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rafalubuntu is quite nice distro (despite some bugs I noticed)  :)00:16
gaminggeekbugs in hardy?00:16
gaminggeekor in gutsy?00:16
rafalhmm nope in 7.1000:16
rafalhardy is the testing version I guess?00:16
gaminggeekthen your in the wrong channel :)00:16
PiciWe're way in alpha still.00:16
gaminggeekso what sexyness is planned for hardy?00:17
rafalI am best alpha/beta tester00:17
rafalperhaps I can help a bit with next ubuntu?00:18
bazhang_gaminggeek: try the livecd or join the hardy-changes mailing list or both :}00:18
gaminggeekok :)00:18
bazhang_rafal: there is a launchpad firefox plugin that lets you easily access launchpad00:18
gaminggeekor I suppose I could look at launchpad :)00:18
gaminggeekbut I was just trying to start a convo :)00:19
rafaldoes it make sense to test in qemu or other virtuall?00:19
bazhang_gaminggeek: that would be #ubuntu-offtopic00:19
rafalso I can continue work on stable ubuntu, while doing less important stuff in virtuall00:19
bazhang_rafal: I tried the livecd and then installed it00:19
gaminggeekbut it was ontopic for hardy00:19
gaminggeekanyway that doesnt matter I will shut up now00:20
jcrawfordhow do i get the alpha release and is it just source code or in live cd form?01:08
IdleOnejcrawford: state your problems in here perhaps someone can give you more info or check out blueprints.launchpad.net01:08
jcrawfordwell I have the BCM4328 wifi card and I cannot get it to be recognized at all (except under lspci)01:09
crimsunnote that that image does not have today's 2.6.24-1.1 linux, which sports the shiny b43 driver.01:09
jcrawfordi have tried using madwifi drivers, even the BCM43xx drivers/firmware but it will not be seen with network manager or wifi-radar01:10
jcrawfordi should mention i am o9n a mac pro01:10
IdleOnethat was a test sorry for the repeat01:10
jcrawfordcrimsun: is there not a cd image with the b43 driver?01:11
crimsunnot yet.01:12
crimsun(which I answered above)01:12
jcrawfordno you didnt answer that lol you just said that the image you stated did not have it, not that there was not an image yet :)01:12
jcrawfordok cool, maybe i will just wait for the next alpha image then01:13
jcrawfordbecause i wonder if that would help or not01:13
jcrawfordmay have just sole my mac pro lol01:24
jcrawfordif so i am building a nice amd phenom server01:24
LimCorehow to set custom DPI like 110 ?05:16
RAOFSystem->Preferences->Appearance->Font -> DPI05:19
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LimCorehow to use skype on amd64 ubuntu?06:09
RAOFDownload it & run it, generally.06:10
RAOF(You probably want the static-linked i386 binary)06:11
LimCoreRAOF: it fails06:11
LimCore error while loading shared libraries: libQtDBus.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory06:11
LimCorethe lib is therem but only in 64bit verision06:11
RAOFDid you get the statically linked version?06:11
RAOFFailing that, ia32-libs.06:12
RAOFIf that doesn't have it, then you can manually futz with things (download the i386 deb with that binary, unpack it, copy the lib to /usr/lib32)06:13
LimCorethis is interesting http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47479006:13
LimCoreRAOF: this script seems to be doing this06:13
RAOFI think that may even be in the archives.06:13
RAOF!info getlibs06:13
ubotuPackage getlibs does not exist in gutsy06:13
RAOF!info getlibs hardy06:14
ubotuPackage getlibs does not exist in hardy06:14
LimCorebah, wrong key06:15
LimCoreare there plans to put that usable script to next ubuntu?06:15
RAOFI don't think so.  It's not really archive material, in my opinion.06:15
LimCoreyes, doing it all by hand is much more fun06:16
RAOFBasically, it breaks apt.06:17
LimCoreso what is the correct way to run 32 bit apps like skype in amd64 ubuntu?06:18
RAOFLimCore: To file bugs against the relevant ia32-libs package until it has all the libraries you need.06:18
RAOFBut the *real* way to run 32bit apps in x86-64 Ubuntu is to not use crappy proprietary stuff ;)06:19
RAOFThere's not really a good way, frankly.06:20
