
lifelessjam: ping00:02
lifelessabentley: re smart server conflicts - good;00:03
lifelessabentley: I don't know re: 1.0 -> .dev, what patches are they ?00:03
abentley1. the plan merge thing you reviewed  2. The warning for criss-cross. + docs00:04
lifelessyeah merge those to .dev00:05
lifelessand I'd mail martin once they land with revnos to merge to 1.000:05
lifeless.dev is open AFAIK00:05
abentleyYeah, it's just more complicated later if we merge 1.0 into dev.00:05
abentleyAnd it reduces the visibility of the merge requests for Martin.00:06
lifelessOTOH once they are in .dev they get experiential testing, and he can run 'missing bzr.dev;00:06
abentleyjam: ping00:20
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jkakarDoes anyone know when bzrtools is expected in the Bazaar repositories for gutsy?01:11
jkakarAs a suggestion, it would be very appreciated if bzr and bzrtools were released in tandem.  I know that creates more work, but it's disturbing to lose often-used commands for hours or days at release times.01:12
lifelessjkakar: its already there isn't it ?01:13
lifelessjkakar: http://bazaar-vcs.org/releases/debs/gutsy/ has bzrtools 1.0.001:13
jkakarlifeless: I keep getting 'bzrtools: Depends: bzr (< 0.93~) but 1.0~rc1-3bazaar1 is to be installed' after fresh apt-get updates.01:15
lifelessah, will fix.01:18
lifelessI hate this strict versioning; its bogus.01:18
jamlifeless, abentley : pong01:20
jkakarlifeless: Thanks!01:21
thumperhe bazaar dudes01:21
thumperI have some fella saying that bzr doesn't have GUIs (on windows)01:21
thumperwhat do we have?01:21
thumperlinks would be good01:21
* thumper needs to check more before pressing enter01:21
jamworks on Windows01:22
jamTortoiseBzr is at least in the works01:22
thumperjam: is it any good01:22
jamI know it "works"01:22
jambut I haven't used it myself01:22
thumperjam: eta on TortoiseBzr ?01:22
fullermdAFAIK, both -gtk and qbzr work OK, but are also both pretty manual to install and not as comprehensive as one would like.01:22
thumperfullermd: is qbzr able to work on windows?01:22
jamthumper: it should be01:23
fullermdThat's what I understand from snooping on list/IRC discussions.01:23
jamYou just need the QT 4 libs01:23
thumperhow's the eclipse plugin?01:23
jambut there should be GPL QT 4 libs for windows01:23
jamthumper: a lot of active development recently01:23
lifelessjam: pong01:23
jamVerterok: thumper wants to know about bzr-eclipse01:23
jamlifeless: hey, just getting some family time before they sleep01:23
thumperwho's working on TortoiseBzr ?01:23
jamdo you want to talk by phone?01:23
jamthumper: it is part of the bzr-gtk package, so jelmer is at least aware of it01:24
jamI believe it was a google SoC thing01:24
abentleyjam: I was thinking of working on a pack format using mpdiffs, but I got the impression you're going to do xdelta packs.01:24
jambut I can't remember his name off-hand01:24
lifelessjam: now is good01:24
abentleyI don't want to duplicate the effort.01:24
jamlifeless: do you want by phone or by skype?01:24
abentleyjam: Alexander Haro was working on TortoiseBzr01:24
jamlifeless: logging on now01:25
jamabentley: did he have an IRC nick?01:25
abentleyI don't remember.01:25
jamabentley: talking with robert, will ping when done01:26
jelmertortoisebzr is not actually part of bzr-gtk, nautilusbzr is01:26
jelmertortoisebzr was somewhat of a fork of bzr-gtk though01:27
jamabentley: back01:51
jamso I certainly have some ideas of how to get there, but there are several steps to be done before we can really have an "optimal" pack layout01:52
jamlike, just getting the non-redundant index data put into the real data01:52
Odd_BlokeWhat's the plan for 1.n versioning?  Will 1.0.n releases go on until a certain set of features are complete and then the next version will be declared 1.(n+1)?01:52
jam(the fact that this is a delta versus a fulltext, eol, compression parent, etc are all *only* in the index)01:52
jamOdd_Bloke: well, Martin posted 1.1 in January01:52
abentleyOh, I get what you mean.  Making the index be redundant data.01:53
jamwhich would hint at continuing the 1.(n+1) we have now01:53
Odd_BlokeAh yeah, I recall now you mention it.01:53
jamabentley: right, that is one of the steps01:53
jamalso, in talking with Robert, a good intermediate is to allow pack repos to mix their deltas01:53
* Odd_Bloke returns to House.01:53
jamsince as you commit you really only generate deltas from previous01:54
abentleyErr, really?01:54
jambut after repacking you would probably want to generate reversed ones01:54
abentleywhat do you mean by mix?  Different formats?01:54
jamxdelta & knit deltas co-mingled was an idea01:54
jampartly because when you commit01:54
jamwe would like a knob to turn on annotation building at commit time01:54
jamand for that, we would need to generate some form of line-delta01:55
jamwhich would be a shame to waste01:55
jamand do 2 deltas at commit time01:55
jamit might be okay01:55
jambut it is something to think about01:55
jamAlso, it would make it a lot easier to phase in a change01:55
lifelessspiv: ping; whats the bug regarding your web proxy?01:56
abentleyAnother thing I've talked about is having a comparison cache.01:56
jamif it had a way to migrate without spending 40-hours reformatting the data01:56
jamabentley: well, we would probably have that, and fill it at commit time01:56
abentleyBut with the C-optimized sequence matcher, comparisons are far less expensive.01:56
jamif the knob was turned on01:56
abentleySo we seem to do fine without it.01:57
jamabentley: even for whole-file annotate01:57
jamgannotate is pretty slow last I checked01:57
jambut I haven't tried your new stuff01:57
abentleyMy new stuff is just for merging.01:57
abentleyBut I was talking about a comparison cache, not annotation cache.  We definitely need cached annotations.01:58
