
=== RichEd-1 is now known as RichEd
Baueri just copied the home directory of a template-user to /etc/skel08:05
Bauernow when, I try to crate a new user, it hangs for 10 seconds, and the user is not created..08:05
BauerI have tryed sabayon, but it just crashes...08:06
bettonghow are you adding a new user?08:11
BauerSystem - Administration - users and groups08:11
bettongok. open up a terminal, i'll ask you to run some commands08:12
bettongthen i'll disapear for dinner, and hope your here in 40 minutes :)08:12
bettongtry running `adduser newusername`, does it give any errors?08:13
bettongthen `ls -lhd /etc/skel` and `ls -lAh /etc/skel/`08:14
bettongthe two ls commands should go to a pastebin08:14
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)08:14
Bauerhmm.. it says that the _group_ student01 already exists...08:14
bettongoh, and `ls -lAh /home/`08:15
bettongpastebin to please :)08:15
bettonghave you created / tried to create that user before?08:15
bettongsorry, afk. back in ~45 min, good luck. if your /etc/skel/* isnt owned by root, chown it to root08:15
Baueryes, maybe that is the problem ;) i have created that user before, and deleted it08:16
bettongdeluser and delgrp to remove stuf :)08:16
Bauerthanks, tried now with a random username, which worked :)08:16
bettongBauer, so your problem is probably prexisting stuff for the user you've [half] created ;)08:50
Baueryes, I've fixed it now :)08:50
Bauerbut am I the only one with sabayon-problems?08:51
Bauerif I for example try to change anything under System - Preferences - Sessions, sabayon crashes..08:51
Nurionnthx Bauer, had just the same error (user created -> deleted -> could not been created anew)08:55
Nurionnbut sabayon I don't know, I used 'System - Administration - users and groups'08:56
bettonghow did you delete the users? (both of you)08:58
bettongBauer, run sabayon from your terminal. it might print out some debug info when it crasehs08:59
Nurionndon't know, I think it was a test... ;)08:59
Nurionncan you tell me, why the users are not in an alphabetic order (in System - Administration - users and groups )09:00
bettongno i cant.09:01
* bettong doesnt use those tools :)09:02
Nurionnwhich tool do you use insteed?09:02
bettong / deluser / gpasswd09:02
Nurionnhmm... (I should have known :))09:02
bettonghehe :)09:03
Nurionncan you set there the same password for multiple users?09:03
bettongnot per se.09:04
NurionnI've here 2 classrooms with thinclients and we would like to create a user per machine, because there are different classes who uses these rooms09:04
bettong'passwd username` <put in password> -> open /etc/shadow -> <copy passwd to relevent lines> (i might script it with sed, but thats the rough idea)09:04
Nurionnso they can share the same user (in fact they only need the machines for surfing/writing texts...)09:05
bettongwhat sharing user? the client or the child?09:06
Nurionne.g. client one is named 'lese01' -> now I want a user 'lese01' and every person that uses this client uses the user 'lese01'09:08
bettongnot sure how you would bind users to a particular terminal.09:09
Nurionnhoping they use the correct user :D09:10
NurionnI'm not teacher, thats not my problem -> but they use these rooms rarely and we don't want to create ~1k users...09:11
bettong1k users==ldap job ;)09:11
bettongare you going for a general kiosk feel, or each student has a set terminal to sit at?09:12
Nurionnhe can sit where he like to09:12
bettonghm. you want kiosk mode. not dealt with it myself though, so i cant help much09:14
Baueris there any way to make schooltool work? if not, are there good alternatives?09:14
Nurionnwe tought to create useres 'lese01' to 'lese24' (and same for the other room)09:14
bettongBauer, whats that? *heh*09:16
Bauerhttp://www.schooltool.org/ it is in the edubuntu repository,, ogra said it was broken yesterday09:16
=== meduxa is now known as toscalix
bettongah, i havent heard about that09:19
Bauerok :)09:19
Baueranother thing - is there a way to set a random 8-char password on several users, and get an output to a text file?09:20
