
mok0hehe :-)00:00
superm1_according to http://standards.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/desktop-entry-spec-latest.html, it seems %U is for urls whereas %F is for a list of files directly00:00
mok0I want to upload the near-perfect theseus package before ending tonite00:00
superm1_so i think that %U makes more sense since it appears it can take either or00:00
norsettosuperm1_: http://standards.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/latest/ar01s06.html00:00
superm1_do you agree?00:00
norsettosuperm1_: yes, it makes sense00:01
superm1_okay i'll finish this merge then now :)00:02
norsettooh well, that was the coup de grace00:03
norsettog'night all .....00:04
=== Nightrose_ is now known as Nightrose
mok0Well goodnight folks, it was good fun00:16
jdongthat's what... that's what.... *must resist* ahhh that's what she said!00:18
mok0jdong: :-) hehe00:19
persiamok0: About theseus: why gawk vs. mawk?  mawk is smaller and more efficient for most cases. (doesn't really matter: I just couldn't resist the challenge)00:34
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dsopsome reviewer online?00:57
persiadsop: Yes.  Which package?01:03
bddebianHey folks.  Anyone familiar with/run OpenSUSE?01:09
bddebianpersia: My buddy!! :-)01:10
* Fujitsu stabs bddebian over to #opensuse01:10
persiabddebian: I haven't run SUSE since before Novell had an interest.  Can't really help you here.01:10
bddebianpersia: No I still have to bug you about comixcursors ;-P01:11
* StevenK has never run SuSE01:11
persiabddebian: The preinst / postinst still doesn't work?01:11
dsoppersia: gcutils01:11
bddebianI don't want to run SUSE, I want to figure out if they have patch clanbomber to build against clanlib 0.801:11
bddebianpersia: No, I suck :-(  I think it should work.01:12
persiadsop: It's best when advertising your package to put something like: "Could a reviewer please look at http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=gcutils ?  I've addressed the last set of comments, and am looking for my first advocate".  I'll take a look, and let you know if I see anything in particular.01:13
persiabddebian: The CVS is fairly easy to read, and the patches reasonably organised.  Take a look :)01:13
dsopOkay persia, please can you review my package http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=gcutils. I tried to fix things and i'm looking for an advocate.01:14
dsoppersia: for sure you are right, i've to be friendly01:14
persiadsop: Just comparing the debdiff to the last comments, I don't see the changes for the manpage differentiation.01:15
dsoppersia: because i'm the upstream author, i also changed the orig.tar.gz01:15
persiadsop: Right.  That's what I get for looking at the debdiff :)01:16
* StevenK kicks automake01:18
bddebianpersia: Sorry, what CVS?01:19
persiadsop: Looks fairly clean to me.  I don't have the tools available to put it through proper testing now, but perhaps another reviewer might.  If you're feeling especially cool, you might make the scripts point to the local license file pre-installation, and to the /usr/share/doc/ file post-installation, but that's certainly not important enough to block.01:19
dsoppersia: thx, i'll think about that.01:20
persiabddebian: I'm not finding the link now: maybe google will be nicer to you.  http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/ has all the code though.01:24
FujitsuHi Hobbsee.01:27
* Fujitsu requests that rkward be given back on all archs but lpia and hppa.01:27
* Hobbsee waves01:27
HobbseeFujitsu: given back01:28
bddebianHmm, I can find the source rpm, does that help me any?01:29
FujitsuHobbsee: Thanks.01:29
persiabddebian: Yes.  Unpack it.  There should be separated patches for all the changes.01:29
Hobbseeno problem01:29
bddebianHow do I unpack an rpm?01:30
FujitsuUse rpm2cpio, I guess.01:30
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dsopHobbsee: online?01:52
dsopi was told that you are a revu admin>01:52
Hobbseedsop: yes and yes01:53
dsopi've a problem with my accound01:53
tonyyarussoCould someone tell me their thoughts on Tormod Volden's comment at the bottom of https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvu/+bug/99433 ?  It seems like it might make sense, but I'm not sure what policy issues might be involved.01:53
ubotuLaunchpad bug 99433 in nvu "[needs-packaging] nvu html editor is not in the repositories" [Wishlist,Fix released]01:53
dsopmy key is synced, so i can upload packages, but i never received an email concerning my revu accopunt01:54
dsopand if i try to recover, no message is display to descript01:54
imbrandonyou dont get a new account untill you make your first upload01:54
persiaimbrandon: There are uploads01:54
dsopHobbsee: and I checked twice if i entered the right email address :)01:54
imbrandonwhats one of th uploads ?01:55
Hobbseedsop: which email address are you using, and have you uploaded anything to revu yet?01:55
persiatonyyarusso: I don't think it makes sense for SRU, but it would be nice for LTS->LTS upgrades.01:55
dsopsn_@gmx.net and yes i uploaded some packages (approx 10 times, and every package was shown on the revu site)01:55
tonyyarussopersia: Fair point.  So I should just remember to do a second package for Hardy and not worry about the others too much?01:56
FujitsuHobbsee: Can you please give back the following? They're some of the remaining fallout from the texlive mess. ara, backup-manager, blitz++, bobcat, bochs, cfengine2, cffi, cjk, cl-asdf, cmucl01:56
* tonyyarusso guesses that a significant portion of the userbase is probably LTS - Edubuntu especially01:56
persiatonyyarusso: I'd say so.  If there are people with leftovers from edgy, they should get fixed during gutsy -> hardy, but pushing NEW in SRU is discouraged.01:57
Hobbseeimbrandon: you deal with revu, i'll do the givebacks01:57
imbrandonHobbsee: ok01:57
tonyyarussopersia: okay, thanks01:57
imbrandondsop: looking into it now01:57
* Fujitsu wonders if somebody can be poked into doing a mass-giveback soonl01:57
dsopimbrandon: thanks01:57
* persia thinks there are enough blow-by-blow givebacks happening that the "mass-give-back" won't have many candidates by the time it is decided.01:58
* emgent heya01:59
tonyyarussoapachelogger__: ah, just saw the e-mail about you - and now I know what on earth this nick is!  Congrats.01:59
HobbseeFujitsu: given back all but blitz++02:00
FujitsuHobbsee: Because your buildd.py doesn't urlencode properly?02:00
Hobbseecjk also may be botched02:01
HobbseeFujitsu: yeah02:01
* Fujitsu concocts a package name that does bad things.02:02
HobbseeFujitsu: appears it doesn't like searching02:03
FujitsuHobbsee: What?02:05
Hobbsee  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/re.py", line 134, in search02:05
Hobbsee    return _compile(pattern, flags).search(string)02:05
Hobbsee  File "/usr/lib/python2.5/re.py", line 233, in _compile02:05
Hobbsee    raise error, v # invalid expression02:05
Hobbseesre_constants.error: multiple repeat02:05
Hobbsee(there's more than that)02:05
jdongHobbsee: oh that's a GREAT error message. Go python!02:05
HobbseeTraceback (most recent call last):02:06
Hobbsee  File "/usr/local/bin/buildd.py", line 39, in <module>02:06
Hobbsee    m = re.search('"/ubuntu/%s/\+source/%s/(\d[^"]+)"' % (release, package), page)02:06
Hobbseeis the top bit02:06
* persia likes stacktraces02:06
jdongHobbsee: reminds me of a popular embedded chipset C compiler, whose only error message is "syntax error" or "Abort.02:06
imbrandondsop: hrm even looking at the code i dont know whats up, you will likely have to get siretart's attention and/or email him02:06
Fujitsuimbrandon: What's the issue?02:07
imbrandoni'd imagine its soemthing with the _ in your email02:07
imbrandonFujitsu: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/lostpw.py?email=sn_@gmx.net02:07
dsopimbrandon: hm, okay02:08
dsopimbrandon: do you have his email?02:09
imbrandondsop: i think Fujitsu is also looking into the issue02:09
imbrandondsop: siretart@ubuntu.com02:09
imbrandonif it comes to that02:09
TheMusoWell. It is now a known fact that the upper blue mountains power grid is as flaky as the first Linux release. :p02:09
imbrandonTheMuso: solar :)02:10
TheMusoimbrandon: Trees + not enough sun most of the year.02:10
=== doko_ is now known as doko
StevenKMmm. There's going to be a huge storm02:18
Hobbseeoh dear02:18
FujitsuStevenK: We just had a lot of thunder and lightning here for about 45 minutes.02:19
TheMusoStevenK: Probably similar to what we just had.02:19
TheMusoStevenK: However your power grid will likely stay up.02:19
bddebianOK so how the hell is rpm2cpio supposed to work?02:19
TheMusoUnlike ours...02:19
StevenKbddebian: rpm2cpio < .rpm > .cpio02:19
TheMusough fingers02:19
bddebianStevenK: I tried that but it just dumps a bunch of crap to the console02:21
bddebianAm I suppose to dump it to something?02:22
FujitsuHobbsee: Can you please resync the REVU keyring?02:22
persiabddebian: The output is the .cpio file, no?02:23
StevenKbddebian: Can you paste the exact command you ran?02:23
Fujitsuimbrandon: I've sorted out dsop's issue (the key on keyserver.ubuntu.com was out of date).02:24
bddebianrpm2cpio clanbomber-1.05-76.5.src.rpm02:24
Fujitsubddebian: Right, that will output the cpio archive to stdout.02:24
bddebianOh those are redirects not options for < foo > eh? :-)02:25
FujitsuAhah, you're right, it did look a bit like that.02:26
bddebianOK so then wtf do I do with a cpio file?02:26
FujitsuUse cpio to extract things from it.02:26
imbrandonFujitsu: ahh02:36
Fujitsuimbrandon: The UID containing that email address wasn't on REVU's keyring, so it died.02:37
bddebianWell shit, that was a waste of time for nothing.. :-(  Thanks though StevenK, Fujitsu, persia02:38
persiabddebian: No patches? :(02:39
bddebianYeah but not to build against clanlib 0.802:39
bddebianI'm freaking sucking more than usual lately :-(02:40
dsopbtw is there an review admin that might review my gcutils package. It would be really nice. So i please an revu reviewer to take a look at this package, as I tried to fix all the problems from the previous comments.02:41
* persia thinks it looks pretty good and someone should give it a proper review02:42
TheMusoAs soon as I've finished my buntuStudio work, I'll take a look.02:45
bddebianpersia: If you get bored/have time: http://www.bddebian.com/packages/debian/comixcursors/02:51
joejaxxpersia: what is the policy on applying patches to software that is in the repository?02:51
* joejaxx never attempted to add his gnupg patch02:51
bddebianOr if anyone else feels like seeing how I have f'd up the pre/post/rm/inst02:51
Hobbseejoejaxx: ???02:52
joejaxxit makes the maximum bit key limit higher :D02:52
joejaxxinstead of it being at 409602:52
Hobbseejoejaxx: no.  you may only add patches to newly done software.  nothing in the archive is allowed to be patched!02:52
joejaxxoh ok02:52
Hobbseejoejaxx: you can fix it in hardy02:52
joejaxxHobbsee: that is what i meant :D02:52
joejaxxright now the limit is 409602:53
joejaxxi want to make it higher lol02:53
persiajoejaxx: Patches are welcome, but new functional changes require a bit of justification.02:53
joejaxxpersia: the maximum is too low02:54
persiabddebian: Be careful about publishing a signed changes file.02:54
bddebianGah, crap02:54
* imbrandon uploads bddebian packages to ubuntu02:54
Fujitsupersia: Best not upload to PPA, then.02:54
persiaFujitsu: Does that expose .changes publically?02:54
imbrandonFujitsu: what?!?02:55
Fujitsupersia: In 1.1.10 in did, but it has been mostly fixed now.02:55
dsopbddebian: you are running hurd? debian/hurd?02:55
persiaFujitsu: That's very dangerous.  If that's true, anyone on earth can put anything I put on a PPA directly into hardy.02:55
bddebiandsop: On about 5 machines, yes02:55
Fujitsupersia: Exactly.02:56
Hobbseepersia: at least you don't have main upload rights02:56
joejaxxbddebian: i have not tried that in a while, thanks for reminding me :D02:56
dsopbddebian: wow, nice i've to try it out, but it's not that easy to get a lot of information about the current progress ,is it ?02:56
persiaHobbsee: That's fine.  I only maintain 1 package in main anyway.02:56
FujitsuThere was a semi-workaround put in place for 1.1.11, so it's not quite as blatant (ie. the links have been removed).02:56
* persia decides not to prep the libopenal1 transition in the PPA until 1.1.12 is out and fixes that.02:57
FujitsuGood idea.02:57
imbrandonwoot, $70 in my new computer fundraiser , its getting there :)02:57
joejaxxlol :)02:57
imbrandonFujitsu: grr all the more reason for them to clear my /pool02:57
bddebiandsop: Sure it is, see the wiki on that same site. ;-)  http://www.bddebian.com/~wiki/  :-)02:57
persiaPity though, as it allows for lots of acceleration on amd64 & powerpc.02:58
persiaFujitsu: Do you happen to know the bug #?02:58
HobbseeFujitsu: it's a private bug02:58
Fujitsupersia: It's private4.02:58
FujitsuHobbsee might know it, though.02:58
Hobbseei don't02:59
* persia fails to subscribe, and hopes there will be public disclosure of the fix.02:59
FujitsuIt's fairly safe at the moment.02:59
persiaFujitsu: Safe enough to process an entire library transition with ~50 packages that might not work, and doesn't belong in hardy?02:59
FujitsuI probably wouldn't risk it.03:00
* persia rejects that definition of "fairly safe203:01
persiabddebian: Looks sane to me, but might be worth a mention in the changelog.  I can't test now :(03:08
proppyI finally managed to compile juce against it's packaged external dependencies03:09
proppyinstead of relying on inlined sources in the tarball03:09
persiaproppy: Excellent.  You get a gold star!03:10
proppypersia: thanks for supporting !03:11
proppynext step will be to be the new upstream03:11
proppyI don't know if there are any guidance in this field03:11
proppyI guess just crafting a new tarball and host it on a http is not enought03:12
bddebianpersia: It doesn't work, I've tried it.  I get: /var/lib/dpkg/tmp.ci/preinst: 13: ComixCursors-Orange-Regular: not found03:12
* persia looks again, more carefully03:12
persiabddebian: Try putting quotes around REPLACE_ME_SHIP_LIST.  I suspect it's doing something like `REPLACE_ME_SHIP_LIST=/some/theme/file /some/other/theme/file and attempts to execute the second argument.03:14
bddebianI was just thinking that a minute ago.03:14
choudeshHi all.03:22
choudeshI would like to join the MOTU team - but I need a mentor first03:22
imbrandonchoudesh: well you dont "need"03:22
imbrandona mentor to help03:22
imbrandonand after helping a while you will be invited to join03:23
choudeshimbrandon: true - I would like the help of a mentor. ;-)03:23
choudeshimbrandon: I know how to package debs - just not sure what needs to be packaged. is there a launchpad page on what needs to be packaged?03:23
imbrandonahh okies :) well in that case i would email the mentors front desk as usgested on the wiki03:23
imbrandonand request one to be assigned03:24
choudeshimbrandon: can I get some linkage to the front desk?03:24
imbrandonchoudesh: well NEW packages really arent the best way for new contributors IMHO, you might check qa.ubuntuwire.com for bugs03:24
imbrandonto get some experince03:25
imbrandonand buys taged "bite-size" on LP are also good03:25
bddebianpersia: Well at least it acts differently: :-)03:25
bddebian/var/lib/dpkg/tmp.ci/preinst: 35: SHIP_LIST: not found03:25
bddebian/var/lib/dpkg/tmp.ci/preinst: 35: TMP_THEME: not found03:25
choudeshimbrandon: seems at the moment all bitesize bugs have fixes proposed. ;-(03:30
imbrandonsure then apply the fixes and request a sponsord upload :)03:30
imbrandonthats the point of them03:30
choudeshhow do I request a sponser upload?03:31
=== _czessi is now known as Czessi
* emgent heya03:43
persiachoudesh: I'd recommend reading https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing to get started.  http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/uehs/no_watch.php is a good list of packages that need work.03:54
Hobbseemorning mdomsch03:55
mdomschgood evening Hobbsee03:55
Hobbseemdomsch: keep up with the times, will you?03:55
Hobbseeit's 3pm!03:56
Hobbsee5pm, even!03:56
* Hobbsee mutters about backwards people :)03:56
bddebianDamnit, fixed that, now getting a grep usage error :-(03:56
mdomschyou're always a step (or 17 time zones) ahead of me03:56
persiabddebian: Put quotes around $(TMP_THEME) :)03:57
mdomschrough draft of how to do BIOS updates on 240+ Dell system types from within Ubuntu03:58
imbrandonheya mdomsch03:58
mdomschgreetings imbrandon03:59
persiabddebian: Also, line 14 might benefit from sed -n "s!$(ICONDIR)/\(.*\).theme/p"03:59
persiaErr.. "s!$(ICONDIR)!\(.*\).theme!p"03:59
persiasingle quotes won't expand the variable, and there's not usually a good reason to call sed twice.04:00
bddebianOh, use double quotes instead of single quotes?04:02
imbrandonzomg, i got past the iniramfs bug on hardy ppc and got X and all working :)04:02
persiabddebian: If you want $(ICONDIR) to mean anything :)  You might need to escape * - best to test.04:02
imbrandonmeans UW will soon have a ppc box to access soonish04:03
persiamdomsch: Might it be worth adding `aptitude install $(bootstrap_firmware -a)` in a small wrapper so people don't need to remember commands?04:04
