
=== vorian_ is now known as vorian
ubotujavaJake called the ops in #ubuntu ()00:32
LjLfirst one who says again that i should have chosen other nicknames gets a free ban00:35
PiciI dont think they're evil...00:35
LjLi've just restarted them to change the limit from 11 to 12 btw00:36
LjLwe should hopefully get drastically fewer false positives00:36
ubotuIdleOne called the ops in #ubuntu (^lisa19^)01:27
Ashfire908why am i being forewared?03:09
Ashfire908i'm registered and stuff03:09
* Hobbsee waits03:10
Hobbseethis is a very good question....03:12
HobbseeAshfire908: this is from #ubuntu?03:12
HobbseePici: ?03:13
PiciHobbsee: quit message iirc03:13
* Pici looks03:13
Hobbsee2007-12-03T05:39:43 *** Ashfire has quit IRC (""rm -R ~/" is not your friend")03:14
Ashfire908it's a joke03:14
Ashfire908but fine03:14
Hobbseeinteresting ban choice.03:14
Pici*I* know its a joke, but there are a lot of people who type commands w/o knowing what they do in #ubuntu03:14
PiciAshfire908: You'll remove it then?03:15
Ashfire908i put it there cause i did that and was going to restore my folder with a backup but the backup was in the folder i deleted. plus, it kinda tells you "don't run" doesn't it?03:16
Ashfire908i removed it on this comp. one sec...03:16
juanbondHow can I join #ubuntu?  I keep getting redirected to #ubuntu-read-topic.03:16
juanbondI've followed the instructions but still get redirected there.03:16
PiciAshfire908: I had a user ask me earlier what `find ~/ -exec rm {}` did, because they just did it and whated to know what it did.03:16
Ashfire908i did on this one. let me get it on my other computer.03:16
mneptokseems like someone *didn't* follow the instructions ;)03:18
PiciAshfire908: ban removed, have a nice day.03:18
PiciHobbsee: you mean the forward? or the hostmask choice?03:18
HobbseePici: neither03:18
PiciOr the reason?03:19
no0ticmneptok, lol :)03:19
juanbondI'm alerting an op to allow me back into #ubuntu :)03:19
Ashfire908...am i going to get banned for being smart by setting it to "[Joke Removed]" am i?03:19
PiciAshfire908: Nah :)03:19
Hobbseesarah@LongPointyStick:~$ [Joke Removed]03:20
Hobbseebash: [Joke: command not found03:20
Hobbseenot dangerous :)03:20
Hobbseefeels weird seeing bash again03:20
mneptokAshfire908: and you're right. the joke was removed. because that new mesg isn't funny! ;)03:20
mneptokHobbsee: join us zsh users in 2007.03:20
Ashfire908......any chance of haveing the joke with /home/ahampe?03:21
mneptokAshfire908: no. do not put code snippets that can lead to data loss in public automatic IRC text03:21
Hobbseemneptok: i'm using zsh already, this is why it's weird seeing bash ;)03:21
Ashfire908what about echo "you shouldn't run every command you see" > ~/what_are_you_thinking03:23
Hobbseethat works :)03:23
PiciI should start using zsh03:23
Hobbseeassuming no one has a currently existing file called ~/what_are_you_thinking, which is a fairly safe guess03:23
Ashfire908unless you want me to like put a shell script in my quit message...03:24
Ashfire908...ok uh "Don't run everything you see in a terminal unless /dev/brain > /dev/null" is /dev/brain > /dev/null safe? lol03:26
* Ashfire908 will stop bugging you guys after i get a yes or no03:26
Hobbseeyeah, i'd say so03:26
coolbhavimay I have your attention please05:31
coolbhaviIsnt it contribution?05:32
jdongwhat does this have to do with Ubuntu IRC operators?05:32
coolbhavimy Indian community booed me out saying I m a newbie05:33
coolbhaviinspite of being an ubuntu member05:34
jdongif I recall correctly from the last logs you provided, it was due to disruptive mannerisms on your part.05:34
naliothcoolbhavi: we have nothing to do with judging 'contributions'05:34
jdongand having a ubuntu member designation is irrelevant to this situation05:35
coolbhaviOk.... But they called me a fraud05:35
jdongwhat do you wish for us to do?05:35
coolbhaviIsnt answering contributing? I wanted to ask05:36
jdongyes, that's certainly one way of contributing to Ubuntu.05:36
coolbhavithen who gave the authority to call me like that05:37
coolbhaviI think nalioth was there on that channel05:37
jdongjudging from how you came into this channel yesterday and immediately used the ops trigger, probably your IRC mannerisms gave them that impression.05:38
coolbhavithe other day05:38
