
=== cody-somerville_ is now known as somerville32
=== kiko is now known as kiko-zzz
pdenapo I have a question: how may I change the e-mail address asociated to a Launchpad account? I see that I can add another but not replace the existing one01:15
Fujitsupdenapo: Once you add another, you should be able to remove the old one.01:15
pdenapodoesn't seem to be the case...01:16
pdenapothere is no option for removing the old one...01:16
FujitsuYou might have to set the new one as primary first.01:16
pdenapoNow, I've succeeded. Thanks01:19
pdenapoit seems that it was a matter of first replying an e-mail confirmation01:19
lamontcprov-out: squawk if you happen to be around, eh?01:32
FujitsuYay, I like the new ordering of the buildd listing, though it seems the archs are ordered by some internal ID.01:47
lamontFujitsu: yeah.. I was wondering what the sort key was.01:51
lamontsince one would think that amd64 should land above ppc... or some scuh01:51
* lamont debates whether to hug Hobbsee, or aim the water cannon01:52
Hobbseelamont: what have i done?01:53
Hobbseelamont: you could just be nice and kill me.01:53
Hobbseeso make sure it's got something else apart from water01:53
Fujitsulamont: I presume it's their serial primary key, what with hppa then lpia being last.01:53
lamontHobbsee: who says I need a reason to drench you?01:55
* Fujitsu throws waterbombs at lamont.01:55
Hobbseelamont: ah right01:55
* Fujitsu is glad to see that the assigning stuff should be fixed by next edge rollout.01:56
* Fujitsu doesn't like kiko's latest email to launchpad-users... LP shouldn't be filing bugs upstream itself. That will infuriate them. Particularly Debian.01:58
HobbseeFujitsu: if they were actually to do it sanely....02:00
HobbseeFujitsu: having said that, i'm thinking of the current mess with assignees and such.02:00
FujitsuWe'll see how they've fixed that tomorrow.02:01
lamontFujitsu: it depends on the package, actually.02:14
lamontfor example, I would have no issue with LP filing bugs against my debian packages02:14
Fujitsulamont: Of course.02:14
lamontwith luck, hppa should be making better time now02:14
FujitsuWhat has changed?02:15
lamont50% increase in the number of buildds building hardy02:15
FujitsuYou got more hardware, or somehow got the security buildd to do it too?02:15
* Fujitsu checks.02:15
lamontI, uh, talked the security buildd into sharing02:15
lamontand I owe elmo a patch.02:16
FujitsuYay, castilla is back.02:16
FujitsuI suppose it doesn't get too much load.02:16
FujitsuWith only two supported releases.02:16
lamontcastilla has always been the security buildd, never been launchpad buildd until just a few min ago02:16
FujitsuANd no livefses.02:16
lamontyeah - I need to fix livefs on both ia64 and hppa02:17
lamontia64 has livefs, but the boot block believes that all 3 cds are alternate.02:17
lamontmakes desktop/server kinda boring02:17
lamontand hppa needs some real love (options file, anyone? > 120 characters of commandline?) before it'll do non-alternate02:17
FujitsuI'm not sure there'd be much of a market for live hppa, really.02:19
lamontbuilding:   13:23:40     7.97%02:19
lamontinstall :   00:00:00     0.00%02:19
lamontremoving:   00:00:00     0.00%02:19
lamontidle    :  148:21:10    88.30%02:19
lamonttotal   :  168:00:0202:19
lamontso, yeah.  mostly kinda idle.02:19
lamontwow.  2 leap seconds last week. :-)02:19
lamonta base-livecd has some real potential.  desktop live, not so much02:19
lamontthat is, at some point, we start making server-live for all architectures, right?02:20
* Fujitsu didn't know of any leap seconds last week, let alone a double one.02:20
Fujitsuserver-live sounds a while off.02:20
lamontcronjob ran 2 seconds later this week than last... :-)02:20
lamontso there were 168:00:02 hours in the week... must be leap seconds... FTW!!! :)02:20
FujitsuOhh, I see. Yes.02:21
FujitsuWhat was it doing the other 5%?02:21
lamontbeing lots.02:23
lamontlost, even02:23
lamonthrm.. it's been up 42 days, so it wasn't crashed.02:23
FujitsuAre those stats from buildd?02:31
lamontDAK buildd, yes02:31
FujitsuThat's what I thought.02:32
Fujitsulamont: How much longer do you expect hppa to take to catch up?02:35
lamontthat depends entirely on how frequently kde, gcc*, python, and glibc get uploaded.02:36
lamontkde builds are _SLOW_02:36
Hobbseei'm sure we can help that along a bit02:36
lamontsomething to do with having huge monolithic packages02:36
* Hobbsee uploads more of it, then02:36
Hobbseelamont: yeah, just the ones we *odnt* want to be uploaded repeatedly02:37
FujitsuI was horrified to see that they merged dolphin into kdebase recently. I *really* don't see the benefit.02:37
lamontFujitsu: because then it all builds together.02:37
Hobbseeapparnetly 4 isn't as bad as 302:38
lamontthey merged it in for the same reason that they merged everything else in02:38
Fujitsulamont: And takes hours and hours and hours and all has to rebuilt every time there is a tiny bug in kdepim.02:38
