
=== vorian_ is now known as vorian
jjessetrying to figure out internet connection at hotel00:47
yuriyjjesse: 3 successful tests so far ;)00:48
manchickenHave you all seen gOS yet?06:51
dragon76hardy alpha1 running well out of box on everex laptop07:56
sebastian^good morning folks :)08:21
mhbsebastian^: hello08:25
sebastian^hey mhb08:27
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
Tonio_fdoving: ping ?10:21
* Jucato waves around the room10:21
Tonio_fdoving: had time to work yesterday ? I will to do something today, so just to be sure to dupe efforts....10:21
Tonio_hey Jucato10:21
fdovingTonio_: no, busy most of yesterday, no time.10:22
Tonio_fdoving: no pb ;) I'll try to do something today and will let you know10:22
Tonio_fdoving: talking about the xauthority problems, I noticed that sudo allows to preserve an env variable11:03
Tonio_fdoving: if XAUTHORITY is set, and we force sudo to preserve it, there is no need of a tweak with the -H option11:03
Tonio_fdoving: is that acceptable doing this this way or not ?11:03
Tonio_fdoving: I don't see the point playing with iceauthority vs xauthority, but I may miss something on that point11:05
fdovingTonio_: they kind of do different things. imagine you have user1 trying to do 'kdesudo -u user2 konuqeror' - if you only preserv the environment-variable which basicailly is the path to /home/user1/.Xauthority - user2 would not be able to read that file and it would fail.11:12
fdovingit would work when kdesudoing to root, and it's the way it's currently done in gutsy iirc.11:13
Tonio_oki got it11:13
fdovingthe -H is primarily for the $HOME variable.11:13
Tonio_fdoving: switching to kprocess worked :) good point, now clean for the hacks done before11:14
fdovinglet me know when you have pushed to bzr.11:14
Tonio_fdoving: I know concerning the -H, but when no env is set, X looks to $HOME/.Xauthority11:14
Tonio_fdoving: that's why sudo konqueror when sudo -H konqueror doesn't11:14
Tonio_fdoving: just export your Xauthority and that's it11:14
Tonio_fdoving: sure I will11:14
fdovingexporting can work, if your .Xauthority got the right permissions.11:15
fdovingroot can of course read everything, once you start using other users it becomes advanced.11:16
fdovingyou can of course copy your .Xauthority to some magic place and/or give it less restrictive permissions.11:16
fdovingI've commented about it in the source somewhere.11:16
fdovingThe same problem arise when making new xauth keys.11:16
fdovingbut they timeout after some set time.11:16
fdovingwhich is a good thing imo.11:17
Tonio_fdoving: can you remind me of a simple example of a problem kshellprocess might create ?11:26
Tonio_fdoving: last time you gave me an example, but I can't seem to remember in fact ;)11:26
fdovingTonio_: it needs properly escaped input. it's easy to trick it into executing things by naming files/directories for example.11:27
fdovingthe problem is that everything is executed with the help from /bin/sh11:27
fdovingwith kprocess it's not.11:27
Tonio_fdoving: yep, but even with kprocess I can reproduce the issue if I don't quote all args....11:28
Tonio_fdoving: tricky isn't it ?11:28
Tonio_opening as root "konqueror:konqueror" starts konqueror as root, then as user11:28
fdovingyou didn't set 'setUseShell' did you ?11:29
fdovingit needs to be false.11:29
Tonio_fdoving: nope I didn't, isn't false the default ?11:30
fdovingshould be.11:31
fdovingwhat if you use KProcess:quote() ?11:33
fdovingi need to go, back in ~30min, driving to a different house.11:34
Tonio_oki ;)11:34
=== _czessi is now known as Czessi
Krasuapachelogger__ : hi11:52
* Riddell throws bug 173882 at apachelogger__ 11:57
ubotuLaunchpad bug 173882 in kopete-plugin-thinklight "changelog error" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17388211:58
* Hobbsee throws all but that bug at Riddell11:58
* Riddell starts swimming12:00
HobbseeRiddell: fix them, isntead of swimming through the12:01
RiddellTonio_: dood, this kpar2 isn't going to stick12:06
Riddellwhat have archive admin said to you before?12:06
Tonio_Riddell: nothing12:10
Tonio_Riddell: got removed once by Hobbsee since I uploaded by error on ubuntu instead of revu12:10
Tonio_Riddell: now it is reviewed, archived and uploaded to ubuntu12:10
Tonio_Riddell: dunno what the problem is....12:10
RiddellTonio_: it's GPL 312:11
Tonio_Riddell: lemme look12:12
Tonio_Riddell: COPYING mentions gpl v212:13
Riddellall the source files are GPL 312:13
Tonio_hum, true :/12:14
Tonio_okay I'll have to see that with upstream then :/12:14
Tonio_Riddell: sorry for missing that..... stupid copying file....12:24
mhbgood afternoon, what's up?12:42
Hobbseethe sky12:43
Hobbseeor the ground, if you're on your head12:43
JucatoHobbsee dancing in and out12:43
Jucatoor the walls, if you're lying down...12:43
JucatoI think12:43
HobbseeX borkage12:43
Jucatoer..I meant ouch12:44
mhbwell, better back to school12:44
mhbnot much fun here :o)12:44
Tonio_fdoving: little problem here, you told me not to use a shell process, and connect to a pty12:46
Tonio_but usepty sets shellprocess to true... that's the problem :)12:46
Tonio_fdoving: http://www.mcs.vuw.ac.nz/technical/software/doc/kde/HTML/en/kdelibs-apidocs/kdecore/html/kprocess_8cpp-source.html12:46
Tonio_fdoving: look line 10012:47
Riddellso, I need a final session for kubuntu tutorial day12:51
RiddellTonio_: fancy doing the second packaging tutorial?12:51
Tonio_Riddell: may not have time today but why not yes12:52
