
=== Nightrose_ is now known as Nightrose
ryanakcakwwii: ping, how can you print the leaflet so that the gradients aren't all messed up and so that the text at the bottom is legible?02:44
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kwwiiryanakca: erm, not sure what you mean06:08
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stdinok, it's taken me 3 days but I *think* I've finally got python-kde4 packaged08:59
luisbg_hello all09:01
luisbg_Riddell, ping09:02
luisbg_hey glatzor_ =)09:02
glatzor_hey luisbg_!09:07
luisbg_glatzor_, how is all going?09:07
=== glatzor_ is now known as glatzor
glatzorluisbg_: you want to write a fancy cairo widget?09:08
luisbg_cairo is fun!09:08
luisbg_and sincerely... the tasks in your hand for now have been very big and hard to attack09:08
luisbg_unless you know a lot of the code09:08
glatzorluisbg_: I haven't used cairo yet, so it would take me some time to get something useful09:09
luisbg_and I feel bad09:09
luisbg_since I commited to help you and I haven't09:09
kaankeehi where can i find  ~/.bashrc file??? is present by default or should we create it???09:09
glatzorluisbg_: I know. I also had a bad feeling about this09:09
luisbg_kaankee, it should be there by default09:09
luisbg_glatzor, are you comfortable with the xrandr stuff now?09:09
glatzorluisbg_: but the capplet and the widget are good places to work on09:09
stdinkaankee: I've answered that, and this isn't a support channel09:09
luisbg_#kubuntu is09:10
luisbg_glatzor, we can make a nice agreement then09:10
luisbg_I can do the capplet and widget and you can use your time more usefully in the xrandr code09:10
luisbg_as you are more used to it09:10
luisbg_and you would have to learn cairo anyway09:10
glatzorluisbg_: I would like to have the final decision on user interface issues.09:13
glatzorluisbg_: if you can life with this.09:13
glatzorluisbg_: Have you already looked at the exisiting code?09:14
luisbg_glatzor, yes, I looked at it last night09:14
glatzorluisbg_: and I would like to move away from launchpad, becuase of its proprietary nature09:14
glatzorluisbg_: so I would host the main branch on my server or somewhere else and launchpad would only have got a mirrored one09:15
luisbg_glatzor, I like launchpad but it is your call... where do you want to move it?09:15
luisbg_ahhh ok09:15
glatzorluisbg_: plus the individual ones.09:16
luisbg_send me an email with the new bzr address09:16
glatzorluisbg_: you can still use the one at launchpad. I will just change it from hosted to mirrored09:16
luisbg_yes, I understand09:16
luisbg_want to take this to a PM?09:17
glatzorluisbg_: When starting the project I had once again looked at all the licenses. And then I came across the GPL309:17
glatzorSo since I do this in my part time I can do things the "right" way09:17
glatzorluisbg_: we could also use jabber09:18
luisbg_let me open it09:18
glatzorsebi at glatzor de09:18
=== Hobbsee_ is now known as Hobbsee
Riddellluisbg_: hi09:44
Riddellstdin: really?!09:44
stdinRiddell: I think so :)09:44
stdinhaven't installed it (haven't upgraded to gutsy yet), but the debs I have look ok09:45
stdinyou can dget it to have a look http://stdin.me.uk/python-kde4/python-kde4_3.92.0~svn20071201-0ubuntu1.dsc09:46
stdinand if you want the debs, I can put them somewhere too (21MB so it'll take a while)09:47
Riddellstdin: where did you get that orig tar from?09:49
stdincouldn't find an actual tar.gz09:49
Riddellno I don't think there is one, except kdebindings09:49
Seregahey, Riddell!09:54
Riddellmorning stdin09:54
Riddellmorning Serega too09:54
Riddellstdin: this is a long compile10:16
stdinRiddell: yeah, took about 3 hours on my 2.8GHz 1.5GB RAM PC10:17
luisbg_Riddell, I sent you an email like 2 hours ago10:17
stdinRiddell: you can try downloading the debs (built in a hardy pbuilder) from http://stdin.me.uk/python-kde4/  but that's on my home connection so it'll be a slow download10:20
stdinprobably quicker than building tho :p10:21
* Riddell replies to luisbg_ 10:22
luisbg_Riddell, =) thanks10:22
luisbg_Riddell, I hate it when just after clicking send... you see a grammatical error in the written email10:41
luisbg_Riddell, "suggest me" should say "suggested me"10:41
Tonio_Hobbsee: hi ! have an idea why kpar2 was rejected this time ?10:48
