
h3sp4wnTrewas: The difference is - I report this to nvidia they do nothing00:00
h3sp4wnIf XiG is broken I belive that they will fix it (or at least that is what they said when I enquired)00:01
h3sp4wnIf you are not one of the customers Nvidia actually makes the drivers for then you are so out of luck00:03
TrewasI guess that is true for a large corporation, they don't have much reason to listen for single customers00:04
Trewasbut for me, nvidia cards and drivers have so far worked fine unlike others... matrox never had working tv-out, has pitifully slow 3d, and currently has no working multi-head in xorg anymore, intel has been pretty better but some problems playing video especially with compiz where nvidia works perfectly fine00:10
Trewasand ati has always had reputation for horrible drivers (in windows and linux) so I have never seen any reason to try them :)00:10
h3sp4wnReputations change over time (I had the original geforce DDR and the drivers were beyond terrible)00:12
Trewassure, but ati still seems to have lots of horror stories in linux whereas for nvidia most of the whining is because the drivers are closed source00:15
h3sp4wnTrewas: fglrx was pants - I don't think the same thing applies to Windows (my brother has a high end ati and it seems alot more powerful than my similar range nvidia)00:16
h3sp4wnI think the newer version is supposed to be better but I dunno I won't get one of those ati's (The ones that work with XiG cannot be bought on a pci-e card)00:18
Trewasyep, and hopefully the ati drivers will get better if they actually get around to opensourcing them00:21
h3sp4wnHopefully but that in itself doesn't always mean better drivers00:26
Trewasyeah I know, as I said I have been using matrox cards for a long time ;) (which have free drivers which are bad and miss many of the features the card supports)00:28
underwatercowcrimsun: Are you still here?00:37
underwatercoware there any plans to make fstab work better in the future?00:58
LiMaOlol, still lots of work to do for hardy, uh? the 'about' page of alpha 1 still says it's 7.10 =P02:07
Hobbsee....you expect differently?02:07
LiMaOHobbsee: in no way =) i like to see how it progresses02:10
hydrogenso why did you comment on it?02:12
mrsnoLiMaO im not sure if that would require a bug to be posted, but on random note i did post one to ubuntu-website for a typo the other week, it was updated inside 24hours :)02:14
LiMaOthey sure are actively working on it.. better to wait a few more weeks before posting about that.. i guess they're working on more critical stuff at the moment =)02:15
LiMaOi'm pretty sure the 'about' page will be updated before the official release ;)02:15
=== DM| is now known as DM
=== DM is now known as Delvien
jscinozyay alpha :D05:38
pwnguinis there a way to show the things ubuntu-desktop suggests that aren't already installed?07:10
RAOFpwnguin: I believe there is, in synaptic.07:12
=== Aishiko_ is now known as Aishiko
=== Sebast1an is now known as Sebastian
gerrafter upgraded, grub still display ubuntu 7.1009:04
gerranyone here?09:05
Hobbseegerr: looks like no one has updated it09:08
=== Hobbsee_ is now known as Hobbsee
pvandewyngaerdemy KDE dcop broke12:14
Hobbseefix it?12:15
pvandewyngaerdei cant start my kde3 session anymore.  im now in my kde4 session12:15
Toma-try moving .kde or deleting it12:16
Hobbseewhat version of dbus?12:16
Hobbseeand what happens when you run "dcopserver &" from a commadn line?12:17
pvandewyngaerdedcopserver works12:21
Hobbseethen how did your kde dcop break?12:21
pvandewyngaerdei also cannot login to consele when i press crt alt f112:23
pvandewyngaerdemingetty processes are running12:24
pvandewyngaerdejust getty12:24
h3sp4wngerr: that is strange mine says "title     Ubuntu hardy (development branch), kernel 2.6.22-14-generic"12:51
Aondoinstalling aplha1 on an hp dv9000 now, seems to work very well atleast on live cd, the gutsy stable dont even start without some parameters at boot :D13:15
