
slangasekcalc: so mdz_'s suggestion wrt bugs that you're working on but aren't actually RC is to use the "in progress" state.  Does this sound sufficient for your needs?  If so can you please go through https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+milestone/hardy-alpha-1, dropping the milestone and changing the state for any of these OOo bugs of yours that you don't think are RC?00:01
slangasek(for the ones that are RC, feel free to leave them there since there's still some ongoing discussion about how to handle, I'll be happy to shuffle them around for you when the time comes)00:01
bigonhi, is someone working on the merge of dpkg?00:39
evandbigon: soren took care of it.  It's in the process of being tested.00:39
bigonok thx :)00:39
bigonis there a place where I can get the pkg to test it too?00:40
evanddeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/shawarma/ubuntu hardy main00:41
ion_Will my system break by testing that? ;-)00:41
bigonthx (again)00:41
evandReports so far have been positive, from the two I've seen, but your milage may vary.00:42
slangasekion_: yes, but we're asking for testing anyway because we're sadists ;)00:43
ion_I’ll install it after this episode of B5.00:44
ion_evand: I installed dpkg from the PPA, removed another package and reinstalled it. No problems so far.00:58
evandion_: soren would be the person to tell.  I'm just the messenger.00:59
ion_soren: I installed dpkg from the PPA, removed another package and reinstalled it. No problems so far.01:00
ion_soren: apt-get upgrade worked as well.01:15
ion_soren: Including the triggers01:16
bigonsoren: I've quickly read the debdiff of dpkg (between debian and your last version) and it seems that changes in some files (lib/showpkg.c, lib/tarfn.c and src/configure.c) are mostly cosmetical, it's maybe a good idea to resync these files with the debian one01:36
calcslangasek: yea that sounds good enough for me01:50
calcslangasek: i moved my bugs over to in progress from the milestone if you notice any left laying around elsewhere ping me :)02:10
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slangasekcalc: looks good, thanks03:32
calcis there a way to determine what is holding a mount open?03:43
StevenKfuser -m03:43
calcits a bind mounted /proc and none of the processes look like they could actually be the culprit03:45
calcsince they were running before the bind mount happened03:45
StevenKcalc: lsof | grep ?03:46
calcStevenK: nothing shows up with lsof -n | grep /path-to/proc03:46
calccan the kernel get confused and think mmapped files for real proc are on the bind mount version?03:47
StevenKI'm not sure.03:49
calcthere are only 11 processes running that started today03:50
calcand of those only [pdflush] are by root which is who owns the chroot dirs03:51
lamontslangasek: core-dev app goes to motu-council?03:54
slangaseklamont: so the wiki tells me03:54
lamonthow very interesting.  OK03:54
slangaseklamont: and several apps over the past few months have done so03:54
* lamont hasn't looked at the process in some time03:54
lamontI guess I'll do a group repoly03:55
lamont"steve knows processes far better than I do."03:55
* slangasek snorts03:55
Hobbseelamont: it does, yes.03:56
* lamont is glad he went through the old core-dev process. :-)03:56
* bddebian is glad he doesn't have to worry about it :)03:57
* StevenK was one of the last to go through the old way03:57
lamontStevenK: did you hire in that long ago>?03:58
* Hobbsee was also one of the last03:58
StevenKI became a core-dev long before I applied for a position at Canonical03:58
Hobbseeoh hang on, no, i was one of the new bunch03:59
=== ajmitch_ is now known as ajmitch
StevenKYou had the public humiliati^Wsponsor begging on the m-c list04:00
lamontStevenK: ah, ok.04:00
Hobbseeor the sponsors who shoved you into it, if you were unlucky04:00
lamontSubject: Your message to Motu-council awaits moderator approval04:01
* lamont tries another address. :-{04:01
* ajmitch looks for list password04:02
StevenKThat reminds me.04:02
lamontsending it from lamont@u.c instead of lamont@m.c should prolly work, eh?04:02
* StevenK wields listadmin04:02