HobbseeTonio_: nope.  i didn't do it10:48
HobbseeTonio_: did u-a@l.u.c say anything about it?10:49
RiddellTonio_: it's in New queue10:49
Tonio_Riddell: bah I receive an email this morning saying it was rejected10:49
Tonio_Riddell: was NEWed yesterday10:49
Riddellit's definately still in New queue10:50
Tonio_Riddell: oki, let's wait then ;)10:50
Tonio_Riddell: can I read the new queue somewhere ir is that only accessible to you and Hobbsee ? that would avoid stupid questions next time :)10:51
Hobbseenew queue is public, afaik10:51
Tonio_Hobbsee: URL ?10:52
RiddellKubuntuFiles knows10:52
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Riddellstdin: make[3]: *** No rule to make target `/usr/include/qt4/Qt/qtimer.h', needed by `CMakeFiles/python_module_PyKDE4_kio.dir/sip/kio/sipkiopart1.o'. Stop.11:08
Riddellerm, I don't have libqt4-dev installed11:09
Riddellbut it's in the build-dep11:09
stdinahh, good :)11:09
Riddellhmm, it must have been removed by one of the other compiles I'm doing11:10
Riddelllets see if debuild -nc resumes where it broke11:10
stdinI think it runs debian/rules clean11:11
Riddell-nc doesn't11:11
stdinahh, yes11:11
Riddellso if the build system has any intelligence, it'll just pick up where it broke11:11
Riddellyep, seems to do the job11:12
stdingood, I had to do "sudo pbuilder --login" so it didn't remove everything after a fail :p11:12
stdinwaiting 3 hours to find out you made a typo is not fun11:13
RiddellI only use pbuilder for a final check, while working on the package I just run debuild locally11:15
stdinI don't have a hardy install, so I didn't have much choice11:16
Riddellstdin: use a chroot11:16
stdinpbuilder is a chroot ;)11:16
Riddellsure but it doesn't let you make incremental changes11:16
stdinthat's why I did --login11:17
Riddellmkdir hardychroot; sudo debootstrap --variant=buildd hardy hardychroot/11:17
Riddelloh, I see, that could work11:17
stdinit was just the quickest thing at the time, I'm planning to get a hardy install on another partition soon11:17
* _buz wonders why hardy alpha 1 is not mentioned on kubuntu.org11:21
Riddella good question _buz11:23
=== _buz is now known as buz
* buz downloads hardy, will then figure out if i can install it without rebooting :P11:25
Riddellbuz: added to kubuntu.org, pending cache update, thanks11:32
buzhows the state of alpha1? will it overwrite existing partitions :P11:32
Hobbseeit'll eat your hard drive.  it's a new feature.11:32
Riddellstdin: packages compiled, all seems to work11:33
Riddella fabulously good first package11:33
stdingreat :)11:33
Riddellstdin: however, python is more complex than that I'm afraid11:33
Riddellthe whole python-central thing ought to be used, although I've never quite got my head round it11:33
Riddellbut it needs to create .pyc files for .py files during package install11:34
stdinI've never used python so it's all completely new for me11:34
Riddellkdebindings seems to use python-support instead of python-central11:35
stdinI think it built some (3) .pyc files, just didn't install them11:35
stdinif those are all that's needed then it should be simple to add them11:35
RiddellHobbsee: do you know if there's any python expertese within motu?11:36
HobbseeRiddell: erm, there should be some.11:37
Hobbseeask in -motu11:37
Riddellstdin: take a look at man dh_pycentral11:42
Riddellthat needs to be called at some point11:42
Riddellnot entirely sure when though11:44
Riddellit'll move about where files are11:44
Riddellnixternal: fancy taking a look at that eee dot article sometime?12:15
Riddellnixternal: also ping about Packaging Day12:15
* stdin is confused12:29
Riddellstdin: packaging python can do that12:29
Riddellstdin: where did you get to?12:29
stdinnot far, I'm trying to figure out how/where to call dh_pycentral12:30
stdinit's using the cdbs rules from the KDE4 packages so I can't tell12:30
stdinI even tried including /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/python-distutils.mk  but no luck12:31
Riddellstdin: that's for the distutils native build system of python12:32
Riddellwe're using cmake so it'll just break things12:32
stdinyeah, I found that out :p12:32
Riddellstdin: hmm, no quick answer on #ubuntu-devel asking for documentation12:35
stdinit's just finding where to put the command in12:36