mdomschpersia, yeah; on other distros it's yum install $(bootstrap_firmware) or up2date -i $(bootstrap_firmware -u)04:06
Hobbseemdomsch: do you have a lsit of all the dell systems that works on?04:06
mdomschand apt-get is *supposed* to be able to ignore not-available packages, but it doesn't04:06
mdomschHobbsee, not really; most have "pretty names", but there are a few I don't have the name mappings for yet04:06
* Hobbsee nods04:07
mdomschbasically, every system sold in the past 4-5 years, modulo a few with very early and broken update capability04:07
persiamdomsch: Maybe you could have /usr/sbin/install-firmware-updates that checks /etc/release (or whatever), determines $dist and calls one of `yum install $(bootstrap_firmware)`. `up2date -i $(bootstrap_firmware -u)` or `aptitude install $(bootstrap_firmware -a)`04:07
mdomschand modulo a few of the newest Vostro systems04:07
mdomschpersia, yes, a 'download_firmware' app would be a welcome addition I agree04:08
Hobbseemdomsch: nice :)04:08
* Hobbsee wonders if there's anything of interest in them04:08
* persia doesn't have tools available now, but thinks it's a 10-15 line shell script.04:08
persiamdomsch: I guess the only thing that confuses me in particular is the for loop.  Should be able to do without that.  The rest looks rather exciting.04:09
mdomschpersia, yeah, it should be04:11
mdomschthe only challenge is knowing which tool should be used04:11
mdomschwhen multiple tools are present04:12
persiamdomsch: Of apt-get, aptitude, or dpkg?  They should all be present by default.04:12
mdomschapt-get vs aptitude vs yum vs up2date vs Novell tool hell vs04:12
persiaheh.  I see now.  I would think that /etc/lsb-release should provide hints, but it's a fair bit of detective work.04:12
Hobbseemdomsch: the solution to that is, of course, trivial04:13
mdomschHobbsee, when we sell considerably more Ubuntu/Debian systems than we do Red Hat systems on the whole, I'd agree with you.  We're not there yet. :-)04:13
Hobbseemdomsch: if [! -e /usr/bin/dpkg]: ubuntu.install().  or something.04:14
persiaHobbsee: doesn't help.  dpkg.rpm is available.  /etc/lsb-release is the key.04:15
Hobbseemy syntax sounds wrong04:15
mdomschpersia, not all distros provide that by default :-(04:15
mdomschbut I could make firmware-tools depend on it I suppose...04:15
Hobbseeif they don't, format them to ubuntu. i tell you, the problem is trivial!04:16
persiamdomsch: They should.  Not providing that is a bug.  Not providing aptitutde or up2date or yum or what-have-you is a distro decision.04:16
pwnguinmdomsch: actually, i have a slight question -- does the script check for battery power?04:16
mdomschpwnguin, no - that's an interesting idea though04:16
mdomschthe actual flash happens after a reboot, during very early POST04:17
mdomschand *that* does check for AC04:17
bddebianpersia: Nice, well I got no errors and everything seems to work but I don't really know if it did the right thing for update-alternatives..04:17
pwnguinwhat happens if ac isnt found?04:17
Fujitsumdomsch: Ah, that's nice.04:17
persiaSo what happens if you prep for flash update on batteries?  Is the system in a good state after reboot?04:17
mdomschpwnguin, the it tells you it can't flash and continues without flashing04:17
mdomschpersia, yes04:18
pwnguinhow visible is that warning about the flash?04:18
* Hobbsee wonders what happens if the flash fails.04:18
persiabddebian: Test case: install the package from the repos.  update-alternatives to a new theme.  upgrade to your version.  make sure your theme didn't get reset.04:18
persiamdomsch: Ah.  Good :)04:18
mdomschpwnguin, it's on the screen for several seconds04:18
bddebianpersia: Oh aye, duh :-)04:18
pwnguinit might make sense to add a info popup (however that's done) to inform users that power is needed on reboot04:19
FujitsuHobbsee: We laugh at you.04:19
mdomschHobbsee, if the flash starts writing to the flash, and fails midway through for some reason, you're in trouble of course04:19
Hobbseeoh, if the flash fails, we blame mdomsch, and come and kill him.  got it.04:19
mdomschbut I've never seen that happen04:19
* Fujitsu looks for BIOS upgrades for his Inspiron.04:19
* Hobbsee just wants a battery upgrade :P04:20
mdomschthat's one of the reasons it's done by BIOS itself during POST - there's few things that can go wrong short  of yanking the power cord04:20
bddebianOh and stop shipping broadcom wireless adapters in your laptops.. ;-P04:20
pwnguinout of curiosity, what happens if the power cord is pulled halfway through a flash?04:20
persiamdomsch: it's only likely in cases of sudden power failure or extreme environmental conditions.04:20
mdomschbddebian, we don't sell those with our Ubuntu systems :-)04:20
pwnguinmdomsch: assuming a battery backup, of course04:20
FujitsuHopefully the battery is charged enough.04:20
bddebianmdomsch: Ah nice.  Smart.04:20
* Hobbsee only managed to land one broadcom component04:21
FujitsuMine has Broadcom Ethernet NIC, but that works fine.04:21
pwnguinmdomsch: also, this two stage install can introduce semantic inconsistancies -- the package can be "installed" but the BIOS can still be out of date. im not sure what can be done about that though04:21
HobbseeFujitsu: 6400?04:21
FujitsuOther than parts of the card reader, everything works flawlessly.04:21
bddebianBoth laptops I "borrowed" from work had them.  Luckily we had a few other so I switched to the Intel's that they had. -)04:21
FujitsuHobbsee: 630m.04:21
mdomschbroadcom wired is fine, wireless sucks with Linux04:21
persiapwnguin: postinst?04:22
HobbseeFujitsu: ahhh.  what, even now?04:22
mdomschit's easily remedied with a $30 "customer kit"04:22
pwnguinpersia: on a reboot?04:22
Fujitsumdomsch: ie. new MiniPCI card?04:22
mdomschFujitsu, yep04:22
persiapwnguin: On install.  State is inconsistent until next powered reboot.  Notification to the user that powered reboot is required.04:22
mdomschpwnguin, sure - I can have 240 bios images "installed", though only 1 would be appropriate for my system04:22
mdomschI've got a bootable USB key like that, for manually running the update tool04:23
pwnguinanyways, i like the idea04:23
pwnguinjust wanted to double check that it's not a recipe for disaster once digg finds out04:23
mdomschpwnguin, we've been using it on RPM-based systems for a couple years04:24
Fujitsumdomsch: Out of interest, will it reflash the first time you're powered, or only on the first reboot?04:24
mdomschFujitsu, only on the first reboot04:24
mdomschbecause the tool itself only throws the image into memory, and sets a cmos flag04:24
mdomschBIOS POST sees the flag, re-assembles the image, and does the flash04:24
Hobbseeand kaboom!04:25
mdomschhttp://linux.dell.com/firmware-tools  for more details04:25
mdomschHobbsee, always the pessimist :-)04:25
Hobbseemdomsch: :P04:26
FujitsuAre there changelogs for the BIOSes around somewhere?04:26
pwnguinmdomsch: anyways, i brought up the semantics not because of the 240 images, but because you may have 0 installed if you reboot on battery04:26
mdomschFujitsu, great question04:26
Hobbseemdomsch: so i've been told.  but really, watching things blow up is fun!04:26
Hobbseeassuming they're not *my* things, of couse04:26
pwnguinHobbsee: only when you have spares04:26
mdomschFujitsu, yes there are, but they're not included in the BIOS packages posted on support.dell.com, so they're not included in the .deb packages either04:26
pwnguinthese days, you cant be a good computer student without a second computer ;)04:27
FujitsuIt's only fun when you can see the magic smoke *and* have a spare.04:27
Hobbseepwnguin: as someone else does teh blowing up, and on their own equipment, it's all good04:27
mdomschthey're posted separately on support.dell.com alongside the windows images04:27
mdomschwhich sucks04:27
Hobbseewell, i'm surprised my toshiba hasn't caught fire yet.04:27
mdomschand is something we're looking to get changed04:27
FujitsuAh, found it.04:27
LaserJockevening MOTU land!04:27
FujitsuHey LaserJock.04:27
Hobbseehey LaserJock04:27
StevenKLaserJock: Ponies!04:27
FujitsuHow'd I guess.04:27
mdomschpwnguin, run 'update_firmware' again and it'll tell you. :-)04:28
* persia fondly remembers the IBM 515104:28
pwnguinmdomsch: i dont own any dells, but its encouraging the progress im seeing ;)04:28
mdomschpwnguin, it's just a framework - it could be extended to handle IBM, Toshiba, ...04:29
Hobbseepwnguin: id' really prefer not to test on my production machine :P04:29
mdomschwe spoke with the IBM team a few months ago about it, they liked the idea04:29
bddebianCrap, didn't seem to work04:29
pwnguinmdomsch: anyways, as long as you prompt the user to remind them about AC before reboot, sounds good04:29
mdomschthere's one more catch04:29
mdomschdepending on the age of the system, you may need to reboot, run update_firmware, reboot again04:29
* Fujitsu blinks.04:29
Fujitsu1. Update 2006 Intel logo.04:30
mdomschbecause it needs 1-2MB _physically contiguous" kernel memory04:30
FujitsuWhat a useful update.04:30
persiabddebian: OK.  Now, take a backup of everything, and run one script at a time, to figure out what breaks.  Might be the new theme installation.04:30
mdomschwhich we've fixed for newer systems04:30
mdomschthe first reboot gives you a better chance of your memory not being too fragmented yet04:31
pwnguini dont do any kernel hacking, but what happens if you request a kmalloc of 2MB and theres no existing holes big enough?04:33
mdomschpwnguin, 1) you can't kmalloc >128KB; you use get_free_pages()04:34
mdomsch2) get_free_pages fails, and the error is reported to update_firmware to tell you04:35
pwnguinso the kernel doesnt push user memory into VM to make more room04:35
mdomschpwnguin, no04:35
imbrandonmdomsch: gonna make packages to flash the PERC controlers too ? hehe04:35
* imbrandon would love that04:35
mdomschimbrandon, we have them in RPMs yes, so it's quite conceivable04:36
pwnguinimbrandon: you need to get a new email server or something04:36
imbrandonmdomsch: rockin04:36
mdomschimbrandon, patches welcome... :-)04:36
imbrandonpwnguin: i havent resent04:36
imbrandonmdomsch: the only box i could "test" on only has a PERC 304:36
imbrandonbut mostly we have 5's in production with an occasional 404:37
Hobbseespeakinig of upgrades..04:37
imbrandonmdomsch: heh trust me all our production systems are on the 4hour plan :)04:37
* Fujitsu wonders why the Inspiron 630m doesn't have a bios package.04:38
FujitsuOr at least it's not detecting any.04:39
* Fujitsu checks Packages.04:39
pwnguinmdomsch: well, as long as that old system setup fails gracefully, that's at least something that can be addresed or fixed04:39
imbrandonmdomsch: are the .spec / srpms files available for the PERC firmware ?04:39
mdomschFujitsu, running as root?04:39
imbrandoni might be able to convert them04:39
mdomschFujitsu, 'sudo bootstrap_firmware | grep -i bios'04:40
imbrandonFujitsu: PERC is the raid controlers in most modern dell rack servers04:40
imbrandonmaybe other things too04:40
Fujitsuimbrandon: Ahh.04:40
Fujitsumdomsch: Ahh, I didn't sudo it.04:41
mdomschFujitsu, yeah, it needs root to make the call to get the system type04:41
FujitsuSo I just got PCI IDs.04:41
mdomschit should find an A04 package04:41
FujitsuSo it does.04:41
imbrandonheh dell should just send all MOTU new laptops and we can all test / patch / help  :) /joking04:42
FujitsuHey, it works.04:42
mdomschimbrandon, you're welcome to beg them from rtg and BenC :-)04:42
FujitsuHm, another storm. That's special, two in a day.04:42
imbrandonahh ben has some ? /me contemplates04:42
mdomschand whomever is in montreal04:43
imbrandonthe support guys04:43
Hobbseeimbrandon: that's what i was thinking.04:43
Hobbseemdomsch: neat.  oy, mneptok!04:43
imbrandonyea mneptok04:43
Hobbseemagicfab might do it too04:43
imbrandonso kernel + support :)04:45
imbrandonmmm speakin of, i need to finish the xvesa patch04:45
imbrandonmdomsch: the .spec / srpms avail for those PERC rpm's ?04:46
imbrandonif i could peek at those it would make convertign a ton easier04:46
mdomschimbrandon, yes, in http://linux.dell.com/git/dell-repo-tools.git/04:47
imbrandonkiller /me looks04:47
imbrandonerr gets bzr-git ftw04:47
imbrandonmdomsch: you know its really sweet how much time it seems dell is putting into this stuff04:49
mdomschimbrandon, we're trying...04:50
imbrandonspecialy when you stare at 2k+ dell servers in the DC daily at work04:50
LaserJockhmm, anybody know how often we are syncing NEW packages from Debian?05:07
persiaLaserJock: three or four times a week, but only for main: contrib & non-free need manual requests.05:08
persiaLaserJock: Something is missing?  There was a mini-freeze of NEW for Alpha1, but I thought pitti tried to clear it all on Friday.05:10
LaserJockwell, goffice was split into versioned packages05:10
LaserJockso there should be goffice and goffice0.405:12
* persia doesn't have enough information to provide advice, and points at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+queue and http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/multidistrotools/all.html05:12
LaserJockI don't see goffice0.4 in Ubuntu yet05:12
gpocentekLaserJock: goffice 0.4 ?05:21
gpocentekwe have 0.5.305:21
persiagpocentek: It's the old API, preserved in a separate package in sid.05:21
* persia wonders why we don't just port everything NBS-style05:22
LaserJockgpocentek: yeah, 0.4 is the stable version of goffice needed by other apps05:22
gpocentekyep, I see now05:22
LaserJockI'm waiting for 0.4 so we can merge gchemutils/gchempaint05:25
* Fujitsu returns from some surprise family fun, going by the name of `shit, why is there water coming through that wall?'05:25
Fujitsu(yay, thunderstorms)05:25
RAOFI'm all for internal pools.05:25
StevenKFujitsu: Followed by, "Damn, that isn't good." ?05:26
* persia advocates suspending dwellings from airborne frameworks05:26
FujitsuA number of drains outside were rather blocked, and the water was a good 20cm deep in parts. Hopefully it's resolved now...05:26
FujitsuStevenK: Yeah.05:26
LaserJockFujitsu: wow, we don't get that much rain here in a year for that05:26
FujitsuThis is the most rain we've had in a looong time.05:27
LaserJockwe get ~ 30cm/year05:27
FujitsuAnd these are particularly low-lying parts of the yard right against the house, so get a lot of drainage to them.05:27
Hobbseewater through walls?  you need better walls!05:27
FujitsuHobbsee: Well, through bottom of walls.05:27
FujitsuSaid wall bottoms are well below ground, and sometimes the water level rises above the waterproofing, and leaks down.05:28
* persia encourages reviewers to comment or advocate the 10 open REVU candidates.05:40
StevenKFujitsu: I heard about a part of South Australia (near the Northern Terriority border) that got 3 metres of rain. In 48 hours.05:45
LaserJockpersia:  there are only 10?05:45
FujitsuStevenK: Blink.05:45
FujitsuThat's impressive.05:45
FujitsuRather impressive indeed.05:45
persiaLaserJock: Yep.  You can reduce that number.  If we can hit 0 today, we win :)05:45
StevenKFujitsu: After that downpour, there was a lake where one didn't used to exist.05:45
persiaStevenK: only one ?05:47
StevenKA rather large one05:47
LaserJockStevenK: yeah, that's like 3 years of precipitation for here all in one 48hrs05:47
StevenKNeat. Seems this storm isn't done yet06:02
StevenKWe had a bolt so close it set of a car alarm earlier06:03
* LucidFox advertises http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=inkblot06:19
* StevenK advertises the LACK of PONIES to LASERJOCK06:20
FujitsuHobbsee: Do you use Evolution?06:25
HobbseeFujitsu: no.  it's imap support is known to suck.06:25
HobbseeFujitsu: why?06:25
FujitsuHobbsee: Bah, its IMAP support works for me.06:26
StevenKIt's IMAP support sucked for me06:26
StevenKIt could never remember which folders I didn't want to see06:26
FujitsuThe Evolution process trio is eating my CPU and RAM as of this morning's upgrades.06:26
Hobbseemmm...hail.  tasty.06:26
* StevenK chekcs06:26
FujitsuWe had a bit here before, but it's all bright and sunny now.06:26
Hobbseelooks like bits of it, and very heavy rain06:26
LaserJockI've just tried Evolution in the last couple days06:27
LaserJockI set up an IMAP server at home06:27
StevenKNot here yet06:27
StevenKI might move my car under cover, though06:27
LaserJockright now it works fine except for periodicly pegging the CPU for a while at a time06:27
* Hobbsee ponders teh damage of getting her car undercover, vs leaving it out06:29
* RAOF ponders the advantages of having no car06:29
Hobbseecity slicker.06:29
RAOFPublic transport FTW!06:30
Hobbseepublic transport?  what's that?06:30
RAOFA form of hair lice.06:30
Hobbseehum.  i wonder if 'im about to lose power06:34
FujitsuWhat email client does everybody use for IMAP? (other than Thunderbird)06:34
StevenKFujitsu: I use Thunderbird too06:36
StevenKRight, back from car undercover and the fun of next doors dog getting into our backyard06:36
LaserJockFujitsu: this is one other than Thunderbird? ;-)06:37
persiamutt is nice if you don't have an aversion to using the keyboard.06:38
LaserJockI like it ok, but I've not figured out how to deal with attachments well with mutt06:38
* persia is currently in mailer-dissatisfaction-mode, but vaguely remembers a MIME-type hook to launch external viewers06:39
