
PriceChildGrrrrrrrrrr.... need to email rt in the morning to stop them cutting join/parts out of irc logs.... really annoying.00:20
tonyyarussowhat does RT have to do with IRC logs?00:22
PriceChild/whois ubuntulog00:22
PriceChildHobbsee, why what?00:22
PriceChildi think even mode changes are cut out as well00:22
tonyyarussono more fabbione?00:22
Hobbseewhy do you miss the joins and parts?00:22
PriceChildHobbsee, because it puts things in context...00:23
Hobbseewell, that's true00:23
PriceChildand when someone makes a big speech... then doesn't reply to derogatory comments its kind of hard to understand until you realise they part'd00:23
PriceChildHmm Pelo's going to add an autoreply to people not on his message "allow" list... :/00:25
ubotuastro76 called the ops in #ubuntu (Sportsdude80)00:27
mneptokET ☏ ~/00:44
LjLmneptok: you could have used some glyph for ET, & if nothing else00:45
Hobbseecrazy mneptok :)00:54
no0ticnalioth, s/oxy//01:00
Hobbseejdong: yeah01:01
jdong*cries* if I plant my 1GB stick of RAM ,will 2GB sticks grow?01:01
jdongI promise to feed it and water it every day01:01
* jdong needs to find Santa01:02
tonyyarussojdong: No, you need two 1 GB sticks, champagne, rose petals, and candles.  Leave them all in a dim room alone overnight.01:02
Hobbsee!jdong | jdong01:02
ubotujdong: <Hobbsee> jdong: yes, but you're FULL OF CRACK!01:02
LjLjdong: you'll get about 8Gb in no time01:02
jdongk thx LjL tonyyarusso I try suggestion and will come back with more questions01:04
jdong /part #ubuntu01:04
mneptoki tried to hump my USB stick. it said it was saving itself for marriage, and i was only allowed to mount it.01:10
=== tonyy is now known as tonyyarusso
JonathanDello there.01:22
PriceChildHi there JonathanD, how can I help?01:25
JonathanDI'll likely have to wait for Seveas, I think.01:26
JonathanDhe is the GC, aye?01:26
elkbuntuthe current one, yes01:27
naliothJonathanD: what do you need?01:28
naliothyou may not need the GC01:28
JonathanDnalioth: PM?01:28
naliothJonathanD: of course01:28
=== _jason is now known as jrib
JonathanDnalioth: thanks.01:34
naliothnp, JonathanD01:34
JonathanDPriceChild: confused? :p01:35
PriceChildJonathanD, nope I'm happy.01:35
JonathanDok :P01:35
JonathanDthanks folks, take it easy.01:35
mneptokGC? Gay Commando?02:20
jdongmneptok: sounds kinky.02:21
mneptokjdong: yes, please.02:28
mneptokjdong: you do relize that your name is only better than Peter O'Toole's by 4.37 points, ja?02:28
=== Fujitsu_ is now known as Fujitsu
ubotuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)03:32
ubotuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)03:32
ubotuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)03:33
jribbots faster than me03:34
Pici<3 LjL03:34
ubotuHey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2 or Christel,  I could use a bit of your time :)03:34
jribargh, weechat seems to let me flood.  irssi never did03:36
crdlbirssi ftw03:37
crdlbjrib: if you set /umode +C, I think that'll fix it03:38
jribthanks, I think I'll do that03:39
stdindoesn't block /ctcp to channel03:39
crdlboh nm03:39
jrib"You'll still receive CTCP messages sent to a channel you are on, although the network will block your response to them."03:39
naliothyeah, you'll still flood off03:39
jribwill the floodbots automatically -Rr as well?03:40
no0ticsimply setting ctcp_version_reply to off on irssi will do the job?03:41
stdinthey should after a certain amount of time03:41
naliothno0tic: that might be a better option03:41
no0ticuhm... I just checked that it only changes the reply message, it doesn't what I expected (not replying)03:43
jribno0tic: did you get flooded off using irssi?03:44
crdlbI've never flooded off with irssi03:44
no0ticjrib, no03:44
jdongvorian: I thought next.03:44
vorianjdong, ?03:44
jdongvorian: stupid screen+ssh lag03:44
no0ticI've received 24 CTCP requests in the same second, but not flooded03:45
mneptoki think my client can keep up :)03:46
mneptokHost 'snowwhite', running Linux 2.6.20-16-server - Cpu0: Intel 2660 MHz Cpu1: Intel 2660 MHz Cpu2: Intel 2660 MHz Cpu3: Intel 2660 MHz; Up: 18d+1:27; Users: 2; Load: 0.08; Free: [Mem: 12117/16241 Mio] [Swap: 1906/1906 Mio] [: / Mio] [/boot: 173/236 Mio]; Vpenis: 687.7 cm;03:46