FujitsuOr whatever else there are regularly tiny bugs in.02:38
lamontFujitsu: sadly, such arguments have historically fallen on deaf ears.02:38
* Hobbsee had taht argument with them too02:39
HobbseeFujitsu: it's -base, mainly.02:39
FujitsuHobbsee: Are you still on the right side?02:39
Hobbseedepending on what you define the right side, yes02:39
Hobbseethe stuff doesn't get test built, as it's so big, and doesn't get tested, so it needs multiple uploads02:40
FujitsuIt has more than 35 binaries, damnit.02:40
lamontI'm not _saying_ that was a factor in ubuntu choosing to go with gnome...02:40
Hobbseethis was one of my reasons for stepping down from it02:40
Hobbseelamont: sure sure02:40
* Fujitsu notes that one should check which audio output one has selected when using PulseAudio.02:41
Hobbseemmm...spaghetti makes good breakfast02:46
FujitsuBreakfast at 2pm? Sounds rather odd.02:47
Fujitsu(as does the spaghettiness)02:47
Hobbseelunch at 4.30 or so, dinner at 11.02:48
Hobbseenow that sounds odd :)02:48
FujitsuIt does.02:48
lamontif breakfast is at 2PM, then lunch is 8PM.02:51
lamontand dinner is after work, so after 11:30. :-)02:51
lamontand welcome to swing shift02:51
ajmitchhello Hobbsee 02:51
FujitsuEvening, ajmitch.02:51
ajmitchevening? it's getting close, but not quite02:52
Hobbseehi ajmitch 02:52
* ajmitch is still at work, having fun with zope & plone02:52
FujitsuZope 2, then?02:52
Hobbseelamont: lunch would be later, except htat i can't take a risk of being off the floor for that long, that late.02:52
ajmitchof course, with some zope 3 stuff mixed in02:52
lamontoh, right.02:52
lamontretail makes for strange schedules02:53
Fujitsuajmitch: Fun, fun.02:53
* Fujitsu likes his position, with no customer interaction.02:53
ajmitchlucky you02:53
Hobbseealthough, if they've given me someoen with a clue tonight, i might be able to have a later dinner02:53
FujitsuAlthough there is a bit too much PHP interaction.02:53
* ajmitch is in a small enough company that customer interaction is required02:53
lamontthere is a part of me that would really love to be able to specify regexps that affected default build-priority for packages.03:21
lamontthen I could just demote all of kde for the moment. :)03:21
lamontjust on hppa, of coures.03:21
* Hobbsee could just demote lamont03:21
Fujitsulamont: You should be able to mark them as failed and eventually give them back soon, no?03:22
lamontI can mark them as failed?03:22
lamontoh, ok03:22
FujitsuBecause dropping the priority only works for so long.03:22
lamontand I want one that I can feed a regexp to... :-)03:22
lamontnah - I don't mind them building once universe is done... :)03:23
FujitsuConvince one of the DBAs that you need access to the DB. That shouldn't be hard... much... no, of course not.03:23
Hobbseehe was a canonical employee.  he should be able to get it03:24
lamonthe doesn't _WANT_ it.03:24
* Fujitsu turns lamont into a duck.03:25
* Hobbsee turns Fujitsu into a pigeon03:26
* Fujitsu doesn't know of an pidgeon-emblemed teams.03:26
FujitsuEr, pigeon03:27
Hobbseethen you don't get a team03:27
* Fujitsu recalls the days when launchpad-beta-testers was the upside-down duck.03:27
lamontHobbsee: I just want to let universe catch up.... I promise to build kde before they upload it more than 5 or 6 times03:32
Hobbseelamont: *g*03:32
Hobbseelamont: fair enoough.  i doubt anyone on hppa actually uses kde anyway03:33
* lamont figures a couple weeks tops, if kde/toolchain/python/glibc don't upload too often03:33
ubotuNew bug: #173812 in malone "Remerge the enable bug expiration per project branch changes" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17381203:50
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lamontdear launchpad.  it'd be nice if the dep-wait release code knew about ogre-model.05:23
lamont(see hardy curl for an example.  and tuxtype and...05:23
lamonton the bright side, it tells us when queue-builder finishes... :-)05:24
lamontand gnome-games05:25
jameshthumper, jml, spiv, BjornT: reviewer meeting06:06
* jml is here06:06
jamesh== Agenda ==06:06
jamesh * Roll call06:06
jamesh * Next meeting06:06
jamesh * Action items06:06
jamesh * Queue status06:06
jamesh * Graduations (and recruiting?)06:07
jamesh * Mentoring update06:07
jamesh * Review process changes06:07
jamesh   * On-call reviewer06:07
jamesh   * Cover letter06:07
jamesh   * Death to [trivial]06:07
jamesh   * Tool update06:07
jameshIs the same time next week okay for everyone?06:07
jameshdid we have any action items from last week?06:08
jamesh* Queue status06:08
jameshthe queue is pretty short, with only two branches past the due date06:09
jameshBjornT: how is your one going?06:09
BjornTbeen quite busy, sorry, but i'll get it done today.06:09
jameshIf you are too busy, you can reject it06:10
BjornTyeah, i know06:11
jameshthree of the remaining branches are stub's06:11
jameshI'm not sure what sort of response time we're expecting on those06:11
jameshI don't think we have any mentored reviewers at this meeting, so I'll skip that06:12