StevenKI'm quite happy with Thunderbird06:39
StevenKAfter using Emacs to read mail for years06:39
persiaStevenK: You went from rmail to Thunderbird?  Has rmail development slowed, or is Thunderbird really that good?06:40
StevenKpersia: I used Wanderlust, not rmail06:42
* persia looks up Wanderlust06:42
LaserJockI looked at wanderlust when I was on my "OMG, emacs is a whole stinkin' OS"06:45
LaserJockbut well, I didn't want to spend the time to set it up06:46
StevenKsteven@liquified:~% wc -l .xemacs/*.el | tail -n 106:48
StevenK  51 total06:48
FujitsuNooo, a Mozilla app! My eyes are burning.06:48
LaserJockStevenK: that's not much06:52
StevenKLaserJock: Right, but's Elisp!06:52
StevenK117 .wl06:52
RAOFIs anyone else finding that trackerd is continually using 100% of a core?06:59
* Fujitsu finds that trackerd is quite comfortably not on his disk.06:59
RAOFI can see why it's installed by default, then :P07:01
persiaRAOF: Supposedly if you let it do that for two or three days it calms down.07:02
=== zakame1 is now known as zakame
persiaAlternately rm -rf /home/raof, and only add things you really want indexed.07:03
RAOFIt's already indexed everything, or at least should have.  This only started relatively recently.07:04
FujitsuRAOF: tracker-status should tell you what it thinks it was doing.07:04
RAOFFujitsu: Now, that was what I was after ;)07:04
RAOFThanks, I was unaware of that utility.07:04
FujitsuI found it useful to work out that it had indexed over 10x the number of files in my ~, and so gave up.07:05
RAOF... right.07:05
Fujitsu(*I* gave up, that is, and removed it)07:05
* persia thinks it updates the index for every update in +atime rather than every update in +mtime, and so reindexes repeatedly, but this is superstition07:06
RAOFpersia: atime would be rediculously stupid, surely it doesn't do that.07:07
RAOFEh, plus noatime :)07:07
persiaRAOF: I haven't checked: see the note above about superstition.  noatime might also be the culprit, as it can't see that it's been viewed since it was indexed :)07:07
* RAOF 's spelling hasn't returned with his improving health, I see.07:07
StevenKRAOF: That comes later07:08
StevenKRAOF: Mark a few first years exams as zero, that'll help07:08
LaserJockStevenK: that does perk one up after feeling unwell ;-)07:10
StevenKLaserJock: Ponies! That does too.07:12
RAOFStevenK: My supply of first year tests has run out, at least untill next yer.07:12
StevenKRAOF: I'd suggest you set some more, but they've turned into second years!07:12
pwnguinwhat's so great about tracker, besides how it digs through emails i dont have?07:15
RAOFpwnguin: Apparently that it prevents one of your cores from sleeping, ever.07:16
LaserJockhmm, if it could tell me where I put journal articles I could find it useful07:17
LaserJockmy pdfs tend to have somewhat random alphanumerical names07:17
pwnguinthats what my desktop's for07:18
* persia thought there was a good app for tracking articles featured on DPOTD recently07:18
pwnguini havent seen a dpotd in a while07:20
LaserJockpersia: yeah, but think that implied you used it from the beginning. not sure though07:20
pwnguinare they really low on articles?07:20
persiapwnguin: Always.07:20
LaserJockpwnguin: I think they pretty much put them up as they get them07:20
pwnguini see07:20
pwnguini thought i saw a queue or something like that07:21
persiapwnguin: There's a review queue, but it's never very long.07:21
persia(usually 0 or 1 items )07:21
TheMusoHrm. Fresh alpha 1 instal of hardy, and pulseaudio doesn't seem to be runnin.07:21
FujitsuTheMuso: Is it meant to be?07:21
TheMusoFujitsu: I thought it was.07:22
mok0Good morning07:22
persiamok0: Just for fun: have you considered using the smaller default mawk, rather than gawk for theseus07:25
mok0persia: mawk gives a syntax error07:25
mok0persia: I don't think mawk has the match function07:25
persiamok0: Right.  If it mattered, I'd suggest fixing the syntax.  On the other hand, we don't feel the same way about mawk/gawk as we do about dash/bash, so it's not important :)07:26
mok0persia: I could use perl ;-)07:26
persiamok0: That would be moving the size of the build-depends in the other direction :)07:26
mok0persia: I could use sed, but then I'd have to invoke a pipe -> several processes07:27
mok0persia: ... and I love awk07:28
persiamok0: isn't it just something like sed /^theseus\s\([\d\.]*\)-.*/\1/p | head -1 ?07:31
* mok0 tests07:32
persiaErr.  sed -n ...07:32
persiaErr... sed -n /^theseus\s(\([\d\.]*\)-.*/\1/p | head -107:33
mok0... like I said, I love awk :-)07:34
persiaI like awk too, but not generally for one-line scripts: I just don't remember syntax well off the top of my head.07:35
mok0persia: can you do it with mawk07:36
mok0persia: I couldn't figure out how to print out the matched group space without using that function07:40
mok0persia: I seem to remember it can be done, but perhaps it's another language07:40
persiaGrr.  Lost log.  Likely, but not off the top of my head (I don't have mawk locally right now).  Something involving /theseus.../ { split $2, arr, [(-)]; print arr[1]; exit} no?07:41
persiaUmm.  the split() arguments should probably be in parentheses :)07:41
mok0This is my regexp: \((.*)-07:42
mok0which should find the lparen, then the version and finally a minus07:42
mok0.* is grouped inside a pair of (), and you should be able to get at the match for that07:43
persiaAlso catches "tweak the settings (fixes missing-parameter errors)"07:43
persiaYou really want to wrap it with /^theseus/07:43
mok0persia: ??07:43
mok0persia: I want it to be general07:44
persia \((.*)- matches "tweak the settings (fixes missing-parameter errors)"07:44
mok0Of course, but awk only reads the first line if you call exit after the match07:44
persia\(([\d\.]*)- is likely closer to what you want.07:45
mok0yeah, ok, but that still leaves the problem of getting at the grouping07:45
persiamok0: True, and it works: I'm just poking for the sake of poking :)  I'll test it later, if you can't find two advocates in the next 3 hours.07:45
dholbachgood morning08:05
gpocentekgood morning dholbach08:14
dholbachhey gpocentek08:14
mok0persia: can do it with mawk :-)08:28
persiamok0: Hurrah!  Now, can you do it with sed?08:29
persia(or dpkg-parsechangelogs, if you like)08:29
mok0persia: you said perl was off-limits08:29
persiamok0: perl scripts existing only for packaging are sufficiently different as to be not recommended.  Using the supplied utilities (which may be in perl) for which there are no additional build-depends is encouraged.08:31
mok0persia: I thought this was about efficiency :-)08:31
mok0 94616 Oct  4  2006 /usr/bin/mawk08:32
persiamok0: It's about package management efficiency: reduction of build-depends is good.  CPU time on the buildds is nice to save, but not as important.  mawk, sed, and dpkg-parsechangelogs are all installed by default.  gawk isn't.08:32
mok0persia: so you'll accept mawk?08:33
persiamok0: I'll accept gawk, but couldn't resist your last comment :)08:33
mok0persia: I'll accept your challenge to do it in sed. I started out with that, but quickly turned to awk (I always do that if sed doesn't budge in a few tries)08:35
persiamok0: OK.  sed -n /slkfhjalkfa/\1/p | head -1 is something I've seen a lot before, but it's finding the right slkfhjalkfa that can be tricky :)08:36
mok0Hehe, yeah08:36
mok0persia:  sed -e 's/.*(//; s/-.*//; 1q' < changelog08:46
persiamok0: That's extra clean, but don't forget to use $(CURDIR)/debian/changelog :)08:46
mok0But I don't need $(CURDIR), dh_test makes sure I am in topdir08:47
persiamok0: OK.  I usually add things to be safe anyway.08:48
mok0persia: so which do you prefer??08:48
mok0mawk or sed?08:48
persiaAlso, s/.*(\([\d\.]*\)-.*/\1/ only does one pass :)08:49
mok0I can not get the final \1 to parse08:49
persiamok0: I like sed better, but that's a personal preference.  From what I see, there's nothing actually wrong with the package on REVU.08:49
persiamok0: Are you quoting the string?08:49
* mok0 tries again08:50
persia(if not, you need \\1)08:50
mok0persia: it doesn't work08:51
mok0persia: it just cats out the whole file08:51
persiamok0: Are you using sed -n ?08:52
persiamok0: You'll need /1pq at the end to generate the output though.08:52
mok0persia: then it gives nothing08:52
persiamok0: Even with /p ?08:52
persiaVery odd.  I can't test well from here.  Sorry.08:53
mok0persia: I'll mutate it08:53
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
Fujitsu'lo, \sh.08:56
\shScottK, that's a shame with openssl09708:56
FujitsuYes, /me sighs.08:56
\shthis shouldn't happen at all...:(08:57
* persia thinks it is short term, and given that the same binary blob is available from lots of sources, an acceptable short-term workaround until the blob is fixed (which ought happen this week, or it's no longer short-term)08:57
\shpersia, tbh, the bug was known...we released sec-updates already for 0.9.8 and then this...sad09:01
persia\sh: Yes, but nobody poked the ISV team to coordinate an update with the blob vendors.09:01
persia\sh: if it's not gone in a week, it's worth making a stink, but considering that the problem exists with the blob, it is required in order to support the blob, despite the issues.  None of the software we support is built against it, so I don't really care.09:02
imbrandonno one should have to imho, if they want to proviced blobs that one of the risks, stay ontop of it09:03
\shpersia, regarding the fact, that we are distributing this, we should have done something09:03
persiaimbrandon: Well, it's nice to tell other members of ~ubuntu-dev when things are happening.09:03
persia\sh: We aren't distributing it.  Canonical is distributing it.09:03
\shpersia, under the ubuntu flag, yes...so it's more a "we" in the public view09:04
persia\sh: No, it's in partner.canonical.com.  That's the reason I don't care.  It's the ISV team's problem, and it only affects one piece of ISV software.09:05
imbrandonyes, i would too say it wasent "we" if we dident have the commented out partnet deb lines in sources.list09:05
* Fujitsu notes that partner packages appear very much as a part of Ubuntu, particularly on LP where one would file security bugs.09:05
persiaFurther, the software in question is open to the same exploits downloaded directly, or for any other distribution.  If the user wants to install it, that's their hazard: there are alternatives available.09:05
imbrandonyea, and it lookes like version2 is even more evil, i was a big vmware fan untill this09:06
imbrandonand the bad part is we use vmware extrnsively at work09:06
\shpersia, well, regarding the last bad publicity about the fragged community servers, the common news were "ubuntu is not secure" not "the admins were not doing their work"...the latter is correct, the former is the public view, which gives more problems of explanation09:07
persiaFujitsu: True.  I'll stop saying others shouldn't care, but it's the vendors' issue, and while it's annoying that partner doesn't look like a 3rd party repo, it is, and so I'd rather look at the problems we can solve.09:07
persia\sh: True.  Complain to Canonical PR.09:07
coNP[uni]Good morning MOTUs!09:07
FujitsuHi coNP[uni].09:07
imbrandonpersia: if it were truely 3rd party it wouldent be in the default sources.list either, imho thats a bug OR we should include medibuntu and seveas etc09:08
imbrandon( even commented out )09:08
persiaimbrandon: That's a bug.  Please fix it.09:08
imbrandonthat will cause flack, i'm 100% sure, think aobut it, thats one of the seeling points to ISV's ( "hey look its in the default sources.list, easy to turn on" )09:09
imbrandonbut i'm all for trying09:10
persiaimbrandon: Sure, but it doesn't go both ways.  If partner is not community supported, the community shouldn't support it.09:10
imbrandonoh i 100% agree with you, i'm just playing devils advocate kinda to my self09:10
StevenKI didn't think the community was expected to support it?09:10
persiaStevenK: They aren't.  It's not a community issue.  The complaint is that it looks like a community issue because it's in the default sources.list.09:11
StevenKAh, that lovely P word. (Perception)09:11
\shpersia, honestly, it's not my job...I wrote something about this on my blog, especially for my fellow readers and colleagues....if it would be my job to complain or to do something on canonicals side, I would search a new Marketing and PR manager for the department...we can only complain about technical issues, what happened now is a technical issue.09:12
persiaPrecisely :)09:12
FujitsuAnd anybody who goes to LP to file a bug about it will find it being `openssl097 in Ubuntu'09:12
FujitsuIn the release pocket, looking like a perfectly normal package.09:12
StevenKIsn't there a bug saying that partner != Ubuntu ?09:12
persia\sh: No.  The only application affected by possible security issues is affected by the same issues for every distribution.  We can not permit install, or we can permit install.  With a binary blob, there are no other choices.09:12
FujitsuYes, lemme find it..09:13
FujitsuBug #15317809:13
ubotuLaunchpad bug 153178 in linux-source-2.6.22 "Don't recognise USB Pendrive -> sr0: disc change detected. (dup-of: 125250)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15317809:13
ubotuLaunchpad bug 125250 in linux-source-2.6.22 "Don't recognise USB Pendrive -> sr0: disc change detected." [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12525009:13
FujitsuErgh, no.09:13
\shpersia, of course there are...not publishing it, not following the mainstream..09:13
FujitsuBug #15379809:13
ubotuLaunchpad bug 153798 in soyuz "canonical partner repo packages showing as "in ubuntu"" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15379809:13
persia\sh: That's the "not permit install" option.09:14
imbrandonerr it dosent look truely "3rd party"09:15
\shpersia, I call it "safe the users from doing something nasty to their systems" (more known examples: automatix, the old thirdparty package repos, etc.)09:15
mok0persia:  sed 's/.*(\(.*\)-.*).*/\1/;q' < changelog09:15
slicerHi. I have a licensing question. Mumble's sourcecode is BSD, as it's intended to be freely used by any other project. However, it does use Qt, so until now all binaries have been released under the GPL (as the binary becomes GPL the second it includes a Qt header). Recently, Trolltech made a long list of "addional acceptable licenses", and BSD is one of them. So, technically speaking, it should be possible to BSD license the binaries as well.09:16
persiamok0: Excellent !09:16
StevenKdpkg-parsechangelog | grep Version | cut -d\  -f209:17
mok0StevenK: Trying to do it without perl and pipes09:17
slicerHowever, the source also includes a few third-party things, and one of these have a few GPL-licensed files. These files are not used in compilation, but they're still in the tarball. .. Is the sane thing to do to just keep the whole thing GPL'd?09:17
persia\sh: Sure.  It'd be nice.  But 153798 aside, I'd rather fix our stuff than worry about other stuff.09:17
persiaslicer: I'd keep the collection GPL, as it'd be easier for end-users.  As long as all the BSD stuff is mentioned in debian/copyright and file headers, those seeking to reuse the code will be aware of their options.09:18
imbrandonsad thing is 153798 hasent even been triaged, i filed that quite a while back09:19
\shwell, I'll deal with wireshark now...09:19
\shlooks like that i'm going to have a bore-out syndrome during the last days in office ;)09:20
slicerpersia: It is. In that case my copyright file actually only needs the two lines of saying that the packaging itself is GPL.09:20
* slicer heads to do a revu upload again.09:20
slicerBTW. #ubuntu-desktop and the wiki and whatnot have been unable to say if hardy ships with PulseAudio by default. As you can't use both ALSA and PulseAudio at the same time, I'll have to choose one as the default audio backend. Any suggestions?09:22
persiaslicer: target ALSA for now, but be prepared to patch later.09:23
AmaranthWhy? ALSA is fine09:23
slicerAmaranth: No, it's not.09:23
persiaAmaranth: Depends on what you do.  In many cases, yes.09:23
AmaranthYou said patch later09:24
imbrandonalsa is good for users, hell for programers from what ive been told by the gstreamer team09:24
slicerimbrandon: I fully agree.09:24
=== Hobbsee_ is now known as Hobbsee
persiaimbrandon: Well, again it depends on what you do.09:24
AmaranthPulseaudio plugs into alsalib09:24
AmaranthSo if you're using alsa you'll be using pulseaudio and probably not even notice09:24
persiaAmaranth: If hardy does PA by default, and the app can connect directly to PA rather than through the PA ALSA plug, it will be a better user experience.09:25
huatsmorning dear MOTU09:25
slicerNo. Mumble strives towards low latency, meaning it uses ALSA features that are "not common" and as such fails completely with the wrapper.09:25
awalton__but does pulse-audio do alsa emulation (so current applications written to write to alsa can instead write through pulse audio?)09:25
mok0persia: Using your sed expression. I got rid of the awk scripts. Re-uploaded to REVU, it should be visible shortly. Will you sponsor it?09:25
persiamok0: Not without testing (which I can't do here).09:26