K`Tetchjust been sent to the read-topic thing - except, erm, not sure why03:46
mneptok4 Opterons and 16GB of RAM is good armor03:46
mneptokoh, wait. these are Penryns.03:46
jribK`Tetch: did you read the topic?03:47
K`Tetchthing is, i don't have linksys/netgear, i have a belkin03:47
jribK`Tetch: does not matter, did you change the port?03:47
K`Tetchplus, if it was related tot he port, my efnet what.cd, p2pchat and all the others also on 6667 would ahve dropped too03:48
K`Tetchbut yes03:48
jribfloodbot should perform the tests too :)03:50
Jack_SparrowFYI, the bot stuck me at unregged even though I auto reg.. but I am usine konversation in ubuntu, so it may be a tad slow..03:50
PiciJack_Sparrow: its not the bot, its freenode that forwards you there.03:50
crdlbJack_Sparrow: #ubuntu-unregged is just the forward channel03:50
naliothJack_Sparrow: your client isn't identifying in time03:50
Jack_SparrowFigured it was somthing lagging on this end03:51
naliothJack_Sparrow: if you use irssi, you can script in a small delay after it sends the password03:51
* Pici wonders why the bots are changing the mode back03:51
Jack_SparrowThanks, dont feel like changing for that..03:51
naliothPici: why they ARE? or ARE NOT?03:52
Picinalioth: ARE NOT.03:52
* Hobbsee doesn't have that problem03:52
Jack_Sparrowbut thanks anyhow for the hint..  I can probably tweek something up to get Konv to work better03:52
* Hobbsee autoidentifies, before joining03:52
HobbseeJack_Sparrow: is your password in the server p/w box?03:52
naliothPici: they may not be programmed to do so03:53
Hobbseei wonder why you don't appear registered, then03:53
naliothPici: it's better for a human to do it, anyway03:53
Jack_SparrowIt reg's me.. but seems to lag somewhere anf it tries to autojoin before the reg.. just occasionally03:53
jribK`Tetch: you may rejoin #ubuntu, thanks for your patience03:54
Jack_SparrowIf I type /j #Ubuntu as soon as I see ub - unregged I get in fine.03:54
K`Tetchk, thanks jrib03:54
* K`Tetch goes back to waiting for mjg59 to surface03:54
mneptokK`Tetch: what do you need from Matthew?03:55
K`Tetchabout the uni toolkit03:55
mneptokwhat do you want to know?03:56
K`Tetchi work with (amongst other thigns) the US pirate party, and TorrentFreak03:56
K`Tetchwell, most of the pirate parties, in fact03:56
Hobbseemneptok: oy.  send us some testing laptops, plz.03:56
Hobbseewe know you have them.03:56
mneptokHobbsee: indeed we do.03:56
Condouloso who does the testing?03:57
naliothCondoulo: have you followed the steps?03:57
Condoulonalioth- yes03:57
Picinalioth: can we remove -r?03:57
K`Tetchmneptok - basically the whole side of the story03:57
no0ticnalioth, I found on its manual that irssi already has a ctcp flood protection: first it checks if the CTCP reply queue is longer than max_ctcp_queue (default is 5), if this happens it simply ignores subsequent CTCPs03:57
Hobbseemneptok: delivery by the end of the day,  kthxbye.03:57
naliothPici: if you like03:57
Condouloso how did it go?03:58
mneptokK`Tetch: there isn't much to it. the MPAA used Xubuntu as a base. Xubuntu is GPL'ed. MJG asked for source and didn't get it. he contacted the MPAA using multiple message vectors, heard nothing, and filed a DMCA request with the ISP.03:59
mneptoknalioth: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------03:59
mneptoknalioth: 22:55 [ctcp(Condoulo)] DCC03:59
mneptokCondoulo: you pass.03:59
Condoulook. :) Thanks03:59
K`Tetchmneptok - doesn't make for much of a story though03:59
Picimneptok: yes, thanks for doing it in channel.03:59
Piciglad to see we all passed.03:59
mneptokK`Tetch: maybe because there's not much of a story :)03:59
K`Tetchoh, i dunno04:00
K`Tetchthe devil is in the details04:00
mneptokPici: uhh ... that's a paste from my status window, dude.04:00
Picimneptok: k, dude.04:00
mneptokK`Tetch: it's a simple GPL enforcement using the DMCA. happens not infrequently.04:01
K`Tetchmneptok - it often doesn't happen with such a target04:02
mneptokK`Tetch: nope. but that doesn't change the rather mundane process.04:03
K`Tetchnor does it often start with letters like the one sent out mby the mpaa04:03
mneptokthe one to Unis?04:04
K`Tetchok, well, can I pm to clarify some details then?04:04
K`Tetchbadly miscontextualising grokster04:04
