
sourcemakerstdin: the current live cd is not working for me... there are too much bugs... so I think... how should it be possible to fix all this bugs until mid jan:-)00:00
stdinbecause the kde devs will work hard00:01
LinuxReignunless you have a testing system u should the same00:01
mrdigitalquestion i have a hd video card are there linux drivers for that?00:01
LinuxReignhd video card?00:01
mrdigitalVideo Card Capable of HD Content00:01
mrdigitalVideo out can do 720P00:01
LinuxReignwell, is it a n Ati or nvidia one?00:01
mrdigitalnvidia (EVGA)00:02
ArtimusHow can I enable the suspend/hibernate buttons in KDE on a desktop?00:02
LinuxReignthere is 2 ways mrdigital00:02
FireHazard17I bought a dvd how do I get it to play? I have tried mplayer and vlc so far.00:02
FireHazard17both utterly fail00:02
FireHazard17and those are the ones I resort to last after all else fails00:02
mrdigitalLinuxReign: explain00:02
dmcgloneFirehazard17 have you installed the codecs?00:03
LinuxReignthe first one is installing the nvidia-glx-new package through Adept00:03
FireHazard17lemme check00:03
LinuxReignthe second one will be the best on my opinion00:03
FireHazard17do you know the package name?00:03
mrdigitalcan you pm me the steps so i can copy n paste into email00:03
dmcglonei'm trying to remember00:03
dmcgloneI usually use kaffeine and when I put a dvd in it automatically installes the required codecs to play dvd's00:04
LinuxReignmrdigital, I would strongly suggest yuo check this site, http://albertomilone.com/nvidia_scripts1.html00:04
ubotuenvy is not needed or supported. Use the Resticted Manager to install binary drivers and see « /msg ubotu binarydriver »00:04
stdindon't use it00:04
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs00:04
dmcglonethere is it00:05
mrdigitalstdin: dont use what?00:05
LinuxReigni'm getting better results with envy over the binary package so far, that's my opinion00:05
dmcgloneI hardly ever use IRC, I keep forgetting about those commands00:05
stdinmrdigital: envy, the script that LinuxReign's link pointed to00:06
teknoprephi all00:06
teknoprepi am not getting a splash screen when i boot up00:06
teknoprepjust a black screen until boot is finished00:06
teknoprepthen i am in the system login screen just fine00:06
mrdigitalso how do i get HD in kubuntu?00:08
LinuxReignmrdigital, open Adept00:08
crashevkubuntu failed to install at last step - installing grub - how can I correct this?00:09
LinuxReignon the search field type nvidia-glx-new00:09
dmcgloneSR-latch, did you join the mailing list?00:09
FireHazard17stupid x.org00:09
mrdigitalLinuxReign: Can you pm me the steps im not home.00:09
LinuxReigni cannot pm you, im not registered00:10
dmcglonecrashev, how much memory in the machine?00:10
mrdigitaloh can you email me the steps?00:10
crashevdmcglone: 2GB00:10
crashevdmcglone: i did not make swap partition00:10
dmcgloneI had the same problem on an older machine because of low memory. doesn't seem to be your case00:11
LinuxReignok, i will send you the instructions00:11
crashevdmcglone: anyway what menu.lst should looks like for grub - how standard one looks like - any special parameters passed to kernel?00:11
dmcgloneI wouldn't know, I don't know menu.lst by heart00:12
SR-latch <dmcglone> yup :D00:13
dmcglonebut it doesn't matter what menu.lst looks like, if you can't install grub then it will not do any good anyway00:13
crashevcan someone show me his entry for ubuntu 7.10 in grug conf?00:13
crashevdmcglone: I will use mu current grub for booting ubuntu00:13
crashevdunno why it failed at the installation00:13
dmcgloneOk i'll paste mine on pastebin00:13
crashevok, thx00:13
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)00:15
dmcglonehere ya go: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46893/00:16
dmcgloneSR-latch cool, you will like everyone there00:16
SR-latch <dmcglone> yup!!!00:18
user_Can anyone help me?  Sometimes my laptop screen remains at "battery brightness" even when plugged in.  How do i fix this? (Gutsy)00:18
mrdigitalLinuxReign: did you email it yet?00:19
user_are there no "power management" schemes in Kcontrol?00:19
kamanyone know why xorg creates a mouse device linked to dev/input/mice automatically? how do i stp this?00:19
dmcgloneI hope you brought your sense of humor SR. :-)00:20
gaususi have a problem with wifi on gutsy gibbon00:20
user_kam: can't you just edit out the devices you don't need?  What problems is it causing?00:20
user_gausus: what kind of problem?00:20
gausussuddenly knetworkmanager had stoped to show any wireless networks available00:20
gaususkwifi still shows all of them00:20
kamuser_,  not in the xorg.conf00:20
dmcglonejust put the pound sign in front of what you want to edit out00:21
kambreaks my synaptics driver00:21
gaususiwconfig eth1 scan does it too00:21
user_kam: even by commenting it out "#": ???00:21
gaususbut i can't see any of them in knetworkmanager  like i used to00:21
kamits not in the file00:21
kamat all00:21
kamcreated at start00:21
user_gausus: have you tried restarting in Recovery Mode?00:21
kamonly found out from the logs00:21
SR-latch <gausus> this must be something common cause it has happened to me also, in my laptop00:22
dmcgloneweird, my laptop never had this problem00:22
dmcglonewhat laptop do you have SR?00:22
user_gausus: I had a problem with Knetwork Manager on anothe laptop... try using Wicd - it works great00:22
SR-latch<dmcglone> acer travelmate00:23
SR-latch<dmcglone> atheros wifi card00:23
dmcgloneI see. I've got an HP00:23
user_happened to me on a Vaio00:23
user_On that lappy, i use Wicd, and never had another problem00:23
SR-latchit must be bugged or something00:23
user_Wicd doesn't use HAL, iirc00:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about wicd - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:24
SR-latchHAL= hardware abstraction layer?00:25
dmcgloneman am I ever tired00:25
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | Upgrade instructions: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/7.10-release.php#upgrade | FAQ: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommonQuestions | Kubuntu CDs! https://shipit.kubuntu.org | Pastes: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org | Offtopic in #kubuntu-offtopic please | KDE 4.0 RC1 Package & LiveCD http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-rc1.php | Tutorials Day week on thursday https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuTutorialsDay
gausususer_: no, how can i do it?00:26
gaususSR-latch: did you found a solution00:27
gausususer_: i have ibm x60s and ipw3945 card00:27
kamuser_, http://pastebin.com/m6d9d0f800:27
user_gausus: how do you do what?00:27
CrocoJetwhere I can find one .iso of kubuntu update (day) ?00:28
dmcgloneI'm out of here guys. I'm tired.00:28
kamuser_, did you see that oddness00:28
SR-latch<gausus> no, but it seems it must be fixed with gutsy or something00:28
SR-latch<gausus> it happens less frequently00:28
gausususer_: use the recovery mode to fix it00:29
user_kam: what dmcglone said.  Also, that is the *longest* xorg.conf i've ever seen!00:29
gaususSR-latch:  use gutsy and it is a permanent problem for me ?00:29
kamuser its the log00:29
user_gausus: when your grub loads on boot, do you not have the option of loading kernel(s), recovery mode, and mem test?00:30
kamcan you just look at the line where it cries about no default mouse?00:30
CrocoJetwhy install process of kubuntu (gutsy) make upgrade?00:30
mrdigitalstdin: do u know how to get 720p tv-out using the component out on my video card in kunbuntu?00:30
kami added corepointer option to the synaptics, so i am totally at a loss00:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about apt-getfix - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:31
stdinmrdigital: no, I've only ever used laptops with intel graphics00:31
user_kam: i see it, but what problems is it causing you?  Does your touchpad work?00:31
SR-latch<gausus> what do you mean?00:31
stdin!aptfix | d347hm4n00:31
ubotud347hm4n: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »00:31
mrdigitaldoes anyone?00:31
genii!helpersnack | stdin00:31
ubotustdin: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!00:31
kamuser_, yes but i cant turn of tap drag, which makes the devie too sensitive to use00:31
kamliterally a slight touch = a clik00:32
d347hm4ni get E: Couldn't find package 22931-nightfall.tar.gz00:32
sourcemakerGood night boys... I will leave now... bye00:32
gausususer_: ok, thx00:32
SR-latch<stdin> deathman?00:32
d347hm4ni'm sure that is just a .tar.gz d/lded fromm kdeloog.org00:33
d347hm4nbut why is that troubling apt?00:33
user_kam: you should be able to anyways... lemme find the proper entries.00:33
gausususer_: wpa_supplicant run by hand works fine00:34
user_kam: at the bottom of the first post, there's a bunch of manual entries that work wonders: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=35105800:34
user_gausus: have you run recovery mode?00:35
gausususer_: not yet00:35
LinuxReignmrdigital, the email has been sent00:36
user_gausus: stupid question, but have you manually turned off your wireless and then turned it back on?  Sometimes Knetwork Manager is fickle00:37
LinuxReignthere is NO "stupid" questions00:38
SR-latchis there a possibility that power saving laptops automatically turn it off?00:38
SR-latchthat was my initial thought on the matter00:38
SR-latchcause sometimes my wifi card is not recognized from other software like ethereal00:39
fungos_trying to install kubuntu on my sata drive as master. It stops at booting after installed. the line is: sd 1:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg0 type 000:39
fungos_and doesnt continue anymore00:39
SR-latchand it lists it like disconnected or something00:39
kamuser_, im trying to do that now.  the problem is the generic mouse driver from the stupid auto'd default mouse is overruling the touchpads settings. the ps2 emulation mode makes the tap option not work00:40
kamthats why i need to remove its auto creation00:41
mrdigitalLinuxReign: what about tv-out ?00:41
user_kam: i'm digging around on this one... i haven't seen this before.  Did you upgrade from an older version of kubuntu?00:41
LinuxReignok, mrdigital, once u have that installed just open a konsole and type sudo nvidia-settings00:42
LinuxReignthere u should be able to configure the tv-out thingy00:42
treelizardHi, what is the correct way of installing skype on an amd64 system?00:42
kamuser_,  nope, ubuntu gutsy iso apt got kubuntu desktop00:42
user_kam: see if this helps ----> http://www.chromakode.com/blog/2007/09/19/logitech-lx7-in-ubuntu-edgy-ihatekludgers/00:42
LinuxReigndamn, I've lost my amd64 version DVD :(00:43
mrdigitalok thanks00:44
NickPrestaperhaps I'm blind, but I used to have the kicker-kickoff package with Feisty. I can't find one for Gutsy. I msg'd ubotu but it just leads to a release announcement. Am I missing something?00:45
ardchoille!info kicker-kickoff00:45
ubotuPackage kicker-kickoff does not exist in gutsy00:45
ardchoilleNickPresta: It may not have been added to the Gutsy repos00:45
NickPrestai had to install it from getdeb or kde-look.org or something similar last time. My search results aren't helping too much00:45
ardchoilleI don't remember kickoff being in the repos for Feisty either00:46
ardchoille!search kickoff00:46
ubotuFound: kickoff00:46
ubotuKickoff is a new KDE menu replacement developed by openSUSE. See http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/233100:46
ardchoille!info kickoff00:47
ubotuPackage kickoff does not exist in gutsy00:47
NickPrestaactually, I think it's in Treviño’s repos00:48
kamuser_, Im gonna restart real quick brb, and thanks for all the help so far jik x doesnt come back00:50
treelizardalright, here is another question. For some odd reason whenever I use firefox or konquerer's google search tool, it calls google.es. How can make it call google.com? Why is it choosing that anyways?00:56
LinuxReigntreelizard, u have to open Firefox and click on Edit00:57
LinuxReigngo to Preferences00:58
LinuxReignon the Main tab00:58
LinuxReignon the Home Page field replace whatever is there with www.google.com00:59
LinuxReignclick on Close and u r done00:59
user_linuxreign: that will set your homepage to google.com, but how does that reconfigure the built-in searching preferences on the menu bar?00:59
user_treelizard: please let us know if that works01:00
treelizardhmm, but I don't want my home page to be google.01:00
treelizardAll I want is when I search in google search bar not to call google.es.01:01
LinuxReigntype whatever u want to be your home page01:01
user_treelizard: try this --> in firefox, click on the "G" at the google search.  Then click "manage search engines"01:01
user_treelizard: delete google, and then "restore defaults'01:02
user_treelizard: see if that gets you back into regular google01:03
=== bglackin is now known as BMG
treelizardnope, still uses google.es01:04
user_treelizard: ok, hang on01:04
treelizardno problem.01:04
user_treelizard: firefox - Edit>Preferences>Advanced>Languages ... which language is listed first?01:08
kaizohi i'm sort of new to kubuntu and just wondered if anybody could help me out with configuring input methods? I installed skim and anthy01:10
user_treelizard: also, are you using a proxy, or would there be any reason your ip would be listed as from a spanish country?01:10
treelizardI'm not using any proxys that I know of.01:13
treelizardI'm living in Canada,01:13
treelizardand if you check my ip, it seems pretty canadian.01:13
user_treelizard: this is quite the conundrum :/01:14
BluesKajyup, saw that treelizard :) ...welcome to cancksville on kubuntu :)01:14
treelizardthanks. :)01:14
treelizardYeah, this is driving me nuts.01:14
BluesKajerr canucksville01:15
user_me too, now01:15
treelizardI'm having all sorts of crazy problems with kubuntu right now.01:15
user_treelizard: like what else... maybe i can help you with *something*01:15
treelizardwell, the wireless isn't working.01:15
treelizardfirefox doesn't refresh pages all the time.01:15
josephhow do i look up my default gateway adress....please dont say ifconfig01:16
treelizardI don't know how to set up 32 bit programs like skype01:16
treelizard(the last one is my fault for installing amd64 version.)01:16
josephhow do i look up my default gateway adress....please dont say ifconfig?01:16
user_treelizard: i was just going to say that the 64-bit version has a lot more bugs01:16
DragnslcrSystem Settings -> Network Settings -> Routes01:17
user_treelizard: but your wireless should still work... does Knetworkmanager run on startup?01:17
adamonline45Has anyone used libgtk with kdevelop who can walk me through a very simple 'hello world' app?  I opened a fresh gtk project, and it won't even compile with the base code in it :/01:17
treelizardI think so.01:17
treelizardIt sets up the wired network up fine.01:17
user_treelizard: what do you see when you right-click it?  does it see your wireless ssid?01:17
treelizardIt is a new laptop, with Broadcom BCM94311M01:18
treelizardOh, I don't even get that far.01:18
user_treelizard: do you have the Knetworkmanager icon in the kicker panel (task bar)?01:19
treelizardright, I do.01:19
user_so right click it.01:19
user_what does it say?01:19
treelizardfollowed by stuff about wired connection.01:19
user_no listing for wireless?01:19
user_treelizard: i know older versions of kubuntu had trouble with broadcom chips... hang on01:20
treelizardIn the options, there is a comment about disabling wireless.01:20
BluesKajtreelizard, install ia32-libs01:20
treelizardI'm using gutsy, for the record.01:20
BluesKaj<---amd 64 gutsy , mostly everything works ok, not using wireless tho01:21
treelizardBluesKaj: What type of computer do you have?01:22
BluesKajcompaq presario SR 1734X , nothing fancy cpu=venice 3200+01:23
user_treelizard: if you run " lspci " in terminal, what's the output? (use pastebin)01:23
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)01:23
no0tichi, is there a way to make konsole recognize urls? it would be useful, since I use irssi01:24
Max-PDoes anyone know how to get the ATI S-Video out working?01:24
treelizard00:00.0 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 0547 (rev a2)01:25
treelizard00:01.0 ISA bridge: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 0548 (rev a2)01:25
treelizard00:01.1 SMBus: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 0542 (rev a2)01:25
treelizard00:01.2 RAM memory: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 0541 (rev a2)01:25
treelizard00:01.3 Co-processor: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 0543 (rev a2)01:25
treelizard00:02.0 USB Controller: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 055e (rev a2)01:25
user_treelizard: please use pastebin (see above)01:25
treelizard00:02.1 USB Controller: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 055f (rev a2)01:25
treelizard00:04.0 USB Controller: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 055e (rev a2)01:25
treelizard00:04.1 USB Controller: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 055f (rev a2)01:26
treelizard00:06.0 IDE interface: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 0560 (rev a1)01:26
treelizard00:07.0 Audio device: nVidia Corporation MCP67 High Definition Audio (rev a1)01:26
treelizard00:08.0 PCI bridge: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 0561 (rev a2)01:26
treelizard00:09.0 IDE interface: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 0550 (rev a2)01:26
treelizard00:0a.0 Ethernet controller: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 054c (rev a2)01:26
treelizard00:0c.0 PCI bridge: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 0563 (rev a2)01:26
treelizard00:0d.0 PCI bridge: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 0563 (rev a2)01:26
treelizard00:12.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation Unknown device 0531 (rev a2)01:26
user_LjL: i told him twice...01:27
user_ljl: he's new01:27
LjLuser_, once he started he can hardly stop01:27
* lavacano201014 ports everything over to the linux box and plays tremulous [/ame]01:27
user_treelizard: PLEASE use pastebin for posting outputs01:27
user_better :)01:27
treelizardsorry about that flooding.01:28
treelizardI didn't realize what I was doing until it was too late.01:28
user_treelizard: well, it's clear that your hardware isn't being recognized... Does anyone have similar hardware and know where to get the proper drivers???01:28
treelizardI searched for it on ubuntu forum,01:29
treelizardand there was a howto on making it work.01:29
treelizardSomeone had made a script,01:29
treelizardand running the script made iwconfig find the eth1,01:30
josephi type wine "/media/sda2/Program Files/EA GAMES/Battlefield 2" -opengl                 and it gives me this error   wine: could not load L"Z:\\media\\sda2\\Program Files\\EA GAMES\\Battlefield 2.": Invalid handle01:30
treelizardbut that's as far as it went.01:30
adamonline45Can anyone recommend a good GUI toolkit for KDE?01:30
josephi type wine "/media/sda2/Program Files/EA GAMES/Battlefield 2" -opengl                 and it gives me this error   wine: could not load L"Z:\\media\\sda2\\Program Files\\EA GAMES\\Battlefield 2.": Invalid handle01:30
user_treelizard: run "uname -a " in terminal  (output is short) :)01:30
treelizardLinux katt 2.6.22-14-generic #1 SMP Sun Oct 14 21:45:15 GMT 2007 x86_64 GNU/Linux01:31
user_treelizard: type   sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-generic01:31
treelizardIt is already installed, I believe01:32
user_treelizard: have you enabled it in Kcontrol?01:32
user_treelizard: alt+f2 > kcontrol > Sys & Admin > Restricted drivers01:33
treelizardhmm, it claims that it is in use.01:33
treelizardLet me try turning it off, and back on again.01:33
user_treelizard: ok01:33
draikWhat would cause Frostwire to not run?01:34
draikI get the bouncing icon, but then nothing after that.01:34
user_draik: can u run from terminal?01:34
Max-PRun it in Konsole01:34
user_good call, max-p :)01:34
BluesKajwrong java client installed, draik01:35
draikBluesKaj: How do I check which one is installed?01:35
BluesKajlook in adept01:35
* Max-P sent it after because of his ******* 56k modem01:35
user_haha :)01:35
user_draik: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-java-runtime-environment-jre-in-ubuntu.html01:36
BluesKajbut I don't know which one it uses01:36
draikBluesKaj: user_: All of 6 are installed01:38
user_draik: type " java -version " in terminal01:39
draikI just did01:39
user_draik: post output in pastebin01:39
draikVersion 1.4.2-0201:39
yeasondoes anyone here know where to find info on getting multi-touch screens to work? I can't seem to find any thru google or the forums01:39
user_draik: np - what's your runtime environment?01:40
draikStandard Edition (build Blackdown-1.4.2-02)01:40
user_draik: i think you need 1.5 or higher, iirc01:40
user_draik: get 1.601:40
user_draik: from link above01:41
draikWhich one..... /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun/jre/bin/java            /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin/java01:42
user_draik:  type " sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin "01:43
shinkamuiuser_: you still around?01:44
shinkamuiIm 99% there, really appreciate the help01:44
shinkamuithe touchpad is recognized, but the eraserpoint isn't01:44
shinkamuiits a dualpoint from alps01:44
user_wait, what was your other name?01:44
shinkamuiand the irony is that its a umpc so the touchpoint doesn't actually exist01:44
shinkamuiuser_ I was KAM01:44
user_oh, ok01:44
shinkamuiim also Kamui01:44
treelizarduser_: so I restarted the firmware,01:45
user_yeah, i'm usually "ignoramus", but konversation for some reason logged me in with this name :/01:45
treelizardand I don't think my wireless is working.01:45
user_shinkamui: i don't know much about eraserpoints (i'm a simple person)....01:46
shinkamuiuser_: and the retardation of this synaptics driver is that it seems to use auto-dev automatically and it detects my touchpoint, but not the stick,  or it doesn't care about the stick anyway, so I can't explicitly specify the correct event01:46
shinkamuiuser_: well, I appreciate your help, its been humongous.  Now that Im on an actual pc with a keyboard, I think I can do better research01:46
shinkamuiuser_: just wanted to come back and let you know that you were a huge help and thanks01:46
user_shinkamui: thanks... i wish i could help more01:47
user_shinkamui: you can always check the kubuntu forums or #ubuntu01:47
draikuser_: It's already the latest01:47
user_draik: type " frostwire " in terminal .  Look for any problems01:48
draikShouldn't I have picked a different java from the list?01:48
user_treelizard: still not showing anything under "wireless"/01:48
user_draik: not necessarily, you can install from terminal01:49
user_draik: you tried installing version 1.6, and it says you already have it?01:49
draikuser_: I entered the command you provided and it says it's the latest01:49
user_draik: hmmm... lemme see01:50
user_draik: did you try starting frostwire from terminal01:50
draikuser_: I got it working. I had to choose a different java "sudo update-alternatives --config java"01:53
draikI chose /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin/java01:53
user_draik: cool... now does frostwire work?01:53
ubotuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat01:54