lamontStevenK: you might look to see if my mail already made it through first... :)04:02
lamontin which case you could discard and add me to accepts, instead of accepting and adding. :-)04:03
lamontalso held04:03
* Hobbsee wields listadmin too04:03
StevenKlamont: Different lists, but you talking about it reminded me04:03
* lamont hands StevenK some weights to add to the smacking stick of listadmin04:03
lamontah, ok04:03
* lamont waits with baited breath for the next data point on graph204:04
ajmitchlamont: sorry, accepted the first04:04
lamontheh.  np04:04
lamontthe second got blockaded too.04:04
lamontand mail to the list is more likely to be from lamont@m.c, since I'm too lazy to remember to change it to @u.c04:05
calcopenoffice.org-2.0.4.dfsg.2/ooo-build/patches/src680/cws-hsql1808.diff |  807 ++++++++++   <- fun stuff to port to 3 unsupported versions of OOo04:05
* ajmitch still doesn't see slangasek's mail04:05
lamontcalc: while you're there, please code trampolines for ia64.04:06
slangasekajmitch: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/motu-council/2007-December/000583.html ?04:06
calclamont: hahaha yea right ;)04:06
ajmitchslangasek: considering that I've had dsl issues all day, it wouldn't surprise me if something went funny with my mail04:06
ajmitchbut thanks for the archive link04:07
ajmitchah, still in mail queue locally, too many came in at once04:07
lamont /usr/bin/ld: /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.0.3/../../../../lib64/libcdb.a(cdb_init.o): relocation R_X86_64_PC32 against `__fxstat@@GLIBC_2.2.5' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC04:22
lamontI wonder... do I care?04:22
slangasekhum, what's linking cdb into a shared lib?04:23
lamontbackport of postfix to dapper (which lacks libcdb.so), on amd6404:28
lamontand, well, it's, um, crackports after all.......04:28
lamontand someone would probably shoot me if I backported tinycdb04:29
lamontOTOH, I could do a new backport that drops postfix-cdb on amd64. :-)04:40
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lamontmake: dh_iconcache: Command not found05:28
lamontso how come ksocrat built on the other 6 architectures?05:28
Hobbseelamont: use dh_icons now05:29
Hobbseelamont: did they build before the debhelper changes?05:29
lamontlike during gutsy05:29
Hobbseeand this is a belated gutsy build?05:29
lamonthppa still needs to build about 2000 packages that everyone else built in gutsy05:30
lamontor feisty, or (in some really sad cases), edgy05:30
Hobbseedo you plan to import them in, or?05:30
Hobbseeoh dear.05:30
Hobbseethen again, there are some builds scheduled for hoary still, so...05:30
StevenKlamont: I can upload a fix0red ksocrat if you wish05:30
lamontI just happened to notice it because I was the last one to upload it, so I got the cranky-buildd mail05:31
* lamont has no clue what ksocrat does, or why he should care, other than in the most general and non-specific of terms05:31
lamont(the caring that is.  no clue at all what it is/does...)05:31
HobbseeDescription: English/Russian and Russian/English Dictionary05:31
Hobbsee Socrat is a simple English/Russian and Russian/English dictionary05:32
Hobbsee written for Qt3/KDE3.05:32
Hobbseeright then05:32
StevenKSounds like it's users number in ... wow, the tens05:32
lamontHobbsee: I think that says something about how much I care, since apt-cache is beyond the limits atm.... :P05:32
lamontStevenK: oh, sure... rub in that it has more users than hppa/ubuntu05:33
Hobbseelamont: i'd say "who cares about it in gutsy anyway", and ignore it05:33
lamontthis is hardy05:33
lamontit didn't make the cut for gutsy... they slammed the door on us.. :-)05:33
Hobbseewell, that's what i was thinking05:33
lamontbut if StevenK uploads a new version, then everyone gets new love.  and the package will fail during autotest...05:34
StevenKIt will?05:34
lamonthrm... maybe we can launch a new autotest run, just to help find all these wonderful new ftbfs packages that debhelper has created...05:34
lamontwell, it doesn't build on hardy, so -autotest will ftbfs........05:34
Hobbseelamont: wouldn't be a bad idea.05:34
Hobbseethen we can throw hopefuls at them05:35
lamontHobbsee: but they're not Lions.05:35
