
rouzichi all :)01:10
nosrednaekimhi rouzic01:23
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rouzicHi nosrednaekim :)01:25
DaSkreechJucato: Hiya03:23
DaSkreechLongPointyStick: hello03:23
DaSkreechOh sweet03:36
DaSkreechnew flash?03:37
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DaSkreechhey Jucato What's your blont about?05:36
Jucatonothing much. just triggered by something I read in the Dot, which isn't an entirely new mentality... been around for as long as I've been around :)05:37
DaSkreechSo it wasnt a specific project then?05:38
Jucatonope. but it has been about so many projects, even distros...05:38
Hobbseehey DaSkreech05:39
DaSkreechHi Hobbsee05:39
DaSkreechMissed you05:39
yuriyJucato: I was under the impression that it was triggered by the KFTP discussion because both stories showed up around the same time, but I don't know if you can blont that fast05:44
Jucatoyuriy: it was :)05:44
Jucatoyeah, it's my quickest post created (hence probably not well thought out :P)05:45
Jucatohence a lot shorter than usual :)05:45
* yuriy has been working on a project last two nights and checking akregator constantly to procrastinate05:45
yuriylol @ aseigo calling gnome a "a low-integration environment"05:49
DaSkreechInteresting Stone to throw05:53
DaSkreechHey! Metacity has compositing now :)05:53
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SeregaMorning, all!08:52
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Riddelljpatrick: re your e-mail that should be fine but I'm waiting on a reply from sime10:46
Riddellstdin: kde4 in hardy should be fixed if you want to retry python-kde412:04
Seregak'dday, fellows12:32
* Hobbsee waves12:32
Seregadoes anybody work on d3lphin's cut/paste problem?12:32
RiddellSerega: mhb was commenting on it yesterday, I think he concluded that it's not worth fixing since no file manager talks copy/paste at each other12:33
RiddellSerega: but he has a bzr branch if you want to have a go at it12:34
SeregaRiddell: I would like to have a fix for it, because this is a nice reason to gloat for my windows-using acquaintances :)12:37
Riddellthat konqueror doesn't cut/paste with dolphin?12:38
RiddellI presume it works within dolphins12:39
Seregamaybe. Cut'n'past doesn't work from Desktop to dolphin in particular12:39
SeregaRiddell: what do you think about libdvdcss url?12:40
SeregaRiddell: it contains a version that could change12:41
HobbseeSerega: hm?12:41
HobbseeSerega: there are (vague) plans to get that libdvdcss script pointed at medibuntu, and grab the latest version from there12:41
Hobbseeso far, it's nto been done yet12:41
RiddellSerega: we could set up a redirect on kubuntu.org12:42
SeregaRiddell: oh, great solution. How soon can it be done? (on kubuntu.org side)12:43
RiddellSerega: where should it redirect to?12:44
SeregaRiddell: e.g. http://packages.medibuntu.org/pool/free/libd/libdvdcss/libdvdcss2_1.2.9-2medibuntu4_i386.deb12:44
Seregaor corresponding amd64 and PPC12:44
Seregait should be something like: www.kubuntu.org/libdvdcss-[i386|amd64|ppc]12:45
* Hobbsee has missed something, it appears12:46
SeregaHobbsee: look at current deb url12:46
SeregaHobbsee: it contains 1.2.912:46
Hobbseei've seen it, but what's that got to do with kubuntu.org?12:46
SeregaHobbsee: it will be inaccessible when 1.2.10 comes12:46
Hobbseethis is true12:47
* Hobbsee would assume the script would be changed to check for it12:47
SeregaHobbsee: Riddell's proposal is to redirect from kubuntu.org to right version of libdvdcss12:47
RiddellSerega: http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/packages/libdvdcss-i386.php12:47
Hobbseewell, the latest12:47
HobbseeRiddell: do you have the source of what you've used to create that page?12:48
SeregaRiddell: how quickly)12:48
* Hobbsee would prefer to see it modified in install-css.sh, so it works everywhere12:48
Riddellheader('Location: http://...');12:48
SeregaRiddell: another solution is to parse medibuntu repo package list12:49
Riddellyes, could do12:49
Riddellthat assumed medibuntu doesn't get shut down by the MPAA12:51
SeregaRiddell: ok, I'll estimate the efforts for both solutions in evening12:51
RiddellSerega: well job done on my side if you go for the kubuntu.org way12:51
SeregaRiddell: is it really possible during Hardy life?12:51
RiddellSerega: is which?12:51
HobbseeRiddell: well, that's what i was wondering - how safe is it to change?12:51
