
norsettog'night all00:05
=== cgunn is now known as Gunner_Sr
Gunner_Srdoes anyone know where I can find a xpmlib package?00:47
Gunner_SrI tried apt-get, and no luck...00:48
crimsunmore context would be useful.00:51
crimsuni.e., libxpm4 certainly exists.00:52
Gunner_Srcrimsum: let me check that...00:52
Gunner_Srcrimsum: okay, already installed.00:53
Gunner_Srcrimsum: is it installed in a non-standard location, as I am autoconfiguring and it says cannot find X?00:54
Gunner_Srcrimsun: is it installed in a non-standard location, as I am autoconfiguring and it says cannot find X?00:54
* Gunner_Sr sorry crimsun00:55
crimsunif you're attempting to compile something that requires xpm, you need libxpm-dev installed.00:55
Gunner_Srcrimsun: let me check as well00:55
Gunner_Srcrimsun: got it.00:56
Gunner_Srcrimsun: it was already installed.00:56
crimsunso please pastebin whatever command you're attempting that generates the error(s)00:56
Gunner_Srokay, how does pastebin work?00:57
ubotupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)00:58
Gunner_SrHere it is: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/47064/01:01
jonnymindGreat. I have a stable automatic source packager.01:02
jonnymindAll I have to do now is to debianize it...01:02
* Gunner_Sr hiya jonnymind!01:02
crimsunGunner_Sr: use the metapackage, libx11-dev01:03
Gunner_Srcrimsun: okay, let me try that, thx01:03
Gunner_Srcrimsun: also installed, this is weird?01:04
crimsunGunner_Sr: check config.log for where it's bailing01:05
crimsunit's likely an extension01:05
jonnymindI have already created separate debs from the compiled source (deranged in the live development space), and it was lint, so it should be fast.01:05
`nobodyI have another question: I've packaged a patched version of network-manager-vpnc to include a patch that me and some coworkers were needing -- support for saving group passwords. I've commented on the open bug about this too, but would that kind of stuff usually go in the next release or in the current?  what are the guidelines about when the bugs are being fixed?01:06
jonnymindI hope to have the deb things (source + binaries) tomorrow. Should I upload all the packages or only the source deb?01:06
Gunner_Srcrimsun: cannot find a header called X11/Intrinsic.h?01:06
imbrandon`nobody: normaly only the next release01:07
crimsunGunner_Sr: libxt-dev01:08
`nobodythat's fine -- i heard it needed approval/advocacy from developers too?01:08
giskard`nobody, please send it also to upstream01:08
Gunner_Srcrimsun: getting it now, I think that could be it.01:09
crimsunimbrandon: I think you forgot to update debian/config for the new flashplugin-nonfree01:09
Gunner_Srcrimsun: thanks, that worked!!01:09
imbrandon`nobody: send to upstream and the bug you speak of please subscribe ( not assign ) ubuntu universe sponsors01:09
imbrandoncrimsun: likely, i'll look now01:10
`nobodyok, i'll look at that.01:10
Gunner_Srcrimsun: I go to make, now and get X11/Xmu/CurUtil.h: No such file or directory01:12
imbrandoncrimsun: ahh yea i certainly did, thanks for the catch, fixing now01:12
RAOFGah.  Is it a bug for arch: all packages to FTBFS on AMD64?01:13
crimsunimbrandon: np, thanks.01:13
crimsunGunner_Sr: libxmu-headers01:14
crimsunGunner_Sr: please use apt-file or http://packages.ubuntu.com01:14
Gunner_Srcrimsun: okay, thans.01:14
Gunner_Srcrimsun: okay, thanks.01:14
StevenKRAOF: I doubt it.01:19
StevenKRAOF: Given only the i386 buildds will touch arch: all packages01:19
jonnymindI sign off. See you tomorrow, hopefully with a package :-(01:19
RAOFStevenK: Yeah, fair enough.  It's merely annoying :)01:20
`nobodyimbrandon: the patch wasn't written by me but by some developer on Redhat/Fedora, all I've done was repackage network-manager-vpnc with that patch that works from 0.6.4 to 0.7.0. The bug is already known upstream and some patches have been proposed, but the bug isn't closed yet. I'm subscribing ubuntu universe sponsors to the launchpad bug now01:22
Gunner_Srjonnymind: seeya01:23
imbrandon`nobody: okies, sounds like a good plane01:23
giskard`nobody,  what is the answer of the upstream regarding this patch?01:23
imbrandoncrimsun: fix uploaded, again thanks fo the catch01:23
imbrandonjdong: btw if you already poked pitti you might re-poke reguarding ubuntu2 :)01:24
crimsunimbrandon: np.01:24
`nobodygiskard: unclear. the bug is still marked NEEDINFO, and last comment was on Nov 17, actually, the more i look and the less sure I am that this exact patch was posted. I'll have to md5 them or something to check01:25
giskard`nobody, i think you have to poke upstream01:26
crimsunimbrandon: you get dibs on bug 174276!01:26
ubotuLaunchpad bug 174276 in ubuntu "flashplugin-nonfree issue" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17427601:26
* imbrandon looks01:27
`nobodyi'll comment and attach the patch to the bug, just to be sure.01:27
imbrandoncrimsun: gee thanks :)01:28
crimsunimbrandon: no prob.01:29
imbrandonhrm honetly i think its a bug that the package installs even if the md5/download fails01:29
imbrandonleading to situations like this01:29
imbrandonbut obviously it was put there for a reason01:30
crimsunwell, arguably the wrapper/package itself is a bug01:34
keescookFujitsu: probably better to do a requestsync for sing since that's the only change in ubuntu.  :)01:35
imbrandoni'm wondering what the resoning behind letting the package install though'01:35
crimsunimbrandon: it can block other essential packages from installing if it fails01:35
crimsunimbrandon: that's overkill, IMO01:36
crimsunI didn't make that change in the source package, but I concur with its semantics in just that instance01:36
imbrandonyea, i agree there but it also causes this01:37
crimsunhonestly, we ought to kill the package01:37
imbrandonit would just get imported from debian ( unless blacklisted )01:37
crimsunone con, however, is that doing so is only a benefit for firefox01:38
crimsunAFAIK, neither opera nor konqueror provide a facility to install the latest stable non-Free Flash plugin01:38
imbrandoni think konq does now, leaste in kubuntu01:38
imbrandoni would have to confim though01:38
crimsunfirefox, however, has that plugin finder or whatnot01:38
crimsunperhaps Konq does now; it didn't in 7.0401:39
crimsun(haven't tested 7.10)01:39
imbrandontonio_ did some work on that front in .1001:39
imbrandoni dont think its as robust as firefoxes though and relys on ubuntu packages, eg its not an upstream thing01:40
crimsunhmm, yeah, that would be bitten if f-n were removed ;p01:41
StevenKNeat. It's hailing01:42
crimsunit has been snowing here01:43
imbrandonits supose to snow/freeze rain here tonight01:43
