
=== Wckt2 is now known as WcktKlwn
bluec99anyone have luck with mythtv and WinTV-PVR USB2 Remote ?03:42
bluec99found http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3676720 but unfort no /dev/lirc1 device:03:42
bluec99ls -ld /dev/l*03:43
bluec99crw-rw---- 1 root root 61, 0 2007-12-01 00:23 /dev/lirc003:43
bluec99srw-rw-rw- 1 root root     0 2007-12-01 00:23 /dev/lircd03:43
bluec99srw-rw-rw- 1 root root     0 2007-12-01 00:22 /dev/log03:43
bluec99brw------- 1 root root  7, 0 2007-10-21 03:58 /dev/loop003:43
bluec99crw-rw---- 1 root lp    6, 0 2007-12-01 00:22 /dev/lp003:43
bluec99i guess starting from first step, how can I find what created lirc0 so I can blacklist it?03:43
bluec99hmm, this leads me to believe lirc0 is already the correct device: dmesg | grep lirc03:46
bluec99[   70.844000] lirc_dev: IR Remote Control driver registered, at major 6103:46
bluec99[   72.036000] lirc_i2c: chip 0x10005 found @ 0x18 (Hauppauge IR)03:46
bluec99[   72.036000] lirc_dev: lirc_register_plugin: sample_rate: 1003:46
MythbuntuGuest87Hi, I am wondering if anyone has experience with recording HD Content.   I am building a new PVR to record HD and SD content.  I want to put a PVR500 and use HDHomeRun.  Will this work?  Also, I heard Intel Core2's are better to use then AMDs.  Is this true?   Also, does the video card matter as long as it supports the resolution of the LCD?15:42
tgm4883MythbuntuGuest87, the C2D's do seem to be better than the AMD's, a PVR500 and HDHomerun should work fine together, and for the video card, I'd recommend an nvidia card15:44
MythbuntuGuest87tgm4883 thanks for all your answers.  1 last question.  I know HDHomeRun can record any unencrypted channels, so basically just the free local HD Channels.  Can it also record ones if I order an HD package with my cable provider?15:46
tgm4883It will not record any encrypted channels15:46
rhpot1991there was a thread going in the mythtv users about HD options the other day, let me see if I can find a link15:47
MythbuntuGuest87Is there any way to be able to record HD channels, if I order the HD package from the provider?15:47
tgm4883MythbuntuGuest87, depends, if you live in the US you may be able to get them via firewire, but even then, you can only record the channels that don't have copy protection15:48
rhpot1991MythbuntuGuest87: pretty much the only reliable way is to get a box from your cable company and IR blast commands to it15:48
tgm4883rhpot1991, you can't get HD that way15:48
rhpot1991true, but its pretty much the only option as far as encrypted channels15:51
rhpot1991tgm4883: do you have a hdhomerun?15:51
rhpot1991ya but if they are encrypted firewire wont work, right?15:51
tgm4883i wish, i bought my card before they had the hdhomerun15:51
rhpot1991also I have seen a lot of people saying firewire doesn't work on boxes too15:52
MythbuntuGuest87oh wow15:52
MythbuntuGuest87thanks for all the great info guys15:52
tgm4883the box decrypts it, but the cable company can set a copy protection flag15:52
tgm4883and for boxes in the us, they have to give you a working firewire port15:52
rhpot1991well by law yes, but since when have cable companies obeyed the law?15:53
* rhpot1991 points at comcast and its meddling with torrents15:53
MythbuntuGuest87Basically, go ask the provider if they serve encrypted HD Channels over firewire15:53
tgm4883mine does15:53
tgm4883MythbuntuGuest87, http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/FireWire#FCC_regulations15:54
MythbuntuGuest87ok sweet15:54
rhpot1991MythbuntuGuest87: you can, but good luck dealing with CSA's who don't know anything that isn't on their screen, may have to escalate the call a few times15:54
MythbuntuGuest87yea, I don't even have TV right now15:56
MythbuntuGuest87i am about to go to the comcast people and have them activate my cable15:56
MythbuntuGuest87i have been without cable for like 3 months15:56
