
=== away is now known as MefistoRQ
nysosymgood morning06:55
nysosymI have seen the meeting log, a lot to to right?06:57
nysosymIf it possible i'll made some icon mockups for future releases07:01
nysosymIn my opinion, we should made a realistic ultra detailed look. Sure, you can it's maybe a "waste" of time, but i think it's incredible useful for the experience of the "main" user. I know so many people, where love to see the detail in the icons of OSX 10.5. Well the Folder icons are a kick in my balls, but the rest is truly amazing.07:05
nysosymamazing style!08:31
nysosymThese color palette could maybe match with the new ubuntu style08:41
kwwiihi nysosym08:43
nysosymhi kwwii  :)08:43
nysosymhow are you?08:44
kwwiigood, busy08:47
kwwiiand you?08:47
nysosymohh fine, 4 weeks holiday now, after 8 weeks of night work :-/08:48
nysosymsome time for artwork now :)08:49
nysosymwhat can i do to support ubuntu? :)08:52
kwwiias always, there is a lot to do :-908:53
kwwiias far as Hardy artwork goes, we are still collecting ideas08:53
kwwiibut within a couple of days the official art direction will be announced08:54
nysosymwell i have seen the log of the meeting08:54
nysosymHardy will be the last  release with the "old" style?08:54
kwwiiI am guessing so, but it is not fact yet08:55
kwwiiI might be wrong08:55
nysosymsure the last word comes from mark08:56
kwwiiand others08:57
nysosymis it planed to have a todo list for the artwork team, something like "New color palette, new icon design". To see what we have and what we need08:58
kwwiiwell, we are planning on replacing everything08:59
kwwiiso the list is:08:59
kwwii * everything08:59
nysosymhehe ok :D09:00
nysosymin these way the next (+1) ubuntu release could have completely different colors?09:00
kwwiino, no...we are going to define all that09:01
kwwiibut we are looking at changing things a good bit09:01
kwwiibut we will not be blue or green anytime soon09:01
nysosymahh ok fine :)09:02
nysosymkwwii: have you seen this, what do you think about?09:05
kwwiinysosym: erm, seems like a bit of overkill to me09:06
kwwiiwell done and all, but not something I would use on my desktop09:06
nysosymsure it's messy, but i love the details09:06
nysosymbut really difficult to do with vektor art09:08
kwwiino doubt09:08
darkmatternysosym: lol. looks like a trashy version of a 'retro' theme I've been sketching on paper09:09
nysosymhehe trashy or not is a matter of taste :D09:10
darkmatterwell. time to get back to working on narcissus09:10
darkmattertheme I'm working on. will end up as an engine, just trying to get a pixmap-hybrid prototype done to show to the suse guys :)09:11
nysosymsounds good :)09:12
darkmatternysosym: basically, I've been considering for some time what a modern gnome should/could look like. needs to be professional, elegant, stylish (clearlooks is more suited to the 'classic' look, ala windows) and I kinda had the funny thought that if gnome ever saw itself in a mirror, it should fall head over heels in love09:14
darkmatterthus the name narcissus09:14
nysosymyes i like these name :D09:15
darkmatterdesigning it to look good with tango (since tango styling is the default for gnome, suse, and others). nicely unified, inspired  (to a very small degree) by the old NLD 10 mockups and by the unification experiment I had called glory.09:17
nysosym:) is there any wip picture?09:18
nysosyma picture says more than 1000 words ;)09:18
darkmatternot yet, but there are pictures of the old novell mockups and of glory kicking about the net ;) (just started some basic work on narcissus)09:19
darkmatternysosym: heres the old novell mockups http://www.flickr.com/photos/gamehack/sets/1506658/ and here's glory09:21
darkmatterhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/92826085@N00/sets/72157594488098254/ and http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Glory-Simplex?content=6032609:22
darkmatterand http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Oxygenated?content=6073409:22
darkmatternysosym: the basis of the inspiration (minus the oxygen icons :P)09:23
