
=== thegodfather is now known as fabbione
thegodfatherhey tom17:27
shinmenDoes anyone here uses debmirror for the sparc repository?17:27
thegodfathertmarble: new nick ;)17:27
thegodfathershinmen: i used to for a while17:27
tmarblenew nick?17:27
thegodfathertmarble: <- fabbione :)17:27
tmarblehold a sec (otp)17:27
shinmenthegodfather: I'm using exactly what's on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Debmirror but I can't get it to download.17:28
shinmenthegodfather: It only downloads like 30 megs or so.17:28
thegodfathershinmen: sorry i don't have time to debug it now, but it works. I used it in combo with rsync17:28
shinmenthegodfather: Ok, thanks.17:29
thegodfathershinmen: i didn't read that doc.. just the man page17:29
thegodfathertmarble: i need to go offline to put my son to sleep..17:30
thegodfathertmarble: might pass by later if wife allows :)17:30
tmarblethegodfather: ok... ping me when u r back17:30
thegodfathertmarble: will do.. if i can't show up this evening, there is a very good chance that i won't be back for a while. Tomorrow we are inducing the birth of the second one17:31
thegodfathertmarble: because he is a tad 33% bigger than any other kid recoded in dk at this stage of pregnancy17:31
thegodfatherand my wife is scared to death17:31
tmarblegood luck17:31
thegodfathermight pass by later17:31
tmarblethis is your top priority17:31
tmarblei can wait17:31
thegodfatherit's all good :)17:31
* lamont wonders what the original due-date for godfather II was/is...18:13

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