
soundrayqueenofcrap__: convert to iso with bchung00:00
xenarpelo: i tried a bunch but this is... Crux. Yes, bottom panel00:00
jcrawfordsoundray: yea i know it's not the community rather broadcom00:00
PeterTnkbreau: I just did a fresh install and it works ok.  Perhaps try removing and reinstalling eclipse?  I don't know how many addons etc you had...00:00
queenofcrap__soundray, ty ty00:00
soundray!info bchunk | queenofcrap__00:00
ubotuqueenofcrap__: bchunk: CD image format conversion from bin/cue to iso/cdr. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.0-6 (gutsy), package size 13 kB, installed size 68 kB00:00
Peloqueenofcrap__, check in the forum or on google but I donT' think it is very reliable , burning it is probably a better option00:00
Agent_bobhmmm i just saw a lot of      dpkg - warning, overriding problem because --force enabled:00:00
Agent_bob This is an essential package - it should not be removed.00:00
carbinenick carbinemonoxide00:00
=== carbine is now known as carbinemonoxide
carbinemonoxideLovely typo.00:01
xenarpelo: yeah there is a bit more contrast in the default theme (human) but lots of windows are stil hard to recognize00:01
carbinemonoxideAnyone here ever get a Segmentation Fault?00:01
kitchecarbinemonoxide: umm all the time00:01
xenarpelo: for instance: gnome-terminal00:01
xenarpelo: as opposed to xmms00:01
Peloxenar,  are you running compiz ?00:01
Luishello everyone00:01
carbinemonoxideKnow how to go about fixing the segmentation fault in stegbreak?00:01
MikeHreportingsjr, I have you tried adding it as an IPP printer?00:02
xenarpelo: or the Add/Remove applications window. What is compiz?00:02
Luiswill installing ubuntu erase everything on my PC, because I kind of want to do that, lol.00:02
nkbreauhow do i set java home ?00:02
reportingsjrMikeH: I'm trying a few things, but I don't have all the info for it00:02
soundrayLuis: it will give you the option00:02
soundrayLuis: it's called something like "use entire hard disk" or similar00:02
Luisnice, I just want to get everything deleted, I already have the things I want backed up so everything else doesn't matter00:02
queenofcrap__i cant seem to find bchung =(00:02
Peloxenar,  compiz = desktop effects,   , can you take a screenshot of your desktop ? and upload it somewhere so we can see what you are talking about, cause in my comp , those are quite clear and easy to read00:02
Luisand danke schon (thanks a lot in German)00:03
soundrayqueenofcrap__: sorry, bchunk00:03
soundrayLuis: gern geschehen00:03
reportingsjrLuis: Danke schoen. xD Kidding..00:03
reportingsjrDanke haesslich. xD00:03
LuisYes, no umlauts on my keyboard, grrrrr00:03
queenofcrap__soundray, yeah that was alot easier to find xD thank you so much for your help <300:03
MikeHreportingsjr, that makes it a bit difficult :S00:03
reportingsjrI know, adding e works for me though00:03
lucianok, i've googled and googled. is there a command line program I can use to connect to a wireless network? i just had a situation (fixed now) where I really would have been able to use such a program.00:03
reportingsjrMikeH: What does?00:04
soundrayLuis: RightAlt-[ followed by the vowel you want to umlaut00:04
nkbreauoh crap... i just wiped our my PATH enviro var... can i roll that back somewhow ???00:04
Orionwhat is the command to join a new server while remaining in this server as well?00:04
MikeHreportingsjr, not knowing anything about it :P00:04
reportingsjrMikeH: Well, I tried scanning the hos tname to no avail. :(00:04
Agent_boblucian iwconfig / ifconfig ?00:04
MikeHOnce you know what protocols it supports, it'd be easy.00:04
PeloOrion, in xchat ? just open a new server from the menu00:04
reportingsjrthe printer? I know. I hate being stupid/ignorant about things.00:04
soundrayLuis: RightAlt-s for the s-sharp00:04
nkbreauhow can i set PATH back to the default when you first boot up00:05
nkbreauif i reboot will it fix it ???00:05
lucianAgent_bob, i've been probing the man files on those but haven't come up with anything that would actually let me connect to a network00:05
Orionthanks pelo, just installed ubuntu for the first time, and installed xchat. Ive never used xchat before.00:05
MACscrThe live cd loads straight to terminal? How do i start the gui?00:05
soundraynkbreau: how did you set the path?00:05
jendaMy sound doesn't work, and it seems there is no ALSA driver for my sound card. It is an Intel ICH8 family card, and there seem to be driver only forthe ICH6 and ICH7 families... what can I do?00:05
nkbreauPATH=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun/jre/bin/java   i did that by mistake wihtout including rest of path00:05
Luis:O danke schön soundray.00:05
sethkMACscr, normally the live cd loads to the gui.  You just did the default boot?00:06
soundrayMACscr: it shouldn't normally. Try Safe Graphics mode00:06
sethkMACscr, if so, there might not be support for your video on the live cd00:06
MikeHAnyone know of a torrent client that supports download time frames and RSS?00:06
Luisalso, this happened last time when I installed ubuntu, but what is wrong with the font on firefox >_<?00:06
PeloOrion, did you install xchat or are you using xchat-gnome that installs with the defaults ? ifyouare using xchat-gnome I strongly recommend you try xchat regular instead00:06
nkbreausoundray, if i reboot will i get the path back i had when i booted up ?00:06
PeloMikeH,  download timeframe , you mean schedular ?00:06
MACscrMy ATI 880XL? Thats odd00:06
soundraynkbreau: that depends entirely on how you changed it in the first place.00:06
nkbreaucommand line00:06
reportingsjrLuis: Do you actually.. know german? or do you just know basic things? (Just wondering! I only know the basics though.)00:06
OrionPelo, I am using xchat-gnome. I didnt see regular xchat in the list, how do I access it?00:06
PeloMikeH,  as in do not dl betwenn 8h and 10h ?00:07
nkbreaudidnt change any files00:07
htmldotcomany known issues with parallels workstation 2.2 and ubuntu 7.10?00:07
nkbreaujust typed PATH=...00:07
LuisMein Deutsch ist nicht so gut.00:07
htmldotcomits not working for me.00:07
soundraynkbreau: just log out and in again to change it back then00:07
PeloOrion,  open a terminal and type sudo apt-get install xchat ,  it will remove xchat-gnome as well00:07
MikeHPelo, Yes. My ISP gives a larger download quota offpeak.00:07
josiahw_why is it that i can ssh into a computer via terminal however when i try using "Places/Connect to server..." it keeps asking me for the password over and over again00:07
Orionthanks pelo00:07
soundrayhtmldotcom: me neither. I switched to VMWare Fusion, which is fine.00:07
reportingsjrLuis: Ok, cause you just said Thank you beautiful Soundray (sorry for the highlight!) :p00:07
reconIs there a way to run SoX in batch mode (as in, convert a file full of a lossy format to wav)?00:07
PeloMikeH, I like utorrent running on wine , but I think you can get all you want from deluge-torrent with some pluggins00:07
PeloMikeH,  if you prefer native00:08
MikeHPelo, I tried utorrent, but the main status window stays black.00:08
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\
MikeHI'd prefer something native tbh, if it can do what I want.00:08
Luisit's so messed up, I don't remember how to fix it, verdammt! The font on firefox :S00:08
Pelorecon, have you looked at soundconverter00:08
reconPelo: ?00:08
PeloMikeH, wine has much improved over the last few releases, you might want to look into it00:09
reconPelo: i'll give it a shot.00:09
soundrayLuis: install firefox-gnome-support00:09
htmldotcomcan some of you guys tell me what you are using for codecs (like mp3 and stuff)? like, are you using ubuntu-restricted-extras?00:09
Pelorecon,  gui app for converteing between sound file formats,  does batch work00:09
MikeHPelo, I've only just this second tried it :P00:09
reconPelo: gui? eww. but i'll use it anyway, as i need the batch.00:09
soundrayLuis: and no Kraftausdrücke here, please :)00:09
Luisthanks soundray, I am off to install ubuntu on my comp. now (am running it from the cd right now)00:09
Luisohh sorry about that, lol.00:09
MethodAnyone available to help me out in installing ubuntu?00:10
reconPelo: actually, i just did "sox *.mp3 *.wav". it worked.00:10
PeloMikeH, very odd about the status windows,  mine works perfectly  but I suggest you try deluge-torrent then ,  there is a package in the repos, you can get the plugins from their website00:10
reconMethod: insert CD. click. done.00:10
soundrayLuis: we have this time again an aftersee.00:10
Orionpelo, now on xchat thanks00:10
htmldotcomsoundray: whats the difference between vmware fusion and workstation?00:10
PeloOrion,  welcome to the bigish leagues00:10
MethodRecon, I realize it's easy when using the entire drive, I've done this before, but I'm trying to dual boot with a drive that has windows on it.00:10
soundrayhtmldotcom: Fusion is for Mac OS X00:11
reconMethod: as did I. it'll auto set up grub to dual boot.00:11
htmldotcomah, ok00:11
MikeHHrm, I didn't think of Azureus Pelo00:11
reconMethod: just tell it to use 1. the free space on a drive, or 2. the second drive you're using.00:11
MikeHWhat's that like these days?00:11
MethodWell lemme explain then.00:11
PeloMikeH,  I try to forget azureus as much as possible, but I still have nightmares00:11
sethkMethod, even the dual boot is fairly easy00:11
Jordan_UMikeH, Still bloated, but otherwise good00:12
MethodI'm on the partition manager, after selecting the keyboard layout, my only option that suits what I'm trying to do is Manual. So I choose that...00:12
MikeHPelo, I used it for a long time under windows no problems, just liked utorrent more, whats your jibe with it?00:12
MikeHJordan_U, That's cause some wanker coded it in java :P00:12
Jordan_UMikeH, rtorrent is nice, I have also heard good things about deluge-torrent00:12
MethodAfter that, my choices show my hard drive with windows on it, which is an 80 gig drive, and it says Free Space: 8mb00:12
PeterTI've found out that the libjavaplugin.so symlink in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins is broken.  Why would it not be inserted correctly when I installed sun-java6-jre & sun-java6-plugin?00:12
htmldotcomdeluge is no good.00:12
MethodBut I know I have 30 gigs left00:12
MikeHI imagine the gcj version of azureus is a bit better?00:12
htmldotcomKTorrent is alright00:13
MethodAlso when trying to edit the partition and make it say..25 gigs, it says it's too small00:13
htmldotcomI love uTorrent so much, I use wine and uTorrent regularly on ubuntu00:13
MethodSo then what?00:13
soundrayMethod: those 30GB are part of your 80GB partition, most likely.00:13
josiahw_is there a good scp gui for ubuntu... like winscp?00:13
javaJakejosiahw_, gftp - awesome00:13
PeloMikeH, bloated as heck,  ridiculously over complicated and over involved configurations settings,  resources ogre ( hog doesn' begin to cover it) and I spent 6 months in 2004 talking ppl throught nat configuration,  I have just had enough of it , that is all00:14
MethodWell, what partition am I editing? The current one with windows on it, or the one about to be made?00:14
josiahw_javaJake: thank you sir00:14
Picijosiahw_: The gnome Places menu can easily map ssh shares (scp)00:14
Agent_bobMethod sudo fdisk -l00:14
soundrayMethod: if my assumption is correct, then 50GB within your Windows partition are occupied, in which case shrinking it to 25GB won't work.00:14
MethodNo thanks agent bob00:14
XLVi am trying to install 7.10 on this laptophttp://www.rockdirect.com/support/prod.php?a=ajax&product_id=148&size=min .. i have used extra options acpi=off and irqpoll, but still most of the times it wont boot into live dvd environment.. anyone has any ideas on what extra kernel boot parameters may be needed?00:14
MikeHis it safe to ctrl+c midway through an apt-get whilst it's downloading packages?00:14
javaJakejosiahw_, I do not recommend using GNOME's "Connect to Server" option, btw00:15
xenarPelo: http://www.xen.dds.nl/files/images/Screenshot-crux.png00:15
Orionis it possible to setup an IRC bot on ubuntu? If so could someone send me a link to some documentation? I cant seem to find any.00:15
Agent_bobMethod suit your self.00:15
javaJakexenar, yes00:15
soundrayMikeH: yes00:15
PeloMikeH,  I can give you my skining file for wine , it might solve the colour problem you were having with utorrent00:15
xenarpelo: http://www.xen.dds.nl/files/images/Screenshot-glider.png00:15
javaJakexenar, in fact, it'll even start off where it stoped last00:15
soundrayMikeH: it'll pick up where you left off.00:15
K_DallasGood evening guys! I was so surprised when I tried to install teTeX and found out that it was no more maintained and updated! Anyone knows why?00:15
* Jordan_U consoles Pelo, Post tramatic stress syndrome is hard00:15
MethodYour assumtion is correct, thats about the amount Im using00:15
Peloxenar, hold on let me have a look00:15
htmldotcomI would like your skinning file pelo00:15
MikeHsoundray, how about if I don't want it to? :P00:15
javaJakeMikeH, in fact, it'll even start off where it stoped last00:15
MethodBut I have about 30 gigs left00:15
MikeHPelo, Hrm, I'm not sure that's the issue, but I'll give it a go.00:15
aschmackAnyone that could help me help a friend install ubuntu 7.10 from inside ubuntu 6.10 using a loopmounted image of the livecd please PM me00:16
soundrayK_Dallas: Thomas Esser, who used to maintain teTeX, has turned to other things. He recommends texlive.00:16
Odd-rationaleIs there a way I can label a usb stick or external hard drive so they don't mount as "disk" and "disk -1"?00:16
PeloJordan_U, you are not kidding me,  I was a mear voice at the time and all the ops took the chrismass period off, me an another guy were doing the support in 8hrs shift00:16
K_Dallassoundray, i see. i never liked much the TeXLive but it seems that i have no choice now00:16
Agent_bobsoundray Method told me "no thanks"  but you might mention  sudo fdisk -l    to him anyway.00:16
Peloxenar, I'm not sure what the problem is,  the text in the window list seems very clear to me and easy to read00:17
soundrayAgent_bob: why should he use fdisk when he wants to resize his Windows partition?00:17
Agent_boblive CD's are good for working with partitions.00:17
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htmldotcomyes they are00:17
soundrayK_Dallas: I didn't like it at first, but it's not that different after all00:17
K_Dallasa font question:  Is there a simple way to use Vista new set of fonts (the C serie) under Ubuntu? Any package for that? Thanks00:17
Agent_bobsoundray never mind,    if neither of you know what fdisk -l  does  then forget i mentioned it.00:18
jcrawfordhmm i found the firmware for my card but alas it doeswnt work either00:18
xenarpelo: it's not the text, but the icons00:18
jcrawfordand it's even copyrighted by broadcom!!00:18
K_Dallassoundray, true, i used to use their live version on my daughter's computer and it was good but i think i am used to tetex00:18
PeloMikeH, htmldotcom  accecpt the file and put it in   /home/user/.wine then restart wine , it a good match for human and cleanlook or most clearlook based theme00:18
filloyhow do i change the Group of an external hdd? its set to plugdev, i need it to be filloy (my user). Thank you very much!00:18
soundrayAgent_bob: oh, I overlooked the -l -- thank you :)00:18
PeterTK_Dallas: It'd be nice if it was possible to use those fonts, if you get an answer while I'm still here, can you let me know?00:18
xenarPelo, if you're used to a bit of contrast then it becomes very annoying indeed00:18
phanto1i installed an second ethernet card in my ubuntu machine (to use as a bridge) and it isn't recognised in ifconfig.  however, it works just fine in the live cd.  i'd rather not have to reinstall00:19
K_DallasPeterT, certainly00:19
eyemeanhi, does anyone know CINELERRA?00:19
MikeHcheers Pelo00:19
Peloxenar, I don' thinks you can do anything about that but you can try and look in gconf-editor , under apps/gnome-panel  see if there is a settig there00:19
Pelohtmldotcom, yiou need to accept the file00:19
eyemeani heard it a good video edititing software, but i have trying to find out how to install it and im lost due to being new to ubuntu00:19
javaJakeI'm having strange problems. Various applications (Flash, VoIP phone, pidgin) try to access ALSA but fail to do so, sometimes locking up in the process. It also affects my laptop, a completely different hardware set. :P00:20
javaJakeSo I assume it affects everyone. ;)00:20
rafalhow to use qemu + kqemu in u buntu00:20
ouellettesrhello, I finally fot fiesty installed on my laptop, but now, after grub loads the screen goes blank00:20
PelojavaJake,  do you have sound in other apps ?00:20
javaJakePelo, probably00:20
K_DallasPeterT, here is what i just found not tested though: http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/09/16/installing-vista-fonts-in-ubuntu/00:20
javaJakePelo, but that has never mattered before00:20
PelojavaJake,  can you test the other apps ?00:20
soundrayeyemean: have a look at http://cvs.cinelerra.org/getting_cinelerra.php#ubuntu00:20
javaJakePelo, such as?00:20
eyemeanthank you soundray00:20
PelojavaJake, play a music file in rythmbox for exemple or a movie in totem00:21
htmldotcomthx Pelo00:21
xenarPelo, it's /apps/gnome-settings/gnome-panel ;)00:21
rafalhow can I be ubuntu devel?00:21
Peloxenar, you found it ?00:21
javaJakePelo, right now I have XChat (which can use sound), Pidgin (which is on mute), and Gizmo (which locks up on startup).00:21
dav1hi there, does anybody know where the jumpers go to specify whether a cd-rom is master or slave?00:21
soundrayeyemean: if you're new, you will need a bit of guidance on how to use that information...00:21
PeterTK_Dallas, looks promising.  Thanks00:21
Pelorafal, look on the official site, there is a how to contribute section00:21
K_DallasPeterT, my pleasure00:21
Picidav1: offtopic for here, ask in ##hardware (and probably speicific to your cdrom drive)00:21
ouellettesrdav1 read the back of the drive00:21
xenarPelo, but there's nothing there, only a history something00:21
Agent_bob!contribute > rafal00:21
javaJakePelo, also, Pandora.com or MediaMaster.com (both music sites) lock up if Miro is running. :P00:21
javaJakePelo, totem is frozen...00:21
PelojavaJake,  but are you getting sound out of them ?00:21
MikeHawesome, cheers Pelo, worked a treat.00:21
MikeHAny idea how to fix the silly small fonts etc.00:22
xenarPelo, but thanks anyway. Knowing about gconf-edit is a good thing00:22
javaJakePelo, I just ran it and it won't unfreeze. This is just after startup00:22
javaJakePelo, no, they lockup just ebfore sound comes00:22
MikeHor is that just a case of restarting  x server to load windows fonts Pelo ?00:22
jsoftwOf course.00:22
* jsoftw is bored00:22
javaJakejsoftw, heheheh00:22
eyemeansoundray, yep ur right about that, i had a quick look and dosent resemble anything i know, lol00:22
soundrayeyemean: do you know which one to choose -- 32 or 64bit software?00:22
PeloMikeH,  it,s just a list of windows item with hex colors assigned,  you can easyly modify it by sampling colours of a screeen shot with the gimp and using those in the files to match your own theme00:23
eyemeansoundtray, yes 3200:23
javaJakeSo, yea, all my programs cannot access ALSA for some reason. Until I reboot. Then I'm fine for a while00:23
PelojavaJake,  I think you need to fix your sound in general and it will work in you java and viop apps,00:23
MikeHPelo, it's fine as it is, works well00:23
javaJakeAnd it affects a Dell desktop AND Compaq Laptop!00:23
Pelo!sound | javaJake  start with this00:23
ubotujavaJake  start with this: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP300:23
jsoftwWhats an interesting program I can install which I can pretend will make me more productive?00:23
dav1hi, ine of my external hard drives (NFTS) wont hot mount but my other NFTS hard drive will, any ideas?00:23
soundrayeyemean: okay. Go to System-Preferences-Software Sources and click the Third Party... tab00:23
Pelojsoftw, projects ?00:23
ouellettesrdoes anyone know why I get a blank screen after grub loads?00:23
MikeHPelo, 2 questions though, how do you get over it breaking when minimised, and how do you get your browser of choice to open with utorrent by default?00:23
nishiishiijsoftw: Open Office?00:23
jsoftwPelo: Already installed. though it does not work properly.00:24
jsoftwPelo: whats projects?00:24
kamui__anyone get the alps dualpoint to stop clickdragging? 40 forum posts later and i stil cant use the builtin eraserpoint on my umpc00:24
nishiishiiGnuOpen Finance Management?00:24
soundrayeyemean: then click the Add button and paste the appropriate line in the dialog, including the ./00:24
MB5000i tried x -configure to get my mouse to work but it didnt work00:24
PeloMikeH,  can't open browers from ut or launch files from it ,  and don't minimise it , send it to the tray,  just fix the settings for that in the prefs00:24
soundrayouellettesr: for how long?00:25
Pelojsoftw, I think it is called project,   an office app to sechedule and keep track of long projects,  check in add/remove under office00:25
Pelojsoftw,  might be called planneer now that I think about it00:25
ouellettesrsoundray, well I waited about 2 minutes00:25
eyemeansoundray, done00:25
soundrayouellettesr: give it 5 minutes before you conclude that it has crashed00:26
nishiishiiPelo: There is one called Project Management. Helps create WBS logs.00:26
htmldotcomanyone know of a good program for windows that will allow me to access my ext3 linux partition?00:26
xenarmy first hours of using ubuntu/gnome have been very frustrating indeed. I had one eye-lid twitching for the first time in years00:26
jsoftwPelo: there is no office catagory00:26
Agent_bobhmmm i need to remake /boot/initrd.img-something-386  in a chrooted env    will mounting /proc in that env mess anything up ?00:26
ouellettesrsoundray, and why would it take 5 mintues to load ubuntu?00:26
Orionxenar: It will get better00:26
soundrayeyemean: close the dialogs, open System-Administration-Synaptic Package Manager and hit the Reload button.00:26
xenargetting used to it a bit though00:26
bluevapour_hey guys, im considering either upgrading my laptop (1.5 celeron M 360 1mb cache) with more ram, OR buying a new laptop, any advice from hardware jedis?00:26
nishiishiixenar: That is how to do things in windows leaving your system through your eye lid.00:27
PeloMikeH,  and for the torrents to start automaticaly when you dl then,   jsut set your ff to dl torrents to the desktop automaticaly and in the utorrent prefs  under other  use the autolaud torrent files, and point it to your desktop,  check the delete torrent instead of renaming bit00:27
javaJakedav1, hey, are you being assisted?00:27
Orionnishiishii thats good stuff00:27
soundrayouellettesr: it doesn't normally. I would wait that long, though, before concluding that it has crashed. It's diagnostic strategy.00:27
xenarnishiishii, leaving your system?00:27
nishiishiiyour body, your brain00:27
xenarnishiishii, I'm quite used to KDE00:27
Orionxenar leaving your body00:27
nishiishiiIt was a joke. ;)00:27
javaJakedav1, say my name before you say anything. This makes your text come up in red on my end00:27
xenarnishiishii, yeah i don't really get it00:27
Agent_bobbluevapour_ ummm   avoid ati chip sets00:27
kamui__Kernel Makefile not found at '/lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/source'00:27
kamui__chmod: cannot access `compatible/*': No such file or directory00:27
kamui__/bin/sh: cannot create compatible/kversion: Directory nonexistent00:27
kamui__Makefile has been modified by generate_compatible, please run `make' again00:27
nishiishiiQuite alright :)00:27
javaJake!paste | kamui__00:28
ubotukamui__: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)00:28
eyemeansoundray, done and searched for cinelerra and found00:28
jendaI managed to get sound working by installing linux-backports-modules-$(uname -r), but all the sound is extremely quiet even though all the settings are set to maximum... any idea how to fix this?00:28
soundraybluevapour_: if the display is still good, I would upgrade.00:28
kamui__whats missing?00:28
dav1javajake:cheers - sorry new to irc00:28
Pelojsoftw,  no office categhory in add/remove, look more closely, might be called something else , what is the menu name for the submenut for the OpenOffice stuff in your applicatsion menu, should be the same thing00:28
Orionxenar he is saying windows is like a disease leaving your body and the side effect of it is the twitching of your eye00:28
eyemeansoundray, do i just select cinelerra?00:28
javaJakedav1, np, you are doing great so far. :)00:28
xenarOrion, ah ok00:28
bluevapour_the only thing i dont like is, i cant play cs 1.6 in wine without lag :S00:28
javaJakedav1, so, open a terminal (you know, that dreaded blinking cursor ;)00:28
Orioncs 1.6 lags anyways00:28
javaJakedav1, and unplug your external HD00:29
xenarOrion, actually windows is like a blessing compared to this, especially if you're used to it00:29
* Pelo lost track again , this support stuff is a young man's game 00:29
prakritiI can't get steam to work at all in wine :(00:29
javaJakePelo, support burnout? :)00:29
Peloxenar,  I don't consider it a blessing reinstalling every 6 months,00:29
xenarOrion, it's mostly the contrast... the weak user interface design in terms of information communication00:29
me_hi all, my internet connection is extremely slow under 7.10 compared to windows. anyone know how to chance this so i can stop using windows altogether?00:29
PelojavaJake,  no  6 hrs of shoveling snow00:29
xenarPelo, I've been using my win98se install for years ;)00:29
javaJakePelo, heheheh00:29
xenarPelo, quite as long as my OpenSUSE/KDE install00:30
soundrayeyemean: I just followed the same steps and cinelerra shows in synaptic...00:30
xenarPelo, and my OpenSUSE install got just as corrupted if not more so00:30
Peloxenar, I am very impressed with your patience and lack of catching viruses and  other stuff00:30
xenarPelo, the ubuntu package management is really a blessing00:30
soundrayeyemean: hit Reload again and watch out for any errors00:30
javaJakedav1, now, copy and paste this into a terminal without the quotes: "tail -f /var/log/syslog" (Use Ctrl+Shift+V to paste in a terminal.)00:30
xenarPelo, I don't catch viruses00:30
javaJakexenar, hear hear! (package management)00:30
xenarPelo, compared to opensuses00:30
* Pelo coughs on xenar , enjoy00:30
me_im using firefox and pagess are taking 10 seconds to load as oppose to < 1 sec in windows, using wireless for both to connect to router00:31
Orionxenar, i prefer ubuntu, but im a computer science student so its more suited to my needs00:31
IanLiuI ve got a Samsung display, and I wanted to make it Digital instead of Analog. I go to System > Admi.. > Screen and Graphics, and change to Digital driver, but it doesnt works... How should I do it?00:31
bluevapour_hmmm so i was thinking of upgradin the ram from 256 to 1gb00:31
juano__me_: disable ipv600:31
=== serge is now known as sea
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bulliumI have a laptop with multiple removable DVD/CD-ROM drives...how do I properly stop those devices to remove them from the system...there is no media in either drive00:31
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Pelome_,  do y ou have a butload of pluggins open, or do you have other stuff hogging your connection like limewire or torrents ?00:31
juano__!ipv6 | me_00:31
ubotume_: To disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv400:31
matttishow do i _undelete_ files ?00:31
xenarOrion, same here, but even when I was studying I usually preferred windows over suse/debian00:31
k1duga1me_: try firefox 3 beta its faster then IE700:31
me_hi juano, thanks for the info, can you tell me the command to do this please00:31
LjLmatttis: you don't00:32
* javaJake hides in a cave00:32
juano__me_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv400:32
juano__me_: use that link to disable it00:32
ubotuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Pelo!00:32
choudeshbullium: what do you mean stop? if there is no processes useing them - you should be able to umount them00:32
matttisLjL: why ?00:32
Peloxenar,   I tried out ubuntu because I thought learning about linux would look nice on my CV and I was looking for work ,  it took me 5 days to boot xp back and that was only to get my email info,  I never looked back00:32
xangeafter upgrading from fiesty to gusty and running dselected and removing the packages suggested (beryl being one of them) my X won't run correctly, it says that it is running in low graphics mode, with that my USB mouse isn't working...it seems that X isn't configurd correctly but my /etc/X11/xorg.conf appears correct00:32
LjLjavaJake: what?00:32
soundrayeyemean: you okay now?00:32
PelojavaJake, what's up ?00:32
LjLmatttis: because it's not possible with ext300:32
amigappcgood morning everybody00:32
me_juano: much appreciated! good karma to you sir, take care!00:32
javaJakeLjL, FloodBot1 FloodBot2 FloodBot300:32
xenarPelo, impressive00:32
LjLjavaJake, err, they're, like, opped00:32
javaJakeLjL, I think they're evil, sorry, didn't realize the !ops triggered an emergency. :P00:33
kitchejavaJake: they are ubuntu bots :)00:33
juano__me_: your welcome! you too anytime00:33
me_thanks folks goodbye00:33
bulliumchoudesh: there is no option to unmount them00:33
amigappcdoes anybody have some time ?00:33
xenarPelo, I've been using linux since the days of SUSE 5 or 6 I think...00:33
javaJakelol, sorry about that LjL00:33
matttisLjL: i've got reiser and fat where the files are located00:33
KaiForcehello all, having a problem with external drives connected with USB. Is this a good place to ask?00:33
javaJakeWhen I saw "Flood" I thought oh no. :P00:33
amigappci have some probs with my soundcard00:33
choudeshbullium: hmm - heavy channel usage at the moment, please PM.00:33
Peloxenar, I like to compare the experience to going to a freinds house and sitting in a chair that you discover is jsutthe most confortable ever, like it was made for you00:33
xenarPelo, but I guess I'm just really demanding of my user experience00:33
amigappcits a HDA00:33
soundray!intelhda | amigappc00:34
ubotuamigappc: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto00:34
xenarPelo, ok...well I guess people differ ;)00:34
IanLiudoes someone knows how to change analog monitor to digital one?00:34
xenarPelo, but just to give you some comparison00:34
Peloxenar,  xp basicaly set my teeth on edge from the moment I tried it ,  win98 wasn'T as bad,  but my best windows experience wat win 3.1100:34
LjLmatttis: for FAT, i think you'd have better luck with some DOS floppy dedicated to undeleting, or something. for Reiser i'm not aware of anything, it would probably have the same issues as ext3 (i.e. be basically impossible)00:34
vanbergeanyone ever hear of 7.10 loading up different settings, etc. when logging in as the same user account?  almost like i have used two different user ID's but i haven't.  only one home dir.  only one username in the passwd file00:34
xenarPelo, my OpenSUSE 10.0 KDE took 15 seconds to load gEdit00:34
soundrayIanLiu: just connect. It doesn't require any software changes.00:34
javaJakeSay... LjL, out of curiosity, what's the userlimit for anyway?00:34
xenarPelo, now in Ubunto 7.10 it takes 3 seconds00:34
xenarPelo, but I prefer leafpad for quick notes00:35
tb0yI just switched my desktop over to Ubuntu 7.10 and am loving it00:35
xenarPelo, leafpad is even quicker than the gnome run box!00:35
IanLiuI did it, but when I unplug the analog, the monitor shuts00:35
Peloxenar,  you do realose that gedit is a gnome app and that you were running a kde desktop ?00:35
LjLjavaJake: stopping attacks00:35
bazhang_xenar: care to join #ubuntu-offtopic?00:35
Agent_bobhmmm getting an error from mkinitrd  "/usr/sbin/mkinitrd: MODULES: Unknown value LIST"00:35
javaJakeLjL, aahhhh00:35
xenarPelo, I do, but it was the same with everything else00:35
bluevapour_hmm anyone else have a celeron m here?00:35
soundrayIanLiu: you may need to reboot00:35
javaJakeLjL, smart! :)00:35
xenarPelo, opera took minutes00:35
amigappcnow i got some error message00:35
eyemeansoundray, i was just wondering if i need to install anything else, buts looks like it has selected other software for it.00:35
dav1javaJake: sorry - just checking, the HD isnt mounted at the moment - do you want me to reboot so its mounted - then unmount and then run the command?00:35
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xenarPelo, now it takes seconds00:35
IanLiuhmm, gonna try00:36
xenarPelo, win 3.11 was your best experience?00:36
javaJakedav1, no00:36
amigappc@soundray i got some errors ... it cant lock some dirs00:36
xenarPelo, wow... I must say I never looked back after I tried win9500:36
soundrayeyemean: yes, ubuntu manages package dependencies for you.00:36
Peloxenar,  I only tried open suse on live cd , I wasn'T all that impressed,  and I don'T realy care for kde personnaly00:36
javaJakedav1, did you run that command in a terminal?00:36
samurailink3I'm having a rather annoying sound problem. Sound won't play in Totem or firefox for that matter, but in vlc, the sound works just fine.00:36
javaJakedav1, and unplug the HD?00:36
tmarveloushi all - can anyone here help me determine if my wifi card is dead or not configured?00:36
matttisIs there anyone who has experience with _photorec_ ?00:37
xenarPelo, the biggest problem I have with linux is lack of customization :P00:37
xenarPelo, like the task bar00:37
vanbergeor has anyone seen 7.10 mess up a profile?00:37
xenarPelo, neither KDE nor Gnome taskbar are any good00:37
xenarPelo, and you can't tweak it to your needs00:37
Peloxenar,   I never went back from one to the one before, but looking back on it now, my best time using windows was with 3.11 , it never crashed on me, I knew where everthing was I had my autoexec and config files tweaked to perfections00:37
Flannelxenar: What sort of tweaks are you looking for00:37
xenarPelo, aah! that is also the feeling I get from win98 as opposed to linux. you know where everything is00:38
dav1javajake:yep - it returned a long list00:38
eyemeansoundray, your help has been much appreciated, your a star, would it be better if i restart ubuntu after installation?00:38
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javaJakedav1, ok, good, keep it running00:38
Peloxenar,  you can try fluxbox,  enlightenment, bluebox, blackbox, xcfe and a butload of other desktop managers00:38
ouellettesrsoundray, what do ya know it took 5 minutes for ubuntu to load..00:38
xenarFlannel, right now mostly that contrast thing I was talking about00:38
soundrayeyemean: no, in this case, it doesn't make a difference.00:38
xenarPelo, yeah I know00:38
javaJakedav1, actually, go ahead and close the terminal00:38
xenarPelo, I did once but never liked it00:38
xenarPelo, I might try again00:38
Agent_bobanyone know what key words are acceptable in /etc/mkinitrd/mkinitrd.conf   for var MODULES=   ?00:38
jcrawfordok i just tried the BCM43xx drivers/firmware and they are not helping at all either.  I cannot see my connection in network manager or wifi-radar00:39
Flannelxenar: Contrast?  That's just a theme change.00:39
eyemeansoundray, ok thanx again m800:39
jcrawfordand iwconfig does not show it either00:39
MikeHWhat's the best way to share files between linux and windows install?00:39
MikeHBoth need to be writable, and run at a decent spee00:39
matttisPhotorec anyone ?00:39
samurailink3MikeH: Samba Shares!00:39
IdleOne!samba | MikeH00:39
ubotuMikeH: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT00:39
xenarFlannel, well the themes supplied with base ubuntu install don't provide any relief00:39
javaJakedav1, then plug in your HD. You'll want to copy the /var/log/syslog file to your Desktop. If you want to use a terminal, run "cp /var/log/syslog ~/Desktop"00:39
bazhang_xenar: do you have a support channel question?00:39
KaiForceMikeH, how about a FAT32 partition00:39
PeloFlannel,  he means the icons in the windows list going dim for inactive apps00:39
soundrayouellettesr: so you've excluded major incompatibilities and crashes. Now you can debug the delay problem. Did you observe which stage took all this time?00:39
MB5000ugg my mouse still will not work00:39
jcrawfordguess i am going to sell this system and build a pc based system00:39
xenarbazhang_, euhm... do I? ;)00:39
jcrawfordsoundray: are you still aorund, would like some suggestions on usb wifi cards you were talking about earlier00:40
IdleOne!ntfs | MikeH00:40
ubotuMikeH: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE00:40
bazhang_xenar: if not, you might try ##windows00:40
PeloMB5000, usb mouse ? look up the model in www.ubuntuforums.org and in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport00:40
MikeHKaiForce, has FAT32 support improved at all?00:40
soundrayjcrawford: don't sell your Mac Pro. It's a *lovely* machine to run Ubuntu on.00:40
Agent_bobdoes anyone know what key words are acceptable in /etc/mkinitrd/mkinitrd.conf   for var MODULES=   ?00:40
MB5000pelo yes usb00:40
MikeHKaiForce, what I meant was, performance, not support00:40
xenarbazhang_, my current question is about contrast in the taskbar icons for windows that are not active00:40
dav1javajake:ok - done that - now have file on my desktop00:40
jcrawfordsoundray: not without wifi lol00:40
soundrayjcrawford: if you can afford it, buy a few different ones. The cheaper the better.00:40
KaiForcein Linux?  I know it works, my laptop is setup that way Ubuntu/XP.  I don't know about performance, it seems just fine.00:41
MikeHIdleOne, what's the performance like on write access to NTFS partitions?00:41
soundrayjcrawford: (zd1211 devices tend to be the cheapest)00:41
samurailink3Any ideas for sound not working in totem or miro? They do work in vlc. And amarok hangs on load. Maybe an alsa problem?00:41
bazhang_xenar: if you are not getting a response, you might try ubuntuforums.org00:41
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IdleOneMikeH: no issues here00:41
javaJakedav1, perfect. Now, put the contents of that file in pastebin.ca (website)00:41
jcrawfordhaha IdleOne i used to use the nickname idle0ne00:41
javaJakedav1, and give me the link it creates00:41
jcrawfordthink i still have it registered here too00:41
Robotchicken1886hey does anyone know the correct spelling of cinerella the movie making software00:41
tmarvelouscan anyone help me get ubuntu to "see" my wifi card?00:41
xenarbazhang_, aye, I got a response but the gnome panel seems to be the summon of non-customizability00:41
Peloxenar,  you might also want to go to the gnome website and check out their forum for some info on this00:42
filloyPlease help me, i need to change the group ownership from plugdev to my user, its an external hdd; it seems that chgrp -R dosnt work (operation not permitted). Thank you very much!00:42
MikeHIdleOne, cheers, I'll give it a go00:42
xenarPelo, aye, thanks00:42
Robotchicken1886hey does anyone know the correct spelling of cinerella the movie making software00:42
xenarPelo, there's prolly also other panels00:42
KaiForcefilloy try sudo00:42
power788Can someone help me...when I login the screen gets stuck at the ubuntu-orange screen and does not log in00:42
soundrayfilloy: try sudo chgrp -R00:42
Peloxenar,  avant windows navigator , google for it00:42
IdleOnejcrawford: this nick comes from a irc network I am Staffer on been using it for 5 6 years now00:42
filloysoundray: KaiForce, already tried that, the same output00:42
soundrayRobotchicken1886: cinelerra00:42
xenarPelo, I'll write it down00:42
vanbergeis it wierd if i can log in with a password, and also log in without a password??00:42
KaiForcein that case, operation is not permitted ;)00:43
vanbergewith the same username???00:43
dav1javajake:website says the file is too big - do you want me to jsut copy in the last bit of the file?00:43
soundrayvanberge: yes00:43
xenarPelo, and something else00:43
IdleOnevanberge: very weird00:43
etankbig 223100:43
Agent_bobfilloy chown -R :<group> </basedir>00:43
etankbug 223100:43
Pelovanberge,  doyou get the same user setting for both ?00:43
power788The last thing I did was "save currently running programs" before restarting and now I cant login...how do I reverse that?00:43
Peloxenar,  ask away00:43
filloyKaiForce: if not the root, then who can do that?...its group is plugdev00:43
jcrawfordi used that bnick about 3-4 years ago bacause i was always idling ;)00:43
xenarPelo, I just cannot for the life of me get the file browser to open an m3u file in xmms after I double click it, when I've made xmms the default application00:43
Robotchicken1886anyone know a good place to get warez00:43
jcrawfordsoundray: http://www.staples.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/StaplesProductDisplay?&langId=-1&storeId=10001&catalogId=10051&productId=157207&cmArea=SEARCH00:43
KaiForcefilloy see message from Agent_bob00:43
Pici!piracy | Robotchicken188600:43
ubotuRobotchicken1886: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o00:43
etankbug 231100:44
IdleOneRobotchicken1886: not here00:44
xenarPelo, mp3 files work fine00:44
bluevapour_with this celeron 1.5, thats as high as the laptop mobo will go so i can only really upgrade ram and hdd, and it only had 16mb integrated video memory, so should i still just upgrade it00:44
LjLvanberge, so very weird that i'd restart from a live cd and run rkhunter and chkrootkit just to be sure00:44
filloyAgent_bob: done that, and sudo <whatyousaid> and the same output00:44
etank!bug 231100:44
rledge21anyone know where I can find a gnome applet tutorial?00:44
LjLetank, no bug reports in here00:44
Agent_bobroborcchicken   try
vanbergeIdleOne, soundray   not exactly i guess.   what i mean is thati  get different user settings if i hit 'tab' to get the password vs if i hit enter after typing my username (also LjL )00:44
samurailink3Robotchicken1886: Software? Check 'gksudo synaptic' ;)00:44
soundrayjcrawford: I can't use that link00:44
filloyAgent_bob: ohh, sorry...i tried with chgrp...just a sec00:44
javaJakedav1, yes, if you don't mind00:44
javaJakedav1, last 20-30 lines00:44
xenarPelo, or with any program, for that matter00:45
etankLjL: just checkin00:45
jcrawfordsoundray: :(00:45
LjLetank: try #ubuntu-bots00:45
IdleOnesamurailink3: :) hehe00:45
xenarPelo, I think it has to do with the "do you want to automatically open text files with the default program" option00:45
Peloxenar,  firstly can you actualy play m3u files ? I thought those were playlist ? and it is possible it wont, open it from nautilus properly  it need to be opened from the app,  I get that wiht mp3 in rhythmbox, I think it has to do with the fact taht those are propriatary00:45
filloyAgent_bob: ok, i tried with chown and alsa Opeartion not permitted :(00:45
jcrawfordit's a  LINKSYS WIRELESS-N USB00:45
MB5000how do i access he top menu?00:45
jcrawforddamn that caps lock00:45
vanbergePelo, i mis spoke a little... i get different user settings when i hit tab after typing my username vs. hitting enter after typin gmy user name.00:45
vanbergebut, others may be helping00:45
filloyAgent_bob: its an external hdd, i dont know if that changes things...00:45
xenarPelo, no. it's just a file type with associated applications00:45
KaiForceit shouldn't filloy, what filesystem00:45
xenarPelo, I can select xmms from the list and it will open it fine00:46
filloyKaiForce: vfat00:46
xenarPelo, just not as the default application00:46
Pelovanberge, my guess it it is being handled as two seperate users, one with no password00:46
pbandjcohey i am having some problems getting compiz-fusion to work with dual monitors any ideas? or where should i be looking?00:46
matttishow do i search packages with apt-get ?00:46
soundrayjcrawford: Linksys may or may not work. My best experience is with "noname" brands00:46
filloypbandjco: what video card?00:46
Agent_bobfilloy that can be from either of two causes,   1 you didn't run it as root and don't have permission.   or 2 it's not a true filesystem  i.e. M$ psyudo file system00:46
matttishow do i search packages with apt-* ?00:46
vanbergePelo, but i enter the same username, same password.. just hit tab vs hit enter after the username00:46
IdleOnematttis: apt-get search package00:46
Peloxenar,  did you set xmms as your default open with app ?( sorry if you said already , I'M a little tired)00:46
KaiForcecheck me if I'm wrong, but I don't know that vfat supports ownership00:46
matttisIdleOne: thx00:46
filloypbandjco: is it an nvidia or ati?00:46
Pelovanberge, no idea then00:46
soundrayjcrawford: e.g. Longshine. Recent Netgear stuff has been okay. Also Belkin00:47
javaJakedav1, looks good...00:47
AaronHey guys...00:47
xenarPelo, yes. It's not to do with .m3u. I also cannot open any .txt file by double clicking00:47
KaiForceit will display the owner of the mount point I think... I may be stoned.00:47
matttisIdleOne: doesnt work...00:47
tmarvelouswhat is an inf file?00:47
javaJakedav1, run "ls /media" and give me the output here00:47
IdleOnematttis: what package?00:47
xenarPelo, I think it applies to ANY text file00:47
javaJakedav1, if it is one line00:47
filloyAgent_bob: well, it was formatted in linux...with gparted, so i guess its a valid fs, ill try again with sudo00:47
AaronI've got two questions... Who thinks they can help?00:47
matttisIdleOne: Sleuth Kit00:47
soundrayjcrawford: buy from someone who will give you a no-quibbles exchange if it doesn't work with Ubuntu out of the box.00:47
xenarPelo, you can imagine the frustration ;)00:47
htmldotcomask away aaron00:47
nishiishiiAaron: Ask away00:47
=== Aaron is now known as Spirotot
jimmygoonI think ubuntu just did a disk check with NO user feedback at all :/00:48
KaiForcefilloy you still here?00:48
Agent_bobfilloy in case it's # 2    then  mount -o remount,uid=<blah>,gid=<blah> <mountpoint>00:48
filloypbandjco: try nvidia-settings, it will help you very much :d00:48
dav1javajake: output is - cdrom  cdrom000:48
Peloxenar,  that is posslble,  linux doesn't look at extension for file type but to tags in the file , but I can open txt file by just dbl clicking on them , not sure why you can't00:48
MB5000is Ubuntu really worth this trouble?  I cant get a simple mouse to work00:48
filloyAgent_bob: ok, ill try that00:48
KaiForcefilloy vfat does not support ownership00:48
SpirototAlright. First (and simpler) question: Where can I download the Guifications plugin for Pidgin, for Ubuntu 7.10?00:48
soundrayjimmygoon: Ubuntu shuts up unless there is a problem.00:48
htmldotcomYes MB5000 it is worth it.00:48
IdleOnematttis: apt-cache search package00:48
xenarPelo, it's also impossible to create a new file in a directory if you have list view enabled, because there is no 'empty space' in the view to click on, but that's quite another thing00:48
pbandjcohow do i access that?00:48
amigappcconnexant CX2054900:48
xenarPelo, are you sure about that?00:49
prakritiMB5000 : what mouse do you have?00:49
xenarPelo, I would find that very strange00:49
Peloxenar,  pick one,  right click , properties,  open with tab,  make sure that gdeit is thicked as an app to open with,  and remove all the othes you don,t want from the list00:49
amigappcis there a driver for the soundchip connexant CX2054900:49
KaiForcefilloy see http://blogs.sun.com/richb/entry/group_ownership_problems_with_files00:49
Pici!sound > amigappc (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)00:49
MB5000prakriti : logitech g5, and microsoft intellimouse00:49
eyemeansoundray, it dosent seem to want to start, so i rebooted and same problem00:49
crimsunamigappc: yes.  It's enabled by default in the snd-hda-intel driver.00:49
eyemeansoundray, any ideaas pls?00:49
javaJakedav1, OK, OK. Run "sudo mkdir /media/external-ntfs; sudo mount /dev/sdb /media/external-ntfs; ls /media" and tell me what it says (use pastebin.ca for multiple lines)00:49
SpirototSecond question: I need to find an audio driver, or something - I cannot figure out how to get my speakers to work. It keeps saying that I'm missing a GStreamer plugin, or something.00:49
filloypbandjco: sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings and then run sudo nvidia-settings to use it :)00:50
amigappccrimsun but i have no sound00:50
soundrayeyemean: can you be more precise in your error description?00:50
IdleOne!info sleuthkit   | matttis00:50
ubotumatttis: sleuthkit: Tools for forensics analysis. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.08-1 (gutsy), package size 2749 kB, installed size 7328 kB00:50
trembyi've been using fedora core 6 for the last year and a bit, since it came out, but i switched to ubuntu yesterday. but i've grown partial to the fedora cursors (i think they're the same as the red hat ones). any idea how i can get that cursor set back?00:50
Peloxenar,  just checked I can open .txt files with dbl ciick,  opens gedit wit the file in it no problem00:50
amigappcpici thx but i take a look yesterday00:50
tmarvelouscan anyone offer help with ndis wrapper?00:50
Piciamigappc: okay :)00:50
ehcIs there some open source/free cad software around?00:50
KaiForceany USB experts here?  trying to diagnose the error " reset high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address..."00:50
amigappcpici and i have no sound either ^00:50
matttisIdleOne: already found it, thx00:50
Peloxenar,  also works with that demonoid.txt file we all love so much00:50
IdleOnematttis: yup np00:50
KaiForcecauses data corruption on the external drive00:50
crimsunamigappc: download http://trilug.org/~crimsun/alsa-info.sh, and tell me the url it generates after you execute it with bash.00:50
filloyAgent_bob: ok, i remounted with the command you said...just a sec while i read what KaiForce sent me00:50
dav1javajake:out put is mount: you must specify the filesystem type00:50
dav1cdrom  cdrom0  external-ntfs00:50
MB5000i dont know what version of ubuntui have... i d/led a long time ago00:51
amigappcmy laptop is a TOSHIBA P100-10U00:51
* Pelo doesn't want to go to bed yet, he'll wake up at 4 am if he does 00:51
eyemeansoundray, i just installed cinelerra, but its not srtarting up for some reason00:51
xenarPelo, yes...i think it was not like this in the beginning, but only after I changed that "what to do with text files" option00:51
IdleOneMB5000: what is the filename?00:51
matttisKaiForce: i dont think the an error message, this is a standard message00:51
soundrayeyemean: all of that I already knew00:51
javaJakedav1, "ls /dev/sdb*"00:51
amigappcno file or directory00:51
amigappcah sory00:51
SpirototDid anyone see my questions? :P00:51
MikeHcan someone give me a pretty xtrem bash prompt to use please?00:51
soundrayeyemean: how are you trying to start it up, and what happens?00:51
Peloxenar,  go and change it back,  in  right click  > propteries> open with tab00:51
SpirototAaron = Spirotot, now.00:52
KaiForcemattis I'm seeing the drive pause, then the data that gets written when this happens is corrupt00:52
xenarPelo, already tried. no difference. even from the dialog box it will not run it00:52
rledge21I'm wanting to learn to write a desktop applet, can anyone point me the right direction?  (or even just the right phrase to google)00:52
PeloSpirotot,  this is a busy channel don't feel ignored, just repeat your question periodicaly00:52
MB5000idleone : i dont know, but it's up and running but my mouse doesnt work with it yet.  how can I use keyboard to find out?00:52
SpirototHeh, ok. Thanks.00:52
dav1javajake: /dev/sdb  /dev/sdb100:52
jpoloniai need support00:52
xenarPelo, it will open it in an editor though, if I select 'display'00:52
jimmygoonsoundray, nothing at all? that is bad design. I'm used to seeing a fsck status bar and some indication as to what it was doing00:52
eyemeansoundray, sorry, lol. im selecting it from application toolbar, but nothing happens00:52
jcrawfordsoundray: any exp with netgear WG111US00:52
htmldotcomjpolonia: ask away00:52
alcalde84spirotot: you can get the guification plug in via synaptic, search for pidgin-guifications00:52
IdleOneMB5000: in terminal type lsb_release -a00:52
Peloxenar,  very odd , not sure how to fix that, I've nver had this problem  the forum might have some info00:52
queenofcrap__omg, i feel so coooool. i converted the cue/bin to an iso in the terminal without any help \o/ YAAAY MEEE.... lol00:52
SpirototWhere can I download the Guifications plugin for Pidgin?00:52
soundrayjimmygoon: go elsewhere to discuss design please.00:53
trembySpirotot: apt-get install pidgin-guifications00:53
XLVi am trying to install 7.10 on this laptop http://www.rockdirect.com/support/prod.php?a=ajax&product_id=148&size=min .. i have used extra options acpi=off and irqpoll, but still most of the times it wont boot into live dvd environment.. anyone has any ideas on what extra kernel boot parameters may be needed?00:53
alcalde84and your second question, i dont know00:53
Peloqueenofcrap__,  you hare one 1336 h4x0rZ now00:53
SpirototAlright, thanks.00:53
jpoloniai have  a computer with 2gb of ram, amd turion amd6400:53
MB5000idleone : thanks,  it's 6.06 ! :/00:53
matttisKaiForce: i always get the message and no data is corrupt...00:53
jpoloniaand ubuntu boot so slow00:53
jcrawfordSystem Info:  Model: Mac Pro Quad Xeon | CPU Speed: 4 @ 2.66 GHz.  | L2: 4.0MB.  | RAM: 4.0GB | OSX : 10.5.1 | Disk Size: 70GB  Used: 18% | Uptime: 17 mins | Hostname: joseph-crawfords-mac-pro.  | User: 'jcrawford'. | Network Traffic: [en2]: 6 MB in, 6 MB out | Load Averages: { 5.31 5.10 3.66 } | Time: 7:53PM | Client: Linkinus 1.2.1/8621 | Style: Apt00:53
javaJakedav1, Run "sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/external-ntfs; ls /media" and tell me what it says (use pastebin.ca for multiple lines)00:53
MB5000i bet newer version works00:53
IdleOne!upgrade | MB500000:53
ubotuMB5000: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes00:53
queenofcrap__Pelo, moahahaha,....erm leeg?00:53
xenarPelo, yeah okay00:53
PeloXLV,  did you try the alternate install cd, it is usualy kinder with hardware stuff00:53
javaJake!pastebin | jcrawford00:53
ubotujcrawford: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)00:53
javaJakejcrawford, :)00:53
jcrawfordjavaJake: i did not mean to do that :D00:54
javaJakejcrawford, sneaky "one"liners, eh? ;)00:54
KaiForcemattis ok thanks.00:54
Peloqueenofcrap__,  1337=leet= elite00:54
soundrayeyemean: open a terminal (Applications-Accessories-Terminal), type 'cine' and hit Tab. What happens?00:54
SpirototWhat/where should I download a audio driver (?)? Ubuntu keeps saying that I don't have a GStream plugin installed, or something.00:54
queenofcrap__Pelo, yeah but you says 1336 = leeg00:54
filloypbandjco: how is it going?00:54
matttisKaiForce: maybe you get it more than once after switch your external device on00:54
htmldotcomSpirotot: try intalling the package ubuntu-restricted-extras00:54
queenofcrap__Pelo, said* :x00:54
xenarPelo, what is the process name of the file browser, btw?00:54
IdleOneSpirotot: apt-cache search gstreamer ( in a terminal )00:54
Peloqueenofcrap__,  I'm tired, isn't it enough that I congradulated you ?00:54
Peloxenar,  nautlus00:55
eyemeansoundray, it completes the spelling to cinelerra00:55
Peloxenar, nautilus00:55
amigappccrimsum ... im a noob ... how do i execute the sh file ?00:55
matttisKaiForce: Then i might be a signal for the problem00:55
SpirototOk, thanks guys... I'll giv it a try.00:55
pbandjconot so well i still have the error00:55
pbandjcoyou want a copy of it?00:55
jpoloniai dont now ubuntu work sos slowly00:55
Peloamigappc,   sudo sh filename.sh00:55
IdleOneSpirotot: when you find the package sudo apt-get install packagename00:55
soundrayeyemean: is there a space at the end?00:55
javaJakedav1, OK, you are in!00:55
eyemeansoundray, sorry yes there is a space at the end00:55
javaJakedav1, /media/external-ntfs will have your data. :()00:56
soundrayeyemean: hit return. What happens?00:56
javaJakedav1, :) *00:56
jpoloniai need help?00:56
KaiForcemattis my external cable has a light so I can tell when it is connected/writing.  I see it stop writing, the message gets logged, and then it continues after a pause.  when I md5sum the source and destination, they don't match, and I've had it corrupt the file system (jfs in this case)00:56
jpoloniai need help00:56
filloypbandjco: ok, just a sec, do you have the two monitors enabled already?00:56
javaJakedav1, this will be fine until you reboot00:56
drgreenhow can I play urban terror00:56
Pelojpolonia,  state your problem00:56
k1duga1Hello Everyone00:56
queenofcrap__Pelo, =O sorry, i offended you. i am really greatfull that you congratulated me on my big moment of joy ^^... I hope you sleep long and well00:56
eyemeansoundray, i get the following: cinelerra: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libguicast.so.1: undefined symbol: glDeleteShader00:56
htmldotcomjpolonia: ask!00:56
drgreenI allrwdy download the 2 files00:56
IdleOne!ask | jpolonia00:56
ubotujpolonia: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)00:56
amigappcok he told me, that he cant open it00:56
javaJakedav1, also, you don't want to unplug your HD until you run "sudo umount /dev/sdb1"00:56
dav1javajake:thank you00:56
jpoloniaubunto work so slowly00:56
soundrayeyemean: which version of Ubuntu do you have?00:56
choudeshjpolonia: slowly?00:56
blah569I've used Ubuntu countless of times, but I've never installed it.  I would partion my hard drive, but it would seem like a hassle to have to pick which OS to boot into.  Can anyone give me a site that has convincing reasons to use Ubuntu?  By the way, I have read all through http://www.whylinuxisbetter.net00:56
Pelojpolonia, more info please00:56
javaJakedav1, see ubuntuguide.org for information on mounting NTFS drives in the futre00:56
eyemeansoundray, gutsy00:57
dav1javajake: is that the same as right clicking and then unmount?00:57
jimmygoonsoundray, :/ like where?00:57
jpolonia i have a computer witj 2gb of ram00:57
javaJakedav1, you'll find the instructions there are basically the same as what we went through00:57
javaJakedav1, yes00:57
k1duga1How can I Install Java Plug-in for Firefox 3 beta 1 running on Ubuntu 8.04. Sun Java need stable version to install its plugin, Flash works fine but its java.00:57
amigappcahho k now00:57
pbandjcoyeah i have the two enabled and working. compiz works fine when i just use one monitor but when i change it to two i get an error when i try to load from terminal00:57
soundrayjimmygoon: #ubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-devel00:57
KaiForceblah569 use ubuntu because you want to, or prefer it over the alternatives.00:57
jimmygoonsoundray, ok00:57
PeloG'night folks, I'm off to bed , before I fall off my chair and hurt myself00:57
amigappccrimson i got some errors00:57
IdleOnejpolonia: what is running slowly?00:57
jpoloniaamd 64 turion00:57
blah569Most of the stuff I do is WIndows, and it seems like a hasle to have to use WINE.00:57
nishiishiiblah569: Read Neal Stephenson's book,00:57
blah569But I would prefer to use Linux.00:58
jpoloniawhen i boot the computer00:58
nishiishii"In the beginning... was the command line."00:58
matttisKaiForce: well, try searching the web without that highspeed-reset-message. Maybe you'll find out more. I'm not an expert at that topic00:58
amigappccrimsum i got some error messages00:58
bruenigblah569, then don't, use windows, who cares00:58
filloypbandjco: ok, whats the error? (could you please type filloy: before every messange so then windows flashes :p thank you!)00:58
KaiForcemattis - ok thanks for responding00:58
NYCThomasBanyone here know ndiswrapper?00:58
IdleOnejpolonia: we cannot read your mind . please be more specific and keep your questions/answer in one post00:58
k1duga1can someone help me out here??00:58
pbandjcofilloy: sorry will do :)00:59
FangLiger|foodhey how can i tell what driver versions im using?00:59
filloyNYCThomasB: yes, whats up with it? trying to install a wireless card?00:59
amigappc[: 195: y: unexpected operator00:59
amigappcalsa-info.sh: 201: [[: not found00:59
amigappcalsa-info.sh: 216: [[: not found00:59
amigappc                                                        alsa-info.sh: 333: [[: not found00:59
amigappcalsa-info.sh: 436: [[: not found00:59
amigappcalsa-info.sh: 467: Syntax error: Bad substitution00:59
blah569It seems like a hassle to have to use WINE to try to port most of my Windows applications to Ubuntu.00:59
NYCThomasByes, thanks00:59
soundrayeyemean: I think that's a packaging bug. You might ask the maintainer Valentina Messeri (vale@xicnet.com) for help00:59
IdleOneblah569: why not try and use the ubuntu apps instead00:59
dav1javajake:hi sorry - i have just unmounted the hd to see whether it will hot-mount and its not coming up when i plug it back in00:59
bruenigamigappc, don't paste like that again, looks like the script is using [[ which is a bashism, and you are running it with /bin/sh which is symlinked to /bin/dash which can't handle [[00:59
pbandjcofilloy: The program 'gtk-window-decorator' received an X Window System error.00:59
pbandjcoThis probably reflects a bug in the program.00:59
pbandjcoThe error was 'RenderBadPicture (invalid Picture parameter)'.00:59
pbandjco  (Details: serial 352 error_code 181 request_code 157 minor_code 8)00:59
pbandjco  (Note to programmers: normally, X errors are reported asynchronously;00:59
pbandjco   that is, you will receive the error a while after causing it.00:59
pbandjco   To debug your program, run it with the --sync command line00:59
bthorntonIs anybody running NFSv4 in here?  I'm having a problem where the client machine (i.e. the machine mounting the exported volumes) is reporting all files as owned by nobody:nogroup .00:59
pbandjco   option to change this behavior. You can then get a meaningful00:59
javaJake!paste | pbandjco00:59
bruenigamigappc, solution: bash alsa-info.sh00:59
ubotupbandjco: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)00:59
eyemeansoundray, ok thank you00:59
pbandjco   backtrace from your debugger if you break on the gdk_x_error() function.)00:59
ztomicHow do you reset Wine menu items?00:59
pbandjcoSegmentation fault (core dumped)00:59
k1duga1How can I Install Java Plug-in for Firefox 3 beta 1 running on Ubuntu 8.04. Sun Java need stable version to install its plugin, Flash works fine but its java.00:59
nishiishiiBad idea.01:00
bruenigpbandjco, stop being stupid01:00
bulliumblah569: there are many alternative apps for Linux that do the same functions as a comparable windows app01:00
filloypbandjco: wait wait, dont flood the room01:00
blah569Also, is there a simular .NET framework for Ubuntu?01:00
javaJakedav1, yes, file a bug report. This shouldn't happen01:00
javaJakedav1, launchpad.net01:00
blah569Like, C#.NET01:00
IdleOne!java | k1duga101:00
ubotuk1duga1: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre01:00
ahecklerhey all, i seem to be having a problem with the Trash applet on my taskbar01:00
XLVPelo, no, will do...but laptop is quite beefy.. c2d 2Ghz, 2GB ram, 8600gt.. alternative cd iirc is meant for low mem/performance pcs01:00
dav1javajake:ok thank you again01:00
John_Ranybody else here make website graphics with tuxpaint?01:00
NYCThomasBfilloy: trying to install SMCWCB-G01:00
wilberfani just installed the ubuntu-desktop -- and none of my open windows have borders or title bars...01:00
javaJakedav1, yw01:00
MB5000I have the newest version of ubuntu iso on a flash drive.  i have 6.06 installed.  is there a way i can install the new one from the flash drive?  I also have 6.06 boot cd.  i dont have a cd burner.01:00
ztomicI deleted my ~/.wine folder but programs still show up in gnome.01:00
javaJakedav1, remember, ubuntuguide.org01:00
FangLiger|foodblah569: what app are you trying to run?01:00
NYCThomasBseems to be connected but i cant make it work01:00
=== FangLiger|food is now known as FangLiger
bruenigztomic, that is because the menu things are not kept in ~/.wine, isn't that obnoxious?01:01
Xdange1i need a screen recorder for ubuntu, any suggestions :)01:01
javaJakedav1, search for NTFS on that page in the Table of Contents. :)01:01
PinkFloydWhen I do sudo apt-get upgrade, I get "Segmentation fault (core dumped)". What does this mean?01:01
IdleOne!install | MB500001:01
ubotuMB5000: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate01:01
simon360alright, I have an 800x600 PNG image, 256 colors, the color map is set up properly. How do I turn it into a usplash boot image?01:01
choudeshPinkFloyd: please PM01:01
ahecklerdoes anyone know why my Trash applet in my task would always display the empty icon even when there's file in the trash?01:01
jpoloniaWhen the pc turn on, takes about two minutes to up ubuntu.01:01
ztomicbruenig: nm... I'm being stupid.01:01
bruenigztomic, I don't know why they make them at all, but I think they are in ~/.local somewhere, might try to find ~ -iname "*.desktop" or something01:01
=== PinkFloyd is now known as SunsparcSolaris
soundray!info istanbul | Xdange101:01
amigappci got this url01:01
ubotuxdange1: istanbul: Desktop session recorder producing Ogg Theora video. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.2-1 (gutsy), package size 70 kB, installed size 608 kB01:01
IdleOne!usplash | simon36001:01
ubotusimon360: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork01:01
amigappccrimsum http://pastebin.ca/80507501:01
John_Rztomic: http://wiki.winehq.org/FAQ01:02
Xdange1soundray: thanks01:02
jcrawfordgah looks like that usb wifi would require ndwrapper or whatever it is in order to use windows drivers01:02
jpoloniaWhen the pc turn on, takes about two minutes to up ubuntu.01:02
filloyNYCThomasB: ok, i had to use ndiswrapper with my wireless card, but first i had to blacklist a driver; that is, Ubuntu was trying to load a driver that didnt work for my card, blacklisting just prevents that, and then ndiswrapper can load the windows driver01:02
SunsparcSolarischoudesh I cant PM if you arent registered01:02
simon360IdleOne: I don't have an so file, I want to make one ;)01:02
jcrawfordi wish i could just connect a lan cable01:02
javaJakedav1, oh, nvm, they don't have instructions01:02
NYCThomasBfolly: i read that in a forum somewhere didnt understand how to01:02
choudeshSunsparcSolaris: I am authenicated.01:02
jpoloniawhat can i do?01:02
simon360and that page actually doesn't help much01:02
scguy318jcrawford: do you need the ndiswrapper guide?01:02
ztomicJohn_R: thanx d00de but it's a lot more simple than that.01:03
IdleOnesimon360: beyond my scope but check that link perhaps it has info01:03
NYCThomasBsorry for sp.01:03
jcrawfordno i dont want to go that route01:03
pbandjcofulloy: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46783/01:03
javaJakedav1, Well, just run "sudo mkdir /media/external-ntfs; sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/external-ntfs; ls /media"01:03
javaJakedav1, that'll do it every time01:03
jcrawfordif i am buying a wifi card i am going to make sure it's one that works out of the box01:03
filloyNYCThomasB: ok, wait just a seccond...01:03
John_Rno, it isnt. to strip the programs out of your menu/desktop, there are 4 commands on the winehq site01:03
pbandjcofilloy: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46783/01:03
filloypbandjco: ok, it seems like you have a very high resolution, can you tell me what resolution you are using?01:04
NYCThomasBfilloy: ok thx01:04
jpoloniawhat can i do, When the laptop turn on, takes about two minutes to up ubuntu.?01:04
jcrawfordanyway i give up for now, going to uninstall Ubuntu as much as i hate to and just stick with OS X until I sell this mac pro01:04
ztomicJohn_R: yes it is.01:04
pbandjcofilloy: 1680X105001:04
nospoonI'm running an emerald theme w/ compiz fusion.  The draggable title (with the close minimize buttons etc) is by default placed under the top panel, the menubar (file edit etc) is right below the top panel when I open a new panel01:04
nospoonHOw can I change the default position of windows I open01:04
soundrayjcrawford: one more thing...01:04
filloypbandjco: ok, try to put your resolution under 1600x01:04
jcrawfordsoundray: ?01:04
crdlbnospoon: enable the "Place Windows" plugin01:04
filloyNYCThomasB: what was your card model ?01:04
jpoloniaWhen the pc turn on, takes about two minutes to up ubuntu.01:05
NYCThomasBfilloy: SMCWCB-G01:05
soundrayjcrawford: it's well possible that the next Ubuntu release will come with drivers for your Airport device01:05
nospooncrdlb, thanks01:05
dav1anyone know if it is possible to copy and paste into/out of the vnc viewer?01:05
jcrawfordsoundray: if that were true wouldnt there be something that could be used now.,....  that is just not "included" with Ubuntu01:05
SunsparcSolarisdav1 it is01:05
jpoloniai have compiz working01:05
jcrawfordand who knows when the next release will be isn't 7.10 reletively new01:06
soundraydav1: should be. Hit F801:06
jpoloniaWhen the laptop turn on, takes about two minutes to up ubuntu.01:06
soundrayjcrawford: no01:06
ubotuHardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu01:06
matttishas anyone experience with autopsy / sleuth kit ? i'm confused with it01:06
jcrawfordugh April is a long way away lol01:06
dav1SunsparcSolaris:great thank you01:06
filloyNYCThomasB: ok, try lsmod | grep smc and tell me what the output is01:06
jcrawfordto wait for a driver anyway01:06
soundrayjcrawford: I'm speculating that the next release will use a kernel and drivers that don't exist yet.01:06
Picijpolonia: The version numbers are the release dates 7.10 was October 2007.01:06
filloypbandjco: anything?01:07
jcrawfordsoundray: is this just speculation or insight :)01:07
ztomicJohn_R: ok! I found one that's a little difficult. Quicktime01:07
jpoloniai have ubuntu amd64 7.1001:07
forsakenwhat's the easiest mail server to setup in ubuntu?01:07
IdleOnejcrawford: you can give 8.04 a test drive . alpha 1 has been released join #ubuntu+101:07
soundrayjcrawford: something else yet: experience01:07
Ryan_was_hereAnyone know how I can add some space from my windows partition to my ubuntu partition, through a terminal? I accidentally overloaded my space over here and I can't login. Using a terminal right now.01:07
pbandjcofilloy: working on it01:07
corruptionoflulzRyan_was_here: use live cd?01:07
Ryan_was_hereI would01:07
Ryan_was_hereI am away from home01:07
Ryan_was_herewith no cd's :P01:07
corruptionoflulzRyan_was_here: that's why i have DSL on my flash drive =P01:08
jpoloniabut work so slowly01:08
Ryan_was_hereUnfortunately....since I AM in a terminal01:08
Ryan_was_hereand using irssi01:08
soundrayjpolonia: System-Administration-Services. Remove stuff you don't need.01:08
jpoloniai dont know, if this issue is for the compiz01:09
Ryan_was_hereI can't go and do the stuff I need.01:09
samurailink3Heya! How do I default my sound options?01:09
NYCThomasBfilloy: nothing happens. perhaps i am typing wrong? i included spaces.  i also assumed in terminal. (forgive - this is my first week in linux)01:09
jpoloniathe boot is so slowly to01:09
Ryan_was_herejpolonia: The boot will be slow if you use XGL and have compiz to load on default.01:09
filloyNYCThomasB: everybody has their first week in linux, you are doing great....but that just means theres no output...so...(let me think)..01:10
pbandjcofilloy: do i have to use twinview?01:10
soundrayRyan_was_here: sacrifice your package cache: sudo apt-get clean01:10
jpoloniabut i have 2 gb of ram01:10
filloyNYCThomasB: ok, it looks like  madwifi.org works better, look: http://madwifi.org/wiki/Compatibility/SMC theres your card01:10
amigappcok ... thx 4 help01:10
Ryan_was_heresoundray: Are you saying remove all of my apps?01:10
fixargsomebody can help me with laptop overheat problem?01:10
amigappci try it tommorow to fix the problem01:10
amigappcand then the day after01:10
dav1soundray: hi, i have selected both accept cliboard, send clipboard and buffer in the options but i still acnt copy and p[aste fomr vnc - any ideas?01:10
xivanarii just got a strange popup when i logged in.  "The X system keyboard settings differ from your current GNOME keyboard settings."  Then it goes on about expected model and whatnot. then it asks me to choose to use either X settings or keep gnome settings01:10
soundrayRyan_was_here: no, only the deb archives that are cached01:10
NYCThomasBfilloy: i've been there.  see my card.  don't see how to make use of madwifi01:10
amigappcand then the day after the day after...01:10
jcrawfordi guess i will give the alpha a try, couldnt hurt01:10
Ryan_was_heresoundray: What all would that include?01:10
filloypbandjco: yes, no compiz otherwise, with 2 monitors at least. so you have to use twinview01:11
soundrayRyan_was_here: 'ls /var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb'01:11
Ryan_was_hereah ok01:11
filloyNYCThomasB: ok, let me see how to install it01:11
NYCThomasBfilloy: thx01:11
revilodrawmy sound has gone way quiet...but everything is set to max01:11
matttisautopsy / sleuth kit  - can someone help me using these tools ?01:11
filloyNYCThomasB: well, the good thing is we know its supported :)01:11
jtdHi, I have a GF7950 graphics card and am having some X trouble.  Every time I reboot my machine, a set of lines is added to my xorg.conf such that virtual resolutions are added to my desktop that are not supported by my monitor (so that you have to mouse to the edge of the screen to "scroll" the entire screen.  I have submitted this as a bug with no results so far.  To fix it, I usually edit my xorg.conf to remove any references to th01:12
pbandjcofilloy: how do i restart x server so the changes i make in nvidia-settings take affect?01:12
IdleOnerevilodraw: speakers turned up?01:12
ztomicWhy does wine->uninstall_software not remove the quicktime menu items?01:12
revilodrawidleone; everything is set to maximum volume01:12
filloypbandjco:  log out and then Control Alt Backspace01:12
NYCThomasBfilloy: right and it seems like it is already a package?01:12
pdenapoHi, I have a question: how may I change the e-mail address asociated to a Launchpad account? I see that I can add another but not replace the existing one01:12
jtd(that is to say, I have no actual desktop, just a blue background)01:12
IdleOnerevilodraw: I dont mean in ubuntu sound control I mean the physical speakers do they have a volume button and if so is it turned up?01:12
NYCThomasBfilloy : or installed on 7.10 cd at least01:13
samurailink3I believe alsa has messed up quite badly. I no longer get sound in totem, nor do Amarok or Songbird startup. VLC plays sound, but not totem. Yes, I do have all the necessary codecs installed.01:13
gtrewIm trying to copy a very large pst from my ubuntu laptop to a portable hard drive, but it keeps crapping out, I just tried it in a terminal and it said 'File Size Exceeded (core dumped)'  whats goin on?01:13
thyraxdoes anyone know if CONFIG_MD_RAID5_RESHAPE=y in 7.10?????01:13
jpoloniaiho can i turn off xgl and compiz, and when i want turn on again01:13
gtrew.pst outlook file01:13
thyraxor how to find out?01:13
jpoloniawho can i turn off xgl and compiz, and when i want turn on again ?01:13
dav1hi there, i have vnc view set to copy and paste in the option but its still not doing it - anybody have any ideas?01:13
filloyNYCThomasB: ok, have you done sudo apt-get install madwifi-source madwifi-toll ? that will install madwifi, maybe the program has a gui you can use, i really dont know from here, ive never used madwifi01:14
soundraygtrew: fat32 on the external? If so, the maximum size for a single file is 2GB01:14
samurailink3gtrew: Most external drives are formatted in FAT32, which has a 4GB file size cap.01:14
samurailink3gtrew: Wait... make that 2GB01:14
soundraysamurailink3: 2GB01:14
gtrewAny good linux commands to split up a file?01:14
samurailink3soundray: Yea, you're right... must have slipped my mind :)01:14
NYCThomasBfilloy: i haven't.  type as you wrote it?01:14
soundraygtrew: man split01:14
jpoloniawho can i turn off xgl and compiz, and when i want turn on again ?01:14
luiswhat is a good music player for ubuntu, one that I can also put stuff on my ipod with01:14
luisanyone, please. lol01:14
IdleOne!compiz | jpolonia01:14
ubotujpolonia: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion01:14
scguy318!players | luis01:15
jtdjpolonia: you want to turn "desktop effects" off in the preferences menu.01:15
dav1luis:amarok is great - pritty sure its supports ipod01:15
samurailink3luis: amarok or songbird are the flavors I prefer, but there are others01:15
IdleOnemneptok: ??01:15
luisthanks guys01:15
fixargsomebody can help me with laptop hight temperature?01:15
ubotuluis: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs01:15
filloyNYCThomasB: yes, the command apt-get install install any package you type after that, there if you type apt-get install firefox it will install firefox (though you have it already) and the sudo is because you need to be super user to install :)01:15
IdleOnemneptok: I want to laugh also01:15
jpoloniaand later , can i turn on again?01:15
jpoloniaand later , can i turn on again?01:15
luisis the latest version of amarok the one that comes with the ubuntu cd?01:15
Netham45can anyone tell me the size of wine?01:15
jtdjpolonia: yes.01:15
filloyNYCThomasB: I know were can you get help from now on with your madwifi issue, try channel #madwifi01:16
jpoloniathank you01:16
mneptokIdleOne: 20:12 < luis> anyone, please. lol  <--- just thought i'd oblige the request01:16
k1duga1ubotu: thanks :)01:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about thanks :) - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi01:16
samurailink3Netham45: I believe the package is around 20MB01:16
a1r3yuI prefer Rythmbox for my Audio Player.01:16
NYCThomasBfilloy: thx.  i'll report back shortly,01:16
IdleOnemneptok: lmao01:16
scguy318Netham45: Installed-Size: 4951601:16
scguy318Netham45: that's what I got from dpkg -s wine01:16
tcpdumpgodHello all!01:16
dav1luis: there is a later version on there site: but the one in the repositry should work fine01:16
tcpdumpgodI am back.01:16
jtdHi, I have a GF7950 graphics card and am having some X trouble.  Every time I reboot my machine, a set of lines is added to my xorg.conf such that virtual resolutions are added to my desktop that are not supported by my monitor (so that you have to mouse to the edge of the screen to "scroll" the entire screen.  I have submitted this as a bug with no results so far.  To fix it, I usually edit my xorg.conf to remove any references to th01:16
filloyNYCThomasB: good :) hope you have good luck, i need to go. See ya!01:16
tcpdumpgodAll bow down before me.01:16
scguy318Netham45: this what you want?01:16
xenarwine: 3389170001:16
tcpdumpgodFor I am the god of TCPDump.01:16
luisthanks dav101:16
fixargsomebody can help me with laptop hight temperature?01:16
IdleOnemneptok: snowing up there back home?01:16
tcpdumpgodI read all of your non-encrypted email.01:17
tcpdumpgodJust joking... kinda.01:17
MB5000how do i get into a flash drive... i have no mouse01:17
Netham45I'm installing Ubuntu on a 1GB USB memory drive01:17
MB5000this is driving me nuts btw01:17
IdleOneMB5000: cd /media01:17
dav1luis:if it doesnt - then grab the kubuntu package http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/Download01:17
Pici!offtopic | tcpdumpgod01:17
ubotutcpdumpgod: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:17
tcpdumpgodAnyone need help with a non-elementary issue, feel free to ask me about it.01:17
luisthanks once more.01:17
tcpdumpgodI can probably help.01:17
luisreally appreciate it.01:17
=== tcpdumpgod is now known as r00tintheb0x
k1duga1fixarg: sudo acpi --everything to see the temp01:18
Ryan_was_hereOk so It is out of the question taking out my .debs01:18
Netham45my goal is to have the ability to execute windows programs and watch DVDs01:18
=== BobSagget is now known as Mobadass
Ryan_was_hereno way01:18
jtdr00tintheb0x: fix my GNOME :p01:18
r00tintheb0xthanks for that heads up Pici01:18
samurailink3tcpdumpgod: I need to reset my alsa config to defaults. Any ideas?01:18
Ryan_was_hereAny one else got any ideas?01:18
Picir00tintheb0x: :)01:18
r00tintheb0xjtd im going to need more information than that.01:18
tobiasI have a logitech USB headset and I'm trying to adjust the volume using the graphical ALSA volume control01:18
r00tintheb0x;) @ Pici01:18
fixargk1duga1: i already now the temperature but i don't know if the values are normal01:18
jtdHi, I have a GF7950 graphics card and am having some X trouble.  Every time I reboot my machine, a set of lines is added to my xorg.conf such that virtual resolutions are added to my desktop that are not supported by my monitor (so that you have to mouse to the edge of the screen to "scroll" the entire screen.  I have submitted this as a bug with no results so far.  To fix it, I usually edit my xorg.conf to remove any references to th01:18
tobiaswhenever I click the "lock" to keep left and right in sync, the left channel just goes to 001:19
=== ForeverZero is now known as sea4ever
tobiasand whenever I try to manually drag the left channel up higher, it just jumps up and down really fast01:19
ztomicjtd: I saw and I think everyone else saw01:19
maybeway36jtd: you've tried "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"?01:19
fixargk1duga1: CPU IDLE: 51C; DISK: 48C01:19
k1duga1fixarg: sudo dmesg | grep  "ACPI: Fan" to get the list of fans01:19
jtdztomic: r00tintheb0x apparently hadn't01:19
jpoloniai would like to know how to setup the Brightness of my laptop (inspiron 1501) ?01:19
jtdmaybeway36: no.  let's see what that does.01:20
fixargk1duga1: that command line is not showing nothing in this laptop01:20
maybeway36just press enter thorugh all the questions you don't know, it will use the defaults01:20
maybeway36the only one to worry about in your case is resolution choosing01:20
samurailink3jpolonia: that would be in power management01:20
k1duga1fixarg: sudo dmesg try only this see if acpi fans and thermal zone are loaded by kernel01:21
jpoloniano it's not there01:21
k1duga1fixarg: "sudo dmesg"01:21
samurailink3jpolonia: Which version are you using?01:22
Picik1duga1: There really isnt any reason to run that with sudo.01:22
jpoloniaubuntu 7.10 amd6401:22
samurailink3jpolonia: Lemme look around real quick...01:22
fixargk1duga1: how i should identify fans, i don't know what it is01:22
maybeway36I like "echo hi|cat|cat|cat|cat|cat|cat|cat"01:23
k1duga1Pici: I had the same problem01:23
onatsjpolonia, whats your problem on 7.10?01:23
dcesielDoes anyone know how to keep compiz-fusion from booting at startup?01:23
jpoloniabecause in other OS i just have to press fn and up01:23
jpoloniai would like to know how to setup the Brightness of my laptop (inspiron 1501) ?01:23
jtdthe problem appears not to be with X itself but rather my desktop environment, which is refusing to start.01:24
MB5000how do i access op menu wih keyboard01:24
samurailink3jpolonia: It looks like a problem with the dell bios firmware01:24
MB5000how do i access top menu with keyboard01:24
jtdyep.  KDE starts fine but GNOME refuses to work.01:24
jpoloniawhat can i do?01:24
k1duga1fixarg: "[   14.086106] ACPI: Transitioning device [C1F0] to D3" the value won't be same but its looks something like this01:25
jpoloniawhat can i do then?01:25
samurailink3jpolonia: http://www.ubuntu1501.com/2007/09/ubuntu-710-gutsy-gibbon-beta-overview.html  The comments here show the problem, lemme see if they have a solution01:25
IdleOneMB5000: type top01:25
k1duga1fixarg: next line should be something like this " [   14.086112] ACPI: Fan [C1F0] (off)"01:26
fixargk1duga1: nothing like that01:26
LapatiKhello,is it to possible to get back the latex source from a pdf?01:26
michael_Using a Inspiron 5160, Having screen issues-- Its not finding the proper screen and also receiving error RGB GLX Visual not found01:26
IdleOneMB5000: hit h for the help menu01:26
k1duga1fixarg: do you get any error on boot01:26
samurailink3jpolonia: http://tinyurl.com/yrp6vr  -- This is a link to Dell's support page, downgrading to version 1.7 makes the function keys work with brightness01:26
MB5000from the dektop?01:27
jpoloniaok, let me see01:27
IdleOneMB5000: while in terminal01:27
fixargk1duga1: BTW i'm running on a HP dv6000. I disabled some boot options01:27
luiswow, geez, amarok is asking me to "configure" my media device, how do I configure my ipod? lol, this is probably a n00b question, sorry guys.01:27
^lisa19^funniest flash ever (it is kind of adult in nature though): http://www.2girls1cup.com/01:27
IdleOne!offtopic | ^lisa19^01:27
ubotu^lisa19^: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:27
k1duga1well did you disable ACPI01:27
^lisa19^dont click on it if you dont have a kind of sick since of humor01:27
MB5000lisa thats porn01:27
^lisa19^i hardly call it that01:27
cafuegoDon't paste it if it's not suited for this channel.01:27
JunkieHey, I need some help. I have a macbook, and i had it running only ubuntu, but then I decided to install xp in another partition. The XP installer has taken over my MBR and I can't get into linux. I can't seem to get into a livecd either. What do you think I should do?01:27
IdleOne!ops | ^lisa19^01:27
ubotu^lisa19^: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Pelo!01:27
IdleOnePici: to fast01:28
jpoloniait's for windows01:28
cafuegoFucking spammers.01:28
IdleOnecafuego: !01:28
Picicafuego: no need for the language.01:28
jpoloniait's not for ubuntu linux01:28
luis(I know I'm repeting >_<) wow, geez, amarok is asking me to "configure" my media device, how do I configure my ipod? lol, this is probably a n00b question, sorry guys.01:28
* cafuego disagrees01:28
michael_Can someone pm me regarding a Dell inspiron 5160 screen issue--01:28
samurailink3I'm still looking for a way to reset alsa. Anyone that want to give it a shot?01:29
Netham45if I do a cp -r does it overwrite existing files?01:29
fixargk1duga1: my notebook only boot with this kernel options: nolapic noapic noirqpoll nosmp01:29
dav1luis: try http://www.simplehelp.net/2007/07/04/how-to-use-amarok-to-manage-your-ipod-in-ubuntu/01:29
tomd123netham45: I don't think so, RTFM though01:30
IdleOnetomaw: RTFM is not an acceptable answer in ubuntu channels01:30
IdleOnetomd123: ^^01:30
michael_ Can someone pm me regarding a Dell inspiron 5160 screen issue--01:30
dana_badall you tube videos have crackly echo-y sound01:30
michael_if pm's are possible?01:31
dana_badfor me01:31
IdleOnemichael_: state the issue and someone will try and help if they can01:31
argosrealitycp -r will copy directories it shouldnt overwrite existing files01:31
MB5000idleone : that wasnt what i was looking for.  im trying to access the desktop menus up top by using the keyboard01:31
k1duga1fixarg: well then acpi is loaded so how can fan work but can you set Power Management options in BIOS01:31
IdleOneMB5000: oh sorry01:31
michael_ok-- just address me as Michael so i can tell whos talking to who ^^01:31
MB5000in hopes that somehow i could install the new iso from my flash drive01:32
k1duga1be back in 5min :(01:32
tomd123IdleOne: I know, I'm just helping him gather tools so he can learn how to solve problems himself01:32
michael_Using Inspiron 5160, receiving RGB glx Visual not found error01:32
ouellettesrhello, im having a few problems, I just installed ubuntu on my laptop, after grub loads, it takes about 5 minutes to get to the login screen, after I login, it stops right there, it doesn't freeze, it just doenst load the desktop01:32
IdleOnetomd123: then you could have stated it the way you just did to me. RTFM is insulting and turns newbies off01:32
michael_I think its connected with a Screen issue im also having01:33
jpoloniait's No matter if the  bios version,is for windows.01:33
brandon_hey people01:34
pbandjcofilloy: ok now it is saying i need XRandR X extension01:34
brandon_i have a problem with my dvd player.... i have googled it many time to no avail01:34
argosrealitynetham45: info cp will also give you much more detailed information on cp than the man pages will01:34
dav1can anyone help: i have just installed a new dvd re writer which appears in >computer but i can mount any discs01:34
jpoloniait's No matter if the  bios version,is for windows.01:34
michael_Inspiron 5160, Receiving rgb glx visual error01:34
XLV_Pelo, well, enabling text mode install, with boot parameters expert acpi=off it boots to the first menu of installatio, where you are prompted to select language of installation, media etc, but there kb doesnt work.. a usb ms kb i tried doesnt work either01:34
brandon_it will not read all files on the disc01:35
gtrewanyone know the syntax of 'rar' command to add a file file.txt and split the archive into 1 GB files?01:35
jpoloniait's No matter if the  bios version,is for windows.01:35
