
chimpI'm trying to install alien on a laptop that has no net access atm, however by trying to download the .deb package it has dependencies and to install them they have dependencies etc. how can i download a package of alien that contains ALL the dependencies?00:55
alyxanderhey room02:45
alyxanderanyone check out gOS yet?02:45
chimpIn xfce, settings>main menu bears no resemblence to what my menu looks like, ie. it shows "programming" while Xfce shows "develepment", why is this?03:11
BanHasExpiredViđi vraga su sedam binjišah,03:55
BanHasExpiredsu dva mača a su dvije krune,03:55
BanHasExpiredpraunuka Turkova s Koranom!03:55
BanHasExpiredZa njim jata prokletoga kota,03:55
BanHasExpiredda opuste zemlju svukoliku03:55
BanHasExpiredka skakavac što polja opusti!03:56
BanHasExpiredFrancuskoga da ne bi brijega,03:56
BanHasExpiredaravijsko more sve potopi!03:56
BanHasExpiredSan pakleni okruni Osmana,03:56
BanHasExpireddarova mu lunu ka jabuku.03:56
BanHasExpiredZloga gosta Evropi Orkana!03:56
mr-cHello, anyone around?05:49
soldatssorry this place is usually dead06:01
soldatsif i can help you idbe glad to06:01
mr-chaha it is a bit quiet around here :P06:06
mr-cok, in a nutshell: i run gentoo linux with xfce4. i really like the desktop right-click menu in xubuntu (it's not the default right-click menu for xfce). any ideas on how the developers allowed a right-click to spawn a different menu than the default?06:08
soldatsmr-c, hmm not sure about xfce but in other wms there is a config file for it06:11
soldatsi use xfce but i dont use r-click or middle click06:12
mr-csoldats, there is a menu.xml file for xfce, which is used to generate the applications menu and, in the default xfce config, the right-click menu. somehow the guys at xubuntu for a custom rightclick menu to launch :-/06:13
soldatsim pretty sure xfce has a config file for it as well but i really dont know where its located06:13
soldatshmm id assume its in the .xml since thats the same file for other mindow managers06:14
thyraxdoes anyone use linux software raid?06:34
thyraxno one using mdadm for software raid 5?06:36
soldatsno sorry06:37
thyraxis there a gui for mdadm?06:37
soldatsnot sure i will check06:37
thyraxI hear stuff about evms but have no idea if it was designed for mdadm06:38
thyraxor how user friendly it is06:38
soldatshaha thats what i found for it06:38
thyraxyes thats from 200506:39
thyraxI read that several times :(06:39
thyraxevms doesn't have a clear site either06:39
soldatshah sorry thats just what i found i dont really know about raid06:39
soldatsor mdadm06:39
thyraxlol no problem thanks very much for trying06:40
thyraxI want to install ubuntu to act asmy home server06:40
thyraxI need to set up software raid 506:40
thyraxand mdadm allows for raid 4 expansion06:40
thyraxraid 5**06:41
soldatsyea ive been wanting to do that as well but i havent gotten around to it06:41
thyraxI meant raid 5 expansion06:41
thyraxis there a way to meke feisty fawn lighter? Is there a way to make it boot faster. also is there a way to bypass the need to put in a password at launch and for everything else in the terminal?06:43
thyraxsoldats how?06:52
thyraxi'm currently researching mdadm i guess ill have to google that later06:53
nantaxis anybody using xchat in xubuntu?06:53
soldatsi am06:53
thyraxi used it once06:53
soldatshttp://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper read this it amy help for you thyrax06:53
nantaxbecause when i do settings -> preference -> enable sytem tray icon, my task bar disappears06:53
soldatsnantax, i use it frequently but i also use irssi06:53
nantaxthe desktop panel, the time, network icon trash and quit icons disappears06:54
soldatsnantax, really i never seen that mine did that automatically06:54
nantaxbut when i uncheck it, the icons comes back06:54
soldatsnantax, thats crazy do you think it may be a compatabilty issue06:55
