
=== ember_ is now known as ember
poningruif I want to name a page21:19
poningruthat has iSCSI in the name21:20
poningruhow should I name it?21:20
poningruin the wiki I mean21:20
sommerwhy wouldn't iSCSI work?21:21
sommerwhat's the whole title you're thinking of?21:21
poningruyou know CamelCase21:26
poningruI dont know how to do it!!!21:26
poningruerr sorry for the exclamation21:26
poningruis that ok??21:26
sommerponingru: MainInclusionReportiSCSI looks good to me21:27
sommerstriclty speaking MoinMoin links don't have to be camel case21:27
sommeryou'll just need to do ["MainInclusionReportiSCSI"] when linking from another article.21:28
sommerbut I'll bet MainInclusionReportiSCSI works fine... I don't think it will notice that lower case "i".21:28
sommeralso I think title searchs are case insensitive21:29
poningruok sweet21:35
=== tonyy is now known as tonyyarusso

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