draikuser_: Yes01:54
jkl_hi stuffcorpse01:54
user_draik: awesome.  it's good to fix stuff on your own!01:54
draikuser_: I'll let you know when I do that without anyone's help. Thank you user_01:55
user_draik: np - i've talked to you before (im usually "ignoramus")01:55
draikuser_: Case and point. I've been needing help since day one01:55
jonathan_help with emerald please01:56
user_draik: i'm new too (3 months maybe)... i learn by screwing up, and fixing it, or getting help to fix it01:56
jonathan_i see the themes i click on them but i dunno how to instal them01:56
draikuser_: I've been using Kubuntu since 6/1/06 with the initial release of Dapper Drake01:56
user_draik: then you've learned... "google is your friend!"01:57
draikThe interesting thing is that I joined at an ironic time (Drake/Draik)01:57
draikuser_: I've learned this much... http://www.tinyurl.com/2c9np01:57
Doooodoops, I forgot to set myself "away".  sorry.01:57
slav3_kittenso anyone know what would make scons not see my python2.4-dev ?01:58
user_draik: haha! ain't it the truth?01:58
draikuser_: Yup01:58
slav3_kittenan why i wouldent have a python-config01:58
draikGoes to show that I've got that link shortened for a reason :P01:58
user_draik: yup... it definitely helps.  I like the personal attention you get in IRC, though01:58
user_draik: like when i couldn't get sound working - because i had it on 'mute' XD01:59
draikuser_: Nothing beats real-time help01:59
draikuser_: I think I remember that01:59
user_draik: yeah, not that long ago... I've learned a lot since then01:59
user_draik: like check for the basics first02:00
user_draik: in my defense, i had kubuntu for like 2 weeks, and was still using my winxp boot most of the time... i didn't know how to do anything02:00
draikuser_: It's rather interesting the way I got involved. I asked around for what Linux distro to use for a beginner and someone mentioned Kubuntu. So here I am02:01
draikI woke up one morning and decided then and there that I was going to be a Linux user.02:01
draikI guess I reached the age of reason02:02
user_draik: that's exactly how i got here... it's actually pretty true.  I happen to be a Windows guru (on 98 and above anyway), but I finally came to a realization02:02
user_draik: but now i'm like a jehovah's witness with it.  I'm pretty obnoxious.  Especially when my parents call for "tech support"02:02
user_"Install Linux!"02:02
slav3_kitteni decided to try debian based system after years of using slackware02:03
user_viruses? Install linux! Spyware? install linux! dog crapped on the carpet? install linux!02:03
draikuser_: I work as a Technical Support representative02:03
user_slav3_kitten: slackware is way too complicated!02:03
user_draik: on Windows systems?02:04
slav3_kitteni liked slackware alot02:04
slav3_kittento be honest thou02:04
draikuser_: Yup. Supporting member's websites02:04
user_slav3_kitten: people say it hasn't evolved much lately, though...02:04
user_draik: windows is ok for certain things, but i really like the freedom and customizability of linux02:05
slav3_kittenuser_ it still works flawlessly on my gear like 166mhz CF-25 toughbooks an stuff02:05
draikuser_: EXACTLY! I love this freedom02:05
user_slav3_kitten: with or without a gui?02:05
slav3_kittenslackware + fluxbox was my poision02:05
slav3_kittenfigured i'd try kde02:05
slav3_kitten an ubuntu02:06
slav3_kittenonce i get over this hell i'm in i'm guna go with xfce02:06
slav3_kittenkde is kinda fat02:06
draikWeird.... I can't enter any text into Frostwire02:06
user_slav3_kitten: then use older xfce - the newest version is not much faster than kde02:06
user_slav3_kitten: as linux becomes more commercial, it gets more bloat02:07
slav3_kittenyea i know02:07
slav3_kittenmy hardware dosent get any better02:07
draikHow do I add an app to Katapult?02:07
slav3_kittenbest system i have is 800mhz panasonic CF-28 512megs02:07
slav3_kittenram, 30gig hd02:08
user_draik: with your frostwire problem, trying typing in Chat, and then anywhere else02:08
draikIt can't02:09
user_slav3_kitten: you'd be totall crippled on windows02:09
user_draik: hmmm02:09
draikuser_: I closed it and opened it again02:09
draikIt's all good02:09
slav3_kittenacutally no, that box still runs win2k well an all my development software on it02:09
user_draik: good stuff02:11
user_slav3_kitten: do you purposely use ancient hardware?02:11
user_(just curious)02:12
draikuser_: Oh yeah! :)02:12
slav3_kitteni use what i can afford and lasts02:12
slav3_kitteni cant afford a new fully rugged laptop02:12
slav3_kittenso i use an old on02:12
user_slav3_kitten: yeah, i have 3 computers, but they're all older and i only bought one brand new02:12
slav3_kittenand ancient would be my first computer which was 16mhz02:12
shinkamuianyone know much about the synaptics driver?02:13
shinkamuixorg always seems to use auto-dev to set my synaptics device instead of what I set manually in xorg.conf02:13
slav3_kitteni have never bought a brand new laptop02:13
fuzzynew laptop smell is the bestest02:13
slav3_kittenand never a preassembled system02:13
shinkamuiso I set "device" "/dev/input/event2" and Xorg.0.log shows that that same device was configured with auto-dev to /dev/input/event302:13
shinkamuiwhich is the wrong event02:13
slav3_kittenoh shit i'm guna vomit more blood, tea, and ice cream02:14
user_slav3_kitten: me neither. i bought a 'new' (refurb) desktop from Tigerdirect years ago ($280).  It's still truckin! I dual boot on that one02:14
user_shinkamui: do you have the latest version of xorg?02:16
shinkamuiuser_ pretty sure, I did an apt-get dist-upgrade02:16
user_shinkamui: i still don't understand why xorg inserts hardware settings where none exist... mine didn't do that02:17
shinkamuithey do exist02:17
shinkamuilet me pastebin, this will be much smaller :)02:17
shinkamuioh crap, I can't02:17
shinkamuican't use the mouse02:17
user_shinkamui: or touchpad?02:17
shinkamuiuser_ there isnt'a  touchpad, only an eraserpoint02:17
user_shinkamui: oic02:17
shinkamuibut the synaptics driver auto detects the touchpad device and wont detect the eraserpoint02:18
shinkamuiodd as hell since there is no damn touchpad02:18
user_shinkamui: have you tried reconfiguring xorg?  i mean, if your settings are already borked....02:18
shinkamuias in an autoconfigure?02:18
shinkamuixorg -configure02:18
user_as in sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg02:19
user_if nothing else is working, it's worth a shot....02:19
=== Scotty_ is now known as Scotty
Doooodhi all.  Is there a freeware or open-source linux equivalent to "Logmein" that will allow me to control a winXP machine from kubuntu, and also allow me to be able to control the kubuntu machine  from the winXP machine, especially when I'm away from home (over the internet)?02:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about remote_desktop - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about remote - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:26
ubuntu__howdo I mount my floppy drive?02:27
Doooodnot looking good, huh?02:27
BluesKajDooood, anyway try looking around for remote desktop02:27
BluesKajit exists02:27
Doooodis that open source?  I'll look around02:27
user_shinkamui: u still there?02:28
shinkamuistill didnt' work user02:28
shinkamuiit detected the touchpad, not the eraserpoint02:28
user_shinkamui: you completely reconfigured?02:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about krds - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:28
shinkamuialps dualpoint sucks02:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about krdc - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:29
user_shinkamui: stupid question, but did you install the touchpad program from Add/Remove programs?02:29
BluesKaj!info krdc02:29
ubotukrdc: Remote Desktop Connection for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.8-0ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 505 kB, installed size 976 kB02:29
BluesKajDooood, see the above!02:30
user_blueskaj: you knew it was in there somewhere, huh? :)02:30
shinkamuiuser: doesn't work, I tried gsynaptics02:30
shinkamuiuser_: It doesn't effect the eraserpoint at all02:31
user_shinkamui: dammit.... sorry bro.  I hope someone with more knowledge on the subject can help you02:31
shinkamuiuser_: in fact, at this point if I could just get the stupid synaptics driver to using auto-dev, I'd probably be in good shape, but Im starting to think its built into the driver02:31
BluesKajuhhm  Dooood , there's anotherone called tsclient , it's gnome app but it should run on kde too02:31
user_i, on the other hand, am going to grab a few cold ones :)02:31
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about tsclient - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:31
user_see you guys later02:32
BluesKaj!info tsclient02:32
ubotutsclient: front-end for viewing of remote desktops in GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 0.148-3ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 294 kB, installed size 1052 kB02:32
Doooodkool, and is that bidirectional control, BluesKaj?02:32
Frederickfolks I was unable to set up my geforce 8800 with ubuntu can anyone help me?02:34
morphinehey folks, I'm looking at this page02:34
morphineWondering why the only architectures available are i386 and amd6402:34
morphineIf I'm running a generic kernel which one do I need?02:34
fuzzykubuntu is the best thing everr02:35
Frederickfuzzy: you are a joker02:36
fuzzyam i now02:36
ubuntu__how do I use my floppy drive from the live cd if /dev/fd0 isn't in fstab?02:38
BluesKajDooood, sorry was called away , not sure .02:40
Doooodok.  I started looking to install krdc, and it appears t already be installed!02:41
oobemkdir /mnt/flop && mount -fs  ? /dev/fd0 /mnt/flop02:41
oobereplace ? with filesystem02:41
Doooodit says it supports vnc and rdp servers, so I guess I need to install vnc on my laptop....02:42
BluesKajwindows isn't friendly to linux on my network , altho i can read and write to the windows pc from my linux box with no probs. I've never tried a true remote desktop connection over the internet02:43
DragnslcrKrdc is only a client02:43
DoooodI keep typing on the wrong keyboard....02:43
ubotuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX02:44
DragnslcrI use x11vnc as a VNC server. It's not all that easy to set up, but I couldn't see any others that handled display:002:44
DoooodDragnslcr: meaning I can only control the kubuntu machine with the windows machine?02:44
DragnslcrOther way02:44
DragnslcrIf you want to remotely control a Kubuntu system, you need to install a VNC server02:45
oobeor use ssh02:45
DragnslcrThen you can use any VNC client you want on a Windows system02:45
Doooodok.  I guess I'll put that project off for now.  I need baby steps at first.....02:45
Dooood....tiny, tiny, tiny baby steps.....02:46
BluesKajyeah Dragnslcr, Dooood , i've never had much luck controlling my linux pc from the wife's windows pc , even over our little lan.02:46
Doooodok, thx02:46
ubuntu__how do I mount my hard drive from the live cd?02:47
bonbonthejonubuntu__: I would think it should do it automatically, try looking in /media02:48
Doooododdly, I tried opening the laptop with a browser on the kubuntu box (since the lappy already has logmein installed) but couldn't connect.  It claims to work in any browser, bbut I guess it means any *windows* browser.....02:49
ubuntu__it doesn't, it's not there02:49
bonbonthejonubuntu__: you can do "sudo fdisk -l" to see what partitions are on the disk02:50
ilikepieThat's a -l, not a -i02:51
Frederickoki somehow x booted02:52
ilikepieFrederick: Control + Alt + F102:52
ilikepieshould drop to a shell02:53
Frederickim on x still not sure I will be able to come back to x02:54
Frederickhow do I check if nvidia driver is running?02:54
ilikepieFrederick: to come back to X: Ctrl+Alt+F702:54
ilikepieAs for nvidia,02:55
Frederickthe driver is loaded acording to lsmod02:55
ilikepieCan i get a ps -e in a pastebin?02:56
Frederickfrom me?02:56
adamonline45How do I make just a plain empty project in kdevelop?02:59
ilikepieFrederick, you will be able to come back to X.03:00
Frederickoki man but I think nvidia is not running03:01
ilikepiewell, my nvidia has never been running.03:02
ilikepieNVIDIA graphics card, though,03:02
ilikepieworks fine03:02
Frederickwhat doyou mean?03:03
ilikepieThere are standard drivers that work across all video cards.03:04
shinkamuigod damn03:04
ilikepieThey may not use special features,03:04
shinkamuiI don't think the alps dualpoint stick works in linux at all03:04
ilikepiebut they work moderately well.03:04
ubotuQt is the Q toolkit, which forms the base of KDE and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI. Install the libqt3-mt-dev package to compile Qt applications03:05
ilikepieFrederick: Did it work?03:08
Frederickilikepie: im on x dunno how03:09
ubotuGTK is the !GIMP toolkit, which forms the base of !GNOME and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI03:09
ilikepieWhat happened?03:09
ubotuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.03:09
ilikepie!operating systems.03:10
ilikepieFrederick: What happened03:10
adamonline45Does compiz-fusion come pre-installed with gutsy gibbon 7.10?03:12
ilikepie!the world03:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about the world - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:12
bonbonthejonadamonline45: in Ubuntu03:12
adamonline45bonbonthejon: Alright, thanks 8)03:13
Frederickkubunru keeps asking for the cd to update packages :/03:13
ubotuServices to index files for fast searching include: Beagle (front-ends: beagle, catfish, gnome-main-menu, mozilla-beagle for !GNOME; kerry, kio-beagle for !KDE; beaglefs for !CLI) - Tracker (tracker-search-tool, libdeskbar-tracker for GNOME; tracker-utils for CLI) - Strigi (strigi-applet, strigi-client for KDE, strigi-utils for CLI) - Kat (for KDE) - Pinot (and pinot-applet for GNOME) - Doodle (for CLI)03:14
ubotuKDE 4 is the next major release of the K Desktop Environment. For more information see <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDE_4>. The Release Schedule is available at http://techbase.kde.org/Schedules/KDE4/4.0_Release_Schedule. RC 1 packages can be found at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde4-rc1.php03:14
bonbonthejonFrederick: open adept and change the repositories to ignore the CD03:15
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion03:15
skyfalcon866!tell skyfalcon866 about botabuse03:16
al-_-Girubuntu have this wizard to enable fusion , also kubuntu hae it ?03:17
al-_-Giror i need to install it from adapt ?03:17
bonbonthejonal-_-Gir: no wizard, you need to install it in adept03:17
al-_-Gir:( its pity that ubuntu deafult desktop is gnome and not kde03:18
tarinim not sure if any of you guys have talked to me before but if you have i am back again with the same problem03:19
DragnslcrThat's all Kubuntu is03:19
BluesKajal-_-Gir, kubuntu desktop default is kde , ubuntu desktop default is gnome03:19
tarini installed kubuntu a little less than a month ago03:20
al-_-GirDragnslcr , but ubuntu is alot more developed ... alot more resources goto ubuntu and less to kubuntu03:20
tarininternet worked fine when it was feisty03:20
ubotu<Hobbsee> jdong: yes, but you're FULL OF CRACK!03:20
BluesKajal-_-Gir, wrong !03:20
Dragnslcral-_-Gir- not really03:20
tarini upgraded to gutsy and now every time i restart my machine the internet no longer works03:20
DragnslcrIt's the same repositories03:20
al-_-Girwhy not , its is so hard to put one wizard also to kubuntu ...03:20
al-_-Giri dont understand them03:21
Dragnslcral-_-Gir- are you only talking about Compiz?03:21
tarinthis is a custom built machine with a realtek on board ethernet card03:21
DragnslcrCompiz doesn't get along with KDE as well as it does with Gnome03:21
tarindual bootiing with xp03:21
tarincan anyone help me stop the madness?03:21
DragnslcrAnd KDE4 will have many of the same compositing effects as Compiz03:22
al-_-GirDragnslcr , what ? :\ it will have his own new compiz ?03:22
DragnslcrHaving said that, I've used Compiz with KDE and it works quite well03:22
tarinafter about 3 hours of messing with stuff i can get it to work but the next time i reboot its gone again and its never the same fix 2x03:22
al-_-Giryes im also03:22
nosrednaekimDragnslcr: but you haven't use compiz with kde4... *shudders*03:22
DragnslcrAll you need to do is install the compiz packages03:23
al-_-Girbut its little bit difficult to install it03:23
Dragnslcrnosrednaekim- heh, I only used KDE4 for about 10 minutes03:23
al-_-GirALSO driver for nvidia , to restart kdm , X03:23
Dragnslcral-_-Gir- not really, just install the packages through Adept03:23
nosrednaekimDragnslcr: i'm doing it full time. my kde3+compiz set up crashed beyond quick repair.03:23
bazhang_al-_-Gir: no more difficult than ubuntu03:23
Dragnslcrnosrednaekim- ouch03:23
nosrednaekimDragnslcr: yeah.. wasn't fun.03:24
Dragnslcrnosrednaekim- KDE4 was a bit too buggy for me. Stuff like the systray being in the middle of the screen03:24
nosrednaekimbut kde4 is rock stable,plasma has crashed beyond replair once.03:24
al-_-Girbazhang_ , ofcoure that yes , ubuntu have wizard that you only click on "full effects" and it install and do all you need03:24
DragnslcrWith no apparent way to move it03:24
nosrednaekimDragnslcr: thats all fixed now.03:24
DragnslcrI figured it wouldn't take long03:24
al-_-Girwhen kde 4 will be released ?03:24
bazhang_al-_-Gir: that's hype--kubuntu is much easier :}03:24
DragnslcrI may try RC2 when it hits the repositories03:24
bazhang_al-_-Gir: jan 11 200803:25
Dragnslcral-_-Gir- I think the plan is for mid-January03:25
al-_-Girkubuntu 8 will have default kde4 desktop right ?03:25
Dragnslcr8.04 will not03:25
nosrednaekimal-_-Gir: 8.10 probably will03:25
al-_-Girwhy ?03:25
Dragnslcr8.04 is an LTS version, so they're sticking with KDE303:25
al-_-Giraa aunderstand03:26
DragnslcrKDE4 will most likely be available in the standard repositories though03:26
al-_-GirLTS is for 3 years right ?03:26
DragnslcrProbably take 5 minutes to install it03:26
nosrednaekimI think so03:26
nosrednaekimyeah... and there is going to be a kde4 cd as well03:26
bazhang_3 years desktop 5 years server03:26
DragnslcrOh yeah, I keep forgetting that03:26
al-_-Girserver is only ubuntu  : \03:27
Dragnslcr8.04 will have two versions, one with KDE3 and one with KDE4 as the default03:27
DragnslcrServer doesn't really matter, since most people wouldn't have Gnome or KDE on a server03:27
bonbonthejonal-_-Gir: ubuntu server doesn't have a GUI03:27
bazhang_I'm running hardy now and its nice03:27
al-_-Girbazhang_ , new feutres ?03:28
Dragnslcral-_-Gir- remember that Ubuntu and Kubuntu are only different in one package03:28
bazhang_al-_-Gir: not this early03:28
al-_-Gir1 package do all the different ...03:28
DragnslcrUbuntu has ubuntu-desktop installed by default, while Kubuntu has kubuntu-desktop03:28
al-_-Girbut im kde user ...03:28
tarinbazhang:remember me?03:28
DragnslcrYou can install both desktop packages on the same computer03:28
bazhang_tarin: how could I not? :}03:29
tarinwell it has done it again no internet03:29
tarinand it hasnt been booted into xp at all today03:29
bazhang_tarin: describe it with more info and then well see if if can be helped03:29
bazhang_tarin: I remember, but others may not03:30
tarinwell when i got off the pc last night you guys helped me get my internet working03:30
tarini had initially installed feisty and everything worked great03:30
tarini then upgraded to gutsy via adept03:30
tarinsince then internet has been hit or mis03:31
tarini am dual booting with xp on a home built pc with onboard realtek ethernet03:31
tarinwake on lan has been disabled via bios03:31
tarineverytime i bring up knetwork manager it says no active devices03:32
bazhang_tarin: that should be disabled inside of windows as well03:32
nosrednaekimtarin: kill knetworkmanager, you have a wired connection, so you don't need it.03:32
tarinyeah its always been disbled in windows i have no use for wake on lan03:33
tarinhow do i kill it03:33
tarinthis is also with a router hading out dhcp if that helps03:33
BluesKajnosrednaekim, i have a wired connection and I had to reconfigure the knetwork manager after upgrading to gutsy03:34
nosrednaekimtarin: right click on it, say close,and when it asks you if you want to start on login. say no.03:34
tarinok should i restart now?03:35
nosrednaekimtarin: and configure your wired interface from within system settings->network03:35
BluesKajnosrednaekim, i have a wired connection and I had to reconfigure the knetwork manager after upgrading to gutsy03:36
nosrednaekimBluesKaj: how'd you do that?03:36
BluesKajwith the realtek like tarin has03:36
tarinshould i mark the box activate when computer starts or leave it empty?03:37
nosrednaekimtarin: yeah, actuvate when the computer starts03:37
tarinok so do i need to  restart the whole machine or can i log out and log back in?03:38
BluesKajit was inactive so i ran the knetwork manager and it opens network settings03:38
nosrednaekimtarin: i'd do a restart to be safe.03:40
nosrednaekimBluesKaj: which is what I just told him to do. :D03:40
tarinok restarting03:41
BluesKajyeah, but why did you tell him to turn off knetwork manager ?03:41
tarinthe thing that kills me is that it has been a different fix every night for a week lol03:42
nosrednaekimBluesKaj: cause its uneccasary and causes problems03:42
smookerhow do i completely disable the screen server and black screen turning on after time ?03:42
nosrednaekimsmooker: system settings-> power management I believe03:43
smookerdont see any power management03:44
nosrednaekimthen its in monitor and display03:44
BluesKajnosrednaekim, well my wired network manager is not going to be turned off, cuz it works. All he ahas to do is right click on it and choose 'wired network' and that 'll activate his connection03:45
nosrednaekimBluesKaj: but he said it said it told him "no available devices"03:45
BluesKajbummer , he needs to do a manual config then03:46
tarindoesnt give me that option....if i single left click on it it tells me no active devices then when i right click the only thing i can do is manual config03:46
nosrednaekimtarin: but does internet work?03:47
nosrednaekim(i'm assuming you've rebooted)03:47
tarinnope no internet03:47
BluesKajdo the manual config : IP is prolly some thing like and the subnet mask is :,broadcast is :
tarinand no knetman icon either03:48
BluesKajdamn , no red X ?03:48
tarinno icon at all03:48
tarinwe set it not to run a startup03:49
tarinabout 33 lines up03:49
BluesKajyeah, but i still don't understand why ?03:49
tarinalso the networking service doesnt start03:50
tarinjust looked at that now03:51
BluesKajok, i'll stay out of this03:51
tarinand i just tried to restart it and it wont do it03:51
tarincan anyone tell me what me /etc/network/interfaces file should look like?03:52
flaccidtarin: that would depend on your network configuration03:52
flaccidsee man interfaces03:53
BluesKajtarin, pm , i'll show you the file03:54
tarinok i have that03:59
nosrednaekimhey.... tarin sorry, my mom wanted me for something04:01
tarini had to go outside to smoke a cig anyway04:02
nosrednaekimtarin: ummm you could try just running "sudo dhclient eth0" from the commmand line04:02
tarinok one sec04:03
tarindhcpdiscover not finding any offers04:04
