
Seven_Six_Twokyle__, sorry I don't even know what you're trying to do. If it's just an xgl problem, you can post the contents of your xorg log file and xorg.conf at pastebin.com and let us know the url to the post. It will help diagnose your problem.00:00
kitcherangerguy39: you have to burn it to a cdrom00:00
rangerguy39yeah, i did00:00
erUSULCrashOverride: try 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg'00:00
teknoprepi don't get a splash screen now that i have everything installed.... wow this is really scrolling by quickly00:00
rangerguy39and then ran it off the cd00:00
teknoprepalot of ppl in here talkin00:00
nickrudCrashOverride: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -pcritical xserver-xorg00:00
PeloChewy954,  you can resize your / partiton if you hae some room left in there and you can rezise the home after you get rid of the original install of ubuntu, you only need 5-10 gig to run the os itself, I'm at 3.5 gig right now with all the apps I need, the rest is 2xram for swap and 65 gig for /home00:00
geniiouellettesr: What make/model wifi card?00:00
kitcherangerguy39: so you rebooted your computer so it boots into Ubuntu?00:00
hockeyfan5000splash screen for what teknoprep00:00
rangerguy39kiche, no00:00
rangerguy39ill try that00:00
kitcherangerguy39: well it's a Operating System it's not a Windows/Mac program00:01
Pelonickrud,  It think the reconfigure options need to be in capital letters00:01
Chewy954ok thanks Pelo00:01
ouellettesrgenii they are both lynksys, one a wusb12 and the other a wusb54gsv400:01
nickrudPelo: no, lowercase00:01
PeloChewy954,  you might want to use the 7.04 cd, there is a bug in the partitoning tool in the 7.10 one00:01
* nickrud consulted the man page quickly 00:02
* Pelo decides to respect nickrud 's courage 00:02
geniiouellettesr: usb wifi is tricky, the driver that would work if it wasn't on the usb doesn't usually.00:02
mikebeechamis there any software I can use to completely delete information from a secondary HDD that was formatted via windows?00:02
pike_what was that link for the ubuntu win32 installer that makes a ext3 formatted file in windows and uses windows boot manager?00:02
maximanderhello, i'm having issues with mysqld segfaulting on start, brand new install of 7.10/amd6400:02
kyle__how do i use XChat?00:02
mikebeechamI have deleted the files from that drive, but the amount of space I have left remains the same00:02
tony_mathI can't make any changes to the preferences in Synaptic Package Manager. It hangs and I have to kill it. Would an uninstall/install work or is there a way to reset all settings?00:03
AngryElfI've got a geforce 6200 and i'm only getting 3 resolutions to choose from despite selecting all of them in dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, binary driver, any ideas what's going on?00:03
mr__danielkyle__: I am not understanding your question00:03
mr__danielkyle__: what you mean with 'to use'?00:03
Pelopike_, you'll need to use google and the aplet refers to ext2 if I recall corectly00:03
kilowhat happens when i connect a Lan cable into ISDN port? does it work anyway?00:03
kyle__do you just ask questions?00:03
ouellettesrgenii I also have a linksys pcmcia card I can use, will that be easier?00:03
* jsoftw is bored.00:03
=== ajmorris_ is now known as ajmorris|AFK
nickrudAngryElf: run xrandr in a terminal, are they the same resolutions?00:04
pike_!fixres | AngryElf00:04
ubotuAngryElf: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto00:04
erUSUL!wubi | pike_00:04
DM|Anyone know how to change the resolution GDM loads on the login window?00:04
ubotupike_: wubi is an unofficial Ubuntu installer for Windows users - more info is at http://www.cutlersoftware.com/ubuntusetup/wubi/en-US/index.html00:04
mikebeechamis there any software I can use to completely delete information from a secondary HDD that was formatted via windows?00:04
mikebeechamI have deleted the files from that drive, but the amount of space I have left remains the same00:04
LjL!away > ajmorris|AFK    (ajmorris|AFK, see the private message from Ubotu)00:04
=== slim is now known as Big_Slim
kitchemikebeecham: well if you deleted the files your space should be higher but yes there is but it will write 0's to the drive so the files can not be recoverable00:05
nickrudkyle__: just ask away00:05
geniiouellettesr: with the wusb12 in does lsmod show prism2_usb as a module installed?00:05
pike_mikebeecham: you want to format it to a more linuxy format or keep ntfs?00:05
ouellettesrgenii yes00:05
geniiouellettesr: Then it should be able to work00:05
kiloP l e a s e ....what happens when i connect a Lan cable into ISDN port? does it work anyway?00:05
kyle__okay i need everyones help with this one, i am running a AMD64 with an ATI X1650 graphics card and i want to use beryl without stuffing linux up like i did the past 5 times00:05
Seven_Six_Twokyle__, I'm using xchat. You use it the same way as mirc00:05
Pilgrim`quick question..i was watching a movie on my ubuntu box and it froze, what should i do? I have stuff open (irc, etc) that i would prefer not to restar00:06
AngryElfnickrud: both places have the same max resolution, that i'm using, but xrandr has a bunch more lower ones than the GUI does00:06
mar1I am having no end of trouble with DeVeDe in ubuntu00:06
mikebeechampike_:  I dont want to format it, as there are files on that drive I want to keep...I just wanted to delete some of the files off....it's almost as though I've deleted them, but not really.....nautlius is not registering the freed up space?00:06
MoTeckilo: you might let some smoke out... It will not work00:06
geniiouellettesr: Do you see a wlan0 device on the ifconfig command?00:06
AngryElfnickrud: er, and a bunch of the ones I selected with dpkg-reconf.... (and are also in xorg.conf) are not showing up in xrandr00:06
kiloPilgrim': just kill the process00:06
Xdange1guys all of a sudden my hardisk is movin slow00:06
Pilgrim`i cant, the movie is stuck open full screen00:06
Pilgrim`no response from xwindows00:06
hockeyfan5000backup Xdange100:06
nickrudAngryElf: ok, next take a look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log; near lines 300 - 400 there will be a section about monitor recognition, it's probably not getting the right horiz and vert freqs00:06
kyle__okay i need everyones help with this one, i am running a AMD64 with an ATI X1650 graphics card and i want to use beryl without stuffing linux up like i did the past 5 times....... and my graphics card is not running at the moment00:07
Pilgrim`tried control alt backspace, and a bunch of other variations00:07
mar1anyone know of a good program for converting DVD .vob files into smaller mgeg?00:07
hockeyfan5000kyle what is the issue your having?00:07
kyle__everything lol00:07
hockeyfan5000are you using 7.1000:07
kiloMotec: thanx it was a relly stupid question wasn't it? :)00:07
Seven_Six_Twokyle__, You will only get help that is as good as the questions that you ask. If you want to know how to use something, read the documentation. That's what it's for. If you have a problem, ask specifically about your issue. e.g. "How do I use the internet" is not a good question00:07
Xdange1when i enter my username and password from the login Gnome takes a while to start00:07
AngryElfwhich i'm trying to look up right now...00:07
DShepherdmar1, acidrip maybe?00:07
pike_mikebeecham: not sure you might sudo umount /media/whatever then sudo mount /media/whatever  but i dunno00:07
MoTeckilo: i've got an old isdn router up on ebay right now... :)00:07
CrashOverridehow do I log in as administrator, I tried doing it from the normal login screen but it just sayd "Administrator is no allower to login from this screen"00:07
kyle__okay, thanks00:08
MACscr1077Hmm, how do i kick or ghost my regular screen name?00:08
kitcheCrashOverride: login as your user and use gksu or sudo00:08
ouellettesrgenii I don't see wlan000:08
Xdange1i dont know could removing trackerd affect performance??00:08
mar1DShepherd: the problem is that the .vob files are on my hard drive and I cannot get those programs to look at them cause they want to open a DVD drive all the time00:08
DShepherd MACscr1077 /ghost username password00:08
HigH_5Acidrip isn't working for me very well marl. Try DvdRip.00:08
maximandermeh, anyone? i00:08
rangerguy39kitche, after the OS is on the cd-rom, what should i do with it?00:08
kiloMotec: not interested at the moment... i will buy a Lan card tomorrow...just flush the isdn card in the toilet ;)00:08
mikebeechampike_:  thanks, I will ask again to see if anyone else can help...00:08
kitcherangerguy39: umm just boot your computer and it will load00:08
Seven_Six_Twokyle__, locate all relevant config files and log files because it's difficult to get you an answer without them.00:08
mikebeechamis there any software I can use to completely delete information from a secondary HDD that was formatted via windows?00:08
mikebeechampike_:  thanks, I will ask again to see if anyone else can help...00:08
Xdange1cause reading from memory is fast but from my hardrive is really slow??00:08
rangerguy39kitche, its not =\00:08
mikebeechamI have deleted the files from that drive, but the amount of space I have left remains the same00:08
Chewy954( 19:01:59 ) ( Pelo ) Chewy954, you might want to use the 7.04 cd, there is a bug in the partitoning tool in the 7.10 one00:09
geniiouellettesr: try: sudo ifconfig wlan0 up00:09
rangerguy39is windows interfering with it?00:09
Chewy954Pelo: Im using acronis to partition.00:09
nickrudXdange1: first think I'd look for is checking for your host name on the line with in /etc/hosts00:09
MACscr1077Dshepherd: says its an unknown command00:09
kyle__my main proble is my graphics card..... its an ATI X1650 and i have the drivers for it, but when i run it the x server wont start00:09
maximandermikebeecham: shred00:09
PeloChewy954, what ever rocks your boat man00:09
CrashOverridewhat do I type in sudo to make me be in as root from bash00:09
MoTeckilo: aaah, i liked my isdn.. but that was long ago :)   so you have an ethernet connection now?  like at a company or college?00:09
MACscr1077Er, says ghost is00:09
DShepherdMACscr1077, what irc client are you using?00:09
nickrudXdange1: mine got chewed up in the last update (again)00:09
kitcherangerguy39: then you didn't burn it right you need to burn the   .iso file as a image not put the .iso file on the cdrom00:09
Xdange1nickrud; i'll try that00:09
HigH_5mikebeecham try with the Ultimate Boot CD, it has tools to wipe out the disk very thoroughly.00:09
MACscr1077But is swar i have used that command before00:09
kyle__i dont want to install without being sure it wont happen again00:09
NYCThomasBhey - i'm back.  my machine no longer sees ath0, my pcimcia wireless card00:09
rangerguy39kitche, can i query you?00:09
Xdange1nickrud: i'm really afraid of these updates00:10
mikebeechamHigh 5 I dont want to wipe the disk clean....00:10
ouellettesrgenii I get SIOCSIFFLAGS: No Such Device00:10
mikebeechampike_:  I dont want to format it, as there are files on that drive I want to keep...I just wanted to delete some of the files off....it's almost as though I've deleted them, but not really.....nautlius is not registering the freed up space?00:10
kitcherangerguy39: not really my client doesn't support that really right now I haven't wrote the script to check for queries00:10
DShepherdsorry MACscr1077, i dont know much about miranda00:10
Chewy954Pelo: I go the simplest way possible right now, since im a bit sick, time is of the essence.00:10
maximanderanyone know how to start going about getting MySQLd to start? It just segfaults without saying anything00:10
CrashOverridehow do I log in as root00:10
kilomotec: i have a fast adsl connection...now i have a piii with ubuntu on it but i found this isdn card inside...i want to connect this old good pc to my router to use ubuntu as p2p station00:10
MikeHWhen I try opening a file with totem, I get a "cannot determine type of stream"00:10
mikebeechamHigh5  I dont want to format it, as there are files on that drive I want to keep...I just wanted to delete some of the files off....it's almost as though I've deleted them, but not really.....nautlius is not registering the freed up space?00:10
Seven_Six_Twokyle__, can you find your xserver log file? it should be somewhere near /var/log and be recognizably named. your X config file should be in or near /etc/X11/<xorg or XFree86>.conf00:10
tony_mathkyle__ does that mean you only have a console? No graphics at all?00:10
kyle__there are two installs i use, one is Envy and the other is from the ATI site00:10
mikebeechamsorry pike00:10
MikeHis this a problem with codecs?00:10
kitche!root | CrashOverride00:10
ubotuCrashOverride: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo00:10
Chewy954CrashOverride: use su, but u gotta enable this in ubutu00:10
AngryElfnickrud: what file did you say to look in to find the horiz/vert refresh rates?00:10
junkeRhello everyone, when I put Ubuntu in hibernate my sound now skips and doesn't play correctly.  This is still happening after a restart/shutdown.. any fixes?00:10
MACscr1077Dshepherd : the error was from freenode, not my client00:11
nickrudAngryElf: /var/log/Xorg.0.log00:11
rangerguy39so i should save the .iso as what?00:11
Chewy954im gonna make su possible for ubuntu :p00:11
geniiouellettesr: Bah, OK. Do you see an eth1 device where you know you have only 1 wired adapter then?00:11
Chewy954since i like using it lol00:11
Xdange1CrashOverride: you have to enable root login00:11
ubotuRegardless of your choice: Please do not advise against user security policy and create a root password, please see !rootsudo00:11
kyle__my graphics card is fine but when i runs the x server restarts as aoon as i logg in00:11
Big_Slimhow do you accept files on this program?00:11
PeloChewy954,  you want 3 partitons , one for / for the os,  5-10 gig ext3,  2xram for swap in linuxswap Fs , and the rest for /home in ext3 preferbly00:11
DShepherdMACscr1077, ok but i don't know why this is not working for you. it works for me :-)00:11
ouellettesrgenii, nope I just have eth0 and lo00:11
MoTeckilo: aah, okay.  yep, you'll need an ethernet card, then :)  if you want to get advanced you can get _two_ ethernet cards and make it your firewall, router, and server :)00:11
CrashOverrideI'm making a root thing nayway, how do I enable root logon00:12
astro76!sudo | CrashOverride00:12
ubotuCrashOverride: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.00:12
Seven_Six_Twokyle__, copy the contents of both of those files to pastebin.com and when you've submitted it, paste the url here00:12
DShepherd!root | CrashOverride00:12
ubotuCrashOverride: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo00:12
kitcheCrashOverride: it's in the links that ubotu been giving you for the past 5 minutes00:12
Chewy954Pelo: 2 swap partitions? and im keeping my orignal linux partition intact till I copy it over, then i delete it.00:12
MoTecubuntu server is great for that, with some configuration, of course.00:12
NYCThomasBis there a "repair" like option that would reset my os to original install without messing up my files and file structure? (os is in own partition)00:12
kitcheCrashOverride: but you might not get support if you enable root and do something stupid with it :)00:12
kilomotec: right... i suppose it would be great00:12
naxaI have to bach resize images. Is there a tool for this?00:12
MACscr1077Damnit, i cant get the newest ubuntu to work in Parallel =(00:12
junkeRcan anyone help me?  my sound card is dishing out sound that sounds like a skipping CD00:12
kyle__and i will try find that file00:13
Seven_Six_TwoNYCThomasB, do you have backups?00:13
PeloChewy954,  2x ram for the swap , ie the swap must be tiwce the size of your ram00:13
MACscr1077Its having issues with my video card, which is odd because its a ati x80000:13
kitchejunkeR: did you try rebooting to see if it fixes it or not?00:13
NYCThomasBseven six two: of the files? yes00:13
kilomtoec: now i go to rest some hours...it's 1.13 in the night here...00:13
xTheGoat121xI have returned00:13
AngryElfnickrud: there's nothing about refresh rates in my log file -- and the appropriate rates are within the ranges that are defined in xorg.conf...00:13
MoTeckilo: rest well :)00:13
geniiouellettesr: OK, perhaps add with admin privelege to /etc/network/interfaces   2 lines   line1:  auto wlan0       line2: iface wlan0 inet dhcp00:13
kilobye everyone :)00:13
=== edencane is now known as edencane_
Seven_Six_TwoNYCThomasB, then restore from them.00:14
nickrudAngryElf: hrm, nvidia then? (I hear that nvidia-settings can help)00:14
MoTecnaxa: you can use imagemagic... mogrify, specifically.00:14
ouellettesrgenii ok ill try that00:14
kilomotec: one last question00:14
CrashOverridelol it's kool being in as root00:14
geniiouellettesr: Hopefully your access point is set to hand out dhcp numbers00:14
CrashOverrideis my /root folder supposed to be empty00:14
Xdange1ok i dont see any process using up all my memory or cpu usage, so why is my system moving so slow after the last update00:14
nickrudCrashOverride: it isn't, try ls -l00:15
MoTecnaxa: mogrify -resize 1024x768! \images\*.jpg00:15
naxaI cannot edit my system menu. If i make a change, it disappears within 0.5 sec. can you help me?00:15
kilomotec: if i install ubuntu now without the ethernet inside...when i will do it tomorrow and start ubuntu, will it detect and install the new hardware or i will have to do some stuff?00:15
nickrudCrashOverride: erm, ls -a that is00:15
naxaMoTec: thank you! :)00:15
naxaI cannot edit my system menu. If i make a change, it disappears within 0.5 sec. can you help me?00:15
kitcheCrashOverride: of course since root can't login by default it has hidden files once you login though00:15
CrashOverridekool now I can look at the root files00:15
matttishow can I make it possible to vote for electric sheeps ? (at the moment pressing a button kills the screen saver)00:15
naxaMoTec: is it lossless?00:15
kitcheCrashOverride: you could look at them before also lol00:15
MoTeckilo: I'm not 100% sure00:15
nickrudCrashOverride: you could have already; sudo ls -a /root00:15
* jsoftw has xfce4 looking all good :) 00:16
CrashOverrideit's more 1337 using the root account00:16
MoTecnaxa: reducing sizes of images _can't_ be lossless :)00:16
NYCThomasBseven_six_two: maybe i misstated - i want to reinstall os without having to relaod all of my saved files after.  files are on diff partition from os00:16
=== edencane_ is now known as edencane
xTheGoat121xMy Celeron M tends to run 10 degrees hotter in Ubuntu than it does in XP.... is there a reason for this, and a way to correct it?00:16
kitcheCrashOverride: not really00:16
CrashOverridenow it's kurt@ubuntu:~# instead of kurt@ubuntu:~$00:16
kiloMoTec: oh great... :| tomorrow i will have some good time then... i will have to put an old laser printer (serial) on it too...00:16
naxaMoTec: yeah, sure... I mean if the jpg was a 100% quality, will the new jpg still a 100% quailty jpg?00:16
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de00:16
nickrudCrashOverride: what' really elite is running your ubuntu from a chrooted live cd ;)00:16
MoTecnaxa: aah.. not sure, actually.. i'd think so, tho.00:17
mr__danielCrashOverride: root previledges should only be used when they are really necessary00:17
MoTeckilo: good luck :)00:17
geniiouellettesr: after saving those 2 lines, try again sudo ifconfig wlan0 up00:17
MoTeckilo: cups will do that just fine00:17
CrashOverridewell I'm trying to be 1337 here so I'm doing it anyway00:17
AngryElfnickrud: thanx, forgot about that -- was able to bump it up one more res00:17
kiloMoTec: cups?? what's that?00:17
jsoftwCrashOverride: sudo passwd00:18
jsoftwCrashOverride: then su -00:18
jsoftwand then there we go.00:18
MoTeccupsd is the print server... common unix printing system00:18
Pici!noroot | jsoftw00:18
ubotujsoftw: Regardless of your choice: Please do not advise against user security policy and create a root password, please see !rootsudo00:18
kitchePici: doesn't matter sicne CrashOverride enabled it already00:18
kamhow do i stop xorg from creating a <default mouse>00:19
Picikitche: /me facepalms00:19
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.00:19
CrashOverrideI KNOW00:19
Sportsdude80is  anyone not useing opera00:19
jsoftwHey I aint hassling you CrashOverride00:19
CrashOverridereally you losers keep repeating that00:19
CrashOverrideI don't care00:19
jsoftwCrashOverride: :\00:19
jsoftwCrashOverride: dude, settle.00:19
kelsinCrashOverride: then don't respond00:19
naxaMoTec: can you help me with this: I want to tell sed to delete everything before a href=" and after the next " symbol00:20
MoTecnaxa: aaah... regular expressions hurt my brain :)00:20
Sportsdude80do they have mods here00:20
kelsinmatttis: everything before the href=" including the href="?00:20
ouellettesrgenii I get the same error SIOCSIFFLAGS: No such device00:20
kamhow do i stop xorg from creating a <default mouse> linked to /dev/input/mice at start despite no such device in xorg.conf00:20
NYCThomasBCan someone help me get the wireless connection option back in my network settings window?00:20
naxaMoTec: i feel the same :) although there are very useful, actually... only hard to learn for me...00:20
Sportsdude80anyone have wpe pro00:21
kelsinsed 's/^.*href="[^"]*".*$//'00:21
MoTecnaxa: regex is awesome..  sounds like kelsin is a pro :)00:21
matttiskelsin: you got the wrong one :-)00:21
ubotutelnet is not safe. Please use ssh instead. See !ssh00:21
CrashOverrideepic lulz00:21
CrashOverride"telnet is not safe" LOL00:21
kelsinmatttis: wow I REALLy go the wrong one lol00:21
kitcheCrashOverride: it's not for a server00:21
ubotuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.00:21
naxakelsin: thank you! :) um... hope that MoTec told me, i wouldn't notice that you're talking to me :)00:21
MoTecCrashOverride: are you just trying to stir things up here?00:22
kamhow do i stop xorg from creating a <default mouse> linked to /dev/input/mice at start despite no such device in xorg.conf00:22
CabbageMoTec: Duh. Come on, everything he's said screams deliberate trolling-for-the-lulz.00:22
kelsinnaxa: hope it works lol, obviousyl test it before going around sed -i :)00:22
Flare183Can someone mentor me for the MOTU00:22
graftcan we modify that ubotu message to forbid the use of lol and omg in absolutely all contexts?00:22
ubotuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.00:22
naxakelsin: ok :)00:22
KragneracCrashOverride: heh00:22
kelsinFlare183: probably should ask in #ubuntu-motu00:22
kitchekam: it uses /dev/input/mice even if you don't have a mouse in your xorg.conf00:23
Flare183I know but i get no answer in their00:23
CrashOverrideit's a script00:23
CrashOverridesays lol back to anyone else saying lol00:23
NYCThomasBis there a command to restart ALL of my network connections and ports ?00:23
Bearcathey folks00:23
jsoftwCrashOverride: you er... might want to turn that off00:23
KragneracCrashOverride: This is zer0c00l.00:23
roomoneanyone im having trouble installing windows xp from ubuntu00:23
CrashOverridehow did you know I was zerokool50000:24
graftroomone: haha00:24
geniiouellettesr: Bah ok. I'm not overly familiar with usb troubleshooting so I'd recommend the pcmcia adapter at this point unless another here can help further with the usb one00:24
Menaciehow do i get 1680 x 1050 anyone? samsung monitor00:24
Journeymanis there a version of amarok made for gnome?00:24
roomonetry to boot from disc it works but then it takes me to command prompt00:24
graftJourneyman: amarok will run fine in gnome00:24
kitcheJourneyman: there is banshee which is for gnome00:24
BearcatJourneyman: look at exhile00:24
Journeymangraft, mostly00:24
kelsinJourneyman: no, you could check out Rhythmbox, Listen, or Banshee if you really want a gtk player00:24
BearcatJourneyman: exhile is a amarok clone00:24
NYCThomasBis there a command to restart ALL of my network connections and ports ?00:24
JourneymanRhythmbox is the suck00:24
ouellettesrgenii, you don't think I would have a problem with a pcmcia adapter?00:24
geniiouellettesr:I just had a disconnect/reconnect so last msg not sure you got:  Bah ok. I'm not overly familiar with usb troubleshooting so I'd recommend the pcmcia adapter at this point unless another here can help further with the usb one00:24
Sportsdude80I am online people00:25
Journeymanthe problem with amarok is it doesn't work with my media keys00:25
=== reconnect is now known as recon
astro76NYCThomasB, sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart00:25
darwubhey guys, I am getting very poor performance from mplayer, it gets delayed on HD content and the aspect ratio is wrong, any idea? also my machine is a dual xeon 2.4ghz with 2gb ram, I had gentoo installed and everything ran very very smoothly, any ideas?00:25
geniiouellettesr: Since the pcmcia works as part of the pci it is less problemmatic00:25
NYCThomasBastro76: thx00:25
kelsinNYCThomasB: /etc/init.d/network restart will restart network interface, but you'll have to do that for a lot of different programs to restart EVERY port and that might not even do it if you use Network Manager to manager some devices00:25
ouellettesrgenii, cool I think ill get one of them now00:25
ciclohello, everybody00:25
=== Journeyman is now known as SuperCow
=== SuperCow is now known as Journeyman
Sportsdude80http://xat.com/clugbpenhguinfugnchgatbgox come theyre now00:27
base3does anyone know how to stop update-grub from running at every reboot??00:27
astro76!ops | Sportsdude8000:27
ubotuSportsdude80: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Pelo!00:27
kamkitche, http://pastebin.com/m6d9d0f800:27
kami do have a mouse, synaptics00:27
kamand touchscreen00:27
kamhow do i stop it00:27
darwubhey guys, I am getting very poor performance from mplayer, it gets delayed on HD content and the aspect ratio is wrong, any idea? also my machine is a dual xeon 2.4ghz with 2gb ram, I had gentoo installed and everything ran very very smoothly, any ideas? x11 gives me the right aspect but xv, gl2 and others do not00:27
NYCThomasBkelsin: no apps running so not worried about ports.  issue is i disabled my ath0 and can't get to see it now. after the network restart iwconfig fails to see my ath0 but it is there.  thoughts?00:28
rubenwoops. Weird glitch I had here00:28
CrashOverrideroot@ubuntu:~# mkdir /r00t./workspace./garbage.00:28
CrashOverridemkdir: cannot create directory `/r00t./workspace./garbage.': No such file or directory00:28
kelsinNYCThomasB: what did you do to disable the card?00:28
CrashOverrideI'm trying to make a directory there00:28
CrashOverridewhy is it doing that?00:28
maximanderanyone here familer with using gdb?00:28
kelsinCrashOverride: you can't make multiple directories in one command, add -p I think to the mkdir command?00:29
Menaciecan anybody tell me how to edit to 1680 x 1050 resolution please :)00:29
lunksCan someone point me to nvidia black ttys factoid?00:29
NYCThomasBKELSIN: standby - getting cmd00:29
kamhow do i stop xorg from creating a <default mouse> linked to /dev/input/mice at start despite no such device in xorg.conf00:29
jsoftwCrashOverride: are you _trying_ to troll?00:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about blackttys - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:29
void^CrashOverride: mkdir -p. try to be less funny.00:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about blacktty - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:29
CrashOverrideIt's for a remake of the movie 'hackers' I'm making00:29
kelsinNYCThomasB: probably need to remove (maybe) and reinstate the kernel module, modprobe -r <module>; modprobe <module>00:29
rubenok. I cant restart shorewall. It returns: ERROR: No firewall zone defined in /etc/shorewall/zones00:29
darwubhey guys, I am getting very poor performance from mplayer, it gets delayed on HD content and the aspect ratio is wrong, any idea? also my machine is a dual xeon 2.4ghz with 2gb ram, I had gentoo installed and everything ran very very smoothly, any ideas? x11 gives me the right aspect but xv, gl2 and others do not00:29
rubenTerminated.   My zones file goes like this:00:29
rubenloc     Local          Local network00:29
rubennet     Net            Tinternet00:29
CrashOverrideand I don't want to mess with the real root folder00:29
allberthas anyone hot konqueror worked with gmail?00:29
Nighthawk420hey im having a problem with evolution mail... every time i start it up it brings it up normally, but fullscreen... there are no close buttons or title bar  at the top of the window... i ahve gone through every setting and tried draggin it down but no luck... I have also synaptic uninstalled it and re installed  it but still nothing... Please Help.00:30
lunks!pastebin ruben00:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about pastebin ruben - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:30
lunks!pastebin | ruben00:30
uboturuben: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)00:30
jsoftwNighthawk420: try thunderbird is all I can say. I found evolution to be quite buggy.00:30
Menacieplease :(00:30
alzamabarI can't connect to MySQL. I installed it, set a new password when asked but now I can't connect00:30
NYCThomasBkelsin: that is what i am looking for.  enter as typed or do i need to replace what is in brackets?00:30
jsoftwalzamabar: mysql -u root  ?00:30
kelsinalzamabar: what command are you using to connect and what is it saying when it tells you you can't?00:30
darwubhey guys, I am getting very poor performance from mplayer, it gets delayed on HD content and the aspect ratio is wrong, any idea? also my machine is a dual xeon 2.4ghz with 2gb ram, I had gentoo installed and everything ran very very smoothly, any ideas? x11 gives me the right aspect but xv, gl2 and others do not00:30
geniialzamabar: use ip and not localhost00:31
MoTecdarwub: don't repeat so quickly00:31
alzamabarERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)00:31
CrashOverrideok what's the difference between ./ and /00:31
rubenoooh. sorry, didnt knew that00:31
jsoftwalzamabar: so it _is_ working.00:31
kelsinNYCThomasB: you need to find out what module is running your ethernet card, then you insert that in "sudo modprobe -r <module-name>" to remove and the same command without the -r to put back00:31
Nighthawk420thanks jsoftw00:31
bruenigCrashOverride, . means current directory00:31
jsoftwalzamabar: mysql -u root -p foo00:31
jsoftwalzamabar: mysql -u root -p  I mean00:31
kelsinalzamabar: add a -p to that command, without the password if you'r eon a multiuser system00:31
kitchealzamabar: it's not using the password you need to give mysql a password for the account when your trying to login00:31
kelsinalzamabar: and it will prompt00:31
NYCThomasBkelsin: that is what i am looking for.  enter as you typed or do i need to replace what is in brackets?00:32
lex_I appear to be having an issue with dvdrip; when trying to use the program I encounter: The movie has 171092.736 frames, but only 146067 were ripped. This is most likely a problem with your transcode/libdvdread installation. I've checked the installs and even reinstalled them but keep getting this error. Any insight?00:32
pike_darwub: well i run hd content on a p3 600 with 380MB ram and an old 16mb graphics card so that is bad00:32
XacaHhi all00:32
jsoftwI thought -p never accepted passwords on the command line like that?00:32
geniiplease remember mysql needs to be run as user mysql00:32
kamhow do i stop xorg from creating a <default mouse> linked to /dev/input/mice at start despite no such device in xorg.conf00:32
kelsinNYCThomasB: I just answered that question, you need to replace with your kernel module for your device00:32
NYCThomasBkelsin: sorry mistyped.  how do i find module?00:32
MoTecCrashOverride: also, files and directories starting with a . are hidden00:32
kelsinNYCThomasB: what card do you have?00:32
jsoftwgenii: the daemon perhaps, but not the client00:32
roomoneCan someone willing to help me im me i have a question about ubuntu00:32
jsoftwroomone: just ask00:33
mrdigitalhi does anyone know how to get 720p hd in tv-out?00:33
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)00:33
alzamabarmtedone@jemoslinux:~$ mysql -u root -p foo00:33
alzamabarEnter password:00:33
alzamabarERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)00:33
XacaHhow to do undo kickban in Kvirc? (on another server)00:33
ruz322can anyone recommend a program similar to iMovie that i can make simple photo slideshow videos with?00:33
NYCThomasBkelsin: smcwcb-g00:33
kelsinalzamabar: then you didn't set the password correctly00:33
tony_mathWhere does apt keep it's configuration files? The files where Synaptic Package Manager would store the entries in the Preferences dialog window?00:33
geniijsoftw: Perhaps it's just a bsd-ism then00:33
jribruz322: not sure, but try kino and pitivi00:33
kelsinNYCThomasB: is that a module number, or a brand?00:33
tony_mathThey're not in /etc/apt00:33
alzamabarHow do I undo completely the mysql installation and to it again#/00:33
kelsinNYCThomasB: I meant *model00:33
jsoftwgenii: huh00:33
ruz322jrib: kino doesnt look like it's what i want, kind of complicated...00:34
roomonei have ubuntu install on my desktop and i want to erase it and istall windows can anyone help00:34
kitchealzamabar: when you do mysql -u root -p hit enter it will ask you for the password like it did enter your password there since I bet foo is not your password00:34
pike_alzamabar: sudo apt-get remove <packagename> --purge00:34
XacaHîò õóéíÿ :( øî æ äåëàòü áëÿäü.00:34
NYCThomasBkelsin: model#00:34
jsoftwroomone: just get your windows cd and boot up and start installer.00:34
tony_mathalzamabar: how did you install MySQL? Using Synaptic? If so, just remove it using Synaptic.00:34
NYCThomasBKelsin: SMC is brand00:34
jsoftwroomone: /join #windows.00:34
lunksGot "/etc/gdm/failsafeXserver: line 47: [: too many arguments<break line>: error: this program does not know how to configure the "10<break line>shared/default-x-server doesn't exist" X server<break line>Warning: Could not generate /etc/X11/xorg.conf.failsafe for vesa driver00:34
XacaHhow to do undo kickban in Kvirc? (on another server)00:34
jribtony_math: why?00:34
lunksthis is what i'm getting on ubuntu when trying to start x.00:35
geniijsoftw: Previously on freebsd I would need to issue something like su -c "mysql <whatever option>" mysql00:35
pike_!pastebin | lunks00:35
ubotulunks: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)00:35
kitcheXacaH: umm same way that you undo a ban /mode <channel> -b <host>00:35
jsoftwgenii: err... I run bsd all the time and have _never_ had to do that00:35
tony_mathjrib: I can't make any changes to the preferences using the GUI. The application just hangs and I have to kill it.00:35
lunkspike_: no X window here. :P00:35
roomoneI boot through cd and it takes me to a command prompt because of some protection the computer reads00:35
pike_lunks: sorry thought you were going to paste your whole x log or something00:35
jribtony_math: run it in a terminal00:35
kelsinNYCThomasB: did you install it with ndiswrapper?00:35
smookerPC1hey ppls00:36
tony_mathjrib: So right now I can't install anything since I can't remove the "proxy" setting in the preferences section of Synaptic.00:36
lunkspike_: No, I tried to make it only one line so it wouldn't flood. :)00:36
kamhow do I set the <default mouse> to my synaptics device in my xorg.conf?  xorg creates a default because it says it doesnt have one.00:36
jribtony_math: you can use apt on the command line00:36
smookerPC1how do i setup my subtitles to be shown in Cyrylic ?00:36
MoTecroomone: what you computer is doing when you're booting off of a xp install cd is totally unrelated to ubuntu, or whatever OS (or OSs) you might have installed.00:36
jrib!apt > tony_math (read the private message from ubotu)00:36
NYCThomasBkelsin: i was trying to but whatver i did lastnight mad the wireless card invisible00:36
jimjamIs there any way to eliminate the output caused by commands in a script?00:36
alzamabark, I reinstalled (this time without password) and now it works fine. The --purge worked greatly. Thanx00:36
XacaHkitche: thanks for answer. but its dont help :( that people cant connect to server :(00:36
kelsinNYCThomasB: I'm confused, so it was working, then you tried to install ndiswrapper, then it disappeared?00:36
jribjimjam: redirect to /dev/null00:37
jsoftwjimjam: /path/to/script > /dev/null00:37
kitcheXacaH: well that's how you do it though :)00:37
kelsinjimjam: 1> to only redirect std-out and 2> to only redirect std-err00:37
lunkspike_: Could you please search ubotus factoids about 'black ttys' on nvidia?00:37
tony_mathjrib: will do. Thanks00:37
roomonealright thanks guys ill come back if i have any questions.00:37
MoTecjimjam: scriptname > /dev/null00:37
MoTecdang, i'm slow :)00:37
lunkspike_: I believe it shouldn't be too hard, and could point me a direction.00:37
jimjamThanks everyone. Is there any way to keep my echos coming through?00:37
smookerPC1How do i setup my Video subtitles to be shown Cyrylic (RUS/BG..)00:37
Frederickfolks im having problems with ubuntu in a amd64 machine my xserver does not boot :/00:38
jribjimjam: redirect to /dev/null00:38
Sepheebearlunks: what happened, you lost tty1-6 since gutsy?00:38
tony_mathjrib: I saw the message. However, looks like my GUI application is broken.00:38
Frederickit says I got no permission00:38
jimjamjrib: Sorry, I meant I want them to output, but everything not to00:38
jribtony_math: you haven't run it in a terminal yet00:38
kelsinjimjam: in your script redirect the other commands but don't redirect your echos00:39
jribjimjam: huh?00:39
jimjamOh, thanks kelsin00:39
jimjamand everyone else :)00:39
lunksSepheebear: sort of00:39
NYCThomasBkelsin: sorry.  ndiswrapped was previously installed but not used.  last night i tried to install madwifi, that is where things went wrong. i think the folloing two commmands did it, but reversing them says there is no such device.  commmands were: sudo ifconfig ath0 down , then i ran, sudo ifconfig wifi down.00:39
MoTecjimjam: well... scriptname 2> /dev/null just stops 'error' messages...00:39
jribjimjam: you only redirect what you don't want *inside* your script00:39
XacaHkitche: in Kvirc i do /opet, than /mode chennel +o , than do kickban on the nick from Kvirc menu00:39
FrederickI got an error on the xlog no devices detected00:39
kelsinNYCThomasB: so sudo ifconfig ath0 up, unfortunately does not work?00:39
jimjamThank you everyone!\00:39
tony_mathjrib: the problem is that at work, I need to set a proxy server connection, which I don't need at home. So, I normally make this change using the Preferences dialog window.00:39
MoTecWell yeah, and if you modify the script you can do the > /dev/null on the commands you want 'muted' only00:39
jribtony_math: ok00:40
Sepheebearlunks: anything happen if you do `sudo modprobe fbcon && sudo modprobe vesafb`?00:40
NYCThomasBkelsin: yes.  says device not installed. something in the execution of madwifi install probably was the culprit.  i just want to reinstall networking piece of os if possible to get hat back to original state00:40
jribtony_math: I mean, run the dialog from the terminal so you can look for error messages00:40
lunksSepheebear: I did, managed to do with a hack using vesafb instead of nvidiafb, not I upgraded to Heron and X does not work anymore. It complains about not being able to start vesa driver, so I figure it must relate somehow. Now I want to go back to nvidiafb to narrow it down. :P00:40
lunksSepheebear: I'm on the opposite way, but somehow I can't seem to unload vesafb. :P00:40
MoTectony_math: i bet it's stored in one of the directories, starting with a ".", in your home directory...00:40
Frederickany help for me?00:41
Sepheebearprobably something depends on it, do lsmod | grep vesafb00:41
kelsinNYCThomasB: well unfortunately I don't know what was running your card in the first place, but you can try "modprobe ndiswrapper"00:41
jrib!please > Frederick (read the private message from ubotu)00:41
kelsinNYCThomasB: sudo it of course00:41
lunkslet me try00:41
NYCThomasBkelsin: standby thanks00:41
tony_maththanks jrib/MoTec, I'm still looking. I'm going to start Synaptic from a terminal and see what it spits out.00:41
Menaciecan anyone help me with 1680 x 1050 resolution, i have samsung syncmaster monitor and nvidia 7600gs agp00:42
lunksSepheebear: It outputs "vesafb 9092 1"00:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about aero\ - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:42
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about aero - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:42
NYCThomasBkelsin: what should happen when i run that?00:42
graftanyone ever had issues with audio looping incessantly?00:42
pike_Menacie: google for horiz and vert settings for the monitor then gksu gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf  and plug em in there00:43
kelsinNYCThomasB: ath0 should reappear00:43
Sepheebearlunks: and you cant rmmod it?00:43
NYCThomasBkelsin: ok iwconfig ing now00:43
tony_mathjrib/MoTec: I ran synaptic from a terminal and when I made the change in the preferences dialog, the application just hung. No messages in the terminal window.00:43
Sepheebearhow about rmmod -f ?00:43
pike_Menacie: are  you using nvidia driver?00:43
jribtony_math: so you have to kill it now?00:44
NYCThomasBkelsin: iwconfig doen't even list ath000:44
lunksSepheebear: it says resource temporarily unavailable00:44
g0thSomehow the desktop background is not set on my ubuntu00:44
tony_mathBecause Synaptic is misbehaving, Software Updates won't work.00:44
sipsipclickg0th, did you try to set it?00:44
jribtony_math: you can use apt00:44
g0thwhenever I start gnome-appearance-properties (no setting at all just start it) it is shown again00:44
g0thof course00:45
kelsinNYCThomasB: damn, then honestly I don't know what module was running your card before, you can try typing "dmesg" and seeing if near the end is an error about loading the ndiswrapper, unless it loaded fine without cards, I don't know much about ndiswrapper00:45
lunksSepheebear: clearer: ERROR: Removing 'vesafb': Resource temporarily unavailable00:45
g0thI see it then again00:45
ghosthello all00:45
MoTecMenacie: modify your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file, looking for lines starting with "Modes"... those lines will say "1024x768" "800x600" etc, already..  Put "1680x1060" first, right after the word Modes00:45
g0ththen I even do gnome-session-save00:45
g0thbut after the next login it's gone again00:45
MoTectony_math: you00:45
lunksSepheebear: when rmmod -f00:45
MoTectony_math: you're not going to see output like that00:45
ghostI have got to say, I LOVE ubuntu. I return from a stint in Gentoo and I must say, blessed be the Ubuntu magic00:45
NYCThomasBkelsin: ok, well thanks for your time and efforts00:45
ghostIt just works meets full customability00:45
tony_mathjrib: how do I use apt-get to install the software updates?00:45
ghosttony_math: sudo apt-get update00:46
jribtony_math: sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude upgrade  (or apt-get if you prefer it)00:46
teprrrhello there. just wanted to ask if there's a page where one can watch the packages going to hardy and so on?00:46
tony_mathMoTec: I see that now. There's nothing in /var/log to indicate what's going on.00:46
ghosttony_math: sudo apt-get update00:46
Chewy954is it safe to install ubuntu through vmware onto a partition to natively boot it?00:46
Sepheebearlunks: that's strange. and you cant modprobe nvidiafb00:46
kelsinteprrr: you can always search at packages.ubuntu.com, I don't know about any rss feed or anything00:46
sipsipclickg0th, have you tried other wallpapers or just the one? you could try creating a new user account for yourself00:46
teprrrie. one could see pending packages and why they're pending and so on00:46
teprrrkelsin, yup, I know about p.u.c, but it doesn't have such an information :P00:47
Sepheebearlunks: how about if you explicitly blacklist vesafb and boot up with it blacklisted?00:47
Pelosorry about that folks00:47
* bruenig does not forgive00:47
g0thsipsipclick: I tried different wallpapers and I don't really wanna repeat all the settings for another user00:47
ghostHow is the state of 'desktop effects'00:47
g0thshouldn't it be enough to reset certain properties/files?00:47
Sepheebearlunks: and include nvidiafb and fbcon in your initramfs00:47
ghostis it really just compis-fusion?00:47
tony_mathjrib: Thanks :) Your comands worked. I had about 38 updates pending and now they're downloading and preparing for install.00:47
anton__Is there a player like foobar2000 in linux?00:47
bruenigghost, yes00:48
lunksSepheebear: just 'modprobe nvidiafb' seems to work. I have blacklisted it in /etc/modprobe.d blacklist and blacklist.framebuffer00:48
kitcheghost: it's compiz with compiz-fusion00:48
lunksSepheebear: hmm any tip on messing around with initramfs?00:48
lunksI've never done it.00:48
Sepheebearlunks: but did you include the framebuffer mods in the initramfs?00:48
ghostwhat is the package for the configure app?00:48
sipsipclickg0th, no doubt.  unfortunately that's the easiest route with some of these gnome issues.  you could try running nautilus from the command line and see if you get any errors00:48
lunksSepheebear: I haven't myself, AFAIR00:48
anton__Is there a player like foobar2000 in linux? With just one big window for 1 playlist? Not like amarok...00:48
ghostis it as robust as Bryle and Emrald was?00:49
jribghost: be more specific00:49
kitche!ccsm | ghost is one configure application00:49
ubotughost is one configure application: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy), install 'compizconfig-settings-manager'. A new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion00:49
mattepALguien habla español ¿00:49
bill_kanton__: VLC?00:49
g0thsipsipclick: I don't run nautilus at all00:49
mattepMe ayudan00:49
ubotuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs00:49
jrib!es | mattep00:49
ubotumattep: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.00:49
lunksSepheebear: That's why I was looking for the black ttys tutorial, to revert it accurately.00:49
anton__bill_k: I want to use VLC for movies only...00:49
sipsipclickg0th, nautilus is your file/desktop manager in gnome by default00:49
g0thsipsipclick: I don't need a file manager00:49
Sepheebearlunks: try that, include fbcon and nvidiafb in "/etc/initramfs-tools/modules"00:49
lunksSepheebear: hah! that should be it00:49
jshriverhow do you upgrade from fiesty fawn to gutsy gibbon?00:50
bill_kanton__: why?00:50
lunksSepheebear: vesafb is uncommented, and nvidiafb is commented out.00:50
ghostjrib: Like can I install profiles and new stuff?00:50
lunksSepheebear: Thanks, I'll try it.00:50
anton__bill_k: Just feels better :P00:50
Sepheebearlunks: then make sure to run `sudo update-initramfs -u` afterwards00:50
lunksI should do updateinitramfs -u00:50
jribghost: for what? configure what?00:50
lunksyeah thnx00:50
sipsipclickg0th, if you aren't running nautilus then that's why you don't see a background.  if you really don't want it you can try using xsetroot or bsetbg at login to set the wallpaper00:50
kitchejshriver: gksu update-manager -c is the gui way00:50
g0thnautilus is quite slow and resource heavy so I deactivated it since I never ever used it00:50
lunksSepheebear: Really appreciated. :)00:50
bill_kanton__: hah, ok.  I've just used vlc, mplayer, and amarok00:50
jribghost: compiz-config-settings-manager00:50
Sepheebearlunks: let us know how it ends up00:50
jshriverkitche, domo arigatu00:51
ubotuChannel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - Logs for LoCo channels are at http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/00:51
g0thso nautilus is responsible for the desktop background usually?00:51
kelsing0th: well nautilus is what sets the desktop, so that's you're problem00:51
Frederickfolks my x server is borked up00:51
anton__bill_k: Okok.00:51
sipsipclickg0th, under gnome yeah00:51
kelsing0th: yes it manages the desktop in gnome00:51
g0thok thanks00:51
kitche!english | jshriver00:51
ghostThe Human Theme is all well and good, but I want to try out some newer stuff00:51
ubotujshriver: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat00:51
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about nautilus - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi00:51
g0thI thought it was only a file manager00:51
Frederickand alt + fnumber is not giving me other terminals00:51
skyfalcon866g0th: it is00:51
ghostOh, and does anyone know if it will work with KDE4 when it comes out?00:51
jshrivergksu update-manager -c didnt work00:51
g0thwell the desktop background hasn't much to do with file management00:51
Sepheebearghost: have you tried some of the dark themes?00:51
skyfalcon866konqueror is a file manger/web browser00:51
sipsipclickg0th, look at xsetroot or bsetbg00:51
ghostSepheebear: no, but I intend too00:51
MoTecFrederick: you might be able to kill it with CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE00:51
kitchejshriver: you have to refresh update manager if it didn't auto refresh then there is a button at the top saying new release available00:52
graftghost: it'll work with kde4, but kwin4 is going to have its own compositing effects00:52
ghostSepheebear: where do you go for your themes?00:52
Sepheebearghost: im currently running the ubuntustudio theme and I love it00:52
ghostgraft: excellent.00:52
FrederickMoTec: I know but I need to set this crap00:52
FrederickI think I ghot issues cause it is a widescreen monitor00:52
Menaciei have just put 1680x1050 as first after modes00:52
Menaciestill nothing00:52
ghostSepheebear: link? I am curious about studio how do you like it?00:52
jshriverkitche, thanks tried it again w/o -c00:52
jshriverrunning now :)00:53
MoTecYou have to restart X00:53
tpratt_where can I get the KEY for the gos repository00:53
kitchetpratt_: gos repository?00:53
kelsinFrederick: ussually from the X console you have to ctrl-alt-F# to get to the other terminals00:53
Sepheebearghost: sudo aptitude install ubuntustudio-theme ubuntustudio-icon-theme00:53
MoTecMenacie: also, make sure you find all the lines that start with Modes00:53
graftdamnit... how do i keep my sound from looping all the time?00:53
Frederickkelsin: no00:53
ghostSepheebear: I was also kinda talking about the distro00:53
Frederickkelsin: it does not work here gives me a completely black screen00:53
graftit's completely pointless having a sound card with this nonsense happening00:53
kitche!ubuntu-studio | ghost00:54
ubotughost: UbuntuStudio is a collection of packages for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best Audio/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories. For more info and install instructions, join #ubuntustudio or see http://ubuntustudio.org00:54
Sepheebearghost: well im running pretty stock gutsy with just the ubuntustudio theme on top00:54
ghostah got it00:54
sipsipclickgraft, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=2252946   ?00:54
Sepheebearghost: but afaik ubuntustudio just adds a few apps, sounds, and graphics00:55
ghostfair enough00:55
Sepheebearghost: no real core difference00:55
Dankchildhey guys, im running the livecd trying to change the size of a partition with gparted but it says its mounted, what do i do?00:55
ghostno kernel patches or anything like that00:55
Sepheebearghost: no00:55
kitcheghost: ubuntu-studio kernel has a kernel patch for low latency00:56
kelsinDankchild: I would download the gparted live cd and boot into it00:56
PeloDankchild,  gparted on the 7..10 live cd is a bit buggy, try the 7.04 live cd instead if you have it , if not right cick the partiton and select unmount00:56
graftsipsipclick: not quite like that... seems to only happen when the sound is stopped playing00:56
kelsinDankchild: n/m my comment, I read your line wrong00:56
ghostkitche: really? why would't desktop have that as well?00:56
astro76Dankchild, right click in gparted and unmount00:56
graftsipsipclick: like, if i play something with mplayer, the last half-second will loop after it finishes playing. also the process will hang and won't die until killed00:57
kitcheghost: it's for audio programs a desktop doesn't really use low latency that much it's for sound not for networking00:57
Sepheebearkitche: i've never seen the ubuntustudio kernel package. where did you get it00:57
kitcheSepheebear: it's right int he ubuntu repos00:57
sipsipclickgraft, is it just with mplayer?00:57
ghostkitche, I thought low latency processing was handy for a lot of things?00:57
graftsipsipclick: no, with anything00:57
ghostkitche: like gimp and diskcacheing and whatnot?00:58
kitcheghost: umm it's mostly for sound really and video processing when making a movie or recording audio and such00:58
nokompranosanyone had success loading the latest ubuntu on dell inspiron 6400 - my X never seems to work00:58
Dankchildastro76: i did that and it gives me an error saying cannot blah blah blah mounted.00:58
Pelonokompranos,  what is the videocard on that comp00:58
steven_laptopsetup up a new server and ordering parts tomorrow but have "A"? witch is better go Daul Xeon 3.0 or00:58
kelsinDankchild: oh did you mean the ubuntu livecd? If you continue having problems I would go download the Gparted livecd, good one to have around00:59
steven_laptopsetup up a new server and ordering parts tomorrow but have "A"? witch is better go Daul Xeon 3.0 or intel Exreme Quad00:59
Dankchildso ive heard, ill try that.00:59
ghostkitche hm. do you know of a good site I can read about the kernel's and specifically ubuntus? im sure its in the documentation site but I havn't found that. I want to build my own kernel on this box sooner or later to streamline it00:59
steven_laptoptouchy fingers sorry all double posting00:59
ghostadditionally I would like to speed up my boot process all together, Ubuntu boots much slower then my gentoo install did (but in ubuntu my stuff actually works lol)00:59
Peloghost,  go into menu > system > admin > services and uncheck all the services you donT' use01:00
MenacieMoTec, still no luck01:00
MoTecMenacie: are you using an ATI card?01:01
ghostPelo, already did that01:01
ghostPelo but if i build a much smaller kernel with all my needed modules built in shouldn't that boot faster?01:01
Netham45"proxyDHCP offers were received. No DHCP offers were recieved."01:01
Netham45I'm getting that when trying to network boot01:01
PeloMenacie, what are you trying to do ? boot the live cd ?01:01
Menacieno, i've installed ubuntu, but i cant get 1680 x 1050 resolution01:01
xTheGoat121xSo my processor runs approx. 10 degrees warmer in Ubuntu than it does in XP01:02
Peloghost,  I'm not that leet ,  there wre a few articles on digg about speeding up the boot in ubuntu, try searching there and see if you can come up with anything01:02
xTheGoat121xso that the fan is on nearly constantly.01:02
michaelIm attempting to dl NVIDIA-Linux-x86-100.14.19-pkg1.run, seems simple straight off the site, but i think there is a command that would make it easier, anyone have an idea for a command or could walk me through the installation proccess so i could properly install it this time ^^01:02
PeloxTheGoat121x, cpufreq might help   http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty01:03
michaelUsing Gutsy Gibbons-01:03
ghosthey is their any reason to run both apmd and acpid at the same time?01:03
kelsinghost: Probably, but we're talking milliseconds here, the main thing to speed up boot is to turn off things you don't need, check out the /etc/rc2.d directory and see what is there that you probably don't want running all of the time01:03
MoTecHmm, Menacie is gone01:03
kelsinmichael: the restricted driver manager worked for me on my nvidia machines01:03
Administrator_is that posibale to replace win xp pro whit linux ubuntu for all usage?01:04
eth01turn of colour for grub load.01:04
ghostkelsin, hm... do you know of a good resource for reaserching the linux init process?01:04
michaelok, let me check01:04
kelsinAdministrator_: depends on your uses01:04
eth01and 5 countdown.01:04
PeloAdministrator_, most of it , I haven'T realy used windows in over a year01:04
ghostkelsin that is a gray area for me01:04
PeloAdministrator_,  do you have any odd or very specialised apps you need to run ?01:04
kelsinghost: no sorry :), but you def will get more use looking at what's started in runlevel 2 (the /etc/rc2.d dir) then researching kernel startup01:04
Administrator_old games , videos , voice files , surfing net?01:04
Administrator_old games , videos , voice files , surfing net?01:05
ghostkelsin, that sounds logical01:05
kelsinAdministrator_: depends on the old games, but linux can definitely work with media and the net juts fine01:05
PeloAdministrator_,  old games you might need to run on wine if you realy want to play them , voice files I am not sure what you mean, I can play all videos I have, and I surfing the net is not an issue at all01:05
ozzyxd i've now down something01:06
ozzyand the sides are black :S01:06
ghostWOW there is a lot of stuff in there01:06
michaelKelsin_: ima try this and be abck in a sec-- needs restart01:06
Administrator_old games usually commandos 2 , stratiges games that aple to play with 32vga01:06
ghostkelsin, is it possible to 'comment out' these scripts? I assume there is some kind of rc config file01:07
xTheGoat121xPelo, I already have frequency scaling set up.01:07
PeloAdministrator_,  you can try the live cd and give ubuntu a try without installing it , or you can install it and dual boot, a lot of ppl do that and try is out fully installed for a while01:07
ghostI don't want to delete these scripts as i wouldn't know how ot remake em01:07
kelsinghost: you can use the update-rc.d program to manage them, and others01:07
kelsinghost: the files in the /etc/rc2.d folder ar ejust symlinks to /etc/init.d01:07
ghostkelsin I thought that just adds and removes them...01:07
kelsinghost: there are graphical utilities to manage it as well, yes it does just add and remove, and that's all you need to do to remove them from startup, it doesn't touch the original scripst in /etc/init.d01:08
ghostkelsin, i assumed its something like that... I just don't want to break a link to something i need01:08
Administrator_& what about cbt's?01:08
ghostkelsin oh excellent01:08
kelsinghost: of course, but that's the full list of what is run at startup01:08
PeloAdministrator_,  by default you cannot run windows app or games on any linux distro, but you can install wine ( which uses the windows api thingy ) and run most windows apps and games, specialy the older ones,  you can look your cames up on their site to know if they hvae been tried and the results,   www.winehq.org01:08
ghostlike... ppp support...  who still uses modems in the age of home offices lol01:08
PeloAdministrator_,  cbt?01:08
kelsinyou can also read the /etc/rc2.d/README file, it suggests a renaming method so you still even know what was there01:09
Peloghost, many ppl don'T have relaible or cheap hi-speed in their area you'd be surprised01:09
ghostPelo, true true.01:09
Administrator_like cbtnuggets , learnkey01:09
ozzyi still cant get my resolution sorted:(01:10
ghostkelsin, would it be possible (im sure it is) to bind the launching of the bluetooth service to the hardware toggle script i made?01:10
MoTecAdministrator_: if you have to run specific windows apps you're better off with windows... if you have flexibility about the app you run, and are willing to try alternatives.. ubuntu can easily replace windows for general use.01:10
ghostlike, i want to start the service when i start the hardware and turn it off when not...01:11
PeloAdministrator_,  don't know what those are, but like I said you can always try to run wndows stuff on wine and see if it works properly, but we prefer to suggest you try looking for a linux alternateive, most of which are free01:11
kelsinghost: yeah, you can always call those init.d scripts (as root) with "/etc/init.d/script-name start"01:11
Peloozzy, do you get a gui ?01:11
SuperKonnyHello, I am trying to use ssh -D for a SOCKS/HTTP proxy, but I am not understanding how to do so I don't guess.  I keep getting my current login .01:11
ghostmaybe I should make that a forum post.01:11
MoTecAdministrator_: And the package manager has a great deal of packages listed.. You can boot off of a live cd, explore what's available, easily, using the package manager.01:11
jribSuperKonny: ssh -D PORT user@host01:11
ghostI should probably read more on init and bash scripting in general before I mess with that01:11
dana_badeverytime i open system -> preferences -> hardware information the program immediately closes01:11
JonathanDgood evening01:12
SuperKonnyjrib: I am wanting to so that people can use my server as a connection (proxy)01:12
SuperKonnyjrib: not login to my ssh shell01:12
Pelodana_bad,  you have an actual problem , this has been mentionned before but I ahve never seen a fix in here,  check the forum www.ubuntuforums.org01:12
SuperKonnyjrib: would that require something else ?01:12
Administrator_ok i there another than wine that run all app01:12
Peloozzy,  I don'T allow private msg, please talk to me in the channel01:12
ozzyPelo, yes i get a lot of different options to change resolution, just not 1680 x 105001:12
jribSuperKonny: yes, afaik01:13
nixNewbhowdy, i just installeed ubutunu 7.04 server on a comp, how do i control it via ssh?01:13
MoTecAdministrator_: windows01:13
ghostkelsin, does the built in 'session' gui app control what is found in the etc/rc2.d/ linkfolder?01:13
MoTecThat's the alternative to wine, if you must run windows apps01:13
Administrator_and whats x windows01:13
ghostnixNewb, you have to install the ssh server on the 7.04 server01:13
alyshhey people, is ubuntu sent any of you a big update pack about an hour ago? (00:00 PM)01:13
nixNewbhow do i go about doing that?01:13
Peloozzy, ah , that is easy , open a terminal , type  gksu gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf   add the resolution you need to the list, respect the synatx , save, restart X ( ctrl _alt _backspace) and go back to the resolution dialog box01:14
nixNewbif i try sudo apt-get install ssh-server it asks me for the cd, i put in the cd, then it asks me for the ced01:14
josephhow do i look up my gateway adress in ubuntu...its ipconfig in windows01:14
MoTecx windows is the core graphical system used in linux01:14
PriceChildnixNewb, openssh-server01:14
alyshDIL: yea, to me? :P01:14
nixNewbjoseph, ifconfig01:14
josephno i tried that01:14
josephit doesnt show gateway01:14
ghostnixNewb: I don't know off the top of my head but ~man openssh-server should give you all the info you need01:14
AndrewBJonathanD: woop!01:14
JonathanDAndrewB: hello there.01:14
MoTecx windows it has nothing to do with the windows opeating system01:14
kelsinshono that only affects what is run when the gnome-session process starts up01:14
jribSuperKonny: google "ubuntu proxy server" maybe01:14
nixNewbPriceChild, it then asks me for my cd, which i put in, but then it says the cd is invalid (even though I just used it to install the os)01:14
Peloalysh, updates come and go , over the last week I have had severals, some very large  it is pretty normal01:14
Administrator_and whats x windows?01:14
SuperKonnyI don't see how hard it is to install a HTTP proxy, I mean , the IRC BNC was easy01:14
nixNewbor should i be asking how do i update the apt-get resource list01:15
PriceChildnixNewb, remove the cd from your sources list (system > preferences > software sources)01:15
kelsinAdministrator_: x windows is the software the handles gui apps in linux01:15
PeloAdministrator_,  the softare that controls your windows basicaly01:15
Administrator_like wine?01:15
kelsinAdministrator_: it's the real low level code handling window creations and management01:15
ghostAdministrator_: x windows is the 'windows' that your programs appear in. It is the graphical user interface (gui)01:15
astro76SuperKonny, the users will need logins to use ssh as a proxy01:15
nixNewbPriceChild, as server edition i have no gui, what file do i edit?01:15
MoTecIn computing, the X Window System (commonly X11 or X) is a display protocol which provides windowing on bitmap displays.01:15
trebarunaIs there an easy way to tell forcedeth to take a specified MAC address if the one supplied by the motherboard is invalid (nForce4)? It gives an invalid one after suspend, and now the driver generates a random MAC01:15
MoTecwiki ftw :)01:15
kelsinAdministrator_: wine is a copy of the windows api, not quite the same as X windows01:15
SuperKonnyastro76: huh?01:16
PeloAdministrator_,  wine is a sort of emulator but not an emulator,   x is the part of the prog taht manages your graphics01:16
nixNewbfound it online01:16
nixNewbthanks guys01:16
Administrator_ok is there only wine for open win apps?01:16
ghostAdministrator_: don't worry, it is a difficult conept to understand at first.  Like in windows there is a program called 'explore.exe' that is the X11 in linux01:16
kelsinPelo: (W)ine (I)s (N)ot an (E)mulator! :)01:16
MoTecAdministrator_: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X_Window_System more than you ever wanted to know about X01:16
PeloAdministrator_,  cedega is another one, but it  cost money, wine is pretty reliable01:17
kelsinAdministrator_: wine tries to run windows programs, it will try and run any windows program with varying degrees or correctness01:17
alyshPelo: Of course, but i'm suspected about my server for a while. First, i update on Bilgi University server (~100MB] half hour later, when i switch Intergania server i took one more 100MB too. Because of that i asked about updates. Is this normal and two updates are different packages, or first server is screwed?01:17
komputesAdministrator_: crossover office but it's $$$, also vmware01:17
SuperKonnyastro76: I tried ssh -D LocalIP#:aporthere , and it just gives me the ssh help again01:17
dana_badPelo: thanks01:17
MoTecAdministrator_: Seriously... If you have to run windows apps, run windows.  If you don't have to run specific windows apps there are a great many alternatives that run great, instead.01:17
Peloalysh, I just opened the upgrade manager and I have 22 aps available,  and I upgraded about 2hrs ago01:18
rhpot1991I have a box running gutsy (and mythtv) which randomly crashes for no good reason, maybe twice a month, I have checked syslog and there isn't anything of importance in there from the time of the crash (I can see a cron job that runs every 5 minutes, then a long gap of time till it gets a reboot signal), the only error in dmesg is this: ACPI: Looking for DSDT in initramfs... error, file /DSDT.aml not found (which I read isn't a concerna01:18
kelsinSuperKonny: you need to add the machine you want to connect to after that, it can't really be used as a Proxy server01:18
MoTecrhpot1991: sounds like hardware01:18
ghostAdministrator_: The only thing wine is really useful for is that odd application that does not have a opensource counterpart, and for older windows games01:19
alyshPelo: thanks, anymore person took big update pack about an hour (or more) ago?01:19
SuperKonnykelsin: So I wont be able to use ssh -D , and then for my friends to put my IP#:port in firefox, etc , and use my connection ?01:19
ghostwine fallout2 ftw01:19
kelsinghost: I run warcraft III and wow in wine just fine :)01:19
Pelorhpot1991, check  sudo crontab see if there is anything in there taht shouldnT' be there01:19
ghostme too lol01:19
MoTecAdministrator_: Give the live cd a try.. and explore the packages available.  It's very impressive :)01:19
kelsinSuperKonny: no01:19
ghostactually i never got wow working but that was a while ago01:19
rhpot1991sudo crontab is empty01:19
ghostback when you had to do custome patches and stuff01:19
SuperKonnykelsin: that is what I am wanting.01:19
kelsinghost: it's really wasy now lol :)01:19
MoTecSuperKonny: ssh is not a relay or proxy01:20
ghostkelsin heh yeah but i broke my addiction to wowrocks01:20
Administrator_i want just few games i fav maybe 1 only i don't play games a lot & is crossover & cedega better than wine?01:20
ghostI play GW every now and again01:20
kelsinSuperKonny: you need to look at proxy servers, like Quid01:20
kelsinSuperKonny: I meant: Squid01:20
SuperKonnyMoTec: Under the man ssh , I see that -D appears to be so01:20
MoTecAdministrator_: wine will likely work, then for your game or two.. How about applications?01:20
rhpot1991I see this happening every 30 mins:01:20
rhpot1991De 4 19:09:01 ultramagnus /USR/SBIN/CRON[6309]: (root) CMD (  [ -d /var/lib/php4 ] && find /var/lib/php4/ -type f -cmin +$(/usr/lib/php4/maxlifetime) -print0 | xargs -r -0 rm)01:21
rhpot1991Dec  4 19:09:01 ultramagnus /USR/SBIN/CRON[6311]: (root) CMD (  [ -d /var/lib/php5 ] && find /var/lib/php5/ -type f -cmin +$(/usr/lib/php5/maxlifetime) -print0 | xargs -r -0 rm)01:21
Administrator_i try maybe 3 ditro from cd01:21
EdsKelsin, I tried running wow with wine but I had a crappy frame rate. Lots of tearing when I was running foward and you could see the frames rendering horizontally down the screen01:21
kelsinghost: actually same here :)01:21
PeloAdministrator_,  try wine first , since it is free , and look in add/remove menu, several games are there arlready for you to try and a few more on the net if you google01:21
kelsinEds: were you running opengl mode?01:21
ghostkelsin; hawken deadeye01:21
ghostsend me a request01:21
MoTecAdministrator_: Right, explore the 'add / remove software' section.  lots of stuff to install and check out.01:21
PeloAdministrator_,  install ubuntu on a seperate partiton , you won'T regret it01:21
kelsinanyway dinner time :)01:21
nixNewbI got it working, thanks guys01:21
ghostI need to install it still01:21
SuperKonnykelsin: can that be installed without being root ?01:21
nixNewbI had to change the /etc/apt/sources.list01:21
Administrator_i like specific games i don't play game usaly01:22
EdsKelsin: Yeah I was, I also made the registry hack changes I had to do. Everything looked fine just went I ran alone I could see the render. Albiet I was using a 8800GTS which may or may not be supported01:22
Administrator_maybe fav just commandos 201:22
=== tonyy is now known as tonyyarusso
Administrator_& maybe stratagy01:22
SuperKonnynixNewb: I like those Suddenlink commericals, "suddenly, we're connecteedddd"01:22
rhpot1991I'm working on the assumption that thats something php needs done, as I didn't add it to any crontab anywhere01:22
PeloAdministrator_,  neither do I , but like I said you can dual boot for a while and see if they work,  still have your widows install so you can go and play then if they don't , and worst case scenario you can always run windows as a virtual machine inside ubuntu to play those games01:23
PeloAdministrator_,  there are several alternatives01:23
comicinkeras soon as I open a menu I cannot make a screenshot. is there a small trick, maybe?01:23
PeloAdministrator_, giving it a good try is the best thing you can do01:23
nickrudrhpot1991: if you look in /etc/cron.d , you'll probably see what was added01:24
Administrator_if wine dont meet what i need is a crossover & cedega maybe dose?01:24
Pelocomicinker, how are you trying to take the screenshot ?01:24
comicinkerPelo: with the print key01:25
PeloAdministrator_,  you'd have to ask in a crossover or cedega channel01:25
Pelocomicinker, I was hoping you were using the app, let me try01:25
MoTecSuperKonny: You using something like: ssh -D 8888 remote.host.name01:25
Bikerbobanyone here help with fglrx on ubuntu?01:25
Pelocomicinker,  doesnt, work for me either01:25
Administrator_whats more stable ubuntu 7.10 or ubuntu 7.0401:26
ghostOh ntfs support is already installed on 7.10, how strong is it now?  I currently have a 60gig Vista partition and a 25 gig ubuntu partition... I need the Vista one the larger simply because Games are huge these days... my hope though was to use that partition for storage for both OS's01:26
comicinkerPelo: didn't know about that app. thats it. thanks!01:26
rhpot1991purges hanging php sessions it seems01:26
rhpot1991in /etc/cron.d I have php4, php5, anacron, and mdadm01:26
dana_badghost: i write to my ntfs partitions all the tiem01:26
rhpot1991all seem normal01:26
sethkghost, as you know, reading from the ntfs partition is not a problem.01:26
PeloAdministrator_,  7.10 is the latest, it is very stable for most ppl , a few seem to have dificulties but that happens in every release , it is usualy caused by hardware issues01:26
ghostthe only thing yo ucan't do is change permissions right?01:27
sethkghost, the write that is considered reliable more or less runs in an emulation engine, I believe01:27
ghostbecause NTFS has that whacked out permission's scheme01:27
sethkghost, yes, that's true.01:27
PhillOk; I'm trying to edit my mouse behavior so it's like a middle click (it's this extra button) how can I go about doing that, I think it's possible with xvkbd, xmodmap and xf86-input - all installed.01:27
rhpot1991if hardware was failing shouldn't there be some sort of error at some point?01:27
Administrator_is it beter than 7.0401:27
xTheGoat121xSo my CPU frequency is set up properly, but I'm still getting a fan that turns on every 30 seconds or so01:27
sethkghost, the point is not so much that it is whacked out, rather M$ won't release the details.01:27
rhpot1991I ran smartctrl on the root drive today, checked out fine01:27
dana_badghost:  and sethk: you cant edit any file meta data to my knowledge01:27
BatlasAnyone know if Macromedia has some 64 bit support for flash yet?01:27
rhpot1991I believe I have run memtest on this box before, though I can try again01:28
PhillThe button; can be configured like so...01:28
ghostnow i know it works all and well good in NTFS, but as I understand Vista is using a newer version of NTFS?01:28
sethkxTheGoat121x, that's not necessarily a problem01:28
Phillxmodmap -e "keycode 122 = F5"01:28
PeloAdministrator_,  I think so , but the default theme could use a little work,  it's not a problem anyway youcan change theme pretty easily01:28
PhillMy main problem; is if someoen can tell me what the middle click "key" is.01:28
sethkghost, I didn't think so about vista, but this is #ubuntu and I'm hardly a vista expert01:28
nickrudrhpot1991: if it's a box, reset all cards,chips, and cables. Worked for me over half the time01:28
stibHi all - I made a backup of my linux root partition using dd, before wiping the drive. Now I've restored the drive but I can't install grub. One thing I noticed that the drive numbers have all incremented, so instead of it being on sda2 the linux partition is now sda5. Could that be my problem?01:28
Administrator_ok how much size for swap i need?01:29
ghostBasically I just want to store my large data in that partition... music and movies, etc, that way I can have access to both01:29
Pelo!grub | stib01:29
ubotustib: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:29
ghostfrom what I am hearing that should be perfectly suitable01:29
sethkrhpot1991, memtest86 has major improvements.  Nevertheless, testing memory effectively is close to impossible01:29
rhpot1991I guess I'll try that out and then make a forum post with my syslog and dmesg if it dies again01:29
PeloAdministrator_,  2x RAM01:29
rhpot1991I can always get my ram replaced too01:29
PhillSo basically; all I need is someone to go to terminal and type in... "xbindkeys -k" click middle click; and tell me what it returns.01:29
sethkghost, you can certainly read the files from linux.01:29
PeloAdministrator_,  you can let the isntaller take care of that01:29
sethkghost, so if you don't mind writing them in vista, you are set01:29
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sethkghost, obviously that's not a real solution01:29
ghostI would want to write01:29
rhpot1991crucial lifetime warranty and all01:29
ghostright right thats like terrible01:30
stibPelo: I've run the grub installer from my install disk, but it dies with a fatal error01:30
ari_stressmorning all01:30
SpookyETDoes tracker index pdf files. I can't find any of my stuff.01:30
Pelostib,  wht is the error ?01:30
dana_badghost: as far as i can tell vista and xp use the same file system01:30
xTheGoat121xsethk, alas, when the CPU still runs 10 degrees hotter in ubuntu than it does in XP... yeah, it's an issue.  Plus, I don't want to shorten the life of my fan.01:30
sethkghost, I'm very conservative.  File system problems have a nasty way of remaining hidden until you destroy all your data.01:30
ari_stressSpookyET: i believe so01:30
kazolMy flash drive is being mounted as read-only erratically-any solutions?01:30
dana_badghost: i'd recommend trying it out with a live cd01:30
Administrator_is it beter if i increase it or its ok with 2x ram?01:30
Pelokazol,  ntfs format ?01:30
ari_stressSpookyET: maybe because your nickname is too spooky for trankerd :D01:30
sethkxTheGoat121x, have you tried setting the speed manually?  Not as a solution, but as a test to see if that's the problem.01:30
kazolPelo: VFAT01:31
SpookyETari_stress: he01:31
josephi type wine "/media/sda2/Program Files/EA GAMES/Battlefield 2" -opengl                 and it gives me this error   wine: could not load L"Z:\\media\\sda2\\Program Files\\EA GAMES\\Battlefield 2.": Invalid handle01:31
PeloAdministrator_,  I barely use mine,  2xram is fine for the majority of ppl , if you have a lot of memory you can probably make it smaller  by a lot i mean 4 gig +01:31
SpookyETari_stress: it also does not seem to be deleting old entries that don't exist.01:31
Phillwoops; wrong thing.01:31
Pelokazol,  chmod the mount point01:31
SpookyETit's idle01:31
gordonjcpswap is an outmoded concept01:31
josephi type wine "/media/sda2/Program Files/EA GAMES/Battlefield 2" -opengl                 and it gives me this error   wine: could not load L"Z:\\media\\sda2\\Program Files\\EA GAMES\\Battlefield 2.": Invalid handle01:32
gordonjcpmemory is cheap01:32
CyberMadi want to configure xorg.conf because there is problem with my monitor, when entering ubuntu my monitor display: "Out of Range   H 63,7 KHz   V 59,8 Hz"01:32
xTheGoat121xsethk.... I've had the processor down as far as I can get it.01:32
krank_Anyone have any advice on getting two monitors to work in 7.10? How do you tell what monitor is which?01:32
CyberMadi confuse, how to configure the monitor hertz with that information on xorg.conf ??01:32
Administrator_i have 192M ram then is 384M swap ok or beter to increase it?01:32
stibhmm, can't remember. I'll be back01:32
sethksethk, what I mean is, do you have an independent way to measure whether the processor is really running at the slower speed, and/or do you have a way to verify that the reported temperature is correct?01:33
PeloCyberMad,  open xorg.conf look for the vert refresh and horiz sync values,   change them for taht is listed on the label on the back of you rmonitor01:33
rabidweezleHere's an age old problem, I have a 160 gig seagate hard drive. I have a motherboard with the old 33 gig bios limitation and there is NO update for the bios available (msi...) Supposedly linux was supposed to just See the hard drive one I installed and made a partition just for /boot01:33
sethkxTheGoat121x, , what I mean is, do you have an independent way to measure whether the processor is really running at the slower speed, and/or do you have a way to verify that the reported temperature is correct?01:33
]RandoM[i screwed up the permissions on my home directory.. how do i fix it?01:33
PeloAdministrator_,  make it 1 gig of swap01:33
sethksethk, sent a message to myself.  :)01:33
PeloAdministrator_,  also consider using xubuntu , it is a bit lighter then ubuntu01:33
]RandoM[chmod 644 doesn't do it01:33
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Pelorando chmod 75501:34
komputes]RandoM[: do you ger an error, did you try sudo chmod01:34
rabidweezlewell, it doesn't see the rest of the hard drive and I have been searching for months for a way to fix it, with kernel options and everything, nothing has worked01:34
sethkxTheGoat121x, the point is, something isn't working the way it claims to be working.  So the way to track that down is to verify the measurements.01:34
CyberMadPelo yes, i know there is setting of Hertz... ok i found behind my monitor:  GTC Millenia, Power Rating: 100-240V ~ 50/60Hz 1.5A01:34
]RandoM[ahh.. i'll try 75501:34
sethkxTheGoat121x, if they verify, something is wrong with the way the data is processed.  If not, obviously, v.v.01:34
]RandoM[i don't get an error it just won't let me login after i change it to 64401:34
CyberMadPelo depends on that information.. what i have to set on H and V01:34
xTheGoat121xsethk... ok, so how might I go about figuring out either one of those.01:34
]RandoM[i'll try 75501:35
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Administrator_is lighter mean a speeder?01:35
rabidweezlefor windows I used a DDO or a dynamic drive overlay, it's a piece of software in the MBR that tells the system it has a larger hard drive than what the bios reports01:35
PeloCyberMad,  usual you get a mejtion V=... H=... or someting similar,  try checkingyour manual or looking up the specs of your monitor on the makers website01:35
nickrud]RandoM[: try chmod -R 644 (you'll need to change ~/.dmrc to 600 afterwards01:35
rabidweezleit works for windows because windows didn't try to overwrite it01:35
rabidweezlebut GRUB overwrites it01:35
]RandoM[ahhh thx01:35
rabidweezlehence it doesn't see the larger hard drive01:35
PeloCyberMad,  on what I see,  set the hi value of h for 60 , not sure about the v01:35
PeloCyberMad,  but I am only guessing01:36
riotkittie /juo01:36
rabidweezleI mean it see's it, but it gimps it down from 160 gigs to 30 gigs01:36
CyberMadPelo i try find the manual book.. just a minute01:36
sethkxTheGoat121x, To measure the temperature you need one of those infrared temperature meters01:36
michaelusing Gutsy-- How can i check how much ram i have on my computer without a restart?01:36
SpookyETI'm having issues with suspend and hibernate, and when the screen is turned off. When i suspend, it shuts down. If it turns the screen off after n minutes, the screen will not turn on when i press a key.01:36
jribmichael: free -m01:36
Pelomichael,  top ?01:36
sethkxTheGoat121x, I'm thinking about a practical way to check the speed, don't have an answer to that at the moment.01:37
michaelthanks ^^01:37
Administrator_whats about for 512M how much swap size beter to use?01:37
rabidweezleif anyone knows how to make it see the rest of the hard drive so I can use the full potential of the 160 gigs WITHOUT a bios upgrade or ide controller card, let me know01:37
Pelomichael,  menu > system > admin> system monitor  first tab01:37
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PeloAdministrator_,  512 of RAM , use 1 gig01:37
matthew__I'm trying to build some software from source, and it is complaining about a missing SDL.h.  Can you tell me what package provides that (or how to find out)?01:37
michaelwhich is ram?01:37
Administrator_is lighter mean a speeder?01:38
michaelshows a total of 503/ ised 497 and 6 free01:38
rabidweezleor if anyone knows how to hack out their own bios upgrade so it can see the higher capacity hard drives, that could be usefull too01:38
michaelalso says 175 chached01:38
Pelomatthew__,  open synaptic, search for sdl,  you'll probablay get somethjing like libsdl , also install the -dev package that matches01:38
jribmatthew__: packages.ubuntu.com or use apt-file01:38
kelsinmatthew__: libsdl-dev01:38
jimmygoonrabidweezle, um, wait, you mean you have an ancient bios that doesn't support LBA01:39
rabidweezleit's pretty ancient01:39
jimmygoonmatthew__, something called apt-file01:39
rabidweezlefunny part is...01:39
jimmygoonmatthew__, its used just lke apt-get and it tells you how to find a file01:39
rabidweezleit has 8x agp and such01:39
PeloAdministrator_, lighter means works on older machine with lower cpu and ram , so it would be faster on those machiens yes, ,  xubuntu need 500 mh cpu and 64 m ram ,  ubuntu needs 128 m ram , not sure about the min cpu01:39
rabidweezleit's just...01:39
jimmygoonmatthew__, "apt-file search SDL.h"01:39
adamonline45rabidweezle: How big is your /boot?01:39
jimmygoonmatthew__, it will tell you that you need libsdl1.2-dev01:40
rabidweezlejust the right size as the readme's all said01:40
jimmygoonmatthew__, :)01:40
rabidweezlelemme double check the size though adamonline4501:40
cmp1988Hey guys, I got a bit of a problem with the flash plugin in Gutsy.  It's extremely unstable.  Youtube videos and other streaming content tend to stutter often, and once in a while, Firefox (and other browsers based upon it) will crash due to the flash.  Any advice?  I have a P4 1.8 GHz, 1.5 GB of RAM, and an ATI Radeon 9200 video card, so it's not necessarily processor speed, or RAM, maybe video card?  Thanks for help in advance.01:40
matthew__cool... installing apt-file right now (so I know how to do this in the future ;)01:41
kelsincmp1988: convince adobe to open source flash so users can fix it, if you're already running the adobe non-free plugin that's as good as it gets01:41
kelsincmp1988: (at least until the gnash plugin gets better)01:41
rabidweezleadamonline45, btw, this is the machine in question01:41
jimmygoonmatthew__, just so you know... installing it is going to take for ever as it builds its index for the first time :P01:41
cmp1988kelsin: you have the same problem or similar?01:41
Pelocmp1988,  that happens a lot if you have several running videos running /l;oading at once, youcan try removing all the flash from yoru system and installing the very latest from the adobe site,  they just have a new one out01:42
kelsincmp1988: I do not, it works pretty well for me, make sure you have direct rendering enabled for your graphics card01:42
rabidweezleok, /boot is 94 megs01:42
Pelog'night folks01:42
matthew__jimmygoon: actually, the install was lickety split. but the search yielded nothing.  I think I need to run apt-file update first.01:42
jimmygoonHas anyone else gotten firefox3b1 running with antialiased fonts.... its looking like openoffice... (all crummy) right now01:42
jimmygoonmatthew__, possible01:42
cmp1988kelsin: direct rendering is enabled, and I don't think it's the version of flash, because I've used both the current stable release and the flash 9 update RC or something like that01:43
cmp1988kelsin: oh yea, I only have 1 going at a time01:43
jimmygoonmatthew__, you can also search through packages for files online: http://packages.ubuntu.com01:43
JJtechhow to install ubuntu with less RAM?01:43
ghostIs running the 'tracker' indexing service useful for anything? what does indexing actually do?01:43
jimmygoonghost, makes it so your files are "indexed" for faster searching01:43
kelsinJJtech: you can always use the alternate cd iso to install a text mode system and then install whatever your system can handle01:43
CyberMad1st, i want to use 1024x768 screen resolution, ok i found the monitor manual book.. Standard: VESA/60  Resolution: 1024x768  Horizontal Frequency: 48.4kHz  Vertical Frequency: 60Hz01:44
brent0nhello, i'm having difficulties using a program, and was curious if someone could help me with it. :)01:44
AriX_anyone use a mac mini with 7.10 or 7.04?01:44
CyberMadwhat i have to set on HorizZync and VertRefresh ?01:44
rabidweezleyou know, I just though about something adamonline45, I better check to make sure that the jumper for the 30 gig is not on01:44
brent0ni would prefer p2p, if there's someone who wouldn't mind01:44
kelsinbrent0n: just ask your question/explain your problem01:44
AriX_I'm having some annoying video card issue.01:44
matthew__jimmygoon: ohh.. that's really easy...01:44
ghostjimmygoon, yeah but what does that actually DO. does the indexing service build basically a database of where files are? what actually uses this, just a 'find files' function?01:44
JJtechkelsin: i only have the live CD installer... what can i do?01:44
kelsinghost: tracker uses it itself01:44
adamonline45rabidweezle: Alright... Trying to find a doc that helped me years ago...01:44
kbrosnanjimmygoon: i did not notice any difference in the fonts01:45
jimmygoonghost, largely.01:45
kelsinJJtech: if the live cd doesn't work on your system you're outta luck, the live cd does not include the command line installer or the text-mode installer01:45
matthew__Next question:  what does the [security] designation mean in packages.ubuntu.com?01:45
jimmygoonkbrosnan, I've installed custom font packages/patches for "cleartype-like" fonts01:45
AriX_no one uses a mac minI? :P01:45
jimmygoonkbrosnan, and I find it strange that both firefox and openoffice ignore those preferences01:45
CyberMadany help?01:45
AriX_meh, thanks ;(01:45
rangerguy39when i run ubuntu, all i get is a blank, orange screen01:45
ghostkelsin, basically what I am asking is, does it actually do anything useful other than finding missing text documents? or does it help with system internals01:45
brent0nah, well, it's pretty noobish, probably. i'm having trouble running/maybe even installing(it's bad that i don't know if it's installed or not). but this program http://ushare.geexbox.org/ is what i'm trying to use, but i'm not sure exactly if i've got in installed properly, or how to configure it if it is.01:46
jimmygoonghost, no its not system vital01:46
JJtechkelsin: so i have to download the alternate installer??? can u pls send me the link??01:46
kelsinjust for user searching01:46
kelsin!download | JJtech01:46
ubotuJJtech: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://nl.releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Gutsy, and help keeping the servers' load low!01:46
mikeoooanyone here run windows apps seemlessly with rdesktop and vmware?01:46
nickrudghost: ideally, it will index the text in a pdf or web page and have it available for quick finding01:46
mikeooowondering how "seemless" it is01:47
mikeooothe screenshots look good01:47
MoTecJJtech: there is a checkbox when you you pick the version you want that says 'download alternate install cd'01:47
jimmygoonmikeooo, I'm using virtualbox and its builtin seemless... and its not01:47
kbrosnanjimmygoon: in menus or in the page content, page content is controled by the web page and lacking specific font from the web page edit -> preferences -> content -> fonts -> advanced is used01:47
mikeoooits not seemless?01:47
jimmygoonmikeooo, but hte "homebrew" rtp is pretty good01:47
jimmygoonkbrosnan, menus.... etc01:47
mikeoooi was looking at rdesktop01:47
kelsinmikeooo: vmware is emulation, so speed is going to take a hit whether you use it's screen or rdesktop01:47
jimmygoonkbrosnan, interace stuff01:48
jimmygoonmikeooo, its pretty decent01:48
mikeooorunning a q6600 w/ 8gb of ram so processing power shouldn't be a problem01:48
brent0nanyone? :P01:48
mikeoooit would more be if the network aspect of it was slow01:48
mikeoooas far as latency01:48
ghostIs it a resource hog? It does not sound very useful to me at this point01:48
mikeooolike vmware on a gigabit lan isn't instant01:48
mikeoooor rather vnc01:48
mikeooonot vmware01:49
kelsinghost: if you're not going to use the searching just disable it01:49
cmp1988Another question guys, Ndiswrapper won't start up at boot time yet I've done the "ndiswrapper -m" command01:49
richeehow do I set the value of date in a enviroment variable?01:49
kelsinghost: you can always turn it on later01:49
mikeooojimmygoon does it work with all the compiz-fusion effects?01:49
richeecan anyone suggest me something ?01:49
kbrosnanjimmygoon: what window manager?01:49
jimmygoonmikeooo, no idea01:49
tohoynrichee: see command "date"01:50
jimmygoonkbrosnan, with and without compiz fusion --- metacity01:50
kelsinrichee: "VAR=value", to make it available out of the script you have to "export VAR" after or "export VAR=value"01:50
ghostyeah I am trying to streamline this instal, sorry If am asking weird questions01:50
kelsinrichee: "export DATE=`date`"01:50
jimmygoonkbrosnan, give me 60 seconds and I'll have a screenshot01:50
mikeooodo the menus lag at all?01:50
cmp1988ghost: no questions related to Ubuntu are weird questions, unless you're trying to ask something weird ;)01:50
mikeoooand does alt tab work?01:50
ghostwhat is your opininn of zsh?01:51
ghostcan zsh safely replace dash01:51
BlaenkDenumbroomhead0: good job01:51
broomhead0thanks blaenk01:51
broomhead0i need some help installing ubuntu onto a mac01:52
BlaenkDenumno problem01:52
kelsinghost: dash is meant to just be a posix /bin/sh, zsh is more rightly compared to bash01:52
Picighost: Er, I wouldnt do that.01:52
BlaenkDenumbroomhead0: just ask the specific question, remember to say that you're on a mac01:52
broomhead0yea ok thanks man01:52
ghostso i shouldn't integrate it to replace the default bash terminal01:53
CyberMadhow to set the HorizSync and VertRefresh on xorg.conf  I don't know the range, i think i will use this: 1024x768 @ 60Hz (VESA) hsync: 48.4kHz01:53
CyberMadplease help me :)01:53
kelsinghost: replacing bash for your login shell is fine, replacing dash is not01:53
broomhead0Can someone help me boot ubuntu onto a mac, I've already burned the ISO onto a disc and made a new partition01:53
jimmygoonkbrosnan, http://mickens.us/fonts.png01:53
BlaenkDenumCyberMad: do you know the model of your monitor?01:53
ghostdash is the one all of the ubuntu scripts are based on then?01:54
kelsinbroomhead0: are you seeing an error or anything? Have you tried booting the disc?01:54
dantheman440um..im having problems with getting java to work on mozilloa firefox01:54
kelsinghost: dash is posix compliant shell, so yes01:54
broomhead0what should I press when I start up, c or shift?01:54
jimmygoonkbrosnan, as you can see, its not even quite the same...01:54
CyberMadBlaenkDenum yes, GTC Millenia with model GM56201:54
kelsinghost: no reason to change it, you can change your login shell to /zsh using chsh all you want01:54
ghostposix is the standard for kernel interactive terminals?01:54
dantheman440How do i get java to work on firefox?01:54
BlaenkDenumCyberMad: google it, look specifically for a page that's selling it, and it should say the frequencies01:54
SpookyETHow do you configure the "gnome-main-menu"? I want to add more apps to favourites and enable the search bar.01:55
BlaenkDenumCyberMad: that's what I did a few years ago, now ubuntu automatically picks it up for me01:55
Frederickfolks Im having problems setting up my monitor it is a lcd monitor from lg and ubuntu seems to be borking it I got a geforce 8800 gts mobo anyone had similar issues? I also seem unable to use multiple terminals01:55
jimmygoonSpookyET, right click on the ubuntu icon and hit "edit menus"01:55
kbrosnanjimmygoon: going to reboot to my 7.10 install01:55
MrStonedOnewhat is that command to make a "snapshot" of the installed packages with apt-get, to be re-installed later01:55
kelsinghost: posix is a standard for the operating system to say how /bin/sh should act. A lot of distros use bash for /bin/sh, but ubuntu replaced it with dash which is more minimal and JUST contains the posix standard pretty much01:55
ghostkelsin, that will basically then launch zsh instead of bash anytime gnome wants to run a terminal01:55
kelsinghost: yes01:55
ghostkelsin... ok that makes sence01:55
jimmygoonkbrosnan, don't spend too much time on it... its not a big deal... I will post on the forums and see what others think01:55
CyberMadBlaenkDenum ok, just a minute01:55
broomhead0kelsin: you think you could help me?01:56
jimmygoonits definetly not mission criticla or anything01:56
kelsinbroomhead0: I have no experience with macs01:56
broomhead0ok then thanks anyway01:56
RazzoRzhey folks01:56
flughaffenim having trouble setting up sharing on ubuntu gutsy01:57
Frederickand I wonder why in hell ubuntu in recovey mode does not allow me to use multiple screens01:57
RazzoRzhaving issues getting my mic working in innotek vbox... anyone know how to fix this issue?01:57
LadyNikonFrederick: please watch your language01:57
cabrioleurFrederick, single user mode? you can use screen...01:58
sethkFrederick, that's an odd question.  It's recovery mode, the idea is to be as simple as possible and to always boot, even if there are problems associated with the display01:58
Fredericksethk: oki but the normal mode does not boot01:58
kelsinflughaffen: what type of sharing?01:58
ramza3I have firefox 3 beta (installed without apt) and firefox  I think I am using the commercial player with FF2 and the free one with FF3.  Is there a way to set FF3 to use the commercial flashplugin.01:59
sethkFrederick, indeed, but the purpose of recovery mode is to fix the problem.  It's not designed to be a reasonable environment for routine things.01:59
Fredericksethk: I get a black screen while booting in "normal" mode01:59
