
=== sabotage is now known as sabotage_afk
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dholbachgood morning08:22
jussi01dholbach: Good morning Daniel!08:37
* jussi01 gives dholbach a Huge hug :)08:38
* dholbach hugs jussi01 back :)08:38
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jussi01Hello All.11:42
agoliveirajussi01: Hello.11:53
jussi01agoliveira: Hi. do you know the process if I wanted to compile ubuntu mobile for arm? and if there are already arm images?11:54
StevenKIf you wanted to compile Ubuntu Mobile for ARM, you'd first need to port Ubuntu to ARM, it isn't a platform we support.11:55
jussi01StevenK: ummm...ok. 11:56
agoliveirajussi01: The primary platform, at least at the moment, it's the Intel's LPIA which is x86 based. Personally, I want to port it to arm but as a pet project, not related to Canonical.11:57
StevenKagoliveira: It should be easy-ish, given Debian supports ARM11:58
jussi01agoliveira: Cool. what is the process??11:58
agoliveiraStevenK: Yep.11:58
StevenKEasier than say, lool's toaster.11:59
jussi01StevenK: isnt maemo runnng on arm (n800)?11:59
agoliveirajussi01: Well, basically get a arm based device, fix the kernel and try to compile the rest of the applications using crosscompiling generally.11:59
StevenKjussi01: Right, but that doesn't use Ubuntu.12:00
agoliveirajussi01: Yes, maemo is the the base of the nseries of web tablets.12:00
agoliveiraI intend to get a Chumby to do that as the Nokia devices have some proprietary parts that would make difficult to port UME to it.12:01
StevenKagoliveira: Personally, I'd suggest you get a high MHz ARM box as a workhorse for the port.12:01
jussi01agoliveira: I have a custom kernel running on an arm device. How does one go about cross compiling? 12:02
agoliveiraStevenK: That would be nice indeed but too expensive for me here.12:03
jussi01agoliveira: I _may_ have access to one  of those in the near future....12:04
agoliveirajussi01: This is quite a lenghy subject to go over here but usually you have a x86 compiler that can produce arm binaries in this example. After compilation you test those binaries on the target device or an emulator.12:05
agoliveirajussi01: As I said, *if* I try something, it will be a pet project, just for fun, nothing serious.12:06
jussi01agoliveira: ok. I need to continue something at work, but I will grab you to talk a little more in a little while. 12:06
agoliveirajussi01: Sure.12:06
ian_brasiljussi01: why not try to apt-get the ubuntu sources inside scratchbox and then compile?12:21
Fenariolool: Did you see my email from earlier today?12:44
ian_brasilagoliveira: whats a Chumby?12:48
agoliveiraian_brasil: http://www.chumby.com/12:49
loolFenario: Got it now12:50
loolFenario: he's jussi01 here :)12:50
Fenariolool: what channel is jussi01 on ?12:50
looljussi01: Fenario (Jon Melamut) is making himself available to contact you12:50
loolFenario: He's here?!12:50
Fenariolool: how would jussi01 be on a Canonical channel?12:51
loolFenario: Hahaha; the email ended in my "admin-cron" folder because of the subject line :)12:51
loolFenario: This isn't a canonical channel; this is a public channel12:51
loolFenario: We're in #ubuntu-mobile on freenode; /me waves12:52
Fenariolool: sorry I realived I am on the wrong channel :-12:52
ian_brasilagoliveira: way cool, i want one12:54
Fenariojussi01: ping12:58
agoliveiraian_brasil: I'm thiking about get one of those in January13:08
jussi01Fenario: pong13:10
ian_brasilagoliveira: maybe we should import a load to Brazil and sell then from the Manaus free zone !13:11
agoliveiraian_brasil: I know a few fellow geeks who would love one :)13:12
ian_brasilagoliveira: i imagine, they look awesome and pretty cheap too13:13
jussi01Fenario: ?13:20
Fenariojussi01: hello13:21
smagounStevenK: I saw you updated the spec for Java in UME. I recommend you not bother with IBM or Blackdown, and instead look just at the IcedTea VM.14:10
smagounBlackdown effectively died several years ago, and IcedTea is the real thing.14:11
smagoun(Sun's JRE - not IcedTea - would be my first choice but I don't think the license is ubuntu-friendly?)14:12