Hobbseewell, true05:36
lamontI was thinking you were suggesting throwing hopefuls to the lions.05:36
* lamont throws a new util-linux at the fire05:37
* Hobbsee smites the evil launchpad05:39
* lamont remembers to build the ubuntu version of util-linux for his home machine, rather than the debian one05:39
Hobbseewhat on *earth* has it done with my portal?  again105:40
* lamont is in the market for someone who understands autocrap, once he gets around to actually looking at nmap again05:40
* Hobbsee points to StevenK05:40
lamontHobbsee: I think you mean "smiteseses"05:40
* lamont hates autocrap05:40
* StevenK ducks out of the way of Hobbsee's pointing05:40
lamontStevenK: it's probably something simple/stupid05:41
StevenKI don't know much about autocrap, I try and avoid it.05:41
lamontgit clone git://git.debian.org/~lamont/nmap.git and then figure out why the experimental branch doesn't like me.05:41
lamontStevenK: I guess I'm less successful in avoidance than you...05:41
lamontseveral of my packages use it05:41
=== Am|Birthday is now known as Amaranth
* lamont sleeps before he gets keyprints on his face05:45
* Hobbsee replaces lamont's pillow with his keyboard05:45
StevenKI can't see typing on a keyboard being very productive05:46
MacSlowGreetings everybody!06:48
Burgundaviahey MacSlow06:48
dholbachgood morning07:12
ion_Good time of day.07:13
dholbachhi ion_07:14
Doomshey can any of you guys watch this video i made? And yes im the girl07:26
pittiGood morning07:53
dholbachhey pitti07:53
pittieek, my fonts in firefox are utterly ugly this morning08:00
pittidoko_: ^ your fontconfig merge?08:00
pittihey stgraber08:00
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StevenKOh sigh, more fallout from this libgcrypt move08:36
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pittiStevenK: ?08:45
pittieww -- does anyone know how I can get to a VT in current hardy?08:49
mjg59chvt ?08:49
pittino, that doesn't work either08:50
pittiI get a black screen, and then it switches back to X08:50
mjg59Switches back to X, or X restarts?08:50
pittino, just switches back08:51
pittignome session continues to work fine08:51
mjg59Hm. How odd.08:51
* pitti tries it after ending the X session, bbl (need to test usplash)08:52
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* pitti blames consolekit08:57
cjwatsonpitti: there's a bug linked from the hardy-alpha-1 release notes about that08:57
cjwatsonI blame X personally08:57
pittiit works under gdm, and stops working when I'm logged in08:58
pitticjwatson: ah, thanks08:58
cjwatsonmjg59: I think X is catching the switchaway signal (as it should) and then switching to its own VT rather than the one it's been told to switch to, for some reason08:58
cjwatsonbut stracing X made my system hang so I can't get any further08:58
cjwatsonI suppose it *could* be consolekit's fault, but why would switchaway signals be propagating up that far?08:59
cjwatsonI was wondering if it was something to do with the kbd driver08:59
mjg59cjwatson: stracing should work, providing it's not from within X itself09:00
mjg59chvt should be sending the signal directly to the kernel09:00
mjg59At which point the kernel waits for X to release the console (which it does after restoring text mode)09:00
cjwatsonmjg59: I did 'strace -f -o X.trace -s 1024 -p `pidof X`' from a pterm; why would that be any different from sshing in and doing it?09:01
cjwatsonright, but X actually does the VT_ACTIVATE ioctl09:01
mjg59Not with chvt, surely?09:01
cjwatsonoh, hm, possibly not09:01
mjg59chvt hits /dev/console directly09:02
cjwatsonbut it does have to do that RELDISP thing09:02
mjg59Yes - I wonder if that's not actually happening properly09:02
mjg59It shouldn't be able to trigger a switch back to itself09:02
cjwatsonso what do you mean by stracing "not from within X itself"?09:03
cjwatsondo you mean starting the strace while X isn't active?09:03
mjg59Either sshed in or at a console09:03
mjg59Did the strace hang immediately, or just when you tried to do something?09:03
cjwatsonI have trouble understanding why this is any different from stracing with output sent to a file from an X terminal emulator09:03
cjwatsonit hung all of X immediately09:03