sethkFrederick, ok, first step, then, is to look at the X log in recovery mode01:59
flughaffenkelshin, filesharing between 2 gutsy machines01:59
Frederickalready done error in locking authority file02:00
tonyr1988About half of the time, my USB hard drive that's mounted at /home (formatted ext3), mounts as read-only, and if I try to "mount -o remount,rw /dev/sda1", it says it's write-protected. Any ideas?02:00
Fredericksethk: ive installed ubuntu like 40 times02:00
kelsinflughaffen: as long as ssh is running you can get to them using the sftp method of "Connect to Server" in places02:00
Frederickand I got no clues this time I wonder it can be related to a borked support to my lcd monitor02:00
sethkFrederick, if you install it twice and still have a problem, the other 38 times are wasted02:00
sethkFrederick, it's possible02:00
flughaffenkelshin, ssh?02:00
Fredericksethk: ive installed 40 times sucessfully02:00
Ademan does anyone know of a good resource to get into network programming?  I know next to nothing (although i do understand a lot of the low level stuff, ie the sockets apis) I imagine there are plenty of higher level concepts though that a well designed network system would be good to adopt, the "handshake" immediately comes to mind but i imagine there are other high level concepts or patterns worth learning about02:00
Ademani know that's at least midly off topic, sorry02:01
yoyohello all02:01
sethkFrederick, Oh, I thought you meant that you keep reinstalling on this machine02:01
Frederickbut without multiple screens I cant even use a text based browser02:01
sethkAdeman, go do #ubuntu-offtopic and I might have a few ideas02:01
Ademanalready there :-p02:01
kelsinAdeman: networking class at your local community college? Even if you don't want to take it, finding out what books they use would be a good start02:01
FrederickAdeman: ask in programming c or linux get freacking advanced programming in the unix enviroment and dont flood02:01
Frederickadvanced nework programming in the unix enviroment I think the autor is stevens02:02
kev_banyone know, is there an up-to-date list of webcams that work (well) in ubuntu?02:02
AdemanFrederick: well i just pasted it over into ubuntu-offtopic when i realized i was offtopic here, and thanks for the book suggestion02:02
Fredericksethk: so any ideas?02:02
MrStonedOneWhat is the command to make a "snapshot", or a list of the installed packages with apt-get, to be re-installed later with a similar command??02:02
Frederickfolks anyone here with experience in setting up lcd monitors and nvidia cards in ubuntu?02:03
Xdange1guys can a miss configuration of /etc/jhosts file cause the computer to move slow02:03
sethkFrederick, configure X so that there is only one resolution, one that you know the monitor can handle.02:03
sethkFrederick, if you have another monitor, plug it in and see what happens02:03
kelsinMrStonedOne: "dpkg --get-selections" you can pipe that to a file to save it02:03
linduxedmy icedtea doesnt seem to work, im opening a site with a java game and it doesnt load at all02:03
linduxedany ideas?02:03
Fredericksethk: I can try it in fact I did it, well lets assume I have no other monitor cause I wont have a second monitor to every emergency on my life02:04
MrStonedOnekelsin: and how can i reinstall02:04
kelsinlinduxed: are you opposed to install the sun-java6-jre?02:04
Fredericksethk: Ive installed both nvidia glx and nvidia-kerneçl02:04
linduxedkelsin: no its just that iced tea was what got suggested for install02:04
Xdange1guys can a miss configuration of /etc/hosts file cause computer to move slow02:04
yoyocan somebody help me with PPA pls ? I did a package build on PPA, called the package mplayer - 2:1.0~rc1-0ubuntu13~ppa2 instead of mplayer - 2:1.0~rc1-0ubuntu13 and did add the "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/myppa/ubuntu gutsy main universe multiverse" to my source.list. but apt-get-upgrade still install mplayer - 2:1.0~rc1-0ubuntu13 and not my PPA version02:04
FrederickXdange1: yes02:05
kelsinMrStonedOne: dpkg --set-selections is the first step, after that there is a command to install them, if you google with get and set you'll find it quick02:05
IpMooIngquestion time.. rare02:05
matthew__Can you tell me what [security] next to a package name means? (on packages.ubuntu.com)02:05
Xdange1Frederick: well that seems to be my case02:05
Xdange1Frederick: how do i reset the settings02:05
IpMooIngabout the root account.. when i change  pass its wont  work02:05
linduxedkelsin: so remove iced, install jre and t should work?02:05
kelsinlinduxed: I would suggest using the sun-java6-jre package that's listed in the java list instead of ice-tead. It's working well and great for some things but it's not fully compatible with sun's java yet02:05
matthew__Or better yet, how I look that up?02:05
FrederickXdange1: you can edit the file02:05
sethkyoyo, temporarily disable the repository that has the version you don't want.02:06
sethkyoyo, then, in synaptic, reload and do the install.  Then turn that repository back on.02:06
linduxedkelsin: should i remove iced completely?02:06
MrStonedOnethanks kelsin02:06
kelsinlinduxed: up to you, but if you goal is just to use java on a home machine then yes I'd suggest that02:06
lex_I appear to be having an issue with dvdrip; when trying to use the program I encounter: The movie has 171092.736 frames, but only 146067 were ripped. This is most likely a problem with your transcode/libdvdread installation. I've checked the installs and even reinstalled them but keep getting this error. Any insight?02:06
linduxedkelsin: thx02:06
=== etotheipi is now known as _etotheip
ejtI have found an issue in the command line expansion in Makefiles... it appears to only occur in Ubuntu (out of Fedora or OS X, which all use the same GNU Make 3.81)02:07
=== carlos_ is now known as carlosss
tonyr1988Is there anything important I need to remember about mounting an ext3 external hard drive? 1/2 the time, it works fine. 1/2 the time, it mounts read-only.02:07
Xdange1127.0.0.1 localhost02:07
Xdange1127.0.0.1 infamous-ego.cm.flowja.com infamous-box.MSHOME02:07
Xdange1i dont kno whats wrong02:07
ejtI at first blamed bash, but the Fedora bash is older than 7.04, which is older than OS X 10.5, which is older than 7.1002:08
kelsinXdange1: what's running slow?02:08
hvgotcodeshow do i tell which version of fglrx i have?02:08
Frederickfglrx -v?02:08
yoyosethk, it's not a good way. if i do apt-get upgrade later it will reinstall the normal package. i'd like to have upgrades from ubuntu but have my packages overwriting the standart one.02:08
hvgotcodesno fglrx is the ati driver02:08
ejtso the only consistent thing is Ubuntu, unless bash broke, fixed, and then broke again02:08
Xdange1kelsin: like i open a file it will take longer than the usual02:08
yoyosethk, and as i understood PPA have provision for what.02:08
sethkyoyo, then try moving the repository with the version you want above the other one.02:09
carlossswhy the words on amsn its so little that i cant read it ?02:09
Xdange1first i thought it was a hardrive issue02:09
kelsinXdange1: open a file in what, just the gnome text editor or something like that?02:09
yoyoi tried on the top and at the end.02:09
kelsinXdange1: is you lo interface up "ifconfig" in a terminal at least lists lo as up02:09
ejtfigured I'd check here if anyone wants to try a 3 line Makefile...02:09
buttercupshvgotcodes, fglrxinfo02:09
ejtoh the other weird thing is the expansion works properly on the command line itself...02:10
sethkyoyo, I never upgrade.  I install what I need.  wholesale upgrade is a really bad idea.  Also, in synaptic, you can disable any part of the upgrade before doing the actual installs.02:10
ejtit seems to only break in Ubuntu, within a Makefile02:10
slowthyis there any software that I can use to transfer music on to my zune in ubuntu?02:10
hvgotcodesis 8.34.8 the most recent?02:10
RazzoRzhaving issues getting my mic working in innotek vbox... anyone know how to fix this issue?02:10
yoyodo somebody use Launchpad PPA here and know about package naming for PPA to overwrite standard packages pls ?02:10
kelsinejt: can you post in pastebin a test file with your expansion and the behavior on different systems?02:10
hvgotcodesbuttercups: is 8.34.8 the latest version02:11
Xdange1kelsin: yes lo is up02:11
ejtsure... one sec02:11
yoyosethk,  i need to keep the software up to date. :)02:11
ghosthey guys it looks like my system is hanging on 'set the clock' during my bootup. what is the appropreate logfile that shows my boot?02:11
kazolAnyone here familiar with inserting page numbers in OpenOffice?02:11
crdlbyoyo: #launchpad ?02:11
sethkyoyo, that is rarely true.  You may _want_ to keep it up to date, but it's highly unlikely that you truly need to.02:11
buttercupshvgotcodes, 7.11 is02:11
yoyocrdlb, launchpad.net02:12
squidinkkazol: what in particular?02:12
Xdange1kelsin: lo is up02:12
crdlbyoyo: I mean have you tried #launchpad ?02:12
slowthyis there any software that I can use to transfer music on to my zune in ubuntu?02:12
hvgotcodesbuttercups: how come doesnt show up for update?02:12
gaminggeekcan someone remind me how to update my path?02:12
hvgotcodesi enabled the restricted drivers02:12
kazolsquidink: A document in Writer; I also want the numbers to start on the second page.02:12
yoyosethk, believe me i need02:12
jribgaminggeek: why?02:12
hvgotcodesi didnt get it manually02:13
yoyocrdlb, :) oh sorry, i will02:13
sethkyoyo, why?02:13
kelsinejt: at the top of your not working makefile can you set "SHELL = /bin/bash" and also try with "SHELL = /bin/sh"?02:13
jimmygoonslowthy, does the zune use libmtp? if so rhythmbox with the "MTP Devices" plugin turned on may work02:13
jsoftwI have trouble with suspending my ubuntu box. Basically the machine becomes unresponsive afterwards.02:13
gaminggeekbecause I have installed something manually and its not seeing the new libary it installed02:13
jsoftwWhich is unacceptable.02:13
buttercupshvgotcodes, video drivers are not updated after a stable release of Ubuntu02:13
jrib!who | gaminggeek02:13
ubotugaminggeek: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)02:13
jribgaminggeek: what exactly?02:13
squidinkkazol: I think you need to create a new section02:13
gaminggeekjrib: swfmill02:13
ejtkelsin: here's what I was doing: http://pastebin.com/m3320484902:14
ejtI'll try the shell thing you suggest02:14
yoyosethk, cause i develop for a hardware platform and i use up to date softwares sometimes even SVN..02:14
kelsingaminggeek: the system path is defined in /etc/environment, if you just want to set it yourself you can add "export PATH=/usr/local/bin;$PATH" in your .bashrc, obviously replace /usr/local/bin whith what you need02:14
gaminggeekjrib: swfmill: error while loading shared libraries: libswft.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory02:14
kazolsquidink: Section?02:14
adantei need a package (imagemagick) compiled with a specific option (lossless jpeg) - is there any way to do this via ubuntus package management or do i have to compile it manually?02:14
sethkyoyo, that means you need to have newer version of software.  It doesn't mean you have to be lazy and just upgrade everything.02:14
hvgotcodesbuttercups: Im intersted in having compositing goodness using xcompmgr, instead of relying on compiz-fusion.  will upgrading that driver make xcompmgr better?  compiz-fusion handles shadows/translucency no prob, but xcompmgr does not....02:15
ejtkelsin: ahh, yes, it works with SHELL=/bin/bash at the top02:15
yoyosethk: sorry, we do not understand each others.02:15
ghostHow do I view my bootlog? and is it possible to see my bootlog timestamped?02:15
kelsinejt: ubuntu uses dash for /bin/sh, it's posix compliant02:15
jribgaminggeek: where is that file?02:15
macabro22My mozilla-mplayer won't load any videos. Mplayer alone will. Can someone help02:15
kelsinejt: so now you know that technically that syntax isn't posix :) but you can override the shell with SHELL obviously, glad that fix was easy lol02:16
ejtkelsin: hmm, so what of the expansion? is {h,cc} not posix compliant?02:16
gaminggeekjrib: just updatedbing atm I will tell you when its done02:16
CommonCloneI am trying to install ubuntu on a computer that has vista on it, and the partition menu doesn't see the hard drive02:16
CommonCloneany ideas?02:16
jsoftwCommonClone: hmm02:16
ejtkelsin: (or is it just a bug in dash)02:16
jsoftwCommonClone: trouble.02:16
kelsinejt: yeah, if you run "/bin/sh -c 'ls file.{1,2}'" it will also complain02:16
jsoftwCommonClone: Im not much of an expert with grub, sorry02:16
kelsinejt: I'm not 100% but my best guess is that {} isn't in posix02:16
kelsinejt: a lot of normal bash stuff isn't02:17
ejtkelsin: wow, alrighty then, that's a new one for me, thanks!02:17
CommonClonejsoftw: Im in the gui partitioner02:17
jsoftwOh right02:17
jsoftwCommonClone: what does it say the partitions are?02:17
buttercupshvgotcodes, the new drivers are still buggy and new, although they do support compiz without xgl02:17
CommonClonejsoftw: it doesnt see any02:18
kelsinCommonClone: what type of hard drive? just a normla ide of SATA internal?02:18
CommonClonejsoftw: WD normal ide02:18
hvgotcodesbuttercups: im wondering if it will help non-compiz based compositing02:18
CyberMadhow to lock ubuntu panel so user can not delete it02:19
CommonClonesorry, that was meant for you kelsin02:19
jsoftwCommonClone: hmmm...02:19
jsoftwCommonClone: strange.02:19
CommonClonehow do I install from cmd line?02:21
jrib!apt > CommonClone (read the private message from ubotu)02:21
buttercupshvgotcodes, probably not02:21
darwubhey guys, I am getting very poor performance from mplayer, it gets delayed on HD content and the aspect ratio is wrong, any idea? also my machine is a dual xeon 2.4ghz with 2gb ram, I had gentoo installed and everything ran very very smoothly, any ideas? x11 gives me the right aspect but xv, gl2 and others do not02:21
jribCyberMad: look into pessulus and sabayon though I am not sure.  library.gnome.org may help too02:22
hvgotcodesbuttercups: if i get a new video card will any nvidia or intel graphics card be ok for that?02:22
lex_darwub: you using it from the cmd line?02:22
gaminggeekjrib: /usr/local/lib/libswft.so.002:23
jribgaminggeek: hmm weird, does runnig 'ldconfig' help?02:23
buttercupshvgotcodes, don't know never had a nvidia, support for ati is horrible, i hear good things about nvidia02:23
hvgotcodesok thanx02:24
gaminggeekjrib: yes thank you that was the command I was looking for :)02:25
CommonClonejrib: i meant how do I install ubuntu from command line?02:25
jribCommonClone: a text install?  Use the alternate cd02:26
FlannelCommonClone: You need the alternate CD02:26
CaseyHow do I remove GRUB? I just installed Windows OEM version and I get GRUB with error 1702:26
smooker4Hi all02:26
smooker4how do i save files to SDA6 if it doesnt have mount point.. ?02:26
jribsmooker4: mount it02:26
smooker4how do i mount it ?02:27
CommonCloneI can't just switch to cmd line mode and install?02:27
smooker4if i click right i seee only unmount02:27
jribCommonClone: no02:27
jribsmooker4: then it is probably mounted02:27
smooker4but i cant save files there02:28
ghostthis is unrelated but does anyone know what the Xbox 360 hacker irc channel is?02:28
jribsmooker4: why? what happens when you try?02:28
smooker4what is the path ? i am trying to set KTorrent02:28
toby_this is un related too but: What impact may Kazza have if running on a companies PC?02:28
jribsmooker4: type 'mount'02:28
slowthyis there any software that I can use to transfer music on to my zune in ubuntu?02:28
smooker4where ?02:28
jrib!offtopic | toby_02:28
ubotutoby_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!02:29
jribsmooker4: in a terminal02:29
toby_Thanks sorry02:29
CommonClonejrib: can I format my hd with vista installed on it from the cmd line on the live cd?02:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ffmpeg - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:29
smooker4oic /dev/sda602:29
ghosttoby i will answer that for you02:29
ghostDon't do it02:29
jribsmooker4: that's not the mount point, that's the device name02:29
ghostyour IT department won't like it.02:30
ghostAnd if found you doing that on MY network, i would have you fired02:30
slowthyatleast use a non-crap program02:30
yaroI will ask my support question as soon as I am sure I need to ask it here.02:30
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mencoder - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi02:30
smooker4\dev/sda6 on /media/sda6 type ext3 (rw)02:30
jribCommonClone: what does "from the cmd line" mean?  Yes, you can format it on the live cd, and yes there is a command line on the live system02:30
LjLyaro: uhm... ok02:30
jribsmooker4: yes, /media/sda6 is the mount point02:30
yaroOkay. I got it.02:31
hellonullhey i just booted into ubuntu for the first time a week or so and i have 73 updates to install... but when i say "install now" 39 of the packages appear under "NOT AUTHENTICATED"... amongst these are perl, php5, and firefox. what does this mean?02:31
CommonClonejrib: it can't see my HD in the gui partitioner, I wanted to try it from the cmd line, but I tried fdisk /dev/hda and it tells me unable to open, I think vista did something dumb to the HD and now I can't see it02:32
slowthyatleast use a non-crap program02:32
ghosthellonull, your authentication key is outdated02:32
slowthyforget that02:32
ghostI usually just ignore it02:32
scguy318hellonull: that means for some reason the GPG key for your repos seem to be outdated or missing02:32
LjL!gpgerr > hellonull    (hellonull, see the private message from Ubotu)02:32
yaroAs far as I can tell, my problem is somewhat common, but a clear solution, as far as I can tell, has not been determined. My friend recommend I come here and ask. So I am.02:32
slowthyis there any software that I can use to transfer music on to my zune in ubuntu?02:32
ghosthellonull: if you are only downloading from the offical repos you shouldn't have any problem02:32
ghostif you mix repositories... becareful02:33
RazzoRzcan someone help me with a mic issue with 7.10???02:33
jribCommonClone: did you use sudo?02:33
Flannelslowthy: Does your zune show up like a USB harddrive? or what?02:33
scguy318slowthy: not really, unless you count a VM product for running XP02:33
scguy318slowthy: I think Zunes don't show at all, but then I don't own one02:33
slowthythey dont02:33
CommonClonejrib: I'm dumb...let me try02:33
CaptainBootsI just updated to the latest version of Ubuntu and I'm now getting an error message saying that the Gnome Settings Daemon failed to load, that it was started too many times???  Has anyone come across this issue and know of a fix?02:33
kelsinCaptainBoots: you should check for errors in ~/.xsession-errors02:33
yaroAnyway, my problem is this: My sound on Flash has stopped working, and every solution I found on the forums didn't work.02:34
CaptainBootsThanks Kelsin let me dive in there real quick02:34
RazzoRzHow does one get there mic working in gusty?02:35
scguy318slowthy: there's no current solution for syncing a Zune with a Linux machine, you'll have to use XP somehow, either virtualized or actual02:35
scguy318slowthy: and it's a bit understandable, since guess who's selling the Zune? :P02:35
CommonClonejrib: in /dev, there is no hd*, so I guess linux isn't detecting it, any ideas?02:35
yaroI have one, jrib/.02:35
jribCommonClone: sda?02:36
hellonullghost: would avant-window-navigator repos (tuxfamily.org) be a potential source of this problem?02:36
yaroYis. That was what I was going to say.02:36
jribyaro: one what?02:36
scguy318CommonClone: Ubuntu assigns all disks an sd* name02:36
CommonClonejrib: NOPE02:36
yaroLook for an sda in /dev/02:36
CommonCloneopps sorry02:36
jribCommonClone: what does 'sudo fdisk -l' do?02:36
Flannelslowthy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Media_Transfer_Protocol  Check down at the bottom for the linux libraries/progrmas02:36
CommonClonejrib: nothing02:37
Frederickfolks I still unable to set up my xserver up with my geforce 880002:37
adanteif i apt-get source something where does it go?02:37
jribadante: current working directory02:37
lex_Frederick: you ahve envy installed?02:37
Fredericklex_: what?02:38
nerdsquad3210when will linux come up with dynamic swaping ?02:38
tatttorshow do I give my username permission to write to /var/www?02:38
regeyameh.  dynamic swapping is overrated.02:38
tatttorssudo what02:38
smooker4but when i want to save torrents to /media/sda6 the programs azureus and KTorrent fail cant create directory for the torrent02:38
Fredericksmooker4: check chmod02:38
lex_Frederick: to get the latest driver ect setup for my 8800, i downloaded an instller called Envy to do the leg work02:38
yaroDepends on what exactly you are writing.02:38
smooker4how ?02:39
jrib!permissions > tatttors (read the private message from ubotu)02:39
scguy318tatttors: add your username to the group owner for /var/www, change ownership/group for /var/www, etc.02:39
Fredericklex_: oki I wiill check it now02:39
tatttorsI want to create and save files into the directory02:39
Frederickbut I got no xserver can I get it on apt?02:39
scguy318tatttors: and possibly check actual permissions02:39
CaptainBootsKelsin, I'm not seeing anything that's teliing me anything about Gnome-settings daemon in the xsession-errors file02:39
tatttorsscguy: how02:39
Fredericklwhat is leg work?02:39
yaroUsually I just use sudo to elevate myself to root to write to those. Rarely do I do this unless I'm fixing problems.02:39
scguy318tatttors: sudo chmod -R user:group /var/www, and sudo usermod something02:40
scguy318tatttors: the PM sent by ubotu might be of interest02:40
scguy318Frederick: if you're talking about Ubuntu Server install the ubuntu-desktop package02:40
tatttorsthats just file directorys02:40
tatttorsI need file permissions02:40
SpookyETShould gnome main menu favorites list the most used apps?02:40
Frederickscguy318: man I got a desktop xserver is fucked up and gives me no decent error log02:40
jribtatttors: ubotu's link answers your question02:40
SpookyETWhy doesn't the list get updated?02:41
LjL!language | Frederick02:41
ubotuFrederick: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.02:41
scguy318Frederick: /var/log/Xorg.0.log?02:41
RazzoRzcan does the MIC option on gusty work??02:41
Frederickand it didnt boot on the first install it seems to halt on a black screen02:41
kelsinCaptainBoots: if you try running it in a term does anything happen?02:41
scguy318Frederick: have you tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg?02:41
tatttorsno it doesn't...02:41
scguy318Frederick: and what's the current issue?02:41
tatttorsit just explains filesystems but not permissions02:41
nerdsquad3210! when will linux come up with dynamic swaping ? why can linux use the free space on the root partition dynamicaly ?02:41
FrederickI got an lcd monit might be part of the problem02:41
Frederickscguy318: x does not boot02:41
CaptainBootsKelsin, If I try running what in term? The Gnome Settings daemon?02:42
Fredericksays the user has no right halts in the case of root02:42
scguy318Frederick: well yeah but what does the log say?02:42
kelsinCaptainBoots: yes02:42
kelsinCaptainBoots: "gnome-settings-daemon"02:42
Frederickscguy318: I will check again give me a sec02:42
LjLnerdsquad3210, a swap file can be used, not sure if dynamic is supported. but that has its own set of issues... for starters, if you use a file (especially a growing/shrinking one), fragmentation may arise. also, you don't have any control where on the disk the file is located generally speaking02:42
FrederickI need to get off here cause I dont have multiple screens02:42
Frederickdont aske me why02:42
jribtatttors: it links you to it02:42
scguy318tatttors: that link ubotu PMed you links to this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions02:42
Frederickalt fxx does not changes the screen02:42
regeyanerdsquad3210: from my own experience, if you've filled swap space to capacity, there's a problem aside from running out of swap.  having the oom killer kick in is a huge wake-up call :->02:43
kelsinnerdsquad3210: http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/55002:43
CaptainBootsKelsin, this is what's displayed:02:43
kelsinnerdsquad3210: first hit in google, might not be what you want but sounds like it02:43
CaptainBoots[1196822554,000,xklavier.c:xkl_engine_start_listen/]    The backend does not require manual layout management - but it is provided by the application[1196822554,000,xklavier.c:xkl_engine_start_listen/]       The backend does not require manual layout management - but it is provided by the applicationCould not initialize GStreamer: Error re-scanning registry , child terminated by signal02:43
BSG75which one am I suppose to install azureus or azureus-gcj please?02:43
RazzoRzI am sorry is this a TUFF question???02:43
jrib!please > RazzoRz (read the private message from ubotu)02:44
kelsinnerdsquad3210: http://cvs.linux.hr/swapd/ there is the second google hit, also looks interesting02:44
jsoftwits UBER TUFF02:44
BSG75okay let me rephrase .. which one will NOT suck my system dry :)02:44
scguy318BSG75: azureus probably, unless you want to use GCJ, and I hear Azureus on GCJ has issues02:44
scguy318BSG75: they both will, kinda :P02:44
hockeyfan5000BSG75: Azurues  but I would recommend trying Deluge02:44
nerdsquad3210i meant fot you to included it i dont understand anything about linux02:44
BSG75thanki :) ..02:44
scguy318BSG75: Azureus, since it runs on JVM, does have some pretty high memory consumption02:44
BSG75much appreciated02:44
nerdsquad3210i just go with whats out of the box02:44
RazzoRzWow that was a big help02:45
CaseyHow do I remove GRUB?02:45
RazzoRzHow UBER tuff is is there ??02:45
kelsinnerdsquad3210: well since dynamic swap was a pretty advanced and unneeded feature, probably not for a while02:45
scguy318RazzoRz: question?02:45
scguy318Casey: install a different boot loader02:45
RazzoRzMy mic on gusty02:45
scguy318RazzoRz: what about it?02:45
yaroIs it considered good etiquette to ask a question a second time?02:45
RazzoRzit just dont work02:45
scguy318yaro: its fine if you don't spam02:45
scguy318RazzzoRz: why not?02:45
RazzoRzsound works fine02:45
RazzoRzjust notmy mic02:45
Caseyscguy318: I have Win98 Dell OEM version installed and I get GRUB error 17 so I booted into a livecd. What to do?02:46
scguy318RazzzoRz: have you checked mixer settings?02:46
CaptainBootsKelsin: [1196822554,000,xklavier.c:xkl_engine_start_listen/]    The backend does not require manual layout management - but it is provided by the application[1196822554,000,xklavier.c:xkl_engine_start_listen/]       The backend does not require manual layout management - but it is provided by the applicationCould not initialize GStreamer: Error re-scanning registry , child terminated by signal02:46
RazzoRzits no muted02:46
yaroI am having trouble getting my Flash Plugin to play sound. It used to, but now it doesn't anymore. It's been broken since at least this morning.02:46
LjLyaro just don't repeat it overly often, and be patient for answers, but since this channel scrolls fast, there's nothing wrong with restating the question once in a while02:46
Robotchicken1886hey im kind of a linux/ubuntu noob,   how would i make it so cairo-clock is always open and starts on computer start up02:46
nerdsquad3210i bet theres some way for a program to use a specific HD location02:47
cabrioleurCasey, if you want just Win98, boot with prompt and type fdisk /mbr02:47
RazzoRzsorry is there a setting that i am missing?.. what should it be set at02:47
smooker4after i changed priviledgies i stil cant save torrents or make new dirs without sudo  :(02:47
Caseycabrioleur: how?02:47
kelsinCaptainBoots: I would try backing up your gconf folder ("mv ~/.gconf ~/.gconf-bak") and see if you still have the problem02:47
scguy318RazzoRz: what audio card is it? I'm no ALSA expert unfortunately02:47
scguy318Robotchicken1886: immediate thought would be System -> Prefs -> session02:47
smooker4i need to have write read acess to /dev/sda602:47
jribsmooker4: tell us what you did and what you are trying to do02:47
RazzoRzthats a tuff one i not sure if i know!!02:47
lex_Robotchicken1886: add the command to run it to the System -> Preferences -> Sessions02:47
CaptainBootsOkay stand by02:47
jribsmooker4: what filesystem?02:47
smooker4trying to save torrents on /dev/sda602:47
RazzoRztell me how to find out02:47
nerdsquad3210hes trying to make file sharers look bad02:48
jribsmooker4: no, you want to save to /media/sda602:48
cabrioleurwhen you put boot from cd it will give you choices. one of them is to boot to command prompt (or something like). use win 98 cd02:48
Robotchicken1886wow im a retard thanks02:48
scguy318RazzoRz: should say in the mixer?02:48
ubuntu__how do I mount my hard drive from the live cd?02:48
jrib!who | smooker402:48
ubotusmooker4: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)02:48
nerdsquad3210smooker4: is trying to make file sharers look bad02:48
smooker4 i cant save to /media/sda602:48
jribsmooker4: what is the output of: ls -ld /media/sda602:48
RazzoRzScguy318: yes HDA asla mixer02:48
RazzoRzbut i have two options02:49
cabrioleurubuntu__, find an empty directory, and mount /dev/device /dir (replace device with the one you want to mount)02:49
smooker4drwxr-xr-x 4 smooker4 root 4096 2007-12-05 04:34 /media/sda602:49
sethksmooker4, that's a device pseudo file02:49
sethksmooker4, no, sorry02:49
scguy318!alsa > RazzoRz (see PM from ubotu)02:49
CaptainBootsOaky I think I'm gonna play with this some more . Thanky ou Kelsin02:49
sethksmooker4, I thought you said /dev/sda, not /media02:49
scguy318RazzoRz: I think there's some known covered issues with Intel HDA thats mentioned in the Ubuntu Wiki02:50
smooker4i was wrong i meant /media02:50
RazzoRzthat or sigmatel stac9200 ( oss mixer02:50
jribsmooker4: then you can write to it.  Does 'touch /media/sda6/foobar' work?02:50
ubuntu__cabrioleur: when I do that it says I must specify a filesystem02:50
sethksmooker4, ah, ok, I thought I saw that.  Do "mount" (no arguments), make sure it isn't mounted read only.  Try a copy with sudo.02:50
cabrioleurubuntu__, what file system you are trying to mount?02:50
nerdsquad3210how do ubuntu staff feels about having MINT ripping your distro ?02:50
LjL!ot | nerdsquad321002:51
ubotunerdsquad3210: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!02:51
ubuntu__cabrioleur: idk, just trying to mount my hard drive02:51
Flannelnerdsquad3210: #ubuntu-offtopic, not here, thanks.02:51
ubuntu__cabrioleur: or floppy drive, but that's not listed in fstab and idk how to add it02:51
smooker4i need to save my files there :( but i cant i want to be able to create simply files and folders as i do on my desktop, withour have to add any password, otherwise its impossible for the torrent clients.02:51
scguy318RazzoRz: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Gutsy_Intel_HD_Audio_Controller may be of interest02:51
jribsmooker4: did touch work?02:52
scguy318smooker4: tweak your fstab02:52
smooker4nothing as output..02:52
cabrioleurtry "mount -t msdos /dev/device /dir"02:52
jribsmooker4: is there now a "foobar" file in sda6?02:52
sethksmooker4, try the copy with sudo.  if that works, we know we have to change permissions.02:52
smooker4there is a file foobar02:52
misc--hi, if I have a 2x100gb and 1x50gb hard disk, what's the maximum space I'd get with a raid 5? I guess it would be 150gb?02:52
jribsmooker4: then you can write fine02:52
FezzlerAny iMovie users?02:52
RazzoRzToo bad it don't show my 9200 as a optio02:53
cabrioleurif you want to add to fstab, something like "/dev/device  /dir   msdos defaults,users  0  0" should be enough02:53
ubuntu__cabrioleur: didn't work :/02:53
nerdsquad3210smooker4: try sudo /.02:53
cafuegoFezzler: on #macintosh perhaps02:53
scguy318RazzoRz: look at it again :)02:53
smooker4i cant but torrent client cant write02:53
jribnerdsquad3210: what is that supposed to do?02:54
cabrioleurubuntu__, what device are you using?02:54
nerdsquad3210make all hes troubles go away ?02:54
jribsmooker4: are you writing to sda6 or a subdirectory?02:54
smooker4Azureus said "error: failed to create parent directory 'media/sda6/downloads/game...02:54
nerdsquad3210or was it sudo ./ ?02:54
scguy318jrib: nerdsquad3210's command does absolutely nothing but cause a command not found error02:54
ubuntu__cabrioleur:  fd0 is my floppy, hda is my hard drive02:54
jribnerdsquad3210: please try to be helpful02:54
smooker4writing at /mdeia/sda6/downloads/game..02:54
jribsmooker4: that is the full error?02:55
jribsmooker4: you need to copy and paste errors, not retype them02:55
cabrioleurubuntu__, try "sudo modprobe msdos" before you mount.02:55
cafuegosmooker4: Check that your user account has write permission AND that sda6 isn't in fact full.02:55
smooker4Error: Failed to create parent directory '/media/sda6/downloads/Unreal.Tournament.3-AVENGEDd' (allocateFiles:/avd-ut3.iso)02:56
TmangAnyone available to privately converse on the philosophy of Linux? Personal assessment I suppose...02:56
smooker4thats the full error02:56
RazzoRzscguy318: ok i see the /proc/asound/card0/codec#0:Codec: SigmaTel STAC9200  ( now what? )02:56
ghostDoes anyone know of a app or driver to give reiserfs support to xp and vista?02:56
scguy318RazzoRz: read the suggestions02:56
jribsmooker4: cafuego makes a good point, does 'df -h' say sda6 is full?02:56
scguy318ghost: theres a read-only one I think, dunno name or link02:56
cabrioleursmooker4, do you ave the writing permission (I feel bed to support piracy)?02:56
smooker4i reformated my pc before 3 days its not full02:56
jribsmooker4: he has write permissions to sda602:57
cafuegoghost: It's highly unlikely such a thing exists.02:57
dark_ninjaghost: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/susenovell-60/accessing-reiserfs-from-windows-xp-380966/02:57
Dankchildhey i just created a new partition, if i install windows to it, will it interfere with GRUB?02:57
nerdsquad3210isnt sda an external drive ?02:57
cafuegosmooker4: Can you check first and THEN say it's not full?02:57
scguy318Dankchild: yes, see !grub02:57
ghostthanks dark02:57
RazzoRzScguy318: wow sorry i must be blind...02:57
ghostthanks dark_ninja02:57
vanbergeanybody willing to offer up their opinion on the best/easiest/most compatible wlan adapter for a laptop?  I was thinking linksys WPC54G   :-)  thanks in advance02:57
djtigerwolfwhat do i need to know on making a linux operating systwm to make it?02:57
RazzoRzi dont see the Suggestions02:57
smooker4i checked02:57
cabrioleurDankchild, if grub is in mbr. It will not if grub is in the first partition :-)02:57
smooker4its not full02:57
nerdsquad3210isnt sda an external drive ?02:57
jrib!who | smooker402:57
ubotusmooker4: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)02:57
scguy318RazzoRz: bottom of page?02:58
cafuegovanberge: An atheros based one would probably be best.02:58
yaronerdsquad3210: No, sda isn't always external.02:58
blah569I've used Ubuntu countless of times, and I really like it, but most of the stuff I do is Windows-related. I think that it would be a hassle to have to find alternatives/use WINE to run most of my Windows-only applications. Can anyone give me some convincing reasons/sites to look at to actually convince me to switch to Ubuntu? I've read all the way through http://www.whylinuxisbetter.net.02:58
smooker4dev/sda6              49G  180M   46G   1% /media/sda602:58
scguy318RazzoRz: theres like 6 workarounds and the thing at the bottom of the page might be relevant02:58
RazzoRzYep i am blind02:58
kelsinnerdsquad3210: no, it's one that uses the scsi subsystem, DATA drives count02:58
cafuegovanberge: Note that linksys and other manufacturers have a habit of changing chipsets without changing model (or revision) numbers.02:58
scguy318blah569: what do you do?02:58
jribsmooker4: ok, ls -ld /media/sda6/downloads/'02:58
nerdsquad3210jrib: isnt sda supossed to be an external drive ?02:58
cafuegosmooker4: Is sda6 an ntfs disk?02:58
Dankchildcabrioleur: yeah, its on the second partition..02:58
cabrioleurnerdsquad3210, not enymore :-)02:58
kelsinblah569: if you have windows only apps that you can't live without linux might not be for you02:58
jribnerdsquad3210: not necessarily02:58
TmangAnyone willing to give some time to talk to a newb at Linux?02:58
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:58
vanbergecafuego, an atherios one?  i thought those were 'hard to use' or hard to get working?02:59
scguy318Tmang: if you've got a question, you may ask it here, if OT talk you can head on over to #ubuntu-offtopic or PM me02:59
cafuegosmooker4: Can you create files in the directory in question when on the commandline?02:59
blah569I want to use Linux thoug.02:59
scguy318blah569: what do you do?02:59
cafuegovanberge: Not really.02:59
jribcafuego: yes, he has02:59
scguy318blah569: on Windows02:59
smooker4yes i created one02:59
jribto sda6 anyway02:59
blah569I mainly do PHP, C++, etc, but I also do Flash.02:59
cabrioleurDankchild, if grub is on the second partition then it will not. However, if you did not modify anything from ubuntu install it's in mbr and it will destroy it :-)02:59
* cafuego shuts up02:59
michaelwhats the command for installing ndiswrapper02:59
smooker4but with browser or torrent i cant02:59
nerdsquad3210smooker you need to set uid 66602:59
vanbergecafuego, i'm looking for "plug it in, use it with WPA2, and dont have to mess with ndiswrapper"02:59
blah569Also, .NET.02:59
blah569And Photoshop CS3.03:00
scguy318michael: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SetupNdiswrapperHowto03:00
cabrioleurmichael "apt-get install ndiswrapper"03:00
nerdsquad3210or was it 777 ?03:00
michaelty ty03:00
cafuegovanberge: Yes, atheros. The nice intel ones don't come as external cards.03:00
scguy318blah569: for programming there are some IDEs of interest on Linux, Flash probably have to run on Wine, if that works03:00
cafuegovanberge: Though I don't know if they do WPA2/.03:00
blah569Flash 8 works on WINE, as I've heard, but Flash CS3 doesn't, I think.03:00
scguy318blah569: .NET devel mebbe Mono/MonoDevelop, CS3 ehhh good luck with that, GIMP may or may not be for you03:00
kelsinblah569: well code editing is great on linux, there are equivalent (maybe not equal to, but close) versions of everything else except flash03:00
blah569I prefer Photoshop over Gimp.03:01
vanbergecafuego, do you use wlan ?03:01
blah569"The Gimp"03:01
scguy318smooker4: what's your fstab?03:01
blah569I mainly do programming.03:01
smooker4what means fstab ?03:01
cafuegovanberge: yup03:01
vanbergecafuego, do you use WPA2 ?  :-)03:01
lwizard1anyone here use a kworld atsc110 tv card in ubuntu?03:01
scguy318smooker4: /etc/fstab?03:01
scguy318smooker4: you are mounting your NTFS part with NTFS-3G and proper fstab entry right?03:01
cafuegovanberge: WPA1-PEAP afaik03:01
blah569I'd partion my hard drive and keep Windows, but I can't see a reason to actually install Ubuntu.03:01
nerdsquad3210fstab is the dir were the system looks for mounting points03:02
kelsinblah569: I suggest dual booting then, it sounds like you are very attached to the couple of windows-only uses03:02
jribhow about *one* person help smooker4, I give up03:02
smooker4my partition is ext303:02
vanbergecafuego - that would be fine with me... do you have an atheros card?03:02
kelsinblah569: well until you try it and realize the power, esp when coding, you probably never will03:02
sethkblah569, if the performance off the cd is adequate for you, then there is no need.03:02
scguy318nerdsquad3210: fstab isn't a directory, it's a file03:02
nerdsquad3210can i help smooker4 ?03:02
vanbergecafuego, right now i can only get my card to connect WEP by using ndiswrapper03:02
nerdsquad3210pls pls pls03:02
cafuegovanberge: Atheros, Intel and broadcom. They all work just fine.03:02
peacepipej1triple booting. xp, buntu and studio. Is there a recommenced spot for /swap for best results? tween buntu and studio fr example or does it not matter03:02
scguy318nerdsquad3210: if you have relevant info, go for it03:03
smooker4help then y ure asking :(03:03
kelsinpeacepipej1: where swap is doesn't matter at all, if you have one partition they can both use it fine03:03
nerdsquad3210how very relevant03:03
scguy318peacepipej1: don't sweat too much over swap, if you need to be using swap adding RAM is probably a good idea :)03:03
wease|anybody miss me>03:03
scguy318jc_denton: hello03:03
peacepipej1kelsin: k,thx03:03
blah569I may just buy another computer and install Ubuntu on that, and use that computer as my "test my software for Ubuntu" computer.03:04
=== smooker4 is now known as smookerPC1
normanhave anyone any luck with gusty network printing03:04
nerdsquad3210blah569: just install 2 ubuntus on the same computer03:04
cabrioleurnorman, sure. avahi + samba03:05
scguy318nerdsquad3210: why two?03:05
smookerPC1so.. i guess ill have to move all torrents from my desktop to sda6, not just save them there.03:05
cafuegoblah569: Ubuntu installs and runs just fine in vmware03:05
cwollmandoes any one know of a program to run in the cammand line that is a podcast download utility03:05
sethknorman, sure03:05
TmangI know your a busy fellow scguy318 but I Pm'd you when your available03:05
blah569I have emulated Ubuntu in vBox, but it crashes on my Vista, but it ran fine on my XP, which this laptop doesn't have anymore :(.03:05
scguy318!register > Tmang (see PM from ubotu)03:05
nerdsquad3210why not qemu ?03:05
blah569I never understood qemu03:06
CommonClonegparted and the installer do not detect my IDE HD, can someone help please?03:06
normani have 2 ubuntu machine one desktop one laptop ,did not think i need samba03:06
scguy318blah569, nerdsquad3210: QEMU is pretty darn slow without the acceleration module or w/e its called03:06
nerdsquad3210vmware isnt open source03:06
cafuegoHow well does qemu run under windows?03:06
jc_dentoncan someone help me? i like to know how to check parameters of my parallelport (i got a x1541 cable connected to a 1541 c64 floppy drive)03:06
dark_ninjanorman, you don't, you can just configure cups to share03:06
djtigerwolfwhat do i need to know about making an os to make it?03:06
cabrioleurCommonClone, did you try to look for it in the menu?03:06
dark_ninjathere a gui for that in gutsy, btw03:06
scguy318cafuego: not very well when I was testing a ReactOS image03:07
cafuegonerdsquad3210: The bios in your computer is also not open source. But you're still using it.03:07
sethkjc_denton, you can find info about the hardware in the /sys directory03:07
CommonClonecabrioleur: which menu?03:07
nerdsquad3210so is the hardware03:07
scguy318cafuego: I tried fiddling with acceleration service driver or w/e it's called, but I wasn't particularly versed in the knowledge03:07
jc_dentonk i look there03:07
scguy318nerdsquad3210: exactly03:07
=== Tmang is now known as Trilobyte
cabrioleurCommonClone, I think in top right corner there was a disk chooser, a simple pool-out menu.03:08
nerdsquad3210thats why hardware and software are verydifrent03:08
normandark tried  using the gui no luck can you point me to a doc03:08
=== Trilobyte is now known as Nidhogg
=== Nidhogg is now known as Ogre
cafuegonerdsquad3210: I'm a firm believer in the right-tool-for-the-job philosophy. it makes so much easier.03:09
cabrioleurnorman, samba will give you more control and compatibility, so I recommend.03:09
blah569Bah, I just wis I had some convinceing reasons to actually use Ubuntu.03:09
CommonClonecabrioleur: in the installer?03:09
=== Ogre is now known as Union
nerdsquad3210cafuego: what made you comr from debian to ubuntu ?03:09
dark_ninjanorman, if you're in the mood for editing your cups config, here: http://occy.net/printing03:09
=== Union is now known as POW
cabrioleurCommonClone, I don't know much about gui's. I did it manually. It took ab. 15 min.03:10
=== POW is now known as Positronic
cabrioleurCommonClone, sorry, yes03:10
CommonClonecabrioleur: how do I do it manually03:10
dark_ninjathis might also help: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=16388203:10
cafuegonerdsquad3210: Less PITA to get a decent desktop up and running.03:10
T70K5I have a question. A virus that is written for windows, will it effect linux?03:10
scguy318T70K5: no03:10
cabrioleurCommonClone, manually what. edit partition? open terminal and type parted.03:10
T70K5thx scguy31803:11
cabrioleurCommonClone, or sudo parted.03:11
CommonClonecabrioleur: ok03:11
bazhang_T70K5: no03:11
nerdsquad3210some virus are system independent03:11
T70K5what do you mean by that?03:11
nerdsquad3210thaey run both on windows and linux03:11
cabrioleurT70K5, if you run it in wine, in some circumstances, there is a chance for some...03:11
nerdsquad3210and java for that mater03:12
scguy318nerdsquad3210: Java is a poor platform for malware, slow, and what's there to exploit?03:12
T70K5oh ok03:12
kiyoshi_wolfcan someone tell me if there is a way to put media controls on the taskbar? like rewind skip and stuff?03:12
nerdsquad3210scguy318: knolege is power hid it well ;D03:12
kiyoshi_wolflike wmp does when minimized03:12
jc_denton0378-037a : parport0  guess i found it?03:12
CommonClonecabrioleur: I'm on the live cd, I dont think it will let me03:13
blah569Does anyone know of another site besides http://www.whylinuxisbetter.com that has convincing reasons to use Ubuntu?03:13
dark_ninjat70k5, there are root kits designed specifically for linux, but those are extremely rare, and there has never been a "real" propagating virus that has effectively exploited a GNU/Linux system03:13
blah569Meh, I guess I can do some Googling.03:13
bazhang_kiyoshi_wolf: yes it is possible03:13
MACscr1077Anyone know if its possible to dedicated a cpu to a virtual machine?03:13
cabrioleurCommonClone, pull-out the menu Administration -> partitioning03:13
kelsinblah569: just use it, it's a better way of using a computer, you control it, it's free, it's open, try it for a week and see, nothing ot lose03:13
MACscr1077Would be cool to get a quad core cpu and run an OS on each one03:13
cafuegoMACscr1077: Yes, you can.03:13
aedoes anyone know how apache2 knows to display phpmyadmin ? its not in the /var/www folder or in the sites-enabled folder..?03:13
scguy318MACscr1077: you can't really do that if you mean natively, unless you mean some sort of hypervisor solution03:14
cabrioleurCommonClone, I think the password for sudo in live-cd is the same as login: ubuntu03:14
bazhang_kiyoshi_wolf: how adept are you at scripting?03:14
CommonClonecabrioleur: it says no devices detected and wont let me use the menus03:14
pWhat is the best way to convert five wmv files to an xvid video file?03:14
cafuegoit's better to have the hypervisor do it and give 3 CPUs to a REALLY BUSY vm and let the other three idle on a single cpu.03:14
smookerPC1MACscr1077 with VMWare u can :) i runned in XP 2 Oss before, on AthlonX203:14
kiyoshi_wolfuh not at all03:14
dsnydersHI all!  How do I delete files/folders before a particular date?  I want to clean up some log files.03:14
bazhang_p: why would you want to do that?03:14
cabrioleurblah569, there is not much convincing reasons to use ubuntu at all.03:14
Rubinae: look in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled03:14
MACscr1077Im playing with parallels currently03:15
tanlaananyone else having problems with firefox installing the flash plugin automatically?03:15
Rubinae: though i thought it used to be a symlink in /var/www03:15
cafuegoMACscr1077: Of course, 4 cores doesn't limit you to 4 OSes.03:15
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:15
CommonClonecabrioleur: it says no devices detected and wont let me use the menus03:15
MACscr1077Was thinking about running xp, ubuntu, osx, and vista =P03:15
pbazhang_, because two reasons: I want to cat this 5 files in just 1 file. And I want to be free from microsoft plugins03:15
* cafuego runs 12-odd Linux installs on the one box.03:15
scguy318tanlaan: issue?03:15
smookerPC112 wow!03:15
tanlaanscguy318: I'm getting a constant md5sum mismatch while installing it03:15
nerdsquad3210p whats are the names of the files ?03:15
cabrioleurCommonClone, open terminal, and type cfdisk03:15
bazhang_p: best ask in ##windows03:16
cabrioleursorry "sudo cfdisk"03:16
CommonClonecabrioleur: ok03:16
pnerdsquad3210, file1.wmv file2.wmv file3.wmv...03:16
kiyoshi_wolfwell never mind banshee is close enough03:16
CommonClonecabrioleur: says cannot open disk drive03:16
kelsinae: check /etc/apache2/conf.d as well03:16
tanlaanscguy318: which for some reason makes it think it's installed when really it says that it wasn't installed *and when you go to a page with flash it doesn't show up*03:16
dark_ninjadsnyders: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/linux-newbie/18849-delete-files-older-than-set-date-number-hours.html03:16
nerdsquad3210i dont belive you03:16
pbazhang_, I'm over ubuntu... I'm trying to do my job using mencoder.. Why do I need to ask for a windows user?03:16
scguy318tanlaan: try doing sudo aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree?03:17
bazhang_p: to see if its even possible03:17
* chalcedony waves03:17
cabrioleurCommonClone, check the cables :-)03:17
jribsmooker4: what is the output of 'ls -ld /media/sda6/downloads/'03:17
pbazhang_, off course it is possible to convert.. but I'm looking for the best way03:17
robdigdsnyders: you can use the find command03:17
cafuegoLunch time!03:17
bazhang_p: then use the way you know :}03:18
cabrioleurgo to /dev and type "ls sd*". do you see something?03:18
CommonClonecabrioleur: cables are all good, vista is on it, but it quit working03:18
nerdsquad3210bazhang_: LOL03:18
kelsinp: don't know, but I would probably start looking at mencoder from mplayer first off03:18
pbazhang_, not working good.. I'm loosing some frames and the audio is being desyncronized03:18
aekelsin: thanks03:18
pkelsin, yes.. I'm trying it too!03:18
cabrioleurCommonClone, can you at least start loading vista, or it just gives up from the beginning?03:18
tanlaanscguy318: that should end  up being the same as if I do sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree which gives me that error also *along with the plugin thing for firefox*03:18
CommonCloneit will go to the login03:18
CommonClonecabrioleur: it will go to the login03:19
bazhang_nerdsquad3210: :}03:19
CommonClonecabrioleur: but thats it03:19
cabrioleurCommonClone, type "ls /dev/sd*". can you see anything?03:19
aethanks for the help finding the phpahmin reference - it was in conf.d :)03:19
CommonClonecabrioleur: do I have to sudo that03:20
bazhang_nethuman: this is an English channel03:20
cabrioleurCommonClone, no03:20
nerdsquad3210how is it that the sudo command is suposed to make ubuntu safer ?03:20
Rubinnerdsquad3210, one less password to be brute forced03:20
CommonClonecabrioleur: says "ls: do such file or directory03:20
cabrioleurbazhang_, this is a channel for everybody, regardless language etc.03:21
CaptainMorgananyone have trouble installing netbeans 6.0 on Gutsy? the installer for me hangs at "/usr/share/themes/Glossy/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:35: error: lexical error or unexpected token, expected valid token" maybe a different theme is called for?03:21
kelsinnerdsquad3210: it helps enforce the proper way to do things, not just opening root shells all over the place03:21
CommonClonei mean ls: /dev/sd*; No such file or directory03:21
bazhang_cabrioleur: agreed--as long as they speak English03:21
nerdsquad3210acant i sudo using several shell at once ?03:21
scguy318!sudo | nerdsquad321003:22
ubotunerdsquad3210: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.03:22
scguy318nerdsquad3210: that's the discussion for your information03:22
cabrioleurbazhang_, free yourself. speak French!03:22
zetheroowhere are all the avid GIMP users?03:22
nerdsquad3210cant i sudo using several shell at once ?03:22
bazhang_merci cabrioleur03:22
CommonClonecabrioleur: says "ls: /dev/sd*; do such file or directory03:22
cabrioleurbazhang_, de nada.03:22
cabrioleurCommonClone, did you try any other distribution?03:23
CommonClonecabrioleur: no03:23
CommonClonecabrioleur: but I can03:23
cabrioleurCommonClone, that would be a good idea. Ubuntu is pranky sometimes.03:23
CommonClonecabrioleur: ok03:23
CaptainMorganzetheroo, right here03:23
dark_ninjahelp -l03:24
Mikkelhi, I have a newbie SSH question...03:25
djangelohi everybody...03:25
bazhang_!ask | Mikkel03:25
ubotuMikkel: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:25
MikkelI'm trying to get a process to persist after I close the SSH session (running a remote server so that's my only access)03:25
Mikkelheh, sorry :)03:25
kelsinMikkel: look into screen03:26
Mikkelokay, thanks03:26
kelsinMikkel:  you run screen on the remote server, run your stuff in there, then Ctrl-a D to disconnect, then you can exit and when you log in later you can "screen -r" to bring it back03:26
Palintheusyes screen is very useful I use it with irssi03:26
zetherooCaptainMorgan: your the avid GIMP user?03:26
kelsinMikkel: there are lots of screen tutorials out there, it's a great tool :) I do also Palintheus03:26
filthgreetings chaps!03:27
dippyis there any way to get AWN to have stacks, like leopard?03:27
filthCould someone please help me out?03:27
Palintheus!ask | filth03:27
ubotufilth: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)03:27
scguy318!ask | filth03:27
Mikkelgreat, thanks for the help... wasn't sure what to search for :)03:27
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filthOh thank you ubotu03:28
pike__i need a torrent client that allows you to set a minimun free disk space i just spent 30 min walking a relative through freeing up space in single user shell any suggestions?03:28
dippytell her to stop downloading so much03:28
filthI have issues with games (warsow and sauerbraten) and my audio driveers, or rather, lack of audio drivers. However to add a twist, Amarok still plays audio no worries03:28
CaptainMorganzetheroo, it's "you're" not your03:29
Rubinpike_, make a partition for your data, and save the torrents there.. when its full its full, without taking down your box03:29
CaptainMorgananyone using netbeans on Gutsy ?03:29
scguy318filth: those games use OSS?03:29
frank_Capt I have03:29
dippySTACKS in AWN?03:29
kelsinpike__: rtorrent can do that, a long with lots of other stuff, it's a command line torrent client though, I love it03:29
filthI am not too sure, i think SDL?03:29
joelmontes01hello everyone03:29
pike__yeah.. i guess ill need to make a shared partition or somesuch itll need to be gui03:29
CaptainMorganzetheroo, don't send pm's without asking first03:29
kelsinpike__: well... actually rtorrant can be setup so any .torrents you drop in a file start up03:30
kelsinpike__: so if it's setup write could be the easiest of them all03:30
zetherooCaptainMorgan: so now that you have corrected me on 2 accounts of illegal conduct ... can I ask my question?03:30
joelmontes01I need to format a hard drive and I want to make sure the data is completely erased. What tool can I use (gui is the best option for me). Thanks03:30
kelsinpike__: right*03:30
warriorforgodWould a laptop with a 1.1 Ghz processor, 30 GB Hard drive, and 512 MB of ram be enough to run a light webserver?03:30
CaptainMorganzetheroo, don't ask to ask - that's three. go lookup channel etiquette03:31
kelsinwarriorforgod: def, depends on your definition of "light" of course, but I think so03:31
bazhang_CaptainMorgan: ease up03:31
filthWarsow uses Openal and Fg or something03:31
Rubinwarriorforgod, of course. webservers have been in existance since the 80s03:31
pike__joelmontes01: there is a 'wipe' application but if youre using journaling which ext3 is then its a question of how sure you want to be. a simple rm *; cat /dev/urandom > file.txt; rm file.txt might work as well03:31
zetherooCaptainMorgan: ok... three offences .... can PM you now?03:32
dsnydersjoelmontes01, you may want to look into a secure erase tool if it is important that the data be irretrievable.03:32
joelmontes01pike_, the harddrive had windows before hand03:32
filthPlase someone help me :(03:32
Rubinzetheroo, just ask your question, here in this channel, so we all can see if we know the answer. come on..03:32
warriorforgodOK, next question.  How could I take an installed webserver and clone it to the laptop hard drive?03:32
Palintheuszetheroo: ask your question in channel, more people to help03:32
filthive looked on forums to no success03:32
scguy318filth: what's the exact nature of the issues? any logs to paste?03:32
Rubinwarriorforgod, erm. you want to clone the whole OS and everything?03:32
frank_So, Im pretty knew at this, and I'm having trouble with my wireless card, right now I'm wired, and I was wondering if anyone else has a D Link DWL 570 or could help me figure out my issue03:32
filthone second03:32
warriorforgodRubin: yes03:33
frank_feel free to PM me03:33
pike__joelmontes01: at my work we have very strick standards for data so that wouldnt work but if its a personal comp it should be fine03:33
Rubinwarriorforgod, theres a freebsd tool calld G4U that can do that for you..03:33
cabrioleurwarriorforgod, dd :-)03:33
CaptainMorganzetheroo, not right now, too busy -- just shout your question, it probably would've been answered in this time you've spent03:33
nevhoodHello everyone, when I plug in my headphones, the speakers do not mute.  My sound driver is snd-hda-intel (Realtek High Definition Audio), I have the latest alsa packages, what's wrong?03:33
zetheroocan you open CMYL PSD files in the GIMP?03:33
kelsinzetheroo: no03:33
pike__joelmontes01: just format it ext3 then cat /dev/urandom > /media/myhardrive/file.txt or something03:33
ubotuNOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting, remember to mention the nickname of the person you're addressing, and join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for understanding!03:34
kelsinzetheroo: right now gimp's internal engine is completely 8bit rgb03:34
pike__kelsin: ill consider rtorrent03:34
kelsinpike__: you can set it up so all torrents in a folder get run until space is low or a ratio limit is set (or many other things), will take a sec to setup right, but then requires no thought03:34
orochi_Wow...crazy flooding going on in the other channel03:35
smultronif i order a T1 line, i'd need a T1 card, right? it's not just standard ethernet?03:35
jonezthat was... neat03:35
jonezsmultron: correct.03:35
CaptainMorganamazing that the DCC hack is still affecting people03:35
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jsoftwwhat dcc hack03:36
zetheroook... has this room stopped its glitching?03:36
riotkittie CaptainMorgan: not that amazing. people are 1 - uninformed and/or 2: lazy03:36
itrebaldid I excess flood in here?03:36
orochi_Anyway :> Hello...I'm creating a GPG key so that I can sign e-mail correspondences over webmail...what would be a reasonable key size to ensure that the e-mails can't be read by, e.g. Google's casual scanning for advertisments? :>03:36
zetheroogosh that was nerve-wrecking03:36
smultronjonez: do they sell any converter boxes or anything like that?03:36
riotkittieonly four?03:36
Eje004So, Im pretty knew at this, and I'm having trouble with my wireless card, right now I'm wired, and I was wondering if anyone else has a D Link DWL 570 or could help me figure out my issue03:36
kelsinorochi_: pretty much anything, the default gpg key size is plenty03:37
naliothCaptainMorgan: it wasn't a dcc hack.  we can discuss it in #ubuntu-offtopic03:37
Eje004feel free to PM me03:37
scguy318!wifi | Eje00403:37
ubotuEje004: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:37
scguy318Eje004: [21:24:06] <scguy318> well, it's the only one I've used so far03:37
scguy318[21:24:09] <scguy318> so yeah I guess03:37
Eje004I looked at all that03:37
Rubinorochi_, gpg has a readme that explains the keysizes03:37
Ashfire908xchat users: to flush you send q, use the command /FLUSHQ03:37
scguy318Eje004: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SetupNdiswrapperHowto may be of interest03:37
zetherooumm.... I was asking about the GIMP ... and the whole room just become a mess ... so I had to close Pidgin to stop all these error messages from appearing..... anyone answer my question?03:37
kelsinzetheroo: gimp's engine is only rgb 8bit03:38
CaptainMorgannalioth, no thanks03:38
orochi_kelsin, Rubin: Thanks, I'll take both of those into consideration :> Maybe I'll take a look at the whole README anyway03:38
kelsinzetheroo: it can not open cmyk or anything above 8bits per channel03:38
itrebalis it possible to change a user's password if tye don't remember what it is?03:38
kelsinitrebal: root can, (or a sudo user)03:38
itrebalroot is disabled, and theres only one account03:39
nevhoodHello everyone, on my Toshiba laptop with Realtek High Definition Audio (snd-hda-intel), the speakers do not mute when headphones are plugged in.  I am running the latest alsa packages.  Any suggestions?03:39
zetherookelsin: ok... see I heard that using a Plugin you can open CMYK images which will be converted to RGB  -- which is how they can be edited --- and then you can save them again as CMYK......03:39
kelsinitrebal: then no, you can mount that drive from a live cd probably and do it03:39
kelsinzetheroo: probably, google for it, imagemagick (convert etc) can probably do that too, but for editing them, no03:40
itrebalare the passwords stored in /etc/shaddow unique to a specific computer? or can any computer generate them03:40
jerbearcould there be a frickin update that doesn't kill suspend??03:40
riotkittiejerbear: no. :P03:40
Rubinitrebal, you mean can you copy them from one to another? yes03:40
techqbertany1 know where I can get an webmail e-mail address w/o typing a billion forms?  I'd prefer an obscure site.03:40
itrebalok, thanks03:40
zetherookelsin: also why is there a CMYL panel in the GIMP?03:40
jerbeari'm assuming there are others who have broken suspend?03:40
kelsinitrebal: any computar with the same crypt() function (which is pretty much all) can03:40
Rubinjerbear, suspend/hibernate is a kinda risky endevor with linux still these days03:40
smookermy other PC got forwarded to another channel03:41
jerbearRubin: seemed to work perfectly with feisty...03:41
kelsinzetheroo: what panel are you talking about?03:41
Rubinjerbear, its working ok for me .. its hardware dependant03:41
Rubinjerbear, try searching for your laptop, and ubuntu or linux on google..03:41
dsnyderstechqbert, have you tried your isp?  Most of them have web interfaces for email these days.03:41
jerbearRubin: like i said, it worked perfectly in feisty and it worked for a while in gutsy... it only broke with the latest os updates... hardly a hardware issue03:42
kelsinzetheroo: do you mean the cmyk color selector?03:42
techqbertdsnyders: I need an obscure e-mail provider.  I have gmail comcast hotmail accts03:42
Rubinjerbear, could still be. depends on what drivers you have loaded etc03:42
zetherookelsin: I open the GIMP and in the Layers. Channels etc panel there is a CMYK color selector03:42
Rubinjerbear, what happens?03:42
jerbearRubin: don't think so, sorry.... nothing has changed except for the latest update03:43
kelsinzetheroo: yeah just a color selector, images are only internally respresented as 8-bit rgb03:43
jerbearRubin: it seems to suspend fine, but when it tries to resume, it goes into this endless loop of nothing, then a black screen with mouse, then nothing03:43
zetherookelsin: ok... but you can import and export CMYK to and from RGB with the help of a Plugin ... right!?03:43
=== itrebal is now known as [itrebal_sleep]
Rubinjerbear, sounds like X is crashing/restarting/crashing hmm03:44
Rubinjerbear, what kind of videocard?03:44
kelsinzetheroo: you said that not me, probably, that would make sense03:44
jerbearRubin: intel mobile 915gm/gms/910gml express graphics03:45
AgentHeXanyone know how i can get Pidgin to load on startup?03:45
alfermp_i have that one jerbear03:45
zetheroohas anyone here ever had success importing a CMYK PSD file into the GIMP using a plugin?03:45
scguy318AgentHeX: System -> Preferences -> Sessions -> last tab03:45
alfermp_AgentHeX, got to03:45
Rubinjerbear, hmm that chipset is still a bit buggy driverwise from what i have read. what laptop is it?03:45
scguy318AgentHeX: then jam the save session button with Pidgin running03:45
jerbearalfermp_: yeh, i doubt it has anything to do with the vid card03:45
jerbearRubin: no problems with vid card... works fine03:46
[gquit]bombadili just installed a bunch of updates, and now when i start pidgin it gets stuck in some sort of infinite loop03:46
AgentHeXscguy318: perfect, thanks.03:46
alfermp_AgentHeX,  system > preference > sessions03:46
Rubinjerbear, you are having problems though...03:46
[gquit]bombadildoes anyone know where pidgin keeps its config files03:46
techqbertwhat's the best vncviewer in the repos?03:46
stibI'm having trouble restoring a linux partition. I copied the partition using dd and installed grub but when I boot I get a kernel panic: "not synching VFS: unable to mount root fs on unknown block(0,0)" thoughts anyone?03:46
AgentHeXalfermp_: got it already, thanks.03:46
AgentHeXscguy318: now, might you know how to get the nvidia restricted driver to work in Xen?03:46
jerbearRubin: not with my video card... how you got to video card problems from suspend not working is beyond me03:47
scguy318AgentHeX: not really unfortunately03:47
Rubinjerbear, just guessing03:47
Rubinthats usually where suspend falls down03:47
kelsinAgentHeX: in a xen Dom0 or DomU?03:47
jerbearRubin: i've never seen that03:47
zetherooanyone know how to get Skype to follow the rest of Ubuntu font size and look?03:47
jerbearRubin: not to say that it's not possible... just never seen it03:48
Rubinjerbear, try ctrl-alt-f1 a few times after resume, see if you can get a text console03:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about governors - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:48
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about governor - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi03:48
riotkittiewhatcha wanna know about governors?03:48
jerbearRubin: that's a good idea.. i'll try that... at least it will tell me if it's X or not03:48
Rubinjerbear, also try looking in /var/log/Xorg.*03:48
scguy318lgc: the governor in California wouldn't mind terminating processes :P03:49
HashBoxhey quick question guys, if I ran a 32 bit OS, could I still run 64 bit applications? or does the OS need to be 32 bit?03:49
stibzetheroo: try looking for your DPI settings in Xorg03:49
riotkittie HashBox the app needs to be 32 bit, afaik03:49
kelsinHashBox: if you mean apps compiled for 64bit no03:49
jerbearRubin: nothing out of the ordinary there03:49
Rubinjerbear, is it a thinkpad?03:50
jerbearRubin: yes, t4303:50
[gquit]bombadilwhat is the command to upgrade your kernel in 7.10?03:50
Rubinjerbear, oh, try adding the .. what was it. 1 sec03:50
zenwrylyHow can I find out what is running on a given port?  localhost:8082 returns a web page and I'm wondering what it is.03:51
Rubinjerbear, try adding acpi_sleep=s3_bios03:51
kelsinzenwryly: "sudo lsof | grep 8082" will help, you can also nmap yourself03:51
jerbearRubin: to what? the kernel options?03:51
Rubinto your boot config (/boot/grub/menu.1st, after ro quiet splash)03:51
jerbearRubin: do you have any docs on that?03:52
jerbearRubin: or links03:52
Rubinon editing menu.1st or on the acpi thing?03:52
jerbearRubin: just curious to what it is before i add it03:52
zenwrylykelsin: thanks, I'll try that03:52
Rubinjerbear, i had to do that on my T61 before suspend worked03:52
Rubini got it off the thinkwiki.org page03:52
jerbearRubin: i'll see if i can find some info on it03:53
jerbearRubin: may jump off irc to test03:53
Rubinacpi is the bios interface that suspend uses03:53
Rubinand that puts it into some other mode03:53
jerbearRubin: going to try it out... brb03:54
macabro22how do I add a directory to my PATH??03:54
jribmacabro22: why?03:54
kelsinmacabro22: the system path is in /etc/environment , or you can add a line to your .bashrc03:54
macabro22jrib: I want  to add skype to my path03:54
jribmacabro22: what is the full path to the skype binary?03:55
al-_-Girsomeone here use Digg ?03:55
greenmanspirithello, has anyone else had trouble with flash working on 64 bit ubuntu?03:55
macabro22jrib: ~/programas/skype/skype_static-$03:55
smugglehello all03:55
kelsingreenmanspirit: a lot of people, flash is a 32bit program, if you google you will find a lot03:56
jribmacabro22: easiest way is to just put a symlink in /usr/local/bin/03:56
ubotuYou can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava03:56
greenmanspiritkelsin: I just find it funny that the plugin is availible in the repos but it doesnt work03:56
macabro22jrib: how exactly?03:56
kelsingreenmanspirit: I was unaware the plugin was avaiable, on my 64bit servers it isn't03:56
jribmacabro22: sudo ln -s TARGET NAME03:56
smugglegreenmanspirit: i don't see big difference between 32bits and 64bits to end user... except the headache...rsrrsrs03:57
al-_-Girsomeone know about open source alternative to skype ?03:57
smugglegreenmanspirit: lol03:57
jribmacabro22: target will be the path to skype and name will be /usr/local/bin/skype03:57
scguy318al-_-Gir: Ekiga, though it can't utilize the Skype network03:57
scguy318greenmanspirit: if using Gutsy, just install the flashplugin-nonfree package03:57
jerbearRubin: worked like a charm, man... thanks for the tip03:57
macabro22jrib: so "sudo ln -s ~/programas/skype/skype_static-
macabro22jrib: just one thing03:57
jribmacabro22: no03:57
jerbearRubin: it actually seemed to resume almost 3 times as fast03:57
greenmanspiritscguy318: thats what I did and sites like youtube tell me that I do not have flash installed03:58
kelsingreenmanspirit: I take that back :) my servers are still running fiesty, unfortunately I don't know anything about 64 flash plugin since my servers don't need it03:58
macabro22jrib: I can't run skype by typing skype. I have to go to its directory and do ./skype03:58
scguy318greenmanspirit: strange, you're not using NoScript by any chance are you? :P03:58
jribmacabro22: yes, creating the symlink resolves that, but you did not write the correct command03:59
greenmanspiritscguy318: I don't know what that is, so im guessing no03:59
scguy318greenmanspirit: strange, try reinstalling flashplugin-nonfre by doing sudo aptitude reinstall flashplugin-nonfree03:59
chalcedonyi need to be able to use this for something i need to do, can anyone help me? spark_2_5_8.tar.gz  i untarred .. but now what?03:59
Chadwick|359Okay, strange question to be asking in an Ubuntu room, but does anybody know of a good backup program for Windows? I'm looking to back up to a rotating set of flash drives04:00
macabro22jrib: "sudo ln -s ~/programas/skype/skype_static-$ skype"?04:00
JDSBlueDevlhi, my computer is having problems.  I just rebooted, fsck is doing a check every 30 mounts, and it stopped at 70% and said "Duplicate or bad block in use"04:00
bazhangChadwick|359: why not ask in ##windows?04:00
JDSBlueDevlwhat does that mean?04:00
kelsinChadwick|359: I would read the README or INSTALL files in the tarball04:00
Jack_SparrowChadwick|359: you can clone partitions or drives with the dd command04:00
kelsinChadwick|359: rsync I think has a windows binary04:00
kelsinChadwick|359: that readme line was not for you sorry about that04:01
jribmacabro22: no, I'm not sure where you are getting the $ unless that is actually the name of the file.  And for name, you want to give /usr/local/bin/skype unless you are in /usr/local/bin/04:01
kelsinchalcedony: I would look at the README or INSTALL file in the tarball04:01
JDSBlueDevlcan anyone give an explanation?04:01
bazhangChadwick|359: also there is a program called windows backup (can't believe I know that)04:01
r00tintheb0xjrib or unless you have it in your $PATH.04:01
greenmanspiritscguy318: for some reason it says that there is an md5sum mismatch and that it is not installing the plugin04:01
Chadwick|359kelsin, heh, okay04:01
jribr00tintheb0x: nope04:01
scguy318greenmanspirit: can you pastebin? someone just said something about md5 a bit ago04:02
chalcedonykelsin: ty :) i looked at the read me.04:02
ayanphdoes anyone know why i'm getting a missing file when i try to upgrade from ubuntu 7.04 to 7.1 message says missing "Failed to fetch http://ph.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/u/ubufox/ubufox_0.4~beta1-0ubuntu4_all.deb 404 Not Found [IP: 80]"04:02
JDSBlueDevlcan anyone help with the "Duplicate or bad block in use" error I'm getting with fsck?04:02
tim167hello,  I want to make a searchable database of the content of all my harddisks, what's an easy way to do that ?04:02
kelsinayanph: as a side note, it's 7.10, not 7.1, but did you try again? Maybe you just got a bad mirror04:02
jribayanph: run 'sudo apt-get update'?  try a different mirror?04:02
bazhangayanph: could be a network connection most likely04:02
kelsintim167: locate04:03
sethktim167, you mean the file names, or the file contents?04:03
greenmanspiritscguy318: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46906/04:03
wasabiUm. What package has /usr/bin/aclocal?04:03
tim167kelsin, yes, but doesnt that only search the currently connected harddisks ?04:03
wasabiNo alternative in automake. Which is what I expected to see.04:03
Jack_SparrowJDSBlueDevl: the equivalent in windows is a cross linked file.. what is the format on that drive04:03
=== Ash908_Server is now known as Ashfire_Server
macabro22jrib: thanks I fixed it!04:03
tim167sethk i want to be able to search for a file, without the (usb-) disks all connected04:03
jribwasabi: automake *is* the package you want04:04
ayanphthanks for the headsup. i'm gonna try it now04:04
kelsintim167: I'm pretty sure you can connect them all, run a update to the db saving it to a different file, then run locate on that file04:04
tim167sethk so that i know what disk it is on, and also a search like that will be 100x faster that searching the actual disks04:04
wasabijrib: Guessed that much. What about the aclocal binary? THere are the various aclocal-N.M versions.04:04
JDSBlueDevlJack_Sparrow: ext304:04
sethktim167, you can use updatedb.  By default it will index all files, but you can use an argument to limit the files and write to a different database04:04
chalcedonykelsin: i don't see an 'install file' in `spark_2_5_8.tar.gz' 's buffer. how do i find it?04:04
kelsintim167: otherwise just connect all of the discs and do a big "find ." then save that in a file and grep04:04
Rubinhrm. anyone know where the compiz blacklist file is? i heard that my card should be supported now, but i still cant enable it04:05
sethkarguments, actually, one to change the data file and one to limit the indexed files04:05
kelsinchalcedony: I was saying you should see if there are any help files in the tarball, look for README and INSTALL and follow them04:05
sethktim167, there are other ways, you can make a list of all files, remove the ones in the directories you don't want, then sort the list.  With an editor you'll find the file you want in a few seconds04:05
scguy318greenmanspirit: gimme a sec04:05
sethktim167, locate is more automatic, obviously.  (updatedb makes the database, and locate uses the database)04:06
ayanphit's working so far04:06
ayanphthanks guys04:06
jribwasabi: what about them?  You get a version for the version of automake you installed and you use update-alternatives to configure it04:06
sethktim167, when you use an argument to change the data file with updatedb, you have to use the same argument with locate to tell it to use the file.04:06
wasabijrib: update-alternatives tells me there is no aclocal alternative04:06
greenmanspiritscguy318: is it possible that adobe updated the tar and that the package hasn't been updated to match it?04:06
jribwasabi: automake04:06
JDSBlueDevlJack_Sparrow: what do I do with the "Duplicate or bad block in use" thing, then, with an ext3 drive?04:06
tim167kelsin, sethk, ok I can try that, I'll have to look into man locate a bit more, especially to find out how to save the db to another file...04:06
tsukasaquestion, how do i fdisk a external usb drive04:06
wasabijrib: Yeah, and what about aclocal? heh04:07
interationhelp:how do i install yahoo messenger04:07
kelsintim167: after you complete you can just stick some alias's in .bashrc like "usb-search" "usb-update" or something04:07
Rubininteration, use pidgen instead04:07
jribwasabi: it updates aclocal as well (try)04:07
sethktim167, that part is easy, just -X /path (it's not X, I'll look up the specific argument, but you know what I mean)04:07
wasabiI'm asking because it didn't.04:07
jribwasabi: wfm04:07
tim167sethk can i incrementally add filelists from several harddisks to one locate db file (one after the other, i have not enough usb interfaces to connect all harddisks at once) ?04:07
sethktim167, use the long form:  locate --database=/path/to/file04:07
jribwasabi: what does aclocal point to now?04:08
kitofhawaiitsukasa: sudo fdisk /dev/<externaldriveid>04:08
sethktim167, I believe so, let me check.04:08
wasabijrib: Nothing. THe link does not exist.04:08
jribwasabi: purge automake and reinstall it04:08
Jack_SparrowJDSBlueDevl: sorry I was reading about your problem.  I found several references to the problem. but no soultions.  If you had a backup you could format the partition and reinstall it.. NOt a good choice I am sure04:09
Rubininteration, its an IM client that supports all the major services04:09
Rubininteration, used to be called gaim04:09
scguy318greenmanspirit: that's entirely possible04:09
scguy318greenmanspirit: lemme test reinstallation04:09
interationrubin: thank you04:09
sethktim167, I don't see a way to do that, however, what you can do is create a tree full of symbolic links with the same path name as the real files (when those files are mounted)04:09
jribwasabi: if you read the automake postinst files, you see what is supposed to happen04:10
wasabijrib: Heh. Did that, still nothing. Will read them.04:10
jribwasabi: does 'update-alternatives --display automake' list aclocal as a slave?04:11
chalcedonyRubin: i still have gaim .. ubuntu feisty04:11
tim167sethk, hmm that sounds complicated to me....  maybe i can just do updatedb specifieing a different filename each time, and then concatenate those afterwards ?04:11
wasabijrib: /etc/alternatives/aclocal exists... there's just no /usr/bin/aclocal04:11
Peddythere was a massive update today.. has anyone else got this (wondering if its just me)?04:11
sethktim167, yes, you can certainly do that04:11
scguy318greenmanspirit: I can confirm, I have a tar that works tho04:11
sethktim167, then you can write a wrapper script that queries each one04:11
treitterI'm trying to burn ~4.4 GiB of data to a DVD, but I only have 1.9 GiB free in /tmp. I've set my gconf key /apps/nautilus-cd-burner/temp_iso_dir to a location with plenty of room, but nautilus-cd-burner doesn't seem to respect it. Anyone know why it wouldn't?04:11
treitterthis guy seems to have the same problem as me: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=48428704:11
scguy318greenmanspirit: I can confirm, I have a tar that works tho04:11
sethktreitter, I'm not sure why, but rename /tmp, then make /tmp a symlink to the path with the space04:12
kelsintim167: looks like you can make a db of each and then in your .bashrc put them in a env var LOCATE_PATH04:12
jribwasabi: meh, may be easier to just create the symlink04:12
treittersethk: is that safe on a live system?04:12
wasabiyeah that's what i'm thinking.04:12
greenmanspiritscguy318: so is my best bet to sit and wait till the person in charge of the package fixes it?04:12
kelsintim167: it's in the locate man page, do then you can have locate search your system db and the db's for each usb drive04:12
wasabiI'm running update-alternatives manually and it's not working04:12
scguy318greenmanspirit: or I can give you the tar I have04:12
linuxftwumm so im in my /home$ how do i execute  chmod +x ./ipodpatcher on one fille named ipodpatcher?04:12
scguy318greenmanspirit: the package checks if you have a local copy and installs from there04:12
scguy318greenmanspirit: lemme pastebin04:12
whtatrying to play stepmania with the fglrx driver gives me a really flickery game window. how can i fix that?04:12
greenmanspiritscguy318: ok04:12
kelsinlinuxftw: you type "chmod +x ~/ipodpatcher" in a terminal04:12
sethktreitter, potentially something might have a file open in /tmp.  Use lsof to check04:13
tim167kelsin cool, thanks, I'll try it out04:13
treittersethk: yeah, a ton of ORBit files are open04:13
scguy318greenmanspirit: http://rapidshare.com/files/74380214/install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz.html04:13
jaruI just upgraded from Edgy to Feisty now I can't start normally I get Xserver is there a way to start in safe graphic mode? that usally works when I running Live CD but don't know how to do from hard drive boot04:14
scguy318greenmanspirit: after you save this04:14
scguy318greenmanspirit: tell me where you saved it and I'll tell you what command to do04:14
mosnouh, why would you use rapidshare for flashplayer?04:14
scguy318mosno: because Adobe updated their tarball, causing flashplugin-nonfree to whine about md5sum error04:14
scguy318mosno: this is the tarball that flashplugin-nonfree likes04:14
sethktim167, kelsin looks like you can do the same thing by setting --database=<path> to a directory, implying use all files in the directory.04:14
wasabithis is silly.04:15
scguy318greenmanspirit: looks like I'll file a bug if one hasn't already been reported04:15
jarustart normally I get Xserver is there a way to start in safe graphic mode? that usally works when I running Live CD but don't know how to do from hard drive boot04:15
Jack_Sparrowtreitter: you are trying to burn a dvd from the livecd, which will write a large temp file.  How much ram.. Sorry, I am a little slow and confused tonight04:15
tim167sethk heh nice :)04:15
wasabiit stopped installing 'automake't oo04:15
greenmanspiritscguy318: ok, I was going to do that if no one in here was able to help me04:15
mosnoscguy318: so how do you prevent the preinst of flashplugin-nonfree from fetching the crap version anyway?04:15
sethktim167, I wouldn't have found that if kelsin hadn't mentioned a path variable.04:15
treitterJack_Sparrow: not from a LiveCD, this is a full install. I've got 2 GiB of RAM, but that's not enough to cache the entire ISO before burning04:15
greenmanspiritscguy318: its on my desktop04:16
scguy318mosno: you stick the copy it wants into /var/cache/flashplugin-nonfree04:16
jansenqsorry about that.  screen went funny04:16
scguy318mosno: then it sees local copy, and installs from it04:16
treitterthis really wouldn't be a problem, but it looks like some bug is preventing nautilus-cd-burner from reading the appropriate gconf key04:16
mosnoscguy318: cool04:16
scguy318greenmanspirit: ok, do04:16
jarustart normally I get Xserver is there a way to start in safe graphic mode? that usally works when I running Live CD but don't know how to do from hard drive boot04:16
Jack_Sparrowtreitter: Sorry I saw your comment to sethk and thought you were talking about your system running live..04:16
scguy318greenmanspirit: sudo cp ~/Desktop/install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz /var/cache/flashplugin-nonfree04:17
jaruI just upgraded from Edgy to Feisty now I can't start normally I get Xserver is there a way to start in safe graphic mode? that usally works when I running Live CD but don't know how to do from hard drive boot04:17
scguy318greenmanspirit: then sudo aptitude reinstall flashplugin-nonfree04:17
sethktreitter, you might try adding the variable definition to .bashrc, to make sure it's seen by a subshell04:17
treitterI guess I could try k3b. Man, I wish it didn't come to this. That app makes me feel like I'm drowning in a see of superfluous widgets04:17
scguy318jaru: go to Recovery Console, do sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg and select vesa, then boot normally, if no work04:17
Jack_Sparrowjaru: hitting escape as you power up should get you to a menu for recovery mode04:17
sethktreitter, that shouldn't be necessary if the variable is exported, but it's a bug, so who knows?04:17
scguy318jaru: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, select vesa, follow prompts, boot normally04:18
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Dankchildhey guys i just installed windows, and i went to my computer and it didnt show this partiton, what should i do?04:18
linuxftwchmod +x ./ipodpatcher i akm trying to execute that command on a file in my home drive can anyone help me?04:18
treittersethk: which variable? It's a gconf key. And I've logged out and back in since setting it04:18
linuxftwdankchild.. um windows dosn't show up?04:18
linuxftwot linux?04:18
greenmanspiritscguy318: thanks a lot04:18
scguy318Dankchild: you need to install an ext2 partition04:18
scguy318Dankchild: I mean, driver04:18
Jack_SparrowDankchild: Does gparted show it..04:18
sethktreitter, I thought you were talking about an environment variable.  You would almost have to be, as the program runs (I believe) even if you aren't running gnome04:19
jaruscguy318: How do I access Recovery Consle04:19
greenmanspiritscguy318: its works perfectly now04:19
scguy318greenmanspirit: cool04:19
Dankchildyes gparted shows it.04:19
Dankchildk, i need a ext2 driver. makes sence04:19
scguy318Dankchild: you need to install ext2 driver from fs-driver.org04:19
jaruscguy318: is that where i press esc at beginng?04:19
scguy318jaru: yep04:19
Jack_SparrowDankchild: So it just isnt mounted in your ubuntu install since you just added it to the system.. Is that the issue so far04:19
RedHeron_So.... how long will my connection remain open?04:19
Dankchildaccually i need to install all of my drivers lol.04:19
DankchildJack_sparrow: no, my ubuntu partiton didnt show up in windows.04:20
* RedHeron_ is here 2x and after 5 days the connection still hasn't died.04:20
jaruscguy318: I edit the boot kernal to add those or do i just boou in recovery mode04:20
scguy318jaru: boot in recovery mode then run the command I mentioned04:20
RedHeron_the *first* connection, rather.04:20
jaruscguy318: thank you i will try now04:20
treittersethk: ah, no. I'm trying to use nautilus-cd-burner to burn a DVD, and it's not reading a gconf key, so it's trying to create a DVD ISO in /tmp, but my /tmp doesn't have enough room for it, so it's failing. nautilus-cd-burner would only be running if nautilus is running and I'm trying to burn a disc04:20
scguy318RedHeron_: IRC connection? nevar unless IRC server goes down for some reason04:20
Jack_SparrowDankchild: ext2f2_1_10c is the one I use04:20
bazhangRedHeron_: the connection to irc? or the internets?04:21
michaelanyone know the command to install/run ndiswrapper?04:21
scguy318michael: did you see my link?04:21
sethktreitter, do a chroot and make the desired directory named "/tmp" that way04:21
scguy318michael: I thought I linked you to Ubuntu Wiki guide04:21
RedHeron_I've disconnected and been away for 4 days.04:21
DankchildJack_sparrow: awesome ill look for that one.04:21
RedHeron_Rebooted my system.04:21
RedHeron_Still here.04:21
michaelscguy318_: i think i tried it and it didnt show meh, or didnt work, try again04:21
scguy318michael: what didn't work?04:22
Jack_SparrowDankchild: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AMD64/FirefoxAndPlugins?action=show&redirect=FirefoxAMD64FlashJava  might be it04:22
michaelscguy318: the commands on teh page04:22
bazhangRedHeron_: well if you are all setup via your irc client then you will always have a place04:22
kelsintreitter: you could try gnome-baker or brasero04:22
Dankchildoh and one more question i know it isnt ubuntu related, none of my drivers are installed on windows, do i have to find and install each one by themselves or is there and automatic program for that?04:23
treitterkelsin: brasero is based on nautilus-cd-burner, I believe. But I'll check out gnome-baker. Thanks!04:23
RedHeron_Or never, depending on how you look at it, bazhang.04:23
Jack_SparrowDankchild: No idea why I have that link for ext2 ?04:23
bazhangRedHeron_: indeed04:23
* RedHeron_ didn't quit!04:23
scguy318michael: well what happened when you tried to do it?04:23
Jack_SparrowDankchild: http://www.fs-driver.org/download.html04:23
=== RedHeron_ is now known as RedHeron
DankchildJack_sparrow: hah yeah i delt with that problem a long time ago =p04:23
limecatis there an easy way to create and install ubuntu onto LVM groups, WITHOUT an alternate CD? like, from within the live cd?04:24
adamonline45Anyone know of a good tutorial for manually connecting a bluetooth mouse?04:24
limecatmy windows $MBR got screwed, and i really dont feel like repairing it right now :\04:24
Jack_SparrowDankchild: Yea, for windows you will need to hunt down each driver.. Lots of fun.  The ext2 driver thought works great04:24
HateXdoes anyone use an irc client other than xchat bitchx that they enjoy04:25
ferretApart from being pretty slow ;p04:25
kelsinHateX: irssi04:25
ferretHateX: irssi04:25
limecatHateX: irssi04:25
scguy318HateX: mIRC :P04:25
DankchildJack_sparrow: cool man thanks saved me some time. haha, one more thing, is there a device manager on ubuntu? i dont rememver every model of each part.04:26
HateXlil well it's settled than04:26
prothossnoob question time! What are the advantages of Ubuntu over Debian?04:26
syedhaliI need help with installation of the printer Laxmark Z71504:26
syedhalion Ubuntu04:26
Falicani just installed the python-mysqldb package but python isn't finding it is there something extra i need to do (i used the synaptic package manager btw)04:26
wasabiHateX: less anarchy04:26
wasabiwrong person04:26
wasabiprothoss: less anarchy04:26
limecatprothoss: as i understand it, ubuntus just designed to be more friendly/useable for normal person04:26
kelsinprothoss: more current software, lots of work on desktop integration and support of common hardware04:26
wasabiIt would be better stated that Ubuntu is "designed"04:26
bazhangprothoss: this channel :}04:26
kelsinprothoss: (when I say more current I mean compared to debian's stable and testing branch)04:26
wasabiDebian is "design by committee". The vision is mostly everybody packages their own thing for their own reasons.04:26
HateXis irssi easily installable, with apt-get?04:27
utarpradeshhi, ubuntu doesn't recognise my NTFS partition anymore... i don't know what to do, or even what happened... :'(04:27
prothossah, righto04:27
wasabiUbuntu has a more refined goal.04:27
limecatHateX: yes04:27
kelsinHateX: yes04:27
limecatHateX: its a commandline IRC, btw...if you want graphical, pidgin works well04:27
utarpradeshthe NTFS partition isn't even on my desktop for me to click anymore04:27
utarpradeshi don't know how to fix this04:27
scguy318utarpradesh: did you uncleanly dismount your NTFS partition?04:27
scguy318utarpradesh: if so a nice boot back to Windows then back to Linux will do it04:27
DankchildJack_sparrow: or i guess what i mean is a hardware manager04:28
HateXlimecat, ok i was looking for a Super Duper GUI client that has everything04:28
limecatsorta...its irc is decent, but probably not the best, but it has a ton of plugins04:28
kelsinHateX: what does xchat not have that you want?04:29
mrfantastichey i need some advice...i have an old vaio laptop maybe from 2002 with a 1.0ghz P3 ATI graphics...I have XP running on it, pretty slowly i might add.  does anyone here have any experience with ubuntu with a pc that old?04:29
ayanphis there an IM software in ubuntu that supports yahoo or msn webcam chat?04:29
limecatayanph: kopete might, i dont remember04:29
scguy318mrfantastic: how old?04:29
ayanphmrfantastic: try xubuntu04:29
scguy318ayanph: for MSN aMSN, yahoo gyachi04:29
sethkayanph, gaim04:29
mrfantastic5 or 6 years04:29
scguy318mrfantastic: lemme rephrase that, how much mem?04:29
Dankchildis there a hardware manager on ubuntu? i dont rememver every model of each part.04:29
HateXkelsin, well somethings like when rightclicking on a person, if you wanted to half-op them the option just isn't there04:29
limecatsethk: gaim no longer exists04:29
HateXonly voice and op04:29
limecatits pidgin now04:30
mrfantasticmax 51204:30
ayanphwill try gyachi04:30
Bil1how come i can not enable ctrl alt button 1 for compiz and none of its features are working04:30
scguy318Dankchild: there is SYstem -> Prefs -> Hardware Info04:30
sethklimecat, it exists on my box.  :)  You can still install it.04:30
Dankchildsweet thanks man04:30
scguy318mrfantastic: Xubuntu is a good choice, Ubuntu might work well too04:30
kelsinDankchild: lspci on the command line will give you info as well04:30
limecatsethk: heh, any particular reason NOT to upgrade to pidgin?04:31
catachlimecat: lame name?04:31
mrfantasticso does xubuntu use less resources than ubuntu?04:31
kelsinmrfantastic: by default yes04:31
ayanphdoes that also support webcam --- pidgin that is04:31
mrfantasticeven it uses the same apps?04:31
scguy318ayanph: no04:31
limecatcatach: i sorta like it :(04:31
ayanphi see04:31
kelsinmrfantastic: it's the xfce desktop environment, instead of gnome, so differen base desktop apps04:31
Bil1can i get some help starting compiz, nothin on it works but i have it04:31
ayanphtoo bad04:31
utarpradeshscguy318: i tried this... windows doesn't even load... or when it does, it's ridiculously slow, i cant even move the mouse04:31
catachlimecat: Hah, good then.04:32
adamonline45Do I need to install something to use my bluetooth mouse?  When i click on it in my bluetooth manager, It asks me if I'd like to 'save' or 'open' sdp://[blue:tooth:add:ress]/'.  How do I just connect to it?04:32
limecattelling people to open aim on gaim is sorta confusing, and they keep thinking im talking about aim04:32
kmagso... gpg breakage recently in Feisty... is this a known issue?  (libreadline symbols not found)04:32
scguy318utarpradesh: alright, what does sudo mount -a say?04:32
Bil1and my graphics card is installed and everything, im thinkin its an easy fix04:32
kelsinmrfantastic: just starts you off by default with a system that uses less resouces, you could also use the atlernate cd and start with a cli system04:32
scguy318utarpradesh: pastebin what the command sudo mount -a does04:32
Dankchildall of y'all are so helpful, and yall have made my experiance so far very very enjoyable04:32
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:32
Bil1dankchild: thats what i love about ubuntu04:32
ayanphsame here... i'm almost done upgrading to 7.1004:32
scguy318Bil1: is Compiz enabled?04:32
ayanphthanks guys for helping04:32
mrfantasticalright thanks04:33
limecatanyone have any ideas on doing an LVM install from live cd?04:33
Bil1scguy318: yes i believe it is, if not how do i make sure?04:33
catachlimecat: that's a good point. Anything to cut down confusion.04:33
bazhangDankchild: between here, ubuntuforums and teh google, all of your answers can be found swiftly and pleasantly (or nearly all)04:33
kmaghey, do any of you have a version of libreadline.so.5 that has _rl_term_dc defined?04:33
utarpradeshscguy318: it is here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46910/04:34
Jangarihaving trouble installing software: i tried to install netatalk a while back and it didn't work, now the package tries to reinstall every time I run a synaptic04:34
scguy318kmag: how would I find out? :P04:34
ayanphbye guys need to restart to complete the upgrade04:34
Jangaritried removing, purging, nothing is working,04:34
ayanphit was nice chatting with you. will definitely go back if i need help in the future04:34
kelsinkmag: the default ubuntu one doesn't?04:34
scguy318utarpradesh: then do sudo ntfs-3g /dev/hda1 /media/hda1 -o force04:35
scguy318Jangari: remove the package, it seems to be broken04:35
kmagscguy318: objdump -t /lib/libreadline.so.5 | grep _rl_term_dc04:35
scguy318Jangari: *the package04:35
kmagkelsin: I did an upgrade this morning and gpg broke :-(04:35
Jangariapt-get remove netatalk?04:36
don_puccihey all04:36
scguy318kmag: count me out then04:36
don_puccican someone help me with a dual boot question04:36
Bil1may i get help enabling compiz, i believe i do have it enabled but nothing is working, my graphics card is installed properly, i think its somethin easy just cant find it :p04:36
utarpradeshscguy318: i have done this04:36
=== Hobbsee_ is now known as Hobbsee
utarpradeshi entered the command04:36
JangariBil1: try rebooting, it worked for me several times.04:36
kmagoh... my readline is borked04:36
bazhangBil1: have youenabled compiz?04:36
Falican i just installed the python-mysqldb package but python isn't finding it is there something extra i need to do (i used the synaptic package manager btw)??04:37