mneptoksure, fire away. i have ~10m before i need to leave the office.04:04
* Hobbsee steals mneptok's poisons while he's not paying attention then04:05
naliothdon't take his blood, Hobbsee04:07
naliothhe needs it04:07
Hobbseeno he doesn't.04:07
Condoulook, so would one have to be re-invited back into Ubuntu after passing the test?04:10
naliothCondoulo: you can join #ubuntu now, and thanks for your patience  :)04:13
=== Hobbsee_ is now known as Hobbsee
jdongSeveas: oh crap I accidentally clicked the report malicious post button on a innocuous pastebin!04:50
naliothno0tic: why do you bother them in #freenode when you can ask here?04:53
no0ticnalioth, because I thought it would be offtopic here04:53
naliothno0tic: we are operators.  we are supposed to know this stuff.04:54
no0ticnalioth, you're right, as always04:54
tonyyarusso(ie, it is, but we don't care b/c it's a more efficient transfer of information)04:54
no0ticanyway.. I don't think I've bothered them :) giving freenode related info and support is the purpose of that channel, isn't it?05:02
naliothno0tic: yep, but why join a NEW channel when you have quite a few of the same people in here that are in there?05:03
no0ticnalioth 2 - no0tic 0  I surrender05:04
naliothwhy are you keeping score? (and what are the rules?)05:07
Hobbseethe rules are that Hobbsee always wins.05:07
no0ticnalioth, you have been able to hush me two times in a row, in both cases I hadn't anything else to reply, but I wasn't playing any game05:10
Seveasjdong, that happens all the time, no worries :)07:04
naliothSeveas: you know he's the biggest troublemaker around07:05
* nalioth runs07:05
elkbuntuSeveas, so what exactly did you say to your boss? 'if dont make me do the windows stuff anymore, i'll stay, plzkthx'07:34
elkbuntus/if/if you/07:34
* jenda tacklehugs Seveas08:30
* jenda then proceeds to nalioth and elkbuntu08:30
* elkbuntu hugs jenda08:30
* SportChick hides from jenda08:40
* jenda finds SportChick wherever she is, and hugs her too.08:41
* SportChick glares at jenda who is missing from a certain channel08:42
* no0tic wonders what's going on08:43
ubotugordonjcp called the ops in #ubuntu (PDQ is spamming)09:20
dgjonesHi, looks like two joins (AA & ws159) both look to have the same/similar host name, AA joined and started swearing & then both started talking to each other, looks like possible trolls in #ubuntu, could somebody keep an eye on them please09:43
ubotudgjones called the ops in #ubuntu (AA & ws159)09:44
* elkbuntu blows the smell of anzac cookies in ikonia's direction10:01
ikoniaooooh momma !10:01
ikoniaI could use a cookie now10:01
ubotuikonia called the ops in #ubuntu ()10:02
ikonia cheetahfr> sorry to be a dumb cunt, good karma to you guys.10:02
ikoniaway out of lilne10:02
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
ikoniaelkbuntu: thank you10:07
ikoniayou can cook, and moderate10:07
ikoniawhat a gal10:07
elkbuntuikonia, what do you think mothers do?10:08
ikoniaha ha ha10:08
elkbuntuso when you think about it, it's no real feat :)10:09
no0ticsorry, a little offtopic.. what could "I made a funny" mean?10:09
ikoniasomeone made a joke10:14
ikonia#ubuntu is full of nuts today talking nonsense10:15
ikoniaassistance please.10:15
no0ticI'km not op in there, sorry :)10:15
ikonianot looking for an op, just educated support people10:16
elkbuntuikonia, who?10:17
ikonia"32bit apps work on 64 bit platforms"10:17
ikonia"64 bit is broke"10:17
ikoniajust total gibberish10:17
no0ticI'll do my best then10:18
ikoniaand again10:18
ikoniatotal idiot !!!10:19
no0ticpay attention to p54AD73B0.dip.t-dialin.net users10:19
ikoniaStevethepirate just a general pain in the neck10:21
no0ticthe whole channel is a general pain in the neck, I think10:28
=== AndrewB is now known as d_i_b
=== d_i_b is now known as dressed_in_black
ikoniait is today for some reason10:30
ikoniahowdy Tm_T10:32
elkbuntuno0tic, today more than others10:33
elkbuntuikonia, must be planetary alignment10:33
ikoniamuch more than others10:33
ikoniasomething in water today10:34
elkbuntuit's not a full moon or anything either10:34
ikoniais "noob" still a bad reference10:34
ikoniaI'm getting fed up of angel calling all the new users noobs10:34
elkbuntuikonia, depends on context, and indiscriminatory use is not advised10:34
