
wilberfanhelp!  I just installed the ubuntu-desktop...and none of my open windows have borders or title bars (and I can't drag them off the upper left corner where they open...)00:52
wilberfan(other than that--i'm enjoying mythtv quite a bit!)00:53
directhexsounds like a compiz issue00:53
wilberfani don't have compiz running--do i?00:54
wilberfanor is compiz a default part of gutsy ubuntu...?00:54
wilberfan(didn't used to be)00:54
directhexyes, it's default on supposedly supported hardware00:55
directhexdisable it with: system/preferences/appearance/visual effects -> none00:55
wilberfanany idea how to drag this irc window out of the upper-left of the screen--so i can get at the system menu?!  (LOL)00:55
wilberfan"None" is already selected...  :-O00:59
directhexmetacity being weird? how odd01:00
wilberfanany ideas?01:01
wilberfanand my cpu is a solid 99%01:01
wilberfan(don't know if that's related or not)01:01
sxealexchecked that section01:02
sxealexstill no go01:02
sxealexthats my config file01:02
=== Varka_ is now known as Varka
wilberfanis there an easy way to change all the window colors from that "mythbuntu" blue-grey?02:09
wilberfan(i'm talking about in xfce when you quit the frontend)02:09
lelikhi guys.. I have a question: I have a lot of DVDs with mpeg4/avi files. How can I play them in mythtv? I tried to google this issue, but did not find reasonable answer.02:51
JThundleycopy the file to your mythvideo dir02:53
lelikis it the only one solution?02:54
lelikis it possible to insert disk, select the file and play it?02:55
JThundleyI don't think so, through the frontend anyway02:56
JThundleywrite a script to play the files and bind it to a remote button with lirc :)02:57
lelikam I the only one who has such needs? ;-)02:59
JThundleyyeah you weirdo, why do you have a bunch of avi's on dvds?03:00
JThundleybuy a bigger hard drive :p03:00
lelikhehe.. :-)03:00
lelikI just saved interesting movies on DVDs to free some space..03:01
lelikok.. I got it..03:01
JThundleyscripting an lirc button isn't as hard as it sounds03:02
JThundleyI have quite a few set up, I have one button music, one button music videos, one button howard stern, and a sleeptimer with osd and badass sound :)03:02
lelikthen there is another issue: If I downloaded video file to mythvideo folder, will this file be seen by default, or I should rescan this folder?03:03
lelikbecause, my wife will shoot me out, if she will need to rescan the folder all the time, when she downloads new movie :-)03:04
lelikJThundley: is it possible to do so?03:09
JThundleyyou don't have to rescan03:10
LinuxKeitarodoes anyone know of a site with a feature-by-feature comparison of Knopmyth, Mythbuntu, and Mythdora?03:49
tgm4883_laptopLinuxKeitaro, well wouldn't the real features be of mythtv?03:54
LinuxKeitarogood point, but I think like plugins or codecs it comes with or something like that03:54
LinuxKeitaroif they're all the same, then why have more than one? ;)03:54
tgm4883_laptopsome are easier than others, obviously they are built on different flavors03:55
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RabidLockerGnomehey guys, anyone awake?05:53
K4ko, wow, there is a mythbuntu channel, awesome06:12
K4kI have a question for you guys. I just installed Ubuntu server and then mythbuntu followed by mythtv...howver, when I run dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-database, I get an error saying my username and password are wrong...what is the default?06:13
JThundleyI think mine was randomly generated06:15
JThundleyif you need to reconfigure it, I bet you could just delete the database and/or mysql conf files06:15
RabidLockerGnomerun mysql -p06:18
RabidLockerGnomesry, sudo mysql -p06:18
K4kI have what it says in /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt, but those credentials do not work06:25
RabidLockerGnomeewww schedulesdirect is too much money06:27
RabidLockerGnomedamn, no more listings form e06:28
JThundley$20 per year is too much?06:29
RabidLockerGnomeyes, 20$/year is more than i can afford right now hehe06:31
RabidLockerGnomeK4k, idk im just setting this up for the first time tonight06:31
K4kok, now what06:32
K4kit says mysql>06:32
RabidLockerGnomenow you can do a 'drop user mythtv;'06:33
RabidLockerGnomethen run: grant all on accounts.* to mythtv@localhost identified by 'YourMagicalPassword';06:34
RabidLockerGnomeyou have to create the database first06:36
RabidLockerGnomeso: create database mythdatabasename;06:36
RabidLockerGnomethen run: grant all on mythdatabasename.* to mythtv@localhost identified by 'YourMagicalPassword';06:37
RabidLockerGnomehmm is there a way to set the theme thru the console?06:41
RabidLockerGnomei think changing to "OpenGL" screwed me over06:41
K4kI know not the first thing about databases06:51
K4kwhen I do that, and do identify by 'passwordhere': it doesn't give error, but ; does06:57