nosrednaekimwow... thats weird. you sure the network cable is plugged in tightly at either side?04:05
BluesKajtarin, behind a router or modem ?04:05
tarinset to send dhcp04:05
tarinand i have tried unplugging and plugging back in already04:06
tarinthis is kind of embarassing since i did tech support for an ISP for 1.5 yrs04:06
tarinand now i install entire networks04:07
tarintoo bad its all windows04:07
tarinnot enuff ppl use linux ya know04:07
BluesKajrealtek RTL-8139 ethernet card here , is that familiar ?04:08
tarinthats exactly what i have04:09
nosrednaekimI have the same chip too..04:09
tarinrev 1004:09
BluesKajwhich router04:09
nosrednaekimtarin: what does "lsmod | grep 8139" give you?04:09
tarinnot many ppl know them but they are great routers04:10
tarin3 files04:10
BluesKajyeah, mines abit diff too, seimens speedstream 630004:10
tarin8139too, 8139cp, and mii04:11
nosrednaekimkernel modules.... 8139too, 8139cpand mii, right?04:11
nosrednaekimand ifconfig lists it as eth0?04:11
nosrednaekimfor instance... is there an eth1 or eth2?04:11
tarinnope just eth004:12
tarinbut i have eth1 and eth2 listed in my interfaces but they are commented out04:13
nosrednaekimhrm.... try a "sudo /etc/init.d/dbus restart" for the heck of it.04:13
nosrednaekimand then another "sudo dhclient eth0"04:13
tarinstill no offers04:15
tarinshould it be looking at
tarinport 67?04:15
nosrednaekimI think so04:17
nosrednaekimyes, thats what mine does04:17
nosrednaekimyour router ok?04:17
nosrednaekimdo you hae windows on this same computer?04:18
tarinyup i am wireless on my laptop04:18
tarinyeah its dual boot04:18
nosrednaekimdoes windows connect fine?04:18
tarinif i boot to windows no issues04:18
nosrednaekimwell, unfortunately,I have to go..... I have no clue what the problem could be.... actually, try a "sudo lshw" and look for the network interface04:19
tarinif i didnt have so many things i need on the windows i would nuke it04:19
tarinthanks for the help04:19
nosrednaekimtarin: its useful for times like this04:20
nosrednaekimtry the sudo lshw real fast.04:20
tarinshows eth0 as the realtek04:21
snarkstergood evening. Is libdvdcss in the repos?04:21
nosrednaekimtarin: and the associated driver is 8139too?04:21
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs04:21
nosrednaekimtarin: ok, then I haven't got a clue... sorry, and good luck :D04:22
nosrednaekimwell, hopefully you'll fix it and you won't have to ;)04:23
* sea4ever is gone.04:24
tarinanyone else have any experience  getting internet to work on gutsy?04:24
BluesKajtarin, nosrednaekim is quite knowledgeable , but i would retry knetwork manager in /usr/share/autostart. Maybe a manual configuration will work ...it's a thought04:28
tarinyeah i will give it a try04:28
bazhangwhat's the replacement for dhclient?04:30
flaccidwhy do you need to replace it04:31
bazhangdont need to, just wanted to know the name dhcpcd or something like that04:32
BluesKajwell, sacktime for me ...nite all04:32
flaccidwell dhcpd is the server and dhclient is the client04:34
bazhangcheers--can't remember who told me a couple of days ago that one could also use this alternate command to connect04:35
kate__so what does this thing do?04:37
Frederickfolks where do I place the command so kubuntu runs dhclient on boot?04:39
mrdigitalall the mirrors to download 7.10 are down05:01
mrdigitalinvaild HTTP Header05:01
bazhangget a torrent then05:01
mrdigitalmy isp limits torrent downloads05:02
mrdigitaleven the .torrent files wont download05:02
bazhangmrdigital: all the mirrors? worldwide? hard to fathom05:04
mrdigitaltry them05:05
bazhangno problem there05:08
bazhangfor kubuntu just substitute kubuntu in the appropriate places05:08
bazhangmrdigital: that one works for kubuntu05:10
mrdigitalthat the DVD?05:11
mrdigitalsupplied http header is invaild05:12
mrdigitalthe CD isos work05:12
luciani just installed kdegames. . . how do I update my kde menu to reflect that? (i tried restarting kde)05:12
bazhangworldwide mirrors not down then heh05:13
luciani just installed kdegames. . . how do I update my kde menu to reflect that? (i tried restarting kde)05:15
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jalberthello all05:18
jalbertI have a question about storage devices05:18
jalbertI am not able to open CD or DVD media05:19
jalbertis there something special that needs to be done/05:19
luciani just installed kdegames. . . how do I update my kde menu to reflect that? (i tried restarting kde)05:28
luciani just installed kdegames. . . how do I update my kde menu to reflect that? (i tried restarting kde)05:29
bazhanglucian: have you checked ubuntuforums?05:29
luciani checked kubuntuforums.com05:30
lucianand im trying to ask in #kde and google. ..  nothing tho05:30
bazhangbest to check ubuntuforums absolute beginner talk search for add menu item05:30
jalbertI have a CD that was burned using Windows. It has an .avi file on there but for some reason Linux won't see it.05:31
jalbertwhen I try o mount it, it comes up blank. No files, no folders05:31
bazhangjalbert: problem with the burn or the media most likely05:31
jalbertwell I'm unable to mount any external hard drives or USB devices also05:32
bazhangjalbert: hot plugging them? or in at start up05:33
jalbertin at start-up05:33
bazhangwhat file system on the hd drives?05:34
jalbertmy USB key works, but external USB HDD won't05:34
jalbertNTFS I believe05:34
bazhangdo you have ntfs-g installed?05:34
jalbertI think so... one sec05:35
lizilihi ,i have a problem when use kaffeine to play movies in kubuntu6.06,it says "xine: xine can't find input plugin for MRL [smb://xxxxx/xxx.rmvb]05:35
jalbertthe NTFS-Gnome virtual filesystem module?05:37
bazhangjalbert have you read the !ntfs link?05:38
jalbertI opened Adept Package Manager and filtered for "ntfs" and there's a list of 9 packages05:38
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE05:38
jalbertok thanks I'll read this05:39
bazhangno worries :}05:39
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kmenu - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kdemenu - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:40
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kde-menu - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi05:40
lizilihelp !! when i choose films those stored in my friend computer through samba to play in kaffeine it says "you can only select local files",what should i do please?05:41
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=631818 lucian05:42
lucianlizili: sudo apt-get install vlc05:42
luciani know how to add an item to kde05:43
lucianbut i installed kde games which is like 25 items05:43
lucianand it didnt add it to the menu05:43
lucianno games menu or anything05:43
bazhangkmenu editor should take care of that as well iirc05:44
lucianand sorting through /usr/share/applications/kde for the games among 200+ icons will be05:44
lucianblah. im just going to boot to the cli and remove and re-install kde05:45
lizilii can find samba files through:file>open file ....where is the samba ?05:54
=== narg_ is now known as narg
sharifAnyBody there ??06:01
emilsedghsharif: as you could see there are many people here :)06:03
sharifBut nobody still alive :P06:04
sharifI need help  for Kubuntu .... anyone there for help me ?06:05
ardchoille!ask | sharif06:05
ubotusharif: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)06:05
emilsedghsharif: if you have a question, just ask.go on...06:05
sharifhow    can i change my Screen resulation on   Kubuntu?06:06
sharifI tried but no change :(06:06
* hydrogen wonders about the topic06:06
hydrogenwtf is a Tutorials Day Week?06:06
ardchoillesharif: ctrl+alt+<minus|plus>button ?06:07
sharifBefore  2days ago .. i  just got Kubuntu 7.10   :P  and yesterday i installed06:07
bazhangsharif: did you check apply?06:07
sharifYeah bazhang . i checked06:07
Cantharesyou change you screen resolution through system settings06:07
Cantharesmonitor and display06:07
sharifardchoille:  ... doesnt working :(06:07
ardchoillesharif: Do you need to add new resolutions to xorg.conf?06:08
sharifyes .. Canthares .. i tried but when i applied  there is  no change in my Screen06:08
Canthareswhat is it set at now?06:08
sharifi want to make 1024x76806:08
sharif800x600 :(06:08
ardchoillesharif: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg06:09
sharifok doning06:09
sharifxserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possibly-customised configuration06:09
sharif   file; backup in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.2007120512094606:09
sharifwhat i do   now :>06:10
flaccidlogout, restart x06:10
sharifafter a long time tring :> i have   connected with my GPRS :> via  WVDAIL :P06:10
flaccidor do sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart06:10
ardchoillesharif: now you restart xorg, save any work and do: sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart06:10
flaccidsoz ardchoille06:10
* flaccid goes back to work06:11
sharifok brb .... rstarting :D06:11
lizilihello,everybody !I have installed linux-686 in kubuntu6.06 , should i remove linux-386 to keep off confilct ?06:25
bazhanglizili: what hardware?06:28
lizilidell latitude csx06:30
sharifHello I am  Back06:31
bazhanglizili: no need to remove06:31
sharifthanks buddy for help me :D06:31
sharifanother problem :>  in   Kopete06:32
bazhangsharif: all your resolution problems gone?06:32
sharifyeah ... problem solved :>06:32
=== \etc\bin is now known as e1mer
sharifnow another problem :> bazhang06:33
sharifbazhang: Another problem :D06:33
sharifin Kopete :> ...      all time      it was  crashed  :(06:33
bazhangsharif: could you provide more info? try running it from the konsole06:34
sharifi am new user  of Kubuntu .. so i dont know all about Kubuntu06:34
sharifWhen i  start  Kopete,  it  run for  5mins ... after 5mins   it shows  a mmessege that Kopete is      Crashed06:35
bazhangsharif: if you run it from the konsole, it will give more info as to why it crashed--did only the app crash, or your whole system06:35
=== lizili is now known as wuhan
sharifonly  App crash06:36
sharifsystem in      ok06:36
bazhangsharif: open konsole and type in kopete06:36
bazhangwait until it crashes, then try to remember the error message or jot it down, then report it here06:38
bazhangone of the ops in this channel is a kopete/kde developer, and can likely help06:38
sharifGOt   hugee   report for    Crash :(06:38
sharifWhere   he is ?06:39
bazhangsharif: pastebin it; link can be found at !paste06:39
sharif#38 0xb6860699 in QApplication::exec () from /usr/lib/libqt-mt.so.306:39
sharifthis is last line06:39
bazhang!paste | sharif06:39
ubotusharif: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)06:39
hydrogensharif: thats not going to be a helpful backtrace06:40
sharifi didnt understand what i  paste ?06:40
bazhangsharif: the complete error message06:40
sharif(no debugging symbols found)06:41
sharifUsing host libthread_db library "/lib/tls/i686/cmov/libthread_db.so.1".06:41
sharif(no debugging symbols found)06:41
sharif(no debugging symbols found)06:41
sharif(no debugging symbols found)06:41
sharif(no debugging symbols found)06:41
bazhangsharif: not in the channel but to that link06:41
sharifkicked  me  :P for   flooding :D06:41
sharifohh ok :>06:42
sharifbazhang: go http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46920/06:44
bazhangsharif: best to remember that link and post it a bit later--when the kopete dev is around :} me = clueless06:45
sharifi have to go now :( time     for Shower :(06:45
sharifBye now .. i will come at  night   in Bangladesh  time06:46
ninjagambitok i was runing windows and fedora8 but i was preparing for a swap from fedora to kubuntu so i deleted all my partitions that were made during the fedora install06:46
sharifBye all     and bazhang06:46
ninjagambitbut it never said free space06:46
ninjagambitjust said un allocated06:47
bazhangninjagambit: using gparted or cfdisk or other06:47
hydrogenbazhang: that backtrace won't be helpful anyways06:47
bazhanghydrogen: but a certain kopete dev will likely help :} cheers06:48
hydrogenall it shows is that there was a crash somewhere after logging in with ssl06:48
hydrogenor failing to log in with ssl06:48
hydrogento msn06:48
bazhangninjagambit: have you run the kubuntu installer06:48
ninjagambitnot yet06:48
ninjagambitim downloading it now06:48
bazhangninjagambit: and xp is already installed right?06:48
ninjagambityeah im on it now06:49
ninjagambiti had a little trouble booting back in06:49
ninjagambitafter that but i think i have that fixed06:49
ninjagambitgoing to try in a sec06:49
bazhangninjagambit: the kubuntu installer should sort that out06:49
bazhangninjagambit: though would be a good idea to back up :}06:49
ninjagambitall i realy have on here i cant replace is pictures06:50
ninjagambitof my family06:50
ninjagambiti backed those up this morning06:50
ninjagambiteverything else i can download or i have disk06:50
ninjagambitalot of downloading though06:50
ninjagambitim probably going to do a clean slate install of windows xp once i get kubuntu runing06:52
hydrogeninstall windows first06:53
hydrogenits a lot easier06:53
ninjagambiti have it06:53
hydrogenbut you said you were going to reinstall it?06:53
hydrogenwindows likes to mess with the mbr when it installs06:53
hydrogenand it overwrites the linux bootloader06:53
bazhangninjagambit: if you are going to reinstall xp anyway, then best do it first--less troublesome that way06:53
ninjagambitok thanks for the advice06:54
ninjagambitdidnt know it move outside the partition06:54
_dac_sportchick, where you from ?06:55
bazhanghttp://apcmag.com/6101/dualboot_windows_xp_and_ubuntu ninjagambit06:56
ninjagambitfedora install was easy06:57
ninjagambiti hope this one goes the same way06:57
bazhangkubuntu is as well06:57
gastui have configured the dualscreen on my kubuntu 1 monitor 1 tv everything seems to be fine excpet that videos played on the tv even in fullscreen are using the half of the tv the rest is black07:01
DragonathI think the solution to this would be running 2 x servers, but I don't know much about setting up such a thing07:03
ninjagambitok so my unallocated portion is now free space07:07
chxhow can i update the window title of a Konsole session? after ssh to a remote server and logging out it still says the name of said ssh session which is not what I want07:08
=== frogface_ is now known as frogface__
ninjagambitwill gparted delete all content in the partitions when the partitions are deleted07:09
ninjagambiti even made the unallocated space a partition and formated it as linux swap then deleted it again07:10
chxecho -ne "\033]0;Shell\007" -- thanks.07:10
ninjagambitto see if it changed to freespace07:10
=== Admiral_Chicago is now known as Admiral_Chicagoo
=== Admiral_Chicagoo is now known as Admiral_Chicag
enriquesoy nuevo en ubunto07:12
enriqueuna pregunta para todos07:12
enriquepuedo instalar firefox ?07:12
ninjagambitenrique: englesis07:13
enriquemy name is Henry07:13
enriqueI have  proble07:13
enriquei am new in this system operative07:13
enriquei have want instal firefox07:14
bazhangenrique: open up adept and install firefox07:14
bazhangde nada :}07:16
enriquebazhang you speak spanish?07:17
kamui__hola alguien en español ha de hablar por aca?07:18
enriqueyo carnka07:19
ardchoille!es | enrique07:19
ubotuenrique: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.07:19
kamui__bien o no?07:19
ardchoille!es | kamui__07:19
ubotukamui__: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.07:19
bazhangenrique: a little (un pequito)07:19
kamui__a bueno07:19
kamui__como estan?07:20
kamui__bien o no?07:20
enriquepues bien yo soy nuevo07:20
kamui__que tanto?07:20
ardchoilleEs neccesito usar Ingles en esta canal07:20
Jucatokamui__, enrique: English only please07:21
* Jucato should really have learned Spanish in high school...07:21
kamui__que tan nuevo eres?07:21
ardchoilleHe's not even listening when I said it in Spanish07:21
kamui__ok speak in spañish07:22
enriquetanks kamui07:22
enriquepues soy tan nuevo que quiero instalr firefox07:22
JucatoDo NOT speak in Spanish in here. This is an English channel.07:22
kamui__one moment i am goback07:22
Jucato!es | enrique and kamui__07:22
ubotuenrique and kamui__: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.07:23
enriquegracias ubotu07:23
enriquegood night all07:23
enriquebuenas noches a todos07:24
enriquesoy nuevo en kubuntu07:24
enriquey requiero instalar firefox07:24
enriquecomo le puedo hacer07:24
ardchoilleenrique: You can obviously speak English, please do so or some of these folks will refuse to help you.07:24
Jucatoor do even worse...07:25
ardchoilleTrue, ignore an op and you're out of here.07:25
bazhangindeed enrique--you should know better :}07:25
enriqueI want instal FireFox07:26
bazhangenrique: and I told you how to do so: open adept and install firefox07:26
ardchoilleenrique: sudo apt-get install firefox07:26
ardchoillebazhang: Sorry, didn't you you had already helped him07:26
kamui__go to sistem)adept)firefox)install07:27
bazhangardchoille: I helped, but he didn't read :}07:27
kamui__go system-administrator adept-firefox-install07:28
enriquei am solicited instalation tanks07:28
=== normie is now known as normie__
normie__morning people07:29
normie__does anyone have experience in configuring a broadcom1390 wireless card?07:31
emilsedghnormie__: yes07:32
emilsedghnormie__: i did it with ndisrapper for feisty, but that should be easy now in gutsy07:32
kamui__y donde estan todos07:32
normie__emilsedgh thanks for replying i can't seem to get it to work, i tried ndiswrapper07:33
emilsedghnormie__: did you try to do it with Kubuntu's Restricted Manager?07:33
normie__emilsedgh yes and the light goes blue but then goes back to orange07:34
emilsedghnormie__: dunno then.i never tried it because im still on feisty :)07:34
normie__how did you get it to work om fiesty? which manual did u use?07:35
enriquei have problem plugin File Shockwave Flash07:38
emilsedghnormie__: i cant remember, but i remember that it was so easy with ndiswrapper07:39
normie__emilsedgh if i read the manuals it all seems easy but i can't get it to work. it's frustrating. what kinda laptop do you have07:40
emilsedghnormie__: i have a dell inspiron07:41
normie__emilsedgh i have a hp pavilion dv6225us07:41
emilsedghnormie__: should work really, i dunno whats the problem.07:41
kamui__wath link for  download kubuntu?07:43
normie__emilsedgh me neither the light doens't even come on. i tried opensuse and the works but my system then hangs07:43
emilsedghnormie__: what was the problem with ndiswrapper?07:44
kamui__wath download site for kubuntu?07:44
normie__emilsedgh well i do all the steps and those seem to work but my card still doesnt get recognized07:44
emilsedghnormie__: as i remember i downloaded the driver from dell website.it was named something.exe but it was a zip file.i extracted it and find a .inf file in it and ndiswrapper - i file.inf07:44
kamui__o.k tanks everibody bye....07:46
kamui__on the next time07:47
normie__emilsedgh i've done that but still nada :-( i have reinstalled linux more the 10 times already trying to get it to work from a clean intall07:47
emilsedghnormie__: no, reinstalling linux gives you nothing07:48
emilsedghnormie__: but sorry i cant help on this, but my advice is 1)reinstalling gives you nothing 2)try to fix the restricted managers problem07:49
jpiccoloanyone know grep with regex good?07:50
normie__just tried it again, my light turn blue but after 1 sec turn off again07:50
_DTis there a way to remove the gnome-style file browser that sometimes appears in kubuntu?08:02
_DTI'd rather just use the KDE one08:02
_DTit often comes up when browsing to open or save a file. The icons are not as nice as the latest crystal set ;-)08:05
emilsedgh_DT: in which application?08:06
emilsedgh_DT: maybe because you are using a gtk+/gnome application?08:06
_DThmmm, can't think of an app offhand. It just seems to popup now and then. perhaps it is a gtk thing08:07
_DTnot a big problem, I just thought perhaps there was an easy way to uninstall the gnome version of the file browser08:08
adamonline45Hello.  Is it possible to install Avant Window Manager in Kubuntu?08:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lit - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:28
Daisuke_Ido!find ebook08:28
ubotuFound: alcovebook-sgml, alcovebook-sgml-doc, notebook-gtk2, ebook-dev-alp, ebook-dev-ggad (and 4 others)08:28
=== plone__ is now known as klaus1
crashevthere is no skype in unbuntu 7.10 reps ?08:39
JucatoI don't think there ever was.08:40
ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto08:41
emilsedghJucato: so, exactly which project(s) you were talking about?08:47
Jucatoit's a secret :)08:48
emilsedghso keep your secret :)08:48
JucatoI've heard that "statement" quite many times already... from distros to DE's to (the latest) kftpgrabber and ftp:/ :)08:48
Jucatoit's quite common :)08:49
emilsedghyes, beryl/compiz too08:49
emilsedghbut kftpgrabber isnt a fork of ftp kio slave, is it?08:49
Jucatothat's one project that succeeded in merging :)08:49
Jucatodunno. the comment on the Dot just triggered my rant-mode :)08:50
emilsedghaah, KDE has a nice ecosystem.TheDot, Planet, OSNews, Commit Digest, Mailing Lists and IRC are living so cute together!08:51
JucatoOSNews? O.o08:51
Jucatoaaaanyway... :)08:53
emilsedghJucato: its KDE News are getting lots of attention.devs response in there too...08:53
* Jucato puts the topic back on, and scavenges for some food08:53
Jucatoemilsedgh: yeah, mostly to defend themselves :)08:53
* Jucato recalls some past articles/"news" that totally misrepresented KDE and pissed devs off (like aseigo...)08:55
Jucatolast year I think. forgot the topic :P08:55
emilsedghhaha yes08:55
emilsedghaseigo was under lots of criticism in these 2 years08:55
Jucatoanyway. :)08:56
* Jucato ->isGone(); // returns true08:57
=== lois is now known as eldelinux
kubuntuhelphi..which is the program that I must download to deluge-torrent.org for kubuntu gutsy?09:00
Jucato!info deluge-torrent09:01
ubotudeluge-torrent: A Bittorrent client written in Python/PyGTK. In component universe, is optional. Version (gutsy), package size 3059 kB, installed size 10740 kB09:01
kubuntuhelpJucato, ok, but do I download ubuntu version or debian version?  I'm sorry for my english09:03
kubuntuhelpok..I solve..the ubuntu version...thank you all09:06
=== frogface is now known as frogface__
sigmahow do i enable the cube desktop on compiz?09:16
emilsedghsigma: use compiz-settings-manager to change compiz settings09:17
=== meduxa is now known as toscalix
sigmaemilsedgh, i did that but when i press ctrl+alt+right arrow after that the cube doesn't appear, the desktop just flips09:18
emilsedghsigma: does alt+ctrl+click brings cube?09:18
emilsedghsigma: maybe you should enable 'rotate cube' tooo?09:19
sigmai enabled rotate cube and tried alt+ctrl+click and it don't work - im using the nvidia 6600GT if that helps09:21
=== adads is now known as habdel
habdel!info brctl09:22
ubotuPackage brctl does not exist in gutsy09:22
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about brctl - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi09:22
sigmawhats brctl?09:22
habdelit is bridge control util.09:22
habdelI am having headache with it09:23
sigmaemilsedgh: all da other effects r working except for da cube and i have 4 desktops enabled so it shudn't be flipping it09:23
sigmahabdel: what does it do?09:27