imbrandoncrimsun: btw where are you now? heh01:44
imbrandonwasent you doing some traveling ?01:44
zulit always snow in canada eh?01:44
zulhey crimsun01:44
imbrandonif yall want a quick giggle at MS's expense : http://www.imbrandon.com/2007.12.05/debian-powers-the-world.html01:45
crimsunimbrandon: DC momentarily.01:45
imbrandoncrimsun: ahh01:45
TheMusoStevenK: Youch.01:51
StevenKTheMuso: It is absolutely belting down over here, I suspect that the forefront to the thunderstorm was a few stray bits of hail01:52
RAOFStevenK, TheMuso: You get all the fun :(01:53
crimsunTheMuso: I apologise if you've already covered a11y WRT pulseaudio in Ubuntu 8.04, but if you have a "needs work," let's chat about it sometime soon.01:53
StevenKRAOF: It pelted down over here for a good few hours, and my wife said "Oh, it rained in Bondi for about five minutes."01:54
TheMusocrimsun: I haven't yet.01:54
TheMusostill playing with stuff and pondering01:54
RAOFStevenK: Yeah, it did a bit of raining here too.01:54
bddebianHeya gang01:54
imbrandonheya bddebian01:54
RAOFYo!  bddebian!01:54
StevenKThe problem is I want lunch. :-)01:54
bddebianHi imbrandon, RAOF01:54
bddebianimbrandon: It just dawned on me.  You don't have a brother named Kurt by any chance do you? :-)01:55
imbrandonbddebian: nope01:55
RAOFAnyone running gutsy on VT-extension-capable hardware want to test a kvm/bochs backport?01:55
TheMusocrimsun: I am hoping to use a package called speech-dispatcher in the future, which would replace gnome-speech. It supports output for oss, alsa, and pulseaudio, and works with several synths.01:55
bddebianimbrandon: I was friends with a Kurt Holtsclaw at Purdue01:55
TheMusoI doubt I can get things ready for hardy, due to necessary upstream changes for orca, but certainly hardy+1.01:56
TheMusoSo for now, I'm simply thinking of wrapping gnome-speech drivers in padsp.01:56
crimsunTheMuso: ok, sounds good.01:56
bddebianAnyone fluent in Spanish?01:56
imbrandonbddebian: ahh, could be family of some sort, i dont know any Holtsclaw's back past my father and uncles, e.g. my grandfather left my grandma and got remarried and had more kids etc01:56
imbrandonwhen my dad was 201:57
crimsunTheMuso: I moved pulseaudio-utils from Suggests to Recommends for 0.9.8-1ubuntu1; we can attempt to add it to the desktop seed if you feel it's appropriate.01:57
bddebianimbrandon: Well with my failing memory he could have spelled it with a z also. :-)01:57
TheMusocrimsun: I won't know till I've tested all gnome-speech drivers that users will want to use, and then the utils package will have to be a depend of gnome-speech anyway.01:57
imbrandonyea the z is another whole clan, heh, its funny though there is a "Holtsclaw and Kendal" law firm right next door to where i work too01:58
imbrandonhere in KC01:58
crimsunTheMuso: *nod*01:58
imbrandonsomeday i'll pop in and be like "hey my names on the door"01:58
bddebian"Now give me a job" ;-P01:58
Fujitsukeescook: Oh, nice, we can pull CVEs from Debian now?02:16
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keescookFujitsu: more like "see" CVEs from Debian... I needed a stopping point, so I committed what I had.04:05
keescookFujitsu: I'm hoping to be able to populate either CVE tracker from the other... so far, it reads Ubuntu & Debian, and writes Ubuntu.  Once I write debian writing, then we just have to finish the merge logic.  :)04:06
* Gunner_Sr good night everyone.04:58
LucidFoxAmarok 2:1.4.7-2ubuntu2 is in dependency wait: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/amarok/2:1.4.7-2ubuntu2/+build/46181905:10
LucidFoxMissing Dependencies:  libkarma-dev05:10
StevenKSo there needs to be an MIR for libkarma05:11
LucidFoxSo that's because it's in universe and amarok is in main?05:12
Hobbseethere is.  i don't think anyone answered the questions on it though05:14
imbrandonHobbsee: ugh, shouldend that have been done PRIOR to the amarok upload using it05:38
Hobbseeimbrandon: i didn't upload amarok last.  aka:  SEP05:38
Hobbseebut, who *did* upload that?05:38
imbrandonhrm i should re-upload without that dep untill the MIR is fixed, looks like a very poor MIR05:40
Hobbseeimbrandon: or you could just fix the MIR :)05:40
Hobbseeimbrandon: looks like Riddell botched that merge as well.05:40
imbrandonit has other issues like a kernel module also05:40
imbrandonso it likely wont be approved soon05:40
imbrandone.g. i will but i'll also fix the upload05:40
Hobbseecool, OK05:41
Hobbseeimbrandon: fix some of the bugs too :)05:41
Hobbseesikon is working on the MIR, it appears05:42
imbrandonhehe i havent done any amarok bug fixing in a while05:42
imbrandonguess i should05:42
Hobbseeyes, you should05:42
imbrandonsikon? new face05:42
LucidFoximprandon> I'm Sikon05:43
LucidFoxThe MIR was already on the wiki, I just filed the bug05:43
imbrandonafaik MIR's also need to be signed off on by a core-dev too before going into the que05:43
imbrandonleaste that used to be the case05:43
=== Am|Birthday is now known as Amaranth
rick_h_Hobbsee: hey, do you know of some good docs I can go through for dealing with packaging an unreleased project via bzr?05:46
rick_h_right now I end up getting a new branch, exporting it, make dist to create an orig tarball, copy over debian dir from last build05:46
rick_h_and then doing the changelog/debuild05:46
Hobbseerick_h_: bzr-buildpackage?05:47
rick_h_Hobbsee: ok, I see the wiki page for that now. I'll give that a shot it looks like05:49
jscinozhey everyone :)05:51
TheMusoDamn kvm05:52
jscinozI'd like to contribute some universe packages to REVU, however i'm unsure as to how my key should be added to the keyring, one wiki page states that simply need to join the Ubuntu Universe Contributors team on launchpad, another suggests emailing a GPG signed email to keyring@tiber.tauware.de, which is the correct method?05:53
Hobbseejscinoz: the former, and then ask to resync the revu keyring in here05:54
Hobbseewhere was that second piece of instruction?  that's very old.05:54
jscinozthe second instruction was located at https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/ubuntu-upload.html05:55
jscinozis located*05:55
jscinozAnyways, I've joined the team, if its possible, could you resync the keyring? :)05:55
jscinozthank you06:02
jscinozhmm i recall reading somewhere that enemy-territory needed packaging.. the engine and the data are under a closed-source but free to distribute license, but the anti-cheat software is under a license that forbids redistribution and yet if it isn't included, it likely won't work on the majority of servers >_<06:04
imbrandonlooks like its got 2 very good reasons not to be in the archive then :)06:05