IdleOnehow would I access the Applications menu using keyboard?01:35
jpoloniai would like to know how to setup the Brightness of my laptop (inspiron 1501) ?01:36
brandon_why wont my dvd player read all files?01:36
donkeyofdarknessWill libdvdcss let me play a region 2 disc?01:36
matttisWhat do I do when I get no error message from kaffeine when i want to play a normal video file ?01:36
Netham45argosreality, well, I kinda allready had the copy going in single user mode01:36
donkeyofdarknessI'm in the US01:36
travis_Hello all01:37
luisdang, amarok says there is no mounted ipod detected >_<01:37
rainwalkerjpolonia: right-click on one of the panels, choose "add to panel" and add the brightness applet01:37
travis_anyone here with an ATI video card try the alpha version? or know if it fixes the problems?01:37
brandon_anyone have any idea why my dvd player will not read all files?01:37
donkeyofdarknessAnyone know if libdvdcss will let me watch a Region 2 DVD in the US?01:38
htmldotcomregions are a pain.01:38
dav1luis: have you searched in the synaptic package manager for "ipod" shoudl come up with a few packages you need to install01:38
rainwalkerhtmldotcom: no, DRM is a pain01:38
michael_Linux isn't picking up the screen for my inspiron 5160-- It detects it as a plug n play?? Any ideas01:38
donkeyofdarknessI want to buy this DVD but it's only available in europe01:39
luiswhere's the synaptic package manager? sorry01:39
travis_anyone here have an ATI video card?01:39
=== Varka_ is now known as Varka
brandon_why wont my dvd player read all data files?01:39
htmldotcomrainwalker: dont use DRM, use BitTorrent :D01:39
dav1luis: system>administartion>synaptics01:39
rainwalkermichael_: is that creating a problem?01:39
donkeyofdarknessSo are region 2 discs playable using libdvdcss?01:39
michael_Yes-- I have to change my screen each time i log in01:40
dav1luis:think its called ipod-sharp01:40
matttiskaffeine doesnt load anymore ! why that ? Verbose mode doesn't even give one single line. Same with totem (except that it does start and the fucks off)01:40
michael_Also getting a rgb glx visual error when installing cedega01:40
k1duga1fixarg: Which Dist. are you running?01:40
brandon_help me plz01:40
fixargk1duga1: gttsy01:40
=== xp_dentist_and_l is now known as xp_prg
pbandjcoi need some help getting compiz-fusion to work with dual monitors, when i try to activate twinview it says that the XRandR X extension was not found/enabled01:41
JJHathowayi'm looking to join an open source project (newbie)...what is the best way to procede01:41
Netham45!info wine01:42
ubotuwine: Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.46-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 33097 kB, installed size 103228 kB01:42
IdleOneMB5000: I am trying to figure out how to access the top panel using keyboard. will let you know if I get it01:42
fixargk1duga1: gutsy i mean01:42
michael_rainwalker_: Yes-- i have to change my screen each time i log in01:42
super61hello i have a Sony laptop and ubuntu gusty wont show on my screen. it sounds like this there but nothing shows up01:42
caligarn1037would anybody be willing to help me set up a website targeted mainly at end users to get their opinions on the ubuntu experience, suggestions they might have on development, and other stuff...that's centered on what non geeks want?....01:42
caligarn1037just an idea....01:43
rainwalkermichael_: why?01:43
michael_rainwalker_: also, i receive a rgb glx visual error when installing cedega01:43
MB5000idleone : i got it somehow but then it popped up a window and locked up01:43
brandon_someone plz help me01:43
fixargk1duga1: cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_available_governors is only showing "performance". is that right?01:43
IdleOneMB5000: what did you do?01:43
travis_anyone know how to disable the system beep when u backspace too much? lol01:44
MB5000i need a cd burner.   ctrl, alt, tab01:44
robdigbrandon_: what do you need help with?01:44
bazhang_caligarn1037: wordpress.com has free blogs--better discussed in #ubuntu-offtopic though01:44
michael_rainwalker_: idk why, i attempt to detect the screen but i just get plug n play-- and shows 860 etc.01:44
MB5000then cursor keys01:44
brandon_robdig, my dvd player will not read all files01:44
IdleOneMB5000: good to know ty01:45
GigiHi.  How can I change the password stored on Thunderbird for my e-mail.  I reviewed account settings and it's not there!!!!!01:45
robdigbrandon_: data files or video files01:45
brandon_robdig: it is like it just ignores some of the files on the disk.... data01:45
brandon_robdig:  no one has any idea as to why this is happening01:45
patrick_Hey I need some help with my wireless internet connection01:46
super61patrick_, what wrong?01:46
k1duga1fixarg: well "ondemand" may help  to scale down but it can only work if acpi is on01:46
robdigbrandon_: do you have a list of the files that are supposed to be on there? if so, can you paste it to pastebin?01:46
patrick_I finally downlloaded and installled the driver for my built in card, although no matter what network i try to connect to it never actually connects01:46
patrick_my home network is available but it can't connect01:46
k1duga1fixarg: and pak. laptop-mode is installed01:47
brandon_robdig: i dont know all the files.. but one file i am sure of is installer.exe01:47
fixargk1duga1: yes01:47
super61patrick_, whats the chipset?01:47
patrick_all i rememb er is rev 0201:47
patrick_i have installed the driver it just wont let me connect to a router01:47
PepperyHi, I'm wondering what the best Jabber/XMPP server would be to run on Ubuntu Server 7.10. Ideally it'd be easy to use and setup and not use alot of RAM or CPU. Suggestions on which one?01:47
robdigbrandon_: what os is the disk created for?01:47
super61im cant tell you alot can happen01:48
michael_Inspiron 5160 Laptop-- Screen being detected as Plug n Play-- Then getting a RGB Glx Visual error01:48
brandon_robdig: mac and win01:48
travis_anyone here with an ATI video card?01:48
k1duga1fixarg: do you need to "nolapic noapic noirqpoll nosmp" all the options to boot01:48
patrick_im running ubuntu 7.1 on my inspiron 5100 and I have installed the driver but when i try to connect to any sever it wont let me01:48
brandon_robdig: does that really have and effect on it?01:48
IdleOne!ati | travis_ check out this link and YES plenty of people have ati cards01:49
ubotutravis_ check out this link and YES plenty of people have ati cards: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:49
fixargk1duga1: yes in other way ubuntu doesn't boot on dv6000 laptops01:49
brandon_robdig:  my CD's for windows and mac read properly01:49
robdigbrandon_: not sure. are you looking at the files using nautilus or command line?01:49
fixargk1duga1: i search on synaptic and i found two packages: laptop-mode-tools (installed) and ubuntu-laptop-mode (not installed)01:49
super61anyone know about my problem?01:49
ouellettesranyone know why updating capplets-data just hangs?01:49
fixargk1duga1: i should install the last one?01:49
IdleOnetravis_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:49
travis_oh, nvm im stupid, lol thanks01:49
genii!info jabber01:49
ubotujabber: An instant messaging server using the Jabber/XMPP protocol. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.3-3.3ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 161 kB, installed size 580 kB01:49
IdleOnetravis_: np lol01:49
brandon_robdig: lol take your pick... tried everything..... even started to cat the dev01:50
patrick_does anyone know why i cannot connect to my wireless internet??01:50
k1duga1fixarg: install them but then you need to fix one issue with laptop-mode01:50
Cravis it possible to stream media from my linux box to my xbox360?01:50
fixargk1duga1: wich one?01:50
_converge_I am going to install ubuntu 7.1001:51
_converge_but I am not sure if my modem will workj01:51
luiswere can one get codecs for ubuntu? audio codecs01:51
robdigbrandon_: if nautilus, have you set it to show hidden files? ctrl+h should do it...at command line use ls -a01:51
patrick_I'm looking for someone to help me with my wireless internet you can reach me at NEWYORKERJJ35 on PIDGIN01:51
_converge_I use usb sagem fast modem 80001:51
k1duga1fixarg: Load_Cycle_Count goes crazy on laptop-mode on and kill your HDD01:51
epimeteoHi ppl. I used TAR and netcat to do a backup with "tar -cvj --exclude=/proc --exclude=/lost+found --exclude=/mnt --exclude=/sys / | nc -q 0 <receiving host> 1024". How can I restore the backup sending back the file through netcat and uncompressing it in real time with TAR?01:51
_converge_I never used UBUNTU before also01:51
michael_Inspiron 5160 Laptop-- Screen being detected as Plug n Play-- Then getting a RGB Glx Visual erro01:51
brandon_robdig:  hidden files does not reveal anything else other than .volumeicn.icn and .trashes01:51
fixarg:-P i read about that i think i already has installed laptop-mode and i made the suggested fixes01:52
_converge_HELP ME01:52
fixargk1duga1: but now i'm afraid to start to kill it01:52
geniiMan, all those caps01:52
patrick_haha sorry01:52
tuxcrasheranyone know how to run a disk check on a non linux filesystem?01:52
robdigbrandon_: did you just put the disk into the system or did you do a mount command?01:52
_converge_please help01:52
michael_Check the ubuntu forums patrick, you wanna look for ndiswrapper01:52
tuxcrasherits mounted01:53
patrick_thanks michael01:53
travis_patrick: what wireless card are you using?01:53
_converge_I am sure my modem will not work01:53
michael_Inspiron 5160 Laptop-- Screen being detected as Plug n Play-- Then getting a RGB Glx Visual erro01:53
brandon_robdig: either way still same conclusion,  i have automounted and manually done it to no avail01:53
patrick_um a broadcom wireless card built into my laptop, it has the driver i just dont understand why it is not connecting to my home network01:53
travis_Dell Inspiron?01:53
robdigbrandon_: hmm, give me a moment or two01:53
patrick_yes 510001:54
brandon_robdig: its really quite annoying.. i wanna play wow01:54
brandon_robdig: :)01:54
michael_i second the wow playing01:54
michael_cedega wont install :(01:54
patrick_travis: any idea?01:54
_converge_nobody will help ? !01:54
brandon_i have the trial disc01:54
nishiishii_converag_ I sent you a PM with a URL to the ubuntu forums detailing how to get that modem working.01:54
travis_world of warcraft01:54
brandon_my dvd player will not read the exe on it01:54
travis_i'd assume01:54
bazhang_patience converge01:55
michael_Inspiron 5160 Laptop-- Screen being detected as Plug n Play-- Then getting a RGB Glx Visual erro01:55
bazhang_oh ok01:55
michael_thats my error haha01:55
_converge_I checked them01:55
_converge_and understand nothing01:55
genii_converge_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsbAdslModem/ueagle-atm01:55
travis_patrick, i messaged you on AIM01:55
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PirateHeadIs there a way I can force the CD to be ejected even if an app is requesting that the tray stay closed?01:55
_converge_I alreddy checked them01:55
michael_Inspiron 5160 Laptop-- Screen being detected as Plug n Play-- Then getting a RGB Glx Visual erro01:55
_converge_BUt I cant understand01:55
sidapt-get is http://rafb.net/p/R6gAzX36.html01:56
sidI have an error installing cupsys01:56
brandon_i wonder if there is an explorer in wine?01:56
sidHow can i fix this? I'm running Ubuntu off a live usb drive01:56
genii_converge_: The instructions there seem very comprehensive. All you need to do is follow them carefully01:56
bazhang__converge_: can't understand what specifically? this may take a moment or two, so best to be patient--if you give more info, then more help can be given01:56
michael_Inspiron 5160 Laptop-- Screen being detected as Plug n Play-- Then getting a RGB Glx Visual erro01:57
super61hello i have a Sony laptop and ubuntu gusty wont show on my screen. it sounds like this there but nothing shows up01:57
geniibazhang_: He has a Sagem Fast 800 nusb modem. The link I gave has instructions on how to get it working01:57
robdigbrandon_: do you know if it is a UDF or iso9660 filesystem?01:57
bazhang_genii: cool, sorry to butt in :}01:57
geniibazhang_: No worries :)01:58
k1duga1fixarg: did you try to boot only with "pci=routeirq"01:58
* genii slides bazhang_ a coffee01:58
_converge_do I need to install driver files on version 7.10 ?01:58
sidAnyone know about the livecd and cupsys uprade via apt-get?01:58
bazhang_genii: mmm..coffee..thanks!01:58
_converge_do I need to build driver ?01:58
brandon_robdig: anything yet?01:59
robdigbrandon_: do you know if it is a UDF or iso9660 filesystem?01:59
brandon_robdig:  one sec01:59
super61genii_: bored?01:59
genii_converge_: Read the instructions at the link I gave carefully and follow the instructions step by step and things will turn out fine. The instructions are even something a 12 year old could follow01:59
fixargk1duga1: i boot without noacpi nolacpi parameters02:00
pgI have problem booting a SATA hard drive: grub error 22 (no such partition)02:00
geniisuper61: Not yet LOL02:00
_converge_well I am not that clever maybe !02:00
fixargk1duga1:  seems like the error was only during install02:00
super61super61: ok lol02:00
=== kiyoshi is now known as deadwolf87
super61genii_: ok lol02:00
fixargk1duga1: but i still don't see nothing with dmesg | grep "ACPI: Fan"02:00
_converge_can I copy the instrucctions and open them in ubuntu02:01
fixargk1duga1: this is something better ? [   17.259716] ACPI: Thermal Zone [THRM] (61 C)02:01
brandon_robdig: udf but when i did cat on the device it did say something about iso9660 or something or another02:01
k1duga1fixarg: well its hot02:01
_converge_when I install ?02:01
brandon_robdig: is it possible that it has 2 different formats?02:02
_converge_after I install sorry02:02
genii_converge_: So what help are you expecting from here? We would only read the page then tell you to do exactly what is there anyhow. Print off the page for reference, etc02:02
fixarghow can i enable fan now?02:02
brandon_robdig: or maybe reading it as udf when it should read another way or something02:02
fixargk1duga1: how can i enable fan now?02:02
robdigbrandon_: yeah, that happens sometimes. unmount it, then mount it again using mount -t udf /dev/hdc /media/cdrom0          of course you may have to change the device name and mount point...02:02
k1duga1can you see fan in the list02:02
_converge_:( I Know nothing about computers02:02
brandon_robdig: ok.. can you give me specific commands02:03
Ongakuhello, hmm well I try to access my documents folder via places...and it doesn´t pop up...i go into system monitor and it says --no desktop02:03
genii_converge_: You install the system first, then do the instructions there. If the usb modem is your only internet you will need to get some of the files beforehand or have another way to access internet02:03
robdigbrandon_: sure, one sec02:03
Ongakuunder nautilus02:03
matttiswhat happened to my kaffeine player ? It doesn't play anything... same with totem02:03
_converge_I install the driver files into another cd already02:03
Ongakumatttis: what does it do, just freeze up?02:03
mic21Good evening, I am using Gusty with CUPS and in my logs (dmesg) I have the following error : [27077.600000] audit(1196699454.303:39):  type=1503 operation="inode_permission" requested_mask="rw" denied_mask="rw" name="/dev/tty" pid=7790 profile="/usr/sbin/cupsd".  I think it's a problem with apparmor; so i have typed "sudo aa-complain cupsd" but the error is still there. Any ideas ?02:03
robdigbrandon_: to unmount it, you should be able to right click on the icon on the desktop and click unmount02:03
brandon_ok... unmounted02:04
matttisOngaku: yeah, freezes02:04
Ongakumatttis: i had a similar problem with rhythmbox...it wouldn´t play any songs or anything02:04
matttisbut if works normal if i dont play something02:04
robdigbrandon_: to mount it use mount -t udf /dev/hdc /media/cdrom0         but use your system values for hdc and cdrom002:04
IamReck1Piratehead you got it?02:04
genii_converge_: So you got the file http://eagle-usb.org/ueagle-atm/non-free/ueagle-data-1.1.tar.gz and put it on a cd already?02:04
patrick_im using ubuntu 7.1 and im having trouble connecting to my wireless router, anyone have any ideas how to fix it??02:04
=== alyx_ is now known as Alyxander
PirateHeadIamReck1: I'm still trying to figure it out.02:05
_converge_yes I got genii02:05
matttisOngaku: what did you do ?02:05
Ongakuanyone know what´s up with my problem? i try to access my documents folder through the places and it doesn´t pop up...02:05
k1duga1fixarg: open "root Terminal" and then "echo 3 > /proc/acpi/fan/xxxx/state" where "xxxx" is your fan id. eg. "[   14.086392] ACPI: Fan [C1F1] (off)" C1F1 is fan id02:05
IamReck1PirateHead, what kind of computer are you on?02:05
PirateHeadIamReck1: I've tried using eject and umount -f.02:05
PirateHeadIamReck1: I'm on a Toshiba laptop.02:05
Ongakumatttis: for rhythmbox, i had to enable this verbose thinger lol it was confusing as all hell02:05
brandon_robdig: one sec02:05
patrick_can anyone help me connect to my wireless internet, im using gutsy gibbon and have already installed the wireless card driver02:06
IamReck1I suggest turning your computer off.  Their should be a hole somewhere on the CD tray that will manually eject it, when you insert a paper clip in it.02:06
VicfredHi, i just compiled gimp 2.4.2 but im getting this error when i try to run it "Libgimp version mismatch!, The GIMP binary cannot run with a libgimp version other than its own. This is GIMP 2.4.2, but the libgimp version is 2.4.0. Maybe you have GIMP versions in both /usr and /usr/local ?"02:06
Ongakumatttis: i do not know if kaffeine uses gstreamer...does it?02:06
fixargk1duga1: crap i don't have nothing on /proc/acpi/fan02:06
aladinsaneI had Firestarter (the firewall) installed before and everything worked fine but the torrent client, so i uninstalled Firestarter but the torrentclient still couldnt connect so i re-installed Firestarter and no all my traffic is blocked, I cant even get out with my web browsers, anybody has a clue?02:06
IamReck1PirateHead, I suggest consulting your manual.02:06
matttisOngaku: i think so02:06
genii_converge_: Good. Then you go into your new install of ubuntu, copy the file from cd to hard drive, then do the part in te instructions from "tar thatfilename" onwards02:06
PirateHeadIamReck1: This is not a hardware problem. There is a process locking /dev/hdc and so the software refuses to open the hard drive.02:06
Slynderdale"Ubuntu developer Matthew Garrett has succeeded in getting the MPAA to remove their 'University Toolkit' after claims it violated the GNU GPL. After several unsuccessful attempts to contact the MPAA directly, Garrett eventually emailed the group's ISP and the violating software was taken down."02:06
Ongakumatttis: ok, one second...02:07
* unravel sips seven coffees, being an overaccheiver02:07
patrick_is anyone available to help me out??02:07
VicfredHi, i just compiled gimp 2.4.2 but im getting this error when i try to run it "Libgimp version mismatch!, The GIMP binary cannot run with a libgimp version other than its own. This is GIMP 2.4.2, but the libgimp version is 2.4.0. Maybe you have GIMP versions in both /usr and /usr/local ?" help please?02:07
PirateHeadIamReck1: I'm sure I could just reboot my computer or kill processes until I find the locking one, but I'm looking for a more elegant solution.,02:07
musashihow do i install a program that is a .bin file? it is supposed to be a linux installer.02:07
IamReck1PirateHead, the software might be working fine. your disc drive could be stuck.  or what you say good be true.02:07
_converge_ok I will try02:07
* genii steals one of unravel's coffees02:07
kub^hi, i have a small issue with opera not using the mplayer plugin properly, i just get a white box. I have mozplugger installed and mplayer, opera is looking at the correct libraries in about:plugins. anyone able to help ?02:07
k1duga1fixarg: did you try to find DSDT for your laptop model02:07
unravelpatrick_: details, details. give us details. what kind of network are you trying to connect to?02:08
Ongakumatttis: ok, what program are you having a problem with? kaffeine?02:08
matttismusashi: open a shell type ./binfile.bin02:08
fixargk1duga1: let me try02:08
brandon_robdig: nope, help02:08
matttisOngaku: kaffeine and totem02:08
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brandon_robdig: can i mount as 9660?02:08
unravelpatrick_: how are you attempting to connect? what chipset is your card using?  so on and so forth02:08
musashimatttis, thanks02:08
k1duga1let me know the source02:08
musashimatttis, probably need to use sudo right?02:08
robdigbrandon_: yup, just a sec02:08
matttismusashi: yes, i forgot02:08
brandon_robdig: ok02:08
patrick_unravel: i am on a dell inspiron 5100 laptop and have installed the newest driver for my broadcom wireless card and i am attempting to connect to my home network code name "habernet" it shows up just will not connect02:08
Ongakumatttis: ok...type in terminal: kaffeine --gst-plugin-spew then restart your system, it should work...it worked for me02:08
musashimatttis, great. thanks02:09
k1duga1fixarg: its importan stuff02:09
Netham45how big is gnome?02:09
geniineed to switch access points. bbiab02:09
Netham45!info gnome02:09
ubotugnome: The GNOME Desktop Environment, with extra components. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.18.3ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 13 kB, installed size 44 kB02:09
fixargk1duga1: i know02:09
Ongakuhello, hmm well I try to access my documents folder via places...and it doesn´t pop up...i go into system monitor and it says --no desktop under nautlius02:09
robdigbrandon_: same command you used, just substitute iso9660 for udf02:09
Netham45!info gdm02:09
ubotugdm: GNOME Display Manager. In component main, is optional. Version 2.20.1-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 1822 kB, installed size 15400 kB02:09
musashimatttis, one more followup. is there a way to simulate what it will do? i.e. have it show me where it is going to put things but not actually do it?02:09
unravelpatrick_: ooh, i'm sorry. i've got no personal experience with bcom, so i'm not sure whatcha need to do :T02:09
jpiccoloanyone know of a ktorrent mirror for the source code?02:10
robdigbrandon_: yes02:10
brandon_robdig: i love you dude!02:10
* Netham45 just removed over half of an installations size02:10
matttismusashi: sorry, i have no idea02:10
* robdig blushes02:10
Netham45I doubt it will boot after this02:10
musashimatttis, okay, thanks02:10
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PirateHeadIamReck1: I'm sure that it's a software problem because I'm getting errors form the kernel saying "device is busy".02:10
robdigbrandon_: glad it worked out for you...02:10
Vicfredhi anyone can help me with gimp? im compiling it from source02:10
brandon_robdig: ubuntu needs to address this issue.. how can i let them know about this bug?02:10
jpiccoloktorrent.org down for anyone else?02:10
riotkittieah. better.02:10
Ongakuhello, hmm well I try to access my documents folder via places...and it doesn´t pop up...i go into system monitor and it says --no desktop02:10
ouellettesris it normal that xserver-xgl uses a lot of cpu?02:11
patrick_anyone else have experience with broadcom network cards?? i need help connecting to my home linksys router02:11
Ongakudid you see what i said matttis? it might work02:11
robdigbrandon_: you can enter bugs on www.launchpad.net, may want to search to see if someone has already reported it first02:11
matttisOngaku: but you used it with another programm right ? kaffeine doesnt know that option02:11
Ongakupatrick_: that´s what my card is...on an inspiron 110002:11
xangehas anybody got a USB Logitech MX1000 to work under gutsy?02:11
robdigbrandon_: if they have, you can update it with any comments if you want02:11
Ongakumatttis: check totem --help-all and see if there is gstreamer options02:12
oscarhi all!02:12
patrick_ongaku: i have already installed the driver, in my available networks list i can see my home network but when i try to connect it wont let me, i have no security on my network02:12
brandon_robdig: k thanks... im off to playing wow everyone!  Arthas - Sylaurelas lvl 50 hunter cya02:12
Ongakupatrick_: odd i dont have those probelms with mine02:12
jsoftwwow? eww. Try dark crusade :D02:12
oscarim trying to setup a second monitor in ubuntu gutsy and im having some troubles02:12
aschmackpatrick_, if youre running fiesty then the restricted drivers manager has a driver that works better than the oss one02:12
OngakuOblivion ftw lol02:12
oscartake a look in the net an everybody is having problems02:13
aschmacker gutsy02:13
patrick_aschmack: im running gutsy gibbon =/02:13
Smegzormy pc (ubuntu 64) has lost all sound.  I have an XP dual boot and that has sound so the hardware is ok.  Where do I look to fix the sound?  Do I just restart a sound daemon?  What is the command line for that anyway?02:13
brandon_dark crusade?02:13
aschmackthats what i meant02:13
oscaris a reality the second video ouput in ubuntu?02:13
matttisOngaku: seems to be a sound daemon problem02:13
kub^hi, i have a small issue with opera not using the mplayer plugin properly, i just get a white box. I have mozplugger installed and mplayer, opera is looking at the correct libraries in about:plugins. anyone able to help ?02:13
Ongakuhello, hmm well I try to access my documents folder via places...and it doesn´t pop up...i go into system monitor and it says --no desktop when i look at it02:13
oscarsomebody have good experience?02:13
Ongakumatttis: oh...well i dont know anything about that :/02:13
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patrick_aschmack: i have downloaded the newest driver but i just cannot connect to my home network, i have no security and on my router i have allowed my laptops mac adress to connect with my router02:13
VadiHow can I check if my laptop has the tickless kernel option enabled?02:14
dark_ninjaOngaku, the --no-desktop option won't affect what you can see, it just runs nautilus without also letting it draw the desktop02:14
patrick_aschmack: any ideas?02:14
matttisOngaku: with which program did you use your option ?     and what do you mean with "via places" ? the button next to the k menu ?02:14
Ongakudark_ninja: well, how come the window doesn´t pop up with my documents then?02:15
aschmackpatrick_, no sorry02:15
Ongakumatttis: i used it with rhythmbox...and via places i mean places in between system and apps02:15
jsoftwMust.... focus..02:15
fixargk1duga1: i don't know hot to follow with this. i'm loose02:15
dark_ninjawell i don't know but you might want to try running nautilus and going to your home directory which is where documents will be02:15
jsoftwMore... boring.. code... to write..02:15
tomd123is there a utility for dling a website for n-depth?02:16
patrick_does anyone here have any idea why i cannot connect to my home internet wirelessly???02:16
kelsintomd123: wget I thin handles that02:16
Ongakudark_ninja: nautilus is running02:16
jsoftwpatrick_: is teh cable plugged in? :D02:16
brandon_jsoftw: make it unboring02:16
Vaditomd123: I remember one in add/remive, let me find it.02:16
dark_ninjaongaku, but you have no file browser window opening?02:16
patrick_jsoftw: im trying to connect wirelessly, in my available networks i can see that my home network is available i just cannot connect when i click on it02:16
Ongakudark_ninja: exactly02:16
ari_stressIdleOne: i dont think we can do that02:16
* genii sips a coffee02:17
knoidevening all.02:17
k1duga1fixarg: im trying to see if I can find any sol. but im not sure02:17
knoidhaving trouble with a xinetd/vnc setup, looking for some assistance02:17
dark_ninjaok well then try killing nautilus and rerunning it02:17
brandon_patrick... i had the same prblem02:17
patrick_brandon: any idea how to fix it?02:17
tomd123kelsin: wow, wget does do that :shock:02:17
fixargk1duga1: thanks02:17
Ongakudark_ninja: just kill it in system monitor, then what? type in terminal?02:17
dark_ninjayeah that'll work02:17
jsoftwcomperr: I dont know.02:17
brandon_pat: one sec02:17
Ongakudark_ninja: ok...02:17
geniipatrick_: from terminal: sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid <wirelessnetworknamehere>02:18
Vaditomd123: WebHTTrack Website Copier02:18
patrick_genii: will try02:18
=== adante_ is now known as adante
VadiHow can I check if my laptop has the tickless kernel option enabled?02:18
Ongakudark_ninja: ya, it worked :) thx mate :)02:18
k1duga1fixarg: im using Linux for last 2weeks first time in my life02:18
patrick_BRB ALL02:18
naelrI am having trouble compiling me a new kernel can anyone give me some help02:18
fixargk1duga1: :-D02:18
j3gi have a box that is restarting almost precisely every hour... anyone know what could cause this?02:18
fixargk1duga1: so thanks for your effort02:19
jsoftwj3g: is it power management related?02:19
naelrI used this guide02:19
kelsinj3g: i would have a look at the syslog and kernel messages and see if anything is in there02:19
j3gjsoftw: don't know... it simply reboots... no warnings on the logs02:19
naelrand here is what happens when I make menuconfig http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46790/02:19
jsoftwj3g: is it idle?02:19
fixargk1duga1: i will check my bios. i came back on a few minutes02:19
brandon_i think i fixed my wireless connection problem by selecting a different auth type02:19
k1duga1fixarg: I found out its best to share, I  had same problem but I fixed it02:19
j3gjsoftw: not really.. but not on high load... it's a quad.. using like 2-5%02:19
brandon_even though auth was not enabled02:19
k1duga1I can tell you how I did it02:20
jsoftwj3g: no I mean is it headless, ie, you are not actually actively on it02:20
patrick_brandon: one second02:20
kelsinnaelr: any reason you want a custom kernel?02:20
j3gjsoftw:  yes its headless... take a look that the rebooot times.... http://pastebin.com/m241d3502:20
knoidhaving trouble with a xinetd/vnc4server setup; can login OK to vnc4server when it's running solo, but not when it's running under xinetd, can anyone help?02:20
Ongakudark_ninja: woah thanks alot lol it was making my CPU go 100%...im so glad im getting rid of this thing lol02:20
jsoftwj3g: I would investigate power related things, see if its set to power down or whatever02:20
naelryes a few reasons02:20
jsoftwerm, suspend I mean02:20
patrick_genii: when i typed that in it said "bash: syntax error near unexpected token 'newline'"02:20
j3gjsoftw: i changed it's name from venus to sol but it is the same box02:20
Vicfredhttp://img518.imageshack.us/img518/6731/gimptj6.png <------------- help~~ pls02:20
Ongakudark_ninja: finally lol ill have a real desktop with a dual core proc and gfx lol :P02:21
jsoftwj3g: yeah look at what I mentioned02:21
michael_Inspiron 5160 Laptop-- Screen being detected as Plug n Play-- Then getting a RGB Glx Visual erro02:21
jsoftwj3g: and look in crontabs02:21
j3gjsoftw: i'll go there tomorrow.. can't check it from here02:21
jsoftwj3g: adn what not02:21
dark_ninjanaelr, looks like you're missing ncurses dev files02:21
kelsinnaelr: ok, well first of all I would that error specifically means that you need the ncurses dev libraries. There is probably a command in order to get all the deps for you, apt-get build-dep linux-kernel or somethin glike that02:21
geniipatrick_: In my case the wap broadcasts name george. So I would do:     sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid george02:21
j3gjsoftw: only hourly job on crontab was ntpdate to my local ntp server (i commented it out... )02:21
jsoftwHmm ok.02:22
patrick_genii_: i will try again02:22
Ongakumicheal_: hmmm...try reconfiguring xorg02:22
naelrsweet... thanks dark_ninja and kelsin.. I will install and see what happens02:22
jsoftwj3g: what about the rest of cron.02:22
brandon_what router you got?02:22
NYCThomasBcan anyone here give me a hand with madwifi install on  ubuntu 7.10?02:22
patrick_brandon: linksys02:22
j3gjsoftw: nothing hourly..02:22
brandon_it will prob broadcast that by default02:22
michael_ongaku_;=: what would i need to change and how?02:22
Smegzorsound problems fixed :D02:23
Ongakumichael_: type in terminal dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and follow it through02:23
brandon_anyone ever set up usb headphones on ubuntu02:23
neil_dI am trying to run a python script that uses gtk.PrintSettings on 6.10 with python version 2.4.3 but it is saying '... has no attribute PrintSettings'  :( how do I fix this ?  it works find under gutsy02:23
naelrstupid ncurses-dev.. thanks guys that was it02:23
naelrnow I have another question...02:23
Ongakumichael_: restart and see what happens....i had similar problems on my dell lappy...it fixed the resolution and all that crud lol02:23
j3gjsoftw: stopped cron... let's see what happens next hour02:23
patrick_genii_: terminal output: "error for wireless request "set ESSID" (8B1A) SET failed on device wlan0 ; no such device."02:24
musashii have an older install of ubuntu on a separate drive that was not connected during install of 7.10. is there an easy way to tell grub to update the menu to boot that?02:24
naelrif I use a different kernel should I need to recompile ndiswrapper?02:24
dark_ninjanaelr, yes02:24
dark_ninjait's a kernel mod02:24
dark_ninjawell you could try it but most likely yes02:24
naelryea it doesn't work with a newer kernel I downloaded.. the ubuntu-zen kernel...02:25
patrick_genii_: any idea??02:25
kelsinnaelr: debian does have many scripts to compile kernels and kernel mods for you, if you do really need to build a kernel custom, it's probably worth learning02:25
dark_ninjawhat kelsin said02:25
Ongakudoes anyone know if you can get Guitar Pro 5 to work in Wine?02:25
kelsinnaelr: do you mean xen? Ubuntu has xen kernels precompiled02:25
xzasedIm trying to setup a mail server using ubuntu. I've read the documentation and everything is set, but my question is if I need ubuntu server -I have installed the desktop edition- or it doesnt really matter02:25
kelsinxzased: does not matter02:26
PiranhaPWould somebody please help me determine why DejaVu Sans looks so bad (choppy?) in LabVIEW on Ubuntu (LabVIEW is a graphical programming IDE that doesn't use fontconfig)?  DejaVu looks fine elsewhere, and it worked fine in LabVIEW on Gentoo.  I have toyed with various font settings, but it looks choppy at small sizes and unsightly at larger sizes.  I have taken a screenshot of the problem:  http://netvenger.com/tmp/dejavu-labview-problem.png02:26
patrick_genii_: are you there?02:26
dark_ninjaongaku, others have reported that it mostly works02:26
xzasedthanks a lot mr. kelsin -we meet again02:26
j3gjsoftw: do you know a way to turn of all power management features without rebooting?02:26
chuckfxzased, doesn't matter, but server will be a bit more secure out of the box02:26
Ongakudark_ninja: sweet...cos Dguitar doesn´t read .gp5 files...unless there´s one that dodes?02:26
marcioapfhow can anjuta to compile my program? the program uses gtk+ headers.02:26
NYCThomasBcan anyone here give me a hand with madwifi install on  ubuntu 7.10?02:27
dark_ninjano idea02:27
kelsinPiranhaP: is that an app running in wine?02:27
xzasedI see. Thanks for the info guys02:27
PiranhaPkelsin: no, native Linux, compiled against glibc02:27
Ongakudark_ninja: ah well...thanks for your help earlier off to play Oblivion :D02:27
MercurybulletSorry to windows bash, but I think this is my new favorite feature - http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;26118602:27
naelrwith my new laptop I can't use but the 2.6.20-14 kernel to boot my laptop.... but the sound doesn't work... if I use http://www.mattparnell.com/zen-kernel.html my sound works but my ndiswrapper doesn't work... I was going to recomplie the new madwifi drivers to try to get it working02:27
MercurybulletComputer Randomly Plays Classical Music02:27
OngakuLOL gotta love Windows eh lol02:28
kelsinPiranhaP: do you happen to knwo which widget library it's using? I would check into that, it might need xft support compiled ir or something like that :-(02:28
patrick_genii_: are you still there and can you help me?02:28
neil_dI need to use gtk.PrintSettings etc. on 6,10 with python 2.4.3 can someone help ?02:28
knoidMercurybullet: actually it's a BIOS feature, not specific to win02:29
brandon_lol at win02:29
ouellettesrhello, does anyone know what drivers I need for ATI Mobility Radeon 7500???02:29
brandon_its a small small world02:29
Ongakumercurybullet: windows would give me the blue screen of death anytime I used the WMP plugin for Windows Live Messenger...haha02:29
dark_ninjaouellettesr, it depends on what you want to be able to do02:29
marcioapfhow can get anjuta to compile my program? i think it can't build it now because i need to type `pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk+-2.0` in the terminal to compile my programs (gtk+)02:29
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PiranhaPkelsin: Everything in LabVIEW is custom done; it's own widget set.  It's a cross-platform IDE, so they made sure it was consistent.02:29
knoidhaving trouble with a xinetd/vnc4server setup; can login OK to vnc4server when it's running solo, but not when it's running under xinetd, can anyone help?02:30
dark_ninjayour options are basically the radeon or fglrx drivers02:30
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ouellettesrdark_ninja well I would like to be able to use compiz02:30
Mercurybulletknoid: the bois has the song in memory?02:30
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kelsinPiranhaP: then I would double check with them, esp if it works fine on gentoo, about what font library they are using02:30
knoidMercurybullet: yep. read the article more closely.02:30
MercurybulletOngaku: well that shows you to use windows programs on a windows machine ;-)02:30
kenshie_himuraHello World: any one can help to use the old version of compiz (beryl ) in Gutsy ????02:31
knoidMercurybullet: "system BIOSes developed by Award/Unicore from 1997 on"02:31
kelsinkenshie_himura: is there a reason you want to do this?02:31
ouellettesrdark_ninja: do you know which one of those drivers would be better? And do I have to have xserver-xgl installed?02:31
Ongakumercurybullet: lol yeah...im all ubuntu now...but ima have to get windows for my new build...Oblivion is hard to run in Wine...02:31
kelsinkenshie_himura: instead of using compiz-fusion that's included?02:31
Mercurybulletknoid: wow, i see that now...i wonder if the song was part of their sales pitch02:31
dark_ninjaright, ouelletttesr you should be able to use the default driver02:31
kenshie_himurabecause my card its too old02:31
dark_ninjahave you tried installing enabling desktop effects?02:31
knoidMercurybullet: no idea lol. i guess M$ got enough calls about it to make it worth putting on KB02:31
PiranhaPkelsin: I'm fairly sure it's Xft as I've had to include the libraries in an "embedded" system before.02:32
kenshie_himuraand i can use meny effects of compiz02:32
ouellettesrdark_ninja: the default driver is ati02:32
dark_ninjahmm well try changing that to "radeon"02:32
kenshie_himurai use DRI to my ATI RAGE MOVILITY P/M 4Mb02:32
dark_ninjathat should give you 3d support02:32
Mercurybulletknoid: I can only imagine what I would do if my computer randomly started playing "Its a small small world"02:32
kelsinkenshie_himura: you're graphics card? you can disable and enable the effects in fusion individualy and it's much stabler than beryl. You can install the ccsm to get to those options02:32
kelsin!ccsm | kenshie_himura02:32
knoidMercurybullet: flip out, i should think02:32
ubotukenshie_himura: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion02:33
ouellettesrdark_ninja yes, Its very choppy and it xserver-xgl eats up my cpu02:33
ouellettesrok ill try that02:33
kenshie_himuraI need old version !! not the compiz-fusion nclude (sorry about my englsih, im spanish)02:33
kelsinPiranhaP: I assume you custom compiled the app, and I assume that there weren't any options to enable aliasing of fonts?02:33
super61hello i have a Sony laptop and ubuntu gusty wont show on my screen. it sounds like this there but nothing shows up02:33
Ongakucan´t kenshie get a backported version of compiz? idk how that works really02:33
bazhang_kenshie_himura: it may not be supported anymore--has been merged with compiz-fusion02:34
kenshie_himuraNot I can't enable02:34
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knoidhaving trouble with a xinetd/vnc4server setup; can login OK to vnc4server when it's running solo, but not when it's running under xinetd, can anyone help?02:34
kenshie_himurai know about managed effects , but no to me thx, i need the old version, Help me please!02:35
PiranhaPkelsin: No, LabVIEW is precompiled, and it produces executables that are compiled against its own run-time engine, none of which have any font options beyond what's in the screenshot.02:35
neil_dI have a python script running under 7.10 python version 2.5.1.    I need to use gtk.PrintSettings etc. on 6,10 with python 2.4.3 can someone help ?02:35
Ereal1as anyone notice that ubuntu dosnt load the splash screen in ?02:35
MercurybulletDoes anyone know of a single page that gives commands/scripts for all of the stuff needed to get extras working in x64 (i.e. Flash, etc)?02:36
kelsinPiranhaP: if getting the fonts perfect is a important thing then you need to find out what libraries it's using (probably can ldd the binary) and then look at the ubuntu source package and the gentoo ebuilds to find what's different02:36
MercurybulletOr is the best way to go, to just use automatix2?02:36
astro76!automatix | Mercurybullet02:36
ubotuMercurybullet: automatix is not recommended, supported or needed. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »02:36
Ereal1my cuzin is have a bit of problems with sound on his amd64ox02:36
astro76Mercurybullet, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AMD64/FirefoxAndPlugins02:36
dark_ninjaneil_d, you do have pygtk installed on the 6.10 installl, right?02:37
Bruno1how can i make firefox consume less cpu?02:37
neil_ddark_ninja, yes it can run the pygtk examples.02:37
kenshie_himurathx for info about automatix2, i dont use !XD02:38
Mercurybulletastro76: thanks02:38
root_ /server -m irc.irchighway.net02:38
root_ /server -m irc.irchighway.net02:38
Ereal1those that page fix the no sound on ubuntu 64amd no sound bug?02:38
patrick_can anyone help me to connect to my internet wirelessly??02:39
kenshie_himurahowto install the version backport of beryl?? somebody says after...02:39
knoidEreal1: try here? - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AMD64/#head-c623443c8c612c18be37feec67a1b62ab8ab060c02:39
patrick_ALL: AFK02:40
Ereal1k ill try that02:40
robdigpatrick_: maybe...what's it doing (or not)?02:40
Ereal1my cuzins amd64box also has no sound at startup? very weird02:40
kelsinkenshie_himura: backport is not the right word, that normally means install a newer version then nwhat's available. I would look into finding some beryl packages for fiesty/edgy and compiling those on your system (Look into apt-get source --compile), or just downloading the beryl source for their archives02:41
PiranhaPkelsin: ldd only shows deps for X11 and Xext.  If it's a question of Xft vs fontconfig, I can tell you that it's not fontconfig.  Is it a problem that Ubuntu didn't create fonts.{dir,scale} in /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-dejavu?02:41
knoidEreal1: both boxes have the same sound chipset?02:41
patrick_robdig_: i am running ubuntu 7.1 and have the wireless driver installed, i can view my available networks i just cannot connect to my home network02:41
kenshie_himura<Ongaku> can´t kenshie get a backported version of compiz?  HOWTO GET??02:41
kelsinPiranhaP: I have no idea, very possible, but I couldn't begin to tell you have to do it either02:41
neil_ddark_ninja, any ideas ?02:42
robdigpatrick_: is it open or is it protected?02:42
luke_I have a driver running right now that I need to reconfig. I can't "make" the new driver because it says that the driver is already enabled in the kernel. I'm pretty lost right now as to what I need to do, any help would be amazing.02:42
dark_ninjaneil_d, looking, but probably not, sorry02:42
bazhang_kenshie_himura: you are asking for trouble with this in my opinion,best to try compiz-fusion02:42
patrick_robdig_: it is open, no lock is shown next to it because i left it unprotected when i installed the system ( linksys router)02:42
kelsinluke_: what do you mean by reconfig?02:42
luke_i ran make on that driver when i still had some editting to do02:42
PiranhaPkelsin: that part I can handle, I just didn't know Ubuntu had eliminated the need for the font.* files.  I'll give it a try.  Thanks for all your help.02:43
kelsinkenshie_himura: there is no easy way to install the old version of beryl. You either have to learn how to deal with source packages, or learn how to compile strait from the beryl source02:43
robdigpatrick_: do you have an ip address?02:43
neil_ddark_ninja, do you know what package those modules are meant to be in ?02:43
Ereal1is it just me or is their no more splash screen at startup anymore ?!02:43
patrick_robdig_: how do i know if i do? sorry im a novice haha02:43
PiranhaPs/Ubuntu/if Ubuntu/02:43
Ereal1also load time has increased ?!02:43
patrick_robdig_: i've connected to the internet on this same computer running xp with no problem02:43
dark_ninjaneil_d pthon-gtk202:43
Ereal1seems to be a lot of bug in 7.1002:43
kelsinPiranhaP: well if it does work then you solved the problem yourself. I would imagine that the program might use bitmap fonts and with the dir and scale files it doesn't do a good job. Ubuntu might not include them since maybe no packages in the base trees neet bitmap fonts anymore, or something close to that :-(02:43
robdigpatrick_: type ifconfig     it will show a lot of output, about your connections02:43
patrick_robdig_: will do hd on one sec02:44
NYCThomasBcan anyone here give me a hand with madwifi install on  ubuntu 7.10?02:44
knoidhaving trouble with a xinetd/vnc4server setup; can login OK to vnc4server when it's running solo, but not when it's running under xinetd, can anyone help?02:44
luke_kelsin , ya get what I mean? I can't make the new driver because it says the old driver is already enabled in the kernel.02:44
robdigpatrick_: your ip address will be called inet addr, should be on second line for interface02:44
kenshie_himuraOk if i right i need a repository of beryl (festy) and use apt-get source --compile > its ok??02:44
patrick_robdig_: i typed in ipconfig into my terminal and it said "bash: command not found:"02:45
neil_ddark_ninja, python2.4-gtk2 is installed.   maybe I should reinstall it ?02:45
Ereal1nyctomas  is your wireless is on b g02:45
astro76patrick_, ifconfig, with an f02:45
robdigpatrick_: use ifconfig, ipconfig is on windows02:45
Ereal1linux has no support for wireless N from what I can see02:45
patrick_robdig_: k thanks just one sec02:45
dark_ninjaneil_d, you can try though that probably won't do anything, however you may want to try looking at the version specific documentation for python and gtk that you're basically porting to02:46
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patrick_robdig_: it worked what am i looking for again?02:46
dark_ninjasome syntax may have changed02:46
NYCThomasBereal: what do you mean b g?  i am in first week on linux02:46
robdigpatrick_: on the second line of your wireless interface, should begin with inet addr if you have one...02:46
kelsinluke_: if you really need to compile a driver that's included in the ubuntu kernel you probably need to custom compile your kernel as well, what driver is this?02:46
naelrok here comes another question... I need a configuration option that madwifi says I need but I can't find it in make menuconfig ...02:46
patrick_robdig_:  okay it says and then mask:
naelrhow does one apply a MM patch to the kernel02:47
NYCThomasBereal: 802.11g, sorry02:47
luke_kelsin , it's a driver for an orinoco classic gold wifi card. it is needed to get monitor mode to run.02:47
robdigpatrick_: that is your loop back interface, probably called lo0 or something. You probably want something that starts with ethX where X is 0 or 102:47
patrick_robdig_: what do i do now?02:47
anabelleHi, is there a quick way to restart my USB ports?02:48
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dark_ninjaanabelle, can you be more specific?02:48
patrick_robdig_: okay under eth0 my inet addr is what should i do??02:48
luke_kelsin , i just jumped the gun and ran make on the file before i edited the config file so now it gives me the error:  This driver is already enabled in the kernel.02:48
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cheebyhi.  is there a quick way to switch desktops in ubuntu like in kde? e.g., ctrl+f1 (desktop 1), ctrl+2 (desktop 2) and so on?  the 'key bindings' area doesn't seem to suggest so.02:49
anabelledue to a recent bug, the most annoying EVER02:49
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robdigpatrick_: ok. lets find out if that is your wireless adapter. type iwconfig02:49
kenshie_himuraOk if i right i need a repository of beryl (festy) and use apt-get source --compile > its ok??02:49
kelsinluke_: if you just ran make and not make install or anything else it shouldn't have done anything you can't reverse with make distclean (if this is a nicely made makefile)02:49
dark_ninjacheeby, have you tried ctrl-alt left / right02:49
anabelleif i want to use something trough usb (phone, stick, ipod, even a mouse) it has to be connected before i turn else my pc or else it wont recognize it02:50
patrick_robdig_: done, what am i looking for?02:50
PiranhaPanabelle: you might try:  sudo rmmod ehci_hcd; sudo rmmod uhci_hcd; sudo modprobe ehci_hcd; sudo modprobe uhci_hcd02:50
robdigpatrick_: does it have output for eth0 or does it say no wireless extensions?02:50
anabelleim willing that there is a command that restarts USB ports so i dont have to restart the whole system to connect a mouse02:50
cheebydark_ninja, yes.  but I mean to move to a specific desktop/viewport.  say you are on 2 and want to go to five.02:50
patrick_robdig_: it says no wireless extensions02:50
shrugcheeby ctrl-alt-left or right02:50
PiranhaPanabelle: but that sounds like it won't help in your case02:50
dark_ninjacheeby, my bad02:50
cheebyin kde I have up to ten active desktops, one for each client.02:50
hashbrowncipherdoes anyone know of a utility that shows the users logged into a box at a specific point in time?02:50
anabellePiranhaP isn't that malicious command?02:50
robdigpatrick_: rats...which interface showed output, eth1?02:51
anabelleim scared due to recent notices02:51
PiranhaPanabelle: no, that unloads the USB 1.1 and 2.0 modules, then loads them again02:51
cheebydark_ninja, no worries.02:51
patrick_robdig_: under eth1 it shows IEEE 802.11b/g and a bunch of stuff about my wireless card (broadcom 4306)02:51
PiranhaPanabelle: you'll probably have to have everything unplugged from the USB to remove the modules though02:51
dark_ninjaanyway, yes there is a way cheeby, are you using compiz?02:51
kelsinhashbrowncipher: "last" shows when peopled logged in and out02:52
rorrocan anybody help me i am trying to run a ./configure file and it is giving me this error02:52
rorroloading cache ./config.cache02:52
rorrochecking for gcc... gcc02:52
rorrochecking whether the C compiler (gcc -O3 ) works... no02:52
rorroconfigure: error: installation or configuration problem: C compiler cannot create executables.02:52
anabellePiranhaP it worked!! :D02:52
robdigpatrick_: ok. on that first line, do you see your ESSID?02:52
kelsinhashbrowncipher: I would check out it's man page02:52
PiranhaPanabelle: awesome!02:52
anabelleTHANK YOU!!02:52
patrick_robdig_: essid:off/any02:52
PiranhaPanabelle: welcome :)02:52
kelsinrorro: did you install the build-essential package?02:52
anabellei hate that bug..... restart the system to connect a mouse is just stupid :(02:52
hashbrowncipherkelsin: thanks02:52
anabellea no fix yet :(02:52
msm-arubahi, where do i go as an ubuntu newbie in need of help with graphics card?02:53
rorroi think so kelsin i actually installed all single packages that has gcc :D02:53
kelsinanabelle: what system are you running gutsy? I havn't heard of this bug, does it have to do with your motherboard or something?02:53
luke_kelsin , no rule to support make clean or make distclean02:53
cheebydark_ninja, yes.  compiz here.02:53
patrick_robdig_: what should i do?02:53
rorrokelsin: i think so i actually installed all single packages that has gcc :D02:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about enlightment - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:53
annihilushello everyone, I am having trouble installing build-essential, I have googled quite a bit but nothing seems to be helping.  Here's a passtebin with the error im getting, any ideas?02:53
robdigpatrick_: on the next line, does it say something about being unassociated?02:54
ubotuEnlightenment (or "E") is a window manager for X, providing a useful, and good looking graphical shell in which to work. E17 is the current development version.02:54
anabellekelsin Im running Gutsy in an hp dv6000 laptop02:54
anabelleis a general issue with kubuntu as i understand02:54
patrick_robdig_: on the next line it shows mode:managed frequency:2.472 GHz and then access point:invalid02:54
dark_ninjacheeby, do you have the advanced settings manager? if you do you can just go in to rotate cube (assuming you're using that plugin) and you can set individual hotkeys for each desktop02:54
rorroi installed every single package that says gcc02:55
knoidhaving trouble with a xinetd/vnc4server setup; can login OK to vnc4server when it's running solo, but not when it's running under xinetd, can anyone help?02:55
cheebydark_ninja, not sure.  can you give me an apt-get command to check it?02:55
robdigpatrick_: same thing, so you're not connected at all. go to system->administration->network02:55
* cheeby has a screaming six-week old baby on his lap.02:55
astro76annihilus, try sudo apt-get install -f02:56
kelsinrorro: do you mean you've managed to install every package with "gcc" in the name, or something else?02:56
PiranhaPcheeby: congratulations.  Unless you stole it02:56
patrick_robdig_: okay now what haha02:56
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cheebyhaha.  :)02:56
robdigpatrick_: click your wireless connection, then properties button02:56
devigorHI 2 all02:56
thyraxanyone got samba working on xubuntu in here?02:57
patrick_robdig_: done02:57
IamReck1when you buy SUSE linux from Novell, you just pay for the customer service right?02:57
shrugok. this isnt really ubuntu specific, but is it possible to change the image that shows up when you fist turn on your pc?02:57
patrick_robdig_: now what?02:57
rorroyes like there is a package call gcc another one call gcc-3.3, gcc 4.102:57
cheebyPiranhaP, esta no brasil?02:57
devigorPeople!!? Need assisting at MASQUARADING!~!!02:57
rorroso i installed every single one of them02:57
robdigpatrick_: do you see your wireless network ESSID in the first drop down? if yes, select it02:57
PiranhaPcheeby: Nope02:57
kelsinrorro: did you do this with apt-get or aptitude or some other way?02:58
bazhang_devigor: to what end?02:58
rorrosynaptic package manager02:58
patrick_robdig_: the enable roaming mode box is checked and all of the drop downs are gray and i cannot click on them02:58
cheebymala sorte.02:58
PiranhaPcheeby: I get that a lot, though.  As I understand it, "Piranha" means something like "Fox" does in the US.  Is that right?02:58
robdigpatrick_: uncheck the roaming box02:58
kelsinrorro: double check that you installed the build-essential package02:58
devigorbazhang_ gfrom Internal to External net02:58
patrick_robdig_: k now what02:58
rorrook how can I check that??02:58
LjL!br | cheeby02:58
ubotucheeby: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.02:58
CovilleRquick question... How do I get to KDE System Settings?02:58
robdigpatrick_: now see if your network is listed in the first drop down02:58
Ongakulol, anyone have any experience with dosbox? I want to mount a folder in it and run and .exe file to play a game02:58
cheebyit's a fish and the name of a river.02:59
LjLCovilleR: K / System Settings02:59
bazhang_Ongaku: sure02:59
kelsinrorro: in a terminal just type "sudo aptitude install build-essential" or in synaptic search by name for "build-essential" then install it02:59
dark_ninjacheeby, try apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager02:59
syazdaniHi, I've just installed kubuntu 7.10 on my hp dv6000. Has anybody been able to make the display work properly on such a system? I'm running X in 800x600 using vesa drivers right now.02:59
PiranhaPcheeby: I named myself after the fish.02:59
cheebydark_ninja, ty.02:59
Ongakubazhang_: how do I do it? I only know how to use it in Windows...the folder is located in the documents folder02:59
devigorbazhang_ here is the problem: I've maked IPTables MASQUARADE but still my ExtNet can see my INTIP02:59
rorroI will need the ubuntu installation cd for that right??02:59
cheebyPiranhaP, cool.  uma mulher piranha is something else.02:59
kelsinrorro: or internet access03:00
luke_I installed a driver that I forgot to edit a line in the original config file. When I try to "make" the new driver that is edited correctly I am getting this error: ""This driver is already enabled in the kernel"" How can I disable that driver so I can reinstall this new driver?03:00
cheebyPiranhaP, you may want to look it up...03:00
bazhang_Ongaku: they have a pretty simple walkthtough on the site--need a link?03:00
PiranhaPheh, k03:00
patrick_robdig_: under configuration i have available:  static ip adress,  automatic configuration (dhcp) and local zeroconf network (IPv4 LL)03:00
Ongakubazhang_: yes please :)03:00
rorrook i tried to installed but it says that i need to put the ubuntu_7.10 cd03:00
cheebydark_ninja, downloading now.03:00
shruganyone know have any information on modifying bios splash screen?03:00
kelsinrorro: have you disabled the cd from the sources list, and only left the internet options?03:01
rorroand i am at school so how can I do it with the internet do i need a repository address or so??03:01
devigorSo, Do ANYONe knows ow to hide INternal IP?03:01
cheebyshrug, which boot mgr are you using?03:01
robdigpatrick_: if your router assigns ip addresses (likely), then you want it set to automatic configuration03:01
rorrono i have not03:01
dark_ninjacheeby, when you finally install it you can either type ccsm into a term or run it normally from a menu03:01
patrick_robdig_: okay let me try that03:01
rorrolet me do it03:01
robdigpatrick_: the box i was speaking of is the top one, the network name (ESSID)03:01
CovilleRLjL: I can't figure out how to get to that. I've searched it and it shows a bunch of matches in different places but I can't view any of them.. Might they be hidden or something like that?03:01
=== IR9807 is now known as codekiri
cheebydark_ninja, installed.  trying now...03:01
codekiriguess what, I'm a newbie03:01
LjLCovilleR, not sure what you're talking about... it's right there in the K menu. KDE's main menu.03:02
Ongakubazhang_: u got that link? lol i want to play TES: Arena :P lol03:02
cheebydark_ninja, oh my.  there is a lot here.03:02
msm-aruba... sorry to ask, but can anyone tell me where to get graphics card help... im a complete newbie to linux03:02
cheebythank  you.03:02
bazhang_http://dosbox.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php?page=Basic+Setup+and+Installation+of+DosBox Ongaku03:02
rorrook i did it, it should work now right?03:02
patrick_robdig_: sorry i was on wired network, im under wireless and im about to look under essid03:02
LjLcodekiri: then perhaps start by asking an ubuntu question rather than randomly mentioning sex03:02
shrugcheeby grub i believe03:02
Ongakubazhang_: thanks hun :)03:02
patrick_robdig_: okay i have my network selected under my essid now what?03:02
dark_ninjacheeby, yes, yes there is, but all you need to do is go to the rotate cube plugin, and then go to the actions tab03:03
shrugcheeby: i have an emachine and i want to change the emachine logo on boot up03:03
codekirithat wasnt me, it was a stupid friend of mine03:03
bhagman88Hi, I'm a complete linux newb and I'm currently trying to install Cedega CVSin order to install steam/cs:source/hl2 on my laptop03:03
Ongakubazhang_: it´s simple then? lol i always think everything will be complicated with linux :P03:03
codekiriI must apologize for that03:03
bhagman88I need some help installing CEdega03:03
cheebyshrug, yeah you can do that by adding a line in grub.conf.03:03
robdigpatrick_: make sure the configuration has automatic configuration selected03:03
cheebyusually in /boot/grub03:03
LjL!cedega > bhagman88    (bhagman88, see the private message from Ubotu)03:03
bhagman88does anyody think they could help me?03:03
patrick_robdig_: it does03:03
robdigpatrick_: and say ok03:03
shrugcheeby ok.. cook ty...03:03
knoidcheeby: really? i figure you would have to reflash the bios for that03:03
cheebyin mine it's splashimage ....03:03
bazhang_Ongaku: very simple--the instructions with the install should be enough03:03
shrugbhagman88: why you choose cedega03:03
kelsinbhagman88: If you really want cedega I recommend buying it and asking them. CS Source can run in plain wine, which you can find information about under their appdb03:04
patrick_robdig_: alright if i log out ill be right back so stay on robdig and thanks so much for the help!03:04
Ongakubazhang_: alrighty thks03:04
eyemeanhi, anyone know best audio ripper + convert to mpr for gutsy pls?03:04
cheebyknoid, depends on what he wants.03:04
robdigpatrick_: ok03:04
kelsin!appdb | bhagman8803:04
ubotubhagman88: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org03:04
shrugbhagman88: what game you playing?03:04
rorrokelsin is downloading it I'll let you know if it works03:04
bazhang_Ongaku: and there is a built in help device within the program03:04
rorrothank for your help03:04
Ongakubazhang_: but oh wait...i dont have this game installed yet on windows or anything...03:04
shrugbhagman88: wine=better than cedega and free!03:04
Ongakubazhang_: this link isn´t much help cos i dont have windows lol03:04
cheebydark_ninja, is there a text file I can edit instead?03:04
CovilleRLjL: I'm trying to follow http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Installing_Ubuntu_6.06_on_a_ThinkPad_R60#KDE but I'm stuck after Reboot.. I guess I can't find Laptops and Power.. I must be missing it somewhere.03:05
bhagman88o thats right03:05
bhagman88I'm installing WineCVS03:05
bhagman88but I'm stuck!03:05
rorroit worked man thank you very much03:05
CreationistWell, yet another stupid quirk: Upon restarting my computer I can no longer use my native resolution of 1400x1050.  Worked perfectly before but now when I try to change resolutions and click Apply, it asks if I want to keep the settings... but it doesn't actually change.03:05
bhagman88I'm not sure whwat03:05
kelsinbhagman88: I also recommend using the wine packages from the ubuntu repos or the official wine ubuntu packages03:05
bhagman88"Change to the location where the WineCVS.sh is lying and start it with: $ sh WineCVS.sh " means03:05
kelsincheeby: instead of trying to compile your self03:05
CreationistI haven't changed my xorg settings at all.03:05
shrugbhagman88: hold one sec03:05
bazhang_Ongaku: you can install it from the repos, then follow the rest of the walkthrough--you will need to use dos commands--thus the name dosbox :}03:05
kelsincheeby: sorry, wrong name03:05
lucianhow do i connect to a wifi/wired network when im booted to command line only?03:05
Ongakubazhang_: does the linux filesystem have a letter assignment? that´s all i really need to know03:06
dark_ninjacheeby, not really... this is all based off of gconf editing the gconf database by hand is... not recommended, did you find the rotate cube plugin?03:06
LjLCovilleR: not sure, try asking in #kubuntu as well03:06
kelsinbhagman88: is there a reason you want to compile wine instead of using the version included in ubuntu?03:06
lucianOngaku, no03:06
bazhang_Ongaku: launch it in terminal by typing dosbox03:06
shrugbhagman88: http://www.winehq.org/site/download03:06
CovilleRAlright, thanks.03:06
malifiwererichany ideas for a cluster setup that is operable on 15 machines?03:06
Ongakubazhang_: i have it running..all i want to do is mount the folder the .exe is in, run it and install it and play it03:06
knoidhaving trouble with a xinetd/vnc4server setup; can login OK to vnc4server when it's running solo, but not when it's running under xinetd, can anyone help?03:06
shrugbhagman88: there is an ubuntu one there03:06
devigorno One nows? ;-(03:06
bazhang_Ongaku: no, but all you need to is mount C and then go to the appropriate game you want to run03:06
bhagman88kelsin: Well I'm following a tutorial online that says to install this, so I'm trying it03:06
Ongakubazhang_: ah okies03:07
cheebydark_ninja, yeah.  pretty sweet.03:07
bhagman88shrug: thanks, I'll check it out :)03:07
kelsinbhagman88: I would recommend ignoring that part of the tutorial and just installing wine via the ubuntu repos or the official wine packages03:07
shrugthat is more specific to your needs03:07
cheebyI'm pretty impressed with how far gnome, etc., has come along in the past few years.  I've been on kde since about 2003.03:07
tigranOngaku: DOS games/03:07
bazhang_Ongaku: start from step two of the walktrhouthg03:07
shrugi dont think wine is in the official repos03:07
kelsinbhagman88: if you look the packages are probably newer then the version used in the tutorial too (most likely)03:07
bazhang_wow huge typo03:07
lucianhow do i connect to a wifi/wired network when im booted to command line only?03:07
dark_ninjacheeby, so you've got hotkeys?03:08
cheebydark_ninja, yup.03:08
Ongakubazhang_: so...mount c then the folder its in?03:08
cheebyubuntu is pretty sweet.03:08
bazhang_Ongaku: and be sure to go to abandonia.com for loads more games03:08
tigranlucian: ifconfig and iwconfig03:08
kelsin!info wine03:08
ubotuwine: Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.46-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 33097 kB, installed size 103228 kB03:08
knoidlucian: ifconfig eth0 up03:08
bhagman88kelsin: ok, I'll try installing wine through the synaptic pack manager03:08
luke_kelsin any ideas?03:08
* cheeby coming from the gentoo world.03:08
whyameyeif I update my video driver using envy, compiz seems to become disabled because Gutsy doesn't think I have the restricted driver anymore. Anyway to let Gutsy know I have the driver, even though it's not the Gutsy driver?03:08
patrick__robdig_: are you there?03:08
Ongakubazhang_: lol i just want to play Arena hahahaah03:08
bazhang_Ongaku: yup03:08
robdigpatrick__: yup03:08
cheebydark_ninja, not that there is anything wrong with gentoo...03:08
shrugkelsin: i dont think wine is in the repository03:08
lucianthnx tigran and knoid ... i'll try those03:08
shrugkelsin: i may be wrong though03:09
astro76!envy | whyameye03:09
ubotuwhyameye: envy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »03:09
* cheeby can't imagine any comparison with gentoo has ever come up on this channel03:09
dark_ninjacheeby, :-) not at all, but the compiles got to me after a while03:09
patrick__robdig_: okay i've done what you said, but now what do i do?03:09
kelsinluke_: unfortunately no, I have no experience with that driver03:09
cheebydark_ninja, compiles?  try piles of broken packages.03:09
bazhang_cheeby: stick around then :}03:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about netstat - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:09
patrick__robdig_: when i click on the little computer icons at the top right of my screen it has no options for wireless internet connection03:09
whyameyeastro76: the version of driver from envy is more current though, no?03:09
NYCThomasBwhat is terminal command to change directories?03:09
cheebyIt was either ubuntu or freeBSD.03:09
codekirii installed windows, and my grub dissapeared, what should I do?03:09
CreationistOkay, I'm really fricken pissed off.  All I did was reboot my computer and now I can't get my resolution to work anymore.  Would installing libx11-dev change my xorg settings?03:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about netcat - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:09
astro76whyameye, no clue, newest is not always best03:09
patrick__robdig_: all it says is  manual configuration03:10
dark_ninjahmm ubuntu mos def03:10
bazhang_!grub | codekiri03:10
ubotucodekiri: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:10
whyameyeastro76: well I'm having problems with the current one, which is why I'm looking around...03:10
luke_kelsin , besides a make clean or make install. what else is there to do in order to disable to installed driver so i can install the new?03:10
robdigpatrick__: yeah, mine doesn't either...type ifconfig again and see if eth1 has an ip address, if so, then you should be working03:10
kelsinluke_: I have no idea, sorry03:10
CreationistI had to disable TwinView in xorg.conf last time to fix this, but I don't remember how to do that.03:10
luke_kelsin thanks anyways, much appreciated for the effort.03:10
codekiriubotu: uh, ok, thanks03:11
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about uh, ok, thanks - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:11
tigranluke: sudo modprobe -r [driver name]03:11
dark_ninjaluke_ have you done an rmmod?03:11
dark_ninjathat should help03:11
Wutzhello all, can anyone help me with installing a driver for ati HD 2400 XT? I need a proper guide, or something for it03:11
patrick__robdig_: a lot of stuff has changed under eth0.. my inet addr is the same but it has stuff about bcast and a lot of other number and information haha03:12
NYCThomasBthx.  i was leaving out the/.  whay can't i cd from home to user directory?03:12
Wutzanyone? >.<03:12
robdigpatrick__: that's because you unchecked roaming...how about eth1?03:12
astro76NYCThomasB, example?03:12
patrick__robdig_: it has information similar to info on my eth1 (wired) internet, does this mean it will work if i unplug my ethernet cable?03:12
luke_haven't tried rmmod or have heard of it. will get back to you dark_ninja in a sec.03:12
shrugcd usages 101:03:13
robdigpatrick__: it should...only one way to find out...03:13
shrugcd up one dir - cd ../03:13
patrick__robdig_: be right back haha03:13
luke_modprobe -r does not work if its in use tigran03:13
tigranluke: ah03:13
NYCThomasBastro76: in file browser i see home, then under it thomas directory.  i am at home in terminal and do cd /thomas and am told it doesn't exist03:13
tigranluke: have you tried blacklisting it03:13
kelsinluke_: which is a good thing03:14
shrugcd thomas03:14
shrugnot cd /thomas03:14
astro76NYCThomasB, are you sure you aren't in /home/thomas already? does it say ~/ ?03:14
dark_ninjawutz, what version of ubuntu?03:14
astro76NYCThomasB, type pwd03:14
luke_kelsin , why a good thing?03:14
billyis it possible to add a network printer from a windows computers?03:14
astro76shrug, ah missed that03:15
kelsinluke_: removing drivers that are in use can lead to bad things03:15
shrugastro76: yeah.. noob mistake :)03:15
NYCThomasBastro: thx. i guess below home the / is unneccessary03:15
tigranyea =/03:15
bhagman88when I execute the command "wine SteamInstall.exe" the error "wine: could not load L"c:\\windows\\system32\\SteamInstall.exe": Module not found03:15
bhagman88" comes up03:15
astro76NYCThomasB, / is incorrect unless you really mean the root of your filesystem03:15
kelsinbhagman88: you need to be in the directory with SteamInstall.exe03:15
bhagman88SteamInstall.exe is on my desktop03:15
bhagman88oh but I am03:16
shrugnyct cd /home/thomas would have been correct03:16
astro76NYCThomasB, start using tab completion, type a few letters and press tab03:16
luke_kelsin , well its for a pcmcia wifi card that just needs monitor mode enabled in a line of code. i have the correctly configd driver right here just waiting to be installed after the original one is disabled03:16
kelsinbhagman88: then try "wine ~/Desktop/SteamInstall.exe" or "wine ./SteamInstall.exe" from your desktop folder03:16
NYCThomasBastro: thx. i was starting there for easiest root.  its same as dos i guess and i made it harder.  thx all. :)03:16
kelsinluke_: dude, honestly I have no idea what you need to do, I'm sorry03:16
luke_i may lose net connectivity from this, will be back shortly if so.03:16
tigrankeslin: can't he blacklist it?03:17
patrick_robdig_: if i unplug my ethernet cable i am no longer connected03:17
Wut1Hey, can anyone point me to a guide on installing a driver for ati HD 2400 XT?03:17
shrugbhagman88 - im sure the app database for wine will have a detailed tut for installing steam03:17
bhagman88sweet mother of jesus kelsin I will now name you all mighty god of the world03:17
bhagman88as well as you shrug03:17
luke_tried tigran, but the orinoco and orinoco_cs modules are the only thing i can see that are linked to this server on lsmod list03:17
dark_ninjawut1, what version of ubuntu are you using?03:17
astro76!ati | Wut103:17
Wut1i just tried a guide, but03:17
kelsinbhagman88: then do some reading about the linux command line and you to can start your own church03:17
onatshi, i'm having a problem with my desktop.. my usb ports just dies after a few minutes....03:18
Wut1it failed to install03:18
ubotuWut1: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:18
bhagman88will do03:18
patrick_robdig_: under my wireless connection properties and then under password type it says "wpa personal" and it has a bo x for a password, what does this mean?03:18
onatsi just upgraded to 7.10, and still the problem persists... anyone have any ideas?03:18
bhagman88Scientology ain't got nothin Ubuntiau tribe chapter Chi Iota Delta Z03:18
shrugpici: hi03:18
shrugpici: i this is brandon... got my dvd player working03:18
robdigpatrick_: :(  what we just walked through is what i had to do to get mine going...the wpa-personal is if your wireless network is protected...it is where you enter the password.03:19
dark_ninjawut1, have you tried using the restricted drivers control panel?03:19
tigranluke_: sorry, I'm knew to Ubuntu. That was just my 2 cents03:19
shrugpici: remember... it wouldnt read certain file types03:19
Picishrug: Ah... yes.03:19
Picishrug: What turned out to be the issue?03:19
shrugpici: automount mounts it udf03:19
patrick_robdig_: im asking the person who set up my router if there is a password atm hd on one second03:19
shrugpici: it should have been iso966003:19
robdigpatrick_: if you need more help, then maybe someone else can help. ubotu also has some links, i'll send you03:19
luke_thanks anyways tigran03:19
Picishrug: Strange.03:20
robdig!wifi | patrick_03:20
ubotupatrick_: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:20
ouellettesrhello, I need help, mentally. lol no really, when I start my laptop, after the grub menu loads the kernel, I see Starting up... then Loading please wait.... and then I see a blank screen until the login screen shows about 5 minutes later.03:20
shrugpici: mount -t iso9660 "volume" and it works03:20
Wut1where do i find restricted drivers control panel?03:20
patrick_robdig_: k thanks ill let you know how things go03:20
dark_ninjawut1, you might want to try that, run "restricted-manager",03:20
kelsinWut1: in the System -> Admin menu03:20
shrugpatick_: hey.... just a quick question03:20
robdigpatrick_: sorry it didn't work out03:20
tigranWhat are some good image editing software (other than GIMP) that you would recommend?03:21
shrugpatrick_: why do you use a _ after robdig's name?03:21
Ongakuok, dosbox wouldn´t let me execute the file cos it´s an .exe...so...could i just run the .exe in Wine?03:21
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about usb - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:21
patrick_shrug_: no idea03:21
ouellettesrdoes anyone know why I can't see a loading screen?03:21
Wut1a box comes up saying my hardware doesnt need any restricted drivers?03:21
shrugpatrick_: ok just checking :P03:21
tigranouellettesr: its disabled?03:22
tigransplash is turned off03:22
dark_ninjawut1 *sigh* yeah theoretically you don't, but if you still want ati's drivers...03:22
luke_back in a bit03:22
Ongakuwhat´s the channel for Wine help?03:22
astro76Ongaku, #winehq03:22
robdigOngaku: #winehq i think03:22
ouellettesrtigran, im not sure, I just did a default install, and its never been there03:22
Wut1well i cant use compiz without them, right?03:22
dark_ninjaactually you can03:22
billyit just wont work as well03:22
Ongakuok thxies03:22
* robdig thinks his fingers are getting faster03:23
tigranouellettesr: paste your /boot/grub/menu.list03:23
tigranouellettesr: menu.lst*03:23
dark_ninjawut1, i would try compiz with the current drivers first, especially with a card like yours03:23
shrugwut1... have you enabled restricted drivers?03:24
Wut1is the hd 2400 bad for it?03:24
Wut1i dunno how..03:24
billygo preferences and then advanced desktop effects setting03:24
Wut1i'm new03:24
=== billy is now known as i0wnz0r
jngu1Hello all. Are there any known issues with lvms, /boot and ubuntu?03:24
=== i0wnz0r is now known as pwnager
doogluswhen I try to play music now I see: "[AO OSS] audio_setup: Can't open audio device /dev/dsp: Device or resource busy"03:25
dooglushow can I find what's using /dev/dsp?03:25
pwnagerwhat are you using to play music?03:25
dooglusfuser and lsof both tell me nothing is03:25
shrugwut1: go to system->admin-> restriced drivers03:25
kelsindooglus: you shouldn't need to use oss to use sound, whatever program it is, you should try and make it use alsa03:25
Wut1the box opens up saying i do not need resticed drivers03:26
shrugwut1: ok that cool03:26
Wut1so what do i do?03:26
shruganyone know the command to test render ...03:26
shrughold on03:26
doogluskelsin: I've been using "aoss", whatever that is.  It's been working fine for 18 months or so, but it's just stopped working 5 minutes ago, half way through a song.03:26
doogluskelsin: should I reboot?  or what?03:26
jngu1when I try to mount /boot, I get its busy or already mounted03:26
pwnagerWut1: go preferences, advanced desktop effects setting03:26
kelsindooglus: aoss with what?03:27
shrugit wont be there till he installs compiz03:27
shrugunless he already did03:27
pwnagerhe mightve, and just not known03:27
jngu1I suspect that the lvm is claiming /dev/sda103:27
doogluskelsin: aoss mplayer, or aoss beep-media-player, or aoss skype, or aoss firefox, or whatever...03:27
shrugwut1: did you already install compiz?03:27
jngu1even though it shouldn't be part of the lvm03:27
doogluskelsin: that way they seem to be happier to share the sound system03:27
Wut1doesnt 7.10 come with it?03:27
jngu1but it refuses to mount.03:27
jngu1which is kind of weird.03:28
tigranWut1: Yes03:28
jngu1but I'm not sure what to do.03:28
Wut1well then yes..03:28
shrugwut1: no.. mine didnt03:28
tigran7.10 gutsy comes with compiz03:28
Wut1i'm so confused03:28
pwnagerthen it should be in preferences, advanced desktop settings03:28
shrugok.. mine did not come with it though03:28
kelsindooglus: you shouldn't need to do that anymore, all of those programs can just use alsa and not have a problem, make sure you are using sudo when you lsof the /dev/dsp file03:28
ouellettesrtigran http://pastebin.org/1036103:28
Wut1where di=o i find it if i have it?03:28
jngu1anyone? lvm + /boot?03:28
kelsindooglus: other then that I don't have any advice :-( havn't had to use oss and aoss in the past two years03:28
Wut1where do i find it, if i have it?03:29
pwnagerWut1: go to system, preferences, advanced desktop effects settings03:29
jngu1anyone? lvm + /boot?03:29
pestilencei have an asus terminator C3, i just bought an SATA drive for it and copied my ubuntu installation over to it.  now it won't boot.  any ideas?03:29
=== DarthShr1ne is now known as DarthShrine
shrugits not there is it03:29
doogluskelsin: I did $ sudo lsof /dev/dsp03:29
robdigjngu1: what is your question?03:29
tigranouellettesr: Hmm. Don't know. It looks right03:29
YordanIs anyone familiar with installing ubuntu on an inspiron 1100? I'm having issues with Gutsy03:29
pestilencei installed grub, but am not sure i installed it correctly.  i don't get a grub prompt.03:29
Wut1dont see advanced desktop effects settings03:29
jngu1At some point, my /boot stop being mountable.03:29
shrugits not there03:29
jngu1not quite sure what caused it, probably an apt-get dist-upgrade at some point03:30
shrugbecause it doesnt come with it03:30
jngu1but when I try to mount it, it complains that its busy.03:30
jngu1it isn't part of the lvm... or at least it shouldn't be.03:30
jngu1I can't verify it.03:30
shrugwut1: go to system/prefs/appearance03:30
ouellettesrok tigran thanks for looking03:30
tigranits in system-> preferences -> Apperance -> Visual Effects03:30
robdigjngu1: so your system won't boot?03:30
jngu1(I don't know very much about lvms)03:30
shrugyes... but thats not compiz03:30
jngu1well, it can boot, but I can't upgrade the kernel by placing a new one in /boot.03:30
tigrancompiz fusion03:30
shrugyou have to install compiz for the advanced stuff03:30
tigranshrug, its out of the box03:31
Wut1"desktop effects could not be loaded"03:31
shrugfrom the synaptic03:31
pwnageradvanced stuff such as?03:31
shrugtigran: no its differenct03:31
robdigjngu1: so if the box is up, i think /boot is already mounted, type mount with no params and it will show you what is mounted where03:31
ahddmHello I installed Ubuntu 6.06 a few days ago, then I updated to Edgy, with no problem, then today I updated to Feisty today and when I try to boot I get Xserver Error that screen cannot be found. I am using a Toshiba P10503:31
jngu1its not/03:31
jngu1its in single user mode.03:31
shrugtigran: you get the advance stuff when you install compiz... you get a whole nother option in your menu03:32
jngu1Can't update menu.lst.03:32
tigranshrug: you mean ccsm?03:32
kelsinahddm: need to look ath the xorg log to see what the real error is, screen can not be found normally due to another error before it in the log03:32
shrugtigran: yeah.. thats it03:32
ahddmhow can i access that03:32
shrugtigran: sorry03:32
* robdig is thinking which is hard this time of night03:32
tigranshrug: now we understand each other :P03:32
ahddmkelsin: how do i check it?03:32
shrugtigran: but that is was he wants im sure03:32
Wut1my visual effects cant be unabled03:33
shrugwut1: unabled or enabled03:33
kelsinahddm: ahddm in the temrinal "less /var/log/Xorg.0.log"03:33
shrugwut1: ok03:33
jsoftwWho needs visual effects anyway :p03:33
tigranWut1: install fusion-icon03:33
tigranit'll do the trick03:33
kelsinahddm: all important logs are in /var/log or it's subdirectories03:33
jsoftwSurely one uses a computer for more than looking at pretty effects :p03:33
Wut1how? where do i get it?03:33
tigranWut1: What card do you have?03:33
tigranWut1: Go to #compiz-fusion03:33
Wut1ati HD 2400 XT03:33
ahddmkelsin: should I boot and use that after it gives error03:33
tigranmore appropriate03:33
ezzieyguywufhow can i make it so that rhythmbox does not open automatically anytime i plug in my mp3 player?03:34
ahddmkelsin: or can I just look at it off live cd03:34
jngu1TIA robdig03:34
Wut1i think i dont have a driver installed for it03:34
Wut1so i need help with that03:34
patrick_robdig_: are you there?03:34
tigranSystem->Preferences->Removalbe drives and media03:34
kelsinahddm: you would need to get it off of your computer, not the live cd ram filesystem03:34
kelsinahddm: should be able to mount your real / partition in the live cd system and get the log all of it03:34
patrick_robdig_: please tell me you're there haha03:34
Rick65just installed yesterday from WinXP...how do I get apps to appear in the menu?  i checked the "Main Menu" option, but apps such as "7-Zip" don't show up, even though they were added via "add/remove" gui.03:34
tigranezzieyguywuf: System->Preferences->Removable drives and media03:34
ahddmkelsin: ok, once I open the log what do I look for03:35
ezzieyguywuftigran: thanks03:35
kelsinahddm: errors03:35
tigranezzieyguywuf: np03:35
patrick_can anyone help me connect to my wireless router??03:35
tigranWut1: If you want ccsm you need compizconfig-settings-manager03:35
Rick65patrick...I can give it a shot...I did it yesterday.03:35
ahddmkelsin: ok ill check and come back thank you for help03:35
robdigpatrick_: yup, i'm here, thinking about jnguls prob03:36
kelsinahddm: yeah normall it can't find screens because a driver failed, or can't initialize monitor, or something else03:36
Rick65patrick...what's the problem?03:36
patrick_rick5: okay im runnin ubuntu 7.1 on my laptop and i just went into my router and set a wep password but i cannot connect03:36
mzanfardinoquestion: I'm using QuickVPN via wine to connect to my company net.  QuickVPN connects successfully, but now I don't know what to do.  Anyone have any experience with vpn, QuickVPN or otherwise?03:36
patrick_robdig: if possible try to pay attention to what im sayin and see if you recognize any problems thanks03:36
PiranhaPI think I know the answer to this, but: Do I have any hope of getting Network Manager to cope with my bridged network interface (br0, containing eth0).  In other words, can I get it to roam using br0, but detect network cable insertion using eth0?03:36
kelsinpatrick_: just as a side note it is 7.10, not 7.1 (stands for 2007, Oct)03:36
Wut1well i want ot install the drivers on this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Ati but i cant do to i cant open restricted drivers manager03:36
patrick_kelsin: understood03:37
patrick_shrug: what up03:37
Rick65patrick...you did that via "Network"?03:37
YordanCan anyone help me get ubuntu working on my Dell inspiron 1100? I hear reports of it working, but the installer is having odd graphical issues, eventually hangs and shuts down, etc. I've tried everything on the forums.03:37
mogradoes ubuntu's vlc not recognize mp4a audio?03:37
shrugis another pc on your network sharing internet?03:37
patrick_rick65: i am pluggin in with a cable and i went into my router and created a wep password, i have password a b c and d and im using a03:37
patrick_shrug: only my desktop that is wired03:37
bruenigmogra, it is not unlikely, I know in the past ubuntu has had a hard time compiling mplayer libraries with all necessary functionality. And of course since vlc is just a front end for mplayer libraries...03:38
shrugok... .try turning off03:38
patrick_shurg: it is03:38
shrugconnection sharing should be off... i had that mess up my wireless crap03:38
michaelUsing Inspiron 5160, Can't change my screen-- Stuck on plug n play, Also getting error rgb glx visual error03:38
mograoy, fun. Thanks, bruenig03:38
msm-arubahelp needed on setting up graphics card (dell inspiron 5100)03:38
Rick65patrick...I'm sorry, but I've only set up wireless with Ubuntu...never a wired connection.03:39
msm-arubadon t know how to get to the open-source drivers03:39
neil_dwould it be difficult to upgrade python to 2.5 on ubuntu 6.1003:39
msm-arubagreyed out03:39
shrughow far is your pc from your router?03:39
patrick_shrug: right net to it03:39
shrugwhy not use cable?03:39
patrick_shrug: cuz i'd be using it in my room, right now its next to my router =/03:39
shrugpatrick: i c03:39
patrick_rick65: i am running ubuntu, you should be able to help, i was just informing you that i set up a wep key03:40
shrugpatrick_: ummm... there is an easy settup thin in router config03:40
GuHHHdoes someone uses amavis + postfix + spamassassin?03:40
michaelUsing Inspiron 5160, Can't change my screen-- Stuck on plug n play, Also getting error rgb glx visual error03:40
shrugpatrick_ try restore everything to default and pushing that03:40
GuHHHdoes someone uses amavis + postfix + spamassassin? i need help. my spams are not getting tagged or any spam headers...03:40
shrugpatrick_ then see if it detects the network03:41
elrics_fatehi all03:41
patrick_shrug: i dont believe my router is the problem, i was running internet wirelessly fine on my laptop with windows xp03:41
patrick_shrug: my comp does detect the network i just cant connect03:41
michaelUsing Inspiron 5160, Can't change my screen-- Stuck on plug n play, Also getting error rgb glx visual error03:41
kelsinpatrick_: network manager brings up the wep key dialog box, correct? And then you put in the same thing you put in for password a?03:42
