKubuntu looks like Windows21:39
Surlentmore than Ubuntu21:39
Ashfire908LjL, http://pastebin.com/d1ff4bbf421:39
crzedmonkexplain please21:39
digitoriubuntu uses gnome for its graphical interface kubuntu uses KDE21:39
kitcheJ-_: yes it's an update21:39
SurlentTry googling up some screenshots21:39
rafal_what cool, 3d, single player, games can u recommend?21:39
erUSUL!games > rafal_21:39
MrPocketsAfter a program like Azuras freezes, and i've got to fource close it21:39
LjLAshfire908, err... you're on on ubuntu, are you?21:39
MrPocketsis there a way to re-open it without rebooting?21:40
J-_kitche: hmm, It hasn't told me to update yet >.>21:40
Surlentneed to either compile it, or use the infamous Wine21:40
Ashfire908LjL, this is on debian but i assumed it would act the same...21:40
LjLAshfire908, "User Mode Linux"?21:40
Ashfire908LjL, ...go ask in #debian?21:40
digitoricrzedmonk:   see these http://www.gnome.org/  http://www.kde.org/21:40
Surlent...that works too21:40
drigz,feel stupid saying this, but my sound isn't working. i've been through the troublesho21:40
LjLAshfire908, debian or not debian, you seem to be running user mode linux.21:40
ubotuChannel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - Logs for LoCo channels are at http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/21:40
Ashfire908LjL, *shrugs* this is from a shell server i have an account on21:41
ronniIs it possible to resize a partition with the liveCD without loosing data/reformatting?21:41
rafal_how to make firefox my default browser21:41
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LjLAshfire908: then it's running user mode linux.21:41
LjLAshfire908: and you can't know the CPU spped.21:41
jribrafal_: system -> preferences -> preferred applications21:41
Ashfire908LjL, huh?21:41
drigzmy sound works fine if i boot into gentoo, but in my new ubuntu install it doesn't. i've maxed out all the mixer settings, my card appears in aplay -l and lspci -v. what should i do?21:41
LjLronni: yes, use gparted21:41
LjLAshfire908, google "user mode linux". that shell is not running directly on hardware, it's on a virtualized machine.21:42
digitorironni: you will only lose data once you commit the install...thats after partitioning21:42
ronniok I'm gonna try :) thnx21:42
erUSUL!intelhda | drigz21:43
ubotudrigz: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto21:43
digitorironni: if your resising windows partition with it defrag windows first21:43
bro_manrafal_: firefox options, first page, bottom of page... select "check to see if Firefox is default..." yes21:43
smookerPC1After i double click on Volume Control it opens "No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found."21:43
drigzerUSUL: it's a creative audigy21:43
digitorironni: back up your files21:43
Ashfire908LjL, interesting.21:43
ronnidigitori: got backups :) going to resize my /home dir... it's too big and i want to play with distros :)21:43
digitorironni: cool.21:44
bro_manjrib: agreed21:44
Dr_Willisdrigz for my audigy cards  i ofetn have to enable the digital output of the card using the alsamixer program. Or disable it if its enabled..21:44
drigzDr_Willis: thank you!21:45
alzamabarHi everyone...Help pls!!!21:45
drigzDr_Willis: that worked perfectly. perhaps that should be on a wiki somewhere?21:45
digitorialzamabar whats your problem......best just asking straight off.21:46
IndyGunFreak!ask | alzamabar21:46
ubotualzamabar: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)21:46
amigappchi, its me again ... i own a Intel Corporation 82801G card21:46
UbuntMePleas, will someone tell me how to install avant-window-navigator-0.2.1 which is on my desktop? pleas will someone just give me a terminal command?  Thanks21:46
zejoshFOr some reason, when im logging into to my ubuntu, my application bar etc isn't showing?21:46
alzamabarI have just installed Ubuntu on a new PC!!! Yay!!!21:46
LjLUbuntMe: it isn't as easy as a terminal command. either wait for a proper ubuntu package of it, or go learn about compiling if you really have to.21:47
alzamabarThe thing is this is version 6.10 Edgy Eft21:47
IndyGunFreakalzamabar: well that was a waste of time..lol21:47
LjLUbuntMe: (also, there are pretty step-by-step instructions on the awn site itself, but anyway)21:47
UbuntMeLjL: ok, is there an easier way to get it?21:47
alzamabarEverything is working fine and I'm also connected to the internet.21:47
alzamabarHowever I'd like to upgrade to Gutsy Gibson.21:48
IndyGunFreak!enter | alzamabar get to the problem21:48
ubotualzamabar get to the problem: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:48
alzamabarCan I do it online21:48
LjLUbuntMe: google "avant window navigator gutsy", you *will* find some .deb packages, although i really cannot say if they're any good.21:48
LjL!upgrade > alzamabar    (alzamabar, see the private message from Ubotu)21:48
IndyGunFreakalzamabar: you'll have to upgrade edgy to feisty, and then feisty to gutsy, why didn't you just download and install gutsy?21:48
zejoshFOr some reason, when im logging into to my ubuntu, my application bar etc isn't showing21:48
alzamabarI asked for the Gutsy CD, but that froze my PC21:49
bro_manalzamabar: many ways to do that online...21:49
MasterShrekzejosh, create a new user and see if the problem persists with the new user21:49
IndyGunFreakalzamabar: then you should have used the alternate install CD21:49
alzamabarI'm looking at the pvt message with the instructions online21:50
IndyGunFreakalzamabar: you can upgrade online, but your'e gonna have to upgrade edgy to feisty, then feisty go gutsy, it'd be quicker to download a gutsy iso, and reinstall.21:50
caravelhelp ! Following the use of alacarte, what in xdg structure could prevent most of the Prefs and System menus to show up ? They are both complete on other account on the same machine.21:51
digitorialzamabar: if its a tar.gz of your file youll find the install instrucions inside it once you extract the file21:51
zejoshI can't make a new user,21:51
=== GodTodd_ is now known as GodTodd
* civiXier is raped by kernel panic21:51
IndyGunFreakdigitori: i don't think upgrading from edgy to feisty will require downloading a tarball.21:51
caravelIndyGunFreak: it all depends on your level of customization -- dist-upgrades are a lot quicker in my case21:51
alzamabarDo u know how big Gibson is?21:51
IndyGunFreakcaravel: true.21:52
IndyGunFreakalzamabar: now thats a dumb question, do you think i'd ahve made such a statement when i said that?21:52
LjLalzamabar: Gibbon. Gutsy Gibbon. how big? that depends on how much stuff you have installed.21:52
MikeH_Right, my problem with the install disc not working (basically dies after progress bar for loading kernel hits 100%) - an error flashes up very quickly (with noapic nolapic noacpi) - something about not being able to access a memory range?21:52
IndyGunFreakLJL:  i think he's referring to the iso.21:52
MikeH_it flashes up for a split second, so hard to read it properly.21:52
FangLigerhey could someone help out a complete linux noob, my internet seems to disconnect everytime i try and install a package, and it doesn't come back, and the last time i ran the package manager it locked up and i had to restart21:52
digitoriIndyGunFreak: nothing to with his upgrade...if he had open his tarball in the first place he would have been able to fin avantd  instakll instructions for21:52
MikeH_any ideas anyone? :(21:52
LjLalzamabar: well, the ISO is the size of a CD. around 700Mb21:53
IndyGunFreakdigitori: oh, we're talking to two separate people21:53
IndyGunFreakmy bad.21:53
alzamabarI'd like to download a version with a graphical intf plus server functionalities21:53
digitoriIndyGunFreak: easy done wires crossed sorry21:53
alzamabarE.g. I'd like to run a mail/db/http server21:53
jamescarrhey I have a question about tsclient... how can I minimize it when it is running in full screen mode?21:53
LjLalzamabar: the normal desktop version can very well act as a server if you just install the relevant stuff.21:53
jamescarrhey I have a question about tsclient... how can I minimize it when it is running in full screen mode?21:54
ethosi'm trying to get ekiga to work but there's no sound and when i try to call someone to test, it never actually goes through...21:54
darkentityhow do you intiate your external hard drive without restarting the pc???21:54
caravelpretty please I need help with xdg/alacarte -- can't find anything on the web21:54
alzamabarLjL, that is what I'd like. So is there any particular thing I have to download to have also server funcs, of can I just download the desktop version?21:54
LjLalzamabar: you can just download the desktop version. *after* you have it installed, you can apt-get your server packages.21:55
darkentityi dont see my external hard drive on desktop nor in media folder the only way is to restart??21:55
anyonehow do u install Diablo 2 Lod on uba21:55
BiohazardI have a question: when I switch to the console (Ctrl Alt F1) and login, I am inside the console. When I press backspace now, there comes a loud beep. How can I turn this beep off?21:55
Odd-rationaleI have a external ntfs hard drive. Is there a way I can defrag it without windows?21:55
LjLOdd-rationale: no21:55
caraveldarkentity: first, check it is not mounted. then unplug and replug, it should show up21:55
robdigdarkentity: have you mounted it?21:55
Odd-rationaleBiohazard: Go to System -> Pref -> Sounds the last tab,21:55
anyonehow do u install Diablo 2 LOD on ubuntu?21:56
darkentityoka ima try it21:56
alzamabarLjL, thanks. I'll do that21:56
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spepsis it possibile to remove any instance of gnome-panel???Please help21:56
FangLigerAnyone look into Wine21:56
Odd-rationaleLjL: Too bad :(21:56
caraveldarkentity: to get it mounted automatically with easy rights and an icon on the desktop, you must *not* have anything about it inside your fstab21:56
anyoneok thanks for your hlp21:56
LjLOdd-rationale, until six months ago it wasn't even supported to *write* on NTFS safely...21:56
thorjamescarr F8 will take you out of fullscreen mode21:56
darkentityi always got the usb cable installed to the pc and when i unplugg externail drive i just unplug the part of the back of the external hard drive21:56
BiohazardOdd-rationale: this is already deactivated. This works only for a terminal.21:56
darkentityima see guys21:57
darkentityhold on21:57
anyonesry o am new to ubuntu how do i install it into wine21:57
FangLigerwine is just a windows emulation program21:57
LjL!wine > anyone    (anyone, see the private message from Ubotu)21:57
Odd-rationaleBiohazard: Oh, yes. I'm sorry. There is a command, however. But I forgot what it was...21:57
darkentitylol i just unplugged it and plugged it in21:57
darkentityit worked21:57
spepsis it possibile to remove any instance of gnome-panel???Please help21:57
caraveldarkentity: no matter which side of the cable you (un)plug :)21:57
TuesdayHi I very new to this Ubuntu stuff. I can use a USB DTV box  and how if so thanks21:58
orionhey, could someone help me with graphic drivers? how can I display the current version I am using? ty :)21:58
darkentity4 some reason if i just yank it from the back of the hd it wont work but when i unplug from pc it works21:58
FangLigerhey, umm so my internet crapps out everytime i try and install a package21:58
LjL!tv > Tuesday    (Tuesday, see the private message from Ubotu)21:58
Tuesdayok thanks21:58
darkentitystrange i know in windows if i yank from back and plug back in it works21:58
schlurchzHi boys&girls. I find that gdm no longer suspends my box, but using the logout dialog works. Trying from the gdm login screen does nothing.21:59
darkentitythanks guys21:59
schlurchzsyslog says: "WARNING: Request for configuration key daemon/SuspendCommand=, but not type STRING"21:59
robdigspeps: right click on the panel you want to delete and hit delete this panel21:59
schlurchzAny ideas what's going on here?21:59
caraveldarkentity: welcome -- remember to *always* unmount it before to unplug it21:59
orionhey, could someone help me with graphic drivers? how can I display the current version I am using? ty :)22:00
spepsrobdig: i want to remove any instance of gnome-panel ... i don't wont any panel.22:00
amigappcok sry but i need a little advice. ubuntu detected my soundcard bud i think he use the wrong drivers .... because i have an HD soundcard onboard22:00
caravelorion: open synaptics and search for your graphic card brand name22:00
FangLigerokay sooo everytime i try to install a package my internet disconnects and won't reconnect22:01
caravelamigappc: one often can find a switch within the sound dialog, that enables digital sound22:01
jimmacdonaldHi all I am having some difficulty with Ubuntu recognizing my video card and saving settings. I am using an Nvidia 7600 and a 22 inch wide screen monitor from Viewsonic. I know this combination worked previously (I have used it on this machine correctly) and the only thing I have changed is updates. When I run reconfigure it fails to find the correct video card.22:01