maiatodaydoes someone have the link for how the debian to ubuntu version numbers work, please?06:15
imbrandon<upstream-version>-<debian-revision>ubuntu<ubuntu-revision> e.g. 0.1-2ubuntu306:17
jscinozi have debian version number if zero if it doesnt exist in debian?06:46
jscinozie enemyterritory_2.60b-0ubuntu1?06:46
Burgundaviajscinoz: if the specific version or the package itself does not, yes06:48
jscinozalright thanks :)06:48
saivannHi everybody, I asked Daniel T Chen in this channel to upload a patch that I made for gnucash for hardy and it has been uploaded a month ago, but the package did fail to build for ia64 and ppc.06:49
Burgundaviasaivann: can you fix it?06:50
saivannBurgundavia : I'm not MOTU, so I don't know what I can do on this06:50
Burgundaviayou can provide another patch is you think you know what the problem is06:50
saivannBurgundavia : The only change I made with the latest patch was to change a dependency, is-it really the problem?06:51
Burgundaviaif it fails to build, a bug exists06:51
imbrandonsaivann: check the build logs as to why it failed06:52
saivannBurgundavia : gnucash-docs was listed as "suggest" in the dependencies, and I changed this for "recommend" in order to get this automatically in a future version of ubuntu, the package didn't fail to build for i38606:52
imbrandonheya Burgundavia06:52
saivannimbrandon : the build logs speaks about missing dependencies, let me look..06:53
Burgundaviahey imbrandon06:53
saivannimbrandon or Burgundavia : http://launchpadlibrarian.net/10464693/buildlog_ubuntu-hardy-ia64.gnucash_2.2.1-1ubuntu5_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz06:55
saivannlibgtkhtml3.8-dev: Depends: libgtkhtml3.8-15 (= 1:3.13.5-1) but it is not going to be installed06:55
imbrandonsaivann: has that dep on ia64 since built ?06:56
FujitsuHobbsee: Please give back gnucash on ia64/ppc.06:57
imbrandonthere we go heh, i was trying to walk saivann though that :)06:57
Fujitsuia64/ppc are almost up to date, so it is very likely that a giveback will fix it.06:57
saivannimbrandon : Possibly not, that's why I waited few weeks06:57
HobbseeFujitsu: given back06:58
imbrandonsaivann: probably fixed, check the next build log of it in ~24 hours ( depending on the buildd status )06:58
saivannimbrandon : Thanks for your help06:59
imbrandonHobbsee / Fujitsu : ^^ not me, i just talked06:59
saivannhehe, yes ok thanks all :)06:59
imbrandonFujitsu, just for you : http://xkcd.com/353/07:08
Fujitsuimbrandon: Is that the Python antigravity one?07:09
* Fujitsu has been pointed at that a few times today at work.07:09
TheMusoHey dholbach.07:12
dholbachgood morning07:12
dholbachhey TheMuso07:12
imbrandonugh nice07:35
imbrandoni update and gnome-panel crashes, reboot, now it wont start07:36
imbrandoncoredumps are fun07:36
imbrandonguess it might be time to upgrade to hardy07:36
=== LucidFox is now known as LucidFox_away
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RAOFI wish my router had as good an uptime as my server.08:09
superm1RAOF, you here?08:36
RAOFsuperm1: Yup.08:39
RAOFQué pasa?08:39
superm1RAOF, would you be able to do a quick test on a patch on amd64 for vlc's ftbfs?08:39
* RAOF likes spouting random fragments from different languages.08:39
superm1okay, just to see if it makes it through (certainly not clean), around line 168 or so where it builds the x264 tree with -D__PIC__, can you add a --enable-pic08:40
superm1( in debian/rules that is )08:40
RAOFAh, OK.08:41
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RAOFSo you want me to mangle my own source tree?  You don't have a candidate package yet?08:41
superm1RAOF, well i pushed a 0.8.6.release.d-0ubuntu2 yesterday08:41
superm1and it built fine on all but amd6408:41
superm1i didn't want to go through the work to make checks for if its amd64 if that doesn't fix it directly08:42
RAOFHa!  We kill you, with our crazy nearly IA32ness.08:42
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superm1RAOF, some day i need to resurrect a box of mine that was amd64 but died so i dont need to bug you amd64 people all the time with things like this :)08:43
RAOFOr ask for access to my buildbox.08:43
superm1that would work too :)08:43
RAOFDear lord, it has a very, very large number of configure flags :)08:44
superm1yeah those are directly for VLC08:45
superm1i'm referring to the ones for x26408:45
superm1it does some hacky hacky stuff to build x264 in its tree too08:45
RAOFsuperm1: Just to check: you're after the bit where it goes # Check that we've got an x264 tree...08:45
superm1er no....08:45
superm1little later than that08:46
RAOFSorry, no.08:46
superm1er earlier i guess depending on where eyou grabbed that08:46
superm1i guess that part will work too08:46
superm1yeah right there should do08:46
superm1140 or so?08:46
RAOFAt the ./configure stage of x264 :)08:46
RAOFThat's it?08:47
RAOF--enable-pic there, then try a build?08:48
RAOFAh, that well known shared library, firefox.08:53
superm1k great thanks08:53
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\shdoes someone wants to fix squid? (bug #174352)08:56
ubotuLaunchpad bug 174352 in squid "[CVE-2007-6239] squid-2.X and squid-3.x are vulnerable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17435208:56
superm1RAOF, i'm going to head to bed for a little bit.  i'll watch for a message in the morning with how the build ended up.  thanks again09:00
RAOFsuperm1: K.09:02
RAOFsuperm1: Builds fine.09:20
=== Seveaz is now known as Seveas
\shFujitsu, cacti in gutsy is ok for 2007-311[23]09:24
\shbut the others are still valid...fix them09:24
txwikinger2cool .. my first bugfix is in the archive :D10:00
txwikinger2Now I just have to figure out how to get it upstream10:00
jpatrickI usually send an email upstream with the patch attached10:01
txwikinger2jpatrick: yes.. I think I will attach it to the email to the bugtracker10:02
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huatshello everyone10:24
* Fujitsu worships mjg59 for giving us a new ELER.10:44
imbrandonwell all upgraded to hardy, compiz is the only thing held back but i dont use that anyhow10:44
StevenKEverybody Loves Eric Raymond10:45
imbrandonnow to find out why my nano isnt syntax hilighting anymore .... hrm10:46
StevenKBecause nano sucks10:46
* Fujitsu agrees with StevenK.10:46
imbrandonheh <3 nano10:46
FujitsuI didn't even know nano could syntax highlight.10:46
StevenKOnly people who don't know vi use nano10:46
imbrandonyea for a few years now10:46
imbrandonStevenK: heh actualy i prefer vi over emacs but i use nano day to day10:46
imbrandonif my text editor includes tetris ( yes emacs has tetris ) its not a txt editor10:47
FujitsuEvil emacsers.10:47
