
Flare183Is there anyone that can mentor me?00:19
* Flare183 hopes that someon could mentor him00:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about motuy - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:25
ubotumotu is short for Masters of the Universe. The brave souls who maintain the packages in the Universe section of Ubuntu. See  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU00:25
Hobbseemost people arent' around at this time of day00:25
Hobbseeand i think there's a place to register for it00:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mentoring - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:25
slangasekFlare183: if you're looking for help with a specific question, please ask it.  If you're looking for a general commitment from a "mentor", like Hobbsee says there's some sign-up list for such things (though I'm afraid I don't know where)00:26
nixternalFlare183: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/MOTU/Mentoring00:27
Flare183Found it thanks00:27
nixternalalso hit up the list00:27
* Hobbsee would suggest that one reads the FAQ bfeore asking such questions, which would lead you to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/FAQ#head-46634de24118604a33c6eccd2960a598d906daf900:28
Flare183ok thanks guys soon i will be join you all00:28
ScottKFlare183: Please keep in mind that the formal mentoring process is completely optional.  You are free to dive in and ask questions as needed here.00:29
Flare183I know i just trying to give that "big" contribution that I have to give00:30
rpereiraHey everybody.00:32
imbrandonmoins all, Hobbsee, slangasek, ScottK, zul, nixternal00:35
Hobbseehey imbrandon00:35
ScottKHeya imbrandon.00:35
StevenKMorning imbrandon00:35
imbrandonnixternal: was just talking to Whiprush about penguincon(sp?) i have the time off confirmed from $work, woot00:35
imbrandonheya StevenK00:35
Gunner_Sr_hola! imbrandon00:36
slangasekmoinmoin and ikiwiki00:36
imbrandonello Gunner_Sr_00:36
imbrandonslangasek: heh00:36
imbrandonslangasek / StevenK : btw over last week i roped a "full time" DD sponsor, woot, not only does this mean i dont have to periodicly bug random DD's for uplaods but $sometime it will make a NM application easier00:38
StevenKPoor bastard.00:38
StevenKOh, I mean, that's good.00:38
imbrandoni'm thinking just after Hardy realease i'll apply for NM, as long as i keep on the same path etc00:39
ScottKimbrandon: Applying doesn't take long (if you've got your key signed) and there's lots of waiting in the process.  Why not get started.00:41
imbrandonScottK: i have a few more cleanups on my packages i'd liek to complete by then , and plus i do have signatures but no DD signatuers and likely wont untill April 0800:42
Gunner_Sr_ScottK: what is NM?00:42
imbrandonNew Maintainer ( e.g. apply to be a DD )00:42
imbrandonGunner_Sr_: ^^00:42
imbrandonScottK: plus untill now i've always had $random DD do uploads for me, i dont think one single DD has made 2 uploads for me, so getting a advocate is a bit hard that way00:43
imbrandonthast really the main thing00:44
ScottKYeah.  That can make it tough.00:44
imbrandoni COULD drive to St.L in one afternoon and get a sig if i needed00:44
imbrandonDD Sig00:44
ScottKThere you go.00:44
ScottKThat or go to the next UDS since you're in no hurry.00:45
imbrandoni'll see quite a few people from UDS in April00:45
Gunner_Sr_imbrandon: Is this in relation to getting your key verified?00:45
imbrandonGunner_Sr_: kinda, thats one of the things, yes00:45
imbrandonfor Debian, not Ubuntu, ubutnu uses the WoT , debian requires the DD WoT00:46
Gunner_Sr_imbrandon: I just did that through biglumber and met a person in my local area.00:46
imbrandonGunner_Sr_: its not a matter of that, i have plenty of normal sigs, i need a DD sig :)00:46
* ajmitch wonders where the next UDS will be00:47
Gunner_Sr_imbrandon: Ah, got it.00:47
* StevenK does too00:47
* imbrandon bets it wont be in the US00:47
StevenKI wished Launchpad checked a key was trusted before it let you import it.00:47
StevenKmok0: Ubuntu Development Summit00:47
imbrandonUbuntu Developers Summit00:48
imbrandonStevenK: yea, that would be nice00:48
Gunner_Sr_imbrandon: The hardest thing I am starting to realize is that there is not alot of loco activity in the Midwest of US.00:48
imbrandonGunner_Sr_: nope, not much00:48
ScottKGunner_Sr_: Where are you located?00:48
imbrandonGunner_Sr_: we are so spread out , out here00:48
imbrandonGunner_Sr_: where are you ?00:48
Gunner_Sr_Seattle, WA00:49
* ScottK has never heard that described as part of the midwest before.00:49
imbrandonactualy there is alot of LUG activity out here but not alot of debian or ubuntu specific00:49
* Gunner_Sr_ agrees00:49
imbrandonScottK: heh me either00:50
* Gunner_Sr_ lol00:50
imbrandonScottK: see the new "midwest" theme i'm working on for my blog ? still alot of bugs in it thus not live, but have a peek
* ScottK looks.00:51
imbrandon( its running a DB copy of the data )00:51
ScottKDefinitely looks midwest, although more Iowa than KS/MO.00:51
imbrandonheh well at one point in history all the beef in the US came through KC :)00:52
* Gunner_Sr_ cow tippin, heheh00:52
ScottKimbrandon: I'm old enough to remember the smell.00:52
StevenKYeah, but that isn't now.00:52
Gunner_Sr_imbrandon: Did you get you new computer?00:52
imbrandonStevenK: yea but our stockyards are still an attraction00:53
StevenKIf all the beef came from the US, then all of the politi... eer, manure came from there too00:53
StevenKs/the US/KC/00:53
imbrandonGunner_Sr_: no, not yet, only ~50% of the way there00:53
Gunner_Sr_imbrandon: okey dokey.00:53
ScottKStevenK: When I was growing up, we certainly had our share of it.  You could smell the stockyards in most of the city and it's a BIG city.00:54
imbrandonheh yea00:54
StevenKUm, ew00:54
StevenKimbrandon: Here's a quarter, buy yourself a real computer :-P00:55
imbrandonnow they are just a tourist attration and mall-ish area00:55
* StevenK actually has a few US quarters on his table00:55
* imbrandon directs StevenK to his holiday computer fund page00:56
Gunner_Sr_imbrandon: I have a few P3 servers lying around too...00:56
StevenKimbrandon: I saw it. Personally, I buy my own hardware rather than have the Internet buy it for me.00:56
tonyyarussoI wouldn't mind having some P3 boxes around if I could figure out how to make them into a cluster00:57
Gunner_Sr_tonyyarusso: You can, just use LIMULUS..00:58
Gunner_Sr_tonyyarusso: It is called a personal cluster.00:58
StevenKtonyyarusso: If you want a farm of builders, you can use distcc00:58
imbrandonStevenK: i do both :)00:59
tonyyarussoStevenK: interesting00:59
imbrandoni figured , why not try :)01:00
Gunner_Sr_StevenK: I use it from my notebook to my quad server. :-)01:00
tonyyarussoGunner_Sr_: apt-cache doesn't show that - link?01:00
zul*sigh* nother interview tomorrow01:00
imbrandonzul: any offers yet?01:00
Gunner_Sr_tonyyarusso: goto http://limulus.basement-supercomputing.com01:00
zulimbrandon: nope not yet...its coming soon i can feel it in my bones01:00
imbrandonzul: best-o-luck :)01:01
tonyyarussoGunner_Sr_: heh, "check back soon"..01:01
mok0Gunner_Sr_: web server is down :(01:01
StevenKzul: "Yes, we have an opening for you. Please don't slam it on the way out."01:01
imbrandon Updating - check back soon - 11/1/200701:01
zulStevenK: heh01:01
mok0Supercomputing. eh?01:02
mok0Gunner_Sr_: I'm curious, tell us about LIMULUS01:02
* Gunner_Sr_ Interesting, last time I spoke to Doug he was suppose to have it up and running.01:03
imbrandonzul: i started with www.vml.com last month, lovin is so far, i even get to use Ubuntu on my workstation :)01:04
Gunner_Sr_mok0: trying to build/buy/use of the shelf personal hardware to build clusters.01:04
zulimbrandon: cool its nice when they let you do that01:04
StevenKNeat. The website is flash01:05
imbrandonyea not all of it, infact not even important parts01:05
imbrandonbut with customers like MS and Adidas they want "flashy" stuff01:06
StevenKWell, your company has the right number of letters for Adidas' usual customers01:06
Gunner_Sr_mok0: supposedly to price to performance of less than $100 per GFLOPS.01:06
mok0Gunner_Sr_: Wow01:06
imbrandonStevenK: ??01:06
StevenKimbrandon: Never mind01:07
mok0Gunner_Sr_: What's the software used?01:07
Gunner_Sr_mok0: Microwulf is another project at http://www.calvin.edu/~adams/research/microwulf/01:08
imbrandonStevenK: even bluetooth.com ( *rolls eyes* ) heh01:08
StevenKimbrandon: What are you doing there, though?01:08
imbrandonUnix/Linux sysadmin01:08
mok0I am packaging the torque batch system for Ubuntu01:08
StevenKimbrandon: For how many machines?01:08
imbrandonpersonaly about 300, but we have a few thousand01:09
mok0Gunner_Sr_:  Microwulf, cool!01:09
imbrandonabout 100 Solaris 9 boxen, 2 or 3 AIX boxen and a TON of CentOS/Ubuntu mix01:09
imbrandonStevenK: ^01:09
nixternalimbrandon: I am going to be in Michigan that week already01:10
StevenKEww, AIX01:10
zulimbrandon: then you can dump the redhat knock off and use gentoo ;)01:10
imbrandonyea it runs some funky fax to creditcard gateway stuff thats getting phased out01:10
zuloh wait..01:10
* StevenK gags zul and throws him in the closet01:11
mok0Gunner_Sr_: I am looking for other people who are interested in ubuntu cluster computing01:11
mok0Actually, that's an invitation for everyone01:12
Gunner_Sr_mok0: I don't do much of it anymore. It is cheaper to build scale units in DCs now.01:12
bddebianHeya gang01:13
imbrandonmok0: i'd be intrested but i need to get 2.6 kernel running on xbox first01:13
mok0imbrandon: hehe01:13
Gunner_Sr_mok0: Data Center's01:13
* ScottK ordered an OLPC in the 2 for 1 deal. Anyone know if Ubuntu will run on that?01:14
mok0Acronym overload01:14
* StevenK hands G703, BGP and OSPF to mok0 01:15
imbrandonG703 ?01:15
* imbrandon knows the others01:15
mok0Kernel panic...01:15
StevenKimbrandon: Line protocol for fiber01:16
imbrandonScottK: no idea, i know there is a spec about it though01:16
* StevenK dealt with G703 at $old_work01:16
imbrandonScottK: mako or ogra would probably the ones to ask01:16
ScottKmok0: One Laptop Per Child.01:16
mok0ScottK: What are the specs?01:17
ScottKmok0: I'm not exactly sure.  The deal here is that you can buy two for $400 and you get one and one goes to a needy child in a poor nation, so I figured I'd give it a shot for curiosity's sake.01:18
ScottKI'm really curious about how a laptop designed for children will work.01:18
mok0ScottK: very good01:18
Gunner_Sr_mok0: worked with pbuilder at all?01:20
imbrandonScottK: i got to play with one, they are really easy to use01:20
mok0Gunner_Sr_: Sure01:20
imbrandonnot powrfull but easy01:20
Gunner_Sr_mok0: okay, working on bug #14507401:21
ubotuLaunchpad bug 145074 in xgalaga "xgalaga-hyperspace crashed with SIGSEGV" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/14507401:21
ScottKimbrandon: Good to hear.01:21
imbrandonScottK: have you tried the sugar interface ?01:21
* ScottK doesn't know what that is.01:21
* ScottK doesn't have the OLPC yet either.01:21
imbrandonsuger is the UI for olpc01:21
minghuaYou can try sugar in a VM, I heard.01:22
Gunner_Sr_mok0: I am VC++ developer, have done very little on Linux with deb, etc. use to use RPM and Unix01:22
imbrandonone sec, you acn run it in a xnest on ubuntu01:22
imbrandonminghua: its not a vm, its in a nested X instance01:22
=== tonyy is now known as tonyyarusso
mok0Gunner_Sr_: So can I help?01:22
Gunner_Sr_mok0: just built the chroot cleanroom and went to the directory. Can I work on the tar in that directory, or should I copy to a working folder and work on it form there?01:23
mok0Gunner_Sr_: You can unpack the base.tgz file, make changes, and re-tar it01:24
imbrandonScottK / minghua : https://edge.launchpad.net/~jani/+archive  , install sugar and sugar-activties from that and you can run it "in a window" on Gutsy01:24
Gunner_Sr_mok0: all I have is the orig.tar.gz and the diff.gz?01:25
mok0Gunner_Sr_: I usually copy orig.tar.gz, diff.gz and .dsc file to /tmp01:25
mok0you run the pbuilder on the .dsc file01:25
Gunner_Sr_mok0: perfect, that is what I was looking for..01:26
mok0ie sudo pbuilder --build blabla.dsc01:26
Gunner_Sr_mok0: and you do that in /tmp right?01:26
Gunner_Sr_mok0: cool thanks.01:27
mok0pbuilder doesn't work well from an NFS mounted directory, which is what I have01:27
minghuaGunner_Sr_, mok0:  You can do that whereever you want, the source packages are copied over.01:27
Gunner_Sr_mok0: Agree, I was seem to have problems with NFS.01:27
mok0minghua: no it doesn't work well on an NFS mounted dir01:28
mok0minghua: it has to be a local disk in my experience01:28
minghuamok0: You mean I can't do "pbuild --build /home/minghua/foo_1-1.dsc" when my home is on NFS?01:29
=== _jason is now known as jrib
mok0minghua: yes01:29
minghuamok0: Or do you mean I can't do that when /var/cache/pbuilder is on NFS?01:30
jonnymindI got a couple of questions about contributing packages, may I ask here?01:30
mok0minghua: I don't know about /var/cache01:30
mok0!ask > jonnymind01:30
minghuamok0: Pbuilder uses /var/cache/pbuilder/build/ as the chroot dir.01:30
mok0yes, but it needs to have root access to your NFS mounted dir, which is not normally permitted01:31
mok0jonnymind: don't ask to ask, just ask01:31
jonnymindI've been developing an open source project, namely ap programming language; It's being integrated in kde4, and I thought that I may present it to distros too.01:31
mwolsonis it just me, or does quilt try to make a hardlink to somewhere in /tmp/ every time a pull/push is done?01:32
jonnymind(it's a courtesy form. In my country, it's like saying "hi there"!)01:32
mok0jonnymind: just irc etiquette :-)01:32