smagounAlso, I think one key feature that needs to work is Java applet support, which requires a Java plugin for the browser. I'm not sure if any VMs do that yet, other than the offical Sun VM.14:14
StevenKSun's JRE is not very friendly, no14:15
mjg59We can distribute the Sun VM14:15
mjg59It's non-free, but the same is true of Blackdown and IBM14:16
StevenKsmagoun: I'll update the mini-spec to drop IBM or Blackdown14:16
smagoun(The IBM VM supports java 5 while Java 7 is on the way from Sun)14:18
StevenKsmagoun: mini-spec updated, thanks14:18
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rajiasac, You there?15:39
smagounHmm, more LPIA bustage - agoliveira's evince patches didn't make it into gutsy/LPIA: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/evince/2.20.0-0ubuntu3/+build/40319515:39
* smagoun thinks the LPIA build queue needs a babysitter, this has happened a number of times15:40
rajiasac, How do I hack networkmanager to run wpasupplicant with -dd option.?15:40
agoliveirasmagoun: Weird... I can see my patch on the source15:41
smagounagoliveira: lpia build failed because of a dep problem15:42
agoliveirasmagoun: Yes, libhildon-1-dev is missing and makes sense as it's a requirement for evince on LIPA.15:43
agoliveiraAs a matter of fact, not many applications will build there with this one missing15:44
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loolsmagoun: The buildd admins should be given back builds which are failing for some archive temporary problem and the uploader should be dealing with build failures AFAIK15:53
loolLooking at this build log, I think the buildd admin will deal with it15:54
smagounlool: when? The failure is almost 2 months old. :)15:54
asacraji: wait a sec15:54
smagounlool: Several other packages aren't correct in gutsy/lpia, like tasks and freetype1. It's a systemic problem that needs to be fixed15:55
loolsmagoun: I wonder whether this build was attempted before ppas would pull from universe15:55
loolsmagoun: It looks like the buildds would only pull from gutsy/main in the log15:55
loolsmagoun: I don't know who's exactly supposed to look into missing builds; if you find out, I'm interested15:56
smagounlool: I added an action item for tomorrow's meeting, I want to find out too. :)15:56
asacraji: http://people.ubuntu.com/~asac/nm_supp_debug.diff15:57
loolsmagoun: But then, apart of StevenK, I'm not sure who would be knowledgeable on this during the meeting15:57
agoliveirasmagoun: I remember that Tollef was looking into this.15:57
rajiasac, thanks16:13
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kyleNdavidm: ping18:32
davidmkyleN, pong, what's up?18:32
kyleNi got an email on the list from a fellow I met at UDS/cambridge and he's wasking about location-based activities on UME.18:33
kyleNnot sure what to say, can you give me something?18:33
davidmNot sure what you are looking for?18:33
kyleNwhat will UME do to support location based apps liked GPS, if anything18:33
kyleNany API we might support, etc18:34
davidmWell some will have GPS's and we are planning on have gpsd in the build to support that.18:35
davidmBeyond that for hardy I'm not sure we have plans yet.18:36
kyleNis gspd an open source daemon package or something?18:36
kyleNi found it on wikipedia, thanks18:38
davidmNP, gpsd is quite handy since it will allow several applications at a time share the gps data stream.18:41
kyleNcool. And i just realized the email was to me and another fellow personally, not to the list. I responded withe the gspd info. 18:43
kyleNThe fellow was in the mobile room much of the week at UDS.18:44
kyleNwrong window18:46
ian_brasilkyleN: apt-get install gpsd :)18:47
kyleNthanks Ian! ;)18:47
ian_brasilgeoclue can get location based info either from gpsd (if a gps device is attached) or from hostip.info ,plazes and other web based location services if not 18:49
ian_brasilgeoclue  can also be used by any application that would like to use location information (YMMV with this though a.t.m)18:55
ToddBrandtasac: would you support a patch to network-manager-applet, that adds a file called "src/load.c" which mirrors the behavior of "src/main.c" but builds nm-applet into a hildon status bar library instead of an executable?19:29
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