
evil_techi think it is missing something but i dont know what00:00
gerroI think I've found a bug in xubuntu login00:07
gerroif you go applications > settings > login window > local then change themed with face browser to Happy GNOME with Browser if you logout you get a blank screen and nothing responds however it works on boot00:08
thruxtonevil_tech: why the iso extension?00:40
evil_techso i can burn it to disc later00:43
evil_technot really neccessary suppose00:43
zoredacheevil_tech: no.. that is wrong. (of=/dev/sda1) /dev/sda1 is a device node not a mount point... you can't have a /filename after it00:44
zoredacheyou would need to mount the mount the thumbdrive somewhere and then use dd to copy to a file within that path.00:45
evil_techso if i was to mount it in /media/thumbdrive then it would work00:45
zoredachekeep in mind that dd will also copy empty space... so your thumdrive must be bigger then the partion you are backing up00:46
evil_techyeah 4gig thumb drive and a 2gig hard drive00:48
zoredachewhy aren't you making a backup with tar or something?00:54
evil_techdrive has an OS00:55
gerroalright turns out flgxr umm whatever the ati proprietary driver is called has a bug where xorg restart doesn't work.. like ctrl alt backspace or log out feature. Anyone know of a work around?00:56
zoredachethe thumbdrive or the hard drive?  I don't see why that prevents you from using tar by the way00:56
gerroevil_tech: hey sup man haven't seen you around lately00:56
evil_techyou get all your issues resolved except for the one above00:57
evil_techzordache: i dont know how to tar an entire drives contents and keep directory structure00:57
gerrodoes xubuntu still have those weird power issues with wireless usb devices using ndiswrapper?01:00
gerrodon't know if 7.10 changed that and trying to setup wireless01:01
evil_techdunno wasnt aware that was even an issue01:03
zoredacheevil_tech: tar gets subdirectories by default usually.  if you hard drive was mounted as / I would do something like tar --one-file-system -czf /media/thumb/computername_hda1.tar.gz /01:05
evil_techok ill give that a try01:06
NathanExplosionwhy would ndisrapper say that a driver .inf file is invald?01:06
evil_techusing the wrong one perhaps?01:08
gerroevil_tech: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=229681801:08
gerroNathanExplosion: perhaps the inf doesn't match the .sys or the device01:08
gerrowhat is it your trying to get going anyway?01:08
NathanExplosionnvermind i'm stupid i didn't have the .cat files with the .inf file01:09
evil_techa customer brought in an old 486 that was running DOS and a voicemail system. they are trying to migrate it over to another system and find some way to back it up01:10
NathanExplosionit's some intel laptop and i'm trying to help someone install wifi driver01:11
evil_techintel laptop?01:11
NathanExplosionlaptop with intel cpu*01:11
NathanExplosioni'm not sure what brand it is.01:11
gerrohmm don't know if they really need the .cat files01:14
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gerroNathanExplosion: hmm lshw, lspci, lsusb find its listing somewhere you can use its mac address to find out which company made it and what model it is01:38
evil_techyou just need the first 6 digits01:39
zoredacheevil_tech: how is that 486 connected to the phone system?  Are you sure the interface will even be supported on recent equipment?01:42
evil_techstandard modem01:43
evil_tech36k modem in an isa slot01:44
evil_techby recent system i was meaning a p3 700mhz with 128mb and a 4gig hard drive01:44
zoredacheI see01:45
gerrousb power settings are fixed in 7.10!! damn I <3 gutsy :D01:46
zoredachewell simply copying files will not work.  You will need to either build a DOS boot disk to format and reinstall the system files, or you will need to install something like freedos01:46
evil_techi know. i have plenty of DOS boot disks01:47
evil_techbut i shouldnt need them if i keep the directory structure and copy it over. the three file dos needs will be there01:48
evil_techits only a temporary fix for a month or two until they find a suitable replacement system01:48
zoredacheyes, but they won't be in the correct location on the filesystem, and the mbr will not be created01:49
evil_techwell worse case i can reinstall DOS.01:49
evil_techi have the discs01:49
evil_techgood old DOS 6.2201:50
echosystmwhats the difference between add/remove and synaptic? :/02:40
somerville32echosystm, just different front-ends02:52
echosystmnow, next question!02:57
echosystmcan totem support all the formats vlc can, but without compiling stuff?02:57
echosystmi did the medibuntu stuff02:57
echosystmbut it seems avi is still not supported02:57
somerville32I'm not sure03:04
somerville32You'll have to refer to the wiki :)03:04
T65Does ndiswrapper come with Xubuntu?03:43
echosystmhow do i get compiz-fusion running?03:52
cheeseboyT65, no03:52
T65cheeseboy, i'm trying to get a wireless usb network adapter running, is there anything I could use to get drivers instlaled for it? It is a Belkin F5d705003:53
