
t4m1n0how can I print ppt document so there is more than one slide on a list ?00:00
mksjoo this is in ingles00:00
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skyfalcon866how do i get 3d effects in kubuntu00:00
ardchoille!es | mks00:00
ubotumks: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.00:00
mksok gracias ;)00:01
ardchoilleskyfalcon866: You can use the composite manager included with kde or you can use compiz-fusion00:01
skyfalcon866whats better00:01
ardchoille!compiz | skyfalcon86600:01
ubotuskyfalcon866: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion00:01
ardchoilleskyfalcon866: Only you can answer that. I like kcompmgr and dislike compiz00:02
skyfalcon866can you zoom in00:02
skyfalcon866in kcompmgr00:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kcompmgr - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:03
ardchoilleSorry, it's kompmgr00:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kompmgr - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:04
Xerowell crap00:04
muimota__I've been looking /var/log/syslog and /var/log/messages and I haven't found anything helpfull00:04
ardchoillemuimota__: Would you know it if you found it?00:05
Radi01!info kompmgr00:06
ubotuPackage kompmgr does not exist in gutsy00:06
ardchoilleRadi01: It's part of kde, it's not a package00:06
muimota__well I was looking for some kind of !error or somthng like taht I just have found a wrnig related with dhcp00:06
ardchoillemuimota__: You can do things like: grep fail /var/log/syslog00:07
skyfalcon866is ubuntu faster than kubuntu00:08
Xeroskyfalcon866, GNOME is slightly lighter than KDE, but that doesn't make it better or faster.00:09
muimota__ok, thanks ardchoille00:10
ardchoilleLearning the command line has its advantages :)00:10
ardchoillemuimota__: You have a USB hard drive?00:14
XeroMy BIOS has problems with those.00:14
XeroMakes me think I've bricked my PC.00:14
XeroOh noes. A r00t00:15
draikAaahhhh... The joys of having nobody call.00:15
muimota__yes but right now it's not plugged in00:15
Radi01lol draik  dsl ok today?00:15
XeroDoes anyone recommend flashing a new BIOS to this computer?00:15
ardchoillemuimota__: Is this a laptop?00:16
XeroIf so, what's a tool for doing it on Linux?00:16
draikRadi01: I have learned to just laugh like a maniac when somone calls, if that counts.00:16
muimota__ardchoille: no is a P4 1,7ghz 512Mb desktop computer00:16
draikardchoille: I left our channel00:16
ardchoilledraik: ok00:16
Radi01i just put the (you have dialed an un asigned number) on my answering machine.00:17
ardchoillemuimota__: Have you tried adding acpi=off to the kernel line of /boot/grub/menu.lst ?00:17
muimota__no, I'll do it right now00:17
muimota__acpi is for power saving no?00:17
draikOk? Now my cell phone just restarted at random.00:17
ardchoillemuimota__: What's happening is you are experiencing a hardware problem. Have you changed/added/remove hardware lately?00:18
draikI hope that's not the new sign of a call coming into the house00:18
ardchoillemuimota__: It's some laptop features00:18
* ardchoille calls draik 00:18
muimota__ardchoille:no, I haven't the computer worked really well till around Friday00:19
* draik has ardchoille in the crosshairs of his scope00:19
ardchoillemuimota__: Change anything around Friday?00:19
draikWell, I'm going to logoff Konversation and return this half of the bit (yes bit, not byte) of data transfers.00:20
muimota__ardchoille no I haven't may an upgrade from kubuntu, all the software comes from kubuntu's repositories00:21
kendallHi.  Kubuntu n00b here.  When I get the error message "no plugin found to handle this resource (dvd://)", where can I go to get the plugin I need?00:24
Radi01playing dvd?00:24
benpiccokendall: you prophaly need libdvdcss00:24
kendalltrying to, yes.00:24
kendallok, and where do I find that?00:25
Radi01or what ver its called00:25
GrahamAkendall: I assume it's a comercial encrypted DVD00:25
kendallis it on my kubuntuinstall disc?00:25
ubotumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org00:25
GrahamAkendall: I have the .deb lemme find the link00:25
kendallno, burned it myself00:25
GrahamADon't use medibuntu because it's horrificly slow.00:25
kendallin winxp00:25
ardchoilleGrahamA: medibuntu is quite fast for me.00:26
kendallKaffeine Player00:26
GrahamAHave you installed the kubuntu-restricted extras package00:26
GrahamAardchoille: You from the US?00:26
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benpiccotry adding deb http://packages.medibuntu.org/ gutsy free non-free to your /etc/apt/sources.list00:26
GrahamAkendall: Install that and libdvdread00:26
kendallI just let it install all oon its own, GrahamA00:26
GrahamAkendall: I don't mean as an option on first install, I mean go into adept and do it.00:26
GrahamAardchoille: I'm from the UK so maybe why but I only get about 20kbs from it.00:27
kendallok, remember, I'm a total n00b.  just booted about 5 minutes ago, for the first time from the HD.00:27
kendalllemme go try ad find it00:27
GrahamAkendall: k menu, system, adept manager00:28
kendallyeah, found it00:28
Kr4t05I need a GUI app that can convert m4a files to MP3.00:29
ardchoilleGrahamA: Ah,ok00:29
GrahamAKr4t05: Consider Konvertor00:29
GrahamAI think...00:29
GrahamAlemme check.00:29
GrahamAKr4t05: soundkonvertor00:30
GrahamAYou need to install some backends too.00:30
GrahamAKr4t05: And consider converting them to ogg vorbis instead :)00:31
Kr4t05GrahamA: Can't... :/00:31
kendallok, GrahamA, got adept open, and looking for the kubuntu-restricted extras package you mentioned, but don't see it on the list00:31
LjLconverting a comrpessed format to a compressed format? ugh00:31
GrahamAKr4t05: Is it for a music player or something?00:31
Kr4t05Amarok, for some reason, bugs out when I try to sync oggs to my DAP.00:31
Kr4t05GrahamA: Yeah.00:31
Kr4t05Well, at the moment, I'm making backups.00:31
GrahamAbecacse it's called kubuntu-restricted-extras00:31
GrahamAKr4t05: What music player do you have?00:32
GrahamADoes it actually support .ogg or won't amarok copy them over?00:32
Kr4t05iAudio F2, and yes, I know it plays Oggs.00:32
Kr4t05Amarok just won't copy them over.00:32
Kr4t05It's a bug in the current build, I think.00:32
GrahamAKr4t05: How much space is it, is it good quality, price and would you recommend it?00:33
kendallnothing on the list called kububtu-restricted-extras, or anything even remotely like it.  let me look around some more.00:33
GrahamAkendall: You realise you can just type kubuntu into the search box and it'll show up in a much smaller list?00:34
kendalldo I need to "fetch updates"?00:34
GrahamAYes you do.00:34
kendallah, no, I hadn't figured that out, yet, thanks00:34
Kr4t05F2 comes in two (three?) sizes, 2GB,4GB(8GB), Fairly decent player for under $200, has a photo and text view, and also has builtin mic and line-in recording.00:34
ardchoillekendall: Updates is something you should check for and install on a daily basis.00:34
kendallok, I'll fetch away....00:34
Kr4t05GrahamA: Check Cowon's site.00:34
kendalloh my.00:34
GrahamANo just when you're getting packages.00:35
GrahamAAdept notifier automaticly does a check for upgradeable packages.00:35
ardchoilleUpdates is something you should check for and install on a daily basis.00:35
GrahamAIt'll probably pop up after you check.00:35
GrahamAKr4t05: Could you link me please?00:35
ardchoilleGrahamA: I don't trust adept. it never shows updates until I manually do: sudo apt-get update00:35
Kr4t05Adept Notifier bugs out when I run compiz.00:35
ardchoilleThen it pops up telling me there are updates00:36
ardchoilleBut, by then I already know about them.00:36
GrahamAardchoille: That's odd...00:36
GrahamAWorks for me.00:36
Kr4t05http://www.cowonamerica.com/products/iaudio/f2/ -- Has video support, but the transcode method is a bit obscure. I have to write a script for it using snippets from various forums.00:37
kendallok, I fetched, still no kubuntu-restricted anything on the list.....00:37
Kr4t05GrahamA: A decent player, though.00:37
ardchoillekendall: Whic release of kubuntu are you using?00:37
Kr4t05To be honest... And this may get me skinned, but I kinda wish someone would hack up support for Zunes in the near future. :/00:38
ardchoille!info kubuntu-restricted-extras Feisty00:38
ubotuPackage kubuntu-restricted-extras does not exist in feisty00:38
ardchoillekendall: ^^ :)00:38
ardchoilleThat's why00:38
Kr4t05They look... decent, even for a Microsoft product.00:38
kendallso, do I need to acquire that?00:39
Radi01time for 7.1000:39
benpiccoyou could upgrade to 7.1000:39
ardchoillekendall: My advice is to upgrade to Gutsy or simply do without restricted extras. What exactly are you trying to do?00:39
kendallshouldn't 7.04 be able to play a DVD?00:39
Radi01geter done.00:39
kendallwell, for one, play a DVD, just as a test00:39
ardchoillekendall: It can, I have been watching dvd's in kubuntu since Dapper00:39
ardchoillekendall: You need to install some things..00:40
Radi01vlc does00:40
kendall7.04 is "Feisty", then?00:40
kendallok, how do I know what to install, ardchoille?00:40
ardchoillekendall: Yes, Feisty00:40
ardchoillekendall: sudo apt-get install libxine1-ffmpeg libdvdread3 libdvdnav400:41
kendallremember, total n00b00:41
ardchoillekendall: You will also need libdvdcss2 but it's only available from the medibuntu repo, you need to use medibuntu00:41
GrahamAkendall: You're on feisty?00:41
GrahamAInstall ubuntu-restricted-extras00:41
kendallthere aren't any00:42
Kr4t05GrahamA: Bearing in mind, the software that comes with that DAP is Windows-only and bad quality at that.00:42
rosenick marie111600:42
Kr4t05GrahamA: MP3 Player00:42
GrahamAKr4t05: Eventually I'll get round to finding a Linux compatible non-Aplle MUSIC player.00:42
ardchoillekendall: Open a terminal and do: sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs libdvdread3 libdvdnav400:42
kendallardchoille: , where do I enter that command, in adept?00:43
Kr4t05GrahamA: Cowon and Archos are as good as you get, really.00:43
ardchoille!medibuntu | kendall00:43
ubotukendall: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org00:43
Kr4t05Sansa's are okay, too, but they lack a good bit.00:43
ardchoillekendall: No, "open a terminal.."00:43
kendallah, thanks00:43
GrahamAkendall: Do what ardchoille said and it'll work.00:43
benpiccokendall: try sudo echo deb http://packages.medibuntu.org/ gutsy free non-free > /etc/apt/sources.list00:43
Radi01cowen is a good player?00:43
kendallok, but where do I type in the command?00:43
kendallok, lemme give it a go00:44
ardchoillebenpicco: First of all, that will fail, sudo doesn't handle redirection like that, Secondly, he also needs the medibuntu repo key00:44
Kr4t05Radi01: Cowon is a company that makes media players. They're good players that boast "Linux support."00:44
Kr4t05Even if it's an afterthough.00:44
ardchoillemplayer is the best, IMHO00:44
Radi01ah  which ones are good in kde besides Amarok00:44
Kr4t05ardchoille: We're talking hardware players, portable devices.00:45
ardchoilleKr4t05: Ah, ok00:45
Radi01Amarok chokes too much.00:45
GrahamAAmarok is hands down the best music player I've ever used.00:45
Kr4t05Radi01: Um? I'm talking about MP3 players.00:45
GrahamAWinamp barely holds a candle to it.00:45
Kr4t05Radi01: You could try JuK00:45
Radi01oh ok00:45
Kr4t05Or, maybe Exaile, but it's GTK.00:46
ardchoillekendall: Let me know if you need further help :)00:46
Radi01winamp stunk..aol took over.00:46
Kr4t05Songbird is still prerelease, but it's coming along.00:46
ardchoilleRadi01: lol00:46
ardchoilleWow, the mozilla team really had "bird" brains, lol00:46
ardchoilleFirebird, Thunderbird, Songbird I wonder what the calendar will be named.00:47
Lunar_Lamp_I'm following the instructions at: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-rc1.php - it has information for kdm, but I use gdm at the moment.  How can I configure GDM to start the KDE4 session, so I don't need to replace GDM?00:47
Dragnslcrardchoille- Sunbird00:47
ardchoilleDragnslcr: Ah, figures00:47
DragnslcrAt least that's the client, I think. Dunno if they'd name a server something else00:48
somekoolLunar_Lamp_: let me know if you get it to work.... I had missing packages here, I could not complete the install00:48
ardchoilleThey should release a suite with all the *bird apps and call it Nest00:48
ardchoilleGet it.. nest?00:48
* ardchoille giggles00:48
Lunar_Lamp_somekool, well, the install seems to be working ok, but I'm using kdm I decided.00:49
Lunar_Lamp_Hmm, somekool, yes kdm-kde4 seems to have issues00:51
ardchoilleOf course it does, it's an rc.. yo should expect lots of issues00:52
Lunar_Lamp_Not with being missing, but with being configured.00:52
Lunar_Lamp_ardchoille, I was agreeing with somekool that a package has an issue. Don't get all defensive...00:52
Lunar_Lamp_I'm now about to attempt to track down what's causing the issue00:53
ardchoillehehe, defensive00:53
Radi01lunar it was an explanation..was not hostile at all..calm down buddy.00:53
Lunar_Lamp_Hmm, sorry, perhaps I just misinterpreted.00:54
Radi01we are all learning this stuff..that happens..00:55
somekoolI was not talking about software issues in KDE4, but packaging issues with the deb files, packages were missing or something ...00:55
ardchoilleMost of what I learned about kubuntu was leanred right here i this channel by watching others. This channel rocks!00:55
ardchoilleToo bad I never learned how to type, lol00:56
see-ghi ... without knowing too much about kubuntu 7.10's history, I've got a strange behavior here: After installing Kubuntu from the desktop-CD, the installation of GRUB to hd3 (changed from default: hd0) failed. When booting from the CD again, without changing any settings, I end up in a busybox...00:56
Radi01I would rather learn linux than support buddy bill....any day.00:56
Lunar_Lamp_somekool, yes, I don't have that issue, but there are problems (it appears) with the packaging of kdm-kde4 as the configure doesn't appear to work :-)00:56
ardchoilleRadi01: Indeed00:56
nosrednaekimLunar_Lamp_: you don't need that package.... and it seems to conflict with the normal kdm. and kubuntu depends on kdm.00:56
Radi01Think of all the money I wasted..wow.00:56
nosrednaekimand thats not good00:56
Lunar_Lamp_nosrednaekim, I don't have kde installed ;-)00:57
Lunar_Lamp_(er, that is, normal kde - I have gnome from default ubuntu - I'm not coming from a kubuntu install)00:57
somekoolI am currently building my first .deb file and I am having little troubles. well, actually, I've went through all the necessary steps as far as the howto I followed is concerned. but the process gets interrupted because of linking errors ??? but it compiles with a regular ./configure;make .... is there -l flags to add somewhere? why I am getting linking errors like that? I've put all the necessary dependencies in control00:58
ardchoillesomekool: Tis may be a dumb question, but do you have all the necessary deps installed on your system?00:58
somekoolardchoille: yes, cuz it compiles fine with a regular ./configure;make , like I said.00:59
somekooland I had put all the depends in the control file01:00
somekoolit says not to modify the rules file for a regular compile01:00
somekooli dont know why I am getting all these linking errors ... ??01:00
ardchoille[Hardy Heron fixes existing features]01:04
somekoolI followed this01:05
somekoolanyone would know why am I getting those linking errors?01:05
joey722i tried to execute fop from php to generate pdf...... i used exec and system with no result... i found this article in french in wich they give a function to call fop as external program... i don't know how to make it work...please can you help me on that01:06
kendallok, GrahamA and ardchoille, I'm wandering around looking for libdvdcss, and I've gome to the vlc website.  Would it be easier to just get the vlc player and install that?01:07
posingaspopularkendall: vls is great for playing all sorts of codecs01:07
kendallok, so, yes?01:08
crackhead_25_can anyone help me get my lacie external hard drive mounting in kubuntu? it was automounting fine last week. now it doesn't recognize. i'm sure there's data on it, though.01:08
LjLkendall, i'm under the impression that you're considering downloading VLC from the site, but VLC is available from the repositories (universe, specifically), you can install it with just « sudo apt-get install vlc »01:08
ardchoillekendall: Yes, try out vlc, it's quite nice.01:09
kendallah, ok, I'll try that, thank you, LjL01:09
kendallthanks ardchoille.  I'll get the hang of this yet....01:09
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GrahamAI like Kaffeine better but whatever.01:10
ardchoillekendall: If you find you still need to install libdvdcss2 and need a hand, I can help with medibuntu01:10
GrahamAI'm gona go sleep.01:10
ardchoilleGrahamA: vlc is nice, but I can't use it.. it doesn't support closed captions. Everyone has their favourite :)01:10
kendallE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)01:11
kendallE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?01:11
kendallperhaps I'm doing it wrong.....01:11
ardchoillekendall: Close any other pm's that are open01:11
ardchoillekendall: adept, synaptic, aptitude, etc are all front-ends to APT.. and only one of them can use the apt db at a time01:12
kendallok, it seems to be installing, now01:15
ardchoillekendall: What is installing"01:15
kendallardchoille: , vlc player01:17
Radi01nice  you will like it kendall01:17
Radi01plays most everything out of the box.01:17
Radi01Use that till you get to know the rest of player codec.01:18
kendallmy eventual plan is to have this box as a home entertainment media server/DVR01:18
kendallgot a lot of learning to do, though.....01:18
ardchoillekendall: That's what I did with one of my computers.01:18
Kasplattwhat is the difference between the CD .iso and the .DVD iso ?01:18
kendall....and it'll be networked01:19
nosrednaekimKasplatt: the DVD has more packages on it.01:19
ardchoilleKasplatt: The dvd iso is a compilation of the desktop and alternate cd's01:19
kendalltransfer iso images over the network, play them from the HD01:19
Kasplattah okay , so the DVD is better ?01:19
nosrednaekimardchoille: I think it has more than that...01:19
ardchoillenosrednaekim: Not according to the ubuntu article I read01:19
Kasplattor just filled with crap ?01:19
ardchoilleBut, the article could have been wrong.01:20
nosrednaekimKasplatt: prettymuch :D01:20
Radi01lo,  its not a windows cd01:20
Kasplattnosrednaekim better :P ?01:20
nosrednaekimKasplatt: i'd get the cd and insta;; what you need from there01:20
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Kasplattah okay hehe ;)01:20
ardchoilleKasplatt: Anything on the dvd will also be in ther repos anyway01:20
Kasplattokay :)01:20
nosrednaekimardchoille: it was my understanding that the DVD had a lot of extra packages... but I may be wrong.01:21
Kasplattyou don't have a mirror for Faroe Islands for kubuntu ?? I remember xubuntu had ..01:21
ardchoillenosrednaekim: no biggie, it's all in the repos :)01:21
nosrednaekimKasplatt: if xubuntu did, yes, Kubuntu does.01:21
KasplattI can't find it ...01:21
nosrednaekimKasplatt: hrm.... I think I read an article about you guys in the faroe islands on Linux.com01:22
ardchoillenosrednaekim: What they should release, IMHO, is a very small net install cd.. something like 100Mb just to get the system running and install the rest from the repos. But I guess that would increase the load on the repo servers.01:22
nosrednaekimardchoille: yeah, they don't want to do that.,,,, esp around a release date XD01:22
Kasplattnosrednaekim what did it say ?01:22
ardchoillenosrednaekim: Ah, right01:22
NickPrestaAny idea about the "no buffer space available" message when trying to resume a disk image after an expected power failure?01:23
scrubb2000Could someone tell me what the console command is to check which groups a user belongs to?01:23
nosrednaekimKasplatt: something about your whole system is linux, and you have only satelite internet01:23
Kasplattour whole system ??01:23
ardchoillescrubb2000: cat /etc/groups | grep <username_here>01:23
ardchoilleOops, that's /etc/group01:24
nosrednaekimKasplatt: maybe it wasn't the Faroe Islands... never mind :D01:24
scrubb2000ardchoille: "No such file or directory"....01:25
Kasplattcant find the faroese mirrors ..01:25
Kasplattnosrednaekim hehe okay01:25
ardchoillescrubb2000: cat /etc/group | grep <username_here>01:25
Kasplattnosrednaekim is there any difference in any of the distros for each mirror ?01:26
Radi01I often wondered that.01:26
nosrednaekimKasplatt: shouldn't be... if its an official ubuntu mirror it'll have everything/.01:27
nosrednaekimah... it was "New Caldonia "lol01:27
kendalldo I need to reboot after installing vlc?  I tried to start it up,  and it dumped me completely out of the desktop and restarted.....01:27
Kasplattkubuntu-7.10-desktop-i386.iso for normal pcs  . .right ?01:28
ardchoillekendall: Shouldn't need a reboot for that, no01:28
nosrednaekimKasplatt: yup01:28
kendallok, well I'm installing updates now, so I won't chance starting vlc 'til I'm done01:28
trillisHow can I get VLC to play videos that are streaming from webpages?01:28
ardchoillekendall: reboots in Linux are rare01:28
kendallso, I had my first crash, then?01:29
Radi01mozilla -vlc plugins trillis01:29
* trillis has had to reboot with linux 11 times in the last two days.01:29
* trillis runs01:29
nosrednaekimtrillis: why?01:29
trillisExercise. :-D.01:30
kendallgood enuf reason.01:30
amandaIs anyone here using VirtualBox? I'm trying to get my Lexmark printer working in a Windows VM01:30
Radi01yout 2 much trillis.01:30
ardchoilletrillis: I'd guess that at least 10 of those reboots were unnecessary01:30
Kasplatttrillis huhh ??01:30
nosrednaekimamanda: you'll need to get the non OSE edition01:30
amandanosrednaekim: check01:30
nosrednaekimamanda: you have that?01:30
trillisWell, my wireless internet dies on me randomely, and the only way for some reason to get it to work again is rebooting.01:31
amandaNot sure where to go from there01:31
kendallI look forward to the day when the things you guys say aren't totally foreign to me.01:31
trillisI'm right there with you kendall.01:31
ardchoillekendall: hehe01:31
nosrednaekimamanda: yeah. i'm not too familiar with USB and VB... I got it working in Vmware though..01:31
Radi01Stick with it kendall it will come.01:31
trillisSo do I type sudo apt-get mozilla -vlc plugin?01:31
kendallyeah, I intend to.01:31
amandatrillis: You already tried "sudo /etc/init.d/dbus restart" and/or "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart"?01:31
* trillis blinks...01:32
nosrednaekimtrillis: yeah... the dbus one works for me :D01:32
kendallglad I'm not the only n00b here.01:32
amandanosrednaekim: Might you point me to a good VMWare-on-Gutsy how-to?01:32
trillisI r nub.01:32
ardchoilletrillis: sudo apt-get install mozilla-plugin-vlc01:32
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers01:32
NickPrestaI recently lost power and my computer unexpected shut down. I now get a "no buffer space available" message from udev/uevent when booting up. Any ideas?01:32
mks http://pastebin.ca/80402201:32
trillisI have vlc, but it doesnt want to play streaming videos for me.01:32
mksups si aki no era xD01:33
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.01:33
Radi01sudo apt-get install mozilla-plugin-vlc01:33
kendalllooks like I needed to update a lot of stuff.....01:33
amandanosrednaekim: Thanks a lot01:33
scrubb2000So I have a broken installation of XP on one of my partitions, and linux feels it has to check the disk every time it starts up, which takes forever because it uses dosfsck.  Can I get linux to stop checking this partition at startup somehow?01:33
Radi01do it..(now).01:33
nosrednaekimscrubb2000: remove it from the fstab01:33
scrubb2000nosrednaekim: how do I do that?01:33
ubotuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions01:34
* trillis despises mplayer01:35
kendallso, in general, is there ever a time when I want to choose not to auto-update stuff?  I know that in WinXP, I chose not to install some stuff, unless I knew for certain it was needed for security or functionality.  Is there cases in kubuntu where I want to selectively not install updates?01:35
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nosrednaekimkendall: try not to do kernel updates..01:35
amandaThanks again, nosrednaekim. Peace01:35
kendallgood info01:35
nosrednaekimunless something isn't working01:35
kendallok, well I'm not sure if I'm currently updating my kernel or not.01:35
kendallwe'll see.01:36
Radi01ya good info...no wonder i had to re-install ubuntu 5 times.01:36
nwonknuAre there instructions for configuring D-Link DWL-G132 (usb wireless network adapter using atheros chipset) ?01:36
ardchoillekendall: Usually the kernel won't update unless you do a dist-upgrade01:36
kendallI just let the auto-updater go do it's thing.01:36
kendallmore good info.01:36
kendallso, is there a compelling reason to upgrade to 7.10?01:36
nosrednaekimnwonknu: you'll need to use ndiswrapper01:37
kendallor will 7.04 work for me?01:37
* trillis is using dapper01:37
nosrednaekimkendall: 7.04 should be fine01:37
trillisInstalling that plugin didn't help me.01:37
vbgunzanyone know of a replacement player for quicktime movies in Konqueror? is there anything better than mplayer or xine or something more compatible? watching trailers on apple blow chunks :(01:37
nwonknunosrednaekim: yes, ndiswrapper, but are there detailed instructions?  How good in kubuntu's wireless support out of the box?01:37