nantaxno idea, my xubuntu is default06:55
soldatsthyrax, did you get my link06:55
nantaxi did not do anything fancy to it because i don't know how to do it06:55
soldatsmine too mine just shows the xchat icon06:55
nantaxscreen saver is not working but when i installed icewm, it magically worked06:55
soldatsnantax, fancy isnt always best i prefer to use cli and i usually boot without a gui06:56
nantaxother than that, i have not installed anything06:56
soldatshah yea mine worked with e1706:56
nantaxalso i want to map my win key so that the xfce menu will pop up ala windows start menu going up when you press the winkey06:56
nantaxhow do i do this in xubuntu?06:56
nantaxdoing it in the keyboard preferences does not work because when i press the win key, what appears is super+super_L06:57
thyraxyes soldats thanks alot :)06:57
soldatsgksudo gedit /etc/console-tools/remap this is the file to edit but i dont know the parameter to use06:57
soldatsi herd alot of people saying the super user thing as well06:58
soldatsi tried googling it but i didnt find anything worth while06:58
soldatsnantax, http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_remap_the_Caps_Lock_key_as_another_Control_key this a tut on the mapping keys but for del and backspace it may help if you know how to configure it the right way07:00
nantaxsoldats, thanks07:00
soldatsi see you on here alot so if i find anything useful for you im mapping keys ill let you know07:01
nantaxim slowly making progress07:04
nantaxat the moment, that is the only thing that i miss from windows07:04
nantaxthe win key for the menu, win+r for run, win+e for explorer, win+m for minimize all07:04
nantaxif i can just make it so that pressing the win key registers as super only and not super+super_L07:05
soldatsnantax,  i just read something you may be able to change the super+super to just super and it may work but im not sure07:05
soldatstry using the file07:05
nantaxokay if you can give me a link, i will gladly go there07:06
soldatsgksudo gedit /etc/console-tools/remap07:06
soldatshttp://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Dapper#How_to_remap_the_Caps_Lock_key_as_another_Control_key this is a small tutorial but its only the del and backspace key but it may help07:07
soldatsor give insight07:07
nantax(Incorrect keyboard setup - xubuntu 7.10 i386 - Ubuntu Forums) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=60126807:14
nantaxi think that this is it... maybe07:14
CyberMadthere are config of xfce4 panel on /home/user/.config/xfce4/panel/  how to prevent from user modify it ?07:54
CyberMadwith chmod ?07:54
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root__hey nantax08:11
soldatsnantax, are you still here08:13
soldatsnantax, i did some digging and ive come to the conclusion that the win key wont map in xfce, i think you might be able to add functionality to it if you do a command "xmodmap -e 'add Control = Super_R' " but im not sure if it works but i was able to map the menu key to the menu button next to the right side win key08:16
soldatsif yo uhave that key it would suffice for you want to use it. so id suggest go to settings > keyboard > shortcuts and add a new menu option called xfce4-popup-menu then you will be able to edit the keys then double click on the xfce4-popup-menu and press the menu key (next to the right win key) and it should work08:18
soldatsif you dont get this ill ask you another time i gotta run see yah08:19
echosystmshould atheros wireless cards be isntalled automatically?08:26
echosystmor do i need to do something08:26
auskadiechosystm, i think you need to use the restricted drivers manager08:44
luisbg_Is Codey the actual xubuntu team lead?08:52
TheSheepluisbg_: https://launchpad.net/~xubuntu-team/08:55
luisbg_I was searching the wiki, it seams it was the wrong place =)08:55