buzstdin: pyc is not necessarily needed to run something, it just speeds up as its compiled to some bytecode already12:36
Riddellbuz: sure, but it's needed by debian policy and it's just good practice for packaging to do the hard bits so users don't have to12:38
Riddellstdin: seems to be binary-install according to /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/python-distutils.mk12:43
stdinI'll try it12:45
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stdinok, I think that worked13:16
Riddellstdin: what does it do?13:17
stdinas far as I can see, it just includes the .pyc files13:17
stdinnot sure why it seems to depend on kde-icons-oxygen though :p13:18
stdinright, same version/revision number right now, but the files in http://stdin.me.uk/python-kde4/ are updated13:21
stdinand it seems kde4.py and pykdeuic4.py wern't installed before, fixed that13:25
stdinhmm, now that strange... just tried "fakeroot debian/binary |grep pycentral" and got nothing so it isn't actually being run..13:27
Riddellstdin: you added it to "binary-install/$(DEB_SOURCE_PACKAGE)-doc-html"13:34
Riddellwhich is only run for -doc-html packages, which isn't in this13:35
stdinuhh, so I did13:35
Riddellstdin: also don't add it to kde.mk, that's supposed to be the same over all packages13:35
Riddelladd it to binary-install::  in debian/rules13:35
stdinstill don't see it actually being called13:43
* Riddell tries13:47
Riddellstdin: common-install-arch:: seems to do something13:52
stdintrying it now13:55
Riddellbut not actually very much13:56
stdinyeah, it got called but I can't tell what it did13:58
Riddell/usr/lib/kde4/share/kde4/apps/pykde4/ is a stange place for python modules to be14:03
nixternaloi oi Riddell14:04
stdinwith a prefix of "/usr/lib/kde4" that's where they get installed, so who knows14:05
nixternalRiddell: taking a look at the eee article, and what is packaging day?14:05
Riddellnixternal: packaging day is a jono inspired evening of talks on kubuntu (name isn't final)14:08
Riddellnixternal: thursday 13th, 15UTC to 19UTC14:08
Riddellnixternal: it's been suggested we have a short talk on documentation14:09
Riddellof which you would be the likely candidate14:10
Riddellalso volunteers for a packaging tutorial welcome14:10
* Riddell eyes up stdin 14:10
nixternal15UTC to 19UTC == 09:00 to 13:00, which means I am at school during those times14:10
Riddellnixternal: no lunch break?14:15
nixternal10 minutes in between classes14:16
Riddellyou must get hungry by the end of the day14:17
Riddellstdin: if I run "dh_pycentral -a" from the command line that does stuff14:17
Riddellstdin: makes debian/python-kde4.postinst.debhelper14:17
Riddelland debian/python-kde4/usr/share/pycentral/14:17
stdinI'll try adding -a to the command in debian/rules, see what happens14:18
RiddellI think common-install-arch:: is run too soon14:18
Riddellneeds to be run after install is done14:18
Riddellmaybe common-binary-post-install::14:19
stdinok, I'll try that one14:20
nixternalRiddell: the eee pc story is good, go ahead and submit or were there any changes you noticed?14:22
Riddellnixternal: I've not looked at it at all14:22
Riddellnixternal: could you add next kubuntu meeting 23utc on wed 12th14:22
nixternalwo0t, I will be at that meeting!!14:23
Riddellnixternal: if you've proofread it go ahead and publish (do the repost, add, approve thing)14:24
Riddellnixternal: I note the title isn't in title case14:24
Riddellstdin: ah hah common-binary-post-install-arch:: seems to work14:27
nixternalI reposted it, and it didn't pick up the repost14:27
Riddellnixternal: repost within admin interface, then scroll down to bottom and click "Ad"14:28
Riddellrepost is a two step thing (it likes to be annoying)14:29
nixternalI did that, it isn't reposting the date14:30
ryanakcakwwii: nevermind, I figured it out ;)14:32
stdinRiddell: yep that seems to do the job14:32
ryanakcakwwii: I was trying to print the promo leaflet you had made up, but the gradients at the bottem alway covered/hid the text...14:33
* ryanakca has yet another snow day :D14:33
Riddellstdin: remaining issue is why the files are in /usr/lib/kde4/share/kde4/apps/pykde4/ and not a normal python directory14:35
Riddellstdin: could you ask on the mailing list about that?14:36