RAOFBut the it's only a problem for (relatively few) proprietary programs, so it's hard to really get worked up about it.06:21
LimCoreRAOF: so, we do have some open source software ready to replace software with several departments of developers to polish up, QA teams, not to mention hosting costs for milions of users?06:28
LimCoreI only tried wengophone, but it didnt worked back then06:29
RAOFLimCore: Ekiga?06:29
pbandjcocan anyone help me with a problem accessing my raid array. i get an $MFT has invalid magic error. and it wants me to mount the raid device under "/dev/mapper" ?06:29
LimCoreRAOF: isnt ekiga older name for wengo?06:30
RAOFI don't think so.  Check it out, it's Gnome's official VoIP app.06:30
crdlbekiga is gnomemeeting renamed06:30
RAOFOf course, it won't connect to skype's network.06:30
LimCoreLimCore: about replacing propertiray... in some places I do not see any alternative... like say Flash06:30
LimCoreeven if I would say "ok lets ignore milions of flash movies there, I will use something totally different" is there any free format?  like OOP is a full replacement for MS doc format06:31
RAOFLimCore: Flash we deal with.06:31
RAOFLimCore: Plus, gnash is getting pretty good.06:31
LimCoredon't want to complain.. but gnash seemed to have trouble playing youtube even06:32
RAOFWorks now, I think.06:32
RAOFOr maybe not, maybe youtube broke it again.06:32
LimCoretested today on 7.10 amd64, movie itself was very very low quality, and buttons in the embbed player flash where in wrong positions06:33
RAOFWell, we make flashplugin-nonfree work on x86-64 by sticking in a small 64-32bit shim.06:34
RAOFWhich isn't awesome, but mostly works.06:34
pbandjcoany help with mdraid?06:35
RAOFBasically, proprietary stuff will *always* me more of a pain than open stuff (see the vmware-server stuff in gutsy-partner, for example)06:35
RAOFpbandjco: No, sorry.  Although mounting the raid under /dev/mapper seems perfectly reasonable.06:36
LimCoreRAOF: on the other hand..  why OS did not invent own, better, flash-like format... or skype-like thing; and make it actually work (from program through QA and polish/help up to marketing/support)06:36
pbandjcoRAOF: how would i go about doing that? sorry i have only been using Linux for about 3hrs06:36
RAOFpbandjco: Then this isn't where you want to be asking.  This is for support/questions about the development version of Ubuntu, Hardy Heron.  If you're new, you *really* don't want to be running this.06:38
RAOFpbandjco: Support for Gutsy (Ubuntu 7.10) and below is in #ubuntu.06:38
pbandjcoRAOF: i am on that channel but no one is answering, so i came here06:39
RAOFLimCore: On the skype front: In what way does ekiga not work for you?  And on the flash front: probably because flash *exists*.06:39
RAOFpbandjco: You might just have to be patient.  #ubuntu is a bit noisy, generally.  You may also want to try the forums: http://ubuntuforums.org06:39
LimCoreRAOF: will ekiga work if both people are behind NAT/firewall, and are conference calls suported?06:39
pbandjcoRAOF: ok thanks06:39
RAOFLimCore: Yes to the first, and I'm not sure about the second.06:40
RAOFLimCore: But probably.06:40
LimCorewell, then too bad OS is late (same for flash)06:40
RAOFWe can still implement flash.  That's what gnash is, after all.06:41
RAOFIt's a reasonably transparent standard, from what I gather.06:41
LimCorehmm in general I think OS is doing stuff... but it fully catches up after several years06:42
vincenzIs this the place for help with gutsy?06:43
LimCorevincenz: #ubuntu better06:43
RAOFvincenz: No, that'd be #ubuntu06:43
RAOFIn some ways it's ahead, in some ways it's behind.  I'm not sure how Windows does on network-transparent audio, for example.06:44
RAOFPulseaudio is *awesome*.06:44
LimCoreRAOF: as for skype on amd6406:45
LimCorecan we write a package that will automatically download skype from skype.com, and also install needed 32 bit libs?06:45
LimCoreit would be much more comfortable then googling forums...06:45
RAOFPossibly.  If that's not against the license.06:46
