
fxrluls going through the forums,,  and seen somebody use MY edgy instructions for this device to get it working on gutsy..00:10
fxrand just 21 hours ago --> http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=3875574&postcount=2800:10
fxri still cnt work it out : \00:11
fxris their anything architecurally different bewteen mythbuntu and standard gutsy that could explain my sore head?00:11
fxreven with the naming conventions of linux-headers, ?00:12
fxrahhh, is linux source different that linux headers?00:19
fxrthat = than00:20
directhexfxr, linux-source is 100% different to linux-headers00:23
fxrsweet.. i reckon that might be it.. thanks..00:23
fxri would need linux-source to build kernel modules maybe?00:24
Tarino, you should only need linux-headers00:24
fxrmmm , there is a ./Configure query where it asks for linux kernel source, i was just pointing it at the usr/src/headers directory..00:26
fxri just want to be able to watch tv again.. everything was great until the motherboard blew up on my old mythdora box00:33
CyberDooMy system was working fine till today when I had a power spike and it restarted my system, now my remote stopped working. I've ran the LIRC troubleshooter and lirc is working properly with IRW reading every code for my remote fine. When I start up mythfrontend I don't see a LIRC connected message at all, nor does pressing any buttons work on the remote.00:39
superm1_CyberDoo, if you didn't change anything with your config,  iwould suspect hardware problems00:44
directhexsuperm1_, random reboots plus crap file systems can cause bollocksed config files00:46
superm1_i would think those would manifest in more visible ways then00:47
directhexyou'd be surprised00:48
directhexi still have no functional getty on my myth machine, following a file system spasm00:49
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CyberDooEverything else works fine, I can use the system with a keyboard.00:53
CyberDooIts upsetting because I had a hell of a time with getting the remote to work in the first place. I'm almost to the point of throwing out this microsoft usb remote crap and getting something else that works.01:03
superm1CyberDoo, the mceusb2?01:06
superm1it has been the best "out of box" experience i've had of remotes01:07
CyberDooYeah, model 1069 with the SMC reciever. It was all working fine untill the power spike.01:08
superm1CyberDoo, well try to open up mcc01:09
superm1and regenerate your lircrc and such01:09
CyberDooOkay, I'll give it a wack.01:09
CyberDooDoesn't mythtv give a message when it has connected to lirc?01:19
superm1um i dont think so01:21
superm1only if there is an error connecting to lirc01:21
superm1does ti give a message01:22
CyberDooYeah, I shut down lirc to see if it would and it did.01:22
CyberDooThought it gave a message when it connected though....I don't even know if mythtv is connecting to lirc....01:22
CyberDooRun lirc to the local terminal....01:23
superm1be mindful of permissions if you do that01:25
superm1rather than the init script01:25
CyberDooYeah, I remember.01:25
CyberDooOkay, well myth is connecting properly.....must be something wrong with the lircrc file right?01:28
CyberDooThere wouldn't be anything wrong with any of the latest updates to ubuntu, would there?01:35
superm1well unless the newer mythbuntu-lirc-generator broke things for you01:35
superm1i really hope it didn't01:35
superm1foxbuntu did change a few things in it, but it didn't break for anyone else afaik01:36
CyberDooHmmm, I did download it and ran it trying to solve my problem.01:36
superm1but the problem existed "before"01:36
CyberDooYeah, it did.01:36
superm1okay then it wouldn't have done any harm to you then01:37
CyberDooThat's why I ran the updates thinking it might fix it...01:37
CyberDooDoes the generator backup any existing lircrc files?01:38
CyberDooI think I found them...01:38
CyberDooDiff says my old lircrc file and the current one are the same.01:39
CyberDooI'll have to look at this later, I gotta get to work....thanks for all the help superm1.01:40
superm1alright even01:40
=== Varka_ is now known as Varka
superm1good luck :)01:40
CyberDooin the lircrc file remote = has to be the same as the name parameter in the lircd.conf file, right? Just thought about it.01:42
superm1that is pulled from it automatically01:42
CyberDoookay the thats okay......later.01:42
superm1when mlg parses01:42