habdelI want to enable internet on my virtualbox machine which means I have to setup kind of bridge between my machine and the virtual one09:27
llutzhabdel: the package is bridge-utils09:28
habdelllutz: yes thanks, I am aware of that .. the problem is to configure it09:29
llutzhabdel: and howto set it up is nicely described at virtualbox-userdocumentation09:29
habdelllutz: I've special case here, I connect to the internet using vpn09:30
frogface__Hi, could I ask a quick question on laptop-mode and the dreaded ubuntu load_cycle count bug at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=59150309:33
posingaspopularfrogface__: continue..09:35
frogface__Well, I'll just go ahead anyway :)09:35
frogface__Ah. Beat me too it!09:35
frogface__From the solution at that url I don't understand why just installing laptop mode and disabling APM is the suggested solution.09:36
frogface__Is there a reason that laptop-mode wasn't suggested?09:36
* Stevethepirate waits for the !hi | Stevethepirate 09:37
posingaspopularfrogface__: ive read the post but dont understand it myself completly. maybe someone else knows or try emailing the guy who wrote the post09:38
posingaspopularhey Stevethepirate09:38
frogface__posingaspopular: Thanks for the help. It's a long long post. I'll eventually work my way to the end!09:39
StevethepirateHi. Anyone .. I need a way to make my "line out" jack on my PC become a subwoofer out... i.e. apply an equalizer to it.09:41
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=== _schiste is now known as schiste
fdovingStevethepirate: let me know if you find a solution to that, i've been looking for that too.09:42
posingaspopularhmmm... Stevethepirate, maybe alsamixer? im not too good with sound09:42
Stevethepiratefdoving: i'm talking to one of my jabber friends about it..09:42
Stevethepiratehe's directed me to a decent site..09:42
fdovingthanks :)09:43
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StevethepirateHi. I'm on gutsy.. looking [reading a guide] but i lack /etc/asound.conf and ~/.asoundrc.conf09:56
Bobsonsystem settings doesnt allow admin mode!!!10:03
Bobsonpls help10:03
Bobsonany1 awake?10:04
emilsedghyes ?10:04
Bobsoncould you help me out?10:05
=== Dannilionz is now known as Dannilion
RogueJediXMy PC just rebooted for no reason for the third time today (and it's only 11 AM). Is there any system log so I can see what happened?10:12
llutzRogueJediX: check /var/log/syslog, /var/log/messages and further check your cpu-temperature and do a ramtest (memtest)10:13
RogueJediXThanks, llutz10:13
RogueJediXI've just realised I don't know what message I'm looking for. I think I'll do a memtest first. brb10:17
TimSFor some reason, when i logged in it reset KDE and i had to set it up again, but now when i hightlight anything it automaticaly copies it, how can I stop this?10:42
emilsedghTimS: thats for clipper.its in system tray, take a look at it10:43
TimSOkay, I was just thinking that :P10:43
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TheInfinityhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=632097 <-- anyone who knows what there might be wrong?10:56
yakuzihi all10:58
yakuzii've some strange "problem" : i choose red for selected items, but in adept it's still the blue from the standard install (selected items, dowloading updates, scrollbar etc) while it's all red in my settings10:59
CrocoJetgood morning everyone !11:00
CrocoJethow can I make install group programs (.deb) with unique command ?11:01
llutzCrocoJet: sudo dpkg -i *.deb11:01
CrocoJetllutz, thanks11:02
=== buddy is now known as milestone
milestonehi all11:06
milestoneare there any repositories available which provide access to the kde4 rc111:07
milestoneread the topic first, ey?11:08
emilsedghmilestone: today rc2 will be tagged.next week rc2 will come.better to wait until then?11:13
=== neversfelde_ is now known as neversfelde
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about compizfusion - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:43
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion11:43
slav3_kittenmman i got the good pills11:45
slav3_kittenany time you wake up in a pool of drool you know they prescribed the good stuff11:46
ben_hi all11:47
mavericki have a problem, K3B won't let me Burn unless I Sudo , any ideas ?!!11:51
maverickprobably username is not i devices group?!11:51
slav3_kittenor your trying to burn files you dont have read permissions for11:52
maverickslav3_kitten: am sure i have permission to read these files11:52
maverickslav3_kitten: the thing is i looked at the user group settings11:53
slav3_kittenyour first idea is prolly right11:53
maverickam added to the devices group11:53
maverickit was burning11:53
mavericksuddenly it doesn't unless i sudo11:53
slav3_kittenif i was a lil more with reality i'd be able to help. but to be honest i'm wasted on pain pills because i'm recovering from surgery11:54
slav3_kittenbut you know, check prmissions for where its creating temp files11:54
slav3_kittenor do you burn on the fly?11:54
slav3_kittenive had installs of things magically change directory permissions an screw things like that up11:54
maverickslav3_kitten: the CDROM deivce is /dev/sg011:55
slav3_kittenbut where is it creating the temp iso file to burn11:55
maverickslav3_kitten: when chown it to my user... K3B burns without SUDO11:55
slav3_kittenlike i said i'm a lil high on a buncha narcodic pain killers11:56
maverickslav3_kitten: it's not about the temp path it's about that sg0 get created with root permissions11:56
slav3_kittenbecause i had my tonsils dug outa my throat yesterday11:56
slav3_kitteni had to have an emergency tonsilectomy yesterday at 3am, they spent 4 hours scraping out infection an tonsils from my throat11:57
maverickslav3_kitten: well, speedy recovery11:58
slav3_kittenwhat shoulda been a 30 minute make 2 slits an pop the tonsils out because a 4 hours removal of abcessed tonsils11:58
slav3_kittenso yea i'm a bit outta it11:58
maverickslav3_kitten:nyways i guess i;ll stick to SUDO with nero as am fed up with k3b not being able to import sessions11:58
slav3_kitteni'm kinda drifting back to sleep agaim11:59
matti have a problem with my epson stylus photo 915 printer and i beleave the probem is in the udev rules and the wrong permisions are set.. does anyone know where i can fild the rule for epson printers in the udev rules?12:02
slav3_kittendo you know the udev rule filename?12:03
slav3_kittenif so12:04
mattthats what im looking for. the only refances i can find are printerscanners in the libsane rule file but i cant find the file containing the rule for epson stylus photo 91512:04
slav3_kittengoto your root directory an type sudo find -name thenameoffile12:05
slav3_kittenor like *photo*915*12:05
RogueJediXWell, the memtest turned up nothing12:05
mattall i can find is under epson and it shows me the path /usr/lib/cups/backend/epson12:09
matt:/usr/lib/cups/backend$ ls -l12:10
matttotal 21612:10
matt-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  7200 2007-07-20 12:51 beh12:10
matt-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 15464 2007-10-08 12:38 canon12:10
matt-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 16136 2007-10-08 12:38 epson12:10
RogueJediXIf I pasted my /var/log messages and syslog, could someone look at it and tell me what's up with my computer rebooting for no reason?12:10
matt-rwx------ 3 root root 24136 2007-11-01 16:24 http12:10
matt-rwx------ 3 root root 24136 2007-11-01 16:24 ipp12:10
matt-rwx------ 2 root root 19156 2007-11-01 16:24 lpd12:10
matt-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root  4718 2006-11-08 17:11 mtink12:10
matt-rwxr-xr-x 2 root root 14324 2007-11-01 16:24 parallel12:10
matt-rwxr-xr-x 2 root root  6592 2007-11-01 16:24 scsi12:11
matt-rwxr-xr-x 2 root root 14328 2007-11-01 16:24 serial12:11
mattlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root    21 2007-11-18 12:47 smb -> ../../../bin/smbspool12:11
matt-rwxr-xr-x 2 root root 24872 2007-11-01 16:24 snmp12:11
matt-rwxr-xr-x 2 root root 12708 2007-11-01 16:24 socket12:11
matt-rwxr-xr-x 2 root root 15684 2007-11-01 16:24 usb12:11
NickPresta!pastebin | matt12:12
ubotumatt: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)12:12
mattsoz nick new to irc12:12
jtmoneyi'm torn between xp/mediaportal and ubuntu/myth on my media center box. as far as my hauppauge 150 goes, it looks MUCH better under windows than it does in linux. anyone know as to why? different drivers?12:29
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!12:31
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DragnslcrYay, new version of Firefox finally got into the repository12:47
soumyajyotiineed help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!12:51
bazhangsoumyatoji what's the problem?12:54
Jack111can anyone help?when i click on a link, firefox alway opens two tabs instead of one12:55
bazhangJack111: right click not working?12:56
Jack111bazhang: right gives me the context menu, open url, bookmark link, save,copy.left click opens the two tabs12:57
bazhangJack111: you got adblockplus plugin, noscript or any others going?12:58
Jack111bazhang: i have the default adblock thing and i didnt install noscript either, some other addons though13:01
bazhangJack111: I suspect you need to fiddle with your firefox preferences on link clicking behaviour--may also want to check the subscriptions you have for adblockplus13:03
crashevkubuntu is compatible with debian - installing debian packages should be ok ?13:04
Jack111bazhang: but i cannot do that in the preferences in firefox, can i? only in the systems ettings?13:04
bazhangcrashev: what do you have in mind? using debian repositories with Kubuntu?13:05
crashevbazhang: rather just some packages from debian, not repos13:05
bazhangJack111: have you checked out if you can? there are preferences for firefox that decide that behaviour13:06
bazhangcrashev: use at your own risk :}13:06
ubotuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto13:06
=== vene is now known as VeNe
crashevbazhang: I thought there is some kind of compatibility and it is safe in some way :)13:07
dthackerIs there an Adobe Reader package available for Kubuntu?  KGhostview is chopping off the bottom of my document when I print it.13:08
bazhangcrashev: why not use the kubuntu/ubuntu packages? they are without a doubt safe :}13:08
Jack111bazhang: no that only says open in new wondow or new tab..anyway trying out some stuff, it will work some time13:08
crashevbazhang: because there are lack of some packages13:08
crashevbazhang: I would use it if they were available13:09
bazhangdthacker: like acroread or something other13:09
dthackerah acroread.  let me see if I can find that13:09
bazhangdthacker: believe it is in the medibuntu.org repositories13:09
dthackerbazhang: ok13:10
bazhangcrashev: I tend to be conservative in this regard so probably not the best person to ask :}13:10
webus_dthacker: Acrobat: sudo apt-get install acroread acroread-plugins13:12
dthackerpackage acroread not found13:13
dthackeris that in the "partner" repository13:14
stdinit's not in the repos, you have to install from their sire (not in partner either)13:14
bazhangdthacker: you may need to add the medibuntu repositories first, then fetch updates, then install13:14
bazhangdthacker: I stand corrected :}13:17
webus_dthacker: I installed Acrobat with the Automatix Package. Get it here: http://www.getautomatix.com/13:17
dthackerum, I see it in medibuntu.   please stand by....13:18
bazhangautomatix may break your system13:18
stdinnot "may" will13:18
stdinit's evil13:18
stdinpure evil, and not supported13:18
bazhangugh oh for two today13:19
ciaconhi all... how can I load vesa-fb @ startup?? I miss a high-res command line ;-)13:20
stdinput it in /etc/modules (and regenerate initrd.img probably)13:20
stdin"sudo update-initramfs -u"13:21
webus_dthacker: kpdf is also a superb Viewer for pdf and ps. perhaps you might give it a try. And perhaps you have the wrong paper size in the printer dialog which cuts your documents off.13:21
dthackeracroread is installed but now I have to go.  tnx for the help13:22
sebbarhi, where do I find the packages libqimageblitz4 libqimageblitz4-dev and libcaptury-dev which are needed to build kde 4? I'm on gutsy13:24
sebbarsorry I meant feisty13:25
ubotuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/13:27
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sftp - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:27
tiomhi i hope someone can help me with this problem. all the relevant informations ans symptoms should bi in the paste. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46951/13:27
redahello biatch !13:28
=== ubuntu is now known as hcbox
bazhangreda please stop13:28
stdinsebbar: it's not in feisty, that's why the kde4 packages wern't built for it. consider upgrading to gutsy13:29
sebbarstdin: ah I see. unfortunately my laptop has problems with gutsy. ok tnx13:30
sdlnxgkHello everyone !!!13:30
sdlnxgkis there anyway to monitor SSH and SFTP connections??13:31
stdinmonitor how?13:31
sdlnxgkstdin, to see which users are logged in downloading from sftp server13:31
stdinsdlnxgk: who/w/lastlog13:32
sdlnxgkwho and w doens't work13:32
sdlnxgkhaven't tried lastlog yet is that real time?13:33
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lastlog - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:33
stdinsdlnxgk: it just tells you the last time someone logged in13:33
stdin(and from where)13:34
stdinw and who (and ps I guess) are "real time"13:34
lolaKubuntu rox my sox13:34
* ScorpKing waves to everyone..13:35
ScorpKingtop --> "5376 root       0 -20     0    0    0 S 70.8  0.0 679:23.09 loop0" is that normal?13:35
tof!ubuntu version > me13:35
stdinScorpKing: depends what you're doing :p  loop0 is a loopback device for mounting files (like ISOs)13:36
ScorpKingthe loopback enctypted filesystem uses 70.8+ cpu13:36
stdinahh, encryption13:36
sdlnxgkstdin, thanks i'm testing out w and who now but never seen any other user logged in before other then me13:36
ScorpKingblowfish btw13:36
stdinI doubt that's "normal" but depends I guess13:37
stdinsdlnxgk: there's also /var/log/auth.log13:37
ScorpKingoh well.. i'm copying my old disks to the new encrypted one but it's very slow. maybe it's normal then.13:38
ciaconhi all - I have a problem in menu.lst... I just added the following "vga=791", but I can't see my command line anymore... any hints??13:38
stdinScorpKing: I think if you're doing a lot of I/O with it, then you can expect it to be high, processing a lot of data as quickly as it can13:38
FlashWolfScorpKing: hey! :D13:39
FlashWolfhow can i use rmdir and avoid "Directory is not empty"13:40
stdinciacon: try https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FrameBuffer13:40
ScorpKingstdin: thanks. maybe it's the 166Mhz 96MB RAM box as well. hehe13:40
FlashWolfi wanna remove all in a dir13:40
ScorpKinghiya FlashWolf! :)13:40
ciaconstdin: lemme have a look13:40
stdinFlashWolf: you can't, but that's why "rm -r" was made for :)13:40
ScorpKingFlashWolf: rm -r /dir13:40
ScorpKingrm -r is usefull but i've been sorry a few times. lol13:41
stdinyou should _always_ be careful with rm ;)13:42
* ScorpKing learned never to do anything in a hurry..13:42
sdlnxgkor when you are tired for that fact !!13:42
hcboxsomebody use k9copy ?13:42
* ScorpKing nods..13:42
sdlnxgkCLI doesn't have a trash bin to get it back13:42
sdlnxgklearned that one the hard way13:42
poison--mornin guys13:42
ciaconstdin: shouldn't I be able to see somthing like "fb..." or "fra..." when I do "lsmod | grep ..."13:42
poison--ScorpKing :D13:42
ScorpKinghi poison--!13:42
poison--install some fatal crap into your machine and have a nice day trying to get it alive again13:43
stdinciacon: yep, but I just remembered that all FB modules are blacklisted by default :p so you have to un-blacklist the ones you want13:43
ciaconstdin: how would I do that??13:44
stdinciacon: edit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-framebuffer    just comment out the ones you want to use13:44
ScorpKingpoison--: i'm waiting for my disks to copy over but it's gonna be a while. so now i just wait. not in the mood to break anything. :P13:44
ciaconstdin: one mo...13:44
poison--had a scary issue on satuday13:45
poison--saturday even13:45
stdinScorpKing: if you're really bored you can package PyKDE4 for me :)13:45
poison--rebooted and it wont boot anymore13:45
poison--said my HD was f@#& up13:45
ScorpKingpoison--: join #kubuntu-offtopic13:45
ciaconstdin: I suppose the one I am looking for is the "vesafb" module...13:45
poison--sorry guys13:45
stdinciacon: probably yeah, I gave up on framebuffers long ago so I'm a bit foggy on it all now13:46
ciaconstdin: 5 years ago I stated on gentoo... looking back I am actually astounded how I got by with that ;-)13:47
ciaconstdin: slightly offtopic but still a laugh  -->> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_y36fG2Oba013:48
stdinwell, I haven't install flash get, so can't watch that :p13:49
stdin(new install of hardy)13:49
maltaethironHELP!  I have a presentation I need to give in a couple minutes, and the file is in a pptx format (MS Office 2007)  can anybody help me??13:53
nevillePray =)13:54
stdintry opening them in OpenOffice.org Presentation13:54
maltaethironi tried, but its not compatable with .pptx files13:54
maltaethironIs there anything that I can download in Synaptic that will help me out?13:55
stdinmaybe pptview13:56
FlashWolfScorpKing: i'm not getting run ccsm here (kubuntu)...13:56
stdin!info pptview13:56
FlashWolfwhy? :(13:56
ubotupptview: view PowerPoint slide shows. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 8.0-5 (gutsy), package size 1752 kB, installed size 3684 kB (Only available for i386)13:56
FlashWolfi installed it13:56
maltaethironthanks, ill try that13:56
FlashWolfi open, it says "Loading...", then closes13:56
ScorpKingFlashWolf: sorry, i have to go now. will be back later.13:57
FlashWolfand i need ccsm (CompizConfig-Settings-Manager)13:57
FlashWolfsomeone could help me?13:57
ciaconstdin: I rebooted (after having commented out vesafb), but I still habe a black screen.... I was thinking... my monitor is telling me that it's a 740x400 resolution.... vga=791 should rather be something like 1024×768...14:01
maltaethironso is there any way to open pptx files in kubuntu?14:05
stdinciacon: what's your graphics card?14:06
ciaconstdin: I added "vesafb" to /etc/modules... time for a reboot...14:06
StevenRmaltaethiron: no, afaik. ask the source to convert them to old ppt14:06
ciaconstdin: have a Radeon X850XT14:06
maltaethironStevenR: alright thanks14:06
antiNeohow come when I enter my password wrong in kubuntu gusty, it gives me: login failed and doesn't give me a chance to try again? then I have to kill X with ctl+alt+backspace14:06
ciaconstdin: I'll reboot... brb14:07
stdinciacon: you can try radeonfb if visafb doesn't work14:07
* genii sips a coffee14:07
ciaconstdin: back again... adding vesafb to /etc/modules did nothing =(14:10
stdindid you run "sudo update-initramfs -u" after ?14:11
ciaconstdin: nope... is that a nesessety14:13
stdinyeah, because it needs to update the modules file in initrd.img (because it loads before the disk is mounted)14:15
ciaconstdin: ah... gimme a sec...14:16
ciaconstdin:time for a reboot14:18
stdinworth a shot :)14:18
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ciaconstdin: btw... I have a Q... as soon as I update the kernel (apt-get...), do I have to do "sudo update-initramfs -u" (or similar) again??14:20
stdinshouldn't have to, no. because the initrd.img gets created on your system for the 1st time anyway14:21
ciaconstdin: oki14:21
ciaconstdin: reboot ;-)14:21
enriquealguien que hable spanish espacñol14:24
enriquei have a problem14:24
ciacon!es | enrique14:25
ubotuenrique: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.14:25
baratahi, now anytime I start kde I always get this message saying "Mime is whatever"14:34
baratawhat's going on? how can I clean that ?14:35
barataI dont even know to what that is related14:35
crashevwhat application is responsible for handling multimedia keys in kubuntu?14:42
nosrednaekimcrashev: kino14:44
ubotukeyboard shortcuts can be set in K -> System Settings -> Keyboard & Mouse. Try also "Input Actions" in KControl. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KDEMultimediaKeys - See !Keyboard for changing layouts14:44
=== luke__ is now known as TheFuzzball
barataok ... it's solved14:45
TheFuzzballHi, I just did a fresh install of Kubuntu Gutsy and I want to use the Flash plugin with Konqueror, I downloaded the plugin from adobe's site and put it in a folder that konqueror watched, but whenever I try and view flash nspluginviewer crashes14:47
=== oleh is now known as oleh_
TheFuzzballdoes anyone else have this problem?14:47
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash14:47
oleh_I have audigy sound card and it's doesn't work correectly. What's I must do... I install LINUX at first time....14:48
oleh_Pease help14:49
stdin!sound | try this14:49
ubotutry this: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP314:49
crashevnosrednaekim: I dont seem to have installed kino, I wonder because my multimedia keys work, but what application handles it, still cant find..14:49
stdincrashev: the kernel and Xorg mostly14:50
BluesKajHowdy All  : )14:52
nosrednaekimhey BluesKaj!14:52
BluesKajhi nosrednaekim14:52
BluesKajwonder if tarin was able to solve the dhcp prob14:53
josephfor some reason, i can load the screen saver list from kcontrol as root, but when i view that list as any other user, it is empty.  can anyone help me figure that out?14:53
nosrednaekimBluesKaj: no... at least not by 11:30 when I had to go ;)14:53
BluesKajyeah, nosrednaekim i hit the sack shortly thereafter too...it was already 30mins past my bedtime :)14:54
Dragonathif adept messes up, how do I make kubuntu understand that there's nothing using the package database thingie?14:54
nosrednaekimBluesKaj: and about an hour pst mine XD14:55
ubotuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »14:55
Dragonathah thanks14:55
Jack111i have got the problem that firefox wont play quicktime files, read many howto, and the mplayer is properly installed, it still wont work..14:56
BluesKajwe're getting a lot of those , adept notifier/updater is failing a lot on gutsy it seems14:56
josephBluesKaj: it happened with me.  i had to upgrade the packages manually14:56
stdinBluesKaj: failed a lot on feisty too14:56
stdinand edgy14:57
stdinand dapper...14:57
Dragonathit hasn't failed me once yet, but I guess the problem was that I was trying to install java sdks while eclipse was running14:57
josephanyone have an idea about my screen saver problem?14:58
hw_After upgrading to 7.10 I get "This client is too old to work with working copy" when using eSvn. Any ideas howto fix this... ?14:58
crashevstdin: it looks like there is some external application for handling it...14:59
Dragonathmaybe the screen saver files are readable only by root?14:59
nosrednaekimhw_: eh... what is eSVN? a client or the server.15:00
BluesKajJack111, do a 'about:plugins' in the FF addressbar and see if Totem 2.20.0 plugin is installed under quicktime15:00
josephDragonath: that's possible but i haven't changed their permissions.  where are those files located so i can check their perms?15:01
hw_nosrednaekim: Its a Qt client15:01
DragonathI have no idea, joseph15:01