Jangariscguy318: apt-get remove netatalk?04:37
kmagSYMBOL TABLE:04:37
kmagno symbols04:37
=== akar is now known as akaran
Bil1bazhang: i think so but how exactly would i04:37
limecatnoone has help on doing LVM install from live cd? :(04:37
Bil1jangari: i have restarted04:37
bazhangBil1: alt-f2 compiz --replace04:37
don_puccii currently have 3 hard discs...one has windows (ide) one is empty (sata) and the third is just files (ide)04:37
scguy318Jangari: yeah04:37
don_puccii want to put ubuntu on the sata drive04:37
don_puccibut put lilo on the first ide windows drive04:38
kelsindon_pucci: any reason you want lilo instead of grub? Ubuntu uses grub by default04:38
Jangarii got an error, scguy318,04:38
don_puccisorry..i meant grub04:38
scguy318Jangari: pastebin it?04:38
kmagpython lost readline support?04:38
Bil1bazhang: do i need to restart once doing that?04:38
Jangariwhat's the url for that?04:38
bazhangBil1: no04:39
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:39
limecatdon_pucci: near the end of the install you can specify which drive grub is placed on04:39
don_puccibut i dont understand the terminolgy it uses04:39
limecathda is gonna be ide04:39
xeroOTGdoes anyone here have experience with bcm43xx?04:39
limecatsda is gonna be sata04:39
ubotuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx04:39
don_puccii will try it04:39
Bil1bazhang: how do i enable the initiate ctrl alt button1?04:39
limecatkeep in mind you have 2 ides, so verify which is yer windows drive first04:40
bazhangBil1: do you have ccsm installed?04:40
Jangariscguy318: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46912/04:40
don_pucciyes...primary ide04:40
don_puccisecondary is other drive04:40
Bil1bazhang: yes sir, im lookin at it04:40
limecatgnight all, off to repair windows :(04:41
don_puccitu again04:41
bazhangBil1: do you have the appropriate boxes checked? try some of the keybindings to see04:41
Bil1bazhang: i have the things i want checked, checked, but i cant enable ctrl alt button1 for some reason, thats what i use to rotate. im thinkin the normal gnome desktop is stoppin me?04:42
kmagcan someone confirm for me that their version of libreadline contains symbols?04:42
riotkittieBil1: are you clicking on a window, or an empty section of the desktop?04:43
kmagobjdump -t /lib/libreadline.so.504:43
MashiHey I'm having trouble getting flash to work in firefox on 7.10. I've enabled the extra repositories, firefox says flash is installed when I attempt to download it, but it gives me a missing plugin when I try to view flash content. Would a manual install fix this?04:43
bazhangBil1: ok, try the alt-f2 metacity --replace command, then again with alt-f2 compiz --replace and see if that does it04:43
kmagI'm hoping I just got a corrupted package04:43
Bil1riotkittie: i am clicking empty sections, i see that ctrl alt button one is disabled i just cant enable it04:43
bullgard4"detlef@MD97600:~$ apropos xmag; xmag (1x)  - magnify parts of the screen" What does here '(1x)' mean?04:43
kmaghow do I force reinstallation of a package?04:44
mike01any idea why i get no signal on my monitor unless i boot in recovery mode?04:44
scguy318kmag: sudo aptitude reinstall package04:44
kitofhawaiikmag: SYMBOL TABLE: no symbols04:44
scguy318mike01: you might need to reconfigure xserver04:44
scguy318mike01: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:44
kmagkitofhawail: have you been having any trouble?04:44
mike01works fine when i boot the recovery mode04:44
riotkittieBil1: bizarre.04:44
kitofhawaiikmag: none that i'm aware of...:)04:44
scguy318Mashi: issue, Adobe seems to have updated their tar recently04:45
mike01but normally as soon as i hit enter in gurb i get no signal on the monitor04:45
mike01not even getting to where xorg is doing anything04:45
mike01video card is an 8800gt04:45
bazhangBil1: try control alt left or right arrow04:45
utarpradeshhow do i get ubuntu to recognise my iPod as a flash drive??04:45
scguy318Mashi: do this04:45
Bil1bazhang: man i felt good about that one, but not a success, still cant enable ctrl alt button1 and the other effects do not work04:45
Dr_willismike01,  you may want to disable the frambuffer in the kernel options. You may be able to see any error messages then.04:45
akaraneveryone, what is your default font for desktop?04:45
mike01if i boot recovery though i can install the newest drivers and run compiz fusion on dual monitors (everything works fine)04:45
Bil1bazhang: still does what normal ubuntu does04:45
riotkittiewait. none of the effects work?04:45
scguy318Mashi: http://rapidshare.com/files/74380214/install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz.html04:45
mike01but in regular mode i cant even see the command line to fix whatever is wrong04:46
riotkittieBil1: what gfx card?04:46
Bil1riotkittie: yes sir04:46
mike01just no signal04:46
scguy318Mashi: after downloading, do04:46
* Dr_willis wonders what recoverymode actually does.04:46
bazhangBil1: and you have checked the appearances settings to custom? not in ccsm but appearance04:46
Jangariscguy318: did you get that paste?04:46
scguy318Mashi: sudo cp /path/to/tar /var/cache/flashplugin-nonfree04:46
mike01Dr_willis how do i disable the framebuffer in the kernel options?04:46
Bil1riotkittie: its a 256 ati, its installed properly04:46
Mashiscguy318: Thanks04:46
scguy318Jangari: no actually, please link04:46
Bil1bazhang: ah lemme check04:46
bazhangBil1: not sure that riotkittie is a sir :}04:46
Dr_willismike01,  cant see the console at all. Tat sure sounds like a framebuffer thang.  Notice the recovery mode uses a 'nofb' option. Put that in your grub entry for your normal kernel04:46
Bil1riotkittie: :p sorry04:47
scguy318Mashi: then do sudo aptitude reinstall flashplugin-nonfree04:47
Dr_willismike01,  as a test. yopu could edit the normal boot kernel line and append 'nofb nosplash'  to test.04:47
riotkittieBil1: no need to apologize ;)04:47
scguy318Jangari: try, oh, sudo dpkg-reconfigure netatalk04:47
scguy318Jangari: or edit a conf file for it to appease it04:47
utarpradeshhow do i access my ipod as a drive rather than as a music device, in ubuntu?04:48
Bil1bazhang: ok i went to visual effects to custom and it says composite extensions not available04:48
bqmasseyanyone:  is there any reason to use banshee over rythmbox04:48
Jangari. /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: netatalk is broken or not fully installed04:48
mike01Dr_willis one word? what exactly do i add to the end of the entry in grub?04:48
bazhangBil1: then its a video card driver issue--which card? ati nvidia intel? and which driver04:49
Bil1bazhang: oh and how do i type your name easier and force quit, thanks very much for your help so far04:49
mwansa hey i would like to install cedega from .tgz file, ( i understand .deb is better - just experimenting).. do i just extract the .tgz file to / ?04:49
Bil1bazhang: its an ati04:49
Dr_willismike01,  nofb to disable the framebuffer. nosplash to disalb ethe splash screen  - I change the line 0----->   # defoptions=quiet nosplash nofb       then rerun 'update-grub' to make it the defaulkt for all my kernels.04:49
bazhangBil1: tab completion--type first three letters then hit tab key ati which card and which drivers04:49
scguy318Jangari: hmm04:49
zeahi all somebody has an idea how to start js2mouse whith the sistem startup process?04:49
jayprowhat do you guys use to rip cds?04:50
Dr_willismike01,  OR at the grub menu you can hit 'e' to edit the kernel= line and tack those onto the end04:50
mike01yeah thats what i've been doing everytime i boot04:50
Jangarii just want to be rid of this damn netatalk04:50
mike01need to change the grub.list from hd1,1 to hd0,1 everytime...04:50
jayprowhat do you guys use to rip cds? i tried K3b but it doesnt seem to be working04:50
scguy318Jangari: is there a file named /etc/netatalk/netatalk.conf?04:50
bazhangjaypro: k3b04:50
scguy318jaypro: dd :P04:50
Bil1bazhang: im sorry, i dont understand your last message :/04:50
kitofhawaiiBil1: from terminal, "cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep Driver" what's the last line say?04:51
mwansajaypro, dd04:51
zeai tried via rc5.d but nothing happend04:51
bazhangjaypro: need to install plugins04:51
Jangarii have these two: /usr/share/man/man5/netatalk.conf.5.gz and /var/lib/dpkg/info/netatalk.conffiles04:51
Jangarithey're the only results of a locate netatalk.conf command04:51
lucieniumHi guys! I just upgraded my distribution from 7.04 to 7.10, after my system restarted "Restart" and "Shut Down" no longer appears when I access the "Quit" menu04:51
Bil1kitofhawaii: sorry for no pastebin :/         Driver          "kbd"04:51
Bil1        Driver          "mouse"04:51
Bil1        Driver          "synaptics"04:51
Bil1        Driver          "wacom"04:51
Bil1        Driver          "wacom"04:51
Bil1        Driver          "wacom"04:51
Bil1        Driver          "fglrx"04:51
jayprobazhang what plugins? i installed the mp3 pluggin, but still gets an error04:51
r00tintheb0xAWESOME BILL!!!!!04:51
r00tintheb0xAWESOME BILL!!!!!04:51
bazhangBil1: easy nickname completion is done by typing first few letters of said nick (name), and then hitting the 'tab' key on your kb04:51
r00tintheb0x! flooding  | bill04:52
ubotubill: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)04:52
mike01do i leave ro quiet splash on the kernel line?04:52
kitofhawaiiBil1: lol just wanted the last line...04:52
bazhangjaypro: the lame plugin iirc04:52
jayproscguy318, mwansa whats dd? thats not the full name, is it?04:52
Bil1bazhang: nice ty, did you see the message i said to kitsofhawaii04:52
scguy318jaypro: that's the full name04:53
scguy318jaypro: dd is low-level file copy tool04:53
scguy318Jangari: check /etc/netatalk04:53
Bil1kitofhawaii: ok, sorry, did you get the info you needed though04:53
scguy318Jangari: should be some conf files in there04:53
linuxftwok when i do ls; i seem ipodpatcher can anyone help me do chmod +x /.ipodpatcher on it??04:53
bazhangBil1: hard to miss :}04:53
kitofhawaiiBil1: yah just wanted to know which ati driver you were using :)04:53
Bil1bazhang: lol sry, so any more suggestions04:54
subpar_anyone have ideas about this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3839154 <--- having mouse problems04:54
jayprobazhang> hrm.. idont see this plugin in synaptic04:54
Jangariatalkd.conf, afpd.conf and papd.conf04:54
Bil1kitofhawaii: did it help with what could be wrong..04:54
lucienium I just upgraded my distribution from 7.04 to 7.10, after my system restarted "Restart" and "Shut Down" no longer appears when I access the "Quit" menu04:54
* mike01 tries it again04:54
Bil1kitofhawaii: oh and how do i force quit, its drivin me nuts not have ctrl alt del04:54
scguy318Jangari: i dropped off, say anything?04:54
Mashiscguy318: Thanks a ton, flash works now04:55
scguy318Bil1: killall processname04:55
thenetduckwhat channel would I go to ask about a couple scripting commands?04:55
lucieniumI restarted a couple of times by holding on to the power button but "Shut down" and "Restart" still won't appear on the "Quit" menu04:55
kitofhawaiiBil1: go to that link04:55
corruptionoflulzBil1: , i have a system monitor thing in my tray, i click that an a task manager type thingy pops up.04:55
subpar_Bil1, if you click on the panel, and click add to panel... there is an icon in there called force quit04:55
scguy318thenetduck: #bash perhaps04:55
thenetduckscguy318, thanks04:55
subpar_Bil1, which you can click then click on a window without having to go into a process menu04:55
Bil1sweet thanks for all the answers guys04:56
kitofhawaiiBil1: it covers everything you need to know about ati04:56
bazhangjaypro: how about apt-cache search lame in the terminal--does that turn it up?04:56
Bil1kitofhawaii: ok ill check it out, does it say compiz wont work though?04:56
corruptionoflulzBil1: subpar_ said, usually you can just click close a few times then it'll bring up a force quit menu04:56
jayprobazhang ive never done that before... how do you do it?04:56
kitofhawaiiBil1: it'll explain how to get it up and running, and gives you help if there's problems04:56
Bil1corruptionoflulz: thanks, i added the force quit shortcut04:57
treitterkelsin: have you used GnomeBaker?04:57
bazhangjaypro: open the terminal and type apt-cache search packagename (in this case lame)04:57
subpar_corruptionoflulz, you ain't nothing but an exploding van04:57
Bil1kitofhawaii: aight ill check it out, i know i got it running and properly but maybe itll tell me i need a lil more04:57
Jangariyeah scguy318, i was just on the phone i have three conf files:04:57
Jangarioops, hold on04:57
jayprobazhang> all this information comes up04:58
Jangariafpd.conf  atalkd.conf  papd.conf04:58
kitofhawaiiBil1: hope so :) it's ati's "unofficial" "official" wiki04:58
treitterkelsin: it seems fine except that it won't let me burn directory structures greater than 6 dirs deep (even if I only select "Rock Ridge" as the filesystem; it still ends up passing "-iso-level 3", which doesn't support deep trees)04:58
scguy318Jangari: I think edit one of those for interface04:58
shamelesscan wine only support one .exe at a time, or can it run multiple threads?04:58
scguy318shameless: it can handle multiple processes and threads04:59
Jangarialright, but this is getting beyond me.04:59
scguy318Jangari: probably edit as root, then save and try to remove04:59
bazhangjaypro: at the bottom should be a listing for lame--do you see it?04:59
shamelesshrmm, ok, mine wasn't starting the second one for some reason...04:59
lucieniumguys, a little help please :'(04:59
bullgard4"detlef@MD97600:~$ apropos xmag; xmag (1x)  - magnify parts of the screen" What does here '(1x)' mean?04:59
Jangarisudo pico?04:59
Jangariwill od?04:59
jayprobazhang> yeah, it says "lame" and "lame-extras"04:59
Jangariand what sort of edit should I do?04:59
tonyyarussoDoes anyone know of a way to sync contact information between desktop address books (Thunderbird, Evolution, etc.) and GMail?05:00
bazhangjaypro: install them then05:00
scguy318Jangari: theres a bug for this package I believe, packages that dont remove are annoying :P05:00
scguy318Jangari: theres a bug for this package I believe, packages that dont remove are annoying :P05:00
mike01Dr_willis: that fixed it, thanks05:00
adamonline45What's my superkey on a macbook?05:00
bazhangapple key?05:01
Jangarithe papd is all # lines, that can't be the right conf05:01
shamelessit's the windows key on pcs, so i would assume the apple05:01
DG19075the apple command key05:01
jayprobazhang> what do i type? "sudo apt-get install lame" and "sudo apt-get install lame-extras"?05:01
adamonline45DG19075: bazhang: That's what I'd think, but I don't see it...05:01
adamonline45DG19075: bazhang: er, it doesn't work :O05:02
jayprobazhang> ok nm05:02
bazhangjaypro: bingo, though you can install the two with a single command: sudo apt-get install lame lame-extras05:02
bazhangadamonline45: the alt key? not sure there05:03
Jangarigrr, i'm giving up and going home, thanks for the help though, scguy318, as always05:03
adamonline45DG19075: bazhang: is it called mod4?  That's what my command key's mapped to...05:03
rainrunner87Hey, has anyone noticed that the version of deluge in the repos doesn't come with the scheduler plugin?05:04
jayprobazhang> ahhh sweet!  it works!  thanks a lot man!!05:04
bazhangjaypro: welcome to linux :}05:04
utarpradeshis there a program for ubuntu that allows me to access my iPod as a flash drive, rather than as a music device?05:04
rainrunner87utarpradesh: I believe the iPod is treated as a flash drive by default, iirc05:05
bazhangadamonline45: I've got a mac, just never installed ubuntu on it   sorry.. :}05:05
jayprobazhang> yeah ive been using linux for awhile now, theres just soo much to learn hehhe05:05
DG19075adamonline45 :No idea, as it's been awhilesince I've used a Mac05:06
utarpradeshrainrunner87, no, ubuntu doesn't mount it for whatever reason: i cannot access it by default05:06
scguy318Jangari: np cya05:06
bazhangjaypro: tell me about it :}05:06
adamonline45DG19075: bazhang: alright, ty 8)05:06
=== adante_ is now known as adante
rainrunner87utarpradesh: That's not helpful.  Hmm....  Let's see what I remember about this...05:06
Dankchildhey guys everything was going fine until i went to ubuntu through supergrub, and now that i want to go back to windows, when i select it at grub it says error 21 no such disk05:08
bazhangadamonline45: no worries :}05:09
Dankchildhey guys everything was going fine until i went to ubuntu through supergrub, and now that i want to go back to windows, when i select it at grub it says error 21 no such disk05:09
Dankchildoops sent it twice05:09
tritiumDankchild: ubuntu doesn't use supergrub05:09
Dankchildit said it would just return my grub to the way it was, and it did. now i cant access windows05:10
DG19075Dankchild, just use the regular GRUB05:10
Dankchildhow do i do that?05:10
Dankchildfrom what i know it is regular grub05:10
tritiumDankchild: we don't support supergrub.  Consult its documentation.05:10
DG19075!grub |Dankchild05:10
ubotuDankchild: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:10
scguy318Dankchild: check your menu.lst05:10
rainrunner87utarpradesh: Does it give you an error?05:11
utarpradeshrainrunner87: yes, let me copy/paste it05:12
bullgard4"detlef@MD97600:~$ apropos xmag; xmag (1x)  - magnify parts of the screen" What does here '(1x)' mean?05:14
utarpradesh"Cannot mount volume.... Invalid mount option when attempting to mount the volume 'doctor...'. "05:14
rainrunner87Can you try mounting it by hand?05:14
utarpradeshhow do i do this?05:14
=== pipo is now known as x[tr0x]x
x[tr0x]x/server irc.mongolia.com05:15
rainrunner87utarpradesh: Ok, hold on, I'm going to check for similar instances of your error.  If I don't find any hints from the web, I'll string some command-line commands together for you to enter.05:15
utarpradeshokay, thanks05:15
AgentHeXanyone here know how to force usage of the nvidia restricted driver for Xen?  i can't boot to Xen with the amd64 one, and i can't live without compiz.05:15
Sekventcan anyone help me with um a wireless problem in ubuntu05:15
AgentHeXSekvent: what kind of problem?05:16
=== duns_s__ is now known as duns_s
MauricioBRI am doing a research on what best linux to run the games by the wine / cedega / crossover you know of any?05:16
scguy318MauricioBR: best Linux? like?05:17
SekventAgentHeX, well, I get um a connection in Network Manager, but it still doesn't connect to wireless05:17
scguy318MauricioBR: what do you mean best Linux?05:17
AgentHeXMauricioBR: are you looking for games to play or the distro to run?  wine should work on all of them, and it's pretty good (includes DX9)05:17
nick_is there a way to remedy the sound initialization problem when trying to use konversasion05:17
SekventAgentHex, I mean like I got a signal of certain % but that's all05:17
nick_is there a way to remedy the sound initialization problem when trying to use konversation in gnome05:17
AgentHeXSekvent: you can't connect to the AP?05:17
SekventAgentHeX, um well, I don't even know =\05:18
aaanoneI have a fresh install of Ubuntu 7.10, and flash-plugin-nonfree is installed, yet Firefox is telling me that I need to install it05:18
shamelesshrm, i need to run a battery evaluation, linux can't figure out the charge time/discharge time05:18
aaanonewhat is up?05:18
AgentHeXSekvent: are you on the machine now?  i.e. are you chatting on that machine?05:18
MauricioBRAgentHeX 05:18
MauricioBRYou know that some of it will already pre-configured?05:18
SekventAgentHeX, well I am in WinXP now, no internet on ubuntu05:19
shamelesswhy not?05:19
CaptainMorganwhy does g++ require the installation cd to install? is there an alternative? I'm on the road and don't have the capacity to burn cds05:19
orochi_Hi :> This is kind of an off-topic question, but I'm sure people have dealt with it before...I do a lot of web development in PHP and I'm looking to branch out -- would it be wise to, say, move to a mod_python or mod_ruby combination, or are packages like rails and turbogears more likely to be hosted?05:19
shamelessthe wireless console not supported?05:19
scguy318CaptainMorgan: you don't05:19
SekventAgentHeX, I tried pinging google let's say, it says unknown host or something05:19
scguy318CaptainMorgan: System -> Admin -> Software Sources, uncheck the CD05:19
riotkittieCaptainMorgan: check your sources, comment out CD05:19
AgentHeXMauricioBR: well, i'm not aware of any distribution that has Windows emulation out of the box (so to speak), but Ubuntu has a very nice package management system (called Synaptic) that allows you to seamlessly install software (including Wine)05:20
AgentHeXSekvent: have you looked at the output from ifconfig?05:20
MauricioBR[AgentHeX]: thanks05:20
SekventAgentHeX, yea, it seems like something is there under wlan005:20
CaptainMorganawesome, thanks scguy318 riotkittie05:20
bazhangMauricioBR: probably sabayon would be closest05:20
aaanoneI'm so confused05:21
AgentHeXSekvent: has it assigned an IP address?05:21
smultronhow do you get a T1 line on an ethernet network? is there a converter router or switch or something?05:21
aaanoneapt-get install flashplugin-nonfree works but then I get an error about a 'version mismatch' ... anyone know what is the problem?05:21
SekventAgentHeX, um, I've really no idea, but can I like pm you on forums all the info I can gather on my connection and you'll check what is wrong? Like a quick glance of it kind of05:22
AgentHeXsmultron: yes.  there is a box that translates from T1 signal to standard 10/100 ethernet.05:22
AgentHeXSekvent: yes05:22
Lukeis there a way I can access my vista computer via remote desktop from linux? what's a good Linux VNC client for that?05:22
scguy318Luke: vncviewer? :P05:22
smultronAgentHeX: does that usually come with the T1 line when they install it?05:22
LukeI'm on the same local network as the vista comp05:22
SekventAgentHeX, alrighty, thanks a lot, I ll try to do it asap05:22
AgentHeXsmultron: probably, but i don't have first-hand experience with this.  i have, however, seen an unused box that translates from T1 to ethernet.05:23
scguy318Luke: Apps -> Internet -> Terminal Server Client does the trick too05:23
Lukescguy318: thanks05:23
speeddemon8803Beat me to the draw scguy318 heh.05:23
smultronAgentHeX: ah, alright. thanks for the info ;)05:23
AgentHeXsmultron: np05:23
seehey guys, I'm having a hell of a time trying to get my monitor/nvida dirvers to work correctly05:23
seecould somone help me?05:23
AgentHeXsmultron: i would probably ask the vendor if you're planning on getting a T105:24
aaanonedid adobe recently update Flash?05:24
aaanoneanyone else getting errors trying to install the flashplugin?05:24
smultronAgentHeX: yeah. sounds like a good idea. i'll do that tomorrow. thanks05:24
scguy318aaanone: lots of people have05:24
AgentHeXsmultron: any time05:25
aaanonescguy318: do you mind telling me what I need to do to fix it?05:25
scguy318aaanone: sure05:25
scguy318aaanone: http://rapidshare.com/files/74380214/install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz.html05:25
scguy318aaanone: copy this to /var/cache/flashplugin-nonfree as root, then do sudo aptitude reinstall flashplugin-nonfree05:25
seeanyone able help with Nvida driver help?05:25
scguy318aaanone: Adobe did indeed update their Linux release05:25
AgentHeXaaanone: have you tried simply opening firefox and navigating to a page that requires flash?05:26
Lukescguy318: what do I have to do on the vista side? I've only ever used Linux05:26
luciani just installed kdegames. . . how do I update my kde menu to reflect that? (i tried restarting kde) (and yes, I asked in #kubuntu but the room is dead)05:26
scguy318Luke: it has to run the VNC Server, about it05:26
Lukescguy318: do you have a vnc server pref?05:26
scguy318Luke: the official VNC Server05:26
scguy318Luke: or Tight05:27
aaanoneAgentHeX: no I haven't...if I install it that way does it download/install it using apt?05:27
Lukescguy318: vista comes w/ one?05:27
scguy318Luke: no05:27
scguy318Luke: the official VNC server by RealVNC05:27
Lukescguy318: ah thanks a lot for your help05:27
LukeI appreciate it05:27
scguy318aaanone: as of this moment flashplugin-nonfree is a bit broken due to Adobe's updating05:27
scguy318aaanone: my little workaround should get you up and running05:27
AgentHeXaaanone: i don't know, but i would assume so.  it worked for me.05:27
scguy318AgentHeX: Adobe recently updated their tarball, so flashplugin-nonfree is broken at moment05:28
AgentHeXscguy318: good thing i did this a few days ago, huh?05:28
greylurkGr..  Wine and OpenGL don't seem to get along very well.05:28
scguy318AgentHeX: yep05:28
greylurkAt least not on this laptop video.05:28
seeanyone help??05:29
speeddemon8803what was your question see?05:29
Lukescguy318: when tightvnc has a "viewer" binary... does that mean the client is viewing the host or what?05:29
rommei've installed the Cambria font, but freetype renders no latin letters at 11pt and smaller05:29
bazhangsee: with what?05:29
seeI need help with my fx 5200 xconf05:29
scguy318Luke: its the binary that the client uses05:29
seeI cant get out of 800x60005:29
pgWhat are the relative advantages of swap partitions and swap files?05:29
AgentHeXwait!  dammit!  i formatted after i had the plugin, and now it's gone!!!  ACK!!!05:30
Lukescguy318: I don't see any differentiation between client and server on tightvnc's site?05:30
scguy318pg: negligible difference05:30
scguy318AgentHeX: I have the tarball05:30
scguy318Luke: probably all in one package then05:30
scguy318AgentHeX: http://rapidshare.com/files/74380214/install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz.html05:30
bullgard4"detlef@MD97600:~$ apropos xmag; xmag (1x)  - magnify parts of the screen" What does here '(1x)' mean?05:30
Evanlecanyone here get past photoshop cs2 activation on wine 0.9.4x ?05:30
Lukethansk mate05:30
scguy318AgentHeX: put that in /var/cache/flashplugin-nonfree05:30
seeI've stumped a couple of people on the #ubuntuforum05:30
scguy318AgentHeX: then sudo aptitude reinstall flashplugin-nonfree05:30
seeNow I'm looking for help here...05:31
pgscguy318: is one faster?05:31
scguy318pg: not really, they're pretty similar05:31
speeddemon8803everyone: im out, just wanted to see what all I could do tonight, my limited knowledge is way beyond all discussions tonight, so im going to bed. hehe.05:31
scguy318pg: go with what you want05:31
scguy318AgentHeX: do you believe I should file a new bug? there were some old bug entries back in July05:31
aaanonescguy318: a lot of people are just recommending downloading/installing the tarball from Adobe's site...is that a bad idea?05:31
databitshey whats up everyone could someone help me out with an installation problem I am having05:32
scguy318aaanone: well, its what flashplugin-nonfree does05:32
databitsreally appreciate the help05:32
scguy318aaanone: if you're fine with manual install, go ahead05:32
scguy318aaanone: otherwise you can give it the older tarball05:33
speeddemon8803databits: what seems to be your issue?05:33
aaanonescguy318: yeah I'm fine doing that, I'm just concerned that it is going to bypass apt and be a pain to update or whatever in the future05:33
shamelesswhat's the command to add ports to the iptables?05:33
databitswell I don't have any blank cds05:33
databitsI am have two lappies05:33
scguy318aaanone: not really, shouldn't be that big a blocker05:33
databitsone I am keeping xp on but the other is running xp on it right now but I want to throw ubuntu on it05:34
databitsout of cds though I am trying to figure out how to install over the network05:34
pgscguy318: if I want to add more RAM later, can I resize the swap partition or add a new one?05:34
seeSo I take it no one is up to helping out with my NVID fx 5200 dirver problems??05:34
shamelessdatabits: have you tried booting over the network?05:34
scguy318pg: yes05:34
shamelessdatabits: i'm not sure exactly how to set it up, but you may be able to do something like that, or boot off of a flash drive05:34
speeddemon8803Shameless: You got this one? If so im going to bed.05:35
databitshahah I was trying ot figure that shit out earlier05:35
Xzallionseeitcoming: I just joined so I didn't see your problem, but i might be able to help.05:35
databitshow abouts05:35
shamelessspeeddemon8803: yeah, i think i got it05:35
speeddemon8803Ok bud :)05:35
databitsI went into my bios and told it to boot off network but I dont know about any other settings to make05:35
databitsI do have a connector hooked up to my sata drive to make it an external usb drive05:35
shamelesssee: nvidia has open sourced drivers, you should be able to get them from the manuf.05:35
seebeen there...05:36
bruenigshameless, not open source05:36
seeI'm stuck05:36
databitsI would need to make some kind of boot floppy to install of that correct05:36
shamelessthey aren05:36
seeI've had help on the #ubuntu channel and they were stumped05:36
shamelessaren't? i thought they were05:36
rommesorry, i sorted my fonts problem05:36
databitsactually I could probably figure things out if I can figure out how to make an ubuntu boot disk so I can just get the install started I can just run a ftp and install it that way05:36
speeddemon8803see: this is the #ubuntu channel hehe05:37
AgentHeXscguy318: thanks for the link05:37
seeI ment the #ubuntuforums05:37
databitswhat would I have to do to make a ubuntu boot disk05:37
shamelessdatabits: if you have a flash drive, you can use that, i think05:37
rOMmwhat do you think about using wine?05:37
shamelesshow did you install the first time?05:37
databitsI don't have a flash drive05:38
speeddemon8803shameless: If you just unpack the iso to a flash drive that isnt enough..i know this for fact..ive tried it.05:38
databitsI have a usb harddrive05:38
rOMmdo you have a cd-rom?05:38
databitsdoes anyone here know how to make a boot floopy ?05:38
shamelessyeah, so have i, but if he can convince poweriso to see it as a cd, then you can 'burn' it to that05:38
shamelesscrap, i've gotta go study for my final that i have tomorrow, i'll see you05:38
databitswhat kind of final do you have tomorrow ?05:39
speeddemon8803later shameless, and i totally forgot about that.05:39
dtorkis there a way to find the source type of my wireless card?05:39
scguy318dtork: chipset? lspci05:39
pgWhy is swap space > 2 * RAM not recommended?  What if you run memory-hungry apps, like many Firefox windows at the same time?05:39
scguy318pg: because it's so wasteful05:39
scguy318pg: and if you need that much RAM for Firefox, install more RAM!05:39
scguy318pg: swap space is VERY slow05:39
scguy318pg: you only need swap space as big as RAM in order to hibernate or something05:40
dtorkscguy318: thank you05:40
ste-foyscguy318: Thx a lot05:40
scguy318pg: 2*RAM was great in the days of DOS, when you could count on 8 MB max05:40
pgscguy318: Thanks.  Yet the advice is 2*ram for ram <= 2Gb, right?05:40
mike01how do i bridge my ethernet network with my wireless through nat, and setting up an ssid/ wpa2?05:40
scguy318pg: dont bother with 2*RAM at all05:40
AgentHeXnow, anyone here know how to force usage of the nvidia restricted driver for Xen?  i can't boot to Xen with the amd64 one, and i can't live without compiz.05:40
scguy318pg:if you start using a large amount of swap, you're running slow05:41
scguy318pg: and thus need more RAM :)05:41
pgI see.05:41
Dekkardso how mucha ram do you have?05:41
bulmermike01-> what is the reason for doing such?05:41
mike01share my internet connection with my laptop05:42
mike01needs to be nat though, only have 1 external ip05:42
bulmermike01-> laptop and what?05:42
mike01and no router05:42
mike01connect laptop and desktop05:42
ste-foyOK Thx scguy31805:42
mike01desktop has a wireless card that is detected and works in linux05:42
bulmermike01-> you have to respond with a prefix nick or else I may miss your responses05:43
mike01bulmer ok05:43
mike01bulmer: have you done this before?05:43
qiyonghow to upgrade from 7.04 to 7.10?05:43
bulmermike01-> is it your desktop that has internet connection?05:43
scguy318qiyong: System -> Admin -> Update Manager05:44
AgentHeXanyone?  anyone?  help with Xen and nvidia restricted driver?05:44
databitsdoes anyone here know anythin about network installs ? msg me plz05:44
bulmermike01-> i have something similar but using bridging is not the best way to do things05:44
mike01i don't have a router and don't plan on buying one05:44
mike01and im fine setting static routes05:45
bulmermike01-> you have to respond with a prefix nick or else I may miss your responses <-- i will ignore you if you dont05:45
mike01bulmer i don't have a router and don't plan on buying one05:45
qiyongscguy318: i'm in console05:45
mike01bulmer and ok fine setting static routes05:45
bulmermike01-> your desktp, assuming it uses linux can be a router05:45
qiyongscguy318: tell me the command, X is ok05:46
mike01thats what i was planning on05:46
scguy318qiyong: update-manager :)05:46
scguy318qiyong: then jam upgrade, then it does the work05:46
mike01bulmer: yes, thats what i was planning on05:46
kev_banyone know a good text editor for ubuntu? I like the syntax highlighting of gedit but i hate the tabs, I want a side bar with the files in it or similar...05:46
dtorkanyone know if I can get a driver for a Texas Instruments PCI1410 wireless card?05:47
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neil_dI have a 6.10 installation, when installing 7.10 can I resize the existing ext3 partition ?  so I can dual boot.05:47
bulmermike01-> so set it up as such..but dont use bridging..you dont gain much05:47
qiyongscguy318: can apt-get et al do the same job?05:47
mike01need to have a private IP on the laptop05:47
mike01outside shouldn't be able to see the laptop05:48
krupa^anyone knows how set automaticly updates in uubuntu in cron05:48
mike01bulmer need to have a private IP on the laptop, outside shouldn't be able to see the laptop05:48
krupa^sodu apt-get upgrade -y? or somthing?05:48
scguy318qiyong: it might, not sure05:49
hajihi whats the command that untars a tar.bz2?05:49
bulmermike01-> okay...your desktop has two ethernet nics?05:49
Dr_willis!info unp05:49
ubotuunp: unpack (almost) everything with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.12 (gutsy), package size 9 kB, installed size 72 kB05:49
mike01bulmer desktop has one ethernet, and one wireless05:49
neil_dhaji, you could try the archive manager gui.05:50
hajineil_d, thanks but im looking for the command05:50
bulmermike01-> do you know if your wifi card can do host to host as opposed to host-to-AP?05:50
Dankchildhey guys im trying to reinstall my grub, and i have the intructions right here, but none of them make sense, please someone walk me through it.05:50
mike01i think so, its built in on an asus p5k-e wifi/ap mobo05:51
chetnickhi guys does anyone know what is this process scrollkeeper-up, its eating up so much of my CPU ?05:51
mike01bulmer i think so, its built in on an asus p5k-e wifi/ap mobo05:51
Dankchildplease someone help me with grub05:51
glassfacehello all..05:51
bulmermike01-> why dont you test that portion first before getting to the next step of routing and nat ?05:51
mike01bulmer its sold as having AP functionality05:51
glassfaceI'm getting sudoers parsing error.  How can I repair/regenerate it?05:51
neil_dhaji, with tar use the -j option should do it.05:52
bulmermike01-> ie adhoc to adhoc05:52
mike01in knetwork manager i can see another "ethernet" connection under wireless05:52
al-_-Girsomeone know about program in ubuntu like IDA PRO on windows ?05:52
mike01not sure if its a router or what05:52
greylurkFor an intel video card in a laptop, which x server should I be using?05:52
ubotugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:52
mike01bulmer how would i test that05:52
bulmermike01-> if you have the manual, i'd read it ..to put it in that mode05:53
ghostwhat does this mean05:54
ghostTo disable a service in this runlevel, rename its script in this directory05:54
ghostso that the new name begins with a 'K' and a two-digit number, where the05:54
ghostnumber is the difference between the two-digit number following the 'S'05:54
mike01its onboard05:54
ghostin its current name, and 100.  To re-enable the service, rename the script05:54
ghostback to its original name beginning with 'S'.05:54
mike01bulmer: its onboard, there arn't any switches on it05:54
mike01bulmer whats the difference between wlan0 and wmaster005:55
ghostIs that not vuage?05:55
bulmermike01-> via commands05:55
Dankchildcan anyone see what im typing?05:55
mike01bulmer ifconfig05:55
mike01i have wlan0 and wmaster005:55
mike01bulmer they have different hwaddresses05:55
Dankchildk, its just that noone responded05:55
bulmermike01-> man iwlist05:55
neil_dI have a 6.10 installation, when installing 7.10 can I resize the existing ext3 partition ?  so I can dual boot.05:55
mike01bulmer only one that supports scanning is wlan005:56
Dankchildwill someone please help me with grub, im doing exactly what the instructions say and its not doing what it says it will05:56
ech0dishsudo apt-get remove *05:56
bulmermike01-> i dont know what a wmaster0 is05:56
ech0dishsudo apt-get remove k*05:56
mike01bulmer nm05:57
mike01bulmer wlan0     IEEE 802.11g  ESSID:"" Mode:Managed  Frequency:2.412 GHz  Access Point: Not-Associated Encryption key:off, etc...05:57
MasterShrekech0dish, that will probably not work, but if it did, it would more than likeyl break the system05:57
chetnickhi guys does anyone know what is this process scrollkeeper-up, its eating up so much of my CPU ?05:57
oldmanstancan anyone suggest a solution to this problem?: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=49532905:57
chetnickand is there any CPU temperature monitor05:58
mahaboobi think there is one software05:58
NewuserHello, requesting help on installing Grub05:58
ech0dishit works try it05:58
glassfacehey! i had resolved my problem (sudoers)05:58
NewuserConfiguring grub*05:58
glassfacetnx for  no one paying attention05:58
bulmermike01-> that basically tells you your wifi has not associated with the AP05:59
dannyHi, i have a zune (mp3 player) is there any ways to get songs onto it threw linux05:59
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Dankchildnewuser: ive been trying to get help with grub too05:59
mike01bulmer: ok so what is the first step to setting it up05:59
Dankchild!grub |newuser05:59
ubotunewuser: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:59
zcat[1]looking for little gadgets like a desktop clock and calendar.. gdesklets seemed a bit flakey last time I used it, is there anything else I can try?05:59
bulmermike01->first , if you have the manual, i'd read it .06:00
al-_-Girsomeone know about program in ubuntu like IDA PRO on windows ?06:00
mike01bulmer: manual for what?06:00
qwerty121Hi all! i had two panels on my desktop. I deleted one. How can create on now?06:00
bulmermike01->first , if you have the manual for the wifi card, i'd read it .06:00
NewuserDankchild: Thank you06:00
zcat[1]qwerty121: rightclick on other panel, 'new panel'06:00
bulmermike01-> same thing with your laptop ..read the manual06:01
mike01bulmer: card doesn't have a manual, its built into the motherboard06:01
Dankchildnewuser: no problem06:01
glassfaceI'm not able to see any menu items in xmms, what font package is missing and how can I install it?06:01
bulmermike01-> visit the mobo web site and find info/manual?06:01
qwerty121thanks zcat[1]06:01
mike01bulmer: there is no manual for setting it up with linux06:01
ludditehey all, i have a resolvconf and dhcpd question.  my dsl modem is constantly "telling" my computer to rewrite the resolv.conf.06:02
bulmermike01-> maybe you can figure out how its equivalent in windows?  you know, you have to improvise a bit06:02
ludditeit's a dhcp setup, and was trying to figure out how to keep my special dns in resolv.conf with out being overwritten all the time06:02
zcat[1]luddite: log into your dsl modem and look for DHCP settings, set that to have the correct DNS and whatever else06:02
mike01i have it working in windows but only for a few minutes, then vista's internet connection sharing breaks it06:02
Extravertcan anyone help me with grep?06:03
bulmerluddite-> in your dhcp client, there is a config not to update resolv.conf06:03
ludditei have the correct dns, the prob is that the modem pushes instead of what i want06:03
ludditeplease tell me bulmer what option, is it in /etc/dhcp3/dhcp.conf?06:04
michael_Im using Ubuntu and Cedega-- Im attempting to DL World of Warcraft, anyone used this combo before?06:04
zcat[1]bulmer: best option is to actually have the DHCP server give out the correct info in the first place, then everything you connect will work right away without having to change settings each time06:04
bulmerluddite i dont know off hand, i have to check that06:04
utarpradeshmichael_: it will work06:04
utarpradeshdon't worry06:04
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bulmerzcat[1]-> you cant, those wireless routers only doles out its own dns server address06:04
michael_utarpradesh: how do i get the updates to work? When i try and play, it stalls on the opening, with just a black screen06:05
ludditefor example, the modem pushes out a non-internet accessible IP as the dns06:05
ludditeand it does this every 5min06:05
zcat[1]bulmer: 'by default' -- I've yet to find one that can't be reconfigured06:05
utarpradeshmichael_ are you using a dual boot, XP/ubuntu?06:05
michael_just ubuntu06:05
utarpradeshis WoW installed on the windows partition?06:05
michael_utarpradesh: Only ubuntu06:05
utarpradeshi'm not sure, then06:06
utarpradeshi'm sorry friend06:06
ludditei do not have access to the modem either and my ISP will not give me static ip for anything less than 50 dollars more06:06
zcat[1]hmm.. well that sucks then.06:06
ludditeit's really wierd, my ip doesn't change but the modem keeps pushing like the world is going to end06:06
bulmerzcat[1]-> try like the 2wire dsl modem/router and see if you can set the dns you prefer06:06
ludditesoo my custom dns servers are constantly being overwrittne06:07
michael_anyone else used cedega with World of Warcraft and Linux06:07
ludditeyes michael_ i played wow 2 years ago on linux with cedega06:07
ludditeit was fun, now i don't have time06:07
ludditeso any advice for a dhcp newb on how to configure dhcp to stop re-writing the resolvconf06:08
michael_luddite: How do i get it to install the updates???06:08
ludditefor cedega?06:08
ludditeor for wow06:08
michael_luddite: wow, i try and run WoW but it sits on a black screen06:09
ludditewell, i don't know what to tell you did you go to the freenode IRC for cedega?06:09
michael_luddite: went to transgaming06:09
michael_luddite: its running cedega fine i think06:10
ludditeok... I don't know what to tell you, i have trouble with basic networking, i wish I had time to game06:10
KiD_ChAoSim so proud, i made my own connect command text file for xchat and configured xchat to use it when connecting, and to top it off it all works06:10
ludditedo you play any other games with cedega?06:10
michael_nope, just installed it06:10
ludditethat's a good check..06:10
michael_not sure how to work it06:10
bulmerluddite->  try removing this  domain-name-servers from that /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf  and see if it still acquires the dns server from your modem06:10
ludditeaaah, michael_ you need to install an old school game that you know is supported06:11
ludditetry counterstrike_cs06:11
ludditethanks bulmer, now to ssh across the planet at light speed and test your advice06:12
michael_i would, but i just bought a month of wow lol06:12
michael_it wont dl the update06:12
TeslaDaveHas anyone had any expierience with VMware Server 2 running on Gusty06:12
humboltoany xen people here?06:13
FrankLakatosCan someone help me get ubuntu to recognize a wireless gaming card?06:13
TeslaDaveluddite, yes? you have run vmware 2 beta?06:14
ludditei have the latest update for vmware server06:14
ludditesorry not the beta06:14
ludditethat's crazy06:14
exseai got a problem with my installation can anyone pm me?06:14
MasterShrekvirtualbox ftw06:14
humboltofor the networking setup (eth0 bridging) do I have to do anything else than setting the (network-script network-bridge)(vif-script vif-bridge) parameters? will xenbr0 ... be created and linked by itself after restarting xend?06:15
TeslaDaveluddite, is yours webbased, or actually a program06:15
humboltoI am on gutsy.06:15
StubeeI'm using dapper drake version. Sometimes the sounds works and somthimes it doesn't. can anyone help me please?06:16
humboltoluddite: all howtos say that's all I have to do, but I have not seen no xenbr0 show up yet.06:16
TeslaDaveluddite do u know of a VMware IRC?06:16
TeslaDavenevermind found it, thnaks all06:17
Stubee I'm using dapper drake version. Sometimes the sounds works and somthimes it doesn't. can anyone help me06:17
bullgard4"detlef@MD97600:~$ apropos xmag; xmag (1x)  - magnify parts of the screen" What does here '(1x)' mean?06:17
Stubee                please?06:17
zcat[1]bullgard4: section 1x of the manual06:18
shishioMasterShrek: are you still there?>06:18
zcat[1]like zcat(1) means zcat is in section 1 of the manual -- section 1 is ordinary user commands06:18
humboltoanybody ever used xen here?06:18
humboltowith bridging?06:18
MasterShrekyes shishio whats up06:19
zcat[1]section 1x probably means ordinary user commands that require an x server (gui)06:19
shishioMasterShrek: my pc ghut down while i took a nap, but i still have 20 mins left06:19
shishioMasterShrek: shut down*06:19
BertoNew Flash Player 32-bit is available.  Is there a doc on how to install it in 64-bit systems?06:19
zcat[1]looking for little gadgets like a desktop clock and calendar.. gdesklets seemed a bit flakey last time I used it, is there anything else I can try?06:20
EvanlecMasterShrek, whatup meng ;p06:20
tomdbullgard4, sections are important incase there is an entry of the same name in other sections.. try man 1 stat, man 2 stat06:20
shishioMasterShrek: my .iso file is in my home folder... how will i burn it in my CD?06:20
bullgard4zcat[1]: Tell me please what section '1x' of the manual is. I do not know such a section. What I do know is a section 1, often designated '(1)'.06:20
EvanlecBerto, what do u mean new flash player?06:20
FrankLakatosany help getting Ubuntu to recognized a wireless game router06:20
MasterShrekshishio, i gave u the command before, let me look it up again06:20
BertoEvanlec, http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash&P2_Platform=Linux06:20
MasterShrekwhats up Evanlec how u been?06:20
zcat[1]bullgard4: probably like section1, but commands that need a GUI (X11 server)06:20
BertoEvanlec, Version 9 Update 306:20
EvanlecMasterShrek, pretty good man, im running Arch now ;)06:21
BertoEvanlec, but my Edgy system auto-installed firefox64, nspluginwrapper, and flash 32-bit.  wondering how i can get this newer flash working06:21
MasterShrekhow is it?06:21
EvanlecBerto, update 3 .. do u really need that?06:21
bulmerFrankLakatos-> i have not come across that yet, is that any different than an AP with embedded router?06:21
EvanlecMasterShrek, i like it...tho i dont have too much else to compare it to except ubuntu06:21
BertoEvanlec, sure, if it fixes some of the hangs i get with npviewer.bin :)06:21
FrankLakatosim not sure what any of that means. I just installed Linux today06:21
shishioMasterShrek: hmm...let me see... "cdrecord -v speed=4 dev/cdrom ubuntu-7.10-desktop-i386.iso"?06:22
ludditebulmer, didn't fix it.. to verify.. how do i commit the changed i made to dhcp.conf?06:22
JusticeZeroHi, I need help putting my graphics driver back in. I'm on a quickstart CD because I put the wrong graphics driver in and restarted.06:22
ludditedo a /etc/init.d/dhcpd restart?06:22
bulmerFrankLakatos-> maybe you can explain what that wireless game router do?06:22
StubeeCan anyone help me with an audio issue06:22
MasterShrekshishio, yeap06:22
bulmerluddite-> what happened when you removed that suggested option?06:22
EvanlecBerto, someone suggested to me to just download the tarball of flash and install it manually in hopes that it will just overwrite the files curently used by nspluginwrapper06:22
ludditenothing really06:22
FrankLakatosok, it gets wireless internet and outputs it to ethernet06:23
shishioMasterShrek: thanks06:23
EvanlecMasterShrek, u still running slamd64?06:23
ludditei did a dhclient eth0 and the resolv.conf got overwritten06:23
MasterShrekyea, and i couldnt be happier06:23
shishioMasterShrek: 94% done06:23
BertoEvanlec, do you know what the name of the packages are that edgy installs automatcally?  and where they put their files?06:23
bullgard4tomd: I know the role of sections designated '1', '8' etc. This is not new to me. But what does '1x' refer to?06:23
shishioMasterShrek: =)06:23
MasterShrekshishio, =D06:23
bulmerFrankLakatos-> seems to be similar to an AP with router06:23
ludditesorry no fix, but yes there was a change06:23
EvanlecBerto, i believe its flashplugin-nonfree06:23
FrankLakatoscool- what should I try?06:23
BertoEvanlec, do you know what command (with apt-get or aptitude) lists the files involved with that package?06:23
EvanlecBerto, where they put their files, probably lots of places06:23
lizilii have installed linux-686 in kubuntu6.06 , should i remove linux-386 to keep off confilct ?06:24
EvanlecBerto, no i dont know that command06:24
bulmerbullgard4-> let me guess..1x as in 1x magnification, 2x as twice magnification..i cud be wrong....06:24
andreuuhello, im getting low FPS in Q3 and when I try and play movies it is all pink rainbow sort of thing ,06:24
andreuudoes anyone have any ideas what could cause this/how to fix it?06:24
tomdwhat he said, 1x more than likely is for utils that use X1106:24
akillxchat is wierd06:25
akillwhere's the nickname list06:25
EvanlecMasterShrek, slack is definitely a good distro, but I think u might really like Arch, mostly because of its rolling release system, you're always up to date06:25
akillof everyone who's in the channel06:25
zcat[1]bullgard4: section 1x - like a little section off the end of section1 where someone decided to list a few more commands that sort of belong in section 1 but sort of are different.06:25
JusticeZeroHi, I have a paperweight because I messed up and put in the wrong graphics driver. How can I, from the CD boot, change the driver settings?06:25
MasterShrekEvanlec, how does it work? just auto updates all the time or what?06:25
EvanlecMasterShrek, yea i look forward to running pacman -Syu  everytime i get home from work ;)06:25
zcat[1]rofl... wha that really akill??06:26
EvanlecMasterShrek, running that synchronizes the repos, any updates get installed, recently we got updates to things like Xorg-server and nautilus06:26
MasterShrekEvanlec, heh, i just recently set up a cron job to rsync slamd64-current, so now ill stay up to date too06:26
MasterShrekwell, with a couple added commands here and there06:27
EvanlecMasterShrek, rather than the terribly un-exciting updates that ubuntu delivers ;p06:27
MasterShrekwhat package system does arch use?06:27
EvanR_isnt it their own system06:27
EvanlecMasterShrek, it uses Pacman06:27
lizilihello,everybody !I have installed linux-686 in kubuntu6.06 , should i remove linux-386 to keep off confilct ?06:27
MasterShrekwell i know that, but are they debian packages or rpm's or what?06:27
EvanlecMasterShrek, along with ABS (arch build system) which is similar in concept to BSD's Ports system06:27
EvanR_so they arent deb or rpm06:28
EvanlecMasterShrek, mm, they're neither06:28
bullgard4zcat[1],   tomd, bulmer: Thank you for commenting.06:28
FrankLakatosbulmer-> any clue what i should try?06:28
MasterShreklizili, you shouldnt have to, just choose the 686 kernel from grub06:28
EvanlecMasterShrek, they come in .pkg.tar.gz format ;p06:28
EvanlecMasterShrek, but basically they are all built from ABS using Arch-made PKGBUILD files06:29
marcioapfi'm having problems with phpmyadmin. I have already installed it, but there is no /var/www/phpmyadmin06:29
bulmerFrankLakatos-> can you elaborate on that device? how is it used? where is it supposed to be located?06:29
JusticeZeroHow do I change the graphics driver settings of Ubuntu 7.10 from a 7.04 boot disk?06:29
EvanlecMasterShrek, the PKGBUILD files are pretty small and just give compiler-flags, location of the source files to download, and any other options06:29
FrankLakatosit's plugged into my ethernet port06:29
MasterShrekmarcioapf, try a: whereis phpmyadmin06:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mingw32 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi06:29
bazhangExtravert: please stop06:29
Extravertbazhang: ?06:29
user11_011what package should i install for  mingw32 C++ compiler06:30
bulmerFrankLakatos-> you have to respond with my nick if response is directed to me, or i will ignore06:30
januszealis is possable to give my ubuntu server machine some kind of image background for the console?06:30
EvanlecMasterShrek, and u just makepkg -i with the pkgbuild file and it downloads the source, compiles, and makes a working package for u to use with pacman06:30
MasterShrekEvanlec, ic, sounds kinda like slackbuilds, except they dont point to a download site06:30
marcioapfMasterShrek: i got "/etc/phpmyadmin /usr/share/phpmyadmin"06:30
Extravertbazhang: I cant say yay? =(06:30
EvanlecMasterShrek, slackbuilds require source files to be local?06:30
EvanlecMasterShrek, yea i think its a similar concept06:30
EvanlecMasterShrek, tho honestly i havent even built anything myself yet ;p06:31
MasterShrekmarcioapf, i would look in /etc/phpmyadmin/  for a conf file, and u should be able to figure out where its at, also look in that /usr/share/phpmyadmin dir, could be what you are looking for06:31
FrankLakatosbulmer-> sorry. It's a a little device that picks up wireless signal and then connects to an ethernet port. It's for devices that don't have built in wifi, but want to use a wireless signal. get it?06:31
ludditewhat if i block port 68 and 67... will that stop a dhcp push?06:31
EvanlecMasterShrek, tho with that new flash update, i might try it06:31
MasterShrekEvanlec, heh, so when you install soemthign, i has to compile it each time? or your pacman gets precompiled packages?06:32
user11_011what package should i install for  mingw32 C++ compiler06:32
scguy318Evanlec: http://rapidshare.com/files/74380214/install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz.html if needed06:32
EvanlecMasterShrek, arch gets binary updates06:32
subpar_I have a problem with conflicting mice. a description can be found here --> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3839154 Any ideas?06:32
EvanlecMasterShrek, it is not like gentoo in that respect06:32
scguy318Evanlec: that's the tarball that the current flashplugin-nonfree likes06:32
Evanlecscguy318, thanks, altho im not running ubuntu atm06:32
scguy318Evanlec: sorry if that was a bit random06:32
bulmerFrankLakatos-> this device is connected to an ethernet port thats is connected to the internet? its not clear from your explanation06:32
scguy318Evanlec: np06:32
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JusticeZeroHow do I change my graphics driver in Ubuntu if I can only boot workably from a boot CD?06:33
Evanlecscguy318, did installing that manually work for you? what about the file on flash.com?06:33
marcioapfMasterShrek, what i really want is just to use phpmyadmin to create a table06:33
Dr_willisJusticeZero,   change it from what to what? the drive used is defined in the xorg.conf file. You can edit that if you want.06:33
Evanlecisnt phpmyadmin a web administration interface?06:33
andreuuhello, im getting low FPS in Q3 and when I try and play movies it is all pink rainbow sort of thing ,06:34
andreuudoes anyone have any ideas what could cause this/how to fix it?06:34
MasterShrekmarcioapf, i know nothing about phpmyadmin, im just trying to help you find the directory you are looking for06:34
scguy318Evanlec: I placed the tarball in /var/cache/flashplugin-nonfree then did aptitude reinstall flashplugin-nonfree06:34
FrankLakatosbulmer-> ok, ill break it down. So i have wireless internet in my house. Now my pc doesn't have a wireless card to get that signal. So this device has an anntenea that can find the wireless signal, and then it has an ethernet port, and i can plug it into my computer, making it able to use wireless internet.06:34
JusticeZeroI set the wrong driver; now when I boot up I have a blank screen.06:34
Dr_willisandreuu,  you have installed the accelerated video card drivers for whatever card you have?06:34
scguy318Evanlec: I let the postinstall do its job :P06:34
Evanlecscguy318, very clever, so u fooled it into using the latest source file06:34
Dr_willisJusticeZero,  what driver did you set up?  If you can get to the console. you can reconfigure your X server. no live cd needed.06:34
andreuuwas playing fine, movies too a minute ago, dont know what happened06:34
scguy318Evanlec: thats not latest actually06:34
Evanlecscguy318, well what is it then?06:35
scguy318Evanlec: its just old one that worked06:35
Airwulfhey to all06:35
scguy318Evanlec: just before Adobe's update06:35
Evanlecscguy318, why bother with an old one?06:35
scguy318Evanlec: too lazy to install it myself :P06:35
exseamy pc hangs when i start ubuntu on it, when i restart, the monitor refuses to function06:35
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JusticeZeroI don't see any way to get to it... the keyboard doesn't work unless i'm in Ubuntu completely, at which point I can't see anything.06:35
andreuuand konversation says Server fond, connecting, lost:no error so I had to use xchat which works...06:35
Evanlecscguy318, i mean, is that file u gave me newer than whats available in the ubuntu repo?06:35
exseaanywone experience it before?06:35
Dr_willisandreuu,  it could be the 'locate' database is updating - its set on a cron job to run once a day.  IF everything was fine.. then suddendly slowwed down.. could check the 'top' command and see whats running06:36
scguy318Evanlec: no, its not newer, its the only one that works at the moment ;)06:36
andreuuyeah ta did that. nothing06:36
andreuuwierd thing is movies wont play... hmm06:36
Dr_willisJusticeZero,  keybord dont work in the grub menus?06:36
scguy318Evanlec: if you try to install flashplugin-nonfree right now, it'll crap out with md5 error06:36
Airwulfhow can I achieve that nautilus show me mounted partitions of local fileystem in left pane?06:36
bulmerFrankLakatos-> so instead of having an internal wifi card, you use this external card as the nic to connect wirelessly to your AP right?06:36
Evanlecscguy318, eh? on 64bit u mean rite?06:36
scguy318Evanlec: on any platform06:36
Evanlecscguy318, oh lol, well i havent booted into ubuntu in a while06:36
scguy318Evanlec: flashplugin-nonfree works great on 64-bit, or it used to, thanks to ndiswrapper06:36
marcioapfMasterShrek, oh ok. I found those two directories... but i think there should be one at /var/www/, because there is where i can use php files, from http://filehost/06:36
marcioapfEvanlec: yes06:37
Evanlecscguy318, yea i know. sad to hear its broken06:37
FrankLakatosbulmer->yes. what is an AP06:37
scguy318Evanlec: but with Adobe's update, its md5 checks fail, the installation fails06:37
scguy318Evanlec: should be a simple fix06:37
Dr_willisJusticeZero,  let me guess a USB keyboard.. You may want to plug in a ps2 keyboard if ya got one. Ive heard that enabling 'legacy usb' support in the bios can get around the usb keybaord not working  issue.06:37
bulmerFrankLakatos-> why do you play around with wireless and not knowing these terms?06:37
Evanlecmarcioapf, u have apache installed?06:37
MasterShrekmarcioapf, is there a confi file in /etc/phpmyadmin that specifies such a directory?06:37
Ayabarawhat package(s) do I need to install to get man-pages for ansic standard functions?06:37
scguy318FrankLakatos: AP = Access Point06:37
Evanlecscguy318, why would they put that into the repo?06:38
scguy318Evanlec: ?06:38
Evanlecscguy318, a broken install06:38
JusticeZeroI don't have a ps2 keyboard, alas. Where would I find the legacy usb setting? I didn't see it..06:38
Evanlecscguy318, or u talking about the source06:38
scguy318Evanlec: it wasn't broken a few days ago06:38
FrankLakatosbulmer->ahh. I've had this thing for 4 years, all i ever had to do was plug it into my comp and it worked. But i literally installed Ubuntu today, and it's not showing up06:38
Evanlecscguy318, i mean, why would they put a broken package in the ubuntu repos06:38
scguy318Evanlec: or whenever it was before Adobe placed the updated tarball on its site06:38
Dr_willisJusticeZero,  no idea on your bios. :) ive never had it work for  me that way either. I alwyas had to grab a ps2 for some of my machines..06:39
marcioapfMasterShrek, i don't think so06:39
marcioapfEvalec, yes i do06:39
scguy318Evanlec: they wouldn't, it broke very recently because the package simply wgets Adobe's tarball06:39
scguy318Evanlec: and with the tarball change, the md5 of it changed, a bit of a show-stopper06:39
Dr_willisJusticeZero,  what video card did you set up the machijne as? what one do you hav4e?06:39
Evanlecscguy318, aha...i didnt know debs downloaded new sources06:39
bulmerFrankLakatos-> how did this work before? you have in on a windows?06:39
Darius08xHello, I recently just installed ubuntu 7.10 I believe on my slightly new computer. The installation seemed to go well, but when I booted it up and started to load ubuntu, then went to log in I got this error;  scsi 2:0:0:0: rejecting I/O dead device.      It would give me that error about 4 times every second. I rebooted, then tried to load ubuntu again and now I get GRUB loading stage1.5.    GRUB loading, lease wait... error17 I also06:39
scguy318Evanlec: the Flash tarball isn't really a source06:39
Evanlecscguy318, oh?06:40
JusticeZeroWell, failing that, how do I get at xorg.conf from the boot CD? I have an nVidia 7600GS. I set it to nv because the restricted driver was giving me crashing problems.06:40
scguy318Evanlec: as part of the postinstall routine, it actually wgets the Flash binary install tarball from Adobe06:40
Dr_willisJusticeZero,  mount your installed drive - edit the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file06:40
Evanlecscguy318, but still, i thot a .deb file was independent, not needing to grab anything else from the net06:40
scguy318Evanlec: then does checks and then install06:40
Evanlecscguy318, oh so this is a special case06:40
shishioMasterShrek: i have a problem about the .iso file... No such file or directory. Cannot open 'dev/cdrom'.06:40
scguy318Evanlec: yep, like msttcorefonts06:40
Evanlecscguy318, i gotcha06:41
scguy318Evanlec: it has to, because the fonts and Flash aren't free for distribution06:41
MasterShrekshishio, try using sudo, your user may not have priviledges06:41
Evanlecscguy318, ah, that makes sense06:41
AyabaraIs there a better vcs-diff-viewer for gnome than meld?06:41
shishioMasterShrek: ok06:41
FrankLakatosbulmer->when it worked before, it was getting the signal from a linksys wireless router. Now, my internet provider sent me the wireless router06:41
MasterShrekshishio, make sure the iso is correctly referenced too,the filename may be a little bit different, and make sure you are in the folder where it is located06:41
m55whats the best daemon-type bittorrent client?06:41
Evanlecscguy318, u tried any other distros besides ubuntu?06:41
marcioapfEvanlec, both /etc/phpmyadmin and /usr/share/phpmyadmin have many .php files, what doesn't make sense since i can only read them if they are parsed by my server. And this only happens to files into /var/www, which i acess through http://localhost06:42
scguy318Evanlec: not really, I must admit06:42
dadehoogDarius08x: Any idea what the scsi 2:0:0:0 device is ? Any external HDDs plugged in via USB, or CD/DVD drives etc ?06:42
JusticeZeroI know how to edit the file once I find it, but mounting and finding it i'm hazy on.06:42
jariep1_hi all06:42
bulmerFrankLakatos-> before? as in before today? and before you were using microsoft? now if you use microsoft, does it work with the new AP ?06:42
shishioMasterShrek: How will i do that? my .iso file is inmy home folder06:42
jariep1_how are you06:42
jariep1_i just installed ubuntu06:42
Darius08xUhhh, I have an external HD plugged in.06:42
jariep1_is beautiful06:43
Evanlecmarcioapf, well, /etc/phpmyadmin should NOT be where ur server is serving php files06:43
dadehoogDarius08x: Do you need it plugged in ?06:43
dnanyone find their sound is broken in the past 24 hours after updating packages?06:43
Evanlecscguy318, well, i just switched the Arch linux and i'm liking it06:43
MasterShrekshishio, sudo cdrecord -v speed=4 /dev/cdrom ubuntu<hit tab>06:43
user11_011REPOST: what package should i install for  mingw32 C++ compiler06:43
Darius08xI suppose not. I'll unplug it right now.06:43
dadehoogI'd unplug it, then try and boot Ubuntu again06:43
Evanlecscguy318, u seem like ur a more advanced linux user, u might enjoy a more "advanced" level distro06:43
FrankLakatosbulmer->before as in, i've used it for 3 years on Windows XP at my old apartment. Now i moved, got a new ISP, and installed Ubuntu.06:43
utarpradeshwhat program do i use in ubuntu to mount/access my ipod as a flash drive, rather than as a music device?06:43
marcioapfEvanlec, the same about /usr/share/phpmyadmin?06:44
Evanlecmarcioapf, im geussing those are example files...06:44
Darius08xI still get the GRUB error though.06:44
Evanlecmarcioapf, like /usr/share/doc06:44
shishioMasterShrek, it works^^06:44
marcioapfEvanlec, hmm... ok. But how am i supposed to use phpmyadmin?06:44
MasterShrekgood news06:44
KiD_ChAoSdoes anyone have a suggestion for an irc bot that is easily configurable, like one that would monitor and channel for floods and foul language?06:44
dadehoogdn: no worries here ... and I've just installed the latest patches ...06:44
x_zeussone quick question: what would be best suited for office use? gnome or kde?06:45
bulmerFrankLakatos-> if you have windows, does it work with this new ISP router? or you think because you have ubuntu now suddenly things dont work?06:45
Evanlecmarcioapf, well to be honest, i dont know anything about phpmyadmin either...06:45
x_zeussin terms of stability06:45
dnyou don't happen to know what packages have been updated recently? i seen firefox and openoffice, but neither of those should affect my sound :/06:45
dadehoogx_zeuss: I'd say GNOME - but it's a while since I used KDE06:45
scguy318x_zeuss: whatever you want, they both have their advantages06:45
EvanlecMasterShrek, so how is your dependency management going? ;p06:45
jariep1_is there a screensaver on the default ubuntu06:46
andreuuwhat dir is x11 in ? thats how I restart xserver yes ?06:46
MrStonedOneuser11_011: mingw3206:46
dadehoogx_zeuss: scguy318 is correct. For what it's worth, GNOME seems a lot "cleaner" and therefore easier to roll-out in a business / training context06:46
shishioMasterShrek, error:"Track 01:    0 MB written.cdrecord: Input/output error. read error on input fileWriting  time:    4.652s06:46
shishiocdrecord: fifo had 64 puts and 1 gets.06:46
shishiocdrecord: fifo was 0 times empty and 0 times full, min fill was 100%.06:46
marcioapfEvanlec, =P ok. Anyway, many pages on the internet say that i should go to http://localhost/phpmyadmin06:46
MrStonedOneuser11_011: apt-get install mingw3206:46
JusticeZerojanep1 no, but you can set one.06:46
MasterShrekEvanlec, i dont really have any issues, granted a few things i need to compile a dependency for, most things work just fine06:46
jariep1_JusticeZero ok thank you06:46
Evanlecmarcioapf, well that makes sense, and that dir doesnt exist?06:46
FrankLakatosbulmer->im thinking Ubuntu is working perfectly, i just need to get it to look for this wireless device. The ISP is working fine on mine, and my two roomates mac (im on my mac on the same ISP now)06:46
user11_011MrStonedOne: i did that but i dont get minw32 as a command at all!!!!06:46
dadehoogDarius08x: So you've got a GRUB error, that is different to the original error ?06:46
EvanlecMasterShrek, hehe, yea im just giving u crap ;p06:47
marcioapfEvalec no, it doesn't exist =(06:47
shishioMasterShrek: it doesnt burn at my cd06:47
shishioMasterShrek: =(06:47
EvanlecMasterShrek, are u using RPM's for package installs or no?06:47
Darius08xMy orginal error was the scsi 2:0:0:0: rejecting I/O dead device thing, then I rebooted and got both the GRUB error17 and 18.06:47
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
MrStonedOneuser11_011: i'll take a look at what files it installed once its doing installing, one sec06:47
Evanlecmarcioapf, how did u install apache and phpmyadmin?06:47
andreuuhow do I restart xserver?06:47
bulmerFrankLakatos-> once you plugged it in your ethernet port of your desktop, what do you see if you type ifconfig, do this before you plug in and after to see the difference06:47
x_zeussi heard that the kde version of ubuntu (kubuntu) is very buggy, example, last night i booted kubuntu and it wouldn't mount my hdds (errors), but ubuntu was able to do this very well06:47
dadehoogOK ... did you configure anything/update any packages between the SCSI error and the reboot ?06:48
marcioapfEvanlec, all of them by sudo apt-get06:48
Evanlecmarcioapf, from the official repos?06:48
MasterShrekEvanlec, now, slackware packages (.tgz) or source compiling06:48
MasterShrekshishio, do you have gnomebaker installed?06:48
marcioapfEvanlec, dunno?06:48
jack|assWhat's the new "standard" for VPN's?  OpenVPN?06:48
EvanlecMasterShrek, does slack use rpm?06:48
shishioMasterShrek: i dont know if i have that06:48
MasterShrekEvanlec, no, it uses slackware packages which are .tgz06:49
marcioapfEvanlec, i think yes. i just typed things like sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin06:49
EvanlecMasterShrek, oh k06:49
marcioapfsudo apt-get install apache206:49
MasterShrekshishio, can you install it?06:49
shishioMasterShrek: how>06:49
LukeI'm setting up a box vista box as a security camera server... how can I access that via ubuntu? anyone know any good solutions to this?06:49
MasterShrekshishio, sudo apt-get install gnomebaker06:49
EvanlecMasterShrek, he should be able to burn that iso using nautilus by default...06:49
MasterShrekEvanlec, well it is breezy, ubuntu 5.1006:50
jack|assLuke: rdesktop?06:50
FrankLakatosbulmer->unpluged "TX Packets:304"  , pluggedin "TX Packets:321"06:50
shishioEvanlec: using nautilus? how?06:50
bulmerFrankLakatos-> what is that? what is before and what is after?06:51
shishioEvanlec: XD06:51
FrankLakatosbulmer->unplugged "txqueuelen:0" , plugged "txqueuelen:1000"06:51
dadehoogDarius08x: Where did you install Ubuntu ? Can you give me an idea of your partition layout ?06:51
Evanlecshishio, right click on your ISO file and hit Open with Cd/dvd creator06:51
FrankLakatosbulmer->3rd line of eth006:51
MrStonedOneuser11_011 are you on a server install, or a desktop install06:51
EvanlecMasterShrek, Oh, i wonder what version of Gnome that is ;p06:51
Lukejack|ass: looking into it06:51
marcioapfEvanlec, somebody had the same problem than me, at this page: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=114129&page=2 (the last comment). He solved it, and according to him the problem was that source.list was not correct, what i cannot understand.06:52
user11_011MrStonedOne: desktop06:52
FrankLakatosbulmer->sorry, i meant 4th line06:52
jack|assLuke: your other option would be VNC, but I'd recommend rdesktop over that if it's windows XP or vista.06:52
bulmerFrankLakatos-> what is that? what is before and what is after? you response is not comprehensible to me, can you pastebin your ifconfig before you plugin this device and also after?06:52
FrankLakatosit's on a different computer06:52
FrankLakatosbulmer->it's on a different computer06:52
Darius08xNope, not really. :/ I'm very new to linux, and wanted to give it a shot. Since windows has been nothing but trouble for me. I basically kept hitting next until the thing started to install.06:52
Evanlecmarcioapf, which post is your problem please06:52
Lukejack|ass: yea i tried VNC and it's not what I was looking for06:52
shishioEvanlec: it doesnt have dc/dvd creator, just audio cd creato =(06:52
bulmerFrankLakatos-> well you have to do something so i can make a good comparison,06:52
Evanlecshishio, maybe its time to upgrade? ;p06:53
andreuuits /etc/x11/x to restart x server ?06:53
marcioapfevanlec, the last post06:53
dadehoogDarius08x: Ok ... and was there anything else on the Disk ?06:53
MrStonedOneopen up synaptic package manager, find the package with search and hit properties, look at the installed files part, its the files under /usr/bin06:53
shishioEvanlec: done that, my system crashes:P06:53
bulmerFrankLakatos-> you are making me guess too much, and i always guess wrong, do this from same ubuntu that you said dont work06:53
Evanlecmarcioapf, on page 2 or 3?06:53
jack|assLuke: rdesktop either spawns a virtual session or connects to the desktop (Depending on how windows is set up).  It can do whatever resolution you want.06:53
Evanlecmarcioapf, oh k06:53
Darius08xYes. Windows XP.06:53
Netham45why is dd if=/dev/hda1 of=/media/desktop/laptop/backup.dd failing every time at random locations?06:53
shishioMasterShrek: will i continue? "Remove the running kernel image (not recommended) [No]?06:53
Netham45of is a smb mounted windows drive06:53
dadehoogDarius08x: It's odd that you're getting _both_ GRUB error 17 and 18 ...06:53
dadehoogDarius08x: http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/GRUB#Error_1806:54
Darius08xGuess my computer just hates me.06:54
MasterShrekshishio, no dont remove it06:54
Lukejack|ass: basically someone else may be using the vista computer... I want to connect in the background06:54
Darius08xNow this is odd....06:54
Evanlecshishio, i would say....NO06:54
Lukejack|ass: rdesktop woudl do that?06:54
Darius08xI just put my cd back in06:54
DaverocksNetham45: try setting a bs in dd06:54
Netham45Daverocks, what would be a good BS?06:54
jack|assLuke: hmm... I don't think so.  See, in XP, it locks the machine and kicks the current user out.06:54
Netham45and what is the paramater to set ie?06:54
Darius08xand went to install things over, went through setting up my clock, etc06:54
jack|assLuke: you're connecting to the same session though.06:54
Darius08xthen I get to prepare partitions06:54
Darius08xbut apparently I don't have one06:54
shishioMasterShrek: whats next?06:54
jack|assLuke: basically microsoft wants you to use the server versions if you are having multiple people connected at a time.06:54
Lukejack|ass: hrm... you know what I mean tho right?06:54
DaverocksNetham45: well depends on the size of the partition, maybe 8192 or 1638406:54
Darius08xlol, it's blank, there is nothing there.06:54
dadehoogDarius08x: That is peculiar to say the least.06:55
DaverocksNetham45: bs=whatever ... look at the man page06:55
shishioMasterShrek: gnomebaker is now installed06:55
Lukejack|ass: well then what about connecting to the same session w/ vnc but not disturbing the user on the computer?06:55
marcioapfEvanlec, any idea of what "source.list not correct" means?06:55
Evanlecmarcioapf, do you have the php5 module loaded?06:55
jack|assLuke: yeah, totally.  I'd imagine there's a registry hack out there for XP / Vista home to let you do that.  Although you might check to see if vista premium lets you do that.06:55
MasterShrekshishio, open gnomebaker, either from the menu or hit alt+f2 and type gnomebaker06:55
jack|assLuke: you can do view-only vnc connections, but...06:55
dadehoogDarius08x: A GRUB error 17 would be consistent with not everything being installed where GRUB thinks it is ... I'd have another crack at the installation ...06:55
JusticeZeroDarius08x I would suspect that you might have a bad burn of the CD? Just a guess. Did you verify the image?06:55
shishioMasterShrek: Cannot display location 'file://gnomebaker'06:56
shishioDetails: There is no default action associated with this location.06:56
dadehoogDarius08x: Be careful though, because your Windows XP installation may have been removed by the failed installation06:56
Lukejack|ass: basically the computer is doing double doubty. First it's the wifes work computer and second it's the baby monitor06:56
DaverocksDarius08x: i has a grub error 17 on a friend's computer earlier, what was wrong is that the hard drive itself had mostly failed06:56
Darius08x...no? I just downloaded it off of ubuntu.com only a few minutes ago. Burned it at about half speed06:56
Darius08xand then popped it in.06:56
marcioapfEvanlec, don't understand. I have php5 installed (my http://localhost works ok and parses .php files)06:56
Evanlecmarcioapf, the sources.list is the file that specifies what Repos you're getting software from06:56
Darius08xSo my Harddrive could be faulty Dave?06:57
Evanlecmarcioapf, so he's saying is he needed to enable a certain repo to install phpmyadmin06:57
MasterShrekshishio, i think that will be ok, the program is still open right?06:57
DaverocksDarius08x: well unfortunately grub error codes are really ambiguous, it can mean a lot of different things06:57
Evanlecmarcioapf, but first run sudo apt-get update and then sudo-apt-get install phpmyadmin   overwrite if asked06:57
FrankLakatosbulmer->  this is the unplugged   "Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:20:ED:83:CF:45.    UP BROADCAST MULTICAST MTYL1500 Metric:1    RX Packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0    TX packets:304 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0   collisions:0 txpueuelen:1000     RX bytes:0 (0.0 b)     TX bytes:30242 (29.5KB)    Interrupt:18 Base address:0x4000"06:57
shishioMasterShrek: no its notT_T06:57
JusticeZeroOK, because i've accidentally corrupted downloads before, with download managers and such.06:57
EvanlecMasterShrek, the file:// format is gnome-vfs stuff i believe06:58
dadehoogDarius08x: It's a possibility ... if the absence of partitions continues after another attempted install, then it's looking likely ... but try the install process again ... it may not have quite gone to plan last time06:58
bulmerFrankLakatos-> please pastebin the before and the after  ifconfi results06:58
shishioMasterShrek: when i insert my blank CD it prompts me if i burn data or burn audio cd... should i try this?06:58
EvanlecMasterShrek, o wait nvm06:58
Lukejack|ass: do you know of anything that could do that.?06:58
bulmerFrankLakatos-> ifconfig*06:58
EvaLuaTehow could i see if it is active/deactivate this: ipw394506:58
MasterShrekshishio, no, neither one will burn the iso to the disc06:58
marcioapfEvanlec, i did it. I didn't ask me to overwrite.06:59
DaverocksDarius08x: check if this works for you http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=44294506:59
jack|assLuke: well vista CAN do that.  It's just a matter of convincing it that multiple sessions are allow.  I've never tried that since I haven't touched vista much. :)06:59
marcioapfEvanlec **it didn't ask me to overwrite06:59
bazhangEvaLuaTe: under gutsy?06:59
FrankLakatosbulmer-> what is paste bin?06:59
Lukejack|ass: since i really only use linux... i need someone to hand-hold me through the process =/06:59
EvaLuaTebazhang: dapper06:59
bulmer!pastebin| FrankLakatos06:59
ubotuFrankLakatos: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)06:59
jack|assLuke: http://www.golod.com/2005/10/enabling-multiple-remote-desktop-sessions-in-windows-xp-professional-and-media-center-edition-2005/06:59
Darius08xWouldn't surprise me if my hard drive is messed up. I've gotten blue screen errors on windows. All sorts of system 32 files randomly disappearing06:59
Evanlecmarcioapf, do a sudo apt-get --purge phpmyadmin06:59
MasterShrekshishio, are all your files upgraded? sudo apt-get upgrade ?07:00
jack|assLuke: or, more appropriately: http://thegreenbutton.com/forums/thread/156341.aspx07:00
bazhangEvaLuaTe: any reason not to get gutsy? not sure if dapper supports that out of the box, but feisty and gutsy do07:00
shishioMasterShrek: upgraded to what? dapper? no its not07:00
FrankLakatosbulmer->unplugged http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46921/07:00
MasterShrekshishio, upgraded as far as it can be in breezy?07:00
Lukejack|ass: looks good man07:01
Lukejack|ass: thanks07:01
DralidZSNES does not play well with the screensaver. If the screensaver activates while the SNES is playing (which is easy to do as the controller stick does not reset the screensaver's idle count) then the keyboard & mouse both become locked out (cannot even do ctrl + alt + backspace)07:01
EvaLuaTebazhang: is there any way to upgrade ubuntu without losing the current configuration ?07:01
shishioMasterShrek: hmm... u want me to upgrade my breezy?07:01
DralidWhat can I do?07:01
MasterShrekshishio, yes07:01
marcioapfEvanlec it says invalid command. Then i tried both "sudo apt-get install --purge phpmyadmin" and " apt-get --purge install phpmyadmin". But i got the some old thing: "phpmyadmin is already the newest version."07:01
MasterShrekshishio, sudo apt-get upgrade07:01
shishioMasterShrek: it takes another 4 hours to do that07:02
bulmer FrankLakatos  and once plugged?07:02
MasterShrekshishio, jsut to make sure something isnt missing causing that gnomebaker error07:02
MasterShrekoh i spose..07:02
MasterShrekumm shishio lemme look around for a fix07:02
FrankLakatosbulmer->plugged http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46922/07:02
shishioMasterShrek: can i burn .iso on windos?07:02
Evanlecmarcioapf, apt-get remove --purge phpmyadmin07:02
shishioMasterShrek: can i burn .iso on windows?07:02
MasterShrekshishio, with some software, yes07:02
shishioMasterShrek: i can go to my other pc and burn .iso i have nero there07:03
bulmerFrankLakatos-> before when it was workin, how do you configure this device to select which AP/router it should associate with?07:03
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DralidIs there anyway to disable the screensaver while a program is running?07:03
EvanlecDralid, killall gnome-screensaver07:03
bqmasseyanyone know any IRC channels where music library / encoding discussions might be appropriate?07:03
ludditeany dhcp gurus here?07:03
MasterShrekshishio, yea that should work07:04
ludditei'd like to add a dns server to the /etc/dhcpd3/dhcp.conf file07:04
bazhangEvaLuaTe: I'm guessing with that card that you have a pretty decent computer--you can upgrade via the internet first to feisty (and if you wish) then to gutsy07:04
marcioapfEvanlec, i did it. I also used apt-get update. Should i retry now apt-get install phpmyadmin?07:04
MasterShrekshishio, i dont exaclty remember how to burn an iso in nero, but it shouldnt be very difficult07:04
FrankLakatosbulmer->there is a digital display and i can select p1,p2,p3,1-10, or ln07:04
ludditei tried adding option domain-name-servers x.x.x.x07:04
speeddemon8803you can try #ubuntu-offtopic maybe bqmassey07:04
shishioMasterShrek: ok ill do that07:04
ludditeand when i do a dhclient ethx07:04
ludditei get the following error07:05
bulmerFrankLakatos-> man i already told you have to eloborate, i cant be guessing ..i dont know what these p1 p2 are..07:05
bqmasseythanks speeddemon880307:05
luddite/etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf line 47: expecting "code" keyword.07:05
ludditeoption domain-name-servers 172.07:05
bazhangbqmassey: want a list of irc channels?07:05
EvaLuaTebazhang, but if i upgrade will my configuration remain ?07:05
speeddemon8803sure thing bqmassey :)07:05
ludditegoogled and no luck07:05
Evanlecmarcioapf, yea, try that, brb07:05
* MasterShrek needs sleep...07:05
bqmasseybazhang.. already looked, thanks07:05
bazhangEvaLuaTe: how long have you had this installation?07:05
EvaLuaTebazhang: a couple of months07:06
FrankLakatosbulmer->i'm not really sure, i think it means "port1", "port2", etc... I was normally able to leave it on p2 or p3 and it worked, http://www.linksys.com/servlet/Satellite?childpagename=US%2FLayout&packedargs=c%3DL_Product_C2%26cid%3D1115416828017&pagename=Linksys%2FCommon%2FVisitorWrapper this is the device07:06
speeddemon8803you can go to #ubuntu-offtopic by typing /join #ubuntu-offtopic :)07:06
MasterShrekshishio, are you going to be ok installing that when u are done burning it? i really need some sleep. also as far as your ntfs issue, you should have full read/write access to it after you install 7.1007:06
marcioapfEvanlec, i did it. What is 'brb'?07:07
bazhangEvaLuaTe: just trying to understand if your computer is decent enough to handle another upgrade (ie feisty or gutsy)--reasonably good?07:07
MasterShrekbrb = be right back07:07
speeddemon8803brb is short for...be right back07:07
marcioapfahhhh. oh ok =D07:07
EvaLuaTebazhang: btw, i don't have that card, but i got a bug (BUG: soft lockup detected on CPU#0!) and i found on a forum that disabling that driver would solve the problem.07:07
bulmerFrankLakatos-> you have to do some legwork,  ..anyhow per your posting, your ethernet once plugged in, did not have an ip address assigned, so it seems the device has not associated with your AP07:07
marcioapfthanks you both07:08
EvaLuaTebazhang: i got a P4 1700Mhz with 512 MB of ram07:08
speeddemon8803Your quite welcome.07:08
bazhangEvaLuaTe: then dapper might be best for now07:08
FrankLakatosbulmer-> would this have anything to do with the fact that the wireless router the ISP gave me has a password on it?07:09
Darius08xwhoever linked me to the article to help on the grub error... it didn't help07:09
zetherooanyone know how to install the Seperate+ plugin for the GIMP?07:09
bulmerFrankLakatos-> it can be anything, you are now using a different AP from the old apartment, so off course things have changed..so you have to reconfigure things07:10
zetherooI downloaded is and extracted it07:10
hadiaziami got problem with my connection..need to add dns ip in resolv.conf. If not..i cannot surf..how to fix it?Each time boot..need to add dns ip..07:10
zetheroobut now what do I do ?07:10
hadiaziamit make me sick07:10
dxdtIs there a way with working compiz to make everything scale perfectly?  Like if you have 3 windows open, something that will instantly resize them to correct sizes such that they are all completely visible at once on a desktop?07:11
ankuris there any graphical password generator for ubuntu?07:11
FrankLakatosbulmer->but normally i would be able to plug this thing in, and the OS would show it's got a wireless signal, and then i would have to put in the password if nessecary. So Ubuntu can't even see the wireless signal?07:11
ankuris there any graphical password generator for ubuntu?07:12
bulmerFrankLakatos-> you have to configure that device, period...it has a different network id and such, so you  read the manual please and toy with those p1 p2 p3 stuff you mentioned07:12
FrankLakatosbulmer->alright, ill see what i can do, thanks07:12
bulmerankur-> what is a graphical password generator?07:13
Darius08xOk, so I still get grub error 17, and also when I try and reinstall it doesn't locate any paration. Is there anything else I can do?07:13
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Siscowhat can ubuntu do that xp cant?07:15
ubotuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com07:15
matthew__not interested in fighting :)07:15
SiscoI have XP and ubuntu07:15
holdurfirehelp me ! i want to test for my ssh service07:16
bazhangDarius08x: the grub error 17 means that the filesystem is not recognized correctly07:16
Siscowant to see what ubuntu can do07:16
Siscothat xp cant07:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about general - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:16
MasterShrekholdurfire, give me an ip07:16
speeddemon8803please go to the website specified.07:16
Siscoor what it can do better07:16
bulmerSisco-> does your xp comes with compilers in C for free?07:16
Siscono i have minwg (gcc port) though07:16
Darius08xBut what about it not being able to be reinstalled?07:17
MasterShrekholdurfire, nvm, it works07:17
ankuris there any password generating software in graphical mode in ubuntu?07:17
* speeddemon8803 sits back and smiles07:17
bazhangSisco: it can't become part of a botnet heh07:17
* matthew__ laughs07:17
Sisconever heard of a linux botneT?07:17
Siscoi sure have and seen one07:17
matthew__bahang, dont feed the trolls ;)07:18
databitshey whats up everyone07:18
bazhangSisco: better ask your question in ##windows07:18
databitsI am really in need some some install help07:18
ankuris there any password generating software in graphical mode in ubuntu?07:18
LinkSYS[sleep]!#ubuntu-offtopic | Sisco07:18
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu-offtopic - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi07:18
databitscould someone help me out07:18
Siscoi know what windows can do, i want to know what ubuntu can do that windows cant07:18
Optimus55does unreal tournament 2004 run natively in linux?07:18
holdurfiremaster can u see it?07:18
bulmerankur-> do you ever use google?07:18
matthew__optimus, yes i believe it does07:19
matthew__optimus, or was the ut goty?  you should be able to look itup07:19
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience07:19
Optimus55matthew: nice thnx07:19
=== max is now known as max`
EvanlecOptimus55, i believe ut2004 has a linux version yes07:20
databitshey can someone help me with a image based install would really appreciate it07:20
matthew__Optimus, it was release native for Linux on Mar 16, 2004 according to Wikipedia07:21
user11_011what is the use of dmake?07:22
databitscan anyone tell me where I can go to actually get some damn help ?07:22
user11_011what should be done when an application works on configure, bootstrap and forms a dmake?07:22
speeddemon8803databits...try ubuntuforums.org07:22
databitsI am on there right now07:23
EvaLuaTecould someone point me to a guide on how to recompile/update the kernel version ?07:23
Optimus55matthew__: thanks a lot. you dont know if it was on the same cd as the windows version or a separate set of disks though07:23
databitsI mean jesus no one know's how to install linux lol07:23
nadioWhitch package is used for network server booting ? (for server)07:23
databitsI am just trying to install it from the disk image off the harddrive now07:23
Optimus55matthew__: no worries, i found it07:23
JusticeZeroOK, I got into the CLI, but now I don't know what command I can edit xorg.conf with in a pure CLI environment.07:24
speeddemon8803Well, youll probably have better luck over there...(thats just a guess)..just gotta be patient.07:24
matthew__nadio, you need a dhcpd and a tftp server07:24
MasterShrekJusticeZero, sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:24
JusticeZeroThank you Shrek, brb.07:24
user11_011what should be done when an application works on configure, bootstrap and forms a dmake?07:25
matthew__nadio, do you mean that you want to have diskless workstations on your network?07:25
nadiomatthew__: I know and something called, bootstrap but cant find any packet named wit that07:25
nadiomatthew__: yes07:25
johns^nadio: you could check ltsp.org07:26
johns^i've run such a setup on debian and ubuntu07:26
matthew__nadio, I do all my serverside stuff on OpenBSD, but there is a package called tftpd.  I would start there.07:27
nadiojohns^: k thanks, for the edivce.07:27
matthew__nadio, you should already have a dhcpd already installed07:27
astro76!install | databits07:27
ubotudatabits: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate07:27
nadiomatthew__: DHCPD and ftpd already installed :)07:27
johns^nadio: and use dhcpd307:27
JusticeZeroOK, what's a good generic to put in for the driver that I can boot in?07:27
EvaLuaTecould someone point me to a guide on how to recompile/update the kernel version on ubuntu dapper please ?07:27
nadiooh TFTPd even07:27
matthew__nadio - then it is just a matter of setting things up07:28
Siscowhat the crap07:28
ubotuUbuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) is the latest version of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Gutsy:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades - Downloading: http://www.ubuntu.com/download - New Features: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/710tour - Please use bittorrent to download if possible, see !torrents07:28
Siscoi have ubuntu desktop 7.10 installed07:28
Siscowhats the root pw?07:28
matthew__LTSP is a good place to start probably07:28
trex_hi there guys.. is anyone here familiar with installation of wine for 7.04 on 64bit AMD? i was trying the instructions on the forum but it is not working..07:28
astro76!root | Sisco07:28
ubotuSisco: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth.. there is no root password. Then you will see that it is sudo that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo07:28
x_zeusswhat would be best for a server ubuntu 7.10 or debian?07:28
trex_my pc always reboots whenever i try to open a file for wine...07:28
JusticeZeroSisco - try 'password'?07:28
scguy318trex_: what's the file? have you checked the AppDb?07:29
johns^x_zeuss: it's a matter of preference. I run a debian server and an ubuntu dapper server07:29
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trex_scguy318: how to i do that? i am a complete newbie on these things. how do i check the appDb ?07:30
johns^x_zeuss: With ubuntu I prefer a LTS release for servers07:30
x_zeuss johns^: i am interested in a solltuion for a company with about 50 computers07:30
Darius08xWell crap, it's still not working. Gonna ask again one last time. I just recently installed ubuntu desktop 7.10, booted it up, logged in then got scsi 2:0:0:0: rejecting I/O dead device error. I then reboot, and get grub error 17, I then have gone to try and reinstall. But when I get to the "prepare partitions" it doesn't list that I have any.07:30
matthew__Can anyone tell me what the [security] designation next to a package name means?07:30
johns^x_zeuss: both will doe fine. Depending on the hardware and what you want the server to do07:31
x_zeuss johns^: or would it be best to wait for ubuntu 8.04 server edition , i understand that it will have lts07:31
qiyongwhat is the next ubuntu release?07:31
scguy318!hardy | qiyong07:31
ubotuqiyong: Hardy Heron is the code name for the next release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS), due April 2008 - For more info, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardyHeron - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1, NOT #ubuntu07:31
qiyongis the version Year.Month ?07:31
scguy318Darius08x: hmm, any show in GPartEd?07:31
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scguy318qiyong: no07:31
KavokI booted from the Ubuntu CD trying to install it, I got a message about being in low graphics mode, now I am at a command prompt ubuntu@ubuntu:~$07:31
scguy318qiyong: well07:31
KavokWhat do I do?07:31
Darius08xDon't know what that is, or how to use it.07:32
scguy318qiyong: on second thought that may be the case :)07:32
johns^x_zeuss: In that case I would use 7.10 server and upgrade to 8.04 next april. Upgrades go smooth most of the time07:32
Mwa`Ubuntu cannot use my eithernet or wireless connections07:32
x_zeuss johns^: the server will be used for exchange server with postfix i think, internet acceses, even a setup as hot spot for wireless07:32
Mwa`and it could last night07:32
scguy318Darious08x: if you're on the LiveCD, System -> Admin -> GPartEd (or Partition Editor)07:32
Darius08xOk, hold on.07:32
Mwa`Does anyone know how to make it work again?07:32
johns^x_zeuss: any current hardware will do for 50 clients. I used a P1-200 for mail and some other stuff for a 20 clients network for years07:33
scguy318Kavok: try booting the LiveCD in safe graphics07:33
Kavokscguy318: How do I do that?07:33
qiyongscguy318: so the future release would be 8.04, 8.10, 9.04, 9.10, 10.04, 10.10 ..... if everything on schedule07:33
Mwa`As far as I can see, the cable is plugged in07:34
scguy318qiyong: no07:34
Mwa`but no lights are turning on07:34
scguy318qiyong: releases are every six months07:34
scguy318qiyong: and I think they do increment major, not sure07:34
scguy318qiyong: your observation could be right tho :)07:34
glassfacewhat font is required to get the menu items properly in xmms.07:34
qiyongscguy318: :)07:34
glassfaceor what should i configure to get the menu items07:34
astro76scguy318, major? it's year.month07:35
scguy318Kavok: boot the LiveCD, pick Start in safe graphics07:35
glassfacein feisty it was ok. but not in gutsy07:35
John_Ra sphincter says what?07:35
Darius08xscguy318: It's scanning all devices still..taking a bit07:35
scguy318astro76: which you are absolutely right07:35
x_zeussjohns^: so your suggestion would be to go with ubuntu, not debian? i would prefer ubuntu because i can also find lots of tutorials for the server setup and because it is really up to date07:35