h3sp4wnAondo: Is that hppa ?13:35
Aondoh3sp4wn  if that means pavilion then yes.13:41
h3sp4wnIts an architecture13:42
slytherinh3sp4wn: dv9000 looks to be a pavilion laptop which must be x8613:44
h3sp4wnI was thinking of the HP Visualise 900013:45
h3sp4wnor maybe its just HP 900013:46
bazhang_very impressive first alpha release--have it installed without trouble--one question though: is the kmenu item (kubuntu heron) 'lost and found' a stop gap? There are something like 30 items in it.14:38
Hobbseeprobably gnome items or something?14:38
bazhang_mostly system settings type things normally found in the kcontrol section--presumably waiting for the kde4 bits to be integrated.14:39
Hobbseeyeah, probably14:41
Hobbseeif they do get integrated into kde 3 menus at all14:41
bazhang_very impressed with the amount of work that has gone into this thus far--reading the mailing list for hardy-changes is quite fascinating--though my mailbox gets really clogged on Friday afternoon :}14:42
bazhang_seen your name on quite a few of those, Hobbsee :}14:42
Hobbseeand i used to upload more, too14:43
Hobbseei'd give out mails of blocks of 10 diffs, to upload.14:43
Hobbseenot sure they liked it :P14:43
bazhang_no second life for you--more like second second life :}14:44
=== marcel__ is now known as marcel
=== Sebast1an is now known as Sebastian
Aondoonly real noob "problem" i went into was with the nvidia restricted driver installation, i used the manager, but it wasnt very happy when it didnt find the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file, but going around the manager worked fine.14:57
bazhang_there is a launchpad firefox plugin that allows you to track launchpad bugs, and search ubuntu packages--presumably one could file bugs there as well; in the Gutsy repos now15:00
PiciTheres also a whole bunch on http://mycroft.mozdev.com15:01
Hobbseeit's in hardy too15:01
Hobbseeunfortunately, it doesnt work with ff315:01
bazhang_and since the topic is Hardy Heron and X breakage, one would imagine that X breakage is almost compulsory at this point :] none on my install (yet).15:02
Hobbseeit's mostly stopped breaking15:02
bazhang_great topic though :}15:02
PiciI still have this nice AMD Testing Only watermark on my screen...15:03
bardyrIm i the only one tasting that a kernel update is in the air :D15:39
bardyror atleast linux-libc headers :15:39
bardyr!info linux-image-generic hardy15:40
ubotulinux-image-generic: Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (hardy), package size 24 kB, installed size 52 kB15:40
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Pici@now New York15:47
ubotuCurrent time in America/New_York: December 03 2007, 10:47:12 - Next meeting: Server Team meeting in 1 day15:47
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dr_evilis there a known-issues wiki or something like that for hardy alpha 1?18:17
=== malnilion__ is now known as malnilion
=== Sebast1an is now known as Sebastian
dr_evillooks like ubuntu deteced my primary harddisk as sdb and thus installed grub on the wrong harddisk18:31
h3sp4wndr_evil: You can fix that quite easily18:51
dr_evilh3sp4wn well, I think I fixed it by setting installation of bootloader to hd118:58
dr_evilbut this is a new system and the BIOS does insist that no bootable volumes are found18:59
h3sp4wndr_evil: Did you set it to boot from hd1 in the bios ?19:01
dr_evilsure, but this BIOS sucks big time, I doubt I'll ever buy an intel board again, its not even allowed to setup memory clock options19:02
dr_evilan Intel DG33TL, the only board with embedded graphics and DVI output I could find19:03
dr_evilh3sp4wn after bios update things are looking better, I also edited grub command line and it booted successfuly19:52
=== roe is now known as roe_
h3sp4wndr_evil: It took me a year to get a working bios for this gigabyte motherboard19:59