shrugpatrick_ i had the same probs before... i just had to fiddle with it alot03:42
patrick_kelsin: correct and correct03:42
IpMoomichael:   u might find something here .... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=53246503:42
kelsinpatrick_: and it doesn't connect? You made sure to change the drop down option to the hex option correct?03:42
patrick_kelsin: im pretty sure i've done wep hex key just one second let me check something03:43
ScuniziBanshee recognizes my iPod Nano but how do I get only what I want onto it? (3 podcasts)03:43
UBUNTUISLOVEDanyone know the best way to stop the flickering on IE for Linux on Flash objects?03:43
shrugpatrick_: did you make it dhcp?03:43
=== inconcessus is now known as Inconcessus
patrick_kelsin: everything is set up correct, automatic config for dhcp and the wep key matches key a with hex key selected03:44
LifeNomadI am trying to get my bluetooth headset working, I have done everything howtos have said, i have DL'ed bluez, and all that.  I have gotten to the point where when I set XMMS to BT Headset for a sound card, I get a beep, then no sound...I am running ubuntu feisty03:44
patrick_kelsin: let me check if it connects real quick03:44
shrugwill do03:44
thyraxdoes mdadm have a gui?03:44
Dankchildhey guys i have a question, if i wanted to install a different linux os (im still shopping around) could i do it without uninstalling ubuntu?03:45
kelsinDankchild: if you have more space on your drive03:45
kelsinDankchild: or have backups and room to resize your partitions to make romo03:45
Dankchildkelsin, i have 100 gigs free, i have space haha03:45
shrugpatrick_: gotta pick up wife from work.. bbiab03:46
=== Ashfire is now known as Ashfire908
elrics_fateu have plenty of space then03:46
kelsinDankchild: then yeah, just install the other linux on a new partition03:46
robdigjngu1: got me on that one...03:46
elrics_fateto install linux and windows or w/e u want asside Ubuntu03:46
Dankchildkelsin, but like when im installing it, will it prompt me to make a new partition?03:46
patrick__IM BACK03:46
patrick__and no it still will not connect03:46
shrugpat... gotta pick up wife.. bbiab03:46
kelsinDankchild: I have no idea, depends on the install03:47
volumenicoDankchild: which distro are you thinking of installing03:47
patrick__kelsin: when i unpluge my ethernet cable and i go to the top icon for network connections03:47
kelsinDankchild: but most linux distros ask you where you install, and you just make sure they do it on different partitions then your linux install03:47
jsoftwIts all about the goober production.03:47
kotausup guys I am trying to play doom on linux using skulltag, but when I run it, I get 'could not init SDL, no availiable video device'  I've looked on the sdl site and most of what they have is about programming and stuff03:47
patrick__kelsin: all is says is manual configuration03:47
volumenicoDankchild: backup everything before you try if you are unsure03:47
Scunizianyone know how to transfer podcasts in Banshee to an iPod nano that IS recognized by ubuntu and banshee?03:48
Dankchildvolumenico, PCLinuxOS03:48
Ashfire908the programs i have to startup when i login (which i set them to startup from the session manager) don't work anymore.03:48
kelsinpatrick__: it doesn't list your router in the list?03:48
patrick__kelsin: when i unpluge my ethernet cable, how do i make my internet connect wirelessly, or should it automatically?03:48
patrick__kelsin: what do you mean?03:48
kelsinpatrick__: the network icon in the corner doesn't list the available wireless networks?03:49
patrick__kelsin: no not when i unplug my ethernet cable, and i have the updated driver for my wireless card03:49
kelsinpatrick__: when you right click the icon you do have Enable Wireless checked correct?03:50
patrick__kelsin: when i right click it has "enable networking" checked and nothing else shows up03:51
cikis it safe to mention a new channel on this server in here03:51
Scunizicik, go ahead .. if it's clean03:51
UBUNTUISLOVEDhow to i stop IE for linux flicker from FLASH03:51
patrick__kelsin: any ideas on what to do??03:52
volumenicopatrick__: this may sound silly, but have you tried restarting your computer? i ran into that problem once or twice and that fixed it for me. is the network encrypted?03:52
cikit's a channel for blackberry users - #crackberry03:52
kub^any advice on a decent (easy to install for noobs) webcam, must be under £20, for ubuntu ?03:52
ciksince the original channel is always empty03:52
kelsinpatrick__: you're wireless card isn't enabled at the moment somehow, what type of card do you have?03:52
fiXXXerMetI've changed my hostname.  How do I generate new SSL Certs for Postfix (smtpd_tls_cert_file = /etc/postfix/ssl2/ca.crt and smtpd_tls_key_file = /etc/postfix/ssl2/ca.key and the others)?03:53
Ashfire908and i don't know why03:53
patrick__kelsin: a broadcom card that i have the driver downloaded and installed for, how do i enable it?03:53
patrick__volumenico: i will try that if all else fails03:53
kelsinpatrick__: is the module currently loaded?03:53
patrick__kelsin: how do i tell?03:53
kelsinpatrick__: does it show up with the lsmod command?03:53
BaumerHow do you turn on that crazy 3-D workspace thing on Compiz03:53
Scunizidoes ANYBODY in this channel use Banshee?03:54
Ashfire908the programs i have to startup when i login (which i set them to startup from the session manager) don't work anymore. i don't know why.03:54
patrick__kelsin: im a novice with terms like that, how do i tell?03:54
volumenicopatrick__: i found that if i put the laptop to sleep it wont recognize my card when it wakes up unless i disable networking before i put it to sleep.03:54
UBUNTUISLOVEDbaumer look up desktop effects for ubuntu03:54
kelsinpatrick__: do you know the name of the module for your wireless card that you installed?03:54
patrick__volumenico: k thanks for the info but my comp is either on or off03:54
patrick__kelsin: you mean the driver? it was like rev 02 bla bla bla and im prety sure i installed it correctly03:55
patrick__kelsin: under my restricted drivers it says firmware for my broadcom 43xx chipset family is in use03:55
kelsinpatrick__: ok will you need to open a terminal and run "lsmod" and see if the driver you installed is in the list. If it's not you need to try and load it with "modprobe <drivername>" I can't help you find the driver name03:55
kelsinpatrick__: also when you run "iwconfig" in a terminal does it list anything besides lines with "No wireless extensions"03:56
encrypt3dcan i test a PM to someone to see if i setup my IRC name correctly please?03:57
patrick__kelsin: 1 sec03:57
Scuniziencrypt3d, go ahead03:57
=== adante_ is now known as adante
ahddmkelsin: hey04:01
BaumerThanks... how do you control the cube I can't seem to find the keyboard shortcuts for it04:02
ahddmcan anyone read this04:02
ubuntuI need some help...!04:02
kelsinBaumer: you should install ccsm if you havn't04:02
ubotuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion04:02
encrypt3dahddm yes, i can see you04:02
kelsinahddm: we can see you, just ask your question if you have one04:02
encrypt3dkelsin, did you see my PM?  i didnt get a reply04:03
ahddmI went into my error log like you said04:03
BaumerI have installed that is there a section in the program for keyboard shortcuts04:03
Baumerok I'll go there04:03
kelsinBaumer: for every plugin there is a section to configure keyboard shortcuts, mouse buttons, mouse positions (corners) and the like04:03
LinuxRockscan anyone help me get flash and shockwave plugins for mizilla firefox?04:04
kelsinLinuxRocks: on my gutsy install I just went to a site with flash and a wizard walked me through install the adobe flash 9 player04:04
arooniim having trouble getting ubuntu gutsy to connect to a wireless network i setup with WPA Personal.... it sees the network... i select it... and it tries to connect for awhile then stops (doesnt ask for password).  i also tried manual configuration with no results, and i also tried restarting.. any ideas now?04:04
ahddmkelsin: I got like 5 errors; No Matching Modes, Screens found but none have a usable configuration, Fatal Screen Error No Screens Found, Bad V_BIOS Checksum04:04
ubuntuI've install windows vista on my laptop.... and now my GRUB menu is not there...! i'm in a live session on my ubuntu disk and i don't know howto juste reinstall my GRUB Menu on my ubuntu partition ithout format anything...! can someone help me please ???04:04
kelsinubuntu: you should be able to open a terminal and run "grub-install /dev/<harddrive you need to install on>"04:05
kelsinubuntu: I havn't done it with the ubuntu cd, but I know knoppix has the grub install program available04:05
LinuxRocksso can someone here walk me through getting flash and shockwave plugins?04:06
kelsinLinuxRocks: does going to a flash enabled site not bring up the wizard in firefox for you?04:06
LinuxRocksit does but then it says theres no updates04:06
LinuxRocksand fails04:06
kelsintrying "sudo aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree"04:07
ubuntukelsin: do i have to write : sudo  grub-install /dev/sda or sda2 like?04:07
kelsinLinuxRocks: try that command from a terminal04:07
kelsinahddm: we can see you, just ask your question if you have one04:07
LinuxRocksi dont kno what to ype in terminal04:07
ahddmWhen I start feisty I get Xserver error and just stuck in terminal I am upgrading from Edgy04:07
ahddmkelsin: I got like 5 errors; No Matching Modes, Screens found but none have a usable configuration, Fatal Screen Error No Screens Found, Bad V_BIOS Checksum04:08
kelsinLinuxRocks: "sudo aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree"04:08
shrugpatrick_: you there?04:08
kelsinubuntu: I havn't done it with the ubuntu cd, but I know knoppix has the grub install program availableyour monitor04:08
LinuxRocksya i yped it and it said command not found04:09
sbosiohi all04:09
kelsinLinuxRocks: are you on a ubuntu systeM?04:09
ubuntukelsin: oki I'll try it out!04:09
ubotuUbuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!04:09
patrickjakelsin does he need to login as su - in terminal to run that?04:10
Vicfredhi there04:10
kelsinLinuxRocks: and yet you don't have aptitude? try "sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree" then04:10
sbosiowanna know if somebody has problems with last tzdata package update on gutsy04:10
ubuntukelsin: i got an error...:04:10
ahddmI am getting Xserver issues on my laptop when I boot on feisty04:10
ubuntuubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo grub-install /dev/sda304:10
ubuntuCould not find device for /boot: Not found or not a block device.04:10
ahddmkelsin: I got like 5 errors; No Matching Modes, Screens found but none have a usable configuration, Fatal Screen Error No Screens Found, Bad V_BIOS Checksum04:11
Vicfredi compiled pidgin but when i try to login with my msn account it says it doesnt have ssl support i used ./configure --enable-gnutls=yes --enable-nss=yes04:11
fiXXXerMetI've changed my hostname.  How do I generate new SSL Certs for Postfix (smtpd_tls_cert_file = /etc/postfix/ssl2/ca.crt and smtpd_tls_key_file = /etc/postfix/ssl2/ca.key and the others)?04:11
LinuxRockshey thanks04:11
LinuxRocksits doing something....04:11
ahddmI get; No Matching Modes, Screens found but none have a usable configuration, Fatal Screen Error No Screens Found, Bad V_BIOS Checksum04:11
kelsinVicfred: any reason to not use the piding included with ubuntu?04:11
Vicfredhmm no im just tryin to compile from source >_<04:11
kelsinahddm: I would check your monitor modes then, and make sure they are correct04:11
kelsinVicfred: I would "sudo aptitude install pidgin" and use that version then, it should have most options enabled04:12
ahddmHow can i change moniter modes?04:12
esesHello: any know how to accelerate hardware , need to run 3dDesktop04:12
kelsinahddm: are you the one that installed 6.06?04:12
kelsinahddm: honestly I would download a 7.10 iso and install from that so you're not starting withupgrade issues04:12
shrugeses: graphx card?04:12
esesShrug: sis04:13
esesShrug: on a laptop04:13
Dankchildhey guys im shopping around for an os i like this one the best so far, however i have one more to try since it says its out-of-box video compatable, im downloading a live cd of it, what do i do with a live cd?04:13
shrugeses: not sure with that...04:13
ahddmOk will try, but is there anyway to upgrade with cd without losing data?04:13
kelsinDankchild: boot with it in your cd rom drive04:14
slackoramaall of a sudden my network stopped working.  /etc/network/interfaces has the right info and restarting /etc/init.d/networking doesn't cure it.04:14
sbosiocan someone guide me with a package related problem???04:14
kelsinahddm: you have a lot of data from the past 2 days?04:14
Dankchildkelsin: do i have to install anything?04:14
kelsinDankchild: nope, that's the reason for a live cd04:14
ahddmya 1000 songs and alot of website data04:14
kelsinsbosio: just explain the problem04:14
Dankchildkelsin: k, so theres no possible way to overwrite my data?04:14
LinuxRockshey it did something but it didnt install the flash player should i restart the computer?04:14
ouellettesrmaybe someone can help me... When I start my computer, after grub loads, the screen goes blank for 5 minutes until the gdm login screen loads. If I remove quiet and splash from the grub menu, the system boots normally.04:15
naelrhow do I add a andrew morton patch to my kernel04:15
Dankchildkelsin: or do i have to create a partiton anyway?04:15
kelsinahddm: you can, since you already have a system that won't boot X I would recommend backing up the data, or moving it to another partition, In the future it's a good idea to make a separate home partition so you never have to change or remove it when you upgrade / install a differen linux distro04:15
kelsinDankchild: not for a live cd04:15
sbosioi was upgrading and the new version of package tzdata can't be installed, blocking any other upgrade / install04:15
kelsinDankchild: no, not unless once in the live cd you mousnt your system partition then delete files on it04:15
Ticklemonsterouellettesr, turn off compriz?04:15
ahddmok thanks ill download 7.10 now and upgrade04:16
ahddmthank you for help04:16
kelsinouellettesr: sounds like your computer just doesn't support framebuffer04:16
kelsinahddm: I think it will just leave you with a cleaner system, instead of boggling down with wierd issues when you're trying to learn04:16
Dankchildkelsin: im still pretty new to this, sorry, i just have a couple questions about partitions, do i have to have an empty hard drive to create one?04:16
ouellettesrkelsin, the splash works with the live cd, so I don't think that's the case...04:17
kelsinDankchild: no, there are programs and live cds (gparted in particular) that can resize and change partitions, not always a 100%safe operation but it can be done04:17
Ticklemonsterah, ouellettesr, have you gone to synaptic to make sure nothing is broken?04:17
Vicfredkelskin: i think i screwed the ssl support i installed pidgin over "sudo aptitude install pidgin" and it says it needs ssl support...04:18
ouellettesrTicklemonster: no I haven't, I just installed the system04:18
kelsinouellettesr: probably need to play with the vga= option in your /boot/grub/menu.lst04:18
Dankchildkelsin: ok, can i safely make a partiton through ubuntu to have one prepared for my livecd? or do i have to do it through the live cd?04:18
ouellettesrkelsin, I tried that too :-/04:19
kelsinVicfred: you should probably remove the pidgin package, and remove the files you installed, then install the package again04:19
sbosiokelsin: last upgrade of package tzdata failed to install (it says post-installation script failed) and now I can't upgrade or install anything less 'cause always tries to configure that misconfigured package04:19
kelsinDankchild: you do not need to do ANYTHING on your computer for a live cd04:19
Ticklemonstersudo edit /etc/apt/fstab, and after the entry for you / partition, change the last number one to a zero. if you aren't comfortable doing that, don't04:19
esesHello: any know how to accelerate hardware , need to run 3dDesktop04:19
kelsinDankchild: that's why it's called a live cd, you don't need to do anything and it doesn't change or save anything on your system04:19
Dankchildkelsin: oh no i completely understand that, what i mean is if i want to install from it.04:20
IanLiuI was installing Mac4Lin, but I moved the Max(Min)imize/Close button to the left side of the title bar. How do I turn them back?04:20
Ticklemonster@FloodBot1, how's it hanging, dude04:20
kelsinDankchild: yes, you should create a partition first, or use the tools on the live cd, it all depends on the live cd, most good distributions include instructions for creating a partition on their site or in the documentation04:20
LinuxRockshey im on a amd64 ubuntu and i installed the flash player 9 and it still didnt work but it installed04:20
kelsinIanLiu: did Mac4Lin walk you through changing the buttons or just did it?04:21
IanLiuIt walked me trought, but I tried to reverse that step, but it didn't work04:21
Dankchildkelsin: yes this particular dist. comes with one one the livecd, but i was wondering if it would be safer to do it through ubuntu?04:21
kelsinIanLiu: you can goto the gconf-editor and the key you want is in Apps/Metacity/Defaults/buttonlayout04:21
IanLiuyeah, I did change that conf. but the buttons still on left side04:22
IanLiumaybe because I changed the theme to Glossy?04:22
kelsinDankchild: they most likely use the same tools, if you want to resize partitions I recommend downloading the gparted live cd, I find it to be very good, but most likely the live cd you got has the same program that ubuntu has04:22
kelsinIanLiu: I don't have much experience with other themes, it's possible the theme overwrites the button position, if you aren't using metacity as a windows manager then it def won't matter04:23
Volvagia356I have a problem but I'm not sute it it's Ubuntu, GRUB or Vista related.04:23
esesany know how to accelerate hardware , need to run 3dDesktop04:23
IanLiuyeah, thats waht I thought... but do you have any tips where this could have changed?04:23
Box|Box|BoxAlright fellow Ubuntu users, I've got a dumb issue that I'm stumped on.04:23
kelsinIanLiu: I don't fully understand your question, are you using metacity or another wm (compiz etc)?04:24
Box|Box|BoxThe running programs list (via icons) such as active programs seemed to disappear and I cannot figure out how to get it back.04:24
Ongakuwhere is the configuration file for DOSBox located? lol...i can´t find it04:24
IanLiuMetacity is just a theme, isnt it?04:24
kelsinIanLiu: Metacity is the default gnome windows manager, unless you replace it with Compiz04:25
LinuxRockskelsin im on a amd64 ubuntu system can installing flash plugins be hard on that?04:25
Volvagia356I have a problem but I'm not sute it it's Ubuntu, GRUB or Vista related.04:25
kelsinLinuxRocks: very04:25
Dankchildkelsin: k man, thankyou so much i appreciate it greatly.04:25
Ongakuprobably Vista :P lol04:25
kelsinLinuxRocks: adobe only makes a 32 bit flash player, I would google alot, it is a common issue04:25
kelsinDankchild: np04:25
DankchildVISTA ROCKS!04:25
IanLiuwell, I activated the Ubuntu effects, if this helps..04:25
Box|Box|BoxAnyone know?  I'm dumb as all hell, I just need to get the running programs icon list back. :[04:25
Volvagia356Well I just installed Ubuntu multiboot04:25
LinuxRockskelsin if i get x86 will it matter? will it solve my issues?04:26
esesany know how to accelerate hardware , need to run 3dDesktop04:26
kelsinIanLiu: then you are running Compiz and the metacity options in gconf will have no effect. I don't know if compiz lets you set that but if it does it would be under Apps/COmpiz somewhere and might be editable with ccsm04:26
yuaokiHi what app should I use to load music on my Mp3 player?04:26
kelsin!ccsm | IanLiu04:26
ubotuIanLiu: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion04:26
kelsinyuaoki: does your mp3 player not just show up as a usb hard drive so you can drop mp3s on it?04:26
Volvagia356and when I boot back to vista, my screen resolutions are messed up04:26
IanLiuhmm, I will take a look at that04:26
IanLiuthank you very much04:26
yuaokiIt's Creative Zen Stone Plus04:27
yuaokiand no It doesn't04:27
kelsinyuaoki: I am completely unfamiliar with that player but I know some have an option for the usb mode, you can change them to make them act as a normal usb storage device, past that I don't know :-(04:27
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:27
LinuxRockskelsin: do you think i should get x86 ubuntu version?04:28
Box|Box|BoxAnyone here know a bit about ubuntu and gnome that could answer a quick question?04:28
kelsinVolvagia356: grub and ubuntu should have no effect on vista04:28
kelsinLinuxRocks: I recommend that yes. The effect of actually running 64bit on the desktop is not worth it imho04:29
Volvagia356the odd thing is04:29
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kelsinBox|Box|Box: you should just ask the question, if people have an answer and can help they will respond04:29
Volvagia356in GRUB, it displays "Windows Longhorn" and there is TWO of them04:29
LinuxRocksim running 64 bit on a laptop not desttop04:29
jackHow can I mount harddrive when running off Live cs04:29
kelsinVolvagia356: that is fully configurable in the /boot/grub/menu.lst file in ubuntu, you can probably remove one. When booting windows grub does nothing but tell the computer to boot off of the windows drive04:30
Box|Box|BoxWell, the idle program icon list (found near the clock and whatnot) seems to have disapeared, and I need it back.  Any clues as to how I go about doing this?04:30
Box|Box|BoxLike chat programs and things like that.04:30
LinuxRockskelsin: im running x64 on a laptop will x86 work better than what i got?04:30
kelsinjack "sudo mkdir /mnt/sys; sudo mount /dev/<hd_or_sd> /mnt/sys"04:30
Volvagia356I'll try EasyBCD and see what happens04:31
jackty ill try04:31
kelsinLinuxRocks: it will avoid the issues you will have like with flash, there are many pages on the net talking about the differences and pros and cons04:31
h1st0Box|Box|Box: what are you trying to do?04:31
h1st0Box|Box|Box: ahh the systray04:31
Box|Box|BoxJust get the idle programs listed back on my panel.04:31
Box|Box|BoxIt's not in the add panel list.04:31
kelsinBox|Box|Box: right click on a blank point of the panel and click "Add to panel" and find the one you want04:32
Box|Box|BoxYes, it's no where to be found.  The systray, I'm assuming.04:32
h1st0Box|Box|Box: right click on the panel and add the Notification area04:32
Box|Box|BoxEverything else is tehre :P04:32
LinuxRockskelsin: hmmm i got a AMD Turion 64 Mobile Technology with x64bit ubuntu running so u think x86 will make it go slow?04:32
h1st0Box|Box|Box: its at the bottom04:32
Box|Box|BoxDEAR GOD.04:32
Box|Box|BoxThe only one I didn't try.04:32
Box|Box|BoxI thought to myself, "Nah, that couldn't be the notification area..."04:32
kelsinLinuxRocks: I already said that I think the small difference in performance is not worth the hassle on a desktop, that is also my opinion and to be taken with a grain of salt04:33
Box|Box|BoxThanks much guys.04:33
Box|Box|BoxDumb, but happy.04:33
kelsinLinuxRocks: most programs you will be running do not fully take advantage of 64bit anyway04:33
Box|Box|BoxG'night all.04:33
Wutzhey guys, whats the compiz irc channel again?04:33
LinuxRockskelsin: so you saying try x86 right? sorry im new to this04:33
kitofhawaiiWutz: you're there already04:33
h1st0LinuxRocks: you won't even notice the speed difference04:33
Wutzk thought so04:34
kelsinLinuxRocks: for the third time, MY OPINION is that I would run x86 even on a 64 bit chip, if you want more info try google04:34
ouellettesrok guys I found a solotion to my bootup problem its described here. http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Gutsy#Fix_Slow_boot.2Ffaulty_splash_screen04:34
LinuxRockskelsin: thanks for the help04:34
kelsinLinuxRocks: np04:34
h1st0Wutz: They used to have a channel04:35
FezzlerSometimes when using Firefox, I click a link and my desktop completely clears, except for my background desktop image??04:35
IanLiuIts me again... I have changed ubuntu to use no effects and Buttons still left aligned on window Title bar... any tips?04:35
FezzlerGNOME menu is gone too?04:35
h1st0IanLiu: System > Preferences > appearence.  You can get the effects back.04:37
h1st0IanLiu: what do you mean about the buttons being left aligned?04:37
kelsinh1st0: he's trying to change the button layout04:37
h1st0Fezzler: sounds like a bug.  Can you reproduce the lock up?04:37
IanLiuI was trying to install Mac4Lin, and I changed a conf. on gconf so that Close/Min/Max buttons are aligned to the left of the title bar04:38
adayahHi.  I having a wireless broadcom card issue where my connection appears as eth0:avahi in gutsy gibbon and I have no internet connection.  anyone know what eth0:avahi means and what to do?04:38
h1st0Fezzler: also to recover you could try hitting alt+f2 to bring up a run prompt and restart gnome-panel.  Or you could hit ctrl+alt+backspace to restart X04:38
IanLiuNow I wanted to reverse this change, but I couldn't make it...04:38
Fezzlerh1st0 Thanks!04:38
h1st0adayah: with the broadcom cards you need firmware.04:38
FezzlerI went to another instance of Ubuntu and did a sudo reboot04:39
h1st0Is ubotu down?04:39
cafuegoit would seem so.04:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tst - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi04:39
h1st0ahh maybe just slow04:39
FezzlerFunny, my Compbiz still worked!  I could flip desktops (4)04:39
cafuegoOh, just laggy.04:39
eseshow do install ccsm? help04:39
adayahok iĺl see if sonnet has it but once i find it what then?04:39
ubotuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion04:39
h1st0!broadcom > adayah (Please see the private message from ubotu)04:40
adayahok thanks04:40
h1st0Fezzler: well then probably gnome-panel crashed is all.04:40
pbandjcois there any kind of drive manager built into ubuntu? format/partition/rename04:40
usserpbandjco, tons :)04:41
usserpbandjco, try gparted04:41
h1st0Fezzler: if you get a run dialog up you could do something like killall gnome-panel.  It should restart the panel up top on its own.04:41
tomd123Linuxrocks: I agree with kelsin, that's actually my setup because x86 has much more stable everything04:41
kelsinpbandjco: I don't know what you mean by rename, but you can install gparted that will help with some of those04:41
esesubotu: how to install compizconfig-settings-manage04:41
pbandjcousser: glad to hear it so what is the easiest way for me to get my nforce raid drives seen by my comp?04:41
kelsin!software | eses04:41
ubotueses: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents04:41
h1st0eses: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager04:41
h1st0!bot > eses (Please see the private message from ubotu)04:41
FezzlerI did get a little app that asked me if I wanted to run an app.  ?04:42
usserpbandjco, hm, never done that sorry04:42
h1st0Fezzler: then just type in killall gnome-panel04:42
pbandjcoanyone know how to get nforce raid up and running?04:42
pbandjcoor is it possible to read an ntfs partition?04:43
kelsinpbandjco: it is possible to read and write ntfs partitions04:43
FezzlerI saw in Synaptic a DOS emulator.  Anyone ever try it?  I have a few DOS programs I'd like to try under Ubuntu04:43
pbandjcokelsin: by default?04:43
h1st0!dmraid > pbandjco (Please see the private message from ubotu)04:43
h1st0pbandjco: yes04:44
usserFezzler, yes its a great app04:44
h1st0pbandjco: ntfs support is built in to ubuntu.04:44
usserFezzler, dosbox04:44
FezzlerI collect old computers and many have DOS link programs out the serial ports, etc.04:44
doctapeppaproblem: I switch to fluxbox and then back to gnome and gnome is gone; all I have is an x-shaped cursor, nothing else, even alt+f2 doesn't work04:44
pbandjcoi get a $MFT has invalid magic.04:44
doctapeppaonly reboot fixes it04:45
kelsindoctapeppa: when you say "switch" do you mean log out and log in switching your session option in gdm?04:45
doctapeppakelsin: yes04:45
prey_alonedoes "noatime" make sense in /etc/fstab for cdrom devices?04:45
xtknightprey_alone,  i dont think it's relevant since you cant write accesstime back to cd devices04:46
Evanlecprey_alone, no not really04:46
xtknightnoatime is the unchangeable default04:46
ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com04:46
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots04:46
Fezzlerusser: HMM .  What kind of interface does dosbox put up, a C: prompt?04:46
h1st0!botabuse > DjViper (Please see the private message from ubotu)04:46
h1st0DjViper: sry wrong person other dj left already.04:47
FezzlerI think the one I came across was dosemi04:47
zynergi\would ubuntu be sufficent for a server enviroment, or is it moreso for workstations?04:47
kelsinzynergi\: it's fine for both04:47
Fezzlermake that dosemu04:47
h1st0Fezzler: why don't you run linux on the old computers04:47
jribzynergi\: there is ubuntu-server04:47
usserFezzler, Z: but u can mount an actual physical directory of your computer to dosbox so it becomes a dos drive04:47
kelsinzynergi\: there is a server cd install that defaults to a command line system04:48
zynergi\ah, i see04:48
Fezzlerusser: EZ to set up?  Sounds techi04:48
zynergi\i was unaware ;)04:48
usserFezzler, but dosbox is just an emulator u need an actual operating system for dosbox to run ie linux or windows04:48
zynergi\would you recomend it over common debian?04:48
usserFezzler, not really its not hard04:48
esescompizconfig-settings-manager is installed how to get the 3d desktop working04:49
kelsinzynergi\: depends on your needs04:49
ussereses, try compiz --replace in the terminal04:49
Fezzlerh1st0: CP/M computer and old 8085/Z80 computers.  No room for Linux.  32k max rom/ram.  64k is a powerhouse :)04:49
zynergi\it's going to be running a webserver, as well as a few other database's04:49
kelsinzynergi\: check out the packages in the releases and pick for yourself, most methods for doing things are the same, so it's a matter of defaults and package versions04:49
tomd123zenergi\: there's a lot of variables that go into that question, i would first find out what you need and then look for them in specific distros04:49
h1st0Fezzler: hrm...04:49
PwnageTV|LeviathYo, anybody got a minute to help with a weird monitor problem?04:49
usserFezzler, nice keep it up this stuff will worth millions someday04:49
zynergi\well, it's pretty simple04:50
zynergi\im comming from freebsd04:50
kelsinzynergi\: yeah I meant your needs as in individual package requirements and versions, both can handle running a website with database04:50
zynergi\but, as time move's on, this new job i'm in requires a linux distro for a EMR (electronic medical records)04:50
zynergi\i used debian year's ago for server suites04:50
zynergi\but i've came out of the loop year's ago ;)04:50
Fezzlerusser: I will tell you that in the years I've been collecting, good condition 8-bit computers with docs are getting tougher to find04:50
zynergi\ubuntu didn't exist back then ;-)04:50
Fezzleryears ago they were plentiful04:51
h1st0ughh I remember MFM hard drives04:51
usserand audio tapes as storage04:53
nickrudheh. I sold my 8bit computer I spent about 4 grand on overall for $150 :)04:53
zynergi\sigh, i wish cpanel wasn't so sloppy.. and 'prettier'04:53
kousotuanyone know how to add desktops with COmpizfusion?04:55
nickrudlooks like all ubuntu's problems are gone04:56
FezzlerAnyone capture video in Ubuntu (or should I take this question elsewhere like ubuntustudio channek)04:56
msseverkousotu: If you use CCSM, there's an option there for it...04:57
brokenHey guys I Have a question, I want to use Photoshop Cs2 in ubuntu is this possible?04:57
kousotubroken: maybe with wine04:57
Dr_willisbroken,  check the wine web sites to see how well it runs with wine04:57
usserbroken, yes its gonna work with some limitations on wine04:58
kelsinbroken: I've heard it's possible in wine, you should look at wine's appdb04:58
ubotuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org04:58
mssever!ccsm | kousotu04:58
ubotukousotu: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion04:58
nickrudbroken: you'd be better off running xp in a virtual machine, really04:58
brokenAlright thanks guys04:58
brokennickrud, well..04:58
brokenI was doing that on anothe rbox with win200004:58
mariorzwhats up with the restricted in the repositories04:58
brokenbut it was too hectic04:58
kousotumssever: where in that thouhg?04:58
kousotuI have that already04:58
mariorzwhat does restricted mean? is it a licence thing?04:58
brokento start vmware, to get out of it, plus you need quite a bit of ram.04:59
mariorzi.e. deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ gutsy-updates main restricted universe04:59
msseverkousotu: One minute... I'm looking04:59
=== billenium is now known as BilleniumZzZ
nickrudbroken: yeah, I added an extra gig just for that reason04:59
kelsinmariorz: yes, that software doesn't follow the guidelines to be included in main or universe04:59
noorIm having a bit of a problem here dumping the audio from a .flv file to a .mp3 file any one willing to help?04:59
msseverkousotu: General options > Desktop size tab04:59
ussernoor, what tools are u using?04:59
nickrud!components | mariorz this link explains it pretty well05:00
brokennickrud, how much do you have?05:00
nickrudbroken: 2g05:00
ubotumariorz this link explains it pretty well: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource05:00
noorusser: i have the mp3 file but jesus christ its like 22 mins long @ 2.5 megs :(05:00
brokenI have that amount in my new system..05:00
mariorznickrud: cool thx05:00
brokennickrud,  do you think it will be good enough to use with vmware/xp photoshop?05:00
ussernoor, right and how did u get it out of flv? what tool did u use?05:00
brokenProbelm i had was the vmware-tools for better mouse, graphics and the likes.. were laggy sort of.05:00
FezzlerI'm getting into video and screen casts too.  Using recordmy desktop and Avidmux05:00
nickrudbroken: I do it on a 1.6ghz dual athlon, runs well enough for my limited uses05:01
Dr_willisbroken,  if it would work with win95/98 it may be easier on a low end system :)05:01
kelsinbroken: I would try with wine first, following appdb's instructions then if you can't get it try vmware05:01
noorusser: mplayer i used "mplayer -dumpaudio filehere.flv05:01
Khep9_I need some info on how to run video out to my tv using all-in-wonder05:01
esesmy 3ddesktop is still not working, how do I initiate it? :)05:01
brokenI've had it with windows05:01
ussernoor, oh ok do u have lame installed?05:01
brokenMost retarded os i've ever used.05:01
noorlame? dont think so05:01
FezzlerBoy all the codec choices are confusing.  A whole new world!05:01
noob101hi , is there a tool for ubuntu that will identify what memory types do i have if it's a DDR or DDR2 or PC2700 or PC400 ?05:01
noorwill that fix the problem?05:01
grizzleOops. Wrong window.05:02
ussernoor, it just might05:02
ussernoor, lame is an mp3 encoder05:02
ussernoor, sorta :)05:02
nickrudnoob101: lshw -C memory05:02
noorusser: actually i do have lame installed05:02
nickrudnoob101: erm, sudo lshw -C memory , that is05:03
kousotumssever: I set it to 4, still shows 105:03
FezzlerAll the how to books say dump my Hi-8 camcorder for a DV but Hi-8 is pretty good quality. 400 lines of resolution05:03
eseshow to get direct rendering any one?05:03
miyakoif I change the permissions on /dev/loop0 will that allow a non-root user to mount something on a loopback device?05:04
ussernoor, oh ok well, may i suggest ffmpeg05:04
nickrud!dri | eses05:04
ubotueses: dri is direct rendering infrastructure, a framework for allowing direct access to graphics hardware under the X Window System in a safe and efficient manner.05:04
noob101<nickrud> : thank you05:04
nickrudeses: erm, that didn't give a link, a sec05:04
kousotuanyone know how to add desktops with Compizfusion? I set it to 4, it still only shows 105:04
noorusser: tried that also lol XD05:05
h1st0kousotu: you have to change the hsize05:05
ussernoor, yea ffmpeg is crippled by default in ubuntu05:05
h1st0kousotu: are you using ccsm?05:05
ussernoor, or did u install the one from medibuntu repo?05:05
kousotuh1st0: yes. and I set H2 V205:05
nickrudeses: what kind of video card?05:05
h1st0kousotu: let me check my settings hold up05:05
noorusser: i used ermm Syinapatic manager05:06
h1st0kousotu: undder General options > Desktop Size tab change the HV size to 4 rest at 1.05:06
ussernoor, right ok so u most likely have the cutoff version of it without mp3 support05:06
ussernoor, here follow the guide on adding medibuntu repo https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu05:07
esesnickrud: SiS silicone intergrated systems, I'm on a laptop05:07
nooryou know what ill do that right now with audacity05:07
noorUsser: thx for all the help man05:07
ussernoor, np05:07
noob101description: DIMM SDRAM Synchronous  <---- what's this supposed to mean?05:07
h1st0kousotu: then turn on the desktop cube plugin rotate cube plugin05:07
nickrudeses: hm, according to http://dri.freedesktop.org/wiki/SiS you don't have it available05:08
blackfox_how to install software use wine at other folder05:08
h1st0blackfox_: ?05:08
miyakodoes anyone know off hand how I can change the permissions for using the loopback device?05:08
blackfox_i cant install file exe yet05:09
Dr_willismiyako,  it would depend on the filesystem the loopback is mounting.05:09
kelsinmiyako: my /dev/loop* are set to rw to group disk, maybe add the users to the disk group?05:09
kousotuh1st0: I did, that does nothing05:09
esesnickrud: the how to get hardware acceleration?05:09
miyakokelsin: I'll give that a try05:09
miyakoDr_willis: I am just trying to mount an ext3 ramdisk into a directory05:10
slackoramaanyone help me with getting administrator mode working in kubuntu system settings.  sudo works fine.  admin mode not so much.  no message in logs about auth failing.  it just silently fails it seems.05:10
ljlolelslackorama, you might not be allowed to do anything as sudo05:10
ljlolelwhat groups are you in?05:11
ljlolelare you in the sudo group? check /etc/sudoers05:11
h1st0kousotu: hold up i'm posting a ss05:11
slackoramaljlolel: i can sudo just fine actually.  been installing packages all morning. it was working this AM.05:11
ljlolelokay then i have no idea :)05:12
h1st0kousotu: http://img219.imageshack.us/img219/9821/screenshotsl8.png05:12
eseshow to get hardware acceleration any one?05:12
slackoramaljlolel: i'm in the root group05:12
ypsaihi there. it is possible to use compiz fusion with via vga?05:12
Dr_williseses,  depends on your video card/05:12
ljloleli dont know why sudo would still work05:12
Dr_willis!nvidia | eses05:12
ubotueses: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:12
ljlolelbut then stop... so, like, "sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list" lets you edit it05:12
nickrudeses: dri is how xfree gives 3d acceleration, I don't think you can get it to work.05:12
h1st0kousotu: afk for a few brb05:12
ljlolelbut "gksudo" in kde doesn't work?05:13
miyakook, I added the user to the group disk and it still says: mount: only root can do that05:13
fiXXXerMetI've changed my hostname.  How do I generate new SSL Certs for Postfix (smtpd_tls_cert_file = /etc/postfix/ssl2/ca.crt and smtpd_tls_key_file = /etc/postfix/ssl2/ca.key and the others)?05:13
nickrudeses: but the binarydriver page will have the latest05:13
slackoramaljlolel: yep, sudo vi works fine.05:13
ljlolelweird, good luck05:13
slackoramaljlolel: gksudo isn't installed for some reason.05:14
slackoramaljlolel: heh...thanks.05:14
nickrudypsai: no, you need dri which doesn't work under vga05:15
ljlolelslackorama, wow, i unwittingly helped you, awesome05:15
nickrudmiyako: after adding a user to a group, you have to log that user out and back in for the change to be recognized05:15
ljlolelslackorama, perhaps, this morning, a package borked gksudo for some reason05:15
kousotunickrud: Compiz doesn't work under VGA?05:16
ypsaiwhich vga work with dri05:16
miyakonickrud: a new login shell won't do it?05:16
nDevastatorwhats the command to register your nick ?05:16
nickrudmiyako: not in my experience05:16
kousotunDevastator: /ns register pass email05:16
miyakonickrud: hmm, ok; well I can use sudo for now05:16
nickrud!register | nDevastator05:16
ubotunDevastator: By default, only registered users can send private messages - Information about  registering your Freenode nick can be found at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration05:16
=== pri5cil4 is now known as priscila_
smooker_my account smooker is bugged, i cant login with GNOME session, only Xfce :( when i type name and password yellow then black screen shows out, no panel, but with root  can login.05:17
nickrudkousotu: no05:17
ljlolelkousotu, compiz needs hardware acceleration --- vga is generic, knows nothing about 3d acceleration05:17
mariorzehh so i installed apache 2 via aptitude?? ehrw eis apachectl? dpkg -L isnt helping05:17
kousotunickrud: COmpiz is working for me under a vga card05:17
matthhHas anyone had any issues with dapper and USB/printing recently?05:18
tntCrysmooker, whats diffrent from xfce or ubuntu?05:18
miyakosmooker_: sounds like your gnome or gtk config is hosed or something, try moving your relevant config directories into some sort of backup directory and log in and let it recreate the defaults and see if that helps05:18
matthhMy printer was working and now it stopped05:18
h1st0kousotu: does wobbly work?05:18
nickrudkousotu: you aren't using the vga driver then, but one with dri support05:18
kousotuat least that what I have to install for the Vindows Driver05:18
h1st0kousotu: did you ge the cube working.05:18
kousotuh1st0: nope05:18
smooker_can u explain what i have to do ?05:18
slackoramaljlolel: looks like it might be a bug in kde somewhere.  sudo kcontrol works from the command line.05:18
h1st0kousotu: do you have the cube plugins checked in ccsm?05:18
smooker_im using ubuntu from days ..05:18
ljloleltnt63, xfce is really Xubuntu -- Ubuntu works on a lot of gnome goodies05:18
kousotuh1st0: yes, I do05:18
ljlolelslackorama, are you running hardy or something?05:19
h1st0kousotu: then holding ctrl+alt and dragging the desktop should work.  You might want to double check the keybindings under desktop cube plugin.05:19
slackoramaljlolel: nope, gutsy.05:19
=== smooker_ is now known as smookerPC1
nickrudsmooker_: I had something similar; I logged out, did ctl-alt-f1, logged in, did killall gconfd-2 , then ps -A | grep gnome and killed all those as well. Then alt-f7 and logged back in05:19
kousotuh1st0: it doesn't05:20
kousotuthat's still only 1 desktop05:20
h1st0nickrud: you could have just sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart05:20
mariorzProcessing triggers for libc6 ...05:20
nickrudh1st0: heh, nice shortcut :005:20
h1st0kousotu: check the key bindings under the general tab in desktop cube plguin.05:20
mariorzldconfig deferred processing now taking place05:20
mariorzwhat does that mean?05:20
kousotuh1st0: I haven't changed them05:20
h1st0nickrud: yeah or ctrl+alt+backspace05:21
kousotuoh goodie...05:21
h1st0kousotu: I know but just make sure something is atleast set that you are hitting maybe there is nothing in there?05:21
nickrudmariorz: ldconfig registers all the libraries that can be linked and used by an application05:21
smookerPC1so i have to logout ctl alt f1, then killall gconfd-2 then -a | grep mnogme then killall05:21
kousotuAlt+ super is "Draw on the screen"05:21
kousotubut can you tell me how to remove this drawing?05:21
nickrudsmooker: or, use h1st0's suggestion, and do sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart at the console05:22
ljlolelwhy can't smooker do ctrl-alt-backspace-- are you only killing gnome?05:22
smookerPC1i tryed to reboot pc but not works05:22
mariorznickrud: i get that message after installing stuff, does that mean the install process isnt finished or something?05:22
h1st0kousotu: alt+super K05:22
nickrudmariorz: no, to save time a package tells dpkg that it has updated libraries, and dpkg waits till all packages are installed and then registers them all at once, instead of running it for each package05:23
h1st0kousotu: try hitting ctrl+alt+down05:23
h1st0kousotu: and keep holding ctrl+alt after letting down go05:24
kousotuh1st0: I don't know what I did, but now it's working05:24
ridge-meisteranyone here into model railroading?  i'm new to it, i have a fascination with it, but not necessarily by choice05:24
jamescarrwhat format should I mount a data dvd disc burned under windows? I have no idea what format it is.. how can I find out?05:24
h1st0kousotu: the ctrl+alt down is workign or rotate is working also?05:24
h1st0!offtopic > ridge-meister (Please see the private message from ubotu)05:24
h1st0jamescarr: you can just mount it without specifying a format mount should be able to figure it out.05:25
jamescarrit cannot05:25
h1st0kousotu: all is good then now.05:25
ljlolelwhy doesn't ubuntu ship with xchat by default anymore?05:25
kousotuI swear, things just wor when they feel like it..05:25
h1st0ubuntu: might want to change your nick.05:25
nickrudpidgin rules! (not)05:25
jamescarr[203146.580000] Unable to identify CD-ROM format.05:25
h1st0ljlolel: because of gaim/pidgin05:25
h1st0ljlolel: I just install irssi right off the rip.05:26
h1st0jamescarr: hrm...05:26
ubuntuis mediahunter here?05:26
h1st0jamescarr: doesn't it automount if you insert it?05:26
h1st0ubuntu: no05:26
shinkamuineed some help05:26
h1st0!ask > shinkamui05:26
shinkamuijust rebuilt my gutsy kernel05:26
kousotunickrud: what's wrong with pidgin?05:26
h1st0wow ubotu is slow to day.05:27
shinkamuiwhen I reboot, It says can't mout root filesystem05:27
h1st0kousotu: pidgin blows for irc05:27
shinkamuifirst time I've built a kernel on a system with sata05:27
nickrudkousotu: for im it's ok, but I hate it's irc05:27
h1st0shinkamui: probably messed up the modules for your ide/sata controller05:27
kousotuI use konversation for IRC05:27
Zhaozhoushinkamui, sync it with output if lspci05:27
h1st0shinkamui: or the filesystems that the kernel recognizes05:27
FezzlerDo I have to register multiple times in some Freenode channels?05:27
shinkamuifilesystem is ext305:27
shinkamuiI built that into the kernel and rebooted05:27
h1st0Fezzler: register what your nick?05:28
FezzlerDon't I register once and IDENTIFY each time one05:28
shinkamuiI think you're right on the money with the sata controller05:28
nickrudshinkamui: if you made the ide drivers as modules, you need an initrd.img05:28
h1st0Fezzler: once you log in the freenode and identify yourself you are fine.05:28
tntCryguys im trying to burn .rm file in gnomebaker i get this error The plugin to handle a file of type application/vnd.rn-realmedia is not installed.05:28
nickrudor staa05:28
FezzlerI'm trying to participate in #blender and it says I need to register.  I am already05:28
ljlolelno, no, debian, and ubuntu, had xchat installed by default05:28
ljlolelso you can come to chatrooms like this and get help on stuff05:28
ljlolelit was invaluable for me when i started05:28
LeenuxRawksAllhello all05:28
Zhaozhoushinkamui, m8, google it. This is the most common error around the kernel, the answers everywhere.05:29
h1st0Fezzler: did you identify yet? /msg nickserv identify <password>  and you should get +ei05:29
tomd123ljlolel: they don't have it by default anymore05:29
ljloleli know05:29
ljlolelhence my question05:29
nickruddebian had xchat!? I had to install vim, let alone xchat05:29
Fezzlerh1st0 yup05:29
h1st0ljlolel: you can use pidgin to get here now.05:29
ted0816Hey, I have a question about Ubuntu and I am not so sure this is the place to ask, but anyways.  I installed Ubuntu 7.10 yesterday and did all the updates and restricted drivers and everything and today it crashed twice, both times I was using Firefox if that has anything to do with it.  Can someone help me?05:29
h1st0Fezzler: I have no problem joining that channel.05:29
Fezzlerh1st0: no one is there anyway05:30
h1st0Fezzler: its showing you as in that channel05:30
ljlolelnickrud, I think it did?  I distinctly remember trying to fix debian cluelessly and going to xchat as a useful resource05:30
h1st0Fezzler: there are 50 ppl there05:30
kousotuFezzler: sometimes FN seems to give false error like that05:30
kousotuI told the ircops about it05:30
nickrudljlolel: maybe if you installed the desktop, I guess.05:30
ljlolelyes, the desktop05:31
ted0816Hmm, can someone help me?05:31
nickrud!ask | ted081605:31
ubotuted0816: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)05:31
tomd123nickrud: he asked his question, look in history05:31
Fezzlerh1sto: in blender I'm shown as (+v Fezzler)05:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about asked - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:31
ted0816 I installed Ubuntu 7.10 yesterday and did all the updates and restricted drivers and everything and today it crashed twice, both times I was using Firefox if that has anything to do with it.  Can someone help me?05:31
ljlolel!google asked05:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about google asked - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:31
ljlolel!quote goog05:32
tntCryguys im trying to burn .rm file in gnomebaker i get this error The plugin to handle a file of type application/vnd.rn-realmedia is not installed.05:32
FezzlerNickServ says I am IDENTIFIED??05:32
h1st0!botabuse > ljlolel (Please see the private message from ubotu)05:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about quote goog - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:32
smooker4how can i change the icons default size ?05:32
tntCryshould i convert the .rm's to wave ? with mplayer?05:32
noobcoderI have been looking most of the day for a dvd backup solution. I have tried dvdbackup but fails on most disks. I want a command line one any thoughts05:32
nickrudtomd123: ah, I see, ted0816 it's hard to say, I usually have crashes that are hardware related; I'd first run the memtest you see when you boot05:32
h1st0noobcoder: what are you trying to backup to dvd?05:32
noobcoderall my kids vids05:32
LeenuxRawksAllI don't think there's a linux port of Real Media...05:32
LeenuxRawksAllcould be wrong tho05:32
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noobcoderI an trying to rip them to the hd05:32
tntCrywhen typeing  mplayer -ao in terminal i could convert them05:33
h1st0noobcoder: so its just one folder?05:33
noobcoderI am trying todo what dvdshrink does in winblows05:33
tntCryis theyr a way to add  mplayer -ao to Nautalis-Script so i can right click and choose my option rather then typing them in terminal then choose an appropriate name05:33
corruptionoflulznoobcoder: try k9copy05:34
Doombringernoobcoder: download xdvdshrink than.05:34
shinkamuiso in order to boot from a sata drive, It needs to be built into my kernel right?  not a module?05:34
noobcoderdoes k9copy have a command line ver05:34
shinkamuierr, sata and the filesystem05:34
h1st0noobcoder: ahh05:34
noobcoderI am on ubuntu server05:34
nickrudshinkamui: thats the easiest way, yes05:34
tntCrycan any1 help?05:34
shinkamuiok, rebuilding05:34
h1st0noobcoder: so copy a dvd not copy a video file to dvd05:34
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h1st0noobcoder: well you can use those apps in linux with wine but let me look for an alternate clie program.05:35
shinkamuiand to make sure of one more thing, in order to build the kernel I just need kernel-package and build-essential right, then config my kernel and type sudo make-kpkg kernel-image05:35
LeenuxRawksAllTnTCry: There is no Linux port of Real Media... you could try converting the files and then burning, that's my guess...05:35
shinkamuithen I can insatll the resulting package05:35
noobcoderthanks everyone05:35
corruptionoflulzk9copy get's past most encryption too.05:35
LeenuxRawksAlldo a search with Google for "Linux Real Media Convert"05:35
shinkamuijust want to be sure I haven't built an ubuntu kernel in quite a while, and Im used to the old way through slackware05:35
nickrud!kernel | shinkamui05:35
ubotushinkamui: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - For more: /msg ubotu stages05:35
Dr_willismost encryption? Hmm how many kinds are there >? :005:35
corruptionoflulzalthough, i did have to use dvddecrypter the other day05:36
h1st0noobcoder: so you only have command line right?05:36
smooker4and what if we compile our own kernel ? whats different ?05:36
shinkamuinickrud: then let me ask you this, I've very happy with the default kernel, but I can't build the intel IWLWIFI driver apparently without having first built the kernel.  How can I get around it05:36
=== smooker4 is now known as smookerPC1
Dr_willisshinkamui,  if you install the proper kernel soruces you should be to compile a module/driver.05:37
nickrudshinkamui: I haven't tried building a kernel in a long time, but I've built a few modules; I've only needed the headers05:37
Dr_willisYea.. headers.. thats what i ment. :)05:37
shinkamuiDr_willis: I installed linux headers for my kernel version and the linux-source for my kernel version from the apt tree.  Thhe wifi driver is searcfhing for /lib/modules/(kernelversion)/source05:37
tntCryLeenuxRawksAll, do you know if theyr is a way to add  mplayer -ao to Nautalis-Script so i can right click and choose my option rather then typing them in terminal then choose an appropriate name05:38
nickrudtntCry: you could write a script using zenity to take input ...05:40
odyheya guys, my mouse hangs randomnly after working for a while on my system, if I try to kill or restart the X server the whole system hangs and needs hard reboot. Any idea why this might be happening? I already tried changing the mouse protocol from auto to ImPS/2 the device to /dev/input/mice from /dev/psaux in xorg.conf but it isnt working.05:40
bruenigtntCry, why not just edit the /usr/share/applications/mplayer.desktop to say mplayer -ao05:40
nickrudtntCry: or look at nautilus-script-audio-convert and adapt it05:41
bruenigin the Exec field of that text file05:41
shinkamuinickrud: you have any ideas about the /lib/modules/kernver/source directory?05:41
nickrudshinkamui: nope05:41
shinkamuiIm tempted to rename the directory from this build if it wont boot and try building that wifi driver again05:41
tntCrythanks nickrud05:41
LeenuxRawksAlltntCry: good luck!05:41
shinkamuithis is all because my stupid 3945 intel wifi won't pick up an access point thats more than like 10 feet away05:41
h1st0noobcoder: having trouble finding a cli program that will do it all checking on k9copy.05:41
shinkamuiin linux05:41
shinkamuibut in windows it works fine, gotta be a driver problem05:41
tntCrybruenig, becuase you must specify a name and you cant indicate the music file you want unless people do it in a weird way05:41
nickrudtntCry: the ... at the end of my previous echoes LeenuxRawksAll :)05:42
shinkamuiI would love to replace it with an atheros chipset05:42
bruenigtntCry, I just came in at the end so I don't actually know what you are doing probably shouldn't have said anythin05:42
shinkamuifunk intel05:42
pkhCan someone just confirm that 'aptitude install vmware-player' is no longer available and we have to download and install manually?  Or is there an additional source line that I need?05:43
h1st0noobcoder: argh its a gui app.05:43
nickrudpkh confirmed05:43
LeenuxRawksAllpkh: have you searched with Synaptic?05:43
mariorzdefault root pass for mysql install?05:43
pkhyeah, all the standard (multiverse etc.) enabled.05:43
mariorzERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)05:43
pkhnickrud: any idea what's happened to it?  is this a permanent change?05:44
noobcoderI think I might just install desktop with vnc05:44
pkh(would like automatic updates :) )05:44
installing-mythtHow can I get a program to start when I turn the computer on,  (not login)05:44
shinkamuitry mysql05:44
shinkamuimariorz: try mysql as the root pass05:44
nickrudpkh: it came in feisty-commercial, I don't think gutsy has that one anymore05:44
shockwaverI was wondering.. is there a good web based email reader? I'm looking for like.. an apache thunderbird type client, so I can set up my three IMAP accounts on different servers, and read them from my browser.05:44
h1st0noobcoder: hrm.. i'm sure there is an app to do it I just don't know of its name.05:44
pkhnickrud: ok, thanks.  will do it manually.05:44
installing-mythtit's for mythtv, the ubuntu package doesn't work (64 bit)05:44
dsmith__hi I have a Panasonic CF-51 with no sound05:45
nickrudinstalling-mytht: depends, gui or service?05:45
dsmith__7.10 fresh install05:45
dsmith__missing driver in alsa?05:45
LeenuxRawksAllpkh: add this to your repos "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/cschieli/ubuntu gutsy restricted multiverse"05:45
installing-mythtnickrud: service preferred, it05:45
LeenuxRawksAllpkh: apt-get install vmware-player05:45
installing-mythtnickrud: it's console not gui05:45
shinkamuimariorz: mysql default password is usually blank man05:46
shinkamuiyou should try setting it05:46
shinkamuimight be locked out as a security feature05:46
h1st0Anyone know of a console based alternative to dvd shrink for noobcoder?05:46
shinkamuimariorz: mysqladmin -u root password 'new pass'05:46
shinkamuiwhere new pass is the new root password05:46
matthhis hplip necessary for non-hp printers?05:47
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mariorzshinkamui: i need acces for that05:47
shinkamuimy point is, if that command fails then your password has been changed05:47
Extraverthey whats the wine command to use bin files?05:47
LeenuxRawksAllhas he tried DvdShrink in Wine?05:47
shinkamuiunless thats what you're trying to do, in which case, sorry man05:47
K4kis anyone here that can help me figure out what is wrong with my isntallation of ubuntu server running mythtv and mythbuntu?05:48
nickrudinstalling-mytht: I'm not familiar with mythtv, but if it's supposed to run without anyone logging in, you'd write a script, drop it in /etc/init.d , and do sudo update-rc.d <scriptname> defaults.05:48
installing-mythtnickrud: thanks,, that's what I wanted05:49
K4kfor some reason, when I run sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-database and then set it to localhost, use what I thought was the database password and username, it tells me that it isn't correct05:49
K4kwhat is it by default with mythtv and mythbuntu?05:49
h1st0K4k: no idea what they have set up.  You may get a better answer from the mythbuntu people.05:50
nickrudinstalling-mytht: see /etc/init.d/skeleton for a complete example, and reboot for a simple one05:50
h1st0!screen > Fezzler (Please see the private message from ubotu)05:51
nickrudmatthh: no05:52
gruntLOLHi all I've just got my first linux install up. Was wondering if anyone could recommend a good place to go looking for apps? I dont want anything in particular but if I see something I like I want to try and install it for practive05:52
nickrudgruntLOL: apps->add/remove , or system->admin->synaptic05:53
m55how can i exclude a folder in the find command?05:53
IndyGunFreakgruntLOL: til you get a handle on things, i'd stick w/ programs that are in the repositories.05:53
gruntLOLIndyGunFreak Im installed apache, mysql, php, phpmyadmin, phpsysinfo, torrentflux I dont know what else to try that may be cool05:54
Prezthis is the strangest thing, using gutsy and x-chat, i log into undernet to the channel #nicaragua and it crashes the x-chat client every time..05:54
gruntLOLoh and irssi05:54
Prezi have no idea what to do05:54
bryan_5482hello, latly i installed ubuntu in my computer on separate hdd, i removed the hdd with the ubuntu and installed it on new computer , but now my old computer not working its still try to search the ubuntu (i have on this computer windows xp) how can i fix the system files (boot) to run the xp ?05:54
tanlaanhello everyone05:54
h1st0Prez: try a different cli.  hold up let me try05:54
tanlaanI am having problems with installing the flash plugin for firefox05:54
dsmith__could anyone help me with my alsa problem?05:54
IndyGunFreakbryan_5482: do you have an XP boot disk?05:55
cafuegosudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree; restart firefox; done.05:55
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bryan_5482IndyGunFreak: yes05:55
ussertanlaan, yea there should be no problem really05:55
h1st0Prez: I'm in there now no crash but i'm not using xchaat05:55
IndyGunFreakbryan_5482: ok, just to make sure i'm clear, you had ubuntu on a separate drive in your computer, and removed that drive, and nwo you want it to boot straight through to windows, w/o giving you a menu to select, right?05:56
Prezh1st0: what r u using?05:56
tanlaancafuego: apparently not that simple, when I went to a page with flash on it, I allowed ubuntu to install that package, I then restarted firefox, went to youtube and it says I don't have flash05:56
Prezh1st0: what could cause  a crash of the whole client, weird characters somewhere?05:56
bryan_5482IndyGunFreak: yes05:56
tanlaanI attempted to reinstall the flash plugin twice, and even removed and then installed it again05:56
tanlaanall to no avail05:56
cafuegotanlaan: Went to a page and allowed firefox to install it?05:56
ussertanlaan, try sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree05:57
shinkamuianyone know how to reconfigure the alps dualpoint eraserpoint to stop click and dragging?05:57
shinkamuiits too sensitive05:57
tanlaanusser: I already have the package05:57
IndyGunFreakbryan_5482: boot your XP disk, and go into recovery mode... at the DOS prompt, type "fixmbr" then enter.. it'll give you some warning about losing data(for the most part, you should be safe).... hit y, then run "fixboot", enter, adn yes.05:57
IndyGunFreakafter that, reboot.05:57
installing-mythtwhen I installed mythtv it automatically changed my startup graphic,, I want the default ubuntu graphic (when you log in)  how can I change it back ?05:57
cafuegotanlaan: You're not running amd64, are you?05:57
ussertanlaan, are u sure? do dpkg -l flash*05:58
bryan_5482IndyGunFreak: thanks :) i will try it05:58
nickrud!usplash | installing-mytht05:58
ubotuinstalling-mytht: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork05:58
tanlaancafuego: umm, if so, I'm not running the 64bit version of ubuntu05:58
byonix_hi, anyone knows a PHP room?05:58
h1st0Prez: yeah but I don't see anyting with that channel there isn't even activity.05:58
tanlaanusser: yes I am very positive05:58
h1st0Prez: there are some wierd nicks int here.05:58
ussertanlaan, still what does dpkg -l flash* says05:58
cafuegotanlaan: Does the plugin show up on the about:plugins page?05:58
Prezh1st0: what client u using?05:58
tanlaanusser: one second05:59
installing-mythtnickrud: thanks again,  the mythtv package has a lot of problems,, also I've had problems with the Applications menu not getting updated05:59
* cafuego has no problems at all with the myth package.05:59
nickrudinstalling-mytht: killall gnome-panel will regenerate them05:59
h1st0Prez: irssi05:59
TTilustanlaan: do you happen to have adblock installed?06:00
tanlaanusser: http://pastebin.ca/80531406:00
TTilustanlaan: http://rutinat.vuodatus.net/blog/71220106:00
ussertanlaan, yea looks about right06:00
tanlaanTTilus: no this is a stock 7.10 install with updates just installed and my prop. drivers just installed06:00
cafuegotanlaan: Does the plugin show up on the about:plugins page?06:00
* nickrud thinks cafuego just doesn't notice problems, he fixes them unconsiously06:00
ussertanlaan, maybe firefox is still running ps -Al | grep firefox show anything?06:01
ussertanlaan, strange...06:01
cafuegonickrud: No i swear, did a simple mythbubntu-desktop install last week, and it actually *worked*06:01
shinkamuisame damn error.  I don't know what I still need to do06:01
linuxOWNSkelsin:ok i got x86 how do i get flash plugins?06:01
=== bur[n]er1 is now known as burner
tanlaanusser: well yes because I have firefox open atm06:01
shinkamuikernel panic - not syncing: VFS: unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(0,0)06:01
cafuegotanlaan: Are there any other plugins that are also set to handle .fla, .swf or .flv files?06:02
shinkamuiwhat the hell is missing from my kernel config?06:02
ussertanlaan, right right...06:02
cafuegoshinkamui: scsi, sata or ide support.06:02
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cafuegoMore generally, block device support.06:02
shinkamuicafeuge: its a sata drive, and I JUST built all sata into the kernel06:02
linuxOWNScan someone help me get flash and shockwave plugins for ubuntu x8606:02
Prezh1st0: I haven't used a terminal based irc client since college, '92 :-)  I still seem to remember the commands06:02
ussertanlaan, how about other flash sites apart from youtube?06:02
qman2hey, I'm having some trouble with openoffice...it hard locks every time I try to use any sort of special feature06:02
cafuegoall sata, so not scsi disk support?06:02
ussertanlaan, do they also not work?06:03
qman2properties windows, drawing tools, anything like that06:03
shinkamuicafuego: damn it, again, let me check06:03
Prezh1st0: just joined using irssi06:03
cafuegoI'm afraid you do need that as well.06:03
shinkamuigotta pull the battery to get out of these06:03
ussertanlaan, ehh...06:03
qman2I've removed and reinstalled the openoffice packages, deleted my openoffice settings on my profile, but it still isn't working06:03
tanlaanusser: yea...thats why I'm confused06:03
h1st0Prez: cool06:04
ussertanlaan, weird06:04
tanlaanusser: this is my third install of ubuntu *first functioning one, well mostly functiong, it screwed up on java and ran out of space on the / partition so I had to reinstall*06:04
cafuegoHave the security/update repos fallen over?06:04
Prezh1st0: thanks06:04
gruntLOLSo can anyone recommend any useful apps that I could use on a CLI server?06:04
h1st0Prez: np06:04
LeenuxRawksAlltake care for now all!06:04
cafuegogruntLOL: ... apps for what?06:04
linuxOWNScan someone help me get flash plug ins for ubuntu x8606:04
ussergruntLOL, bitchx06:04
ussergruntLOL, emacs06:04
h1st0gruntLOL: irssi links2 screen06:05
ussergruntLOL, vi06:05
h1st0!flash > linuxOWNS (Please see the private message from ubotu)06:05
tanlaanusser: oh, maybe this isn't just a problem with me...06:05
gruntLOLI have irssi and vi ill check the others if they arent gui based06:05
z9999Having a low record level using a microphone, it appears the answer is enabling a 25 DB boost option which we have been able to make appear in the mixer. How can this be enabled? It does not appear under the list of features checkable for the mixer.06:05
ussertanlaan, someone else reported the same error?06:05
gruntLOLlove linux my first install went well now I have nothing to use with it now heh06:05
cafuegoJust ANY cli app? All hundred thousand?06:05
nickrudwow, is that the kde4 beta I see on the repos?06:05
tanlaanusser: linuxOWNS06:05
ussertanlaan, nah he just wants to install it'll probably work for him without a hitch06:06
nickrudgruntLOL: and mutt, don't forget mutt if you're listenging to those guyes06:06
tanlaanusser: merr06:06
ussertanlaan, honestly this is the first time i see something like this it has to work flawlessly06:06
tanlaanusser: I know, it normally is flawless for me06:06
ussertanlaan, try purging flash and apt-get it again06:06
tanlaanusser: I even had the cd checked for errors >.<06:07
tanlaanusser: alright so I can just do that from synaptics right?'06:07
cafuegonickrud: Next to duke nukem forever? Seems so...06:07
tanlaanusser: or should I do it from command line06:07
ussertanlaan, ie sudo dpkg --purge flashplugin-nonfree06:07
ussertanlaan, i'd suggest command line06:07
tanlaanusser: kk06:07
ussertanlaan, and then sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree06:07
nickrudcafuego: I think I'll give kde another chance06:08
cafuegoit is compiled with perl6? ;-)06:08
tanlaanusser: hmm something interesting just caught my eye...06:08
shinkamuidamn, Im an idiot06:08
shinkamuiim trying to rebuild the kernel for the source link06:08
ussertanlaan, whats up?06:08
shinkamuionly to discover that source link just links to the kernel source that I unpacked in /usr/src06:08
tanlaanusser: http://pastebin.ca/805318 check out the end06:09
shinkamuinow the driver built fine06:09
cafuegoshinkamui: Just install the kernel-headers package.06:09
qman2when I run openoffice from the command line, it's just full of a ton of messages I don't really understand06:09
cafuegoshinkamui: You don't even need the full source.06:09
qman2similar to this06:09
qman2b7b51000-b7ed2000 r-xp 00000000 08:11 198221     /usr/lib/openoffice/program/libvcl680li.so06:09
=== rusty1 is now known as whitestar
shinkamuicould have just linked the dir to the headers I dl'd?06:09
ussertanlaan, whatta06:09
tanlaanusser: apparently an md5 mismatch?06:09
ussertanlaan, yep06:09
ussertanlaan, whats your internet connection?06:09
cafuegoshinkamui: It's all prepackaged, all doesn't need manual linking.06:10
tanlaanusser: comcast, cable modem06:10
shinkamui*sigh* blew almost an entire evening just trying to get these improved wifi drivers, and I still haven't tackled my super sensitive click to drag problem on my alps dualpoint06:10
shinkamuicafuego: the apt-get install didnt' link it06:10
ussertanlaan, hm try it again06:10
cafuegoshinkamui: the versions need to match EXACTLY otherwise the module won't load.06:10
tanlaanusser: I shouldn't be getting errors while dling06:10
ussertanlaan, cant mismatch twice in a row06:10
ussertanlaan, yea06:10
tanlaanusser: http://pastebin.ca/80531906:11
tanlaanusser: says its installed...06:11
ussertanlaan, heh06:11
Don64I just sudo rm /file and I'm curious if the file was deleted or put in sudo limbo AKA Trash06:11
ussertanlaan, great stuff :)06:11
tanlaanusser: lol06:11
daedricDoubt: Invalid command 'CacheSize', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration. After reading only got that i should enable mod_cache as well... wich i did. any pointers??06:11
ussertanlaan, purge/reinstall see if u get the same error06:11
daedricApache 2.206:11
K4kh1st0: is there a mythbuntu channel?06:11
tanlaanusser: kk06:11
corruptionoflulzK4k: yes.06:12
corruptionoflulz /j #mythbuntu06:12
tanlaanusser: yup same problem, may be serverside06:12
K4ko, nevermind, there is06:12
goat|workhi, I'm having trouble with the update manager, running fiesty, it is telling me that I need to update from vmware-server version 1.0.4-1feisty3 to 1.0.4-1feisty3  and running the update runs fine, but it still needs to update.   I tried uninstalling vmware and reinstalling, and I even purged the package with dpkg,  but once installed, update manager says it needs to be updated.   any suggestions?06:12
tanlaanusser: I was having the same problem with java and its plugin *which is just before I reinstalled the first time*06:12
tanlaanusser: maybe I should just use the packages given by adobe and sun to install...06:13
gugualthough my epson perfection 660 is listed in the hardware, I cannot make it work. Downloading the driver 'package' from the SANE-website and extracting it (what would there be to to after that ...?) gave only the code for installing – but I am not very good in programming – and it appears very complicated to me to execute all the things - commands, compiling ... (of which I even do not know the exact meaning!) correctly.06:14
ussertanlaan, u may try it06:14
ussertanlaan, but u'll have to get your hands dirty in that case06:15
ussertanlaan, for java at least, flash is easier06:15
=== eazyass is now known as analysisnewb
tanlaanusser: hmm now I have flash installed using their package, but it gives me the missing plugins thing still even though it loads lol06:16
tanlaanusser: alright nvm, flash is all good for now06:17
shinkamuihere goes nothing06:17
shinkamuikeep your fingers crossed06:17
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ext - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:17
tanlaanusser: but someone may want to get in a word about this06:17
eyemeansorry wrong room06:18
dwilson805I switched to ubuntu a few days ago, and in general am quite pleased.  I do have a problem, however.  It seems that TCP network connections are slow.  For instance, if I try to ssh to another computer on my lan, the connection takes 10 seconds or so before I get the password prompt.  What could I have misconfigured that would cause this?06:19
K4kyea, i did, thank you06:20
shinkamuiit worked06:20
=== alyx is now known as Alyxander
pbandjcoi have a question dealing with accessing an raid array, it wants me to mount the drive in "/dev/mapper"  ?06:24
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mrbunglej #asp06:26
S4KURAlagi pada ngapain06:29
pbandjcocan anyone help me with a problem accessing my raid array. i get an $MFT has invalid magic error. and it wants me to mount the raid device under "/dev/mapper" ?06:31
=== gummo is now known as chordate
goat|work I'm having trouble with the update manager, running fiesty, it is telling me that I need to update from vmware-server version 1.0.4-1feisty3 to 1.0.4-1feisty3  and running the update runs fine, but it still needs to update.   I tried uninstalling vmware and reinstalling, and I even purged the package with dpkg,  but once installed, update manager says it needs to be updated.   any suggestions?06:35
prey_aloneupon reboot, grub doesn't load any of the kernels correctly. i get an error "root (hd0, 1) unrecognized device string"06:37
=== johanl is now known as Duded
neil_dI have a 6.10 install, to upgrade it to 7.10, would I just do a 'apt-get dist-upgrade' ?06:37
astro76neil_d, you have to upgrade to 7.04 first06:39
astro76!upgrade | neil_d06:39
ubotuneil_d: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes06:39
pbandjcocan i get some help with dmraid ?06:40
vincenzI'm stuck with an issue06:41
vincenzI can't get my 3d card to work06:41
neil_dastro76, thanks.06:41
vincenzXlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0"  and OpenGL vendor string: Mesa project: www.mesa3d.org06:42
neil_don 6.10 can I just upgrade the version of python to version 2.5 ?06:42
pbandjcoi dont think there is any support on06:42
shinkamuiI just can't get this stupid synaptics driver to stop click and dragging06:43
pbandjcoi cant access my 2tb raid array lol06:43
zetheroowhy do people say that cmyk is not supported in the GIMP ... but then there is a cmyk panel in the GIMP?06:43
pbandjcoanyone know how to mount a drive in can anyone help me with a problem accessing my raid array. i get an $MFT has invalid magic error. and it wants me to mount the raid device under "/dev/mapper" ?06:43
peerless22_my dvdrw drive is no longer auto mounting when i enter a blank dvd, If I try to manually mount it, it says it cant because its write-protected, any idea how i can fix this06:43
vincenzSo, I have Gutsy.  And I had "Direct Rendering: No" but at least it was using the fglrx custom ATI driver.  Now, I followed various tutorials on the ubuntue help page to get "Direct Rendering: Yes"... And instead, it switched to plain mesa, help?06:44
guguanybody an idea how to make work my epson perfection 660 scanner?06:44
matthhmy epson 1660 USED to work on Dapper06:44
matthhbut stopped a week or so ago06:44
nickrudshinkamui: you can add the line Options "TouchpadOff" 2  (or "2" ?) to the synaptics section of xorg.conf, that number will turn off tapping (hence the drag)06:45
matthhI don't know why...06:45
astro76!scanner | gugu06:45
ubotugugu: Scanning software: XSane, the GIMP (GNOME), Kooka (KDE). For instructions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo and to see supported hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners - See also !OCR06:45
matthhMy laser printer stopped working to06:45
matthhI'm assumming my issues are USB related, since detection fails on both now06:45
shinkamuinickrud its actually an alps dualpoint eraserpoint on my umpc. Ill try that and see if that helps06:45
matthhPrinter works when I booted from the gOS live cd06:46
gugumatthh: i downloaded the SANE driver, but that's all commands and compiling, and i don't understand much of that stuff; the scanner figures in the hardware list, however ...06:46
nickrudshinkamui: you can also do SHMConfig on in that stanza, then install gsynaptics and experiment06:46
buttercupsvincenz, what ati driver you using, one in the repos or the latest from amd.com? what card you have?06:47
=== dosnubbie_ is now known as dosnubbie
neil_don 6.10 can I just upgrade the version of python to version 2.5 ?06:47
=== Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo
matthhgugu what happens when you run xsane?06:48
r3n0chey i'm having a problem with ubuntu 7.10 after i did a sudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove06:48
r3n0cit loads fine after i do a startx06:48
r3n0cbut most video types won't work06:48
r3n0cand i have to restart and run sudo gdm instead to get them to run06:48
r3n0cand by most types i mean .avi won't open in vlc and totem06:49
gugumatthh: I unpack the archive, and then nothing happens06:49
keith-my sound has suddenly stopped working... isn't there a command to view what is using my sound to see if maybe that's it...?06:50
pbandjcoanyone on that can help with mounting a drive in /dev/mapper, or using DMraid06:51
gugurn03: try kaffeine - I installed that and it works fine (did you download the codecs?)06:51
matthhgugu: archive?06:52
r3n0cguru everything works fine when i boot in gdm06:52
matthhis xsane installed?06:52
r3n0cguru but when i start with startx is when i have the problem06:52
=== exsa_01 is now known as ika_akp
gugumatthh: I downloaded a pack from XSANE that was to unpack; so I did ...06:53
r3n0cguru, but loading gdm defeats the purpose of booting to ttyl mode, because then i have to login twice06:53
matthhgugu: why don't you install it via synaptic?06:53
pjeideIs there a way to convince WINE's DirectX to fullscreen on one screen rather than the other? It seems I can only get it to fullscreen on Card0 Screen 1 and not Card0 Screen 2...06:54
gugur3n0c: sorry - but that becomes too complicated for me!06:54
r3n0cgugu lol its ok, i'll post on the forum06:55
gugumatthh: synaptic does not have my scanner preconfigurated - i tried that06:55
matthhsorry gugu: can't help you then...06:57
matthhfollow the README06:57
gugumatthh: i tried that also ...06:57
killerbhii I got an USB ADSL modem how do i determine what type my modem is?06:58
matthhgugu: so you did configure/make/make install?06:59
pjeideHow do you control Xinerama to launch an app only on a certain X server?07:00
tikimanwell I am sold on Xubuntu ... I love it07:01
tikimanwrong place to post07:01
killerbI want to know what is my modem chipset how do i find it out?07:01
nickrudtikiman: not necessarily, but I beg to disagree about Xubuntu ;)07:01
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=== orchid` is now known as Orchid`-Sad
Orchid`-Sadjake_:  are you not on coecasual?07:02
pbandjcoany help with mounting an hd ?07:04
kitofhawaiipbandjco: what are you trying to do specifically?07:05
pbandjcoi have a raid array and am trying to mount it through /dev/mapper/ and i do no know how07:06
killerbcan any 1 plz help me???? plzzzz07:07
kitofhawaiipbandjco: hardware raid array?07:07
kitofhawaiikillerb: what's up?07:07
killerbkitofhawaii: hii I got an USB ADSL modem how do i determine what type(chiset) my modem is?07:08
pbandjcoyes, nforce07:08
kitofhawaiikillerb: who makes it and what model?07:08
killerbUTstarcom ut-300U07:09
pbandjcoit sees the drive but when i click on it i get an error saying that it cant mount and to mount it in /dev/mapper/07:09
killerbkitofhawaii:UTstarcom ut-300U07:09
=== elmer__ is now known as elmer
kitofhawaiikillerb: conexant e-tech v207:10
=== elmer is now known as e1mer
killerbkitofhawaii: how did u findout?07:10
killerbkitofhawaii: I posted a question on the ubuntu forum saying that this modem is conexant e-tech v2. Now I'm not very sure about that. so...07:12
t0ny-p40Where would I find hashlib for python?07:12
ubotuTo verify the integrity of a download, use the md5sum - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM for more07:13
ubotuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows07:13
killerbkitofhawaii: hello. r u thea?07:14
=== gaYloVerZ is now known as rian
Schalkenthe md5sum of my dvd iso is wrong :( do i have to download the whole thing again?07:15
[1]wenkoonly if you want it to work07:15
beasty_anyone else has samba issues here ?07:15
Schalken[1]wenko: hmm, difficuilt decision :P07:15
pbandjcoso any ideas?07:16
Schalkenbeasty_: everybody has samba issues, which one are you looking for?07:16
beasty_Schalken: the part where it's slow :p07:16
Schalkenbeasty_: hmm, havent had that one myself07:16
Schalken[1]wenko: what if i put it through bit torrent? cant it verify what pieces of the file are wrong and just download those?07:17
beasty_Schalken: well it downstream is like 3 mb/s and upstream like 600kb/s07:17
beasty_not bad for a gigabit network :p07:17
Schalkenbeasty_: lol! maybe you can see where the bottleneck is in the system monitor? (process using all the cpu)07:18
thyraxis it true you can expand raid 1 to 2 disk raid 5 my changing the metadata?07:18
MashiHi, I'm running Ubuntu on a laptop -- how do I remove all sounds? I have removed them from System -> Preference -> Sound but it still plays a little "drum solo" at the login screen07:18
Schalkenbeasty_: also note that windows will only go about ~500mb/s or something like that.07:18
beasty_Schalken: btw cif or smbfs ?07:18
SchalkenMashi: oh, thats part of the login screen ("GDM") theme. you'll have to edit the GDM theme to get rid of it I think.07:19
beasty_ok brb restarting X07:19
Schalkenbeasty_: uhm, dunno about which samba client :/07:19
Mashiok, I'll look into that07:19
blackfox_i dont know how to install game use wine at ubuntu 7.10 .. someone help plz07:19
beasty_Schalken: ubuntu :p07:20
SchalkenMashi: actually, have a look in system > admin > login screen (or something like that)07:20
beasty_server is ubuntu to07:20
SchalkenMashi: there might be something in there about the login screen sounds07:20
pbandjcocan anyone tell me how to mount a drive under /dev/mapper/  ?07:20
epimethwhat would you all suggest for a proxy server?  squid?07:21
Schalkenbeasty_: i have only ever used samba once myself, and it was broken :P i might give it another try (actually edit the config file myself and all) once i install ubuntu07:21
* Schalken doesnt have ubuntu installed anywhere atm07:21
scguy318blackfox_: have you checked teh AppDb for your game?07:21
beasty_sucks to be you :p07:21
scguy318!appdb | blackfox_07:21
ubotublackfox_: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org07:21
ubotuFor discussion and help with Microsoft Windows, please visit ##windows or your nearest mental health institute. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and !equivalents07:21
beasty_Schalken: i have like 200 clients running ubuntu here at the moment07:21
Schalkenbeasty_: 200? what's it for?07:22
MashiFound it, danke07:22
scguy318beasty_: thin clients?07:22
beasty_nah full installed07:22
Schalkenlinux makes a nice OS for thing clients :)07:22
* Schalken is grumpy that his cd iso has the wrong md5sum07:23
beasty_Schalken: the company i work for :p07:23
Schalkenbeasty_: ah. they dont mind the linux?07:23
beasty_i switched them from windows xp to ubuntu 3 months ago :p07:24
Schalkenbeasty_: :O can i work for them too? :D07:24
riotkittieyaaaargh. why does GDM taunt me so.07:24
beasty_riotkittie: it hates you ?07:24
Schalkenbeasty_: joking btw07:24
beasty_i know07:24
riotkittiebeasty_: i'd assume so07:24
beasty_do what i did07:25
Schalkenriotkittie: what's it doing?07:25
beasty_i had troubles with openldap07:25
beasty_so i kicked the author of it on a convention :p07:25
riotkittieSchalken: nothing i should care about but ... :P  the resolution on it keeps going wonky.07:26
hwildeI have ubuntu installed on a 2G compact flash.  it went into read-only mode somehow.  why would this happen?  I am thinking extreme fragmentation.  anybody have links on the topic?07:26
Schalkenriotkittie: wonky? as in it uses the wrong resolution?07:26
Evanlecis there any optimization i can do using ABS on a package like firefox?07:26
Don64I sudo rm /filename on a 1 gb file.  Did it completely remove it or is it in a .Trash somewhere in root?07:26
Evanlecoops wrong chan07:26
Schalkenhwilde: how did you install it on a flash disk? i wanna do that.07:26
dadehoogMashi: Hi, sorry - just saw your question (and your resolution) above ... where did you find the option to disable the drum roll ?07:27
hwildeSchalken, skillz07:27
riotkittieSchalken: indeed. i managed to fix it once with an xorg reconfig but that's no longer working. it's fine on my other gutsy install, i cant figure out what's up with it on this07:27
hwildemad skillz son07:27
SchalkenDon64: rm actually gets rid of it.07:27
riotkittieand i mean, i shouldnt care because i see it for all of three seconds each time that i boot, but arrrrgh.07:27
Don64Schalken: thanks07:27
Schalkenhwilde: lol07:27
Schalkenriotkittie: i know how you feel *hug*07:28
Mashidadehoog: hold up my craptop is being slow07:28
hwildeSchalken, actually its really easy just install on a harddrive, apt-get remove --purge everything you don't need, got it down to about 1.5G.  then cp -apr the whole filesystem onto the flashcard, then boot into the livecd and make the flashcard partition bootable with gparted.  that's it07:28
Schalkenriotkittie: how does it choose the gdm resolution anyway? is it defined in the xorg.conf?07:28
dadehoogMashi: No worries ...07:28
hwildeyes xorg.conf07:28
riotkittieSchalken: i believe so.07:28
Mashidadehoog: in the menu mentioned, go to Acessibility and uncheck "Login Screen Ready" or change it to a desired soundfile07:29
hwildeSchalken, after awhile tho one of the flashcards says it is read only mode and I cannot recover.  similar to this link: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=13378507:29
Schalkenhwilde: if you had enough space on the thing, couldnt you install it directly onto the flash drive from the live cd?07:29
dadehoogMashi: Sorry, which menu ?07:29
CrimsonWingshmm a portable version of linux?07:29
CrimsonWingsthat would be enat07:30
gordonjcpCrimsonWings: portable in what sense?07:30
hwildeSchalken, you would need about 2.5G for that so you could get a 4G flashcard yeah07:30
Mashidadehoog: system -> administration -> login window07:30
CrimsonWingslike you plugin your flash drive and boot to it07:30
dadehoogMashi: Indeed - just found it, thanks :)07:30
gordonjcpCrimsonWings: uhm, yeah, you get that07:30
CrimsonWingsmy flash drive is only a gig though07:30
* Schalken has a lg or 6 seconds cuz he's downloading gutsy07:30
gordonjcpCrimsonWings: you write a bootable image to a flash drive, and plug it in07:31
CrimsonWingsT_T *ish poor*07:31
Schalkenme lag*07:31
Schalkeni mean, goddamnit07:31
gordonjcpCrimsonWings: 1 gig is massive07:31
CrimsonWingsno its not!07:31
hwildejust google usb pendrive  there are dozens of links07:31
* Schalken has a lag of 6 seconds cuz he's downloading gutsy07:31
CrimsonWingsi fill that with porn and vids in no time07:31
gordonjcpCrimsonWings: it's plenty for an install of Linux07:31
Schalkenthats better07:31
SchalkenCrimsonWings: thats a lot of porn07:31
CrimsonWingsi DL bleach eps at a freinds house, im lucky if i can gt 5 on it07:31
CrimsonWingsnot really07:32
hwildeyeah I only say 2.5G because that is the minimal desktop install that we did.  if you use the server install and no graphics it will fit on 1G07:32
CrimsonWingsthough i do have 5 gigs of nothing but pictures07:32
riotkittie1 gig may be plenty if you know what you're doing. or are using a slim distro :P07:32
SchalkenCrimsonWings: holy crap, i have 6.1GB :O07:32
siccnessI'm getting floating point exception (core dumped) error messages when trying to load a few different blocks of software07:32
siccnesshardware is unrelated, it's all fine there.07:32
siccnessany ideas?07:32
CrimsonWingslol thats just pics i have like 50+ worg of vids and stuff...im an addict07:33
CrimsonWingsanyways any one familiar with wine or any of its ripoffs?07:33
SchalkenCrimsonWings: get off it, man. you need saving.07:33
alienseer23wine is not detecting my floppy in gutsy, can anyone tell me how to fix this?07:33
nickrudI know brandy07:33
riotkittieive only used crossover office...07:34