cjsoftukHas anyone else had problems with the latest NM upgrade?07:35
Evanlecscguy318, the releases correspond to the date yea07:35
JusticeZeroWhat can I do to my xorg.conf to set it to a safe boot that will work so that I can use the GUI to put the drivers back?07:35
x_zeussjohns^: what do u think about opensuse?07:35
John_Rubuntu for desktop, debian for server07:35
astro76!xconfig | JusticeZero07:36
ubotuJusticeZero: To reconfigure your X server, open a console and type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg » - To configure only the driver and resolution, type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh » - See also !FixRes07:36
x_zeussjohns^: or what would you recomand for desktop use for a company with an ubuntu server?07:36
elkbuntux_zeuss, when does this need to be done by?07:37
johns^x_zeuss: Windows XP :P07:37
Darius08xAbout how long should it take GParted to scan?07:37
scguy318Darius08x: a minute max, there might be something up with that HDD07:37
scguy318Darius08x: what does sudo fdisk -l say?07:37
x_zeusselkbuntu: not very soon07:38
elkbuntuDarius08x, depends how many disks of how large it can take a few mins07:38
johns^x_zeuss: no really, if you want Linux, use a beginner friendly distribution. I prefer ubuntu 7.10 atm, but Suse is allright, Xandros I have a soft spot for (been beta tester for the very first release) or Fedora07:38
elkbuntux_zeuss, if you wait until Hardy Heron is out, it'll be LTS so will have the extended support period07:38
cjsoftukAny idea why NetworkManager failed to upgrade this morning?  It seems to be something funny up with the restart script, but I have no idea....07:39
johns^x_zeuss: or Mint, that's Ubuntu based btw07:39
Darius08xuhhh that command you gave me says "Here DISK is something like /dev/hdb or /dev/sda and PARTITION is something like /dev/hda707:39
x_zeussjohns^: the idea is to use a free distro and also a good distro, i also thought about mint07:39
Darius08xand gives me some other things07:39
Darius08xWant me to list it all?07:39
x_zeusselkbuntu: for the server edition there is no gui right?07:40
marcioapfEvanlec, thx for help =). I need to go now.07:40
elkbuntux_zeuss, not by default, no07:40
Evanlecmarcioapf, welcome07:40
johns^x_zeuss: Free and good: it doesn't really matter. I think Ubuntu is very easy to install and and support for nvidia, ati, mp3, flash, java plugin, that kind of stuff07:40
marcioapfEvanlec, thought you weren't here xD07:41
KavokWell this is highly irritating, the install wizard's lower half is cut off on my screen07:41
Kavokhow do I get it to show up07:41
johns^Kavok: press left alt and drag the screen?07:41
scguy318Kavok: hmm, your best bet is probably either to attempt to reconfigure X with sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:42
scguy318Kavok: or use alternate CD07:42
Darius08xUsage: fdisk [-b SSZ] [-u] DISK Change partition table           fdisk -l [-b SSZ] [-u] DISK List partiton Table(s)      fdisk -s PARTITIION   give partition size(s) in blocks    fdisk -v       Give fdisk version           -u: give start and end in sector (instead of cylinder_ units      -b 2048: (for certain MO disks) use 2048-bye sectors07:42
scguy318Kavok: in any case we'll have to reconfigure X post-install07:42
scguy318Darius08x: sudo fdisk -l? like the letter L?07:42
Kavokjohns^: Didn't work,07:42
KavokIm going to need the nvidia drivers for my screen to work properly anyhow07:42
Kavokis there any way to shrink the screen07:42
johns^Kavok: ok, what scguy318 said, use the alternate cd07:42
Darius08x.... L not i07:43
Darius08xuhh sudo fdisk -l does nothing07:43
Kavokim out of blank CDs :\07:43
Darius08xjust starts a new line. Doesn't list anything.07:43
scguy318Kavok: then perform a net install if desired07:43
scguy318!install | Kavok07:43
ubotuKavok: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate07:43
Kavokcan't I just resize the window :\07:44
scguy318Kavok: not really :(07:44
Kavokhow do I do an alternative CD or something07:45
johns^Kavok: the alternate cd is a text mode install. It's more fool-proof but slightly less easy07:46
Darius08xSo is my HD screwed? Why would it have let me installed earlier if it's messed up?07:46
KavokIf I wanted to do a text install again I'd do ubuntu :\07:47
scguy318Darious08x: I think it's something hardware wise07:47
scguy318Darious08x: thus the dead device error message you mentioned07:47
Kavokdo gentoo*07:47
scguy318Darious08x: i dunno, a cold boot?07:47
KavokI've managed to cheat it though :P07:47
KavokI moved the taskbars or whatever to the left and right07:47
Kavokand I can see the top few pixels of the buttons07:47
scguy318Darious08x: and sorry for typoing your name07:47
Darius08xcold boot? >.>07:47
x_zeusselkbuntu: so i can install a gui after for the server edition? or would it be best to go with the text version?07:48
JusticeZeroWoohoo, it's up! Thank you. =)07:48
scguy318Darious08x: shut down, start up?07:48
elkbuntux_zeuss, you can do either, but yes, CLI is better as it uses less resources when idling07:48
scguy318Darious08x: check the cables on your HDD? i know, silly suggestion but possible07:48
=== speeddemon8803 is now known as UbuntuLover
Darius08xOh, done it, same error.07:48
johns^x_zeuss: you don't have to run the X-server even when it's installed. but apt-get install x/k/ubuntu-desktop will give you a GUI07:48
=== UbuntuLover is now known as speeddemon8803
johns^x_zeuss: I run windowmaker on my debian server, but it's not started at boot time.07:49
Darius08xhmm, guess I can try07:49
johns^whenever I need it, I use startx. After I plug in an monitor keyboard and mouse offcourse07:50
EvaLuaTeis there any way i could recompile the kernel on ubuntu dapper ? if yes, how please ?07:50
johns^EvaLuaTe: there's been something about that on howtoforge.org07:50
johns^but you need build-essential, kernel sources and stuff like that. It's all there07:50
EvaLuaTejohns^, ok thank you, i'll search there07:51
x_zeusselkbuntu: as a sollution for vpn what would you suggest?07:51
scguy318Darius08x: if you need access to your HDD data, I advise plugging it into another machine07:52
scguy318Darius08x: I suspect something hardware wise07:52
KavokWill the guided partition modes erase my XP partition?07:52
Darius08xThat sucks. This computer is pretty new. Only a few months old.07:52
Baroquenhi everyone07:53
scguy318Darius08x: well, I found a bad memory module in a new one that had strange crashes :P07:53
x_zeussjohns^: would it be easier to maintain a server with a gui? i don't worry about the computers resources, that won't be a problem07:54
KavokIf I choose "Guided - use the largest continuous free space" will that erase my XP partition07:54
Darius08xhaha, this is great, I just tried loading a windows cd and get a bluescreen07:54
scguy318Kavok: no07:54
scguy318Kavok: but you probably either want to resize manually or pick a resize option07:55
tarelerulzI  have  Broadcom Corporation BCM94311MCG wlan mini-PCI (rev 02) wireless card .  I have  try ndiswrapper  and about 3 different windows. try bcl43xx with firmware ,but I think b34 is the one I need to install .   The only thing is I think I need a newer kernel like 2.6.24 ,but  I am not sure07:55
scguy318Kavok: a manual partition job will permit you to create a separate partition for /home07:55
x_zeussjohns^: ?07:55
Baroqueni'm having sound card issues.  i've tried to compile the sound driver manually (snd-hda-intel), but when I do a modprobe, it says the driver doesn't exist...07:55
x_zeussjohns^: would it be easier to maintain a server with a gui? i don't worry about the computers resources, that won't be a problem07:55
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Mwa`Really, does anyone know what the matter is? I kinda need this to work07:56
speeddemon8803x_zeuss: know that was directed towards johns^ but yes :)07:56
Kavokokay I have 86636 free MB on my HDD, how do I partition it?07:56
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elkbuntux_zeuss, sorry, i'm having a little bit of a stray dog here atm... trying to keep canine out while allowing air in is proving interesting07:56
scguy318Baroquen: you may have already seen this but https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Gutsy_Intel_HD_Audio_Controller07:56
scguy318Kavok: free as in unpartitioned?07:57
MukiDAThe -c option in WGet overwrites complete files. Is there any workaround for this? I tried -nc but it ignores incomplete files >_< anger07:57
Kavokscguy318: yes07:57
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Baroquenscguy318: thanks for the recommendation..  i'll have a look now...07:57
scguy318Darious08x: there's probably something up with your hardware, based on what's happening07:58
KavokI have a 160gig HDD, 70gig used by windows07:58
Kavokso the rest of that space is free07:58
scguy318Kavok: you'd either want to use the resize slider or manual partition07:58
scguy318!partitioning | Kavok07:58
ubotuKavok: Partitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter07:58
Darius08xWell at least Christmas is coming up.07:58
scguy318Kavok: manual partition just liek07:58
Darius08xI can ask for a new HDD.07:58
scguy318Darius08x: or a new computer :P07:59
ubotuGParted is is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php07:59
Kavokscguy318: partition just like what?07:59
scguy318Kavok: resize NTFS, then make new ext3 partitions07:59
Kavokwhy resize the NTFS?07:59
Darius08xThis computer is too new to get a new one. >_<07:59
scguy318Kavok: so you can create new ext3 partitions for Ubuntu07:59
scguy318Kavok: unless you already have unpartitioned space07:59
KavokI have free space07:59
adamonline45Is there a package for avant window navigator?08:00
scguy318Kavok: alright, well, partition as you please08:00
scguy318Kavok: sry I'm tired, probably ramblin08:00
Kavok... I don't know what to do with the free space08:00
KavokThats what I asked08:00
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=== ajmorris is now known as ajmorris_
neil_ubuntui have compal hgl31 notebook ubuntu cannot install , any ideas08:00
Baroquenscguy318: I've looked at that link before - unfortunately, no solution there for me.  I previously had the audio working, but not sure specifically what I did to make it work...08:00
Darius08xI'm trying to get the windows cd to work now, but it seems to be stuck on "Examining 305243 MB Disk at 0 at id 0 on bus 0 on atapi...08:00
Mwa`Please ._. I need networking!08:00
scguy318Darius08x: I'm afraid to say this but your hard drive might have crapped out or something :(08:01
scguy318Kavok: just make new ext3 partitions08:02
Baroquenmy specific audio chip is an ICH9 - which I believe is an snd-hda-intel.  i tried the standard gutsy packages and the latest packages from the alsa web site.  modprobe still says that snd-hda-intel does not exist...  any suggestions on what else to try???08:02
neil_ubuntui have compal hgl31 notebook ubuntu cannot install , any ideas:-(08:02
scguy318Kavok: and a swap partition if you want08:02
scguy318Kavok: or you go through guided - continuous free space08:02
scguy318Kavok: *could, and if you wanted08:02
scguy318neil_ubuntu: why can't you install?08:02
neil_ubuntuscguy318: using the livecd it auto reboots during the orange loading thingy08:03
scguy318neil_ubuntu: if you try booting in Safe Graphics, what happens?08:04
scguy318neil_ubuntu: and have you considered alternate installation methods?08:04
scguy318!install | neil_ubuntu08:04
ubotuneil_ubuntu: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate08:04
x_zeusselkbuntu: for 64 bit proccessors would it be best to use the 64bit version or 32?08:05
seeanyone around08:05
neil_ubuntuscguy318: i tried alternate install the prob is the same08:05
speeddemon8803you might want to check that last website on ubotu's last message op's..its invalid.08:06
scguy318neil_ubuntu: ok, try booting the LiveCD without quiet splash boot options by doing08:06
scguy318neil_ubuntu: press F6 at boot menu, then backspace over quiet splash and see what messages occur08:06
Darius08xI got to the part where I can choose where to install Windows. And it said it could not access the data on the partition so HDD fucked?08:06
scguy318neil_ubuntu: you could also consider a net install via Windows08:06
seewhere would i find the HorizSync  and VertRefresh  rate for my proview 19in widescreen>08:07
ubotuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.08:07
Darius08xOh, sorry.08:07
Darius08xDidn't even think about it.08:07
scguy318Darious08x: like all partitions unknown? did you install08:07
scguy318Darious08x: guided - entire disk?08:07
speeddemon8803just friendly reminder is all. :)08:07
scguy318Darious08x: when you were installing Ubuntu?08:07
neil_ubuntuscguy318: ok ill try08:07
scguy318see: spec sheet at your manufacturer's website08:07
seeill give it a shot, thanks08:08
Darius08xI believe so Scguy31808:08
KorN[CM]hi all, I was hoping someone can lend a quick hand to downloading a decent alternative to flashfxp - which I used to use on MS windows08:08
KorN[CM]running ubuntu desktop version 7.10 which I'm loving08:08
scguy318Darius08x: then that Windows partition is bai bai if you were not aware08:08
KorN[CM]but so far have found no DECENT alternatives08:08
KorN[CM]any help would be MOST appreciated :)08:08
Darius08xWell, wait. It let me choose how much of the disk I wanted to use. And I only used 50% of it.08:08
scguy318Darius08x: oh, ok!08:09
scguy318Darius08x: that was guided - resize :)08:09
Darius08xAh, ok.08:09
scguy318Darius08x: but anyway08:09
scguy318Darius08x: the partition screen basically says nice and unreadable your HDD?08:09
scguy318Darius08x: probably best shot now is to plug HDD into another machine, see if you can read anything out08:09
scguy318KorN[CM]: FlashFXP, download manager?08:10
scguy318KorN[CM]: d4x is a good one08:10
Darius08xDon't really have another machine to try it on. :/08:10
KorN[CM]ok let me have a look :)08:10
scguy318KorN[CM]: oh its an FTP manager08:10
scguy318!ftp | KorN[CM]08:10
ubotuKorN[CM]: FTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd08:10
scguy318Darius08x: :(08:10
KorN[CM]does it support imp, and exp ssl?08:10
speeddemon8803My laptop has windows xp on it, a HP modified version..and ive tried to install Ubuntu on it..ANY version...and it says cannot create partition, cannot format either, any suggestions?08:10
scguy318KorN[CM]: not sure, you may wanna check08:10
KorN[CM]k will do, thanks08:10
dooglusKorN[CM]: it doesn't do imp ssl, but it does pixie and troll ssl08:11
KorN[CM]Ive tried  gftp, and kftpgrabber08:11
KorN[CM]neither work for me08:11
KorN[CM]hmmm I MUST have imp ssl support08:11
speeddemon8803I can re-wipe it with the hp made cd's with NO problem whatsoever..i pop ubuntu in..and problems start.08:11
Baroqueni've tried to compile the snd-hda-intel driver (successfully) - but modprobe says it doesn't exist.  I couldnt see any error messages during the compile.  I'm not sure of why this is happening.  Could it be an alsa bug?08:11
yommHi, How can i "set a fixed order" for my 3 soundcards ? I tried alsactl store & restore, but it doesn't restore the order, just the cards settings ...Any help would be greatly appreciated !08:11
scguy318speeddemon8803: how are you partitioning?08:11
scguy318KorN[CM]: there's FileZilla port for *nix I think, and you could choose to run FlashFXP on Wine if you really wanted to08:12
speeddemon8803using full disk, telling it to just do a clean install.08:12
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about avant - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:12
KorN[CM]yeah I wanted to avoid using wine, but it may be the ONLY option ):08:12
speeddemon8803ive tried out all possibilities..nothing works though.08:12
scguy318Darius08x: right now I guess if you can, burn or make a USB bootable for Linux System Rescue CD or Rescubuntu Remix08:12
scguy318speeddemon8803: well, what happens?08:12
KorN[CM]btw im using it for ftp-ftp transfers08:13
scguy318Darius08x: might be a shot at data recovery08:13
KorN[CM]hence why it needs to be as CLOSE to flashfxp as possible :)08:13
scguy318speeddemon8803: and have you tried alternate installation methods?08:13
scguy318!install | speeddemon880308:13
ubotuspeeddemon8803: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate08:13
scguy318speeddemon8803: there are ways to boot a net install via NTLDR and others08:13
speeddemon8803im about to just download the alt-install cd.08:14
speeddemon8803cuz ive been using the standard cd from shipit...with clearly no luck.08:14
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KorN[CM]filezilla looks nice :D08:15
scguy318speeddemon8803: you can boot a net install08:15
KorN[CM]let's hope imp ssl works, and I'll be happy as larry!08:15
scguy318speeddemon8803: basically alternate CD install but instead of APT sources from CD, downloads from net08:15
scoobylooking for a tutorial on how to run xp under linux (vmware)08:15
dhg_hello all08:16
=== Alan2 is now known as speeddemon8803
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ming - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:16
scguy318!vmware | scooby08:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mingw - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:16
ubotuscooby: VMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player"), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. For VMWare Server, instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers08:16
dhg_any body know how to install HUEWAI 620 for ubuntu08:17
tarelerulzDo any of you  have a 4311  rev 2  broadcom wlan cards ?  If so what did you do to get it working?08:17
scguy318tarelerulz: I have a broadcom, not sure what chip/revision, but a good idea is ndiswrapper08:18
ubotuThere are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications08:18
scguy318tarelerulz: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SetupNdiswrapperHowto08:18
scoobyhow do i access !virtualizers08:18
ubotuThere are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications08:19
scguy318Darius08x: wish you luck with your probs, but I must go for the night :( cya08:19
Darius08xThank you for the help, bye.08:19
tarelerulzscguy I have used nidwrapper ,but the card worked halfway . I could do irc , synaptic and stuff ,but web pages would time out.08:19
tarelerulzon the other hand I think I mess up my system so much I don't know if I did not do something that made it not work right.   after while lan had the same problem08:20
Baroqueni'm having troubles with my sound driver.  modprobe says it doesn't exist.  is anyone able to help me debug the problem?08:21
Extraverthello can someone help me with C?08:21
dooglusExtravert: yes08:22
tarelerulzSo baroquen does your card work . I mean you get sound and stuff08:22
dooglusExtravert: although this is #ubuntu08:22
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KorN[CM]YAY filezilla works08:22
KorN[CM]thanks so much!08:22
Baroquentarelerulz: no sound.  it used to work and I had to re-install...  I had to "tweak" it previously and someone helped me last time08:23
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP308:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about awm - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi08:24
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs08:25
tarelerulzBaroquen ,  I love random  stuff stop working out of the blue . I have had that to me so much or different thing work on different installs or synaptic not being able to install something is fun too08:25
Baroquenspeeddemon8803: I tried the soundtroubleshooting (all options) and none of them worked.08:25
Baroquentarelrulz: the chipset is a relatively new Intel chipset, so the tweaking stuff is predictable ... I just don't know what more to tweak than the instructions at soundtroubleshooting site...08:26
AnAntHello, I got a problem, I upgraded from Feisty to Gutsy08:26
AnAntnow any user can login without supplying a password !08:26
dooglusAnAnt: whats your IP address?08:26
* speeddemon8803 looks at dooglus08:27
AnAntand if I try to run a command sudo I get this: "Sorry, try again." 3 times (without even asking me for a password)08:27
Extravertdooglus: sry08:27
AnAntdooglus: I'm behind a NAT08:27
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dooglusAnAnt: just kidding08:27
tarelerulzBaroquen,  I feel you on that .  At this moment my wireless card don't work and I am lost as to how to make it work. I think my card it too old or something08:27
Extravertdooglus: do you know how to access a text file and take all the data from it and put it in a string?08:27
AnAntman, even root logs in !!!08:28
tarelerulzI mean what I have read are for rev 3-4 none which is my card.08:28
AnAntman, even root logs in with a password !08:28
AnAntthat's crazy !08:28
speeddemon8803anant, how long have you had it installed?08:28
AnAntspeeddemon8803: I just upgraded !08:28
dooglusExtravert: open() and read()?08:28
* jenda waves at dooglus :)08:29
dooglushey jenda08:29
Extravertdooglus: fopen() and fclose()?08:29
speeddemon8803omg its JENDA!08:29
dooglusjenda: do you still have that t-shirt?08:29
* speeddemon8803 bows08:29
Baroqueni just found out there's an alsa channel... i'll try over there :)08:29
jendadooglus: sure do :)08:29
dooglusExtravert: fopen gives you buffered input if you need that08:29
jendadooglus: PM08:29
Extravertdooglus: il pm08:30
speeddemon8803jenda: still doing the poster thing?08:30
AnAntI suspect that it has to do with PAM08:30
AnAntI used to be member of an Active Directory in Feisty (hence I did some changes to PAM)08:31
tarelerulzThis wireless card sound like anything one one heard of or have Broadcom Corporation BCM94311MCG wlan mini-PCI (rev 02)?08:31
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scoobyhow do i open a terminal as root?08:31
astro76scooby, sudo -i08:32
astro76!sudo | scooby08:32
ubotuscooby: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.08:32
AnAntcan't anyone help ?08:32
jendaspeeddemon8803: unfortunately, I'm out :(08:33
speeddemon8803awww man!08:33
speeddemon8803Would I get in trouble if I tried to make my own?08:33
speeddemon8803nevermind that question..DURR08:35
speeddemon8803what was the site for the picture?08:36
SuvaOMG OMG, I installed bunununvununtu yesterday08:40
SuvaThere is some sort of problem though08:40
SuvaI installed the realtime kernel08:40
SuvaAnd now sometimes when I log on, it complains about "gnome-settings deamon not running"08:40
SuvaAnd desktop looks uglee when I log in, when I restart X then it's all right again08:41
mosnoSuva: i got that too. but i reverted to the default kernel08:41
mosnoSuva: that's related to the settings-daemon08:41
SuvaReverting to default kernel is unfortunately not an option08:41
intintsuva: i get that too sometimes in vmware08:41
SuvaWhat else could I try?08:41
mosnoSuva: if we're both getting it on fresh installs, then it's likely a bug -- check launchpad08:42
mosnoSuva: check google ;)08:42
dgjones!launchpad | Suva08:42
ubotuSuva: Launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/08:42
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johns^Suva: I've had that also but not anymore. As far as I recall, it was a permission problem, but I'm not sure. What does it say when you run it from a terminal?08:43
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Suvajohns^: Run what from terminal?08:43
user11_011which pack should be installed which gives JAVA_HOME08:44
johns^I believe I removed some temp files in /tmp08:44
johns^or maybe I added it to the startup stuff in system>settings>sessions08:45
Archonwhat package do i need to be able to connect to mysql (via apache2) but not to INSTALL the mysql server?08:46
neehohdoes exisist one chanel by wordpress?08:46
SuvaThat gnome-settings bug seems to be weird one08:46
Archonok thanks jack|ass08:46
bezibaerchenArchon: NO08:46
SuvaBecause sometimes it does work08:46
jack|assArchon: no problem, douche!08:47
jack|assArchon: oh, wait... jack|ass... yes... :)08:47
=== Alan2 is now known as speeddemon8803
bezibaerchenArchon: you need "php5-mysql"08:47
jack|assArchon: oh, sorry, he's correct.08:47
jack|assArchon: I missed the part about apache2.08:47
zetheroowhat will open a CMYK PSD file in linux?08:47
evi|oneHi. What would be a good place to bing up a ssh tunnel? Already tried /etc/rc.local and it didn't work.08:47
Archonthanks bezibaerchen08:47
jack|assArchon: although really depending on what you're doing, there's probably a perl one that'll work too.08:48
bezibaerchenmysqlclient may be a dependency, but you need the php-module to connect via php. or viceversa if you wanna introduce perl :-)08:48
jack|asszetheroo: Gimp maybe?08:48
whaboIS there a WAy to get a skype phone adapter WORKING in linux??? HELP .. i have a Dlink PHD-50U08:48
jack|asszetheroo: or is that one of the things they don't support yet?08:48
zetheroojack|ass: nope08:48
hydejest tu ktoś??08:48
dgjones!pl | hyde08:49
ubotuhyde: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl08:49
zetherooanyone?.... I need to open a CMYK PSD file in Linux08:49
BubblegumTateI just installed Apache/MySQL/PHP and apache seems to work fine and SSI and PHP work but it refuses to serve the .css files returning a 403 error. How do I configure it to allow a file type? (I tried #apache but it's pretty dead there)08:49
triplchi all08:49
BubblegumTatezetheroo: pixel should be able to help08:49
triplcHow to select Chinese font for BlueFish?08:49
zetherooBubblegumTate: thats not free is it!?08:49
BubblegumTateit's non-free but I think there's a trial08:50
corruptionoflulzwhat command to install kde desktop?08:50
triplcHow to select Chinese font for BlueFish? I am using "ordinary font" for other stuff... but went it comes to Chiense text... it just selects the urgly font somewhere I don't know08:50
sladentriplc: it's probably taking place at a lower level08:51
sladentriplc: eg. a request is made for some text to written in the default font08:51
sladentriplc: and if the default font does not contain those glyphs, they will be transparently fetched from another font08:51
triplcsladen, ok... lower level... but please tell me where I can set it08:51
sladentriplc: System->Prefences->Appearance->Fonts?08:52
triplcsladen: hmm... no... that preference just only allow to select "one" font.08:53
BubblegumTateignor my issues08:53
sladentriplc: ...the default font?08:53
BubblegumTateI solved them using the power of mental thinking08:53
corruptionoflulzwhat command to install kde desktop?08:54
sladentriplc: Bluefish may have it's own choice as to what default font to install08:54
chilli_what si bluefish08:54
sladentriplc: remember that most web-text /does not/ specify a font08:54
triplcsladen, actually, I am not using GNOME, I use Fluxbox... please me the program to run... not that meny08:54
chilli_what is blue fish08:54
SuvaThe bug(s) are apparently closed08:55
sladentriplc: gnome-appearance-properties, I think.08:55
SuvaI wonder whether I should do some debugging or something08:56
sladenchilli_: BlueFish is an HTML authoring program, that triplc is currently using, you can install in from Add/Remove Programs...08:56
chilli_what is blue fish08:56
SuvaBut in the other hand this is exactly the reason why I migrated from debian08:56
sladenchilli_: please, just ask once!08:56
chilli_what does it od08:56
baukehi all. I have 3 fat32 drives listed in "Locations". After some minutes of inactivity I click the drive and it's Nautilis-screen freezes (goes black). After 5 - 10 secs it comes back again. This is irritating, what should I do?08:56
=== nalpha_ is now known as nalpha
whabohey there... is there a program i can use  to record my screen??? like a screen capture????? a clone of frams/camstudio or anything thx???? anyone?08:57
triplcchilli_, BlueFish is a good editor -- php, html (code),....08:57
baukewhabo: Istanbul08:57
whabobauke: is that the only program?08:57
sladenan HTML authoring program, allows you to create Web (WWW) pages in a graphical click-and-draw way.  Bluefish is an HTML authoring tool.  Bluefish can therefore help you to make webpages in a graphical way, rather than completely from scratch in a text-editor.  http://bluefish.openoffice.nl/ for more details08:58
triplcsladen: gnome-appearance-properties does not work, i am sorry08:58
baukewhabo: recordmydesktop08:58
whabobauke: thx alot08:58
sladentriplc: sorry.  Perhaps you could ask fluxbox people if you've chosen to use that08:58
triplcmaybe the best way is to "remove" all other chinese fonts except the one I need :-)08:58
sladentriplc: I do not know BlueFish, but I suspect there are menus containing preferences08:59
sladentriplc: that would work for you.  Remember that when you put the page on the web, you will not be able to choose the fonts that the person reading the page has08:59
dgjoneswhabo, give me a minute, I'll find a link to the Ubuntu screencasting team, they have some good suggestions about recording your desktop08:59
triplcsladen, ah... fluxbox does not do anything about that... it is just a Window Manager... and it does not care about most of other things that Gnome/KDE do... anyway, thanks for your helps and patient :-)09:00
sladentriplc: if it's a case of the Chinese font that comes up by default "not looking good", then your skills and advice on improving that centrally for the whole of *buntu would be greatefully received09:00
sladentriplc: you can also select the default font from Firefox, for when you view the completed page, is that what you were after?09:01
whabodgjones: thx alottt09:02
dgjoneswhabo, have a look this, its got suggestions on good practice and software to use https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreencastTeam/RecordingScreencasts09:02
triplcsladen, I know about Firefox font settings, which contains setting different fonts for different charset... i only hit problem with bluefish which does not have that09:02
SuvaBTW, how do I switch to compiz?09:02
whabodgjones: thank you very much09:02
SuvaIs there a button for it somewhere=09:02
dgjoneswhabo, your welcome09:02
K_DallasMorning guys! I did a stupid thing which made my laptop to ask for  network/server to log in instead of the usual username and pw. But I have no clue as what to enter in there and now i am being locked out of my system. I appreciate any help with this09:03
K_Dallasi think it is due to activating: Remote Login via XDMCP09:04
gvsa123quick question... if i want to export settings for firefox in ubuntu for later installations to save settings, plugins, saved passwords, etc... i just have to make a backup of /home/me/.mozilla right?09:04
triplcgvsa123: yes09:05
gvsa123triplc: and if i'm trying to manage multiple users on one ubuntu desktop, i can simply save the .mozilla to their /home folder and they should have the same plugins, settings, bookmarks, etc working on their account?09:06
triplcgvsa123, i never tried that multiple users :-)09:07
gvsa123i see... but the plugins you install are all in .mozilla right?09:08
triplcgvsa123, sure09:09
=== Dark_Mage is now known as fruit_bat
K|NgGh0sTHello, I'm not using Ubuntu, I'm using debian but this doesnt matter which distro i'm using. I was wondering if someoen could help me recover my LVM. I rebooted and now it has vanished09:09
gvsa123triplc: all the plugins are located in .mozilla right?09:10
K|NgGh0sTI beg of someone with LVM experience to help09:10
pganFor reference - after my grub error 22, I finally booted. First I made a new primary partition sda1 on remainder of my disk and still could not install grub there as before.  Then I installed Gutsy on sda1, grub was correctly installed there and also booted my original installation on sda5.  I still don't know what the problem was.09:10
SuvaThat arises a question, can I someone easily get rid of those volumes Ubuntu created by default09:10
SuvaI want root & swap configuration, no other special volumes09:11
triplcgvsa123, ~/.mozilla/firefox/something/extensions/ , i think09:11
kane77what's with all those floods lately?09:13
Ceniexiste alguma pessoa que fala português aqui?09:14
dgjones!pt | Ceni09:14
ubotuCeni: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.09:14
pganHow can I make the console font smaller?09:16
user11_011is lightbox under LGPL?09:17
baukepgan: change profile settings09:19
K|NgGh0sTHow can I fix mount: /dev/mapper/vg0-media: can't read superblock ?09:19
=== Laydio-VIP74 is now known as PDQ
PDQHttp://pdq1.freehostia.com  BEST ANIME RADIO STATION IN THE INTERNET STREAMING AT 320KBPS!!! come listen to us now!09:20
gordonjcp!ops | PDQ is spamming09:20
ubotuPDQ is spamming: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Pelo!09:20
blue|palmhi, if i have just shift-deleted a file, is there any way to recover it?09:21
PDQctrl z09:21
PDQto recover it?09:21
blue|palmPDQ tried c-z didnt work09:21
blue|palmPDQ, yes I want to recover it09:21
robblackbone, not really, but you could try recovery software (it may work)09:22
ciclomay be there exist a ~filename09:22
primaryHello. I installed mp3 preview support for Ubuntu, since I read that it might fix an error I've been getting with Nautilus where I can't open anything because it says "Unable to create pipe: Too many files open" or something (I have to use killall). However, I'm finding the cure to be kind of annoying, but I can't remember how to remove mp3 preview. Can someone help me out?09:22
cicloand you can recover it by renaming it09:22
blue|palmrob, recovery software for ubuntu? do you have a name for me?09:23
blue|palmciclo, i doubt it since its a 300mb video file :-(09:23
* luddite greets all09:23
robblue|palm, not off the top of my head sorry, you will need to google for it. There does exist several Live CD distros for exactly that purpose, you might be able to recover it by replaying your filesystem journal if you use a journaling filesystem but don't quote me on that09:24
baukeprimary: uninstall mp32109:24
ludditenortel contivity VPN client connectivity with 7.10: can it be done?09:25
ciclo blue|palm, don't try to write anything on that partition, and find a software to recover it09:25
blue|palmrob, ciclo thanks, off I go to find some sort of recovery softare for GNU/Linux09:26
K_Dallasif you bear with me, here is what i have got: ubuntu startwith "Add host", help says: the main area on this application shows hosts on the local network that hve XDMCP enabled, ...  and it shows no host to select!09:27
cicloblue|palm, you are welcome, and be sure don not write anything on that partition, or, recovery might be failed09:27
blue|palmciclo, thanks09:28
luckybamboois it possible to access Module-method in script/console? for example tmp = ApplicationHelper.new; tmp.foo   doesn't work.09:28
KavokHow do I get my "Atheros AR5007EG Wireless Network Adapter" working with Ubuntu ?09:28
luckybamboowrong #09:28
harveydI think the copy of flashplayer that ubuntu keeps updating me with is broken09:29
harveydr60 seems to fail completely to make socket connections09:30
pganbauke: I'm talking about the console font, not the terminal emulator (gnome-terminal) font09:30
chazcoHi... is anyone else getting really slow downloads from the repositorys?09:30
bezibaerchenchazco: yes, kinda slow today09:30
chazcoAh ok... thought it was just mine. Went as low as 10KB/s (down from a usual 240KB/s)09:31
z9999We are attempting to get our wireless working and wish to try a new driver. Must we uninstall the previously installed driver before proceeding with installing the driver with ndiswrapper? If so what commands are necessary to accomplish this? Thanks09:32
FethmanHi can anyone point me to a how to how can I reinstall the intell wireless drivers after manualy recompiling the kernel since it's in the restricted-modules package09:33
user11_011is lightbox under LGPL?09:33
pganz9999: If your previous driver was a module, it would be good to unload it (see "man lsmod").  If instead it was registered under the ndiswrapper module, it would be good to unregister it (see "man ndiswrapper").09:35
pganuser11_011: I don't know what lightbox is, but have you searched the web for that?09:36
user11_011pgan: yes but couldnt find it. FYI lightbox is a very commonly used javascript lib09:36
pganuser11_011: Wikipedia says it's under the  Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License09:38
user11_011pgan : oh thanks.09:38
pganthe project page supports this09:38
LovNPeacewhat is that linux utility to change vga mode in console mode09:38
StevethepirateHi. I need a way to make my "line out09:38
AAson of a bitch09:38
StevethepirateHi. I need a way to make my "line out" jack on my PC become a sub out... i.e. apply an equalizer to it.09:38
user11_011pgan : is there any place where we can find license of any product apart from google.09:39
Stevethepirate!language | AA09:39
ubotuAA: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.09:39
pganLovNPeace: I just came to ask how to change the console font!09:39
AAihr motherfucker09:39
imyousufHi, has anybody installed EST-610U on Ubuntu?09:39
pganuser11_011: yahoo?09:39
Stevethepirate!language | AA09:39
ubotuAA: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.09:39
AAno mother09:39
user11_011pgan : was that a joke?09:39
AAhahaha it was funny09:40
AAi come germany09:40
pganuser11_011: kind of...  I don't know other ways than reading the project page.09:40
AAyou are sweet09:40
ws159hallo jasmin (AA)09:40
pganuser11_011: that is, the page of the project you are interested in.09:40
ws159how are you09:41
thomas_hi @ all09:41
pganFethman: I think you could go to System -> Administration -> Restricted Drivers Manager09:42
imyousufhas anybody installed EST-610U on Ubuntu?09:42
user11_011pgan : That's right. but there needs to be a open source( or rather ubuntu) initiaive where we can go  type the name of any product and we get its latest standings in terms of license.09:42
imyousufhas anyone installed any USB products with product id = 0610?09:42
ws159i had school09:42
ws159ihr kiderficker09:44
dgjones!ops | AA & ws15909:44
ubotuAA & ws159: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Pelo!09:44
ws159aa is ja porno star09:44
angelhello room! noob here09:44
kane77ws159, stop it!09:44
Baroquenhi everyone...09:44
ws159bay bay09:45
BaroquenI had success at the alsa group and my snd-hda-intel now loads.....09:45
angelubuntu is God's gift to the noob nerd09:45
pganuser11_011: This is outside the scope of Ubuntu, but there may be a project like that.  Or web search engines may be more effective.  Projects hosted at sourceforge can be browsed by license, and I think ones listed at Google code.09:45
pgan!offtopic | angel09:46
ubotuangel: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!09:46
imyousufhas anybody installed EST-610U on Ubuntu?09:46
imyousufor has anyone installed any USB products with product id = 0610?09:46
pganHow can I change the concole font?09:47
Baroquenthe trick to get snd-hda-intel was to do a rmmod on all "snd" modules and to re-load them...  that was it!!09:47
angelAWESOME!! i do need a quick Q answered. right now i am running off the live CD (man that is cool) and i was curious to know if i can choose my packages to be included with the install. i want to remove some packages i am not using09:47
angelor going to use rather09:47
Fethmanpgan: Thanks but I don't think It will work since I want to manually recompile the kernel09:48
_btangel: you cannot, but you can remove them after you install09:48
pganangel: with the live CD you can't choose the packages that are installed, I think.  You can install them and uninstall them later09:49
timsandtomsHey guys? Whats the difference between KDE and GNOME? Im new to linux09:49
angelthanks _bt, i'll researck making a kickstart file or whatever it is called for the future. **I luv me some unattedned installs**09:49
Xan123Привет свои есть ?09:49
angelthanks pgan09:49
pganangel: With the alternate CD you may be able to09:49
dgjones!ru | Xan12309:49
ubotuXan123: Пожалуйста войдите в #ubuntu-ru для помощи на русском языке  /  Pozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke09:49
pgan!ru | Xan12309:50
nemo_if i am running gutsy (64) can i play WOW if i only have the 32bit dvd?09:50
labinnswI am having a problem that I am hoping someone can help me with. On Gutsy, I cannot print to PDF. Here is a link to the error log http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46925/plain/09:50
K_DallasAny help with disabling XDMCP ? Thsnks09:50
Baroquenyay!  my intel ICH9 is working with digital out :)09:51
angeltimsandtoms| afaik they are both GUIs for your linux. they basically do the same thing but  you might have a preference over the other. i had to install both and log in to "Feel them out". gnome seemed to do it for me09:51
cheetahfrhi, i wonder if someone could help me out. i have an offline ubuntu machine, i've just downloaded xmms to play mp3, how do i install it?09:52
cheetahfri've unzipped teh tar file..09:52
Marcusklaasjust go to terminal09:52
Marcusklaasapt-get install <teh_programz j00 ned>09:52
cheetahfri have, it says "couldn't find package xmms"09:52
angelcheetahfr| ubuntu with no internet is like corvette with no gas09:52
cheetahfrit's on the desktop, do i need to put it ina  specific folder?09:53
MarcusklaasLOL ANGEL TRU.DAT09:53
cheetahfryeah. i'm just setting her up, angel. i want to use her as my internet computer as soon as i know how to operate her09:53
Marcusklaasomg cheetahfr .. you'll need internet to install those packages .. it's a pain 2 do it urslef09:53
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Marcusklaasget her hooked onto the internet right now dawg ..09:53
cheetahfrbut do you see what i'm saying? it's not on the internet. does that mean i can't install it?09:53
dgjonescheetahfr, where did you download it from, if it was from http://packages.ubuntu.com/, you should be able to right click on the file and it'll give you an option to install09:53
cheetahfrif i do, i lose you guys. plus: ubuntu doesn't recognise my wireless hardware09:53
kitofhawaiiangel: /:) explain that to my lab boxes...:-P09:54
timsandtomsangel: thanks. So all this "Designed for KDE" and such that I see just basically means its designed to look coolest in KDE? :P09:54
cheetahfrdgjones. thanks. i'll check that website out.09:54
FethmanHmm I need to recomplie my kernel with slab memory allocator instead of slub, since it's causing me problems with the suspend and my videocard (ati :() I'm thinking if there is already a kernel for gutsty complied with slab or If I do it manually how can I reinstall the drivers for my wlan card(intel)09:54
angelcheetahfr| there are 2 ways to install, apt-get and manual. i dunno if xmms is on the cd, try the dvd and use apt-get, try to stay away from manual stuff if you are a noob09:54
MarcusklaasCheetahfr, there's an IRC client in Ubuntu: pidgin.09:54
Baroquenbye everyone...09:54
dgjonescheetahfr, if you search for xmms for whichever version of ubuntu you're using, at the bottom, there should be a single file you can download which included the necessary dependancies09:54
ikoniaangel: manual ?09:54
ikoniaMarcusklaas: thats not an irc client, irssi, BitchX x-chat are irc clients09:55
StevethepirateHi. I'm on gutsy.. looking [reading a guide] but i lack /etc/asound.conf and ~/.asoundrc.conf09:55
Marcusklaasim using pidgin ..09:55
ikoniaMarcusklaas: pidgin just has an irc gatewa09:55
ikoniaMarcusklaas: pidgin just has an irc gateway09:55
angeltimsandtoms| pretty much, but you can use kde guis in gnome. for example, bittorrent sux ass so i use ktorrent(for the kde) on my gnome09:55
Marcusklaasthat makes it a client09:55
pganHow can I change my console font?09:55
cheetahfri'd love to use apt-get, but it's not an option. so, it's on the cd.. i'll check that.09:55
Marcusklaasr j00 seriuz pgan?09:55
timsandtomsangel: Thats actually EXACTLY why I asked :D ktorrent says its for KDE09:56
Stevethepirate!nice | Marcusklaas09:56
ubotuMarcusklaas: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal09:56
angelikonia: my keyboard is broken09:56
labinnswOk, I guess not help with my PDF tonight09:56
ikoniaangel: really, what is the problem ?09:56
Stevethepirateclearly phailure is an option for the bot. :P09:56
angeltimsandtoms|you can still use it on gnome, in fact, i recommend it09:56
MarcusklaasLOL steventhepirate09:56
timsandtomsikonia: What are the advantages of an actual IRC client over Pidgin? This is really my first IRC room I've been in, I don't know anything about IRC really...09:56
ikoniatimsandtoms: just more features in native irc clients09:57
Marcusklaasikonia is just one of those oldskoolers09:57
ikoniatimsandtoms: depends how much you want to interact09:57
Stevethepirate!lol | Stevethepirate09:57
timsandtomsangel: :D Awesome, thanks. /g/ recommended it too as kinda linux version of utorrent, haha09:57
angelikonia | it does not automatically correct my spelling based on the grammer i am using.09:57
timsandtomsikonia: Coupla examples?09:57
Marcusklaas!lol > marcusklaas09:57
ikoniaangel: please don't waste my time09:57
ubotuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.09:57
angelsee, it is grammar not grammer09:57
ikonia!bootabuse >Marcusklaas09:57
Stevethepiratelol @ that09:57
ikonia!botabuse >Marcusklaas09:58
ikoniatimsandtoms: for example if you are an operater, you can bind functions, that sort of thing09:58
Stevethepirateikonia: where has the /etc/asound.conf moved to on my PX?09:58
ikoniaStevethepirate: no idea09:58
[n00b]Shadowis there a ubuntu equal to debians dos2unix?09:58
cheetahfrso i've got the cd in there. how does apt-get find xmms on the cd?09:58
Stevethepirate= failing life09:58
[n00b]Shadowunix2dos? x/09:58
cheetahfr(i'm wondering why ubuntu doesn't automatically put the necessary codec's on for mp3's in the first place)09:58
Stevethepiratecheetahfr: add it as a repository in adept.09:58
MarcusklaasSTEVE TAH_PAIRATE .. where iz j00 from?09:58
angelcheetahfr| it should have the cd as part of the repositories09:59
ikonia!offtopic >Marcusklaas09:59
ikoniaMarcusklaas: please speak in english09:59
cheetahfrum, ok.09:59
Stevethepiratecheetahfr: its for licensing issues09:59
kitofhawaiidosbox works09:59
StevethepirateMarcusklaas: South Africa [ZAR]09:59
timsandtomsikonia: Ah, ok. Any suggestions on which I should get if I do get one? I'm kinda fond of Pidgin and Windows Live messengers interface, similar would be great09:59
kitofhawaiioh duh...:)09:59
cheetahfrwhat's adept?09:59
angelso anyone put XBMC on ubuntu yet?09:59
ikoniatimsandtoms: if you like the interface, stick with pidgin09:59
[n00b]Shadowdos2unix hammers out the unused windows text from files...09:59
Marcusklaasangel: XBMC?09:59
StevethepirateJust Pidgin on linux.. whats wrong with using it?09:59
ikonia[n00b]Shadow: not sure if that package still exists, check the package manager, or use sed10:00
StevethepirateFor IRC'ing its not -that- bad..10:00
ikoniaStevethepirate: its a fine gateway10:00
Stevethepiratecheetahfr: its a package manager10:00
[n00b]Shadowim not using ubuntu, asking for a friend lol :p10:00
timsandtomsStevethepirate: Nothin, just if I ever did need another one, I'd wanna know what to get10:00
ikoniaStevethepirate: its all personal prefecnce10:00
Marcusklaas1 thing i hate about pidgin: buddy list synchronization issues every tiem u start10:00
cheetahfri can't find it in my list of programs..10:00
ikonia[n00b]Shadow: then get him to come in and ask, we don't support by proxy10:00
angelMarcusklaas| Xbox Media Center10:00
Stevethepirateikonia: you mean he's behind a firewall or something?10:00
Stevethepirateand pidgin can't connect?10:00
ikoniaStevethepirate: no, not at all, I didn't say anything about pidgin10:01
Stevethepiratetimsandtoms: to be honest.. i use irssi since its easy to screen and simplistic10:01
Stevethepirateikonia: ah, soz.. getting rather confused..10:01
ikoniatimsandtoms: its all personal preference, try them, see what you like10:01
Stevethepiratetyping on a 50" plasma with a res of olnly 1280x1024 is fail.10:01
mimat86qualche italiano?10:01
angelhow do i become and official ubuntu distributor?10:01
timsandtomsikonia: ok, will do10:01
Marcusklaaslol angel?10:01
Stevethepiratehave sex with mark shuttleworth10:01
cheetahfrwhat if there is no 'adept' program in the applications/system menus?10:01
ikoniaangel: please stop wasting peoples time10:02
ikoniaStevethepirate: don't feed the troll10:02
angelhhmmmm, well i am straight but ok10:02
cheetahfrsorry to be a dumb cunt, good karma to you guys.10:02
Stevethepirateikonia: he probably just wants to get > 2 CD's10:02
mimat86ci sn italiani??10:02
kitofhawaii[noob]Shadow: the ubuntu package is tofrodos and is available10:02
ubotuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, Seveas, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici or Pelo!10:02
Marcusklaaswho teh_hell is mark shuttleworth?10:02
Stevethepiratecheetahfr: "Package Manager"10:02
dgjones!it | mimat8610:02
ubotumimat86: Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!10:02
[n00b]Shadowthanks kitofhawaii10:02
StevethepirateMarcusklaas: lol.10:02
MarcusklaasStevethepirate, what?10:02
cheetahfri have synaptic pakcage manager, i'll use that.10:02
StevethepirateMarcusklaas: he's the dude paying for Ubuntu10:03
StevethepirateA South African as well :P10:03
elkbuntucheetahfr, please watch your language, swearing is not welcome in here10:03
Marcusklaascheetahfr .. u half-assed .. ass .. GET UR ASS HOOKED UP TO TEH_INTERNET OR j0r ubuntu pc is worthlezz10:03
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
angelikonia| how am i wasting people's time? there is a list of people you can request a free cd from. i am asking how do i put my name up there.10:03
ikoniaMarcusklaas I've asked you o3 times to a.) speak in english b.) watch your language c.) stop going off topic10:03
noobcoderwhat is the easiest way to share an entire drive?10:03
cheetahfrmarcusklaas, it will happen. i just want to play mp3's first. then i have to figure out how to get ubuntu to recognise my wireless device.10:03
Stevethepiratenoobcoder: install ssh-server10:04
ikoniaangel: because I don't believe you because of your time wasting keyboard comments10:04
gordonjcpjeez, is it drunk american teenager hour in here or something?10:04
noobcoderI have ssh-server installed10:04
ikoniagordonjcp: it's being delt with10:04
rerehai ax-ax10:04
Stevethepiratenoobcoder: then they can scp stuff off oyu.10:04
noobcoderI am setting up a movie server10:04
Stevethepirateor use WinSCP10:04
Stevethepiratenoobcoder: sound #illegal10:04
drcodehi all10:04
gordonjcpikonia: it's always September...10:04
angelikonia| oh, sorry about that. it was a bad joke. i'll be good10:04
noobcoderall my data is on the /media dive10:04
drcodehow I can install ubuntu from Disk On Key?10:04
Stevethepiratenoobcoder: ftp probably easier..10:04
MarcusklaasStevethepirate, is it public how much Mark Shuttleworth is paying to Ubuntu project?10:04
cheetahfrthere is no option to add a repository in the synaptic package manager...10:05
ikonia!offtopic >Marcusklaas10:05
MarcusklaasHow muhc!?10:05
ikoniaMarcusklaas: read ubuntu.com10:05
cheetahfrshould i just give up and bang my head against the wall?10:05
Eric_Chi is there a german ubuntu channel?10:05
noobcoderI want to be able to stream the data off the drive10:05
ikoniaEric_C: ubuntu-de10:05
StevethepirateEric_C: #ubuntu-da10:05
gordonjcp!de | Eric_C10:05
noobcoderi have samba installed10:05
angelnoobcoder| what are you going to use?10:05
Eric_Cthx ikonia10:05
ubotuEric_C: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de10:05
ikoniaStevethepirate: its not -da10:05
Stevethepiratenoobcoder: samba is fail.10:05
Marcusklaascheetahfr .. please just get ur ubuntu pc on teh_net and things will go 1000x easier10:05
gordonjcpEric_C: do you know what the channel is called now?10:05
StevethepirateI must set it up.10:05
angelnoobcoder| wait, is the streaming going to handled by the client or the server?10:05
Stevethepirateikonia: thats why i *de'ed10:05
gordonjcp!en | Marcusklaas10:05
ubotuMarcusklaas: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are english only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat10:05
ikoniaStevethepirate: I saw10:06
Stevethepiratelag is fail.10:06
noobcodersamba works but asks for a pw when I have rw10:06
cheetahfrbut i can't marcus. it doesn't recognise my wireless. please understand this.10:06
cheetahfri just want to play mp3's, is it really this hard just to get xmms to work?10:06
Marcusklaascheetahfr .. aah ... k dat sux10:06
nixNewbhey yall10:06
ikoniaMarcusklaas: please speek english10:06
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kitofhawaiicheetahfr: you don't have a hardwire available?10:06
noobcoderI am streaming to my xbox10:06
Marcusklaassorry ikonia10:06
cheetahfrnot at present.10:06
nixNewbif i have version 7.04, how can i upgrade to 7.10 without burning a new cd?10:06
Stevethepiratenoobcoder: hmmm. seriously..10:06
nixNewbapt-get upgrade?10:06
ikonianixNewb: you can use the upgrade process on the internet10:06
ikonia!upgrade >nixNewb10:06
Stevethepirate!upgrade | nixNewb10:06
ubotunixNewb: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes10:06
Marcusklaascheetahfr .. this is trouble .. if j00 dont have internet j00 kant instal ne software or drivers .. OR UPDATES10:07
ikonia!goodbotuse >Stevethepirate10:07
ikoniaMarcusklaas: last request "Speak in English"10:07
angelcheetahfr| hook it up to the net, then sudo apt-get update, then run an mp3, ubuntu will ask you if you want to install the codecs needed10:07
Stevethepiratenoobcoder: how are you trying to send the video?10:07
cheetahfryes, i will get the internet. in time.10:07
angelcheetahfr| it is the easiest way10:07
nixNewbsudo !upgrade ?10:07
cheetahfrit does not recognise my wireless, so i figured i'd play a few tunes as this computer doesn't haqve a soundcard...10:07
Stevethepiratenoobcoder: no I'm saying..10:07
Stevethepiratewhat type of files does ur XBox allow10:08
cheetahfrif i take the wireless otu of this computer, i lose my ability to use the internet, and ubuntu doesn't recognise my device10:08
Stevethepiratelike, does it allow "windows network searching" as such10:08
Stevethepiratecan you use ftp's off it?10:08
nixNewbthanks ubotu10:08
kitofhawaiicheetahfr: then i'd say uhm...install rpm off the ubuntu cd, and walk over the xmms redhat packag to your box over sneakernet :)10:08
noobcoderhumm Ill have to check10:08
nixNewblooks like what i need, appreciate it10:08
Stevethepirate!xbox > steven_office10:08
ikoniakitofhawaii: please don't recommend things like that10:08
Stevethepirate!xbox > Stevethepirate10:08
pganHow can I change my console fonts?10:08
cheetahfralright. i'll just give up and play audio cd's.10:09
angelStevethepirate| xbox? he said he had an xbox?10:09
m0u5eanyone know why it'll take 2-12 weeks to ship something for 14 US dollars from ubuntu.com? :/10:09
rerehalo adam, boleh kenalan?10:09
Stevethepiratecheetahfr: you trying to get mp3 working?10:09
cheetahfrincidently, is it easy to get ubuntu to recognise a usb wireless device?10:09
pgan!justask > sasha10:09
Invert314right now emeral loads by default when i start compiz fusion....how do i switch it to gtk-window-decorator?10:09
Stevethepirate!english > rere10:09
sasha_can someone help me with Maximize/Minimize buttons10:09
cheetahfryes, steve. but i don't have internet available.10:09
cheetahfri have xmms downloaded as a tar and sitting on the ubuntu desktop.10:09
sasha_i cant move windows :S10:09
kitofhawaiiikonia: if he insists on it being offline, there's no other real easier choice...10:09
cheetahfrapparently it's too hard to install without the internet.10:09
ikoniakitofhawaii: then he's not able to get support10:09
Stevethepiratecheetahfr: well, its not xmms you really need.10:09
ikoniacheetahfr: the bottom line is the codecs needed are online only10:10
cheetahfri can't go online, it does not recognise my wireless card.10:10
SuvaXMMS is ugly10:10
Stevethepiratelook on the internet for a guide on what codecs are needed.10:10
cheetahfri can download anything from here and transfer it to the ubuntu computer.10:10
Stevethepirateand then get those packages.10:10
nemo_how can i run a 32bit linux app on my 64bit Ubuntu distro? compatibility mode?10:10
drcodeany idea , how I can install ubuntu from DiskOnKey ?10:10
m0u5eif canonical wants us to purchase things from their store, they should make it cheaper :/10:10
ikoniacheetahfr: ok, so get the correct packages online and install them from a cd10:10
ikonia!offtopic >m0u5e10:10
dgjonescheetahfr, have you looked at the packages.ubuntu.com website I suggested to you earlier?10:10
Stevethepiratenemo_: i think they may have backwards compatability.. like, default.10:10
pganikonia: he can get them from another computer and install them from a usb drive10:11
ikonianemo_: you need to use something like a 32bit chroot10:11
cheetahfrdgjones, yeah i did. hold on one moment.10:11
ikoniaStevethepirate: thats nonese, 32bit libs are not backward compatability10:11
sasha_can someone help me10:11
ikoniapgan: thats very true10:11
Stevethepirateikonia: A -lot- of apps10:11
ikoniasasha_: possibly, what is the problem10:11
ikoniaStevethepirate: none10:11
sasha_i dont have Maximize/Minimize buttons10:11
cheetahfrhttp://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/sound/xmms. it's confusing. what do i download?10:12
Stevethepirateikonia: I've seen it being done.10:12
sasha_i cant move windows10:12
ikoniaStevethepirate: no 32bit apps will run on a 64 bit base system10:12
StevethepirateNot natively.10:12
ikoniasasha_: you can't move windows ?10:12
angelcheetahfr| visit http://monkeyblog.org/ubuntu/installing.html and read the part that says Installing a package manually10:12
sasha_i was install compiz10:12
StevethepirateBut sandboxed, easily.10:12
cheetahfrsweet, thanks angel.10:12
ikoniaStevethepirate: yes, so thats not compatabile, so please don't offer fantasy solutions to people10:12
cheetahfra package is a tar zip, is it?10:12
cheetahfrjust to confirm.10:12
nemo_Stevethepirate: i am trying to use Cedega to run WOW, on my gutsy(x64) system10:12
ikoniasasha_: can you expand a bit on that10:12
cheetahfrokay, i'm gone. thanks for your help anyway.10:12
angelcheetahfr| afaik dude10:13
pgansasha: I don't know compits, but have you tried to reboot?10:13
angelcheetahfr| i did not mean for you to leave dude10:13
sasha_my windows always Maximize10:13
sasha_i cant Minimize them10:13
angelcheetahfr| i just meant i'm good help for a noob10:13
cheetahfrno, that's cool. i'll try to install manually.10:13
Stevethepirateikonia: A family of computer models is said to be compatible if certain software that runs on one of the models can also be run on all other models of the family. The computer models may differ in performance, reliability or some other characteristic. Any difference may affect the outcome of the running of the software.10:13
Stevethepiratenemo_: and?10:13
dgjonescheetahfr, go down to the bottom of the screen, and its got a section for download xmms, if you're using the i386 version, click on that and chose a local download location, save the file to cd or usb stick, transfer it to the machine you want it on and then you can install it there10:14
pgansasha: have you tried to reboot?10:14
ikoniaStevethepirate: look, 32bit binaries will not run on a 64 bit OS without the 32bit libraries being installed.10:14
nemo_sasha: log out then back in10:14
sasha_i was looking compiz effects10:14
angelnemo: gutsy 64x is buggy and wack, not all apps are 64x friendly even with the 32bit librarry10:14
Stevethepirateikonia: hmm.. kk, /me gives in.10:14
sasha_and i dont know how to back my Maximize/Minimize buttons10:14
cheetahfrdgjones. gotcha. now when you say 'install it from there', what does that mean? is it as simple as double clikcing something?10:14
ikoniaangel: what are you talking about ?10:14
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dgjonescheetahfr, when you've got it on the machine you want, right click on the file and there's be an option to install using gdebi manager10:14
Stevethepiratesasha_: maybe try #cedega or even #wine if we can't help.10:14
cheetahfrsweet, i'll try that. thanks dgjones.10:15
sasha_i don't have problems with emus10:15
dgjonescheetahfr, you're welcome10:15
nemo_Stevethepirate: when i read the help dos for install it says for a 64bit system i need "32-bit compatibility environment must be available"10:15
sasha_i have problems with kde windows :)10:15
StevethepirateThen clearly. 32-bit compatbility must be available.10:15
ikonianemo_: thats correct, basiclly you need to install an almost complete 32bit os into a seperate directory on your disk (simple summary)10:15
StevethepirateWhich is like. Fail.10:16
imyousufhas anybody installed EST-610U on Ubuntu? or has anyone installed any USB products with product id = 0610?10:16
StevethepirateIn essence.10:16
angelikonia| i had a 64bit gutsy but found that some apps just could not be installed even with the the library, is there ANY performance difference between 32 and 64bit?10:16
sasha_someone know hot to setup Maximize/Minimize toolbar ?10:16
ikoniaangel: your statment does not warrent "64 bit is buggy"10:16
ikoniaangel: there can be performance gains, in certain areas10:16
StevethepirateI would not guess a huge difference in average PC use..10:16
Stevethepiratelike, browsing, word processing, etc.10:16
nemo_ikonia so i boot into linux launch linux then luanch wine to launch wow... wow10:16
ikoniaStevethepirate: totally10:17
ikonianemo_: wine is not available on 64 bit platforms as I recall10:17
Stevethepiratebut maybe for GIMP'ing.. or video editing or number crunching.. you'd notice the difference.10:17
Stevethepirateikonia: it is.10:17
ikonialets see10:18
angelikonia| yes you are right. my spesific issue was ubuntu trying to update my 32bit vmware-server to 64bit.  it kept reinstalling the 32bit version10:18
kitofhawaiiwine's available on 64-bit but it only supports 32-bit windows apps10:18
ikoniaStevethepirate: have you even read that - it is a 32bit package !10:18
Stevethepiratebut yeah, you will need 32 bit lib's as well.10:18
Stevethepirateikonia: yes.10:18
ikoniaStevethepirate: so thats "not available on a 64 bit platform !"10:18
ikoniaStevethepirate: stoping missleading people10:19
ikoniaStevethepirate: wine is not available on a 64 bit platform10:19
kitofhawaiiangel: well definitely 64-bit vmware'd be important on 64-bit machines (VT technology you'll see a huge difference) i'd be upset too if it only installed 32-bit :)10:19
angelikonia| wine IS available on a 64bit, but maybe it is only 32bit10:20
Stevethepirateikonia: its a flipping way, by the makers of the program in question, for people to install 32bit wine on a a 64-bit system10:20
ikoniaangel: then that is a 64bit platform10:20
ikoniaStevethepirate: 32bit is no a 64 bit platform10:20
StevethepirateI know.10:20
cheetahfrdgjones: right click GD package installer.... ERROR: Dependency is not satisfiable: libglib1.210:20
StevethepirateBut the program he wants to wine is 32 bit10:20
Stevethepirate--> WoW10:20
ikoniaStevethepirate yes I know, which is why I said wine is not available on a 64bit platform10:21
Stevethepirateso he needs a way to wine 32bit programs in a 64 bit system10:21
ikoniaand you said "it is"10:21
nemo_ikonia: do you think there is a noticible performance differiance between X64 and X86 that warents the extra hassle10:21
ikonianemo_: depends what your doing10:21
ikoniaits not 64bit !10:21
cheetahfranyone know how to get around that error?10:21
hangthedjdoes anybody know how to make the mplayer plugin not blue in epiphany?  i set every mplayer config to vo x1110:21
angelay yay yay..people! you can install some 32bit apps on a 64bit platform running a 64bit OS. there is no 64bit wine! but you can get 32bit wine to work under 64bit!10:21
hangthedjfullscreen is fine10:21
Stevethepiratethat means you need to get the packags it says are dependancies10:22
nemo_i'm tired of xp so i want to use ubuntu/program/play games (wow)10:22
* AmL thinks ikonia and Stevethepirate should have their lovers quarrel elsewhere10:22
angeland stop getting ikonia mad!10:22
ikoniaAmL: agreed10:22
* Stevethepirate thinks AmL should DIAF.10:22
ikonianemo_: the best gaming platform will be windows10:22
ikoniaDIAF ?10:22
* Stevethepirate thinks is the right address.10:23
bullgard4[Gutsy] Gnome panel menu item 'Applications'> 'Utilities' > Is there a menu item 'Take Screenshot', or what is the proper English name of it?10:23
Stevethepirate!hi > brobostigon10:23
tereI spain ayuda10:23
angelikonia: die in a fire?10:23
hangthedjangel, i think there is an option in 64b bios to set 32b compatibilaty mode.10:23
cheetahfrit doesn't specify the dependencies... arrgh10:23
dgjonescheetahfr, use the same packages search page to look for that package and do the same thing with it, install that first and then the xmms10:23
elkbuntu!es | tere10:23
ubotutere: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.10:23
ikoniaStevethepirate: don't be offensive to people asking them to die10:23
cheetahfroh. libglib1.2 is the package right?10:23
angelhangthedj| maybe but it defeats the purpose of going 64bit anyways.10:23
elkbuntuStevethepirate, please stop the gibberish and insults10:23
Stevethepirateikonia: It will be the best gaming platform until a non propriety platform comes out...10:24
ikoniacheetahfr: thats a library10:24
Stevethepirateelkbuntu: soz.10:24
riaaldoes the cache read from the RAM memory?10:24
cheetahfrso that's the library i need to install, got it.10:24
Stevethepiratenamely, until you get openDX or something.10:24
kitofhawaiibullgard4: Applications -> Accessories -> Take Screenshot (prtsc button works the same)10:24
ikoniacheetahfr: that libary is part oa package though10:24
Zirodayhow do I get SCIM to be the default input method for all apps?10:24
ikoniacheetahfr: "of a package" that should read10:24
cheetahfrwhat's the oa package? does that change anything?10:24
ikoniacheetahfr: the package is glib10:24
bullgard4kitofhawaii: Thank you very much.10:25
cheetahfrthe package is glib. oh ok. so lib (library) glib10:25
aladinsaneIm trying to install the Geany code editor from the synaptic package manager, but it tells me "Warning You are about to install software that can't be authenticated! This can hurt your system...." and so on.10:25
aladinsaneHow should i deal with this?10:25
angelStevethepirate| the only reason why windoze is better at games is because of the money, you can't have that kind of support on HW and SW for free...for now at least10:25
kitofhawaiibullgard4: alt-prtsc will capture just the window (also useful if you need it)10:25
no0ticaladinsane, did you add unofficial repositories?10:25
Stevethepirateangel: Um, UT2003 was released on linux and windoz at the same time?10:25
ikoniaaladinsane: it means the key for the repo your downloading is not available, so its "unauthenticated"10:25
StevethepirateFor example.10:25
cheetahfryeah. how is it this kind of support is free? what do you guys get out of it?10:25
ikoniaaladinsane: is it an ubuntu repo,10:25
ikoniaStevethepirate: this is ubuntu support10:26
imyousufhas anybody installed EST-610U on Ubuntu? or has anyone installed any USB products with product id = 0610?10:26
Stevethepiratecheetahfr: God loves us.10:26
ikoniaStevethepirate: not gaming platform debate10:26
cheetahfrbesides the satisfaction of helping out your fellow human beings10:26
mosnocheetahfr: we feed on the newbs10:26
mosnommm newb10:26
brobostigoni just did an upgrade(sudo apt-get upgrade) there was apackage i did not recognise, it was mono, what is it??10:26
bullgard4kitofhawaii: You are most helpful. Thank you.10:26
angelStevethepirate| dude, that is one game. i am talking about as an overall system...ok ok, yeah not a gaming debate. let's not get offtopic10:26
dgjones!es | tere10:26
ubotutere: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.10:26
tereX FAVOR AYUDA10:26
Stevethepirateikonia: Dude. If he wants to ask about it, let him ask.. Its not -really- irritating the world.10:26
dav1hi, ive just pressed crtl + alt+ f1 - how do i get back to the gui?10:26
no0tictere, #ubuntu-es y #ubuntu-al10:27
angeltere| que necesitas?10:27
ikoniabrobostigon: mono i the open version of .net10:27
cheetahfralright libglib, let's do it baby. back in a sec.10:27
kitofhawaiidav1: ctrl + alt+ f710:27
Stevethepiratedawl: press Ctrl-Left.10:27
ikoniaStevethepirate: no - this is ubuntu support, ubuntu-offtopic for none support related questions10:27
hangthedjdav1, ctrl+alt+f710:27
Stevethepirateor that.10:27
brobostigonhow is it possibly usefull, and where is it used??10:27
ikonia!es >tere10:27
angeltere| para chatiar de que?10:27
no0tictere, #ubuntu-es (españa) y #ubuntu-al (latino-américa)10:27
StevethepirateMy GUI runs on Ctrl-Alt-f12 .. such luls10:28
tereEN ESPAÑOL10:28
KavokBeen trying to get the wireless on my Atheros AR5007EG working, I have the driver installed with ndiswrapper but it wont connect to my network10:28
angeltere| leiste lo que escribio no)tic?10:28
hangthedjStevethepirate, why do you have so many shells?10:28
ubotuSi busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.10:28
StevethepirateAnyone know a way, easily, to make my line out act as a line out?10:28
nemo_ikonia: what if i just want to play ww10:29
gordonjcpStevethepirate: uhm, plug something in?10:29
ikonianemo_: what about it ?10:29
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gordonjcpStevethepirate: what's it doing just now?10:29
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SuvaStevethepirate: 5.1 sc with 3 outs?10:29
StevethepirateYeah, i have a 5.1 sound card..10:29
=== d_i_b is now known as dressed_in_black
aladinsaneno0tic, ikonia:10:29
aladinsaneI only have archive.canonical.com/ubuntu, getautomatix.com, medibuntu.org and WineHQ repositories under Third-party Software.10:29
aladinsaneIf there's a key missing how do i find out and how do i fix it?10:29
Stevethepiratea dedicated sub and 2 speakers10:29
=== _Sisco is now known as Sisco
SuvaStevethepirate: Run the alsamixer and check the switches10:29
ikoniaaladinsane automatrix !10:29
Stevethepirateso 2 speakers in Headhpone out..10:29
ikonia!automatix | aladinsane10:29
ubotualadinsane: automatix is not recommended, supported or needed. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubotu WorksForMe »10:29
nemo_ikonia: should i switch to an X86 distro?10:29
owainsorry to bother you  but what's the linux equivalent of ipconfig?10:30
ikonianemo_: that seems a sensible approach10:30
Stevethepirateand I need a crossover for a sub that i'm plugging into line out.10:30
ikoniaowain: ifconfig10:30
Stevethepirateowain: ifconfig10:30
angelnemo_| switch!10:30
StevethepirateSuva: no, i mean.. its plugged in.. but I need a separate EQ for it..10:30
f_tyethi, there!... how can I configure my system to use only my off-board soundcard instead the on-board one?10:30
owainand having typed that I can finally see why my smb.conf won't work ;)10:30
SuvaStevethepirate: Uh?10:30
nemo_ikonia: is there a noticeable difference in things like compiz?10:30
Stevethepirateor at least a high pass filter for that channel alone.10:30
angelStevethepirate| that reminds me dude, how do i renew my ip address using ifconfig?10:30
ikonianemo_: no10:30
Stevethepirate@ angel10:31
SuvaStevethepirate: Doesn't sub have built in crossover?10:31
nemo_dam and i just got everything working10:31
aladinsaneikonia: ok so thats the culprit here? i dont know if i have installed anything with automatix, but if i have, what wopuld happen to those applications if removed automatix, with updates and so on?10:31
ikoniaangel: ifconfig doesn't actually manage dhcp as it does in windows. Stevethepirate the priate has it correct its an extneral application (dhclent n this example) that deals with dhcp requests10:31
cheetahfroh for fucks sake. now it says i have to get another library. "libgtk1.2".10:31
KavokCan anyone help me get my wireless working?10:31
f_tyetso... I just installed the last 7.10 Ubuntu...10:31
ikoniaaladinsane: no idea, once automatix is on your system we can't support it without a clean install10:32
cheetahfryou'd think it could just list all the libraries i need instead of 1 by 110:32
StevethepirateSuva: No, its a 600W active sub thats normally plugged into a DSP or something, so that it manages the crossover.10:32
kitofhawaiiangel: make sure you reference the right nic with dhclient...if you're running vmware you can screw up your default route and dns table10:32
owainyou guys rock btw, linux is very frustrating for a n00b. I love working out how to use a command but if I can't remember what it is quickly it's suprisingly hard to find on google10:32
Stevethepiratecheetahfr: it basically tries to install, then when it hits the first missing dependancy, says "oops, we need that package" and halts.10:32
kitofhawaiiangel: from experience :)10:32
hangthedjfirefox shows blue with the mplayer plugin too10:32
f_tyetI'm having trouble 'cause I have 2 soundcards and no sound at all, actually... ;-)10:32
owainie google <command> gets you there easily10:32
owainbut google <what you want to do> gets many many answers not all helpful ;)10:33
ikonia!es | tere10:33
ubotutere: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.10:33
owainanyways, thanks again10:33
SuvaStevethepirate: Ah, I am not sure if you even asked help. But probably your local hifi shop will help you out :P10:33
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owainand hoorah for samba10:33
Stevethepiratef_tyet: type alsamixer in konsole. .and see if anything has a "M|M" next to it.. that means muted.10:33
angeljesus was here!?10:33
StevethepirateSuva: no.10:33
angelcheetahfr| dude, installing is not noob level. it is way apt-get was made.10:34
aladinsaneikonia: that sounds serious, i'll remove it pronto. but about this Geany and not authenticated bla bla bla, i think that might be some other issue, as it should be located in one of the normal repos, so how do i find out if i have the right keys for my repos?10:34
StevethepirateI need to run a software digital signal processor. So that I can adjust the signal outputs to all outputs independently.10:34
dav2hi, I've presed crtl alt f1, I tried ctrl alt f7 to take me back but I just get a cream screen the the cusor and nowing else, any ideas?10:34
StevethepirateYou may have crashed X..10:34
ikoniaaladinsane with out a clean install on your system, we can't support you10:34
SuvaStevethepirate: Something like a Jack-Rack? :P10:34
Stevethepiratepress Ctrl-Alt-Backspace10:34
StevethepirateSuva: no.10:35
ikoniaaladinsane: you'll need to re-install if you want support from the ubuntu community10:35
StevethepirateDo you know what a graphics equalizer is?10:35
SuvaStevethepirate: Ofcourse10:35
elkbuntuangel, pleast stop calling everything 'noob'10:35
f_tyetStevethepirate: hi, there.. about alsamixer, I have already tried it out... but I'm not sure AC'97 soundcard or Audigy one is trying to make any sound... got it? ;-)10:35
terealgun chico wuapo?10:35
ikonia!es | tere10:35
kitofhawaiiyah apt-get's not a noob feature...it's just a part of debian, it's been there forever...just another (and very good) package handler10:36
ubotutere: Si busca ayuda en español por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, allí obtendrá más ayuda.10:36
Stevethepiratef_tyet: try " cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp" see if any white noise comes out ...10:36
kitofhawaii*hates the term noob...10:36
StevethepirateSuva: well, basically. I need a separate EQ for each of my outputs on my sound card.10:36
Stevethepiratekitofhawaii: /me too10:36
f_tyetStevethepirate: hehe, I'll see right now...10:36
SuvaStevethepirate: So you need something like jack-rack with bunch of "Multiband EQ's" loaded? :P10:37
deal_I'm a proud bearer of the name Noob!10:37
StevethepirateI have NFC what a jack rack10:37
StevethepirateBut that sounds like some hardware.10:37
SuvaStevethepirate: Are you on Linux at all? :)10:37
SuvaStevethepirate: http://jack-rack.sourceforge.net/10:38
StevethepirateSuva: Let me check it out.10:38
SuvaStevethepirate: If you don't like to use Jack, then you probably have to achieve it some other way10:38
f_tyetStevethepirate: so... nothing happened, though10:38
cheetahfrthis is ridiculous. the libgtk1.2 needs a library now... i give up. this is fucked.10:38
cheetahfrthanks anyway guys.10:39
ikoniacheetahfr: there is no need for that language10:39
gordonjcpgtk1.2 ?10:39
SuvaStevethepirate: It's an LADSPA FX stack for Jack10:39
kitofhawaiideal_: us older guard prefer the term ID:10t...shorthand for "pointed the client to the help page" :)10:39
ikoniacheetahfr: you have been aked 2 times10:39
cheetahfroh. sorry.10:39
gordonjcpwhat on earth are you installing?10:39
cheetahfrxmms gordon.10:39
gordonjcpcheetahfr: ah10:39
gordonjcpyeah, beep media player10:39
cheetahfrnever mind. seeyaz.10:39
StevethepirateSuva: lol @ the EULA for it : "I would ask that you do not use this program to make music that is for God, Jesus or Religion (eg, hymns, mantras, etc.) "10:39
brobostigonbmp is very good, similer to xmms, i like both,10:40
SuvaStevethepirate: This is a parody of ZynAddSubFX EULA :P10:40
StevethepirateSuva: so basically its a GUI for EQ'ing each input and output?10:40
StevethepirateIf this works.. My sound system will be complete :P10:41
Stevethepirate12.3 sound system... ftw.10:41
SuvaStevethepirate: Well, you need to run JACK10:41
Stevethepirate3 sound cards.. and its done :P10:41
* Stevethepirate adds up the power.10:41
SuvaStevethepirate: And it's a gui for adding arbitrary effects on arbitrary sound paths10:41
f_tyetStevethepirate: actually, it suposed to make any sound... I chenged the output plug between the two soundcards, but I realized neither devices are playing anything10:41
kitofhawaiiStevethepirate: 12.3? i don't even think i've owned that many speakers in my life10:42
StevethepirateSuva: so it'll work with amarok for example?10:42
SuvaStevethepirate: You can also add compressors, limiters, flangers, reverbs, distortions, synthesis, etc.10:42
Stevethepiratekitofhawaii: 5.1 + 5.1 + 2.110:42
SuvaStevethepirate: If amarok supports jack then yes10:42
StevethepirateSuva: I just need a high pass filter10:42
StevethepirateSuva: howto check if it does?10:42
SuvaCheck the output driver10:43
KavokCan anyone help me with my wireless? I've followed all the instructions I could find on the forum10:43
SuvaCan you change it from ALSA to jack10:43
Kavokit just wont connect to my router10:43
StevethepirateKavok: whats the problem?10:43
kitofhawaiiStevethepirate: what're you setting up a distributed sound system?10:43
Stevethepiratekitofhawaii: no, just for my room :P10:43
SuvaStevethepirate: Jack is also RT stuff, you need -rt kernel for it to work right10:43
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about rss - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi10:43
KavokI have a Atheros AR5007EG10:43
StevethepirateI admit its overkill10:43
KavokI can't connect to my router10:43
Stevethepiratebut occassionaly i DJ10:43
SuvaStevethepirate: http://jackaudio.org/ <-- Please read this10:44
Stevethepirateand having to adjust EQ's every few secs is pain..10:44
KavokI've used ndiswrapper with the windows drivers and dmesg shows no errors but i still can't connect10:44
StevethepirateSuva: yeah, its loading.10:44
SuvaStevethepirate: In that case you might be easyer off using amarok plugin10:44
kitofhawaiiStevethepirate: o.O what're you making your own IMAX!?10:44
f_tyetyou know what, I'm kindda missing the "alsaconf" command over the ubuntu... how can we configure the sound device over the Ubuntu 7.10? does anyone know it?10:44
kitofhawaiiKavok: what type of encryption are you using on your router?10:44
StevethepirateSuva: do any amarok plugins allow separate EQ's for each output [line out and headphone out]?10:45
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SuvaStevethepirate: Surely an owner of IMAX cinema has enough money to pay poor programmer like Suva some money to develop a solution :)10:45
StevethepirateSuva: I have no IMAX.10:45
StevethepirateI have 58" plasma though :P10:45
Kavokkitofhawaii: I turned encryption off10:45
nemo_what is the point of having a 64bit os?10:45
SuvaStevethepirate: Surely an owner of 58" plasma has enough money to pay poor programmer like Suva some money to develop a solution :)10:45
KavokI can 'see' the network10:46
KavokIt has a strong signal10:46
Stevethepiratenemo_: so you can put a "64-bit" sticker on ur PC :P10:46
KavokI just can't 'connect'10:46
StevethepirateSuva: nah...10:46
mavi-i found a 52" plasma in a junk-yard-thingie10:46
SuvaStevethepirate: Call me if you can't find decent solution and I can give you my prices :)10:46
mavi-was just the tuner that was busted10:46
kitofhawaiiKavok: in terminal, iwconfig and ifconfig, do they show your wlan adapter?10:46
mavi-so now i have a 52" svga-monitor =)10:46
Stevethepiratemavi same thing...10:46
StevethepirateI got my 58"10:46
mavi-bought a new tuner for 10$10:46
SuvaStevethepirate: Developing amarok plugin like this shouldn't cost too much, 100 - 300 eur max10:46
Stevethepiratethe PSU was screed10:47
StevethepirateSuva: lol.10:47
* Stevethepirate is poor South African :P10:47
spepshy guys ... can somebody tell me where i can find the open driver ati project site???THANK U!10:47
Suva(With 58" plasma screen)10:47
Kavokkitofhawaii: I think so? im not sure10:47
kitofhawaiiKavok: do you see either wlan1 or wlan0 in both?10:47
StevethepirateIt was like R2000 to repair it..10:47
Kavokkitofhawaii: wlan0 in both10:48
K_Dallasto fix my sdmcp problem, i logged in the safe mode and startx but it does not allow me to change much. cannot even go to admin -> services10:48
kitofhawaiiKavok: in the iwconfig output, under wlan0, does ESSID: show the essid of your router?10:48
SuvaStevethepirate: I still think you would be better off with HW filters10:48
Kavokkitofhawaii:ESSID: off/any10:49
DarKnesS_WolFwhere i can ask about the installer ? i have hardware and the driver not included with the system ... how can i add it ?10:49
DarKnesS_WolFRAID controlar driver10:49
Kavokkitofhawaii: Its my router now10:49
Kavokkitofhawaii: depends on when I check10:49
kitofhawaiiKavok: try "iwconfig wlan0 essid <youressid>" and then "dhclient wlan0"10:49
kitofhawaiiKavok: forgot to mention use sudo for those commands...10:51
Kavokkitofhawaii: DHCPDISCOVER on wlan0 to port 67 interval ## <-- random number here10:51
spepshi guys ... can somebody tell me where i can find the open driver ati project site???THANK U!10:51
Kavokkitofhawaii: No DHCPOFFERS received, no working leases in persistent database - sleeping10:51
no0ticspeps, dri.freedesktop.org, I think10:52
imyousufhas anybody installed EST-610U on Ubuntu? or has anyone installed any USB products with product id = 0610?10:52
kitofhawaiiKavok: you might need to try a different ndis driver...which are you using? ndiswrapper can look like it's working even if it's having a problem10:52
Kavokkitofhawaii: I've used three different drivers10:52
Kavokkitofhawaii: I've used this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=554531 and this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51282810:53
Kavokas reference10:53
KavokAnd like I said, I can see networks10:54
Kavokjust not connect10:54
luhhhOla Bom Dia Pessoal Ubuntu hehehe uhulll... alguem aki já manja pelo sistema em Wine ?10:54
dgjones!br | luhhh10:54
ubotuluhhh: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.10:54
luhhhOh My God Thanks....10:56
KavokAre there any other steps I can take to troubleshoot this10:56
kitofhawaiiKavok: does iwconfig wlan0 still show your essid, and are you receiving any packets at all?10:57
Kavokkitofhawaii: it changes back and fourth between off/any and my network10:58
Kavokkitofhawaii: every few seconds10:58
kitofhawaiiKavok: and confirm you match case with your router (essid's are case sensitive)?10:58
KavokYes I can10:58
reckle5shey im a noob  i need help with the config of my g5 mouse10:59
Ximalg5 mouse ?10:59
corruptionoflulzreckle5s: what do you need help configuring?10:59
kitofhawaiiKavok: ndiswrapper -l lists driver installed present right? i'm sorry just running down the list right now10:59
reckle5s my back button doesnt work in fire fox10:59
corruptionoflulzah, those.10:59
corruptionoflulzhang on while i dig up that guide10:59
reckle5ssweet thanks a bunch11:00
corruptionoflulz(i mapped my side buttons to switch workspaces)11:00
kitofhawaiiKavok: for me i had problems getting ndiswrapper and network-manager to work right together. i ultimately went to a kernel mode driver11:00
Kavokkitofhawaii: ndiswrapper shows my driver11:00
SuvaNetworkManager doesn't like bcm43xx driver11:00
SuvaFor some reason11:00
kitofhawaiiKavok: along with the line about being present...? there should be two lines11:00
KavokWell I also tried using wicd11:01
Kavok"net5211 : driver installed"11:01
kitofhawaiiKavok: ok it doesn't show "device present"11:01
Kavok"device" (168C:001C) present (alternative driver: ath_pci)11:01
Kavokwas typing11:01
niuqhi i have problems connecting to a ftp server, how could i verify if my ftp client is working well?11:01
niuqi am using filezila11:01
kitofhawaiiKavok: did you blacklist the other driver?11:01
niuqi've tried with shell11:02
niuqftp <ip address>11:02
corruptionoflulzreckle5s: this should be enough to get it working: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=6547111:02
Revheya ppl11:02
Revif ever i see my sound peripheric in the device manager, that means that it works?11:02
reckle5sthanks corrupt11:03
Revcause everything looks like it should work but i hear no sound o.O11:03
reckle5smuch apricitated11:03
corruptionoflulzreckle5s: also, if you start typing my name, then hit tab, it will auto complete.11:03
oxigenhi, did anyone here tried to install Hardy 64bit yet?11:04
niuqhow could i verify if my ftp client it's working?, i can't connect to a ftp server11:05
imyousufhas anybody installed EST-610U on Ubuntu? or has anyone installed any USB products with product id = 0610?11:05
dgjonesoxigen, you're better asking in #ubuntu+1 for queries about Hardy, thats were any support is and they're more likely to be answer you11:05
oxigendgjones, thanks11:06
kitofhawaiiKavok: honestly the "alternative driver" line and that it's wlan0 sound like it's running the kernel mode driver, and not the ndis driver11:06
Kavokkitofhawaii: well how do I make sure itsn ot11:06
bubuntuhey.. anyone know about huge fonts at login  & title bars... i cant fix it!11:06
kitofhawaiiKavok: rmmod ath_pci11:07
kitofhawaiiKavok: it should only say device (####:####) present11:07
kitofhawaiiKavok: after that, ndiswrapper -l to confirm it's still there, then "rmmod ndiswrapper" "modprobe ndiswrapper" (sudo'ing of course) :)11:08
reckle5scorruptionoflulz: nice !!!!!!!! tab is totally 1337 now lol11:09
corruptionoflulzreckle5s: heh, np.. i do prefer using those side buttons for workspace switching though, i just use keyboard shourtcuts for back and such.. and have massive amounts of tabs open so don't go back much11:09
Kavokkitofhawaii: rmmod ath_pci = "module ath_pci does not exist in proc modules etc..11:10
xeeris a used 80gb ps3 worth $400US?11:10
MukiDAGiven the lack of BA, I doubt it.11:11
reckle5scorruptionoflulz: as of right now in vmware they arent working at all11:11
MukiDAxeer : It comes down to it, are there any PS3 games/features worth four bills to you right now?11:11
xeerMukiDA: gh3, that's about it. a friend wants to sell it to me so he can pay rent. i think it's a little steep11:12
=== MukiDA is now known as MukiEX
bubuntuhey.. anyone can help me about huge fonts at login  & title bars... i cant fix it! ta...11:12
MukiEXWell, it's cheaper than eBay/Gamestop, I'd wager.11:12
MukiEXBut the BC thing is a problem11:13
kitofhawaiiKavok: hmmn...something doesn't sound right. you did reboot after blacklisting...?11:13
corruptionoflulzbubuntu: search the forums a bit, i saw a thread around about that.11:13
bubuntui found change dpi but this didn't get it11:14
MukiEXxeer: backwards compatibility11:14
blargmanwhat package do i need for the kernel source? :s11:15
kitofhawaiiKavok: best i can do is direct you to the ndiswrapper troubleshooting page...it is much, much more thorough than i could be11:15
blargmanLinux logan 2.6.22-14-generic #1 SMP Sun Oct 14 21:45:15 GMT 2007 x86_64 GNU/Linux11:16
=== Xan123 is now known as XanKriegor
xeeroddly i'm starting to get errors saying my /tmp isn't large enough. currently it's 1MB and hasn't been modified. how can i enlarge this file?11:21
=== YanchoAWY is now known as Yancho
Oli``Is there any way to get program updates faster? Eg Firefox has been out for a few days but it has only just made the repos. eg2: deluge-torrent is about 6 minor versions behind.11:21
SuvaOli``: wget; tar -xvzf; ./configure; make; make install11:22
kitofhawaiixeer: can you confirm you have write permissions to tmp?11:22
xeerkitofhawaii: yes, i can confirm11:22
Oli``Suva: bleurgh =P11:23
Oli``I was imagining another "bleeding-edge" repo I could add =)11:23
xeerkitofhawaii: seems everything wants to write to it now. firefox, cedega, etc..11:23
xeerfirefox wanted to save a ~950mb file to the /tmp! it refused the download and i had to wget it11:23
SuvaOli``: You can't expect packagers releasing and propagating new packages few minutes later after every upstream release11:23
Don64Oli``: i use ubuntuzilla.11:24
SuvaOli``: Some software have their own repositories11:24
SuvaOli``: But for true bleeding edge you need svn :P11:24
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kitofhawaiixeer: ouch...could you change your download manager in firefox to go elsewhere11:25
SuvaDoes the ubuntu install LVM by default?11:27
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Don64Suva: check the synaptic manager too see11:28
kitofhawaiixeer: you can also try emptying your trash...and "sudo chmod /tmp/ 777" just to confirm11:30
SuvaIt appears it made some paritions11:30
SuvaBut they are not in partition table, so must be LVM :P11:30
glassfacehow can I install restricted codecs on gutsy.  can some one11:32
glassfacepast the link here.11:32
fevelglassface: you have to change the repositories11:33
corruptionoflulz!codecs | glassface11:33
ubotuglassface: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:33
feveland then just try to run the video with no codec and it will ask to install11:33
Johnsonwas there some update that terrible screwed up vnc viewer?11:33
glassfacetnx corruptionufluz; thank u very much.11:33
Johnsonhalf the time i cant even type in the address of the scree11:34
SuvaBleh, ubuntu doesn't use /etc/fstab for root AT ALL11:34
timwatsonhello Nooodle11:36
NooodleIm haveing trouble installing Ubuntu on a PC11:37
wols_Suva: that's not true11:37
wols_Suva: but of course it also needs to reference it in menu.lst11:37
Suvawols_: Well, the sda parts are commented out in fstab11:38
elkbuntuNooodle, trouble in what way?11:38
Suvawols_: So what does ubuntu use for setting up the system partitions11:40
Suvawols_: I only have one physical partition for files, but it is divided into several, somehow...11:41
SuvaOh well, I might have been mistaking, whatever11:42
Nooodlewhen I put the install disk in it does its thing then gives me a tan background with a mouse icon and the mouse will move and it stays that way for about 20 mins then screen goes black11:42
wols_Suva: run mount11:43
wols_if you only have one partition, ubunut only uses one11:43
Frederickfolks which is the default path for java sdk in ubuntu?11:43
Suvawols_: I am not at the computer right now11:43
Suvawols_: And ubuntu apparently doesn't install ssh by default :P11:44
wols_ubuntu is a desktop11:44
Suvawols_: orly?11:45
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Nooodleany ideas whats going on?11:45
Nooodlewith my install?11:46
wols_Nooodle: check your xorg log11:46
SuvaNooodle: You have broken the CD maybe?11:46
kitofhawaiiSuva: it's a desktop-customized version of debian...when i first installed pure debian way back when, i got nothing at all and had to apt-get everything to get it to be a server11:46
wols_also look for a .xsession-errors11:46
SuvaI was using debian since yesterday11:47
Nooodlelisten Im very new to this11:47
SuvaI installed ubuntu, because I was tired of handconfing everything11:47
rtb|laptopproblem: every so often (like right now!) my computer is paralyzed. I have the little activity monitor up on the menu bar, and during this it shows 100% CPU being allocated to IOWait11:48
rtb|laptopwhat causes this and how can I solve it?\11:48
Suvartb|laptop: NetworkManager?11:49
kondrixhow to disable prompting for login and pass upon connecting to Samba on Ubuntu from windows computer?11:49
Suvartb|laptop: NetworkManager goes crazy sometimes when it can't connect to AP and starts eating cycles11:49
kitofhawaiiyah i got that quite a bit with networkmanager, worse with wifi-radar11:50
dorcarinI have some clients server whom should I put permissions and groups that I can work with a usb memory but is not plugdev You.11:50
rtb|laptopI have a wired connection11:51
rtb|laptopI think it's swapping out like crazy11:51
kitofhawaiirtb|laptop: that'll happen yes...what're you running?11:53
* Nooodle ahhh11:54
dorcarin have some clients server whom should I put permissions and groups that I can work with a usb memory but is not plugdev You.11:55
wols_dorcarin: huh?11:56
kitofhawaiiyah i'm a bit lost by that last one...11:57
=== mikebeecham9023 is now known as mikebeecham
Ximalhmm.. to setup a dedicated server or not to setup a server.. lawlz11:58
mavi- /q vol11:59
kitofhawaiiXimal: the new server's vmware...keep your servers portable :-)11:59
Ximaloh no m812:00
Ximali'm talking about ubuntu lamp server ;)12:00
Ximalwithout x..12:00
Ximali aquired an old presario pentium at about 1 to 1.6 ghz ... a 30 gig hd etc..12:00
Ximalheck.. thing even has a zip drive on it .. lawl12:00
wols_kitofhawaii: vmware is passw. Xen and kvm12:00
Suvalamp servers suck12:00
databitshey good morning everyone12:01
SuvaIt's not enterprise at all12:01
kitofhawaiiwols_: xen yes i could see...now that citrix has it we're looking at it at work12:01
Ximalthen go buy a system on a rack suva and go corporate on your own m812:01
Ziggydoes the WineHQ repository do anything good to have under third-party software?12:01
wols_Ziggy: it has a latter version of wine sometimes and has sorta broken packages sometimes too12:02
kitofhawaiiwols_: but i will say our esx servers run phenomenally, and we use vmware at our satellites without problems (just move the file :)12:02
sarthorHi, i am using thunderbird on ubuntu gusty, i have download email from gmail, and have lost that hard disk, now computer installed now, how to get that old email again,12:02
databitshey can someone help me out with some dual display setups12:02
databitsI am trying to get my tv and my laptop monitor to work together12:03
wols_!ask | databits12:03
ubotudatabits: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:03
databitsI need some help getting an extended desktop workin12:03
mikebeechamWhat is the best remote desktop software I can get hold of for Linux?12:03
ubotuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.12:03
mikebeechamI am using GRDesktop, but this is quite laggy12:03
Ximalu mean where u slide ur mouse to the other monitor databits ?12:03
Ximallike with windows / ati vid cards and dual display ?12:04
DarthShrinesarthor, You'll still be able to access it on your gmail account..12:04
sarthorHi, i am using thunderbird on ubuntu gusty, i have download email from gmail, and have lost that hard disk, now computer installed now, how to get that old email again,12:04
Ximalhmm... you running 2 cards ? or 1 ?12:04
mikebeechamwols_: good point...I will rephrase:12:04
databitsno I am running a laptop with a svideo out12:04
sarthorDarthShrine, i can download only new emails , not the email already download in the old computer.12:04
databitsI know it can be done no probelm it it was working half assed before but for some reason now it isn't working12:04
Ximaloh... then u will only be able to run svideo or your laptop lcd's display.. no dual display...12:04
mikebeechamCould some people let me know what they use as remote desktop clients on Ubuntu...I am using grdesktop, but it can be quite laggy12:05
DarthShrinesarthor, I'm not sure if it's possible for POP access, but if you set up IMAP you'll probably be able to access the archive.12:05
Ximalnot in ubuntu from my experience m8.. you might have a program in windows that supports it..12:05
Ximaltry installing that program into wine..12:05
erUSULDarthShrine: recently gmail added imap support12:05
kitofhawaiimikebeecham: i use vnc/tighvnc if i require full desktop access, or xterm if i only require certain apps12:05