jonnymindSo, I signed for a motu account.01:32
jonnymindI mean ... uhm... for a revu account.01:32
mok0jonnymind: good01:33
jonnymindStill need  to get accustomed this acronym.01:33
minghuamok0: Okay.  I don't have NFS here, so I wouldn't know.01:33
jonnymindI have been shipping some "hand made" debs for sometime now, and I have polished them with the help of ubuntu-it-dev ppl.01:33
mok0minghua: It threw me off when first playing with pbuilder01:34
jonnymindMu question is: I see now in revu page that I have to upload the source tarball.01:34
mok0jonnymind: ok01:34
jonnymindthis is fine to me; the problem is that I have a quite complex build environment (modeled after KDE's),01:35
mok0jonnymind: have you got your gpg public key in revu?01:35
jonnymindso the tar wouldn't just copille.01:35
jonnymindyes I have.01:35
mok0jonnymind: revu doesn't do compilation01:35
Gunner_Sr_mok0: did pbuilder in /tmp and no source??01:35
mok0jonnymind: what's your package called?01:35
jonnymindor if you wish, falconpl for programming language.01:36
mok0Gunner_Sr_: explain, pls01:36
jonnymindATM, I get the binaries, mangle (i.e. strip) them, copy them and pack them with a set of bash scripts. One of the outputs are debs files (so lib, bins and devs).01:37
jonnymindHow is exactly a "source package" done?01:37
Gunner_Sr_mok0: sure, copied orig.tar.gz, diff.gz, and the .dsc to /tmp and pbuilder --build on the .dsc file01:37
jonnymind*some of the outputs are...01:37
mok0Gunner_Sr_: did it run to completion?01:37
mok0Gunner_Sr_: look in /var/cache/pbuilder/result01:38
mok0jonnymind: it's a long story. You have to check the documentation01:38
Gunner_Sr_mok0: okay, looking01:39
jonnymindI see. Just one question then, before I skim in the wrong direction:01:39
minghuajonnymind: Your way of building the .deb packages doesn't sound compatible to the way REVU requires.01:39
minghuajonnymind: You need to learn the proper way to build a package.01:39
jonnymindminghua: I am here to learn.01:39
Gunner_Sr_mok0: the files are in there, but I want to debug the source and any diffs?01:39
jonnymindHow's done then?01:39
mok0jonnymind: look here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide01:39
minghua!packagingguide | jonnymind01:39
ubotujonnymind: packagingguide is The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports01:39
mok0Gunner_Sr_: You mean the diff.gz?01:40
Gunner_Sr_mok0: yes01:40
mok0lsdiff -z blabla.diff.gz01:40
jonnymindOf course...01:40
jonnymindI would also accept any help directly on the code. There isn't any inherent reason for me to be the pack debs in one way or another, or to be the one to pack them.01:41
Gunner_Sr_mok0: let me try this again. I have the source package, I want to open it up, execute and debug it, in anjuta and see what is going on. I have the stacktrace so I have a pretty good idea, just need to confirm and then fix it.01:42
mok0Gunner_Sr_: you need to run dpkg-source -X blabla.dsc01:43
RAOFsomerville32: Oh, that "add deb-source line for hardy" was with reference to to my amd64 box?, presumably?  Ok.01:43
mok0Gunner_Sr_: That will unpack the tar and apply the patches01:43
minghuaGunner_Sr_: You don't "execute" a source package.  There are only source code, not executables, in there.01:43
Gunner_Sr_minghua: correct, just compile/debug :-)01:44
jonnymindAnother thing: I signed in the launchpad longtime ago, nearly by mistake. Is there any way to reset the password?01:44
tonyyarussoAre there any other FOSS forum platforms besides phpBB?01:46
imbrandonjonnymind: dunno you can ask them in #launchpad01:46
jonnymindthank you very much,01:46
StevenKEr, there's a link for "Forgotten your password" when you go to sign in01:46
jonnymindOh. I didn't notice as I was logged in with the cookie of my browser. Thanks.01:47
Gunner_Sr_mok0: so it is all right to do dpkg-source in the /var/cache/pbuilder/result directory or should I have done it in /tmp?01:48
mok0Gunner_Sr_: Where you have the "source package", in your case /tmp01:48
mok0The "source package" consists of 3 files, *.orig.tar.gz, *.diff.gz and *.dsc01:49
mok0Gunner_Sr_: Weird when you come from the RPM world....01:49
Gunner_Sr_mok0: tell me about it. I want to make sure that I don't do any bad habits. :-)01:50
mok0Gunner_Sr_: /var/cache/pbuilder is just where the pbuilder does its stuff. You don't want to create files there01:51
mok0Gunner_Sr_: But you can pick up the finished .deb files there01:51
Gunner_Sr_mok0: got it, this is where I would package up to go back into the repository?01:52
mok0Gunner_Sr_: exactly01:52
Gunner_Sr_mok0: starting to make sense now.01:52
mok0Then we've accomplished something tonight :-)01:52
mok0(at least it's night here)01:53
mok0jonnymind: I don't see your "falcon" package on revu01:53
Gunner_Sr_mok0: wait till I fix it and need to get the changes back in.....01:53
* Gunner_Sr_ lol01:53
mok0Gunner_Sr_: There you go01:53
jonnymindI didn't upload it: I must do the sourrce package following your rules.01:53
mok0jonnymind: yes, ok. It's a bit of work :-)01:54
mok0jonnymind: ... and then you'll have the MOTUs pounding on your package over and over and over again....01:54
jonnymindI got an old package on my site (2 weeks old...), and tonight I cleaned it breaking up the .so.1 part from the rest, and cleaning the lintian report.01:54
jonnymind:-) That goes beyond mybest hopes :-)01:55
mok0jonnymind: You only need to split out the shared library if you're building a library package01:55
jonnymindHowever, I  hope to get on it by tomorrow;01:55
bddebianOK darnit lsmod shows my ipw2100 but I have no wireless device..?? :(01:55
jonnymindI am.01:55
jonnymindAt least, in the distro for my site.01:55
mok0jonnymind: ok01:55
jonnymindThe "engine" may be used without the interpreter.01:56
jonnymindI.e. by embedding applications.01:56
mok0jonnymind: cool01:56
jonnymindI have just a doubt on extension modules as i.e. regex, process and sockets...01:56
jonnymindBut we'll see.01:56
mok0jonnymind: yes. Go ahead an build the package the way you think it should be done. You'll get feedback from the MOTUs, but they will at least have something to look at01:57
mok0jonnymind: but be warned, it may take a while, and be prepared to hang around here asking for advice01:58
jonnymindThank you very much. I'll just read requirements to build source package and send what I have.01:58
jonnymindI have never been afraid of aksing advice :-)01:58
jonnymindI've learned long ago that arrogance never pays.01:58
mok0jonnymind:  That's a valuable quality :-)01:59
jonnymindBtw, If you want to give a look at the stuff to get an idea, I kan spam here or in pv the link.02:00
mok0jonnymind: it's a bit late for me to do any serious work. I need to go to bed in a few minutes02:06
jonnymindSo you're in my time zone :-)02:06
jonnymindI am leaving too.02:07
mok0jonnymind: I'm in GMT+0102:07
jonnymindHere GMT+2, I think, just shifted02:07
mok0jonnymind: if we meet here again I can take a look (but I am not a MOTU)02:07
jonnymindI will surely hang around here a lot.02:08
Gunner_Sr_mok0: thanks for your help. I want to be a regular in MOTU, so you should me around.02:08
jonnymindAnyhow, I need to make professional debs, even if they won't reach Ubuntu distro.02:08
mok0Gunner_Sr_, jonnymind : nice to meet you guys, see you soon then!02:09
jonnymind(i.e. if you don't accept them).02:09
jonnymindIt has been a pleasure.02:09
Gunner_Sr_mok0, jonnymind: like wise.02:09
jonnymindI sign off too. Good night and see you soon.02:10
Gunner_Sr_jonnymind: seeya.02:10
=== Fujitsu_ is now known as Fujitsu
TheMusoYay. Finally I've got a test rebuild of all libglib1.2 transition packages going.03:13
effie_jayxTheMuso,  :D03:19
santiago-ve... omg... i was just calling effie_jayx a freak but...03:20
effie_jayxsantiago-ve,  show some respect for the motu!!03:21
santiago-veOk, sorry effie_jayx, TheMuso ... im impusive sometimes03:22
TheMusoHas anybody managed to get gpg agent working?03:40
TheMusoUsing the package in Gutsy, I can't seem to get it tow rok.03:40
TheMusoto work03:40
TheMusoGPG says there is a problem connecting.03:40
Hobbseewhich gpg agent are you using?03:42
Hobbseeit requires a bit of mangling03:42
ScottKTheMuso: Works for me.03:42
TheMusoHobbsee: gnupg-agent03:42
imbrandonseahorse works fine here, but i guess to dont mean that one03:43
TheMusoHobbsee: WHich one are you using?03:43
Hobbseeoh hang on, gpg agent works by default03:43
Hobbseeit's getting the gpg agent to do ssh that's harder03:43
HobbseeTheMuso: pinentry-gtk203:43
somerville32seahorse is amazing03:43
TheMusoI'm not using ssh to do remote signing.03:43
ScottKTheMuso: Does your ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf include 'use-agent'?03:44
TheMusoThe agent loads on session start.03:44
imbrandonHobbsee: got a howto on the ssh bit ? i'd love to use it for remote signing03:44
* Hobbsee does not like seahorse03:44
TheMusoBut gpg can't connect to it for some reason.03:44
TheMusoGPG_AGENT_INFO gets set03:44
StevenKI like pinentry03:44
ScottKTheMuso: And you've got a pinentry installed?03:45
TheMusoInstaling now.03:45
imbrandon'i've never used anything but seahorse, guess i should try the others03:45
StevenKTheMuso: What about .gnupg/gpg-agent.conf ?03:45
TheMusoStevenK: I don't have that file.03:46
StevenKsteven@liquified:~% cat .gnupg/gpg-agent.conf03:46
StevenKpinentry-program /usr/bin/pinentry03:46
TheMusoah ok.03:46
StevenKTheMuso: That's how gpg knows to ask for a PIN via pinentry03:46
mwolsoni like gpa better than seahorse03:47
StevenKTheMuso: You baulked at signing that many sources by hand?03:47
Hobbseeimbrandon: there is, on google somewhere, but i can't seem to find it03:47
TheMusoStevenK: Well I do want an agent to help me, yes.03:47
imbrandonHobbsee: cool i'll dig a little later03:47
Hobbseeimbrandon: it's http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/378 and modifying 90gpg-agent03:47
StevenKPinentry is great03:47
Hobbseethe original page was green, adn i can't find it now.03:47
* Hobbsee can scp the 90gpg-agent file over to aurora, if you wish03:48
imbrandoni'm just happy to get my usb+crypt fs image+ssh keys happy :)03:48
imbrandonHobbsee: how about people.uw.c , aurora is long since gone03:48
StevenKTime estimate: 0.25 man/month.03:49
StevenKCan someone explain what that actually means?03:49
imbrandon( actualy its not gone, its just behind a private fw now )03:49
imbrandonStevenK: take 1 person ~7.5 days ?03:50
Hobbseeimbrandon: http://people.ubuntuwire.com/~hobbsee/90gpg-agent03:50
imbrandonHobbsee: killer thanks03:50
minghuaStevenK: Sounds like diet estimate instead of time estimate. :-)03:50
StevenKimbrandon: How do you get that?03:50
imbrandonStevenK: man = 1 and 30 / 403:50
* ScottK makes a note of bddebian getting actual help on #debian-devel and not messed with at all. Something must be wrong with the universe today.03:51
minghuaimbrandon: 0.25 man/month literaly equals to 1 man per 4 months.03:51
imbrandonumm ok, was only a guess03:52
TheMusoUm ok.03:52
TheMusogpg doesn't want to use pinentry-gtk-203:52
StevenKminghua: Which means how much time?03:52
TheMusoI have the gpg-agent.conf file like StevenK explained, as well as use-agent in gpg.conf.03:53
Hobbseeyou probably need the custom 90gpg-agent script03:53
minghuaStevenK: I think maybe it's just a typo of (man * month) instead of (man / month).03:53
bddebianScottK: No shit eh? :)03:53
TheMusoGpg simply says: gpg: gpg-agent is not available in this session03:53
TheMusoHobbsee: Where can I find that?03:53
* Hobbsee points ~15 lines up03:54
* ScottK can sense the world about to return to normal.03:54
slomosiretart: ping? what do you think about updating ffmpeg in debian to a newer svn snapshot? ;)03:55
StevenKTheMuso: Did you logout since adding use-agent in gpg.conf?03:56
TheMusoStevenK: hang on, gotta log out again to make use of the new script.03:56
ScottKimbrandon: For a minute there it looked like bddebian was gonna get dumped on in #debian-devel again.03:57
StevenKvorlon is playing nice03:57
Hobbseehe has to.  he's involved with ubuntu.03:58
ScottKHobbsee: Not on #debian-devel he doesn't.03:58
persia(and not when using that nick)03:58
ScottKHe generally does, but I was sensing an exception moving in.03:58
* Hobbsee would have still expected that one would have to behave nicely to coworkers, and related community, on any network.03:59
* persia doesn't think Hobbsee idles in #d-d often03:59
* TheMuso sits back and watches the mass signing.03:59
Hobbseepersia: i do - the question is how often i read it03:59
imbrandonheh thats exactly why i idle and not talk there :)03:59
bddebianScottK: You're killing me man :)04:00
imbrandonman i wish there was 3 of me at times04:00
* StevenK usually idles on there because it's mainly ari helix and Clint all talking about crap04:00
imbrandoni idle there just to peek when someone says something like this04:01
bddebianStevenK: Nooo ;-)04:01
imbrandonbut i'm easy to spot, the Ubuntu guy hidden in the corner with -0- lines in the logs04:02
StevenKIf it were only like that here04:02
StevenKOh, did I say that out loud? :_P04:02
* imbrandon goes back to #kubuntu-devel04:02
ajmitchit's ok imbrandon, I'm in permanent lurk mode now as well04:03
imbrandonajmitch: :)04:03
imbrandoni noticed, where ya been man04:03
imbrandoni thought you got a new gf or something :)04:04
ajmitchI'm on irc most days04:04
ajmitchI just don't speak up04:04
StevenKajmitch has nothing to say04:05
* Hobbsee neither04:05
* imbrandon contemplates blogging about the crypt disk image + usb key thing , since it took me 2 days of googling04:05
ajmitchso why fill the channel with inane rubbish?04:05
imbrandonajmitch: dunno, i seem to do it quite often :)04:05