LimCoreor at least write like "Now press ENTER to lunch web browser, click there to Download, and then press ENTER back here to unpack & run"06:46
RAOFNo, not really.06:47
RAOFIt's in Gutsy-partner, though, isn't it?06:47
RAOFNot for amd64, obviously, because they don't support that.06:47
LimCoreso.. if we can, then... lets do it :) ?06:47
RAOFDo you have ia32-libs-kde installed?  That may well have the library you're after, anyway.06:48
LimCoreamd64 not ia32 ?06:48
RAOFia32-libs-* are a bunch of arch:amd64 packages containing ia32 libraries.  Kinda a poor-man's multiarch.06:49
LimCoreany plans for full multiarch for ubuntu?06:50
RAOFNot going to happen until Debian do it.  That big a divergence from Debian would *kill* universe.06:50
RAOF(Where we have tens of active devs, and ~20K packages)06:51
LimCoreFailed to fetch the changelog for wesnoth06:53
LimCoreURI was: http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/universe/w/wesnoth/wesnoth_1.2.6-1ubuntu2.2/changelog06:53
LimCoreI get this all the time, is all ok?06:53
hwildeI  have ubuntu installed on a 2G compact flash.  it went into read-only mode somehow.  why would this happen?  I am thinking extreme fragmentation.  anybody have links on the topic?07:26
hwildesimilar issue described there07:31
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BUGabundohy there!12:46
BUGabundoazureus  (both form reps, and site) gives a core dump on hardy12:46
BUGabundoanyone having that trouble too?12:46
void^BUGabundo: xcb related?13:01
BUGabundowhat's xcb void^?13:06
void^BUGabundo: well, does it say anything besides core dumped?13:07
void^(sorry, i'll be away for ~30 minutes)13:07
BUGabundolet me check void^13:08
BUGabundojava: xcb_xlib.c:82: xcb_xlib_unlock: Assertion `c->xlib.lock' failed., void^13:09
crimsunBUGabundo: that's a bug in sun-bin[56]*13:12
crimsunBUGabundo: use icedtea instead13:12
webjamesHi, has anyone ran hardy in virtualbox?13:13
void^BUGabundo: as crimsun said, or export LIBXCB_ALLOW_SLOPPY_LOCK=true13:24
void^(strangely enough, icedtea in hardy doesn't fix the problem for me on 64bit)13:27
BUGabundovoid^ are you here now?13:30
AmaranthBUGabundo: It's java being stupid with threading, use iceatea instead13:30
BUGabundoso, should I just edit the az script and change the java path, Amaranth ?13:31
void^BUGabundo: are you on 32bit or 64bit?13:31
AmaranthI don't think you have to change the path in the script but sure13:32
BUGabundothat way it is always set to iceatea13:32
BUGabundook, new prob13:33
void^ubuntu's azureus script uses icedtea automatically if present, the original script just uses the default jre (java -version)13:33
BUGabundoicedtea-java7-bin:  Depends: icedtea-java7-jre but it is not going to be installed ;  Depends: libgif4 but it is not going to be installed13:33
void^libgif<>libungif collission, you can force it with apt-get install icedtea-java7-bin13:35
BUGabundovoid^ forcing that lib, removes some other gnome libs.13:48
BUGabundoaint there any other way ?13:48
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void^BUGabundo: like i said earlier, 'export LIBXCB_ALLOW_SLOPPY_LOCK=true' should fix it15:15
LimCore /j #allegro15:16
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BUGabundoalmost LimCore15:23
BUGabundotrying void^15:24
BUGabundoits seems to work. thanks!15:26
dr_evilgood evening h3sp4wn16:01
h3sp4wndr_evil: Hi16:43
dr_evilsorry, need to leave now, the notebook power supply broke down...16:45
pwnguinis there a way to get pidgin to hide the buddy list on startup?18:54
coNP[uni]pwnguin: sure18:55
pwnguincoNP[uni]: and it is?18:57
coNP[uni]I tried to find the setting, but cannot18:57
coNP[uni]It seems to behave so by default18:57
pwnguinwell me too18:57
coNP[uni]sorry, I have no more ideas18:58
pwnguinhmm. im on a gutsy workstation right now. maybe it changed in hardy.18:58
pwnguini'll test there18:58
graftanyone experience an issue with xvideo playback shaking up and down with the latest fglrx drivers?22:07
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