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CyberMadthere are config of xfce4 panel on /home/user/.config/xfce4/panel/  how to prevent from user modify it ?09:11
CyberMadhow to do it with chmod? or any other idea ?09:11
ablomenCyberMad, i think with chmod -w, but i dunno if it will kill xfce or not09:16
TheSheepCyberMad: better check the kiosk mode in xfce documentation09:16
ablomenbut yeah TheSheep's idea seems a lot safer :)09:16
CyberMadthanks TheSheep10:15
=== totalyou1face is now known as totalyourface
FlashWolf'morning guys11:41
FlashWolfsomeone here knows a nice file manager that uses a tab system?11:42
FlashWolfi liked not so much of thunar or dolphin11:42
TheSheep!language | nopcode11:43
ubotunopcode: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.11:43
nopcodeyou're not being serious?11:43
TheSheepnopcode: I'am being serious.11:44
nopcodelol :)11:44
TheSheepscratch that '11:44
FlashWolf_o\  \o\  lol  lo/  /o/  /o_11:44
FlashWolfany file manager?11:45
nopcodeTheSheep: are you american, by chance?11:45
nopcodejust wondering11:45
nopcodethis reminds me of radical christians in the us that we hear about so often11:46
TheSheep!ot | nopcode11:46
ubotunopcode: #xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!11:46
TheSheepnopcode: I'll be happy to discuss my etnicity on #xubuntu-offtopic11:46
FlashWolfso... where's the file manager?11:48
FlashWolfTheSheep: know any?11:49
TheSheepFlashWolf: nothing I could recommend11:49
FlashWolfthunar: x; dolphin: x11:50
TheSheepFlashWolf: there was some early hack og thunar11:55
FlashWolfTheSheep: what did u use?11:55
FlashWolfi'll look for...11:55
TheSheepFlashWolf: PCMan11:55
TheSheepFlashWolf: I use thunar, but I don't like tabs, I even disabled tabs in firefox11:56
TheSheepFlashWolf: http://pcmanfm.sourceforge.net/11:59
FlashWolfi'll take a look, TheSheep. thk u! :)12:04
* TheSheep checks !u and sighs12:04
echosystmis it just nvidia-glx to get nvidia working in xubuntu?12:19
echosystmsudo apt-get install nvidia-glx12:19
TheSheepechosystm: better use the restricted drivers manager12:20
echosystmi did that12:20
echosystmit says...12:20
echosystm"the software source for the package... nvidia-glx... is not enabled"12:20
echosystmso i assume i have to apt-get it first?12:21
TheSheepechosystm: no, you need to enable the 'restricted' repository12:21
nanonymeTheSheep, sigh, there's a separate #xubuntu-offtopic?12:21
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource12:21
nanonymewhy can't they all be linked to #ubuntu-offtopic?12:21
echosystmdidnt think of that :P12:21
TheSheepnanonyme: our offtopic is different :)12:22
TheSheepnanonyme: different people, to start with12:22
nanonymeyeah, i think that's mostly a bad thing :P12:22
nanonymethe different people might want to talk to each other12:22
TheSheepnanonyme: it's not like we lock the channels or anything12:23
nanonymeno, it's just mostly forcing to join channels if you want to have the same conversation with different people and not be accused of cross-posting12:24
nanonymeand considering there's a maximum channel limit on freenode, i consider it a bit silly12:25
nanonymethat's all, sorry about opening up ;)12:25
echosystmhow does one get some desktop effects in xubuntu?12:32
TheSheepechosystm: you can enable transparency and shadows in settings→window manager tweaks12:33
echosystmnah, i mean beryl type stuff12:34
TheSheepechosystm: well, install beryl or compiz12:34
echosystmthey can't be installed through some menu in xfce can they?12:36
TheSheepechosystm: through synaptics12:36
echosystmim heaps impressed with 7.1012:38
echosystmthings come a long way since 7.04 :O12:38
TheSheepechosystm: for example what?12:44
echosystmthe whole video card thing12:47
echosystmi dont remeber it being that easy12:47
echosystmactually, i was using an alternate minimal install12:47
echosystmhaha, thats probably got something to do with it :P12:47
TheSheepechosystm: not really12:48