imbrandonbut i still get a bit of work done too04:05
* ajmitch gets more actual work done, at least04:07
imbrandonhehe yea04:07
TheMusoTHe mass upload starts.04:07
* persia pities the buildds04:08
ajmitchplus, not being involved with development, there usually isn't much for me to talk about in here now04:08
persiaajmitch: You could be involved in development :)04:08
imbrandonwhat did you give up ? noooooooooooo04:08
ajmitchI've tried04:09
StevenKYou were at one point, your core-dev membership says that04:10
imbrandonand DD status :)04:10
StevenKPfeh, becoming a DD means answering a bunch of questions and waiting04:11
minghuaMostly waiting these days, I would assume.04:12
imbrandonactualy i heard there is a bunch of new people on the NM staff04:12
* persia thinks occasional sporadic bouts of question answering remain04:12
imbrandonso maybe not04:12
slangasekScottK: sorry, should I pick on bddebian here to set things right?04:12
imbrandonsave bddebian , save the world04:13
imbrandoni got mondays epsiode on the dvr , havent watched it yet04:14
bddebianIt was fairly lame :-(04:15
imbrandonwife wont let me untill she can too :(04:15
imbrandonyea season 2 hasent been near as good as season 204:16
imbrandonerr season 1$04:16
RAOFimbrandon: Sounds interesting (crypt + usb).  Feel free to blog :)04:25
bddebianGah so many uploads I need to do for the Games Team.. It's so frustrating :-(04:27
=== Hobbsee_ is now known as Hobbsee
imbrandonRAOF: i was justa bout to then i found almost exactly what i did on the wiki04:41
imbrandoni just added my .ssh also04:41
* bddebian should make StevenK do all his games team uploads.. ;-P04:44
StevenK /ignore bddebian ALL04:44
* bddebian feels loved04:45
StevenKSo you shouldn't04:45
persiabddebian: Why don't you just send RFS mail to the mailing lists for that?04:46
bddebianpersia: Which list, mentors or games-devel?04:46
* persia points at Message-ID: <47561758.6090409@gmail.com> as a good example04:46
persiabddebian: Message-ID: <473A5FA3.8040106@comcast.net> (http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-games/2007/11/msg00088.html) is also pretty good.04:54
* persia wants a search engine that shows a bunch of mirrors & archives for any given Message-ID04:57
bddebianpersia: Yeah and look at all the responses.. ;-P04:58
persiabddebian: Still not uploaded yet?  Seems to work for others.<4671dd0c0711191145y17447896yb9fdf0b18dfe55d6@mail.gmail.com> seemed to get sponsored in 27 minutes.  You're just unlucky :(04:59
bddebianI'm just loved :)05:00
persiabddebian: Collect all your fixes, and upload to Ubuntu, and send Utnubu a patch if you're really bothered.05:02
tonyyarussoDoes anyone know of a way to sync contact information between desktop address books (Thunderbird, Evolution, etc.) and GMail?05:03
persiaIsn't there a Conduit plugin for that?05:04
tonyyarussoThere's one called "Google -> Email", not sure if that means contacts too though05:06
tonyyarussoAnd Conduit has nothing for TB yet, just evo05:06
RAOFConduit's UI was entirely opaque to me when I tried it.05:07
RAOFAh, C++.  For when your box has nothing better to do than spew thousands of lines of warnings for hours on end05:07
persiatonyyarusso: Hmmm..  Maybe needs some help then.  I don't think anyone every added Google support to multisync.05:08
BurgundaviaTB has some nasty issues with their db05:08
ScottKUsing mbox on large folders of mail has, um, inherent limitations.05:09
ScottKslangasek: It depends on how much you would enjoy it.05:09
tonyyarussoRAOF: Agreed - it took me a while to figure out that I was supposed to drag pairs of things05:12
tonyyarussoBurgundavia: I've generally liked it, but might be open to a change.  What do you use btw?05:13
RAOFtonyyarusso: And even once you've discovered that (if you're thinking about the same "now there's an arrow connecting us" bit), it's *still* entirely non-obvious what conduit will actually *do* :)05:13
tonyyarussoTB had the initial attraction of being cross-platform, which was relevant when I dual-booted, but I haven't done that for a while05:13
tonyyarussoRAOF: hehe05:14
ScottKtonyyarusso: If you have any significant volume of stored mail, pick a client that uses maildir.05:14
tonyyarussoScottK: err, off to wikipedia to find out which ones do I guess...05:15
ScottKtonyyarusso: Kmail for sure.  Dunno about the others.  I think evolution will if you lean that way.05:15
tonyyarussoScottK: definitely needs to be GTK of some sort for me - I'm trying to keep myself in that realm now05:16
ScottKWell then I'm definitely not the one to give specific advice.05:16
RAOFAnyone use claws?05:18
bddebianOh there's a wide open joke there.. :)05:18
ScottKI know norsetto did some work on it late in Gutsy.  Dunno if he actually uses it or not.05:18
* Hobbsee used to use it a bit05:19
tonyyarussoScottK: wp claims evo supports all three of mbox, maildir, and MH05:19
ScottKI'd expect it does.05:20
tonyyarussoRAOF: I tried it once at least05:20
* ScottK recalls it will also support SSL V2 at least in some upgraded configs. You'll want to avoid that.05:20
Burgundaviatonyyarusso: gmail05:20
tonyyarussoBurgundavia: Yeah, I'm actually using GMail now, but I really am not terribly fond of reading mail with web interfaces05:21
tonyyarussoScottK: any idea where they'd put the setting for which one it uses?05:22
ScottKtonyyarusso: No idea since I've only used it once for a few days 2 years ago.05:23
* ScottK only knows because there was an issue with Courier where it wouldn't support it anymore (which IMO would be a good thing), but some Evo users complained.05:23
ScottKEvo does support SSLv3, so I imagine there's a knob for it somewhere.05:24
RAOFWoah.  The claws metapackages depend on all the plugins, rather than recommend them.  I really don't want clamav, or both spamassassin and bogofilter.05:28
* persia encourages RAOF to upload a s/Depends:/Recommends:/ patch05:30
RAOFI may well do so.05:31
RAOF_Then_ I'll try claws :)05:31
ScottKRAOF: Which package depends on everything?  claws-mail doesn't seem to.05:33
RAOFAnd claws-mail-extra-plugins, which has approximately infinity Depends05:35
RAOFAnd for some reason they appear to be all versioned.05:35
RAOFSomeone's been at the crack, it seems.05:35
ScottKSince the package description says it's purpose is to install all the plugins, then it's not inherently horrible to depend on them.05:37
RAOFIt could just Recommend them, now.05:38
RAOFThat'll pull in all the plugins, and allow me to say that, no, I really don't want the clamav plugin.05:38
RAOF(our apt-get handles Recommends properly now, right?)05:39
TheMusoNo afaik.05:39
persiaRAOF: You mean, treats it like Depends unless you tell it otherwise?  Not yet.05:39
persiaaptitude has a per-user configurable setting to do the right thing.05:40
RAOFWhy isn't apt-get a thin wrapper script around aptitude yet?05:40
persiaRAOF: Not feature compatible.  Try apt-get download or aptitude source05:40
RAOFYeah, I know.05:40
* TheMuso still uses apt-get for everything.05:41
* bddebian too05:41
RAOFSo, I suppose in the absense of "apt-get installs recommends by default", I suppose s/Depend:/Recommend:/ is not yet appropriate.05:41
* persia advocates aptitude with a will, if insufficient justification05:42
* RAOF thinks "It works better" is sufficent justification05:42
TheMusoHell the only time I ever use GUI package management is if I need to install support for a particular video/audio codec.05:42
persiaRAOF: It's on the hardy feature list: any bugs can be blamed on installing hardy early and not using an intelligent package manager.05:42
persiaFurther, only new users installing it for the first time will be affected, and they can manually install nay plugins they want.05:43
persiaTheMuso: I use aptitude in non-curses commandline mode for > 90% of invocations.05:43
RAOFAnd I suppose I'll have to push this up to Debian, too.05:44
persiaRAOF: For Debian, I'd wait until Recommends-by-Default is in place: there's no "You upgraded to early, feel the pain" equivalent there.05:44
slangasekpersia: hmm? AFAIK Recommends-by-Default is in place in Debian, if that's what you're referring to?05:45
* ScottK has tried aptitude and had trouble with it getting confused about the state of his system.05:45
persiaslangasek: Excellent then :)05:45
RAOFYeah, I thought they'd done the switch before us.05:45
* ScottK only let aptitude uninstall his entire desktop once before deciding he didn't really need aptitude.05:46
StevenKOh yeah, and Adept is *so* much better.05:46
* Hobbsee hands StevenK a penalty card. lying.05:47
persiaScottK: aptitude is intelligent, but if you don't use it from the beginning, it needs some hints about what you want.  It typically does ask if it's making the right choice.05:47
* ScottK gave up on Adept a long time before aptitdue.05:47
ScottKpersia: I'd been using it.05:47
* StevenK hands Hobbsee two penalty cards. Bad call, and failing to recognize sarcasm05:47
persiaScottK: Then it asked you if you really wanted to uninstall your desktop, and you said "Yes", and you blame aptitude?05:48
ScottKmy mistake hitting Y one to many times.05:48
StevenKSo aptitude isn't to blame...05:48
* Hobbsee gives StevenK 3 cards, bad card, my rule, one card for sarcasm, and one for talking.05:48
ScottKBut there was no packaging issue that forced it to want to.05:48
StevenKHobbsee: I'll get you05:48
Hobbseesure sure05:48
persiaScottK: There must have been something: if nothing else, a missing recommends, and agressive use of markauto.05:48
StevenKActually, a penalty card can't be a bad card05:49
ScottKpersia: It was a bug in aptitude, I'm pretty sure.  I've read about aptitude having some kind of package state cache that can get corrupted.05:49
StevenKScottK: And I've never had it corrupted...05:50
* ScottK find the trip to UDS to have been worthwhile just to understand what StevenK and Hobbsee are talking about right now.05:50
persiaScottK: Maybe.  I generally find aptitude wants to install everything if I try to upgrade some NBS transition before it's complete, and never otherwise.  apt-get just leaves me with symbol errors.05:50
* Hobbsee taught her coworker about mao last night.05:50
StevenKScottK: Penalty card. Taking the name of our emporer in vain05:50
Hobbseewe were discussing poker05:50
StevenKHobbsee: Penalty card. Taking the name of our emporer in vain05:51
* Hobbsee hands StevenK a penalty card. talking. and aonther. bad call.05:51
Hobbsee(wrong target)05:51
* ScottK quietly slinks off to bed.05:51
StevenKThe rule I quite like enforcing is "Penalty card. Saying PoV during a PoV."05:51
StevenKEr, PoO05:52
bddebianGnight folks05:52
slangaseksaying NPOV during a P of O05:58
* StevenK kicks slangasek 06:10
RAOFI'm confused by claws-mail-extra-plugins.  Is there *any* reason for a metapackage to depend on plugin-* (>= ${binary:Version})?06:12
persiaPrevious version was buggy?06:13
RAOFShouldn't that then have (>= $BUGGY_VERSION)?06:15
persiaSeems less crackful06:15
RAOFI suppose someone could've pinned one of the plugins?06:17
RAOFI just don't see how it's helpful.  This metapackage is built from the same source as all the plugins, so the only thing I can see that versioning doing is breaking the package when one of the plugins conflicts with something else.06:18
RAOFSo, the question is now: do I strip all the crazy (>= ${binary:Version}) from c-m-e-p or not?06:23
persiaRAOF: You might check the Debian bug archive & the changelog to see if there was a reason for putting them there in the first place, but otherwise...06:35
RAOFpersia: Nothing sprang out from the bugs...06:38
RAOFAnd nothing's obvious in the changelog.  I'll remove them.06:39
RAOFActually, the packaging is more confusing than that, too.  The sylpheed-claws-plugin-* transitional packages have wierd versioned dependencies, too.06:43
RAOFAll in all, a strange package.06:43
persiaRAOF: After some thought, I seem to remember some transition happening in the past, but I can't remember the details.  I wonder if that might be related.06:43
RAOFpersia: Want to check out the actual control file, see if the exact details ring a bell?06:44
persiaRAOF: They wouldn't.  I'd need to poll my dpkg logs to find the dates, and check changelogs, which I can't do for around 5 hours.  On the other hand, it was long enough ago that the transition is likely no longer relevant, but you might want to compare to sylpheed-* in Dapper, just to make sure.06:46
RAOFThere certainly was a transition from the sylpheed-claws-gtk2-* -> claws-mail-* naming, but I don't see why you'd want the versioning that's in the package.06:46
persiaRAOF: That there was a transition was all I remembered.  Doesn't mean it was done right :)06:46
pkernSRU policy question:  if flashplugin-nonfree is broken due to MD5 mismatch (new version), would we introduce the new version, adjusting the sums?  (I don't know if there would be an alternative, though.)07:22
RAOFYay special cases.  I *think* that's what's been done in the past, but I haven't really been paying attention before.07:23
pkernLP: #17389007:24
Fujitsukeescook: Whatever did you do to the ubuntu-cve-tracker branch? Whatever it was, it has introduced a whole lot of conflicts in my files in my branch that I've never edited...07:25
Fujitsus/my //07:25
=== aplg|mobile is now known as apache|mobile
=== \sh_away is now known as \sh
FujitsuHey \sh.07:27
\shmoins Fujitsu07:28
\shFujitsu, do you have powers to ack the nominations for bug #173948 ?07:28
ubotuLaunchpad bug 173948 in sing "[CVE-2007-6211] sing in debian is vulnerable" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17394807:28
Fujitsu\sh: Probably.07:28
* Fujitsu checks.07:28
Fujitsu\sh: All five releases?07:29