Tonio_Riddell: when is it ?12:52
RiddellTonio_: thu 13th, 18:00utc12:52
Tonio_Riddell: I will be in toulouse for work12:53
Tonio_Riddell: unsure to have internet connexion :'(12:53
Riddellooh la la12:54
Tonio_et oui :/12:54
Riddellmaybe mhb could take it on12:54
Tonio_Riddell: lemme look at the calendar12:54
Tonio_Riddell: yes, I'll be in the middle of a class session arround samba....12:55
Tonio_Riddell: hard to do kubuntu at the same time :)12:55
Riddellclass session?12:55
Tonio_isn't that correct in english ?12:57
Tonio_I'm giving a samba session for 10 users12:57
Riddellit is, I just didn't know your work included that kind of thing12:57
Tonio_"class" was bad french translation sorry :)12:57
Tonio_Riddell: yep it does12:57
Tonio_Riddell: as well as giving interviews to recruit new people and so on12:58
Riddellor maybe we should have a general getting your work into Kubuntu, intro to PPA, revu, MOTU etc12:59
apachelogger__Riddell: bug 173882 is all jpatrick's fault :P13:01
ubotuLaunchpad bug 173882 in kopete-plugin-thinklight "changelog error" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17388213:01
Riddellapachelogger__: well he's not around to throw it at :)13:01
* apachelogger__ is wondering what that line isn't parsable after all13:01
fdovingTonio_: interessting. tried without a pty then?13:02
apachelogger__I am out of disk spaces -.-13:04
Tonio_fdoving: works13:04
fdovingTonio_: great, works as we want it to?13:04
Tonio_fdoving: btw, as long as everything is quoted (I used kprocess:quote), a shellprocess might not be that a big problem13:04
Tonio_fdoving: I have the feeling that a shellprocess is used in fact13:05
fdovingin theory it is evil even if you quote.13:05
fdovingfor such a program.13:05
Tonio_fdoving: the problem I have is that I can't seem to read the "passprompt" required to push the password13:06
Tonio_fdoving: sudo needs shell on that point13:06
Tonio_fdoving: fo the moment I'll keep the pty thing, whatever it sets, and will do the quoting correctly, then make hudge tests, and we can rediscuss this later13:07
Tonio_also I'll have a look at how does gksu work13:07
fdovingdoes the usePty make it appear as it should in /var/run/sudo/$user ?13:08
Tonio_fdoving: the problem is I think that sudo interacts with the user, and for that a shell process is needed13:08
Tonio_fdoving: there's no way to use a cmdline option to push the password, that's my concern13:08
Tonio_fdoving: stop me if I'm wrong, but I don't think there is an easy solution on that point13:09
Tonio_fdoving: concerning the pty I'll test and will let you know13:09
Tonio_fdoving: also, always using the same pty would help in making the -k option to work right ?13:09
fdovingno idea. but it might help :)13:10
Tonio_fdoving: also what is the kdesu -t option ?13:12
Tonio_fdoving: looks that this is the one missing that causes problems with kdevelop and so on right ?13:12
Tonio_fdoving: hard to implement ?13:13
fdovingdon't know.13:13
fdovingbut looking at kdesu it's not that simple.13:13
=== apachelogger__ is now known as apachelogger
apacheloggerRiddell: fix uploaded13:16
Riddellthanks apachelogger13:19
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RiddellHobbsee: how do you do nbs?13:25
HobbseeRiddell: fix the packages so that nothing depends on the packages in the nbs list13:26
Hobbseeeach nbs package shows the packages which depend on it, so you can fix them13:26
RiddellHobbsee: where's the list again?13:30
Riddellah hah13:31
Tonio_fdoving: I'm pretty happy with kdesudo right now14:03
Tonio_fdoving: the only problem is that parsing -c option and all args correctly results an horrible command with the quotes14:03
Tonio_fdoving: I'm not sure we want to show the command to the user....14:04
Tonio_fdoving: btw gksu doesn't14:04
Tonio_Riddell: have any opinion on that point ?14:04
Tonio_fdoving: I think the solution would be a "details" clickable button for those who want to check out the command14:05
RiddellTonio_: what's the question?14:05
Tonio_Riddell: do we want to always show the command to the user with kdesudo14:05
Tonio_Riddell: some commands are pretty ugly, like the dolphin's "run as root "14:06
RiddellTonio_: I've always thought it a horrible security risk not to, but as you say gksudo doesn't and it's pretty ugly at times14:06
Tonio_Riddell: I suggest to put a "details" button with the command in it14:06
RiddellTonio_: maybe you should ask kees for a justification for it to be hidden14:06
Tonio_Riddell: well the comprimise idea doesn't comprimise security, but doesn't show the command for all users everytime, I'd say14:07
RiddellTonio_: yes, seems sensible14:08
Tonio_Riddell: most kdesudo problems will be fixed toonight, thanks for fdoving's suggestions for the code14:08
Tonio_Riddell: next will be finishing kio-apt14:08
* Riddell hugs Tonio_ 14:10
rexbronhey everyone, I have some updated info on bug 173770. Would someone be able to take a look?14:17
ubotuLaunchpad bug 173770 in kdelibs "kdelibs-data is un-uninstallable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17377014:17
fdovingTonio_: how is it ugly? - very quoted?14:17
Riddellrexbron: gutsy or hardy?14:18
rexbronRiddell: Hardy14:18
fdovingTonio_: i don't mind hiding the command. i belive gksu got this option to enable showing it. probably gconf-key thing.14:18
rexbronis there #kubuntu+1?14:18
rexbronlol, guess not14:19
Hobbseerexbron: there is, adn we dont use it14:20
rexbronRiddell: I should also mention that it is kdelibs in Ubuntu14:20
