
lunksHey, I'm currently running hardy, and a previous workaround for black ttys on nvidias made vesafb load instead of nvidiafb and made it unable to start X from vesafb.00:28
lunksJust upgraded to hardy on this machine.00:28
lunksGot "/etc/gdm/failsafeXserver: line 47: [: too many arguments<break line>: error: this program does not know how to configure the "10<break line>shared/default-x-server doesn't exist" X server<break line>Warning: Could not generate /etc/X11/xorg.conf.failsafe for vesa driver00:34
lunksGot "/etc/gdm/failsafeXserver: line 47: [: too many arguments<break line>: error: this program does not know how to configure the "10<break line>shared/default-x-server doesn't exist" X server<break line>Warning: Could not generate /etc/X11/xorg.conf.failsafe for vesa driver00:43
lunkswhen starting x00:43
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience00:43
lunksHobbsee: sorry.00:44
=== tonyy is now known as tonyyarusso
bardyrdoes http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=ubuntu/ubuntu-hardy.git;a=commit;h=32a2128fde2b06c33cdd0f39354504c46ef3303f mean linux-2.6.24 is being pushed into the repos?02:08
Hobbseeit appears so02:10
toby_Is there an IRC for general IT questions?02:31
toby_really am stuck but they are not all Ubuntu related more IP internet and stuff i never hear of like:02:32
toby_What impact may Kazza have if running on a companies PC?02:32
toby_I guess that a no02:34
bardyrTomcat_,  insecure network?03:17
choudesh!info dhcpd04:29
ubotuPackage dhcpd does not exist in gutsy04:29
choudesh!info dhcp04:29
ubotudhcp: DHCP server for automatic IP address assignment. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0pl5dfsg1-20ubuntu1.2 (gutsy), package size 109 kB, installed size 300 kB04:29
choudesh!info dhcp hardy04:30
ubotuPackage dhcp does not exist in hardy04:30
choudeshwhy isn't dhcp package in hardy?04:30
bazhangchanged to something else, checking now04:31
crdlb!find dhcp hardy04:31
ubotuFound: dhcp3-client, dhcp3-common, dhcp3-dev, dhcp3-server, autodns-dhcp (and 12 others)04:31
=== Hobbsee_ is now known as Hobbsee
=== Tomcat_` is now known as Tomcat_
=== defcon is now known as ionstorm
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oxigenhi, did anyone here tried to install Hardy 64bit yet?11:06
pvandewyngaerdeoxigen:  i upgraded my gutsy 6411:08
oxigenpvandewyngaerde: did you have some problems?11:08
pvandewyngaerdesome libc segfaults11:09
oxigenpvandewyngaerde: do you think it's better to install .iso instead of upgrade?11:10
pvandewyngaerdeiso gives you a fresh install11:14
pvandewyngaerdeand possibility to install it on another partition, and not mess up your current installation11:14
oxigenwhat they mean by "update without checking what is to be updated"11:15
oxigenpvandewyngaerde: yes, i have two hd's11:16
pvandewyngaerdei dont know what they mean11:17
oxigenis available 64bit java and flashplayer perhaps?11:19
pvandewyngaerdenot available, emulate 32 bit11:20
oxigenaha, ok, thanks pvandewyngaerde, i'll stop bothering now :)11:21
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LunksIs it possible to install Hardy from the daily livecd?15:52
Tomcat_Lunks: Yes.15:53
LunksOk, tnx15:53
=== FunnyHat is now known as FunnyLookinHat
=== DelayLama is now known as DreamThief
seisenanybody testing Xubuntu in VirtualBox?17:27
h3sp4wnseisen: ask the real question (that is a poll not a question)17:40
seisenIn Xubuntu the terminal is discolored and runs slow and BulletproofX has no options to select17:45
BUGabund1hya guys18:26
BUGabund1where can I report X11 errors from hardy?18:26
stdin!bug | BUGabund118:29
ubotuBUGabund1: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.ubuntu.com/  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/products/ubuntu-bots18:29
BUGabund1stdin: but I want some confirmation, before using LP18:30
stdinif you report it on LP then others will confirm if they have it. I haven't had any X problems so far..18:31
BUGabund1just some strange crashes with Firefox18:32
BUGabund1but seem related to X1118:32
=== pvandewy1gaerde is now known as pvandewyngaerde
h3sp4wnHow can I easily get kde4 up and running (shouldn't have to do - aptitude install kde4$\~n\!~i) Or is all that stuff really 1270MB20:45
FunnyLookinHath3sp4wn, well, even doing that won't give you much more than a developer sandbox20:50
FunnyLookinHatTo be honest, the easiest way to get KDE4 up and running in a usable environment is through compiling the code via svn20:50
h3sp4wnFunnyLookinHat: that includes all the foo-kde4 apps20:51