nosrednaekimhw_: oh, ok. IDK then, can you do svn up from the command line?15:01
Dragonathperhaps running kcontrol from a terminal would help?15:01
josephhow would that help?15:01
hw_nosrednaekim: yes15:02
nosrednaekimDragonath: maybe15:02
josephit doesn't make any difference; kcontrol exits normally15:02
Dragonathwell maybe you'd see where it tries to read the files from, and the errors15:02
josephthere aren't any errors, though15:02
nosrednaekimhw_: is there a newer version of eSVN avaiable?15:02
josephdoes anyone know where kde's screen savers are located?15:03
nosrednaekimjoseph: I can check... one moment15:03
hw_nosrednaekim: that comes with 7.10...15:03
fdovingjoseph: /usr/bin/*.kss15:04
josephfdoving: thanks15:04
nosrednaekimfdoving: beat me to it <_<15:04
josephthere were only two files revealed there, fdoving15:04
josephand both of them are readable by everyone15:04
josephand executable by everyone15:04
fdovingjoseph: then you don't have the kscreensaver package installed.15:04
Jack111BluesKaj: thanks, no, i dont..to make sure here is what i have http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/2483/15:05
fdovingjoseph: what's your problem?15:05
josephfdoving: i can view the screen saver list in kcontrol as root, but not as any other user.15:05
Jack111BluesKaj: so i dont need the mplayer, but the totem?15:05
fdovingjoseph: interessting. done anything special?15:06
oleh_How work Kubuntu Device Database?My hardware data has been sent to server. And? I must wait for something?15:06
nosrednaekimjoseph: what does "apt-cache policy kscreensaver" say?15:06
fdovingoleh_: no, it's just an huge database of users hardware specs.15:06
nosrednaekimare those specs ever used?15:07
josephnosrednaekim: well, i just reinstalled it (doesn't make any difference to my problem, though):15:07
nosrednaekimjoseph: so what does "dpkg -L kscreensaver" say?15:08
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fdovingjoseph: so you have no screensavers in the list, or a few, or one?15:08
josephthe output to apt-cache policy kscreensaver:  http://pastebin.com/d47be06da15:08
josephfdoving: none15:08
BluesKajJack111, yes you have the right enabled totem plugin for quicktime media15:08
Jack111BluesKaj: still dont work...15:09
josephdpkg -L output:  http://pastebin.com/d798d192315:09
nosrednaekimjoseph: thanks15:09
fdovingjoseph: looks like your screensavers are there.15:10
josephi just can't configure them heh15:10
nosrednaekimjoseph: looks fine... odd15:10
BluesKajJack111, hangon lemme check around a bit15:10
josephand all those screensavers have these permissions:  -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root15:10
josephso if all the screensavers are there, and their permissions are appropriate, what else could cause this problem?15:11
josephheh, everyone's out of answers then, i take it?15:12
fdovingjoseph: you can try to run 'kbuildsycoca' from the commandline, then try again.15:13
josephfdoving: i did that yesterday, and it had no effect15:13
josephi can do it again, though, if you want and paste the output?15:14
fdovingi don't need the output.15:14
josephit doesn't say anything about screen savers in the output anyway15:14
fdovingjoseph: you don't have even Blank Screen showing up in your list of screensavers?15:15
josephfdoving: the list is empty when kcontrol is run as any other user besides root15:15
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fdovingjoseph: checked permissions for files in /usr/share/applnk/System/ScreenSavers ?15:17
joseph-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  7397 2007-10-12 16:52 zoom.desktop15:18
josephthose perms are correct, though, aren't they?15:18
fdovingjoseph: yep.15:19
josephso if it's not permissions what could it be?15:20
josephi asked in #kde and Sho_ said: <Sho_> joseph: Sounds like your environment ($KDEDIRS) might be set up wrong15:20
josephbut he said he didn't have any time to help me evaluate that possibility15:20
josephif i echo $KDEDIRS there is nothing15:21
josephbut i've never messed with any environment variables15:21
fdovingjoseph: is this a clean gutsy install?15:21
josephfdoving: no, it's an upgrade from feisty.15:22
josephhowever, after the initial upgrade to gutsy, things worked normally15:22
josephmaybe it got screwed up after some update15:22
josephnot sure though.15:22
fdovingI have an updated feisty too, should work just fine.15:22
josephyeah, it should :)15:22
fdovingdo you have the kubuntu-desktop metapackage installed?15:22
Dr_willissince theres no $KDEDIRS you are using the default - i belive.15:22
josephi   kubuntu-desktop                 - Kubuntu desktop system15:23
josephfdoving: yes15:23
hydrogenhey there fdoving15:23
fdovinghi hydrogen.15:23
hydrogenhavn't seen you in a while!15:23
Radi01Encryption of hard drive/ How to?15:23
fdovinghydrogen: busy with kids and all. been having a few days off from work now, finally got some computing time :)15:24
hydrogenfdoving: :)15:25
BluesKajJack111, i don't see mozilla-mplayer on pastebin list, nor do i see totem-mozilla or xine-plugin15:26
josephso if it's not permissions, what could it be?15:26
josephi'm going to reinstall kcontrol and see if that makes any difference15:28
ristois there any channel for zend framework ?15:28
fdovingjoseph: probably doesn't, you can try 'kcmshell screensaver' from Run COmmand, (alt+f2)15:28
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fdovingjoseph: or a konsole, would give some output maybe.15:28
josephthere is no output15:29
BluesKajJack111, make sure you also have libxine1-ffmpeg installed15:29
dmHello. I installed Kubuntu 7.10 on a clean hd. How can I import a KMail account from an old ~/.kde/share/... dir?15:30
Jack111BluesKaj: libxine1-ffmpeg is already the newest version.???15:31
Jack111BluesKaj: but thanks anyway15:31
josephfdoving: in the .xsession-errors file, i do get several lines complaining about not being able to get control of keyboard/mouse (already grabbed)15:31
fdovingjoseph: ah, might have found the problem. did you edit the KMenu?15:32
josephi have in the past, yeah15:32
fdovingjoseph: did you move the System menu?15:32
fdovingit needs to be in the root of the Kmenu15:33
fdovingfor screensavers to work.15:33
josephit is15:33
geniifdoving: Interesting, never knew that about System menu/screensaver idiosyncrasy15:34
josephthe system menu is in the root of the KMenu15:35
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DreskenJust installed NetBeans 6.0 but It didn't appear on the K menu, any idea why?15:38
brightstone1967any experience on nvidea with kubuntu?15:38
Dr_willisnvidia works fine on my 3 machines with kubuntu15:38
nosrednaekimbrightstone1967: works fine.15:38
josephfdoving: so yeah, the System menu is in the root of the KMenu; that is, it's not nested into any other menu15:38
Dr_willis5500, 6800 and 8800 cards15:38
rockprincessbrightstone1967: you can add it manually to the KMenu15:39
brightstone1967thanks rockprincess15:40
josephok, so the list is empty even if i run kcontrol as root15:42
nosrednaekimjoseph: I think youcan manually start kscreensaver with an argument.15:43
josephwhen i run kcontrol as root, i do get this error:  Error: "/var/tmp/kdecache-joe" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0.15:43
rockprincessjoseph: upps my last message that i sent to brightstone1967 was actually meant to you......you can add it manually to the KMenu!15:43
fdovingjoseph: how do you run it as root?15:43
rockprincessjoseph: that's a usual error, from what i see15:43
josephfdoving: i did sudo kcontrol from a konsole15:43
fdovingjoseph: sudo is wrong. use kdesudo15:43
fdovingkdesu is kdesudo in gutsy. but yeah.15:44
josephok, using kdesu kcontrol, i get the list15:44
Jucatofdoving: you're advocating kdesudo now? :D15:44
fdovingJucato: well, it's harder to write kdesu.distrib :)15:44
brightstone1967does any of you have suggestions on sources.list15:45
josephok, so it loads using kdesu but not as normal user15:45
ubotusource-o-matic is a webpage where you can (re)generate your sources.list - http://www.ubuntu-nl.org/source-o-matic15:45
Jucatobrightstone1967: what about it?15:45
brightstone1967Jucato: to have stable new handy sources / applications of any sort, gamez or office whatever15:46
josephwhat is the executable for the kscreensaver?15:46
The_Machineanyone have problems burning iso images to DVD with K3b and has fixed the problem?15:46
josephrockprincess: what do yo umean add it manually to the kmenu?15:46
Dr_willisbrightstone1967,  thers games and office apps in the defaults. :) you could enable the extra repos.15:46
ubotuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu15:46
Jucatobrightstone1967: everything that's supported are in the default sources.list already, including games and lots of other stuff15:46
JucatoKubuntu has around 20,000 packages (including libraries and utilities). That's a lot of stuff :)15:47
fdovingjoseph: just to test, try to move ~/.config/menus to ~/.config/menus.bak, then try to run 'kbuildsycoca' and then run 'kcmshell screensavers'15:47
brightstone1967sometimes you hear about medibuntu and stuff like that...15:47
josephfdoving: ok15:47
rockprincessjoseph: you want to add netmeans to your kmenu?15:48
ubotumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org15:48
fdovingJucato: kdesudo in bzr is currently getting better, by the way. most very evil bugs are closed. i still like kdesu better, but that's me. :)15:48
Jucatofdoving: thank you :)15:48
Jucatoyou and Tonio rock :)15:48
fdovingi haven't done much lately, he's been hacking away the last couple of days.15:49
brightstone1967thanks for all the information!15:49
* genii sips and contemplates kdesudo su -15:50
brightstone1967i go from ubuntu to kubuntu right now, so gnome to kde, hope everything goes well15:50
rockprincessbrightstone1967: apt-get install kubuntu-desktop ?15:51
brightstone1967]rockprincess: no made a backup and install from scratch15:52
rockprincessbrightstone1967: i see15:52
brightstone1967I really SWITCH15:52
SR-latchis anyone subscribed to the list?15:52
nosrednaekimgenii: ever tried "sudo bash" XD15:53
The_Machinemaybe it's linux, maybe it's k3b, but these burning problems in kubuntu are ridiculous.15:53
rabbywhere to find ltconfig?15:53
geniinosrednaekim: Not lately :)15:53
nosrednaekimThe_Machine: try another burning program.15:54
SR-latchhahahha "kubuntu 7.10 is really suks to install"15:54
nosrednaekimand maybe its the cds themselves15:54
geniirabby: iFconfig but lowercase F15:54
The_Machinenosrednaekim, what can burn DVD iso images?15:54
rockprincessThe_Machine: i haven15:54
josephfdoving: kcmshell (kdelibs): WARNING: Could not find module 'screensavers'.15:54
brightstone1967I just use cdrecord (no problem ever!)15:54
rockprincessThe_Machine: i haven't had any problems with k3b lately...what are you problems?15:54
nosrednaekimThe_Machine: gnome baker probably can15:54
rabbygenii: ifconfig is not what i am looking for15:54
fdovingjoseph: drop the tailing s. 'screensaver'15:55
LynoureThe_Machine: k3b can too...15:55
rabbygenii: ltconfig is it called and seems to play with libtools15:55
The_Machinerockprincess, they're pretty well documented everywhere..  http://www.nomorepasting.com/getpaste.php?pasteid=785115:55
The_MachineLynoure, this problem is regarding k3b.15:55
LynoureThe_Machine: Oh, I only saw your question.15:55
The_Machineor 'growisofs'15:55
The_Machineit seems like it's been a problem for about 3-4 years15:56
josephfdoving: ok, the list loads now15:56
LynoureThe_Machine: what kind of problems are you having?15:56
The_Machineand nobody has really solved it15:56
The_MachineLynoure, read my posts!15:56
The_Machinei just pasted the problem15:56
geniirabby: Ah, libtoolconfig15:56
fdovingjoseph: good, then your menu was the problem.15:56
LynoureThe_Machine: ok, ok...15:56
rockprincessThe_Machine: cheers, i'll have a look....15:56
josephfdoving: ok.  so will the menu rebuild after login/logout then?15:56
DreskenAnyone has any idea? <_<15:56
The_Machinethanks rockprincess - you, erm..  rock15:56
rabbygenii: where does it hide?15:57
LynoureThe_Machine: Sorry if I pushed some button accidentally.15:57
The_Machinerockprincess, just like most people who are reporting the problem, it isn't the hardware.15:57
fdovingjoseph: if you want to, you can restore your previous menu, by moving ~/.config/menus.bak back to ~/.config/menus - otherwise leave it as it is, and you can also remove ~/.config/menus.bak if you don't care about your old menu.15:57
josephfdoving: if i leave it as-is, will the menus be rebuilt autmoatically?15:57
The_Machineworks fine under windows, even in a VMware VM, and in knoppix as well15:57
fdovingjoseph: it'll be like it currently is, default kubuntu menu.15:58
rockprincessThe_Machine: don't you think it's a kde issue, rather than a kubuntu issue?15:58
geniirabby: I know it comes with package libtool ... if you have it someplace on your box do an updated then locate <name> or find <name>15:58
The_Machinerockprincess, they're so closely related and i'm so inexperienced, it's hard for me to say15:58
josephfdoving: ok15:58
fdovingjoseph: your old menu, with your changes, is currently stored in ~/.config/menus.bak15:58
The_Machineagain, there are so many bugs posted around it sounds like there isn't any central place for people to work on it15:58
josephfdoving: except i changed .config/ to config.bak/15:58
The_Machinereally frustrating.15:58
The_MachineBTW, i burn Data/Music CDs just fine w/ the same burner and k3b15:59
The_Machineit seems to be isolated to DVDs15:59
fdovingjoseph: then it might affect some other apps too, but you will most likely not notice much. compiz, among others.15:59
rabbygenii: i have libtool installed, but anyway the config app is missing though :(15:59
The_Machinei'm going to try gnomebaker really quick, brb15:59
rabbycan not compile a nice app i need without it :(15:59
josephfdoving: ok.  so i can view the list now, but clicking on the lock desktop applet doesn't work, nor does ctrl+alt+L15:59
brightstone1967in that case i would suggest brasero16:00
geniirabby: I think debian/ubuntu may have a different name than ltconfig, perhaps ld-something16:00
brightstone1967don' t have too good experience with gnomebaker16:00
rockprincessThe_Machine: it would be quite useful to report your bug(s) to http://bugs.kde.org/ and to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ in order to resolve the issue....i know it's a pain, but it is indeed useful and it helps the developer working on the problem....16:00
LynoureThe_Machine: and you can burn DVDs fine with something else than k3b?16:00
fdovingjoseph: you can browse the list of screensavers, enable screensavers and lock doesn't work?16:00
rabbyldconfig exists, may i use that instead?16:00
josephfdoving: correct16:01
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josephi can test them from kcontrol, though16:01
brightstone1967Lynourre: #cdrecord16:01
fdovingjoseph: try again with anohter screensaver. Blank Screen, for example.16:01
geniirabby: Have you installed package build-essential ?16:01
josephblank screen is the one enabled16:01
Lynourebrightstone1967: not ready to join other channels to solve someone's problem, sorry16:01
fdovingjoseph: ok, try Banner then.16:01
The_MachineLynoure, again, i'm trying now16:02
josephfdoving: still doesn't work16:02
rabbygenii: no, but give me a min and i will do16:02
The_Machinerockprincess, there are a billion bugs on it already16:02
The_Machinefrom years back.16:02
josephfdoving: maybe logging out/logging in will fix that?16:02
rockprincessThe_Machine: when did it happen?16:02
fdovingjoseph: try.16:02
rabbygenii: didn't help16:02
The_Machinegnomebaker just gave me the same error.16:03
LynoureThe_Machine: Is this on all types on DVD medium? Have you tried on a slower speed setting?16:03
brightstone1967tail -f /var/log/...16:03
The_MachineLynoure, yea, i have tried it on a slwoer speed.16:03
ubotumplayer is a media player. It resides in the mutiverse repository and can easily be installed via applications -> add/remove. For codecs try !codecs16:04
rockprincessThe_Machine: tried NeroLinux?16:04
geniirabby: looking into it16:05
The_Machinerockprincess, in as much as i want to get dvd burning to work, i'm kind of pissed that such a simple function is broken16:05
The_Machinegoing to check on something16:05
The_Machinerockprincess, i'm seeing stuff like this EVERYWHERE:  http://forums.fedoraforum.org/archive/index.php/t-91842.html16:06
The_Machinethat's from the beginning of 2006 - i can't believe it isn't solved.16:07
The_Machineand more:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.22/+bug/9121016:09
LynoureThe_Machine: I had that on a laptop once, but unfortunately did not have time to investigate it, as it turned out to burn fine on dvd+rw16:09
rockprincessThe_Machine: i don't understand this...sorry, i burn DVDs on DVD-R, DVD+R but mostly on DVD+RW on a weekly basis!!!!16:09
lovrehey ppl16:09
rockprincessThe_Machine: which version of k3b are you using?16:10
The_Machinerockprincess, it isn't k3b16:10
The_Machinei got the same error with gnomebaker16:10
lovreim trying to install a game from an iso file. It asks me to insert CD, but i have mounted the iso in /media/cdrom0, why doesnt it recognize this, and did i mount it to the right place?16:10
The_Machinethis is bull$&!&16:12
josephfdoving: logging out/logging in didn't do anything16:12
Dr_willislovre,  with some games ive taken the contents from the cd. copied to a directory, then installed the game FROM that dir. that way no cd changing is needed16:12
josephi can test the screen savers from kcontrol, but i can't lock the screen using the lock desktop applet or by ctrl+alt+L16:12
Dr_willisThe_Machine,  yep. from what ive read on the burning issue is that it seems to be some sort of kernel issues (or so the threads sort of imply, but they are still troubbleshooting it) I have 1 out of 3 machines with the provblem also.16:13
geniirabby: Aaah, libtool does not come anymore with ltconfig and has been deprecated now in Debian/ubuntu. You may want package autotools-dev and possibly also autoconf16:13
The_MachineDr_willis, yeah you're right.16:13
LynoureThe_Machine: and you already have dvd+rw-tools installed?16:13
geniiWork emergency, flood.16:13
The_MachineDr_willis, it's just ridiculous that i can have compiz working the way it does but I can't burn a DVD16:14
rockprincessThe_Machine: which kernel version are you using?16:14
The_Machineand that it works fine in knoppix and windows16:14
The_Machineand works in windows EVEN IN A Virtual Machine!!16:14
The_MachineUgh!  Frustrating!16:14
Dr_willisThe_Machine,  i rember ages ago when just getting a cd burner going was a kernel recompile and a week of reading...16:14
The_MachineDr_willis, heh. The true state of "linux on the desktop" imho16:14
Dr_willisits possible the switch to the libata  has caused other issues..16:15
josephfdoving: do you have any other ideas by chance?16:15
Dr_willisThe_Machine,  you dont want to get me started on my daily 'windows on the desktop' issues. :)16:15
The_MachineDr_willis, ah, really?16:15
* The_Machine never has any16:15
The_Machineand i'm not any silly fan boy16:15
Paddy_EIREyeah right16:15
lovreDr_willis: i downloaded the game as iso, and an install script. Now the script is searching for the CD-ROM wich i dont have, and i mount the iso but it doesnt find it. Is there any place that i should mount iso file, so the script can find it16:15
* The_Machine has been using linux for his workstation for 3 years.. and Windows in VMs this whole time16:15
Dr_willisToday. kept getting a popup - about how a service couldent post a message.. so i looked at it.. closed it.. then 2 min later it poped up again..  sigh.16:15
josephwhat's the actual executable for the kscreensavers?16:16
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The_Machinerockprincess, i'm checking, one sec16:16
Dr_willislovre,  its possible the installer  has options as to where to look for the cd.16:16
Dr_willislovre,  or perhaps  the script has some lines you can edit to set the path.16:16
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lovreDr_willis: how can i find out what this is? I searcher the script, but didnt find anything, but its big 6Mb, so maybe i didnt look in right place16:16
The_Machinerockprincess, 2.6.22-14-generic16:17
Dr_willislovre,  normally such things would be seyt at the begining.   What game is this anyway?16:17
rockprincessThe_Machine: same kernel version that I'm using16:17
lovreDr_willis: Unreal Tournament (the old one from 99)16:18
The_MachineLynoure, yes, RE:  <Lynoure> The_Machine: and you already have dvd+rw-tools installed?16:18
Dr_willislovre,  i recall it having some options, or a setting. You could just mount the iso to /media/cdrom or /mnt/cdrom whever its looking16:18
The_Machinerockprincess, basically, there is gong to be no answer16:18
Dr_willislovre,  i recall on one of those games that came on 3 cd's i copied all the cd's to one dir.16:19
The_Machineso many bugs submitted, nobody working on it any more16:19
LynoureThe_Machine: and how many different disks you have tried with?16:19
The_MachineLynoure, about 20.16:19
The_Machinenot 20 different brands though.16:19
rabbygenii, i just removed libtool again and installed autoconf. autoconf-dev is there already. but ltconfig isn't there though and the ./configure script i have again tells me, it needs ltconfig :(16:19
Dr_willisI can burn dvd's on my machine. but then they dont want to verify.. so im not sure if they are good or bad..  so i play it safe and dont use that machine to burn disks any more. :) its possivble the drive IS bad..16:20
Dr_williswell bbl.16:20
The_MachineLynoure, also, it works fine in Windows :P16:20
The_Machineso not likely the brand of the disc, or the hardware16:20
geniirabby: I am back for a second to tell you that debian no longer uses ltconfig. I have an emergency here at work which i need to go remedy and will not be around for a while. You will need to find help from another for the time being16:21
Dr_willisit would be an interesting test to try out a external Usb burner - and see if it has the exact same issues.16:22
adam_has anyone ever had or knows how to fix it when kdesktop displays "/" instead of "~/Desktop"?16:22
geniiSo no confusion logging out for now16:22
The_MachineDr_willis, forums show that external and internal drives are affected.16:22
Dr_willisThe_Machine,  interesting.16:22
The_Machineyeah, crappy :/16:22
Dr_willisBut is that for everyone.. or just some.16:22
The_Machinelooks to be 'some'16:22
LynoureThe_Machine: tried types, too? dvd-r, dvd+r, dvd-rw, dvd+rw?16:22
The_Machinethere seems to be no constants with these problems!16:22
Dr_willisI just built me an external USB dvd burner over the weekend. to keep me from cawling under the desk. Heh.16:22
Dr_willisI need to testit on the problem box.16:23
Paddy_EIREThe_Machine: are you a programmer?16:23
The_MachineLynoure, just DVD+R..  again, it works fine in windows and knoppix in the SAME box16:23
The_MachinePaddy_EIRE, i wish16:23
Paddy_EIREThe_Machine: then how do you know there is no constants with those problems16:23
Paddy_EIREkinda presumptious16:23
The_MachinePaddy_EIRE, because i've been reading the forums regarding it?16:23
The_Machineget outta here.16:23
The_Machineyou just entered the conversation, speaking of presumptious.16:24
Paddy_EIREmeh... thats hardly a deffinite indication16:24