robdigspeps: hmm, probably sudo apt-get remove gnome-panel22:01
orionthanks caravel. worked fine :)22:01
orionso 7.10 is already having the newest forceware22:01
FangLigerOrion: it seemed to for my 8600gt22:02
* robdig likes the panels22:02
tohoynorion: you can also look at /etc/X11/xorg.conf22:03
caraveljimmacdonald: make sure you use the restricted drivers as offered automatically at least after install, by the wizard in the notification area22:03
tohoynorion: search for Driver there22:03
caraveljimmacdonald: then install nvidia-settings22:03
wubrgamerhey guys, http://pastebin.com/d5ce6fe3822:03
wubrgamerthat's my first crontab, and it's not working, could someone edit it and sent me the new one ?22:03
ben_can anyone tell me how to load my ndiswrapper on startup?22:03
caraveljimmacdonald: and let you guided .. it should work out of the box on most cases22:03
jimmacdonaldI run sudo nvidia-settings and it correctly identifies my card and monitor.22:03
FangLigerokay so can someone help me, everytime i try to install a package my wireless internet drops22:04
preactionwubrgamer, instead of 1,2,3,4,5,6 why not do: 1-6.22:04
caraveljimmacdonald: so what is your issue ?22:05
K_DallasEvening folks! What is the easiest and the most opensource way to present a powerpoint2007 presentation under ubuntu? I converted it to 2003 and openined in OOo but it is missing some annimations.22:05
danbhfiveben_: how did you install ndiswrapper?  I've never had that issue22:05
thorwubrgamer you need to supply full paths....~ won't work22:05
thorwubrgamer and there should be no need for the '&'22:05
=== MikeH_ is now known as MikeH
jimmacdonaldsame as I stated before... when I boot up my video settings are lower than my monitor and card are capable of and I can't reset them.22:05
danbhfiveben_ I can show you the directions that I followed, if you like...22:05
caravelFangLiger: from your previous messages it looks like your dependancies are not satisfied22:05
FangLiger..........i have no idea what that means.......22:06
digitoriKDallas: try using open office presentation with your powerpoint file22:06
ben_everytime i boot my computer i have to run sudo ndiswrapper -i bcmwl5.inf, sudo ndiswrapper -l, ndiswrapper -m, and sudo modprobe ndiswrapper22:06
wubrgamerhttp://pastebin.com/m647ac24e does that work22:06
K_Dallasdigitori, as i said, i actually did this and it was 99% ok but not for all the transition effects22:06
FangLiger.....i have a girlfriend if that's what you mean......22:06
caravelFangLiger: you may want to search for the doc on the web site, that explains how to fix your dependancies -- sorry I do not know this as well as my multiplication tables22:06
psi__i'm just new to ubuntu, but wondering, where can i change the size of the desktop icons ? I've looked trough all menu's but couldn't find it ...22:06
caravelFangLiger: lol22:06
digitoriK_Dallas: ah i never fully read...why did you convert it?22:07
FangLigerlol thanks22:07
robdigwubrgamer: not sure you can start a graphical command like xeyes from cron...if you want it to start when you log in use system->preferences->sessions22:07
K_Dallasdigitori, it was 2007 format22:07
ben_danbhfive: if you think it would help i'd be willing to give it a shot22:07
K_Dallasdigitori, could openoffice2.3 opens 2007 files?22:07
digitoriK_Dallas oh that problem22:07
DextorionK_Dallas, those docx files?22:07
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
wubrgamerhow WOULD you start a graphical program from cron ?22:07
DextorionK_Dallas, no22:07
wubrgameror at a specified time ?22:07
digitoriK_Dallas: one sec22:07
K_Dallas(pptx in this case)22:07
beerockxsis it somehow possible to update to 64 bit ubuntu without reinstalling?22:07
DextorionK_Dallas, then again, those docx files is a archived file..22:08
jrib!cron > wubrgamer (read the private message from ubotu)22:08
K_DallasDextorion, indeed22:08
jribwubrgamer: use 'at' if you want a specified time just once...22:08
DextorionK_Dallas, you probably could uncompress those with... archiver or fileroller or such.22:08
danbhfiveben_ did you add ndiswrapper to /etc/modules  ?22:08
KagarCould someone go to the Ubuntu-Offtopic and tell them that I am really sorry and I was Ignorant, please forgive me Pici.22:08
caravelrobdig: wubrgamer Sessions will add an autostart entry in your .config I think, if you are interested22:08
DextorionK_Dallas, no idea how ease it is to sort out the data in them though.22:08
ben_no, how do i do that?22:08
danbhfiveKagar what happened?22:08
K_DallasDextorion, when i double click on those files, they actually uncompress under ubuntu22:08
doogluswubrgamer: you can't be sure anyone's going to be logged in at any particular time22:08
jribwubrgamer: so pastebin your crontab22:09
KagarSomeone was discussing 4chan and I didn't know what it was22:09
PeterPan_does any one know a gui to iptabes firewall that auto asks for each connection and app to permit or not. and then makes that rule for future. ? and does not allow any other connection or app unless permited.?22:09
DextorionK_Dallas, ah.. there you go then.22:09
Kagarand I posted something about 4chan and I got in trouble22:09
FlannelKagar: #ubuntu-ops, not here.22:09
digitoriK_Dallas: http://uksbsguy.com/blogs/doverton/archive/2007/04/15/how-to-open-office-2007-word-excel-and-powerpoint-2007-files-on-office-2000-office-xp-and-office-2003-by-downloading-the-microsoft-office-compatibility-pack-for-file-formats.aspx22:09
KagarFlannel -- can you tell Pici I'm sorry22:09
doogluswubrgamer: cron jobs run whenever the machine is booted - it may be that nobody has logged in yet, so which display would the programs run on?  what if 2 people were logged on?22:09
Kagaroh, gotcha Flannel22:09
Dextoriondigitori, once crazy url you got there mate. O_o22:09
caravelpretty please I need help with xdg/alacarte -- can't find anything on the web22:09
ben_danbhfive: just copy my .inf and .sys file into that folder?22:10
caravelhelp ! Following the use of alacarte, what in xdg structure could prevent most of the Prefs and System menus to show up ? They are both complete on other account on the same machine.22:10
K_Dallaslol @ Dextorion22:10
digitoriyour not kiddin but its for oOo22:10
danbhfiveKagar, there, its done22:10
=== billenium_ is now known as Billenium
wubrgamerI though cront jobs ran when I told them to run...22:10
wubrgamererr, cron not cront22:10
sivanandaHey everyone. Has anybody managed to get the ProjectM visualizer working with Amarok in Gutsy?22:10
mikko777i love ubuntu <322:10
danbhfiveben_ no, i was asking if you added ndiswrapper to /etc/modules22:10
revxI'm using a laptop that I just installed ubuntu 7.10 on and I can't seem to get my secondary display working.  The video is a Radeon xpress 200M22:10
digitori,---------------------silly donkee wrong url22:10
revxX just fails to start with fglrx22:10
ben_no i didn't, how do i do that?22:10
htmldotcom1I fucked up my computer, anyone want to help?22:10
K_Dallasdigitori, i havent installed office2003 in ubuntu. i have been using OOo22:10
danbhfiveben_ sudo gedit /etc/modules22:10
revxit will start with the radeon driver, but I can't get the secondary display up22:10
K_Dallashtmldotcom1, read the topic first22:11
wubrgamerhtmldotcom1 you're going to have to be a bit more specific22:11
jribwubrgamer: read the first link ubotu gave you22:11
htmldotcom1i know.22:11
danbhfiveben_ then add ndiswrapper to the end, and save/exit22:11
htmldotcom1ill get to it, lol22:11
soccan i remove /usr/X11R6?22:11
wubrgamerjrib: what'd I miss from it ? I read it already...22:11
jribwubrgamer: search for "gui" on the page22:11
soconly one symlink to /usr/bin is in there ...22:11
mikko777i cant get BTNX to start as daemon!22:11
digitoriK-Dallas: sorry got it wrong22:11
=== PeterPan_ is now known as PeterPan
K_Dallasdigitori, one shortcut solution to my problem: Powerpoint2007 saves its file in PPT playable by its powerpointviewer. Can i run the viewer by wine ?22:12
wubrgamerjrib, thanks !22:12
FangLigerCaravel: does this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=186672 have anything to do with it?22:12
caravelFangLiger: yes, but it's a bit old I think22:13
amigappcok sry but i need a little advice. ubuntu detected my soundcard bud i think he use the wrong drivers .... because i have an HD soundcard onboardß22:13
htmldotcom1so what I did was, I wanted to add KDE to my computer. I already added fluxbox with sudo apt-get install fluxbox, so I was in a good moode. SO then, I looked at a tutorial. It said "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" would do it. So I did that. My computer started being really slow, so I did a Ctrl+Alt+Backspace. Now, I can't even get to the login screen.22:13
htmldotcom1someone please help.22:13
PeterPandoes any one know a gui to iptabes firewall that auto asks for each connection and app to permit or not. and then makes that rule for future. ? and does not allow any other connection or app unless permited.?22:13
danbhfivehtmldotcom1: did you let the install finish?22:13
digitoriK_Dallas: Im not sure...but you could try install the compatibility pack into Office 2007 and then export it for Open office...give you the url in a moment22:13
caravelFangLiger: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto should be better22:14
kINTOneed help :: need to run drjava in eclipse... so i need the jdk 1.5 to work .. and i don't know how to install it22:14
htmldotcom1I did finish the install, yes.22:14
caravelFangLiger: see the fourth item in the Maintenance section, within the link I just sent you22:15
scguy318kINTO: sudo aptitude install sun-java6-jdk22:15
digitoriK_Dallas: sorry dude im way shattered...tike i kept my gob shut22:15
usserkINTO, sudo apt-get install sun-java5-jdk22:15
scguy318kINTO: replace 6 with 522:15
digitoritime i quit22:15
kINTOthanks : ) .. trying now22:15
revxAnybody up for helping me get a secondary display up on Ubuntu 7.10 on a laptop with a radeon xpress 200M?22:15
kINTOhrmmm .. says i already have it22:16
usserkINTO, sudo apt-get install eclipse too22:16
kINTOso why isn't it getting seen22:16
kINTOalready have eclipse22:16
kravlinhey. anyone know why the shutdown and reboot buttons dissapeared and how to fix it?22:16
usserkINTO, try sudo update-alternatives --config java22:16
usserkINTO, and choose the appropriate java22:16
danbhfivehtmldotcom1 you can type top on a terminal to see what is running22:16
caravelhelp! At install time from the standard live cd, is the "advanced" grub parameter stil broken ??22:17
kINTO  Selection    Alternative22:17
kINTO*         1    /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun/jre/bin/java22:17
kINTOso it's selected22:17
kINTObut i still get the error ...22:17
kravlinhey. anyone know why the shutdown and reboot buttons dissapeared and how to fix it?22:17
usserkINTO, error when doing what pastebin it22:17
kINTOjava.lang.classnotfound exception22:17
caravelabout to chroot after "fatal" error installing grub on sda3, find it a bit sad really !22:17
kINTOwhen i run eclipse22:18
kINTOand use the dr java plugin22:18
steve_bcaravel why did you choose that nickname?22:18
caravelsteve why ??22:18
usserkINTO, sorry i wouldnt know u'd better ask in #java22:18
steve_bcaravel I was trying to get a game to work, so I went onto it's website and it was caravel games22:18
caravelsteve sorry that was for steve_b22:18
htmldotcom1danbhfive: I have to go into recovery terminal to have any access at all.22:18
bluefox83caravel, instead of putting grub on sda3, try just dsa22:18
caravelsteve_b: nothing to do with these games :)22:19
jarleI have a machine that uses evms for a large storage group, after upgrading to gutsy my machine will not boot if I have evms installed (it just stops at initramfs), 1. How can I make it boot even if evms is installed? 2. Is it possible to access the data on the evms storage group without evms installed?22:19
K_Dallasno worry digitori , i am going to connect my laptop tp internet and see what i could come up with , thank you anyways22:19
steve_bcaravel, just a weird coincidence (if that's how you spell it!)22:19
kravlinhey. anyone know why the shutdown and reboot buttons dissapeared on my computer and how to fix it?22:19
digitoriK_Dallas good luck.22:20
=== kINTO is now known as kINTO_O
fxranyone fancy helping me with my depency issues? i am copying over required debs for a build enviroment, and now ve found 2 packages which require the other, but i cant install one cos it needs the other and vice versa :s22:20
htmldotcom1danbhfive? any news?22:20
beerockxsis it somehow possible to update to 64 bit ubuntu without reinstalling?22:20
htmldotcom1im desparate here :)22:20
steve_bkravlin, the same thing happened to me!  I don't know why either!22:20
