
kikohi handsome13:59
mrevellhey ho13:59
=== Rinchen changed the topic of #launchpad-meeting to: Launchpad Meeting Grounds | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/
BjornTok. welcome to this week's Launchpad developer's meeting14:01
BjornT== Agenda ==14:01
BjornT * Roll call14:01
BjornT * Agenda14:01
BjornT * Next meeting14:01
BjornT * Actions from last meeting14:01
BjornT * Oops report (Matsubara)14:01
BjornT * Critical Bugs (Rinchen)14:01
BjornT * Bug tags14:01
BjornT * Operations report (mthaddon)14:01
BjornT * DBA report (stub)14:01
BjornT * Sysadmin requests (Rinchen)14:01
BjornT * A top user-affecting issue (mrevell)14:01
BjornT * Blockers14:01
BjornTwho's here?14:02
Hobbseenot me14:02
kikohey salgado!14:02
salgadoyo kiko!14:02
kikogood to see you ma14:02
flacosteleonardr: ping14:02
mptWe welcome kiko's ma as a special guest14:03
* Rinchen reminds adeuring and BjornT that they haven't done weekly status yet. 14:04
BjornTa correction to the agenda above, there won't be a top user-affection issue this week14:04
BjornT * Next meeting14:04
BjornTwho can't attend the meeting next week?14:05
Rinchenme 14:05
bigjoolsI am on leave14:05
salgado(I'm on leave as well)14:05
bigjoolsshhh tongues will wag14:06
BjornTok, a few people, but probably worthwile having a meeting anyway. same time next week then.14:06
kikoI'm here14:06
BjornTif you're away and have some agenda item, don't forget to delegate14:06
BjornT * Actions from last meeting14:07
BjornTthere were no actions last meeting14:07
jtv(sorry for being late!)14:07
BjornT * Oops report (Matsubara)14:07
matsubaraToday's oops report is about bugs 174364, 174368, 17437114:07
matsubara<ubotu> Launchpad bug 174364 in malone "Automatic bug tracker creation code needs to ensure the automatically created name is not used" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17436414:07
matsubara<ubotu> Launchpad bug 174368 in launchpad "Search query triggering error in tsearch" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17436814:07
matsubara<ubotu> Launchpad bug 174371 in shipit "shipit.kubuntu.com is returning a Page not found" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17437114:07
salgadoI think bug 174371 needs someone from IS to look at14:08
matsubarathe first one I already chatted with BjornT about14:08
matsubarathe second one needs stub's input so I'll assign to him14:08
matsubarasalgado, can you please take care of requesting that to the IS team and follow up with them?14:08
matsubarathanks salgado 14:09
matsubarathat's all from me, back to you BjornT 14:09
BjornT * Critical Bugs (Rinchen)14:09
statiksorry I missed the new channel, I'm here14:09
kikoI think allenap is handling the first one fwiw14:09
RinchenOne item today, for bac14:09
RinchenMisleading "Content-Encoding: gzip" header on downloads14:09
RinchenI believe mthaddon has an RT for that14:10
kikoRinchen, so.. we have not one but two solutions for that14:10
kikothe question is what do we want to do -- and over to the people in london and IS :)14:10
mthaddonRT 2955714:10
allenapkiko: I'm not, but I can see what I can do while I'm in the area.14:10
flacosteactually, bac landed a fix for this, no?14:10
intellectronicakiko: three, even, if you consider jamesh's long-term suggestion14:10
kikoallenap, well, aliases would prevent that ostensibly once you registered the alias, so they at least provide a workaround14:10
bacbac: a change to the librarian landed in 5309 and is on edge14:10
kikoflacoste, yeah, but we'd need to stop adding content-encoding14:11
allenapkiko: Yeah, they'll reduce the problem I guess.14:11
bacin the meantime elmo came up with a solution only involving apache config14:11
jameshbac: I don't think we run any librarians on the edge branch14:11
jameshdo we?14:11
bacjamesh: interesting14:11
mthaddonjamesh, I believe we use the prod librarian14:11
jameshmthaddon: yep.  That's my understanding14:12
bacsame for staging, i assume?14:12
mthaddonbac, no, staging has it's own librarian14:12
jameshbac: there is a staging librarian14:12
jameshwe've basically got one librarian per database14:13
jameshrather than one per webapp14:13
baci propose a call after the meeting to pick a solution14:13
BjornTRinchen: are you done?14:14
RinchenI guess so BjornT 14:14
BjornT * Bug tags14:14
