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eghjayteeHello, can anyone point me to any how tos for running GFS on 6.06?00:06
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kgoetzhi all, something to think about (while i wander off for an hour) - does the idea of shipping a standard vhost template with our apache appeal to anyone else? the one i've been refining over the last few weeks should be pretty good for easy understandability/usability/ (security?), and i know i'd prefer to have had a template in sites-available then hae to work it out somehow01:44
kgoetzi'm thinking of fileing a wishlist for it to get included, but thought i'd ask here too01:44
kgoetzhttp://k-k.homelinux.net:81/~kgoetz/apache2-vhost-template.txt is the link, the .txt is so lighhtttpd doesnnt try and server it as binary :\01:46
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kshahapt-get remove apache2   doesn't remove apache?02:16
kshahfile are still present02:16
kshahapt-get remove ruby, everything kinda sorta not working...02:17
zulapt-get --purge02:21
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CyberMadi want to running ubuntu-server with ejabberd (intranet IM), fax server (hylafax), VMware-server with 1 XP Pro, Apache2 WebServer + MySQL Server.. there are 25 users, access that server not frequently05:16
CyberMadwhat actually hardware specification i need?05:16
CyberMad1st.. from processor, which one should i choose: Intel or AMD ?05:16
BurgundaviaCyberMad: either, depends on the price point05:21
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CyberMadBurgundavia so, Intel or AMD is ok?05:29
CyberMaddoes sempron LE-1100 1,9 GHz can make it?05:29
BurgundaviaCyberMad: why is the xp pro stuff on the same server as your jabber server05:38
BurgundaviaI would split them out05:38
CyberMadbecause i don't want spend money for more pc05:42
Burgundaviathe paranoid admin is me says windows  + server == bad05:56
ScottKBurgundavia: Not paranoid.  Realistic.05:57
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CyberMadBurgundavia i use that VMWare (XP Virtual Machine), just for remote desktop06:48
CyberMadso user can remote that PC for running windows application06:48
BurgundaviaCyberMad: that is crazy, tbh06:49
Burgundaviakeep your users away from your server06:50
CyberMadBurgundavia what do you mean?07:03
CyberMadBurgundavia that just virtual machine07:03
CyberMadwhat they can do?07:03
BurgundaviaCyberMad: if a user has a login on a computer, they can compromise it07:26
Burgundaviafor that matter, Windows has known bugs07:26
Burgundaviaand if somebody can get root on one of your servers...07:26
tjaaltonhrm, are there any known issues running dapper on a HP DL380G5? It crashes here frequently07:32
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tjaaltoncall trace starts from bnx2_poll, which would suggest a bug in the broadcom driver07:38
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doktoreashello everybody14:18
doktoreasanyone is using JeOS? I am moved my first steps into virtualization14:18
doktoreasbasically jeOS is a sort of customized livecd?14:19
sorenCustomised install cd.14:22
clifter1doktoreas:  It's literally as the name implies...   Just Enough OS14:24
doktoreasbut i can add all package i need and then zip it and send to people?14:25
doktoreasto use with WMVare?14:25
sorendoktoreas: Sure.14:29
doktoreasthx soren..14:29
doktoreasi'll give it a try14:29
doktoreascause we need to set up a virtual machine every times..the idea is to built one with all package we need and then use that one14:30
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jensubuntu server 6.06 will get 5 year's of security updates, right?15:50
jensso, now, what happens if i install xubuntu-desktop on my server ?15:50
jenswill I get 5 year's of security updates ?15:50
jensI guessed not; since xubuntu will only get 3years of updates?15:50
jensand they use the same repositories15:51
nealmcbjens: desktop packages won't get 5-years of support - I think it is stuff in the server seed15:51
nealmcb...that does15:51
nealmcbor something close to that15:51
jensso, if you install something on your server that is in a *-desktop package you won't get security updates for it?15:52
jensfor the last 2 years15:52
jensthat includes cupsys?15:53
nealmcbat least not updates as guaranteed by canonical.  I assume that like with universe, community members will be able to put security updates out there for the last 2 years until the repository is put into archive mode15:54
nealmcbI think cupsys is part of the server seed, just not the gui admin tools, but you'd need to check15:54
jensok, thank you verry much15:55
* nealmcb is VERY GLAD to be back on his nice laptop with his files and apps working again.....15:59