caravelbluefox83: sda is not what I want, I do not know if this laptop is tatooed and I have no time to investigate it out22:20
danbhfiveanyone know of a better irc client than pidgin?  this doesnt seem all that functional22:20
usserfxr, force install one then install the other22:20
bro_mankravlin: mine did too when I was on Edgy because of something I did... but when I upgraded, they came back22:20
htmldotcom1danbhfive: irssi is really nice22:20
usserdanbhfive, xchat, konversation22:20
revxirssi > *22:20
fxrok thanks usser thaat easy heh.. silly me.. mucho gracios22:20
kravlinbro_man: i would do that but for some reason apt-get install dist-upgrade doesn't work. I'm running 6.06.22:21
htmldotcom1revx I agree22:21
mikko777but if you use irssi you shouldnt use ubuntu22:21
htmldotcom1Im using irssi right now22:21
kravlinbro_man: the LTS version22:21
robdigjarle: not good news...look at this...https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Evms22:21
caravelsteve_b: caravel is a contraction of "caracol veloz" -- too long story to flood it here ;b22:21
revxbut right now I'd like to get this display working :/22:21
htmldotcom1ehy mikko777?22:21
jsoftwOh really.22:21
mikko777irssi=complicated -> theres better distros for complicated ppl ^^22:21
revxirssi is easy!22:22
jsoftwmikko777: whatever.22:22
jarlerobdig: I was just reading that page and was hoping for some more input here...22:22
amigappci need an advice ... toshiba p100-10u arent playing sound22:22
danbhfivehtmldotcom1: did you try the top command?  That will tell you what is eating away at your cpu22:22
jsoftwmikko777: that really was a stupid statement22:22
mikko777jsoftw: was it?22:22
mikko777jsoftw: im sad now :P22:22
jarlerobdig: I was hoping that my TB storage didn't have to be reformatted...22:23
steve_bI have a problem wih my wireless - it disconnects sometimes, and I have to reboot to get it to work again22:23
SlartI have at some point installed mysql... can't remember when or how.. and now I want to install an application that wants to use my mysql database and I need the "administrative user" password.. is there a way I find out what this password is? if I reset this password I guess I'll break the original app that needed mysql.. hints?22:23
bro_mankravlin: I am not a tech, but there are many here that will have great insight into the situation... have patience, someone will get to you...22:23
steve_banyone got any ideas what this could be?22:23
desertcQUESTION: Why is rsync not copying hidden files (ones starting with a . ) ?22:23
kravlinbro_man: yeah. i figured they would.22:23
robdigjarle: i can understand why...22:23
MrPocketssteve_b:  Im no expert, but it sounds like its a problem22:23
jribSlart: reset the password and update it where necessary22:23
Slartjrib: you mean.. wait until I find out something isn't running as it should and then update =)22:24
kravlinbro_man: i just plan on spamming about every page until someone notices.22:24
htmldotcom1Is anyone going to help me?22:24
steve_bMrPockets ???22:24
robdigjarle: perhaps they can help at #evms?22:24
jarlerobdig: but lvm != evms?22:24
danbhfivedid you run the top command?22:24
digitorikrqavlin do you mean the shut down and reboot buttons on your menu or applet on the taskbar?22:24
revxWhy is a computer restart required when a line of my xorg.conf changes from driver "vesa" to driver "fglrx"?22:24
bro_mankravlin: be sure to state your version when you get a turn...22:24
jribSlart: sure22:24
steve_bMrPockets I'm guessin you hit return a bit prematurely there!  ;-)22:24
htmldotcom1so what I did was, I wanted to add KDE to my computer. I already added fluxbox with sudo apt-get install fluxbox, so I was in a good moode. SO then, I looked at a tutorial. It said "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" would do it. So I did that. My computer started being really slow, so I did a Ctrl+Alt+Backspace. Now, I can't even get to the login screen.22:24
jribSlart: I assume you've guessed your user's password and that didn't work?22:24
MrPocketswhat the HELL do you want?22:25
mikko777revx its not22:25
PeterPandoes any one know a gui to iptabes firewall that auto asks for each connection and app to permit or not. and then makes that rule for future. ? and does not allow any other connection or app unless permited.?22:25
Slartjrib: ok... guess I'll do that.. was hoping for some kind of configuration file for mysql..22:25
danbhfivehtmldotcom1: why dont you just remove kubuntu-desktop?22:25
Slartjrib: yea.. I've tried my usual ones22:25
kravlinbro_man: yeah. I've been here a couple times. I'm sure i'll get help sometime. Easiest way? just threaten to go back to windows.22:25
htmldotcom1what I did was, I wanted to add KDE to my computer. I already added fluxbox with sudo apt-get install fluxbox, so I was in a good mood. So then, I looked at a tutorial. It said "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" would do it. So I did that. My computer started being really slow, so I did a Ctrl+Alt+Backspace. Now, I can't even get to the login screen. The only access I have is a root terminal in recovery mode.22:26
htmldotcom1SOMEONE PLEASE HELP22:26
kravlinhey. anyone know why the shutdown and reboot buttons dissapeared on my computer and how to fix it?22:26
digitoriKravlin: will anyone really care if you threaten them by going back?  I asked you if you meant stop start on your menu or applet on your taskvbar?22:26
buggeredfstabHi, I'm still having a problem with being able to see my second hard drive. I have already posted on the forums: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=62967622:26
jribhtmldotcom1: there is no need for that.  Be patient please22:26
bro_mankravlin: ...... hmmm.... many people here have important issues as well... spamming is kind of a rude term... just watch the flow of information and wait for a good time...22:27
desertcdigitori: They are a task bar applet.  Just right click on your task bar and add them back.22:27
mikko777htmldotcom1: did you run out of hd space?22:27
htmldotcom1sorry jrib, its so frantic in here I just want to make sure I'm not forgotten. If you can reccomend any other steps, thats fine.22:27
desertcdigitori:  oops22:27
bro_mankravlin: lol @ 'windows'22:27
desertckravlin:  They are a task bar applet.  Just right click on your task bar and add them back.22:27
digitoridesetc: yeah I know that....wanted to know if krav had lost em from the menu or the taskbar22:27
kravlindigatori: it was a joke. I would never go back. Its in the applet. I can reboot from the command line fine.22:27
htmldotcom1mikko777: no, I have ~15 GB free22:27
skyfalcon866is it possbile to install ubuntu onto a secondary sata drive22:27
htmldotcom1on that partiton22:27
mikko777htmldotcom1: well install gdm again and launch fluxbox22:28
steve_bHey can anyone help me with my wifi problem?  It randomly disconnects and won't connect again properly until I reboot the computer...22:28
skyfalcon866is it possbile to install ubuntu onto a secondary sata drive22:28
=== alyx is now known as Alyxander
kravlindesertc: its from the button on the menu. When the applet pops up it displays log out, Hibernate, Log out and switch user but no reboot or shutdown.22:28
htmldotcom1miko777: how would I go about doing that? sudo apt-get install gdm ?22:28
htmldotcom117:28 (  mikko777 ) htmldotcom1: well install gdm again and launch fluxbox22:28
digitorikravlin: its ok im not angry...i dont really get angry22:28
steve_bskyfalcon866 Yeah I had ubuntu installed on my second hard disk with windows on the first if thats what you mean22:28
mikko777htmldotcom1: something like that i guess22:29
jribbuggeredfstab: you are positive that this is an ext3 partition?  Did it work before?22:29
desertckravlin: no idea22:29
htmldotcom1ill try that now.22:29
* digitori says i just tp my fingers on desk like crazy and go red faced22:29
kravlindigatori: i figured. Just putting me in my place (which is completely reasonable)22:29
buggeredfstabjrib: it should be ext3. and I think it did work before, but only once22:29
digitoriSome really interesting problems passing through here22:30
Swardmastagoing off subject for a while, but any suggestions on a mp3 for Amarok22:30
robdigkravlin: are you still part of admin group (and maybe adm too)22:30
buggeredfstabjrib: there's nothing valuable on it, so if I just have to reformat it, I will. But I gotta get to the point of being able to interact with it22:30
mikko777ubuntu channel is teh fun!22:30
buggeredfstabSwardmasta: Try iAudio22:30
ussermikko777, you bet it is\ :)22:30
bruenig!ot | mikko77722:31
ubotumikko777: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!22:31
kravlinrobdig: i never changed my permissions. It is a goal to reactivate root eventually but i never did get around to it.22:31
adamonline45hello everyone.  I got madwifi installed ok, and modprobed it, but I don't see my device, as the tutorial says I should.  Does anyone know what could be wrong?22:31
adrenergici know my modems chipset, ie, Conexant RH56D-11, linuxent gives its driver on money... does anyone knows where to download its full version without pay :(22:32
* digitori needs a strong coffee thats whats wrong 22:32
LjL!piracy | adrenergic22:32
ubotuadrenergic: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o22:32
Triskaidekaphobiadamonline45: what wifi card are you using?22:32
jribbuggeredfstab: ok, well to use the backup suberblock, you would get a list with 'mke2fs -n /dev/sdb1' and then 'e2fsck -b NUMBER /dev/sdb1'.  Finally, you don't want to fdisk /media/sdb1, you want to fdisk a device22:32
LjLadrenergic: i think there is a free of cost alternative, possibly slower, check out this page.22:32
LjL!modem > adrenergic    (adrenergic, see the private message from Ubotu)22:32
kravlindigatori: been googling it for a while. figured it out. Its an option that was disabled somehow. they're back now.22:32
cptinternethow do I disable the onboard wireless card so it doesn't show up in the wireless manager?22:33
digitorikravlin: cool22:33
kravlindigatori: yep.22:33
kravlindigatori: now to figure out how to upgrade from 6.06.22:33
adamonline45Triskaidekaphobi: It uses the net5416 driver, the model name I'm not sure of.  But I got to the point where I was able to at least see the card in iwconfig before I reinstalled Ubuntu, so I'm sure it's supported.22:33
cptinternetbasically, more expanded question, is there a command to disable a particular device?22:33
Tweek888I installed KDE a few days back, and now my gnome sessions don't show desktop icons, what should I do? uninstall kde?22:34
danbhfiveis htmldotcom1 still here?22:34
jribTweek888: what does 'gconftool-2 -g /apps/nautilus/preferences/show_desktop' return?22:34
buggeredfstabjrib: mke2 shows permission denied22:34
danbhfivedo you still need help?22:35
digitorikravlin quickest route would be new install and dont wipe your home partition unless youve backed it up22:35
jribbuggeredfstab: you need sudo on both of the commands I gave you22:35
adrenergicyes but i know what you all people mean... but if the OS, ie, Ubuntu is free why is the driver not free? it's very strange.... they do privide slow version but... i wonder when have the Linux PEOPLE started greed for money22:35
Tweek888jrib, false22:35
Tweek888how would I set true?22:35
jribbuggeredfstab: make sure sdb isn't mounted anywhere22:35
jribTweek888: gconf-editor22:35
Tweek888oh thanks :)22:35
danbhfiveok, here is what will help me, every message that you send to me, preface it with my name22:35
fredrikIs it pissible to mount a .iso as /cdrom/ ? Iḿ trying to reinstall soundcard drivers and it asks for my ubuntu cd, but my DVD-rom does not want to be found by my pc (need a new). Is there a way of emulating /cdrom/ ?22:35
LjL!mountiso > fredrik    (fredrik, see the private message from Ubotu)22:35
htmldotcom1danbhfive: yes I do need help still22:36
caravelpretty please I need help with xdg/alacarte -- can't find anything on the web. Following the use of alacarte, what in xdg structure could prevent most of the Prefs and System menus to show up ? They are both complete on other account on the same machine.22:36
kravlindigitori: yeah. but this computer has issues. I tried the install with Gutsy and when i booted into the live cd the mouse wouldn't work. dapper did.22:36
Dr_Willis!iso | fredrik22:36
ubotufredrik: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.22:36
cptinternetcan't find anywhere if there's a command to disable a particular PCI device22:36
danbhfivehtmldotcom1: so, is your computer still running slow?  or is just not working?22:36
digitorikravlin try using the alternative cd instead22:36
digitorikravlin: or throw your mouse to the cat and buy a new one?22:36
kravlindigitori: I figured that since i've got a working version here i might as well work with it.22:37
Triskaidekaphobiadamonline45: from a terminal execute: sudo lspci -nnv > ~/adamlspci and paste it on postbin22:37