jamesh* Review process changes * On-call reviewer06:12
jmlI've signed up to be on call on Fridays.06:13
jameshI haven't signed up for on call review yet06:13
jameshand I guess BjornT and thumper shouldn't06:13
jmlIt went well, and it seems the system is helping.06:13
thumperit's been suggested that team leads don't06:13
thumperso I removed myself06:13
spivNeither have I, but then I'm another special case...06:13
thumperI've found it helpful to me06:14
jameshfor the asia-pacific timeslot, we don't have many reviewers06:14
thumpermwhudson will be moving into this slot06:14
thumperin jan06:14
jmljamesh: but we have a high percentage of reviewers :)06:15
jameshI wonder if it'd be worth removing the "don't work on any of your own code" bit and roster people on more frequently?06:15
jmljamesh: tbh, I think it would diminish the value of being on call06:15
thumperjml: I think it is reasonable to work on your own code as long as reviews take priority06:16
thumperif you are on call06:16
thumperespecially for Monday morning (a slot now available)06:16
jmlthumper: I guess what I mean is, the sort of work I'll be doing while on call would be pretty light.06:16
jmlotherwise too many interruptions.06:16
thumperjml: right06:16
spivThe trick is making sure you don't get lost in your own code for 40 minutes while a dev is waiting for you to respond to a review request.06:16
thumpersimple bug fix et al06:16
jmlthumper: I guess I could take on Monday morning -- it's a quiet time anyway.06:17
thumperjml: don't you have a slot?06:17
jameshjml: well, the value of an on-call reviewer is pretty low if there is no on-call reviewer06:17
jmlI do.06:17
jmljamesh: good point.06:17
jameshand rostering one person on multiple days will reduce their effectiveness as a developer if they can't work on their own stuff06:18
thumperjamesh: right06:18
thumperthere are 15 slots06:18
thumperhow many available reviewers are there?06:18
jmljamesh: It will reduce their effectiveness full stop.06:18
thumperI count 1006:18
thumperso I'd suggest we try to get 5 more06:19
jameshthumper: one point is that we've got a fairly high reviewer:developer ratio for this time zone06:20
jameshso the fact that we can't fill all the slots indicates that an on-call reviewer probably won't be doing a full day's reviewing06:20
jamesh(in the expected case)06:20
thumperfor the asia-pac slots we only really have 3 people and 5 slots06:21
thumper(3 when mwhudson gets here)06:21
jameshand how many people would they be doing reviews for usually?06:21
jmljamesh: Last Friday I did 5 reviews for 3 or 4 people. None of them asiapac06:21
thumperjml: I take it you got the americans at the end of their day06:22
jameshmy guess is that there will be less interruptions for review than in other slots06:22
jmlthumper: pretty much06:22
thumperI suggest we force some europeans to shift to NZ/Aus06:23
thumperIt's nicer here anyway06:24
jameshshould we move on?06:24
jmljamesh: yes06:24
jamesh* Cover letter06:24
jmlthumper: relocate everyone to a pacific island :)06:24
jameshI think these have been quite useful06:24
jmljamesh: definitely.06:24
jameshbetter than the 1-line descriptions we had previously06:24
jmleven if it's just 2 paragraphs on the wiki page rather than one.06:24
jamesh* Death to [trivial]06:25
thumper(where n > 1)06:25
jameshSo SteveA wants [trivial] turned off06:25
* thumper agrees06:26
jameshthis pretty much requires attentive reviewers for small branches06:26
* jml too06:26
jmljamesh: right. on call should balance it out.06:26
thumperfor trivial changes it should be easy for a reviewer to OK it06:26
thumperjamesh: I'd suggest the normal - who can look at a trivial change06:26
thumpereven if I'm not on call, I'm happy to look at those06:26
jameshif it is quick and easy to get a second set of eyes to look at small changes, then there is less excuse not to06:27
jamesh* Tool update06:28
jameshIs anyone here actively involved in this?06:28
jameshor is it more of an AMEU item?06:28
jmlonly indirectly.06:29
jmlmove on :)06:29
jamesh* Other business06:29
jmlthumper: slow but steady progress06:30
jmljamesh: none from me.06:30
jameshokay.  Meeting ends06:30
jmljamesh: thanks!06:30
jameshthanks everyone.06:30
FujitsuYay, bugwatch flood.08:18
ddaaoh, the patch to make bug expiration optional per project landed yesterday08:24
ddaa(will probably only really matter on the next release though)08:24
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distaticaFor my SSH keys, I'm asked to insert the contents of a id_dsa.pub or id_rsa.pub which is obviously from the example on a linux system. However I am on windows, do I need to install cygwin for this or do I have another option?08:45
sorendistatica: Which ssh client are you using?08:46
distaticaI haven't installed one yet, I've used putty usually on windows, but I wasn't sure if I would need to install cygwin so I haven't bothered to download it.08:47
AmaranthIs there some way to close a project?08:47
