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imbrandonok i have kinda a strange issue i'm not sure how to debug enough to even file a meaningfull bug or fix myself, but if someone helps me figure it out i'll be more than happy to do so ...10:11
imbrandoni installed hardy alpha-1 on a ppc iMac rev110:11
imbrandoninstall went fine ( alternate installer )10:11
imbrandonnothing special, all defualt options10:11
imbrandonanyhow on reboot i get droped to a initramfs busybox shell10:12
imbrandonand i need to "modprobe ide-disk;^C-d" to successfully boot10:12
imbrandoni tried dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-`uname -r` and updateinitramfs -u after adding ide-disk to /etc/modules10:13
imbrandonneither worked10:13
* imbrandon goes back to idleing unless someone poke him with ideas10:13
* abogani would like update KernelTeam/Contacts wiki page. Who is contact for 2.6.24 component?10:24
maks_imbrandon: /etc/initramfs-tools/modules as workaround10:33
maks_but your trouble sounds like something that got solved long time ago10:34
maks_don't know why it reappears in ubuntu10:34
imbrandonyea this is a brand new hardy fresh install, no dual booting etc10:36
imbrandonshould be streight forward10:36
imbrandonif there is any system specific info i can give lemme know10:37
imbrandonand i'll try that work arround10:37
imbrandonmaks_: ^^10:37
gaspaimbrandon: did you just try to select another kernel on grub menu?10:38
imbrandongaspa: it never gets that far, fresh alpha-1 install anyhow, no other kernels10:38
imbrandongaspa: sides ppc uses yaboot, but i know what ya mean :)10:39
gaspaok, i want to know only if you are sure of booting without the 'single' kernel option10:40
imbrandonyes, positive10:40
imbrandonimage=/boot/vmlinux label=Linux read-only initrd=/boot/initrd.img append="quiet splash"10:41
imbrandongaspa: ^^10:41
imbrandonthats the default ( that gets booted into ) yaboot.conf entry10:41
gaspaimbrandon: i know it's not a solution, but you could use the break=... option to take a look in initrd booting phases... for trying to understand what's the problem.10:44
imbrandongaspa: ok i'll try that10:45
maks_imbrandon: changelog helps, yes it was 2.6.15, where udev did not load ide-disk10:51
maks_so file a bug report against udev10:51
maks_don't know why it regressed in that aspect, also i thought ubuntu was using pata everywhere10:52
maks_(i'm debian only :)10:52
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imbrandonmaks_: fwiw i just got this system and havent tried any other OS / Version on it other than the pre-loaded OSX 10.2 I got when i purchased it11:00
imbrandonbut i might try older versions and debian etch/sid also just to see where else it happens11:00
imbrandoni think i have an sid ppc netinstall disk here somewhere :)11:01
imbrandonerr etch11:01
gaspaimbrandon,tell us the results. :)11:14
gaspamaks_: hardy doens't seem to have changes for udev.11:14
markhi, are people seeing regressions in gutsy's (server) kernel compared to feisty's?11:48
markI'm seeing it being 2-3x slower for certain things, and various other weirdness11:49
markI wonder if it has to do with the SLAB allocator changes12:01
markservers suddenly under socket memory pressure, LVS forwarding being slower12:01
zulI HATE SNOW!!13:33
ivoksi love it13:33
zulivoks: we are suppose to get 45cm of snow today. 13:34
ivoksluck you13:34
ivokswe have just this ugly rain13:34
thegodfatherhey ivoks 13:35
thegodfatherivoks: looks like we did it also on dapper :)13:35
ivokshe fabio13:35
thegodfatherivoks: kees has everything in his inbox.. should be in the next kernel update13:35
ivoksthe fix? yeah, i've seen it13:35
ivoksthegodfather: i hope that will happen very soon :)13:35
thegodfatherivoks: yeps13:35
thegodfatherivoks: should be.. 13:36
thegodfatheri have no control over it13:36
ivoksi know :)13:36
ivokshopefully, none of my servers will die before kernel upgrade :)13:37
sorenDo we have lvs in our kernels?13:42
ivoksyes, we have cluster stuff very well covered13:44
ivoksi would say drbd is only missing piece :)13:44
markdrbd would be nice13:45
ivoksmark: plan is to have it in main in 8.04, at least as a additional module source13:45
sorenIt's already there? drbd8-source13:45
ivoksis't not in main13:46
sorenIf it were in main it wouldn't be as a separate source packages.13:47
markanyway, 2.6.22-server in gutsy doesn't look too great here13:47
markbut I need to do more testing13:47
_stranger_hi everyone! Is there any way i can get help here regarding kernel compillation?16:33
_stranger_anyone here?16:39
rtg_stranger_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelMaintenance16:40
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tsmitheBenC, poke re the alsa-firmware issue (i think I pm'd you earlier)20:48
BenCtsmithe: yes, what about it?20:49
tsmithei was wondering how to get the firmwares included into l-r-m20:49
tsmithei'm not familiar with the build system, so would need a little coaching. i sent a message to the kernel-team list about this a couple of weeks ago20:50
BenCtsmithe: just duplicate what was done for the dvb firmware20:50
tsmitheok, i will check that out. thank you :)20:51
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el_cubanoHello.  Could someone explain this error: "Checking ABI for 386...previous or current ABI file missing" ?21:07
el_cubanoIt does not come up anyhere in Google.21:07
el_cubanoI am trying to build packages from linux-source-2.6.22 on Dapper using dpkg-buildpackage.21:08

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