superm1hey bdmurray i wanted to ask you about some QA related stuff when you get a minute.  Particularly if there are some automated methods for getting these apport reported bugs on things like mplayer and vlc sent upstream.  there is an awfully large number of them growing,.  I don't suspect many MOTUs will be fixing them locally in ubuntu, but  they can probably be useful to upstream.01:44
Odd-rationaleHello! Does the direct download link on the website work? All I get is a blank page.02:48
tgm4883Odd-rationale, which link?02:59
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=== superm1_ is now known as tgm4883
wilberfanwhere do i enter my netflix info--so i can see my queue, etc?  I can't find that anywhere...03:43
wilberfanIs the mythflix plugin standard in mythbuntu...or do i need to install it?03:54
tgm4883wilberfan, did you do a standard install?04:02
wilberfangod, it's a blur...  i think i did the advanced install?04:03
wilberfanbut i left everything checked....04:03
tgm4883wilberfan, it seems that there is no configuration ui for mythflix.  Look here for how to do it  http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/MythFlix_README04:05
JonathonI have a mythtv setup up and going with twin tuner cards and I am quite happy with it. There is just one small problem left to fix and that is in the program guide.04:05
JonathonThe program guide when search (e.g. under the schedule recording) shows all channels, but on the main guide display (when starting to watch tv) it only shows some of the channel programs, the rest are unknown. Is there a way to fix this?04:06
tgm4883Jonathon, what are you using to get channel data?04:07
JonathonI tried changing the region code to see if that helped, and I verified it downloaded all channels and parsed them, but it just does not show up in the main window of the guide?04:08
JonathonI thought it was between the xml file and mythtv, but I just found out I can search on keywords and match programs on the two missing channels, they just don't show on the displayed guide?!?04:09
tgm4883if you look in mythweb under channel info do these channels have a xmltvid ?04:09
Jonathonwhere is the channel info? I assume you  mean go into the Web area (under information centre) and in there it asks me to select a group or site. There is nothing showing there to select - is this a problem?04:11
tgm4883no, this is in mythweb, which is accessible from another computer04:12
Jonathonahhh, okay. let me try that.04:12
tgm4883and to get to the page im asking about, it's located at04:12
Jonathonhmmm.. what is the username and password? If I set them up I don't remember, or at least it is not accepting the ones I used :)04:13
tgm4883it would be whatever you used in MCC04:13
tgm4883I think it defaults to nothing04:13
Jonathonok. hang on.04:14
wilberfantgm4883: i'm getting a "file not found" when i try and run that netflix config command...04:14
wilberfan[scratching head]04:15
wilberfani don't seem to have a /usr/local/share/mythtv folder...04:15
tgm4883wilberfan, make sure it's installed first apt-get install mythflix04:16
wilberfanit said i already had the latest version....04:16
wilberfando i need to be logged in as "mythtv"...?04:16
tgm4883it's a different installation location04:17
tgm4883but i'm seeing if anyone uses that plugin, cause I don't04:17
Jonathonhmmm... nothing seems to be working for that. Let me check configuration files.04:18
wilberfan(man, how do you search in xfce??)04:19
tgm4883wilberfan, look in /usr/share/mythtv04:20
wilberfantgm4883: yeah, that's where it is...   let me try the script now...04:21
wilberfan"status code 501"    is that good?04:22
* tgm4883 shrugs04:22
tgm4883where do you see that?04:22
wilberfanafter i ran the script....04:22
wilberfanlemme see if my queue shows up...04:23
wilberfanhmmm...maybe i need to restart the backend...?04:27
tgm4883doubt it04:27
tgm4883this should be a frontend only program04:27
wilberfanwell, i restarted the frontend...but my queue isn't showing up yet...04:29
wilberfanthat status code could be enlightening...cuz nothing is showing up yet...04:34
wilberfanfound something on google...  brb04:39
Jonathontgm4883: OK. Sorted out that problem - discoverd mythweb - what a great tool! So to answer your question, yes the missing channels are configured identically to the others, just different xmltv id's of course.04:41
wilberfanstatus code: 200 this time  (that's the one i need!)  :d04:41
wilberfanhmm...still not working....  gonna try a mythfilldatabase (just cuz i don't know what else to do...!)04:43
wilberfanoh, wait...there's more i need to do....04:43