slicerYes, it does ALSA emulation, but only if your application is "normal".09:26
AmaranthI've never had an app break on it09:26
persiaawalton__: For simple cases, yes.09:26
mok0persia: Ah, ok09:26
persiaAmaranth: try JACK :)09:26
AmaranthPeople use that crap?09:26
persiaI think it breaks on the ALSA entropy plugin as well.09:27
proppyhi huats09:28
slicerFor me, it breaks when I ask for a socket descriptor to do select() on, and it breaks when I iterate the sound devices to let the user choose a specific one.09:28
coNP[uni]Wow, PhD Comics is aware of us: http://www.phdcomics.com/comics.php?f=946 :)09:29
slicerAnyway, I have a native PulseAudio backend now, so no worries :)09:29
huatsproppy: hey09:29
persiaslicer: Sounds like you really want PA if you can get it.  Can you set a config that tries PA and falls back to ALSA?09:29
imbrandondebian policy uploaded ( debian ) time for a lintian/linda patch and some REVU backports09:30
imbrandonlooks like09:30
FujitsuIt has been a while]09:30
* persia doesn't like hearing that on Monday :(09:30
imbrandonFujitsu: where a while == 2 hours ?09:30
slicerpersia: Not really. PA is asynchronous, so you don't know if you have PA until you're program has been running for a short while.09:31
persiaslicer: Right.  Alas.09:31
Fujitsuimbrandon: I meant since 3.7.2 was released.09:32
imbrandonFujitsu: ahh yea, and the release email says 3.7.4 isnt far behind, but that could still be months in debian time09:32
imbrandonhrm ok, i got a bit of support question ( but to keep it on-topic, i promis to fix if yall help me find why the "why" ) anyhow ... you all know i got hardy to install on that ppc, well after install after reboot it drops to a initramfs busybox shell, i have to "modprobe ide-disk; ^C-d" to get it to finish successfully booting, i thought that just dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-`uname -r` would work to fix this, but it dosent09:35
imbrandonideas ?09:35
imbrandon( and did that get cut-off )09:35
Fujitsuimbrandon: Try running `update-initramfs -u', and if that doesn't work add the module to /etc/modules and run the command again.09:36
imbrandonk, what what would cause this, or would i be better just filing a bug and lettign the kernel team fixing it , i hate to do that as the ppc team is thin as it is09:37
FujitsuIt seems odd that it wouldn't be there.09:37
imbrandoni also saved the initrd.img on another disk as sugested in some bugs when this happened massivly in dapper09:39
imbrandonjust incase later it helps to debug09:39
imbrandon( the broken initrd.img that is )09:40
imbrandonmoins jono09:41
\shmoins jono09:41
jonohey all09:42
FujitsuHi jono.09:42
Hobbseehi jono09:42
persiahi jono09:43
imbrandonhrm well without adding it to /etc/modules dident work, trying with it now ...09:44
imbrandonbtw anyone know how the sources.list is generated durring install ? since the ppc moved to "ports" its adding deblines for http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ hardy .... which is correct, but the deb-src lines it adds are also the same, when ports.u.c domain dosent house sources, the normal http://archive.u.c/ubuntu hardy ... is required for sources09:46
imbrandonman i really need to auto-break my lines somehow09:46
imbrandonon irc09:46
imbrandon( plus i can poke about the partner commented out repo in the same package hehe )09:47
\shimbrandon, write a patch for xchat, irssi, konversation ,-)09:47
imbrandon\sh: heh konversation alrady does it, but i've been using irssi a few months now09:48
imbrandonerr probably more like a year, but still09:48
imbrandonFujitsu: thanks , hat seemed to fixer up, now to figure out why :)09:52
* persia laments the apparent lack of reviewing during REVU day, and encourages reviewers to just pick one app to hit (there's only 10)09:54
* Hobbsee lends persia the whip09:54
LucidFoxwell, if it comes to picking one app, may I recommend http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=inkblot ?09:55
* persia walks quietly off with the whip, noting that activity will be checked upon return...09:55
slicerWhat's the minimum feature set we support on x86 platforms?09:56
slicer.. and is there a way to mark a package as "only suitable for >= Pentium3"?09:56
imbrandonslicer: not really, you can make it build for amd64 only, but imho thats silly09:57
Amaranthslicer: No, it should be generic or switch to alternatives like SSE at runtime09:57
imbrandonslicer: yes the minimum featureset is 48609:57
AmaranthIt'd be 586 if not for Via, right?09:58
slicerEven though no 486 will ever have enough power to pull it around?09:58
slicerAh well. I'll adapt.09:58
Amaranthslicer: iirc it's 486 because the chips via puts out don't support the full 586 set of instructions09:58
imbrandonAmaranth: no because that the lowest denom :) we dont only support "new" hardware09:59
imbrandonother x86's dont support more than 486 opcodes too09:59
Amaranthimbrandon: Sure but I can't see any version of Ubuntu working on a 48609:59
imbrandonbesides via09:59
AmaranthLike what?09:59
imbrandonAmaranth: -server09:59
imbrandonVenomSX comes to mind as one, i know there are a few10:00
AmaranthThe kernel takes up more memory than the 486 I owned had10:00
imbrandonvia probably is the bigest but not the only10:00
imbrandonbtw if yall have digg accounts, help a brother out and digg me, http://digg.com/linux_unix/Help_an_OpenSource_Developer_Get_a_New_Computer10:01
* imbrandon goes back to the initrd thing10:01
aplg|mobileimbrandon: do I need a revu for a fixed watch file?10:01
imbrandonaplg|mobile: nah, i would attach a debdiff to a bug10:01
imbrandonfor that10:01
aplg|mobilethere is no bug yet10:02
imbrandonand subscribe u-u-s10:02
imbrandonaplg|mobile: make one :)10:02
aplg|mobile<-- apachelogger :P10:02
aplg|mobileimbrandon: can sponsor myself ;-)10:02
imbrandonahh ok, well then just upload :)10:02
aplg|mobilek, thanks10:02
imbrandoni dident know whom you were :)10:02
aplg|mobileyeah, that nick is kinda confusing10:03
* aplg|mobile needs to think about something more meaningful10:03
imbrandoni would attach it to a debian bts bug also ( the debdiff ) if the package is in debian10:03
imbrandonmobileapache :)10:03
imbrandonor ... wap.apachelogger :)10:04
imbrandonaplg|mobile: what pacakage, just curious ? ( makin sure its not something i look after hehe )10:05
aplg|mobilestrange thing is10:05
aplg|mobilethat has no watch file at all10:05
* aplg|mobile kicks ubuntuwire :P10:06
Fujitsuaplg|mobile: What is the issue?10:06
imbrandonahh nope10:07
aplg|mobileFujitsu: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/uehs/wwiz_detail.php?id=8529&type=watch10:07
imbrandonthats watch wiz, those are autogenerated10:07
FujitsuWhat imbrandon said.10:07
* aplg|mobile includes a watch file10:07
imbrandonwatch != wwiz10:07
aplg|mobilemakes sense :)10:08
imbrandonhrm actualy Fujitsu that dident work, i thought it would ( even adding to /etc/modules )10:09
imbrandoni'll poke the kernel guys later for more hints , atleaste enough to file a memeaningfull bug10:09
imbrandoni'll just deal wih having to mod-probe that on boot for the moment10:10
\shcan someone rebuild mplayer to catch up with libx265-56? :) (bug #173624) thx10:14
ubotuLaunchpad bug 173624 in mplayer "mplayer : dependency is not satisfiable in Hardy" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17362410:14
\shlibx264-56 ,-)10:15
imbrandon\sh: i think Hobbsee can do give-backs10:15
\shHobbsee, ? :) can you ? :)10:16
geserimbrandon: without checking this sounds like a new upload (library transition)10:16
imbrandongeser: err yea true, build1 would probably need appened, \sh want me to do that ?10:16
\shimbrandon, if it builds properly (didn't check it) sure, would be cool one bug less ,)10:17
imbrandonok, i'll do a fast buld check and then if successfull do that10:17
\shimbrandon, cool thx :)10:17
\shI'm fighting with CVE-2007-6113 :( wireshark is a bitch...the changes are coming to fast to the source10:18
ubotuWireshark (formerly Ethereal) 0.10.12 to 0.99.6 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (long loop) via a malformed DNP packet. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2007-6113)10:18
Hobbsee\sh: given back, but it appears to be in depwait anyway, so would have been retried10:29
imbrandonHobbsee: eer ok so i shouldent upload ?10:29
Hobbseeimbrandon: shouldn't need to10:30
Hobbseeoh, hang on10:30
imbrandonk, poke me if that changes10:30
Hobbseeright, now it's working10:31
geserimbrandon: it needs an upload as it build successfully on i386 and amd6410:35
geserHobbsee: it was in depwait for !(i386, amd64)10:36
imbrandongeser: ok, i'll just upload, it cant make it worse10:38
imbrandonHobbsee: ^^10:38
\shthx imbrandon10:39
\shthx Hobbsee10:39
Hobbseeimbrandon: oh, yeah, point10:45
StevenHarperUKHi, I am seeing that vm-server is stuck on 1.0.4-1gutsy1 in apt, even post install it seems to think  that it need to be installed - synaptic says  .0.4-1gutsy1 (gutsy) is replacing .0.4-1gutsy1(now) : do I need to raise a bug?10:48
imbrandonStevenHarperUK: probably but you need to file it against Canonical Partner not Ubunut10:49
Hobbseethere's a bug filed.10:49
Hobbseeon soyuz10:49
Hobbseeit's mangling spaces, so it thinks it's different, and tries to install it again10:50
StevenHarperUKHobbsee: can you post me a link pls10:50
Hobbseethat woudl require looking it up...10:50
StevenHarperUKHobbsee: I thought it looked like a name problem, but great to see your onto it10:50
StevenHarperUKHobbsee: Ill try to find it10:50
FujitsuIt's a problem with Soyuz leaving out fields in Packages files.10:51
HobbseeStevenHarperUK: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/soyuz/+bug/17227510:51
ubotuLaunchpad bug 172275 in soyuz "vmware-server in feisty-commercial keeps getting reinstalled" [High,In progress]10:51
FujitsuPre-Depends and Recommends, among others.10:51
FujitsuThat one.10:51
StevenHarperUKHobbsee: thanks10:51
Hobbseehttps://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/soyuz/+bug/165230 appears to be a dupe10:52
persiaHi proppy10:58
AmaranthHobbsee: But mortals don't have access to the original so I can't blame them for duping it11:00
HobbseeAmaranth: everyone should be able to view those bugs.11:00
* Hobbsee cannot view soyuz private bugs11:00
proppyhi persia11:00
* Hobbsee does not work for canonical11:00
Amaranthhttps://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bugs/172308 tells me "Not allowed here"11:00
* persia dislikes the message, and wishes for something nicer11:01
AmaranthHobbsee: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bugs/172308 tells me "Not allowed here"11:01
proppyAmaranth: same for me11:01
Amaranthand ubotu says it's private11:01
StevenHarperUKHobbsee: I see that too11:01
HobbseeAmaranth: erm, where did you get that link from?11:02
Amaranthoh, that's the one above yours11:02
Amaranthcprov linked to it11:02
AmaranthI just opened every link in the bug report :P11:02
Amaranthcprov refers to that bug in the one you linked to as well11:03
Hobbseewell, he can read the private bugs, obviously11:03
* Hobbsee cannot.11:03
Amaranthodd that it'd be private11:03
AmaranthThey must have discovered the bug while doing something with the partner repo11:04
* persia hints that reviewers should try to review at least one REVU package during REVU day.11:08
Amaranthheh, the next hug day is my birthday11:08
Amaranthand since it's my 21st i suspect i'll be too drunk to help with bugs :P11:09
Hobbseebad Amaranth.11:09
* imbrandon notes his birthday is a few days away ( 19 dec ) he'll be 29, ugh11:10
* Hobbsee makes comments about people being old and decrepit, and needing walking sticks.11:11
* Fujitsu will be 17 in 4.5 months, so hah.11:11
* Hobbsee runs11:11
FujitsuHobbsee: You're ol.11:11
* persia hands Hobbsee a walker11:11
Hobbseenot that old11:11
* Hobbsee watches persia fall over, as he's now without his walker11:11
* persia doesn't need to walk :)11:12
* Fujitsu isn't sure how old Hobbsee is.11:12
persiaFujitsu: Somewhere between you and I.11:12
* Fujitsu isn't sure how old persia is either :P11:12
* StevenK is sure how old Hobbsee is, but isn't saying11:12
* Hobbsee is 93 in alien years.11:12
geserHobbsee: which number base?11:13
* txwikinger2 is an alien too11:13
* imbrandon knows Hobbsee's age too , but not sure why its secrative now, wasent before heheh11:14
* persia encourages Fujitsu and StevenK to do a REVU11:14
* txwikinger2 wonders what alien years are11:14
Hobbseegeser: aliens don't use archaec things such as number bases to calculate ages.11:14
* StevenK shrugs off persia's encouragement11:14
* persia encourages geser to do a review in lieu of StevenK11:14
* Hobbsee encourages imbrandon to do a REVU too11:14
* Hobbsee cracks the whip11:15
* persia has previously returned it11:15
Hobbseepersia: i have multiple whips.11:15
StevenKWatch where you aim that thing11:15
txwikinger2who said anything about aiming?11:15
StevenKLike you can aim a whip anyway11:16
imbrandonok mplayer seems to build fine, uploading now-ish11:16
* geser is lucky to be far away from Hobbsee11:16
* Hobbsee has a very long whip11:16
* txwikinger2 doesn't like miracle whip11:16
* persia grumbles at changelogs that read "New Upstream Release" for every upload, with serveral bugs marked closed, and no explanation.11:17
* Hobbsee also has a VERY long Long Pointy Stick of DOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! â„¢11:17
Hobbseei'ts also HIGHLY ACCURATE!11:17
imbrandonpersia: btw after i make this upload i'd like to discuss a few of the comments on xbiso package ( revu ) some dont apply, and some i dont think should .... give me a sec ( just preping you )11:17
Hobbseeso, get reviewing!11:17
persiaimbrandon: Sure.11:17
* txwikinger2 thinks Hobbsee must be very old to have been involved in the DOOMSDAY books11:17
* Hobbsee is 93, as said earlier.11:18
txwikinger2not old enough11:18
FujitsuHobbsee: 93 non-linear alien years?11:18
Hobbsee*now* you're getting the idea....11:18
* txwikinger2 thinks about disappearing into the sixth dimension11:19
* persia smiles at cprov11:20
FujitsuEvening, cprov.11:20
Hobbseepersia: giong to make him review too?11:20
Hobbseesounds sinister.11:20
persiaHobbsee: I don't think the keyring matches.11:21
cprovmorning, dudes11:21
txwikinger2Is persia now jumping at any new arrival?11:21
persiatxwikinger2: No.11:21
* txwikinger2 supports persia's encouragements anyway11:21
imbrandoncprov: gonna be arround for a minute? i wanna poke you about a potential PPA bug but i'm busy the next ~15 minnutes11:22
* Hobbsee encourages persia to review11:22
persianorsetto: Good news.  I finally got my audio toolchain working again: I should be able to get lash up tonight.11:22
persiaHobbsee: I've reviewed every package awaiting review at least once :P11:22
Hobbseepersia: and the sponsorship queue is empty too?11:22
cprovimbrandon: k11:22
norsettopersia: hey, good to know, lemme know if there is any probs with the package11:23
persiaHobbsee: No, but that's on the TODO list (see previous note)11:23
* txwikinger2 just found another gutsy bug11:26
txwikinger2is even a packaging bug11:26
* persia waits for the patch11:26
txwikinger2hehe :D11:27
txwikinger2k.. I report the bug with the patch11:27
txwikinger2well.. how about a package sync11:29
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
imbrandonFujitsu: fyi , cprov just informed me that the system requires a new upload to the PPA to trigger the archive-cleanup system :)11:42
Fujitsuimbrandon: Ah, I guess it needs to trigger a publisher run, right.11:43
imbrandonyea, makes sense now that he said it, but ... yea11:43
imbrandon\sh / Hobbsee : mplayer uploaded, i used a ubuntu3 version instead of build1 since there was already a ubuntu delta11:46
imbrandonbut its clearly stated in the changelog thats its a rebuild only11:47
Fujitsuimbrandon: Did you push it to bzr?11:48
imbrandonFujitsu: doing it now11:48
imbrandonputer slow :)11:48
FujitsuIt should only take a couple of hours to checkout.11:48
imbrandonyea i noticed it was bzr hosted11:48
imbrandondude since i got bzr-svn working i'm in love11:49
imbrandonFujitsu: all imported and commited with bzr-svn :) http://apt-mirror.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/apt-mirror/trunk/11:51
Fujitsuimbrandon: Aha, nice.11:51
imbrandononce the initial bzr co svn://... is done everything else is just as you would use bzr normaly11:51
imbrandonmakes it seemless11:52
imbrandoni had to use bzr 0.92 from the website and rebuild bzr-svn against it , but its great11:52
imbrandonshould be transparent fr everyone come hardy11:53
imbrandonman are you serouis this co is gonna take hours?11:54
imbrandonkinda nice that bzr has plugins like svn and git etc, makes devs able to use one tool ( if they use bzr )11:55
\shimbrandon, did you mention bug #173624 in the changelog?12:03
ubotuLaunchpad bug 173624 in mplayer "mplayer : dependency is not satisfiable in Hardy" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17362412:03
imbrandon\sh: yes i closed it via the changelog12:03
\shimbrandon, rock :)12:03
imbrandoninfact looking at the bot it seems it already closed it :)12:04
imbrandonhrm persia / Fujitsu : i just had an evil thought12:06
imbrandonyou know the PPA changes thing?12:06
* persia wonders about xbiso12:06