no0ticit's a real mess :) I can't follow anything, since I'm a slow english reader and don't know many ubotu factoids...10:35
* elkbuntu pokes ubotu10:36
ikoniaplease kick tere he's had the ubuntu-es info about 6 times now10:36
ikoniahe won't stop speaking spanish10:36
ubotuAcronyms or statements like  noob, jfgi, stfu or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.10:36
ikoniaor check it is spanish :)10:36
ikoniaand I've not given him the wrong factoid10:36
no0ticikonia, *she :)10:36
no0ticikonia, it's spanish, indeed :)10:37
ikoniathank you10:37
elkbuntuikonia, he asked for 'spain' before too10:37
ikoniaI missed that10:37
no0ticit seems that somebody know carrus85's nickserv password and keeps collisioning him10:39
ikoniano0tic: probably his client auto joining10:39
Hobbseehey, who owns ubuntustats?11:51
* Hobbsee is fairly sure someone here knows11:52
elkbuntuHobbsee, ask in -marketing11:52
Hobbseeelkbuntu: excellent idea.11:53
elkbuntuHobbsee, why are you trying to find them?11:56
elkbuntuoh, i see now11:56
Hobbseehighvoltage asked11:57
elkbuntuyeah, i saw in -devel just now11:57
Tm_Thi kids12:11
deadlockCan u test me :-)12:24
Hobbseeand you weren't fine.13:00
LjLi see we had a little fun tonight14:29
ikoniathis morning was hard work14:39
LjLi see the bots were both slow enough to allow them to flood plenty of people out14:41
LjL*and* they forgot to set -r14:41
ikoniait was a tough night/morning14:41
LjLthere's an intrinsic problem with +l though14:42
LjLyou join that dozen of bots that +l allows14:42
LjLthat lets you flood out or exploit a dozen of people14:42
LjLthen, you can easily join twice the previous amount of bots14:42
LjLwhich allows you to flood out twice the amount of people14:42
LjLcouple of rounds of this, and you can join basically as many bots as you like14:43
Hobbseethis si true14:45
LjLi think the bots were slow due mostly to being busy banforwarding (and kicking, although most of the kicks were on nicknames that weren't in the channel) exploit victims14:47
LjLalthough that's in theory supposed to have lower priority in the send queue than banning14:47
LjLcan i have decent logs of the attacks please? mine don't have seconds in the timestamps for starters14:48
=== Amaranth is now known as Am|Birthday
no0ticLjL, I have them14:57
no0ticuhm.. my remote connection to irssi is quite unusable atm...14:59
LjLno0tic if you can send them to ljl ubuntu com you'd do me a favor15:00
ikoniawell that is no fun15:02
=== Hobbsee_ is now known as Hobbsee
gradin... hello?15:15
gradini need ddc fix test thingy... this happens every like... 3 months or something...15:15
gradinthough my system has already been tested and isn't vounerable15:16
LjLisn't vulnerable. of course.15:17
LjLgradin: if you say it isn't vulnerable, i may believe you15:17
LjLbut evidence seems to point to the contrary15:17
gradinok now i'm just confused...15:17
LjLgradin, i just disconnected you, in case you didn't notice15:17
LjLso you are vulnerable15:17
gradinno i caught that15:17
gradinbut the odd part is i had that run against me 6 months ago and i wasn't vulnerable...15:18
LjLgradin, are you connected to 8001?15:18
gradinso i'm wondering what the hell changed...15:18
gradinno i'm on 666715:18
LjLthat would explain it15:18
LjLyou were probably connected to 8001 last time you were tested15:19
gradinno i wasn't15:19
LjLgradin, then let me test something slightly different15:19
LjLgradin, you're amoung the ones who are only affected by a specific flavor of the exploit15:20
LjLyou were probably tested for another flavor15:20
* gradin head desks15:20
LjL!ops | test with CTCP when you test for exploitability, mind?15:20
ubotutest with CTCP when you test for exploitability, mind?: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Pelo!15:20
ubotuLjL called the ops in #ubuntu-ops (test with CTCP when you test for exploitability, mind?)15:20
Am|BirthdayI always do privmsg and ctcp15:21
LjLgradin, just stay connected to 8001 anyway and that will solve your problems15:22
LjLAm|Birthday: your desktop effects have got another year or rust on them i see15:23
* gradin sniffs15:25
gradinok fine15:25
gradin... ok its done15:31
no0tic-localgradin, ok, you passed the test15:32
gradintnx guys15:35