wilberfanIn case this ever comes up again, here's what needs to happen (apparently):  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythFlix04:45
wilberfantgm4883: thanks for gettin' me started...  'preciate it04:46
Jonathontgm4883: Any further suggestions on my issue at all?04:49
rhpot1991tgm4883: you around?05:29
tgm4883yea briefly, whats up05:30
rhpot1991what is your xine command for launching iso's?05:30
rhpot1991I'm getting errors on my screen that are too tiny to read, figured it might be easier to just ask you05:30
tgm4883i just found out that im getting an error too05:30
tgm4883so i need to figure it out, as it now only works on some05:31
rhpot1991internal player crashes on the new futurama dvd menu05:31
tgm4883it does work, just not with my current command05:31
rhpot1991both dvd and iso05:31
rhpot1991I'll mess around some, gonna see if xine does any better05:31
tgm4883i found that if I vnc into the machine and load the iso into xine manually it will work05:31
rhpot1991tgm4883: xine -pfhq --no-splash dvd:/%s works pretty good05:58
rhpot1991though I don't have xine setup for my remote05:58
tgm4883heh, rhpot1991 i think thats the one I have05:59
tgm4883from the mythtv site05:59
rhpot1991bunch more info there06:00
rhpot1991whats the problem you are having?06:00
Maybercan someone help me? i just added a new HD to my ubuntu box for mythtv but I can't figure out how to access it to partition it / format it / etc..06:05
rhpot1991sudo apt-get install gparted06:06
rhpot1991then sudo gparted06:06
rhpot1991will help you format it06:06
Mayberthanks, i'll try that.06:08
fxrhi can someone help me create an lvm?14:26
fxrfrom the instructions i see: "   Now we have a physical lvm partition sdb created. Now to create the lvm volume. Note: Example14:27
fxrbelow is for about 500 GB use the power of two to go to larger table sizes. Use 16M14:27
fxrinstead of 8M for example for volumes over 1 TB.14:27
fxri have a 250 gig hdd, should i use 4M ??14:27
fxrsudo v g c r e a t e −s 8M <volume−name> / dev / sdb114:30
fxrshould i use 4M instead?14:30
fxrplease..  i dont know what it means at all  : s14:36
ViakenAny tips for getting Mythbuntu to use my PCI video card instead of the onboard one?16:15
rhpot1991I'd try to disable it in your bios as a first step16:17
rhpot1991I'd imagine X will fail on boot then16:17
ViakenIt did. I removed the card to get to the installer.16:18
ViakenThe BIOS is missing the option to disable it, though it's mentioned in the help.16:18
alexvdI am running into a issue with Static IP on install for primary masterbackend. I saw the bugs about the installer and yes that exists and I am aware.  However the issue I am having is that after I changed to manual configuration in ubuntu under network and then modifiied the General settings for hostname and database in mythtv-setup I just get a blank titivilus screen16:21
alexvdI can access the database fine and connect from a frontend. I just cant go back into mythtv-setup.  Once I press a key in the grey titivuls screen after it shuts down the backend it boots me out16:23
alexvdso does any have a standalone primary backend and run into the above problem16:36
alexvdI need to copy my channel change scripts to the new backend17:17
alexvdWhen I try to copy files from my ubuntu desktop to the shares for /var/lib I get an error that is more than likely because of permissions. I setup a new share with control panel to share the files system /17:19
alexvdI unchecked the box for "read only" however I still cant copy files17:19
alexvdHow do I set it up so that I can copy files?17:19
rhpot1991launch a terminal and sudo cp /file/to/copy /file/to/place17:22
alexvdi just read i can gksudo nautilus too17:23
rhpot1991that should work too17:25
alexvdSo when I try to copy from my desktop to the mythbuntu backend via ssh share it doesnt allow me17:28
alexvdi had to setup the ssh share as my username17:29
alexvdnot root17:29
alexvdif I do sudo cp would it be the following sudo cp sony0.pl to /sony0.pl/
rhpot1991copy it to your home dir in the other box17:33
rhpot1991then ssh in and sudo cp it to where you want it17:33
rhpot1991unless you are doing it often, its easier than messing with getting the perms changed17:33
alexvdnot letting me copy it to the home directory on the mythbuntu server17:36
rhpot1991same user names?17:36
rhpot1991look up the man page of scp17:36
rhpot1991try using that17:36
rhpot1991'man scp'17:36
alexvdpain in the butt.  On knoppmyth they had the mythtv directory shared17:37
alexvdi feel dumb17:37