imbrandonwhat stops someone from getting a signed .changes of a normal package from LP ( say xorg or similar ) where the person is also a DD , and uplaoding to ftp-master ?12:07
imbrandonnot just the PPA's12:07
Hobbseeimbrandon: wrong target.12:07
persiaimbrandon: The distribution targets are different.12:07
imbrandonahhh rockin, ok12:07
imbrandoni just had one of those WTF moments heh12:08
\shcan't we build as well debian distros with PPA?12:08
imbrandon\sh: if you force it via uploading to ~ubuntu/gutsy or similar12:08
* Hobbsee didn't think it did debian stuff12:09
persiaWell, we can build debian packages, but not debian distros.  Needs to follow an Ubuntu base distro.12:10
imbrandonHobbsee: it will build for anything if you overide it via uploading to the correct target12:10
imbrandonpersia: right12:10
persiaimbrandon: anything (as long as it's brown)12:10
imbrandonif you upload it to ~ubuntu/dapper it will still build agaist dapper no matter what the changelog says12:10
imbrandonin short12:11
sorenThe changelog doesn't matter anyway.12:11
sorenIt's what's in the .changes file that matters.12:11
persiasoren: Except insofar as it is used to geneate .changes12:11
Hobbseeimbrandon: sure, i just didn't raelise that they even did debian builders12:11
soren(or where you upload to, apparantly. I didn't know)12:11
Hobbseewould have thought it'd reject going to unstable.12:11
persiaHobbsee: It doesn't.12:11
sorenpersia: But it's perfectly overridable with dpkg-genchanges or manually afterwards.12:12
persiasoren: Sure.12:12
imbrandonHobbsee: it dosent but it will not reject it if it is specificly uplaoded to a target12:12
imbrandonsoren: yea but %99.9 percent of people just use whats generated :)12:12
Hobbseeimbrandon: yet the unstable target in ppa doesn't seem to exist?12:12
sorenimbrandon: I'd add significantly more 9's at the end of that :)12:13
persiaHobbsee: Right.  You can't upload to build against sid.  You can upload to build an unmodified sid package against feisty.12:13
sorenimbrandon: It's a relevant detail, though.12:13
Hobbseewell, of course12:13
Hobbseethat's different12:13
imbrandonHobbsee: ugh, your not getting what i said, if you have an package that says unstable in the changelog/changes you can uplaod it to ~ubuntu/$dist and it will not reject it, rather build it for said $dist12:13
imbrandonwhereas if you have an unstable package and just uplaod it to ~/ubuntu it WILL reject it12:14
Hobbseei got all but the last part then :)12:14
imbrandoni probably wasent very clear, i hate irc at times12:14
Hobbseei thought if you uploaded it to ~ubuntu/unstable it would surely also fail, too.  that was my point12:14
persiaHobbsee: It does :)12:15
Hobbseegood!  :)12:15
imbrandonpersia: ahh yea xbiso , lemme bring up the pacakge, one sec12:15
* persia cheers everyone being right, and encourages soren & imbrandon to do REVU reviews (it being REVU day)12:15
imbrandonalthough that would be a nice feature for those that wish to give back to debian ( unstable PPA also )12:15
txwikinger2well lets hug debian :)12:16
* persia prefers "also work on" to "give back to"12:16
imbrandonpersia: re: xbiso , 2) why? 4) yes its required for this upstreams build system 5) huh? 6) huh? , everything else is "will-do"12:18
\shhmmmm? njam 1.25-5ubuntu1 ?12:19
\sh Merge from Debian unstable (LP: #159318) remaining changes:12:19
\sh     - updated .desktop file to be freedesktop and HIG compliant12:19
\shand the debian changelog mentions:12:19
\sh* Make .desktop file freedesktop-compliant12:19
persiaimbrandon: 2) I didn't check, but it's often handy, 4) that sucks, 5) \- vs. \(hy, 6) man lexgrog12:19
\sh!ircnick Mario Bonino12:20
DktrKranzpersia, I improved http://people.ubuntuwire.com/~dktrkranz/NBS/, it's not perfect, but can be of help12:21
* imbrandon wishes there was a "very simplest form" howto on man pages, everything i found on google is way way way complicated12:21
DktrKranz\sh, any troubles with njam? I can contact Mario, if you want12:23
\shDktrKranz, I wonder what was the difference between freedesktop compatible from debian and our freedesktop compatible ,-)12:23
persiaDktrKranz: Looks great, but: 1) Difficult to navigate: perhaps anchor the sections, 2) Be nice to separate main from universe to aid efforts, 3) Be nice to have text indicating that the first chunk likely need porting, and the second chunk likely need a recompile, 4) Be nice to have a link to a wiki page explaining about -XbuildY (but I can't find the page, so I don't expect this one to get done :) )12:23
DktrKranz\sh, I'll ask him when he well login. His IRCname is Rospo_Zoppo, FYI12:25
* persia wonders if we can just drop all the xmms modules rather than recompiling them12:25
DktrKranzpersia, it should quite easy to do, I'll try to adjust, but I will need a hand for 1), I'm a disaster in these issues :)12:26
* persia seeks a UI person to help put a front end on http://people.ubuntuwire.com/~dktrkranz/NBS/12:26
persiaDktrKranz: Can you stick a link to the code somewhere on that page?12:27
imbrandonif no one gets to it before i do i'll poke at it ~1 hour12:27
imbrandonwell ~1.5 i have to get the kids ready for school soon'12:28
persiaDktrKranz: OK.  Since all my wishlists were UI issues: any chance you could look at building a list of packages not yet compiled for hardy?12:28
DktrKranzpersia, it will be harder since we haven't no autosync logs, but perhaps we can solve by running multidistrotools12:29
persiaDktrKranz: You mean comparing gutsy to hardy, and looking for packages with the same version?12:30
DktrKranzI fear it is not complete12:30
imbrandonhrm that sounds like it will generate los of false positives12:30
FujitsuIt should be very easy to do that, actually.12:30
persiaimbrandon: Why?12:30
persiaDktrKranz: How?12:30
imbrandonnot all versions will bump12:30
imbrandonbetween releases12:30
FujitsuI can probably generate that list in a few seconds.12:31
persiaimbrandon: It needs a bump to get compiled against the new toolchain, no?12:31
DktrKranzFujitsu, great. Maybe we can compare your output with that taken from hardy build logs to see if there are differences12:31
imbrandonsome things stay at the same version from warty to hardy :)12:31
persiaFujitsu: I don't really consider it a target until we near UVF, but it'd be nice.12:31
imbrandonpersia: ^12:31
Fujitsupersia: I'll try it now.12:31
\shDktrKranz, cool thx12:31
persiaimbrandon: Right.  Those didn't get rebuilt.12:32
Fujitsuimbrandon: Right, which is a problem.12:32
persiaimbrandon: Further, many of them would FTBFS if retried today.12:32
DktrKranzYes, especially some with bashisms12:33
imbrandonhum okies12:33
imbrandoni guess i was off then12:33
persiaimbrandon: You were correct, it's just that we consider that to be less than ideal.12:34
DktrKranzAnother false positive could be when a package FTBFS on Gutsy and compiled successfully on Hardy12:35
persiaFurther, we may miss things given-back: it might be worth doing a changelog analysis from the resulting list before pushing (but I don't advocate pushing until near UVF anyway)12:35
FujitsuOnly 8957 sources unchanged since Gutsy. yay.12:37
persiaThat's actually a nice low number.  Let's see if it gets better in the next couple months, and start pushing recompiles in January.12:37
imbrandonFujitsu: just to give some context how long woudl it take to get the number from feisty to gusty ?12:39
imbrandonto see "where we're at"12:39
persiaDktrKranz: Basically.  I read that as the buildds having a capacity of slightly over 1000 packages a week, so we should be in decent shape.12:39
persia(and I suspect the buildd queues zeroed out a couple times as well, so the capacity is likely higher)12:40
DktrKranzso, it will take about two months12:40
Fujitsuimbrandon: I'm doing it for all releases now.12:40
persiaRight.  So if we start at the beginning of January, we should finish in plenty of time for the release.12:40
imbrandonif there are no problems or oter builds going :)12:41
DktrKranzWe need to coordinate to avoid dobule uploads12:41
persiaAlthough actually, that's a lot of uploads.  Maybe we need to start earlier to have enough time.12:41
persiaDktrKranz: Yes.  maybe a simple comment / assignment on some coordination page?  Maybe bugs?12:41
imbrandonbugs would take too long, you would / should be able to take a hunk of 10 or so, just for rebuilds12:42
* Fujitsu pokes orko.12:42
DktrKranzFile ~ 8000 new bugs? Someone will be *very* upset12:42
persiaDktrKranz: No you're right.  Maybe we can arrange a scripted rebuild for them once DIF hits, and chase the FTBFS list?12:43
imbrandonpersia: that sounds mildy sane12:43
=== _czessi is now known as Czessi
DktrKranzpersia, if everybody take responsibility for 100 rebuilds/week, we should 1) be sure not harming packages maintained by others 2) be sure of the results12:46
persiaDktrKranz: True, but scripting would be better.12:47
DktrKranzScripting would mean do it without manual intervention?12:47
Fujitsufujitsu@orko:~/mdt/versions$ wc -l unchanged_since_dapper12:47
Fujitsu1525 unchanged_since_dapper12:47
DktrKranzIf so, we should really inform people of the plan.12:48
imbrandonconcentrating on those 1500 sounds much more sane12:49
imbrandonat leatse a good starting point12:49
imbrandone.g. higher priority12:49
Fujitsufujitsu@orko:~/mdt/versions$ wc -l unchanged_since_warty12:50
Fujitsu340 unchanged_since_warty12:50
DktrKranzI think these are all almost broken12:51
minghuaNot necessarily.  They may be docs, fonts, etc.12:52
imbrandonFujitsu: what kinda output can you quickly give those, like removing dupes then putting the 340 in red at the top , then the next X then the next X etc12:53
imbrandonso they can atleaste be looked at in order, and maybe flagged as minghua said some maybe doc/fonts/etc12:54
persiaJust got feedback in -devel: Let's try to trim by reason: recompiling everything is frowned upon.12:57
FujitsuThat makes sense.12:58
persiaReasons I know off the top of my head: CDBS changes, docbook changes, ddeb generation.12:58
persiaAnyone else have a couple reasons?12:58
persiaFujitsu: Doesn't that affect everything compiled?12:58
FujitsuPretty much, so it's not useful here.12:59
persiaFujitsu: When did we get SSP?12:59
FujitsuI don't recall.12:59
minghuapersia: I believe perl/python stuff are not affected by SSP change?12:59
persiaminghua: Right.  Not compiled by the buildds :)12:59
sorenminghua: ^^13:00
persiasoren: The beginning or the end of edgy?  Can we trust that all edgy uploads have SSP?13:00
minghuasoren: The "Edgy" is for me?13:00
sorenminghua: Yes.13:00
sorenpersia: No.13:01
minghuasoren: Why?  I didn't ask anything, persia asked...13:01
sorenminghua: Erh... Because I can't read?13:01
persiaOK.  Can we trust that anything uploaded to feisty has SSP?13:02
Fujitsuhttp://people.ubuntuwire.com/~fujitsu/mdt/unchanged/ has the raw stuff for the moment.13:02
sorenpersia: No.13:03
sorenpersia: Sorry. Yes.13:03
persiaunchanged since warty!13:03
DktrKranzpersia, can we trust anything with SSP is not broken?13:03
FujitsuUnless it has it explicitly disabled.13:03
sorenpersia: It was added on June 30th last year.13:03
persiaDktrKranz: No, but those are different bugs.13:03
persiasoren: Thanks.13:03
sorenpersia: So most of edgy, all of feisty.13:03
DktrKranzI face dietlibc-related programs, which are *all* broken13:03
DktrKranzGotta go right now, see you later13:04
persiaOK.  CDBS: everything < hardy, SSP everything < June 30th 2006, docbook < feisty, ddeb : compare against ddeb repo.13:06
imbrandonis the georga font installed on a default ubuntu system ? ( how would one find out )13:06
persia+ dietlibc : all13:08
minghuaimbrandon: fc-list Geogia?  I don't think it's installed by default.13:15
imbrandonminghua: thanks13:15
minghuaGeorgia is one of the Microsoft "web core fonts".13:16
imbrandonahh ok, i've always liked that font, just wondered if it was in the default13:16
ScottKFujitsu: Are you planning on looking at python-numpy for merge/sync (hint: I'd really rather not)?13:18
FujitsuScottK: I was talking to the maintainer about it this morning. I'll handle it.13:20
Fujitsu(they're trying to work out what to do about f2py)13:20
ScottKFujitsu: Great.  I discussed it with them some on the Debian Python IRC channel over the weekend.13:21
persiaScottK: Would you be willing to look at a python packaging effort?13:23
ScottKpersia: If it's quick and not for ~14 hours (am pretending to do $WORK right now).13:24
persiaScottK: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=lash is a new upload enabling the python libraries.  I just want to make sure it's sane, and don't understand python packaging well enough to check effectively.  Eyes only: no real testing needed.13:24
persia(and not for ~14 hours works)13:25
ScottKpersia: OK.  I'll try to remember.  Someone feel free to ping me if I don't get to it tonight.13:25
persiaScottK: Thanks.13:26
\shFujitsu, ping acidbase -> bug #173646 (CVE-2007-6156) -> only hardy is affected....should be fixed with a sync from debian13:33
ubotuLaunchpad bug 173646 in acidbase "[CVE-2007-6156] cross site scripting vulnerability" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17364613:33
ubotuMultiple cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities in base_qry_main.php in Base Analysis and Security Engine (BASE) before 1.3.9 allow remote attackers to inject arbitrary web script or HTML via the (1) sig[0] and (2) sig[1] parameters. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2007-6156)13:33
Fujitsu\sh: Looking.13:34
\shFujitsu, I checked allready all former versions from dapper to gutsy :)13:34
Fujitsu\sh: Very good, thanks.13:34
\shFujitsu, the CVE is wrong. I informed nico already13:34
ScottKsuperm1: Would you also please look at pigment.  I suspect it's good for a sync too.13:35
\sh(wrong regarding the statement all versions before 1.3.9 it's only 1.3.8)13:35
Fujitsu\sh: I can commit to testing-security now, if you ever need anything.13:35
FujitsuI'll mark it off in ubuntu-cve.13:35
Fujitsu(and request a sync)13:35
Fujitsu\sh: It hasn't been uploaded to Debian yet.13:38
\shFujitsu, ah...it's on the list of the sponsor...13:40
\shFujitsu, it will be automagically synced anyways13:40
Fujitsu\sh: Yep.13:40
\shFujitsu, I just synced mitre...and there are some new ones ;) rsync, asterisk etc....13:42
slicerAnyone have time to look at the latest update for http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=mumble ?13:43
\shphew...wireshark in edgy and feisty are fixed now...now for gutsy :(13:45
slytherinapachelogger_: ping13:52
apachelogger_slytherin: hi13:53
slytherinapachelogger_: Congrats. :-)13:53
apachelogger_slytherin: thank you :)13:53
* persia suggests apachelogger_ really wants to do 10 reviews for REVU day today.13:53
apachelogger_wow, 10 reviews13:54
* apachelogger_ also got other things to do :P13:54
=== Fujitsu_ is now known as Fujitsu
slytherinapachelogger_: Now that you are MOTU, do you have time to review my package officially? I hope I have incorporated all the things you suggested. :-)13:54
ScottKapachelogger_: Just find 9 with gutsy in debian/changelog and do one real revu.13:54
HobbseeScottK: a bit hard with only 10 there :)13:55
ScottKI guess I should've looked first.13:55
apachelogger_bah, mumble makes me mumble13:55
imbrandongnight all13:55
Hobbseei havent, but persia's been talking about it13:55
persiaScottK: All 10 are reasonable candidates too: no easy ones.13:55
ScottKpersia: Good thing for me I'm still on strike then (modulo the one I agreed to look at).13:56
apachelogger_mok0: I told you about the PD stuff :P13:56
persiaScottK: That one is abusing REVU as a upload repo for an upgrade anyway: it's really bug #16433313:56
ubotuLaunchpad bug 164333 in lash "Please upgrade to 0.5.4" [Wishlist,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16433313:56
mok0apachelogger_: yes? It's been superseeded it seems13:56
mok0Douglas is distributing those files under the GPL, which he is entitled to13:58
apachelogger_but ye forgot about the copyrights :P13:58
apachelogger_mok0: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=theseus13:58
persiaapachelogger_: Good catch!13:58
* apachelogger_ takes a all new look at gcutils13:59
apachelogger_hopefully the last one -.-13:59
slytherinDo I have to specifically ask someone for reviewing my package or is it going to be done on FIFO basis?14:03
apachelogger_slytherin: nah, more like on a I feel like revuing that basis ;-)14:05
slytherinapachelogger_: oh14:05
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persiaslytherin: It's usually done in REVU order: FIFO, except that everything with a comment is pulled, and things with advocates go first.  Advertising that you're here might get someone to review your package, especially if you upload soon after a previous review, but when the list is this short, it doesn't help as much.14:07
slytherinpersia: apachelogger_ provided me some comments offline just few days before he became MOTU. :-) I have tried to incorporate those.14:09
persiaslytherin: Excellent.  It's always best to get reviews from lots of different sources for your package.14:10
mok0apachelogger_: I addressed norsetto's comments. Have you got any before I re-upload?14:15
apachelogger_mok0: nope14:16
mok0ok, here goes...14:17