TheSheepechosystm: the restricted drivers manager is nice12:48
echosystmi mean, i missed out on a lot of things because all iw as running was xfce4-core or whatever12:48
TheSheepechosystm: alternate cd installs exactly the smae system as the live cd12:49
echosystmno it doesnt?12:50
echosystmtheres tonnes of stuff missing12:50
echosystmif you use the xubuntu metapackage, yeah its the same12:50
echosystmbut, the xfce-core package is missing alot12:50
TheSheepah, ok12:51
TheSheepxfce-core only installs the xfce desktop environment, skips all the applications and most system tools12:51
echosystmthats what i had12:52
echosystmso this xubuntu stuff is all new to me12:52
echosystmpretty cool12:52
ronnie__was xubuntu first created to run ubuntu on xbox? http://www.xbox-linux.org/wiki/XUbuntu13:24
ronnie__ok just checking13:25
echosystmxubuntu was first created to run ubuntu with xfce rather than gnome13:25
ronnie__ah I think they mentioned that in beginning of article nvm13:25
ronnie__hate wikis I always click the bright blue links and get thrown all over13:25
TheSheepwiki+tabbed browser = out of memory13:27
ronnie__although I like calling it xUbuntu or xubby13:27
ronnie__TheSheep: *spams ctrl t* what I wasn't looking at pr0n!13:27
* ronnie__ comp dies in background13:28
ronnie__I wonder how much memory that takes using blank tabs13:28
TheSheepronnie__: firefox stores them as bitmaps anyways13:29
ronnie__ouch don't those take loads of mem?13:29
TheSheepronnie__: ah, no, blank tabs don't have a rendering area13:30
TheSheepronnie__: but tabs with blank pages in them would take memory13:30
ronnie__lets see on windows I can have like 250 calculator programs up... lets see how many xubuntu firefox tabs ^^13:30
ronnie__aww he left13:31
ronnie_according to this I have two cpus but one is disabled http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46684/14:44
ronnie_how do I go about fixing that problem?14:45
FlashWolfsomebody knows a magnifying dock for xubuntu?14:51
FlashWolfexcept kiba-dock14:52
TheSheepFlashWolf: magnifying?14:52
FlashWolfliked not it.... havent manifying effect14:52
FlashWolfTheSheep: like rocketdock for windows14:52
FlashWolfor kxdocker for kde14:52
TheSheepI don't know about windows, but you might try awn14:52
TheSheepit's work in progress though, but seems to work on gnome14:53
FlashWolfawn == avant window manager?14:53
FlashWolfTheSheep: xfce14:53
TheSheepFlashWolf: for xfce you need patched xfwm14:53
ronnie_patched xfwm for what?14:54
TheSheepronnie_: there is a bug related to window activation and workspace switching that makes it impossible to switch workspaces in xfwm when awn is enabled14:54
TheSheepronnie_: it's a bug in awn but it was easier to patch in xfwm14:55
TheSheepronnie_: basically, awn rises its window when you click it, which makes xfwm switch back to the original workspace14:55
ronnie_oh I only use 1 workspace so never saw that bug15:00
FlashWolfTheSheep: hmm... awn is nice...15:02
FlashWolfhow can i add _launchers_?15:02
FlashWolfor is it really just "window navigator"?15:03
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TheSheepFlashWolf: drag and drop the .desktop files15:09
TheSheepFlashWolf: they are in /usr/share/applications15:09
FlashWolfi'll try that15:10
FlashWolfTheSheep: does this dock has magnifying effect?15:19
FlashWolfor just bounce?15:19
FlashWolfand the settings?15:22
FlashWolfi click in the settings menu item but nothing appears... :(15:22
TheSheepFlashWolf: weird, there is a settings manager15:23
TheSheepFlashWolf: and yes, it has all sorts of effects, zooming included15:23
FlashWolfright click + preferences?15:26
FlashWolfah... do i need the xfce patch?15:27
TheSheepI don't think so15:29
TheSheepFlashWolf: bear in mind that it's beta software (or even alpha)15:29
FlashWolfit's truth...15:30
TheSheepFlashWolf: maybe something about your system-specific configuration makes it fail15:30