\shFujitsu, oh well, hardy is also vulnerable...if you can apply the patch for it, cool...so yes, all five07:29
FujitsuRight, it has the same version as Gutsy.07:30
FujitsuI'll upload it in a couple of minutes.07:30
\shFujitsu, just get the patch from the debian bug report...low hanging fruit ;)07:30
Fujitsu\sh: Yep.07:31
* Fujitsu grumbles at Mitre not having every CVE yet.07:31
paranwhy are there suddenly a whole lot of packages in gutsy-updates that have changelogs for gutsy-proposed?07:35
\shwtf...why is bug #173881 marked as fixed released?07:35
ubotuLaunchpad bug 173881 in wesnoth "the option "turn_cmd" can stall a computer or maybe start another application" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17388107:35
persia\sh: Hardy has 1.2.8.  Opening the other tasks now...07:35
Fujitsuparan: Because packages are now uploaded to gutsy-proposed, then copied to -updates.07:36
\shpersia, please add dapper task to it and assign it to me07:36
persia\sh: bug #173881 open for assignment07:36
ubotuLaunchpad bug 173881 in wesnoth "the option "turn_cmd" can stall a computer or maybe start another application" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17388107:36
* Fujitsu wants a `Sync' button on LP07:36
persiaFujitsu: That just automatically requests a sync to the latest Debian version, and has all the right access control checks?07:37
* \sh wants a "Please find all patches and fix package automagically" ,-)07:37
Fujitsupersia: I'd like it to actually perform the sync.07:37
FujitsuI don't see why it shouldn't.07:38
Fujitsu\sh: That would be nice.07:38
persiaFujitsu: I thought there was supposed to be archive-admin review for some reason, but given that appropriate people could just upload, I see your point.07:38
* \sh needs a coffee 07:39
Fujitsupersia: It's more dangerous to restrict it to ubuntu-archive, as people can fakesync easily and that is more damaging.07:39
persiaFujitsu: Well, anyone who can fakesync can also do a real sync, if they feel like it, we just typically delegate to the archive admins.  I agree that such a feature would be nice.07:40
Fujitsupersia: A real sync after a long waiting period and manual work by others, right.07:41
pochuScottK: re: wesnoth backports. Gutsy doesn't have wesnoth in -backports, so there are no vulnerabilities there ;) But I can request one for it, yes. Do you think it's a good idea?07:45
Fujitsu\sh: sing/hardy uploaded.07:46
\shFujitsu, cool thx07:50
\shnow for CVE-2007-6111 I wonder which file they patched...epan/dissectors/packet-mpeg-audio.c or wiretap/mpeg.c07:53
pkernFujitsu: We could also write a sync tool that syncs directly instead of requesting it.07:55
persiapkern: That breaks the (limited) archive tracking that is currently in place.07:56
Fujitsupkern: We could, yes.07:56
FujitsuRather easily.07:56
imbrandonjust have it change the release and upload :)07:56
persiaimbrandon: Well, no, but there are ways.07:56
imbrandonpersia: huh ?07:56
persiaimbrandon: source package should be unmodified.  needs Origin:, etc.07:57
pkernpersia: Well, if something changed in the last three months...07:57
\shfor people in the right team, we should enable this "sync" functionality in LP07:57
imbrandonpersia: huh? i've changed the release and uplaoded before, should work fine07:57
persia\sh: That's exactly what Fujitsu proposed earlier :)07:57
pkernpersia: Not the source package itself.  At max the dsc but I think only the changes.07:57
\shpersia, yeah, I +1 it ...07:57
persiaimbrandon: That's a fakesync: please add a chancelog entry if you do that.07:57
imbrandoni d07:58
pkernpersia: I wouldn't call it fake, except if the real sync tool does secret things to LP.07:58
persiapkern: Yes, only .changes, but it still breaks the limited tracking we have in place.  Needs a bug, and some thought.07:58
imbrandonpersia: btw the , huh? was the tracking you speak of07:59
pkernpitti said that given a right tool for this job the MOTU could get the power to sync themselves after import freeze.07:59
persiapkern: "fakesync": upload to Ubuntu with no Ubuntu modifications (usually due to different orig.tar.gz, etc.).  "sync": archive inclusion of unmodified Debian package.07:59
persiapkern: Sure, it's just a matter of being sufficiently robust, and having archive-admin approval to break the tracking (or documented guidelines to preserve tracking).08:00
imbrandonthe tracking you speak of ??08:00
persiaimbrandon: bug tracking.  Bugs are subscribed u-a, and assigned a member of u-a.08:01
imbrandonand why does that NEED to happen ?08:01
persia(as I said, "limited")08:01
persiaimbrandon: To keep track of things?08:01
imbrandoni see that as a plus it going away08:01
\shdoes anyone know if the wireshark guys have an irc channel on freenode?08:01
imbrandonjust skip assigning u-a and sink it yourself08:02
imbrandoneverything else stays the same08:02
persiaimbrandon: Why?  Wouldn't it be nice to be able to answer the question "What idiot overwrote my changes and broke the package I use every day?"08:02
imbrandonsure, look for the uploader, already possible08:02
Fujitsu\sh: /join #omgsomanysecurityflaws, perhaps.08:02
\shFujitsu, lol...why not08:02
persiaimbrandon: Changelog entry?  Remember, unmodified source.08:03
Fujitsupersia: Set Changed-By in the .changes.08:03
imbrandonuploader, e.g who signed changes08:03
FujitsuThat seems to be what sync-source.py does.08:03
persiaFujitsu: Right.  Manual.  Needs to be documented somewhere, and u-a needs to approve others following the guideline.  Not really a big issue.08:03
pkernThat's already set according to the requestor currently, so that should be trivial.08:04
FujitsuOr give a sync button.08:04
persiapkern: Yes, trivial.  I still prefer a sync button.  Saves policy that can't easily be enforced.08:04
imbrandonreally i dont see why "they" need to give aproval persia , i have noticed that before with things08:04
imbrandondocumented sure08:04
Fujitsu.changes are likely to be going away in not too long, anyway.08:04
pkernFujitsu: Yay, go for breaking Debian tools.08:05
imbrandonwhy ?08:05
persiaimbrandon: I believe that people who currently do something should approve changes to how that thing is done, rather then people who don't do that thing.08:05
imbrandonerr why going away08:05
Fujitsupkern: Better than having the current replay attack vulnerabilities...08:05
persiaFujitsu: Why?08:05
pkernFujitsu: They don't have a GPG cache?08:05
pkernFujitsu: Haha.08:05
imbrandonFujitsu: thats just nuts, we should fix the lp admins not the tool08:06
imbrandonbad bad mojo08:06
\shargl...it really was wiretap/mpeg.c08:09
\shwhy don't they write good comments to their commits08:10
dholbachgood morning08:22
FujitsuHi dholbach.08:23
dholbachhey Fujitsu08:23
\shmoins dholbach08:24
siretartslomo: good idea! help is more than welcome with updating the current quilt patches to the new version08:24
dholbachheya \sh, hey siretart08:24
* siretart hugs both \sh and dholbach :)08:24
\shdholbach, push your mixes on jamendo pls ;)08:26
dholbach\sh: I'm not allowed to do that08:27
\shdholbach, why not?08:28
\shcool...wireshark fixed...attaching patch for gutsy now08:54
asacpersia: hey :) is latest prism in revu ok - from packaging pov?09:01
persiaasac: Looked great to me, but needs testing, and I don't have accounts to use those tools.09:02
asacpersia: ok ... thanks for the review ... the apps are just webapps and they should work ... i tested gmail and calendar, so i think its ok09:03
persiaasac: I'm just extra picky, and avoid "should work".  On the other hand, as far as I'm concerned, prism is just waiting for advocates, rather than needing real work.09:04
asachmmm ... apparently the user-db recreation wiped my revu account09:05
persiaasac: Upload something :)09:06
asacsiretart: ajmitch: do i need to upload something to revu to get my revu account restored?09:07
asac(for reviewing)09:08
persiaasac: It's easiest.  The DB can be frobbed, but ...09:08
persiaasac: Once you have the account, it's a simple matter for one of the admins to set you "reviewer".09:08
\shso...wesnoth in dapper is testbuilding...09:08
asacpersia: i hoped that my account might still be in the DB, but just deactivated or something because i used a non @ubuntu.com email09:10
persiaasac: When the accounts were recreated they were based on the latest upload to the repos.  Try your maintainer email address.09:11
persia(and use "recover" to get the PW: all passwords were reset)09:11
asacyeah ... that works better, but now i get: http://revu.tauware.de/lostpw.py?email=asac@ubuntu.com09:11
* \sh is glad that he never used the @ubuntu.com address 09:11
minghuaasac: If you were an MOTU when the DB was reset, your account should have been recreated, using your usual upload address.09:12
persiaasac: With no text?  Odd.  I don't have my keys handy, but if you can't get someone else to sort it in the next 2 hours, I'll be able to fix it then (but I might need an upload).09:12
asacpersia: ok lets wait a bit ... maybe I get an idea what I could upload :)09:13
persiaasac: If you can't think of anything else, hello is always handy :)09:15
huatsmorning MOTU world09:16
\shmoins huats09:17
huatshey \sh09:17
* TheMuso votes that those who have handled mass transitions in the past, should not be required to do so in the near future. So for me, this is the only transition I'm doing for a long while. :p09:29
\shTheMuso, damn...you spammed my -changes list, thx for that :)09:30
TheMusoSomeone had to do it.09:30
TheMusoand pitti suggested it should be scripted...09:30
TheMusoSo, while I could have staggered somewat more, it would have to be done at some point.09:31
imbrandonfixes are always a good hting09:31
\shwoosaaa ... dapper wesnoth done09:32
\shmitre is down?09:36
Fujitsu\sh: Wouldn't be the first time.09:36
FujitsuBut WFM.09:36
\shdamn...I just wanted to fix the last bugs for cacti09:37
FujitsuOh, cve.mitre.org is down.09:37
FujitsuHas cacti.net recovered yet?09:37
\shFujitsu, yepp09:37
jonnymindHello; I am preparing a packege, but need little push in the right direction.09:37
\shwell...time for a coffee and a cigarette09:38
persiajonnymind: More context is good.09:39
jonnymindIs there any example around about building more than one binary package from a source package?09:39
jonnymindI.e. I have a source from which I generate an "engine" solib, binary files and -dev package.09:41
persiajonnymind: Most of the library packages are reasonable examples, but https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Lists/DocumentationResources has a link to the overview on the Debian wiki.,09:41
persiajonnymind: You may also find the Library Packaging Guide, in that same list, useful.09:41
jonnymindOk, thank you, that was the info I was searching for.09:42
jonnymind(you know, at times finding the root of an information tree is kinda difficult in Internet having only word-oriented S.E. at disposal :-)09:42
persiajonnymind: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing should be a reasonable root when getting started.09:43
persiahttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/ is intended as the root for our processes in general.09:44
jonnymindI see. Thanks.09:44
jonnymindOk, I am on my way now. I'll be back soon in search for help.09:54
jonnymind:-) later.09:54
minghuaHmm, Debian's python-numpy is having big changes.10:02
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
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\shhow can someone merge bugs on LP?10:36
StevenKMark as duplicate?10:36
\shnope...it's not a dupe...10:36
StevenKThen why merge them?10:37
\shone package, 4 releases, 3 bugs ... for 2 releases those three bugs are still valid and fixed in the last bug...10:37
\shstill haven't a good CVE tracking in LP those bugs are really bad10:38
Amaranth\sh: That doesn't make sense, if they're not dupes they shouldn't be merged10:47
AmaranthThat's what dupe is for10:47
FujitsuAmaranth: Security bugs are somewhat special at the moment.10:49
whiteAmaranth: who cares about security?10:49
FujitsuThey often cover a multitude of issues, and there can be a multitude of multiple-issue bugs.10:49
FujitsuHey white.10:49
whiteFujitsu: :)10:49
Amaranthwhite: Not me10:49
whiteFujitsu: time to review some php crap, i'd like to have a second opinion10:50
AmaranthMy code doesn't have any (known) security problems :P10:50
Fujitsuwhite: Ewww, but OK.10:50
\shoh.../me goes to lunch...PHP crap makes me ill ,-)10:50
* Fujitsu unfortunately spends much of his time at work on a PHP monstrosity.10:50
whitepoor thing10:50
StevenKFujitsu: You lose10:50
whiteFujitsu: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=44869010:51
ubotuDebian bug 448690 in sitebar "CVE-2007-5695: possible security problem" [Normal,Open]10:51
whitenmu patch is attached there10:51
whitethat damn sitebar thing was annyoing me for too long in the tracker10:51
FujitsuIt is shocking security-wise (I inherited it), and it looks like it will be replaced soon.10:51
FujitsuArgh, not sitebar...10:51
Fujitsu(the webapp is fortunately hidden behind Apache authentication, and only trustworthy people have access...)10:52
whitei was not getting a lot of information out of all the CVEs, but i hope i got the main things10:52
whitei personally do not see the holes in the translator module as a major problem, but it was in the tracker for too long and nobody is picking it up :/10:52
Fujitsuwhite: Ergh, it looks evil.10:53
whiteit's php10:53
StevenKFujitsu: "Trustworthy" ?10:53
FujitsuStevenK: Colleagues who aren't likely to be doing anything evil. The company is small enough that they all have access to the server on which it resides if they need it, anyway.10:54
StevenKFujitsu: Yes, but one thing you need to learn is they are users. And users aren't to be trusted.10:55