Amaranthhttps://edge.launchpad.net/compizsettings/ is dead, I want to get rid of it08:48
Amaranthor at least make launchpad stop trying to file compiz bugs against it08:48
jameshAmaranth: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad08:48
sorendistatica: That really depends on what you want to do with your ssh key. putty supports key authentication.08:49
Amaranthah, goody, maybe now launchpad still stop messing up when i try to upstream bugs08:49
jameshdistatica: does this help? http://bazaar-vcs.org/Bzr_and_SSH08:49
distaticajamesh: reading now, bzr is the reason I need it..08:50
jameshI guessed :)08:50
jameshthe SSH keys in Launchpad aren't used for anything else at present08:50
distaticaoh, hehe08:50
distaticayes, this will work fine, I'll follow the windows instructions and check back if I encounter problems, thank you.08:51
Amaranthalrighty then, question aksed: https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/1931208:51
jameshAmaranth: in the mean time, you can disable filing of new bugs by saying that the project does not use Launchpad for bug tracking ...08:52
Amaranthawesome, now when i try to upstream compiz bugs it still says it's for the compiz-settings project but lets me put in a url08:53
jameshAmaranth: ah.  The problem seems to be the invalid packaging links08:54
jameshAmaranth: "compizsettings" says it is packaged as "compiz" in Ubuntu08:55
jameshI take it that this is not the case08:55
Amaranthjamesh: nope08:57
AmaranthWho is allowed to do that?08:58
jameshAmaranth: I don't think it is easy to do that through the UI at present08:58
AmaranthYou can link things but you can't unlink them08:58
AmaranthBut who is allowed to link them?08:58
jameshAmaranth: perhaps update the ticket to ask for the packaging links to be removed rather than deactivating the project08:59
AmaranthAnd why is a random project allowed to break package->upstream connections for ubuntu?08:59
AmaranthNo, the project is dead anyway08:59
AmaranthSo if I create a project, set it to use launchpad for bugs, and say it's packaged as gnome-screensaver in ubuntu then ubuntu people won't be able to link to gnome bugzilla bugs anymore?09:00
FujitsuAmaranth: No, you can say the bug belongs to another project.09:00
AmaranthI see no way to do that in the UI09:01
AmaranthOtherwise I wouldn't be here09:01
FujitsuAmaranth: When you say that it affects a project in the first place, there is an option to say that it's not the one linked to the package.09:01
AmaranthBut you have to choose one that is in launchpad09:01
FujitsuOnce the task is created, you're stuffed, due to a bug which means you can't reassign tasks for projects that use LP.09:01
FujitsuRight, but that doesn't mean it uses Launchpad for bug tracking.09:02
distaticajamesh, or anyone really. Ok, I got all the putty stuff, I generated private and public keys, I opened my private key here, with my password, it's running in pageant, I copied and pasted the contents from my public key file to the launchpad edit ssh keys page, and it says invalid key. I even tried removing all line breaks to make sure it was all one line. Any thoughts?09:02
AmaranthSo I have to find a project that doesn't use launchpad for bugs and reassign to that just so I can then link to a completely unrelated bugzilla from another project?09:02
distaticaI tried with and without the BEGIN SSH2 PUBLIC KEY part.09:02
jameshdistatica: the format it expects is the one-line form that openssh uses09:03
FujitsuAmaranth: No, you should have a project representing the real upstream project.09:03
distaticajamesh: hmmmm.. that's what I tried to do..09:03
jameshdistatica: something like "ssh-rsa $lots-of-chars $comment"09:03
AmaranthOh, right, this is "everything is in launchpad"09:03
FujitsuAmaranth: It's the only way to model it properly.09:03
AmaranthOr you could not allow projects to screw with distros09:04
Fujitsu(you don't see me defending Launchpad often, but this is somewhere I will)09:04
jameshdistatica: iirc Launchpad does not accept a key without a comment at the end.  You can put whatever you want there though09:04
AmaranthThe connection should be the other way, someone managing the package in Ubuntu should say "this package comes from this project"09:04
FujitsuYou can do it from either end at the moment, and cannot currently delete links. I believe the eletion feature has been deferred a number of times, and is still coming RSN.09:05
jameshAmaranth: for a long time we've talked about automating the linking process09:05
jameshjust haven't gotten round to implementing it09:05
distaticajamesh: hmm.. my comment comes before, maybe that's it.09:05
jameshAmaranth: if we have the release tarball for the project and the pristine source tarball for the package we can infer a link if they are identical09:06
distaticajamesh: may I quick PM you?09:06
jameshdistatica: sure09:06
ddaaFujitsu: I actually have written some stuff for the deletion feature last week.09:06
Fujitsuddaa: Ah, very good.09:07