rhpot1991scp /local/file user@remotehost:/remote/file17:37
alexvdwhats the default password for ssh root access?17:37
rhpot1991that I have no idea about17:38
rhpot1991I *think* its randomly generated17:38
alexvdif i want to ssh root@
alexvdfn pain17:38
rhpot1991don't you have a user account on there?17:38
Koffaroot has no pass per default?17:38
rhpot1991root doesn't exist on ubuntu boxes normally, you just sudo17:38
Koffawhat you need is sudo17:38
rhpot1991I think17:38
alexvdyeah i know ubuntu sudo17:39
alexvdi understand the security aspect17:39
rhpot1991one less thing to get hacked17:39
alexvdi have a csa agent on my box17:39
alexvdnot worried about that17:39
rhpot1991you could try to make a root account17:40
rhpot1991dunno how well it would like that17:40
Koffathere is a root account17:40
Koffait just doesn't have a password17:40
rhpot1991empty by default?17:40
rhpot1991that doesn't sound right17:40
rhpot1991ah ok17:41
KoffaPermitEmptyPasswords no17:41
Koffathere's that in sshd_config17:41
Koffafgrep -i root /etc/ssh/sshd_config17:42
Koffaseems to be yes by default so setting a (good) password should suffice17:42
rhpot1991alexvd: did you try to scp to the remote home directory?17:43
alexvdsorry work getting inteh way17:47
alexvdgoing to try now17:47
alexvddumb question if the file is in /home/documents what is the proper path17:50
alexvdie /home/documents/sony0.pl17:50
rhpot1991is the actual path17:50
rhpot1991unless documents is your user17:50
alexvdis it /home/user/documents17:51
alexvdor /home/alexvd/documents17:51
rhpot1991ya user as in your user name17:51
rhpot1991gotta run to lunch, I'll be back in a bit17:52
alexvd scp /home/alexvd/documents/sony0.pl alexvd@
alexvdalexvd@'s password:17:55
alexvd/home/alexvd/documents/sony0.pl: No such file or directory17:55
alexvdi will bang away17:55
rhpot1991thats saying that /home/alexvd/documents/sony0.pl doesn't exist locally18:16
rhpot1991are you sure it does, also make sure you are running that on the right machine18:16
alexvdmoved the files to alexvd hoome18:25
alexvdand it worked18:25
alexvdnow copying18:25
camelreefhi all19:04
camelreefI have a question about MythDVD ripping19:05
camelreefI have the DVD (that I can normally play) in the drive19:05
camelreefwhen I select "Import DVD", I end up with a message that I sould try hitting a number and that if nothing happens, something is seriously wrong19:06
camelreefwhat did I miss?19:07
rhpot1991check the ripping settings19:10
rhpot1991it needs a temp directory to rip to19:10
rhpot1991gotta make sure it has access to that19:10
rhpot1991setup > setup > media > dvd > rip19:11
rhpot1991directory to hold temporary files19:11
camelreefI'm there19:11
rhpot1991I spent most of last night trying to get mythdvd to rip a video from an iso, didn't have any luck19:12
rhpot1991I was able to mount the iso to /media/cdrom0 and have it play from there, but the ripper for some reason ignored that I had faked a dvd in the drive19:13
camelreef sudo chmod -R g+w mythdvd/19:13
camelreefand still, same screen19:14
camelreefah, no, my bad19:14
camelreefthanks for the tip !19:14
rhpot1991good now?19:14
camelreefgood now19:14
rhpot1991you need to hit the number to have it create a file the first time19:14
rhpot1991shouldn't ask you anymore after that, unless something is broken19:14
alexvdrhpot how do you run gparted again?19:15
rhpot1991sudo gparted19:16
rhpot1991unless you don't have it installed, then do: sudo apt-get install gparted19:16
camelreefrhpot1991, thanks much, ripping now :19:17
rhpot1991camelreef: are you ripping to iso, or video?19:17
camelreefto video19:18
camelreefGood, with AC-3 soundtrack19:18
camelreefbackups of the kids' DVDs19:18
rhpot1991should be pretty smooth sailing19:18
camelreefrhpot1991, should be, thanks again19:20
rhpot1991sure, no problem19:20
ViakenIf I'm hooking up to a set-top box that'll be sending its signal on channel 4, should I change my channel frequency table or leave it us-bcast?19:29
fxrwhy would i have a black and white osd and playback brakups after enabling VIA Xmvc? i have enab;ed propriortory nvidia drivers on my fx5200 card19:34
camelreefrhpot1991, one more question. Is the ripping process backgroundable ?19:37
camelreefor am I stuck with the progress bars until done19:37
camelreefcan I go back to watching TV or other stuff while ripping ?19:38
alexvdfxr it used to be that enabling xvmc gave a b&w osd19:51
alexvdthier was an experimental fx19:52
alexvdFXR search gossammer threads I am not sure if that was in fixes or not.19:52