Paddy_EIREThe_Machine: no I've been listening16:24
Paddy_EIREhardly a troll either16:24
adam_can anyone help me make kdesktop display ~/Desktop instead of / , i want my icons on my desktop not bin, usr, etc?16:24
The_Machineand you've watched the forums i've been posting?16:24
The_Machinehappens on fedora/gentoo across different media/programs/kernels16:24
Radi01Any one try encrypting the hard drive.16:24
The_Machinefor about 4 years16:24
Paddy_EIREhey Lynoure16:24
bazhangI once had an issue with using dvd +rw instead of dvd -rw without being aware of it16:25
LynoureThe_Machine: Try a diffent type, just for fun, if you have a chance.16:25
The_MachineLynoure, i will when i get one )16:25
Radi01Guess not.16:26
bazhangRadi01: you might have to wait for more than one minute for an answer :}16:27
ubotuKubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion16:27
LynoureRadi01: using question marks also helps the question to be noticed. :)16:27
yakuzihi all16:27
yakuzii've a strange "problem"16:27
bazhanghi yakuzi16:28
LynoureRadi01: Do you want/need full disk encryption, or just a part?16:28
Radi01The whole drive/ Cant find any programs to do just that.16:28
yakuziin settings i set my selected items background to red, but adept refuses to use it and still uses the default blue (same with scrollbars etc) anyone have an idea how to fix it?16:28
LynoureThe_Machine: I trust that you have tried making the image manually with mkisofs already? It works in some cases where growisofs is throwing a fit.16:29
adam_yakuzi: adept is run as run, a different user with different settings, run kdesu kcontrol and changes the colours there16:29
adam_run as root*16:29
LynoureRadi01: that's because for whole drive, if the one your root filesystem is on, it cannot be a user space program...16:30
jarohi there. I've tried to update to gutsy with adept_updater tool but there was some serious problem which caused this tool to hang... I was not able to re-run it again so i proceeded manually (dpkg --configure -a && apt-get dist-upgrade)16:31
The_MachineLynoure, what do you mean make it amnually?16:31
The_Machinei already have an image and i'm trying to burn it.16:31
lg188howto  typ the '™' sing in kubuntu ?16:31
The_Machineit happens with DVD video as well16:31
Radi01I see/ The install asks to do so, only upon installation. I was to late I guess.16:32
jaroalmost everything works fine now, but I have serious problem with graphics - having i945 intel (nc2400 notebook) and X works really slow. With visible refreshing and very bad visual responses. Also dual head works no more.16:32
Radi01Thanks 4 trying anyway.16:32
LynoureThe_Machine: mkisofs -o myimage.iso /home/whoknows/imagestuff    = manually16:32
josephok, so i can view the list of screensavers, but for some reason, i can't RUN the screensaver16:32
jarodoes anyone have some suggestion of what should I try?16:32
LynoureRadi01: not too late. Patience, dude16:32
adam_can anyone help me make kdesktop display ~/Desktop instead of / , i want my icons on my desktop not bin, usr, etc?16:33
jaromight this be due to the use of non-restricted drivers which have poor performance?16:33
jaroor maybe another question - how can i generate some "default" xorg.conf?16:34
ubuntu__I nead a suport to kubuntu in spanish16:34
ubotuSi busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.16:34
yakuzithanks adam_ hat solved it16:35
josephdoes anyone know the executable that is supposed to be run when 'lock desktop' applet is clicked?16:35
sub[t]rnljaro: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg16:35
josephi'm grateful because i can now load the screen saver list, but for some reason, i can't get them to run!16:36
SR-latchguys any idea for a good movie player? i have problem with subtitles + kaffeine16:36
yakuzimplayer works fine for me16:36
LynoureRadi01: http://www.sdc.org/~leila/usb-dongle/readme.html is one good place to start, and aimed an people who already have a running system16:36
ardchoilleSR-latch: mplayer and xine are both good.16:37
Daisuke_IdoSR-latch: VLC.16:37
ardchoilleSR-latch: Do you need closed captions as well? mplayer and xine are the only ones which support closed captions16:37
adam_SR-latch: go to settings > Xine engine settings > subtitles and change some settings, i used to have problems with subtitles but that completely fixed it for me16:38
antoCan somone help me with "/usr/lib/firefox/firefox-bin: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0: undefined symbol: gdk_threads_add_idle" ?16:38
antoi get that error for any gtk application16:38
adam_can no body help me with my kdesktop woes?16:40
josephadam_: you just have to be patient16:41
lg188Idk but somebody is no one helping ?16:41
BluesKajjoseph, how did you set up the scrnsaver ?16:41
Lynoureadam_: how did you get to that bind?16:42
josephBluesKaj: ok, i got it to work finally.  one interesting thing, though, is that if i run kdesktop_lock (the executable) as root, the password box is nicer-looking than the password box (basic) that the normal user gets16:43
adam_Lynoure: i just started my computer today and when kdesktop loaded it was the / directory (e.g bin, etc, usr, media) instead of ~/Desktop16:43
josephi wonder how i can get that shiny-looking password box instead?16:44
Lynoureadam_: weird, it should not happen on its own.16:44
adam_Lynoure: i ran kdesktop in a teminal and it says "cp: cannot create regular file `//.directory': Permission denied"16:45
adam_Lynoure: i checked .directory in ~/desktop and its writable to my user16:45
Lynoureadam_: ~/desktop or ~/Desktop ?16:46
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Lynoureadam_: do you see the / path anywhere in  ~/.kde/share/config/kdesktoprc ?16:46
adam_Lynoure: ~/Desktop16:47
Lynoureadam_: Check the contents of the file above, then.16:48
BluesKajhmm intersting joseph , I'm the only user so i don't bother locking anything, so I don't use the pw to unlock the scrnsaver or the the desktop. I use the photo album slideshow as my screensaver.16:48
lg188™ ? how to type on Linux ????16:49
Lynourelg188: type as in type commands, or write text files?16:49
anto"/usr/lib/eclipse/eclipse: error while loading shared libraries: libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" any idea on what package i need to get installed?16:49
josephBluesKaj: it has to do with themes, incidentally16:50
josephbut now i'm happy - everything works!16:50
adam_Lynoure: I can't find anything that points kdesktop where my desktop is in that file :P16:50
Lynourelg188: for former, start   konsole  from the K-menu -> System -> konsole16:50
SR-latchwhoo hooo!! subs working now under vlc!!16:50
SR-latchthanks guys!!16:50
lg188Lynoure: for a text file16:50
BluesKajyeah joseph, the default kde theme is fine for my eyes, altho I upped the contrast somewhat16:51
Lynoureadam_: try checking on  System Settings -> About me   too16:52
Lynoureadam_: the path is normally set under  Paths  there16:52
Lynourelg188: then K-menu -> Utilities -> Kate16:52
josephBluesKaj: k16:53
adam_Lynoure: damn your right, in paths my desktop path is /, why'd it change itself *scratches head* thanks16:53
DreskenAgain, I've just installed NetBeans 6.0 but nothing appeared on the K menu, any has any idea why?16:54
Lynoureadam_: that's the weird bit.16:54
Lynoureadam_: If it does it again, you through probably go through your system, just in case someone bad got into it.16:55
Lynoureadam_: I would already, but I'm not the role model, necessarily =)16:55
adam_Lynoure: ah noes, i just restarted kdesktop after setting the desktop path right and kdesktop still shows the contents of / :(16:56
Lynoureadam_: but a quick run of chkrootkit will not hurt (though not necessarily help, either)16:56
Lynoureadam_: something else is setting your path. First check what's in .kde/Autostart16:57
adam_Lynoure: nope just my own scripts which i haven't touched for months16:58
Lynoureadam_: I'll need to go, but please msg me if you find out the cause, or need help digging into it some other day. Might help to think about whether you installed anything new, or did something else radical around when it started16:59
adam_Lynoure: ok thanks very much16:59
Lynoureadam_: good luck, meanwhile.17:00
venikI am trying to compy an image (jpg in GIMP) to a message in Thunderbird.  I use the rectangle select tool, select the image, EDIT/COPY but then there seems to be nothing in the clipboard.  What am I doing wrong?17:03
lg188Lynoure: kate ? i know how to use it but not how to type ™17:05
lg188venik: that is the question that needs an answer17:09
venikWhat am I doing wrong?  Or: How do I copy an image from GIMP and paste it into a Thunderbird message?17:10
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lg188how to type ™17:10
lg188euhm i think .... insert ->picture->from file ( based on win offfice not working on my dapper)17:12
ardchoillelg188: What are you trying to type? What I see you typing for that character is gibberish. It might help us to know what you are trying to type17:14
lg188the TM mark17:15
Dr_willis ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™17:15
lg188how to on Linux17:16
lg188i dont use it at the moment17:16
Dr_willisNo idea. :)  There is that character selecter tool i recall under kde and gnome for a lot of the odd ball characters.17:16
venikIt looks as if there is no way to format text in superscript in Kate, but if there is an ascii character to print TM, you might try that17:16
lg188ty for support17:18
ardchoilleI don't see the TM mark in kcharselect17:18
lg188i wil look for a while i will come back if i dot find it and other wise to say thanx17:19
lg188i fdnt have that tool kcharselect  ...17:20
lg188plug-in from Kate? Of a programme that  u can start without Kate17:23
ardchoillelg188: iirc, it is part of the kdeutils package17:25
lg188install apart ?17:25
lg188i don not have inet on it17:25
ardchoillesudo apt-get install kdeutils17:26
Jucatoer he doesn't need to install all that :P17:27
ardchoilleactually, it's the kcharselect package.. kdeutils is a met-package17:27
lg188oooh ****17:27
ardchoilleJucato: Just noticed that17:27
ardchoilleI did dpkg -L too later17:27
lg188I lose the way of lightness by a blackout17:28
lg188is it on my dapper or not ??? or do  i have to install something ???17:29
karynanybody do drugs?17:29
Dr_williskaryn,  does the pills to lower my Cholesteral count?17:30
ardchoille!info kcharselect dapper17:30
ubotukcharselect: character selector for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.5.2-0ubuntu8 (dapper), package size 69 kB, installed size 332 kB17:30
ardchoillelg188: enable the universe repo and do: sudo apt-get install kcharselect17:31
lg188i don't hav web on it17:31
ardchoillelg188: Would you be more comfortable in a channel that speaks your native language?17:31
lg188ardchoille:  they do noting i really mean that17:32
ardchoillelg188: I don't understand what you mean by "i don't hav web on it"17:33
TimSIs there a replacement for Katapult, gonme seems to have hundreds of launch boxes but KDE doesnt have any good ones17:33
lg188i don not have internet on my dapper17:33
ardchoilleTimS: alt+f2 ?17:33
JackWinterdo i have to do something special to get the agp bus detected for my matrox g-400 card?  dmesg only contains this line "Linux agpgart interface v0.102 (c) Dave Jones", no other line pertaining to agpgart.  loading the matrox driver produces "[drm:mga_do_agp_dma_bootstrap] *ERROR* Unable to acquire AGP: -19" ??17:34
TimSA GUI one like katapult is, that runs more commands17:34
ardchoilleTimS: You can try:  apt-cache search launcher17:35
JackWinterif this is not the right place, any link or pointer would be very much appreciated, since i'm in over my head again! ;-)17:35
ardchoilleJackWinter: The only thing I can suggest is the troubleshooting sections of the video pages17:36
ubotuUbuntu 7.04 installs multimedia codecs automatically. For older versions of Ubuntu, or if you can't use the automatic installer, see https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - For multimedia applications, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications17:36
JackWinterthanks ardchoille!17:36
antoWhats the command to find out the folder size?17:38
lg188bey need to go17:39
paganto, du -sch directory17:39
JackWinterwell the video links didn't yield anything on agp.  i take it then that this is a rare problem, something to do with my hardware.  not something that every ubuntu user has to do to get agp working..?17:41
ardchoilleJackWinter: tbh, this is the first I've seen about that issue.17:41
JackWinterhmm.  i got 3d accell working pretty good, but 2d performance is horrible, thus my quest to get agp working..;-)17:42
JackWinteris #xorg the only support channel for video, or are there any others ?17:43
ardchoilleJackWinter: Not sure, but ##linux may be of help17:43
JackWinterok, i'll try that.  thanks again!17:44
slav3_kittenlest try this again today17:46
slav3_kittenanyone got any idea why scons wont find my python2.4-dev install?17:47
slav3_kittenunder dapper drake17:47
ogzyhi, after changing the theme with theme manager my graphics got slower, file manager started to show the icons slower, chat windows are refsreshing slower, mainly the refresh is getting slower, i had my restricted driever installed, what can be the problem17:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about youtube - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:49
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash17:49
sub[t]rnlogzy: check "top" to see if any processes are taking up a large amount of mem or cpu17:49
unix_infidelanyone here applied for a position at google?17:50
rickeydose anyone here know ,what kind of linux program i should rumn , in order for me to run a windows base chat program in linux17:51
slav3_kittenfew others i cant rembr17:51
ogzysub[t]rnl: i checked, sometimes Xgl using 15% of the CPU thats all, there is not ant higher value at the top17:52
Dr_willisvmware, cedega, virtualbox17:52
Dr_willisdepends on the program and what you are doing. as to what one to use.17:52
MinatakuHeya, Dr_Willis17:52
rickeyi want to rum paltalk on kubuntu71017:52
slav3_kitteni hear win4lin actually suports programs that need access to hardware well17:53
BluesKajrickey, you can run mirc on wine in linux if that's what you mean , but the graphics are a bit strange17:53
Dr_willismIRC is a bit strange. :)17:53
Dr_willismIRC is a bit very strange. :)17:53
MinatakuEvery time I tried to run mIRC in WINE it failed, but it was a while ago17:53
rickeywhat is mirc17:53
Minataku!wine | rickey17:53
uboturickey: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.17:53
Dr_willisa IRC client for windows.17:53
slav3_kitteni like XChat for win an lin17:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mirc - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:53
Dr_willisxchat is aviliable for windows. :)17:54
MinatakuI use XChat myself17:54
BluesKajpaltalk, whew ppl still use that ?17:54
slav3_kittenbrb i'm guna puke again17:54
josephwhen i try to play youtube clips, i get part of the player, but not the whole thing and the clips don't run.17:54
josephi can play flash elsewhere, however17:55
BluesKajxchat is ok , but prefer konversation17:55
slav3_kittenjoseph i run flash under konquere on dapper just fine17:55
slav3_kittenincluding youtube17:55
Dr_willis# appears as Bill Gates17:55
BluesKajjoseph, flashplugi-nonfree17:55
BluesKajjoseph, flashplugin-nonfree17:56
JucatoDr_willis: Xchat is shareware on Windows17:56
Dr_willisJucato,  there are free versions. :)17:56
slav3_kittenxchat2 is frrreware on windows17:56
Jucatooh that's good :)17:56
BluesKajxchat2 is free on windows17:56
josephBluesKaj: it's installed17:56
Dr_willisthers like 5 different versions last i checked.17:56
Dr_willissome had a few bugglets also.17:56
slav3_kittenall pretty damn good too17:56
orlandojhi all. How can i test the microfone ?17:56
slav3_kittenoh word of the wise17:56
Dr_willisIm using xming/xdmcp and my linux box to run linux xchat however. :P17:57
slav3_kittenhydrodocon on an empty stomach makes you puke17:57
BluesKajjoseph, which browser?17:57
boguhis there a way that konsole handles urls?17:57
Dr_willisslav3_kitten,  thats just what i went and got for my wife.17:57
josephBluesKaj: konqueror17:57
slav3_kittentell her to make sure she eats somethign first17:57
BluesKajhangon joseph. I'll check my konq media settings17:57
josephcheck what order you have the directories for plugins, too?17:58
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sourcemakerNeoFax: have you tested Ruby?18:00
sigmai can't seem to get my compiz cube desktop running - i have 4 desktops enabled and have enabled the cube desktop and rotate cube plugins, what set of keys must i press to activate the cube?18:00
BluesKajjoseph, $HOME.mozilla/plugins, $Home Netscape/plugins are the first2 in the list18:00
trappistsigma: control-alt-drag is one way to rotate the cube18:00
joseph$HOME/.netscape/plugins ?18:01
sigmatrappist: how do i make the cube appear on my desktop in the first place?18:01
trappistsigma: start compiz successfully with the desktop cube and rotate cube plugins enabled.  your desktop should look normal until you rotate the cube.18:02
josephBluesKaj: it works fine in firefox, but not in konqueror18:02
josephyeah, i don't have a ~/.netscape directory18:03
patricioafter installing gutsy gibbon on my machine where I also have a windowsXP copy, after I try to get to windows using grub, I receive: Windows could not start because the following file is missing or corrupt: <Windows root>\system32\hal.dll. Please reinstall a copy of the above file18:03
trappistpatricio: that sounds like a windows question18:03
sigmatrappist: compiz is running with the plugins enabled. all i see is a normal desktop, no cube? what key combination must i press to see the cube?18:03
patriciotrappist, but I can't even get into windows, can I18:04
josephBluesKaj: i think it's running some other player, though because when i purge flashplugin-nonfree, the behavior doesn't change18:04
trappistsigma: told ya.  how do you know compiz is running?18:04
BluesKaj$HOME/.mozilla/plugins is first in the list , joseph18:04
Minatakupatricio: Uh oh, that's not a good message to get18:04
Ben_Csi changed partition table from windows and now grub has error 22. how can i rewrite grub from livecd?18:04
MinatakuYou may very well have to reinstall Windows18:04
patricioMinataku: uhm :(18:04
sourcemakeris there any brokerage software available for kunutu? (Monitoring stocks)18:04
MinatakuThe file it's referencing is absolutely critical to Windows18:05
trappistBen_Cs: I did this just the other night.  mount your root (with /boot) fs somewhere on the livecd.  mount --bind /proc, /sys and /dev into the mounted fs.  chroot to the fs.  run grub-install.18:05
MinatakuIt will NOT operate without it at all18:05
Ben_Csif i do fixmbr from windows cd i can load windows but i want to be able to load kubuntu too18:05
BluesKajjoseph, you may want to check your java settings too18:05
josephBluesKaj: in what way?18:05
rickeywhat dose this mean >>>>Open the terminal, and cd into the directory where the .EXE is located.18:06
Minataku!terminal | rickey18:06
uboturickey: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal18:06
rickeywhat is cd18:06
Ben_Csok thanks18:06
Minatakurickey: Please go to the link above, and read the guide.18:06
trappistrickey: cd is change directory.  it's a console command.18:06
rickeyok thank18:06
sigmatrappist: ok i dragged it but theres no cube, just two desktops on the back of each other, im using a Nvidia 6600GT card if it helps18:07
BluesKajjoseph, sudo update-alternatives --config java ...I'm running /usr/lib/jvm/ia32-java-6-sun/jre/bin/java which I chose cuz it helps render some sites like Gmail more "normally"18:07
trappistsigma: ah, ok.  in sscm, go to general settings, find the 'horizontal virtual size' setting, and increase it to 4 to make it a cube.18:08
trappistsigma: ccsm, that is18:08
patriciohelp, I need my win-partition18:08
patriciodamn! If I reinstall winXP it rewrites the MBR, I know that s***!18:09
BluesKajpatricio, can you see it in system settings/advanced/disk&file info ?18:09
patricioBluesKaj: sec18:09
patricioBluesKaj: no :I18:10
patricioah wait18:10
patricioBluesKaj: yes, it must be the ntfs one: hda318:10
Minatakupatricio: The data is (hopefully) still intact18:10
trappistexcept hal.dll :p18:11
MinatakuSo with Linux's NTFS support, you can recover any data18:11
josephBluesKaj: i don't have the choice for ia32-java-6-sun18:11
MinatakuBut you're 99.9% likely going to have to reinstall Windows18:11
MinatakuOr not, that's my suggestion, let it fester18:11
BluesKajusually patricio , the ntfs partition is the first one hda18:11
MinatakuBut that's just me18:11
sigmatrappist: thanks a mill - it worked18:11
patricioBluesKaj: Minataku: Yes I think I shifted it to hda318:12
t4m1n0Why I can't load visualizations in amarok ? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46989/   I use ubuntu18:12
patriciobut it says activated, so I should have mount acess18:12
BluesKajpatricio, so it doesn't show up in the grub menu ?18:12
trappistt4m1n0: did you explore the possibilities listed in the error output?18:12
Jucatot4m1n0: like it says, libvisual isn't installed. please install it18:13
patricioBluesKaj: it does show up!18:13
t4m1n0Jucato, it is installed18:13
patricioBluesKaj: but when chosing it, the fault I wrote above appears18:13
Jucatot4m1n0: libvisual plugins?18:13
t4m1n0Jucato, no plugins aren't18:14
josephheh, now i can't install flashplugin-nonfree because of some md5sum error18:14
sigmatrappist: is there any danger in using kwin with compiz? i hate the themes that emerald has18:14
Jucato(you can't use kwin with compiz...)18:14
trappistt4m1n0: this is why god invented error messages.  the two possible causes for your failure were right there in the error message.18:15
Jucatoyo can use KDE w/ compiz... but not kwin w/ compiz...18:15
nosrednaekimsigma: what you want is "compiz-kde"18:15
Dr_willisthere is the kde themes thang for compiz. but i forget the package name.18:15
venikdoes anyone know how to enter Greek characters in Kile WITHOUT typing $\alpha, \beta, \gamma$  ?18:16
Dr_willisYou can use emerald themes, the gtk themes, or the kwin themes.  wasent there another?18:16
trappistsigma: I think the compiz-kde package contains a window decorator called kde-window-decorator18:16
t4m1n0trappist, I've installed  libvisual-0.4-plugins but still no visuals..18:16
trappistt4m1n0: have you restarted amarok?18:16
t4m1n0trappist, no18:16
patricioBluesKaj: I went to http://support.microsoft.com/kb/320252 but the F8 trick in GRUB did of course not work18:16
t4m1n0trappist, I guess I don't understand thos whole thing18:16
sigmanosrednaekim: ya installed that as well - is that what allows kwin to be used with compiz? im using kwin with compiz now, just want to know if there is any danger in doing so as all the online docs refer to emerald18:17
trappistt4m1n0: in some apps stuff like that might work without restarting, but amarok probably loads all that stuff at runtime18:17
nosrednaekimsigma: no, there is no danger.18:17
rickeyif i was to cd to desktop fom termal ,what would it look like?18:17
Dr_willishttp://wiki.compiz-fusion.org has some info on the 3 theme methods18:17
nosrednaekimsigma: just run "kde-window-decorator --replace&" from a run dialog18:18