bettongtheres password generating tools available in apt, not sure how they work though09:21
bettongthat or DIY ;)09:21
Bauerhave tried some of them, they just spit out passwords in the terminal,, would be nice to make it set the password for users automatic09:27
Nurionnnow I tried to add the users with 'useradd' but they don't have any privileges (couldn't log on a thinclient).09:28
Nurionnist there another command to do that?09:28
bettongBauer, set automatic in whta way?09:31
bettongno no no!09:31
bettong*never* useradd09:31
Bauerbettong: so that I can run a command which set a random password on x number of users automatic, and also get the result in a text file or in the terminal. now i just get an output in the terminal, and would have to set the password for each user manually09:33
bettonglooked at libpam-pwdfile - PAM module allowing authentication via an /etc/passwd-like file09:33
bettonglibpam-pwgen - a password generator09:33
Nurionnlittle problem:09:44
NurionnI deleted ALL content from /home/ -> what to do?09:45
bettonghope you have backups :)09:47
NurionnI cloned the vmware-machine...09:48
Nurionnapparently it was good to do so.09:51
Nurionnvmware is great, now I've anew a running system09:56
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
pips1how come edubuntu doesn't feature on the fridge calendar anymore?11:25
pips1what time will today's meeting take place?11:25
ograthe early one (in 1h ??)11:26
ograerr 30 min11:26
RichEdyep ... early one11:27
RichEdpips1: laserjock will addd the events ... i needs to send him an email ... will try to do that today11:27
pips1oh, meeting in 30 mins. ok.11:29
riot_lehi, i am having trouble gegtting11:30
riot_lehi, i am having trouble getting the dhcp server up. when i try /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server start this fails. i used the example config in /etc/ltsp/. in /var/log/syslog i get "no subnet declaration for eth0. i added "interface "eth0"; no change. also DHCPD_INTERFACE="etho"; does not help.11:34
riot_leif anyone could help me that would be greatl.11:35
ogradont change /etc/default11:36
stgraberogra: funny, using "gnome-session-save --kill" closes the gnome session on a thin client but shows the session logout box on a desktop computer :)11:36
stgraberI'll need to find a better way to logout for my next italc upload ...11:37
ograstgraber, pretty sure it checks gdm11:37
stgrabergdm-signal also doesn't seem to work here (I'm testing with Feisty at the moment)11:37
ogradid you try setting --display ?11:37
riot_lei dont touch /etc/default11:37
ograriot_le, " i added "interface "eth0"; no change. also DHCPD_INTERFACE="etho""11:38
ograthats what you just wrote11:38
ogradont do that11:38
stgraberogra: ica is running as a session script, so DISPLAY is set correctly, on a real client : "gdm-signal" just doesn't do anything and gnome-session-save shows the logout window11:38
ograjust make sure to have a proper static interface with an IP that matches the range you defined in /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf11:39
stgraberogra: I like KDE on that point, I have 3 different dcop signal to send an that's all :)11:39
ogracheck for LTSP_CLIENT so you can have two different ways11:39
ograLTSP_CLIENT is always set in ltsp sessions11:40
riot_lei did not insert both at the same time ;-)11:41
stgraberyes, but gdm-signal and gnome-session-save --kill don't work on a real desktop PC (no thin client), that's my current problem :)11:42
stgraber"gnome-session-save --kill" correctly kills gnome on a thin client (gdm-signal doesn't work, I'm waiting for local apps to have shutdown/reboot working)11:43
ograriot_le, just revert that change, make it DHCPD_INTERFACE="" as it used to be, then make sure the interface has the right ip and try again11:47
stgraberargh, irssi crash11:47
ograhardy ?11:49
stgraberfeisty server11:49
riot_lethat doesnt help, it fails again11:50