Riddellpython won't fine them where they are14:36
stdinI can see why they'd be in /usr/lib/kde4 (that's the prefix for kde4)14:38
stdinbut the .py files should be in something like $prefix/share/pycentral/python-kde4 ?14:38
Riddellbut I don't see any reason for $prefix/share/kde4/apps/pykde4/14:38
Riddellstdin: well /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/PyKDE4/, it's a debian/ubuntu thing to put them in $prefix/share/pycentral/14:39
stdinahh, I was just looking at the -kde3 package for comparison14:39
Riddellstdin: also you can try moving this packaging to the kdebindings tar if you want14:40
Riddelleveryone has been putting off packaging that but may as well start somewhere and python is somewhere14:40
stdinmaybe after my brain starts working again, I think it reached it limit14:43
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stdinI need to change the debian/copyright file, that's from -kde314:45
nixternalkubuntu meeting added to the fridge, off to school I go14:46
Riddellstdin: cdbs python packaging can do that to you :)14:47
Riddellhi dennisv14:57
dennisvhi Riddell14:59
dennisvwhat's up15:01
Riddelllooking for someone to do a packaging tutorial15:02
Riddellcurrently thinking of stdin, apachelogger_ or jpatrick15:02
stdinRiddell: I can get the file in the right directory for now http://stdin.pastebin.com/d4967f58f15:09
stdinand please don't make me give a talk :p15:09
stdinI have no idea how to15:09
Riddellstdin: how did you manage to move the files?15:09
stdinput "usr/lib/kde4/share/kde4/apps/pykde4/* /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/PyKDE4/" in debian/python-kde4.install15:10
stdinthen dh_pycentral moves them to the right place after15:10
stdin(though I should take the leading slash off /usr)15:12
stdinwhy don't they understand, I don't want a new phone with 250 free minuets and 500 txts per week... :p15:26
Hobbseewhy not?  :P15:27
Hobbseethye offering to pay?15:27
stdinI don't want a contract, I can barely afford pay-as-you-go15:28
Hobbseeahh, yes, that kind of sucks15:29
Riddellthey do make it hard to buy a cheap phone with no lock15:30
Hobbseesome of them can be unlocked easily enough15:31
=== _buz is now known as buz
buzstdin: have you considered packaging okular?15:58
stdinbuz: haven't thought about it15:58
stdinisn't there already a package though?15:59
buzit's a pretty neat these days ;)15:59
buzyeah but it wont install15:59
stdinmaybe you should bug the maintainer ;)15:59
Riddellbuz: okular-kde4 is the package16:00
Riddellshould be in gutsy-backports and hardy16:00
buzpulling it from stdin's ppa :P16:01
buzso maybe you did think to package it after all, stdin16:01
stdindue to my well thought out version numbers...16:01
stdinbuz: yeah, it's part of kdegraphics-kde4 (apparently)16:01
buzwoah neat16:02
buzit comes up without any hitch or ENV monkeying in a kde3 session16:04
buzand its incredibly fast16:04
stdinyeah, that's all me :p16:04
buzhttp://skim-app.sourceforge.net/ this for kde would be killer16:13
buzokular is sort of halfway there16:13
Fadehas anybody noticed that alt-tabbing through the application list in compiz causes the window decorator to crash? (gutsy)16:24
RiddellFade: kde-window-decorator?16:27
Fadewell, I am running in kubuntu16:29
Fadei'm not sure how compiz interacts with kde at that level.16:29
FadeI was just trying to describe what happens. all the window decorations disappear leaving the application window behind.16:29
Riddellkde-window-decorator is generally buggy, although I've not seen that problem16:30
Fadei'm not sure how to debug the situation running 'compiz --replace' brings back the window frames.16:35
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apachelogger_Riddell: can you please take a look at bug 16183517:13
ubotuLaunchpad bug 161835 in contactsmenu "[Package Removal Request] contactsmenu should be removed from hardy" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16183517:13
Riddellapachelogger_: what do you want me to do with it?17:15
apachelogger_Riddell: process :P17:16
Riddellmeh, my archive day is tomorrow17:18
apachelogger_Riddell: can you put it on your todo then?17:18
* apachelogger_ hates contactsmenu17:18
apachelogger_shouldn't have packaged it in the frist place17:18