ardchoillekendall: Some advice. Thought a gui is good and easy, there are advantages to learning the command line, one of which is that the cli is the only thing you'll have left if xorg, kdm, or your desktop env breaks. The command line is fast and powerful, not to mentio easily scriptable.01:37
kendallso, why the codenames?  Is 7.04 not descriptive enough?01:38
trillisMozilla still wants me to "Click here to download plugin" When trying to watch streaming vids.01:38
level1Hi, kmail is refusing to retrieve some messages from my gmail account.  Usually it works, but sometimes it refuses to download the mail for a few days; it just acts as if there are no new messages.  I can see from gmail's web interface that the mails are there; but kmail won't download them01:38
nosrednaekimnwonknu: not that good, but with ndiswrapper,it may work.01:38
Radi01your useing dapper so i couldnt tell ya trillis..01:38
nosrednaekimlevel1: POP or IMAP?01:38
kendallthanks, ardchoille, I imagine I'll need to, yes.  But for now, I'm not anywhere ready for that.01:38
nwonknunosrednaekim: I got it working on opensuse, but it was a major pain.  Looking for an easier distro.01:38
Radi01click and see what it wants trillis01:38
ardchoilletrillis: There was a recent article about a virus/worm going around that asked you to download a file in order to watch a video, I wouldn't trust it.01:38
somekooli dont get it ... kdelibs4-dev  is for KDE 3 and kdelibs5-dev is for KDE 4 ????01:39
trillisMozilla can't find it anyway.01:39
nosrednaekimnwonknu: well, if you use ndiswrapper, it shouldn't be too hard01:39
level1nosrednaekim: POP3... I'm reluctant to convert to IMAP because I'm not sure if it will cause problems, and I will not have enough space to back up my emails for about a week01:39
Radi01really? ardchoille?01:39
nosrednaekimsomekool: lol :D01:39
ardchoilleRadi01: Yes01:39
Radi01linux virus?01:39
* trillis is using ubuntu 6.0something.01:39
nosrednaekimlevel1: ah.. ok, POP is more reliable anyway,but no I have no clue. I've never had a problem like thta01:40
level1trillis: 6.06?  ancient!01:40
* kendall feels superior to trillis01:40
nwonknunosrednaekim: ok thanks.  sounds like it's the same basic deal I went through with the other distro.01:40
ardchoilleRadi01: A linux virus is not impossible, and won't do much harm, but I value my $HOME farmore than the rest of the system.01:40
somekoolnosrednaekim: anything smart to say ?01:40
level1nosrednaekim: what's the advantage of IMAP?01:40
Radi01Thanx i didnt know of that 101:40
nosrednaekimsomekool: ummmm "it is how it is"01:40
dairienCan someone help me with KNetworkManager please?01:40
kubuntunewbieis it possible to attach a printer that is hosted from an xp machine?01:40
nosrednaekimdairien: what is the problem?01:41
trillisWell, I just bought a new comp from a University, and it didn't have an OS so I found an old CD of Kubuntu and was like... Hey...01:41
nosrednaekimkubuntunewbie: yes... you need samba01:41
somekoolso that's how it is ?01:41
nosrednaekimsomekool: yuppers01:41
dairienWhen I left click the icon on my dock, everything is greyed out and it says Device: No active device01:41
Radi01cool trillis neat.01:41
kubuntunewbie!info samba01:41
ubotusamba: a LanManager-like file and printer server for Unix. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.26a-1ubuntu2.2 (gutsy), package size 3750 kB, installed size 9212 kB01:41
trillisIsn't there a way I can feed the link to VLC and have it play it?01:41
dairienI am unable to connect wirelessly to my router although I connected yesterday to my friends after we installed kubuntu.01:41
level1trillis: if you want, you can upgrade... I find that the newest stable ubuntu release is the most sane to use, contrary to the logic that old things are stable01:42
kubuntunewbienosrednaekim: is that served theu the apt-get thingey?01:42
trillisI do I upgrade?01:42
nosrednaekimkubuntunewbie: you can get it from there, yes01:42
* trillis doesn't want to use gnome.01:42
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT01:42
nwonknuIs there a best/easiest wireless network adapter (or chipset) for kubuntu?  native drivers?01:42
nosrednaekim!hardware | nwonknu01:42
ubotunwonknu: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport01:42
trillisI went through this yesterday.01:42
level1!upgrade | trillis01:42
ubotutrillis: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes01:42
trillisWith the wireless problem, took me something like 19 hours to get my wireless usb working.01:43
nwonknunosrednaekim: thx01:43
nosrednaekimdairien: delete all of the stuff out of your "/etc/network/interfaces" fine01:43
Radi01dapper to gutsy is quite a trip.01:43
dairienI just did that01:43
dairienkdesu /etc/network/interfaces correct?01:43
trillisDoes it still look the same?01:43
nosrednaekimdairien: kdesu kate /etc/network/interfaces01:43
nosrednaekimthen do a "sudo /etc/init.d/dbus restart"01:44
kendallok, 'nother n00b question;  where do I look to see if I can see the other machines on the network (all XP)?01:44
level1trillis: thats weird. theres no way to upgrade from 6.06 to 7.10... you might be better off reinstalling01:44
trillisInternet>Wireless Aisstant?01:44
nosrednaekimkendall: you'll need samba for that.01:44
dairiennorsednaekim: I did that01:45
* kendall sighs01:45
dairiennorsednaekim: Just now01:45
kubuntunewbienosrednaekim: i installed samba, where does it install to?01:45
nosrednaekimdairien: just now what?01:45
* trillis would then have to spend another 19 hours trying to reconfigure his wireless usb adapter :(01:45
nosrednaekim!samba | kubuntunewbie01:45
ubotukubuntunewbie: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT01:45
dairiennorsednaekim: I just did sudo /etc/int.d/dbus restart01:45
level1trillis: if your using ubuntu (as opposed to kubuntu), you can "get" kubuntu by simply installing kubuntu-desktop01:45
level1trillis: what brand of wireless card is it?  in 7.10, the restricted drivers manager will help to autoconfigure wireless01:46
dairiennorsednaekim: The only thing that happened is now it says my battery is not present even though I am not powered into the wall.01:46
nosrednaekimdairien: yeah.... thats normal... don'tworry about that.01:46
dairiennorsednaekim: Okay, is there somthing else I should do?01:47
trillisD-link DWA-130 Wirelss usb01:47
nosrednaekimdairien: so your not connected via wireless right now?01:47
level1trillis: personally, I'd upgrade; every time I've upgraded ubuntu I've been happier01:48
nosrednaekimdairien: just to let you know,knetworkmanager is one of the most hated apps in kubuntu :D01:48
trillisI'll upgrade later.01:48
level1except for kmail... kmail still doesn't work for me01:48
ardchoillenosrednaekim: lol01:48
* trillis just wants to fight with vlc now01:48
dairiennorsednaekim: No I am not connected, I am using a different laptop to be on mIRC.01:48
dairiennorsednaekim: I'm sorry everyone hates KNetworkManager, I am new.01:48
nosrednaekimdairien: does your AP use WPA encryption?01:49
trillisDairien: Me too :).01:49
nosrednaekim*access point01:49
dairiennorsednaekim: Yesterday when I put kubuntu on my computer, KNetworkManager was running fine and it recognized all the wireless connection.01:49
espaciousdairien i use it a little tricky but works with m usb wirlees01:49
ardchoilleIs KNetworkManager only for laptops? I've never used it on any of my 11 PC's01:49
nosrednaekimardchoille: only useful for laptops.01:49
ardchoilleAh, ok01:49
dairiennorsednaekim: AP?01:49
nosrednaekimaccess point01:49
nosrednaekimwireless access point01:50
kendalljeez, only 38% done with updates....01:50
* kendall sighs01:50
nosrednaekimkendall: could be worse,....I have 26K dial up :D01:50
dairiennorsednaekim: The encryption type is WEP01:50
Radi01wow 26k?01:50
* kendall feels superior to nosrednaekim as well.....01:51
Radi01I remember those days.01:51
trillisHow are you even chatting?01:51
nosrednaekimdairien: ok, then we might be able to bypass knetworkmanager, grab the package "wlassistant"01:51
kendallheh, you said "package"....01:51
dairiennorsednaekim: How do I do that?01:51
nosrednaekimdairien: run "sudo apt-get install wlassistant"01:52
trillisRadi01: Do you know if VLC has some sort of configuration in the preferences of vlc so I can feed it a link to the movie? Or am I dreaming?01:52
nosrednaekimtrillis: its possible......01:52
dairiennorsednaekim: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update to try with --fix-missing01:52
Radi01not that i know of trillis/ its out of the box working01:52
dairiennorsednaekim: is what konsole said01:52
nosrednaekimdairien: run "sudo apt-get update"01:53
trillisDairien: K Menu>System>Konsole if you didn't know...01:53
nosrednaekimtrillis: he knows XD01:53
dairienYes, I have it bound to f12, thank you.01:53
trillisCould you elaborate nosrednaekim?01:53
nosrednaekimtrillis: on what?01:54
nosrednaekimdairien: oh... now thats what I call a power user :D01:54
dairiennorsednaekim: Should I run WLAssistant now?01:54
nosrednaekimdairien: run "sudo apt-get install wlassistant"01:54
dairiennorsednaekim: Done.01:55
trillisYou said it was possible for me to give VLC a link to watch the streaming video.01:55
nosrednaekimdairien: now run "kdesudo wlassistant"01:55
Radi01trillis/open vlc and copy paste link in play file01:55
nosrednaekimtrillis: I did? lol... too many people.. I'm not sure if its possible actually... try #vlc01:56
kendallup to 48% updated!01:56
dairiennorsednaekim: Command not found01:56
dairiennorsednaekim: I don't believe it installed correctly01:56
kubuntunewbienosrednaekim: i installed that program and what not to have xp read access but i still cant fig out how to mount a printer01:56
dairiennorsednaekim: I appear to have had some errors, do I need to be connected to the internet on the computer I am installing wlassistant?01:56
nosrednaekimdairien: yes :D01:57
dairiennorsednaekim: Okay, well that's the problem.01:57
nosrednaekimheh :D01:57
dairiennorsednaekim: I cannot connect to my router, :x01:57
dairiennorsednaekim: I am talking to you on another laptop that is running windows.01:58
nosrednaekimdairien: ah....not this sounds interesting :D01:58
trillis#vlc is a dead channle...01:58
nosrednaekimdairien: is it possible for you to take the encryption off temporarily?01:58
Radi01: trillis/open vlc and copy paste link in play file01:59
dairiennorsednaekim: Yes I can, but the laptop doesn't even recognize a signal.01:59
trillisIt does nothing.01:59
=== baconero is now known as baconero_
nosrednaekimdairien: not sure about that.... try running "iwconfig" and see what the name of the interface that is your wireless (whould be eth1 or wlan0,etc)02:00
nosrednaekimdairien: now run "sudo iwlist eth1 scan"02:01
nosrednaekimand see if it gives you your router..02:01
kubuntunewbieCould anyone please assist me in installing a printer that is networked over an xp machine???02:01
Radi01trillis: you may have to play with firefox/edit/preferences/content/filetypes.02:01
nosrednaekimkubuntunewbie: go intot system settings-> printers->add printer and select the type of printer to be samba (I believe)02:02
dairiennorsednaekim: yes it does02:02
dairiennorsednaekim: how do I connect to it?02:02
nosrednaekimdairien: then all hope is not lost :D02:02
trillisI don't see any filetypes in the Content section.02:03
nosrednaekimdairien: its easiest if you take the encryption off02:03
dairiennorsednaekim: I have the address, ESSID, Protocol, Mode, Channel, and frequency02:03
Radi01click the manage under file types trillis02:03
kubuntunewbienosrednaekim: i dont know how to find the address, any ideas?02:04
nosrednaekimkubuntunewbie: run "ipconfig" on the windows computer02:04
dairiennorsednaekim: Is there some sort of sudo command I can type to just connect to the router by typing in the ESSID and WEP Key?02:04
nosrednaekimdairien: yes....02:04
kubuntunewbienosrednaekim: so i would use the ip that is assigned to the computer from the router?02:04
nosrednaekimthe ESSID part is easy...I forget how to do the key part02:04
dairiennorsednaekim: How do I just do the ESSID?02:05
nosrednaekimthe ESSID is "sudo iwconfig eth1 ESSID <your essid>"02:05
trillisRadi01: I don't see any button, nor do I see anything that has to deal with filetypes. All I see however are boxes that tell me I should Enable Javascript, Block Popups and Warning me when a web trys to install something.02:05
Radi01you have another version than i have/ anyways you may have to change the (open with) file in your fire fox.02:06
Radi01just look around02:07
nosrednaekimdairien: then. run "sudo iwconfig eth1 key <your key>" and finally "sudo dhclient eth1"02:07
dairiennorsednaekim: I think it worked.02:08
kendallso, should I wait for all my updating to finish before installing samba?02:08
nosrednaekimdairien: try pinging google :D02:08
dairiennorsednaekim: You are god02:08
dairiennorsednaekim: I owe you02:08
Radi01after you update re-boot and go from there02:08
* kendall taps his fingers impatiently.....02:08
nosrednaekimI amnot god,god gave me gifts :D02:08
dairiennorsednaekim: If you ever need a website or some sort of graphic design of some sort e-mail dairien@gmail.com02:08
nosrednaekimdairien: hey... kubuntu needs help with that right now :D02:09
nosrednaekim(and i'm dead serious)02:09
Kasplattsome free burning software to burn my .iso do a CD ?02:09
* trillis twitches02:09
nosrednaekimKasplatt: on windows?02:09
Radi01I know it was just how it looked.02:09
ubotuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.02:09
Kasplattit's not for me it's for a friend .02:09
nosrednaekimKasplatt: I forget the name..02:10
sstchurWhen I try to run apt-get -f install, I get "02:10
sstchurdpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/kde-icons-oxygen_4%3a3.96.0-1ubuntu1~ppa1_all.deb (--unpack):02:10
sstchur trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/kde4/share/icons/oxygen/scalable/emblems/emblem-mounted.svgz', which is also in package kde4base-data02:10
sstchurdpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)02:10
mrsnoKasplatt infrarecorder02:10
trillisDaemon tools?02:10
mrsnosmall download02:10
Kasplattnot mounting , burning02:10
sstchurWhat is that?02:10
Kasplattmrsno infrarecorder ?02:10
nosrednaekimsstchur: remove all previous KDE4 packages before install RC102:10
dairiennorsednaekim: Thank you for your help.02:10
Kasplatttrillis something free , he won't use windows after that so buying nero would be pointless02:10
mrsnoyep :) it works well, a clone almost of an old version of nero, without much of the crud you get in the newer versions of nero02:10
* trillis ywantorrentyawn02:11
sstchurnosrednaekim: that's what I'm trying to do, but when I run apt-get remove kdelibs5 I get a an error saying I need to run apt-get -f install, which gives me the error I just mentioned02:11
Radi01alacohol is better anyway nero stinks02:11
mrsnothe ubuntu wiki even has steps on burning, if they are new to it all02:11
sstchurit's a vicious cycle!02:11
nosrednaekimsstchur: ah...02:11
Kasplattthanks mrsno02:11
nosrednaekimsstchur: heh... I had that problem once.... remove all other kde4 packages first.02:11
kendallwoohoo! 74% updated!02:11
mrsnohttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto#head-5f36c46dbbdd2bd773ae1f5d361be66c6553babf Kasplatt fyi02:11
trillisHey God (nosrednaekim), any way you could help me with my vlc issue?02:11
nosrednaekimthats just the DL..02:12
mrsnoyour welcome02:12
* kendall taps fingers some more....02:12
Radi01lol trillis02:12
nosrednaekimtrillis: I don't use VLC,sorry02:12
Radi01be nice02:12
Kasplattmrsno I was just looking for the software :P02:12
* trillis <3 nosr02:12
mrsnoits linked in the first line of text :)02:12
nosrednaekimdairien: you might want to get wlassistant to make that easier next time02:12
dairienI am now02:13
dairienThank you02:13
sstchurnosrednaekim: do you know which ones specifically?  I've tried kdebase-dev-kde4 and that failed also02:13
ubotuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes02:13
nosrednaekimyeah, I don't know, I just messed around for a little bit and fixed it :D02:13
trillisWell, when I try and use mplayer, whenever I try to full screen a video, it goes to 1fps.02:13
Radi01kendall: you on dsl?02:13
Radi01did it die?02:15
nosrednaekimeveryone is dead..02:16
Dr_Willisdie die die! :)02:16
* trillis cries02:16
* trillis yells at vlc for being mean02:16
* Dr_Willis has been playing crysis - lots of death there!02:16
trillisDr Willis, do you know anything about vlc?02:17
Dr_Willistrillis ive never had any problems with vlc. I use it all the time inder linux and windows02:17
trillisThink you could attempt to help me?02:17
Radi01Dt_Willis trillis is on dapper.02:17
Dr_Willisim on gutsy02:17
Dr_Willis:) I dont recall any issues on it with dapper either.02:18
trillisI'm trying to get it to stream movies.02:18
trillisBut it says no to me.02:18
* trillis whimpers...02:18
Dr_WillisHmm.. never messed with the streaming much.02:18
* nosrednaekim slaps trillis02:18
Dr_Williswhen i did stream movies.. they looked like poo.02:18
Radi01mine dont..they are real clean02:19
Dr_Willisabout like some of the crud ya see on that  shoutcast tv stuff02:19
Dr_Willisbut i imagine theres 1000+ settings ya can tweak with02:19
Dr_Willisi was watching them in a browser. :)02:19
Radi01shoutcast now has hq02:19
trillisI'd post a link, but it's probably agains kubuntu rules.02:19
nosrednaekimDr_Willis: I think you are confusing content with quality ;)02:19
nosrednaekimtrillis: what is the movie?02:20
Dr_Willisnosrednaekim i want quality adult videos! :002:20
Dr_Willisheh heh02:20
trillislast samurai :)02:20
somekooltry youtube02:20
trillisYou tube works fine.02:20
nosrednaekimtrillis: oh.... I see,I'm not sure you can stream a "real" video. I thinkit has to be a stream02:20
Dr_Willisive streamed .avi's with vlc befor02:20
level1silent failure is so annoying... kmail is refusing to get messages from my gmail account, it just says "transmission from gmail complete, no new messages"02:20
level1There seems to be a process called kio_pop3 that gets left behind, but killing it doesn't change anything02:21
draikHello all02:21
nosrednaekimlevel1: thats very odd....it may be a probalem with your gmail pop settings02:21
Radi01hey driak02:21
nosrednaekimhey draik02:21
level1nosrednaekim: hmmm... gmail doesn't give you very many options; mostly its just, what does gmail do with the messages after they are retrieved?02:22
draikWhat software can I use to edit an AVI? I want to cut away parts from the beginning and end so that I am left with a short clip of the original AVI.02:22
draikHey nosrednaekim02:22
draikHey Radi01. My name is Draik :p02:22
nosrednaekimdraik: avidemuz might be able to do it.02:23
trillisDr.Willis: When I try to stream movies from a specific site, mozilla tells me I need to install a plugin.02:23
trillisDr_Willis *02:23
Radi01draik ill get you a couple links to some cool software hang on02:23
draiknosrednaekim: I use ffmpeg still for other things. avidimux removed it02:23
draikRadi01: Thank you02:23
Dr_Willistrillis you are trying to watch a video stream in vlc? or make your own stream?02:23
Dr_WillisI use the mplayerfirefix plugin i think for most of mine02:24
Radi01http://www.getdeb.net/app.php?name=lives  try that02:24
trillistrying to watcha  viodeo stream02:24
draiktrillis: I get the same thing. I thought I had kaffeine setup since Dapper to Edgy to Feisty. I guess it didn't transfer to Gutsy02:24
kendallwoohoo! 97 percent done!02:25
Radi01avidimux didnt work?02:25
draikRadi01: All I need now is a phone call and this DSL should start kicking and screaming of abuse02:25
Radi012 funny02:25
trillisRadi01: Who's the link for?02:25
draikRadi01: Ktorrent, Konversation and now Firefox02:26
Dr_Willistrillis what site you trying to watch anyway?02:26
Radi01id be on the phone with those cats about it02:26
posingaspopularanyone know how to turn off the dictionary feature in konversation. it keeps trying to correct my spelling but only because it doesn't recognize 'konversation' as a valid word02:27
posingaspopularhighlights in red, gutsy gibbon btw02:27
ardchoilleposingaspopular: You should be able to add any word to your dictionary02:28
nosrednaekimposingaspopular: haha, can't you add it to the dictionary?02:28
draikposingaspopular: I will trade you02:28
kendallah, now we're into the installing part of the updates....02:28
trillisI just noticed that my video card isn't going to let me maximize videos.02:28
draikHow do I get the dictionary feature?02:28
Radi01cool kendall02:28
trillisI tried to maximize a youtube video at I got 2fps.02:28
ardchoilletrillis: lol02:28
Radi01lol 2fps  darn02:28
trillisI have an ati 16mb 3d card :(02:29
Radi01I have an 8 meg turbo 3d 4 sale.02:29
MinatakuScaling is a 2D acceleration feature, however, with a YouTube video, it's likely done entirely in the flash player02:29
KasplattI've seen that a lot of linux users got low-end comps02:29
trillisDo you think it could be, because Kubuntu hates ATI?02:30
ardchoilletrillis: watch-movies.net ? I foresee a visit from the MPAA in your future :P02:30
MinatakuI'd recommend downloading the video and running it manually with something like XVideo02:30
draikardchoille: kinda reminds me of tv-links.co.uk02:30
Radi01lol ardchoille02:30
MinatakuWhich even on lame cards will usually have hardware accelerated scaling02:30
ardchoilledraik: Yeah02:30
draiktv-links.co.uk was a great site.02:30
Radi01ya tv links got raided02:30
trillisI'm not doing anything illegal by watching them.02:31
trillisThe site is by hosting them.02:31
ardchoilletrillis: Yes, the MPAA sues people who download movies like that.02:31
Dr_Willistrillis tat site works for me. Its just using the Flash player.02:31
Kasplattohh MPAA sounds like a bunch of idiotss .02:31
Radi01they are.02:31
trillisI don't dl movies though.02:31
posingaspopularno i want to turn it off02:32
coreymon77tv-links got shut down02:32
coreymon77oh no02:32
coreymon77the cria is worse02:32
Radi01ya a month ago02:32
coreymon77they shut down demonoid02:32
trillisHow can I get the flash player plugin then?02:32
posingaspopulari have no idea how it got turned on, but i want it off02:32
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash02:32
draikRadi01: So it appears that I already had LIVES installed02:32
KasplattRadi01 wouldnt that make the downloads go a little slower ?02:32
Radi01cool lives is cool as avidemux02:32
draikNow I'm told the video is too big02:32
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draikJust not my end of the year02:32
Radi01youll be ok d02:33
Radi01I'll send benny hinn over to lay his hands on yur dsl.02:33
draikBenny Hill???02:33
Dr_WillisMiss Cleo can drive out the Deamons! :002:34
draikMiss Cleo was the best scam IMO02:34
Radi01ya miss cleo02:34
coreymon77and the CRIA can drive out the deimos :P02:34
draikFake Jamaican accent and all02:34
Dr_Willis'Certified Psycic!'02:34
Hizzletrying to get my sound to work is really becoming an adventure like everything else02:34
MinatakuHeya, Dr_Willis02:35
draikThen again, it was stupid people that believed in her and that the people on the other line were actually using tarot cards and not the cards in solitaire from the game they were playing during calls.02:35
MinatakuAny news on the other Amiga yet? Or is it still at the mercy of your wife's crap?02:35
Dr_WillisMinataku its in the garrage.. I may have a decent box for it now. :) got  a large collection of Xmas packing box's here.02:36
MinatakuOooh, cool :D02:36
draik"Oh yes chaild. I see an empty space in dat dere secun colum. Drag dat queen to da keen and score som poin's, mai chail'."02:36
trillishow do I enable multiverse for the flash plugin?02:37
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu02:44
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=== DM is now known as Delvien
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ps3 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:46
Kasplattkubuntu runs on ps3 .. right ? like a PPC edition ?02:46
Dr_WillisKasplatt thats what i hear. :)02:46
Kasplattor is KDE too heavy for it ?02:46
Kasplattah okay , nice !02:46
Dr_WillisGiven the Processing power of the PS3.. Id be amazed that any desktop would be too heavy for it.02:46
MinatakuThe PS3's processor is a mess02:47
MinatakuIt's a horrible design for general purpose tasks02:47
Dr_WillisBut it wasent designed for general purpose tasks. :) it was designed for porn.. err.. i mean games..02:47
MinatakuIt's really only good for heavy calculation, like massive scientific stuff02:47
MinatakuWrong, actually02:47
coreymon77Dr_Willis: lol02:47
Dr_WillisBah! You and your downer attitude...02:47
MinatakuIt's a partial PPC core with eight mass-vector units02:48
Dr_WillisYou are mad because it wont run CP/M !02:48
coreymon77ps3 is a waste of money02:48
MinatakuIt's completely inappropriate for everything but heavy scientific calculations and massive data processing02:48
MinatakuLast time I checked, nobody was waiting in line to buy "Amino Acid Binding: The Interactive Adventure"02:49
MinatakuOr for that matter, a PS302:49
Dr_WillisSo it can handle Compiz fine then. :)02:49
MinatakuThis generation's total failure02:49
Dr_WillisMinataku that would be 'spore' :)02:49
MinatakuActually, the chip itself is a bottleneck for everything02:49
coreymon77and this generations great success = the wii!02:49
MinatakuAnd there's a separate graphics chip02:49
Dr_WillisI like my Wii :)02:49
MinatakuSo the CPU is basically used for absolutely nothing02:49
coreymon77me too02:49
hdevalencewhat does ksoftirqd do?02:49