BjornTno bug tags have been proposed since last week14:14
BjornT * Operations report (mthaddon)14:14
mthaddonI've created a new section to LaunchpadProductionStatus for Rocketfuel-inconsistencies - if anyone commits to branches other than launchpad/devel (i.e. sourcecode/*) please let me know so that I can update this section to avoid to getting cherry picked14:14
mthaddonWorking on Encoding issue with IS and caching setup on staging14:14
mthaddonDeployment scripts have had major overhaul to allow for service checking and code checking (i.e. is the tree clean) on all production servers as part of rollout14:14
Hobbseematsubara, mwhudson: ubotuoid at your service.14:15
mwhudsonHobbsee: thanks14:15
Hobbseemwhudson: you're welcome14:15
matsubaracool, thanks Hobbsee 14:15
mthaddonBjornT, that's it from me unless there are any questions14:15
Hobbseebug 17437114:15
BjornTthanks mthaddon 14:16
BjornT * DBA report (stub)14:16
BjornTstub isn't here. anyone as his report?14:16
kikomthaddon, sounds like you've been positively busy. good job.14:16
bigjoolsit's the London air14:16
Rinchenand good company14:17
kikoor the lack of it14:17
mthaddonI wasn't going to say anything...14:17
BjornTseems like not. i'll ask stub to send his report to the list.14:17
BjornT * Sysadmin requests (Rinchen)14:17
RinchenHi! Is anyone blocked on an RT or have any that are becoming urgent?14:17
flacostei man14:18
flacosteRT #2929814:18
Rinchengot that one, thanks14:18
flacosteit's due for Monday, and didn't heard any news from IS14:18
Rinchenthe news from IS is "it's on our list"14:18
statikMy request for feeds setup on staging is becoming urgent, mthaddon has the number already I think14:18
Rinchenthat's 2931314:18
Rinchengot that one too14:18
mthaddonyup, thx14:19
statik29524 I think14:19
RinchenDidn't have that but I'll look into that14:19
Rinchenanyone else?14:19
Rinchenbarry on 29293?14:19
LjLlaunchpad bug 2314:19
UbotwoLaunchpad bug 23 in baz "baz redo should use merge3 for conflicts like most other commands do." [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2314:19
Rinchenbot heaven14:20
HobbseeRinchen: sorry for the botspam, attempting to get a good solution.14:20
LjLubotu: part14:20
ubotuSorry, I don't know anything about part - try searching on http://ubotu.ubuntu-nl.org/factoids.cgi14:20
Rinchenok, hearing nothing else. BjornT back to you14:20
BjornT * Blockers14:20
RinchenReleases Team: Not Blocked.14:20
BjornTBugs team: not blocked14:20
flacosteFoundations Team: will be blocked Monday on RT #2929814:20
LjLbug 2314:20
mwhudsonCode Team: not blocked14:20
jtvTranslations team: not blocked.14:21
statikcollaborative commerce team: no blocked.14:21
schwukhwdb team: not blocked14:21
adeuringHWDB team: not blocked14:21
bigjoolsSoyuz Team: not blocked14:21
BjornTthat's everyone, i think?14:22
jameshspecial circumstances: not blocked (I think)14:22
BjornTok. short meeting today, thanks everyone!14:22
bigjoolsthanks Bjorn14:22
Rinchenzippy meeting!14:23
mwhudsonthanks BjornT 14:23
mrevellThanks BjornT14:23
mrevellsterling work14:24
mptthanks BjornT 14:25
mptbug 1234514:25
Hobbseempt: it wont work14:25
Hobbsee%config channel #launchpad-meeting supybot.plugins.Bugtracker.bugSnarfer True14:25
Hobbseeubotu: config channel #launchpad-meeting supybot.plugins.Bugtracker.bugSnarfer True14:25
* Hobbsee curses bots.14:25
intellectronicampt: ubuntoid isn't here. we should ask mneptok to make it come here14:25
Hobbseeintellectronica: don't bother14:26
Hobbseeintellectronica: i've already pulled some strings, and i can pull higher than he can.14:26
intellectronicaHobbsee: ???14:26
Hobbseeintellectronica: still waiting on a staffer to do further stuff14:26
Hobbseeintellectronica: (to get the bot working in a useful fashion)14:26
=== cprov is now known as cprov-lunch
intellectronicaHobbsee: i think mneptok maintains ubuntoid (even it not very successfully ;-/ ) so he's the best person to ask14:27
=== danilo__ is now known as danilos
Hobbseeintellectronica: oh, i'd assumed that by ubuntoid you meant ubotu, the bot used in #ubuntu* and #launchpad, and does your bugs for you.14:28
Hobbseeubuntoid must be a sekrit bot or something.14:29
intellectronicaHobbsee: heh, maybe it's called something different on different servers.14:30