fxrits good to get xvmc enabled right?19:53
alexvdfxr well if you have a low powered frontend then yes,19:53
alexvdI thought via had hardware mpeg2 assistance19:54
alexvdwait if you are using nvidia 5200 you should use the via xvmc19:54
alexvdshould be just xvmc19:54
alexvdHow powerful is your processor19:55
fxrits a xp athlon 2600 , 1913ghz19:55
alexvdAre you watching HD19:55
alexvdYou dont need it just run bob19:55
alexvdBob deinterlacing19:56
alexvdbob 2x19:56
alexvdthat should give you smooth results19:56
fxrok thanks, ll look at that, its just m having some playback issues.. ve think ve tried every option in the playback settings.. ll try that anyway..19:57
alexvdseveral things to check, you should experiment with opengl sync turned off19:58
alexvdand then also check nvida settings19:58
alexvdgoto gossammer threads19:58
alexvdmore than likely its those combination19:59
fxrok.. thanls yeah ll keep digging.. it worked perfectly on my mythdora box, before my motherboard failure , so m sure its just some combination i am missing..20:00
alexvdsearch the mailing list on gossamer threads20:00
alexvdyou have to go into nvidia-settings20:00
alexvdand turn off the opengl20:00
alexvdand then enable in the playback settings20:00
alexvdyou have to try different combinations20:01
alexvdalso run top20:01
alexvdit will tell you how much cpu your using and then if thats pegged you may have to do some other nvida options20:01
fxraye my cpu is getting maxed out 97 per cent..20:03
alexvdSo you need to run the proper nvidia driver20:05
sxealexanyone have glx probs with that nvidia driver20:05
alexvdand then put in an option call "use events" =true20:06
sxealexi get a crappy frame rate20:06
alexvdi think that is it20:06
fxrwill i install that driver from source of something? not from propietary device manager?20:06
alexvdhowever goto the gossammer threads users list on the web and do a search20:06
alexvdi just learned mythbuntu20:07
alexvdbut check the version that is running now20:07
alexvdit should support it20:07
alexvdwatching SD you max out the processor at 97 percent20:07
alexvdsomething isnt right.  First check nvida-settings and uncheck the two boxes for (i think) vertical sync and then opengl sync20:08
alexvdi am not ubuntu expert20:08
alexvdbut you can also install the nvidia driver manually20:08
rhpot1991camelreef: I think mine works pretty well with a rip going, in the rip settings there is an option for 'nice level' you can try increasing that if you are having a problem20:10
camelreefrhpot1991, so I can escape the screen and watch TV, then20:12
fxrok thanks alexd , thats something to work with..20:12
camelreefI'm not afraid of the CPU usgae, big Core 2 Duo there20:12
rhpot1991I'm not sure if you escape, it might stop it20:12
rhpot1991gonna have to try it and see what happens20:12
rhpot1991I just started ripping so I haven't had it overlapping with other things much20:13
camelreefand it is on nice 1920:13
rhpot1991I think the higher nice goes the less it hogs resources20:14
camelreefwhich is a good thing, transcode is at 100% of one core, and tcdecode between 10 and 20% on the other20:14
camelreefyup nice setting is OK, I should be able to do other stuff20:14
camelreefso I can escape the progress bar screen without stoping the transcode20:14
rhpot1991I also do ISO rips, so that only takes like 20-30 mins on my box20:14
rhpot1991where an xvid rip takes considerably longer20:15
Viakenrhpot1991: Correct. The lower the nice level, the more stubborn the process is about giving up resources.20:15
alexvdwoah why wo why do I still have stupid issues with UDEV20:15
alexvdis thier an easy way to pin cards in ubuntu, part of the reason i wanted to move to ubuntu was so i wouldnt have this issue anymore20:16
rhpot1991I'm not sure what you are asking20:17
camelreefI escaped, the transcode processes are still there20:17
camelreeflet's hog it with VC-1 decoding and see if the nice setting is working, hehe20:18
rhpot1991I think it makes sense that it would still run, cause it checks that file in the temp dir to see if another transcode is currently running20:18
rhpot1991anyone have a hdhomerun?20:18
camelreefrhpot1991, its nicely making way on one core for the HD decoding, while transcoding on the other core20:19
camelreefand my fans spun up :o(20:19
camelreefbut I'm not complaining, doing their jobs20:20
camelreefnow on going back to the transcode progress screen20:20
rhpot1991I run on a lowly amd 1900+20:20
* rhpot1991 recycles parts for his mythboxes20:21