Tonio_fdoving: every component of the command is quoted14:22
fdovingTonio_: like: "some" "magic" "command" ?14:22
Tonio_hard to read for the user14:22
Tonio_fdoving: I'll try to "pseudo hide" it, with a details button or something14:23
Riddellrexbron: just installed and removed kdelibs-data in a chroot, no problems at all14:25
rexbronwow weird14:25
RiddellI'm entirely out of ideas what could cause your problem14:26
rexbronI don't know what to do other than a reinstall14:26
rexbronas apt it completely borked14:26
Riddellmkdir /usr/share/icons/crystalsvg then apt-get remove?14:26
rexbronApt tried to remove that package first, and since it fails, refuses to do anything else14:26
rexbroni'll give that a try14:26
fdovingTonio_: hmm.. does kdesu quote like that? - or gksu?14:27
rexbronRiddell: <3 :D14:27
Riddellrexbron: the problem is the script /var/lib/dpkg/info/kdelibs-data.postrm14:27
Riddellso maybe it's an issue with update-icon-caches in hardy14:27
fdovingTonio_: gksu tells you: The application 'bah' lets you modify essential parts of your system.14:28
rexbronRiddell: if that last message did not convey my meaning properly, it worked, thanks a lot14:28
Riddellrexbron: ah hah, I recreated it14:29
RiddellI wonder where that update-icon-caches script came from14:29
Riddellthe kdelibs one14:29
Riddellrexbron: if I have gtk installed that brings in update-icon-caches and the problem appears14:29
Riddellso iz gtk bug :)14:29
rexbrontime to reassign :P14:30
Riddellwell maybe the kdelibs script is just not using it correctly14:30
Riddellhmm, no, that postinst is automatically created14:31
Tonio_fdoving: we already put the application name to the user, and the command14:31
Tonio_that, I'd like to get rid of in fact14:31
fdovingpushed anything to bzr yet?14:32
claydohhttp://tinyurl.com/2fbk9s kde-look poll :)14:42
claydohtho opensuse is catching up....14:42
Jucato(broken link?)14:42
Jucatooh nvm14:42
Riddellwell it's on kde-look.org14:44
Krasuapachelogger: ping14:52
apacheloggerKrasu: hi14:53
apacheloggerKrasu: sorry, didn't have time to look at the tarball yet14:53
* apachelogger tells amarok peeps to wait ;-)14:53
KrasuI just wanted to know14:54
apacheloggerKrasu: well, the tarball should be ok if you fixed everything I mentioned14:54
Krasuapachelogger: I just want be sure that incoming 0.8.0 (not 0.7.6 :) ) will be added to KUbuntu withou problems. Ok, let me know when you test tarball, ok?14:55
* apachelogger notes that his konqueror is lagging like hell -.-14:56
Riddellhi mzungu14:58
mzunguhi Riddell14:58
Riddellmzungu: am I right in thinking your nick is Swahili for "white person"?14:59
mzungulol - yes14:59
Riddellexcellent, I have now doubled my Swahili vocabulary15:00
Jucatohehe :)15:00
mzungu...and (if you check the wili, or launchpad) you'll see it's really my name ;)15:00
mzunguand it's what guys in the street call out ;)15:01
Riddell"Tony White" it all fits together now15:01
mzunguhere's two more - hakuna matata15:03
JucatoTimon and Pumbaa?15:03
Riddelldoes it really mean "no worries"?15:03
Riddelldisney is so educational15:03
mzungubut more for the tourists15:03
Jucatohahah )15:03
mzunguwe usually say - hakuna tabu15:04
mzunguwalt has a LOT to answer for!15:04
Riddellimbrandon: looks like mplayer failed miserably15:04
Tonio_Riddell: needs rebuilt against new x264-54 package15:07
Tonio_Riddell: should work afterwards15:07
RiddellTonio_: he did that, it failed to compile in a nasty way15:07
=== milian_ is now known as milian
Tonio_Riddell: ah....15:12
Tonio_Riddell: just gotten the -k option to work with kdesudo, hehe :)15:29
Tonio_now kdesu -s will work as expected15:29
RiddellTonio_: what does that do?15:29
Tonio_forget passwords15:29
Tonio_kdesu -s = sudo -k15:29
Tonio_Riddell: I remember you tried that one out, but it didn't work15:29
Tonio_Riddell: connect to pty makes it to work as expected15:30
Tonio_as well as using the user name in /var/run/sudo15:30
dragon76hey everyone15:30
Tonio_fdoving: I'll commit today, so that you can review the changes15:31
RiddellTonio_: you got it to connect to a pty?15:31
Riddellhi dragon7615:31
dragon76has anyone else had trouble getting kdm to start using 2.6.24 in hardy?15:32
Tonio_Riddell: well just kprocess::setusepty seems to work15:32
RiddellTonio_: doesn't it set a different pty for every use?15:32
Tonio_well I didn't look15:32
Riddellhrm, I'm sure it did when I tried15:32
Riddellrun kdesu twice and see if it remembers the password15:32
Tonio_it always sets the same pty from the same pty :)15:33
Tonio_means used with command line15:33
Tonio_Riddell: would be interesting to test with desktop files, let me check15:33
Tonio_Riddell: that works15:36
Tonio_Riddell: what is interesting is if once launched via desktop file I can empty the password cache using kdesu from the shell15:36
Tonio_if tat works it'd be perfect15:37
Tonio_Riddell: works as expected15:38
Tonio_Riddell: password is remembered as long as you run kdesu -s15:38
Tonio_hehe, don't ask me how I did, c++ is still a mystery for me, but as long as it works... ^_^15:39
dragon76has anyone tested 2.6.24 kernel in hardy???15:39
Tonio_Riddell: we may have to consider a security update for gutsy once tested15:39
Riddelldragon76: can't say I have actually15:40
dragon76kdm doesn't want to start... I don't need it but just wanting to help out developement with testing15:41
dragon762.6.22-14 is ok15:41
Riddelldragon76: kdm or X?15:45
dragon76hello bddebian15:45
bddebianHello dragon7615:45