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rodneykkwhere do i configure how many logs to keep through syslog in /var/log and how big the files should be before it starts a new one, and also how do i make it stop gzip'ing the rotated logs? is this all done through logrotate.d?16:42
mralphabetthe gzip part is all through logrotate16:44
mralphabetthe rest of it may be as well16:44
rodneykkok cool16:47
rodneykkis there a way to log all syslog stuff in a mysql db?16:47
mralphabetrodneykk: ask your question again, those two may know16:52
ksstrange... while installing jeos on vmware i specified disk as IDE, but installation wizard sees it as scsi17:01
ksis this tutorial outdated ? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/JeOS17:01
ksalso I see busybox initially instead of ubuntu17:02
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Goosemoosehi guys18:35
Goosemooseanyone using a network install and a preseed file with apt-cacher?.18:35
Goosemoosei keep getting told the specified mirror is not available or does not have a valid release file on it18:36
sorenDoes it?18:36
Goosemoosei just installed it18:37
Goosemoosei can browse to it via and get an apt-cache screen18:37
sorenInstalled what?18:37
sorenAnd can you see a Release file somewhere?18:37
sorenhttp:// (if memory serves)18:38
Goosemoosenot exactly sure where i should find it.18:38
Goosemooseok let me look18:38
Goosemooseok that listed tons of stuff18:38
Goosemoosemaybe my problem is that I set it to use fiesty in the preseed18:38
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Goosemoosewhat would the difference be? the ubuntu docs im following used fiesty18:39
sorenShould be the same (for your use)18:39
sorenWhat did you put in the preseed (w.r.t. the mirror to use)18:40
Goosemoosed-i mirror/protocol string http18:40
Goosemoosed-i mirror/http/hostname string
Goosemoosed-i mirror/http/directory string /ubuntu18:40
Goosemoosed-i mirror/suite string fiesty18:41
sorend-i mirror/http/directory string /se.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu18:41
sorenTry that instead of what you had.18:41
Goosemoosechange the fiesty line to gusty?18:42
sorenWhat do you want to install?18:42
Goosemoosethis is all my testing leading up to deploying edubuntu on tons of machines18:42
sorengutsy or feisty?18:42
Goosemoosenot exactly sure. to be honest ive been a network admin for 10 years running tons of windows servers, and linux experience has all been with CentOS server, never linux clients18:42
Goosemoosewhats the diff?18:42
sorengutsy is new. feisty is old.18:42
Goosemoosegusty it is then18:43
sorenThen you should put that. :)18:43
Goosemoosemakes sense then since im following a doc made for ubuntu 6.1!18:43
sorenThere's no such thing. There's 6.06 and 6.10.18:43
sorenWhich were released in June 2006 and October 2006. See the pattern? :)18:44
sorenI can't think of any of the basics that have changed in the preseed files.18:45
Goosemoosesoren, looks like that was it thanks18:55
Goosemooseso my next question then :)18:55
GoosemooseI had setup a machine that authenticated all the users against my AD Domain18:56
Goosemooserequired changing quite a few files18:56
Goosemoosei also install quite a few programs off the edubuntu cd 218:56
Goosemoosehow do I work that into this auto install?18:56
Goosemooseadd lines to the end of the preseed file?18:56
sorenThere's late-command, that might do what you want.18:57
soren...and there's a setting to add packages, too.18:57
Goosemooseknow where there's some more info on that18:59
Goosemooseall i see is this in the example18:59
Goosemoose#d-i pkgsel/include string openssh-server build-essential18:59
Goosemooseoh , actually maybe its this:19:00
Goosemoose#d-i preseed/late_command string apt-install zsh; in-target chsh -s /bin/zsh19:00
Goosemooseso i just use apt-install for everything19:00
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rodpodto do the AD stuff apt-get install samba krb5 winbind19:31
Goosemooserodpod, i had to edit a lot of conf files though19:53
Goosemooseok, towards the end of the install i got Cannot Access Security Updates19:54
GoosemooseThe security updates on securityu.ubuntu.com couldn't be accessed so those update will not be made available19:54
Goosemoosethen it says it Commented out entries for security.ubuntu.com have been added to the /etc/apt/sources.list file19:54
Goosemooseany ideas?20:03
mralphabetGoosemoose: are you trying to do preseeds?20:05
Goosemoosealready have it going through most of the install20:06
Goosemoosebut its stopped on the security updates20:06
mralphabetI know the answer to that . . . I think20:07
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Goosemooseok, thanks20:08