imbrandonnow if nano would read gzip'd text files i would have no reason to use vi at all10:48
imbrandonthat seems to be the only time i use it10:48
Fujitsu... other than nano being inefficient and silly.10:48
imbrandoninefficient ?10:49
imbrandonnano file; ^X <enter> vs. vi file , esc i, :wq!10:50
imbrandon3 step vs 110:50
imbrandonerr 3vs 210:50
FujitsuIf all you're doing is saving....10:50
imbrandon99% of the time i edit a file to edit a file, then save it, yes, that is the reason for an editor :)10:51
StevenKimbrandon: :%s///g in nano?10:54
imbrandonStevenK: ^Z; sed -i s///g; fg10:54
StevenKThat isn't the same thing at all10:59
imbrandonhow do you figure, it accomplished the same thing11:00
Amaranthimbrandon: compiz should be fixed soon, fwiw11:04
imbrandonAmaranth: cool11:04
Amaranthcompiz-dev was missing a dep on libx11-xcb-dev so all the other packages that build against it (fusion stuff) failed11:04
imbrandonfigured it was something like that, i am suprised that was all that failed to install honestly11:05
imbrandonStevenK: here is nano with some python color i just took love http://www.imbrandon.com/misc/nano-color.png11:06
imbrandonerr Fujitsu ^^11:06
imbrandonsorry StevenK11:06
Amaranthimbrandon: gnome-orca or whatever won't install either11:07
Amaranthor system tools11:07
imbrandonahh yea , that too, i forgot about that one, i think system-tools finaly did11:07
Amaranthgnome-orca and system-tools-backends11:07
Amaranththey didn't a few hours ago11:08
Amaranthit's funny though, synaptic installs python-pyatspi for gnome-orca then puts it in autoremove since gnome-orca didn't install11:08
Amaranthimbrandon: is there anything useful in the new flash or just a version bump?11:09
imbrandonx264 video iirc11:09
imbrandonis the main thing11:09
TheMusoAmaranth: I know about orca, thats not too hard to get resolved.11:09
Amaranthand they apparently have an amd64 windows version11:10
Amaranthso hopefully they will for linux soon11:10
Amaranthooh ooh ooh11:10
AmaranthXEmbed plugin support11:10
Amaranthno more javascript menus going under flash and flash stealing focus for scrolling11:10
FujitsuOoh, nice!11:11
Amaranthof course gecko and such need to support it too, i think 1.9 does11:11
FujitsuSo Flash objects won't be silly overlays that don't scroll with the rest and eat input?11:11
Amaranthit already works with opera11:12
TheMusoIs it an archive admin day today?11:12
AmaranthI thought that was tomorrow11:12
TheMusoThats why I'm asking.11:12
imbrandonFujitsu: syntaxx hilighting in nano is just simple regexes in nanorc ala http://paste.ubuntu.com/2503/ is my python one11:12
TheMusoI've never really known.11:12
* Fujitsu has a simple `syntax on'11:13
imbrandonwe really should include some basic synctax hilighting in the default nanorc but i've not bugged anyone11:13
imbrandonFujitsu: yea but it makes it trivial to change :)11:13
FujitsuI can open up practically any textual file and have sane syntax highlighting automatically.11:14
imbrandonmy php one is a bit bigger :) http://paste.ubuntu.com/2504/11:15
imbrandonFujitsu: yea but isnt there still some file that it reads that info from ?11:15
imbrandonits just default in ubuntu11:15
imbrandonand you can do "generic" hilighting too just omit the first line and it will do the same11:16
Fujitsuimbrandon: Right, they're provided by vim-runtime, and are part of the standard vim distribution, I believe11:17
imbrandoni should really try to convince the nano maintainer to add some to our default11:18
Fujitsu(or you could use vim...)11:18
imbrandonheh well nano is "default" in ubuntu :)11:18
imbrandonanyone got any idea whats up with the mplayer ftbfs, i uploaded it last ( only as a rebuild ) , will a giveback ( eventualy ) fix this ?11:22
\shcombots is dead, com - bots is dead (canon)11:39
imbrandonmoins cprov11:39
\shonly 3 machines left, and they are wiping like hell11:39
cprovimbrandon: morning11:39
FujitsuEvening Hobbsee.11:44
Amaranththe xembed flash stuff works with current firefox/epiphany11:48
Amaranthand the context menu is gtk2 instead of some ugly thing11:49
HobbseeAmaranth: plugins given back11:49
AmaranthHobbsee: yay11:50
* Hobbsee bumps the prio of standard compiz, so it gets built first11:51
Amaranthhuh, it seems like the new gmail is harder on my cpu than the new flash11:51
FujitsuAmaranth: It still eats my scroll events :(11:54
Amaranthi just put my mouse above a youtube video and used the arrow keys to scroll down, no problem11:54
FujitsuBut I get a nice context menu.11:54
FujitsuOh, I'm talking about mouse wheel.11:54
Amaranthyeah, it grabs though11:55
Amarantherr, those11:55
Amaranthbut i think that's by design?11:55
FujitsuI guess it must be.11:55
superm1RAOF, okay thanks.  i'll adjust a patch later on to add that w/ amd64 and leave it as is with other archs11:56
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
imbrandonmoins dholbach12:00
DarkMageZimbrandon, any thoughts on those debdiffs?12:03
imbrandonDarkMageZ: i have one incorperated and the autoreconf one made it ftb, but i have new way t fi that in the works12:04
DarkMageZimbrandon, what type of error did the libvisual-plugins one throw on build?12:11
* Hobbsee ponders what to do12:12
DarkMageZit builds here under my gutsy pbuilder :(12:12
HobbseeDarkMageZ: hardy?12:13
DarkMageZHobbsee, not running it yet.12:14
HobbseeDarkMageZ: if you want to build for hardy, you need to build in a hardy pbuilder.12:14
DarkMageZHobbsee, building for debian which will get synced to hardy.12:15
HobbseeDarkMageZ: oh right12:15
HobbseeDarkMageZ: so, uh, why would you then be building in a gutsy pbuilder, and not a sid one?12:16
\shok...when you ever wanted to see a spacy datacenter...you can find our former DC here :) http://www.sourcecode.de/content/it12:16
DarkMageZHobbsee, because i build for myself. with alittle bit of extra effort to not violate the specs so that the rest of the world might benefit.12:16
imbrandonDarkMageZ: i'm just gonna make it use autotools and remove the autoreconf12:17
HobbseeDarkMageZ: fair enough.12:17
imbrandonthere really isnt a good reason not to12:17
DarkMageZimbrandon, finally someone who understands =D i've already got a hack for that setup. i'll rebuild the debdiff.12:18
imbrandonwell before we dident make it autotool dependant because the debian maintainer dident want to, but now as i'm the debian maintainer for it12:21
imbrandoni can12:21
imbrandonand hack for what setup ? what configure options are you using ?12:21
imbrandon( and you know my email does work for when i'm offline :P )12:22
DarkMageZimbrandon, yeah. but irc is much more real-time.12:29