nysosymyeah i know these gnome mockups, hope to see some of the ideas in gnome 3.0. Anyway keep up the good work :)09:24
kwwiigood to see that kde artwork is helping gnome :-)09:24
nysosymyeah, oxygen is amazing! Something like that for ubuntu +1 :)09:26
nysosymbut with a different color palette :D09:26
darkmatterkwwii: I was thinking (I'll have to see how it will look though) of unifying the titlebars and the gtk, and having a slightly concave, contrasting menubar with slightly rounded corners. h09:27
nysosymoxygen is the perfect way between details and simplicity :)09:27
kwwiiwe still hve a long way to go on the oxygen style and windeco, I think09:28
kwwiibut there is only so long you can radically change things before release09:28
nysosymOhh well sry, i had oxygen associated with the icons09:29
darkmatterand btw, I wan't influenced by oxygen. I just repackaged the icons after someone said they though it would look good ;)09:29
darkmatterand funnily enough it did :O09:30
darkmatterand I believe I found a solution to gtks funky-arsed progessbars09:31
darkmatterkwwii: yeah, oxygen isnt anywhere near as polished looking as the mockups yet. but thats what you get transitioning gfx t code09:34
kwwiino doubt09:42
* kwwii takes a short break09:42
darkmatterhmmm.. if I do monochromatic glyphs for the toolbar icons...09:51
nysosymhi andreasn10:08
andreasnhi nysosym, what's up?10:08
nysosymi had created some fast folder concepts :D10:09
nysosymi hope you get the idea ^^10:10
andreasnthe second on the right would probably work we10:21
andreasnhi lapo10:21
lapo'morning andreasn10:21
nysosymandreasn: yes this is also the one that i like the most :D10:22
andreasnor, well, it would probably be closest to what people expect10:22
nysosymabout the "new" color palette, would it be better with brighter colors like the current one, or do we preffer pastel/darker ones?10:24
andreasnnysosym: sorry for the delay, had to pick up the cat at the vet11:29
andreasnnysosym: well, kwwii and Mark is going to lock themselves up in a room until they have reached a decision11:30
nysosymahh ok fine :D11:31
andreasnbut I think it was going to be in a couple of days11:31
Toma-Would that pass a Tango test?11:35
andreasnToma-: oh, cool. You should probably make the stroke a bit lighter, make a inner stroke and make the shadow less heavy11:37
Toma-cool thanks :)11:38
Toma-there an easy way to make an inner stroke in inkscape?11:41
andreasnlapo: you know a trick for this, right?11:42
andreasnI mostly copy the object and shrink it down a bit11:42
Toma-yeh but i have 5 of em :/11:42
nysosymhmmm how well does illustrator svgs works with gnome?11:42
andreasnthey work, but there are some rendering differences between Illustrator and librsvg11:43
andreasnInkscape and librsvg render pretty much the same though11:44
nysosymhmm damn, my current work machine is a mac and i couldn't check the compatibility11:44
Toma-you can run illustrator in wine i think11:45
andreasnhave you managed to get inkscape to run on it? could test to open the illustrator svg in that11:45
lapoandreasn: projection or linked projection work nicelly for inner stroke11:45
laponysosym: you'll have to tweak the svg, it add a lot of cruft to it usually11:46
nysosymhmm ok :)11:47
laponysosym: anyway I work with inkscape only for ages so I don't know how are things now11:47
troy_s<Toma-> there an easy way to make an inner stroke in inkscape?12:35
troy_sLinked offset12:35
troy_sI have a chrome tutorial on the blog that uses it.12:35
troy_sWorks rather well and is dynamically attached to the source object.12:35
troy_syou end up with two objects and the 'bigger' one is your stroke.12:36
troy_sif i am reading you correctly.12:36
Toma-did you see the icon?12:36
troy_sToma-: no12:36
Toma-basically need a thin trace inside the stroke12:36
troy_stry linked offset12:37
Toma-ok thanks12:37
Toma-actually, i read about that on your blog :)12:37
troy_sit is a rather elegant way to do strokes that are more dynamic and give you more control.12:37