h3sp4wn(i.e every feature properly working)19:59
h3sp4wnSo I will just replace the cpu shortly (keep the board / ram etc)20:00
dr_evilthe Bios on the board was the "initial production release" from january, there have been 5 or 6 updates inbetween. but the Intel BIOS still sucks imo20:01
h3sp4wndr_evil: Is virtualisation working ? (i.e kvm)20:05
h3sp4wnand is it stable (if it is that is all I am bothered about)20:05
dr_evilsorry I never used that, don't know how to test20:05
h3sp4wnsudo modprobe kvm-intel20:06
h3sp4wnthen you can try loading hardy inside hardy20:07
dr_evilFATAL: Error inserting kvm_intel (/lib ...): operation not supported20:08
h3sp4wnIt may have to be enabled in the bios - or the cpu might not support it20:09
dr_evilQ6600 and it's not disabled in the bios20:10
h3sp4wnIts specifically enabled ?20:10
dr_evilno I think there is no such setting, but wait, I'll look again20:10
h3sp4wndr_evil: see if intel mentions it on the webpage its nice to have20:11
askerhave an AMD testing use only sign in the bottom right of my screen.. does anyone know what that is? is it my video card?20:15
dr_evil"VT technology" was disabled, but the IDE/RAID/AHCI setting in the bios is misbhaving again now :/20:17
h3sp4wnasker: I don't know but it a common issue by the sounds of it20:20
h3sp4wnasker: did you check launchpad ?20:20
h3sp4wndr_evil: You should use ahci20:20
h3sp4wnDo you need raid ?20:21
dr_evilI don't need RAID, I'm trying to use AHCI, but the bios is, errrm, strange20:23
dr_evilI wrote a AHCI driver for Haiku OS a few weeks ago, so I know what I'm doing here. however, the bios doesn't load grub when AHCI is selected20:24
dr_eviland it makes a looong pause during boot whenever I change the boot order20:25
dr_eviland bios is sooo slow anyway, this board just doesn't like me20:27
dr_evilthis is insane20:32
h3sp4wnMost boards seem to be poor these days I thought intel was one of the better makes20:33
dr_evilthis is the worst bios I've seen so far20:34
h3sp4wnRecent ATI/Amd ones are pants that I have20:35
h3sp4wnOr should I say the one I have20:35
dr_evilseems to only work when "Load Optimal defaults" is selected. any (correct) change, and it wont work anymore20:35
dr_evilthere we go, "Load Optimal defaults", then "VT enabled", boots fast, no strange delay, and grub is loaded20:37
dr_evilbut thats ide mode20:37
dr_evil(sure this is using a SATA disk)20:38
dr_evilbooting again, this just took 35 minutes to setup...20:40
dr_evilmodeprobe kvm-intel worked this time20:41
h3sp4wnSo you can use kvm if you want20:41
dr_evilI need to configure the hardware raid now (7TB), it's unfortunate that hardy still includes the broken parted 1.7.120:42
h3sp4wnWhy do you need parted ?20:43
dr_evilto create a GPT partition table, and a single partition20:43
h3sp4wndr_evil: with lvm2 ?20:47
dr_evilis network configuration broken? ifconfig doesn't show what I entered in "Network Settings" (and it doesn't work of cause)20:47
dr_evilh3sp4wn I never used that. It's also not installed. I successfully used gnu parted (current version) before to setup up a >2TB partition20:54
dr_evilok I configured networking (fixed IP) from Terminal, seems like the GUI config is broken20:57
h3sp4wndr_evil: With lvm2 you can grow and shrink partitions21:01
h3sp4wndr_evil: and take snapshots of partitions and loads of other funky stuff that really makes sense with so much space21:01
dr_evilI really don't want to try that. I'm using a hardware raid controller (Areca ARC-1261ML) that presents the harddisks as a single scsi device. I know that parted 1.8.8 from ftp.gnu.org works, and that Ubunutu still includes stuff that doesn't work21:03
h3sp4wndr_evil: Does the controller have nvram ?21:06
h3sp4wnStill makes sense to have a volume manager21:07
h3sp4wndr_evil: http://blogs.sun.com/bonwick/entry/raid_z (If you don't have NVRAM or raidz (on Solaris) you have that issue)21:07