cjwatsonand there was no output in the file09:04
cjwatsonit may have oopsed the kernel, I'm not sure09:04
mjg59Right. It ptrace()ed X, then pterm attempted to print the command line09:04
mjg59Then it deadlocks09:04
cjwatsonsigh, ok, fair point09:04
cjwatsonmjg59: http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/tmp/X.trace (4MB) - that's from Ctrl-Alt-F109:09
cjwatsonno other process has its fd 4 (/dev/tty7) open09:11
cjwatsonhmm, but console-kit-daemon does have /dev/console open09:12
cjwatsonpitti: you're right09:13
cjwatsonI can see console-kit-daemon doing:09:13
cjwatson5523  ioctl(9, VIDIOC_G_COMP or VT_ACTIVATE, 0x7) = 009:13
mjg59cjwatson: Yeah, looks like console-kit09:14
cjwatsonand when killed, the switch works fine (apart from my consoles displaying nothing due to some unknown funtedness)09:14
mjg59X changes correctly, and then something else immediately reactivates its VT09:14
cjwatsonso consolekit's purpose is to stop us getting to consoles? ;-)09:15
mjg59More secure that way09:16
pittihm, we already had that bug when we introduced CK in gutsy IIRC09:20
pittibut Ian fixed it back then09:20
mjg59Looks like the change from ubuntu1 to ubuntu2?09:21
cjwatsonI have 0.2.3-2ubuntu109:21
mjg590.2.1-1foo, that is09:21
cjwatsonyes, we have the change in ubuntu1 (I think) but the change in ubuntu2 was dropped09:23
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cjwatsonsomebody reported the same problem in gutsy, and I think bug 131751 is probably mixed up; I asked a question in comments to try to disambiguate09:25
ubotuLaunchpad bug 131751 in xorg-server "Unable to switch Virtual Terminal with C-A-F[1-6] on Intel-based new laptop" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13175109:25
cjwatsonif it looks separate, I'll try to disentangle things09:25
loolpitti: Fonts ugly for me too; fontconfig looks like the culprit indeed10:01
seb128on my desktop fc-cache SIGSEGV since the update10:03
doko_cjwatson_: (the installer is the only upx-ucl-beta user) the upx-ucl-beta package is now just an empty dummy package, upx-ucl is now at version 3.01. can that be used directly in the installer?10:04
=== cjwatson_ is now known as cjwatson
cjwatsondoko_: I'll give it a try10:24
pittiseb128: not here on amd64, but fonts are still wrong10:30
seb128pitti: the crash looks like http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=45271810:30
ubotuDebian bug 452718 in fontconfig "ttf-opensymbol non-installable" [Serious,Open]10:30
pittiwohoo, glibc 2.710:31
thomis 2.7 exciting?10:34
doko_seb128, lool: the new fontconfig now makes a difference between metric compatible fonts and other fonts; unsure where dejavu ends now. maybe not in metric compatible?10:35
seb128that sucks10:38
seb128bug #17437310:38
ubotuLaunchpad bug 174373 in nautilus "[hardy] squares instead of text in nautilus" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17437310:38
seb128that's due to the fontconfig update, I had it too before restarting10:38
seb128the xchat-gnome taskbar text was replaced by squares10:40
Riddellpitti: could you look again at MainInclusionReportlibkarma next time you're going MIR?10:42
doko_lool: you're rpm uploader ... do you know if rpm should work with neoon >= 2.6?10:42
doko_Riddell: bug number?10:42
Riddelldoko_: bug 8959110:42
ubotuLaunchpad bug 89591 in amarok "Please package Amarok Rio Karma support (--with-libkarma)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/8959110:42
pittiRiddell: yes10:43
doko_Riddell: please subscribe ubuntu-mir (I should post this to u-d-a ...)10:43
looldoko_: I know we have a very outdated RPM10:59
doko_lool: debian as well?10:59
looldoko_: Presumably a newer RPM would10:59
looldoko_: Oh yeah, Debian as well10:59
loolWell the version is recent, but they stopped at 4.211:00
loolBasically I'm not sure there's any consensus on which RPM base we should track anymore11:00
=== pedro is now known as pedro_
looldoko_: Newer rpm can build without neon11:02
looldoko_: Since
loolBut it seems they dropped the internal copy11:02
doko_hmm, for now I build with the current db4.6 and keep the neon that debian uses11:04