CrimsonWingsyea i know07:34
CrimsonWingsi need to delete alot of it07:34
CrimsonWingswell im wondering if gameguard would initialize properly on it07:34
CrimsonWingsmy favorite online game is getting gameguard tomarro and i still wana be able to play it on linux07:35
scguy318alienseer23: pop open winecfg and go to Drives tab07:36
scguy318CrimsonWings: check the AppDb07:36
alienseer23cool, found it...duh, thank you07:37
scguy318!appdb | CrimsonWings07:37
ubotuCrimsonWings: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org07:37
CrimsonWingsgameguard is an anti-hack system. it installs a service that it needs to initilize and i dont think an abstraction layer will support this07:38
scguy318CrimsonWings: *compatibility07:38
scguy318CrimsonWings: probably not, though I know they recently introduced a complex patch to deal with some other copy protections07:38
CrimsonWingsits a driver service that i guess is a secondary hack scan, i cant find it anywhere on my system after it runs07:38
scguy318CrimsonWings: telling what app would help :P07:39
CrimsonWingshmm its gamemon.des07:39
epimethwhat would you all suggest for a proxy server?  squid?07:39
CrimsonWingsi can fiddle with my processguard to see what i can find out07:39
scguy318CrimsonWings: Cedega might support cuz07:40
=== j__ is now known as jeduan
Alyxanderhey guys how do i change the login screen and where an i get new ones07:40
scguy318CrimsonWings: Transgaming handed out a bit of moolah for support for some copy protections07:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about squid - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:40
scguy318Alyxander: System -> Admin -> Login Screen07:40
scguy318Alyxander: art.gnome.org is one07:40
ubotu#ubuntu and related channels prohibit access from proxy servers due to a high level of abuse. Project cloaks allowed: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks07:40
ubotuAttention tor users.  You may think you are anonymous, but you are not.  Please visit http://tor.unixgu.ru/ and see for yourself.   Please evaluate your need to use tor here on irc.  If you wish anonymity, Freenode offers cloaks of many different types. http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks07:40
scguy318that site doesn't work :)07:40
CrimsonWingsmmm *ponders* i wonder if any of those online games listed use GG07:41
scguy318CrimsonWings: Wine does not support GG at the moment, probably not anytime soon07:41
SiscoOk, I have ubuntu installed, what can ubuntu do/do-better then XP can?07:41
Alyxanderso scguy318  where do i put then once i save them and si sc meaning south Carolina?07:41
beerfanWhy does "tar -xzvf file.tar.gz" work as myself but "sudo tar -xzvf file.tar.gz" says tar: .: Not found in archive07:42
scguy318Alyxander: no07:42
CrimsonWingsthats a shame, its all the patches and workarounds that GG has had to impliment to patch over the hackers patches07:42
scguy318Alyxander: you just drag them into the Theme window07:42
scguy318Alyxander: the tar archive07:42
scguy318CrimsonWings: for a "fun" read on the details of a patch for SecuROM support http://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1027307:42
scguy318CrimsonWings: in other words, you'll have to probably shell out money for Cedega or something for support07:43
nickrud!info squid  | epimeth07:43
ubotuepimeth: squid: Internet object cache (WWW proxy cache). In component main, is optional. Version 2.6.14-1ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 627 kB, installed size 1580 kB07:43
CrimsonWingswell GG isnt a copy protection is just closes and neutralizes known hack proggies07:43
CrimsonWingst-search, wpe, ect07:44
CrimsonWingsi like t-search, its alot easier to make cheats for my emulators with it07:44
scguy318CrimsonWings: well, yeah, but its inner workings rely on advanced knowledge of the PE format, the Windows API, and the like07:45
CrimsonWingsi know how GG works, its complicated yes but simple in its execution07:45
CrimsonWingsthe whole thing runs on a rootkit service that hides and protects the GG processes07:46
transiencehey, i'm trying to use compiz themes in ubuntu gutsy gibbon, but i'm having no luck. i have emerald installed, and the themes imported into emerald, but nothing changes. any help?07:46
pbandjcohow do i restart compiz07:46
scguy318pbandjco: you can restart X or log out, immediate solution07:47
scguy318trasience: add emerald --replace to your startup07:47
SiscoOk, I have ubuntu installed, what can ubuntu do/do-better then XP can?07:47
beerfantry "compiz --replace"07:47
transienceokay, thanks07:47
scguy318Sisco: runs faster, free apps, no cost07:47
scguy318Sisco: unless you want to count the cost of electricity07:47
CrimsonWingsyea but its complicated as hell07:47
=== max365 is now known as max`
scguy318Sisco: nice and stable, package management07:48
CrimsonWingsoh and it can access windows share networks07:48
scguy318Sisco: well, it does depend on what you want :)07:48
pbandjcotransience: thanks that worked07:48
MashiSisco: It's also nice for the power user. The package manager system is a godsend.07:48
=== K4k_ is now known as k4k
CrimsonWingsit can access most windows based networks and systems wich is a plus07:48
askvictorHow can I force an app (kde app in this case) to start in a minimised state?07:49
transiencei'm new to linux. how do i add things to my startup?07:50
CrimsonWingshey sc, where did you see that wine doesnt support GG?07:50
CrimsonWingsalso whats that wine devient that was made for games...it starts with a "C"07:50
scguy318CrimsonWings: Cedega07:51
CrimsonWingsTHATS IT!07:51
scguy318CrimsonWings: and I found that on the AppDb + Google07:51
CrimsonWings*hugs* thanks07:51
scguy318CrimsonWings: to?07:51
CrimsonWingsthe artical/info07:51
scguy318transience: system -> prefs -> session07:51
scguy318CrimsonWings: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=719807:52
scguy318CrimsonWings: forget it, you are welcome to test but probably won't work07:52
CrimsonWingsim stuborn07:52
CrimsonWingsand ill never know till i try07:52
* CrimsonWings dances07:52
CyberMadhow to lock panel on ubuntu from changing?07:53
hwilderight click, lock panel07:53
CrimsonWingshmm yea the 620 error..not initialized...07:53
CrimsonWingsthats exactly what i thought would happen, i still need to test it and tweak it07:54
CyberMadhwilde i mean.. all panel, so can not delete..07:55
CyberMadlock panel afaik, is just lock from moving07:55
Sisconame it07:55
CrimsonWingshey SC07:55
CrimsonWingscadega says flyff works on it and flyff uses gameguard aswel07:56
beasty_god damn samba!07:56
CrimsonWings...shit....its a paid program, maybe i can find a pirate version07:57
CrimsonWingswheres my eyepatch?07:58
MashiI'd chug my way through the documentation, but I'd like to get this done in time for work tomorrow morning: I have my wireless driver set up, how do I create a wireless profile in Ubuntu?07:59
scguy318CrimsonWings: stops a flood attempt in the channel08:02
eseshow to install direct rendering manager? help any one?08:02
scguy318eses: no such thing ;)08:03
scguy318eses: you probably mean DRI and the like08:03
CrimsonWingshey i found a pirate version of cedelga08:03
scguy318eses: and you don't really install it08:03
CrimsonWingsi love you puzo.org <308:03
BHSPitMonkeyI have a system here with Ubuntu, which occasionally (read:too often) experiences hard lock-ups (no C+A+Bksp).  How can I investigate the cause?08:03
scguy318eses: there is such a thing as the Direct Rendering Manager, but its not something you install08:03
scguy318BHSPitMonkey: read syslog, memtest?08:04
scguy318eses: you probably need to install restricted drivers for your card08:04
BHSPitMonkeymemtest checks out08:04
esesDRM I googled it is there08:04
scguy318Mashi: right click in Network Manager I think08:04
BHSPitMonkeyscguy318, where can I read the log at that level?08:04
=== |ajmorris_| is now known as ajmorris_
scguy318BHSPitMonkey: at what level? syslog entries are written to disk08:04
scguy318BHSPitMonkey: archived I think, /var/log/syslog08:05
scguy318BHSPitMonkey: dmesg might be more for your interest tho08:05
esesinstalling drm08:05
scguy318eses: read what I just mentioned :)08:05
BHSPitMonkeyscguy318, will check those places, thanks.08:05
chilli_any1 here know how 2 install N on ubuntu 7.10 gutsy08:06
scguy318BHSPitMonkey: if not resolved, wait till day, this channel is deeead08:06
BHSPitMonkeychilli_, the game?08:06
BHSPitMonkeyscguy318, I'm more than familiar with this channel :)08:06
Mashiscguy318: Thanks, that was a lot less complicated than the last distro I tried this with. On a similar note, is there a way to scan SSID's in that program, or do I need another one to do so?08:07
BHSPitMonkeyscguy318, I live on freenode, though my visits to #ubuntu are rare; this place gets crazy.08:07
scguy318Mashi: click on the network manager icon08:07
BHSPitMonkeychilli_, works best for me using the windows version in wine.08:07
scguy318BHSPitMonkey: indeed08:07
chilli_o ok08:07
chilli_i shal;l do that08:07
BHSPitMonkeyit's ironically faster than the linux version in my experience08:07
scguy318Mashi: that should show a list of SSIDs I think08:07
scguy318Mashi: else iwconfig scan nameofinterface08:08
BHSPitMonkeywish they would just give the swf directly08:08
zauberThis may be slightly off topic, but I'm not sure where else to ask - it's about ssh tunneling. Say I have a webserver running ssh and apache (ports 22 and 80) on my home-network, and I have a firewall which does port-mapping for inbound connections on port 22 only (and rejects all other requests). How would I go about setting up a tunnel that allowed me to surf my home-network web-server from my laptop on the road. I am assuming it's possible to do, since i ca08:08
Mashiscguy318: I think I'm in the wrong menu then, I'm going admin -> network and seeing a wireless eth1 option, though the other thing you said will work08:08
scguy318Mashi: there should be like a computer icon in notification tray08:09
scguy318Mashi: if you click on it should show you a list of SSIDs if I'm not mistaken08:09
scguy318Mashi: thats the network manager applet tray icon08:09
zauberregarding my last post: i guess I should start by asking: 1) Is my situation clearly explained, and 2) is it at all possible in the first place (using ssh tunneling, not opening more ports on the router)08:10
scguy318zauber: you may either setup a dynamic port forward or local port forward with the rule <client local port> ->
Mashiscguy318: That's not working, but I know what you mean now. I probably just messed up installing the drivers for my card or something, I'll toy with it for a while. Thanks.08:10
scguy318Mashi: you can try iwconfig scan eth1 (I think that's what you said)08:10
zauberscguy318: thanks, but which machine would be "client" in this case? My laptop?08:11
scguy318zauber: yep08:11
scguy318zauber: use PuTTY or cmd-line ssh, whatever suits you08:11
zauberI'm on a macbook, so command-line it is. But I guess my problem is, what do I forward to. I mean, I can't forward to  my-home-ip:80, since the router will block that.08:12
scguy318zauber: tunnels are resolved on the SSH server08:13
Stevo47Is there a text-mode DC client in the Ubuntu repositories?08:13
scguy318zauber: that's assuming the web server runs on the same machine as the SSH server08:13
scguy318Stevo47: DC being?08:13
Stevo47Direct Connect08:13
scguy318Stevo47: ah08:13
Stevo47DC++ is the most common windows client08:13
scguy318!directconnect | Stevo4708:13
ubotuStevo47: Direct Connect clients: Valknut (Qt), dcgui (GTK), dc-qt (Qt, alpha), rccp (terminal-based) - See also !P2P08:13
Stevo47rccp sounds good08:14
scguy318zauber: you could also choose to setup a dynamic forward and then point your web browser to the dynamic local SOCKS server08:14
scguy318zauber: whatever floats your boat really08:14
epimethwhat would you all suggest for a proxy server?  squid?08:14
scguy318zauber: I prefer the dynamic forward, transparent08:14
scguy318zauber: as for how you do it08:15
Mashiok, I've found that my problem with my wireless is that ndiswrapper isn't set to execute on startup. I'm only familiar with how to do this in Suse using YaST, can anyone point me in the right direction for ubuntu?08:16
scguy318Mashi: edit /etc/modules08:16
scguy318Mashi: by doing gksudo gedit /etc/modules08:16
scguy318Mashi: add an entry for ndiswrapper08:16
zauberscguy318:  SOCKS server... not familiar with it. yes, the web and ssh services are on the same machine. Am I understanding you correctly then, to say that I could: 1) ssh into my home server from my laptop "ssh me@homeip", 2) somehow get the ip address my laptop has, 3) setup the tunnel on the server to my laptop with an ssh command. (sorry for the delay and long posts)08:16
Mashiok thanks08:16
=== T1m is now known as T1m0thy
scguy318zauber: explain #208:16
scguy318zauber: dynamic: ssh user@host -p port -D dynamicport08:17
scguy318zauber: local: ssh user@host -p port -L bindaddress:port:host:hostport08:17
zauberscguy318: ah... step 2 is not necessary, I was thinking wrong. Please explain dynamic ports?08:17
scguy318zauber: the -L syntax I copied from the man page08:17
scguy318zauber: first, a bit on SOCKS08:17
rgnrhello all08:18
scguy318zauber: the SOCKS protocol is basically a way to negotiate connections through a firewall, that was its original purpose08:18
rgnrany torrent pros here?08:18
scguy318zauber: the way it is used in SSH, it basically lets programs make connection requests through the local dynamic SOCKS port forward, and the connection requests go through the SSH tunnel08:18
scguy318!ask | rgnr08:18
uboturgnr: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)08:18
scguy318zauber: so, any SOCKS capable apps, or non-SOCKS capable apps + a socksifier08:19
rgnrubotu: ;)08:19
scguy318zauber: will be able to use the dynamic SOCKS server08:19
zauberscguy318: ok. sounds like just what I need. I'll go google for it08:19
scguy318zauber: and thus communicate through the SSH tunnel08:19
scguy318zauber: the ssh program has the SOCKS functionality built-in08:19
rgnrmy torrent klient doesn't upload08:19
scguy318zauber: all you need to do is to pass in -D portnum option08:20
zauberscguy318: cool, so I don't need to install an extra service on the server08:20
scguy318zauber: then point, say, Firefox to it08:20
scguy318zauber: no08:20
scguy318zauber: and whatever requests Firefox will make will go through SSH tunnel08:20
scguy318zauber: real simple08:20
scguy318rgnr: check port forward?08:20
scguy318rgnr: or your dl/ul caps?08:20
scguy318rgnr: or perhaps there are no interested peers in your torrents08:20
zauberscguy318: you've been real helpful. much obliged!08:20
soulwarpi would like to contribute a wallpaper i made with the ubuntu theme. is there a place i can share my work? the artwork was made with the gimp.08:21
rgnr'ts not my torrent08:21
scguy318soulwarp: oh yes, I think theres some Ubuntu Artwork section, somewhere08:21
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy08:21
scguy318soulwarp: don't quote me on that08:21
soulwarp<scguy318>thanks a lot m808:21
scguy318rgnr: well, yeah, but the peers just might not be interested in you08:22
administratorcan somebody help me fixing some problems in installing maven?08:22
scguy318rgnr: it happens for high seed/peer ratio08:22
=== administrator is now known as aniac
rgnrscguy318:  it just doesn't give upload while downloading08:22
CyberMadhow to lock panel on ubuntu from deleting?08:22
whabohelp i need to create my own custom boot screen using KDE ( im using KDE) can anyone pleaaase help me?08:22
scguy318rgnr: oh like the information?08:22
scguy318rgnr: not sure then08:22
scguy318whabo: you may have better luck in #kubuntu08:23
shea|upanyone have Gtk programming experience by chance08:23
soulwarpscguy318 http://art.ubuntu.com/ no longer exists or is down08:23
soulwarpscguy318 http://art.ubuntu.com/ no longer exists or is down08:23
aniacany idea for maven plz?08:23
soulwarpscratch ignore the spam08:24
scguy318soulwarp: I see08:24
scguy318soulwarp: theres a ubuntu-art mailing list that seems active08:24
scguy318soulwarp: other than that I dunno08:24
Invert314how come PiTiVi, Kino, Cinepaint aren't in gutsy repos?08:24
Invert314those three apps come with ubuntu studio08:24
scguy318soulwarp: Art & Design section of Ubuntu FOrums might be of interest08:24
scguy318Invert314: they're in the repos08:25
soulwarp<scguy318>no big deal, i just like to share. i did see something about ubuntu studios08:25
Invert314apt-get install PiTiVi doesn't work08:25
scguy318Invert314: check your caps08:25
eses_how to enable direct rendering? help any one?08:25
scguy318Invert314: and if you haven't already, enable universe repos08:25
tritiumInvert314: package names have no caps08:25
rgnrhow do i check if i'm firewalled?08:25
soulwarp<scguy318>thanks again m808:25
scguy318Invert314: and if you were not running the command as root, make sure to prefix with sudo08:25
scguy318soulwarp: np08:25
scguy318rgnr: use an online port scan tool08:26
Invert314yes, i use sudo08:26
tritiumrgnr: did you install any firewall software?08:26
scguy318rgnr: online-nmap.com I think08:26
Invert314its the caps that got me08:26
Invert314thanks =D08:26
scguy318Invert314: the Ubuntu Studio packages have been merged into Gutsy08:26
scguy318Invert314: it's no longer a separate repo08:26
eses_how to enable dri? help any one?08:26
scguy318eses_: install restricted for your video card08:26
Invert314ty scguy31808:27
ZINGhttp://getpclinuxos.com/ got a few face lifts08:27
Invert314ty tritium08:27
rgnrscguy318:  -p is ports ?08:28
scguy318rgnr: yes08:28
corruptionoflulzanyone else find gmail imap to be horribly slow?08:28
scguy318corruptionoflulz: I thought it was ok-ish, but then I didn't have a lot of messages08:29
scguy318rgnr: the nmap man page explains all the options08:29
tritiumcorruptionoflulz: no, but it has other problems I dislike it for08:29
bullgard4[Gutsy] The package gnome-screensaver is installed but I do not use it. I would like to call the Unlock dialog of the gnome-screensaver. How to do this?08:29
scguy318I'm going for the night, cya all08:30
deathchimpHello all, I have an issue, I have my screensaver disabled and yet, every 5 min my screen turns blank. Is there a powersave function I dont know about?08:32
patrick_can anyone help me connect to my internet wirelessly im using ubuntu 7.1008:37
JJtechHi to all08:38
patrick_can anyone help me connect to my internet wirelessly im using ubuntu 7.1008:38
rabiHi everybody! I am from Nepal.08:39
JJtechrabi: hello08:39
patrick_can anyone help me with my wireless internet08:39
rabijjtech: hi08:39
rabiI am here to help somebody.08:40
JJtechpatrick_: what seems to be the problem?08:40
JJtechrabi: u might want to help patrick08:40
chilli_ill help some108:40
rabiThat is not my field of expertise.08:40
rabiI will try.08:40
chilli_ill help08:40
patrick_jjtech: i am on a dell inspiron 5100 and i have downloaded and installed my wireless card  driver (broadcom rev 02)*08:41
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs08:41
patrick_i have also configured it correctly i believe but i still cannot connect to my wireless router08:41
chilli_restatring the rounter and ytour computer08:42
patrick_when i click on the icons at the top right of my screen nothing shows up for wireless anymore08:42
patrick_i have tried that08:42
JJtechpatrick_: did you manually configure it? i think it can auto configure itself after installing the drivers...08:42
patrick_jjtech: i had to manually configure it because i have a wep key (although my dhcp is auto configured)08:42
fay_elfNdiswrapper is easy to use if you like the setup simple08:43
patrick_jjtech: everything seems to be configured correctly but when i go to click on the icons at the top right of my screen it only shows wired network08:43
masterlokiI need help08:44
rabiwhat masterloki?08:44
masterlokiI am tring to get08:44
JJtechpatrick_: howcome you can connect IRC when you said u have no connection?08:44
masterlokiAwn to work08:44
rabimasterloki: what is ur problem?08:44
riaalanyone know why this clean line in my makefile wont works?08:44
patrick_jjtech: i am currently connected with an ethernet cable08:44
riaal      rm -f main.o part1.o08:44
mirkoHi, i really have problems configuring my wpa2 psk secured wlan with networkmanager. Manual setup works well but i want to use the gui ;-) Any doku hints?08:45
masterlokithe avant window extra to work and I am running into a problem08:45
nico_hi all08:45
patrick_jjtech: any ideas?08:45
JJtechpatrick_: uhhhmm.... still trying to figure...08:46
rabiwhat happened with avant08:46
nico_anybody speaks arab here?08:46
riaalanyone? need some help with a makefile08:46
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about arab - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:46
riaalcan't get the clean line to work08:46
masterlokiI fallowed the gudies @ https://answers.launchpad.net/awn/+question/1484108:46
fuffaloi installed rsnapshot, went through the config file, and then edited my crontab file to include: http://dpaste.com/26698/ however it doesn't seem to be running, what am i missing? (I can run the rsnapshot manually with hourly/daily etc, and it works, but not with my crontab)08:47
patrick_jjtech: i believe the first problem i should fix is the fact that when i click on the little computer icons in the top right of my screen it only shows wired network and manual configuration where as it should show my wireless networks08:47
masterlokiand am getting  this bash: cd: awn-extras/awn-applets/awn-core-applets/: No such file or directory08:47
masterlokiwhat am I doing worng08:47
zauberscguy318: in case you were wondering how I was doing, I found that this works. afaik it doesn't use dynamic ports. "ssh -N -f -L 8080:server.lan.ip:80 user@homenetwork.wan.ip" I can now surf my internal server from anywhere by pointing browser to http://localhost:8080/08:48
masterlokisorry I am noob08:48
masterlokiso can anyone help me out08:49
patrick_jjtech: are you there?08:49
JJtechpatrick_: i think so.. but then again it might be the wireless network configuration not properly configured..maybe you overlook something08:49
mtholdensshey what is the irc command to view all channels?08:50
patrick_jjtech: well i cant even view my wireless networks when i clikc on the icon, someone told me that my card is not in use or something like that08:50
jendaAnyone know any good resources for bluetooth connections? I'd like to set up a working connection between my Ubuntu laptop and my T-mobile phone.08:51
JJtechpatrick_: i see.. check the card connection.. double check (always)  then try to reconfigure WEP..08:51
rabimasterloki: I think you can get deb file of avant somewhere. search google.08:51
patrick_jjtech: although under restricted drivers it says that the firmware i downloaded for my card is in use08:51
patrick_jjtech: how should i check if my card is in use?08:51
JJtechpatrick_: wait08:51
masterlokik let me check08:51
JJtechpatrick_: try "ifconfig" (without quotes)08:52
|adam|any one know where i can get working drivers for a geforce 8800 gts for ubuntu?08:52
patrick_jjtech: i've done that before ill let you know what terminal outputs this time08:52
JJtechpatrick_: k08:53
patrick_jjtech: what am i looking for08:53
JJtechpatrick_: see if there's a line with your wireless network08:54
rabimasterloki: which version do you use?08:54
JJtechpatrick_: what version in ubuntu are you again? gutsy?08:54
chilli_what is a good program to start learning C in08:55
patrick_jjtech: there is no line that shows the nickname i use for my network, however under eth0 it says a bunch of stuff about my network as in inet addr08:55
patrick_jjtech: im using ubuntu 7.1008:55
chilli_what is a good program to start learning C in08:55
rabimasterloki you can download avant in deb file from http://linux.softpedia.com/progDownload/Avant-Window-Navigator-Download-22877.html08:55
JJtechpatrick_: use pastebin so i can see...08:55
chilli_what is a good program to start learning C in08:56
patrick_jjtech: exactly how do i do that08:56
T1m0thyChilli, wait your turn.08:56
T1m0thyCalm down.08:56
chilli_what is a good program to start learning C in08:56
chilli_ok sorrie08:56
rabichilli: gedit08:56
ajopaulchilli_, Hello World!08:56
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:57
chilli_ok ty08:57
JJtech!pastebin @ patrick_08:57
JJtechpatrick_: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/             <<<<<<<<follow this link08:58
patrick_jjtech: okay i pasted it and it was under irc logs08:58
rabimasterloki: http://linux.softpedia.com/progDownload/Avant-Window-Navigator-Download-22877.html08:58
JJtechpatrick_: give me the link08:58
JJtechpatrick_: paste the link here so i can follow08:59
patrick_hd on08:59
JJtechpatrick_: k08:59
patrick_jjtech: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46801/08:59
JJtechpatrick_: k08:59
Myrth[home]hi, apt-get -f install gives errors, one of them is: "trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/kde4/share/icons/oxygen/128x128/apps/phonon-xine.png', which is also in package kde4base-data" - how can i fix apt registry?09:00
patrick_jjtech: thats what my terminal output when typing in ifconfig09:00
|adam|i need to get my drivers for a geforce can any one help please???09:00
Le-Chuck_ITAHi all. I am looking for a program to synchronize directories on my laptop and my pc. I know of rsync, I know and have longly been using unison, I know how to script unison in a cron job, but... is there something already designed for automatic synchronization without user interaction?09:00
Le-Chuck_ITAI see ifolder has foss server now, but it is a client/server solution. I am looking for something distributed09:01
patrick_jjtech: any ideas as to whats going on?09:01
JJtechpatrick_: what router are u using again?09:01
patrick_jjtech: a linksys router, im on its home page thingy right now09:01
JJtechpatrick_: kk... wait09:02
patrick_jjtech: just an fyi, while in my router home page i set a wep key, it generated four wep keys and the first one is the default, under manual configuration in ubuntu, it asks for the wep key in hexidecimal, but my wep key was around 10 or 12 characters with letter and numbers09:03
JJtechpatrick_: did you not download the network manager??09:04
patrick_jjtech: what do you mean?09:04
JJtechpatrick_: network-manager-gnome09:05
JJtechpatrick_: you don't have it yet?09:05
patrick_jjtech: where do i download it exactly, can you give me instructions? cuz that would be awesome09:05
wolspatrick_: tried converting the letters to ascii?09:05
JJtechpatrick_: uhhmm... wait09:05
patrick_jjtech:wols how do i do taht?09:05
patrick_wols: its both letter and numbers09:05
wolspatrick_: firstly ascii letter and number are all hex numbers like A is 41h and the number 0 is 21h09:06
wolssecondly a simple google search tunrs up something like this: http://www.andrewscompanies.com/tools/wep.asp09:07
JJtechpatrick_: try udo apt-get install wpasupplicant09:07
JJtechpatrick_: try sudo apt-get install wpasupplicant09:07
patrick_jjtech: i type that into my terminal?09:07
JJtechpatrick_: yes09:07
* Invert314 loves open source software09:07
wolsthat's the thrid thing. WEP is useless09:07
patrick_jjtech k just one sec09:07
wolsbut if your router can't do WPA you're fscked and should get another router09:08
patrick_jjtech: it did a bunch of stuff and then output that wpasupplicant is already the newest version09:09
JJtechpatrick_: then type "sudo apt-get install network-manager-gnome network-manager"09:09
chilli_any one need help wiht naything09:09
smiWhat is the command to change the keymap? I have a wrong one and I need to change it using shell09:10
aussieman__egister to vote Now at: http://www.theglobalvote.org/index.php?action=member http://www.theglobalvote.org/  look at that09:10
patrick_jjtech: k one sec09:10
wolssmi: console or X?09:10
patrick_jjtech: already newest version09:11
JJtechpatrick_: kk..09:11
JJtechpatrick_: 1 sec09:11
wolsJJtech: do you even know if his router supports WPA?09:11
ypsaihi all. what setting should I change to make the downloaded deb from "apt-get install" stay in my harddisk?09:11
smiwols: console. Keymap / keyboard layout.. like swe, en etc.09:11
JJtechwols: i presume09:11
Invert314what app is this person using to view source code in the terminal in this screenshot? http://devilhorns.us/images/screenshot7.png09:11
patrick_wols: how do i find out if it does09:12
wolssmi: loadkeys09:12
JJtechwols: you help...09:12
patrick_type that into terminal?09:12
wolsJJtech: I already did09:12
JJtechwols: ^_^09:12
Zeron#dc  락갤09:13
patrick_wols: what exactly do i do sorry im a nub haha09:13
smiwols: should it take a little while? it just hangs there.09:13
wolssmi: man loadkeys09:14
wolsand it waits for input on stdin09:14
patrick_wols: i believe my wep key is configured correctly, i just need to figure out how to get my wireless networks to appear when i click on the icon in the top right (right now it only shows wired network and manual configuration)09:15
wolspatrick_: I never ever used gnome-netowkr-manager. you asked about a WEP ascii to hex conversion and I answered you09:15
wolsI also told you to check if your router supports WPA and to replace it if not since WEP encryption is useless09:16
airtonixis anyone familiar with the format of the files in /var/log ?09:16
patrick_wols: how do i check if it supports wpa09:16
dead1ockdon't know09:16
wols!anyone | airtonix09:16
ubotuairtonix: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?09:16
wolspatrick_: by reading its manual09:16
airtonixwols: calm down09:17
mikebeechamgood morning...when I was using Windows, I use to use software called 'Grabit' which allowed me to download nzb files (usenet).  Is there any decent alternative for Linux?  I've tried to get hellanzb to work, but I  cant get it working....is there anything else I can use?09:17
JJtechpatrick_: check my PM 4 u..09:18
patrick_does anyone know how i can figure out my laptops mac address09:18
patrick_jjtech: huh?09:18
funkybrun ifconfig09:18
wolspatrick_: ifconfig09:18
wolsmimilus_: pan klibido09:18
TwigEthermikebeecham: looks like it runs under wine: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=827009:18
ypsaihi all. what setting should I change to make the downloaded deb from "apt-get install" stay in my harddisk?09:19
mikebeechamTwigEther: ....I did have it working under wine for a while, but now it's started to do funny things and has become unreliable?09:19
mimilus_wols sorry what ???09:19
patrick_wols: k now which one is my mac address09:19
wolsypsai: it stays. /var/cache/apt/archives/09:19
wolspatrick_: the hardware address it shows09:19
wolsmimilus_: wrong tab complete sorry.09:19
TwigEtherah, weird09:19
wolsmikebeecham:  pan klibido09:19
`PÂñåì ïðèâåò09:20
airtonixis anyone familiar with the format of the files in /var/log ? i need someone to help me figure out he format....09:20
mikebeechamwols: is pan a command?  Sorry ,but I'm a new linux user09:20
`PÂñåì ïîêà09:20
wolsmikebeecham: it's a name09:20
dgjonesmikebeecham, pan is a usenet reader, very similar to Forte Agent09:20
wefdfjust to say hi09:20
patrick_wols: i dont see anything about a hardware address09:20
ypsaiwols: by default it stays. /var/cache/apt/archives/ or Isholud change something to makeitthat way?09:21
wolspatrick_: eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:0A:E6:7E:B3:F409:21
mikebeechamdgiones so there are two to choose from there....does pan do all of the unparring and unrarring, etc?09:21
wolsypsai: by default it stays09:21
mikebeechamwols: and pan allows the download of binary .nzb files?09:22
patrick_wols: the number next to hwaddr is my mac address?09:22
ypsaiwols:if i wont to make the deb not stay there, what should i change?09:22
wolsmikebeecham: yes, via "import"09:22
wolsypsai: apt-get clean09:22
mikebeechamwols: yer a star mate...will look at that when i get home09:22
dgjonesmikebeecham, i use pan and manually unrar or check par's, I don't know if it does it automatically09:22
JJtechpatrick_: try "sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces" type in terminal09:23
mikebeechamdgiones: grabit used to do it all in one, so I'm not sure how to check pars....unraring is fine for me...some of the nzbs you have to extract .r00 anyway09:23
patrick_jjtech: it brought me to a document that says auto lo iface lo inet lopback09:24
patrick_jjtech: then it says iface ethl inet dhcp wirelesskey: blablabla wireless essid habernet09:24
patrick_auto ethl09:24
JJtechpatrick_: comment out everything except " lo "09:25
=== fuffalo is now known as fuffal0
JJtechpatrick_: but first backup that file first09:25
dgjonesmikebeecham, have a search in synaptic for "par", i can't remember the app name i use if i need to, but from memory, there are a couple to choose from, I just download and save the files, right click and run a par checker then ricght click and unrar etc09:25
patrick_jjtech: step by step directions on how to do that?09:26
mikebeechamahhh....I can do that....even someone like me could cope with that dgjones :D09:26
JJtechpatrick_: when you type "sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces" a window pops-up.. right??09:27
JJtechpatrick_: then edit that file, delete the txts other than " lo "09:27
dgjonesmikebeecham, good luck then, give it a go09:27
mikebeechamdgjones : thanks mate...I need my heroes, you see ;)09:27
patrick_so delete everything and have only lo there09:27
JJtechpatrick_: but before you edit the file, back it up first09:28
patrick_how do i back it up09:28
JJtechpatrick_: yes.. have only lo09:28
reasonpunI see09:28
funkybanyone get a intellimouse explorer 2's forward and back buttons working w/ firefox in gusty?  I've tried everything in the forums w/ no luck09:28
JJtechpatrick_: save the file..09:28
patrick_haha right09:28
JJtechpatrick_: lols09:29
echosystmanyone know where is best to get help with wireless?09:29
JJtech!wireless | echosystm09:29
ubotuechosystm: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:29
patrick_jjtech: okay now the only thing that is on there is lo09:29
patrick_what now?09:29
adamadam20074does anyone know how to fix the mesa indirect rendering problem? ive installed the newest fglrx drivers for the ati card series but it still says it wont display direct rendering09:29
JJtechpatrick_: save09:30
JJtechpatrick_: then....09:30
JJtechpatrick_: Create a file called /etc/default/wpasupplicant, add entry ENABLED=0 and save the file09:30
JohbeAnyone run hardy? And have javaplugin in mozilla working?09:30
patrick_how do i do that exactly?09:30
JJtechpatrick_: jeez... ^_^09:30
patrick_haha yes im a noob09:30
JJtechpatrick_: k.. wait09:31
dgjonesJohbe, you'd be better asking in #ubuntu+1 for Hardy support, thats where the queries about the test versions get asked09:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about dir - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi09:33
patrick_jjtech: so you want me to create a file with what?09:33
JJtechpatrick_: wait09:34
patrick_k lol09:34
JJtechpatrick_: i want you to create a file called /etc/default/wpasupplicant, add entry ENABLED=0 and save the file09:34
patrick_jjtech: so in that file that popped up, i can hit create new, type in ENABLED=0 and save it?09:35
JJtechpatrick_: type in terminal cd /etc/default/wpasupplicant09:36
echosystmthe ubuntu wifi wiki does not help me, as i am using fluxbuntu09:36
patrick_jjtech: nothing happened09:36
echosystmi need to know how to get it running, using just wifi-radar and wpa_supplicant09:37
wolsJJtech: since when is /etc/default/wpasupplicant a directory?09:37
echosystmare there any irc channels dedicated to this?09:37
JJtechpatrick_: you don't have it yet.. that is why i like you to create it..09:37
patrick_jjtech: okay im ready to do anything just tell me haha09:37
wolsechosystm: ask your real question here. #ubuntu is the main channel for all *buntus09:38
JJtechpatrick_: now im also confused.. hahaha... my head blanks..09:38
Baroqueni've just re-installed gutsy and I can't get my hda-intel audio working.  i've read the forums and tried the comprehensive sound page, but something is fundamentally wrong ... i'm just not sure what.  It's an ICH9 Intel onboard audio - which I made work before...09:38
JJtechpatrick_: wait a sec..09:38
wolsJJtech: that cd command you gave is wrong09:38
JJtechwols: yeah... lols..09:38
Myrth[home]patrick_: echo "ENABLED=0">/etc/default/wpasupplicant09:38
patrick_jjtech: when i click on my icon all of the networks are available09:38
JJtechthat's it09:39
wolsMyrth[home]: won't work. he's no root09:39
JJtechthat one.. follow Myrth[home] patrick09:39
patrick_should i follow myrth or not?09:39
Myrth[home]wols: oh i'm late in conversation - thought he's already in09:39
echosystmok, well, i need to know how to get WPA wireless setup, using wpa_supplicant and wifi-radar. can anyone help me?09:39
wolsMyrth[home]: there is no "root" in ubuntu as you should know09:39
Myrth[home]i usually have sudo su - :)09:39
echosystmso far, i have setup my wpa_supplicant with just the ssid and psk string09:40
echosystmi am using the madwifi driver09:40
rgnrppl help!09:40
rgnrmy udp ports a timeout09:40
echosystmi dont know where to go from here09:40
Myrth[home]actually just /etc/init.d/dbus restart helps me everytime networkmanager doesn't behave09:40
rgnrtcp is ok udp timeouts09:41
JJtechthat's if u have it configured already..09:41
JJtechi think09:41
BaroquenDoes anyone have experience with intel ICH9 chipset?09:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about intel - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi09:42
Myrth[home]JJtech: i thought so but then i restored back /etc/network/interfaces and removed wpasupplicant file and it still worked...09:42
JJtechMyrth[home]: hmmmm...09:42
Myrth[home]maybe some upgrade fixed it..09:43
JJtechMyrth[home]: maybe...09:43
bazziebi need help formatting an external HDD. How do i do it??09:43
JJtechanyway, i need help regarding my old computer.. it only has 128mb of RAM.. and i want to install ubuntu gutsy on it... how to install with less RAM usage??09:44
donaldhi somat09:45
JJtechis there a way?09:45
bazziebi need help formatting an external HDD. How do i do it??09:45
JJtechMyrth[home]: how to install ubuntu on a low RAM PC???09:45
Myrth[home]JJtech: sorry dude, over my head09:46
CajunTechieHello everyone. Why would iwconfig ath0 show my wireless network name in the ESSID field but ifconfig ath0 shows nothing?09:46
JJtechMyrth[home]: hehe09:46
simmerzWhen I try and enable desktop visual effects, gnome says they can't be enabled. I'm using the nvidia driver and my xorg.conf does have the Composite extension enabled. any ideas?09:46
JJtechanyone here knows how to install gutsy with less RAM pc??09:47
rgnrcan any1 hlp plz?09:47
JJtechsimmerz: i think you need to install the right driver first..09:48
JJtechsimmerz: and then enable it..09:48
Myrth[home]JJtech: does it break when you try?09:48
wolssimmerz: pastebin your xorg log09:48
simmerzJJtech: I have the driver installed. Its the "nvidia" binary driver instead of the "nv" one09:48
wolssimmerz: which nvidia driver exactly?09:48
simmerzthe one that got installed by the restricted driver manager09:49
JJtechsimmerz: what card u are using?09:49
simmerzit's a quadro fx 54009:49
neur1anyone have virtualbox freeze up gutsy and reboot is the only option?09:49
wolssimmerz: pastebin the output of glxinfo09:49
dadehoogGreetings all09:49
bazziebi need help formatting an external HDD. How do i do it??09:50
simmerzwols: glxinfo: http://rafb.net/p/U7bMIB50.html09:50
marantosare there any free yet satisfyingly brutal games available on linux?09:50
JJtechwols: how to install gutsy on a low RAM pc?09:50
JJtechmarantos: no09:51
JJtechmarantos: none...(i think)09:51
* marantos cries09:51
wolsJJtech: without X. how low the ram?09:51
dadehoogI'm looking into the "headphone jack sense" switch that ALSA provides ... It's been removed from my alsamixer and gnome-volume-control because I've got a thinkpad and they don't need the options to provide the speaker<->headphone link09:51
simmerzwols: auto generated xorg.conf (with added composite extension at the bottom by me): http://rafb.net/p/eFzvcp22.html09:51
rgnrhelp please!09:51
wolssimmerz: I never asked about your xorg.conf09:51
wols!ask | rgnr09:51
uboturgnr: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)09:51
Baroquenis anyone able to help me get my audio working?  I rebuilt alsa from source (ver 1.0.15) for hda-intel, but I still couldn't run alsamixer09:52
simmerzwols: oh, sorry, you wanted the log09:52
simmerzhang on09:52
dadehoogdoes anyone know if headphone jack sense generates ACPI events ?09:52
dadehoogif so, where would I find them ?09:52
JJtechwols: only 128mb   ....very low09:52
wolsrob: describe your question better09:52
wolsJJtech: I'd try xubuntu09:52
rgnrmy udp ports give me  timeout09:52
wolsgnome or kde at 138MB is death09:52
rgnrwhile tcp is ok09:52
wolsJJtech: or bettre yet fluxbuntu09:52
dadehoog(I'm angling/dreaming for an ACPI event that knows that the headphones are in - and un-mutes the volume ...)09:52
dadehoogJJtech and wols: fluxbox would be a nice fit for 128 MB RAM ...09:53
rgnrcan any1 hlp?09:53
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)09:53
BERTIN salut a touce09:54
wolsJJtech: nother thing you could do is remove unecessary daemons orreplace them with lighter versions. e.g. no exim/postfix but ssmtp and such09:54
simmerzdoes nopaste or somesuch exist in the ubuntu repositories?09:54
wolsrob: do a propre problem description. no one cann (or will) help you otherwise09:54
simmerzwols: http://rafb.net/p/KBTbZF93.html is my xorg log09:54
JJtechwols: ok.. heheh.. i still have my old PC... id like to giv it to my brother.. and he wants to get effects the same as mine... i have amd64 dual core..1.5Gb RAM, nForce430, nvidia 8400GS...09:55
wolssimmerz: there is no aiglx mentioned in that log. imho your xorg.conf is wrong somewhere09:55
wolssimmerz: dpkg-reconfigure xservr-xorg09:55
BERTIN je cherche des racine mon aquarium09:55
sybaritenBERTIN: uhm.....09:55
wolsJJtech: give him some more ram and it might work depending on the videocard in this PC09:56
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.09:56
sybaritenet surtout pour de l'aide sur des aquariums?09:56
wolssybariten: english ONLY here09:56
bullgard4English help wanted. Where from comes the phrase "to _roll_ a tarball" as in http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://uwstopia.nl/files/2007/10/unlock-dialog.png&imgrefurl=http://uwstopia.nl/blog/category/gnome&h=299&w=390&sz=20&hl=de&start=42&tbnid=r89k6y807nQLZM:&tbnh=94&tbnw=123&prev= ?09:56
=== CaRtMaN_01 is now known as CaRtz
wolsbullgard4: you are OT09:56
bullgard4wols: Your statement is false.09:57
sybaritenwols: yeah...  i think he asked about finding the root of his aquarium though... which is odd09:57
CaRtzhi. ill be installing ubuntu later. how many hda's should i make and how much space should i allot in each hda?09:57
JJtechwols: dude... no available RAM here in my old PC.. it uses pc133 and its only AMD duron 1.1ghz   ...with only 32mb vcard... is fluxbuntu downloadable???09:57
Baroquenaccording to Ubuntu, my sound card is known as "Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 02)".  Does that mean it's an 82801I?  Is that the keyword I should search forums for?09:58
wolsJJtech: a 1+ GHz athlon can handle more than 128MB easily. I'm sure there are some RAM slots free09:58
wolsgo on beay and buy some old PC13309:58
kakooniahey... lately im having some problems with the Network manager, lots of messages when i restart/shutdown my comp. now i ran ubuntu, and suddenly i dont have the network-manager icon at the top bar, i needed to connect manualy using 'ifup'. what could be the problem?09:58
wolsand you didn't say what videocard. if it's a gf2mx it should work just fine. on 32MB even09:58
JJtechwols: im form philippines.... can't buy in ebay.... i will try Fluxbuntu...09:59
revilodrawall of a sudden my sound went quiet...everything is at max volume10:00
revilodrawwhere is everyone?\10:00
rgnrwols: can u hlp?10:01
ubotufluxbuntu is a LPAE-standard compliant, Ubuntu-based derivative that maintains the goal of running on a wide range of mobile devices and computers (low-end & high-end). It is lightweight, swift and efficient. | Support Channel: #fluxbuntu on freenode | Homepage: http://fluxbuntu.org/10:01
wolsrgnr: ask a specific question, then maybe10:01
revilodrawall of a sudden my sound went quiet...everything is at max volume...really annoying\10:01
wolsJJtech: isn't there any fleamarket in the philippines?10:02
pookeyhi all - can i create a 'normal' exim config in /etc/exim4/exim.conf ?10:02
rgnrwols: how do i handle udp timeout?10:02
wolsrgnr: happening when?10:02
CaRtzhi. ill be installing ubuntu later in my secondary hd (20gb). how many hda's should i make and how much space should i allot in each hda?10:02
JJtechwols: was....(in manila).....but i am in cebu.. no more here...since RAID.. heheheh10:02
wolsrgnr: UDP is connectionless. timeouts are a inherent property of UDP10:03
brobostigonhi; good morning10:03
rgnrwols: while testin ports10:03
echosystmdoes anyone know of any good irc chanels for wirelss setup?10:03
wolsrgnr: testing how exactly?10:03
revilodrawall of a sudden my sound went quiet...everything is at max volume...really annoying\10:03
echosystmim not looking for general support10:03
wolsrgnr: what are you trying to do? how do you want to use UDP?10:03
rgnrwols: for opening10:03
rgnrwols: on btclient10:03
wolsopening WHAT?10:03
simmerzwols: that made no difference at all :(10:04
rgnrwols: upload10:04
wolsrgnr: do you have a router?10:04
dadehoogCaRtz: Up to you as to how many partitions you put on it ... you'll need a minimum of 2 though (1 swap, 1 /) ...10:04
rgnrwols: y10:04
Baroquenis anyone able to help me with audio?  I can't get my intel audio to work.10:04
simmerzall I get is it saying "Could not enable desktop effects"10:04
rgnrwols: i did all forwarding stuff10:04
wolssimmerz: you need aiglx mentioned in your xorg log10:04
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP310:04
simmerzwols: even for nvidia?10:04
wolsrgnr: ubuntu has no firewall by default so nothing is blocked unless you installed stuff10:04
simmerzI thought nvidia did their own implementation10:04
CaRtzdadehoog: thank you10:04
wolssimmerz: always.10:04
simmerzwols: ok10:05
wolssimmerz: but it this implementation mentions aiglx10:05
kaptenguCaRtz: check this out: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation10:05
ludditehello good folk10:05
rgnrwols: so i didn't installd fw10:05
BaroquenThanks Don64.  i'll try those links...10:05
wolsrgnr: then it is no ubuntu problem. again: do you have a router?10:05
CaRtzkaptengu: thank you for the link. ill check it out.10:05
wolsrgnr: sudo netstat -anp |grep UDP10:05
pookeyIs there documentation on ubuntu's crazy exim config anywhere?10:05
wolsrgnr: pastebin the output of that with your btclient running10:05
wolspookey: what is crazy about it?10:06
wolspookey: dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config or such IIRC10:06
pookeywols: I'd much rather just have a 'normal' config - none of this module or template based stuff10:06
sachihow to dual boot ubuntu and xp10:06
ludditei use ubuntu 7.10 and have a webcam that works on it(in aMSN and camserver) but i want to use it as a security camera so i can see my house while at work. (i live alone and work lots)10:06
wolspookey: use postfix :P10:06
sachii would like to install xp10:06
pookeywols: that uses some kinda template thing, I'm worried that if I modify the template, it will overwrite it10:06
pookeywols: that's not an overly helpful suggestion :P10:07
wolssimmerz: install ubunut. install xp. done10:07
patrick_hey all im back and i believe i have some more info for ya10:07
wolsoops. other way around. first install XP: then ubuntu and you are done10:07
wolspookey: what "template thing" exactly?10:07
brobostigonsachi, install xp first, then ubuntu.ubuntu will setup the duall boot for you.10:07
simmerzwols: wrong person?10:07
sachii did that yesterday and xp was totaly erased10:07
jimcooncat_sachi, virtualbox, then xp10:07
ludditesachi, just get a new disk or partition and install ubuntu - choose the empty disk/partition. then it will install fine and on boot you will see new options of winXP and ubuntu10:07
dadehoogpookey: I've got exim4 doing local delivery working here ...10:07
wolsit's just that postfix config is imho much easier to grok than exim's10:07
simmerzsachi: you actually want to install ubuntu second. otherwise XP will overwrite the MBR10:08
wolssimmerz: yes. you both begin with "s". sorry10:08
pookeywols: well, that's possibly to do with the evil things that ubuntu/debian to do the exim config :)10:08
sachibut i did that yeterday10:08
ludditesachi: yeah - install ubuntu 2nd10:08
patrick_can someone help me with my wireless internet again i believe it should be easy to fix now10:08
rabisachi: you can Install XP first, then install ubuntu.10:08
sachiand i dont have xp10:08
juarezHey all, I jst bought an HD and I wanna set it up but I dont know how... can anyone help me pls?10:08
pookeydadehoog: ok.....  and? :)10:08
dadehoogpookey: it's not impossible :)10:08
wolsjuarez: is it plugged in?10:08
pookeydadehoog: of course it's not, I have it working already - my question was about where the docs are10:09
wolsjuarez: fidks it (with cfdisk for example)10:09
ludditesachi : so you are using ubuntu now?10:09
dadehoogpookey: ah, apologies - I came in late ...10:09
patrick_is anyone available to help me with my wireless internet connection it should be easy to fix now10:09
pookeydadehoog: :)10:09
wolspookey: exim-doc or exim4-doc. don't remember. just earch exim*-doc*10:09
wols!anyone | patrick_10:09
ubotupatrick_: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?10:09
ludditesachi: on boot after the bios shit - what pops up? options for ubuntu and ubuntu safe and ubuntu memtest?10:09
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about oops - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:10
rgnrwols: where do i see results of netstat?10:10
sachia window pops out which says that i have 2 seconds to press escape10:10
rabisachi: then don't use.10:10
patrick_when i go under my little icon it now shows all available wireless networks, although when i connect to my home network it says its connected it just is at 0 percent, and im right next to my router, what should  i do?10:10
mikebeechamCan I get some further help with VirtualBox...I have created a new WindowsXP virtual machine, and given it access to the shared folders on my Secondary Hard Drive (Internal IDE).  When I start the Windows virtual machine, I can access the files on those folders, but I cant write back to them...I am told that either the drive is write-protected or i do not have permissions.  Everything is ok with Linux though?10:10
Learning-UbuntuCan I add a local folder to my sources list?10:10
wolsrgnr: where you type it10:10
rgnrwols: i open terminal do this netstat and nothing happens10:11
wolsLearning-Ubuntu: yes. man sources.list10:11
ludditesachi use your arrow down button, it will halt load, then read carefully and a option will be windows xm10:11
wolsLearning-Ubuntu: it's type "file"10:11
Learning-Ubuntuwols, Ty :D10:11
sachiill try agin10:11
juarezwols, my doubt is on how to partition it... i.e ext2 ext3 swap, boot etc10:11
sachibut i know that xp disapeared10:11
sachiill check it out agin now10:11
wolsjuarez: ext3. it is a data drive I guess?10:11
sachihear u later10:11
ludditeif it did then10:12
patrick_im running ubuntu 7.10 and when i try to connect to my home network wirelessly it shows that it is connected it is just at zero percent what should i do?10:12
ludditeyou installed ubuntu over the top of it10:12
ludditeand therefore you are an idiot who didnt read the instructions10:12
Baroquenmy intel soundcard appears to be listed as an ICH9.  According to the ALSA website, they only document ICH5 to ICH7...  but there's a comment in the 1.0.14rc that says it supports ICH9.  Does anyone know how I progress?  I'm running the sound troubleshooting procedure (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting)10:12
rabianyone need help?10:13
patrick_rabi  i need help10:13
gordonjcprabi: that depends10:13
gordonjcprabi: are you any good at Citroen starter motors?10:13
patrick_BRB ALL10:13
ludditei use ubuntu 7.10 and have a webcam that works on it(in aMSN and camserver) but i want to use it as a security camera so i can see my house while at work.10:14
wolsBaroquen: ICH9 means snd-hda-intel for a dirver10:14
jimcooncat_mikebeecham: are you using samba or virtualbox's internal sharing?10:14
yakiI regret buying vista ultimate10:14
rabigordonjcp: what happen gordonjct?10:14
gordonjcpluddite: teh easy10:14
ludditestream video to my webserver10:14
rgnrwols: ?10:14
juarezwols, its a brand new HD and i wanna 20% for Ubuntu and the rest its gonna be for general files but I wanna be able to visualize then when runnin XP that is in another HD10:14
gordonjcpluddite: zoneminder, or motion will do that for you10:14
gordonjcprabi: meh, my starter motor is being emo10:14
sachino xp just ubuntu10:14
yakifking ubuntu does everything my vista ultimate does10:15
ludditegordonjcp: cool i dont see them in synaptic10:15
CyberJack77Hi, I have a question... how can I rename a USB stick?10:15
gordonjcprabi: it's also too wet and dark to work on it when I get home10:15
wolsjuarez: then make a 20% sized ext3 and the other 80% FAT3210:15
diurnambulei try to do an aptitude install for a list of packages10:15
gordonjcprabi: this is, however, offtopic10:15
gordonjcpluddite: hm10:15
Baroquenwols: I tried to build the ALSA drivers with hda-intel, but that didn't work.  Should I have built ALSA using the driver name "snd-hda-intel" instead of "hda-intel"?10:15
rabiwhat is starter motor?10:15
ludditehold on10:15
wolsrgnr: then you have a typo. pastebin your commandline somewhere10:15
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:15
kazilgreetinfs. problem with grub, i just can`t make it work. did it as written in docs but still doesn`t work10:15
rabiis it hardware aspect?10:15
juarezwols,  oh.. is it easy like that??10:15
wolsrabi: and how is it ubuntu related?10:15
bullgard4English help wanted. Where from comes the phrase "to _roll_ a tarball" as in http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://uwstopia.nl/files/2007/10/unlock-dialog.png&imgrefurl=http://uwstopia.nl/blog/category/gnome&h=299&w=390&sz=20&hl=de&start=42&tbnid=r89k6y807nQLZM:&tbnh=94&tbnw=123&prev= ?10:15
wolsBaroquen: ypi are OFF topic. ask elsewhere10:15
sachiis there a guide after instaling xp how to install ubuntu10:15
gordonjcpluddite: I see motion in apt10:16
ludditesachi: did you install ubuntu on a separate drive?10:16
kazili`ve a sata disk with win xp on it, and a ata with ubuntu10:16
Baroquenwols: where do I ask?10:16
sachii dont know10:16
wolssachi: no guide needed. you just install it10:16
patrick_when i unplug my ethernet cable and try to connect to my home router (no password or wep key or anything) it says "connection to habernet 0 percent" and im right next to my router what should i do?10:16
diurnambulelike sudo aptitude search -F %p libmono | sudo aptitude install10:16
juarezwols,  thanks very much mate..10:16
rgnrwols: like where10:16
wolsBaroquen: sorrey. not you. this bullgard guy10:16
diurnambuleit's a "batch" install of many packages10:16
wols!paste | rgnr10:16
uboturgnr: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)10:16
sachii just remebre that i used total hur disk space while installing ubuntu10:16
sachiand maybe i did there a mistake10:16
jimcooncat_bullgard I believe it means to make an archive file out of the files10:16
ludditesachi: you installed over winxp10:17
rabisachi: do you have any important data in your computer?10:17
wolssachi: boot from the LiveCD and resize the ubuntu partition wiht gparted10:17
ludditeyou have ubuntu now.10:17
sachino i dont have10:17
ludditegood upgrade10:17
patrick_luddite: can you help me out real quick10:17
ludditesachi: you are in ubuntu now right?10:17
sachiyes i am10:17
diurnambulehow to make a pipe for aptitude install ????10:17
patrick_luddite: when i unplug my ethernet cable and try to connect to my unsecured (no password) wireless router, it says "habernet connection 0 percent" what should i do?10:18
patrick_im right next to my router10:18
TimmoHi, I have a virtual machine running Ubuntu 7.10 server. It keeps loosing time (Very quickly). I tried setting up ntpd but the drift file never gets updated. Please help !10:18
martymcfly_diurnambule: what do you mean by pipes10:18
yakihow do i add trash can on the desktop?10:18
rabisachi: backup your important data and then install Windows XP making two partition (delete all previous partition). One for system and another for backup (for windows).10:18
diurnambulei want to send a list of packages to aptitude install10:18
diurnambulelike : sudo aptitude search -F %p libmono | sudo aptitude install10:18
SmegzorI want to record my desktop to a video.  Is there anything in the repo for this?10:18
wolsTimmo: clock and especially ntp not working properly is very normal inside VMs. ask vmware about it, not us10:19
rabisachi: leave some unpartitioned space for ubuntu installation.10:19
ludditepartick_: im not sure mate - sorry, i know nothing of wireless10:19
martymcfly_diurnambule: try adding xargs after the "|"10:19
sachiand when i install ubuntu shoudl i check guided10:19
diurnambulecool i try10:19
CajunTechieHello everyone. I am at the end of my rope. Can someone look at this and give me some idea of what might be wrong? http://pastebin.org/1038810:19
Timmothanks :/10:19
patrick_wols: do you think you could help me. shouldnt be too hard  i know im annoying haha10:19
ludditesachi: you are in ubuntu on that machine now yes?10:19
rabithen boot from live cd and install ubuntu in unpartitioned space. you have to choose not resize disk but custom partition.10:19
mikebeecham9023Can I get some further help with VirtualBox...I have created a new WindowsXP virtual machine, and given it access to the shared folders on my Secondary Hard Drive (Internal IDE).  When I start the Windows virtual machine, I can access the files on those folders, but I cant write back to them...I am told that either the drive is write-protected or i do not have permissions.  Everything is ok with Linux though?10:19
martymcfly_sudo aptitude search -F %p libmono | xargs sudo aptitude install10:19
sachiyes on ubuntu10:19
ludditepartick_ its ok - im annoying also10:20
diurnambule;-) youpiie THX10:20
wolspatrick_: I yes you are nnnying not asking the problem but stupidly asking everyone "can you help me"10:20
martymcfly_diurnambule: does is work ?10:20
kazilsomeone please look at my pastebin10:20
patrick_wols: when i asked the problem no one answered10:20
ludditesachi: therefore you have overwritten your windowsXP install when you chose "Use full entire harddrive"10:20
diurnambuleyes it works THANKS martymcfly10:20
kazilit`s about grub10:20
rabiwhat happen kazil?10:20
=== martymcfly_ is now known as Spartan
=== Spartan is now known as Spartan-X
sachiyes probably10:20
patrick_wols: when i unplug my ethernet cable and connect to my wireless router it shows im connected at 0 percent, how do i fix this do you know?10:21
nicholasfile:///home/nicholas/nicholas/downloads/Silence - L'autre endroit -- Jamendo - OGG Vorbis q8 - 2006.01.09 [www.jamendo.com]10:21
nicholasfile:///home/nicholas/nicholas/downloads/t r y d - Public Domain -- Jamendo - OGG Vorbis q7 - 2006.01.20 [www.jamendo.com]10:21
kazilrabi: can`t make xp boot up from grub10:21
sachiso what should i check guided10:21
Oli``How can I reinstall the audio drivers (and config) that come with the stock install? I've wrecked my config (see: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=3886684&postcount=1 )10:21
rabikazil: ohh then you can easily make it. wait10:21
=== T1m is now known as T1m0thy
Baroquenwols: I tried to build ALSA again using snd-hda-intel, but it didn't work.  It says "Unknown soundcard snd-hda-intel"...10:21
ludditesachi: did you read what i typed?10:21
rabikazil: do you use XP?10:21
Oli``Somebody suggested removing a load of stuff but apt wants to take ubuntu-minimum and gdm with it, so I daren't do it10:21
nicholaso does AIGLX speed up compiz fusion with nvidia cards? as i have compiz-fusion without AIGLX and its seems to run great?10:21
ludditeyou have no winxp left.10:21
sachiill give a try10:21
kazilrabi: yes. read the pastebin i wrote it all there10:21
ludditeit is now ubunt10:21
sachiyes ubuntu10:22
samuelldis it possible to put the whole 2gb ubuntu onto a 2gb thumb drive10:22
ludditeso why do you need xp?10:22
wolsBaroquen: snd-hda-intel is the name of the module you need10:22
sachicuz i can fix my sound here10:22
kazilrabi: it always say Error 1110:22
ludditesachi: yes10:22
patrick_wols: any idea on what to do in my situation?10:22
ludditedo you have 7.1010:22
Spartan-Xsamuelld: there are special distros for ubuntu's10:22
rabikazil: does it shows XP?10:22
sachiyes 7.1010:22
ludditewhat sound card10:23
Spartan-Xsamuelld: http://pendrivelinux.com/2007/01/25/usb-x-ubuntu-61010:23
kazilrabi: on the list? yes it does10:23
CajunTechieAnyone know why iwconfig detects my wireless router, ifconfig ath0 shows I have an IP address yet I am still not able to surf the net even when other computers can AND this very computer was able to before a reinstall? http://pastebin.org/1038810:23
kazilrabi: but it doesn`t boot up, it says error 1110:23
wolspatrick_: your card won't authenticate to your AP most likely10:23
ludditesachi: open up Envy24control10:23
patrick_wols: anyway to fix it?10:23
wolsCajunTechie: can you ping the router IP?10:23
ludditeits in applications>sound & video>10:24
Baroquenwols: i'm not sure what that means.  where would I enter "snd-hda-intel"?10:24
wolspatrick_: what encryption does your ubuntu use and what enncryption does your AP use?10:24
CajunTechiewols: nope AND the router never sees the laptop in its clients table. A few hous ago, before I reinstalled, this worked.10:24
wolsBaroquen: I don't know how ubuntu configures alsa10:24
wolsCajunTechie: then check where the box gets its IP from10:24
lousygaruasmurf, u by any change smurfix?10:24
patrick_wols: i do not know what you mean by my ubuntu using an encryption, all i know is i have no password or wep key for my router, it is an open network with no security10:25
nyiguI'm trying to get some truetype fonts installed; I've tried dropping them in ~/.fonts and running fc-cache, also putting them in /usr/share/fonts/truetype/newfonts, no joy -- are there any instructions for doing this?10:25
smurflousygarua: yep10:25
CajunTechiewols: did that. It's doling out ip's correctly all over the place (even to this laptop) but the laptop just can't see anything at all.10:25
bullgard4"Anjuta is an integrated development environment for the C and C++ computer programming languages, written for the GNOME project." What objects are to developed using Anjuta?10:25
rabikazil: can you please paste your whole menu.lst?10:25
lousygaruasmurf, cool. elmo told me u might be able to help me with the ubuntu-xx.org domains10:25
kazilrabi: when i first installed ubuntu it installed grub 2. as other OS it said it was some FreeDOS. Is it posibble that i have a third OS (i didn`t put it there, maybe the guy from the shop), and because of that it makes the mixup?10:25
wolsCajunTechie: if it doles out an IP to the lappie it will see the lappie (the router that is)10:26
smurflousygarua: via gpg-signed email please10:26
kazilrabi: yes, just a sec (i`m writing from another comp)10:26
wolsbullgard4: anjutah is a C/C++ IDE that's all10:26
ludditesachi : install envy24control10:26
rabiKazil: have you installed ubuntu first?10:26
CajunTechiewols: I thought so too. But it's actually doling out a weird ip to the laptop (a public ip whereas all the others are private)10:26
rabikazil: or xp?10:26
reelHi, Has anyone tried to use gphotofs to mount more than one camera (in PTP mode)? Is it possible?10:26
kazilrabi: no, xp was first10:26
dgjonesnyigu, have you already installed mscorefonts via apt-get or synaptic? that may already have the fonts you want included within it10:26
CajunTechieIs there a way to specify the default gateway?10:27
wolsCajunTechie: what IP exactly? might it be that your lappie connects to another AP?10:27
lousygaruasmurf, sure. is there a way for a team to manage the domain for themselves?10:27
CajunTechiewols: nope, because iwconfig shows ath0 on my AP name.10:27
wolsCajunTechie: yes there is but it won't help when you don't get an IP in the router's LAN. man interfaces10:27
bullgard4wols: So the use of Anjuta is simply to develop C programs of any kind?10:27
nyigudgjones, no, it's not one of those, I have them, it's another TTF10:27
smurflousygarua: yes, if official10:27
rabikazil: didn't ubuntu install the grub automatically?10:27
wolsbullgard4: yes10:27
lousygaruasmurf, ok. expect mail soon :) thanks.10:27
kazilrabi:yes it did, but for the other OS it said some FreeDOS10:28
smurflousygarua: NP10:28
dgjones!fonts | nyigu, This should help then if you've not already looked at it10:28
ubotunyigu, This should help then if you've not already looked at it: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer10:28
linux4711sorry,what server for ubuntu-de?10:28
kazilrabi:and i didn`t put any FreeDOS , maybe the guy from the computer shop did10:28
wolskazil: did you buy your PC without an OS (no windows)?10:28
rabiKazil: If you don't have any important datas then, you can reinstall it.10:28
wolsFreeDOS is a MSDOS clone10:28
dgjoneslinux4711, still this server, just type "/join #ubuntu-de" in the server window10:29
aussieman__egister to vote Now at: http://www.theglobalvote.org/index.php?action=member http://www.theglobalvote.org/  look at that10:29
yahyaI want to install mit-scheme. I only found a 32bit .deb package. Is it possible to install this on amd64?10:29
dgjones!offtopic | aussieman__10:29
ubotuaussieman__: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!10:29
nyiguubotu: thanks.  "log out and back in" may be the step I'm missing, I'm surprised that's necessary10:29
kazilrabi: the ubuntu?10:29
rabikazil: or you can search google for the same problem. there are may solution?10:29
demosthenesEvolution is running very slowly soon after starting up, stalling every third character I type or something any thoughts10:29
kazilrabi: i`m googling 3-4 days now for it10:29
rabiyah ubuntu. You can make /boot partition on the same partition where WinXP is.10:30
demosthenesI have turned off all plugins that don't seem essential and no other application is doing it10:30
wols!ops aussieman is spamming repeatedly. I guess it's a bot10:30
gordonjcpnyigu: I'm surprised too, I'm sure I didn't have to log out and back in10:30
rabithen / and /home partition in other partition.10:30
gordonjcpnyigu: try (as normal user) "xset -fp rehash"10:30
gordonjcpnyigu: you *will* have to close any app that you want to use the new fonts in10:30
rabikazil: '/' and '/home' partition in other harddisk.10:30
rabiThis might fix the problem.10:31
kazilrabi: what? on the xp to add '/' and '/home'?10:31
gordonjcpwols: of course aussieman__ is spamming, didn't you notice the rima-tde.net ?10:31
kazilrabi: heres the menu.lst http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46805/10:32
rabikazil, there is another solution, you can try windows bootloader (it may work).10:32
wolskazil: how and when did you install windows?10:32
ludditegordonjcp: thanks man - you are a king :-)10:32
nyigugordonjcp: ah, that's the ticket, I was testing in gnome-terminal, there's just the one process for all the terminals...10:33
noobcoderHow can I install Alien without the cd?10:33
kazilwols: the guy from the shop did it10:33
lousygaruais the protocol for getting a pgp key from a key server secured? it seems to be over regular http for me O_O10:33
wolskazil: that mapping hds is usually evil. what is the error you actually get?10:33
kazilerror 1110:33
wolskazil: which hdd is first in BIOS?10:33
kazilwols: the hdd with ubuntu10:34
wolsand which one has XP10:34
wolsdid the ubuntu hdd come in after XP was installed?10:34
gordonjcpnyigu: np10:34
gordonjcpluddite: er, thanks ;-)10:34
rabikazil: download a tiny package of grubfordos. and search google how to setup it. it might work hai.10:34
rabikazil: first you need to restore you xp bootloader10:35
wolskazil: your map command is wrong too: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/html_node/map.html10:35
SmegzorWhat program should I use to record my desktop to a video?  I tried Istanbul but it errors on me.10:35
kazilwols: i tried all possibilities for map10:36
wolskazil: your map command has the wrong syntax10:36
kazilwhat would be the right?10:36
ludditegordonjcp: no probs mate - youve helped me one before - :-)10:37
wolskazil: learn to READ10:37
kazilwols: that was helpful10:37
wolslousygarua: a php keyserver only distributes public keys...10:38
wolsI gave you the EXACT URL where to read. can you do that?10:38
kazili read it... 4 times10:38
kazilnot the url... the document10:38
kaziland it just doesnt work10:39
lousygaruawols, how can u be sure the keyserver is the keyserver?  that's what certificates are for, no?10:39
wolskazil: did you change your map commands?10:40
kazilwols: i tried all posibilities for map10:40
wolskazil: so how does the first map command look like right now?10:41
kazilmap (hd0)(hd1)10:41
wolsand still grub error 11?10:42
kazilhd1 is the hd with the xp10:42
dgjonesSmegzor, this may help https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreencastTeam/RecordingScreencasts its what the Ubuntu Screencast team use when they're recording their desktop for help video's etc,10:42
=== mikebeecham9023 is now known as mikebeecham
wolslousygarua: pgp operates on a web of trust. TLS useus central CAs.pgp can't use central CAs, it has to do its own auth10:43
wolskazil: in grub menu, press e10:43
wolsand run the commands to boot windows one by one10:44
wolssee on which it errors10:44
lbedamn :D10:44
kazilok brb10:44
lousygaruawols, but if i trust mr. stimpy, who tells me he has pgp id of 1234ABCD, how can i trust the keyserver to give me the public key for stimpy and not for mr. hax0r when i ask for 1234ABCD10:45
lousygaruaif the communication is not encrypted between me and keyserver10:45
pepe1me voila sous ubuntu10:45
T1m0thy!fr | pepe110:45
ubotupepe1: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.10:45
kazili left only the map (hd0)(hd1) line and pressed 'b' and it shows up error 1110:46
wolslousygarua: you can't. see "web of trust"10:46
wolssometimes your pgp might come with a cert for the keyserver itself10:46
wolsa pgp cert that is, not TLS10:46
wolsbut I dunno if the keyserver protocol works this wa10:46
SmegzorIs it possible to run more than one program in Wine at once?10:47
lousygaruawols, hmm thanks, i'll do some wikipeding10:47
wolsSmegzor: you can run more than one wine instance or you can run something like a filemanager or command.com in wine and start your stuff from there10:47
Smegzorthanks. I thought as much.  My tinkering with Wine so far has always caused the current program to end.10:48
wolslousygarua: there are keysigning parties for pgp for a reason10:48
lousygaruawols, wow,  that's even worse than installfests10:49
kazilanywayz thx for time all, i`ll think up of something...10:49
different_realitDoes anybody know where I can find Saint exploit ?10:49
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats10:50
wolsdifferent_realit: why do you think anyone will give you exploits kiddo?10:51
different_realiti only need a link :p10:51
different_realitright.. this is the official site .. already know that!10:52
mansouri wanna a program to telnet alot of routers and can save sessions?10:54
wolsdifferent_realit: SAINT is commercial software which means this is the ONLY way to get it. asking about warez will simply get you banned10:54
=== eduardo is now known as usharan
bullgard4/usr/share/gnome-screensaver/gnome-screensaver-preferences.glade is said to be a 'Glade project'. Is a Glade project a filetype or what?10:55
* JJtech be right back..10:55
=== JJtech is now known as Got
=== Got is now known as JJtech
wolsbluefox83: glade is a program. search it in the repositories10:56
* JJtech im back.10:56
wolsit'S used to make gtk apps user interfaces10:56
wols:/ damn tab complete10:56
Francishello everyone10:57
adac2what is a nice program to rip cds?10:59
jussi01adac2: grip10:59
dev2_bpocanadahas anyone have cvs gui client for Ubuntu 7.04 ?10:59
jussi01!info crossvc | dev2_bpocanada11:00
ubotudev2_bpocanada: crossvc: graphical CVS frontend. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.5.1-1 (gutsy), package size 1255 kB, installed size 3956 kB11:00
* pabloz hello11:01
dev2_bpocanadabut i want for gnome desktop11:02
jussi01dev2_bpocanada: you should be able to use that on gnome...11:04
dev2_bpocanadais that so???11:05
CondouloIs the first beta of Firefox worth trying?11:05
Dimensionshiii ... i am dd'ing my hard drive ... i got error message File size limit exceeded (core dumped) .... it copied only 4 GB .img ... the hdd is abt 40 GB11:06
Dimensionsbtw i m using Gusty ... any idea how to fix this11:06
grindcore_which audio/video codecs i should install ? i have i386 ubuntu 7.0411:06
marius__is it possible to start downloading file with utorrent program and continue with rtorrent ?11:08
CajunTechieJust wanted to let you guys know I finally got on my network. When I looked at /etc/network/interfaces it looked like I had the auto ath0 statement after everything. So I moved it right before the iface ath0 statement and it came right up. Was that really the problem or just coincidence?11:08
keni am trying to install ubuntu in a old pc. x fails. help11:10
dev2_bpocanadahi, guys i want to know that which is the best GUI CVS client(Gnome) for Ubuntu 7.04 (its urgent)11:11
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Don64 !cvs11:12
ubotucvs is the Concurrent Versions System, the dominant open-source network-transparent version control system; it helps to manage releases and to control concurrent editing of source files among multiple authors. See: https://www.cvshome.org/11:12
echosystmok guys, problem11:13
echosystmmy wireless gets an ip when eth0 is disconnected11:13
nyigudev2_bpocanada: I like pcl-cvs mode in XEmacs11:13
echosystmbut if eth0 is connected, it wont11:13
echosystmcan anyone explain why this is?11:13
echosystmactually, i have to ifconfig eth0 down11:13
echosystmbefore the wireless will work11:13
CajunTechieecho does wireless just come up automatically once you take eth0 down?11:14
nyigudev2_bpocanada: see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=114263511:14
echosystmno, im actually not using ubuntu11:14
echosystmim using fluxbuntu11:14
kakooniahey... lately im having some problems with the Network manager, lots of messages when i restart/shutdown my comp. now i ran ubuntu, and suddenly i dont have the network-manager icon at the top bar, i needed to connect manualy using 'ifup'. what could be the problem?11:14
echosystmso, i would do wifi-radar -d11:14
echosystmto get it to connect11:15
froglethow can i see the differences between the current version of a configuration file and the original one installed by the package manager?11:15
Dark_magethis might sound dumb, but how do i put a shortcut on the desktop for a program i just installed?11:16
bullgard4froglet: use the diff command.11:16
kane77Dark_mage, right click and select create launcher...11:16
frogletbullgard4: right, but how do i get hold of the original config file?11:17
bullgard4froglet: I do not know what 'to get hold of sth.' means.11:17
frogletbullgard4: it means 'to obtain'11:18
bullgard4froglet: Is your original config file lost?11:18
frogletbullgard4: well, it's in the ubuntu archive. i don't have it on my system. i was wondering if there's a simpler way to obtain it than finding the package and decompressing it11:19
kakooniahey... lately im having some problems with the Network manager, lots of messages when i restart/shutdown my comp. now i ran ubuntu, and suddenly i dont have the network-manager icon at the top bar, i needed to connect manualy using 'ifup'. what could be the problem?11:20
bullgard4froglet: I do not know of a simpler way.11:20
frogletbullgard4: ok11:20
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:21
Assassin5what service controls the hotpluging on USB devices now as it used to be hotplug but that doesn't seem to exist anymore?11:21
Kopfgeldjaegerhi. i need a ssh server (normal user, no root, for 10 minutes). i want to test if i can create a tunnel with putty portable under windows. atm, i am not at home. this would help me very much11:24
wolsKopfgeldjaeger: no one sane gives you a ssh server account to play with11:24
wolsand you are a FOOL if you ask for one11:24
Kopfgeldjaegeri do not want to play. and i do not want a bash11:25
wolsif you want to use putty for ssh portforwarding in the future you need your own ssh server anyways. so use that one11:25
wolsthen exploit elsewhere but not here11:25
wolsanyone who lets irc stranges on his servers is asking to get owned. so go away11:25
pluffsyI want to run sudo /etc/network/if-up.d/ntpdate every now and then in crontab to keep my clock on time. How do I run something as root in crontab?11:25
Kopfgeldjaegeri have a ssh server. but it is not running at the moment11:25
cleverstart it then11:26
kakooniawhats should i do to config my network correctly, and to restor the Network-Manager's icon back to the top panel?11:26
cleverpluffsy: use ntpd11:26
cleverpluffsy: that runs 24/7 and checks every now and then on its own11:26
pluffsyclever: can I just sudo apt-get install ntpd and it will configure itself?11:27
Kopfgeldjaegeri can't (at the moment). but doesnt matter, i already have one :) be sure, i wont abuse it11:27
cleverpluffsy: should i beleive11:27
Dark_magethanks kane7711:28
pluffsyclever: kind of hard to see if it doesn't run as it should. Or well I guess I'll see in a few weeks :)11:28
cleverpluffsy: just ps aux|grep ntp11:28
cleverpluffsy: youll see if its running11:28
pluffsyclever: yeah, of course. thanks.11:29
John_5WoW servers down :(11:29
kakooniawhats should i do to config my network correctly, and to restore the Network-Manager's icon back to the top panel?11:29
dev2_bpocanadagive some popular cvs client for ubuntu links(Gnome)11:30
pluffsyclever: sorry for all the questions. there are no ntpd. Will openntpd do?11:32
cleverpluffsy: it may be part of the ntpdate package11:32
bullgard4/usr/share/gnome-screensaver/gnome-screensaver-preferences.glade is said to be a 'Glade project'. Is a Glade project a filetype or what?11:32
cleverpluffsy: check if you allready have a /usr/sbin/ntpd11:33
pluffsyclever: nope. just ntpdate.11:33
cleverpluffsy: try the other ntp package then11:34
clevercant hurt11:34
pluffsyclever: I'm running 7.04 not 7.10 btw. if that makes  a difference.11:34
pluffsyclever: ok I'll try. thanks11:34
advhow can i change file associations in firefox?11:34
CajunTechieAnyone know what the iface command does? I can't find any docs on it11:36
x0k``paul@paulsnixb0x:~$ iface11:37
x0k``-bash: iface: command not found11:37
x0k``Doesn't exist for me, CajunTechie11:38
CajunTechieStrange x0k. I can't find it on my system either. But it's used in my /etc/network/interfaces file and it brings up my interfaces.11:38
x0k``they're not commands in ther11:39
CajunTechieoh. They're configuration directives aren't they?11:39
kakooniawhats should i do to config my network correctly, and to restore the Network-Manager's icon back to the top panel?11:40
x0k``CajunTechie, Looks like it to me11:40
CajunTechieI get it now. I'm still pretty new to Linux. Still learning :-)11:41
beasty_anyone knows how i convert a .wmv audio file to .wav ?11:41
x0k``.wmv is video11:41
CajunTechiebeasty: have you checked out ZaamZar?11:42
CajunTechieIt can extract audio data from a file11:42
rgnrwols: i had firewall on on my connection now it's off11:42
shishirmkhow to install ir dongle...11:43
x0k``rgnr, That's a statement not a quested11:43
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wolsrgnr: I told you11:43
rgnrwols: but now it tells me another http://nmap-online.com/scan.php?id=12143611:43
wolsrgnr: it asks for a username and pass. pastebin its output somewhere else11:44
rgnrx0k``: ???11:44
ankurhow i download opera web brouser for ubuntu?11:45
shishirmkankur:its in synaptic11:45
wolsankur: ask opera.com11:45
shishirmkyou can also get it from opera.com11:45
kexhello, how can i request a new ip from isp using the terminal? :S11:45
rgnrwols: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46809/11:46
stdinkex: "sudo ifup --force eth0" should request a new IP on the interface "eth0"11:46
shishirmkcan any1 help me? i wanted to know how install ir dongle??11:46
dahopiHi @all.. have problems with ubuntu gutsy.. I want to connect via vpn over pptp to my company, tried lot of tutorials, but nm-applet shows no "VPN" Button... have amd64..11:46
kexstdin, thank you =)11:46
wolsrgnr: sudo netstat -anp |grep LISTEN11:47
rgnrwols: in terminal ?11:47
dgjones!irda | shishirmk11:47
ubotushishirmk: Information about using IrDA interfaces under Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IrdaHowto11:47
wolsrgnr: no you can not11:49
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dahopihelp plz.. pptp client gutsy amd6411:50
rgnrwols: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46810/11:51
Shapeshifterhow can I grab/create/make a cd image from a cd-rom in ubuntu?11:51
wolsdahopi: http://pptpclient.sourceforge.net/howto-ubuntu.phtml11:51
wolsShapeshifter: dd if=/dev/cdromdevicefile of=image.iso11:52
dahopiwols: thanx... but ppptpconfig dows not work.. have an amd6411:52
wolsdahopi: there is nothing about ppptpconfig there.... learn to read11:53
Shapeshifterwols: Ok thanks. I just noticed I'm having these troubles with my cd rom drive anyway... it works when in XP, but I don't want to use that anymore. in ubuntu some cd's don't get recocnized and other then that I can't burn cds because they always lock up in the middle of the burn process. in xp everything is fine11:53
Shapeshifterwols: the head of the cd rom drive just jumps back an forth but it can't recocnize the cd11:54
troubledwhats up with the bots anyways?11:55
rgnrwols: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46810/11:55
brokenMy computer reboots whenever I want to install ubuntu.11:55
troubledbroken: i think your nick says it all :)11:55
brokenBefore I even state an issue.11:55
dahopiwols: thanks..11:55
Shapeshiftertroubled: netsplits get the bots confused?11:55
brokentroubled, how about yours? :)11:55
wolsrgnr: nothing listens on any udp port so of course, none of them is open11:55
* broken grabs new cd11:56
troubledbroken: heh, actually, it refers to trouble daemon if you are wondering :)11:56
wolsrgnr: but I doubt you howed me all of the netstat output11:56
epifaniohi, i've installed for the first time an ubuntu7.10 (server) wiyhout gui, can you suggest me the right command to mount and explore an usb-pen-drive using the shall ?11:57
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erUSULepifanio: not sure if the server edition has hal hotplug etc.... but you can try pmount /dev/xxxx replacing xxxx with the correct device11:58
* broken wants a trouble daemon11:58
erUSULepifanio: if the server does not have pmount uso mount -t auto/dev/xxxx  /mount/point11:59
rgnrwols:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46812/11:59
=== ICQnumber__ is now known as ICQnumber
rgnrwols: i put 65230 UDP for udp tracker on ktorrent12:00
wolsrgnr: I already told you. this is not all the output. and nothing is listening on UDP either. nothing listening: no open port12:00
rgnrwols: i pasted all it output12:01
wolsrgnr: no you did not12:01
wolsI doubt it listens only on 2 tcp ports. e.g. it also listens on port25 for your MTA12:02
rgnrwols: wanna screenshot?12:02
PriceChildtroubled, they will hopefully be able to defend against attacks.12:05
troubledPriceChild: i can understand what they are for. I just think that they are a little chatty atm12:06
troubledprobably better if they just stay op'd imho though12:06
PriceChildtroubled, "atm" because there was a netsplit.12:06
PriceChildtroubled, that would be much much harder to code.12:06
troubledPriceChild: well, at least disable strict ops checks. really, there is little chance of anything being op'd that shouldnt be here12:07
Learning-UbuntuIs Envy known to go bad (read as more screwed up than you were initially) in some cases?12:07
troubledchanserv should be the ultimate decider if op's should be taken away12:07
stdin!envy | Learning-Ubuntu12:08
ubotuLearning-Ubuntu: envy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »12:08
PriceChildtroubled, that is not the point of the +-o you saw. -ops for further discussion.12:08
* troubled waddles on over12:09
Learning-Ubuntustdin, Ty I knew that it wasn't supported. However I wasnt sure why not cause it seems that many are having success with it.12:09
wolsrgnr: the netstat outüut scrolls. add a |less  at the end and you see12:09
neil_dhi I need some of the python functions in version 2.5 on ubuntu 6.10, can upgrade python from version 2.4 to 2.5 ?12:09
epifaniowhat i need to use instead of xxxx , in  :  mount -t auto/dev/xxxx /mount/point     (my device is an usb pendrive its nape is "epi")12:09
stdinLearning-Ubuntu: it can break and leave you without a graphical interface12:09
wolsneat! a ubuntu developer took down the MPAA college snooping distro for GPL violations12:10
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Learning-Ubuntustdin , thank you just wanted to confirm that :)12:10
gordonjcpwols: link?12:10
PriceChild!offtopic | wols gordonjcp12:10
ubotuwols gordonjcp: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!12:10
Oli``How can I reset all my audio config to the same of a stock install?12:14
PriceChildOli``, undo all the changes you made/12:14
Oli``PriceChild: I've managed to break things (see: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3886684 ) so severely (without knowing how) that I need to let things settle themselves12:15
Lumpy^hey. once i use curl with proxy, sometimes the proxy force me to go to a page when i connect trough him, is there a way to disable it or detect it ? cause its messing my scripts...12:16
PriceChildThings don't just break :/12:16
Oli``PriceChild: a guy in that thread is suggesting nukling the packages but apt wants to take ubuntu-minimal and gdm with that12:16
Oli``PriceChild: Oh of course. I've broken it but I don't know how and I've been trying to fix it for a couple of days and it seems to be getting worse.12:16
ordueki can't load my xserver12:17
orduekand i have one important file i need from there12:17
orduekcan anyone help me?12:17
rodrigoplease guys, do you know where i get "eaccelerator" package for dapper?12:17
wolsorduek: what file? any file you can access from console too12:17
orduekand can i save it to diskon key?12:17
san|orduek: just reconfigure the xserver so it starts.. then you can do everything you want.. but from the console it is also possible.. the system still mounts the usb (i assume) key.12:20
wolsorduek: what is "diskon key"?12:20
ordueksan: i tried to reconfigure - didnt' help12:20
orduekcan i use the liveCD to restore?12:21
san|well I don't have time to walk you trough all the steps to reconfigure you xserver. If it once worked it will work again... but again you can do the same stuff from the cli as from X... except some stuff that's really depending on gnome (like Gnome VFS)12:22
PriceChildsan|, /msg ubotu xconfig12:23
wolsorduek: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg (as root)12:23
PriceChildwols, add a "-pcritical" onto that for least hassle12:23
orduektried reconfigure like four times already12:23
orduekany sugestion as to how to get it on?12:24
wolsorduek: pastebin your xorg.log12:24
dweesanyone know anything about dual monitors with this controller:   ATI Technologies Inc RV380 [Radeon X600]  ?12:24
orduekwols: from liveCD?12:24
wolsno. from your console12:24
orduekwhats pastebin?12:24
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:25
attunix!pastebin | orduek12:25
ubotuorduek: please see above12:25
san|orduek: To reconfigure your X server, open a console and type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg » - To configure only the driver and resolution, type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh » - See also !FixRes12:25