FujitsuSo it's finally happenign?09:07
ddaait needs a bit more polish to be release-worthy, and even then it will be a transitional hack09:07
ddaauntil we re-do the whole upstream association ui09:07
ddaabut it will address the critical "cannot delete link" issue in the short term09:07
AmaranthThis is probably the 100th time I've hit this09:07
AmaranthAnd why I don't upstream bugs much, which upstream doesn't like09:07
ddaawe realise it's a nuisance09:08
FujitsuIt is ridiculous that they weren't either restricted or deletable in the first place, but it is being resolved.09:08
ddaabut this is the sort of thing that are tricky to get done, for organisational reasons09:08
FujitsuWhat reasons would those be?09:09
ddaait is not within the core responsibility for any team09:09
kiko-zzzor didn't use to be, until we invented foundations. :)09:09
ddaalaunchpad is all about linking things toghether, but that means that there's a lot of things which lies in the cracks between dimensions, to borrow from Dan Simmons.09:10
Fujitsuddaa: Isn't it Soyuz?09:10
FujitsuI would have thought it would come under that, really.09:10
AmaranthI thought it was malone09:10
FujitsuBut I guess it is sort of more general and Foundations-ish.09:10
ddaaother people would think it's Translations09:10
ddaaStrictly speaking, it's part of "registry".09:11
FujitsuI guess that bits of Soyuz are Registryish... but the distinction looks very blurry.09:11
FujitsuAnyway, good to see it finally being sorted out!09:12
ddaaFujitsu: I think you starting to put your finger on why it's organisationally tricky :)09:12
Fujitsuddaa: I always thought some things were blurry, and wondered how they were handled.09:13
ddaa"not as well as they should"09:13
Fujitsukiko-zzz: Thanks for the dgetting ability! I'll be watching for the edge rollout tomorrow.09:13
ddaaThough we're getting better at it.09:14
FujitsuWait, kiko-zzz, what are you doing up?09:14
Fujitsuddaa: Good to hear.09:14
Amaranthheh, could have fixed my problem anyway09:27
Amaranthfound the place to change a link in the package side09:27
Amaranthand there is a compiz project in launchpad already09:27
ubotuNew bug: #173853 in launchpad "Validation problem while choosing package" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17385309:35
Kmosthere is a server for sparc ppa ?09:40
elmono, PPA only supports i386 and amd64 due to it's reliance on secure virtualization09:41
Kmoselmo: thanks for the info :)09:42
Kmosi've sent a package to ppa with architecture: sparc09:42
Kmosand it's accepted :(09:42
Kmosand published09:42
elmoKmos: the Architecture in the .dsc is 'sparc' only?09:42
Kmoselmo: yes09:56
Kmoselmo: it's afbinit package09:56
jameshKmos: what is the URL of your PPA?09:57
elmoKmos: please file a bug on soyuz - it should reject such packages, I think09:57
Kmoselmo: I think so09:57
Kmosjamesh: 2 sec09:57
Kmosjamesh: https://edge.launchpad.net/~gothicx/+archive09:57
jameshKmos: I only see a source package published09:58
Kmosi've 8 packages in ppa09:59
jameshI mean for the afbinit package09:59
Kmosjamesh: but it shouldn't be rejected?09:59
Kmosand even not published10:00
jameshwell, there isn't anything inherently bad about publishing the source package10:00
jameshalthough rejecting it would stop you from expecting it to be built :)10:00
Kmosi think it would be built, because it was accepted10:00
Kmosjamesh: you report the bug, or I do it ?10:01
jameshKmos: you probably have more information on what you did and what you expected to happen10:02
Kmosjamesh: ok =) i'll do it10:02
ubotuNew bug: #173866 in soyuz "When specific arch is not available at PPA, it should reject" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17386610:20
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mpthiya Hobbsee 11:40
Hobbseeheya mpt!11:40
Hobbseehi BjornT 11:43
BjornThi Hobbsee 11:45
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kikoFujitsu, I was up but then I went to sleep! this patch ate my dinner12:04
Fujitsukiko: A...ha.12:05
Hobbseemmm...hungry patches.12:06
frenchyIs there a way to upload a file directly to "Download project files" on LP without using the web interface?12:23
frenchyWhile I'm uploading my PPA via script, it would be great if I just updated the upstream tar.gz at the same time.  I use the "Download project file" page for hosting.12:25
kikofrenchy, well, not right now, but it's very easy to script a web upload using something like zope's testbrowser12:47
frenchykiko: Thank you.  I'll have a read about that.12:50
kikofrenchy, I actually have sort of an example script I can show you when you've done some reading of it12:50
kikoit won't work for you because it requires some horrible hacks in testbrowser itself to make it simpler (I think)12:51
kikobut the code is a good example12:51
frenchykiko: Sure, that sounds great.  At the moment it seems like any solution is a good solution.12:53
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ubotuNew bug: #173899 in malone "E-mail interface isn't advertised" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17389913:35
