
macogwUbulette: thank you!01:15
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
Mirvasac: hi. any plan on when to include the Finnish and Russian translations for ubufox? (the bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubufox/+bug/139380 )09:11
ubotuLaunchpad bug 139380 in ubufox "Untranslated strings in ubufox" [Undecided,Confirmed]09:11
Mirvalso, the https://code.launchpad.net/ubufox/ page is a bit fuzzy with so many branches.. is "main" or "ubuntu" the trunk, or which..09:12
MirvDanial Abmarov's branch has the ru-ru and fi-FI locales, so they could be merged from there most easily09:13
asacMirv: yes we should clean up the ubufox branches09:15
asacthe point about the translations is that it should be done by rosetta09:15
asac(for hardy)09:15
asacin gutsy it was my fault09:15
Mirvyep, Rosetta is easier for most, I originally provided those indeed for gutsy09:18
asac_damn connection11:43
asac \o/ i am back12:01
asacwell ... not for long as it looks like12:03
=== asac_ is now known as asac
asacUbulette_: which changes did you want to land for the b1 update?14:15
asaclet me know ... i could pull them for this update14:15
asacor are those b2 only?14:15
* asac gateway updated ... rebooting14:16
=== asac_ is now known as asac
persiaHi.  I'm just trolling lintian output, and wanted to request a Maintainer: change from "Ubuntu-Mozilla-Team" to "Ubuntu Mozilla Team" to address some of http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/lintian/reports/Tmaintainer-not-full-name.html14:35
asacok so its just sunbird?14:36
persiaWell, 4 packages, but it looks that way.  I don't know how the sources are organised.14:38
asacsame source14:39
persiaEasy then :)  Thanks.14:40
asacpersia: fixed in bzr14:40
persiaExcellent!  Now to do something about the rest of the output :)14:41
asacxulrunner MIR submitted15:04
asaclets see15:04
bluekujaasac, ciao alex17:11
bluekujaUbulette_, seamonkey accepted17:11
bluekujaif you didnt notice17:12
asacbluekuja: yes ... thanks17:12
bluekujaasac, sorry for the delay17:12
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
=== Ubulette_ is now known as Ubulette
janimoUbulette: do you know what --enable-safe-browsing does in xulrunner-1.9 config options?21:45
janimoUbulette: removing it made pyxpcom work fine whereas it crashed if left in. This is with the OLPC browser's python interface to xulrunner21:46
Ubulettethat's the anti-fishing feature21:51
Ubulettejanimo, did you open a bug upstream ?21:54
janimodidn;t cross my mind TBH21:54
janimoI am not sure it's an upstream bug or feature or caused by ubuntu patches or what21:55
Ubulettei don't think it's our patches21:56
asacok back :)23:15
asacwhere is janimo?23:15
asacwho is janimo?23:15
Ubulettethe guys doing Sugar debs23:16
asacso url-classifier breaks pyxpcom?23:16
Ubulettehe said safe-browsing23:16
asacwell ... we don't build with safe browsing, but url-classifier23:16
asacso i think its the classifier :)23:16
* asac wonders if the problem is still there with our branch23:17
Ubulettewe *do* safe browsing23:17
asacin xul?23:17
asacoh right ... we should use --enable-url-classifier ... but its the same from what i saw in code23:18
asac(same for xul)23:18
asaclets wait for him to return :)23:19
Ubulettestill no advocate for prism23:22
asacdidn't persia look at it?23:23
Ubulettepersia said it's a really good package but he can't test it as he's not a user of the webapps web sites23:24
Ubulettehe did the review, but no test23:24
asacdid he comment on revu?23:26
Ubulettehe contacted me by email23:27
Ubuletteand we've discussed a lot on irc23:27
Ubulettebut my last update has no comment at all23:27
asacok i will try to remember to bug him tomorrow on that23:28
asache should drop his packaging comments23:28
asacto revu23:28
asacthen we will find a sponsor23:28
Ubulettehe's in JST so he'll be here soon23:29
Ubuletteit's 8:30am JST23:30
asacwhat corner of the world is that?23:30
asacmust be pretty boring there :)23:30
asacJapan standard time :)23:30
asacwell i will probably be off ... but i think he is a hobbiest ... so best to catch in his after work hours ... aka tomorrow23:30
Ubulettei should try my japanese on him ;)23:31
asacif its not too bad :)23:31
Ubulettein fact, he said "I live on JST", not i'm in japan or i'm japanese so I don't know if he speaks japanese at all ;)23:32
asacyeah :)23:33
asacprobably he just has adjusted his day-live to be night-live and vv23:35
asac@time tokyo23:35
ubotuCurrent time in Asia/Tokyo: December 05 2007, 08:35:29 - Next meeting: Xubuntu meeting in 20 hours 54 minutes23:35
Ubuletteinstall intlclock :)23:37
asaci am happy with the bot ;)23:38
asacif we cannot get feedback from persia, i can sponsor prism23:39
asacwe already achieved what we wanted ... get them to know you23:40
asacif we do that a few more times they know you good enough ;)23:40
UbuletteI can post seamonkey 1.1.7 there too23:40
asacisn't it NEWed already?23:41
asacbluekuja said it was NEWed23:41
asacok .... but the bins for i386 are not in NEw23:44
asacso they should be available already23:44
asac \o/23:44
asachmm ... lets review that tomorrow :)23:44
asacyes ... looks good23:49
asacare you interested in security ?23:51
Ubulettethat's part of my real job23:51
asacthe one thing i like about mozilla is that its big enough ... has had enough security issues to pursue statistical analysis on it :)23:51
asacits not the first paper that looks into security stats based on mozilla :)23:52
asacthats the actual paper23:53
Ubulettenice chart23:53
asacyeah ... i find table 1 on page 5 interesting .)23:59
asaci remember how much pain it was to backport security fixes for nsCSSFrameConstructor23:59
asacand how easy all those js things were23:59
asac :)23:59

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