dr_evilyes it has, see http://www.areca.com.tw/products/pcie341.htm if you want more into21:08
=== malnilion_ is now known as malnilion
h3sp4wnI think there is one you have anyway but nevermind (people have used volume managers since forever)21:09
telexiconIts too bad hardy alpha doesnt boot in qemu :(21:10
h3sp4wntelexicon: just qemu or kvm ?21:11
telexiconh3sp4wn, just qemu, full emulation no kqemu21:14
telexiconh3sp4wn, i keep ending up with a busybox shell21:14
telexiconi guess it cant find the cdrom once it boots21:14
h3sp4wntelexicon: Interesting strange as it has the hardy kernel afaik21:15
telexiconok.. ideas of what I could modprobe to make it load the cdrom?21:21
h3sp4wnyeah the gutsy kernel (or at least that is the one in the repos I never actually used the CD)21:24
Raptor45I installed the alpha 1 and have no xorg.conf, although the system runs fine... is this an issue or by design? should I run dpkg-reconf to make one?21:27
h3sp4wnRaptor45: Its by design21:28
Raptor45h3sp4wn: is there no way to get the restricted manager to go atm now? to install the nvidia driver?21:28
h3sp4wnRaptor45: You theoretically only need to add changes (although if you need to change something I think using the whole file might be easier for the time being)21:28
h3sp4wnRaptor45: No clue21:29
Raptor45anyone know the "right" way to do nvidia in hardy, then?21:30
Raptor45hmm I'll wait and see if anyone else responds, thanks h3sp4wn21:31
h3sp4wnRaptor45: Don't think there is a right way yet - install it and nvidia-xconfig should work21:31
h3sp4wnActually there is that linking hack - I don't know21:32
IdleOneso I read on the hardy blueprints page that there is going to be a windows installer based on wubi that will install to c:\ubuntu if you choose or format and do a full install. any case where can I get this so I can test on my xp box21:32
h3sp4wnIdleOne: Its unlikely it yet exists21:32
telexiconh3sp4wn, think i should report it as a bug?21:32
h3sp4wntelexicon: You could do - I think they do alot of testing on vmware so you could try it in vmware player if you wanted21:33
Raptor45h3sp4wn: so would you just recommend doing the manual nvidia install for now then?21:34
telexiconyea, i tend to want to use open source tools just because :) .. but I guess I could use vmware21:34
h3sp4wnRaptor45: I would try to use the nvidia-glx in the repos21:34
h3sp4wnRaptor45: If that didn't work - I think I would build the one from Debian Sid (as apposed to using the nvidia.com installer)21:35
telexiconh3sp4wn, it was the same in gutsy i guess.. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.22/+bug/12031621:36
ubotuLaunchpad bug 120316 in linux-source-2.6.22 "gutsy install cd (alternate or desktop) will not detect cdrom within qemu" [Medium,Triaged]21:36
h3sp4wntelexicon: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.22/+bug/120316/comments/721:37
ubotuLaunchpad bug 120316 in linux-source-2.6.22 "gutsy install cd (alternate or desktop) will not detect cdrom within qemu" [Medium,Triaged]21:37
IdleOneh3sp4wn: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/installer-for-windows says there is a beta available21:37
telexiconh3sp4wn, yea i saw that :) im trying it out21:37
Raptor45h3sp4wn: nvidia-glx-new installed okay. do I have to do anything to make sure it prioritizes the nvidia driver over nv or vesa?21:39
h3sp4wn!info nvidia-kernel-source21:40
ubotunvidia-kernel-source: NVIDIA binary kernel module source. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:1.0.9639+ (gutsy), package size 1723 kB, installed size 1820 kB21:40
h3sp4wn!info nvidia-kernel-source hardy21:40
ubotunvidia-kernel-source: NVIDIA binary kernel module source. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:96.43.01+ (hardy), package size 1725 kB, installed size 1820 kB21:40
h3sp4wnThats not nice - who knows what hackery it normally uses21:41
