
asaci would rank nsCSSFrameConstructor at least at #200:00
Ubulettedid you follow the memory fragmentation threads in ff3 ?00:15
Ubulettethe last one is http://blog.pavlov.net/2007/12/04/vlad-and-analysis-of-dtrace-was-used/00:17
Ubulette1st was http://blog.pavlov.net/2007/11/10/memory-fragmentation/00:18
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[reed]asac / Ubulette: ping06:35
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asac[reed]: ?07:39
[reed]asac: so, looks like we're going to have (for now) a build dependency on libgnomeui-dev but not a runtime dependency07:39
[reed]for Fx307:39
asac(or not so cool, depending on what is done now :))07:40
[reed]so, I guess some rules file on your side will need to be updated with that07:40
[reed]well, until a patch landed today, it was both a build+runtime dependency ;p07:40
[reed]now just a build07:41
asacok i see07:44
asac[reed]: do you have any screenshot how ffox 3 beta looks like on win?07:48
asacor is it still the same theme as before on windows?07:48
[reed]asac: same as before07:49
[reed]for now07:49
[reed]the new theme hasn't landed07:49
[reed]it's still in-progress07:49
[reed]win is way behind Linux and Mac this time07:49
asacbut its the same direction? e.g. use stock icons?07:50
[reed]only Linux is using stock icons07:50
[reed]both mac and win aren't07:50
asacok, so the windows theme can probably used under linux as well?07:50
asacok thats important07:51
[reed]why? :)07:51
[reed]who wants to use winstripe?07:51
asacone main argument to use firefox in distros is to provide a bridge for window users07:51
[reed]when you could use gnomestripe!07:51
asacso they feel like "home" when browsing07:51
[reed]but the new winstripe is going to be radically different, as far as using icons that will look completely out of place on Linux07:52
[reed]they will be very much XP/Vista based07:52
[reed]and icons will be different between XP and Vista07:52
asacand new mac theme will be completely different as well?07:52
[reed]yes, it will look like a normal OS X app07:53
asacok, lets hope that users that switch from win to linux to mac can still recognize each app as firefox07:53
asac(which is the main point of having the same theme everywhere i guess)07:53
[reed]yeah, did you read faaborg's blog post on that?07:54
asacnope :) ... its just my concern about all this :)07:54
[reed]let me get the link07:54
asacyou have an url?07:54
[reed]that's what I meant by "the link"07:54
[reed]one sec07:55
[reed]read the "Platform Integration vs. Cross Platform Identity" part07:56
[reed]and have a laugh at faaborg's expense on the phallic symbol he attempts to use as a demonstration07:57
[reed]s/on the/at the/07:57
asaclets see how this "shape for X-platform identity" will work out.08:08
Ubulettehey guys08:28
Ubulettedoesn't xulrunner 1.8.1.* deserve a security update like ff2 ?08:28
asacit does ... but its in universe :)08:31
Ubulette!info xulrunner debian08:31
ubotuxulrunner: XUL + XPCOM application runner. In component universe, is optional. Version (gutsy), package size 273 kB, installed size 980 kB08:31
asacdidn't we update xulrunner for
UbuletteI did 2 or 3 weeks ago08:32
Ubulettea merge from debian08:32
Ubulette!info xulrunner unstable08:32
ubotuxulrunner: XUL + XPCOM application runner. In component main, is optional. Version (unstable), package size 270 kB, installed size 964 kB08:32
asacright ... there is a new merge waiting :)08:33
Ubulette!info xulrunner experimental08:33
ubotuxulrunner: XUL + XPCOM application runner. In component universe, is optional. Version (gutsy), package size 273 kB, installed size 980 kB08:33
UbuletteI think i'll do it then08:33
Ubuletteunless someone beat me to it08:33
asacbut still thats not a security update for gutsy08:33
Ubulette!info xulrunner gutsy08:34
ubotuxulrunner: XUL + XPCOM application runner. In component universe, is optional. Version (gutsy), package size 273 kB, installed size 980 kB08:34
Ubulettewhy ?08:34
asacyeah ... upgrading from to is a huge bump08:34
asacwell ... xulrunner isn't used as gecko provider in gutsy08:35
asacso i apparently just merged it once during gutsy cycle08:35
Ubuletteftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/xulrunner/releases/  lol08:38
asacyeah ... they don't provide updates ;)08:39
Ubuletteok, i'm leaving for work08:45
Ubuletteasac, if you have the chance, could you please see with persia for prism ? he'll be gone when I'll return08:45
asacUbulette: will do09:01
asacUbulette: ok i advocated prism10:25
asacmaybe ask for upload in -motu if nothing happens10:25
asac[reed]: any idea what is planned for self-signed certs?10:51
asacwill it stay the way its currently handled?10:51
[reed]I don't see why not. It seems fine to me10:51
[reed]you can easily accept them10:51
asac(e.g. just get an error page that tells you to add the domain to exceptions)10:51
asacthere is no user-guidance to do that (last time i looked)10:52
[reed]look again10:52
asacin b2?10:52
[reed]in a current nightly, yes10:52
[reed]but most of this was in b110:52
[reed]some new stuff has been added10:52
[reed]we haven't really had complaints about it at all since the exception stuff was added10:53
asacoh ... latest-nightly doesn't have any icons at all for me here :)11:00
asac(any of those that are stock ones now)11:00
asac[reed]: ok the exception thing is now fine11:01
[reed]oh, latest-nightly11:01
[reed]check back tomorrow :)11:01
[reed]you must not have libgnomeui installed11:02
[reed]by tomorrow, I mean in two hours or so11:02
[reed]when nightlies run ;)11:02