jamabentley: couldn't you use the comparison for annotation data?01:59
jamor I guess that has too small a view?01:59
abentleyWell, we already are using cached comparisions about 3/4 of the time.01:59
jam(1 text to 1 previous text, not the full history for that file)01:59
abentleyI think you can't annotate to the origin everytime and expect good performance.02:00
jam10k to the origin is a long way to go02:00
jamwhat if the annotation cache was the 'fulltexts' and the rest was comparison cached02:01
jamjust as a thought02:01
jamalso, what is the overhead of doing an actual delta, versus the I/O of reading it in from a cache02:01
jamI seem to remember there wasn't much of a win depending on the circumstances02:01
abentleyYeah, right now I haven't seen a huge win for cached comparisions.02:02
jamI suppose it also depends if you have to extract the texts as well02:02
abentleyI think we should start with cached annotations.02:02
jamif you don't have the I/O of getting the full text02:02
jamyou wouldn't have the texts around to do a memory comparison02:03
abentleyYes, that does tend to negate the IO win of doing a comparision from scratch.02:03
jamso, the very first step for any of this02:03
jamis that we should merge in a truly experimental format02:03
jaminto bzr.dev02:03
jamso that it can be played with02:03
jamwe could do it all in a feature branch02:03
jambut those tend to rot a lot more than a bzr.dev branch02:04
abentleyI think that's okay with me.02:04
abentleySo what I'm interested in is implementing iter_files_bytes in a way that it can read everything in a single pass.02:06
jamso... iter_files_bytes, you're thinking of that for TT, and build_tree, right?02:07
abentleyThat means writing a new revision builder, which is affected by the delta format.02:07
jamwhich means that you will tend to want only 1 version for a given file-id02:07
abentleyWell, also operations that use a lot of different revisions of a file.02:07
jambut you will want lots of file ids02:08
jamdiff is the only other one that comes to mind for wanting multiple versions of a file02:08
jamand that is only 2 versions per file-id02:08
jamI guess annotate...02:08
jambut we would like to not have to do that as much from a raw iter_files_bytes point of viwe02:08
abentleyAnd simple revision fetching.02:08
jamabentley: but would you want to fetch as full texts?02:08
abentleyiter_files_bytes returns an iterable.02:09
abentleySo you can certainly take advantage of common lines.02:09
jamabentley: right, but wouldn't you want to fetch the deltas, etc, not the full text each time?02:09
abentleyFor annotate?02:10
abentleyOh, for installing revisions.02:10
jamabentley: not for annotate... for "simple revision fetching"02:10
abentleyFor simple revision fetching, you assume the repos have incompatible delta formats.02:10
abentleyLike that fetch code you wrote recently.02:11
jaminteresting, I'm curious how things would be buffered02:11
jamit does seem like *most* use cases are across a revision02:12
abentleyOh, probably using that handy LRU of yours.02:12
jamnot across a file's history02:12
abentleyTrue.  But I think the abstraction of just asking for a bunch of keys, not caring whether they're from the same file, is pretty nice.02:13
jamabentley: oh, I agree. I believe in moving away from VF as a concept, to putting more of that on Repo02:14
Verterokjam, thumper: hi02:14
jamhi Verterok02:14
jamhow is bzr-eclipse going?02:14
jamis it in a "useable day-to-day" or still more experimental?02:15
Verterokit's not feature complete, but sure it's usable in a day to day basis.02:15
lifelessjkakar: uploading now02:18
Verterokjam, thumper: I recently write a draft of the roadmap at http://bazaar-vcs.org/BzrEclipse/Roadmap02:19
spivlifeless: my proxy bug is 17270102:19
thumperVerterok: thanks02:20
jkakarlifeless: Ta!02:21
Verterokthumper: I'll be around, shoot any questions that might araise :)02:23
thumperVerterok: so were are we now with bzr-eclipse?02:23
Verterokin which aspect? (integration with bazaar? integration with eclipse?)02:24
Verterokthumper: about the  java-bazaar integration, almost all relevant commands have a counterpart in the BazaarClient java library02:28
jamabentley: another small thing, I'm looking at the Mine page, and it seems to list some things that I've merged.02:28
jamlike http://bundlebuggy.aaronbentley.com/request/%3C20071130201555.3F94855FFA@juju.arbash-meinel.com%3E02:28
jamHave you not updated from bzr.dev in a while?02:28
jamI was trying to clear out accepted but unmerged things02:28
abentleyI've seen that too.02:28
jambut my list isn't reflecting it02:28
abentleyI know it is doing the right thing some of the time.02:29
Verterokthumper: I'm still waiting for jython 2.5 :P02:29
abentleyBut sometimes it seems to missing things.02:29
jamVerterok: what happened with the JEPP (etc) wrapper for bzrlib?02:29
jamI know it happened for a Mono/.NET port02:29
jamas part of the Visual Studio integration02:29
abentleyThis is likely because I switched that operation to be internal.02:29
abentleyBut I'm not getting any failure reports or anything.02:30
jamk, it just would be easier for me if i could look at the list of things I haven't merged yet02:30
jamI can do it manually02:30
jambut I didn't want to step on anything02:30
jamin case you wanted to use it as a test case02:30
abentleyNo, please go ahead.02:31
abentleyI'm aware of the problem.  Sorry for the inconvenience.02:31
jamabentley: could it be that the tip wasn't merged?02:31
jamI committed another rev on top of it and merged that02:31
Verterokjam: about jepp, I played a bit but it seems too complex to install from the user perspective, the CLI wrapper is a bit slower but works fine and only requires xmloutput plugin02:32
