
AnnirakWhat do I need to do in order to get Ubuntu 7.1 installed on a partitioned RAID alongside Vista?  Hardware is Intel P965 with ICH8, Core 2 Q6600.00:58
AnnirakThe installer doesn't see the raid array, it sees 4 drives.00:58
twbcjwatson: ping01:15
twbBoth Ubuntu and Debian d-i use the vendor class "d-i" when DHCPREQUESTing.01:16
twbIs there a way I can differentiate between the two (e.g. using user-class)?01:17
=== cjwatson_ is now known as cjwatson
sorenCan you think of any reason why putting "tasksel tasksel/first multiselect edubuntu-desktop" in a preseed file wouldn't cause edubuntu-desktop to get installed?17:42
bdmurrayevand, cjwatson: ubiquity is a prime candidate for the next Hug Day and I'd like to discuss possible tasks17:44
bdmurrayI have a good idea about to move bugs from New to Incomplete17:50
evandgetting logs on bug reports where they don't already exist would be helpful.  I'm weary of people marking duplicates as they see something like "UserSetupApply exited with code X" and assume everything with that same string is the same bug, and imho, it's not so easy to figure out which bugs are actually duplicates.17:50
bdmurrayAnd Incomplete to Confirmed but what about Incomplete to Invalid17:50
evandI don't really follow.  Are you asking if we have any objections to marking bugs as invalid that have no response from when they were put in the incomplete status?17:52
evandI don't, provided a reasonable amount of time has passed, but I cannot speak for Colin.17:53
cjwatsonI'd be pretty cautious about doing it mechanically17:54
cjwatsonif you're willing to read over it and apply judgement, that's a different matter17:54
bdmurrayright, for the bug day reading it over would happen17:54
bdmurrayWhat criteria should we use in the judgement call though?17:55
cjwatsonI think you need to distinguish between the cases of "we have no idea at all about this and need information" and "this is definitely a bug, but we need a bit more help to track it down"17:55
cjwatsonin the latter case, if you mark it invalid it's probably just going to come back later17:55
cjwatsonthere should be plenty of the former case though17:55
bdmurrayRight, that makes sense.17:55
cjwatsonanother thing I'd say is that if the bug submitter took the time to provide a literate, well-explained description of their bug, then it should be left up to a developer to mark it invalid17:56
cjwatson(if at all)17:56
cjwatsonthose are the people who tend to get annoyed if you slam-dunk their bug17:56
cjwatsonat the other end of the scale there's the crash report with no supplementary information, or the "it broke, please help" type thing17:57
cjwatsonI've noticed some cases where triagers marked a literate, thoughtful bug as invalid though, and those tend to be the cases where they have the lowest hit rate17:57
cjwatsonso I think somehow encouraging people to apply different criteria depending on the effort the submitter put in would be appropriate17:58
bdmurrayOkay.  Have you reviewed the Invalid bugs at all?  That might be an interesting idea too.  I should be able to craft a query where they are Invalid and you or evan didn't invalidate them18:01
cjwatsonsporadically but not for a while18:02
cjwatsonseems to sort of defeat the purpose if we have to review them in detail though18:02
bdmurrayFair enough.  Another thing we have tried to do is tag bugs.  Are there any ubiquity specific tags that would be useful?18:06
bdmurrayPerhaps the installer version?18:06
evandtbh, I haven't really been using tags.  I'm not sure looking up bugs by version would be helpful to me, but pehaps I'm missing the use case.18:10
bdmurrayOkay, I was just trying to figure out how to subdivide the bugs.18:16
evandcjwatson: have you had a different experience?18:16
bdmurrayAre there many bugs where people are using the automated version of ubiquity18:19
evandperhaps by the component of the installer in which the bug occurs?  partman, user-setup, migration-assistant, and so on.  Just an idea, I'm not sure how useful that would be to others.18:19