dragon76hmmm.... can't say I remember... that was 3 this morning.... don't I feel stupid15:46
dragon76would I look in /var/log/messages for any pertinant info?15:47
dragon76I'll go poke around a bit and come back and report. Have to reboot into the other kernel... Anything I should check that would help out?15:48
Riddelldragon76: just try starting X on its own15:50
dragon76will do...15:51
nixternaloi oi16:11
nixternalRiddell: I may ditch on Thursday, actually more than likely I will, so I can do some talking if needed16:12
Riddellnixternal: eek, don't skip class on our account16:20
DaSkreechJucato: moin16:24
nixternalRiddell: only for you :)16:26
Riddellnixternal: there's a Q&A session at 1900utc16:29
Riddellta da https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuTutorialsDay16:56
fdovingTonio_: we should also make a manpage for kdesudo, bug 162823 can be confusing.16:56
ubotuLaunchpad bug 162823 in kdesudo "wrong manpage for kdesu is shown" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16282316:56
fdovingand the diverting should also include the manpage.16:57
fdovingif that approach is still valid.16:57
nixternalso no documentation then I take it16:58
Jucato"branch your svn with bzr"? :D16:59
Jucatohi DaSkreech16:59
RiddellJucato: I'm hoping I can work out how before next week16:59
DaSkreechThen dump it all in git :)16:59
nixternalRiddell: that stuff is next week? hahaha, I thought it was this week :)16:59
nixternaldamn, I might not be able to ditch, that is finals17:00
nixternalbut I can probably make time17:00
nixternalFinal Evaluations/Culminating Activities: Dec. 13 to 1917:01
Riddellnixternal: sorry, it's next week indeed17:01
nixternalhrmm, I might be able to make it then especially if we do our finals for this class the following week17:01
nixternalwe should be good to go then17:01
Riddellnixternal: well if you can't no problem, I can do it17:01
nixternalman, I have a lot of project work I gotta finish up17:01
Tonio_fdoving: there is a manpage17:13
Tonio_fdoving: but we should also divert the kdesu manpage17:13
Tonio_fdoving: I'm just reading at all the little bugs and fix them17:13
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
mhbgood evening to all good folks out here17:44
* DaSkreech waves17:44
* Jucato waves goodnight17:44
mhbwhy are we doing this on Thursday?17:45
mhbtutorial day, that is17:45
Jucatolol!! I was wondering why Dec 13 was tuesday on my calendar :)17:46
* Jucato was looking at november...17:46
mhbthat is our Jucato17:47
Jucatobye :)17:47
JucatoWed Dec  5 01:48:10 PHT 200717:48
Jucatothat cries "bed" :D17:48
mhbhave I missed a new person in our midst?17:48
nosrednaekimc ya Jucato17:49
nosrednaekimwho's that?17:49
Riddellmhb: the day was picked by Jono, seems as good as any17:49
mhbRiddell: not sure who we are aiming at, but audiences under 60 usually have their days filled with doing stuff17:49
Riddellpeople often have weekend filled too17:50
mhboh sure, we cannot find a date for everyone, but my unproved theory states that statistically, people have more time on weekends17:51
mhbthat is why we wanted meetings take place at weekends, because people have time17:52
mhbmeh, why do I care?17:53
mhbI wish you luck.17:53
Riddellyou care because you're an elite kubuntu developer?17:54
DaSkreechnigh Jucato17:54
mhbRiddell: you are right, I better get back to work to earn that title :o)17:56
mhbRiddell: is d3lphin's source code actively put somewhere?18:06
mhbor should I fork it?18:06
mhbfrom apt-get source18:06
mhbhmm, forking it, I guess18:08
nosrednaekimmhb: fixing dolphin? cool18:08
mhbnosrednaekim: someone has to do it18:09
mhbnosrednaekim: fixing the KDE3 one18:11
nosrednaekimyou know c++?18:12
mhbnosrednaekim: I know everything :o)18:12
mhbnosrednaekim: well, I know everything except for the thing that I know everything18:13
coreymon77mhb: huh?18:13
mhbthe day is never complete without a strange loop18:13
coreymon77mhb: you mean you know everything except for what you dont know?18:14
coreymon77cause in that case18:14
coreymon77i know everything too18:14
mhbImagine you are a person with just one year to live, and yet the ones you love really care about you and try to make you shine in your last days...18:19
mhbThen you know how my branch of D3lphin must feel18:20
nosrednaekimhey.... the kde4 dolphin is amazing..18:20
nosrednaekimif you can make the KDE3 one as good..18:20
nosrednaekimits'll be ayear well spent18:21
nosrednaekim*it'll be a year18:21
DaSkreechfor the year it will be used :)18:21
mhbnosrednaekim: indeed, having a brother that will take all the glory while you rot on the scrapyard must be a bit depressing thought18:21
mhbon the other hand, I'm going to rot there too, in time18:22
mhbso let's get to work while I still can18:22
coreymon77d3lphin has quite a few bugs18:23
coreymon77im just hoping that the kde4 one will be better18:24
coreymon77gtg now18:24
fdovingmhb: are you putting the dolphin source in bzr on kubuntu-members or something like that ?18:30
mhbfdoving: you know me well18:31
mhbfdoving: let me just apply the debian patches to the code itself18:31
mhband review them18:31
mhbthen I'll put the code there18:31
mhbfdoving: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/dolphin/hardy-fork will be the address18:32
fdovingnice, i'll fetch it when you've pushed.18:32
Riddellmhb: I don't think it's in revision control anywhere18:32
mhbRiddell: right, I'm putting it in LP18:33
Riddellmhb: good plan18:37