abentleyIt shouldn't be that, but I think my test cases are against the tip.02:32
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Verterokjam: also jepp requires a LOT of work to get a usable interface, and jython 2.5 is comming (they have a new compiler that understand cpython bytecode ;) )02:36
jamVerterok: good to hear02:37
jamlast I tried jython it was pretty limited02:37
jamIt is a shame we probably won't ever get the bzrlib test suite to run there02:37
jamas we use 'os.chdir()' a lot to ensure each test is sandboxed02:37
jam(afaik, we use it 0 times in actual bzrlib code, but the test suite uses it a lot)02:38
Verteroksure it's a shame, maybe when time of jython 2.5 comes, I can put some work to make a custom os.chdir as a native jython module02:39
jamI thought it wasn't allowed because of Java limitations02:40
Odd_BlokeJNI could do something I would've thought...02:41
Verterokyou'r right, I was thinking in a workaround and not a real fix to jython :D02:42
Verterokjust to make the bzrlib test suite run02:42
thumperVerterok: I was meaning 0.1? 0.2? on your roadmap02:47
Verterokthumper: oh, ok. I'm currently working in the quickdiff integration02:48
Verterokthe next thing to do is basic merge support and conflict resolution with the strutctured merge, and with this working I plan to make a new build02:49
Verteroks/strutctured merge/strutctured diff/02:52
spivlifeless: call?03:09
ubotuNew bug: #173807 in bzr "Branching from RepositoryFormat7 standalone branch from a smartserver fails" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17380703:10
lifelessspiv: yup03:15
spivlifeless: ok, will call in a sec03:17
edencaneI have a question about bzr versions03:19
edencaneOk. I've got ubuntu 7.10 want to install bzr03:20
echo-areahello, I branched bzr's main repository, and after that, I need to take 2+ hours to update my repository (getting 200+ MB at 30 kB/s for a 80 MB repository), is this normal?03:20
lifelessecho-area: thats not normal; our repository is only 50 mb total.03:21
lifelessecho-area: and updates should be a few seconds or a minute at most03:21
lifelessedencane: please, ask your question03:21
echo-areahmmm, what could be possible wrong in my case?03:21
fullermdlifeless: Actually, my bzr repo is about 75 meg.  It's got a handful of my revs in it, but they can't add up to 100k.03:22
fullermdecho-area: When did you branch it?03:22
lifelessfullermd: oh hmm, I'm considering core data.03:23
echo-areaaround Nov 20 I think03:23
edencanelatest release is 0.92, yet when I add the repository to sources.list for use with aptitude, the available version is 1.0.0.candidate.103:23
lifelessecho-area: ah, perhaps you missed the announcement that I sent out that bzr.dev is now in pack format.03:23
edencaneIve installed that version03:23
fullermdecho-area: Ah.  Try a 'bzr info' of your branch; I'll bet it'll say 'dirstate' for the format, and is trying to pull the new pack'd bzr.dev.03:23
lifelessecho-area: you should: let the current pull finish. Then 'bzr reconcile' and then 'bzr upgrade', using the bzr in the branch itself.03:24
echo-areaOK thanks guys :)03:24
lifelessedencane: yup03:24
edencaneSo whats the deal with different version numbers03:24
lifelessedencane: we're getting ready to release 1.003:24
edencaneOk, great!03:24
edencaneIf I use 1.0 on a branch thats being used with 0,92 by other developers, will that cause inconsistencies?03:25
lifelessedencane: no, it will be fine.03:26
lifelessedencane: the main difference is that 1.0 will be default create new branches in 'packs' format. This is faster, but not supported on < 0.92, and not as well supported on 0.92 as in 1.0.03:27
edencanewill that impact on doing a pushes and pulls or creating new branches?03:27
spivedencane: when pushing or pulling a branch to a new location, so bzr needs to make a new copy, bzr will make that in the same format as the original.03:28
spivedencane: so it should work just fine.03:29
edencaneso if I push changes with 1.0 and theother pulls those changes we'll be fine?03:29
spivedencane: 0.92 users will want to upgrade to 1.0 anyway, because of the bugfixes and optimisations ;)03:29
spivedencane: right03:29
edencaneThanks so much guys. That was great help, Best with the new release and cheers for an overall great product (-:03:30
chiefinnovatorhow do I back up bazaar?03:37
beunochiefinnovator, all the information is stored in the .bzr directory03:38
chiefinnovatorBut it looks too small to be holding everything03:38
Pengchiefinnovator: Unless you're using a lightweight checkout, it is holding everything.03:38
beunochiefinnovator, are you sure all your files are versioned?03:38
chiefinnovatorwell, I had a directory of existing files03:39
chiefinnovatorand I did bzr init03:39
chiefinnovatorand bzr add03:39
beunochiefinnovator, and commit?03:39
chiefinnovatorYeah, that's better03:40
chiefinnovatorSo anything I do some work, I just do a commit when I'm done?03:41
chiefinnovatorI'm just using it to track my own files03:41
PengOkay, running reconcile on bzr.dev made it go from 49 to 0 unreferenced text versions, and it used to say 108 inconsistent parents and now says nothing.03:41
echo-areafullermd: Sorry but where can I find your announcement?  Is it in https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/bazaar/2007q4/thread.html ?  Thanks03:41
PengStill 2 ghost revisions and 2 revisions missing parents.03:41
beunochiefinnovator, yeap, just commit when you're done03:41
beunoremember, commiting is cheap with bzr, so you can be very granular about what you do03:42
beunoyou will have a more useful history and easier to rollback03:42
chiefinnovatorhow do I rollback?03:42
fullermdecho-area: I think you mean lifeless, not me.  Check Nov 28th, if you mean the announcement I think...03:42