intellectronicaHobbsee: anyway, if you say that you've already taken care of that for here then thanks a bunch, and i won't bother with that14:30
Hobbseeintellectronica: seeing as there's no ubuntuoid on freenode at all...14:30
Hobbseeintellectronica: attempting to, anyway.  and FYI, mneptok has no access to the bots beyond having editor control14:32
intellectronicaHobbsee: maybe the ones on freenode have a different maintainer, then. whatever...14:33
Hobbseequite possibly14:34
Hobbseebug 314:39
ubotuLaunchpad bug 3 in rosetta "Custom information for each translation team" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/314:39
LjLok, how?14:39
LjLUbotwo: part14:39
HobbseeLjL: poked seveas.14:39
Hobbseegreetings nalioth 14:40
kikohi there15:02
kikomeeting over guys15:02
kikogo home.15:02
kikothanks nalioth 15:02
LjLregister it now before something else happens :P15:04
Hobbsee /msg chanserv access #launchpad-meeting add15:05
naliothy'all have fun  :)15:07
Hobbseedear chanserv, why do you hate me?15:10
mrevellHobbsee: Are you sorting stuff out for us? Thanks :)15:12
Hobbseemrevell: attempting to, but chanserv appears to be fighting me.15:13
Hobbseemrevell: you're welcome15:13
Hobbseekiko: what happens if you do /mode #launchpad-meeting -t15:18
Rinchensorry I was otherwise engaged15:20
Hobbseeno, chanserv is just slow15:20
RinchenI just set guard on15:20
HobbseeRinchen: i think kiko will have to set the alternate contact15:20
Hobbseeyup, only he has the password.15:21
Rinchengah ok15:21
Rinchenyeah, chanserv doesn't like me15:22
Hobbseedear freenode, please stop being FITH.15:22
Hobbsee[02:22] [Notice] -ChanServ- [Hobbsee] matches an access level higher than your own15:22
RinchenHobbsee, do you know what mode c is?15:27
Rinchenchannel mode c15:27
HobbseeRinchen: good question.  i'll find out15:28
Rinchenthanks and why is your access level 49? ;-)15:28
HobbseeRinchen: lower case and upper case?15:28
HobbseeRinchen: iz freenode bug.15:29
* Hobbsee sets lower case c, then15:29
HobbseeRinchen: ctcp block15:29
HobbseeThis umode prevents you from receiving personal CTCP messages or sending any CTCP replies. This will stop private CTCP flooding. You'll still receive CTCP messages sent to a channel you are on, although the network will block your response to them.15:29
Hobbseeit's A Good Thing (tm)15:30
Rinchen#launchpad is -s+n only15:30
RinchenI guess we can leave it here15:30
Rinchenno reason to ctcp here15:30
Rinchenexcept for jtv who wants to know if his connection is still alive15:30
HobbseeRinchen: ideally, you want some of these modes in #launchpad too15:31
Rinchenwe do, do an info15:31
Rinchenjust not c15:31
Rinchenkiko does NOT want the topiclock on for some reason15:31
Rinchenmade me take it off #launchpad15:31
Hobbseewell, i can't change that.  chanserv keeps changing it back15:31
Hobbseeno idea if he has to set it off, or what.15:32
HobbseeRinchen: you probably want +c in launchpad though15:32
Rinchenkiko please issue /msg chanserv set #launchpad-meeting alt Rinchen15:33
HobbseeRinchen: actually, you might be able to delete me from the access list15:33
Rinchengreat, thanks15:33
RinchenI couldn't before due to acl15:34
HobbseeRinchen: seeing as i don't have affiliation with the project, adn all15:34
RinchenI'll try again.15:34
Rinchen-ChanServ- [Hobbsee] matches an access level higher than your own15:34
HobbseeRinchen: yeah, same here.15:34
Hobbseeoh well15:34
Rinchenkiko,   /msg chanserv access #launchpad-meeting del Hobbsee15:34
Rinchenwhen you are ready15:35
Rinchenthis is scary....15:35
Hobbseeyeah, i don't have more to add15:35
HobbseeRinchen: why?15:35
Rinchenkiko is actually doing channel mod stuff :-)15:35
Hobbseehe's being good, and doing what he's told :)15:35
RinchenHobbsee, thanks for your help15:36
HobbseeRinchen: you're welcome, sorry it was such a pain.15:36
HobbseeRinchen: next time, register the channel *first* before sticking bots into it :)15:37
RinchenI was going to do the setup as soon as kiko had the idea (since I have experience at channel ownership) but the bot was already here15:37
=== cprov-lunch is now known as cprov
=== kiko is now known as kiko-fud
=== kiko-fud is now known as kiko
=== cprov is now known as cprov-out
=== kiko is now known as kiko-afk

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