FujitsuThey can do much more evil things than exploit potential security issues in said application.10:57
whiteStevenK: you need to let love in and trust and stuff10:57
whiteStevenK: we are leaving in a world full of harmony ;)10:57
StevenKwhite: I've been a sysadmin too long for that.10:57
* StevenK twitches10:57
FujitsuI'd like to fix the issues, but there are too many of them and many are enormous architectural flaws.10:58
StevenKThe first being "It's PHP" ?10:58
FujitsuThat being one, yes.10:58
whiteFujitsu: i'll go offline for a few hours now, please tell me your report and opinion of the patch, i'd like to get that damn app out of our todo list (at least for now)10:58
Fujitsuwhite: Yep, I'm looking at it.10:59
FujitsuSee you later.10:59
* StevenK tells his mail server to hurry up.10:59
FujitsuI guess I can thank my predecessor for one thing: not requiring register_globals.11:01
geseris it possible to use a patch system to fix an error in a python script which gets called in clean?11:02
StevenKFujitsu: Oooh. Wow, a PHP "coder" who doesn't use register_globals. I think there is a pedestal around here somewhere for him.11:03
FujitsuStevenK: Heh.11:04
Fujitsu<3 PHP11:06
FujitsuI'm not encouraged by the number of WordPress and phpMyAdmin CVEs which mention that it is debateable whether it is a PHP or $APP bug.11:06
kkubasikhey, does anyone know if hardy's mono is screwed in some really horrible way?11:07
FujitsuIt's hardy, so it might well be.11:07
kkubasikhmmm.. is there a chance that the build server is out of date?11:08
FujitsuBuild server?11:08
kkubasikyou know waht, gimme 1 sec to give you the build log11:08
kkubasikscratch that, its only happening on amd6411:09
kkubasiksorry to bother!11:09
seb128is Jérôme Guelfucci <jerome.guelfucci@gmail.com> connect on IRC?11:23
Fujitsuseb128: jeromeg is his nick, but he's not here at the moment...11:24
seb128could anybody tell him to send his claws-mail-extra-plugins ftbfs fix to debian so the package can still be synced?11:24
seb128I'll comment on the bug11:25
StevenKOoh yes.11:26
FujitsuStevenK: What now?11:27
* StevenK downloads Nine Inch Nails - Y34RZ3R0R3MIX3D11:27
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StevenKFujitsu: The previous NIN album is "Year Zero", this is a bunch of remixes11:28
* StevenK listens to songs from Therion - Lemuria as they download. Oh, how I missed thee11:29
pgquilesI want debuild to ignore the .svn directories. What's wrong with "debuild -S -sa --dpkg-source-hook=-I.svn"? (according to the manpage, that should work but debuild says "unknown dpkg-buildpackage/debuild option: --dpkg-source-hook=-I.svn")11:36
azeempgquiles: did you try just -isvn?11:36
pgquilesazeem: thank you, that works fine11:38
sorenpgquiles: dpkg-source-hook is not for passing options to dpkg-source. It's for passing names of scripts, you'd like to get called.11:38
pgquilessoren: oh, thanks11:39
sorenpgquiles: debuild provides a way to call scripts at various points in the build process to do various things. I for instance had a script at one point that would automatically extract any changes I had accidentally done directly to the source and put it in a patch file.11:41
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* Hobbsee waves11:42
FujitsuHi Hobbsee.11:43
seb128Hobbsee: hey there :-P11:44
Hobbseehey #3 back11:44
gaspatxwikinger: ping11:49
=== LucidFox is now known as Sikon_Stargate
\shfixing rsync12:26
ScottKpochu: I've no opinion on Wesnoth in backports.12:36
pochuOk, so backporting it to -edgy and -feisty should be enough.12:37
\shScottK, pochu : leave it like it is...there is no harm...the security fixes will be uploaded in no time12:37
\shonly for those where backports were requested in the past, there should be a new backport of the secfixed version12:37
pochu\sh: that's what we are talking about :-) -edgy has 1.2.3 and -feisty has 1.2.6 in backports12:38
ScottK\sh: Agreed.12:38
pochuSo they need to be updated too.12:38
* ScottK was trying to discuss generally how one should handle it yesterday.12:39
\shpochu, but as I said yesterday, please wait until the 6102 fix is uploaded to the pockets..12:39
\sh(gutsy,feisty) that is...12:40
\shdo we have stats how many people are using -backports actively?12:40
ScottK\sh: No, but we do know that when we upload broken stuff there people notice, so it's used.12:42
ScottK\sh: In general I'd say more people will use current release + backports than use the development release.12:43
ScottKI base that on broken stuff getting uploaded and then backported and no one noticed it was broken until it was already backported.12:43
pochu\sh: I was thinking in backporting 1.2.8. But we can backport from -security instead of hardy too. I don't care.12:48
\shpochu, as I said, we don't backport from hardy...only -backports for gutsy is coming from hardy12:49
ScottK\sh: Why not?12:49
ScottK\sh: That's normally now I would do it.12:50
\shScottK, so you mean, we can backport from latest development to oldest release?12:50
ScottK\sh: If it actually works, yes.  Have a look at postfix in dapper-backports.12:50
ScottKThat was taken from Gutsy just before the Gutsy release.12:51
\shScottK, and it gets all security fixes from gutsy automatically?12:51
ScottK\sh: The version in Hardy is fixed already?12:52
ScottKI'm not sure I understand the question?12:52
\shScottK, when someone is pushing gutsies version to dapper, and gutsies version is buggy, it needs to get all fixes from gutsy later on for dapper-backports...right?12:52
\shScottK, if it doesn't do it automatically this would be a nightmare...12:53
ScottKIt doesn't do it automatically.12:53
\shScottK, and that's really a problem12:53
ScottKIt can be.12:53
ScottKGenerally the solution is to fix the development release and backport again.12:54
ScottKOnce something has been tested for a backport, doing the actual backport is not very hard.12:54
\shScottK, when backports became official, we had the deal that only from devel release to devel-1 release can be backported, but not from devel release to devel-312:55
\shmeans, that we could backport from edgy to dapper, but not from feisty to dapper12:55
ScottK\sh: I see.  That's before my time, but particularly with an LTS release, we've been taking stuff as far back as it would go if it was requested.12:55
ScottKAlmost all of the multi-release backports are to Dapper.  I think for LTS is needs to be a bit different.12:56
\shScottK, tbh, that's the worst crack I can think of...all those hip hobby admins are using backports, getting vulnerable software, and no one is there who deals with unsupported backports12:57
\shto make them secure12:58
Hobbseebackports are crack.  this is known12:58
\shScottK, we can do also source-changed backports nowadays, right?12:58
Hobbseeas they're done by jdong and cronies.12:59
ubotu<Hobbsee> jdong: yes, but you're FULL OF CRACK!12:59
ScottK\sh: We can although we try to minimize them.12:59
ScottKMaking something secure would definitely be a good reason.12:59
ScottKHobbsee: While I would agree they have risks, I think they've calmed down a bit.13:01
ScottKFor something like clamav, we'd be dead without backports.13:01
\shScottK, right, there are special cases13:02
\shwell, let's break dapper...requesting a backport of latest wireshark in hardy...and most of the dapper network people are doomed13:02
ScottK\sh: Please test it before you do.13:03
\shScottK, this is something I will never do13:03
ScottK\sh: Test or backport wireshark?13:03
\shScottK, but there are others, who could and are able to13:03
ScottKTesting is generally where the choke point is in backports.13:04
ScottKjdong was going to find some more people to do testing, but I haven't seen much in the way of results yet.13:05
\shScottK, as I said, it would all make sense, _if_ there are people who are 100% responsible for this...and _if_ those people are taking care about the latest bugfixes to automatically do the backports13:05
ScottK\sh: Well I will tell you that for stuff I've requested backports for, I to look after them too.13:06
\shScottK, is there a list, where I can see, from which version the -backports version is coming from?13:06
ScottK\sh: Usually you can see from the publishing history.  Let me find a good example.13:06
ScottK\sh: If you look at Postfix, https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/postfix you can see that the versions in Feisty and Dapper came from Gutsy.13:08
ScottKAs it happens there was one Postfix upload to Gutsy after we backported it, but that would've broken on Dapper (no libdb4.5), so it's just as well.13:09
\shScottK, dapper is still suported, when gutsy is out of support, or?13:10
ScottKFor server stuff, yes.13:10
\shScottK, so, if no one ever do something new for postfix on backports, we don't see it on the list anymore, right?13:11
ScottKWe'll be able to backport the Hardy version of Postfix to Dapper with just one change.13:11
ScottK\sh: I think you bring up a good point that unsupported versions after an LTS release should probably stay in LP.13:12
ScottKI doubt anyone has thought of this.13:12
\shna...this shouldn't matter...I would like a list where you can see: <pkgname> <latest version in backports> <from release> <to release>13:12
\shso someone who is not dealing with backports, but is a motu, is able to see easily which backports needs some love...13:13
* \sh is too stupid to patch rsync...13:14
\shwhat breaks the rsyncd.conf.5 man page13:15
ScottK\sh: That makes sense.  Maybe someone will script something up.13:15
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ScottKHello dcordero13:28
\shhmm....what is the replacement of inittab today in ubuntu?13:31
\shwhere do I set the default runlevel?13:31
stdinfiles in /etc/event.d/13:31
\shwell /etc/event.d/rc-default guesses what the default is...and when I read it correctly it's always runlevel 2, right?13:32
stdinit reads /etc/inittab if it's there and can choose the default from that, but it defaults to 213:33
\shstdin, yepp13:35
dcorderoone question about Revu. i have uploaded a package to revu system and i have check that there are errors in my package. I've fix that errors and i have upload again with dput -f but i cant see the new version on revu. I uploaded it arround 1 hour13:35
ScottKdcordero: What package?13:36
ScottKWhen you uploaded it, what did dput tell you?13:37
dcorderotold me that the package was sucesfully uploaded13:37
dcorderothis was my first upload13:38
ScottKIt looks like you'll need a revu admin to have a look.13:39
DaveMorri1dcordero: you notice the lintian error with your uploaded package?13:42
ScottKDaveMorri1: Lintian doesn't run when you upload, so I'm not sure what you're asking.13:42
dcorderoyep, i have fixed all the lintian error and now can be build perfectly with pbuilder, that first upload was only for try revu system13:43
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dcorderonow, that i have a new version that i think that is ok, i'd like to upload it for check if it's surely fine. But dont work :/13:46
DaveMorri1ScottK: ^^13:49
ScottKDaveMorri1: Ah.  I misread with as when.13:49
ScottKSorry about that.13:49
dcorderomaybe have i change some version number in the package for revu understand it as a new version?13:51
DaveMorri1nope, just reupload it13:51
dcorderoso, i'll try to upload it again13:53
ScottKdcordero: If uploading it again doesn't work, Hobbsee may be able to help you (Hobbsee: dcordero has a vanishing upload problem on REVU).13:55
ScottKor not.13:56
dcorderoi think that maybe i know where is the problem14:05
dcorderothe documentation say ->  dput revu package_version_source.changes14:06
dcorderobut my changes files is named ninvaders-0.1.1_3-1_i386.changes14:06
dcorderowithout source. ¿?14:06
\shdcordero, you need a source.changes...which you get when you do a debuild -S -sa e.g.14:10
\shand i386.changes is for binary uploads...which we don't do14:11
dcorderopff i am stupid, all the morning with that stupid error14:12
roccohey guys14:22
roccoanyone had a problem using a usb keyboard with the gutsy install cd?14:22
ScottKrocco: This isn't a support channel, try #ubuntu (but no, I haven't).14:25
roccosorry I'm cbx3314:25
roccojust popping in at work14:25
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whiteFujitsu: ?14:37
whiteFujitsu: don't go to bed yet ;)14:37
dcorderois early, 15:38 here :)14:38
DaveMorri1norsetto: I've made those changes, thanks for revu it this morning14:54
norsettoDaveMorri1: np, I also added those to revu now that is back14:55
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DaveMorri1yeah I noticed,  now I see why you need 2 revu's since people miss things14:55
norsettoDaveMorri1: does the test result makes sense to you? I didn't check it myself14:56
DaveMorri1yeah, as it's an example of it failing on things as well as pasing14:56
DaveMorri1showing the user what can be done with it14:56
mruizhi all14:58
mruizdholbach, are you busy at the moment ?14:59
dholbachmruiz: yeah... is there anything I can help you with?14:59
norsettodholbach: (hi)14:59
dholbachhey norsetto14:59
* dholbach hugs mruiz and norsetto15:00
dholbachhow are you doing?15:00
* mruiz hugs dholbach 15:00
mruizdholbach, as I wrote you I want to know about your availability to continue as my mentor :-)15:01
dholbachI haven't forgotten the email :)15:01
mruizdholbach, sure15:02
bddebianHeya folks15:03
=== Hobbsee_ is now known as Hobbsee
bddebianHi pochu15:04
geserHi bddebian15:07
norsetto_DaveMorri1: I think you still have README in docs?15:09
bddebianHeya geser15:09
DaveMorri1oh yeah, I didn't see it when I scanned through, let me fix it quickly15:09