bigonmmm, could someone explain why I get warning like dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: could not find any packages for libbeidlibopensc.so.2 (http://launchpadlibrarian.net/10759374/buildlog_ubuntu-hardy-i386.belpic_2.6.0-2ubuntu1_FULLYBUILT.txt.gz) when building belpic package?12:30
bigonthere are no such warning in debian, moreover some package dependencies are not complete...12:32
sorenbigon: Looks like libopenct1's shlibs is b0rken?12:42
sorendpkg-shlibdeps: warning: shared libs info file '/var/lib/dpkg/info/libopenct1.shlibs' line 2: bad line ''12:42
bigonyes I know (there is an extra line break at the end of the file)12:43
bigonbut I'm not sure that is the real problem12:43
bigonthere the same warning in debian but the dependencies are correctly generated12:44
bigonsoren: I don't know if you see my message yesterday evening?12:50
sorenbigon: I did.12:50
bigonok :)12:51
sorenA lot of the merge was cosmetical changes, actually. I sorted a lot of it out, but clearly there were a few ones I missed.12:51
DaveMorriscan someone please revu my package, http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=cpptest13:15
mruizdholbach, hi ! Do you have a package to merge?13:22
dholbachmruiz: I'd have to look up in merges.ubuntu.com myself13:23
dholbachdoes somebody else have an easy merge left?13:23
dholbachmruiz: http://merges.ubuntu.com/universe.html13:23
dholbachhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/TODO should have a bunch of tasks also13:25
jonnymindI am testing the source package.13:36
jonnymind... that I have made :-)13:36
jonnymindtest -f src/falcon.c -a -f debian/rules13:36
jonnymindhow can I override this?13:37
jonnymindok, found13:37
mruizdholbach, I found some packages: hardware-monitor, jokosher, monster-masher :-)13:40
dholbachmruiz: huats is working on jokosher13:40
huatsmruiz: yep13:41
huatsI am a bit long (not much time) but I am working on it... by the end of the week it should be ok... thanks daniel...13:41
dholbachde rien13:41
huatsdholbach: dad should be more used, in order to keep a record of such actions...13:42
jonnymindppl, is there any policy about -j to be used on make?13:42
mruizdholbach, is there a plan to merge LP, merges and dad?13:43
dholbachmruiz: I don't know of anybody working acticely on it13:44
\shmruiz, the plan was to stick DaDs frontpage into MoMs FrontEnd14:02
mruizdholbach, I'll work on monster-masher and hardware monitor14:06
dholbachmruiz: ok great14:06
mruiz\sh, any advance with it ?14:06
mruizdholbach, any problem?14:06
dholbachno, not at all14:06
\shmruiz, I don't know what the status of the project is, ask KeyBuk or the devs of DaD14:07
mruizthanks \sh14:08
\shhey Nightrose14:09
Nightrose2;-) hey \sh14:10
=== Nightrose2 is now known as Nightrose
jonnymindppl, do the install process inside a source package has to be sudoed?14:14
jonnymindI get copy or link errors during the installation step, it would seem the user building under pbuild root hasn't admin privileges on the pbuild space...14:15
\shjonnymind, apt-get install fakeroot14:20
sorenjonnymind: It does not need to be sudoed. It does, however, need a way to make various tools think it's root. This can either be done by actually being root, by sudoing, by using fakeroot, by replace tar with something that works around it in another way...14:21
jonnymindAh, i was just pasting:14:21
\shdpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot will help to solve all your little problems :)14:21
jonnymindERROR: ld.so: object 'libfakeroot-sysv.so' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored.14:21
sorenjonnymind: fakeroot is the way to go.14:21
jonnymindReading state information... Fatto14:21
jonnymindfakeroot è già alla versione più recente.14:21
jonnymind"fakeroot is already here"14:21
jonnyminddpkg-buildpackage -S -rfakeroot14:22
\sh"we are the knights who say "Ni!"14:22
jonnymindyet, the poor install step seems not able to mangle with the fakeroot /usr14:22
\shjonnymind, if you are using pbuilder just sudo pbuilder build <whatever>*.dsc pbuilder does the rest for you...14:23
jonnymindthat's what I am doing.14:23
\shif there are errors, like preloading a lib, it's more likley your source is somehow broken14:23
\shactually what is it?14:23
jonnymindNo, I tried a fast sudo ./build.sh -i in the rules for a test14:24
jonnymindthe warning came from sudo.14:24
\shjonnymind, so something really weired is happening14:24
jonnymindlet me find it...14:24
\shjonnymind, you don't need the sudo command in debian/rules14:24
jonnymindin fact.14:25
jonnymindit was a test.14:25
jonnymindOn a clean build, that's what happens:14:26
jonnymindtouch build14:26
jonnymind fakeroot debian/rules binary14:26
jonnymind<install rule correctly started>14:26
jonnymind<cmake links correctly performed>14:26
jonnymindand then14:26
=== cprov is now known as cprov-lunch
jonnymindInstall the project...14:27
jonnymind-- Install configuration: ""14:27
jonnymind-- Install configuration: "release"14:27
jonnymindCMake Error: Error in cmake code at14:27
jonnymindFILE error when creating symlink from: /usr/lib/libfalcon_engine.so to libfalcon_engine.so.114:27
jonnymindOk, let's see what does a local build14:27
\shlol...did anyone read http://itmanagement.earthweb.com/entdev/article.php/3714986 ?14:33
Nafallo\sh: gimme a sec.14:40
highvoltage\sh: I tend to not read things like that :)14:41
* mruiz reading14:41
\shespecially the part with "1."14:41
\shon the first page...14:41
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norsettohow long will spacehero spiffy last?14:53
norsettodholbach: quick, if you need to ask/tell me something before the zorg take me!15:00
dholbachnorsetto: the Zorg?15:01
norsettodholbach: yes, spaceman spiff worst enemies15:01
norsettodholbach: I'm pretty sure they are responsible for my wireless acting .....15:02
dholbachnorsetto: we'd really like to have you fully back!15:03
norsettodholbach: its about 10 minutes I'm here and have not lost the connection once, there must be something wrong .....15:04
ScottKnorsetto: These youngsters don't fully appreciate Calvin.15:04
norsettoScottK: woot? You mean they have no culture!?15:04
* dholbach confiscates a few crack pipes in here15:04
ScottKnorsetto: Of course not.  Youth is wasted on the young.15:05
brooniedholbach: All the more for you? :)15:05
norsettoScottK: truer words were never spoken ...15:05
* DaveMorris is young and doesn't believe it!15:06
ScottKDaveMorris: You will when you're older.15:06
* Hobbsee steals the crack pipes off dholbach15:07
norsettoHas anyone tried to build a package in sid recently? I'm getting funny error messages from dpkg-shlibdeps15:07
DarkSun88Hi all15:07
ScottKHello DarkSun88.15:07
dholbachhey DarkSun8815:07
DarkSun88Hi Scott, Daniel. :)15:07