looldoko_: I think rpm called from apt or yum doesn't need neon that much, it seems to be used for some webdav stuff11:04
=== pedro is now known as pedro_
doko_googling for "suse gfxboot syslinux" points you to launchpad as the first entry ;) cjwatson: do you know an "suse upstream" location for gfxboot?11:23
sorendoko_: It's in the most recent copyright.11:24
sorendoko_: There's not a proper upstream place for it. We extract it from their srpm's.11:24
cjwatsonwhat he said11:25
cjwatsonI went and looked it up when soren asked a week or so ago :)11:25
doko_ahh, ok, will add that for syslinux11:26
doko_ohh, no. they only for 3.31 packages, debian has 3.53 ...11:27
* torkel hugs seb128. You are my hero!!! Thanks a lot!!! (re #173156)11:33
seb128torkel: you are welcome ;-) Thanks for testing the change11:34
doko_soren: well, yes, that's *without* the gfxboot patch =)11:34
torkelseb128: I had to. I don't like thunderbird :-)11:35
mvowhat is the best practise for the "remove stop links" changes? do we submit those to debian?11:35
sorendoko_: Oh, right.11:35
doko_emailed the maintainer11:36
pittimvo: debian doesn't have 'multiuser' update-rc.d11:39
pittiand IMHO we should get rid of it, too, and replace it with LSB header parsing (Debian's sysvutils has support for that to some degree)11:39
pittithat's even in one of Keybuk's specs AFAIR11:40
mvook, thanks. so I will forward it for now11:40
cjwatsondoko_: upx-ucl seems to throw an exception while trying to compress our kernels; that said, on looking at an older build log, apparently so did upx-ucl-beta. So I need to investigate some more.11:52
cjwatsonit worked in http://buildd.debian.org/fetch.cgi?&pkg=debian-installer&ver=20070308&arch=i386&stamp=1173520790&file=log11:54
sorenslangasek: Do you plan on doing the keepalived merge?11:56
cjwatsonit broke in Dec 2006 when we switched to 2.6.2011:57
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cjwatsonso I guess we don't lose anything by switching to it ;-)11:58
cjwatsonupx-ucl *is* trying - it just can't actually achieve worthwhile compression, so throws an exception12:05
cjwatsondoko_: committed for next d-i upload12:05
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dholbachwhere did read-edid move to in hardy?13:59
dholbachit seems its needed for BulletproofX, but not a strict depends somewhere and the read-edid package does not seem to be on hardy/amd64?13:59
ogradoesnt ddcprobe provide the same ?14:01
dholbachaha... does not exist on amd6414:01
dholbachno BulletproofX for me?14:01
ograxresprobe ?14:02
ograi think that exists on amd6414:02
dholbachit does and it's installed14:02
dholbachbut I guess it's not used for that purpose14:02
ogranot sure if it provides all read-edid gives you14:02
* dholbach dpkg-reconfigures by hand14:03
dholbachother than having no lum, the new kernel seems fine :)14:05
ografor me as well14:06
ograi had to recompile vboxdrv though14:06
ograsince i use it extensively for ltsp and classmate development14:07
cjwatsonI found that b43 was less stable than bcm43xx, although I wasn't sufficiently sure of this to file a bug14:21
cjwatson(I'm not in the London office enough to get a clear impression of the stability of my laptop's network connection with WPA there)14:21
ograi havent even tried wireless yet ... booting and wired is fine though ...14:23
ograand i had no lockups yet :)14:24
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lamontcjwatson: given the debhelper changes, I think it makes sense to do a -autotest run, soonish... thoughts?14:48
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cjwatsonlamont: no complaints from me about more autotests15:49
slangaseksoren: was planning to, yes.  It's worth bonus points, because upstream "fixed" the ftbfs in the latest version by adding a dep on a different kernel header that we aren't shipping...15:57
sorenslangasek: I forgot what I asked you.. :)15:57
slangaseksoren: the keepalived merge :)15:57
sorenslangasek: Ah, right.15:58
sorenslangasek: We're not shipping it in linux-libc-dev, or do we not have it all?15:58
slangaseksoren: not in linux-libc-dev; it seems to be generated in the Linux upstream source, but I haven't checked too closely since this seems to be the only software on the planet that believes it's supposed to be exported16:01