coolbhaviat least you must have some basic respect for a human being right?05:39
jdongI agree with you that under no circumstances should one member of the Ubuntu community belittle another's skills or contributions, regardless of the level of truth in the statement05:40
jdongbut so far I've yet to see you produce any evidence of such behavior05:40
jdong(but anyway, IRC disputes is beyond my territory, I am not authorized/qualified to handle this situation)05:41
coolbhavisee this.. for an example05:41
coolbhaviI am just telling05:41
jdongif you would like to advance a complaint against various operators, you should prepare accounts of what happened that you feel violates the guidelines05:41
coolbhaviwithout contributing to the community actively How can you judge other peoples' contibutions/caliber05:43
coolbhaviIts plain sense right?05:43
jdongplease provide us with logs of who you believe is making such judgements.05:44
coolbhaviwait a min please05:44
coolbhaviOK leave it.. Its foss behavior......05:45
jdongthis is the second time that upon requesting specific examples of the abuse you are reporting, you instead decide to drop it.05:47
jdongThis is only making us less and less willing to take you seriously each time you do this.05:47
coolbhaviHey cool...... I m just telling I aint filing anything05:48
jdongcoolbhavi: we don't mind you filing anything, we'd be glad to look at it. Just it's a bit annoying that htis is the second time you've started to file something, used our time, then quickly withdrew05:48
coolbhavino just provided an info..05:49
jdongAs a guideline, if you plan on issuing a complaint regarding any wrongdoing on IRC or other medium, come prepared with appropriate logs so we can actually help05:49
coolbhaviTo keep a watch please anytime05:49
jdongalright, take care, and thanks for your contributions to Ubuntu :)05:50
coolbhavino mention mate... I am just doing my bit...05:50
jdongkeep up the good work and congrats on your recent membership05:51
coolbhavithank you05:51
coolbhaviDo keep a watch on the channel if time permits.... Its my sincere request05:52
jdongok. Also feel free to flag our attention by coming in here if you see anything out of control in progress05:53
coolbhavisorry for taking your time05:54
jdongno problem, we are all here to help :)05:54
ubotuIn ubotu, corruptionoflulz said: what is pi?06:17
coolbhavime again... cant we make automatic logging of conversations in an irc channel?06:22
naliothcoolbhavi: there is an official Ubuntu logbot06:23
coolbhaviOK how to invite it into a particular channel? Info please06:25
madcreation1can i be tested please06:55
naliothmadcreation1: you get your client sorted?06:56
naliothwhere were you banned from, madcreation1 ?06:57
madcreation1i was in freenode06:58
naliothyou can rejoin #ubuntu now and thanks for your patience  :)06:58
madcreation1so i'm good?06:58
naliothi wouldn't know about that, madcreation1.  your ban has been removed, though  :p06:59
madcreation1lol thanks06:59
ubotuIn #ubuntu, wols said: !ops aussieman is spamming repeatedly. I guess it's a bot10:30
elkbuntuaussieman is a known11:18
TheSheepI just banned him on xubuntu11:21
* Mez larts Hobbsee 11:38
* Hobbsee larts Mez11:40
Mezyay! I feel wubbed11:40
* Gary farts at Hobbsee 11:41
GaryI mean larts11:41
Garybut I don't know better do I11:44
Garypricey, she is picking on me again11:45
GaryI love you long time11:46
PriceChildSorry Gary, didn't catch that?11:46
Garyshe is picking on me, mwhaaaaa11:46
Garyshe only does it here, as she knows I only have level 511:46
Hobbseeyou really do ask for it, though.11:47
GaryI so do not11:47
GaryI think it is funny though11:47
Garyyour reasons suck though11:48
Hobbseewhy?  waht's my reason?11:48
Gary(poor baby)(lies and propoganda)(lies.  all lies)(You should know better.  Bye!) - those ones11:49
Garyso lame11:49
MezHobbsee, you're abusing Gary AGAIN?11:55
* Mez wonders if they're stuck in the playground again11:55
HobbseeMez: of course not. he's merely spreading lies and propaganda again.11:56
Garyand some soft bark for when you push me over11:57
PriceChildwait... abusing implies he has a real use Mez?11:58
PriceChilda real use *other* than someone hobbsee can kick11:58
Garydo I, woooo11:59
Garywhat other use am I then PriceChild12:02