mhbpushed, should be available soonish18:44
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=== jpetso_away is now known as jpetso
fdovingmhb: will you push the debian directory too, to it's own place?18:53
mhbfdoving: I'll put it there, not sure if it'll work tho19:00
mhbI've branched the upstream package, not our debian one19:00
fdovingok. but that doesn't matter, if we push our debian directory, maybe removing the patches, the result should be the same.19:01
mhbfdoving: pushed19:05
fdovingmhb: ah, you put it there. i was thinking about having a separate branch for the debian/ directory, like the other kde packages we have in bzr.19:07
mhbfdoving: do as you think19:12
mhbI'm fine with it19:12
RiddellI don't see any advantage in that19:13
fdovingwell, now we will include everything in the orig.tar.gz, and make a native-package.19:14
fdovingif we convert to our lp as upstream.19:14
Riddellsince we are upstream a native package would be fine19:15
fdovingok. then it's fine.19:16
mhblet's fix bugs! :-)19:28
mhbespecially Riddell19:30
Nightroseyou wanna fix Riddell? :P19:31
Riddellmostly I create the bugs :)19:31
mhbyeah, he should fix more bugs than he does now19:36
mhbthere are first tweaks in our D3lphin branch!19:49
mhbif you don't want to get me all pessimistic, better start fixing bugs in it, too!19:50
mhbespecially people that promised such stuff at the meeting19:50
fdovingah, you removed the adjust view properties dialog.19:54
mhbyeah, call me a fascist19:55
fdovingi was looking int o that crash, but i can't get a proper backtrace.. for some stupid reason.19:55
fdovingcan't really see any good reason to keep it either, go for it.19:55
mhbI think you could bypass the crash by configuring it via the Configure Dolphin dialog19:56
mhband I see no reason why the rest of the controls should stay elsewhere, so I removed it... I'll move the missing features into Configure soon19:56
fdovingok, but it doesn't crash when doing the same things in configure?19:56
mhbAFAIK no19:57
mhbalso, there's this beautiful desktop-effects-kde app I don't have time for...20:00
mhbcome on, is the lack of volunteers really that big?20:00
* mhb shuts up20:01
fdovingthey all do packages, no c++ :)20:01
fdovingpackages, docs, irc-support and other very important things.20:01
fdovingfew becomes upstream for broken apps :)20:01
fdovingbtw. i like the description for the dolphin project.20:02
mhbfdoving: thanks!20:04
fdovingmhb: as you're the project manager, give me a bug to fix plz.20:05
mhbbug 138274?20:08
ubotuLaunchpad bug 138274 in dolphin "Dolphin does not remember view profile" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13827420:08
mhbnot really associated with a crash, so you don't have to debug much20:09
fdovingmhb: i can't even reproduce that bug.20:13
fdovingone has to tick the configure dolphin -> save view properties for each folder'20:14
fdovingafter that it works for me.20:14
fdovingif you can confirm that, i'll close the bugreport20:14
fdovingI came to think of one thing.20:14
fdovingthe issue -can- be that the users we're running dolphin as root with an old kdesudo and that setting set.20:15
fdovingthen the root-dolphin would write its .dolphinview files to every folder, wouldn't it?20:15
fdovingthat would be evil.20:15
fdovingwe should force that setting to off, for root.20:15
mhbfdoving: I guess what the user meant is: when I select the view mode, I want to be able to view all folders with that mode, and also, I'd like that mode to be default on next startup20:17
fdovingselect where?20:18
mhbwithout .dolphinviews everywhere20:18
mhbclicking on its icon, I guess20:18
mhbI don't think there should be a "default view mode"20:18
fdovingthat would defeat the purpose of the settings.20:18
mhbit's not really intuitive20:18
mhbthe one you currently have should be default until you select another one20:19
mhbunless and only unless you have toyed with the .dolphinview files20:19
fdovinghmm.. don't you want it to remember that you always want previews in your pictures folder?20:19
fdovingwhere does the .dolphinview files come from then?20:19
mhbfdoving: sure, that might be handy, but otherwise there should be no other default view mode20:20
mhbunless you ticked that box, your viewer should just remember the last view mode20:21
fdovingcurrently you set one default, for directories without the .dolphinview file, let's say the default is Preview, then once you enter a folder and hit the Icons button, it creates a .dolphinview file for that current folder and remembers that folders settings.20:21
mhbfdoving: right.20:21
mhbfdoving: I guess I'd remove the "default" one and instead remember what the last one I used was20:22
mhbso when I click preview, just stick to preview unless you enter a folder with a .dolphinview20:22
fdovingi do not agree.20:22
mhband next time I launch d3lphin, open preview (unless I'm in a .dolphinview folder again)20:22
mhbfdoving: my user case: I want to see details, look around the UI, find the "Details" button, click it, click on a folder and I'm frustrated that it shows up with Icons20:23
fdovingthen click details again :)20:24
fdovingit's easy, you just need to think on a folder-oriented way :)20:24
mhbwell, I like to see details unless I choose "Previews" again20:24
mhbso it's me-oriented20:24
mhbI don't think anyone else is using it now, though :o)20:25
fdovingthink about it as tags for eatch directory.20:25
mhbevery day I hear "apt-get uninstall dolphin" in here20:25