sarthorDarthShrine, Can you please tell me a bit about Imap, and and also do gmail support it?12:05
DarthShrineerUSUL, Which is why I mentioned it ;)12:05
kitofhawaiimikebeecham: *tightvnc12:05
Ximali used to use my ati dual display too... but it won't work properly all the time in ubuntu...12:05
databitswindows supports what ?12:05
gordonjcpXimal: that's because ATI is made of fail12:06
Ximaldatabits : hmm... try plugging in the svideo cord into the tv and laptop .... then turn off the laptop12:06
sarthorDarthShrine, i am not much familier to linux12:06
Ximaland reboot..12:06
databitsI have a intel 910 graphics accelerator I think12:06
Ximalsee if it brings it up on the tv when u reboot..12:06
DarthShrinesarthor, You're able to access the mailbox as it would appear on the web interface. Yes, it does support it. You'll be able to enable it from your Gmail account settings on the website. You'll have to set up Thunderbird for the account though.12:06
mikebeechamkitofhawaii : I need to be able to access my work desktop from home, so need full access to desktop, files and folders12:06
databitsya I am going to give that a shot I will brb12:06
mikebeechamkitofhawaii: at the moment grdesktop does the job, but it is laggy12:06
databitsshit if I can get that shit runnin good I am going to be lovin the linux12:06
Ximalwatch the language data...12:07
sarthorDarthShrine, Ok. Let me try my brother, Thank you,12:07
erUSUL!language | databits12:07
wols_mikebeecham: freenx maybe12:07
ubotudatabits: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.12:07
DarthShrinesarthor, Good luck.12:07
databitsI would have kept it a long time ago but I need to have my dual display so I can watch my movies on my tv12:07
tho1mikebeecham run rdesktop from the command line12:07
tho1mikebeecham  if you want remote desktop that is12:07
databitsgrdesktop ?12:07
Ximaldatabits .... why not just get the crt display adapter to rca jack ?12:07
kitofhawaiimikebeecham: once you go over wire to home, it's going to be fairly laggy. tightvnc compresses things down for going long-haul better12:07
kitofhawaiimikebeecham: are you connecting through a vpn?12:08
Ximalyou know... the one where u can hookup a external monitor... with double male conn switch and then the female monitor to rca output jack12:08
abhi_what command do i use to remove the sudo privilege from a user?12:08
mikebeechamkitofhawaii : no direct12:08
Ximalthen instead of doing svideo you would be using both at same time ;)12:08
mikebeechamI use desktop to connect via Ip address to my works machine12:08
mikebeechamdont talk about security12:09
tho1kitofhawaii have you tried tightvnc through an ssh tunnel? I have been working on this and it seems quicker than without the tunnel12:09
Ximalabhi_ : system > administration > users12:09
sarthorDarthShrine, for pop i am using pop.gmail.com as incomming server, what will be incomming server for imap?12:09
kitofhawaiimikebeecham: this is to a windows box at your office or linux?12:09
corruptionoflulzso, i'm going to be overseas, and i want to access my desktop at home, but my IP periodically changes... any suggestions?12:10
tho1mikebeecham Install openssh on windows xp and run rdesktop through an ssh tunnel...much more secure12:10
DarthShrinesarthor, http://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?answer=77662&topic=1281412:10
mikebeechamI am running 7.10 at home..i work from home on e day a week, and I want to connect onto my works Windows machine, running XP pro12:10
tho1corruptionoflulz  no-ip.com12:10
kitofhawaiitho1: i haven't, i usually go through an ipsec vpn and it's pretty fair, though i usually have to change the polling settings on the host12:10
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wols_mikebeecham: rdekstop12:11
tho1kitofhawaii I have a friend in Dublin Ireland accessing my server (Baffin Island...the arctic) and we have found the tunnel does seem to speed things up12:11
mikebeechamwols_ : thanks..will look at that12:12
kitofhawaiimikebeecham: well there's terminamikebeecham: have you tried the terminal server client, under applications -> internet?12:12
corruptionoflulztho1: will that site still work even if my ip at home changes?12:12
kitofhawaiiwell that got stepped over :)12:12
tho1corruptionoflulz that is what the site is all about...check it out12:12
corruptionoflulztho1: thanks12:12
mikebeechamkitofhawaii : no12:12
kitofhawaiitho1: i'll try it :) honestly most of the places i connect to use citrix, and that's always been phenomenal.12:13
Ziggythere's so many repositories out there when you search the web, it's hard as a beginner to understand which ones you actually do need, can anyone link to a site where just valid/supported/fantastic repos are located12:13
kitofhawaiimikebeecham: does your office have a cable modem?12:13
mikebeechamI'm in UK...we have adsl12:13
kitofhawaiimikebeecham: what's your roundtrip ping time to the office?12:13
jribZiggy: the official ubuntu.com ones12:13
ZirodayZiggy: well you should only need the repos under System > Administration > Software Sources. But if you want more you usually get them for certain programs12:14
mikebeechamkitofhawaii: not sure...not checked really...I've been a long-time windows user, so thier remote desktop has been fine...now I'm on linux my first thought was how laggy it was12:14
mikebeechamwill check terminal though12:14
kitofhawaiimikebeecham: i have both windows and linux here and they run the same12:14
Siscoubuntu has torrent built in12:15
Siscothats nice12:15
Siscoa torrent client12:15
kitofhawaiimikebeecham: but i use the terminal server client12:16
tho1kitofhawaii I think the terminal server client is just a frontend for rdesktop12:16
kitofhawaiimikebeecham: i would definitely recommend if you're connecting to your windows box to continue using RDP (either terminal server client or grdesktop)12:16
galdar\linuxWhat do you say if I say VMware12:17
rorysdadhas anyone heard of ubuntu certified pro training courses in australia?12:17
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kitofhawaiitho1: i'm not so sure about that, it's been around a long time on linux12:17
ZiggyZiroday, ok but medibuntu is good to have for example, i figured that out, and i suppose there are others, all i want is to find a plce where i can see them all, that is the good, valid, supported ones. so i dont need to go find them when i need "that" software12:17
jribgaldar\linux: what is your question?12:17
Galdar\LinuxWell kinda need it to get windows runing through Ubuntu... but doesn't know why... jrib12:18
jrib!vmware > Galdar\Linux (read the private message from ubotu)12:18
ZirodayZiggy: I don't know of the top of my head a list but the two supported ones by the communitiy (i think) are seveas and medibuntu repos12:19
Galdar\Linuxjrib: thanks, and btw cool bot :D12:19
linduxedok i wanna use a java applet and firefox suggests installing "gcj web browser plugin (using IcedTea)"12:20
linduxedlast time i used that it didnt work12:20
linduxedany ideas?12:20
jriblinduxed: are you on 64bit or 32bit?12:20
jriblinduxed: sun does not make a 64bit java plugin.  Is there a reason you do not use 32bit ubuntu?12:21
linduxedcore 2 duo12:21
sarthorHi, is it possible to bring get the emails from yahoo in thunderbird? using gusty12:21
jriblinduxed: you can still use 32bit ubuntu and you won't have these problems12:21
riotkittiethat's a not reason :P12:21
linduxedperformance loss?12:21
tho1sarthor not unless you subscribe to the pay version of yahoo12:22
jriblinduxed: I'd be interested to see if you notice one12:22
riotkittieare you noticing an increased performance?12:22
jrib!flash64 > linduxed (read the private message from ubotu)12:22
sarthortho1, Ohh. Ok.12:22
brobostigonlinuxed: as its a core duo, that essentially dual cpu, do you use an smp kernel??12:22
jriblinduxed: anyway, those are the complicated instructions you need to install 32bit firefox on 64bit ubuntu.  But the correct solution here is for you to use 32bit ubuntu and then things will "just work"12:23
SpookyETIs there any way to invoke the Ubuntu installer xorg configurator? I tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg with no pretty result.12:23
jribSpookyET: what was the result?12:23
SpookyETSlow, very slow graphics12:24
SpookyETno hardware acceleration12:24
SpookyETwrong resolution.12:24
linduxedjrib: whats the gain in that case to use 64 bit12:24
jribSpookyET: what video card do you have?12:24
riotkittieusing which driver?12:24
SpookyETthe ubuntu installer go tit right12:24
SpookyETI have ATI Radeo X70012:24
jriblinduxed: 64bit lets you use more than 4gb of ram12:24
brobostigonand bigger partitions12:25
kitofhawaiimikebeecham: another thing you can try is logmein.com12:25
jriblinduxed: my point is there is no real gain to using 64bit for the average desktop user12:25
corruptionoflulztho1: odd, no-ip is refusing to create a config file =/12:25
handsoffate_hi everyone12:25
riotkittiebigger partitions? how  much bigger, brobostigon ?12:25
jrib!ati > SpookyET (read the private message from ubotu)12:25
brobostigonno idea??12:26
JimmyDeereally, really big, kittie12:26
SpookyETjrib, they are installed12:26
abhi_Ximal: this is on server12:26
SpookyETthey are not being used12:26
tho1corruptionoflulz the computer I have that software on is packed away at the moment...so I can be of only limited help. Did yo uinstall the software as root?12:26
jribSpookyET: what driver did you select?12:26
riotkittieJimmyDee: o. that makes sense. thanks.12:26
SpookyETthat one12:26
handsoffate_can anybody tell me how to open the console in ubuntu please?12:26
corruptionoflulztho1: i used sudo apt-get if that is what you are referring to, yes12:26
Ximalwhat is on server abhi_ ?12:26
jrib!terminal | handsoffate_12:26
ubotuhandsoffate_: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal12:26
handsoffate_thank you12:27
jribSpookyET: no, specificallly, what was the name you used when you selected it at the 'dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' screen?12:27
abhi_Ximal: i want to remove sudo privilege for users on my Ubuntu Edgy server12:28
tho1corruptionoflulz I don't recall the software operation...do you need to create the conf file or is it already there?12:28
tho1corruptionoflulz I don't recall having to create it12:28
Ximalinstall x ? then run system > administration > users and groups12:28
jribSpookyET: so what does the restricted driver manager claim at the moment?12:28
Ximalare you saying you are NOT there with the server abhi_ ?12:29
kitofhawaiiabhi_: sudo permissions are assigned in the file /etc/sudoers12:29
Ximalthank you kitofhawaii :)12:29
abhi_kitofhawaii: ok how do i remove? what command? i just remove the names?12:29
jribabhi_: remove the user from the admin group12:29
abhi_jrib: command please :)12:30
abhi_abhi_: usermod?12:30
TimeTravellerAnyone know where the firefox install folder is located ? i need it to install the new flash player12:30
abhi_jrib: usermod?12:30
jribabhi_: deluser USER GROUP     or usermod, yes12:30
riotkittiefirefox install folder?12:31
abhi_any one know any command to remove previously stored commands on a shell ie. clear up the shell history?12:31
jribTimeTraveller: install to ~/.mozilla/plugins/  .  But why not use flash from the repositories?12:31
jtmoneyTimeTraveller: ~/.mozilla...12:31
Siscoabhi_: rm -rf ~12:31
jribabhi_: history -c12:31
kitofhawaiiabhi_: you can also do it through system -> administration -> users and groups if you prefer gui12:31
andreuuplz help, i get no video , it is all pink and grainy, sometimes sound though12:31
jribabhi_: do not do what Sisco said.12:31
jtmoneyjrib: they just released a new version, probably not in the repositories yet12:31
riotkittieSisco: uhhhh. no.12:31
riotkittiethat's not funny, asshat.12:32
Siscowas JK!12:32
jribSisco: don't ever do that here again12:32
Siscowas bout to say it12:32
abhi_jrib: i know :) thx :)12:32
* riotkittie !languages herself. :|12:32
bazhangSisco: not funny12:32
Siscoand you people say linux is secure..12:32
Siscoyou wouldn't beable to corrupt the whole system with 1 command12:32
Siscoif it was secure12:32
riotkittielinux is only secure as the people using it.12:32
mavi-Sisco: you cant12:32
mavi-Sisco: you can mess up your user, but not the hole system12:33
Xlylithhi all... I found a bug in flashplugin-nonfree in gutsy. I wonder if anyone has experienced such thing...12:33
TimeTravellerjrib, you mean it is available in synaptic ?12:33
andreuuarg pink and grainy video!12:33
sarthoron ubuntu gusty i am using kismet, In kismet.conf i am confused what to replace on "none" source=ipw2100,eth1,none,6, i have dell latutude x300 notebook12:33
doxidHey guys, how do i tell my eth0 interface to go up? the lamp is active on the NIC but ubuntu dosn't find it anymore (happned during the night)12:33
jribTimeTraveller: the whole point of the repositories is that updates are taken care of for you automatically12:33
Xlylithit seems that Adobe has modified their flash installer12:34
doxidifconfig finds the NIC but can't use it.. and the only thing the network config tool finds is the wireless12:34
jribTimeTraveller: I have no idea if the most recent version is there, but it usually filters down eventually from -backports at least12:34
kitofhawaiiwell, yah if you give everyone root access you can screw up a system quick...but you can do that with pretty much any operating system. in any case, someone needs access to the box (one way or another) before they can screw it up12:35
kitofhawaiiyou can wipe out a cisco router in one command...if you have access...:) and yet we build the internet on them12:35
Siscokitofhawaii: whats the command12:35
Siscofor cisco router12:35
echosystmi installed flashplugin-nonfree12:35
echosystmbut its not comming up in firefox12:35
XlylithI wonder if anyone can refer me to how to report it to the maintainer....12:36
echosystmand when i say to install missing plugins, it says it's already installed! :(12:36
dgjones!launchpad | Xlylith12:36
ubotuXlylith: Launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/12:36
jribechosystm: did you restart firefox?12:36
Xlylithdgjones: I have patched it myself12:37
kitofhawaiiSisco: write erase system-config and then reload12:37
SpookyETno luck. Is it possible to reintall ubuntu by deleting the entire file system except /home?12:37
Xlylithdgjones: is that possible to submit my own patch?12:37
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jribechosystm: pastebi the result of: apt-cache policy flashplugin-nonfree && ls -l /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/12:37
riotkittieSpookyET: is /home on its own partition? if not, create one and put it there. otherwise, no.12:37
jrib!paste > echosystm (read the private message from ubotu)12:37
doxidI just turned off "Networking" in the network configuration tool.. but.. i'm still here o012:37
wols_Xlylith: poissible yes, up to the maintainer if it's accepted and used12:37
dgjonesXlylith, its probably worth reporting it on launchpad with details of how you patched it, i'm not sure how you'd go about submitting a new patch12:37
linduxed_jrib: sorry, wifi disconnected12:37
wols_doxid: /etc/init.d/networking stop12:37
wols_doxid: you will be gone, trust me12:38
SpookyETriotkittie: No, it is not12:38
linduxed_jrib: so is that really the only thing it changes?12:38
linduxed_jrib: 4 gb ram?12:38
Xlylithjrib: I found the new flash installer (from adobe) has some changes12:38
jriblinduxed_: yes12:38
Past_Imageshey guys i need to use windows at work but sometimes would be useful if i could boot ubuntu on pendrive, is there a variant for this. i need to keep the usb flash thing on fat32 though so windows at work and linux (on my home machine) can both use it12:38
jriblinduxed_: but you should probably read wikipedia about it or something12:38
linduxed_jrib: no performace related stuff???12:38
Xlylithjrib: there's no .xpt file anymore12:38
doxidwols_: that will shut it down, but how do i activate the cable-based connection? as of now i'm running on my neighbours wireless cause they have priority over the cable : /12:38
jribXlylith: there's a bug filed I believe12:38
wols_doxid: which network chip on the wired nic?12:39
linduxed_jrib: ill do that, but if there aint more things then ill screw this12:39
jriblinduxed_: yep, that is what I recommend12:39
kitofhawaiisisco; actually i don't even think you need the system-config part...:)12:39
Xlylithjrib: I search in launchpad, but found none similar12:39
Odd-rationalePast_Images: If you want a linux system on a pendrive, try using DSL or Puppy Linux.12:39
doxidwols_: should probobly add that my eth0 can't be found in the network manager but i do find it in ifconfig. don't know what chip it is.. it's built in :P12:39
Past_Imagesok will try one of those instead thanks12:39
doxidlaptop : )12:39
wols_doxid: lspci |grep -i net12:39
riotkittieSpookyET: can  you create another partition?12:39
linduxed_jrib: is there a possibility to do a "smooth" switch of installation?12:39
linduxed_sort of....is there an option in the installer?12:40
doxidwols_: Realtek Semiconductor12:40
echosystmjrib: does that tell you anything?12:40
wols_doxid: which one?12:40
SpookyETriotkittie: I supposed I can install GParted and resize /12:40
doxidwols_: the eth0 cable one, the other one is a 802.11 nic12:40
wols_doxid: sudo ifup ethß12:40
echosystmi just installed some other plugin via firefox12:40
wols_doxid: sudo ifup eth012:40
echosystmnow flash works, but the movies are all messed up12:41
wols_doxid: check with ifconfig if it has a IP then. if so tell me which one12:41
doxidwols_: ifup: interface eth0 already configured12:41
SpookyETBack in the day, linux installers were creating partitions for /home /var /usr, etc. Is there a decent guide for Ubuntu that shows you how to do that? What's the optimal size for each partition12:41
doxidwols_: ifconfig finds and have a IP for the nic.12:41
wols_doxid: which IP?12:41
riotkittieSpookyET: yea, i'd do that then cp -aRp /home to the new partition. then when you reinstall, select  manual... find the new partition, tell installer to mount as /home ...   uhhhhm.12:41
brobostigonspookyet: linux documentation project12:41
doxidwols_: could you ping it? : /12:42
wols_doxid: that's a public IP. do you use dhcp with your ISP= if so it should have set a route alright. /sbin/route. pastebin the output12:42
wols_doxid: pings alright12:42
doxidthe route seams ok :)12:42
doxidgot the GW and the DNS works properly12:42
Ziggyi've used xubuntu now for 3 weeks, im a first time linux user, and i just want to say I LOVE IT. This is the best thing that have happened to me, besides meeting my girlfriend that is :)12:43
wols_doxid: then what is your problem?12:43
doxidwols_: http://pastebin.com/d2c02f2f512:43
Odd-rationaleZiggy: Welcome!12:43
doxidwols_: my problem is that i'm running on the wireless, because it refuses to use the wired network :P12:44
linduxed_jrib: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/64_bit#Pros_and_cons12:44
linduxed_jrib: found that12:44
TimeTravellerjrib, ok thanks... i just wanted the newest one because it sopports HD playback12:44
kitofhawaiidoxid: is this a laptop or a desktop?12:44
doxidkitofhawaii: laptop12:44
doxidworked great last night12:44
onurmy networkmanager icon on the gnome panel is missing, but I'm connected to the internet. how can i fix that?12:44
SpookyETlinux documetnation project does not tell you optimal partition sizes12:44
kitofhawaiidoxid: do you have a switch on your laptop to disable wireless?12:44
doxidkitofhawaii: yepp and it's off.. and i'm still running on it :P12:44
wols_doxid: that is wrong. it clearly shows you you have a wired defaultroute12:45
doxidwols_: /wois me and check my ident and see if it has switched over yet.12:45
jriblinduxed_: nope, you would have to reinstall (backup /home).  If you have /home on its own partition, it would be pretty smooth12:46
Assassin5I've got ubuntu studio setup on a laptop and I want to plug midi control into it. What would you guys recommend for a midi connection? It's not no game port so a standard midi cable is not an option. Would a USB Midi cable function okay?12:46
wols_doxid: cause you have two defaultroutes. don't assign the wireless a defaultroute12:46
jribechosystm: yes, can you tell me the output of 'which firefox'12:46
doxidwols_: how do i not do that? seams to be working automaticly :P12:46
wols_doxid: easiest is to use a static IP12:47
linduxed_jrib: you think all my settings will be saved if i backup /home or should i backup some of the /etc?12:47
doxidi'll see what i can come up with :) reboot :p12:47
brif8An update to libasound2 and libasound2-dev was done  Somehow it appears the debian .deb version 1.0.15-2 was used and not the ubuntu package.  Synaptic Package Manager won't allow me to re-install  is there anyway to force this ?12:48
jriblinduxed_: if you know you have edited files in /etc/, then yes12:48
jribechosystm: anything in ~/.mozilla/plugins/?12:48
kitofhawaiidoxid: right click network manager, uncheck "enable wireless"...tried that?12:48
echosystmnothing there jrib12:49
echosystmthat folder doesnt exist12:49
jribbrif8: apt-get install PACKAGE=VERSION  but make sure your sources.list do not have any debian repos12:49
jribechosystm: ok, close firefox and run 'ps -ef | grep firefox'12:49
linduxed_jrib: will my gdm, gnome and compiz settings be saved if i backup home?12:50
brif8jrib: thanks where do I check the latest ubuntu version for these two packages ?12:50
kitofhawaiioh he left12:50
jribbrif8: apt-cache policy PACKAGE12:50
echosystmjared     5867  5712  0 23:20 pts/1    00:00:00 grep firefox12:50
jribechosystm: now start firefox and visit http://www.macromedia.com/software/flash/about/12:50
jribechosystm: start it by typing 'firefox' in the terminal12:50
corruptionoflulzhow do i find the process ID of something?12:51
jribechosystm: does the page say flash is not installed?12:51
Daverockscorruptionoflulz: pidof "processname"12:51
jribechosystm: hmm12:52
corruptionoflulzand how do i kill a process?12:52
Daverockscorruptionoflulz: you don't have to put the quotes there12:52
Daverockscorruptionoflulz: killall processname   ... or... kill pid12:52
corruptionoflulzDaverocks: thanks.12:52
jribechosystm: wait, what other plugin did you install...12:52
brif8jrib:  with apt-cache  which line is the ubuntu version  Installed: and Candidate says the same 1.0.15-212:52
echosystmi removed it though12:52
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echosystmflash movies didnt work properly with that installed12:53
jribechosystm: it's hard to troubleshoot things if you install other things at the same time12:53
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jribbrif8: it tells you the repository it comes from12:53
brobostigoni use powerpc, so even less softwre works for me, even less than 64bit.12:53
jribechosystm: readlink -f /usr/lib/firefox/flashplugin-alternative.so12:54
brif8jrib: ok under version table: it has 1.0.14-iubuntu8 0    500 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com  thanks12:54
jribechosystm: that was the output?12:55
jribechosystm: what does 'ls -l /usr/lib/firefox/flashplugin-alternative.so' return?12:56
echosystmls: /usr/lib/firefox/flashplugin-alternative.so: No such file or directory12:57
blackfox_i install Mythwar use wine .. but i got error.what can i do?12:57
echosystmdo i need flashplugin-mozilla?12:57
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wols_blackfox_: you tell us the error12:58
jribechosystm: my mistake.  I meant ' readlink -f /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/flashplugin-alternative.so'12:58
blackfox_error mouse..12:58
jribechosystm: and 'ls -l /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/flashplugin-alternative.so'12:59
wols_blackfox_: that is NOT the error. try again12:59
wols_it doesn't say "error mouse" it says something else12:59
echosystmls: /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/flashplugin-alternative.so: No such file or directory12:59
corruptionoflulzi'm trying to run no-ip, but it keeps saying it can't find the config file12:59
wols_corruptionoflulz: exact error. no paraphrasing13:00
jribechosystm: ok.  So I am guessing you installed flashplugin-nonfree recently and the installer is just broken13:00
corruptionoflulz$ no-ip13:00
corruptionoflulzCan't locate configuration file /etc/no-ip.conf. (Try -c). Ending!13:00
blackfox_just mouse "00e0 mouse es*u"13:00
wols_corruptionoflulz: can't you read? it exactly tells you which config file it wants13:00
echosystmhow is that fixed jrib?13:00
jribechosystm: well, you can wait for an updated package to trickle down or you can install flash manually into ~/.mozilla/plugins/13:01
kitofhawaiiechosystm: i'd confirm whether flash it's there at all "ls -l /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree/libflashplayer.so"13:01
corruptionoflulzwols_: but then it still tells me that it can't locate it13:01
kitofhawaiisometimes the link doesn't happen13:01
kitofhawaii(for whatever reason)13:01
_Siscodo I need like a IPv6 enabled router to run IPv6 on LAN?13:01
corruptionoflulz~$ no-ip -c /etc/no-ip.conf13:01
corruptionoflulzCan't locate configuration file /etc/no-ip.conf. (Try -c). Ending!13:01
echosystmits not there kitofhawaii13:02
echosystmthe directory is empty13:02
_Siscodo I need like a IPv6 enabled router to run IPv6 on LAN?13:02
wols_corruptionoflulz: what part of what I wrote didn't you undestand? why are you unable to check if /etc//no-ip.conf exists and if not create it?13:02
_Siscooops my bad double paste13:02
jribechosystm: grab the tar.gz from http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash&P2_Platform=Linux13:02
corruptionoflulzwols_: exists, and i used -C to create once13:02
wols_corruptionoflulz: it fscking doesn't exist. are you  analphabetic?13:02
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echosystmit's possible my repository is not good13:02
wols_is no-ip using a chroot?13:02
echosystmim using my ISPs mirror13:03
wols_what are the permissions of the file?13:03
echosystmhow would i re-cache the package?13:03
blackfox_after install need restart ?13:03
corruptionoflulzwols_: permissions were all at root, then i changed it to my user hoping that would fix it13:03
jribechosystm: it isn't your server, there is no update yet13:05
echosystmi just removed the plugin13:05
echosystmthen tried reinstalling it13:05
corruptionoflulzwols_: ok, i tried deleting the config file then making a new one with -C, but now i'm getting permission denied.13:05
echosystmDownload done.13:05
echosystmmd5sum mismatch install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz13:05
echosystmThe Flash plugin is NOT installed.13:05
jribechosystm: yes, because the package is not updated13:06
echosystmok, so there is something wrong with the actual package itself13:06
echosystmsorry, im new to all this13:06
echosystmyou need to dumb it down a bit for me :P13:07
wols_corruptionoflulz: chmod a+r <file>13:07
=== is is now known as scaner
jribechosystm: basically, the package just grabs the tar.gz from adobe's server and installs it for you.  But the package checks that the md5sum of the tar.gz is what it expects.  So when adobe puts a new version out, you download the new one, but the md5sums do not match, so the package says, "oh, can't install this, something is wrong"13:08
corruptionoflulzwols_: how what would i use to give write access too?13:08
neur1I have ubuntu installed, to install kubuntu I just sudo apt-get kubuntu desktop install?13:08
brif8I see that alsa-lib is recommend it has an orig.tar.gz  and a ubunt8.diff.gz  I have unpacked both  what do I do with the .diff file ?13:08
=== jacobmp92 is now known as jacob
echosystmok i follow13:09
echosystmthank you jrib13:09
corruptionoflulzwols_: thanks a lot! i think i've got it now!13:10
handsoffatehow can I change the mirror I download updates? I'm really having trouble with rakes <20 :(13:10
wols_brif8: apt-get source <package> and the patch is applied for you13:10
wols_handsoffate: edit your /etc/apt/sources.list13:10
handsoffateI'm a beginner13:11
handsoffatehow do I do that13:11
brobostigonsudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list13:11
IdleOne!repos | handsoffate13:12
ubotuhandsoffate: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See also !EasySource13:12
brif8wols_ thanks13:14
purplecowDoes someone know why I can only change the compiz settings on my other monitor with twinview and both screens running as separate x-servers?13:14
blackfox_i need setting mouse and keyboard at wine?13:17
ciaconhi all... how can I load vesa-fb @ startup?? I miss a high-res command line ;-)13:17
wols_blackfox_: usually not13:17
wols_ciacon: set a different videomode with "vga=XXX" as a kernel-parameter iirc13:17
sarthoris there any download for gusty to download youtube video, need manual link also (free soft)13:18
ciaconwols_: tried that, but the kernel-module is not loaded or even there... it used to work for 7.04, but sadly upgrading to 7.10 I had a dead command-line...13:19
bazhangsarthor: miro13:19
Parsiubuntu does not mount ntfs drive!13:21
Parsiit does not show up them in "Computer"13:21
blackfox_need install DirectX ??13:21
gladcan anyone help me to resolve some troubles with a pendrive in 7.10 ?13:21
Ximalhey guys .. is it possible to get battlefield 2142 to work on linux ?13:21
gladtry cedega13:21
ghigomatto_Ciao, dovrei eseguire uno script bash nome_script.sh da dentro crontab, ma non riesco; Se lo lancio da dentro una shell normalissima occorre usare il formalismo ./nome_script.sh, ed esso funziona perfettamente. La stessa cosa, da dentro crontab, ovviamente non poteva funzionare, e non so come farlo partire, qualcuno ha un suggerimento? Mirco.13:22
wols_ghigomatto_: english ONLY here13:22
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!13:22
wols_!anyone | glad13:23
ubotuglad: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?13:23
ghigomatto_ubotu, thanks,sorry...13:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about thanks,sorry... - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:23
Parsiubuntu does not my ntfs drives!!!13:24
wols_Parsi: this sentence no verbiage13:24
ubotuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions13:25
Parsiit does it before13:25
nils_ /j #ubuntu.de13:26
gladubotu > sry :(13:28
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sry :( - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi13:28
bullgard4I am using OpenDict 0.6.2. It's window shows a head line "OpenDict - Freedict German-English". Why are there two different terms 'OpenDict' and 'FreeDict'?13:29
Siscoanyone know of a tutorial for setting up a linux server to be a router/firewall?13:29
vicentecarroIs there a GPL application(with free database) like GeoIp?13:29
linduxed_where is grub.conf located? i see only menu.lst13:30
_6StringKng_menu.lst is everything you shoudl need I think13:30
kelsinlinduxed_: ubuntu doesn't symlink menu.lst13:30
ciaconlinduxed_: I think one is the other13:30
auraxheya all13:30
linduxed_kelsin: ok, so i should edit menu directly?13:31
stdinvicentecarro: geoip-bin from universe13:31
linduxed_kelsin: even though its read only?13:31
auraxi got a quick q', how can i boot multiple operating systems from the same drive?13:31
kelsinlinduxed_: my menu.lst is rw to root, but yes you should edit it directly13:31
gladaurax > doing a dual boot13:31
ciaconhi all - I have a problem in menu.lst... I just added the following "vga=791", but I can't see my command line anymore... any hints??13:32
kelsinlinduxed_: kernel upgrades don't require editing, just editing for other os's or custom kernels13:32
auraxglad> can i do it with grub?13:32
auraxor i have to create different partitions for each os13:32
kelsinciacon: look int /var/log/messages and mesg for errors, your hardward probably doesn't support that video mode or you're running the wrong console driver13:32
gladi did it, creating partitions with gparted13:32
linduxed_kelsin: im editing it because i got a hint that if i add noapic to the kernel13:33
linduxed_kelsin: ill get my dvd back13:33
gladaurax > for example, first i got my computer with windo$s, with gparted i changed the dimensions, and after that, i installed ubuntu 7.0413:34
kelsinlinduxed_: yes you edit menu.lst directory, using "sudo"13:34
gladwhen I start my computer, and grub 1.5  is charged, I can select my boot13:35
ciaconkelsin: what should I be looking for?? I did "cat /var/log/messages | grep error"... can't find anything interesting....13:36
auraxglad, u used gparted under windows ?13:36
gladaurax > I download the live CD, next I rebooted my system, I when I start my computer with the live CD, in Ubuntu, I used gparted13:38
gladalso, you can use partition magic over windows, bus its no free13:38
dissidenti want to dual boot, you guys are talking about that13:39
wezzahmm, I'm getting tired of it.. my laptop locks a few times a day... the only thing I can do is turn it off and right on. What could be causing such locks, I can't see any errors in the logs?13:39
dissidentpartition magic13:39
ce_siapavery quite tonight13:39
dissidentwon't work here13:39
=== ce_siapa is now known as girl_magicLove
linduxed_is there a noapic option for windows xp? i need something like that to be able to use my disc drive without ditching grub13:39
dissidentthinl because it won't assign a drive letter to linux partition13:39
gladdissident > I refered from win13:39
dissidentcan you help me dual boot with xp13:40
dissidenton two different hdd13:40
linduxed_dissident: you in ubuntu lie disk now?13:41
dissidenthow to assign a drive letter, it won't work13:41
dissidentnot now but i do have dvd and ubuntu cd13:41
linduxed_dissident: linux doesnt work with drive letters13:41
wapowapihow can i enable gyatche?13:41
linduxed_dissident: what drives fo you have?13:41
dissidentwell i used part magic but it won't show boot screen , goes dirrectly into xp13:42
dissidentxp is sata13:42
dissidentlinux ide13:42
dgjones!dualboot | dissident13:43
ubotudissident: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot13:43
bubuntuhia... anyone could help me about this message in syslog: Dec  5 13:42:26 joan-laptop kernel: [15215.080000] ata1.00: exception Emask 0x0 SAct 0x0 SErr 0x0 action 0x2 frozen13:43
bubuntuDec  5 13:42:26 joan-laptop kernel: [15215.080000] ata1.00: cmd ca/00:08:87:10:80/00:00:00:00:00/e1 tag 0 cdb 0x1e data 4096 out13:43
wols_bubuntu: run a smartmontools long test13:44
marcmarchi, I have ubuntu server 6.10. I am trying to install collectd but the command apt-get install collectd does not work13:46
marcmarchow can I add collectd to apt-get?13:46
bubuntuwols_ what is that? is an aplicaction?13:46
gladdissident > First, I try to boot under the same HD13:47
brif8Is there anyway to force a rebuild of all packages ?  It would appear the libasound2 is shared by many and simply downgrading to the ubuntu offical version hasn't helped. E.G.  aplay test.wav  hangs  when using strace  it hangs after the 6th call to stat64("/usr/share/alsa/alsa.conf  ?13:48
dissidentdo i need to create a ext2 first before using live cd to partition13:49
ke-dissident.. When you install from the live cd it will just partition for you13:49
wols_dissident: no13:49
wols_dissident: first you have to partition, then you can make filesystems on that partition. not the otherr way around13:50
ctindleHow can I reconfigure or have Ubuntu autodetect my ethernet adapter?13:50
dissidentcan i do that with the live cd while installing13:51
dissidentor better in windows first13:51
wols_dissident: you can partition in windows perhaps but not make filesystemjs13:52
wols_ctindle: autodetect I doubt it but reconfigure sure13:52
wols_ctindle: what network card13:52
wols_what chip?13:52
kosnickwhen i install an application thorugh synaptic do i get the source code at the same time? if so where is it saved? for example if i get amarok where is the source code ? If not how can i get it?13:53
ctindlelemme check13:53
dissidentso while installing ubuntu i can delete, format and make new files then13:53
wols_dissident: partitions and filesystems. not files13:53
wezzahmm, I'm getting tired of it.. my laptop locks a few times a day... the only thing I can do is turn it off and right on. What could be causing such locks, I can't see any errors in the logs?13:54
brif8anyone?  even certain apps won't open eg firefox nor terminal13:54
wols_ctindle: on what hardware do you run ubuntu?13:54
ctindleIBM service tech came out to replace a mobo on an x3250 server13:54
wols_ah, netxtreme13:54
bubuntuwols_: once i have smartmontools... how can i get smartmontools long test?13:54
wols_I dunno which driver that uses. but load it (check if it's laoded with /sbin/ifconfig -a)13:54
wols_then man interfasces to configure it13:55
wols_bubuntu: man smartctl13:55
ctindleill give it a shot13:55
jmazaredois the postfix log in 7.10 /var/log/mail.log?13:56
wols_jmazaredo: check syslog13:56
wols_grep postfix /var/log/syslog13:56
phoenix_does anyone know of a good keylogger (hidden) for parental controls?13:57
IpMooIngi love ubuntu13:57
wols_phoenix_: such things don't exist on linux except in rootkits. no one will give you a rootkit13:58
IpMooIngwols_  thank god13:58
phoenix_ummm, that seems kinda not fun...13:58
esesdoes anyone know what is error 17 is?13:59
wols_parents who spy on their kids aren't fun or good parents either. if you even are a parent13:59
wols_eses: grub error13:59
mavi-phoenix_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=450525 just google it..13:59
esesyes grub error13:59
jmazaredoi cant find the smtp fail to login logs14:00
Pitel_laptophmm, I upgraded to gutsy, and xorg.conf has changed graphic driver from i810 to intel. Is it ok? I have Intel 94514:00
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de14:00
ICQnumberubuntu in german?14:00
wols_Pitel_laptop: yes it's the same14:01
aguitelhow reinstall java plugin ?14:01
jmazaredoall logs in /var/log if default install right?14:01
wols_jmazaredo: yes14:02
glassfacei'm unable to see the menu items in my xmms.  which additional package shud I install.  It was working fine in feisty.  but not in gutsy.14:03
jmazaredoi cant see failed smtp logins in the logs just login and log off14:03
fiXXXerMetI have a mail server at with a firewall rule sending all SMTP (port 25) to that computer.  Doing netstat -tap, I see   tcp        0      0 *:smtp                  *:*                     LISTEN     -   but when I telnet host 25, the connection fails.14:03
fiXXXerMetUsing postfix as the mail serer14:04
mrtimdogfiXXXerMet: What's your local machines IP? Is it on the same subnet?14:05
brif8Is there no way to force a reinstall of all base ubuntu packages including the os itself  ?14:06
* genii sips a coffee14:07
mrtimdogI'm trying to connect a bluetooth headset using the gnome bluetooth-applet but keep getting an error like "obex://[...]" is not a valid location. Am I missing some url handlers/packages?14:07
fiXXXerMetmrtimdog: The server is, the firewall is, and I am at work on an external address.14:08
aguitelhow install flash plugin for firefox?14:08
fiXXXerMetmrtimdog: I _think_ I can connect when I'm on the local subnet, but not when at work/external14:08
AndrewB!flash > aguitel (see pm)14:08
tyhow do u download stuff on this ubuntu thingy???14:09
tyi download files but then cant open them14:09
RoBz18Hi guys, not too much experience with ubuntu here, but I'm trying to install it onto a USB stick.  On the third step I am told to type unmount /dev/sdb1 . When I do this terminal tells me that the command is unknown. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong here?14:11
wpknot unmount14:11
RoBz18Oh god, I'm an idiot14:11
RoBz18Thanks a lot14:11
IpMooIng:) happens14:11
mrtimdogfiXXXerMet: Can you ping/telnet/ssh, or connect in any other way, or is this just a problem with the one port?14:11
fiXXXerMetmrtimdog: I can ssh in fine, and I can connect to the websites that are hosted on the machine.14:12
fiXXXerMetSo it seems like it's just port 25.14:12
fiXXXerMetI can even connect imap14:12
kosnickwhile installing any app with synaptic do i get the source code at the same time? if so where is it located? if not how can i get some about any app for example amarok?14:12
MasterShrekkosnick, enable the deb-src repos, im not sure where the source is located though, /var/packages or /var/source or soemthing i spose14:14
kosnickok shrek thx14:14
dissidentwhat is deifference between ext2 and ext314:14
MasterShrekext3 has journaling14:15
mrtimdogfiXXXerMet: Can you 'telnet 25' from itself?14:15
dissidentso i better choose ext3 for everything linux then ?14:15
MasterShrekits better to14:15
geniiWell, swap for swap partitions LOL14:16
fiXXXerMetmrtimdog: Yes I can telnet localhost 2514:16
MasterShreknot required though, ext2 should work just fine, but if ext3 is available, use that14:16
dissidentso i make a ext3 part with part magic in windows14:16
geniiext3 can also be read by ext2 driver, no journalling14:16
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reckle5sdo shuttle boxes work well with ubuntu?14:17
dissidentand then with ubuntu i make swap and home partition of it14:17
dissidentor better to make diff part with pat magic14:17
Mark761966Hello again.14:17
val_hello. were is my memory?$ dmesg | grep Memory14:18
val_[   36.749929] Memory: 3099416k/4194304k available (1993k kernel code, 44572k reserved, 900k data, 328k init, 2227712k highmem)14:18
val_ Why onliy 3g?14:18
mrtimdogfiXXXerMet: No, not loopback,
Mark761966I want to create a multi Ubuntu live DVD to give to my brother in law so he can try the different flavours out14:19
fiXXXerMetmrtimdog: Yes, that works too.14:19
void^val_: 32bit desktop kernel?14:19
Mark761966Does that sound like a good idea?14:20
IpMooIngMark761966:  no14:20
Mark761966Why not?14:20
mrtimdogfiXXXerMet: What's the FW rule?14:20
IpMooIngmulty..  how would u fit it all on 1 dvd14:20
RoBz18Anyone know where the "#" button is on a standard ubuntu keyboard? I can't find it. xD14:20
val_void^ how i can find this inormation?14:20
Mark761966WHo's multy?14:20
IpMooIngmake 4/5 disks14:20
void^val_: uname -a14:21
val_void^ 2.6.20-16-generic14:21
livrerjhello, i was wondering if anyone of you has experience with thin clients and ltsp...14:21
val_$ uname -a14:21
val_Linux t 2.6.20-16-generic #2 SMP Fri Aug 31 00:55:27 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux14:21
Mark761966I was thinking of just putting Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Xubuntu on it. Plus a bootloader14:21
void^val_: yes, those 32bit -generic kernels aren't pae enabled14:21
dmi3onxchat how can i make multiply chanels windows like in mirc ?14:22
roccojoin #ubuntu-motu14:22
val_<void^> intresting, and wich kernel do enabled?14:22
bubuntuwols_: ok, i'm doing the long test... what do I have to find?14:22
void^val_: the -server kernel, afaik. or just use 64bit.14:22
roccohey all anyone had a problem with a usb keyboard not working on the ubuntu gutsy install cd14:23
fiXXXerMetmrtimdog: Smoothwall firewall and it just sends port 25 from external to the server on port 2514:23
wols_bubuntu: possibly a broken disk. if so you should probably buy a new harddisk14:23
livrerjany of you guys has experience with ltsp and thi clients?14:23
val_void^ 10thx14:23
bubuntubut i didnt have any problems with dapper14:23
Mark761966Which bootloader should I add to the DVD?14:24
mrtimdogfiXXXerMet: I've not used smoothwall :(14:24
wols_!anyone | livrerj14:25
ubotulivrerj: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?14:25
corruptionoflulz!ask | livrerj14:25
ubotulivrerj: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)14:25
corruptionoflulzis probably more appropriate.14:25
corruptionoflulzor both of them combined.14:25
bubuntuwols_: i installed ubuntu 7.10 two weeks ago and that bug usually appears when im not connected in internet14:25
wols_bubuntu: kernel problem then14:26
untitled-laptopCan anyone here awnser if i have an asus laptop dose dual booting with ubuntu somehow void my warenty when putting it in for repair?14:27
bubuntuwols_: i have 2.6.22-14-generic, should i change this kernel?14:27
RoBz18untitled-laptop: No14:28
Scareyuntitled-laptop, I can't see how the contents of the harddrive can affect your warrenty14:28
untitled-laptopRoBz18: Thanks.14:28
RoBz18Ok :)14:28
brobostigonbubuntu, that depends on what machine you have, powerpc, x86, 64bit.32bit??14:28
Scareyuntitled-laptop, but if you put it in for repair, you might get the drive wiped.. so backup14:28
geniiuntitled-laptop: I had similar issue with my Gateway laptop, they told me if i wiped the Vista partition or the system recovery partition and just installed linux they would not honour the warrantee. But otherwise if the recovery partition and vista were still on it they would.14:28
brobostigonbubuntu: that kernel is fine then.14:29
tntCrywhy cant i get hacking app's from add/remove14:30
RoBz18You can get some...14:30
Chousukeadd/remove contains only common apps14:30
RoBz18Nothing much tough14:31
Chousukewell, mostly.14:31
ubotusynaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto14:31
Chousukeuse aptitude or synaptic to access the APT repositories :P14:31
tntCrybut ssh and putty is not hacking its more like netmeeting or telnet14:31
dissidentis a swap partition really needed14:31
ChousuketntCry: what is "hacking" then? :P14:31
brobostigondissident, that depends on how much ram you have??14:31
tntCryi want something like sub7 or something to hack the people around here for instance14:31
Chousukego away14:32
dissident80 gb hd and 2gb ram14:32
tntCrynot destroy theyr lifes but give them nice ad's about my site and make some business , im a deedful person hard to find much of me14:32
mauro__uhm :) i'd never expect this many people on one channel :)14:32
brobostigonyou will still need swap.14:32
wols_tntCry: you won't get that from ubuntu. go awaay14:32
ChousuketntCry: you're only allowed to try and crack people's machines when you actually have a clue about what you're doing14:32
wols_tntCry: you are a spammer. just name it like it is14:33
tntCrywhen thinking in a negative way maybe wols_14:33
ChousuketntCry: a script kiddie using pre-made programs is the lowest form of life.14:33
dissidentand what is best for linux primary or logical partition14:33
wols_tntCry: and if you crack other people's machines, the police will come and prosecute you14:33
ChousuketntCry: and you're sounding like one14:33
wols_dissident: irrelevant14:33
dissidentso it doesn't matter14:33
tntCrybut positively maybe i might gain 80,000$ from the whole world ? in 2months time :D14:33
ChousuketntCry: no.14:34
LjLtntCry: there are plenty of networking packages in the official repositories. please type « /msg ubotu packages » and « /msg ubotu software ». now please cease explaining in detail how you're going to use them.14:34
ChousuketntCry: you would fail.14:34
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!14:34
tntCrythanks LjL  (K)14:34
ChousuketntCry: and likely end up in prison if you try.14:34
tntCryif they have a glimpse of my ip14:34
tntCryright now im unprotected though ;)14:34
brobostigon86.99.146.124, thats tntcrys ip adress, i will pass it to the police to track,14:34
Chousukethey will.14:34
ChousuketntCry: I'll say it again, but it sounds like you have no clue at all.14:35
LjLok, stop, everyone, thanks14:35
wols_tntCry: considering how clueless you are, it will be easy if you actaully do some damage14:35
corruptionoflulzbah, stupid compiz not showing titlebars... and i'm much too lazy to fix it.14:35
tntCrylol the ip will be far changed by then.14:35
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!14:35
vrineka friend of mine recently installed ubuntu 7.10 and cant connect to the internet. it is a netgear modem/router (4 eths) and is connected to the internet. he can access the modem's IP and change its settings but cannot connect to the internet14:36
mavi-do he have the gateway set up?14:37
brobostigoni could very easily tntcry, get you mac adress from your ip, and then track that in ip packets,i dont reccommend you even think about these things, it very dangerous and you will be caught.14:37
LjL... get... mac address... from... ip... besides didn't i say stop14:38
brobostigonsorry LjL14:39
vrinekmavi-: gateway should be set as the ip of the modem?14:39
brobostigoni will leave, i cant stand idiots like tntcry14:39
jmazaredoif smtp is chrooted i wont get access outside the server?14:39
jmazaredovia mail clients?14:39
ikoniajmazaredo: our smtp server won't14:39
mw-homeI just finished installing xubuntu on a really old laptop (600mhz, 60mb ram).14:39
ikoniajmazaredo: a mail client can only access the server over standard protocols so how would you expect to get access to to a server with a mail client14:40
jmazaredocan be pop also chrooted?14:40
=== vin is now known as VinceArth
=== VinceArth is now known as VinceArt
ikoniajmazaredo: totally, if your server supports it, it easy, if not its a long winded effort14:40
mavi-val_: nope, the gateway-ip he got from his ISP, or if hes on dhcp he should get one automatically14:40
tntCryhe surely have nothing to do14:40
mavi-vrinek: even14:40
mw-homeI am running windowmaker because xfce took too much.  anyway, are there any graphical web browsers that are not resource pigs?  firefox runs really slowly.14:40
mavi-vrinek: the gateway-ip he got from his ISP, or if hes on dhcp he should get one automatically14:40
corruptionoflulzmw-home: try opera or epiphany14:41
vrinekmavi-: i think he's on dhcp14:41
dorcarinjobs #edubuntu.es14:41
ikoniamw-home: if you can't run a window manager, I'd give up on windowed applications14:41
mw-homeikonia: i am running windowmaker.14:41
mw-homethere was a browser a few years ago called dilly.  i can't find it now.14:41
ikoniamw-home: but only because you couldn't hanle xfce14:41
mavi-vrinek: try "route -n" and you will get a list over gateways that are configured, lhe should have one row with in the first column and the ip to his gateway in the second column if its set up correctly14:41
* LiMaO likes links =P14:41
void^mw-home: dillo?14:42
vrinekmavi-: well, yesterday (after we installed ubuntu) i connected his laptop to my wireless router and all went fine. it seems kinda weird that it cannot connect through eth14:42
mw-homevoid^: was that it?14:42
void^mw-home: minimalistic browser14:42
mavi-vrinek: can be that the wireless is set as the default route14:42
erUSULmw-home: dillo ??14:43
vrinekmavi-: in network settings he has "roaming mode" enabled, should he turn it off?14:43
tntCryvrinek, type this in terminal cat /etc/resolv.conf14:44
tntCrywrite down the output vrinek14:44
vrinektntCry: i got him on the phone...14:45
tntCrytell me to write it :)14:45
vrinektntCry: cant copy paste over it :(14:45
tntCryfor sure vrinek he got this output nameserver or something similar that dns is appointed to the router14:45
=== Profanephobia is now known as profanephobia
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tntCryvrinek, ?14:46
vrinektntCry: sry my irc client is bugged14:47
tntCrytell him to write this in terminal ( cat /etc/resolv.conf )14:47
Ximali just installed ut2003 to my computer but the cdkey wouldn't accept. would someone mind telling me how to purge the game from the system ?14:47
tntCryXimal, i get what you mean , in windows the keys are read from registry i think you can find help around google14:48
tntCryvrinek, have you told him to type cat /etc/resolv.conf14:49
Ximali want to purge it tntcry ..14:49
vrinektntCry: one moment...14:49
Ximali don't care to get the key to work.. i'm going to try a different install method and do not want the duplicate game installation14:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about purge - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:49
tntCryXimal, you are running an archieve game or an installed game/14:49
Ximalinstalled.. unreal tournament 200314:49
|Steffan|Hoe ken ik deze error verhelpen "Can't call method "description" on an undefined value at /usr/share/perl5/Debconf/Question.pm line 93, <GEN0> line 1"14:50
|Steffan|ik krijg het bij het installeren(apt-get install php5)14:50
rambo3was ist los14:50
LjL!nl | |Steffan|14:50
ubotu|Steffan|: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl14:50
|Steffan|ah, dom van mij14:50
tntCryXimal, sorry :/14:50
tntCryXimal, this is a weird problem :s14:50
|Steffan|Thought I was in Ubuntu-nl :S14:50
Ximallol @ steffan ..14:51
Ximalinstall lamp if you want php5 to run .. it comes with mysql / php14:51
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tntCryvrinek how can you live with that buged irc , get xchat14:52
vrinekdamn irc client was bugged, had to switch to x-chat...14:52
tntCrywhat we're you using?14:52
boris_can ubuntu read diskettes ?14:52
vrinekim on mac14:52
DG19075have had no probs with Pdgin here14:53
tntCrydont you have ubuntu vrinek ?14:53
boris_can ubuntu read disketes ?14:53
vrinekanyways, the only ip in etc/resolv was his router's14:53
wols_boris_: yes it can of course14:53
tntCryi knew14:53
vrineknope, friend of mine has14:53
tntCryvrinek, tell him14:53
tntCryvrinek, that is a known bug issue since dapper14:53
boris_wois : i got a diskete in my computer and i dont see it14:53
tntCrythe only solution for him is to set the DNS and then lock the resolve.conf file so it will not change back to its router vrinek14:54
boris_ah it can14:54
DG19075boris: are you sure the floppy has something on it?14:54
wols_boris_: mount it14:54
vrinektntcry, lock it with permissions (chmod?)14:54
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boris_wols_ i opened it and i only see a file called "Shortcut to 3.5 Floppy (A).Ink14:55
tntCryvrinek, just tell him , to gksudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf and then delete whats theyr and put this nameserver
Jadd76That's a windows problem boris_14:55
vrinekone moment14:56
Jadd76You probably created a shorcut to the floppy, and then dragged and dropped that to wherever you thought you copied the floppy14:56
tntCrythen wait14:56
tntCryvrinek, let him lock it after doing it and saving it let him close terminal and open again and type this sudo chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf14:56
Siscoi turned off and turned my machine back on14:56
Siscohow do i start up the torrent client14:56
tntCryafter that :) hes good to go vrinek14:56
Siscothats built in ubuntu14:56
boris_jadd76 : a friend (using windows) gave it to me and asked me if i can copy it to CD14:57
Jadd76Yeah, tell him to copy all the files inside the floppy, not create a shorcut to the floppy14:57
tntCryvrinek, i gtg soon...14:57
Jadd76It's not windows' fault, your friend just didn't know how to use it14:58
Siscohow do i startup the torrent client thats built in ubuntu14:58
vrinektntcry, im telling him over the phone, thx for the help so far14:58
tntCryvrinek, but remember he have to only type the 2 dns ip's i have mentions ontop of each other , and then after saving it open terminal again and type gksudo chattr +i /etc/resolv.conf14:58
tntCryit will work vrinek  , because i know hes issue :) good luck14:59
Jadd76Hey, does anybody know how to make a window transparent using compiz fusion?14:59
tntCryJadd76, choose the window you want to make transparent then hold ALT then use your mousewheel :)15:00
vrinekok, trying it now15:00
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots15:00
Jadd76Hey thanks tntCry!15:00
Siscohow do i startup the torrent client thats built in ubuntu15:00
Jadd76Which plug-in does that transparency?15:00
Hamletcan someone help me with a NFS-shares-realted issue, please?15:00
Siscohow do i startup the torrent client thats built in ubuntu??15:01
rojo^!search *torrent*15:01
tntCrySisco, get one :)15:01
SiscoIt has one built in15:01
Siscomy download is 50%+ done15:01
Siscoand i restarted15:01
Siscoi need to open it so it will resume15:01
void^Sisco: start the torrent file, i guess15:02
akincerSisco: Double click on the original torrent file to open it15:02
Siscoi didnt save15:02
Siscojust open15:02
Siscooff the sitwe15:02
akincerSisco: It should have put the torrent file wherever you selected to save the finished download. Pretty sure that is how it works15:03
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tntCryJadd76, the transparency is something normal , not a plugin , but plugins are for major effects , transparency is i guess some numeric data that produces that output and its emerged through compiz which makes the translation easier for people to use :) maybe i hope thats clear15:03
Siscook ty15:03
purplecowwhy don't I get window decorations on my second monitor with twinview and compiz?15:03
jason__I am using gOS on an old PC, I am getting there, very new to linux. I have just got rhythm box to play some live streams, but what do I do to play a listen again episode that uses realplayer streaming, any ideas? anyone :)15:03
HamletWhat reasons may there be for NFS-shares not working under Ubuntu?15:03
Jadd76tntCry, So it's under general options if I wanted to change to the shorcut? (the transparency stuff)15:03
dmHello. I want to normalize an mp3 audio file losslessly. Can you reccommend a tool for this task?15:04
tntCryim off guys15:04
Jadd76tntCry, never mind, I found it under general options15:04
Jadd76Thanks everyone!15:04
profanephobiadm, soundKonverter15:04
profanephobiadm, or k3b15:05
akincerHamlet: That is quite an ambiguous question15:05
Siscohow do run something in high priority15:06
Siscoin linux15:06
Siscoor is there such thing?15:06
Siscoin ubuntu15:06
LjLSisco: man nice15:06
Hamletthe thing is, I set up a NFS share15:06
Hamletat least I thought so15:06
akincerHamlet: On what? Is this a different machine?15:06
Hamletbut my Linux-Set-top Box doesn't recognise it15:06
akincerHamlet: Is there a reason you wouldn't use cifs?15:07
Hamletdo I have to enable some kind of Server-capacity in Ubuntu?15:07
Hamletfor NFS shares I mean15:07
akincerHamlet: First--explain your setup a bit more clear15:08
Hamletwhy should I?15:08
JerekDainheh, sounds like I walked in on something interesting15:08
Jack_Sparrow!enter | hamlet15:08
ubotuhamlet: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!15:08
mrtimdogIs there a recent bluetooth headset howto anyone knows of?15:10
dmprofanephobia: Thank you. But isn't there a tiny command line tool that doesn't need a full X server running that can do this?15:10
DerDuiist there anybody who speaks german?15:10
JerekDainanyone know of any issues getting an ATI Radeon x1300 to work on Ubuntu? I can only get it to work in generic vesa mode.15:10
dm!de | DerDui15:10
ubotuDerDui: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de15:10
profanephobiadm, of course... i just cant remember the name.. sry :(15:10
ubernewbhalo, i'm needing some help configuring dhcp.  I've been up all night trying to find a way to update the resolv.conf with my "special dns"15:10
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LiMaODerDui: just read what ubotu said15:11
ubernewbi'm not talking about a dhcpserver setup15:11
threefcataanybody connected a ubuntu box to a xp box using ad hoc wireless?15:11
DerDuiok, how to change the chanal?15:11
ArabEyeshi , how can i do a filesystem scan , to repair some block errors15:11
ubernewbmy modem keeps pushing a new dns on my computer every 5 min and it nocks me off a dns server15:11
threefcataneed help here.15:11
dmDerDui: Type "/join #ubuntu-de" for example.15:12
DrJohnstonCan anyone help explain why i can ssh as root to domain.com but i can't ssh as a normal user?15:12
DerDuithank you15:12
robi1hi! does anyone know how I can reduce the trip point in the thermal zone of my laptop, so that it starts scaling down the cpu earlier?15:12
ubernewbi'd just like to push my "special dns" when the resolv.conf gets updated15:12
RoBz18Is anyone here familiar with the process of installing ubuntu onto a USB drive?15:12
The_MachineRIDDLE me this, O fans of Linux!  What's the point of having a 'stable OS that no app can crash" if a K3B screwup requires me to reboot my computer in order to have my DVDRW drive not possessed and flashing any more?15:12
The_Machine(not a rhetorical question)15:13
DrJohnstonCan anyone help explain why i can ssh as root to domain.com but i can't ssh as a normal user?15:13
Jack_SparrowJerekDain: I cant tell you what works on the ati but I can strongly suggest that you avoid installation scripts like automatix or envy. THey do things that you really dont want to have done and the odds are it still wont work15:13
DrJohnstonthe connection just doesn't work15:13
ubernewbThe_machine.. have you tried using any program to burn other than k3b?15:13
dmDrJohnston: Maybe15:13
dmDrJohnston: Maybe15:13
The_Machineyea - and k3b normally works.15:14
Jack_SparrowRoBz18: pendrivelinux.com  I think15:14
DrJohnstondm - care to help?15:14
The_Machinebut it didn't this time, and i don't really want to reboot my computer - but the drive is possessed.15:14
ubernewbagain my question, do you have these issues only with k3b or when ever you attempt to burn15:14
The_Machinewon't stop "burning" even though it isn't burning.15:14
RoBz18Jack_Sparrow: Yeah, having a problem with that15:14
ubernewbyou cannot umount the drive, did you look to see what is possessing it?15:14
The_Machinemy answer "yes, i have been able to burn successfully outside of k3b.  And i haven't had a problem with k3b in the past, for the most part"15:15
RoBz18If you go here: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/2007/09/28/usb-ubuntu-710-gutsy-gibbon-install/ step 17, terminal just tells me that there is no such directory as media/ubuntu71015:15
The_Machineubernewb, k3b is possessing it.15:15
The_Machinelet me try to unmount the drive.15:15
ubernewbpgrep k3b?15:15
akincerDrjohnston: You should be able to ssh into an Ubuntu box using a non-root user15:15
ubernewbpkill k3b15:15
Jack_SparrowRoBz18: That is the site I used to create my 4 gig install.15:15
DrJohnstonI'm trying to SSH OUT to a remote box actually15:15
Ximalwhat's the command to remove a directory please ?15:15
RoBz18Jack_Sparrow: Did you use 7.10?15:15
The_Machineubernewb, it was killed already15:15
JerekDainJack_Sparrow: np, if I run out of options I'll get my coworker to fix it. :P he's very good with linux systems, but he's not in until later, and I was hoping to get things up and running. At the least this 800x600 resolution on a decent widescreen monitor is driving me nuts. >_<15:15
The_Machinedrive still flashing15:15
DrJohnstonI can do this as root, but as a normal user the conection won't work15:15
ubernewbdid you look up the make and model of your burner?15:16
akincerDrJohnston, make sure you use this format #ssh remoteusername@IP.address.of.remote.machine15:16
Jack_SparrowJerekDain: You should be able to set driver for vesa and get 1024 for now15:16
Hamlet@akincer: did you get my messages?15:16
robi1hi! does anyone know how I can reduce the trip point in the thermal zone of my laptop, so that it starts scaling down the cpu earlier?15:16
The_Machineubernewb, it isn't the burner.  i've had this happen on other linux distros and apps too.15:16
akincerDrJohnston: By default, ssh will attempt to use the envoking username on the remote machine15:16
akincerHamlet: No15:16
The_Machinebrb, tryingto figure out how to unmount this CD drive15:16
Ximalanyone ?15:16
Ximalis it sudo rm ? i forget15:17
JerekDainit's set as just standard vesa right now (it prompts on each gui boot). how can play with the settings without rebooting?15:17
ubernewbok so you have only eliminated that it is not linux... not the burner15:17
DrJohnstonakincer - i am trying this format for both root and the user....  ssh root@domain.com15:17
Hamletakincer: I send them as private messages15:17
Ximal!remove directory15:17
JerekDainpretend that has Jack_Sparrow: at the begining :P15:17
ubernewbor is it the burner and not linux15:17
DrJohnstoni have an idea15:17
Hamlet@akincer: anyway here they are again15:17
The_Machineubernewb, it's linux related - it isn't a hardware problem.  brb.15:17
robi1does anyone have an idea? i need to reduce the trip point in the thermal zone of my laptop, so that it starts scaling down the cpu earlier?15:18
Hamlet@akincer: I have an Ubuntu-machine and a Linux set-top box both connected by a router using DHCP15:18
akincerHamlet: If you aren't registered, I don't think you can send private messages15:18
Hamlet@akincer: sorry, I didn't know that15:19
ubernewbok so my issue... how do i get my nameserver x.x.x.x to get repopulated in the resolv.conf when my modem pushes dns in my computer?15:19
dmHello. I want to normalize an mp3 audio file losslessly. Can you reccommend a (tiny cmd line) tool for this task?15:20
ubernewbi have extra nameservers not standard to my ISP15:20
corruptionoflulzwhy does ubuntu's copying and pasting suck so much?15:20
Hamlet@akincer: the thing is, I cannot access my NFS shares (shared from the Ubuntu-machine) on the set-top box15:20
Jack_SparrowJerekDain: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg ... should let you add your max res without having to go through all of the config.15:21
Hamlet@akincer: do you have any idea why that is?15:21
akincerHamlet: Not knowing specifics about the set-top box is a little limiting15:21
shelp please15:21
Jack_Sparrowcorruptionoflulz:  NOt a good way to open if you are here for help15:21
Siscowhat u need help with15:21
Hamlet@akincer: it's a Linux box15:21
corruptionoflulzJack_Sparrow: it was more like me thinking outloud, sorry.15:22
Hamlet@akincer: what specifics do you want to know?15:22
akincerDrJohnston: Are you sure there aren't some settings in the sshd_config on the remote machine that would prevent you from getting in with a non-root user?15:22
akincerHuh, just left15:23
bezibaerchenakincer: he's left 2 mins ago :-)15:23
akincerIt's "just" from my POV :)15:23
Hamlet@akincer: look here http://www.dream-multimedia-tv.de/english/products_dm7025_technical.php15:23
JerekDainJack_Sparrow: tried what you said, i chose vesa, and it didn't do a lot... do i need to restart something? it also said "FATAL: Error inserting battery"15:24
akincerHamlet: What error messages are you getting on your set top box? Are you seeing anything in your logs on your Ubuntu Machine?15:24
Hamlet@akincer: no errors, just no share found15:24
Hamlet@akincer: what logs? where ?15:25
akincerFor example /var/log/auth.log15:25
akincerHamlet: But you aren't getting that far15:25
Hamlet@akincer: how do you mean?15:26
akincerHamlet: Check out this page that might provide you some help -- http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/pseries/v5r3/topic/com.ibm.aix.commadmn/doc/commadmndita/nfs_checklist.htm15:26
JerekDainwhat's a good music player that can read my mp3 files? apparently Rythmbox can't, which is odd... should i get an mp3 plugin for it, or get a different program?15:26
pike__ive created a virtualfs on a file in my ubuntu partition now im wondering if there is a better way to mount it at boot and do the losetup than editing skeleton file in init.d15:26
Hamlet@akincer: ok I'll have a look at it15:27
unpersonHi.  I'm wondering if I have two ubuntu computers on my LAN, is there an easy way to use one as basically nothing more than a display for the other?  Meaning, can I somehow login to a desktop session on the "remote" machine (still on my LAN) using the other machine?15:27
Jack_SparrowJerekDain: only a guess, but I would think your refresh rates for your monitor are not in your xorg15:27
Frederickfolks can I have some help with this error: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3856124#post385612415:27
Jack_SparrowJerekDain: have you tried dropping back on the color depth...16 perhaps15:28
akincerHamlet: There is likely some setting somewhere that just doesn't match up. Follow the instructions there and you should be ok15:28
Dr_willisunperson,  simple way.. ssh -Y otherbox, and run your apps.15:28
unpersonI know about using ssh and X forwarding to login to a remote machine and use remote applications, but I don't know if it's possible to have basically a whole remote desktop session.15:28
Dr_willisunperson,  a little harder way. enable/use the XDMCP feature of X.15:28
RoBz18Jack_Sparrow: Did you install 7.10 onto your USB?15:28
Jack_SparrowRoBz18: yes.15:28
Dr_willisunperson,  if you want the whole desktop. kde/gnome has a vnc desktop sharing feature (but it can be a bit slow)15:28
Hamlet@akincer: ok, thank you :-)15:29
JerekDainJack_Sparrow: where do i change color depth? i don't see anything for it15:29
unpersonDr_willis, Right, I know about ssh and X forwarding, but that's not quite what I'm after.  I'm looking to make it basically so that one you're logged in you're working on the remote machine completely with no sign that it's not the local machine.15:29
Jack_SparrowRoBz18: you may have a wrong drive designation sd"x"  in that list of commands15:29
unpersonDr_willis, I see.  Thanks.15:29
Dr_willisunperson,  you just described 'xdmcp' :)15:29
Ax-Axwhich is the latest kernel ?15:30
Dr_willisunperson,  in the sessions menus for kdm/gnome theres a  Search for hosts, or query hosts, type feature that can be enabled.15:30
Jack_SparrowJerekDain: gksudo gedit  /etc/X11/xorg.conf        and look for default depth.. sorry if I am a bit out of it this am.. trying to get things done and run to work...15:30
Dr_willisunperson,  however that can get a big laggy if you start doing copying big files over the network.15:30
RoBz18Jack_Sparrow: When I type this: cp -rf casper disctree dists install pics pool preseed .disk isolinux/* md5sum.txt README.diskdefines ubuntu.ico casper/vmlinuz casper/initrd.gz /media/ubuntu710/ , it says media/ubuntu710 is not a directory, ever get that problem?15:30
Dr_willisunperson,  the 'vncserver' method would let you have a presistant desktop on eht remove machine15:31
RoBz18Should I just make the directory?15:31
unpersonDr_willis, Ok, cool.  I thought XDMCP might be what I was looking for, but I wasn't sure.  Most of the descriptions of it I've seen talk about the technical details rather than giving a concise description of what it does.15:31
Lunar_LampI want to add a custom session to the list of sessions in gdm - how do I do that?15:31
Dr_willisunperson,  using xdmcp and 'xming' in my windows machiens to get a X desktop on them. :)15:32
Jack_SparrowRoBz18: if you dont get it by the time I get back I will bring it up again and try to see where it is going wrong15:32
RoBz18Ok thanks.15:32
unpersonDr_willis, I don't understand the comment about copying large files.  I was thinking that all operations (say moving files) would be performed on the remote machine.  Or are you just talking about display information?15:33
_nix_hello everyone.. anyone running bittorrent here?15:34
ubernewbhello, need some help with /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf  anybody know how to push a nameserver to resolv.conf when ever you get a new ip pushed?15:34
gradin_nix_: nope...15:34
s_spiffguys need some help with AWN.. here or some other channel?15:35
geniiubernewb: require line in there15:35
JerekDainJack_Sparrow: default depth is 24. and no problem, thanks a lot for the help. :)15:35
Dr_willisunperson,  if a lot of network traffic happens it can lag your display.15:35
geniiubernewb: eg: require subnet-mask, domain-name-servers;15:36
Dr_willisunperson,  the normal use for xdmcp is to let a few dozen+ thin clients have a  'server' they all are using.,15:36
_nix_ubernewb: append the following line: prepend domain-name-servers <nameserver>15:36
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about awn - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi15:36
_nix_ubernewb: that's it15:36
geniiubernewb: Under the "request" stanza15:36
s_spiffguys, can AWN be placed at the sides of the screen instead of the bottom?15:36
ubernewbok, so there is a request and require15:37
profanephobiaso what allows me to change gutsy's compiz theme?15:37
_nix_anyone running bittorrent here?15:37
geniiubernewb: Yes, "require" should be under the "request" one15:38
Dr_williss_spiff,  i found awnt i be very lacking in a lot of ways. :(15:38
erUSUL_nix_: client?15:38
MasterShrekprofanephobia, emerald theme manager15:38
_nix_MasterShrek: w/ DHT enabled?15:38
erUSUL_nix_: i use deluge-torrent what is the actual problem?15:38
MasterShrekerUSUL, whats the difference between a bittorrent client and server? =P15:38
s_spiffDr_willis, is there any other substitute? kiba dock is there, I'm just about to install it15:38
MasterShrek_nix_, not usually15:38
_nix_erUSUL: no problem.. just interested in DHT table exchange..15:39
erUSULMasterShrek: well i asked becouse i've never created a torrent or hosted a tracker15:39
Dr_williss_spiff,  no idea. I dont care for the OS-X wannabes or OS-X for that matter. :) give me a nice normal panel.15:39
sllinesswhat would I have done to make compiz-fusion stop working on gutsy15:39
erUSULMasterShrek: that's what a "server" would do i guess15:39
AutoMatriXHi folks15:39
sllinesshaven't really dome anything except updates15:39
MasterShrekerUSUL, i spose, but i dont really see the difference, once you start a torrent you are a client and a server15:39
ubernewband ok, so #require domain-name-servers and in the line that says prepend domain-name-servers put my "special nameserver"?15:39
erUSULMasterShrek: true15:39
s_spiffDr_willis, lol. sorry I asked. anyone else here can help out?15:40
unpersonDr_willis, I see.  Well in my case it would just be 1 computer, so that won't be an issue.15:40
unpersonDr_willis, Thanks for you help.  I'm going to give it a try.15:40
MasterShrekthose floodbots annoy me15:40
jensquestion: If I install ubuntu 6.06.1 server on my  desktop pc, and after installation I install xubuntu-desktop; how long do I get security updates?15:40
LjLyou probably annoy them, don't worry15:41
Assassin5I've got ubuntu studio setup on a laptop and I want to plug midi control into Would a USB Midi cable work okay with ubuntu?15:41
Dr_willisunperson, i just got it set with a 2 pc setup. :) but wheni go copying some iso files from the basement to up here (for me to burn) it can lag my display a little.15:41
jensthe server install get's 5 years; but do the packages in xubuntu-desktop get them? I guess not?15:41
erUSULMasterShrek: yeah me too... but they are not going away anytime soon afaics15:41
MasterShrekjens, however long 6.06 is supported, a couple more years i spose15:41
xactlyi have Ubuntu 7.10... i have just bought an MP3 player... when i plug the device in my USB slot, nothing happens... i've got an installation CD with the MP3 player's software to transfer music and stuff on it but this installation only work on a Windows operating system... is there any way i can transfer music to my MP3 player on Ubuntu?15:41
profanephobiaMasterShrek, do you know the package name?15:41
rockprincessjens: maybe till the next LTS comes out?15:41
MasterShrekyea i know erUSUL, stupid script kiddies thinkin they are cool shit flooding the ubuntu channel15:41
AndrewB!ohmy | MasterShrek15:42
MasterShrekprofanephobia, for what?15:42
sllinesslike when I try to change emerald themes they do not change15:42
jensrockprincess, the question is; I know the server version get's 5year's of updates; but what if I install xubuntu-desktop on my server?15:42
MasterShrekyea yea i know AndrewB, i felt it would more accentuate my anger about it15:42
matozoidhi all, I have a 1GB flash drive but only 379Mb is available on a partition... the rest of the space is hidden.. Is there a way I can get 1 GB available?15:42
xactlyi have this MP3 player:  http://www.sandisk.com/Products/Item(1940)-SDMX4-4096-A70-Sansa_e260_MP3_Player_4GB.aspx15:42
ubotuMasterShrek: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.15:42
sllinesstried compiz --replace15:42
xactlyplease help15:42
MasterShrekprofanephobia, oh, emerald...umm i dunno, search synaptic for emerald15:43
AndrewBmatozoid: will need to parition it with an application like fdisk or cfdisk or take a look at gui app called gparted15:43
xactlythere's no Linux installation software for my MP3 player so i'm kinda stuck15:43
geniiubernewb: Please put my name in a message when it is for me, otherwise I miss it :)15:43
matozoidAndrewB: tried to use the 3 of em, put could not clear the partition table15:44
AndrewBxactly: does it not show up as a usb device?15:44
AndrewBmatozoid: did you run them as root?15:44
xactlyAndrewB, no15:44
MasterShrekxactly, what kind of software do you need? mostly i just mount the mp3 player and move files to it (make sure you unmount it before you unplug it)15:44
erUSULxactly: is it no recognized as a standar usb-storage device?15:44
matozoidAndrewB: sudo, yes15:44
rockprincessjens: i'm not sure, but i think it shouldn't matter whether you install the xubuntu desktop or not....the security updates will be probably available no matter if you're using XFCE4 or Gnome or KDE??15:44
xactlyactually it is not recognised at all15:44
AndrewBmatozoid: what error?15:44
MasterShrekxactly, lsusb doesnt list it?15:44
jpassI am having some issues with SARG (squid reports) after an upgrade to SARG 2.1 - is there a known issue with this?15:44
xactlywhen i plugged it in, it started to charge the battery15:44
MasterShrekdmesg doesnt say anything about it when you plug it in?15:45
xactlythat is all15:45
Hamletakincer: this documentationis for another OS15:45
xactlyUbuntu did not recognise a plugged in device15:45
albechdoes anyone know of an alternative (same tech.) to DSPAM?15:45
LunksI know this is a pretty unusual question, but can I install Gutsy using my Feisty CD?15:45
MasterShrekxactly, type dmesg after you plug it in15:45
erUSULxactly: ? do 'tail -f /var/log/messages' while you plug it and check the msgs posted15:45
Hamletxactly, what brand is it?15:45
geniiubernewb: If you currently have a # in front of the "require" line it will not take effect. If you want to specify a nameserver the prepend, yes15:45
matozoidAndrewB: no error15:45
Berylliumokay, seriously, php5-cli gets updated, and it STILL doesn't have readline() support? How do I get readline() support in php5 in Ubuntu?15:45
xactlyHamlet, this brand:    http://www.sandisk.com/Products/Item(1940)-SDMX4-4096-A70-Sansa_e260_MP3_Player_4GB.aspx15:46
MasterShrekLunks, you can install feisty and then upgrade to gutsy15:46
Dr_willisLunks,  you couldinstall then upgrade.. but it would be faster to just grab a gusty cd.15:46
syndr0hello all15:46
matozoidAndrewB: the partition shows up as 379Mb on gparted15:46
MasterShrekLunks, better off downloading a gutsy cd tho15:46
jensrockprincess, why is there a difference between the lenght of support for ubuntu server and xubuntu f.ex? They use the same repositories don't they?15:46
dgjonesLunks, yes you can install Feisty and then upgrade to Gutsy if the computer is connected to the internet15:46
xactlySansa E26015:46
AndrewBmatozoid: did you delete it then make a new one of 1G?15:46
LunksBut I dont have a spare CD to burn Gutsy ISO.15:46
erUSULLunks: install feisty and then upgrade ?15:46
jensso if server get's updates; so does xubuntu?15:46
LunksI'd like to install it directly15:46
LunksI've tried unetbootin, but its freezin15:47
syndr0can anyone help me ?15:47
xactlyany proposals?15:47
syndr0thats not busy....15:47
ubotuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?15:47
matozoidAndrewB: when I delete it I get only 379Mb of space.. no other partition is shown15:47
MasterShrek!someone | syndr015:47
ubotusyndr0: please see above15:47
dgjones!install | Lunks, This may give you some alternatives to installing from an iso burned to a cd15:47
ubotuLunks, This may give you some alternatives to installing from an iso burned to a cd: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate15:47
Dr_willisLunks,  you will basicially be redoanloading it then . and then dealing with any upgrade issues.. Id say wait till you can find an blank cd. OR try the net/iso installs.15:47
syndr0first time user on ubuntu15:47
MasterShreksyndr0, just ask your question15:47
AndrewBmatozoid: maybe a problem with the usb stick then..15:47
syndr0and using this irc client15:47
geniiubernewb: Also you can use "default domain-name-servers <specific name here>"15:47
Dr_willis!install Lunks15:47
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about install lunks - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi15:47
Berylliumsyndr0: Ask your question. Don't ask to ask. :) That's all they're saying15:47
Dr_willis!install |  Lunks15:47
ubotuLunks: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate15:47
rockprincessjens: to be honest, i have no idea....i haven't used the ubuntu server as yet.....but i'm guessing since it's LTS you'll get updates till the next LTS comes out.....but you should ask someone with more knowledge about it...15:47
LunksThanks =D15:48
syndr0ok so i had my hd in 3 partitions15:48
ubotuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!15:48
matozoidAndrewB: Maybe, thanks for the help :)15:48
syndr0i dedicated one to ubuntu15:48
syndr0fs is reiserfs15:48
jensrockprincess, no, it get's 5years of updates; but I'll ask someone else :)15:48
xactlyMasterShrek, the lsusb does list it15:48
syndr0but i cant see my two ntfs partitions15:48
Assassin5Do USB Midi cables work with ubuntu studio?15:48
syndr0which has my music on it15:48
erUSUL!ntfs | syndr015:48
ubotusyndr0: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE15:48
MasterShrekxactly, ls /dev/sd* what devices get listed?15:48
=== capiira_ is now known as capiira
jpassi am having an issue with SARG after an upgrade - is this a known issue? error:sarg -l /var/log/squid/access.log -d 04/12/2007-05/12/200715:48
jpassSARG: (html11) Cannot open file: /var/www/squid-reports/2007Dec04-2007Dec05/users15:48
syndr0thank you... looking....15:49
monkeyBoxI just installed network-manager-pptp, but the VPN option is not showing in my network manager applet.  What's wrong?15:49
ubotuTrouble playing MIDI files? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo15:49
syndr0oh i see15:49
syndr0it has to be mounted huh15:49
syndr0::reads more to learn how to mount::15:49
syndr0man this ubuntu is beatiful15:49
syndr0my windows 2k was POS!15:49
syndr0it finally crashed after like 5 years of running nonstop15:49
syndr0lol stupid BSOD15:50
xactlyMasterShrek,  ls /dev/sd* gives me this annoying answer:    ls: /dev/sd*: No such file or directory15:50
RoBz18Installing ubuntu to a USB stick, does anything look wrong with this command?: cp -rf casper disctree dists install pics pool preseed .disk isolinux/* md5sum.txt README.diskdefines ubuntu.ico casper/vmlinuz casper/initrd.gz /media/ubuntu710/15:50
RoBz18I just get: cp: target `/media/ubuntu710/' is not a directory: No such file or directory15:50
RoBz18Go you guys think I could just create the directory?15:50
MasterShrekxactly, hmm, it shoulda given you devices for it...15:50
xactlyMasterShrek, i know... strange huh?15:50
syndr0how can i view the info on ubuntu like what version it is15:51
MasterShrekxactly, hd* i spose only gives you your hard drives...15:51
MasterShreksyndr0, type in a terminal: lsb-release -a15:51
geniiMasterShrek: underbar not hyphen15:52
syndr0lsb-release -a15:52
jaekdoes the compiz in gusty run on the restricted ati driver?15:52
syndr0mind explaining what that command means15:52
syndr0just so i can get a better knowledge of the cmds15:52
MasterShreksyndr0, its lsb_release -a15:52
syndr0i understand that15:52
xactlyMasterShrek,  ls /dev/hd* gives me this answer:    /dev/hda  /dev/hda1  /dev/hda2  /dev/hda5  /dev/hdc  /dev/hdd15:52
erUSULjaek: with xserver-xgl yes15:52
MasterShrekxactly, it could possibly be hdd, you only have one hard drive in that machine?15:52
chrisg-/win 2215:52
jaekerUSUL, sooo, got to use a hack windowing system to use it?15:52
syndr0cmd not found15:52
xactlyMasterShrek, yes i have just one hard drive in my machine15:53
MasterShrekxactly, try to mount /dev/hdd15:53
erUSULjaek: yes you need a special xserver to use afaik15:53
xactlyMasterShrek, ok15:53
erUSULjaek: to use it*15:53
erUSULjaek: all your thanks and comments to AMD (know owner of ATI)15:53
aatahello all :)15:54
ubotuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!15:54
xactlyMasterShrek,  mount /dev/hdd    gives me this --> mount: No medium found15:54
MasterShreksyndr0, try it with a hyphen lsb-release15:54
aatacan anyone tell me why my gutsy doesnt connect to my wireless network automatically on startup?15:54
erUSULxactly: probably hdd is your optical drive15:55
MasterShrekxactly, then try hdc15:55
Frederickfolks can I have some help with this error: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3856124#post385612415:55
xactlyMasterShrek, ok15:55
syndr0cmd not found15:55
MasterShreksyndr0, umm, this would be much easier if i was running ubuntu =P15:55
syndr0its cooll15:55
syndr0not a big deal15:55
syndr0thanks for you patience and help tho15:56
MasterShreksyndr0, try: cat /etc/lsb_release  or: cat /etc/lsb-release15:56
Siscoon the system monitor15:56
Sisco"User memory"15:56
Siscosuppose to be used memory15:56
xactlyMasterShrek, the command  mount /dev/hdc  gives me this:15:56
xactlymount: block device /dev/hdc is write-protected, mounting read-only15:56
xactlymount: /dev/hdc already mounted or /media/cdrom0 busy15:56
xactlymount: according to mtab, /dev/hdc is already mounted on /media/cdrom015:56
syndr0man its hard to highligh text with people chatting ROFL15:56
xzasedHi, I have a question. Im setting up a mail server on a xubuntu pc. The computer name is tester15:56
erUSULsyndr0: still trying to mount ntfs partitions? install ntfs-config and use it is a simple GUI program15:56
DOOM_NXguys, how to i change server?15:56
MasterShrekxactly, then hdc is your cdrom, im almost positive hdd is your mp3 player, but i dont really know how you would mount it15:56
syndr0worked with hyphen15:57
xzasedDo I need to change it to mail.whatevermydomainis.com?15:57
aatahello hello!15:57
DOOM_NXi am using xchat15:57
syndr0yeah im install ntfs config now15:57
MasterShrekDOOM_NX, /server <server address>15:57
aatacan anyone help me out with the not automatically connecting to wlan on startup?15:57
DOOM_NXsorry for that, i entered automatically15:57
dgjonesDOOM_NX, or select the XChat tab and find the server list15:57
DOOM_NXthanks a lot15:58
xactlyMasterShrek, why did no icon appear in the Computer window when i plugged the device in? do i have to set some settings maybe?15:58
xzasedaata: Go to network on applications - system15:58
ubotuI am ubotu, all-knowing infobot. You can browse my brain at http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots15:58
erUSULDOOM_NX: also Crtl+S should brin up the Servers List15:58
aataok xzased... then what?15:58
xzasedthen check on your wireless (ath0 in my case)15:58
MasterShrekxactly, i think it only shows up on the desktop if its mounted, and in computer if its mountable15:58
xactlyMasterShrek, i see15:58
xzasedand go to properties15:58
xactlyMasterShrek, so i am stuck?15:58
MasterShrekxactly, for the moment, have you searched the forums?15:59
ubotuThe Ubuntu forums can be found at http://www.ubuntuforums.org. There is also a channel on IRC Freenode #ubuntuforums.15:59
xzasedand check the enable at startup box15:59
xactlyMasterShrek, what can i type in the search bar? what keywords?15:59
MasterShrekput the make and model of your mp3 player16:00
xactlyMasterShrek, ok16:00
xzasedaata: are u using ubuntu or another version? (like xubuntu)16:00
aatano xzased ubuntu gutsy16:01
xzasedoh, then that should work. Let me know if you have problems16:01
monkeyBoxDoes anyone here use network-manager-pptp?  I don't see the "VPN" option in nm-applet.16:01
syndr0ok i download and installed the ntsconfig thing16:02
syndr0i tried using the script thing16:02
aatawill try.16:02
aatathanks :)16:02
syndr0uhhh it said it ignored these two partitions16:02
syndr0ima just keep reading this stuff on the site16:02
xactlyMasterShrek, is it possible my device is not recognized since i have the 'USB Mode' on my MP3 player set to 'MSP'??16:03
Siscoubuntu is good for hacking16:03
Siscoin a VM16:03
Siscothen i can just do a DoD compliant erase of the VM hard drive16:03
Siscoand wha la16:03
Siscono evidence16:03
xactlyMasterShrek, should it be set to 'MSC'?16:03
humexactly, what kind of mp3 and what are you trying to do with it?16:04
xactlyhume, i am trying to erase the default mp3s that are on my MP3 device now and add my own mp3s16:04
humexactly, brand of the mp3?16:04
MasterShrekxactly, not sure the difference, definately worth a try, though16:05
xactlyhume, what do you mean by a 'brand' of the mp3?16:05
xactlyplease be more specific16:05
twocarlolol hello16:06
humeiPod? Iriver?16:06
xactlyi am not a native so i appologize16:06
xactlyoh that16:06
humexactly, you must be native somewhere, don't you?..:)16:06
jk__anyone know if it's possible to block traffic in iptables based on a pattern, i.e. a url ?16:06
xactlymy mp3 player is actually an MP4 player16:06
twocarlobrand like ipod,zune,lg16:06
xactlyi plays music, video clips and displays pictures16:06
xactlythe brand is Sansa16:07
=== CaRtMaN_01 is now known as CaRtz
xactlyfrom SanDisk16:07
xactlyhume, this brand:    http://www.sandisk.com/Products/Item(1940)-SDMX4-4096-A70-Sansa_e260_MP3_Player_4GB.aspx16:07
twocarlosandisk is a brand then sansa is the title of the product16:07
xactlyokay so the brand is SanDisk16:08
xactlyplease check the link for more info16:08
syndr0man i cant seem to understand how to mount this16:08
syndr0and if i did mount it i dont know where to find it16:08
xactlyi presume that my MP3 player is not supported by Ubuntu 7.10?16:09
humeyou should set it to MSC, then it functions as a usb mass storage device16:09
xactlyi'll try that16:09
Lunksxactly: what are the usb types available?16:09
void^xactly: i have a sansa e250 (should be same as yours with 2gb instead of 4). works just fine.16:09
humexactly,  and turns up on your desktop or in you file manager automatically, if you run gnome or kde16:10
MasterShrekxactly, try changing that usb mode thing, i bet it works16:10
dgjonesxactly, http://www.expansys-kr.com/ft.aspx?k=89037 this suggests connecting in MSC mode (not ubuntu specific though)16:10
xactlyvoid^, do you have the USB Mode on the player set to MSC or MSP?16:10
humexactly, MTP is Media Transfer protocol, not soo well supported in linux16:10
xactlyhume, aha!16:10
humexactly you should set it to MSC16:10
xactlyhume, thanks16:10
xactlythanks a lot16:10
LunksAmarok probably supports it, though. ?P16:10
humeLunks, well..... suppport or "should support"?16:11
void^xactly: both work. it's simpler to use msc, you can just move and delete files on it. if you use mtp you need to use extra software to transfer files, music players like amarok support it.16:11
humeLunks, does not support my iriver on msc....16:11
syndr0ok i think i mounted my other partitions but i dont know how i can view the files on them how do i do that?16:11
xactlyvoid^, is the Rhythmbox sufficient for synchronising my mp3 player?16:12
dissidentcan someone please tell me how to dual boot with two hdd xp and linux16:12
xactlydo i need some other software?16:12
mikedis there a way to virtually "merge" the contents of two folders into one without copying or creating tons of softlinks?16:12
dissidentcause part magic and boot magic won't work16:12
void^xactly: no idea, never used it. if it supports mtp it should work as well.16:12
dissidentcan i do this all in linux16:12
syndr0how do i view my other partitions that i think i mounted... key word being think.???16:13
dissidentlike in the install menu16:13
zoli2kAnyone using hamachi with ubuntu? I need help.16:13
Lunkshume: Should support, never used it with any MP3 players. I'd rather transfer files myself.16:13
humesyndr0, with df they should be listed16:13
humeLunks, same here..16:13
humesyndr0, df -h shows size, type it in a console16:14
humesyndr0, of all mounted partitions on the machine16:14
xactlyvoid^, i have bought a 1 Gig microSD memory card16:14
syndr0i see its not mounted then16:14
xactlyvoid^, how do you transfer music to that memory card?16:15
profanephobiais there a  Network Manager Applet for AWN?16:15
void^xactly: might need to use msc mode to access it, should show up as an extra partition i think.. but not sure, i don't have any microsd cards16:15
xactlyvoid^, is that done automatically after the players own space is consumed?16:15
humexactly, dont know about syncing, I transfer via the file manager or with amarok music player16:15
syndr0hume, would you mine running me through this for some reason im retarded16:15
=== _etotheip is now known as etotheipi
humesyndr0, join the club of us retarded...:) you trying to mount what?16:16
syndr0im trying to mount these two ntfs partitions16:16
xactlyyou have all been a great help16:16
xactlythank you all16:16
xactlybe well16:16
syndr0i tried following those directions16:16
syndr0but it didnt work16:16
=== FunnyHat is now known as FunnyLookinHat
Lunkssyndr0: have you tried installing ntfs-3g tools?16:16
Lunkson add/remove16:17
syndr0i installed ntfs config throuh synaptic program16:17
humesyndr0, which directions? which partitions?16:17
syndr0how can i list all the partitions on my hd16:17
syndr0i dont know what they are defined as16:17
cjwhat's the PGP key id for the gutsy archive?16:17
Dr_willissyndr0,  sudo fdisk -l16:17
humetry sudo cfdisk, then you can see all partitions on the disk - but beware to change someting16:17
cjhow do I find it out without having to ask you folks?16:18
syndr0lunks, ntfs 3g tools is the same thing in synaptic program manager as ntfs config right?16:18
Dr_willissyndr0,  sudo fdisk -l   - is safe. :)16:18
Berylliumsyndr0: I usually do it the geeky way: dmesg | grep sd, then I look for the lines like "sda1", "sda2"16:18
Lunkssyndr0: yeah, it is16:18
syndr0thats what i thought16:18
Lunkswhat happens when you run it?16:18
syndr0all it did was ask me to make write properties16:18
syndr0for internal or ext16:18
syndr0and i did it for internal16:18
threefcatacan anyone help me on wireless connection?16:19
Brandon__I don't want to mess this up. version 2.5.1 is the newest python. So I can do like sudo apt-get install pyton and it will get that version right? or do I specify the version like -2.5.116:19
Lunkssyndr0: aren't they appearing on computer?16:19
syndr0they are defined as /dev/hda5 and 616:19
threefcataconnecting to xp using ad hoc, card is associated but not getting any ip, can anyone help me?16:19
=== Brandon__ is now known as Sirisian
Lunkssyndr0: are they appearing on places/computer?16:20
syndr0lunks, /dev/hda5            1913        5991    32764536    7  HPFS/NTFS16:20
syndr0/dev/hda6            5992       10010    32282586    7  HPFS/NTFS16:20
syndr0appearing as what16:20
syndr0its own folder/ drive16:20
Lunksas drivers.16:20
syndr0just like file system right16:20
threefcataconnecting to xp using ad hoc, card is associated but not getting any ip, can anyone help me?16:21
LunksIf I remember correctly, I added support for internal volumes like you did, rebooted and tried again.16:21
syndr0soo should i reboot?16:21
Lunkssyndr0: you can try16:21
LunksIt worked for me this way16:21
syndr0so i ran the ntfs config16:21
syndr0i tried that script thingy16:22
syndr0soima reboot16:22
Lunksenable everything16:22
syndr0::crosses fingers::16:22
syndr0int and ext?16:22
profanephobiahow do i get nm-applet back on the gnome panel16:22
syndr0ill brb16:22
Lunksthen if it works, fine16:22
Lunksif not, open ntfs config and check if your partitions are there16:22
Lunkssyndr0: good luck =)16:22
syndr0open ntfs config and check if my parts are there16:23
syndr0i dont understand16:23
syndr0how do i open ntfs config16:23
syndr0app>sys>ntfs config?16:23
Lunkssyndr0: system tools/ntfs config16:23
Dr_willissudo ntfs-config16:23
david__Your paste can be seen here: http://rafb.net/p/mL5kig92.html anyone get that wireless card working with ndiswrapper?16:23
syndr0the only thing that comes up is enabling writing16:23
david__and if so where you download the windows driver?16:23
syndr0should something else come up16:23
syndr0or is that whats supposed to come up16:23
syndr0or is it after i reboot that it will change?16:23
Dr_willissyndr0,  thats about it. :) its rather simple..16:23
ttsmjprofanephobia: right click on panel> add to panel16:23
Lunkssyndr0: there has been a long time since I did it.16:23
LunksYou can try just restarting16:24
syndr0well i brb16:24
Lunksand see if it works. /)16:24
profanephobiattsmj, its not in that list16:24
syndr0thanks for all your help16:24
syndr0im already loving linux a crapload more than windows16:24