GaryI thought I was "mostly harmless"12:02
PriceChildGary, I don't know... you'd have to suggest that else the above isn't abuse12:04
Garycan I be the mascot?12:05
Hobbseefor PriceChild to abuse too12:08
troubledheya again12:09
troubledPriceChild: *wave*12:09
troubledso, when bot 1 deop'd bot2 that was because of what?12:10
PriceChildOk so in emergencies... like a bot disappearing, or a netsplit12:10
troubledi assumed that they are eggdrop's?12:10
PriceChildthe bots *ensure* that the channel limit is removed... and to do that they all op and -l12:11
troubledno, i understand why you have multiple bots, probably linked12:11
PriceChildso that normal users don't get caught out12:11
PriceChildthat's why they *all* op12:11
PriceChildwhen emergency is over, they fight for ops by /deop'ing the others12:11
PriceChildthey are not eggdrops12:11
troubled07:02 -!- mode/#ubuntu [-o FloodBot3] by FloodBot112:11
troubledlooks like they are doing op checks12:12
PriceChildread up12:12
troubledya, i see that12:12
troubledbit of a chatty design though12:12
troubledare they able to op each other when services go away?12:13
PriceChildits not needed because one is always opped, and able to remove the limit12:14
troubledwhat if it goes on the split? :)12:14
PriceChildmeh the "no" wasn't accurate12:15
PriceChildmeh depends12:15
troubledi would think that multiple 24/7 op'd bots on seperate servers would be a more redundant way personally12:15
troublednothing wrong with being always op'd. saves a few mode lines as well im sure12:16
troubled(at least for a bot)12:16
stdinif they are all opped then you'll get more "chatter"12:16
PriceChildif they're all opped, it makes it harder to coordinate them so that only one makes decisions.12:16
stdinall of them would be changing the limit12:16
troubledthey arent linked to each other like an egg are they?12:16
PriceChildI don't know how an egg is linked12:17
troubledits just like how irc servers link to each other12:17
stdinthey aren't "irc bots" in the way you normally think of them12:17
troubledthey have a big "party line" they can pass stuff between each other with. commands included12:17
stdinwell, they don't understand /ctcp so they'd have to have a direct IP <-> IP connection to each other12:18
troubledthats hows you link egg's12:18
troubledbasically just a private command and control channel, like ftp12:19
troubledreally, it is a good design to have though. tends to work well for what you are doing i would think12:20
PriceChildjust a private channel where they talk to each other? :/ They already do that.12:21
PriceChildThe point is, if the network is about to break.. that connection is about to go too so they attempt to +o12:21
troubledyes, sorta. except egg's link directly to each other to deal with splits12:21
troubledegg's and channel bots tend to work better when they are linked togethere, run on multiple machines and multiple networks12:22
troubledthis may not be an egg of course, but this kind of design if very standardised i think12:23
PiciPriceChild: ping12:35
PriceChildPici, pong12:39
PiciPriceChild: I need to talk to you about Pelo.12:40
PiciUnless someone has already mentioned it to you.12:40
PriceChildNope haven't heard anything :/12:41
PriceChild*reads up on him*(12:41
Garyis "<queenofcrap>" a rude nickname or am I being stupid?12:52
* Pici doesnt have a problem with it12:52
elkbuntucould be queen of craps for all we know ;)12:52
stdin<tou_grils> needs a +b12:54
somerville32Gary, ... : P12:54
Picielkbuntu: I gave him the !id and !english factoids earlier.12:55
elkbuntuPici, ok thanks12:55
Piciid based off ip address, that could be any language or just gibberish12:56
ikoniaafternoon even13:12
PiciMorning :)13:14
PriceChild* Maryel (n=marisha@cdma-149-87-40.msk.skylink.ru) has joined #ubuntu13:49
PriceChild* Maryel has quit (K-lined)13:49
PriceChild*watches #ubuntu*13:49
elkbuntugood spot13:51
jdonghaha. that's what you get for using CDMA.13:52
elkbuntujdong, given the country, im guessing there is alot of outdated technology in use13:52
PriceChildjdong, cdma?13:52
jdongelkbuntu: plus, they don't get the benefits of a government price-fixed monopoly, like they do in these wonderful States.13:52
jdongwhat's the fun without the $90/month bills and carrier lockin?13:53
