
=== cjwatson_ is now known as cjwatson
CIA-4ubiquity: evand * r2374 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/frontend/gtk_ui.py): * Save state in between runs of migration-assistant (LP: #151126).16:37
proprietarysucksI'm having difficulties with using a few things in a kickstart file for ubuntu18:56
proprietarysucksfor one, I want to disable ubuntu updating security or disable it asking to continue when it cannot do so18:57
proprietarysucksI have added the line,       preseed apt-setup/security_host string     to my kickstart file but it has no effect18:57
proprietarysucksI have tried in the pre section, altering the /etc/hosts and also the /target/etc/hosts files, but those changes are apparently never made18:58
cjwatsonproprietarysucks: I bet you'll find an error in syslog about that ...19:01
cjwatsonproprietarysucks: try:19:01
cjwatsonpreseed apt-setup/security_host string ""19:01
cjwatsonI acknowledge that this is non-obvious, and I've changed the implementation upstream to permit a missing third argument19:04
proprietarysucksyeah I see what is going on with that; I'm trying it now19:05
proprietarysucksI'll let you know in about 5-7min19:05
cjwatson/var/log/syslog is always worth looking at in the installer environment if Kickstart doesn't do what you expect; it often contains warning messages19:06
cjwatsonsearch for "kickseed"19:06
proprietarysucksdidn't work19:13
proprietarysucksnothing obvious19:15
proprietarysucksdon't see anything about it with grep terms, kickseed, preseed, security19:15
cjwatsonplease file a bug against the Ubuntu kickseed package, attaching your Kickstart file (with any passwords removed) and /var/log/syslog from the installer environment19:18
proprietarysuckshow can I get that syslog off19:21
evandanna-install openssh-client-udeb from a VT19:24
proprietarysucksstupid but how do I submit a bug, I only see lists of bugs19:25
proprietarysucksI'm logged in but I must be blind because I don't see anywhere to actually submit19:25
cjwatsonevand's link is quicker once you know about it, but also bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu -> below the "Key contacts" table there's a red "Report a bug" button19:28
proprietarysucksok so I've got the syslog, should I include the kickstart file too or not19:29
proprietarysucksand what else should I include, filewise19:29
cjwatsonthe files I asked for above, please19:30
cjwatson"your Kickstart file (with any passwords removed) and /var/log/syslog from the installer environment"19:30
proprietarysucksSorry, something just went wrong in Launchpad. We’ve recorded what happened, and we’ll fix it as soon as possible. Apologies for the inconvenience.19:43
cjwatsonyou can mail stuff to ubuntu-installer@lists.ubuntu.com19:51
cjwatsonI prefer bugs, but in a pinch ...19:51
proprietarysucksyeah I emailed that19:53
proprietarysucksonly had to register two times and spend half an hour to report a bug T_T19:53
proprietarysucksanyways I'm done with this issue for now, thanks bye19:53

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