epifanioi'm tring unsuccesfool to mount my usb devce :-/  apologize me for these newbie question, but i've not clue on how proced :-/12:25
rgnrwols: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46814/12:25
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wolsrgnr: even if you paste the same link 10thousand times. it won't change what I already told you. TWICE12:26
wolsepifanio: what exactly did you do?12:26
rgnrwols: well i'm doing the\is listen thing each time and each time 'ts the same then12:27
epifanioi never used mount , i'm tring to learn how to use it12:27
wolsrgnr: sudo netstat -anp|grep LISTEN|less12:27
epifanioi'm on server7.1012:27
wolsepifanio: man mount then is a good start12:28
mipswhat do I have to install in Ubuntu in order to have Archiving options in Konqueror ?12:28
Pici!id | tou_grils12:29
ubotutou_grils: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia12:29
Pici!english  | tou_grils12:30
ubotutou_grils: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat12:30
epifaniowols:   i'm reading it,  what can i use as :-/   but no clu on how proced,  what is the mount-point ?12:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about grounding - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:31
wolsepifanio: the directory where the partition/disk/etc is mounted12:32
rgnrwols: i guess that's it http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46815/12:32
stdin!cn | zhang12:32
ubotuzhang: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk12:32
Johan-_I realise this might not be the correct channel to ask this question, but don't know where else to ask. I'm using tightvnc on my ubuntu-server to access it from my mac, using cables and a router for the local network. The problam is that everything is so slow, I think it should be a lot faster. Any ideas about why everything is so slow?12:33
epifaniomaybe   it is  :  /dev/sda1  ?12:33
Piciepifanio: thats the device name, a mount point is just a directory, nothing really special about it, except thats where the device gets bound to.12:35
fixarghi everybody12:40
fixargsomebody has a dv6000 notebook with ubuntu installed on it?12:41
berzerkahi there12:41
berzerkahow do i find out which release i am running?12:41
berzerkalike /etc/debian_version in debian12:41
Piciberzerka: lsb_release -a12:42
ubotuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell12:42
wols!anyone | fixarg12:43
ubotufixarg: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?12:43
nucc1my xserver is failing to start, and not even displaying an error message,12:43
fixargDoes someone have a dv6000 notebook with ubuntu installed on it? :-s12:44
nucc1isn't gutsy supposed to have bulletproof X?12:45
shishirmkhey guys please help me by telling any virtual computer or something like that which is free !VMware12:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about virtualisation - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi12:45
gordonjcpstupid bot12:46
_Garbage_shishirmk, try VirtualBox12:46
shishirmkok can you give me a bit of details how to exactly use it..12:46
gordonjcpshishirmk: there's a good website for that12:47
_Garbage_U wanna use it on Windows or Linux ?12:47
gordonjcpyou can find it at www.google.com12:47
shishirmklink please12:47
shishirmklinux and windows!12:47
shishirmkJFGI doesnt work so well with linux probs12:47
fixargDoes anyone know if it is true that ubuntu-laptop-mode kill hard drives?12:47
_Garbage_download .exe and binary of virtualbox12:48
gordonjcpis there some special condition of being on APNIC that you have to have all your manners removed?12:48
mikebeechamCan I get some help with VirtualBox...I have created a new WindowsXP virtual machine, and given it access to the shared folders on my Secondary Hard Drive (Internal IDE).  When I start the Windows virtual machine, I can access the files on those folders, but I cant write back to them...I am told that either the drive is write-protected or i do not have permissions.  Everything is ok with Linux though?12:48
berzerkaPici: thx12:48
nucc1how does one disable bulletproof x please anyone?12:49
fixargmikebeecham: there is an option to allow that action. of course you have to take care about the permissions of that folder12:49
_Garbage_mikebeecham, shishirmk: check the link www.virtualbox.org/12:49
gordonjcpmikebeecham: as fixarg says, sounds like permissions - and make sure the drive itself is mounted read/write for the host OS12:49
_Garbage_is it ok shishirmk ??12:50
mikebeechamgordonjcp : the drive is mounted, as I can see and view the files...i can even access them ok...I just cant seem to right back to the drive (folders and files contained within)12:50
mikebeecham_Garbage_: I have looked at that already...no answers12:50
shishirmkso i should install that on windows?12:50
nucc1oh man :(12:50
shishirmkand i can use linux from windows?12:50
gordonjcpmikebeecham: can you write back to files on the drive from Linux?12:51
mikebeechamgordonjcp : yes12:51
gordonjcpmikebeecham: if it's an NTFS filesystem it will probably me mounted read-only12:51
gordonjcpah, well that's that idea gone then :-)12:51
mikebeechamgordonjcp : it is NTFS12:51
gordonjcpmikebeecham: ... but mounted r/w?12:51
mikebeechamgordonjcp : yes....I can write back to that drive ok in linux12:51
gordonjcpmikebeecham: hm, don't know then, maybe there's something in the virtualbox docs12:52
_Garbage_yeh mikebeecham: check on there WiKi or Forum too12:52
shishirmkhow about using win4lin?12:53
shishirmkany1 who has used it?12:53
shishirmkwin4lin is not freeware?12:54
_Garbage_shishirmk: can u please give link to Win4Lin ??12:54
mikebeechamgordonjcp : maybe...I will look and see12:54
elkbuntutou_grils, are you here to ask a question?12:55
Tuxthepenguinis it safe to have kubuntu installed on top of ubuntu12:55
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_Garbage_why not Tuxthepenguin ??12:56
Tuxthepenguinwill it use more RAM12:56
_Garbage_nah.. u will be using 1 OS at a time12:56
Tuxthepenguinjust more hard disk space12:57
_Garbage_Tuxthepenguin: huh.12:57
nucc1my touchpad suddenly stopped working12:57
Tuxthepenguinit will just use more disk space12:57
_Garbage_shishirmk: win4Lin is just like wine12:58
dadideciao a tutti,chi mi sa aiutare con mercury?il programma sostitutivo di msn messenger?ho un problema per lo piu di java..12:58
Pici!it | dadide12:58
ubotudadide: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!12:58
_Garbage_shishirmk: why u don't try wine, which is freeware and do same thing !! ;P12:58
dadidescusatemi tanto..12:58
shishirmkwell wine is not an emulator12:58
shishirmkand i tried installing using wine no use!12:59
_Garbage_shishirmk: :O wine is NOT an emulator ??? :O12:59
_Garbage_which s/w u want to install shishirmk ?12:59
gordonjcpno, Wine isn't really an emulator13:00
gordonjcpit's a set of wrappers, basically13:00
Tuxthepenguinhow do i remove ubuntu13:00
gordonjcpTuxthepenguin: you keep coming in here and asking that13:00
shishirmka driver to a infrared device13:00
Tuxthepenguinno i dont13:01
x_zeussTuxthepenguin: format13:01
gordonjcpshishirmk: wine probably won't be very helpful for that13:01
mikebeechamTuxthepenguin: : format C:  :D13:01
Tuxthepenguinremove gnome from kde13:01
x_zeussTuxthepenguin: or just thow aways the hdd13:01
wolsTuxthepenguin: you simply overwrite it. boot your windows CD and run "fixmbr" in the recovery console. Then delete the ubuntu partitiona nd you are done13:01
shishirmki know i installed and tried13:01
shishirmkbut no use13:01
mikebeechami think that solved it13:01
gordonjcpthis is one of the few times when I can legitimately suggest to someone that they open a terminal and do "sudo rm -rf /"13:02
_Garbage_wols: needs fixboot too ;)13:02
PiciTuxthepenguin: If you installed kubuntu-desktop, then just remove the ubuntu-desktop package.13:02
stdingordonjcp: don't post that command13:02
tawoohhow do i install a program from a .tar.gz file i have downloaded to my desktop??13:02
Picigordonjcp: Don't joke about that.13:02
mikebeechamcan anyone help me...I need to know how to remove people like tuxthepenguin...i thought I had done it, but it's still there...and it's annoying as hell?13:02
wolsgordonjcp: no, why would it?13:02
wolsmikebeecham: /ignore <nick>13:03
mikebeechamwols LOL13:03
gordonjcpwols: why wouldn't what?13:03
wols_Garbage_: no fixboot necessary if you have a dualboot setup. if you doN't: simply install windows13:03
Picitawooh: First, are you sure that the program isnt in the software repositories.13:03
wolsgordonjcp: stupid nicks starting with underscores13:03
gordonjcpwols: ah, nm13:03
tawoohno clue what a repository is, speaking in linux terms...13:04
wolstawooh: what program do you have a tar.gz of?13:04
Picitawooh: Well, the apt repositories.13:04
tawoohfrets on fire13:04
wolsiirc frets on fire is python based.13:04
shishirmktawooh:unpack it13:04
wolsunpack it, run it13:04
Pici!info fretsonfire13:04
ubotufretsonfire: game of musical skill and fast fingers. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.451.dfsg-1 (gutsy), package size 3 kB, installed size 36 kB13:04
gordonjcptawooh: FoF is in the repositories13:05
gordonjcptawooh: sudo apt-get install fretsonfire13:05
Picitawooh: I suggest installing from the repos if you want to be sure of updates, bug fixes, etc.  just `sudo apt-get install fretsonfire` from the command line, or use your favorite package manager.13:05
Pici!software | tawooh13:06
ubotutawooh: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents13:06
* emgent heya13:06
tawoohthanks guys lets see if this thing works, my computer is old as dirt13:06
ubotuA comprehensive list of of Windows-equivalent applications in Linux can be found at http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant13:07
tawoohit's sad that my computer is older than Dakota Fanning13:07
Kalamansitawooh dont give importance with the technology.just be easy.just live simple13:08
tawoohDoes anyone know if I can use the X-plorer guitar from Guitar Hero with Frets on Fire??13:08
tawoohoff to play FoF, thanks a bunch guys13:10
=== root__ is now known as yoyolol
gordonjcptawooh: who's Dakota Fanning?13:10
will_52whats FoF?13:11
gordonjcp!root | yoyolol13:11
ubotuyoyolol: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo13:11
gordonjcpwols: Frets on Fire13:11
will_52oh snap13:11
gordonjcphm, that wasn't the !root I wanted13:11
Pici!rootirc | yoyolol13:11
ubotuyoyolol: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.13:11
will_52thats a great game13:11
gordonjcpPici: ty, that was it13:11
calfaxnice Matrix reference :)13:13
ikoniamatrix ?13:13
Piciikonia: the root password factoid :)13:13
calfaxwell...I thought it was funny, anyhow.13:14
KilllerKlownhi folks can i get some help13:15
KilllerKlowni have a quick question13:15
KilllerKlowneasy question13:15
ikoniago on then13:15
KilllerKlownok how can i change the splash loading screen color?13:15
KilllerKlownright after i log in13:15
KilllerKlownthat screen13:15
ikoniaKilllerKlown as in the gnome splash ? or the kernel boot splash /13:15
calfaxthe annoying brown color?13:16
KilllerKlowngnome splash13:16
KilllerKlownbrown color13:16
Pici!enter | KilllerKlown13:16
ubotuKilllerKlown: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!13:16
KilllerKlowni want to change that13:16
ikoniaKilllerKlown: just download the splash theme you want and install it with the theme/splash manager tool13:16
ikoniaKilllerKlown: the splash's are images so you can't change the colours without changing the image13:16
Piciikonia: That wont change the background color.13:16
KilllerKlownwhat pici says13:16
ikoniaooooh the desktop background color ?13:16
KilllerKlownit wont13:16
calfaxthere is a posting on the ubuntu forums regarding it.  You have change a setting in one of the gdm config files...13:17
KilllerKlownbackground color right after loggin in13:17
ikoniaoooh thats in themes too, default background colour13:17
KilllerKlownoh ok13:17
calfaxhang on.13:17
KilllerKlownno ikonia its not that i check that as well13:17
ikoniarats, there is never a desktop around when you want one13:17
=== rgnr_ is now known as rgnr
calfaxis it ok to post hyperlinks in channel?13:18
jribKilllerKlown: it should be in gdmsetup.  You probobaly need to restart gdm for it to take effect13:18
jribcalfax: relating to support, sure13:19
KilllerKlownok so just run gdmsetup?13:19
ikoniaKilllerKlown: its on the system->admin menu13:19
ikonia"Login manager"13:19
ikoniaor something along those lines13:19
calfaxthis will explain which file to modify.  I had to do it to my desktop last week in order to get rid of the brn color.13:19
calfaxyou must change a setting in /etc/gdm/PreSession/Default13:20
ikoniayou don't have to go that far13:20
ikoniajrib: had it right13:20
PiciThis is a more 'to the point' thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=59728213:20
KilllerKlowncalfax u are the man13:20
KilllerKlownthanks dude13:20
KilllerKlownthanks all of u13:21
KilllerKlownu guys rock man13:21
calfaxhmm ikonia...I tried to fix it that way initially....but it wouldn't work13:21
calfaxSo I had to modify the default settings instead.13:22
dev2_bpocanadahi alll13:22
dev2_bpocanada whr u  from  alll???13:22
PriceChild!offtopic | dev2_bpocanada13:23
ubotudev2_bpocanada: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!13:23
skipjackHello, I have here an root Server with a running XEN System. the HOST has an Apache2 up and running and the XEN Machines also. Now providies the XEN Machine different content like XEN1=OpenXchange and XEN2=Typo3. But all connections to my DOMAIN.COM will answered from the HOST APACHE2 is it possible that HOST Apache2 answer the Connections by asking the XEN1 /XEN2 Machine?13:23
logyatihi guys... im trying to customize ubuntu. i did all i had to do, but there's one thing left and i dont know how to do it. When i install ubuntu from livecd, it creates the menu.lst with the name UBUNTU. i wanna change it at installation time... what should i do? btw, im using 7.0413:24
brokenHow do I write at a lower speed with the default gnome cd/dvd creator?13:25
ikonialogyati: you need to change the a lot to make the default name differ13:25
logyatiikonia, what u mean?13:26
logyati"change the a lot"?13:26
ikonialogyati: why do you want to change the name "ubuntu" from the menu.lst13:26
PriceChildbroken, it gives you that option before you burn13:26
brokenPriceChild, yea but I can't change it13:26
brokenits greyed out.13:26
ikonialogyati: you'd have to change the grub package to change the name at install of the creation of the menu.lst13:26
logyatiikonia, cos i made a distro customized, it cant have this name at menu.lst13:27
ere4sibroken: your blank disk can have a say in that as well - some only have limited write speeds13:27
mattycozehey guys i want to know whether initNG is suitable for 7.1013:27
kervalahi there :)13:28
kervalasomeone could help me with my PPA ? :)13:28
brokenere4si, yes bu usually the issue is you can't burn at a high enough spee din this case I want to burn at a low speed.13:28
ikonialogyati: can you explain a little more, what do you mean a customised distro ?13:28
ikoniakervala: PPA ?13:28
logyatiikonia, even using the live cd, should i work with grub package? i thought there was a place where i could find this entry and change to another name, inside livecd. then, everytime i install it comes with the name i choosed13:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about initng - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:28
mattycozelol... kk13:28
ikonialogyati: no, as it is generated dynamiclly13:29
calfaxsure...what's a PPA?13:29
kervalamy PPA is located at : https://edge.launchpad.net/~kervala/+archive my problem is .deb doesn't have any .mo files, it put them into wxmtpchat_0.12-1_lpia_translations.tar.gz :(13:29
logyatiikonia, i work for the government. we decided to make our distro, called LIVRE.RJ. Im using ubuntu and reconstructor to do it.13:29
meshuggai want to uninstall the binary nvidia drivers from gutsy and return to the config i had before13:29
meshuggahow can i do that painlessly?13:29
ere4sibroken: I have two types of disks atm and one will burn at 8x and the other at 1x - maybe the drive as well ?13:29
ikonialogyati: does that fall in line with the ubuntu license ?13:29
kervalaPPA = (Ubuntu) Personal Package Archives13:30
meshuggai'm on a T61, and the binary nvidia drivers don't work with the brightness keys13:30
ikoniameshugga: how did you install the drivers, from the package file at nvidia.com ?13:30
ichigo`ubuntuVaut mieux installer Ubuntu sur un disque dur IDE ou un SATA?13:30
logyatiikonia, yes, dont worry13:30
meshuggaikonia: no, from the icon which said i can install a restricted version13:30
meshuggaaptitude i guess13:30
ikoniameshugga: ahhh ok, you should be able to disable them in the restricted manager13:30
whaboWOW ubuntu is soon to be my primary OS. and will be installed on all of my computers... side by side with PclinuxOS ..... VIVA LINUX13:31
ikonia!offtopic >whabo13:31
whabothanx for making this possible13:31
vdshi all13:31
whaboikonia: sry i just had to say it13:31
logyatiikonia, im trying to do it... grub install detects the kernel name and version i think... then it puts UBUNTU at menu.lst13:31
ikoniawhabo: no you didn't13:31
ikonialogyati: yes, thats right,13:32
vdsI'm playing with kvm/qemu installed on my ubuntu gutsy, I've been able to create a vm and make it run, the vm can access internet and can ping the physical machine, but I'm not able to reach the physical machine from the vm13:32
vdsany suggestion ?13:32
logyatiikonia, but there  is no UBUNTU in uname -a13:32
ikonialogyati: does it work it out from uname -a ?13:32
ikonialogyati: I didn't think it did13:32
ubotuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers13:32
ikoniavds: should your vm be able to access the host ?13:32
logyatiikonia, hmmm... well i dont know what to do :(13:33
IdleOneikonia: doesnt it use the lsb modules13:33
ikonialogyati: open up the grub package and see what it does13:33
ikoniaIdleOne: possibly yes,13:33
vdsikonia: that's what I would like13:33
logyatiikonia ok :)13:33
IdleOneIbelieve so13:33
ikoniaIdleOne: that would be a good way of doing it13:33
ikonialogyati: did you see IdleOne's suggestion13:33
ikoniavds: how are you trying to access the host?13:33
VSpikeHow do I add a manually installed application to the menu in Gnome, so that it's available for all users?13:34
logyatino lemme read13:34
mattycozedoes anyone know anything about initNG?13:34
ikoniamattycoze: what do you want to know ?13:34
vdsikonia: actually I don't know from where to start...13:34
ikoniamattycoze: ubuntu uses upstart13:34
logyatiikonia, where is it?13:34
ikoniavds: if you don't know where to start how do you know you can't access it13:34
mattycozehey ikonia, yeah i wanted to know whether it would do as good a job as upstart?13:34
mattycozeif not better...13:35
ikonialogyati: read IdleOne's comments13:35
IdleOnelogyati: check out the lsb modules13:35
ikoniamattycoze: upstart is a fork of initng as I recall13:35
vdsikonia: because they are on two different network13:35
ikoniavds: so how are you trying to access it then13:35
mattycozeikonia ahh okay - that's kool, i was just trying to find alternatives to improving boot times13:35
CruXhi all is there any repository for latest nvidia drivers ?13:35
ikoniamattycoze: you'll not see any different, try disabling service, blacklisting modules you don't need etc etc.13:36
xserver Package gtk+-2.0 was not found in the pkg-conf ig search path. Perhaps you should add the directory containing `gtk+-2.0.pc' to  the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable No package 'gtk+-2.0' found13:36
xserverconfigure: error: Library requirements (gtk+-2.0 >= 2.0.0) not met; consider adj usting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if your libraries are in a nonst andard prefix so pkg-config can find them.13:36
mattycozekk then i'll look that up13:36
xserveranyone knows what this means ?13:36
ikoniaxserver it means either your dependencies are not met or your pkg config path is not set13:36
vdsikonia: the host is the vm is but can access the host using I don't know how to access the vm I'm trying using but of course it doesn't work...13:37
ikoniaxserver: what are you trying to build ?13:37
pihusHi! I hate that linux brings up a mounted cdrom, ipod, disk etc icon on your desktop. Is there a way to disable this?13:37
ikoniavds: you need a route13:37
wolsvds: why wouldn't it work13:37
xserverikonia : i do have gtk-2.0 installed ... seems just the path in pkg config is missing13:37
wolsvds: your host has a (new) interface for the virtual NIC for the VM that has a IP13:37
xserverikonia : trying to compile and install xhydra for pen testing13:37
Picixserver: you'll need the -dev packages for those packages if its complaining about unmet deps13:38
vdswols: should I see the new interface somewhere ?13:38
vdsikonia: how do I create it ?13:39
ikoniavds: route add13:39
ere4sipihus: there is probably a setting in gconf editor    brb13:39
vincenzHello, I am having some issues.  See I had the fglrx custom driver installed, but Direct Rendering said 'no' and there was some issue with DRI. I tried to follow various tutorials on the ubuntu support pages, but now my driver is MESA, and no matter what I do, it remains MESA.  Could anyone help please?13:39
ubstudhow can I check if my video drivers are running fine?13:39
ikoniaubstud: how does your screen look ?13:39
Romanhello! Where is official documetation for repository Ubuntu13:40
ubstudikonia, looks fine13:40
vdsikonia: yes, but what interface should I use ?13:40
ikoniaubstud: they are working13:40
ikoniavds: the command line13:40
wolsvds: ifconfig -a13:40
wolsRoman: what kind of docs?13:41
vdsikonia: sorry I mean network interface13:41
ikoniavds: which ever one you want to route from, to13:41
wolsvincenz: dpkg -l |grep mesa13:41
vdswols: I can see just eth0 eth1 and lo no new interface13:41
ubstudeverytime I try to run "wine app.exe" my computer jams up...there are several .wine folders each with random #s and letters in my home folder and everytime I try to use wine it creates one and jams up my computer13:42
normiehas anyone succesfully gotten their broadcom1390 wireless card working?13:42
Mr-LonelYi got problem with my ubuntu13:42
vincenzwols: several listings13:42
xserverikonia : the error is due to non standard prefix ... Its asking for gtk+-2.0 whereas i have gtk-2.013:43
whabowhy is ubuntu too slow on my laptop? celeron 2.4 ... 1GIG RAM .... 128 intergrated video card ATI.. it takes it 3 minutes to load... however PClinuxOS takes it 25 seconds??? is there anything i did wrong? even when i do login it seems choppy and slow and 3D effect "sometimes work" depending on its mood. ??? anyone? any suggestions? thx13:43
Mr-LonelYno connection..but when using mac os can surf internet13:43
Mr-LonelYi dont know what to do13:43
ubstudhow can I check if my 3d accelerator is working fine?13:43
Mr-LonelYany one..help me pls13:43
vincenzwols: http://rafb.net/p/CTrfu432.html13:43
Mr-LonelYi also flush my iptables..13:43
vdsikonia: sorry I don't get it :(13:43
Mr-LonelYstill same13:43
xserverLonely : Post your ifconfig and routes13:43
elkbuntuMr-LonelY, try keeping all your question together on one line so that it's easy for people to see all the information without looking through the scrollback13:43
Romanwhere can I read about description кузщ13:43
wolsvincenz: uninstall the first 313:44
Mr-LonelYelkbuntu: okies13:44
ere4sipihus: apologies - user switcher has gone to crap here - I can't find that option for you....13:44
xserverMr-Lonely : would you mind posting your ifconfig and routes ?13:44
Romanwhere can I read about description repository13:44
whabowhy is ubuntu too slow on my laptop? celeron 2.4 ... 1GIG RAM .... 128 intergrated video card ATI.. it takes it 3 minutes to load... however PClinuxOS takes it 25 seconds??? is there anything i did wrong? even when i do login it seems choppy and slow and 3D effect "sometimes work" depending on its mood. ??? anyone? any suggestions? thx13:44
pihusere4si, mybe you could give any more hinds so that I could find it myself13:44
pihusdon't have very many experiences with gconf13:45
normiehas anyone succesfully gotten their broadcom1390 wireless card working?13:45
ubstudHow can I see if my 3d accel is working?13:45
t-omwhabo: probably a feature of generic kernel, probing hardware that isn´t there in your laptop13:45
vincenzwols: I can not install the glx one13:45
vincenzwols: he following packages have unmet dependencies:  xserver-xorg: Depends: xbase-clients but it is not going to be installed13:46
wolsvincenz:  I didn't say you should install anything13:46
vincenzYes, typo13:46
wolsvincenz: full output of the command. not just excerpts13:46
vincenzwols: http://rafb.net/p/fyelUK10.html13:47
ere4sipihus: the user I'm on won't let me find the commands -   sudo gconf editor    in terminal I think13:47
=== deprecat1 is now known as deprecatd
pihusere4si, I do know how to bring up gconf editor, but i was unable to find anything useful there :/ But ok then, I'll go google it again :)13:47
wolsvincenz: you fscked up your package management before hand13:47
* vincenz winces13:48
wolsvincenz: apt-get installed xserver-xorg xbase-cients13:48
wolsvincenz: apt-get installed xserver-xorg xbase-clients13:48
ere4sipihus: in apps - nautilus13:48
vincenzwols: you mean install --reinstall?13:48
ubstudDoes anyone know how to check if my 3d accel is working?13:48
wolssimply install13:48
wolsubstud: glxinfo13:49
ubstudpastebin it?13:49
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)13:49
pihusere4si, do I have to logout after I change these settings?13:49
pihusThink I found it :)13:49
fairyeneriedhello guys13:49
ere4sipihus: shouldn't13:50
ubstudwols, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46819/13:50
vincenzwols: http://rafb.net/p/Ig8x4j36.html13:50
wolsubstud: what card?13:50
mikebeecham: RatThing afternoon fella!13:50
fairyeneriedmy friend has a scary question... he asked me to look in the network about downgrading packages of Gutsy, installing versions of Feisty... but he wants to do it with SCIM13:50
ubstudwols, 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. S3 Unichrome Pro VGA Adapter (rev 01)13:51
wolsubstud: the problem is the segfault at the end. but your card is quite shitty anyways. so I'd say: no. doesn't work13:51
user11_011has anyone installed xulrunner-xpcom13:51
vincenzwols: one reason this could be due to is that my Hd has some faults recently, and it purged some files.  Would it be possible to refresh my entire package-system?13:51
wolsubstud: and I doubt you can do compiz with that card anyways13:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xulrunner-xpcom - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xulrunner - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:52
wolsvincenz: what kind of faults?13:52
ubstudwols, but all cards support 3d acceleration don't they?13:52
vincenzwols: it could not read a certain part of my hd13:52
pihusere4si, thanx a lot! :) It helped13:52
wolsuser11_011: /msg ubotu  don't use the channel13:52
werswhat's the best app to sync music with iPods?13:52
ere4sipihus: yah!13:52
wolsubstud: no13:52
whabot-om: is there anything i can do to fix it???? or just switch to PclinuxOs?13:52
wersI have the latest iPod nano13:52
wolsvincenz: buy a new harddisk13:52
ubstudwols, and this one doesn't?13:52
werslatest gen, I mean13:52
wolsyour hdd is dying13:52
ubstudwols, but I've ran 3d games on here13:52
fairyeneriedcan i install SCIM from Feisty over Gutsy and hope all will work well?13:53
vincenzwols: for now not an option, it's a laptop, I will buy a new laptop in a few months13:53
vmlinzfairyeneried: Maybe synaptic should help13:53
wolsubstud: s3 cards are very poorly supported under linux. 2D might be fine but I dunno if 3D works13:53
user11_011how to installed xulrunner-xpcom13:53
wolsuser11_011: search for xulrunner un the repos13:53
vmlinzfairyeneried: And you should first know about the selection of ubuntu repo and their sections13:54
ubstudwols, is there a way to check if mine is working fine or not? Cause I've run 3d games on here before13:54
wolsubstud: under linux?13:54
user11_011wols: i installed xulrunner but want xulrunner-xpcom13:54
wolsand right now it isn't wokring fine since glxinfo segfaults13:54
ubstudyeah...before I installed the new version of ubuntu13:54
wolsubstud: then you are SOL13:54
werswhat's the best app to sync with an iPod?13:54
thropehi - Im trying to run matlab 2007b on ubuntu 7.10 (amd64) - works fine with no effects but with compiz the screen is just blank. none of the fixes I found on line (AWT_TOOLKIT) worked for me. Does anyone have any ideas?13:54
mack_simyes, thrope13:55
mack_simtry telling us what vid card you have13:55
thropemack_sim: nvidia13:55
mack_simwhich one13:55
ubstudwols, what do you mean by "SOL"?13:55
thropemack_sim: not sure13:55
JesperHuijgensHi can someone help me with my ubuntu, my sound suddenly stopped when I started wormux, I am new to ubuntu and i dont know how to solve this? Can someone help me13:55
vmlinzfairyeneried: After you know about all of these , you simply change the gusty repo to the distro you like in the repository seting13:56
mack_simthrope: you have little chance at a fix until you find out13:56
thropemack_sim: lspci says nvidia N44 (Gforce 6200 turbocache)13:56
mack_simlspci -vv should tell you13:56
fairyeneriedvmlinz, i know a few and my friends knows more about synaptic and packages, but he is tired of the bad behavior of gutsy SCIM and want to downgrade it :S13:56
JesperHuijgensHi can someone help me with my ubuntu, my sound suddenly stopped when I started wormux, I am new to ubuntu and i dont know how to solve this? Can someone help me, thanks13:57
whabois there a way to get a SKYPE phone adapter working ???? its a D-link PH-50U ????? is it possible? i need it coz i have a number on skype.. i used it as an alternative house phone.... any help? thx13:57
Zaliavoshi ppl. do you know a new game to build a city13:58
Zaliavosplease visit http://didmiestis.myminicity.com/13:58
Zaliavosby my inhabitant13:58
JesperHuijgensyes, it is lincity13:58
Zaliavoshmm another onw13:58
Zaliavosno, not that13:59
JesperHuijgensyou can find it as a package, well, add/remove13:59
vmlinzfairyeneried: you first get into synaptic then search and select scim ,then right click it and you goto versions column14:00
whabois there a way to get a SKYPE phone adapter working ???? its a D-link PH-50U ????? is it possible? i need it coz i have a number on skype..14:00
mack_simthrope: ywhat version drivers are you using?14:00
ubstudwols, still there?14:00
vmlinzfairyeneried: maybe there are lower versions14:01
thropemack_sim: just updated today so should be the latest ones14:01
meshuggabtw, chaps, is there a nicer jabber im client than pidgin for ubuntu?14:01
fairyeneriedyes, but cause SCIM is a method for writing other language texts, i wonder if we don't damage the system installing an old version14:01
meshuggalike adium on macosx14:01
Galdar\LinuxI like Mercury for IM :)14:01
ubstudcould someone help me get the correct drivers for my video card?14:01
meshuggasomething perhaps which behaves like a sidebar14:01
mack_simthrope: which ones? the nvidia ones (restricted) or the ones from xorg?14:01
MenZameshugga, I recommend Gajim.14:02
meshuggalike icq on windows14:02
fairyeneriedhere we use gajim :P14:02
thropemack_sim: nvidia restricted14:02
vmlinzfairyeneried: then you follow the information synaptic give you , you should fix this14:02
meshuggai'll try both, thanks14:02
whabois there a way to get a SKYPE phone adapter working ???? its a D-link PH-50U ????? is it possible? i need it coz i have a number on skype..14:02
mack_simdoes acceleration work, otherwise?14:02
thropemack_sim: i think 963914:02
fairyeneriedif, not, we must solve it through apt-get or pptitute, i guess14:02
thropemack_sim: yep, looks really nice - just matlab screen is blank (and actually I just found synaptic is also just black window with effects on)14:03
fairyeneriedis there an irc client for the shell?14:03
LjL-Temp!info irssi > fairyeneried14:03
mack_simyou need compatibility mode for compiz14:03
whabodoes anyone here know if i can get a skype phone adapter working with linux or not??? plz help ?? anyone have tried anything like this?14:03
ubstudcan someone help me getting the correct video drivers?14:04
pihusHow to change your default file browser?14:04
thropemack_sim: ok thanks - Im looking it up, how do I enable it?14:04
meshuggaGaldar\Linux: how is the package called for mercury?14:04
mack_simthrope: also, there may or may not be a bug whereby your bios steals shared memory from the agp card14:05
LjLubstud: in KDE, you change the file association for inode/directory entries. maybe it's similar in GNOME14:05
LjL!default > ubstud    (ubstud, see the private message from Ubotu)14:05
fairyeneriedthanks LjL-Temp ;)14:05
mack_simthrope: the old-style beryl config app had it somewhere in the first screen\14:05
ubstudLjL, I think you got the wrong person14:05
LjLubstud: oh, sorry14:05
mack_simit's for compatibility with stuff like firefox, openoffice and so on (stuff that doesn't really rely on window managers)14:05
LjLpihus, see above14:06
thropemack_sim: hmmm, im just using the standard appearance panel for now and it doesn't seem to have many options. Is there a file to change it in? otherwise I guess I'll just leave the effects off for now14:06
ubstudcould any of you guys help me get the correct video card drivers?14:06
mack_simthrope: wrt the bug, try specifying the amount of system memory you have allocated for the card in your xorg.conf14:06
mack_simthrope: yes, there is a file14:06
mack_simalso docs on the compiz website14:07
thropeok ill have more of a look14:07
IdleOne!ati | ubstud14:07
ubotuubstud: To install the Ati/NVidia drivers for your video card, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto14:07
mack_simmy relevant xorg.conf line reads like this:14:07
pihusWell I want to use Thunar instead of Nautilus14:07
ubstudIdleOne, I have neither..I have an onboard card14:07
thropei think ill prob leave the effects off though - i thought it was nice since it was easy to set up - but im not going to spend a lot of time it14:07
mack_sim        VideoRam        6553614:07
mack_simbut yours may be higher14:08
stibHi all. I'm trying to back up my root partition to an image on another drive. I'm just wondering - if I do dd if=/dev/sda2 of=/my/image/file.img  - will all the mounted filesystems get included?14:08
mack_simstib: no14:08
thropehow do i found the amount to put there?14:08
a1r3yuWhat's that other audio player, amorak?14:08
mack_simthrope: it should be set in your BIOS14:08
mack_simunder the title of AGP aperture or something like that14:09
stibmack_sim: thanks. So I don't have to worry about it recursively copying itself forever :)14:09
thropemack_sim: ok thanks for your help14:09
user11_011 i installed xulrunner but want xulrunner-xpcom14:10
pete83I cant think of the word for the money that can be attached to a big14:10
pete83what is the word??14:10
moviwhat is the name of the gnome application that takes screenshots ?14:11
whabo<whabo> you ive been looking for a solution for a looong time now14:11
whabo<whabo> is there a way to get a skype phone adapter to work?14:11
whabo<whabo> i have a skypein number that i use14:11
whabo<whabo> and a dlink PH-50U phone adapter :S14:11
whabo<whabo> did anyone try anything like this?14:11
dgjones!paste | whabo14:11
ubotuwhabo: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)14:11
ubstudI ran this command:  glxinfo | grep render  and got: direct rendering: Yes14:11
ubstudOpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI UniChrome (K8M800) 20060710 x86/MMX+/3DNow!+/SSE214:11
ubstuddoes that mean 3d accel works?14:11
moviubstud, yes14:11
ubstudthen could someone tell my why my computer freezes whenever I try to run wine?14:12
gijsnick snk00sj14:12
krimI have two harddrives, one is at /media/sdb1 and everything I delete from it ends up in /media/sdb1/.Trash is there any way to make it go to the regular trash can where everything else I throw ends up so I don't have to choose to show hidden folders and delete the files again from /media/sdb1/.Trash to delete them for real?14:12
ubstudit says creating wine configuration directory and just freezes14:12
brokenCan anyone tell me, or give me ideas as to why a ubuntu CD would reboot the system when I want to install it?14:12
JesperHuijgensHi, my sound has suddenly stopped, i started wormux(game), and it stopped, now i dont know how to solve this14:13
JesperHuijgenscan someone help me14:13
keju768jesus have many people14:13
=== gijs is now known as snk00sj
pete83ah nevermind, it's "bounty"14:14
keju768have brasilians?14:14
PriceChild!br | keju76814:14
ubotukeju768: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.14:14
hadiaziamhi..i got problem with my g++. It says The following packages have unmet dependencies:14:15
hadiaziam  build-essential: Depends: libc6-dev but it is not going to be installed or14:15
hadiaziam                            libc-dev14:15
hadiaziam                   Depends: g++ (>= 4:4.1.1) but it is not going to be installed14:15
hadiaziamE: Broken packages14:15
hadiaziam..what it's mean?14:15
JesperHuijgensHi, my sound has suddenly stopped, i started wormux(game), and it stopped, now i dont know how to solve this14:15
LjL!paste > hadiaziam    (hadiaziam, see the private message from Ubotu)14:15
LjLhadiaziam, i suspect your sources.list might have some mismatching stuff, please pastebin it14:15
smooker4hi all14:15
smooker4i have problems with Kdevelop, starting project Hello World have error14:16
smooker4cd '/home/smooker4/Desktop/aaaaa/hiw' && WANT_AUTOCONF_2_5="1" WANT_AUTOMAKE_1_6="1" make -f Makefile.cvs && mkdir '/home/smooker4/Desktop/aaaaa/hiw/debug' && cd '/home/smooker4/Desktop/aaaaa/hiw/debug' && CXXFLAGS="-O0 -g3" "/home/smooker4/Desktop/aaaaa/hiw/configure" --enable-debug=full && cd '/home/smooker4/Desktop/aaaaa/hiw/debug' && WANT_AUTOCONF_2_5="1" WANT_AUTOMAKE_1_6="1" make -k14:16
smooker4make: aclocal: Command not found14:16
smooker4make: *** [all] Error 12714:16
smooker4*** Exited with status: 2 ***14:16
Mortice!paste | smooker14:16
ubotusmooker: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)14:16
LjL!paste > smooker4    (smooker4, see the private message from Ubotu)14:16
=== ketrox_ is now known as ketrox
Python1320I'm trying to do a network installation. Im using ubuntu netboot image and using this pc as the cd-container. The problem is taht the installer wants some things i don't have in this pc. How to switch the apt-repository during install or create alternative lookup method? Or something that works :|14:16
LjLsmooker4: try « sudo apt-get install build-essential » for a start, perhaps also « sudo apt-get install autoconf »14:16
Python1320I don't want to download the whole ubuntu again thru net14:16
Python1320The installer wants this (000047) 4.12.2007 16:15:25 - anonymous (> RETR /ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux-source-2.6.22/firewire-core-modules-2.6.22-14-generic-di_2.6.22-14.46_i386.udeb14:17
Python1320(000047) 4.12.2007 16:15:25 - anonymous (> 550 File not found14:17
Python1320and fails14:17
dr4gAnyone know how to do FTP with Kate or Bluefish ?14:17
LjL!paste > Python1320    (Python1320, see the private message from Ubotu)14:17
Morticedr4g: why not do it through your file manager? put the ftp address in the location bar14:17
Python1320LadyNikon, sorry. Imo that wasn't so large14:17
fairyeneriedi'll take note of the shell irc client, see you guys, thanks, bye ;)14:17
Python1320* LjL14:17
LjLdr4g: what do you mean "do FTP"? if you just want to upload the file in Kate to an FTP server, you can just save it to one14:17
Morticedr4g: actually, another way would be to add a natwork location in the file save/load dialog14:18
smooker4same error aftger appear again after that u told me14:18
LjLPython1320, the topic doesn't say they have to be large. anyway, see if you have an /etc/apt/sources.list in the temporary root14:18
kjp2I'm having an incredibly frustrating time trying to compile the quickcam driver on 2.4.24-rc3. for some reason the make output just tells me the kernel config is bad, but it's the config i used to compile the kernel that is running. Any ideas?14:18
Python1320LjL, ok14:18
LjLsmooker4: try installing « automake » as well, if it's not already installed14:18
dr4gMortice, LjL I have an FTP server and i'd like to open/save to/from an FTP server14:18
LjLdr4g, from Kate, like from any KDE program, just putting the URL in the save/load dialog is sufficient14:19
DG19075dr4g: you can do ftp: username:password@ftpsite.com in Firefox14:19
Morticedr4g: if you're using a gnome-based app, like bluefish (iirc), add a network place in the load dialog by right-clicking the left-hand side14:19
dr4gMortice, i will give that a try, just a second.14:19
Morticedr4g: then you can click that newly-added network place and save and load from it14:19
smooker4after installing auto make the error is different now14:20
JesperHuijgensDoes anyone know how to get my sound working14:20
Morticedr4g: it works something like that anyway.14:20
JesperHuijgensit stopped after i started a game14:20
=== Dr_Pimp is now known as freo
kjp2I'm having an incredibly frustrating time trying to compile the quickcam driver on 2.4.24-rc3. for some reason the make output just tells me the kernel config is bad, but it's the config i used to compile the kernel that is running. Any ideas?14:21
=== freo is now known as tubby
JesperHuijgensis there realy no one who can help me with my broken sound14:21
=== tubby is now known as enson
smooker4cant compile the HelloWorld Example14:22
kjp2JesperHuijgens: i can try14:22
smooker4almost the same error again14:22
brokenPiece of crap ubuntu.14:22
user11_011repost:  i installed xulrunner but want xulrunner-xpcom14:22
LjLsmooker4: that one is beyond my knowledge14:23
=== BenC__ is now known as BenC
JesperHuijgenswell, thanks kjp2, i am using ubuntu 7.10 gutsy for a week, and after i installed and opened wormux ( a game) i got an error, he could not load a soundpackage, or something like that, now i dont have sounds aytmore14:24
JesperHuijgensit was working before14:25
dr4gMortice, thanks alot, it worked perfectly :)14:25
=== [1]Netham45 is now known as Netham45
JesperHuijgenshmm, kjp2 is gone, is there anyone else who wants to help me with my sound14:27
JesperHuijgensafter i started wormux my sound stopped14:28
JesperHuijgensdoes anyone knows how to fix sounds14:28
thorJesperHuijgens just curious...did you shut down and start up again to see if the sound drivers loaded correctly?14:28
JesperHuijgenswell, i rebooted several times, didnt get an error or something like that14:29
hadiaziamhi..this is my pastebin http://pastebin.com/ma43bafa14:29
hadiaziamabout the source list that i talk about14:29
thorJesperHuijgens did you check to make sure it is turned up...some games take over the volume and such14:29
JesperHuijgensturned up?14:30
laurent_how add directory in LD_LIBRARY_PATH with xpi package14:30
z9999We just finished partitioning and installing 7.04 along with the previous 6.06 ubuntu. This time we created a separate /home partition and our initial plans were to make this /home partition accessable by both 6.06 or 7.04, although we have not as of yet. In the process a new question has come to mind. Where is the boot loader located? If we were to remove one of the two OS installs would...14:30
z9999...the boot loader also be deleted? Does the loader reside in /boot? and if so is it desirable to create a separate /boot partition when making a dual boot system?14:30
thorJesperHuijgens  in xfce if I right click on the volume applet I get a control panel with all the volume, mike, output settings14:30
kjp2I'm having an incredibly frustrating time trying to compile the quickcam driver on 2.4.24-rc3. for some reason the make output just tells me the kernel config is bad, but it's the config i used to compile the kernel that is running. Any ideas?14:31
thorJesperHuijgens  oops....left click14:31
JesperHuijgensthey are al turned up14:31
JesperHuijgensat my controlpanel everything is turned on14:31
hadiaziamany one knows what wrong with my source list?14:32
ubstudI have installed wine from synaptic, But when I try to run for the first time, my computer freezes while the terminal says configuring directory .wine14:32
jribhadiaziam: what makes you say something is wrong?14:32
JesperHuijgensmaster, headphone, PCM, line-in, CD, microphone, pc speakers14:32
mack_simkjp2: you may have forgotten to enable some critical bit - such as ohci_hcd support14:32
elkbuntuhadiaziam, not without seeing it14:33
JesperHuijgensthor, any other suggestions14:33
=== mimilus_ is now known as mimilus
mack_simthat wouldn't cripple your kernel, but would prevent some usb drivers from building14:33
kjp2mack_sim: no, that's all there. can I paste the output somewhere?14:33
elkbuntu!paste | hadiaziam, please paste the /etc/apt/sources.list to here14:33
ubotuhadiaziam, please paste the /etc/apt/sources.list to here: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)14:33
thorJesperHuijgens sorry no....never tried the game you mentioned14:33
JesperHuijgenswell, not the game, NOT ONE sound is working14:34
JesperHuijgensnot only in the game14:34
ikoniaJesperHuijgens: no need for caps14:34
hadiaziamelkbuntu: got this error when using build-essential http://pastebin.com/m5b614d9f14:34
JesperHuijgensbut its pretty frustrating14:34
mack_simJesperHuijgens: try starting it with 'aoss $game' next time14:35
jribhadiaziam has his sources at http://pastebin.com/ma43bafa.  Try not to separate what you say by pressing enter hadiaziam14:35
thorJesperHuijgens thought you said you lost the sound after trying to play a game14:35
JesperHuijgenshuh, but solves that my sound?14:35
ikoniahadiaziam: are you using gutsy repo's on fesity box ?14:35
kjp2mack_sim: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46824/14:35
geirha_ubstud: does "winecfg" work?14:35
hadiaziamikonia: nope14:35
JesperHuijgensyes, i started the game, and now i dont have any sounds14:35
mguezuragaIs there a ftp client that doesn't retrieve all the files in a directory before delete them? mc, gftp, krusader..all of these does that14:35
hadiaziamikonia: using synaptic package manager14:36
thorJesperHuijgens  and you don't think the game had anything to do with it?14:36
JesperHuijgensno music, no movies etc.14:36
ubstudgeirha_, yes, it freezes14:36
jribhadiaziam: pastebin 'apt-cache policy  libc6-dev g++'14:36
ikoniajrib: I'm reasonable sure gcc 4.1.1 isn't borked14:36
ikoniaas a package14:36
hadiaziamjrib: ok..hold on14:36
RautamiekkaHello ppl, does anybody have any working experience in trying to run HLSW on UGutsy32 ?14:36
JesperHuijgenswell, the only thing i know is that i got an sound error when is started the game14:36
kjp2mack_sim: any ideas?14:36
dravineHowdy folks14:36
JesperHuijgensi dont know the game has done that14:36
jribhadiaziam: and build-essential too14:36
dravineafter upgrading to gutsy, USB thumb drives mount as owned by root:root14:37
geirha_ubstud: odd, has it created .wine/ with files in it?14:37
dravineand aren't writable by normal users14:37
dravinewhere do I change this?14:37
jribz9999: you don't need a separate one.  The /boot on the last ubuntu you installed is probably getting used14:37
JesperHuijgensis there a way to restart or reconfigure a soundcard?14:37
JesperHuijgenscan i reïnstall drivers?14:38
hadiaziamjrib: apt-cache policy  libc6-dev g++ > http://pastebin.com/m5808d0d114:38
mack_simkjp2: do as it says in the error message :(14:38
JesperHuijgenssomething like that14:38
ubstudgeirha_, everytime I run "wine app.exe" it says configuring .wine directory and what it does is that it makes a .wine-lkdiu (.wine with random letters) folder in my home folder14:38
mack_simit seems the build script craps out if the kernel is hand-rolled14:38
mack_simJesperHuijgens: no need to14:38
kjp2mack_sim: confused. I ran make oldconfig and make prepare14:39
LjLubstud: just a guess, perhaps there is already a .wine directory but for some reason (such as running wine with sudo) the permissions are wrong and it's not accessible from your user?14:39
mack_simno dice?14:39
hadiaziamjrib: from build-essential > http://pastebin.com/m6cb3b4b314:39
JesperHuijgenswhy not?14:39
mack_simJesperHuijgens: ecause you can just reload the relevant kernel modules and the sound daemon14:39
jribhadiaziam: sudo apt-get update && apt-cache policy build-essential libc6-dev g++14:39
geirha_ubstud: ok, it probably renames it to .wine when it finishes, which it apparently never does. Sounds like a bug with the wine package14:39
kjp2mack_sim:  yeah no dice14:39
JesperHuijgensmack_sim: can you tell me how?14:39
ubstudyeah it has folders14:40
ubstudI mean14:40
mack_simkjp2: try re-installing the kernel14:40
PriitMHi!. Where could  I add the command that would mount cd image automaticlly on startup?14:40
mack_simyou do have the headers, right?14:40
LjLPriitM: /etc/fstab14:40
LjL!fstab > PriitM    (PriitM, see the private message from Ubotu)14:40
kjp2mack_sim: I have the full kernel source in /usr/src/linux14:40
PriitMLjL, thank you14:40
ubstudI mean it has folders inside .wine but no files14:40
stibOK, so now I'm dd-ing my root partition to an image file, but the image is now 22gb, when my linux install only takes up about 7 gb. Is it copying free space as well?14:40
pteague_worki'm guessing i'm needing either nvidia-glx or nvidia-glx-new, not both...14:41
kjp2stib: yes14:41
LjLstib: yes.14:41
jribstib: yes, try partimage instead14:41
LjLgzip it, or use a dedicated backup program14:41
hadiaziamjrib: http://pastebin.com/m5ba0d1f214:41
ubstudgeirha_, I've tried deleting all those folders14:41
ubstudand it still makes a new one everytime I run it14:41
stiboh, I guess it would since it's bit for bit. Partimage you say.. ta muchly14:41
mack_simJesperHuijgens: yes, modules with modprobe14:41
mack_simthe sound daemon is probably in init14:42
jribhadiaziam: use a different mirro14:42
mack_sim/etc/init.d/esd restart or something like that14:42
hadiaziamjrib: let me try 1st14:42
mack_sim'/etc/init.d/esd restart' or something like that14:42
mack_simof course, rebooting is simpler14:42
MenZabut highly unnecessary :>14:43
geirha_ubstud: I'd check launchpad.net and see if there's any bug report like that allready. And I'd also try getting the latest version from winehq14:43
LjL"rebooting is simpler"...14:43
=== BenC__ is now known as BenC
kjp2anyone know if autoconf.h is deprecated in 2.4.24 ?14:44
Karotteis there a place where I can see if new versions of a program /package gonna be released soon?14:44
KarotteSomething like incoming for debian?14:44
ikoniajklock: as in the kernel14:45
KarotteBecause I want to know if I have to install the new flashplugin manually or if there will be a new flashplugin-nonfree soon14:45
LjLKarotte, keep an rss feed on gutsy-proposed. however, that won't give you advance warning for backports, i think (unless they have their own proposed repository)14:45
PiciKarotte: You can also search in hardy (the release after Gutsy) packages on packages.ubuntu.com, but since we're still early in the release process, its possible that it wont be updated yet.14:45
Karotteokay, I just want to know when the new adobe flash will be released :) I'll look into the proposed updates and if it isn't there I'll install it manually14:46
ikoniaKarotte: adobe have nothing publicly pending, so it will be a while14:47
Karotteikonia: hm? adobe just released the new flash plugin and the flashplugin-nonfree is no longer working because of that (md5 sums have changed)14:48
JesperHuijgenscan someone tell me how modprobe works14:48
thorJesperHuijgens  did you check the man page?14:49
tichdoes the deskbar applet usually have a search box in the panel?14:49
softworkKarotte, new flash plugin?14:49
ubstudstill jams up14:49
Karottesoftwork: yes14:49
JesperHuijgenssorry, much poeple are talking about the man page, but what is that14:49
Karottesoftwork: http://www.adobe.com/aboutadobe/pressroom/pressreleases/200712/120407adobemoviestar.html14:49
Karotte"Adobe Systems Incorporated (Nasdaq:ADBE) today announced the immediate availability of Adobe® Flash® Player 9 Update 3 software, previously code named Moviestar."14:50
atlef!man | JesperHuijgens14:50
ubotuJesperHuijgens: The "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the command line, or see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal14:50
thorJesperHuijgens  any command that you enter in a terminal should have a man page...type 'man modprobe' in a terminal14:50
ubstudany wine guys here?14:50
Piciubstud: more wine guys in #winehq14:50
vestige#join kubuntu14:50
ubstudPici, yeah no one able to help though14:51
softworkKarotte, where?14:51
softworkwhere is the download?14:51
tichdoes anyone use the deskbar applet?14:52
Karottesoftwork: http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz14:52
softworkKarotte, is x64?14:52
KarotteI don't think so?14:52
=== mmm is now known as Chile
Chilehola alguien que parle espaniol14:53
ubotuSi busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.14:53
JesperHuijgensI have read the man page, but I dont know the modulename14:53
JesperHuijgenswhere can i find the modulename for my soundcard, or driver14:54
Pici!flash64 | softwork14:54
ubotusoftwork: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava14:54
brubelsab1Is there a solution for creating a tar archive which has the same name like the directory which should be tar'ed but a ".tar" suffix without specifying the whole name again (DRY!)14:54
LjLChile: "hable", y "español", y "gracias"14:54
thora little knowledge is a dangerous thing14:54
=== [Garbage] is now known as _Garbage_
brubelsab1thor: why?14:55
RautamiekkaThor: Knowledge is power !14:55
thornot everyone speaks Castillian spanish <smile>14:55
geniiinadequate knowledge you mean14:55
kjp2grr. this is so frustrating. the damn makefile is bad.14:56
LjLthor: come on though, that's a mixture of whatever spanish you're thinking about, and either italian or portuguese. and "spanish" usually means castillan spanish to english speakers.14:56
=== |Nephyrin|Work| is now known as Nephyrin|Work
thorLjL no...to most americans it means texmex which is definitely not castillian...nor is it chilean14:57
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!14:57
LjLthor: i'm pretty sure it's no^K14:57
SpirototHey guys. Does anyone know why when, for example, I try to install the Java Sun plugin for Firefox, and Ubuntu asks for the installation DVD, it comes up with an error that it couldn't get all the packages (?) from the server? After that, it says something about a "Hash Sum mis match", or something.14:58
thorLjL then were did ustedes go?14:58
ml-dbis it possible to open just the top of a file (for editing) with pico?14:58
thoror hablais?14:58
LjLthor, /join #ubuntu-offtopic if you want to keep discussing this please14:58
bloonywhats the best way to installing kde in ubuntu?14:58
JimGreyAnyone else having javascript problems in firefox after the latest update?14:58
LjL!kde > bloony    (bloony, see the private message from Ubotu)14:59
deltamax ways14:59
bloonyljl: thx14:59
LjLml-db: the top of a file?14:59
JesperHuijgensWell, than give me the knowledge to find the name of a module, the module of my soundcard or drive or what else15:00
JesperHuijgensi want to restart or reinstall or...... my soundcard15:00
JesperHuijgensor driver15:00
geniiLjL: I imagine he has a huge file that takes forever to load but only needs to make minor edits near the beginning15:00
kjp2JesperHuijgens: use lspci to identify your soundcard15:00
ml-dbLjL: let's say there's a 16gb file and i want to edit the first 100 lines in it.15:00
LjLgenii: ah right, nano is pretty slow to load. i'd suggest using a real editor :-) (and i'm a nano user myself)15:00
LjLml-db: use an editor that doesn't try to read the entire file into memory :)15:00
ml-dbLjL: opening a 16gb file in pico is quite painful on my computer15:00
SpirototDoes anyone know why when, for example, I try to install the Java Sun plugin for Firefox, and Ubuntu asks for the installation DVD, it comes up with an error that it couldn't get all the packages (?) from the server? After that, it says something about a "Hash Sum mis match", or something.15:00
brokenvi ftw15:01
ml-dbLjL: can you point me in any direction?15:01
geniiSpirotot: Because the network was not attached when you installed15:01
ml-dbLjL: ..to such an editor15:01
atlefSpirotot: you need to untick dvd in "Software Sources"15:02
SpirototAwesome, thanks atlef.15:02
SpirototAnd genii.15:02
rojo^ml-db: you could head -n 16 filename, then sed your changes15:02
LjLml-db, i'm pretty confident both vi and emacs are advanced enough to do that. however, i'm mostly a nano user myself, and i just wait for nano to load up usually :) and i don't edit 16Gb files15:02
JesperHuijgensis this a soundcard :S15:02
JesperHuijgens00:01.4 Multimedia audio controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] SiS PCI Audio Accelerator (rev 02)15:02
LjLi'd think so15:03
geniiYes thats a soundcard15:03
rojo^ml-db: if you are comfortable with regular expressions, that is.15:03
kjp2JesperHuijgens:  yes.15:03
JesperHuijgenshow can i restart it or reinstall it, or better, get it working :P15:03
JesperHuijgensit was working15:03
jribml-db: you can't accomplish the edit using something like sed?15:03
jamey-ukI'm running Ubuntu 7.04 Server; cron does not seem to be running. When I 'apt-get install cron' I get back the message 'cron set to manual installed'. Can anyone help me?15:04
ml-dbim not very good with regular expressions15:04
kjp2JesperHuijgens: unload the kernel module and reload it15:04
JesperHuijgenskjp2: yes, but how15:04
ml-dbrojo^: unfortunately not :/15:04
JesperHuijgenskjp2, by modprobe?15:04
kjp2JesperHuijgens: rmmod modulename15:04
geniijamey-uk: Did you download a cron deb package and install it that way previously?15:05
kjp2JesperHuijgens: the key is you need to know which kernel module to unload15:05
JesperHuijgenskjp2, and the modulename is the name i just gave15:05
JesperHuijgens00:01.4 Multimedia audio controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] SiS PCI Audio Accelerator (rev 02)15:05
sercikhow can i instal prefer a repository in another with apt-get?15:05
ml-dbLjL: its quite annoying cause it's a mysql-dump and i just need to change the database its using15:05
kjp2JesperHuijgens:  run lsmod to see the installed modules15:05
ml-dbLjL: so its like.. to lines to edit :-)15:05
LjLml-db: then sed is definitely the best candidate15:05
ml-dbLjL: s/to/two15:05
jamey-ukgenii: No, not afaik. Just a relatively fresh install from a VPS image. What do I do now? None of the previously-working crontabs are running...15:05
kjp2JesperHuijgens:  then use google, to match a kernel module name to the lspci output you have15:05
LjLml-db: tell us what you need to change and into what, we might be able to give you a sed line15:06
geniiJesperHuijgens: If you know how to use the pastebin website, the results of command:  lsmod|grep snd   pasted to there could be useful to examine15:06
dwxreaperhow come the when I issue "type" at the cli it says command not found15:06
dwxreaperif i'm user x15:06
JesperHuijgensgenii: I dont :P15:06
genii!paste | JesperHuijgens15:06
ubotuJesperHuijgens: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)15:06
ml-dbLjL: ok. two things. 1) CREATE DATABASE /*!32312 IF NOT EXISTS*/ `prices` /*!40100 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 */;15:07
jribdwxreaper: what shell?15:07
ml-dbLjL: it should be: CREATE DATABASE /*!32312 IF NOT EXISTS*/ `prices_bak` /*!40100 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 */;15:07
geniijamey-uk: Perhaps then try purge/reinstall15:07
Karotteokay, I attached a patch for the new flash version to the open bug for flashplugin-nonfree:15:07
geniijamey-uk: eg:   sudo apt-get remove --purge cron; sudo apt-get install cron15:08
ml-dbLjL: and 2) USE `prices`;15:08
ml-dbLjL: should be: USE `prices_bak`;15:08
ml-dbi THINK/hope thats it15:08
LjLml-db: are those the only two instances of `prices` in the file?15:08
ml-dbLjL: hopefully, yeah15:08
LjLml-db: sed -ibackup 's/`prices`/`prices_bak`/g' filename15:08
jribheh "hopefully" :)15:08
LjLml-db: that will make a backup of the file in filename.backup, note15:09
z9999Is anyone familiar with www.psychocats.net ? We've been referred there several times for help in understanding the solution to problems, but have been unable to access it.15:09
z9999Pinging it returns  [] "General Failure"15:09
madMadam_myrhi! :)15:09
ml-dbjrib: ie, probably not :)15:09
jamey-ukgenii: okay that's great except it wants to remove my exim and other similar packages, will that mess up my email stuff if I reinstall those packages afterwards?15:09
madMadam_myris there anyone who knows how I can add packages to kile 2.0 on ubuntu gutsy gibbon?15:09
ml-dbLjL: is it possible to limit the replaces to two?15:09
RautamiekkamadMadam, What is Kile ?15:09
LjLso if the file is large, which it is, it will take a while ml-db, you might want to test it on a smaller file and then avoid making the backup altogether. use "head filename >test" to create a shorter version of the file that only has the first 10 lines15:09
madMadam_myrI have to add utf8 package15:09
atlefz9999: no problem here15:10
kjp2JesperHuijgens: because honestly, we can't help you figure out it out unless we have that same card.15:10
madMadam_myre kde environment fot tex15:10
LjLml-db, it is, let me look what's the most efficient way15:10
madMadam_myrkile is a kde integrated LaTex environment15:11
z9999atlef: Is my DNS address URL the same as what you have?15:11
atlefz9999: ?15:11
danbhfivez9999: yes it is for me, and its working15:11
JesperHuijgenskjp2: last question then, do you think a reïnstall will work?15:11
JesperHuijgenskjp2: of ubuntu15:12
=== jorgp_ is now known as jorgp
krimI have two harddrives, one is at /media/sdb1 and everything I delete from it ends up in /media/sdb1/.Trash is there any way to make it go to the regular trash can where everything else I throw ends up so I don't have to choose to show hidden folders and delete the files again from /media/sdb1/.Trash to delete them for real? Showing another trashcan icon in the lower right corner would also be acceptable15:12
z9999atlef: If you ping that location do you see the same number,  ?15:13
geniijamey-uk: If you reinstall exim and whatever else it says it wants to remove, since it's not --purge them the configuration files will still be used when they reinstall15:13
jamey-ukgenii: sorry, a little bit confused --purge is good? Even for exim and my config files?15:14
kjp2JesperHuijgens: you don't need to reinstall ubuntu, just spend 10 minutes with google15:14
atlefz9999: yes15:14
primordial_hey, can anybody please help with a "image_tag" syntax problem?15:14
primordial_whats wrong with this line?15:15
primordial_<?php echo image_tag(sfConfig::get('sf_upload_dir') . '/userphotos/'.$photo_gallery->getId().'-thumbnail'.'.png'); ?>15:15
kjp2Can anyone tell me why this (http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46824/) is failing ? I have built and installed this kernel...15:15
patrickjamesWOOOOOO 4 more days and i wont be online for 2 years!15:15
geniijamey-uk: when you do apt-get remove --purge <package> it also deletes whatever configuration files exist for that package. but not for any sub packages15:15
jamey-ukprimordial_: shouldn't you ask that question in ##php ??15:15
LjLml-db: best i can come up with, and hoping it works, is two seds, with sed '0,/RE/s/`prices`/`prices_bak`/' file15:15
z9999atlef: Thanks, I don't know why I can't access it, but found I can access googles cached record at least.15:15
ToolmakrCan someone help me ?15:16
jamey-ukgenii: so if I do 'apt-get --purge remove cron' and it removes cron + its config files + exim and other few packages, the exim config files will remain, correct?15:16
madMadam_myris there anyone who uses kde?15:16
atlef!ask | Toolmakr15:16
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?15:16
ubotuToolmakr: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)15:16
LjLmadMadam_myr: there's certainly more of a high percertage in #kubuntu15:16
madMadam_myrok I'll try there thanks ;)15:17
ToolmakrWhere can I find file sharing scripts for irc ?15:17
geniijamey-uk: It will remove whatever cron-specific configuration files etc, but not any exim-specific config files15:17
ml-dbLjL: ok, will try right away. one sec..15:17
sercikhow can i automatically (with apt-get) a package from a specific repository and mantain the package upgraded from that repository15:17
LjLsercik, uh, add that repository to your sources.list?15:17
LjLSoftware Sources does that15:17
sercikhi Ljl15:18
sercikdo you remember me?15:18
jamey-ukgenii: okay thank you15:18
geniiwork, AFK 2-3 minutes15:18
sercikthe problem is that apg-et prefer another repo15:18
LjLsercik: i think so :)15:18
LjLsercik, that will be because the other repo has a more recent version of the package, i guess15:18
LjLsercik, it15:18
sercikbacuase some people aff strange character at the end of file and apt-get think that package are newer15:19
LjLsercik, it's likely that you can achieve that with pinning, but i can't guide you there15:19
LjL!pinning > sercik    (sercik, see the private message from Ubotu)15:19
serciki need help because i have red that page and i'm not able15:19
spideymanwhats the deal with dolphin i mount a second drive yet still cant see the files15:19
rojo^ml-db: did you ever get your file modified?15:21
spideymandolphin shows a directory storage media that i cant see in konsole why?15:21
LjLsercik: http://apt4rpm.sourceforge.net/faq.html#q3215:21
MohammadBoozaryMenZa: hi !15:22
MohammadBoozaryMenZa: r u a developer ?15:23
rojo^ml-db: I'm by no means a master at sed, so I'm afraid to have you try the more ambitious replacement stopping at the second instance.  But, there's a safer way (from the standpoint of my limited knowledge of sed).  Issue the following commands:15:23
Karottehmm does someone know who or what the MOTU-Media user is on launchpad?15:23
hoarycrippleis there any problem in running ubuntu server edition on a desktop computer?  where can I learn about the differences?15:23
zstarsI am trying to lower the resolution and my screen and it doesn't seem to be having any effect, does anyone know what the problem could be?15:23
sercikLjL: thank you15:23
LjL!server > hoarycripple    (hoarycripple, see the private message from Ubotu)15:23
zstarsIt doesn't lower it at all, and when I open the dialog again, it says the current resolution is the old one15:24
hoarycrippleLjL, thank you15:24
LjLsercik: that seems like what you want, just change * into the package name i guess15:24
Ein_I need help to install my scanner Epson15:24
rojo^n/m.  I haven't heard a response.15:24
MohammadBoozaryarashOio: hi :d15:24
spideymanzstars try rebooting15:25
ml-dbrojo^: ? :)15:25
zstarsDone that already15:25
eshatthere was a dpkg option to find out which package installed file x, does anyone remeber or know ?15:25
LjLeshat: -S15:25
MicrosoftSUXhow do i get photos off my digital camera with ubuntu?15:25
rojo^ml-db: I'll do it in a sec.  I'm on the phone at the moment.15:25
arashOioMohammadBoozary:  samnaleikom15:26
sercikLjL: can you see this: http://pastebin.ca/805657 don't notice something strange?15:26
MicrosoftSUXHi, does anyone in hear know how to get pictures off a digital camera in ubuntu?15:26
spideymandolphin shows a directory storage media that i cant see in konsole why?15:26
sercikthe candidate is 2.0.6 but thereis 2.0.1015:26
Ein_I wrote this command in terminal  (rpm -i iscan-2.10.0-1.c2.i386.rpm) but it's give me this message (rpm: To install rpm packages on Debian systems, use alien. See README.Debian.15:26
Ein_error: cannot open Packages index using db3 - No such file or directory (2)15:26
Ein_error: cannot open Packages database in /var/lib/rpm15:26
ikoniaEin_: why are you trying to use rpm on a ubuntu box15:26
Ein_cuz it's says on epson site15:27
Picisercik: That is Mint, not Ubuntu.  We can't provide support for their packages.15:27
ikoniaEin_ ahh your tyring to use an epson driver15:27
jernsterEin_, rpm's are designed for redhat based boxes.  you need to use the alien software to convert the rpm to .deb file15:27
=== CyberMatt_ is now known as CyberMatt
ikoniajernster: I would advise against using the alien package. I would personally strip the repm and re-package myself15:28
Ein_I see15:28
Ein_then what I can do?15:28
sercikPici: mint is the same of ubuntu15:28
ikoniasercik: no its not15:28
sercikwht do you think that is different15:28
migmhi.. is there an easy way to tell what AP my eth1 card is associated with when there are multiple APs and im trying to do one thing while hte gui is doing another?15:28
ikoniasercik: because it is15:28
ikoniamigm: iwscan should list its connected name I think15:28
serciksorry but linux and also ubuntu are free15:29
ikoniasercik: ubuntu is linux15:29
ikoniasercik: that doesn't make ubuntu and mint the same15:29
ml-dbrojo^: no hurry, this doing-a-backup-thing is taking a while15:29
OIMubuntu is crash when loading an aplicatiton, i restart computer but now ubuntu doesn't open15:29
jernsterEin_, if it's a deb file you can install it with dpkg --install15:29
migmi cant figure out if i've gotten the wpa_supplicant to work or my wireless card has decided toj ust connected to the open network15:29
sercikbut the same because have the same kernel and the same programs and use the same repository15:29
sercikin which are different??15:29
ikoniasercik: no they dont15:30
echosystmi just did a minimal install, how do i get the framebuffer loading thing?15:30
ikoniaechosystm: a minimal install ?15:30
ikoniaechosystm: how did you do that15:30
OIMis that possible to save ubuntu or i must reload again15:30
migmikonia: no iwscan15:30
echosystmthe alt cd15:30
=== jernster is now known as jme`
Picisercik: They do their own release, use their own packages, have their own installer.15:31
ikoniaechosystm: the alt cd installs the same packages, does it not15:31
Picisercik: And now you;re having conflicts with their packages and ours.15:31
chester_martinsAnyone use Crossover???15:31
dann_I use crossover15:31
spideymandolphin shows a directory storage media that i cant see in konsole why?15:31
chester_martinsi have some problems15:31
ml-dbLjL: that command didnt work im afraid. it tried to output the contents of the file to my screen so i had to ctrl-c it15:31
migmI can use wpa_action i suppose?15:32
geniispideyman: /media15:33
szczurhi, is there a way to make ubunu NOT copy selected text?15:33
ikoniamigm: I don't know if that will work15:34
spideymangenni its mounted at /media/hdb1 but in dolphin it wont let me access it at the directory storage media15:34
spideymansays access denied15:35
ikoniaspideyman: check the permissions15:35
dann_szczur, what do you mean?15:35
JimmeyHow can I start multiple X sessions?15:36
spideymanikonia its showing the drive in 2 places i have read write at /media/hdb1 but not in storage media in dophin15:36
szczurdann_: whenever I select a text it is copied to clipboard which makes couple opperations difficult, I wanted it to be copied only with ctrl+c15:36
ikoniaspideyman: sorry I don't use dophin15:36
ikoniaszczur: look in the window behaviour tab15:36
spideymanikonia can i get rid of it15:36
blasenfischhello can somebody help me with my externeal hard drive?15:36
chester_martinsplease...i installed crossover and now how can i run it????15:36
Ein_I need to install my scanner how I can plz?15:37
szczurikonia: where do I find window behaviour tab?15:37
Picichester_martins: I assume it came with documentation, perhaps you should read that.15:37
zkjellbergQuestion: How do I install support for mp3s?15:37
ikoniaszczur: I can't remember the menu off the top of my head, I'm hoping pici will pick it up15:37
Piciikonia: /me looks15:37
bhagman88yesterday I reseted my computer15:37
bhagman88and when it came back15:38
bhagman88the skin was all messed up15:38
atlef!resticted | zkjellberg:15:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about resticted - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi15:38
ikoniaPici: thanks, I've not got a desktop and its hard to work from memory15:38
atlef!restricted | zkjellberg:15:38
ubotuzkjellberg:: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats15:38
zkjellbergatlef: Thanx15:38
bhagman88the box is now grey, and looks like an older windows operating syster, like Windows 9815:38
mikebeechamso, the question is....use grabit binary downloader through Wine, or use 3 or 4 bits of linux software to do the same thing?15:40
mikebeechamwhat a quandry15:40
ikoniamikebeecham: your call15:40
mikebeechamikonia : oh I dont know15:40
ikoniathink about what/who supports what methods15:40
zkjellbergQuestion: Is it safe to do "sudo apt-get autoremove"? Terminal just told me I have a bunch of unneeded packages, and to run that command.15:41
Ein_any one here can help to install scanner driver?15:41
Oli``I can't get 5.1 sound working. speaker-test only plays out the front -left and -right channels.15:41
mikebeechamikonia : oh you tease....you know I will end up with linux software: klibido, pypar2, RAR,etc15:41
migmwhen using wpa_supplicant15:41
migmis there a way to get ubuntu to get your key from stdin15:41
migminstead of having the key hanging out in the .conf?15:41
Sean|everything ido is over the top15:42
ikonia!offtopic >Sean|15:42
szczurikonia: I found window behaviour tab in nautilus -> edit -> preferences15:42
ikoniaszczur: ahhh well found, is there anything in there that helps ?15:42
Sean|that was meant for offtopic, but they kicked me15:42
mikebeechamikonia: ...you see the effect that you have on people mate :D15:43
szczurikonia: but I suppose you ment something else, because there's no clipboard functionality..15:43
ikoniaszczur I was working from memory, I thought there may have been something there15:43
ikoniaszczur: it was a bit of a long shot, sorry its wrong15:43
szczurikonia: ah, ok15:43
gordonjcpmikebeecham: What exactly are you trying to do?15:43
szczurikonia: n/p, thx15:44
zkjellbergQuestion: Is it safe to do "sudo apt-get autoremove"? Terminal just told me I have a bunch of unneeded packages, and to run that command.15:44
MenZazkjellberg, should be safe enough15:44
mikebeechamgordonjcp: ...hey mate...ahhh well, I have been using grabit in windows, and I started using it in wine, but it gets al ittle flaky from time to time...so before I get home i want to make a decision which way I'm going to download and use nzb files.  I thought about what you said this morning, then read up on updating wine (thinking this was the way forward)...so I'm now at a junction of decision making15:45
migmi must either be asking a stupid question.. or a question that no one knows the answer to15:45
ikoniamigm: it's a busy room, I may have missed your question15:45
zkjellbergMenza: Thanx worked fine. Just wanted to make sure. :)15:45
MenZa!patience | migm15:45
ubotumigm: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines15:45
kjp2I seem to be missing linux/config.h in the kernel tree anyone know how / where it's generated ?15:46
mrtimdogHi, is it possible to remove gconf entries from the cmd line? I've purged all compiz packages and want to start afresh with all default settings.15:46
ikoniakjp2: its a glib header15:47
gordonjcpmikebeecham: I didn't understand much of that15:47
meshuggaanyone here with a thinkpad t61? i have severe problems with graphics :/15:47
mrtimdogkjp2: Try in /boot/config.*15:47
ikoniamrtimdog: why would a header be in there ?15:47
ikoniamrtimdog: thats a config file15:47
mrtimdogSorry, ignore me! :)15:48
kjp2ikonia: glib header? which package is that ?15:48
ikoniakjp2: libc15:48
akinceranybody here know how to make videos edited with avidemux play sound on other video players besides MPlayer. Totem and Windows Media Player have no sound15:48
ikoniakjp2: use synaptic to check the exact package name15:48
johnumbuntu linux by william von hagen15:48
migmno attitude, all, just wondering if what i'm after is even possible15:48
ikoniajohn: what ?15:48
kjp2ikonia: libc6-dev is already installed15:49
mikebeechamgordonjcp : dont worry about it mate :D15:49
ikoniajklock: oooh, I thought it would have been in there as we now use santiszed kernel headers15:49
dromerhmmm, I'm trying to sync my PDA with SynCE using guide: http://www.synce.org/index.php/Connecting_your_Windows_Mobile_2003_device_via_USB#Find_out_USB_information_about_your_device  but there is no /proc/bus/usb/devices15:49
kjp2ikonia: any other ideas?15:50
peggerhumm anyone have lsof hang ???15:50
johnbook umbuntu linux by william von hagen published by wiley publishing inc15:50
ikoniakjp2: sorry, but I'd get this for you in 30 seconds if I had an ubuntu box to hand15:51
gordonjcpmikebeecham: what are nzb files, and why do they need special consideration when downloading?15:51
ikoniapegger: whats up15:51
peggerikonia: my server is messed up15:52
kjp2ikonia: any idea what to search for ?15:52
ikoniapegger: ok, do you want to expand on that15:52
ikoniakjp2: see if you can find the santised header package15:53
ikoniakjp2: libc-header, something like that15:53
peggerikonia: lsof hangs, df -k hangs,  tried to unmount the nfs mounts that hangs, no load, but liek 13 load average15:53
migmpegger: strace15:53
ikoniapegger the most common cause for that is stale NFS mounts15:54
kjp2ikonia: hmm.15:54
ikoniakjp2: sorry, its hard not having an ubuntu box to be exact with15:54
alain1hi guys.. i use gtkpod to manage my ipod.. after i add some tracks.. all music are gone in my ipod.. but if i attach it to banshee or gtkpod all files are there.. wat seems to be the problem15:55
meshuggai installed nvidia 169.04 beta drivers from the nvidia .run package15:55
meshuggaand with them, i get no screens at all15:55
ikoniameshugga we don't support those drivers15:55
peggerikonia:   yaha but I cant even unmount the nfs mou, I can seam to find strace, errrr15:55
meshuggawhen i first booted ubuntu, it had perfect support with hi res and brightness control and everything15:55
ikoniawhy do you want strace ?15:55
meshuggahow can i restore my install to that state?15:55
[newbie]hi all15:55
ikoniameshugga: re-install and stop messing around with unsupported 3rd party packages ?15:55
[newbie]I want to be an ubuntu maintainer15:56
[newbie]I have a tool to maintain15:56
=== [newbie] is now known as matteo
ikoniamatteo: what do you want to maintain15:56
simmerzI've got an odd problem with gutsy, nvidia drivers and aiglx. When I've been using it a while, the machine freezes temporarily and then comes back, on a regular basis (like every 20 seconds or so). The screen also starts flickering on and off. I'm using TwinView (dual-head)15:56
matteoikonia: an AAC+ encoder15:56
ikoniamatteo: sign up to the development group on launchpad.net15:56
matteoin debian I used to use mentors.debian.net15:57
matteoi'm signed15:57
ikoniamatteo: so what's the problem ?15:57
graelinwhat is the safest (read secure) way to give an account r/w privileges to a /dev node? Currently /dev/raw1394 is owned root:disk. Is chown user:disk appropriate?15:57
matteoikonia: i have asked the question for medibuntu15:57
matteosince it is a non free codec15:57
matteobut maybe it could go in multiverse as well15:57
mikebeechamgordonjcp : nzb files are binary files15:58
matteoask: https://answers.launchpad.net/medibuntu/+question/1929115:58
graelinor would su/sudo program name be better15:58
ikoniagraelin its already owned by root:disk, why chown it ?15:58
ikoniagraelin: either put the user in the disk group or change the udev rule15:58
matteoikonia: you say that I have to use PPA?15:59
ikoniaPPA ?15:59
kjp2gah! i've been using linux for 10 years and I've never had this much trouble compiling something15:59
alain1anybody using gtkpod.... i have a problem here need some help16:00
gordonjcpmikebeecham: so, why do you need special software to download them?16:01
alain1after adding some tracks to my ipod using gtkpod all music are gone on my ipod.. but wen i connect the pod to my pc files are there16:01
=== KennethP_ is now known as KennethP
migmi was still wondering if it was possible to read the password for a ttls-PAP network in from standard in instead of putting it into wpa_supplicant.conf password="foo"16:02
aninhumerI'd like some advice on what webcams work well with ubuntu?16:02
alain1aninhumer: i use A4tech webcams16:02
alain1it work great in ubuntu16:02
kjp2ikonia: so packages.ubuntu.org, searched leads to libdevel0-dev16:03
kjp2ikonia: which I installed, and it provides /usr/include/config/config.h16:03
aninhumeralain1, thanks, I'll check them out16:03
kjp2ikonia: what provides /usr/include/linux/config.h any ideas?16:03
mikebeechamgordonjcp : because the nzb file is a tracker file, which 'points' to the actual files you are trying to download, such a rar files (you should read up on this reallly)16:04
OmgIrclatest release still 7.10 ?16:04
ikoniakjp2: that should be libc-headers16:04
OmgIrcstill looking for april to be the next release date ?16:04
OmgIrcthank you ikonia16:04
gordonjcpmikebeecham: why should I read up on it?16:04
gordonjcpmikebeecham: it sounds somewhat related to file sharing16:05
OmgIrcanyone know why the repositories are slow today ?16:05
mikebeechambecause you're asking questions....not compeltely...you can use it for usenet usergroups as well...txt files for continued conversation16:05
deathbloomsHey guys i am haveing trouble installing envy. when i try i get an error saying"only one software managment is allowed to run16:07
kazilwhen i download and install something through apt-get does it stores somewhere on my machine the package, so i can reinstall later the same thing using that package?16:07
sguys why cant i install xchat on other pc is says couldnt find package xcht16:07
kaziland where?16:07
atlefdeathblooms: close synaptic16:07
deathbloomshow do i close it16:07
sniether compiz config16:07
erUSUL!envy | deathblooms16:08
ubotudeathblooms: envy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »16:08
migmwelp, thanks for all the help!16:08
sguys why cant i install xchat on other pc is says couldnt find package xcht16:08
migmpkg-get install rtfm16:09
pigloonick Danux16:09
=== pigloo is now known as Danux
=== Danux is now known as [Danux]
=== Python132O is now known as Python1320
deathbloomshow do i close synaptic ?16:11
kazilwhen i download and install something through apt-get does it stores somewhere on my machine the package, so i can reinstall later the same thing using that package? and where?16:11
atlefdeathblooms: you have more than one package manager open16:11
migmlook at the .conf file for apt-get16:12
erUSULkazil: /var/cache/apt/archives/16:12
Picikazil: yes, it downloads into /var/cache/apt/, but apt-get automatically queries that location first before it downloads new packages.16:12
mrtimdogkjp2: apparently the config.h file does not exist for recent kernels, not sure when this changed.16:12
deathbloomsi dont see what other manager is running16:14
deathbloomsso yea still haveing no luck16:16
wooooshis there a good/simple program (gui) that i can use to split and join tar.bz2 file ?16:16
bqmasseyanyone here use moblock?16:16
NarissaMy mouse cursor is a block of distorted color. I am using the nVidia drivers from their site and Gutsy.  THe only way I have fixed it is by turning on Software Cursor.  Is there a way to fix my problem without having to use Software Cursor?  Mouse is a Labtec USB Optical Mouse?  Preemptivly thank you for your help.16:18
mrtimdogdeathblooms: try: sudo lsof /var/lib/dpkg/lock16:18
hwapitude tells me "E: Dynamic MMap ran out of room" any ideas?16:18
simmerzI've got an odd problem with gutsy, nvidia drivers and aiglx. When I've been using it a while, the machine freezes temporarily and then comes back, on a regular basis (like every 20 seconds or so). The screen also starts flickering on and off. I'm using TwinView (dual-head)16:20
simmerzany ideas?16:21
mrtimdogkjp2: try doing a touch on the config.h file just so there's an empty file there.16:21
kjp2mrtimdog, well as it turns out, it seems linux/config.h is deprecated16:22
ikoniakjp2 is it really16:22
NarissaMy mouse cursor is a block of distorted color. I am using the nVidia drivers from their site and Gutsy.  THe only way I have fixed it is by turning on Software Cursor.  Is there a way to fix my problem without having to use Software Cursor?  Mouse is a Labtec USB Optical Mouse?  Preemptivly thank you for your help.16:24
kjp2ikonia: yeah, it means that the quickcam drivers are broken16:25
TBotNik_uAll, Having Desktop install problem PB at:  http://pastebin.ca/80560516:27
Terminushello. does /tmp still take up space in / or is it tmpfs?16:28
MarcusklaasHow big is Xubuntu to download?16:30
ron_oMarcusklaas:  usually under 700MB.16:31
ron_obut check out what you are d/l.. it will tell you.16:31
Marcusklaasah k16:31
Terminusnevermind, guess there's one way to find out. write huge file to /tmp16:31
mrtimdogTerminus: 'mount' will tell you where yours is.16:31
kjp2damn. no kernel modules compile in ubuntu against 2.6.2416:31
MarcusklaasIs Xubuntu noticeably smaller than Ubuntu?16:31
bazhang_Marcusklaas: the iso or the install16:32
MarcusklaasThe install16:32
cliebowi dont know about smaller..it Is faster..16:32
Terminusmrtimdog: yeah, but i'm not really familiar with how tmpfs works. i just want to make sure i don't run out of space in /tmp because of some absurdly large file operation.16:32
Terminusmrtimdog: and i just tested it, mount still reports an increase in usage of /. guess i'll have to reformat and make more space.16:32
MarcusklaasHow come the Ubuntu iso is under 700mb but the install is liek 4gb?16:33
vrinekhi, i just downloaded 7.10 desktop and i wanna run a hash check to see if its ok but i cant find anywhere a hash16:33
simmerzhas anyone else noticed random freezing up of keyboard and mouse in gutsy?16:33
vrinekcan someon point me to te right direction?16:33
simmerzvrinek: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes16:34
gnychisdoes anyone know where the glibc debug symbols went in the repositories?  I used to be able to install glibc-dbg16:34
MarcusklaasHow come the Ubuntu iso is under 700mb but the install is liek 4gb?16:34
bazhang_Marcusklaas: file compression16:34
MarcusklaasA factor 5?!16:35
deathbloomsmrtimdog: still no luck. same msg"pnly one software managment tool can be run at the same time"16:35
mrtimdogdeathblooms: Did the 'sudo lsof /var/lib/dpkg/lock' give a list of any processes?16:36
deathbloomsi did and it did nothing16:37
MarcusklaasAre all gnome applications compatible with the XFCE desktop?16:37
bullgard4"detlef@Amilo7600:~$ devilspie -d ~/.devilspie/kexi.ds; Devil's Pie 0.20.2 starting...; Loading /home/detlef/.devilspie/kexi.ds; 1 s-expression loaded." Why does Kexi not appear on the 4th workspace?16:37
kjp2grr. I'm really starting to dislike ubuntu16:38
mrtimdogdeathblooms: It won't fix it, it'll only list what processes hold a lock on the package database. What's listed in the leftmost column?16:38
Tupsikis learning programming languages easier in linux?16:38
ikoniaTupsik: no16:38
MarcusklaasWhy kjp2?16:38
DShepherdcan anyone suggest another audio ripper on than sound juicer?16:38
Tupsikikonia: harder?16:38
ikoniaTupsik: no16:38
Tupsikikonia: the same?16:39
ikoniaTupsik: yes16:39
deathbloomsmrtimdog: leftmost column ?16:39
kjp2Marcusklaas: I can't get any kernel modules to compile. tried quickcam driver and the gspca driver...16:39
Tupsikikonia: what about php?16:39
ikoniaTupsik: what about it ?16:39
Picikjp2: Using 2.6.24?16:39
kjp2Pici: Yes16:39
mrtimdogdeathblooms: The column on the left of the output from the 'sudo lsof /var/lib/dpkg/lock' command.16:39
Picikjp2: Perhaps because we dont use
kjp2Pici: i have to. to support my sata array16:39
Tupsikikonia: is learning and using php easier/harder/the same in linux as in windows?16:40
Picikjp2: Its not really an Ubuntu issue then.16:40
ikoniaTupsik its a cross-platform language so it doesn't matter16:40
Tupsikikonia: I am talking about tools16:40
kjp2Pici: perhaps. i'm not convinced.16:40
kaos_frackhad anyone have the modem busy problem in gutsy?16:40
ikoniaTupsik: the same again16:40
deathbloomsmrtimdog: when i put that in command it dont bring up nothing16:40
Tupsikikonia: is ubuntu faster than windows?16:41