camelreefok, I just need to go back to the Import DVD screen20:21
camelreefI got the CPU for free, a gift20:21
rhpot1991it should tell you that another transcode is in process20:21
camelreefso I made a Myth box around it :o)20:21
camelreefyup, it's showing me the progress bars once back to Import DVD20:22
rhpot1991I had my main mythbox as a linux box for a while, bought a tuner for it one day and it became a mythbox20:22
rhpot1991my 2nd backend is my parent's old computer20:22
rhpot1991nice setup20:23
camelreef2mn to go, 1h hour total for a 1:44 movie in Good quality, keeping the AC-3 track20:23
camelreefrhpot1991, thanks20:23
rhpot1991I'm still running SD and all too20:23
rhpot1991how do you like the harmony remote?20:24
camelreefI love i20:24
camelreefbet thing I ever bought20:24
rhpot1991worth the money?20:24
rhpot1991I keep looking at them, but I can never justify spending that much for something that I already have working20:24
camelreefmakes less sense now that i have less equipment, but still wonderful20:24
camelreefmine was a good deal at Costco20:25
camelreefthe programming part is even better with Mythtv, as sometimes you end up with weird function on weird keys on the original remote20:25
rhpot1991I look at them whenever buy.com (or other places) have them cheap20:26
camelreefwith the Harmony you can have the weird stuff onthe LCD screen with a proper name20:26
rhpot1991never end up doing it though20:26
camelreefanother example20:26
rhpot1991I end up tossing money at hard drives instead20:26
rhpot1991Total Space: 848,081 MB20:26
rhpot1991doesn't include the 1TB mybook that I got on BF20:27
camelreefI do not want the remote to turn the myth box off, but I could tell it that I want it to go to my home screen instead, killing LiveTV or whatever I was watching when I turn the rest off, or taking the system out of the screen saver when I come back20:27
camelreefyes :o)20:29
rhpot1991I think my next step will be another tuner20:29
rhpot1991just had my first unresolvable scheduling conflict the other night20:29
camelreefmy next stp is replacing my 2 crappy 200 GB disks with a green 1 TB20:29
camelreefand adding DVB-S20:30
camelreefdual DVB-T is enough for my usage20:30
camelreefand when the prices are a bit better, a combo BD/HD-DVD drive20:32
camelreefanyway, thanks again rhpot199120:32
rhpot1991no problem20:33
ViakenI just had it freeze when I went into music settings...20:38
Viakenoh duh...the backend isn't running.20:38
alexvdOk so I need to fix this once and for all.  When you have alot of capture cards udev decides where to stick them so you could be at dev/video0 or /dev/video1.  I have 5 pci cards in the backend 2 pvr 250 and 3 pchdtv.  When I reboot the box stupid UDEC changes the /dev/video.  How do I pin the assignments or keep udev from changing this all the time.20:39
alexvdIt only happens on the pvr-25020:42
rhpot1991sorry alexvd I don't have a clue20:42
alexvdstupid friggin udev.  this guy bruce on knoppmyth and I know onthe gossammer threads list they discuss it but it involves writing rules20:43
alexvdpain in the fn a20:43
rhpot1991I'd try asking on ubuntuforums.org20:43
alexvdprobably my old motherboard. its ancient i know but the backend doesnt do anything except record20:44
rhpot1991have you checked bios updates?20:44
rhpot1991I'd think it should lock in the same devices each time20:44
alexvdI wish the board is from 200020:44
alexvdno check that like 119420:45
alexvdhard to find motherboards with 5 pci slots20:45
rhpot1991might be worth your time to just get a cheap board cpu combo from newegg20:45
rhpot1991ya, most of the cheap ones are mini boards now20:46
rhpot1991normally 2 or 3 slots max20:46
alexvdyeah money is not the issue.  i am going to upgrade the hd frontend and make that the masterbackend20:46
alexvdstill that only has 3 pci slots20:46
rhpot1991you know you can have multiple backends right?20:46
alexvdof course20:46
alexvd i have two right now20:46
alexvdmore power though20:46
alexvdits a waste20:47
rhpot1991kinda, but you can move your tuners to others then20:47
rhpot1991you can have them wake when they need to record20:47
alexvdyeah thought about that too20:47
rhpot1991I have a tuner in 2 backends now20:47
alexvdthats risky20:47
alexvdlook at all the post on not getting that too work20:47
rhpot1991each one is also a frontend20:47
rhpot1991in 2 different rooms20:47
alexvdyeah i have one central box for storage and recording another box for hd frontend and backend for transcoding and commecial flagging20:48