edencaneDoing a bzr status on with 1.0 on 0.92 tree, If I do a bzr upgrade, will that affect the operation of another developer who is still using 0.92?03:43
beunochiefinnovator, there are several ways, bzr uncommit (undo last commit) bzr revert (to a specific revision if you like), or bzr cat (to a specific file in a specific revision)03:43
echo-areaOh, thanks03:43
Pengedencane: Well, there are some issues with packs in 0.92. He should really upgrade.03:47
abentleyjam: is it intentional that the C version of Patience only allows strings?03:47
edencaneThanks peng03:47
Pengedencane: (No data loss or anything, but "bzr cat" fails and so does pushing over bzr+ssh, and some other things are slow (which aren't all sped up in 1.0rc1).)03:47
edencaneThanks again.03:49
spivPeng: cool, that sounds like reconcile is working as expected for you.04:00
Pengspiv: Okay.04:01
PengUrrgh. I shouldn't run "bzr check" before and after to see what reconcile does. It takes 5x as long.04:02
PengOr 4x. I dunno.04:02
Pengcheck takes about 2x as long, and I do it twice . .04:02
lifelesscheck does more :)04:04
* lifeless waves04:05
igcsee ya lifeless04:07
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PengIf reconcile doesn't find anything to do, the repo is left unmodified?04:09
spivPeng: yeah, it should be.04:10
PengHey, I have a .pack that is 1024.0 KB. Nice.04:15
Peng1,048,531 bytes, with 1 MB being 576. :)04:16
* igc lunch04:22
Pengjelmer: FWIW, running reconcile on bzr-svn fixes some inconsistent parents.04:44
PengI wonder, would running reconcile over sftp be any faster than just uploading a new copy of the repo (I have a reconciled copy on my PC)?06:01
fullermdPeng: My Magic 8-Ball considers it unlikely.06:22
fullermd(based on no real knowledge; just guessing)06:23
spivI would expect reconcile over sftp to be pretty slow.06:24
spivI haven't measured, but I don't think that code is written to minimise round-trips.06:24
lifelessi386: hi07:25
lifelesswhen do you return ?>07:25
i38611th :)07:25
i386still up for doing dinner?07:25
lifelesson leave now07:28
i386oh right07:33
i386Im leaving Seattle tomorrow morning07:33
i386its a bit of a shit hole07:33
i386lifeless: how long are you on leave for?07:37
* igc dinner08:16
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jelmerPeng: thanks13:44
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jam-laptopabentley: I don't think it is a requirement that the C version work only on strings14:11
jam-laptopMy guess is that strings were the most important14:11
jam-laptopI wouldn't want to see it slow down much, but I could certainly see supporting tuples14:11
jam-laptopwould be nice for annotated texts14:11
jam-laptopIt is nice to have a simple "compare_lines" function that can use something fast like "memcmp"14:13
jam-laptopwe could experiment with using "PyObject_Hash()" instead of a custom hash func14:16
jam-laptopand maybe PyObject_Compare14:16
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theSoftManhello all.. i am looking for some QBZR screenshots on windows systems...14:39
lukstheSoftMan, http://bazaar-vcs.org/QBzr has some, but they are from old versions14:48
luksit easier to just install it :)14:48
theSoftMani have try ti install but it does not work :-)14:50
luksfile a bug report14:50
lukstheSoftMan, http://users.musicbrainz.org/~luks/tmp/qbzr.png this is a screenshot of the dev version14:57
lukstheSoftMan, what exactly didn't work for you?14:57
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theSoftManluks, when i lauch bzr a message appear to said that some modules are not found15:07
theSoftManluks, i try to define some path variable but qbzr never start15:07
luksbzr 0.92 and qbzr 0.7.1?15:08
theSoftManluks yes sir :-)15:08
luksboth installer using the windows installers?15:08
luksthat is, the bzr.exe one15:09
luksif you use your own python, you have to install pyqt415:09
luksif you use bzr.exe, everything should be included in the installer15:09
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jam-laptopabentley: I think I put together a patch to make it allow generic objects, (as long as they are hashable), I'll clean it up and post it to the list.15:11
theSoftManluks, sorry i was disonnected... yes i use my one python installation 2.515:23
theSoftManluks, i will try to install pyqt415:24
theSoftManluks, thanks15:24
theSoftManone more question : the 1.0 will be ok in hom many times ? in your humble opinion :-)15:26
eschavaHi guys. Could you suggest correct way to solve text conflicts using bzr-gtk ?15:40
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ubotuNew bug: #173941 in bzr "hard to programmatically break a lock" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17394116:45
ubotuNew bug: #173944 in bzr "adding files below symlink causes error" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17394416:55
jam-laptopvila: ping17:14
=== jam-laptop is now known as jam
jamI'm fixing the nick for once and all, bbiab17:14
jamvila: ping again17:17
jamhi vila, how is it going?17:24
jamI was wondering if you were going to be extra busy this week17:24
jamor if you would have time to work on your patch17:24
vilapretty nicely, new project starting, may be fun :)17:24
vilaI will be extra busy, but I already take your remarks into account17:25
vilaHmmm, Did I sent the email or did I just made the commit ? Let me check17:25
jamIs this the one that you had to speculate your bug fixing effectiveness for the next 12 months?17:26
jamI saw the commit email, I guess17:26
jamso did you go with 10 as I mentioned ?17:26
vilahmmm, I think we went with 3/months ;-)17:26
vilabut given the subject (argh, NDA), well, bugs can be pretty hard17:27
vilaso it's still a bit stupid, but at least I get a mention added: "Any bug will first diagnosed before an evaluation is made for fixing"17:28