kikobug 17367013:37
ubotuLaunchpad bug 173670 in rosetta "IndexError on pluralforms during import" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/173670 - Assigned to Jeroen T. Vermeulen (jtv)13:37
kervalahi there :)13:46
kervalai have some problems with my PPA (related to missing .mo files in generated .deb) :) who could help me please ? :)13:47
kervalamy PPA is located at : https://edge.launchpad.net/~kervala/+archive13:47
kervalathe .deb was build successfully but all .mo were removed :(13:49
kervalain the log, i can see .mo were put in wxmtpchat_0.12-1_lpia_translations.tar.gz13:50
kervalabu i can't find this file anywhere13:50
frenchykervala: Hi there, are you saying that when you build the deb yourself that the mo files are in there?13:55
ubotuNew bug: #173902 in soyuz "PPA "Activate" button is available even if I haven't accepted the terms of service" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17390213:56
kervalafrenchy: yes :)13:56
kervalaall is correct when i build it locally13:57
kervala.mo files are installed in /usr/share/locale/...13:57
kervalabut they disappears in .deb created by PPA13:57
frenchykervala: What command are you using to create your local deb?13:58
kervalahum i will paste it :)14:01
kervaladpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot14:01
kervalamy debian folder seems ok14:01
Hobbseecprov: can you give input into this?14:02
cprovHobbsee: we are still stripping translations in buildd, isn't it the expected effect ?14:03
Hobbseecprov: presumably not for those who want translations in their ppa14:05
cprovHobbsee: then the solution is https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/soyuz/+bug/136399, right ?14:06
ubotuLaunchpad bug 136399 in soyuz "PPA builders performing normal Ubuntu binary mangling" [High,Confirmed]  - Assigned to Adam Conrad (adconrad)14:06
Hobbseecprov: where do the translations debs get published?14:06
Hobbseecprov: ah, /dev/null14:07
cprovHobbsee: :( yes14:07
frenchyYeah, mine are the same, never noticed before.14:08
Hobbseecprov: without knowing the soyuz codebase from the inside, i would think so - assuming that the translations could be used, if they were not stripped.14:08
cprovHobbsee: the point is, they are stripped during the build, but they are not sent back to soyuz as the primary-archive uploads14:09
cprovHobbsee: so, the swallowing is done in the buildd itself14:10
kervalaok thanks, so have i to create a new issue, add another comment or just wait ? :p14:11
Hobbseecprov: which means i'ts infinity's place to fix, presumably.14:11
cprovHobbsee: check you PPA binary changefiles (in +build/<1234> page)14:11
Hobbseecprov: i presume that lamont can't fix it?14:11
Hobbseecprov: it's not mine.  it's kervala 14:11
cprovHobbsee: yes, lamont could do some investigation on this14:12
kervalaand i have another question : does PPA can sign .deb it build ?14:12
cprovHobbsee: well, you can also check yours and compare with the the same build happening in primary archive, you will see that the custom-translation tarball will be missing from the PPA binary upload.14:13
Hobbseecprov: it would be good to get this fixed.  however, you'll need to harass infinity, or lamont, from the inside.14:13
Hobbseekervala: would you be willing to hand over your bank card, and pin, to someone else, to make a purchase for you, where you could not see it?14:13
lamonttranslation stripping is part of the normal build process for main14:14
lamontpitti would be the one who understands it14:14
kervalaHobbsee: i'm talking about "NOT AUTHORIZED" message when using Synaptic to download from PPA :) how i fix it ? (if it is possible)14:16
Hobbseekervala: you can't.  yet.14:17
Hobbseekervala: but, my question to you was related.14:17
kervalaah ok, thanks a lot :)14:18
Hobbseekervala: if they were to be signed with your own key, it would be like the bankcard example above.14:19
kervalaok i see :)14:19
Hobbseekervala: i don't think you want to do that :)14:19
kervalahehe :p14:19
kervalaso i think .deb will be signed with a generic Ubuntu key... :p14:20
kervalaor a key especially for PPA14:20
Hobbseeppa key14:20
kervalaok thanks :)14:20
=== cprov is now known as cprov-lunch
lamontkervala: the way you fix the lack of a sig on PPA right now is to mirror it somewhere and sign it. :(14:33
lamontIf I ruled the world, you would be able to have LP generate a key (which you could sign if you wanted) that was used for your PPA (and no other).  That keeps the secret key contained to the archive, and gets a unique signing-key for your PPA14:35
kervalaok thanks but it's not very important :)14:36
Hobbseelamont: this requires that you trust that LP would not decide to use it for anything else.14:37
kervalaPPA is really cool even with its bugs :p14:37
lamontHobbsee: you're already trusting LP not to trojan the binaries... may as well complete the trust model...14:37