fxrdoes anyone know what nvidia drivers i should use for a 5200 card, ve fiddled with settings on in xorg.conf , myth for nearly a day now, and i just cant work out what is causing the tearing on my playback.. i am considering using older drivers as my setup worked flawlessly on muthdora til i had to replace my motherboard07:19
RabidLockerGnomeugggggg cannot connect to master backend server07:29
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RabidLockerGnomecrappp just getting a blue screen in watch-tv mode08:01
pretendercan anyone help me the time is 1 hour of in mythweb.  My regional settings are correct how can i fix this08:53
fxrmmm, just a suggestion but is your bios clock right?08:57
pretenderyeah it keep on resetting itself even after i have set it and saved changes.  Does this mean the Battery has to be replaced09:00
fxryeah id say thats it... has happened me before09:01
pretendercan you buy new ones09:02
fxryup... m not completely sure of the name of them tho, i lifted one from an old board i had lying around09:03
pretenderok thanks for the advise09:04
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alexvdI cannot figure out why my channel change script is not working.  I have used it successfully on knoppmyth.  I have put the file into /usr/local/bin.  I did a chmod +x to execute it.  Then chmod 755 to set permission.  Then I did chmod to 777 /dev/ttyS0.  If i try to run by doing a sony.pl 202 . It timesout16:55
sebrockanyone using the iMON PAD here? I wonder how I can get the PAD to work with Mythbuntu 7.1017:12
alexvdin the knoppmyth forums i think they had someone getting the imon working with instructions.  since it is debian based it should work17:14
sebrockI know of how to compile it and getting it working sure17:15
sebrockbut it is already included in mythbuntu in some way17:15
alexvdwhat are you asking if the remote setup will work with it?17:16
alexvdI dont know if thats the case I guess you want to see if the lirc files are already thier17:16
sebrockthey are all precomiled as far as I can see, cant find the sources to patch17:17
justinhhi folks.  silly question.  if I install mythbuntu I'm not limited to using mythtv 0.20.2 am I?  my backend is 0.20-fixes (from before 0.20.2) and I'll need to compile an older one until I can be absolutely sure my new FE can replace the current one (too hard to rebuild the existing frontend for 0.20.2 anyway)17:28
tgm4883justinh, although I haven't tried it, I dont believe that they use different protocol versions, so you should be ok17:31
sebrockhow do I display the channel icon in OSD? it only appears on my EPG right now17:35
sebrockcant find the setting17:35
justinhI think they do use different database schemas though and I don't want to break anything.  I have backups but it's a PITA to have to roll a database back for something silly17:37
justinhI'll download it & give it a go - apt-get build-dep mythtv mythplugins should just work I think17:38
Davieyjustinh: the wonders of packagaes means you can probably just pull an old deb from previous ubuntu.. :)17:43
Daviey</not guranteed + bad advice>17:43
justinhI don't want to do that17:44
justinhI want to build it myself17:44
sebrockis it up to the OSD to display the channel icons?17:44
Davieyfair nuff17:44
sebrockor is it a general setting?17:44
Davieysebrock: Are the icons accessible from the frontend?17:44
sebrockDaviey, yes, they show in program guide17:45
Davieyie mounted in the same location they exist on the backend via NFS17:45
Davieyoh, i see what you mean..17:45
Davieyhmm.. if the OSD supports icons then they should 'just work'17:45
Davieyjustinh: any ideas ^17:45
sebrockwhich OSD do you use that supports this?17:46
sebrockjust to check if there is something wrong17:46
justinhthe OSD has to support it17:46
justinhall mine do17:46
justinhall my OSD themes support it17:47
justinhgayhem-osd, blootube-osd, glass-wide17:47
sebrockhave to check this17:48
sebrockI just have default themes now I guess17:49
* tgm4883 wonders if gayhem-osd has pictures of the village people on it17:50
directhexY M C A!17:53
justinhwell, I figure this system has nothing to lose, since I've already worked out the hard parts17:56
* justinh considers buying www.onlyslightlybetterthanthecoremythtvthemes.co.uk17:57
sebrockanyone using Mythbuntu?18:09
sebrockor the imon pad?18:09
justinhyou ask if anybody is using mythbuntu, in #ubuntu-mythtv?  lol18:09
sebrockcould use ubuntu and mythtv packages aswell18:10
sebrockanyway, I checked now. Even when using themes that support icons this doesnt show here18:10
sebrockjust the channel number and name18:10
sebrockyou bet18:11
justinhouch!  nul points guys.  no mouse, no install?!  wth is all that about?18:12
justinhinstaller crashed.  ah well.  so long & thanks for all the fish18:17
MythbuntuGuest29anyone know how to post logs of a failed ubuntu install?18:29
MythbuntuGuest29imean mythbuntu install18:30