jdongPriceChild: cellphone technology13:53
jdongPriceChild: i.e. competitor to GSM13:53
elkbuntuaustralia's ditching cdma anyway13:55
* Amaranth wants LTE14:06
JesperHuijgenshi, I said the f word in #ubuntu, now i am banned, for how long is this14:06
PriceChildone second please14:06
AmaranthLjL: ping?14:07
LjLJesperHuijgens, it's usually just a warning, unless you keep saying it. but i banned you for spamming, what was that link?14:07
elkbuntuAmaranth, LTE?14:08
AmaranthLjL: It's an online simcity clone14:08
JesperHuijgenswell, i said fuck because i pasted that message, I copied my question, but after that i copied that link, it was a game and i wanted to remember it, but i wanted to ask my question again, so i pasted that link14:09
JesperHuijgensdont ban me now :P14:09
AmaranthLjL: He was talking about lincity with someone14:09
LjLJesperHuijgens, careful with the language in the future please. feel free to rejoin14:09
JesperHuijgenscan i ask questions here to?14:09
elkbuntunope, this is not a support channel in any way14:10
JesperHuijgensi am new here, and dont know where to ask14:10
LjLnot unless they're related to channel operation14:10
LjLJesperHuijgens, #ubuntu is the general support channel, then people might direct you to more specific channels, if there are any14:10
LjL!channels > JesperHuijgens    (JesperHuijgens, see the private message from Ubotu)14:10
AmaranthIt's also apparently a pyramid thing14:11
Amaranthyour cities population grows when people visit14:11
JesperHuijgenswell, everybody thanks14:12
PiciJimGrey: Greetings, how can we help you?14:34
JimGreyI was forwarded to #ubuntu-read-topic14:34
JimGreyi have changed to 800114:34
PiciJimGrey: standby for testing.14:34
JimGreyand upgraded my router14:34
PiciJimGrey: Allright, you seem to be okay, let me go ahead and lookup/remove the ban.14:34
PiciJimGrey: Allright, you may rejoin #ubuntu.  We ask that you part this channel though if you have no further business here.14:36
JimGreyok, thx14:36
elkbuntuJesperHuijgens, it's advised you dont lurk in this channel as we occasionally get some nasty people in here, so when you're ready, please /part :)14:38
Garynasty people?  I'm not nasty :'(15:13
elkbuntuGary, no, i was referring to hobbsee ;)15:34
* ikonia burns hobbsee15:35
PiciDo we have a factoid for Ubuntu derivatives?15:35
Garyahh, thats right, pick on her when she ain't here15:35
ikoniaPici: !notubuntu : what you are trying to use is not ubuntu, shut up, stop asking about it, don't argue, go ask their support15:36
ikoniaGary: its the only way I could survive15:36
elkbuntuGary, do you think i'd be silly enough to pick on her while she's here?15:37
ikoniaelkbuntu: I'm not stupid !15:37
GaryI do15:37
Garyyou wooses15:38
* ikonia bottles it15:38
MenZaPici, I trust you're monitoring Sean| ?15:38
GaryMenZa, me too15:38
elkbuntuGary, i have to share a country with her, it's a little more dangerous for me :)15:38
MenZaGary, :)15:38
MenZahey elkbuntu15:38
Garyelkbuntu, haha15:38
ikoniaelkbuntu: but that means you can also give her some of your home baking that we miss out on15:38
GaryMenZa, I mean I am monitoring him15:38
MenZaGary, I figured. :)15:38
Garynot that pici needs to monitor me :p15:39
elkbuntuikonia, you mean *share*?!15:39
PiciMenZa: He parted.15:39
* MenZa monitors Pici 15:39
ikoniaof course share15:39
Picioh, hes back.15:39
MenZaPici, and rejoined. :P15:39
ikoniahe's quiet in #ubuntu15:39
ikoniabut jabbering in #ubuntu-offtopic15:39
MenZaikonia, be happy15:39
ikoniaMenZa: I am happy15:39
* MenZa transfers some happiness from ikonia to himself.15:39
ikoniaha ha h15:40
GaryI'm happy too15:40
ikoniaMenZa: not cool at your end ?15:40
MenZaYeah, I'm good15:40
ikoniagood good15:40
MenZaCan't have enough happiness, though. :P15:40
Garyinfact I'd say I am totally gay :-D15:40
PiciMenZa: you weren't referring to poop, were you?15:40
PiciGary: . . .15:40
* ikonia knows more about gary now15:40
GaryPici, the other words...  he used the sh word too15:40
PiciGary: I know.15:41
GaryPici, gay used to mean happy, in old english15:41
ikoniaI know ;)15:41
MenZaGary, still does15:41
MenZaPici, what Gary said, and then continued to walk the line by saying 'poop', and now, apparently, Apple Q 'screwed' him over. :P15:41
ikoniahe's come to life in #ubuntu15:42