evandI've only seen the ones reported by Dell a while back.  I doubt it's getting much use yet.18:19
bdmurrayevand: okay, I'll take a look and some and see how hard it is to determine which tag to add18:28
bdmurraywill you be available Wednesday?18:28
evandok, thank you18:28
evandbdmurray: yes18:28
Goosemoosehi guys18:28
Goosemooseworking on a preseed file to install over network to 250 machines18:28
Goosemoosei want it to ask for the computer name but no matter what i put the computer just grabs a name from dhcp18:29
evandbdmurray: though wednesday at 1600 UTC is our usual platform team meeting.18:29
rglI want to install ubuntu over an existing raid1 (software) and lvm2 volumes, I'm using the alternate install cd, but still, I can't find the RAID stuff, can you guys help me out finding it?18:32
Goosemoosedamn, doesn't want to install the gui either18:40
Goosemoosethis is nuts18:40
cjwatsonbdmurray,evand: I've not used much in the way of tags for ubiquity either18:43
cjwatsonGoosemoose: what preseeding are you using right now?18:43
evandI could be very wrong, but netcfg/get_hostname "" ?18:43
cjwatsonthat's what I'd expect18:44
Goosemoosegone through multiple items, right now I'm using18:44
Goosemoosetasksel tasksel/first multiselect ubuntu-minimal,ubuntu-standard,ubuntu-desktop18:44
Goosemoosed-i mirror/suite string gusty18:44
cjwatsonoh, but DHCP does clobber that I think, that's kind of annoying18:44
cjwatsonGoosemoose: either leave mirror/suite unpreseeded (which would work) or spell gutsy right18:44
Goosemoosei commented out the get_hostname, yeah no matter what i did it uses dhcp18:45
Goosemoosecjwatson, oh damn18:45
Goosemoosethat's one problem18:45
Goosemoosehmm, that might explain why i couldnt use18:46
Goosemoosetasksel tasksel/first multiselect edubuntu-desktop either18:46
Goosemooseok, so any ideas with the hostname?18:46
cjwatsonworking on it18:47
Goosemooseit's the only prompt i want during the install18:47
cjwatsonoh, you want to prompt, not just to set something different?18:47
cjwatsonguess you would18:48
Goosemooseyeah, there is going to be 6 computers per classroom18:49
Goosemooseso i need a way to name them18:49
cjwatsonI think, unfortunately, you might have to rebuild the initrd18:49
UbotwoDebian bug 343269 in netcfg "hostname/domain name preseeding is quite broken" [Normal,Open]18:50
rgloh, the installer with raid stuff will recreate the array... is there a way to make it use the existing array?   or I should really debootstrap instead of using the install cd?18:51
cjwatsonGoosemoose: if you unpack the initrd (make a fresh directory, cd into it, and zcat /path/to/initrd.gz | sudo cpio -id) then edit etc/dhclient-script and comment out the call to set_network, then repack the initrd (find . | sudo cpio --quiet -o -H newc | gzip -9c > /path/to/initrd.gz), then that should do it ...18:52
cjwatsonI appreciate this isn't nice though18:52
cjwatsonrgl: you should be able to use the existing array by using "Configure software RAID" and then backing out, I think18:53
rglcjwatson, too late, it started sync :-(18:54
rglanother 2 hours to the drain :|18:54
rglcjwatson, you mean just canceling that dialog?18:55
cjwatsonyeah, I think so18:55
cjwatsonmy attention is sort of elsewhere right now though, urgent dapper.2 stuff to do and I have to go offline in 4 minutes18:56
cjwatsonsorry ...18:56
rglok.  I'll use debootstrap instead.18:56
cjwatsonthat ought to work, certainly18:56
Goosemoosecjwatson, ouch, ok, i'll have to go try that18:58
Goosemoosecjwatson, where did you find that fix so i can print it out?19:00
cjwatsonGoosemoose: I made it up19:05
cjwatsonI haven't tested it at all, I've just been hacking on the installer for rather a long time ...19:05
Goosemoosei see19:06
Goosemooseim new to deploying desktops on linux, done it on windows for years. worked with linux servers for awhile19:07
cjwatsonit's not a fix as such, but a workaround19:09