persiamok0: Just to make sure, build-stamp doesn't need to be .PHONY, as you've touch $@14:19
* mok0 sighs14:20
mok0persia: I did the change...14:20
persiamok0: :(14:21
mok0persia: I'll get rid of it again and make a note for norsetto14:21
persiamok0: There you go :)14:21
persiaget-orig-source is .PHONY though.14:21
mok0persia: yes. I switched off thinking and just did the change14:22
persiamok0: Not best.  All the reviewers have different strengths and weaknesses, and we're all likely to be wrong sometimes.14:22
mok0persia: Of course. Contributors tend to get sloppy when its getting close to the end, I guess....14:23
apachelogger_mok0: totally14:23
mok0persia: there's always that one last thing you forget :-)14:24
persiamok0: True for reviewers as well, which is one of the reasons I don't like to serially review packages when others aren't.  It's tempting to advocate because all the things I mentioned before are fixed, but that's not the right thing to do.14:25
mok0persia: that's a very good point14:26
mok0persia: it's probably better to be patient, and look at it again the next day14:27
persiamok0: patience is usually good.14:27
=== cprov is now known as cprov-lunch
ScottKBah.  Patience is for the, um ..., patient.14:29
* apachelogger_ testbuilds qca2 backport for feisty14:30
persiaScottK: Never mind about the python packaging check: norsetto already uploaded.14:32
ScottKpersia: OK. Thanks.14:33
ScottKpersia: Just goes to show that usually if you procrastinate long enough, things take care of themselves.14:34
norsettoI'm accepting bets on how long it will take before I loose the connection14:34
persiaScottK: See.  Patience is good :)14:35
ScottKpersia: patience != procrastination.14:35
* persia would disagree, but lacks sufficient ruth14:36
ScottKpersia: How much ruth is required?14:37
persiaScottK: enough to overcome either the procrastination involved in developing a coherent reply or block the attitude of patience which indicates that all things will develop in the fullness of time14:38
ScottKRight,  Which just shows patience != procrastination.  They have the same effect, but require an opposite will.14:39
persiaScottK: So I'm procrastinating when I say "I ought to that, but not right now", and being patient when I say "I ought not do that right now"?14:40
ScottKpersia: Exactly.14:40
* persia does both14:40
=== marcel__ is now known as marcel
apachelogger_norsetto and persia did leave because they knew I would come up with a question -.-14:53
apachelogger_ScottK: bug 161835 - package removal request, the replacing package now creates a transitional package, just assign the bug to ubuntu-archive now?14:54
ubotuLaunchpad bug 161835 in contactsmenu "[Package Removal Request] contactsmenu should be removed from hardy" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16183514:54
ScottKSubscribe, not assign if you're sure it's ready.14:55
apachelogger_ScottK: ok, thanks14:59
=== Ubulette_ is now known as Ubulette
dholbachdoes anybody of you know how to write my own macro for moin? do I have to be site admin to deploy it?15:08
dholbachaccording to HelpOnMacros I have to be, hrm15:12
dholbachNICE.... [[Include(page,,editlink)]] is what I wanted - no need for a macro then :-)15:27
* emgent hi15:28
bddebianHeya gang15:50
=== cprov-lunch is now known as cprov
geserbddebian: Hi!15:59
bddebianHeya geser15:59
\shthere is one rule, when you work in a team in your company: if something really terrible happens to you, e.g. some servers are falling onto the ground and break into pieces, please learn to speak up...if not, the team has a problem...and afterwards you have a problem...just happened with a young one here...:(15:59
zul\sh: your servers are so fragile that they break? :)16:05
\shzul, well, the server rails were deformed....16:06
zul\sh: ah i see16:06
\shzul, and we have to buy new ones for those servers16:06
\shzul, and the guy didn't tell us, so we as a team were in question...(this guy left the company last week) :(16:07
zulah yes..i hate it when that happens16:09
\shI mean, there is really no big deal about it, it's insured everything, but he had to say something16:11
Ubulettedamn, tzdata is now stopping on a question even without vty/tty.16:31
Ubuletteapt-get -q -y upgrade in a non-interactive env is now stuck on tzdata :(16:35
ScottKjdong: I can't set bug importance in gutsy-backports, so I think there's some permissions thing that needs to be flipped.16:39
\shok..time to leave the office...cu later16:46
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
ScottKYeah.  Package history page is fixed on edge.16:54
jdongScottK: any idea how to fix that? Assign backporters as the driver?16:56
ScottKjdong: No idea.16:57
ScottKjdong: You're the boss.  I just volunteer here.16:57
mok0wtf? pbsd_main.c:604: warning: string length '753' is greater than the length '509' ISO C90 compilers are required to support17:02
jdongmok0: careful, gcc might go on strike if you continue using larger strings than the union contract agrees to!17:05
mok0jdong: I've never seen this warning before. I'll have to investigate17:06
mok0jdong: ah, it's a joke :)17:07
moteyalphaI was advised you might know why Planeshift is not in the repository.17:22
moteyalphastdin are you a bot?17:24
stdinno :p17:24
moteyalphamoteyalpha is slow today, went to wiki/MOTU and got an answer, Thx, Ishould just RTFM huh?17:53
=== blueyed__ is now known as blueyed
* txwikinger wonders if he should read the whole Debian policy manual17:57
james_wian_brasil: hi. On the MOTU school page you voted for "How do Debian Packaging Teams work?", but your comment said "voted for mobile", did you make a mistake.17:58
ian_brasilyes i did but i am happy to let my vote stand for the teams tutorial too18:00
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james_wian_brasil: ok, I'll update it, thanks.18:04
ScottKtxwikinger: Well to be a DD, it's a requirement that you claim to have done it.  It certainly couldn't hurt.18:11
tsmitheapachelogger__, re your comment on the upstream tarball: it has been modified because upstream supplies a bzipped archive, whereas we want a gzipped one. the recompression would obviously be a form of modification, no?18:19
tsmithe(about mscore, this is)18:19
LucidFoxIf upstream ships a bz2 archive, just bunzip2 the tar and then gzip -9 it18:19
tsmithehmm actually that sounds saner than unpacking it completely18:20
=== ogra1 is now known as ogra
Adri2000dfiloni: hi. any progress on wxwidgets2.8?18:51
dfiloniAdri2000: tomorrow I wil work at the package, now I'm working at italian weekly newsletter18:52
Adri2000ok, great18:52
slicerIs there a way to get revu to send you an email when someone posts a comment?18:53
Adri2000slicer: not as far as I know18:56
ScottKslicer: There's a mailing list you can subscribe to that gets them all.19:00
griffincasac: ping19:01
asacgriffinc: pong19:01
griffinchello.  :-)  I have uploaded debdiffs for a merge.  Would have time to take a look?19:01
ScottKkeescook: Ping.19:03
bddebianScottK: You never finished tell me what you thought slangasek was trying to drill in to my dumb arse :-)19:03
bddebiantelling even..19:03
ScottKbddebian: Don't ask me now.  I'm old and I forgot about 10 seconds after I mentioned it.19:03
* ScottK has a vague recollection of thinking he was trying to be helpful and not just mess with you.19:04
keescookScottK: pong, from under piles of email19:05
ScottKkeescook: Sure.  Are you responsible for security in partner repo too?19:05
ScottKkeescook: If so, just thought I'd make sure you were aware of the unpatched openssl097 that was uploaded there recently....19:06
mok0What is "partner repo"? Excuse my ignorance pls19:06
keescookScottK: not directly, but I have upload rights.  We're aware of the issue, but since nothing in hardy is linked against it except vmware-server and there is no -dev package for it, and vmware-server doesn't use any of the vulnerable functions, it's technically safe.19:07
keescookwe're waiting for vmware to build against 098, and this was used as a temporary work-around19:07
ScottKkeescook: Good  I'm glad it's not a real issue.19:07
ScottKkeescook: It was more than a little disheartening to see it reappear after having expended a lot of effort personally to get it out of Universe before the Gutsy release.19:08
ScottKmok0: It's Canonical's commercial repo for stuff that's not distributable without a license.19:08
keescookScottK: yup, I feel the pain.  I did tons of universe control+rebuild uploads for edgy to get fewer things to link against it.19:09
mok0ScottK: interesting, thanks19:09
txwikingerScottK: what is more important? consistency or policy?19:12
ScottKtxwikinger: Depends on the context.  What specifically.19:13
txwikingerI have packaged this perl-library package19:13
txwikingerit is an additional library for tk19:13
txwikingerit is arch-independent19:14
txwikingerso it should be in usr/share/perl519:14
ScottKShouldn't it be something like libtk-perl?19:14
txwikingerbut libtk-perl is arch-dependent19:14
* ScottK looks for the Perl policy.19:14
txwikingeranyway... all similar arch-independent libraries for tk are in /usr/lib/perl5 where tk is19:15
maiatodayis there a log file for last friday's MOTU Q&A in the classroom, please?19:15
Pici!logs | maiatoday perhaps19:16
ubotumaiatoday perhaps: Channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - Logs for LoCo channels are at http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/19:16
ScottKtxwikinger: I'm reading of Perl policy right now.19:16
txwikingeris it on the MOTU wiki?19:16
maiatodayubotu thanks, irclogs did the trick19:18
ScottKtxwikinger: http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/perl-policy/19:19
txwikingerAh debian :)19:19
ScottKtxwikinger: If you haven't read that, then check that and see if your question is answered.  I think it is.19:20
txwikingerwell, I know what lintian says and it makes sense19:21
txwikingerI think it is just odd that all the other ones are in the wrong place19:21
txwikingerScottK: yes it is there: In each of the directory pairs above, the lib component is for binary (XS) modules, and share for architecture-independent (pure-perl) modules.19:22
ScottKI'd suggest then that you see if you can figure out why the others are located where they are.  It may be a bug or there may be some special reason.19:23
txwikingerScottK: Yes, I will do that19:24
bdgrauejdong: i requested to backport psi 0.11, i tried to build it with prevu and added the logto https://bugs.launchpad.net/feisty-backports/+bug/173532 , ScottK told me it would need an source backport. can you take a look at this?19:35
ubotuLaunchpad bug 173532 in feisty-backports "please backport psi 0.11" [Undecided,New]19:35
ScottKjdong: I'm leaving it to you if it's worthy of a source backport or not.19:35
ScottKbdgraue: Be patient.  I wouldn't be suprised if jdong is in class or something right now.19:36
bdgraueyes, thanks for you help ScottK19:36
ScottKNo problem.19:37
=== chuck is now known as zul
jdongScottK / bdgraue I am indeed in class, in the middle of a final project, and have to answer to an exam soon19:49
jdongso give me 6 hours and I'll do backports :)19:49
ScottKjdong: Do it now or we cut your pay in half.19:49
bdgrauegood luck for the exam, jdong19:50
SWATis 'smart' to remove LDFLAGS from the ./configure command? Without my package seems to build fine.19:56
=== cprov is now known as cprov-out
dcorderoi know how to do packages, i have learn reading the Packaging Guide, but, how and where can i get experience and how to check if my packages are correctly created?20:12
ScottKdcordero: This is the place.20:13
ScottKYou can upload your packages to REVU and MOTUs will have a look at them and give you feedback.20:14
ScottK!revu| dcordero20:14
ubotudcordero: REVU is a web-based tool to give people who have worked on Ubuntu packages a chance to "put their packages out there" for other people to look at and comment on in a structured manner. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/REVU20:14
keescookFujitsu: you have some mplayer security bugs set to "in progress" without a debdiff.  is that intentional?  (should they be "triaged" until there's a debdiff?)20:14
dcorderoi see, thanks20:15
=== asac_ is now known as asac
SWATon that note, is it safe to just remove the LDFLAGS in debian/rules on the './configure' line? There it doesn't accept += to 'add' them instead of replacing them.20:23
slangasekSWAT: can you describe more concretely what it is you're doing?20:24
SWATI'm compiling a package from source. If LDFLAGS="-Wl,-z,defs" (at ./configure), then it complains about not finding libraries. If I remove LDFLAGS from the ./configure line, it works. But I imagine that LDFLAGS set more or less important additional libraries. So it's probably 'nice' to 'add' them (+= or something like that) instead of completely removing them20:26
slangasekfirst of all, LDFLAGS is only supposed to be used for flags, not libraries.  second, LDFLAGS are not (generally, currently) set from outside debian/rules itself, so if this is the only value of LDFLAGS being set in debian/rules it's probably ok to drop it from ./configure - but if you have any doubts, the more "correct" way is to not set -Wl,-z,defs in the first place20:28
TheMusoHey MOTUs.20:28
geserHi TheMuso20:29
slangasekSWAT: third - what package is this?  -Wl,-z,defs is very important, and with the exception of things that are plugins, things that fail to build under -Wl,-z,defs are buggy20:29
lifelessslangasek: buggy or hard core old style unix trickery abusers.20:30
slangaseklifeless: I consider the latter a subset of the former ;)20:31
ScottKHeya TheMuso.20:31
slangaseklifeless: yes, it's either buggy or it's c-client; see also: buggy20:32
SWATslangasek, it's a small application. But thanks for the info. I think the application itself sets a lot of things (when ldflags is active, the libraries don't link). But I know enough, thanks a lot!20:34
jcastroScottK: got some time, I have a motu procedural question20:36
ScottKjcastro: If ot20:36
ScottKit's quick20:36
jcastroI have this guy who fixed bug 91964 by applying a patch and publishing via ppa20:36
ubotuLaunchpad bug 91964 in network-manager-vpnc "No Option To Save Group Password" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/9196420:37
nxvl_workjcastro: just ask, if ScottK can't someone else can help you20:37
slangasekSWAT: yes, if they're libraries failing to link with -Wl,-z,defs, then the libraries are missing declarations of their dependencies; the consequences of this can range from undeclared package dependencies to improper resolution of versioned symbols20:37
jcastrois that useful or is there a more "correct" way?20:37
jcastronxvl_work: thanks!20:37
ScottKjcastro: Let me look20:37
DaveMorrisis there a nice watch file howot I can read?20:38
nxvl_workjcastro: a patch is a better way, so any sponsor can look at it, instead of creating it or checking the diff.gz and compare them20:38
ScottKjcastro: Well that's useful for testing, but he really ought to work on getting it into Ubuntu.20:38
ScottKDaveMorris: man uscan.  Did you ask about this yesterday?20:39
jcastroScottK: ok20:39
jcastronxvl_work: ok, so should I have him post the patch instead?20:39
DaveMorrisScottK: I did, however that just explains what it is, not what files I should be watching on the ftp/http servers20:40
ScottKjcastro: What we need is a debdiff for the package that's suitable for upload.20:40
nxvl_workjcastro: yep, but i think you can ask him to post it too20:40
jcastrook, and attach the debdiff to the bug then?20:40
ScottKDaveMorris: That depends on the package and where it is.  It's the tarball for the package you want.20:40
nxvl_workjcastro: yes20:40
jcastroexcellent, thanks guys!20:40
ajmitchjcastro: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess20:40
nxvl_workjcastro: if he post the debdiff is easier to look what exacly has he changed20:41
ScottKjcastro: and then subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors to the bug (assuming the package is in universe)20:41
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
DaveMorrisScottK: what happens when it's changed then?20:41
=== ScottK changed the topic of #ubuntu-motu to: Ubuntu Masters of the Universe: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | Hardy Heron is in active development. | Want to get involved with the MOTUs? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing | Go Merging! http://dad.dunnewind.net/universe.php | QA resources from http://qa.ubuntuwire.com | It's REVU Day. Uploaders: please refresh your uploads, and ask for review. Reviewers, let's close all the open reviews from the top of http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/ | Hi
* ScottK tries again.20:42
\shhighvoltage, dude, just see my comment on your blog :) those are important games, forget battle of wesnoth ,-)20:42
\shhey ajmitch20:43
=== ScottK changed the topic of #ubuntu-motu to: Ubuntu Masters of the Universe: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | Hardy Heron is in active development. | Want to get involved with the MOTUs? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing | Go Merging! http://dad.dunnewind.net/universe.php | QA resources from http://qa.ubuntuwire.com | It's REVU Day. Uploaders: please refresh your uploads, and ask for review. Reviewers, let's close all the open reviews from the top of http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/