jamvila: no problem, what is your feeling on your changes for 1.0?17:28
jamI'd really like them, do you feel like it is logically small enough to do so?17:28
vilajam: just sent the email, I agree some real life testing should be good, but since we are still in RC, I pretty confident17:28
vilabasically I went TDD on that one and the test suite was a real pleasure17:29
vilagranted I had to rewrite most of the RangeFile tests, but that was pretty obvious.17:30
vilaOnce *that was done, I get pnlu trivial bugs and typos (of course) to fix.17:30
fullermdSomebody, help!  The irony is choking me!17:31
vilaI just can't type about typos without doing at least one, and when I don't it's bad english17:31
vilaAnyway, once the test suite passed, I had a bad surprise since our http tests servers are all speaking http/1.0, not 1.1, but that was a good thing finally since I ended up handling the http pipe even more cleanly that I was hoping17:33
vilajam: bbl. early dinner time17:33
jamvila: enjoy your food17:33
somerville32Are there any branch commit notification bots?17:35
jamsomerville32: well, Launchpad will let you subscribe to branches.17:41
jamThere is an atom-feed plugin17:41
jamthere is bzr-email to send a message after commit17:41
jambut if you just want to poll a bunch of branches, and send emails when they change...17:41
jamI think there was something for that17:41
fullermdIt was called 'hookless mail' or something like that.17:41
somerville32I host it on launchpad though17:43
somerville32So I'll just need a bot to parse the e-mails?17:43
somerville32Preferably, I'd like a bot that polls the branches and just sends a message to my channel (and preferably I'd like it already coded, haha)17:44
jamfullermd, dato: should bzr-hookless-email be listed on http://bazaar-vcs.org/BzrPlugins?17:44
jamsomerville32: I know there is also a dbus plugin, which is meant to alert the local network when there are changes17:44
jamAnd lifeless was looking into an irc-notify plugin17:45
jambut was hesitant to finish that before he had a way to make it scale well17:45
datosomerville32: there is bzr-cia, but all people who commit there should install it themselves for it to be useful.17:45
jam(1000s of people announcing all there changes would get *really* noisy.)17:45
fullermdjam: No clue.  I just work her...   well, actually, I don't...17:46
jamyou work him ?17:46
fullermdOnly on weekends and special occasions.17:46
jam(bad choice of ellipsis)17:47
fullermd(available for birthdays and bar mitzvahs by prior arrangement)17:47
jamhmm... it seems like bzr-hookless-email isn't strictly a plugin, as it provides its own 'main()' function.17:49
somerville32Is there a python module for interacting with bazaar-vcs?17:49
fullermdIt strikes me more as a 'helper script' than a 'plugin' per se.17:49
jamsomerville32: if you install 'bzr' then you get 'bzrlib' in python17:49
jamfullermd: but we certainly should link to it from bazaar-vcs.org somewhere17:50
datojam: yes, it's an external watcher17:50
jamas people would want the functionality17:50
datojam: which I sorely needed17:50
fullermdProbably, yah.17:50
jamdato: do you have it linked anywhere?17:50
datonope; maybe I can add it to a subsection of BzrPlugins17:50
datoand maybe could be extended to perform random actions on branch updates17:51
datolike, with a plugin sistem O:-)17:51
datoactually, it would be interesting to have it running actual bzr hooks (email, cia, dbus) on the server17:52
dato0 code duplication, etc. I wonder why I didn't think of that before17:52
jamdato: if you said something, I missed the last couple of messages, last I saw was "plugin system"17:53
dato18:51 <dato> and maybe could be extended to perform random actions on branch updates17:53
dato18:51 <dato> like, with a plugin sistem O:-)17:53
dato18:52 <dato> actually, it would be interesting to have it running actual bzr hooks (email, cia, dbus) on the server17:53
dato18:52 <dato> 0 code duplication, etc. I wonder why I didn't think of that before17:53
datohow does that sound?17:53
jamso, one thing you could do, is change some of those plugins to hook into 'post-pull'17:53
jamand then just have them installed on the server17:53
jamso that when you 'bzr pull' into the mirror branches17:54
jamit sends notifications17:54
jamas an idea, at least.17:54
datopulling into what, when?17:54
datothe use case was notification for branches where people were pushing to17:54
datowhere these people don't have bzr-email etc. installed or configured, or you can't rely on them doing so17:55
jamdato: so you mirror them ... :)17:55
jamor hook into post-push, and get that working for the bzr+ssh stuff17:55
jamI have tested that post-push doesn't fire (at the moment) over bzr+ssh17:55
datowell, I like watching the live branches in the server better, with inotify and stuff. it's very responsive in that case.17:56
abentle1jam: Bundle Buggy is working for me now, and I'm finished messing around with it.  Is it still down for you?18:02
jamabentley: It seems to be up for me18:08
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jkakarlifeless: FYI, the bzrtools package is still not upgradeable.  It's failing in the same way it did yesterday: bzrtools: Depends: bzr (< 0.93~) but 1.0~rc1-3bazaar1 is to be installed18:44
somerville32oh noes :(18:50
somerville32I pushed to the wrong series.18:50
zeasierhaving some trouble with bzr where we changed some directories to symlinks and now the working tree won't update on our other branches18:53
jamzeasier: what is happening when you try to update18:55
jamI wonder if our commit code didn't properly delete things18:55
jamand now it things you have children underneath the symlink, or something odd like thaht18:55
zeasierwe get a sequence of errors18:55
jamzeasier: can you paste it ?18:56