norsettodholbach: sorry daniel, I can't keep a stable wireless for more than few seconds15:14
dholbachnorsetto: I'm sorry to hear that - do you have wired connection at home?15:15
norsettodholbach: yes, but I have to keep the wireless on since my wife needs it for her portable15:15
dholbachnorsetto: and it breaks for her too?15:16
* DaveMorri1 sends norsetto's wife a 10M cat5 cable15:16
norsettothere we go again15:17
norsettodholbach: not at all, its just these new ralink modules which are bogus15:18
dholbacharg :-/15:19
sorenYeah, we should probably give everyone who's stuck with the ralink drivers their money back. :-/15:22
WybiralHello everyone! Does anyone know why PyODE has TriMesh disabled in gutsy? Or a portable way to solve it? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pyode15:24
ScottKWybiral: The why is "Since libode 0.7 shipped within Debian is without trimesh support, trimesh     support disabled for building pyode"15:25
ScottKWybiral: It looks like it's been changed in Hardy.15:27
ScottKTo solve it for Gutsy you'd need the newer libode too.15:27
WybiralOK cool. So the only solution for gutsy would be to build it all from source?15:28
whiteFujitsu: sleepy ;)15:28
* Hobbsee expects Fujitsu went to sleep long ago15:29
ScottKWybiral: Or grab the source packages from Hardy and build those locally (that's what I'd do).15:31
WybiralOK. Thanks a bunch ScottK!15:31
joejaxxi just got the funniest kde4 ktip on startup15:35
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sorenmok0: Just read your mailing list post..15:55
sorenmok0: "head -1 debian/changelog | sed -e 's/.*(\(.*:\)\?\(.*\)\(-[^-]*\)\?).*/\2/g'" pretty much does the trick, doesn't it?15:56
sorenEr... no.15:57
sorenhead -1 debian/changelog | sed -e 's/.*(\(.*\)).*/\1/g' -e 's/.*://' -e 's/-[^-]*$//'16:00
sorenThat should do it. Just one sed call.16:00
mok0soren: :)16:01
dholbachwhat I feel, when I look at things like that is "we need more juicy python love everywhere"16:01
mok0soren: yes, but you're using a pipe16:01
sorenmok0: Ah, no problem.16:01
mok0soren: that was the challenge :)16:01
dholbachon the day where we have    #!/usr/bin/python    at the top of debian/rules files, I'm happy16:02
sorensed sed -n -e '1 s/.*(\(.*\)).*/\1/g' -e '1 s/.*://' -e '1 s/-[^-]*$//' -e '1 p' debian/changelog -e 's/.*(\(.*\)).*/\1/g' -e 's/.*://' -e 's/-[^-]*$//'16:02
sorenErk, that went wrong.16:02
sorensed -n -e '1 s/.*(\(.*\)).*/\1/g' -e '1 s/.*://' -e '1 s/-[^-]*$//' -e '1 p' debian/changelog16:02
sorenThere you go.16:02
sorenNo pipes, only sweet, sweet sed love. :)16:03
mok0dholbach: funny you should mention it: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/pyhelper16:03
sorendholbach: You can do that, actually.16:03
mok0soren: that's a long and ugly sed expression16:03
sorendholbach: Erh, no, sorry, that was changed at some point.16:03
sorenmok0: I think it's rather pretty, actually. :) YMMV16:04
dholbachmok0: you should get in touch with mvo about it - he has some really good ideas16:04
dholbachit'd make the world a better place16:04
mok0dholbach: I haven't met mto, come here often?16:04
sorendholbach: At some point, I belive the Debian policy said that debian/rules just had to be an executable that accepted certain arguments (build, binary-arch, etc.)16:04
dholbachmok0: mvo, he's in #ubuntu-devel16:04
dholbachsoren: ah ok16:05
sorendholbach: It was at some point changed to say that it actually had to be a make file :(16:05
mok0debian rules is utter and complete {a,mis}use of make16:05
sorenmok0: Indeed, some people make it so.16:06
mok0t make use of make's powers at all. It's basically just used as a wrapper for a shell script. Yuc.16:06
mok0make is for dependency checking and compiling files that have changed16:07
mok0Now you got me started :-)16:07
mok0IMHO any executable that could handle to be called by dpkg-' like "rules install" etc should be acceptable16:08
sorenmok0: Agreed.16:09
sorenmok0: I've been meaning to bring it up on debian-devel, but I haven't found sufficient motivation yet.16:09
dholbachWe'll fork the policy then! More developers by 'fixing' debian/rules!16:09
mok0Strangely, I just filed a blueprint at LP last night. I have been thinking about it for some time16:09
sorenmok0: About this?16:09
mok0dholbach: Yeah! :-)16:09
mok0soren: writing a python module that would handle everything in rules16:10
mok0and debhelper16:10
sorencdbs.py? :)16:10
mok0soren: yeah, I guess :-)16:11
sorenWell, if just we could get the policy relaxed a bit (just like you said a minute ago), that would be completely feasible.16:11
sorenI like debian/rules to be makefiles, though. I just don't see any point forcing it on people, when there's really no technical reason to do so.16:12
mok0soren: I think if we come up with a really good alternative, it would not be a problem... at least it shouldn't16:12
broonieThere was a discussion about this in debian sometime within the past year.16:13
mok0soren: as long as it can be any executable script, it wouldn't matter16:13
sorenbroonie: Did Ian perhaps bring it up?16:13
sorenmok0: Precisely.16:13
sorenbroonie: I discussed it with him in July.16:13
broonieCan't remember who it was.16:13
sorenbroonie: We went ballistic when he saw that it now explicitly said it had to be a makefile, so he might very well have brought it up somehwere.16:14
sorenbroonie: Er... "*He* went ballistic"16:14
mok0Well, talking can be counter productive. People tend to paint themselves into a corner from principles. It is much better to have something concrete to discuss16:14
sorenmok0: Yeah, an actual patch for the policy should get the juices going.16:15
broonieIIRC it was a patch to policy that someone proposed.16:15
mok0soren: "We have this new system, it works really well, is flexible and users like it. You can try it and see what you think. Can we patch the policy??"16:16
sorenmok0: Nono..16:16
mok0soren: whatever. I'm not into politics anyway16:16
broonieAh, yes. Bug 423564 and associated discussion on -policy/-devel - it was Ian who raised it.16:17
sorenmok0: Don't do that right away. You just start by suggesting that the requirement for debian/rules to be a makefile is absurd and pointless. When everyone has agreed (yeah, right), you bring on the crack.16:17
* soren wanders off for a short break16:17
mok0soren: I'd think you should leave all the doors open, and not insult those who really like make16:17
effie_jayxhow do I know if tzdata got sycn recently16:18
brooniesoren: See that policy bug and the mailing list dicussions first, though.16:18
mok0soren: but perhaps Debian folks associate Python with Ubuntu and thus hates everything Python in the workflow?16:19
\shtime to go home....16:19
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
sorenmok0: I'm not saying using makefiles is absurd. I'm saying it's absurd to require them to be makefiles.16:34
mok0soren: I agree.16:35
mok0soren: I fully respect the design choice to use the existing tools16:35
sorenmok0: It's good to see another Dane being active in here, by the way :)16:35
mok0Hæ, ja, hvor er du fra?16:35
mok0(switch back to english now)16:36
sorenAalborg. Eller faktisk Nørresundby.16:36
mok0Are you doing this as a part of your work?16:36
* MenZa aer mok016:36
mok0Hej MenZa16:37
MenZaHalløj :)16:37
sorenmok0: This is my job, yes.16:37
mok0soren: are you working for Canonical?16:37
MenZamok0, hvorfor er du ikke i #ubuntu-dk :(?16:37
sorenI am.16:37
mok0MenZa: (I will stick to english due to etiquette) I have the impression that most of that work is translation, and it doesn16:38
mok0t interest me that much16:38
MenZa#ubuntu-dk isn't work; #ubuntu-dk is a community. :)16:38
mok0MenZa: When is a good time to visit there? Evenings?16:39
MenZaWhenever. :)16:39
MenZasoren's there, too16:39
MenZaWe were recently approved as an official LoCo team.16:39
mok0MenZa: OK, you've got me convinced, I'll show up :-)16:39
MenZaGreat, mok0!16:39
mok0MenZa: ... LoCo.. isn't that translation & such?16:40
MenZaLoCo = Local Community. :)16:40
mok0MenZa: Ah16:40
MenZaYou're thinking of l10n; localisation.16:40
MenZa(or i18n, internationalisation)16:40
mok0MenZa: Yeah, I guess16:40
mok0Where are you at, MenZa? I'm in Århus16:41
* mok0 hopes MenZa has nothing to do with that boring club of boneheads known as "mensa"..16:42
slangasekmok0: the insistence on make for debian/rules has nothing to do with python, it has to do with wanting to be able to use features of make to detect support for various tentative, new features of policy, and with wanting to define a particular baseline for what a developer needs to know to understand how any package in the archive is being built16:43
mok0slangasek: What features are you referring to?16:44
mdomschWell, now I know why my package builds for gutsy aren't picking up dpkg triggers16:44
slangasekmok0: detecting make targets in order to handle build-depends better on buildds16:44
mdomschgutsy dpkg knows about triggers, but gutsy dh_installdeb doesn't :-(16:44
mok0slangasek: That's a noble goal. But I don't see why that puts a limitation on debian/rules16:45
MenZamok0, Kolding. :)16:45
mok0slangasek: you can still have make driving the buildds16:46
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slangasekmok0: er, you don't understand.  how are you going to use make to detect the presence of support for a particular make target in a package, if debian/rules isn't a makefile?16:46
mok0slangasek: I'd think you could extract the build-deps from debian/control16:47
\shI have a new job ....16:48
mok0slangasek: You're probably right, I will have to study the new ideas before making comments16:48
geser\sh: that went fast16:49
Riddellany cdbs experts know a target that would run some code after `make install` but before dh_install etc?16:49
slangasekmok0: this is discussed extensively on debian-devel about 4-5 months back (with a subject line of something about "dpkg" or "build-depends-indep"); I would encourage you to read the archive to understand the issue16:49
mok0slangasek: you must be talking about a completely new set of targets16:49
mok0slangasek: Thanks, I will look it up.16:49
mok0slangasek: Of course, dependency checking can be implemented in a Python based rules system. Scons does it16:50
slangasekmok0: yes, it's about wanting to be able to transition builds to use the optional build-arch target, which the buildds can't rely on being present during a transitional period16:50
slangasekthis is not about "dependency checking"16:51
mok0slangasek: got it16:51
slangasekthis is about "reliably detecting whether a package supports a target of a particular name, so that we know whether a package fails to build because it's broken, or whether it fails to build because it doesn't support the new target"16:52
slangasekalso, "scons == eew"16:52
mok0slangasek: I am not familiar with how the buildds works16:52
* mok0 agrees16:52
mok0slangasek: Perhaps I'm being insistant , but I maintain that it would be possible to design a tool better suited for the purpose.16:53
azeemslangasek: but waf is python as well!16:54
mok0azeem: waf?16:55
leonelScottK: hello !  long time  no talk ..   new  Squirrelmail Version  only bugfixes  no CVE's16:56
\shgeser, yeah had luckk...and now home :)16:56
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sorenRiddell: I think that's binary-install/foo ?16:57
Riddellsoren: yeah, but this is something which affects all the binary packages not just one at a time16:57
DaveMorri1you tried binary-install:: ?16:58
mok0slangasek: I will draft an interface, anyways, then people can look at it, comment & criticize16:58
sorenRiddell: Hm...16:58
=== DelayLama is now known as DreamThief
sorenRiddell: common-binary-post-install-arch ?17:00
sorenRiddell: No, that won't work.17:00
gurthangriddell has a riddle17:02
gurthanglike bilbo or gollum17:02
sorenRiddell: common-post-build ?17:06
RiddellI've a feeling I tried that one soren, let me try again17:09
* RainCT wonders wheter stuff in http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/uehs/no_watch.php should be fixed or just left for the Debian maintainers?17:10
=== mathiaz_ is now known as mathiaz
sorenRiddell: Someone should make the order in which these targets get invoked more explicit for the most common cases (e.g. debhelper + autotools)17:12
keescookFujitsu: yeah, I'm not sure why that is.  we switched to the "bound" branch for the "master", and something may have gotten confused.  Hopefully it'll only be with "past" stuff.  (I suspect it decided jdstrand's was the master, and got confused about my past merges with you)17:13
Riddellsoren: exactly what I've been thinking for the last couple of hours17:13
sorenRiddell: So how is that coming along? :)17:14
Riddellsoren: not looking good, it's passed the point where it needs to be run17:14
sorenRiddell: I meant writing that document :)17:15
Riddellsoren: that seems only to run it after installing the indep packages17:17
Riddellmm, I don't think I'm the best person to be documenting cdbs much as I'd love for there to be better docs17:17
sorenRiddell: binary-install/(name of first package) will get called first, though. :)17:20
Riddellsoren: good plan17:21
Riddellif inelegant17:21
sorenRiddell: This is probably better:17:21
soren$(patsubst %,binary-install/%,$(DEB_ALL_PACKAGES)) :: common-binary-install17:22
soren 17:22
soren    Do stuff17:22
Riddellwon't that run it once for each package?17:22
soren   touch common-binary-install17:22
sorenNot if you touch a file called common-binary-install and don't declare it .PHONY17:22
sorencdbs ought to have a target like that, though, but from what I can tell, it doesn't.17:23
Riddellright.  presumably I need to clean it up too17:23
sorenGood catch. Yes.17:24