nxvl_workis there any way of getting the sources from a .deb file?20:51
\shnxvl, nope...in .deb files are no source files (no tar.gz if you mean this)20:51
dsopnxvl_work: dpkg -x or -X ?20:51
nxvl_workdsop: this is from a dsc, not from a deb file20:52
\shgoing back to bed :)20:52
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
norsettonxvl_work: you mean the files inside a deb?20:53
nxvl_worknorsetto: i have a deb, and i want to make some changes so i need the sources, but they aren't available, can i get them?20:53
norsettonxvl_work: not from the deb20:54
nxvl_worknorsetto: ok, i will make it from tha tar.gz, thnx20:54
norsettonxvl_work: is it from ubuntu?20:54
nxvl_worki'm working on bug #14519320:54
ubotuLaunchpad bug 145193 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] Phatch" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/14519320:54
norsettonxvl_work: and there is a deb somewhere you want to use as a starting point I guess?20:55
nxvl_worknorsetto: yep20:55
norsettonxvl_work: hmmm, if its from getdeb you should find the sources there too20:56
nxvl_worknorsetto: i will do it the traditional way :D20:57
TheMusoIs anbody working on the transcode package? If so, there is https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/173662 to be considered.20:58
ubotuLaunchpad bug 173662 in transcode "needs rebuild for libglib1.2ldbl transition" [Undecided,New]20:58
TheMusoIf not, I'll take care of it.20:59
nxvl_workif i'm doing a new package, should i name ubuntu1 to the version or it's only if i make changes to it?21:00
norsettonxvl_work: upstreamversion-0ubuntu121:00
Fujitsukeescook: They're fixed by the debdiff in the other bug.21:03
keescookFujitsu: oh! okay, sorry21:03
keescook(i haven't made my way through all of them yet)21:03
nxvl_workwhere can i find a list of "Section"'s and the criteria to pick one21:03
DaveMorrisScottK: is this correct for a watch file http://www.pastebin.ca/804866  I run uscan-report and it doesn't return anything so I'm not sure21:06
keescookFujitsu: I must be blind, I can't find any mplayer bug in-progress with a debdiff21:06
Fujitsukeescook: Hum, I'll give you a number in a sec.21:07
gesernxvl_work: Debian policy should contain a list21:07
FujitsuBug #9296821:07
ubotuLaunchpad bug 92968 in mplayer "CVE-2007-1246: MPlayer DMO buffer overflow" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/9296821:07
Fujitsukeescook: ^^21:07
norsettonxvl_work: if you want the debian/, most probably is available in the bzr branch: https://launchpad.net/phatch/21:09
keescookFujitsu: ah-ha!  thanks.21:09
nxvl_worknorsetto: thnx21:10
nxvl_worknorsetto: the developer should post it on the bug :S21:10
james_wDaveMorris: try uscan --report-status21:14
nxvl_worknorsetto: it isn't there :S21:14
DaveMorrisjames_w: thanks21:16
FujitsuUm, anybody here use yarssr? There was apparently a regression (bug #172667), but I tested the patch beforehand, and can't reproduce it even now.21:16
ubotuLaunchpad bug 172667 in yarssr "yarssr improperly generates urls" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17266721:16
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dsopoh revu day21:28
apachelogger__still -.-21:28
apachelogger__will that never end21:28
apachelogger__dsop: so, what is to be revued?21:30
dsopapachelogger__: for you, nothing, still searching somebody who is willing to be the second advocate on my gcutils21:31
dsopapachelogger__: you allready advocated (thx so far)21:31
apachelogger__aye :)21:32
apachelogger__jpatrick: pling21:32
=== apachelogger__ is now known as apachelogger
jpatrickapachelogger: can't tonight, not suppose to be online right now ;)21:32
frafuHello, If I remember correctly, some time ago I downloaded the changes of which revision of a project in launchpad as a diff file; unfortunately I cannot find anymore how to do it. Has that possibility been removed?21:32
apacheloggerjpatrick: ok :)21:33
apacheloggermok0: pling21:34
DaveMorriscan someone please review my package at http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=cpptest (takes around 5 mins to build on my machine)21:35
apacheloggerDaveMorris: did I comment on it already?21:36
apacheloggerdiffent package21:37
frafuAnother question: I uploaded a package to revu and a reviewer posted some comments. Unfortunately I don't understand one of the comments and posted also a comment to ask for more details. Will the reviewer be automatically notified about my comment?21:37
james_wDaveMorris: libcpptest-dev should be Section: libdevel21:38
apacheloggerfrafu: no21:39
james_wDaveMorris: you don't need XSBC-Original-Maintainer21:39
apacheloggerfrafu: you might try to reach him on IRC, usually fastest solution21:39
james_w(unless this is from Debian, but I guessed not)21:39
DaveMorrisjames_w: how come?  No one else has picked up on it?21:39
DaveMorrisno it's a new package21:39
james_wDaveMorris: which one?21:39
frafu apachelogger: thanks; he is not online at the moment21:40
dsopapachelogger: grad gesehen, das du paniq kennst/magst21:40
james_wwell, you can have it, you don't *need* it. It states who maintains it in a distro that Ubuntu merged from and in this case that is none. Your name is in changelog if people want to see who packaged it.21:41
james_wDaveMorris: if you want to have absolute control then put yourself in Maintainer:21:41
apacheloggerdsop: kinda ;-)21:41
DaveMorrisno I'm fine21:41
DaveMorrisjust wondered why no-one else had picked up on it21:41
dsopapachelogger: from where, demoscene stuff or just found it somehwere in the inet?21:42
apacheloggerjames_w: nope, I really think our policy says ubuntu motu needs to be maintainer21:42
apacheloggerthat's why XSBC-Original-Maintainer is used21:42
apacheloggerdsop: the amarok founder knows him personally IIRC21:43
apacheloggerand since I'm part of the team I came to get in contact with his work ;-)21:43
DaveMorrisso what should I use?21:43
apacheloggerDaveMorris: from my knowledge you should stick to the current version21:44
james_wapachelogger: I believe Original-Maintainer was to prevent claiming a package was maintained by the Debian maintainer when Ubuntu had changed it. However whether or not ubuntu-motu is in maintainer is a different question.21:44
apacheloggeryou might check back with a third motu though21:44
james_wsecond, I'm not a motu21:44
apacheloggerok, so my opinion is more imporant :P21:44
apacheloggerDaveMorris: well, seriously check back with another motu whether it is needed21:44
* apachelogger is quite sure though21:45
apacheloggerDaveMorris: Standards-Version: please21:45
DaveMorrissispoty didn't say not to have it when he reviewed it before21:45
apacheloggerso it might at least be legal ;-)21:45
apacheloggerDaveMorris: you might put the source package section to libs and remove it from the binary section of libcpptest021:45
apacheloggersaves you one line21:45
james_wDaveMorris: shouldn't -doc be Architecture: all?21:46
DaveMorrisany != all then?21:46
apacheloggerdepends on the doc type21:46
imbrandonmaintainer must equal a @ubuntu.com or @kubuntu.org email address, if it dosent , even for new packages it needs to use Orig-Main as the packager and MOTU as the Maint addr21:46
imbrandon( this is on the wiki )21:47
apacheloggerDaveMorris: nope, any states it can be built for any platform, so you still ned up with builds for all platforms21:47
james_wsorry, I was just describing a suggested convention then.21:47
apacheloggerDaveMorris: control: line 18, 30, 42 -> unnecessary white space at line end21:48
james_wDaveMorris: no, any means build it on each architecture, all means you can build it on one and install it on the rest.21:48
james_wDaveMorris: is there is reason that you patch the .pc file in to place, rather than installing from debian/?21:48
apacheloggerDaveMorris: you might want to add a description text like "This package contains the development libraries and headers" for lib and -doc as well21:48
james_wDaveMorris: also did you send that file upstream?21:49
UbulettePrism needs review / test from someone. Please, have a look. http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=798 or at least tell me why it's being ignored21:49
keescook\sh_away: just a note for your CVE debdiffs: can you use your own words for the "SECURITY UPDATE:" section?  I like having a short summary of the issue in the form "[worst case] from [cause]".  This is mentioned on the SecurityUpdateProcedures wiki.  Regardless, thanks.  Keep up the great work.  :)21:49
DaveMorrisapachelogger: isn't that obvs?21:49
apacheloggerDaveMorris: might not be to users21:49
DaveMorrisjames_w: afaik it doesn't matter which way you do it, and no I've not sent it upstream yet21:49
keescookFujitsu: sweet, I think I've got all your uploads processed now.  Thanks for getting them all ready!  :)21:49
apacheloggerDaveMorris: then you could use the same reason to remove the text from the -dev21:50
apacheloggerDaveMorris: typo: "framework" not "frame work"21:50
Fujitsukeescook: Thanks.21:50
james_wDaveMorris: the .a file belongs in the -dev package.21:51
apacheloggerDaveMorris: line 16, 28, 40 also have a trailing white space21:51
imbrandonthe .a file should die, iirc we dont wwant static libs unless nessesary21:51
james_wDaveMorris: what imbrandon said as well.21:52
apacheloggerDaveMorris: just don't list the .a files in any .install21:52
slangasekhrm? the vast majority of libraries still ship static libs21:52
apacheloggerimbrandon: extendability isn't a valid word, is it?21:53
james_wDaveMorris: also the /usr/include files should be in the -dev package.21:53
james_wDaveMorris: sorry, being stupid, they are already I see.21:53
imbrandonslangasek: sure but we dont want them e.g i've always been told to rm the .a and .la:)21:54
slangasekimbrandon: for new packages or packages imported from Debian?  I don't think deleting the .a is a very good reason to diverge from Debian...21:55
slangasek(deleting .la files is worthwhile everywhere, OTOH :)21:55
imbrandonslangasek: yea, this is for NEW NEW21:55
imbrandonis the reason i mentioned it21:55
imbrandone.g. -0ubuntu1 version21:56
DaveMorrisany other problems guys?21:57
apacheloggerDaveMorris: typo: extensibility, not extendability21:57
pgquilesis it possible to build packages using pbuilder and distcc? I'm building a customized kernel and it takes forever :-(21:57
apachelogger-dev should depend on libcpptest0 (= ${source:Version})21:57
slangasek${binary:Version}, really21:58
slangasek(not a relevant difference for Ubuntu, but relevant for Debian)21:58
apacheloggerDaveMorris: in copyright please include GPL version of packaging21:58
apacheloggerDaveMorris: trailing white space at line 421:59
DaveMorrisapachelogger:  so for the depends do I put in what you've posted and cdbs works it out for me, or do I need to put the numbers in myself22:00
apacheloggerDaveMorris: yep, but as slangasek state you should use binary:Version22:00
apacheloggertrailing white space at line 11 of debian/rules22:00
DaveMorrisis trailing spaces really an issue?22:01
apacheloggerDaveMorris: nah, but really no biggie to fix, is it?22:01
james_wDaveMorris: also your debian/copyright should be more like http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46756/22:01
DaveMorrisI'm fixing them22:01
apacheloggerDaveMorris: please remove commented cruft from debian/watch22:02
james_w(and apachelogger's comment about the version of yout packaging).22:02
DaveMorristhe commented cruft was in the gnash example I looked at22:02
apacheloggerthere is no such thing as a perfect example package ;-)22:02
dsopjames_w: shouldn't be said which version of the gpl is used ?22:03
apacheloggerDaveMorris: at least the intro crap can be removed22:03
james_wdsop: yes.22:03
apacheloggerpointed that out already22:03
james_wDaveMorris: sorry, can you break the long line in the copyright file that I pasted, my mistake.22:04
ScottKjames_w: We usually use orignal maintainer for new packages, but you're right.  It's not required.22:06
ScottKDaveMorris: No response from uscan is normal when it found the current version.22:06
DaveMorrisanything else, I think I've kept up with your changes and make them all22:07
james_wScottK: ah, thanks for the clarification.22:07
ScottKjames_w: Generally for new packages it's set to whoever packaged it.22:07
ScottKIf anyone wants revu comments/uploads via mail, you can sign up here: http://lists.tauware.de/listinfo/motu-reviewers22:08
ScottKimbrandon: Since you're making RSS feeds, http://lists.tauware.de/listinfo/motu-reviewers might be nice to have as a feed.22:08
imbrandonScottK: k22:09
apacheloggerI should blog about the list, especially how to filter it to personal needs ;-)22:10
apacheloggerthough revu should really get an automatic notification on comment feature for uploaders22:10
=== rob is now known as youdoknow
persiaapachelogger: The code is out there: patches encouraged.22:11
ScottKpersia: You type faster than I do.22:11
apacheloggerI no :P22:11
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=== udoknow is now known as rob
* persia is skeptical, and suspects distraction22:11
apacheloggerpersia: what is revu written in anyway?22:11
ScottKapachelogger: Python22:12
apachelogger<-- not exactly a python haxor :|22:13
james_wDaveMorris: rest looks good to me.22:13
=== Spec is now known as x-spec-t
persiaDaveMorris: cpptest advocated22:13
apacheloggerpersia: btw, you might take a look at theseus, should be kinda advocatable22:15
DaveMorrispersia: I was just fixing the issues others had mentioned22:15
tsmitheapachelogger, new upload of mscore to revu: This upload fixes all the above issues, fixes a regression (by installing a small soundfont enabling instant playback, which had been lost due to the patch to use the Ubuntu-supplied FluidSynth), installs an icon, and fixes the .desktop file to work in KDE as well as GNOME/XFCE.22:15
* persia hides in shame22:16
tsmithe(where the above issues were those you raised on revu)22:16
ScottKDaveMorris: If persia has already advocated your package, you might check to make sure the other comments you got are correct from his perspective.22:16
apacheloggerpersia: hide in theseus :P22:16
tsmitheapachelogger, http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=855 if you are interested22:16
* persia disagrees with ScottK: there are many reviewers for a reason22:16
apacheloggertsmithe: checking that out as soon as cpptest ist uploaded22:17
mok0apachelogger: :-)22:17
tsmitheapachelogger, thank you22:17
FujitsuAnybody around who knows much Perl?22:17
DaveMorrisbtw guys I've got a package coming which takes around 3-4hrs on my machine, if I push it to my ppa to build and link to it would that help you?22:18
persiaDaveMorris: Not for most reviewers: we still need to build locally for advocation.22:19
DaveMorrisbut for spotting the stupid mistakes before hand?22:19
* ScottK looks around for StevenK22:19
ScottKDaveMorris: If it builds locally for you, you'll find them.22:20
ScottKPPA isn't really so great for answering the question 'will this build'22:20
apacheloggerjust blocks ppa22:20
DaveMorrisI was thinking of what files are in the debs22:20
persiaDaveMorris: With a local build, you can check that with dpkg --contents and dpkg --extract22:21
ScottKDaveMorris: I'd look at that after I built it locally anyway.22:21
DaveMorrisquestion.  I use pbuilder to build locally, how can I test the debs it creats as it seems to delete them afterwards22:22
apacheloggeror maybe result22:22
DaveMorrisdocs for this package end up at around 100MB is that a problem?22:23
ScottKNot inherently.22:24
DaveMorrisit's because it's a lib so there are developer docs generated22:24
persiaDaveMorris: Just be sure to put the 100MB in a arch-all package (so if you're normally arch-any, split out a -docs package)22:24
DaveMorrisyeah it's got a lib/-dev/-doc split out22:25
persiaDaveMorris: Given the size, you might even want -doc and -apt-doc: the first with manpages & basic documentation, and the second with the full API reference.22:27
apacheloggerpersia: please check the changes: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=cpptest22:27
ScottKpersia: I don't see us having any api-doc packages now.  Is there documentation support for that approach?22:28
apacheloggerpersia: btw, since it's LGPL2+ IMO linking to /LGPL is fine22:29
DaveMorrisapachelogger: jsut wait a few mins for the next upload22:29
DaveMorrisI changed it to link to 2.122:29
apacheloggerDaveMorris: -2 I'd say22:29
persiaapachelogger: I see whitespace, useless precision in standards-version, spelling/grammar edits, good call on libcpptest-dev dependencies, appropriate fix for -doc architecture, comments drop in the watch file, and a useful drop of the .a file.22:30
macogwhey MOTU is in charge of Firefox 3, right?22:30
ScottKmacogw: Not really.22:30
DaveMorris-2 is the Library 122:30
ScottKmacogw: Talk to asac or mozillateam.22:31
macogwScottK: who does it?  it's in universe accordng to apt-cache show22:31
ScottKIt is, but there are things in Universe we don't really deal with.22:31