htmldotcom1its not working. whenever it gets to the point where it would normally display the login screen, I just get a waiting cursor. I have to shut down after that because its stuck.22:37
kravlindigitori: and i would. but i needed a ps2 mouse and didn't haveone.22:37
Triskaidekaphobipastebin! adamonline4522:37
danbhfivehtmldotcom1: can you get to a terminal?22:37
digitorikravlin good point.22:37
htmldotcom1danbhfive: yes, the recovery root terminal22:37
Triskaidekaphobipastebin!: adamonline4522:37
digitorikravlin whats up with usb mice?22:37
danbhfivehtmldotcom1: ok, try sudo apt-get install -f22:38
LjL!pastebin | Triskaidekaphobi, adamonline4522:38
ubotuTriskaidekaphobi, adamonline45: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)22:38
caravelis there any whitepaper that describes entirely xdg's menu building, inclusion and exclusion processes ?22:38
buggeredfstabjrib: Ok, I just ran them both. Output is on the forum22:38
htmldotcom1danbhfive: -f? what does that do?22:38
Triskaidekaphobithanks LjL22:38
htmldotcom117:38 ( danbhfive ) htmldotcom1: ok, try sudo apt-get install -f22:38
jribcaravel: no idea, have you checked freedesktop.org?22:38
kravlindigitori: they're plug and play in windows while ps2 isnt?22:38
danbhfivehtmldotcom1: i think it means force.  Basically, it will try to install any packages that previously failed to install22:38
caraveljrib: don't know where to continue searching :(22:38
cptinternetIs there a command to disable a particular PCI device through the command line? can't figure out how to do it in the GUI22:38
kravlindigitori: and unfortunately most of the world uses windows.22:39
Triskaidekaphobiadamonline45: then post the url of your pastebin page here and i'll (we'll) have a look22:39
AdioHyperionhello everyone22:39
Tweek888one last problem, I can't seem to connect to my local shared folders from my brother's windows box, it was working not long ago. I have tried everything I can think of.22:39
fredrikhmm was no problem at all, i just mispelled media/cdrom/ insted of /media/cdrom/22:39
digitorikravlin i cant remember I use usb on linux and only use windows in virtual machine so it works22:39
Tweek888how do I trouble shoot that?22:39
jribbuggeredfstab: NUMBER means use a number from the last command22:39
htmldotcom1danbhfive: ok. I also want to mention that I did a sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop, and I removed it.22:39
robdigkravlin: for your missing shutdown button, take a look at the last post on this page...hope it helps http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=41775522:39
larson999soon as i figure out how to compile 32 bit programs i'll be all set22:39
kravlindigitori: i use windows for gaming... So i have to have a dual boot computer.22:40
digitorirobdig: i think he found his buttons22:40
buggeredfstabjrib: d'oh. Pebcak ;)22:40
larson999i use linux for gaming22:40
AdioHyperioncould someone help me get samba installed22:40
steve_bmy wifi connection keeps getting dropped, and I can't connect again until I reboot my computer.  Can anybody help me figure out why???22:40
kravlinrobdig: yeah. we figured it out. Some option had been disabled. Thanks though!22:40
jribbuggeredfstab: but that didn't work anyway, so forget that.  Are there any other partitions on sdb?22:40
adamonline45Triskaidekaphobi: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46638/22:40
htmldotcom1danbhfive: but it only removed about 50 KB worth of data, while the fill kde install was about 500 MB worth of data22:40
robdigdigitori: cool, thanks22:40
larson999oh, for everything22:40
digitorikravlin I use a seperate comp for that22:40
buggeredfstabjrib: there shouldnt be22:40
larson999then again, i only play open source games22:40
digitoricould be bothered with Db anymore22:40
jribbuggeredfstab: reformat it then.  Use gparted if you want22:40
kravlindigitori: I'm a high school student. I have no money.22:41
htmldotcom1thanks for your help guys, ill be back later I can assure you.22:41
digitorikravlin: Im an ewok, im skint too22:41
AdioHyperionwould someone help me get samba installed22:41
danbhfivehtmldotcom1: ok, well, let me know if the command did anything, also, you can run sudo apt-get autoremove22:41
htmldotcom1email me at htmldotcom@hotmail.com if you have any more ideas.22:41
Tweek888how can I troubleshoot problems with a local shared folder to my brother's computer? it was working a few days ago22:41
htmldotcom1I will danbhfive, ill be back later.22:42
digitorikravlin: off topic but what you studying?22:42
LjLhtmldotcom1, posting your email address on a logged irc channel is a good way to get some spam.22:42
=== ForeverZero is now known as sea4ever
jribcaravel: http://standards.freedesktop.org/menu-spec/latest/ is not what you want?22:42
kravlindigitori: currently Spanish, AP Stat, Physics and I'm an Aide for the school Tech.22:42
samushkais there any GNOME applications which can show all the ports that are open, and which processes they are associated to? (looking for a GUI solution)22:43
digitorikravlin: cool did physics but its tough stuff22:43
adamonline45Triskaidekaphobi: The wireless card is on line 12922:43
caraveljrib: http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Specifications/menu-spec here I am22:43
digitoriany physics programs for linux namely ubuntu?22:43
mikebeechamcan someone tell me what the mac-style dockbar is called in Linux?22:43
digitorimathes programs etc?22:43
digitorioops maths22:43
jribcaravel: yes, that's what you were looking for right?22:44
AdioHyperioncan anyone help me get samba installed on my computer22:44
big_area i have a process running as root: /bin/dd bs 1 if /proc/kmsg of /var/run/klogd/kmsg22:44
big_areais this dangerous?22:44
andresj_hello! do you guys know how can i see what programs/processes are using audio? I open amarok and it says that the device is busy...22:44
LjL!info gnome-nettool | samushka, this claims to have an interface to netstat22:44
ubotusamushka, this claims to have an interface to netstat: gnome-nettool: network information tool for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 2.20.0-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 135 kB, installed size 2268 kB22:44
kravlindigitori: most of what we've learned i got from calc AB + BC last year so its pretty easy.22:44
Triskaidekaphobiadamonline45: Try this: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/03/18/how-to-configure-wireless-on-a-macbook-using-ndiswrapper/ ... Note: you need the latest version of ndiswrapper to get then functioning properly (i did too), so remove if it's currently installed, grab the source, and compile...22:44
andresj_I remember there was some shell command for that, but i forgot it.22:45
=== andresj_ is now known as andresj
adamonline45Triskaidekaphobi: I got ndsiwrapper working, and I'd prefer to use it, but there's no 64-bit XP driver for my card...22:45
digitorimikebeecham: I recall something called rocketdock or something22:45
AdioHyperioncan someone help me install samba22:45
adamonline45Triskaidekaphobi: So, it wasn't actually _working_, of course...  But it would have if I had a 64-bit drvier 8)22:46
LjL!samba > AdioHyperion    (AdioHyperion, see the private message from Ubotu)22:46
choudeshAdioHyperion: what do you need help with?22:46
digitoriinstall it via synaptic?22:46
caraveljrib: yes, thanks for your help indeed - was 5 secs behind apparently :) just very much frustrated by alacarte over-unstability. I don't miss m$, understand the reasons of xdg menu arch, and am fluent in sgml. However, gotta say windows KISS menus are a must for my type of OS usage22:46
AdioHyperioni am trying to install samba so i can see my linux computer on my windows xp computer22:46
digitoriAdioHyperion or sudo apt-get install samba22:46
AdioHyperioni tried that22:46
AdioHyperionbut im getting an error22:46
fredrikAdioHyperion:  sudp apt-get install samba22:46
dolphin_noeli'm having a litle problem here to adjust the monitor to 1400x900 to 60hz :x anyone knows how can i fix this?! :x22:46
choudeshAdioHyperion: ok - please PM22:46
digitoriyou need to set up a folder on your linux machine to share with wiindows22:47
mikebeechamdigitori: thats the windows one...we dont want windows software now, do we?22:47
dolphin_noelis giving to me 50hz :x and the screen is 1400x900 60hz :X22:47
AdioHyperionhow do i pm?22:47
AdioHyperionor what is pm22:47
fredrikdubble klick the name22:47
digitorithere is a superkaramba version of mac docbar22:47
digitoricheeky monkee22:48
LjLOrion: /join #ubuntu-michigan22:48
tushydI'm trying to install Clutter, but when I type ./configure it gives the error: No package 'clutter-glx-0.4' found22:48
OrionYa i typed /join then ctrl+V and it printed that nonsense LjL22:48
s_im having problem with video when i want to watch something on youtube the video starst and it freezes in some secunds22:48
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=== ESphynx is now known as Billenium
mikebeechamdoes anyone have any use of Avant Window Navigator?22:49
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LjL!nickspam > ecere    (ecere, see the private message from Ubotu)22:49
choudeshAdioHyperion: sorry - bathroom called.22:49
mikebeechamI want to know how much of a resource hog it is22:50
ecereLjL can i change it one more time?22:50
LjLecere: go on22:50
=== ecere is now known as billenium
billeniumthank you22:50
RbeesI'm having a problem installing the Bink movie player. It's saying that I'm missing a file, libstdc++.so.5 . What package do I need to install to get it? I'm using 7.1022:50
andrew_oh thank god22:50
choudesh!find libstd22:51
ubotuFound: libstdc++5, libstdc++5-3.3-dev, libstdc++6, libstdc++6-4.1-dbg, libstdc++6-4.1-dev (and 16 others)22:51
digitorimikebeecham are you using avant already?22:51
andrew_don't suppose someone would point me toward where a complete newbie would go to fix a problem with mounting a UDF volume22:51
choudeshRbees: libstdc++5-3.3-dev22:51
mikebeechamdigitori: no...I just found the name of what I was looking for....but I know that these docks can sometimes use a lot of resources22:51
Jaszbo! wifi22:51
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs22:51
bro_man!find girlfriend22:51
digitorimikebeecham: yeah they can22:52
ubotuPackage/file girlfriend does not exist in gutsy22:52
choudesh!abuse | bro_man22:52
ubotubro_man: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines22:52
LjL!botabuse > bro_man    (bro_man, see the private message from Ubotu)22:52
mikebeechamdigitori: not sure I want to use it then...it would be eye-candy only22:52
choudeshwrong abuse....22:52
Dr_Willisapt-get upgrade wife22:52
choudeshthanks LjL22:52
Rbeesthanks choudesh22:52
bro_manok, ok... gosh... !22:52
s_why the video on youtube freez22:52
andrew_Anyway.... needs moar UDF filesystem support22:52
choudeshRbees: no problem.22:52
digitorimikebeecham: yeah thing is though eyecandy sometimes helps work flow, makes me feel better at least22:53
PeterPanfinal advice needed. which one is the best anti intrussion app .snort , fwmon , firestorm,prelude ?22:53
andrew_don't suppose someone could help me with that22:53
LjL!best > PeterPan    (PeterPan, see the private message from Ubotu)22:53
mikebeechamdigitori: you want to talk about work-flow...I just managed to get Photoshop CS3 running flawlessly on 7.1022:53
K_DallasHi again! What is the safest way to install a deb package under ubuntu? Thanks (not only my memory has faded, ubuntu has also changed a lot)22:53
PeterPanLjL whats the best for you then?22:54
digitorimikebeecham: hey way cool...I use photoshop too, but on win thingy22:54
choudeshK_Dallas: sudo dpkg -i22:54
macogwk_dallasjust double click it22:54
bluefox83K_Dallas, sudo dpkg -i package22:54
K_Dallasthank you very much, so it is still the same :)22:54
Triskaidekaphobiadamonline45: yes, 64-bit seems to be an issue... let me check a couple of things... brb22:54
andrew_hello? Don't suppose anyone here knows about problems with mounting a UDF disc?22:54
digitorimikebeecham: Im looking into xara on ubuntu22:54
mikebeechamdigitori: yeah...I've been using Photoshop for about 8 years now, and was looking for a way to run it on Linux, as I want to get away from windows....now I have, I'm  well chuffed22:54
AdioHyperionare you not helping me anymore choudesh?22:54
andrew_I've been looking for the last 2 days for a fix for this, and nothing has worked22:54
jargonor you van just double click on the .deb file in your file browser and it will ask for your password.22:54
LjLPeterPan: the best for me is knowing which services i'm running :)22:54
=== andrew_ is now known as Jarhyn
adamonline45Triskaidekaphobi: Alright, thank you :)  i'll be here!22:54
choudeshAdioHyperion: I sent you a PM.22:54
digitorimikebeecham: so you should be...got me grinning here22:55
choudeshAdioHyperion: Please state your problem in the channel here22:55