MenZaI wonder why15:42
MenZaHe was just /removed from #ubuntu-offtopic15:42
GaryI warned him15:43
ikoniahe's just left #ubuntu after calling you a fag15:43
Garyand he is not banned... yet15:43
PiciGary: I'm a bit distracted, you might want to oh.. nevermind, I see.15:46
somerville32: (15:46
LjLGary: fixed15:51
PiciI set a ban for him in #ubuntu as well.15:53
GaryI wasn't gonna ban him, but anyways :-)15:58
LjLwell but i was15:58
troubledin case you guys are curious. Although, mind the 2 "dips" in the chart. Most likely just periods when my db was down for maintenance16:17
ikoniasupport in #ubuntu please.16:41
ikoniata menza16:42
PriceChild* Kyral_Laptop (n=kyral@ubuntu/member/kyral) has joined #ubuntuforums17:01
PriceChild<Kyral_Laptop> heyo17:01
PriceChild<Kyral_Laptop> In a couple days, I shall no longer carry this cloak17:01
* Pici shrugs17:01
PriceChildHmmm.... I wonder why that is... maybe perhaps he is reaching the end of two years?17:02
LjL!no mountiso is <reply> To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » or use the "gmountiso" package - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.17:02
ubotuI'll remember that LjL17:02
PriceChildAha... "Joined on 2005-12-05"17:03
Garydoes Kyral not want the cloak, I'm sure that could be removed...17:04
PriceChildnalioth, about cloaks that have expired... if I get a list, can you remove them?17:05
jdongI thought he parted Ubuntu in ancient times.... I'm surprised he still carries it17:07
troubledwell, no need to be here anymore, thanks PC.17:10
Picioh.. thats you.17:11
Picipc is also my nickname somewhere else.17:11
crdlbPici: why do you ban like that? *!user@host* instead of *!*@host ?18:58
Picicrdlb: Thats what irssi does for me, I should look into fixing it.18:59
PiciI admit, it is weird.19:00
crdlb/set ban_type host19:00
PriceChildits not completely wierd19:32
PriceChildhelps stop evaders in a different way19:32
crdlbPriceChild: but it's trivial to evade19:35
PriceChildany ban is trivial to evade if you see the ban placed19:35
crdlbmost people are at least somewhat inconvenienced by a full host ban19:36
crdlbexcept for those that get a new ip address with each connection :/19:36
PriceChildwhich that one would have stopped? (didn't see the ban)19:36
Mezany staff around ?19:42
Meznalioth, are you allowed to tell me if a nick has a cloak assigned to it, and if so, what that cloak is ?19:43
naliothsee #freenode19:44
ubotuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, MenZa said: !meetings is <reply> Meetings for Ubuntu teams are held in #ubuntu-meeting. Also see @schedule for the next few meetings.20:22
LjLa problem with that is that @schedule doesn't work outside of a couple of channels, and not in query either...20:30
LjL!no meetings is <reply> Team meetings are help in #ubuntu-meeting, see « /msg ubotu logs » for transcripts.20:31
Ubotwo`I'll remember that LjL20:31
ubotuI'll remember that LjL20:31
LjLUbotwo`: nick Ubotwo20:32
=== Ubotwo` is now known as Ubotwo
LjL!no meeting is <alias> meetings20:32
ubotuYou are editing an alias. Please repeat the edit command within the next 10 seconds to confirm20:32
ompaul!no meeting is <alias> meetings20:32
ubotuYou are editing an alias. Please repeat the edit command within the next 10 seconds to confirm20:33
ompaul!no meeting is <alias> meetings20:33
ubotuI'll remember that ompaul20:33
ompaulLjL, ?20:33
LjLompaul, that feature has been there for a while20:33
ompaulLjL, you had not repeated that, that was all20:35
LjLompaul, i did it in PM, same with ircmeetings and ircmeeting20:35
ubotuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)20:40
jendaikonia: are you an operator in #ubuntu now?20:49
jendahmm, you should be, though :)20:49
ikoniaI am lagging - I am lagging though20:49
* mneptok coats ikonia in molassess20:50
* jenda coats mneptok in ikonia20:50
ikoniaha ha ha20:51
ikoniaboys, I can't contribute with this lag, I'll try to see whats going on20:52
ikoniapop back later20:52
ikoniaooh that looks better20:55
ikoniayes, lag is cured20:57
naliothmole asses?22:04
naliothonly mneptok would think of such a thing22:05
ompauldo I really want to look at that?22:13
Flare183bluntz is saying random stuff on #ubuntu22:25
=== Pricey is now known as PriceChild

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