sorenslangasek: I'm not sure how uncommon that is. I doubt very many other pieces of software will benifit from the various iptables related headers that get to land in linux-libc-dev :)16:05
slangaseksoren: it's not an iptables header that's missing, it's that keepalived wants UTS_RELEASE16:08
slangasekwhich everyone else gets by without just fine16:08
sorenslangasek: Sure. I just meant that it's not uncommon to shove stuff into linux-libc-dev that only one software package will need.16:10
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=== Traxer|on is now known as Traxer
socatm kernel 2.6.24 can't find the necessary microcode image for using my intel3946abg wlan wit iwlwifi?16:34
socam i supposed to download that manually?16:34
socor ist just a package in the repo missing?16:34
ivokslook for restricted modules16:35
soccan't fin one  ...16:35
soren...it's not there yet, afair.16:35
socivoks: do you see it yet?16:35
socah ok thanks+16:35
ivoksi don't use hardy yet16:35
socwould it be possible to manually download it to test the functunality?16:36
socbtw, why doesn't sudo work without network?16:36
ivoksmisconfigured /etc/hosts?16:36
socdidn't change anything16:37
socwhat should i look for?16:37
ivoks /topic :)16:37
socbtw, will users automatically migrated to pulseaudio, or will they have to decide that for themselves?16:37
Hobbseeautomatically, i'd assume16:39
* Hobbsee wonders when we get linux-ubuntu-modules16:39
mekiushey, trying to modify the default boot menu on the ubu livecd, where are the source files for the menu translations.  the tr and hlp files in the isolinux dir seem to be some compiled binary form16:39
mekiusanyone know where these translation files are stored?16:40
lamontslangasek: linux-libc-dev is from the kernel, yes.16:41
slangaseklamont: that... wasn't the question? :)16:41
lamontit was ancillary....16:42
lamontpitti: keescook: see http://bugs.debian.org/454554 re sudo passwd breaking emacs on gutsy et al16:42
pittilamont: ah, cool, fixed upstream already16:43
pittilamont: this looks pretty brittle, though :)16:43
AlinuxOShello all dear people "OEM install (for manufacturers)" - remember that I translated that string before NonLanguagePackTranslationDeadline, but it doesn't compare in a main menu of Ubuntu 7.10. What should I do to solve that problem for the Hardy ?16:45
=== Adri2000_ is now known as Adri2000
mdz_AlinuxOS: I believe cjwatson usually pulls in translations for the installer etc. around that time16:48
cjwatsonAlinuxOS: it was marked fuzzy (= "needs review" in Rosetta, I think) in the export I did on 9th October, five days after the deadline16:49
cjwatsonAlinuxOS: fuzzy strings don't get included16:49
AlinuxOScjwatson, sorry then...16:49
cjwatsonmekius: they're in the gfxboot-theme-ubuntu source package16:49
AlinuxOScjwatson, mdz_ thanks.16:50
mekiuscjwatson: ok, will look into it16:51
cjwatsonmekius: they're translated in Launchpad16:51
mekius"This theme does not include any help texts or logos itself"16:52
cjwatsonmekius: you asked for menu translations, not help texts16:54
cjwatsonthe help texts are in debian-installer16:54
cjwatsonit's a bit of a mess, I concede16:54
ion_debian\control, debian\rules? :-) (gnome-power-manager debian/changelog)16:54
mekiuscjwatson: gah, i see16:56
mekiuscjwatson: makes it a major pain to produce a derivate heh16:57
AlinuxOScjwatson, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gfxboot-theme-ubuntu/+bug/62849/comments/10  is it possible to fix that small-bug? It should shouldn't take a lot time. I would be very thankful!17:01
ubotuLaunchpad bug 62849 in gfxboot-theme-ubuntu "Georgian (ka) letters are very crappy!" [Medium,In progress]17:01
AlinuxOScjwatson, there is a small point/pixel in a wrong place in a letter "tz" = წ <- in Georgian.17:02
m0dYany idea why after an 'apt-get dist-upgrade' eth0 has change to eth1 ?17:09
cjwatsonAlinuxOS: unifont done, pcf2bdf hates me but working on it17:18
cjwatsonAlinuxOS: in future, please open a new bug rather than reopening an ancient one17:18
socdid someone experience that pulseaudio has quite some latency?17:18