jonnymindI've been experimenting a bit. It seems pbuilder fakeroot gets somehow in the way of cmake call to "ln -s"15:13
jonnymindanyone having heard of similar problems?15:13
imbrandonjonnymind: why not use debian/<package>.links ?15:14
imbrandonand dh_links15:14
jonnymindMy build process is highly automatized.15:14
jonnymindBut I might copy the needed fiels by hand.15:15
jonnymind*this* time. Changing a file and having to do that for, say, ten distro would be a mess.15:15
jonnymindSo, the install process DO install the libraries and links them properly.15:16
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huatslionel: hey15:20
norsettohuats: hey15:20
lionelhey huats :)15:21
huatsnorsetto: my favorite mozarella (di buffalla) eater15:21
norsettohuats: moZZarella di buFala :-)15:21
huatsdon't have the time to see the spelling... I enjoy that too much15:22
norsettohuats: exactly like my wife, you double where you shouldn't and forget to double where you should, its a frenchies trademark15:22
norsettohuats: gnochi al pommodoro?15:23
huatsnorsetto: you know, you can come in Toulouse and cook... I am sure lionel will be happy also....15:25
norsettohuats: after having seen that picture with you and the pizza I know you are serious about food15:25
huatsnorsetto: you should visit my coooking website :)15:26
jonnymindAbout install with cmake: I removed temporarily lib installation; but I get an error on creating a system directory:15:27
jonnymindFILE cannot create directory: /usr/lib/falcon. Maybe need administrative privileges.15:28
jonnymindit seems cmake runs with some non-admin privilege under pbuilder.15:28
jonnymindany place I could look in?15:29
maiatodayaah gnochi al pommodoro, how my mouth waters15:33
maiatodayI am trying to do a debdiff of two .dsc files and I am making sure I am in the directory where the two .dsc files are15:34
maiatodayI am getting /tmp/...../ infront of the files, is there a setting I need to change?15:34
norsettomaiatoday: are you in a chroot?15:36
maiatodayno just normal login15:38
=== \sh is now known as \sh_away
maiatodayI am also doing the debdiff as me ie no sudo or chroot15:39
norsettomaiatoday: and you give a command like debdiff <old_package>.dsc <new_package>.dsc > <new.package>.debdiff I guess?15:40
maiatodayyes exactly15:42
norsettomaitoday: have you installed the patchutils package ?15:42
norsettomaiatoday: have you installed the patchutils package ?15:43
lionelyeah, norsetto in Toulouse with pizza :)15:43
norsettomaiatoday: if you haven't, debdiff will not use interdiff, so, it will use a temp directory to expand the diff.gz (I guess)15:44
maiatodayjust installing patchutils, I installed all things at the beginning of the various guides so I am not sure if I missed patchutils15:44
norsettolionel: any preference? Borromea or Capricciosa?15:45
lionelCapricciosa for me :)15:45
maiatodayaaah much better15:45
huats4 cheese15:46
norsettohuats: I knew you were saying that ....15:46
norsettohuats: but I refuse to use rochefort instead of gorgonzola!15:47
huatsI want gorgonzola15:47
norsettohuats: What about fitou? Don't tell me you don't like that too?15:49
huatsnorsetto: don't know what it is...15:50
norsettohuats: WHAT!15:51
jonnymindppl.. I didn't touch food for the whole day.15:51
jonnymindAnd I am Italian.15:51
jonnymindoh... meal/dinner ready! :-)15:51
norsettohuats: you mean, you don't drink wine?15:52
huatsnorsetto: I don't like wine...15:53
* maiatoday is starting to drool15:53
norsettohuats: a frenchman that doesn't drink wine .... its almost as sad as a sober irishman ....15:54
imbrandonthoughts on my new theme? http://www.imbrandon.com/ ( will release is OSS once its more "complete" and a tad of feedback on it )15:54
maiatodaynorsetto: my debdiff patches cleanly now. Should you check it before I attach it to the bug?15:54
* norsetto hugs all the irishmen that like a good drink!15:54
dholbachimbrandon: nice15:55
huatsnorsetto: In fact I don't like the taste of alcool....15:55
imbrandondholbach: thanks :) ok naptime for me15:55
huatsexcpet in some beverages...15:56
norsettomaiatoday: if you want15:57
norsettomaiatoday: can you paste it in a pastebin?15:58
norsettoimbrandon: OMG, and I thought you were a kubuntero ....15:59
imbrandonnorsetto: i am, i have a kubuntu theme in the works too that will randomly alternate ( not implmented yet )16:00
maiatodaynorsetto http://pastebin.com/m224ae5e916:00
imbrandonand also a debian theme too :)16:00
norsettomaiatoday: you version still looks not allright16:01
norsettomaiatoday: and you forgotten the maintainer change16:02
norsettomaiatoday: once you do that, remember that the maintainer change should also go in the changelog16:02
maiatodayok good thing I let you check it. I think I can find the maintainer info. As for version trying to figure it out again, the orig version was 20070203-3 and it didn't come from debian so should it be 20070203-4 then instead?16:08
norsettomaiatoday: this is interesting, it seems that this is an ubuntu package but doesn't use the ubuntu version16:11
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norsettomaiatoday: its in main, they might be doing their own things specially .....16:11
norsettomaiatoday: also the aspell-af.info-aspell looks wrong16:12
norsettomaiatoday: Language: afrikaans (Adrikaans) (sic)16:12
norsettomaiatoday: never heard of this company too :-) "The Debian packaging is (C) 2007, Cnonical LTD and"16:13
norsettomaiatoday: you may want to talk to doko_ directly, he may advise you differently16:14
maiatodayhmmm ok, I'll mail him and ask him16:16
norsettomaiatoday: let him know about the other two things I said, if he needs to update it he may as well correct them too16:17
maiatodaynorsetto, ok will do , do you want to be cc'd on the mail?16:19
norsettomaiatoday: not particularly, but if you want to cc me please do16:19
maiatodayok I'll save you the spam and just give executive summary when it is resolved then16:20
norsettomaiatoday: dank u16:20
jonnymindI have a tentative package. I'd like to post it for comments before doing  some further experimentations.16:23
jonnymindWhere should I send it?16:23
norsettojonnymind: revu. you need a link?16:24
jonnyminduhm, yes thanks, if you have it handy16:24
norsettojonnymind: sure: http://revu.tauware.de/16:24
jonnymindIs there a form in which I can specify it's a RFC?16:24
DaveMorrisnorsetto: you mind going over cpptest quickly again?16:25
norsettojonnymind: no, you just dput it there. I think you need to be a member of ubuntu-universe-contributors and have your gpg key synced16:25
jonnymindI should be fine for that.16:26