engid1Hello, I have installed jabberd (from ubuntu repos) and wanted to set it up for office use only. The local IP of the machine is which is what I used as a hostname in jabber.cfg and jabber.xml, the server is able to register users and keep them connected, but one user can not add/lookup the other user on the server and I get the error "XMPP Message Error: Message delivery failed: Unable to resolve hostname. (Code 502)".. What should I do to fix this16:24
syndr0my 1.6ghz is sooo fast now16:24
Sirisianis python by default installed with ubuntu?16:24
mariocesar_boHow can I shutdown my PC without using sudo ?16:24
Lunksdon't use it if you don't like it =P16:24
ttsmjprofanephobia: should be there... in system and hardware section16:25
kuribohxI can't mount my cdrom drive.....it was working fine before and I detached it from my laptop and now I can't get ubuntu to reconize it16:25
profanephobiattsmj, network monitor is but thats not it16:25
MONODA my computer is restarting randomly16:26
david__Well anyone know of a good usb wireless device?16:26
MONODAcan anyone help16:26
david__That works?16:26
SirisianHow do I see if python is already installed default with ubuntu?16:26
AlexQHi All.16:26
soulriderMONODA, have you tried doing a mem test?16:26
soulriderSirisian, it is16:26
soulriderSirisian, you could also type python in a terminal and see what comes up16:27
AlexQI've got an problem with sound at Gutsy Gibbon AMD6416:27
AlexQIt's probably GStreamer16:27
AlexQI've reinstalled it several times, but it's still don't working.16:28
syndr0rofl dude16:28
syndr0i just turned my tv on16:28
syndr0and you know elaines boss from seinfeld16:28
syndr0hes the host for family feud now16:28
IpMooIngsyndr0: wasnt  me16:28
ttsmjprofanephobia: do you have notification area on your panel?16:28
LjL!enter | syndr016:28
ubotusyndr0: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!16:28
profanephobiattsmj, yeah and i just figured it out16:28
ttsmjprofanephobia: ok then16:29
simmerzI'm trying to get network manager to work with vpnc. however, I've install network-manager-vpnc and it doesn't put the menu into the applet. any ideas?16:29
kuribohxI can't mount my cdrom drive.....it was working fine before and I detached it from my laptop and now I can't get ubuntu to reconize it16:29
MONODA my computer is restarting randomly can anyone help??? please16:29
syndr0lunks, i dont see it16:29
ttsmjkuribohx: how do you mean ubuntu dont recognize it16:30
brokenLjL, ;)16:30
LjL!caps | syndr016:30
ubotusyndr0: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.16:30
syndr0but it expresses how  i feel16:30
Lunkssyndr0: It's not on places/computer, right?16:30
kuribohxit won't pull it up in the browser and when I go directly to it, and click to mount it....it won't mount16:30
Siscois there sshd in ubuntu desktop 7.10?16:30
syndr0only floppy cd and fs16:31
Siscois there sshd in ubuntu desktop 7.10? how do I start it?16:31
ttsmjsyndr0: you need to edit /etc/fstab and add the missing partitions16:31
LjL!info openssh-server | sisco16:31
Lunkssyndr0: try opening ntfs-config again, see if your partitions appear there16:31
ubotusisco: openssh-server: secure shell server, an rshd replacement. In component main, is optional. Version 1:4.6p1-5build1 (gutsy), package size 241 kB, installed size 640 kB16:31
syndr0how do i edit fstab?16:31
LjLsyndr0: with a text editor such as gedit16:32
syndr0is it using gedit?16:32
Lunkssyndr0: try opening ntfs-config again16:32
syndr0i did16:32
Lunksnothing new?16:32
LjLsyndr0: « gksudo gedit /etc/fstab »16:32
bullgard5[Gutsy Gnome] Panel menu System > Quit opens a dialog window with 8 buttons. Where can I find the information what command will be executed if I press a certain button of them?16:32
syndr0all that came up was enabling int and ext16:32
Siscossh is port 22 right?16:33
syndr0ljl, ok after i open gedit what do i need to edit16:33
kuribohxttsmj: I also have been trying to get madwifi to work as well.....but my cdrom comes first ^_^16:33
beasty__syndr0: yes it is16:34
LjLfstab > syndr016:34
sproingieis there a way to search packages (i.e. apt-cache) with the deskbar?16:34
beasty__Sisco: yes it is :p16:34
LjL!fstab > syndr0    (syndr0, see the private message from Ubotu)16:34
syndr0beasty, yes what?16:34
void^bullgard5: tried gnome-power-cmd.sh?16:36
syndr0this is frustrating i cant figure this crap out ARGH!16:36
bullgard5void^: No, not yet. But I am hurrying to try it.16:36
scp2004anyone can help me?16:36
syndr0ugh this is pissing me off16:37
syndr0and i have a headache ugh16:37
scp2004i have this problem : " hdb : waiting for dma" anyone can help me?16:37
MystaMaxanyone know how to check what services are set to run at startup from the CLI?16:37
david__http://rafb.net/p/l7Kaq266.html maybe some one would be so kind and give me some ideas on troubleshooting this.16:38
Hohlraum45 freaking updates? what is this fedora? :-D16:38
Sirisianhow do I check what version of python-snmp I currenty have?16:38
syndr0can someone please go private with me and try to help me, this is frustrating16:38
MystaMaxwhat problem are you having?16:39
MasterShrekMystaMax, check the permissions of files in /etc/rc.d executable ones will be run and non executeable ones wont16:40
MystaMaxMasterShrek, ah thanks16:40
MasterShrekMystaMax, /etc/init.d ***16:40
MasterShreksorry thought i was in a different channel =P16:40
MasterShrekand MystaMax to tell you the truth, id ont know if ubuntu does it like that anymore16:41
MystaMaxMasterShrek, wait, not /etc/rc.d, but check /etc/init.d?16:41
kuribohxit won't pull it up in the browser and when I go directly to it, and click to mount it....it won't mount16:41
MasterShrekyea check /etc/init.d, but theres a command rc-update that controls things like that now i think16:41
n0skilzanyone know how to re-associate mime types, i thought you could just edit the /etc/mime.types file but didnt seem to work16:42
kuribohxcdrom drive won't mount on ubuntu 7.04 it was working fine before I unplugged the cdrom from the laptop16:42
simmerzwhy does the nm-applet vnc settings not show when i am using a manual network configuration? only when in roaming mode16:42
MystaMaxMasterShrek, this is actually on a server, so I'm running Dapper16:43
syndr0hohlram, you here?16:43
Assassin5does anyone know if usb MIDI cables work with ubuntu?16:43
syndr0hohlraum, you here?16:43
jorgpAssassin5: probably so, almost everything works with ubuntu16:43
MasterShrekMystaMax, well then my orginal response may work for you, /etc/init.d16:43
Assassin5jorgp, okay, well I just want to make sure I'll have MIDI control in ubuntu studio if I buy one of the cables16:44
MONODAmy computer cant hibernate correctly can anyone help me?16:44
sproingiei've never seen hibernate work16:44
MystaMaxworks on my dell16:45
MONODAthats not good...16:45
MONODAcan anyone help me then??16:45
n0skilz i am working on getting my system to play nicely with my xbox36016:45
n0skilz and i have it work, except i need to accociate *.avi file as "video/avi" instead of "video/x-msvideo"16:45
sproingieprobably some hardware blocking the hibernate, but it doesn't get caught til it's already shut everything down16:45
syndr0can anyone go private with me to help me mount thes fawking partitions16:46
sproingiethe channel is hardly busy, why not ask here?16:47
syndr0people leaving in and out its easier for me16:47
beasty__syndr0: wrong tab amount16:47
beasty__my bad16:47
=== beasty__ is now known as beasty
syndr0dont wanna flood16:47
simmerzwhy does the nm-applet vnc settings not show when i am using a manual network configuration? only when in roaming mode16:48
MasterShreksyndr0, join #mastershrek16:48
* sproingie .oO ( /query doesn't do it? )16:48
VanuatoooUbuntu mounts a partition and shows that type is fuseblk16:48
VanuatoooCould it be the windows partition?16:49
CroXCan you use Feisty packages for a Gutsy system?16:50
CroXI want Wine 0.9.45 but http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/archive/index.html only has that version for Feisty. :(16:50
sproingieCroX: you *can*, but not easily, and it's not recommended16:50
simmerzCroX: why specifically that version and not a later one?16:51
sproingiewhen it comes to wine, manually installing it seems to be the best16:51
sproingiesimmerz: wine is notorious for only working with particular versions16:51
LunksCroX: If probably just have to uninstall current Wine and run .deb16:51
CroXsimmerz: Because after that version, Warcraft bnet play doesn't work.16:51
simmerzCroX: doh. I use crossover for most of my stuf16:51
CroXsimmerz: You need to pay for Crossover though, right?16:52
LunksCroX: But if something weird happens related to wine, it's probably because of the older, unsupported version16:52
simmerzCroX: yep. happy to16:52
sproingieor the newer, unsupported version16:52
epifaniohi, un ubuntuserver, without gui,  what is the commad to power off the computer ? :-/16:52
threefcataconnecting to xp using ad hoc, card is associated but not getting any ip, can anyone help me?16:53
Lunksepifanio: halt16:53
LjLepifanio: sudo halt or sudo shutdown -h now16:53
LjLor sudo poweroff16:53
SirisianWhere is the documentation about installing pykota and setting it up on ubuntu? I can't seem to find it via google16:53
simmerzthreefcata: that's because you have to manually set it. XP doesn't contain a DHCP server16:53
simmerzthreefcata: you'll also have to manually set up the XP machine with an IP address on the same subnet that you create16:54
bullgard5void^: /usr/bin/gnome-power-cmd.sh could deal with the lower 5 buttons. I does not deal with the upper 3 buttons. --  Do you know what program calls the /usr/bin/gnome-power-cmd.sh script?16:54
NetLarIrvineI am thinking of getting an old pc so I can just play with Ubuntu, What is the lowest recommended for 7.10?16:55
blang_anyone here that got zs4 installed? got the tar.gz, extracted, but when i try to run the executable (installer), nothing happens16:55
LunksNetLarIrvine: xubuntu runs on most computers16:55
bazhangNetLarIrvine: lowest in terms of cpu, ram, etc?16:55
bullgard5NetLarIrvine: In the wiki there are listed minimum requirements for Ubuntu.16:56
NetLarIrvineAddress for the Wiki?16:57
LunksHow can I run divx files on feisty live cd?16:57
AlexQI've got an problem with sound in Ubu Gutsy AMD64 - Most probably it's GStreamer. I've reinstalled it several times, but it didn't help. Totem, Rythmbox and Nautilus (when I want to play file by moving mouse on files' icon), but it stop'16:57
silentabe939newbie needs help. i managed to install ubuntu now how do i get dvds to work16:58
ubernewbhow do i tell what is the lease time on the dhcp i am assigned?16:59
bazhangsilentabe939: need to install a package from medibuntu.org16:59
bullgard5NetLarIrvine: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements16:59
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs16:59
=== DelayLama is now known as DreamThief
bullgard5DreamThief: Are you sometimes known as 'DelayLama'?17:00
TheEaglepike_: thanks alot for the help yesterday17:01
pike_TheEagle: np everything is working?17:01
TheEaglepike_: but, can i change the resolution?17:02
Strangelv"Has anyone heard of dynamic adjustments to the display for color and brightness?  I'm needing to disable this functionality17:02
TheEaglewith xrandr maybe?17:02
TheEaglei want to change from 800x600 to 1024x76817:03
TonrenCan someone help me with setting up proftpd?17:03
StrangelvTheEagle: what have you tried?17:03
TonrenEven though I've set DefaultRoot to ~ in /etc/proftpd.conf and ran /etc/init.d/proftpd restart, when I log in as an FTP user, I still start in / .17:04
MasterShrekTonren, try DefaultRoot ~/17:04
bard1988_How can i tell if i have installed my graphic card correctly (ati rage 3d pro)17:04
pike_TheEagle: gksu gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf  if you scroll to the bottom youll see a Depth  24 and below that setting for whichever depth you choose since its 24 usually youll scroll down to the 24 settings and add res like: "1024x768" "800x600" and X will attempt each starting with the highest17:04
TonrenMasterShrek: No dice.17:05
MasterShrekTonren, let me check mine, 1 sec17:05
bard1988_how can i tell if i have installed my graphic card?17:05
StrangelvTheEagle: have you tried System Settings?  This might work without having to leave the GUI17:05
TonrenMasterShrek: http://www.nopoblopt.com/proftpd.html#DEFAULTROOT <-- that's the doc17:05
* N3bunel saluta17:05
wols_bard1988_: you have a pictures on your monitor17:05
threefcata__ok now i got my two laptops connected, but how do i share the internet connection on one of them?17:05
bard1988_yeah :X17:05
TonrenMasterShrek: Also, my welcome.msg isn't displaying17:05
wols_without graphicscard: no picutre (ro "no signal")17:05
bard1988_but i mean how do i know if the driver is installed17:05
bard1988how can i tell if i have installed my graphic card?17:05
TheEaglepike_: System->Administration->Screens and Graphics, then set the resolution to 1024x768 and clicked test, it seems fine so i click keep configuration and it goes back to the 800x600. I click ok and it asks me if i want to keep configuration and i do, but nothing happens17:06
AlexQHi All.17:06
wols_bard1988_: do you think we are psychic?17:06
Strangelvbard1988_ I'm not sure how to answer.  At the moment I'm having issues with an nVidia and can barely read my display17:06
bard1988_thats why im asking17:06
FrederickStrangelv: which board?17:06
FrederickStrangelv: amd 64?17:06
StrangelvTheEagle: try restarting xorg17:06
=== smooker4 is now known as smookerPC1
StrangelvFrederick: yes, AMD6417:06
pike_TheEagle: im not too familiar with the gnome gui tools sorry id do the gksu command and make sure it actually wrote the settings to your xorg.conf file if it did then.. is this a lcd or crt?17:06
Kaurcould someone please explain me the following command: find . -depth -print0 | sudo cpio --null --sparse -pvd /new/17:06
=== vn is now known as vvn
Frederickwhat does hapen?17:07
bard1988_is there any command to check if my driver is the right one or whatevere?17:07
Kauris it safe?17:07
FrederickI had issues yesterday.17:07
TheEaglepike_: lcd17:07
Strangelvpreviously the problem has been an annoyance with colors changing when changing windows -- something I blamed my monitor for doing17:07
jasonago2I'm interested in translating some programs in my Tagalog language...I saw in launchpad that there are interfaces for that...MY QUESTION IS: will my translation be carried over to next versions of ubuntu?17:07
Frederickjasonago2: thisis a question for -dev17:07
TheEagleStrangelv: how do i do that, restart the pc?17:07
bard1988_How can I check if my graphic driver is the right one?17:07
wols_bard1988_: tell us what card you have17:08
StrangelvThen I fitnally restarted, got the correct resolution, transparency working, and maybe some other features -- and when I went fullscreen in VLC everything got dim.  Then I made the mistake of doing it again...17:08
bard1988_iv said already.. but ill say again :] ati 3d rage pro17:08
smookerPC1Hi all, i have problems with one .avi movie, subs give error.. in other Mplayers no subs load at all, someone know good Mplayer for Ubuntu like K-Lite ?17:08
Strangelvpopup menus are full brightness17:08
xstCan anyone help me to debug this: When I change the paper size (to a smaller one) in e.g. OpenOffice and prints it out, the output is left aligned on the paper sheet - even though my printers paper tray centers the paper sheets. In other words it seems the printer thinks that the paper is placed to the left in paper tray instead of in the center. The result is that the contents are exceeding the paper boundaries to the left. I ha17:08
xstve another linux box with feisty installed. Here, the printing to smaller page sizes works fine. What to do?17:08
Strangelvnothing else is except around the lop and left edges of my display17:08
sproingiejasonago2: they might need maintenance between versions, but they should be, yes.17:08
AlexQI've got an problem with sound in Ubu Gutsy AMD64 - Most probably it's GStreamer. I've reinstalled it several times, but it didn't help. Totem, Rythmbox and Nautilus (when I want to play file by moving mouse on files' icon), stops and I must halt it. Where's the problem and how to fix it?17:08
StrangelvTTY consoles are full brightness17:08
pike_TheEagle: there are some tips at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto17:08
TheEaglepike_: cheers17:09
bard1988_I have ati 3d rage pro and Im not sure if it is installed correctly17:09
bard1988_beacuse when i drag windows and stuff its kinda laggy17:09
wols_bard1988_: grep -i driver /etc/X11/xorg.conf17:10
StrangelvTheEagle: restarting would wolk, but you can do it without going that far,  unfolutnately ,there may not be a practical difference -- go to Log Gout, log out user, then tell KDM or GDM to restart the X server17:10
wols_bard1988_: does it say "ati" anywhere?17:10
AlexQI've got an problem with sound in Ubu Gutsy AMD64 - Most probably it's GStreamer. I've reinstalled it several times, but it didn't help. Totem, Rythmbox and Nautilus (when I want to play file by moving mouse on files' icon), stops and I must halt it. Where's the problem and how to fix it? Hm?17:10
bard1988_wols_: checking : ]17:10
TonrenMasterShrek: Any ideas?17:10
TheEagleStrangelv: cheers17:10
bard1988_no : [17:10
* Strangelv wonders if he's chased off Frederick17:11
bard1988_it says KBD, MOUSE,VESA17:11
wols_TheEagle: log out so you get to your displaymanager again. then press ctrl+alt+f1. log in and  "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart" then press ctrl+alt+f7 (or f8) again17:11
MasterShreksorry Tonren, my ftp isnt even working right now lol17:11
TonrenMasterShrek: Hehe, harsh!17:11
bard1988_wols_: no i dun have ATI17:11
wols_bard1988_: in a text console: sudo dpkg-reoconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh   As a driver choose ati17:11
wols_bard1988_: you currently use unaccelerated vesa17:12
TheEaglewhen i press ctrl+alt+f1 i just get a blank screen with a flashing underscore in the top left17:12
bard1988_wols_: text console=terminal?17:12
wols_TheEagle: press enter there17:12
wols_bard1988_: no terminal. console17:12
wols_bard1988_: not inside X. in fact, you need to close down X17:12
* Strangelv ups his gamma to 2.50 for temporary visibility, but it's still too dim (as well as inadequate contrast)17:12
TheEaglewols_: no, that has no effect17:12
skeeelsince my upgrade to 7.10 i have no sound , the system consider my tv card saa1734 as a sound card and don't see the real sound card17:12
bard1988_wols_: im kinda new in it :P17:13
wols_TheEagle: ctrl+alt+f2 then17:13
TonrenCan anyone help me debug a proftpd problem?  Even though DefaultRoot is set to ~, users logging in aren't being chroot jailed to their home directories.17:13
bard1988_wols_: where can i find consloe?17:13
wols_bard1988_: ctrl+aöt+f217:13
jlarssonHi, how do i spin the dekstoop as a cube if im using ubuntu 7.04 ?17:14
biotroxwhy does everytime my ubuntu pendrive meet error from h/w.. the ubuntu pendrive cannot login automatically....?17:14
wols_jlarsson: you'd need to have compit installed17:14
TheEaglewols_: ctrl-alt-f2-6 all do the same as f117:14
Dr_willisTonren,  you sure that ~ is correct? thats normally a short cut name used by bash.  or other shells.17:15
wols_TheEagle: what X driver do you use?17:15
AlexQwols_: Not even beryl? Or compiz-beryl?17:15
threefcata__does anyone know how to configure with a network bridge on a xp machine?17:15
TonrenDr_willis: http://www.nopoblopt.com/proftpd.html#DEFAULTROOT <-- Says you can use it in the documentation.17:15
TheEaglewols_: either vesa or sis, ill just check my xorg.conf file17:15
wols_threefcata__: what has XP to do with it?17:15
AlexQI've got an problem with sound in Ubu Gutsy AMD64 - Most probably it's GStreamer. I've reinstalled it several times, but it didn't help. Totem, Rythmbox and Nautilus (when I want to play file by moving mouse on files' icon), stops and I must halt it. Where's the problem and how to fix it? Hm?17:16
wols_threefcata__: sis sucks :(17:16
wols_TheEagle: 1117:16
wols_TheEagle: ^^17:16
threefcata__wols_: ... i have an xp machine who has a ethernet and wifi, and i want to connect my laptop to it17:17
kane__how do I block certain port in iptables? (I have my computer act as router and want to block icq)17:17
Dr_willisTonren,  :) glad to hear you are reading the docs. heh..  Perhaps they got a faq.  Ive no other ideas.17:17
wols_threefcata__: you run ICS on windows, that's it17:17
wols_threefcata__: you can only bridge inside the same PC17:17
wols_threefcata__: not acress hosts17:17
TheEaglewols_: vesa17:17
wols_TheEagle: that shouldn't give you that problem then. maybe restart without X then17:18
threefcata__wols_: but that is going to screw up the ethernet connection i already have, it auto sets the ip of it to
wols_TheEagle: and until you fix your troubles use startx or such17:18
wols_threefcata__: do you have a ubuntu problem? cause your windows troubles aren't17:18
bard1988wols_: i didnt know that it takes me to that screen17:19
wols_bard1988: huh?17:19
threefcata__wols_: now my problem is on both sides..ok, come to ubuntu side17:19
bard1988wols_: u told me to go to console :O17:19
MONODAplease im having trouble hibernating can anoyone help me>>>17:19
wols_threefcata__: what do you want to do exactly?17:19
cox377hey all17:19
MONODAplease im having trouble hibernating can anyone help me?17:20
bard1988Hey all, im having trouble installing my graphic card(ati 3d rage pro)17:20
wols_!ask | MONODA17:20
ubotuMONODA: Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)17:20
cox377i'm having issues, i've just installed php5 and restarted apache2 but when i try a php file it just tries to download it - i installed these 2 via apt17:20
erUSUL!lamp | cox37717:20
Dr_williskane__,  some of those im clienyts can be very hard to block. they will default back to port 80 if they cant connect with other ports. Not sure if ICQ does that however.17:20
ubotucox377: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)17:20
kane77can I do something like this: iptables -A FORWARD --in-interface eth0 --dport 5190 -j REJECT ?17:20
wols_cox377: libapache2-mod-php517:20
TonrenFigured out the problem.  My FTP client was caching the directory listing.17:21
kane77Dr_willis, ^^17:21
bard1988Hey all, im having trouble installing my graphic card( ati 3d rage pro)17:21
wols_!repeat | bard198817:21
ubotubard1988: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience17:21
wols_bard1988: and I told you what to do17:21
cox377cheers guys17:21
MONODAWhenever i hibernate my screen turns black but everything else stayrs on(powers button and such)17:21
mzanfardinoquestion re apt-get: Can you change the path where software is installed when installing via apt-get?17:21
threefcata__wols_:i have a laptop(A), that connects to internet and it also has a wifi card, i also have another laptop(B) that also have a wifi card, i want to connect B to A, and also set A to share its internet connection with B so that I can get on internet on B as well.17:21
bard1988wols_: can u reapete it?17:21
Dr_williskane77,  try it and see.. I wouldebnt be suprised if icq then tryes anotehr port.   I tried to block one of them ages ago on my home lan. and never did get it all blocked. Just broke parts of it. :)17:21
MONODAWhenever i hibernate my screen turns black but everything else stayrs on(powers button and such) please help17:21
bard1988wols_: cause i wasent prepared going to consloe :P17:21
kane77Dr_willis, can I have iptables -A FORWARD --in-interface eth0 --dport 5190 -j REJECT (I want to block it only on eth0 interface)17:22
wols_mzanfardino: yes. man dpkg. and you can give apt-get options for dpkg it calls17:22
kane77kane77, okay..17:22
* Strangelv_ 's display crisis is temporarily resolved by a 500ms blackout, alt least until he does something to throw it out of whack again17:22
threefcata__wols_: i did some google but i am confused but them17:22
wols_bard1988: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh17:22
Dr_williskane77,  im not an iptavbles expert. So no idea.17:22
bard1988wols_: and how do i go back from consloe to here17:22
bard1988wols_: ?17:22
TheEaglei can't access any ttys ctrl+alt+f1-6 produce a blank screen with a flashing underscore in the top left corner.17:23
popdog123hello! does anybody know an app to capture my desktop (to make a movie) including the compiz effects?... i want to convince a friend to use linux...17:23
Dr_willisbard1988, alt-ctrl F1 through F6, then F7 for X.17:23
Strangelv_TheEagle: eep17:23
=== Meskit[AFK] is now known as Meskit
phenomAny resident locksmiths in the house know if bypassing  m cylinders have been published?17:23
wols_threefcata__: there is nothing to do if your internet laptop has a DHCP server. if it doesn't you need to set a static IP on the ubuntu box (man interfaces)17:23
TheEaglepopdog123: press the print screen button on your keyboar17:23
bard1988wols_: ok il ltry17:23
Strangelv_popdog123: ksnapshot can do still images, but I don't know what options there are for motion capture17:23
wols_bard1988:to do this dpkg-reconfigure your X must be stopped. there is no GUI when oyu do it17:23
popdog123doesn't that just take a snapshot?17:23
MONODAWhenever i hibernate my screen turns black but everything else stayrs on(powers button and such) please help17:24
TheEagleStrangelv_: what is "eep"17:24
boris_does anyone know a good AGP graphics card with good compiz 3D support, 512 mb of ram and is cheap (less than 100$) ?17:24
wols_bard1988: exit your X server17:24
wols_!repeat | hottis17:24
wols_!repeat | MONODA17:24
jlarssonhmm, my cube did just stop working17:24
Strangelv_MONODA: hibernate probably didn't work then -- it may be doing suspend or standby17:24
jlarssonanyone knows how to get it going again?17:24
ubotuhottis: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience17:24
ubotuMONODA: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience17:24
wols_boris_: #hardware17:24
Strangelv_TheEagle: an interjection17:24
popdog123Strangelv_: capturing moting is what i actually want17:24
threefcata__wols_: i tried using ifconfig but it doesn't work. i guess configure /etc/network/interfaces is not any better.17:24
hottisubotu: have i said anything?17:25
wols_threefcata__: you guess wrong17:25
sharperguyIs there any way do edit the powerpc cd from an x86 box? (I'm assuming not)17:25
TheEagleStrangelv_: what do i do with it?17:25
wols_hottis: no but it was a mistab, sorry17:25
TheEagleStrangelv_: im completly new to linux17:25
Dr_willis!info kiso17:25
ubotukiso: program to create manipulate and extract CD Image. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.3-0ubuntu4 (gutsy), package size 346 kB, installed size 1052 kB17:25
Jermitis there any way to mute the speakers when the headset is plugged in?17:25
wols_!patience | jlarsson17:25
ubotujlarsson: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines17:25
Dr_willissharperguy,  check out kiso ?17:25
sharperguyDr_willis, wassat?17:25
Strangelv_TheEagle: eep, damn, *&^@, crap, and other interjections are not direct solutions to technical issues.  They're mainly useful for maintaining self-control. 8)17:26
Dr_willissharperguy,  the bot just said what it was.17:26
Dr_willis!kiso | sharperguy17:26
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about kiso - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi17:26
Dr_willis!info kiso | sharperguy17:26
ubotusharperguy: kiso: program to create manipulate and extract CD Image. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.3-0ubuntu4 (gutsy), package size 346 kB, installed size 1052 kB17:26
Sharpiehow can i stop OpenOffice from automatically turning "17:00" to "5:00:00 PM"?17:26
threefcata__wols_: ok i'll give it a try, thx17:26
jlarssonthen where are the ubuntu PRO irc channel?17:26
seisenanybody testing Xubuntu 8.04 in Virtualbox17:26
sharperguyDr_willis, cheers17:26
TheEagleStrangelv_: do you know what i could do to restore the ttys?17:26
MONODAif my computer overheats will it restart?17:27
cox377wols_: I've installed that and enabled it and restarted apache but its still not playing nice17:27
seisenyes  Monoda17:27
cox377do you have any other suggestions?17:27
Strangelv_TheEagle: unfortunately, no.  I myself would resort to attempting a reboot -- not because there isn't a better solution, but because I've not a clue of what that better solution would be17:27
Strangelv_TheEagle: I'm here hoping for help on something myself, but it seems to be too obscure17:28
Dr_willisjlarsson,  check their homepage - they may say where they hang out.17:28
Squirrely_WrathCan someone help me?  I am on a dell inspiron e1505.  Using an ATI radeon mobility x1400.  Downloaded the newest ATI drivers and though google earth/secondlife and other programs that like opengl work great, I have a weird video issue17:29
cox377is the command to get rid of absolutly everything package --purge?17:29
* Strangelv_ holds up a posterboat that reads: What can provide a feature for dynamic color and brightness adjustment? I need to find out what this is so I can disable it17:29
seisenyes cox37717:29
Strangelv_Squirrely_Wrath: whas flavor(s) of weirdness?17:29
Squirrely_WrathWhen watching videos, I get what appears to be a diagonal line.  Almost appears as if the two halves of the video are refreshing at different rates or something17:29
Dr_williscox377,  as far as i know the purge option - removes the config files for a package.  what do you mean by 'everything'17:29
seisenor you can do -P to cox37717:29
biotroxhoi hooi anybody can help me..?17:30
erUSUL!anyone | biotrox17:30
Jermithow do I mute my laptop speaker's when I plug my headset in?17:30
ubotubiotrox: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?17:30
biotroxi asked about the real question earlier but no one respond17:31
MONODAwhy would my computer overheat17:31
cox377Dr_willis: basically, so it removes all config files and trace of it ever being there lol17:31
cazilla#join strongswan17:31
biotroxi'm asking does anyone can help me.. my ubuntu pendrive often crash.. and can't login17:31
Strangelv_MONADA: poor circulation; inadequate heatsink;... is this a notebook or desktop or other that's overheating?17:31
Oli``Anyone here on Pidgin able to connect to MSN?17:32
Strangelv_biotrox: I've never booted off of a jumpdrive.  Sorry17:32
Jermityes Oli17:32
Oli``Jermit: bugger =( that mean's it's my fault17:32
shishirm1how to stop wine whn it is running17:32
Strangelv_"oh good! someone with a question someone else may be able to answer17:32
Dr_williscox377,  note that that does NOT remove the users own personal configs/settings in theior home dir.17:32
Strangelv_shishirm1: does kill -9 count?17:32
erUSUL!kill | shishirm117:33
ubotushishirm1: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal17:33
cox377Dr_willis: nope, basically trying to fully remove the lamp stack17:33
Squirrely_WrathSo I guess I can't be helped.17:33
Dr_willisSquirrely_Wrath,  ati drivers can have bugs.. sadly..17:33
Strangelv_Squirrely_Wrath: it can probabrly be helped, just that the person who could help you presumably isn't here right now17:34
Dr_willisSquirrely_Wrath,  i would say check the ati/linux forums and see if anyoht else has had simielr issues17:34
sharperguyDr_willis, tbh i dont really  think its what I'm looking for - i need to edit the live cd iso by installing and removing packages - also it segfaulted17:34
Dr_willissharperguy,  i never used it.  i dont even use my ppc machine any more. :)17:34
Squirrely_WrathWhat's the forum location?17:34
Dr_willisSquirrely_Wrath,  i would say hit google first.17:34
sharperguyDr_willis, Also i don't care if its complicated - ie involving manual extraction and chroot/apt-geting etc17:34
Dr_willisim not sure ubuntu has a specific forum for those things.17:35
Dr_willissharperguy,  Ya can extraxt the iso. but i dont know about puttig it all back together. :)  plus ppc adds another layer of complications17:35
* Strangelv_ has always used the old school "alternate" install discs -- he knows how to use them better and hasn't consistently run into show-stopping issues17:35
Squirrely_WrathK.  Will bounce around and take a look-see.  Thanks for the help.17:35
DrJohnstonCan anyone tell me why i might not be able to ssh to example.com, but i can SSH directly into example.com's IP?  I can ping and resolve example.com but for some reason ssh connections fail when i use the host name...17:36
sharperguyDr_willis, well ive done it with an x86 computer but I doubt its possible to do any of that with a different arcitechure17:36
Dr_willissharperguy,  no idea there. :) but they are all usign the iso9660 filesystem. so it may work.17:36
* Strangelv_ has never directly used ssh17:37
=== Strangelv_ is now known as Strangelv
sharperguyDr_willis, lol ill re-ask because i have absolutely no idea what to google17:37
TheEaglepike_: any idea how to restore my ttys? i can't seem to get any unless i boot into recovery mode17:38
Dr_willissharperguy,  yep. Me either.   Ive never edited a live cd. other then to remaster them with  various tools.17:38
Dr_willisTheEagle,  disable the framebuffer for a start.17:38
Dr_willisTheEagle,  assuming its a framebuffer issue.17:38
TheEagleDr_willis: i am new to ubuntu, so if you can, please can you explain what that means? thanks17:39
Dr_willisTheEagle,  in the /boot/grub/menu.lst  the line   looks like # defoptions=quiet nosplash nofb17:39
Dr_willis   17:39
TheEagleDr_willis: ill just check17:39
Dr_willisthe nofb option disalbes the framebuffer. edit the file. set that line, rerun 'sudo update-grub' and reboot and see.17:39
* Strangelv re-asks, "What can provide dynamic gamma and color adjustments and how do I disable it? Alternately, what keywords might point me to a useful direction with a search engine?"17:39
Dr_willisOR at the grub menu. hit 'e' and edit the kernel= line and append 'nofb' to the end.17:40
TheEagleDr_willis: nofb is not there so do i add it?17:41
Dr_willisTheEagle,  if you want to disable it yes... :)17:41
TheEagleDr_willis: what is the difference between having it on and off?17:42
Dr_willisnofb is the option to disable the framebuffer.   the nosplash option disables the splash screen so you can see error messages17:42
Dr_willisTheEagle,  One turns off the framebuffer.. one turns it on. :)17:42
Dr_willisThe framebuffer enables fancy gfx modes on the console.17:42
TheEagleDr_willis: what is the frambuffer17:43
* Strangelv jots down notes on nosplash17:43
Ziddharthi m new to irc17:43
Ziddharthcan ne 1 help me with this thing17:43
Xtevendoes anyone know if I can access the directories mounted under nautilus (SSH server), from console ?17:43
Dr_willisAnd ive had issues in the past with the framebuffer and some hardware17:43
BraindeadHow do i connect my internet connection using a usb wireless adapter?17:43
Braindead*on ubuntu17:43
TheEagleDr_willis: if i turn it off, are my ttys likely to come back?17:43
Dr_willisStrangelv,  note that the 'recovery' grub entry HAS 'nofb' in it :)17:43
Dr_willisTheEagle,  one way to find out.17:43
TheEaglelol, ok17:43
Dr_willisTheEagle,  since the recovery mode does work..i would say yes.17:43
StrangelvZiddharth: what is your difficulty with IRC and/or Ubuntu/*ubuntu?17:44
StrangelvDr_willis: I'm not having trouble with TTY consoles on any current install -- I'm very interested in disabling the splash screen though. 8)17:44
* Strangelv crosses his fingers as he awaits TheEagle's return. Maybe someone can get helped here...17:46
indiohow do i install JBOSS ?17:46
sharperguyIs there any way do edit the powerpc cd from an x86 box? (I'm assuming not)17:46
Dr_willisStrangelv,  :) one of the first things i do on a new install.17:47
Ax-AxWhy did Microsoft register patent on sudo?17:47
Dr_willissharperguy,  i do recall there being a PPC ubuntu specific forum on the messge bords.17:47
Dr_willisAx-Ax,  because they can. :) and can get away withit.17:47
sharperguyAx-Ax, because they're pies17:47
indioThere is no jboss package at synaptic.17:47
bluefox83microsoft registered a patent on sudo?17:47
=== xp_gone is now known as xp_prg
bluefox83when the hell did that happen?17:48
Ax-Ax2000 i think17:48
jklocksudo patent sude17:48
StrangelvDr_willis: Maybe something I should add to the list I have -- I've just not been motivated enough to find out how.  Generally a high priority has been disabling counterproductive touchpad features.  Previously ensuring keyboard layout support was critical, but has always been shockingly easy with Kubunt17:48
jklocksudo patent sudo* there all better17:48
Ax-AxI don't getiit17:48
prasciao zäme17:49
=== DRPP is now known as D_ReaL_PuNiShEr
* Strangelv prefers to have a root console open anyway -- retypping his >10 digit password every time he needed to do something was too annoying 17:49
chaddeCan someone please tell me how to connect to a remote mysqlserver?17:50
T1m0thyI just reinstalled Gutsy and I'm trying to install Adobe Flash Player for Firefox. I went to YouTube, loaded a video, went through the steps and intalled. It didn't work. So, I went to Synaptic, uninstalled, and then reinstalled. It still doesn't work. Any ideas?17:50
TheEagleDr_willis: thanks alot! great work17:50
* Strangelv wonders if he's the only person here boycotting Adobe -- if he is' someone should be able to help T1m0thy17:50
boris_does Sapphire ATI Radeon HD 2600PRO, 512MB, AGP have a 3D driver that supports compiz ?17:51
StrangelvTheEagle: Yay!17:51
indioHow do I install JBoss??17:51
syberpuppycan anyone help me installing ubuntu?17:51
T1m0thyStrangelv, there aren't any full alternatives at the moment are there?17:51
TheEaglesyberpuppy: yes17:51
prasglaub i17:51
prasgahsch mal go luege17:51
TheEaglesyberpuppy: what do you need help with17:51
prasoder wenn site falsch isch schrieb mal uf google findsch sicher öbis nützliches17:51
kristijankjako e17:51
StrangelvT1m0thy: gnash/gtk-gnash, and let me find the name of the mozilla package17:52
linuxftw./installer: error while loading shared libraries: libcrypto.so.0.9.7: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory17:52
linuxftwdoes anyone know my problwem17:52
linuxftwbecause the file IS there17:52
Strangelvunfortunately, it's still in serious alpha time17:52
T1m0thyStranglev: I heard that had problems. Is it better now?17:52
syberpuppyi donloaded and install ubuntu at other drive then my xp and it doesn't dualboot17:52
chaddeWhy does it say "Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' " When its not a local server Im connecting to?17:52
StrangelvT1m0thy: It's less bad than it was a few months ago, but it's still not there17:52
linuxftwwindows kills linux17:52
TheEagleso you have 2 drives?17:52
linuxftwyou always install xp first :\17:53
TheEagleone for xp and one for ubuntu17:53
hardeepanyone have the 64 bit edition of ubuntu, 7.10 running on VM?17:53
StrangelvT1m0thy: for FLV- I use UnPlug, save to disk, and then run them with VLC17:53
TheEaglesame as me17:53
syberpuppyyes, i made the linux partition active (boot)17:53
TheEagleso, what happens17:53
* Strangelv tries to remember who simply wanted install help17:53
TheEagleand you cant boot into xp?17:54
bruenigare the FloodBots freenode things or ubuntu things?17:54
TheEagleStrangelv: well technically, this is install help.17:54
syberpuppyfinished installing, restarted, and xp was up as if i never installed ubuntu17:54
linuxftwfrom freenode17:54
Strangelv"oh, dual boot.  I must admit I've not messed with that on my past few installs...17:54
robephis there a util similar to rc-status in gentoo,  in ubuntu?17:54
Strangelvsyberpuppy: what did you install last?17:55
TheEagleso you can't access ubuntu17:55
syberpuppyubuntu was last17:55
Strangelvrobeph: what is rc-status?17:55
TheEagledid you install grub?17:55
syberpuppyeagle: nope17:55
robephStrangelv: shows status of the current runlevel and the state of the scripts17:55
TheEaglesyperpuppy: is that a nope to installing grub?17:55
syberpuppynope, the latest ubuntu, it never gave me an option17:56
Strangelvsyberpuppy: odd -- I've not encountered that before.  Admittedly, I've also never set up a dual boot with XP.  I EOLed MS Windows with 2000, the la-st version with licencing rules I find acceptable17:56
robephmore like dueling boot,  when xp is involved D:17:56
Strangelvrobeph: you'll need a more admin-savvy person here seeking help to answer that than me I'm afraid.  I'm here trying to identify a feature to disable17:56
Strangelv"a video feature, something that might be part of nVidia's driver or similar17:57
TheEaglesorry syberpuppy, i don't know what to do17:57
=== ljubezen^hi is now known as ljubezen^hir
u_angel_hello room.17:57
d0dgeHello! I installed xserver and gnome, but when I try to 'sudo startx' I get errors, like cannot lock .Xauthority file, and No valid Fontpath could be found. Could anyone help?17:57
aladdinsaneWhy do i get green annoying circles following my mouse in Gimp on Xubuntu, which after a while clutter the whole image im working on?17:57
aladdinsaneHere's another guy with the same problem: http://www.gimptalk.com/forum/topic/Green-cirle-Issue-25821-1.html17:57
TheEaglebut there are plenty of people here, one of them must be able to help17:57
u_angel_is ikonoa here?17:57
bluefox83that's some crazy shiz, can't believe micro$hit basically patented sudo...17:58
Strangelvsyberpuppy: if I were in better shape I might be able to help with your dual boot issue, but I'm not.  Sorry17:58
robephwait what?17:58
robephbluefox83: wtf?17:58
biotroxubuntu gutsy often crash17:58
=== kr_ is now known as Sopor
bluefox83robeph, holdon i'll link you to the article17:58
syberpuppyi dont know if it installed grub, the live cd's install just asked me about partitions, some info and did all the work itself17:59
bluefox83robeph, http://ubuntulinuxtipstricks.blogspot.com/2007/05/did-microsoft-just-patent-sudo.html17:59
Strangelvd0dge: if gdm or similar doesn't start automatically, there's probably a problem.  You may need to hack on xorg.conf17:59
u_angel_room, is there a way to turn on vnc server via ssh?17:59
Strangelvbluefox83: The patent office will let you patent anything these days.  Want to patent math that was solved 150 years ago? go right ahead!18:00
bluefox83u_angel, you mean is there a way to ssh into a machine and turn on the vnc service?18:00
u_angel_yes bluefox, please gimme some good news18:01
bluefox83i don't see why you couldn't...18:01
bluefox83so long as you had the access level required to do it on that machine...18:01
syberpuppywell... thanks guys anyway, i'll try another time18:01
* Strangelv may need to do the same18:02
u_angel_bluefox| awsome, help a noob out. sudo vncturnon does not work18:02
A51HQHi all any one round to help?18:02
erUSULd0dge: why don't you install {k,x, }ubuntu-desktop ??18:02
u_angel_a51hq| state your q first18:02
=== AngryElf_ is now known as AngryElf
StrangelvA51HQ: plenty of people willing to help, it's just that we're here hoping for help ourselves18:02
chaddeCan someone please help me connect to a mysql-server through the terminal?18:02
bluefox83u_angel, lol..i wouldn't think it would... it's likely something closer to sudo /etc/init.d/vnc-server start18:02
TheEaglehow do i change my screen resolution18:02
erUSULd0dge: instead of installing the pieces ono by one18:02
linuxftwdoes anyone know if ubuntu 7.10 package manager comes with libcrypto.so.0.9.7??? pm me pls my comp is going to slow to stay and watch fpor reply's tyvvvvm18:02
erUSUL!fixres | TheEagle18:02
ubotuTheEagle: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto18:02
indioHow do I install JBoss in ubuntu??18:03
bluefox83indio, if it'd in the repos just use synaptic or another file manager18:04
erUSULlinuxftw: libssl0.9.818:04
TheEaglei went to System->Adminstration->Screens and Graphics then changed my resolution and pressed test, everything was fine so i clicked keep configuration and it went back to normal. I pressed OK and it asked me to keep configuration or not again so i kept it and nothing happened?18:04
profanephobiahttp://www.techlicious.tv/2007/10/best-things-to-do-with-your-old.html (funny pics)18:04
bard1988Hey all, i was wonering what is the command for closign down desktop18:04
indiobluefox83: not in synaptic18:04
bruenig!ot | profanephobia18:04
ubotuprofanephobia: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!18:04
StrangelverUSUL: just hope you're not needing to disable 640x480, 800x600, and 1024x768 -- I never was able to get those modes to stop being offered, and on that particular machine they all turned by display to indecipherable mush18:04
bluefox83indio, it's a linux app right?18:04
profanephobiabruenig, shoot im sry i thought i was in offtopic :)18:05
indiobluefox83: yup18:05
_nix_hello everyone.. anyone up for some fun with bittorrent's DHT?18:05
u_angel_bluefox| i get a command not found. is it safe to assume it is not intalled18:05
bruenig!anyone | _nix_18:05
ubotu_nix_: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?18:05
linuxftw libssl0.9.8 <== can i insall thru terminal?18:05
bruenig!find libssl18:05
bluefox83indio, if there's a .deb for it, download it and either let your package manager install it automatically, or do it yourself with dpkg -i <package>18:05
ubotuFound: libssl-ocaml, libssl-ocaml-dev, libssl-dev, libssl0.9.8, libssl0.9.8-dbg18:05
bluefox83indio, otherwise you get to compile18:05
Strangelv_nix_: I wouldn't be able to help -- I switched to transmission-gtk to control memory usage18:06
bruenig!info libssl0.9.818:06
ubotulibssl0.9.8: SSL shared libraries. In component main, is important. Version 0.9.8e-5ubuntu3.1 (gutsy), package size 2759 kB, installed size 6408 kB18:06
indiobluefox83: thanks18:06
bard1988hey, i was wondering how to shut down desktop18:06
erUSULlinuxftw: yes 'sudo apt-get install libssl0.9.8'18:06
linuxftwthanks er18:06
ahecklerhas anyone here added GetDeb to their sources.list before?18:06
u_angelbluefox:  /etc/init.d/vnc-server: command not found18:06
erUSULbard1988: System>Exit18:06
StrangelvAnyone who hasn't heard me ask 5 times already know what can provide dynamic color and gamma adjustment? I'm needing to disable this feature18:07
TheEaglechanging screen resolution with xrandr? help18:07
_nix_Strangelv: oh.. k does it support DHT yet? I've got a test torrent -- a file filled with zeroes.. only to exchange out DHT bases. It's good to have a lot of peers18:07
bluefox83u_angel, i don't actually know the service name, i was just guessing...18:07
kiamocan anyone help me setup my laptop to boot of my ubuntu box via a network cable18:07
Strangelv_nix_: what is DHT?18:07
bard1988i want to run X -configure command18:07
bard1988and it says Fatal server error:18:07
bard1988Server is already active for display 0 If this server is no longer running, remove /tmp/.X0-lock and start again.18:07
kiamoi presume i have to set something up ubuntu side18:07
linuxftwooh, if i downloaded a file that needed  libssl0.9.8 but i didn't have it will it be recognised on it's own after i install it or do i have to re-download the file?18:07
_nix_Strangelv: Disributed Hash Table.. peers of the same torrent are able to exchange state info with each other and thus reduce relience on the tracker18:08
ahecklerlinuxftw: it will be recognized on it's own18:08
bard1988I want to run X - configure command18:08
bard1988and it says18:08
bard1988Fatal server error:18:08
bard1988Server is already active for display 0 If this server is no longer running, remove /tmp/.X0-lock and start again.18:08
Strangelv_nix_: sounds nice.  I've not kept up and can't help18:08
TheEaglehow do i change screen resolution with xrandr?18:08
ahecklerlinuxftw: just install the libssl0.9.8 and then try to install the file you downloaded again18:09
cox377does an ext HDD have to be mounted, it's visable via the gui but not via command line - - I'm assuming its under /media18:09
_nix_Strangelv: oh.. nevermind. :-)18:09
linuxftwty :p18:09
bluefox83u_angel, sudo /etc/init.d/vncserver start18:09
StrangelvTheEagle: xrandr?18:09
ahecklerhas anyone here added GetDeb to their sources.list before?18:09
TheEagleStrangelv: yes18:09
Don64bard1988: try <cnt><alt><backspace>    it restarts x18:09
bard1988iv tries to logout18:10
linuxftwi.e it's liek logoff on windows18:10
bard1988and it didnt help18:10
mzanfardinoI've read man dpkg and man apt-get as well as http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-apt-get.en.html and still cant' seem to find any reference to how one might use apt-get to install a package to a directory that is different than the default for that package.  Anyone else have any ideas?18:10
cox377external hdd anyonbe?18:10
t4m1n0Why I can't load visualizations in amarok ? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46989/18:10
linuxftwoh.. umm what did you do to make it mess up?18:10
=== _nix_ is now known as a_very_long_nick
TheEagleStrangelv: any ideas?18:10
bluefox83aheckler, does getdeb have proper source.list type entry?18:10
=== a_very_long_nick is now known as _nix_
StrangelvTheEagle: I don't know what xrandr is18:10
bard1988help pls :O18:10
=== _nix_ is now known as still_a_longer_n
bard1988how to18:11
bard1988Fatal server error:18:11
bard1988Server is already active for display 0 If this server is no longer running, remove /tmp/.X0-lock and start again.18:11
linuxftwhey ahenock18:11
linuxftw./installer: error while loading shared libraries: libcrypto.so.0.9.7: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory18:11
ahecklerbluefox83: well, i know you can add them to sources.list and then get updates, etc. from there, but i'm wondering if they have authentication, because it appears they dont18:11
=== still_a_longer_n is now known as _nix_
linuxftwsame error after i install lib18:11
TheEagleits something to type into console and change resolution i think18:11
TheEaglebut you have to have a gui and won't work on a tty18:11
linuxftw!find libcrypto.so.0.9.718:11
Strangelvbard1988: your problem is you need X to not be running, right?18:11
ubotuPackage/file libcrypto.so.0.9.7 does not exist in gutsy18:11
ahecklerbluefox83: which isnt really a huge deal, but if they do offer authentication, it'd be nice18:11
bluefox83aheckler, i wouldn't really bother with them anyways, most of the stuff they put on there is either in gutsy, or will likely be in backports at some point18:11
linuxftwD: omg18:11
linuxftwim dead..18:11
bard1988Strangelv: i want to run X - configure command18:12
bard1988Strangelv: but it keeps telling me18:12
Strangelvbard1988: try booting into single user mode -- or is it someone else I need to be telling thisL I can't keep track18:12
ahecklerbluefox83, true but i like to live on the edge :-P18:12
bard1988Strangelv: boot what :P?18:12
TheEaglecan anyone tell me how to use xrandr?18:12
romantiki have a question18:12
Strangelvbard1988: in GRUB on bootup -- get it to list boot options18:12
linuxftw!find libcrypto.18:12
ubotuFound: libcrypto++-dev, libcrypto++-doc, libcrypto++-utils, libcrypto++6, libcryptokit-ocaml (and 1 others)18:12
bard1988Strangelv: how do i do that?18:13
MilitantPotato!backup > militantpotato18:13
TheEagleromantik: just ask your question and someone will try to answer it18:13
bullgard4[Gutsy, Gnome] Panel menu System > Beenden opens a dialog having 8 buttons. Where is the information, what programs are executed if I  press a button of them?18:13
Strangelvbard: GRUB comes up on boot.  In some situations it will present you wvith a menu by default18:13
ahecklerbluefox83: just out of curiousity, how would one reverse those updates from getdeb? just remove their line from sources.list and then apt-get update && apt-get upgrade?18:13
Snowblindhow do i install soemthing from source files i downloaded?18:13
Strangelvbard1988: in others you'll need to hit something to force it to provide a menu18:14
Strangelvbard1988: no, I don't remember what to press18:14
bullgard4Snowblind: You should not. Rather download program packages from Ubuntu only.18:14
bluefox83aheckler, well, that'd clear it out of sources.list, but you'd need to remove each of the items you downloaded from them, yourself...18:14
romantiki have bought a 1 GB memory card for my MP4 player (microSD from SanDisk) and there was also a TransFlash Adapter... i wanna know what is that TransFlash Adapter for? it can't fit anywhere in the MP4 player's slots... is it for digital cameras?18:14
SuvaBleh, fun enough18:14
StrangelvDoes anyone know how to shut down X Server without it starting instantly and without rebooting?18:14
Snowblindthere is none for that specific program i need for my uni course18:14
SuvaUbuntu decided that it will start ignoring my soundcard18:15
* Strangelv has sometimes needed this18:15
SuvaSnowblind: /etc/init.d/gdm stop18:15
linuxftwsuvba disconnect it and reconnecvt18:15
bard1988Strangelv: thx anyway mate :p i go dancing with nmy GF :O lol18:15
Suvalinuxftw: What?18:15
bullgard4Snowblind: What is the function of the specific university course program?18:16
ahecklerbluefox83: hmm, perhaps there should be a way to do that, it seems weird that i'd have to manually reverse that, oh well... I'm happy with the new pidgin and tomboy18:16
linuxftwis it built in soundcard/18:16
Suvalinuxftw: I am not going to dismember my laptop motherboard :P18:16
linuxftwooh ouch.. that blows i have a yamaha legacy soundcard18:16
linuxftwwhen it dosn't work i just unplug-re-plug18:16
Snowblindits a Java editer called Editing Java Easily bullgard4. We have to use that one unfortunatly18:17
=== linuxftw is now known as rockboxftw
Suva$ lspci | grep Audio18:17
Suva00:14.2 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc SB450 HDA Audio (rev 01)18:17
b0llandhi #ubuntu, is there a way that I can do a command like ls, but instead of displaying directory size, it displays maximum directory depth for each directory? or would I have to do that with a script or something?18:17
Suvab0lland: script18:17
bullgard4Snowblind: I do not know much about Java internals. You better get advised by more knowledgeable persons than me.18:18
TheEaglehow to use wireless?18:18
Snowblindokay, thanks alot anyway ;)18:18
TheEaglei can see my network and click on it, but it always says 0%18:19
TheEagleit will connect fine on windows18:19
TheEagleand it is always the same distance away18:19
Cyrus25801can i install ubuntu 7.10 over 7.04 without loosing data on my hard drive. not rally worried about the settings18:19
bullgard4Snowblind: Re-word your question with an emphasis to Java editor and put it here in the channel anew.18:20
SuvaCyrus25801: Upgrade18:20
b0llandSuva ok18:20
erUSUL!upgrade | Cyrus2580118:20
ubotuCyrus25801: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes18:20
Suvab0lland: Keywords are: find, sort, uniq18:20
TheEaglepike_: i can see my network (wireless) and click on it but then it always says 0% and it will connect fine on windows and is the same distance away from the box18:21
Suvab0lland: Oh, and sed :P18:21
SnowblindHey guys, does anyone know how i can install a Java Editor i downloaded?Its the same files as the windows install would have, just a zip. It says the files shjould work on linux anyway18:21
SuvaSnowblind: Eclipse?18:21
Cyrus25801Suva: can i upgrade using the cd that was posted to me18:21
SuvaCyrus25801: I think so18:21
rockboxftw!find games18:21
ubotuFound: kdegames, kdegames-card-data, kdegames-dbg, libkdegames-dev, libkdegames-doc (and 29 others)18:21
kristijan^^kako ste18:21
irfanhello everyone18:22
kristijan^^ima li nekoj18:22
Cyrus25801erUSUL:  can i upgrade using the cd that was posted to me18:22
SnowblindSuva: EJE18:22
kristijan^^ej akko e18:22
bullgard4Cyrus25801: It is always advisable to first backup your data. In most cases an upgrade is harmless to your data but you never know.18:22
sandrot_is there anyway I can run aptitude installl without interactive configuration showing up? I'm trying to install postfix with a script but it stops when aptitude asks for user input18:22
rockboxftwummanyone know any fps games for linux that AREN'T tremulous18:22
romantiki have bought a 1 GB memory card for my MP4 player (microSD from SanDisk) and there was also a TransFlash Adapter alongside with that 1 GB mamory card... i wanna know what is that TransFlash Adapter for? it can't fit anywhere in the MP4 player's slots... is it for a digital camera perhaps or a mobile phone?18:22
irfananybody here knows about X windows display wide screen issue?18:22
rockboxftwit's for your camera's dude18:23
Dr_willisrockboxftw,  world of padman, urbanterror, RTCW:ET18:23
SuvaSnowblind: This one?18:23
rockboxftwand some PC's have those slots18:23
bullgard4Cyrus25801: You can use the Ubuntu CD for upgrading.18:23
bluefox83rockboxftw, widescreen issue?18:23
Suvairfan: What kind of issue?18:23
rockboxftwno my graphics sooo frappy18:23
rockboxftwi dont know why18:23
b0llandsuva: how about keywords find + ruby || python :]18:23
SnowblindSuva: http://www.eje-home.de/ this one18:23
Cyrus25801tanx all18:24
rockboxftwfirst it wouldnt even launch but there someone named pelos' helped me run it then it was liek i can';t even play on it cause it's so damn sloow18:24
bluefox83rockboxftw, have the correct drivers for your video card?18:24
matteoI made a set of scripts to encode audio and video for the PSP, iPod and NOkia phones18:24
SuvaDer deutchen javan editoren :P18:24
matteoI have ubuntu packages, via PPA18:25
Snowblindlol :x18:25
rockboxftwidk lol i don't know if it's my video card18:25
rockboxftwbut i have a reakky ikd oc18:25
irfansuva, I have just boot up Ubuntu 7.10 on dell inspiron 640018:25
irfanHere are the specs:18:25
irfanCore2Duo Processor T5300 (1.73GHz,533MHz)18:25
irfan15.4" UltraSharp Wide Screen WXGA+ (1440x900) TrueLife18:25
irfanMemory Dual-Channel 1024MB (2x512) 533MHz DDR2 SDRAM18:25
irfanHard Drive 120GB Serial ATA (5400 RPM)18:25
irfanDVD+/-RW (Read/Write) 8X Fixed Internal18:25
irfanIntegrated Intel Media Accelerator 95018:25
irfanSoftware Integrated Sound Blaster Audigy Advanced HD18:25
Suvab0lland: Why ruby? Why python?18:25
irfanIntel® Pro Wireless 3945 802.11a/b/g Mini-PCI Card18:25
irfan(for Core 2 Duo Processor)18:25
matteobeta testers are velcome18:25
irfanNow the problem18:25
irfanI am not getting the expected display resolution i.e18:25
irfan15.4" UltraSharp Wide Screen WXGA+ (1440x900) TrueLife18:25
matteodeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/teknoraver/ubuntu gutsy main18:25
matteoapt-get install mp4tools18:26
Suvairfan: Tried system -> admin -> screens and graphics?18:26
rockboxftwSys_Error: GLimp_Init() - could not load OpenGL subsystem18:26
rockboxftw <== trmulousnerror18:26
Thurin1Is it possible to use Gparted on the same disk you are running it from?18:26
b0llandSuva: that's a long discussion, but generally because it's more intuitive than e.g. bash :)18:26
Dr_willisThurin1,  no. Use a gparted live cd - is a better idea18:26
irfanI did that but it shows only 1024 x 78018:26
romantiki have bought a 1 GB memory card for my MP4 player (microSD from SanDisk) and there was also a TransFlash Adapter alongside with that 1 GB memory card... i wanna know what is that TransFlash Adapter for? it can't fit anywhere in the MP4 player's slots... is it for a digital camera perhaps or a mobile phone?18:27
bluefox83irfan, you might want to just configure xorg.conf with yoru desired resolution by hand...18:27
Suvab0lland: That's too short script though :P18:27
rockboxftwwhat's a mesa ??18:27
Thurin1Dr_willis: ;)18:27
Thurin1Dr_willis: Is Gparted 'safe' and by that I mean about as reliable as Partition magic?18:27
rockboxftwblue think you cna help me get tremulous running again.. it gave me  erSys_Error: GLimp_Init() - could not load OpenGL subsystem18:27
Dr_willisThurin1,  given the TOTAL DISASTER that partition magic was for me.. I would say Gparted is very safe18:28
Thurin1I'm on EXT2... so a bad crash heh will not be a good thing :D18:28
irfanhey bro tried but then it starts crashing18:28
Cyrus25801bullgard4: i read the upgrade info on ubuntu website. it says i need to u apply all updates.but they are 350 mb. is there a way to update only essentials.18:28
hitaneHi. I can't get my laptop's wifi card to work correctly18:28
Thurin1Dr_willis: haha - you had bad luck with PM?18:28
irfanis there any driver I need to install for this18:28
Thurin1Worked well for me18:28
bluefox83rockboxftw, what vid card are you using?18:28
rockboxftwuugh idk..18:28
rockboxftwlet me try and check.,..18:28
rstancai have an usb wiki stick, based on zd1211 chipset, I get and error regarding linux/config.h error when I try to build the module with module assistant. anyone know more info on this, I'm running gutsy18:28
Dr_willisThurin1,  besides the company constantly $*&&@&@ me over for more $$ and the software not doing what i wanted.. then  them wanting more #$$ for updates.. yes..18:28
erUSULCyrus25801: you can only upgrade with the alternate cd the livecd can not be used to ugrade a system18:28
rstancawifi that is18:28
Thurin1Cyrus25801: Yes, manual selection in Synaptic.18:28
ZeroMSCan somebody help :( pls I tried to upgrade to Gutsy Gibbon and I get the following error msgs.:18:29
bluefox83rockboxftw, lspci | grep VGA18:29
ZeroMSFailed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/di...6/Packages.bz2 Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2)18:29
Dr_willisFor the $$ ive blown on PM and other windows tools.. I could buy a nice pc. :)18:29
Thurin1Cyrus25801: You don't always have to upgrade by the way.. unless it's critical, affects a program you need, or your a paranoid security nut! :]18:29
bullgard4Cyrus25801: Yes. You can choose by hand what you want to download and what not.18:29
rockboxftwbluefox83:01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Matrox Graphics, Inc. MGA G200 AGP (rev 03)18:29
Thurin1Dr_willis: lol, ok .. I never had problems with it - but then again I still use Windows NT 4 haha18:29
irfanany one know where can I get information regarding this18:29
Dr_willisa matrox card? wow/ :) aint seen one of those in ages...18:29
romantikplease help!18:30
romantiki have bought a 1 GB memory card for my MP4 player (microSD from SanDisk) and there was also a TransFlash Adapter alongside with that 1 GB memory card... i wanna know what is that TransFlash Adapter for? it can't fit anywhere in the MP4 player's slots... is it for a digital camera perhaps or a mobile phone?18:30
rockboxftwdanmot oroman i already answred you!18:30
bluefox83rockboxftw, you'll need to google for installing matrox video drivers in ubuntu..only cards i am familiar with are nvidia18:30
Dr_willisromantik,  why is this question so crtical? its an adaptor for some types of camera/pc/gizmos would be my guyess.18:30
Thurin1romantik: Sort of way off topic don't you think?18:30
Cyrus25801erUSUL: is the cd that was posted to me the live cd??18:30
Thurin1romantik: - ubuntu-offtopic18:30
rockboxftwROMAN that extra slot is for expansiopn some pc's have slots18:30
rockboxftwotherowrds tit's an apdapter..18:30
* Dr_willis has a whole box of differnt card/adaptors/thangs18:31
T1m0thyI have Adobe Flash Player installed and things such as YouTube won't load. Is there a known fix for this oris it a known bug?18:31
rockboxftwi do sadley..18:31
erUSULCyrus25801: if it boots into an usable desktop yes18:31
T1m0thyI reinstalled Gutsy, and it won't work now.18:31
rockboxftwumm did you do sloppy install?18:31
ZeroMShelp me pls :(18:31
rockboxftwor clean18:32
Cyrus25801thanx again everyone18:32
rockboxftwhmmp ... cd scratched?18:32
rockboxftwwhat part isn;t working?18:32
netdefilerI've been having problems with getting a script to run every minute. It's setup as * * * * * root /etc/scripts/screenit.sh using crontab -e, and by editting /etc/crontab but it never seems to run the script. Any ideas?18:32
erUSULCyrus25801: if you requested it in shipit.ubuntu.com then *it* *is* the livecd18:32
Thurin1T1m0thy: Should work - but with Ubuntu from what I can remember at times you need to manually place the flash plugin in /lib/mozilla or something.18:32
rambo3netdefiler, chmod +x ?18:32
Thurin1*sometimes* it usually works right from install :|18:33
T1m0thyrockboxftw: I loaded YouTube, went through the wizard, installed Adobe Flash. Restarted Firefox, wouldn't load. Then tried with Synaptic, etc.18:33
Thurin1T1m0thy: No no..18:33
rockboxftwumm did you install the "non-free" verison?18:33
netdefilerrambo3: it's 777'd18:33
elvelindhi. I'm having some troubles with installing mysql. after install I can't connect to it. normally there is a root user with no password.18:33
netdefilerbut not +x18:33
T1m0thyrockboxftw: Yes.18:33
Thurin1T1m0thy: You must install it manually or from Synaptic the 'firefox' install is not good in Ubuntu i've found18:33
rockboxftwdid you try da other one?18:33
T1m0thyWhich? Gnash?18:34
Thurin1Because usually your running X as a user and the install ... is better done as sudo/root18:34
Suvab0lland: ind /lib | sed 's:.*/\([^/]*\)/.*:\1:' | sort | uniq -c18:34
Suvab0lland: find /lib | sed 's:.*/\([^/]*\)/.*:\1:' | sort | uniq -c18:34
Suvab0lland: Ain't that simple and intuitive :P18:34
b0llandsuva haha18:34
b0llandSuva thanks a lot18:34
dlocausdoes anyone know how to recover a file from a harddrive that isn't mountable? (the start of the harddrive is fubar)?18:34
hitanehttp://i8.tinypic.com/6ljyv49.png <-- All I get when I click on the button. There are many wireless networks here18:34
SirisianAnyone ever set up pykota? I guess you can't use the SVN version right? When I run the setup script it says it's broken18:34
rockboxftwdlocaus u can't:p18:34
Thurin1T1m0thy: google.com --- install flash player, download the linux version (the page should automatically link you to it) follow adobe's instructions - should work like a charm after 'ldconfig' as root.18:34
rockboxftwtry slaving it18:34
dlocausrockboxftw: slaving it?18:35
irfanI am still waiting some reply or issue18:35
T1m0thyThurin1: Thanks.18:35
rockboxftwuugh umm  you have to add it to you hdd cables18:35
Goosemooseanyone used a network install and a preseed file with apt-cacher?18:35
rockboxftwand set jumpers to slave18:35
Goosemoosei keep getting told the specified mirror is not available or does not have a valid release file on it18:35
fox88can someone help me with opengl18:35
dlocausrockboxftw: that is already been done.18:35
Thurin1T1m0thy: Yup, and don't forget to 'sudo ldconfig' whne you are done installing it as adobe instructs.18:35
rockboxftwhmmp is it being read?18:35
dlocausrockboxftw: the problem is that the "other" linux system refuses to mount it.18:35
Thurin1or else your libraries may not get updated and flash... sometimes will stay inactive ;)18:36
rockboxftwis the harddrive from a difrent pc?18:36
dlocausrockboxftw: sometimes the bios recongizes the harddisk as actually existing, but other times, it won't see it.18:36
dlocausrockboxftw: the HD is in a different PC now.18:36
rockboxftwbecauseall operating system other then dos, 95,98 are non trasnferable thru boxes18:36
netdefilerrambo3: chmod +x didnt work18:36
Thurin1dlocaus: Your bios refuses to see the disk sometimes?18:36
dlocausThurin1: yes.18:36
Thurin1dlocaus: I'd start backing up - sounds to me like a drive on the way out.18:36
Ryan_was_hereAnyone have the problem of Google earth hangning at the splash screen?18:36
fox88can someone help me set up opengl on LTS18:36
=== ogra1 is now known as ogra
SirisianT1m0thy, http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash that's the version you need by the way18:37
dlocausThurin1: a bit passed that point... :), I can't even boot or mount it.18:37
rockboxftwis it the game error when u launch it?18:37
Thurin1fox88: You want mesa yeah18:37
robephis there a util that does about the same as ls /etc/rcX.d?18:37
rockboxftwopen in terminal18:37
fox88I CANT GET IT AT ALL18:37
Thurin1dlocaus: :| Oh noes! :|18:37
fox88no caps18:37
justine_I'd like to recursively scan a directory and print out all the files that have a specific character like é è and so on...18:37
fox88glxgears gives this18:37
rockboxftw +set r_allowSoftwareGL 118:37
robephsimilar to gentoos rc-config show18:37
JimmeyI have put a bin file in /opt and put a link to it in /usr/local/bin - I thought that's all I needed to do to make it run from the command line - What else should I do?18:37
fox88Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".18:37
fox88Error: couldn't get an RGB, Double-buffered visual18:37
justine_in my loop echo $i | grep é doesn't work18:37
netdefilerwhere does the cron log file live?18:37
bluefox83wow it's weird seeing another fox from the 80's :P18:37
robephjustine_: ls -R <x> | grep ???18:37
Thurin1dlocaus: Hrmm, you know what you should do? last ditch effort? - try to 'mount' it .. in Windows with the EXT3 driver... you might be able to save .. some data maybe18:38
dlocausThurin1: Is there some program that will read the harddisk in block mode and try and figure ou the OS from there?18:38
dlocausThurin1: sorry, figure out the files from there?18:38
Thurin1dlocaus: Yes and no.. there is yes, but they are highly experimental and .. could damage whatever data you have on the disk18:38
justine_robeph, i am doing for i in $( ls -R ); do echo $i | grep é done and it doesn't work18:38
dlocausThurin1: I hadn't thought of that, I'll check around for windows EXT3 driver18:38
b0llandsuva: thanks for the effort but it doesn't seem to get the count right for some reason18:39
rambo3netdefiler, ok you should ask again, maby somone else  knows18:39
Thurin1dlocaus: Well there is a drive for windows which allows the mounting of EXT3 disks - since windows has so much less 'requirements' for a 'good' disk - you may be able to see inside it and save what you need from it.18:39
robephjustine_: why all that?18:39
hussplease help me how to restore my ubuntu?18:39
robephdoesn't just ls -R | grep X work?18:39
goodhabitHello. When I was installing ubuntu gutsy, I choosed option to do not install GRUB. How I can install it now with ubuntu-auto configuration it?18:39
justine_i'll try robeph18:39
Suvab0lland: Haha, okay, let me check18:39
dlocausThurin1: do you know of any programs that will look at a harddisk as a device to read, instead of a storage mechanisem to mount?18:40
Thurin1dlocaus: ;) yeah give it a shot.. windows like I said is not as strict as what is a 'good' or 'bad' disk - but if EXT3 driver and windows can't do it .. i'm afraid your disk is beyond hope.. unless you go to a real pro at data recovery I guess18:40
robephdlocaus: you trying to just read the contents?18:40
Thurin1dlocaus: Heh.. windows18:40
dlocausrobeph: I just need 1 file from that harddisk...18:40
justine_yes it works robeph, thanks. Any way to have the absolute pathway printed out instaed of just the filename?18:40
dlocausrobeph: I was smart enough to back it up, just not to a different system.18:40
robephdlocaus: eh,  well see,  you're misisng what mounting does18:40
robephit doesn't just "mount the disk"18:40
gaoyangis any body here?18:41
robephit mounts the disk and supplies the correct method for access that block devices specific filesystem18:41
robephie ext2 / 3  reiser ntfs etc18:41
Thurin1In windows I used the EXT3 driver to salvage data from an old IBM 175MB disk which Linux would not mount with kernel panics and god knows what else.18:41
Dr_willisgaoyang,  Just us Linux Nerds :)18:41
netdefilerI've been having problems with getting a script to run every minute. It's setup as * * * * * root /etc/scripts/screenit.sh using crontab -e, and by editting /etc/crontab but it never seems to run the script. Any ideas?18:41
robephif you just read it right out,  you're gonna get a mess18:41
robephyou really cannot get any simpler than just mounting it,18:41
JimmeyWhat do I have to do to make a binary run from the command line by just typing it's name?18:42
Thurin1Back ups are always best on removable media dlocaus ;) keep that in mind.. get some CD-RWS and get used to it haha18:42
dlocausrobeph: humm, I was hoping that a recovery program would be able to find information on the device.. since linux is self-defragmenting, it could do it w/o the superblock.18:42
robephJimmey: put it in your path18:42
Dr_willisJimmey,  ./whateverthethingis18:42
samgranieriwhat's the best way to turn an ubuntu desktop with gnome installed into a headless server?18:42
robephdlocaus:  is the fs busted?18:42
Dr_willisJimmey,  assuming its excecutable.18:42
Thurin1dlocaus: Linux is picky you see18:42
Suvab0lland: Sure, i was stupid :P18:42
dlocausrobeph: I believe so.18:42
robephdlocaus: it's a screwed up file system on there?18:42
dlocausrobeph: it is a bit hard to find out.18:42
AngryElfI'm looking to get a new laptop, and I want the wireless and video to work amazingly well out of the box w/ Ubuntu Gutsy -- any recommendations?18:42
Jimmeyrobeph, Dr_willis, it's in /opt/ with a link to it in /usr/local/bin/18:42
Dr_willissamgranieri,  install the services.. remove the monitor. :)18:42
b0llandsuva: oh yeah?18:42
dlocausrobeph: I can't find out.  I can't mount it.18:42
robephJimmey: is it set as executable18:43
Suvab0lland: Actually it's even simpler :P18:43
Thurin1Windows is not picky.. you can have bad errors and totally skip disk checks :) not so in Linux for the most part18:43
robephdlocaus: why not?18:43
JimmeyAngryElf, you can buy a computer with Ubuntu on it from Dell18:43
b0llandsuva you're such a tease18:43
robephdlocaus:  I mean there's a ton of reasons you couldn't mount tihngs18:43
Dr_willisJimmey,  try giving the full path to the binary18:43
dlocausrobeph: when I try and boot from it, logical sectors 0-7 are bad, and then nothing happens.18:43
Suvab0lland: It's simplest in ruby though ;D18:43
Jimmeyrobeph, I've chmod + x it18:43
robephdlocaus: boot from livecd and try mounting it?18:43
JimmeyDr_willis, what do you mean?18:43
Thurin1AngryElf: Yeah, go search the net for Laptops which are known to work well with Ubuntu ;D18:43
samgranieriDr_willis:  i'm trying to remove X and everything that depends on it, so that I can just ssh into the box18:43
Dr_willisJimmey,  /whatever/the/path/to/the/darn/thing/command18:43
robephJimmey: /usr/local/bin/<filename>18:43
Thurin1AngryElf: I'd stay away from the Sony's though...18:43
gaoyangthere are so many guys18:43
linduxedmy kopete icon doesnt go to the tray anymore..just a miniwindow instead18:43
b0llandSuva: pretty please with sugar on top?18:43
robephmake sure that your path route is actually pointing to the correct bin18:44
dlocausI've tried mounting it a "recovery" concel that came w/ 7.1018:44
dlocausbut it just gave me invalid argument.18:44
bullgard4[Gutsy, Gnome] Panel menu System > Beenden opens a dialog having 8 buttons. Where is the information, what programs are executed if I  press a button of them?18:44
Thurin1linduxed: Have you checked your options in Kopete?18:44
robephdlocaus: hrm,  i dunno really tbh =(18:44
JimmeyDr_willis, robeph, right, but it would be nice if I could just type the name of the binary into the terminal, in this case mobmc, and have it run - How can I do that?18:44
Dr_willissamgranieri,  an ISSUE can be if the hd has an probllem. the boot up messages will mention the disk scanning, and request input.   You may want to keep a cheap/small monitor on it. or handy.18:44
Sergohello, i have an problem..18:44
dlocausrobeph: ok, well thank you!18:44
linduxedThurin1: well everything was right before reboot18:44
Dr_willisJimmey,  check your PATH $PATH, it may be your pathis just messed up18:44
samgranierithe HD is fine18:44
ItchyHoboJimmey, make an alias 4 it in bash.rc18:45
dlocausThurin1: thank you too, but I've gone to USB thumb drives, those 1G SD cards are really cheap now... :)18:45
Sergothe flashplugin-nonfree cannot be installed18:45
Thurin1linduxed: You should still check your options, if that is not the problem.. easiest - synaptic, remove - re-install and see what happens.18:45
linduxedThurin1: oh and i get a "cannot talk to klauncher message"18:45
Sergoi get The Flash plugin is NOT installed18:45
Dr_willissamgranieri,  it is RIGHT NOW.. but what about next week.. when you are somewhere else and cant ssh in.  because it rebooted and is waiting for you to hit ctrl-d to continue..18:45
Thurin1dlocaus: This is true this is true - but I still dont trust them lol haha. -- Personal taste :P18:45
JimmeyDr_willis, robeph, thanks18:45
samgranierionly I ssh into the box for now18:45
robephis there an ubuntu utility that works similar to the gentoo: rc-config show18:45
robeph(shows the runlevel / init script states etc)18:46
Thurin1linduxed: Ahh... well just 'run' - klauncher18:46
samgranieriDr_willis: and someone else has acess to the box, and knows how to use ssh18:46
dlocausThurin1: I don't trust them either, I've heard of lots of failures.  However, I doubt they will both fail at the same time.18:46
Dr_willissamgranieri,  Ive seen it happen to others in here.   They got stuck couldent ssh in.18:46
Thurin1dlocaus: I sure hope not... :|18:46
mikebeechamHi guys...I could do with some help...I've just rebooted my machine to discover that all my shared folders have disappeared....there is no indication of them in 'places' etc....but I dont know what caused this?18:46
RoBz18Installing ubuntu to a USB stick, I use this command: cp -rf casper disctree dists install pics pool preseed .disk isolinux/* md5sum.txt README.diskdefines ubuntu.ico casper/vmlinuz casper/initrd.gz /media/ubuntu710/18:46
RoBz18But I just get that there is no such file or directory18:46
RoBz18Any ideas what the problem could be?18:46
samgranieriDr_willis:  i have console access. this is in my office18:46
Dr_willissamgranieri,  so do whatever you want. I advice keepiong a spare monitor handy just in case.18:46
anton__hi i am using xubuntu and my mesa/opengl isnt working18:46
samgranieriDr_willis: there's a monitor connected to the server anyway. i'm fine18:46
* Dr_willis frogot the original question. :)18:46
sharperguywhat is proc?18:47
cox377my external HD is /media/extHD/ is that classified as being mounted?18:47
samgranieriDr_willis: i'm taking a linux desktop with gnome and x installed down to a headless server18:47
anton__but i dont know what todo, my graphiccard is intel gma95018:47
Dr_willissamgranieri,  'headless' = no monitor.  so you just sort of contridicted yourself.18:47
hussplease any private help to restore my defected ubuntu18:47
Dr_willisremove X if youy want. or just dont start the gdm/kdm service.18:47
Ereal1hello eveyone18:48
samgranieriah... i thought headless meant no-x18:48
Ereal1umm question18:48
Dr_willissamgranieri,   :)18:48
mikebeechamHi guys...I could do with some help...I've just rebooted my machine to discover that all my shared folders have disappeared....there is no indication of them in 'places' etc....but I dont know what caused this?18:48
mikebeechamcan anyone help?18:48
Dr_williswhy even bother removing X.18:48
Dr_willisits not taking up that much space. and ya could alweays set up xdmcp on the thing later if needed.18:48
ashkoreIs it useful being able to program in c or c++ in linux?18:48
Thurin1Dr_willis: I have no X..18:49
Thurin1X annoys me...18:49
ItchyHobomikebeecham, were u using windows?18:49
Dr_willisThurin1,  I got Enough X for 3 of us. :) XxX.18:49
Thurin1Dr_willis: haha18:49
Ereal1python more so in ubuntu18:49
samgranieriashkore:  yes, it is18:49
* Dr_willis installs W on Thurin1 's box.18:49
Dr_willisor was it called Y.18:49
bluefox83mikebeecham, are the directories still there physically? just cus they are gone from places doesn't mean they are necassarily gone18:49
Thurin1Much better ;D18:49
Thurin1Presidential edition18:49
ashkoresamgranieri: ok thanks, how do you recomend i do this?18:49
Ereal1C and c++ as I know it are the most widely use programs18:49
mikebeechamItchyHobo: no...I've been on Linux for about a week or so...everything was fine this morning...all my shares were there.  I come home, add some lines to my menu.lst...reboot, and now they are not there18:50
samgranieriashkore: i'd use gcc18:50
Dr_willisI recall some guy making a alterantive to X,  but that was years ago.18:50
ashkoresamgranieri: i mean, which tutorial would you recommend?18:50
samgranieriashkore: google around for an introductory class or webpage for how to use gcc for c18:50
mikebeechambluefox83: all references to the shared folders are gone, with the exception of 'shared folders'.  The path is still there, but tells me it is inaccessible18:50
bluefox83mikebeecham, try sudo mount -a18:50
samgranieriashkore: i dont know18:50
Thurin1Dr_willis: I've heard of people making alternatives to flash as well which I really hope happens.18:50
Ereal1anyone know why ubuntu 7.10 no longer has a splash at bootup and why it take longer to load all I get is a bage screen ?.....18:51
bluefox83mikebeecham, samba shared or nfs?18:51
ashkoresamgraneri: are there any tutorials about learning linux?18:51
cox377hello all, is /media/extHD a mount point?18:51
* Ereal1 is this just me?!18:51
mikebeechamthats a good point bluefox83 my mounted drives are not visible on my desktop18:51
mikebeechambluefox83: samba18:51
Thurin1Dr_willis: Well there is one alternative to X that actually works.. but it's not the best ever since compatibility is quite low.. for anything besides the included apps - I forget the name but its on the xwinman or.. winman site18:51
ashkorebecause i am only 15 and have only just started using it after 10 years of windows18:51
NirevusI'm currently trying to install a driver through NDISWrapper; the installation guide tells me to run "depmod -a" and make sure it doesn't error. However it gives me a FATAL error, but the documentation doesn't tell me what to do. Any help?18:51
Ereal1ashkore dl books or just his the forums18:51
bluefox83mikebeecham, you might want to check your samba config file and make sure it didn't somehow get erased...18:51
Ereal1or just hang around and lern18:51
Ereal1etherway if your new18:52
david__wireless works18:52
mikebeechambluefox83: neither of my mounted drives are visible..18:52
Ereal1it just a matter of playing around with it and time...18:52
samgranieriashkore: welcome to the wonderful world of opensource18:52
david__I got the answer from a fedora forum...18:52
samgranieriashkore: you could use a program like kdevelop or anjuta if you like the gui18:52
ashkorelol - what does that exactly mean?18:52
* david__ don't you feel bad...18:52
mikebeechambluefox83: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46992/18:52
bluefox83mikebeecham, is it at all possible that you had a second partition with ubuntu installed on it?18:53
* Ereal1 who here has amd64bit box?18:53
ItchyHoboashkore, means welcome to the real world of computing18:53
robephis there an ubuntu utility that works similar to the gentoo: rc-config show18:53
robeph(shows the runlevel / init script states etc)18:53
* linduxed has one18:53
danbhfiveNirevus: what does depmod -a do?  also, I can give you a different guide...18:53
david__AR5006EG  if you have that wireless card, I can tell you how to use it with madwifi18:53
mikebeechambluefox83: ..setup as follows: primary HDD =- two partitions - windows and linux 7.1018:53
* samgranieri agrees with ItchyHobo 18:53
Ereal1has anyone had the problem of flash not having sound and if so, have you8 found a fix18:53
david__not ndiswrapper18:53
mikebeechambluefox83: secondary HDD called 'media' with all my shares18:53
MurielGodoiHi, can I just delete the files under /var/cache/apt to save disk space, or there is a right way to do that?18:54
Nirevusdanbhfive: it doesn't say, it simply tells you to run it and make sure it doesn't error. Any other help would be appreciated.18:54
ItchyHoboashkore, if you are using ubuntu the built in help is a pretty good place to start18:54
mikebeechambluefox83: samba.conf is still there18:54
ashkoreok cheers (y)18:54
ashkore* sorry, used to msn emoticons18:54
bluefox83mikebeecham, ok, well it sounded like you discovered a second ubuntu partition or something...cus samba and fstab don't just suddenly lose their config files...18:54
mikebeechamI think it is down to my drives not being mounted18:54
bluefox83mikebeecham, check /etc/fstab18:55
samgranieridoes anyone know how to take an ubuntu install from base server (no x, no gnome) to a fully functioning linux desktop? i tried doing this earlier and I couldnt get hte mouse driver to work at all18:55
bluefox83mikebeecham, once you make sure it's all sorted, just sudo mount -a and then i think just restart samba...18:55
mikebeechambluefox83: there is no /fstab18:55
robephsamgranieri: whatcha mean mouse driver?18:56
mikebeechamsdorry I found it18:56
robephfor X?18:56
Nirevusdanbhfive: Fixed my own problem.18:56
cox377basically, i've got app that is looking for an external HDD, is /media/FREECOM HDD/Downloads/ counted as a mounted point?18:56
ashkorei used the Screens and Graphics Manager to change my resolution choices so i could select 1280x1024. i then used xrandr -s 0/1280x1024 and my resolution was successfully changed. I restarted my computer and the login screen appeared at the correct resolution then when i logged in it just changed. how can i get it to stay at 1280x1024 when i login18:56
samgranierirobeph: yeah, for X.18:56
robephwhen you say can't get it working18:56
danbhfivenirevus, good18:56
bluefox83mikebeecham, you have no idea how bad it woulda been to nto have an /etc/fstab :X18:56
ashkoreand what does 'X' mean, everybody seems to be using it18:56
robephdo you mean you dunno what to tell it the mouse device is?  ie /dev/psaux /dev/mouse or /dev/mice etc?18:56
mikebeechambluefox83: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/4699318:56
robephashkore: its what happens when you break up with your girlfriend18:57
samgranierirobeph: im not sure. i just ripped all the x and gnome stuff out of my system and reverted it to just a server18:57
robephX = X11,   xorg18:57
husswould any body on the private help me and it will be about that"I was uninstalling xfce-desktop And I marked many things to uninstall then synaptic stoped and ubuntu loged out then it didn't come back "plz if answer will be here write xfce at first18:57
ubotuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto18:57
ashkorewhats is X11?18:57
ashkoreand xorg18:57
robephxorg/x11 is the thing that makes linux pretty18:57
ashkorethe gui?18:58
ItchyHoboashkore, the purty grphixx18:58
robephwell actually that's compiz/beryl18:58
ashkoreso x = gui18:58
hussshould i reinstall ununtu18:58
samgranieriashkore: , yes the gui18:58
ItchyHoboashkore, yep gooey18:58
robephX is not a gui18:58
robephthats the funny thing18:58
robephx is a server18:58
robephit's confusions18:58
robephbut yeh,  it'll suffice to assume it's a gui18:58
bluefox83mikebeecham, i forget how samba handles shares...i don't remember you mount them, or you just restart the samba client...18:58
robephbut technically...sorta no18:58
Dr_willisrobeph,  as purty as a 100lb hooker with 100lb of makeup. :)18:58
ItchyHobodon't scare em ;)18:58
samgranieriashkore: robeph is right. X is actually the windowing server. the gui is something like gnome18:58
goodhabitHello. When I was installing ubuntu gutsy, I choosed option to do not install GRUB. How I can install it now with ubuntu-auto configuration it?18:58
robephDr_willis: compiz is pretty :(18:58
bullgard4[Gutsy, Gnome] Panel menu System > Quit opens a dialog having 8 buttons. Where is the information, what programs are executed if I press a button of them?18:58
samgranieriItchyHobo: if i wanted to scare him i'd have him install freebsd or gentoo18:58
mikebeechamI might try restarting sambas18:59
Dr_willisX is the foundation  that the Other X apps use to build their guis on. :)18:59
robephsamgranieri: I'm using gentoo right now ... *hides*18:59
ashkoreis the windowing server the thing tht renders the gui?18:59
samgranieriItchyHobo: or better yet, openbsd!18:59
robephsadly I'm here asking if somoene knows of something in ubuntu that I havce in gentoo18:59
ashkoreso x = gui renderer18:59
robephbut cannot find :(18:59
* ItchyHobo shudders18:59
robephashkore: yeh sorta18:59
samgranierirobeph: i'm on a mac sshing into an ubuntu box18:59
sharperguywhat config file do i need to set the PATH variable and whatever variable that says where shared libraries are?18:59
hussI think I lost my gnome-desktop what should I do ?18:59
mikebeechambluefox83: brb18:59
robephashkore: also,  gnome,  is a DE ,  desktop environment FOR X.... not a gui itself19:00
sharperguyhuss, sudo apt-get install gnome-desktop"19:00
ashkorehuss: go to terminal and type, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop19:00
* Dr_willis installs jwm - that will show ya!19:00
robephsamgranieri: I just wanna know if there is something akin to gentoo: rc-config show  in ubuntu19:00
Dr_willishuss,  clarify what you mean by 'lost'19:00
robephDr_willis: last night,  in a drunken mess,  he misplaced it19:00
samgranierirobeph: i'm not sure19:00
* Dr_willis looks under the couch.19:00
dis4everhow to use xchat for msn please19:00
robephit's underneath your openoffice icon19:00
robephdis4ever: use pidgin19:00
ashkorerobeph: so x controls the de?19:01
dis4everi use kubuntu19:01
robephwell no the DE functions within the x server environment19:01
samgranieriashkore: there's a config file that runs at startup that runs a specific environment, like gnome, enlightenment, or kde19:01
hussI was trying to remove xfce so i marked many things on synaptic then i lost it i cant log to desktop19:01
ashkoreyes, xorg.conf19:01
robephsee the cool thing bout X,   is if you run an x server on your machine,  you can run X apps (firefox)_  on a remote system and have it run on your desktop19:01
robephthe reason X is NTO a gui for example,   is that I can run X server in windows19:01
robephif I so felt the urge (xming) etc19:02
Seivan|Could someone please help me with VNC19:02
Seivan|I'm trying to set up a VNC on my server so I can see what I am doing instead of just SSH19:02
* samgranieri has to setup x11 forwarding for my system19:02
hawodiHello all19:02
ashkoreSeivan - whats a VNC?19:02
robephyeh,  samgranieri I was just explaining some nuance differences between a gui,   windows XP,   and X11 and it's server client foobar.19:02
xzasedVirtual Network Connection19:02
ubotuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX19:03
robephtightvnc = prolly simplest19:03
hawodiMy having problem sending mail with mail() function in php19:03
dis4everwhere can i find a kde mail client in kubuntu please19:03
Seivan|ashkore: vncserver19:03
danbhfiveashkore you can ask ubotu too, with the command /msg ubotu !vnc19:03
hussashkore, sharperguy, i already did but how to log in again19:03
hawodican anybody help pls19:03
samgranierirobeph: cool19:03
ashkoreuboti !vnc19:03
ashkoreubotu !vnc19:03
ubotuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX19:03
hawodiam running desknow as my mail server19:03
dis4everwhere can i find kmail or another client in my installation please19:03
wols_Seivan|: what ubuntu version?19:04
dis4everit should be instatlled19:04
dis4everkubuntu 7.1019:04
b0llandsuva :]19:04
SuvaUbuntu changed my soundcard to "PC speaker"19:04
sharperguyhuss, "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start"?19:04
SuvaNow it can do "BEEP" and that's it19:04
ashkoreso, remote desktop, is that when you can see someone elses desktop from another pc?19:04
robephSuva: great for house music19:04
robephashkore: yeh sorta19:04
robephashkore: vnc does that19:04
Sergothe flashplugin-nonfree can't be installed, what's wrong?19:04
robephits like windows rdp19:04
ashkoredo the pcs have to be on the same network?19:05
samgranieriashkore: it helps19:05
robephashkore: if you want it to work well19:05
dis4everwhat is the best email client please for kde19:05
b0llandsuva, been playing around with sed during your absence and my neighbours haven't heard a whole lot of cheers19:05
ubotuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose among a number of different applications, depending on your preferences, the features you require, and other factors.19:05
robephotherwise yo ugotta nuke the color depth and pretties19:05
ashkorecan it be done on different networks19:05
dis4everand where to find it in my installation19:05
wols_ashkore: yes19:05
ubotuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - Flash 9 is now available in dapper-backports and edgy-backports - See also !Restricted and !Gnash19:05
tek-opshey all19:05
robephdis4ever: wtf do you mean?19:05
wols_dis4ever: learn about synaptics19:05
wols_dis4ever: or adept19:05
robephor slocate19:05
Sergofucked up flashing..19:05
dis4everi want to get my mail19:05
tek-opsI'm trying to patch a kernel module in the default dapper LTS kernel19:05
wols_!language | Sergo19:05
ashkorecan i use vnc on ubuntu to see a windows desktop?19:06
robephashkore: yessir19:06
Suvab0lland: It's easyer to script in python, or php19:06
ubotuSergo: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:06
ashkoreon my own network?19:06
wols_ashkore: yes, or you can use rdesktop19:06
tek-opsI got the packages, but can't find the .config for the kernel19:06
robephuse realvnc on the windows machine19:06
dis4everjust wanna know in what directory i can find a mail client please19:06
wols_ashkore: yes19:06
Seivan|How do I get into my tightvncserver from windows, it doesnt wor19:06
wols_dis4ever: mail. /usr/bin19:06
ashkorehow can i do this?19:06
robephSeivan|: realvnc?19:06
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)19:06
robephdiff vncs prolly don't really differ so much in protocol19:06
wols_Seivan|: what ubuntu version?19:06
unopdis4ever, type this command - which sendmail19:07
wols_unop: that's no mailclient19:07
Voker57i have made my custom ubuntu livecd, but forgot about rehashing. So i'm getting a problem like this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=221933 Can i wrok around this?19:07
b0llandsuva: I'm thinking it shouldn't be so hard if I just knew sed. use sed to substitute each / followed by text with x and then just wc or something on the result19:07
unopwols_ really .. what is it then? :)19:07
Sergothis linux is a time wasting19:08
CroXHow can I shut Compiz down? It was apparently activated when I enabled restrictive drivers for my gfx card. And I'm getting fed up with Compiz already.19:08
wols_unop: an MTA19:08
Seivan|What command should I use to install xfce +019:08
Sergowho can help me , can't install an plugin - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/46996/19:08
robephIs there a utility in ubuntu that functions similar to gentoo -> "rc-config show"  or gentoo -> "rc-status"  or redhat's checkconfig?19:08
tek-opscrox, if all else fails try ctrl-alt-backspace19:08
Seivan|sudo apt-get install xfce ?19:08
bobbob1016Can someone tell me how I can manually purge compiz, to reinstall it?  I think I'm getting mixed versions, and I've tried a few scripts to purge it, but I keep getting errors.  I've tried rm -R compiz* as well, but no luck.  Any ideas?  I asked in the compiz fusion channel, but no response yet.19:08
ashkorefrom ubuntu19:08
ashkorehow can i view the desktop of a windows vista machine on my network by using ubuntu19:08
tek-opswhere are the ubuntu kernel .config's held?19:08
b0llandsuva but perhaps I should get down to ruby/python instead as you say19:08
robephashkore: install realVNC on the windows box19:09
robephset it up19:09
Voker57ashkore: tightvnc19:09
tek-opsi need the default .config19:09
wols_ashkore: rdesktop or vncviewer (if your windosw has a vnc server installed)19:09
robephgive it a password etc19:09
CroXtek-ops: I want to disable it and then remove it, not just kill it for now.19:09
robephuse tightvnc or whatever on yer nix box19:09
unopashkore, configure remote desktop on windows -- and use grdesktop19:09
bobbob1016CroX: System -> Preferences -> Appearance19:09
wols_Seivan|: check launchpad. known problem19:09
ashkoreoh, so i have to install something on the vista machine19:09
ashkorei cant just do it from ubuntu19:09
cohetihello all, for some reason i can't get internet  to work.,. i changed the network adapter 2 times, maybe something has misconfigured?19:10
unopashkore, not really -- you just enable the terminal service19:10
CroXbobbob1016: Ahh, Visual effects. Thanks.19:10
robephit's a server19:10
Seivan|wols_: there isnt a problem19:10
robephthat basically does a couple things19:10
bobbob1016ashkore: You can use RDP, to the best of my knowledge, but you have to enable it on Vista19:10
coheticould someone help me please!19:10
dis4evercan i find most thing in usr/bin19:10
robephA) it transmits the visual element (screenshot frames basically)19:10
wols_Sergo: check launchpad. known problem19:10
mazatapecI disabled administrator privileges for my only user account, could someone please tell me how to manually change the settings to enable the administrator privileges?19:10
juano__coheti: wired or wireless ?19:10
robephand b) it transmits your moust / kboard / clicks etc19:10
cox377does anyone know how to rename the name of an external Hdd?19:10
bobbob1016ashkore: it will sign the person off on the Vista machine though19:10
cohetijuano__: wired19:10
ashkorehow do i use rdp19:10