rhpot1991let me know how the hdhomerun works with comcast15:56
rhpot1991if you get one15:56
rhpot1991I have comcast but only have SD now, been looking at a hdhomerun for picking up the digital channels15:57
MythbuntuGuest87well, if they allow good programs to be recorded over firewire, i may just go that route15:57
MythbuntuGuest87i read the link tgm4883 sent, saying that upon request they have to give you a box with a working firewire port15:58
MythbuntuGuest87but it doesn't tell you if they have to give you the all the channels too15:58
rhpot1991by law they have to, but they only have to allow access to the over the air channels IIRC15:58
MythbuntuGuest87i see15:59
MythbuntuGuest87which you can get with just HDHomerun...15:59
MythbuntuGuest87w/o a cable box15:59
MythbuntuGuest87thanks for the help guys.  I think am just going to go with a PVR500 for now, and just build the system to be able to support HDRecording in the future.  Then just get the shows I want to watch in HD and just play it off the hard drive16:02
MythbuntuGuest87in mythvideo or something16:02
rhpot1991you could test out firewire before you get the hdhomerun16:02
rhpot1991I would request a firewire capable box off the bat though16:03
rhpot1991comcast is bad at getting back to you with things16:03
tgm4883well you might not have to request it16:03
MythbuntuGuest87but then don't i have to request an HD box? or can i get the channels off a digital cable box?16:03
rhpot1991I've been waiting for a technician to return for almost 2 months now, with random static in my low channels16:03
rhpot1991they have looked at it 5 times already now with no results16:03
tgm4883it depends on your plan16:04
MythbuntuGuest87shit, that sucks16:04
MythbuntuGuest87I am going to get just the cheapest digital cable plan16:04
tgm4883digital classic is an HD box I believe16:04
rhpot1991I think by law they are only required to give you firewire with HD16:04
tgm4883MythbuntuGuest87, what HD channels do you want?16:04
rhpot1991so non HD digital boxes are not required to have them16:04
rhpot1991or thats my understanding at least16:04
tgm4883mine too16:04
rhpot1991also the digital boxes they use here suck, I kept getting ones that overheated and wouldn't work for a day at a time16:05
rhpot1991didn't help they were built in 1980 something16:05
MythbuntuGuest87umm really, just the local channels and discovery, but if i could record like Movies in HD i would totally pay for that16:05
tgm4883ok then16:06
rhpot1991I doubt you will get any premiums in HD ever16:06
tgm4883unfortunatly you'll probably need an HD plan16:06
tgm4883because of discovery HD theater16:06
MythbuntuGuest87would I be able to record discovery?16:06
rhpot1991tgm4883: are they required by law to tell you which channels you have access to?16:07
MythbuntuGuest87would I have to use firewire and see if comcast here allows for discovery theater to be recorded16:07
rhpot1991or is it just hope that they aren't flagging or encrypting what you want and try it out16:07
tgm4883IIRC i did receive the premium channels for a month, then my trial was up16:07
rhpot1991premium as in HBO and the likes?16:07
tgm4883rhpot1991, i don't think they have to tell you, but i don't believe they are allowed to copy control the locals16:08
tgm4883MythbuntuGuest87, you should be able to get discovery, but again, that would be up to the copy control flag16:08
rhpot1991does mythtv obey the copy controls?16:08
tgm4883rhpot1991, no, cant record them16:08
tgm4883rhpot1991, and yes, on the HBO and such16:08
rhpot1991strange, no work around for that?16:08
tgm4883rhpot1991, is there a work around for DRM on linux?16:09
rhpot1991hmmm I thought the copy control was just a flag16:09
tgm4883well, a flag and a handshake16:09
rhpot1991ah ok16:09
rhpot1991do you have comcast or something else?16:10
tgm4883in the north west16:10
MythbuntuGuest87comcast south west16:10