SeregaRiddell: medibuntu closing12:51
RiddellSerega: they're a third party, they can close down at any time12:52
SeregaRiddell: thanks for server side12:52
RiddellHobbsee: safe is what?12:52
HobbseeRiddell: do we then get in trouble with MPAA and such for pointing at the medibuntu stuff?12:53
SeregaHobbsee: +112:53
jpatrickSerega: couldn't the thing install libdvdread3 and then invoke: /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/install-css.sh ?12:53
Seregajpatrick: it is not a problem to invoke something on users side. Problem is where to get libdvdcss12:54
Seregajpatrick: in other words: what should be in install-css.sh12:55
Hobbseejpatrick: that would be the idae, yes12:55
Riddelljpatrick: we want GUI feedback, that's a command line script12:55
jpatrickSerega: the script would do it automagically12:55
RiddellHobbsee: no laws against linking yet12:55
Seregajpatrick: do you mean this script should be third-party?12:55
Seregatoo many can do MPAA during 2 years :(12:56
Seregamaybe we should leave libdvdcss at all?12:57
Seregaand how ubuntu solves this issue?12:58
RiddellSerega: it doesn't12:58
Riddellit's a nasty problem for non command line users12:58
SeregaRiddell: doesn't it install libdvdcss at all?12:58
SeregaRiddell: so... how about a checkbox in "Manager repositories"?12:59
SeregaRiddell: with a warning e.g.12:59
RiddellSerega: we don't want to point to a whole third party repository, who knows what they put in there13:00
Riddellthe kubuntu.org redirect seems best to me13:00
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JucatoI just tested: cut & paste works between Konqueror and Krusader (KDE 3)13:20
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nosrednaekimstdin: hey, are the new python-kde4 packages up?14:55
piccolino81Wieso passiert hier gar nix?15:04
piccolino81Bin ich etwa im falschen Kanal gelandet :-( ?15:04
Jucato!de | piccolino8115:04
ubotupiccolino81: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de15:04
Jucato(or if someone here can understand/speak German...)15:05
piccolino81Sorry! I thought to participate in the "Kubuntu Tutorials Day" - it ist my first contact with IRC15:06
JucatoThat will be next week :)15:06
JucatoDec. 13, at 15:00 UTC15:07
Hobbseetag, piccolino81.  wie gehts?15:07
piccolino81Ups, thanks Jucato :)15:07
piccolino81Until then... bye :-)15:08
* Jucato just spent the last um... 30 minutes or more trying to summarize and reply: http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3089235.msg104291#msg10429115:11
nosrednaekimhey.... could we use the KDE4 kdm?15:14
nosrednaekimdoesn't if have support for bullet proof X?15:14
* Jucato doesn't think so.. to both Q's15:14
DaSkreechWhat would it take to add it?15:19
Jucatocode? :)15:19
DaSkreechup up down down left right left right15:20
nixternalwas knotes removed from kontact purposely?15:23
* nixternal just got back from the hospital..not fun15:23
Jucatonixternal: oh? what happened to you? :(15:24
nixternalguess I have an ulcer and it tore a bit last night which caused me to toss up some blood...thought I was dying :)15:24
Jucatoouch :(15:24
nixternalya, it is the worse stomach ache you could ever imagine15:24
nixternalat first I thought I got food poisoning again15:25
Jucatothey have determined the cause to be what?15:28
nosrednaekimstomach ulcer I think he said15:37
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Jucatooh yeah... I was thinking "what was the cause of the ulcer..." :D15:41
nosrednaekimoh....rught ;-)15:41
* Jucato massages nixternal's back15:47
Riddellanyone else being spammed by launchpad for broken feisty ppa builds?15:50
nixternalRiddell: yes15:50
nixternalfor the past month15:50
HobbseeRiddell: is that to kubuntu-devel ML?15:50
Hobbseeor personally?15:50
Riddellnixternal: looks personally15:50
RiddellI just got 100 odd15:50
* Hobbsee checks15:51
Hobbseethat *should* be blackholed15:51
Hobbseebut part of that section of LP is broken15:51
RiddellHobbsee: what is it?15:52
nixternalya, it sends it to me, no cc or ml at all15:52
Hobbseegive me a minute15:52
Riddellanyone with xinerama?  testers needed for qt 415:55
* nosrednaekim wishes he had another screen15:56
* Hobbsee doesnt' appear to have feisty ones15:59
neversfeldeRiddell: I have xinerama at home, what testing is needed?16:02
HobbseeRiddell & nixternal:  can you poke me if it continues to happen?  they've killed the mail on dogfood.16:03