juano__coheti: pc direct to router or direct to ISP ?19:10
unopcox377, you mean the "label" of a HDD?19:10
dis4everwhat is the best anti-virus and internet security for kubuntu19:11
robephashkore: rdesktop ?19:11
robephvnc signs people outta vista?19:11
ashkoresorry, im new to ubuntu19:11
ashkoreand linuz19:11
bobbob1016ashkore: That is something to look into, I can't help there.19:11
cohetijuano__: it does not work in either case19:11
cox377unop: i rekon so, currently set as FREECOME HDD19:11
robephI've no clue with rdp19:11
bobbob1016robeph: No, RDP does19:11
robephneever used iot ;)19:11
robephjust vnx19:11
CroXUbuntu wont let me change screen resolution. It's at 1600*1200 but every time I change that and hit apply, I get a dialog asking me if I want to keep this new resolution, but there haven't even been a change!19:11
juano__coheti: are you connected now to a router or are you directly connected to the ISP's modem or cable ?19:11
unopcox377, check this forum out - 5 or 6th comment - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=32297319:12
cohetijuano__: now i'm on another pc, next to the one internet is not working using the same router/isp19:12
CroXashkore: Yes?19:12
cohetijuano__: even same cable19:12
cox377unop: nice one19:13
juano__coheti: i need to know if your pc is behind a router19:13
mazatapecPardon, could anyone help with a user accounts problem?19:13
juano__coheti: i.e. pc ------> router -----> ISP19:13
* genii sips a coffee19:13
cohetijuano__: yes19:13
juano__coheti: ahh ok19:13
juano__coheti: can you ping your router ?19:13
cohetijuano__: using ditrect connection does not work either19:13
CroXashkore: You had a solution for me?19:14
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unopmazatapec, whats the problem?19:14
mazatapecI disabled administrator privileges for my only user account, could someone please tell me how to manually change the settings to enable the administrator privileges?19:14
cohetijuano__: the pc does not have an IP19:14
mazatapecSorry that was copy pasted from earlier :X19:14
CroXSo how can I change the screen resolution?19:14
juano__coheti: its not recieving ip from the dhcp server19:14
cohetijuano__: and i don't know the router ip =( does not respond19:15
h00kCroX, System -> Preferences ->Screen Resolution19:15
ashkoreCroX: are you using a de such as gnome or kde19:15
juano__coheti: type in ifconfig19:15
cohetijuano__: dhcp is
geniiDid that guy get help with his ltconfig/automake libconfig ?19:15
h00kCroX, System -> Preferences ->Screen Resolution should get you there19:15
juano__coheti: thats dns19:15
CroXh00k: That wont work, it just gives me a dialog asking me wether or not I want to keep this new resolution. But the resolution isn't changed.19:15
juano__coheti: probably, your router should be configured with dhcp server19:16
h00kCroX, have you tried restarting X?19:16
juano__coheti: your router must provide you with an IP address dynamically19:16
CroXh00k: Newp. You think that'd work?19:16
juano__coheti: do you connect under windows or other OS =19:16
CroXI'll try that.19:16
cruoxHow can I install kde and all the Kubuntu stuff under my ubuntu installation? I don't want them to "harm" each other, however I want to try KDE as well, since I haven't used it since version 3.2. And I suppose it has changed since then..19:16
cohetijuano__: sory? i'm on ubuntu!19:17
juano__coheti: yes im asking if you have tried to connect with another Operating system to the internet19:17
robephso does no one really know...or does nothing exist... I need something to display my current initscripts + runlevels they're in from a single utility (a la gentoo's rc-config show/rc-status19:17
h00kcruox, http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/kde19:17
ashkorethat didnt work for me - but theres another way19:17
ashkoreopen Terminal Applications->Termianl19:17
ashkorethen type in "sudo xrandr"19:17
ashkoreCroX: are you following the instructions?19:17
davidrammsteincan someone ask me hiw the adress of the irc channel #linux is?19:17
h00kdid that work, CroX ?19:17
CroXh00k: Lovely, thanks alot!19:17
cohetijuano__: yes, using another pc with ubuntu i have internet... the pc where i'm chatting19:17
h00ksweet, glad it worked.19:18
Guest_392is someone able to help me be able to view my files on my vista harddrive in ubuntu19:18
juano__coheti: eeh ok19:18
davidrammsteincan someone ask me hiw the adress of the irc channel #linux is?19:18
robephdavidrammstein: in english pleasE?19:18
NetLarIrvine7.10 will work on a Celeron right?19:18
robephNetLarIrvine: yes19:18
davidrammsteincan someone ask me how the adress of the irc channel #linux is?19:18
h00kNetLarIrvine, as long as you get the right architecture cd19:18
juano__coheti: in the pc that works fine, go to system ------>administration ------>network19:19
robephthats not even a valid structured question =\19:19
davidrammsteincan someone ask me how the adress of the irc channel #linux is?19:19
NetLarIrvineSo it is different for different chip sets?19:19
robephthat makes no sense to me :-|19:19
dis4everi get with synaptec a lot of errors of downloading19:19
h00kNetLarIrvine, it's different with what processor you are using19:19
Guest_392anyone able to help figure a way to view files on a ntsf drive in ubuntu19:19
robephNetLarIrvine: X86 = will work19:19
h00kNetLarIrvine: Intel, AMD, PPC19:19
robephjust leave it at that19:19
h00kfor Celeron, use x8619:20
juano__coheti: click over the wired connection and select properties, check to see if the same properties are set to the pc that doesn't have internet19:20
test_can anybody explain bittorrent to me?19:20
NetLarIrvineahh , ok thanks robeph19:20
cohetijuano__: dhcp automatic19:20
robephtest_: yes,  you give a little, and get a little19:20
robephthat's it in a nutshell19:20
juano__coheti: ok so your router provides dhcp server19:20
juano__coheti: check to see if that is enabled on the pc with no internet19:20
davidrammsteincan someone tell me how the adress of the irc channel #linux is?19:20
SuvaBleh, the ubuntu 7.10 is extremely unstable for me :S19:20
NetLarIrvine7.10 is unstable??19:21
Guest_392please i just want to be able to enjoy linux but cannot without all my media files and etc19:21
davidrammsteincan someone tell me how the adress of the irc channel #linux is?19:21
tarelerulzBleh, What is an unstable about Ubuntu for you ?19:21
davidrammsteincan someone tell me how the adress of the irc channel #linux is?19:21
cohetijuano__: yes all is th same19:21
davidrammsteincan someone tell me how the adress of the irc channel #linux is?19:21
ashkoreGuest_392: what filesystem are you using in vista?19:21
ashkoreNTFS? - which is most likely19:21
ashkoreubuntu can't read or write to NTFS19:21
bobbob1016_davidrammstein: That sentence isn't a question.  I'd assume you want #ubuntu-de since I know rammstein is a german band.19:22
cohetijuano__: castellano me es mas facil, je19:22
ashkoreI change my resolution with xrandr and when i restart the resolution reverts back to what it was originally19:22
test_how do you get them started that sort of thing19:22
test_I have been looking for it under "applications"19:22
test_I cant find it there19:22
marx2kWow... my video card got fried... I did not think that happens these days19:22
juano__coheti: uuu hubieras avisado, unete a #ubuntu-es19:22
juano__coheti: heheheh19:22
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davidrammsteincan someone tell me how the adress of the irc channel #linux is?19:22
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE19:22
robephdavidrammstein: listen up....I dunno WHAT you're lookin for... cos your question is a failure in grammar.19:22
CroXh00k: Missed your message. Yeah, that did work.19:22
samgranieriI've installed ubuntu gutsy on a box and i cant get the mouse to work. which device in /dev should I look for?19:22
h00kdavidrammstein, join #ubundu-de19:23
tarelerulzashkore ,Ubuntu does read and write to Ntfs . All you need to install is ntfs-3g19:23
h00kCroX, cool.  good19:23
CroXh00k: And now I can switch between resolutions again also.19:23
marx2kis there a channel for general PC hardware help?19:23
Tailsfansamgranieri, VMware?19:23
robephwriting ntfs scares me badly19:23
h00kCroX: the same way should work, and then you'd have to restart X again19:23
samgranieriTailsfan: i'm not using VMware19:23
zcat[1]windows scares me!19:23
bobbob1016_h00k: I said that already, either he can't read english well enough to understand that, or he's ignoring us.19:23
TailsfanI mean weird19:23
robephwell I mean i'd not write data on ntfs anywhere near anything I really need19:23
NetLarIrvineWindows is scarey19:23
samgranieriTailsfan: i'm sshing into a full ubuntu box19:23
h00kbobbob1016, people suck :)19:24
CroXh00k: No, I mean now it works. I don't have to restart X after having selected a new resolution. :)19:24
h00kOooooh, hm, cool19:24
ashkoretarelerulz: sorry, i knew it didn't read or write out of the box but i didn't know there was a package that will19:24
TailsfanYeah Right Net19:24
TailsfanWindows is cool19:24
cox377what does permission 777 mean?19:24
TailsfanI usually like to dual-boot19:24
NetLarIrvineAnd scarey19:24
zcat[1]it CAN read ntfs out of the box...!19:24
test_where can I find help on how to use bittorrents19:24
CroXNow I only have one more problem. My sound wont work.19:24
phdami... is this Ubuntu channel or a windows channel/19:24
bobbob1016_davidrammstein: bist du deutsche?19:24
CroXMusic's playing and all, it seems, but I get no sound.19:24
robephdavidrammstein: Ihr Englisch ist ziemlich gut nicht verstanden, logisch zu sein. Bitte gehen Sie zu #ubuntu-de19:24
zcat[1]let me know when windows can read ext3 out of the box mmmk?19:25
TailsfanAnyway Does the Ubuntu Family have a screen capture software i can install using Synaptic?19:25
phdamieh, ext2fs is available19:25
phdamiand useful19:25
h00kCrox, are you on a laptop?19:25
NirevusI've installed my wireless drivers wtih NDISWrapper. Both "ndiswrapper -l" in the terminal, and ndisgtk display that the driver is working and the device is recognised, but it won't pick up any networks. Any help?19:25
zcat[1]available, yes. Out of the box, NO19:25
marx2kI have Ubuntu installed on a 160GB external 2.5" HD. I boot from that HD on various computers, but Ubuntu only has about 20 gigs.. the rest is NTFS in case I need a computer to actually use that drive as storage and the computer doesnt run Linux (like at school)19:25
samgranierizcat[1]: haha19:25
marx2kso NTFS has it's place19:25
tarelerulzashkore , I am just telling that is all.   We all are in the same boat most the time.  We all don't know something at times.   That is why we all need to ask.  By the way I am glad to help if I know how to.19:25
NetLarIrvineubuntu is cool19:25
phdamizcat[1]: it takes what, 30s to install though?19:25
CroXh00k: Erm.. Nevermind me. I had plugged the cable into the wrong hole. :( Move along, nothing to see here. :P19:25
robephyeh writing ntfs is scary though19:25
robephit's still an exercise in daring to do19:26
h00kCroX, Ha.  It's okay, it happens.  I've done the same...19:26
* Tailsfan has to use ntfs-3g for his USB hard drive19:26
zcat[1]phdami: only if you're aware that it even exists.. :)19:26
phdamizcat[1]: heh19:26
alexbobpI can merge directories by through copying and pasting in a graphical file browser like nautilus or konq.  Is there a way to do this on a command line?19:26
phdamizcat[1]: 30s in google19:26
samgranierialexbobp: use mv ?19:26
marx2kalexbobp: you mean moving one directory into another?19:26
h00kalexbobp, man mov19:26
tarelerulzI use ntfs-3g all the time and it has never failed me.  shutting down windows before it is read is the only thing that has ever given me problems with ntfs-3g19:27
test_how do I start working with bittorrents19:27
zcat[1]and if you're at someone's house who doesn't have internet?19:27
marx2ktest: use ktorrent19:27
h00kor Azureus ;)19:27
marx2kzcat: Huh?19:27
marx2kAzureus can be a bitch to set up19:27
Tailsfanktorrent is better19:27
marx2kktorrent is not better, dont fool yourself19:27
TailsfanYes it is, it's less memory consuming19:28
alexbobpsamgranieri: mv will fail if I try to move a directory into another19:28
marx2kthat doesnt make it better19:28
h00kalexbobp, do you have permissions?19:28
alexbobph00k: I have no mov19:28
marx2kMS Paint uses less memory than Photoshop.. it's not better :)19:28
pike_ktorrent is a better alternative than a java app19:28
marx2kpike: depends on what that java app can dop19:28
zcat[1]I can boot the ubuntu live cd on a toasted windows machine and recover all their files to a usb drive. had to do it a few times.  this is kinda offtopic tho.19:28
robephuse rtorrent CLI  = win19:28
pike_but both fall short19:28
* samgranieri likes gimp19:28
robephits the least overhead of any torrent util19:28
h00koh, alexbobp it was a typo,  ment mv19:28
ashkoretarelerulz: how can I keep my screen resolution. I use xrandr -s 0/1280x1024 and my resolution changes fine. but when i restart the login screen appears at the 1280x1024 resolution but when i login my resolution reverts back to 800x600. how can i permanently change it to 1280x1024?19:28
marx2kAzureus is ridiculously configurable and plugin-able :)19:29
zcat[1]the original point was someone complaining that  'linux can't read or write ntfs" which is total bollox19:29
h00kmarx2k, that's what I like about it19:29
tarelerulzTest,  install the bit torrent  client such as Azureus , ktorrent , rtorrent and even Utorrent if you get wine.  The next part is learning to configing you network with routers and then finding a good site that host torrent files19:29
marx2kh00k: indeedly19:29
test_is ktorrent under applications?19:29
marx2ktest: should be under internet applications19:29
TailsfanApplications > Inter19:29
phdamiI wouldn't trust linux to r/w ntfs19:29
=== sal_ is now known as justafish
marx2kthough if youre not running KDE, you might need to install some KDE libraries19:29
arashOio!torrent | test_19:29
ubotutest_: Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P19:29
h00kphdami, it's been around for a while to read/write NTFS.  It's fairly stable.19:29
pike_the azureus project did alot for torrent clients i guess but i wouldnt run it unless i had loads or ram to spare like a 4 gig system or something19:29
NetLarIrvineYou could use a iMac Cube for ubuntu right?19:30
zcat[1]phdami: I wound't trust windows to read or write ntfs either..19:30
marx2kphdami: I've been using Ubuntu to read/write ntfs for 3 semesters now19:30
pike_NetLarIrvine: yes19:30
tarelerulzashkore , I wish I could tell you ,but mos the time I come here to get stuff worked out or search on the net for hours and sometimes days.  I am still  new to it.19:30
TailsfanFor 6.0619:30
alexbobpI have a dual-boot configuration with Vista (which I occasionally use for games, and not much else).  I mount my NTFS read-write and use it to store files from Linux all the time, and to transfer data between the system.  I have not had any problems.  Linux NTFS support is stable.19:30
Guest_392is it pretty easy to make a partition and then move the files that i want both os to view?19:30
robephpike_: I still say,  rtorrent (the cli torrent app)  is prolly the best /least overhead,   and fastest running19:30
marx2kpike: yeah Azureus has a huge footprint, I agree19:30
NetLarIrvineIs it slower than a PC?19:30
pike_NetLarIrvine: is than an intel or ppc? comp?19:30
goodhabit_Hello. How I can get vypress chat on ubuntu? It used @ my homenetwork.19:30
zcat[1]Put it this way; I've seen windows screw up an ntfs filesystem a lot more often than I've seen linux do it :)19:30
marx2kbut all torrent clients are missing the one thing I depend on with Azureus.  Dynamic ping-based upload speed adjustment19:31
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)19:31
Geydihola buena tarde19:31
robephzcat[1]: how often you writ to a ntfs via linux19:31
NetLarIrvinelike an intel box19:31
cox377does aanyone know the unmount command ?19:31
robephit's really not production ready imho19:31
robephat all19:31
DjVipercox377: umount19:31
marx2kcox: 'sudo umount <resource>'19:31
zcat[1]robeph: every time I resize windows to install ubuntu19:31
marx2kor 'sudo umount -a'19:31
zcat[1]anyhow.. gtg bbl ttfn19:32
* Tailsfan is not use to Ubuntu jeOS19:32
robephjesus os19:32
robephthe christian ubuntu19:32
marx2kChristian Ubuntu..19:32
TailsfanJeOS (Just Enough Operating System)19:32
TailsfanIt was made for VMware19:32
marx2kOh I see19:32
alexbobprobeph: (I know you didn't ask me, but I'm answering anyway) I have several directories symbolic-linked to directories on the NTFS.  Some Windows games I run with wine are saving to and from NTFS, UT2K4 which runs on Windows and Linux is saving on NTFS, and my torrents and dc++ download directories are on the NTFS.  That is a lot of writing, and it all works fine,19:33
marx2kI think that's what my professor is forcing people to use for java development, actually19:33
marx2kI know he's making people use an Ubuntu virtual image19:33
robephalexbobp: ah,  I've not done it in ages19:33
kkuserknoppoxmplayer freezes in ubuntu64 after 5 mins...19:33
robephlast time I tried it was very alpha19:33
robephand it nuked some things19:33
robephand I just can't concieve it coming a huge step from there in the last year or two19:33
robephbut it may have ;)19:33
m4stertsunamihello, i'm trying to add another domain to search through via the network settings, however it keeps getting overwritten; how can i make this permanent?19:33
robephi stil wouldn't trust it on a production grade system19:33
m4stertsunamii believe it is some network-manager related thing19:33
* Tailsfan wonders if his laptop is compatiable with a 64-bit processor19:33
Guest_392alexbobp do you have a minute to help19:34
alexbobprobeph: The Linux NTFS drivers were unstable recently, but are stable now.  They were young, and are now mature.19:34
alexbobpGuest_392: I can try19:34
alexbobpI'm not listening to the philosophy instructor anyway ;)19:34
robephwell,  still,  not production rdy19:34
alexbobpI disagree19:34
SuvaThe problems arose from -rt kernel19:34
Tailsfanoops, closed chatzilla's windows19:34
thorNHey, does anyone know how I can find out what packages are on a default installation CD?19:34
SuvaWith non rt kernel the stuff seems to be more stable19:34
robephit's not been stable > yr19:34
=== brandon_ is now known as shrug
Guest_392is there just a basic command you enter to be able to read the ntfs in unbuntu19:35
shrughello everyone19:35
robephGuest_392: just mount it ntfs19:35
alexbobprobeph: So by that logic, you can't use Vista for another few years19:35
robephif ya got the drvs19:35
pike_thorN: id imagine they are in /var/cache/apt in installcd too but not sure19:35
robephalexbobp: and shalln't ;)19:35
CroXUgh.. When installing the flash plugin: md5sum mismatch install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz19:35
robephnot in a production grade environ19:35
robephdesktop usage,  no worries19:35
h00kCroX, I ran into that last night19:35
ashkorewhat is the ubuntu evquivalent to a windows EXE file?19:35
robephbut not hosting a web site on it19:35
MTecknologyhow do I remove a rule from iptables? I want to remove the 4th one19:35
CroXh00k: Did you solve it?19:35
robephashkore: a file that has the x flag mode19:35
alexbobpGuest_392: run disks-admin and you can set up the mount from there.  There should be a checkbox for allowing write support.19:35
robephie chmod a+x <file>19:35
robephmakes it executable19:36
erUSULCroX: known bug. you can try to remove --purge the package and install it again19:36
thorNthanks pike_, i'll check it out19:36
ashkorerobeph: is there a specific file extension?19:36
robephlinux doesn't use extensions19:36
Guest_392do i type that in a command line?19:36
thorNI'm trying to install ubuntu w/ fluxbox on a really old laptop19:36
robephthats a windows but19:36
robephbit* really19:36
samgranierihow would I reconfigure the mouse in linux? the thing wont move on the screen?19:36
h00kerUSUL, no, you have to do it manually, I did it yesterday19:36
pike_thorN: it maybe isnt in the cache try sudo locate -u; locate .deb19:36
robephsamgranieri: nano -w /etc/X11/xorg.conf19:36
ashkoreand whats the x flag mode?19:36
robephchange your input device19:36
kkuserknoppoxnvidia drivers can't enter runlevel 3? is there a way around?19:36
CroXerUSUL: sudo aptitude remove --purge flashplugin-nonfree?19:36
samgranierirobeph: i'm in there now19:36
robephx flag (x mode)  is executable19:36
TailsfanYou'll probaly want Fluxbuntu for that then19:36
alexbobpGuest_392: Are you up to date?  The latest and I think second latest versions of Ubuntu support NTFS read-write out of the box, and much earlier ones support read only19:37
robephie chmod a+x (all owner/group/others)  set to eXecutable19:37
Guest_392i just downloaded it yesterday19:37
CroXStill same problem. :(19:37
erUSULCroX: see here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/flashplugin-nonfree/+bug/12598619:37
ashkorehow do i know if a file's x flag19:37
Guest_392when i click on it it says unable to mount19:37
robephashkore: check its modes ;)19:37
CroXerUSUL: Thanks, I'll check it out.19:37
TailsfanthorN: http://releases.fluxbuntu.org/7.10/rc/19:38
marx2kLast night I heard a pop inside my CPU case and my computer shut down. I figured it was the power supply so I bought another one. Still, no good. I tried everything and it turned out that the video card got fried in such a way that the computer doesnt turn on when the video card is in there. that pissed me off big time19:38
Tailsfandownload the i386 one19:38
=== sephiroth is now known as Sephiroth
samgranierirobeph: http://pastie.caboo.se/12508819:38
robephashkore: ls -la19:38
thorNThanks Tailsfan19:38
ashkorehow do i do that, robeph?19:38
ashkore(sorry, i haven't really used linux before)19:38
robephshould list all the flags on the left19:38
erUSULmarx2k: it will be far worse ahard disk failure imho19:39
samgranieriwhatever the settings are there arent working19:39
shrugmarx2k i would probably powering your pc with the card in there :)19:39
NirevusI've installed my wireless drivers wtih NDISWrapper. Both "ndiswrapper -l" in the terminal, and ndisgtk display that the driver is working and the device is recognised, but it won't pick up any networks. Any help?19:39
ashkoreand will the flag be "x"?19:39
ashkorefor an executeable19:39
robeph(ls = list directory)  -la  show all files -a   and show long form (all information,  date,  modes )19:39
robephls -l works too19:39
phaedraNirevus, Did you run the -m switches too?19:39
Nirevus-m switches?19:40
NirevusIsn't that simply to make it run at startup19:40
ashkorecan anyone point me towards a good C++ / C tutorial, or teach me?19:40
marx2kWell, now Im thinking of just buying a new mobo/CPU with onboard video19:40
phaedraNirevus, ndiswrapper -m, -ma -mi19:40
SephirothI'm having a minor problem with my sound card. It used to be detected properly in earlier versions of Ubuntu, but I just recently installed Ubuntu in place of my Fedora installation. (7.10), and I'm not getting any sound from my speakers. There is a sound control panel I can open, but no matter what I do to the volume level, I get no sound. However, sound works perfectly under Windows. According to the sound control panel,19:40
Sephiroth my sound card is an Audigy 1 [unknown]19:40
monsterfiskhello, how can i get my 5.1 soundsystem to work with 7.10?19:40
robephthe stuff is on the left that will tell ya if its executable (the x's )   each x from left to right means,   rwx--x--x   it's readable by the owner,  writable by the owner,  executable by the owner,   but cannot be read by the group members or written to by group members (or other users for that matter)   but can be executed19:40
punzadaSephiroth, run the cmd alsamixer in the terminal19:41
robephyou got diff permission modes19:41
punzadaand make sure nothing is muted19:41
Nirevusphaedra: module configuration already contains alias directive19:41
marx2kSephiroth: in terminal, go to alsamixer19:41
eyemeanhello, when some1 says install as a root, wat does it mean pls?19:41
punzadauh oh19:41
aswpI'll think about it19:41
phaedraNirevus, I've also found that it helps to reboot the system after installing the win drivers....  Weird...19:41
marx2keyemean: use the 'sudo' command19:41
FaraBuntnethello, how to install graphics driver?19:41
robephashkore: r,  read,  w write,  x executable...19:41
punzadajerkface T1m0thy19:41
phaedraNirevus, Yes, it'll tell you that.19:41
robephand three columns relating to who the modes are for,   owner, group, others19:41
marx2kFaraBuntnet: for what kind of card?19:41
monsterfiskhow can i get my 5.1 soundsystem to work with 7.10?19:41
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about 5.1 - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:42
kaziljust installed zend studio 5.5. i`ve installed jre 1.6 previously. when i start zend, i can`t see anything ,the whole window is gray. anyone got a clue?19:42
jorgpI have a bootable cdrom that I want to clone, what is the best way to do that?19:42
ashkoreoh - i remember reading something about that19:42
FaraBuntnetnvidia got the file from there site but it said to run in text mode?19:42
ashkorepermissions and stuff19:42
robephit's pretty easy to remember though19:42
ashkorerobeph: can you point me towards a good c++ / C tutorial19:42
marx2kmonsterfisk: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=ubuntu+and+5.1+sound&btnG=Google+Search19:42
robephashkore: hahah you are talking to the wrong guy here19:42
eyemeanmarx2k, u mean put sudo infront of the command?19:42
robephnow wanna know some stuff about perl...19:43
robephI'll point ya all over19:43
marx2keyemean: yep19:43
phaedraNirevus, have you rebooted the system after installing the drivers?  If not, try rebooting.19:43
robephbrb smoke brk19:43
ashkorewhat do u meen?19:43
robephi don't code C19:43
Nirevusphaedra: Yup, I've tried rebooting19:43
eyemeanmarx2k, i get permission denied19:43
boris_how do i check whether my graphics card is AGP or PCI Express '19:43
marx2keyemean: type out what youre typing into terminal19:43
ashkoreok. thanks anyway19:43
marx2kboris_: you should probably know that :)19:43
eyemeanmarx2k, echo "0x7fffffff" >/proc/sys/kernel/shmmax19:43
phaedraHmmm...   Which chipset and driver are you using?19:43
marx2kboris_: type 'lspci' in terminal19:44
kaziljust installed zend studio 5.5. i`ve installed jre 1.6 previously. when i start zend, i can`t see anything ,the whole window is gray. anyone got a clue?19:44
FaraBuntnetis there a way to run ubuntu in text mode?19:44
marx2keyemean: put 'sudo' in front of that command19:44
marx2kFaraBuntnet: you mean with no X server running?19:44
FaraBuntneti think so...19:44
d10bCan you use grep to eliminate listings?  like with find to remove all the permission denied lines?19:44
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TBotNik_1All, having alsa sound install problem.  See PB at : http://pastebin.ca/805605.  Updating that now, but maching doing "upgrade" so link slow now.19:44
eyemeanmarx2k, i get the following: bash: /proc/sys/kernel/shmmax: Permission denied19:45
danbhfiveanyone know about webcam installation?19:45
tek-opsok, the answer to my question is /boot/config-version-arch19:45
ashkorewhere is the htdocs part of apache found on ubuntu19:45
tek-opsin case anyone wants to know anymore19:45
stefano__i have mounted a partition and it is displayed as "6.5 GB Disk: secdrv" (ins mounted as /media/secdrv) how can i change the disk label? nautilus says "could not rename..."?19:45
marx2kFaraBuntnet: you'd need to boot into a different runlevel, but if you just want to work in a terminal, just do ALT+CTRL+F1 to F619:45
ashkoreon a default installation19:45
kazilashkore: /etc/apache2/19:45
boris_marx2k : well i dont see whether i got PCI or AGP19:45
mazatapecPardon, could someone please help with this situation?: I disabled administrator privileges for my only user account, could someone please tell me how to manually change the settings to enable the administrator privileges?19:45
ashkorethanks kazil19:45
marx2keyemean: thats weird since sudo gives you root privledges19:45
boris_marx2k:if i enter this command19:45
Nirevusphaedra: Any ideas?19:46
kazilashkore: u anything `bout zend studio?19:46
marx2kboris: the first line in 'lspci' gives me 00:00.0 Host bridge: nVidia Corporation nForce2 AGP (different version?) (rev c1)19:46
danbhfiveI followed what seems to be the standard webcam install directions, but none worked, is there anything else that I can do?  Can I try the drivers at random?19:46
marx2kso that tells me AGP :)19:46
ashkoreno sorry19:46
FaraBuntnetI reead that the runlevels in ubuntu are all X servers...?  like 2,3,419:46
eyemeanmarx2k, i did install super terminal and found it didnt make a difference so uninstalled it, could that be a problem, maybe i should reboot?19:46
kazilashkore: by default the localhost is pointed to /var/www/19:46
ashkoreok thanks19:47
Sinterklaas't heerlijk avondje is gekomen19:47
phaedraNirevus, If ndiswrapper reports the card is present and the driver is being used, I'm not too sure.  You seem to have done everything right.19:47
boris_marx2k : my second line : 00:01.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82865G/PE/P PCI to AGP Controller (rev 02)19:47
Sephirothpunzada, Took me a few minutes to figure that command out, but I got it. Thanks. :D19:47
marx2keyemean: nah I doubt thats the problem..19:47
marx2kboris: so Im guessing AGP :)19:47
Nirevusphaedra: I'll make a post on the ubuntu forums.19:47
kazilanyone knows whys zend studio all gray when i start it?19:47
marx2kFaraBuntnet: nope... there are text only runlevels (Ubuntu Server, for instance, does not have X server installed by default)19:47
eyemeanmarx2k, i've been going nuts trying to install cinelerra so found a walk through that might help now i cant even get past 1st step, lol19:48
boris_marx2k : any more certain way to find out ?19:48
marx2keyemean: tell me the command youre trying to do again?19:48
marx2kboris: I think there's an option to view your hardware under the pulldown menus, but Im in KDE so I have different pulldown menus :)19:48
eyemeanmarx2k, sudo echo "0x7fffffff" >/proc/sys/kernel/shmmax19:48
robephashkore: you interested in learning C or something?19:48
FaraBuntneti tried runlevel 3 but it boots to my desktop?19:48
phaedraNirevus, Try ths - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessTroubleShootingGuide19:49
marx2kboris: you can also try 'dmesg | grep  agp'19:49
boris_marx2k : you probably mean Hardware Information19:49
robephthere's tons out there about it o nthe web19:49
marx2kyeah I imagine so19:49
robephgoogle is your best bet for a start19:49
ashkorethanks alot19:49
robephperl is a nice language though that is more in tune with administration since it lends itself to scripting not just compileware19:49
robephthat and bash19:49
eyemeanmarx2k, http://lab.dyne.org/cinelerra/Gutsy incase that helps, sorry about this19:49
robephlearn bash if yer gonna use nix19:49
ashkorerobeph, how do i check whether i have apache on my machine, i installed LAMP at installation but i cant find apache anywhere19:50
marx2keyemean: on my system it's.. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 2007-12-05 13:49 /proc/sys/kernel/shmmax19:50
marx2kso it looks like its owned by root..19:50
kazilashkore: which apache219:50
kazilor which apache19:50
robephashkore: in ubuntu?  no idea... lol I dunjno the package mngr at all sorry :(19:50
h00kroot, that bastard. he's always stopping me! ;)19:50
robephI'm a gentoo native19:50
robephI'm just here for kicks.19:50
robephand cos I needed some help,19:50
boris_marx2k : when i select my graphics Card, it says 'Bus Type : PCI19:50
robephlinux basics are the same across the board though19:50
bullgard4[Gutsy, Gnome] Panel menu System > Quit opens a dialog having 8 buttons. Where is the information, what programs are executed if I press a button of them?19:50
robephso I end up trying to help when folks ask stuff =p19:50
marx2kboris: Then I guess thats your answer :)19:50
kc5goiI need to upgrade postfix and postgrey on 6.06.  Is it just as simple as adding dappers repositories then running apt-get and upgrading them?19:50
ubotu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!19:50
ashkorewhats bash?19:51
ashkoreis that the terminal? or related to it19:51
boris_marx2k : well, i dont think that is correct19:51
robephbash is your shell19:51
robephbut it's also a scripting language19:51
robephman bash19:51
marx2kboris: You could just open your case... :)19:51
stefano__boris_, i didnt read your original question but i think ubuntu treats every graphics card as pci, i could be wrong though19:51
kazilashkor: u installed lamp through packages or through tasksel?19:51
boris_stefano__ : i think you're right19:51
ashkoreand what is a shell?19:51
robephshell is,  well your shell,  like "dos" is a shell19:51
ashkorekazil: when i instlaled ubuntu server19:51
kc5goirobeph: no man bashing.  :)19:51
marx2keyemean: what does that command accomplish, btw? I mean.. why do you need to put that in there?19:51
ashkorei selected lamp19:51
ubotuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal19:51
robephyour terminal19:52
robephthats what I was lookin for19:52
eyemeanmarx2k, does it make a difference if you have a amd or intel maybe?19:52
ashkoreoh, so the shell is a console19:52
marx2keyemean: Hm I dont think so... Im thinking maybe you have an onboard card or something?19:52
kazilashkore: oh... well... uhmm.... try which apache2 or which apache or locate apache2 or smthing like that19:52
TBotNik_1All, Repeating: Having alsa sound install problem.  See PB at : http://pastebin.ca/805605.  Updating that now, but maching doing "upgrade" so link slow now.19:52
robephbut it lends itself to scripting.... ie  a text file,  set to executable,  that begins with #!/bin/bash (#! tells the system that the interpreter to use for the script following,  is the next thing it'll see)19:52
eyemeanmarx2k, i have no idea, im new to linux and following a walk through19:53
PandaHi, anyone here able to help me out regarding a broken package?19:53
robephcan be created to do things ,  thus automate,  scripting wetc19:53
marx2keyemean: Im just trying to figure out what that file IS.. like what process writes to that file19:53
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about zend - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi19:53
ubotuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Enable the backports repository on Edgy to install sun-java6-jre19:53
TBotNik_1All, since I have no sound, I don't get the bing if you respond so have to monitor this closely.19:53
ashkorei must have uninstalled apaceh19:53
marx2keyemean: you might want to try deleting the file first and THEN running that command19:53
ashkorei just did sudo apt-get install apache2 and its installing now19:54
kazilashkore, u can`t find it?19:54
eyemeanmarx2k, site says: Linux usually has an issue with memory allocation, whereby you get a weird warning about shmmax , so that comman is a work around19:54
marx2koh I see19:54
sebastoramaanyone know how startup on X works?? .xsession? .xinitrc?19:54
marx2kyeah maybe try deleting the file first19:54
* thorN sticks "designed for windows 95" sticker on 6GHz ubuntu box >=]19:54
marx2ksebastorama: in terms of what?19:54
SuvaHey, what's so much different between the RT and non RT kernel19:55
kazilashkore: this is a good tut for installing lamp http://services.tucows.com/developers/2007/10/24/installing-apache-2-php-5-and-mysql-5-on-ubuntu-710-aka-gutsy-gibbon/19:55
sebastoramamarx2k, I want to set some programs to initiate with X... I use Ion3, so I don't have any manager to do that for me.. So want to know how..19:55
SuvaThat RT kernel just drops my soundcard19:55
eyemeanmarx2k, sorry but how do i do that pls?19:55
ashkorei got apaceh2 now19:55
marx2ksebastorama: Oh... I see..19:55
SuvaCompletely ignores it, modprobeing driver module doesn't do anything19:55
kazilashkore, and other? php and mysql?19:56
ashkorei take it that the windows "htdocs" is now /var/www19:56
SuvaNot even a slightest error gets into dmesg19:56
Parsican i install kde for ubuntu?19:56
marx2ksebastorama: yeah usually gnome has the application that allows you to set that up19:56
marx2keyemean: 'sudo rm <filename>'19:56
kazilashkore, try localhost19:56
kazilshould be /var/www19:56
ashkoreye, i get the listing for the /var/www19:56
kazilql :)19:57
kazilu php dev?19:57
eyemeanmarx2k, so 'sudo rm /proc/sys/kernel/shmmax' ?19:57
ashkorei think i have php and mysql19:57
ashkorewhich php returns /usr/bin/php19:57
MikeHanyone here use amsn that can tell me how to show online contacts only?19:57
pike_Parsi: yes. sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop for the whole ubuntu kde package or you can install the kde packages manually19:57
marx2keyemean:  right19:57
marx2ksebastorama: damn thats actually a good question19:58
ashkoreand which mysql returns /usr/bin/mysql19:58
eyemeanmarx2k, should i make bakcup of file first?19:58
marx2keyemean: I would, yes19:58
marx2k'sudo cp <filename> <filaneme2>19:58
ashkorekazil: i have an problem with mysql19:58
kaziltry a phpinfo(); on local19:58
ashkorewhen i type in mysql into the shell i get19:58
ashkoreERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)19:58
CroXMy volume applet is very weird. Every other inch it moves when I change volume, it turns into the muted icon.19:59
sebastoramamarx2k, ahh.. and I use gdm as my login manager... so I think it's gdm setup ..19:59
pike_sebastorama: i usually use xinit command to launch x and i can put various things in my ~/.xinitrc file dunno if thats what you want19:59
pike_sebastorama: or put em in /etc/init.d/gdm script19:59
marx2ksebastorama: well if youre in gnome, there is an app under System Settings (somewhere, im in KDE) where you can set that up... it's called sessions19:59
kaziltry phpinfo on localhost, it`ll write out what u have19:59
sebastoramamarx2k, yeap.. but I'm not using gnome ... that's why I want to know how it works =P to do things manually =P20:00
marx2ksebastorama: now I want to know too20:00
=== diemos|afk is now known as diemos
dotzGuys, does ubuntu have any nice CD catalog programs?20:01
ashkorei don't think apache2 is configured with php, how to i configure it?20:01
freepenguinwhich program must i use to view PDB files?20:02
dotzashkore: Just install it.20:02
kazilsudo apt-get install php520:02
dotzfreepenguin: PDB files are PalmOS databases.20:02
Parsipike_: is kde included in ubuntu dvd?20:02
ashkoredoes it require any additional config with apache?20:02
dotzfreepenguin: If you have books in PDB format, they're Isilo books perhaps. Google for isilo linux.20:02
dotzashkore: No.20:02
kazilashkore, just restart apache after it20:02
ashkoreParsi: are you having problems installing kde?20:02
ashkoresudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop20:03
Parsii wanna install it from dvd20:03
Parsithere is some files20:03
OzonedThis is freaking me out :-( Simple http post , works on WinDoze, but returns "bad request" in kubuntu, Used several browsers, same story.20:03
ashkoretry "sudo apt-get kubuntu-desktop20:04
Parsibut after installing and restarting there was no option to select kde!20:04
finek90how can i add subtitles in totem?20:04
kazilashkore, oh and don`t forget to chown /var/www to your user20:04
marx2kParsi: It wasnt in Session Options in your login screen?20:04
ashkorekazil, i just use sudo nano and then write a file20:04
juano__Parsi:  sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop20:04
Parsii wanna offline installation20:05
ashkoreif its on the cd it should do it20:05
unop. o 0 ( buy the KDE DVDs then?  )20:05
dotzGuys, is there any good CD catalog software for Linux ?20:05
dotzParsi: Get CD from kubuntu project.20:06
n8k99msg NickServ IDENTIFY <sassafrass>20:06
marx2kuh oh20:06
AgentHeXcox377: should be. you can type "mount" on the command line to display all mount points.20:06
eyemeanmarx2k, cp: cannot create regular file `/proc/sys/kernel/shmmax2': No such file or directory20:06
dotzn8k99: That was cool.20:06
Parsiif i get kubuntu can i add it to ubunto repos?20:06
n8k99well that sux20:06
marx2keyemean: wtf thats weird hang on20:07
geniin8k99: Change it quick20:07
dotzn8k99: Make your irc client send that automagically.20:07
n8k99dotz trying out new IRC Clients20:07
dotzn8k99: when you connect.20:07
unopparsi .. ubuntu, kubuntu, xubuntu and others all use the same repos20:07
AgentHeXcox377: forget what i said...  i was wondering why the chat room was stuck at 10:51AM20:07
dotzn8k99: Are you completly sure you don't have to change your shell password now? :)20:07
n8k99i have never been able to get an irc clinet to send that automagically20:07
kazilanyone knows whys zend all gray when i start it?20:07
marx2keyemean: whoa that happens on my system too... thats weird20:07
dotzn8k99: Well, try irssi then.20:07
Parsiunop: i meant add kubuntu cd to ubuntu repo20:07
unopparsi .. it's so you can install and use both GNOME and KDE at the same time20:07
unopparsi, yes20:08
eyemeanmarx2k, hahaha, jack all is going smooth here is it20:08
marx2keyemean: yeah Ive never seen anyting like that20:08
marx2klook through: http://www.google.com/search?complete=1&hl=en&safe=off&q=cp%3A+cannot+create+regular+file&btnG=Search20:08
* genii has xfce kde and gnome all installed20:08
marx2kgenii: what do you think of xfce?20:08
kazilanyone knows whys zend all gray when i start it?20:09
geniiThe only thing is the desktop menus get cluttered....20:09
marx2kI personally only use KDE on all my boxes20:09
geniimarx2k: It's faster but more minimalistic20:09
unopxfce is the GNOME hater, KDE wannabe??20:09
marx2kis xfce what Damn Small Linux runs?20:09
geniimarx2k: I generally login to KDE20:09
bobgillhow can I move all the files in a bunch of subfolders up to the parent folder? ie., wallpapers/folder1, folder2 etc... move all the files in those up to /wallpapers20:10
unopI generally login to bash20:10
wpkbobgill: mv */* .20:10
wpkwhen in the parent folder20:10
Gejsajanoall: guis how i find my version of compize fusion????????????20:10
kazilanyone knows whys zend all gray when i start it? i`m getting desperate...20:11
geniiunop: On servers i generally use bash, no gui of any type. But on workstations KDE is convenient most times20:11
HowbagGejsajano: I guess you find it smooth20:11
marx2kGejsajano: aptitude show compiz20:11
turbocuecaon gnome, How can I add a new entry to the new file menu?20:11
eyemeanmarx2k, cheers having a look now20:11
turbocuecaTo quickly create a new document, for example20:11
Gejsajanomarx2k: thx man20:12
eltuxhow would I go about moving a folder to a restricted directory with the terminal?20:12
unopeltux ..,. what does restricted mean exactly?20:13
eltuxunop: the owner of the folder is root so I can't just drag and drop20:13
AgentHeXeltux: sudo mv /path/to/src /path/to/dest ?20:13
eltuxAgentHeX: thanks20:13
romantikvoid^, are you here? please respond20:14
danbhfiveanyone know about installing webcams?  If there is no linux support, is there a way that I can use wine?20:14
steveireCan the ls command be made return only directories?20:14
marx2kdanbhfive: you have a good chance of it if the drivers on that webcam dont require the .NET framework20:14
steveirels -d doesn't work20:14
unopfind . type -d20:14
rtb|laptopproblem: every so often (like right now!) my computer is paralyzed. I have the little activity monitor up on the menu bar, and during this it shows 100% CPU being allocated to IOWait20:14
rtb|laptopwhat causes this and how can I solve it?\20:14
rtb|laptopBy the way, I have a wired connection20:15
steveireunop: That's recursive, which i don't want20:15
shrugdanbhfive: i think it should just detect it and any software- for example aMSN should be ready to use it20:15
danbhfivemarx2k how would I do it?  Just try to run the driver install from wine?  and then maybe a windows webcam app?20:15
marx2kdanbhfive: yes20:15
rtb|laptopI can hear the disk swapping when this happens.20:15
ashkorei have a php file with phpinfo(); in it and saved in /var/www when i try to open it in firefox it treats it as a download20:15
erUSUL!lamp | ashkore20:16
ubotuashkore: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)20:16
unopsteveire, maybe - find . -depth -type d20:16
shrugdanbhfive, are you using for video messaging or for recording purposes?20:16
=== dgjones_ is now known as dgjones
unopor find . -depth 1 -type d20:16
Sergoit is possible to change the name of username?20:16
ashkorei have installed apache and php20:16
kazilashkore: did u changed /var/www/ to you?20:16
danbhfiveshrug: i think video messaging, so it doesn't have to work perfectly20:16
ashkoreno, what permission number do i use?20:17
shrugdanbhfive, try aMSN20:17
kaziljust sudo chown username /var/www20:17
shrugif your on msn messenger20:17
kazilreplace username20:17
danbhfivewait, thats for linux though20:17
danbhfiveI first need to get the webcam working20:17
Sergois the lenocks good username?20:17
MTecknologygreen tea with pomegranate :)20:17
marx2kdanbhfive: are you sure there's no drivers for your webcam under linux?20:18
steveireunop: Doesn't seem to have anyu effect20:18
ashkorekazil: i still get asked to download the file20:18
Sergois the "lenocks" good username?20:18
kazilSergo: yep :D20:18
shrugdanbhfive, how do you know it doesnt work?20:18
danbhfiveshrug marx2k Ill never be sure, I tried easycam, and it didn't work,  ubuntuforums has an unanswered request for help, and I don't know how to try out the drivers20:18
kazilashkore: to say the truth, yesterday i had the same thing... it drove me crazy... until i reinstalled ubuntu and started all over20:19
kazilnow its ok20:19
danbhfiveI tried running camara20:19
kazilit something about the rights20:19
shrugdanbhfive, oh.. so you tried using easycam. and it did not detect your camera?20:19
danbhfiveshrug, i dont think it did, it didn't really say20:19
danbhfiveshurg, but camorama still failed to work20:20
kazildid u restarted apache?20:20
kazilsudo apache2ctl -k restart20:20
steveireunop: find -maxdepth 1 -type d. Cheers.20:21
Dutzzuhey there :)20:21
shrugdanbhfive.... install aMSN... its a clone of msn messenger, see if it detects your camera fisrt20:21
LimCorehow to build and use customer kernel? I need some new options20:21
unopsteveire, i think depth 1 also does it .. or was it depth 0?? cant remember20:21
shrugdanbhfive, it will tell your if it is found and should work if it find it20:22
Dutzzui need help instaling a webcam,... can some1 help me ?20:22
danbhfivehey Dutzzu Im in the same boat20:22
SpirototHey. It's me again... So I finally got my speakers to work on my laptop with the ALSA drivers (?). But, when I plug headphones in, the external speakers don't turn off - I'm getting sound through both the headphones and speakers...20:22
pike_!webcam | Dutzzu20:22
ubotuDutzzu: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras20:22
Dutzzudanbhfive,  :)) is a bad day 2day :)20:23
ashkorei dont want to install all over again. it took me 3 days to do all the configurations20:23
ashkoresurely theres a way20:23
ashkorewithout reinstallation20:23
ashkoreto be honest, i am starting to hate ubuntu and prefer windows, i don't see any advantages of open source, other than that its free20:23
TailsfanI was trying to load an Ubuntu Lve-CD and it's saying that my battery is at 49% and says to may be old or dying,what does this mean>20:23
Dutzzupike_,  thank you :)20:23
kazilashkore try xampp...20:23
danbhfiveshurg: what do I do in aMSN?20:23
Parsiwhat it means: http://pastebin.com/d4fc3518a20:23
TailsfanIs this a fake message or what?20:23
TailsfanPlease, I'm really worried20:23
pike_Dutzzu: if its new id recommend checking supported hardware. if it looks like itll be any trouble at all id take it back for a better supported chipset20:24
Dutzzupike_, i tryed with camorama, but i god an error msg :(20:24
steveireunop: Nope. -depth is either there or not. Doesn't take an arg20:24
kazilor... i don`t does server edition has this... go system->administration->synaptic package manager20:24
ashkorei was a complete thick twat and didn't restart apache, i presumed it had already been done20:24
Dutzzupike_,  the msg is: could not connect to video device (/dev/video0) Please check connection20:25
Dutzzuno... it's not old :)20:25
kazilashkore, if u wanna dev php apps and web u better do it on a nix os20:25
=== smcintyre is now known as Daskreech
Dutzzunot new, sry :)20:25
robephanyone know real quick,  obviously no one is in openoffice,  like four people,  but perhaps someone here knows,   when using the --- to make horiz break lines,   how do you get it to stop making them when ya hit return when you're done with them ... =\20:25
Dutzzupike, if i type lsusb i get this: Bus 001 Device 003: ID 093a:0007 Pixart Imaging, Inc.20:25
aladdinsanecan anyone give me a tip of a scientific _graphing_ calculator for ubuntu20:25
ashkorenix os?20:25
SpirototSo I finally got my speakers to work on my laptop with the ALSA drivers (?). But, when I plug headphones in, the external speakers don't turn off - I'm getting sound through both the headphones and speakers...20:25
kazilunix style os20:26
Tailsfanand my laptop is plugged in20:26
robephSpirotot: hehehe,   you need to go into your mixer20:26
ashkoreare they free?20:26
robephand cut the ext speaker down20:26
unopaladdinsane, xgraph ?20:26
robephyou have seperate volume controls in the mixer for headphone / external20:26
Slartaladdinsane: there's wxmaxima.. that's the only one that does both the calculating and graphing I thinl20:26
ashkorewhats the best one?20:26
unopaladdinsane, aptitude search graph20:26
ramonis there a way to import a csv-file to evolution calendar? the import function just import my schoolschedule to contacts, which is a bit weird...20:26
kazilashkore, go to system->administration->synaptic package manager20:26
Dutzzupike_,  can i write to you in private ? :) *pls*20:26
robephI think it's dmix maybe20:26
robephI dunno whayt yuou use tho20:26
ArelisGuys, i screwed up my gnome menu by dragging stuff.. how do i restore it?20:26
aladdinsanethnx, i'll check them out20:26
NET||abuseMy god, i'm trying to connect to a wifi point here in an office, the web CP says it's WPA-PSK, under network-manager i find the network, connect to it, and it asks for WPA-Personal key, so i put in what's listed in the web CP,,, but it will not connect, the 2 little green pips, well the first one lights up, then nothing20:27
kazilashkor then edit-> mark packages by task20:27
Spirototrobeph: I use alsamixer. :S20:27
danbhfiveDutzzu please dont do it in private, I would like to hear20:27
kaziltick lamp server20:27
kazilshould do the trick20:27
robephthat works20:27
ArelisGuys, i screwed up my gnome menu by dragging stuff.. how do i restore it?20:27
kazilwait? u restarted apache riiiight?20:27
knexanyone there20:27
ashkoreand it worked20:27
robephyou should see the right things in there20:27
LjLArelis: drag it back?20:27
Dutzzudanbhfive,  wee can t understand here... tha traffic it's infernal )))20:27
robephjust hit "m" over the external devices20:27
aladdinsaneunop: yes there are many graphing calculators, thnx for the tip. the question were about one that have the other scientific stuff as well20:27
robephand it'll mut'm20:27
kazilso it executes the php?20:27
NET||abuseThis second little pip won't turn green,, it just sits there then times out,, how can I fix this?20:27
robephI think you can save presets20:28
ArelisLjL: No by dragging it got deleted20:28
robephso like you stick yer hphone in and just hit like ctrl-2 and load it20:28
robephI forget the exact manner of doing os though20:28
kazilwhat does it say? the phpinfo?20:28
LjL!panelreset > Arelis    (Arelis, see the private message from Ubotu)20:28
krimHow can I split a file into smaller pieces? When I right click on a file and choose create archive I don't see anything about it20:28
SpirototOk... I'm trying it now...20:28
LjLkrim: man split20:29
knexanyone there with knowledge of avant? please pm.. i ve got a big problem20:29
krimLjL: Thanks20:29
subpar_I'm having problems with ubuntu changing the preferences for the wrong mouse on my laptop. Detailed explanation here ----> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=383915420:30
danbhfiveDutzzu: can you make a separate chat that I could join too?20:30
krimLjL: Hm, by the way, will it be possible to put it back to one piece for someone using Windows?20:30
Dutzzudanbhfive,  it won't be hard to do that... but we need there pike_ .... and pike_  don't answer :)20:30
LjLkrim, split simply splits the file, it doesn't use any special format or anything... so all that's needed is some program that will glue it all together again (on linux, it's obviously just "cat")20:31
=== Sergo is now known as Meloman
knexif got a problem avant-window-navigator-bzr:20:31
knex Hängt ab: »libawn-bzr«, aber es wird nicht installiert.20:31
knex  Hängt ab: »libpango1.0-0 (>=1.18.3)«, aber es wird »1.18.2-0ubuntu1« installiert.20:31
knex Hängt ab: »libawn-bzr«, aber es wird nicht installiert.20:31
=== Meloman is now known as lenocks
Slartkrim: probably not.. try to make some kind of rar-archive.. I don't know if zip supports multi-file archives...20:31
ashkorekazil, well, i can't see mysql20:31
knexhow do i solf this20:31
ashkorewhat is the mysql package called?20:31
kazilashkore, than u`ll have to install it20:31
ashkoreapt-get install mysql doesn't work20:31
kaziljust a sec20:32
NirevusCan anyone help with this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=389806520:32
kazilsudo apt-get mysql-server20:32
Slartashkore: there are packages for server, client, administration etc..20:32
Slartashkore: apt-cache search mysql to see them all20:32
amadeuxI have a problem with deluge. I have been downloading appx 10 torrents lately. Then suddenly my disk was full, and I decided to close deluge and remove some files (not related to deluge) to make room. Then I rebooted. When the system came back up, and I started deluge, it showed no torrents in the list. In ~/.config/deluge/torrentfiles, it seems that there is a lot of torrent files. So why?20:32
ashkoreoh, right20:32
kazilu need the -server20:32
ashkorei think ive only got the client20:32
amadeuxand more importantly: how do I get deluge to list the files again and continue downloading?20:32
ashkorekazil, do you know anything about samba?20:32
kazillil bit20:32
kazilafter u install mysql-server run this20:33
geniikrim: windows rejoining. Copy the file pieces into a dir by themselves all with same extensions. like part1.ext part2.ext    etcetera. then in same dir, do: copy *.ext rejoinedfilename.newextensionhere20:33
Parsihow to unmount volume from terminal?20:33
kazilsudo apt-get install php5-mysql20:33
kazilit`s to connect php and mysql20:33
Dutzzuso, nomebody else can help me install a webcam ?!?20:33
SlartParsi: umount /path/to/mount/point20:33
kazilashkore, i`m using samba to connect to my win comp20:33
kaziland if u need phpmyadmin20:34
SlartParsi: might have to throw in a "sudo" at the beginning there.. depends on what you're unmounting20:34
chester_martinsWHAT IS the name of package that allow ubuntu mount usb devices??20:34
kaziljust run apt-get install phpmyadmin20:34
ashkorekazil: before we talk about samba - i need help - i get this message while trying to install mysql-server20:34
ashkoreandrew@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install mysql-server20:34
ashkoreE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)20:34
ashkoreE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?20:34
Slartchester_martins: isn't that in udev?20:34
kaziland don`t forget to restart apache20:34
Flare183!paste | ashkore20:34
ubotuashkore: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)20:34
chester_martinsi install just the comand line system20:34
Slartashkore: shut down synaptic first.. can't only have one instance doing installing etc at a time20:34
geniiashkore: Close any other apps using a package manager or updating20:34
chester_martinsnow i couldnt mount usb devices20:35
kazilashkore: it`s because something is open... synaptic, shut it down :)20:35
Slartchester_martins: any error messages?20:35
orochi_Hello :> In a number of apps that are graphics "intensive" (e.g. bzflag, Java 6 when displaying 2d or 3d animated graphics, etc.), the sound stutters on my system...my chip is an AD1988 onboard. Anyone know if there's a setting I could alter to fix it? :/20:35
Slartchester_martins: checked the syslog? output from lsusb? is the device recognized by the usb subsystem?20:35
Dutzzuso, nomebody else can help me install a webcam ?!?20:36
chester_martinsno Slart20:36
LunksI had an ubuntu install which broke; Now I'm gonna remove windows and use the whole partition to ubuntu. my old windows is now mounted as /. I'd like to have my old ubuntu partition to become /home, but first I'm backing it up. After I remove everything from it and mount it as /home, will there be any catch on making everything the normal way? Is there an easier way? Thanks for any information.20:37
Slartchester_martins: hmm.. ok.. can you see the usb drive using lsusb? do it once without the drive connected and then again after plugging it in.. there should be an extra line after20:37
Spirototrobeph: I'm still having problems...20:37
SpirototNo matter what I try in alsamixer, the headphones/speakers always stay together. Is there a different mixer/program I need to use?20:38
DutzzuSlart, can you help me too ?20:38
subpar_I'm having problems with my mice on my laptop. There's two built in, and I want to turn one off, how would I go about doing that?20:39
SlartDutzzu: not sure... depends entirely on what kind of webcam it is20:39
SlartDutzzu: some have support out of the box in ubuntu.. some require you to compile drivers etc..20:40
michael_Attempting to use WoW via Cegega on Gutsy-- Pulls up with only a black screen and pointer then freezes, any ideas-- Also, how do i know if the games updates have been dled-- I dont think they have20:40
DutzzuSlart,  if i type lsusb i have: Device 003: ID 093a:0007 Pixart Imaging, Inc.20:40
Slartmichael_: ask the Cedega people.. you've paid for it, right?20:41
DutzzuSlart,  how can i check if it's suportetd by Ubuntu ?20:41
SlartDutzzu: ok... hang on.. do you have the manufacturer/model of the webcam?20:41
tbnorthdoes livecd 7.10 have rsync on it?20:41
michael_ya =( thought itd been easier if someone else has experienced this20:41
Dutzzui have the install cd... but it's for windows :/20:41
michael_then waiting on a stupid email -.-20:41
DutzzuSlart,  on the install-cd it writes: VP-EYE :)20:42
DutzzuSlart,  and, as i sayd, if i type: lsusb it says: Device 003: ID 093a:0007 Pixart Imaging, Inc.20:42
SlartDutzzu: ah.. they only offer support through email? .. bah.. well... I don't play wow.. managed to stay away so far =)20:42
SlartDutzzu: ok.. hang on.. I'll try some google fu20:42
david__I wonder why my network is slow...20:43
kazili just don`t get it... why did they split up httpd.conf in so many files? much easier when its all in one place....20:43
LunksI had an ubuntu install which broke; Now I'm gonna remove windows and use the whole partition to ubuntu. my old windows is now mounted as /. I'd like to have my old ubuntu partition to become /home, but first I'm backing it up. After I remove everything from it and mount it as /home, will there be any catch on making everything the normal way? Is there an easier way? Thanks for any information.20:43
danbhfiveLunks: I have a website that might help20:44
ompaulLunks, back up everything and then reinstall from scratch20:44
Lunksdanbhfive: could you please post it?20:44
Lunksompaul: Why, can't I make a partition with /home afterwards?20:44
danbhfiveLunks: http://hollocher.hobby-site.org/drupal/?q=node/3920:45
Lunksompaul: I AM installing from scratch, except that I'm planning to make a new /home partition.20:45
Lunksdanbhfive: thanks, i'll check20:45
danbhfiveits my own personal site, so please opy whatever info you need: Lunks20:45
mark3mkdoes anyone know the key combination to get terminal server client out of full screen mode?20:45
michael_how can i check on how much ram i have on my computer without restarting20:45
kazilashkore: how u doin`?20:46
ompaulLunks, I must have misread what you wrote20:46
soundraymichael_: enter "free" in a terminal20:46
AgentHeXLunks: did you just install ubuntu over the windows install on an ntfs partition?20:46
=== Moniker8241 is now known as Moniker42
SlartDutzzu: haven't found a solution yet.. but here's some other guy with the same brand of webcam http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=52442820:46
ashkoreim on the fone20:46
LunksAgentHeX: No, I've made a new ext3 partition.20:46
unopubuntu on ntfs?20:46
AgentHeXLunks: how did you get windows installed there?20:46
LunksAgentHeX: I removed windows partition20:46
mark3mkmichael system monitor20:47
AgentHeXunop: i know it sounds crazy, and no, i have not tried, but i would imagine it's possible20:47
LunksAgentHeX: Actually, there's Wubi which is almost a "Ubuntu on NTFS"20:47
Lunks!wubi | AgentHeX20:47
ubotuAgentHeX: wubi is an unofficial Ubuntu installer for Windows users - more info is at http://www.cutlersoftware.com/ubuntusetup/wubi/en-US/index.html20:47
=== Julian3 is now known as saxartist
aladdinsaneok, still looking for a good scientific/graphing calculator, i found "Qualculate!" which is a great scientific calculator but lacks the graphing capabilities. If anyone has a tip of one that combines the two like say a Texas Instrument 85 calculator, pls shout it out20:48
unopAgentHeX, I dunno if the installer would know what NTFS is .. but you can migrate partitions over to NTFS later on (provided you have NTFS read write support installed)20:48
AgentHeXLunks: i assume that's a version of ubuntu that runs within windows?20:48
DutzzuSlart, i've already seen that topic :*20:48
AgentHeXunop: the text-mode installer for the alternate CD recognizes my NTFS partitions and mounts them in /media20:48
michael_515648- Available.      used: 436848 Why is so much memory being used??? what does the swap mean?20:48
SlartDutzzu: can't find any other info on your webcam... sorry20:48
LunksAgentHeX: It's similar to mounting isos on ubuntu20:48
mavi-michael_: linux maps up all memory, all of it isnt in use by programs20:49
LunksAgentHeX: It creates a file which it will load and treat as a mount point.20:49
AgentHeXLunks: hmmm...  i'm curious -- not enough to try anything but still curious20:49
LjLaladdinsane: hm? qalculate graphs20:49
DutzzuSlart,  one more question: if i type: deb http://blognux.free.fr/debian unstable main20:49
Dutzzui get the message20:49
LjLaladdinsane: i mean ok, it uses gnuplot to, but still20:49
kazil!zend studio20:49
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about zend studio - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi20:49
Dutzzubash: deb: command not found20:49
mavi-michael_: swap means the same, but for the memory-swap-partition20:50
LunksAgentHeX: If you already use Ubuntu there's no point using it. But if you want someone to try it, it's the best choice20:50
unopAgentHeX, hmm... but have you ever tried making a mount point like / or /usr or /var formatted as NTFS within the installer tho?20:50
Dutzzuwhat do i have to installl ?20:50
danbhfiveDutzzu thats a source20:50
AgentHeXLunks: i'm dual-booting with Ubuntu and XP20:50
danbhfiveSystem >  ... > Software Sources or something20:50
michael_mavi: ok, well based on system monitor- only 2.5gb is being used, so i guessi installed it correctly20:50
AgentHeXunop: nope.  haven't tried.20:50
Dutzzudanbhfive, it's the same like typeing with wget ? insteed of deb ?20:50
geniiDutzzu: Instead of trying to execute that line as a command, instead add it (with admin write priveledge) to /etc/apt/sources.list20:50
pmcnabbis there a way to buffer screensavers run with "-root" so the background is not cleared when something is drawn over it?20:51
MikeHI'm trying to copy a load of stuff from one hd/folder to another, and the copy stopped half-way through somewhere, I think because one of the files was in use, now how can I start that copy again without overwriting what's there?20:51
danbhfiveDutzzu System > Admin > Software Sources20:51
AgentHeXunop: as i recall, there's no option to format / with NTFS, so it's probably not possible to r/w the partition until the kernel (and perhaps other parts of the system) is available.20:51
rabidweezlehow do I enable mouse in my console?20:51
soundrayMikeH: no20:51
LjLrabidweezle: install gpm20:51
deadlockMikeH: When it asks if you want to copy over the files click skip, it will copy whatever files arent already there.20:52
Lunksdanbhfive: Thanks, it will help me later20:52
MikeHsoundray, no?20:52
rabidweezlethen reboot?20:52
MikeHdeadlock, thanks.20:52
deadlockMikeH: When it asks if you want to copy over the files click skip, it will copy whatever files arent already there.20:52
unopAgentHeX, which is what i mean exactly too20:52
LjLrabidweezle: no, then use the mouse20:52
AgentHeXunop: maybe using ext2 for /boot and ntfs for the root partition.  iono.  i'm not going to try, but if someone in this room is crazy enough to try, i'm sure they'll get back to us -- or not if it borks their system.  :-P20:52
kazilplease, somebody... zend studio, when i start it it`s all gray. someone knows anything about it?20:52
soundrayMikeH: you can use rsync instead of cp if you want to avoid re-transferring files20:52
mavi-kazil: thats was a compiz-bug some year ago20:52
soundrayMikeH: cp doesn't stop because of a file being "in use", by the way20:52
rabidweezleit works20:52
tommax1083hi, all i ve a problem with a router wireless...I have a sitecom wireless connected to ADSL, and i have a netgear dg834g for try to repeat signal.20:52
mavi-kazil: try open a terminal and type "metacity --replace"20:53
mavi-kazil: and then restart zend20:53
rabidweezlethanks lgl20:53
kaziljust a sec20:53
unopAgentHeX, I've used /usr/ on an NTFS partition temporarily once while making some free space  ...  but only temporarily20:53
tommax1083but netgear dont repeat signal... anyone can help me?20:53
unopdont see why / wouldnt work tho20:53
mavi-kazil: "metacity --replace &" even20:53
aladdinsaneLjL-Temp: Maybe its just me having a bad day but do you mean i can plot graphs with Qalculate! or is there a standalone called "Qalculate graphs"? cause in that case i cant find it20:53
AgentHeXunop: i would imagine that if the kernel has the NTFS driver, you would only need ext2 for the kernel and the rest could be ntfs20:53
geniitommax1083: I do not think that qualifies as an ubuntu-related tech question20:54
AgentHeXunop: again, i don't care enough to try, but it's good discussion material20:54
tommax1083where i can find group?20:54
LjLaladdinsane: File > Plot Function/Data, enter an expression, and click "Add". at least on the KDE version.20:54
Lunksdanbhfive: By the way, do you believe 40gb to / and 80gb to /home is the best way?20:54
michael_how can i check if my NVIDIA graphics cards is running in OpenGL mode with ubuntu20:54
kazilmavi-: please send me your address... i`m gonna send u a case of beer man!!!20:54
mavi-kazil: haha =)20:55
unopLunks, is a 2 seater coupe better than a 10 seater limousine? :)20:55
Vad1Hi. How can I make Ubuntu use my swap space?20:55
MikeHHow can I mount a partition as root that is writable by anyone?20:55
Lunksmichael_: glxinfo20:55
soundrayunop: of course!20:55
mavi-kazil: but anyway, tried eclipse with the php-plugins, i like it more then zend20:55
michael_lunks: thanks20:55
kazilmavi-: thanks a lot20:55
mavi-kazil: try*20:55
Vad1Right now, when my RAM fills up, it just completely freezes my system, and that's it.20:55
SlartVad1: remove memory?20:55
Dutzzugeni, danbhfive how can i edit that ?20:55
mavi-kazil: www.easyeclipse.org got some packages20:55
unopsoundray, relative disposition does not apply :)20:55
danbhfiveLunks: well, it depends I guess, I have a 40g, and I did 30g to home, and 10g to /20:55
kazilyeah i tried it also but zend is much more for my taste :)20:55
SlartVad1: the memory is ok? have you run a mem-test?20:55
Lunksunop: it depends! =P20:55
danbhfivelunks: you could probably do 10g to / and 110g to /home20:56
soundrayunop: the best thing yet is a campervan, though20:56
Vad1Slart: Yes my memory is fine. It is however refusing to use the swap patrition.20:56
unopLunks, there you go - you answered your own question then :)20:56
Lunksdanbhfive: I will do something like it later. :P20:56
Dutzzugenii, danbhfive  with " pico " ?20:56
SlartVad1: is it mounted as swap?20:56
mavi-kazil: you will have to disable 3d-effects every time you want to run zend tho20:56
aladdinsaneLjL-Temp: Magnificent! I totally missed that, pardon my stupidity, thnx!20:56
unopsoundray, indeed :)20:56
Lunksunop: I'd rather would like to know how much is good to a / partition. :P20:56
danbhfiveDutzzu go to System > Admin> Software Sources20:56
SlartVad1: and have you run the enable swap command.. swapon?20:56
kazilalso i used zend for almost 2 years now... so i`m kinda use to it :)20:56
mavi-kazil: or maybe there are some compiz-patch for that if you are in the mood for fixing it.20:56
DutzzuSlart, thank you for your time *anyway* :)20:56
Vad1Slart: How can I check? ah ok20:56
krimHow can I make an .iso file into several 1gb .zip pieces to be opened in Windows? Rar might be acceptable too. The split solution seems too complicated for the person I'm going to send it to.20:56
Dutzzudanbhfive, oke, and than ?20:56
aladdinsaneLjL-Temp: Magnificent! I totally missed that, pardon my stupidity, thnx!20:57
SlartDutzzu: sorry I couldn't be more helpful... webcams are uncharted territory kind of..20:57
Vad1Slart: no idea what argument to use for swapon20:57
danbhfiveDutzzu go to 3rd party, and add it there20:57
unopLunks, well, i choose to put /usr, /usr/local, /var, etc on different partitions .. in that case 256Mb for / suffices20:57
unopor less even20:57
SlartVad1: sudo swapon -a20:57
Vad1Slart: I put the system monitor applet for swap and ram in my gnome bar. It just says 0% for swap though20:57
danbhfiveslart dutzzu I think I might pirate a copy of windows or something :(  just for the webcam20:57
unopLunks, it totally depends on how you have chosen to partition your disk and assign mount points20:57
Dutzzudanbhfive,  i thought about that too... using wine :-s20:58
Lunksunop: I'm just separating / and /home as almost every other directory doesn't have a clear purpose. :P20:58
geniiDutzzu: danbhfive recommended the system>admin>sources   route which is likely easiest. but you can also manually add with something like sudo pico /etc/apt/sources.list        or alt-f2 then gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list20:58
Vad1Slart: http://pastebin.com/m1e5fc7ec20:58
DutzzuSlart,  thank you anyway, :D i apraciate that you tried :)20:58
danbhfiveDutzzu no, you cant use wine20:58
Slartdanbhfive: yes.. webcams and wi-fi are things that need some work in the linux world.. wi fi is getting better.. let's hope webcams will come along shortly too20:58
unopLunks, in that case I would use a liberal 20Gb for / and the rest for /home20:58
Lunksunop: I feel like Captain Obvious, but I only know /home is for my own stuff. :P20:58
Lunksok, then20:59
unopLunks, wow .. now, i didnt even know that :)20:59
Lunkshaha lol20:59
SlartVad1: moved disks recently? it seems it doesn't find the disk it wants..20:59
michael_Using Cedega and WoW with Gutsy-- How do i get WoW to update itself-- Anyone experience this problem20:59
michael_or patch20:59
unopLunks, you could mount /home into some other directory under / too, ya know? :)20:59
Vad1Slart: I did install the ubuntu server edition on my laptop today, yeah.20:59
Vad1Slart: and told it to use the same swap space. I thought that was legal.21:00
zancikwhere I can change my splash screens?21:00
Vad1Slart: what do I dooo?21:00
SlartVad1: yes.. that would be alright.. check in the file /etc/fstab... somewhere in there is a line that defines what partition to use for swap..21:00
Dutzzupff, i have to go now21:01
Dutzzui  ll try later21:01
Dutzzuhave a good night21:01
unopor more if you use multiple swap paritions21:01
Slartgood night Dutzzu21:01
Dutzzu& thank you again for your time :)21:01
zancikwhere I can change my splash screens?21:01
Vad1Slart: http://pastebin.com/m78f21b2921:01
MikeHdeadlock, I'm getting told there isn't enough space on the destination disc21:02
MikeHHowever there would be if just the files that were missing were added.?21:02
soundrayMikeH: why aren't you listening to me?21:02
michael_Using Cedega and WoW with Gutsy-- How do i get WoW to update itself-- Anyone experience this problem21:02
kazilmavi-: there`s some zend plugin for eclipse in beta available on zend.com. u tried it?21:02
xxxterrible_tickwhats up21:02
MikeHsoundray, all you said was no?21:02
SlartVad1: ok.. can you find out what partition is supposed to be the swap partition? it would be called something like /dev/sda1 .. might even be just that21:02
soundrayMikeH: you mean you missed all the other things I said to you?21:03
MikeHsoundray, sorry, didn't see the other stuff21:03
syndr0hello all21:03
JohnJoe101get out21:03
* soundray wonders why some people can be bothered to ask a question, but can't be bothered to read the answers...21:03
ubotuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs21:04
Vad1Slart: gparted says /dev/sda121:04
ashkorekazil: im back, sorry, ive been on the phone for 30 mins21:04
MikeHsoundray, ok, so say I wanted to "sync" /path/to/d to /another/path/to/d with rsync, how would I go about it?21:04
michael_Using Cedega and WoW with Gutsy-- How do i get WoW to update or patch itself-- Anyone experience this problem21:04
kazilashkore: no probs :)21:04
kazilit installed mysql?21:04
syndr0ok i had to force mount my other partitions and am now cleaning up the partitions i deleted a bunch of data but why does it say that there is still mass amount of space used?21:04
ashkoreim just about to start it now21:04
SlartVad1: ok then.. change "UUID=816b665a-5723-4a04-96fa-b335ea6601fa" to "/dev/sda1" and then try the "sudo swapon -a" command again21:05
soundrayMikeH: use rsync --help to find out about the available parameters and pick the ones you need. Use --dry-run for testing before you run the command in earnest.21:05
dmckeeMy fstab looks corect for a drive that gives me an fstab (line8) error. anyway I can find out what might be wrong on it?21:05
syndr0Lunks, you here?21:05
IRC`ENGINEERubuntu has gui?21:05
Lunkssyndr0: yep21:05
ubotuXEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen21:06
LunksIRC`ENGINEER: yes, it has21:06
syndr0lunks: i finally got my partitions to be mounted i had to force mount them.21:06
Vad1Slart: it didn't complain this time. How can I check if its working? I dont want to lock up my laptop again.21:06
IRC`ENGINEERlunks is it easy to use?21:06
ilredshi to all21:06
LunksIRC`ENGINEER: It depends =P21:06
SlartVad1: check "free" see if it says anything about swap space21:06
unopIRC`ENGINEER, thats like asking if a BMW is easier to drive than a mercedes is21:06
doublehpI've got a breezy in hands; I want to install gnucash; I have a very bad experience in upgrading Ubuntu; last time I did it, it took me hours, and I lost network connection, and sound (because of broken kernel, resolving deps). do you have any advice to give me to install gnucash a soft way without having to upgrade any thing ? I really fear breaking this system.21:06
dmckeeLooking for terminal command to learn what if my drive is truly sdc2... halp!21:06
soundraydmckee: paste /etc/fstab on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for us to have a look at it21:06
syndr0lunks: now after i mounted them i went through it and deleted a bunch of stuff, how come it still hasnt opened up any space?21:06
IRC`ENGINEERLunks I am worried whether i will be able to install modem, sound, vga drivers or nto21:07
ubotuPartitioning programs: !GParted or QTParted (also "man mkfs" for formatting) - Mounting partitions in Gnome under Dapper: System -> Administration -> Disks - For Edgy, see !fstab and !DiskMounter21:07
Lunkssyndr0: It usually happens when you didn't shutdown correctly on windows21:07
dAvE333How can you tell if acpi works21:07
Vad1Slart: http://pastebin.com/m422d639e. Looks right?21:07
NirevusCan anyone help with this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=389806521:07
ompauldoublehp, breezy is no longer supported please get a later CD21:07
IRC`ENGINEERLunks I never used linux before21:07
dmckeety soundray21:07
dAvE333and if the battery is charging?21:07
ilredsi have a hp 530 laptop...what kind of speaker system can i use with that laptop?21:07
LunksIRC`ENGINEER: try wubi21:07
IRC`ENGINEERSo want to start with ubuntu21:07
ubotuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE21:07
LunksIRC`ENGINEER: are you on windows?21:07
IRC`ENGINEERlunks yes21:07
ilredsi've only the jack audio aout21:07
Lunks!wubi | IRC`ENGINEER21:07
ubotuIRC`ENGINEER: wubi is an unofficial Ubuntu installer for Windows users - more info is at http://www.cutlersoftware.com/ubuntusetup/wubi/en-US/index.html21:07
soundraydAvE333: there are gnome applets that show you the battery status.21:07
IRC`ENGINEERtrying linux first time, A friend suggested me to use ubuntu21:07
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)21:07
soundraydAvE333: simple test: 'acpi -V' in terminal21:08
doublehpompaul: I know, and I just explained why I dont want to use a newer CD*21:08
LunksIRC`ENGINEER: wubi is just a way to install ubuntu on windows21:08
LunksIRC`ENGINEER: it's good to try it out21:08
LjLIRC`ENGINEER, just run the Live CD, it will give you an idea of how well your hardware is supported. you can even install stuff on the live CD (although, of course, it's lost when you reboot)21:08
SlartVad1: you've got about 1.8 GB of swap now.. sounds correct?21:08
dAvE333soundray, I used the Xubuntu cd and installed fluxbox to help my computer21:08
ashkorekazil: what does "flooding the channel mean"?21:08
ashkorein paste21:08
syndr0lunks: thats why i had to force mount it. do i have to move the files i want to one partition and format one, then move the files to the newly formatted partition and then format the last ntfs partition?21:08
Lunkssyndr0: If you have to force it, it means it wasn't clean unmounted21:08
ashkore!paste kazil21:08
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about paste kazil - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:08
kazilashkore: when u wirte a lot of things here21:08
kaziland fast21:08
Lunkssyndr0: Do you have a Windows on your machine?21:08
Seivan|Can someone help me with contrab, I try to add the VNCserver but I just get USER environmental variabel not set21:08
michael_Using Cedega and WoW with Gutsy-- How do i get WoW to update or patch itself-- Anyone experience this problem21:08
Seivan|in mail21:08
kazilinstead use paste21:09
dAvE333battery charge ac adapter online21:09
MikeHsoundray, i did " rsync -r --dry-run /media/FreeAgent\ Drive/Data/d/ /media/temp/d/" but got no output?21:09
soundraydAvE333: you can also explore the contents of /proc/acpi21:09
IRC`ENGINEERLjL , cool your help appreciated21:09
syndr0lunks: not anymore, just ubuntu21:09
Vad1Slart: gparted says it's 1.59gb.. but that's good still. Will it auto-mount each time now21:09
IRC`ENGINEERlunks your too21:09
ompauldoublehp, okay, let me make this simple, you will not get breezy help here, it is out of date, and support for it has gone away, I am advising a fresh install with a new CD, safer than upgrading21:09
ashkorewhat do you mean use paste?21:09
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)21:09
IRC`ENGINEERLunks I wonder why Ubuntu is for free?21:09
Lunkssyndr0: then why use ntfs?21:09
syndr0irce'engineer , lunks and ljl are kewl21:09
kazilgo to that link21:09
ted0816Hi,  whenever I run any torrent clients my computer freezes after some time.  I have tried many clients with all the same result.  Any ideas?21:09
syndr0ubuntu is open source thats why its free21:09
IRC`ENGINEERI was inspired to see Ubuntu Stickers and posters everywhere in my university21:09
Vad1ted0816: deluge?21:09
kazilu`ll see a place to paste large texts21:09
soundrayIRC`ENGINEER: please ask in #ubuntu-offtopic21:09
jimmygoon/usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh doesn't exist in gutsy?21:09
Lunkshaha tnx syndr021:09
=== czajkows1i is now known as czajkowski
soundrayIRC`ENGINEER: this channel is strictly for helping people to get it up and running21:10
SlartVad1:hmm.. not sure.. but you could try adding a "auto" where it says "none" atm  in /etc/fstab.. I think it'll use it automagically then21:10
jimmygoonThe wii is wrong21:10
syndr0lunks: i wanna reformat them from ntfs to another file system, but i want to save my mp3s and movies21:10
lookuphey all21:10
ted0816Vadl:  Yes, I have tried Deluge and same problem21:10
syndr0lunks: also what fs should i format them too? reiserfs?21:10
lookupamarok keeps crashing on me and i can't seem to figure out why21:10
Lunkssyndr0: You should back it up, then21:10
ImP0steRInfo-Line for err0r: [00:30:45] <+Err0r> ñëéðéí æä áëìì ìà ãå÷ø21:10
lookupcan anybody help me out21:10
IRC`ENGINEERokay soundray :)21:10
Vad1Slart: thanks man. Lets hope it'll do better this time21:10
Lunkssyndr0: If it's just for mp3 and movies, I believe reiserfs should be a good try, though I've never used it21:11
syndr0lunks: back it up on an external media?21:11
SlartVad1: you're welcome21:11
kazilashkore http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47020/ an example21:11
ashkorekazil, ive installed mysql21:11
MartianLobsteris there a howto somewhere, for installing wifi cards on laptops with ubuntu?   I have an acer laptop, with an aetheros wifi card.21:11
syndr0lunks: what fs do you use?21:11
=== crdlb_ is now known as crdlb
Lunkssyndr0: backit up anywhere you want =P21:11
Lunkssyndr0: ext3 and ntfs21:11
ted0816Vad1: do you have any idea how I can fix the problem21:11
syndr0lunks: go private with me for one sec please21:11
doublehpompaul: last time I updated locally a Breezy, I lost network and sound; this time, I performing remote maintainance; so, there is not way for me to either use a CD (the box is 400 miles away), or think of changing the kernel (what is often required to upgrade a Debian ). So, for you, the conclusion is just; impossible ?21:11
soundrayMikeH: did you actually look at all the options? I imagine that you want at least --owner --group --times --perms21:11
kazilrestart apache21:11
Lunkssyndr0: ok21:11
soundray!madwifi | MartianLobster21:11
ubotuMartianLobster: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs21:11
ashkorewhat was the syntax again? sudo apaceh2ctl -k restart?21:11
MartianLobsterthansk soundray21:12
ompauldoublehp, round about that21:12
ubotureiserfs is a journalling file system, which outperforms many others on I/O operations, but has drawbacks (such as increasing likelihood of data loss, and introducing latency unsuitable for gaming or real-time audio). Using !ext3, the default on Ubuntu, is *highly* recommended. A read-only Windows driver is available at http://p-nand-q.com/download/rfstool.html21:12
soundrayMartianLobster: look out for advice relating to madwifi -- it's the name of the Atheros driver21:12
mafsihi everybody21:12
ashkorethen what was the connector package?21:12
doublehpompaul: Breezy getting unmaintained after only 2 years, thats really unfair. Even Windows has a 5y support waranty.21:12
ted0816Hi,  whenever I run any torrent clients my computer freezes after some time.  I have tried many clients with all the same result.  Any ideas?21:12
kazilashkore: sudo apt-get install php5-mysql  this should be next21:13
MikeHsoundray, ok, but they arn't going to change the fact dry run gave me no output21:13
Lunkssyndr0: looks like ubotu just answered your question; you should go well using etx321:13
ompaul!lts | doublehp21:13
ubotudoublehp: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.21:13
Lunks!reiser | syndr021:13
ubotusyndr0: reiserfs is a journalling file system, which outperforms many others on I/O operations, but has drawbacks (such as increasing likelihood of data loss, and introducing latency unsuitable for gaming or real-time audio). Using !ext3, the default on Ubuntu, is *highly* recommended. A read-only Windows driver is available at http://p-nand-q.com/download/rfstool.html21:13
mafsiis a good way to create a folder on desktop for example & to mount an .iso there or should I mount in /dev ?21:13
daedrafascists* ...21:13
Lunksmafsi: you should be good on your desktop21:13
ashkorethen do i restart apache21:13
doublehpompaul: ok; I ll stop using Ubuntu then.21:14
yaraaa614<doublehp> ompaul: Breezy getting unmaintained after only 2 years, thats really unfair. Even Windows has a 5y support waranty.21:14
yaraaa614<doublehp> ompaul: Breezy getting unmaintained after only 2 years, thats really unfair. Even Windows has a 5y support waranty.21:14
yaraaa614<doublehp> ompaul: Breezy getting unmaintained after only 2 years, thats really unfair. Even Windows has a 5y support waranty.21:14
yaraaa614<doublehp> ompaul: Breezy getting unmaintained after only 2 years, thats really unfair. Even Windows has a 5y support waranty.21:14
yaraaa614<doublehp> ompaul: Breezy getting unmaintained after only 2 years, thats really unfair. Even Windows has a 5y support waranty.21:14
mafsiLunks: but whe i mount the iso i find the files as root:root permission; why?21:14
yaraaa614<doublehp> ompaul: Breezy getting unmaintained after only 2 years, thats really unfair. Even Windows has a 5y support waranty.21:14
yaraaa614<doublehp> ompaul: Breezy getting unmaintained after only 2 years, thats really unfair. Even Windows has a 5y support waranty.21:14
Lunksmafsi: you shouldn't use /dev. If you wanna keep yourself organized, you should use /media21:14
TBotNik_1All, looking for Neddyseagoon, seen him?  He has a Xwin Driver build page that I need a link to!21:14
kazilashkore: yaraaa614: is now flooding the channel :D21:14
soundrayMikeH: look, I told you what to do. It's not that difficult to find out what to do, based on my advice.21:14
kaziljust for an example :D21:14
ashkorethanks (y)21:14
ashkore*sorry - used to msn emoticons21:14
syndr0lunks: look at private21:14
Lunksmafsi: You should use -o users, loop (or user,loop not sure)21:15
mafsiLunks: so mkdir /media/myvirtualDVD and mount there?21:15
Lunksmafsi: yep, that's how ubuntu does by default21:15
kazilashkore no prob :D21:15
doublehpdanbhfive: Gentoo has softer migration process; Debian has longer waranties, I may also have a look at Mandrake ...21:15
MikeHok, I missed -v21:15
mafsiand  -o what does do?21:15
Lunkssyndr0: no msgs from you on my pvt. O.o21:15
kazilashkore: install phpmyadmin for final step21:15
kazilif u need it21:15
ted0816Hi,  whenever I run any torrent clients my computer freezes after some time.  I have tried many clients with all the same result.  Any ideas?21:15
mafsiLunks:   and  -o what does do?21:15
ashkorethanks alot kazil, my phpinfo file now reads mysql and mysqli21:15
danbhfivedoublehp but if you are thinking of switching, why cant you switch to a modern version of ubuntu?21:15
Lunksmafsi: may I ask, how are you mounting your iso?21:15
mdomschUpdating System BIOS when running Ubuntu: http://direct2dell.com/one2one/archive/2007/12/05/37446.aspx21:15
ubotuNOTICE - There is a lot of traffic in this channel at the moment. Please try to keep your sentences into a single message, avoid repeating the same question multiple times, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org for pasting, remember to mention the nickname of the person you're addressing, and join #ubuntu-offtopic for anything that is not Ubuntu support. Thank you for understanding!21:15
syndr0lunks: how bout now?21:16
mafsiLunks: i installed Gmount-iso21:16
Lunksmafsi: hmm never used it21:16
Seivan|How do you make a program start when you boot the computer?21:16
doublehpdanbhfive: I will tell the owner of the machine to re-install, and I ll afvise to change distro21:16
mafsiLunks: can you tell me the command line, pls?21:16
Slartwas breezy a LTS releast?21:16
lastelement0hi i just recieved an error message on start "Unable to start the settings manager 'gnome-setting-daemon'.21:16
lastelement0how do i fix this?21:17
kazilsomeone in for some floodin`? :D21:17
Odd-rationalelastelement0: Try logging out and back in.21:17
soundraySeivan|: really on boot, or when you log in?21:17
Lunksmafsi: there's a terminal command to mount isos: sudo mount file.iso /media/virtualdvd -o loop (users or user should make it user writable21:17
Lunkssyndr0: not21:17
Seivan|soundray: on boot21:17
syndr0lunks: i think i need to register21:17
mafsiLunks: let's try :D21:17
Lunksmafsi: so it should be -o loop,users21:17
ted0816Hi,  whenever I run any torrent clients my computer freezes after some time.  I have tried many clients with all the same result.  Any ideas?21:17
kazilashkore: what u do with php? apps or web pages?21:17
soundraySeivan|: call it from /etc/rc.local .  Warning: it will run with root privileges.21:17
mafsiLunks: users mean my user?21:18
danbhfivedoublehp: well, ubuntu does have a longterm support release, which is currently dapper i believe21:18
Lunksmafsi: nop21:18
ashkorewhats the difference?21:18
Seivan|soundray: I just want to start the vncserver when my server boots, how can I do that?21:18
Lunksmafsi: I'm not sure about this option, but it should be 'user' or 'users'21:18
ashkorei make websites21:18
ashkorebut i would say it was a app21:18
ashkorei am currently working on a social network21:18
mafsiLunks: aham, i'll give a try right now21:18
kazilashkore: under apps i mean on phpdriven apps not for web pages... like on localhost only21:19
ashkorewhat are php driven apps?21:19
syndr0lunks: i msged you21:19
soundraySeivan|: I don't know, that's a bit more involved. You can run it from gdm. I think there is a thread or even a howto on the ubuntu forums -- worth a search.21:19
Seivan|soundray: I did @reboot /usr/bin/tightvncserver :121:20
Seivan|However I get USER environmental variabel not set when I reboot in mail21:20
kazilashkore: i`m into making an accounting program in php use it on localhost only (btw sorry for bad english :))21:20
kazilashkore: u got any personal website to check it out?21:21
ashkorekazil, about samba, can i create a domain and get windows to connect to it?21:21
kazildon`t know that... i use it only to connect to windows network21:21
ashkorekazil, where is phpmyadmin installed to?21:22
soundraySeivan|: here's something I found for Gentoo -- maybe you can adapt it for Ubuntu: http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Xvnc_terminal_server21:22
mafsiLunks:  sudo mount file.iso /media/virtualdvd -o loop,users21:22
ubotuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX21:22
mafsiLunks: it worked! 10x a lot21:23
Lunksmafsi: =)21:23
=== nallemantlyperad is now known as nonumboreerakete
Lunksmafsi: thanks for letting me know it's users21:23
ashkoreit says Url Not Found21:23
kazilu restarted apache?21:23
Lunksmafsi: if you want to run something on it, you should use exec option as well21:23
ashkoreoo.. no :) hehe21:23
kazilhaha :D21:23
Lunksmafsi: so it becomes users,loop,exec21:23
soundrayompaul: how best to start VNC to enable remote login direct after boot?21:23
kazilu`ll get use to it... i did :D21:23
mafsiLunks: exec? what does this command  do?21:24
ompaulsoundray, my take on it was it was a daemon and started itself21:24
Lunksmafsi: lets you run stuff on a partition with 'users' set21:24
ashkorestill,, 40421:24
Lunksmafsi: if you'll just browse files i.e. not run anything, it should go fine without it21:24
LimCorewhere can I find the config21:24
mafsiLunks: aham21:25
dmckee_sfdidk -l lists my drives as sdd1 sdd2 sdd3... but my drives are mounted as sda sdb sdc. why is that?21:25
LimCoreused for my kernel?  its not in /proc/config.gz21:25
ashkoreany ideas?21:25
mafsiLunks: another problem if you have some time, pls21:25
kazilashkore /etc/phpmyadmin?21:25
spr0k3tIf I want to overwrite an icon (ex: start-here.svg), where do I put the new file at for my profile?21:25
soundrayompaul: no, following the factoid instructions, you have to start vncserver interactively via ssh or so.21:25
mafsiLunks: i don't understant at all fstab so here is my problem:21:26
mafsiLunks: i have a portable hdd which is automatically mounted at start up21:26
ompaulsoundray, ahh - I don't use it, my preference is for xdmcp and krdc if I have to21:26
xeerso i installed the new ati drivers and i have compiz turned on. when i maximize a window with the effect enabled, GDM restarts. what would cause this?21:26
ashkoreyes its there21:27
soundraySeivan|: did you see what ompaul said? ^^21:27
mafsiLunks: if i umount it i can do it as user, but then if i want to mount back it gives me error: cannot mpunt /media/portable cause is not in fstab21:27
TerribleTickleri have a atheros wifi card or something prebuilt into my laptop. How can i get my wifi to work? i have a acer aspire 5610z21:27
ashkoreand theres a file called httpd.conf that lists the alias /phpmyadmin to /usr/share/phpmyadmin21:27
ashkoreso i don't see how it's not working21:27
soundray!wifi | TerribleTickler21:27
ubotuTerribleTickler: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs21:27
TerribleTicklerthank you21:27
ompaulSeivan|, if windows I insist on xcygwin calling to xdmcp21:27
soundrayTerribleTickler: the driver is called madwifi21:27
mafsiLunks: how can i add it to fstab; that file is roket science to me :)21:28
Lunksmafsi: I don't remember how to do it21:28
soundraySee you all21:28
ompaulSeivan|, depends on trust of the network21:28
Lunksmafsi: I'll try to find it as soon as I can, but I'm kinda busy now21:28
spr0k3tIf I want to overwrite an icon (ex: start-here.svg), where do I put the new file at for my profile?21:28
kazilashkore /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/alias.conf?21:28
mafsiLunks: 10x a lot 4 your help :) i owe u a beer21:28
Lunksmafsi: haha tnx21:28
kazilis the phpmyadmin part there?21:29
dmckee_All of my drives were mounted correctly on install except one. Its used to be listed in computer:/// and not able to be accessed. but now its not there and I can't find it. any help would be appriciated.21:29
fairmanHi, two question: how can i restart sound server? And how can i find out which sound server i am using?21:29
ashkorethe alias.conf is there21:29
kazilis the phpmyadmin part there?21:29
ashkorebut im adding it21:29
kaziladd it21:29
bur[n]eranyone try to compile midori?  I can get it to ./configure, but it fails on make21:30
kazili presume it`s a bit mixed up cause u had earlier a lamp server21:30
mafsifairman: init.d maybe?21:30
fairmanmafsi: yes, i have already tried ...init.d/alsa restart21:31
ashkorethen restart apache (y)21:31
fairmanmafsi: but how can i find out, what is the name of the sound server?21:31
bur[n]erfairman: killall esd and then start esd21:31
arashHi, having the compiz basic windows effects activiated, what kind of resources will be mostly used, processor/memory/etc?21:31
bur[n]erfairman: if you use gnome, it's the enlightenment sound daemon or "esd"21:31
dmckee_All of my drives were mounted correctly on install except one. Its used to be listed in computer:/// and not able to be accessed fstab error). I played with fstab a little, but no luck. any help would be appriciated.21:32
ashkorestill not there21:32
fairmanbur[n]er: i am using kde21:32
bur[n]erarash: depends on your video card... if it can, it will rely on gpu power21:32
bur[n]erfairman: ksound?  got me21:32
arashbur[n]er: ATI 9800, does that say anyting?21:32
spr0k3tIf I want to overwrite an icon (ex: start-here.svg), where do I put the new file at for my profile?21:32
bur[n]erarash: not as much as just trying it out would... it's not hard to go to appearance and enable desktop effects ;)21:32
geniidmckee_: What did the drive used to be called when you saw it there?21:33
mafsifairman: lspci21:33
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)21:33
dmckee_genii: Big 5-0 (named in vista)21:33
arashbur[n]er: I have it activated :p, but I first thought memory would take the hit, but I don't see any background process taking much memory21:33
kazilashkore: heres my phpmyadmin alias try it http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47030/21:34
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about lspci - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi21:34
bur[n]erarash: can you play flash videos fullscreen with compiz enabled?  i couldn't on my intel21:34
geniidmckee_: Ah, so ntfs. do: sudo fdisk -l and see if one of the drives registers as ntfs or hpfs21:34