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)18:56
zeasiertrying to find one, one moment18:56
zeasierbzr: ERROR: Tree transform is malformed [(‘non-directory parent’, ‘new-1650’)]18:56
zeasierthough we've found a work around for that18:57
somerville32Is it possible to go back and modify a commit message?18:57
zeasierit has to do with the directories that were changed to symlinks18:57
bialixI have question about English18:57
bialixmini-tutorial title is "Bazaar in five minutes"18:58
jamsomerville32: only right at the moment by using 'bzr uncommit' and then 'bzr commit' with a new message18:58
beunosomerville32, only uncommiting til that revision (thus, loosing al intermediate history/changes)18:58
zeasierif you remove the directory the update works fine (though i'd like to file a bug, if you all thing it's unique)18:58
bialixany suggestions how better translate "in 5 minutes"?18:58
jamzeasier: sounds unique to me18:58
jambialix: is there a russian term for "in a short amount of time"18:59
jamor "give a quick summary of how to get going with X" ?18:59
zeasieri ran a bzr check and got, "10 inconsistent parents" at the end18:59
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jamzeasier: I don't think the inconsistent parents is specifically related18:59
jamthat is a checking for something differennt19:00
jam(revision parent... over history, not over the files)19:00
zeasierthing is after the work around i just told you we run into a 2nd problem19:00
zeasierbzr: ERROR: Key secureimages-20071030155234-zswi43l3yzmiegcj-182 is already present in map19:00
zeasierthis is after we delete all the directories that have changed into links19:01
bialixjam: yes, we have stable idiom about 1 minute, 5 minutes. I mean what is synonym for this. is it means: "teach bzr in 5 minutes" or "5 minutes acquaintance with bzr" or?19:01
zeasierdon't have a work around for that yet19:02
beunobialix, seems close to "519:02
jamzeasier: well, if you can paste a traceback, that would help (the tail of ~/.bzr.log)19:02
bialixjam: because in russian I can't say simply "bzr in short amount of time". the sentence is icomplete for russian19:02
beunominutes acquaintance with bzr"19:02
jambialix: it isn't a complete sentence in English, it is just a common idiom19:03
zeasieralright i'll get to that, one moment19:03
bialixhence and question19:03
jambialix: maybe "get aquianted with bzr in 5 minutes"19:03
zeasierthat's only the trackback, let me know if you want stuff from futher up the log19:05
bialixor "5 minutes for acquiatance with bzr"? it's seems good variant in russian.19:06
jamzeasier: so ... off-hand it sounds like you have the same file versioned 2 times.19:06
jambialix: well, that would be bad in english, but if it makes sense in russian :)19:06
jamfinally, correct spelling :)19:07
bialixjam: we have song in one old movie about New Year, "five minutes, five minutes -- it's too much or too small?". I'll try to use something consonant.19:07
somerville32I love bazaar :]19:08
zeasierdo bzr branches traverse syslinks? will bzr add . add something like i-am-a-link/subfile?19:08
jamzeasier: As I mentioned earlier, it sounds like when you changed dirs to symlinks, we didn't properly mark the children of the symlinks as removed.19:08
jamzeasier: 'bzr add .' will not19:08
jam'bzr add link/foo' might19:08
jamzeasier: bug #17394419:08
ubotuLaunchpad bug 173944 in bzr "adding files below symlink causes error" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17394419:09
zeasieri saw that one19:09
zeasierthough our problem is a little different19:09
zeasierwe added files in a directory then changed that directory to a link19:10
jamzeasier: right, I just wanted to mention that "bzr add link/foo" can do funny things19:10
jamchanging it underneath us... needs better testing19:10
jamthe code that notices when a file/directory becomes a symlink19:10
jamneeds to be a bit smarter about the repercussions19:10
zeasieri've been impressed with the softwares stability so far19:10
zeasiernot too disapointed we screwed it up this way19:11
zeasierjust want to contribute a bug you all can use19:11
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vilajam: back19:13
jamzeasier: yeah, a few versions back we wouldn't let you change a directory into a symlink without a 'bzr rm; bzr add' change19:13
jamwe got rid of that19:13
jambut obviously didn't catch all the edge cases.19:13
zeasierhere's the commits that created the problem19:14
zeasieris this enough to reproduce the issue?19:14
zeasieryou can see the changed directories and a list of files in one of them19:14
bialixor maybe "get started with bzr in 5 minutes"?19:15
datothat sounds good to me19:16
datoand seems close to the meaning in English19:16
vilabialix: get in the bazaar in five minutes ?19:18
jambialix: I think "get started with Bazaar in 5 minutes" the most19:19
jamzeasier: well, having a simple test script is the nicest, but that does look like it would be reproducible19:19
zeasieralright hopefully i'll get that bug filed by the end of today19:20
jamzeasier: what version of bzr are you using?19:20
zeasierwe're using rc119:20
jam(bzr --version)19:20
jamzeasier: did you do the commit with rc1?19:20
jamdo you know what version you used?19:21
zeasiertimestamp: Thu 2007-11-29 17:45:48 -0500 through timestamp: Fri 2007-11-30 18:03:53 -050019:21
zeasierfrom our commit log19:22
jammy simplistic test shows the child file as deleted19:22
zeasierwe're using whatever the lastest release in your apt repo is19:22
* dato wonders why bzr.dev claims it's 0.9319:24
jamdato: well, bzr-1.0 claims it is 1.0candidate1. just that bzr.dev claims 0.93.dev.019:26
datoyes, I said bzr.dev ;)19:27
jammostly because when 0.92 was finalized, we didn't know whether it would be 0.93 or 1.0... so we went conservative19:27