no0tic-localsomeone should lift his ban15:35
no0tic-localI think15:35
LjLi did?15:36
LjLi discovered something not good15:38
LjL+f doesn't work with +l when the limit is hit15:38
PriceChildJust got email about cnr.com beta.... checked their front page and almost every single application listed is in ubuntu... can't be a good thing15:47
AndrewBCan we add a !hilite option that tells people to use your nick in a reply to a message15:47
ubotuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:48
PriceChildWondering why cnr.com offers things like kdebase :/15:52
ikoniaPriceChild: could you explain the point of this site ?15:58
ikoniaPriceChild: I'm looking at it and I don't see the point ?15:58
ikoniajust seems like a pointless site to download a package in /another/ format15:59
LjLunless someone intends that format to *replace* the current one :)16:03
ikoniajust looks like  waste of time re-inventing the wheel16:03
no0tic-localMyrtti, chanserv gave you voice and you only say hrmm?16:19
Myrttiwell, it's been a while since I've been here16:20
MyrttiI'm sorta probing if I'm willing to start to irc on bigger scale again16:20
ikoniayou should16:21
MyrttiI'm not convinced yet16:21
ikoniahow may I twist your arm16:24
brokenWhat happened, I was kicked by floodbot?16:25
LjLbroken: you seemed to be affected by an exploit16:25
LjLhave you not read the topic in #ubuntu-read-topic?16:26
brokenI did.16:26
LjLthen i can test you?16:26
brokenBut how is it that my router is affected by this exploit.16:26
brokenWell I didn't change anything yet.16:26
LjLlike plenty of other people's routers are affected, i guess16:27
brokenOk  I figur e I'll change the port I use to connect.16:27
brokenbe back soon.16:27
brokenI joined via port 800116:29
LjLlet's see16:30
deadlockCan i be tested :-)17:01
access_danyone around?17:30
jussio1access_d: Im here, but probably cant help. ask your question and the people concerned will see it when they come in!17:31
access_di need a test, so i can get back into #ubuntu17:31
no0tic-localaccess_d, did you read the topic in #ubuntu-read-topic?17:33
profanephobiawe need an op in ubuntu-offtopic to kick this troll17:37
no0tic-localit seems ops aren't around17:37
no0tic-local:) there she is :)17:37
Myrttiwhat who me?17:38
* jussio1 wonders why people dont use !ops anymore... (not having seen the problem)17:38
Myrtti/me checks accesslist on -offtopic17:38
Myrttino, not me17:38
no0tic-localuhm.. I thought :)17:38
mc44jussio1: because it's not really an emergency, just annoying ;)17:38
jussio1mc44: ahh, k17:39
no0tic-localMyrtti, but you can test those users waiting for that :)17:39
no0tic-localMyrtti, access_d and deadlock17:39
MyrttiI can barely test myself positive for irc17:39
no0tic-localI could test them, but they need you to rejoin #ubuntu, I think17:40
stdinyou just /ctcp them (and /msg if you feel like it)17:40
Myrttihaving both flu, badly upset stomach, headache, work related stuff with horrible systems17:40
stdinbut I don't have +o in #ubuntu so I can't unban them17:40
no0tic-localok, access_d passed17:41
* jdong hugs Myrtti 17:41
Myrttidid I mention babysitting duties after the download ends?17:41
Myrttipyjama party with 13-y olds17:41
no0tic-localdeadlock passed too17:42
TheSheepteach them to code :P17:42
jdongMyrtti: whoo!17:42
jdongMyrtti: you can teach them about timeslice preempting schedulers!17:42
jdongmy little sister once asked me why the sky was blue17:43
no0tic-localwell.. see you later17:43
jdongand she walked out in the middle of my explanation17:43
MyrttiI was considering teaching them about strong passwords and how often to replace them17:43
jdongand went to ask mommy.17:43
TheSheepjdong: how rude17:43
TheSheepjdong: kids these days17:44
jdongTheSheep: I know17:44
TheSheepjdong: even nostalgia is not the same anymore17:44
jdongTheSheep: but then again, drawing the wavelength spectrum might cause disinterest in a 6 year old...17:44
PriceChildDid no0tic just pipe himself into oblivion?17:44
jdongPriceChild: giggity17:45
seisenI have a question about my irc cloak and yes I know why it got removed17:49
PriceChildseisen, how can I help?17:49
seisenmy cloak got removed because of me being stupid yesterday so if I don't do anything stupid is it possible to get it back in the future17:50