ikoniaTupsik: no16:41
Tupsikslower? the same?16:41
ikoniaTupsik: its totally different operating system16:41
Marcusklaasespeciallly the destkop16:41
ikoniaTupsik: it depends what you do/how you do it16:41
malociteTupsik: Depends on what you're doing,it can boot way faster, but, its different16:41
ikoniaMarcusklaas: there is no need for caps, and thats not a fact16:41
malociteMarcusklaas: I have issues with the screen going gray as well :)16:41
Marcusklaaslol you can clearly tell when j00 drag a window16:41
Marcusklaasit's slow man16:42
bazhang_Tupsik: it can be loads faster, at least here16:42
ikoniaMarcusklaas: j00 ?16:42
ikoniaTupsik: its personal use / config that determains that along with hardware levels of supportability16:42
Cavallowhy I cant install php5-cli package?16:42
ikoniaCavallo: tell us the error and we'll have a look16:42
CavalloI nead something to paste16:43
ikonia !pastebin16:43
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)16:43
krimMarcusklaas: It might be your graphics card that sucks. I used to have an ATI Radeon 9800 and since ATI used to have worthless drivers (hopefully that'll change soon) the GUI felt really slow, now that I have an internal intel graphics card with free drivers everything is fast and smooth.16:43
malociteCan anyone tell me the name of a program that can function as a contact manager for ubuntu?16:44
Marcusklaasno i just mean .. when you drag a window you can see the trail of white behind it16:44
malociteLike maximizer for windows that sort of thin16:44
krimMarcusklaas: Yup, I know what you mean16:44
Nilbusmalocite, try evolution16:44
PiciCavallo: What version of Ubuntu are you running?16:44
bruenigmalocite, http://www.pimlico-project.org/contacts.html16:44
ikoniaCavallo wow, that looks like a package is broke, but I'm using it so it can't be16:44
malocitebruenig: thank you. I'll check it out16:44
krimMarcusklaas: Is it really slow when you select a big area on the desktop too?16:45
DragHi there where can i get more repositories for Synaptic please ???16:45
Marcusklaasyea krim16:45
ikoniaDrag: look at 3rd party ones, just be aware they won't be supported in here16:45
kaos_frackhey ppl, i installed gutsy and i get no dialtone error in kppp and wvdial16:45
Marcusklaasim trying xubuntu .. hoping that's fasta16:45
krimMarcusklaas: Yeah, I used to have the same thing16:45
malocitebruenig: Not quite powerful enough, but looks good though thanks16:45
Marcusklaaskrim i have all the drivers16:45
Marcusklaasi run openarena 200 FPS+16:45
krimMarcusklaas: I had the all the drivers too, but what good is that when they suck?16:46
Marcusklaasdo they?16:46
bazhang_Marcusklaas: probably wont have that much of a difference if your computer is that slow in ubuntu--fluxbuntu might be a better choice16:46
DragThanks ikoma16:46
krimMarcusklaas: Mine did, don't know about yours16:46
kaos_frackhey ppl, i installed gutsy and i get no dialtone error in kppp and wvdial16:46
Cavallo_ sorry16:46
Cavallo_Pici: did you get my last msg ?16:47
Marcusklaasbazhang: isn't fluxbuntu ugly as hell?16:47
=== Cavallo_ is now known as Cavallo
PiciCavallo_: No, I didn't16:47
ikoniaMarcusklaas: what video card do you have please.16:47
Marcusklaas7600GT nvidia16:47
ikoniaMarcusklaas which drivers for xorg did you use ?16:47
CavalloPici: in sources.list I have changet from feisty to gutsy and maked a dist-upgarde so I asume that its gutsy ? :)16:47
TupsikI browse, watch video, listen to audio, view images, chat, read documents, record cd/dvd, use p2p, POP3 e-mail, dictionaries, ICQ, Yahoo!, MSN. I also want to start programming (first php, then C++). I have a lot of Windows eXPerience.16:47
Tupsikso, is Ubuntu for me?16:47
Marcusklaaslemme check ikonia16:48
ikoniaTupsik: thats up to you, try it16:48
n2j3argh, major prob, just got me new pc (specs @ http://http://jottit.com/vgs33/ ), livecd works fine, the minute i install and try to reboot , it fails , something to do with the JMICRON pata controllers? any help appreciated16:48
bazhang_Marcusklaas: and its slow? I have a lesser nvidia card the 7300 and it smokes16:48
NilbusTupsik, yes, this is probably the best one for that16:48
ikonian2j3: some motherboards with jmicron will require kernel options16:48
kjp2Ok, here's another question. i've installed ubuntu on a tablet pc, but nothing shows up on the screen? i hear the sound .... so X is launching... just don't see anything16:48
NilbusTupsik, mostly because it's not such a hassle to get codecs for the video and such you'll be watching online16:48
Marcusklaasbazhang: no dude it aint slow but just with the dragging you can see the ghosting behind it .. its just not as smooth as windows16:48
ikonian2j3: search launchpad.net and you'll find examples16:49
jameswfanyone play with jeOS16:49
n2j3argh, you're killing me ikonia . does that mean compiling kernels and what not?16:49
malocitehow do you increase the time before your windows go gray?16:49
* n2j3 is a noob16:49
ikonian2j3: no, that means passing a 1 line option in your boot.lst16:49
n2j3i tried irqpoll and irq=nopoll16:49
TupsikNilbus: but I already have everything configured in windows already16:49
n2j3same results16:49
ikonian2j3: why did you try them ?16:49
Marcusklaasjameswf: SUP DUDE16:49
Marcusklaasjameswf: yea i wanna try that16:49
ikoniaTupsik: then stick with windows if you happy16:49
PiciCavallo: Can you pastebin your sources.list please?16:50
Marcusklaasjameswf: but then i read that it has no desktop16:50
n2j3cause they usually work16:50
ikonia!offtopic >16:50
ikonia!offtopic >jameswf16:50
ikonia!offtopic >Marcusklaas16:50
msm-arubanewbie question: who can help me with a graphics card driver issue?16:50
Tupsikikonia: so, do u say there is absolutely NO advantage of linux?16:50
Marcusklaaswtf? this is ubuntu related!16:50
ikonian2j3 right, so they are just random options. Read the bugs and find the right options16:50
Profanephobiamsm-aruba, what card16:50
avisi have a python zoneedit.com script to run to update my dynamic ips address with zoneedit.com dns management service for web hosting and i need to run a cron job for the python script but i dont know how or what frequency16:50
ikoniaTupsik: no, you said you where happy.16:50
ikonia!language >Marcusklaas16:50
msm-arubaif have an inspiron 5100 dell16:51
Marcusklaas!SHUTIT > ikonia16:51
Nilbusmsm-aruba, no one knows if they can help until you say what the issue is.16:51
CavalloPici: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46848/16:51
ProfanephobiaMarcusklaas, please refrain from using wtf, lol, etc..16:51
ikonia!abuse >Marcusklaas16:51
n2j3where should i read them ikonia ? launchpad.net ?16:51
Tupsikikonia: there is no limit to perfection. may I get even happier? are there any advantages?16:51
joseph_how do i mount a .mds file in ubuntu?16:51
ikonian2j3: spot on, search the bugs16:51
ikoniaTupsik: thats a personal choice, as I said, try it and see16:51
msm-arubaim new to ubuntu, found out i need open source drivers16:51
Tupsikikonia: say what YOU see16:51
n2j3i Results 1 - 10 of about 357 from launchpad.net for jmicron.16:52
CavalloPici: ahhhhh I have forget to change to gutsy on two lines16:52
n2j3ikonia: Results 1 - 10 of about 357 from launchpad.net for jmicron.16:52
ikoniaTupsik: I've used linux for years16:52
PiciCavallo: You have mixed gutsy and feisty stuff in there.16:52
n2j3argh, you promised it wouldn't take long16:52
Profanephobiamsm-aruba, by default the open source drivers are already installed16:52
ikonian2j3: skim read16:52
n2j3ikonia: how? i'm not programmed to do tha16:52
msm-arubahowever when in the  "screen and graphics" menu i cant choose them16:52
PiciCavallo: FYI, changing the sources.list file isnt the suggested way to upgrade.16:52
ikonian2j3: I'm not here to read for you16:52
krimTupsik: I think apt is a great advantage, it's a great way to install programs and keep your system up to date16:52
CavalloPici: yeah :/ I have just seen :(16:52
n2j3ikonia: you kiddin16:52
CavalloPici: any other suggestion how to upgrade ?16:53
ikonian2j3: there is plenty of info in those bugs, its up to you if you want to read them or not16:53
Tupsikikonia: I have wasted a lot of time with windows. Does all that knowledge become useless after transferring to Ubuntu?16:53
bruenigTupsik, generally16:53
PiciCavallo: Use either the update-manager, or if on a server, sudo do-release-upgrade16:53
ikoniaTupsik %99 of it will as it is a totally different way of working16:53
msm-arubainstead only ati -ATI mach8, mach32, ,ach 64 and rage16:53
bullgard4"detlef@Amilo7600:~$ devilspie -d ~/.devilspie/kexi.ds; Devil's Pie 0.20.2 starting...; Loading /home/detlef/.devilspie/kexi.ds; 1 s-expression loaded." Why does Kexi not appear on the 4th workspace?16:53
ikoniabullgard4: did you tell it to ?16:54
Nilbusavis, look into ddclient16:54
Tupsikok, then. I am happy with windows :)16:54
bullgard4ikonia: Yes, I think so.16:54
ikoniaTupsik: ok16:54
CavalloPici: ok, thanks. I will remember this for the next time16:54
Profanephobiamsm-aruba, what exactly are you wanting to do16:54
CavalloPici: and thanks for your support16:54
=== test_ is now known as ffff
LjLtest_: /join #test16:54
Cego2can anybody help me?16:54
Nilbusavis, ddclient.wiki.sourceforge.net16:54
Cego2i tried to install aiglx16:54
pteague_workhow do i get gnome to start certain apps when i log in?16:55
ProfanephobiaCego2, and whats happening16:55
Pici!session | pteague_work16:55
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about session - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi16:55
msm-arubacant enable desktop visual effects, cant get an external screen to work (to watch my movies)16:55
n2j3Toumaz: piss off16:55
Narissaanyone know how I can get my mouse cursor to not be a block of distorted colors.  Graphics card is nVidia 7300 GT. Using Ubuntu Gutsy.16:55
n2j3i have to skimread 24352332 launchpad.net articles16:55
Pici!startup | Profanephobia16:55
ubotuProfanephobia: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot16:55
Cego2so i edited the xorg.conf file but gnome isnt loaded16:55
LjLn2j3: excuse me?16:55
PiciProfanephobia: arg, not you.16:55
crdlbCego2: AIGLX isn't something you need to install16:56
Picipteague_work: please see ubotu's message above about setting stuff to startup.16:56
n2j3LjL: excused16:56
Cego2it gets stuck at booting in the terminal16:56
Cego2ofcourse i do, i'm using a ppc machine with radeon and i need aixgl to have accelerated desktop16:56
msm-arubafound out that the drivers to use are in http://ppa.launchpad.net/tormodvolden/ubuntu/pool/main/x/xserver-xorg-video-ati/?C=N;O=D16:56
Guillem_when I use evolution-exchange connector, and I send big emails, it takes very long time to send the message. Further, the network traffic is much higher than the message, about two or three times in the outgoing direction and about one time in the incoming direction....16:56
krimWhat would be the best way to handle partitioning of two harddrives during installation? I did manual partitioning and made /, /home and swap on one disk and the other is just mounted at /media/sdb1. Would it be possible to add the second harddrive to /home ? Maybe under /home/Videos ? Perhaps LVM does something like that?16:56
bqmasseycan anyone help me with moblock?16:56
pteague_workPici, thanks :)16:56
msm-arubahowever have no idea what to download16:56
MarcusklaasIs there any virtual desktop server for ubuntu other than the one that comes with Ubuntu by default?16:56
crdlbCego2: there's nothing to install, AIGLX is just part of Xorg16:57
msm-arubanor how to install em16:57
ikoniaMarcusklaas: could you expand on virtual desktop server, do you mean the ability to have multiple desktops ?16:57
Cego2i edited my xorg.conf based on that howto but it doesnt work16:57
Marcusklaasikonia: oh no i meant remote desktop server16:57
crdlbCego2: what model radeon?16:58
ikoniaMarcusklaas: its probably best to use the ones that are built into the desktop product your using16:58
crdlbCego2: you shouldn't have changed anything, it's set up properly out of the box16:58
Marcusklaasikonia: i know .. im doing that know .. but way too little configurability16:58
ikoniaMarcusklaas: they are as configurable as windowd RDP clients16:58
Cego2but there was no aiglx entry in xorg16:58
ikoniaMarcusklaas: I assume your connecting to a windows machine16:58
Marcusklaasikonia: no dude i mean the remote desktop server16:59
Marcusklaasnot the client16:59
micro_czhoj tak sem doma16:59
ikoniaMarcusklaas: ooh so clients can connect to yoi16:59
Pici!cz | micro_cz :)16:59
ubotumicro_cz :): České uživatele žádáme, aby mluvili v kanále #ubuntu anglicky. Česky je možno se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Děkujeme.16:59
Marcusklaasikonia: exactly16:59
n2j3anyone with ubuntu succesfully running in an ABIT ip35 Pro mobo?16:59
ikoniaMarcusklaas: you can look at any that are used over XDMCP16:59
crdlbCego2: it's enabled by default16:59
ikoniaMarcusklaas: that way it is desktop independant16:59
Cego2but my desktop is pretty slow!16:59
Marcusklaasikonia: what's XDMCP?16:59
Cego2its really slow17:00
crdlbthen there's something else wrong17:00
crdlbnot your xorg.conf17:00
Cego2and my cpu is a G4 with 1GHz17:00
Marcusklaasikonia: isn't remote desktop always desktop independant?17:00
ProfanephobiaCego2, what card do you have17:00
ikoniaMarcusklaas: have a quick google, but its basiclly the way X11 advertises its self for remote login (a very basic summary)17:00
ikoniaMarcusklaas: not always no17:00
Narissaso anyone about my distorted cursor problem?17:00
crdlbCego2: so did you get compiz to run?17:00
ProfanephobiaCego2, are you running gutsy?17:01
Cego2ididnt try it, but even the visual effects are slowing down my system17:01
Marcusklaasthe X server is a remote desktop server as well, ikonia?17:01
joseph_anyone know the linux equivalent of daemon tools?17:01
ikoniaMarcusklaas: it can be used as one, yes17:01
LjL!mountiso > joseph_    (joseph_, see the private message from Ubotu)17:01
crdlbCego2: that *is* the visual effects ...17:01
Marcusklaasikonia: is it configurable?17:01
Picijoseph_: also gisomount17:01
ProfanephobiaCego2, it would have been wise to use the built-in restricted drivers manager17:01
Narissa!mountiso > Narissa17:01
ikoniaxdmcp is pretty versitile, just remember it works over X11 so not great for internet connections17:01
crdlbProfanephobia: not with a 920017:01
crdlband not on PPC17:01
kasansweatAny recommendations on where to begin if I want to start interacting with bash scripts via a GUI? Mostly for real simple things, searching text files, basically.17:01
Cego2i have to turn off the visual effects in the screen settings17:01
Profanephobiacrdlb, oh didnt know he was on PPC .. didnt see it17:02
n2j3LjL: i've known toumaz since he was 12... that was uneeded17:02
Marcusklaasikonia: what does it mean that it works over X11?17:02
crdlbProfanephobia: fglrx doesn't support the 920017:02
sivanandaAnyone know what package(s) I need to install to get the videodvd kio slave working in Gutsy?17:02
n2j3*unecessary even17:02
ikoniaMarcusklaas it uses the X11 protocol17:02
LjLno, n2j3, using that sort of language in this channel was unneeded17:02
LjL!language > n2j3    (n2j3, see the private message from Ubotu)17:02
MarcusklaasIkonia i thought j00 sed it was desktop independant?17:02
ikoniaMarcusklaas: j00 ?17:03
n2j3oh "piss off" is not family friendly. my bad17:03
ikoniaMarcusklaas: it is desktop independant17:03
Cego2i cant even pull a rectangle with the mouse17:03
Narissaunless I use Option SWCursor true in my xorg my mouse cursor is distorted, is there a way to fix this.  Gutsy, nVidia 7300GT17:03
ikoniaMarcusklaas: what do you mean by j00 ? you've said that twice to me ?17:03
Marcusklaasoh sorry17:03
Marcusklaasit's just "you"17:03
Guillem_Marcusklaas, xdmcp: very very good at local networks.17:03
MarcusklaasWhat's so good about xdmcp?17:03
Guillem_Marcusklaas, vnc-like: good at slow internetl links17:03
MarcusklaasIt uses a lot of bandwith?17:03
LjLn2j3: i don't think it is. also, considering toumaz didn't say anything at all in the channel AFAICS, you should have brought it to PM to begin with, not here.17:03
ikoniaMarcusklaas: nothing specific17:03
Profanephobiacrdlb, ive heard it working before sry17:03
msm-arubasorry, had to look: inspiron 5100 rv200 is what i seem to  need, when checking the hardware properties (in ubuntu) it tells me its an ati radeon mobility m717:03
Cego2so what can i do?17:04
crdlbProfanephobia: not since 8.28.817:04
ar3aci have nautilus freezes17:04
ar3acsomeone can help ?17:04
crdlbfglrx now only supports 9500 and up17:04
Cego2i'm gonna install ubuntu from sratch, thats for sure, but i wanna use a hardware accelerated desktop17:04
Guillem_Marcusklaas, it uses bandwith, but because wants to behave as close as possible as if you were not doing remote...17:04
Fawzibquestion: I installed sun-java6-jdk, jre, and bin but java -version gives me an error opening jar file rt.jar, am I missing another package?17:05
Guillem_Marcusklaas, so if you have a good network, you don't realize (almost) that you are running remotely17:05
Cego2crdlb: there is no ppc driver of fglrx17:05
Parsi how can i add ubuntu DVD to software source?17:05
ikoniaFawzib: does rt.jar exist17:05
crdlbCego2: I know17:05
ikoniaFawzib: is it in your class path ?17:05
MarcusklaasThanks Guillem_17:05
Marcusklaasis it ez to set up or?17:05
crdlbCego2: I was saying that it wouldn't support your card even on x8617:05
ikoniaMarcusklaas: try to speak in english, it makes the converation easier to follow17:05
ikoniaMarcusklaas: it's straight forward to set up17:06
Cego2oh ok17:06
eseshow to get direct rendering on a SiS Real 256e Graphics card? help any one?17:06
ikoniaeses: I'm not sure dri is supported on all sis cards17:07
ikoniaeses: have you checked if its supported, driver support has been up and down for sis17:07
Fawzibit says it can't open it, maybe it's a permission problem because it's giving me the correct path /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/lib/rt.jar17:07
ikoniaFawzib: I asked if it was in your class path ?17:07
attickidI've been putting all things right since I installed ubuntu I wonder if there's a way I can just "save in a dvd" this ubuntu I've set up just in case I got to reboot..17:07
ikoniaFawzib: try unjaring it manually17:07
Sou1When i copy music from Rythembox to my ipod the music adds to the list on my ipod; however, when i try to play it, it is like it is not there17:07
attickidsorry format17:08
Parsiguys! i wanna install softwares from DVD, but i can't add it to software source:(17:08
FawzibI don't jave a classpath set17:08
bazhang_attickid: you want to clone your system?17:08
ikoniaParsi: there is a line in your sources.list that should be commented out that contains the line for a cdrom repo17:08
jayprowhat was the plugin that enables you to view video on mozilla using vlc instead of the default movie player?17:08
Fawzibbut I don't think it's needed17:08
attickidbazhang_: yeah something like that..just in case I got to format I dont have to go through the pain of installing all those stuffs again..downloading...and so on17:09
eseshow to get hardware acceleration on a SiS Real 256e Graphics card? help any one?17:09
Parsiikonia: it added cd rom, but not dvd rom17:09
vrinekanother question: i just installed ubuntu 7.10 and i am wondering how well is the ipod supported...17:09
=== maxiounett is now known as maxiounet
Fawzibit's looking for the file in the right location, just can open it17:09
erUSULeses: afaik it is not possible to get 3d accel with SiS17:10
coxdoes anyone here use the torrent client 'transmission'?17:10
eses hardware acceleration on a SiS in windows xp works well17:10
jayprohow do i change the default video player so that i can view video from my webbrowser17:11
erUSULcox: i used it sometimes...17:11
Marcusklaasjaypro that's easy17:11
Marcusklaasjaypro want me to explain?17:11
coxerUSUL: i wanna know if there are any command sfor it as in status etc17:11
jayproMarcusklaas i asked this question before, and someone told me it was just some pluggin....17:11
simmerzhas anyone else noticed random freezing up of keyboard and mouse in gutsy?17:12
kane77how can I mirror a website? (download the whole web page)17:12
eseswhat do I need to play dvds17:12
Runithadkane77 there is a tool for thaat17:12
Pici!dvd | eses17:12
ubotueses: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs17:12
Marcusklaasjaypro: right click on the video file, select proporties, go to the open with tab, and then select the default program to open it with17:12
Sou1when i copy music from rythembox to my ipod it sees the song but doesn't play17:12
jayproMarcusklaas so i installed it, then it worked.. but now im on a different pc and i couldnt remember the plugin17:12
jayproMarcusklaas nahh that doesnt work17:12
Runithadkane77: it's GPL, search it on freshmeat17:12
MasterShrekkane77, rsynce i think17:12
kane77Runithad, I know you can do it with wget, but I can't find the exact parameters...17:12
erUSULcox: i didn't understan your question... commands? is a GUI app17:12
jayproMarcusklaas if you reread my question... it says "in my webbrowser"17:12
Galdar\Linuxhey... I try to enable Custom under Appearance Prefernces but when i tries it says "Desktop effects could not  be enabled" what could I do to fix this?17:13
Parsiit cannot add dvd to software source!17:13
RunithadKane77: WinHTTrack  , i used this to download a clients site from a pain in the ass hoster17:13
Runithadit's a windows tool, run it in wine17:13
erUSULGaldar\Linux: do you have compiz compatible 3d accel on your card?17:13
coxerUSUL: yeh, sorry it is a gui app but i was wondering if there were any way to view status etc via commands17:13
martinwHow do I share a internet connection made with gnome-ppp? Over a LAN between Kubuntu and Ubuntu.17:13
erUSULcox: no, that i know of17:14
Galdar\LinuxerUSUL, what do you mean?17:14
coxerUSUL: no probs cheers anyway17:14
erUSULmartinw: firestarter can configure shared conections afaik17:14
ash_ hi could someone help please, for some reason flash doesn't work in gutsy firefox. i've installed throught gnash but the bar pops down again and asks to install then it says it's installed.17:14
erUSULGaldar\Linux: compiz needs thae apropiate drivers instaled17:14
erUSUL!compiz | Galdar\Linux17:14
ubotuGaldar\Linux: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion17:15
martinwerUSUL, do you know a good link, or should I just poke around and try to make it work,17:15
ubotuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).17:15
erUSULGaldar\Linux: what graphic card do you have?17:15
bazhang_attickid: there is a thread on that here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=42912417:15
martinwerUSUL: Thanks.17:16
ash_ hi could someone help please, for some reason flash doesn't work in gutsy firefox. i've installed through gnash but the bar pops down again and asks to install then it says it's installed.17:16
wolsash_: gnash is not flash17:16
MarcusklaasAre Ubuntu/ Edubuntu/ Xubuntu/ Kubuntu/ Fluxbuntu developed separately.17:16
Galdar\LinuxerUSUL, ati radeon 920017:16
erUSULash_: gnash is a little alpha still better use the flashplugin-nonfree17:16
erUSULGaldar\Linux: with that card it should work out of the box... with the radeon driver17:17
moofaceheadCan someone tell me or point me in the direction of some content that tells why Debian is better (in the areas that it is) compared to other Linux Distros? Why is ubuntu better than others?17:17
erUSUL!best | moofacehead17:17
ubotumoofacehead: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.17:17
MarcusklaasAre Ubuntu/ Edubuntu/ Xubuntu/ Kubuntu/ Fluxbuntu developed separately?17:17
attickidbazhang_: thanks :)17:17
bazhang_moofacehead: the community17:18
bazhang_attickid: no worries :}17:18
=== tyczek is now known as Tyczek
Galdar\LinuxerUSUL, by following the link ubotu send me?17:18
ash_hmm erUSUL sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree? it was working when I installed it with gnash earlier but I uninstalled flashplugin-nonfree because there is a flash update and thought it would update, i will try through apt-get.17:18
Tyczekhi all17:18
moofaceheadOk, thanks17:18
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erUSULGaldar\Linux: yes check the wiki page...17:18
MarcusklaasAre Ubuntu/ Edubuntu/ Xubuntu/ Kubuntu/ Fluxbuntu developed separately? Or is the core developed as one?17:18
bazhang_Marcusklaas: fluxbuntu is17:18
Alyxanderhey guys missing aclocal what do i do?17:19
TyczekI've problem compiling ndiswrapper 1.5... can you look at it ? http://wklej.org/id/a6521a683117:19
szkudoff topic, but does anyone know if there's life inthe iPod Linux project still?17:19
mafsicox: i use rtorrent :D17:19
coxmafsi: is it light weight, has a gui and can have commands17:20
ash_This is what I got when I tryed to install through terminal "sudo apt-get install flashplayer-nonfree" Download done.17:20
ash_md5sum mismatch install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz17:20
ash_The Flash plugin is NOT installed.17:20
ash_hmmm :(17:20
DG19075I've got the following video card: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 65x/M650/740 PCI/AGP VGA Display Adapter. Can I get it to work with compiz at all?17:20
mafsicox: rtorrent has no GUI but runs excellent in terminal17:20
coxi shall give it a go17:20
ash_and flash isn't working in firefox still17:21
Marcusklaasash_ it's easy as piss to install flash in firefox17:21
bazhang_ash_: 64 bit system?17:21
ash_nope 32bit yes i know Marcusklass but it won't work :s17:22
chippehhello, anyone know if theres pdf to speech  for evince, or another program?17:22
xargonhey, i was wondering if someone could help me, when i run the 'disk usage analyzer' it shows 4.6 gigs free, but when i open nautilus it only shows 3.6 gigs free, anyone know why?17:22
ash_through gnash or apt-get now..17:22
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erUSULDG19075: that's what i could find... http://www.winischhofer.eu/linuxsisvga.shtml i do not know if compiz works with this drivers though17:23
rojo^xargon: what do you see when you go to a terminal and type df -h?  What's that say your free space on your / partition is?17:24
LuispnotAlguém meche com servidor de arquivos ?17:24
esesI have installed k9copy and the dvd is still now playing, it say cannot read from the source17:24
xargonrojo^, 3.8G free when i do that17:24
bazhang_Luispnot: this is an English channel :}17:24
DG19075erUSUL: ty I'll bookmark the page and look through it!17:25
ash_I'll try sudo apt-get remove --purge flashplugin-nonfree then try again17:25
erUSUL!pt | Luispnot17:25
ubotuLuispnot: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.17:25
LuispnotOk, thanks17:25
ash_still Download done.17:26
ash_md5sum mismatch install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz17:26
ash_The Flash plugin is NOT installed. Anyone know what is causing this and how to install it in firefox... :s17:26
eseshow to get ubuntu play dvd?17:26
finalbetaHow long should tracker keep indexing? that thing keeps eating resources.17:26
bruenigash_, get it directly from macromedia, they might have updated their flash plugin tarball which causes the ubuntu package (which is just basically an install script) to fail17:26
mafsieses: just insert DVD17:26
ubun00bi have a problem with subtitles in the VLC media player... they look fine when not in fullscreen mode, but as soon as i go to fullscreen they get way too big17:26
bazhang_eses: need to get a package from medibuntu.org17:27
ubun00bwhat causes this?17:27
Alyxanderok it now says missing macro AM_ENABLE_SHARED17:27
Picieses: Have you followed the isntructions from ubotu? regarding using the medibuntu repos or the decss script?17:27
ubun00band more importantly, how can i fix it?17:27
ash_ahh ok thanks bruenig ill try that :)17:27
Piciubun00b: Its a bug with VLC, not with Ubuntu.17:27
xargonis there a way change how much space the swap is using?17:27
alesanhi, I cannot install the flash plugin anymore. it seems they updated the package17:27
alesanand the md5 doens't match anymore17:27
stephanijwhat is a good subsitution for peer guardian217:27
Piciubun00b: I ended up using either mplayer or xine the last time I wanted to watch something with subtitles.17:27
Andropovhi people. My ~/Desktop folder has disappeared, and files at my ~ folder are in my desktop. In the gcong-editor the flag to use the desktop as home is false. What can I do?17:28
ash_and yeah latest is "Version: 9,0,115,0" so it's new17:28
marcioapfalesan: (bruenig) get it directly from macromedia, they might have updated their flash plugin tarball which causes the ubuntu package (which is just basically an install script) to fail17:28
ubun00bPici: ok, i usually use mplayer too, but i couldn't get it to work with my external monitor17:28
erUSULAndropov: mkdir ~/Desktop  ??17:28
ubun00bPici: at least not in fullscreen mode17:28
ash_you and me both alesan!17:29
marcioapfsake: /join #Ubuntu-pl17:29
coxwould anyone know how to get a machine to hibernate a certain time and wake up at a certain time every days?17:29
alesanI will try to install it manually hoping that, the 32 bit plugin wrapper will work17:29
AndropoverUSUL: Hmm.. sounds very simple to be true, hehe... I'll try anyway17:29
trex_hi there guys! i am a newbie17:30
erUSUL!hi | trex_17:30
ubotutrex_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!17:30
matteobash: lol: command not found17:30
matteostupid shell17:30
xargondoes anyone know how to change the size of the swap?17:30
trex_i have a difficulty with wine.. i installed it here in my pc with 7.04 feisty for 64bit..however, i don't see it in the applications section. what do i need to do?17:31
mafsixargon: gparted maybe?17:31
marcioapfcox: can i anyway set ubuntu to turn off the computer at a certain time?17:31
erUSULxargon: resize de partition holding it or add a new swap partition or a swap file17:31
marcioapfcox: ops, sorry, it wasn't to you17:31
marcioapfcan i anyway set ubuntu to turn off the computer at a certain time?17:31
trex_but in the home folder when i chose to show my hidden and backup files.. i have seen four folders of wine.. is this normal?17:31
ICQnumberhowto mount *.cue or *.iso file?17:31
xargonerUSUL, how would i resize the partition?17:31
erUSULtrex_: Alt + F2 and run wincfg17:31
erUSUL!gparted | xargon17:32
ubotuxargon: GParted is is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php17:32
trex_alright i would do that17:32
coxmarcioapf: i think we are talking about a similar thing, the turning off at a certain time is the most important part to me17:32
erUSULtrex_: it should be only one called .wine17:32
mafsiICQnumber: install Gmount ISO17:32
erUSUL!wine ! trex_17:32
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wine ! trex_ - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:32
erUSUL!wine | trex_17:32
ubotutrex_: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.17:32
stephanijdoes anyone now of a good ip blocker17:32
ash_bruenig~ thanks for the help!17:33
bruenigash_, k17:33
mafsi!Gmount-iso | ICQnumber17:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about gmount-iso - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:33
ICQnumbermafsi: i wanted to mount it in xterm window17:33
trex_erUSUL: there are four folders witn .wine-rHF163,.wineoqtbyx etc..17:33
marcioapfcox: yes.. anyway, i don't think you can set up the computer to turn on at a certain time17:33
bruenig!iso | ICQnumber17:33
ubotuICQnumber: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.17:33
magnetron!firewall > stephanij17:33
coxmarcioapf: you could with a schedule17:33
ICQnumberthabk you17:33
ICQnumberthank you*17:34
erUSULtrex_: well, i do not know where thay come from...17:34
trex_ok i would search on that.. but having several folders of wine isnt normal right? should i delete the other three folders?17:34
ubotuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions17:34
Maniac[ssh]anyone know how to remove the login locks from a bad shutdown?17:34
Maniac[ssh]I ran shutdown -r now and it didn't run properly17:34
Maniac[ssh]and a i cannot login now17:34
bullgard4"detlef@Amilo7600:~$ devilspie -d ~/.devilspie/kexi.ds; Devil's Pie 0.20.2 starting...; Loading /home/detlef/.devilspie/kexi.ds; 1 s-expression loaded." Why does Kexi not appear on the 4th workspace?17:35
ubun00bPici: tried installing xine, but when i go to fullscreen mode the picture lags a bit17:36
ubun00bthe same thing happens in totem movie player17:37
ubun00bbut not in vlc17:37
Guillem_marcioapf, I guess you need "cron"17:37
Guillem_marcioapf, google cron crontab17:37
marcioapfGuillem_: thx i will try that =)17:37
lgcHi. What's the proper heading instead of <iostream> or <iostream.h>? It seems they're obsolete already...17:38
Guillem_marcioapf, the command "at" may be interesting as well17:38
FantacyI wanna got certified By REDHAT, i mean, i wanna get RHCE certification ,what do u guys think about rhce?17:38
Guillem_marcioapf, cron is to setup tasks at certain days/ hours/ weeks/ or simmilar17:38
Guillem_marcioapf, at is to set a task trigger at certain time17:38
bazhang_Fantacy: this is #ubuntu, you know?17:38
Guillem_marcioapf, cron requires modifying cronttab system file17:39
poehi! anyone got advice for a blank orange screen on log in to xubuntu for a new-B17:39
marcioapfGuillem_: so they have basically the same purpose17:39
Sou1Is it possible to use rythembox to sync ipods or do i need to use gtkpod?17:39
Guillem_marcioapf, "at" is a "launch and forget"17:39
stephanijthanks magnetron17:39
marcioapfGuillem_: oh, i'll try that =D17:39
mafsiSou1: i use Banshee17:39
ron_othis isn't a ubuntu question, but i'd surely like help with ddrescue (not dd_rescue)17:39
Guillem_marcioapf, it will do the task but you need to call "at" every time you need it by hand17:39
mafsiSou1: i found no problems using it17:39
magnetronstephanij: you're welcome stephanij17:39
ron_oI don't get if I should copy from a dev or a mounted directory.17:40
Guillem_marcioapf, cron is used to do backups and simmilar things17:40
poegot a ubuntu question17:40
Guillem_poe, wrong channel :P17:41
Fantacyi have a question - there are so many users and so much chating on main. how to follow up my chat easily?17:41
poeok, thanks guillem17:41
Guillem_Fantacy, pray the answers contain your name17:41
poewhere do I go?17:41
Guillem_poe, here!17:41
ron_opoe. to hadies?17:41
bullgard4Fantacy: Use highlighting.17:41
Guillem_poe, this is the ubuntu channel: do ask!17:41
xargonFantacy, most irc clients highlight messages with your name17:41
poeha! been there already17:41
mafsiGuillem_: can this be put on cron? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem/TAR#head-aa6894a4a1f42fcfe29e8e9abcedafe4d57baaf017:42
poeoh, OK, I get the blank ubuntu orange screen when I log in17:42
gordonjcpFantacy: gratuitous hilight17:42
poejust wondering if I can restore my user settings17:42
poethis is a new install17:42
poejust wanted some help cause I can't find any by googling17:43
alsadk10is ubuntu easy to instal17:43
mafsipoe: just mount your user partition17:43
poei can get to the terminal17:43
Sou1no answer?17:43
poebut log in is totally blank screen17:43
ted0816I am having a problem in Ubuntu 7.10 where when I use Deluge Bittorrent Client after some time my computer will complteley freeze up, any ideas?17:44
geniihit enter17:44
mafsisoulrider_: i gave your answer17:44
Guillem_mafsi, I guess so: in cronttab you specify scripts/executables and the date/time they execute...17:44
mafsisoulrider_: sorry it wasn't 4 you :)17:44
mafsiGuillem_: the script is my problem :) i'm new to linux17:44
stefanoif one would know the password for an account on my server, would he be able to decrypt ssh packages?17:44
ted0816 I am having a problem in Ubuntu 7.10 where when I use Deluge Bittorrent Client after some time my computer will complteley freeze up, any ideas?17:45
poemafsi: my user partition?17:45
mafsiSou1: i gave you the answer17:45
Guillem_mafsi, you can create simple scripts by adding the command lines in a text file, and begin the text file with "#!/bin/sh"  line and making the textfile executable (setting the permission at Natilus, for instance)17:46
ted0816does anyone use Deluge on Ubuntu that can help me?17:46
mafsipoe: i assumed that you have a separate /home partition17:46
Guillem_mafsi, be careful with the scripts, nevertheless17:46
Guillem_mafsi, cron runs in high privileges I guess17:46
dissidentplease anyone i want to use ubuntu but i can't get my us robotics usr5422 usb wireless stick online ????17:46
mafsiGuillem_: hmmm, so simple?17:46
dissidentcan someone help me please17:46
Guillem_mafsi, You can complicate it further, of course17:46
poeI wiped my drive and installed xubuntu yesterday17:46
poei didn't partition17:46
ted0816 I am having a problem in Ubuntu 7.10 where when I use Deluge Bittorrent Client after some time my computer will complteley freeze up, any ideas?17:46
bruenigit is not a good idea to use #!/bin/sh as a shebang17:46
Guillem_mafsi, but very simple scripts are that easy17:46
marcioapfcox: are you here?17:46
A[D]minSi have a problem with webcam17:46
A[D]minSwhen i plug it for first time it works fine17:47
stefanoikonia, you there?17:47
bazhang_ted0816: deluge is still early in the development cycle--best to try something different like transmission, rtorrent, ktorrent or other17:47
Terminusbruenig: why not?17:47
dissidenthelp wanted with usr5422 wireless usb PLEASE17:47
Guillem_poe, does the Live CD work just OK?17:47
A[D]minSonce i disconnect it then reconnect it don't work. and i should reboot to make it work .. so i believe i should remount something .. is that true ?17:47
poeyeah, it works OK17:47
travis_has anyone been able to get ATI radeon cards to work with compiz?17:48
poethe Ubuntu Desktop didn't work very well but Xubuntu worked fine17:48
Guillem_mafsi, you can begin with a script with the following command "echo "hello world" "17:48
stefanotravis_, they should work normally17:48
ted0816bazhang: does ktorrent work with gnome?17:48
dissidentus robotics usr5422 help wanted, can't get on internet with it17:48
bazhang_ted0816: sure17:48
mafsiGuillem_: aham, the Hello world i know but i thought is more complicated17:48
bruenigTerminus, because /bin/sh is different across distros and especially for ubuntu it is linked to /bin/dash which is a limited shell that doesn't support a lot of bash syntax17:48
ted0816bazhang: also i tried installing rtorrent and it doesn't show up anywhere in my system17:49
ted0816do i have to do something17:49
bazhang_ted0816: rtorrent is cli only17:49
A[D]minShow i can unmount all usb devices which connected to computer?17:49
bruenigTerminus, #!/bin/bash is a better one or whatever the shell actually is, don't link to some dangling symlink that can change over distros17:49
Guillem_mafsi, no, really. Then you have loops, pipes, and lots of stuff that allow very complicated things.17:49
ted0816whats cli?17:49
Picited0816: command line interface17:49
bazhang_ted0816: command line interface17:49
Guillem_mafsi, but simply batching some commands is really straight forward17:49
ted0816oh, and ktorrent is gui?17:49
Picited0816: i.e, its a terminal program, its not going to show up in a gnome menu.17:49
Picited0816: yes.17:49
* Guillem_ has to go.17:50
ted0816k kool thx, ill try out ktorrent17:50
Terminusbruenig: just thought #!/bin/sh should be ok since i haven't seen one that's not bourne compatible.17:50
dissidentusr5422 help wanted17:50
dissidentcan't get online with it17:50
bruenigTerminus, the one that ubuntu links too is not bourne compatible17:50
DrPepperdoes anyboey know how to prevent Evolution to add my own email address when I forward an email I received?17:50
bruenigTerminus, so that is one17:50
Picidissident: You need to ask your questions with more details, are you getting errors? Symptoms? etc.17:50
Terminusbruenig: oh... didn't notice it links to dash.17:51
mafsiGuillem_: i'm still looking for a good backup of my system17:51
dissidentcan't get my driver installed17:52
* logos is testing out irc commands... yay17:52
n33dhelpI have a driver.17:52
dissidentPici i cannot install the driver17:52
ubotuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning17:52
n33dhelpHe's black.17:52
n33dhelpHis name is Lewis.17:52
Picin33dhelp: Excuse me?17:52
ubotuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate17:52
n33dhelpHe drives me where ever i want to go.17:52
dissidenta linux or a pc driver17:52
bazhang_n33dhelp: stop it please17:52
Picin33dhelp: This is a support channel.17:53
n33dhelpPardon me.17:53
n33dhelpFor talking.17:53
n33dhelpReal sorry.17:53
dissidentn33dhelp can you help me17:53
dissidentdo you have a pc (ndiswrapper) or linux driver n33dhelp17:54
Picidissident: He has neither, and is not being constructive.17:54
dissidentPici can you help please17:54
ronnie__when your using firestarter how do you specify a network? do you do a .0 or .255 perhaps a /24 or what?17:54
Picidissident: Is that a wireless card that you are refering to?17:54
dissidentPici , no a wirelss usb stick17:55
Pici!etiquette > n33dhelp (Please see the private messsage from ubotu)17:55
dissidentus robotics usr542217:55
wolsdissident: and what chipset?17:55
dissidentusb hex obaf:011817:55
* n33dhelp slaps Pici around a bit with a large trout17:56
mafsin33dhelp: lol17:56
ronnie__n33dhelp: I need help too with my firewall though17:56
dissidentprism54 i believe17:57
dissidenthe Pici a prism54 I think17:57
rmsneed some help trying to get my title bar on my windows to appear17:58
rmsI installed emerald17:58
nomojobCan someone here help me with removing grub and fixing my windows bootloader?  Thanks.17:58
jugheadrms are you usuing beryl-manager?17:58
bazhang_!grub | nomojob17:58
ubotunomojob: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto17:58
rmsyou want me to go to compiz channel17:59
bazhang_rms: what happens when you disable compiz?17:59
rmshavent tried that17:59
tintintingI recently purchased an expensive network router for the small business firm where I am the head of the IT department.17:59
tintinting   Unfortunately, I have no clue how to set it up, much less a basic understanding of networking principles. First of all,17:59
tintinting   could someone explain to me what exactly a socket is and second, where can I find this alleged "ether"-net I hear so much17:59
tintinting   about? Will that solve my problems?"17:59
dissidentis driverloader something like ndiswrqpper17:59
jugheadrms there should be some way to select which window manager you want to use17:59
BigXI am having trouble with sound in 7.10.  I have an audigy 1 and I'm using Xubuntu.  The device seems to be recognized but no sounds.18:00
Nilbusanyone have a SIP phone that can call me?  I'd like to test ekiga18:00
esesdvd is working! yes! thank you!18:00
rmsok..I will look that up on google and see if I can find anything on window mangare18:00
yeljoin server hackerthreads.irc18:00
Picidissident: something bad just came up here at work, I really don't have the fine to help you here, sorry.  Try asking the channel again.18:01
rmsbecause holding down the alt key and button 1 is a pain in the arse18:01
alsadk10i have a q]18:01
=== Thecks_ is now known as Thecks
bazhang_rms: you try disabling compiz yet? that's the first step..18:03
Joh2How do I change my dm-crypt password?18:03
alsadk10i have redhae enterprise 5 server & i found that i cant use gui while instal becuse of my ram is it possible to cant use gui after instalition complete18:04
zstarsWhere is jail-config located?18:04
erUSUL!offtopic | alsadk1018:04
ubotualsadk10: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!18:04
Picialsadk10: this is the Ubuntu support channel, not RedHat.18:05
alsadk10thx is there a chanal for redhat?18:05
Picialsadk10: #rhel18:05
ronnie__alsadk10: ubuntu can use server or alternate cd to install with low amounts of memory therefor shouldn't have the same problem18:06
ronnie__Pici, erUSUL: he was asking about low memory install :P18:06
Picironnie__: of Red Hat....18:07
ronnie__alsadk10: I find its best just to rip the hard drive out and install on different computer then reconfigure stuff when I plug it back in18:07
MONODAhelp my computer keeps restarting randomly18:07
ronnie__Pici: if some distros don't work, most people might try another and installation is a key thing18:07
jifMONODA: #hardware18:08
gvsa123how come the firestarter icon won't appear on the system tray with sudo firestarter --start-hidden in the start up applications?18:08
ronnie__MONODA: sounds like a power issue, can you still use livecd to check for logs?18:08
MONODAbtw how do i pm someone18:08
NilbusMONODA, /msg username message18:08
Picironnie__: I understand that, but he came into an Ubuntu support channel asking about his RHEL install not working.18:08
narothepharohwhat are some good role playing games18:09
dissidentcan someone help me with a prism54 usb wireless adapter please18:09
dissidentit's a usr5422 usb18:09
proprietarysucksanyone know what line I would add to a preseed file to make ubuntu either: not check security.ubuntu.com, or: not ask to continue when it can't reach the site?18:09
dissidentusb stick18:09
gidnaWhen I use tuxguitar I can't listen the audio of the other software..18:10
narothepharohwhat are some good role playing games18:10
bazhang_narothepharoh: linux native or other?18:10
gidnacan you help me?18:11
Alyxanderok im lost maybe you guys can help me im trying to install e17 with the easy_e17 script and get18:11
Alyxander./configure: line 22669: syntax error near unexpected token `libpng12,'18:11
MONODAi forgot my password how can i retrieve it??18:12
MONODAi havent rebooted in a long time18:12
NilbusMONODA, what password18:12
cliebowboot in single user mode and change it?18:13
narothepharohbazhang linux18:13
MONODAmy account password for ubuntu18:13
linenoiseIs there a way to run 2 instances of firefox where one instance is a local copy displaying on the local x, and the other is a remote firefox displaying a seperate window (and saving it's downloads to the remote host) on the local x?18:13
linenoiseWhen I have a remote firefox forwarded to my x and I run firefox from a local shell, it opens another remote firefox instance.18:13
bazhang_!games | narothepharoh18:13
ubotunarothepharoh: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php18:13
axis there a file in ubuntu/debian that lists the installed packages [i'm using an install cd but i want to clone my old packages]18:14
qe2eqeCan anyone say 'qe2'... my firewall might be giving irc issues18:14
Piciqe2eqe: test18:14
bazhang_ax: try dpkg -l18:15
narothepharohubotu: any reccomendations?18:15
narothepharohthere are so many to choose from18:15
bazhang_narothepharoh: he's a bot18:15
Pici!clone | ax18:15
ubotuax: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate18:15
bhagman88hey can anybody help me with the GUI?18:15
narothepharohbazhang you?18:15
bhagman88I installed Wine18:15
linenoisethe answer to my question was "firefox -A"18:15
axbazhang_: but, i'm not booted into that instance of ubuntu, i'm using a boot cd..18:16
bazhang_narothepharoh: want to join #ubuntu-offtopic?18:16
bhagman88and installed Steam and CS:Source18:16
axmy other install got hosed18:16
bhagman88and I rrebooted my computer18:16
narothepharohsure how?18:16
bhagman88but thenmy theme gort screwed up18:16
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:16
bhagman88and looks all like Windows 98-esq18:16
MONODAis there anyway that i can retrive my password on my computer?18:16
bazhang_narothepharoh: type /join #channel-name18:16
axMONODA: no18:16
axMONODA: you can make a new one though18:17
=== Lunar_Lamp_ is now known as Lunar_Lamp
woweeehey guys, adobe udpated their flash package again it wont install again.  i copied the libflashplayer.so to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins but firefox doesn't see the plugin18:17
woweeethoughts on fixing this?18:17
narothepharohbazhang I am in offtopic18:17
axso, no one knows how to get the package list of an ubuntu install that i'm not booted into, but that i have mounted?18:17
bazhang_ax: you want to back it up, or just the list?18:18
bazhang_narothepharoh: don't see you there18:18
woweeenm got it18:19
axbazhang_: i just want the list so that when i install my new install i can install those same packages18:19
dorcarinjobs #ubuntu18:19
axi guess i should use chroot?18:19
narothepharohbazhang i just joined the link you put up for ubuntu-offtopic18:19
bazhang_ax: iirc its chown18:19
axnope, chroot18:20
bazhang_ah right18:20
axchroot /path/to/my/old/install18:20
axdpkg -l18:20
bazhang_narothepharoh: it should be #ubuntu-offtopic18:20
tyczekhmm... I installed Atheros AR5007EG with that http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=512828&highlight=toshiba+satellite . I can see networks. I have turned off encryption, but I can't connect ;/18:20
bazhang_ax: you should be answering questions not asking them :}18:21
bthorntonI've got several networked computers running Gutsy and would like to know if there is a way to "distribute" updates so that each machine doesn't have to download its own (identical) copies of updated packages?18:21
axbazhang_: :)18:21
taliseinbthornton: there is a way. let me see if I can find the howto18:23
poeanyone know how to rebuild gnome without reinstallling?18:23
Ademanhey how do you set what programs handle what for firefox? like if you click on a video file18:23
Ademanpoe: what do you mean by rebuild?18:24
bazhang_poe: you mean compile gnome?18:25
poei mean that I changed some setting when I first logged into xubuntu and now I log in to a blank screen18:25
Ademanwhat sort of setting? i mean, xubuntu doesn't use GNOME it uses xfce18:25
bthorntontalisein: thanks18:26
poeobviously I'm new to ubuntu18:26
poeeverything I know is from google searches and I'm not getting anywhere18:26
poeok so how do I get xfce back to its defaults?18:26
bazhang_poe what specific settings?18:26
=== Joh2 is now known as Sam1337
taliseinbthornton: http://www.howtoforge.com/local_debian_ubuntu_mirror18:26
bthorntontalisein: awesome, thanks!18:27
poeI changed some obscure setting, but afterwards all my icons disappeared and my control bars and then when I rebooted I get the yellow screen after log in18:27
poei don't know which - something to do with dsiplay or graphics18:27
taliseinbthornton: hrm, reading some more that creates a mirror of the entire repository, you probably don't want that18:28
bthorntontalisein: yeah18:28
bthorntonbut perhaps there is a way to tweak/adapt it?18:28
Ademanpoe: it would really help to know what setting changed, but there's probably a way to clear your user settings18:29
Ademanunfortunately i don't know xfce to tell you what that might be, i could tell you how to clear ALL of your settings, but that may not be... desired lol18:29
kelsinbthornton: one way would be to nfs up the /var/cache/apt/archives dir18:29
Picibthornton: You probably want to look into apt-cacher18:29
kelsinbthornton: so they they all download and then isntall the debs from the same folder, so only one would have to download18:29
taliseinbthornton: also check out http://apt-proxy.sourceforge.net/18:30
kelsinbthornton: that would also make it so that only one machine could be running apt at a time also, so auto updates and other things like that would have to be fiddled with maybe18:30
DShepherdcan anyone rip with sound-juicer on gutsy when your not root (no sudo privileges)?18:31
kelsinbthornton: apt-cacher sounds easier lol18:31
AdemanDShepherd: i've done it fine as my user on feisty, haven't done it on gutsy though18:31
bthorntonyeah I'll have to look into these...18:31
Picibthornton: they're all in the repos iirc.18:31
zstarsDoes anyone know which is the "nogroup" equivalent in Ubuntu?18:32
zstarsor the "nobody" group equivalent?18:32
DShepherdAdeman, yeah, feisty worked fine for me also (as far as I can tell), not sure what is up with gutsy though18:32
DShepherdAdeman, i have a user on my system that is not a sudo user and he can't rip with sound-juicer. weird18:32
AdemanDShepherd: well, this may be related, my dvd drive had a ton of trouble on the liveCD, like stuff just refused to work a large part of the time18:32
taliseinDShepherd: he may need to be added to the cdrom group18:32
DShepherdtalisein, he is in the cdrom group.18:33
kelsinDShepherd: it might be his groups, make sure you and him are in the same group (obviously without admin)18:33
kelsinDShepherd: same groups*18:33
DShepherdkelsin, checked that also18:33
taliseinwhat is the error message?18:33
Ademanthat's pretty wierd18:33
DShepherdtalisein, give me a sec18:33
AdemanDShepherd: have you tried running sound-juicer from the terminal? some apps output there as well, might have some useful info, anywho i gotta run18:34
DShepherdAdeman, yeah i have (he left)18:34
DShepherdi dont get anything on the command line. not sure if i am passing the right arguments though18:35
poeademan - that would be desired as I have no settings yet18:35
ubotuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging18:35
lousygaruasmurf: hello18:36
=== xp_gone is now known as xp_prg
Administratorcan I put gutsy gibbon on a dvd and boot from that dvd?18:37
yuaoki_I'm running Vm fusion and my install gets stuck on configuring apt18:37
DShepherdtalisein, I get an error saying 'Sound Juicer cound not extract this CD. Reason: Access denied'.18:37
yuaoki_Is there something I'm doing wrong?18:37
rojo^Administrator: the gutsy installer is already a live cd.18:37
AdministratorI'm new to linux18:37
Administratorso I don't know what that means18:37
bazhang_yuaoki_: on OS X?18:38
rojo^Administrator: it has a web browser, chat program, etc.18:38
yuaoki_bazhang- yes18:38
PiciAdministrator: Do you just have the ISO?18:38
bazhang_yuaoki_: probably a good idea to check the vmware.com forums18:38
bazhang_n33dhelp: please stop18:39
PiciAdministrator: I dont know if burning the CD sized iso to a DVD will work, but there is a DVD image if you have the bandwidth.18:39
taliseinDShepherd: hmm. On my gutsy install it appears that /dev/scd0 is in the cdrom group, but /dev/cdrom is root:root and points to cdroom18:39
bazhang_Administrator: if you are out of cd blanks then yes a dvd blank will work in a pinch18:40
AdministratorI'll just wait to burn it tomorrow and use a cd18:40
taliseinDShepherd: it may be that it can't follow the symbolic link? try to sudo chown root:cdrom /dev/cdrom18:40
Profanephobiatonyyarusso, what's the best flavor of ubun2 if my buddy does a lot of sound editing?18:40
Alyxanderubuntu studio18:40
DShepherdkelsin,  my groups: "adm dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev scanner lpadmin admin",  other user "adm dialout fax cdrom floppy tape audio dip plugdev scanner"18:40
DShepherdtalisein, ok i try that18:41
AlyxanderProfanephobia, http://ubuntustudio.org/18:41
rojo^Administrator: you can burn the cd iso onto a dvd.  I've done it successfully before.18:42
rojo^it's bootable and everything.18:42
Administratorwell I have to do that anyways18:42
shishioanyone have an idea where to download cenega on ubuntu?18:42
Picishishio: Cedega?18:42
skyfalcon866whats the difference bewteen ubuntu dapper 6.06 and dapper 6.06.118:42
shishioPici: yes18:43
bazhang_Profanephobia: haha18:43
shishioPici: cedega18:43
Picishishio: If so, thats a commercial non-free ($$) program and you will need to go to them to cedega to purchase it.18:43
Profanephobiabazhang_, :D18:43
aladinsaneanybody know how i can get 3D to work properly with my Ati radeon 7200 card, there are no linux driversa for this specific card so i use the standard Radeon one shipped with ubuntu. But when i try to do anything 3D-ish the graphic card goes berserk with lines and colors all over the screen and i have to re-boot to get back to normal. Help please18:43
shishioPici: ow, im having a problem with my windows... my internet seems slow.. up to 50kbps while im using broadband18:44
mavi-you can get cedega cvs-version from source18:44
mavi-its free18:44
mavi-its only the build that costs18:44
shishioPici: while im using ubuntu it boost up18:44
Picishishio: If you're having trouble with your Windows install, the ##windows is the place to ask, not here :)18:44
=== etotheipi is now known as _etotheip
DShepherdtalisein, how do i change the permissions? chown doesnt seem to do anything18:45
taliseinDShepherd: hmm. and it works when you run it as your own user?18:45
DShepherdtalisein, yeah, and any other user that has sudo rights18:45
strabescan someone tell me what the specific function of the "PCM" volume control is?18:46
bullgard4"detlef@Amilo7600:~$ devilspie -d ~/.devilspie/kexi.ds; Devil's Pie 0.20.2 starting...; Loading /home/detlef/.devilspie/kexi.ds; 1 s-expression loaded." Why does Kexi not appear on the 4th workspace?18:46
matttisHi, has anyone an idea why my system time changed on its own (to the correct one) ?18:47
Picibullgard4: Maybe your kexi.ds file doesnt work properly.18:47
cruoxHow can I stop my port 3000? I was trying to start the ruby on rails server, and it warned me that port 3000 is already in use. I portscanned it, and it says that it's indeed in use, although - and here comes the weird part - by an "unknown" program. I just hope Ubuntu's not becoming the next Windows Xp.18:47
taliseinDShepherd: you could change the permission with chmod, but you'd have to do that every reboot. there must be something else. Can he run cdparanoia from the console?18:47
DShepherdtalisein, the permissions on the sym link all have write, read and execute permissions.18:47
DShepherdtalisein, i dont know18:47
DShepherdtalisein, let me try18:47
bullgard4matttis: Ubuntu is looking for time server signals per default.18:48
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=== SirProfEck2 is now known as RickJames
zstarsHow can you give "root rights" to the file browser?18:48
DShepherdtalisein, its in his path, i've never used the program before. so you can give me a quick hint, or wait awhile till i figure it out18:48
taliseinDShepherd: yeah its a hard to use program, i'm trying to figure it out again right now18:49
taliseintry cdparanoia -sB18:49
Picizstars: you can run `gksudo nautilus`, but be careful.18:49
mailavjhelp regarding samba, i want to access my friends machine in  windows network using smbclient, but i get the message connection time out, how can  i resolve this18:50
DShepherdtalisein, what does that do/18:50
deadlockHow can i chmod al the files in a directory all the way thru all subfolders18:50
taliseinDShepherd: tries to rip the cd18:50
DShepherdtalisein, ok18:50
taliseinDShepherd: -s searches for a cdrom drive, -B saves each track to a seperate .wav file18:50
Picideadlock: chmod -R   - be careful though, you can't undo this.18:50
shishioguys, is there a way that i can run windows games on ubuntu?18:51
techqbertshishio: WINE or cedega18:51
DShepherdtalisein, yeah, it seems to be working18:51
taliseinshishio: some games will run in WINE, which is free. More will run in the proprietary and costs-you-money cedega18:51
deadlockPici: No problem, I only wanna do some of my shared samba folders. :-) so i woudl do like 'chmod -6 655 *'?18:51
shishiotechqbert: on wine how can i install it on my ubuntu18:52
taliseinDShepherd: weird. that means its not a permissions problem or anything18:52
Picideadlock: chmod -R XXX *    -where XXX is the mask18:52
Lafitte-Looking for method to upgrade from 386 to 686.  tried sudo apt-get install linux-686 with no luck18:52
DShepherdtalisein, sound-juicer then?18:52
taliseinDShepherd: did you look at which cdrom he has selected in the sound-juicer preferences?18:52
techqbertshishio: I'll tell you the best kept secret on the net.... google :)18:53
strabescan someone tell me what the specific function of the "PCM" volume control is?18:53
SoteriouLoucasanyone from greece?18:53
Picitechqbert: Telling people to google things isnt an answer in here.18:53
Pici!gr | SoteriouLoucas18:53
ubotuSoteriouLoucas: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes18:53
bazhang_shishio: check the winehq database of games supported18:53
shishiotechqbert: google. im a newbie i find those very confusing18:53
DShepherdtalisein, no18:54
techqbertshishio: I know the feeling18:54
shishiobazhang_ winehq?  i dont know if my ubuntu has wine18:54
Lafitte-any help with getting 686 version of ubuntu?18:54
DShepherdtalisein, but if it reads it, shouldnt the cdrom selected be right?18:54
shishiotechqbert: ~~,18:54
Okarcan someone help me with a sound problem. it's very simple, but i'm new to ubuntu. the problem is that the wrong soundcard is selected as the soundoutput how can I change this?18:54
jhancockin ubuntu where does the python exacutable live18:54
bowenhi can someone tell me how to enable CUPS web interface for browser for other than localhost18:54
jhancockthe path?18:54
taliseinshishio: getting windows games to run on ubuntu is almost never a trivial task, so if you want to do it you need to get in the spirit of learning ;)18:54
techqbertPici: i'll keep that in mind18:54
DShepherdtalisein, on top of that, its only one cdrom18:54
PiciLafitte-: What kernel are you using right now?18:54
Picijhancock: /usr/bin/python18:55
bazhang_http://appdb.winehq.org/ shishio18:55
taliseinDShepherd: oh, sound-juicer can read the tracks? then yeah, it has the right now18:55
jhancockPici: THANKS CHEERS18:55
taliseinerr, the right one18:55
Lafitte-Pici, 2.6.22-14-generic18:55
bazhang_shishio: you can install wine through the software repositories in ubuntu18:55
DShepherdtalisein, figured. but it still doesn't work. does it work for you with a normal user?18:55
DShepherdtalisein, on gutsy that is ..18:55
kazilguys i need help. i messed up something during AMP instalation18:55
taliseinhmm, let me find a cd18:56
eshatwhere do sources get installed, if i type apt-get source ???18:56
PiciLafitte-: Generic is compatible with -686, theres no need to get a specific kernel.18:56
deadlockPici: I get permission denied...:-(18:56
LjLeshat: current directory18:56
kazilhttp://joeabiraad.com/linuxunix/installing-lamp-on-ubuntu-710-linuxapachemysqlphp/100 i did all as here18:56
deadlockduh nvm18:56
deadlockim a idiot18:56
Lafitte-Pici, i was trying to use vmware and  got a warning it was 386   and would not instal18:56
shishiobazhang_: repositories? how will i do that?18:56
DShepherdtalisein, if so, then there maybe something in his home directory that is messing things up..18:56
kaziland some php files it wants to download, not to execute18:56
kazili just can`t find the error18:57
gianluca   .--.18:57
gianluca   |o_o |18:57
gianluca   |:_/ |18:57
gianluca  //    \\18:57
gianluca (|     | )18:57
bazhang_shishio: do you know how to add software in ubuntu?18:57
Lafitte-Pici,  that was trying to install a package fromt apt18:57
Okarhow can I select the soundcard the should be used for my soundout put, can anybody tell me?18:57
bazhang_gainluca stop it18:57
bullgard4Pici: kexi.ds looks as follows: "(if(is (application_name) "kexi") (set_workspace 4))" At least the syntax is correct.18:57
taliseinDShepherd: yeah, it works for me18:57
taliseinDShepherd: but my installation is hardly virgin. ;)18:57
DShepherdtalisein, interesting18:57
Pici!pt | Devil_Inside18:57
ubotuDevil_Inside: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.18:57
DShepherdtalisein, haha...18:57
DShepherdtalisein, ok18:58
shishiobazhang_, T_T dont know that one... can u teach me how?18:58
mailavjne samba experts here18:58
Picideadlock: use sudo to prefix the command.18:58
taliseinDShepherd: when you said other uses who can use sudo can run sound-juicer, did you mean by running "sudo sound-juicer"?18:58
bazhang_shishio: would you be averse to doing a bit of reading first?18:58
DShepherdtalisein, no18:58
DShepherdi mean they have the ability to do sudo stuff18:59
DShepherdtalisein, but not run sound-juicer as sudo18:59
shishiobazhang_, ill do that, GOOGLE POWER!! heheh18:59
taliseinDShepherd: ok. And as you're testing on his user account, there are no other users logged in?18:59
bazhang_!synaptic | shishio18:59
ubotushishio: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto18:59
DShepherdtalisein, why would that be a problem?18:59
platiusshishio, http://cutlersoftware.com/ubuntuinstall/19:00
taliseinDShepherd: if 2 users are running sound-juicer at the same time, it might block access to one of the users while the other one is using it19:00
bazhang_shishio: that would be a good place to start--reading up on synaptic with the link given19:00
asnHello, anyone who can help me with two tiny C questions?19:01
MasterShrek!ask | asn19:01
ubotuasn: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)19:01
taliseinasn: probably better to ask in ##c19:01
DShepherdtalisein, ok, its just reading the disc... i doubt that will be true.. plus this is linux ! isnt it built for multi-user stuff19:01
DShepherdtalisein, anyways, there's no user on the machine but him right now19:01
Lafitte-Pici,  when you say compatible do you mean it takes advantage of the hardware the same ?19:01
PiciLafitte-: Yes.19:01
Pici!generic | Lafitte-19:01
ubotuLafitte-: Background to the decision to replace -686, k7 and -smp kernels with -generic can be found here https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-August/019983.html (the -386 kernel is still available if needed)19:01
DShepherdtalisein, i am sshed in.. but I am not using sound-juicer19:02
Giftmatcherspeaking of synaptic I have a package question - I need sunbird .7 or later for the google calendar to work - but the latest in the repositories is .5.  I could build from source but then I have an application that I can't remove and have to hand make an icon for.  Is it possible to build to a .deb so I can cleanly remove and upgrade later?19:02
MasterShrek!checkinstall | Giftmatcher19:02
ubotuGiftmatcher: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!19:02
kazili messed up something during the apache and stuff installation19:02
MasterShrekkazil, apt-get purge then reinstall apache and "stuff"19:02
MasterShrekkazil, apt-get purge <program>   actually19:03
taliseinDShepherd: sshing in shouldn't be a problem. I think I'm stumped on this one. You might want to post a bug to launchpad saying that the user can run cdparanoia but sound-juicer complains about access denied.19:03
kazilMasterShrek thank you19:03
Giftmatcherby interrupt do you mean run any programs or just don't do something like a shutdown?19:03
DShepherdtalisein, yeah, i just want to make sure its not a me problem. you said a normal user ran sound-juicer fine your machine?19:03
kelsinGiftmatcher: sunbird .7 is in the repos for hardy, might also be good to backport it, which is a really easy process as well, if the by-hand source doesn't work, the hardy package probably has some nice ubuntu-changed19:03
DShepherdtalisein, though your machine has been thru a lot :-)19:04
taliseinDShepherd: oh, acutally I didn't test with a non-sudo capable user. hold on19:04
MasterShrekGiftmatcher, like shutdown19:04
DShepherdtalisein, ok.19:04
Lafitte-Pici, ok  i see that... how do i get around the 686 requirement to install from apt ?19:04
Giftmatcherokay.  I'm off to it then.  Thank you all for your assistance19:04
DShepherdtalisein, going to check if a normal user can use sound-juicer on my laptop. brb19:05
shishioguys, how can i make my local windows NTFS drives accesable in ubuntu?19:06
MasterShrek!ntfs-3g | shishio19:06
ubotushishio: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions19:06
MasterShreksomething funny?19:07
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kane77MasterShrek, obviously ntfs is funnier than we think :)19:08
dorcarinI have one client from a server which I have to give permits to enable them var a menoria usb but is not what is the thing I have to give him permission.19:08
shishioguys, how can i make my local windows NTFS drives accesable in ubuntu? the only problem is im using 5.10 ubuntu19:08
bqmasseywhats the best torrent client for ubuntu?19:08
matttisbullgard4: how often does ubuntu look for time server signals ?19:08
kane77shishio, and why don't you upgrade... or in your case rather reinstall?19:08
euxneksbqmassey: I've used azureus and deluge19:08
euxneksI generally just use deluge though19:09
kelsinshishio: I would upgrade, 5.10 is pretty old19:09
MasterShrek2+ yrs19:09
kane77bqmassey, I prefer ktorrent...19:09
euxneksisn't 5.10 like, dapper?19:09
bqmasseyis utorrent with wine a bad idea?19:09
MasterShrekbqmassey, ktorrent here as well19:09
kane77euxneks, no, 6.06 was dapper19:09
shishiokane77: im trying to upgrade but somethimes update seems to crash my ubuntu... i cant get one of those request CD's19:09
rojo^shishio: if you can't find a deb for ntfs-3g, go download the ntfs-3g source and compile19:09
MasterShrekeuxneks, edgy i think19:09
bullgard4matttis: I forgot. Let me check.19:09
Lafitte-there used to be a web site that offered a bunch of how too's. Is there such a page still ?19:09
kelsinbqmassey: lots of people use wine + utorrent, should be fine19:09
DShepherdtalisein, any luck?19:10
kane77euxneks, MasterShrek, 5.10 was breezy badger afaik...19:10
bqmasseyi just want the most efficient, most sharing-friendly client19:10
MasterShrekah kane77 you are correct19:10
shaanHey is there any way I can manipulate the theme of the toolbar/system bar?19:10
dissidentcan someone help me please getting my wireless network working, i have a prism54 based chipset us robotics usr 5422 usb stick19:10
shaanIt changed when i reset my computer19:10
shishiorojo^: deb for ntfs-3g>? lol how19:10
dissidenthow to get this working please19:10
kane77MasterShrek, that was my first ubuntu version ;)19:10
shishiorojo^: im a newbie19:10
MasterShrekkane77, i was 4.10, my first linux version actually19:11
dorcarinI have one client from a server which I have to give permits to enable them var a menoria usb but is not what is the thing I have to give him permission.19:11
taliseinDShepherd: it works with a "Desktop user" but not an "Unpriveledged User" as created by GNOME's Users and Groups admin console19:11
dissidentndiswrapper doesn't work for me , or someone who has a prism 54 driver maybe19:11
kelsinshishio: if you're that new then I would definitely advise to upgrade, 5.10 is not supported anymore and won't get updates, most things won't work the way they do currently and finding help will be hard19:11
MasterShrekdorcarin, i dont understand what your question sis19:11
dissidentdoes anyone have a prism54 driver please ???19:11
dissidentfor wireless network19:11
kane77dissident, have you checked the wifi compatibility guide?19:11
kane77MasterShrek, that was warty?19:12
arcangel_Outhi all19:12
shishiokelsin: what will ido to use ubuntu again? breezy is old but it still works19:12
rojo^shishio: http://www.ntfs-3g.org/index.html#installation19:12
dissidentyes on prism 54 websit they say it should work19:12
MasterShrekthe first ubuntu release19:12
MasterShrekdissident, but they dont say how to use it?19:12
dissidentkane77 prism54 website says it should work, but the driver they give has .arm extension19:13
dissidentthat is complicated man19:13
bqmasseykane77, MasterShrek: you guys have used Ktorrent on GNOME?19:13
dissidentmaybe someone here has a prism 54  driver19:13
MasterShrekbqmassey, yeap, it runs just fine, and kde program will run in gnome, and vice versa as long as it has the required libraries19:13
shaanhi can someody help me with my toolbar user interface issue?19:13
kane77bqmassey, yes.. I find it slightly better than deluge... deluge sometimes showed incorrect stats...19:14
kelsinbqmassey: and if you install them from apt you will have the required libraries19:14
pMy gdesklets isn't working. When I call it by a terminal, it prints: connecting to server... and never start. What can I do?19:14
shishioT_T, breezy badger sucks19:14
taliseinshaan: Maybe19:14
dissidentanyone here who has usr5422 usb stick wireless19:14
bqmasseysweet, thanks guys19:14
shaanI reset my computer19:14
DShepherdtalisein, it works with the Desktop User too on my laptop.19:14
DShepherdtalisein, hmm, i guess this problem lies with me then. Just wished i knew how to solve it :-)19:14
DShepherdtalisein, isnt linux fun!19:14
shaantalsein after installing wine19:14
bqmasseykane77, kelsin, MasterShrek:   apt-get install ktorrent  ??19:14
shaantalsein: and steam, as wella s cs source19:14
taliseinDShepherd: heh, yeah, its always a learning experiance19:14
MasterShrekDShepherd, isnt sound-juicer a gui app? and arent you using ssh?19:14
kelsinbqmassey: probably with sudo at the front, but yes19:14
kane77bqmassey, yep, although I prefer aptitude over apt-get19:15
euxneksshishio: the current version is 7.1019:15
shaantalsein: as well as adding a tahoma font, when it booted abck up the tool bar and "application" toolbar became grey19:15
d00zer_hello all19:15
shaantalsein: like windows 95/98/2000/me greyish19:15
d00zer_anyone here running zoneminder ?19:15
shishioeuxneks: i know the current ver. is gutsy, the problem is I CANT GET ONE OF THOSE19:15
bqmasseythanks MasterShrek, kane77, kelsin19:15
taliseinshaan: does it still work?19:15
MasterShrekshaan, im not using gnome, but if you right click the panel isnt there an option to change its appearance? maybe in properties or something?19:15
euxneksshishio: why is that?19:15
DShepherdtalisein, it works on my laptop with a normal user too19:16
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DShepherdtalisein, let me google and see I can learn something new19:16
taliseinDShepherd: ok19:16
shishioeuxneks: ive tried requesting ut it still wont work... its almost a month now and im still worshiping breezy here19:16
DShepherdtalisein, thanks for the effort though. I appreciate it19:16
taliseinDShepherd: np19:16
taliseinDShepherd: wish I could have solved it ;)19:16
shaanoo thanks!19:17
DShepherdtalisein, if any bright ideas come to mind, just let me have it!19:17
shaanI'll e back19:17
MasterShrekshishio, why not download an iso and burn it?19:17
DShepherdtalisein, i wish you could too19:17
kelsinshishio: the problem is that 5.10 is compeltely unsupported which causes two problems 1) none of us are using it so we don't know how to easily mount ntfs in breezy and 2) I know I don't want to do the research to doing it cause I havn't used breezy since dapper came out19:17
MasterShrek!enter | shaan19:17
kelsinshishio: can you not download the cd? to slow of a connection?19:17
shishiokelsi: yeah... too slow19:17
ubotushaan: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:17
shaanI have one more question, when I open up counterstrike it shuts down and I can't open it. Sorrya bout the multiple lines! Bad habit!19:17
shishiokelsi: yeah... its broadband but still takes me days19:17
dorcarinWhat is the group that I need to add to a client to a server that can work with a usb memory.19:17
kelsinshishio: well days < the month you've waited for the free shipit cds19:18
MasterShrekshishio, tried torrent for it?19:18
euxneksshishio: have you got a ubuntu users group in your area?19:18
euxneksor even linux users group?19:18
euxneksthey might be able to help out too19:18
kelsinshishio: or check out your local library, they will often help you download big files too19:18
MasterShrekdorcarin, i thought it worked out of the box, but try disk and plugdev19:18
shishioMasterShrek: i think im the only one who is using ubuntu on the city... im in the philippines... most of the people are microsft19:18
bullgard4matttis: I cannot find it in an Ubuntu documentation. Ubuntu has implemented the requirements as specified in RFC 1305 (and its predecessors 1059 and 1119). (RFC - Request for comment).19:19
RunithadI wish I had a linux users group in my area19:19
shishioeuxneks: im the onlyone in the area uses ubuntuT_T19:19
shishiokelsin: lol, iwish libraries here are that kind19:20
MasterShrekshishio, have you tried using torrent to download the iso? it may be faster than downloading it from one centralized location19:20
* MasterShrek should really be seeding that...19:20
kelsinshishio: any friends with faster broadband? Even if not the download will eventually be done19:20
Picishishio: check out #ubuntu-ph19:20
shishioMasterShrek: hmmm... iso? i dont know how to use an ISO file... thats the problem of beiing newbie19:21
DrUnKnMuNkYhi everyone. i have no sound using skype on ubuntu 7.10. it worked find using kubuntu but i can't seem to get it working under gnome. any ideas?19:21
euxneksshishio: do you have a cd burner?19:21
shishioPici: lolx19:21
shishioeuxneks: yes19:21
MasterShrekshishio, an iso is a cd image that gets burned to a cd19:21
shishioPici: #ubuntu-ph, nobodys home Zzz...19:21
shishioPici: #ubuntu-ph, nobodys active there19:22
bplsudo apt-get build-dep karm -> E: Build-dependencies for karm could not be satisfied.19:22
shishioMasterShrek: any links where i can download this stuff?19:22
bplanybody know how I can get a list of what's missing?19:23
shishioMasterShrek: i hope breezy badger can burn ISO19:23
MasterShrekshishio, it can19:23
Picishishio: better than the channel not existing at all.19:23
MasterShrekshishio, ill get you a link, do you have a torrent program?19:23
dorcarinUsers with plugdev You can see it mounted but you are not allowed to work with usb memory.19:24
shishioMasterShrek: i dont know19:24
zstarsPeople, why might I be getting Permission Denied errors, even when the file has read rights?19:24
kelsinzstars: what are you trying to do?19:24
MasterShrekshishio, i think it came with one by default, if not ill help you install it19:24
shishioPici: im alone in my countryT_T19:24
MasterShrekshishio, http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.10/ubuntu-7.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent19:24
MasterShrekshishio, save that file to your desktop19:25
zstarsRun some program, I think it chroot's a certain folder, and I have a "lock" file within that folder which it tries to read to, from (I think) user nobody, at usergroup nogroup19:25
shishioMasterShrek: how many hours u think it will take?19:25
zstarsBut for some reason, it can't read the "lock" file, it fails with a Permission Denied error19:25
MasterShrekshishio, i have no idea19:25
MasterShrekshishio, but its generally faster than downloading an iso the normal way19:26
kelsinzstars: make sure the users has executable permission on the directory19:26
kelsinzstars: in case that's it, after that I would check with the authors of the software19:26
shishioMasterShrek: the .iso.torrent is now on my desktop... what will i do next?19:26
MasterShrekshishio, if you click on it does it have a program associated with it?19:27
shishioMasterShrek: yes, it starting to download19:27
mw-homehi -- got a basic question about device drivers.  I just bought a USB wireless adaptor that is supposedly supported by the driver zd1211rw.  What do I do?19:27
MasterShrekgood news :) like i said it should be faster19:27
shishioMasterShrek: 15 hoursT_T19:27
MasterShrekwell less than 1 day =P19:28
shishioMasterShrek: thanks, after this how will i burn ISO on my CD?19:29
MasterShrekshishio, umm, lemme do a bit of research for 5.1019:30
kelsinmw-home: that driver is included in the linux kernel, I believe it's included in the ubuntu kernel. When you plug in the usb adaptor and run "lsmod" in a terminal that driver name should be in the list. If it's not then you have more work to do to get it installed19:30
shishioMasterShrek: okey, ill be here to check it out19:30
gutsy-newbhi. I am new to Ubuntu Server and was looking for some help. I don't know if anyone here is familiar with Server or if there's a channel for that specifically, because I looked and cannot find it19:30
kelsinmw-home: have you tried this yet? Does it not "just work" out of the box?19:31
alejandrohello, since i changed a windows partition name, ubuntu desnt recognize it. What can i do?19:31
MasterShrekgutsy-newb, whats your problem?19:31
kelsingutsy-newb: most things are not different from server/desktop, mainly which packages are auto installed by default19:31
axis there a gui app for seting up mount points?19:31
gutsy-newbI have server 7.04 (feisty) loaded on VMWare player, and it seems to run ok. first off, I'm a newb and don't know hardly any commands. but to get straight to the point, I want to upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10. I've googled all day, and figured out how to specify my proxy (export http_proxy=....), then do sudo apt-get update (and dist-upgrade, etc.).......BUT when I did sudo do-release-upgrade, it comes back and does not update19:33
alejandrohello, since i renamed a windows partition, ubuntu doesnt recognize it. What can i do?19:33
san|alejandro: install ntfs-config19:34
TheSohnlygrub will not boot xp19:34
alejandrosan|: already did that but nothing19:35
san|nothing what?19:35
gutsy-newbso I did more google searches, one of them said to edit the /etc/apt/sources.list file, and replace any word 'feisty' with 'gutsy'. I did that, rebooted, tried to sudo apt-get update, but get error 404 on ALL of the repository links19:35
mw-homekelsin: I ran lsmod | grep zd1211 and I see my driver.19:35
TheSohnlythast my problem19:35
gutsy-newbany ideas what I should do now?19:36
mw-homeI did /etc/init.d/networking restart, but I still can't get out.19:36
alejandrosan|: doesnt find the partition19:36
MasterShrekshishio, do you have a command line program called cdrecord?19:36
san|alejandro: hmm.. ask someone else.. I have to go.. sorry19:36
kelsinmw-home: are you running a gui? or just command line?19:37
alejandrohello, since i renamed a windows partition, ubuntu doesnt recognize it. What can i do?19:37
mw-homekelsin: command-line.19:37
kelsinmw-home: ok then we can try completely manual commands first to make sure we can get it to work, first run "iwconfig" and make sure it shows up19:37
mw-hometrying to install ubuntu on a 7-year old laptop.  install succeeded, now I just need an internet connection.19:37
shishioMasterShrek: hmmm... idont know19:37
TheSohnlyHow can i get grub to see windows xp?19:37
mw-homekelsin: iwconfig printed lo and eth0.  eth0 shows somethng.19:38
shishioMasterShrek: where can i fond cdrecord?19:38
MasterShrekshishio, type cdrecord in a command line and see if it says "command not found"19:38
TheSohnlyive went and changed the menu.lst19:38
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kelsinmw-home: ok then you can try "sudo iwconfig eth0 essid <your-essid>"19:38
kelsinmw-home: and then "iwconfig" again to see if it caught on and has an access point mac address19:39
mw-homekelsin: let me go look up my essid.19:39
kelsinTheSohnly: can you pastebin your menu.lst?19:39
shishioMasterShrek: cdrecord: No tracks specified. Need at least one.19:39
shishioUsage: cdrecord [options] track1...trackn19:39
shishioUse     cdrecord -help19:39
shishioto get a list of valid options.19:39
shishioUse     cdrecord blank=help19:39
shishioto get a list of valid blanking options.19:39
shishioUse     cdrecord dev=b,t,l driveropts=help -checkdrive19:39
shishioto get a list of drive specific options.19:39
kelsin!pastebin | TheSohnly19:39
ubotuTheSohnly: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)19:39
shishioUse     cdrecord dev=help19:39
shishioto get a list of possible SCSI transport specifiers.19:39
MasterShrekshishio, ok thats good, you ahve it19:39
shishioMasterShrek: then what?19:40
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MasterShrekjust wait for your iso to download, and ill give you the command in a minute19:40
TheSohnlyi ahev no ide4a what your taling about19:40
kelsinmw-home: it's just the access point name that you are trying to connect to, like at Umass mine used to me "UMASS"19:40
TheSohnlyim on windows right now19:40
TheSohnlybecause among the grub problem, i haev a internet problem19:40
mw-homekelsin: is that the ssid that I set up inside my router?19:40
TheSohnlyand a graphics problem19:40
mooxhi there19:41
TheSohnlyso i just want to fix one at a time19:41
B-rabbitguyz i am using x-chat(not the gnome version), i enabled the hide menu option by mistake. how do i get it back?19:41
kelsinTheSohnly: you said you edited your menu.lst, to help you it would be great to see what you have in your menu.lst, so I asked you to pastebin it, then I got the bot to give you the link to the pastebin19:41
shishioMasterShrek: i have 4 and a half hours left19:41
MasterShrekshishio, cdrecord -v speed=4 dev=/dev/cdrom ubuntu-7.10-desktop-i386.iso19:41
MasterShrekshishio, good news, much faster than expected huh?19:41
shishioMasterShrek: yep, thanks for your help BTW19:42
MasterShreknot a problem19:42
TheSohnlykelsin: i can not use pidgin on my laptop19:42
TheSohnlyit wont let me19:42
alejandrohello, since i renamed a windows partition, ubuntu doesnt recognize it. What can i do?19:42
TheSohnlyim using another computer19:42
kelsinTheSohnly: ok well, I apologize but without being able to see what your menu.lst says it's kindof hard to help debug it19:42
TheSohnlykelsin: i have a post on ubuntuforums: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=63102019:43
kelsinmw-home: yes19:43
TheSohnlykelsin: i am Mr.Wellington19:43
TheSohnlykelsin: it has all of the information19:43
mw-homekelsin: ok, thanks for all the help.  I did that, and now, sudo iwconfig eth0 shows a different ESSID field.19:43
GiftmatcherI have a question.  I'd like to download the .deb of sunbird for hardy but it wasn't were I expected.  Can someone give me a hand please?19:44
* MasterShrek will brb19:45
kelsinTheSohnly: is /dev/sda2 a primary partition?19:46
gutsy-newbI don't know if I messed up the /etc/apt/sources.list all I tried to do was change any 'feisty' to 'gutsy'19:46
kelsinmw-home: so when you run "iwconfig" it looks good? If that's good just run "sudo dhclient eth0" and see if you get an ip and are good to go19:46
B-rabbitguyz i am using x-chat(not the gnome version), i enabled the hide menu option by mistake. how do i get it back?19:46
kelsinmw-home: if so then you're on your way to editing the config files to do that on boot automatically19:46
TheSohnlykelsin: how do i find this out?19:46
gutsy-newband now i get error 404 when I tried to sudo apt-get dist-upgrade19:46
TheSohnlykelsin: another fried told partially set this up for me19:47
alejandrohello, since i renamed a windows partition, ubuntu doesnt recognize it. What can i do?19:47
kill_uhi all19:47
mushtaqhi i am trying to use my usd hard drive to my ubuntu box19:47
mushtaqbut it says readonly file system what is the way19:48
mushtaqto make it writeable19:48
SpookyETIs there a deb of the latest rTorrent 0.7.9 I believe? The rTorrent in the repository is too old, and it does not support DHT and peer exchange. I'm having tracker timeouts issues.19:48
kelsinTheSohnly: on your fdisk output it looks like you have two ntfs partitions and one w95 one, do you know which one your actual windows drive lives on?19:48
kelsinSpookyET: hardy has 0.7.8 is that high enough?19:48
void^SpookyET: eh, to get dht in rtorrent you'll have to compile rtorrent from svn.19:48
TheSohnlykelsin: my xp lies (i think) on /dev/sda519:48
kelsinTheSohnly: that's the issue, people told you that on the forums, grub can't boot windows from an extended partition19:49
DiaficI'm so tired. Bed tiem. Night!19:49
SpookyETvoid^: It's not in the latest release: 0.7.9?19:49
TheSohnlykelsin: so how do i change this?19:49
kakooniahey... lately im having some problems with the Network manager, lots of messages when i restart/shutdown my comp. now i ran ubuntu, and suddenly i dont have the network-manager icon at the top bar, i needed to connect manualy using 'ifup'. what could be the problem?19:49
kakooniawhats should i do to config my network correctly, and to restore the Network-Manager's icon back to the top panel?19:49
mushtaqhi anyway to make the readonly file system writeable19:49
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SpookyETkelsin: I'll take 0.7.8 if it's not the one on the ubuntu forums which has a dependency issue.19:50
void^SpookyET: i don't think so19:50
kelsinmushtaq: what read only file system?19:50
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mw-homekelsin: running sudo dhclient eth0 printed "no DHCPOFFERS received"19:50
kelsinSpookyET: If you want to try .7.8 you should read up on how to backport a package, it's pretty easy, involves adding the deb-src lines to your /etc/apt/sources.lst then running "apt-get build-dep <package> && apt-get source --compile <package>"19:50
void^SpookyET: rtorrent 0.7.9 release is r997, dht support was merged in r101319:51
kelsinmw-home: but "iwconfig" alone does have the eth0 card on the right essid with the right mac address? Obviously it's a stupid question but you know this router is handing out dhcp offers?19:51