Riddellgood to know it's not just me missing something obvious17:24
=== dfiloni is now known as dfiloni-doccia
sorenmok0: :)18:22
mok0Apparently, python-debian and python-deb822 are mutually exclusive. Which one is recommended?18:26
mok0python-debian, probably. It contains lots more18:27
jonnymindHello everyone18:29
sorenmok0: You'll likely be happier using python-debian, yes.18:32
sorenmok0: Unless, of course, you're trying to parse e-mails and such.18:32
james_wmok0: python-debian now incorporates python-deb822.18:33
mok0james_w: yes, I noticed. Perhaps deb822 should be deprecated18:34
james_wmok0: the package?18:34
mok0james_w: yes18:34
james_wyes, it should be removed at some point.18:34
mok0james_w: or, deb822 removed from python-debian18:35
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mok0james_w: Is it appropriate to file a bug against python-debian, and not that it should have "Replaces: python-deb822" ??18:42
nibblesmxis this the right channel for asking on a bug report?18:44
sorenmok0: No, that would probably not be appropriate.18:45
nibblesmxmok0: thanks18:45
mok0soren: why not?18:45
sorenmok0: Does it replace any files in python-deb822?18:46
sorenmok0: Rephrasing: Can they coexist?18:46
mok0soren: yes, it contains deb822.py it seems18:46
sorenIn the same directory?18:46
mok0mok0: no they are exclusive, one replaces the other18:46
sorenmok0: Oh, it already says: Replaces: python-deb822 ?18:47
mok0soren: rephrasing, intstalling one removes the other18:47
sorenmok0: Well, that happens *because* it already has Replaces, Provides, Conflicts: python-deb822.18:48
mok0soren: ...but you can still install deb822 when the other is installed, it just removes it18:49
sorenmok0: Huh?18:49
mok0soren: If I have python-debian installed, and I then install python-deb822, it will remove python-debian18:50
sorenmok0: Not on my system.18:50
mok0soren: hmm.18:50
sorenmok0: python-debian "Provides: python-deb822".18:50
soren..hence python-deb822 is already installed (virtually).18:51
Ubuletteanyone for a 2nd review for http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=prism  ?18:51
sorenI apologise for just saying no to your original question. I thought you just wanted to state "Replaces: " because you thought that python-debian was a better choice than python-deb822.18:52
mok0soren: it does on my system:  The following packages will be REMOVED:   python-debian The following NEW packages will be installed:   python-deb82218:52
sorenmok0: You're still running stale, old gutsy, are you?18:52
mok0soren: yep18:52
sorenmok0: There's your problem. :)18:52
mok0:) ok18:52
sorenmok0: It's already fixed in hardy.18:52
sorenpython-deb822 has even been removed from the archive.18:53
sorenReplaces: is a bit misunderstood, really.18:53
mok0soren: go on18:53
sorenIf foo says that it "Replaces: bar", and bar is installed and you then install foo, foo will be allowed to replace files that bar has already installed.18:53
sorenThat's what "Replaces: " means.18:54
mok0soren: Ah, it's not "This package supercedes that other one"18:54
sorenYou're telling dpkg that you are aware that this package replaces from files in the other package, and that you are ok with that fact.18:54
sorenmok0: Not on its own, no.18:54
sorenmok0: To do that, you add: "Replaces: foo, Conflicts: foo, Provides: foo"18:55
mok0soren: but why can' t the two packages co-exist, then?18:55
jonnymindppl, a fast question: a source pkg must be built by make -f rules,18:55
jonnymindbut may rules call i.e. bash scripts?18:55
sorenmok0: I asked if they could coexist because if you were asking about adding only Replaces (implying it wasn't already there). If they could already coexist, and you wanted to tell dpkg that it replaced files in the other package, you'd be lying.18:56
sorenjonnymind: Sure.18:56
* jonnymind was starting sweating cold.18:56
mok0soren: I was incorrect in my assumption on how Replaces: works18:57
sorenmok0: Most people are :)18:57
sorenScott (Keybuk) wrote a long rant about this some time ago.18:58
mok0soren: where can I read that? :)18:59
sorenmok0: I'm looking for it. Hang on.18:59
james_wmok0: they could co-exist, as the files aren't shared, but python-deb822 is no longer maintained, so we don't want it, all updates go in to python-debian.19:04
james_w(although they might try and create the same files in postinst, I can't remember)19:05
james_wbut as deb822 is removed we can forget about it.19:05
mok0james_w: okay, but then I find it a bit surprising that apt-get allows you to replace python-debian with python-deb822.19:06
sorenmok0: I'm afraid I can't find it.19:07
mok0soren: np19:07
james_wmok0: if you are telling it to install 'python-deb822', and you have zero things installed that depend on python-debian, and zero or more things installed that depend on deb822 it is still satisfied, and so will do what you tell it, i.e. install deb822.19:07
mok0james_w: yes. It doesn't protect me from myself :-)19:08
james_wI think a 'Supersedes:' field would solve this problem.19:08
mok0james_w: exactly19:08
mok0james_w: then apt-get could warn you19:09
* soren needs dinner19:10
mok0soren: velbekomme19:10
TheMusoHey MOTUs.19:52
bddebianHeya TheMuso19:54
geserHi TheMuso19:54
geserTheMuso: I guess after your glib1.2 rebuild uploads you are near the top of the uploader stats :)19:56
geserjoejaxx should update his stats page19:56
TheMusogeser: Probably. I still have more to go though.19:57
joejaxxgeser: i did not know anyone looked at it anymore :P20:22
RainCTis there a way to rename manpages (with cdbs) beside copying them?20:30
mok0RainCT: explain20:32
RainCTmok0: I've a tarball that comes with manpages with names like "bb.py.1", and I want to install those with another game (like for ex. "bubbros-server.6")20:33
mdomschUpdating System BIOS when running Ubuntu: http://direct2dell.com/one2one/archive/2007/12/05/37446.aspx20:33
mok0RainCT: Perhaps you can specify <from> <to> in package.manpages(?)20:35
RainCTmight be, but I can't find any doc for .manpages.. well, will try it then if nobody knows if it works or not20:37
mok0RainCT: documentation should be in dh_installman20:38
RainCTah ok. thanks20:38
mok0RainCT: Ultimately in /usr/bin/dh_installman :-)20:38
G0SUBhello, is there any policy about putting stuff in the multiverse? is it permissible to put _any_ non-free app, that can be redistributed ?20:40
mok0G0SUB: Don't know for sure, I think so20:42
G0SUBmok0: hmm20:42
jussio1G0SUB: what are you thinking of?20:44
G0SUBjussio1: some guy was talking about writing random non-free apps that depend on sun-java and put them on ubuntu multiverse20:45
calcmany java apps can be compiled using gcj now so don't necessarily have to go into multiverse20:45
geserunless they have a non-free license20:45
calcgeser: oh yea unless of that :)20:46
calcdepending on sun-java also makes them go into multiverse20:46
G0SUBgeser: those are non-free apps, of course20:46
mok0Of course you can always regenerate a .java file from a .class file :-)20:46
calcif they are free they can go into universe if they can be compiled with gcj20:46
calci misread the part about the non-free license as well :)20:47
mok0But must be open source20:47
calcfree being libre not gratis20:47
geserG0SUB: it is getting tried now if there is some other requirement beside redistributable to get into multiverse. someone packaged a non-free windows game which can be run in wine20:47
calciirc the real test is they have to pass dfsg20:48
G0SUBgeser: that's right ...20:48
G0SUBgeser: that's exactly what I want to know20:49
G0SUBcalc: do apps in our multiverse pass the dfsg ?20:49
geserG0SUB: wait for the outcome of this test20:49
calcG0SUB: i don't think so, but i don't recall what multiverse requirements are20:49
geserG0SUB: if they pass the dfsg they are suitable for main/universe20:49
G0SUBgeser: right20:50
* calc looks to see if he can find a list of req for multiverse20:50
G0SUBactually, the thing is ... there is this FOSS conference in India, called FOSS.in20:50
calcsome stuff in multiverse belongs in universe already (wrt java stuff) but probably not that much20:50
gesercalc: it must at least be redistributable20:50
G0SUBsome sun guy came and talked here about packaging java apps for ubuntu, but he want on to talk about glassfish and how one can write non-free apps and push them to our multiverse20:51
calcgeser: that much is a given :)20:51
G0SUBi was thinking about objecting to that idea20:51
calcG0SUB: sounds objectionable even if it is allowable ;)20:52
calcrecommending people write non-free apps is bad20:52
G0SUBcalc: exactly.20:52
G0SUBcalc: that too in a FOSS coneference, masquarading as a foss speaker20:52
calclol :(20:52
G0SUBcalc: check the slides20:53
calci may not be looking in the right place but i don't see a clear definition of multiverse20:54
calcimportant point20:58
calcglassfish doesn't run on open java yet does it?20:59
calcif the apps depend on glassfish and it is in multiverse they will be in multiverse anyway, but he should have pointed out that soon open java will be in ubuntu main and that users probably want to be able to have the potential to be on an ubuntu cd21:02
calci don't recall glassfish license but iirc it is primarily in multiverse due to its dependency on sun java, which will be resolved when open java is finally useful and available in main21:03
Flare183I'm supposed to sign the DEB file or the tar.gz file?21:09
Flare183Which one?21:09
mok0Flare183: neither21:11
mok0Flare183: you sign the .dsc and the .changes files21:12
Flare183oh kk21:12
mok0Flare183: but if you use debuild you don't have to worry about it21:12
mok0Flare183: but look at debsign21:13
Flare183But what if i am going to upload a package to my ppa and it comes from fiesty and I am using gusty?21:13
mok0Flare183: the distribution is defined in debian/changelog21:14
Flare183oh ok21:14
mok0Flare183: you upload a source package and it gets compiled on the ppa21:14
mok0Flare183: it doesn't matter which system you used to construct the source package21:14
Flare183oh ok.. i understand for the most part21:14
mok0Flare183: the ppa will look in the changelog to see which distro it has to compile for21:15
mok0Flare183: F.ex. I build hardy packages in gutsy :-)21:16
mok0source packages21:16
Flare183cool well i am building fiesty packages >> to gusty21:16
calci build them all in chroots :)21:16
mok0calc: of course, me too21:17
geserFlare183: but it would be good if you could test that your package builds in gutsy before uploading21:17
mok0calc: but it doesn't matter for a source package21:17
calcmok0: well as long as you only build a source package, which means you may not have tested building the package21:18
jonnymindI have the source self-compiling package, but I wanted to print a banner after make21:18
calcto actually build the package at least for hardy on gutsy you may need versions of packages that aren't in gutsy :)21:18
jonnymindBut it doesn't seem to work:21:18
mok0calc: you can test the package in pbuilder, but you don't need to build the source package there21:18
jonnymindSomeone may tell me what's wrong?21:18
jonnymindcmake $FALCON_SRC_TREE && make || func_errors21:18
Fujitsukeescook: I've just merged your branch again, and it seems to be more sane.21:18
* calc never much liked pbuilder so made his own scripts21:19
* Fujitsu hugs sbuild.21:19
mok0jonnymind: oh! no! you're using cmake21:19
jonnymindOh yes, I do.21:19
jonnymindIs there a problem with that?21:19
calci frequently need to go in mangle stuff which pbuilder didn't seem well suited for (at least when i wrote my own scripts)21:19
jonnymindI was simply going NUTS with automake,21:20
mok0jonnymind: it's so rarely used and completely non-standard21:20
calcautomake is your friend :)21:20
jonnymindand when I splitted the projects in 5 svn brances I had to preserve my mental stability.21:20
calcisn't cmake that crazy KDE thing?21:20
* mok0 loves automake21:20
jonnymindMoreover, it works on window.21:20
mok0jonnymind: who cares :-)21:20
calciirc the reason KDE gave for switching to cmake was windows also21:21
jonnymindmok0: the ones that repspect those users that haven't still seen the light.21:21
calcof course no one runs free/open software on windows (other than firefox) anyway so its a bit pointless ;-)21:21
jonnymind(other then myself, which needed falcon at work)21:21
jonnymindWe do.21:21
jonnymindAnd we run financial services servers.21:21
jonnymindWith open source software.21:21
jonnymindHowever, cmake is quite great; other than that;21:22
jonnymindlet's say21:22
Flare183ok hold up21:22
jonnymindmake || func_errors21:22
mok0jonnymind: anyway, in your statement above you mix cmake and make21:22
Flare183I am going to modify the beryl source packages and upload them to my ppa, when I go to download them from the ubuntu packages what should I download?21:23
jonnymindI tired without doing that; same result.21:23
Flare183the source packages, dsc, or the changelog?21:23
jonnymindmake is succesfull...21:23
jonnymindyet nor || function nor the following seems to get executed.21:23
mok0jonnymind: It's hard to help from your description, why dont you pastebin it21:25
jonnymindgood idea.21:25
mok0jonnymind: line 69, do you run cmake on a directory?21:30
jonnymindyes; it is created by the script relative to itself21:30
mok0jonnymind: what about line 46, does the script get past that?21:30
Flare183the source packages, dsc, or the changelog?21:30
jonnymindso it seems.21:31
mok0line 49, sorry21:31
mok0It looks strange21:31
jonnymindyou are right; it gets past that line, but doesn't write it21:31
jonnymindthat's the thing.21:32
jonnymindfixed :-)21:32
mok0jonnymind: Ah, its being echo21:32