coreymon77the only worth while console of this generation02:50
Kasplattcoreymon77 ps3 is nice too02:50
MinatakuNo, it's not02:51
coreymon77Kasplatt: didnt you just hear us go on about how its a complete waste of money and this generations biggest flop or a failure02:51
Dr_Willisultimate game station ---->  http://www.xgamestation.com/02:51
Kasplattyes it is ... for games its awesome !02:51
MinatakuNo, it's not.02:51
hdevalenceand besides, with the wii you can fold the protiens *yourself*!!!!02:51
Kasplattfor linux it's pretty sucky .02:51
MinatakuIt's a shame you can't see past your fanboyism.02:51
KasplattMinataku yes it is .02:51
KasplattI'm not a fanboy02:51
MinatakuI weep for the money you wasted.02:51
coreymon77Kasplatt: it really isnt02:51
KasplattI like the games for it02:52
coreymon77Kasplatt: im a little ticked about ratchet being only on it02:52
coreymon77Kasplatt: but other than that02:52
Kasplattcoreymon77 for some purposes it isn't .02:52
coreymon77Kasplatt: its a complete waste02:52
Kasplattya the games are great , but it has some processing power that's useful in some situations .02:52
coreymon77Kasplatt: games are crap02:52
Dr_WillisSomeone want to check    http://stage6.com/user/zeshika_kuku_ru/video/1216296/haruhi-candy-pop   see if the download-the-video link works? for some reason firefox is trying to load the download as a text file...02:53
Radi01hackers  love ps3 processors02:53
Kasplattcoreymon77 no they aren't .02:53
coreymon77mario galaxy FTW02:53
KasplattRadi01 yes02:53
Radi01They made big news last week.02:53
Kasplattcoreymon77 you seem to be a wii fanboy right now .02:53
coreymon77Kasplatt: name me one good game other than ratchet02:53
Dr_Williscoreymon77 im waiting for harvest moon. :)   The wife wa playing Bowling all day yesterday., and only knocked over the tv once.02:53
coreymon77Kasplatt: not really, its just the only worthwhile system, i have a ps2 and its great02:54
coreymon77Kasplatt: once again02:54
coreymon77Kasplatt: name me one good game other than ratchet02:54
Kasplattcoreymon77.. Little Big Planet, Call of Duty 3. and lots of others.02:54
* Dr_Willis dosent even know what 'rachet' is.02:54
Radi01lol only once?02:54
KasplattRatchet and Clank..02:54
coreymon77Kasplatt: both of those are crap02:54
Kasplattcoreymon77 and why is that ?02:54
coreymon77Kasplatt: dont even know what that planet game is02:55
draikIs there an app for playing ISOs? Is there a way to mount it and put it on as an image drive?02:55
coreymon77Kasplatt: and what are these lots of others02:55
Dr_WillisI dont care much for the 3d platformers.02:55
Dr_Willis!iso | draik02:55
ubotudraik: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.02:55
draikKasplatt: Ratchet and Clank games are really good. I love their weapons02:55
Dr_Willisdraik you mount it and  access its contents is one way02:55
coreymon77Kasplatt: that is the only thing im ticked about02:55
draikThank you Dr_Willis02:55
coreymon77Kasplatt: but cot3, its just another fps02:55
coreymon77Kasplatt: little big planet, wtf is that02:55
coreymon77Kasplatt: and what are these lots of others?02:56
Dr_Willisissue i have with most of the 3d platformers - is that the darn camera always seems to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.. :)02:56
bazhang_there should be a ubuntu/kubuntu games channel02:56
Kasplattcoreymon77, I happen to like Battlefield Bad Company, Resistance: FoM, Lair, GRAW2, Def Jam Icons. and others.02:56
Dr_WillisI just perfer the Twisted Metal Car carnage fests...02:56
coreymon77Kasplatt: once again, never heard of any of them02:56
Kasplattand Kane & Lynch02:56
coreymon77Kasplatt: who and what?02:56
Kasplattcoreymon77 okay, so you say all the ps3 games suck and you don't know any of the games . you seem smart.02:57
coreymon77has anyone heard of any of these games02:57
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!02:57
MinatakuHere comes the fun police02:57
coreymon77Kasplatt: trust me, if they were any good, i would know about it02:57
MinatakuDespite that nobody needs help right now02:57
coreymon77Kasplatt: the fact that i dont means they are crao02:57
Dr_Willisive never played a ps3.. and i only got 2 games for the wii. :)02:58
coreymon77ardchoille: hes right, if someone was looking for help, different story02:58
coreymon77ardchoille: but for now, whats the big deal02:58
MinatakuMy main console is an XBos360, and I also have my beloved Dreamcast02:58
bazhang_help! linux broke my internets!02:58
MinatakuNo it didn't.02:58
MinatakuYou have been helped.02:58
MinatakuNow, back to the fun02:59
bazhang_haha all fixed02:59
Dr_WillisMinataku local used place has a oodle of Dreamcasts. :)02:59
MinatakuDr_Willis: Get one02:59
Radi01Help: bill gates just got blue screened using linux.02:59
MinatakuYou'll love it02:59
kendalltime to get samba02:59
Dr_WillisMinataku i got one  with a few games  allready.  I wanted to get the amiga emulator going on it.. but never did  :)02:59
coreymon77Kasplatt: also, the controller was the biggest failure ever, it doesnt even have a freaking rumble02:59
* Dr_Willis turns off rumble.02:59
MinatakuI've used an SNES emulator on my Dreamcast02:59
coreymon77Kasplatt: sony tried to imitate the wiimote and failed miserably02:59
draikDr_Willis: sudo umount /mnt                right? I mounted it to /mnt/02:59
Kasplattcoreymon77, if you buy the dualshock 3 you get rumble ...02:59
coreymon77Kasplatt: if you buy a seperate controller, very nice03:00
Radi01kendall: how goes it buddy.03:00
Kasplattcoreymon77, they did not , they got 3d accelerometers , which only are for motion sensing, that skiing game uses it nicely.03:00
Dr_Willisdraik you could mount it anywhere you wanted.  make the dir first.. ie mkdir /media/ISOFILE    then mount to /media/ISOFILE03:00
draikDr_Willis: I chose /mnt/03:00
MinatakuUh, the Wiimote has 3D accelerometers as well03:00
MinatakuThey also have them in the nunchuck03:01
draikDr_Willis: To unmount it, I do       sudo umount /mnt/             right?03:01
Dr_Willisdraik bingo.03:01
MinatakuVarious different tools can be used with the Wiimote, including a gun and a steering wheel03:01
KasplattMinataku and an IR camera that find out which way it's turning by looking at an IR led bar.03:01
kendallI'm learning, Radi0103:01
MinatakuAll by just sticking the Wiimote into a plastic frame03:01
coreymon77and virtual console=unlimited supply of games03:01
Dr_Willisthe Question is... can I use the Wii Remote on my Linxu box!03:01
MinatakuKasplatt: So it's bad because it does more than the PS3 controller?03:02
coreymon77bluetooth mod03:02
Dr_WillisNot seen  any info on doing that. yet. :)03:02
MinatakuI think you should take your fanboyism and toss it out the window.03:02
KasplattMinataku, I never said it was bad03:02
draikI just had a "UGH! Why won't you... oh wait, my fault" moment.03:02
MinatakuAs for the Wiimote, I believe it CAN be used for other things03:02
draikI was in /mnt/ in Yakuake and wondered why I coudn't umount03:02
coreymon77external hd :P03:02
KasplattI just said it that the ps3 controller isn't03:03
MinatakuNintendo would certainly be smart to release the specs and info on it03:03
Dr_Willishttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_ytdW6Ys2A  - wii remote on a pc.03:03
MinatakuIt would boost their sales even higher03:03
MinatakuNot that they particularly need that right now03:03
coreymon77Kasplatt: lets see the ps3 controller do that03:03
KasplattDr_Willis yay , I can connect my PS3 controller to the PC just fine.03:03
MinatakuSeeing as how the Wii can barely stay on the shelves03:03
coreymon77Kasplatt: and hmm lets see, what is the most popular and most wanted gift this year03:03
MinatakuWhereas they can't get rid of the PS3s03:03
coreymon77Kasplatt: the ps3?03:04
KasplattMinataku it's cheap as hell03:04
coreymon77Kasplatt: no, the wii!03:04
MinatakuThey're like cardboard boxes full of crap03:04
MinatakuUh, no, it's not03:04
coreymon77Kasplatt: ya, and the ps3 is way to freaking expensive03:04
MinatakuThe cheap version is $50 more than the midrange 36003:04
MinatakuIt lacks backwards compatibility03:04
Kasplattdamnit , I'm defending the ps3, not bashing ur beloved fkn wii03:04
coreymon77Kasplatt: umm, look whose talking03:04
MinatakuThe expensive version is $50 MORE than the high-end 36003:04
coreymon77and the wii is cheaper than them all03:05
MinatakuKasplatt: And we're making valid points on why the PS3 is a complete and utter failure03:05
KasplattI just ssaid that the wii is cheap as hell03:05
MinatakuThe fact that it was designed first to push their latest failure format Blu-Ray03:05
MinatakuWhich we all here HATE for obvious reasons03:05
KasplattMinataku , saying that all the games suck does not make it a bad console , since your just bashing it without any background for doing that .03:05
MinatakuI haven't said that03:06
KasplattMinataku blu-ray is great too03:06
MinatakuTypical fanboy, not even listening03:06
coreymon77what else is a console used for03:06
MinatakuOkay, now I _know_ you're an idiot03:06
coreymon77if the games are crap, what else good is the console03:06
MinatakuKasplatt: I'd definitely recommend you give up03:06
Kasplattcoreymon77 that's my point , they aren't !03:06
coreymon77Kasplatt: yes they are03:06
Kasplattyeah I'm outnumbered, wii fanboys all round me03:06
MinatakuI wasn't even aware there WERE games for the PS303:07
rafalhow to set LCD refresh rate?03:07
rafalusing KDEW03:07
MinatakuThere's, what, 5 total?03:07
MinatakuAnd they're all lame03:07
coreymon77we're not even fanboys03:07
KasplattMinataku more like 8003:07
coreymon77we're just being realistic03:07
coreymon77Kasplatt: ya, most of them ps2 games :P03:07
Minatakurafal: The refresh is typically locked on an LCD, but check the graphics settings03:07
Minatakucoreymon77: Unless you got the cheap one03:07
Kasplattcoreymon77, I'm talking about ps3 games here03:07
Kasplatt60-80 or something like that03:08
MinatakuAlso, I'm not a fanboy03:08
MinatakuI've got an XBox36003:08
MinatakuMy little brother has a 360 and a Wii03:08
* Dr_Willis is too cheap.03:08
coreymon77and i have a ps203:08
MinatakuI've also got a Dreamcast03:08
coreymon77which i really like03:08
HizzleI am trying to install alsa drivers so I can get my sound working typed make install after I complied it and got this in the terminal "install: cannot create regular file `/usr/include/sound': Permission denied" anyone know how to fix it?03:09
coreymon77and a genesis03:09
MinatakuI also play emulators of NES, SNES and Arcade games03:09
* Dr_Willis has a C64 thats inside a little Joystick03:09
MinatakuHizzle: You have to use Sudo03:09
Kasplattoh that totally doesn't make you a fanboy , fyi I got a PS1 PS2, Nintendo64 NintendoDS ... so I can't be a fanboy , can I ?03:09
Kasplattand a gameboy color !! :O!03:09
HizzleI am very new to all this is it sudo make install is what I type?03:09
MinatakuConsidering you're completely batsh*t about the PS303:09
ardchoilleIf you cannot abide by the channel rules, namely !ot, please either refrain from posting or visit another channel :)03:09
MinatakuHizzle: Correct03:09
Dr_WillisHizzle 'sudo make install' correct03:09
Minatakuardchoille: Give it a rest, wannabe03:10
PilotI installed VMware6 and need to un-install it and install 5.  Anyone know how to get rid of 5?03:10
ubotuHelp! Riddell, fdoving, Mez, stdin, jpatrick, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, Hawkwind, trappist, LjL, Jucato,  haggai, fooishbar, crimsun, seth, apokryphos, DBO, nixternal or PriceChild!03:10
rafalMinataku: no03:10
Pilotget rid of 6*03:10
* Dr_Willis goes back to reserching the wiimote under linux.03:10
MinatakuThat's for emergencies only, ardchoille03:10
Hizzleso what is sudo might I ask?03:10
KasplattI play emulators too :)03:10
MinatakuNice work on the abuse.03:10
PriceChild!offtopic | Kasplatt03:10
ubotuKasplatt: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!03:10
rafalMinataku: I can have 50 58 or 60 refresh rate... on my LCD how to set it?  in kde prefferably.. or with some application? or in xorg conf?03:10
naliothDr_Willis: we suggest 'checkinstall' instead of 'make install'03:10
hdevalenceDr_Willis: I think there's a kernel driver for it03:10
MinatakuHizzle: sudo allows one to execute commands with a higher privliege level03:10
coreymon77Hizzle: namely, as root03:11
Hizzleah ok03:11
Hizzlethank you03:11
hdevalenceDr_Willis: but you'd need to write your own software03:11
Dr_Willishdevalence aparently it is using a rather common chipset. :) its all the littel details that seem to be causing problems.03:11
Minatakuardchoille: Also, I am stopping my discussion to help when it's requested03:11
Kasplattmeh ,I'll just leave . I've heard enough of your ps3 bashing . bye :D03:11
Dr_Willishdevalence yep. Be nice for a MythTV box i think03:11
Minatakurafal: Hm... I've never done it, so I don't know, actually03:11
ubotuUbuntu 7.04 installs multimedia codecs automatically. For older versions of Ubuntu, or if you can't use the automatic installer, see https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - For multimedia applications, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications03:12
MinatakuHrm... that's not it03:12
MinatakuSay, nalioth, since you're here, do you know how to set the refresh on an LCD through KDE?03:13
MinatakuIt MIGHT be in the XOrg config, but I'm not sure at all03:13
naliothMinataku: there is no such thing.03:13
naliothLCDs don't refresh03:13
MinatakuLCDs do have a refresh03:13
=== impulsive is now known as Artemis
=== Artemis is now known as impulsive
MinatakuThey update the screen serially, one pixel at a time, ala CRTs03:14
MinatakuI know this as a fact because my graphics card sucks and I get tearing sometimes03:14
nosrednaekimMinataku: system settings->monitor and display03:17
Minatakurafal needs it, not me03:17
MinatakuI was just asking if anyone else knew because I didn't03:17
Minatakunalioth: LCDs are not, however, susceptible to flicker03:17
pteague_workany idea why i'd be getting an error trying to update to gutsy?03:17
flaccidif lcds didn't refresh, i guess it would only be good for still photos :)03:18
MinatakuSince that's an artifact of the phosphor dimming without repeated restimulation03:18
NickPrestapteague_work, which error are you getting?03:18
MinatakuPerhaps that's what you were thinking?03:18
naliothMinataku: i don't think the video configurators know anything about LCDs and refresh, because LCD refresh is not anything like CRT refresh03:18
MinatakuIt's a similar phenomenon03:19
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MinatakuThe similarity is that the screen has to be redrawn from top to bottom so many times per second03:19
pteague_worknm... think i found an issue with some of the extra items in my sources list03:20
MinatakuThe difference is the reason this has to be done (Outside the reason, of course, that both need to update what's on the screen)03:20
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=== hades is now known as Dionysus
kendallso, after I install samba, should I be able to browse the network, and if so, how, or do I need to configure it extensively?03:24
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pteague_workkendall> you on a domain or just a windows network?03:25
kendallwindows network03:25
kendallXP machines03:25
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kendallI can't even figure out how to open samba03:25
ubotusamba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT03:26
* kendall sighs03:26
MinatakuTry those links03:26
kendallthat's where I was03:26
kendallok, more reading, then03:26
MinatakuThe guides are there to help you. Don't be afraid to read them. :D03:26
Minatakuflaccid: If LCDs didn't refresh, they'd be completely useless03:27
pteague_workhmm... i can't find the computer name &/or domain/workgroup settings in my smb.conf ... then again i set those up when i set up the box's linux name & domain03:27
MinatakuThey'd never display anything03:27
flaccidfair enough03:29
Hizzletried installing the alsa packages had a few errors tried restarting and now kmix says mixer cannot be found03:29
coreymonwe like the moon03:32
Hizzledid anyone see my msg up there about mixer cant be found not sure if it went through my internet is acting screwy03:33
Radi01lcd refresh rates do not matter/ it is response time that matters.03:33
pteague_worktry reinstalling mixer &/or kmix ?03:33
kendallhowcome when I edit the samba config file, I cannot save it?03:36
ardchoillekendall: You need to edit it with admin privs (sudo/kdesudo)03:36
jhutchins!sudo | kendall03:37
ubotukendall: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.03:37
jhutchins!kdesu | kendall03:37
ubotukendall: In KDE, use « kdesudo <program> » (Gutsy) or « kdesu <program> » (Feisty and earlier) to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)03:37
kendallack! info overload!03:37
jhutchinskendall: Yeah, well, just be glad I didn't dump http://tldp.org on ya.03:38
ardchoillejhutchins: hehe03:38
nzkHow do I stop Kubuntu from reloading from a previous session?03:38
Radi01cool site03:38
DragnslcrSystem Settings -> Advanced -> Session Handling03:39
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kendallis there a way I can right-click a file and choose to open it with root priv?03:44
kendallnever mind, found it03:46
ardchoillekendall: kendall Are you using konqueror for file management?03:47
josephtry as i might, i cannot play youtube videos03:48
josephi've reinstalled all the flash pkgs, to no avail03:49
josephand i've scanned for plugins in kongueror.03:49
=== Vesta is now known as Gaea
kendallI think so, ardchoille03:50
kendallI got it, tho03:50
josephwhat should i do next to get flash to work?03:50
josephwell, homestar works :P03:51
ardchoillekendall: I wrote a nice service menu item and will share it with you if you want it. It makes editing files a little easier.03:51
kendallum, that may be a bit advanced for me yet.03:52
kendallI'll keep it in mind, tho03:52
kendallok, after I edit the samba config file, how do I go about browsing the network?  what menu is it under?03:54
=== opensourcelab is now known as opensourcelab_
ardchoillekendall: Type  samba:/  into the konqueror file manager ?03:54
ardchoillekendall: It's a kio slave, similar to apt:/ man:/ and others03:55
kendalluh.  right.  of course.03:55
kendall(remember, n00b)03:56
ardchoillekendall: Don't worry, you'll get all of this stuff :)03:56
kendallI'm trying03:56
ardchoillekendall: Our goal is to bring you out of "n00b: status03:56
theveranthi.  My user is part of the scanner group, but I still need to sudo xsane for it to see my scanner - any ideas?03:57
ardchoillekendall: Here's the service menu complete with instructions: http://ardchoille.pastebin.us/?show=m4d48d1e203:57
kendallok, thanks03:57
ibilicyou know how you use Ctrl+C to terminate a program... how would you pause it?03:59
kendallok, I'm sorry. where in the konqueror file manager do I type that?  I keep getting errors...03:59
ardchoillekendall: In the location bar04:00
kendallok, and do I need to be in the home folder?04:00
ardchoillecurrent location shouldn't matter04:00
ardchoillekendall: What is the error? Protocol not supported?04:00
kendallAn error occurred while loading locate:samba:/:04:00
kendallThe file or folder  does not exist.04:00
ardchoillekendall: Did you add a ":" to the end?04:01
ardchoilleI wonder why it's searching for samba:/04:01
ardchoilleIt seems to be doing "locate samba:/"04:02
kendallin the locate bar it shows locate:samba:/04:02
ardchoillekendall: Then I must be wrong, weird, that worked in Feisty04:02
kendallI thought I was IN feisty....04:03
ardchoilleYou are04:03
* kendall is confused....04:03
nosredna_ekimkendall: you sure your entering "samba:/" in the right bar?04:03
* ardchoille is too04:03
ardchoillenosredna_ekim: Thank you, for a minute I thought I was going crazy04:04
kendallyeah, I think so.  it isn't the "filter" bar04:04
nosredna_ekimkendall: oh <_<04:04
nosredna_ekimkendall: you can always try "network:/"and select samba from there04:05
kendallas I start to type in the locate baar, it starts trying to autocomplete by prefacing it with "http:/"04:05
ardchoillekendall: ignore that04:06
ardchoillekendall: It's doing the "http:/" in a drop down, correct?04:06
ardchoilleYeah, ignore it04:06
kendallok.  still get the error, though04:07
ardchoillekendall: Tr turning off web shortcuts for a moment: Settings > Configure Konqueror > Web Shortcuts04:08
ardchoilleI want to see if that is interferring04:08
kendallok, gimme a sec04:08
kendallok, now I get a different error-04:09
kendallProtocol not supported04:09
kendall....and for the record, it still did the dropdown thing....04:10
ardchoillekendall: Ok, that won't work, then. Try typing in  network:/ and go to samba from there04:10
ardchoillekendall: Did you install samba ?04:11
kendallProtocol not supported04:11
kendallI think so, yes04:11
ardchoillekendall: Ok, how about  system:/04:12
kendalllemme go reenable web thingy's04:12
kendallsystem works04:12
Ahmuckgood evening04:12
ardchoillekendall: Then  system:/remote  should have samba in it04:12
kendallsamba shares?04:13
ardchoilleHi Ahmuck04:13
kendallok, kool, now I can see part of the network04:13
ardchoillekendall: Sometimes given advice doesn't work because it's quite difficult to find two identical Linux boxes04:14
kendallok, now trying to access one of the computers, its asking for authentication info, (password), does that mean I still have some configuring to do in the config file (that computer doesn't use a password)04:16
BluesKajwhy does the cursor jump to the last letter in the last word in the google searchbar after an entry, it's very annoying when trying change wording in the middle of a phrase04:17
BluesKajand ids there a fix ?04:17
BluesKajkendall, if it's a windows pc , make sure the file/folder is setup to share04:19
Kr4t05Okay... I have files, albums, even, that are in my collection, but don't show up in Amarok's collection manager. o.004:19
kendallit is04:19
Kr4t05What's the deal?04:19
kendallok, here's a new question-  using konversation, is there a way to join 2 irc networks?04:20
posingaspopularkendall: yes04:21
posingaspopularthen hit irc.oftc.net or whatever you want04:21
kendallthank you, posingaspopular04:21
BluesKajkendall, have you tried using konq to browse to the windows pc by typing smb:/ in the addressbar04:21
kendallum, no.  I only booted up for the first time tonight, so I'm afraid I'm a bit behind, BluesKaj04:22
adamonline45Good evening... What should I use to manage my wireless interface?04:24
mot_can anybody explain how 'screen' works04:25
BluesKajsacktime , nite all04:25
ardchoillemot_: screen is way cool04:26
mot_i know you can hit screen and start a new screen, then hit ctrl a+d to get out04:26
mot_and then screen -x to resume04:26
mot_but i don't understand how its different from just opening another console04:26
ardchoillemot_: What do you need to know?04:26
mot_how it's different from opening a new console04:26
ardchoillemot_: If you do ctrl+alt+f1, you are just in one console, but if you use screen in that console, you can have lots of windows04:27
ardchoillemot_: I run mutt (email), irssi (irc chat), elinks (web browser), bash (shell), mc (file manager) all in one screen on tty104:27
ardchoillemot_: There are weeks that go by when I don't even use xorg04:28
mot_screen is predominantly used when not running x, yes?04:28
mot_as in, when you're only running from console04:28
ardchoilleWell, I use it in konsole in kde too04:28
t3ch13I'm getting ready to buy a new laptop and was wondering if anybody here knows how kubuntu works with the HP Pavilion DV9640 Laptop?04:35
dsmith_zareason dot com04:36
dsmith_system76 is another good place to go04:36
dsmith_buy a machine with kubuntu installed already04:36
t3ch13I need it to be a dual boot is the only thing04:37
dsmith_they can do that as well04:37
dsmith_you may have issues with the new machines04:37
dsmith_DV series is nice04:37
t3ch13I have a ZE2315 but the power connector is flaky so I need a replacment and I've pretty much decided on the DV9640 because I need a 17 inch display04:38
dsmith_eiher of the two other compnanies offer 17" screens04:39
dsmith_aye, my zd7000 powerport went bad04:39
dsmith_I went and bought (4) used hp 15" lappys from ebay04:39
dsmith_~200 each and fixed them myself04:39
dsmith_all run fine04:39
t3ch13Sad part on this one is my extended waranty expired 15 days ago lol04:40
dsmith_ahhh that sux04:40
XacarithIs there any one who knows much about Samba's 'Configure - KDE control Module'04:41
t3ch13And they wouldn't work with me. If I wasn't in collge working on my Bachelors degree I wouldn't have to worry about replacing it04:41
dsmith_when I was in Sam's club otherday04:41
dsmith_I booted Ubunt CD's on thier display models04:41
kendallardchoille: I can't seem to locate the folder to put editwith into04:48
kendallthe path you specify doesn't seem to exist04:48
kendall.unless I'm an idiot....04:48
maduserso create it04:48
kendall(highly possible)04:48
maduserum what?04:49
maduserjust use mkdir04:49
kendallnever created a folder yet.04:49
maduserdo you know unix?04:49
kendallheh, no04:49
maduserthen use dolphin04:49
kendallsee, I knew you were gonna say something that meant absolutely nothing to me....04:50
lockdI still prefer Konqueror over dolphin04:50
maduserdolphin allows open as root04:50
kendallhere's the path I need-04:50
kendallI'm in the root folder04:51
maduserthen open it as root in dolphin04:51
maduserin konqueror i needed to use the root shell to do root stuff with the files04:51
kendallwhere's dolphin?04:51