FlashWolfTheSheep: arent u using xfce too?15:30
TheSheepFlashWolf: you can edit the config file in ~/.config/awn/awn.ini15:30
TheSheepFlashWolf: xfce is released, awn is beta15:30
FlashWolfi'll try ini15:30
TheSheepFlashWolf: I think you want  icon_effect=315:31
FlashWolfoh, thx15:31
FlashWolfi'll see15:31
FlashWolfTheSheep: didnt worked...15:34
FlashWolfcould i view ur awn.ini?15:34
[CEI]ZeleznickHello, trying to install Xubuntu on an old IBM notebook, slight problem, my keyboard and mouse doesn't work :P15:35
FlashWolfbe right back15:35
[CEI]Zeleznickis my project doomed from the start15:35
ronnie_hello peoples15:36
TheSheep[CEI]Zeleznick: if it's a thinkpad, you might find something on the thinkwiki15:38
TheSheep[CEI]Zeleznick: or on the ubuntu forums15:38
TheSheep[CEI]Zeleznick: just search for your model15:38
[CEI]Zeleznickokay thanks15:39
FlashWolfTheSheep: ok. i'm back.15:40
FlashWolfcould u send me the file?15:40
ronnie_hmm got this desktop computer with EM61SM/EM61PM Acer motherboard and not sure what ram it supports but noticed I have 2 extra slots15:40
TheSheepFlashWolf: I can, but I think it's maybe for the desktop-agnostic version only, and the default version uses gconf to store configuration15:41
FlashWolfTheSheep: cuz the my awn.ini is totally empty15:41
FlashWolfi was expecting a list of properties and values... :P15:42
ronnie_FlashWolf: what exactly you doing with that awn?15:42
FlashWolfronnie_: just trying access its "Preferences"15:42
TheSheepFlashWolf: http://sheep.art.pl/Sandbox15:42
TheSheepFlashWolf: try settings->awn-manager15:43
FlashWolfi havent awn-manager15:45
TheSheepthat explains it15:45
TheSheepinstall it15:45
FlashWolfmissed some installation?15:45
FlashWolfthx for attention, TheSheep :D15:46
FlashWolfsorry for ur time wasting...15:46
TheSheepFlashWolf: got lots of time15:47
ronnie_well damn even I knew that and I don't use the app...15:47
TheSheepronnie_: I didn't15:47
ronnie_might give sheeps config a try though15:47
TheSheepronnie_: you should have said something earlier15:47
FlashWolfTheSheep: rephrasing: sorry for wasting ur time15:48
ronnie_well I thought it was obvious and was too busy oggling new ram to buy15:48
TheSheepFlashWolf: rephrasing: no problem :)15:48
FlashWolfor whatever that means xD15:48
ronnie_FlashWolf: if you install compiz it has a manager app too15:48
FlashWolfronnie_: yeah, but not to awn15:48
ronnie_anyway gonna get some sleep see you around later15:50
FlashWolfand i'll lunch15:53
=== FlashWolf is now known as FlashWolf|lunch
SoulChildhi all,... how do i change the console font on tty1 ???15:54
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RandyboYWhy do i get kernel panic when i insert new ram? I have 3x128mb now and bought a 256mb... Bios passes 384, but in boot xubuntu gets kernel panic18:02
TheSheepRandyboY: try running memtest18:03
=== FlashWolf|lunch is now known as FlashWolf
RandyboYTheSheep, there is nothing wrong with the ram. It seems that xubuntu doesnt like it when it changes size on one of them... I tried pulling out so that the original 384 was in with the new 256mb bracket and one old 128... Still kernel panic18:43
TheSheepRandyboY: you tested with memtest?18:45
RandyboYTheSheep, didnt complete it... Is it supposed to take sxtremely long?18:47
RandyboYTheSheep, or is there any way to configure it so that xubuntu understand it and will not panic?18:48
massctrlhello anyone here knows a good editor for some perl scripting ?18:48
TheSheepmassctrl: vim18:51
TheSheepRandyboY: you don't configure it18:51
massctrlhum, yeah I know, but the learning curve is a little too steep,..18:51
TheSheepmassctrl: a week and you're fluent18:52
massctrlon kde there's something like kate, which is nice, ..18:52
TheSheepmassctrl: scite18:52
RandyboYTheSheep, no i see that now. I put all the 128's in and doing a memtest... now its actually moving on the passed percent...18:52