Raptor45ah, perhaps this is it "To enable the driver, run "sudo nvidia-glx-config enable"."21:41
Raptor45"Error: /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 or /var/lib/x11/XF86Config-4.md5sum21:42
Raptor45are missing from your system. Please be sure that your xserver package is21:42
Raptor45installed correctly."   seems related to the lack of an xorg.conf21:42
Raptor45oops didn't mean to spam that21:42
h3sp4wndo you have the kernel module ?21:42
Raptor45yes, modinfo nvidia returns stuff... appears to be in order21:43
Raptor45should I just restart x and see what happens?21:43
h3sp4wnRaptor45: No but remember now there is 3 nvidia.ko's21:43
h3sp4wnand the normal one I would guess is 96.43.0121:44
Raptor45still seems to be using the other driver21:47
Raptor45perhaps I'll just wait for the restricted manager to get updated21:50
dr_evildo I need 854.687.744 inodes?21:51
dr_evilis it correct that I need 1 inode for every single file that is stored?21:57
dr_evilthanks, I thought so22:07
dr_evilstill 850E6 files is more than I need22:08
dr_evilreducing to 150E6, I know I will regret that someday ;)22:08
=== Spec is now known as x-spec-t
h3sp4wnYou might regret not using zfs one day22:14
dr_evilsure, but I decided on ext3 now, since I'm afraid of reiser and know too little about zfs22:16
dr_evil7TB with maxomum 150E6 files, that errmm22:18
h3sp4wnIf you have a ups then xfs is pretty safe - jfs is pretty safe - ext3 is safe but not very fast22:18
dr_evilI had an ups but it turned into getting quite hot, and I removed it a few years ago22:19
dr_evilbut power is very stable here in germany22:19
Raptor45dr_evil left the room (quit: power loss)22:20
dr_evilh3sp4wn well it seems to work now. and hardy looks pretty good, too, except the broken network config and outdated parted. I need some sleep :)22:30
h3sp4wndr_evil: It looks identical to gutsy to me22:31
h3sp4wnJust without most of the slowdown (as it usually is)22:31
dr_evilwell I had a lot of strange issues with gutsy, and never updated it22:31
dr_eviland kept runnung edgy on my other machine22:32
h3sp4wnI did until I changed the kernel22:32
choudeshis hardy "jerky" for anyone? it seems that opens to open smoothly - but instead jerk.22:32
grafthey how come xorg 7.3 isn't in the repository?22:32
h3sp4wn!info xserver-xorg22:32
ubotuxserver-xorg: the X.Org X server. In component main, is optional. Version 1:7.2-5ubuntu13 (gutsy), package size 409 kB, installed size 1272 kB22:32
h3sp4wn!info xserver-xorg-core22:33
ubotuxserver-xorg-core: X.Org X server -- core server. In component main, is optional. Version 2: (gutsy), package size 3591 kB, installed size 10288 kB22:33
h3sp4wn!info xserver-xorg-core hardy22:33
ubotuxserver-xorg-core: Xorg X server - core server. In component main, is optional. Version 2:1.4.1~git20071119-1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 3983 kB, installed size 10904 kB22:33
h3sp4wn!info xserver-xorg hardy (sorry for spam)22:33
ubotuxserver-xorg: the X.Org X server. In component main, is optional. Version 1:7.3+7ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 298 kB, installed size 976 kB22:33
h3sp4wnIt is ^^22:33
nanonymewhat are you doing and can't you seriously get that information anywhere else? ;)22:33
nanonymeyou'd think there was a database of the packages...22:34
grafteh, this channel is low traffic enough22:34
grafti appreciated it, h3sp4wn :)22:35
nanonymeah, shared information :)22:35
nanonymefair enough then22:35
nanonymefinalbeta, aren't you here a bit early? ;)22:36
graftnanonyme: that's a typo, he meant to call himself finalberta, after the famous Canadian angler22:37
finalbetananonyme: no my last name is vista22:37
h3sp4wnWhat is this - "System restart required" WTF22:43
Raptor45what about it?22:43
h3sp4wnShouldn't be necessary22:43
h3sp4wnexcept to boot a new kernel22:44
Raptor45they say that when its not strictly necessary sometimes, when its just the simplest solution I think22:44