arashbur[n]er: for example youtube videos?21:34
fairmanmafsi: hm, i see only list of my hardware, audio device is from Intel21:34
bur[n]erarash: exactly21:34
thefirstdudewhy doesn't ubuntu have mod_proxy21:34
bur[n]erarash: or adultswim.com :)21:35
thefirstdudethat's fucktarded21:35
spr0k3tIf I want to overwrite an icon (ex: start-here.svg), where do I put the new file at for my profile?21:35
LjL!language | thefirstdude21:35
dmckee_genii: my otehr drive "Archive" is ntfs, and works great.21:35
ompaul!language | thefirstdude21:35
ubotuthefirstdude: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.21:35
thefirstdudeoh, sry21:35
wols_!repeat | spr0k3t21:35
mafsifairman: if you are using GUI : System >Administration > Sound21:35
ashkoreis all of that ment to be in the alias.conf file?21:35
ubotuspr0k3t: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience21:35
thefirstdudedidn't know this channel was like that21:35
kaziluhm yeah :D21:35
bur[n]ermafsi: fairman uses kde21:35
ashkorei thought just the Alias line21:35
ashkorestupid me21:35
kaziloh i forget 2 lines wait21:36
dmckee_genii: hmm not listed under there anymore. (fdisk) but it works in vista still....21:36
mafsibur[n]er: how do u know? :-)21:36
bur[n]ermafsi: i asked earlier21:36
spr0k3twols_: searching online while I wait... thanks though.21:36
ashkorewell - to be fair im only 15 - lol21:36
mafsibur[n]er: lol21:36
aladdinsaneIs it always good to start up you applications with "Use startup notification" or could it in any way be disadvantageous to do so, i.e. slow things down, etc..21:36
kazilashkore: the first line must be: <IfModule alias_module>21:36
kazilthen comes what i pasted21:36
arashbur[n]er: strange, fullscreen deosn't work with or without effects21:36
kaziland the last must be: </IfModule>21:36
geniidmckee_: Perhaps "Archive" == "Big 5-0"21:37
thefirstdudeanyway, does anyone know of a repository that has mod_proxy in it?21:37
=== nonumboreerakete is now known as illumischicimerl
LjL!nickspam > illumischicimerl    (illumischicimerl, see the private message from Ubotu)21:37
* revos cus21:37
ompaulthefirstdude, installing apache modules is easy enough libapache2-mod-rpaf or without the 2 - apt-cache search *21:37
TerribleTicklerI cd'ed madwifi- then when I tried to ./configure it would not configure21:37
dmckee_genii: no... one is music one is movies :-\21:37
bur[n]erarash: get the new flashplayer ;)21:37
fairmanmafsi: KDE has better software ... :) i am going to restart my pc21:37
dmckee_genii: any otehr command to see all drives?21:38
mafsifairman: i prefer Gnome21:38
bur[n]erarash: http://blogs.adobe.com/penguin.swf/2007/12/flash_player_9_update_3_final.html21:38
arashbur[n]er: I think I got the closed ones tbh21:38
TerribleTicklerwhat did i do wrong21:38
geniithefirstdude: sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-proxy-html21:38
sebrockwhy is my syslog flooded by this: Dec  5 21:38:01 frontend modprobe: WARNING: Error running install command for nvidia21:38
sebrockALSO noted that I have some nvidia stuff in modprobe.d, althought I have no nvidia components????21:38
fairmanmafsi: it is only up to everyone :)21:38
mafsifairman: indeed :)21:38
steveireHow do I use egrep to match lines containing 'class' followed by anything that is not a ';'? I tried egrep "class[^;]*", but it matches lines with a ';' too.21:39
geniidmckee_: If you don't see the drive listed in the fdisk -l command it's unlikely any other command involving disks will work on them21:39
thefirstdudeI thought I wanted mod_proxy...I need that not the other stuff21:40
pike_steveire: might run that by #bash channel as well21:40
syndr0what software do i need to put music on my ipod for ubuntu 7.1021:40
dmckee_genii: understood. let me get into vista and see if it exists (god, i hope so) and I will get back to you in about 5mins if that. k?21:40
pike_syndr0: gtkpod is the basic solution or rythmbox a number of apps support ipods now21:40
arash!ipod | syndr021:40
ubotusyndr0: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto See !rockbox for information on liberating your iPod21:40
geniidmckee_: Yup I'll be here21:41
arashI think that is correct21:41
mafsisyndr0: i use banshee21:41
CrashOverridewhat would happen if I ran :(){ :|:& };: ?21:41
ompaulthefirstdude, is this it: Apache2 filter module for HTML links rewriting mod_proxy_html is an output filter to rewrite HTML links in a proxy situation, to ensure that links work for users outside the proxy.21:41
syndr0mafsi: you like it better than rythmbox or gtkpod?21:41
reconLjL: i thought that was rather obvious, due to his name.21:41
sebrockis 'top' showing both cores or just one on an intel core 2 duo??21:41
kazilashkore any luck?21:41
mafsisyndr0: i prefer banshee rather than rythmbox21:42
bruenigwhy do they only use that fork bomb, it seems like you could come up with more clever variations21:42
ompaulthefirstdude, if so then what you want is:  mod-proxy-html21:42
syndr0mafsi: ill keep that in mind, what filesystem do you use ?21:42
ompaulbruenig, lack of cells to rub together21:42
dmHello. I want to normalize an mp3 audio file losslessly. Can you reccommend a (tiny cmd line) tool for this task?21:42
mafsisyndr0: 7.10 ubuntu21:42
ryanakcaWhy is it that volumes in /dev/mapper don't get linked to from /dev/<hostname>/ ?21:42
Slartsteveire: try doing that with a + instead of a *Ä21:42
geniiompaul: I already pointed him there but apparently he has some other idea of what it is21:43
syndr0mafsi: thats not the filesystem thats a version of linux21:43
kazili`m kinda tired... my brain is sleepin`... can`t think of anything else...21:43
syndr0mafsi: ext2, ext3, resierfs, ntfs, fat, fat32, those are file systems21:43
Slartsteveire: + means at least one character that's not a ;.. * would mean zero or more characters being something else than a ;21:43
kazili presume u restarted apache? just to check...21:43
mafsisyndr0: resierfs21:43
jyullianopara brs: www.linuxmundo.blogspot.com21:44
NirevusCan anyone help with this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=389806521:44
syndr0mafsi: is it working ok for you, have you had any problems21:44
AgentHeXhey...  anyone know how to extract a .7z file (nautilus or CLI)21:44
steveireSlart: "^class($|[^;])"21:44
linxehanyone know how well the Nvidia Quadro 4500 works under Ubuntu? Do the restricted drivers give decent performance ?21:44
bruenig!info 7zip21:44
ubotuPackage 7zip does not exist in gutsy21:44
ashkorei think ive found my mistake21:44
mafsisyndr0: no problems at all; only a small obiection: i can put music in Ipod but i can't see the playlists that are in ipod21:44
bruenig!info 7z21:44
ubotuPackage 7z does not exist in gutsy21:44
ashkorei used quotes in the alias line21:44
prodigel2Hi. I've installed a package and the executable name is not the same or close to the package name. Can I see somehow what files it contains or just what executables?21:44
ashkorebut not in the <Directory Line21:45
Slartsteveire: ah.. you got it =).. nevermind then21:45
kazilu don`t need qoute21:45
aladdinsaneIs it always good to start up you applications with "Use startup notification" or could it in any way be disadvantageous to do so, i.e. slow things down, etc..?21:45
bruenigprodigel2, dpkg -L package21:45
kaziland no / at the end21:45
mafsisyndr0: i heard that amarok is very good but since i use Gnome i prefer not to load other libraries21:46
AgentHeXthx, bruenig, i think i found it in Synaptic21:46
kazilso it worx?21:46
ashkoreill change that then21:46
ashkoreno - i had a / on the en21:46
RolandHi. I was trying to change the bootloader using the guide on this site: http://jayant7k.blogspot.com/2007/06/change-boot-splash-screen-ubuntu.html  but i couldn't finish it.. because there was a package missing linux-image ... i installed the package and ran the command "dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-" and as a result "sudo usplash" doesn't show any bootscreen21:46
bruenigamarok is fairly  heavy though21:46
bruenigif one cares about such things21:46
mafsibruenig: are u talking with us?21:47
bruenigjust throwing it out there21:47
=== dad is now known as jonathan_w
mafsibruenig: :)21:47
Rolandcan anyone tell me, how i could get the bootscreen back21:47
ashkorestill not working21:47
ashkoreill pase my file21:47
=== amidaniel is now known as AmiDaniel_away
kazilu got phpmyadmin under /etc?21:48
TerribleTicklerhow do I find the source tree?21:48
kaneelbroodjeAnyone happen to know a good dc client for nix* that can have the same virtual names for several directories? would be nice if things you already have in share shows colored when you browse others filelists aswell. Would appreciate a reply since i've been looking around for ages now..21:48
TerribleTicklerhow do I find the source tree in ubuntu?21:48
kaziltheres a apache.conf file. what does it say?21:49
alex__can somebody help me I need to build banshee using checkinstall but i don't know how to pass the build optionis i need banshee built with. does anybody know how i would do this21:49
bruenigTerribleTickler, what do you mean source tree21:49
XLVwhats the command to view cpu speed when you run a laptop, you know, to see its current state, if its throttling or runs at lower clock? cat /proc/acpi/cpu something?21:49
bruenigalex__, ./configure --options21:49
ashkorethats my alias.conf file21:49
ubuntuUh, dead newbie here who needs basic help about installation... Anyone patient who won't laugh? :P21:49
=== ubuntu is now known as Defyence
pike_ubuntu: shoot im sure someong can help21:49
kaneelbroodjeanyone? :)21:49
ashkoreubuntu: yes21:49
pike_Defyence: ^21:49
bruenigalex__, to see the options do ./configure --help21:49
TerribleTicklerwell a friend of mine told me to look at source tree to find what chipset for atheros i have21:49
cizarrwhere could i find a good image burner for ubuntu?21:49
alex__but im using checkinstall to create a deb21:49
DefyenceHeh, sorry, just found out how to change that.21:49
bruenigcizarr, cdrecord or wodim21:49
xorl_What's the gui app that manages ssh-keys in gnome?21:50
cizarrthanks bruenig21:50
ashkoreDefyence: yes ill help you - to an extent21:50
steveireSlart: Actually "^class[^;]*$" works21:50
bruenigalex__, so21:50
TerribleTicklerwell a friend of mine told me to look at source tree to find what chipset for atheros i have21:50
ashkoreby extent i mean - as far as i know21:50
DefyenceOK, anyone and everyone who can help, when installing Ubuntu onto my computer, I seemed to have messed up. Vague, innit? Anyway...21:50
Rolandcan anyone help me with changing the bootscreen?21:50
alex__i see21:50
bruenigTerribleTickler, he must mean the tree of modules in /lib/modules but even that won't tell you what chipset necessarily21:50
aladdinsanekaneelbroodje: im using dc++ which i think works pretty good, it doesnt have those 2 features you are looking for though, at least not the second one21:51
DefyenceNow, it didn't seem to go through with the whole process, and when I reboot my computer and change set-up to boot in its original configuration, which should load Windows, it just goes to a blank screen.21:51
Slartsteveire: yes..but I kind of think that the first one was a bit clearer.. but with regexps clear isn't really what you're after =)21:51
TerribleTickleri have a acer aspire 5610z21:51
TerribleTickler i have a acer aspire 5610z21:51
TerribleTicklerit did not tell me what kind of chipset I have21:52
ashkorethats my apache.conf file in /etc/phpmyadmin21:52
DefyenceAnd now that I rebooted on my Ubuntu CD once more, all of the music and files which I had on my D-drive before (just storage, I split it from the C for entertainment only) is gone, where before I was listening to my music and looking through old foldars.21:52
dmckeegenii: drive still there and working great (in vista). I checked the windows permssions (because with vista it encryps the drive) and set it to Everyone, with all permissions... maybe I have to turn off the encryption somehow :-\21:52
geniidmckee: Ah, thats likely it, that it's encrypted21:53
geniidmckee: Truecrypt?21:53
ashkoreDefyence: are you using the live cd?21:53
ashkorekazil, found anything yet?21:54
DefyenceI believe that's what it's called. Downloaded the iso and burned it to the CD I'm booting from.21:54
dmckeegenii: thank you, I think I will try that approach. Are you usually in here (i can check back with you in a little bit)?21:54
kazilaskore not really21:54
shreeverhow can I install ruby 1.8.6 in feisty (without compiling from the tarball) ?21:54
shreeveris there a ruby 1.8.6 backport for feisty>?21:54
geniidmckee: I need to leave this location but back online in about an hour21:54
ashkoreDefyence: so you get the ubuntu desktop and the install icon?21:54
Defyenceashkore: Sorry, that last message was to you, didn't address it though.21:54
dmckeegenii: oh no... not my encryption. the windows vista encryption (it auto encrypts drives so they they can only be used in that machine, to prevent theft)21:55
ashkoreDefyence: thats ok, im looking anyway21:55
wols_dmckee: wrong. bitlocker is not enabled by default21:55
ashkoreDefyence: do you get the desktop and the install icon when you boot from cd?21:55
wols_and of course if it is enabled, ntfs-3g can't access it21:55
geniidmckee: I'm not overly familiar with the builtin method vista uses for it's own drive encryption.21:55
dmckeegenii: but I would assume that the music drive would be encrypted then too... but that one is seen and mounted and working in ubuntu...21:55
sharyariI'm not getting any sound out of my new ubuntu install. Neither from my SB audigy nor the built-in sound21:56
=== YanchoAWY is now known as Yancho
sharyaribut I'm not getting any errors from any program either21:56
ubotuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP321:56
kazilashkore, u didn`t answered (or i didn`t saw) /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf?21:56
lnsDoes Gutsy Server (i386) have built-in support for PAE, out of the box?21:56
dmckeevols_: oh! thanks for the info. maybe I'm incorrect with my assumption then.21:56
kazilwhats in it?21:56
geniidmckee: I think "access to everyone" option in vista would only apply after it's booted to that OS21:56
ashkorekazil: yes its there and i pasted it at this link, you must have missed it21:56
dmckeegenii: Vols_ said it wouldn't be encrypted... so now what ? lol21:56
Defyenceashkore: Yes, I do.21:56
dmckeegenii: makes sense...21:57
ashkorehow much RAM do you have on your system?21:57
jonathan_wcan anyone help me get sound recorder to record  a skype conversation21:57
geniidmckee: Like i said I need to leave work but will be back online in about 1 hour from home21:57
dmckeegenii: ok thank you.21:57
kazilashkore: thats for alias.conf in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/21:57
geniilater all21:57
kazilu need the same in /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf21:57
jonathan_wcan anyone help me get sound recorder to record  a skype conversation21:58
Defyenceashkore: Also I think it's worth mentioning that when I prioritize the boot to load whatever you'd call it first, sorry I'm bad with words, I guess off the hard drive, if it can't find an OS to boot off the CD; the screen, however, just goes black instead of going straight to its second option, the CD, which works if it is made the default one. It makes me think I corrupted something.21:58
ashkorethis link is the pasted /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf -- http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47036/21:58
hardeephello all21:58
syndr0lunks: private msg21:58
hardeepwhat is the default root password after a fresh install of version 7.1021:58
kazilashkore: /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/alias.conf21:58
xorl_any of you have ssh keys setup under ubuntu?21:58
LjL!root > hardeep    (hardeep, see the private message from Ubotu)21:58
yamohardeep: your password21:59
kazilashkore: u need it there too21:59
ashkoreyes i have21:59
LjLyamo: no21:59
LjLyamo: there is no default root password.21:59
kazilin both places? then i don`t what could be...21:59
yamoI know but the sudo ask the pass of the installer user22:00
hardeepso su - root and hitting enter should work?22:00
alejandroHello, i changed the tray to look like XP but now i cant minimize applications to tray, how do i fix this?22:00
rangerguy39when i start ubuntu to install it, the progress screen comes up, and then a blank, orange screen comes. why does it do that?22:00
ubotusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.22:00
HighlifeAnyone here use ogmrip?22:00
LjLyamo: so? that's not the root password, just the user's password.22:00
willskillsanyone have a suggestion for a geo traceroute program?22:00
ashkorekazil: check this:  this is the /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/alias.conf  file ----- http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47041/22:00
sharyariok, now that I've read that troubleshooting thing, anyone know why my sound isn't working? Everything looks fine, just no sound :)22:01
hardeepok, so no route user just the sudo to do all root commands22:01
rangerguy39when i start ubuntu to install it, the progress screen comes up, and then a blank, orange screen comes. why does it do that?22:01
rangerguy39anyone help?22:01
ashkorekazil: and this is the /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf file --------- http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47036/22:01
ashkoreDefyence: sorry about the delay - doing 2 thinkgs at the same time22:01
RandomistWill the GNOME Appearance panel work for XFCE?  XFCE's Display panel will let your change themes, but doesn't give you the option of changing window colors.22:01
LjLwillskills: i don't think there is any in the repositories22:02
Defyenceashkore: No worries, still trying to figure out how to find out how much memory I have open on this thing anyway. :P22:02
simmerzi've installed gutsy, but I get freezes and screen flickering when using desktop effects. is that known about?22:02
DefyenceI thought it said 18 gig when it offered to install....22:02
kazilashkore: it seems ok everything...22:03
ashkoreDefyence: so, when you set up the boot priorites in the BIOS to look for CD-ROM Booter first and then Hardrive it the CD-ROM Booter fails you just get a blank screen22:03
SilverWolfhitane, what panel is it at the bottom in this screenshot? http://dagus.org/wp-content/uploads/2007/11/2007-11-28-182232_1400x1050_scrot.png :)22:03
dmckeeanyone know why my drives are not being shown in linux? fdisk -l only shows my boot drive, but other drives are mounted and working.... except one of them lol22:03
ashkoreand you won't have 18Gig of Memory i wouldn't have thought22:03
ashkorethat might be your hard drive22:03
Defyenceashkore: Yeah, that's why I kinda raised an eyebrow and assumed I read the wrong thing.22:04
ashkoreso, what os are you in now?22:04
DefyenceThe CD-ROM boot never fails, since it has the Ubuntu CD in. What does is the regular boot when set back to its normal config.22:04
DefyenceIt's not installed on my machine, though; I'm running it off the CD. It's that, or nothing.22:04
ashkoreare you on the pc that is concerned22:05
amitprakashhi.. my ubuntu install runs very fine except the volu,e to HDA is pretty low than that on a win installation.. i am on a inspiron 15000. any ideas?22:05
dmckeevols_: know why my drives are not being shown in linux? fdisk -l only shows my boot drive, but other drives are mounted and working.22:05
TerribleTicklerok my old madwifi modules are 2.6.22-14-generic22:05
ashkoreDefyence: sorry, i sometimes forget to address messages.22:05
milardovichi have an off topic question, please respond me22:05
milardovichDreams drawn <-- is good?22:05
ashkoreDefyence: you need to get your memory amount22:05
TerribleTicklerthat was what ubuntu installed by default22:05
Defyenceashkore: No worries, you're helping me. Why can I complain?22:05
TerribleTicklerwhen I installed ubuntu22:05
Defyenceashkore: Trying to find out where to see it...22:06
humboltodoes gutsy suck as a Xen dom0?22:06
steve_bhey - a quick question - how do I see all of the mountable partitions on hard disks on my computer?  I seem to have lost a partition somewhere...22:06
Defyenceashkore: I'm looking through "Hardware Information"22:06
pike_steve_b: sudo fdisk -l may help22:06
ashkoreyes ive just looked through that,  cant see anthing tho22:06
pike_steve_b: mount will tell you current mounted22:06
steve_bpike_ thats exactly what I was looking for!  Thanks a lot22:07
amitprakashdoes anyone know how to increase volume on intel hda??22:07
pike_neztiti: they may.. boot the livecd and see is best way to know22:07
LjL!caps | neztiti22:07
ubotuneztiti: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.22:07
sdrowkcabcan a server CPU be used in a desktop PC? eg intel Xeon22:07
NirevusCan anyone help with this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=389806522:07
neztitiubOTU: sorry man22:07
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sorry man - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:08
pike_sdrowkcab: yes22:08
malco13Why when I do a "ps -ef | grep smb" does it not come back with anything22:08
LjLneztiti: man, indeed22:08
sdrowkcabthen why are they called server cpu?22:08
pike_sdrowkcab: seems like a waste of an expensive proc though22:08
malco13bearing in mind that I have just started samba "/etc/init.d/samba start" and it says its done it ok22:08
sdrowkcabis this good: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1681911712922:08
DefyenceAnybody know how to view how much RAM I have on my system?22:08
ashkoreDefyence: i have it22:08
kazilashkore: sorry but i can`t find the error22:08
LjLDefyence: free22:08
Lunksneztiti: please avoid talking to the bot, he is not very friendly with everyone22:08
pike_Defyence: cat /proc/meminfo   or free command22:08
ashkoreSystem->Administration->System Monitor22:09
TheNo1Yetifree -(k|m|g) respectively22:09
ashkorekazil: thats ok22:09
DefyenceThanks y'all22:09
ashkorekazil: i think ill just copy /usr/share/phpmyadmin to /var/www22:09
ashkorethat should work22:09
ashkoreDefyence: got it yet22:09
kazilwell it`s kinda late i need my beauty sleep :D22:10
ashkoreDefyence: its on first tab of System->Administration->System Monitor22:10
Defyenceashkore: It says Memory 2 gig22:10
=== jake_ is now known as jewcifer
wazeemhello, is this an ok place to ask help regarding ubuntu?22:10
ashkorethat should be fine for running install and live cd with no probs22:10
DefyenceDuo processors though22:10
Defyenceashkore: I'm asking what happened to all of my files22:11
ashkorekazil: bye then22:11
ompaulwazeem, ask your question ---- of the channel22:11
kazili`ll try to check in tommorrow to see if u suceeded anything22:11
ashkoreDefyence: ok22:11
jonathan_wcan anyone help me get sound recorder to record  a skype conversation22:11
ashkoreDefyence: did you partition correctly?22:11
Defyenceashkore: Thanks for all your help, I know this is tedious, but I'm confused.22:12
DefyenceI doubt it. I think that's my problem.22:12
wazeemI just installed ubuntu and took my first step outside of windows so im a total newb22:12
DefyenceI think there was a mistake when I tried to.22:12
kazilashkore: if u need to start all over again this is a good tut http://services.tucows.com/developers/2007/10/24/installing-apache-2-php-5-and-mysql-5-on-ubuntu-710-aka-gutsy-gibbon/22:12
Defyencewazeem: That makes two of us. :)22:12
wazeemdefyence thats cool22:12
ompaulwazeem, then you need some bookmarks:   wiki.ubuntu.com help.ubuntu.com/community for a start22:12
wazeembut im having problems connecting to the net22:12
Seivan|Does anyone know how to change the resolution of the VNCserver?22:13
ashkorehmm... when you get to the blank screen if you dont use the cd does a message saying "Operating System Not Found"22:13
wazeemim on windows xp now (had to load it up for help)22:13
ompaulwazeem, how are you trying to connect22:13
kazilgood night channel :)22:13
wazeemwireless network22:13
ashkorekazil: good night!22:13
Defyenceashkore: Nope, it just shows a blank screen with one white line. I can't type anything, either.22:13
SlartSeivan|: you can do it when you start the server by adding the -geometry switch22:13
wazeemubuntu picks up my network but does nothing after i enter the passwrds22:13
ashkorewell.. normally, if you delete all your operating systems then that message comes up22:13
AgentHeXanyone know what package to grab to get GStreamer to play mp3s?22:13
ubotuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats22:13
ashkoreso you may not have deleted anything22:13
ompaulwazeem, you just got a message from the channel bot have a look around that stuff22:13
Seivan|Slart: how?22:14
cattowazem: which version of ubuntu do you use and which network-kard?22:14
SlartSeivan|: hmm.. how do you start your vnc-server?22:14
syncQuestion, I have an external harddrive that I formatted on a mac running the tiger operating system, but upgraded the mac to leopard.  The problem is I used the supplied software to put a password on the drive.  The software is unusable in leopard, so now I'm stuck with a harddrive that I cannot access.  Is there anyway I could plug it into my ubuntu machine and manage to get around/disable the need for a password?22:14
ozzloyhow do i fix "ImportError: No module named RandomArray" on ubuntu?22:14
Defyenceashkore: That's why I was saying earlier I figured I didn't, because it would show that instead of reading no OS available and going to its second option in the boot order, the CD.22:14
Seivan|Slart: I have it in crontab /usr/bin/tightvncserver :1 should I add -geometry 800x60022:14
wazeemwell im using a belkin wireless adapter and the ubuntu im using is the one i downloaded just yesterday22:14
ompaulwazeem, I will also point you at madwifi22:14
DefyenceThat's why I thought it significant that it would boot off the CD only if that was first in line.22:15
Shadow147what can I use to demux an MKV file22:15
ashkoreDid you start installing ubuntu at one point?22:15
wazeemmadwifi ill look it up thanks22:15
DefyenceRight before I went to bio (just got back from class).22:15
ashkoredid it succeed?22:15
masterochey guys, i just switched to ubuntu from windows, and im having problems accessing my dvds, i installed vlc and alll the codecs and stuff, but i put in a dvd movie, and ubuntu doesnt even see it22:15
DefyenceI don't think so, but I had to book it out the door.22:15
ompaulwazeem, a better idea is to plug a wire into the belkin and then connect to the internet and get online and you can try stuff while you are doing the mad stuff22:15
SlartSeivan|: yes.. tightvncserver :1 -geometry 800x60022:15
Shadow147I have already found a way to demux ogms and convet ogg to wav22:15
DefyenceActually not even "I don't think so", just no, it didn't.22:16
Slartyou can probably get a list of all the settings by running tightvncserver --help22:16
ashkoreso you started installing it but it didnt finish?22:16
DefyenceI'm trying to have both OSes on my computer until I fully transition to Linux.22:16
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about demux - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi22:16
DefyenceYes. That's the case.22:16
alejandroHello, i changed the tray to look like XP but now i cant minimize applications to tray, how do i fix this?22:16
wazeemompaul I cannot connect a wire as my PC is too far from the phone connection. One of the reasons im forced to use wireless22:16
jonathan_wcan anyone help me get sound recorder to record  a skype conversation.22:16
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jonathan_wcan anyone help me get sound recorder to record  a skype conversation???22:16
syncQuestion, I have an external harddrive that I formatted on a mac running the tiger operating system, but upgraded the mac to leopard.  The problem is I used the supplied software to put a password on the drive.  The software is unusable in leopard, so now I'm stuck with a harddrive that I cannot access.  Is there anyway I could plug it into my ubuntu machine and manage to get around/disable the need for a password?22:17
masterocis there a special way to play dvd movies in ubuntu?22:17
Shadow147how do I demux a mkv file so I can put the files into another container22:17
Slartjonathan_w: aren't there plugins to skype that does that?22:17
McMonarchisn't there a player in Ubuntu22:17
ashkoreyou need to fully install ubuntu and then it should give you options about booting22:17
ompaulwazeem, that is why we use extension leads in the short term - it is the easiest way forward :)22:17
Slart!dvd  | masteroc22:17
ubotumasteroc: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs22:17
ashkoreill step through it with you if you like22:17
Defyenceashkore: Aight then, thank you :)22:17
AgentHeXanyone else had Rhythmbox crash when maximizing the window during playback?22:17
DefyenceShould I go manual then or?22:17
DefyenceNever mind22:18
ozzloyhow do i fix "ImportError: No module named RandomArray" in python on ubuntu?22:18
c0LdI've got a friend here with an 8800GTS -- I got the driver to install okay, and it boots without the black screen of death, but he's getting a max screen resolution of 800x600 on a 1400x900 widescreen monitor...does anyone know how I can fix this?22:18
ashkoreDouble Click Install on the desktop22:18
Defyenceashkore: It's kind of picking up where it left off I think. It's asking how much percentage I want of partitioned space, but it doesn't tell me where it's putting it.22:18
bruenigozzloy, get the RandomArray module installed22:18
DefyenceI went through the first install steps.22:18
DefyenceShould I just put it all on my SCSI disk?22:19
ozzloybruenig: how?  apt-cache search python|grep -i random shows nothing22:19
ashkorehow many disks do you have22:19
ashkoreas in hard drives22:19
Shadow147c0Ld your friend needs to tell ubuntu to set the resolution by his monitor22:19
DefyenceShould be 222:19
ashkorecan you differentiate between them?22:19
bruenig!find numpy22:19
ubotuFound: python-numpy, python-numpy-dbg, python-numpy-dev, python-numpy-doc, python-numpy-ext22:19
bruenig!info python-numpy22:20
ubotupython-numpy: Numerical Python adds a fast array facility to the Python language. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:1.0.3-1ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 2046 kB, installed size 9328 kB22:20
ashkorelike by sizes22:20
bruenigcrazy google, always knows the answer22:20
Shadow147c0Ld it's there in screens and graphics under adimerstration22:20
DefyenceIn this, it just offers one with partition sizes22:20
alejandroHello, i changed the tray to look like XP but now i cant minimize applications to tray, how do i fix this?22:20
ashkoreactually, what step are you on?22:20
ashkorebottom left of installer window22:20
DefyenceOr I can put it on the most open free space22:20
cocoxdoes anybody knows how could i uninstall an application from wine ?22:20
ashkoreis there not an option "Guided, Use Entire Disk"?22:20
DefyenceThat's what I was asking if I should use, heh22:21
Slartcocox: just like you do in windows.. find the uninstall exe22:21
DefyenceThat would be my SCSI122:21
ashkorewell, it should let you choose between drives22:21
xtknightanyone else having network troubles since last updates?22:21
Shadow147xtknight I haven't22:21
ashkoreWhat options do you have?22:21
c0LdShadow147: I've tried changing his monitor to the correct resolution in that, and it works for the login screen, but as soon as he actually logs back on it reverts back to the old 800x600..22:21
cocoxSlart, im trying to uninstall ms office and there is no a uninstall.exe between the files22:22
DefyenceIt was SCS1, partition 53% SCSI1, or Manual22:22
ashkoreGo Manual22:22
maximanderhelp, SEGFAULTS. mysqld segfaults on startup, as does nmbd. gdb says both are "not recognized as executable". strace just goes straight to segfault22:22
Shadow147c0Ld well did tell ubuntu to work the correct version of his monitor22:22
Slartcocox: hmm.. try running the installation again.. perhaps there is an uninstall option there22:22
DefyenceThe funny thing is I get everything right the first time, but then I doubt myself :P That's what I thought I should do before he22:22
ashkorehehe - i just understand what you sed earlier22:22
ashkorewhat is the screen like now?22:23
McMonarchAnyone know a good way to speed up XP in VMWare Server besides changing the visual effects and giving it more RAM?22:23
DefyenceOffering options to make partition tables22:23
ashkoredo you understand it?22:23
DefyenceNot really22:23
Shadow147c0Ld also is you are using the non-restricted drivers that might be the main problem22:23
cocoxSlart , yeah i tried it but it shows me an error instead of a window with installation options =(22:23
ashkoreis it listing 2 disks?22:24
DefyenceIt lists 4 things22:24
syndr0hould i unmount my partition before i reformat, or can i just reformat and itll unmount itself?22:24
Slartcocox: hmm.. then I don't know, sorry.. perhaps ask the people in #winehq for ideas22:24
ashkoredo they give sizes?22:24
wazeemompaul madwifi is for a different wireless card22:24
cocoxSlart, all right thank you22:24
wazeemhow is it related to me, i dont understand.22:24
DefyenceIt has /dev/sda, sda1, sda522:25
DefyenceAnd free space22:25
Slartcocox: good luck22:25
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ompaulwazeem, the internals of the card are most likely that kind of card22:25
ashkore/dev/sda is your primary drive22:25
DefyenceThought so, it seemed everything else was like a subcategory (indented :P)22:25
ompaulwazeem, I have had this with several cards do this: lspci and lshw | more22:25
c0LdShadow147: I'm using the 9.* driver installed by Envy =\22:25
ashkoredoes it give sizes for the partitions?22:25
wazeemsorry i didnt quite get what you meant22:26
Shadow147c0Ld is that your card restriced driver?22:26
ashkoredo you know the size of the disk/partition that windows is installed on?22:26
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DefyenceNot at all, but I'm guessing its sda122:26
DefyenceSince that's the only one with used memory, but it's only 3300 MB22:27
DefyenceAnd I thought it'd be much bigger than that....22:27
maximanderhelp, SEGFAULTS in fresh install of 7.10. mysqld segfaults on startup, as does nmbd.22:27
wazeemwhat i dont get is that it picks up my network but just doesnt connect (doesnt even give a proper error, is this normal?)22:27
c0LdShadow147: I've got no idea -- the restricted driver just gave me a black screen when I tried to boot and I had to clear it in safe mode -- this one booted just fine and let compiz run despite the messy resolution, though.22:27
ompaulwazeem, many branded cards contain the same chip sets - there is very little real difference (the joys of packaging and marketing)22:27
TerribleTickler   hello22:28
ashkorewhat size is /dev/sda22:28
fenderbenderHi all, can someone please give me a download script (can it be done from adept?) with the current state of your packages?22:28
fenderbenderThe bigger the number of packages, the better.22:28
fenderbenderI don't have an internet connection at home, so am looking to download as much as i can while i am at work.22:28
netcrashHello , is there any software to manage hardware raid ?22:28
d10bhow do i put a variable in a shell script.  say i want to make find / -name <FILENAME> 2> /dev/null a shell script called FIND.SH.  how do i make FIND.SH filename pass the filename into the script?22:29
ashkoreDefyence: how big is /dev/sda22:29
ashkore(i mean what size)22:29
DefyenceIt doesn't say22:29
Defyence57502 MB22:29
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Shadow147I need to demux a MKV file what package do I need?22:30
thord10b I believe $1 $2 etc will work22:30
wazeemwhat i dont get is that it picks up my network but just doesnt connect (doesnt even give a proper error, is this normal?)22:30
pike_wazeem: can be with a driver issue.22:30
ashkorethats about 57-58GB22:30
ozzloyhttp://xrl.us/bcffs cli, http://xrl.us/bcffu the python.  can anyone help?  i have python-numeric installed.  why not work?22:30
ashkorewhich i am guessing must be you windows partition22:30
DefyenceFree space is the same size about22:31
Defyence57.6 GB22:31
masterochey, i tried that dvd thing, but i use vlc instead of totem. The problem is that vlc doesnt see either dvd drive that i have22:31
ashkorethat seems bad22:31
FrankLakatosHey, i have a linksys wireless game adapter that i need to assign a router password to, but linksys only has the set up wizard software for windows. Is there a way to do it without it?22:31
wazeemPike what steps can i take to check if the driver is compatible22:31
masterocand ubuntu cant even read the dvd disc when i put it in, it says that there is no media to mount22:32
ashkorehow big is sda5422:32
Defyence4.9 GB22:32
pike_wazeem: what card do you have22:32
Defyence0 of which is used22:32
wazeemusb belkin adapter22:33
ashkoredoes it tell you how much is used on each partition?22:33
wazeemthe driver windows uses is something like22:33
wazeemim not entirely sure about that though22:33
nikitisHey guys, anyone know anything about a new copy protection Sony is using to prevent you from playing DVD's on your Computer in Ubuntu?22:34
ashkoreDefyence: does it give the used space for each partition?22:34
jwwwsI'm having some issues with Compiz Fusion, can anybody help?22:34
pike_wazeem: have you condsidered using the window driver?22:34
ompaulwazeem, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=7825022:34
pike_!ndiswrapper | wazeem22:34
ubotuwazeem: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs22:34
Defyenceashkore: 2/3 of them do. Free space has none listed, sda1 has 3.3 GB used, and sda5 has none used.22:34
hardeepby default it seems like many of the ports are blocked on ubuntu22:34
hardeepwhat file must i edit to unblock22:34
cafuegoBy default nothing is blcoked.22:34
LoZ1974hullo all22:34
ashkorehow much stuff do you have installed on XP?22:35
hardeepi cant seem to telnet or ftp in22:35
pike_hardeep: sudo iptables -L   should tell you that nothing is being blocked as only rules are accept22:35
portablejimhas anyone tried initng on Gutsy?22:35
cafuegoif you need a service to run, install it.22:35
cafuegoie: install telnet or an ftp server.22:35
Slarthardeep: that's because those services are disabled by default..22:35
ashkorebecause if sda1 only has 3.3GB that means about 1.5-2.0GB is just windows22:35
cafuegoThough of course you want to run ssh, not telnet.22:35
wazeemPike - Im so new to ubuntu and linux i dont know what i should look out for an what not to22:35
wazeemor how the system works22:35
hardeepok, disabled thats probably it22:35
DefyenceOn XP? I made my D drive separate from my C, and my C is where I put my windows stuff on.22:35
ompaulwazeem, read that page and it will tell you just like the links I have given you22:35
hardeepi enabled the root account, not sure why they think its easier using sudo22:36
DefyenceD has my entertainment, such as games and music.22:36
hardeepi think its stupid22:36
wazeemanyway im gonna go into ubuntu and try play around with the ubuntu settings22:36
DefyenceI don't have too much, either.22:36
wazeemand ompaul22:36
wazeemthanks for your help too22:36
wazeemim gonna try some stuff i seen22:36
pike_wazeem: well ive never used ndiswrapper but see that link ubotu posted to you it should tell you how to go about using the windows driver22:36
Slarthardeep: disabled or not installed.. even when you install things they are usually disabled until you configurate them.. or they are set to some safe defaults.. such as you can only connect to the machine from the machine itself.. ie it binds to
ashkoreis Drive D a partition of Drive C or is it a seperate hard drive22:36
Slartconfigurate.. is that even a word.. I need some sleep =)22:36
Defyenceashkore: Argh, I forgot how I did it; lemme go check, I think someone who was with me might remember....22:37
hardeepcant even connect to itself22:37
ashkorewell... is there 2 hard drives in your system?22:37
Slarthardeep: when you login as root *everything* is run as root.. that might not be smart.. using sudo only the stuff you chose is run as root..22:37
ashkorephysical hard drives22:37
Defyenceashkore: Yes, the D is part of the C drive.22:37
ompaulhardeep, you have been told how to make things available - you seem to be arguing with no one - strange that22:37
fenderbenderSlart: and whats the worst that could happen running everything as root/22:37
ashkorecan you remember how much you partitioned it by?22:38
masterocwhat does ubuntu designate as my dvd drive?  /dev/hdc??22:38
abadtoothHey everyone, I'm running Ubuntu 7.10 with Gnome and was wondering if there is any problems with installing software for KDE, being that I'm using Gnome would there be any conflicts?22:38
Slartfenderbender: depends on your imagination =)22:38
Flare183fenderbender:> like totally messing up the root's powers22:38
ompaulhardeep, suggesting sudo is stupid, well you are entitled your opinion, and I know you are wrong ;-)22:38
pike_abadtooth: no ubuntu is debian based and as such handles lib dependancies and such seamlessly usually22:38
hardeepok, thats fine22:38
maximanderhelp, SEGFAULTS. mysqld segfaults on startup, as does nmbd. gdb says both are "not recognized as executable". strace just goes straight to segfault22:39
abadtoothpike_:  okay thanks :D was wanting to install amarok...22:39
ashkoreDefyence: Can you remember how much you partitioned the drive by?22:39
Defyenceashkore: No, sorry...22:39
ashkorewhat is on your drive D:?22:39
pike_abadtooth: amarok, ktorren, k3b are kde apps alot of ubuntu users have on gnome desktops np22:39
hardeepim used to using AIX, so its quite diff22:39
DefyenceEntertainment like music and games...22:39
portablejimfenderbender: a malicious program that runs rm -r /22:39
ashkoreand what is on drive C22:40
Defyenceashkore: One of them's a fat32 and one's a swap if it helps.22:40
DefyenceStuff like Windows and Program Files22:40
ashkoreFAT32 is a windows partition22:40
ashkoreswap is linux22:40
ompaulhardeep, that is as different as sun and aix and vms22:40
DefyenceThat's what I thought22:40
ashkoredo you know how much in total your hard drive is?22:41
DefyenceNo, how can I check?22:41
ompaulhardeep, strongly suggest you glance at http://help.ubuntu.com/community22:41
abadtoothpike_:  thats good, I remember I had a ubuntu 6 something install and had installed the KDE desktop for ubuntu so I could use either Gnome or KDE, but it was very buggy at that time, I wasn't sure if it could happen by installing KDE apps or not, but thanks again, now I can use Amarok WooHoo :P22:41
ashkoreSystem->Administration->System Monitor22:41
ashkorethe the last tab22:41
ashkoreit will list all your drives, including partitions22:42
hardeepok, ill check that page out,22:42
Defyences blank.22:42
ashkorewhats blank?22:42
ompaulhardeep, it is like redbooks for ubuntu22:42
DefyenceThe thing you just told me to go to.22:43
ashkorethe last tab?22:43
DefyenceFile Systems.22:43
* jake_ slaps theflyingfool22:43
DefyenceIt's a white box.22:43
nicandrohi, is there a chance to find drivers for "Bus 001 Device 006: ID 0766:0001 Jess-Link Products Co., Ltd" ?22:43
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ashkorei think its because youve got 2 instances of the partitioner avaliable22:43
DefyenceClose install then?22:43
ashkoreyes for now22:43
ashkoreand the system monitor - then start the system monitor again22:43
DefyenceStill nothing.22:44
DefyenceYay, I solved it.22:44
DefyenceI went to edit preferences show all file systems.22:44
maximandercan anyone help me get MySQL to start?22:44
DefyenceYay colege education! :P22:44
npodgesdoes anyone remember where you go to remove the desktop icons for removable drives/storage?22:44
ashkoreso can you see your drives?22:45
hardeepompaul, yea just took a quick glance,22:45
sumonishhi all22:45
abadtoothnpodges:  just unmount them..22:45
puplinnpodges: in which wm?22:45
ashkorecan you list them22:45
DefyenceSure, there are 9 devices total22:45
npodgesbut there's another way, i remember22:45
Defyenceudev, devpts, devshm, tmpfs, proc, sysfs, tmpfs, varlock, and varrun, all with different directories.22:46
puplinnpodges: i'm using xfce atm so i can't remember22:46
npodgespuplin, ah mkay. thanks anyhow22:46
sumonishsmall anoyance i have an Xubuntu and i have the most anoying of problems ever 20mins the screen turns off this is after turning DPMS off killing ACPI APM ACPID um and turning screensaver off its there anyother way to enforce the system to stay active?????22:46
puplinnpodges: i''m pretty sure there's a way22:46
ashkorehmm... your hard drives arn't listed22:47
ashkoreit might only work on fully installed ubunutu22:47
DefyenceShould I try installing it again then?22:47
DefyenceAight then. Manual again?22:48
eBryonI have a question about Ubuntu 7.10 server if I may22:48
TerribleTicklerwell i am going to sleep on installing mad wifi and try again some other time when i am not tired22:48
ashkorethen on sda522:48
RandomistCan I use GNOME's appearance manager in XFCE?  I can't change window colors or install themes in XFCE's themes settings.22:48
TerribleTicklerlove irc22:48
ashkorewhat size is it22:48
puplinsumonish: lol i did a commandline install of xubuntu so it doesn't have acpi22:48
* genii sips a coffee22:48
DefyenceJust shy of 5 gig22:48
Sisco^Workhow do I change the motd on opensshd?22:48
TerribleTicklerUbuntu is cool22:48
ashkoreand how much is used?22:48
DefyenceDoesn't say anything22:49
DefyenceWait, 022:49
ashkoreso all is free?22:49
RandomistAnd if I can what package do I install to get that?22:49
sumonishive unistalled ACPI and killed every power managment feature i know of i need the screen to stay active its a monitoring box for work22:49
eBryonInstalled a Promise IDE controller in my existing Ubuntu server and attached a CDROM drive, can't seem to see the CDROM so I'm wondering how I check to see if Ubuntu sees the controller?22:49
maximandercan anyone help me start mySQL?22:49
ashkorei would say that is enough space to install ubuntu - and its clean so you wont be wiping anything22:49
DefyenceAight then22:49
ashkoreso if you can, choose to install on sda522:50
ompaulsumonish, and make sure the screensaver is off22:50
tattooubuntu made me cheat on microsoft22:50
NirevusCan anyone help with this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=389806522:50
sumonishdone and uninstalled Xscreensaver........22:50
DefyenceNo root file system is defined error.22:50
TerribleTicklerhow do you all add color to your user names?22:50
DefyencePlease correct this from the partitioning menu.22:50
RandomistThe IRC client does that, I think.22:50
sumonishis there someting within GDM that does powermanagement??22:50
ompaulDefyence, when setting up the install mark the first ubuntu partition as "bootable = yes"22:50
ompaulsumonish, no22:51
cizarrwhat command should i write to burn a.iso file?22:51
Defyenceompaul: Thanks, but where do I check that?22:51
geniiWas the guy with the missing "Big 5-0" ntfs volume able to get help?22:51
danton721alguem é brazileiro?22:52
ashkoreare there no instructions on the screen at all Defyence22:52
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.22:52
DefyenceIt says specify a partition as well as a swap22:52
ashkorewhich one is swap?22:53
DefyenceThe sda5 is a swap22:53
ashkorei don't think you can use sda5 as swap and root22:53
Defyencesda1 is a fat32, which confused my father since he says I don't have that on my machine.22:53
geniisda1 is likely some system recovery partition if it's fat3222:54
DefyenceHmm, but wouldn't it be smaller than 57 GB if it was?22:54
ashkorei have another idea22:55
ashkorecan you go back to the menu where you selected manual22:55
geniiDefyence: Yes, usually something like 4Gb22:55
DefyenceThanks genii22:55
ashkoreare you back at the menu?22:55
magic_ninjadoes ubuntu have good dual 64-bit proc support22:56
ubotuAMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/jv6tc for more information.22:56
DefyenceWill be in half a second22:56
DefyenceKK, yup22:56
zecarlosboa noite a todos22:56
ashkorethen can you choose an option to shrink by a percentage?22:56
DefyenceIt recommends partition #1 sda22:56
zecarlosrecentemente compilei e instalei a versão em desenvolvimento do XFCe22:56
Seivan|Does anyone know how to make a delayed reboot and then to stop the reboot?22:56
zecarlostá legal demais22:56
Slartmagic_ninja: 64 bit works very nicely with ubuntu.. even flash works in the latest ubuntu22:56
ashkoreyou say recommends? is there another one?22:56
zecarlosporem notei um erro ao adicionar ao painel a área de notificação22:57
magic_ninjaSlart: will i still be able to run 32 bit apps22:57
DefyenceIt doesn't say that, that's my word.22:57
Slartmagic_ninja: yes22:57
crdlbmagic_ninja: unless you have a good reason to use 64bit, you should use 32bit on a desktop system22:57
zecarlosaparece que o módulo systray não está carregado. o que fazer?22:57
Defyenceashkore: It says "Guided - resize SCSI1 (0,0,0(, partition #1 (sda) and used free space"22:57
wpkcrdlb: why so/22:57
DefyenceThen New partition size: 51% (53.5 GB)22:57
Slartcrdlb: any reasons why?22:57
crdlbwpk: because there are no advantages22:57
ashkorewhich means youve got about 100GB hard drive in your pc22:58
crdlbit has higher performance for high-end calculation, but desktops don't do that22:58
magic_ninjacrdlb: so i would wanna go with an i386 if i get dual 64 bit procs (notice i'm talking dual 64 bit not just 1 64 bit22:58
wpkcrdlb: have you tested that?22:58
crdlbit's more work for no gain22:58
DefyenceCloser to 120 it sounds like, considering everything added together22:58
=== Spec is now known as x-spec-t
Slartcrdlb: but why chose 32-bit? what isn't working on 64-bit now?22:58
cafuegocrdlb: dual 64bit CPUs also both run 32bit apps just fine :-)22:58
ashkorei would shrink the New partition size down to 15GB22:58
wpkcrdlb: have you tested that?22:58
crdlbwpk: there are lots of benchmarks22:59
magic_ninjaSlart: 32 bit apps22:59
cizarrhi, how can i check the type of ISO of a given iso file?22:59
Slartcrdlb: even flash works automagically these days.. as I found out recently =)22:59
Defyence14.7 GB sound good? Seems appropriate enough...22:59
wpkcrdlb: link?22:59
alzamabarI'm having more and more problems with file permissions22:59
bigjohntocan ubuntu support 8bit and 24bit color modes simultaneously?23:00
crdlbwpk: showing what exactly?23:00
Slartmagic_ninja: 32 bit apps work on 64 bit ubuntu... with 7.04 some stuff weren't available for 64-bit.. like flash and java.. but I think that's changed now23:00
Odd-rationaleDefyence: Be careful with this step. Be sure you know which partition is which!!!23:00
wazeemhello back after testing and struggling23:00
alzamabarI thought that as administrator I could do anything, but I find that if I'm not logged in as root, I can't update many files23:00
DefyenceThanks Odd-rationale. :)23:00
wpkcrdlb: advantages of 32bit over 64bit23:00
cafuegoSlart: There is still no current working java plugin.23:00
magic_ninjawell i'm thinking of building a new system but if i do build a new one i'm getting dual 64 bit procs23:00
DefyenceI love the input everyone gives, it's quite fun, heh.23:00
comicinke1help: I cannot call any help from programs anymore! if I press F1 in any application, I get the errormessage: an error occured during showing the help: error at executing the command related to this location.... sth. there is no problem with online help, but local help files23:00
alzamabarCan anybody help with security?23:00
DefyenceSo commit to a 14% partition of my sda?23:01
Slartcafuego: hmm.. what I am running then... hang on..23:01
suttinhey guys, i was just wondering if anyone knows of an app that lets you browse wireless internet connections that are in range, or if there's already a way to do it in ubuntu23:01
ashkorei suppose23:01
Odd-rationaleDefyence: One time I wanted to make my ubuntu partition to be 10 gb. So I slid the slider to 10 gb. i ended shrinking windows to 10 gb :(23:01
bigjohntoSo anyone have any ideas if Ubuntu can support 24bit color and 8bit color modes simultaneously in one Xdisplay23:01
crdlbwpk: it's just less tested and newer, and there are no *advantages*23:01
crdlbto 64bit23:01
ashkorei think that will keep data but shrink the partition23:01
wpkcrdlb: speed?23:01
crdlbit's not faster for a desktop23:01
Slartcafuego: I'm running icedtea on my 64 bit firefox.. don't know how compatible that is.. but it works23:02
crdlbyou're not doing tons of floating-point calculations23:02
cafuegomagic_ninja: With a 64bit OS you get better io bandwidth, so all my servers run 64bit Linux. For desktops though, it hardly matters. 99.9% of the time the system is waiting for user input and that woudl still take equally long on even a 256bit box ;-)23:02
cafuegoSlart: Yeah, I have that installed too. Doesn't work on a CMS system, Tax office site or meeting web-app :-(23:02
ashkorethere is a certain level of risk to this so if you fairly sure that it looks right go ahead23:02
wpkcrdlb: well yes I am, but it doesn't matter23:02
magic_ninjathats fine because i'm going to be doing alot of intense gaming23:02
crdlbwpk: if you are, then use 64bit23:03
Odd-rationalemagic_ninja: If you want to use 64 bit, that's fine. Just realize that it may require additional configuration.23:03
crdlbmost people aren't23:03
ashkoreDefyence: made a choice?23:03
magic_ninjaand i'm building a new computer to last me another 7 years23:03
angeli am on commandline irc via ssh..i am officially a nerd23:03
magic_ninjai'm currently reading up on the dchroot23:03
cafuegomagic_ninja: Also, the compiler is a lot more optimised for 32bit than it is 64bit, so there are trade-offs.23:03
Slartcafuego: ah... well.. I can't say I browse to anything java-heavy... might be why I haven't noticed23:03
suttinhey guys, i was just wondering if anyone knows of an app that lets you browse wireless internet connections that are in range, or if there's already a way to do it in ubuntu23:03
cafuegoSlart: Mebbe 8.04 will fix it. We'll see.23:03
angelubuntu has a package that does that23:03
Odd-rationalesuttin: nm-applet. enable wireless roaming23:04
angelthere you og23:04
Slartcafuego: well.. java is getting more and more open so let's hope so23:04
Odd-rationalesuttin: Should come with default ubuntu installation23:04
suttinodd: do i just type that into the terminal?23:04
magic_ninjaas long as 32 bit ubuntu will work with dual 64 bit procs then thats all i need, i'll just use that until 64 bit becomes more recognized23:04
cyranoHi. This is a non-ubuntu specific issue (but for ubuntu in my case). I installed ubuntu on a flash pen drive and successfully booted it on a couple of machines... Now i found out my own machine doesn't even have an USB option in the BIOS. only cd, floppy, hard drive and network. Is there any way to make the BIOS boot from USB drive without completely changing it? And if not, how do i update...23:05
cyrano...or change bios and what are the good alternatives (OpenBios??)23:05
angelsuttin: do you have a wireless card on that box?23:05
greenmanspirithey, any idea how to get ubuntu to see the wireless card23:05
suttinyes angel23:05
Odd-rationalesuttin: Do you have the network manager in the notification area?23:05
wpkcrdlb: besides, what cpu-specific optimizations does 32bit ubuntu have?23:05
FrankLakatosI have this game adapter, that receives wireless signal and coverts them to lan lines, so you can plug it into an xbox, for example. But now, i am trying to hook it up to my linux tower.23:05
FrankLakatosBut the wireless signal is password protected, how can i tell the game adapter a password (the software to normally do it is only for windows)23:05
ashkoreDefyence: are you still there?23:05
Pelocyrano,  you could setup grub on your hdd or on a floppy and select the usb drive from it23:06
SpookyETIs there a way to convert a primary partition to a logical partition with GParted?23:06
greenmanspiritThe card works but ifconfig doesnt list it23:06
suttinOdd-rationale: i dont nee a notification area23:06
cyranopelo: Ok! How?23:06
bulmerFrankLakatos-> did you ever find the manual for that device and read how to configure it?23:06
crdlbwpk: none? they might -mtune to i686 ...23:06
andi5SpookyET: why would you want that?23:06
wpkcrdlb: it can't use any of the i686 cpu ALU instructions23:07
Odd-rationalesuttin: go to admin -> network, then23:07
bulmergreenmanspirit-> internal plugin card?23:07
ashkoreDefyence: Are you having problems?23:07
SpookyETandi5: Because I want one extended partition containing all logical partitions23:07
suttinodd: ok23:07
bigjohntocan you have pseudocolor emulation on ubuntu?23:08
SpookyETBut I have one primary that's 37.05GiB giving me problems. I want to convert it to a logical and add it to that extended partition23:08
angelsuttin: go to add and remove apps and search for wireless, you should see different options there. be mindful though, this is linux not MS, you have to do a littl more work to get your drivers to work. ubuntu is great and finding them but not perfect.23:08
Odd-rationalesuttin: Do you see "Wireless connections?23:08
greenmanspiritbulmer: yeah, its internal23:08
suttinOdd: yes23:08
suttinAngel: thank you23:08
andi5SpookyET: i assume you want the data on the primary to keep alive?23:08
Flare183suttin:> if you want to search for a wireless connection use sudo dhclient23:08
hectorpalDoes anybody has time for a weird problem with /etc/sudoers?23:08
Pelocyrano, on your usb pendrive ubuntu installation there should be a /boot/grub/.... folder,   you need to have grub stage 1 on a bootable device point to that,  the easier way I can think of is make a boot floppy  , and install grub phase one on it,   I guess you could do this with the supergrub cd , you can get from the grub site, but for a direct link, check the links ubotu will give you in a minute,  I think the link is on the last link ubo23:08
Pelot will give , somewhre toward the bottom of the page or you can try an google for super grub cd23:08
angelhas anyone successfully installed a good media server on ubuntu?23:09
Odd-rationalesuttin: I forgot to ask, is your wireless working right now?23:09
SpookyETandi5: Yeah, that's the idea.23:09
Pelo!grub > cyrano check for a private message windows with instructions from ubotu23:09
bulmergreenmanspirit-> does lspci show its detected?23:09
angelsuttin: no problem buddy, we are all here to help23:09
bulmergreenmanspirit-> does dmesg show its also detected?23:09
suttinyeah, im using it right now Odd, I just wanted to make it so i didnt have to reconfigure it every time i found wireless23:09
Pelocyrano,  the ppl in #grub might be able to help you better,   but is is not a very busy channel you'd have to be patient23:09
=== Moniker8241 is now known as Moniker42
Bigcheeseya, so my mic wont work even after spending a good 64 hours straight reading documentation and forum posts23:10
hectorpalok: I have read all the manuals and stuff, but this is not working. I WAS working on my fedora. 1st time using Ubuntu (7.10)23:10
ashkoreDefyence: Have you got past the partitioner?23:10
greenmanspiritbulmer: lspci shows it as the last thing on the list23:10
BigcheeseIt's the only thing left to get working too ;/23:10
Odd-rationalesuttin: select it and then select properties.23:10
=== xp_prg is now known as xp_lunch
bulmergreenmanspirit-> does dmesg show it's also detected?23:10
suttinOdd: ok23:10
Pelohectorpal,  what is not working exactly , I probably missed the first part23:10
BigcheeseI get the stupid /dev/dsp is in use even though nothing is using it. esd is off, etc...23:10
greenmanspiritbulmer: I'm looking23:10
hectorpalI add a line like that to my sudoers: myuser ALL= NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/myprogram23:10
Odd-rationalesuttin: Enble roaming.23:11
=== recon is now known as recon-OWNED
hectorpalbut when I do sudo /usr/bin/myprogram it still ask for the password23:11
suttinOdd: it is23:11
hectorpalthank you Pelo23:11
bigjohntohmmm, guess no ubuntu guru here eh23:11
andi5SpookyET: i do not know for sure, but unless you have enough unused space left, i doubt this will work with gparted... but feel free to ignore me :)23:11
bulmerBigcheese-> try lsof /dev/dsp  if any is really using it23:11
angelgood media server on ubuntu..anyone?23:11
greenmanspiritbulmer: I don't see it23:11
Pelohectorpal, ah,  I don't realy know about permission stuff, sorry23:11
=== recon-OWNED is now known as recon
Odd-rationalesuttin: Can I PM you?23:11
benzs_show does one add fonts?23:11
Flare183angel:> mtp23:11
ubotuFont installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer23:11
Bigcheesebulmer: says nothing23:11
hectorpalthank you Pelo23:11
bulmergreedo_-> you have to find the driver for it, and load it23:12
angelFlare183:mtp ok, i'll research thatone23:12
ashkoreDefyence: Do you still need help or not?23:12
* Pelo feels guilty when ppl thank him for not helping them 23:12
hectorpalany channel where do you think I can get help?23:12
maximanderyou could help me23:12
bulmerBigcheese-> maybe there is an option to lsof  but i dont know it offhand23:12
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)23:12
BigcheeseIt's weird because some programs can get a very messed up stream which includes some crazy ass noise and the mic23:12
maximanderhelp, SEGFAULTS in fresh 7.10 install. mysqld segfaults on startup, as does nmbd.23:12
hectorpal:-) ok ubotu23:12
Bigcheesebut it all works fine in windows23:12
Pelohectorpal,  you could try  ##linux or #debian might have a clue,  or you can also keep asking here periodicaly,23:12
Odd-rationaleI can't send you PM.23:13
alzamabarHow do I set environment variables?23:13
wpkmaximander: check memory23:13
Odd-rationalesuttin: ^23:13
wpkmaximander: memcheck?23:13
Pelohectorpal, the forum might also ahve some answers in it,  I mean search not post , www.ubuntuforums.org23:13
=== john___ is now known as Amstell
maximandermemcheck went fine23:13
Flare183Do memchecks take long?23:13
maximanderwindows also ran fine23:13
PeloOdd-rationale, you need to be a registered user to sent pm on this network23:13
hectorpalPelo, good idea... I'll try in debian. Maybe I'll be back. I have search about it, but is not easy as is difficult to capture the problem using "keywords" at google :-S23:14
wpkmaximander: anything wrong in dmesg?23:14
bulmerBigcheese-> i believe sound in ubuntu seems to be the most problematic and i see it here people complain about it23:14
wpkmaximander: try memcheck on running system23:14
Odd-rationalePelo: OK23:14
maximanderand gdb says that mysqld and nmbd aren't executables23:14
angelFlare183:mtp is a protocol not a server23:14
Pelohectorpal, use the command you used as a search string23:14
cyranoPelo: I didn't find any tutorial on the grup webpage23:14
maximanderbut they are certainly binary23:14
BigcheeseI actually see every unix based os have problems with it :P (freeBSD, Linux, etc...)23:14
cyranocan anyone here give me instructions on how to add a USB boot option to grup?23:14
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about mtp - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:14
cyranosorry, grub!!23:15
kelsincyrano: booting from the usb is a bios option afaik23:15
Pelocyrano, not a tutorial,  you want the link to the super grub cd ,  you boot from that and it lets you install grub anywhere and it also lets you specify where stage 1 and stage 2 go23:15
Odd-rationalesuttin: You there? Try to /join #odd-rationale23:15
Pelokelsin,  we are looking for a workarund, not all mobo can boot from usb23:15
wpkmaximander: hm...23:16
kelsinPelo: ahhh, ok :) good luck23:16
wpkmaximander: which mysqld? /etc/init.d/mysqld ?23:16
wpkmaximander: it's a shell script23:16
specscriptwhen running ubuntu off of a CD, is it normal for it to be slow?23:16
Pelokelsin,  no luck needed, he needs to boot from a floppy whit grub installed on it23:16
Bigcheesespecscript: for program startup yes23:16
specscriptokay, thanks23:16
Bigcheeseor any file access23:16
MarcoRM65ciao !!23:16
SpookyETIs there a better file system than ext3?23:16
Slartspecscript: yes.. it uses memory for a virtual root drive.. so less memory for cache etc23:16
Bigcheesebut actual non io speed should be the same23:17
maximanderwpk: no, /usr/sbin/mysqld23:17
kelsinPelo: and from there grub has the capability to load from a usb drive?23:17
PeloSpookyET,  ext3 is the current fav in linux23:17
angelFlare183: gnump3d is good and easy but hard to customize. i want to set up playlists and it does not seem to do it nicely23:17
wpkmaximander: what FS?23:17
SpookyETPelo: reiser4?23:17
wpkmaximander: what does file /usr/sbin/mysqld23:17
alzamabarhow do I add an environment variable to my profile?23:17
CesariusHI ALL !  HERE IS A DISCUSSION AND CHAT ENVIRONMENT FOR UBUNTU USERS !!!  http://www.toramantourism.com/livechat.htm23:17
cyranoPelo: I don't really understand now. Do i need to install Grub on my flash drive? Problem is I can't access my flash drive before my operating system is running!23:17
Pelokelsin,  pretty much,  the menu will point to the kernel on the usb partiton23:17
webmarenanybody know how i can get bittorrent to go faster23:17
SlartSpookyET: depends on what you're going to do with it... many small files.. large files.. lots of changes etc.. google for ext3, reiserfs, xfs.. there's probably more out there23:17
Flare183angel:> well that beats me23:17
SpookyETwebmaren: ask the senator for more tubes23:17
kelsinPelo: didn't know the usb subsystem was even available then :) have to try that later, thanks23:17
hectorpal:-) Repeating my question: I add a line like that to my sudoers: myuser ALL= NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/myprogram, but when I do sudo /usr/bin/myprogram it still ask for the password23:17
EnderThethirdCan someone point me in the right direction to uninstall a program installed via source (VMWare Server in particular)23:17
MarcoRM65my first ubuntu login under VMware section..!!23:18
Pelocyrano,  no,  you want to install grub on a boot floppy,  and make the boot floppy grub find the /boot/grub folder on your usb flash drive23:18
webmarentrying to get kubuntu 8.04 herd 1 but it says ETA: 19days23:18
Flare183!root | hectorpal23:18
ubotuhectorpal: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo23:18
geniiAnything simple (even CLI) to make some still jpg shots into a short footage?23:18
Flare183!sudo | hectorpal23:18
ubotuhectorpal: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for all information.23:18
maximanderwpk: the file /usr/sbin/mysqld is the binary file which is segfaulting. gdb says it is not an executable23:18
Flare183that might help23:18
cyranoPelo: I don't have a floppy drive though... Only a floppy option in BIOS :P23:18
Pelocyrano,  join me in #grub23:19
kelsinhectorpal: that looks good to me, did you use visudo to edit to make sure there were no errors in the file?23:19
maximanderwpk: strace goes straight to segfault23:19
hectorpalubotu, reading your answer23:19
Slartgenii: "short footage"?? you mean a movie?23:19
Khisanthwebmaren: faster connection and/or more peers :)23:19
SpookyETzfs for linux?23:19
MikeHanyone know of a pdf to html utility?23:19
geniiSlart: animated gif even23:19
wpkMikeH: pdf2html23:19
MikeHI thought there was something called pdf2html23:19
AngryElfsay I buy a blu-ray DVD drive -- is mplayer gonna be able to play my blu ray discs?23:19
MikeHwpk, can't find it in gutry repo's though?23:19
hectorpalI was fooled by the bot :-(23:19
Slartgenii: look at imagemagick... it does almost anything and it's console based23:20
KhisanthMikeH: pdftohtml23:20
Sasha_Sasha Kra23:20
geniiSlart: Thanks23:20
BigcheeseAHA! It's actually /dev/snd/* files that are being used, and I guess that effects /dev/dsp23:20
Sasha_Sasha Kran23:20
Sasha_found the file23:20
Sasha_no quit23:20
ashkoreAnyone in this channel, if Defyence comes back tell him to type an address message to me as i wont be monitoring the channel for a while23:21
Flare183!enter | Sasha_23:21
ubotuSasha_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!23:21
hectorpalKelsin: yes I used visudo to edit sudoers23:21
Sasha_no. i23:21
EnderTheThirdanyone know a howto for removing programs installed via source/CLI?23:21
Sasha_do not quit23:21
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)23:21
hectorpalkelsin: yes I used visudo to edit sudoers (again in case is Case sensite with nicknames)23:22
geniiEnderTheThird: usually in same dir you did "make install" try "make uninstall" or "make clean" or "make dist-clean"23:22
NirevusCan anyone help with this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=389806523:22
readmeCan someone help me with gutsy? In gnome I'm trying to find a way to set the default wireless connection23:22
EnderTheThirdgenii: thanks a ton.  guess I'll need to re-download source for VMWare Server then.  VirtualBox does everything I need it to.23:22
metanili can't find glibc on my system... anyone know how to get it.23:22
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs23:22
readmeIt always goes to the one that isn't mine23:23
readmeoh ok23:23
MikeHis there anything that works a little better than pdftohtml? it's screwed up formatting pretty badly.23:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about screansaver - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about screensaver - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:23
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xscreensaver - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xscreen - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about screen-saver - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:24
Flare183!info xscreensaver23:24
ubotuxscreensaver: Automatic screensaver for X. In component main, is optional. Version 4.24-5ubuntu3 (gutsy), package size 277 kB, installed size 2216 kB23:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about screen_save - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about screen_saver - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:24
tifinei want to run  .iso file  ?23:24
bruenigashkore, calm down23:24
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about xscreensaver - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:24
bruenig!fishing | ashkore sumonish23:24
ubotuashkore sumonish: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubotu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.23:24
ubotuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.23:25
tomawGuys, please do not abuse the bot.23:25
tifinei want to run  .iso file  on ubuntu?i downloaded a movie but it is in .iso format23:25
bruenig!iso | tifine, an iso is a disk image, you want to mount it?23:25
ubotutifine, an iso is a disk image, you want to mount it?: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.23:25
Flare183Thank you23:25
ashkorethat is a normal command23:25
ashkoreive used it before23:25
sumonishhey i curtained my lingo23:25
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about isomount - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:25
ashkoreso i DO know it really exists23:25
specscriptwhen i run ubuntu in safe graphics mode, how can i run the install program?23:25
Bigcheeseok, wtf23:25
LjLFlare183, nwo you start?23:25
cizarrthere's a linux program like GoldWave please?23:25
Seivan|Does anyone how to make a timed reboot, like give it 10 minutes and then reboot, I also wanna be able to stop the reboot23:26
tifinethxns ubotu23:26
EnderTheThirdWow do I freaking love ssh.  :-D23:26
bruenig!info audacity | cizarr23:26
ubotucizarr: audacity: A fast, cross-platform audio editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.3-1build1 (gutsy), package size 2321 kB, installed size 6832 kB23:26
gordonjcpEnderTheThird: ssh is good23:26
sumonishcizar: k3b (kde based23:26
specscriptwhen i run ubuntu in safe graphics mode, how can i run the install program?23:26
gordonjcpEnderTheThird: wait until you've got a PC running all the time, and then you can just ssh to it for your IRC23:26
ashkorespecscript: are you on the live cd?23:26
gordonjcpEnderTheThird: and mail, too23:26
specscriptashkore, yes23:26
SpookyETDoes anyone have a link to the optimal partitions and their sizes?23:27
sumonish(whoops yah audacity)23:27
ashkoreand you started in safe graphics mode?23:27
bruenigSpookyET, optimal is relative to your disk size and what you are wanting to do23:27
gordonjcpEnderTheThird: irssi + screen are the only way to do IRC...23:27
metanili can't find glibc on my system... anyone know how to get it.23:27
ashkorehave you got to the desktop yet?23:27
metanilhow to install glib23:27
JonathanDgordonjcp: but all that will change soon ;)23:27
EnderTheThirdgordonjcp: i'm ssh'ing to try to remove vmware from my home computer while at work.  dyndns.org ftw!23:27
Flare183metanil:> it's glib23:27
angelanyone know the diference in normal install through live and oem install?23:27
specscriptashkore, it always freezes so im doing it through this23:27
XLVSeivan|, shutdown -r +10 .. man shutdown23:27
ashkorespecscript: how much RAM do you have?23:27
lexI keep getting this error: "It seems that transcode ripping stopped short. The movie has 213870 frames, but only 146067 were ripped. This is most likely a problem with your transcode/libdvdread installation, resp. a problem with this specific DVD." when trying to rip a dvd with dvd::rip. Any ideas?23:27
specscriptashkore, enough23:27
bruenigangel, oem will set the computer up such that the first time you boot after install, it will ask for username and things like that23:27
ashkore!paste | lex23:27
ubotulex: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)23:27
Flare183lex:> it's the dvd23:27
EnderTheThirdgordonjcp:  now i just need to learn a bit more about hosting my mythweb so i can access it remotely and i'll be set.  i haven't quite gotten a handle on ssh tunneling to do so.  i'd prefer not to host it as a web server23:28
HDTVIs there a renew command in ubuntu...like in windows...ipconfig /renew?23:28
ashkorespecscript: how much?23:28
angelbruenig| will it let me choose package for instalation?23:28
specscript512mb i think23:28
HDTVfor a connection..23:28
specscriptor 1g23:28
Flare183HDTV:> no just run sudo dhclient23:28
bruenigangel, no more than the other installation techniques23:28
lexFlare183: as in the encryption?23:28
ashkorei think that may be enough23:28
sumonish!info ifconfig |HDTV23:28
ubotuhdtv: Package ifconfig does not exist in gutsy23:28
wazeem_can someone help me with the wireless internet connection23:28
ashkorei only had 256MB and that didnt work23:28
cizarrthanks alot bruenig23:28
XLVHDTV, linux doesnt need such pos... when all else fails, rmmod your nic's module, then modprobe it again23:28
specscriptashkore, pm me?23:29
Flare183lex:> can't rip23:29
Flare183it's illiegial23:29
bruenig!info net-tools | sumonish23:29
ubotusumonish: net-tools: The NET-3 networking toolkit. In component main, is important. Version 1.60-17ubuntu2 (gutsy), package size 173 kB, installed size 772 kB23:29
angelbruenig| damn it, i really can't find a way arounf doing a custom kickstart23:29
bruenigangel, use another distro23:29
Flare183!language | angel23:29
HDTVFlare183, So by typing sudo dhclient..that renews your ip address?23:29
wazeem_is uboto a bot?23:29
ubotuangel: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.23:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about ifup - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:29
ashkorewazee, yes23:29
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about if - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:29
wazeem_i see23:29
lexFlare183: so there's no way to make a legit backup of a dvd you own?23:29
Flare183HDTV :> it searchs for another one23:29
bruenig!sorry | wazeem_23:29
ubotuwazeem_: It's ok, I can't stay mad at you.23:29
metanilapt-get install glib didn't work23:30
dmHello. I want to normalize an mp3 audio file losslessly. Can you reccommend a (tiny cmd line) tool for this task?23:30
gordonjcplex: of course there is23:30
metanilapt-get install glib didn't work23:30
angelbruenig| lol, no! ubuntu thus far is the best for my needs23:30
gordonjcplex: just rip it and save it out on disk somewhere23:30
Flare183yeah with k3b or a gnome burner23:30
specscriptashkore, read pm?23:30
crdlbmetanil: what *exactly* are you doing?23:30
angelubotu| sorry23:30
ubotuIt's ok, I can't stay mad at you.23:30
gordonjcpdm: you can't, basically23:30
lexgordonjcp: that's the thing, it fails on the rip as stated above23:30
angelubotu| i though you were a bot23:30
wazeem_well is anyone experienced with wireless ubuntu capabilities?23:30
bruenigdm, mp3gain doesn't normalize per se, it adds a tag that a lot of audio players read so that they adjust the volume, that is the only really lossless way to do so23:30
EnderTheThirdgenii: you still there?23:31
gordonjcplex: you often need a *lot* of free disk space23:31
lexgordonjcp: 2TB here, not really a problem23:31
angelok room, good night!23:31
metanilapt-get install glib didn't work (ubuntu 6.06 dapper)23:31
YgorSpainHello guys. this is my problem,I was trying to add a 3 panel while some programs icons which i drag nd drop to the 2nd panel dissapear. Now everytime i log into ubuntu only my icons works.my panels are frozed and clean and i cant do anything.also the alt-f2 is not working. someone know how can i get this fixed ?23:31
gordonjcplex: "lol you're doing it wrong" ;-)23:31
metanilapt-get install glib didn't work (ubuntu 6.06 dapper)23:31
gordonjcplex: 2TB should be enough for anybody23:31
metanilapt-get install glib didn't work (ubuntu 6.06 dapper)23:31
crdlbmetanil: stop repeating yourself23:31
bruenigmetanil, stop23:31
Jack_Sparrowsudo /etc/init.d/networking restart23:31
metaniloops.. sorry23:31
geniiEnderTheThird: Yes, preoccupied a bit but around :)23:31
wazeem_my ubuntu picks up the network however doesnt connect to it23:32
crdlbmetanil: what are you *doing* ?23:32
baboguys, where are the framebuffers on gutsy ?23:32
metanilsomebody did listening me..23:32
baboI can't find any in /dev23:32
babomy qemu is faulting with ...23:32
lexgordonjcp: would you recommend ripping it as an ISO instead of trying to transcode it to an x264?23:32
babo(!) DirectFB/FBDev: Error opening framebuffer device!23:32
babo(!) DirectFB/FBDev: Use 'fbdev' option or set FRAMEBUFFER environment variable.23:32
baboit's annoying23:32
bruenigjust ignore him for being obnoxious23:32
geniibtw for the interested, answer to my previous q:  mencoder -mf on:w=800:h=600:fps=25 -ovc divx4 -o output.avi \*.jpg       will make an avi from a bunch of jpg23:32
Khisanthmetanil: that should be libglib2.0 assuming you are not looking for the 1.x version23:32
gordonjcplex: hmmm, possibly23:32
metanilthanks khisanth ..23:32
specscriptwhen i run ubuntu in safe graphics mode, how can i run the install program?23:32
brueniggenii, why are you escaping the *?23:32
baboanyone ?23:32
gordonjcplex: I can't remember what I used last time I ripped a DVD, but it had a nice GUI and was relatively fast23:32
EnderTheThirdgenii:  Ha, thanks.  I redownloaded VMware tarball, but make won't work.  it used an install script to install.  I'm looking at the script now for removal instructions, unless you know of another way to remove?23:33
metanil(message are flowing too fast here.. so i send them multiple times.. sorry )23:33
SpookyETDoes anyone have a link to the best partitions setup for linux?23:33
SpookyETand their sizes23:33
specscriptwhen i run ubuntu in safe graphics mode, how can i run the install program?23:33
LjL!best > SpookyET    (SpookyET, see the private message from Ubotu)23:33
bruenigSpookyET, optimal is relative to your disk size and what you are wanting to do23:33
Jack_Sparrowlex: I use k9copy23:33
gordonjcpgenii: I do that to assemble up rendered single frames into a "rush print" of an animation ;-)23:33
geniiEnderTheThird: I'm not familiar with vmware23:33
crdlbmetanil: just don't do that here, everyone saw it the first time23:33
SpookyETbruenig: Disk size 100GB. Do, mostly desktop, some server related as well since I web design.23:33
bruenigthe channel is flowing so fast, I know what it needs, spam!!23:33
cizarrthere is any way to convert flv file to mp3?23:34
EnderTheThirdgenii: stupid me installed it before .deb's were available and now it's hogging too much space when all I need is VirtualBox, heh23:34
heartsbloodAre there any advanced mouse configuration packages out there?23:34
babono-one knows where the framebuffers are ? Are there even framebuffers on gusty ?23:34
geniibruenig: Not sure why it's \ and not / but it's from an example, I didn't write it23:34
ibanezMasterShrek, you about mate ?23:34
specscriptwhen i run ubuntu in safe graphics mode, how can i run the install program?23:34
baboI asked the same question in the forums a couple of days ago and I got zero replies ...23:34
wazeem_hello can someone help me please23:34
bruenigSpookyET, I'd say 10-15 gig / partition and the rest /home23:34
lexJack_Sparrow: when i go to use that, i click the "create mpeg-4", the dialog pops up to start, then it goes away after a few seconds23:34
astro76SpookyET, http://www.linuxsa.org.au/tips/disk-partitioning.html23:34
babois it just me or is ubuntu support getting less and less enthusiastic as the releases go by ?23:34
=== serge is now known as sea4ever
bruenigSpookyET, the more server stuff you are thinking about the higher on / you want to go23:34
ibanezi hear about this bug, that ubuntu has, that kills most laptops harddrives23:34
gordonjcplex: dvdrip, I think23:35
gordonjcpibanez: yeah, it's bogus23:35
LjL!hdbug > ibanez    (ibanez, see the private message from Ubotu)23:35
SpookyETbruenig: I want / /boot /usr /var /tmp /home /swap etc23:35
brueniggenii, well *.jpg I assume is meant to be expanded by bash to say all of the jpgs, seems odd that it is being escaped is all23:35
MasterShreksup ibanez23:35
gordonjcp!hdbug > ibanez23:35
bruenigSpookyET, why?23:35
ibanezthank you LjL23:35
lexgordonjcp, that's the only that won't rip it all the way and fails23:35
bruenigSpookyET, all on different partitions?23:35
comicinke1in anjuta when I try to call the help I receive followng message: "Unable to display help. Please make sure Anjuta documentation package is install" what packet is missing?23:35
ere4siWhat's the command for logout/switch user pls23:35
Jack_Sparrowlex: NEver had any issues with it here...  May I assume you have all your codecs restricted drivers and installed K9 from the ubuntu repos?23:35
wazeem_please can someone help me regarding wireless internet connections23:35
adac2in which repository can I find the kplayer?23:35
SpookyETbruenig: It will act as a limited server as well. So yeah, all on different partitions. I just need to know the optimal sizes23:35
baboright. it's not just me then ...23:36
ibanezin theory it doesn't seem right to me23:36
Jack_Sparrow!wifi | waz23:36
ubotuwaz: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs23:36
bruenigSpookyET, do you have any reason why you want them all on different partitions?23:36
LjLadac2: i don't know of a kplayer23:36
ibanezXP would use just as much disk usage under high loads.23:36
geniibruenig: Works, anyhow :)23:36
babowhere did all the real linux hackers go ?23:36
wazeem_jack sparrow what was your message meant to mean?23:36
SpookyETbruenig: Yeah. I do. I just need the optimal sizes.23:36
lexJack_Sparrow, i think so. k9copy just gave me: An error occured while running DVDAuthor: ERR: procremap encountered unknown subtitle command: 9023:36
NirevusCan anyone help with this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=389806523:36
adac2LjL-Temp: http://kplayer.sourceforge.net/23:36
bruenigSpookyET, so you don't want to say the reason or...23:37
Jack_Sparrowwazeem_: You wanted wifi info.. that is the place to start... then return and ask good questions.23:37
wazeem_i typed !wifi but nothing happened23:37
Jack_Sparrowlex: HAve you tried different dvd's...23:37
LjLadac2, they offer an ubuntu package on their very site23:37
geniiwazeem_: scroll up and click on the link it gave earlier23:37
SpookyETbruenig: It's a desire. Nothing more, nothing less.23:37
Jack_Sparrowwazeem_: Go to the link it provided..23:37
wazeem_i see, i thought it was a command23:38
metanilis glib package name is libglib2.0-0???23:38
adac2LjL-Temp: well I know...but why it isn't in any repository?23:38
bruenigmetanil, you were just told that23:38
hectorpalrepeating my question: I add a line like that to my sudoers: myuser ALL= NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/myprogram, but when I do sudo /usr/bin/myprogram it still ask for the password23:39
wazeem_oh btw i have read the docs23:39
LjLadac2, there's plenty of software that's not in the repositories. if you want to fix that, join #ubuntu-motu, read the topic and start learning about packaging :)23:39
hectorpaljiml_: lot of people23:39
Brolxlotsa people, yes23:40
adac2LjL-Temp: lol..i will:)23:40
=== a1 is now known as endofnite
hectorpalguys I have a weird problem. NOPASSWD is not working in my sudoers. Any idea?23:40
babosomeone probably messed it up by adding all that compiz crap ...23:40
wazeem_im able to see the surrounding networks but cant connect23:40
Brolxmy Firefox Browser keeps disappearing - any idea why?23:40
hectorpalI think I will have to file a bug23:40
NetLarIrvineis 128 mg Ram enough for 7.10?23:41
MartianLobsteris there a howto somewhere for installing a linksys pcimcia card onto a laptop?23:41
wazeem_Jack Im able to see my network but when i try to connect nothing happens23:42
lexJack_Sparrow: other dvd's don't work either23:42
NetLarIrvineWhat would be the recommended then23:42
jimmygoonSo I love Superbad so much that I must have it on my hard drive... what is the easiest way to rip to HD?23:42
Jack_SparrowMartianLobster: Look up the cippset in that card based on the model number.  The one I have here has the bcm43xx which works nicely23:42
aco_where can I find Opera for 64bit kubuntu??23:42
crdlbNetLarIrvine: xubuntu23:42
MartianLobsterJack_Sparrow: ok23:42
ubotuxubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of Gnome. For more info, see http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop". | For support, see #xubuntu | See also: !ubuntu and !xubuntu-channels23:43
EnderTheThirdgenii:  got it!  there was an uninstall script elsewhere in the tarball.  yay!23:43
aco_bill, there is no 64bit package..23:43
svejeistohello all23:43
Jack_SparrowMartianLobster: You can also google ubuntu and your chipset to find others with it and how they got it to work.. or didnt23:43
metanilhow to install glibc... ( just install glib )?23:43
baboso the fbdev man page suggests that /dev/fb0 is the default framebuffer. yet there is no /dev/fb0 in gutsy ..23:43
aco_32bit doesn't work it says wrong ELF version...23:43
svejeistoI have a bit of a problem uninstalling ubuntu,can someone private me and help me out maby? :D23:43
crdlbmetanil: you still haven't said what you are trying to accomplish by installing glib. If you did, we might be able to help you23:44
jimmygoonHow can I rip a DVD to the HD?23:44
Jack_Sparrowsvejeisto: there is no uninstall, just install whatever you want right over the top of it23:44
neur1hi, installed kde/kubuntu onto ubuntu how do I get the splash screen back instead of the kubuntu one?23:44
NetLarIrvineBut I want Ubuntu23:44
NetLarIrvineI have not purchased the PC yet23:44
crdlbNetLarIrvine: then get at least 256MB23:44
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sudoers - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:44
baboAm I being ignored or does nobody know what I'm talking about ?23:44
NetLarIrvineoik, thanks23:44
metanili'm try to compile one source package.. its has prerequisite of glibc, gcc...... and i didn't found glibc in my machine.23:45
svejeistook, I've installed Ubuntu on a new laptop, first OS ever installed, but since it has serious issues with the graphics, I have to uninstall it, reformat HDD and install Vista, can someone help me out?It's kinda urgent...23:45
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about buildessentails - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:45
=== wazeem__ is now known as wazeem
comicinke1in anjuta when I try to call the help I receive followng error message: "Unable to display help. Please make sure Anjuta documentation package is install" what packet is missing?23:45
Jack_SparrowSorry folks.. I cant spell today... build-essentials23:46
BrolxDoes anyone know why my Firefox browser keeps disappearing from the screen when I'm using it? It's just the Internet window, and it's done it 35 times in the past 2 days.23:47
crdlbJack_Sparrow: it's "build-essential"23:47
svejeistoanyone?ok, I've installed Ubuntu on a new laptop, first OS ever installed, but since it has serious issues with the graphics, I have to uninstall it, reformat HDD and install Vista, can someone help me out?It's kinda urgent...23:47
Jack_Sparrowcrdlb: thank you...  having a really "Ugly" day23:47
svejeistoused to use ubuntu before, never had to uninstall it23:47
Jack_SparrowBrolx: How did you install firefox, java and flash in that computer?23:47
BrolxJack_Sparrow: My friend did that for me.23:48
crdlbsvejeisto: the windows installer will happily clobber your existing ubuntu install23:48
baboright. apparently the framebuffer is broken in gusty. if someone else comes in here with the same problem - them maybe you might like to tell them that ...23:48
Jack_SparrowBrolx: DId he ever mention anthing about scripts, automatix or envy?  Very bad ideas by the way23:49
BrolxJack_Sparrow... although I did reinstall Firefox yesterday on someone else's advice using the console command of (I think) sudo apt-get install firefox23:49
BrolxAnd no, he did not.23:49
=== bill1 is now known as pwnager
svejeistowell vista installer comes to the point where it lets me choose the partition on which i should install it23:50
svejeistoi get 2 partitions, 2gb logic one23:50
svejeistoand the rest23:50
svejeistoand i can't format either of them23:50
Jack_SparrowBrolx: Ok.. no problem with what they told you to do yesterday..  COuld you run this in a terminal window then paste the resulting file on your desktop into the pastebin and give me the link in here..  cp /etc/apt/sources.list ~/Desktop/sources.list.$(date +%m-%d-%Y-%T)23:50
RedEyesshow do i remove grub from within linux23:50
RedEyessi can't boot into windows23:50
svejeistocrdlb any ideas?23:50
crdlbsvejeisto: that sounds like a better question for ##windows23:51
svejeistooh, ok23:51
dirtyhandwhats a good Linux app to do production server backups on an external HD?23:51
RedEyessall i have access to is Linux23:51
pwnagerhow do i get azureus working? i have it installed, but i cant seem to dl torrents23:52
RedEyessi would use windows to fix the mbr23:52
wazeemok has anyone dealt with the rt73 driver for ubuntu?23:52
RedEyessbut i don't have the opportunity23:52
LjL!info mbr > RedEyess23:52
LjL!info ms-sys > RedEyess23:52
Jack_SparrowRedEyess: you would boot the windows cd and use their recovery mode...23:53
RedEyessI have Vista23:53
d10bWhy does "find / -name %1 2> /dev/null" output nothing when i run it from a shell script?23:53
shamelessheheh, i've got my dual boot vista/ubuntu running a mac osx skin, it's wonderfully clusterfucked23:53
RedEyessand at the command line, there is no fdisk23:53
RedEyessor fixmbr23:53
LjLd10b: what is %1?23:53
dirtyhandwhats a good Linux app to do production server backups on an external HD?23:53
wazeemoh man ubuntu is so hard to use and i feel helpless X(23:53
Jack_Sparrowdirtyhand: basic dd comand should do it23:54
LjL!wifi > wazeem    (wazeem, see the private message from Ubotu)23:54
BrolxJack_Sparrow: I'm new to Linux, so you'll need to be patient. What exactly is a pastebin?23:54
Seivan|Is there a way to see your CPU temperature, in the console?23:54
LjL!pastebin > Brolx    (Brolx, see the private message from Ubotu)23:54
LjL!info lm-sensors > Seivan|23:54
wazeemi have gone over the wifi docs23:54
PkyRedEyess: What do you want to do?23:54
wazeembut nothing makes sense23:54
shamelesshas anyone running kiba-dock on gutsy run into an issue with booting it up? cause i have a weird bug and it won't boot up anymore, i got it to work once, but now it won't open23:54
Seivan|LjL dont understand, should I download it23:54
virokiba dock?23:55
RedEyessI want to remove grub23:55
d10b%1 is the filename.  i have that line in a shell script so i can just type "f filename"23:55
LjL!info lm-sensors | Seivan|23:55
ubotuseivan|: lm-sensors: utilities to read temperature/voltage/fan sensors. In component main, is extra. Version 1:2.10.4-1ubuntu1 (gutsy), package size 496 kB, installed size 1520 kB23:55
RedEyessfrom within Linux23:55
the-papstergcc wont compile23:55
bulmerhectorpal-> what is your entry for that command not needing password?23:55
CaptainMorganhow do I turn off "look for sources CD" remotely?23:55
PkyRedEyess: And just boot into windows?23:55
LjLSeivan|: you should type « sudo apt-get install lm-sensors », like with all packages23:55
CaptainMorganI'm trying to install g++23:55
pwnagerhow do i dl torrents with azureus?23:55
shamelessyeah, kiba dock23:55
Seivan|LjL done, what now =)23:55
LjLSeivan|: then run "sudo sensors-detect"23:55
the-papsterCaptainMorgan: sudo apt-get install g++23:55
hectorpalblumer: working on it. Maybe I have it...23:55
shamelessi'm trying to finish off a full mac skin, and i can't get it to work properly23:55
Jack_SparrowRedEyess: YOu cant remove grub and leave working windows from linux.. unless you have a copy of the mbr from a special backup.. which is doubtful23:55
jimmygoonwhat program can i use for media synchronization?23:55
PkyRedEyess: And you can only boot to nix? Why don't you fix your grub to give you a choice?23:56
wazeemhow can i make ubuntu drivers from a windows driver :S23:56
CaptainMorganthe-papster, incorrect - I already applied that command23:56
ubotuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs23:56
RedEyessi am using the live cd23:56
the-papsterthats the exact command i just used23:56
RedEyessi haven't booted from within Linux from the hard drive23:56
the-papsterCaptainMorgan: try this command first "apt-get update"23:56
LjL!info ndiswrapper23:56
ubotuPackage ndiswrapper does not exist in gutsy23:56
andre_Hey guys, I'm having a hard time formatting my harddrive.... Gparted is taking forever to start up23:56
Seivan|LjL now what?23:56
LjLSeivan|: now run "sensors"23:56
PkyRedEyess: You could also boot a Windows XP/Vista disk and get into the repair terminal and run fixmbr23:57
wazeem!info ndiswrapper23:57
Seivan|LjL no sensors found23:57
BrolxJack_Sparrow and LjL: Thanks. This is the URL. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47055/23:57
wazeemlol sorry for spamming23:57
RedEyesslet me try that23:57
Vad1Where can I get libwxgtk that's bigger than version 2.8.7? I need it for code::blocks, but the latest in the repos is
Jack_SparrowPky: he was told that ages ago..23:57
LjLSeivan|: didn't sensors-detect find any?23:57
wazeemi think those commands dont work for me23:57
Seivan|LjL it did, and it added23:57
PkyJack_Sparrow: And he turned it down?23:57
LjLSeivan|: try either rebooting or adding manually the ones it found (by doing "sudo modprobe module-name" for each module it detected)23:58
bulmerCaptainMorgan-> remove the entry for cdrom in /etc/apt/sources.list.save23:58
NematocystSeivan|, need to modprobe them first then.  or reboot23:58
the-papsterCaptainMorgan: is it working yet?23:58
Vad1Where can I get libwxgtk that's bigger than version 2.8.7? I need it for code::blocks, but the latest in the repos is
ubotuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience23:58
SeanTaterIs there a way to divide a terminal in half, so I can run two programs and see their outputs separately?23:58
Jack_SparrowPky: What ya gonna do..  he will figure it out23:59
crdlbSeanTater: I believe screen can do that23:59
andre_Hey guys, I'm having a hard time formatting my harddrive.... Gparted is taking forever to start up23:59
Flare183SeanTater:> use two terminals23:59
wols_andre_: why do you need gparted to format something?23:59
Jack_SparrowBrolx: that looks fine.  It looks like he installed feisty and upgraded you to gutsy23:59
the-papster!repeat | andre_23:59
ubotuandre_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience23:59
SeanTatercrdlb: I'll look into it23:59
andre_wols_: What do you suggest?23:59
Jack_Sparrowandre_: mkfs23:59
wols_any fdisk program and mkfs*23:59
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about sync - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi23:59

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