troy_sthe main issue at hand is that anything that gets complicated gets nasty when you want to make changes.12:37
Toma-trying to tango-ify that12:38
andreasnyou can also probably try to make the pipes slightly more rounder12:39
troy_sToma-: Dynamic offset does the same but doesn't link to the object.12:43
troy_sToma-: Linked keeps the object attached...12:43
troy_sToma-: Although if you are planning direct SVG rendering, some of the SVG features aren't fully supported in libsvg -- as it appears l.apo already suggested.12:44
kwwiiillustrator has a perfect offset function, it works sooo well12:45
Toma-so i cant even render it right? :S12:45
troy_sToma-: Nope, it works pretty amazingly.12:45
Toma-oh cool then12:45
troy_sToma-: I am just warning that not everything is equal in librsvg.12:45
Toma-ok :)12:46
troy_sToma-: There are some features that are bogged in librsvg -- for example, draw an object and have it extend past the page dimensions.  Blur it.  The object in librsvg will blur the entire object clipped to the page where the original should only blur the edges up to the page.12:46
troy_sToma-: Also page colour etc. doesn't have any effect in librsvg.12:47
troy_sToma-: There are more, but those are pretty good examples of 'odd' behaviour.  I am pretty sure that librsvg is harsher with gradients on smaller sizes too.12:47
Toma-yeh ive notices a couple little sneeky render bugs12:48
lapoToma-: nice icon, try shading the tubes with a 3 point gradient, dark-light-darker13:34
Toma-ahh yeh. thanks13:36
Toma-Ummm anyway to recover that youre working on if gimp crashes?13:47
andreasnsave more often :/13:48
Toma-...plz dont say i just lost 2 hrs worth of animation :(13:48
darkmatterweee... this is taking forever... -.-13:49
Toma-Biggest let down ever.13:52
Toma-why the hell doesnt gimp have crash recovery!?@?!#13:53
Toma-inkscape does, ardour does13:53
darkmatteryes sweety?13:56
darkmattermeh. why does cairo have to take so much work....13:57
TheSheeppink and teal???14:03
TheSheepI was hoping for pink and orange :(14:03
darkmatterVIOLET AND LIME14:08
darkmattersheesh. pink is just so... metro14:08
TheSheepwith tiny little brown elephants14:48
nysosymohh well the contrast of brown and pink is very nice :)14:58
TheSheepnysosym: do you want fries with that?15:00
TheSheepnah, ignore me15:00
DShepherdpink and teal? what??16:29
DShepherdkwwii, pink and teal? what??16:38
cleatoni dun get it either16:38
DShepherdmaybe its some joke or something16:41
_MMA_Pink n' Teal FTW!16:43
Cimikwwii, do you know which is the command to redirect irc users from a file to another chan?17:08
Cimias /j #ubuntu-art -> artworkl17:08
Cimi*from a chan to another17:08
_MMA_andreasn: Who did the splashscreen in GIMP 2.4.2?17:28
kwwiisorry don't know that one17:37
kwwiierm, too late as well17:37
luisbgyou might find it in the credits page17:38
luisbghey kwwii17:38
luisbgtwo replies to go for the art people list17:39
kwwiihowdy luisbg17:39
luisbgdoing good... working a little17:39
kwwiijust make sure that wierd ubuntu-studio guy takes care of all of the work17:39
kwwiiluisbg: cool, I am making my son dinner, be back a bit later and we can talk about it17:41
* luisbg looks at _MMA_ 17:42
andreasn_MMA_: hm, I can't recall the name by heart, but jimmac might know18:11
andreasn_MMA_: Paul Davey18:13
_MMA_andreasn: Ahh... Looks like mattahan.18:25
andreasnhttp://mattahan.deviantart.com/ - same dude apparently18:28
_MMA_Oh hell. Yeah. :D18:28
_MMA_I hope he used GIMP to do it.18:30
nothlitbtw, recession is always nice https://people.fluxbuntu.org/~nothlit/fluxbuntu/artwork/mock_usplash.png21:58
* _MMA_ waves.22:26
=== lapo_ is now known as lapo
=== lapo__ is now known as lapo
DShepherdcan someone tell me whats up with the pink and teal topic?23:23
_MMA_Its the new theme colors.23:26
DShepherd_MMA_, for?23:38
_MMA_pink and teal=hottness.23:38
DShepherdi guess it does23:39
_MMA_Come on man. Its a joke. ;)23:39
DShepherdgood joke!23:39
DShepherdnow i can spread the love23:39
DShepherdlove = joke23:39
DShepherdkwwii, you prankster you23:40

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