stdinnosrednaekim: you tried it yet?16:03
nosrednaekimstdin: I tried the previous version, is the one you finished yesterday up yet?16:04
Riddellneversfelde: install latest qt 4 package in hardy, run an app on screen 2 and see if menus appear on screen 1 or 216:04
nosrednaekimstdin: I will grab it then.16:04
stdinnosrednaekim: version "3.92.0~svn20071201-0ubuntu1~gutsy0~ppa6"16:04
stdinI do love those incredibly long version numbers :)16:05
nosrednaekimstdin: I don't suppose you know SIP?16:05
neversfeldeRiddell: will do, when I'm back at home in about 2# hours16:05
stdinnosrednaekim: I know of it, had to put an updated version in my ppa16:06
nosrednaekimstdin: ok, well,i'm trying to make a python binding to the pictureflow qt widget.16:06
stdinnosrednaekim: I've never used sip, I don't even know how to do a "hello world" in python16:07
jpatrickprint "Hello world"16:08
stdindon't you need the '(' and ')'16:08
nosrednaekimstdin: ah ok, I guess I shall have to figure out SIP then. lol, I don't even know a thing about C++ headers.16:08
nosrednaekimstdin: nah..16:08
stdincout << "Be Happy,\nLearn C++\n"';16:09
jpatrickstdin: no, but that's what I've heard it will be like in the next release16:09
nosrednaekimpython 3000?16:10
Jucatothe next "version" of python16:10
stdinI'm waiting for the pykde4 talk so I can give python a shot16:10
jpatrickI'd prefer: cout << "Be happy" << endl << "Learn C++" << endl;16:10
nosrednaekimstdin: I think you'd better learn a little python before that ;)16:10
stdinnosrednaekim: I have: print "hello world"16:11
nosrednaekimprint "learn Python \n" + "fly!!!!'16:11
Jucato10 PRINT "Hello, world!"16:11
nosrednaekimyech, I can't learn SIP very eaily.... too much C++16:23
nosrednaekimstdin: I have to go,but i'll give those new packages a test later.16:23
stdinnosrednaekim: let me know if they work (I don't know how to test them), cya16:23
* Jucato runs away, scared...17:20
nixternalman, I have to start writing my final paper today...no more procrastinating...one more week and I will be free again :)17:21
Jucatodon't procrastinate. don't end up like Jucato17:21
nixternalman, I never want to end up like that guy :p17:21
ScottKHeh.  Like that's ever true (no more procrastinating).17:21
nixternalI have been saying it for years...bad thing is my daughter seems to be following suit now17:22
nixternalbut now I have the ultimate punishment tool for at least a few years...a cell phone...she doesn't know she is getting it for xmas, but man is she going to flip17:22
ScottKnixternal: Right.  It's easier to control them when they have something they really don't want you to take away.17:24
ScottKnixternal: You might also consider http://www.pocketfinder.com/products.aspx17:24
txwikingergood luck nixternal17:32
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nosrednaekimstdin: hey, the new package still doen't have the KDE4 .ui creator or pykdedocs....17:39
nosrednaekimI installed the -dev, the -doc and the base one as well.17:40
nosrednaekimermm NM, its just not in my path...17:41
nosrednaekim(the .ui creator)17:41
nosrednaekimthe help browser is still MIA.... I looked through all the debs and its not there. It seems to have a separate install script.17:47
nosrednaekimfrom what I can see in the other docs.17:48
stdinnosrednaekim: the pykdeuic4.py file is definitely in -dev17:51
Riddellit should have a wrapper in /usr/bin, but that's an upstream issue17:51
jpatrick_ahoy apachelogger17:57
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apacheloggerahoy jpatrick17:58
nixternalScottK: ya, we go those for her a few months back and put them in dfferent places...ie. inside a coat pocket, inside her backpack18:19
Tonio_hi there18:19
Tonio_I wanted to demonstrate kde4 to a collegue18:19
Tonio_I guess this whatever I try : KUniqueApplication: Cannot find the D-Bus session server18:19
Tonio_is there a known workarround for hardy ?18:19
nixternalthere is, and I can't remember it off hand18:20
* nixternal thinks18:20
nixternalTonio_: are you running it from the cli as a different user than say kde-devel (if you set it up that way)?18:20
nixternalerr, you need to install dbus-x1118:21
Tonio_nixternal: hum, oki testing18:21
nixternalI think that is how I fixed it with Gutsy, because dbus-x11 was seperated from the main dbus package18:22