echosystmwhat chipset does it use T65?03:53
T65Not sure, I've seen all the different ones but i don't know where to find what chipset mine uses03:54
cheeseboyT65, i had that acually03:54
cheeseboyended up smashing it03:55
T65cheeseboy, I'm about to, save for money purposes03:55
echosystmT65: http://www.google.com.au/search?hl=en&q=Belkin+F5d7050+chipset&btnG=Google+Search&meta=03:55
echosystmit's not that hard to type the model and then "chipset" :P03:56
cheeseboyechosystm, #compiz-fusion03:56
echosystmit uses an RT2500 chipset03:56
echosystmand here is a thread talking about it03:57
T65I've seen a lot of people saying they have z1211a or b chipset also03:58
T65I'm still new to this (by about a week), do I need to get the tar file for ndiswrapper and install it on my Linux PC?03:59
echosystmif youre new to this, i would suggest not using ubuntu to be honest04:00
cheeseboyT65 sudo apt-get ndiswrapper-utils04:00
echosystmtry pclinuxos and save yourself a lot of headaches04:00
T65echosystm, that was my 2nd choice acutally04:00
T65cheeseboy, will that command only work on an internet connected computer? I'm on a different one right now04:00
T65Ive tried sudo apt-get ndiswrapper and it said it couldn't be found04:01
cheeseboyTG5 then download the debs04:01
T65then just extract it and install it?04:02
cheeseboysudo dpkg -i file.deb04:02
T65type that after i extract it?04:03
cheeseboyno extracting04:05
cheeseboyyou should download 2 .deb files04:05
T65OK, they're downloaded, gotta put them on a usb and move em to the other computer04:07
T65does it matter where i save them to?04:07
T65ok, sorry if these are dumb questions I'm new to all of this04:08
T65...but I do like xubuntu better than windows me04:08
cheeseboybetter than any windows04:11
T65XP ain't so bad...but ME pretty much killed itself, i turned it on one day and it wouldn't boot, told me some registry files were missing04:13
emilamiany word yet on when that update to flashplugin-nonfree will be added to the repositories?04:13
cheeseboyemilami, just download from adobe04:14
slimjimflimhi. anyone know of a command to display the default resolution?04:15
emilamiyeah, that's what i was thinking about doing.  i don't think they've added a flash update to the repositories in ages04:15
slimjimflimi can see that it's on default from the display settings, but i don't know what the number is04:15
slimjimflim*numbers are04:15
cheeseboyemilami, i just did it install took literally 3 seconds04:16
emilamiyeah, i almost did the download from adobe about 14-16 hours ago but someone in here talked me into waiting04:17
emilamiand i wanted to make sure that it wasn't going to be added shortly before i installed it from adobe04:17
gerrohmm doing some stuff and was wondering how I can make video file of what I'm doing on computer. I heard of xvidcap and gvidcap but those aren't in repository perhaps there is a newer way to do things?04:49
hajihi , how do i untar tar.bz2?05:47
annihiluscan someone explain how to lock th screen in xubunut, in ubuntu i have the option to lock the screen in the log out/restart/shutdown menu06:16
xubuNhello is there a volonteer to help a newbe (10 days linux)12:09
ubotuDon't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question :)12:21
xubuNi have only been able to live CD xub so far, I tried HD , (bad HD) so usb now, 2GB should be ok?13:09
Odd-rationaleWhen I click on the XFCE menu button on the top panel, the menu does not show up. How to fix?13:31
Odd-rationaleHey, I got it to work.13:35
martin__hello, i'm having problems with nicotine - i installed in from synaptic and when i turn in on the windows appears but remains blank inside15:10
martin__can you advise me any p2p sharing program? especially for mp315:18
vinzemartin__, only for legal purpose I presume? If so, I use gtk-gnutella - not really user-friendly, but does a good job15:18
martin__i would love something easy - i used nicotine previously,but it seems not to work on xubuntu:(15:20
vinzemartin__, Amule looked quite easy but I'm not sure whether I could get it to connect15:20
vinzemartin__, but gtk-gnutella is easy, just a bit cluttered15:20
martin__aha, ok:D i'll give it a try;)15:20
martin__hehe, so far i got it working and that's a success for me:D15:27
manchickenSo I'm seeing a lot of folks with that little mac-bar lookin' thing on their screenshots.  Do you all know what program that is?15:43
vinzemanchicken, there are several15:44
TheSheepmanchicken: awn probably15:44
vinzemanchicken, I've used Avant Window Navigator15:44
manchickenIs that an xfce add-on or a gtk app independent of DE?15:44
vinzemanchicken, independent15:45
manchickenIs it in the repos?15:45
vinzeThere's also a third-party repo that includes more plugins15:45
vinzemanchicken, but you do need compositing15:45
manchickenI've got that.15:45
vinzeK, then you should have no problem15:46