maduserdo you know what dolphin is?04:52
XacarithIs there any one who knows much about Samba's 'Configure - KDE control Module' or how to set the server string04:52
kendallI'm afraid not.04:52
maduserare you new to this?04:52
kendallI just booted kubuntu for the first time tonight, maduser04:53
kendallvery new, yes.04:53
madusernever used linux?04:53
kendalln00b, in the classic sense.04:53
maduserwell kubntu is a good starter04:53
kendallheh, good!04:53
eeangood ender too04:53
kendallanything more complicated than this would sink me!04:53
maduserso go to kmenu, system and it should be right there04:53
lockdit's good up until your a godlike expert.. I first used Gentoo. probably not the best decision04:54
madusermy first was mandriva04:54
maduserforced me to lean unix04:54
eeanCorel Linux. :P04:54
lockdactually I used Core first04:54
lockdCore, not Fedora Core or Corel04:54
eeanwhat's Core?04:54
lockdsome really obscure distro04:54
madusernow that i know unix i can use any distro04:54
kendallI don't have dolphin on my system menu.  am I broken?04:55
maduserIf you know Unix you could use any distro without major problems04:55
maduserare you using 7.1004:55
maduserthsats why04:55
eeanthen use konqueror04:55
maduserlean unix my firend:)04:55
eeankendall: but what are you trying to do?04:55
kendallok, so, creating a path in konqueror?04:56
eeanmaduser: learn to spell :P04:56
kendallI need to move a file to that path04:56
kendallbut I can't find it04:56
xyphorXacarith - I'm not familiar with the KDE interface for samba, but I use samba a lot.  What are you trying to do?04:56
maduserRandom Fortune: There are two types of Linux developers - those who can spell, and those who can't. There is a constant pitched battle between the two. -- From one of the post-1.1.54 kernel update messages posted to c.o.l.a04:57
eeankendall: well copy ~/.kde/share/apps/konqueror into the URL bar04:57
maduserthats was toatal random!!!04:57
eeanuh-huh ;)04:57
maduserperfect timing04:57
kendallThe file or folder ~/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/servicemenus does not exist.04:57
eeanthats why I said copy ~/.kde/share/apps/konqueror04:58
ninjagambitim new to linux and i have installed fedora 8 and running kde desktop Im thinking of changing to kubuntu04:58
eeanyou there?04:58
XacarithXyphor Get my computer on the network....  Well, it sorta was on it a bit, to where I could access other computers...  I left the computer idle for a bit while I was doing things, now I can't get on the network at all04:58
kendallok, yes04:58
ninjagambithow do i get rid of all fedora stuff and install kubuntu04:58
lockdninjagambit: IMHO, apt is easier than rpm04:58
lockdninjagambit: you want to keep all your ~/ files?04:58
eeankendall: you should be able to right click on a blank spot and select Create New04:59
ninjagambitI dont have any files on there exept what come with install04:59
kendallok, thanks04:59
maduserkendall are you running as root?04:59
lockdninjagambit: oh, then just use Kubuntu install disc and reformat/partition04:59
ninjagambitok thats what i needed to know04:59
eeanninjagambit: well then its really easy. just boot up with a livecd to make sure it works.05:00
eeana kubuntu livecd05:00
ninjagambitis there a bit torrent for livecd05:00
ninjagambiti couldnt find it05:00
xyphorXacarith: oh, so you're trying to browse for SMB/CIFS shares on your kubuntu box?05:01
ardchoillekendall: mkdir ~/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/servicemenus05:01
ninjagambitjust install dvd05:01
kendallI think so, maduser05:01
eeanyou don't want the install dvd05:01
xyphorXacarith: I mean from your kubuntu box?05:01
eeanunless you have crappy internet05:01
Xacarithxyphor Yes, but now i can't even find this computer, or any others on the network.05:01
kendallthx, ardchoille05:01
ardchoillekendall: yw05:01
eeanand yea, appears you can't torrent cd's05:01
kendallI think I got it now05:01
eeanI'm sure the mirrors are plenty fast05:01
maduserkendall are you trying to do somthing in a folder other then your home or desktop?05:02
ninjagambiti can get ubuntu live cd05:02
ninjagambiti think that is gnome right05:02
eeanyea you don't want that05:02
xyphorXacarith:  hmmm...never done that before.  unfortunately I don't have a samba share setup at home to test05:02
kendallum, I don't honestly know, maduser05:02
eeanhttp://www.kubuntu.org/download.php <-- just get it from one of the FTP mirrors05:02
ardchoilleninjagambit: Are you looking for this? http://www.kubuntu.com/download.php05:02
eeanmaduser: nah, kendall is just working in ~/05:02
xyphorXacarith: all my samba servers are at work05:03
kendallI believe I got it sorted though, it seems to work.05:03
ninjagambiti was looking for a torrent05:03
ninjagambitfor live cd05:03
eeanwhy o.o05:03
xyphorXacarith: have you changed anything recently?05:03
XacarithXyphor I do know my settings for somethings keep getting changed.  My workgroup for example, it keeps getting changed back to 'workgroup' as well as my my server string getting changed to something else.05:03
kendallI think I may need to rest my brain....05:04
Xacarithxyphor just a bit ago, and finally got it on the network, but I lost it again while it was just sitting here...05:04
ninjagambitill just get it from there then05:04
eeanninjagambit: pfft actually there are torrents for the livecds05:04
xyphorXacarith: hmmm...that's definitely weird....hold on a sec05:05
eeanthat one :)05:05
ninjagambiti need the 86_6405:05
eeanlook in http://ubuntu.media.mit.edu/ubuntu-releases/kubuntu/gutsy/05:05
ninjagambiti am05:05
ardchoilleninjagambit: just FYI, the 64 bit version takes quite a bit more work to get it going, from what I have seen of others in this channel.05:05
kendallmaduser, I can't reply in your pm, I'm unregistered05:06
Xacarithxyphor All I've changed though is putting things back to the defaults using the settings from another computer.  Yet things keep changing them selves  It's getting really annoying...05:06
kendallbut yes, winXP05:06
maduserdoes this channel need some backround music?05:06
theverantanyone know why I can't change colours in the Quanta+ editor?  They just reset back to default, they don't actually change when I press OK05:06
ardchoillekendall: Might be a good idea to register, this channel is a vital resource05:06
kendallno shite.05:06
ninjagambitardchoille: how so?05:07
ardchoilleninjagambit: It's just that I have seen 64bit users needing a lot more work on various things.05:07
ardchoilleflash for one05:07
xyphorXacarith: you may want to try smb4k.  It's a program I used to use a while ago that seemed pretty stable...it would automount shares and all that good stuff05:07
xyphorXacarith: again, I'm not sure what interface the stock kubuntu uses05:08
xyphorXacarith: (and I'm running in gnome at the moment)05:08
=== kendall is now known as Doood
ninjagambiton fedora 8 kde i had a nice menue editor you open it it shows all your applications then somehow it chaged to a crap interface where you couldnt see all the aplications that wasnt in your menu05:09
=== Doood is now known as Dooood
morphinehey folks, when I try to launch strigidaemon it core dumps05:09
ardchoilleninjagambit: kmenuedit ?05:09
Xacarithxyphor I could never get things set up well in gnome  Like changing security levels from user to share  Then again I've never been able to get this computer to network right....05:09
eeankmenuedit doesn't show apps now in the menu afaik05:09
ninjagambitbut i dont know what the menu edit i had before was05:09
xyphorXacarith: oh, I love KDE, I just happen in be in gnome right now.05:10
eeanninjagambit: KUbuntu has something called add/remove programs, thats kind of close to what you described05:10
xyphorXacarith: smb4k is a KDE app...it gives you a network neighborhood type interface05:10
ninjagambitnot realy05:10
ninjagambityou talking about pirut05:11
eeandunno what pirut is05:11
ninjagambitoh yeah ubuntu dosnt use that05:11
ninjagambitits like yum05:11
eeanwell ok, no I'm not ;)05:11
ninjagambitthats what add/remove programs on mine iw05:12
eeanadd/remove programs is a simple thing05:12
XacarithI've never had so much trouble networking a computer before05:12
eeanthe full install program is called Adept Manager05:12
eeanthat lists everything and its brother05:12
xyphorXacarith: when you say "networking a computer", I'm assuming you mean browsing SMB/CIFS shares, correct?05:13
ninjagambiti just want to edit the menue but i want to see programs appended to the menue and the ones that not05:13
xyphorXacarith: this samba interface thing in the KDE control panel, are you clicking the administrator mode button?05:14
xyphorXacarith: that may be why your settings aren't getting saved05:14
XacarithI've networked many computers before, many OS, sept apple  Heck, I've gotten my other linux and windows talking to each other fully.  Ya, I'm in  admin mode  Can't even change them otherwise.  They save, but it's like I make a minor change to something and things get reset.05:15
ninjagambitgot disconected05:16
Doooodok to idle here?05:16
Doooodhang out05:17
theverantGah... I have to run sudo Quanta to change the color scheme?  What gives?  Anyone know what could be up?05:17
maduserand chat?05:17
Doooodwithout talking05:17
maduserset your person as away05:18
Doooodno, just hang out05:18
maduserso no one will try and contact you05:18
=== Dooood is now known as Dooood|AFK
Dooood|AFKlike that, or is there another way?05:19
xyphorXacarith: sorry, maybe someone else here can help.  I'm not running in kde mode now, so troubleshooting blindly isn't helping either one of us.05:19
madusernever mind05:20
maduserdidn't read the channel messages05:20
Dooood|AFKso, if I set "away globally", can I change my nick back?05:20
=== Dooood|AFK is now known as Dooood
maduseryour good05:21
XacarithXyphor Well smb4k is seeing the network, but 'The list of servers could not be retrieved'  It looks like it's seeing my computer as the server as the server it couldn't connect to was the name of my computer....05:21
maduserI got a s**** load of chem homework05:21
stdinDooood: don't change your nick on away05:22
* Xacarith sighs and goes to fiddle with things05:22
theverantthis is so stupid05:22
ninjagambitok say you have an application on your system and its installed but its not in your applications menu05:22
ninjagambithow do you run the file05:22
ninjagambitI can find the file05:22
stdinadd it to the menu if you want05:23
ninjagambiti can look at all the contents but its just code05:23
maduserall apps don't always have a GUI05:23
ubotuThe graphical user interface (GUI) in Ubuntu is composed of many elements, including the !X server, a window manager, and a desktop environment such as !GNOME or !KDE (which themselves use the !GTK and !Qt toolkits respectively)05:23
maduserso type the app in a shell05:23
Dr_Willis'its just code' :) heh heh05:27
maduserlike most linux/UNIX apps05:28
Dr_Willislike most apps :)05:28
maduserthey should make ksimet compatable with neddiswrapper05:29
mikeooolol kubuntu keeps caching all the programs being installed during an upgrade05:30
mikeoooup to 4.1gb used (cached)05:30
mikeoooits like vista superfetch05:30
* mikeooo wonders if it will break 605:31
mikeooofastest upgrade ever though05:31
maduserthats linux05:32
maduserbut linux has its other problems05:32
mikeooodetects my proc speed wrong though05:34
mikeooosays its 3825.211 when its only at 3.405:34
maduserthat i don't know05:34
mikeooodon't think it matters though05:34
mikeooojust makes it sound faster than it is05:34
maduseri believe the main problem with linux is the users05:35
xyphorthe users?05:35
mikeoooi think the main problem is the hardware and software vendors not supporting it 100%05:35
maduserpeople are used to windows which makes computers so easy a retard could od it05:35
maduserin linux a retared cannot do it05:35
xyphorbut sholdn't that be the point of an OS?05:36
xyphorto make things easy05:36
stdin!ot | this is not the place to discuss this05:36
ubotuthis is not the place to discuss this: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!05:36
maduserthe simpler the OS the more problems it will have :end topic05:36
flaccidthats the stupidest thing i've heard in a while :)05:37
mikeoooheh cached physical memory seems to have leveled off at 6.8gb05:37
mikeoooduring an upgrade05:37
madusera compter that makes things simple makes choices for you05:38
maduserthat could result in problems05:38
mikeooolike gnome?05:38
stdintake it out of this channel05:38
mikeoooso when kubuntu is caching stuff to physical memory will programs open instantly?05:39
flaccidmaduser: incorrect05:39
ardchoillestdin: How did you become an ubuntu member? I need somewhere to start.05:39
flaccidyou are comparing apples to bannanas. look up UoD05:39
stdinardchoille: by helping out :)05:39
flaccidgeneralisations are not a great way of arguing something, evidence is.05:40
ardchoillestdin: Pfft, been doing that for years05:40
maduseri got evidence05:40
xyphormikeooo: linux is probably swapping out infrequently used memory05:40
stdinardchoille: you can sort out the wiki for me05:40
flaccidsomething simple has a smaller context which is different from something else you are comparing. something simple is less complex and usually have less variables..05:41
stdinmaduser, flaccid: can you take it to -offropic?05:41
* ardchoille takes a wild guess05:41
ubotuWant to become an Ubuntu member? Look at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/newmember05:41
flaccidnah no point in arguing05:41
Ahmuckis there a way to sidescroll in openoffice.org with the middle mouse button?05:42
stdinardchoille: that's not exactly a practical document05:42
ardchoillestdin: Ah, ok05:42
Dr_WillisAhmuck ya mean a 'side to side mouse wheel'  button?05:42
stdinardchoille: best thing to do is help out where you can (and hang out in -devel)05:42
Ahmuckwell, the middle mouse button allows scrolling up and down.  i was hoping to use a key and the middle mouse button to scroll side to side05:42
stdinardchoille: and ask what you can do to help :)05:43
Dr_WillisAhmuck ahh.. i thought you were refrering to those new mice that have tilt wheels.05:43
Ahmucklike a mouse modifier key05:43
* Ahmuck wishes05:43
ardchoillestdin: But I need to make the devs aware that I want to become a member, correct? Add my name to a list?05:43
Ahmuckbut the same principle05:43
Ahmuckthey make tilt wheels?05:43
stdinardchoille: yeah, you just add your name to the agenda for the next meeting05:43
ardchoillestdin: Ah, thanks05:44
Dr_WillisAhmuck yes they do.. but i hear they dont work very well under windows.. and they work even worse under linux.05:45
stdinardchoille: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Meetings05:45
Dr_WillisThey are aparentlyu done  in a bit nonstandard way.05:45
mike01upgrade was successful :D05:46
mike01using vesa driver though05:46
mike01and when it boots its a black screen all the way to the login05:46
mike01new kbfx is sweet though05:47
mike01time to switch the drivers05:48
mike01alright really weird problem...05:50
mike01when i kill kdm i lose the video signal on my monitor05:51
mike01on all terminals too the f key terminals05:51
mike01have to restart it blind to be able to see anything again05:51
Dr_Willismike01 there used to be a bug with the ati cards/drivers/ You had to enable the 'always restart X server' feature in KDM to kick it in the head when you logged out.05:53
mike01its an nvidia card 8800gt, but how do i enable that?05:53
mike01hmmm maybe if i just switch the drivers and restart x it will work05:55
xyphorAhmuck: there's currently a feature request in for tilt mouse support in OO - http://www.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=5120205:55
xyphorAhmuck: I know you're just looking for a keyboard modifier, but that feature would need to be implemented first05:56
xyphorAhmuck: and the mouse interface in KDE would need to have modifier support too05:56
xyphorAhmuck: basically, I wouldn't hold my breath ;-)05:57
LynoureDr_Willis: by ati drivers you mean fglrx and not the driver named ati (which is the open source one)?05:59
Dr_Willisactually i had issues with both. :)06:01
Dr_Willisthe 'ati'  driver - would lock up one way.. and 'fglrx' would lockup a different way.06:01
Dr_WillisMy 8800 nvidia card works very well for me.06:02
unix_infidelDr_Willis: !!06:02
Dr_Willisunix_infidel !!!...!!!06:02
LynoureDr_Willis: oh, I was lucky then :)06:03
Dr_Willisthe issue was mainly in the last release for me.. dosent see m to be a issue for me under Gutsy any more06:04
LynoureWell, there has been issues with nvidia drivers too, closed and open ones. So mileages vary.06:04
unix_infidelDr_Willis: got an 8800gt?06:04
Dr_WillisYep. I think a lot of the issues is also due to the chipsets on the MB.06:05
Dr_WillisI got an 8800gtsXXX  :) from xforce (i think)(06:05
unix_infidelloll, spending budget get a little higher?06:05
Dr_Willisof course NOW the newer 8800's are out with more ram/faster clock.. and lower cost.06:05
Dr_Willisnvidia seems to sort of be hitting their heads on a wall.. no real improvements in the 8800's it seems in a long time.. just little 'minor boosts' and so forth.06:06
Dr_WillisIt would be nice if they can get the cost a lot lower and the power needed a lot less.06:06
* unix_infidel needs to build a new box.06:07
Dr_WillisI found one on sale cheaper then i could build - during the back to school sales.. its an ok box.  it will last me till next xmas.06:08
unix_infideli found a q6600 HP box for less than 60006:08
Dr_Willisbut ALLREADY i have to tune down the video settings for games.. crysis is a dog! :)06:09
Dr_Willisunix_infidel yep. found a decent gateway here for $600 or so.06:09
Dr_Willisi couldent build an identical box that cheal.06:09
unix_infideland it came with little extras like card readers built in with a 19 inch LCD.06:10
=== pmeighen is now known as PC
Dr_WillisTrue i would of built it a little diff.. 500gb hd instead of a 400, and so forth..   and i dont care for the case.. but  so what. :)06:10
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unix_infideli still think prices will be available near december.06:11
Dr_WillisAnd ive allredy tweaked it a little. Put in an extra fan for the system - that 8800 makes the heat. :) and i found a Sata DVD burner for $29 the other day06:11
Dr_Willisthat removed the ribbon cable and helped the airflow06:11
unix_infidelahh, you bought the gateway box and suped it up?06:11
Dr_Willisjust a little. :) a $300 video card. and some fans. heh06:12
Dr_Willisin a year - the video card will be the most valueable part.06:12
unix_infidellol, thas a spensive box.06:13
Dr_WillisYep. seems i drag out the old ones.. untill a new box i get is like 10x the machine.06:14
unix_infidelDr_Willis: yea i have it pretty bad.06:15
unix_infidelmy p4's mobo is gone :-)06:15
Ahmuckxyphor: thx for the info06:17
mikeo1it works!!!!!!!!06:19
mikeo1got compiz fusion running with my 8800gt06:19
Ahmuckit strikes me odd this has never been implemented.  it was a natural thing for me to look for side scrolling middle mouse modifier06:19
mikeo1and the latest nvidia beta drivers 169. something06:19
mikeo1now need to get dual monitors working\06:19
Dr_WillisAhmuck its sort of a feature that often is more of a annoyance then a feature. :)06:20
Dr_WillisAhmuck the side-scrolling mice ive used are ALWAYS soo touchy - i side scroll when i dont want to.06:21
=== Ryiel_ is now known as Ryiel
AhmuckDr_Willis: it doesn't have to be side scrolling in the button,  an up/down scroll on the mouse with a keyboard modifier would work as well06:21
Ahmuckand scrolling with the mouse button is slower than the arrow keys06:21
Dr_WillisAhmuck heh.. imup to my neck in keyboard modifiers with compiz and all its 1000000+ features. :P06:22
Dr_WillisAhmuck of course with my 2  wide screen monitors  - i rarely need to scroll sideways. :)06:24
sn00zerhello all, earlier i had openoffice crash on me which in turn crashed x and had to ctrl+alt+backspace to restart x, now openoffice won't open, the splash screen pops up but the blue progress bar doesn't move at all and the program isn't listed in top, running in terminal yields the same results, any ideas?06:38
sub[t]rnlwhen you run it in a terminal, do you see any gripes from the program?06:39
sub[t]rnlor does it just hang06:39
sn00zerinvalid/uninitialized input device 169 but i've always seen that when i run just about any gui through the terminal06:40
sub[t]rnlodd, might have to re install it06:41
sub[t]rnlif nothing else works06:41
sn00zershouldn't there be a crash log somewhere with more info?06:42
NickPresta!baddevice | sn00zer06:42
ubotusn00zer: If you are receiving an error similar to "X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168", it can be safely ignored. If you want to get rid of the error messages then please visit this page: http://seerofsouls.com/wiki/How-Tos/BadDeviceErrors06:42
sub[t]rnli would just re-install open office06:42
sn00zerok, thanks06:43
sub[t]rnland comment out some of the input devices in your xorg.conf to get rid of those error messages06:43
sub[t]rnllike nickpresta directed06:43
kalorinok monitoring is turned off06:50
kalorinthat's enough of that06:50
kalorinany idea's about what's going on?06:50
flaccidwith what kalorin06:51
kalorinsorry wrong channel06:51
kaloringot a database down06:51
kaloringetting to where I'm not really enjoying having a SAN anymore06:51
kalorinabout 30 minutes ago, the filesystem the database was running off of just decided to be read only06:51
flaccidsend it to me then if you wanna get rid of it06:51
* kalorin shrugs helplessly06:51
flaccidwhat OS ?06:51
kalorinoh this is more about redhat EL3 and old drivers I suspect than anything06:52
kalorinbeen trying to get off this box for a while06:52
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Paddy_EIREhey guys anyone here running feisty's kde with bery?06:58
Paddy_EIREpress shift+backspace if you are06:58
Paddy_EIREthen tell me what happens06:58
kirtanHow to Switch back to KDE default theme from Copiz Fusion07:00
stdinkirtan: press Alt-F2 and put in "kwin --replace"07:01
flaccidhows your qt apps going stdin?07:02
kirtanthanks a lot stdin . :)07:02
kirtanthanks you so much07:03
stdinflaccid: it's on hold :p I'm working on getting PyKDE4 packaged and getting a svn version of KDE4 packaged. it's keeping me busy07:03
flaccidsounds like work07:03
flaccidmaduser is trying to hack me its funny07:04
stdinhack you?07:04
Paddy_EIREwith an icepick07:05
flaccidum my ip07:07
flaccidstill waiting for security breach lol07:07
stdinso get a cloak ;)07:07
flaccidi don't need a cloak07:07
flaccidi need some party balloons07:07
flaccidscript kiddies..07:07
stdinI need sleep, doesn't mean I'm going to get it :p07:08
muimota___hi I need help wit my computer!07:09
flaccidok sure07:09
muimota___it doesn't boot anymore without recoverymove07:09
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muimota___I don't find any info07:10
muimota___and I am unable to diagnose the problem07:10
opensourcelabhelo der07:11
opensourcelabjawa kw07:11
Lynouremuimota___: You could start by telling the channel exactly what happens, with error messages, if any.07:12
opensourcelabanyone 2 caht07:14
opensourcelabmga pota kamo07:14
devilsxragei need some help07:40
devilsxrageim only use to the mIRC interface for windows this is all new to me im trying to connect to the bungie irc server07:40
maverick_back then when i use to use windows i always moved my "My Documetns" folder which had all my settings and stuff to be saved in another partiton rather than the system's cause i aways formatted it a lot...can i move my Home folder to an ntfs mounted partition, this will cause trouble i know bt is there and alternative that would do the same job rather than BACKING UP evry now and then, cause i always forget to backup07:41
posingaspopularmaverick_: i think /home is ext3 but im not sure07:42
posingaspopularbut backing up your /home is relatively easy, so it shouldn't be a problem.07:43
=== ben_ is now known as GerrySly
GerrySlyyo, having some problems with amarok and mp3 support07:48
GerrySlywhen I try to play an mp3 it updates the codecs etc. then says completed, then it says restart amarok, I quit then open up again and it repeats the same thing07:49
GerrySlyamarok, fresh install of kubuntu 7.1007:49
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posingaspopularGerrySly: i had the same issue.07:59
posingaspopularhow to fix....07:59
posingaspopularGerrySly: look at this page and see if you can find a fix https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/1798108:00
posingaspopularit's been so long since I fixed the problem08:00
posingaspopularor it feels like it08:00
GerrySlyalright I'll try it out now08:02
GerrySlythanks posingaspopular, that got me to another stage of my problem, I can move forward :)08:10
posingaspopulardoes it work?08:12
GerrySlynope, but now it is spitting out the message, Audio output unavailable; the device is busy.08:12
posingaspopularxine output?08:12
posingaspopularthat error?08:12
posingaspopularah i was in the middle of trying to fix that the other day when I dropped my speaker, which hit my power strip, landed on top of the power strip and caused me to reboot my computer08:13
posingaspopularand when I booted it back it up, it was working, and it hasn't stopped working since08:13
GerrySlythat's gold08:13
posingaspopularim not sure what the exact fix is, but that's my workaround08:14
GerrySlyheh I might try a reboot08:14
GerrySlybe right back08:14
posingaspopulartry just logging in and out08:14