SpookyETvoid^: That sucks. What about peer exchange?19:51
mw-homekelsin: I suspect maybe my router is not handing out dhcp offers.19:52
void^SpookyET: pex has been supported for a long time now19:52
skarHey, is there any way to change the acceleration of the touchpad?19:52
nixnoobanyone know a fix for the firefox scrolling issue with the new fglrx?19:52
kelsinmw-home: then you have to configure your router as a dhcp server, that depends on your router, should look up it's documentation19:52
skari've installed qsynaptics but it doesn't let me change the speed19:52
mw-homekelsin: gotcha.  do i need to turn off wep, at least for now?19:53
kelsinmw-home: if you have wep on that could be it19:53
kelsinmw-home: if you knwo your wep key run "sudo iwconfig eth0 key <webkey>" then try dhclient command again19:53
oedivis there a way to obtain the make/configure options which I can use to manually make the source, obtained by apt-get source pkg, in a similar way as apt-get install pkg?19:53
mw-homekelsin: you rock19:53
SpookyETvoid^: peer exchange is not supported in the ubuntu version19:53
psyhhixwhat command i must use when echo dont work ?19:54
skarcan anyone help me with my touchpad?19:54
Runithadskar: with what19:55
skari've installed qsynaptics but it doesn't allow me to change the speed of the cursor19:55
kelsinmw-home: did that work?19:56
mw-homekelsin: no.  am going to turn off my wep for a little while and try.19:56
kelsinmw-home: sounds good, most of these commands are also on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WiFiHowTo that could help debug, but yes eliminating variables is a good diea19:57
kelsinmw-home: idea*19:57
void^SpookyET: strange, 0.7.8 should have pex support19:57
mw-homekelsin: i will look at that page19:58
Hasherquestion, does anyone know how to make compiz work with intel x310019:58
skarRunithad: any ideas?19:58
marcioapfdoes anybody what is the file that keeps the apache configuration?19:58
mw-homemarcioapf: several.19:59
mw-homelook at sites-available/default19:59
oedivcause I'm trying to figure out how ubuntu/apt-get managed to install SoQt with Qt4 support19:59
tzfardeahey, i recorded a stream file with vlc to ogg file and now when i'm trying to play it i get in the console "overflow in spectral RLE, ignoring" and i can't hear a thing, how can i fix that?19:59
Hasheris there linux support for intel x3100 chipset?20:00
BaroquenCan someone plese help with intel audio?  I've tried to re-compile alsa, but i'm getting errors (eg. "unknown symbol snd_ctl_elem_write") when I type dmesg20:00
marcioapfmw-home, ok20:00
kelsinBaroquen: is there a reason you recompiled20:00
kelsinmarcioapf: and the other main one is /etc/apache2/apache2.conf20:00
Baroquenkelsin: yes - my sound didn't work after I re-installed, so I installed the latest alsa drivers as per the help guides...20:01
Baroquenkelsin: I had to do the same last time to make sound work...20:01
sanguisdexhow do I give my my user permissions over files created by apachee?20:01
kelsinBaroquen: does your card use the snd-intel8x0 driver?20:01
kelsinsanguisdex: make sure apache writes them group writable (maybe change umask to 002) then add yourselve to the www-data group20:02
chervaplease help I have no icons ( icons are in ~/Desktop ) also I don't have right mouse button menu20:02
kelsinsanguisdex: obviously there are security things to consider here if you need to20:02
dwhsi3this may not be an ubuntu question, but: I've got my ubuntu machine config'd with a static IP address, but the wireless router I use (Actiontec MI424/Verizon) isn't showing a hostname for it (and it does for those nodes that are dhcp)... any ideas?20:02
Baroquenkelsin: i've got the ICH9 chipset...  I think the driver is snd-hda-intel.  By the way, alsa compiled correctly.  this occurred when I did a sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel20:03
kelsincherva: is this on a default ubuntu (gnome) install?20:03
skarany ideas on how to change the touchpad speed?20:03
FransQI am suddenly (mid-session) getting a "SELinux was found but is not enabled" error when trying to start Gnome-System-Monitor. I can not start several other applications, including Epiphany, either. Am I in security trouble? Using Gutsy 32-bit20:03
chervakelsin yes20:03
Hasherdoes anyone run ubuntu on a dell laptop here?20:03
skarHasher: i do20:03
kelsinBaroquen: it seems like you are missing some of the kernel sound elements, did you have to recompile the kernel at all last time?20:04
Hasherskar which model? a vostro?20:04
Baroquenno - but last time I started with gutsy beta when I installed.  This time I installed from the official release20:04
Baroquenkelsin:no - but last time I started with gutsy beta when I installed.  This time I installed from the official release20:04
kelsincherva: double check that the option in gconf-editor under apps/nautilus/preferences/show desktop is enabled20:04
Hasherskar: have you been able to enable extra effects?20:04
sanguisdexKelsin: basicly I am trying to import a bunch of files in to an svn repo and the import fails on the log files.  IS there a better why then adding my self to the group to do this20:05
skarHasher: what kind of extra effects? sorry, i haven't been using linux for long, so I probably can't help....20:05
kelsinBaroquen: mind poisting the tutorial / forum post you were following?20:05
marcioapfkelsin, oh ok. This helped a lot =)20:05
Hasherskar: compiz fusion20:05
marcioapfkelsin, (you told me where the conf file of apache is, if you don't remember)20:06
skarHasher: i haven't tried running that yet...i'm not sure if my laptop can handle it either20:06
Hasherskar: thanks anyway20:06
Baroquenkelsin: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting was one of them.  the others very quite similar...20:06
chervakelsin it is , I think xsnow made something wrong because i installed it and after a reboot my icons died20:06
kelsinsanguisdex: you need to get read permissions (and probably write) on the files, so either add yourself to the group or look in apache configs at having it output the files and chown them to a new user20:06
Hasherdoes anyone run ubuntu with and intel x3100 chipset here?20:06
AgentHeXanyone have experience setting up Xen 3.1 (desktop-amd64 on Intel VT is preferred)20:06
skarHasher: no problem, sorry i couldn't help20:06
skarHasher: by the way, did you have touchpad problems on your laptop?20:07
kelsincherva: make sure nautilus is running (should be able to run nautilus on the terminal) make sure xsnow is off and not running when you do this20:07
Hasherskar: nope never20:07
kelsinAgentHeX: what's the issue?20:07
skarHasher: ah, alright20:07
Hasherskar: which laptop do you run?20:07
skarHasher: latitude d40020:08
AgentHeXkelsin: when i reboot, it goes through the loading process but when it blacks the screen to show the login screen, it stays black and flashes my caps lock and scroll lock keyboard lights.20:08
Hasherskar i installed gutsy on latitude 630 but no touch pad issues20:08
chervakelsin nautilus didn't worked now my icons are back :) can you explain to me how nautilus is responsable for my icons i think that nautilus is just a file manager20:08
kelsinAgentHeX: never heard of that, this is just after install the xen packages and setting grub to boot the hypervisor?20:09
skarHasher: ah i see20:09
kelsincherva: is manages the desktop as well in gnome20:09
skarHasher: cool, thanks anyways20:09
chervakelsin thx thanks20:09
kelsincherva: you normall run "nautilus --no-desktop" to have it NOT take over the desktop20:09
kazilpeople, i`m loosin` my mind here...20:09
AgentHeXi installed ubuntu-xen-desktop-amd64 from Synaptic and followed this guide to a tee:  http://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu-7.10-server-install-xen-from-ubuntu-repositories20:09
kazilthis freekin amp just doesn`t won`t to work20:09
kelsincherva: but it's the process that controls the gnome root window by default (unless you have that registry entry set)20:09
chervakelsin nice thanks for the useful info :)20:10
Baroquenkelsin: do you want me to recompile the kernel?20:10
kelsinAgentHeX: can you hit ctrl-alt-f1 to get to a console when it's doing this?20:10
AgentHeXkelsin: haven't tried20:10
kelsinBaroquen: no no no, I honestly don't know yet, havn't read the sound page you posted yet20:10
AgentHeXkelsin: gotta reboot to find out.20:11
Baroquenkelsin: ok - i'll wait :)20:11
kelsinAgentHeX: at that point if you can you can look at some logs to hopefully find what the error is20:11
mw-home_kelsin: so, I studied the iwconfig eth0 output more closely.  clearly, the wireless adaptor works somehow because I see my router's MAC address listed.20:11
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Gunner_SrI am currently having a problem with gutsy on EMT64, where I am getting random freezes and lockups?20:12
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alejandrohello, since i renamed a windows partition, ubuntu doesnt recognize it. What can i do?20:12
AgentHeXkelsin: the only thing i could notice before it went dark is that the CPU frequency scaling wasn't working right.  but i don't know how that could affect the boot sequence20:12
kelsinBaroquen: so I assume the "Getting the ALSA drivers from a *fresh* kernel" part of that page did not work?20:12
AgentHeXkelsin: i'll check out the ctrl-alt-F1 and see if i can't get anything out of it.20:12
FransQI am suddenly (mid-session) getting a "SELinux was found but is not enabled" error when trying to start Gnome-System-Monitor. I can not start several other applications, including Epiphany, either. Am I in security trouble? Using Gutsy 32-bit. Anyone?20:12
kelsinmw-home_: if that's the case, and you have wep off, but dhclient doesn't get an answer I would double check that the router is setup to be a dhcp server and hand out addresses20:13
Baroquenkelsin: I downloaded the drivers, utils and libs from alsa web site (1.0.15) - and that appeared to go ok... no errors were generated that I detected.20:13
Baroquenkelsin: strange though - the ICH9 was not listed in alsa.  it rated a mention in a change log for 1.0.14rc20:13
kritzstapfhi ill soon run a ubuntu-laptop and plan to stream audio to my desktop to have it on my stereo-amp, can you recommend software to do this?20:13
SpookyETIs there a way to make Tracker index Thunderbird email? I'm not sure if it works at all. I can't find my pdf files and it had 2 days to index my system. tracker-status does show that it did something.20:13
pgI dd'ed a pata disk to a sata disk but I can't boot from the sata disk: grub error 22 (no such partition)20:14
JNLordhello all20:14
Gunner_SrI am running nvidia 169.04 driver and the kernel is 2.6.22-14-generic and VMWare as well20:14
kelsinBaroquen: well unfortunately I have no idea bout the kernel error you get while modprobing. My only advice is to remove the stuff from alsa with make install, and then try the ubuntu packages from gutsy quickly and if that doesn't work follow that site again to compile the drivers looking for errors. You can use the "script" program to save a copy of your whole install session so you can grep it for errors after20:14
skardoes anyone know how to change the speed of the touchpad? i've tried qsynaptics but it doesn't allow me to change the speed20:15
Giftmatcherim trying to install a hardy package can anyone give me a hand on how to get it?20:15
duguram1did you try the mouse preferences?20:15
skaryes, they don't affect the speed20:15
Baroquenkelsin: how do I remove the stuff with a make install?  can you point me to some instructions?20:15
duguram1maybe you have to restart20:16
skarjust X? or a full reboot?20:16
kelsinGiftmatcher: it involves (basically) three steps, 1) adding the deb-src line for hardy to your /etc/apt/sources.lst 2) running "sudo apt-get build-dep <package>" then 3) "sudo apt-get source --compile <package>"20:16
mw-home_kelsin: well, thanks for all the help.  I know my router is handing out DHCP leases because I just connected with my windows laptop.  I am going to work on this for all.20:16
duguram1i always reboot but im a windows usr20:16
mw-home_* a while later.20:16
Giftmatcherokay.  Thanks20:16
skarah, alright, i'll try that out, thanks20:16
kelsinBaroquen: by definition there isn't a way except looking for what it installed and hoping it installed to easy places, if you're lucky the package might have a "make deinstall" or "make uninstall" target20:17
abadtoothHey guys I have recently installed Xubuntu 7.10 on my laptop and am trying to use my netgear wg511t card but I need help..20:17
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Baroquenkelsin: I think a re-install is easier :)  thanks for your help...20:17
kelsinBaroquen: obviuosly sometimes you need to install from source but generally it's better to exhaust other options. If you have to you either check that the package has a uninstall and can use checkinstall to help make a deb of the package. That page you linked me also talked about instlaling alsa from source from the ubuntu package, which is also a good idea, if that actually helps the issue20:17
AgentHeXkelsin: no dice20:17
Runithadwhen in doubt: dpkg-reconfigure20:18
AgentHeXkelsin: but it does refer to my partition as hda.  it's a sata drive, though, so that might be a problem.  ubuntu boots fine outside of xen.20:18
duguram1hard to resist the upgrades20:18
tomd123duguram1: why are you resisting, join us! ;)20:19
duguram1i like 7.0420:19
travisdoes anyone know how to determine what wireless card im using?20:20
jw984 20:20
tomd123duguram1: that's what I said, till I upgraded to 7.1020:20
shephai how do i change my ip20:21
SpookyETI'm trying to figure out what tracker is doing. "tail -f ~/.local/share/tracker/tracker.log" isn't working. I'm guessing that Ubuntu changed the log location20:21
duguram1i tried it twice did not like it20:21
tomd123ook, i thought you didn't try it20:21
duguram1only reason i upgraded was to get a different gui20:21
Giftmatcherkelsin: should this be the line I add "deb-src http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy main restricted"20:22
Cyrus25801can someone help me setup a blutooth dongle so that my phone can connect to my pc20:22
Baroquenrunithad: I did a dpkg recognfigure in an attempt to restore my alsa configuraiton (I wasn't sure if you were talking to me) .. it prompted a few screens (eg. alsa-llibs) but I wasn't sure what to do next...  any ideas?20:22
duguram1ouch try installing bluez20:22
ps3noobHi everyone. Want to launch a dvd from kboot. any help?20:22
aladinsanehow can i get 3d to work at least half decently wih my ATI Radeon 7200, Im no gamer at all but it would be nice if at least a simple minigolf game would work..anybody?20:22
skarduguram1: the reboot did not fix the problem, any other ideas?20:22
kelsinGiftmatcher: if this is a universe package you might need "universe" also20:22
shephow do i change my ip on ubuntu~20:22
coxdoes anyone know the command for deleting a folder?20:22
shepi cu jarvid20:23
travisDoes anyone know where to find drivers for BCM4401-B0 (Broadcom Wireless NIC)20:23
ps3noobshep: go to network-manager20:23
jimjamIs there any way to make Ubuntu entirely passwordless?20:23
ompauljimjam, bad idea - so answer yes, will I help no20:23
tyhow can i download a scroll bar on a chat site? im nnew to ubuntu20:24
skarany ideas on how to change the touchpad speed?20:24
duguram1i have six passwords on my ubuntu20:24
jimjamompaul: I need to send my computer back to HP for tech support. It's easier on them if there is no password.20:24
AgentHeXkelsin: no dice with the ctrl-alt-F1 thing.  Xen doesn't respond.20:24
duguram1techs dont need passwords silly20:25
ps3noobjimjam: write them down on a peace of paper :)20:25
ompauljimjam, put a password of securemelater and tape a  piece of paper on it20:25
tomd123ty: what do you mean "download a scroll bar on a chat site?"20:25
jimjamompaul: I guess I'll just change the login text from "Welcome!" to "The password is go"20:25
portablejimaladinsane: I have a supposedly unsupported graphics card like you.20:25
tyone i use needs a scroll bar on the side but when i go into it, i cant read whats happening as it wont scroll down20:26
AgentHeXkelsin seems idle.  anyone else here have experience running Xen 3.1 on Intel VT hardware?20:26
ompauljimjam, make it hithere ;-)20:26
jimjamompaul: Deal :P20:26
Suvajkpoig: OMG20:26
aladinsaneportablejim: and? any light in the tunnel?20:26
ompauljimjam, make or hi-there20:26
Baroquenthanks for your help today.  i've got to go20:26
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jkpoigcan enyone help me with sis 760 drivers on ubuntu?20:26
pgI can't boot a sata disk: grub error 22 (no such partition).  When I boot from the CD, the disk is mounted as /dev/sda5.  menu.lst says "root (hd0,5)" and /boot/grub/device.map says "(hd0) /dev/sda5".  What's going wrong?20:27
SpookyETIs there a way to make Tracker index Thunderbird?20:27
jimjamompaul: I don't even know why they want the pw disabled. I told them "It's Ubuntu. You won't know you're doing! It's just a broken screen!"20:27
duguram1can you edit grub?20:27
portablejimYes. It seemed to work on gutsy when the driver was radeon.20:27
duguram1try vga=795 or video=vesa20:28
pgduguram1: if you are talking to me - what do you mean by edit grub?20:28
duguram1can you press e at the ubuntu install after error 2220:28
Sam1337How do I change my dm-crypt passphrase?20:29
pgduguram1: no.20:29
SuvaOMG I have ubuntu, where is My Computer?20:29
duguram1then reinstall20:29
kuckushi! I've got a question. Where would I start if I wanted to convert an encrypted (dmcrypt) lvm setup to a partition layout without encryption (and possibly without lvm too)? The main reason being I'd like to free some of my laptop's hdd space for another OS installation ...20:29
AruxSuva: lolwut?20:29
duguram1computer my computer hda20:29
Sam1337Your computer hasn't moved just because you've install ubuntu.20:30
ps3noobhow to mount a dvd-rom from comman-line?20:30
pgIt says "grub loading, please wait", then "error 22".  So I wonder if grub itself is loaded correctly.20:30
VSpikeanyone know where I can get debugging symbols fo digicam?20:30
SuvaWhat what what?20:30
h00kps3noob, man mount20:30
SuvaI don't understand this ubuntu20:30
Aruxps3noob: man mount20:30
BigToe7000"never thought I'd get paid to have a wank, lol"20:30
duguram1my computer went 7 miles away and installed windows xp pro on another computer20:30
SuvaWhere is my computer my computer hda my computer?20:30
h00kSuva, you need to be more clear as to what you're asking20:31
portablejimSuva: Places (Near top left corner) => Computer.20:31
SuvaOh, wait, found it!20:31
brk3hi, I have a hda-intel card and since I upgraded to gutsy the microphone has stopped working completely.. any ideas?20:31
OldPinkHey All.20:31
SuvaIt was behing My Couch, damn laptops20:31
tunaI want to kill x and keep it dead until I want it back up, without a reboot. how can this be done?20:31
VSpikeps3noob: it would normally be mounted automatically when you insert it20:31
h00krolf at Suva.20:31
tunaI quess with runlevels somehow20:31
shepwait, so once i'm in network options how do i change my ip, i got a little lost20:31
kuckustuna, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop20:31
VSpiketuna: sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop20:32
OldPinkUbuntu 6.06, 6.10, and 7.04 all run fine from Live CD, and can complete an installation. The Gutsy live CD, however, freezes at partitioning/formatting swap space20:32
duguram1i know its hell changing your ip20:32
tunayhank you20:32
VSpiketuna: or kdm or xdm depending on which flavour you use20:32
Aruxo shi. raw stream of thoughts...20:32
n33dhelpthe network  manager in ubuntu sucks!20:32
h00kshep, man ifconfig20:32
shepsecond day on ubuntu so i have no idea what is going on20:32
Suvaman man20:32
n33dhelpit always takes me 10 minutes to get internet access20:32
ps3noobVSpike: it mounts fine in gdm, but wanna do it from kboot shell (busybox)20:32
n33dhelpany suggestions?20:32
kuckusAnyone have a tip for my question above?20:32
n33dhelpits wifi..20:32
n33dhelpi enter the wep-key and everything20:32
OldPinkUbuntu 6.06, 6.10, and 7.04 all run fine from Live CD, and can complete an installation. The Gutsy live CD, however, freezes at partitioning/formatting swap space20:32
shepi move away from the mic to breathe20:33
jendaWhich text editor will allow me to open a ISO-8859-2 html file without messing up teh encoding and how?20:33
VSpikeps3noob: then it would be something like "mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom"20:33
Suvajenda: Any, you might have to manually set the encoding20:34
VSpikeps3noob: I think that's enough options20:34
AruxCUPS+Samba. Harp needed badly. Can anyone help me?20:34
portablejimOldPink: Does the Gutsy CD have the right MD5 sum (do you understand?)?20:34
SuvaArux: Linux doesn't support harp20:34
VSpikeps3noob: you could add -t udf or whatever filesystem you have on the dvd20:34
OldPinkportablejim: Yeah, I've been on linux two years, ;)20:34
OldPinkportablejim: I've tried four seperate shipit CDs, burnt by Ubuntu, all of which pass checks20:35
reconIs there any way to delete ALL of the gnome panels (in favor of AWN)?20:35
AruxSuva: sory for my engridh: "help needed badly"20:35
shaanhi has anyone successfully installed and run Counter Strike: Source on their Ubuntu machine? I've installed steam and counterstrike with wine, and steam opens perfectly and I've successfully loaded counterstrike onto my computer but when I open up counterstrike it open the game, goes to the loading screen, and then quites by itself and I cannot reopen it. Can somebody help me?20:35
ozzloyhow do i get xv it's needed by numpy20:35
jendaSuva: ok, and how would I do that with gedit?20:35
SuvaNo idea :)20:36
skarcan anyone help me with my touchpad pad problem?20:36
Suvajenda: Use vim and set encoding of console20:36
dudewithtwoheadshi ubuntu comunity, i have dualboot win and slackware.. so if i format partition where is slac would i be able to boot my windows ? (deletin slac to install ubuntu :))20:36
portablejimOldPink: When did you last try installing an older version (pre-Gutsy)?20:36
jkpoigeniveis, can anyone help me with sis 760 drivers on ubuntu?20:36
SuvaAnyone has any idea if it is possible to get 3D acceleration with SiS 760 chip?20:36
jendaSuva: yikes - that won't work :)20:36
jk__dude: yea20:36
jendaSuva: I need to actually do some work once the file is open ;)20:37
jk__dude: your boot loader will work as usual, but just with ubuntu instead of slackware20:37
Suvajenda: I don't have gedit installed20:37
SuvaBut I presume it's under View -> Encoding :P20:37
jendaSuva: ok, I'll RTFM, then ;)20:37
aladinsaneportablejim: it works for me to, quite good actually, it's just on those rare occations when i start up something 3D things start going sloooow or the screen turns blue/green with 10000 lines (pls answer with my name, otherwise i will miss your post)20:37
jk__dude: personally, i wouldn't set up a dual boot if you paid me . . .20:37
skardoes anyone know how to change the speed for the touchpad?20:37
jk__dude: vmware is too good20:37
OldPinkportablejim: Yesterday20:38
shaanso does anybody think they can help me?20:38
dudewithtwoheadsjk__: don't understand ? i want to delete slackware partition, last time i did this i couldn't boot my windows because lilo was on slackware so i couldn boot it20:38
h00kskar, System -> Preferences -> Mouse.20:38
jk__skar: system->preferences->mouse20:38
sanguisdexhow do I use SU to empty my trash20:38
skarh00k: the settings don't seem to have any affect20:38
basculeOK, I have a tricky one here, a laptop with no cd and won't boot from USB externals, is there any way to install from within xp, tried the wub-thing that made a c:\ubuntu folder and a boot entry but the network install fails repeatedly, any ideas?20:38
aladinsaneAnybody else know how to get 3D going with a ATI Radeon 7200 card?20:38
Suvajenda: Just browse menus20:38
h00kskar, restart your x20:38
OldPinkThe partitioner thinks it's SCSI, pretty sure it's not20:38
jk__dude: yes, you have to make sure your boot loader is happy20:39
h00kskar, log back out, then back in20:39
dudewithtwoheadsjk__ wtf is vmware ?:)20:39
skarh00k: i've tried rebooting20:39
skarh00k: and ctrl+alt+backspace20:39
portablejimOldPink: Sorry, but I am unsure what the problem is.(Said in the nicest way possible)20:39
jk__dude: personally, i do a lot of development, and i run ubuntu with many vmware vm's20:39
grigorawhat's the latest Flash player available for Firefox on Ubuntu? I can't see a lot of websites that require a Flash Version 8.20:39
jk__dude: dual boot is too much a headache.20:39
dudewithtwoheadsso how should i make my boot loader happy ? make him high ?20:39
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shamelesssounds like a good plan20:39
kamuiI really kneed to know how to remove the <default pointer> from my xorg.conf20:39
skarjk__ : the settings don't have any effect, even when i restart X20:39
mw-homecan anyone recommend an ethernet pcmcia card that works easily with ubuntu?20:40
dudewithtwoheadsso what you suggest ?20:40
jk__dude: vmware: emulator. you'll be much happier, trust me. abandone dual booting20:40
h00kskar, have you opened your xorg.conf before?20:40
skarh00k: yes, i edited it to use qsynaptics20:40
OldPink!vmware | dudewithtwoheads20:40
ubotududewithtwoheads: VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers20:40
portablejimaladinsane: what is the output of " glxinfo |grep direct"20:40
chester_martinshi everybody!20:40
kamuino reference in the xorg.conf file to <default pointer> but its constantly assigned during xorg startup, I can see it when I check the xorg.0.log20:40
jk__dude: if i were you, i'd back everything up, install ubuntu on the whole machine20:40
skarh00k: although qsynaptics doesn't allow me to change the speed either20:40
jk__dude: then i'd install vmare (free) and run windows in a virtual machine20:40
skarh00k : there is one thing that worked, but didn't allow me to use vertical scrolling20:41
kamuiit seems to happen when I don't assign a pointer to be core20:41
chester_martinsi'm working in a project that the objective is to create a "personal" ubuntu to a school20:41
Suvajk__: Install virtualbox instead20:41
basculekamui: it's the mouse20:41
kamuibut I dont' know how to do that20:41
dudewithtwoheadsok thanks for idea20:41
jk__dude: i'm doing that right now actually, with 2 windows instances running on top of ubuntu for visual studio development20:41
chester_martinsis anyone interested??20:41
chester_martinsto colaborate?20:41
kamuibascule: I know, but I need to remove that definition and only use my synaptics definition20:41
sanguisdexnm I got it20:41
h00kskar, yeah, the vertical scrolling is in sys -> prefs -> mouse20:41
jkpoigand again can anyone help me with sis 760 drivers on ubuntu?20:41
h00kskar, what sort of mouse is it?20:41
skarh00k: its a touchpad, on a dell20:41
aladinsane portablejim:20:41
aladinsaneglxinfo |grep directdirect rendering: No (If you want to find out why, try setting LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose)OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect20:41
SuvaVisual Studio sucks20:42
kamuibascule: it doesn't appear in my xorg.conf only in the log.  even when I remove my only reference to the /dev/psaux port the touchpad still works because of this reference to <default pointer>20:42
jk__suva: will check that out .. i know vmware, vpc ,and zen but not virtualbox20:42
basculekamui: Section "InputDevice" identifier "ConfiguredMouse"20:42
jk__suva: yea, yea ,say what you want20:42
kamuibascule: removed already, still happens20:42
Suvajk__: Virtualbox is almost like vmware, but free, and very decent20:42
h00kskar, check here -> http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-230197.html20:42
h00kmaybe thatll help20:42
Suvajk__: It behaves and looks similar to vmware that is20:42
jk__suva: vmware is free too for desktop20:42
skarh00k: thanks, will do20:42
duguram1ever heard of virtualiron blecky20:42
Suvajk__: Well, it is opensource aswell :P20:42
jk__suva: plus, i can share vmware images with pc-based people20:42
Suvajk__: Virtualbox20:42
AlexQI have an problem.20:43
h00kvmware PLAYER is free, vmware workstation is not.20:43
Suvajk__: And virtualbox runs also on windows20:43
duguram1wanna share osx running in ubuntu?/20:43
jk__dude: anyway, do that. virtualbox, or vmware and forget dual booting. (imo)20:43
basculekamui: that os strange, but I tell you what, I #'ed out glx and dri last week, still loaded ...20:43
shaananybody think they can help me out with my Wine/Counterstrike issue?20:43
Suvajk__: I use it a lot on both windows and linux machines20:43
portablejimaladinsane: how about " aptitude show xserver-xgl | grep installed"?20:43
syan66wmvare server is free20:43
kamuibascule:  damn, thats bad news.  I just can't find any other config files that could be a reference or fallback20:43
h00kthere is a vmware image creator online too, which is pretty neat ;)20:44
theman56hey all20:44
theman56hows the ladies today20:44
kamuiand I REALLY need to get this thing to stop using a generic driver for my touchpad20:44
basculekamui: me neither I had to go vesa to kill glx20:44
Rapha¡Hola, amigas! Le gusta bailar?20:44
skarh00k, if i make changes to the xorg.conf, do i have to reboot, or can i just ctrl+alt+backspace?20:44
dolehey someone please can help me with the installation of a graphic card?20:44
jk__dualbooting really should be purged from all documentation20:44
grigoraanyone knows if Flash 8 is available for Firefox on Ubuntu?20:44
dolehey someone please can help me with the installation of a graphic card?20:44
h00kskar ctrl+alt+backspace will work too20:44
duguram1anybody wanna share osx running in ubuntu?20:44
kamuiok, so what do I put into xorg.conf to make my touchpad the CorePointer20:44
skarh00k, cool thanks20:44
h00kskar, just the same :) yw20:44
dolehey someone please can help me with the installation of a graphic card?20:45
Suvajenda: I have to admit, gedit sucks :P20:45
duguram1i use xvnc20:45
h00kdole, physically?20:45
Suvajenda: Use something else, like... vim :P20:45
h00kvim > all. :)20:45
husswhere to learn about shell commends plz ?20:45
basculekamui: what about the "ServerLayoit" section?20:45
jendaSuva: :)20:45
grigoraCan I get Flash version 8 on Firefox?20:45
ikoniagrigora: use 920:46
kamuibascule:  its not20:46
jendaSuva: i'm trying scribes... and I found out how to open it with gedit now.20:46
grigoraikonia: how do i get 9?20:46
portablejimdole: What model?20:46
ikonia!flash >grigora20:46
h00kgrigora, www.adobe.com20:46
kamuibascule:  I removed those AND the actual definition of ConfiguredMouse20:46
ikoniagrigora: check the pm from ubotu20:46
jendaSuva: that is, gedit --encoding ISO-8859-2 file.html20:46
AlexQI've got an problem with GStreamer probably and I have reinstalled it some times!20:46
Gunner_Srdole: what are you trying to do?20:46
ikoniah00k: no - not from adobe.com20:46
Suvajenda: Good good20:46
Suvajenda: I still recommend you to learn vim20:46
kamuibascule: no matter what it seems to create this <default pointer> at X launch based on there being no "COREPOINTER" defined20:46
Suvajenda: It's easyer than you think :P20:46
kamuibascule: at least thats what it looks like20:46
shaanhas anybody successfully installed and run cs: source with wine on their uuntu machine?20:46
NearTotalN00bHello!  I'm a near total newbie when it comes to IRC.  Where should I go?  Is there like a play pen for newbies like me?20:47
duguram1wine is a no20:47
jendaSuva: oh, I tried it. The effort to learn it, however, is not worth it for me, as i'd use it once a year.20:47
ikoniashaan not personally, but I know of many who have20:47
basculekamui: yeah it has a mind of it's own now ..20:47
crossmindwhat the fuck?!20:47
ikoniacrossmind: thats totally uncalled for20:47
jendaSuva: I'm a law student, not a computer guy.20:47
Suvajenda: Okay20:47
jendacrossmind: please keep teh language friendly here.20:47
doleportablejim: can you help me?20:47
ikoniacrossmind: this is a family friendly channel, any offensive language is uncalled for20:47
shaanikonia: well, I've installed it but when i run it it goes to the loading screen and then shuts down20:47
crossmindI was just testing -.-20:47
crossmindOK OK20:47
ikoniacrossmind thats one of the most offensive and sily tests I've ever seen20:48
duguram1how about this test test20:48
B-rabbitno smillies plz20:48
basculeprobably an attention freak20:48
mneptokcrossmind: testing what? patience?20:48
shaanikonia: any idea what could be run?20:48
dolehey someone please can help me with the installation of a graphic card?20:48
jenda<offtopic - please stop>20:48
ikoniashaan: what could run ?20:48
Gunner_Srdole: what do you want to do with graphics drivers?20:48
duguram1mmm i am an atention freak20:48
portablejimdole: Possibly. What model graphics card is it?20:48
dolei told you in a priovate message20:48
cruoxhow can I set up an input language switcher which lets me easily switch between input languages? (something like the one used in Windows20:48
jkpoigi see that knowone is smart enought to help me with my problem. thanks eniveis..20:48
ikoniadole: speak in the channel20:48
Suvajenda: That makes no sense, lawstudents don't use lunix20:48
dolehow do i speak in yellow?20:49
crossmindbye bye20:49
ikoniajkpoig: I've not seen your question20:49
syan66crossmind: have only 3 keys? :)20:49
jkpoigcan anyone help me with sis 760 drivers on ubuntu?20:49
jendaSuva: oh yes they do... they can even be Ubuntu members ;)20:49
Gunner_Srdole: ?20:49
Suvadole: Try speaking in red instead20:49
dolemy quesiton is20:49
shaanikonia: I'm running Counter Strike Source and it doesn't load completly to the game menu20:49
SuvaBleh +c20:49
HateXhey guys in network manager, what does enable roaming mode actually do?20:49
dolehow do i install the drivers for my card20:49
doleintel 82865g20:49
NearTotalN00bHello!  Where are IRC newbies like me supposed to go?20:49
Suvajenda: Ah, for fighting those evil patent guys20:49
aladinsaneportablejim: aptitude show xserver-xgl | grep installed State: not installed20:49
duguram1i sure am glad i dont have 7.1020:49
h00kNearTotalN00b, what are you looking to do on IRC?20:50
husswhen do wine or cxoffice hang the ubuntu ?20:50
ikoniashaan: you'll get olid help in #winehq20:50
jendaSuva: among other things :)20:50
HateXduguram1, why?20:50
kamuiok, Im close20:50
basculeHateX: shows a list of available networks instead of connectin to just the configured one(s)20:50
kamuisomeone tell me how to set my default mouse in Xorg.conf20:50
duguram1no good reason20:50
shaanok I'll check that out, thanks ikonia!20:50
ikoniashaan: that should read "solid" help20:50
kamuiits adding the <default pointer> because I've apparently not defined a default mouse20:50
dolewhy people speak to me in yellow?20:50
doleit's like a provate?20:50
HateXbascule, so this whould mainly be used for wifi?20:51
dolei'm using xchat20:51
ikoniadole: no its hihglighting, so you can see people are talking to you20:51
basculedole: like that?20:51
basculeHateX: yes totally20:51
dolelike a private20:51
dolehow do i do it?20:51
duguram1i see white20:51
jk__suva: i'll be interested to know how virtualbox benchmarks against vmware20:51
bruenigwhat is the purpose of the floodbots?20:51
forb4d3how do i get a module to stop loading at bootup?20:51
jk__suva: performance wise20:51
NearTotalN00bh00k, I'm looking to, um, chat?  Sort of get used to IRC, I suppose.20:51
basculedole: dee if you can spot the pattern20:51
dolehow do i talk to someone?20:51
ompauldole, it is just your client highlighting you to let you know your nick was used20:51
basculedole: see??20:51
SuvaIs it possible to get 3D acceleration on SiS 760 card?20:51
ikoniadole: you are doing20:51
doleyeah i know20:51
B-rabbitwhere can u find the xorg.conf file?20:51
n33dhelpmy client doesnt highlight20:51
hussgays plz why do wine or cxoffice hang up my ubuntu ?20:51
chester_martins_can anyone run iTunes on UBUNTU??? :)20:52
doleikonia like that?20:52
Suvajk__: Hmm, in some senses it seems to be slower, atleast last time I benchmarked it, year ago20:52
duguram1cuz wine is crap20:52
portablejimaladinsane: does "cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep glx" yield anything?20:52
Suvajk__: But it has developed much since then20:52
forb4d3chester_martins_: try gtkpod20:52
basculechester_martins_: it's nasty, use amarok20:52
ikoniadole: yes I can see you fine20:52
dolei have to mention the nick to talk to someone in "yellow"?20:52
chester_martins_bascule...but amarok on gnome is slow...20:52
basculedole: it makes it easier to spot things addressed at you20:52
syan66huss: read it from tty120:52
huss<duguram1>what is crap, and thx 4 reply20:52
duguram1use windows then20:52
HateXFor some reason when i specify a static ip address for my lan adapter, then try to ping another computer on the same network i get an error of "network unreachable" which tells me that the adapter has began to use the ip i told it to20:52
doleto spot?20:53
duguram1wine is crud20:53
aladinsaneportablejim: nope, noting but: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep glx Load "glx"20:53
portablejimB-rabbit: /etc/X11/xorg.conf20:53
forb4d3what file can i edit to control the kernel modules loaded at boot?20:53
grigoraikonia: looks like flashplugin-nonfree was already installed, but I reinstalled it and now it works, Thank you for your help20:53
NearTotalN00bIt's getting late.  I'm going to go.  Bye!20:53
basculeHateX: try adding a default route20:53
dolei understand20:53
dolebascule now do you can spot me easier?20:53
dolebascule ok!20:53
jkpoigikonia: is it possible to to get 3d acceeleratiion on sis 760 card20:53
dolebascule thanks!20:53
HateXbascule,  i do but i shouldn't need a default route if im pinging a node on the same subnet20:53
jkpoigthats the questioon20:54
duguram1wassup drunknmunky20:54
doleportablejim hey, you offered me help with the graphic card right?20:54
basculeHateX: well maybe not ...20:54
HateXbascule, i tried to simulate the problem here at my house of all of the sudden it's working now.20:54
Suvajk__: http://www.linux-gamers.net/smartsection.item.56/virtualbox-vs-qemu.html20:54
chester_martins_forb4d3...i don't have ipod20:54
=== n33dhelp is now known as AcidBurn
chester_martins_i want because is the best mp3 organizer that i know :p20:54
Suvajk__: Some benchmark, seems vbox is better than vmware20:54
portablejimdole: have you given me a model for the graphics card?20:55
jk__suva: well, qemu has historically been very slow20:55
doleportablejim it's an Intel 82865G graphic card20:55
Suvajk__: Not when using kernel drivers20:55
forb4d3chester_martins: then no20:55
jk__suva: i would think xen would be a better bet .... but i'm very happy w/ vmware20:55
doleportablejim and i'm trying to install the drivers20:55
forb4d3chester_martins: you cant buy songs from itunes from linux20:55
duguram1took me 4 days to install windows in qemu before it crashed20:55
syan66is somebody know any viruses on linux?20:55
B-rabbitgeneral Q: is the x server in ubuntu  equivalent to the explorer.exe in windows...i mean does x server does the same job as the explorer.exe in windows20:55
jk__yea, i think vmware is a great choice20:55
portablejimaladinsane: you have to add some lines so your xorg.conf (I'll just find out what the lines are).20:56
ikoniasyan66 virus don't work the same in linux as they do in windows20:56
nomojobCan someone please help me out?  Here's the story... I have two hard drives.  One with Ubuntu and one with XP.  Ever since i installed linux i havent been able to get my drive with XP to boot Windows.  I am to the point that I just want to get my XP back.  When I try to boot with just the XP hard drive connected, it gives me an error  "Error 21: Selected disk does not exist".  The recovery cd I have for XP does not let me have the 20:56
Suvajk__: Anyways I have had no problems with perfomance on virtualbox20:56
jk__b-rabbit: no.20:56
basculeforb4d3: I thaink you can using pymusique, you just need an account already open20:56
HateXdoes anyone know how to specify a range to scan using nmap?20:56
aladinsaneportablejim: ok thnx a lot20:56
ikonianomojob: put a windows XP cd in and use the "fixboot" option in recovery mode20:56
HateXx.x.x.x-x.x.x.y doesn't work20:56
Gunner_Srdole: I think you have to get the source for graphics driver, http://www.intellinuxgraphics.org/install.html20:56
syan66ikonia, I know it. Any another type of activity?20:56
B-rabbitjk__, what is the job for x server then?20:56
portablejimdole: Unless I know what model of graphics card you are trying to install I can't help you.20:56
ikoniadole: what card do you have20:57
VSpikehatex I think it's x.x.x.x-y20:57
ikoniasyan66: pardon ?20:57
Suvajk__: And last time I used linux guest on win machine on vmware I replaced it with vbox because vmware was much slower and didn't want to install guest additions20:57
jk__b-rabbit: it's the base of windowing20:57
HateXVSpike, thanks20:57
dolegunner_sr thanks20:57
ikoniadole: what card is it you have20:57
doleikonia intel 82865G20:57
nomojobikonia: it doesn not give me an option for that20:57
jk__b-rabbit: gnome,kde, enlighthenment, etc.etc. all sit on top of x20:57
ikoniadole:  you don't need to get any additional drivers for that20:57
doleportablekim i gave you the model20:57
VSpikehatex: it's been a while though20:57
doleikonia look20:57
ikonianomojob: boot from a windows XP install cd and use "recovery" option20:57
Gunner_Srdole: no problem, generally intel graphics drivers should work with linux out of the box. But this will give you the latest version.20:57
doleikonia i have a game that requires 3d acceleration, i have 3d acc but i can't open the gamne, simple as that20:58
ikoniaGunner_Sr: why does he need the later version ?20:58
doleGunner_Sr thanks man!20:58
ikoniadole: yes, that is simple, changing the drivers will probably do nothing for you to fix that20:58
HateXVSpike, yes your right it works cheers20:58
MasterShreknomojob, enter the recovery console and type: fixmbr20:58
MasterShrek(off the xp install cd)20:58
VSpikeHateX: yeah, you can also do e.g. 10.0.0-5.1-25420:58
doleikonia i'm new at ubuntu20:58
Gunner_Srikonia: http://support.intel.com/support/graphics/sb/CS-010512.htm20:58
Gunner_Srdole: http://support.intel.com/support/graphics/sb/CS-010512.htm try this as well.20:58
VSpikeHateX: you can also do
doleikonia so, why are the drivers for download.. :S20:58
syan66ikonia, I know, that viruses do not work under nix* as well as under windows. But it work some another way?20:58
ikoniaGunner_Sr why are you showing me that link20:59
nomojobThats my problem.  The cd doesnt give me a command line20:59
HateXVSpike, i see20:59
ikoniadole: for intergration into later versions of xorg20:59
doleGunner_Sr thanks, look, i downlaoded them but in order to compile it, i need to install xfree8620:59
ikoniadole: no you don't !20:59
basculeHateX: you can also 192.168.0.*20:59
ankurwhat is the name of the best DVD player in ubuntu?20:59
doleikonia sure?20:59
nomojobit takes me to a GUI that lets me replace system files with or without formatting20:59
duguram1DVD player20:59
basculeankur: xine20:59
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs20:59
ikonianomojob: boot from the windows XP recovery cd20:59
doleikonia i read thta20:59
ikoniadole: %15020:59
coxis there a command to empty trash?21:00
ikoniadole: tell you what, do what you want21:00
doleikonia lol, and when i compile it says that i need the latest kernel modules21:00
jkpoigeniveis, helpful, bye21:00
ikoniadole: because you have no idea what your doing21:00
doleikonia haha, yeah i'm new21:00
duguram1im bob dole21:00
doleikonia i know that ubuntu doesn't recognize the 3d acceleration21:00
doleduguram1 and?21:00
portablejimaladinsane: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46882/21:00
HateXbascule, thanx21:00
nomojobikonia: when i put in the cd it takes me to a GUI that lets me replace system files with or without formatting.  thats is all the options I have.  I cant do anything else with that cd.  it seems it is useless to me right now.21:00
ikoniadole: do what you want21:01
ianqhi, quick question: my ubuntu, server edition, refuses to shutdown or reboot after a few days of running. i'm using # reboot and # shutdown -r now and neither works. anyone got any idea or need more info?21:01
ikonianomojob: join ##windows and ask for XP install cd support21:01
doleikonia hey please help me, i don't know what to do21:01
ikoniaianq: what happens why you try the shutdown ?21:01
doleikonia you say i don't have to install a driver??21:01
ianqikonia: "Broadcast message from root@inetserv21:01
ianq        (/dev/pts/0) at 8:23 ...21:01
ianqThe system is going down for reboot NOW!"21:01
Gunner_Srikonia: show you the intel graphics support. an FYI.21:01
ianqbut it doesn't reboot or shutdown21:01
ikoniaGunner_Sr: I'm well aware of it21:02
ikoniaianq: does it just do nothing21:02
doleGunner_Sr now i¡'m looking at the pages sorry21:02
ikoniaGunner_Sr: advising someone to get later drivers for no-reason is not wise21:02
ianqikonia: correct. i can still use it as if i had done nothing21:02
ikoniaianq: anything in theh syslog ?21:02
aladinsaneportablejim: and i could/should add those 3 lines anywhere in xorg.conf?21:02
PollmanWhat is a good free partition program?21:02
ianqwhere's that?21:02
Gunner_Srikonia: huh?21:02
ikoniaianq: /var/log/messages21:02
ikoniaPollman: gparted21:03
doleikonia no reason you say??21:03
basculePollman: depends what you are used to21:03
doleikonia it wouldn't fix my problem?21:03
ianqikonia: nothing recently. these are the most recent entries: Dec  1 06:27:20 inetserv syslogd 1.4.1#20ubuntu4: restart.21:03
ianqDec  1 06:46:42 inetserv -- MARK --21:03
Pollmanbascule, I want to make my ubuntu partition significantly smaller21:03
Gunner_Srikonia: if the graphic support is not there out of the product, then what other options do you have?21:03
ikoniaint0: check "who -r" see what your current run level21:03
basculedole: opena terminal and say glxgears, if you are > 1000fps, thats as good as it gets21:03
basculePollman: you want gparted21:04
dolebascule i read something about that, thanks, i'll try21:04
GoosemooseHi, trying to get apt-cacher installed on ubuntu. Seems to install fine but i can't browse to http://localhost:3142. Tried to restart the service and it says unable to bind socker (port 3142) Any idea why?21:04
Pollmanbascule, will it run in vista or will I have to boot into ubuntu?21:04
basculePollman: man it's ubuntu based21:04
basculePollman: my knowledge of free win software is weak21:04
Pollmanbascule, yeah I see that now21:04
dolebascule hey i did it21:04
duguram1why do i eat cupcakes21:05
dolebascule it's woring at 500 fps21:05
dolebascule :(21:05
ikonia!offtopic >duguram121:05
portablejimaladinsane: I think it should go below " # Uncomment if you have a wacom tablet" (between the sections)21:05
aladinsaneportablejim: by the way, i already had those lines: Section "Module" Load "glx" Load "GLcore" Load "dri" Load "v4l" EndSection21:05
ianqikonia: any idea?21:05
basculedole: that is pretty low, but maybe as good as you get, 865?21:05
ikoniaianq: apologies I missed your last respone21:05
ianqikonia: nothing recently. these are the most recent entries: Dec  1 06:27:20 inetserv syslogd 1.4.1#20ubuntu4: restart.21:06
ianqDec  1 06:46:42 inetserv -- MARK --21:06
ikoniaianq: do a "who -r" and check your run level21:06
dolebascule 865 what? fps?21:06
basculedole: no intel 86521:06
dolebascule oh21:06
JerekDainhello, all. i'm a user of moderate linux experience, and i'm just setting up ubuntu on my work comp (Dell Optiplex 320, dual-booting with windows xp), and now that the install is done when i choose ubuntu i just get a black screen with a blinking cursor and can't do anything. i had to do acpi=off to install, but that's in the boot command too. google isn't helping, anyone able to gelp?21:06
dolebascule the model it's 82865g21:06
ianqikonia: run-level 6  2007-12-01 08:14                   last=221:06
ikoniaianq: now that is interesting21:06
dolebascule 865 reffers tyo the model?21:07
ikoniaianq: your run level has changed to 6 (reboot) so it should be going down21:07
basculedole: yeah, maybe 500 is your lot ...21:07
ianqit's been trying to reboot for three days now?21:07
aladinsaneportablejim: thnx for the effort but i got to go give GF some loving :) I'll deal with it tomorrow21:07
dolebascule so what can i do to fix this???21:07
basculedole: it osn't broken21:07
coxcommand for emplying the trash bin anyone?21:07
ikoniaianq: just having a little ponder, as you are "going down" so to speak21:07
forb4d3figured out my own answer the file is /etc/modprobe.conf to change which kernel modules are loaded on boot for those wondering21:07
portablejimaladinsane: Bye.21:08
dolebascule but shouldn't work over 1000fps?21:08
dolebascule i have 3d acceleretion in my card21:08
basculewell I forgot what card you have21:08
dolebascule windows recognized it perfectly21:08
ianqikonia: it seems to keep on doing this quite a bit. any clue as to why? it works just fine within the first few days after the last reboot, but once the machine runs for a few days it starts doing this and i have to power it off by hand. a linux system shouldn't do that21:08
basculedole: it is a reasonable rate for the card you have21:08
ikoniaianq: what does your server do ?21:09
ikoniaianq: what is its function21:09
dolebascule.. oh ok.. but there is sth i don't understand, for example, when i installed cedega transgamming.. it did't detect 3d acceleration, same as a game i try to play..21:09
ianqikonia: lamp + cron jobs21:09
ikoniaianq: ok can we try a few things21:09
ianqikonia: i control it thru SSH from my laptop on the road occasionally21:10
ianqikonia: ok :-)21:10
ikoniaianq: lets shut down apache/mysql manually first of all21:10
porkchop_quick question: what is the next expected LTR?21:10
porkchop_err LTS21:10
ianqikonia: one moment21:10
ikoniaianq: do you know how to do that using the init scripts21:10
basculedole: well I am not sure why, cause that is an acceptable score for an 86521:10
ianqikonia: no21:10
ianqikonia: please explain21:10
ubotuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.21:10
ikoniaianq: sudo /etc/init.d/apache stop21:10
Slartporkchop_: I think the next one is hardy heron.. ie the one coming in april21:10
ianqikonia: oh, sure21:10
ikoniaianq: cool21:10
basculedole: perhaps they will only run on nvidia and ati ...21:11
Jack_BauerI'd like to have an information about password storing on Ubuntu21:11
ianqroot@inetserv:/# /etc/init.d/mysql stop21:11
ianq * Stopping MySQL database server mysqld                                 [fail] ahaaa21:11
dolebascule but i am talking about 3d acceleration,m is it involved with the score?21:11
JerekDainanyone have any advice for why i just get a blank screen on startup with my new ubuntu install?21:11
pteague_workanybody know of something like winscp for linux?  a gui for sftp/scp ?21:11
ikoniaianq: I think we have a winner ;)21:11
basculedole: can you install and run celestia and foobillard?21:11
ianqikonia: why does it do that?21:11
SlartJerekDain: running with a nvidia 8800?21:11
dolebascule windows detects 3d acceleration and everything works just fine :S21:11
ikoniaianq: can you check the mysql log ?21:11
ianqikonia: yes. one moment21:11
dolebascule and what are those?21:11
Jack_BauerI have created a VMware virtual machine for the sole purpose of P2P (MLDonkey+Azureus), configured to block IP addresses of known anti-P2P organizations...21:11
Jack_BauerAnd to do other useful thing for P2P users...21:12
Nekochanhaving a really weird issue, I have a wireless keybaord/mouse combo using a bluetooth adapater, it worked in windows and during the install but now after install the mouse only has a 5 foot range (yes I tried replacing the batteries) and the keyboard is still 25 feet (what it's supposed to be)21:12
B-rabbitI am trying to create partition with GParted but before you can make a partition you have to have a Disklabel. But when I try to create a Disklabel by goin into GParted > Device >Set Disklabel....it says that "WARNING: Creating a new disklabel will erase all data on /dev/sda! "...and my ubuntu is installed in /dev/sda i think...is there a way around this....help needed plz...thanx21:12
basculedole: one app and one game that will test the graphical performance21:12
JerekDainSlart: ATI Radeon x1300... it's not completely blank, i actually get a blinking cursor, and the kernel just appears to not load...21:12
dolebascule and how do i run them??21:12
PollmanAnyone know of any good themes for gutsy with compiz-fusion?21:12
dolebascule temrinal?21:12
ianqikonia: which one? i've got mysql.err, mysql.log (empty), mysql.log.1.gz through 721:12
gidna_When I use tuxguitar I can't listen the audio of the other software..21:12
Jack_BauerNow, I'd like to post it on the VMware website, but I have to change passwords of the users and of Azuresus, because as of now I use the ones I use regularly on web sites, my PC, ecc...21:12
ikoniaianq: check err21:12
SlartJerekDain: hmm.. well I get the same symptoms if I don't disable the splash screen.. you could try that21:12
gidna_can you help me?21:13
dolebascule no i dont have celestia installed21:13
ianqikonia: empty21:13
basculedole: install them first in synaptics, they will show in the menu21:13
dolebascule ok i'll try21:13
ikoniaianq: tell you what, lets start mysql manually21:13
taconegidna_: they plan to fix the sound once for all the next version :-)21:13
JerekDainSlart: we stripped out the commands for quiet and splash... do i have to specify no splash screen or should removing the call for it have done it?21:13
gidna_they who?21:13
ianqikonia: don't we have to stop it first?21:13
Paddy_EIREgidna_: the manitees21:14
taconeubuntu developers21:14
JerekDainSlart: also, it seems like it's not even looking for the kernel. we don't hear the HDs spinning at all, and tab completion is selecting the right kernel21:14
SlartJerekDain: removing the SPLASH word in grub's menu.lst should do it..21:14
gidna_you have the same pronblem?21:14
mage2Anyone know of a workaround for the grep -P problem?21:14
ikoniaianq: try starting it21:14
JerekDainSlart: yeah, then we tried that21:14
dolebascule hey, in synaptic i couldn't find celestia and foobillard :S21:14
ianqikonia: # /etc/init.d/mysql start21:14
ianq * Starting MySQL database server mysqld   it's hanging here, not doing anything21:14
dolebascule i'm in the live cd 7.0421:14
taconei guess many have similar problems21:14
SlartJerekDain: does the live cd work?21:14
taconeoss, alsa etc.21:14
JerekDainSlart: perfectly21:15
basculedole: well that explains everything21:15
tzfardeaHey, I'm recording something with VLC and I want to stop it automatically when I'm not near the computer, is there a way to do this?21:15
taconeyou could try to check if that software supports alsa21:15
SlartJerekDain: and if you use the open source "old" ati drivers.. ?21:15
dolebascule i had the 7.10 but i damaged gdm now i'm in live cd21:15
dolebascule but in 7.10 happened the same things21:15
taconedo you have tux-guitar alsa ?21:15
PollmanAnyone know of any good gutsy themes?21:15
ubotuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy21:16
taconePollman: I use leopardizer21:16
ted0816Hi, I have been having problems in Ubuntu with torrents.  I tried using the default BitTorrent Clinet but if I try to download a 12GB file for example it says too many files open and then it wont download.  I tried to use different clients such as deluge, bittornado, ktorrent, azureus, but they all freeze up my pc after some time causing me to have to reboot.  Is there a way I can fix this, I think it has something to do with the open f21:16
ted0816iles thing.21:16
JerekDainSlart: how would i do that? though i really think it's not a video problem because i can see the cursor fine, it's just not doing anything, not even an error message.... it really looks like it's just not loading the kernel21:16
ianqikonia: did you get my last message?21:16
ikoniaianq: sorry I missed it21:16
JerekDainSlart: a coworker with the same issue is going to try reinstalling with lilo instead of grub21:16
ianqikonia: # /etc/init.d/mysql start21:16
ianq * Starting MySQL database server mysqld   it's hanging here, not doing anything21:16
ikoniaianq: mysql and syslog "logs"21:16
ted0816I have been having problems in Ubuntu with torrents.  I tried using the default BitTorrent Clinet but if I try to download a 12GB file for example it says too many files open and then it wont download.  I tried to use different clients such as deluge, bittornado, ktorrent, azureus, but they all freeze up my pc after some time causing me to have to reboot.  Is there a way I can fix this, I think it has something to do with the open files21:16
ted0816 thing21:16
SlartJerekDain: well.. that you're seeing the cursor could just mean that it couldn't initialize the graphics mode and that it's still in text mode21:16
ianqikonia: what?21:16
ikoniaianq: check the logs21:17
JerekDainSlart: that could be21:17
erUSUL!repeat | ted081621:17
ubotuted0816: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience21:17
JerekDainSlart: how do i use the old drivers?21:17
SlartJerekDain: do you use the restricted drivers in ubuntu?21:17
JerekDainbtw, single user mode also doesn't boot21:17
JerekDaini've never gotten it to load once, so i have no idea... all defaults so far21:17
ubotuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.21:17
dolei know21:18
ikoniathen why do it21:18
doleit was for everyone to read em21:18
basculedole: bye21:18
ikoniawe can read lower case21:18
ted0816 torrents.  I tried using the default BitTorrent Clinet but if I try to download a 12GB file for example it says too many files open and then it wont download.  I tried to use different clients such as deluge, bittornado, ktorrent, azureus, but they all freeze up my pc after some time causing me to have to reboot.  Is there a way I can fix this?21:18
dolei'm a grate ful man21:18
SlartJerekDain: oh.. single user mode doesn't work either.. .. why not try enabling some debugging output and see what it's going through..21:18
dolelol, sorry bye21:18
JerekDainSlart: ah, how do we do that?21:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ar - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:18
ianqikonia: http://pastebin.com/df62f94c21:18
SlartJerekDain: grub switches again =).. hang on.. I'll just check the syntax21:19
ikoniaianq: looking21:19
ianqikonia: ignore the date - for some reason, the server stopped updatating the date 3 days ago21:19
JerekDainSlart: thanks :)21:19
pmdocHi! I have a question about beagle and (intermittent) network drives. Maybe someone here can provide som answers, because I can not find them anywhere else....21:19
ianqikonia: so i just changed it to 12/4/07 which is not yet reflected in the log files21:19
LjLbascule: they don't do support, -es does21:19
ted0816 I have been having problems in Ubuntu with torrents.  I tried using the default BitTorrent Clinet but if I try to download a 12GB file for example it says too many files open and then it wont download.  I tried to use different clients such as deluge, bittornado, ktorrent, azureus, but they all freeze up my pc after some time causing me to have to reboot.  Is there a way I can fix this21:19
ikoniaianq: ok, there are a few possible issues here21:19
basculeLjL: thanks, just didn't know the .ar country of origin21:20
cas_hi, I have a problem with Gutsy, sometimes my keyboard stops working with windows. After closing the window it starts working again. Any idea what this bug could be? I have it on 2 computers now :S21:20
ikoniaianq: want to go throguh them21:20
basculei guessed right :)21:20
SlartJerekDain: hmm.. now when I'm looking at my menu.lst.. I have the switch "nosplash".. perhaps you should try that before we do anything else21:20
ianqikonia: absolutely. i appreciate your help so far21:20
JerekDainSlart: ok, i'll try that on my coworker's machine (so i won't have to leave chat - i'm on my windows partition right now)21:20
ikoniaianq: no problem, ok first things first, the date issue, it may not seem a big deal, but having the wrong date can be a real problem21:21
SlartJerekDain: do that.. and remove the "quiet" switch if it's there..21:21
ikoniaianq: second thing, it looks like mysql is starting up then hanging which is causing the shut down problem21:21
ted0816 I have been having problems in Ubuntu with torrents.  I tried using the default BitTorrent Clinet but if I try to download a 12GB file for example it says too many files open and then it wont download.  I tried to use different clients such as deluge, bittornado, ktorrent, azureus, but they all freeze up my pc after some time causing me to have to reboot.  Is there a way I can fix this21:21
tzfardeaIs there a command that stops VLC from playing?21:21
erUSUL!repeat | ted081621:21
ubotuted0816: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience21:21
bascule!patience | ted21:21
ubotuted: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines21:21
pmdocHi! I have a question about beagle and (intermittent) network drives. Maybe someone here can provide som answers, because I can not find them anywhere else....21:21
ianqikonia: i reset the date every once in a while, but once the system starts hanging again the date gets goofy. sounds plausible?21:21
ted0816ubotu stfu21:22
ubotuAcronyms or statements like  noob, jfgi, stfu or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.21:22
toby_Hi people I have some questions21:22
ikoniaianq: possible, yes21:22
LjL!stfu | ted081621:22
ubotuted0816: please see above21:22
JerekDainSlart: coworker already tried that... using another machine he looked up info and found that it's because of a crappy ata controller on this model, and the only fix people are suggesting is "install lilo"21:22
ianqikonia: so, what can i do to fix the date problem and mysql?21:22
taconeanyone for a kubuntu vmware appliance ?21:22
toby_im not in a hurry soz for giving that impression21:22
arcdarkwolfHi, sorry to be a bit of a hassle, I've pretty much got my ubuntu system on the go, but I need help with installing Flash 9... could I be such a pain and ask for help?21:23
ikoniaianq: ok - first things first, lets kill mysql21:23
ikoniaianq: ps -ef | grep mysql21:23
pmdocHi! I have a question about beagle and (intermittent) network drives. Maybe someone here can provide som answers, because I can not find them anywhere else....21:23
erUSULted0816: i've seen aperson with your same problem on #ubuntu-es. I revised with him all her limits (files processes) the openend files (lsof) the limits of the running kernel etc and i couldn't find the reason for that error.21:23
taconekrish: ?21:23
ompaul!ask | krish21:23
ubotukrish: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)21:23
toko123is there a linux app which will auto-dial around 3,00o phone numbers in an emergency?21:23
user1gutsy looks like a nice release, too bad i cant get sound working on it21:24
krishi have a compaq v3000 laptop and the sounds stopped after hibernating21:24
toby_What settings might you change to allow VPN traffic though your Firewall21:24
erUSULtoko123: chat, wvdial called from scripts and cron jobs21:24
SlartJerekDain: ok.. then I guess lilo is the next thing to try21:24
krishi googled and found that this is a known issue21:24
Paddy_EIREuser1: me neither although there are patches21:24
ianqikonia: kill <whatever the process id>?21:24
krishbut cant find a solution for it21:24
deomessI'm a complete linux newbie looking to install ubuntu.  Is there a page anywhere that lists differences between the Desktop and Server editions?21:24
krishis there a patch or something21:24
ikoniaianq: you got it21:24
ompaulkrish, search launchpad.net for an answer for that21:24
LjL!server > deomess    (deomess, see the private message from Ubotu)21:24
JerekDainSlart: i have to reinstall ubuntu for that don't i? do you know if i have to do anything tricky to make it work with my windows xp partition properly again?21:24
user1Paddy. ive looked cant find any fixes21:24
basculedeomess: if you are a noob you want desktop, thats akk there is to it21:24
ianqikonia: it just comes up with a new pid21:24
arcdarkwolfWhat commands would I use in the Terminal to install Flash?21:24
Paddy_EIREuser1: then you have not looked...21:25
ikoniaianq: kill the parent21:25
ompaul!flash | arcdarkwolf21:25
ubotuarcdarkwolf: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash21:25
krishhi tsunami21:25
pmdocHi! I have a question about beagle and (intermittent) network drives. Maybe someone here can provide som answers, because I can not find them anywhere else....The thing is...bealge seems to forget previous indexed folders when  they are disconnected...Anyway around this so I don't have to reindex every time I mount them???21:25
ianqikonia: oh. i think it just restarted21:25
user1toshiba A135-S740321:25
deomessthanks bascule, ubotu21:25
SlartJerekDain: I wouldn't think so.. lilo or grub should only deal with the absolute first part of the startup.. after that it's the same afaik.. there are probably howto's out there for switching back and forth21:25
ikoniaianq: now try to stop it21:25
JerekDainSlart: though windows wasn't crazy about ubuntu's changing of the partitions the first time around. :P when i got back to windows it forced a somewhat lengthy uninteruptable disk check on next boot21:26
ianqikonia: one moment. it's in the process of coming back up21:26
lusepusterHi; I'm trying to build amsn from svn but it can't find my tcl build dir. I got tcl8.4-dev installed, what might the problem be then?21:26
ikoniaianq: no problem21:26
JerekDainSlart: yeah, i'm just wondering how to tell ubunto to install over the same partitions...21:26
ikonialusepuster: you won't find a build dir as its pre-compiled21:26
mage2Anyone know of a workaround for the grep -P problem? the perl compatable regex is unsupported21:26
Paddy_EIREuser1: you would be better of using what works for you until maybe Hardy comes out... its LTS and will more likely have those issues fixed21:26
Paddy_EIREuser1: unless you like experimenting21:27
SlartJerekDain: well.. you might have to do some manual reconfiguration before you'll be dualbooting etc..21:27
ianqikonia: it might have shut down. brb, gotta go to the basement21:27
ikoniaianq: ok21:27
basculePaddy_EIRE: LTS?21:27
lusepusterikonia, thx - will try and figure out a workaround if there is any21:27
JerekDaindamn... and the default automatic dual-boot with grub seemed to be working so nice...21:27
user1paddy: 6.06 sound works fine, ubuntu is going backwards not forwards21:27
Paddy_EIRE!lts | bascule21:27
ubotubascule: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.21:27
basculePaddy_EIRE: thanks21:28
arcdarkwolfAhh, still having problem with the Flash21:28
Paddy_EIREuser1: no its not21:28
delphiHi. Is anybody use a HansaWorld Enterprise?21:28
ikonialusepuster: ok21:28
mage2no ideas on the grep question? or did i miss the reply21:28
m1rPaddy_EIRE: lts also support 5 years if i patch desktop on server install ?21:29
Paddy_EIREuser1: things get updated and sometimes it has a knock on affect with other things... although its impossible to get things just right the first time around for everyone21:29
basculemage2: what is -P issue?21:29
arcdarkwolfExcuse me, I'm still having problems with my Flash. I'm still getting to grips with the terminal...21:29
ianqikonia: ok. i'm back. # /etc/init.d/mysql stop21:29
ianq * Stopping MySQL database server mysqld                                     [ OK ]21:29
mage2bascule: grep does not have the -P option supported.  its the perl compatable regular expressions21:29
JerekDainSlart: well apparently we're going to try grub2... i'm off to reboot to the live cd and see how it goes. thanks a lot for the help. :)21:29
ikoniaianq: ok, thats looking better21:30
ompaularcdarkwolf, that is why I gave you the instructions on how to install flash in the url: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash21:30
basculemage2: perl -e 'some stuf that looks weird' ?21:30
deomessI have a Desktop LiveCD up and running in my laptop right now, but the Install application is taking *hours*.  It could be that my disc drive is wonky but I figure I'd ask if anyone else has seen this.  If all else fails I'll try the text-mode installer.21:30
ikoniaianq: now can we do the same from cron21:30
ianqikonia: please explain21:30
bluntzIs there a mythbuntu channel yet?21:30
ikoniaianq: sudo /etc/init.d/cron stop21:30
arcdarkwolfompaul, I read the document up and down, I still don't know what to do21:30
ikoniabluntz: I don't think so21:30
ianqikonia: done21:30
basculebluntz: /j #mythbuntu, is it just you?21:31
mage2bascule: -e is close but not the same. i read that 11/07 the ubuntu team said they were going to fix it but can not find a workaround or any progress21:31
ikoniaianq: now can we try "shutdown -r now"21:31
ianqit's rebooting now21:31
bluntz /j #mythbuntu, is it just you?21:31
ikoniaianq: thats better :)21:31
basculemage2: no idea, sorry21:31
ompaularcdarkwolf, from the menu - system - administration - synaptic package manager search for "flashplugin-nonfree" and install it21:31
bluntzlazy me21:31
ianqikonia: ok, it's back up21:32
suloHi, anybody using Bluefish HTML editor, who can tell me how to turn off the automatic appending of closing tags?21:32
mw-home_where does the ubuntu set the runlevel?  The next time I reboot, I don't want to start X.21:32
Orionim having an issue.  Everything i load has a gigantic title bar and huge maximize and minimize buttons21:32
ikoniaianq: ok - thats interesting, I think you have a problem with mysql hanging21:33
erUSULmw-home_: boot in recovery mode (from the grub manu)21:33
Paddy_EIREOrion: change your theme then21:33
ikoniaianq: that appears to tbe the core of the problem21:33
ianqikonia: yeah ;-) what can i do about it?21:33
portablejimMy wireless stopped working when I tried to connect to another network.21:33
ikoniaianq: well, first thing you can do is wait for it to happen again, then strace the mysql process21:33
arcdarkwolfompaul, oh I see, thanks. I was kinda lost before21:33
ikoniaianq: you can up the log level in the "my.cnf" file21:33
ompaularcdarkwolf, enjoy21:33
Orionpaddy_EIRE: I am using the default theme21:33
Paddy_EIRE!fixres | Orion21:34
ubotuOrion: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto21:34
ikoniaianq: do you follow21:34
ianqikonia: yes, i was just looking thru my.cnf21:34
ikoniaianq: just checking21:34
mw-home_erUSUL: thanks.21:34
ianqikonia: do i want to uncomment "#log            = /var/log/mysql/mysql.log" ?21:34
ikoniaianq: thata a good start21:35
ianqikonia: ok, done21:35
lusepusterikonia, this is not strictly Ubuntu, but if I have to point to tcl-binaries in the configure script, would that be the /usr/lib/tcl* dirs or the /usr/bin/tclsh* dirs, you happen to know that?21:35
bluntzwell theres an ubuntu-mythtv channel21:35
ikonialusepuster: it would be the binaries21:35
ikonianot the libs21:35
chester_martins_exist a SO based on linux to my nokia 6630?21:36
ianqikonia: do you think it's a software or a hardware problem?21:36
ikoniaianq: I would assume software, but it's hard to tell without more info21:36
krishwhy dont i have a /dev/modem on laptop21:37
ianqikonia: alright. i've had a problem with this for a while, also under gentoo a few months back21:37
ianqikonia: i originally blamed it on gentoo and hoped that under ubuntu things would be better21:37
ianqikonia: i guess it wasn't my gentoo install ;-)21:37
ikoniaianq: hardware (memory) is a good first look then21:37
ianqikonia: how?21:37
Paddy_EIRE!memtest | ianq21:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about memtest - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:38
erUSUL!dial-up | krish21:38
ikoniaianq: an easy test to do is run the "memcheck" boot option from the ubuntu cd - let it run solid for 24 hours, see if it reports any errors21:38
ubotukrish: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto21:38
=== hYper is now known as miloje
=== miloje is now known as Spasoje
r00tintheb0xIm back, anyone needing advanced help please feel free to ask21:38
Spasojehi all :)21:38
Goosemooseanyone else here use pressed files for installs? Some reason it doesn't like my mirror country21:38
GoosemooseI have21:38
ianqikonia: i have to install it first?21:38
ikoniaianq: no - just boot from the livecd21:39
Goosemoosed-i mirror/country string United States21:39
ikoniaianq: at the boot menu there is "memtest" option21:39
Dankchildhey guys i have a serrious problem, i booted up today and my external hard drive made this clicking noise and it just keeps doing it, i fear the worst. what do i do?21:39
ianqikonia: is there any way that i can just install it? i have no clue where the live cd is ;-)21:39
ikoniaianq: I think its installed with all desktop version, so I would assume its in the server version too, check in your /boot/grub/menu.lst see if you have a "memtest" option21:40
ompaulDankchild, back it up asap21:40
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP321:40
shaft0I'm having a weird problem with Gutsy.  It21:40
ianqikonia: yes. i uncommented the line memtest86=true21:41
ikoniaianq: reboot and select it from your boot menu21:41
shaft0It's like a freeze, only in reverse.  Everything still works (visually speaking, downloads continue, etc) but I can't move the mouse, and the keyboard doesn't respond.21:41
MikeHEvening chaps21:41
MikeHis there a disc/partition manager available in ubunty.21:41
shaft0If I Ctrl-Alt-Backspace, will my downloads (firefox) stop?21:41
ianqikonia: i can't - there's no monitor to my server. it's just the box hooked up to the network ;-)21:41
krishubotu: erUSUL: thks21:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about erusul: thks - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:41
ussershaft0, yes21:41
ianqikonia: is there any way i can monitor it thru ssh?21:41
ikoniaianq: you'll need to get a monitor then21:41
LjLMikeH: gparted?21:42
ikoniaianq: no, its a boot option21:42
ompaulikonia, I have tests that show that is not a 100% fault catcher,21:42
ikoniaianq: it boots a little binary21:42
ikoniaompaul: go for it21:42
shaft0usser: so any idea as to why my mouse/keyboard would freeze?21:42
ikoniaianq: tag, ompaul is in21:42
shaft0tried plugging them in and unplugging them, doesn't fix it.21:42
ianqikonia: ok. thanks21:42
ussershaft0, can be for various reasons, is the picture changing at all. or is it completely still?21:43
ompaulianq, got yourself a monitor? the thing is that you need one for it, however be aware that it is not 100% reliable for memtesting it is a great guide21:43
shaft0the picture is changing as normal21:43
ianqompaul: yeah i have a monitor21:43
ianqompaul: i'll see if someone got a spare keyboard around here haha21:43
shaft0download rate changes, progress updates, etc, just can't move the mouse or keyboard.21:43
ianqompaul: is memtest intuitive or is there anything i should know in advance?21:43
shaft0im going to try plugging in a USB mouse and seeing if i can move it with that21:43
Pollywoghello, do any of you use Jabber on Pidgin ?21:44
ompaulianq, connect it and you can disconnect from your machine and boot it - on the fly - it is very obvious21:44
ussershaft0, hm, right try it21:44
MikeHIs there anyway to find out what controller a hd is running on? Or diferentiate between controllers? I have 2 discs on one sata controller, 1 on another, I need to erase the 2 on 1.21:44
shaft0weird, works fine.21:44
Discererso I have an svn repo on my server and I want apache to be able to modify it, so I chmod the dir -R 777, but when I create a new file, it automatically gets -rw-r--r--. why?21:44
LjLianq: you shouldn't need a keyboard, you can use "grub-boot" to reboot into memtest21:44
Discerer(this is in /usr/local/svn)21:44
Xtevenhi, is anyone else having problems with network-manager-openvpn and a static key ?21:44
PollywogI can't find a way to set a priority for a resource in Pidgin21:44
shaft0but the other mouse still won't work.  The mouse/keyboard is PS2, and isn't working, but USB is working fine.21:44
LjLianq: grub-reboot rather21:44
ompaulianq, the test itself if very obvious let the machine sit there for a few hours and it will try all sorts of tests and show failures if it finds some, I found that installs can prove ram very quickly21:44
PollywogI think the Pidgin developers just forgot that feature for Jabber21:45
ompaulianq, if you have a spare drive hanging around and have issues installing it is usually ram21:45
ussershaft0, u should file a bug report21:45
ianqLjL: #grub-reboot brings memtest up?21:45
ompaulianq, you reboot the box and it will be obvious in the grub menu21:46
ianqompaul: tell you what - let me hook up the server to a monitor quickly21:46
shaft0how do I go about doing that?  first issue i've had with ubuntu :P21:46
LjLianq: no, it just lets you choose which GRUB menu entry to boot from. choose the memtest one. (look at /boot/grub/menu.lst to find out which it is)21:46
ompaulianq, do it carefully21:46
shaft0nm i can rtfm and figure out how to do it21:46
shaft0you dont need to baby me that far ;)21:46
AcidBurnPlease, has anyone use the Portable VNC viewer? I could need some help! for PSP..21:46
basculeif I installed ubuntu to an external hdd on one amchine and then plugged the hdd into another machine, would the ardware be detedted and configured reasonably well?21:46
suloIf I download a .jar file (java installer), what program should I use to run it?21:47
erUSULbascule: well all installations of ubuntu uses the same kernel and modules21:47
LjLsulo: java?21:47
erUSULbascule: Xorg is another history21:47
suloLjL ok=!21:48
Alan_What's my best bet for a PCI wireless card with good linux compatibility?21:48
ikoniaAlan_: read the hardware compatability list21:48
Alan_oooh, good point ikonia21:48
lusepusterI tried to look at the aptitude man page but it doesnt say - what does a B after the i in installation status on an aptitude search mean?21:48
shaft0The problem I have with filling out a bug report is that I can't replicate it easily.  It occurs randomly.21:48
basculeerUSUL: good chance then? I have a laptop for a customer with no cd and won't boot of USB, it has a wacom touch screen cause it's a tablet, I am only slightly worried about a lock at boot time or such21:48
* shaft0 shrugs21:49
tonyyarussoIs anyone aware of a stumbleupon extension for Epiphany?21:49
suloLjL: it won't execute it!21:49
LjLsulo: java -jar filename.jar21:49
tom_hi all, im trying to get myself into wm development, anyone know of an uber simple wm that i can dissect?21:49
basculeerUSUL: I'll just need to try it tomorrow and see how I do, is the initrd the same across all installs too?21:50
ompaultom_, wmaker21:50
erUSULbascule: if doesn't boot from usb how do you plan to boot the external HD? why not use the way easier liveCD??21:50
basculeerUSUL: remove the drive and stick it in a caddy21:50
suloLjL I get "unable to access file <filename>21:50
samgranierihey everyone, i installed ubuntu and i cant figure out how to get the xserver to run at boot, or set up the mouse. any ideas?21:50
basculeerUSUL: It has no cd and customer has no dock either21:50
LjLsulo, err, you put the actual filename there, right?21:51
tom_ompaul: ill take a look, thanks21:51
suloLjL haha. yes21:51
LjLsulo, well, that's the error that's given when the file is not found. are you sure you're in the right directory?21:51
suloLjL btw, I'm trying to install jedit. any experience w/ that?21:51
samgranierihey everyone, i installed ubuntu and i cant figure out how to get the xserver to run at boot, or set up the mouse. any ideas?21:52
basculesulo: apt-get it21:52
suloLjL... pretty sure... I'm standing in the same dir and I've checked my spelling... :/21:52
ianqLjL: well, looks like i _do_ need a keyboard to get into the boot menu ...21:52
bascule!info jedit21:52
ubotuPackage jedit does not exist in gutsy21:52
geniiserver install, i'm guessing21:52
varsendaggrsulo apt-get anythiny21:52
basculeI wonder why no jedit, it is gpl21:52
tom_ompaul: a lot of code.... :D21:53
suloLjL Oh, now it's working.. must have been my typing anywa. thanks!21:53
jsoftwPeow peow.21:53
jsoftwAnyone notice that ubuntu seems to delay in connecting to ssh servers?21:53
erUSULbascule: well you can try not sure how grub will react though21:53
r00tintheb0xOkay I am back, private message me for advanced help21:53
ompaultom_, they are none trivial but that one is easy enough to work out what is doing what21:53
jsoftwErm, like say 3-4 seconds delay, whereas previously on fbsd it was instant21:53
sulohas this channel got any bots?21:53
jsoftwI wonder what that is.21:53
ikoniasulo: yes21:53
LjL!bot > sulo    (sulo, see the private message from Ubotu)21:53
jsoftw!bot > bot21:54
jsoftw!bot > /dev/null ?21:54
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots21:54
ompaul!botabuse | jsoftw21:54
ubotujsoftw: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.21:54
suloubotu apt?21:54
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about apt? - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:54
basculeerUSUL: It is a really tough proposition, but I fancy my chances, just for conversations sake, it is the first time I have been paid to install a linux distro in 4 years as a tech21:54
ompaulsulo, do /msg ubotu apt21:54
ubotublender is a free application for 3D modelling, animation, rendering, etc. You can install it from Ubuntu's repositories, and tutorials are at http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Blender_3D:_Noob_to_Pro21:54
suloompaul: okay. thanks21:54
ompaultheLichKing, ehh msg the bot please21:55
suloI like apt21:55
TD-Linuxyum is getting good now too tho21:55
theLichKingsulo: oh rly?21:55
* bascule continues to reflect on the grub issue21:55
theLichKingyum is cool, just slow21:55
MikeHgparted core dumps when I try to create a disclabel on a drive previously used in a raid0 array21:55
MikeHany ideas?21:55
suloyeah, but he's not here21:56
MikeHWould I be better off formatting it in windows?21:56
varsendaggrLich blender is great21:56
ompaulMikeH, na cat /dev/zero > /dev/foo ---- but remember that you really should have deconstructed the raid in full first21:56
theLichKingvarsendaggr: i did this with blender http://imagebin.org/1215821:57
varsendaggrl 'm on my palm i'll check it later21:58
alzamabarHi, could someone suggest me a good antivirus for ubuntu 7.10 gg?21:58
LjL!virus > alzamabar    (alzamabar, see the private message from Ubotu)21:58
theLichKing!virus > theLichKing21:58
=== nuu is now known as nu
=== nu is now known as nuu
LjL!msgthebot > theLichKing    (theLichKing, see the private message from Ubotu)21:59
sainzeo_does anyone know if pidgin 2.3 will be available in the repos soon?21:59
Prax01DI'm not getting a UDF CDRW volume to show up in a basic Ubuntu install. A CD-R shows up fine, however. Note that the UDF volume name and other mount information appear in the Device Manager. Where would be best to go about this?22:00
varsendaggrtheLichking i am getting into charater annimation22:00
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!22:01
Xtevenlol ok22:01
varsendaggrompaul, true22:01
Xteventhe network-manager-openvpn docs say that static keys are onn the todo list22:01
poeloqis there anyway to disable the optical drive in my laptop under Ubuntu? My system freezes when the kernel tries to access it22:01
markus_is there any way to go back to my old os xp?22:02
LjL!dualboot > markus_    (markus_, see the private message from Ubotu)22:02
salahAny good archive tools that open RAR files? must be simple, both graphics and consolebased22:02
LjL!rar > salah    (salah, see the private message from Ubotu)22:02
erUSULsalah: file-roller22:02
ompaulmarkus_, you use your install disk and ask in ##windows22:02
brokenWhen I am told that I can resume a screen like, screen -r [pid.]tty.host what is the correct format?22:03
brokenI don't know what goes for pid, or tty22:03
alzamabarI installed ubuntu 7.10 gg and logging in with my username (with admin privileges I assume). There is also a root user. First of all: am I in total control of my PC or am I a secondary user? Is root the full admin? Can the root user be removed?22:03
brokenalzamabar, yea you are in full control, root user cannot be removed far as I know.22:03
ubotuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo22:03
erUSULalzamabar: why did you enabled the root user?22:03
ompaulbroken, http://www.amitu.com/blog/2004/12/screen-howto.html screen howto22:04
alzamabarerUSUL, Actually I did not do anything. I just installed the system :)22:04
duguram1wow chrispirillo hates vista22:04
duguram1i think he is scurred of ubuntu22:04
alzamabarIs there an XChat program for Ubuntu (so that I can chat from that machine instead of my Windows one)?22:05
duguram1its called gaim22:05
taconealzamabar: GAIM !22:05
duguram1or pidgin22:05
astro76alzamabar, it's called xchat, actually22:05
Condouloalzamabar- xChat is available for Ubuntu22:05
ubotuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines22:05
taconeyes pidgin22:05
dmckeeHow can I see windows shared folders from Ubuntu7.10 ?22:05
alzamabark, thanks22:05
brokenompaul, that doesn't really assist me..22:05
erUSUL!samba | dmckee22:06
theLichKingxchat is a linux program from the beginning22:06
Condouloalzamabar- Actually, I am currently using xChat on Ubuntu right now :P22:06
tacone sudo apt-get install pidgin22:06
ubotudmckee: samba is is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT22:06
duguram1put them on a partition and install ubuntu22:06
brokenI know those commands, I am not sure on how to attach a specfic screen when I have many of them.22:06
duguram1anybody seen the xwindow screensavers for ubuntu?22:06
r00tintheb0xmy bad22:06
alzamabarCondoulo, is that the Fedora version?22:07
* gordonjcp has an analogue screensaver22:07
CrashOverridehow do I set the screen resolution back to the default from recovery mode22:07
ompaulbroken, then perhaps this is what you want to read about gnu/screen http://jmcpherson.org/screen.html22:07
erUSUL!fixres | CrashOverride22:07
ubotuCrashOverride: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto22:07
dmckeeIs Samba installed on Ubuntu 7.10 already? (and configured?)22:07
duguram1how do i turn my glmatrix screensaver blue22:07
poeloqdoes anybody know what this means: [   58.893742] hda-intel: Invalid position buffer, using LPIB read method instead.22:07
Jossbeen trying this in the uk channel, but still goes unanswered... terminal window "ls" does not reveal added files. new terminal ls does, nautilus does. but running ls in existing window does not. any ideas?22:07
Flare183dmckee:> no22:07
poeloqit is the last message i get before my system crashes22:07
Flare183you have to install it22:07
Condouloalzamabar- Fedora version? I don't know what you mean by that. All I did was go to add/remove programs in Ubuntu to install xChat.22:07
dmckeeok thank you Flare8322:07
erUSULdmckee: have you tried Places>Network ??22:08
duguram1ducky mcduckee22:08
stefg!intelhda | poeloq22:08
ubotupoeloq: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto22:08
alzamabarCondoulo, how do I do that? (Sorry but I'm a completely newbie in Ubuntu). Actually converted from Windows ;)22:08
erUSULalzamabar: go to Application>Add/Remove search for xchat22:09
Condouloalzamabar- On the Applications Menu, there should be an option called Add/Remove, go there. Then search for xChat, and then check it, press apply, and then wait for it to install22:09
duguram1a lot of things are free but development is not one of them22:09
erUSUL!synaptic | alzamabar22:09
ubotualzamabar: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto22:09
theLichKingwhy can't i view pictures i have on the desktop?22:09
avellinolegge l audio ma non da suono ho kubuntu su un acer travel mate che devo scrivere in shell?22:09
CrashOverridesudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » do I need to include the last part22:09
P5YCH0somebody can help? how i can instal the emerald?22:09
brokenompaul,  all i'd like to know is what screen -r [[pid.]tty[.host]]22:09
broken is22:09
robobobhey i put cd into my drive but nothing is happening22:09
theLichKingeog starts up with no picture.. or it takes forever to load then it shows nothing22:09
CrashOverridethe weird symbols22:10
stefg!it | avellino22:10
ubotuavellino: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!22:10