manchickenI've moved to xubuntu because I like to use terminal transparency to avoid Alt-Tabbing while working, and compiz keeps blowing up on this nvidia.15:46
manchickenOn my System76 laptop with the Intel x3100 it's not a problem, but compiz just doesn't seem to be able to play nice with this nvidia.  Xfwm4, on the other hand, operates as smooth as butter.15:47
martin__vinze, i tried downloading a file,and after it has reached 100% it remained in the list 'seeding SHA1 OK' - clear finished didn't remove it but purge selected did - what does it mean?15:48
manchickenI take it that there's nothing I can do to get thunar to use gnome-vfs functionality with ssh, is ther?15:49
TheSheepmanchicken: you can use fuse sshfs instead15:52
manchickenYeah, but I don't want to have to configure all of that for all my clients.15:52
manchickenIs there a GUI ssh file-manager client that you all use other than thunar?  Maybe filezilla or something?15:53
manchickenHere's another dumb question, is there a way to get tomboy notes onto the panel?16:03
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TheSheepmanchicken: a launcher?16:08
manchickenWell, tomboy notes is a panel plugin for gnome that lets you see your notes--similar to the places menu--and also lets you access them from the panel.16:09
TheSheepmanchicken: ah, you can install an xfce plugin that allows you to use gnome panel plugins16:10
manchickenWhich one is that?  I've been skimming the repos for a little bit and I'm not seeing it.16:10
vinzemanchicken, xfapplet16:11
manchickenMuch thanks.16:11
manchickenOh that's beautiful.16:12
manchickenMuch thanks.16:13
vinzenp :)16:13
manchickenOkay, and I just did the gconf thing to stop the desktop loading for nautilus, and I'll just use nautilus for my SSH stuff.16:21
manchickenNo biggie.16:21
martin__hey, is there any place where i can configure file associations?16:25
vinzemartin__, you mean like file:///etc/xdg/xubuntu/applications/defaults.list?16:25
vinze(Just happened to come across that yesterday)16:26
martin__ooo, good to know, never before i had to change that but it's annoying that all picture formats open either in gimp/firefox/gqview;)16:27
vinzemartin__, you can also edit file associations from the context menu in Thunar16:27
TheSheepmanchicken: you can jsut change them in the file preferences dialog16:29
manchickenTheSheep: What now?16:29
TheSheepmanchicken: sorry, wrong nick16:30
manchickenAnybody know how to get firefox to set the wallpaper in xubuntu?16:34
TheSheepmanchicken: I don't think it's easily doable16:34
manchickenI would think it's just an about:config setting16:34
TheSheepmanchicken: external application messing with your desktop settings?16:35
manchickenTheSheep: Default xubuntu works with it IIRC.  With other DEs it's usually just a command that it calls on the backend to get that working.16:36
vinzeHey maristo17:11
maristoIs it problem in Xubuntu 7.10 with burning cd-r(w)'s?17:11
vinzemaristo, well, Brasero is included that is supposed to be able to do that, I believe17:11
seisenIs anybody testing Xubuntu 8.04 in VirtualBox17:12
maristobrasero don't want ti burn :(17:13
maristoXfburn also17:13
maristobut under Ubuntu 7.04 it did work17:14
maristoexcuse me, my english is not understandable17:15
TheSheepmaristo: what's the error?17:19
maristoTheSheep: Brasero tells me to insert blank-cd-r17:20
TheSheepmaristo: and when you do?17:20
maristobut it's free already17:20
maristoit repeats17:20
TheSheepmaristo: are you sure it's empty?17:21
maristoit recomends to erase data on cd, i consider, but after deletion of data is speaks "insert free cdr"17:21
maristoyes I sure17:21
maristoI tried with new CD-RW17:21
maristoI tried with 3 cd-rw's17:22
maristoall new17:22
TheSheepmaristo: maybe try installing k3b, it's a kde application, but it never failed me17:22
maristoit can solve problem , i know17:22
maristobut, i'll need Qt-libs is't inacceptible for me17:23
vinzemaristo, there's also gnomebaker and there was another one I believe17:23
maristois gomebaker installable from repositories?17:23
TheSheepmaristo: yes17:23
vinzeAh yes, Graveman17:23
maristothank you, I'll try...17:23
maristoGnomebaker also doese'nt work17:46
maristodisk ID is too long17:46
TheSheepmaristo: at least you got a meaningful error message17:47
TheSheepmaristo: kind of17:47
maristobrasero speaks the same17:48
maristodisk ID is too long17:48
maristowhat it means?17:48
maristowhat's disk ID?17:48
maristoi think it is not problem of program, but of system17:53
maristobecause both Brasero and gnomebaker tells tha same17:53
aladdinsanewhy do i get green annoying circles following my mouse in Gimp on Xubuntu, which after a while cover the whole image im working on?17:53
aladdinsaneIs it a grephic card issue or a Xubuntu one?17:54
aladdinsanehere's another guy with the same problem: http://www.gimptalk.com/forum/topic/Green-cirle-Issue-25821-1.html17:55
Ben_Csi changed partition table from windows and now grub has error 22. how can i rewrite grub from livecd?18:03