DarkLegacyKubuntu rocks08:21
fildohey can i run the nvidia-glx pkg on gutsy compared to nvidia-glx-new08:31
kaankeehi can anyone plz help me on how to set environment variables in kubuntu linux08:32
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squarebottleI turned my computer on, and now there's no sound. How can I manually start the sound server?08:32
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flaccidfildo: i believe so08:33
flaccidremove and purge the package08:33
fildoflaccid: i think thats a negative08:33
flaccidthen install nvidia-glx08:33
flaccid!info nvidia-glx08:33
ubotunvidia-glx: NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org driver. In component restricted, is optional. Version 1:1.0.9639+ (gutsy), package size 4387 kB, installed size 13352 kB08:33
ardchoillefildo: yes, you can. I am running it on 11 boxes here08:33
flaccidits available sir08:33
squarebottleDoes anybody know how to start the arts sound server?08:33
ardchoillekaankee: Put the variables in ~/.bashrc08:34
fildook rebootus08:35
ardchoilleNo need to reboot08:35
ardchoilleToo late08:35
flaccidwell i disagree08:35
flaccidbut yeah08:35
ardchoilleReboot for a graphics driver install? Not needed08:35
flaccidi've needed to reboot to get glx libs refreshed in past08:35
flaccidno idea why..08:36
ardchoilleYou only need to restart xorg: sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart08:36
flaccidthats what i thought08:36
flaccidi've only needed to do this on ubuntu but08:36
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=== ce_maniezz is now known as hery
ardchoilleThat's the proper way, if it doesn't work, then you've done something wrong.08:37
squarebottleardchoille: You wouldn't happen to know how I'd start the aRTs sound server thing, would you?08:37
flaccidi wouldn't say that at all. i know what im doing08:37
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ardchoillesquarebottle: No, sorry, I don't use sound. Mine probably doesn't even work.08:37
ardchoilleflaccid: ok08:37
fildoflaccid: negatory,08:38
fildousing the glx driver also dose the same thing as nvidia-glx-new .. lets you login, and crashes and throws me back to login screen08:38
ardchoillefildo: Anything interesting in ~/.xsession-errors ?08:39
fildoill check08:39
flaccidfildo: have you checked that you are using the right driver for your video card. just because it crashes doesn't conclude anything..08:40
flaccidif both drivers are crashing then the problem is likely something else08:40
ariel   $ /usr/bin/artsd -F 11 -S 4096 -a alsa -d -b 16 -s 10 -m artsmessage -c drkonqi -l 3 -f08:40
fildobrb dinner08:41
fildothen ill attack this prob08:41
kaankeei am not able to find  ~/.bashrc file in kubuntu linux... may i know where it can be found08:50
luisbg_I know it is a strange question but I must contact him for some Ubuntu related stuff... who is the project lead of Kubuntu?09:00
kaankeewhere can i find  ~/.bashrc file??? is present by default or should we create it???09:00
stdinkaankee: that should be there by default09:01
stdinluisbg_: head in to #kubuntu-devel09:01
luisbg_stdin, thanks09:01
phpcodehow can i get the stats (down-/up-load) on my kubuntu? (possible?)09:12
stdinphpcode: install something like knetload09:14
GerrySlycould somebody help me out, I changed the sound on amarok to 5.1 but now it doesn't play at all, I went to change it back and there is no options at all, it's a clear combo box09:14
phpcodestdin: ok, thx =D09:15
posingaspopularGerrySly: back again?09:22
posingaspopularhow do you change the sound09:23
GerrySlyyeah back again :)09:23
posingaspopularGerrySly: check alsamixer in konsole and see what you see in there09:23
GerrySlyalsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device09:24
GerrySlyhmm that's awkward09:24
posingaspopularwait, alsa didn't open?09:29
GerrySlydidn't look like it, I am trying something now09:30
GerrySlyposingaspopular: how would I permanently mount a windows filesystem?09:42
GerrySlyeverytime I restart my comp it unmounts the system09:42
GerrySlyI used mount /dev/sdb5 /media/windows -t ntfs09:43
llutzGerrySly: add a line to /etc/fstab09:43
GerrySlyok cheers09:43
posingaspopularah yea llutz got it for me09:47
posingaspopularGerrySly: figure out that audio yet?09:49
GerrySlyno not yet09:50
Housethis is getting on my nerves its been weeks i just feel talking about it in public09:54
Housei cant install themes. i get errors tell me if im doing this wrong . i download file then open Kcontrol and try to install a theme . and how the hell can u install akicker aswel :/ why they dont put a guide man in kde-look they give the products with no guide wt09:56
habdelHouse: Is theme you are trying to install an archive ?09:59
habdelHouse: and you are trying to install style theme, isn't ?09:59
Housei want to change this default look man , its good the look but i want it to be slicker09:59
posingaspopularHouse: which release?09:59
Housei have kubuntu gutsy09:59
Housei just want to change this panel the color the look and the kicker ( K ) and how it looks inside when you press it ... also icons and fonts :S10:00
Houseam i asking alot :(10:00
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy10:00
ubotuTo change gnome themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy.  Kubuntu themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu. Xubuntu users should /msg ubotu xfce-themes10:00
llutzhouse ^^10:01
Houseyes i just downloaded about 8 themes to tesst non can be installed10:01
llutzHouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu10:01
habdelHouse: Themes in kde have to be either compiled or installed using apt10:01
habdelHouse: but icons, or fonts can be easily changed10:01
Housewhy isnt just double click10:02
Houseor a program called Theme-installer why not make such thing for KDE10:02
llutzHouse: feel free to code such app10:02
habdelHouse: different theories :p .. however, you can find kubuntu packages very easily on the internet10:02
Housei thought Kubuntu shouldbe easier then Ubuntu , btw with ubuntu installing themse is very easy drag and release and its done10:02
Housewhat do you mean by compile?10:03
llutzkubuntu uses KDE instead of Gnome, why should it be easier? it's just different10:03
Houseshould i extract the folder to somewere like .theme folder in home ? or osmething10:03
Housethen it will locate it > so things are done manually o_0 ?10:03
kitehello, everyone10:03
habdelHouse: no, it is source code written in c++ and you have to compile it then install it10:03
Houseil be damned this is KDE or HAR(DE)10:04
habdelHouse: hehe, tell me which theme you are interested in ! maybe I can help you with that10:04
Pilot_Pilot: please stop using my nickname, you are still keeping doing so for about 6 months10:04
kitewho know how to enable 3d support for ati mobile 750010:04
House=p vista10:04
Pilot_Pilot: do something useful instead10:04
llutzPilot_: ghost him10:05
habdelHouse: can you write down the link ?10:05
Housewell its because this computer is for house and my family wants vista i dont want them to buy it i told them i can do it :)10:05
=== Pilot_ is now known as Pilot
Housesure habdel10:05
* Pilot . o O (burn in hell)10:06
Housebtw habdel do i need superkaramba?10:07
Housethis is the link http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/Vista+makeover?content=4343010:08
habdelHouse: no need unless you want some gadgets on your desktop10:08
habdelHouse: ok then let's do it step by step, are you with me !10:11
habdelHouse: first install kde-style-polyester using synaptic , or directly using command line "sudo apt -get install kde-style-polyester"10:12
habdelHouse: now go to systemsettings or kcontrol => appearance => Style10:13
GerrySlyposingaspopular: it seems that my sound is trying to go through my television card10:13
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habdelHouse: Polyester widget style from the drop down list10:14
tommy`hello guys, I've problem with KDE, I can't add sound control on my tray applet10:15
habdelHouse: if you want colored menu bar then you have to configure it, do you want that !10:15
Housei want my desktop to be like this http://www.kde-look.org/CONTENT/content-m3/m43430-3.png10:16
habdelHouse: ok then, press the configure button on the right then select the following settings . General => Button Style: Glass button, Advance => menubar emphasis => custom color : "color youwant"10:18
Housebut my important is the Panel down it looks terrible :S10:21
tommy`habdel: can you help me with kmix please?10:22
habdelHouse: that's an easy issue, just right click on the panel => appearance => Enable background image10:23
posingaspopularGerrySly: wow10:23
habdeltommy`: what exactly are trying to add ?10:23
posingaspopularhead desk right? i've never seen that, but try device manager and see if you can fix it in there10:23
tommy`habdel: nothing particular, but after I restar my session, the Kmix icon disappear10:24
posingaspopularkmenu->system-> Kubuntu device manager10:24
habdeltommy`: if you try to run again, does it run ?10:24
habdeltommy`: I mean if your run kmix does it appear in your system tray ?10:25
GerrySlyhmm I don't have a device manager, just Device Database10:25
tommy`habdel: yes, if I run, it appears,, but If I reboot it doesnt' on my tray10:26
posingaspopularah device database is the one you want10:27
GerrySlyyeah I went into that and it just went through, the test sound didn't play and it then sent some data to a server and shutdown10:28
habdeltommy`: ok then you need to add to the autostart applications either by creating ~/.kde/Autostart/kmix.desktop or my by saving your current session10:28
Houseim using emerald theme its easy to dothat habdel10:28
Housebut the X maximize and minimize appear very very small10:28
habdelHouse: it depends on the theme you are using, some you can configure10:29
posingaspopularhmm that's not it GerrySly10:29
tommy`habdel: how can I saving my session?10:29
posingaspopularsystem settings->sound system10:29
posingaspopulartab over to hardware10:29
GerrySlythe audio device is Auto Detect10:30
posingaspopularthere should be a dropbox10:31
posingaspopularsee if that you can change and detect10:31
habdeltommy`: go to system settings => Advanced => session Manager10:31
GerrySlywhich audio device, none of them sound right10:31
posingaspopularor you might have to override the device location10:31
GerrySlydo I set it to the asounds.conf file I created?10:31
posingaspopularhmm i duno10:32
habdeltommy`: from the list of On login select your desired behavior10:32
posingaspopularwe're getting about my skill set here10:32
posingaspopularGerrySly: you can try popping into the ubuntustudio chan and asking in there10:32
GerrySlyheh ok thanks anyway10:32
posingaspopularthey are prob. a million times better at this stuff than i am10:32
GerrySlythey'll help even through I'm using kubuntu?10:33
posingaspopularyea of course10:33
posingaspopularif it's an audio device, it's most likely a kernel issue anyway10:34
tommy`habdel: I haven't that10:34
habdeltommy`: ok then let's try the other approach, copy "/usr/share/applications/kde/kmix.desktop" to your ~/.kde/Autostart/ folder10:37
GerrySlywhat was that command you told me to use posingaspopular?10:37
GerrySlyto check the sound card ?10:37
tommy`habdel: I'ce copied that10:39
posingaspopularlspci ?10:39
Houseomg :( habdel10:39
Housemy computer is small now like an ant10:39
habdeltommy`: you can try it out rightnow, just logout then log in again .. no need to restart the system10:39
tommy`I try to restart my session10:40
habdelHouse: hehe, what have you done  !10:40
posingaspopularalsamixer ?10:40
Housethe minmize maximize close is small my firefox also10:40
Housei dont remember10:40
habdelHouse: do you mean the buttons are small, or fonts ? or the resolution !10:41
Housethe buttons10:41
Housemy firefox the tabs look small also10:41
Housefile edit view is small also10:41
Housethe address bar is small the font also10:42
Housebtw the panel change the background isnt enough , i want to change the whole look of it and the kicker aswell10:42
habdelHouse: Those are gnome-settings related, have you run any gnome application10:42
tommy`habdel: ok works10:43
habdelHouse: if you mean the menu, then you need to install kbfx using synaptics10:43
habdeltommy`:  glad to hear that ! enjoy10:43
tommy`habdel: I've another question, why after reboot many application open on my KDE?10:44
habdeltommy`:  It seems that you have a saved session which reloads every time you log in10:45
tommy`habdel: can I delete it?10:45
habdeltommy`: first, is the set of application the same  or does it change depending on what you had on the previous session10:46
tommy`habdel: I don't understand sorry10:47
habdeltommy`: ok .. the applications that start with kde, are they always the same everytime you log in ?10:48
tommy`habdel: mmm on depends.... yesterday I've many "Ksudo" today Konversation, amarok, and damn skype10:49
=== carles is now known as carles_
habdeltommy`: I see, so kde stores you previous session on the next log in10:49
habdeltommy`:  what you need is to modify the settings of the session manager ! do you have kcontrol10:50
tommy`habdel: I've check "start a new session" on Kcontrol (I mean, because my KDE language is not english)10:53
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP310:54
habdeltommy`:  it should mean something close to "start empty session "10:54
posingaspopularamarok can't take organize my songs, but it can transfer them to ipod... great10:54
tommy`habdel: yes, I've checked that10:55
habdeltommy`:  try it out ! log in and log out10:55
* posingaspopular heads off and hopes #kubuntu doesn't get too busy10:55
tommy`habdel: ok I try immediately10:56
tommy`habdel: damn :( kmix icon disappear10:57
habdeltommy`: hehe, but the rest of applications are gone, aren't they?10:58
tommy`habdel: yes habdel10:58
habdeltommy`: check if kmix.desktop is still under ~/.kde/Autostart/10:58
tommy`habdel: my god, neither yakuake works now :(10:59
habdeltommy`: that what empty session means. However, you can tell kde to start them for you if you placed them under .kde/Autostart11:00
tommy`habdel: ../Autostart is empty11:01
rolandcan somebody to help me11:01
habdeltommy`: I mean ~/.kde/Autostart ? is it empty11:01
rolandi have problem with my kubuntu11:01
rolandmy ram usage is 94%, but my swap is 14-15% used11:02
habdeltommy`: ok, which applications you want to start on your log in ? yakuake, kmix and others ?11:02
tommy`habdel: yes11:02
rolandsorry for my english :S11:02
SSJ_GZroland: What is the problem?11:03
rolandSSJ_GZ: my ram usage is 94%, but my swap is 14-15% used11:03
rolandit is verry slow11:03
tommy`habdel: yakuake and kmix are suff11:03
SSJ_GZroland: I mean, I don't unerstand why this is a problem :)11:03
habdeltommy`: ok, do the following in konsole .  "cp /usr/share/applications/kde/kmix.desktop ~/.kde/Autostart"11:04
=== meduxa is now known as toscalix
rolandSSJ_GZ: my pc: p4 1.7, 256mb ddr ram11:04
habdeltommy`: also "cp /usr/share/applications/kde/yakuake.desktop ~/.kde/Autostart/11:05
tommy`habdel: ok, I try to restart?11:05
habdeltommy`: now you should have two files under ~/.kde/Autostart/, kmix.desktop and yakuake.desktop11:05
rolandwhen i start many aplications in one time, my pc is going to die... :S11:05
rolandfor example: xmms player, firefox11:06
kprWow..ancient piece of crud then, ain't it?11:06
tommy`habdel: yes I've them11:06
habdeltommy`: ok, try it out11:06
tommy`I restart session11:06
habdelroland: KDE is a little too much for 256MB of RAM, maybe you should try xfce11:11
habdelroland: or try to get red of firefox and use konqueror instead !11:11
rolandthen i should try this? sudo apt-get install xfce?11:11
tommy`habdel: ok now works all11:12
habdelroland: in theory yes11:12
habdeltommy`: good ;)11:12
tommy`habdel: thanks my sensei11:12
habdeltommy`: hehe, welcome naruto :p11:12
tommy`habdel: hhaahahahha11:13
rolandthx, i will try it....11:13
tommy`habdel: what's your favourite website for kde styling? kde-look.org?11:13
habdelroland: good luck :D11:14
habdeltommy`: yep, it is the best for kde. However, sometimes I compile from sources11:14
tommy`habdel: I'm looking for a good style, so you have something prefered?11:17
habdeltommy`: yep. domino style with edge configuration11:18
* habdel "looking for the style link"11:18
habdeltommy`: this is the link http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Edge?content=6738311:19
habdeltommy`: and this is a screenshot of my desktop http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Edgy+Edge+?content=6807511:19
tommy`habdel: very good!!11:20
tommy`habdel:  I try to add those styles11:22
habdeltommy`: good luck, you will need it ;)11:23
=== _buz is now known as buz
=== eduardiyo is now known as Eduardiyo
=== tommy` is now known as tommy
=== tommy is now known as tommy``
=== desti_T2 is now known as desti
SatManUKwhat program do you recomend for opening .daa archives? (it seems to be some kind of DVD Avi Archive11:47
NeoxeekhrobeGuys, I have enabled mouse keys(CTRL+SHIFT+NUMLOCK), how can I speed up move movement. Its very slow?11:55
Neoxeekhrobemouse movement, that is.11:57
gideon_hello ;)12:14
=== ubuntu_ is now known as GradeFPoultry
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about linux-swap - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:21
GradeFPoultry!qtparted error12:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about qtparted error - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:21
SatManUKGradeFPoultry: wassup?12:21
GradeFPoultryHeh, nothing.12:21
GradeFPoultryJust new to Linux and trying to repartition...12:22
GradeFPoultryNot working out...12:22
SatManUKuse auto repartition12:23
SatManUKit works better than manual12:23
GradeFPoultryAh, but I want to keep my Windows XP files.12:23
SatManUKthats why i said use auto repartition it shrinks windows12:26
GradeFPoultryWoops >_>12:26
GradeFPoultryOh really?12:26
SatManUKto make the partition12:26
SatManUKare you installing debian or kubunu?12:26
SatManUKif your installing Kubuntu from the livd cd it should solve your problems.12:27
GradeFPoultryI'm running Kubuntu right now, but I'd like to end up in Debian.12:27
GradeFPoultryI just have the Kubuntu .iso burned to a DVDR.12:28
ActionParsniphi all12:28
GradeFPoultryMOTD [<server>]12:32
ubuntu_Okay, I'm using the auto partition.12:43
=== ubuntu_ is now known as GradeFPoultry
GradeFPoultryIt's taking a long ass time.12:43
GradeFPoultry0% =|12:43
=== _czessi is now known as Czessi
ActionParsnipGradeFPoultry: how big is your drive?12:45
GradeFPoultry230 Gigs.12:45
ActionParsnipGradeFPoultry: yep thats a fair chunk to format12:46
ActionParsnipGradeFPoultry: is it SATA or PATA?12:47
lovredoes any1 know how to fix the tray icon problem? my icons that are supposed be in tray often float around on desktop...12:48
GradeFPoultryMy progress bar is still at 0%...should I be concerned?12:51
ActionParsnipGradeFPoultry: you on a desktop or laptop?12:51
GradeFPoultryEh, should I be typing ActionParsnip: before everything I say to you?12:51
ActionParsnipGradeFPoultry: it just makes it highlight but isnt essential12:52
ActionParsnipGradeFPoultry: use tab to autocomplete the name too12:52
ActionParsnipGradeFPoultry: is your hard drive light flashing / on?12:52
GradeFPoultryOh...apparantly it finished o_O12:54
GradeFPoultryWho am I? =D12:54
ActionParsnipGradeFPoultry: yeah type your name in and stuff like that, you are creating a user12:59
GradeFPoultryI know.12:59
ActionParsnipGradeFPoultry: all good so far?13:00
ActionParsnipGradeFPoultry: do you have a wireless NIC in this system?13:00
ActionParsnipGradeFPoultry: cool13:00
GradeFPoultryWhat's an easy way to transfer my windows files over to Kubuntu? Online file storage?13:01
ActionParsnipGradeFPoultry: if you are on the same network you can simply share the folder on the Windows system and access them from your KUbuntu box :D13:02
GradeFPoultryOh, yay =D13:03
=== ubuntu_ is now known as Smorg
GradeFPoultryKopete always crashes when I try to connect to MSN :'(13:08
GradeFPoultryI guess I'll get Pidgin.13:08
ActionParsnipGradeFPoultry: if youonly use msn try aMSN13:09
GradeFPoultryNah, I use AIM/MSN/Yahoo.13:09
ActionParsnipGradeFPoultry: then pidgin is definitely the way13:10
GradeFPoultryTime to reboot.13:10
GradeFPoultryHopefully all my XP files are still there.13:10
GradeFPoultrySee everyone in a mo'.13:11
Gast174Wie und wo kann man einstellen, dass sich der Benutzer automatisch anmeldet?13:22
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de13:22
gsuveghow can i enable automount within kde ?13:35
gsuvegif i plug a cd i would like mount cd if i plug it in13:35
sebby2 all13:45
sebbyi have a question , i`m tryind to install wine on my kubuntu and fails and in past worked with "sudo apt get install wine13:47
sebbyannyone knows why>13:47
bentob0xanyway to bring back Konqueror as filemanager istead of Dull-phin?13:48
stdin!dolphin | bentob0x13:48
ubotubentob0x: Dolphin, or more properly D3lphin, is the new default file manager for Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon. If you would like to make Konqueror your default file manager again, go to Konqueror - Settings menu - Configure Konqueror - File Associations and change the association for inode/directory and inode/system_directory to Konqueror at the top rather than Dolphin.13:48
bentob0xthx stdin13:49
bentob0xjust bring back the side tree view in Dolphin and it might cut it13:49
Whiteheathi - how do you stop the one click opeining of files in konqueror - used to be an option in konq config - cant find it anymore13:54
sebbyi have a question , i`m trying to install wine on my kubuntu and fails and in past worked with "sudo apt get install wine13:55
sebbyannyone knows why>13:55
stdinWhiteheat: system settings > keyboard & mouse > mouse13:56
geniisebby: Make sure universe repository is enabled13:57
=== oobe_ is now known as oobe
sebbyin sources.list?13:57
Whiteheatstdin - in konq or linux?13:57
stdinWhiteheat: in system settings, from the KMenu13:57
geniisebby: Yes, or in adept or other package manager you may use13:58
Whiteheatstdin - found it - thanks mate - that did the trick!13:58
sebbyi have there 2 or 3 lines saying main restricted14:00
sebbyrest of them r modified by me i added to universe multiverse14:01
geniisebby: Does  sudo apt-get update      work?14:02
sebbyi  think i found the problem14:04
sebbyi`ve uncommeted the lines with main restricted and i think that`s why14:05
sebbyW: GPG error: http://wine.budgetdedicated.com etch Release: Următoarele semnături n-au putut fi verificate datorită cheii publice care este indisponibilă: NO_PUBKEY 58403026387EE26314:06
sebbyW: Aţi putea vrea să porniţi 'apt-get update' pentru a corecta aceste probleme.14:06
sebbynow what can i do14:07
stdinsebby: "wget -q http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/387EE263.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add - "14:07
* genii hands stdin a coffee14:08
sebbyi`ve did that but it`s the same14:08
stdinI've probably had enough by now, but i'll still drink it14:08
sebbyoot@und3rground:~# wget -q http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/387EE263.gpg -O-14:10
sebby | sudo apt-key add -14:10
sebbyroot@und3rground:~# sudo apt-get install wine14:10
sebbyitire liste de pachete... Terminat14:10
sebbySe construieşte arborele de dependenţă... Terminat14:10
sebbyUnele pachete n-au putut fi instalate. Aceasta ar putea însemna că aţi cerut14:10
sebbyo situaţie imposibilă sau că folosiţi distribuţia instabilă în care unele pachet                                                              e14:10
sebbyUrmătoarele pachete au dependenţe neîndeplinite:14:10
sebby  wine: Depinde: libasound2 (> 1.0.12) dar 1.0.10-2ubuntu4 este pe cale de a fi                                                               instalat14:10
stdin!paste | sebby14:11
ubotusebby: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)14:11
sebbyi says that some of the packets couldn`t be installed...14:12
stdinsebby: what version of kubuntu do you have?14:12
sebbyi don`t know14:12
ubotuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell14:12
sebbyNo LSB modules are available.14:14
sebbyDistributor ID: Ubuntu14:14
sebbyDescription:    Ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS14:14
sebbyRelease:        6.0614:14
sebbyCodename:       dapper14:14
stdinwill you please use the pastebin...14:14
stdinwhat wine repository do you have in your sources.list?14:14
sebbyi`ve didn`t writed one14:15
sebbybecause i don`t know14:15
stdinwell you definitely do have one, either in /etc/apt/sources.list or /etc/apt/sources.list.d/winehq.list14:15
sebbyi have a /etc/apt/sources.list14:16
sebbybut i didn`t filled in a website how i`ve did in past14:16
stdinsebby: look for one starting with "deb http://wine.budgetdedicated.com"14:18
sebbyin sources.list14:19
* genii pops in from work to sip a coffee14:20
geniiI think etch <> dapper14:20
stdinthere is a dapper repo, but it looks like he's using another14:21
sebbyi don`t have one14:21
niteshhello everyone14:21
stdinsebby: you do, there is a http://wine.budgetdedicated.com etch one somewhere14:22
stdinsebby: if not in /etc/apt/sources.list then in /etc/apt/sources.list.d14:22
sebbyin sources.list.d it is a winhq14:23
m477how check what graphic driver i have ???14:23
boguhis there a kde style that looks like the gnome desktop shipped with ubuntu? i mean background and colors?14:24
JackWinterwhich channel do i go to for x support in kubuntu?14:24
sebbyeb http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt etch main #WineHQ - Debian 4.0 "Etch"14:24