alexvdthe hd box also has a tuner in it.  I plan to add a couple more20:48
alexvdSo i would have 8 tuners20:48
alexvdI have 6 now20:49
rhpot1991you really need that many tuners?20:49
alexvdwell people still like to watch livetv20:49
alexvdeach person fires up a livetv session that eats a tuner20:49
rhpot1991I don't watch live tv on mine currently20:49
alexvdyeah I do20:49
alexvdespecially for sports and news and debates etcc20:50
rhpot1991I normally record everything I care about20:50
alexvdyou dont watch sport20:50
rhpot1991so if I am missing something I just hop in and watch the recording that is in process20:50
rhpot1991I watch sports, always live though20:50
alexvdyeah i know the drill20:50
rhpot1991have a bad habit of peeking at the score if I record it20:50
alexvdso if you want to watch devils on one tv and nets another20:50
alexvdu need two tuners and then two shows you wanted to watch that is 4 tuners20:51
alexvdso they add up quick right20:51
rhpot1991I'd throw a tuner on each frontend20:51
rhpot1991for the live tv20:51
rhpot1991then have your master backend do all the recording20:51
rhpot1991also that way you don't have random network usage when you don't need it20:51
rhpot1991keep the live tv on the HD of the frontend and all20:52
alexvdi could do that20:56
alexvdbut then i have to have tuners connected to dtv boxes everywhere20:56
=== MythbuntuGuest35 is now known as stiev3
rhpot1991ya that could hurt20:57
alexvdI may get some mac mini for the LCD panels20:57
rhpot1991so you have 6 dtv boxes?20:57
alexvd4 right now20:57
alexvd3 ota tuners20:57
rhpot1991ah ok20:58
alexvd3 DTV in operation20:58
alexvd1 backup20:58
rhpot1991do the dishes still have a 2 head limit?20:58
alexvdi have a multiswitch20:58
rhpot1991what is that?20:58
alexvdallows you to connect multiple boxes to a 3lnb20:59
alexvdso i think i can have 8 off the one multiswitch20:59
rhpot1991I haven't messed with dtv in years21:00
rhpot1991since they changed the cards to p4's21:00
alexvdoh you mean the non hu cards21:01
alexvdso you couldnt reprogram them21:01
rhpot1991I think the version before p4's were hu cards21:02
rhpot1991its been quite a time though21:02
rhpot1991that was something like 3 or 4 years ago21:02
alexvdnot worth messing with that and losing the ability to have directv because they ban you21:02
alexvdthe encryption now is very hard to break21:03
rhpot1991or sue you for owning legitimate hardware with other uses21:03
rhpot1991I never liked how they were able to bully people like that without anyone caring21:03
rhpot1991I also maintain my stance that I should be able to do whatever I want with any beams they are shooting at my face without my permission21:05
alexvdso I have a gparted question.  I had to reinstall a few times because of some of the bugs. I have a small 9gig disc that is seen as 8.5421:13
rhpot1991go on21:13
alexvdright now I have /dev/sda1 5.94 gig and /dev/sda3 2.04 gig21:14
alexvdhow do figure out which is the partition that is the correct one that I am using right now and then resize the partition to21:14
rhpot1991correct one you are using, as in which one is your root system?21:14
alexvdRight I think I have two mythbuntu installs21:15
alexvdone I am using and one is residual from a botched install21:15
alexvdso I have the following right now21:15
alexvd/dev/sda1 ext 3 5.9421:15
rhpot1991if you right click on a partition, and choose information21:15
rhpot1991it should say 'status mounted on %some sort of path%'21:16
rhpot1991look for the one that is 'Mounted on /'21:16
rhpot1991thats should be your OS21:16
alexvdthat worked so the original 5.9421:16
alexvdis unmounted21:16
alexvdi also have linux-swap21:17
alexvdthat is not active21:17
alexvddo i delete those partitions21:17
rhpot1991is there another swap?21:17
rhpot1991you should have (at least) a root partition (prob ext3 or xfs) and a swap partition21:17
alexvdi have ext21:18
rhpot1991I'm not sure the base partitions for mythbuntu (which you are running right?)21:18
alexvdand linux swap21:18
alexvdright mythbuntu21:18
alexvdI want to resize the partition so it uses the full drive21:18
alexvdso can i delete the partitions that are unused and not active21:19
rhpot1991you can prob delete your botched install and the extra swap21:19
rhpot1991then you need a live cd to boot and resize your root partition21:19
alexvdso I delete from gparted and then do what21:19
alexvdtell it to resize21:19
alexvdok so put the livecd backin21:19
alexvdand then run gparted21:20