lamontHobbsee: the other way would be to generate a key pair and upload both... then you and LP have the key, and you can do things with it too...14:38
lamontnot sure which one scares me more..14:38
kervalawhen the binary missing bug will be fixed, does it exist a method to force rebuild of the package(s) without incrementing the version ?14:40
Hobbseelamont: i'm thinking of a case where LP woudl decide to do other things with a key i signed.14:41
Hobbseeif, per se, it ever turned evil14:41
Hobbseelamont: i think the latter would be more scary14:42
Hobbseefrom the start, it would be a comprimised key - there would be no absolute certainty that you had signed it, rather than someone who had used launchpad14:43
Hobbseelamont: and, if the sky fell in, and it got stuck in librarian, and then found.....14:43
Hobbseethen anyone could find it, sign as me, and wreak havoc, until the key got revoked, and the mirrors updated14:44
MiserySalinHi there... I received a rejected-mail for my package. But I did the same like with every other package.14:57
MiserySalinMD5 sum of uploaded file does not match existing file in archive14:58
MiserySalinFiles specified in DSC are broken or missing, skipping package unpack verification.14:58
MiserySalinCan that be a new "problem" of bug #139619 ? ;-)14:58
ubotuLaunchpad bug 139619 in soyuz "Allow orig.tar.gz from distribution repos" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139619 - Assigned to Celso Providelo (cprov)14:58
HobbseeMiserySalin: did you build iwth -sd or -sa?15:06
Hobbseethe orig.tar.gz is also listed in the .dsc and source.changes, i assume?15:07
Hobbseeif so, yes, i'd say it's a side effect of the afore-mentioned bug.15:08
MiserySalinyes, it's in .dsc-file15:08
MiserySalinI tried a backport of the debian-version of http://packages.debian.org/sid/libfile-basedir-perl15:08
Hobbseebut not source.changes?15:08
MiserySalinit's in .sources, too15:08
MiserySalinMaybe soyuz don't understand that it isn't the same in ubuntu (with same filename)15:09
Hobbseei'd say it's a side effect of that bug that cprov-lunch has not dealt with15:09
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MiserySalinyes, thanks....15:10
Hobbseebut, i don't work on launchpad, so have not seen the internals15:10
ubotuNew bug: #173928 in rosetta "Showing empty packaged translations" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17392815:25
ubotuNew bug: #173929 in launchpad "When recording a bug as affecting another upstream, do not try to set the upstream's bugtracker if the user chooses to use an existing upstream" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17392915:25
lamontMiserySalin: if the .orig.tar.gz is already in the archive, with a different md5sum, then you probably can't upload it... only one copy of the file may exist15:42
MiserySalinWell... why it isn't replaced with the new uploaded file?15:48
* lamont wonders if anyone filed a bug about queue-builder not knowing about ogre model..15:48
lamontMiserySalin: for the same reason debian doesn't replace it when you do the same thing: that file is already out there on mirrors, etc.15:49
lamontchoices are: 1) use the one that's there. 2) change the version number.15:49
MiserySalinchange version number of orig.tar.gz? is that a good idea?15:49
=== cprov-lunch is now known as cprov
lamontah.  bug 52698 is the ogre-bug15:52
ubotuLaunchpad bug 52698 in soyuz "Auto-Dep retry algorithm doesn't check component" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/5269815:52
lamontMiserySalin: that's why there are occasionally things like foo_1.2.3.0.orig.tar.gz, while upstream has only released a 1.2.315:52
lamontcprov: is 52698 headed for a release anytime soon?15:53
MiserySalinahh... tricky ;-) ... thanks!15:53
lamontMiserySalin: there's always room for a more detailed version number.. :0)15:54
cprovlamont: I don't think we will have time for it in 1.1.12, so January is the best bet15:55
lamontcprov: thanks.  it offends me. :)15:58
lamont(the bug, not january)(15:58
cprovlamont: uhm, I will try to do something on this earlier, but no guarantees, we are already fully booked this milestone.15:59
lamontno worries16:01
lamontwhere it mostly shows up is when there are multiple packages, and say some architecture with a couple thousand packages to build in universe, and the front part of each 30 minute window between queue-builder runs is spent trying to build the 5 packages in main that are hit by this bug.  every queue-builder run16:02
lamontfor today, I just tossed the 5 into the cellar (score==100) and now I don't have to worry about them so much16:02
lamontuntil they are missing for something important in main because the build-deps got promoted to main :-)16:03
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ubotuNew bug: #173976 in launchpad "resolved_upstream link says "open" instead of "resolved"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17397619:00