mralphabetGoosemoose: from yesterday actually:20:09
mralphabet#ubuntu-server_0712.log:12:13 < proprietarysucks> so in your normal, redhat-style kickstart for ubuntu you can simply add 'preseed apt-setup/security_host string' anywhere20:09
mralphabet#ubuntu-server_0712.log:12:14 < proprietarysucks> that will simply disable the security updates20:09
Goosemooseok, but what if i dont want to disable them?20:09
mralphabetthat's just for the install, reenable them after20:10
Goosemoosei just want them to install properly, not sure why it's saying it can't access them20:10
Goosemoosethis is going out for 250 school computers20:10
Goosemooseso i want as much automated as possible20:10
Goosemoosethat will at least get rid of that error screen20:10
Goosemoosecan i set security updates to install automatically later?20:11
mralphabetwhat that guy did is mirror the entire security.ubuntu.com to something local . . . as that guy is the one working on something similar _right now_, I would suggest tracking him down20:12
mralphabetI just remembered him talking about it, I am not familiar with it personally ;(20:13
Goosemooseok, no problem20:13
Goosemoosethat will at least get me past this for now, i appreciate it20:13
ivoksyou want to install the system without updating during install?20:13
Goosemoosei want it to update during install20:13
Goosemoosebut im getting an error20:13
GoosemooseThe security updates on securityu.ubuntu.com couldn't be accessed so those update will not be made available20:13
Goosemoosethen it says it Commented out entries for security.ubuntu.com have been added to the /etc/apt/sources.list file20:14
Goosemooseim wondering if maybe it's a proxy issue20:14
ivokswell, if they are unavailable...?20:14
rodpoddoes anyone know if i need to modprobe ip_gre if im going to be allowing vpn traffic through iptables, or will it automatically load20:14
Goosemoosealthough the rest of the package installed20:14
Goosemooseyes, but why are they unavailable20:14
ivoksrodpod: you need to enable it20:14
ivoksrodpod: just add to /etc/modules20:14
Goosemooseany ideas ivoks?20:15
ivokscould be proxy or something...20:17
Goosemoosethough the rest of the packages pulled fine20:17
ivoksmaybe proxy filters urls with security in it :)20:20
ivokstry security_host XX.archive.ubuntu.com20:23
ivokspreseed apt-setup/security_host hr.archive.ubuntu.com20:23
ivoksthis should work20:23
Goosemooseadd it anywhere in the preseed file?20:28
ivoksright, croatia20:29
Goosemoosethat where you are?20:29
ivoksyou can do it on the command line20:29
ivoksyeah, i'm administrating that archive20:30
Goosemoosecool, i have a home on hvar :)20:30
Goosemoosemy family is all from there, im in the US20:30
Goosemoosedoesnt work on command line, doesn't know the preseed command20:31
Goosemooseshouldn't I add it into my preseed file?20:31
ivoksyou can, of course20:31
ivoksd-i apt-setup/security_host hr.archive.ubuntu.com20:32
Goosemooseok so 'd-i mirror/security_host hr.archive.ubuntu.com20:32
Goosemooselike that?20:32
ivoksd-i apt-setup/security_host hr.archive.ubuntu.com20:33
Goosemoosed-i apt-setup/security_host string20:33
Goosemooseyeah ok20:33
Goosemooseis there a us.archive.ubuntu.com would prob be closer20:33
ivoksthere is20:34
ivoksi'm sure they have security archive20:34
Goosemooseok ill rebot this and try it again20:34
Goosemoosebe back in a few, grabbing lunch. thanks for the assistance20:35
krautdoes ubuntu boot on via eden without any problems?21:01
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Goosemooseok this is funny21:22
Goosemoosewhere in hell did the computer i just installed over the network using a pressed file get it's computer name from?21:22
Goosemooseit copied it from another computer on the domain!21:22
ivoksfrom dns21:23
ivokseh dhcp :)21:23
Goosemoosehow can i control that?21:23
ivokspreseed it21:23
Goosemoosecould i have it actually ask? not answer that question in the process?21:24
Goosemoosejust comment that out?21:24
sommerI just name all my machines "ubuntu"... heh :)21:24
Goosemoosesommer, haha21:24
Goosemoosesommer, doesn't that cause a problem with dns?21:24
bettongif it copied it from another computer, your dns/dhcp is wrong21:24
Goosemooseit's a computer that doesn't exist anymore21:25
sommerGoosemoose: I kid, I kid21:25
Goosemoosebut im sure the entry still hasn't timed out21:25
Goosemoosesommer, ahh ok, phew21:25
Goosemoosecan i give it a new random name like Classroom-###21:25
ivoksyour dns has an entry for that ip21:25
Goosemooseivoks, im sure it does21:25
Goosemoosewwouldn't clear itself for a few days21:25
Goosemooselease is set to a week21:25
Goosemoosei also didn't get a gui21:26
Goosemoosenot sure where i screwed up there21:26
Goosemoosemust be with the default file21:26