AdioHyperioni type sudo apt-get install samba22:55
AdioHyperionit is saying "package samba has no install candidate"22:55
JarhynInvalid mount option when attempting to mount the volume 'UDF Volume'.22:55
choudesh!find samba > choudesh22:55
AdioHyperioni am in a chat with you...22:55
jribJarhyn: there is a bug for that issue on bugs.ubuntu.com22:55
mikebeechamDigitori...to be honest, i'm surprised more people have not thought of it....I know that people have settled for an ugly version of CS2 running on wine, but it's even better to have CS3 running with no lag and FULL SCREEN as well22:55
AdioHyperionwhat does that mean?22:56
mikebeechamdigitori: xara looks good22:56
JarhynI know this. it still does not help me fix the PROBLEM22:56
digitorimikebeecham: I havent gone to CS3 yet22:56
jribJarhyn: there are a couple of workarounds in the comments22:56
choudeshAdioHyperion: try to `apt-get install smbfs`22:56
tds5016hey. does anyone know if compiz works with swing now?22:56
robdigandrew__: i found this, maybe it will help?22:56
AdioHyperioni tried that also22:56
mikebeechamdigitori: you really need to.  Apart from the upgrade of the GUI, there's lots of neat functionality for helping workflow, and it's integration into Bridge CS3 is SO nice22:57
AdioHyperionsame thing22:57
robdigandrew__: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/util-linux/+bug/4423322:57
digitorimikebeecham: its fastest processor of photos never mind scalable vectors22:57
MadHatter349anybody here from chicago and has a tv card installed on their pc22:57
choudeshAdioHyperion: version of ubuntu and please pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list file22:57
choudesh!pastebin | AdioHyperion22:57
ubotuAdioHyperion: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)22:57
mikebeechamdigitori: yup :D22:57
digitorimikebeecham: I probably will after christmas22:57
mikebeechamdigitori: get Xara or CS3?22:58
AdioHyperioncan you try a pm again22:58
digitorimikebeecham: CS3 already got xara22:58
digitorimikebeecham: I havent played with xara on ubuntu all that much yet22:58
mikebeechamdigitori: ok...well, I'm sure you're going to get on great with it...one of the best bits of CS3 is it's load-up time...it's SO much quicker than CS and CS2...really a fraction of the time22:59
choudeshAdioHyperion: sent. if you are unable to accept PM (must be auth'd against nickserv) - then please you this channel.22:59
digitorimikebeecham: superb!22:59
choudeshAdioHyperion: what version of ubuntu and please pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list file22:59
AdioHyperioni saw you say ok22:59
mikebeechamdigitori: yup22:59
AdioHyperionand i responded22:59
AdioHyperionim not on the linux computer, i have to go back and forth22:59
danbhfiveanyone know what dpkg-reconfigure -a does?23:00
AdioHyperionim using the most up to date version of ubuntu23:00
digitorimikebeecham: thing is I could always install it on my Windows Virtual machine which is running on ubuntu23:00
choudeshAdioHyperion: gutsy or hardy?23:00
PeterPanwhere to find deb package for firestorm ?23:00
* digitori prefers easy life23:00
AdioHyperionUbuntu 7.10 - Supported to 200923:01
AdioHyperioni dont know23:01
tds5016does anyone know if the compiz that ships with ubuntu7.10 works with java's swing libraries?23:01
mikebeechamdigitori: thats how I've done it...using VirtualBox23:01
mikebeechamdigitori: and with VB, you can run full-screen23:01
AdioHyperionhow can i find out23:01
choudeshAdioHyperion: ok - can you boot into gutsy and and post the /etc/apt/sources.list file?23:01
mikebeechamI'm using dual monitor, so it's great to have Linux on the left monitor, and Xp on the right23:01
digitorimikebeecham: excellent...and there was me thinking you did some black art wizardy23:02
AdioHyperiongive me a minute...23:02
mikebeechamdigitori: I've been using Linux for a week now..the impossible normally take a little longer!!!23:02
digitorimikebeecham: VB is it open source?23:02
choudeshAdioHyperion: ok.23:03
slavi1weird stuff, php works, but phpmyadmin gives a completely blank home page23:03
mikebeechamyes...install via synaptics23:03
primaryHello :) I'm having a rather severe problem that might be out of the scope of this chatroom, but I figure I'll ask anyway: I've been using Ubuntu just fine for the past couple months. However, I needed to boot into Windows for something today, and so I did so....there was no sound, and device manager reported a ton of controllers missing. Then my video started to blink in and out, and so I hit the reset button on my computer. When I23:03
primarydid this, there were artifacts everywhere, letters were randomly capitalised, and they were in odd colours. Thus, I decided to leave the computer off for about 10 minutes. I turned it back on, there were no artifacts, and so I went into Ubuntu. When I got to the login screen, my monitor suddenly went to sleep, but I moved the mouse and that seemed to wake it back up. I've logged in and everything seems to be working, but I'm obviousl23:03
jsoftwslavi1: errorlog23:03
primaryy a little concerned and confused over what just happened23:03
MM2I installed uw-imap and I can not telnet to port 143. What is wrong?23:03
primaryHmm, I didn't mean for it to be that long :)23:03
slavi1jsoftw: which one should I look for? the apache log?23:04
jsoftwI dont know where it is on ubuntu23:04
whadaranyone here has 5MB or faster internet connection? I wrote a software on demand tool from ubuntu and I need ppl with fast connection to check it out...  the site is http://vamosproject.org/rootz help is very very welcomed!!23:04
jsoftwperhaps /var/log/httpd/error_log or something.23:04
digitoriprimary: it sounds like your windows has done what it always does23:05
whadars/from ubuntu/runs from ubuntu23:05
mikebeechamis there anywhere to download new ubuntu startup sound files?23:05
AdioHyperionok how do i post this23:05
AdioHyperioni am on my windows computer with the sources.list on my desktop23:05
digitorimikebeecham try gnome-look.org23:05
IndyGunFreakmikebeecham: you can download any startup file you want, and just point ubuntu ati t.23:06
digitorimikebeecham:  http://www.gnome-look.org/23:06
MM2I installed uw-imap and I can not telnet to port 143. What is wrong?23:07
choudeshAdioHyperion: please prepend statements to me with my s/n so I know. ;-)23:07
AdioHyperionim sry23:07
choudeshAdioHyperion: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list - copy and paste it to pastebin23:07
choudesh!pastebin | AdioHyperion23:07
ubotuAdioHyperion: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)23:07
mikebeechamhey IndyGunFreak :D23:07
mikebeechamthanks digitori23:07
digitoriprimary: thats a hard one to figure out23:07
IndyGunFreakmikebeecham: greetings.23:07
slavi1hmm, something is weird with apache23:08
seeitcomingwhat channel can I find Deluge support in?23:08
AdioHyperionchoudesh: im on my windows computer with the file on my desktop23:08
primarydigitori: Yes, it is. I'm not sure whether it is my video card that might be dying, whether my whole computer is going under, whether Windows is just being awful...23:08
IndyGunFreak#deluge ?23:08
fsckris anyone here running vmware workstation with an xp install in it that is EXTREMELY slow pretty much to the point where its useless?23:08
FlannelMM2: make sure it's running (doesn't look like it starts by default)23:08
choudeshAdioHyperion: ok. open it in a text editor and copy and paste it23:08
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)23:08
robdigfsckr: you mean it normally isn't?23:08
AdioHyperionchoudesh: just paste it into chat?23:08
digitoriprimary; your monitor is meant to sleep23:09
choudeshAdioHyperion: no - pastebin23:09
fsckrwell robdig actually i haven't even been able to completely install it23:09
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)23:09
MM2Flannel: /etc/inet.d calls  /usr/sbin/imapd23:09
fsckrits so slow and unresponsive23:09
g00seHow do i pull the window title bar down with tightvncviewer? Please see http://picpaste.com/del/9Zf9clOj/Screenshot_2.png23:09
JarhynI tried all the workarounds. nothing works23:09
digitorifsckr: Im running vmware23:09
AdioHyperionchoudesh: your going to have to help me alot... im not very experienced with irc23:10
fsckri have a fresh install of both gutsy and vmware workstation but the install of xp is man just too too slow23:10
primaryHmm. It seems that my mounted partition with Windows isn't availible for me to access. What is going on?23:10
digitorifsckr: try adding more memory to your computer then give your virtual machine more memory to play with23:10
choudeshAdioHyperion: no problem. we are all here to help. what is the issue?23:10
JarhynI tried everything suggested, plus recompiling the kernel. It causes the error no matter what i change fstab to23:10
AdioHyperionchoudesh i dont know how to use pastebin23:10
LjLAdioHyperion, you're supposed to read ubotu's message.23:10
fsckri have 2 gigs of mem in my puter now...dotn think i need to buy anymore :)23:10
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)23:10
IndyGunFreak!paste | AdioHyperion23:10
ubotuAdioHyperion: please see above23:10
choudeshAdioHyperion: open of the pastebin url in your web browser23:11
Jarhynthe disc still reads on windows machines. It read on THIS machine when it was a windows machine23:11
digitorifsckr how much memory did you allocate to your virtual machine?23:11
primaryI'm starting to get graphics errors in Ubuntu now23:11
buggeredfstabjrib: I am trying gparted right now. Looks like I am losing about 20 GB of space. Is that a standard thing?23:11
seeitcomingwhat channel can I find Deluge support in?23:11
jribJarhyn: then there is no known solution23:11
digitorifsckr thats odd it should be running fine23:11
=== Slokunshialgo is now known as Slok-Away
verb3kjoin #deluge23:11
LjLseeitcoming: quite surpisingly, #deluge23:11
AdioHyperionchoudesh: what is the syntax?23:11
LjL!away > Slok-Away    (Slok-Away, see the private message from Ubotu)23:11
digitorifsckr: sorry that was my only solution23:11
fsckryea ive never really had a problem before with it digitori23:11
AdioHyperionchoudesh: or just leave it blank23:12
antonio__ciao ragazzi23:12
LjL!it | antonio__23:12
fsckri even have a dual core :_23:12
seeitcomingLjL: Thanks :$23:12
ubotuantonio__: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!23:12
jribJarhyn: best to just subscribe to the bug and wait for someone to figure it out23:12
choudeshAdioHyperion: you can leave that blank23:12
Jarhynso in other words, it's microsoft's inability to make a program that actually conforms to the strict standard?23:12
digitorifsckr: have you been running the virtual machine for days or over weeks or more?23:12
verb3kseeitcoming, #deluge23:12
digitorifsckr: tried defragging it?23:12
AdioHyperionchoudesh: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46641/23:12
fsckrwell its not even fully installed23:12
fsckrhaven't even gotten that far23:12
AdioHyperionchoudesh: there you go23:12
mikebeechamdigitori: get on gnome-look and check out Borealis23:12
seeitcomingverb3k: Cheers :D23:12
digitorimikebeecham: ok :-)23:13
JarhynI guess I'll re-burn it in a non-UDF file format on a different computer23:13
torbeni've changed gutsy to hardy in /etc/apt/sources.list and did an upgrade. but i still habe the 2.6.22-14 kernel23:13
Jarhynthanks for the help23:13
Triskaidekaphobiadamonline45: madwifi. The stable tree of that driver does not support this recent chipset yet (as of 2007/04/18), but there is a beta branch with a more recent hal with basic support. However, only unencrypted connections work at the moment with that branch, WPA is still broken. (page: http://en.opensuse.org/MacBook_Pro_Specials#Networking_.2F_WLAN )23:13
LjL!hardy > torben    (torben, see the private message from Ubotu)23:13
choudeshAdioHyperion: ok - boot into ubuntu. then click System->Admin->Software Sources23:13
choudeshAdioHyperion: the reason you can't find it is because you have the needed repositories commented out.23:13
digitorimikebeecham: I take it you mean the sound theme?23:13
AdioHyperionchoudesh: my ubuntu is on a seperate computer - so i can go back and forth23:14
jribbuggeredfstab: not sure23:14
choudeshAdioHyperion: ok - then click on System->Admin->Software Sources23:14
AdioHyperionchoudesh: im there23:14
Ashfire908what's that command line wen browser? not  w3m or elinks but that other one...23:14
digitorifsckr...install of win thingmy bobbery always takes flippin ages23:14
choudeshAdioHyperion: and make sure all the checkboxes are clicked under Ubuntu Software23:14
Jarhynwhere is sources.list?23:14
choudeshJarhyn: /etc/apt23:15
LjLAshfire908: lynx, links223:15
Jarhynthanks much23:15
Ashfire908LjL, yes23:15
buggeredfstabjrib: ok. It's a minimal loss for me, so I aint too worried. But it seems to be taking a while for gparted to scan everything, and then it just ends.23:15