Tonio_nixternal: works, you rock !18:22
Tonio_rebooting on a kde4 session18:22
Tonio_hope I'll not be ridiculous with a segfault a minute :)18:23
nixternalonly thing that is really segfaulting for me is Konqueror, but I need to do another update and see if it is fixed18:24
nixternalScottK: actually, we have something different than those little ones, ours is a tad big larger18:24
ScottKIt doesn't look like those are actually for sale yet.  What do you have?18:25
nixternalI believe the ones we got are navicom, can't remember18:26
nixternalanyone else getting nspluginviewer segfaults with konqi?18:28
nixternalthe fun thing is that it is unable to create a backtrace18:28
tlaytonhey, anyone getting errors like this with kde 4 rc1:  "dolphin: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libQtSql.so.4: undefined symbol: _ZN14QObjectPrivate15checkWindowRoleEv"18:35
Riddelltlayton: hardy?18:36
Riddelltlayton: have you updated qt today?18:36
tlaytoni updated the libqt* and qt-designers*18:37
tlaytonthis has actually been happening to me since kde 4 b3 on gutsy18:37
Riddelltlayton: do you have to do something to get that to happen?18:38
tlaytonif i try to run a session, kstartupconfig returns an error like above, except it complains about libQtDbus...18:38
tlaytonno, that's what's perplexing.18:38
Riddelltlayton: is this with our kde 4 rc 1 packages?18:38
tlaytonyes, but it's been happening with previous packages. i'm pretty sure my terminal vars are clean before exporting the 4 from the instructions18:39
tlaytonthere's a thread in the hardy developmnent forum, so it seems things should be working. i'm just not sure where to look anymore18:40
tlaytoni've tried creating a new user with a clean env, but get the same thing18:40
tlaytonriddell: note that my kubuntu has been constantly upgraded since edgy. i've haven't done a fresh install18:47
Riddelltlayton: I'm really not sure I'm afraid18:51
RiddellI've not seen any such problems18:51
Riddelland if it's our Qt and our KDE 4 packages, I can't see how it could get a symbol error18:51
tlaytonriddell: there's a few other things i've found. since this is hardy, should official bug reports be filed on launchpad, or would you rather discuss them here?18:56
Riddelltlayton: here is fine18:58
tlaytonwhen i try to change to administrator mode in system settings for date/time or change it from the panel, the kdesudo dialog says command not found.  however, i can sudo systemsettings from the command line and it works okay19:02
Riddelltlayton: kde 3 or 4?19:03
tlaytonkde 319:03
Riddelltlayton: tonio has been working on kdesudo, but he's not here just now19:04
tlaytoni did notice on a kdesudo upgrade that an error/warning was displayed saying the postrm file doesn't support "upgrade". i did notice it only had purge and remove19:04
Riddellyou can just apt-get remove kdesudo as a workaround19:04
tlaytonok. thanx. at least i know where to come for help now, instead of the forums.19:08
tlaytonbtw, my hardy is doing great. great work19:09
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mzunguhave just been trying to get a friends laptop wlan to work (without success) and was surprised to see that gutsy ndiswrapper is 41 versions behind the current stable - so will it be more up-to-date in hardy?20:29
tlaytonriddell: earlier today, i had the symbol lookup error in kde 4. i changed the libQtSql.so.4 to point to the debug version.  running dolphin thru gdb is showing a sigsegv in /lib/ld-linux.so.220:57
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baxeicohi all, sorry I'm new to IRC. I'm here just to try out IRC and be prepared for "Kubuntu tutorials day"! :)22:53
Riddellbaxeico: great, stick around22:54
Riddellseems to be a quiet night22:55
baxeicosorry riddell, I was wondering if everyone here are chatting in pvt22:55
Riddellno, just busy packaging the new kde 4 rc23:01
txwikingerYou want more noise?23:07
baxeicotxwikinger: no, just to understand how IRC works. But maybe this is not the best moment to learn :)23:09
txwikingerbaxeico: Well, there are other channels where there is more social talk going on23:11
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baxeicothank you tx, I will come back on Thursday December 13th from 1500UTC. :)23:12
txwikingercool.. see you then23:12
txwikingeror come by #ubuntu-uk if you like23:13
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