seisenok thanks for letting me know17:51
deadlockI passed, I DONT HAVE THAT STD.17:51
* deadlock dances17:51
seisenwill it automatically get put back on or will I have to request it again in the future17:52
PriceChildseisen, You will have to request it.17:52
deadlockOK, so...Can i join main channel now/17:52
seisenok thanks and have a nice day17:52
access_dno0tic:  still can't join #ubuntu17:53
PriceChilddeadlock, no0tic so do you want tests now?17:54
deadlockI thought i'd already passed17:55
deadlockbut ok17:55
deadlockI can take it again. Go ahead.17:55
PriceChild(Make sure you have restarted your irc connection after changing the port setting)17:55
stdinwell that's a fail17:55
access_dno0tic said i passed too, but i still get forwarded to #ubuntu-read-topic17:55
PriceChilddeadlock, fail... please ensure you are connected on port 800117:56
PriceChildaccess_d, do you want me to test you?17:56
access_dPriceChild:  sure17:56
PriceChildaccess_d, You may rejoin #ubuntu17:56
access_dyou cannot dcc-kill me!17:56
access_dPriceChild:  thanks17:57
PriceChilddeadlock, ready now?17:57
deadlockits not working stupid POS17:58
deadlockPiece of shit.17:58
PriceChildYou're on xchat... Xchat > Network List17:59
deadlockPriceChild: Do i have to completel RESET x-chat, or just the network17:59
PriceChildchoose the "Ubuntu Servers"17:59
PriceChildedit it17:59
PriceChildchange the server to "irc.freenode.net/8001" without quotes18:00
PriceChildthen close xchat and open it up again18:00
PriceChildMyrtti, daft punk... *shakes head*18:01
deadlockPriceChild: test18:03
PriceChildplease :)18:03
deadlockPretty please with sugar and all that special stuff . :-)18:04
PriceChildYou can rejoin #ubuntu18:04
* deadlock Thanks PriceChild and runs off.18:04
MyrttiPriceChild: tis good!18:05
PriceChildMyrtti, why do you subscribe?18:05
Myrttimy loved -radio, my playlist-radio, my tags-radios, other peoples radios, higher priority on the radio streams, no ads, etc18:09
Myrttithe radios mostly18:09
Myrttimy loved is nice when I don't have access to my collection at all18:12
Myrttispecially since there's a 770 client18:12
PriceChildahh yeah18:13
PriceChildI'm wondering whether to get an 810 :/18:13
MyrttiI used last.fm a lot when I worked at coss and needed to space out in the cubicle hell but didn't want to first waste hard drive space with music and then keep mp3's on company computer AND wanted to keep my music collection in one place (ie. home server)18:15
tonyyarussoI'm pondering setting up a shoutcast server to listen to at work18:15
Myrttioutsourcing your digital memories to a place someone you pay for keeps backups == good18:16
Myrtti/me takes her temperature again18:16
PriceChildMyrtti, ill? :/18:17
Myrttibesides, flickr and last.fm have that social networking side-effect too18:17
Myrttiboth normal flu and stomach flu18:17
PriceChildaww :( *hugs Myrtti*18:17
tonyyarussorofl, this is so spot-on: "And then you go and do your homework, and spend some time at opensourcecms.com reading all the comments, and Drupal seems like the way to go (although you are still unsure why), and you go ahead and install it."18:17
jdongMyrtti: that's a bad combination :(18:17
Myrttithough I'm starting to suspect the latter is a result of last Friday/Saturday company christmas party, but feels awful anyway18:18
Myrttimy stomach rumbles awfully when I sneeze18:18
tonyyarussoI'm not sure if I'm looking forward to my company christmas party...18:19
tonyyarussoAs I understand it, it's just an excuse for people to get drunk, which I don't do18:19
Seeker`tonyyarusso: do you drink alcohol?18:33
tonyyarussoSeeker`: Very rarely.  I don't have anything morally against it or whatever, but I a) have some medications that suggest I avoid it, b) don't really have much opportunity or desire to, and c) do have a problem with it in excess18:34
no0ticPriceChild, before I tested deadlock with the ctcp send and he seemed to pass it18:50
PriceChildno0tic, pm please18:51
Seeker`tonyyarusso: fair enough. I've only ever had enough to feel ill once, and i wont be doing it again18:58
tonyyarussoSeeker`: yeah, that's something I'd like to avoid :P  Apparently the CEO is pretty fond of his beer though.19:00
Seeker`i've heard some funny stories from christmas parties19:03