sebbydeb-src http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt etch main #WineHQ - Debian 4.0 "Etch"14:24
m477how check what graphic driver i have ???14:24
stdinsebby: try doing "sudo wget http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/sources.list.d/dapper.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/winehq.list" then14:25
m477try  #wine for more help14:25
=== osman47 is now known as sule74
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de14:27
JackWinterwhat is the right channel for x-free support?14:29
boguh #xorg?14:29
sule74what desktop programm do u use?(all are meant)14:31
JackWinterlooks like it might be #xorg indeed.  thanks!14:32
=== velho is now known as ciperlone
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs14:39
smookerPC1hi ppls :)14:40
smookerPC1wow   LjL takes channel operator privileges from LjL14:41
=== eduardiyo is now known as Eduardiyo
GerrySlycould somebody help me out with emerald theme manager, trying to install this http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/my+actual+gentoo+desktop+?content=69641 and I can only get up to the Open Emerald theme manager step then it won't change the theme by clicking on it after importing it14:43
=== marcel__ is now known as marcel
oobedoes anyone know  why my crontab may not be working14:45
sivajiplease someone help me my system can detect dvd disk14:47
sivajiplease someone help me my system cant* detect dvd disk14:47
oobewhat do you mean you cant mount you dvd?14:48
oobeor you wanna play a dvd movie14:48
sivajioobe i am unable to mount14:48
oobedid you try mounting as root?14:49
sivajioobe yes14:49
oobehave you checked your fstab14:49
sivajioobe nope14:49
oobethis is my fstab line "/dev/hda        /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec 0       0"14:50
oobeit works fine for me14:50
sivajioobe ya its there14:50
oobe/dev/hda is my drive your may be different14:51
ubuntu_chuj wam evberyone14:51
bucatoamanohello i have a problem installing kommander plugin =(14:51
sivajioobe http://pastebin.com/f5592a23f14:52
sivajioobe cdrom works fine in my system14:52
oobeoh on the same drive14:53
sivajioobe what14:53
oobewait a minute are you trying to mount data dvd's or dvd movies14:53
BluesKajbucatoamano, kommander plugin?14:53
sivajioobe dvd data contain data files written in windows XP14:54
oobeand you can mount cd's ok on the same drive?14:54
bucatoamanoBluesKaj: here http://kommander.kdewebdev.org/releases.php#plugins14:54
BluesKajbucatoamano, it doesn't seem to be in the repos , altho I have kommander editor installed and it's in the k-menu Development Listing14:55
sivajioobe what do you mean ? whats wrong with my system ? what i need to do ?14:55
bucatoamanoBluesKaj: no there isn t in the repos14:56
=== sivaji is now known as ksivaji
BluesKajbucatoamano, kommander itself is listed in the repos, if you have all the debs enabled  in adept14:57
bucatoamanoBluesKaj: i have installed kommader =)14:57
ksivajioobe are you there ?14:57
oobeyeah sorry14:58
oobewas AFK14:58
bucatoamanoBluesKaj: but i would like install plugin, but plugins are not in the repos so....now i am trying to compile them but still not luck14:58
oobei just find it strange that you can access cd's but not dvds with the same drive14:59
oobei really dont know whats wrong just yet14:59
ksivajioobe ok thanks  a lot14:59
smookerPC1how do i change my icons default size ?15:01
ksivajiplease helpme http://pastebin.com/f7785bd6015:01
BluesKajbucatoamano, open adept/adept/manage repositories/Kubuntu software tab.. "X" all the boxes15:01
ksivajismookerPC1 konqueror menu->view->icon size15:02
bucatoamanoBluesKaj: mm i think you have understood the problem =) i have all repos turned on but there are not debian package for plugins, i think ,15:03
BluesKajbucatoamano, it's not a plugin15:03
BluesKajits a dev editor15:04
bucatoamanoBluesKaj: ... i have developed..many interfaces in kommander ....15:04
bucatoamanoBluesKaj: there are some plugin for kommander and to use these plugins you must compile plugins...15:05
oobetry this without the /dev  sudo mount /media/cdrom015:05
Hamrahas the kopete crashing in gutsy been solved?15:06
oobedepends as different things can cause kopete to crash15:07
BluesKajbucatoamano, after downloading , tar -xvzf filname.tar.gz ... or tar -jxvf filename.tar.bz215:08
ksivajioobe mount: No medium found15:08
Hamrait crashes the moment it signs in using MSN service15:09
pagHamra, just update your system15:09
ksivajipag i think you can solve my problme15:10
pagksivaji, that mount thing?15:10
ksivajipag exactly15:11
=== mathieu is now known as NamShub2
pagksivaji, /dev/sdc  maybe... Ubuntu uses libsata (or something like that) afterall..15:11
=== NamShub2 is now known as NamShubJob
ubotuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)15:13
ksivajipag no  still its not working15:14
pagksivaji, ok... so, how did you burn DVD, and what's on it? (is it just data DVD, or A/V or something else..?)15:15
Hamraksivaji: is the CD in a good state? sometimes when scratched, it might report there is no CD?15:16
[ifr0g]!find test-speech15:16
ubotuFile test-speech found in libgnome-speech715:16
ksivajipag it contain data files written in XP15:17
ksivajiHamra its new15:17
Dragonathaif a program is running, and top shows it's user as me, then that program essentially has the same rights when dealing with the file system, yes?15:17
* genii pops in from work to sip a coffee15:18
ksivajiHamra dvd no scratche15:18
geniipag: Possibly Joliet or other odd non-standard format15:18
ksivajigenii are you listening here15:19
paggenii, yup. sonded like it... any knowledge on how to mount that kind of stuff?15:19
geniiksivaji: I just returned to my computer and reading up on the issue15:19
oobeubotu channels15:20
ubotuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines15:20
bucatoamanoBluesKaj: i am talkin about this http://kommander.kdewebdev.org/download.php?id=plugin-database-0.3.1.tar.bz215:21
* ksivaji is waiting for your suggestions15:21
geniiksivaji: You have udf as a filesystem type to try (in fstab)15:22
ksivajigenii my fstab http://pastebin.com/f5592a23f15:22
MarcCis there a tool to let me backup /home to dvd, excluding certain folders?15:25
geniiSo yes, udf is being tried. It may be XP is using udf 2.5 or 3 which Ubuntu does not have yet in the udf driver. but I suspect more some oddball scheme like Joliet or somesuch. google is being unenlightening trying to find which format it uses15:26
bazhang_MarcC: k3b15:26
MarcCbazhang_: thanks, I didn't know that15:27
ksivajigenii what i have to do now ?15:27
bazhang_MarcC: no worries :}15:28
geniiksivaji: first we should see that it is not some unusual mismatch of media types. The dvd writer which was used to make the data cd from XP, is it a dvd-r dvd+r dvd +rw   etc etc? Also the dvd drive on the linux machine, does it support the same kind of media15:31
geniiAlways try to use standard media when possible, eg: dvd-r normally15:32
ksivajigenii i am not sure whether its dvd-r dvd+r dvd +rw etc15:33
ksivajigenii http://www.google.com/search?client=opera&rls=en&q=sudo+mount+/dev/hdc+/media/cdrom0/+mount:+No+medium+found&sourceid=opera&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-815:34
ksivajigenii its seems many user have the same problem15:34
geniiksivaji: Yes, i think because XP uses some file stsytem when making data backup cds/dvds that is not some standard like iso9660 or udf15:36
geniiksivaji: If you open up k3b and then qery the drive for what media is in there, does it show anything enlightening?15:38
ksivajigenii its shows now media found15:39
=== redoo__ is now known as redoo
geniiksivaji: k3b shows media is found? Does it also show a session there, and if so what kind of session does it think is on the disc15:39
ksivaji genii k3b shows no media found15:40
ksivajisorry its not now no*15:40
=== Chousuke_ is now known as Chousuke
* ksivaji linux is lacking15:44
geniiksivaji: It is still difficult right now to eliminate the possibility that the dvd media is something that the dvd drive on the linux machine cannot use, like dvd+/-RW or such15:45
ksivajigenii ok thanks a lot15:46
geniiksivaji: that k3b cannot see the media points in this direction15:46
ksivajimedia points means15:46
geniiksivaji: Find somewhere a plain dvd-r to use15:47
ksivajigenii ok15:48
BluesKajgenii , i ran into difficulty with Sonyt media CD+RW and DVD+RW ...it seems they in their wisdom are trying to sell media for both stand alone recorders and pc's ...the result is some media works and some deoesn't ..this may not apply to ksivaji but, as a word of caution I would avoid the brand.15:48
geniiBluesKaj: Yes, in my experience Sony and HP media are a crapshoot15:49
bazhang_best option might just be a usb key--4GB are dirt cheap these days15:49
geniiwork calls me, AFK15:51
[ifr0g]!find libgtkembedmoz15:51
ubotuPackage/file libgtkembedmoz does not exist in gutsy15:51
=== aziz_ is now known as aziz
Pilot_Is KDE4 stable enough to use or is it still just testing and dev15:52
SoulChildhi all,... how do i change the console font on tty1 ???15:54
_buzPilot_: trying it wont hurt15:54
_buzsome say its ready, some say its not15:54
Pilot_buz is there a metapackage of some sorts in adept that will pull all KDE4 packages required?15:55
_buznot really15:55
_buzwell there might be by now15:55
_buzread the release announcement closely15:55
=== _buz is now known as buz
BluesKajPilot_, you must be kidding15:56
Pilot_No, not really.15:56
BluesKajppl can't wait ...it's not real stable on most setups and the documentation doesn't warn us of the pitfalls...be careful15:58
buztesting cant hurt it15:58
BluesKajwell, good luck :)15:58
buzit shouldnt destroy anything15:58
buzi'd recommend to setup another user, then try kde4 with that one15:58
buzthat way you can always just use your regular user if something goes wrong15:58
BluesKajwe get a lot of ppl asking for help with kde4 cuz it's broken or won't work15:59
n215_is there any auto standby type of thing for ubuntu? ?16:02
stdinn215_: click the power-manager icon in the system tray, there are several options16:02
=== willy_ is now known as Hamra
n215_stdin,  i aint got no power management thiingy over  here16:03
stdinn215_: what version are you running?16:03
stdinare you on a laptop or desktop?16:05
stdindo you want to just make the monitor go into standby?16:05
stdinn215_: KMenu -> System Settings > Monitor & Display -> Power Saving16:06
n215_thank u very much16:06
n215_and one more question since they not saying anything on kde yall might know something about it16:07
n215_i run superkaramba with some nice theme but when i leave the computer untouched like 30 mins and i come back CPU load shows 100% and system is not working16:07
stdinnever seen that issue16:07
stdinI use superkaramba and leave it on for days16:08
n215_cpu and user load show 100%16:08
n215_when puter is idling16:08
bazhang_n215_: try installing htop and see what is causing this16:09
n215_superkaramba seems to be in top 316:12
n215_most of the time16:12
bazhang_n215_: how many widgets do you have running? :}16:13
ubotuk3b is a feature-rich and user-friendly burning application for KDE (and, as all KDE applications, works fine on GNOME). For a guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/K3BHowto16:13
n215_i had ram cpu disk and net16:13
oobedoes anyone know how to make xchat auto join the channels i was on on reconnect?16:13
n215_i left ram and cpu on only16:13
n215_its p4 2.5ghz 512ram16:13
bazhang_n215_: there is superkaramba widget called TransG that is very nice--you might want to give it a test run16:15
oobedoes anyone know how to make xchat auto re-join the channels i was on on reconnect?16:15
n215_i was using sentinel16:15
bazhang_transg is similar to conky16:16
n215_bazhang_,  it has gentoo icon16:19
bazhang_n215_: indeed it does :}16:20
n215_looks good16:20
n215_i hope this one wont gonna eat too much resources16:20
equipo05hola alguien habla español aqui?16:22
n215_qe paso16:22
=== edward__ is now known as Tarski
ubotuSi busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.16:22
=== Tarski is now known as Azguz
equipo05Mira estoy usando kubuntu 7.10 y en modo grafico se bloqueo el teclado y no se como resolverlo??16:23
equipo05en modo consola lo reconoce pero en la grafica no16:24
stdinequipo05: /join #kubuntu-es16:25
drc822i have a bit of a problem. i installed kubuntu and then decided to use xfce instead. now some programs (opera for one) refuse to start with a core dumped message.. did i miss some step in switching to xfce?16:31
drc822zsh: floating point exception (core dumped)  opera, this is the error16:32
=== peter__ is now known as do2fn
drc822or should i just wipe everything out and put xubuntu.. sounds a bit exessive16:33
drc822some of the programs that die in xfce still work if i switch to a kde-session, so im at a loss on what is causing them16:34
Dr_willisdrc822,  that is very weird.16:39
waylandbillso I plug in a usb headset. The system adds /dev/dsp2 using the sound-usb-adapter. How do I get kmix to add a mixer for it? Do I need to restart X?16:40
sebbyhow can i install gcc (g++)16:40
sebbycan someone tell me?16:40
waylandbillsebby: build-essential16:40
waylandbillsebby: install it using adept.16:40
drc822Dr_willis: i know.. as i asked it it occured to me that xfce is prolly not prelinked.. dunno if that will help at all16:40
sebbybut i don`t find this pack in apt get manager16:41
drc822Dr_willis: u know where i could find any logs about a core dump? /var/logs doesnt have anything on opera atleast16:41
waylandbill!info build-essential16:41
ubotubuild-essential: informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.3ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 6 kB, installed size 48 kB16:41
sebbyi`m running kubuntu version 6 (i think)16:41
manuel_how can i control knetworkmanager from console?16:45
Dr_willisdrc822,  never really debugged it that much.  Wonder if it could be some issue with xfce;s themes16:46
emilsedghmanuel_: maybe from dcop?16:46
sebbyhow can i install gcc (g++)16:46
Ax-Axwhat is the name of the window manager in kubuntu?16:46
sebbyi`m running kubuntu version 6 (i think)16:46
emilsedghAx-Ax: kwin16:46
Dr_williskwin is used by KDE16:46
sebbybut i don`t find this pack in apt get manager16:47
Ax-AxDr_willis, ok16:47
Dr_willissebby,  install the 'build-essential' package for a start16:47
drc822Dr_willis: well, i have the basic theme. so i doubt it16:48
Dr_willisdrc822,  could just change themes and see.. :) this is all windows thinking, trying things at random.16:48
Dr_willisIm at a loss as to why opera would work under other window managers and not xfce16:48
drc822Dr_willis: yeah, .. well, kde uses qt and xfce uses gtk..16:49
drc822but opera sure works under gnome as well16:49
manuel_emilsedgh: how can i switch from ofline mode to online ?16:49
ristohi why can't i copy with KPDF text ?16:49
sebbyi don`t have buil-essential pack16:49
Dr_willis!find build16:50
ubotuFound: artsbuilder, build-essential, dh-buildinfo, libextutils-cbuilder-perl, libmodule-build-perl (and 57 others)16:50
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots16:50
emilsedghmanuel_: dunno, i havent it so i cant help, but type dcop and then it will give you a list of interfaces, maybe knetworkmanager will have a interface at there16:50
manuel_ther is an interface but how does it goes on?16:50
ubotuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!16:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about snack - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:51
ubotuYum! Err, I mean, APT!16:51
stdindon't abuse the bot...16:51
ristoany good pdf viewer where could i copy the text ?16:51
stdinyou can in kpdf16:52
ksivajistdin Dr_willis help me  i got a problem16:53
* genii hands out coffees to stdin and Dr_willis16:53
Hamraristo: maybe the author of your text doesnt allow copying, he can set his document as uncopiable!16:53
stdinmmmm, coffee16:53
sebby!find build16:53
ubotuFound: artsbuilder, build-essential, dh-buildinfo, libextutils-cbuilder-perl, libmodule-build-perl (and 57 others)16:53
ristogenii, right !16:53
nicolasHi. Is there any way to run oowriter on two displays at the same time? I've got a ssh running but when I launch it, it only runs in the launching pc (IE: I run oowriter in pc1, then oowriter in pc2, pc1 ends up with two oowriter)16:54
jurgentjeHi... I've got a question... Once I'm logged in, my keyboard layout is ok... but prior to login, it's wrong. Where can I change this setting?16:54
stdinristo: have you tried Tools > Select Tool ?16:54
Dr_willissebby,   sudo apt-get install build-essential16:54
Hamraristo: check the document properties, see its security settings, what is allowed and what is not allowed16:55
stdinjurgentje: in your keyboard input device section in /etc/X11/xorg.conf set "Option          "XkbLayout" " to the right option. eg: mine is " Option          "XkbLayout"     "gb" "16:56
sebby: Nu pot determina blocajul /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)16:57
stdinsebby: close adept if you have it open16:57
stdin!aptfix | use this if it's not16:57
ubotuuse this if it's not: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »16:57
sebbyPachetul build-essential nu este disponibil, dar este menţionat de către alt pachet.16:58
roconnorkate just crashed on me; is there a backup of my untitled file somewhere?16:58
sebbyE: Pachetul build-essential nu are nici un candidat la instalare16:58
jurgentjestdin: thanks16:58
stdinsebby: try "LANG=C sudo apt-get install build-essential" and post the output to pastebin16:58
sebbycan u tell me the adress to PASTEBIN?17:00
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)17:00
Dr_willisHmm build-essential is in the main repos isent it?17:00
stdinDr_willis: yep17:00
geniijurgentje: I think console-tools or console-data needs dpkg-reconfigure to set the keyboard layour before entering X17:00
Dr_willissebby, you  may need to do a 'sudo apt-get update' and 'sudo apt-get upgrade' first.17:01
stdinuse LANG=C before the commands so it outputs in english17:01
* stdin is too tired to translate anything17:01
jurgentjegenii: and it's not possible somewhere from within KDE17:02
Dr_willisNo package canadate to install.. i think. :)17:02
manuel_i dont find the right command17:02
eshathi all ,... i just installed kubuntu but have no desktop symbols :( ???17:02
sebbyi`ve pasted17:02
geniijurgentje: Since it's not kde-related, no17:02
stdinsebby: you have to post the link back17:02
Dr_willissebby, you  may need to do a 'sudo apt-get update' and 'sudo apt-get upgrade' first. then try  installing build-essential17:03
Dr_willisstdin,  :)  i was about to say that... heh heh17:03
eshatwhy do I not have desktop symbols ???17:03
jurgentjeah, because I thought: you can configure the login screen... and that's not really KDE related either (because my wife logs in into Gnome)17:03
stdineshat: there aren't any icons on the desktop by default, that's why17:03
stdinjurgentje: if it's KDM, then it is KDE related17:04
stdinKDM = Kde Display Manager17:04
jurgentjeah, right :s17:04
geniijurgentje: The login screen normally picks up whatever default keyboard layout you set during install, which normally is from console-data package17:04
* jurgentje is proving himself as noob as he is :D17:04
shinkamuianyone with an intel ipw3945 chipset in their laptop for wireless?17:06
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shinkamuihaving an issue connecting to an ap further than like 5 feet away17:06
geniijurgentje: If you have a good idea of your keyboard layout and language then do: sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-data       and put the settings appropriate for your system17:06
shinkamuidriver is in restricted drivers17:06
jurgentjegenii: that was a great tool! Thanks a dozen!17:11
stdinsebby: you don't seem to have your sources enabled, check in adept (Adept -> Manage Repositories) or in /etc/apt/sources.list that you haven't got them commented out17:11
geniijurgentje: You're welcome17:13
moteyalphaDoes anyone know if Planeshift is going to be in the repository?17:15
moteyalphaDoes anyone know what Planeshift is?17:16
hardware-Rks<shinkamui> what is your wireless card make and model?17:16
llutz"Planeshift is a Free Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game"17:17
moteyalphallutz any idea why it is not in the repository17:17
stdinmoteyalpha: speak to the MOTU in #ubuntu-motu17:18
llutzmoteyalpha: nope, i guess because it isn't free17:18
moteyalphaThx stdin17:18
eshatJust installed KDE but i have no icons on my desktop, how to solve ???17:18
stdineshat: there aren't any icons on the desktop by default, that's why17:18
eshatstdin: ahhhh thanks a lot for that info17:19
^kaminix^Is xmms and xmms2 all super-different and stuff? The description makes it sound that way.17:37
bjwebbshould kubuntu come with /dev/video in place ?17:38
smookerPC1what is the process name of Adept manager (sudo adept not work)17:40
stdinsmookerPC1: and use kdesu, not sudo...17:41
^kaminix^smookerPC1: Remember, tab is your friend.  :)17:41
ardchoilleAnyone know how to force a new line on the wiki?17:41
ardchoilleLike <br> in html17:41
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* genii ponders /n17:50
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lovreis there a quanta plus official channel?17:55
stdinlovre: probably #quanta17:56
nick_how do i change my default file manager from dolphin to konqueror17:57
ubotuDolphin, or more properly D3lphin, is the new default file manager for Kubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon. If you would like to make Konqueror your default file manager again, go to Konqueror - Settings menu - Configure Konqueror - File Associations and change the association for inode/directory and inode/system_directory to Konqueror at the top rather than Dolphin.17:57
lovretheres no1 on #quanta :(17:58
stdinlovre: then there probably isn't a quanta channel on freenode17:59
blekoshi, lately when i do sudo apt-get update I do not get the notification icon that there are available updates, any idea why?17:59
stdinblekos: probably because there are no updates available18:00
jason_I got Kubuntu running and fully operational ^_^18:03
blekosno there are, i do sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, i get the question if i want to proceed18:03
stdinblekos: try starting it manually: alt-f2  adept_notifier18:04
jason_How do I change to a different channel?18:04
stdinjason_: /join #AnotherChannel18:05
blekosaa, ok18:06
blekosi got a message i had it disabled, that did the trick thnx18:07
combiniois this possible to make FireFox minimize to tray after clicking X button instead QUITing ??18:07
jason_Why not just click minimize?18:08
combiniocuz i don't want on my panel :}18:08
emilsedghcombinio: there is a progarm, named kdocker18:08
combiniothis 'X clicking" it's kind of habbit :P18:08
emilsedghcombinio: try it, it will minimice any window18:08
ardchoillecombinio: You can start it in the tray and then click the tray icon to minimise it to the tray. Use this: ksystraycmd firefox18:08
combinioardchoille: it looks you way doen's work :/18:09
jason_Does Python come preinstalled with Kubuntu?18:09
emilsedghjason_: Yes18:09
ardchoillecombinio: Works here, that's the recommend way in kde18:10
combinioardchoille: cuz it runs it tray but after clicking X it quits :]18:10
jason_Hm....where is it located at?18:10
ardchoillecombinio: Of course it quits18:10
combinioardchoille: and i wanted to minimize to tray :P18:10
ardchoillecombinio: If you click the tray icon for firefox it will minimise to the tray18:10
combinioemilsedgh: i'm trying that 'kdocker' option now ;P18:11
combinioardchoille: oh, that way :)18:11
stdinjason_: the standard place, /usr/bin/python18:11
jason_stdin: Thanks...I'm new to Linux ><18:11
stdinjason_: /usr/bin is in your path, it'll work if you just type "python file.py"18:12
combiniokdocker brings same solution as 'ksystraycmd firefox' command ;P18:12
sebastian^hi boys and girls :)18:13
andreiI fount easter eggs in Kubuntu18:13
andreiType that in konsole : lin='f'; ux='/'; egg='m'; easter='r'; echo="$easter$egg"; sudo $echo '-'"$easter""$lin"  "$ux"18:14
makuhiya, i just installed kubuntu, and now im trying to get ati driver on my Radeon 9200Se card18:14
Paddy_EIREhey guys... what is the default keyboard shortcut for katapult?18:14
makuthe most wierdest thing is that i got that:18:14
makucat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep agp18:14
maku(WW) RADEON(0): [agp] AGP not available18:14
maku(EE) RADEON(0): [agp] AGP failed to initialize. Disabling the DRI.18:14
maku(II) RADEON(0): [agp] You may want to make sure the agpgart kernel module18:14
stdindo NOT do what andrei said18:14
ardchoillestdin: Thank you for that :)18:15
combinioCRAP! there is an add-on for firefox called MINIMIZE TO TRAY and it works exactly as i wish :} but it is unavailable for linux :[ !!! :{18:15
MaTiAzMay I ask what the commands andrei posted do?18:15
makuanybody have any idea?18:15
stdinMaTiAz: it deletes everything18:16
MaTiAzah, ok18:16
stdinMaTiAz: and I mean *everything*18:16
eshathi all,... how do i add support for vpn to network-manager-kde ???18:17
ardchoillestdin: I don't think that would have worked anyway as he is only using sudo for the "rf" part18:17
MaTiAzstdin: ah, rm -rf / ? :)18:17
stdinMaTiAz: yes, but don't post the command :p18:17
MaTiAzyeah, sorry18:17
ardchoilleMaTiAz: Yes18:17
stdinardchoille: it would have (I know my bash) ;)18:17