=== Ramla_ is now known as Ramla
NathanExplosionis it possible to use the amd 64bit xubuntu on a 64 intel?20:45
FlashWolfNathanExplosion: yeah.20:47
FlashWolfdownload the 64bit version20:47
NathanExplosionexcellent thank you flashwolf20:47
nanonymehmm, how did you set compositing in xfce4 again?21:32
KXI need help21:38
KXatm I'm running from xubuntu live cd21:38
KXand and I need some way to install it21:38
evil_techclick on install icon on the desktop21:38
KXdid so21:39
KXit runs through all the questions and what not21:39
KXand then when it starts to "install" it seems like it's loading from cd and shows that the memory is being used but after  about 10 min the percentage gauge still shows 0% and the cd stops running21:40
KXand mouse is unable to move21:40
KXis this a common problem and is there another way to install through this cd without graphcal install?21:41
evil_technot with that cd21:41
evil_techyou would have to download the alternate installer21:41
KXI did21:42
evil_techthen run that21:42
KXand it was too big for the cd21:42
evil_techits text based21:42
KXI couldn't burn it21:42
evil_techthat isnt possible if you are using a normal cd21:42
KXthats what I thought21:42
KXit's only 696 mb and the cd is 700 mb21:42
KXthe file isn't corrupt21:42
KXsoooo yeah21:43
evil_techsounds like there is already stuff on the cd21:43
KXis there some way to reduce the amount of things21:43
evil_techyou could kill X21:43
KX running in the bg while the installer starts up?21:43
KX(new to linux based os)21:43
evil_techthe program that gives you a graphical interface21:44
evil_techbut i dont think that will work21:44
KXthrough xfrce taskmanager?21:44
evil_techcause the intaller needs it21:44
nanonymectrl+alt+backspace kills X21:44
KXyeah that won't work21:44
nanonymenote: backspace, not del21:44
KXI tried that21:44
KXand it throws me back to the boot disk21:45
nanonymeerm, or were you actually talking of installing X?21:45
evil_techhave you made sure its not a hardware issue? or a bad iso image?21:45
KXcd is clean21:45
* nanonyme runs away after noticing he didn't read the situation well enough21:45
KXand the hardware is just the correct size21:45
evil_techyes but have you checked that it is all functional21:46
slimjimflimshould i be able to hit PrtSc to take a screenshot?21:46
KXoh it's all functional21:46
KXno problems whatsoever21:46
evil_techslimjimflim: it doesnt work for me. i just added a screenshot button to the panel21:46
KX128 mb ram21:46
evil_techthere is problem number 121:46
evil_techyou need 192 to run the live cd21:46
KXI know21:46
KXof xubuntu?21:47
KXcause like I said21:47
KXI'm running xubuntu live cd AND firefox21:47
KXI have a linux swap drive that takes the hit21:47
slimjimflimk, thanks evil_tech21:48
KXyeah that was the first hurdle I got over21:48
KXthe ram made it slow to even run the installer21:48
KXbut after I made a 1 gig swap drive21:48
evil_techyou need 192mb to install it says so on the download page21:49
KXit runs much faster and the poots out on install21:49
evil_techwell my suggestion is to run the alternate install.21:49
KXand what about it being too big?>21:50
KXit may have needed to be restarted21:50
evil_techmake sure there isnt anything else on the disc taking up space21:50
KXit's a brand new cd21:50
evil_techuse a different burning app21:51
evil_techmake sure the iso isnt corrupt21:51
KXbtw this is dapper drake21:51
KXnot the newest xubuntu21:51
evil_techsuggestions still apply21:51
KXright ok21:51
KXwill xubuntu run ok after installation?21:52
evil_techonly time i use the live cd is if the machine has 256 and at least a 700mhz proc21:52
evil_techthere have been people who've gotten it to run on 266mhz 64 mb of ram and a 4gig hard drive21:53
KX^_^ thanx for the help MUCH appreciated21:53
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