asaci am running gnome11:03
asacso i have libgnomeui11:03
[reed]are you sure?11:03
[reed]are you 64-bit?11:03
asacright :)11:03
asaci remember now11:03
[reed]ubotu: 16299311:04
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 162993 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi11:04
[reed]lp ubotu: 16299311:04
asac[reed]: btw, the exception dialog rocks imo ... but i am not a usability expert11:04
[reed]lp 16299311:04
ubotuLaunchpad bug 162993 in firefox "ia32-libs missing 32-bit gnome libraries needed for gtk stock icons" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16299311:04
[reed]but the fix made today should help you, too11:04
asac[reed]: so which icons should be used if there is no libgnomeui?11:04
[reed]check out an hourly11:05
[reed]check that out11:05
[reed]see if you have icons11:05
asac[reed]: ok one more thing ... will the great new addons manager happen for firefox 3.0?11:06
[reed]define "great new addons manager"11:06
asacdo you know what i refer to?11:06
[reed]not really11:06
asaclet me see if i can find it11:06
[reed]there's work to be done on it, such as integration with AMO11:06
[reed]but most stuff has already been done besides that11:06
asac[reed]: "great new..." == http://wiki.mozilla.org/Firefox:Add-ons_Manager_UI11:08
[reed]yeah, that's the AMO integration11:09
[reed]that's coming11:09
[reed]it's blocked on AMO actually getting a working API11:09
[reed]which is about 99% done11:09
asac[reed]: ok, point is i talked with mconnor about getting an apt backend into source base11:09
[reed]like what ubufox has?11:09
asacproblem was that nothing had happened at that time so we agreed to revisit when things are there11:09
* [reed] actually has never used ubufox11:10
asacyes, but for real ... like a multi-backend so you can add other search databases11:10
asacand install methods11:10
asacso the backend is already there?11:10
[reed]I've never used any distro-made Mozilla product11:10
[reed]either Mozilla official or build my own :)11:10
[reed]what backend?11:10
asacyou should ... ubuntu rocks for mozillas :)11:10
[reed]nah, you are too far behind :)11:10
asacno ... the backend for AMO11:10
[reed]not in the browser, no11:11
[reed]I don't think so, at least11:11
* [reed] looks11:11
asacwell, we provide 3.0 builds for you ... but I guess you want nightlies :)11:11
[reed]considering I commit fixes myself, I want to be able to use those fixes asap11:12
[reed]are there any changes that you've made for ubuntu that are general enough to go upstream?11:12
[reed]for Firefox11:12
[reed]I really want to make sure you are upstreaming stuff11:12
[reed]mozilla bug 40402411:14
ubotuMozilla bug 404024 in Extension/Theme Manager "Add AMO integration pane" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=40402411:14
[reed]so, doesn't look like work has started11:14
asac[reed]: thats the idea ... i want to do it general enough, but for that I wanted code that is at least close to final11:14
* asac looking at bugs11:16
[reed]I have an exam in less than 4 hours11:16
[reed]and I haven't studied11:16
[reed]later :)11:16
asac[reed]: ok thanks for the info so far ... cu later :)11:16
asacgood luck11:16
asacbetter start to switch context now I guess11:16
[reed]bad armin76 for making me look at Firefox stuff12:22
[reed]armin76: bsmedberg already gave you sr+12:22
[reed]so, you can just set sr+ yourself as a carryover12:22
[reed]I'm gone again12:23
armin76he said i should sr him with that change?12:23
[reed]no, he said you can have sr=bsmedberg if you make that change12:26
[reed]you made it, he already granted it with the understanding that you would make it12:26
[reed]so, you can carry it over12:26
[reed]so, you just need review from timeless12:26
[reed]as you already have superreview from bsmedberg12:26
armin76sorry, i'm not used to this stuff12:29
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BUGabund1any FF devs here?18:28
BUGabund1just got a strange error on an hardy test machine18:28
UbuletteBUGabund1, just ask your question, instead of waiting for an ack ;)18:43
Ubuletteasac, http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/s/seamonkey/  ?? i don't get it. where are the debs ?20:12
asacno idea :)20:24
asacin queue nEW ?20:24
asacmaybe there is an archive issue?20:25
Ubuletteno, they are DONE20:31
Ubuletteasac, i've merged xul. building.. if it's ok, i'll post a debdiff or an interdiff20:43
Ubuletteasac, bug 17421921:50
ubotuLaunchpad bug 174219 in xulrunner "Please merge xulrunner (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17421921:50
Ubulettei wanted to merge ruby-gnome2 (so it unlocks kaze on some arches) but it's a sync, not a merge22:08
asacUbulette: he?22:31
asacUbulette: you have to request a sync then22:31
Ubulettebug 17424322:31
ubotuLaunchpad bug 174243 in ruby-gnome2 "Please sync ruby-gnome2 0.16.0-10 (universe) from Debian Sid (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17424322:31
asachave you followed procedures in wiki?22:32
Ubulettei think so22:32
Ubulettebut that's not fun22:32
asachmm .. shouldn't you subscribe some other role as well?22:33
asacah you need someone to confirm first, right?22:33
asacthen subscribe ubuntu-archive ?22:33
Ubuletteno, for the sync, i'm done. motu will subscribe ubuntu-archive22:34
asacdoes the previous merger know about that?22:35
Ubulettethat's bluekuja, he told me a while ago "fell free to do it"22:35
asachell ... when did i get the merge for igerman9822:37
asaci am listed as last merger of that package on main.html22:39
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