ivoksyou didn't choose to install ubuntu-desktop by default?21:26
Goosemooselooking up what i did now21:26
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Goosemoosetasksel tasksel/first multiselect standard, desktop21:29
Goosemoosethat's it right?21:29
ivoksisn't it ubuntu-desktop?21:30
ivoksand ubuntu-standard?21:30
Goosemoosemight be, like i said these docs are from 6.1021:30
Goosemooseok so i need ubunt-desktop then21:30
ivokstasksel --list-tasks21:30
Goosemoosewhich deafaults to gnome ?21:30
ivoksthere's no task ubuntu-standard21:31
ivoksthose are packages21:31
Goosemoosegot it21:31
Goosemoosei want edubuntu-desktop then21:31
Goosemoosehmm, i see edubuntu-live there21:31
Goosemoosethat going to do something different?21:31
Goosemooseok made it tasksel tasksel/first multiselect edubuntu-desktop21:33
Goosemooseor do i still need standard in there21:33
Goosemooseok made it tasksel tasksel/first multiselect standard,edubuntu-desktop21:33
ivoksyou don't read?21:33
Goosemoosei do21:34
ivokstasksel --list-tasks21:34
Goosemoosei've found one damn doc!21:34
Goosemooseyeah im looking at that list21:34
Goosemoosei just not sure what the syntax is in the tasksel tasksel/first multiselect edubuntu-desktop  command21:34
ivoksthere's no standard, right?21:34
Goosemoosenot in the list21:34
Goosemoosethought it might be part of the command itself21:34
Goosemooselike i dont know what tasksel/first means21:35
Goosemooseim guess task selection which would assume more than one option21:35
Goosemooseand sets the first to somethign21:35
ivoksdon't use tasksel21:35
GoosemooseWhat should I use instead? I feel like such an idiot here, usually I can just look this stuff up!21:36
ivokspreseed preseed/early_command apt-install ubuntu-desktop21:36
sommeris hardy 8.03 or 8.04?21:37
ivoksor even better21:37
Goosemooseput that anywhere in the preseed file (not sure if order matters)?21:37
ivokspreseed preseed/late_command apt-install ubuntu-desktop21:37
ivokspreseed preseed/late_command string apt-install ubuntu-desktop21:37
ivoksthat last one is correct21:37
Goosemoosegot it21:37
ivokssommer: 421:38
Goosemooseok, im commenting out the package selection line then21:38
sommerthx ivoks21:38
ivoksGoosemoose: with late_command you can setup custom /etc/apt/sources.list21:38
Goosemoosei setup a atp-cache server on the tftp server21:39
Goosemooseso it should be installing off of that21:39
ivokspreseed preseed/late_command string apt-install ubuntu-desktop; echo "bla bla bla" > /target/etc/apt/sources.list ; echo "bla bla bla 2" >> /target/etc/apt/sources.list21:39
Goosemoosei see21:40
Goosemoosegot it, it's the last line at the very end21:40
Goosemooseone long command for all the extra stuff21:40
ivoksi created iso with auto install21:41
Goosemoosewith all the packages in it already?21:41
ivoksso, i could take a look tomorrow and let you know how i did it21:41
Goosemoosei had setup a machine exactly how i wanted it and wanted to do that21:41
Goosemooseas setting it up to authenticate against AD was a pain in the arse21:41
ivoksthat should be piece of cake in 8.0421:41
Goosemoosebut since there's 250 these need to install over network21:41
Goosemooseyeah, not out yet though21:41
ivoksthis works even now :)21:42
ivoksdon't worry, this is new stuff, released yesterday, if i'm not mistaken...21:42
ivoksi saw presentation at UDS - great stuff21:43
Goosemoosewas gonna say, i just spent a week trying it the 'old' way21:43
Goosemoosecan it authenticate logins as well?21:43
Goosemoosei had to setup a pam module to query AD for usernames and passwords21:43
ivoksit integrates in PAM, yes21:44
ivoksso, whatever uses PAM, works21:44
Goosemooseis that what's going into 8.04?21:44
Goosemooseok once i get this preseeding to work ill check it out21:44
fujin_likewise looks nice21:44
ivoksfujin_: there is gutsy package on web21:44
fujin_I hate pissing around with libnss-pam/libldap-pam etc21:44
ivoksit's not aptgetable, since it's 24h old :)21:45
fujin_how stable?21:45
Goosemoosethere's ubuntu version21:45
ivokswhat i've seen at UDS, works without problems21:45
ivoksit has nice GUI21:45
ivoksand also a CLI tool21:45
mralphabetsomebody (coffeedude?) is working on likewise to be integrated into hardy, wants it released in repos beginning of January21:47
ivokshe did the presentation at UDS21:48
ivokscoffeedude rulez :)21:48
ivoksbye all21:50
sommerlater ivoks21:53
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Goosemoosehmm i ended up with a software selection prompt22:13
Goosemoosemissed that in the pressed file somehow22:13
Goosemooseasking what type of desktop, etc22:13
Goosemoosei dont think ivoks idea worked22:14
Goosemooseok, added the tasksel back, lets see if it works22:15
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