bargaruxJarhyn: in /etc/apt/sources.list23:15
jribbuggeredfstab: yeah, it does that... did it still create everything ok?23:15
LjLAshfire908: those are all text-mode web browsers, though. if you want a *command line* web browser, that's edbrowse23:15
AdioHyperionchoudesh:  ok all 5 boxes are checked23:15
choudeshAdioHyperion: then click close23:16
buggeredfstabjrib: checking right now. I think it did, but I just want to make sure23:16
Ashfire908LjL, text-mode23:16
Ashfire908*is what i meant23:16
choudeshAdioHyperion: now open terminal and `sudo apt-get install samba smbfs`23:16
lwizardlis there anyway to create a non journalized hfs+ partition using ubuntu apps23:16
AdioHyperionchoudesh: its downloading some package information23:16
choudeshAdioHyperion: that is fine. when it is done, then open terminal.23:17
digitorimikebeecham: hmmmm tangerine dream: borealis sounds are cool23:17
=== _shoot^ is now known as shoot^
digitorimikebeecham: that is so going onto my ubuntu23:17
h4p0hi guys!23:17
mikebeechamdigitori: stick me with kid...I'll take you places :D23:18
AdioHyperionchoudesh: its working!!!23:18
ubun00bhave anyone else experienced that opera suddenly loads websites very slowly?23:18
fsckrhmm digitori switching it to one processor instead of 2 seems to fix it .... go figure23:18
h4p0i've goto a little problem...I would change the tty console resolution23:18
choudeshAdioHyperion: if you need help configuring samba - give me a few minutes and I will help. I want to grab something to eat.23:18
digitorifsckr: maybe one of your cores is knacked23:18
ubun00bat the same time the website loads fast in firefox23:18
h4p0kernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.22-14-generic root=UUID=da302655-21f2-4448-a2e9-3785a5d75266 ro quiet splash23:18
IndyGunFreakdigitori: i was just looking at those sounds myself.23:18
AdioHyperionchoudesh: could that be the same reason why ubuntu couldnt install some codecs?23:19
fsckrdigitori, no everything else runs great23:19
AdioHyperionchoudesh: yeah i need to grab a bite to eat also23:19
fsckrits just this vm :)23:19
Jarhynspeaking of commented entries in sources.list, does simply uncommenting the entries make the repositories activate?23:19
digitoriIndyGunFreak: mmm yeah make a nice change to the soundfiles23:19
LjLJarhyn: not until you « sudo apt-get update » or the equivalent operation in Synaptic23:19
Jarhynrodger that23:19
dandelionshi, could someone help me? I just installed Gutsy this afternoon and now it won't boot, it hangs where the splash screen ought to be23:19
h4p0this changes the resolution in boot phase...but not the resolution of the tty console....23:19
digitorifsckr: be interesting to find a solution...at least when ive got two cpu's running23:20
dandelionsThe splash screen settings are the right size, so it's not that23:20
* digitori thinks he is the oldest kid in town23:20
h4p0yeah! that works perfectly fr the splash screen...23:20
dandelionsI put in my username and password and I get a peachy screen with a mouse cursor, I can move the mouse but all I can actually do is ctrl-alt-backspace23:20
=== ForeverZero is now known as sea4ever
h4p0but I would change the resolution of the console23:20
adamonline45Triskaidekaphobi: Do you know what it means when it says "AR5008 support is available in trunk"?23:21
h4p0how can I do?23:21
fsckrdigitori, when i finish installing xp on here and installing the vmware tools ill change it back to 2 processors and see what happens :)23:21
buggeredfstabjrib: in gparted, it shows both extended and unallocated.23:21
digitorifsckr: hey let me know how you get on23:21
adamorjamesI was wondering. What command would I use to make gnome-terminal "stay on top".23:21
robdigdandelions: do you get a menu at the top? ubuntu doesn't come with icons on the desktop...23:21
=== _ktogias is now known as ktogias
dandelionsI get absolutely nothing23:22
fsckrdigitori, will do its finishing up the xp install now with no problems....before it would take ages23:22
Jarhynalso, I tried compiling a kernel that enabled built-in rather than module UDF support as the only change in the config, and it managed to kernel-panic23:22
dandelionsI'm used to having a splash screen there, and it booted a few times with a splash23:22
dandelionsBut now it's just peach, my panel and desktop icons never come up23:22
h4p0dandelions-- any Idea ?23:22
BigToe7000obviously not, blud23:22
smooker_someone help, my sound doesnt work :(((23:22
digitorifsckr: vmware must have a problem dealing with two cores but it shouldnt!23:22
digitorifsck: maybe its xp that has the prob23:23
dandelionsI had a problem earlier where it wiped the contents of my desktop directory, but that's not what's happened here, I can see the desktop files via windows (I dual boot with xp, ran feisty til earlier on today)23:23
fsckrdigitori, dunno soon as this install is finished ill find out23:23
PeterPan_http://img86.imageshack.us/img86/6246/snapshot6ol9.jpg  what should i do?23:23
digitoritop class video and dvd editing on ubuntu and im done with wondows forever23:24
lwizardlis there anyway to create a non journalized HFS+ partition using only Linux applications like Gparted etc?23:24
AdioHyperion"dont get windows vista! get ubuntu!"23:24
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
digitoribrb time for a glass of roseeeee23:25
dandelionsSo, does anyone know what I might have done so that it's suddenly stopped working?23:25
fsckrdigitori, yum23:25
tomd123at least you can try the latter for free :)23:25
fsckrdigitori, pour me a glass23:25
digitoriVirus Intruders Spyware Trojans Adware23:25
AdioHyperionthe only reason to have windows is to play games23:25
adamonline45AdioHyperion: I second that23:26
adamorjamesI was wondering. What command would I use to make gnome-terminal "stay on top".23:26
AdioHyperionbut then again thats what a 360 and ps3 is for23:26
naxa2hi! can i make wallpaper to be chosen randomly from a directory every time? or maybe even update in 30 seconds?23:26
Jarhynheh, I changed to ubuntu after vista ate 80% of my memory on bootup23:26
dandelionsNo, the reason to have Windows is so when Ubuntu breaks you can still get on the internet.23:26
=== nuu is now known as nu
=== nu is now known as nuu
JarhynI haven't seen ubuntu go past 70 even running everything I have23:26
Dr_Willisdandelions thats what live cd;s are for. :)23:26
digitorifsckr: sure...and i get to drink it hehe.....its a box of Franzia californian rose...strawberries raspberries and stuff tastes as great as ubuntu runs23:26
tomd123dandelions: wait till you use linux for a longer time, then you will never say that statement ever again :P23:26
dandelionsI don't have a live cd, I ran the upgrade from Feisty. Feisty worked fine.23:26
PeterPan_http://img86.imageshack.us/img86/6246/snapshot6ol9.jpg  what should i do?23:26
fsckrdigitori, im jealous23:26
smooker_anyone know how to setup Firefox for my default web browser ? coz right now when i preszs link it opens php editor.. :(23:26
Triskaidekaphobiadamonline45: 'trunk' is the current development trunk, still beta software23:27
dandelionsGutsy is useless. All it's done so far is delete 200mb of my files because I opened an archive, broke my sound, and then broke itself altogether.23:27
robdigdandelions: are you running xgl?23:27
Dr_Willisit pays to have a collection of live  cd's of differetn disrtos to test things with. :)  DSL, Puppylinux, gparted live cd.. all handy :)23:27
adamorjamesI was wondering. What command would I use to make gnome-terminal "stay on top".23:27
jribadamorjames: right click on the title bar, or do you actually want a command?23:27
fsckrdandelions, its usually user error :)23:28
choudeshadamorjames: if you right on the title bar - there is a "always on top"23:28
adamorjamesjrib: a command23:28
nuuPeterPan_: that range is fine, means snort will listen on 192.168.x.x23:28
digitorifsckr: nearly as good as a good port or malt whiskey...oh if ubuntu was a drink23:28
magnetronadamorjames: right click the title bar, choose "stay on top"23:28
Jarhynthat sudo command is a real bitch if you abuse it :P23:28
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
jribadamorjames: look into wmctrl or devilspie23:28
dandelionsOrdinarily I'd agree with you, but I didn't delete my files, and I reversed the thing I did before Ubuntu wouldn't boot again23:28
JarhynI love that ubuntu has a built-in anti-idiot device23:28
dandelionsSo I have no idea what I can actually do23:28
PeterPan_nuu: what is the meaning of 16?23:28
adamorjamesjrib ok23:28
tomd123Jarhyn: i agree although you only have to abuse su once and your done :P23:28
digitoridevilspie sounds evil23:29
AdioHyperionchoudesh: im going to try a couple of these tutorials to setup samba23:29
choudeshAdioHyperion: ok. And yes, that was the reason you couldn't install some codecs23:29
AdioHyperionchoudesh: i like to try to figure stuff out on my own first - i learn more that way23:29
AdioHyperionchoudesh: ok23:29
choudeshAdioHyperion: understandable.23:29
fsckrno need for devilspie when you have cf23:29
nuuPeterPan_: it means that the first 16 bit of the address (ie the first two bytes, ie 192.168) represent the network part of the address23:29
robdigdandelions: it's a version of x built on open gl (i think)...but i had found a bug where xgl was giving similar problems to what your described...they fixed it by uninstalling xgl23:29
Triskaidekaphobiadamonline45: think of a tree and branches the finished one is grafted into the stable release and the other tree is still growing, not yet ready for grafting into the stable release.23:29
PeterPan_nuu:  wont it listen to other internet apps like firefox or and external intruder. thats just my lan numbers......23:29
adamonline45Triskaidekaphobi: Ahh.  Dang, I'm thinking I should just isntall the 32-bit version and use ndiswrapper. :/  But I had a problem in 32-bit version, I was unable to get ndiswrapper as far installed as I have it now, on the 64-bit install.  Something about ndiswrapper.ko missing.  :( Hmmm...23:29
AdioHyperionchoudesh: i had put ubuntu on a friends computer and those boxes were already checked for him23:29
AdioHyperionchoudesh: no fair23:29
AdioHyperionchoudesh: not*23:29
choudeshAdioHyperion: heh.23:30
adamonline45Triskaidekaphobi: Hehheh, I get it 8)23:30
Triskaidekaphobiadamonline45: that's what MANY people have had to do for their own sanity...23:30
dandelionsI think if it was xgl I'd have had problems before, compiz has been running fine today and beryl's worked since June23:30
AdioHyperionchoudesh: im going to try to do this... ill let you know if i run into any problems23:30
PeterPan_nuu: i want it to listen to every thing.......23:30
arooni-mobileeverytime i try to use that cool deskbar applet to search my /home directory..... i get no results... its like its not indexing my files....... can someone tell me how to fix?  thanks!23:30
nuuPeterPan_: then set it to any23:30
Jarhynyes, although I happen to know what I'm doing more than most newbies with SUDO.23:30
raulhcan anyone verify if sudo apt-get install fostwire would work?23:30
dkdexter Hi, is it possible to set up remote dekstop via terminal(ssh)?23:30
jrib!devilspie > adamorjames (read the private message from ubotu)23:30
PeterPan_nuu:  how to set it if i want it to listen to all23:30
nuuPeterPan_: use "any"23:31
JoeThomasHi, I'm wondering if it's possible to be able to use xbox live via connecting it to my pc. Like some sort of Internet Connection Sharing?23:31
Dr_Willisraulh i do not think frostwire is in the repos - so that wont work23:31
ubotufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire23:31
PeterPan_0.0.0.0  to
jribadamonline45: devilspie isn't a command but that might be what you want anyway23:31
Jarhynthough I have to admit I've been trying to figure out how to turn my normal GUI session into a super user level23:31
tomd123Jarhyn, no one can delete YOUR files but you or root (you)23:31
robdigdandelions: but i thought you went to gutsy today...and what i found was specific to gutsy23:31
buggeredfstabjrib: Here is what I am showing on gparted: http://i221.photobucket.com/albums/dd10/voiceovgod/gparted120207.png23:31
adamonline45Triskaidekaphobi: I'm goin' on a few days, that's for sure.  Sigh.  Oh well, I think I've decided to do a 32-bit install.  Shucks...  i guess it's an _investment_ in sanity, ya gotta spend some to make some :)23:31
bkraptordoes anyone know a "safe" repository from where I can get VMware Player?23:31
dandelionsThough wouldn't I have had problems earlier in the day? it booted a few times fine23:31
=== UBUNTUISLOVED is now known as ubuntuisloved
JarhynI know this :P but I'm not the only one with root access on this computer, since I'm actually admining it for someone else23:31
adamorjamesok jrib23:31
bkraptorI have one, but I think it's broken, cause it says I need to update VMware Player with the same version, over and over23:32