Riddellapachelogger_: sure, all ubuntu-archive bugs will be on my todo17:23
apachelogger_Riddell: I mean with super high priority mark ;-)17:26
Riddellapachelogger_: it's scribbled on the bit of paper on my desk with big letters17:26
apachelogger_hooray :D17:27
* apachelogger_ needs to send Riddell some cookies17:27
Riddellanyone heard of mayeco?17:45
Riddellapachelogger_: ^^ ?17:46
Riddellhe says he wants to be an amarok developer on his wiki page17:46
txwikingerI mean he still wants to do that :D17:49
NightroseRiddell: not heard of him yet but if you see him please send him my way ;-)17:49
txwikingerAh, I thought apachelogger17:49
apachelogger_Nightrose is the one with the people skills17:49
* Nightrose msged him17:59
Riddellhola pgquiles18:08
Riddellyo coreymon7718:08
pgquilesRiddell: hi18:09
sebastian^hi boys and girls :)18:13
bdgrauei requested to backport psi 0.11 for feisty https://bugs.launchpad.net/feisty-backports/+bug/173532   and the libqca2-dev, which is a dependency for psi 0.11 https://bugs.launchpad.net/feisty-backports/+bug/173719 , someone told me, i can ask imbrandon or ScottK to take a look at it, i hope i did the request in the right way.18:45
ubotuLaunchpad bug 173532 in feisty-backports "please backport psi 0.11" [Undecided,New]18:45
ScottKbdgraue: Did you test that it works in Feisty?18:45
bdgraueif there is anything else i can do, it would be a pleasure for me to help18:45
bdgraueScottK: no, i didn't18:45
ScottKbdgraue: That's the next step.  You can look at that using the PREVU tool if you don't already know how to build the packages on Feisty.18:47
bdgraueScottK: i will try to do that, if it work, should i add it to the report?18:48
ScottKYes and then set it to confirmed for status.18:48
bdgraueScottK: i failed to build psi 0.11 with prevu, i added the buildlog to https://bugs.launchpad.net/feisty-backports/+bug/17353219:27
ubotuLaunchpad bug 173532 in feisty-backports "please backport psi 0.11" [Undecided,New]19:27
ScottKbdgraue: Looking.19:27
ScottKbdgraue: Bad news is that means it will need a source backport which are significantly discouraged.  I'd suggest asking jdong to look into it.19:29
bdgraueScottK: where can i find jdong to ask19:30
ScottKbdgraue: #ubuntu-motu19:32
X2BHey everyone, I got one question: Does anybody of you guys know about the special keys you support within XFree86?? I am talking about e.g XF86AudioMute... I have already asked in the "normal" but I don't get help there...20:25
Riddellwe might, try asking20:26
X2BWell, with a "clean" install of kubuntu multimedia keys, e.g. keycode 160 are mapped to keys, e.g. XF86AudioMute.20:27
X2BTheses keys do stuff when they are pressed. e.g. lower the volume. I want to change the behaviour of the keys, but I don't know how and noone seems to know how these keys work and where you tell them to do something..20:29
Riddellgrep XF86AudioMute /usr/share/apps/kxkb/ubuntu.xmodmap20:29
Riddellkeycode 160 = XF86AudioMute20:29
Riddellshould be20:29
Riddelldo you have that file and /etc/X11/Xsession.d/80ubuntu-xmodmap ?20:29
X2BI only found the definitions, or I think I did. ( /usr/share/X11/XKeysymDB )20:30
Riddelldo you have /usr/share/apps/kxkb/ubuntu.xmodmap and /etc/X11/Xsession.d/80ubuntu-xmodmap20:31
X2BI have both of them.. So that's where the definitions of the keycodes are...20:32
X2BBut where is written what they do when they are pressed??20:33
Riddellah, Lure.  X2B is wondering about keycodes20:35
RiddellX2B: if you run xev and press the button you can see if it's really registered as XF86AudioMute20:36
RiddellX2B: kmilo should pick up the key press and pass it to kmix20:36
Lurehi Riddell20:37
LureX2B: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuLaptopKeycodes has some bacground20:37
X2BWell, my problem is this: You guys had the idea to map the keycodes 160, 174 and 176 to actions related to changing audio volume / mute audio. This sort of backfires with my system: I got a surround system with 3 audio jacks. If the action is triggered, only the volume of the front speakres is reduced. The rear speakers stay the same. As you can certainly guess, this is not what I expect or what I want the system to do... I don't mean to20:40
X2Bcriticise you, but I want to change the settings to fit my system.20:40