Pollywogavellino: #ubuntu-it22:10
alzamabarCondoulo, thanks. I'm doing it now. Hopefully I'll be chatting with you guys soon from my Ubuntu PC!!22:10
pggurb-install gives me error " Could not find device for /boot: Not found or not a block device."  Help!22:11
Chewy954linux wont boot... Not sure y.... stays on black screen after choosing it from the bootloader :|22:11
Chewy954any ideas?22:11
Condouloalzamabar- :p ok22:11
duguram1allah kazaam22:11
ompaulbroken, I don't know you can find that if you don't use ps auwx or lsof to find some info that you can then use with the standard screen commands22:11
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SpookyETIs it possible to set the desktop background for each virtual desktop individually?22:12
riotkittiein general, is it easier to attain a dual screen setup with nvidia than it is with ati? [two diff size screens, same res]22:12
Chewy954ex2if driver or w/e shows it as a raw partition O_O22:12
duguram1um no22:12
riotkittieSpookyET: no. nautilus doesnt have that capability22:12
sceojust (happily) got wireless working in ubuntu (replaced my $17 gateway router with a wrt54g) so the next thing I need to fix is my resolution.  I have a G965 board (GMA 3000 onboard).  Gutsy wants to display at the native 1440x900 resolution - and it works near-perfectly!  The exception is that my monitor floats around an "Input Not Supported" message, despite the fact that it works perfectly!  is there another driver I can/should use?  should I install 915reso22:12
alzamabar_Hi, guys, writing from my Ubuntu PC :)22:12
duguram1as long as you have utramonitor anything is possible22:12
bakaratwhat is _the_ best music player for ubuntu?22:12
LjL!best > bakarat    (bakarat, see the private message from Ubotu)22:12
PollywogSpookyET: I think you could do it in KDE22:12
Condouloalzamabar_- Nice. :) and no prob.22:12
Pollywogif I am understanding correctly22:13
SpookyETPollywog: yes22:13
jimmygoonHow long till the new Flash hits repos?22:13
SpookyETbut i need it in gnome22:13
gordonjcpbakarat: the one that gets closest to meeting your needs22:13
bakaratLjL: as far as music players go, functionality is pretty standard22:13
basculebakarat: amarok, that is all22:13
avellinojoin ubuntu-it22:13
SpookyETHaving the same babe showing on all desktops is a bit monogamous for me.22:13
LjLbakarat: then why didn't all the music player programmers just give up when they saw "the" best music player was around?22:13
duguram1off topic22:13
bluntzcan anyone help me with a video capture card?22:13
Pollywogamarok has no equal in Gnome world?22:14
gordonjcpsceo: sounds like you need to tweak your refresh frequency a bit22:14
LjLduguram1: yes, you are, i think22:14
MasterShrekshishio, that iso done yet?22:14
jimmygoonPollywog, banshee, rhythmbox, exaile?22:14
Pollywogyes I thought so22:14
basculePollywog: amarok has no equal anywhere on any platform22:14
jimmygoonpersonally I think rhythmbox is great22:14
duguram1answer meh22:14
gordonjcpI prefer vinyl22:14
riotkittiePollywog: i think there's exaile [?] but i may be wrong on that, and from what i hear, it's not completely up to snuff though [from what i hear] it does come the closest22:14
sceogordonjcp; it only lets me select 75Hz (which is what the monitor wants) - or are you referring to something else (like xorg.conf modelines)22:14
bakaratLjL: perhaps because such a "best" hasn't yet been created?22:14
* bascule is a big amarok fan22:14
jimmygoonWhat does Amarok do that is so darned special?22:14
* sceo likes xmms the best22:14
bakaratLjL: i meant a comparative best, not the absolute best ;)22:14
gordonjcpsceo: hmm, not sure then22:14
riotkittiebut i like my media players on the non-obnoxious side :>22:15
jimmygoonI always here about it but I've never seen anything that is truly fantastic22:15
* riotkittie huggles mpg321 22:15
duguram1amarok makes me whine22:15
gordonjcpsceo: yeah to be honest if I just want to play something *right now* I either use mplayer on the command line or XMMS22:15
riotkittieand audacious. <322:15
ompaulduguram1, and I think your being trollalicious22:15
bakaratit's just, a bud is considering switching to linux, but music is his life, and he's using foobar in windows22:15
bakaratand i want to be able to tell him it has it's equal in ubuntu :P22:15
riotkittiehe can use foobar in linux then.22:15
basculeamarok insists on well tagged files to get the full enjoyment from it, that scunners some people22:15
riotkittiecan he not?22:15
gordonjcpwhat's foobar?22:15
theLichKinggordonjcp: audacious is a better alternative to xmms22:15
theLichKingmore gnome friendly22:16
bakaratriotkittie: i don't know, it's not natively portable, possibly over wine22:16
MasterShrekaudacious is xmms22:16
LjLbakarat, even then, why didn't all the others at least jump on the wagon and become developers of that "comparative best" program? people are mentioning amarok, i'm not particularly fond of it because i find it *too* bloated with features for my likings. features are definitely not all the same in all music players, amarok is quite an example of that. someone yesterday was mentioning that quot libet was the only one they knew about that could mass-rename22:16
LjLfiles based on id3. so, see, features do change.22:16
gordonjcptheLichKing: yeah, I should look at that some time22:16
pggrub-install gives error "Could not find device for /boot: Not found or not a block device."22:16
riotkittieoh. foobar's actually native to win? i nevah knew that22:16
gordonjcpbakarat: what's foobar?22:16
bakaratgordonjcp: apparantly a kickass media app for windows :P22:17
bakarati haven't used it myself22:17
gordonjcpbakarat: hm22:17
shamelesshow can i set gnomehack to be text based?22:17
basculeLjL: I can't help myself, amarok does that too, very well22:17
riotkittiegordonjcp: it's a media player. nice. basic. no nonsense. at least it was when i used it way back when.22:17
jimmygoonI kinda find 3 different music programs on gnome that have 99% the same feature set to be a bit annoying/redundant22:17
riotkittiebut that was eons ago22:17
zancikhi all! plz help me someone how to install .sh files in terminel?22:17
jimmygoonheh, it looks like rhythmbox ... :P22:17
riotkittiejimmygoon: totally agree. i think someone should do something special, like, ohidunno, remove the 'play' feature from one of these players22:18
duguram1oh man i hate that22:18
theLichKingjimmygoon: and you don't find it redundant that more than 100 distributions exist22:18
basculezancik: ./the.sh of /full/path/to/the.sh22:18
LjLbascule, oh, i was just reporting what was said as an example, never implied i had first-hand knowledge of its being true22:18
gordonjcpzancik: What exactly are you trying to do?22:18
bluntzanyone know how to get sound out of pinnacle without the patchcord?22:18
duguram1second hand knowledge22:18
bluntzahem sox22:18
jimmygoonoh I give up22:18
jimmygoonits not my dev time22:19
CrashOverridesudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart didn't fix ANYTHING22:19
LhademmorHey, I'm in need of help... The past few days, my CPU has been going nuts on my laptop. The CPU-light is constantly flashing, and the computer has become extremely slow. It sometimes even takes up to 10 seconds to exit the screensaver! What can have gone wrong?22:19
duguram1cracked cpu22:19
jimmygoonLhademmor, run "top" in a terminal and see what is eating cpu / memory22:19
LjLduguram1, when you're finished making irrelevant comments, tell us22:19
theLichKingLhademmor: find out the process that's eating up your CPU and kill it22:19
dmckeeSolved my issues :) thank you guys22:19
pgHelp! grub-install gives error "Could not find device for /boot: Not found or not a block device."22:19
duguram1go home LjL22:19
CrashOverrideand then I start windows and it takes forever for it to load right22:19
zancik<gordonjcp> I need to install this          Script_Installer.sh22:20
LjLduguram1, i'm pretty serious.22:20
CrashOverridedo you think this is funny >:(22:20
bluntzwheres the sox guy?22:20
Lhademmorjimmygoon, right now trackerd is using ~45% of my CPU... Could it be that?22:20
jimmygoonLhademmor, um, yeah22:20
theLichKingLhademmor: kill the bloody thing22:20
* theLichKing gives Lhademmor a shotgun22:21
usserLhademmor, or set it up so it uses less resources22:21
pteague_workapparently kget doesn't preserve server timestamps :(  anybody know of a gui download manager that does?22:21
gordonjcpzancik: what's it an installer for?22:21
CrashOverridewhen I boot Ubuntu the screen is just a bunch of weird lines going up and down the screen, white lines and bars and that's everything and nothing will fix it22:21
CrashOverridesudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart didn't fix ANYTHING22:21
gordonjcpzancik: without wanting to seem patronising or arrogant, it's the sort of thing that you need to kind of know what you're doing22:21
pgHelp! grub-install gives me error "Could not find device for /boot: Not found or not a block device."  What can I do?22:21
zancik <gordonjcp>its for nautilus22:21
CrashOverrideWhy does ubotu give out false answers22:21
LhademmortheLichKing, how? kill trackerd does nothing...22:21
riotkittieCrashOverride: false answers? elaborate.22:22
jimmygoonCrashOverride, what flase answer did it give?22:22
gordonjcpCrashOverride: like what?22:22
theLichKingLhademmor: System > Administration > System Monitor22:22
=== keur is now known as pagani
=== smooker4 is now known as smookerPC
CrashOverrideubotu sayd to do sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart, but that didn;t fix naything22:22
CrashOverride* anything22:22
=== smookerPC is now known as smookerPC1
jimmygoonCrashOverride, where did you put that?22:22
CrashOverrideRecovery mode22:23
pgLhademmor: once you start "top", press k and enter the process id corresponding to the trackerd process22:23
smookerPC1hi ppls :)22:23
Flare183CrashOverRide:> it's talking about restart your display manager22:23
theLichKinghe probably did !girls22:23
basculeCrashOverride: the ? is the zen feature you have overlooked22:23
bluntzwheres timmy lassie?22:23
pgHelp! grub-install gives me error "Could not find device for /boot: Not found or not a block device."22:23
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience22:23
bluntzg find timmy lassie!22:23
jimmygoonCrashOverride, boot up so its all funky looking again... press <ctrl><alt>F2 and then enter that..... wait... wait..... then hit <Ctrl><Alt>F722:23
Lhademmorpg, kill it with what signal?22:23
CrashOverrideok what doest hat do22:24
bluntzfind the sox guy lassie!22:24
basculeLhademmor: sigterm22:24
zancik<gordonjcp> so? I need help )))))22:24
basculeLhademmor: also known as 1522:24
smookerPC1what do u guys think what will happend with this chat @ new year 2008 xD all will login XD :P :)22:24
theLichKingLhademmor: did you go to System > Administration > System Monitor?22:24
bluntzsox -r 32000 -c 2 -t ossdsp /dev/dsp1 -t sw - | esdcat -r 3200022:24
bluntzubu good dog!22:24
LhademmortheLichKing, yes I was there too. pg 's method didn't work out. trackerd is still there22:25
Netham45I have a USB external HD I would like to use as a boot drive on 2 computers22:25
bluntzwhat lassie?22:25
jimmygoonsmooker, what?22:25
Netham45is this possible, to have 2 oses on one hard drive for 2 computers?22:25
gordonjcp!en | smookerPC122:25
ubotusmookerPC1: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat22:25
bluntztimmies got more?22:25
pgLhademmor: try signal 922:25
bluntzgo get it22:25
PriceChild!offtopic | bluntz22:25
ubotubluntz: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!22:25
basculeNetham45: depends on the computers and the boot manager installed22:25
theLichKingLhademmor: choose the process and click 'End process'22:25
Netham45bascule, I'd prefer to keep the windows boot manager, I don't want to loose my Vista install22:26
bluntzsox -t ossdsp -r 32000 -b -c 2 /dev/dsp1 -t ossdsp /dev/dsp022:26
Lhademmorpg, signal 9 killed it :)22:26
sceogordonjcp; I lied apparently.. my monitor does want 60Hz, not 75 - but the GUI only lets me choose 75.  How can I force it to 60Hz?22:26
smookerPC1LOL i type english lol22:26
basculeNetham45: I know noting of reconfiguring the vista boot-manager22:26
bluntzubu good boy!22:26
LhademmortheLickKing, I previously tried that with no luck, but signal 9 apparently did the trick...22:26
Flare183!offtopic | bluntz22:26
ubotubluntz: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!22:26
gordonjcpsceo: hm, I'm not sure, mine gives me 55 and 50Hz, and 55 works22:26
smookerPC1!en | gordonjcp22:26
ubotugordonjcp: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat22:26
Netham45smookerPC1, no you don't, you type text message. :P j/k22:26
salahAny alternative media players for Linux that can open .IMG files?22:27
krishsceo: change in xorg.conf22:27
pgWhat can be causing grub-install error "Could not find device for /boot: Not found or not a block device"?22:27
theLichKingLhademmor: good22:27
fevelIs it possible to install something for wine through package manager to make it bettere? the fonts are light gray22:27
Lhademmorpg, theLichKing - in case this happens again... how to make the tracker tool use less resources? This time it simply went nuts!22:27
sceokrish; thanks, that was my guess - here we go!22:27
bluntzubotu bad dog!22:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about bad dog! - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:27
theLichKingLhademmor: probably configure it yourself.. figure out what parts of it eats up CPU22:28
Pc_Darkhow do I access the CUPS control panel (web-based22:28
basculePc_Dark: port 63122:28
Flare183Pc_Dark:> SWAT22:28
LhademmortheLichKing.. sounds difficult...22:28
Pc_Darkit doesn't connect22:28
basculePc_Dark: over zealous firewall?22:28
theLichKingLhademmor: yeah... why do you need it anyway?22:28
Pc_Darklocalhost:631 in firefox22:29
MarcusklaasHey could anyone help me out? I've set up an XDMCP server but I can't join it from the same computer. When I set up a VNC server I can join it ..22:29
pgLhademmor: you can change its "nice" level using the "renice" command.  Type "man renice" to learn more.22:29
LhademmortheLichKing, I don't... I'm not even sure what it does...22:29
ubotuxdmcp is the X Display Manger Control Protocol -- look at http://tldp.org/HOWTO/XDMCP-HOWTO/ to find out how to configure it22:29
Pc_Darknope bascule22:29
Pc_DarkThis is on Gutsy Gibbon22:29
basculewell is CUPS web thingy running?22:29
pgLhademmor: once it's a running proces, that is.22:29
Pc_DarkI don't know22:30
pgLhademmor: have you tried "man trackerd"?22:30
pgWhat can be causing grub-install error "Could not find device for /boot: Not found or not a block device"?22:30
Pc_Darkbascule, how do i enable it?22:30
CrashOverrideok I got to a command line with ctrl-F2 and now I'm using 'tirc' to get on irc from it. How do I make the resolution fixed, the screen still just has the white bars if I try making it load normally22:30
hockeyfan5000Are there any linux program that can convert a divx file to DVD format such as Nero Vision?22:31
erUSULPc_Dark: it is disabled by default in ubuntu iirc (you can access it but changes have no effect)22:31
basculePc_Dark: http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2005/10/13/enabling-cupsys-web-admin-interface/22:31
Lhademmorpg, now I tried running "trackerd -n", which disables indexing, and nothing evil happened :)22:31
erUSULhockeyfan5000: ffmpeg for command line22:31
basculeif it is still relevent22:31
CrashOverrideI think some of you are mistaking what I'm saying happens maybe I should take a picture of it?22:31
erUSULhockeyfan5000: avidemux ?22:32
Dankchildhey guys i want to make a new partition can i do that through ubuntu? and how easy is it?22:32
Mwa`Hey, I've got ubuntu v6.somethingorother and a CD of v7.10. Can I update without reinstalling?22:32
CaseyI'm installing Xubuntu right now and I don't know how big to make my root partition. I want a seperate partition for home.22:32
grindcorei have one question bit out of linux problems - i have couple of mails of one person and I need to know from which country are originaly send. is there any easy way how to do it ? i think its another NIGERIAN SCAMMERS22:32
Mwa`Wow. 1211. And a lot of spam22:32
Mwa`I'm scared. ._.22:32
c4ptainpeteis there a way or making "enable wireless" for network manager persistent? I'd like it to start 'off' by default but can't find it in gconf - anyone been there?22:32
CrashOverrideok is there a real official help room for ubuntu this place isn;t helping22:32
pgLhademmor: if you do that, tracker search engine on your computer will not be able to find any new files.22:32
basculeMwa`: from 6 no you would need to go incrementally through the releases22:32
LjLCrashOverride: you can pay for support22:33
LjL!support > CrashOverride    (CrashOverride, see the private message from Ubotu)22:33
theLichKingwhy does image viewer not view images that are on the desktop?22:33
hockeyfan5000thanks erUSUL i will try it22:33
ubotuthe official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org22:33
Lhademmorpg, maybe the low-memory command is the way to go...?22:33
jimmygoonCrashOverride, did you edit your xorg.conf22:33
Mwa`bascule: arg. So it'll be easier for me to simply install over my / partition?22:33
jimmygoonor not....22:33
alesanhi, I am working outside the X environment, how can I configure a USB keyboard to NOT send characters to the character console?22:33
ompaul!resolution > CrashOverride (please check message from ubotu, and you should not expect instant answers in a very busy channel)22:34
pggrindcore: much of "Nigerian" spam actually does not originate from Nigeria.22:34
alesanI wanna use only the integarted PS2 keyboard for the console22:34
jimmygoonompaul, he quit22:34
smookerPC1can K3B burn Bin/Cue files ?22:34
theLichKingk3b sucks.. gnomebaker ftw22:34
Dankchildhey i want to install windows on a different partiton, how do i do this?22:34
pgLhademmor: I don't know that command.22:34
ompauljimmygoon, ahh well patience pays off ;-)22:34
jimmygoonompaul, yeah22:34
Mwa`bascule: thanks for the help.22:34
basculeMwa`: yeah, /home/you will stay OK though22:35
theLichKingDankchild: boot from the windows CD22:35
Pc_Darkdidn't work bascule22:35
jimmygoonsmookerPC1, "bchunk - CD image format conversion from bin/cue to iso/cdr22:35
Ch1ppyCan anyone help me get flash working in opera?  I'm trying the flash installer, it works and the file is properly setup, but opera still doesn't show any flash content22:35
Lhademmorpg, ok I'll try it out later (am in failsafe GNOME right now) - at least now I know how to kill it if it makes trouble again22:35
Dankchildthelichking, will it create a partition?22:35
Pc_DarkI added group shadow and added cupsys, then added cupsys to shadow22:35
Mwa`bascule: /home is on a seperate partition, for such eventualities. ;)22:35
CaseyI'm installing Xubuntu right now and I don't know how big to make my root partition. I want a seperate partition for home. How big should I make my root partition?22:35
basculePc_Dark: *shrug* that was all I knew ...22:35
pgWhat can be causing grub-install error "Could not find device for /boot: Not found or not a block device"?22:35
Pc_Darkrestarted, still doesn't work22:35
smookerPC1i just need to burn Bin/Cue image22:35
theLichKingDankchild: yes, you just have to tell it which of the partitions you want to install it on22:35
grindcorepg I'm in UK - so gmt , but they keep saying they are from UK aswell - but i know they are sending mails from GMT+1 - where is plenty of poor african countries - offcourse nigeria,...22:36
jimmygoonsmookerPC1, I know, I'm just saying if it doesn't burn it directly you can convert it22:36
Mwa`OH. Afore I go, is there an official CD face I can print onto my CD?22:36
PollywogDankchild: I think you need to create the partition with PM or something22:36
theLichKingDankchild: after you install it.. you have to reconfigure grub though22:36
theLichKing!grub | Dankchild22:36
ubotuDankchild: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto22:36
shironekoOk, Ok, can I get your attention for a moment, please Everyone. It's just a test.22:36
Mwa`Rather than just writing 'ubuntu 7.10' on it in perminant marker22:36
shironekoCan you access, this webpage?22:36
Dankchildthelichking, like what i mean, is will i have to create a partition before i install?22:36
LjLshironeko: /join #test22:36
basculeCasey: 20GB is plenty 10GB is enough,I use 1022:36
Lhademmorpg, also interesting: When I started the trackerd now it said: "Initialising tracker...22:36
LhademmorCould not set idle IO priority...attempting best effort 7 priority"22:36
jimmygoonsmookerPC1, have you tried just opening it with k3b and seeing if it works22:37
theLichKingDankchild: sure, where else are you gonna install the bloody thing?22:37
grindcorei have one question bit out of linux problems - i have couple of mails of one person and I need to know from which country are originaly send. is there any easy way how to do it ? i think its another NIGERIAN SCAMMERS can someone help me with this please ? thanks for any help22:37
basculecasey Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on22:37
bascule/dev/sda3             9.4G  4.7G  4.7G  51% /22:37
jimmygoon!spam > shironeko22:37
LjLshironeko: no, also, this is offtopic22:37
shironekoWe've detected a problem which affects any Linux distro22:37
shironekoIt is not spam22:37
jsoftwshironeko: what problem is that22:37
shironekoI'll remit you to the discussion22:37
pggrindcore: there is no way to tell the origin from the time, and as I said much spam that mentions Nigeria originates elsewhere, much from the US.22:37
jimmygoonshironeko, that isn't a valid url a domain/subdomain can't start with a hyphen22:37
smookerPC1hmm seems to work for the .cue22:37
shironekono linux distro can open any webpage with a - in a subdomain22:37
shironekoIt can22:37
Dankchildthelichking, i meant through ubuntu, jesus.22:37
shironekoat least windows and Mac's opens that22:37
pgLhademmor: that's normal22:38
shironekothat's just the problem22:38
TD-Linuxshirneko... ???22:38
shironekowe're discussing that22:38
Dankchildthelichking, no need to be hostile.22:38
theLichKingDankchild: how many partitions do you have now?22:38
shironekoand I was wondering if it was a problem of spanish ISP's22:38
basculeshironeko: kde-look.org22:38
TD-Linuxit's because22:38
shironekobut not in subdomain22:38
theLichKingthis guy wants to install windows on his machine, but he's not sure whether he needs a partition or not22:38
TD-Linuxthat domain you ave starts with a -22:38
theLichKinglike wtf dude?22:38
grindcorepg u know how to find out origin of mail ?22:38
TD-Linuxhas nothing to do with subdomain22:38
pgLhademmor: sorry, I did not see your second line.  I don't know if that is a problem.  Try searching for those messages on the web.22:38
jimmygoontheLichKing, alongside Ubuntu? yeah...22:38
PollywogDankchild: do you have partitionmagic?22:38
Dankchildthelichking, just one for ubuntu22:38
pggrindcore: no22:39
Dankchildpollywog, nope.22:39
basculeshironeko: like mydomain.web.some-machine.com?22:39
jsoftwshironeko: bsd does not like it either.22:39
theLichKingDankchild: resize the ubuntu partition22:39
jsoftwI doubt its even a valid domain22:39
theLichKingDankchild: then use the space left for windows22:39
shironekoyeah, even if it's starts with a - it can be accessed by any browser in Windows and Mac22:39
Dankchildthelichking, is there any chance of data loss?22:39
pgWhat can be causing grub-install error "Could not find device for /boot: Not found or not a block device"?22:39
shironekoso it has to be a problem of Linux (or BSD)22:39
PollywogDankchild: you need to do as theLichKing suggests22:39
basculeshironeko: let's see the domain name please22:39
theLichKingDankchild: use gparted, or ext2resize22:39
LjLshironeko: or perhaps it is a problem with the domain itself not respecting specifications...22:39
=== Pricey is now known as PriceChild
Pollywogbut it is best to install Windows before Linux on a dual boot system22:40
theLichKingDankchild: there are no guarantees22:40
theLichKingDankchild: but you should be safe22:40
ompaulshironeko, it is not a valid domain please cease22:40
grindcorepg ok, so will be a problem :(22:40
theLichKingalso, backups can be handy22:40
Dankchildthelichking, k thankyou. i might be back.22:40
shironekowhy Isn't it a valid domain?22:40
mike__Hi guys, I'm having problems with gparted segfaulting when I attempt to give a disc a label. Can anyone suggest an alternative?22:40
theLichKingDankchild: good luck22:40
=== mike__ is now known as MikeH
LjLshironeko: because valid domains can't start with a hyphen...22:40
basculeshironeko: let's see the url22:40
pggrindcore: why do you want to know the origin of mail?22:40
shironekothe URL is: http://-uno-.blogspot.com/22:41
ompaulshironeko, it starts with a - an invalid char in the url - so type host and that full name and watch it, now discontinue22:41
Dankchildthelichking, thanks, and about the backups, the reason im doing this is because my 500 gig external drive just failed.22:41
shironekohere's another one. Try it youseld22:41
smookerPC1woowz i seted K3B speed to 36x but its showing up to 38 right now @ the burning process22:41
basculeshironeko: that is an invalid domain22:41
Pollywoggrindcore: I think SpamCop has a page where you can copy headers and find out where a spam originated22:41
mikeoooanyone know when a decent x3100 intel gma965 driver will be out?22:41
pike_MikeH: fdisk22:41
shironekoAnd what's with this one?22:41
shironekothis doesn't work either22:41
grindcorepg i need to know, because of some business,...22:41
theLichKingDankchild: sorry, the command isn't ext2resize ( i just made that up ).. it's resize2fs22:41
shironekobut works in windows and MAC22:41
theLichKingDankchild: damn.. 500 GB of data?22:42
grindcorePollywog thanks for a tip - i go to check it :)22:42
gordonjcpshironeko: it doesn't work on a mac22:42
theLichKingDankchild: i would kill myself22:42
paganiDoes someone have some knowledge of OzymanDNS22:42
theLichKing!offtopic | shironeko22:42
ubotushironeko: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!22:42
gordonjcpshironeko: neither does the first one you posted22:42
Dankchildthelichking, yeah. im thinking about it lol.22:42
gordonjcpshironeko: it's offtopic anyway22:42
shironekolet me check22:42
shironekook, ok22:42
ompaulshironeko, now are you going to cease, yes or no?22:42
pgWhat can be causing grub-install error "Could not find device for /boot: Not found or not a block device"?22:42
gordonjcpshironeko: but - you can't have a hyphen at the start or end of any part of a domain name22:42
WuGutsyClanhey I am trying to install vmware and it cannot find my current modules.. help22:43
erUSULpg: root missconfigured in /boot/grub/menu.lst ??22:43
LjLshironeko: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc952 and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hostname - read and learn that something might work purely accidentally, and still be invalid22:43
mick_homehi everyone - i remember there was some scandal w/ some picture as the bg in ubuntu. what was that all about?22:43
bascule[22:43:18] kenny@guess_who kenny $ host http://desdeleotrolado-.blogspot.com22:43
basculehttp://desdeleotrolado-.blogspot.com is an alias for blogspot.l.google.com.22:43
basculeblogspot.l.google.com has address
nooseisloosehelp! I've lost control-x and can't exit nano22:43
pgerUSUL: root is listed as (hd0,4).  It's a sata drive which mounts as sda522:43
jsoftwOh noes!22:43
gordonjcpmick_home: you could - if you really looked hard - just make out one of the model's cleavage22:44
nooseisloosejsoftw: yes indeed!22:44
ompaulbascule, host is "faulty" nice bug if you want to report it22:44
pgerUSUL: grub should be on the main partition, but there is only one partition on the drive.22:44
theLichKingi got tired of helping people.. gotta go.. bb22:44
jsoftwnamed should not really even load that22:44
gordonjcpmick_home: since nothing terrifies Americans more than the sight of a boob, this was clearly the most shocking thing since all the US's children were forever scarred by the sight of Janet Jackson's boob22:44
mick_homegordonjcp: lol -- have a link to the image?22:44
nooseisloosehasn't happened to anyone else recently then?22:44
function1anyone else get weird ass textures on nexuiz or other gl games in compiz with ATI?22:44
basculeompaul: OK, it failed on th -uno- one though22:44
mick_homehaha - ya most americans are funny like that22:45
gordonjcpmick_home: not offhand, I can't even remember what version of the distro it was on22:45
TheEaglei am completley new to ubuntu - well linux22:45
Lhademmorpg, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tracker/+bug/149772 , the MOTU's are already notified it seems...22:45
mick_homegordonjcp: i don't even know what to google22:45
TheEagleis anyone able to give any help?22:45
CrashOverridehow do I reset all the screen settings ubuntu used and put it back to the default22:45
LjLbascule, only because it interprets the "-" as an option. host '\-uno-.blogspot.com'22:45
pike_TheEagle: just ask your questions someone will attempt to answer :)22:45
FrenesiKi am french22:45
Journeymanwhen I try to edit the artist tag in rhythmbox it changes for a sec, then changes back, I edited it in amarok and it seems to stay the same in amarok, but when I open rhythmbox it shows up like was before22:45
gordonjcpmick_home: couldn't begin to guess.  I'd suggest not googling "ubuntu boobs" though22:46
FrenesiKdo you speak french ?22:46
LjL!fr | FrenesiK22:46
ubotuFrenesiK: Allez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.22:46
pgLhademmor: good inspection job!  You can try to uninstall tracker and install beagle-search instead.22:46
TheEaglei am having trouble with ubuntu server22:46
FrenesiKthanx LjL22:46
Chewy954is there any benefits of AMD64 over i386?22:46
TheEaglemy screen just says "INPUT NOT SUPPORTED"22:46
TheEaglethis is after i installed the package ubuntu-desktop22:46
pike_Chewy954: speen and if you need more than 4gigs memory for single app22:46
basculeLjL: ah, nice, thanks22:47
pike_Chewy954: speed but the increase isnt necessarily worth the trouble. it depends on your needs22:47
WuGutsyClan hey I am trying to install vmware and it cannot find my current modules.. help22:47
pgWhat does sda5 mean? Is it a primary partition?22:47
bodois there a folder called distro and wherer can i find it????22:47
Lhademmorpg, ok will do22:47
TheEaglei need help with correctly configuring my display card22:47
Chewy954pike_: well seems I'm gonna needa to do a fresh install regardless, should I just go ahead with the 64bit? Ubuntu doesnt boot anymore.... Not sure y...22:47
basculeLjL: I put http in it still fails22:48
FremanI'm trying to make an inittab entry work on ubuntu (or events.d file either way)22:48
basculeHost http://-uno-.blogspot.com/ not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)22:48
Fremanit used to work22:48
jsoftwStill on the blogspot thing.22:48
Fremanbut after I upgraded to 7.10 it doesn't22:48
pike_Chewy954: id recommend creating a seperate /home partition maybe and allocating 10GB to a 32 bit / and another 10 to a 64 bit / that way you can use same /home partition keep all your settings if you dont like 6422:48
pike_Chewy954: and just install both22:48
Fremanbascule, err... host doesn't take http22:48
LjLbascule, that's not surprising, host doesn't undesrtand "http"... just use: host '\-uno-.blogspot.com'22:49
pgHow can I tell if a partition is a primary partition?  It's the only partition on a sata drive, and mounts as /dev/sda522:49
Fremanhost \-uno\-.blogspot.com22:49
sceogordonjcp & krish; thanks for the advice - i used the information in my monitor manual to create an alter the modeline (using the handy http://xtiming.sf.net) in xorg.conf and restarted.  now it allows 60Hz and no whining from the monitor!22:49
Chewy954pike_: don't have enough HDD space :p, but that would fix the boot issues, right?22:49
LjLFreman: that won't work without the quotes22:49
bodowhere can i find the folder distro on the system????????22:49
basculeFreman: ljl, oh yeah .. :)22:49
sceoJust would like to say I have a working ubuntu system, and now I'll not be writing that research paper that's due tomorrow, but screwing around customizing my desktops.  gee, THANKS!  :-p22:49
Mwa`So, is there an official thing I can print on my downloaded CDs or should I just use the homebrew one I used last time?22:49
rubenI just installed postfix on my server, but I cant find the main.cf file. There is only the master.cf file22:49
pike_Chewy954: personally ive been using a 64 bit proc since 2005 and havent yet tried the 64 bit linux. i use it at work but that is because i have HUGE memory requirements22:50
rubenwhere is this file supposed to be?22:50
erUSULpg: if it is /dev/hda5 it is not a primary partiion22:50
Chewy954pike_: I have a alotta HD Films, 8gb +, so I guess 64bit would be best for me?22:50
pgerUSUL: can I make it a primary partition without wiping out its contents?22:51
pike_Chewy954: i will say they have done alot of polishing on 64 bit lately it isnt really that much more trouble for most stuff than 32 so you might try it22:51
gordonjcpsceo: nice one22:51
pgerUSUL: it's /dev/sda5, not /dev/hda522:51
corruptionoflulzanyone care to refresh my memory on how i get into the fstab stuff?22:51
erUSULpg: dunno, sorry. maybe a little googling can help you22:51
bodopeople my question is too easy where is the folder called disrtro on the system?????22:51
gordonjcpsceo: you should probably write a page on the wiki ;-)22:51
LjLbodo: a folder called "disrtro"?22:51
TheEagleis there a way to start in sage graphics mode in ubuntu server 7.10 - i installed ubunut-desktop but my screen just says "Input Not Supported". I originally obtained the LiveCD for Ubuntu Desktop 7.10 and I could only start it by selected "Start Ubuntu in Safe Graphics Mode" - I didn't have the ram to install from the live cd and i downloaded server 7.10 text installer. now ive installed ubuntu-desktop i need a way to22:51
TheEagleeither get my graphics card working or start in safe graphics mode. any ideas?22:51
pgerUSUL: does grub need to reside on a primary partition?22:51
ompaulbodo, not with the installed system22:52
pike_TheEagle: what card?22:52
naxa2hi! is there a mass file rename tool for ubuntu?22:52
Marcusklaasyea right22:52
Marcusklaaslike that ever happens22:52
LjLnaxa2: "man rename"22:52
sceogordonjcp; i've seen a ton of ubuntu documentation - where specifically are you referring and I'll certainly do it22:52
pike_naxa2: rename :)22:52
corruptionoflulznaxa2: i think i saw one under add/remove programs22:52
TheEaglepike_: er... hold on22:52
jsoftwpeow peow22:52
naxa2uh... ok.22:53
pike_naxa2: i think there is a file manager plugin or somesuch in add/remove as well22:53
void^pg: no. if you're careful you can recreate the partition as primary, but there's no need to do so normally22:53
naxa2pike_ do you know the name?22:53
pike_TheEagle: lspci -v | grep -i vga22:53
pike_naxa2: no sorry22:53
TheEagleSiS 650/651/740/661FX/741/760 series22:53
rubenwait. I just found a bunch of main.cf files in usr/share/postfix.... but, am I supposed to copy them to the etc/postfix folder?22:53
pgvoid^: so grub should be able to boot from /dev/sda5, the only partition on a sata drive?22:54
TheEaglepike_: i am on windows at the moment becuase i cant get my ubuntu gui working22:54
bodoompaul, so i make it???22:54
TheEaglethat data was copied from Device Manager22:54
naxa2pike_ ok. other problem, i cannot edit my menu. i click in "system/admin/synaptic" to be visible, but it unclicks in 0.5 second automatically. can you help?22:54
ompaulbodo, if you want to - no reason for it22:54
jsoftwLets all jump UP and DOWN22:55
void^pg: yes, if the bios supports it.22:55
bodoompaul, no i need it to make an install of fedora through ubuntu22:55
Dankchildhey is the install cd the same as a live cd22:55
LjLDankchild: yes22:56
ompaulbodo, no idea what you are trying to do - download a cd and be done with it22:56
TheEaglepike_ SiS 650/651/740/661FX/741/760 series22:56
pgvoid^: i don't know if it supports it, so that may be the problem.  When booting, I get grub error 22 "no such partition".22:56
TheEaglepike_: copied from windows device manager22:56
pike_TheEagle: try this: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  is there a sis driver option?  if not try vesa which is the generic driver that works for most stuff.  if you want to undserstand a bit better instead of the reconfigure do sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf  and scroll to near the bottom of the file where it has a Driver "something" for you vid card and change it to SIS then save and exit. sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart to restart x after you22:57
kelsinpg: if it is the only partition on the drive grub might read it as (hd0,0) or (hd0,1), I'm jumping in here ou might have solved that already22:57
UBUNTUISLOVEDcan someone tell me if theres a webpage explaining details of every processes running in ubuntu so i can turn off my kids pc unused processes to speed it  up22:57
pike_TheEagle: alt-ctrl-f2 to get to a terminal login22:57
pgvoid^: menu.lst says "root (hd0,4)".  /boot/grub/device.map says "/dev/sda"22:57
SpookyETWhat's the best way to install Java? I heard some Java horrors.22:58
TheEaglepike_: ok, im on windows now but im just going to boot back into ubuntu and try what you said. ill be back for further help22:58
pike_SpookyET: just go into add/remove programs and search for jre sun or something22:58
kelsinpg: are you on the system that we're talking about? If so run the grub program itself and type (hd0, and hit tab to tab complete and see what partitions grub does see22:58
TheEagleif i need it22:58
pike_TheEagle: good luck :)22:58
TheEaglepike_: cheers!22:59
void^pg: that's wrong, of course - should be hd0,122:59
tomd123jk_: ur just jking right?22:59
kelsinvoid^: pg: (hd0,1) is the second primary partition, probably hd0,0 is needed22:59
pgkelsin: thanks.  Yes, I am on the system.  grub only recognizes hd0 (nothing else is listed)22:59
grindcorepg i find two addresses which they use X-Originating-IP: [] ; X-Originating-IP: [] :)22:59
function1anyone else get weird ass textures on nexuiz or other gl games with compiz and ATI?22:59
void^kelsin: right, my bad :-)23:00
pike_SpookyET: if you have the open source java already installed you may need to sudo update-alternatives all or java or something. basically the symlinks in your bin folders may still be pointing to the old java but this is rarely a prob anymore23:00
WuGutsyClanhey i am running ubuntu, and when I try to install vmware server, it defaults to asking me to load my headers from /usr/src/linux/include when in reality I am supposed to have it load them from /lib/modules/2.66-14-generic/build/include but it does not work for either of them.. help23:00
kelsinpg: can you paste bin the output of "sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda"?23:00
cocoxHow could i know if im using a 32 or 64 linux version ?23:00
ompaulUBUNTUISLOVED, install either a gui program called "bum" or a console app called "rcconf" as you have configured the box for your needed you need to research each of the daemons yourself to understand what each one does before you choose to turn them off23:00
alzamabarHi, I want to install Java JDK on Ubuntu. Can I install an *-rpm.bin or a bin file on Ubuntu?23:00
pgvoid, I'll try writing "root (hd0,1)" in menu.lst and "/dev/sda" in device.map and rebooting23:01
LjLalzamabar: ?!23:01
pike_cocox: uname -a23:01
ompaulalzamabar, no do apt-cache search java and choose what to install23:01
LjL!info sun-java6-jdk | alzamabar23:01
ubotualzamabar: sun-java6-jdk: Sun Java(TM) Development Kit (JDK) 6. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 6-03-0ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 9286 kB, installed size 31304 kB23:01
LjL!packages > alzamabar    (alzamabar, see the private message from Ubotu)23:01
gatanguhola a todos tengan muy buenas tardes23:01
LjL!es | gatangu23:01
mr__danielalzamabar: ubuntu is based on debian, and debian is using apt, which is using .deb packages23:01
ubotugatangu: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.23:01
void^pg: kelsin was right, should be hd0,0. you can also use tab on grub's command line when you boot the system.23:01
cocoxpike_, Linux dell 2.6.20-16-generic #2 SMP Sun Sep 23 19:50:39 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux23:01
alzamabarompaul, from where shall I do apt-search?23:01
cocoxpike_, it gave me just that23:01
kelsincocox: 32 bit then, i68623:01
pgkelsin: http://pastebin.com/m71cad5a923:02
mr__danielalzamabar: apt cannot understand .rpm, you need a tool to convert from .rpm to .deb like alien23:02
LjL!terminal > alzamabar,    (alzamabar,, see the private message from Ubotu) from this23:02
pike_cocox: so you are using a i686 compiled kernel usually youll see that or i386 both are 32 bit23:02
mr__danielalzamabar: you can use the .bin file23:02
nixNewbhow can i change my screen resolution from terminal?23:02
cocoxkelsin, ohhif it would be 64 what should it says?23:02
kelsinpg: sda5 should probably be marked bootable as well, and according to the grub help it should be (hd0,4) for the first extended partition, I could be wrong about that23:02
LjLmr__daniel: there's no reason why one should, though23:02
ompaulalzamabar, from applications accessories terminal, and use the prepared packages with sudo apt-get install "PAckageName" when you know what you want23:02
kelsincocox: amd64 or x86/64 something like that23:02
MikeHis there a way to add 2 fat32 discs/partitions without having to mess around in /etc/fstab?23:02
ompaulmr__daniel, there are premade packages easier for the user to use23:03
cocoxkelsin pike_ thank you guys!23:03
bard1988Im having probelm installing the ATI 3d rage pro driver on ubuntu 7.1023:03
bard1988and im newbie :D23:03
pgvoid^: OK, then I should write "root (hd0,0)" and "/dev/sda" in device.map?23:03
kelsinpg: but the best way is on the grub command line to tab complete things to see what grub actually thinks is there23:03
MikeHbard1988, have you checked out restricted drivers?23:03
pike_MikeH:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions  <-- has an auto setup script to edit fstab for you i think23:03
bard1988what restriceted?23:03
rambo3bard1988, that would be "ati"23:03
mr__danielnixNewb: maybe 'xrandr' is able to do that, check out the man page 'man xrandr'23:03
kelsinpg: I've never had to write to device.map in my entier life so i don't know about that, but I think you should put that in there and if that doesn't work edit the line on the grub screen and use tab complete to see what hd0's grub sees23:04
MikeHbard1988, system -> administration -> restricted driver manager23:04
pgkelsin: it does not complete anything.23:04
bard1988MikeH: thx ill try23:04
MikeHit'll most probably have your ati drivers there, it's just a case of enabling them ;)23:04
MikeHbard1988, ^^23:04
pike_MikeH: of course you prob know you can just mount em without editing fstab23:04
=== Greyhound is now known as Greyhound-
MikeHpike_, yeah, but I want them mounted automatically.23:04
bard1988it says my hardware does not need any restricted drivers23:05
MikeHbard1988, hrm, back to step one then :)23:05
MikeHMy x800xt had drivers present.23:05
bard1988which is?23:05
pgkelsin: and /dev/sda5 is marked bootable, if I undersrand http://pastebin.com/m71cad5a9 correctly23:05
bard1988MikeH: thx ill try ?23:06
sebrockVBETOOL always gets to 100% when I try to suspend? Any idea?23:06
bard1988anyway what other suggestions?23:06
pike_MikeH: id think the default install of ubuntu would have some script in init.d/ to mkdir and mount detected partitions but i dunno guess not23:06
bard1988lets start with an easier probelem, is there anything in UBUNTU which is like  Language bar?23:07
pike_bard1988: what is language bar?23:07
Khalilwhere is the gnome-themes-manager23:08
Fremanso ummm... I put ssh:2345:respawn:/usr/bin/sshtunnel into my inittab... telinit q and nothing happens23:08
mr__danielbard1988: do you mean a appleat which is able to change the keyboard-layout?23:08
bard1988yeah exactly daniel23:08
corruptionoflulzbard1988: like SCIM?23:08
kelsinpg: I see the boot * next to /dev/sda2 am I that tired? :)23:08
ompaul chuckles_ ?23:08
GekoneBuonanotte a tutti.23:08
MikeHwhats the command/utility to list all mounts.23:08
pgkelsin: sorry, you're right :-)23:08
Khalildid something replace the gnome-theme-manager?23:08
ompaul!it | Gekone23:08
ubotuGekone: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!23:08
Khalilitsw not even in synaptic23:08
bard1988i dun know what SCIM is23:08
mr__danielbard1988: you can a such applet when you right on your panel (the upper or the lower one) and choose 'add to panel'23:09
bascule_MikeH: all mounted or all partitions?23:09
mr__danielbard1988: there you can find the applet23:09
* pike_ wonders where his inittab has gotten to23:09
MikeHbascule, All mounted, along with sizes etc.23:09
bard1988how is it called?23:09
corruptionoflulzbard1988: scim puts an icon in the tray automatically for me23:09
=== ForeverZero is now known as sea4ever
corruptionoflulzbard1988: i think you want SCIM for foreign language input23:09
pgkelsin: I can't make both sda2 (extended) and sda5 (ext3) bootable.23:10
graftMikeH: df23:10
bard1988oh i think i got it :P23:10
pgkelsin: when I make sda5 bootable, sda2 is no longer bootable23:10
bard1988just a sec23:10
erUSULpike_: no sys V init in ubuntu we now use upstart23:10
erUSULpike_: /etc/event.d/23:10
alzamabarhow do I install a package from the command line? I've ran the command apt-cache search mysql and it shows something I'd like to install23:10
corruptionoflulzbard1988: note: SCIM makes things kinda buggy for some people23:11
bard1988y dun i have hebrew layout?23:11
=== Stargazer is now known as Rezagrats
sebrockis vbetool really needed? seems my computer suspends/resumes better without it?23:11
ubotuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/23:11
erUSUL!upstart > pike_23:11
corruptionoflulzbard1988: like when you go to type and it doesn't let you.. close scim and it should let you type23:11
mr__danielMikeH: you can also use the -h option to make the output much more readable, 'df -h'23:11
MikeHthat was is23:11
kdub433dasher is awesome for tablet pc's....23:11
corruptionoflulzanyone care to refresh my memory on how i get to fstab settings?23:11
bard1988oh great it works just fine :P23:11
MikeHthanks graft and mr__daniel23:12
kelsinpg: make sure you ran grub as root and actually type "root (hd0," before hitting tab23:12
bard1988now back to ATI 3d rage pro problem23:12
jsoftwcorruptionoflulz: vi /etc/fstab23:12
FremanerUSUL, well upstart is all good and well, cept it don't start it either23:12
erUSULcorruptionoflulz: sudo nano /etc/fstab23:12
corruptionoflulzjsoftw: erUSUL thanks23:12
erUSULFreman: what does not start?23:12
RezagratsHi, i need to know, i burn a CD with a load of musik on it, i load the CD into Ubuntu and it rejects it, why? ( the CD is being burned on Windows Vista, Live format )23:12
chuckles_how do i restart sshd?23:12
Fremanfrom what I've read, upstart should still read inittab if it's there but doesn't seem to, and I've tried creating an events.d file for it and it's not starting through that either23:12
FremanI can force it to start.... but it's not starting on runlevel23:13
=== mikl is now known as L
florian_why is gpodder unable to download the videos from http://www.polylog.tv/videothek/videocast/rss20.xml ?23:13
Fremanmy ssh tunnel23:13
pgkelsin: ah, thanks.  that lists only hd0,423:13
kelsinthen that's right, I would switch the boot flag like you did and test, but at least we know (hd0,4) is the right label23:13
erUSULFreman: debian/ubuntu doesn't uses different runlevels as RH/fedora/Suse does23:14
Fremancome again?23:14
pgkelsin: thanks!  OK, I'll try to boot then.23:14
erUSULFreman: you add or remove things to the one runlevel with update-rc.d23:14
Condoulodoes anybody know if Flash runs better on youtube on Firefox 3 beta?23:14
mr__danielchuckles_: maybe with '/etc/init.d/ssh restart'23:14
kelsinFreman: can you pastebin your event.d file?23:14
pike_Rezagrats: im almost certain its a vista problem. does the cd work in your handy dvd/mp3 player?23:14
* genii sips a coffee23:14
bard1988im having problem with Pidgin also23:15
mr__danielRezagrats: what is a or the 'Live format' ?23:15
bard1988i have only messenger list and no ICQ list23:15
chuckles_that didnt work, when i try to login my new issue file doesnt show23:15
RezagratsPike_, i'm not burning them as a musik CD i'm burning them with musik files23:15
FremanerUSUL, I don't want to update-rc.d I want to inittab - different things23:15
xTheGoat121xDoes anyone else here notice that thier CPU runs hotter in Feisty than in XP?23:15
kelsinFreman: can you paste your sshtunnel script (with hosts change if you want)23:15
sebrockis there a way to disable vbetool in suspend scripts?23:15
Fremankelsin, the script works23:15
Fremanit used to run fine23:16
kelsinin inittab?23:16
pike_Condoulo: dunno. ive been trying miro a bit for searching videos it has youtube support and while it is horribly out of place on my flux desktop id recommend you try it out23:16
kelsinFreman: anything in message or syslog?23:16
imbecileI closed vlc because it started playing the same song over & over. the program looks closed but the song is still playing. any suggestions?23:16
Khalilwhere is the theme-manager23:16
FremanI can run "start ssh1" and it starts23:16
kelsinFreman: and I'm assuming the script blocks and doesn't exit?23:16
pike_Rezagrats: this is iso9660 format?23:16
LjLimbecile: killall -9 vlc23:16
mr__danielRezagrats: maybe Windows is using a proprietary format to burn the music CD23:16
Fremanit's just not doing it automatically23:16
erUSULKhalil: system>prefs>apperance23:17
mr__danielRezagrats: you have to check out if windows is using the iso9660 format23:17
imbecileljL: thanks23:17
bard1988how can I see ICQ list on Pidgin?23:17
=== K4k_ is now known as K4k
MemotCan Winamp run in Ubuntu?23:17
xTheGoat121xMemot, no.23:17
kelsinFreman: I would change the start lines to "start on stopped rc2" etc, and see if the problem is network and ssh not being up yet23:17
pike_Rezagrats: since this is vista im assuming there is some wierd format or drm issue maybe23:17
LjLMemot: under WINE, possibly... but why would you want to?23:17
erUSULMemot: hi23:17
LjL!players > Memot    (Memot, see the private message from Ubotu)23:17
Fremanthe script very much blocks (c:23:17
xTheGoat121xMemot, you can probably get it to work under Wine23:17
RezagratsMr__daniel, pike_, idk how to check that i'm barely starting, i know noobs like me are annoying but it's people like me that find the smallest of problems23:17
graftMemot: there's tons of other mp3 players23:18
mafsiHi there!23:18
pike_Memot: xmms and beep are about the same as classic winamp if you like modern winamp then ubuntu has much better alternatives to that23:18
Fremankelsin, how does that work? I'm in runlevel2 now...23:18
alzamabarhow do I install server apps on my Ubuntu 7.10 gg desktop?23:18
xTheGoat121xMemot, buthonestly, you're better off using Audacious, or any other of the Winamp-like players.23:18
mafsianyone succsefully configured a postfix smtp server here?23:18
kelsinFreman: run "initctl list" you'll see that rc2 is stoped23:18
erUSUL!postfix | mafsi23:18
ubotumafsi: postfix is the default Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) for Ubuntu. Read more about setting it up here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix or here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixBasicSetupHowto23:18
pike_alzamabar: just install em via package manager they will be started automatically23:18
kelsinFreman: the "rc2" upstart job is stopped technically23:18
mdmcginnI deleted an ext3 directory, but debugfs: ls suggests its contents are untouched. Can't I just recreate the directory structure? I've been playing all day with debugfs, sleuthkit, foremost and photorec.23:19
MemotI know there are alot of good alternatives, it's just that i have Winamp since it's first public version xD23:19
Fremancool, how can I force it to try it now without rebooting?23:19
pike_alzamabar: an example is openssh-server just isntall it in synaptic and you can ssh to your machine23:19
jsoftwMeh @ winamp23:19
MemotI will miss it =323:19
alzamabarpike_, em?23:19
mafsierUSUL: 10x but i installed i looked over all those helps & still is not working23:19
LjLMemot: then if you really can't live without it see if you can run it under wine.23:19
jsoftwIts the same story for lots of software. They make something which works fine, then add heaps of bloat on top of it.23:19
LjL!appdb > Memot    (Memot, see the private message from Ubotu)23:19
graftMemot: if you're that nostalgic you can run xmms23:19
jsoftwThen it goes all slow and horrible.23:19
kelsinFreman: you can stop and start rc2 but I have no idea how that works, since the main problem you're having is ONLY on reboot I would suggest you have to test it that way :-(23:19
Fremanoh well, I guess I'll reboot then and see what happens23:20
Fremanthanks kelsin (c:23:20
kelsinFreman: but I would assume the probably is a race condition since the default thing just runs rc2 AND your job at the same time right away23:20
alzamabarpike_, I'd like to install mysql23:20
kelsinFreman: you could maybe sleep until you can ping the host in your script as another possible solution (if that's the problem)23:20
xTheGoat121xMy CPU seems to be running a lot hotter in Ubuntu than in XP... is there a way I can fix that?23:20
x_what's the command line in terminal for Auto Numpad ON in linux startop ?!23:20
hal9k2010:-P hello all23:20
hal9k2010need some help installing mplayer23:21
Fremanwell, it should be trying to respawn it anyway23:21
Fremaneven if all hell breaks loose23:21
pike_alzamabar: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP  im no dba sorry23:21
RezagratsXTheGoat121x, i have the same problem, i just open the top of my computer a stick a small fan there23:21
sebrockhow do I disable vbetool?23:21
xTheGoat121xRezagrats, I'd love to, 'cept this is a laptop.23:22
r00tintheb0xI am so elite.23:22
mafsi!postfix >mafsi23:22
x_what's the command line in terminal for Auto Numpad ON in linux startop ?!23:22
Fremankelsin,  http://paste-bin.com/1276923:22
xTheGoat121xGotta run for dinner....23:22
xTheGoat121xbe back in a bit23:22
kelsinFreman: looks good to me, even if it's wrong you'll just end up with the job not started (visisble in sudo initctl list)23:22
pike_xTheGoat121x: get an aquarium and fill it with mineral oil then plug in usb keyboard and mouse and an external monitor and drop lappy in the aquarium23:22
Fremanheh, when I telinit 3 it start23:23
pike_nice and cool23:23
Freman(it's also visible in ps aux (c: )23:23
Fremanok, I'll give that a try and reboot23:23
Fremanback in a bit23:23
slowthy_can someone help me install vmware workstation 6.02 on  gutsy gibbon?23:23
bard1988hey, im having trouble installin ati 3d rage pro on ubuntu 7.10 can anyone help?23:23
x_how i can changing or editing keyboards buttons ?!?!?!?!23:23
RezagratsIs there a place to see all the programs running in Ubuntu ? like in XP i could open task manager and end some annoying programs23:23
LjL!monitoring > Rezagrats    (Rezagrats, see the private message from Ubotu)23:24
pike_Rezagrats: there is in the gui as well but in terminal you can ps -A or ps aux  or top to see top cpu usage23:24
slowthy_Rezagrats: system-administration-system monitor23:24
=== Delvien is now known as DM|
slowthy_can someone help me install vmware workstation 6.02 on  gutsy gibbon?23:25
noob101hi can you combine DDR and DDR2 both have the same modules23:25
DM|slowthy_ whats the prob23:25
Xsss4hellhello my bluetooth symbol disappeared, howto make it appear again??23:25
Xsss4hellneed to add my bt mouse23:25
DM|Xsss4hell: system >prefs ? BT23:25
DM|> *23:26
kitchex_ http://www.justlinux.com/nhf/Hardware/How_to_Get_the_NumLock_Key_to_Stay_On.html23:26
slowthy_DM|: I when I run the vmware-install.pl script, nothing happens23:26
DM|slowthy_ whats the output23:26
noob101hi can you combine DDR and DDR2? Both have the same modules...23:26
bard1988hey, im having trouble installin ati 3d rage pro on ubuntu 7.10 can anyone help?23:26
Xsss4hellDM| system >prefs ? There ist nothing for Bluetooth in prefs23:26
mdmcginnnoob101, that might give you the slower speed. A chain is as strong as its weakest link and all that..23:27
DM|Xsss4hell: Bluetooth preferences under prefs < system23:27
echosystmanyone know how to get swiftfox?23:27
kelsinnoob101: you can goto crucial.com and put in your motherboard and get a detailed description of what it can take, probably best to look there23:27
bmwerkshow can i stop my title bars from disappearing when i cycle with alt+tab23:27
echosystmgoogle isnt helping me23:27
mafsiDM|: any idea to configure correct a postfix?23:27
mdmcginnbard1988, did you google for ubuntu ati 3d rage pro? That's what I always do first.23:28
DM|slowthy_ it cant just do nothing, it has to give something, like ask for sudo password or something23:28
void^noob101: you can only use ddr and ddr2 at the same time if the mainboard's manual explictly allows you to do so.23:28
NightKnightI mounted a Secondary Drive (Shared Between Linux and Windows) and when I explore it I see folders (System Folders) like "RECYCLER" and "System Volume Information" which don't show up on Windows. Is there any way to "Hide" those 2 folders under Linux?23:28
kelsinechosystm: http://getswiftfox.com/ that has instructions and a downloadable installer, i would start there23:28
bard1988mdmcginn: yeah23:28
DM|mafsi im sorry?23:28
bard1988mdmcginn: i did... and got practicly nothing23:28
MTecknologyIf I have 3 rules in iptables - how can I switch the 2nd and 3rd?23:28
mafsiDM|:  do you know postfix to configure?23:28
Xsss4hellDM|I don'T find it, sorry for inconvienience23:28
mdmcginnNightKnight, I edited my /etc/fstab or mtab so those wouldn't be mounted.23:29
DM|Xsss4hell: gutsy?23:29
alzamabarI downloaded a tar.gz file containing Java JDK, extracted it to a folder and I can see there two .bin files. What do I do now?23:29
DM|mafsi postfix for what? you never asked me a question23:29
eyemeanhello all, any1 installed cinelerra on gutsy and got it working?23:29
erUSUL!java | alzamabar23:29
ubotualzamabar: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre23:29
DM|Xsss4hell: try this in a terminal "bluetooth-properties" and look there23:29
mdmcginnbard1988, that's funny. I thought you'd get dozens of people with the same problem. I have Nvidia myself.23:29
slowthy_DM|, when I chose run in terminal, a terminal window pops up, the closes23:30
r00tintheb0xI am so good.23:30
mafsiDM|: well i just need to send mail via localhost:25 insted of my ISP smtp server23:30
kelsinalzamabar: delete those files and type "sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk"23:30
r00tintheb0xI am a LINUX GOD!23:30
NightKnight<mdmcginn>: So you're telling me that there is a way to mount the Hard Drive without mounting some of the folders contained in it?23:30
erUSULalzamabar: delete all the files you dled and use the package manager to install java...23:30
DM|slowthy_ dont run scripts that way23:30
Xsss4hellThe program 'bluetooth-properties' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:23:30
Xsss4hellsudo apt-get install bluez-gnome23:30
kitchemafsi: it's very simple to configure postfix since it's config files are actually documented quite well23:30
SpookyETIs there a way to make Tracker index Thunderbird?23:30
Xsss4hellBut the strange thing is that it appeared one boot before..?23:30
mafsiDM|: but may mails remain in queue with the status: cannot connect to yahoo.com -connection timed out23:30
DM|slowthy_ and that script needs sudo before it,.23:30
askvictorI need to run an X app in a 'headless' fashion; should I use xserver-dummy or xvfb? what's the easiest way to start this and the app in a nice little script?23:31
DM|mafsi ... whoa sorry im not sure what you are talking about, sorry, i was talking to someone else before23:31
mafsikitche: i know but my mails remain in wueue; are not send to the address23:31
DM|!hi | Pablin23:31
ubotuPablin: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!23:31
slowthy_DM|, how do I install it then?  I am fairly new to ubuntu.23:31
pablinhow to install soundblaster xifi extrememusic in ubuntu 7.04 64 bits23:31
mdmcginnNightKnight, no, I guess not. I had a extra Dell partition that was mounting.23:32
DM|Xsss4hell:  done any kind of install/removes to software?23:32
kelsinslowthy_: open up a terminal, browse to where that file is, and the run it with "./vmware-install.pl" or whatever it's called, that way you can see the output23:32
kitchemafsi: well you probably don't have it configured right but I know yahoo.com is wrong is that when you send it or are you using yahoo for a forwarder?23:32
DM|slowthy_: ok easy enough, give me the path to the file ( in nautilus ) hit control L and it will highlight the path, paste it in here to me23:32
NightKnight<mdmcginn>: I'll check into the fstab then.  Thanks!23:32
NightKnightHave a good nite guys. Take care.23:32
Xsss4hellI don't know.. but I'll reboot and come back if the symbol is still not there.. besides I'm typgin from my bluetooth keyboard..23:32
mafsikitche: i sent an email via T-Bird but is in queue; is not leaving23:33
slowthy_its working23:33
sebrockhow do I blacklist a sertain command, like "vbetool"23:33
slowthy_thanks kelsin23:33
DM|slowthy_ kk23:33
erUSULpablin: creative has drivers in their site afaik23:33
pike_sebrock: like only root can run?23:33
Orion_I dont know if any of you have access to the website but the paragraph on http://www.ubuntu.com/training doesnt make a whole lot of sense23:33
kitchemafsi: then your configuration is probably not right either by either a dns error or something in postfix's own configuration can't help you without seeing how you have postfix setup really23:34
gordonjcpsebrock: read up on how sudo works23:34
sebrockpike_,  no, like noone - its in a several scripts and I dont want to go through the hassle23:34
alzamabarkelsin, it says: E: Couldn't find package sun-java6-jdk23:34
verb3ksebrock,  why not delete it?23:34
sebrockI want to blacklist "vbetool" this is in the suspend.d scripts and is causing shit on my system23:34
sebrockverb3k, first I want to check this obviously23:34
pike_sebrock: well i suppose sudo chmod 600 /usr/sbin/vbetool  but i have no idea of the consequences of that23:35
kelsinalzamabar: you need to enable all of the ubuntu official repos, or you're not on gutsy23:35
sebrockpike_, still root would be able to execute then?23:35
kelsin!multiverse | alzamabar23:35
ubotualzamabar: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource23:35
AngryElfdespite selection every possible option for screen resolution in dpkg-reconfiger xserver-xorg, I'm still only presented with three of them in the GUI Screen resolution -- how do I get the higher resolutions --  It's a geforce 6200, I'm sure it can do the higher ones -- using the binary driver too23:35
erUSULpablin: http://opensource.creative.com/23:35
pike_i wouldnt think so23:35
alzamabarkelsin, I'm new to Ubuntu. How do I enable repositories?23:35
pike_sebrock: no23:35
verb3ksebrock, give it 000 :)23:35
pike_sebrock: i mean root could chmod it back23:35
kelsinalzamabar: that web link ubotu just posted will help (ubotu is a bot)23:36
sebrockpike_, 600 means its not executable?23:36
Seven_Six_TwoWhy is the update manager failing to find files that I can see with my web browser? I'm doing 7.04 to 7.1023:36
DM|AngryElf unfortunately there is a problem with that right now, i had to play around for an hour once to get it to work .. Nvidia right? (try playing with System>Preferences>Screen and Graphics23:36
SpookyETIs the Java installation by firefox local or global?23:36
Seven_Six_Twoeg:   http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy/universe/i18n/Translation-en_GB.bz223:36
pike_sebrock: yeah basically you have rwx so 421 if you do 42- then the value is 6 and just 0 for group and other23:36
echosystmi keep getting wireless dropouts23:37
demo_ne1 help getting wireless to work on ubuntu 6.06 fiesty23:37
ouellettesris there a program that will scan for available wireless networks?23:37
AngryElfDM|: not using gutsy, still on er, feisty?23:37
erUSUL!wifi | demo_23:37
ubotudemo_: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs23:37
pike_ouellettesr: iwlist scan23:37
echosystmi can help you demo_23:37
sebrockpike_, alright I chmod it and try to reboot :D23:37
DM|AngryElf oh, sorry cant help then :X23:37
ouellettesrpike thanks23:37
pike_ouellettesr: actually iwlist <device> scan23:37
demo_first step?23:37
nickrudSpookyET: if you have the browser install java, it would be your user only; sudo aptitude install sun-java6-plugin will be all users23:37
erUSULouellettesr: iwlist <iface> scan23:37
echosystmwhat card do you have demo_ ?23:37
Chewy954any ideas why ubuntu wont boot?23:37
Chewy954I dunno y...23:37
NYCThomasBcan someone help me undo a ath0 down command?23:38
Chewy954it boots in vmware... but text mode...23:38
fsckrive looked on the official kiba-dock page for and answer.  If anyone here uses kiba-dock and is having a problem with it saving changes you make in the settings but doesn't save them point me in the direction of the resolution if there happens to be one?23:38
demo_realtek broadcom 11.08g i think or something like that23:38
ouellettesrare there any gui apps that will do that?23:38
* N3bunel away23:38
pike_ouellettesr: there are a number of em23:38
echosystmis it supported in 6.06 by default?23:38
erUSULouellettesr: wifi-radar, kismet, ....23:38
CrashOverrideok I guess I broke X or something is there any internet browsers for bash becuase I have to do everything from the bash from ctrl-alt-F223:38
=== ForeverZero is now known as sea4ever
echosystmi can only help you beyond that, im not too good with drivers23:38
ouellettesrwhich one is preferred?23:39
nickrudCrashOverride: lynx, links, elinks23:39
pike_ouellettesr: if you dont like using the cli command you wont like kismet much i wouldnt think but wifi-radar is an easy gui app23:39
CrashOverridelynx sounds good then23:39
corruptionoflulzwhere is the grub config file again?23:39
pike_CrashOverride: links223:39
RezagratsHow can i install programs without an internet connection23:39
ouellettesrok thanks23:39
pgI failed to boot again, after setting sda5 to bootable.  sda5 is the only partition on this sata disk and grub recognizes it as hd0,4.  menu.lst says "root (hd0,4)" and device.map says "(hd0) /dev/sda".  I understand I cannot make a partition primary without overwriting it.  Trying to re-install grub in the mbr using grub-install, I get "Could not find device for /boot: Not found or not a block device.".  Any more suggestions?23:39
SpookyETnickrud: It did ask to input my password though.23:39
hwildestreaming audio help please?   how to play the links on this page:  http://breakbeat.co.uk/Listen/StudioMixes.aspx   (javascript popup)23:39
MeshezabeelI thought I heard before that ubuntu comes with compiz-fusion built in, is this correct, or am I mistaken?23:39
pike_Rezagrats: packages.ubuntu.com  grab the deb file and also the deb dependancies listed then you can just drop em in /var/cache/apt/archives maybe23:40
hwildeMeshezabeel, go to appearance options mk23:40
nickrudSpookyET: ah, then that was an ubuntu extension to firefox, installed sun-java6-plugin for you (just had it do that for mozilla-mplayer today, suprised the heck out of me :)23:40
pike_Meshezabeel: yes but to edit the settings you need to install the config manager for compiz23:40
pike_Meshezabeel: i've heard23:41
ubotuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion23:41
nickrudMeshezabeel: compizconfig-settings-manager to be precise23:41
NYCThomasBdoes anyone know how to reverse this statemnt?:  sudo ifconfig ath0 down followed by: sudo ifconfig wifi down23:41
mdmcginnI deleted some of my son's baby pictures. PhotoRec found them all, I'm sure, but it also found a few gigs of other photos, losing the directories and the file names, and I'd rather just recreate the directory structure than manually sort everything again.23:41
SpookyETnickrud: know anything about tracker?23:41
nickrudSpookyET: not really, I stuck with beagle23:42
MoTecNYCThomasB: sudo replace 'down' with 'up'23:42
Meshezabeelok, thanks hwilde, pike_, nickrud ... kinda strange settings manager wasn't included too23:42
sebrockpike_, FYI vbetool is now long gone and my suspend scripts works perfect23:42
NYCThomasBmotec: it tried - it didnt like it23:42
pike_NYCThomasB: youll need to dhclient ath0 after that to reaquire ip address23:42
SpookyETThe morons are asking "Do you agree with the DLj license terms?" with a checkmark next you it.23:42
nickrudsebrock: what video card, if I may ask23:42
hwildeNYCThomasB, sudo ifconfig ath0 up23:42
RezagratsPike_, not finding the deb file, or idk what i'm actually looking for23:42
SpookyETI checked that I've been asked, not that I agree with it:-)23:42
pike_Rezagrats: what app23:42
RezagratsUm alot of them actually23:43
Seven_Six_TwoI can't do an upgrade. running the update manager fails on "Modifying software channels" 53 of 63. I can cancel to see the failed files, and I can browse to the failed files with konqueror. Am I missing something?23:43
MoTecath0? what happened to eth0?23:43
sebrocknickrud, its a GMA 3100 on a G33 chipset - thing is it made a lot of things not work. network was gone, alsa gone and so one23:43
sebrockall depending on that shit23:43
hwildestreaming audio help please?  how can I play the links on this page:   http://breakbeat.co.uk/Listen/StudioMixes.aspx23:43
gordonjcpNYCThomasB: sudo ifconfig ath0 up && ifconfig wifi up23:43
kitche!language | sebrock23:43
ubotusebrock: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.23:43
erUSULMoTec: ath0 is wireless atheros card23:43
MoTecerUSUL: Thanks :)23:43
=== Martinp24 is now known as Martinp23
nickrudsebrock: ok, I have ati and don't have suspend, that's something I'll try to find time to test, thanks anyway23:43
gordonjcpmdmcginn: probably not, in Unix filesystems generally, once you delete something it's pretty much gone23:44
Dankchildhey guys i was in here earlier with a hard drive problem, it was clicking, i did some things and now its not clicking anymore, but its detected and only 93 gigs of 500 are detected and no data. please help!23:44
pike_NYCThomasB: the basic steps to connecting to an open AP from command line:  sudo ifconfig ath0 up  then: 1. iwlist ath0 scan  2. sudo iwconfig ath0 essid somenetworkname   3. sudo dhclient ath023:44
NYCThomasBall: when i change to "up" i get ERROR while getting interface flags: no such device23:44
SpookyETI wonder if we'll get a flash update soon.23:44
gordonjcpmdmcginn: if it's on a camera memory card, chances are it's a vfat filesystem and you may be in luck23:44
hwildeNYCThomasB, sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart      check your /etc/network/interfaces file23:44
SpookyETIt has H.264 support and hardware acceleration23:44
sebrocknickrud, after a suspend do you have something mashing 100%?23:44
gordonjcpDankchild: sounds like it's failed23:44
_bildpunkthi. my desktop froze. i am now via ssh connected to my mashine. in htop i see that XGL is using all system resources. i have a open office document opened. how can i save it?^^23:44
sebrocknickrud, vbetool always sucked 100% cpu after a resume before23:44
nickrudsebrock: no, it won't suspend at all23:44
pike_NYCThomasB: pcmcia card?23:44
Dankchildgordonjcp: is there anything i can do?23:45
Jack_SparrowDankchild: have you moved that drive to a secondary bus (if ide) or disabled any writes to it23:45
kitcheSpookyET: unless it's a security update then no23:45
sebrockoh, well first off get that nickrud23:45
NYCThomasBPIKE: yes23:45
MikeHHrm, can someone recommend me a clean featured msn client? I've tried amsn which looks tacky imo, and pidgin, which looks nice but lacks features and keeps losing messages.23:45
nickrudsebrock: or more precicely, I have to hard reset if I try suspend23:45
Seven_Six_Two_bildpunkt, you can try replacing xgl with kwin23:45
pike_NYCThomasB: unplug replug then dmesg | tail  maybe it is ath1 or something23:45
_bildpunktSeven_Six_Two: how?23:45
Dankchildjack_sparrow: its an external hdd.23:45
hwildesebrock, nickrud,  you know when u suspend it has to write all of your memory to the disk?  u think that should take like 5% cpu?23:45
SpookyETSpeaking of updates, I don't get why it downloads the entire program instead of patches. It's such a waste of bandwidth and space.23:45
miffeubotu, !universe23:45
ubotuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource23:45
kitcheSeven_Six_Two: it would eb hard to replace xgl with kwin since they do different things23:45
hwildeMikeH, did u try amsn23:46
kyle__hey people i need ur help23:46
Jack_SparrowDankchild: Just wanted to make sure it wasnt still set as a boot or primary master etc23:46
nickrudhwilde: not my issue, I'm talking about ram suspend not hibernate23:46
hwilde!help | kyle__23:46
sebrockhwilde, no it doesnt write anything to disc, this is suspend not hibernate23:46
ubotukyle__: I am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots23:46
MikeHhwilde, yes, I thought it looked a bit tacky....23:46
pike_NYCThomasB: you should also have a device manager application in gnome but im not familiar with it23:46
kyle__the beryl23:46
hwildeMikeH, umm just change your window theme23:46
kyle__im am running a AMD6423:46
Dankchildjack_sparrow: k, thanks, do you have any suggestions?23:46
Jack_SparrowDankchild: Hirenscd or the live gparted would be my next step on that,23:46
kitcheSpookyET: hmm what patches if there is none see in Linux really they don't do patches it's not like Windows23:46
nickrudhwilde: although hibernate is fubared as well ;()23:46
MikeHhwilde, My window theme is fine...?23:46
Seven_Six_Twokitche, kwin is a window decorator. if you kill xgl you need a replacement.23:46
zer0coolI recently installed ubuntu alongside vista, and now vista won't boot. can anyone help?23:46
SpookyETkitche: I know. A waste of bandwidth.23:46
Dankchildjack_sparrow: ive tried gparted but it didnt show up23:46
kitcheSeven_Six_Two: xgl is a server23:46
kyle__with a ATI Raedon 1650 graphics card23:47
hwildenickrud, sebrock, MikeH, how do I play the streaming audio on this page:  http://breakbeat.co.uk/Listen/StudioMixes.aspx23:47
Jack_SparrowDankchild: I just booted this box to get my mail and saw your post..23:47
Jack_SparrowDankchild: gparted LIVE stand alone cd..23:47
SpookyETkitche: I really like it. I switched from Vista, hopefully for good.23:47
MikeHooh, breakbeat.23:47
DARKGuyGwah, ls is frustrating sometimes! >.<... could anybody tell me why "ls *.mp3" doesn't work??23:47
kitcheSeven_Six_Two: so you mean Compiz not xgl since compiz is a window manager just like kwin is23:47
Seven_Six_Twokitche, whatever you want to call it, it replaces kwin when it starts, as it's a compositing window manager23:47
MikeHhwilde, Ok, in amsn how can I get my user groups back?!23:47
Jack_SparrowDankchild: or are you talking the gparted from the ubuntu cd23:47
Seven_Six_Twokitche, oh yes.23:47
nickrudzer0cool: you would edit /boot/grub/menu.lst to include the vista stanza; a sec & I'll give you a link. One question: what partition is your vista on?23:47
sebrockhwilde, find a suitable plugin23:48
pgGrub fails to boot: error 22 (no such device).  sda5 is the only partition on this disk, it is set to bootable, and grub recognizes it as hd0,4.  menu.lst says "root (hd0,4)" and device.map says "(hd0) /dev/sda".  Perhaps grub needs to be re-installed in the mbr?23:48
Dankchildjack_sparrow: ok, no i havent tried that i will, i was talking about the one i installed on ubuntu.23:48
hwildesebrock, ok but how I can't even figure out what type of media it is!23:48
kyle__im running a AMD 64 with a ATI Raedon 1650 graphics card and i really wana get beryl running how do i get it running without stuffing the computer??23:48
hwildekyle__, go to appearance settings and turn it all the way up23:48
Jack_SparrowDankchild: I have no real issue with the one that is part of the installer.  I just like the stand alone when working on a drive like yours.23:48
nickrudhwilde: I use mozilla-mplayer, it's playing23:48
Seven_Six_Two_bildpunkt, maybe try kwin --replace23:48
_bildpunktSeven_Six_Two: ok ty23:49
zer0coolnickrud: vista is in the grub boot menu (automatically did it during install) but selecting it won't boot vista. it makes the system reboot23:49
MoTecpg: from grub's prompt, do a:  setup (hd0)23:49
seeitcomingjoin #deluge23:49
hwildenickrud, ack opera23:49
kyle__wheres that?23:49
seeitcoming*sigh* I suck23:49
kyle__apperances settings?23:49
Dankchildjack_sparrow: alright ill try that, thanks man.23:49
zer0coolnickrud: it's on partition hda223:49
SpookyETI definitely hava java isntalled. firefox froze:-)23:49
blueyedHi. How can I get/display information about the RAM being used on a computer (DDR, DDR2, ..)?23:49
Jack_SparrowDankchild: If you can crack the enclosure and make sure it gets plenty of air23:49
kyle__im running a AMD 64 with a ATI Raedon 1650 graphics card and i really wana get beryl running how do i get it running without stuffing the computer??23:49
Seven_Six_Twoor man kwin to get the proper options. I don't think you'll be able to run kwin from a ssh without specifying a display23:49
pike_SpookyET: congrats ;p23:49
MoTecpg: setup (hd0) puts it in the MBR, setup (hd0,0) puts it in a specific partition23:49
erUSULblueyed: you can not afaik (you have to check on the bios)23:50
nickrudzer0cool: could you put a copy of your /boot/grub/menu.lst on paste.ubuntu-nl.org? I understand grub, but not vista23:50
SpookyETShould it not respond to "java --version"23:50
Jack_SparrowDankchild: good luck.. I wont be around for at least a day or two..23:50
MikeHhwilde, looks like a flash player to me?23:50
hwildekyle__, did you even look through the nice menu they made for you?  i mean how did u find xchat?   it's under system or whatever.  appearance.  fancy effects23:50
SpookyETit says "could not create java virtual machine"23:50
Dankchildjack_sparrow: i have it open and sitting on top, im getting ready to go get a fan also.23:50
Seven_Six_Twokyle__, do you have hardware rendering working? try   fglrxinfo23:50
VSpikeDARKGuy: in what way does it not work?23:50
Dankchildjack_sparrow: thanks again.23:50
Jack_SparrowDankchild: Ok.. just trying to think of anything23:50
hwildenickrud, i was in opera... u know if u start using opera, the mozilla icon on the taskbar launches opera?23:50
pike_SpookyET: one - so -version23:50
kyle__i had to install x chat myself23:50
blueyederUSUL: there are programs for windows AFAIK.. (e.g. SiSoft Sandra or similar). So I think there must be something for linux, too.23:50
nickrudhwilde: rflol, must use x-www-browser23:51
pgMoTec: setup (hd0)     Invalid device requested23:51
kyle__the hardware rendering stuffs it up23:51
Jack_SparrowDankchild: also go online and calc the power supply rating for your computer23:51
kyle__takes ages to log in then it logs out again23:51
DARKGuyVSpike: it says it can't find any *.mp3 files23:51
MoTecpg: doesn't sound like a grub problem, then...  Not sure what else to try.23:51
VSpikeDARKGuy: maybe find -iname '*.mp3' would be better?23:51
DARKGuyVSpike: when I have the folder full of mp3s23:51
SpookyETIt works.23:51
DARKGuyVSpike: that works, but not for the purpose I'm trying to use it :(23:51
Seven_Six_Twokyle__, does it say it's enabled when you use fglrxinfo | grep Direct23:51
Jack_SparrowDankchild: Your external might be starving for juice if the PS is too small23:51
VSpikeDARKGuy: if they are called blah.MP3 it will not find them23:51
* Pelo 's dvd burner has been acting realy weird since the last hal update, anyone else ?23:51
DARKGuy*to use it for23:51
pgMoTec:  "find /boot/grub/stage1" says "(hd0,4)"23:51
pike_SpookyET: what is the version number23:51
hwildenickrud, thats why i was goin crazy bc it plays on my old laptop in ubuntu 5.1023:51
DARKGuyVSpike: I know, they are .mp3 :p23:52
Chewy954is the beta 1 of 8.04 stable? I gotta reinstall ubuntu, might aswell install it if its pretty stable...23:52
kyle__"command not found"23:52
ConstyXIVChewy954, it's an alpha, and not quite yet23:52
Seven_Six_Twokyle__, what module are you using for your video card?23:52
nickrudhwilde: I don't use opera much, but iirc there's some setting in it that tells it to use the mozilla plugins?23:52
kyle__im running ubuntu 7.0423:52
geniiChewy954: I'd wait for a couple more pre-preleases23:52
DM|Chewy954: its an alpha, its not stable23:52
PeloChewy954, beta are never stable, and you should beaswking in #ubuntu+1 anyway23:52
kyle__and ATI Raedon X165023:52
nickrudChewy954: lol, maybe in march23:52
VSpikeDARKGuy: OK, that is pretty wierd .. maybe something strange in your shell options?23:52
Seven_Six_Twothat's not an answer to my question23:52
DARKGuyVSpike: actually, it was my mistake o.O...23:52
MoTecpg: then setup (hd0) _should_ work :(23:52
hwildenickrud, oh ive got firefox :) its already playing23:52
Pelo!enter | kyle__23:53
ubotukyle__: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!23:53
* nickrud is suprised when opera every now and then shows up in his web statistics23:53
Seven_Six_Twokyle__, did you manually install a driver for your card? was it from the ATI site?23:53
Chewy954im getting frustrated23:53
* Chewy954 thinks23:53
kyle__okat, sory23:53
DARKGuyVSpike: it works now xD23:53
DARKGuyty anyways :D :D23:53
VSpikeDARKGuy: oh .. what was it?23:53
Pelonickrud,  opera was a very promissing web-browser, all in one webapplications23:53
zer0coolnickrud: ok it's pasted. i hope you don't mind: i pasted all23:53
VSpikeDARKGuy: on the basis that I will probably make the same error sooner or later :)23:53
Peloback in 199723:54
nickrudzer0cool: all is good :023:54
Seven_Six_Twodoes fglrxinfo say direct rendering is enabled?23:54
Chewy954what should I do? D: if ubuntu wont boot for me.... after I'm in GRUB, choose ubuntu, it shows some screen saying cannot be allocated, always does this, but then black screen, doesnt progress from there :|23:54
nickrudzer0cool: so, gimme the page link :)23:54
kyle__when it is running and i reboot as soon as i log on it logs out23:54
pike_opera is very nice until you find a website that just doesnt display and that does happen often23:54
=== ajmorris__ is now known as ajmorris_
DARKGuyVSpike: Hehe :p I had a bunch of files like .mp3.new.mp3 and I wanted to list them, but I was typing "ls *.mp3.new" instead of "*.mp3.new.mp3" :/23:54
DARKGuyVSpike: I'm still used to DOS syntax, lol :p23:54
nickrudPelo: I do like some of the things it does, that visual bookmark guide is kinda cool23:54
PeloChewy954, what is the exact error msg, does it have a number23:54
VSpikeDARKGuy: ohh .. figures :)23:55
Seven_Six_Twokyle__, then it's probably not set up properly. try dumping your xfree or xorg log file to pastebin and paste the url here23:55
zer0coolnickrud: ok. (never used paste site before) http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46892/23:55
DARKGuyVSpike: heh yeah XD g2g ^-^23:55
pike_i love the speed dial tab in opera23:55
pgMoTec: thanks.  I'm actually trying to copy my installation from the an old disk to this one.  This error occurred after I tried with dd.  My final approach is to install with the CD, upgrade to the latest version and copy all directories from the old disk.  Will that work?23:55
=== SpectralScript is now known as rangerguy39
kyle__can someone teach me how to use this please im quite new to it...23:55
tony_mathI'm still having problems changing proxy settings in Synaptic. When I click on OK or Apply in the properties page, Synaptic hangs and I have to kill it.23:55
Pelonickrud,  I haven'T checked it out recently,  I'm just saying that when it began it was very promissing, I realy liked the way it would load a webpage in order of priorty, text first image next,  .... background last23:55
Seven_Six_Twokyle__, teach you to use what? what don't you know how to do?23:55
tony_mathIs there a way to "reset" Synaptic perhaps from the command line.23:55
Dankchildjack_sparrow: its got an external power source.23:56
Chewy954Pelo: no error, just wont boot :\23:56
Pelonickrud,  that kind of things made it realy easy if y ou were using a modem23:56
kyle__this x client23:56
PeloChewy954, can you boot the live cd ?23:56
Chewy954the allocation thing has been happening since I installed ubuntu23:56
Chewy954should be able to.23:56
Chewy954did before23:56
Seven_Six_Twokyle__, xgl?23:56
nickrudzer0cool: the grub stanza says it's on sda3 (equiv to hda3) are you sure it's 2? if so, change it23:56
pike_kyle__: try alt-ctrl-f2 then login then sudo adduser somename     give em a password then after its done alt-f7 to get back to the gui login and try that user can they login?23:56
chalcedonywhen you download a . *.tar.gz  what comes next?23:56
kyle__umm.... no23:56
Seven_Six_Twokyle__, I don't know what you mean by x client23:57
nickrudzer0cool: count from 0, so it would be (hd0,1)23:57
pike_kyle__: if it doesnt work you know your profile is fine and its a general settings issue23:57
kyle__thx pike23:57
tony_mathDoes anyone know where Synaptic stores it's configuration information? Would this be a text file?23:57
DM|hmm, is there a way to change the resolution of your log in window23:57
erUSULchalcedony: compiling but you should install only packages from repositories23:57
rangerguy39when i downloaded ubuntu, it saved it to a disc - now when i run the disc, a screen comes up and says 'launching browser', and then goes away. whats wrong?23:57
zer0coolnickrud: umm.. it starts at 0, right? i know it's the third primary partition..23:57
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chalcedonyerUSUL: it's an ok file .. but tell me steps please?23:57
nickrudPelo: I lived on a tiny dialup for a long time, I learned to love lynx then23:57
erUSULtony_math: /etc/apt/23:57
noodles12how do u get to the update manager from the terminal?23:57
PeloChewy954, I suggest this,  boot thelive cd make, create a new partiton on your hdd,  copy your /home folder to it , then, reinstall ubuntu from scratch,   uisng manual partitioning, so you can tell it about your /home partiton , that will save all you rsettings and data,  thenyou can play areound with the os all you like whitout fear23:58
teknoprephi all23:58
tony_maththanks erUSUL, I'm going to check that uou23:58
teknoprepi don't get a splash screen now that i have everything installed23:58
pike_noodles12: gksu update-manager23:58
teknoprepis this a common error ?23:58
tony_mathcheck that out....:)23:58
rangerguy39when i downloaded ubuntu, it saved it to a disc - now when i run the disc, a screen comes up and says 'launching browser', and then goes away. whats wrong?23:58
nickrudzer0cool: ok, you mentioned hda2 above. third partition would be hd0,2 as it says. Why vista won't chainload, I don't know23:58
erUSULchalcedony: it can be very messy you have to install all the devel lib first and the compilers linkers etc23:58
noodles12pike_: thanks23:58
Chewy954okay Pelo23:58
rangerguy39anyone know?23:58
hwildenickrud, sebrock, MikeH,   thanks hope you like D&B23:58
VSpikelike a lot of innovations, i'm not sure if flock is a great idea or an abomination23:58
Chewy954just dont have much HDD space left :\23:58
mr__danieltony_math: the list of repository sources is located in /etc/apt/23:58
erUSULchalcedony: you are better finding it on the repos or on getdeb23:59
chalcedonyerUSUL: i see .. a webpage maybe?23:59
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)23:59
sebrockhwilde, ?23:59
kitcherangerguy39: qhat do you mean you saved it to disc?23:59
ouellettesrhey you guys what do I need to get wireless adapters to work on my laptop?23:59
nickrudhwilde: it was a little new agey for my tastes ;) gimme some roadhouse stuff & I'll be happy23:59
rangerguy39when i ran it, it opened a program to save it to a disc23:59
pike_kyle__: remeber the new user wont have many permissions so they wont be a member of the sound group or cdrom or any of that jazz unitl you make em23:59
rangerguy39i did, and then i ran if from the disc23:59
zer0coolnickrud: well, thanks for trying.. i guess i'll call microsoft...23:59
CrashOverridehow do I reset all X's settings to default23:59

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