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ubotuNew bug: #173981 in rosetta "NoneType exception while exporting KDE PO file" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17398119:45
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ktenneyHowdy. is there a venue on Launchpad for general discussion of a project?20:53
kikoktenney, not yet. we will RSN have mailing lists in beta, and wikis are a planned feature that aren't off the drawing board yet.20:54
kikoktenney, in the near term we can make it easy for your own hosted wiki to authenticate against launchpad20:54
ktenney'authenticate against' hmm20:55
ktenneydon't know that20:55
ktenneybut will look for it20:55
ktenneyis there a Launchpad announce list?20:55
kikoktenney, I mean in the OpenID sense.20:56
kikoktenney, yeah, we announce to the -users list.20:56
ktenneyI'll subscribe. Thanks20:57
kikoktenney, what project are you using LP for?21:02
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ktenneykiko-afk: http://launchpad.net/zcadoc21:09
kiko-afkktenney, and lorenzo is helping out? what is awesome!21:09
kiko-afkvery nice logo21:09
ktenneythx, yeah, it's been great fun21:10
kiko-afkktenney, lorenzo spent 4 months working with us here in brazil. it was fun! and he helped my dogs give birth to their puppies.21:14
kiko-afkI really like him21:14
ktenneya puppy midwife! cool. my daughter is training to be a people midwife :-]21:15
kiko-afkktenney, puppies are kinder creatures. but the pictures are gross!21:15
kiko-afkanyway I need to be afk for a few hours. you hold down the fort while I'm out.21:15
ktenneynice to meet you21:16
kiko-afkmy pleasure, see you shortly21:16
LaserJockany Rosetta experts around?21:17
ubotuNew bug: #174013 in launchpad "'+' character is not valid for ubuntu wiki" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17401321:20
janimois there a plan for easily moveing packages in a PPA to a newer distro without uploading them? I have around gutsy 30 packages and I'd like them to be duplicated for hardy without creating new packages and changelogs just for that21:20
Ubulettejanimo, i doubt it. all debs for a given package end up in the same dir so they can't have the exact same version. you have to add something to differentiate per dist, hence changing changelog and re-upping.21:36
janimoUbulette: thanks. I know that's the case ATM, I was wondering if it's planned21:39
LaserJocksome kind of mangler perhaps21:39
javaJakeUm, got a bug, was told to report it in syslog. Told me " PCI: If a device doesn't work, try "pci=routeirq".  If it helps, post a report". Well, my sound works. :D21:41
javaJakeBut I don't know what to report. I don't really know what information to give.21:42
thumperjavaJake: you can always start with a more general bug report and you should be told what to provide21:43
thumperjavaJake: is this for ubuntu?21:44
javaJakeOK, sounds good.21:44
javaJakeUm, what package would you suggest?21:46
javaJakeHmmm, it's a kernel message. So I'll report it against the kernel21:47
PibbRelay<Rinchen> howdy22:05
Rinchennifty. it works22:05
Rinchenso #launchpad is now mirrored on pibb22:10
LaserJockRinchen: is that a good thing? ;-)22:10
PibbRelay<Rinchen> It is for openid testing :-)22:10
Spadsoh, pibb is another one of those "social networking" sites22:11
LaserJockyeah, apparently IRC isn't "social" enough22:13
wiggyany launchpad developers/admins present?22:31
wiggywe (plone in this case) are having a problem with the download service22:31
Kmoswiggy: try to mail feedback@launchpad.net22:34
rick_h_anyone have a link for the article on using LP/PPAs with bzr. I know I saw it, but my google is letting me down22:35
rick_h_hmm, maybe I'm thinking of the autoppa stuff22:36
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Rinchenwiggy, what type of problem?22:40
wiggyRinchen: https://bugs.launchpad.net/malone/+bug/17309622:41
ubotuLaunchpad bug 173096 in malone "Misleading "Content-Encoding: gzip" header on downloads" [Undecided,New] 22:41
wiggythat is confusing users and we're getting bugreports about it22:41
RinchenWe had something similar (but not quite the same) happen a while ago. 22:42
wiggyjust removing that Content-Encoding header should be a simple and safe fix22:42
wiggyI'm not aware of anything using that header22:42
Rinchenwiggy, I'll ask around and see if someone can look into it tonight/tomorrow.22:43
wiggythat would be awesome22:43
wiggywe're very happy with it otherwise22:43
Rinchenwiggy, worst case I'll have it triaged in the morning UK time22:44
wiggymuch appreciated22:44
* wiggy can go to bed untroubled now22:46
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ubotuNew bug: #174037 in launchpad "Changes to bug status and adding comment not simultaneously possible" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17403723:41
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ubotuNew bug: #174038 in soyuz "bad md5sum in Packages file" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17403823:45

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