=== no0tic_ is now known as no0tic
no0tic213.227.230.204 what can you tell me about this ip?20:08
jdongno0tic: it starts with a prime number but goes downhill from there.20:09
no0ticlol :D20:10
jdongactually is 213 prime?20:10
no0ticno, it's a 3 multiple20:10
jdongno0tic: you're right :)20:10
no0ticprobably 227, but I'm not putting my hand over a fire (you say it too?)20:11
no0tic"I'd not bet on it"20:12
jdongno0tic: the nerdy equivalent is "I'm not putting that in my CFLAGS"20:15
ompauljdong, or apt does not have that option20:15
ompaulclfags you'd swear you were in #gentoo-ops ;-)20:15
no0ticjdong, :)20:15
jdongSeveas: I used to be a card-carrying gentoo fanatic :)20:18
Seveasi know20:18
Seveasit still shows20:18
Picijdong: you really had a card?20:18
Seveashe still has, but doesn't want to admit it20:19
jdongPici: well a nice forum tag :)20:19
jdongPici: apprentice developer ;-)20:19
Picijdong: fancy20:19
jdongPici: which means you rename ebuilds to match new version numbers, and comb through bugzilla going "REMOVE THOSE FREAKY CFLAGS"20:19
no0ticjdong, well I found it was a blacklisted spam source :)20:34
no0ticuff.. LjL I was talking to him20:34
LjLoh? i didn't notice20:35
LjLwait, i mean, i did notice, i just don't care20:35
no0ticLjL, nice20:35
Seveasjdong has his auto-invite back on :)20:35
jdongSeveas: and boy do I pay for it :)20:35
* jdong edits irssi.conf20:35
LjLSeveas, yeah, but i had invited him already after forwarding20:36
no0ticjdong, well I found it was a blacklisted spam source or a proxy :)20:36
jdong15:36 [misc]20:36
jdong15:36 join_auto_chans_on_invite = OFF20:36
Seveasyup, it's off :)20:37
* jdong resurrects his old window orders20:37
ompauljdong, that is a dreadful quit message20:39
jdongompaul: that's why I love it :)20:39
jdongthe LILO plague :)20:39
no0ticjdong, you could you ctcp exploit as quit message :)20:39
no0ticsecondo "you" is "use"20:40
jdongthen I'd actually get in trouble :D20:40
Myrttiwho quits?20:40
Myrttino, wait20:40
Piciwait what?20:40
MyrttiI did20:40
Myrttihad no reason not to20:41
Seveas/quit /quit /quit /quit /quit /quit /quit /quit /quit /quit20:42
ompaulSeveas, you're missing one20:42
PriceChildI don't get jdong's quit message?20:45
tonyyarussoheh, you don't get it?20:45
no0ticPriceChild, LILO error20:45
jdongPriceChild: it's a LILO error.... LILO's MBR contains the print characters for LI20:45
jdongPriceChild: LO is on the boot sector20:45
tonyyarussoaww, you people are no fun20:45
jdongPriceChild: but if a BIOS error happened when seeking to the boot sector...20:46
PriceChildSorry I'm not l33t enough :)20:46
jdongPriceChild: LILO just prints the BIOS code20:46
jdongPriceChild: error 0x40 = cannot seek to sector20:46
jdongPriceChild: usually caused by isntalling LILO boot sector way too high20:46
no0ticto forward a channel to another I'm using +mif #another, right?20:50
ompaullooks right20:50
no0ticshould I set guard to on?20:54
LjLno0tic: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam/MovingChannels20:55
no0ticLjL, done20:55
Am|Birthdayi seem to have lost my channel limit thingy21:04
Am|Birthdaythat doesn't carry along with linked nicks?21:04
Seveasno, it's a birthday gift to get it removed :)21:04
tonyyarussoAm|Birthday: it does follow linked nicks (for me at least)21:07
SeveasI recall something about a possibility of losing it when adding/removing links21:10
=== crdlb_ is now known as crdlb
LjL[22:10:45] --> err0r has joined this channel (n=wado@i3ED6C58F.versanet.de).21:11
LjL[22:10:45] <ImP0steR> Info-Line for err0r: [00:30:45] <+Err0r> ñëéðéí æä áëìì ìà ãå÷ø21:11
ubotuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (CTCP attack)21:16
ubotuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (CTCP attack)21:16
LjLompaul, that is... weird21:16
ompaulLjL, that was a row waiting to happen21:17
LjLit's already the second idiot pasting that sentence21:17
LjL!info madoka | irssi without a user interface, and with more breakage21:40
ubotuirssi without a user interface, and with more breakage: madoka: IRC personal proxy, stationing, logger and bot program (pirc).. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.2.10-1 (gutsy), package size 86 kB, installed size 1012 kB21:40