t4m1n0is there any news about ati opening drivers ?18:18
nosrednaekimt4m1n0: yeah, Novell just released a beta driver18:18
toscalixhi, there is a free translation to spanish of J. Riddell announcement about Kubuntu session on december 15th here: http://agustin.ejerciciosresueltos.com/ , if somebody knows any spanish developer that wants to attend18:18
nosrednaekimtoscalix: #kubuntu-devel18:19
toscalixups sorry18:19
trappistrickey: cd ~/Desktop18:19
t4m1n0nosrednaekim, is there any repo for debian/ubuntu ?18:19
nosrednaekimt4m1n0: not that I know of, but you can do it from source18:19
BluesKajpatricio, on the off chance you grub menu is lacking something pastebin it so we can have a gander at it : alt+F2 ,kdesu kate /root/boot/grub18:20
t4m1n0nosrednaekim, can u update me with some links please ?18:20
nosrednaekimt4m1n0: unfortunately not18:20
BluesKajpatricio, sorry , kdesu kate /boot/grub/menu.lst18:21
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josephso is there a fix for installing flashplugin-nonfree? it says there is a md5sum mismatch and that it won't install it.18:22
mrdigitalso whats some cool apps i should install?18:22
trappistjoseph: sounds like the repo you're getting it from is broked18:23
patricioBluesKaj: the paste is on: http://pastebin.com/m7f0814ba18:23
BluesKajwhat is your regular flashplayer version, joseph ?18:23
trappistjoseph: also there's a newer version available from adobe.com, with a lot of very nice new features18:23
patricioBluesKaj: the entry seems fine to me, grub starts at hd0,0 for hda1 and hd0,2 should be hda318:24
josephBluesKaj: in about:plugins in firefox, it's saying the version is Shockwave Flash 9.0 r11518:24
mrdigitalshould i install beryl?18:25
josephtrappist: i don't really care about new features, i just want it to work in konqueror18:25
nosrednaekimmrdigital: no, use compiz-fusion18:25
josephBluesKaj: it's saying the same version in about:plugins in konqueror, too18:25
josephso youtube works in firefox, but not in konqueror18:26
BluesKajyeah patricio you grub menu.lst looks ok18:26
Jucatojoseph: what version of flash?18:27
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josephJucato: 9.0 r11518:27
BluesKajjoseph, when i had that trouble with konq I cleared all the plugins out and redid the scan for plugins ...and chose default18:28
Radi01Just tried youtube in konq/ works fine.18:28
Jucatojoseph: yeah it doesn't work yet in Konqueor18:28
sigmawhy does the file search feature in konqueror not work?18:30
Radi01Mine works just fine.18:30
Radi01youtube in konq.18:30
nosrednaekimsigma: I think thats a filter plugin18:30
BluesKajRadi01, it depends on your plugins setup ...it's a bit finicky on some pcs18:30
Radi01ah ok18:30
josephJucato: ok, so what version do i need to get to work in konqueror?18:30
josephBluesKaj: so you reverted your konqueror defaults then?18:31
BluesKajyoutube is ok on konq too here18:31
josephBluesKaj: and what do you mean by cleared all the plugins out?18:31
sigmanosrednaekim: what you mean?18:31
josephBluesKaj: what version of flash are you using on that?18:31
Jucatojoseph: 9.0.64 I think18:31
Radi01Is there a plugin like (no script) for konq?18:31
josephJucato: so how do i get that?18:31
BluesKajjoseph, delete them from konq and do a scan for plugins18:32
tuxianerhi can somebody tell me how i can remove all kde komponets from my kubuntu ?18:32
Jucato!info flushplugin-nonfree18:32
ubotuPackage flushplugin-nonfree does not exist in gutsy18:32
Jucato!info flashplugin-nonfree18:32
ubotuflashplugin-nonfree: Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (gutsy), package size 17 kB, installed size 156 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)18:32
Jucato(stupid typo)18:32
stdinflush :p18:32
sigmatuxianer: why would you want to do that?18:32
BluesKajtuxianer, uninstall kubuntu-desktop18:32
sigmadoes anyone know why the search feature in konqueror does not work?18:32
josephJucato: ok, so that says
Jucatojoseph: yeah. I think that should work better18:33
Dr_williskubuntu-desktop is just a meta-package. i dident think removeing it would remove much of anything.18:33
tuxianersigma: i have a very slow computer and i want to install icewm as a window manager but i want to save space of my hard drive18:33
Jucatonot really sure about the 9.0. 64 btw18:33
josephJucato: so where do i download it?18:33
tuxianerso i want to remove kde and install only the light and small compontens18:33
Dr_willisKDE has a lot of nioce tools that will work with icewm.18:33
Jucatojoseph: install it with apt-get or Adept Manager18:33
sigmatuxianer: why not just use xubuntu?18:33
Dr_willisI recall a web site that listed the proper way to uninstall kde, but i forget the url.18:33
josephJucato: if i tell apt-get to install flashplugin-nonfree i get that md5sum mismatch error18:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kdelite - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kdelight - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi18:34
patricioBluesKaj: could I access my windows-partition using wine?18:34
tuxianerit takes a long time to install it18:34
tuxianera VERY VERY long time18:34
BluesKajtuxianer, but then you have to install a desktop like fluxbox or xfce ,if you want one18:34
Dr_willisjust install icewm, or jwm, or openbox, and  select it from the login screen. Of course if you remove kde. you wont have KDM.18:34
Jucatojoseph: hm ok... that's another problem altogether..18:34
tuxianeri want to have xdm18:34
Dr_willisfire up the package manager (synpatic i guess) search for kde. and start Uninstalling I guess. :) or google and find that site im thinkng of.18:35
josephJucato: Download done. md5sum mismatch install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz The Flash plugin is NOT installed.18:36
Dr_willisim thinking the total of the kde packages dont take up that much space..  unless you got like a 3gb hd. :)18:36
BluesKajwine runs in linux patricio , you have to copy the apps over from windows using ntfs-3g or ntfs-config18:36
Radi01lol 3gig h/d.18:36
tuxianerwe are talking about a really small hd18:36
Dr_willispatricio,  i find it best to reinstall the apps with wine.18:36
mrdigitalwhat are the keyboard shortcuts for the diff stuff in compviz?18:36
Dr_willisI saw a 4gb USB drive for $40 over the weekend. :)18:36
tuxianeri think this will help me : apt-get remove kde && apt-get remove kde*18:37
Radi01Best buy had 118:37
Dr_willismrdigital,  install ccsm and use its settings/shortcuts to explore what all plugins are using what. Ive seen no easy way to see 'what all is used' in a nice page.18:37
ScorpKingDr_willis: i get them for +/- $20 :P18:37
Radi01pny mem tho.18:37
Dr_willisScorpKing,  yep. they had the sony Mini usb 2gb for $20. m18:37
ScorpKingnah, 4GB18:38
Dr_willisits Tiny tiny.. but i cant get a linux to install to it. :(18:38
josephJucato: i don't understand that md5sum error.18:38
BluesKajRadi01, wifey still uses a 366mhz, 256RAM & 6Gig HDD :)18:38
Dr_willisScorpKing,   well if i want tog et them off the back of a truck in the bad side of town... :)18:38
tuxianerok i say thank you for your great help i hope it will help me this way thanks18:38
Radi01I have one some where 2/ps286 ibm.18:39
parabol0xjoseph: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash18:39
parabol0x"md5sum mismatch" is a recently introduced bug caused by Adobe updating the installer without changing its file name. Enable "proposed updates" to install a fixed version of the Flash installer.18:39
Radi01All i have to do is put a set of tires on it and drive away.18:39
BluesKajweird , I'm running amd 64bit Kubuntu and flash is working fine ...prolly using the ia32libs tho18:41
Radi01Does your 64 run pretty good?18:42
ubuntunågon som kan svenska??18:43
BluesKajRadi01, yes , except for google earth which is a bit clunky ...have to use the default restricted fglrx driver due to the ati onboard grfx18:44
josephis proposed updates = prereleased updates?18:44
Radi01I'm stalling on the 64 / kinda scared right now.18:45
BluesKaj!se | ubuntu18:45
ubotuubuntu: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se18:45
=== profoX_ is now known as profoX`
BluesKajRadi01, which grfx card are you running ?  that GE prob seems to be the only hitch i have so far18:47
Radi01I see too many ati problems.18:48
Radi01Even though nvidia bought out ati 1 yr ago...go figure.18:48
AukenHas anyone had any success with Adobe Photoshop CS2 in Kubuntu using WINE?18:49
BluesKajamd bought out ati , Radi0118:50
Radi011 ye ago...around.18:50
ubotuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org18:50
BluesKajnvidia cards run well on 64 AFAIK , Radi0118:50
Radi01oh....they did?..didnt know that.18:50
kubuntuxjemand da?18:51
cox377hello all18:52
cox377is /media a mount point?18:52
Radi01I see so many buyouts it is hard to keep up..18:52
ubotuTo disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv418:53
josephJucato: ok, so basically, the latest flashplayer doesn't work, right?18:54
josephdoesn't work in konqueror, i mean18:54
cox377Jucato: /media/FREECOM HDD/Downloads/18:54
cox377Jucato: sorry, is /media/FREECOM HDD/Downloads/ a mounted point?18:54
Jucatocox377: hm?18:55
josephJucato: so any idea on where to find the flash.tar.gz that works?18:55
Jucatonope :/18:55
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josephJucato: ok18:55
kubuntuxkennt sich jemand mit jabber aus?18:55
MurielGodoiHi, can I just delete the files under /var/cache/apt to save disk space, or there is a right way to do that?18:55
cox377Jucato: basically, i've got app that is looking for an external HDD, is /media/FREECOM HDD/Downloads/ counted as a mounted point?18:55
Lynourekubuntux: You want to ask something about jabber, but that's all I understand. Can you ask in English or try on #kubuntu-de?18:56
OzonedIs it possible to install opera for AMD_64 from a repository, or only via dpkg  ?18:57
fannagogannaMurielGodoi, you can do "sudo apt-get clean"18:58
fannagogannathat should delete the packages stored in /var/cache/apt18:58
josephJucato: so is there a webpage that talks about the new version not working in konqueror? a bug report maybe?18:58
MurielGodoifannagoganna: cool,  that worked fine. thanks18:59
Jucatojoseph: not sure. if you want a more authoritative answer, try #kde or #khtml but it was in #kde that I heard about it18:59
Jucatocox377: sorry no idea about that18:59
cox377Jucato: np, cheers anyway18:59
BluesKajjoseph, I think the reason flash works on konq on my setup is i don't have flashplayer installed , only the flashplugin-nonfree19:09
mrdigitalis there a guide to making kbuntu look like mac?19:10
BluesKajjoseph, you may want to uninstall flashpler9 and leave flashplugin alone :)19:11
josephBluesKaj: i don't have any packages called flashplayer* installed19:11
josephthere is libflash-swfplayer19:11
josephis that what you mean?19:11
fannagogannatry "apt-get install flashplayer-nonfree" That works least painfully19:12
josephfannagoganna: not really19:12
josephBluesKaj: ok19:12
fannagogannaare you looking for a flash program?19:12
BluesKajnot flashplayer , flashplugin-nonfree19:12
josephfannagoganna: it doesn't work in konqueror.19:13
* genii sips a coffee19:13
fannagogannato get it working in konqueror, let me check...19:13
fannagogannathere should be an entry there in konqueror. Settings--> Configure Konqueror --> Plugins.19:14
josephyeah, i know19:15
josephi've done all that already19:15
josephthe flash is broken in konqueror19:15
Jucatohis particular version of flash19:15
josephwell, adept updated it19:15
josepheverything was fine before19:15
Jucatono caps please19:15
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josephyeah, well they're justified at the moment.19:16
Lynouremrdigital: http://www.kubuntu-art.org/content/show.php/Tuxintoxh+OS+X?content=40220 claims to be an OSX lookalike theme19:17
kubuntuxhallo, jemand da?19:20
BluesKaj!de | kubuntux19:21
ubotukubuntux: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de19:21
vbgunzcan k3b successfully burn IMG formatted images? is there a way to get support for IMG files? I burn them as ISO but they end up corrupt :(19:23
BluesKajvbgunz, don't change them to iso , just leave them as img , they'll burn and run ok ...i tried it on a dvdrw and it worked fine in my stand alone player19:26
vbgunzBluesKaj: really? I say to burn ISO, then select all files in file search dialog. I select the IMG and burn it but they all turn out corrupt. not just a single IMG file but all :(19:27
virnikhi there again. i got here some old crap...little bit tuned, but still, gotcha problem with mplayer and xorg itself...there are per five mins peaks up to 90% CPU load, with picture distortion. i got installed w32 codecs as well as ffmpeg, but there are still glitches.19:27
virnikusing gutsy 7.1019:28
virnikcan somebody provide me with some tips? xorg.conf is really good tuned, without any problem. 3D card's based nvidia 52k FX, 128MB19:29
virnikthis xorg.conf is used on my own laptop, so there is no way it shall provide any usable data. i only saw that new KDE after last update got used to some 3D effects, which cant be absolutelly turned of, even by kpersonalizer or kcontrol19:30
BluesKajok vbgunz did you use kiso to convert ?19:32
virnikcompiz fusion is not yet installed19:32
vbgunzBluesKaj: no. I would just launch k3b, select burn image (iso), in the file search dialog "make all types available", select the IMG file and burn that... I just don't think k3b supports IMG out of the box. I just mounted the IMG file to extract the contents. will try burning like that19:33
BluesKajvbgunz, try converting it with kiso first , then try to play it in VLC to make sure it's not corrupted19:35
BluesKajVLC will play iso files19:35
vbgunzkiso? I'll check19:35
Paddy_EIREhow do I check the remaining space of my hdd in kde19:36
vbgunzPaddy_EIRE: df -h19:36
vbgunzor df --help19:36
Paddy_EIREyeah just remembered thx anyway19:37
Paddy_EIREdoes konversation not spell check?19:37
BluesKajvbgunz, after installing kiso , you just need to right click on the file and choose the "actions" option to see kiso ...or under "utilities" in the k-menu19:37
vbgunzBluesKaj: ok, will try that now19:38
unix_infidelcan anyone throw out a friggin awesome compiz video?19:38
unix_infidelerm, now its called beryl.19:39
unix_infidelPaddy_EIRE: i need a youtube link or something.19:39
Paddy_EIREthey play crappy new metal and its just silly19:39
Paddy_EIREunix_infidel: search youtube19:39
Paddy_EIREunix_infidel: and its compiz-fusion19:40
vbgunzBluesKaj: kiso was todays best tip :)19:41
vbgunzBluesKaj: thank you!19:41
vbgunzalready did it but this would be quiker in the future :)19:41
ubuntu__hello hello19:43
unix_infidelPaddy_EIRE: meaning compiz has fused with beryl and it's no longer compiz and beryl?19:44
atomicnationi'm trying to view my contact list in copete19:44
atomicnationcan sombody heplme19:44
atomicnationim from spain..19:45
svennekommer inte åt svenska suport hjälpen till kubuntu någom som kan ge mig rätt adress19:45
virnikcan somebody answer my question?19:45
Paddy_EIRE!ask | virnik19:46
ubotuvirnik: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)19:46
virnikPaddy_EIRE: funny. i just done. no answer19:49
virnikPaddy_EIRE: read few lines above19:49
sourcemakerhow can i configure my keyboard... to use the special keys?19:52
sourcemakersecond question.... when will the next xine-lib be released?19:53
unix_infideldoes compiz fusion work with fluxbox yet?19:54
^kaminix^How can I make Kaffeine recognize files with multiple audio tracks? I don't like using VLC :(19:54
motopicco85Hi, when I install kubuntu 7.10 I lose the start screen with the word kubuntu and the scrollbar under this word...in 7.04 I had it..how can I have it in 7.10? I'm sorry for my english19:55
ScorpKingi got my first custom usplash theme working - http://i7.tinypic.com/6ybpk0m.jpg yay! :D19:56
Carutsuhi, eh, I've erased my .bashrc file by mistake, where can i get another copy of it?19:57
ScorpKingCarutsu: locate bashrc19:58
sourcemakerRadi01: nicer19:59
sourcemakerRadi01: nice :-)19:59
CarutsuScorpKing: mm, there seem to be some, let's see if i can recognize one of them, how didn't i think in locate?!, thank you19:59
ScorpKinglol. yw :)20:00
CarutsuScorpKing: for the record, there's a /root/.bashrc that you can youst cat and copy : )20:00
ScorpKingyeah, and for every other user. should be one somewhere in /usr as well20:01
=== yassine_ is now known as batis722
habdel!file xpce20:02
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about file xpce - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:02
Carutsuthe fact is I only have 2 users and I'm messing up with the bashrc, for some reazon it tells me that 'ash: /home/carutsu/.bashrc: line 24: sintaxis error near the unexpected token `in20:02
josephso i finally got the kde screensavers to work, except that it writes error messages to an open konsole:  xscreensaver: 15:03:06: couldn't grab keyboard!  (AlreadyGrabbed) (and etc)20:04
ScorpKing!es | zismuc20:04
ubotuzismuc: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.20:04
ScorpKing!fr > jules_20:05
Carutsuand i just wanted to do an easy change, i just wanted to change a 5 by a 4, :/ now for some reazon bash yields about something i didn't touch!20:07
jamie_need to know where to find drivers for lite-on wireless network card (WN6300L)20:10
sourcemakercan i synchronized kmail with lotus notes?20:11
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sourcemakeris there a kde home clean programm available?20:17
steveireHow do I list only the directories in a directory? ls -d doesn't work and find -type d is recursive.20:18
ScorpKingis there a command to make a sound on the ps scpeaker?20:19
xstCan anyone help me to debug this: When I change the paper size (to a smaller one) in e.g. OpenOffice and prints it out, the output is left aligned on the paper sheet - even though my printers paper tray centers the paper sheets. In other words it seems the printer thinks that the paper is placed to the left in paper tray instead of in the center. The result is that the contents are exceeding the paper boundaries to the left. I h20:19
xstave another linux box with feisty installed. Here, the printing to smaller page sizes works fine. What to do?20:19
ScorpKingxst: check the pages setup in openoffice.20:20
MrParityhi ho :-)20:20
sourcemakerScorpKing: beep?20:21
xstScorpKing: What do you mean?20:21
sourcemakerScorpKing: I have not tested... :-)20:21
ScorpKingbeep not found20:21
ScorpKingxst: one sec..20:21
mogyi cant play any media20:21
mogyi will back to widows20:22
ScorpKing!info beep20:23
ubotubeep: advanced pc-speaker beeper. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.2-19 (gutsy), package size 21 kB, installed size 108 kB20:23
ScorpKingxst: i can't find the setting now. :( nvm20:25
ScorpKing!version > ScorpKing20:26
MrParityi have a problem. i've installed ubuntu with the kubuntu package. with some programms (audacity, firefox) i see the gnome file dialog. i've tried to uninstall all gnome components, but it didn't help.20:30
MrParityis there any way to get the nice kde file menu20:30
ScorpKingMrParity: there is a solution for that on www.kde-apps.org i think20:31
MrParityScorpKing:  thanks20:31
=== ken is now known as vsingh165
vsingh165ok flash isn't working20:32
vsingh165it keeps crashing in konqueror20:32
vsingh165maybe i'll just switch to firefox20:33
hydrogencan someone explain to me20:33
hydrogenwhat exactly is a "Tutorials Day week"20:33
maverick_ppl at #bash are so formal :D ask once and ask direct ...one question to one person per day :D20:36
_philippHi all, what do u think of my idea to improve the usability of the trash bin: http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15349220:37
maverick__philipp:what's the idea?!20:37
gpanthow does one setup multiple desktops in kde4/plasma? I cant seem to find the settings anywhere....20:38
hydrogenyou don't.20:38
_philippthe idea is to sort the deleted items. so that u find easily what u just deleted20:38
fdoving_philipp: like it.20:38
_philippcool to hear. The first one in a forum told me to use "sort by date"20:38
maverick__philipp: productive, i guess20:38
_philippwill u vote for it?20:39
_philippunfortunately I am unable to code that.. :(20:39
maverick__philipp: yeah if u gave me the direct link to the yes VOTE :D20:39
_philipp:D no bugzilla account?20:39
maverick__philipp: no! :D20:40
Dragonather, why do my thunderbird mails show up with no message body? :(20:40
_philipp:/ too bad20:40
maverick_did anyone get to see dolphin in KDE4, does it support sorting files by type ?!!20:40
_philippwhere can I present that idea to reach many coders?20:41
Lynoure_philipp: kde-apps.org has a section for stuff like that, I think20:42
_philippok thanks. To u like it too?20:42
Lynoure_philipp: didn't look.20:42
gpantmaverick: reg dolphin - yes it does.20:42
_philippLynoure: http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15349220:43
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de20:43
Lynoure_philipp: I saw the url, usually links are just not worth the time, and I have been ok with the Trash can so far20:43
Lynoureand this one takes registering (or, rather, remembering my password)20:44
osman47whats a good programm 4 my webcam?20:45
jhutchins!webcam | osman4720:46
ubotuosman47: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras20:46
Meggethey, how do I do to connect my pc to my tv?20:47
ScorpKingyou have a tv card?20:48
Meggetyeah, i do20:49
ScorpKinghmm.. connect the cable from the pc to the tv then20:49
MeggetI have, but my tv doesn't show anything?20:49
Meggetany settings I have to change?20:50
frogfaceHello folks. KDE themes in Gutsy; how to save them; confused? I can20:50
frogface't see any theme manager :/20:50
jhutchins!tvout | Megget20:50
ubotuMegget: For help with enabling the TV-Out, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaTVOutNewbieEdition (Nvidia cards) or http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Tvout (ATI cards, *untested*)20:50
Meggetok, thank's guys20:50
ScorpKinglook in kcontrol under the Monitor and setup a second monitor. not sure how to do that. you'll have to look around20:50
ScorpKingMegget: ^20:51
* ScorpKing hides..20:51
pigeon22I'm an IRC noob and I was wondering why some people type20:55
pigeon22object | name20:55
pigeon22what does that do?20:56
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuto - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:56
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots20:56
ScorpKingit's a bot ^. it helps to give links and info on some things. if you use !fractoid | nick it will tell the nick about the !fractoid20:57
=== nacho_ is now known as deick
ScorpKingheh. factoid*21:01
deickholaaa que es esto21:01
* ScorpKing slaps himself..21:01
deickwhat is this21:01
deickmm have more chanels ??21:01
ScorpKingdeick: the kubuntu support room21:02
deickwhat serch more chanels??21:02
ScorpKingdeick: yes. type /list but you might get lag21:02
deickwere are you from scorpking21:05
ubotu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!21:05
ScorpKinggo talk in offtopic. i'm there21:05
=== profoX_ is now known as profoX`
boggystudiosisn't there a program that will let me use one mouse and one keyboard with a windows machine and linux machine?21:09
StevenRboggystudios: how exactly would they be connected?21:10