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X2BQuestion: Did you hear what I said 6 minutes ago?20:46
LureX2B: yes, I understand what you mean20:47
jpatrickRiddell: flags for tork and ktorrent are under the Creative Commons License (author "needs to update site")20:47
LureX2B: probably we would need to change kmilo config to be able to select channel20:48
Riddelljpatrick: awooga (although not ideal since debian don't do CC, but good enough for us)20:48
jpatrickRiddell: I'd love to do a packaging talk, but I'm unavabile until 17UTC onwards20:48
Riddelljpatrick: well we have slots at 17UTC and 18UTC20:49
X2Bwell, just one question for now: How could I fix that issue with my system? I can't see any config file/ anyway to change this in KControl.20:50
LureX2B: kmilo would need to be patched to support this20:51
LureX2B: so you would like to make it configurable (like front/back/master)?20:51
jpatrickRiddell: ah, seems I don't have school on that day, fit me in at any time20:51
X2Bok, now I see the magnitude of the problem :)20:51
fdovingLure: can't you use khotkeys to give one key multiple functions?20:51
Riddelljpatrick: want to kick things off at 15UTC then?20:52
Lurefdoving: probably it could be used, not sure if there are appropriate dcop calls to achieve what X2B wants20:52
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
fdovingLure: some dcop calls to kmix to increase/decrease the rest of the channels?20:52
Lurefdoving: yes20:53
RiddellI'm surprised that setMasterMute doesn't mute all channels20:53
* Lure is under kde4, so cannot check now20:53
jpatrickRiddell: well, is it packaging in general or for kubuntu?20:54
LureRiddell: I think kmix is a bit buggy in kde320:54
jpatrickah kubuntu pkgs20:54
Riddelljpatrick: generally for KDE bits20:54
X2BSo, I am looking at the source within kdeutils/kmilo/generic now...20:56
* jpatrick wonders what to talk about20:56
fdovingX2B: you don't need to do that.20:56
Riddelljpatrick: the contents of a debian/ dir20:56
Riddelljpatrick: pick a simple app or widget theme or something and take people through packaging20:56
jpatrickRiddell: ok, I'm in for kicking off20:57
X2Bwell, I guess that I could write a small patch to do the trick...20:58
Lurejpatrick: package QLandkarte (hint: there is one package on getdeb) ;-)20:58
jpatrickLure: you guys are all so mean to Kmos ;)20:58
fdovingX2B: or you could use khotkeys to execute a dcop call to kmix to increase/decrease the rest of the channels needed.20:58
Lurejpatrick: Kmos?20:59
X2BIt is after all all done with DCOP calls... But that solution would be specific to my problem...20:59
jpatrickLure: guy from getdeb20:59
Lurejpatrick: ok, didn't even know that getdeb is one-person project21:00
jpatrickLure: long story, but I think he's the one behind the site21:00
Lurejpatrick: I recall the thread about getdeb integration and I still do not get it why this does not merge better into universe21:02
ScottKHe works on getdeb, but isn't the founder/main person.21:03
Riddelljpatrick: you rock21:03
jpatrickLure: packages in universe have to have "quality packaging" iirc21:03
ScottKThat's lamego21:03
ScottKWe've asked lamego several times to work within Ubuntu and he basically says it's to much work to package stuff correctly.21:03
LureX2B: did you try to change master channel in kmix - I think kmilo should use master channel21:06
steveireDoes libxine1 really need to depend on libxine1-gnome? Upgrading wants to pull in have of gnome with it...21:06
jpatricksteveire: yep21:07
steveirejpatrick: Why?21:07
jpatricksteveire: ask siretart21:07
blizzzekhi alltogether. there seems to be no hardy alpha feedback site, although it is linked in the announcement...why that? :D21:17
jpatrickblizzzek: hello! it's right at the buttom of the page: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/HardyHeron/Alpha1/Kubuntu21:18
jpatrickah, I see, it doesn't exist, could you possibly create it?21:19
blizzzekjpatrick: the link is there, but the link goes to https://wiki.kubuntu.org/HardyHeron/Alpha1/Kubuntu/Feedback and this site does not exist21:20
* blizzzek is too slow21:20
* jpatrick is too fast21:21
blizzzekerm... i can try to create it 8)21:21
neversfeldeI can help ;)21:23
jpatrickblizzzek, neversfelde: you can use https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FeistyFawn/Herd1/Kubuntu/Feedback as a base21:24