scrapbunnyhello. i just switched to xubuntu-desktop on my edubuntu 7.10 system running ltsp 5. is there a program/script like gnome-watchdog that works on xfce? I am having issues with phantom programs18:27
christopherhokanOK, I've got a question: I'm a newbie to Xubuntu. Is there a page with written insturctions on how to install CompizFusion onto Xubuntu, or will the instructions for Ubuntu work?20:20
PeckaHthere isn't much to write20:21
PeckaHinstall compiz and there you go20:21
christopherhokanI didn't know if the instructions were any different on Xubuntu because of Xfce20:22
cheeseboycan linux compile something 4 windows??20:36
cheeseboylike make exe20:36
seisennot that I know of20:37
PumpernickelShort answer: no.20:38
PumpernickelLonger answer: maybe, with more work than you're probably expecting to put into it.20:38
cheeseboystupid program doesnt work anyway20:48
Merchelois there a GUI for formatting an external USB HD  for xubuntu ?20:59
zoredachegparted if you install it21:01
Merchelothanks, looks like it'll have to be partition magic under windows though, Damn windows :(21:17
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QuarterlifeHi. I need some help. I don't have a specific problem but rather general install planning questions (I want to do things right the first time). If someone can help me, please msg.21:54
seisengo ahead with your question21:54
QuarterlifeI have this old computer lying around, and I plan to make it into a home server. I will probably botch the OS many times, so I'm planning to do two partitions.21:56
QuarterlifeSo how much should I leave to the OS? And, how can I move /home to the other partition?21:57
seisenthis link should help you  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47220021:59
cheeseboyQuarterlife, always put home on separate partition21:59
seisencheeseboy that is what he is planning on doing22:00
cheeseboyo thought he was asking if he should22:02
QuarterlifeI'm planning to have it act as a file server too, so that anyone from my local network can plump files into it. How would that fit into this partition thingy? (continued, wait a bit)22:03
QuarterlifeSo will I run into some nasty permission problems if I do that to the same partition where /home will be going?22:04
QuarterlifeOr is it perhaps a bad idea in some other way?22:09
zoredache_Quarterlife: do your users need to share files?22:11
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zoredacheif not, then having them store stuff in /home is pretty standard.  If you want things shared, then you might create a folder in /srv or something22:12
QuarterlifeEhh. How can I do that if the other partition is mounted as /home? Impossible? 3rd partition? Forget the idea?22:17
zoredacheyou could use lvm for your data volumes22:21
zoredachecreate one partition for your boot/root stuff, and one lvm volume for /home, /srv, swap, /var/, , etc22:21
zoredachelvm is even nice enough to allow you to expand a partition while it is in-use22:22
zoredacheso you can start with smaller logical volumes, and leave space, then expand the volumes as needed22:22
QuarterlifeSounds good22:23
QuarterlifeNow... How is it done?22:25
zoredachethat is where it gets tricky...22:27
zoredacheif you are using the alternate installer, you can setup an lvm partition... I don't think you can on the livecd though22:28
QuarterlifeThat is no problem, I can get it.22:30
BB83If I understand correctly, using xfce should be quicker but only if you use xfce integrated apps instead of g/k/... apps ?22:30
QuarterlifeBut then this thing is going to take some time.22:30
zoredacheBB83: that is somewhat, but not entirely true.22:31
BB83I mean that if I use xfce but still launch all my habitual kapps it wont be very useful ?22:32
zoredacheit really depends on what other applications you use.  But XFCE has a lot less running in the background by default22:32
zoredacheit could be somewhat useful.  For example xubuntu doesn't automatically come with a network browser which means it won't be constantly scanning the network22:33
zoredachethere are other things like that.  Services that run in the background that may be somewhat useful, but do consume memory and cpu time22:34
zoredachebut xfce won't make your kapps run any faster, other then you might have more ram/cpu available22:34
BB83I think I see22:35
manchickenIs there a way to keep a window from switching desktops when it tries to take focus and I'm not looking at its desktop?22:40
manchickene.g., I have firefox on desktop 1, and I have evolution on desktop 2.  I click a URL in evolution and Firefox tries to take focus.  Currently it actually moves firefox to desktop 2 and off of desktop 1.  I'd like firefox to remain on desktop 1.22:41
evil_techyou could try activating focus stealing prevention22:48
evil_techit is in window manager tweaks22:49
evil_techyou could also try having no default application for web links22:49

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