cjwatsoni.e. it's not something we could include in the mainline installer - we need to fix netcfg's crazy preseeding scheme19:09
Goosemooseim waiting for the last test I ran to finish then i can do it19:14
Goosemooseit seems the longest part of the install is the darn partitioning19:14
Goosemooseim considering just making it one large parition, should go a lot faster19:14
Goosemoosecjwatson, still don't end up with a gui, even after spelling gutsy correctly19:17
Goosemooseinstall goes through, doesn't ask any questions and i end up with a login prompt19:17
Goosemoosecjwatson, did you mean comment out the call to set_network or set_hostname?19:22
cjwatsonGoosemoose: err, whoops, set_hostname19:23
cjwatsoni.e. stop the DHCP client script from physically setting the hostname19:23
Goosemooseok thats what i though19:23
Goosemoosecouldn't find a set_network :)19:23
cjwatsonI'd have to see the installer syslog to debug19:23
Goosemoosei found a single line : set_hostname19:23
Goosemoose# in front of it, anything else?19:23
cjwatsonbut I also have to go out, I'm afraid - my wife and I are off to the cinema19:24
cjwatson# in front was what I meant19:24
Goosemooseahh have fun19:24
Goosemoosethanks for the help19:24
cjwatsonif that doesn't work, we'll need to debug in more detail19:24
Goosemoosehopefully someone else here can help with me not getting a gui19:24
cjwatsonputting the syslog on a pastebin or something should help19:25
cjwatson/var/log/syslog pre-reboot, /var/log/installer/syslog if you're past the first reboot19:25
cjwatsonif you stick around, I'll probably drop back in in four hours or so19:25
cjwatsonthough only briefly - I'm in England so that'll be kinda late19:25
Goosemoosecjwatson, just so you know whyen you get back, commenting that out didnt work20:34
rglhumm, what replaces base-config?  I just debootstraped, that command is not available anymore, is it needed?20:37
evandbase-config as in the second stage of the installer?  That's long dead.21:48
evandcjwatson: Seveas asked if we wanted new ubiquity bug report announcements via ubotu in here.  I enjoy the relatively low traffic of this channel and email works fine for me, but is this something you think would benefit you or others?21:51
rglevand, we have to manually configure the system then?  or there is no need?22:02
Goosemooseevand, cj isn't around22:41
Goosemoosehe went to the movies he said22:41
Goosemooseanyone see something wrong with this line: tasksel tasksel/first multiselect ubuntu-minimal,ubuntu-standard,ubuntu-desktop22:43
cjwatsonevand: I'm not hugely fussed, and also enjoy the low traffic23:23
cjwatsonGoosemoose: that looks fine, but the syslog should make it very clear if something's gone wrong with it23:23
cjwatsonGoosemoose: well, actually23:23
Goosemoosehi cj23:23
cjwatsonGoosemoose: minimal isn't necessary (already installed by the time tasksel runs)23:23
cjwatsonand ubuntu-standard might need to be just standard instead23:23
cjwatson(the task name isn't the same as the metapackage)23:24
Goosemooseim pretty sure i tried standard,ubuntu-desktop23:24
Goosemooseas well as edubuntu-desktop23:24
Goosemoosealso the commenting out didn't work23:24
cjwatsonyeah, you said. syslog?23:24
Goosemooselet me get it23:24
cjwatsonit's possible that it needs to be23:25
cjwatsontasksel tasksel/first multiselect standard, ubuntu-desktop23:25
cjwatsonI forget exactly how strict debconf is about the space there23:25
Goosemoosehmm, maybe the space is the issue23:25
cjwatson        return grep { defined } map { $desc_to_task{$_} } split ", ", $list;23:27
cjwatsonso it definitely has to be separated with ", "23:27
cjwatson(it's actually tasksel's strictness, not debconf's)23:27
Goosemoosecj, damn, ive rebooted so the sys log doesn't have it23:27
Goosemoosehave to install again23:28
cjwatsondid you reboot after a completed install?23:28
cjwatsonthen /var/log/installer/syslog should be the thing I need23:28
Goosemooseok, i think im a dir off23:28