mhbwell, I guess that's not the right bug for you20:27
mhbchoose yourself, there's plenty where that one came from20:28
mhband all fixes are welcome20:28
fdovingmhb: #152788 looks very evil.20:39
mhbbug 15278820:40
ubotuLaunchpad bug 152788 in dolphin "Dolphin drag and drop targets wrong directory" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15278820:40
mhbfdoving: if you can reproduce it, go for it20:41
mhbI haven't looked at it yet, but I guess I should20:41
fdovingi can reproduce it, i'll look into it.20:42
Riddellkubuntu-users really has gone mad https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kubuntu-users/2007-December/023247.html20:51
mhbyou should convince the last sane folks to join development20:55
mhbor perhaps the least sane ones?20:56
mhbfixing bugs in software that has no future and is hated by all...20:56
mhbwork for a nutjob alright20:56
fdovingi'm starting to see why the dolphin guys dropped dolphin3, and focused on dolphin4.20:58
mhbfdoving: marketing?20:59
fdovingit's basically nothing left from dolphin3 in dolphin4.20:59
mhbI've seen worse.21:01
Riddellapachelogger_: do you know if libcaptury, captury and capseo in debian are newer than ours?21:02
mhbsometimes I get the feeling that UI was never meant to be written in hand21:25
mhbany application not using default widgets get to be really big21:26
jhutchins_ltIs there a program like kickstart for kubuntu that lets you template an install on one machine then clone it to others?21:47
nosrednaekimhey txwikinger....22:09
txwikingerhi nosrednaekim22:09
Riddellhttp://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/3125 tutorials day announced22:09
nosrednaekimtxwikinger: he's probably asleep,its late over in chekslovakia22:09
mhbhey txwikinger22:10
txwikingerhi mhb22:10
* nosrednaekim hides...22:10
txwikingersorry... had to hold a lecture earlier.. just came back22:10
Tonio_Riddell: little kde question22:11
mhbnosrednaekim: oh sure, my country is post-communist, but what is yours? :o)22:11
Tonio_Riddell: how to make that you have to wait for a kmessagebox to be closed so that the program continues ?22:11
nosrednaekimmhb: pre dictatorship....22:11
txwikingermhb communism comes in many forms ;)22:11
Tonio_Riddell: only seems to work with questions asking boxes right ?22:11
Tonio_Riddell: I need to do that with a KMessageBox::Error for example...22:12
txwikingernosrednaekim: which country are you from/residing?22:12
nosrednaekimtxwikinger: USA <_<22:12
txwikingerhey.. nice to meet you.. I lived in Texas for a long time22:13
txwikingermhb: Did you want something particular when you pinged me?22:13
mhbtxwikinger: sure, to meet you22:13
mhbtxwikinger: not sure we've met22:13
txwikingerI am not sure either.. nice to meet you mhb22:14
* nosrednaekim claps22:14
Tonio_fdoving: maybe you can help me on that point :)22:14
txwikingerI have been in Slovakia before... Bratislava22:15
Tonio_fdoving: last little bug in kdesudo to fix before commiting so I'd like that fixed today...22:15
imbrandonTonio_: its needs to be modal22:15
* txwikinger remembers a kdesudo bug he is trying to reproduce22:16
txwikingerTonio_ do you have a bug number?22:16
Tonio_txwikinger: nope ;)22:17
txwikingerok :)22:17
Tonio_txwikinger: what bug is that about ?22:17
txwikingerkdesudo give an error message that it can execute the command22:17
txwikingerI think it is on hardy, I could not reproduce on gutsy22:17
Tonio_imbrandon: not what I need in fact cause I need people to click ok before the program exists22:18
txwikingerI checked the installation on a chroot which worked fine22:18
Tonio_imbrandon: here it is modal because of parent window, which closes, and then I don't have time to see the box, there is my issue22:18
Tonio_txwikinger: fixed here22:18
Tonio_txwikinger: I rewrote all that part today22:19
imbrandonTonio_: make it 0 iirc22:19
Tonio_imbrandon: so non-modal then ? ;)22:19
imbrandonparentIf parent is 0, then the message box becomes an application-global modal dialog box. If parent is a widget, the message box becomes modal relative to parent.22:19
Tonio_ahhhhhhhhhh true that !22:19
mhbtxwikinger: how long do you hang around here?22:19
mhbtxwikinger: and what are your plans for Hardy?22:19
txwikingerTonio_: ok.. I will note that on the bug, could you ping me when the fix is available, that I can ask the reporter to check it out22:20
* mhb is here for quite some time, and I can be quite active/stubborn when I want ... school's tough, though.22:20
txwikingermhb: Slovakia? I was in Bratislava, I believe 199422:21
txwikingerDid a job for the Telecom there.. Commencement of operation for one of their first long distance fibre routes22:21
Tonio_txwikinger: you can test in 2 minutes22:22
Tonio_txwikinger: btw the launchpad bug will be closed automatically when I upload22:22
txwikingerwell, if it is referenced, right?22:22
Tonio_txwikinger: talking about switching to admin mode in kcontrol module maybe no ?22:22
txwikingerI have to get my HD in my test-desktop changed first.. Probably do that tomorrow evening22:23
txwikingeryes... Tonio_ I think that's it22:23
Tonio_txwikinger: that's the part I fixed today, works like a charm here22:24
txwikingercool.. good work \o/22:24
mhbtxwikinger: I'm from Czech Republic, to be exact22:24
txwikingerWell.. I am almost too mhb ;)22:24
Tonio_txwikinger: bug 172749 and bug 17331922:25
ubotuLaunchpad bug 172749 in kdesudo "Error kdesudo command not found when installing deb packages" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17274922:25