bluntzanyone here?21:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sendhelp - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:34
bluntzdo b do b do21:37
bluntzis this thing on21:39
JThundleyY HELO21:40
JThundleyyou going to not-idle with me?21:40
bluntzits on!21:41
JThundleyholy hell I might pass out any moment21:42
JThundleygot an hour of sleep last night, literally.21:42
bluntzJT are you using mythbuntu?21:42
JThundleyyou bet your balls I am21:42
bluntzlemmee find my drool cloth21:43
bluntz*gropes around couch*21:43
bluntzwhat card u runnin?21:43
bluntzdude you got some serious lagg21:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wakeup - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:45
bluntzwake up jt21:45
JThundleya PVR-25021:45
bluntzdont pass out on me21:45
bluntzhow do you watch live tv?21:46
JThundleyI don't21:47
JThundleybut if I did, I'd click the "watch live TV" button21:47
bluntzit dont work21:47
JThundleymplayer /dev/video0 ?21:48
bluntznot on mythdora either21:48
bluntzsure I can watch and record in other ways21:49
bluntzbut mythtv  doesnt seem to work21:49
bluntzor I dont know how ,more likely21:49
bluntzis there a good tutorial for setup anywheres?21:50
bluntzmplayer crashed too21:52
bluntzlooked good tho21:52
bluntzI use streamer21:52
bluntzand tvtime21:52
bluntzwith cron21:53
bluntzvlc almost works21:53
bluntz\no sound tho21:53
bluntzheres the mpeg script for streamer21:56
bluntzstreamer -t 30:30 -s 352x240 -r 24 -o movie.avi -f mjpeg -F stereo21:56
bluntzlav2wav +p movie.avi | mp2enc -o audio.mp221:56
bluntzlav2yuv +p movie.avi | mpeg2enc -o video.m1v21:56
bluntzmplex audio.mp2 video.m1v -o movie.mpg21:56
bluntzworks very good for me21:56
bluntzbut it would be nice to just push record....21:57
bluntzyou still with me?21:57
bluntzwassub mang?22:00
bluntzwake up22:02
bluntzwakey wakey!22:02
bluntzno help22:03
bluntzwho is here?22:09
lwizardli have a kworld atsc 110 with remote what option do i need for the remote to work using mythbuntu?22:19
lwizardlit plugs into the card22:20
bluntzneed help22:54
bluntzsend help22:54
NeoFaxbluntz: What is the problem?22:54
bluntzfrom pinnacle22:55
bluntzworks with patchcord22:55
bluntzhow to access it without22:56
NeoFaxbluntz: By patchcord, you mean cable running from the pinnacle card to your sound card?22:57
bluntzfound this22:57
bluntzsox -t ossdsp -r 32000 -b -c 2 /dev/dsp1 -t ossdsp /dev/dsp022:57
NeoFaxbluntz: Check on the ALSA wiki if this card is supported.  Also try cat /proc/asound/cards to see if it shows up there.22:57
bluntzpinnacle is video capture card22:58
bluntzand dont see it in alsamixer22:58
NeoFaxbluntz: But the card has a possible sound chipset on the board which ALSA may pick up.22:59
bluntz 0 [V8235          ]: VIA8233 - VIA 823522:59
bluntz                      VIA 8235 with ALC650F at 0xb000, irq 2022:59
NeoFaxbluntz: That is all /cat /proc/asound/cards shows?23:00
NeoFaxThen you are stuck using the passthrough to get sound.23:01
bluntzwell it worked under another distro in the past23:02
bluntzthink maybe fedora 323:02
bluntzkernel 2.6.8 prolly23:03
NeoFaxbluntz: OK then what does lspci show for that card?  Use this as the basis to interrogate google.23:03
bluntz00:05.1 Multimedia controller: Brooktree Corporation Bt878 Audio Capture (rev 11)23:04
bluntz        Subsystem: Pinnacle Systems Inc. PCTV pro (TV + FM stereo receiver, audio section)23:04
bluntz        Flags: medium devsel, IRQ 1923:04
bluntz        Memory at e2001000 (32-bit, prefetchable) [size=4K]23:04
bluntz        Capabilities: <access denied>23:04
bluntzinfo is wrong id23:04
bluntzno fm tuner23:04
bluntzread somewhere sox will redirect it23:05
bluntzand found 2 scripts23:06
bluntz00:05.1 Multimedia controller: Brooktree Corporation Bt878 Audio Capture (rev 11)23:06
bluntz        Subsystem: Pinnacle Systems Inc. PCTV pro (TV + FM stereo receiver, audio section)23:06
bluntz        Flags: medium devsel, IRQ 1923:06
bluntz        Memory at e2001000 (32-bit, prefetchable) [size=4K]23:06
bluntz        Capabilities: <access denied>23:06
bluntzsox -r 32000 -c 2 -t ossdsp /dev/dsp1 -t sw - | esdcat -r 3200023:07
bluntznot working23:07
bluntzsox -t ossdsp -r 32000 -b -c 2 /dev/dsp1 -t ossdsp /dev/dsp023:08
bluntzno good23:08
bluntzarecord -B 16000 -D hw:1 -c 2 -r 32000 -f S16_LE | aplay -23:08
bluntzanother one23:08
bluntzread error23:09
bluntznow if I change dsp to dsp023:09
bluntzwith sox scr23:10
bluntzI get some activity in console23:10
bluntzbut how do I set myth to rec sound from line in?23:12
bluntzo well23:21
bluntzguess Ill use mythdora,at least it works!23:21
NeoFaxbluntz you would have to tell alsa to turn on the input mixer23:21
NeoFaxThen in the mythtv setup tell it to use that mixer channel23:22
sebrockis it possible to apply patches to the lirc in mythbuntu??23:59

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