alexvdand resize the partition?21:20
rhpot1991you need to do edit apply after the delete21:20
rhpot1991you can just delete on the live cd21:20
rhpot1991but make sure you delete the right one21:20
rhpot1991then you can resize your root to take up everything21:20
alexvdso should i delete now21:20
alexvdand then reboot and runthe livecd21:20
rhpot1991as long as you are sure its not needed21:20
alexvdor just boot the livecd and do it all21:20
rhpot1991I can't vouge for what should be there cause run ubuntu with mythtv installed on top of it21:21
rhpot1991either way will work21:21
alexvdbtw what is extended?21:21
rhpot1991you can only have so many partitions on a drive21:22
rhpot1991so you use an extended partition to have other partitions within21:22
rhpot1991or thats my understand at least21:23
alexvdso when i run the livecd21:23
alexvdcan i get rid of that too?21:23
rhpot1991my swap is in extended21:23
rhpot1991but my root isn't21:23
rhpot1991so I have root, taking up everything but 2 gigs21:23
rhpot1991then an extended with swap inside of it21:23
alexvdbtw it says i cant delete dev sda5 linux-swap because it says its higher than 521:23
rhpot1991taking up the rest21:23
rhpot1991it looks like mythbuntu uses a xfs partition for /var/lib or /var/lib/mythtv21:28
rhpot1991for the recordings21:28
rhpot1991I would recommend doing that21:29
tgm4883_laptoprhpot1991, thats not default21:30
tgm4883_laptopbut i would recommend doing that too21:30
rhpot1991tgm4883_laptop: is there a reason its not default?21:31
tgm4883_laptoponly because time was short on development and we hadn't gotten the partition recipes down yet21:31
tgm4883_laptopshould be default on hardy21:32
rhpot1991ah ok21:32
rhpot1991I need to actually install mythbuntu on something, so I can know when I'm telling people things they can't do21:33
tgm4883_laptopwell you can do it, it's just not default21:33
tgm4883_laptopyou have to manually partition21:33
tgm4883_laptopwhich isn't difficult21:33
rhpot1991can he launch gparted from the mythbuntu cd?21:34
tgm4883_laptopi believe so, but you should be able to manually partition using in the installer21:35
tgm4883_laptopno need for gparted21:35
rhpot1991he is trying to adjust a working install21:35
rhpot1991has some random extra partitions from a botched install that he wants to adjust and resize root21:35
sxealexwhat is the keystroke to log out of a mythtv session if it freezes up21:36
sxealexsame as any session but i forget it21:37
rhpot1991alexvd: if you want that extra room for recordings and think your root is large enough, I would just delete the other partitions and make a new xfs partition to hold the recordings, doesn't require you to use the live cd then21:37
rhpot1991sxealex: ctrl+alt+backspace?21:37
sxealexid assume that would just restart21:37
sxealexnot log out21:38
rhpot1991that restarts X21:38
sxealexnot doing it21:38
sxealexi can get to cli21:39
sxealexbut i was hoping to doa  keystroke21:39
rhpot1991I don't know the keystroke for forcequit21:40
sxealexill try to find it on forums and report back21:40
rhpot1991you can just kill the mythfrontend process21:40
tgm4883_laptoprhpot1991, are you trying to restart x?21:41
tgm4883_laptopsudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart21:41
ameSo, anyone got a good suggestion for an External Soundcard, that has a working SPDIF output? the SB Audigy2 NX doesnt seem to work according to Alsa :(21:41
sxealexctrl backspace worked it just hung21:42
sxealexodd stuff21:42
sxealexno this was me asking the question not him21:43
sxealexbut thanks21:43
alexvdRhpot in the long run as in once everything is working right.  I will enable storage groups so this disc wont be used for recordings21:44
alexvdso should I bother resizing for xfs21:45
alexvdit would be only for the database21:45
rhpot1991nah, just expand your root then21:45
alexvdthats what i figured.  I just want to leave 5or6 gig21:45
alexvdfor logs and database21:45
williammandahey guys23:01
williammandaanyone recommend a rf remote to use with mythtv?23:01
sxealexcan anyone help me with my database problem23:32
sxealexive tried everything in the docs23:32
sxealexi can't log into mysql23:32
sxealexanyone present?23:33
sxealexbeen playing with this for like 3 hours now23:33
sxealexERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)23:34
williammandago here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV23:43
williammandathere is a section for your problem23:44

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