ograput your /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf and the output of the ifconfig -a command on paste.ubuntu-nl.org and point me to the paste ...11:50
ogra************ Reminder, edubuntu meeting in #ubuntu-meeting in 10 min ************11:51
riot_leim on another pc, can't paste now cause i dont have internet @ the server11:52
ogrause a usb key :)11:53
ograifconfig -a >ifconfig.txt (then copy it over)11:53
riot_lei have temporari no usb key avivable11:53
ograriot_le, hmm, hard to help then :)11:54
riot_lei will ask if someone other here has a key11:54
ogra************ Reminder, edubuntu meeting in #ubuntu-meeting in 5 min ************11:56
riot_lewhich file does the dhcp server use? i think it's /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd3.conf. what use is /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf?11:56
ogra/etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf is used by default11:57
ogra(if it exists)11:57
ogra(which is the case if you have ltsp installed)11:57
riot_leok, that is an important info. i tested ltsp on a debian etch box recently and this file appeared to be ignored.11:57
ograetch is a) very old ltsp implementation, debian needs some time to port our stuff every time b) not using the patched dhcpd11:58
ogratheir dhcpd requites a lot more configuration all over11:58
ograhile ours only exects an interface with IP from the 192.168.0.X range to work out of the box (as explained on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuLTSP/LTSPQuickInstall)11:59
riot_leaccording to the log it does ignore the file in /etc/ltsp. the log sais "the subnet declaration for eth0 ( ... which is the value i am using in the conf. but i just replaced /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf and will try.#12:00
ograhmm, why did you replace it ?12:01
ograjust change 192.168.0 to 192.168.50 everywhere in the default file12:01
riot_leok working12:01
* riot_le notes: if ltsp is used, use that conf, not the old dhcp's. ;-)12:02
riot_lethank you12:02
ograbut please mention exactly that you replaced the file in case you need further support later so suporters know they dont deal with the easy default file12:02
ogra(i might remembr that but others wont know and assume the default :) )12:03
ogra************ Reminder, edubuntu meeting in #ubuntu-meeting NOW ************12:03
riot_lei trying to restart the dhcp-server now12:03
Nurionnwhere can I find freemind (apparently the12:16
Nurionnwhich repository must I add?12:17
Nurionnah I think I found them.12:31
ograNurionn, sorry we're all in #ubuntu-meeting in the weekly edubuntu meeting12:33
ograi think its in multiverse since its still depending in the nonfree java12:34
stgraberNurionn: it's in multiverse12:34
stgraberNurionn: it's in multiverse since Gutsy12:35
ograshould move to universe once icedtea java is done :)12:36
Nurionnno problem, I found functional repositories in the ubuntu-forum (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=348920)12:48
Nurionn deb http://eric.lavar.de/comp/linux/debian/ experimental/12:49
Nurionn deb-src http://eric.lavar.de/comp/linux/debian/ experimental/12:49
Nurionnnow I could install with 'sudo apt-get install freemind'12:50
ograouch, be careful thats a debian repo12:56
ograit might break your system if there is other stuff in it12:57
Nurionnwhat would you counsel instead?12:57
stgraberogra: I'm reading the eeePC specs, it has L2 cache !!! :), hardware looks good, just have to wait for a bit for the price to get a bit lower13:03
Baueris it much work to have several servers working in a cluster?13:04
stgrabernot really, you'll just need a central server for authentication/home directory13:06
stgraberthen the others to use it for authentication and mounting /home13:06
Bauerok. i have one server ready, and some of the schools here can try it if they want. if they like it, we will probably set up more and let all the schools use it :)13:08
stgraberload-balancing can be done with ldm (IIRC) or using things like DNS (and multiple A record)13:08
Baueris there a guide for managing edubuntu cluster-mode some place?13:08