Raptor45like display drivers for example22:45
h3sp4wnjust restart X no issue with that (remove a kernel module if you need to)22:45
Raptor45to a random user "restarting X" would be unnecessarily confusing22:46
Raptor45and I guess they haven't gotten a way to handle it nicely yet22:46
graftif the thing is showing them a system restart dialog, why can't it show a restart X dialog instead?22:46
Raptor45don't know, probably just that no one has done it yet22:46
Raptor45not fun enough22:47
Tm_Tumm, and remove kernelmodule for you? etc etc22:47
h3sp4wnThink about how much wasted time that will be (everyone needlessly rebooting)22:47
Tm_Th3sp4wn: nah22:47
h3sp4wnTm_T: If it takes 1m and everyone running ubuntu does it then thats alot of minutes22:48
h3sp4wnCan I disable update manager easily ?22:49
Raptor45h3sp4wn: yeah, its in software sources22:51
h3sp4wnRaptor45: So If I turn off Check for updates then that is it ?22:53
h3sp4wnThanks - I usually mess with gconf-editor when I want to change stuff as I can never find anything :/22:54
h3sp4wnRaptor45: restricted driver manager is back unless you didn't notice22:55
h3sp4wn(well at least on the mirror I am using)22:55
Raptor45h3sp4wn: well it was in the repo, but if you try using it it complains about the lack of xorg.conf22:56
h3sp4wnRaptor45: I don't know anything about Gnome, I won't comment anything to do with it again (only ask questions)22:57
h3sp4wn1st - how to add a run button somewhere sane (top level of applications or right mouse click ? either is ok)22:58
Raptor45hmm what do you mean?22:58
Raptor45alt-f2 does run22:59
Raptor45if you want to add an app to applications, right click on applications and hit edit menu23:00
h3sp4wnAh that is ok - I must have pressed ctrl when I tried it 5 mins ago (Although Solaris Express does have it as a button by default)23:00
Raptor45oh okay, that's what you watned23:00
h3sp4wnThats good enough23:00
graftwhat's this new KDE vesion in hardy?23:04
graftis it just to be compatible with xorg 7.3?23:04
InfinityCircuitgraft: the idea is to move to kde4 in sync with the debian repos, i believe23:06
pvandewyngaerdei compile from svn23:07
graftInfinityCircuit: definitely not - i doubt kde4 will be the default in hardy23:08
graftInfinityCircuit: the version is 3.5.8 anyway23:08
pvandewyngaerdeit will be the 3.5.8,  but kde 4 packages will be available23:10
pvandewyngaerdeits an LTS remember23:11
h3sp4wnpvandewyngaerde: Hopefully this time it means more than last time23:24
h3sp4wn(e.g on Servers if something is supposed to be LTS it should be able to be installed on New Server hardware throughout the period)23:25
pvandewyngaerdeLetst Test Somenting23:25
javaJakeHey guys23:30
javaJakeI've got some complex initrd.img questions to ask23:30
magnetron!ask > javaJake23:30
javaJakeI'm trying to debug a modprobe issue with a friend, and I'm editing /conf/functions' load_modules() to do it23:30
javaJakemagnetron, getting to it, getting to it23:30
javaJakeNow, I'm thinking of at least using sleep, or perhaps less23:31
javaJakeThe question is, in initrd.img's limited scope, will they work?23:31
javaJakeOK, wait23:33
javaJakeAnswered myself...23:33
javaJakeI ran "find | grep sleep" and see ./bin/sleep exists23:33
javaJakeBut I don't see less23:34
javaJakeSo I'll just have the sleep command run, have my friend write down whatever he sees, and then it can go some more, he'll write down some more, etc... fun fun fun23:34
alex-weejwhen filing bugs against hardy are we supposed to tag or subscribe something?23:35
vanbergewould anyone be willing to help me take a look at WPA2?23:47
vanbergeWhen i was running 7.10, ubuntu would connect to my wpa secured wlan23:48
vanbergesince 8.04, i can only get it to connect to WEP23:48
vanbergethanks in advance if anyone can help me look at it.23:49

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