ubotuLaunchpad bug 173319 in kdesudo "kdesudo seems to be broken in system setting in hardy" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17331922:25
txwikingerTonio_: Yes I menat 173319.. cool22:26
txwikingermhb: My grandparents lived in East-Germany near the border to the Czech Republik and Poland22:27
Tonio_txwikinger: next upload will close bugs 172749, 173319, 132456, 162823, 148255 and 15704322:28
ubotuLaunchpad bug 172749 in kdesudo "Error kdesudo command not found when installing deb packages" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17274922:28
ubotuLaunchpad bug 173319 in kdesudo "kdesudo seems to be broken in system setting in hardy" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17331922:28
ubotuLaunchpad bug 132456 in kdesudo "User account 'remembers' admin password" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13245622:28
ubotuLaunchpad bug 162823 in kdesudo "wrong manpage for kdesu is shown" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16282322:28
ubotuLaunchpad bug 148255 in kdesudo "kdesudo does not clear password field on incorrect password" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/14825522:28
Tonio_txwikinger: I had hard time today :/22:28
txwikingersorry to hear that.. why?22:28
nosrednaekim!helpersnack | Tonio_22:28
ubotuTonio_: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!22:28
fdovinggreat work tonio_ :)22:28
Tonio_fdoving: thanks :)22:28
Tonio_fdoving: wait for the tests to say well done :)22:29
fdovingTonio_: is it pushed?22:29
Tonio_fdoving: not yet, but I can sent you a debfile to test22:30
Tonio_fdoving: also the kdesu -s is now supported, using sudo -k in the first place, to remove the cached password22:30
Tonio_fdoving: that was a big problem we had with it22:30
Tonio_fdoving: just needs -t now for "almose" kdesu compatibility22:31
Tonio_fdoving: I also consider playing with "nice" to make -d a non fake password22:31
Tonio_fdoving: shouldn't be hard to make that to work as expected22:31
Tonio_s/fake password/fake option22:31
Tonio_fdoving: but that's optional, probably for version 2.0 :)22:31
Tonio_imbrandon: doesn't work either, this or 0 all give the same problem, program goes, exists and closes the popup22:33
fdovingping me if you push within the next 30min or so.22:33
Tonio_fdoving: have an idea on that point ?22:33
Tonio_fdoving: I have a testing package22:33
fdovingi want the source :)22:33
fdovingfrom bzr as i have that setup already :)22:33
Tonio_fdoving: my only last bug is that when you type 3 bad passwords, you don't see the last window....22:33
fdovingor a patch to bzr.22:33
Tonio_fdoving: lemme push the code22:34
fdovingyou need to wait for the window to close before exiting. a while loop or something like that.22:34
Tonio_fdoving: pushed22:35
Tonio_fdoving: well I tried several things, but nothing worked as expecting22:35
Tonio_fdoving: I also cleaned a lot the code with useless variable and so on22:35
mhbtxwikinger: so what do you do w.r.t kubuntu?22:35
Tonio_fdoving: if you can fix that last little problem, we can prepare a new public release of it22:36
txwikingermhb: Well this and that22:36
Tonio_fdoving: while, ok, but what to check ? ;)22:36
txwikingerI am the point of kontakt for kubuntu-de.org22:36
fdovingTonio_: where is this kmessagebox?22:36
Tonio_the problem is just that the messagebox pops and exists immediately22:36
Riddelltxwikinger: despite living in England :)22:36
txwikingerI am working at the moment to be a MOTU22:36
txwikingerRiddell: yes...22:37
Riddelltxwikinger: where do you stay in England?22:37
txwikingerwe have re-sturcture kubuntu-de.org to make it more in line with the ubuntu structure in general22:37
Tonio_fdoving: search for if (badpass<3) in kdesudo.cpp22:37
txwikingerand I am doing a lot of communication with the folks here22:37
txwikingerRiddell: In Birmingham22:37
Tonio_fdoving: the point is that sudo exits, and then the process ends, causing the program to stop22:38
Riddellwell well, popular place22:38
txwikingerYou kidding me :)22:38
Tonio_fdoving: previous behavior was not to quit kapp is there was an error, but that was quite nasty hack22:38
Tonio_fdoving: I prefer to close properly and find a way to make the program waits for the messagebox to be closed before going on...22:38
Tonio_fdoving: but...... I can't seem to find out how to do that22:39
Riddelltxwikinger: my girlfriend is in tipton22:39
txwikingerAh.. Isn't that between Bham and Wolverhampton?22:39
Tonio_Riddell: heard about the bugs with polyester ? quite problematic...22:39
RiddellTonio_: don't think so22:39
Tonio_Riddell: http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14781822:39
ubotuKDE bug 147818 in general "Kate crashes when closing files" [Crash,Resolved: invalid]22:39
Tonio_Riddell: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/polyester/+bug/14442922:39
ubotuLaunchpad bug 144429 in polyester "Crash of Kate when closing files, only using polyester style" [Undecided,Confirmed]22:39
Tonio_I can confirm this22:40
fdovingTonio_: you need to have some bool that says there is a box, then check if that bool is true/false on exit, if it's not, wait til it gets the right state.22:40
Riddelltxwikinger: yes22:40
txwikingerYes.. I lecture sometimes in Wolverhampton22:40
Tonio_fdoving: yes but when to change the bool state since the program continues ?22:40
txwikingerI remember driving by there22:40