stgraberI don't know, but there are for LDAP auth server and shared /home directory, that's basically what you'll need13:09
stgraber(and some scripts to syncronise the package lists between the servers)13:09
Bauerok. i guess you will be hearing from me later :p13:11
ograthere is a wikipage for failover clustering from dtrask, i dont know the url though13:12
Nurionnogra: I comment these lines now out with a #, for I don't think I will need them for a while13:13
stgraberI played a bit with LDAP auth recently and it's lot easier with Gutsy than it was before :)13:13
ograNurionn, yeah, thats safer13:13
* Nurionn writes down, what he had done on his server. (just in case...)13:15
NurionnI have just the Problem, that my ThinClient can't access their usb-key, and I found out, that it was because of the rights in (System - Administration - users and groups)13:30
Nurionncan I grant these rights (safe root-privileges) in the console?13:31
ograyou need to add them to the fuse group13:31
Nurionnis there a command to do so with multiple users?13:32
ograNurionn, uid=$(cat /etc/passwd|cut -d ':' -f3);for id in $uid;do if [ "$id" -gt "1000" ] ;then user=$(grep $id /etc/passwd|cut -d ':' -f1|grep -v nobody); sudo adduser $user fuse ;fi ;done13:39
ogracopy and paste that line13:39
ogranote that will add *all* users above uid 1000 to fuse13:40
ogra(below 100 are the system users)13:40
NurionnI started with my users at uid 1011, I will take this number in your skript...13:41
Nurionni've errors for the first 8 users:13:45
Nurionnadduser: Nur ein oder zwei Namen erlaubt.13:45
Nurionn(-> only one or two names allowed)13:45
ograwell add them manually then :)13:45
ograits only 8 :)13:45
ograinstead of *all* now13:45
ogra(that script was quickly hacked down from the top of my head, no error catching here apart from adduser ;) )13:46
stgraberNurionn: you have accounts with space in their username ? (trying to understand the adduser error)13:47
ograstgraber, its likely an error in my line13:48
Nurionnthey're named lese01, lese02, lese03, .... until 24 (and same for other rooms)13:48
=== Amaranth is now known as Am|Birthday
=== meduxa is now known as toscalix
Belutzogra, ping17:33
ograBelutz, hey17:33
Belutzis there any special way to go into bios in cmpc?17:33
Belutzhitting "del" and "F11" on boot do nothing :(17:33
johnny_try f2..17:35
johnny_no.. i don't know the cmpc17:35
ograBelutz, i think F1017:53
ograi dont have my CMPC around atm17:53
ograF11 is the bootdevice selection ...17:53
BelutzF11 didn't work too17:54
ograhmm, del just gets me to the BIOS here17:56
Belutzis it the keyboard or ... :(18:00
Goosemooseanyone using a network install and a preseed file with apt-cacher?18:34
Goosemoosei keep getting told the specified mirror is not available or does not have a valid release file on it18:35
=== ogra1 is now known as ogra
=== juliux is now known as juliux_hsv
das-t_good evening, i am new @ edubuntu. i am trying to find a documentation on how to setup a server-client. the client is booting ok over the network, but i cannot log in. do i need to register the machine somewhere? how?19:46
das-t_i just cannot find the correct howto for that.19:46
johnnydid you setup a user?19:46
das-t_yes, during install. and i set up a test user uid 1001. and i tried setting up a user in the chroot of /opt/ltsp/i386/19:47
johnnyyou don't set it up in the chroot19:48
johnnythe chroot isn't supposed to have any users19:48
johnnyexcept root for debugging sometimes19:48
das-t_ok, it was just a try.19:48
das-t_i do have a test user in the normal system. do i need a special group for it or something?19:49
johnnyi don't think so..19:49
das-t_though the client sais something like "cannot register themachine" ...19:49
johnnyregister? hmm19:50
johnnythat's not enough info19:50
das-t_ok then. i don't have the system here.19:50
das-t_mainly i am trying to find a place to read ;-)19:50
das-t_i might come back then tomorrow when i am at the machines themselves.19:50