jamI'd be happy to review a patch :)19:27
jamzeasier: well, at the moment, I haven't been able to reproduce it with a very simple test19:28
jamso it *might* have been fixed19:28
zeasieryeah, i know that feeling19:28
jambut I have the feeling it might be a deeper seated bug19:28
jamhaving to do with your directory layout19:28
zeasieri might try to reproduce by uncommitting that branch and redoing those changes19:29
zeasierthough i did find a work around for the 2nd error19:30
zeasierbzr: ERROR: Key secureimages-20071030155234-zswi43l3yzmiegcj-182 is already present in map19:30
fullermdYou could do it without uncommit just by branching the previous rev and doing it in another copy.19:30
zeasierif we bzr rm instead of just rm it seems to go away19:30
zeasierbzr must of cleared out what ever the conflict way19:31
batomsif am at my computer at home and i want to branch from server A to server B does bzr have to download everything to my computer first from server A to then upload it to server B19:31
batomsor is there a way to make A and B communicate directly19:31
beunobatoms, can you ssh to one of the servers?19:35
beuno(seems to me that you want something like fxp protocol)19:35
batomsthe servers are both launchpad....i haven;'t actually tried19:35
batomsbueno: something like fxp is what i had in mind19:35
batomsthey repos use bzr+ssh protocol19:35
ubotuNew bug: #173980 in bzr ""unknown branch format" for unknown repository" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17398019:36
beunobatoms, I'm not sure if you can ssh into launchpad que execute bzr branch in the shell, but you can try  :D19:36
beunoI know you can SSH to it, just not sure if you can run bzr on it19:36
beuno(would seem to me like you should't be able to)19:36
jambeuno: you can't ssh to it, only sftp or bzr+ssh19:37
jambatoms: at the moment, it has to download and re-upload everything19:37
beunoI know LP has the ability to mirror branches, won't that work for you?19:37
jamwell, I don't think he wants to have LP mirror a branch to itself19:37
jamit is more of a "ask the server to branch for me"19:37
jamwhich has been requested in the past19:37
jambut hasn't been implemented yet19:37
jamI believe it is expected (or at least something to make creating new branches easier) in the next 6 months19:38
batomsjam: exactly what i'm looking for19:38
batomsguess i'll just have to sit throught it.....i'm on a slow satellite connection19:38
beunojam, can't you register a new branch and specify it to checkout from a LP url?  that won't create a branch, but at least a checkout of it19:39
jambeuno: last I checked you couldn't change a mirrored branch into a hosted branch19:39
batomsbueno: i think it can mirror a branch but you can't then push to the new branch19:39
jambatoms: I've been offering a service up creating new branches (myself) by ssh'ing to london19:39
jambatoms: to help in instances like this19:39
beunojam, but you can registed a new one, and when you do, it allows you to specify a mirror URL19:40
jambatoms: what branches do you have/ what do you want to have?19:40
jambeuno: right, but as mentioned, that creates a "mirrored" branch, an you cannot manually "bzr push" to one of those19:41
beunojam, ah, yes, right. Not that useful19:41
batomsbazaar.launchpad.net/~bauble/bauble/trunk to bazaar.launchpad.net/~bauble/bauble/0.719:42
batomsi started the 0.7 branch already but it got cancelled before it was finished19:42
jambatoms: go ahead and delete ti19:43
batomsso the directory is there but anything that might be inside it is garbage19:43
jambatoms: if you go to: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~bauble/bauble/0.719:43
jamit should have a "delete this branch" option19:43
jamwell: https://code.launchpad.net/~bauble/bauble/0.719:43
jamI'll upload it under my account, and then transfer it to you19:43
batomsjam: fantastic, yer a star19:44
jambatoms: in the mean-time, what version of bazaar are you using?19:45
* beuno wonders if sftp supports FXP-like commands19:46
jamyou might try upgrading to packs (I think in 0.92 it was --knitpack-experimental, but in 1.0 it is --pack-0.92)19:46
jambeuno: I don't believe so19:46
jamI've looked into it in the past19:46
batomsjam: what is packs?19:46
jambatoms: it is a different repository format, which is a lot better when you have high-latency links19:47
beunojam, it seems there a few clients out there that support it. LP probably doesn't though.19:47
jambeuno: I assume you don't mean: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FXP19:47
jam(I found the correct link, but I thought that one was funnier)19:47
beunojam, e resources on both servers.19:47
beuno(pasted garbish)19:48
jamIt is "double leveraged to deliver twice the inverse of the daily performance"19:48
jambatoms: https://code.launchpad.net/~bauble/bauble/0.719:48
jamshould be correct19:48
batomsjam: so the only drawback with packs is that bzr clients <0.92 can't read them19:48
jambatoms: correct.19:49
jamoh, and you should change the author of that branch19:49
jamI forgot to do so before I transferred it to you19:49
batomswell since i'm the only developer for my project then that shouldn't be a problem19:49
batomsjam: thank alot19:49
batomsthat saved me a ton of time19:50
jambatoms: also, there are a few rough edges in 0.9219:50
jamwhich should be greatly smoothed out in 1.019:50
jam1.0rc1 has a bit of polish already (and, in fact, makes it the default format)19:50
beunojam, googling around makes me thing most sftp setups support fxp by default19:51
beunolooking for a client to test it with LP19:51
jambeuno: well LP is using a customized sftp server, using Twisted as the sftp implementation19:52
jambeuno: and googling for 'sftp fxp' doesn't give me much19:53
batomsgotta go, thanks again for the help19:53