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kvm - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:11
BluesKajKVM switch, boggystudios ...it's not a program but a peice of hardware that switches your KB and mouse and monitor between pc's21:12
level1_Hi, something just consumed all my disk space... deleted 700MB of files, and within seconds it was all used up again... how can I detect what is using my hard drive so ravenously?21:13
wpklevel1_: as root cd / && find -size +1000M21:14
=== MetaMorfoziS is now known as MetAwaY
ScorpKing"Read the passphrase from file descriptor with number num instead of from the terminal." what does that mean again?21:17
level1_holy ----... something is filling up my .xsession-errors file... its current 1.7gb21:17
level1_and i can't shift for some reason... i pressed the volume key a couple of times and it keeps trying to turn down the volume21:18
gurtubayplease what is pag kubuntu spanis21:19
Radi01How do I restore panel. is there a history file some where?21:19
gurtubayserver in spanish21:19
geniilevel1_: Perhaps keyboard error reports are filling up the log21:19
level1_genii: i can't open the file to read it, it must be too big21:19
geniilevel1_: tail /filename            just gives you the last bit21:20
level1_X Error: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) 321:20
level1_over and over again21:20
boggystudiosStevenR: What it does is when you move your mouse to the edge of your screen it jumps to the monitor of the other computer,  I heard about it a few years ago on TechTV21:20
boggystudiosStevenR: I think it is called Syncronize or something21:20
deickalguien abla español21:21
deickalguien abla español21:21
ubotuSi busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.21:21
deickaa ok si entiendes bien el español21:21
deickcomo haces para dejar mensajes privados alos usuarios ??21:21
BluesKaj!es | deick21:22
ubotudeick: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.21:22
geniilevel1_: googling that error along with kubuntu produces 130-something results21:22
deickank you21:23
geniinot all with the same app as suspected culprit, etc either21:23
ardchoilleI have only dealth with the ext3 fs for the past 8 years. Today I bought a 1Gb USB key, I used qtparted to partition and format it to fat32. Was this wise and is there anything else I need to do for it?21:23
geniiardchoille: Dunno about wise.21:24
ardchoillegenii: ?21:24
ardchoilleI did notice that kde popped up a dialog asking me what to do when I plugged it in21:24
xoqawe have to select 'kubuntu recovery' everytime from the grub menu when starting, otherwise, it just goes to a blank screen and never shows what's happening, and it doesn't go to kdm21:24
BluesKajardchoille, the usb keys are normally natively formatted to fat 32 or even fat1621:24
ardchoilleSo I assume it's all working properly21:25
ardchoilleBluesKaj: it was fat16, but kde didn't recognise the fs, it recognises it now, tho21:25
xoqai can delete the other option and rename the recovery prompt to 'kubuntu'... but.. this is a fresh install21:25
BluesKajyes, it prolly is working ok now, ardchoille21:25
geniiardchoille: Since under 4gb the fat 4gb filesize limit means nothing in this case. But you won't be able to use linux permissions well on it, also fat filesystems need the old "scandisk" type of maintenance which is a pita from linux21:26
ardchoilleBluesKaj: Ok, thanks. I couldn't pass it up as it only cost $5.0021:26
BluesKajstrange I bought a 1G key 2 yrs ago and it was fat3221:26
xoqaand i always have to enter 'exit' because while booting, it logs in as root21:26
xoqaand then it starts kdm21:26
BluesKajcool , ardchoille good deal :)21:26
xoqaany thoughts?21:26
ardchoillegenii: Yeah. I chose fat32 because I will likely use it between a Linux box and a Windows box21:26
geniiardchoille: Then you can use the windows box in this case to occasionally scandisk/defrag it :)21:27
ardchoilleAh, yeah21:27
ardchoillegenii: Does Windows recognise ext3? Maybe I could have partitined it to ext321:27
geniiardchoille: fs-driver.org has ext2 driver which can read ext3 also (without the journalling)21:28
geniiI'm not usre if Vista has some builtin ext driver or not21:29
sourcemakeris there any way... to test the security of my firewall?21:29
boggystudiossourcemaker: nmap21:29
ardchoillesourcemaker: nmap ?21:29
sourcemakerany options to nmap?21:29
geniiquite a few21:29
ardchoilleThere are some, probably best to man nmap21:30
boggystudiossourcemaker: get the nmap gui21:30
ardchoillenmap has a gui?21:30
geniisourcemaker: nmap kde ... knmap21:30
ardchoillewow, I've been stuck in cli too long, lol21:30
boggystudiosardchoille: yeah knmap21:30
sourcemaker2035/tcp open  imsldoc21:30
ardchoillesourcemaker: Do you have any world-facing servers, open or forwarded ports?21:31
sourcemakerardchoille: no21:32
ardchoillesourcemaker: Then you may not even need a firewall running.21:32
sourcemakerI am a security paranoid :-)21:32
ardchoilleMe too21:32
ardchoillesourcemaker: I would recommend installing and running chkrootkit and rkhunter, both are in the repos21:33
level1okay, wow...21:33
sub[t]rnland portsentry21:33
ardchoilleAnother good one21:33
ShinhaHi, i am new, i want to learn how to program (sorry if you can understand me, i speak spanish).21:33
ScorpKinghi sub[t]rnl! ;)21:33
ardchoilleShinha: There's a spanish channel if you are interested21:33
ubotuSi busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.21:33
sourcemakerShinha: which kind of programming language do you want to learn?21:34
ShinhaBut i want opinions of english programmers :P21:34
ScorpKingShinha: one sec.. i'm getting links for you21:34
ShinhaFor software21:34
Shinhano webs21:35
sourcemakerShinha: gui applications?21:35
ardchoilleShinha: There are lots of options: C/C++, Java, Python, Perl, and more21:35
sourcemakerShinha: Java is easy to learn... :-)21:35
sub[t]rnlRuby is fun and easy as well21:35
sourcemakerShinha: but Java is not often used in linux21:36
ShinhaWhat do you recommend?21:36
ScorpKingShinha: i recomend this - http://mindview.net/Books/TICPP/ThinkingInCPP2e.html and use kdevelop for an IDE21:37
level1can somebody repost the X error I posted a few minutes ago?  other wise I'll lose it forever and I need it for debugging21:38
level1are there archives of this chat?21:38
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about archives - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:38
sourcemakeranybody tested kstreamripper?21:38
ubotuInstant Messenger Client Kopete (http://kopete.kde.org) is supporting MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC. See also !gaim21:38
ScorpKing[23:20] <level1_> X Error: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) 321:38
level1ScorpKing: thanks21:39
ScorpKingyw :)21:39
ubotuChannel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - Logs for LoCo channels are at http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/21:39
ubotuInstant Messenger Client Kopete (http://kopete.kde.org) is supporting MSN, Jabber, AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and IRC. See also !gaim21:39
ardchoillelevel1: ^^21:39
=== Moonra is now known as necrobyte
sourcemakerkstreamripper users?21:44
=== n1x0r is now known as niklauz
niklauzi need help, i think my apt-get got broken somehow, I just re-installed gutsy and am getting this message when i try to apt-get upgrade...21:52
phoenix__adress please thank you  #chez-moi21:55
niklauzhere are the details21:58
ubotuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »21:58
=== batistuta is now known as batis
niklauzmkay, i'll give it a shot21:59
KaTetHi, ich hab da ne Frage zu xorg.conf. Nach dem Booten laden ich im Ammeldefenster von Gusty. Bildschirm (17" CRT) zeigt wie gewünscht 85Hz an. Dann nach dem Einloggen und starten von KDE springt die Darstellung um auf 75Hz. Gibt's denn außer /etc/X11/xorg.conf noch benutzerabhängige Xserver Konfig-Dateien?21:59
ardchoille!de | KaTet22:00
ubotuKaTet: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de22:00
level1umm, aptitude is trying and failing to resolve some dependency issues for some kde4 components from gutsy-backports that I don't need; apparently the files are not configured; how can I tell aptitude to just delete them?22:01
level1the packages refuse to configure beacuse of dependency issues22:01
KaTetSorry for posting in german.22:01
KaTetOk, now in english. I wonder why the CRTs frequency is switching back from 85Hz (Gusty login screen) to 75Hz after login an starting kde. Are there any other user dependent config files for xserver than xorg.conf in /etc/X11?22:07
sourcemakerLinux is best ever:-)22:07
MinatakuKDE does lots of stupid crap22:07
MinatakuIt's probably changing the resolution itself for some dumb reason22:07
MinatakuTry xrandr22:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xrandr - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:07
MinatakuWho deleted that?22:07
MinatakuThey should be released from the project for that22:08
Minataku!info xrandr22:08
ubotuxrandr: X Rotation, Reflection and Resize utility. In component main, is optional. Version 1:1.2.2-0ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 23 kB, installed size 84 kB22:08
MinatakuIt's optional for some stupid reason, and there used to be a guide on how to use it, but some meathead deleted it22:08
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto22:08
MinatakuThat might have info, the second part22:08
ubotuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »22:08
MinatakuI THINK that xrandr can change refresh22:09
level1!apt broken packages?22:09
KaTetOk, what does xrandr tell me?22:10
MinatakuIf packages are broken, you can try to add dummy packages, preferably compile what needs to be done yourself22:10
MinatakuKaTet: xrandr is a tool to change the screenmode22:10
KaTetI think I've to read man page.22:11
MinatakuThat'd be the best option22:12
KaTetBut bakc to the config files. xorg.conf is the only place to configre xserve, is this right?22:12
MinatakuI haven't used xrandr in ages22:12
MinatakuRight, but applications can change the screen mode at will22:12
MinatakuLike games that grab the display and switch to full screen22:12
MinatakuThese are allowed to alter screen modes22:13
KaTetSo, in my case kde is the application that changes it, right?22:13
MinatakuIt would seem so22:14
MinatakuWhy, I don't know22:14
MinatakuKDE does some stupid things, and I try not to think about why stupid things are done, usually because the reason is stupid22:14
KaTetWhere is the file where kde has it's configuration about that?22:15
=== DrUnKnMuNkY1 is now known as DrUnKnMuNkY
fenderbenderHi all, can someone please give me a download script (can it be done from adept?) with the current state of your packages?22:26
fenderbenderThe bigger the number of packages, the better.22:27
fenderbenderI don't have an internet connection at home, so am looking to download as much as i can while i am at work.22:27
fdovingfenderbender: as in update your off-line box from the online one?22:29
fenderbenderno update my offline box from a windows box :(22:29
fenderbenderI cannot install linux at work, obviously22:29
fenderbenderwish if there were an online app that'd do just that, specify ARCH, packages and hardware, which'll then take all of it to generate a download script22:31
fdovingfenderbender: is your gutsy at home the final gutsy install?22:31
fdovingfenderbender: there is a app that can do almost that. apt-zip22:31
fdovingbut it needs to be installed on the offline computer.22:31
fenderbenderfdoving: i am running feisty. i've got the gutsy gibbon cd.22:31
fdovingto make a list of urls to download.22:31
fenderbenderfdoving: yeah, i used to do that with synaptic. either way, its not inconvenient. what i am trying to figure out is how to get most of the typical packages while i am at work.22:32
fdovingfenderbender: if you just want gutsy updates, then you can fetch the complete gutsy-updates and gutsy-security repos.22:32
fenderbenderoh. that sounds useful.22:33
neur1what's the app to change adjust the splash screen?22:42
ScorpKingwhich splash screen?22:43
fdovingfenderbender: want me to make a urllist of files to download? both archives?22:43
neur1the one when you boot up . . .22:43
ScorpKingah. usplash22:43
ubotuTo select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork22:43
ScorpKinggood luck22:44
ScorpKingyw :)22:44
* ScorpKing looks at his custom usplash and grin..22:44
nicandrohi, is there a chance to find drivers for "Bus 001 Device 006: ID 0766:0001 Jess-Link Products Co., Ltd" ?22:45
ScorpKingon google maybe22:45
wpknicandro: and what it is?22:46
ubotuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport22:46
nicandroit's a sata external usb hd22:48
darkenedcorridorso is kubuntu really not going to have compiz fusion?22:48
wpknicandro: tried usb-storage?22:48
wpkgeneric driver?22:48
ScorpKing!compiz | darkenedcorridor22:48
ubotudarkenedcorridor: Kubuntu is not shipping with compiz installed or enabled by default. You can still install it and have your eyecandy goodness. The instructions are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager/CompizFusion - further help in #compiz-fusion22:48
nicandrowpk: is it a cmmand ?22:50
wpknicandro: modprobe usb-storage22:50
wpknicandro: maybe it's already attached?22:50
wpk(probably is)22:50
deminemiis there a bash help channel ?22:50
wpkand modprobe sd-mod22:50
ScorpKingdeminemi: #bash22:50
fdovingdeminemi: yes, #bash, is your question advanced? we might be able to help here too.22:50
deminemiScorpKing: thanks22:50
deminemiit is fairly simple, i am wondering if it is possible to have a userspace bash program run itself as superuser22:51
nicandrowpk: thnks, let's try22:51
deminemiIE could i set it as executable, click it from my desktop, and have it insert a kernel module into the kernel22:51
ScorpKingdeminemi: like sudo <script/program> ?22:52
wpkdeminemi: you probably don't want to do it22:52
ScorpKingdeminemi: oh. yes you can.22:52
deminemithat would work i think22:52
wpk(insert a module)22:52
wpk(by clicking an icon on your desktop)22:52
ScorpKingdeminemi: to insert a module add the module name in /etc/modules22:53
deminemiwell i want it to insert a kernel module, create a /dev node, and chmod it so i can access it22:53
wpkdeminemi: it should be done by udev22:53
LjLdeminemi, make it kdesudo, so it will show you a dialog. sudo from an icon won't work22:53
nicandrowpk: tried with usb-storage, but it doesn't work22:53
nicandro(the device was already attached....)22:53
wpknicandro: how are you telling that it doesn't work?22:53
deminemibut if i am modifying the kernel module and it needs to be reloaded, how could that be done without a rmmod/insmod ?22:54
wpkhow modifying?22:54
nicandrowpk: when i detach it and attach it again, it shows a popup  ("open the device") but after pressing "ok" it doesn't mount it22:54
deminemiadding and removing things, mostly i am messing with the IOCTL of a driver i am working on22:54
wpktry to mount it manually?22:54
wpksudo mount /dev/sdsomething /mnt22:55
ScorpKingdeminemi: so you change the module and then test it and go back to do more changing?22:56
deminemibasically, yeah22:56
batiscan i add some php code with original colors to an openOffice file??22:56
ScorpKingoh ok. a desktop icon will save time then22:56
deminemibut is it possible to have that icon removing and inserting the modules ? i've never really worked with bash before22:57
ScorpKingdeminemi: yes it is. no need to do it with bash22:57
deminemiany chance you could point me in the direction of another way to do it ? or maybe a site with a tutorial ?22:58
ScorpKingdeminemi: i'll paste an example just now. one sec..22:58
ScorpKing!paste > ScorpKing22:58
deminemithat showed on my screen as "!paste > ScorpKing" :-\22:59
ScorpKingi'm still busy. :P one sec..23:00
deminemiokies :)23:00
johnny_I used this and it is asking for supervisor pass..dpkg --configure -a  whats the real command..thanks23:01
johnny_adept wont let me get any packages. how to fix...fresh install.23:04
=== nois is now known as Tijulu
deminemiwhat error does it give you ?23:05
johnny_dpkg --configure -a23:05
deminemiand you don't have the superuser password ?23:05
Misticalhi there23:05
ubotuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »23:05
johnny_i used my normal pass and it wont work23:05
johnny_ah thanks let me try23:06
ScorpKingdeminemi: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47047/ - make a file called InsMod or something on your Desktop and put that in there. It will give you an idea of what to do23:06
Misticala small question, I'm setting up compiz-fusion, it's mostly working alright. But a couple of settings I make are automaticly changed back. For instance the general option click to raise, it keeps disabling it. How do I make that option stick?23:06
deminemiawesome, thanks for the help23:07
ScorpKingyw :)23:07
johnny_that was the 1..thanks.23:07
deminemidoes this need to be in the same folder as the kernel module ?23:08
deminemior can i put a complete path from its' current location ?23:08
EnsGabekdesktop doesn't want to change wallpapers around.  I've tried killing and restarting kdesktop, but that didn't help.  What else can I do?23:09
ScorpKingdeminemi: you can put /path/to/module instead of <modulename>23:09
deminemikk, thanks again :)23:09
BluesKajEnsGabe, k-menu/system settings/desktop/background23:12
Misticala small question, I'm setting up compiz-fusion, it's mostly working alright. But a couple of settings I make are automaticly changed back. For instance the general option click to raise, it keeps disabling it. How do I make that option stick?23:13
EnsGabeBluesKaj: that dialog isn't working23:13
batiscan i add some php code with original colors to an openOffice file??23:14
BluesKajEnsGabe, it's not a dialog...use the kmenu then system settings , then click desktop, then background23:14
geniiAnything simple (even CLI) to make some still jpg shots into a short footage?23:15
EnsGabeBluesKaj: I'm doing that, and it's doing nothing23:15
mcrandelloEnsGabe: is your background picture not changing?23:16
EnsGabemcrandello: That is correct23:17
mcrandellothere's a file you need to delete, I'm trying to find the bug report from when I had that same issue23:17
BluesKajpuzzling ...23:18
nicandrowpk: thnks, it works23:19
Tm_Thi kids23:19
BluesKajhmm, i'm beginning to think the 64bit version isn't clunky afterall :)23:20
BluesKajhi Tm_T23:20
Tm_Tshould not be23:20
* genii clunks along on i38623:20
Tm_TBluesKaj: hi :)23:20
mcrandelloEnsGabe, BluesKaj I'm not having too much luck here with the google, still looking23:20
kijutsuKubuntu keeps screwing up my system clock.  Everytime I boot into windows it's off by several hours.  How do I fix Kubuntu to accept the clock from the BIOS as default time?23:22
mcrandelloEnsGabe: try this from a konsole window "mv .kde/share/config/kdesktoprc .kde/share/config/kdesktoprc-oopsie"23:22
BluesKajTm_T, genii , EnsGabe has  a strange problem ...when trying ,his desktop background won't change in system settings/desktop/background23:23
mcrandelloEnsGabe: and then log out of kde and back in23:23
geniiBluesKaj: I'm actually having same issue23:23
Tm_TBluesKaj: something is drawing on top of it then? like nauutilus23:23
mcrandelloEnsGabe: if that one doesn't work then move it back by reversing those two file lines in the command23:23
geniiI'm stuck with default KDE blue for now23:24
EnsGabemcrandello: that did the trick!23:24
mcrandelloEnsGabe: did you upgrade kde?23:24
EnsGabeNot since I was last able to change the desktop23:25
BluesKajhmm , I'm using a nice pic the wife took at 6AM on july 1st of the front yard in it's greenery ...just remind me that winter will end eventually :)23:25
geniiIt started for me after my buddy installed some poker app thru WINE23:25
mcrandelloEnsGabe: odd, for me it happened when I upgraded within 3.x23:25
EnsGabeActually, I installed the kde4 rc packages, but they have their own separate config directory23:26
mcrandelloEnsGabe: you'll probably need to go over your desktop settings, but pretty much the file get's corrupted, or in my case there was a setting that caused the newer kde version to crap the bed.23:26
kub^noob question, how do i bring an interface up/down? :)23:27
BluesKajwell genii, maybe mcrandello's fix will work for you too23:27
mcrandellokub^: from the console? ifconfig ethx up/down23:28
geniiI think I'll stick with what I have. I hate having to reset all my prefs23:28
kub^thank you :)23:28
NickPrestakub^, `ifconfig ethX up`. More info: `man ifconfig`23:28
mcrandellokub^: also perhaps ifup ethx or ifdown, I don't know if those come standard but I have them here23:28
kub^thanks, will that renew my ip also if on dhcp?23:29
Tm_Tporno: mind to change nick?23:29
mcrandellogenii: it may be possible to fix it by removing all the lines related to the bg image in that file to fix it but I always go for the clean-slate-scorched-earth policy when it comes to config files hosing things23:30
=== saizai_ is now known as saizai
geniibtw found answer to my earlier q , the answer:  mencoder -mf on:w=800:h=600:fps=25 -ovc divx4 -o output.avi \*.jpg23:31
ScorpKing!raid > ScorpKing23:32
=== serge is now known as sea4ever
mcrandelloanyone using virtualbox seamless? I was looking at the writeup on the forums and was wondering if doing the vrdp thing would work any better in kubuntu that just selecting the seamless menu from vbox23:35
mcrandellothe guide is a lot of words however, which intimidates me23:35
BluesKajBTW folks, I found a neat script for recoding/converting to dvd,ipod,mpeg ..it's ffmpegmenu , here : http://fosswire.com/2007/11/27/ffmpegmenu-transcode-videos-from-your-file-manager/23:38
=== a1 is now known as endofnite
ScorpKingwhat happened to the raid option in the alternate install cd? :(23:49
devinusi have knetworkmanager running23:52
devinusbut it doesn't list my wireless networks23:52
devinusbut i'm freaking connected!23:52
devinuswhat's up?23:52
sp3cno, just that the Zend guy is onsite, and I thought sean was home18:51:53kb314159  ohohyeah but today wasnt really intended to turn into a workig meeting... we're gonna do a whole big week of training and working sessions18:52:35Jentoo Troll  oh cool18:53:05kb314159  yeah... mike, eric and the guy ed were really just fscking around seeng what Zend Studio could do (the developer tool) and they took sean's shit that he already did and it plu23:54
sp3c:57kb314159  yeah manreally cool shit23:54
CrocoJetexist some type log file of installation and update process in kubuntu ?23:55
sp3cwhoops  ignore... sorry23:55
CrocoJetif yes .. where I can find ?23:55
tsilalahCrocoJet: do you mean dpkg ? there is one in /var/log/dpkg.log23:58
sp3cI installed Kubuntu 7.10 on my laptop.  Everything was alright, until I installed the nvidia driver from nvidia.  I didn't like it..  so tried to unistall it... that didn't go well, driver didn't clean itself up well.  So eventually I got rid of it... but I think I ended up doing a fresh kernel module install (not exactly sure what I did). Anyways, I lost some of my kernel modules..  vmware, soundcard, wireless card..   I got vmware back..23:58
sp3cpt I could run to get back all the other drivers ?   i.e. like right after I did my install ?23:58
CrocoJetwhat is the meaning "status half-installed flashplugin-nonfree" ?23:59
CrocoJethalf-installed ?23:59

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