persiamacogw: Yes, MOTU does it, but #ubuntu-mozillateam does it more specifically.22:31
dsopjust a last question before I leave until friday. Please can some motu review / advocate my package (gcutils).22:31
DaveMorristhe latest upload is there now guys22:31
ScottKHe didn't last long.22:31
apacheloggerpersia: aye :)22:32
UbuletteI did the last few ff3 updates22:34
persiaUbulette: Unfortunately, the querant has left :(22:34
* persia encourages someone to review prism22:34
apacheloggerDaveMorris: get persia's advocate22:34
* persia is looking at other packages, and won't have time to recompile & retest cpptest soon.22:35
Ubulettepersia, you're done with prism ? i've pushed an update just after your last comment, then nothing happened.22:36
apacheloggerDaveMorris: find someone else to advocate then ;-)22:36
persiaUbulette: I don't have accounts for most of the mentioned web services, so I can't easily do the proper testing to advocate.  Similar situation for me-tv (I don't have a DVB card)22:36
persiaUbulette: As far as I can see, prism is done & ready: it just needs a couple testers to confirm.22:37
* apachelogger grabs prism22:37
ScottKpersia: For stuff like me-tv, I think it's sufficient to see that it's packaged properly and doesn't break systems.  I think works/doesn't work is more of an upstream question.22:38
apacheloggerfirst mscore :D22:38
persiaScottK: Well, there's a reviewer that has a DVB card reviewing, and apparently it doesn't work.  Upstream is the packager, so I continue to believe it to be relevant.22:38
ScottKpersia: OK.  Well if it's known not to work, that's different.22:39
persiaFurther, part of packaging new packages is working with upstream to get the package in shape for Ubuntu systems.  We can deal with bugs, but > 70% crash on run, or showstopper issues should be checked before advocation.22:39
DaveMorrisScottK: I have a DVB-T card and can see if it works, also poke superm1 his a motu and looks after mythtv packages22:39
ScottKAgreed to a point.22:40
persiaScottK: My point is only that we should check to see if it's known not to work :)22:40
persiaDaveMorris: superm1 doesn't have DVB.22:40
ScottKAgreed to that point.22:40
apacheloggertsmithe: what's the point of README.Debian22:41
tsmitheto explain to future packages what's going on, and my rationale for various things in light of the patches, which may not be obvious to others22:41
somerville32tsmithe, Maybe you should explain README.Debian in it too since apachelogger didn't seem to get it :P22:42
apacheloggertsmithe: line 40 -> white spaces all over the place ;-)22:42
tsmithewhich file?22:42
tsmithedoes it /really/ matter? :p22:42
ScottKWithout having looks, I think that's an excellent use of README.Debian.22:43
apacheloggertsmithe: how does it not :P22:43
DktrKranzbddebian, a new contributor is working on bug 173473, which is a package you uploaded in Debian. Should he proceed?22:43
DaveMorriswastes people's bandwidth22:43
tsmitheapachelogger, mainly because i can't be bothered to upload a new one :p22:43
ubotuLaunchpad bug 173473 in inkscape "Missing link to Mac OS X packages in localized versions of the website" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17347322:43
* somerville32 slaps tsmithe on head with a plastic shovel.22:43
somerville32tsmithe, Don't be lazy :P22:43
apacheloggertsmithe: well, just as a note, maybe I find other stuff which might cause an upload :P22:43
tsmitheapachelogger, kk22:43
DktrKranzbddebian, erm... bug 17374322:43
ubotuLaunchpad bug 173743 in xdigger "xdigger doesn't appear correctly in the menu" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17374322:43
somerville32DaveMorris, kind of like you just did? :P j/k22:44
tsmithesomerville32, not lazy, just tired :) (plus waiting for uploads is boring)22:44
somerville32tsmithe, Go walk the dog then22:44
tsmithehe's asleep22:44
persiaDktrKranz: If the fix is in Debian, no point.  If the fix is missing, it's not bad to update, and we'll grab the patch for Debian.22:44
apacheloggertsmithe: please linebreak before libjack-dev, build-dep in control and start the next line with a white space (80 characters exceeded)22:44
tsmitheah ok, i didn't know if that was allowed (so i assumed wrongly not)22:45
tsmithei'm not seeing this whitespace22:45
persiatsmithe: I can't find any evidence that Gort's MiniPiano is actually free.  Could you point me somewhere?22:45
DktrKranzpersia, I don't think the fix is already in Debian. It'a missing desktop file and icon22:45
persiaDktrKranz: In that case, having a new contributor work on it is fine.  It will show on http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/multidistrotools/games.html, and can be put back into Debian.22:46
tsmithepersia, yes, i was beginning to have doubts, too, but then i assumed that the soundfont was produced by the author, and thus he held copyright and the licence was good, and although sources weren't given, neither were they for most images in most other packages. <- that was my rationale22:46
tsmithewho is "Gort"?22:47
DktrKranzpersia, Ok. I will mentor him doing his first debdiff, then.22:47
persiatsmithe: Unfortunately not.  The soundfont has an identity string "Gort's MiniPiano" and appears on lots of download sites, but I also don't know who Gort is :(22:47
persiaDktrKranz: Thanks.22:47
persiatsmithe: Separately, if you happen to find a couple free soundfonts, I think they'd do well as a separate package (or packages), upon which fluidsynth, timidity, etc. can depend.22:48
tsmithepersia, hmm, so that's probably where the author got it22:48
tsmithepersia, yes, i think jussi01 was looking into that too22:48
persiatsmithe: Right.  Upstream not checking licensing is annoyingly common, and unfortunate.22:49
apacheloggertsmithe: you have to begin the new line of build-depens with a white space22:49
apacheloggertsmithe: IMO you should list who claims copyright on which files22:50
tsmithepersia thought that wasn't necessary22:51
persiatsmithe: Which?22:51
tsmithere copyrights22:51
tsmitheapachelogger, could you point out the whitespace, because it looks fine to me22:52
tsmithe(in debian/copyright at line 40, you said?)22:52
apachelogger    22:52
apacheloggersee it? :P22:52
persiaAh.  Right.  That's my opinion.  If there is a body of code with lots of contributors under a common license, I don't see the point of separating out all the individual copyright holders for files.  If there are separate libraries merged in, or significant adaption of modular bits, I'd agree it has value.22:52
apacheloggerTheMuso: the line between license and license path22:53
apacheloggerpersia: various files are22:53
* persia encourages people not to repeat highlights for incorrect nicks.22:53
* somerville32 encourages persia to write a book.22:54
persiaapachelogger: Modular, and pulled from other sources?  In that case I'd agree.22:54
apacheloggerTheMuso: sorry ;-)22:54
persiatsmithe: My previous discussion was without reference to source: more theoretical.22:54
apacheloggerpersia: well, at least pulled form other sources22:54
tsmithenonetheless, do i really have to list the files? i've not seen that many other packages that do it..22:55
tsmithealso, interestingly, i just came across http://packages.debian.org/changelogs/pool/main/m/muse/muse_0.6.3-3/copyright22:55
persiaapachelogger: That's fine.  On the other hand, for different copyright holders on a single body of work, I don't see the point of pulling it apart.22:55
tsmithewhich seems to be for a similar named package which is no longer in debian, and mentions the soundfont issue22:55
tsmithealso, the author is the same22:55
tsmithethe package already exists22:56
persiatsmithe: MuSE was pulled from Debian?22:56
tsmithei thought it was called "mscore", so i've just wasted a hell of a lot of time22:56
* persia stops reviewing & archives22:56
tsmithesorry guys22:56
tsmitheactually, the description doesn't sound identical. i'm installing to make sure, hang on. god i'm confused22:58
persiatsmithe: It's a great application.  Thanks for trying :)22:58
tsmitheheh :)22:59
tsmitheright muse != mscore23:00
tsmithemscore is a qt4 notation program. muse is a sequencer.23:00
tsmithenow i do feel like an idiot23:00
persiatsmithe: Unfortunately, I've already archived.  Please address some of the issues from apachelogger's comments & my initial partial review & reupload.23:00
DaveMorrisyour just tired23:00
tsmithei will do that23:00
persia(this unarchives)23:00
Fujitsukeescook: Around?23:02
tsmithepersia, apachelogger, i'll reupload tomorrow when i hear back from upstream regarding the soundfont23:03
apacheloggertsmithe: looks good to me so far, apart from the issues persia already mentioned23:04
* apachelogger checks debian/rules23:04
tsmithethank you23:04
persiatsmithe: Please upload without the soundfont.  I'd really prefer a separate soundfont package upon which all of mscore, muse, fluidsynth, timidity, etc. could recommend.23:04
keescookFujitsu: back in a bit, what's up?23:04
DaveMorrisanyone know how to fix man pages problems?23:05
persiamok0: The torque license is impressively restrictive.23:05
persiaDaveMorris: Which problem?23:05
mok0persia: yeah it's weird23:05
DktrKranzI was looking at bug 173347. Is it correct to build-depend on a virtual package (libcurl4-dev, provided by libcurl4-gnutls-dev) ?23:05
ubotuLaunchpad bug 173347 in claws-mail-extra-plugins "[ftbfs]Fail to build due to missing build-dep" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17334723:05
tsmithepersia, right. it just is nice to have an application which you can open up and use first off, say, including a minimal soundfont of its own to enable this. i suppose another soundfont package could then provide a "default" soundfont, using the alternatives system or so, and then the configuration of mscore could point to that to enable ease of use, but that seems a bit of a long way round23:06
persiaDaveMorris: man lexgrog about the whatis issue.  For \- vs. \(hy just edit to use \- when it's not in the middle of a word, or joining words, and \(hy when it is.23:06
mok0persia: I've discussed it with several ppl here, and there seems to be a consensus that even though it's weird, it can go into universe23:06
Fujitsukeescook: My security update caused a regression in some configurations of yarssr. I believe I've got a better patch now, an will try to talk to Debian about it.23:06
persiatsmithe: As we've *no* free soundfonts as far as I know, I'd rather separate, and have things Depend: on it, as I agree it should work out of the box.23:07
tsmitheif the application didn't appear to work because it couldn't find a default soundfont, that wouldn't be pretty for new users. however, i suppose i agree23:07
FujitsuBecause their fix is the same, and similarly broken.23:07
persiamok0: Multiverse.  1) Registration Requirement, 2) No patching23:07
Fujitsupersia: freepats?23:07
keescookFujitsu: okay, sounds good.  (they have the regression too?)23:07
Fujitsukeescook: As far as I know.23:07
persiaFujitsu: freepats isn't a soundfont, but it's what we use as a bandaid in the meantime :)23:07
mok0persia: mmm yes, perhaps (?)23:08
tsmithepersia, and it's not compatible, is it?23:08
persiatsmithe: No, but it works for timidity (but not well), and includes most of GM.23:08
persiatsmithe: Maybe someone from the ubuntu-sound-art team makes patches?23:08
persiamok0: Oh, and not being able to get paid for redistribution as well.23:09
tsmithemaybe, but i wouldn't know23:09
persiatsmithe: Just a pointer if you run into a wall with upstream, and want to look for others to help get something together :)23:10
mok0persia: yeah, but that is not relevant for ubuntu, me things23:10
persiamok0: I thought we allowed people to sell Ubuntu if they wished.  Maybe I'm mistaken.23:10
tsmithepersia, thanks23:11
persiamok0: That's a very different debian/rules.  I like it :)23:12
mok0persia: :-)23:12
mok0persia: I've started using cdbs recentlly23:12
persiaGrr.  I want to say "please differentiate hyphen & minus", but the license forbids doing so.  I really don't like this package.23:13
mok0persia: It says "there can be no charge for the software or any software incorporating the Software". But that is not the same as charging for a distribution, or for service.23:15
persiamok0: Hmmm..  Could be debated, and jurisdictionally dependent, but this isn't the forum, and we aren't the appropriate individuals.  The "no patches" and "registration" requirements are sufficient to force multiverse.23:16
mok0persia: Of course we could contact Veridian and ask23:16
mok0persia: Multiverse is ok with me23:17
persiamok0: Given the care with which the license is written, I think multiverse + lots of requests for upstream changes is best for now.  Upstream being free would be better.23:17
james_wDktrKranz: put the real package as the first alternative of a multiple. (libcurl4-gnutls-dev | libcurl4-dev). This allows the autobuilders to find a package to build against, but allows you to change that package by having it already installed.23:18
mok0persia: I agree23:18
mok0persia: However, I think the license is not "written with care". It is full of contradictions23:18
persiamok0: I think someone spent a lot of time on it, but I agree they didn't do a very good job.23:19
DktrKranzjames_w, thanks.23:19
Ubuletteapachelogger, any comment on prism ?23:19
mok0persia: It's like, it's free, but not quite23:19
mok0persia: are you fresh on giving the packaging a review?23:20
mok0persia: I know one place policy is broken ;-P23:20
apacheloggerUbulette: more like in 8 hours or something23:21
apacheloggergotta go to bed soon23:21
mok0apachelogger: you gonna sponsor theseus before you go?23:21
apacheloggermok0: got an advocate already?23:22
mok0apachelogger: norsetto23:22
mok0apachelogger: but he needs to click the button again23:22
apacheloggermok0: yeah, I can't upload until he advocated the latest version23:24
mok0apachelogger: Yeah, I know23:24
persiamok0: torque commented. Mostly upstream stuff, but a couple packaging notes.23:25
mok0persia: thanks! I will take a look23:25
apacheloggermok0: advocated theseus23:26
mok0apachelogger: yay, thanks!23:27
norsetto_mok0: so there ....23:31
mok0norsetto_: hi!23:31
mok0norsetto_: thanks for advocating!23:32
norsetto_mok0: well, didn't quite understand what debian/try is ...23:33
mok0norsetto_: arrgh, is that there?23:33
norsetto_mok0: yes :-)23:33
mok0norsetto_: It should be removed23:33
mok0norsetto_: I was testing the 4 different methods of extracting the version no from changelog.23:34
norsetto_mok0: apachelogger has not uploaded it yet?23:34
mok0norsetto_: No23:34
mok0norsetto_: we needed you advocate as well23:35
norsetto_mok0: ok, never mind that, I'll remove it and upload. Do you want to keep the whole changelog?23:35
mok0I think I shortened it23:35
mok0norsetto_: It just explains the patches & stuff.23:36
norsetto_mok0: you normally don't need that for a first issue. Any reasons for you to keep it?23:37
mok0norsetto_: Other MOTUs told me to do it like that23:37
norsetto_mok0: other MOTUs said: "This is a fairly long changelog for an intitial release "23:38
mok0norsetto_: that is when I had an entry for every change for my ppa uploads23:39
norsetto_mok0: yes, but I think it still applies23:39
* apachelogger looks23:39
norsetto_mok0: so, as I said, any reasons for YOU to keep it that way?23:39
mok0norsetto_: I've been told to document the dpatches that are applied23:40
apacheloggernorsetto_: I think it is perfectly fine23:40
apacheloggernothing's better than good documentation23:40
slangasekKmos: how did ubuntu-archive get subscribed to bugs #173526, 173546, and 173534?  there's no record in the bug log of an ack by MOTU23:41
ubotuLaunchpad bug 173526 in nip2 "Please sync nip2 7.12.5-2 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17352623:41
ubotuLaunchpad bug 173546 in cfengine2 "Please sync cfengine2 2.2.2-1  (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17354623:41
norsetto_mok0, apachelogger: actually, I think you left out an important bit23:42
mok0norsetto_: which is?23:42
Kmosslangasek: sorry.. forget the -s :-( please remove them from U-A23:42
norsetto_mok0, apachelogger: its true that you have your get-orig-source target in rules, but I would mention it that you need to version the upstream tarball23:43
mok0norsetto_: yes, that's right23:43
norsetto_ok, my cat just made about a hundred screenshots ....23:44
mok0norsetto_: How should we do this? Should I make another upload? Then you guys have to advocate again23:44
norsetto_mok0: so, I'll make these two changes and upload23:44
slangasekKmos: ok, done23:44
mok0norsetto_: cool, thanks23:44
Kmosslangasek: thanks23:45
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)23:48
norsetto_mok0: check this out: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46772/23:49
mok0norsetto_: line 6 s/gas/has/ otherwise I'm happy!23:49
norsetto_mok0: yes, must be your chemistry that do that :-)23:50
mok0norsetto_: hehe23:50
tsmithepersia, libfluidsynth-dev provides /usr/share/doc/libfluidsynth-dev/examples/example.sf223:53
=== yamal__ is now known as yamal
tsmithehmm persia's not here :p23:54
norsetto_oh well, thats it then ... g'night folks23:57

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