LjL[22:41:57] <CrashOverride> what the hell is your problem!21:42
LjL[22:41:59] <CrashOverride> >:(21:42
LjL[22:42:07] <CrashOverride> I didn't do anything you fucking loser21:42
crdlbimpressive negotiation skills21:42
LjLdunno, i could tell him to bring his complains here21:43
LjLare you bored enough for that?21:43
ompaulLjL, yes please21:43
no0ticoh, please it'd be wonderful21:43
LjLoh, he left the server21:43
* ompaul locks, loads, aims and waits21:43
no0ticompaul, shoot at sight21:44
ompaul /cs kb CrashOverride if you thought that was funny hows this21:45
* ompaul goes to get some rice and appls21:46
ompaulapples even21:46
Seveasbring it on21:48
* Seveas loads the bazooka21:48
ompaulFIRE IN THE HOLE!21:49
LjLSeveas, what's with ubotu? crashoverride's kick isn't showing up21:49
Seveaswhich chan?21:49
Seveascongig channel #ubuntu plugins.bantracker.enabled21:50
Seveas@config channel #ubuntu plugins.bantracker.enabled21:50
* Mez hugs Seveas 21:50
SeveasLjL, dreaded 'database is locked' error21:51
Seveasyes, it loses data if that happens21:51
LjLSeveas, i.e. it was locked when i did the ban?21:51
LjLif that happens as often is it happens when one tries to browse the web interface21:51
LjLthen it happens pretty often21:51
SeveasI still have to convert it to use mysql21:52
LjLSeveas couldn't you just make it retry?21:52
Seveas@reload Bantracker21:54
Seveasjust did21:54
Myrttipostgresql <321:54
* ompaul robs Myrtti's heart for posgresql (too lazy to love it myself)21:55
SeveasMyrtti, ubotu is in maintenance-only mode for me, I'm not actively developing new features such as that :)21:55
Myrtti/me puts her 770 to dream about cuddly linux hackers21:57
jdongMyrtti: how are you feeling?21:58
Myrttisomewhat better21:58
jdonggood, glad to hear :)21:59
jussio1Myrtti: how much hacking have you done on that thing?21:59
* jussio1 has an N800...22:00
jussio1Myrtti: ahh22:00
Myrttihappy user22:00
jussio1Myrtti: :D22:00
Myrttimy colleagues do the hacking22:01
jussio1Myrtti: you are a nokia-ite??22:02
* mneptok hugs his PSP22:03
Myrttinope, but from #1 growth company in ict here in Finland according to Deloitte22:03
* jussio1 goes to google which company that is...22:03
Myrttiit's in my blog too22:04
jussio1Myrtti: blog address?22:04
Myrttithe second newest entry22:04
jussio1hehe, second entry on google search for myrtti...22:05
jussio1Myrtti: some interesting stuff there...22:08
Myrttisorry, my bad22:10
Myrttithird latest22:10
jussio1Myrtti: looks like an excellent company :)22:13
Myrttiyeah :-)22:15
Myrttime --> zZzZ22:15
jussio1night Myrtti22:16
ompaulehh who is on the edit list Seveas ?22:18
tonyyarussowill tell you22:19
Seeker`whats the command to get the bantracker url again?23:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about btlogin - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:12
PriceChild/msg ubotu btlogin23:13
PriceChildthat doesn't fail23:13
Tm_Thi kids23:19
crdlbso is the split up #ubuntu idea dead?23:34
Tm_Tits splitted enough already23:36
crdlbit's not splitted at all?23:37
Tm_Tit is, loco channels, +1 etc etc23:38
LjL#kubuntu #xubuntu too23:38
crdlbso you guys think #ubuntu is perfectly healthy?23:40
LjLi think splitting it up would make it less so23:40
Seveasis it that time of the month again?23:40
mc44Seveas: it'll be better once you take your pills23:40
Seveaswe should archive these discussions and point people with the same stupid idea to them :)23:40
LjLcrdlb: ever checked out #ubuntu-meta?23:41
crdlbI have23:41
Tm_Thug me23:55
jdong$10 please.23:56
* mc44 hugs jdong, collects 10$23:56
PriceChildjdong, you don't hug anyone unless they pay?23:56
* Tm_T hugs Myrtti 23:56
PriceChildAre you that sought after over there?23:57
crdlbPriceChild: don't judge his career choice!23:57
jdongPriceChild: meh it fuels my holiday shopping fund.23:57
PriceChildWoooooooo hockey social tonight :D23:58
tonyyarussojeesh, if a hug is $10..23:58
jdongtonyyarusso: oh that stuff will cost you :)23:58
PriceChildAm|Birthday, dude its your birthday!!! Happy Birthday!23:58
PriceChildAnyone ever seen the "free hugs" guy on youtube?23:58
jdongcaptain obvious to the rescue...23:58
PriceChildGreatest video ever23:58
PriceChildjdong, they call me bullet23:58

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