rhpot1991did you see sandvine effecting anything?16:10
MythbuntuGuest87well soon to be... i need to go out to them tomorrow and get cable16:10
rhpot1991Its my understanding that comcast doesn't operate the same across the board, as they buy out little companies and it takes a while for the technologies to be implemented there16:11
tgm4883oh the torrent thing?16:11
tgm4883no, hasn't affected me here yet16:11
rhpot1991well they kinda stopped doing it since the AP made a big deal out of it16:11
rhpot1991being I had that effect me, I would think my cable might be more strict here too16:12
tgm4883MythbuntuGuest87, there is also one more issue with firewire16:12
tgm4883if the signal for a channel is poorly broadcast, then it could screw up that channel via firewire16:13
MythbuntuGuest87i see16:13
MythbuntuGuest87i skimmed that table in the link you sent, and it seemed alot of firewire ports might have problems....16:13
tgm4883although majoridiot says that they don't like to do that and that a technician will usually fix that16:13
MythbuntuGuest87i see16:14
tgm4883MythbuntuGuest87, what you need to decide is discovery HD theater worth it16:14
rhpot1991MythbuntuGuest87: you can prob get a 3 month deal on HD16:15
tgm4883cause thats the whole reason for the firewire box and for the HD cable plan16:15
rhpot1991then cancel it after that if firewire can't record the channels you want16:15
tgm4883the local HD channels should be able to be received with a basic plan16:15
rhpot1991my understanding is that a hdhomerun can get 1-100 in digital/HD16:16
rhpot1991if they are offered in that16:16
rhpot1991with any basic plan16:16
tgm4883well basic expanded would be through the 70's16:16
MythbuntuGuest87yea, i don't think discovery is worth it16:18
MythbuntuGuest87I think I am just going to go with SD recording, but with a C2D and Nvidia Card to support the HDLCD TV.  Then, if I want to add in the HDHomeRun later, I can always get it16:19
rhpot1991you can always get your HD from other sources....16:20
MythbuntuGuest87thats what i think i may do16:20
MythbuntuGuest87i really only watch heroes16:20
tgm4883which is excellent in HD16:20
MythbuntuGuest87but thats because I watch it at my friends place on his HD LCD TV16:20
rhpot1991MythbuntuGuest87: using netflix for HD is another option16:21
MythbuntuGuest87i think i would watch other shows, like the office .. etc in HD if I could at home16:21
rhpot1991I think they offer HDDVD and bluray16:21
MythbuntuGuest87i don't have a player16:21
MythbuntuGuest87for either16:21
MythbuntuGuest87nor netflix16:21
tgm4883blockbuster online has both too16:22
tgm4883in stores they only have bluray, but online they have HDDVD too16:22
rhpot1991I am opposed to blockbuster online with their "free" in store option, which actually costs $1 per month16:22
MythbuntuGuest87i am going to wait for hddvd and blue ray  computer players to come down in price, then I may put it in the PVR16:22
MythbuntuGuest87Anyways, im out.  Got to get ready for School and Work.  Thanks for all the help guys.16:23
keescook*sigh* uk mirror came back... empty.18:47
tgm4883keescook, what do you mean?19:23
tgm4883rhpot1991, what do you mean it costs $1 per month?19:23
keescooktgm4883: uk mirror came back up with rsync, and offered an empty iso directory -- so my mirror wiped all copies of mythbuntu.19:27
keescooki just finished re-downloading them from another mirror.19:27
tgm4883bendailey, ping19:28
rhpot1991tgm4883 check their plans, the plan with the "free" in store exchange is $1 more than the plan without it19:28
tgm4883rhpot1991, interesting19:28
rhpot1991I'm on a netflix trial now, and so far I am liking it19:29
tgm4883rhpot1991, they must have changed that, i've been a member for a long time and it wasn't like that19:29
bendaileytgm4883: pong19:29
tgm4883bendailey <keescook> tgm4883: uk mirror came back up with rsync, and offered an empty iso directory -- so my mirror wiped all copies of mythbuntu19:29