AlinuxOScjwatson, thank you. I'll do it!17:19
socstarting/pausing a song in amarok e.g. takes a bit more than 1 second17:19
m0dYwhat causes Ubuntu to change eth0 to eth1 for an ethernet controller ?17:21
Nafallom0dY: races in which module gets loaded first if you have another controller that likes to be called ethX17:22
m0dYwell, from what i can see there's only eth1+lo+sit0 now ! no eth0 at all..17:24
cjwatsonAlinuxOS: (so gfxboot-theme-ubuntu not done yet, due to the pcf2bdf hatred, but shouldn't take too long ...)17:24
Nafallothat's a bit weird...17:24
cjwatsonI wonder how I did this last time17:25
AlinuxOScjwatson, I'll test everything for future Alpha2.17:26
m0dYNafallo: it just happened after doing an apt-get dist-upgrade17:26
lamontso... when I'm building i386 binaries on powerpc... which value does DEB_HOST* get?17:40
* soren smells a trick question17:45
=== jpatrick_ is now known as jpatrick
slangaseklamont: DEB_HOST should be i38618:01
slangaseklamont: if you can't remember them, you can test with dpkg-architecture -a$foreign_arch :)18:10
lamontslangasek: rock18:10
tkamppeterpitti, hi18:11
pittihi tkamppeter18:44
cjwatsonpitti: debian-installer 20051026ubuntu36.12 uploaded to dapper-proposed18:57
pitticjwatson: apt sources look good, BTW, no -proposed19:00
pittiin fact it's not even commented19:00
pitti(we didn't have it at that time yet, after all)19:00
cjwatsonpitti: oh good19:03
cjwatsonpitti: doesn't that mean it doesn't install the proposed kernel though?19:03
cjwatsonpitti: at least when netbooting19:03
cjwatsonI think netboot tests will probably not be valid until everything's in -updates :-/19:04
cjwatsonelmo: ^--19:06
tkamppeterpitti, ping19:21
pitticjwatson: re (sorry, was at dinner)19:38
pitticjwatson: no, it does install the -proposed kernel, and -proposed lbm19:38
pittinetboot> yeah19:38
geserwhat's the best way to break a build-depends cycle?19:45
gesermig build-depends on gnumach-dev (source: gnumach) and gnumach build-depends on mig :(19:45
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geserpitti: please give-back gnumail. Thanks.19:53
pittigeser: kicked19:53
geserpitti: do you know a way to break a build-depends cycle?19:54
pittigeser: how do you define that?19:55
gesermig build-depends on gnumach-dev (source: gnumach) and gnumach build-depends on mig :(19:55
geserand both are waiting on each other19:55
pittigeser: that's not a problem usually19:55
pittibut if they dep-wait on each other because the versions are too high, it is of coursee19:55
pittigeser: you have to find out if you can build either with the existing version of the other19:56
pittigeser: and if so, weaken the versioned build-depends19:56
geserboth build-depends are unversioned19:57
geserwe never got any of both build, they are sitting in depwait19:58
geserpitti: please give-back: gtkrsync haxe hmisc20:11
pittigeser: ah, that requires a manual bootstrap then (-> lamont)20:11
* lamont grumbles at pitti20:12
pittigeser: given-back20:12
pittilamont: not saying that you should do it, but maybe quickly explain how it works?20:12
geserlamont: could you please bootstrap mig and gnumach? Thanks :)20:12
pittigeser: do you really care that much? it's quite some work20:12
lamontinfinity would be the target of choice... I'll probably get to it eventually....20:12
lamontas in sometime over christmas break, unless too much else gets dumped on me...20:13
geserpitti: not really, I try only to clear the list of FTBFS (http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/)20:13
geserif it's to much work, it can be ignored20:13
infinitypitti: Those requests should definitely go to me, now that I'm back.20:14
pittioh, hey infinity; it's middle of the night for you, isn't it?20:15
infinitypitti: I can always enlist LaMont's help, if he feels like working for free, but it *is* my job. :)20:15
pittiheh, ok :)20:15
infinitypitti: No, no, I'm in Canada now!20:15
pittibut well, admittedly gnumach is an interesting academic project, but having it in universe is certainly something very few people will even notice20:15
lamontinfinity: holler if you need anything - otherwise I'm hip deep atm20:16
lamontinfinity: ogre$mumble needed love as well20:16