beunojam, I'll give it a try anyway, just to make sure19:55
beunothat makes me think it might work, mainly due the ssh's nature19:56
jambeuno: I think "FXP" in that case stands for FileTransferProtocol20:00
jamand is just referring to SFTP commands20:00
jamI don't think it is true cross-domain commands20:00
beunojam, right, seems reasonable20:01
jamconsidering, as near as I can tell, all of the sftp commands are prefixed with FXP20:01
jamFXP_OPEN, etc20:01
beuno(seems all fxp implementations are on windows, so it doesn't give me much hope)20:01
luksheh, bzr used to have plugins in bash? (contrib/fortune)20:04
jamluks: we used to support arbitrary executables20:05
jamwe might still support it20:05
jamthough I've wanted to nuke that code for a while20:05
jamluks: I still see "ExternalCommand" in the codebase, though20:05
jamluks: so if you set "BZRPATH" to /usr/bin20:06
jamthings could get interesting20:06
jambzr cp20:06
jambzr ln20:06
jambzr python20:07
jamI guess20:07
=== cprov is now known as cprov-out
luksbzr bzr :)20:08
bialixhave another question about translations. I want to start russian translation project at launchpad. what kind of license i need to chose?20:08
luks`bzr bzr` errors with AtributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'startswith'20:08
bialixi mean russian translation of bzr docs20:08
jambialix: well, bzr the codebase is GPL, but I don't know that we have settled on a documentation license20:10
jambialix: ask the list, I guess20:10
bialixdoes launchpad already understands pack format?20:24
thumperbialix: yes20:27
thumperbialix: launchpad is currently running with 0.9220:27
beunothumper, really??  LP is running ? 0.92?20:27
beunoah, pretty cool20:28
thumper1.0rc1 coming soon20:28
bialixwhy not waiting for 1.0 final?20:28
thumperbialix: if you look at the bottom of https://code.edge.launchpad.net/ you'll see "Launchpad uses Bazaar  0.92.0."20:29
thumperbialix: it may end up being that20:30
* beuno is impressed with LP admins20:30
jamthumper: i just responded to your email20:30
thumperjam: ta20:30
jamthumper: can you give me the output of "locale" on that machine?20:30
jamI think it is just using a locale that doesn't support all unicode characters20:30
jamlike iso-8859-1 instead of UTF-820:30
thumperjam: I'll ask Tom20:31
bialixthumper: thanks, now I'm too know kung-fu :-)20:31
thumperjam: Tom isn't around right now, and the other person I'd normally ask is lifeless20:32
thumperjam: emailing might be more likely to get him in a timely manner20:32
jamthumper: not a big deal20:32
jamIf you don't have access that is fine20:33
jammore curiousity20:33
jamor confirming what I already believe20:33
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bialixhave another question about english21:51
bialixBazaar User Guide, section "Team collaboration, central style"21:51
bialixcentral or centralized?21:52
zeasierthis is as close as i could get to the bug i was talking about22:05
ubotuLaunchpad bug 174027 in bzr "Replacing a directory with a symlink fails after status" [Undecided,New]22:05
zeasierdoesn't seem exactly the same22:06
zeasierbut it's close enough22:07
ubotuNew bug: #174027 in bzr "Replacing a directory with a symlink fails after status" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17402722:11
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jkakarIt's interesting to note that my workflow is so dependent on bzr that I find doing "basic" things terrible without it.23:00
jkakarIt's one thing to intellectually think, yeah, bzr has changed the way to do things.  It's another thing to *feel* it when bzr (or parts of it like bzrtools) aren't available.23:01
jkakarOh... uh.. bzrtools still doesn't install on gutsy. :)23:01
fullermdThe phrase you're groping for the use of is "It's not MY fault the rest of the world sucks."   :p23:01
jkakarfullermd: Hah, yeah, I think you're right. :)23:02
datojkakar: if you mean with bzr 1.0rc1, you could grab the package from http://packages.debian.org/sid/bzrtools. should install fine.23:02
jkakardato: Ah, thanks, that's a good idea.23:07
jmljkakar: my problem is that it's hard to explain that.23:26
fullermdjml: I like to use copious profanity and stomping around.23:26
jmljkakar: so that the svn projects I work on will get around to upgrading.23:26
fullermd(it doesn't really work either, but it's good for the soul)23:27
jmlI was about to say that :)23:27
jkakarjml: I have a very hard time explaining it, too.23:32
jkakarjml: The experience I've had with Bazaar is that branch-based development is a better way to do things than shared-branch development.  I usually try to communicate the benefits of branch-based development and then talk about Bazaar as a tool to help effectively practice it.23:33
jkakarjml: So far the results are that the people I've talked seem to believe me about the benefits of branch-based development but want to use Subversion to implement it.23:34
fullermdWhich would be kinda fun to watch from the outside, if they didn't drag you into it.23:34
jkakarjml: The other problem is that some of people are Windows developers and the lack of a solid GUI is a show-stopper.  CLIs are not acceptable and I don't think it's reasonable (or possible) to change that in a Windows-based environment.23:35
jkakarOne of the other big problems I seem to run into when trying to advocate branch-based development is that existing projects often have deployment warts (particularly when it comes to databases) that make switching between branches hard.  Overcoming those problems is usually seen as expensive and, when you have no experience with branch-based development and why it's good, hard to justify.23:36
abentleyEvening, all.23:38
naitanduhello everyone23:49

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