Riddelltxwikinger: drive fast is the best way :)22:41
Tonio_fdoving: I read the kmessagebox class reference without success22:41
txwikingerRiddell: well I am German .....22:41
Tonio_fdoving: the only option I have is to use a questionyesno, and despite the response, give the same result, that causes the program to stop22:41
fdovingTonio_: is this a problem for all the errors ?`22:41
Tonio_fdoving: but that's quite nasty22:41
Tonio_fdoving: nope22:41
Tonio_fdoving: the only case when sudo exits and you get an error is when you have 3 bad passwords22:42
Tonio_fdoving: but of course, depending the error, that can happen for other errors too22:42
Tonio_fdoving: I have a tweak for this, just do as before22:43
Tonio_but that causes the program not to close properly22:43
RiddellTonio_: I didn't even know kate had a tabs extension22:43
Tonio_don't kapp->exit if bla=false22:43
|dthacker|Hi. should I submit formal test reports for the alpha or just throw it on the Alpha wiki page?22:43
Tonio_and set the variable depending this22:43
nosrednaekimRiddell: a pyKDE4 tutorial?22:44
Tonio_fdoving: I can switch back to old behavior waiting to find better solution22:44
Tonio_not superb way to do, but working and non risky22:44
Riddellnosrednaekim: I hope so, although sime hasn't replied yet22:45
Tonio_fdoving: is there a way with kapp to check if child window are still opened ?22:45
Tonio_fdoving: that would be a solution22:45
Riddellstdin: could you upload your python-kde4 package to your ppa for gutsy and hardy?22:45
nosrednaekimRiddell: i'll try to attend that for sure,the problem is, where do you get pyKDE4 from?22:45
stdinRiddell: I can for hardy, but it won't work for gutsy22:46
Riddellstdin: oh?  why not?22:46
Riddellnosrednaekim: stdin packaged it the other day, what a guy eh22:46
fdovingTonio_: maybe http://doc.trolltech.com/3.3/qapplication.html#lastWindowClosed22:46
fdovingor not..22:47
nosrednaekimstdin: so it found its way off your to-do list for your to-do list, onto your to-do list, and then got done in a couple days? amazing XD22:47
stdinRiddell: needs sip4 (>= 4.7.1)  and gutsy has 4.722:47
Riddellstdin: hmm, can we backport that?22:47
stdinnosrednaekim: 3 days actually, in a "sudo pbuilder --login" chroot :p22:48
Tonio_fdoving: looking ;)22:48
nosrednaekimstdin: hehe.... thanks alot! though I am on gutsy :(22:48
stdinRiddell: I haven't tried building it in gutsy yet, spent the time just getting it to build in hardy22:48
* stdin try's to build it in gutsy22:49
Tonio_fdoving: won't work as the program sometimes doesn't have any window opened :)22:50
Tonio_fdoving: nice attempt, but wil not work22:50
fdovingTonio_: i liked the previous way, what is the problem with it?22:55
fdovingTonio_: the rest of the app in general is more nasty than that part, really.22:56
Tonio_fdoving: doesn't close properly when there is an issue22:56
Tonio_fdoving: not nice using from cmdline22:56
Tonio_btw, but that horrible I admit22:56
Tonio_fdoving: another option is to detach the program22:57
fdovingdoesn't close properly, like when?22:57
Tonio_fdoving: when typing 3 bad passwords22:57
Tonio_fdoving: with the old way you have to ctrl+C to go back to the prompt22:57
fdovingisn't that what 3 bad passwords are for? - lock up everything and force you to do something drastic?22:58
fdovingTonio_: at least you need something like the bError bool.23:01
fdovingthen you need to set it to true/false based on the happenings.23:02
stdinRiddell: looks like it should backport without a problem, I'll upload it to my PPA along with python-kde423:04
Riddellstdin: great23:04
nosrednaekimstdin: can I grab it? is it "safe"?23:04
stdin"safe", such an interesting word :P23:05
Tonio_fdoving: I think so23:06
Tonio_fdoving: I'll probably switch back to old code on that point, and detach the process23:06
nosrednaekimstdin: is this for the RC1?23:07
stdinit's pykde4 from svn on saturday23:08
nosrednaekimstdin: will it work with RC1?23:08
nosrednaekimof KDE423:08
stdinmaybe :) I've only just installed hardy and haven't tried it23:09
stdinI haven't even built it in gutsy yet23:09
nosrednaekimok.... I'll give it a shot23:09
stdinand I'll leave that to the PPA buildd's, as I don't want to wait 3 hours to see if it works here23:09
Riddelltxwikinger: did you confirm that 16:00 UTC was good for you?23:10
txwikingerRiddell: I did not confirm, but it is ok with me23:11
txwikingerJust saw it when you posted the link here23:11
Riddelltxwikinger: great23:11
stdinall uploaded23:20
Tonio_fdoving: found the solution ;)23:24
Tonio_fdoving: I'm adding support for "nice" and I'm done for the moment23:25
Riddellnixternal: able to do a fridge story about http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/3125 ?23:32
nixternaldepends on how much money you have for me? :)23:32
nixternalwill get that started sir23:32
fdovingTonio_: the try again password error can be removed, as it's just annoying anyway.23:33
fdovingTonio_: one error after 3 attempts is OK.23:34
Tonio_fdoving: hum true, doing this23:34
Tonio_fdoving: I'm wondering how kdesu does the priority convertion with nice23:35
Tonio_fdoving: kdesu goes from 0 to 100 when nice goes from -20 to 1923:35
fdovingTonio_: i need to go, i'll have a closer look at your changes tomorrow if you push your changes.23:38
Tonio_fdoving: seya ;)23:38
Tonio_fdoving: thanks for the help !23:38
=== uga is now known as uga|away
mhbgood night and may the christmas be with you23:59

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