jonnymind've been up for too much :-(21:34
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mdomschpopey, thanks for the blog comments21:52
* imbrandon yawns21:55
imbrandonmoins all21:55
ScottKmdomsch: I've got a Dell question for you, if you have a moment?22:02
ScottKI saw a Latitude X300 that someone had at a meeting yesterday and it looks like just about exactly the size I'm looking for.22:02
ScottKI don't find that on the Dell web site.  Would you mind pointing me at the current equivalent?22:03
mdomschScottK, I'm looking22:09
ScottKmdomsch: Thanks.22:10
mdomschhow big a screen is that?  Looks small22:10
ScottKDunno that measured size, but it is very small.22:11
mdomschprobably the Latitude D400 (our 12" notebook)22:11
ScottKThanks.  I'll have a look.22:11
mdomschthough I really like my XPS M1330 13.3"22:11
Ubuletteif someone wants something to review: bug 174219, bug 17424322:12
mdomschsorry, D430 is latest in that 12" family22:12
ubotuLaunchpad bug 174219 in xulrunner "Please merge xulrunner (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17421922:12
ubotuLaunchpad bug 174243 in ruby-gnome2 "Please sync ruby-gnome2 0.16.0-10 (universe) from Debian Sid (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17424322:12
Ubuletteor prism on REVU (for which I really don't understand why no one is interested)22:14
ScottKmdomsch: Right.  Found that one.  Is that one of the models you're providing Ubuntu based BIOS updates for?22:14
mdomsch1330 - yes22:15
mdomschyou can even boot the livecd and run the steps and do it from there22:16
ScottKmdomsch: Cool.  It may be time for me to get one of those.22:18
* ScottK goes and looks at the budget.22:18
popeyooo hi mdomsch22:19
Flare183ok i signed it now use dput?22:19
* macd really wants fingerprint reader working on M230022:21
macdit worked, then came a bios update and poof22:21
mdomschScottK, you can even boot the livecd and run the steps and do the update from there22:21
JanCis anybody working on the flashplugin-nonfree package: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/flashplugin-nonfree/+bug/173890/ ?22:28
ubotuLaunchpad bug 173890 in flashplugin-nonfree "flashplugin-nonfree fails to install... new version?" [Medium,Confirmed]22:28
ScottKJanC: I have it on my list to look at, but haven't done it yet.  If you want to take a shot at it, feel free.22:34
JanCI don't know how, just had a user complain about it  ;)22:34
JanCany idea how long it will take?22:35
ScottKGenerally bugs that aren't assigned to someone aren't being worked on actively.22:35
JanCwell, he's using gnash now  :P22:35
JanCbut that won't work in all cases22:35
* Fujitsu suspects that the best idea is to convince Adobe to be sane with their releases.22:35
* ScottK just tries to avoid using Flash period.22:36
JanCso do I, but sometimes something useful is a inside flash file22:37
JanCfrom what I understand the installation system changed?22:37
JanCoh, and Debian has newer versions of this package in testing / unstable / experimental22:39
ScottKYes.  Every time Adobe releases a new version, the package has to be updated.22:40
JanClatest version in experimental is dated "Sat, 22 Sep 2007 19:07:47 +0200 ", so probably not new enough to be fixed22:41
ScottKWe don't generally sync from Experimental.22:41
ScottKUsually stuff that's there is there for a scary reason.22:41
imbrandonJanC: the md5's likely just need updating, i'll take a look at it this evening22:42
ubotuDebian bug 454366 in flashplugin-nonfree "flashplugin-nonfree: New upstream release (" [Normal,Fixed]22:42
JanCI'l link this to the Ubutnu bug22:42
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JanCimbrandon & ScottK : thanks for looking at it  ツ22:44
ScottKimbrandon: Thanks.22:44
imbrandonScottK: np22:45
imbrandoninfact looking at it now, thats exactly what it is, i'll update it here shortly22:45
imbrandonbut will probably take $days for a backport22:45
JanCI hope this will not only go into backports?22:46
imbrandonit will goto hardy and traditionaly -backports , yes22:46
JanCit makes the package unusable...?22:46
imbrandonone of the pitfalls of using binary only software :(22:47
JanC(and apparently Adept hides the error message from the package)22:47
jdongimbrandon: you dont' think we can talk pitti into a SRU exception for this?22:48
jdongimbrandon: it leaves flashplugin-nonfree completely nonfunctional to new installers right?22:48
imbrandonjdong: maybe, but i wasent gonna promis it :)22:48
jdonghehe :)22:48
jdongI think we can make a good case to backport it , then copy the backport to -updates upon verification22:48
Kmosthere is a new standards-version.. 3.7.3 :-)22:48
imbrandonKmos: yes for some days now22:48
JanCjdong: that's exactly what happened to this guy; installed Kubuntu and flash didn't work, unfortunately without an error message  :-/22:49
Kmosimbrandon: need to check the news22:49
jdongJanC: right; I definitely think we can be granted an exception for this to go into -updates22:49
imbrandoni'm updating it now, give me a few to atleaste get it in hardy lol22:50
jdongimbrandon: FASTER FASTER!!!!!11122:50
imbrandongrrr who ASSIGNED motu ?22:51
JanCsomeone named "Serge de Souze"   ツ22:52
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imbrandonhrm we dont base ours off the debian version ?22:54
imbrandonnever been merged22:55
MagicFabQuestion about PPAs... does the PPA facility provide a mean to make an OpenPGP package signing key available ?22:56
MagicFab(if that makes sense)22:56
FujitsuMagicFab: It is scheduled for the next couple of releases, I believe.22:57
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whiteFujitsu: awake already?22:59
Fujitsuwhite: I am, but at work.22:59
imbrandonhrm JanC / jdong , it looks to be the same url and md5, e.g. works here23:01
imbrandoncan someone verify23:01
JanCimbrandon: the guy that posted a patch to the bug has another MD5 ?23:05
MagicFabFujitsu, tx23:05
imbrandonright but i think he had a corrupt download or something, the md5 is matching here23:05
imbrandonyes yea i see that23:06
imbrandonbut the actual download shows diffrent23:06
JanCweird, at least 4 people in Ubuntu & 1 in Debian saw this MD5 mismatch error?23:06
imbrandonwget this file23:06
imbrandonand run md5sum on it23:06
imbrandonhrm actualy , i might have been mistaken23:08
* imbrandon looks again23:08
JanCI get the new MD5 in that patch, not the old one?23:08
imbrandonright, my mistake, thanks23:08
norsettoAnybody can give a look at http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=888 ? One advocation and is ready to go.23:16
=== Nightrose2 is now known as Nightrose
jonnymindSuppose I have a source package that works and that may build the final tree in any location (e.g. --prefix)23:20
imbrandonJanC / jdong : uploaded23:20
JanCimbrandon: \o/23:20
JanCthank you23:21
jonnymindWould be possible use that package tree to do the deb source-to-binary packages instead of the chroot?23:21
imbrandonnp, jdong you wanna do the pitti convincing ?23:21
jonnymindI mean, I know it CAN be done. Does it break any policy?23:22
RAOFjonnymind: I'm not entirely sure what you're asking.23:23
jonnymindI got a source packaae23:23
jonnymindrules creates it with an arbitrary prefix23:23
jonnymindi.e. in a dist/ dir inside the source tree23:23
jonnymindcontrol file(s) read things from dist/usr, dist/lib etc.23:24
jonnymindis that ok?23:24
RAOFSo you're installing all the build-dependencies to dist/usr, etc?23:24
RAOFjonnymind: The binaries built from a source package never get installed to $prefix/whatever - the rules file (usually) changes DESTDIR in the install target so they end up in $(CURDIR)/debian/tmp/$prefix/whatever23:24
jonnymindOk, that was what I was asking.23:25
RAOFThe chroot is mainly there so that (1) you don't have to clutter your main environment with thousands of dev packages and (2) so that the package doesn't inadvertantly link to wrong libraries.23:25
jonnymindSo I can (or have) to build them in ${pwd}/debian/usr...23:25
RAOFYes.  Although $(CURDIR) is the varaible you're actually after :)23:26
imbrandonand $(DESTDIR)23:26
jonnymindOk, from the descs in the docs I beleived I had i.e. to chroot to a place and THEN build with DESTDIR=/usr from there.23:28
jonnymindI see that's a more general case (i.e some software wants to know where they are supposed to be installed).23:28
RAOFYup.  Quite a lot of software will build in $prefix/lib/mylibdir to load plugins, for example.23:30
jdongimbrandon: haha sure, pitti-stalker engaged.23:30
jonnymindSo, it depends on software, not on policy. I get it.23:31
RAOFIndeed.  Although if you do something different you'll have a hard time getting it sponsored, I imagine.23:31
RAOFAll the tools (debhelper, cdbs, etc) assume you end up with the package files installed somewhere in debian/pkgname (or debian/tmp, then moved do debian/pkgname).23:32
RAOFIf you do something vastly different, you'll need to build the .deb & associated control files manually (ie: don't do something vastly different :))23:33
jonnyminddebian/tmp or /tmp/debian?23:33
RAOFThe build process should never stick anything outside the build tree.23:34
jonnymindI agree.23:34
RAOFIE: *everything* is relative to $(CURDIR), no absolute paths.23:34
jonnymindMy software has a loose dependency with the installation path too, but it's overridable so that it can differ.23:34
RAOFI'm not sure if that's actual policy, but again, don't expect anything else to be sponsored :)23:34
RAOFjonnymind: It depends on both --prefix *and* DESTDIR?23:35
RAOFThis seems wrong.23:35
jonnymindSo, you can install it in $(CURDIR)/anywhere and tell it that it will end up installed in /usr23:35
jonnymindyou can. You don't have to.23:35
RAOFYup.  that's what --prefix is about ;)23:36
jonnymindThat's a bit more complex:23:36
jonnymindI created a temporary build environment that can override system installation.23:36
jonnymindAs it's a language, it may be installed system wide while you're developing i.e. a new VM.23:36
TheMusowrong tab23:37
jonnymindForget something and you'll screw.23:37
jonnymindSo, I made so that the language and all its system can be runtime-environment configured to override installation settings.23:38
jonnymindJust load an automatically built script and you're free to experiment with your personal version, without having to mess up with the official distro.23:38
jonnymindSo, when  I install it in /my/personal/env I still say it will end up in /usr one day.23:39
jonnymindand when I decide it's time, I just copy there and run it from a clean environment.23:39
* norsetto headache is not getting any better23:39
jonnymindI call that *respect* for the developers willing to join and experiment.23:39
jonnymindAnyhow I am digressing. The build will work the *old way* if necessary.23:40
jonnymindOr better, it runs the *usual way* by default. You just got a "hacking mode" if you need it.23:41
jonnymindIt seems I made some void around me... :-)23:46
RAOFNo, I just thought your question was answered, and I didn't really have anything to say about your elaboration.23:46
jonnymind:-) yes, you have been very supportive, and mine was just self-talk. Thanks.23:47
`nobodyhi. i'm looking into repackaging the "barry" package from what was done by the original maintainer in the "debian way" to make it conform to ubuntu packaging guidelines, and i'm not sure i got the version number right: the original is 0.11-1, and I think it would become 0.11-1-1ubuntu1, right?23:48
DarkMageZ`nobody, 0.11-1ubuntu123:48
imbrandon`nobody: are you talking from debian or upstream? upstream should be punished for releases -123:48
tonyyarussoIf I'm making major changes to my blog, is there a way to prevent Planet spammage?23:49
imbrandonDarkMageZ: maybe not23:49
imbrandontonyyarusso: dont change the timestamp on the rss feed :P23:49
imbrandontonyyarusso: or deactivate your feed temp23:49
tonyyarussoimbrandon: will it do weird things when I reactivate the feed?23:50
`nobodyit's not really in debian, but i guess also not really upstream. it's GPL code, from netdirect inc., but this Chris Frey dude made it available on sourceforge along with .deb packages.23:50
imbrandondepends on how you change the rss, but it shouldent23:50
tonyyarussohmm, okay23:50
tonyyarussoimbrandon: fyi, I'm going to be switching from WordPress to Drupal, if that helps23:50
imbrandon`nobody: then it should be as DarkMageZ said, you go off upstream23:50
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`nobodyso 0.11-1ubuntu1 it is?23:51
imbrandondid upstream release 0.11 ? if so and its not in debian it will be 0.11-0ubuntu123:52
`nobodyok I see. the package source file is named as 0.11, and only the changelog mentions a -1, but all their versions end with at least -1.23:55
imbrandonwell kinda23:55
imbrandonyou dont go off their packages, you work with the upstream source, 0.11 , and if its not in debian you use -0ubuntuX if it is in debian you use -YubuntuX ( Y == debian revision , X is uubutn revision )23:56
imbrandonthis is all explained in the package guide also23:56
`nobodyi was reading the package guide, but i found the part about the version was a little unclear23:57
imbrandoni think because you are trying to use a middle man, dont23:57
imbrandonis the source23:57
`nobodyi checked and i am using the upstream source. the page on netdirect points over to the sourceforge page i am getting the source from23:58
imbrandonright, the tarbal , you are looking at something with debian/ in it23:58
`nobodythat's what i'm editing -- the changelog file.23:58
imbrandondebian/ should not be included in the release tarbal, thats bad mojo and nees to be fixed pstream and or repacked23:59

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