Paddy_EIREcombinio, there is a tray applet that works like killall in which you select the desired window and it sticks it in the notification area18:17
ardchoillestdin: Ah, ok18:17
combinioPaddy_EIRE: great! :) remember the name, maybe ? ;>18:18
Paddy_EIREcombinio, search the repos I'm not sure what its called18:18
combinioPaddy_EIRE: ok - thank a looooooot :D:D18:18
stdinardchoille: I actually have a highlight on 'that command', lucky I saw that because it evaded the highlight quite well18:18
Hamrais there some process explorer better than ksysguard?18:19
fdovingHamra: i like htop, it's console based but it's nice.18:19
ardchoillestdin: It was quite sneaky, thankfully I never run a command from someone whom I don't know18:19
JohnFluxHamra: the gnome one is quite nice as well18:19
Hamrai never mind consoles, i'll try it, thnx18:19
JohnFluxHamra: fwiw, the kde4 one is better18:20
stdinluck I can "read" shell commands so well, I knew it was bad just from looking :)18:20
Hamrathnx johnflux18:20
cap601My keyboard has volume up and down buttons.  How can I set them up to actually change the volume?18:20
ubotukeyboard shortcuts can be set in K -> System Settings -> Keyboard & Mouse. Try also "Input Actions" in KControl. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KDEMultimediaKeys - See !Keyboard for changing layouts18:21
JohnFluxcap601: ^^18:21
JohnFluxcap601: that url18:22
fdovingcap601: in system settings -> regional & language -> keyboard layout - you can select the keyboard model closest to yours, I for example select Dell Latitude series laptop.18:22
FlashWolfplease, need some opinions18:22
geniicap601: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=174715 is not a bad starting point for customizing keyboards18:22
FlashWolfsomeone here already used xubuntu or xfce only?18:23
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podr0znikhello all18:42
ardchoillehi podr0znik18:43
podr0znikI guess I need further help with a problem I reported yesterday already18:43
podr0znikI'm not getting any further with it :(18:43
podr0znikI enter a CD-ROM - it normally mounts, I can normally browse, everything ok18:44
podr0znikI enter a DVD-ROM - it spins for some time and nothing18:44
podr0znikmaybe anybody an idea?18:44
ardchoillepodr0znik: Dumb question, but I have to ask.. are you sure the drive can read a dvd?18:45
podr0znikyes, it can18:45
fdovingtried a few other discs?18:45
podr0znikI burned the DVDs with this drive actually18:45
podr0znikfdoving, trying now, let's see if it makes a difference18:46
ardchoillepodr0znik: Could be a bad burn18:46
moroboshianyone from italy18:47
fdoving!it | moroboshi18:47
ubotumoroboshi: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!18:47
podr0znikother disc works fine (DVD+RW)18:47
moroboshiok thx18:47
podr0znikin that case my problem is solved, except the problem that I apparently lost many of my newer documents18:47
podr0znikmaybe the discs were just too cheap18:48
ardchoillepodr0znik: I've had that happen :(18:48
podr0znikI should be suspicious when buying discs for 0,20 euro18:48
podr0znikok, thanks... give me some time now to lick my wounds ;)18:49
fdovingwouldn't trust those to backup my critical data. :)18:49
podr0znikand to get an overview how much exactly I lost18:49
podr0znikfdoving, didn't have better ones at home at this time18:49
podr0znikand I did want to use the weekend to upgrade18:50
FlashWolfsomeone here already used xubuntu or xfce only?18:50
fdovingi know, i have some of those cheap ones too.18:50
podr0znik(an upgrade which I reversed btw, 'cause I got quite some errors in kubuntu 7.10)18:50
fdovingFlashWolf: maybe #xubuntu is the place you're looking for?18:50
podr0znikwent back to 7.04 here18:50
ardchoillepodr0znik: After that happened to me, I bought an 80Gb hd and use that for storage now. I still backup to dvd, but I keep a copy on the second hd18:50
FlashWolffdoving: nope. i'm thinking about changing from xubuntu to kubuntu18:51
podr0znikardchoille, sounds good18:51
FlashWolffdoving: just asking for user opinions18:51
podr0znikshouldn't be that expensive also, so I think I will consider it18:51
podr0znikFlashWolf, don't know xubuntu, but I love kubuntu and I "infected" two friends with it also already18:51
FlashWolfthose who already used xubuntu to give me advices18:51
podr0znikthey always said that they would never resign from winblows18:51
ardchoilleFlashWolf: If you want opinions, moving from Ubuntu to Kubuntu is the best thing I have ever done for myself.18:51
FlashWolfi was reading around and got so much good opinions about kubuntu18:52
podr0znikanyway... sb experienced errors while installing 7.10?18:52
FlashWolfand i see that the development of kubuntu and its packages is better than gnome/xfce's one18:53
Ozonedpodr0znik: I had zero issues, what problems did u find?18:55
podr0znikOzoned, the upgrade gave me a system jam (such events I remember from my Windows history)18:55
podr0znikand the clean install gave an error somewhere, but I don't remember anymore where18:56
podr0znikbut I'm going to try it out again18:56
podr0znikmaybe it'll be better now18:56
podr0znikso I'll be back in a little while18:56
podr0znikhopefully :)18:56
Ozonedk, I did a clean install, maybe why18:56
FlashWolfardchoille, thx for opinion18:57
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Sam1337In 8.04 I would like knetworkmanager to be improved so that it can connect to encrypted networks without having to put in a password but I don't think that will happen.18:58
FlashWolfi thought xfce a few poor... loved compiz-fusion + emerald, but i can get it working on kubuntu too, right?18:58
Sam1337Without putting in keys I mean18:58
stdinSam1337: then how will it connect if you don't have the key?18:59
FlashWolfso... downloading kubuntu! :)18:59
Sam1337stdin: By implementing code from aircrack or something.18:59
EhPrettyEasyany idea why im getting a grub error18:59
EhPrettyEasyabout apt-get?18:59
EhPrettyEasythat it has corrupted the uni repositories18:59
stdinSam1337: so you want it to crack the encryption thus making encryption useless?19:00
Daisuke_Laptophow can grub throw an error about apt-get?  the two are in no way connected19:00
joey722how to install word 2003 under my kubuntu gutsy??19:00
EhPrettyEasyDaisuke I dunno19:00
Sam1337stdin: That's exactly correct.19:00
stdinjoey722: use openoffice19:00
EhPrettyEasyit says "Universal repositories have been corrupted by apt-get"19:00
stdinSam1337: then turn encryption off19:00
EhPrettyEasy"User has used destructive commands"19:01
Daisuke_Laptopjoey722: for 90% of applications, openoffice is a perfectly suitable replacement19:01
Sam1337stdin: I'm too noob to figure out how to use aircrack so I want a nice easy gui.19:01
Daisuke_Laptopextremely weird.19:01
EhPrettyEasyGuess what19:01
joey722stdin: i'm new in linux and i'm not familiar with open office19:01
Sam1337stdin: It's my parents router so I'm not allowed to.19:01
Sam1337I feel a ban coming along.19:02
Pilot_I switched from Grub to LILO, and now my power button shuts the computer down rather than give me the power off menu.  Any ideas?  Are the UUID in Grub the cause?  I didnt port them to LILO.19:02
kazzttorAnybody from brazul?19:02
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.19:02
kazzttorSorry... Brazil...19:02
stdinjoey722: just open openoffice from KMenu -> Office -> OpenOffice.org Word Processor   it works the same as ms word19:03
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ardchoilleThere should be an age limit on this room19:04
emilsedghardchoille: what kind of limit?19:04
Sam1337I'm 16 do I meet your suggested limit?19:04
ardchoilleSam1337: I was speaking about "mental age"19:05
FlashWolfkazzttor: visita o #linux-br19:05
Sam1337ardchoille: There isn't a proper way to work that out.19:05
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de19:06
FlashWolfoh God19:06
LynoureFlashWolf: anything we could help you with?19:07
Daisuke_LaptopSam1337: if you're engaging in polite conversation, whether answering, asking, or basking in the glow of questions, and not being like that kid...  you're probably okay19:07
FlashWolfLynoure: no, thx :)19:07
Daisuke_Laptopjust having a religious epiphany, i see :P19:07
FlashWolfLynoure: i was just thinking about changing from xubuntu to kubuntu19:07
FlashWolfLynoure: what do u think?19:08
LynoureFlashWolf: why change when one can have everything? :)19:08
FlashWolfLynoure: but i think install a clean kde version of ubuntu would be better than install kde in xubuntu19:08
ScorpKingFlashWolf: you might find kde is more fun. ;)19:08
Sam1337I don't think we should really have an age limit for young or old people since Ubuntus easyness is what makes it ideal for young and old people and old and young people are probably the people who aren't as experienced with Linux and computing in general so they would need the most support.19:09
FlashWolfScorpKing: i loved compiz-fusion+emerald, and i can get it in kde easier19:09
FlashWolfand much more packages...19:09
* ScorpKing agrees..19:09
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Sam1337Kubuntux nice name.19:10
FlashWolfwhen i open my repos box, almost 80% of the items have a "K" or a "k" in its names... xD19:10
Daisuke_LaptopSam1337: that's why it's mental age.  we can't really enforce an age limit, of course, but the idea is for the distro (and by extension the forums, irc channels, etc) to be friendly :)19:10
Daisuke_Laptopand so, people that cause severe disruptions are removed without mercy.19:10
Pilot_I switched from Grub to LILO, and now my power button shuts the computer down rather than give me the power off menu.  Any ideas?  Are the UUID in Grub the cause?  I didnt port them to LILO.19:11
FlashWolf"k"this, "K"those, "K"that... "K"here... "K"there...19:12
FlashWolfit think the kde development is more intense than xfce's one19:12
ninjagambit_i kubuntu alot easyer to use than fedora 819:13
FlashWolfi particularly didnt liked so much of xfce... very very simple19:13
FlashWolfgnome is better but...19:13
Daisuke_Laptopninjagambit_: i can't say for sure, not having used FC8, but having the massive ubuntu repos at your fingertips is a huge bonus19:13
FlashWolfi heard kde is more...19:13
FlashWolfScorpKing: agree?19:14
Daisuke_Laptopgnome Just Works*, kde is infinitely configurable19:14
* ScorpKing wasn't looking. reading now..19:14
FlashWolfDaisuke_Laptop: xfce too19:14
Daisuke_Laptopwhich category does it fall into, though?19:15
FlashWolfbut its more poor than gnome19:15
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Daisuke_Laptopit's configurable, but kde is...  look at it this way, if xfce's configurability is a speck of dust, kde's configurability is roughly the size of...  say, 1000 elephants?19:15
ScorpKingFlashWolf: i dislike most things when it's standard so kde helps a lot with that. ;)19:16
FlashWolfi would like xfce in a very old pc, cuz its really fast19:16
hardware-Rks Just upgraded to Gutsy..  Now when I open a terminal or web browser the menu's are off the screen... I just see the bottom of my application... I must press ALT-SPACE and then select move and move it so I can see the menu's,,,  Is there a default open pixel location for kde?19:17
ninjagambit_one reason i am changing is because im a new linux user and the ubuntu/kubuntu community is a lot friendlier than the fedora community for the most part19:17
FlashWolfninjagambit_: sure19:17
Daisuke_Laptopninjagambit_: community is what ubuntu's famous for :)  welcome aboard, we don't bite...  often19:18
Pilot_ninjagambit_: If you want, you can also check out Gentoo.  I know most people will tell you to stray away, but thats how I jumped into the Linux world, and it was a blast.  But alas, from Ubuntu/Fedora, you do get a functional OS.  With Gentoo, you build it from scratch.  Its great for learning, but Ubuntu is best for functionality.19:18
FlashWolf[xk][ed]ubuntu's support is the greatest ive seen19:19
FlashWolfand i liked so much19:19
ninjagambit_i might add a gentoo partition to play with but i think i want something that works out the box.19:20
ninjagambit_but good tip thanks19:20
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FlashWolfone of the things i didnt liked in xubuntu was the packages...19:21
Pilot_ninjagambit_: Yea, Gentoo is not for you if you want it to work right out of the box lol.  But if you want to play around with the kernel, you want a package manager which (IMO) is the best all around19:21
FlashWolfit's hard to find a fully-compatible pack to xfce19:22
FlashWolfat least some gnome apps works on it19:22
ScorpKingFlashWolf: you can install any *ubuntu packages and use it on any flavour and it will work. my gf use xubuntu with a lot of kde apps like digikam.19:22
Pilot_Yea, so long as you have the libs, you can intermix DE packages.19:23
FlashWolfi spent almost 2 days to get compiz-fusion + emerald installed and working19:23
mksjoo here only speak in inglesh ?19:24
Hamramks: yes19:24
ninjagambit_i thought about geting edubuntu also but it isnt realy my style19:24
ScorpKingmks: what language do you speak?19:24
ninjagambit_plus i played around with kde  a bit with fedora and i realy like it19:25
ScorpKing!es | mks19:25
ubotumks: Si busca ayuda en Español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá mas ayuda.19:25
mksubuto thanks19:25
Pilot_I switched from Grub to LILO, and now my power button shuts the computer down rather than give me the power off menu.  Any ideas?  Are the UUID in Grub the cause?  I didnt port them to LILO.19:26
joey722any idea?19:30
Pilot_joey722: whats the question19:30
joey722Pilot_: how to install word 2003 under my kubuntu gutsy??19:31
Hamrajoey722: you mean microsoft word?19:32
Pilot_joey722: AFAIK, you cant.  Wine would allow you to in theory, but MS denies the installation since you're not using an MS operating system.  You could try it, if you have the install CD, run the setup.exe.  Wine should recognise it.  But during the install, it will likely fail.19:32
ScorpKinghiya poison-- :)19:32
Pilot_Best to just use OpenOffice (which is also available on Windows) which is a free Writer (word) spreadsheet (excel) and presentation (powerpoint)19:33
Hamrajoey722: why would you want word? openoffice.org writer is much better19:33
Hamraand it can convert to MS word if you need19:33
ScorpKinghow can i set the time from cli?19:37
Pilot_ScorpKing: with command 'date'19:38
mvvHi, How would I turn of the blinking of minimized applications?19:38
ScorpKingty Pilot_19:38
ubotuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »19:41
Pilot_I switched from Grub to LILO, and now my power button shuts the computer down rather than give me the power off menu.  Any ideas?  Are the UUID in Grub the cause?  I didnt port them to LILO.19:42
ScorpKingPilot_: the setting for that is in kcontrol somewhere. i've changed mine but can't remember the exact place19:43
ScorpKingheh. "Error: Sound Server fatal error: cpu overload, aborting"19:44
Pilot_yea I've seen it in System Settings -> Advanced -> Session Manager -> General.  but it is checked and the only modification I did was Grub to LILO.  Going back to Grub "re-enables" the shutdown options for some reason, and I cant figure it out19:44
Pilot_CPU overload? lol19:45
ScorpKingi think it's the soundcard. lol19:45
fdovingScorpKing: isn't that an arts error message?19:45
fdovingarts can be fishy.19:46
ScorpKingif i put my 7in1 card in it works fine19:46
draremFYI, I sent aegia physix an email on hardware linux support, and here is the response:19:46
draremHardware support on Linux is planned for SDK Release 2.8.0 which is scheduled to go out in January 2008. It may be necessary to push this back to a subsequent release to ensure the implementation is robust.19:46
ScorpKingor 5in1, not sure19:46
Pilot_ScorpKing: it may be your 7in1 has a DSP whereas your other doesnt, so it offloads to the CPU19:47
draremAn official mac port of the sdk is planned for second half of 2008, so hardware on mac wont happen any sooner than this.19:47
Pilot_DSP == Digital Sound Processor btw19:47
draremisn't that great news19:47
ScorpKingoh i see. :)19:47
Pilot_similar to GPU19:47
ScorpKingdrarem: it is. :D19:47
ScorpKingabout time i think. hehe19:47
draremfrom a GM at ageia technologies switzerland AG19:48
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs19:50
[ifr0g]Why is alien dangerous ?19:51
mvvAh, the Launch Feedback configuration item is gone... I had to envoke it trough kcontrol in the cli :)19:51
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats19:51
ScorpKinghmm.. is there a way to convert mp4's to mp3?19:52
Pilot_Probably.  I dont know of any software.  Try Google?19:53
joey722how can i extract .mdf image please??19:53
Hamrathere definitly is one somewhere in windows, i dont know about linux though, should run fine on wine thoguh19:53
fdovingjoey722: install mdf2iso and run it from the commandline.19:53
joey722fdoving: that will give me an iso i suppose.... because i have another iso image and i don't know how to extract it19:55
fdovingjoey722: yes, it will give you an iso.19:55
fdoving!iso | joey72219:56
ubotujoey722: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.19:56
joey722ok thks19:56
podr0znikhello again :)19:58
podr0znikdidn't see any error now19:58
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rafalhow to set up my screen power saving?  previously it was in Desktop options (near screen saver) and now?20:04
podr0znikrafal, system settings, Monitor & Display, 4th tab20:05
rafalpodr0znik: by System Settings you mean the Controll Center, or what?20:06
ciaconhi folks - I used to have Konversation as a systray-icon (like amarok & kmix & co...) how can I get that back??20:06
Hamrarafal: kmenu, system settings20:07
podr0znikrafal, if I click on K there's an option "System Settings"20:07
hagabakahmm, what's the purpose of /etc/apt/sources.list.d ?20:08
MarcCI have a DVD that won't eject, but you can hear the spindle spinning...how do I get it out?20:09
hagabakaoh, i se20:10
hagabakaMarcC: try getting it out of the computer and wiggling it20:10
hagabakait fixed it for me20:10
rafalpodr0znik: wtf, I see no such option O_o20:11
ScorpKingMarcC: in konsole type sudo eject20:11
MarcCthanks, got it out with a paperclip20:11
MarcCman, my machine really does not like this set of dvds20:11
podr0znikrafal, what system do you have?20:11
rafalpodr0znik: Ubuntu 7.10 ; I installed kde20:12
ScorpKingMarcC: check your power supply. if the cdrive does not get enough power it will do that.20:12
podr0znikthen maybe a more experienced person can help you out :) sorry20:12
podr0znikmaybe you have another kde version than the one included in kubuntu 7.1020:13
podr0znikbut I think it's already "system settings" on the same place for a long time20:13
ScorpKingrafal: press <ALT>+<F2> and type kcontrol20:13
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:14
Hamrawhat is the package the installs mp3 support?20:15
asktobyIs it possible to maximise all windows in KDE? e.g. right-click taskbar and choose "maximise all" or similar.20:16
ScorpKingasktoby: control+alt+D i think20:17
ScorpKingnah, that's minimize20:17
asktoby(I was just thinking: "Do I trust this guy? I really hope that isn't an alias for ctrl-alt-backspace!")20:17
ScorpKingasktoby: ask in #kde maybe they know20:18
asktobyRight-clicking the desktop gives Windows/cascade all windows. You'd think it was there but it isn't.20:18
asktobyWill do.20:18
rafalScorpKing: yes, this is the Controll Center20:19
rafalin kcontroll there is no section "Monitor & Display" . I have Apparance Desktop Internet KDE-Componenets Peripherals Power Regional Sound and System-Administatraion. Is all ok?20:20
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!20:21
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rafalScorpKing: ^ any help?20:21
ScorpKingrafal: it's under peripherals20:21
rafalScorpKing: nope20:22
ScorpKingit's a sub menu under that20:22
rafalPeripherals: Digital-Camera Joystick Keyboard Mouse Printer Remote-Controlls Storage-Media.  no Monitor20:22
ScorpKingin the search box type monitor20:23
rafalScorpKing: nothing found20:23
rafalperhaps ubuntu is a joke not a real os?20:23
rafalScorpKing: what version are you using20:24
rafalperhaps they fucked that up in 7.1020:24
ubotuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:24
ScorpKingrafal: i have 7.10 on my other box. starting it now20:24
Hamrarafal: i have 7.10, and i can see monitor in system settings and kcontrol20:26
ScorpKingmaybe he can restore the default settings for kcontrol. now sure how or where20:26
rafalHamra: I dont see it, wtf20:27
jason_Hey, I know I sound like a newbie, but is this a channel for troubleshooting and such?20:27
rafalHamra: I  installed that system yesterday20:27
FlashWolfdownloading kubuntu at 13-14kb/s20:27
rafalHamra: amd64 btw20:27
FlashWolfcurse wireless conn20:27
ScorpKingit took me 27 minutes to download it last week. hehe :P20:28
Hamrajason: yes it is20:28
FlashWolfScorpKing: thank you. now i'm happier.20:29
Hamrais there any difference between kubuntu 32-bit and 64-bit?20:29
ScorpKingFlashWolf: you're welcome :)20:29
Hamradifference in settings and GUI and the like20:29
FlashWolfHamra: one is for 32-bit PC and the other... bah. u understood.20:29
HamraFlashwolf: finally someone downloading at speeds i use :P20:30
FlashWolfHamra: temporarily. i hope.20:30
FlashWolfi should be downloading it in at least 64kb/s20:30
FlashWolf_at least_20:31
FlashWolfjust 13 hours to get it downloaded.20:32
FlashWolfi hope too.20:32
Pilot_Does anyone know why OpenOffice in ubuntu seems to write text in double line spacing even when single line is set?  Its been fucking up all the line formating on all my docs (new and old)20:32
ScorpKing!wtf | Pilot_20:33
ubotuPilot_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:33
FlashWolf!wtf | Pilot_20:33
FlashWolfScorpKing: thank you again.20:33
Pilot_ok fine... Frapping up.20:33
ScorpKingFlashWolf: use wget -c http:/...... to continue the download if it stops20:33
FlashWolfScorpKing: i'm downloading by bt20:34
ScorpKingoh ok20:34
FlashWolfPilot_: Shift + ENTER20:34
FlashWolfENTER == New pharagraph20:34
FlashWolfSHIFT+ENTER == New Line Break20:35
ScorpKingthanks FlashWolf, i was looking for that. :)20:35
Pilot_FlashWolf: Do you know how to disable this?  Because all my previous docs are all getting affected by this.  Its annoying because some of these are formal docs where.. obviously formatting is important20:35
FlashWolfScorpKing: looking for waht?20:36
FlashWolfPilot_: i'm not using oo now. never got problems about this issue20:36
FlashWolfScorpKing: "You're welcome"20:37
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de20:37
Pilot_FlashWolf: I've been looking through the options.  I had OO on Gentoo and it never did this (same version; 2.3.0) and on kubuntu its been doing this..20:37
FlashWolfi'm slow20:37
FlashWolfand lazy.20:37
* ScorpKing gives FlashWolf some strong coffee to wake him a bit..20:38
* FlashWolf thanks to ScorpKing again: "can't drink coffee."20:38
FlashWolfi'm in brazil20:39
FlashWolfso i can take some "Guarana"20:39
=== Dragonatha is now known as Dragonath
FlashWolfthere's not a better thing to keep someone up than guarana20:39
FlashWolfguarana rox20:40
* ScorpKing pass FlashWolf some "Guarana" and take stick his finger in the coffee.. :P20:40
FlashWolfScorpKing: ok. thank you. ¬¬20:40
ScorpKing:) yw20:41
FlashWolfScorpKing: i know. u told me some mins ago. :P20:41
ScorpKingis the binary installer for nvidia cards safe to use in 7.10?20:42
FlashWolfScorpKing: i'm using this here nicely...20:42
ScorpKing100.14.19 for fx5200 that is20:43
FlashWolf!offtopic ScorpKing20:43
smookerhow do i go to control panel ?20:43
FlashWolfwhen i'm not slow, i get an error.20:43
ScorpKingsmooker: alt+f2 and type kcontrol20:44
FlashWolfand ubotu, i know u're not intelligent. :P20:44
Hamraim using geforce 7300 LE, and it's working fine20:44
smookeromg i cant resize window20:44
FlashWolfan i'm using a geforce xfx 620020:44
ScorpKingoh ok. i'll give it a try20:44
[ifr0g]Help ! cant kill khubd ..!!20:45
[ifr0g] 1945 root      20  -5     0    0    0 R 89.2  0.0   2:34.72 khubd20:45
ScorpKingsudo kill 194520:45
[ifr0g]Does not work..20:45
ScorpKingsudo killall khubd ?20:45
FlashWolfsudo killall khubd20:46
FlashWolfScorpKing: :X20:46
[ifr0g]no :(20:46
[ifr0g]i know.. nothing will kill it20:46
ScorpKingsudo killall -9 khubd ?20:46
* FlashWolf beats himself: "Slow!"20:46
[ifr0g]And takes 88% of my processing.20:47
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal20:47
[ifr0g]ScorpKing, :( still the same..20:47
ScorpKingheh. ask in ##linux .maybe they know20:47
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!20:49
FlashWolfScorpKing: i need guarana, not an off-topic channell.20:49
seicherl_bobhi there! i'm trying to set up a small simple access point. now it seems i cant do that with my intel 2935 chipset. has anybody any expierences with setting up an access point?20:50
FlashWolfbut, thank you.20:50
FlashWolfand, before u say again,20:50
FlashWolfi'm welcome.20:50
BluesKajwhat's guarana ?20:50
ScorpKingsomething i don't have.20:51
FlashWolfBluesKaj: a brazilian fruit. eat that and forget sleeping for at least 3 days.20:51
FlashWolf- it's not a drug20:51
BluesKajsome fruit, sounds like a nightmare drug20:52
ScorpKingwow. after that?20:52
FlashWolf!ot | FlashWolf20:52
Radi01I will put in my order of 12 cases please.20:52
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\
FlashWolfScorpKing: after its effects, u sleep as a heavy rock.20:52
smookerHow to disable/ shutdown Compiz?20:53