FunnyLookinHatwhich are pretty essential to the desktop I would think20:51
FunnyLookinHatThat's how KDE works, it's a big (somewhat bloated) package    :)20:51
h3sp4wnExactly - aptitude install kde4$\~n\!~i (That gives me 1.2GB of kde4 stuff)20:51
h3sp4wnprobably loads more than I need20:52
cdm10Has anyone run Hardy in VirtualBox? I can't seem to get the VBox Guest Additions for Linux to run properly.21:05
cdm10Also, my keyboard selection doesn't seem to stick21:05
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BUGabund1question: how does one configure laptops touchpad using gsynaptics without xorg.conf??21:19
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=== BUGabund1 is now known as BUGabundo
BUGabundoguys and gals how can I make my touchpad scroll work?21:26
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xorl_Hey, what app manages ssh-keys in gnome?21:47
BUGabundoI use seahorse, xorl_21:50
xorl_well when I was running 7.10 I had my ssh-key in place.21:59
xorl_Now, when I ssh to stuff in hardy, it doesn't prompt me anymore and doesn't appear to be 'managing' my ssh-key21:59
BUGabundoyes, I've noticed that too22:00
xorl_but that is seahorse correct?22:00
BUGabundoI haven't been ask for my keyring pass naymore22:00
BUGabundoseahorse is not on the default install22:00
xorl_yeah, unfortunately, that's kinda of difficult22:01
xorl_i admin about 700 freebsd servers from my ubuntu machine and typing in my ssh-key password is a tad bit tedious22:01
BUGabundoI bet22:02
BUGabundoI have a script that mounts 4 servers via sshfs22:02
BUGabundoand now it just connects22:03
BUGabundowithout asking for a pass22:03
xorl_hmm, my key is passworded so i have to type it in manually22:04
BUGabundowait xorl_22:06
BUGabundomy lastest updates22:06
BUGabundoseem to popup a input box to insert pass22:06
BUGabundobut no keyring pass until now22:06
BUGabundoahh you use pass! I use cert keys22:07
xorl_well i mean it would prompt me automatically for my ssh-key password without the keyring, but the keyring can't connect to it's daemon from a standard user it seems22:07
xorl_well my SSH keys are just ssh-keys with a password22:07
xorl_Nothing odd about that.22:07
BUGabundopgp keys are really nice that way22:08
BUGabundono need to use pass22:08
xorl_I just used to auth it once and the session manager (whatever it was previously called)22:08
xorl_well BUGabundo if someone gets your key, have fun with that lol22:08
BUGabundoi0ll have to revoke it22:09
BUGabundoand place a new one on the server22:09
BUGabundosame as a password22:09
xorl_that's exactly why i require passworded keys lol22:09
humboltoI heard the reason for Xen in gutsy sucking so much is, that gutsy's kernel version has not been patched by the xensource guys unlike the version debian etch is using for example.22:11
humboltowill hardy suck as much as gutsy as a Xen dom0?22:11
humboltoor is any help from xensource in sight?22:11
LunksCan someone point me some website to know about that crypto stuff on /home etc.?22:13
LunksI don't know how does it work, how to recover, how to set it up, but I'd like to know about it. :)22:13
BUGabundodo you mena the mounting of /home, Lunks?22:14
Lunksno, encrypt it22:14
xorl_BUGabundo: he probably wants to encrypt the /home partition yeah.22:14
xorl_Lunks: And recovery per say, if you nuke an encrypted partition that's like pandora's box22:14
BUGabundoI use encfs22:17
BUGabundoand even that I find it quite dangerous22:17
BUGabundoif something happens to the key or corruption22:17
BUGabundoi0ll never going to recover, what now I try to keep safe22:18
Lunksxorl_: that's the recovery stuff that bothers me22:24
Lunksthe first and last time I tried using enc was on w2003 and after my hard disk started to failure, I didn't have another recovery agent than the administrator on the w2003 enviroment that failed, so I lost everything on the enc folder22:26
LunksI mean, can I use encryption on Ubuntu so I can recover if something bad happens?22:26
cafuegoLike say losing the password?22:37
Lunkscafuego: like I can't boot up on the ubuntu system I used /home22:44
LunksI just have access to it from, say, a live cd22:44
cafuegoProvided that livecd has the efs drivers, you *SHOULD* be fine.22:45
cafuegoHonestly though, if it doesn't NEED to be encrypted, don't encrypt it.22:45
LunksI don't know sh*t about encryption on Ubuntu, where should I look for info about it? =P22:46
=== Spec is now known as x-spec-t

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