Goosemoosejust a sec23:28
Goosemoosewont let me ssh into the darn machine, hold on23:31
cjwatsonI've filed bug 174557 about this23:31
ubotuLaunchpad bug 174557 in tasksel "tasksel/first preseed syntax is inconvenient" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17455723:31
Goosemooseinstall ssh on the machine23:32
Goosemoosehow was the movie?23:35
cjwatsonAmerican Gangster23:35
Goosemoosei want to go see that23:35
cjwatsonwell worth it23:35
Goosemoosegood to hear23:35
cjwatsonsudo cat syslog> heh, sorry about that - paranoia due to past installer security vulnerabilities23:36
Goosemooseyeah it's a bit of a pain to use sudo even on cat!23:36
Goosemooseespecially a log23:36
cjwatsonthere was a vulnerability in 5.10 where, due to two safety checks failing, the user's password was exposed in the installer logs23:37
Goosemooseahh wow23:37
cjwatsonso I battened down the hatches to make damn sure that could never happen again23:37
cjwatsonok, so you're doing netcfg/get_hostname= on the kernel command line23:37
cjwatsondon't do that - that makes that question be marked as seen so it never gets shown23:38
cjwatsonjust leave that bit out23:38
Goosemoosei had commented it out23:38
Goosemooselet me check my pressed23:38
cjwatsonDec  6 13:07:55 base-installer:   500 Can't connect to ubuntu:80 (Bad hostname 'ubuntu')23:38
cjwatsonthat's a bit odd, check why that's trying to connect to a host called 'ubuntu'23:39
Goosemoose#d-i netcfg/get_hostname string unassigned-hostname23:39
Goosemoose#d-i netcfg/get_domain string unassigned-domain23:39
Goosemoosethat's in my preseed file23:39
cjwatsonGoosemoose: it's not in your preseed file (and wouldn't have any effect if it were, since network preseeding runs after netcfg); it's on the kernel command line23:39
cjwatsonyou said mirror/suite gutsy earlier, but this is a log from the feisty installer; note that Ubuntu netboot installers don't really support installing releases other than the one they were built for, so you should get the gutsy netboot installer if that's what you want23:40
Goosemooseoh, yes i do23:41
Goosemooseprobably because im following the docs from the ubuntu site23:41
Goosemoosewhich were made for 6.1023:41
cjwatsonwhich docs?23:41
cjwatsonit's not as clear as it might be what tasksel is doing, but I'm pretty sure it's the comma-space thing I mentioned above, so fix that23:41
Goosemoosehttp://www.debuntu.org/book/export/html/193 is one of them23:41
Goosemoosealso have a doc on setting up apt-cacher im using23:42
cjwatsonhmm, not our site23:42
Goosemooseclosest doc i could find on how to do unattended ubuntu deplyment over a network23:43
cjwatsonurgh, it points to the default Debian preseed file23:43
cjwatsonits console-setup/layoutcode example is wrong23:43
cjwatsonthough it does get tasksel/first right :-023:43
Goosemooseit points to it, which i used as a startup , but then i changed it based on the doc itself23:43
Goosemoosehmm maybe that's part of the problem23:44
Goosemoosehere's my preseed23:44
cjwatsonI do need to hit the help.ubuntu.com guys until they publish the 7.10 manual, but: https://help.ubuntu.com/7.04/installation-guide/i386/23:44
cjwatsonthat has advice on netbooting, preseeding, etc.23:44
cjwatsonok, I can do a quick nitpick pass before bed23:45
Goosemoosecool, im looking at that link right now23:45
Goosemoosebasically it runs through the whole thing23:45
Goosemoosedoesn't ask for a hostname23:45
Goosemooseand doesn't give me a gui23:45
Goosemoosethey need to make this: https://help.ubuntu.com/7.04/installation-guide/i386/preseed-contents.html into one file you can copy instead of a bunch of parts23:46
cjwatsonditch everything up through netcfg (at least). All of that is handled by the installer before it reads the preseed file, so there's no point putting it in the preseed file as it won't be used.23:46
cjwatsonthere are other formats in the installation-guide-i386 package in the distro23:46
cjwatsonplain text and PDF23:47
Goosemooseok, looking23:47