norsettojonnymind: an open [needs-packaging] bug report is all you need (which effectively substitute the RFP/ITP)16:26
norsettoDaveMorris: I thought we cleared it all, didn't we?16:26
jonnymindOk, thanks. Where do I open that (again)?16:26
norsettojonnymind: in launchpad16:27
jonnymindlaunchpad->ubuntu, right?16:27
norsettojonnymind: yes, then report a bug and tag it as [needs-packaging]16:27
jonnymind(sorry for queryness: I am home from work for a flu ;-)16:28
norsettojonnymind: do brobleb16:28
DaveMorrisnorsetto: I just made those last changes and it needs advocating again16:28
norsettojonnymind: let me find a good example that you can follow16:28
maiatodaythanks norsetto16:32
norsettomaiatoday: np16:32
* maiatoday goes to find some Italian food now before she faints16:32
norsettomaiatoday: have a good glass of south africans chardonnay with it :-)16:33
maiatoday:D it might turn into a party16:33
norsettojonnymind: bug 17382916:34
ubotuLaunchpad bug 173829 in ubuntu "Please package the Saitek X52 MFD library" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17382916:34
norsettomaiatoday: and whats wrong with that :) !?16:34
norsettoDaveMorris: I advocated on the assumption that those were corected, so, it still stands16:35
DaveMorrisnorsetto: doesn't it get wiped each time a new upload takes place though?16:37
norsettoDaveMorris: well, thats because the software doesn't read english, so it assumes that, but my comment is pretty clear16:38
norsettoDaveMorris: if you get apachelogger_to confirm that he is happy with the latest changes your package is good to go16:39
norsettoDaveMorris: btw, how come you get this config.log in there? Its a failed compilation? You use debuild for making the binary package?16:40
DaveMorrisit's because I did dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot then did a cntrl D on it16:40
norsettoDaveMorris: ok16:40
DaveMorrisas I wanted dpkg-buildpackage -S -sa -rfakeroot16:40
jonnymindnorsetto: strange, I have this error:16:43
jonnymind(lintian) no-shlibs-control-file usr/lib/libfalcon_engine.so.1.8.116:43
jonnymindAh, nm, found;16:44
norsettojonnymind: did you check it before with lintian/linda?16:44
jonnymindit was distroed but not copied16:44
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bddebianHeya gang17:19
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geserHi bddebian17:26
bddebianHeya geser17:26
jonnymindAn example of dput for source packages?17:27
ScottKjonnymind: For REVU?17:29
jonnymindnm, found.17:30
jonnymindty anyway17:30
ScottKOK.  Sorry.  Got distracted.17:31
jonnymindNo, really, I usually find things faster and without pinging ppl for nothing; be patient, I am a bit ill today ;-)17:34
jonnymindHowever, the package is up.17:34
jonnymindI filed a bug request too.17:35
* jonnymind is away: Cheering with champagne!17:38
txwikingerI found an issue in hardy where a package got renamed and therefore a dependency is broken17:55
sorenWhere do mono dll's usually live?17:56
sorentxwikinger: Which package (both ends of the dependency)?17:56
norsettosoren: I know where I usually kill them17:56
txwikingerbibletime and libclucene017:57
txwikingerlibclucene0ldbl is now called libclucene0ldbl17:57
norsettosoren: anything of help here: http://pkg-mono.alioth.debian.org/cli-policy/index.html ?17:57
=== jpatrick_ is now known as jpatrick
txwikingerDoes it make sense to fix it or might the name change back?17:58
RainCTIs it OK to request a SRU for a bug fix? (considering that the risk for regressions is minimal, to don't said null..)17:59
RainCTbug 10657517:59
ubotuLaunchpad bug 106575 in file-roller "Can't compress to .7z if path contains whitespace" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/10657517:59
sorennorsetto: Yes. Thanks.17:59
txwikingerwell.. since the other packages got fixed.... I guess it needs to be fixed18:00
ScottKRainCT: Is it a regression from a previous release?18:00
RainCTScottK: I don't think so18:01
ScottKRainCT: Then my advice would be it doesn't qualify for an SRU.18:01
RainCTbut the patch is just adding a shell_escape() so I don't see how this could cause any problem..18:02
ScottKRainCT: That's not the issue.  SRU is not just about risk, it's also about seriousness of the issue.  IIRC the policy says it needs to be crash, dataloss, or serious regression.18:02
* ScottK isn't in motu-sru, so don't consider that an official answer.18:03
norsettoscottk: doesn't mnetion the crash actually, is regression and data loss18:03
WybiralHey ScottK (I'm the guy who was asking about PyODE yesterday). I compiled the Hardy ODE and PyODE and TriMesh segfaults (relentlessly). I'll keep looking into it until I figure out why. Has anyone else had this problem?18:03
txwikingerhow does ${shlibs:Depends} exactly work? Anybody knows a reference to some docs?18:04
ScottKWybiral: Dunno.  I haven't used it.  Please keep looking into it.18:04
WybiralDon't worry, I will. I need it.18:05
jpatricktxwikinger: I think it reads the libraries used to compile the sources and puts them in there18:05
txwikingerjpatrick: yes.. that makes sense18:06
jpatricktxwikinger: http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ap-pkg-sourcepkg.html#s-pkg-dpkg-shlibdeps18:06
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pochuKmos: +  * Bump debhelper to version 0.5.98., but you bumped to 0.5.38 ;)18:33
pochuKmos: that's in disksearch18:34
Kmospochu: fixed :)18:34
txwikingerhmm.. that is odd18:34
txwikingerthe source builds ok.. I think the package needs to be rebuilt18:35
txwikingerhow and when does a package get rebuilt in the archives?18:36
pochutxwikinger: did it fail to build?18:36
txwikingerpochu: No it builds fine18:37
txwikingerbut the one in the archive has a wrong dependency that was created by  dpkg-shlibdeps18:38
txwikingerI mean the binary one fails to install, the source builds fine18:38
pochuThen you need to re-upload I think18:38
pochuYou can rebuild it without a new upload if it already built18:39
Wybirallol, I just built the ODE and PyODE source from their CVS and SVN and TriMesh doesn't segfault anymore... But NONE of the collision works. At all, lol. Back to the code...18:40
txwikingerYou can, or you cannot?18:40
pochutxwikinger: can't, sorry18:40
txwikingerhow do you do an upload without change :)18:41
pochuadd a new changelog entry ;)18:41
pochu" * No change upload to fix blah build"18:42
pochuor " * Rebuild for foo -> foobar transition"18:42
pochuor whatever :)18:42
txwikingerok.. pochu .. I will do that.. just to make sure I will do another build with pbuild18:43
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DaveMorrisapachelogger can you make sure you happy with the changes for cpptest since you advocated it and if so upload it?  Norettro is happy with them.  http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?package=cpptest19:11