ograwhats the error you get if you try to log in ?19:51
das-t_someting that makes me suspect i need to register the client somewhere. something like "cannot register machine". that does not sound like there is  a wrong user at all.19:52
das-t_not wrong password or the like19:52
ograthis workstation is not authorized ?19:53
das-t_yes, very possible.19:53
das-t_how do i authorize it?19:53
ograsudo ltsp-update-sshkeys && sudo ltsp-update-image19:54
ograi guess you changed your ip after install19:54
das-t_ok, yes, that is correct19:54
ograthe client needs to know abut that in its ssh key settings :)19:54
das-t_ok, i remember i saw a passage about changing the ip19:54
ograso the first command copies new keys into place ...19:54
ograthe second rebuilds an image from your chroot19:55
ogra(the image is what the clients use by default)19:55
das-t_but i was obviously too blind to realize i needed that19:55
das-t_i am all new to ltsp, so thank you very much, i very much believe this is it.19:56
das-t_thank you very much, i am quite sure you helped. i will try tomorrow.19:57
ograbtw the edubuntu handbook is the best source for ltsp info ;) its installed by default in the help system in every edubuntu19:58
ogra(in (k)ubuntu just install the edubuntu-docs package)19:59
* HedgeMage peeks in20:00
HedgeMagehey, ogra, I was hoping to catch you today.20:00
lnsOgra! =)20:00
ograhey HedgeMage lucky girl you are :) i was about to close the lid :)20:00
das-t_ok, thank you, i was searching online. the ltsp documentation seems good, but i was too blind. ;-) if you are at an edubuntu, which version of ltsp is inside edubuntu? i am at ltsp.org too right now.20:00
HedgeMageogra:  I might be recommending an LTSP setup for a local school, and will need to help them decide what hardware to purchase.  Do you have a favorite brand of thin clients?20:01
ograits the very latest (ltsp was developed in ubuntu for the last two years, that recently changed)20:01
HedgeMageI've never shopped for them before20:02
ograHedgeMage, http://www.disklessworkstations.com/cgi-bin/web/200104.html?id=zinCjRNS is pretty good , http://www.disklessworkstations.com/cgi-bin/web/200029.html?id=zinCjRNS as well but expensive20:02
das-t_as a thank you ... i have no clue what kind of music you enjoy, i am just listening to this ... http://www.jamendo.com/de/album/14943/ ... and enjoy it quite a lot. it features a new instrument i saw life not long ago. absolutely fascinating. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hang_(musical_instrument) - if you are interested great, if not take it as my way of saying thank you ;-)20:03
ogradont get that one, thats utter crap http://www.disklessworkstations.com/cgi-bin/web/200110.html?id=zinCjRNS20:03
das-t_thank you and good night20:03
HedgeMageogra:  thanks!20:04
ograHedgeMage, http://www.koolu.com/content/view/94/241/ is also very good, but has broken Xserver drivers in gutsy20:04
ograits the best price for HW you can pay i think20:04
=== das-t_ is now known as das
lnsoops, was about to mention koolu =)20:05
HedgeMageogra:  thanks :)20:05
ogra800Mhz and 512M is pretty good for $199 but it uses an amd chipset which has a broken X in gutsy .... and no solution forseeable yet20:06
lnsalso check out http://www.thesymbiont.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=80&Itemid=109 - their SYM1110 seems promising, although I haven't tested it yet20:06
=== das is now known as das-t
HedgeMagethanks both of you :)20:09
lnsJust passing on the knowledge ;)20:12
airjumpbye and a good n821:12
jimcooncathave a regular ltsp setup, finally. I'm using some thin clients, but also want to make use of the environment from my regular fiesty desktop. I'm currenty running vnc4server on the ltsp server, but was wondering what others use for remote access?21:33
johnnyuhmm.. ssl..21:43
johnnyerr ssh21:43
=== irgendwass is now known as mcfloppy_
ScorpKinghi guys. if i want to install a LTSP server, which option do i choose from the livecd?23:19

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