cjwatsonok, on your kernel command line you have 'console-setup/layoutcode=en_GB', which isn't a correct layout code; if you want a British keyboard, that's =gb, if you want a US keyboard, that's =us23:48
cjwatson(debuntu.org advises =en_US which is wrong. They map onto X keyboard layout names from /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/)23:48
Goosemoosei wanted us be couldn't find us on the system23:49
cjwatson# You can choose to install non-free and contrib software.23:49
cjwatsond-i apt-setup/non-free boolean true23:49
Goosemoosei don't see the example file on the ubuntu server, know where it is? just did a locate as well23:49
cjwatsond-i apt-setup/contrib boolean true23:49
cjwatsonthat comes from the Debian preseed file and is meaningless on Ubuntu23:49
cjwatsonok, use console-setup/layoutcode=us then23:49
Goosemoosemight be better if i start from an ubuntu if most of it doesn't apply23:49
cjwatsonthe link is dead, sorry - it's https://help.ubuntu.com/7.04/installation-guide/example-preseed.txt23:50
cjwatsonmost of it does apply, but console setup and apt configuration are two areas that differ a fair bit23:50
Goosemooseso im commenting out the hostname line, correct?23:51
cjwatsonI think so23:51
cjwatsonI still haven't tried it, sorry23:51
cjwatsonthe tasksel thing as I said above23:51
cjwatsonI checked the feisty Packages file, and the correct task name is 'standard' not 'ubuntu-standard'23:52
cjwatson(the guide is wrong there, sorry; I fixed that bug for the 7.10 guide)23:52
Goosemoosetasksel --list-tasks says there is a edubuntu-desktop as well23:53
Goosemooseis that correct?23:53
cjwatsonthe rest of your preseeding is fine, with the exception of stuff in comments that isn't quite right, but I'll spare you that23:53
cjwatsonyes, edubuntu-desktop should work fine23:53
cjwatsonthough you said it didn't earlier - I'd need a syslog again of that I'm afraid23:53
Goosemoosei'd have to rerun trying that23:53
Goosemoosebeen trying different combo's on the same machine23:53
Goosemoosetried tasksel tasksel/first multiselect ubuntu-standard, ubuntu-desktop last time23:54
Goosemoosetasksel tasksel/first multiselect standard, edubuntu-desktop23:54
cjwatsonthe latter should definitely work23:54
Goosemooseill try that ^^^ this time, though I'm sure I have23:54
cjwatsonif the space is there23:54
Goosemooseyeah, i had it there23:54
cjwatsonbut if it doesn't, let me know - if you can't stay on IRC, mail ubuntu-installer@lists.ubuntu.com23:55
Goosemoosecould the problem be in my prelinux.cfg/default file?23:55
=== cjwatson changed the topic of #ubuntu-installer to: Development of d-i and ubiquity in Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallerDevelopment | If nobody answers, try ubuntu-installer@lists.ubuntu.com
Goosemooseworking off the example you just gave me now23:56
cjwatsonI don't think so, I can see basically what that's doing by the kernel command line in the log23:56
Goosemoosechanged to23:56
Goosemoosed-i mirror/udeb/suite string gutsy23:56
cjwatsonwell, as I said, trying to install gutsy using feisty will probably fail in funny ways23:56
Goosemoosesure, so i need to get gutsy23:56
cjwatsonit could be related to the mirror problem I mentioned above23:56
Goosemoosei missed that, what mirror problem?23:57
cjwatsonDec  6 13:07:55 base-installer:   500 Can't connect to ubuntu:80 (Bad hostname 'ubuntu')23:57
Goosemooseoh ok23:57
cjwatsonnot clear why that's happening23:58
cjwatsonI don't see where you're telling it to connect to 'ubuntu'23:58
Goosemooseso http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/gutsy/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/netboot.tar.gz23:58
Goosemooseme either23:58
cjwatsonthat's the right URL23:59
Goosemooseok so i'm removing my old ubuntu-installer and ill extract that one and try it, wish me luck :)23:59
cjwatsonanyway, you should have enough to iterate on23:59
cjwatsongood luck :)23:59

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