nuuPeterPan_: in CIDR notation, that'd be "". But in terms of snort config, you can specify "any" as you can read from the description text23:32
Triskaidekaphobiadamonline45: so true, keep looking for the madwifi to go stable and then maybe try again...23:32
adamonline45jrib: I'm sorry, what's devilspie?  I have no soul left if that's what you're asking 8)  I lost it with BSD23:32
Jarhynand I'm just hoping that my roommate doesn't decide to go on a SUDO rampage23:32
adamonline45Triskaidekaphobi: My thoughts exactly23:32
IndyGunFreakraulh: frostwire has an ubuntu .deb file on their website.... http://www.frostwire.com23:32
sim having problem with video the player is playing the files very slow and it stops meanwhile23:33
adamonline45Triskaidekaphobi: Well, thank you for your help!  I appreciate it :)23:33
PeterPan_nuu:  so i can write iether or any       without " ?23:33
magnetronJarhyn: make your room mate a non-administrator account, then he well not be able to run sudo23:33
Jarhynit's his computer23:33
IndyGunFreaks:  did you get your sound fixed?23:33
digitoriadamonline45 http://burtonini.com/blog/computers/devilspie23:33
Netham45how would I give the user 'netham45' sudo right?23:33
sno my friend23:33
Triskaidekaphobiadamonline45: hopefully, that's what everyone's here for... good luck23:33
magnetronJarhyn: so? ;)23:33
Jarhynmake them an administrator23:33
jribadamonline45: ubotu sent you a link.  You can write rules to the effect of "every time I open gnome terminal, make it "an top"".  wmctrl is an actual command to make a window "on top".  They're different things.  wmctrl is actually what you asked for23:33
=== Slok-Away is now known as Slokunshialgo
K_Dallas_Is there a filemanager almost like TotalCommander (ex Windows Commander), thanks23:34
Netham45Jarhyn, how?23:34
nuuPeterPan_: yes, that sounds correct :)23:34
sstill not work23:34
=== K_Dallas_ is now known as K_Dallas
sand now i have problems with video23:34
bkraptorK_Dallas: gnome-commander23:34
magnetron!doesn't work | s23:34
ubotus: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.23:34
K_Dallasbkraptor, thanks23:34
Jarhynhe owns the computer. I'm just borrowing it long-term. long enough term to replace the OS from vista to linux23:34
jribadamonline45: erm, never mind, I am just confusing with adamorjames23:34
tomd123Jarhyn: so you basically deleted *his* vista so you can play with ubuntu for a while?23:35
IndyGunFreaks:  are you using 7.10?23:35
adamonline45jrib: I was just going to suggest that, but I got stuck reading about it 8)  np!23:35
IndyGunFreaktomd123: i'd consider that a favor.23:35
Netham45how do I change a group a user is in?23:35
=== MikeH_ is now known as MikeH
raulhumm, i have just installed frostwire via terminal where is it? 0_o thanks in advanced23:36
Jarhynno, I deleted HIS vista because it was a flaming pile of crap that crashed every hour or so and struggled to run windows media player23:36
robdigdandelions: looks like someone else had a similar problem when they ran out of disk space...any chance you're running low?23:36
Jarhynhe thanked me for it23:36
jribNetham45: delgroup and addgroup23:36
tomd123IndyGunFreak: yes but if that was me and he didn't tell me I would be pissed, unless he didn't delete the vista partition and had a dualboot23:36
jribNetham45: or deluser maybe.  The man explains in any case23:36
NoobSauceI'm trying to get ubuntu to work on my box, I've installed everything, and then it fails to start the X-server. Specifically it gives an error VESA(0): No matching modes, Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration. I've searched online, and it looks like this was a bug report filed with a previous version (I've done a dist-upgrade from FF). I'm out of ideas on how to resolve this issue... Any clues?23:36
Jarhynactually I made him PAY me for it, but who's counting?23:36
IndyGunFreaktomd123: i think if it were me, i'd be pissed either way... my PC, you don';t ahve much right instaling another OS.23:36
fsckrdigitori, its definitely vmware not liking the dual core23:36
dandelionsI've not checked disk space, that's in theory possible. How much space do I probably need on the linux partition?23:36
fsckri just installed vmware tools and edited my vm to use 2 cores and its slow as molasses23:37
tomd123what did you expect23:37
digitoriJfsckr: hey thats interesting...i must dig around vmwares website etc see whats going on there23:37
robdigdandelions: no idea, anybody else have an opinion?23:37
IndyGunFreak!resolution | NoobSauce23:37
ubotuNoobSauce: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto23:37
dandelionsrobdig: I've got 2.2gb, would assume that that's enough?23:37
Jarhynjust this week I've inspired 10 conversions to ubuntu23:37
raulhi installed frostwire VIA ternimal (sudo apt-get frostwire) how do i access it?or where is it thanks in advanced...23:37
caravelplease help, I need help to repair the desktop menu after alacarte broke it23:37
sindygunfreak u have time 4 me23:38
IndyGunFreaks:  hang on just as ec.23:38
Peloanyone else get this freenode-connect windows when they connected to the network ?23:38
bkraptorwhat's the best mIRC-like IRC client for gnome?23:38
sok thx23:38
Jarhynit's definitely the EASIEST23:38
PeloJarhyn, yes23:38
raulhgo to terminal23:38
raulhbkraptor:terminal install wine and download mirc23:38
adamonline45raulh: Type 'sudo updatedb', then type 'locate frostwire'23:38
bkraptorno, I'd rather run a native client, thanks23:38
raulhthanks adam!23:38
IndyGunFreakNoobSauce: i would run this command sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  and take generic defaults for everything(use Vesa for video, not ati/nvidia), then once you get a GUI, work on fixing everything right.23:38
bkraptorI'll try that23:39
adamonline45raulh np!  Hope it works for ya 8)23:39
robdigdandelions: is it full?23:39
nomasteryodaadamonline45, also "which frostwire" should find if installed normally23:39
digitoriMirc on wine...i respect your choice...but omg23:39
IndyGunFreakNoobSauce: you'll have to do that in safe mode(one of your grub menu entries)23:39
dandelionsI can't tell - I'm in Windows and Windows can't see it properly, it says it's a partition of size 023:39
Pelobkraptor, goto , meny >"applications,> add/remove,  intall xchat,  xchat-gnome will be removed,  don't worry about that part23:39
nomasteryodaor "sudo find /usr/bin/ -iname frostwire23:39
[Neurotic]Just wanted to check - has anyone successfully installed Oracle XE on Ubuntu Server 7.10? I can't seem to access APEX23:39
adamonline45nomasteryoda: Ooh, interesting.  I'm adding that to my notebook of linux goodies 8)23:39
bkraptorbtw, does anyone know when the devs will push an ati driver update?23:39
IndyGunFreakdigitori: does seem kinda silly, does it not.23:40
Thorsten12tell me about it, thats def aN ADD ON23:40
=== impulsive_ is now known as impulsive
raulhAdam:is it notmal for updateb to take a few mins?23:40
LjL!irc > bkraptor    (bkraptor, see the private message from Ubotu)23:40
valirHello, I am a newbie to ubuntu, and trying to integrate with gmail, and google calendar, i've installed gmail notify but it seems to be buggy, anyone have a clue about best synch?23:40
* IndyGunFreak prefers xchat-gnome23:40
Jarhynbkraptor:  try enabling all your repositories. then you can update the drivers to use 3d ATI functionality. also, check ATI for *nix drivers. they have them23:40
* Pelo thinks IndyGunFreak just sunk to a new level 23:41
IndyGunFreakPelo: lol i hate xchat... don't know why, it just doesn't feel right, so i use xchat-gnome.. which i like.23:41
jimmygoonHow do I determine my cpu stats- SSE2/SSE from cmd line?23:41
smooker_How i can see what is my sound card ?23:41
digitoriIndyGunFreak: yes seems silly23:41
=== Jordan_U_ is now known as Jordan_U
ubotuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines23:41
Pelovalir, you can install gnubiff as an email notifies, I don't know about synching your calendar however,  you might want to chek in the forum for more info I think it is covered   , www.ubuntuforums.org23:41
IndyGunFreakdigitori: be kinda like running Firefox in wine...lol23:41
IndyGunFreaks:  what did you need?23:42
LjLjimmygoon: cat /proc/cpuinfo23:42
nuujimmygoon: cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep flags23:42
si have several problems with video23:42
valirThanks, Pelo23:42
adamonline45in 7.10 install, what does it mean to 'install with driver update cd'?23:42
Pelo!hi | wb172223:42
ubotuwb1722: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!23:42
IndyGunFreaks:  well if your sound isn't working, why are you concerned about video?.. or is it like a mime video?23:42
Jarhyns: have you checked your video card mfr website for linux drivers?23:43
digitoriIndyGunFreak: oh well freedom of choice....ouch23:43
Peloadamonline45, a seperate cd that might be put out with special drivers on it for new hardware if /when it comes out23:43
IndyGunFreakdigitori: very true...23:43
JarhynATI supports linux very well23:43
Peloadamonline45,  if you don't have a cd like that, donT' worry about it23:43
* IndyGunFreak laughs at Jarhyn23:43
sit was working today well until changed the langage pack23:43
Jarhynwell, they do. better than some23:43
adamonline45Pelo: Ahh nice, they're thinking ahead... Thanks :)23:43
wb1722i have a drive thats not showing up in the medai dose anyone here that can help23:43
* IndyGunFreak laughs even harder at Jarhyn23:43
Peloadamonline45, I'm pretty sure that's what it is , I read something a while back23:44
snow when i want to watch something on utube its starts and stops in few secs23:44
jamescarrhey I need some quick help... I am using tsclient fullscreen, but sometimes want to drop back to my desktop.. how can I do this? f8 doesnt work23:44
* Pelo tells IndyGunFreak not to laugh at the unfortunate noob 23:44
IndyGunFreaks:  i dont' think a language pack should effect that.23:44
* IndyGunFreak listens to Pelo 23:44
digitoriJarhyn: erm I wonder if NVidia will get left behind now that ATI are open sourced23:44
Pelojamescarr, alt+crtl_f7 I thnk23:44
NoobSauceIndyGunFreak: I've already tried to reconfigure x. I've looked up the refresh rates and other monitor specs on the web, and I've filled those values in. I'm editing the xorg.conf manually, so safe mode is not necessary (?)23:44
PollmanDoes anyone know how to get Compiz-fusion running on a flash drive of some sort?23:44
PeloPollman, whut ?23:45
Jordan_Udigitori, I wouldn't call Non Disclosure Agreements "open"23:45
IndyGunFreakNoobSauce: ok, i would just do everything generic, and see if you can get X to start.23:45
jamescarrPelo, nope23:45
Jarhynmaybe I missed 2 decades here? I remember when it was ATI that provided the best support23:45
sis there any flash player 923:45
Pelojamescarr, my mistake23:45
raulhim so noobie with ubuntu, and debian D:< i did terminal commands to install frostwire (sudo apt-get install frostwire), then i followed what adminonline told me (sudo updatedb) (locate frostwire) and nothing happening can anyone pm me cause i got a tiny rez and would apriciate a pm thnx23:45
Jarhynthen again the last time I checked was 199123:45
IndyGunFreakNoobSauce: do everything generic, and you will likely get everything to start.23:45
Jordan_Us Yes23:45
digitoriJarhyn: Ive only ever signed one...but no23:45
NoobSauceIndyGunFreak: so I tried that as well, and I couldn't get anything... is this a known issue or something? The bug report that I found indicates that is was resolved?23:45
PeloPollman, didyou install ubuntu on a flash drive ?23:45
adamonline45Jarhyn: I've always heard if you're gonna run linux, get nvidia23:45
miles8Hi, I upgraded to Gusty, and my graphics seem pretty messed up.  Is there a good explanation as to what as going on on the backend for this screens and resolutions utility.  I would rather just bypass it all together have just use my own xorg.conf that I have manually edited23:45
* digitori thinks even that sig wasnt my real signature23:45
PeloPollman,  then compiz should work if the rest of your hardware can handle it23:46
IndyGunFreakNoobSauce: no, onlyu thing i know, is you're doing something wrong.. what did you choose when it asked for your video device?23:46
Jarhyneither way I don't have the choice23:46
bruenigmiles8, then just do that23:46
bruenigmiles8, /etc/X11/xorg.conf23:46
Jordan_Umiles8, Then just make your own xorg.conf, or do you not know how?23:46
swhere can i find it23:46
NoobSauceIndyGunFreak: video device was chosen as vesa since I don't have a video card in here anyways23:46
miles8But it seems to use that at first, and then it reverts to some different config23:46
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource23:46
Pollmanpelo, I have it running in persistance mode, but when I try to apply the changes it doesn't seem to work23:46
digitoriJarhyn what choice dont you have, what did i miss/23:46