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=== apachelogger_ is now known as apachelogger
RainCT(OT) anyone knows where the list of wallpapers listed in the preferences windows is stored?19:56
nixternalhahaha, just kidding19:58
nixternalI just got done reading that stupid ass document by esr on "asking smart questions"19:58
nixternalRainCT: /usr/share/wallpapers?19:58
geserRainCT: ~/.gnome2/backgrounds.xml19:59
RainCTgeser: ah ok. thanks!20:02
* RainCT was searching in gconf.. :P20:02
RainCTnixternal: no, that's were the default ones get installed but if you copy something there it doesn't automagically appear in the list if you don't add it..20:02
nixternalit does for KDE, Gnome I have no clue20:03
nixternalbut you are right, I did save a couple of wallpapers there and did notice they weren't in my list now that I think about it20:03
Kmoscan someone look at bug 174239 ?20:08
ubotuLaunchpad bug 174239 in dhelp "Please merge dhelp 0.6.0 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17423920:08
geserKmos: did dholbach (as your mentor) have a opportunity to review it?20:10
Kmosgeser: I think he didn't check it, only approved two syncs.20:11
Kmosno more..20:11
Kmosgeser: if you can review it, i'll appreciate. Now i need to run away, the debdiff should be ok =)20:14
* Kmos bbl20:14
nixternaldhelp was last sync'd from Debian (0.5.25), and if this was the case, then there shouldn't be any remaining Ubuntu changes right? you shouldn't also see Hobbsee's change log entry in a sync'd package?20:27
nixternalalso, if you were to edit the packages Makefile, would you do so by creating a patch? and would adding 'ubuntu1' to the end of the VERSION= in the Makefile really warrant a change in the first place?20:28
gesernixternal: the PTS lists an Ubuntu patch for dhelp 0.5.2520:28
nixternalreally, because I just grabbed the soruce from the repos, and there is no patch20:29
nixternalthere isn't any 'ubuntu' changelog entries in it either20:29
ajmitch     dhelp | 0.5.25ubuntu1 | http://nz2.archive.ubuntu.com hardy/universe Sources20:29
ajmitchfwiw :)20:30
nixternalbah, you are right, but there is no patch20:30
nixternalthey edited the Makefile manually20:30
geserKmos: isn't "Add firefox to Recommends in debian/rules" a new change as it wasn't in the last version?20:31
nixternalgeser: ahh yes, that was my other point20:31
txwikingera sponsor for bug 174515 would be appreciated20:37
ubotuLaunchpad bug 174515 in bibletime "[hardy] bibletime does not install due to dependency error" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17451520:37
gesertxwikinger: could you name the reason for the rebuild? which transition is this?20:38
txwikingergeser: the library depency is wrong20:40
txwikingera simple rebuiild will fix that20:40
geserwhich one?20:40
txwikingerhas been renamed to libclucene0ldbl20:40
geserit's usually mentioned in the changelog which transition this rebuild is for20:41
txwikingerok.. I can do that geser20:41
gesertxwikinger: is it ok with you when I add this information to your changelog entry before I upload?20:41
txwikingersure geser No problem20:42
gesertxwikinger: and it's LP: #bugnumber instead of Closes:20:42
txwikingerAh.. ok20:42
txwikingerI thought some said that doesn't work20:43
txwikingerI will learn it eventually :D20:43
geserLP: #xxx works for automatic bug closures20:43
txwikingeryes.. that is what I wanted to do20:43
affluxshouldn't https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/hardy-changes/2007-December/002534.html have closed bug 165221?20:45
ubotuLaunchpad bug 165221 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] gdecrypt" [Wishlist,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16522120:45
txwikingerThanks geser for your help20:45
geserafflux: it should20:51
affluxthen I wonder why it didn't.20:51
geserme too20:51
affluxI'll close it anyway...20:53
=== Spec is now known as x-spec-t
gesertxwikinger: uploaded21:07
txwikingerThanks geser21:08
txwikingerNow I just have to wait until it is in the repo for the final test :)21:10
txwikingerwann ist damit zu rechnen?21:10
txwikingerSorry wrong language :)21:11
gesertxwikinger: my pbuilder-build packages has a dependency on libclucene0ldbl (>= 0.9.20-1)21:11
txwikingeryes.. that is correct21:11
gesertxwikinger: it depends on the load on the buildds, but till it hits the archive expect at least 2 or 3 hours21:12
txwikingerwell.. I will check it before I go to sleep, ot tomorrow21:12
Flare183Is there any packages that i could like patch or do something with?21:17
tonyyarussoFlare183: looks for things tagged "bite-size" on LP maybe21:29
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cdm10I'd like to learn to be able to package my Python programs for Ubuntu. Is there a good guide I should look at?21:48
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tsmitheapachelogger, i'm going to cologne for the weekend, and probably won't have any internet access, so could you check out mscore on revu? thanks22:15
apacheloggertsmithe: I'm in karlsruhe for the weekend :P22:19
apacheloggerthough, I might be able to give it a revu @train22:20
tsmithewell, if anyone else wants a look ;), and apachelogger, don't sweat it :) (but still, if you could, i'd be very happy!)22:21
tsmitheanyhow, i've really gotta go pack my hopefully most minimal luggage22:21
Nafallopochu: yes, I know.22:22
pochuNafallo: :-)22:56
Nafallopochu: just pushed it.23:03
Nafallojdong: just got accepted ;-)23:36
jonnymindppl: Building my source package has been lots of fun.23:37
jonnymindMay someone verify I did everything right to start the testing process?23:37
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jonnymindI must sign off. Goodnight to everyone.23:42
LordKowhey does anyone here have a gutsy install with the fonts.conf? im trying to locate the source of the font rendering probs since the recent hardy updates23:50
LordKowi believe the heart of the issue is with fontconfig but i want to confirm it23:50
LordKowwell i guess i can dl the gutsy livecd and compare the font config files23:52
rick_h_quick ?, using my ppa I build packages, but the changes don't show in the gui installer and I had assumed the changelog would go in there23:54
rick_h_what do I need to do to get the changelog into the update manager?23:54
Kmosrick_h_: i think that is only for official packages from ubuntu23:56
Kmosand not personal ones23:57
rick_h_Kmos: ah, that sucks23:58
rick_h_my ppa users hate that they don't see why there's an update23:58

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