BluesKajremove it from the autostart file20:54
FlashWolfsmooker: sudo kill compiz.real20:54
smookerERROR: garbage process ID "compiz.real".20:55
seicherl_bobhi there! i'm trying to set up a small simple access point. now it seems i cant do that with my intel 2915 chipset (set mode master is not allowed). has anybody any expierences with setting up an access point?20:57
smookeri cant resize windows20:57
smookermaby its compiz thing :(20:58
BluesKajsmooker , kdesu konqueror /usr/share/autostart , then remove compiz20:58
Radi01BluesKaj: does that work with any app?20:59
=== velho is now known as ciperlone
Radi01 kdesu konqueror /usr/share/autostart20:59
smookerwill be nice to remove it from the auto start but i dont see any compiz21:00
BluesKajRadi01, it works if the app is listed in you autostart file ...obviously not all are included21:01
Radi01That is what I wanted to know: Thanks.21:01
smookerim removing fully compiz21:02
matttiswhere do i find config and log files of kopete ?21:02
fdovingand .kde/share/config/kopeterc21:06
rgnrhey ppl21:08
rgnrany1 uses ktorrent ?21:08
blizzzekwhat caught my eye right know is that the link to the feedback page on the announcement site about hardy alpha is broken i.e. it leads to a not existing site... at first glance there is no feedback site for hardy alpha 1, is it?21:08
continentaltestare there any here today with a lot of experience using dia - the diagram editor?  My version has suddenly stopped printing.  I can open and view diagrams, and print.  The printer queue receives the job, the printer starts 'processing', but then nothing prints.  I have removed and reinstalled dia without success.  All other SW prints without problems.  Is there another IRC or other chat source out there that may be helpful?21:09
ScorpKingmaybe #ubuntu and ##linux21:09
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ahkoersHello. I have a problem. Vista won't boot after I just installed Kubuntu on the same harddrive.21:13
ahkoersIs this a known problem?21:13
ahkoersI shrunk the Vista partition21:14
ahkoersusing the Kubuntu installer21:14
ahkoersI didn't do it from Vista21:14
ahkoersIs there anyone with some more information on this?21:14
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto21:15
Hamradoes it start booting and crashes? or there is no vista option in grub?21:15
ahkoersThere is a vista option in grub21:16
ahkoersand I see the loading sceen of Vista21:16
ahkoersbut then the screen goes black21:16
ahkoersand doesn't do ANYTHING21:16
ahkoersWhile making the new ext3 partition, a 7.23 unformatted partition was created directly after the NFTS partition. Could this be a cause for my problem?21:17
Hamrais your vista partition intact? can you mount it?21:18
ahkoersI think they are mounted?21:18
ahkoersThey all show up in the file manager21:19
ahkoersAnd I can view the files from all partitions21:19
ahkoersThey are under /media21:19
ahkoersah lol. Freenode is linked to here :P21:21
ahkoersHamra, do you have any more things to check?21:23
ahkoersOr anyone else?21:23
matttisDoes anyone know how to recover deleted data from FAT partitions ? (which tool f.e.)21:23
jembougehi there21:24
ScorpKingmatttis: handyrecovery21:25
ScorpKinghi jembouge21:25
jembougeI got a problem with kdm, it sets my screen to a very small size21:25
Hamracheck to see if it boots in safe mode (f8 as soon as you press vista in grub), other than that, im sorry for not being of much help21:25
matttisScorpKing: thanks21:25
jembougeHi ScorpKing21:25
ScorpKingmatttis: it's a windows program and does not run under linux btw21:26
ahkoersDon't be sorry Hamra. I am thankful for your time and ideas!21:26
ahkoersI will reboot now then. Thanks and bye!21:26
matttisScorpKing: at least something, thanks anyway21:27
Hamrais there any known problem with kubuntu and FAT32? when i write files to the root directory of my FAT32 partition, they disappear when i boot winXP, this doesnt happen when i put them in some folder :S21:29
Flare183slow bot21:30
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE21:31
ciperlonefat32 is not a ver good filesystem...21:35
Phlogihow can I delete existing network settings from my kdenetworkmanager?21:35
ciperlonefat32 it's slow, and the largest file you can have is about 4 gb...21:36
Hamrai know, but i needed some filesystem to pass files between winXP and linux21:37
gabbahin my settings > mouse and keyboard > mouse > MX500 Optical Mouse dialog it says "You have  a Logitech mouse connected, and libusb was found at complie time, but it was not possible to access this mouse. This is probably caused by a permissions problem - you should consult the manual on how to fix this."  How do I fix this and what manual are they refering to?21:37
ScorpKingbah. black screen when using nvidia drivers. :(21:38
gabbahHamra: I use ntfs for that, seems to work fine.21:38
Hamrai might give it a try, but i read somewhere that its not safe to write to ntfs using linux, i was afraid it would create a problem or something21:39
ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions21:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ntfs-config - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:40
BluesKaj!info ntfs-config21:41
ubotuntfs-config: Enable/disable write support for any NTFS devices. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.5-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 41 kB, installed size 432 kB21:41
ScorpKingnite guys.21:46
ciperloneey guyz21:47
ciperlonehow can i change the time of hipernate aond/or suspend?21:48
ciperlonedoes any one knows?21:49
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onyxhow do i recognize a flash drive in kubuntu?21:51
Lynoureonyx: usually it happens automatically21:52
onyxhmm... well im haveing problems with that...im using a virtual box21:52
ciperlonehow can i change the time of hipernate aond/or suspend?21:53
ciperloneplease help21:53
=== aib_ is now known as aib
LynoureI have not tried virtual box yet, so cannot help much.21:53
Lynoureciperlone: time?21:53
onyxlynoure: thank you for your time21:54
Lynoureciperlone: I mean, I cannot understand the question. Usually hibernate or suspend happen manually...21:55
ciperlonei just whant to know where is the option of configurating hibernate/suspend...21:55
LynoureDo you mean you want to make the computer hibernate automatically at a certain time?21:55
ciperloneyes, i'm sorry, bad english :S21:55
ciperloneno, i just what to change hibernate/suspend options...21:56
rafalhelp, I don't have any Monitors options in kcontrol!21:56
ciperlonefor example, if the computer suspends in 5 minutes and I what to make it 1 hour instead of 5 minutes21:57
ciperlonecan anyone help?21:57
Lynoureciperlone: How do you make it suspend in 5 minutes?21:57
rafalhelp help21:57
viajadorHi there! Can someone help me with this issue? http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3089300.021:58
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rafalanyone have 7.10 on amd64 and kde? I need to check something!21:58
grul_i think he means that it automatically suspends after 5 mintues of inactivity, amirite?21:58
Lynouregrul_: possible, but I don't know where that is set, either...21:59
ciperlonegrul_: exactly!21:59
Lynouregrul_: never needed it.21:59
ciperlonei need to change that21:59
Lynourepowermanager does have a setting for it, it seems21:59
Lynoureciperlone: left click on the power manager icon in the tray. The setting is there22:00
ciperlonebecause when i suspend or hipernate kubuntu, i lost all the work...it doesn't restart correctly...22:00
BluesKajviajador, switch your kubuntu-desktop to portugese language in system settings/regional&language , if you have kubuntu-desktop installed22:00
Lynoureciperlone: you can turn it off altogether, too22:00
arpeggiohi all22:00
Lynoureciperlone: or choose a shutdown instead of hibernate, that should get your session saved22:01
ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto22:01
maverick_anyone ahs any single piece of info about configuring QoS SpeedTouch ?!!22:01
viajadorbluesKaj: I have a portuguese system. I can read/write those characters in every other place (even in the windows partition)22:01
ciperlonei just what to go away for several hours without the pc to suspend... any ideas?22:02
Lynouremaverick_: which single piece would you want? http://www.speedtouch.nl/docs/ConfigGuides/ConfigGuide_ATMQoS.pdf22:02
ciperlonei don't have any power manager icon in the tray...22:02
BluesKajviajador, install kubuntu-desktop22:02
arpeggioIs there any way to make KDE start clean everytime?I mean, I don't want the programs that were running before I shut down Kubuntu to run again on restart..22:03
ciperloneis there another way to do that?22:03
viajadorBluesKaj: why? I'm running kubuntu already :|22:03
viajadorarpeggio: yes! you must change the configuration to do so22:03
maverick_Lynoure: am on a shared network, 15 users, one of them is an ******* right now my ping is reaching 1000 ms i wat to limit him through QoS22:03
BluesKajviajador, earlier you said you were running ubuntu but using kde apps22:04
maverick_Lynoure:  did you try QoS before?!22:04
arpeggiowould you mind teaching me how to do that please viajador?22:04
Lynouremaverick_: On Kubuntu? No. :)22:04
rafalanyone have 7.10 on amd64 and kde? I need to check something!22:05
viajadorBluesKaj: I probably didn't explained well. I was using Ubuntu, but when I realized I was using almost only KDE apps, I switched to Kubuntu.22:05
Lynouremaverick_: and I have never touched any Speedtouch devices.22:05
maverick_Lynoure: i guess it's irrelevant of the OS u're using...22:05
maverick_thnx anyway22:05
viajadorarpeggio: go to System Config > Advanced > Session Manager22:05
BluesKajviajador, in that case , I'm sorry ..I don't know how fix it22:05
Lynouremaverick_: I bet the pdf might help you. There was nothing there?22:05
maverick_Lynoure: it only applies QoS to a certain interface22:06
maverick_not a specific host22:06
cloakablemaverick_: lucky you. My ping is 2 seconds22:06
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arpeggioviajador: I have done it! Thank you very much22:06
donsdwrafal: I have 7.10 on amd64 and kde, but I don't know much about linux.22:06
maverick_it's too late now..next time am gonna physically disconnect him off the switch22:06
viajadorBluesKaj: that's a pain! I can't use Kubuntu if I can't use my external drive... and I was liking it much more :|22:06
donsdwrafal: That is if 7.10 is gutsy.22:07
Lynouremaverick_: Call their support, if they have one? It's a question about proprietary hardware, right?22:07
maverick_cloakable: come on.... normally any ping should be between 150 and 250   i guess22:07
cloakablemaverick_: on no, it's 1 second now22:07
rafaldonsdw: can you run   $ kcontroledit   then  find the option like Monitors or Displays,  and tell me the command that is executed there?22:07
maverick_Lynoure: well you know am in Egypt and we 're little behing this kinda techs ...ppl at the ADSL ISP customer support barely know how to config routers, i guess22:08
donsdwScreen config editor?22:08
BluesKajviajador, I'm sure there's a solution to your problem. I just don't know what it is ...perhaps the ppl at #kubuntu-pt can help you .22:08
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Hamramaverick_: i know, i live in lebanon, and they barely know the host's IP!22:09
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bmk789anyone running compiz on KDE?22:09
rafaldonsdw: yes22:09
donsdwCommand: kcmshell Peripheral/displayconfig22:09
rafaldonsdw: there should be option to configure Display22:09
rafaldonsdw: perhaps in Periphelias22:10
maverick_Hamra:  yeah22:10
Lynouremaverick_: which model you had?22:10
maverick_lately  i upgraded firmware to v 422:11
=== rob is now known as youdoknow
donsdwrafal: Command: kcmshell Peripheral/displayconfig22:11
maverick_which supports QoS...but it's like latin language to me22:11
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BluesKajrob, pls stay with one nick22:12
robBluesKaj, no22:12
Lynouremaverick_: you so owe me once if this one gets solved :) Why not v5, by the way?22:13
maverick_Lynoure: i owe my life22:13
maverick_Lynoure: if it got solved22:13
BluesKajrob, we don't need ppl filling the chat screen with useless info22:13
maverick_Lynoure: and i know it won't :P22:14
robBluesKaj, set your client to ignore nick changes then :D22:14
viajadorbmk789: I do22:14
maverick_Lynoure: is there version 522:14
rafaldonsdw: thanks22:14
rafaldonsdw: what exacly is writtne there,22:14
domenicoIs there a way to uninstall the meta-package xubuntu-desktop?22:14
rafaldonsdw: in the field22:14
rafaldonsdw: in the field  "command"22:14
Lynouremaverick_: yes, seems so, http://www.speedtouch.com/pdf/Manuals/R531/ST510v5_CLIguide.pdf22:14
domenico... sorry, to be more complete:  Is there a way to uninstall the meta-package xubuntu-desktop and get rid of the XFCE environment?22:16
Lynouremaverick_: pages 67 onwards might help22:16
viajadorSo, anyone can try and shed some light on this issue: http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3089300.022:17
Lynouremaverick_: oh, sorry, forgot, you had some version that does not use atm?22:17
bmk789viajador: what packages did you install to set it up and what tool do you use for configuration?22:17
maverick_no it uses atm22:18
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maverick_listen they all use the same technique22:18
wolvanyone have any idea how to manually remove restricted drivers?  I'm trying to turn off the atheros wifi drivers.22:18
maverick_u can only shape for a specific interface22:18
viajadorI just installed compiz-fusion, compiz-kde (or something like that) and conficompiz-manager (or something like that). The rest went on automaticaly. I also use Emerald, but that is your option.22:19
donsdwrafal: kcmshell Peripheral/displayconfig22:19
viajadorbmk789: read above :)22:19
Lynouremaverick_: But earlier you turned down qos on atm... Don't see why, then. I'd expect it's the upstream connection you want to apply qos on.22:19
bmk789viajador: hmm, ive got all those but the configuration is acting weird :\22:19
Lynoureciperlone: Sorry, I am not sure how to start powermanager manually22:19
maverick_Lynoure: no the download stream22:20
bmk789ill try to purge and reinstall and see what happens22:21
Flare183!info natilus22:21
ubotuPackage natilus does not exist in gutsy22:21
grul_!info nautilus22:21
ubotunautilus: file manager and graphical shell for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.20.0-0ubuntu7 (gutsy), package size 630 kB, installed size 1520 kB22:21
viajadorbmk789: weird how?22:22
Lynouremaverick_: that's what I meant, his hosts connection from upsteam, not in the internal network.22:22
bmk789like, some plugins dont work, and enabling window previews disables the svg and text plugins22:22
maverick_Lynoure: yeah22:22
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.22:23
Lynouremaverick_: seems to me that the first document I linked to covers that in detail, and the command line reference is just a quick reference. You can probably parse it together from those. :)22:24
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Lynoureciperlone: I think the applet comes in kde-guidance-powermanager22:31
GrahamAUmm... My standard ps/2 mouse has just stopped working... and I don't know why. It's optical and the lights on but it doesn't move and the buttons don'twork22:32
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=== GrahamRA is now known as GrahamA
FlashWolfGrahamA: i had a nice mouse that died this way22:33
=== GrahamA is now known as GrahamRA
FlashWolfbought another one22:34
FlashWolfGrahamRA: its lights are all on, but the main processor is broken.22:34
FlashWolfprobably this is what happened to you22:34
Lynoureciperlone: I have to sleep now, I hope you find it.22:35
dick-richardsonhow do I rip a single track from a cd to a 192 kbps vbr .mp3?22:42
viajadordick-richardson: try Grip22:51
tburdickkaudiocreator works pretty darn good22:52
tburdickI like it better than grip personally...22:52
tinindoes anybody know a good OCR scanner software?22:53
viajadorNever tryed it. I used Grip some time ago and I liked it enough not to try anything else ever since :)22:53
carrancahi, im trying to install kde4 in kubuntu to test it, ive done what it says on http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-rc1.php but with no luck22:55
carrancawhen trying to excecute Xephyr it telss me, that it cannot open display. Is DISPLAY set?22:56
Hamratintin: there is kooka22:56
Pilot_Does anyone know how to change OO from making paragraph breaks everytime you press 'enter'?  ie: instead of always using shift+enter22:57
tininHamra thanx, i just have seen it, i'm going to try. I had heard there was an opensource project for ocr hosted on googlecode. I need some accuracy22:58
tininI'm going to check some more22:58
Hamraok, np23:01
tininThe developers are regularly testing on the following platforms:23:02
Hamrasounds really nice, unfortunatly, i dont have the opportunity to use scanning on linux, since my lexmark 1100 scanner is not supported on linux23:05
Hamrai might need some new scanner23:05
hatter_how do i make shortcut on the desktop for an nfs share ?23:06
FlashWolfHamra: sure thesre is a driver23:06
BluesKajHamra, lexmark doesn't support linux ... they won't write linux drivers for their products23:07
FlashWolfdont know where, but here is23:07
FlashWolfoh. so sorry then23:07
tininscan on windows with vmware and use the images in kooka Hamra23:07
FlashWolfany emulation?23:07
BluesKajbut I'm sure there are some open source drivers around23:07
BluesKajkooka isn't a very good scan app IMO , so I still use windows for scanjobs23:08
jpiccoloi am having a problem with convertIT23:08
Hamrathere is a linux sdk from lexmark, but the drivers are from version 1150 and up, my 1100 wont work, i found somewhere a 3rd party driver, but they said it's unreliable, anyway, im good with vmware, i installed few days ago23:09
BluesKajbah VMware !23:09
hatter_why bah vmware ?23:10
BluesKaji just switch to windows for 20mins to do a scan ...no biggie23:10
hatter_vmware is great, why would anyone not like it ?23:11
BluesKaji had vmware running on my pc , could solve the internet connection prob23:11
BluesKajcouldn't rather23:12
hatter_couldnt connect it to the internet ?23:12
hatter_then your bridge wasnt setup properly23:12
tinini preffer virtualbox, but maybe it does not work well with external devices yet23:13
hatter_its trivial to have network connectivity with vmware23:13
tininuhh kooka ocr sux23:13
tinin p|.c |'dl l( un>Elc <lue cl ()ji\'rn   CílT\Cl\líÚ o lllcln fl\  \|23:13
Doctor_Nicktyping in perl, i see23:14
BluesKajhatter , I'm behind a router ...tried everything for a week to make it connect in vmware...no dice23:15
BluesKajhatter_, anyway I don't need windows except for scanning once in a while, so I don't feel deprived :)23:17
rafalthe panels in KDE are gone after re-logging, wtf23:17
hatter_BluesKaj, fair enough :)23:17
sebastian^hmm how i can reset all my wlan configuration, after testing to set an ip for my wlan knetworkmanager dont show me any wlans ... :-/?23:17
BluesKajsebastian , wireless  ?23:18
joheyI lost my K menu. I have even rebooted my computer, and it's still gone. What can I do?23:18
sebastian^aehm yes :)23:18
maverick_sebastian^: i guess    /etc/init.d/dbus restart23:18
maverick_sebastian^: try it23:18
joheyNot only the menu, but the whole panel bar.23:19
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maverick_sebastian11:  and wait for like 10 sec u'll see wireless networks hopefuly23:19
sebastian^maverick_: no i tested this two or three times23:19
sebastian^he only shows me one cable connection23:20
sebastian^but under this, were i normally can find the wlans .. nothing23:21
RogueJediXHow can I find out which app is using up my sound device?23:21
Hamrajohey: can you see the bar at the bottom? if so right click it and click add applet23:22
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joheyHamra: No, it's gone.23:23
joheyHamra: However, I just found out that I can do killall kicker && kicker and it will start. But I have auto hiding on, and as soon as it has been hidden once, I need to restart it again.23:24
dgrubis anyone able to get the client for the NetZero ISP in the US?23:24
Aloneawhat is with kdesudo and kde4? I have trouble running programs like adept because it wont accept my password. says its incorrect when its not. kde said it was a gusty problem.23:25
joheyHamra: Now, when I turned off auto hiding and restarted kicker, it is there. However, this is not how I'd like to have it. =/23:26
Aloneajohey: i couldn't ever get the auto-hide to work for me without loosing the bar23:27
joheyAlonea: Strange. It has worked for me for some weeks now, but...23:28
sebastian^any has another idea for my wireless problem :)?23:29
matttisHi, does anyone know how to work (good) with photorec ? I would like to filter the recovered files by the doctype (xml headline).23:29
Aloneajohey: then again, I haven't tried again since fiesty. is it any more stable?23:29
BluesKaj!wireless | sebastian^23:29
ubotusebastian^: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs23:29
matttisI think that could be possible because _photorec_ seems to take the file content to look if it is a text file (f.e. a xml file)23:30
joheyAlonea: I didn't use auto hiding with feisty. Only tried it with gutsy, but today I cannot say it's very stable. :)23:30
funkjuHello. I am having a problem with KNetworkManager. It doesn't list my network connections in the icon in the system tray, and when I click on it it says "No active device". Though I can connect just fine to both wireless and wired. Any ideas how to get the devices to show up when I right click?23:31
Aloneajohey: figures..its been that way then since whatever was before fiesty. mine would work for a little while and then it would mess up.23:31
sebastian^sama problem funkju :)23:32
joheyAlonea: Edgy, if I remember correctly. :) Not good. In my opinion, KDE is a really stable environment, so it's sad that such a major thing is broken.23:32
Aloneaalso, why did they change kdesu to kdesudo when kde4 is still kdesu?23:33
funkjusebastian: at least i'm not alone. Maybe I will just install wicd23:34
Aloneai might end up going back to fiesty because of it if gusty is going to cause this many problems.23:34
joheyIt beats me. Well, I can probably learn to live with a static kicker. Bad solution, but whatever. Have to sleep some hours now.23:36
Aloneajohey: night23:36
Alonealooks like I am going back to fiesty then. Even though I won't be able to shut down my computer. At least gusty fixed that problem.23:37
sebastian^funkju: i now tested kwifimanager for my wlan23:40
BluesKajerr Alonea ...maybe it's kde4 giving you the greif not gutsy23:40
sebastian^and he found everything without problems23:40
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AloneaBluesKaj: already talked to kde people. its due to the change from kdesu to kdesudo in gusty.23:43
BluesKajAlonea, i still use kdesu for gui and sudo for cli ... i don't trust kdesudo23:45
AloneaBluesKaj: yeah. me neither. its just on programs gusty automatically uses kdesudo and I don't know how to get it to do kdesu unless I load the program manually in the terminal23:45
hatter_every time i boot i get an error mesg 'boot/grub/splashimages/KUBUNTU_splashscreen_blue_neon_logo_03.xpm.gz not found23:46
HoNgOuRucan anyone help me_??? I ' ve installed latest privative ati driver, 8.43 and for some reason my bus setting is at 0x, it should be 8x...please give me a hand..23:47
HoNgOuRuI dont have graphic acceleration23:47
BluesKajHoNgOuRu, which ati card ?23:47
HoNgOuRuradeon,9800 pro, its supported by this driver23:48
HoNgOuRuenvy says so...23:48
HoNgOuRucatalyst shows 0x at bus setting...23:49
HoNgOuRuand the openGL part is from Mesa project instead of ATI23:49
HoNgOuRuI think I should edit something in xorg.conf23:50
HoNgOuRubut I don23:50
HoNgOuRu't know what23:50
BluesKajyes, ati recommends that driver for most of the radeons , but it doesn't do 3D or DRI on some so one has to revert to the restricted driver provided in system settings/advanced , but the newly installed 8.43 driver has to be uninstalled first23:50
AloneaHoNgOuRu: good luck. i tried doing it manually without success. envy did it for me thankfully. is composite disabled in xorg?23:50
HoNgOuRu0 or 1 ?23:50
AloneaHoNgOuRu: there is a composite 0 and 1???23:51
HoNgOuRuI'll type Disable23:51
HoNgOuRuthe bit state23:51
HoNgOuRuyes or no...23:51
HoNgOuRuwell wait for me...23:51
AloneaHoNgOuRu: oh ok. yeah, mine has to be disabled to work.23:51
AloneaHoNgOuRu: though i do not have that model of card. I have an ati xpress 200m23:52
HoNgOuRudisable or disabled????23:52
HoNgOuRuis that I dont speak english as my mother language...23:52
BluesKajHoNgOuRu, to uninstall the 8.43 driver : https://a248.e.akamai.net/f/674/9206/0/www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/linux_cat711-inst.html23:53
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HoNgOuRuI'll try the xorg first23:53
HoNgOuRuI put Disable or Disabled ???23:53
HoNgOuRuwish me luck23:54
HoNgOuRuthanx Ill restart23:54
BluesKajAlonea, do you have fgl_glxgears ?23:54
jembougehi there23:57
Ace2016Th3R3 isn't here today though23:58
jembougeanyone knows how to set the screen dpi to 75 so X uses it by default?23:58
BluesKajno prolly changed the nick Th4R423:58
Ace2016bye all23:59

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