bendaileyyeah Daviey needs to pull the isos from somewhere I talked with him this morning19:29
tgm4883Daviey, ping19:30
bendaileyI can go and shutdown rsync until he gets the images pulled in if he isn't around19:30
tgm4883that sounds like a good option, i wouldn't want all our mirrors wiped19:30
tgm4883mines still good, but will rsync within the next 2 hours i believe19:30
bendaileytgm4883: done rsync is shutdown if Daviey restarts the box it will come back though19:31
rhpot1991tgm4883: I think its their response to netflix being cheaper, they prob added the no in store pickup later19:32
bendaileysorry wrong window19:42
* tgm4883 shocks bendaily with 300 volts19:42
tgm4883nothing.  up it to 40019:42
* tgm4883 shocks bendaily with 400 volts19:42
tgm4883we've got a rythm19:43
* bendailey thinks tgm4883 is one funny guy19:43
tgm4883whoa, i just quick19:43
tgm4883i only shut my laptop down 30 minutes ago19:44
KjetilKI just got my box up and running on mythbuntu (yay, thanks!)21:17
KjetilKfirst problem is that I have a FullHD LCD TV, and a GeForce 8500 GT card, but I'm only getting 1280x72021:18
directhexwhat model screen, and how's it connected?21:21
KjetilKDVI to HDMI21:21
KjetilKIt is a Elfunk screen21:21
KjetilKIdentifies itself as "OEM 37'' TFT-TV (DFP-0)"21:22
KjetilKSome relevant logs at http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/2496/21:24
KjetilKit couldn't be that I'm hitting my head into some HDCP sillyness of "degrade the resolution unless we know what's going on"?21:36
directhexKjetilK, garbage EDID data?21:55
directhexKjetilK, that's a common enough occurance. are you POSITIVE it's got an exact resolution of 1920x1080 (some screens can accept that res, but don't have that many pixels)21:55
Pete_Bhi. I am trying to install mythbuntu 7.10. I have a Hauppauge Nova-T card. what do I choose from the 'capture card setup' - 'card type' menu option? I've tried your web site and can't find anything to help me21:58
Pete_Bit's a PCI card21:58
directhexit's a dvb card21:59
directhexdigital. whatever the menu calls it21:59
Pete_BDVB-T. when I choose 'DVB DTV capture card' (ver 3.x)' it says it recognises the card model but I can't 'scan for channels' on the subsequent screen22:00
Pete_Bsorry, when I choose 'DVB DTV...' it doesn;t say it recognises the presence of the card. however when i choose 'mjpeg capture card' and some alternatives _then_ it says it recognises the presence of the particular model22:02
Pete_BI don;t see anything in the install guide to explain what this card is supposed to be called in that 'card type' menu option22:04
Pete_Bsurely this is a common card?22:07
Pete_BI'm upgrading from an earlier version. It would have been a million times easier if you guys had written it to just keep my settings and upgrade the software22:09
directhexyes, it's a common card22:19
directhexi use one myself22:19
directhexscanning should be fine22:19
Pete_Bwhat 'card type' do you choose? (I agree, should be fine, this was easy last time with Mythbuntu compared with other MythTV distros)22:21
directhex'DVB DTV capture card' (ver 3.x)'22:22
directhexanything else will absolutely not work22:22
directhexother things that won't work include using a software CAm emulator to access encrypted channels22:23
Pete_B'DVB DTV capture card' is one of the options that doesn't recognise the card's presence. I've chosen to sinatll anyway so will go back now and have a try again. thanks for responding.22:25
Pete_Bnow that it's installed I get a response for 'DVB DTV capture card' with the chipset name where I didn't during the live CD run. Tho 'scan for channels' still claims the card can't be found. thanks for the help. I have no more patience left to continue troubleshooting this tonight.22:34
MersaultDid the weekly svn builds fail to build this week?23:57

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