blizzzekjpatrick: thx21:24
blizzzekneversfelde: thx as well21:25
neversfeldeis it ok?21:30
jpatricklooks good21:31
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manchickenimbrandon: I didn't know you cared :P22:32
Riddellmanchicken: fancy doing a talk on something for kubuntu day?22:36
manchickenRiddell: Hmm... trying to think of what to talk about...22:36
manchickenOoh, I have an idea :)22:36
Riddellwhat's that?22:37
manchickenI could talk about how everybody should focus on cross-DE compatibility, but not necessarily watering down DE-integration by doing so :)22:37
manchickene.g. network manager.  Same back-end, two different front-ends.22:37
manchickenBut we need something perhaps a little more integrated.22:37
manchickenI still haven't seen a perfect example of this.22:37
manchickenI would think that ideally we'd have something with one backend and then two light-weight front-ends both utilizing the exact same backend.22:38
manchickenPerhaps in MVC fashion.22:38
ScottKRestricted manager?22:38
imbrandonmanchicken: :)22:38
manchickenThat might be the best example there.22:38
manchickenIt's just, since there's been a lot of trouble with KDE3, I'm on GNOME pending the release of KDE4.22:38
ScottKmanchicken: What do you mean "a lot of trouble"?22:39
manchickenIt's just to the point where KDE was having issues with my laptop, and GNOME wasn't.  With work getting more busy, I just couldn't spend the time living with the problems like I used to.22:39
ScottKUnderstand how that is.22:39
manchickenScottK: The ACPI keys, power management, network manager, VPN stuff, artsd.22:40
manchickenAll of those things have been very troublesome lately.22:40
ScottKMy laptop troubles have all been kernel related lately, so that wouldn't help me.22:40
manchickenAnd Kubuntu seems to be the only group of folks who gives a rats back-side about maintaining KDE3.  It kinda pisses me off a bit.22:41
manchickenArtsd for a while was just more than I could handle.22:41
manchickenIt kept locking up.22:41
* Tm_T is happy KDE3 user without arts22:41
ScottKIn other news, I had to use Skype for the first time today and their Feisty .deb installed on Guty Kubuntu and worked great right away.  No trouble at all (once I figured out how to convince Kmix to unmute my mic).22:42
manchickenAnd then network manager started in on me.  I use lots of different VPNs for my different clients, so I just can't handle all of that trouble.22:42
manchickenThat's cool.  I still sit in quiet protest of Skype.22:42
* ScottK is not a fan, but has a customer with a weekly telcon they want to push to Skype, so I will now use it (but not send them any money).22:43
ScottKmanchicken: Quote from another channel: "* ScottK needs to go shower.  I've been using proprietary software.  bbiab."22:44
manchickenLucky for me, my clients all use telephones.22:44
manchickenWhich is great for me, because I've got my hotspot@home from tmobile.22:44
ScottKThe problem here is one participant is in .de, so telephones get a little pricey.22:45
* ScottK had to install the actual Adobe Acrobat last week to fill out a required encrypted .pdf. Ugh.22:45
manchickenI had a client who tried to tell me to do that.22:46
manchickenI told him that Acrobat is spyware and that I won't install it.22:46
ScottKOTOH, it's now to the point of "Darn, had to install the proprietary Linux version to ..." instead of "Darn, had to boot Windows to ..."22:47
manchickenI only bend my personal rules against proprietary software for the more lucrative contracts.22:47
ScottKmanchicken: I was helping my wife with a job application, so it was pretty non-optional.22:47
manchickenYeah, you can't get away from that.22:47
manchickenI bought a copy of VMWare for work.22:47
manchickenI'm doing my testing in ubuntu-server VMs.22:48
manchickenI might buy a copy of win32 if I have to.22:48
manchickenI'll see if I can find a win2k oem :)22:48
* ScottK has got to run.22:48
* ScottK usually buys then on Ebay.22:48
rexbronHey, could I get someone to look at bug 173770?23:14
ubotuLaunchpad bug 173770 in kdelibs "kdelibs-data is un-uninstallable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17377023:14

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