lamontI'll have to dig up the email'20:16
lamontinfinity: email forwarded20:17
lamontto @u.c... iz good?20:17
geserpitti: please give-back: hg-buildpackage20:19
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geserinfinity: does the buildds still have the problem that they consider provided packages sufficient for versioned build-depends?20:55
pittigeser: why's that a problem? it has been a feature so far21:02
gesersee http://launchpadlibrarian.net/10570879/buildlog_ubuntu-hardy-i386.libmail-box-perl_2.078-1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz21:03
geserpitti: perl-modules provides libtest-harness-perl which is also a seperate package and that package has a versioned build-depends on libtest-harness-perl21:05
pittihm, real dependencies should be prefered21:05
geserafaik versioned (build-)dependencies don't work for provided packages21:05
pittiright, they don't21:05
pittiProvides: doesn't have versions21:05
geseryet the part that installs the B-D is happy with perl-modules but dpkg-buildpackage complains later21:06
pittiso that's buggy then21:08
geserhas someone an idea why libtool looks now for /lib/libgcrypt.la?21:22
TheMusogeser: What package are you working on?21:23
geserlibmrss http://launchpadlibrarian.net/10360063/buildlog_ubuntu-hardy-amd64.libmrss_0.18.0-2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz21:23
geserTheMuso: have you seen http://ubuntu.joejaxx.org/? :)21:24
TheMusogeser: Yes, but that doesn't count IMO.21:24
TheMusogeser: And, ahve you tried a simple rebuild of the package?21:24
geserTheMuso: yes21:25
TheMusogeser: I recently had a similar issue with gnunet, and gnunet-gtk. I had to put code into debian/rules for gnunet to clean the .la files. Check out clean-la.mk from cdbs to see what I mean.21:25
geser/bin/sed: can't read /lib/libgcrypt.la: No such file or directory21:25
TheMusolibgcrypt had its .la file moved from /lib to /usr/lib.21:26
* TheMuso has a look at the package.21:26
geserlibmrss uses cdbs, so I simply include clean-la.mk?21:26
TheMusogeser: I think the problem here is one of libmrss' dependencies.21:27
* TheMuso digs deeper.21:28
StevenKI daresay libtool is just taking the library path and s/.so/.la/ and then complaining bitterly.21:28
StevenKStupid thing.21:28
TheMusogeser: Looks like something in the dep chain uses gcrypt, and still has stuff in its .la files that tell libmrss to try and find /lib/libgcrypt.la I think.21:29
geserlibnxml.la references /lib/libgcrypt.la21:31
geserso simply rebuild libnxml and then libmrss?21:32
TheMusogeser: Rebuild libnxml0 but clean its .la files, and then rebuild libmrss21:32
TheMusoI'd try this in a chroot first, just to be sure it works.21:32
geseris using clean-la.mk from cdbs ok?21:34
TheMusogeser: IMO if the package doesn't use cdbs, manually dropping the code in debian/rules is sufficient.21:35
geserit uses cdbs21:36
TheMusoOk, just include clean-la.mk.21:38
=== tonyy is now known as tonyyarusso
geserTheMuso: thanks, it builds now with the fixed libnxml21:43
wasabioooh. scarey. All dbus apps just started crashing until I reinstalled libdbus-1-321:45
TheMusogeser: np21:49
pittiponingru`: for your in-progress MIR, please use the standard template22:05
lamontkeescook: I wonder... looking at vim... do we care that edgy backports is afflicted with whatever bug got fixed in ..ubuntu5.2???23:05
keescooklamont: generally the procedure is to request an updated backport23:08
lamontkeescook: I just happened to notice... if you don't care, i don't either. :0)23:09
lamontI mean, it's... backports...23:09
* jdong looks at backlog23:10
jdonglamont: I'll deal with you for that comment after these 4 pages of chemistry finish themselves.23:10
Nafallojdong: new gajim ;-)23:27
jdongNafallo: ok, first "discuss the differences in CFSE between square-planar and octahedral" complexes, and in return I'll deal with that ;-)23:28
Nafallojdong: I think I will just file a bug :-)23:29
jdongNafallo: sounds good ;-)23:29
NafalloBug #17455823:32
ubotuLaunchpad bug 174558 in gutsy-backports "gajim_0.11.4-0ubuntu1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17455823:32

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