justinhjAnyone have a good program for videoing your desktop?23:46
jamescarrPelo, I think maybe you thought I meant switching between consoles? I am using tsclient to connect to a windows box at work, and I want to be able to minimize it/switch out to do stuff on my local desktop23:46
PollmanI'll try again23:46
miles8Ya, I know how to manually edit it23:46
dandelionsDoes anyone have any more ideas for my problem? (hangs after entering username+password on beige screen)23:46
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic23:46
JarhynI'm on someone else's laptop23:46
ubotufrostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire23:46
LjLmiles8, if you've only got *one* resolution set in xorg.conf, then i'm pretty sure gnome will use that23:46
LjL!caps | jamescarr23:46
ubotujamescarr: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.23:46
Jordan_Umiles8, That is because your version of the xorg.conf resulted in X not starting23:46
Pelomiles8, ifyou still have a copy try it out, backup the other one first , might because new drivers are now available and somethig tried to use them23:46
Jarhynso I can't really decide what graphics card to plug23:46
IndyGunFreakNoobSauce: you're doing something jacked up,c uz if you use generic defaults, X should start, barring some other hardware problem23:47
froggy_hi... does anyone know how to install direct rendering and 3d acceleration on ubuntu 7.1 this is my first weekend on linux ever....23:47
digitoriJarhyn: ok know where your coming from now23:47
ubuntuislovedGuys What TV APP supports firewire for ubuntu23:47
IndyGunFreakraulh: frostwire has an ubuntu.deb file on http://www.frostwire.com23:47
NoobSauceIndyGunFreak: oh, and the monitor is a Sceptre X7-Agama. The default is not correct, so I set the horizontal refresh rate to the correct value, and still no X...23:47
Pelojamescarr, sorry I don,t know23:47
Jordan_Umiles8, If you just want to see X fail you can run "startx" or "xinit"23:47
digitoriJarhyn: ive used both, my pref is nvidia23:47
IndyGunFreakNoobSauce: sigh.. you just don't get it... i give up23:47
digitorijust the way it is23:47
miles8K, I will try that Jordon23:47
NoobSauceIndyGunFreak: Yeah, I would think that this would work as well, and I don't think it's a hardware failure since the device has previously worked...23:47
JarhynI remember long ago way back in the day when ATI provided full support for all their drivers23:47
show to install flash player 923:48
jdlizardany one know of a good n64 emulator23:48
froggy_I have ati...23:48
* Pelo can'T keep up with the channel tonight, again 23:48
Jarhynwhen did they stop doing that?23:48
vvnis compiz-settings-manager on official ubuntu repositories or on beryl's?23:48
LjL!flash > s    (s, see the private message from Ubotu)23:48
Sivart0ATI = satan <_<23:48
mnk3ym4nhow do I compare two file trees to make sure all files/dirs in tree1are in, and have been correctly copied to tree223:48
FangLigerhey ummm really retarded question is there a way i can show my trash can on my desktop?23:48
ubuntuislovedwhich application supports TV on firewire23:48
* IndyGunFreak suggests Pelo gets a 21in LCD... lol23:48
NoobSauceIndyGunFreak: I've already tried the defaults, and set it to vesa with no luck... What am I not getting?23:48
* digitori just looked back at Noobsauce's lines of chat hmmm.23:48
LjL!icons > FangLiger    (FangLiger, see the private message from Ubotu)23:48
tommy`I've problem with my motherboard HDA audio23:48
IndyGunFreakNoobSauce: nothing... good luck with it.23:48
=== vvn is now known as n
ubotuNOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting, remember to mention the nickname of the person you're addressing, and join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for understanding!23:48
Jarhynhell, when I was a kid all the good games looked best on ATI because they had such good support23:48
tommy`I got this error:23:48
tommy`alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device23:48
tommy`any idea?23:48
Jarhynthen again that was before I even knew what linux was23:49
digitori<-------------plays penguin racer and bzflag only23:49
JarhynI played moraff's world23:49
Jarhynmoraff's world was the shiznit23:49
NoobSaucedigitori: Any ideas? I'm totally puzzled... I'd consider myself pretty well versed in linux, but this one is just getting me to run into a wall over and over! (3 hours so far)23:50
miles8Is there a new driver for radeon or ati in Gusty?23:50
Pelotommy`,  to the the sound applet in the pref menu , make sure you ahve the right sound card selected23:50
froggy_miles are you talking to me?23:50
zzzmnk3ym4: cd <firstdir>; find . -type f -exec cmp -lb {} <secondir>/{} \;23:50
miles8My video is very chopy, and it was fine in Feisty, and I am using the raedon drive. My card is a mobility 7 something23:50
Jordan_UNoobSauce, Do you have more than one GPU?23:50
=== ajmorris_ is now known as ajmorris|AFK
Pelomiles8, there are new restricted drivers for ati and nvidia in gutsy try those first and if they donT' work try the binairies23:50
miles8froggy_: Talking to anyone who might have good ideas:-)23:50
digitoriNoobsauce: Im almost too drunk at moment...drunk too many config files23:51
NoobSauceJordan_U: It's possible. This is a multimedia motherboard... I'll look it up23:51
zzzmnk3ym4n: cd <firstdir>; find . -type f -exec cmp -lb {} <secondir>/{} \;23:51
IndyGunFreakJordan_U: nowthats an interesting thought.23:51
digitorisorry havent got a clue right now about that23:51
froggy_oh.. no.. I am having problems23:51
IndyGunFreakJordan_U: but i have onboard video in addition to my video card, and i've yet to have an issue like that.23:51
* FangLiger wonders how dangerous it is to tweak linux while under the influence....23:51
Pelofroggy_,  what is yoru issue ?23:51
miles8Pelo: Did try the restricted drivers, they were choppy too... Is there any way to verify what driver Xorg is currently using?23:51
Jarhynbut when I build a desktop I'm going to remember to buy nvidia23:51
froggy_I have this boson game I am trying to play and I get a message about 3d acceleration and direct rendering23:51
* IndyGunFreak tells FangLiger "Friends don't let Friends tweak while under the influence"23:52
froggy_I don't know how to install them... I have an ATI card23:52
Pelomiles8, check in the new display menu , might be called monitor, in the admin menu or in gnome-control-center23:52
IndyGunFreak!ati | froggy_23:52
ubotufroggy_: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto23:52
digitorifroggy: do you have a 3d video card?23:52
Pelofroggy_, look up the msg in the forum www.ubuntuforums.org23:52
froggy_How do I know?23:52
bkraptor_how can I make xchat auto-join a channel on connect?23:53
froggy_how do Ilook up in a forum?23:53
mnk3ym4nzzz: thanks i'll look into that to better understand what the heck it does and then give it a shot!23:53
Jarhynwelcome back bkraptor23:53
Pelobkraptor_, go to the server list,  edit the server , you can add channels to autojoin on connect23:53
lumpyhey all23:53
bkraptorthanks :)23:53
Pelo!hi | lumpy23:53
ubotulumpy: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!23:53
froggy_I have an ati radeon express 200m23:53
Jarhynso do I froggy23:53
digitorifroggy: see ubotu;s answer https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto23:53
lumpyis there any one here who can help me get two vid cards working?23:53
* lumpy is n00b23:53
Pelo!dualhead | lumpy23:54
ubotulumpy: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama23:54
Jarhynfroggy, if you just installed, there should be a little card icon up in the upper right corner, with a lock on it23:54
IndyGunFreakhmm, two video cards, that could be fun.... never tried that23:54
Vicfredhow do i update my gimp 2.4.0 rc to 2.4.2????23:54
AdioHyperionchoudesh: are you there?23:54
zzzmnk3ym4n: "find" goes through all of the files in the directory recursively and using the command "cmp", compares each file found to the corresponding file in the second directory. Try it on a few test directories and you'll see how it works.23:54
jeroenvrphas someone gmailfs working in gutsy?23:54
lumpyone is AGP the othe is PCI will that matter?23:54
LjLVicfred: wait until it's backported, or explicitly request a backport.23:54
PeloVicfred, you wait , the package in the repos will get updated eventualy, or uninstal the current one and compile the new one manualy23:54
LjL!backports > Vicfred    (Vicfred, see the private message from Ubotu)23:55
jeroenvrpI get a HTTP Error 400: Bad Request23:55
IndyGunFreakjeroenvrp: gmailfs?23:55
Pelojeroenvrp,  how are you trying to access gmail ?23:55
NoobSauceJordan_U: So the motherboard is an ASUS M2A-VM HDMI motherboard. It has DVI, as well as analog out + a card with HDMI out. I'm thinking it might have multiple GPUs (one for the HDMI, one for everything else). If that's the case, what difference does it make? Vesa shouldn't go through any of the GPUs, right? It's CPU-only from what I understand (?)23:55
bkraptor_how can I make the user list permanently visible in xchat?23:55
mnk3ym4nzzz: wow thanks - appreciate the help23:55
jeroenvrpPelo: with gmailfs23:55
digitoritwo vid cards could be fun....tried two sound cards that was fun23:55
froggy_jarhyn I just installed ubuntu I don't see a "little card"23:55
IndyGunFreakwhat is gmailfs23:55
Pelojeroenvrp,  there might be some encryption thing you need to set or stuff like that in the applet itself23:56
LjL!info gmailfs | IndyGunFreak23:56
ubotuindygunfreak: gmailfs: Use your GMail account as a filesystem. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8-2 (gutsy), package size 25 kB, installed size 160 kB23:56
Jarhynwell, when I installed, there was a restricted driver icon up near my network adapter icon23:56
PeloIndyGunFreak, I don'T know either23:56
IndyGunFreakLjL:  i see...23:56
NoobSauceJordan_U: Actually, I'm virtually certain there would have to be multiple GPUs, so I'm going to just unplug the HDMI card and eliminate that as a potential problem23:56
PeloJarhyn, that means that the retricted driver manager is working23:56
Jordan_UNoobSauce, VESA should always work, but for some reason it sometimes doesn't. Most of the times I have heard about it not working were from people with multiple GPU's23:56
jeroenvrpwhen I do a mount.gmailfs none /mnt/gmail2/ -o username=myusername,fsname=randomname -p23:57
jeroenvrpI type in my password23:57
robdigbkraptor: try ctrl+F723:57
Jarhynif it's not there, I don't know what to tell you. you can also try click on system, administration, synaptics package manager, and then going into the repositories and enabling them23:57
jeroenvrpand I receive a HTTP Error 400: Bad Request23:57
IndyGunFreakJordan_U: i don't think i've ever heard of vesa not working.... this would be a first for me... but you've been around since i was in diapers, so...23:57
Jarhynall of them23:57
jeroenvrpI do it as root on the command line23:57
froggy_repositories eh......23:57
froggy_I don't know what that is but I'll try it23:57
Pelolater folks23:57
kitchejeroenvrp: well gmailfs is sort of being blocked by google or at least they are trying to block it23:58
AdioHyperioni did "sudo adduser -s /bin/true 'username'"23:58
AdioHyperionhow can i remove that 'username'23:58
jeroenvrpkitche: aaah23:58
AdioHyperionin samba23:58
Jordan_UIndyGunFreak, I'm 18, so I seriously doubt that last part :)23:58
Jarhynthen you should be able to enable the restricted ATI stuff23:58
bkraptorweird request: can anyone send me a private message?23:58
jeroenvrpthat is want I want to hear23:58
LjLAdioHyperion: deluser?23:58
IndyGunFreakJordan_U: well, you've used Linux longer than me...lol23:58
NoobSauceJordan_U: IndyGunFreak: This would be a first as well. I've understood vesa to basically not use the GPU at all, but rely 100% on CPU rendering... So it'd be odd that the GPUs would in any way affect things...23:58
AdioHyperionLjL: ill tru it23:58
raulhanyone know any online games for ubuntu natavly?23:58
digitoriJordan_U: you werent around when i was in diapers for sure23:58
kitchejeroenvrp: so it might be due to that23:59
Jordan_U!games | raulh23:59
uboturaulh: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php23:59
jeroenvrpkitche: well I try the firefox extension now and see if that works23:59
fsckreeek my emerald themes are gone LOL wth23:59
AdioHyperionLjL: thanks alot23:59
tommy`fsckr: do you use compiz?23:59
Jordan_Uraulh, And I believe those only list the open source ones, some commercial games are also available23:59
fsckrtommy`, yea LOL23:59
Dr_Willisraulh for Linux - most all the quake/doom games, never winers nights,    the UT games to a more limited extent.23:59
t4m1n0how can I print ppt document so there is more than one slide on a list ?23:59
LjLNoobSauce, it still certainly uses the graphics card, whether you call it a "GPU" or just a graphics card23:59

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